The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 26, 1850, Image 2

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    THE I.lTTolski '.:::.iii;:iiiibta'ol.,
THURSDAY )4011141EG, SEPT. 18,1850
LGrLovirruts. are earcietuy maema toaaad
~ , ..plextu f axp jw i 6 r.x.; sad as,eatly a irka dim as
, irSV. B Pain= la kgrni for this paper 'Lillis
sacral spacial in New Rork, Philadelphia, and
' %sum, and b avidnariard •to receive sabacoptions
and advertisements for en
PattAnzunun neara .AIRWSLX".
calm,. and aubteripdons
_eta raoria
s e t zlarg
tialtad 13111.01111 Oman , •..
warded fmoti .15,
• I.7 * Pitilanitrau..Uosutaii9. l . 4 l&lP • '
f*r thi• vaNzablt pitpat, oriltba ngelvedtaftrwitil
- 408 frcfm thlo • • ' • '
• corr.—tra • al.• or • a IV
• r moire& end forirazda free of
MIMS Or mo,
charge from t •
1 17 ellenne n DAELT Oareerrc—Adverilsetaente
and itabscr.olo. a, for Ahis paper, will be received and
rewarded from this case.
102 MOW. cosarartma.
91 Dicks County;
102 ovum; tttflat.
ligag • W. SNYDER,
Jt or on Canty.
Arty... • .roust.
JoeFr H.:4oEasoN,
of. w..ingu.ce.ii.
/Vinimasoala mini Whig Nonanntlano for
.Allegheny County.
TiiiOMAR M. lIOWnr
br ausdnzznr.
roi innixD nacos, avant nen 10.112.1,
or .11IINS.
Vol •011 LLLLL
MORGAN RoarxisoN, Pltstbriagh
T. 3. DIGIIAPI,Lower St. Clair.
R. C. Iiti.A.LEHR. Elmbet.h.
WOO FIFES. Snordn.
ncrrxrc, antram,
. FLINN, 8110.1,
The Orteber leleettan--Conkrese
We haviinot heretofore deemed it important
a sizzeg Whig district like this, to mate any ev
paten, spent" In regard to one kcal ticket. to
the ticket itself Is it oczeepuonable, and commend.
Welt to the public favor, even spur from put t
uanaiduatioes, axle ea we have looked upon It,
election as a matter of COW.. from the strength
and union Which exist in the Whig mots, we
halo enabled our attention principally to the task
of Urging upon oar Wit* recede the doll of giv
lag a flit Soto from general and State consider'.
tlons- Although every Whig vote, may not be
moiled in this county to secure car local enema,
yet cot min be arum] without endangering tht
safety of the Whg State ticket
In this Course, however, we may have erred,
as our opponent" are making moat natiring e'er.
gone to promma the election of their candidate for
Congress,' Mr. Salsbury, not to much on party
gicanda as from the fact that he is a practical mer
Chan*, -and it may be proper and necessity`*
motli ,t Li,:ginse that is playa rt. and to eztittirt Pi ;
esal! utnit to .d hvpecrike. We have Letfj ti p
cited to eepreorby, trout ar;rettattruif:*
thrre Lis lately been .erolored lo eopae;c:oCtli,:
the Mlctirp s *Ma pruldtfttiliiie
130.1 h, or .icurstra, adirresoctr the election
bard clu the grotind that he Is whairsoilter
men,' and nehter.og party triept..W .
prixo,itkr,:attipiither. The editor would mistithi :
such t.r...oritlopmoly and above board, and s idesime
nate Mr. Salsbury toe Working Men'. eangidite,
ills •also td feet, and wonld net salt the object CM
od at is hii namination, which is not to ogees the
work ng Men, but to promote the prospsrity ant
glorify the Locofoco party. Bill his papii Is MO,:
are aria circulate this MI. Impretalon, by a frau.
upon the post DM., to which we beg kayo tieab
the stiret(ort of Mr. Roseburg.
Bat to Me claim set up for Mr. Salisbury:4w
What respect is he the Workingmen's cii - Lidleilie?
We. lie nominated' by the workingmen; as Secii;:,
and is he In any respect pledged to forwmdtitell
particular interests? The reimrse of Mrs is tin:
case. Hei fa the regular nominee of ther:Lonofoeo
CormentiOn, and as a Locofoco candidate, in lisimad .
in honor and good lath to carry out the principle'
end meastires of his party, and there is DO reason
t o suppose that be would not du this if elected, to
the letter, Ile no more, therefore, represents the
interests of tbe.Worki.g.nen, than-would Mr. Dal
las, or'Dr. McClintock, es S. W. Black, or B. fl.
Kerr, or tiny other of the great tight. of Democracy
in th seoinny, who, while they do not belong la
these wromdioils to the class which the Poses Mr.
cular technically denominates workingmen, yet
probably would lot wish to bereft considered that
they are:idlers, or are other than useful membessci
the community. '
Mr. B,tilabory is • Glass Blower, and follows hit
avocation. This, If we would listen to the ugh•
mints set up by his friends, Is his chief merit. He
may have many others, but his friends have made
this the greed, if not the only argument in his fa.
Tor. Is there any thing that partici:duly fits a MID
tat Congress in this employments Does it is.
acme his statesmanship, his cloquenca,or his ahi I.
ties? If net. why is the argument used, and Melt On
the oltanges from morning until night. We do not
lay It mai him for Congress, bet does it prepare
him for it, and is It any recommendation which an
henest man and good citizen ought to ow. Be'
why is hi a practical Ginn Blower ! Does he pre.
for the labor with his hands, to • more r s ended
and got leas useful labor of the Intellect and phyr
Intl posier• in the direction and management
some boainess 1 Does he not consider it a inlefor
tone tatter than • boon, and did be not Mika an
effort to kecomo en employer, and was hence snob
at one time, and failed in business I Now sip•
pore be had sucweded, and was cow a proprietor
'of Glass Works, tech as our friend - Montan 800
anal, ' L who te a candidate for the Legislature,
inetnd tif one bf the operatives, where would hr
his Itnetrnit Crabgrass according to the argument
af the Poug aura et/eaten , He would In reality
be jolt u ht for the Our, but the Inge argument
of aka went !needt would ha gone. He would,
ace/thine to their logic, be to longer a working
man. Truly his misfortunes ate turned to a good
account; is they constittite his &multi dates to
represent the people in COOgtella.
We have too moth faith in the good gene of
the workiagmen of this district to believe they can
be gelled by soy such ahallow arguments .e those
so muck rolled upon by the Locate° wire•work•
en, io encore Mr. salabnifi election. A men
Weald be judged es to his fitness for • high that,
not by what be follow., which Nahum universal'
ly a maitre of accident or 'womb'', but by what he
I*---bry foe capabilities, his experience, his virtues ,
and, eiMcrially by his principles. Try Mr. Bale
bury by this tale—tho honed, man:) , tole—and
eschew that hypocritical cant whlch Locator.°
demagogues always whisper to the ear, and break
to the here.
net Mr. 9il.6nry the pledged Locolco can.
dilate fir Congress I is ho not pledged to carry
out Loculbco principles and masuret Will he
help the Workingmen as a char, If cleated, any
far.ber, than any other unadulterated Locoloce
`would do I Would not his election In this district
100 conlidercd a pure unadulterated Lauri= vice
tory 1 Would not his vote in Congress be give.
In accionlattee with the Lounge platforms oh
Ralthnere, Rarriaborgh and Richmond, and them
fate sinned protection to AroUican Industry,
agaitutymprovieg our Rivera, and Lake Harbors,
and every scheme fat promoting general
Dapple* mod the elevation of the Workingmen,
which supported by the Whig Party 1 These
ars the'gneatioris to be auwered, and pondered,
and acted , upon, by refleettng voters. • They ate
Ohm Mid ramie - II and tangible. They mean
bemeibtag, and they area the laterals of every
man who !Una at some aumukal for a living.
Rolls It certain that, became Mr. Salsbury's no.
can* compel him to labor with husbands, that be
Ls turd - ore any more the friend of the world:4 6 nm
than If befollowed someTother punetth for huh lie.
log ? What has ha done for the
. worichgtmen;
• How do vre know that if be wigglers.
le d untrue, and if wealth .amid be showered Into
his coffers; - that he would be the friend ot the class
to ' w hieh he now belongs ? Hu he been triedl—
We add many men in our midst, who' have p„er.,,
elevated by the =tiles of fortune from the mike of
labeler-andthe the mechanic, woo dining the
whole'cuiamunity by their boorishneet and pins.
pro od airs. We have a better opinion than this of
Mr. Rabbitry, for be is mid to be intelligent; bm
will we repeal he has not been tried, and &tie arin,
- • -
tMgt of the Pat,. in this partictiar, in also wholly
unfelt and enwOrtby of the attention 01 any think:.
lag cum.
A ward about the Whig candidate, Tan. M.
Roam He comes before his fellow citizens with
out any fictitious and "clap trap appeals. He to
plainly, and avowedly, tile Whig candidate. He
appeals to no particular clan for aopport by cater
ing to social prejudices which mightto be discard
ed among a free people of equal privileges, but
presents himself n ilte.candidsts of all his fellow
zitizens of all;clitases,nbo prefer Whig prlocjplos
Wad Whig leasialtrealls . alarOter; This is limiest •
ilitinnily copra .worthy °flirty
Min 'Who atgitea tnili",:sett in Cloogren.
11•;'6"-11114iall'Inall -et:ability, of MET:nation; of
4.1561 e, ,k ce, 1i644.84.14. in thorough: amputintance
frlur „
.onsuiess, and with.tie peculiar Wants of thin
dlitrtot Ile PsZsissei a character insellied by
even tbe [natio breath of suspicion. His habits
are such as commend him to the full confidence
of his fellow citizens, that he can pan through
the pestilential moral atmoaphero of Washington
unscathed. He is, in a word, a candidate worthy
of the district and orate Whig party.
He has also been tried, and not found wanting.
He cams among us • poor Man, and by his merit.
and capacity, he has secured • decent compe
tency. Hato still, however, the same plain, ara
ble, and gentlemanly inn he was when he re
ceived a small salary as a clerk. Ho ha. shown
Wane% in every act of his life, the friend of the
working man. He has had it in his power to be•
friend honest industry, and never an industrious
and upright man approached him, who went away
dissatisfied, while many a man with scarcely any
capital bat strong hands and a wont heart, bar
binned the hour which made them aequainted
with the warm hearted and whole Boded Thee.
id. Howe. If ever • man in Pittsburgh deserved
the suffrage. of the winking men, It is Thomas hi,
Bin the question at ten resolves itself in this.
Which code of political principles and meas.c
do you prefer, the Whig of the Locofoco , If you
prefer the latter, you will of course vote for Mr,
Salsbury. Hy= area true man you will vsne fo r
Thom. M. Howe.
One word of warning to our Whig friends.—
Our opponents, dashed by the success of Dr.
Clintock last year, and counting moth on the lazi
ness and apathy of W hags, are making great ezer.
lions to defeat Mr. Rowe, and some other members
3f our ticket. They are untiring in their efforts—
their agents are all through thecounty and in every
manufactory and workshop, and if they do not sue,
eced it will not be for tbh want of a full rote on
their side. In Ibis a time for Whigs to be indiffer.
cot? Is this a time to (old the arms and calculate
as euy victory t It u Not not the way victoria
are won and parties ale preserved. To use •
tutelmeyed phrase, .sternal, vigilance in the price
:of Liberty." To preserve a party in • healthful,
vigorous state, we most work for it, and If it Is
not worth this, it is not worth any thing.
An effort is now being made, to incorporate the
"officers of the Texan Navy" into the Navy at
the United States. We cancer with the Clan.
serf Gansu*, t h at this demand of Tessa is nowise,
Her claims cannot be conceded without great in•
calico to all theurricerser the Navy of the lint
red States, at lout, of all below the rank of Cap
tale. We have a long list cf commanders, whr
have served in all the inferior grade., and who
now look to promotion is doe their Ling and de.
voted-aerate°. They think It world be uojnst
thernio to.dd to the :lumbar of con:mentors, in that
',art° reduce them. chance—the chauce of onr
pro Motion in oar eereiee. Tbe .
1 . 411 . - e 4111,0; h ;Muir legal or curial claim tObe ,
rift,ty . , :ho,:ro much to tat;
Onieettelieeilieni citamiciffmara of any Wok. b
ircinfit firapjos f mpur regular naval' officciiii .
UM Wien officers upon an equal
UmM•04.00... h t Much has beer
; Ibierkiite* : iiiceiidire have towards her or hat
Itriere ( t rod feeli •
ilex—For egra,tro,up ngs, ho
-here-Ms pointers • whf9ll, .enaceasion to 'Teta.
cease- •Itaantior.And iteught not 1,0 ...ICC
'eriny point iejoriositu our awn officers of OM
WO service: : .
. .
s Tsta 13xxxontomi Dans .ortacir.—A darctis.
.fristodhas Jinxided us it translation of the ariclt
•osloisr, Corr tke.Locofoco Gamut pope." of thin
.tty r _ : I,iwoold 5er....1111/001litil that the corroptlon
'iripiof Add% to•tisiptllt;sod exhibited in•nesrlt
sortrastions, ;inn snantfest;lallphi .
this . evoty.. A bcauxictl. ham..
aim D
s, ineoriaptible erpocrany, is it null •
. .
STZICI.VI ocri.,—Our neighbor of the W
Poonsylvacisehe Slants Z.satuar, hes led oar a.
tlntion to the conduct cod prinevlrst of oar ea
.11ite, Mr. WhiW.l. We have mad.. natante en
insinanans 1010 every thing that ihn .Ocnts Z
mid shoo him, as al , ,a taw the manner th loam,
e obtained the onmtnanon. you'd, hossever,
take op too Moth room to anent:no avers
stance, which would aelther hoot conch too rant
•Oft.te it Loney that he got nominated tram:oleo,
ly. The convection lasted kit late in the eveamg,
and almost all the delegates ftom the country
;township.) had left, woes a . ietar city delegate.
rave not only their votes for Whitt:eel, bat also the
rotes of the absent delegates. Vora this tart
alone 'herald prevent every eltiaen from voting fat
Whitesel, not to 'peak of other &comsat ions a g sins•
dm, for which reason we strike him from to,.
requattiog oor fellow ebtsena not to vote
for hint.Gtrosoos Paden*, (Hadkoven's paper) o
Sept. 2.3 d.
"Tax Ltrs .or Cnsisv, from hi s birth to his as
cession into HSWeett: with the Lives of the Apt
des and Evangelists. El Env. John Fleetwood
D. D'
Trellis and Willoughby, New York, are publish
Mg ■ most splendidly illustreted edition of this
work, Is the quarto size, and altogether got op In
most superior manner.' The eagrav tags are oo
iLL4Ii, by the beat swigs of the age. The Agee,
for the Work in Pittsburgh is Mr. J. Root, No. 206
Second Street, Plusburge. The work Is published
to numbers.
"SCRIPOU Runty 'FOR TIER Yonne finely
i.lustraled, is ihio published in numbers by the
sams publishers. aid Lair. be had only or Mr.
Faso Lien Eurvzioa.—The accounts from the
mines thili season, are very favorable far • large
undoes.. The witting companica aro all doing
sell, and many new compnoies are prosecuting
heir operations with the greatest energy; being
encouraged by the wonderful dovish:loan:milts made
at the Woe•ola, -cur, North Atnerienn,and North
Nettent. These companies are now turningoni
large quantitioil of native copper, w,th some a. ,
yyrinkhog of silver, and the deeper they have dug
lown,ln every Maumee, the richer the mines have
been found to be.
irotr Lou, has got herself into business.
munificence in giving the total of her grit night'
earnings (mote than SI0,000) to charitable objects
has act the whole tribe of beggars after her, great
and small, high end low, young men and maidens,
bond rind free. She receives on an average a him
dred and twenty letters a day, soliciting a share o
her liberality.
BMW? Ororszmossx's Csmx—The Sixty sixth
Anoint Convention of the New York Diocese, will
assemble in St. John's Chapel, in that ally, on the
25th inst. The General Convention oflthe Church
meets at Cincinnati on the second of October, and
on the slay previous the Home of tn.hops will
assemble to deliberate upon thus New York case.
net..—We learn from the Cumberland Civilian that
the rwlebratiou of the opening of the Chesapeake
and Ohio Canal will probably take pleee early in
October. Ito expected that the Stam'alfigents, the
Cared Directors, nod a large number of distinguish
ed gentlemen, will come up the Doe from Dien No.
6to Cumberland. The 9th of October will probe.
bly be the day.
The Civilian suggests to ita fellow Mittens the
propriety of holding a town meeting this week, to
determine In what manner they will receive thWlr
distinguished guesu.
ANM WATCII.—A great improvement m the
manufacture of arateheates just been outdo in lie
news, by which watch keys are rendered mamma.
awry. By simply turning a screw In the handleitha
watch is wound up, and another movement regu•
lates the hands. The pre watch manufactured
with this improvement i( intended for Amencacnd
its cues said to be a rich and curious specimen of
art, and historically interest tog; the ornamented bor.
gar oontatning t a view °fate lemons "Charter Oak' s
of Cmtecticut. "It is a good action thus to make
a watch case teem with historic association, with
out destroying its ornamental beauty."
Col. Fremont', Gold Placer introduced Into
the Senate, grants permits ii the tam of one dol.
ter a mouth, fit thirty feet wpm for tech ma,
and two hundred and ten feet square at $5O a
moth, to work the gnats took by machkery.
FI v.Pf IN .18131 NTG!ON
ofUm 1 . 41.1.0naf h GRUM
W•ettoorniet, Sept. 21.
divot nil:nevus—The pproprlathias- Ap.
proachtng maker the Salaam—Member*
Leartag—The Tatill—Poeltloa or the
Pennsylvania Democracy on that
It is said that Otm. Vance, of Ohio, has been
appointed, or offered the appointment, of Tien •
firer of the United States, in plane of Mr. Seidel:,
of Va., who retires with such a Gana ua. as a sharp,
.prridetit mm, who knows how to use money, may
hope to amass in twenty Team' service at'a 'three
Om:mend dollar salary. • It is reported that Mr.
Belden will go into the Stoking Ann of Latham ft
7ata, a successful and thriving ontrom of this city,
and that he will place in it $30,000 of his
There is no place of its population In the United
States where private bankiogappeara!oprolliAble,
as In Washington city. And I make the remark
as an encouragement to some capitalist, with the
requisite knowledge of the business, to enter into
competition with those already eatablished here.
It is doubted, however, by some, whether Mr.
Vance, who Is.pretty well atriolren In years, will
care to emerge main from the dignified and hon.
°rabic retirement from public, Caere, whiehhebu
chown, to engage in labors of this character.
It ia repealed that Non. John B. Collier, for.
merly comptroller of the Slate of New York, node r .
Mr. Semard's admlulitgation, will be appointed
Asslstara Secretary of the Treasury.
The Senate will pass the Civil and Diplomatic
Appropriation bill on Monday. The Rouse will
promptly concur to the amendments, and then
the necessary salaries being provided, the Presi
dent will mooted to nominate a largTf number of
officer., rendered necessary by the laws in relation
to California, New Mexico, and Utah. I observed
to day thet the Mutes and other kindred ex
pecan to be defrayed by the general government,
In relation to the new State, and other newer
Territories, were about two hundred thousand
dollars Probably there will be thirty doe or forty
appointments of a high grade to be made by the
President, under the laws in reference to them,
which must, of contra, be communicated between
now and text Saturday night.
The House has been zealously laboring to day ;
to despatch the Naval Appropriation bill. This
mrsainre seems to me, who can but see over the
ortm, a cup filled to overflowing wtth peculation.
It is made to carry Every bald and audacious ex- I
peen -mot upon the credouty of members, or the
capacity o! the Treasury. The original amount
of it, loathe Navy alone, is extravagant enough
—nine and a hall muttons of doltars. But
in addition to this enormous provision for • Navy !
which, in time of peace, has next to clothing to do, !
me Committee :on Naval Affairs have lent Reit
countenance to plans for the Winston of the
already too widely extended mail steamer service,
which will require. if sanctioned by the Homw,
and will lead to the expenditure of several mil•
lons more wade the year. It is really Intolerable
toot such projects should be tolerated here.
Among the amuses of the Navy which are much
commented upon, is the habit of giving long fur
Loughs without sufficient reason. Thus it is said
teat although the liar shows forty four post cap
tion, Unite are but fourteen on duty, and while
the whole amount of the appropriation salted for
imissioned and warrant cakers on duty, is but
shoot 1V750030, the estimate far the pay of those
art on duty, a S:60,000. Nos is nu this latter
~at wasted, in fact, though It may he properly
expended as to legal forms 1 The bill was not
posed to day, though the Whigs, and • few con
scientious Denmersts, tried to wont the bil. The
Isayaind hungry me. wore too many for the eon.
intent° ptinyl . .sind it 'stab,. likely ecough that
another day will : be oiesurned by it. Next
Tnursday tithe last dsy whet', tel the roles, any bill
atalte transmitted from one Hetist to the outer,
So It will be meetflefisr precionto the hours are be.
To day . U became alarmingly apparnt that
oedema atrennotte appeals wore made to the teroein •
fog inecobere, ttie liaise sunk! be ten an Monday
.lest without a quorum. Those appeals were
wade, end perhaps with elrect. hinny gentlemen
otbY-tt partteah►se freale away, to 'wino, within a
day or twda travel, Priam:elan to obey telegraphic
• diepatehee, Warming them that their prewnee was
ndemedichie. Ido act:know; what le say ahem
the Tariff. A l knee is not' yet drd. Another
effait volt be made foe nmodifutloo, bet ao tar i
iherc if nil i gt.Orpect Whattleer that the four reco•
imat-Pennavivarnmes, Dimmock, Rosa, McLane
hie, and J 0 Mann, retraoe their' Were, and.
-itPl in the movement le fact, the proof ha com
plan that the Democratic patty or Poontrylvarla
on obeyed the word of command from the SOUtb
,rn it an.' drill master., and hat taken C.
.tr”d ace•sc pr,,e1,1111, tt.e. the eantthre
•y tame ruts op,on their Inanitlarsonng eaost I
note. and distress neon the rople of too Sete at
large. Toe tang 01 1%16 la to be aohmed Let
She imp workers of Warren manly remember lbw
when called on to vote for Corti., Me successor 01
Thompson, who though he has voted reit, la be.
hewed to have aided and mu:enraged every move
ment in opposition to the Whig plane for the me
lioration of the prevent 'poem. Jones.
Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, who returned from
Europe in the steamer Asla, moblishes an article
over his acknowledged aignature, in the Indepeod•
cot, of Thursday, which contains charges against
the p,opr•.elur of the Cunard hoe of wemnen,
which seriously impeaches his civility and good
manners, if nothing more. Mr. B. hays that then
were nine clergymen on board, and thou Mr. Cu
nard, who came out in the Wainer to Raid's;
refused to allow any one to preach except those of
the Episcopal Church and of the Ettablished
Church of Scotland. We copy the following pare from the letter :
Oe the second Sabbatb, Mr. Catterdinvited
Presbyterian clergymen orate &stall:pled Calab
of Scotland to prelim, after the service had beet
reed. Every one rejoiced that this Worthy gen•
de=an had been permitted to preach ; bet It war
asked epee what considerations the role had been
broken, and why a Scotch Presbyterian had been
permitted to preach, bet &Mental: Methodlsi
clergymen, or Prestryterian,M Congregational bed
beta (orb dden s AIL Canard quite lost ha tem•
per ender ouch queshonsogs.te gentleman from
Boman said in tee moat frieedly manner -to- him,
that such an arrangement was calculated to pro
duce Al feeling toward the Cunard line among
Antennae., woo were quit& caused to such re
strict.ons upon the right of religious woratilp. Mr.
Cunard replied very tanty that he anew serf well
that Antennaes would patronise their ewe steam.
era (alluding to Collins' line) as won as they had
as ranch wadi:nice In their safety so they had in
ha I that it made him angry to have each innate
Clone held out tor threat.; and he added, In so
many word., that if Amen mos did not choose to
go In his ships, "let them May away !e He after •
wards repeated the same remark to the writer, to
pregame. of taverna other., mid added that if we
did not choose le go In that line, " we mighty° ut
t.-:1!' IN said that be wished the American peo
pie distinctly to understand this.. In that wish we
so folly ay mpanused, that we thought it a duty to
call the attention of the public to that Matter.
Tug TELMlLAPll.—Dispatches were received by
the Telegraph, day before yesterday, from Wash
Moon, twenty minute. ahead of rim•. At twelve
o'clock on same day there was an official dematch,
directing. speciel messenger to by seat to Texas,
with information of the passage of the Texas Bill,
and to three hours afterwards the messenger was
on his way in the steamship Portland; and this fact
was probably known at Washington in the mane
of rho rams afternoon. This is what we call doing
acne• on the high pressure principle.—N. Orteane
F A. Mohlenbera is the iFemocratle candi
date for C7ongreas In the Vlllth—Lancaster—dno
met of Pennsylvania. Hon. Maddens Sieve
the present member. is the Whig candidate, and
will of course be elected.
For as Pittsburgh Gauus.
The 'W.*. of 'rink.
1,0115 Ws.tcd by the night distilled
Chow fallen rain and silent dew
LI• elite, wherb the wild birds build,
Where robbers lark the sad Ton through
There rosy thy heart admonish'd lee
The chaos come to might and mind,
Caert glory.if it dazes to be
Moro honed than its atlas Eint •
Heroic men for sighted born,
Proud masters in the battle'. throe,
Have groom to level nature worn,
A grain ofdast f or lieut. to show;
Where seeptied warns in pomp and pride
Sorvey'd an empires Immo' art,
The sea waves break at eventide
And back from ahatter'd templm dew.
Man. with the gloom °lige. tied,
The trade where genenulau sleep,
Compare the ate grown path you tread,
The ud bound house where mowers weep
When death led to Hint tudden mould,
Tim !caveat impulse, gold and'paln,
To he forgotten like the old
Ere many harvests moons shall , wane!
Compere thy atom form with might
Thai makes this atiolliplanete roll,
Keep. moons andkilashm comets right.
Over to thy Anita a deathless:win
World hardened tam thee Ind review
This God mailman ion forges ;
The meant mop be hi:owe to you,
The future dot, thou knoweg not!
• yramn . es Nrte F —By a report mem to
the Board of Supers., it. of New York city and
county, A appear. that the aggregate value of re
al end personal estate in that county is estimated
at 5285,060676.74; beteg en increase of 829,863,-
533.28 over last year's valuation. The municipal
tax au this le in the aggregate 5339.89748 het •
number of corporations, possessing property to
the amount of 57.987,129.99, avoid taxation by
claims of exemption. According to the report
from which the above informatioo is extracted, the
numb.. sof persona whose property is tined is but
6000, out of the. large population posoused by
New York oily. The vettoe of the real and per
estate of the . 'tatie of New York,
to the last report of the Comptroller, was $536,-
162,901; of which 15193,028,0713 was in the min
ty of Now York; 61,164,451 being pentooti es.
tate to its couutry, and 5129,926,625 to the whole
Stale. Thn State tax of 1819 a:mooted to 5378;
613.10, of which 130,000, or nearly one half, woe
paid bythe city.
CHAPLIN 121 MARTLA , D—Hie anassittal al Rod.
villa.—Mr. Chaplin, the alleged abductor of slaves
from Wubingtan, wee renveyed to Rockville on
Thursday evening. The Wanhington Republic
Soon taller his arrival there, he was taken be.
fore &bites AIACIIIM. Spate', and Braddock.—
Here B. Radcliffe, I.llrewer, and Ate Childs,
Bev., appeared In bts defence; cod the Hon. B.
J. Bowie, and J H. Tuck, E.q., for the proseeu•
tion. The number 'of per,oun '''ambled at the
court haute was unequally large.
Bwrie remarked that he had tendered his
',Arrest:on of the r llL,e of Attorney far the Com.
mon wealth, bat that it hid 1101 been accepted; and
he felt It whe hie duty to comply with the call
made noon bite to ette od in the present case.
Me. Tack stated that he was not a volunteer,
hot hsi been engaged by citizens of Montgomery
to appear for the proieention. He declatmed at
tome length upon the enormity of the offence at.
tempted by the stemmed. In the midst of his
speech be wan vehemently anoint:ldea. Mr. Bow.
is retialted thin applause Mr. 'Tack entreated
hi. rennet for it. The magistrates commanded W
iener., and ordered the meat of any person of
tendtre In lbw wine. Tte ape wise wan, bowel,.
et •1 b queenly reres , e.i. We mention !his ILI
Yil ' anting tine exvilrrl albs peepie.
Tht•lti WA. gt,l3le. arEement I.ClWeell the counsel
relative to the power the niaatatrates to accept
bail for the posoner'naptear•tievot being rotten.
ded by the prom reitirin thole Dann of record alone
Was COM prtent.
Thu cause teat 4 ule arj Inroad till Friday
nt^",rl7/, when, up.o th^ reassembling or the
Court. toe ere et.l the orleOneratloonnced their
deteratnation to waive farther resonance for the
present, and the acoused was arrairrelitgly COMIIVIL
led to pr .m, to swell ILO ;nal upon the charge 01
• murderous at•auli.
It runs, perhaps. he well to explain, that the
charge is hated Ur, a the rideace or assault made
be hi marl!, or the rtre siesta of Baram. Toombs
sod S•eneua whew he was aiding to moos from
lovely, scull week. since, when the cm rata of
pal CO. od when, who had fo'inmed him from tbli
coy, aoyund the Maryland lints, ware about to at.
awn tam and his panty,
Occtisicrio Nll —The following excellent rernsrldi
Iran the Waverly Magazine, are so strongly clan,
&merited with good sense and practical every day
applications, we have at once act than down as
sound doctrine.
There in n most radical error pervading society
at the present 40 regard to plain, honest, hardy, 40.
&vary A gicater or more foolish mistake never
aswetnted tacit With the popular prejudices, than
that it is the nature of his avocation that gives char.
meter and dignity to me man. Fur our part we
*bond liesalty paroled dlicover the distinction
between any twit rit the vaned occupations which
employ the noludry of man, that would min the
opetative in the one eaw. above the oat in the oth
er. One occupation in weenie!) aa creditable in
Itself, and as commendable to its induatnous pars..
eenteber, provided tt be bouotabie, and m pe
timer/1y web the loves of God and man. It
he tuart that ehm,hiesthe cbccupgtiiena. 1115 , 1 the
vattion that dignifies the Wan. ' It a well that
not alt fitted ny htbit. education and taste,
. .
the mune avcatton. However, these natural &-
stature. are by no meanie distinctions I , is the di•
Veetilv of tame, ti ;ether with road nod wbokaonle
is vs nod regu tan tins. that Itard.ootze thts tau wont•
shop of intro-ate it theory, the wield. Without the.
dire,ity, all wood be riot and ennfumon. and
phya cal power alone would reap the bench. of
labor A• ispi, tie weal: and strong have each
their several and appropriate allotments.
The man who iu,lows in the of the ,l ow .
share in hr. striped nod with tironseti and
toughened hands, p`tin. tits seed—the noon with
pointy fano and leathern apron, who with strong
and vigarnas !WI." his clanging sledge e-rly morn to mi. gtt eve--or the man who
Loots over liLi rowan tap etono the live long day,
a+ owone who below me stmosth faced. keen eyed
eryttyht, Vim In%low, the feminine imaplyymen
f meimurine, ; A pe Red eegle eyed bar
vho mthet ntyvifiev the 'eve
he vtmee.atedy trend (P%0U114.14 in the halls
Irlt lalattun. Still, there clots on 1114 community a
low and baneful preiuttive It regard to 1.111 tatter
of labor Why, latter. wow • days, most keep
sharp eye on their vont, bat they Stray front "lbr
leotard professoms."and take up the degrading oc •
cupation of a mechanic, nod thus entail a calamity
I4pOn the oh, h nen none( be wiped out.—
The daughter., too, mint have a maternal spy up
rm Ihelr every ninny, ainl cong.inp, Ito' she be tit ,
pmg me I.ghl upon some poor nicebaniel"
tVhv, lady mould as .me
ra,at n. not mar tv.r mach a Patigouiaii
di.. tux r .pad..
d tae tz..ner,
herewith Gadd up idlr etAnfo:. lar, as the yard
the petit:e nnJ oiirrlar, hb-ary , Equally
hanorabie and rexperairloii, since they are all
. -
emiroyed for the ran.. [10rd.... Labor is Whore
whether performed In the fired and workship, or be:
hind the wiener, and in the .tidy. Honemy and
honorable !abut are the name, whether performed
by the boy or the peavoi, by the priest or the lay:
man; a 14 joot an bonen rt hie to the one as the other,
and a. worthy of the rerpeet and adentratice of
the world..
NcsetteArea LlT.....runx —A recent mob, of
the North aratah Review, to, an excellent allele
upon the literary prolessitto, be. some remarks to
the effect that all experience la the conduct of pub.
lie journal*, from the rmaricrly reviews lutist deity
papers, shows the utter tocompotency of thousands
of very clever people to write articles, reviews,
books Sex, the contrary of which is generally be
lieved. The editorial fraternity, confirmms the rot
newer, ...Nosed all have. the raven experience, to
relate of the marvellous failures, of men of genius
aid learning; the erode, eunteroess etas in which
they have sera their so railed articles for publ
lion; tha labor o has taken to mould
tie fine
thought and valuable erudition into comely stone:
the suer impoermity often arming it et alt." "The
ametuer •rl.c:ea of very clever people.. general.
. .
It what an amateur effort at cunt making would be.
TI," only reatoet CAI they cannot make a coat is
that they are not tin ton Now there are many very
ab e sod learned men, who can eorelpitite far pee.
et Orans of human Intellect than the producuon of
a newspaper article, yet cannot write a newspaper
article at all brea.e they are net newspaper wnt.
era, or cruet. a hook with decent effect, berawe
they are not anti.. Ankle wriung come, "by
art..: by chance.'"
There in only truth in the above, and the peace
cal knowledge of newspaper literature Is very lim
ned Its hot. , deserves study, and we are glad
to fi nd upon our ble two volumes thtowing light
upon it. history I this country, in New Er gland
mentally. Th aro from the pen of • veteran in
newspaper ...vie, .1 Ile • T Itneittugharn, Esq , sad ,
are entitled "Spebirnens of Newspaper
with pe rsonal Itl•moint. Anecdotal, and Reminis
cences ' Thera liana not a own, we &silage, la
the country act cclppeleal all Me 1300101111111102 10
the production of buck a work, be toning been non.
necied with the pcolession, in one way or another,
for half et century.• Very curious and instructive
are his researches; extending as fat back na 1090
and reaching down to 1000, Including the history
or forty five newspape., with specimens of their
style, and all anerrleinettie porriootom of p ro prw
torshtp, etreulation, influence, An. It will readily
bete. that such a work musitruly premient the to.
not features of the Mines, and of contemporaneous
manners, for there or no letter mirror of these (knit
the newspaper pre., and In this respect W. Buck
ingham'. volumes are valunble beyond price.
They glee information that cannot now be obtain.
eti eltewbere.
But they are no lea veluatinewa ehmidgrirg the
enlij. et which farm the title of thu article and
we sincerely hope that the purpose Implied to the
erode:We preface of Mimosas down the work M •
more recent date, will ho tamed out. The
Real attempt to set tip • newer,. aer in North Amer.
tea was outdo la Roden, lu Hick It is supposed
Mit only one number was published, sod only
one copy of thin a known to exist. It la pro-
served to the Slide Paper Ocoee, In London.
lit Catgut.. or (Jar peers, one of which was
blank. It was eurpressed by the legielntive an.
*bonnet an hating been stoned' 000twy to low."
The final newspaper esteditthei was the "Bowon
N e w, Lefler," A pH, 1104 •It woo a half show
of paper, in e Zr stout twelve matins by eight,
Made op la two plums (slut, with two o demos on
etch pate." The poolisher, John Campbell, wee
* Scotehm•n, t bookseller, end pest mister in
Boston. If his literary ercomplisliments should
be animated by the evidenee furnished In the
columns of his paper, they were not of a high
order. The publeihm's advertisement, clumsily
written, conetttated nearly the whole of the mi
sdeal matter, • specimen of which, Iderstlear
terbetter, « prmauaturx—a role observed 111
the eittoples—ls given by Mr. Buckingham.
Ruch an origin had newspaper literature la dd.
country, and he who Is curious to mark its grad•
ail td•SOCCOXIctIt, for there has been no retrograde
movement, well find ample materiel for reflection
In these volumes. Siam 1101, and more rape'
doge alone 1776, what a change hes been wrought
to the newspaper press, and In the tastes sod in
telligence of the people. That the change is for
the better, ovary one must admit who compares
the present with the put, giants though there were
In the era of the Revolution, and in later times.
10 none of our exchanges-sor al most In pee or
two only, and that bet cecasionally—lo we find
public slain candacted with sock an - oniony, or
pommel recrimlnulan, as is shown In some of the
"'perimetr given In these volume". And we
easy take this opportenity of recording ant cone
viction that, within the last kw years even, there
has been • manifest and wowing &Meaning, to
boodoct newspaper controversy withocd person.
sidles, and with the 'propvehes that gentleman
aught ever to observe In debate, however tamest
the diem:melon. It is a hopeful age, and indleatea
genuine refieetttent and mental elevation, both in
madam and wlliets.—N. T. Cossomrtodt
Tee VT6011116 Gnu> Ml:qrs.—The editor of the •
Fretieticks laugh New,, who has recently been on
a visit to the Oald Mines of Virginia, Alves the
Mllowing as the remelt of his observations:
S range as it may seem, though a resident for
twroty years within almost a 100061 throw of the
principal Gold Mines of Virginia, Wednesday last
was the first day we ever saw one. Prompted by
cariosity, we slatted the Culpepper mine, in the
eOOO, of Culpepper, whreh is one of the Urged
and most extensively worked mines in the State.
This mine Is some twenty miles from Fredericks.
burgh, nod situated threctly on the North hook of
the South branch of the Rappahannock River. It
is oohed by a company of gentlemen at the North !
who' hive imilt extensive machinery, and are
wooklne It intecessfully.
We bad no conception, until we sad It, of the
moons operand' in getting gold. We had some
- moons
cf the surface d ggings, but never of the 1
mining proceis. At the Culpepper mires are lulls
of immense iteightformed of rock of various kinds.
In this rock L. deposited gold which Is found in
veins running from South to North, 20 degrees
East. Three veins vary in width from two to ten
feet. It requires skill and great Isbor to hod !hero. i
It is done ooly after repeated trials et different
points where gold is suspected. When a vein is
discovered the rock is dug not or rather pecked
out by pick axes, and rolled In wheel barrows to
the mouth of the cave, whence it is taken In carts
to the mill to be ground, and the gold extracted by
a pm..., known to W.
The order and regularity of these veins are tru
ly surprising. They run in a airsick' line, and
were as dtstlnetly marked In the rock as lines op.
on a new made map. We entered several of
these veins, end followed the escrow track made
by the the gold diggers some 800 feet in the bowels
of the earth. There to at the Culpepper Mines e
little mountain of rock, in which numbers of the
veins have been discovered penetrating its bare
and mooing In a direct hoe a diwance not yet sta•
certained. 10 one instance a was worked nearly
a Mauna feet in length midair feet to width and
as many In depth. walnut coaling hs • terminus.. his fingers. 'Two of them greet r pellobes for on,
Torte was ono vein In this bill Or mountain inniCh centl'he repeated very deliberately. It wasevidem
our conductor thought the largest in the Stale. It now list his fingers did not find what they were
has been worked some two hundred feet and has svatvbing lor. 'Two roe a cent,' he mid once
gradually widened as they progressed, until from ; more, in a somewhat low tune, and turning round
to leave the basket. .Two for n cent!' Well, by
it au reaebed • width at the commencement of about tour feet
from b oy to five. None thunder! that is cheap enough—if I only had Seem!'
carte with horses attached, run up and turn around I Post
in the are. (armed by the extracted ruck. won I The Providence Post her, inadvertently, tarnish.
entire facility. I ed. be this anecdote, a very good tariff argument.
Tot. rock we saw taken to the mill and educ-cl
, The Locofoces are constantly insisting that every
to powder by stamps and other mean. The tor• man should be al.owed to ' , buy where he can buy
abloom used in %hie process is k sown to the pub elleoPeel." There peaches, by the confession of
or A e m y . e g oni 5t .,, 0 , t ,
n ta v m e rho n pL
by C
o h s , m s e . svz.,. o v o r n y g o
. 4 f t he t w t h It e d
e t! theft e
It mar he rtalllOrnib is reflection to the man that
Major Miller. This machinery is truly wonderful. ;
want. a coat, that he n buy it for half the old
The mineral its working with the trimminos con- or , i f h e hen t he
•money to pay for ho
sin:talon and adaptation to rho ends designed, , nu „roms., its m. o . y i s m 0 0...
mske Ira . lion car i o sit y. ; ln limn a conitort.
, . .
The Amalgamator his been in operation for the
Most men in this conintry. only get hold of money
month,,tut rx and w e lear n, a d ee ' ed ; in exchange for labor. ft is, therefore, more I
news any hereto...e used. Its yield prtAnt to the laborerkkatlateir should be in demand
Once sod "V n thorn which have been in opera. I t an, azes, than that boots, hats,eoatriandbeef should
moo before la 25 per ceot , canned LI a more per- :be very cheap. For with plenTy of work at good
ert to:natation of tho gold f rom tae o re . We prices, laborer can afford to pay liberally.' for
rook tonne on this powdered roe k, which we hate j his bread and beet Nothing to cheap to a man.
new in our pos.e.sion. In in brilliant with h owever much h e m ay re ro u r e it , if, forthe want of
Iparkira of go d. seadered in rich to; ufciion work, he ban been unable to can. what the article
ifiroughout the rota It reminds ono of the snide will cosi: While any thing is cheap, which be
at Calitorma of which wa have Ruch graphic. de- I needs, if, from having plenty of work and good My,
wriotiona. ' his pockets are well lined with bank bill. Free
Upon the whole ror trip was pleasant, and the I Trade mayinaks to bu
ehmg , en ,h o . m m ina rm ily . c h h . e v a pjg b i lw . h d : .
luformatloa wd gatacred exceedingly interreating I the .
r go,
prtyrd of work by the free trade-policy, he will,
find himself tosipoor to make the purchise.—Albany
Eoglith law hag proved Itacifeapable of protect
log the public interest iu a sphere where &meri•
can law On. hitherto been almost totally tin emotive,
though the end to be remedied is tenfidd mote
*neat.. In this Coautry than m Great Bettor,—
Tee Onon, a Steamer of 400 bures pc wer, left
Liverprol for Glair. won the 11.0 of lost June,
with 200 1M -wog.. on beard. In the dead el
nigh; the captain being asleep to bra cabin, the
second mate, who was on the watch, for the par
pow. of expediting the passage put the boat cut rf I .
FITE Loofa,: Flanovanisa —The New York SI
per course and MI her on n dangerous track, nor rays a move ens is on foot, In that eitV, to
ell abe dually amuck on a bidden roes near Port• se rasping . orn of
money, =t fur the purpose
rick. The water pour ,
ed thto the •emet.
boats and making a rouirkllthenthry prone.. to The Operetta
employed at the ilthwery of Barclay, Perko
the parmcgen rum. In the deck. The rile
were not to order—the =met careened, and be- . At - Co., London, rot a testimonial of respect for the
I ire assestince could be rendered Isom the shore, manly ...piton of Marshal Ilaynau.
filly human beings had sunk; lo use no mare. It
wan a scene that mot a thrill of horror through the ; OM= or Mne end genius. R R. Co, Third at.
country. But the British noble: , did not, at we do Perramoon, Avast &ISA
in mailer ealint„dt o cnisa the: tragedywith a Iran. I Tats ?oak of th e m ia an d e s assas i aan i,
teat Mudder, The =plata sail secand mate were , „ • ' •
ladicted, and • thorough legal mascot goo. leap "" d C " P '"' Y are hereby notified pay 'An
had. L was established that the tomer wan asleep eighth ni^wiwe n i e'en' dollar. per °wine. ote effiet
e a , a p a ys et the voyage, "thigh, on ac• of the CO.P.AT, an or =fore the troth day of Aukist
count of the rockiness of the coast,ons dargerna The ninth lawalmentl on or before the FM day o
ththoti the weather was perfectly fair . and that September. The tenth instalment on or before the
the later. though a mon Of Ohl, elp..r.rnee, and dell dap of October nest
rathrloty, bad, in order to aharten the route, caused re. t , The lift maul/sent was rolled for on the 20th o
the vessel to be steered •motag danger., recd., d a t a lan.
• which were securathly lard down nn be chart It sass.,„, we{ LAMER. Jr., T rrrrr
'was also proved that the, Reefs of the =at were
culpably cearigect to cot hartna at band trio hot. Vim' Kn.' •sio sill. , by b• Po.
tom pings of the lift boats, and in co: having the trolesam.
„rises, spean t m m t eat, order teat toe y m not S. s—Si,' I Ati3h.,U3 bear IVO:I33OAT to the
be lowered in a nocone and a hart In own f wordiest vine of the 011 called Petrol.. I wan lot
these lads, though both it= capon and =rand a long tone otairtee with a badly inflamed and very
mate had daplayed no little heroism to saving enth eye, so ouch or; as to lose stght enurely &mahout
lives, and were me two last to brave the wreck, oh„, a5 ,„ ; .,,a,, , asei e s u s asps. of ever recovering
the one was aentenced to eighteen mom= im.sse butt „mm prospect of Lnviug it or.
prmonment, and the other to seven years' trans- lei my mimisisa
ssy . sms
These ate snare rthtnenti . but, we dealt an•uretetol in analog a care, or In giving felt.
not, trey sass aces oily , essmissmi by and slo th ,' ow hot little eneneragenient. I beard at
epissis is England. m ss arse , them math tars the Petroleum Moo the Ist of April, and gave
Ives or those ournmitted 111 their =re, are the= tt, a 11,..t: the recall is. the sight it realored and my
regarded as ertrutcals and get no sympsthe when elvea well, cieein a little lender or weak when Igo
they meet the ellllllPArs d was. If • Berner tone opt In the sm. ANN lILL:LAND.
of public feeling esisted in our mutt ccontry,to re , Man•fetto sr, Cincinnati, May Mr IrOik •
ard to ollenemef mu t'escriptton e and d our lest i S. S. Lesson—Sot I have been afflicted with Pile.
auLhorincs were more determined sod faithful to me ma yas„, nod hose tried ot h er remedies, without
bringing the entity parties to pestle,. most cl the rsems „ se „i anal h ear d o f
dfaellter, althett w e ern row esti. u 3.1 61`.
qtleAtir to ebthoi; le w wives o —iba. , r n ,
Bow mane •111 flea ray J esl se. el • ” 5.`• Is. R rein
must it teetitre to a aithe w O ld•S oh .-t• and ft ~r bi Get •:, 1 'de lthwell, Ito Weed atter,
low A dg 33 . 1 .1 3 3.33 to the =emery nt nthre luny It setter, 1.7 Wood f. 1.; DNI Curry, Allegheny city
protecting el against the men, who donna cur It A Elliott, Allegheny; Joseph Develms, Allegheny.
noun of travel like nor lives ;a chirp., and to alth by the ethane.., illoß,
earalesatets or heartlessness, betray ihmr trust n lyt Canal Rath, Seventh at, Potabergb
The protection of life la the primary collect lei reel.
ety, the first dory or government. Why should j ip . OR. O. 11113RT a
the mom =lightened sr cety sad the most perfect • 'sit • Denust.Corner oflrotieth
government rat toe world d •May toddler.= and and Dacatot, between
remismeas where others •I•frine the greatest more h ~,,, sod Ferry oetisltric
sad fornlah tee moat • Ornl Vkl,gUatde f Why
should manalaughter in not blood, an indulgence 1 R. P. TANNER & CO.,
of. momemsp
""'n. visited with loos,
hops bye long , o.n.o.:nen& and . manslaughter in
cold blood, • gredinstoth of • spool or rivalry, of 50 ood et, between Third!. featala,
mere portrait ease, or of name Other at j not jam as Arc now tee. moo their very large and sagertar Fall
unpunished I English imbed has just orock of
tat& as • lesson. wilt. It would be well for ual BOOTS, SIIOES, AND BROGANS;
to profit by.— N. 1" I: Mth, BONNETS and FLOWERS, ail of the latest
,•sty Ir a, and amp reedy adapted to the 333•13 III trade.
WIIAT A PAIMENT kV/TA nth.—A correspondent i It ban Leen selected with Mal care, and La to aireo
of the National Era relates the following —A fact n,"
gas. ity a not sc=an Jby vny „ min to tic
'h" I ":",' P'"""°° " Xo ' n u m ' e "" cnerlit; " o r m w tt ' or . totitO Xt 'a erd . ;3trrolne. ". , 'r
age. •
may I..ostrote the Charnel, of the New t ar at e dethennned en the meat remonahl e
tandem. cod reveal the origtn of AtAile branches terms Alan, Goodyear. Patent Rubber Shoes o f
their profitable business. S W. was Iho son of our kinds mgetidif
country c•ergymon, and was accustomed is labor
mg ono farm in summer, and keeping aerosol m 1
atom, Ho tom moral, mduertous and frugal, and Lit WCORO & CO, CI
took • wife Fwerwootle the sumo quablin, icgetherWholesale& Retail Manufacturers &Beaten In
with a shrewd proponany to calculate the cost of all rs
articles of bring. One day - her husband brolly ht I 11111 ' S. CAPS & FURS,
'wee tee cloth cad trimming. (we new cootne i Roe 'Wood & Finn Inc,estlshurgh,
wife Inquired the pm= of the buttons, which she I Wham they oder a felt and complete stock of 'lets
noticed were made of cloth 'landing; or, moth 1 Cape; Furs, ac . nf every gmloy and sty le, by Whole
'everlasting,' covered 03 wooden button moulds i Ole and Retail, ant the atienuon of their ear
She thought she could adkod a good button, made tomels and norrhasees generally, emoting them the
by hand, for Wm money. The nest day, like the they nil le'l en the wear neertekwireees Yeskir
true daughter of a Yankee she 'tried the thing tot. I *ne w "'
She bonoht the cloth by dm yard, nod mould., by the
dozen; and to week she had buttons, at a lets
price, in the market.
The thing would pay. S W. soon left farming I
and eebool keeping, booght the cloth, which his
wife cut into butt...vent, and buttononoteds,
hired t se women and girls of the neighboring towns
to Make them up, unit acid DIM at great profits.—
Soon another entered into partnership with him,
nod invented machinery to do the work. Then the
plain lasting was changed to figured velvet, and
ratio, and twist. Improvement on improvement in
machinery was made, till they equaled the best En.
;dish, or French, or German lumen, B. W. now
owns one or the Pareelelt villages In the Connecti
cut valley, and almost applies the U. S with but
tons for cats and overcoats. He has endowed an
araderny Inaniticently has contributed like a prince
tu the fund of a highly distinguished and valid fe
male seminary, god has rescued a noble college
from einbarrusment. So much for the of
prudent wife, and su much fur a disposition to
corn an honest living in some way, rather than
thrtve in idleness on the hard nod too often unre
quited toil of others.
Tho Ports eorrespoodent of the London Times,
In giving ■ description of the recent tour of the
Prisident of Fritters, thus describes the il.o
minstion of the stupendous Oathedral st 9 res.
burg :
" About half post ten o'clock, a small opening
was stew amongst the clouds in the daunt hori
zon, ai d a gentle wreak of mild light showed that
the motto was about to rise. At Wm moment the
paint of l ght which wan observed no the very sure
mit of the .pire of the Minster, became larger and
Grittier, and 10 a f, w wounds a burst of pure
deer:tag light broke over the oily, and se soon an
ma eye wan •b!ti to endure the mplemetar, a vlemou '
of beauty atom upon 0, which far summand ail it
had as yet beheld. Yon are aware that the ague
of the cathedral of etrasburg is tho begtemmt In the
world, rising 4'i feet above the level of the pave
ment, 23 feet higher than the groat pyramid of
Egypt, and HQ Met higher than On. Paui . A. This
wonderful structure ie ono piece of wry open work,
and the atone work is so completely apart, the pit.
bare supporting it all the way up 6n thin, and the
fret work no delieede and yet so distinct, that the
eye can see through la as through the finest lace.
With ha tracery an elaborate, natal in a uet work
of detached arcades and tiny pillars,it looks like a
rich open screen, or marble woven into the most
graceful forma, to cover the gigantic maw beneath
It. In a few seconds from the bursting of the ball
of light that had hitherto been stationery at the
very point of this master piece of art, the whole
of the Interior grew gradually into a blaze of Fedi
' ante, and then blazed out Into one sheet of flame
that assumed aucce,sirely every color or the nut.
bow. The rich crimson blaze was the mow bed.
hunt that can be Imagined; and when it santried
the more intewse glow of dams, you might fancy
it was some volcano whose aides', unable to re
strain the terrible element that raged within it,had
soddenly burst,toiditon.beheld through the Inter.
Was the billows of dm ,In all - their fury. The
'shafts, the plain,' the arches, the tracery, the
whole of the Ornaments' Of the rplre, were as
plainly viaible:ln ad their detail, as If yin were
standing close to them ; and is the interior you
behold moving about human figure*, who appear.
ed to wide along a plain of light,' which, when
played an by the night air, relleand at each me.
Wats new 41.607 of piety. I' Oat Lilt WWI
of the eplre and each of the four towers lower
down ehot forth belle orient:6e that ga•o out the
17/024 denting I gh , s, while the interior canniest!,
moment In color. This' vendetta! display Lasted
enc.! r hunt 11 o'clock, when, thee one last gash
of bald from beneath the cross or. the very top In
the -free, and another lath more brilliant from the
it:timer, the whole rink into d•rkima."
Locos Got.o Conn.—An important metiers
to commerce, to coontxion with the gold of Cali.
fonts, has jnid been brought forward In the Sen.
ate by Mr. Oslo, Senator from tell new State.
pmeoses, virtually, that gold coins of there]. ,
on of from one hundred to ten thoorand dollars
each shall be struck at the mint.
The circular lorm hitherto universally followed
fcr small coins, which had its origin in the rude
ancient contrivaoceo of dropping the melted me.
sal from a ladle, to be struck with a punch ana
hemmer, adapts them to our panes, but would
not be appropriate for these gigantic coins, des
Planed for heavy tranaactions at home and ex.
chooses abroad. For these purposes they should
be rectangular, that they may be convenient for
parking in boxes.
Tres., huge recingelor coins are bat a value•
I ble unit learning improvement upon the limited
nod already existing sysiern of European bank.
ere. They are to he struck of refined gold, of
I un , Corre Gaeoe•s, and with appropriate legends
and device., similar to those upon our smaller
onion; with their values conspicuously marked,
i and the inscriptions "Liberty" and "United States
of America." Caunterfeltlea and mutilation are
provided nsite•t by 'nimble, cootriVaccof nod
enactmento—Wooli. Union, Friday.
`tilow do you sell peaches?" asked a young
pits-men yesterday of one of the boys who den'
in the nruele on the large bridge. 'Two for n cent'
was the boy's polite answer. 'Two fur a cent,air,'
esolatmed the gentleman, with apparent astonish
ment, for the peaches were very large. 'Two for
ant:' And he began fumbling In his pockets.—
'Two for a cent' arid he kept up the search with
Hall & Son, music publishers in New York,
have puicha,ed the beautiful song of Epos targennt
Est; , which d,d nut get the Jenny Lind Prize. The
price received for the copy ruin Is, however, the
some an that received Inc the ounce:44rd one, 1200.
It hos been act to music by Mr. Suinkosh, the cud
Dent rams: and rucuportr.
tzuprov•m•nts In Dallatinry•
DR. G. 0. STRARNS, late or Dorton, It prepared to
Monufocture and set Bluer Tana In whole and par
Pima, upon ducuon or Atmospheric Suction Plate.
3 . 0.2211.1111 Cllll2O 14 mut wsmicas, whore the nerve t
r x posed. Office aid reoldruce nem door to the Alai
,Mee, Fourth street, Pdtahurch.
Rarra no—J. R. altrodden. V' II Raton. IMO
C. C. Ite , l4EV, thnist....—A. W. hifiHNS.SW'r.
oihre—No. H Water street, in the .or house of C.
11. GRANT.
. .
lis COMPANY Is now prepared to Insure all
kind. of riot., on tones, ruanufactorms, goods
merdbandlic In mare ' mid In trannitu VTOelll, de
AnA ample guarant y far the ability and integrity at
the ['nommen, is afforded in the chancier of the D.-
ectara, who arc ottiten of lbusburgh, well and
f+• era NV known to the community for their prudenee,
Int, litgettec, and integrity.
Ihns.roas—ti. !lunacy, Wm. Ingaley, Wm. lour
noar. Jr, Walter Bryant, Hugh D. King, Edward
Ilenretton, John Haworth, IL liarbaugh, d. CS. Km,
pehlug Warms !—Aetouir tithing Cara.
- Feeling II to bo a duty duo to my fellow bring., I
lay befo•c them a foot which took place not long
since. Lott tall I caned on Mee , , Ilyrold & Co., at
WElitam Mown, N. V., for Roma Worm Medicine, and
h,, rerommended Dr. l'ien's Vet tnifuge, or Wono
&troth, I took s boil c home aud pave d+.o to •
child about 1111 years alit, told 13 my grant vaivrtilb
mem it her edit navy in worm& Loon after gave
another door to the same thtiJ, witie h btought away
shout .53 more, making PlOrne 130 mum. to abort 11l
hour, I 1 roc given to allot of my t &tem& very
el - re...111y, and can t Itecrotty recommend It to all.
Amboy, July 25.11, "
ip-ror as le by J. KIDD tr. CO, No 60 Wood street.
Are now prepared with a large and fresh stock of
English, German, and Amerman llatdware. to offer
eupertor leducements to buyers. Those ierloblng to
purchase will gnomon" their Interest by luolime
hrough our mock, go they are determined to sell on
the inner rrunnable tenets.
IS =3
The Ray. Anhur Waring, will lootare on Thursday
(this) evening, at the Float Baptist Church, ea the P.
lineal, Social, and Religious Condition at Illyta Al
so on Friday and Sabbath ovenings at the MUM place.
The puldle are incited to attend.
Ve•noh 1111111 nary amid Deena Slaking.
HODDLESTON Worm her crietoniers In
IY.L the city, and country merchants that she Yu re
sumed her fonder tensinesa, neat door to ,her old
eatatillehed eland, No Ile Meaner .trees, ODhdoor .
above lieventh, south eide, where elm le prepared to
fill aD orden, wholesale and retalL Having made'
arrangements - 1n Patio to receive regalarlyA . Ike
new Costratnee, Patterns of Ladies' and ChUdron'i
Ensues for the acceinmodadon of indleidnals and
thou' in the tend, from Da wilt. 'Der vises are
mock towel thaebeletelons. Also, Ladles , Boots
sod Shame the Meet style 5, well snorted, eel:Want
ly on head at reduced prices.. /net received an entire
new style Lull& Biding Caps and Habits. A lest
HEA LTG. Di...v., end I etnedY. By Dr. Bloom.
Adelaide Lindsay., a novel. By the author of
"Itenice Ameld," 4 Nemaan's B ri dge' &es it&
I Be and Gorrespondencsarßo.Posohey—yast
Gibbon's Reme—Slls and ISM vol,—eompletion of the
work. Received .6 for sale by
[American, Poet. and Chtimiele, co • .
, g il,
A fine showy-Sorrel &tiling l hone. •
j.' teen hands high, perfectly sound, and free
from sloe. Also, good S addle d and
Appl, KGHT
sertridtt ' 114 Water st
SUu&lt & MOLASSUS-13 , i t k , h4s pre N 0 Se r,
aen, in oak bris, le pole
2:1 • Mem •
CALF SKINS-2 cues of roper French Calf dins,
Ggrere•We brand, just rearmed and for sale lOW
for Cash, by C. YEAGER,
.prG ll4 Garret G
SUSPENDERS-sbo do: araorled,lrmt reed 'or rate
low by trePlCi C YEAOER
ANDY COMBS-73 iron Fancy Combs of the
Pau...Just reo'd for sale by
_septa _ C YEAGEA
SHIRT'S &DR A WERE — , A large assortment of
Woolen, and Cocoa Slums and Drawers, for sale
low by fsep26] C YEAGER
HOSIERS—A fine *comment of ladies' and child
rens' Woolen Uoio, comptislag even I , lllfillly.
}tut received by teepee) C YFAGER
17ITRAPP.NO PAPER-407 reads mg and Craw ,
VT wrapping medium, double medium, crown '
double mown, a very superior article, on band and
foreato by 41 0 STOCKTON
.08 47 Market st.
n mt 24 X32;32:
u x equal 10 CI
but In the market, for sale by
a •
IpriCON HANG-20 casks sound bat rougl
Listile low to close the lot by .•
szb26 Worm is Front sts.
iIkSE-200 bra superior on hand for sale by •
Stip Scotch and blob Whlsk.y.
10 PUNCHEONS Stewart's celebrated Malt Wbl
key, rif *cry delicate Aaron
IV puncheons blehm's Waterside, extra quality
and Ash proof, under custom house look.
Also, Brandies of different sinuses and Onside to
half, confer, and urinal. Imported and for sale by .
septe.deodim Op—ld 9tr Walnut ft. Philadelphia
DUFF , '
rIORNER of Tturd and Market sta,
t i established by the principal in
840. Ott referring to any of our
nsident city merchants, it will Ite
.oarse of instnictiliet in hterosartnut
etas liner Baia germs, Counceactat. Comte-
C 05111110.411. Law, and riumneve, ate
carried to a degree of perfection never approached
by uny other teacher in this parte the country. Cir.
colon of terms, to., are mailed to any n , an of the
country. sepn-mlyT
THE subscriber offers far sale the Sloan Engine,
tech the Flaw Mid venlig and lath cutting ma-
chinery, in the building on the east side of Craig
in Allegheny oily. Ile will also, If desired, sell the
building which is one bandied and twenty feet long
sty forty feat wide. the engine is an excellent one,
with sufficient power to drive all the machinery fat
sawln g and lath netting.. The whole could be wows
ed and se: op elsewhere, within silty datys,ht p me.
detain expense.
Or, he will Lewin ihe steam engine and building, wi , h
sufficient ground. for any oth r ei e p v = than sawing,
.fora teem of years. li. CRAIG,
TWIN 11. MELLOR, No el Woad street. snlei vent
uf for Catenation's rimio Fortes for Western 'Pam.
sylvan's, bas received, and now ready for sale, Iha
hallowing assortment teemed by himself (rem the
msnufactoryond will be supplied so usual at Mr.
Chic ke r 'nta prices, VOI
-2 carved Lams XI V, 7 octaves.
6 elegant Rosewood, 7 do;
,t do de, 61 do;
0 do do 6 do;
1 do Nabogmly, 6 do;
1 do Walnut, 0 do,
1 full Carved seraigrand. •
A OAUD—The aubwnhor It.. the pleasant of
announcing to the citiscru of Pittsburgh. that be has
made arransantents with hlr. John 11. Mellor, for the
sale of his Piano Pones, In Pittsburgh and
Western Pennsylvania, and those wishing to par.
chase may be as that their interestawill 14 faith
fully attended to. I CHICICIBIUMB
Boston, !latch 23, IE4B.
In addition m the above stock at Pianos from Hr.
Chlckerlng, a nes, supoly is °tiered from the Armee
of Adam Atodart Simon & 'Raven ' and Worcester
Nave York, and Hallett, Comma AAllen, Hest., a
pilots varying from two to three hundred dollars.
ARLITIINOT Is reeeivlila a large assortrinen'
VI fancy and staple, a.nety, and Dry Goods, coital.,
mg In part of Wooten, Thlhet. and Cashmere Shawl,-
Bilk. lserlin, Thibet, Kid and Buckskin Glover, Waal;
all and Wonted Comforts; Alpacas and Bombazine.:
Woolen and Canton I bond; Colored and Bleached
(Balding: Calsinrm nod Cas.linere. ; Bibb°. and
Late, Boutin, and Cernba; 'thread, and landing - et
Umbrella. and Detail Bone, &a
All of which, country and city merehani. ate re.
tavited to examine. at EIS wood al Bann
If end Engineering—No t 7 of this great *Mr blur
been received et Holmes' Literary Depot,Ntird at,
onyerrite the Post entre. seplA
f INSEED OIL—Mt bris pare, test reed for sale by
CLOVER SEED—Abetie store and for rate by
_.fie 0 CANFIELD
CDEON CIIEESE—Mb Ace prime cutting chez.,
-J.4 rco'd Mr 'ale by J B CANFIELD
ALEIDATU3-4= bu And 12 casks pare fnr
by Inepnl f D CANFIELD
TEAn —I e 0 h( cheers Y. U. Teas;
23 do G. P. Tea.
30 do Football, reel( per canal, fo
rale by JAhlha. DAI.ZF.LL
repll 70 reeler .1
To P•ople tram the 010 Country.
Vaiinit.r me winie ',bid n( antail Leif Fiee,strong.
Es and Pito. Flavored Mack Teas that are used in
the Old Dountrr, can be hos& et 500 and 75t per lb.
at Morns fr. Ilitworthia Tea SKIM, coat side of lb
Diamond. °and no where else in Pittsburgh .° wage
MORRIS A HAWORTH, in the Diamond, axe will.
tu g excellent Tea, at
50 et. pee Ib—TILT IT I I eep24
Extra Super fine Ooleng &Nlikleyong Ten
rtlEsE are the very beat black Teas that are tae•
ported into the 1.1. , 1ted Staten Morris & Haworth,
Ten Dealer., in the Diamond, are selling Tea. at
low prier of 73e per lb,. for each. aeptil
La One. F O STER; or the blystertes of the Coon of
London, aol 3 of ibtainterestfog walk hes been
received at Holmes' Literary Depot, Third street,
opposite the Poet Office; also, Filen Parry, or Trials
of the Dealt, by Made; George Casuist, lamented
desoderece 'Deg of *Thine, be Clement C Moore,
11 and No 332 of Linen% laving Aga sepal
A LARGE and cuteneivo assortment or PATENT
almost endless variety embraced In the anonmebt,
any be oiled the followler
Horse Coven, Carnage Chub, Ale Beds, Air Pa
towrjAir Cushions,
• Water Palls, Tobacco Pouches,
Folvity Boots, Coats Capes, Clouts, Tarpaulins,
Gloves, Mittens, Poaches. Dope, FJ•sues, Purser,
111,11, Dsoorprlous,•Maeldne Balding. Bon' Welders,
Machine Packlint, Camp •Illtunets, Isthmus perors,
Life Preservers, Travelling Bap, Hasa,
Denney Me., Dolls' Lleada,_Elogs. Lions Sabah
131,, Air Dolls, Foot Dolls, LaDes' Wash Gloves,
Ladies' Gnu Sho ea. Gents' Gum Shoe., Leaginss, Se.
Every anielo sold DOD establishment la warranted
to pots.. all the ehanclarisnos essential to water
proof goods, D.—lnsolubility under any degree 01
heat, firollihmy In the severest Cold, great durability,
' jo b r ‘ , " ;e ' ; p s e ale er a , jo l try ‘ a " aißtVbe f r "' Fl:po m r f i ro' ,
Nos , &LI Wood street.
sept 9 • J A H PHILLIPS
WItAPrINO PAPE:O,—A largo ot straw •
‘T tag, aasartad doe,, eonnanly an band by
entl Ad Woad In
vi rA ge ry i. y, :bu .,, g u l p...l s ed l s i L i d 4iini ta tV iar g e rol
Orptzos, Xationi alstOitie as aulstanL
septM or, MRS. ROBINSON.
TE Annual Meeting_ of the stoolittelders the
J. Pennsylvania Salt COUp1111) , •1111
he held on the 7iti day of October next, at otetoeh
lithe ether of hlr. George T. Lewis, ?vont se, below
Walnut, Philadelphia.
GR 141111AR—Thq English Language In
Its eleoihnts and forms, with a history of its origin
and Arveloptment; designed tot use In colleges and
school, Wm. C Fowler; late pmfeaser of Rhetoric
in Amherst College. •
Astronomy—The recent progress of Astronomy;
especially In the United States. By Elms Loomis.
Five Years of a Bonler's Luc in the far Interioiof
South Afnea. wilt, notice. of the narive tribes, and
anecdotes of the chase of Ms lion, elephant, Pimp*•
to, ut, giraffe, rhlnoccrent ‘ ae.. with illustrations. By
R. C. Commie& Reeeitred foe
l in hg roc N
sepf:3 47 B a rbel.;
Rost. Chronicle, and /Moil:ran c0P7.1
Ilfuve and .11.4.1 bagrulateas.
Sign of the Golden Harp, No rill lbird street.
milll. ICLEIBMI respectfully informs
f.tends and , he public, that hec, tau
list returned from the east, wsth a
most eirga rat and extenstve assort.
mem of Planes of various styles and price., selected
by lumen; wttla meat care at the celebrated factories
aI Nouns • Vista. N. V., and Dunham, N V, &ire of
Stn t e r, po i ue, pl. V.) Ilavlnd selected the above
from an immense stock lust fin shed by the above
makeis, theye wattaeted of superior quality and
tone, and will In •ll eases be ao'd at New Volk fac•
Wry price , Purchasers will receive a written gear
only with snob Piano, malignly them to am exchange
or reunre of seine If found detective.
Maya lot et splendid Gu tam from the tacitly of
Schmidt a Maul. N. Y 'they MO I superb antele,
pad warranted equal, it oat aupvtor, to say made In
the world.
. -
Also, B e, . election of Flute.. Carlotta, on
Sthngt, BS lesttentents, end tte newest 11134 lIISItt
popular music, incladind Jenny Lbstal sekbrited
sot gq. not,
NEVrP.iirrilttldiEl of Will—Popei—fiTalellaTin
Arabesque and Perelen etyle.
sept 3 W P MA"
ZAN reCl/ORANTO-=iliisks ear We I.w b 1
Wll A ftIeCLURG & CO`
wp2.l Oil Litany .t
- • • - - - -- - -- '- - --
A CA Acre; DIA - -.Feuer Map for I •by
erptl WM A /teCLURG & CO
ltie.Esa-Mt sae best Cream;
V 17 6 bre emMlO4 do ; ( 66 elle V
II00.118:41ido: la store sad for sale by ,
aNTARATUSI-70 bxe best quells) , for silirbr—
a? 80621 • .' • STUART & SILL
BACON -A sotalleloar aele - bi
CORPS—Direcut the., fat .I — m bl a eri'
(awes t azoLassh...-in hhas N u dolor,
1.7 • 100 bris N 0 Idaluser,
p 4 9Tirl4tt4w.amcle
Gold Xliseee,Cromidag she letbmue, se.
Will opel Ina few days,
'EhhiNTED from orlgliird tke mime taken on the eta r by . Paul Darner.. Eaq., under Me rumen. , "'
wrvation of I. Li. Marvin, one Me proprietor, en
hue epent • year In Culforniai of
ezplain the
different view. Thu ectehtniit work of sin, em
bracing rpLendid views of Chagreey Cordons,,
Xcapoleo, sin Etaeleciii Sacramento City, Suren
Port, the raining districte, covert f WNW irei of Can
yam and giving a correct mirror of he wl.ole neon
try pureed ibrougb, and now occupied by our mends
and feilow countrymen, was visited in New Vora,
Albany. and Troy, by ;Over 70000 persona, end ,a
Buffalo by 111,04 D; comyrnalog the cline of Once clues.
Delonopen in 7 o'clock, to commence at Id.
Admin ion, 23 cent. Children Under ten team hail
Exhibition on i3aurider afteMoon, at 3 o'clock.
AT 111:111.0 lIALL.
Debate'. good original ,Painting. of
pEESE.blime work. Of art, valued at one hundred
thorned dollar., have be. et bltated le the
ipal CM. of •England, Ireland, Scotland, and
the tinned States, tb th e univenal admixiden of over
me millions of persons.
Open from II In the morning till II elledeld.
Admittance 16 Ma. Children Incl..
septa , W. CREIGHTON, Proprietor.
TenaperanAlivllle L Hob l a Pliak
Road Company.
NOTICL I. hereby given, ilia to conformiry with
the ptorialoos of as Art of Asiembly, authorising
the Ineorpo.atlon of the above, company, paned the
7th day or April,: IRO, books .111 be opened for sab•
serlptlon to the Capital stock of sold eompany, at the
Were of Brno and Klrkpatrick,k then} , street, In the
till of Pittsburgh, on Wedneaday, the lath day of
October text, at the boor of 10 o'clock, A. N, and
conzinae for the apace Orate dare, or Until the whole
number of ;shares required by the told act shall have
been subscribed.
Jonathan P. boas
Jame. Wool
James Traniek
Camp Lode.,
Jobe diggers
Samuel 1341
Immo Walker
E. C. White
, Jacob Voslielo
Robert Starrett
George Arkehetslr
N.D. grown
Levi Omer
J ain O A. MbeyoVey
Moses hne
Samuel Orsham
P.!. Smith
Wllliare Reiter
James illebesdeon
x•v1140 camsrzn INF Lll.4lolltra
' agnovancris OF TIM= FLOSS 110021,
ROrth•Eairt 007. of Wonrth k I:Larks& Us,
On Ilfmtdery einriung, 23d Septesaw,
With a Large Stock ok Num Goods.
\\\k \
Comer of Market mad Third streets.
TBE amuse or Impaction lo thus Inatimtion, em
brace; Book Keeping. Commercial Computaxion,
Ihminanahlp, Leotard on Colammelat Law, and to
fact every branch pertaining no a fdalthed mercantile
John Flennng, Esq...anthor of the National Book
Menlo& principal lecturer and teacher of root
Lattlica tend gentlemen within! to improve their
room...hip. can call at tha Cottage at any hoar car
ing thi day or evening. sepal
and tho ..OLD COUNTILITe , for sale by
sap 23 Cor. 'Third Market au.
TOW tr. FLA X.VAIIN 7 —: - /iimallloi to. sale by
se .23 ! M7IIARri•ILL
L INSEED 4311.-21 brls lor rale y
B A PA tilit3TOr6 lc CO
.en 93 ('0 I ....I A Wood so.
kiIrePPERMINT—Ip brie p.m for we by
TANNIN-50 ounce. for salt by
aerti B A FA I'M:STOCK & CO
lb* lam Ste by
A_P sep2l D A FA 11:41kATOCK &CO
07itTrETRE-20 kegtileAsed tin isle by
Q . U 0 AR CORED HAblErcblee of Iwe salibi
,pT.CataloMnas att4111131:39.:
etat WEDNESDAV and"nIiIRSDAV evenings,
‘,./ September Aidi sad rOlti,ai 7 &clerk, at , he Com
mercial Salsa Roam. coiner rif Wood and Falb its ,
swill Do sold an exteneha, fish, and "ailed collection
ehoice.aad elegant Earapoui Boots, rote, co now,
and very:.valtiable; many roper', y 1 mutated with
co.ored engravings also, a d gdaions of standard
Classical and Historical atilh2rsritc.
Catelogass ale novr ready. 1' 11 DAVIS Aunt.
Li — ICWOOD-1 have on hand a email Int of Lye
wood on stele, the which will be told cheap an
Itb. 11 A M
sepia Cur. Wood on Sloth to
G&NARY SE ' 00 lb ,
441;CiliVil iTING =OWI* for silt , . i 7 ,7
L.l c•oll .1 KIDD& CO
ANUS WHILZ—SAN 0 Ina eupenor eurlay, reedYfed rale by
[rep:lJ I KIUD a CO
riblerrilVETß 011..-11
‘,./ pare 4.bivi Liver 1.111, Pest received km sale by
arp9l. , / KIDD d. CO
tirOirCTO'Cotlk KEECIINTraZa suml3.laL
.1: Bvkaepen'AitaWant, a now edaloa.for talc hp
sepal • . • 47 Market st
PRINTING PAPER—Tht boo m 03Ttel can be
had at ae al/coeval:lW. Min. ea Wood et.
mat W P 1t5.1141..L_
CIIEEBZ-63 prule geNind for
JealFA DALz , LL
seen n Want at
)Adze Ov
Yor AM —4O
DATTItkG-71bale1 No. I, for ante by
TAR, YITCII t ROSlN—t w aj ri llg h,
Id brle Rolla;
To arrive, for sale Py •IRAIAR DIMS' ACO
rerrA , War, & Front ins.
GRE.Er9 COPAL It , ARN/511-7 blurt*
19 kegs, SO gals each;
10 kegs 16 do.
1* kegs 10 do;
To Irrive, ard for sale by
oep2l 19A1AII DICKEY & CO
VkD-41.0 brio No I, for sole by
.01 , ISAltal DICKEY &CO
MEASE-43 Oils . ior .t/0 by
MaACONIIAhIS-411 coati fii - liol.i low, to elate
Li ot.; by 'locp7/1 1 *PAU!' DICKEY &CO
riIIF.FAE-M his mw landing for sale by
.eptl DICKEY & CO
pio IRON -ISO 's Peatercigmae far sale by
WATT fr. co
lAN NniNn:4l - .47-;560 - 61iies - I - ind Quality
VT muerte .for We by JOHN WAIT &CO
SOLE LEATHER-etc:albs ree's far sale by
.ptl JOHN WATT &
SUGAR CORM) HAMS—tO Ilene. a p4ma azujge i ,
alga, a few Scotch cured, no , d for soda by
sap2l 254 Unarm intr.
B ,_-., ._... , ~..
M.:ABE—IS Ms boy* landing_ from Warner ro
Pbrbte., b • laepl7l ISAIAH DICICEY &CO
ARD—i4 brls I, ne w Is nding. for rile by
V7I7IiITF: Fl4kl-410 Sala No}, for *Bleb.
septt 3011 N WATT CO
Ogals bleackett arluter %Vkale emu*
quality, for age by i RF. EMLI.ERS,
se 010 •
67 Wood n.
QVIRITS TU.RPFNTINE—TO btlsut itood order. for
8•1. ho twen9o) s Q V. SELLERS
•ANNERWOiL-40b1111,11l ORM article . kw by
DIXE VITHIOL-11 cuts lart , reed (.r r yi e b y
nORKS-16 ttorts pent mineral. for tale is
171 AL CORNS-1000 grossjait reohl toy We by
WINTEDIRSC. -- Apply this
supply of this ezerllcat .4 popular work
cared and for rah by• R r RTOCKTI N
tep2l. V 7 Idatket at
LIPP PRESERYpidII d d : it'doedi n et the ot i a:j . i .
Joh ree'd for eald by 3lt PHILLIPS,
p.p.) Wood et
A ISA It BA MOWS, eltio,aanci end
Ether will render Demons inndrible to pain, ti le
des Y y,ll a ditty oo•he et who Bell moor of the entries
perporiine to be Shaving Sour, to protein erica par
rhater vroth a nlertient quantity of *ethos. melee.
to relieve their entering while ,nodmitedee the oPee
talon of abasing.. • • . ."
is now adminod by all to be the vary best article for
shaving to be found in this or soy other nentel• • La
the ue of my Almond Rote and Pl•theido Son,W
Cream, Indeed of being an operitientre, dreads 4
thawing is really kalif,. The ingredtests of In
hie eosmosed are of each a emote, that a non and
richer lather eau be made than with any other V.ttel e .
by which the -beard la softened, end the sex,. „„,,
Undo to be burned by the atoll *bleb - Mona •Et large
a portion of 'otherilbayise seep, one ARI tt Sneered
cheeped, bat will -remain smooth and w A yk
' fent* No one, alter ulna th is Ravine/Cam. eon
ever be indeeed to at. any other , rah rim by Bone .
Dory In parenting my Shari?* Creari, n there am
mane Imitation seal An (or Joke f neve ghe e ,"
Cream. and yes will then eaten anie'm which renders
shaving enem! levent.
JUL® lf &UM. PerAtterre eel Chemist,
IVO Chnmet
For sne,erholesate and retail, by et, A Eahrthethek
k Co., led R. P. Sellers, Pittebanyto AAjkatA Sallem
and J bllteYell. aileabenr Cite. we3—tb
' 610111111111TRATOU'l 111Q2101L.
NOllO6 is hereby 'lv. tb•i Letters of Adminis.
trade° base this dey b e en pasted to the nada,.
stetted, ett the estate ofJohn W. Wait Ime el the dry
of Pt mirth, deed. All mewl
* ndented se the
said anew ate molested to make imeidiese psyinent..
and Aare haring dame against it will vaunt these,
dely antboadotted.
eeplAtilasrlerW ' let Market se.,pittalteto
• .
irsir 14:11 Link ritoVi
a'J tat sati by
ru Wood tl