The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 26, 1850, Image 4
MIS Ei. _! Fns, . ..101M.1 1tT1.1021 WPC° ei !ULU,' . ..E.rynewly fee Soleil* g. TO avoid fte many Inceorceituc trending the ee.erdil r nstomery Main. the above' ione ' runcit , her Leen morn, siel for along ume wanted, Liam Morays tern n trAttlet of asimalthment, that whilst:the ccdtmen voila of Conon, WaSconvealemly spooled rot gene ral oat—SLY, to mach mom traina ble; should ;Dave Men ruipif id in fitelos, from 'YMCA eo much trouble, •ye race.. are 11" in jltil iris..- 1 .. ' -.11., Courtly he. flan Limn °serener,. the pntlie is oil= red n rood article, handsomely pm up In a eon. 1 Yemeni nem for demesne nne. . i • I his. only obJecren urged against this article ter the • apparent sent quantity on each spool. This I. quill , expinnitd Each Spool is 'lrarrinted to contein 20 nerd. of bilk; 'while the ordinary Skein st the savor price, tee tut . . antettsin quantity raining from Li . i . Toy ewer Stith ready for ore at 1215 litter Of fl2O, e104p,414010011+.013 II WS I, 111..COVVIIIr r the root! .44E+1104 of ita eituorlority in lanality.r., Independent or . the man nal, c nrculerojecm tii.whicb it it futnithe‘, 'I: f• POI 'Fret:, Ophtitges poar the Skein, as it does tinily wilb.• l• , tedimt, of winding, the vexation of tanrintrelmt is lees chime MlRY:oaring at for ire. Eick tel by. .1% ~..H. HORSTM te ANN SONS, f dl North Third st;litiltadelplas; ; HORSTMAriN,LIROB a CO.. 8 Maiden Lena New Tort. . Sole Aleuts ' DIEM BOOIES t • r IPL &Lin ERS OF TKOS CAMPBELL. I.Bited ..I_, by %C lA' en Meanie, ht. D., one of his oxecuton. 2 vont 1 . 7m0 cloth. , Railway, k.cenimity: a treatise on the new art or tramper,' pa management, prospects, and relations, commtrelel,lmitician and soelal, with - vm exPowthro of the piectlent inane of the railway. to ape tattoo in We .4'lW - V.=• dent,. th e Conune tinned in America Dv 1.40•711:1 • Lardoec, f% 0 1.. h r. 1 arc I.lfteoe loth li.c Pam. Perim:in ^:1 Pint:Mem gepablin, tram. %avid 'trim 4,e rt.., i, of A. Do. Laminate. author of "Toe'. Gerona, a " -alemous of my youth," • Be . phitel, , ac. I veil 1.7m0 clot. -- Hint , toward Wetorms Its Leen:iron, Addreroes, sod otlierlic eit.ints, by Horace Greeley. 1 sot Ilmo Me. Ter 11;,:nry or the. Coofesnional. By Jobe Usury Hop 1,,, D. 0., Instep of tee ,Inocese of Vermont. I wit -Yvon cloth. Thr (;,,,qae•t'4l Chnad, By We author of ' Hoch , _ int., it;,Worourton, Fag 4 Ivo:. Ithato. Coma's, r sketch of u abysmal deuription of the Univeme.• Br Alex Yoe lialabOid 1., translated from the /:canna Or MC. Ont._ A vol. linuo cloth 1 Gibbon's Decline and EMI of We Morose Empire, wito [lOlO, by 11. IL Palletise. Ilarper i e cheap edition lerno, dont, cotopine• to a volt et 400 per von &vole received for sale by - It HOPKINS nog:: .. 70 Matto Buildings, Fount et _..._. --. New Illstalo. T MOURN Mee or oedema. , When otter Sited. 1. around thee. Conscript , . deparare end relent Annie t h e nnte Are ore almost there. Law batted cat. diet!, all thanes welt Nell) wee • lady Slhyr mot. Grave of Washington. Thou ban m c nnemp . we spilt Druid Spice Boy. Be bed to loved erlte 11l Mune. Cheer up my own Jeannett Oh, Lemur!. Spring Flower Walter. Elba Walt. lilmwelioro Waltz. Saintetion Potts,- Deity Poll a Fatal Pella. lan} , Lind Polk. Linda Quickstep. March horn Norm. The shave set lust received, and for awls by • J H Mt LIMB. . not! 131 Wood to R C STOCKTON bee received for sale, vol ath of Gibbon's Ilictory of the Daeline .a Felt of the Eon. Empire. Life ee Letters of 'Thomas Campbell, in 2et to Edited by Win Beattie, 51 El-meLtary St etc hes of Mural Philosophy. By the late Kee Si he Sat Os, bi. e., Lecture , ea the Anivrtean Peleetie eyatem of Sur. pry. By Benjamin Bid, M. a falbot 101 Vienano; a Novel. 7103 Shcaltet Knot, a tale of clia sayecteealla eta. i ltte Searlia ', Letter, a romance By N...Maine' Ilavrihornie. ■trawtmrry Plants tor Salo at are wood G DUIBT'S PA., Hovers Seedlimbs, and Vietoriat Thvse aro lb. lugast and beet flavored Levi. amonget all the different varieties now grown. Order. eddreeredvo the prop.letor, %Vest Matichas ter, will reecro prompt artmlon. I MeEdili. aeßlt _ a== =1 HAS It/l.tablished.d almost indispens. able rooLsies hi even. well Provided from its rewarkatly wholesome and nand.. newt. tics food for Ma healthy as well as n diet tot ds, c d Ilto or the surtenenve otgrowingetuldren .d in Ltriti - Vartoosatodes of p.king and preparing It are given on the wrapper. welt known in the east, it bar never been Introdoerd to any ementinPittshotgli. The sobstrth. sea hare, thereto., male arr.gernents to he tor saintly supplied with it, and now d er It to rata neetleis Lindlies on more favorable terms than Las over t at In Ili.bargit. WSI A nteCLURG CO sonit .056 I Mem at at tanecrtionis hate.neee • otw -1,14,1 for the gala filfls' Patent !Monk Ind Wh;l.• and are trrenstred . earn!, tar a: A CPI.I , I:RT4/A: k C1. ,, U512. pr, !ben'' , Wort Y 1:1.1't WIT bas jo.t rrerre•d a fins lot of Urals XL , ' • 1,),(1, of the tr.: tuaoufaelo to, r • ',eat core, for lois Inertet.•lL•ll as Vie! .00.oiLes.1 0 00 dot., eaves, eanlets.Taba., It, ^ weleenon el Masi< Does, piallos• two at•turms.; ridonnx, Acenrdeons, ke..ka Skit • tor c h ntraan and I.llno ,tango, and genw in< fic.ipo,cci Pt:1111{, lour lengtt.,a lendoi artier.SlON uFTiir: Quid:lEN IWU ', •urt, lilt Third ett.o. • W A t0,:,15 It ...le tor Ch . V.I. rheumatic affections foreskne .1 and Inmeacts of meat puts of the body, seals*: br. onto., of moat kinds. cow. %welling. 1,, ~,,, cores, land felons when best c-,nung. Alta, If, mat! convenient and sore stinking salt, kg iarenourilt , 4 pl.ters land drift. on the feet. Fes , _:; 1 , / h N WICKE6BIIOII%f Cu.. .Sixth to Wood its taco; REED HOUSE, limo iu2.l , rit s neauss.n, Setarsi Eri4 .Pa. STAGE OFF/CE—Etuddro, Wand st egg to ud V.. 4,11,111 Stages, leave this town dales. Ca Doan, Gratis. 111,t.rromore'%',',:trAV Hotel, Es ie, F O. W hates, sgar. arts , tit atudas Hotel, Ohio. 1i a IPILEtsII SIMI Mei A. SU or fatkatle. AtinktV larr , •nd .1:fluor sr For Sating and tbmartrt Lon!. na• born °loomed at Alexander & Palo'N Ns eS Market •nert, north- west Corner of an lba rms-d In calling dm •ttnntnn of roe customers and the pablie .bwo,o ndorda us great pleaware - to he able to ty .t etobrsees CsiIEAT BAntinlNS lnalo Atost csnt , cription at • large portion of ft wan cmcb....rnd at she ar retlitVile mftftoo sales an the r muca. O adoorunent, loth of fancy and I rergaripetior, and alforda aU mush r.ther by WPOltaale or rCtel, ap pends-11y 4/1,411,1,nh laf It mad parse. Isoln IF DRESS GOODS totmlard alias, sexy cheap; rich plain and Iturta rb,..K.bic talk, of almost every cyle. and quatift - i plain and figured black min; do. bit. rages ronl bnursi bureve de lams, new and hand. •. ame • : aLyle k rermh, English, and Seetell ai4 grtll satiety, and at very low prima, plain, prod. anzl ratin armed del lain. of all kinds and to Issue. al WI shades and enlorE'glag. Iftursaiklalmtres. prints, *A , SHAWLS. Super du.t.o.ltoe shawls•, plain and drifted black do; plum rind embreileredllit et do; fine cash mere do; an?cr plain and embroidered whits and colored Ora;os barter and net de. d.erj Vatu. GOODS. A fine as.ortment of mulls, minosoks, jaeonets. liwtsses,tuoM lawn , ke. BONNETS. R 2/: k.R. Floraneo bralkand .?, 11 4 PARASOLS. A fire Mora of superior plain nod fringed silk and esuia Tare to ocasnla of all colors and nnalltles. L.LOTiiS Sr. CASSISIE:RES. Alarge assortment of super Ftenen,-Anclmh ad Belgian clot and cafslennvo• of all qualme and prices., to whim , we would invite the attention of the gentlemen DOMESTICS. Oat ste4k of brown and bleached muslin*, tiekings cheeks, ebarnbrays, drillings, tee, is very large, lAllas the very lowest priees Also, a Bilge wt of table dispels and table &orbs, brown and o:dim/tad; Rama and Scotch diapers-auks, gr t rrn, naennt•, cotton sad wool -a goods for men and. boys , wear, Insh Miens red, whirs and yellow gan nets, douses-1e gin.gbaura, &irk and lanes LAN and rloves of all zions, all and bonnet nbbons, at-ri g-nal towered At, to all which we would respectfully invite the at:cano ALEXANDER. and retail cash payers. k DAY, staygn es hilutet W One. of die Diamond. - -- APPLE. T MALY n. lAM now prepared to famish Apple Trees, from die well. knows Nurseky of Jacob N. Brown. The tees will be detrvered at re wharf at Pttubargh for SU per hancrel. Verson. ung- good thrifty trees sheald leave their err.ord oon al the Drug, geed, and Pedllolo6l. Warehouse, corner of Wood and Bath sta. aril N WICKERYLIAIR UNDIOVA.L. - WAYNE IRON WORKS WAREHOUSE , -131M.MY. & nave removed to No 00 Wettest, ad doer bet on , tne Monongahela lime tf.IOIIIOVAL. VIALMEIi, HANNA & CO. bore renamed the, gaxluus.:e °due to north west earner of Wood and Mont wirt,ll%. *Val 13.4 go , itt:Ll,lll(:ll.E;ll.:LDtte,.• rot plves. A. low Torero Mattes nal ths, be r'ostdout Only Low. to "—"'n7;;;""tn' ti n iVi IfA c gAUG/ 1141N.:`,".r OIL—..01ls;f: c r . 7 . le . b s y m l AKEß CO Wh it. it , : u:L.Aht , , , -.AO Lit asoorted With Troth form , ny Li7:ll N& W lIATUTAUGH (10 bu thinned tau reedfog tale bi --7 & W IIAKII&VG11 _ D itTice• prune ffetiCillin, K( ,, Y UTthi & NICOLA. S IX %‘• I , V 'I . o ilitt.:Cto.4.3 hugs ha i,fpg{l.p.,,, anE In I ) 3 1 I , AAinLJONW &IA) . ore hnd for eil_ by Y]jil'l'l:R IAUcYrIJ big to Iv . '-ttAD -73 hugs pure While licaditche for "Ale lig hugt: _ &W. usnuercli• '. l{ t ale I -;u:667ljr.Uitbisva—ter-elie,4lim-ri4 tate UY inon-31 A- W. ItAItiMUOIL E.LS I FL ANN F.C.:-:34.bary.l2y-i-brucTrral. a • &pg.. fnk nit Laud the atuiTe bought directly loon to lluponer, and wamulled mm'. a With , snowy of Welsh liso.te. Flamm'. re euthad thin morning. _!kug.4 16i ." __. Itr — r - .I Wit . * . l-:•:6:: ,, s - 76r; .L al bibily oto fur 9910 by WICK k IdefIANDI.E.S. 9 ng9 _ - -CAI. V1 , 4 , 1;11 ileklK-4t2 pcssupenar forsefeby I tag,. ~..- - WICK b. IdecnN U L ES S ri,ll_*•Vi*C.iiiflt.-11791iiTed7iliio-f-inrThi iftrauy MKT , tua9nfactured by Wm Little, Esq , Oland, 9., ~., •al,. Dy CLOI K CULDKRTSON k .1.511 195_ Libertyn_______._ 100 UHL.. pea.. 141 at ',cured VI order awl for we by /WIN_ Mc FATO:ri 6CO, - rnw.l Darin. . rzETaPic.e. ~.ii.. _ Waal) 14 ' T08 A,,...,, bit - Eat...11 a Etallmigl'• Ws La inp -- .. ...4.1 b 2.4 elvlnet. do . :No Oxs lllvenepanpd loam Ann. - In 1 , 1 , . 1 rot .k bY • KILLER a BIEKE - IEON 7111.fl:i:g1:iiiiE.8 DAY riianii„,r, Ita lot J_Lal .. .._bf_ r _ i .lV42 l ,,,F- I RF NR _ 8 1 1 - 4 . 4 -414' . a" ril VriVieLtea nCELLANEOT K :” J. 11. PI lELL.OI/.. Wood sue., hag put merbreJ a neve ai l\ 'aliment of PIANO MUSIC, among which ars the following , — • Molly; do 709 Lave me, by S. C. Parini. Oh, may the Red Rote Lire Alway, do. Melly a.m.. Ldy, do. Uncle Ned, do. Gwir.e to Ran MI Night, do. Daily Day, do. Pc.ldter , s'Wetlding, by 'Glover. - The Rohm, do. Oh, Touch the Cord yet onto again. Sweet Memoirs of Noon.. Lament alba' Irish Emigrant A New Modley Song. Thou h.ol Wounded the Spirit that Loved Thee. The Onsertprs Departurg, by Glover. • Do Rtod to Ma tango! One. at Homo. " • Ti. Dome where ear the Ilesht IL " . Tim•Vanket Maid. • . 1.. Balkh! Oar, toy Levan . . r.•Dalrod ems: thiak of bad. Plumber Gentle Lady. Liths,:heUarlas. Wedding, Wreath, Lnil Daisy WatMell. • " illatehelor r Maiden, Della Welsh - Concert, Ladies' P. oueenir, Elvin. LI ty, AGee., Evergreen. Para. ram Ldles,and LierrKnikas. T.E.A.53 TEA.PII TEA 6 1i1 iff not iuto the tint of puffer., we .ay nothing Gnuthundreds of Chests. Importem, Large Capital, n e t tor Cash, tr.e. In rat, we will not humbug in ant mummer or form, au sanely Invite ibe pu b,,, tit c ompare our Tr..: wan want thee ri.airlitire elsewhere; Ibis is the best Intihod we know Steer. tato woo sells the best emu cheaper. Teas in Punts. burgh. We are now senor Good and strong Tea es elliand Mieents ileir _ prime article, r 5 dr. dii The best Tea immured Into the U. Pride, SI Low priced, dams.. or Inferior Teas we not keep. MORICIS L. w woni Pro ii otter.. of the Teu Ll retie,. jeff LAILI tide or Manumit. tie..., Atherocn.s bll eel. antes.? Works D. Appleton & Co A' York, hove an cr. W..' !Scottott, to parr. price twenty five coins e4CL. A DIC TIONAUT Of Matitirear e illethaters: Eno,. Word a rid (sneering; eittegyeet far Pratt:reel ll'oltag )fen, and than. rettereird far Mr Ea, • ncering .Prol'atin thorn sr ouvth T. WORh sr of large F V .rotßoo will tomato Two thocsano ?nom, and up want, of SO iron. VOID 11.1.Csrlat:c.i. It will peasant wrilkingdraw• tae; and description. of the most, importhisit machines to the United butte. IndeprAlslett of the results of American ingenikity, Wlll eontain complete peed eat 'Mali noon Mechanics,Machinery, Folgtheavork, and Foigineerlegi with all that is useful in mote than one thousand °Mims worth of folio column, maga. dumb and other books. The great object of this publication as, to piece be fore 'practicd men aril students such an amount of theoretical and seletalfin knowledge, in a condensed form, as shall enable them to 'work to the best adv., twee, and to avoid those mirtakes which thcy might otherwise comati. The amount of useful Informmion rhos brought together is almost beyond precedent In much work. Indeed, there is hardly any subject /rabbit Ito range which is nut treated nth such clear ness and preview. that even a man of the most onll. nary capacity cannot fail of thdathtanding at, and Non Imaging from as much whiehxii: important for site to kmow. The publishers are, In short, determined, revardicso of cos. to make the work as complete thpotthible, and is hoped every one de sumo' to obtain lie work will procure it as issued to number., nod thus encourage the enmrprise. The work will be Issued. in semi-monthly nuiribers, sommencing January, letaLath progress wIN great at The whale work will be published in On northers, at 1r... coats pre number, and completed wtnt°the c PI • real yeth,l6so. A liberal discount loth be Ensile to aged. Any one remitting the publiahers glO tn advance 'hull receive the workthleolith the post odd. free LP I OgilmlOwe Of the Pease. "To our numerous klathlsettirers. Mechanic. En gineers, sod Altmann, It wall be a mine at wealth."-- Providence,lll.l.) Joethal. "Yistmg men. tom thoreclees with its knowledge.— tVe can with confidence recommend or :coder, to possess themselves of no notunets as felt as they op thar."—Amotriean Athirst. We. achesitathcly commend the work to thore en gaged in or Warren - fed to tee - ethnic ti/ or limestone par taiLE, an eminently worthy of their examination and thsdy."—Troy, (N. Y.J Bodge. "It is Italy n great woo, and the publishers de. wrtre the thanks of Inventors, r0w.... and oatna torturers. and indeed of the pubar goneraliy."—N. Y. lodepend.ent. "Teo Dictionary will be highly therel to practthal mechthies and valeithie to nit who wash to acquthit Memselves with the pear.. of invention in the am rhanth IM6r —New Bedford Daily ?fiercely. "Yeung'ulechanlek aught to keifp potted up to the ',moat 1. Well as poet cal knowledge, and this sort will show them tent:ear they stand_"—lforbery Advethser. tVe use it to/with:A the wort that SC-or, , and ban -sale of our Intelligent mer hames have desired to pos. Yb Ramie are to description', and so fun and minute apretEctionos. that It ethos. in as th•l ant occhmaie unght contract any machthe it e "engine( tut cif gramagn and inamexteras.u-eN. Y. Conareermal Adveruser. "Ad iidarestea th mechanics thenild nand them -1( yes of its advantagenr—Schoyttlti, iPean.,) lone. naL . ".1. worker erverove practical milky and great inr• portanee and value Tome inctettatne interest. of the country. IV. erg., atimwora a. cotineiiih calculated to prom., rho cal..: science and the mechanical area, to Jtesetuitrate veritable Informs non on thew rubjent.."—lentmet . and Mecham,. "Practiced. men in all the retied welt•of tucchani rid and evanatectaime tudustryi ...emceeing am., will find In dig. work a to:plate Which it will he to Into P.0 , l to ponloss.l.—Tioy Dotty WOW. "We bays earefully paruseudim nnothro., ant Lnlre nu beedadon in eayea. that. Is the trot work tee me rikorne.i, and ncienufie me., ever publi.h. en, tor it cranainstainate ir.htmenon on every branch of the mecherveat arts and nriencee, erpreowil in a stele and Imigarige ir.telligilde to •ny reader of etch nary carom ity."—t. inucesto, (filits..,) Newt. -We are sure we ere doing the mitchaulos of Nor wich io4s ember pans of Conuecticat asernice by wineirg the work to . the i r aheratort."—Norwiel, (len.)) Coterie, lajust sueha work le every mecheallo ehoeld postens...—Frewerman's Them a: We ...Met hone of the moat useful and Important putilleatlOna of the age. NO mechanic can afford to be Intrarictli."-l-Nevrare, IN. J.,lDnunnerclal Courier. etlf all thi. nano. pc:hi-noon* for their ode Peer tine mactdatrin end oiyotweeri of tee nien,l 111. cul arm and eileen. none tin have Nit of procio.•• en tro. sit o the beet mid elle t seer. e- tr.:end in wmbir and proette. enzineo r smit toeeemole plot••nr• tienienflity reerewe e—tl o.hiarnon 'Eh. aria: Diction.... in onc of 11, leers riii.ofoi werks ever publiehrd far yr-ire, one the low prir whtch ie make. netepteble to Oarellnian. "We regard it se one ofthe moot romowhercive and walitable, as well so . chcapent worn. ever pcbliaberl. ^ —Baltimore Advertterr. "Ought to be mean by terry one dcairling to keep pate with the prove, of or: and tete:ate in every oh, of the labor. of civilized lif..."—ltoridoot Coed,: deshmed after the principle of Thee Die...lona ry, anti that it 11 more devoted to the iireeherlre nl and engineering profession', soil ta. e all, t 'plumbic es aeroMplirhing fix Ametteu what tire bus done fur England, viz: describing Amerman machinery and Wert. f art *—Selentifie wltla rabbet:el to niambers.„ . ted at a price so mode rate, looking at what ia coutomedip etch number, that co One who hail do lease itileing is tech Mailers, coed be deterred from prorating it; sod everyone who deer to, will find that be ben in a minder:led teem en mount of Itintlattion Whieh would be obtained, it at ail, only by the perchase of very many volantet. e. —N. Y Curler and Enquirer. comprebeneiveners with which the enbjecto nre treated, the edmirsble manner iri which !Icy are illustrated, conspire to make this one of the moat deal• ratite woresr.—Democradc fleeter .` Ms wort rhould be in the hand, of every, att,can, and menoratturee, 1..15,11111y rhos., who ho rho amoratiocs to creel their we husi. a.m.. We have earefatly emu:nerd It, with a stew of reeemmetiding it tonnveziorm To then: we world lay in Berrien,' tannage of the Hilo. "It is good."— Tinto mere tovnint....lsurn RI Nuttne to the Prerteters Neteirapera the rirtuut States 0.1 If the foregoing &deer...tent Is inwrowl five untee during Me year, and the piper courting It tent to e., a ropy of the wort will to, sent gratis in payment. iirilrediereltT Costainring we Mercury. eec other :thrum!. TILE following tatninonial net, peen by the eele boated Dr. Woosterßeach. the author of the gre• medical work entitled ' , The Amerman Practice o dleine and Family,Phyalcian.b i•flaving been and, acqualincd with the ingredient Which compose lideAlltstar's All.licaling Obnmcni and having presertbed d mated it Itineratetw eea It ray priaate. practiee, I have so hesitant. to naying o cerafying that it it a Vegetable ft/wady, contain., no mineral an/stager, that tie ingredients combined an they a and maid an directed by In Propnetor, are not only re, harnalc,t, bat of great value being windy /Meant, Remedy of great rowan and cheerfully recommend tt as • compound which ha done mach good, and which in adapted to tin care o • great variety of etwes. Though I have never tattle recommended at engaged in the tale of accent midi einet, regard for the truly honest, conscientiona, ho moon character of the Proprietor of this Ointmen end the value of Ka direovery, oblige me to ray thu manh regarding it. W. BEACH, D. Ibb New York, April RN, iota. macse—lt le one or we beet tbinL• In the world For Boom FlLM—Thousands am yearly eared by this Oi merit It never fails in giving relief. For TIMM. , ulcers, and all kind. of flares, It h 1111;Ibortl, and Narres knew value In caw, m SwoUen or Sore Breast, they wonkl rawer, apply it Ln ouch caw,. if used according to directions, It giver relief in a very few boom Aroand the box ars directions for tiring McAllister'. o.l.traent for rwrofeda, Liver Complaint, Eryisipelaii Tette, Chntilitio, Sentil Head. pore liyet, Quincy Sore Throat. Brouchner, nervous Affections. Cain. Threw of tat Spine, Bead Ache, A. 1116111, DORtilen3 Eni Ache, Burr., Corea, all Diseares of the Stan, Sore lip,, Pimple, he. Swelling of the Idiot., Serra Ithearrintiorth Piles, Cold Feet, Croari Bafelled or Ben . hen Breast, Tooth Atka, Agar in th e Par e, he. Fram.lhe Ambling Earle. There was never, perhaps, a Medtciae brought be fore the public, that has In ea cheat et time won Lech reputation a. MeAbistern All-Healing or Worin Salve. Almon every person that ha. made trial of it speaks warmly in ire pr. se. One has been cured by h. of the mostrheum:l6.m, another of toeplice, • third of a troubleaome pent in the sole, a fourth of • swelling In the limbs Sr. 'lf it doe. riot rive Imme diate relief. in every case, it tan do nti imury, Loins unlined outwardly. A. smatter evidence of the wouderfut healing pow er polsesstil by this indite, we submin the following certificate, from a respectable citizen of Muldeuereek township,le Ibis GO onu7: Mat dencreck, 'Retire en., March :In, ISI7. Messrs. Sitter le dealer , to inform you that I was entirely eared of • severe pain n the. beck,liy the u.n of McAllister's Albtlealine Solve which I pm, hamd from von. I tiered with It roe a 7 lnit Si yearly and at night was enable to .deep. Dining that time I tried carloon.l.ll.lict, which were preacribed for me byphysicians and other hereon., without receivin any miler, and at last marls trial of this Salve, with '. re . salt flivenable beyond eimerreton. I em now entire ly fire from the palm and enjoy et night • peaceful and.caret sleep. I have aleo used thri Salve since for tooth stele and ether eumpitunts, with ...miler happy results. Year friend, JOI,N I lt.ntrnmett. JAMES Belt Propetter of the above medicine. PtillClpll Mee, No 23 Nona Third mrect,Philadel plum , PRICE SS CENTS PER BOX. Aomirn rn Prnanottort.—B & Corner Of Wood and Fins atn t Wm, Jackton, No. ISO Liberty street L. Wilearac i tomer af Mark,' street and the Diamond; also earlier of Fourth and Smithfield ammo: J. Canrel,tatmer of Walnut and Penn streets. RM. Ward; android at the Bookman, in B,ontacid street, lid door from Somme. le Allegheny City by IL P. Schwartz and/. Dooglass J.U. Smith, Druggist. Birmingham:. D. :fealty, Mom Liberty; IL Rowland, McKeesport; J. niezmider & San llonon_pbeht Can.Eloseronn &. Co., and LT. infant, Bro*uniLle; John Rukley, Bearer, Pm %altar; Jr., Elisabeth; Boahrllfht & End., Roam:stir- . feblloodl . TB—IS brio on hand and fox ealoslF ''W/Cgr.ii*CarfPlaß . ?II CLIJAMOMI, E==l==lT==! let via favorable terms. T llh WAILAnaI NAVIGATION COMPANY are now prepared to lenses the WIWI Power at the Grand 11.0161, to N amount efficient to Propel Pone h u ndred units of mill stone. The location Is based inch foundation. and the power man centre. niently hegentled on both side. of the river. The grain of the White River,. well as the Wabash, era be readily furnished at this point. While timber, inn ore, and coal, the greatest abundance, and el superior quality, can be easily procured through the Treara—One hundred dollars per annum fora pow er sufficient topropel • abodeof medium sired mill none., Tor a periled of ga run me years. with the nnto of renewal on the expiration of the Immo, at bur vamittion of the power employed. The sire el the mill or ninnutactery Included, without funkier charge from tLa Company. • By order of the Director.. kIMMIM - - President of the W. IN Co: Vkicremr; , May 9,1,4 A. . - HAMEL'S MEDICATED NYMPH SOAP. —The akin' of Many persona is dislipmed with slight ernpliOns, as pimple., morphets, kn., and when this Is merely s diteate of the skin, an it is in ninety nice ease! cot of army h•ndred, it Is very eerily re moved. Jules navel's Nymph Soap is expressly adapted to diseases of the skin, as it acts directly upon the minute pores which acre, It. retrace. Cleans:sr them from impurities. and by Its baieamlo properues beading and eradicating all en/miens, and rendennr the decant and roughest Um son, fan, and thunder. Perwws who have been in the habit of using ry nrdi ocp. will he ationethed at tie beautiful effect pratlueed by the Nymph Soap, in - tummies a delicate blown, preventing the neck, ken, or hands from c hap• pier, all irnistiou, and removing all octane. nos e purtn• It poser mes an earalalte nerierne, and yawed] , devedi of all alkaline propentes, tendering S tin en' y article which can be used with safety and comfort in the nursery. All those whom lams or neck. are dmarnred milk 1.1M;51 , , I•:otthr, tan, tnorplin ,he, rheuld make tea, of JW•-•• {1211r1.8 Nyllinh Sash, . me proprietor Relieves assuses titre, test Its vote will sender the twist di-colored .kin white, the roughest akin amontli, and the mess et.eased skin healthy, pure, and bloom• jute% MeePs Nymph Soap it the only article which anll eithems Ily promote the above c Gct, 11 to than • rif..l ok I r ore which ipt at we 03 MI, llrOC 111 pOKIMOIII d entirely harmless Prepared only by JULt..S lIAURL, Perfumer and Chemist, PS/ Chestnut street, Phil.. Foe role wholesale' and retail by R A Pahnmtnek & Co. and R. R. Sellers, Pittsburgh; and John Sat. tent and J hldehell, Allerheny eny, Pa.. leS ttECOND HAND PIANOS . AGOOD Mahon.) Yuan Forte, oetures, ereond bold • —• • --•-- *MO 1.0 A bandoorio upright Pinto, with Rosewood F'u , nnure, 6 ovum., nod in good order • • too to A (Olin 4 onave hoato 45 ‘,l A good 6 outkvr Pieno ........ • •••••••.--- :5 00 pod .1 outage thuno, with handsome funo• JOHN H MELLOR 01 Wood st For rase Ly Ma, - ffi•tUle ■ light Light. UPF.RCFDINO, the Wooden Floats. awl being in er.ntbumoble, thereby economises the otl, stud rite. rnitien,beecufore to Dutch objected to in all fiber floats One table epoicomal of the common lamp ea will lam Nine Hove., or .4 farther hood, tti time. met °rein, to the additional onontity of 0.1. Iteeetvto add for sale by JOHN D MORGAN rarkri: Once. OYISTILIIS • 1 . 1.`31' RECKIVI:II),nt the Patellar:eh Fama Go. kl eery and Tea Wareham.: eue• Fresh 07*mm, in tin ea.; $ do Pickled do, in qt la., $ do do do, an pant do. The shove Fre. O 7 ten arn parholled. and pot It In • lorbly concentrated map, enclosed in hermene• ip am can, and will keep mach lamer than th • pot up In tae na/Inary orey For rain, u holcsfaa and Feud. I:7 WOO A IkIeCLURG A Co, nor . . efin Llbettl Great Aroma lean IDieteaalcal Work. AePLEcoN R cLO.. Neer Tort, Lowe n tonne IJ. of putranton, le van., price twenty her rts DICITItaNARI Marbines, Meebanlrs Cc cur Wall, end Enetnrenngt demened for Pro.val NVorktme Men, and thaw Intended Int the Eogineering Pro'esetor ,rd hi facer Bern, • 7hte atm k ea large eve rime. .rd will fortune two theosand pages,•nd upwards of Os ttato. , and Mato. untle, It will pre.ent ternreing dtaarings and tiesenp not, of he rnotr. tenrcgivaa machine% in the United Slot. Independent ni the soeult• ni American in- Fr tatty. It vt ill . outer, complete ptactlealtreatto• ettantea. Alschin,y F pmt W.l•.ad . 114: sent oil itoti a toriel to more tarn one thonvend .tallara worth ci into volume., magazine.. and oLter loot, numbele received, andvet eweha the Tt 110 PEIN9, epla 79 Apollo Ilultdingv rearth NEW STOGIE Or PIANOS ff ,14 ,..... ...... , 7 - . V.s. .1. .I`AWNi X 5, 3 7 ' s ' — '' ' • .--X4L - L, - ....? „ - - 4 -''lt-' 4 -',=2-• j•W,..l;:t Al -...„5 t . : 4;::447 , ` "" , • i t . f. :..7" 72 tt..c -: 7" '': 4 ' : \ C. :! . ''' ' ' ' ' .. f (24, CHICKERING'S PIANOS • John A. Mellor, 81 Wood Strcel, Pittsburgh, Sole AK., to Wt.., 1 - 11 Peen , ylvarns, teethe .ale of n4:` , Grand end Square Plano Porte., 100.. u, no Itttnirtl 111. too,. nne me mun,:al puhrir. I) that LeF. m ineomes, sod rill receive •nd .xoone for g ive the oteeetut mon., the Inreett and reo,t desa2e, •kroble stork of Paine Fort. ever otrered for sate in the lotet—arelng Me number veil' be mend errnfY eugel...., rented Raneerond Grand 'lamn Fen., •Ln the reeent improvements m meehaninnt and flit of enerior. hplennidly e &reed lion-wood •enreLn snort tn: , quare Piaree Portcl, Lrabed in the ELI:Abe - than tau, XIV. style. With large at.oek of all the verba styles of Pia no Poite.. v•rying prices from l. we-Wand prenurea by Me Chlekering ter on prerent ru , e' r , •re orte,ed Mot the renn of Mr Ch/elg • eon, I..Annv ten.r ant rentinue be. the • tltio. o•. at ,to u..,on:act-ry wlln...t el-arre tOnt - 0..1 t, ;i. 0:1 of tLe e . 1 ,1t. ,thout etvirT•teled beg, leave to oe,oc that b dreltnel bu.neea m favor able volt, M e.e. who evOl cont... the Auction tuyd Com o:t1 %tend, eortser of Woo.l and FAN 111(1 , 1 . an 6 tor .ohm be would eolivii • counn 41.11 r lowt at patronage berethiore I. stowed ap• the hr.a... JOIIN 11 DANIA, Apri 1,:4/ P. N. DAVIS, (SUCCI7... - S::OR TO 3011:: O. DAVIS,) AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, maxim 01 WOOD 110 arran arnarnt. V[Tll.l. atkeenler, on iqretal wars, of Var./Rand Vlr Domnrun lgarebandrze„ Real I:atate, krna. kr, and by expnrienee .4 clone akentian baranngs, LP rrlern cantina.. of W< supnralt pasr p o r en no liberally eyrended to the fore:ler nrrase. alk to 'l. - Notice so our Pat Ono. lIELIMME. POILTAIILE BOAT LINE. 'rift of the Letter partner, to Ptllladelphtn, I idle ram J awe , . 31 01,15,1 produces no interranuou In the bn.rne•c—arrangements have lyeen made which involves the ate Intermits prer.rselY• tta•• herMofore 511.ted Tne bamnes. n eantrnued model the acme tame and firm, viz: — II Darts d. Co., Philadetpluai Jou" 111 , Paola re Co.. Plllsaarao Therent..lre of the 'patronage of nur 1.1.57 on i• reme:4:oly suoritel. If any person. hare lem %re mineern, they are requeated to • 7, ‘l.l forThwitir, for payment. I, nett,, April 10, 'SO JOHN hITA DEN, J . !! /55novirigLotry . L . m A. 'Wan k & Uftl:fiGldTFl, corner of First and 11 ,al •treeig, oder for *ale, on latordble terms: 100 bide Wh:tlog, SW 141 ()fah. comoura, GLI Jo Alordi WV do Atearcenda: , do Dye W nod., WU do Crud., Portia, 05 do Lampblack; 000 do Lti'dorOlo 'tool; du Red, 300 do Irish Mono; • do Campbor, 150 do Hod PreclplMM. 10 do Span. Broarn• IN do Calomel Amer.: 20 do ) elmyr Ocbre; 03 do do Enz.; 10 do Ilnmatonc; do Ddebet Lea Yes; • Jo ICO do Rhubarb Sam; • 110 Flowero; 400 do S l m.P. do. 11 ciuel Rot Borax; 400 du Gentian dm 25 do etella Solo; 200 do Pal llocbmc. 10 do Prow. I.llgmi 10.1 do beidun 111iMure; 10 do Vol..Aladneva.; WU do Poled Illmbar4; 13 do Ctorme firren; 0.10 do do Slip. Illm; 11 do a:, Yellow, 1101 do do 0 *Tabor .1 do Am Ver.uMmt; 100 do do 100 Root EO teanlS Sand Paper; 100 do do Jump, 85 bag, Stray Simon; CAI do do AlCayenne: 25 bald. 11nd1e .2.10 do Sulpa Zinc: 73 oz Morph.; NV do Ilar 1',..; 13100 101 Cope Aloes; lam do Tamannd 1 . 101/ do 11.1 01001 l'om/la Ito do Ituldil Ouree; 1 . ...00 do sbot Pont; 2.50 do (Orange Pent; 1504 do Tortop Umber: 10 do Codbmral: 1,00 do Crra. Tannr, 2 0 do liyi me a l: WO do' Pomade 4001, 40 do Mann, lOU do lira •Gr do Gralmolla Lotion. . _ • - PET 1.01.14 OK, 011 ROCK OIL. are own:tit/10g. , nbe. von and earth Th.e. ner dreampt of in pationaphy." eft II ht VIRTUES of lila remarkable remedy, and 11. Um constant appliuthan for to the propriutr, hwe endure hm to for it put ti in book, with Inv beta and dir d di e tions for the benefi t of the nobler. The t•r:rnoLF:um Is procured front a well in this' county, at a depth of four handted feet, ia changeunn dallOtatcd articte, without UV chemical , but mat n. dowel from Natures GrealLabrator y!! Tha t anntinits properties teething a maaber of dirrasea, no leeejer n rustic? of uncertainly, There are many Inters et the Stoma of nature, widely! k now n, might be of vats torfulness 111 alleviating soffenitg, and re , the blotnil elf health and vigor to enah n u ferer. 1.0"1: beffire thel proprietor thought n tputting it up in loiter, it tail a mputatien for th e cure of dia. n b e ,n. Tho coren.ntand duly Inure:eying callt for it, andserre , renal table corn s it hos pe'rformed, to cure thdernetne, or it. 1u , 111, - )lnpulikrity . and with opl'end llpplt,l.ort in the one of (thence. We do rot nith in make n lung parade of certifi cates, sa we bre men.elaue but the medicine ran wan work its !way into Ma favor or those who suffer and with 1 ,„ he healed. Wheelu we do not claim for it a univerbal applicator° to every disenu, we unhesita tingly say, that Ina number of Chronic Ihnensea It es anrtralled. Among theta only be enuaterstrel —all dismares of the mucous tn...., such as CHRONIC Asth BRONCHITIS, CONSUIIPTION (In Its early aural rtkge., LIVAR A a ll D d 'S of t A th , e D Ur r fart ues the Bladder and Kidneys, Pains In the Back or Side, Nervediel)Loessell,Neitnagia, I . stry, Rheumatic Pains, Erysipclay. Teller, Reugwonns, Danis, :Weald*, Bruises, old Seres t ha, ke. In cues of debilny ren suiting from exposure, or long and protracted ease. 01 diresec, this medicine will bring relief. It will act 00 ri general TONIC and ALTERATIVE In such eases, imparting teen and energy to the whole frume,reaunet trig obstruction., nperungtho sleggiih /Unctions, which curve diweee anita beet en constitution, and giving Ihr.rensed arid renewed energy to all tlie 011(.11 of Life! 'the ropitiator knows Of several Cotes of PPILE. that r ear rted every other treatment, get well under the are of the PEA FIOLEUII for • short time. Tne proof c an be giallo to UV P.M. who deutes Nene ,1111111 c srethoul the signature of the proprietor, by the •,troprietur, • V.. ht. KIER, Eatiatflasin, near Seventh a. Ara by R SELLERS,S7 Wood ay encl.-KtAPER h 111 . 110 WELL, corner IN.att anti his ordra.altr regniuly sUrfutotrd Agent* • 151118P.RATT'S PATICHT SODA. ASAP. =X==! THE SUCSCRILILite will sell fdaspratils best quallty anal Mee tell Glaw, and Soap Makers' Baia Ash, warranted .opener to any olbe brand P 3) by the quantity ale tensor Opwrinl• fbreorreney or approved Nola., a four mamba, or 39 for • le e s. W a, Id MISCLIELTR.OS, )1:6 Law.4lY ONO,' M=l== iit3PoirrATlON LINES• 18.50.;;.--14M - 1850 & MEADVILLE LINE. 81610/It3 of this iaaa aril. leave regalutr, and de , lotcr frelchli without trunzhlpmcnt, DIDWLLI, BIDJAME?. COLLINS, do, }Ager.ta • WELL k BROTHER, Amherst.. nit), gaz 1850 ninwsra.L.s SANDY AND BEAVER LINE . From PeettlurEk. to Ca&magi., Cleveland', ikroqgh the 11.-4 and poindonk kountiek of Ca' lamb. ar2:, Tatearatmu, Cothauton, _Blabiangunk..L.mkt,g, and Franklin. “allpiCll.slt of Ilse Sandy and Beaver Canal epom up to out etty through this great natural central _route a dttect COMM.. anon to the abort , as well as theodjoinins counties of Wayne, Holmes, KIROZ, and Delaware_ From this rectum of Ohm, the trade with Pirteherph thebeen, to a great creel rut off, In erinsegOenee Of the hich rote. of which mw re. d r ,",, In, v and GO per rent. l/ au of this line will ;nave dully and TOO throuab without transhipment- The Omni tomputy have bemomed upon Ode I ue un Interest In the unprece dented edvanteves of their charter, and thus secured to the middle denten,. of Ohio to ordering their goods by DID WELL'S SANDY AND ItY.AITER LLNE, art equal intattel In Wu et.tantuce. A gen.: J. C. lIFIOVELI.. Ptusbergkq VI tiL L. A CO., Glasgow:. H C Miaow, Speeds Millo, Edda; • H A A Goy, Willtatntoort.,o, Gootor homl,ln, Elkton, O; Cullle & Huffman, do; Hanna, Graham k Co, Now Ltak,o, 0; Ant, Nlrhooks, ll•nnver, 0.; & Boom nem. 0.; STraker a Kodor. d 0; Joorph Pool & Co, 4104 Hod & Bus, (Icon. :dills, 0.; II V Hever, do; C iliarthol-& Co. AI a!vern. 0; H H Goty, Wayne,. E Reynoi.l., do; irt.r TNIor, ht•gnolla 0; KJ EtzukdollACo. blogoolid. 0.; Wurllorknoss, do; J ArForiemd &Co , Sundy Ir. 0; P P I.2fler, do; Fut,. I.aostk & Sarkanarls. bollvar, 0 ; Wdlard & Shrivel, Ja ; I Malin., AIR volt', 0.; Cummins .& Co, do ; Call, Robirvou, th..4i Fulton, 0.; Ferug d. Torrey nal Dover, 0; A NledWiry, Roar«, 0.; L K W. ncr. tqc .ar IL 0 , Fael, L Mal, Columba.,[; 1.0 1,110. t4twz, ,'lr . Itt,elet ma)l,. THE PENNSYLVANIA CANAL r OPEN. PITTSBURGH TRANsPORTATIGA LINK M*Q* ls7o , G'CONN2III, ATRINS S. Co , Canal Buin, 1.320337 Atm, Yk1 , ol.ori01; ATKINO., WAXINI:OR .3 Co, Yl9 & 230 Market Went, Phlimielphok. , frrircroni :Send street, Baltimore; I: Mom, Net. `sort: Fusion Germ, II Dom, .acct, Baton; Mettle., Gal,. g , lll.,ekr HALL A Co.. Colombia Form, tancinnatti E. lA ass. Lontroldd BAUM 11Z-NI, To 5h,r 7 .,.. q f Ms-.-elut,hte and Product to and fnm.l htbtntol Ern, Fotelmotr, N. York,.l . Boston. Our route ben, nowt.. St, order. we are prepared to fader:Led rood. n• ahoy- cryLmeor prices. We ratio , oil }trial:olio Pin: 9 edarpc havina politico rot over S.:lo,ohil, and with the led:owing extensive attack of Ildno lee! coltheert of entire ,111if , 11,10013 t0 e.ll buitneri entre stemnu tor care. Our boat, are all new, eml commanded by captainior erthdramon and OW entire bor. ti ronduelid ,trier sulatath lopingand principles. ' Bono Canton. Capththe Iron Coy, II spa n !den Irani* E Layton, Al nd, all ta. Louie, Cowden etnetnnan, Sandi lloward Ridley Roth Anna, Chatham Mary Iktharab Wm Atkins, Idihreed Enterpnse, kayton impart, !anima Ittown Boston, Alta Gen. Scott, Gore Onrlldti• Te/earnpthNo IShielde Celia Haw t,.. rein, Mal lloYM'gnadn OlivellrenthGoi, r TralmicCappor Riley Ammo,. Perry 0100 Belle Kearney Mermaid 1111.ltde.n Hunter Wnela Tle Fn: dui.. Ann J Lepton Aaron. Ar Oovreil 'lc.earthh Notlidarth Lock hlmrp Iteo l'o'old queen Wible Shipper , wilt Er..l it tn adrAntige toghee 'as a tell. t/ t'ONNt AThINS A NI., mrlA reroG I.therty nt, Pittsburen. --- W - 441. - ei - 77i Tea semporeattora - Corattaanyi IS5(). aga'llat v. LIZE4:4I G. CO'S L/NS, BETWVEN Pt lial.11)1(niil S eiLIC YORK, B, and Ra4l Road ri' fl. Ititkts ant: Cot.. tau Lane holm been put to jcompete mkt .• ,s4th tddillon of orerd to ttte rcra:”es as to carry a lure' qunntm Itt ntot:tt“ttt'd Sao The •nurt noel n rite Witt Is owned and contro dd by cm I . to,tru tors HA LIPP? & LKI Cit. o tl,tuntb Third or &IA X/ Itie Vo otet.nare. floe% Yrs adeptlitt. Pa.; JO-.El`ll é SON. No 111 Neflt. 1:..,:;,11 Liattinote, Md onvict: ~. Wert at, No. York; D Lia,:ft d CO. Cana Burn , Penn •l. ntrl7 P,trt.ttstch UNION LINE, ON TUC PRNS'A AHD 07110 CANALS CLARA. PARRA A CO. S.,hegto.C‘.. .1011 N A CAUGIIKV. ArreM., r•sr,..• , V•ter at.. Pittsbetah. • CI,3.IIiIN:LIN. CII.%WFURD CO, 4., Cleveland. Oho. • T",' - ",„ - '?. • CLE VI , I.A na . ye, en the Cie.! and Takes. 'The Nei:arcs T.l the nr- a,,serpa.v.ed in number, cuahrr N• 1.1 eau.... 01 ezperiene• of Captain. and etrwlenry of Oa, Ibni fen vr• l'tzt , urrl,et..l4...ievr/••11‘ niug , ronr , rtior. ottb n I.l:kr a I , trant b vee. Vll'l , lll 1,11 erd 111 , • V 1•11. an!, Cole a 1,1••• • art.l ;he Let • I V6' • 1100 0011 ,011111 0 lirnl,,l }rent:m.lY, II A )1 tile, Ichr•lrr. At-n,, O. CrAgmln-.1 &47.0. 41evlat.d, 0; 010,0 it Vo. Slrulumir,O; Pre Seism Sr,it. loirt!o. I). I..SAtllum• Dmrolt, M:rA, Ic,lliana4 A Co. %Ale; Murfry S Puttnn. II arm., lirnr,c A , bI,IAo. Tholl,lll :011 • A 4 AlTrair.v, Arra, mr:TO torLe, Watc r ahtl ScruUrucld all a 42 I 5.50. LAKE ERIE. AND MICHIGAN .11/11.go "N NU, PAW. EXTRN,ItiN CANAL. I'l.l l'A I( Vroprortors. lii I'rr priett,• of ilia old sad well known Line Z w, al,l IniUei, the public .Lao they nre Cow In op ,raio,n lot toe pcseot and tia, romm,need receig Erci,ht Rld Pto,enrer., wlties they •roi ,seyare4 Co tie ro.nt. on the Canal and LAKE,IM L: AMA . At the lon,. I•tt, on. col the. of We Line 111 vi Con,ter.ay at ay. l'Honon,ol.ll/4 JOHN a rIAU ()Ice, °or Water an!l sla t : Y r :lllb ' ri A rta'a.'4l R W enumngham Ckstfl, Mitth,ltreePul•olu, lan, Share:, 1 a N11u•1,5hPrp. , ,..,, Aehrr a On, beetnvffle; Wnt Henry, Waal Power GoEthevot,,lie; • Jahn Ile•rn .t en. Fate. inhn Pi V. meJn . _ Pitt,burgh Portable Boat LIAO, •i 1850.Mila PITT:411111CH. PHILADELPHIA, .DALTIMORE, NEW BrinTON,Le. Throw., ilossatuas, 1 TAIS/C & o•Coarma. Pldrriderp r j Prturtrtiren. 111111: Caual tr,tne now open, the propnetors of this long earshllshed /due ore as astral at their old stands. receiving. and Inretardins hierchandwe and Product at low nice, And with the promptness, [et minty, and safety, peculiar to their ardent a,nt , mod e of It, orporlation, wire, wens:redraw tranatlPMent is arncrwl, with the conrequeul delays end probability of dasuf se. Merchandise and Produce shipped cast or west,rMd lUD •of tradors forward. ace of rhsrpc lot commis. ed•anetne,Or ruorsge. /lasing td, ruterest di rectly or indunctly in steamboats, thor of the owner rotely conaolted when sniprins their so-As. All ....saint soon% to ths tohowing asents prompt- I y attendee! to: TIIOMAS MORBRIDGR, No 27, , Market •tren. TAAFFE k O'CONNOR, Corner Primo .nd• Wayne rnreets,Plusbiugh John 11/nen , logh & Co, CJ & Co IS Donne et, Het booth at, Nov 1. nth; I, natl. MONO'S TILINSPORTATION LINE, 1850.= n•,...e.e.1 P ui.Lnrgh and Joratitena idles. Tim 01,1.1 Lamm , ono orten, reo are ready to reeetrr uld formard promptly, prodore and merehundme east and are•t Freight, Cyr:. yy at lllarala rat..., charged by respOn .Ibbr Irur r. P(111111, nnl .ill be received and fa vrairled en.‘ Went, urith..ut sav chnnte far fa wardlna Inlvpne s taq Irei4ln,cutuuneeinn er glare • of ladmu larstardc,l, xiul All diftellunl fel fully attended la. =MZ22 , I Canal Dad..., tar. I.n.orty and Waynn m., Intohorgh. & DOCK, No ISI, Martel fl, Innwern 4.11/r. Gth. l'hlka. WILSON. Agt,) No Oa. Nosh Ilnornut aL Ilalumikr• JAS. BINGHAM, NntO„'Went met, Naar Vo/k. Passenger nun Itenslttanse Ogles.; isILANIC CO. minutiae to Wing persetna from any pert ofKeelastd, Ireland. Scotland or %V ale, urea the most !threat term.. with their usual renewably and attention to th e wants and com fort of °mum:rants Weds, not Allow our passengers to be robbed by the swledling memos that infest the eau ports, to are take charge of them the moment they re port thernielves, and see to their well being, and de sp..b them WiihMil ott detention by the gritWe say this fearlessly, asdefy rite of oar passen gers to show th at they weep we &tallied tin benei by as in Liverpool, *lnlet the:mann:ln of others o' ore detained months, aunt they could be sent In trans , 541 n/ eh; p rate, which Inn trim:only proved Inca coati.. We intend to perform nor contracts oeuerablY. Cott who it May, and not net as Win action, wit h' " ter perfooned Oat all, Of when it soiled their convenience. Drain &sirs at' Pitnburgh for an,. spin bola /Ito LIM, payable at any of the ntoviactal Hanka DOM . ked, Valuta; lacetland It ad Wales. . • • JOSIIU). ROBINSON, European •td Gem Atul, 41.1 virkb *trout. no. hon. WO.. .1[ 4 10065-17 bt papesatron 0 , - oaid, Du pub a4l . 2-pipe. lintland- Coat N Runt; ' 409)016 Whi.key• Ibr nle by PaTt , =ECM .i , -41-1.8{;f1 I'4'N-If/M.-II as,w IGCEI4 - J. I , : mELLog .., Si Iravd erea,. rsaicied ale folloreopo Nee , Ni;tuu Q 11, say can you see by the trtnh's holy Inshi deli. cited to Rev. C Cnot. Oh, think not lesivl love thee BlancheAlpert,l love thee. When other friends and Mee. The cot beneath the hills. Wen thou bat One. Annie haurie—Scomb by/lad. The Robin —enirds by Allen Cook, manic by Stephen Glover. Thou bast —minded the *pint that loved thee: The Grave of Walley.. The hi. blather% Lameal. Old Se2lo6—ltwrel. He death an thinks leen— Woodnury, liVidove hfachref—Res e ,ih se of my mother—llletchinsone. Law backed ear—Layer Elfin Waltees—completo. The Nape Bell. The Bridal Cr Wedding Polka. Jenny tie American Polls. tiny Polka. Soiree American Polk. Tip Top American Polar. La Belle Bellmore. Polka Jenny Lind Polka. The Orlgin• Scottish Polka— Julien. Salutation Polka. Flirt Polka. Josephine Polk% Sum. Polka. liessingol Polka. The Pro phet quad rilles—fileyerbece Jenny Liod quadrilles The Wreath sod Daley Waltzes—lire Ernest The Swiss Droves Roy—v e nations by Cemny. hlanatneat. Sounds front Home. Wrecker% Bauchi.. quickstep. Louhirille Mural and Quickstep. Wood Up, Quick step. CARPET W No 75, Fon WS.ICLIN7TY%fau . 'Spring. S. :k o( TrSomingr, kr., to.prisin Fite: or Koyd English and Amerle Extra Superfine ha Superfine ingrain Carr, Extra fine Fine Coldoon, all wool, and i Tap Pen Car. 1-4,1 and IToriiPil Carp. 1.1, 4, i audl pima Car. List awl Rag C3rprpt, ti-(Pruned Comm Carpets El 4, 74. 64, n.4, 4-4 and Oil cloth,; 640.1.44, and I Miming; 18 ,6 111 , 4=ent Clo Cailaiyatatannton Blue and Drab Clodas4 Cfllll.l, COSZis 011 Clo Damask s for Litangc Watered Morel.. Ruff IlnGann lar Wt3hadea, T*OlePatent French tramp n Venetian Blinds; Diann; (or Flagg; Ru ssia amti Cra 64 Table Linen; sh, Scotch Mayen; Brown Linen Notpkinr, Germ. On Cloh Table Cover.; Arum Om Crents from 11th and /murk. manor. in whits, Which and be vestibules of any slot or nb The undersigned baring I.d, hlt Velvet Pile and T Carpets, which arc of tb • style. and patterns. and o rill be sold at priers ask, for in an 7 of the eastern cit Having oho largego a..groment of the rieheit and moot filablanabl•loCyHAL THREE MY and INGRAIN CARPI-:Ted tvtach far turpriarea In quality and cheapneore ai procoe, any ataorune NO trot berme brought moth'. cloy. He alto ingot,. tooteataboat Men and Couch Menu, tgroirerr on hi, large and well aclactrod amordnoutorCHISISIINGH, and other amide, neeeaoary In their busload. The unoltrodano.lia alto agent Inn the only nod Idannfacoory to Phtladrrphla,•nd I. ppared to tell lower than can he purchaded eborta hero re tui a gay. mrld 111.• Ocioas i I — Now Goof/gilt /Thr Summa 1);v - GOod, An. IS'O EMMM:II WM:H.II.I.k and litetsll Dealer in Min.!, • • Frenelx, and American I/11Y GLitlrl(.:4••re , .. , creet, between Ton( ant r • rmrth, men or the the lire Hies, kaa,nei reremne and opt rine o of the tpirrid4d. evrd cylon•lre stocks nle ne prir.r unkl li,urrner Dry G orrie enter rActe.l :Or salt k/1 , Vttle. ro.try. All o. the•e Imperiecl Good• aro fresh opened, end ree , •lve4 per um I•At vermin, trot" Fro a•,l Enelrwl, elan Irish Linen.. Impanel darer Item Rril(sti al. acid war ranted it, pa., •ri,:e;.t!..c.r L.rieve are all imporle.l ht the eul.letilrer, and pure fill yera,vr•lrsinitti. AI.o, Irish Table Cinch., the very beet manitractore, and hien lanen Horde of all himie, traporteilnin-et from !tetra., by the sul , aeriber, and veal La 1 . 0.11 the reel Eria-g. Leigh, - New stile rsch Tort 1-,_••tasta, all esiors, splendid gonel•; Tint Satins, all artgoB43: Want el., 5.11., all colors late importation; French Kai Giese., all co'ors.the hest imparted: plaid y,lacls Amuse, per last F'retich Water, flew style paints, Itarrgen, rp!endid goods. Alto, • super!, and ~ I nser .net or Wide k Lter, s 'sonatina :pates' drenses, ,rs Den gond, plain Ranges Ilk all ciolors. extremely low, hemon,ul goods, Matt na relate, all widths and pure, very etwsp, Irsennh Lawns, now st) les, per last Ficacit steamer, plain black 1.10 ate Mlle, high lustre, superb gonde b:act ligure4 tiro Ito Rhine Limeade, nth Rood, ere. , and I . nita`h Cashmeres, new It lea. ,ne4r, (gyred eveisaeorvis for I,s l , die-.e., nr11 en,l , soieered Swiss Mulls tor evening it•er nssia• I.4eing and , Insert. the tee, mooned, Silk ri•edes in 411 Colas sod qualsues, new is,a, and • 4 , 2:111 strip',l hist • nnrnee , Pt , es; pp s hed I..nernft, new styles, Isom 8 t o 0.5 en.. per yard, panne do Lain., • new .7,7 - .le cur lakes' dre•ses. Also, a Mr, and ...inert* •ar t of new stele spring Ilona. Flthi , ows, It. vary heat, im ported. all new. SILNWI.SI, WLS. Canton crape newts, all talons, :testi tons the n e tern 11.sisel 'rust Satin Shawls, splendid goods, I all calor, per last cicerone; beautual ehangraide a tar • trills Shawls, fresh importation whin eghn,. reed c....erar•Vhavetr,sum•tb, sere., eini.nnsder. Ca I ,n Craise Sh a wls, tpleudid geode, Lapin', French in•dc mhsoideted Goest Imre, a: . et, Parts painted Cashmere Shawls, all pose, And qua., ties : la th es' swum." Cr••sts one Scarfs la great vs. IMO! French went ad earn O,COIIe.T. and Culre,o large MOrilLeal. " ' • Large Stork of Dolll , - , sTic b'l• pot (oor., saner,. Tweeds, haus..., and y leans, .Ic•scs dart Caber, 1.1 catered, (rt. 3 to 1 . 21 tents per yardi L caws Ilayl & Foolish beat iniported, I bales 110..11 and Scotch haps., extreme ly low. Al., lloa rrrrr ping bond. of all Clods, Very clasp, it b.sles Reost• Crash. from di tislYy ccnti per yard; besides • large Walt of Cheek a. 0.1 ahvuuf Stripe. Also, Canton Flannels, all colon and tyls•ll.. bet, •1 low one, rest, wane, .tt yellow Fletuisels, eery ebesm, blearited and untslearbed Drilltegs ‘ fall .soruneuti cases t.tuo Merrimack Calicoes, c 3. tremely Into, blast and anYleacbcd cable papert, till prices ; Llted's rye limper., till pneep and q slams, sirs ',rill entered t:ambrors, a Jai ••-sseimpcs.t. earns., than ear, 111..1.:a Itorlarm e isato IYI 10.41 els per yard. At., a large stock of Catma 'table Diaper,. Mariners' Slur - Una A fad assortment, very cheap. . - The fargest and mast splendids tool of rattlfois ever opened by any one house in Pittsburgh, malls day received, and are all or the newest Freres, styles, whteln, for rlchnet• and Leanly, cannot be sorp•racd. An we have • large lot of these Peassnla, they will ne Fold cheaper than any artier house to the city ears at tend to sell the same quality of gooda. The Ladies are 'rapt:minify maned to coat:nee theta Parasol*, as they wilt hod some of the richest and newest atylesver imported from Europe. These Parasol, am all e of toe richest and most fashionable colors, and am worthy of the aneuttro of Inc ladtet All of the &lave goods ertll bo sold o 7 at price, tar Lehrer any house in the any; end In ord., to prove thii net, the put,lia will please call and price these gouda, and compare them ..nth any other he n ce to the clty, and he convinced of am shove usertmo. The auhrerther would here say to his numerous tpcs. other tee the penile to general, thht (hero are Iwo other bee lune stores in market street, prt tendlntlt to Cope - with the Dig Dee Mae, which is alone the only celebrated and far famed Dry Goods establishment in Pittenutgh. The subscriber would therefore say tacit porChlistra of Dry Goode, either wholesale or retail. that the Cie Dee Glee. on Market street, bmweenThird and Fourth... now Opening the largest, richest, land neon tip:collo! stone of spotty nod summer Dry Gouda ever offend for axle in Pittsburgh BONNETS! BONNETS! :slaw Smite roe te.Sit—Tba largest and mostinahlon• 'able stool of Dotineta er opened in this coy. 41.11,4 received at the sign of the Big Ike Hire, on Ma tact meet, between Third end Fourth oars' ens. where Dry Goodyof every deacripclon are wthny cheaper than any other house in the coy. The pubic will please tatenotice that there are two other her bier stored no el arket street, whopielen4 to compete with the lig Dee Hive, between Third and Fourth strens, wirer,, lila poetic will Ind, at alltinies, the largest and nrocesl etylea of Dry IJoods, trtsh opened. izr litre rake notlea, that the store is Leta}co Third tad Fourth amen, sten of the DIU DEE 111 y whore Dry Goods or every description we selling ...logs than at any other Lou.. in Um city. aptil Wllstrlftitt L. RUSSI.:I.L. -• Good tireTs k A. MASON d CO., MI Market street, licterarti .Third and Fourth, are now rerclawa a laracia, iortal, t of Burge Oa Loins, Persian Cloths, ans... re hew article; Poltava.; Crape Be Laws, Ac; With a 'urge of Lawn. and other DP', Coed, of Do latest styli. wad most faahionable colors. ;spa • ; DFFF - F.3o" ..— fings prin.< Um and Jams; t Carmus-40 trzs mould, Mprel, and sperm; t C , rusn.-130 bra Cream and r oll.; Dattli Cemm-013 don limp and Manilla; Caseatt—no Mane, Cboets—k brim!, en.mas-00 31 Common and half Spanish; Fran-23 bads and half bd. hlnekmeland dalmddrt Canss—Sto bre morted eites; Dams—lON Prime Venison; INV nugar Cured; IMProo--100 lb. ti I" and Manilla; Ira-13 dog napalms Black and Copylor filotassas—ll brls N ()dea' " 'l3 half brls H n, agar Boum; Al erdown-20 der aseorted ...rat Alnocarromi—ndr Ira Italian; V rnmnaluiMs do Nadu—: kegs arsorted; I'mants--6 dos tare &started; . Cs 4 e nal— nil Imehels buldrs; 1 . , ern - SO rerun, eon:lrked, Circus—lN) lbs ninth..., , hoor—SO bag Conn 4n.d i,ast Steel; V6l/I—IU raids N Orleans and Cmnfied; TUA—rAi o,ckages limen and Innek, Toucen—do bin Id, 0, Jr. 1 lb nay, kV ',II Ileums-00 dowyntent 7.1.1; For talc by J D WILLIAMS& Cllk rorlB Corner of Filth slid Wood' rt (J.,; , lortb aq Dir , tl P. B. Bark W. & J. 'I% Toplow & CI • awn. Wtsnelwnght, Cincin• WAST.IC.D• F and all kinds of snipping Fars, the highest eselerii es pewe te. CU , leD:ronet Fifth nod Wood Paper Ilan items. SCHINO N F.LE.O lON.—Will ee received, by Ybr. canal &spawns, a new and choice nesortnieitt Wall Paper, of th e latest French and I.lettern let geld, cheroots,ak, plate and tnall colon. W. C . telAlisllAlel, Sate S. C. 11111,1 ei Wood tweet DISHOLUTIO. 1116 Co-partnershirt heretofore existing between S. U. Horhtield end John hlettill, under the Coln o B. 'Bluefield fa C0.,.1e this deg a:wonted by mania ' o B The bowners hi the old atm will hosettled Hushfield, at the and steed, No. rat Liberty street Ihneborgh. ELI), March /, . JOHN fiIoGILL. - H. H. BUSNSELD and GEORGE RICHARD 'mill continue the .Wbole.sle mud ,Retell Da Ceodeand Gtoeety bostnen, at the la mend, No. WO Liberty et, Mume fues o--s of Imrl2 • O. B. & CD. I. L. I HAVE Mu day amomate. 'vita me In to Whole.. . sat& Grocery, Cododiadoo.• and. Falwartfing Mad ness, my two &no, A. N. ;ad W. B. %Yam mum. The I neonate Miro will 1M toadasted amdey Ma style of atrirgttir," W alt3,llWiore Ettatltt4ilfxlhlt4M . •:'. • • Big Jame• alurresy'a Phil& Illiallwaslas PREPARED under the tomaedia e earn or the In ventor, sad established for upwards °Mary Tessa Tins &event p,ouraton is recommended In all as or amaimes, indigestion, gout, and gravel, as the meet safe. easy. and eSectual form in which blaxoeses may, and indeed the onlf one in which It web• t o pc exhibited. poasessing all the properties of the Maforela now in general use, without being liable I to m, to rem dangerous concretion , in the Dowel., rt effeetuatry cures heartburn witboht Injuring the boats of the stomach, or soda, potess and their es, 00..., ore known to do; it prevent; the food of in tante 'tnritinte mop, in all cater It acts as a pleasing twee. t. and is pectilasly ndspred to females. liumphrey Davy tritified that this solution forms solunie entnhinctions tinttrorric acid maw to eases of Coot-wed gravel. Herbal counteracting . their InPartous tendency hen other alkahca, and even Merle." , iitself, , From Sir Philip Ciatiipton, Bart, Surgeon General to the Arm 7 in Ireland, "Dear Sir—There epic be no &reit that Magnesia may De. administered came safely in the form of a con centrated , solution than m submance, for this, and sonny other reasons, I km of opinion that the Fluid sonny other is a vet; valuatile addition to our Matteis .• PHILIP CRAMPTON:, F AREHOHSE, girth !treat. It'vreonstatal receiving his CARPET OIL CLOTHS, 1g in part the following, Tint Velvet Pile CarpeU t s - Tepentry an Eirmv.ela a 'penal 3 ply " it ....—.. ..... Sir rim. Mitotic, S r A. Coopeti Dr linghr, Arid Mc+onthahne and Herbert Mayo.ofLondothstrosit ly roeentoiend Mn) Fluid Moan.", brims in hitoo,v roes. stile aod otorentent iti•n the .solid, and free from the danger attending the centaur Asa of sod• or ord.. For •Ide by the I mroorter4 nAlproorionenapAbb B A FAIINFSTOCK & CO Cor. of Wood& Front On. GELAT 111POUTANT CHEMICAL DIBCOVBRI Erin super pateptChenttle Ruperfine do do Rue, Tufted Rude; CIIEMICAL COMEIDIATIOnt From the Yew aele :Kingdom, to repel DilB.ll. Dr. etyroll'a Extract of ValloW Dock cod Baraaparellets , conesiropoori, enetifula. eryripelas, theranauten, gottL nye, complaints, monad affections, dee., 1. - rink, draper, attlints, piles, searvey, affection. of the I:lndder and kidoegs, le,erear,a, tan rapt Limo., loth or blond to the head, fever .14 ogee. locale enn.plam., general debility, dippep eta, lets of srpettle, heedtiche. colds, sostivenees, gtogel, night swears, elinne, organic a/lemons, pa lintntion of the bran, Wks, pouts to the side, etiest, bank, ese. It It infallible in all . digesses arising from an Ite. pate state of Ike I.lood. or tiltrotor action of the rya „ tem. Fire Common Pima %%Own Common du 1 . .. Chenille Door Mum , Toltc.l t,teep Skin Adelaid " AIX°, lima oNnlCa Nino Cove table " Embirased Memo Tuble ['rioted w onlen Embossed Stand lanen and woetati Damoot Purr Linen; Turkey Red Chintzes; Clarion Bordering, Engligh Oil Clora Tabl Doyen; Drown Idnen crumb 'cloth, %Vallee Ilrara Stall Ruda; Stair frugal;; Cirpet Blrainee; Jute and Coen Mali;' Alicant aralfikeletortlerstra; 5.4 and 4.1 Green Ott Cloth for Minds . Iluraterack LSO, the mon approved, Eng. rerf from In 61 feet not co fit morns, belle, and to Import-4 direct from Eng. 'apestryCATlPKEs. Thee, lu est end roOsl rlecum tithe mart gorgeous dolor,. .thoy eau be purchased ties. _ In the Vegetable Klngdem, an Afresh. Being ha depoill,d plants and rte-rbe to oar eonruto dons, end adepled to he caps of dlsease; and to lb vegetattle kingdom does the reason of moo,. Well a the ,n4+ net of ani ale, torn for antidotes to pain. The Syrup is • rolentlfie compound of the 61016 cal saltle plants In nature. entirely free (rent deleterk , and enerestmg mineral mhataoeek and as It expel du race. from the system, Imparts vigor and .612106.1 00ric0p01161.116 . .66if ee. An emmordionry cane of Scrofula, Erplpelan and U cured: by tht sole use of Dr. Guysott's Com pound Syrup, Yellow Doek and Bomar/villa- Iritoogrtg liov. 17, 1E49 Grattorr—Sln I tender my sincere thanks for the great tenths I have defaced (mm the net of your valuable or sup. I bare been troubled very bad wit e wrofulous tore, which mule Ito appearance On ea chin. 1 did not pay much attention to It at 01111., sup postr.g st to be nothing but an creption that appear on person'. lac t. fins lly heron to increase anul sprotril to alts isn't part of the . heaslw I applied to • physicc., who attended me all to no purpose. I had tried o n.ry thing that could be tried. I saw your Syr up of Yellow Dock and Samapardle, and concluded to ose it, 'or I knoll' shut Yellow Pock war One of the mot: valuable In the world for the blood. I bought your teairttp, (rum the use of cum bottle, could we great change in my system. 1 00.""l" to urn It until I woe n we,l man. I now feel like • new person; ray Gloat is perfectly cleansed and free from at: one:antler The t. not a queetton bat tha your newly disiovered compound is far enperbr any eat . ..patine syrup ever. sold. That certiftcntr le al your disposal to publish if you like, and nip ore you may refer to nun 1 Nall be hat. Pr to gwo them ail the inforrantion I can taboo my I your obedient servant List:mon G. lontrion, 113 blatkat street The ben female Intdlesnr known. The Extract et I'el.o heel nod B, , .epanil• is • p,,a,ve, speedy, •ud .111111,nl cu re oorell COMl..l4lkldlll..dent to ELM= nn eltoisto.e esuperue. render It peculiarly appttea,O. to the slender mod delicate conelitonon of the fe.csle It I. untivalled in On dice. upon so. der...;. 44 Jacopo:nt con.antption, lotrrennesvi tee corrhoer, or reline., irresuisr inetrornation. Ineonti nen. 0! d unite, and eerier. prn.trohon of the eyelet, It loon .00ill row...root. that Otstrenius nervous 11,, and le.stode roma.. to the rentals feu., fted Imrsete r. try and bnoyency assulpnelne. they it, gnarly!. We have evidence on Me vrlttch ...are. a. rir .net 7 to t: end Ole rucdselne inerriea peopta nib,,hoes .3 Ls. Noised with ramenere Vet'', or I%lhne . or the V.'oeb, of A yet, torn.] by Dr. Guyeollbr Elton'Yellow Doe: and hateeparitlet, tter every oat known 'candy bed been Wed without relict. Wasatne . SON, ULM, Feb., 1849 This aerates that toy tone, aged V years, has here rttflertug under the stove complaint for Goll yeam—neat.y all of that tone confined to tier bed. I nave fox four 70 are cerotanDy employed the beamed eel Went Post cou:d Le promrcil in Pus section of E. country, withoot any de neht whatever. I have aim p 1 rena.v4 terry tn.:town: reetunmended lotabs cum of duch diseases,all of which proved 'Tentless. In the Ipne.g of I Id-, I was induced byway ftiezids to try if,, I:ord.:Ds Yellow Dock and saparilla. uro.uli need for rode month,. After she hod reed 0 Mr •'rl; four wert f. it was evident to all that abs was oup.usting. and from tlnt. nom abe improved rap 10 , add zasend il.vds snreugdu until the does,: ws. mmo•ed, mot be to now roof tog most ezt client heal, W.ll. iNFORT. e bt-Ing oelltill,,rl of Wm, at.d Jolt Moofo toow Oiat tnn at,o‘r a, ag to the eirk - nerms Monfart, mil tatmrentcore uuyaott'g V‘llow Doe k Ln.l Sat . ..ppm - ills. to be strict! JANE EDDY SARAH POtt'l2l.N on.. Cure of COstalaiartfon. 11.3uvr., January C. I9lf. Mr. Iwnneti—ilear The ercot benefit which roar J•Tlvrd (runt you: Eztract of Yellow Docu an• Sar ap.L.ll•, lrttuue• me, un at t fait:mica, to mat the linfoiwing .teannt ...u.tang for two year, from Isesend debility Ai7•G r Lnull7 ten:tin/I,d in- ronAutsiption, I was Ten up y ( - newts noAl phy.tetans beyead the aid o , 113.4 , e1ne. A. last r.ltrrt, I wev Indtter IC try •11.1 fe....l`km wAt None re...nntn., uoleas pat tip in large agnate bril. aini nig a quell, and Inc name of bei .plop bid g, , 54, WWI €OO Trrlll,l eignanrre of S. F. tile on the outude wrapper. Price Si per botat, bon Ira for 11.5 - It L. soul by J. D. Fort, corner of Fourth and WM net t rot., CLreinoall ' Oho,. General Agent (or tt, South awl Wert, to whom all °retry must be adds try Cuter & ore, Erie, W P. .In.lson & Co W. rd. (Om & INcrann, Cruszlng”o - , Abel , Tarr 1,, , r0w; Ittram Nll,,Tcrtn..du, Robot nay, We ure. L. Bodo - wit, C•riewthurel L. Warps, Jr.. P t rtl, tor./tr of Mantel ttrect and the Diamond. S'ELLER'S' FAMILY MEDICINES—"They are the meatiynct of we day." (lentil:it elation, Ohio, May 23,049. ft E Sal/era—l tint* ticht,for the benefit Mothers, In .1010 t 0 lOC. In relation to your cream:lt En rally Sled:cotes. I Lave toed your VermiNge largely in my own family one eta) frequently earelling large qttaatitlea toy IVO I t5:10 aroma) front two children. I have al.o ,used guar Liner Pais and rough Syrup to ray ramify, ana they ,a ye, to every trataoce, produced the acct. desired. A. I am erialteril in marehirndiatng,l am able to stair, that I hoer yet to hoer of the twit failure where y4llr nwilicinex have been twed on any manna oldie cnutal y h 1 eoecluaton, I may mate that they are the medicines of the any, aua eve destined to have. • eery catenated populartly. Yours, reavectrully, W ft raortt.L. Prepared and sold by R. F. SELLERS, N 075 Wood street, and roll by Druggists generally in the two rattea . ne4 alesrnly jt7 `via PA.MILY atEIIiCINEn--"Tary .t. tee 01 the day " Resneet's Orionyr, Ohio, May Pe, MP. R Seller. I %lank It nen for the benefit of other. to OMIT some (ee's in telanon to year excellent Fami ly Me.liclnsa. I have. ac ad yi al VerTallZlre lIITOCTY is my own hat, Ily, one via• lfrs.,sentl ene wcrme for expellinil ge lnnnuiivs lacy I M It0d) worms from two childtet I IMO. elm need your Liver Pills and Conith 'Syrup to my end they have in every Matinee produced the wires desired. As 1 am Ingham! in unectisedishig, I not able to cam that I tawps yet to hear of the Ent (slime where your no:Meuse have hash usrd in mp.. section of the your Ili conclusion, t ar u i t they turdni•ie. ino day. and des:lint have •vet extensive yours, ....Li thit., .•II V Ptepered and told hy E. I • 1 PS,Nit 57 Womrl meet, end cold by Inurtgii cretin!, in the two ci• ties toot vicinity. moat (relaT CURE oF LI - Vh:EthJai r LAWlThjcti. only true, and gertaine Liver Pill. Pao. , Ocala, Ohio ceunty, Va. March %tit, 1549. S Mr. It. E. Sellers: Boar tile-1 think it • duty I Owe to you end to the penile gsnera ly, to stile that I have bran attlicmd with the Liver Complaint for a long nine, end no badly th at an abets. formed and broke, which ten tor in n very low state. Having helm. 01 your er'eliTriloil liver Pills being for sale by A inert, in Writ Utterly, and recommended.. me by 111 si l t n sten., Pr. I concluded to glee th em em fair in. I parent...l one box, and found th to tint wont they are recnnunended, 'THE OFJT U- V ER PILL EVER USED; and after taking four boxes I Lod Mr disease has entirely left me, and I son purr pertestiy well. Remeetfully yours, D II couninN. Weal Liberty, Match at h I sanity Met • I em personally gegustrited wuta Vr • ..isti, 011.1 can beer testimony to the truth of the Tito To ..Items. A It 011A1t1 . Liver Pill. aTO prepared and cold by RCo LEERS, No 57 Woad anctt, and by druggist. MO Vii,a TO THE I'll 10.1 C.—The oriKmal, drily trueand gen uine Lover Pills ere prepnrrd by R P.:tellers, and have his ne m .. pumped in black wee upon the lid of each or, end btu lianuliirt on the cotelde wrapper—all otter. ere eounn stens, or hem imitations. aplo Ft E PELLEES, Propneun 11,7 Al Otr NS I 1--eltllA PER «LON EVER t— f V Jet, rc•.•d, an mamas tr• .11 leek lied paten in. von Wnichi.•, Is cants linv tiara, wbion I can roll as l ow it , thirty nod {LIM Lye dollars, and warranted 10 keep gliall Also -n splendid asroitment Of JEWELRY, com prisiur, the vartamf , and has.. style., and best pattern.. Waichmaker and Jeweler, TAILORS' GOODS, AT COST. 'LT ER SE , VI.ItIING & Cot, having arranged to LI give their entire attention to the male of dorntatie Wooten and Onion (tooth, tow offer their large atoel of Teller,' Trinnnings,, Vr.tinß French g„d Carron Clothe, Doeskine.tvnestmerva,&c.nt firm COOL. HERSEY, FLEMINGE & CO jet lun,Woott at Jft 4 T tte . 4. an eirgant plain Rosewood Oct. PLabo' 'from ht e4.lebrated inanalactary Nun of . ./c Cla.a, N. t V., ut WI tube, and very modem. Ptlee Fut sale by 11. SI.EUEN at J. W. Woodwila. A 7 1L.1.11 PEARL TituTll 11T for tmonvoot l'ortzt, (cur -7, Canker, and all subgenera dmoreetive to the Teeth. It Ls delietou‘ LO the taste, eleatmlne the mouth, heating and strecgatem um the gums, and pont:sum the heath. For este, at oleeale end retail, by_ rlrli NI Ft tiF3.I,ERS, 67 Wood it ISOTWaII LOST. ygyo - 110E. Is hereby 'Oren, that oil or about tee YRS VI of April, the subscribers bed misled to ollsbarg, Vs., the following notes, vini—A sate drawn by 0. A. Moran, payable to G. of Sart &trod April ilth, at months, for St 73 Ot note drsurd John.o: Dorgan, same date and time, for 5111 17, and a note drawn by John Watt & Co., In favor of John 13: Nuke% and re-endorsed by on, dated April OM, at Cour month., for 11175.-- The above WWI WWI% ocher received by as, and this le to cannon all patina against trading lot or buying thigata_RtyMent or *am bat bun. itiGypod, 0 W ADAVOii F 4" - • - • .• !!)." i 1..- .1,............ MEDICAL: will 0 n" Parmentap heretofore existing 5.n the gnbunibers, under ten fit= of Borbddah, Wilfon & um thu day dusatred by= Anal C. 4..". The butineu of the firm Will be utded by.). W. ther- Midge, or Wm, Wiled% .Ir.,ehbor of whom U odthof- Iced to too the name of the tele Lunen:Mahal. I. W. CURBRIDGE, WM. WI LnON. Jr LYON, SHORB & CO. Plesbergh,loly 1,1850.--U4 =CM -ffiFiIF,LLANEOUS, =ll Beet AB. W. Burbridge Beet. V. Inehrata have hi. Jday ...elated utertetelvea ander the filIP of Our ridge &Inatirain,lo tianaceia Wholesale Grocery nd General CommirriOn filostreess,lntlie house lately eu , i-• Burb&dge, Ward., & Co,llo Water .t. Pitt, burgh, July 1, 1840..-IY4 00-PARTBIEIISIIIP 1 Mr. subscribers base t 4. day formed • copartner atop under the fate of W &P Wilmn, for the per mit of transacting the Wholesale Grocery and Gam politico Doable., at No 24 Wand street. WM. WILSON, Jr. Pittsburgh, 1, 11350—i74 • FRANK. W Melodeon Plano with two of Wilkie 1 UST received et the ewe of -the Golden Harp, one SUrerlo7 soeilive Melodeon Piano, with two teas of Reeds, the horst improvement Theabove Is probably the finest tatted nattnntent ever envied for sale here, with a highly finished not elegant exterior, for eat• H KLREIF.R • •• , paixrusai rer;Eitlidnita tine do Ninaer 2 pap _1 9 1 22 23 5; 29 do oo 55 50 do do do 26225; IVO do news 21237; UV do do Jo 22226 et; do do do 232414 120 do do do 29212, 20 do Bloc Envelope, 21=25 20 do Yellow do 20226; 60 do Manilla do 2.02=1 -••- • • - ..A1 do awned mappinc oS n o wr., f o r sole by JOHN If b1E1.1.011 Hi Wood et Economy In Toni DECIDD . EDLY the cheapest and best place in Pitts burgh to buy Tea Is at e Tea Market, east aide ot the Dgruond. They sell di Eteetleut Tea at ---- • • ---*0 60 per lb Superior Q.Lues---..- ,, ---••• 0 Td The very ber.1— , ...-.-- 1 .-••-•—•• 100 . " Lour priced, damaged, Er lukrlor Teas are not kep at.itils establishment, therefore, whether you go your self or d • child, Tool are MO obtain • good vilele, and If the ttavor of lbo Tea is nocapproved, they readily exchange it or rentro the money. jyro MOP 1119 & HAWORTH. Pod donne., SUNDRIES -40 Les eXtia Cream Cheer., lu hf brie No 3 Mackerel; toed. 'do do; 0 kegs •do do; • 10 an Salerantai 13 bxs Mould Candler, 20 exs Nol Starch; trldoxyaterat Zinc Wealth', yds; Y. hi chests ropenor Green Teal;l 40 caddy len do dcc 10 bl chests roperiar Black Tear, 3 ter lludleld's extra Hann; For .ale by •j I) WILLIAMS 40 111.0 Cor Wood & Finti COCOLATE-291 boxer No. 1 Fresh Chocolate tort received, and for sale by WICK &111cCANDLS. GOOD BOOKS .SOB. PJUIDIERS. Johnson—Antenem Farmer's Encyclopaedia, &co li.Moerson—Trees and Shrubs, evo Erown—Trees of America, Soo Thomas—Amer.° miL Fain Culturist,ltion lloy—e. Guido to de Orehard,l2mo Bunn—Family Kneben Gardener, 12mo Miner—The Amrrtual Dee Keeper,l2mo Brown—The Amenena Factory Yard, Wero Zdarshall—The Fanner and Esalannotss Bond Book Allen—Tbe American Fs.. Book, 1.2m0 Deasong—Frtio end Frail Tree's( lomerica,l2lno Younit—rl'he Kane, Sao Bennet—Too Poaltry Yard, lanio For sale by JASIE9 D LOCKWOOD ; 104 Fount et Amer/earl Journal .of Science wed Arts. CONDUCTED by Prof B. Edlimen, Prof. B. Edl4 man, Jr • and James D. Dana, New Haven, Cow recticut. Tide Journal i s. need every two months, vn number, of In pages each, making two octavo olumes • yen, each with many Illostratious. It Li devoted to original articles art Sciencend the Mete, floodeneed. Sean. or, Abed.. of M emoir; i an d C from Naito Periodicals, Node; or New Publications, sod • Genoral Bulletin of recent Scion. 1100 dl one. The Bret 'cries condos N. volooles,the Ittet of Witch is trgeneral Index to the 99 volumes preceding. 5131..10600,115 • year, to advance. D LO9IKWOOD, Avi for Propane., !stn 104 Four. sr • (good Bogdan I•o2 , l2usansser feasting. • Drown—Turk nth Eieuing Littertanunents, 12mo. Taylor—Eldorado, tots, lanto Colman—ForopeuLife and Manner., 4v015,14m0. Inekena—Dourn* and Son, 2 vole, Ittrao. blastay—Popular Delusions, l rots, limo. Idarse—l reati Elleanunga d Uno. C_ O. 11 —Norman Leads, Ittmn. Shaw—Engllsh Liras - Mute, Unto. Prior—OG(l=Mb% 211acellaneoas Workt, 4 rola. Mayo—Ka'switt,l2lno. Tad for—Views • Ilumholat--Counos, I sot,, 12mo. For sale by JAS 11 LOCKWOOD je2G 104 Fourth st Books—Oanitral lattragstaw. • - Monr—Fertamery Its Use sad Manufastara thattln—PhstorOphy °SNOW,. 12mo. Chilnor—Artoratms and Reductions. 12mo. Flaw—English I.lterntare. 11.400. Daris—letge Aare. • ID.. Dryant—W bar I saw an Calltornta • St. Pierre—Viol and Ihrglnia 2 vols. Ma. Alcoa—Letters to Youngman. 12mo. Pumas—Rust:tulle or Hum. Nature. limo. Venentar—Mcdern Feemal 1-tteraturs. I:meths—Philosophy. , '• Neerabam—Haman Allatresetism. • Ilumbuld t—A ste els or Nature. Brodentr—Zoo °areal Beereations. For sale by JAAIII.9 D LOCKWOOD 104 FowOr et • Vostailia Nww APthtoplaaa 11165 rt W INE to Hen all Night; Dolly Day; T Doiey Jones;Go down to do Canon Fteld; :sally we a Lad). At. ALSO: De Itlnd to rho Loved One. al lime; Row thy boat lightly; True Love, by Our W 371.00.0 toot., dllttli A new,medley song, by El Coven; Jenny Gray, tousle by Mallet; Joys that were erowaing, Wedding Match; God blevi ttio hardy marine: DohnYikill Walla; con y•rii.t's Donn, tore, by W c. Gino, c, .t ones Srr rt - , e•ercrimatc.b. Co; of Sunset r”ory v.c,aolon4 by 15 , 5.1 United neaten Lud.r.' Sou rotas PUILII, 80. Craelter Quadrille; Louisville Quadrille; 13ClUtIe3 of Italy; Doe: o, Trio., he. A lunge asoottinent of New Music on band. to vablek addition, are made weekly. For sale by fotolS J. H. 11111.LOR, dl Wood at: • DLaap litandaul lISUME'S MEW. OF ENGLAND la now No la lithing by Raper & tn a vol.. cloth and pvvvr. at 40 cent, per vol. Mace volv received, and tar rate by B HOPKINS, 78 A —lto a. Fonoh at. DEDBUILN, His FireUroyAgc,l4 Herman &telltale author of , Ttpec,"Omoo," &c. lamer,. of King Alfred of Engiand, DI Jima. Abbott wild See engraving. &donne the Sorcemael tit Wm. laelthold. JOHNSTON & STOCK TON, natSl corner Third And Markeleurats "Una ef the Arms finearkablo 'Valk., of the Ago.° NINEVEII AND ITS REMAINS; with an account of a visit to the Charade,. Christie. of Kurth.: tan, and the Texidis, Or Devil-Worshipperm and tot Irquiry into the Manners end Aru r of the Allele. As. Wriana Ito Alamo Henry Laysrd, Esq, D. C. L. ith Intraleetory Note by Prof: Fl Robinson, D. 11, LL. D. Illustrated with 11 plates and snaps, aad et) wood cuts. 3 vela. Eno. cloth, 114,50. 'The book hat a raraantoott of graphic, vivid, pie. tUttliglie 13111TIWYG. "—Tnbone. "The work of Layard Is the most prominent ronui billion to the study of .dqinty, that has appeared for many years."—Christ. "Not one excels m Mierest the Aloe.= of Nineveh .11' Its Rados, peen by 111r.Layan1."--Washinguin Intelligences. As we follow the diggers with Weal/ilea. interest In their excavations, and auddenly find outaelyea be• lota a massive Agate carved with minute accuracy, now litnng It. gigantic bead from the deaf of 3000 genre, eve ate ready is cry out with the utomahed Arabs, 'Wallah, it is wandetfal, bat dependent. For wile by novitt .1t181:E9 D. LOCKWOOD, al Wood .t • ow Doak. TPrIHE WOMEN of too Old .d Nay Testament Edited by E. B. Sprague, D. D. I voL Imp. gob., elegantly -band; 18 empasitely finished enaravingm with nesenptions by celebrated Jolene. Clergymen. POEMS BY AMELIA, Welby, of n new arid efulargedantion; illustrated by engravutga from r=lll°,l4.y ale and Gift Book.. Seduell's Child's Firm Book of the Ilistory of Rome. vol. taco. TUE 31EfdlIANIC'11 ASSISTANT, adapted for the me, of Cerpenters, Shipwrights, ‘Vheelwrights, Saw ers, Lombermen, Student., nd Artisans generally: being a thorough mad postur al Treatise on Menton, non and the Shank Role. By D. N. Kuper, A.M. Boise'. Trenure on Greek Prime Composition.. 011endorra Elementary French Grammar. By Prof.' Grocer. of Brown Univernity. 1 vol. Ithno. nedigods (lemmas' Ilebrew Grammar, by Colima. (:amow' Hebrew Lexicon. Loving,' TagoriontetrY and Lognrithetic Table,. 1 voifshapcl The togitsiunan's Greek Concordance. 1 *PLO., Lim) Antlion's Clueleal Wrheten Dlcumiaty, relased ed. / so'. 4 48 . do ' do . enshadged. 1 vol. Ito. Bunt/ Note, and Questions on New Testament. Whately's Logic. Mantua's Ealeasslical History. 3 vol.. and 4 vols. (sheep.) Vestiges of Creation. I vol. lane. blo.mga among the Janos at Rome. 1 voL (cloth and paper.) Scenes where tle p Tecipter has Thornlike& 1 sot (cloth and paper) ' Bo gueo. Theological Lectures. 1 vol. tr.. (cloth.) Alder's Pronouncing Bible. Boyer', French Distnnary. limart'a Horace. 'Por sale by R HIS, novl3 flaildings, Fourth st Tim Oittens Tfisio• JfER D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and Boycott, Do. Oil Wood street, has for mile • mw colas to Pieter (the remmnder of the edtuon,) of this ',1w0.. wort, devoted to the 'Preservation of 130eninente, and GUI.. automate anfnanatton detannit to the dotty 00. piorations, tteltlnntenl and improvement of the country mound the bead of the Ohio. By Neville B. Craig, Esq., of Pittsburgh, I vale Pro, novin 1, D. LOCKWOOD. Lll3Eltfir:A woh s view of the 1.10 Liberty of other Ancient Nahoo.. fly Sarno.' Eleq.Wanted with twelve eng . rivinp, exa cute,' at Rome. II vols., Soo., oviform with krtzeoit'h Ilisinricol Waits. Just publrobed and for sea er : • JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Droloellerind norlo Ite . p_rter,63 WaAJ ee ......_ • •• --- - F - 31CNIRY REDD:ILP. IN ITALIt t authorised edai Ithoo. 73 eta. DIRS. FANNY iSTINIIILE'II YEAH. OF CONSOLATIOI ; ' , The reading of t is book has unpleased is with • I mesh higher op Inion'of its author then we hod f..rmesi from perusing her other wniinge. It displayte deeper upe of thought, suited to MOM pule stomata). v,r•ce of feeling thma any othth production o( tho tamale mind with which we are acquainted't—Bse.Alirror.• "It it, a very agreeable and readable book, written to. Fanny Ramble's best style-rbold, spirited and abler. awning.. We recommend it to one readers as the belt publication of the seethatt—Readitif I'lm. -- .- 81 almtmes the •Toarnal Of a Rase tough Europe, and residence to Le 4; amt is one of e Oinis" . "' and most intenenbagUalls Of the u.s al u...Cour , and •Dthilrer. • ii, • A . ... 7 eharaelatialothiok.. Vet ve teed It from title page tO Colophonamth unabated Interest A-. 1. rd Welzdts of tire Laßosa*. In all respects entineanth eadabl. e naterbeaker. ' • .For ta bby: : ,. ~.! alms D LOCKWOOD• •.. •WW/ 3 , • . .BOOkseller & Imponer, 03 Wood a Islalll • Maid Gin is bun. DRFnY t' lithEteliFlSLD h estallsat snorts= of *bows arab, tea and duc t of a Wanting am* at le aa.l al.Psnar lan, ail Facts at paßlo7444lllXX•itail4l3 EXCIIANGE - lIROKERF VOILEICHNI IhiCUANOIR. P/ 1 . 1 4 t ,, lositort, and oeottatat ho prat Lan) , amount at the enema Rate. eo, Deeltt parable in any part of the OM COIOILItOO. km to ttnooo, Ili the nth of Fete the ISterlina, without deduct.= or Amount, by JOSHUA-ROBOT SON, Ottoman and Geeentl ent, ,Ag atm. , oe door tweet of Weal. octi• allin .11.013d& m ' RA t 1LA.1117 7"' LANICERD AND EXCDANGE 1/DOKDRS. dont.. In FOrturn and DOMeada Dais of Factroke- Or ,- . of Deposita% Doak Soma snd.Catn, COV.I of 3d end Wood mecca, directly opposno St Mult.. Ito WlCtierp,UN WVXDS— C! , ' Altssourl. Bami N. 44: • jowl..lst the lowest rats*, by N. 110L2dE.Ti 6 SONs • • 'sepl3 • X. Mertes cue., 1311.44 - tjaklLtdralftia.:— . 7l344i New York • Yalladept44 an 4 Lilumr4 N. HOLMES a &MIS. atkr k et et. Octrunanuy far ss4 upt3 1118VELIANOUS. n.toßiusi s lasiiconTp, ECTIF I YING DISTILLERS, and Tea and Wine Iderehints, East atilt of the Diamoad,rittsburgh, uo now altering at the ye ry krieut prices for cub, Rectified Whiskey. flan and Dornesne Brandy, &NO. French Brandy,lHolland Gin, Jamaica Seining, Lon don Gin, lush Vini•key, Rum, Sc. Port,Sherry, lata detra,Cigaropigne, Claret, Maar atoll. Malaga, Tenn neigh and Lisbon' Wines Wholesale& Retail osv3 nRINIIN PAPER-Morays oti hand or made to order, ha varloar sizes of Printing Paper, Rag Wrapping Paper cmoo, hledi a ra, and Ito onto Crown sizes Straw Wrapping Paper; Crown, fdediato. and Doublet CrOwn.Post triSoe rapper, Pastaboard,kc rte. W P fdAUSIIALI.O3.S Wood et, Arerd for Clinton }WI, 11101 , 10 Es JTOLIN WATT & CO. have removed their cock Groceries to the opposae side of Liberty so eps TrromAbi IN- AMERICA—Der erect and bee re ward. By Maria J Mclntosh, anther of,“Charms Counlereharnas,t',"To event and to bent vol 120,0 Latter Day reinitiate, No I:—The present time. By Thomas Carlyela. CeaLxtea•—elerttelts °flea and Writing of Thos. Chalmers,-'D IS, L: LD. Prelectione o Buller , . Anelogy, Paters Evidences at Christianity. and Hill'. Lecture on Divinni with two Introductory Lecture* and four 'Addresses delivered in the New College, 'Edinburgh, by Thames Chalmere, D. D, L. L. D. I vol CsgStin, , -Life of /On Calvin, compiled troy ember.- de genteel, andliarnmdarlyfrom coilleapOltlencee. ilyThores,e H• Dyer, with portrait 111tol Mao. ' For &alb by,R HOPKINS, ne7 . 78 Apollo Buildings, Fourth rt. Combat Combat 20 GE13 0 38 toper Polka; ID do do "en flag 50.. mid Redding; . super Koglith Ham Redll4; 6 Pocket Combg Goo •" Wood 1640 doz ess`d Fine Ivory; 0 Shell Side Combs; 10 toper large Biddle; 200 grove ast'd Side Combg reo'd end for sale by febs C YEAGER, log Mertes U Hollaudi Buff Holland, r reci N v O d T e CE er — lTut. W. MthceC t lnto t c k bet s Du d todoolitollnd; to watch he would most respectfully call the attention of his monomers mid the public m irenMuL irret t Ware Footer, 76 Fourth st. Jun.ll • CIS&SLUM. • AA FEW very- hoe GUITARS, Just ree'd from the eelebneed minufactory of O. F. Alartin, sod for Bale by jan9 ' 1. Ir. MELLOR, El 'Mod o. MITE C.Omplete.Wotea of John Banyan . ; 2 vol., blecb J. In I vol, Illustrated; mauthn via and gth edges. Mitchell's Biblical and Sabbath School Geography; a new wait; 1 soli 12mo. Town's Analysis and Speller. Las of Yohnalt. Adana; by Wm. 11. Seward; I sal, imnoi moilin Pima. by hyn. Ilemans; I 001,1Miun muslin; gill. South's: Sermoms—Scimons preached upon several occasions by Ramat Sou th ,. D. 11; imar <Amon, 4 Vol.; inclu ,- ding Paslliunious Discoorms. SaMo-4 cola. in ti sheep, Sutra; Etiro. Far t sale by. ! R. 110PG1N5, 4. Apollo Dollithigs,Foorsh menMatto:non w. w. J. PAW. r E ondemlaned,snecessora to Arthara ik Nichol beg, lento to inform the citizens of Patsbuign and p son ublic nonentity, that they, have robailt the EA GLE, FOUNDRY and are awe, to fall operation, and halo part of Weir patterns ready for the marten— Amonast.which are Cookie,. Stover, Coal and Wood Stoves, with a splendid alt-tight Orel Stave, which is now pope eeding-ln other cities the common round Store. Also, a cheap coal Cootie. Move, well wdatt led for small families, with a full t. worunent of coot- on autretentedOratee We ' , wow perrteularly tri te the attention of !tenon% budding to Cell at our archon, before pureheiting, end exanucte setilendid rtiele of enammelled Grate., &worm] in hoe otireiTiteit . La thin matter: Warehoute, N 0.151 Liberty 01, opponite Wood nt; aurStdtt L inTICHOLSI.Ed_b, PAVNII PITTIMUItinVIMPORTATIONs —•- el YEAGER. . Importer and Wholualo Dealer In \J i g ~ FANCY AND VARIKI GOODS!. Sign of the Gilt Comb, 103 Mulct at, Pinabnrgh, Pa. Western lilerrchants, Pedlars, and others among_ ?lust/ugh to purehaseGoods, are respeetfedly invited to call and exuelne die extensive assortment of Eng lish, American, French and German Fancy Goirds. All Foreign Goods et this cstabhshment see impett eddireerby myself, and purchusetv may rely on get ting goods front Lost hands. I have the largestusert moot of nuncio!, in the variety lion, In the city of Pittsburgh—all of which will be sold low for nook or city accoptauces. The Stock consists, In part, of LACE Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons. Slit Cravats, Shoe and Potent Threads, Sewing Silk, Spool Cotton, Tsp., Suspenders, Samna, Pins, Noo dles antYCiery.• Gold and Silver Wuctives,Goldleweiry, all kinds of Itroshes Combs and Razors. Perentaion Cape, Revolvers, Pistols, Clocks, Silk 6 Cotton Forces, Spectacles, Steel PCOI, Music Boxes, Carpet lbws and Hasketh. Illodt4e.s, Findings and Ttlmmings. lot • and honey God* topctivar with a Istge•ans ty of Fahey and ilvrple DRY C. TGAGER. is Kith agent for the ecicbrated Lao. caster Combs. novl7 • Elxmat ZogLW. Ramsay FOR Coughs, Colds, Asthma end Cootemptinio The IiDEAT AND ONLY REMEDY (brat¢ cunt of tha above musses, la the IIIINGARJAN 13A.LSAhl OF LIFE, dixovered by the celebrated Dr. Beaton, of London, Ennband, and Inttodoend into the United Status ender the named.te aupenntendenee of the inventor. The extraordinary raceess of this Medicine, In rho coo. of Pulmonary dirmo.ea, 'macron. the Amer.. Agent IA soliciting for trenunern the went poen tile co ated. can be band in the contumely —Oll. that seek relief In vain from any of the common temedl ea of toe day, WTI have been given op by the most ifating o tined physicians as confirmed and incurable. The II u apart. has clued, anstatnll cure, the most desperate of case.. It Is no quack nostrum, butt mondani ling• Loh medieine, of known and ettablished eniettey. Every' fami ly in the United Dilates stoup be suppinol with Doclintia Diotrurion Dalsom of Life, notonly to conntaniet the Conaamptive tendencies of We climate, butte byused as ti preventive medicine in all cases or tolda, crunchy, spnur.g of blood, pain in the lode and eimst, arritation and soreness of the lungs, Lyndon., ddheulty of braatlng, hectic fever, night meats, wct ationand general dchtlirg, asthma, intmenta, whooping sough and croup. Sold in larititorttles, st Isl per bottle, with hall dims. bona for the tbstoratiog of health.' corfiLLeld. Amass of English and Liman . ceriificirte., and othet evidence, nhowner the en quailed morns of Ltd. great &wk.h Remedy, c.. 7 oa Loaned of rho g. r.4lLitooLly.. For Aare by LI A FAHNI:STIJOK d Co., corner and Wood and Wood land Lich eh: Ingelte.B ELLIMS' IMPERIAL CUlllal SYRUP -luaus Noitstio Ltatt lei Prtroulon, March P 7 ,1047 Mr. R. E Sellers—ln lastice to you and goer Incom parable Cough Syrup, I beg trove to maw, for the yen eat of the coma:amity, that my wife has been several braes afflicted lulu, a most fhatressing cough. .1 put hused,ln January hist,,a bottle of your Syrup, wino h cured a cough of two months' standing. About one month 'lnce, the'costgh returned, and was so 'levers that oho could hardly move, from weakness in the breastrl sent for one bottle of your Cough Syrup, and a part of one bottle earrd the cough gave the otter to ajourney men who WAS severely eillicted, to who had, to use his own words, ',aw nou n et cough candy care all the people In Puisburgt," If the candy had teen aagirod S. represented. yours, thapectfully, Adam D. Kama. Drepayrd and sold by fI..E. SELLERS, 57 Wood street, and sold by Druggters generally In the two rides • detS,15141/CDIT VENITIAN 1111../P•D, AND CALILNXT WAttERUOII. `, ..: j.AI, Bitown, wood respect fully Worm the public, that ho beeps an hand at tas nand oh the west aide of the Diamond, kilt • gherty env, a col:rapine assolt• .0 /11.31 Ventuan Blends; ties Vs ninatt Bhutto. are mado to or . dor In the best silts. warranted tequal to any in the LinitcCbtates. in Blinds can be removed with out the aid of • screw "%Diver. Having pardns., th 0 monk, idols, and wood of the cabinet es tablishment of Ramsay tr."Al'Clet land; I am prepared to - tarnish their old cuetnmeult, itv well as , hr 0 ,,,, 1 i s s i ism, with </very adman their boa Apo.), No b Wood moot, Pillaborth. mobbo. I • J. A. DROWN— • eoloiad Blarsslllas qullc. MURPHY jc ULIReIIni.LD have reeeivtean aa• ronnarnvol the .anon`` , eolors, earl of new awl I cecina nankin% Ova, Wante Countetpases.of va; Twe' pew" Y 24 fiblrithig Dloshiss, M 1 :2 ttte'cn ;tonic.: Great nate is taken In seleettng tkc very !test make; aril 'as they buy in largeqnsettocs neon tan agents at the mtmfactatcrs, tee,' inn ao:d it Mtn vety luwect prtncs casks teed and Su cats by . sus: k W JIAMILSUGIL W Jll.l. r I' —W. P. IIeczJALSI oo tThn New 'York ' a ' n ' tl " P g ritto r iTe u lpt ,Agentles, the heareal and mosl apprneed st, "WM , P. tier Hangings,. together with borders, Flee Waal Prints, and Tester fops. tor sale. ef.l . Volhi sr, 1.- tweet. Fourth street and Inasanntl iaagt" An S. • 1101 777- , IMPlirdi BURCHFIELD draditraply Irkrap,, LVlaLniaip, aad prp prepared ..I.l.4aayarwr "Tdr Wall.Al2o ILL x, and at ;Tee tar ;caddy. 'Ertra fine haw. --- Peekageals Store. ra:4B Bor. matted Bond 0 woo. v, 4 0, 4 ,1, : flalNle, metre Cleoles Dracciae•ar banish_ The 111.6 , 41 wall please 'call' aud , pj• 0 .; °leases, oval sale tam awes. • . • ••• Igao,—istO sa /. as CO lIUL SACICIaO-41 It Tilaca ag -- Whare stall re bead a Few peal O• lalth for Wool Bactw. which lacy or • Prism ea i c. 0.:: tic.. TA City glorehnoilir --- Efr,ooo ft ooperlor Sole tv *olo toi keg.. Hound's bildsuog Poop Ger •-do . do Rig, Yo4rdeg, Tea eltcabwe sada and vide rproad remotion ,h e Opt e poloderas the Lem g oars aka aria. good o. dool. ' Leo , * iota order they will receives prompt . 0y . J S DILWORTH fr. CV 21 -Wood --— Lima. az 110 C• 111....- lvjgr o n t 4hg fa :rint:2ll,:r.eiiVf4 nrAt :nod pin tins°, 's g rea t RA s of that as 61100, and /640 Per I*.TO.' ob..0;;WOOo coos tta4 ' l 4f willothvis%!."T kn. J 74 • Ea=