The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 26, 1850, Image 3

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saiC PutIITSCD4/1, T IiLECAS.6
',NunliOrOX. Sept- 25 -
liouss--The bill appropriating six millions of
amen of land For the support of the Indigent and
insane was refed to the Colninillea of the.
Tne &cue bill to increase the Commissariat of
j the Army, by adding four Commlauuies, was
-I - / I' The Hoare then took op
_the bill to amend the
act providieg Air the better sextuity of passenger
on vesseis propelled by steam.
This bill negaires, among other thinp, lifs
boats, and a lite preserver for each passenger, to
be slwaya in readiness; no cruobtranhle metier to
be carried as frelgto; the boilers to be examined
every six months. The number ofipassengers Is
Ercscribed according to the dimensions of 'pieta
The act to taker/Tent on ;helm of April next.
ktr. McLean, who reported the bill, sold it pia
farmed &Per coonsultatlon with steamboat own.
era. The bill as Coolly passed.
The Houic. 140 went Into Committee of the
Whole on the 641 making appropriations for the
army. - •
The bill to re Ime the pension, of °Meant, sots
. diem and ma noes, .win debated, and a proposition
greatly extending on provision. wan rejected.—
The bill wag then'ordered to be engrossed.
The resolution from the Hoene providing for
instituting roe:cedilla against Mr: Crawford, late
Secretary of War, came op for consideration.
Means Taney and Ewing, spoke against. and
Messrs. Boller end Dilation in favor of the react.
luthoe. denouncing all white washing.
The Bennie rrtousidered the motion to engross
the bill establish! g collection districts in Caltior•
nu. After some amendments the bill cussed.
The Senate then concurred In the Howe. Am
endment- to the bill inereasiog the Commiwanat
of the Army. :
The Senate resumed the omisideration of the
bill regulating mining in California.
Wasai riot* Sept.2s.
The prodamailon of GeV. Tourae to the people
of Georg(., calling the Slate Coovehtion to repel
the Free Soilem:appeare in the Southern Press,
by telegraph. The elervort of delegates ' takes
place on the 25 b of broverober, and the Cantrell-
COO meets on the tOus Orate,. sent.
The Governor: ears, itlitia proclamation; that,
" Your inatizutioas We In jeopardy, your leekhgt
outraged; your imolai organissuon derided. your
honor deeply ' wounded, sod the Federal Coshati.
tether' violated, by 41, series or aggrassiee meas.
ores, ail tending to the e-0114[16121111.10111 01 one ob
ject— the abolition of slavery.
In the Senate: yesterday, Colonel Freemonia .
Bill rerteinieg the workleg of gold _mines to
Americo circa's, it was maliSed so es to em.
brace Etropeens who may have declared their
thtention m becothe citizetta. All other foreigners
lett out. t ' •
Lad eaeninr, the &este engaged to Eseentive
&eaten, and .ndrmed a number of appointments
E. Burt, kluneily editor of the Unice, has pur
chased the establishment, in cork:melba with Mr.
Everion, one of the .pretent editors. Mr. Ritchie
Curcsichas I, Sept. 12.5.
The steamer Kea Kennay, on her upward
trip Irina St. Louis to Ket•kok i , a ollapied •- dee.
killiog four ■nd badly •ealnirg elh . F. person•. The
cabin pusecren ,recsped Injury.
Toe boat was Neared hack to St. Louis.
Patt.ants.rnta; Sept. 25,
ColTee--The 'lock ct Cottee in (Int hands ta
nearly exttatisted. and prices burn an improving
rendentiv. Sales Of 1200 bags blaricalbo and Rio
at 1 2 10 ill 3.. on time. •-•
Floor—The market entiones onieL Sala of
800 tibia camm..n brands at 31,h71, which i• the
.seseral telcirg price. The inquiry for dime:teat
is quite limited. •
- Ondn—The receipts of Wheat continue email,
sod the demand Sales of Inferior and
prime red at 933105 c, acid mood White at Ilfle
per bushel. S odl mire of Rye at Oile pea by.—
Cern bin limited 'mem; with sales of Yellow at
04e ad rat. Sales, 1:500 bit Oat/ at 37e; supplies,
Weistey—Llttie is °Terng. Holders its ask
fag 29r for dads and bcds.
1100,1 EXPORT.
New Yens, Sept. 2L.
Flour--Oarina id the large limply and moderate
demand, rzeeptiog for shipment, the market is in
favor of the buret, Sates of New Mined and
Straight State at "SI 5d a SI ryo per bbl; Favorite
State and Weafe - rn,S4 75 a $4 87; and Fancy Ohio
at $5 a $5 25 5 per kW.
Onto—Wheat is 'in fair demand, bat Ike Jorge
ntpplion rooms a heavy market. • Sales of prime
Corn at 65 1 20 for High Mined, and 07c:lor round
Yellow. •
Proviaions—The market for Pork, ander demand
to 811 large Contracts coming due, is better, and
holders are asking above the muket price. Lard
is in good dwr.aad, with sales at 7 14 a 7 3 8 per
lb. •
'Prime Butter is In good request, with Wes at 9 a
121 , 2 for good Ohio:
Groceries—The stocks of Coffee on hand, have
been Increased by 'the recent arrivals. Holders
ask 13c for Rio, watt nu sales since &Monday. Su.
gars are Arru, and held at 1-4 c advance.
'Tobacco is In Wr demand, with a Gm mar
Linseed Oil is dull, but prices are unchanged.
Lead is bed, without imporunn males, at Val
per hundred weight for Foreign, and $4 G 2 l'oenor,
Whiskey is weak, with sales 27 I 4 a 27 12c,
for Ohlo.
: New rise, Sept 25.
Cattle—=o Beeves were o red yesterday.
Supplies, store hut report, have ome in more
freely, and prices we rather unfits bly affected
by the overstock.
BA uniibßE MARKEIp
listvixosa, Sept.
Flow—The market is quiet, with sees of How
ard Street si Si 81 14, and of -City Militil4 69 .9.4
• Slit per kb!.
Gntio—Sales of prime Red at 103 a 10Ge.-, and of
prune \V hue at 110 a 1120 per bu. Salem Yellow
Cora et 61. and of What, at 'X • fie per bu.
- Coffee conionuea very firm at full prices.
Pork boo adtmared.2.le)re bbl.
Lard Iv genet of 7 a / 1 2nper lb.
Whiskey—gales at a• a per gal.
DISOOMIre at tap . sclOtcOPZ — LeoWen•
hack tells tm of *mutat Insec teen with the
Microscope. of which tw eet
y .even millions areuld
only be equal to • mile. 1 sea • or vagina. hied.
are observat le in Me east • • or a common grain
of •and. Mould is • foneat -of beautiled truer,
with the brancher, leives,, wen, sod fruit, folly
discernable. Buitetdies leathered. Hairs are
hollow tuber. The ars ' °four hodtes I. cover
ed with scales like a fish , single grain of sand
would cover ace hundred cal fi fty or these scales
—and • ingle scale cove five hundred pores;
yet through theme canto opining' the sweat
exedra Lkeltaame through 0 aye; how minute
then must be its particlet. be mite makes live
hundred steps fu eseontid. Each drop of stag.
toot triter Contain. a. world of animated behum,
alarming with so moth liberty so whales In the
am Each 'earl. a colony of Insects grating on
ft like oxen fn a meadow.
A Yer ere kalkilata, I coeld'ot dirve
• trade with you to dty: zed a true specimen of
• Yankee pedlar, as he stood et ate.doot of a_mer.
chant of St. Lola. .
_ . .
I calculate you calculate about right, in you
(=mot; was the aueeriog reply. •-
• Nal, I guess you eeerloh get bur/shout P.—
Now hero's a deuce penutoo rum ab eps. worth
two dollars and a halt ; you may have 'em for two
'I tell yowl , don't want any of your tetsh, so
yea hid bcuer 'Magi'
Isom I derive. • VII bet you Ilya dollars if
you made me an offer for them stripe, .wed have
a trade yet I'
Dane!' replied Ilan Merchant,' plar..4 the won.
wy to the bones of a bystander.
The Yankee depotired • . sum—when the
merchant offered bias a plcarnoo for the strops.
'They're yours; amid the Yankee ' ae he quiet*
ly fobbed Mr stskea. "Bat: be added with erect
apparent benesiy, haikllate • joke'. a joke,
wed if you don't waet these maps, 171 trade
The merchant's countenance brightened.
You am notso bid *chap, after alf—here are
your strops—hire me the money.'
'There it it: said the Yankee, as be received
the .Imps and pawed: over the picayune --'A
trade's a trade, and tow potent wide swabs in
&meat. I gners - the next rim. you trade with
that 'etc pie. you'll do s tittle netter then to buy
rigor strops r
. A way waked the pedlar With his lumps and his
amid the about, of the leashing crowd.
/RTIZOTI:ta Ezrrankum. Two -hundred
pound. of earth were dned to an oven, tad , e s,,
terward pe t tour a large eanhenware 'nisi, the
earth was then moietened with rain weer, and
• willow pre weighing du ponnds was it ,t ux ., ll
therein. During' the spivs of fire year., th e
earth was carefully watered with rain water,or
pure water; the willow grew and flannelled; and
to, prevent the earth being mixed with fresh unit
Of dust blown into It by the wines, it war COT.
tied by a metal plate, pesCueted with a great
ailmber of small holes,visitable km the free ad
eithokni of air only. Aber grtiwlng to the earth
foe fire Jure, the willow tree wit removed, and
Mood to weigh ore hundred and sixty •nine
patted' and *boat threeouneca; the leaving which'
left from the tree every : sotorts were not mclu ,
ded in thin weight. The earth was than ietoor.
44 fiomilm viesacl, *gall:dried I. the oven, .and
alpturayd we to war diecovered to have.
hit only about two eaten of Its original weight;
tom one hundred end sixty Pounds of Whey
Woody fibre- bail ro ots, act,- were certainly
prodoce4-•but from what sonscof—Porstgis Tura
suf. •
It fa cited that the Satin of Turkey ,hav notified
ow Gayer:otta of hi* readioems to read. Smooth - .=
ea:at:maim, freed expeove, provided. the .'Vel
United Stunt will briog them me to the eoltatti.
VW miner is to be °engaged 311 executive sago°
A:o Formures 11C11.11341.
ntra. a. Mows T. O. Mal. PM. soon.
Thursday mGums, Pirorn ing rynnion flurrrs.
, tilept. 2d,
Tbe marten yesterday was rendered duller than the
preceding day, owing to the heavy rains during the
allerstoon, and bash:ices generally was limbed..
FLOUR—Oaring to the unsettled state tithe weather,
and the probability or a indieleney of rain to raise the
river, prices are lees dna, bet we have no sales deno
ting nay daelloo la prices. Receipts for this math.
have been very light, eldest. have been confined to
small lots from drat bands, at $3,911.213,91. Sales from
store have been confined to the replier home demands
GRAlN—Werhare no change to notice in the Grain
market. Receipt. have balm moderate. and sales Con
futed to
small lots at former priers.
GROCERIE4-7here Is a regular demand at fell
priors We notice a farther improvement an Cofe•,
and from the firmness of bolder., ales have been very
ra.d.r.i. We time so 1210131 for Rao, aecording
to daalitY and terms of sale. N 0 dear , 4 .ltilnllet
with moderate sales by the bhd. at 71071 e, 4 mos. Na
1a ....A1fa... steady, at 3503ite to city and e.ntry
PROVISIONS—A fair business has bees doing
Bacan al foil prices—say, for id= ht.!, side
, to nod shoulder , gje 4. lb Bales of Lard at 7gOt
In bbl. and kat . Exult sow cured e.vsssed b.. ,
areNersieady demand at lllolitet COMM. bagged d.
al SZEIo
Toa &coo Ea....arr.—Tao May nabs Eagle, of la
W. were our In the neighborhood of Dover, the to.
-baser, region of /Won, on ttararday. The planters
have commenced caning. We raw some herds, of
which the plan. were as fine a ever grew; but there
were many plant, In every field we sow, which we
fear cannot mature before Mort indeed , ' the e , of
eight. we have had Inc a week or two have excited
apprthenslow that the plants ready for the knife may
be any Matt catdown by (man bat In no event, even if
an early non be escaped, can there be a fall crop.
The Owensboro genetican, of the 14th , eas
For the hit two week. we have bad several hoe
rainy. The tobacco crop now promises • tar truer
yield than wag anticipated. The Corn bru Mao come
oat amwingly.
We publith the t ctmenng annexed extract from the
Circular of Dream*. Wenzel, Leopold re Co , of Boner•
dam, In relmlott to the aniele of Coffee, arkireh, in con
sequence al thou:leaner:. in price, and the shortness of
the crops et one the world, /me assumed no aspeet of
Croat Commercial importance. The Circular is dated
R012.1,11t, 2.1 Sept, 1830.
We have the pleasure to hive yea herewith the re
tell of the Caren sate at Amsterdam. As was resent
ed from the daily inereadng touthlesce. the whale
quantity offered (3
[,007 bags Java, and 037 Mrs Sums ;
Mrl was readily taken, and the real ...her of bon
executed olden proves that a much larger quantity
would have found buyers at the same pares (40.11 t.
From them teeth we MeV predict web almost usn•mtY
m least as favorable a reaultot the sale announced for
the ilth Inst., at llouerdanti, (139,470 bars Java) and at
Middleborg for the 11th lest , of 3941131 edge.
From the tollowing table, based on murales of pro
ducuori oud conautuption in 1847. 11148 and 11 , 11*,
entrust. of crop, is IBSI , n deficit of 78,00 U to. is
shown, which (.et will, no aoabt, have much weight
tswatts msramtiug confidence m the angel,
154;48. 18.1949. 7910.30.
Tons. • ton. ton.
Brazil 122,010 111,109 Eo.ncel
Jura and &mates . 07,20 COMO 40020
01. Dosalmon 13,000 03000 tll.O ma
Cobs sod Porto Elea It OW 10 000 , MUM
teem:Lyra and Coon Ries• 15,124 10,100 00,041
Mown Wm rnAlcs, Cey
lon, tee 17,000 19,000 19,900
French Colonies 1,0 0 200 boo
Doleb Won 'tithes I.l= SW Ow
Manilla and Arabia 9000 2 CSO 24221
243,000 251 MO 1.43,01.0
VAS. HO. 1830.
Tone. Toms Tons
Ragland.— 17,4110 16 KV 10 HOU
France 14,CW 18,W03 17.030
Belgians 1%000 119,01 II 1e.003
Holls nd 21 MO 10.000 VU.rera
Germany 53,000 53 OW 113.00 n
/iambs and Lmothardy• • • 14.00 d 11140 14.003
ACT. Greets Q. We Levant 12.4.0 11,Mar 13r100
Smdrettand o,oo* CHM/ 0,440
Hoke nrla,G • llama d Um-
eao 11,000 6,C90
b.ULAI (1.1. m 6,t 0,1
Spain and Ponu.l••—• •
k‘vrederi, Nor way g
mad Deo
mars 000 0 OW 9:00
%min, FlLlatid & Poland 9,
COOO 4 00u 4,000
Uallsot Slat:. IX Amede. 70.000 :0,040 If OA
254,101 2.15,LW 1/43,000
•• • r945.0:0 lB4B, to. 234,000
• DI aWO 180, ••. 2,53,000
•••• I eg ODu 14.541, ~ 3.1J,Cl 0
647-49, ion •
674 MO Total..
78,030 tans, or 1,100,000 bags
Tins deficit exhibits kw an tic sea board where these
I. OUII a :eduction of 10000 tons against the In - eroding
Thintibial Ch.cflY fa second bands, ache! c MOOR are
almost entirely exhausted, as we IBMS ream all an
eo.l.l In this e oantry and abroad.
The snivels of Java his year. area if the crop
thoald coach Oso CYO yields,. will not exceed those of
am year, when the coop was only . picots. ha
ra the lams Was nsettaied by .comniced rem.
. ,
nano fa the eelcnlea for Teare r ., Jeitll,7earri;al.
lam year have readied G59:10u pica". The Dutch Cm
ding Company has sold this year 070,000 bga. and tsil
net certainly no able to offer neat year more than 710,
NM bre. If thee. ahlpMents from Rio shalt teach the
high Gyure of 1,600,100 bgs, which Is no: probable, we
-my calculate that the mashes, of Northers Europe
', net have lat t er teceifus during the twelvemonth,'
to come :hoe they Lad evrt: the small crop of ltih
e.atly as Avaertre With her larg:lv mares•ed c
stzlipt_co. and ih a ateacaetraurao em ywo Lana..
lugher. mill hare meek larger teeeips limo in p:
Tiolll year. Tne meeot advice, Isom Brazieendri
toe opt:oohs already put:hemmed some time ago. Ma.
the estimates made of the prepare coon:dent:ly redae
ed now, and ttattkey expect the crop not to exceed
10°,000 to 1,500,003 bag.
one peen! of Java he I= In..
Opikaitag of th• Polls sylwaskia llall lload
to Pittsburgh.
_ .
THE Pennsylvania Stall Road Company having
completed the whole lime or rail toad to Holliday.-
burgh, tem conneeung the Portage Rail Road to
Johnsnwh md from thence by Mats to Pittsburgh,
•re prow prepared to receive and forwent mooched.
ei&rl oome, he, to and from Pittsburgh sad Pena
ddPhe boats wit leave the depot of the company
daily for Johnstown, there comenting with tea daily
train of ear. for Philadelphia, thus insuring tat de
livery of all freightin Philadelphia within Eve days.
Agents for Pa. IL R. Co, Canal Bastin, Pittsburgh
CRAIG it HELLAS, Agents,
Penn Sutra, Corner of Sean A Ile,. Inquire at
Pmeasylvaala !WI goad
PROPOSALS lei I be received ,at the Engineers
Office. In Dlafneille Indiana coenty, until the
tenth of October, for the Or.deallon and Mammy of
Ma recanting seet o. en the Western Divieine of
the Penneyle.. Road, Including settlens fif
teen to thirty except numbers eighteen and twenty
tenon, aimed, ender contrseL
Ton wort lit wholly to the rallies of Turtle Creek
and Brush Creek, and Includes a large amount of
masonry, and some heavy earth and nook work.
at the same time proposals will be received for
the Grade.. and Masonry of the Drench Ball Road
to Blansvllle.two and three gunners miles long, upon
which is a Bridge ever the Coninnange Diver.
The plans and profiles will be ready for examin•
Atkin October let, at the Engineer'. DM.. at Dialor•
vale, at which time the line will be prepared for con
tractors. informs.on maybe had of the Asturian'
Eogineer e on the line,. of EDWD. MILLER.
sepleMbootB Associate tiogineer, Illairsellic.
:011118 k CO.'S BIPREBE WEIST,
Panaylyaala Stall Rasta .
ropri w e r. to . l , lf Adarn . Ll w ti : :LEs a ffess
. a y r:
can:pieta Isa tune, andariyin parcels and nankeen.
between Pittsbelail Philade . lphiby the nonkern
Masa Rama mid Pennsylvania R o il Road.—Time,
de boars ' OSIER dt FORSYTH, Agents,
sepia:day 157 Picini
AblES' ridStraLT)V2dispairdis—ii—am
Li amide, an received and far sale by
sepl9 1 a 11 PHILLIPS
received and for •-•
for tale by
aniau or di. It Mt reed and for sale by
.40 Cot. Moat & Wood mow.
SICL , LF.WIIER—rADO M , e 0 ~
Ma prin. , ~,,..,
70 Wrt•
OF FEff& mcg—zu .....
For sale by f•eplbJ JA Io le. NZ5gre.7.4;17.%
ALAI SOAP-1:41 lbs rebalredio7s;rei'll — .-
se pH 1 CIDI/ & CO
LAB,II pApkg-Zr.oo nay Smith'. piirlY . !
rept, .l Ki' DII I.'
Or4b. PINIi-3 brig Art 'retired tor r_iri by
renl4 ' I KIDD &CO
ULTU Akl A FUN g OGUE-1 caw rce.d far ule
tco4 J KIDD& CO
Atilio:—lnins Ise int ..le
Cor. First k Wood sts
rOtNIC4IIO CUPS-2 dos with handles;
2 dos widwet handles;
:lust received and for sale by
_sepia & R PHILLIPS
PELC672III;G - Triiiiriliiii - erisila 14E1
and beattlfal article, for sale by
RSE - PINr-=.6 brls superior for •%1. br
septa II • FA lINESTOCI &
URIAISTONE-20roliTo, r salve by
CI_UH SHELLAC-HI casts oruitae, MO by
VI" scale _ A PA lINESTOCH
E P IW"'" -- "VNITNI.;• •
-- A - sw - liatlK-talcat Um alias- to mal l .
r l sad Int*.
..0 A PA fl NP . ..1470CH k CO
-"auxvis A
,or all •• R
y •
titt,fia mkt me lotao;t4
f. P. PLO yk
101 .143 J k PLOYD
B IOOPits- 1, - gaildtra,to mare
•mt 4:vr. imet9j J EE.
1 .11,0444. reT Wetly
10 Eaa .
an a le_
11 'Nl4kl4,lsf,;Ako.
• . it-44* Yon nvPin Payer,
10 da Gip Air Pg. by
ng3 I/441WD
itlysa.—Tbeia were 111 maw, water in channel, la.
fleeing at dank.
Fashion, Peebles, Elizabeth
Wellsville. Young, Brownsville
Cashier e.
R. IL Lindsey,: Braver.
Irsahion, Peebles, Elizabeth.
Ynang, Browne rile.
Cashier, McMillan, Breavnavllte.
R IL Lindsay, Beaver .
. -•- •
Colombia. Green!ce, Nub •llla.
Jaa Ladwitb. Cineinn
LOUISVILLE—Spamr, 10 • r.
WHEELING—Pao K. D. - Thesra-4.10 bbia 11.
ATl:tent; SI kers lard. Dongbann SO do do . Da
bras paper, Gass. Klee; 75 boo potatoes, ow.
"[SAS no parallel m pennanenUy caring and eradi
eating Hem the CI
It will effectually ra mie ecte from the system and eurr
RAH Rheum, Rlngarortn,Tetter,Scald Head, Drop.
-B,urry, tivrclungs, Ring's Evil, Nettratnii
ddlettions, and all
Arid °bathe.lons, ltarremeas, Whites, Floor Alb°
Falling or the Womb, Nervous, *tea Dead Antic
Languor. Fainting Sensations, Palpitation of lb ,
!lean. Low Spit., (Anent] Debility, Dyspepsia
It I. Liver Complaints. tee. d
Pm". nla IGntleoly 174gatable
It has been used with the most
miecess b)
the Profession in New York and New Ihonnshire, a.
ibe FASI.II State* generally. for mast years—and
• general purifier of the blood M edic i ingorator of ih
eystens—as • Genuine FernPy e and .
carious Female Medicine it has no eq.!. The pain
and mammy of the Shelter preparatio. are wel'
known; and this medicine requires no long list of
certificates and cares to introduce In Its inereasthp
demand for the past twelve year. is Its best teen.
It Is pm up in quart battles, and Is the only Rama.
penile, that seta on the Lover, Kidneys, and Blood a.
the same time, which renders it altogether more vale
able to every one, particularly fmales
Be. Mutsey, Protease, In the O ia o Medical College
says the Shaker prepared°. are truly seinen& ant
recommends them to th e public. The Welt and •Mict
ed are requested to call and obtain a pamphlet, am
purchase a bottle of this valuable Family Medicine.
Bs mire and enquire jar Be S. D.IIOIVET• SUALT.6
SARSAPARILLA, and take no o th er.
— Price 61 per bott le-6 bottles for &I.
For sale by J. A. June& J. Schoonmaker & Co.
W. Bleck, R. W. Means, J. M. Townsend, J. hi Mier
W. Jackson, Pittsburgh D. A. Elliott, Allegheny oily
W. R MeCtellmid,hlanchester, P. Crocker, Browns
ville; James Paoli & Co , Wheeling; J. 11. Patients
and B. 0. Morgan, Pt. Clathsville; M Raan it Kilos
Cadiz. Also, for sate by
OILS. D. HOWE & CO., Proprietors,
I Colleen 11•11.Cineinnsu,
Ti. whom all orders mast bo addressed.
LI T 1 FRY of Minlnittrenon bovine been Friixtei
II the underetiotd on the e•tateol
1.. Pete, deceased, .11 person. Indebted are r e
doe ot d
to make Intmeatet hnoralg nine..
to oreseet he eame. proceor anthent noted, I, caller
of the subserther/, for hqu damn.
TllO , /O. DAM
ep2l:dlat GEORGE C 111."
- -
No 47 Market tweet, corner of Third
i_rAs constantly on hand, for sale, Writing, Letter
AUL Printing, Tea, and Wrapping Paper, Bonnet
Planers', Binders', and Trunk Boards; !kook sod Newt,
Paper Pristine Inks: 'stitch he sviii son at the :owe.'
east: prices, or in exchange for rags or tanner:: scrap:
OdN hand and reel from the Phil Wind's Fastrry,
or the fall 'rade:—
UV yds 3-1 Floor Oil Cloth: 2000 yda 4-4 do; 300 yds
4 do, 300 yds 6.4 do; 1000 yds e-4 du, LINO yds ahem
do, medium nod heavy, trim 4 to 6 yards wide, all of
the caveat ityle of patterns, and nut to any gives sin
70 i
0 yards 4-4 Fasui IA Cloths; 400 yds 3-4 do
500 yds 1-4 do.
1130 dozen assorted sizes Table, Stand, sad Berea.
Covers, various patterns, and splendid finish.
ItTO yd. 4-3 Patent Carriage Oil Cloth; bea yd. 3-
do; :al yd. 04 do .
3007 yds Oil Cloth Cloth r Stairs,•/wortepatteras.
SO yds 4-4 (liven Ott for Wriolowiltliude,
yards SW do.
Window Sliailea, a largo aaaortntent jaw received
Or OCW.I styles.
lilerchanla and others wishing to purchase, are to
cited to call 9od examine oar asiortoient of goody
which will be sold at the lowest eastern prier,
itepio d 9 %Wood st
101 OUSSELL'S EXTRACTS, SOA — PS, e. - -/ersory
11b Lind F_strael; Wen End do; lockertl.O
t.pnng Flowers do; /alloy Etna liar Glan; /yomaile
Innen.; Amannine• Pim, f tleirbealn
I he atm; Almond Shams oaehin
Cream;Soap Rose or
do do; Am
broom! do do; !forty Soap; Floating' do, Amand
do; Ilaxel Nat Oil do; Ron do, Inanimation do
Bogart do; Orono Motion:kr do; Rears Oren, de.
For sale, an:online and retail, by it F SELLEILS.
non/ 57 Wood st
Notice to C
RALEDProoi•is will 1 e received dmil etantrds,
.he art , etept. meet Meta., .1 Me thee of in
satseriber, for Grading We Allegheny and Manche.
.er Plank Road along beaver street, flan, Weber Laqr
to Strawberry Lane; also for furnishing 40a1V sopert
feet /LAI. of Hemloek Plank. 3 Inches Ihrek, a fee
long, =id not mere than 12 Inches wide, la be deliver
ed aloug the read as a:reeled by Rid I . lr.v.ver; •Iso
for 3d MO linear feet of Ileadark ar Pate sills, 4 by
Inches dock, to be delivered to like manner
Proposals to be for the whole or van of the work or
=tulles, and the company reserve the right ve di•
vide the bids.
Prepoeale to be addrened to Tho. Bakeerelbßoq
PrealelCut of tto Compaor.
Further noomtabea may be obtetned at the odic
tithe eubsetiOer. Wel Ito Kb:WELL,
atpl4:old t , e7 k Treat Ad a: _Mane Rent Cc
(Mee, Tilghman Hall, Greet
No. 130 Ltborly.. t
CGS re...coolly :nfd.nanivuerou• ( t ene
JO and customers, that hc It Jus M i ceerrong L,.„
tall stock of CLAdI . III.. CASSIMF:SIE.. and V.'_ , )
INGSoI the newest styles, adapted lar the approach
lag fall and winter seasons. All the,. in war. o
cheap, lashionatle, and good clothin6
. mil hod Ott
!arm., most faahlonable, and best noes In tet
Western country, at this establiahment 5..010
F. VIIESLITEAS—Th satsertben bevels. treetve
it large at d select sleek o' Green and Mar Tea,
for the fall trade j and Which they offer to rm.m, deal
era and •on very low terms.
0- Samples featithed to any withing to try them,
or to compare them wnit o has.
Sep2l WM A m - i•cr.rnrns"n
Throng& Oa POUR Days
WM take pia - sure in announcing lathe Merchant.
TT of Pittsbuntti and the IVmtern business etm
muntly, that on and after Blot day. the If. of Sep
wattles, we will meet. •nd forward goods via um
Central Rail Road, slid guarantee them to be throng(
in ram Drys. Oar miens/sestet& of Cars and Roam
enables as to offer the above expedition. mate to the
public whilst we mil, el nurrae our usual vie
Ilarrislurg nrill Colombia.
Merchants wilhlng milils brought from the En
with certsinty and dispatch at low rut., or prodoes
shipped there, are invited to call on
O'CONNOR, ATKINS & CO.. Pittsburgh,
ATKINS, O'CoNNOR & tXS,Pbtladeinina
Proprietor. of the Pittsburgh Trausporiation Line
Or the following ages.,
o , Commo & Co., 70 North .trees, Baltimvre;
E 0 Battery Place, New Wrist
EmOrri A Onto, 14 Doane street, noston
rept untf
JUST received from the extensive mangler bide
Philadelphia, New Yon, end Boston, in the
established stand,
47 & 55 narket
An exceedingly large and general assortment of Witt
Paper and Borden, to which, with the meet primed.
ly on band. pnnelpally of his own mumfacture,
attention of merchants and tionsekeepers Is inspect
folly Invited, and which will be sold at prices cower
pending with the thus, and tattsfactory ta customers
sapleallter TIMMAS PALMOW
ltE_paytnershlp her e tofore existing between Jahr
ht`Deviti, Janes bltDevitt a Wltbeen hTDevitt.
coder the arm oflohn WI/myth & Brea, was dissolve/
ee 9th Mat ,hy the death Devnt.
ande l &ge ed continue the m i ne hos from and after dia
date, ander the firm of John hi'Derin & Bra at do
old 'Mad on Liherty street, oppoMte the head of amen.held, where they will attend to the settlement of, and
clewing op of the bosinesa of the late hoot.
Plltsbursh Avg 116:sepl&d7t WM. M DEVITT
O Domestic 'W
Sh n NF:cu M C. o.e ang out awl oolle s,
I ease Yellow Flannel.
9 eaws Red do:
saws Red twilled Flannels;
eases White do d 0;
3 rams barred do;
lease; Plain and Fancy Cessikeres;
lease Batmen;
3 caw. Clan Alpha.;
I caw Jeans;
3 eases Blue Black Blanket Coshes;
I won Gray Blanket.;
ease. Drab Blankets;
I own Blue do;
9 cm. Whit. Bed Blankets;
50 ;mini:beam Boit Blankets;
Received on consignment, and for Isle at mono/ac
Inter'. prices by lI LEE
. I.
F/811 -3eo ON. large Mn... No 3 - Altotee l ,
hf lag. do do do;
5 dram. new Codliatt; arriving for sale b;
----:' -
• rs, vet;
SIKEDS-110 brl• pnsa .
wol7 .
22 WI. prams Tsmathy, lar .ale a) ,
_` K
SouNl•oaps—W•roatatoo tl•ettalni
Thew Soog r n*
aroßiglt od
ly eolob nul Palm c rated for impartni
muchness to the skin.
Parches.' from toe importer, and for role by
sopIR R E SELLERS, d 1 Wood st
d'ltE - 61 - 1 . : , - - 0110.t ' • • prim, W. R. for mole ny
oottni .. R P VON BONNitORST & CO
ALERATL/8-20 bailor n.lo by
.ale bj
NkOlg=rail gal
ailonlata irlit rods for aby
lirt OULU CAN /11..E..4.-3o r
11,1; • septa tl F VON UONNIIORST & CO
ZINO WTIO-1117/ARicaLYS kir Holmes , alumnae
far Mao bf J o. IL:410119 CO
woo Cat. Wood I Fifth rig.
fltlliAP WALL PAYER, .to n , --
V Der toll, for Web) W" "..
- --
15 w 0
COL6REDW . "-'7i iH * AL
AWN-1W h • h Seoul
140 hhds Rider
ttbds 11am4 for sale by
QUGAR aritErt LIAMS—Igh tes varloot
.01 IadoESLI k, NI aILB
120 bit, 1 ma 300003
30 brls loaf
30 btla artuataisnd pulverized Bogy;
vv amistai & cc;
wpm "" 7 " 10740 "" =& CO
jv N 4:I&&LE—A nom' ham] CabarorValeili
V uspia KAU% & ATKISON
11;= /01 Taz erriastman naafi warn
l31!011TAAT DSCISM.--Tb• Supreme Court yester-
Ws), delivered their opinioo, io the ease of John B.
Warden, and John Alesmader, vs. William Etch.
boom, Committee of the estate of Matilda Elliott.
lunatic, confirming the decision made in the Dis
trict Court, by Judge Hepburn. An account of this
essse sePesired in the (kudos at the time at which
rt was tri and oar readers will receolect that the
plainlifl's night to the one undivided fifth pan of
he village of Tamperancevlllewasfullyestsblished.
A n appeal was taken from this decision, but, an
we have seen, It was defeated.
- • .
This property io °Curse', value beingprobabl
worth between one and two btrulred tiotuund d
Murano or me Ponce Ccceitrrros.—Tbe po.
lice committee met on Tuesday evening—P.le°'
Messrs. Gallagher, (Chairman) Day, and Lotion.
Notice of the meeting had been given to Mayor
Barker, but he harangued an usmoblage In the
Diamond on that night, and did not attend. Cap.
Ilia It4barta or the night policelappeared and
ogee a statement. He had been aummanly din.
eared by the Mayor, whose course in this matter
has been wholly illegal. It was his duly, provid
ed he had any charges to make against Captain
Roberts, to prefer them to the Committee, which,
.lane, has any right to discharge Um, The May
,r not having comuked with them en the subjec t ,
nor accused Captain Habana of any breach of ditty,
rte was reinstated.
A mast important measure was then discussed,
viz, the aboluive of ths presage eigAt polio, who,
low their E..irtniettnY, have ceased la be could•
'led as It any practical utility. It was resolved
e recce:mane the Councils at their text Meeting,
to pass an ordinance, disbanding the watchmen,
and appointing three officers In every ward, at
a monthly salary of twenty five dollars each, for
the maintenance of the patine prize.
These police officers are to be under the super
intendence of the Alderman of the Ward, to ant
oaninectiou with the molar constable elected
by the people.
This proposed arrangement Is somewhat on the
Plan of that observed la the city of New York,
tad would doubtless work as well hero se it does
there. One thing b eortain, that some reform Is
seeded. Allegheny Cm though the Mayor has
mly tom policemen ander hie cameo!, fie much
more orderly than Pi••'
ere orderly thso Pittsburgh, and me seldom or
ver bear of radium aasaultiog uterrendiag
111/ dere as is almost every eight the case on
r side of the river.
!OMIT Rooma.—A atimlXToipaintera are em
ployed In repainting the room or too Dio trlet
Cann, and the Conn or Quarter Seselona.
Recovgamo.—Mr. James Dale ell, the pattern
maker of Knapp and Totten'a Foundry, who wan
wounded on Tuesday by a piece of casting felling
him to the earth, la in ■ fair way of recovery.
The German who wan an severely wounded at
the same time, will also probably recover, though
t is feared that his leg will require amputation.
Fates outatasrol-Oar readers will 'earl'
eel that we gave, a kw day. ago, an accoont of
the arrest of es•high constable Rudolph. He
sax ordered late comedy by the Mayor, the latter
,acing the meat on a letter parporteg to have
teen written by none person in Wellaborgh.
Police officer Low was sent down to find out
be name of the venter, bet has telegraphed back
bit no torch person lives there.
Thus Ham&lptt him beta arrested and fmpriaon•
no one having made oath against hint, 00 the
mhority of a letter nr:dob was a complete tabrka-
We,nodettntad that a anit fur false impria•
ornent will grow out of the affair.
Pnevio.—Tbe Sorel Committee 01:,A3legheny
lei out the . grading nod paving of Cenire Alley, on
Timer:lay 'night.
They laid another meeting last met, when. Are
inderniena, the bids for fuming Anderson Street,
were ripened. - Our poor city is *demons rapid . -
:y is the mareb of improvement.
ADlffeLllhe Unsay ; a new Novel, by Mn.
ytarah, author o 1 The WitelieglOte," •Lemke
kreohl," received at 'loll:Lowe
Lowery 1 4apnr,TbIrdstreve, oeposke the pow of,
ice. A Ise; No. 3 orate Nightiapla or Jenny Loll
Laniater, and goal.ra SOO:Team No. 21, 'oath
he usual ' , embelliakmeeL Thom who ere yet'
parent of the toperlor elalaas of Ma edliteof
.hould exaadoe IL- Kr. B. can aapply all the'
met number.,
Dormant!. a WICIIDIRLI PART T.—Roben Eliis
, dged an intormauon Lobos Alderman Parkinsoo
derdsy, sgaloat Ned Blakely, Mad: Waßop,
• d three other persona, whom he accused of du•
'tang the harmony or ■ marriage team held al
a house, to tha Fifth Ward. The accused Were
_ - . •
to: invited, but to get rid a/ their imponuoity, he
ordered . ti.lier of a !avel or beet la be taken
.ot to them. The beer rpeeddy disappeared, bet
Hay were not retailed with !hie, and .overturned
, barrel of vieegar, thus embittering the hooey.
n 000; lacked In the door, and played several orb.
miachmvucs pranks.
Warranutorere 'nted for their meat, aid they
all doutalegabe taught a lesson which unit keep
hem forever after from perkirmiog any tricks of
ite kind on an joyous ao ocesai.m.
Moron B/111[12 Alliernos.—Mayor Barker
was arrested yesterday and taken before Alder.
am . charged with conspiring. with ofioeni
till and Litre, to abduct,two little children from
dr. Martin Omnoly of this city. The Alderman
'emended had in the sem of one thounod dollars
ieneral Witham Lorimer junior entered into the
equired recognizance.
Olicer HI wee likewise urea:44 and David
dcOelland became his security in a aimilar sum.
..owe has not yet maimed from Wellaborgh,
,cauna eahned man tamed Wd
a se, al brought teGme Alderman Ste vaster
charted with aseahns Imo hams fmm Mr. R.
Watson', ittoreoll /Abaft, street. Ho mu come
tilted to jail for trial.
I...tacm - r.--Two little bay., named Moore and
lut!er, were brought beret, the Mayor yesterday,
'barged, no oath of E. Henry, with the larceny
it a number of articles at `trifling Value. They
rare committed to prison.
Dr • MAT
elecrev.—These is every probability
that this wraelied man will live to - stead big
Tao Wasamsa.—We nail a very bran fan of
win yeatereay evening, amiompanied oy almost
.ontionons flashes of lightning. Al the boor at
.hick we go lo pram, the rain atill continues.
Tun Baca rot CANADA. —Ernimfion esntleoas
obe the order of the day among our ".w ored pop.
dation, many of Whom leave town dal We
were informed yesterday by that. ;who °ugh I
snow, that thirty leg town on that day,
Lourremo.—We hear ofeeveral trilling me.
cidants from the °tract. of the lightning, yesterday
trenfof• One young man, named Johnsoe, wan
dandies near a lightning rod, when he received
I eery severe attack from the Enid which was then
Etemarrtoo.—We understand that an at
mu made to carry away throe little colored
Iran, on Tuesday afternoon, ream Allegbw
(ley were maenad, however, without woof
:Wry, We did not learn any of the poetic
Tux NIGH awaais , oa ?us ismer turn Sono.
rtut,"as the title of a.periedical published m New
orb, by Springer 8: Townsend. It contain. not
aly Jenny Lind .cog., brit the moat popular
• .gs of the day, set to marls. FM' sale by Mart,.
flopreme Wourt
SVPilthistal, 45, 1950.
Porter v. Ifildebraed.—Distriet cowl. ledg.
meat reversed. Opinion by Mr. /esti.
Warden ♦. Elchbaum.—Disirtet court. Judgs
meat siflrmad. Opinion by M•. Justice Hell.
Kidder v. LoielL—Warreu courtly. Argued by
Galbraith v. BrrivrJ.
Struthers v. Wind.—Warren' county. Argued
9. W. Wdlime, Galbraith, and;Broren.
Dann .. Olney.—Etio county. Argued by
Ntandinn and delden.
Clark v. Surgies : —Warren county. Judgment
reversed. Per Cerium.
Guthrie v. Evade' kelra.—Cluton usully. Ar •
reed by Purvianoe, Balwa , MeCalmont, and
[rutty. •
Stumm' ,„ Comm.—Veourocounty. Argued
.g A. B McCain:tout and Brown.
A Cabinet if Minerals and • Chinese Umbrella
will be added to the sole of ehoiee London &ohs,
Davia'..Salea Enema this evening. .
Twe 411 T Chnowntrum—Tels week le the lett
to wl.ntiPoh4.4 Charming Pinning. of Meat
and Ere two be eon to Pattbordb, end tkarefitne
the home kW - reel few la, hich die never to be
+nonce went of wing then imptrative redoes
;Otte Orkticfa h oalorod,
Dr. Cisrpnielt% =street er Yellow Dock
OUT uplo the lamest need betties, eontaum more
of the p are Hand aft , . Bareaperdla than any other
preparationet 114 ' 2; Yellow7etch I.
ItO eI h :V;IT .7g
Chercri and the Balsam of Fir, thus making the! tame
AT more th olOughly tAielent than soy other Sumps
min hod. , the noble, At the aerie time it is perfect
ly Dee fnam all mit ern Poirons, which cannot be we
or any other of the Sarsaparilla compouces. -Tbe in
valid should beware of poisons' Mercury, Iron, bps
Moe., Potash, lodine, Sulphur, Arsenic, and many
other mingtni and meted. poison. euter into too
form the wive bath of alert of the Sitreaminila and
Panaceas of the nay. Doreen's Compound Prueei
(Yellow noel and Senepatilla dm* not contain •
panicle of these substances, as any one em easily
ascertain by applying the necessary meta
Theoison. may occasionally remove disease, OM
they t oTicino the hlood, and so completely crooner
nate dm whole system with their baneful effects Sou
the first cold, or the fin! attack of disease, prodralat
the patient's nrength, and toluene him or hee to the
man egenniatom tonere, mid renders .other Cart
almost impassible and hopeless Let all pol.noy. I
Sarsaparilla preparations alone, and um Gayeon's
Improved Extract of Yellow Dock and Sanspenila,
which is thoroughly eglemlous, perfectly barMlese,
po nal ludneoc ra rtly vegetable. All kinds of disease yields to
Its re
Scrofula, Cancerous Tumors, Cataneons Eruptions,
Erysipelas, Biles, Footles, or Pt ides on the Fee;
Chronic Sore Eyes, Teller., Seal Head, Rheum.
hem, Enlargement or Paths In th Bones or Joints,
old and atebborn Ulcers Fever res, Dip Divewe,
Swelling of the 01 .ds, ' Illotehe , Syphilitic Symp.
rem; !Amt.., Dropsy, Dyspep ia, Jaundice, Coe, Salt Rheum, Affections f the Kidneys and
dittues arising from an injudie as use of Mere.
w 7, Islinlmer's Sore Threat, We nos of the Chest,
Pulmonary Afections, and all o er diseases tend.
leg towards Co Jon, Liver espial. Female
Irregularities and Complaints, iek and Nervous
lielidirebe. General Debtitty, or Spirits, Loa. of
Appetite, Night Sweats, Pains In the, Side and
Shoeldere,.EXposare or Imprudence in 4•lfel Mean
ie ConstltatlonslDisorden, and as • Boring and Pall
Panther of the Blood, and General 7bnlo for the
Sr.iem. it Is unrivalled.
A eassof Ulcerated Limbs of etatfeen fears &frame
The folio ing is an extract of • letterndated March
0,16.50, B cian s...rea E.
Marietta, B. Perkins, M. D., a highly respect.
o physi Ohlo.
loge Pa.—Dear:Sir: I have under my care a
bung women who, for sixteen year., ha. been suf.
fenng fre. Ulcerated Unite, and "those elm her
bun pronounced hopeless by three of our best phis
MM.*. I took her Jinn my family, and have used
Goys:WIN: Yellow 'Dock and Sussinuilla freely, and
ern confidant that the Yellow Dock and Sarwparills
.11 effect • permenet cure. She I. better la general
health th.n the has ever been before, and walks •
male or two wthhout fatigue or path. Ayear ego age
used era:elms. I vviltreport the ease in due tinte.
It has been remarked, by eminent men, that In the
veered ernalogne of dlwasee to width man le liable,
there is bearer/7 one of ouch Importance, and of such
intertM as ficrorele, whether we look te the el:acorn)
of its Griffin, its Ansi/boos prowess, the number and
variety of organ. that it atwch, or its remarkable In
curability and extensive fatality.
Scrotal' has baffled the skill of the most eminent
physiciens in this eountry and in Europe. Out there Is ,
en tondo* e for this dniewe D,linyinVe Extreet o f
Yellow Doak and :sarsaparilla," which W proving it.
well a perfect weenie in the most Covert cue• o
An extr.rdlnary cue of &notate eared by the
.01ase of Doctor Ger.'s Compound Syrup. It
will be seen by this eetuficate that this man Is.. been
ender the treatment of several celebrated phytician;
for the put eight years, without deriving any benefit,
and has been effectually eared by the au of a few
Wilde of Dr. Guysoufs Compound Synth.
New 1 ou, June 7, :UK
6. ..... — Dear-eOWIPII yeti a debt which
money cannot pay. I am induced to make a from
knosmedgment of the benefit I have derived from yew
Invaluable Syrup. I was sorely @filleted with a iam
bic Seri:Nines diseue, hereditary In our Manly.
which commenced on my neck, and, conunaing to
spread. soon mulled my ears, tanning into my bead.
and emendate •11 over my face, trek, and lower ex.
Was... I bee .me . disgusting ohlect to look upon
Al t i me. my Cairns" po . gteat that I was unable to
sleep or Ile down; and tits digeue or lending Into my
elm scrim.) aff ected my heating. My rue was one
mintinnona sore,frola whipli a tbscharee of mane
and wider kept condatudly oozing oat- People avoid.
ad me, supposing bed the small pox, or some whet
thew.. disuse, and I was centerpseMly obliged . to
reline , h my hominess. Notirdhatandlng I had the
ben medwal advthe, end triad ditereot Maus of Dem.,
men: the disease contthued to grow wore,atall I gave
op In deepen, Fortmateiy I fell in with a passenger
on the steamboat. while travelling fee my health, who
Informed me Quids .bra was et one ttme in as bad •
condition as I was, and that by wing yaw Synth be
was speedily cored I leporedraMtv ptOeUred toe art
nee, eotemelleed wing tt,ond now after having used
leas then Mx battles, I am well and able to attend to
my badness. I send you tbie melees/na es an Oct of
Natl., only hoping th: d t i lt ma y
. Indere the &Calmed to
::: . 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 1 4Pj i 11mext , 14 , 41 ,. and thereby save them
•l thaisen few . ..lent aem - an:
Cure of an eggirewated maw Erpripstaa.
The cows pettersnee by "Dr. ((us... Extract of
Yellers. Dark lord Sarsaparilla are luting. The pa
twin's general health ceettottes to Improve after
e•to Is removed. Ceresare net chronicle-0.111 lime.
Lae fully lowed there elm he no relapse oe man:,
of the dun.
Neeetar,(Ketkiearr Co l Feb. OM.
11. P. nanny& OS., Gina. it le with 'treat plasma
that I write you anal la very happy whets ilif yeas
Vellere pale and Sareaparille vpon silY an, 'kelp ha.
king h....Phi:wander that dreadfal, Joathasitt di/
ogee, Fsyslpela i i with Which he wee tacked IA telt
and wet tor .even manta attended by Some of set
bee , PYsi_eitka, lartittirdstleir All SiereerrseiglY Ile
five otontnA vrithuarit any bitoeficial mere sriate,.
Ile beco me reared to a perfect skeleton. 'lle bed al.
risk from his hip able lace loch were tontientally
.diphargtog disaustingly otrenal•c Matter. Medical
end argleateluil may bathe. Physicians 414 Ow .
h"' . ...._..y.1. hAPA.,I.VO—tAeIe avid he bonitos done
se arseti ;sae terrible gangtenatriir ulcer.. hiy alga.
hors hagvnyertrelought his Vino oat near to Land .
Om oiler elevators, winshadamit a child claret
ale whir ilagiaablotogeilloine. .aced toe I.
stioae iri calk - LOA mere fromlte melees deidre to .
AL "
. 17011;21_, 1 1 : 1 Zs b reat u . ', ..a o zry r o a 0.: 1
...,". -and , eeerrapexille..!"644 roararee iril'aeittly'it
and to my esti:m.olmin, he commenced ImprOviog I
ha had lined
bottlesird bonla, end
a cre he ad eyed •
bolt eaten be rota walk at. Be aed in at
meleemelee bottle., and by October lasi be era perfeady
every vestige of the disc*. eseeptthe tears
i, removed, and he renal. to perfect health ap to the
present titne. Hie rat:very, under the biasing en
God, se entirely owing to ibe use of your Yellow Dock
and tieraparia, and I assure you that I feel myself
ender great obligation. to yoo, and it I. with gremlin
that i 111(0,111 you of what )t.or w a d _
has done
tarny eon. ILairpeetfully,
c..- 7 . None genuine ark... pot up nu
large Intik"
Comte:tang a quart, anJ Inc name of we Myrablown
to the flaw, with the 'untie° signature of b. P. pap nett, on the outside wrapper. Prier Si per bottle—or
A bettes for es.
.old et J. D. PARK. Nana East cower er
and M. &lout Mettle, entralf ce en Walnat
ati, Ohio, to crlacnn all alders meal be •Adrea
fo Ca rle ia
Ricmon , VCs /ammo; A ber T W ro r•
illantiosel Hiram Mu, Towanda; Robert Ray, Well.-
Lora; Redariak. Callenabo yin L., Mica., Jy, PrW
bate, tamer of Mattel watt and dm Diamond.
CAPITaI. /ITOCC an 11 1 ,1111...”.
ElpflEundersegned has teen appointed .g ent for thi
old Grown, esponsib• mail co, to netted Mr
Payette and Is ready ne palette. In tl..
Vito and hf mane department, on as favorable teem
as any other responsibie company In this city.
71 Foatth .t ., text to Bank of t Pittsburgh.
Annual Prrndunu,capsnd Seont,4•Sirpfte3 Fund,
8 1, 0 0 0, OOP.
uderslguod would call the attention of mar
-1 chants and others basing property exposed to
toss by Fire or the perils ot Navigation to the uponoe
advantages offered by the
18 lon Inaorialoe• Company
cc uarnorn.curo,ten;
I.—Ratca of Premium as low as those of any other
2—A speedy and satirfactory adjustment of lessee by
Abe General Aaent atlas Comp./ toe the WM.°
and Southern Stater.
3.—Arbuntion (of all Mfferences which may arise)
by referees ononally chorea.
4.—Awarde promptly paid In Pixel*, Bankable Fonda,
Of Cashing° on New Verb, Initlmore. Charlevion,
Now OrkanA, St Laois, loulut le, Pittsburgh, or
Cincinnati. at the option of th e Insured.
Ifr Pomo/inn, acting rt the mode and rin-
ciples of afortlng lows, r at e hs
of premiums. 01.1 p 111-
of hazards. ke., furnished to the cutomen of
the office fres of chalcs.
For further Information, apply to the andenlanad,
Is fully Itatborned to insure Dwellings, Stores,
Hotels, Watchman., AMA Maufactroles.Rarne.ho.
llouschold Furniture. and there t o,enn, and Mer
chandlso. Cool.illed or stored are.,
loss or
damage by FIRE.
Dry Goole, Grocenes, Manufactured Goods, Pro
deer, Houeehold Pimhare, Live Slosh, and esarY
ether dsseription of Merchandise or Personal p arty, Pro
sh pped or to be shipped per rood steamboat,
boats toand from joolens on the Western Waken,
or tolweed Pastern eines lvia Lakes, or other Wand
mute) and •ny I NLA N D the Western country, arainss
dm bused* of TRANSPORTATION.
h &di
AL 0,
Shipments of Go•da. Wares, and hterehdiae, per
seed Teasel of Veildele, between New Orleans and
Enver° ports—hetweci. New Orleans mud other Gull
p a t.— between all 'American port. and English or
Na t.—
porta. or to any other maritime pert what
. r In the Anantre waters. agalnet tuts PERILS OF
71 Fourth st., neat to the Dank of Pittsburgh.
teptholnant •
CAPITAL 1100,000.
Nome ,vGee'Y. I R. kirk/JIM,
ris Jr., Front insure against all kinds of ks,
A LL lowes will be liberally adjusted and promptly
/1„ . paid. '
A home instlistlen—managed by Director, who ore
well known in the community, and who an dercnnin
sd by promptness and liberality to maintain the char.
enter which they have assumed, as cleric, the best
protection to those who desire to be Insured.
Dtatcrons—R. Miller, Jr., Geo. Mark, J. W. Butler,
N. Holmes, Jr., Win. /1. Holmes,. C. Mann, Geo. W.
J A nkum.„ Wm. M. Lyon, Om, Lippincott, altos. K.
Liteb,Jsows SPArtley, Ala. Models, Thos. Knott.
Gmcks, No. 11l Water Greet, (wanthousa of Spans
. el l undersigned hsvcolsis der, wsocisted them.
J., ves under the firm or Phillips, Bost fr. Co or
the purpose of menufactueng every variety of Flint
Marinfaettirers ofovery variety of „
Cut, Pressed, and Plain Flint Wass Ware,
ORDEILq filled without delay, at the lowest mar
kat price, at their faculty, on Try street, near
Second, or at en Water meet, Pittsburgh.
SALTFETRJE-40 bass ealickAtollammrrojoby
.tpl7 Water & Front no.
lit; UAToetpril
uutYLVt _
11 f brlo Brom do
apt! WM A IiaCLII/0 CO
,THESE DIES having been adopted and highly approved iu all the princi*• shops in New York
and Philadelphia, urn now offered to manufacturers, machinists, .hip smiths, &c.., with the utmcei root
fidence, as the now perfect article in use or mining percVM. •
Their superiority over any other Dies heretofore used, consists in their cutting a MaFtC7
sca.w, Whether V ursousite thrmd, by Inca passing over the iron to be em, Which remzire no sissagiag
Or 'Oyu prrparalion, ns the dies cut the thread out of the solid iron, without raising it in the beat;
in their greater durability, rapidity, and perfemion of work; and in their simplicity and little liability
to get out of order.
Centric/ages. ries ender the atipervivion or dos Department, P. W.
P 011.01011,1110, A1 1 (.17,1848. Gatos'" Patent it.," for tol screw. on :natal, they
This I. Sc certify that ere have parebaxed from Y. . to hartog Keen tried in
r large "'Cara. ' "d
W. twos lb. right or . s .. hi. p o w., Die. for eat- mum/ he very en,eselent an d orteellent
Slog poks. In nor opinion, his Dun ark roach vope. A. TALCOIT, Col. Ordinal:tee.
.101'10 any othen we an aegathated 1000 iar the
pupa. of totting bolts. Drone on, YARD. Alto MCI.,
W 0.101.0011110, Sept. 20, 1848.
Considrring Gates , Patented.' Improvement for ent.
Ong screws on metal to be a •almtble one, I have, by
auority of the Ilonorable Secretary of the Nary,
purchased of Ito Attorneys of the Patentee, Wm. H.
50 orIlle, .010 samvel Mower, lab the right to mate
a use skid ImprOveratiat for the U. EL Navy. • -
JOSEPH SMITH, Chloral Doreen
Pintnnbrata, Avg ft, 11 , 4
Having had P W Oates , patent Plea I n 1.1•411 in on.
anahlidontnt for the last nine monther, for catnap
net.; we can In every respect reconunerd them In
the hieheet terms, as we have laid all others away,
they bv , ert so far superior—conaidaring theta 75 per
cent, cheapertban any others no. in %I.: -
Penn Worka, Pa.
This is to certify that we hare perefiereci tae nehl
to ate, sod adopmd to ear benne./ r P W Gates` Pe.
tent Spicer Cutter, which we highly approve et Ike
. do much more work, and we believe it will re,.
pass in durability kno w ncision,. each or economy
of labOr any dies to no
PilMagtortio, oth inouth,tkith day,lB4o.
Nam Yet., Aug. 19,1879.
Baying adopted P. W. Oates' "Pima:al/les" form
ling bobs, me take pleaMera in saying, that it more
than nswers our ezmammlonia and have no hesita
tion a giving it as our oolniors, that It far exacts any
other plan In preMit use for Milling bolt,
We bare p. w Gate. , "Patent Dies"foe mining
sorosin,.ted the economy of mine them iso vary
aonsidereble, tbu wa look upon them m uidisponsa•
ble to only astabliabeneut having any quantity of
emcee°, May 10, 1849.
Ohnhattal Orsica, Wasautoeth Sept.o4o.
I have purnbasad of W. H. Sc ovillefor the Suited
States, the right to use lo all the arreuala and moo-
A FOUR SIMS Dwelling, alata roof. Milne. bath
XI, room, gas Lamm., and bake oven, 149 Third at.
loq.dra at M. Water meat. rep 3
- - • - -
. •
MEE Chartte Os Coal Company will sell Borne very
denirable_pieces of lund. situated on and near the
Steubenville Turnpike, and near the southern terminus
of their red road.
Tl•ft land will be divided Into quantities to gull par.
eh aaaaa , and the terms of payment wilt be very cagy
Fauvist of L IV REMINGTON.
Coal Gm ettor, Sept. 4.—eepittilra hlanseer.
, • -
and commodious Dwelling.,
Avery's Row, Finn areal. Appl7
so4ll l4l From ill
AND pomewion given immediately, the Three Story
Drink Dwelling llama. No an Ltherty !tweet and
opt mote Talrd AL SO
The Second and Tbitd Stone. of Ware n/am No
Martel street Enginre or
am/16C STE/CI:TON, Bookaellers,
4? Markel .t
o Lot,
TfE large three story T Brick Warehouse, on Witte',
benne Ferry erect, running from Water to First
meet, on reasonable terms. rosseeslon linen Monte
diately. fibuialre of
FOR BALE.—A Lot of Oround situate ou Penn
street, between flay and Marbary 'streets, adioining
the boa a and lot now occupied by Richar d Awards,
having • front o(•'3 feet, and in depth ISO (eel will be
told on favorable terms. Tole unesceptionable. Eo
calm of C. 0.1.0031113,4 th et i naar Wood
Property to Alleg:sear Clay for vale.
TNF arbsonbaro odor for solo • nunbor o thou
Lots,•ituato intro Second Wani,frorato on
noroand,on easy terms. .Inqairool
W. O . II.ItOIIINSON,Aur at Law, C alr o
or of .lAs BotaNpON.on 16•Rramie •
, DEAIUB t MOCRWAY.C.ttimisslen.-Morzhanti,
.1' Deininanto etty,Callfamia, Liberv.:*drateler.
Wade 0 . . 0 0.4.t...µ. and,}ll' agepoy butines•
. I: IO ..PLITVCCO.Od to.
L. W.:IPICCivat,.
. • • . a .-II AKU I . OW VIC Witt l;;- -
V inil STATE COMMISSIONER fori al-mi D.. gVl=r f Zrt lk'dh tOo ielttLe.
.. DRiig...,..e
No ..,,,e..".. to Lillertr Ant,el, below
, IAI.• flir4eAnd dwellinx A th e.
...lie betAcq' ." . ''' ';' ' •10131,14u2
' -, -, "illi&liblilsZTT & AVIASTIC, .
.1 ,
X Nriii* 6 4
.1a , •.: , ." - • - - •
!.D . OIIEB It Allir•FOkEigii Ditr.COoDsi
• •-• • • n.. iiiii, ut eiiiiiir.pi .- '
.WlTpthentien obaye: to heVrtastoe/I.u= near hn aad . i e,..
. preparcd . 'r sell art eery ancoatatatisiarli leads.
We sit Ibe mammal) peel's - int Ire& geode Jar ,
big tle elemen t and redness aa eistreinatan of om
stook by western merchants, and otterg .ilidn g out
elty &gal
115105 lIOTIGL, '
WINS establahatun bast been recently fitted op, In
j Psettio street, near Semoine, which sr convenient'
to the berates, parts or tee city, also to the City 11.11.
and tithes publie building.; end wok& a lew man n.'
wash of the pauelyel same host loud/nal,
The proonet or, groin hie lone a/p.m. e In the busi
ness in the day of New Tork, having been conneet et i t
with Loyettiy's Hotel for several years, feels c0n6.1
dent that ilithe who may salt his home will fi d there .
the comb/rhea a bow& GEORGE 11/IOWN
Proprietor. '
ern Francisco, Lae. ISSO—siplidawwitT
15,000 FEKT Worked O.k }looting Board.,
Wreath. dry, and of a ...pan°, quatlty
for talc by 8. I LARKE.
.01.18.dif • tlharpaborgb.
. 1 1 1 HR old firm of A. 4RJ. BONN note
BRO., le no
BONN, BROTHER ifiCo.;Wat is—Anthony Bonn,
ereph Bonn, and Millard 'ken. 12.07 South Charter
street, between Lombard ta d Gerfnan. The' , have
lost TVIIIIIVed, per Itemiser Ponahontas, direct from
Richmond, one I undred boars of those celehretsd
r's St; test ae oripe Belie aplendid of - Va ; 125 Us of
the %manta Blocin
eructs to re.
tall, at Wets; 73 bait of g
Cllebyta celebrated 3135 Cured,
that yips a• Was, wherever nip/vet totether with
a number at atter hranda.
We have an hand 403 q tarter br are of tip top Prin.
eipe Regan, and no mistake; imported Ravens Re
vere, of all lands; Domenic. Regan, of every descent.
Lion. As we Lave contracted for upwards of too
boars Tobacco in Riehmend, it is certain the, we ran
esti cheaper than any otherlieuee in this or any other
City In the United sutra. BONN, BRO.& CV
seen.] [sous sus.%
.70119 WATT
1371101.F9uL1i (levees,. Coramiseion Merehut.
VP and 10.1dara in Produce; and Pittsburgh Manu•
fa et t !Le i hr2g,gl p F tta m b u a r i g ; b, P.
2.0 brie Superfine;
as brie Fine arriving, and for se . . : by
Cc... Partnership. .;
CAAALAB L.lhtuen, Fleec,, Plunkett, 1.1 Chu.
bl• Knight, have this day unuttered ;Unmet,.
under the Ann of Muse.. APlCnight. foi
i tunce . of manufacturing every variety Of Pons
September 2,l63(e—teretdivr
if ANUFACTIIIIHRS of e variety of CUT,
SS WARE.—Warci
house. Water street, lately occupied by Wong, lbw
wt. & Plunkett '"
ETTERB of Admintstrasion, on the estate of Mr..
Catharine McKnight, deemed, having been
granted to the undersigned, all venous Indebted are
hereby notated to make Immediate pahment, and
those having claims against said estate, to present
the name promptly, for settlement.
septa:dim ROBERT MoKNIGHT, Adm'e
ruillESE celebrated end justly ciinvsledged ear
Dolor goods, in the latest color l ac og. ad most Im
proved utyies will be famished by the suberrther.
.'Y .Psiniii ' Yr at the very loosest pricer. Pereira ,
or. seal please notice that the overtire Say "ate
fabrics bear tickets correeptinding With the tibOVe
c et, lard they will also be distinguished from ell other
Woolen Shawls by their Mapertur finish, fineness of
texture...lJ brilliancy of colors. orders snlicited
hoar all notions of the country, and the same will be
PoshIPSY Intended • irr. Poreer. will eiso find in
our shawl depanotent • l /res
large essonment of all the
other meet aepro•ed makes, and newest destine or
American, French, cod Scotch Woolen Shawls, em.
bracing • great variety of plain and medium styles
for friend*. ALPO,
Superion.Paris Brooke inng And square Shawls In
latest atylea and be roanufacture—llich lustre Black
and Colored Silk Straw's—Lupin. Black and Mode
Colored MILO Shawls, with silk and woolen Fringe.
—Paris Printed Cashmere an 1 Terkerri Shawls—
Plain and Embroidered Crepe Shawls—New oryle
Printed Palm Shawle—Neat figured Pas. t h „, h .
Shawle—Lapans Black and Mode Colored Thibet
Long Shawls—Plain booed Seel Skin Shawls—Plan
Mesa Colored roach Treiceei Shawl., fringed and
bound—Eight quarter French niode Colored Thibet
Cloth, Measuring full two yards wide far Sherris
binding to match—White and Colored Barcelona and
Genesee Shawls, && Wholesale and Retail.
• ,
IS South Second et, Poildelphia.
CHOCOLATE-20 bon Norfolk enc.:date; --
juke, No 1 . nourish, French, Spired, and
Homeopathic Chocolate, for rale by
ItS4 Liberty se
Mee. illaspraat de Some Patera, Soda stab.
834,T.V. 8 ,7:01 1 1: a hui
e cel.e,britted p.arj
Gear terate, per -Alma Leh: , , threp e n
ether slam Tin Pallarklphle and Baltimore, warrant
ed eaperlar In both Emma and quality to any In the
unwire; for eels at the !mein Price for cash and my
proved Kb, 07 e MITCNELTBEE
1041 Lliwq ginsi
In •Iso
Buffalo Works, Bunten
Ree.e & iMlGety, Rochester
Roolen & Co, Gloucester PI Y.
Bay wood & Snyder, Schuyl Coan.Y.
Birbeck, New York; •
Moen & Dela mater ,o Pheente," N. Y: ,
H. K. Dunham &Co, New York;
Denmead Is. Co, Monument Works, MU
Van Munn, Rochemeri
Mott & Ayr. New York;
Allem Works, do;
Pease & MurnhY • do;
Wort Point Foundry;
Plorri• & Jiro, Philadelphia; '
A Yenta, Breedesborgh, Da;
Wahrotth to Naaon, Doman and New York;
Lowell Machine shop, Lolln,
Amomkeag Co, Man chester, N
Lyman to Bowher, South Boston,
and numerous Otherl.
' •
No lililachme, to sets dies & taps f # toe to. pit. I
No a do 9 do to if price SZli
No 3 do a do 'fto 1, price 815 C
All orders addressed to Gates &id•lCnight, Chi as
O UAW mon, New York, ED. Marsha ll & Co, Phila •
deishia, and H. Scoville & Sons, Caicos° Co. Die
mid Taps,
withth es wi or without machines for using' theta
r meet prompt attention.
enicsoo, May 3. IPSO.
91111 IVER & 11 9 / 1 91ES,
Prodtus and Cornanunna.Merratsats,
An 4 dealers in Pittoborati Afanaketared Ankles,
,Nas. 130 and 139 H0e099 91.1..1t
pntn et . t , Wood & Fmkafield, Pittaborab• W 4/
No 15 Wood attttt t Plitt.bUrgh.
Ceillseonns made on all the PrinalPal OWO.. th.
United Prater. ang,:dly
Corner ,f 771[.d 6.l.lVarize
nazaArnam AT Nosr usenut. T a rn .
ac, Ae n
(N. 7, door to thellook of Pittollorgh4
1 1 1.110LHEMI t •018
slask•rs, Ezokaoga H
. Aoin OW.U.•
C9.—Drafls, Notra ud . Atoapzances
I payableOn any part of dos Union, coiled tad an LIW won
favorable terms.
EXCHANGE on New von, ewladuita,
wVat C , i"b LT,ll' 7 l e. ' ne '
Lama ana
ANKNOTEBNtea an all aoivenilbinks la thf
Hafted Slaw* ;Hi conated alas lowam yaws. Al! kinds
of So rol /au aruldmeneaa
Coin and Pilaw Coln bought
add s
I N - HOLMES 2k. EONS bale ,reseoeed their Bank
inn and. ExctOulite (Vice to No G 7 Market st.
ow. trklsltr Otd.ltam•
emaciated. Idlsadm.ratJd Snows mama Com.
~.parawor 14 . 4. CI ely:iii(rt‘bitigh.
..., . ...
1. R. AlitolltillEAD, Pres'i—W. W.DALLAS,SocT
rgsllgethatuptoly In • now , DrepiXed-tetfriref2 optima,
:L flit.' rani ate/lir/MR:MLA of 101-11radclt
....... . tfriar;Serersti Steny, Witlipii-fiall,
1 1 11:r:ldOorthend. body - Pntterstgn, W. A.llOl,
IL H 'Hanley, R. D. Simpson, lesbian Rhode, Win,
. &L.:Edgar, Edward Gregg, A. P. Amami. 'Wm Col
titivated, IL C. SaWyer,Choi..Koot,
~ Lrg, Ll. SS. lb & glig s— SC Li 0 Li;
Arad f. , : h. r. 7.71. ti.nii.,4o . - ..pd.w Ilia.
• I %F.P11:6 OClte'Tfrati If InithinfOo .p. 44.4 Not
1..., hht WtdereCt.Dialdfrgh 7' .
''. Pgdqalali; crab xll' tknefaeri.:4l.4Mtion, and
qlnnEntafahwill be forulthed, . „
thiabanda etho.all kad aard tacotaco litre. 6cui. Moat of
their when yea eierq elituthil* gym of their
The whole &mgt. of the, „thaiSpii4 Me divided
annonarthhholderl of Life Polack, " . '
The dirldeods of litipastlWriyetrthagebeen MM.;
I rr irliTX : rt;rir ---". ---- gr — ' -- : . j"
I ODSSEgiI t Pral UM PLll4lllltr. t i tl l l7e
U. sobwriher rememfullyinvitm public emextlan to
Ids extensive sleet of Perfumery, Soaps, amid*
Cream., lac , to which amen Silver and two Golden
Mesta& hirie, within the /am ma yenta, be-en awarded
by . the Institods of. Now Tort, Menem md Phila.
dolphin, the loner being the only Coldest tdedal. ever
awarded for perfumery either In Doom or In this
1 Remora's Unturumit Shaman Caxxx,, (Almond,
gone, nod Ambrosial,) mammon) noldlowledged in
Europe. be amen. to my Skewing Cream In Um mown. or
Ofmalkans not Smartho—Beautifully tranaparent,
and poursong highly Matamoros.. and mold.:
f r 7.tri„ .. 8 4C:...g . ..,c i; Anabrpaialdbay.
Ittor.caTm7 Sciars — ilato4lloM,hitiegeurs,
Dotnect, Pistachio, islusk_,.Pitt_ahouly, trtn , tabus, Flom
i ' t t; r r a a r" reTt ' XI " t i t ' ' a * 1 l U n. ' 4ll=l g d d ae C " ',"' V,
tie, de Caroline, Gc/.11114, Jenny Landiibloussua
line, J o
Club, blagmlis, Clematate, ' .seine
ltsdat, and many other TaMtar, in alloamy different
perfumea. , • ..
TOUltr IVArne—Elptida Mater, de Toilette,
Orlttga Flower Water and it gre ate n riety .1 Co
logne. and Lavender Watery
Pearstarioni rot raiz Hate—Genuine Dear'. Oil,
.An OIL limdollok, Lan Lostrtdo, Oloine, Com
pound Or Metros, Had Dyer, liquid and In powder, '
and Phantom. /Neale, nod Jenny Lind Pomade.
Onottrume Pasrat nons—Balsamie Lithe, gem
Tooth Pante, Clore. Dentriftee, Oduriune, Tooth '
Piste, and Tooth Powder.
Cairns—Vegetable Pinniet . a Crean, Ammdire
fat chapped bands. Cold Cream of Rolm, Cream de
ilerse,Alp Salec,llmpberry Cream, ti t.
Depilatory Powders, for removing auperanom hair,
Pearl Powder, Vinainte de Rouge, Annuatioginegar,
Virlorin Dim CompOition, Preston Salts, betide
ameat canny of other articien,ho 11111214.1.11 to be
lumen in this tulvertirement:
Thownhyeritter bores to utiontolit the reputation
withal tans establiMzenblas acquired by Miming
r°lnsulting but best rate armles s and will 6e happy to
runtish those who may wish to pmronlzo him. tuber
wholomther rentlL ono* remonable terms. my en
tablas/intent In Ma United ham,
&accessed to and Conner Director olr
lid Clouted street. .
hi,. Drittn's Perfumery Is for hole by. all the prinel.
pal Drumm in tho country apl7nltyl
405, old
Cof Fifth* Wood so.
A N aasearment of One Pohl( per there on the stock
of the tibia Trap Pock Mining Company, Par
•tilo en or before the Into or limber next, to the
Treaserer, in Pittrbirrah. By order or tie Board
seell Wal •I: BART, 'deep_
p . mt. AL—Jio
0.14 it 79 Water it,
( 3 ,7a;:: -- - ?; ,, :n ,,b r o e x c e zv a c e l o a l toT. e . s l: l 4 mith & Ik
Dia IKON—Lou ionoi;;;el7Tl 7 j'aratie/71EL ;arL e
by Irepl4) NeGILLS ROE
tion.ASSE•s—lbu Orly oat
. obpl4 • RIcGILL 3 Jc ROB
R. A 7 l , 011/61 t r ew aeo plfatona anaka
to drat. 121.11 to IRJOlbs, for sa:e by .
11. el p 11 14 1t—b brtrill L. rsTaia-
CV,A.R2-1•V" A:cUILP6::=I"
rs, 'elected brands, for li ale nn :;. R"'"
breGILL9 & ROtt
CLITIore (/0011 . 3,10 bales veil heavy, for cover
ing cream boat de rke,recelved and for rale er
-- •
I VirrElsll OIL— IS brio pot reed lorVae . by
staiUhla... s.
—l4 Otis L
13 Ltl. Ore
I bag llceasr.; •
7 bag. Feathery, to arrive, for rale by
IS/11.1 DICKEY is CO
_ .plll Water et Front sts
f ie, l ,st . i: k r It l4D ,o Bl.l , ll , 6oo l DELosmc . t i v . - cd - rtoot base
I doa Daaa;
I Jaz Liona,l9l . gale at the Win Rubber
atm" , 7 and 9 Wood *I. It II PHILLIPS
2ro? •
and Lot to astlit: --
AI.I R , tsr;;;,. " .. Gash, and having Luh 6aaae,
gas bituies, and .11 the 00%1.11 Impraremena wilt
Le etold. tf applied far. before Int October tinal If ga•
aired, a Long credit will be given.
lUL Audi...
11. bra Jouesk /Nikon% . dol
•klba• Ca/ Abase Ara lamp;
3U bra H. Myers' I lb luso.:
70 qr bra do flb lon [u for ask y
rept! a .16}7rb071
• •
Sir James Blnarere !fluid Blogneatioe
MBEPARED ureter the Boum diem earls of the in •
X venter, este eetabltrhed tor urvratils of thirty
years by the Profession. for removing Bile acidities,
artlentromßen. epoetne, preserving
Bletlerate eta , ef the bowels, and divrolviiig uric aeLd
la bleed WI Galt; also. as an easy remedy for tel
stakeesejeuv ter the:kbrila a/reedier lueldent to child.
hoed it le ilive:hune. 011 the value of Illaimeela Si.
Statedial *gent It le .anneeemary to Wane; but the
Plaid Preparation of Sir James Murray. vs new the
most valved by the profession, es it comely notch
the poambility of those dangefenmeonetetione usually
ratolantt ham the use of the attlele In powder.
For nab by the import j rl atimeletg%
Car.aeDlt ood at elit.
•W I COME SOAP-100 bra for aidna y .
tracn—ii-”tralclFlWg..ll% la: • •
lOW canna Magma and ana Plied;
.44 aid Lair.= &
14907 419111 D asimins
mat The ant new PohlD3lo dranrht mower
!AMR. , H. GCIR Nn o
Wm M. Ledonth, master, will !envy
Inr oboes and all intermediate Ports,
di. day:at 10 o'clock, A. 31.
For_f_illott or pasonoe. MP , / 011 l'°.". '"P?S
EOM 1.C.111/9VILLE. ,3
The opleridid .icatner
' ..
M 1131311 T,
won, master, will leave for tho
Oat al and intersordinte
illi• day, 1m nib illlll.ince
at 1 o'clock, P. M. landing. on
For retiolit or pwstwe, apply on ocard re .0.3
PO.011.41t• arriving at odddrpartlU 1 from
lbs Port or Pittsburgh. • .
ialLThis tipleadid boat wag built by dut
wg owners or the we enter hate Newton,
and others, for the Cincinnati and
Pittsburgh Packet trade, and unit
leave every Wednesday, tor Cincinnati, in place at
the New F>glandi No. '
.For freight tig passegt i utily on hoard, or to
=Ala 1850 atiO3
poNTuvues to &Tama freight to Pittrbargh via
V Rail Road and Canai, on very reasonable,terma,
and with the usual de.aatelt. hem ate largo depot,.
Na. CO btarket otreet. Philadelphia, formerly oceupleJ
by blesses. Bingham &Poet.
aug273l:Ma R W POINDRXTEFt & CO
The raid running steamer
Capt- D. Epilog, will aeons a regular
packet between Pittsbargh, Wheel
ing, Itridgeport, and Sunfish, leaving Pittsburgh every
Monday mternoon, for Wellseille,Rtealietiville, and
OridgekOrl.ttpd eve ry Thursday atlernoon for Stenben
lithe, wheeling, Itudgeport, Captina, and Sunfish.
Reterning, leave. Bridgeport and !Sunfish every Tues.
day afternoon, and Sunfish every Friday afternoon.
Yor fie win or polsajgo, apple on beard. or to
acp7 D WILICINS. Agent.
The olenilld reamer
Cita. Ilartapee, will leave tor above
and all Intenactflue latuliags, every
.al: 'lB5O iEst .
Tha parrorger reamer
Robert B. Major, ra E wer, will leave Mahwah every
Tuesday, Thuraday, and Saturdaymornings, tin
Wheeling, at 10 o'clock: A. IT. Returning will leave
Wheeling for Pirtabniah every Monday, Wednerclay,
and Friday, at 8 A. bl.
Central Railroad open to Rollidayatra•g.
IQ3 miles Canal Zr Jolrrimmosi-250 milts Halt
!load from JohnsionM Jo Philadelphia.
Eselntively for Pasmagen,
Time through, 43 hours— Pare—En
/IN an alter Monday, September Igth, Pam daily
i_./ Packet Boras will leave for Jahr/cora, front
thence take splendid new curs dnA nulm Mreet
Philadelphia, passing once the lies. Pennsylvania
Rail Road, being one or the very best In the country.
The Increased rperd by this route makes it the mart
desirable, as Well tithe moat comfortaula one to Re
eastern eines
A Packet Boat Will leave every moraine to i in , .
cluck, and every evenmg at 13 o'clock, precisely.
Osille Portage Rail stood is passed in day light-
For passage or information apply to
W SUTCIL Monongahela Boum;
styli or to D LEECH d. CO, Canal Basin.
Only 711.311.111.1 Otag
Via Brownsville and Comberland to 141th:cora and
Pau Philadelphia.
TO BALTImoi.--... oo
r t morning boat leaves the wharf; above the bridge, daily, at:P o'clock precisely. Tiro; to
ihnore,T.thours; lilac to Ph iladclph.a, 40 boors
The meaning boat leave.dW legeeto Stichlay cv
cnings,) 8 o'clock:'; Passenger. 4 lazuli:Lin
erecting bast, will era's." (ha innuotales to T‘Tims Hoot
and thus avoid t travel. -
• Sedate your ticketa at th. Alijaalahela
Illstiicor Chasleallota.
.0,144.1 y • • -J. AlESKllif6f,'Aganl
jEsit. 1850..:116EM
.6•Aevrts.ibi itilAtek-S PARTfart%l3
,t{ . l4 - p tu yAgi44 4 %,y.w i re ri trg4. , ,L.l . ;
p,oxErd, eind tauppinx between Pittabereh
aad Roebnter by stake beau Mtehieaa, Labs' Erie,
ltr-r.g . ' a delivered
. I.ttl prenip y . to all
1aZ 17 : 47, ==.1=1:41d.:.74`a.`.1;
. . Wx.r rt. Pittahitit
A. A. MASON & CO..
O. as IMAILIINCT sraurAy.•
Between 1 bird COToneth streets, Tosturgh,
I NVITE the attention of merchant , yishiae 110-icily;
no their extensive stock of Fall and Winter Good.,
ticketed Wilk great care and PlltPliol7 from recentimportations, large imMuon sales, and arm the lead
ing rilmovaeturers, by their reridrnt pawner In. New
Ynrk.' Their work this rail be.ioond to be meek
Larger axd more varied than any they . Lave ever biters
brotabt to ltd. market, being repientalted by receipts
ol good, Omen doily thirteen the seared as they an
pear in the witter markets, rendering their nook at
all time. fall t ald oerfnet, therebyenabling tbenagae
emotratry t comp•te swth ....tern hover. wipe
J— I.I , ILSON informable friends and the pal.
was be leas removed Lla Hat •. C.p adablish
meat from Smithfield atreetoo Lie old !sand on the
cOrner of Wood clevercod Daartend Alley,'Occoed
dory) once Patrick. & Fe iend'a Eaeliange Olt.. eine
iianee back, oft Diamond Al/ey—where may be friend
a large and tarhionalele artsprtmellt of Hats and Caps
at re decal price., wholesales.
Hats eauce to duller—
- le4B-daorla9
• ...
DR J. J. ItINEII2 odes, profeuional vervi•e• •
j,J to We citizens of Mam Lester one vicinity.
toMee and te•adei re, for We present, of Rovedele,
in Mane ' ider, intWediatelyabtv Uosoiml . e th e U . 8.../•
Creates healthy aenart throoehoortlie bredy;resiore
the appetite., equal.= the clreelarion t
eC;:lane and
energy to the •ysteln, ZOO returnpower Or [4l<t
e to disease in all It, forma t rarely to be obrapied.
They will perforro,• speedy and permanent cure of
Drepepaia, Indigeation. flataterey t Genet al Debility.
Liver Complaint, and let the trailed aymplonie cbm•
manly e•lica nervosa • CreGliOna.
Will be immediately re C by nse of this inv.!.
liable compound, ankh u pIITC,IY scgetable,:abil
adapted us all ages and condition.,
Will find in tills dation., and LIT•II palatabie preparation, •
combination of Tonle, Alteradva and Apeneut gdab •
tie., peculiarly adapted in their system.
The apecilie action that thin ankle en the Lire,
•nd Digertive Organa, tender It • Complete Antidote
r Fever ard Ague. , Mullillioa• and Tippet. lever..
Caaaaritts, L.I. July 17th IPSO.
dery need the article Of Planettht Bitters,
and have ved greet euefit from them. I have
been entice, for year. pail to the Fever and Agin.; bet
• Inca the intrOdommo of hear flitter.. I town entirely
recoped my usual etmeti, and e an With confidence
commend them am one of the beat tome, in me.
Bratrmvp, I. 2011,15 G.
14 'Oyes me mach pleasure stste,,they the
Dyspepsia web which my Ilia has been so Wail nosh
leiL arming ficm insc.iiof the Liver. has been.en.
urely overran., 'awl cared by the we of your
able repeal.. of Illness, and for your kindness in
roeommentma tliciu,plcase accept my thanks.
rotir *diens
14 C O . an L PT EC11 .11,Ero . ot
Aaentywiniatur.lifeks & Co,
&rest, New York. For el. by
• •
R. JOHN MARTIN respecuntlyannonnees 111 macitizens of Tittsbery that
h, he has permanently
Pated himself in this city, for the purpose of prae
ucier Medicine and Surgery, in ali 1
et. His otheo is on Fourth street, Nolen. Residence
No 7f ramie sh. 141411ourrr
• Proolamattoils
13Y 'lrmo of a precept oneer Ilid.handa orVirm. O.
Y birChire, President of the Coon of Common Pre.,
nd (or the Firth Judicial Dlsrlict of Peonsyleinia,
al% Justice of the Coon of Oyer arid Terminer, •11.1
General Jall Delivery in and for said District, and
Willem 'ten and Samuel Jones , Eine., Aseneiale
Judge. of the tame county, In and for the County or
Allegheny, dated the Idth day of Angust, in the year
of our Lord one thonmnd eight hundred and lifty,and
to me directed, (or holding a Coon of Oyer trod Ter
minor and General Jail Delivery, at the Court Rouse.
to the 'city df Pittithergh, on Vie Foots Monday
October next, at In Weltsek Al.•
Public notice le hereby given II all Inciees of th e
Peace, Coroner, and Couttobles of Allegheny,.th a i,
they be then and there, In their prOper vernl', With
then rolls, records, luguisnions, examinations 004
other remembrances, to oo those things, which s,„
Oro respective °Rees In their behalf appertain to ba
done—and also those mat will piaster.. the urban:els
Minor/or ere or tory be In the Jail of said took,
Altegbenv, to be then and there to. prosecute 'against
them so thrall to just.
Given ender my hand at Pittsburgh, this. lath . day
of Aug net, In the year of oar Lord one thousand eight
hoodrer end Shy, and of the Commonwealth no :fah.
etottedikveld'Y CARTER CURTIS, Paten&
CANDLE noutasif.
i.pottoot to Tottot. choodmits.
rt , lit. • Mae nber haying paid particular atteadoll to
thearancut Iraprovereenta Is the atacttracture or
Candle Moulds for the hat yeare, and spartna
neither theme nor caporal, .to make therm In the molt
:goTrs"al4lllL'aing eoai It'`"';
11 not superior to any manafactarea in the tomtit, coe ' y
we oiler De knghfo a g l o-ipe VP. I.
Pitt t oll2 : lP l P L= e re w d g! h tfaela e r
irlit e l i nN have
my name ea each pike, max the vranamea
lap Ilsee creel, Philadelphia.
ICoorero — a ---- 1 —oz.b.asfigo ror sue r .
.A T " dued El eat
tlftapig rrlrd&
hfiEf C Cor.7lMal&o
OA intale, for side by Ja PiIiLLIPEI
11919 V W 904