The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 26, 1850, Image 1

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    ESTAI3LISRFD IN 178 b.
runusireo-ur •
V. R. Pront,l• • • It. mum,.
' ; plaint 01 ,, ;4 , 10V1. TURD OVMM . , SLUT DUOS TO
ITU FOC' .71nCr.
nailr Pa sr -•••-••••-•-----.1700 per =mots.
Tti-ttiocrly 5,C0
loktkly,}s vance)--- • • 2,00 •••
110. p C b., at • retlacci mtg.:
Ti 'l4 1TT1481711.011 tREIIS.
Otartntlar te,(l4llnes of Naitparillai least •
, nil!
one Yqrs rt,'se eh I,Jditiolial intertion% • • 0,u5
- = one asset"—
• r flo. .31•0 .3,00
.no. • aFiree •-• • 400
Tt- one mouth -•-•-- 7 --••••
Da . van mooths—i-----••-• 7,00
s four months .. - ... —• lU.Cal_
air months: •-- 1.400
Do. snoethe• • • • • • 19,0 U
Standing Card In lints or leas.) per annetn. 10,00
Sdnars,chatireahte tot:lmmo* (per aro
anti rclunive of the pnper•-• - ....... %en
For each additional suare,lntened ov,, one month,
Itird fur
, eir additional groan Inverted ander the year.
If rate. hall
Adhertivnutnta e_rceeding.• macre, and DM over
fifteen lin., to t be charged as a tierce and a' hair '
Publisher, an accountable for .90,1 Ininentannaenta
oeyond the unbent charged (nr.lnt , lpahnie‘non.
Announcing e.didtes far office, to be charged the
same ail qjher ittivertiremeatib
Advettlierserat not marked on the copy for rem'.
bed number of insertion% will be continued tilLforbtd,
and PaYinenteractvi aecord
The pnvileges of yearly ad - v.llw. *Jibe cochned
rigid tr to their regular hltaines., and ail other adver
tisements not renewal:a. to title regular barium., al
agreed for to be rad ems.
Alt advertirements tot charitable itotininons, fire
meanies, ward, tuneable an...ellisv public Pee
and raeltrike, to he charged bolt pricsvgnlWr y.
1r dvance.
Marriage notices to be charged CO tints.
Math nenneea imerted Wat rim cau se, Illness xenon
ptaled by funeral invitation* or - allays' notices, and
w Te:l 17. 1 . 11 . 11tI T : o r e is sending dawn..
aka:Lone, or
Sour e r,, reituring notices dc.igned to call atten
tion to Fain. e Contertv, or any public enter
telatnenut, where charger ale Ina4e tot
all pOtiera of plitotte.rosocannes—every notice
endta .11 attenatiOn te In
entespostilea/C111•• •
or intended to predate Individual interes `canon .
Op he Insetted with the toblerrlandlite that the aurae
tel he paid far. If Intellanni to ha tr..etted in tea Lo
cal column, the• .ba - iliatged at the tath of
COI lela than lOrcent, per line.
Wallop Of' FLA Neale,' to be charged topic price,
Tram Lionise
Legal and Alddical tidgeruserneptit to be charged at
Roc Estate Agent,' and Anenoneers' ativeruse
mewr nal to bet e tessedunderyearly rate., bet to be
allowhd diveonnt of aortythrie and one third pe r cent.
froth the acme m of bill,
e a
1111-IneltiLT In Intirt.T razara.
Goa Nte, th ree nsartients••••.--• • • .0
• •rk. -• • • loch ettictici6ntlinft ruon• •. 37
One SicarciOU hoe.,) one nucaternen---eAtela
Do. ' each additional Inecninn•---%
All etanoiant hilverti•emenho en De hail in nu anee
-WHITE L 00. Gaaetto.•
L On•L i ' •
' • • •
M. RIDDLE, Joitrnal.
JAM I P. BARR & CSrordele.
ti E s ß o t v lt o rt9 l TlC A lN ry spatch.
ANIA W. Arericati.,
HIRAM IiAINE, tlvening
PIIISTIM., Dee. I, 1 i-19
auuro L . PARILINnOti,
A F.DEIINIAPI tin Ward Penn ntrriq, between
, O'lllsta anitihsMate Al !l humors, promptly, ate
ramtv.l to. .•
Alvea.L.LAlDiat m. WATSON, ' •
- A TrouNr.v , ;:a LAW—ULfier, ft!i Fourth street
11 above Wood. rule
- • • 1114VID TOTTLIA,
Comoussamer fur
All ennueumeatiuut promptly answered.
, - oeral y •
TA Mt \lli V.
A TTORNEY.AT LAW—Wino on Fourth Erect,
between Sinonfteln and Claut,Plndo.agh.
Jiff hi U. atkeilabl. •
ATTORN EY AO Comogol:of trr LA.. trod Cositmln.
Caner for lba Sok, arr.:nosy lv,wla, RL Look;
MO., (law of Polobofe4.l
Ilefere Dort —PlOtriough: lion. W. Forwari, Mow,.
ton & Aliiirr, ftPeartdloNs tr IsleCluro, /oho F. Parke,
3iuelltre t+otooleu. Ilri`,..rdlf‘no. outrl4.ty
'IT OIL NI, A 111111110.1 M h 111.1.111 N T
- . G I:l‘stiMi Perry Post Wes)
Havumt.n.antlentir ISC3II.i ¢t 111.• & new
aad subdruensl . Whari Soo, mre are prepared Ip
eelve ind forwihr prompdrto all pniata op the river,
sad bandy a nd:l , ...Averor Ohio &Ca.
.'oll,rpow r dirrid -.held -
‘111111..0 ALA - 7 ...... • •• •&31.1./ S. Sllss • sVIS.
teasit eViAt..lO.
13 AG A LEV, WOODWARD k 00. Witote. Gro
cers, No Cif Market et, Pentode:phi. .M
Illatiirtargh Alttali Works.
B r.arf„aiYo!dectir4 3 ;l4=l:l'elfpttie.
Aolds. WorehOom No —, Wow sitoot,Lelow Ferry.
Feed••”cic Drawl. • brotge Renrr.
BILAUN Or. RElTnit, Wt.rde,tate. uud Pseud Deur
glees, cormt of L.detety and Si. Matz =mew ; Pm.
urgh, Pet. , , apt
CA. BIed ULTY 6: 01, F..: warlsr.:.
. =Won i4,lcLan.s, C:n4l
ORAVI Wholenale I.rovcr.C.l34nt , eiuil koul
• ForsvardiO. hlerchatt, No. At Water EL, Pitt..
boxith- • • 001
. . .
Tich ile.oy•-•• - .• A drew Flennnot R. K Fleming
ItREN, PLl.Olifiro di CO,
COMMISSION bl liKeil.thrlS —For the sole of Do
t,. ene,nic,Worfien, nod Cotton Good., Ore, deltic. in
kind. of Toilet,' TrleaTningl, Nn 117 Wood .1, 4th
Reference —Rey.. tPtn. A Ifni hCo Ranker..
ineal •
0h.t00.) t •
atk ar)L /11. VIN.
OMMISSION I,IEfteIIANTS and Bill Brokers
No us aor7
WX. • V1 , 4t.1.5,1, U... P. 11\N(17.
MINGT,ISAk. pENNETT, Hato Enolloh, Gallarher
"rtioleaaie Grocers, COC•91.11011 Anl For
and dcalora in ProStre And Pitts
o.37 Wood st., beraTen Rd And
- riti2l
1151, IIUXTE.II^ CO",
ENEIAI: arid
113 S•att and Floor DAairis,
101-reco - I CutNissfox BEICILINTs. .
140. At No th r.'"...,.t Straet & No. 10 North •Wbaraes.
I-ow'n Haan. i ~,,,, , .
D. C. cCaiati•tx. ( ' ''''''''' • '' -
nIA:11, I e nee.t• wit., NI a r,noy i-rt: 1iv..1 1..,
. Cr anJ %I:Dr:V..Oo Nerelottat, ' ' Ilia .ale et
American Inolnn, 1.1•••rta, anpatlia tol at.
ttattPa — " -. . *eg. Janet.
*ARDV• \IONt ,9 it• co , '.. Doenagrors to Arwood,
Lone; ..t.,C , ,t ) 0:4,000.1. and Forn•td , na Me,
00,1110, dealt4r; ln PittsPargh glartersetered Gnotle,
Yittabanrh. Pa, 1" male:.
---.------- •i+7, -- K - Orgißs - ifirii.:;77 -,. ,o 11.11114. C. .....a ---
SrIPORTk:II .1. looter in l'renell and Muerte. Pa
per Ilanginan atnl Llor3ert, Window.giaJno roe
.i o a,d print, At a 110'—Writint, Printing. and Wort'
ping Paper. Ntr.. , ,looad %01.01 betreco Puerto street
ant Dlll.lll{l alleyl web. It•le, Pout...trait, Pa,
1011 N AVNEW. Is le 01 lt• Gram of ettairt/cOt,AO
tM , new &Cn , J0..4 terpt•rtfolly lufanst 00 014 CL,I
- .04 that Ull. on.
liatte to tarry.. It e Ute 01.111,•• 1,00110.., IA 011 ft,
•atielleo, and It neft.ol,4 to fill 0110010 e. Cur 4,0/0 ,
caries' Fluroltoic, Minrl.ll., POrieft, Viol., &c.. Ile,
porounokg to bit 101•0 . • , . lb. Wokrebobsc I. Na zl
Aterket titter:. to t•T:-.lllltaT2 94:0019 .. 1
S`'LLIT'D-tti;,!!/(lll‘; l 4l:e , l:lt‘l'olslTe'.."..:c,Vo
Wood atttct, daa. youth of Diamond Alloy
. ap4
IAVEADAL4I.I,I.I., t11..0e r to.lnner,Cumm.s..on
litrch.t,•o 2r•ler dud Plgtabargh
WC, Pill•hUreh. ap4 .
lootagg ogoogot nnovar cgoa•o, ga
1111.1 All Sigrlltr.ti h Ca. W6eloonlO ll,, gon l ,r/a4g
-1 Simon Illa , 'lgorta,nntl gloater+ In Praises, tins.s6
Water.snl7 s a'ront Pi:tato:rob. . noon
, 0 u r "...=.- - .= Amer e thi woe th
ITt4..DILNCe)lt . ra k Cu., Wholeeole Grocer., mild
. Areate loe Re card PoordecGo.,pier. IT Wood el.,
Ittuelcerett ;
• • ---
iittbrit — WltiEWAliTbluTkiiiii — iiirip - oih - 6.r7
N 0.45 ttsriet , tlisee elootsiboyo Third et. rave
Iltards, Im.Vg• eognumaton blast • mr•11 selected Pt .
00111X1rta a the; best and freeksst lgre.llcat.c..whleh ha
Will teLL got Oft, mot, teggeon•ble terms. irhYsimee•
•sating 'oo4em, sy,lll, promptly accultgl to, n 4 gvp.
Plied sYit•'•rt.etes they may rely upon at !rename
Perectiptione emit be area 'gayly mut
• l'eit ot . ntria ( . "
rep Ault& best materuls, at any beggar Of
k/1110 toe We, a heir Sugek of frost, and goad Perla
lona Illehnta Finvd.
& 11. FLUID, Wbolen•lo Coronets C0L116.111017
• bitten:wt., wan Desk. In Pmiun Round
Charon linildAng. I tonna, on Libetiy, %Vend nni
Binh ativennfilia , untn,l . l. apll
JNO. A. CAOiliEi, agent for tho
Michigan . tins to aaaa and the Lates.—Othe o
Si, the tornor - of Woo, mot nieltitholi lona
fig_Lcris Mathl,nn& Commission Morehanth
and Agent. of Pol Ft. Loot...dies., Four Refinery.
No. (Stover end na Trani sato", Pitutiora
OEll5Oi-M 7,6F:11. ft CO, Whole,,lo Ur
. Noll Vt.W.l - " 4 T
to Mario .nd
414•e41 L 4. 1114.10.11, School 800 n;
raper, Sinteni Flicel Pon., Quill., Printers , CaoN, •
'111.4011 1 .9 /141,044111.N0. El %oal st,Wlti.loo.p.
R7 . Rors Mught 0r..1”, In
T • (I,lc of Warren, OM 0,,
ition and Fur...siding Merchant... Here inn seholeyuk.
dealer in Western Iteserre (Thine: •Irot tad
Petri Ash, and tVestern Ttwitare generally. Water
street, between tesithEeld and Wood, Pittsburgh.
unsetared'arelelea, naiad risen, Ulu . 7th ot.
1 ,
lif LDS kCO c hi j u , Cow!
c 44 1■3061.7,
IC Yet i 371 ff . r t
• •
Twine nod
;lit C. 'STOCKTON,
ATE .Titraguril & Bo:lab:34 BOON smanolti.
TioNot,riurnsz_..nd BLNPER, covet
Alt ila4 plat arts% Matnirlit, ilablit
:r y
.• rr•
4.P • •
• __
CUT _ Pittsburgh Cy Class Works.
I`.Ell,(a.`"l2N l )°. illnetarit
Pittsburgh. Pa.
gir 'Pattionlerattention raid aodd uses. Alio,
W. ctlVilllalt+.4
Wm. til! ~t r/lilll.l. C. W. attke.loo. Prumburgh.
17, 4 e ' orn f ePo72.11 " ly "' anlIr . erin otieerr, Vats,
torso, Pa. Iron, Nall., Como Yams, M. ac., eon.
Guilty ,
Jo th 774- ii , C. James D. Dltitll. WlEter C. liot-
A/FcGILI.S A ROE, Who!ewe GT(1[01. ma Commis•
slOn Alerch.oo,Nol4l Et. FDob.ogh
1111411 lob n, JOHN Y. gnarl.
jogs QUIUG,
/MANUFACTURERS of spring and LILVar cent,
plough uteri, uteri plough annul% coach and oho
tic hammered iron antes, and dealere an tool
ahle cartinga fire engin: lamps, and coach trimmin
gs slnerally,cotner of Rog and Rrant—ola., Pittf;,,gb,
Palmer. ROOMS comer ot Post °flee Alley told
Fount. weet,uttrartets on Fourth st. near Market.
it J. Tardos, Oommi•sion !Merchant..
IVro. al Old. iteVe4 N Orleans, keep conmaidly
IA band • large /5•01111.11 L Of Brandies of the follow
ing brands, which they offer for sale•gono for J.
Durmid Co, Bordeaux, rim Mallory, J . Fraud, I Do
"was Co,Larmsbalie, I J Dotson, Bows. ' A de hi ut
teams, A 1. Moodie, A. de Alondose, Jean Look, ! cc.,
&e; Anchor Gin, Borde au x Red and Whist. Wines
to And Usiscs, sole cod with care by John Durand
tr.:Co; beside& Champagne Wire and Sweet Burgundy
Port- . feb7-Iy•
kir'lloLiiilES &FUN, No ai Mullet et accusal door
a front corner of Fininh, ilrelet. In Foreign tunl
mesticlittla of ggennitge, Certiftcates of Lieposn,
Dank :laicism' Specie.. . . •
irreolalcitans marls on all the prinslpet cites
brearibout Me United Staten. art
Kriiir(WASTS.ft, 41.1)11.1•21-4)1BCT3, Fourth et •
IS nhiN.loar abovaiinittalield, iamb Piae.
Cattveynneing of all kinds done ma greatest
tort and legal accuracy.
Tit,. to Rel9o Eante examined, Si on:Mils
----- 11•11thoirrara.s-
teltherenraplato AG•taliti•tintana
OF War. SiCill/CIIM A NN, Third et, °Nitwit. the
Pon-Caen, Pittsburgh—alape, Landicapen, Hill
acad., Ahowbille, Label., Architectural and Machine
Drava, Business and \lodine Card, de , eturraced
or does n cet Mae, and permed inrutin*, Gold, Brunie
- Or Black, In the man approved style, le,
at the .11.14
reasonable prices . nett d,l i
Rol n r4 ) 4 l : l 7tkoLtle CC lS . ron s err " l . 4 b oTs ' es " ;l '
Conenroismon alerelisnut, and dealt:, an Pousbarsu
blanatce stes. siolZ
LOOT. sonton. rnosa. Irerms sus, 5. Stemnsns.
turn an I all Souls of Foreign and Domenic Wine.
and Liquors, No.ll Liberty street hand every ,
lance mockof superior old Monongahela truhkev,
which will bo_sold low forah. toyl
Tjaiyuot.os t 811EF- FOrwarding and rOrfltillf•
t. on Merchant*, far tan Fumy Rarer Trade,
Were in Grooeries, Produce Pittaburgh, Moonlike
tares,and Caloride of . Ltme.
,Th.o highest price, In cash, paid at all times for
country rags ; Cornet Penn and Irwin ins. apl..
DOBERT DALZELL a. ea., N'huirinite
It C0R1111141..0n blnithants, dealers in Prixlnce and
Pitinbinqh Mmufanzweii, Ltbercy suet:, l'iliAurcn i
P. anis
TObESALE ORtON:lb Produce, Porwerding,
and Couhaittion , Merchant. mad Dch.lcr Pine
burgh hlmulacturot, No 3 Libcrry tor, b Pih.burthr
I. C. erraeseary. zoom i worm.
lIACKLETr 4k. Whoterale Dealers la
Folvlrt and Durneadc Dry ti.oodo,ZGo tre Wood
Street Mahwah.
Wall Merchant, Dealers
Y.7to Flour and Produce generally, and Forwarding
and Coturraisrlon - Merchanbs, 113 First etreet and
treersollatteet~Pttsburgtr. 0,17
I. PM-LAI., /11,11.13.. N. rolls m5...11,.
ELLCDS It Produce General Coco
a I+ll.loa Mnrchnnrs, Ae. 17 Liberty Weer, in
burgh_ Spero', Linseed and Lard Oil, .717
CI. - krVLNniTi:;4NialiT4r eii:(l)7Wirrie7 - Ze Gro..
173. rent. Forwarding i.t Commkelon
'kale" in Prosbargh Moue Orton. and We.tera
Prodoce, Lave removed to tact, new warehouse, rt.:4
atand,) Nu. 3G, corner of Front Street and Chaorery
( tsar od`• O. S rano.)
love ' p7 il a k eet " l n o
enter.. het tnenda and mat ravelling Ine%, acne,
lady. the beat man.: and on {LC tenet Urea
et 61.3.
I.TM:ILE arid at all I.e. he
AS ay. evety
debeaey of the season—and his RAS watt the best of
I llot7tablin •
meet bad teen 't made li the '" Zeresloqa7tta ” o7l7;::
:anal tf ' "" ' CLAWSCLY
East Ade Dnamon4, EYA.l.er5l!. •,.!
youN WRIMIT k ltt, Mr , Cr , ;.•ftd
andWoo:en M . achturry e:v.t • de-. flpoo,t, I,
al Cutting Marhul , r, nano
Ilrlavfinl Frame:, Itallway
lcesAmT Loo,a+, C.,d tin n.ler, 4V,,p.,1.1
Iron Sitaioitg turned, el, %tit., 4*.t.‘
~.t• and 1”....11.•,...
and 1.1. of 911 kind. Cuediatel e•ery .....
fond, hed abort ono,. 1 . ..1.C1rta mad , Io urd , r 40,
rfp, 6,, 1, , al
I, l'.•1 ...•
Y.!suet X. re
1110111.0 Inform the publie, they have taken t:te
Ily sear...bottle formeCy ocear.ied by tit, late Mr
SJii. .ebtryer, 114 e••:.,d ette , t fl eeing a ;arr..
d c os
oormoritove were:mese, they would merit ri.e
ettension of pre.. Laving gooJs to , oh.iin ore .ore..
They nil I olan slue vuenttod la the ',ord.., and sale
of Note.. Draft.: W.A.. de, oar:
L. Si - . AWI.:101.181
1101.ESALE tlaucurt, .nn
Nfh,ditt( Niermithmi dealers to all la.,lsm E.-
Plationgh blmaMtetdred Antrim, /1.4 Ageott
far ale ot Rikrbloond gad LyuebLutg 111.0fartmml
TOliatco. um I
Railer, -Pa
11L1. el ts imna to colic :ti out and all other haat-
T • dear cotramod 10 klll9 Si Buhl. and Arnhatrtng
count...4,FL RAW to
J.t R. Iloyd, Llberty oit.
W. IV: o
J anima Marahall Wallace,'
do Pi tla harsh.
45v Katt 6 Co., Wood a h 5 jatt7
.1011 N DICIPADM.I* C 0. ,&
Canal lla.:iick,Renn street. Flesbureb. Boa
JABULS U. - DAVIS dr. co.,
No. eV Itarketi •oA 111a.k1eS.bic
Adv./et to.lea,l4titltir of the al.a...reyouera.r.ts ,
Cut, Ot Prodce to <Shur Sou,. to t
vxrH 9 LF.N.ALG & 111.7,i1fr VedlLV fIROCKIN,
W*4111111! and 001111Q11.1011 Morebents, end
dualers m C. 111 4, 11(k Yrodnee and rateloargh NI hauler:-
tores,eoester of Wood and Fifth streets, l'aretorral,,
• W at. H. WILLTADDI dr. CO.
NontlEalt cycler of Wood eond Third rt.c.c.,
jsra hrrNscrau. l'w.
w. E 66666T, 10113 S. cumnx•rit,
n. JD Wafp a,tlll 114“41..X1r.
k CO, Wholesale (inure, It
W•nd WiII:MAW( • no•but K li. apt)
Jo. D. wlrn. 111,111...,
WICK k 111dIANDLESH, Derecrson. dil. tr. 1 D
Wirt, Wholesale UrsDrrs, Porx•rdana •n , 7
Coa TV
nno I non dealt" in Iron, Nails, Wats,
Conon Yarn., and Pitt-oorgh Mannfieturra general
ly, earner of Wood and Waxer atreeta,
VV:k. - 111.11IITCHRLTREF., Wholesale (Itorers,
Iletufying llinillero, and {Vine and Liquor
Merely 111,114.. Alma—lmporter, of 'Pod& Ashland Strach•
irg Powder. No..tun Liberty tarter, (opposite Surds
e'rret.l Pittslairgh. apt?
lA/ IV. w Lsori, Manhole, le realty, SI Isar Were
WY . and Military Goods, corner a Market and
Fourth streets, PM/nmb, Pa. N. D.—Watch. and
Cloek• carefully repaired. ant?
JOU, e. It'cons.
xiirm.vouso k. Co., Dealers in Louder, Hides,
TV te.,143 Liberty street JarSrl e
, Y...V1N:07.11(.0‘. :0117.leeltiell110.
NVxII. McCI77TIBCON, Wholes,.le Grocer.,
• dealer. ie Produce, Iron, N.lll, therm, and
Plllabargaldennfactura generally, Ldbc , ll ' l .' l .
I . :ktargb. • janl7
nrILMARTII la NOBLE •re , new reseiving . n ew
y emu whom, which is of vopenor quality. I heY
can now famish failles with fresh Flour. Al orders
left in the boxes Witl be proraptly.oneeeled to
Cu, Mills.
- - • - • •
T HAVE taken WTI. CARR into partnership with
meinYoy business, winch - will from this dine A.
mailed on under We .1146.4"J0hn Parker & On ^
&larch let, IMO. JOHN PAHNIAL
Joho Pstkert•—•---.-• • . • • Wil ham Carr.
IVA°lernia . Gratera,! Pealere its- Produce Fur, tgn
TCcter, Liguori, Oil Afortortecarlo
and Rattified Whitby.
- No. ft, Commercial Cow, Litany street,
man Potttottsh, P
w.r¢Y.M r+ui•a. e•nn•.
(Sooressors to Hussey, llatin• k. to 1.
in Foreign and Voinestle Cernfieatir.
of DtPO3ilC, Bank Note., and Specie—North welt
comet of Wood and Tbird streets. Current Money
reeelved on deposlte.—Sight Check. Ai lisle, and
eollections ilade un nearly all die principal nom.
the United States.
Thd highest pro:Want paid for Foreign and Araerlean
Advanect made on conogninent. 'of Prodace i ship
pad East, en libetallerias. •DY:I
ins. a.m....n0d Lego. a 110410
Wft• A. IVICLUIRO & Co.,
No Yt•Co Wetly stret,, above Ma,
Hate always on hand of Chorea
Groceile. and Fine Teag; algo, Foreign Traits and'
Nuts, Wholesale and limed. Dealers &polled on the
lei term. meet
At OgL
ItIS & sirwtiiivsg,
rinlA AND WINE 211:61.111A.NT5, east aide of the
Diamond. •
, Exemlent Tette.- 60 ha Per Eh
B .9atiOr 0 71 do.
The beat unnamed 1/tt do.
Lam priced damaged or infetler Time are trot kept
at mts estathshrertnt .
Vir W.TZ,T.rdfotTol=l,1 1
,h.", 127:
woe imotottoot of..flago, to whith ore invite the 1.1.
Motion of puree.... • • mu - So
.. *h. (Mamma .r A111•1011/0cMh,
u sp!
=al suuLos ortisvoitr.,
pins magnibeent ernblishment being now tom
' elated and ready for business, the proprietor would
nwpeetfully solicit a Omer of the nubile, entronnee
Ile trusts by giving hie full uttentl-n to the basinesa,
the house st pleasant and comfortable retort
for the citizens of Pittsburgh and for the country
Goodaanntlanta will he in walling, nod erzry en•
mien suede to render the ektahhslunent worthy the
countenance and *unrest of an inteltident community,
The TWO SPACIOUS lIAL.L4, fitted for Peelle,
Conner., Lecture, Balls, awl ' , chill Inertia's, suit
he let 11 , the eventng or week, on as WM. as
any other in the elle.
The BAR and RESTAISDANT,,,i i n
beauty la any in the w ~,
orld, will be kept furnished
with Pure Wince, Choice Liquors. Cordials, Potters,
Ales, and the cool y light. retteshtnente of the ...awn.
Pouhty, Game , Fish , Soup, Oystess. and
served up In the beat style.
The DINING and ICS CItIIA SAI,OON, tonne on
the first node, and easy of tree, will he constantly
aupplted moth all the Lainnes stud Delicacies to the
...a; and Wen, with such substantial{ so the markets
Warding by the day. event, or vrar. Muni., or
Harpers for indilnifillit or parties, furtitilind on short
Gentlemen with their favoliee. Iri , lllo, the city otn,
'tire-aliment. at tit Lode at Roy hour
of the dal •
Good Stablir end an eilen•., Livery Ettallith
tent;. connected with the Hall
Entrance far L6lll, In roe Ice cream ctot Donna
Saloon, No (t 7 Stulttatcht farce,
ELL KNOWN VENIVAN SLIM) hl LEAS wkeep nonatantly on hand on make to order
Lest atonic In tt.cir lo.r, at thetr ate , nud, Ni 11 r l, .
Clair Illrea,atno, at No. IC Alarkrtsttent,nrcut , tor v.
nntrinet In 113np4asnood. .Venau. Shutter. made U.
ordr4 and old Mikan todln rdndand .4.10
W. DI, Hook 11111ad•re.
WE are eOll entrap-d du" rt.0r,,,,
Cl %Voad sod 'llnrd weer-, hitAn,rl, vd.r
wre use prrearr.l,o do any work In our
patch, I , :e attend to our wol k I.onally. .1.1 A 4,11.
(Anilon ryrUTr gkrou ord 10 tit I/Oil/1 , . allA
1:I.L1 Bookc rated to en, rkswrn and
Rook• in numh,r, or old hook, l.ound
1414 or rri nrrrd tisEne• pot on I.ook, in ' ,lli o•• that (rove w.rk Irr our Iroe. are Invtw , l to cut.
o .oir r.
Tar acorn work . berng ow 101111 Kul ratee..fal
tl . lllo[l, I am prrpar.ed ti exegete osiers va:111 111, , a11 ,
(ue all lord, of 12111.1,111 /ler IL,fft-h a,t allot
pieta r pr.nderi, earda, ne tor 01.
draang . frames, eprederu, Luna, v 0,01...”
earda, double or Norale. for ateral,ant eouotry work,
anutes,rarka Ste ;.lale and bumf la the. and tool. in reo
anal. isakt9 or .balusta mode In orde. ptia, •
to (Or rearing Incur le9 or artil. r•tr.toilal.le
Italia so —Kennedy, Cluld• 1.11110L54144 . nrn
k • I, .1.. A
111 r sallafglia m. incur Pittsburgh.' Pa.
Office. Ito. 37 Warr I,lrsAra AllarLet and
Mad, Pal•6.lgk.
WILL constantly keep ou hand • good wsvort•
r. amp of Wore; ol our (.•11 ssou(oetoro, and
supertur qualter . Wholesale sod country
e t the are re•peesfully lo•ar.1 to all laden
mins fur themselves. as we are determensdto sell
•hettp•r then hs• ever team Leen ollerealto it
ID . ..Ostlers sant by mall, sceompanle4 by the caul..
nod esoseenee. swath- promptly atesoded to. men
llyA. WIIITE 0 0., ercrulol egnertf d
. trablie thev in, vrete A info m; on
Laeock . . between Fede,l -1;1 ry
They mat otig nod urn p, in, wilt,. 100
every 4e•crlinton meincie., 8..
ruurhe.., Irugel , 4, , , bn, (roar
lone expanonyeeln the uennfrietk... ~ove Ole
and Ito - larkinies Cae, h,:ve.thr.y tcei ‘oitinlont lh ,. T •rc
ennttled to do wog:: ,111 t:,e rea_ronul.le
arndeA In thr:r
reylog nurnuon to the et-P.m.:nu of el a t
enJ havlng none but comp .. .Ent wori men, they
have no hectnnon In P21 . .111.111; their W.A. AV:
therefore the unentio, al the puratr to ear.
N. II Itepairtne . , clone w the t+c-.1 manner, and on
moot reamsnalde to mu. tit:, I
\V&o,, ALM ,
rI,..NTINUE all
t_, TlN.ANuft.4llExr tu,.N
lunlth Work.
Steam lardtt built lu order
zspeeiti ato,n,do gte , , atra,., .tat wort
have on hands t,dooor.menl of Comorr and Ina..
Kettles, Ttn Warr, Str MILIP•Ot 'oat [no Stdr , a
Portable Forge. , varloao +l:.- o vrry runvement
ark (or steamboat/I, Catdorral emir:ran s. or ran rooal
co W mpanies.
e won:d reopeetlany tnane men and
other. to rail and ore arar articles otrua
and mores b 0. . ,••
Pitt llotalatao•'Wor wokol You lade
onrreiaadn, ra.
It~i~r In NIALIAL..I,II,IIS tA, .1 L A
, U. r.Rtnur. Jul. 1,. r. &
li. J. II 1.%
rims suboetiLet olfetg far .ale • 1 .170 , •nd Wend. ,
with and without ~. .1.-sti•st't celci.rn,
Sashan Anarbtorist. The •Lovr iso.tsuonsoso •re was
tasitzd to he oqual to Any inanuf actarnsl so mot essuo
try, and will be so:d lower th, any brussels irons the
Kest. 1 7 BLUME, No tI s wood es,
N. 11.—City Neap loath Le mken at per 10/ • It u , ul
be /aura as•oncirot. cnyl I- U
. .
Guam Llrlek Works for dile
frrIRE cutisenbct ode" lot tale, 14e
a., I.l,grrure•nle,
Strain I"...goir,lll.nsler, Alnis!J neli
manufacturing »n,OO Pre,ra lout of arl . y
Imarsi horn tor Lank.) dag
lam, on ant Allegl,tuy riv
~ wlnol, urr I I i 11....
eiena, machine aing n:ti) on
n. n rm.- in. •a •.
though, &c., curry thingto • ,no
Met,ce: npc rano,/ at an hoe, Mt hi.,
tn ,, patrol nrAtt u. u.e ..aid lir •..
paVw,,lman.. ca. y. itt.ina 11, land.
nargicul an, 2..),1rra• /11'.N. RV 111:1111.1t1.
'7.41t1 No Al4.nol•ruiLch.
0u1t....b.” • Lev; lee ye lu gniorm
theY bare ob.:al/J..1110W the Elle. n . . 1.1,
fatrhtunoblt ior li.g., I.oth wr
and ectueterms Cet'aucte wt.-1.g.,, to Nucor., hoto4.
some patter... all Oil r.uumne, laud
fur the...rive, (.110.04.,1 v. Ihr •Lias.
est notice, *NI m the Len 1111.1111(1. 01 the comer of
Cratig.hna Rebecca stvecta. Allegbrn y city.
iitii.LuLat victim
BFAN Ir•vrt to taunt. his Ittenda sod customer the
he a tool reerialog ilia new vringstnek ..1 1 l•
r00m...i ig. a tial, all me newe•it 4,1 rti , lai ta.h.oa,
able bly Iry of Cloths, l'!1/11.1.ner., loony Ve •trits cot •
Lon end linen risinmer atu Q., and every ...tele salt. lie
for gentienstuto wear for oprihr and Inatome r being
trupo.ihie to de write the beauty, quuli,y, or quantity
of the stock, the proprietor bopes•all who are 3,1 want
of good, cheep, fashionable, and well wade clothe.,
will glee hint a call, as there it no rack doe aide at
the Alleghenies that eau compare with it.
The ready made department is very extensive, wimp.
ted to all tastes.
Rail road contrantora, country inerchante,•nd all
ho putchage largely, gre partieularly lnrrgd To el
mine tko stork before purenwnge, as parnguint at
-1001114 paid to the whole ode torero.. Lll Wu grub.
Every aniele in the tailoring hue mode to enter to
We awn Itubloo•hle and beet 111111421 Cf, at 003 rhormei
emirs mr..2
of A
of Mr. C Bradley. The bumorm will - be carried on by
A Bradley, who,rill acme the burr:tees of We 101 l
N o Foundry
Warehoeue 8010 Nu 110 Second sirechlo No 10 Wood
street, between Mei tad Second fleets, to Use wore
houNe lately occupied by G A Kerry, n hrre be will
keep pungently on band a geueral as, oruneut of Cant
ing•. Crates, Steyr., Cooking Stove, Ar. I yr.l
1142110 EL Dicif.ELVY.
A . N . 1 1 1 ,I,'A last .
east Steel Files, of all me, and Il
e, end ',thee
Rapp, &Wraps on hand •nd for v•le, either ut
gle Steel Works,. 0 . 11.•10 street, Fifth Wold,a +I the
office 10 the boo Store I:OI.I.NIANS h. I. It 111
SUN, No 4,100101 Wood ettfel, l'ittabutes.
tatit...ll to
We, the underuigurd, hart., timed, vent, enure set
luttentoth the ttamt Steel and Viler mad , . 3inuei
m e g u iey, et ht. Inrnmin :diem! Woilt, ihim en, ,t•Y•
rintmmuli, in terenunerolinn term m,nml nutdam
ere, ttmeml ea,3l ioverdn mune...tete
Itittlimittudt, ?dutch 11. I-Le
A .1 II ,11.1KNIII:111.I.31 A CO,
Manufacturers n( Iron and N• 01... Put,ltla 4, Va.
LIV A VA nyriT:.`t,
Iron Founders and Alach/ now, Pa.:burs Is, Pa.
Manufacturers oiSprings, dales, lint., !steel no d
Fhaent, Pett•burf It, Pa.
F b. W M 1 , A111,1t,
Engl. Bolden end Machine Curd Munufactu
,,,, Pits4ureh.
Bra , * rounder, Plltaurgh, Pa.
Manufacturers (Who, and Nail. Paisbutah, Pa.
Loculanuva Ellalrse and”lop lInLW er. Potrintrals, Pa.
%V W W
Marble 111.ufattgrer, Machine and Enrintalutld
ell• Pastal•oraPt. P•
DittooOstrom of Part ortrobap„
THE Portnerublplueretofore extsUng between the
sobrottbere, coder the farm sot Cliotateert,ltetteet
Co., Glees Nonni/tutor-re WAS dtfuelved br cannot
COO.OIt on the ten Otte Of Jul), intone, All perm.n
oeourjoo themitirectedetrtetitoreld Lanai are.request
<4 to mote paymeca to tither at poitterotrultuut
delay, end all per sueo Oolong atilitilltd aCeOlinig with
. t ujd ate itotilett to frratlelit there for rettletriuto
Par* We . Arad Brandies
Oovril Papa lt,Slore uolutelo for eletimuot/
pomace& eon Ryon F. aod end for sole key she
goon or orholosiloi q eke! Tea Toe Gems tut
MORRIS & He:WORTH; mum sioloof ThatoogO,Piut ,
b ikr05,44 esetima tow, Ausogy i us; uto = k m ,
- -
rim! r: nr.L.A.wn Re MUTUAL SAFETY INSI.J.
LRANCE GOMPANY.—Office North Room of the
F -.°jhuke. Third street. Philadelphia.--
Fiac farrunea.—Unildingo,Merchandire and other
props Gr. in Town and Country, insured against loss
or damage by are, at thn lowest rate of premium.
Slaccorlitscannes..—They alro insure Vennvl., Car
lin,. and Freights, foreign or eonstrrife,sluderoPedo ,
npecial policies, a. the assured may desire.
IsLarro Tumsnoirrs-rton.—They also insure Meech
noels., transported by Wagon', Rail R. 64
labol Cart,Canul
But. and Strum Rants, on rivers, and r, on the
most liberal terms.
DIRECTORS—Joseph H Seal, Fdlin6.l A. Sunder,
John C Clovis, Robert Marten. John R Penrose, Samu
el Edward., Gem G Lelper, Edward Darlinginn. Ifuiae
R Davin, Wm Formed!, John Newlia, DO It Gunton,
Jan C !land, Theoptol. Paublinc, 11 lone. Groot.,
n'llrY %loan. 1111,ill lleorge SeGill, Spencer
Slellvein, Charter Eelly, .1 GJohirion, Wm Hay, Dr
S Thomas, 10 , in Seners, Wm Eyre , Jr.
"unit Craig, Joint I` Logan,
11.1.. U. NittenObti, Seely.
ID - Office of the C.rnpany. No. 12 Witter street,
Pludtmegn finned-if P. A. MA REIRA, Act.
1.114 And Il•nith lasuraries. -
pill: Mutual Life and Health Instaravee Gompenty
JOl Philedelphin. luearpotated by Me Legislature
of Pennsylvania, islarth, liltd. Charter perpetual.
Goptial.6loo,Miti Kers" bonny Tits. snit 1 . 101,11,1.•
ran. eosins., and full V per cent lower than the
usual rate. of Life Insurance. on the following cum
',orison will ahem: Thu*, o person of the age of 313 in•
loarnig 100 StIR fin . life, Mal pry In the Girard
Pommels ante: 5 . .!i1., Penn Matuul,
*0,01; New I.:nirland,lo,3o; New York 1.1re.41,311;
blun,Sl,4o, Life and Health, Yhtladelphia,lll,Ul.
Dill.TUlLS—Swawel U. UrttekGbarles U Hall, \V
F. Boone, Itobert P IClltt, Cher i e , P. Harr., M. IV
Baldwin, M. Reeve, !t I I), Chas O. 11 Campbell,
Lewin Cooper, I Rodmanßarker, E. 11. Realer,
ii. Cope, Prealdent—Samvel Orrick; Vico Pres,.
dent—Rohl: P. Sectionry--Fritneis Clark Larne.
.ippisenhous wilt ha received, and even . information
Cisco ELNIL, FAIINEsTocK. Act,
Odle., Gomuncial Raoul, encl., of
orriSslty Wood and 11.ird Pittsburgh
INSURANCE: GO. or North A mein.. will
I tuvi, per sunm.nt and Itualted frisarance Oil pr..
pest, in GA, env nod clowns. nd.l.n slimulActs br
(tiVtra, Liar% n n,t b., pioireArtles of
ood Company sin hell nivest,i, and furroil. no avail.
Jable fund tar the /curie initncinity 0 all porson• titbit
rsito to be ,rviemed by insurance.
mitt'C.'S] I' Jt INES. Arca, 14 Water at.
Pare and
r 11111: OFFICE ut t h.. Insurance eathpfinbr t North
Matti tea, ha 3° moot, 61 to Na. 111
The. o.•, nor nt for the 111 , 0'11 . old amitrr lawn•
1.11.1 r a lit :z•tt t kol an;
their Atere:tetealt..e
:Stenos oo•ts toal ..ther
Modern nun Antique Faruiturr.
JAM ICS W. WOO OW /4 1 4.1
Kt, Tuluu Sr., 1 • 3.11111.1 ll.
J. W. R'.
Rev., ifu y lot on Ita
I, has eau,
Oct, d Li. no:n.111,04 of
the nts,...t and mos.: varted afooslmeni
ever nilfcred for .ale Ws city. beacral
,ett. of ktosaatoou, Al.“tod•Nl, and 134.4 ca IVaGnar,
.. .. . d, ornanosnial
m s suaable for Panora,
la, oda, and lint Rooms, all uktab will ha ci
me !co
l'erw,na de ..... ta Furniture 01 say deaerlplloll, •10
mvited iu tan and exanuitc wbleLt
eiol,ra, cycry dnerlot,on, from Ihe chenoe•l and
ne•t to Mr mg. eteaant ar:d of artuch tLe
10110W144, Vompri.,, a ita,t,
re, rote Tait • Tem Illrana;
On. vers luau CO...rn; Klzzat.elaiau Chain;
Fl•eertott do Ld.. XIV do
Eltenr , ter,
'nolo Table.
I.on. XIV Cow:naafi, bake of Yolk% Cooeh;
00 of
lloch Cam , en;
Itoittits, do Jo
40 del :61a10.1muy l'ar;or
I. ". Ile,enood
`zUNE Walnut do do,
40° Cane Seot .to;
4 Mahogany Itnel. , l! do,
11 . 1.111 u
30 Mu tI.Ie T o
M•roetny lied.teada:
12 do V. ardrdbe,
I, 1111Laloul
A t a-ge a..ortinent .
su e, Chit". and oth
er tedtou. tue,ti..
L i; Iloft• foriof hrel on Ila• aloorlast notice
t . S •V+t , .op, , Led sort..
(lA', IC 1 , 01( HALE,
White List.... Wu, Lrue
Med du do true Lk nu.:
ri:uat ' u.. du reliey C.ultoradea; .II are
Uro yen .1.4 do effereJ at Factory privet
0041111 larbt •eShirtine.
S•eel euxeS •tines•
Cheek, atsJ Stripes very
D:al• tulavy goeJe.
Vs.usurra. I Tailors' tionde
Paddlng, atipref
rsney rad4Lne,
sup, black Stow' t`:oth. t•st.lrel:st.vaLL,ties•y do;
',Ayer Stow a do Ittown 1.100114. $lllOlO,
.4,1'100 C.l 1,,ra1• Serge, leaet du, •
I'o,l th Lll,l 4.11./ 1 4,1 avolLied:
Sap, I.lle, a II ie. Stir,. 'Wart and Wl...Tape;
50,., Drab r B L•Low reg. Idler\ Twist, Jo,
Su,..r re., Li
'nen checa..ll.l
1a .I.i L-10 an . ,6 eon! I'un , ui
I .pure 4 VeLte.,•,
Os, Oa SeUe Ju
li/1 , W ..
ttLag,, I OW 11-111011,1,, SAILA,
Lta, GIAVILLI., Sc .0.
Alnoutneluters' are.:ou-a, No le7 Wcood •
illif:110 011/ tiworalp i etuiore et ILlifte between lira
su,ser.ber., in Srt new* a( ene.taLle, Hulk.. A.
11114 der i.y mistral eottreel. !Llts•ls
Mule sad seille the busweelot the vone.
M.! wt.,. output< the, err autVoLoted Iv use lee name
TheunOrneJlmvr Ow, day afene,..ted Ikratnelves
t.• 1 , 1•10.• k: LIARN 41,:. for tLe pusp•ett:
•••1•••••, PI. C V 14.4.1 Salt ••, a
ui hoe l•rn• (lark,
A Co trill tureerive it,a patron.
age of iLt • u..u,oniera nl tizai Loupe .111.2 111,4 is
TltUfalAb OARINik.S.
In 1 , -. from Ow rtro. , Durk.% h. Co.,
I N.Annun kost
end An. Ilutkr
INrnr. 1.. L. , ron,n-n. n nay Nirmin and tAr putd.r.
tr.. —.la
II P ... 1. , : n r r 0
. luLae;l r.
wolwl. w peeoully °wool We tleettoo a own it
au. awl pedlar, Nu wa Watni frill I
NV AEA. !I I' Ell • lV P.
Weeollne, grow I•re. lo
olenulecrle? la
New 1140 atal Ploladrolloa, end al. grow
111,C11r,.. MO Or . and woal alowored sl7lwl of l'a•
per logellow woe liordr., Firr Ito.
P.M., anti 'realer l'uys. For le et MI Wood et. be
tween et end iloarllowl allr Y, l•aeceasof to S.
NT r II I ST-6 LIN 10. re e d per - st . e.her,
IV/ and lot .ale hy the bort, or eltotle ituactl at the
Dreg. Seed. and Perfumery Worehocca. corner or
6tith and Wood .treero. d N WICKERSNA
4L-.11. Patel./ 1300.1 k Ash.
4 ti 4 tY,T fT" t." l ,°:Zl7j tb
raid.. pow on tile W c ay rand ' N ' aw Orle:117, and ea ,
peeled lie cc Ulla week • and Mt will atiONIT arrive
via Beldame per ships 'inniutn, Chrsapeako, Damn , .
eu•, and which wid be said on arrival, at the
lowest Martel price fur cash or approved bills.
awn No ire Unerta sr.
OE Koenig Manufacturing Company now offer to
the public lbeet Preenlent Chemerel Stove Holub,
and without exaggeration, or fear of eontradictino. by
Move who hue vetted tv, pronounce It far tufierior
any other in the market. The es3yo,m,er need lista no
. apprehenmona of soiling Carpets. An., ent it. Form
putitioAprevento a dust front arising when being eip
plied, which mum be douir when the Stove W coal
The qaantity required vs to little to produce • beau
libel MO.. A saving of over fifty per rent if Minaret
to %he 4.unsamers. A coating applied to Stover, Yip.,
ti.e. when laid ....V fur the sumer', n sure pre•
venlateve age.. rut. Alter hiving tried it unee,
Of it he %rem gaily) no person well ate oily Met the
rheonis ?Our eacturnig Company's Premium Chemi
cal Stove Polish. For valo hy
myn Corner of 5.014 and Mtuil Hume._
( . 0( et or I . rtln and N.I. Cleo
WNI ALEN. A NLIER Vurrtiptung Undot•
In ker., %ahere eely nrtirlu for roDeral and
IMUUTtetvg purroNes eau • be gnl nut rewonello ter.
I I,tri,f2 -
:::::1 1 ) 0 0 0 0 ' l2 Vn„sao
nonLiri m,KNtt,ll
.1 I.lkv ..111
gm]: I rIl a rYrl pore mill fof
11,, .1111[1C11 . p..olca of
10, V A. tV 11/11l1 1 A U1:11
f IkIE owner..e r tot...doe-5 of gioode Partying by
the .0111,1 n. Portable lima Lire," will
wee notice that they twill be required to pay freight
at our warehouxe, ureardiiig to the rreetpt, beta.
the Roods ado removed. I: A MeANIII.TY tr. GO
n _
Sm.! , le for Illedmnol r,t yat.
I •
N suAly bases, We •Uove astir., is trequeuar
The itatbeitnuctn nave some on band br ,
sslc •t tine Done, nes Isultle, which they Ina..
'genuine, it was botiabt by themselves in k f
II a. 114.. 11.16<n wet It.
5101tillt4 & HA WORTH,
Tea & Wine blershunts, east side of the Diamond:
Fresh arrival Of Cholas Teams
01111.1t1 Cs II ILIVORTIL, in tfie DiUllOll4. have
the liitt revel wed tram the Imparters, another large
supple of GlCeilehl
moll:moo yeas, which they
are cow retaillits from be °denial chest. abbe •rl
eh< p , ..e ?hey heir Le? in the unde in beet the
wrath, Cl the prthe. We resperthally collelt the pall-.
lie I L , e c ethere nut Tees With these purChased else.'
Where et saute prime.. • as rip
TItIN, or inewelte. , ' by Pen and Pouch of the
Ilistathitteehthrt nthOtheethi Reliesiand.Tthditionv
of the,Wer led Indeperobenee. By B.croo J./ 4.inn.
.with wqrnyimr , ...Wood by Lode 6 Barrens
ctileell hem anginal etelphea by theastbor.' TO be
ibinglen ag 93e, tot ital• '
a 110,112NE1
• •
Goods for Drerres,eonCtrting of
tierackt and 9. tea 211uIli;
Flawed Sarin do;
Embroidered do;
Victoria la wits:
Low Priced Barred Jackal:tat for morning firers.:
fine rod finirbed do; nod a large 3.1.01102.1 01 Si..
:111..i1n0. with colored embroidery: , 4 J•ckon , lP:
wite, Basco!, &C,1.1 11011.11 et.Sl COMO/ Or Fourth
and Market wants. Jet_.
Cheap Lawn.
1 k BURCHFIELD have 'reeved a large
supply of Iltres. Late.. •ety ettearti mitt. Mrio
brown at. take: ligbt. do. In.greaL gartety, tor 10 to Wie
Also, embroidered twd printed Miuilins andinekottet,
or neat and tautest style...lld lowest mire ter quality,
and nttah en., corner of Fourth and Market its
At the Oo• Prlee Store or
ix T commence ott Hannay, Jane. 3.1. les o 7
1111331CRAC estalihslunent, with •II their
Wheleseld Itnorne. on a le Of be tbrovsn
ripen for Here, Tuna, and all of lbeir ar.ensive
ravel, will he offered to retail walloe .. at a discount
of from 00 to :et per cent. lesivaaa consul prices.
1110111 STOCK OF 011.05 Comprise over fear
hundred piece', and will be sold at an Inanenrc die.
Their enter tment of Shawls, Ilarertee-Tiesues, Gren
adine. Foulate Silk., Lawns. Illusline t Jaronets,
Cambs.... told Dress (Mods generally, will be elased
out maw. .timely, at about on. half the utast rates.
ll covey Past Punt Lt,wn, will he offered at Pr.
Jo Ll•relrs, 10d.
4 do elnelin de Latned, . lOc
. • •
Superior Foaloph atol Arierto. en!Woos, IU k Ile.
:WU dusen Linea Ilandkefelito(A, 6k Tr.
A I. roe lut of ‘Vrt utcbt,Rollatai, tome as loss as k.
Torillitr moo, a coinplitte variety ot Dinurntio and
Moto ido. - ols, Ribbons, Hover) . and Glos., Idonnets,
Alzhinr, in all one of the moat exteretv• assortntrato
in !het
yenta. will be n.aelged down to math than •t any of their wool°. Annual
Stotr 19/11 ha olnne4 Open TharodaT and
Fre luv. and On the pnriono: 01 •11•Lig
no! tool untraing down stock. No vantanton
ts•oq:11 A A MAsON Er CO
a li nYn i = " l.lo ' to r r " tt .. e:2 l . o rS:
uud reet,, narl t , Wye oud clitlJten'a wear,
ant., tuovt able stiatirr.
trivia et rntion to !ow ••rortment or
asl HOT
trrtala. e ali 61 tollioold:7 .nkt
Pt I Is h I:llltel!PlLLUb.vr reeeiveal another
IVrapply of al.ovr aryariv sod tiro vrabled •up.
ply Almon vny quality vcol color weaned. sud al the
Lowy. rash prices. Jrls
pistol:ha Stair Orl Cloth Cover,
IAT Ur CLI4I.ICiI Itaa ieceived_Cos day, übiz
V V Coisiet dzelicapd, No 75 Fourth at., Stair Oil
Cloth Coveno; of very baadaNdo paidandi 4nd colon,
to a, lop!, We leelle the elleatlOD of pigshoet7.
CRPII Y ill - CC/it-16P aro now G11 . .7.610114
1.11 *1 crratly reduced prtcm Lawrie from 6 Cents
50 - , 4-4 hoht Chums from I Ocento bp; Deratut fur Ulm
Plato Mack Bence for BOrnect Ribbons far of
pm yartl Ladies arc Invited to call and examine oar
owe it of dr,. rood. before paranoia 6 cloawbere—
North rest rorttrr at Fourths/Ad Slarkr.t seat jet
15.7351ViiD iLit Cap , tg:b RlMortmeut of Alice.%
re. Mhas, ct Cue rpel w Wl7s o l .l .l,
jell 75 Four7l7 et
u raLi , l
y r a en llU t f ta C r i , tylEtll o hntve: .. largro o l . o a r ,
tuaily reduced once, itc
Bar ge do Latneo, In:ge assortment of benutifol
Jaconat and Surly, Ifnullno;
A rplendld r•sortmontof ithihr and Fancy
Iletegeo, Lew. sikA !attars, rernertably cheap;
Dean„ fat Foulard Milks. et 271 cent& pet gol
Iteauthul front 0} minty and unarm r,
A larro .tact own and. Bleached MoeUoo, dle
per yard. end unwrado.
flocuet. And Parotois, at really reduced
C.inho,ll....nnerea, and Von age, of the annulus/icy,'
reatathab!y lows
Tutela, Oilit large aunt a/Ticking, Apron end
ahtrang Cheat., [LA 1•0“ , ./i YI L UWII 4nc;d
Viireflag• and Shut Or, 1114 LoyelNer with
I oe, It north exot carlnri
a7ll - Cll}lEl.l.l have 113 t maned
1.11. Nror Dula Foulard Sinn, inn ohm, tic?, plain.
and changralne of anon; carry style
I.rrl uustoy; nrrr plan and 6ourrd new
and h ; do
rn.l nanrai earn-n4la non, ne la w and
. ny new at, Vrtar/1,1. 1,
ogll., and Oco;ols
pc;A: voneti, * xi a,. era Itrge p nee s;
plan, ond,•nd an , la or 101 Irlnd•
and 4,111. Inn, Ir•tin eindo• and colon;
ir a., at nor!, caat caner
c ircle r:. no I NI +art
.apply of Black Silk, 1;4
e %
red SUL a, 81-1 recanted .J 7 ea', et saala tunen•
t tams esat earner a( ! a:. atutet
N. 1 1; 3
tit:l.l . z; AURCHPIPLD
irna ai
ii are seng Laerage•
Ni t 'al B l u } egee it l' eeAl ll
.V. I,ninea.o yen iOW pei,ea. at
anath tret roarer of Fes,irt'a and May . 4;l2. ),5
n„. :5 1 , 1 r; K 1110.-e
La ,g er na ,
and In sale ut Natt.tteut Garner at Fourth and Mir.
kat Arcata - JeS &
Mritl . lls" &IIU sae.i.ea an ad.
J:Laisal .a„ , .,ur•eose gnotle,ineladtue earfuls.
4,1 , 4 De Clone, read. Alte,,te, and Gnap Burnett.
Wht, and Colored do, and Ittbboaaor all eolnr
and pneee. ma/ 17
1 4 4 1,00 R OIL t• 1.. rds Floor Od Cloth,
re color.: own loerory, ae.d for sole 211 the
W.citnst. Noo. 7A. Woad
k II 1'1111.1)r 4 ,
I.I.OIOKNINCe 414101iia.
!Li I , ti In. W11111:1.11 invite %he attention
"' “."'" for Muari,.nß plAsinoterS,
..•Prn:/nnt, .n./‘ recuired, turls
1:1noi ilo/t.aahr.,
I:4dut.zine tudait Alpsarns,
I.llnet Mouse de Lonna,
Itkoirotng Waal,
do Pruned runlatds.
I.langni, Thou.., Luotrea, Albawneo, Plain
1:1114.1 Purard Lawns, FV.It Einbrvi.lered Jo,
Roof,. Ribbon., Soma do, Veal, Ac not)1 . :1
S U rnI E ,I rit A t utti4le foe .wemn coup,
and 00 upouing by A MASON &CO
snayla X 2 Metlre‘.t
ri , IIIUIn`SIIAAVLi---Soperwi.
I Shawl, rusuplimfig Oruis....n. ()mug, Yuck, Mae.
GM n, Corn colored, hut fe . ..flag' per exp...,
pid ovetring by A 5114.)N xu)
toxy/7 fit Alltrkt.,
. .
thee. rink, lareep, e arn
Barep., «e%l per Pe rro
°rm.( .y , ePt% A A 111.11:1PN1
Maela U r... iliks.
flro Ithine. 10 1.., ivtl.
du; in...410m1. Co; siel 4 ;titre.,
_. . _
4uo owe.
10. A u : Grnfi du 41.1
do rolorrd Lor4e,ti
Q. MO rit•t n.
.143 Jo
11, Urn. dray by
uvy to
IA AI rhunvithle
Luvircs., et We exireme lewpore of IVio per Did.
m.yol A A IkIASuN eu
Irish lend Irrovve LINGO&
240 pen X• 11 • nd 206 pc. 4.4 Crown lanenti
lin yes Grey's Ilsrklayl, wad Alexander's mown°,
, Duds Linen+, now dperalnir by
rtiaylo • A A MAKIN & CO
Fr.& Arrival of Dry Crinollso,
Urore now fecefvkag large ndilinions incur sleek
y cpriug u of olumule, Dry floods, and are pre
med In writ an eicelleAt alOtorttnill Itt nual
0. , nine. Inc rest, or approld eredlt.
tntrutlOrk 01 V.' [II de lin Is partiesleorly re.
gnawed on our goods, el we reel confident a tides
able w offer unusual indliegments In Wale o till With
us. Cull and extreme sonny rre.
_nlayo Int Wood street
lON !Market ,)near Liberty')
-G 00 DI'S s tlVd1111.1:, HlOUtirid,, LACES,
PISLIERS, kc. Also,
Salto and Haney Vaattags s
LIANDANN A, and LINEN lIDKFBos genesisl us.
sorlmcnt of ZANti, and awry vartely of lrimininga.
theaelteug, and • Cleaseelog
Pialcrioliti—Put the clothesinio raid meter and tot.
them seek over oaths le m y morning, wring item
out 11111.1 OM than in•o a let .e or LOOblf weer, to
Stlieh add the proportion of one putt of fluid to eight
sell.. tit...ter—our it up end burl the Whole tweets
awaits.. The clothes may {dell be wring out mad
Well nand it etc.r cold teeter. Too parts of eat•
merits that's:lay be mast Rata, ova ` arts
and sottare of shirty. roe) he slightly rubbed before
white end rho clothes - will be Wood perlcelly cited,
white n i t id clear.
. , .
Wiirtonied not to lojaroitio fivett fabtlit mul to give sistoditriton, or the money Will be teloodotl
d ' , diploma< told recoil by lb E 41 , 44.1.1t.S
IV Wpm; ot
1111POLLTANT Tlllll A6` b./di:main
Dr. kate's Celebrated Remedies.
TY. JACISH H HUHE. the dioeoverer and sole pro.
,illl.ter of these O.rt popular am, behehma
....n't.flea. 4420. It.. reerolor of the eel bra.'
im•tue t
Inflating the Lungs, lo itlJe7ti, a ear.
~f im•tue a ,rta,lral no that ...Atm.:,
01) , ,:;4 , 1, Doctor rhyniv, et. , l la • end oute.4 :tor.
V/11, - ...1. Peontayltneta, and for tem). yr., ..trare
ha , been Cl Aged in the tr•eattgatton 01 etaestoe, !Wad
the sappliehuou of remedies thereto.
Thruu.Y the oar of hie indatii.g table. in connection
with bit Prophylectie syrup end mimeo( his remedies,
he boa gained ad unperaie led eminence to coring
their: dreadful and feral maladies, Tubercular Con
eouiption, Cancers, Pato:tile, A•Pna,
Fever ant Ague, Pavel. of all hindr, Chronic Ery• •
iiipeles and till those obstinate diatoms recliner to
feinalca. Indeed every tom of disease vanishes under
the um of his remedies, to whirr humanity w hotf—
oot by the ire of one compound only. fur that is In.
tiositemsbla wi it Physiological Low, but by the uv
of Int remedies, adapted tu and presealeul for each
pebe.culiar ßo luso ol
tes Tonic Alterative Pills„ when aced ale
blverlobly acknowledged to Le superior to all other
es a purgative or liver pill, elegance as they leave
goo bowel. perfectly free from ertaturenerog seal.
hie Golden l ill to palmated by dry DeditY to possess
routine properties alapted to !ulnae 'Lwow., tn.
being 'Wished that a bare trial It eurtte.eld tueetaldteh
what bus hero add lo the molds of the moat skeptical.
The elDteted era Invited In call upon the agent. ...I
procure lgrateSano of the illoetafnplunphirlt, giving
detaileJ account of each remedy sod it. appliemim i
ho! gale Ly the following agents, a• well as by most
'druggists tbrowilsous the ecomutzy,
J selioonesaker Co.nd Wood Meek, Pittal io ,,h ;
.1 Al .Towneend. dreggwt. dos Market id.: din • '
ikelthans i ilu neat ttieP.U.Allegheng city,
Jos Dark ley. Darlington, Deaver co., Pla
Jun Whoa, Comm Valley, du do;
T Adams. Deaver, do do;
• •
ausltair . • .
ROE—is tcs ptura Ica nal for Ekla b y
ailfli JilJ9 41,. #urctueox & co
- -
eleventh and twelfth section. albs. Am of the
TGervial Assembly of thommonsmalM,entitled
Supplement man Am emitted an Act to create n
Sinking rend and to provide for the gradual end
It, eitings 'Menemof the debt or the Common
wealth And to ;salami. a loan," Removed the 15 . 1
day of May A. D I .: Sh provides
ALMON II 'rent the Gosesnor is here"). euthariled
to nog 1141 e n man for me mtn of Three filtllions
Three florid md Thous.d So Inn, redeemable
thirty years from the data of the subscription thereof.
st n ram of Merest not exceeding four pt,
r annum 'payable in cold and LiiVer,sernhanneslty,
upon the 4117.0 r February and „r
re•r, and exempt from every species or taxmion.
Vallee:that propo.le /be maid loan he recemml,
alma Ito published in at least one aewapener in ths
Itorough of Ilarriahueß t In the cities of Fittahnseh,
Llncasier. and Philadelphia. and In the eines of New
York, Boston, nod Baltimore, fora Reseed not less
'ban three month. Iterate Me opening of said proposals,
mai - .by letter elseven,s, if deemed necmeary. and
upon the day . asaigoed for that parpese, in melt natter,
Me preprint. shall lo opened in the pr. acne, of the
Governor, the Secretary of the Commonwealth, and
Auditor General, and ti loan *ball be awarded to
be highest bidder or bidders. If the amount of the
'ads shall execed the rata of the said loan the eau.
th e pro rata amongat the highest kid
ders, but If tbe whole of .0 loan ;hell hot Men be
taken Me gingothor matt
e, ew notate. the manner
alresaid, from lime tp tim till the whole amount of
said loon alkali be subscribed. No conditional hide
.hall he considesed; and upon awarding such loam,
or any part theteof, certificates with coupon, for toe
Genera Mall be leaned therefor by the Auditor
Bus-rtes the laid Inan shell be subseribed,it
phial be and It It hereby appropriated for the payment
and ex inguisliment of die funded debt of this Cent
inontrenlth, now due, or to become due, Ottricc
teur one thousand eight hpudted aid ally, nod , or
P.Ment ibeeighty her thonsund any bum
Jted and four dollars and eighty tight cents, due to
domestle creditors
In purroanee of the, notice Is
hereby given, that proposals will ire received et the
MEN, of the teccestury of the Common wiwltto until
4 o'clock Y. M. of Tuesday. the first dry rf OrtoUer
next, edpuletlng for • hll, to the Commonwealth. for
!hit pewees sot forth in the sold em.sif the roinlbf
three m 111 4 ,11,1 three hundred thousand duffer., wide:mu
nisle In thirty year. from the dote of the sub, nritmn
thereof, at n nun of interrsi het exceeXure P.m per
coat pm haYs , lio on gold end soiylori semi annually, upon the first days of Iftbruery find A thr , l 4 l
of nosh you, and exempt loom every specter of tax
Certificates of stock for the said loon, with coupons
for the unerest mill be issued In the trust manner and
made trimsfernble by the owner, on the, hooks of the
Auditor (;overalls Department.
The proposals wolf. he required to Ante explictir
the amount offered which shell root On any care tin
fere than one thousand dollar., the rate of iaterv r e not
reedinq fourser met, mid the on-twine propuosiC
Tho Ptate troryes die tight to accept Me whole IV
nap Ottrt ' of the nabs offered the vr ,, Pov.N stope .
loin to the contrary.
(lids fur the lona must be direct and explicti. NO
condurobal proposal. will be received.
Upon the ite.C . Cpluete of the prOpteeite, the money
must be told Into the notate Treasury, in ouch menu.
as Abell he directed CiAtte Governor.
CeroGeatrs of mock till be issued In loch amounts
es may he requested by the lenders.
Tne pmp“ats to be directed, uinfer reel, m this
not o,
pnaorkid, 'Trepan. for Lent tt They titli
tot be opened or disclosed tout the period Mr 'encl . /.
obi them Lea elapsed; eller which on alteration in the
terms teal be adnutted.
A L RUSSELL,Seeretary of the Con Oh.
Secretory. Moa n 'humour", June Oth, toLu.
111L0TIVT To ethl anflterslirri or TOit C0N3T1T07127:,
pESQLYP btllate cf Itrpreatom
.l.l, lire. at the teMematormlth of Peausy thee 11l lieutral
Assembly met, That the Coostitut.ou of .1.1. Comma,
eaallb be amended m the second metier! .f the lif.L article,
that it nth as follows: Judges of th e Supremo
Court,of the reeeral Coorta of Common Ica., and of s
other Coons of Accord es are or than be established by :be,
rhea! be sleeted by the laalif:ed eledtite of the Comema
let-1144 ti the maidter futtowli.,, W INI/ The Judyes of the
AfCceausoo runs, thud of such other of Relate . 4 are
, shall be eattblatheed. by Law, and all other iodate 'equind
to be learned in the law by the spatliLed electors of the
napalm de trieD mar which they ace to preside or act as
ithllfee: laid the Amoebae Judge. of the Cutthla olComment
flue by the yuabfasel eleetors of lb< colutits respectively .
The Judees of the Supreme Coact than hold their the..
for the Dna of fifle. years, if they shall .0 lueg behaes
themselves well, (eutiyect fa the allotment Lresivalier
oiled far: ruhseyoutt to the fthsCedtatledd t'emidtht
:fudged uf the wrind Conies of Doors. .4 rw t
other Coons of lithord as ese or shell he enthlslielted hsw,
and ell other Judges reyeiced so he learued ay le 1t.., eta!
hold them olbass for the term of ten year,. f tt.ey shell
Ithig 'toter, tbrmee'vn the an. Julgt• the ho
courts f rk.• bsitl Dicer oft.. loe
to na of Ayr yea's, it theys `.,alit • Ina/ beta,. .els ea
well; ell of oho,, shy? 14 ochwalthoae by the tia.•thar,
Eat for nay 7.10•3i1/ team width. ghat' tot be ectfthteot
of fa. Ca peadumeat .th ,
all roroyee nay
of ohne . en.lirme of too' Unto of ear ureuel. of the
L , 11•41 the The Ant election, shall tithe P an at the
nerd elthtteu of thi. Coododureealth o. at niter the e•toto
tlx .f u mendvarne and the tooth:ow:ow 01 WI
J.4,e• who may be then It tfice , stall expire oa the rat
NI °ed., of December rollow th g, the teens of the ate
Judges 6.11 ema. :me. The person. etc, shell then be
eleatedJaddee ord. Sopreehe e_oo t y ' hay h o ly their ea.,
ae f Howe One of lbeen for tt,:se 7 0.00, ems for via :mut
to far Met pion, caw Lae twelve ythre.th4 ,wee for If era
years, the term of oath to be decided 07 he by the :add
Judyes,ne sows after Ihs elution coarcoithl, arid the re.
mot certified by them to the tievatoor, that It..
arag.hejetheit in acconlouth .thetrua The Judos who.
ethanaemo wilt first earns shall be Chief JuDita
hie tenst,anel thereafter each Jadiee whom VjglJi....(l DAD
find :suers teen
Le la* Chief Justly., axed if 000 or
ta./Y doonaloosts shall tapirs on the same thy, the Judges
holdlon them deettle by hit iloch shad bi th e Chief
.hey threuesee, happeuiog by death, ree'ruetima, car
othereei., tit sod, of the mid courts, .hall he idled by op
poiotioeut by W- Usneroor, ea ti ll the lint Moe
del of Docenter *Ye cent ton Wei at o•l3or.l•! . e.ina "C?
Judyy of the Supreme Coon no e he Pee...toot. of 1.-e
stourte Curout u (lee. AD!, steted times, er re . .
tbe. the . .e n% eu adequate o , :empeu loco. to le need ty
leer. *hi:4,11101 o d dem:oohed donor Wire coutio , take t
so utLet bot they 861111 receive nu Doe.r o rya eite en( ~Se.,
ther Lull aoy other office se snolett. , .. "ommuuwealth,
or coder the ,thorniuseut of th e Uotttd H00t,., or nay ullro
Mem ot thti Dutun. The the aupeoe. • ...I
'het, ratio:meth ulttia, hie eithio
Dthitasuuweeltly and the other Jule, a:tuna:ohne routoe.
wee it,, shalt nude withia the ; ,, , ,set urn omity for
whiiti they were respectively deeded,
Speaker atilt Rothe 4:Cl(qm-ex:del .....
V ItgaTi
Speaker of the denatr.
Fetal. Chattel,
Harresihni, Jumary b 1
t ] alneel W. rear.o, Ohio( Clerk a the Se-ale of
t..nah it..., do hereby eertiry thtt 19. lorextitg rtrolathoe,
pi t . 10 0 . the :Os.. file of thy peestal usehot.) tithing]
hitt whet. relativto .o atttzultsch of the Conttilthot,"
--st blot, the tame ruolutiad .11.11 wt. weed bf a esa.
corny of the stemhers elected to each hoot, of the last
Laghls lore— tl]er lateieg her]] to], tote Or.] ad dir
euthid, nu this rite Ity a mslorip of the
eleetehl to orol treeing in the Ilea.. of Peu.)tetuit, RI its
Wi151.1...12.11),15 whlapror Ono' rot. ;hest cro the
foal haestge tithe resolution, to follows, lit:—
Thsm voting in Amoroftha palmate of the rmolutmu errm,
11..1 , mm flemoke. J. Rueter ttraveley, tt tlliato A. t. rabk,
.I,lmhan J. Cunningham, Thom. S Fermi, .• 11.
ketwytts, Clumba Frailck, 'Ube. 31. Frmk. llrtal Fulam,
1,0 W. t:..nrnary .W
IT., V. ,seph, Orur y s I .
Lamm., Almtwell NeCuliu, teulAntu Ben)
Maltlmm, Retry A. 31.htenbeeg, .erack.,
%VIM,. R. Sa4ler, David Sankey, Pd U ., Sava'', Canna
Ebner., Robert C. Starrett, Ramat Stint, farina H. Streeter,
John 11. Walk*, .n 4 Vslentam Rut, eimak.r— krks
l'huse tuts; g against the haute the res,, , ,on rum,
Ciro,. Da.", Au:mtne Urn,end A'etkuder Kmg—
Nap 1. ( from the Jtmrsnl.).
RI inn Heiman or Raniutamirrami vas,
fr ireiatiorm, March le,
I, William, Jack, Chief Clerk of the House or Henn ,
seutatkrea of l'onolleania, do Lerch, ocriity Soo the I,re
(any reaolution, co the Songs 64 , and Do
Ile IfonesJouivial of the prearat entiMed "Soso
Mims relative to the nomodoiont of 1 1 / 4 a
beim, 16s nose reso.iiik,, which wee agreed Intl • eiej.rily
of the rosentivms elected 1 iwh 11.1., of the laat
tore—afar harm; been dory cabin lend amid di...coated, na,
Ibis day areceibt • by mayoral" , of the members elected to
modwriting in the Irona of lbernmentatiora of Penny I
, r
at Ss present et• 2100 WI will appear by their rotes,
riven on the Sorel forage of the resolution, as 10 1 1 i, es, vie:—
Thus entre gin Dove of the yessuire of the resolution wen,
John Asko', Jahn Allisos,Wirliani fisher, limbers Baldwin,
David J Beat, t`rsig Jeremiah Mach, John S.
Bowe; William Brindle, 11.0 Brower. Jos, R
Bunion, John Cum, floury Church..Dbm N. Conyorham
rirlreoer Cridland, 8[21394110 U. David, IA illiom 1. Dob
bins, Jim.. I' Downer, Thobas Done., Willman Dunn,
FApey a John C. Enos,, Wil.iGtO EMU., A. 8,1
Rohm Ala.wderS Feather, Jam. , Denjvoio P.
Fortner, aleasodar tlittioney. Thomas E. One,, Juveph E.
oraCto Jaieph Gun), Jacob B.
J fiefdom. ' litorge
nen. ',effort John fruitier., Williaos.l
John Hodge, Henry Rapier Lewis Iferfard, 1V•amortool.
Jerks,,, Niahalv June, Jobe W Charley. E.
Kinkead, limbers El,te, flerrivni I. Laird, Ji.rri. Lemeh,
Jon ilium D. Loot, Ammo I.,ramaid, Jamp.l.l.coris, Hear'
Liit.e, Jonas R. at 'Cram oak, Joh. F TAilm h. Alexander
C ill Jahn APLan AFL..., Samuel
11..., Jahn fl hlr•b, bliehael Meyer., John Miller, Joseph
C. Slollay. John D. Alorri., William T. Algorism, backed
Maw., Edward fitektmon, Jacob Nisaly, Charles O'Neill.
Julio H rocker, Joreph C Junco C. Reid, John S.
Ithey, Lewis Rotor's. t‘amiial 80b'5..., John B, !Luther.
'Ord tikohi W. &Orilla, Thom. C. Seoullor,
9hl Ober, Richard Shamee, Eli Slifer, tt Smith,
W 11
Wilma A. ,1•11, Daniel ,
1 &Imo C. Steel, David 'Steward, Chaelea Stmekorell,F,J
emu C. Teo., Andrew Wad.. Bober, C. IVal‘ or, Thomas
Walton, Sidney B. Well, Ilimma A William. Daniel
Zet bey, end John S. bliCalmool Sneaker —Trite 07. .
Thane voting amines the ruin g . of ,1.. rosnintino wept,
Any.. K. Co.nyl, David f: an. and Janata NI. Porter , .
N.y. 3. (1.30,1141r/UO3 Journal )
NTlrth 13 IKO
A. w. OEN EVICT, Dtp.Se.r'y of OcaagrrrAw...lth
I alit caddy 41.4 thr above and fur.rion: ••
cutr•iit c. y of fist ori‘inal iairiat Al-
Itsfalulionalasan arnendinoit of
lha Conatilulion," as lbw in clima Ora,
l Intestlmmk! vshe,ur I 11.•. 1,•,,, set my
L. a. 3 ha.l. and rulted thr Eferre.
tares OtTsca. at 111.1-rbborg,, 4.7 of
June s Domint out thotsumi e ,ht.A. , o.ins.l and fißy.
A L. IlU42.'ELL,bacrtUry of the Comisrmwea,th.
FLO() .
DOR the ronvi.J.tenee oldie eniscos, the proprietor,
.oft;e Plth.litergh City M.D. have placed boxes for
the reception of orders of the following places:-
ISt R Floyd, corner of Sixth obit Wuo.l surds.
M Ilayward, shoe were. e n ' Lftie.Y di Market eta-
A Meilen, stow, Third street.
pregyst, cot Fourth Ft gullible& •
John P Smith, Nora, corner lligh A Wylie.
Telegraph Office, Fourth street
Kelly, grocer, h ifth st, corner of Marretallet
M Omits, store, Pena areet, Nirlth Ward.
The e nd rgus will call twice or Ilince daily
(or o men, th e goar,ge.delivenitt promptly, either
to beagle or sacks—sack dour is preforable for family
..a—without charge for cartage It is plain 110 no
teCounts can he allowedotrof that drivers cantlikore
uo permission to leave door without paytheas,
{Vie hope the public. will be pleated with this ar
me,getocat, u we shall endeavor to do them Jutrtice.
wart./ WILMARTH t tiOHLK
g.gaspavillat Soda& Leissow Sprats.
to toga Sarsaparilla gala;
Obis do do;
he boxes LernoUggrap i madialkom pure lemon juice;
Jut nomad titW [mule by •
WWI% hhigghTWN
11 , 1N , LIV:i f I h m e e b lzIjo er ard i i and
ih t e /
h i •
u tt
.d ie
peons in beck or limbo, otifflo lute, old saes, voiding
ulcers, he. Mat they one be aired by tit itnr the Pm
troleurn! You may talk aloe t its heroic nostrum as
much do you please, but this dame not ante it so, for
we proclaioxlti the face or an acmes, coWinuolty, that
it bat itirtnes which ere ho. contained In any other
remedy. Tho man what, racked with pain and sot.
fenny from throve, can forAfty cool!, get relief from
arty of the ennumnrated ntredr, Reader! It costs
eery little to rook,, a trial. Petroleum I. no MU
ture—ne cornpond, put up for the purpose of imPc.i.R
on Me community; but it is • remedy elaboratml by
master heed of cannon, trod Marbles upfront the bo.
sem of our mother earth m its original purity, and of
ten in suffering humanity a ready remedy, a certain
wet cheap curt. •
It has eared Piles allet nleines hive failed
to render any relief. It h a eared Rhomotiom of long
snoring, and of the wont and abut panto! chancier.
old easel of
l nd. h
byeJ : b r: t
opnfhi e ls
~I,,,chter an ,i 1 :n. o
P.Tu 3n.
and o r_ b ,:ile":t " 1, t. rn c"raI:1 Asathus
t, local
W i ll .l r ie e t c yo l
n of
LC.:1;1-8ge.:1);..4efit: e ' Do:rer e' el i co s rn ni er ‘r i c a ' r n street and
' ;lett l).114..l&r . 5"VA'd
A. Fil
rY, Allegheny city, are the agent. •
DEier v—it universally conceded that beauty
more ...mon in thw coontry then
non her e her,
while al the same bine h is sat: ' , ratio oatl
try is it Ito n 1 young an Or Now this is true
10 a em to C).11,i1. but the loss to often Caused by ra
dical, sky to nil. do not negleet your person,'
apoenratten. bat real the fallowittg, and yen need not
Inch Rood look.. Tire,' aru ler.are nictitate pre
parations, and have nil attained • hith {monist, rt 7
JUL4I 11.111..1 FAL' Dallas nu Van. net Nvarn
Soap, for removing tun, sunburn, pimples. blotritra,
and other eruptions al the skint the meat perfect con.
setvoter oh bounty every known. Purchase !trolling
purpoing lo be :di with Soap, unit,. 0 has my twit.
attache rt d.
John. ll•ro.'s itaartuN on Cgitiusa Ynkenza, for im
porting in the tnoct entnplazton a radiant
whiteness In toottltg sboald .person to 1110 tr ear!.
iIIIOW 411 . for. the Urn. a. tunn 0 .
t ‘, o " .., ‘ ortle ll o'in ' turi rt nu a illy fanner° Pow er [.
ountpounded in a scientific manner, and contains qo
Inyrnutrid sublet can rartublykitilieunn Injury.
JUL. 11•171[1.'t lirrackrotor ['owns., for tnnovf4R
superfluous hate. Wital la mole unsightly than hair
.pan the taco or 1.11/11 of n lady. Mir article bill
remove tt in n short time, without the vu. of airy chap
Jets* II aeries Valoodos I,netitn Hata Dal will la,pnri ho red, white, or vet Lnit,n
Leat t utaltv tiotro. or canon Color. lOW
mot the hair ,n Owner lime, and more effectually
that, any other Dye, berno ni the.inine tarts inrattilltr•
irLat tiara's taltarlat elatalasslllll Wally a Neat
rare to (have with this aroma, There la none.orthe
addanteh aenaution tonally experienced in the ore p(
lad Soaps. On the contrary,hleatter the whin smooth
and owl a. an adorns, and no habie to become
Jr an tiara 's Rosalooru Pam—Next In the hair,
we Wink the Teem were intended as :be greedest °raw
ment to the human face; bulothen neglected, nothing
is Sc dislieuriug. or so quiimiy seen. id y Rosa Tooth
ream artil i mpan to We teeth a pniiely whiteness, at
••nur time keeping the gums him and healthy.
Alto 41:1 hand, • keeping
nowiltment of Frenek,
Meth.,, and American Perfumery and Fare) , artiste*.
JULES ItAllEl., Purloiner and Chemist,' ,
120 Cheatnut alrcet, Philw
For eat. witolcaeln and rated by A. Fahey:X.4
& end R. E. Sellers, Pittsburgh; add John Sar
gent and J Miteheli. Jaltegirmly (toy. Jrn—in
nix Tem Uncover. anti rearriennet ynnstetran.erioaso
Leanne neon an ry,;Tillx NA,- er Tim Breen
oF union,. Tree ITSTIed, Vl= .
Btrothla Oe kiiisse lint, Ithentnatimn i Obstinate Cam
u• I:rum:one, harpies or Cartulenon the Fate,
Eton:hes, Idles , Chronic Sort Eyes, Mlle Warp
or Tetley, Scald Head, Enlargement and fain of
tie Count and Johns, ,Stubborn Stubbo Ulectia,'Hyptilltit
unfronli F"CrO". or I:hark/slew—and thee..
1 "lon from nn imvLuinus nen of Alercery, 'Act.
or feri:pky, Expostre or Impend.. to Lifer.
•Iliso—Chnonic Constiteriortals Disorder}, &n.
Tbu. medtclue has acquired revery extended and
eatelitoliedreputation wherever it has been 11%0,
bared entirely oa ire own inerits,which ion:Knot
efficacy hag alone sustained.. Thf 6trisoriniate victim
or tirrediterrdieeasa, with nwaillia glands, contracted
nTew•• 1 11nint had rehialte, has been restate:nen
writbeelffi vow. The ocrethalistis patient. covere
writalr•l•. loathsome. to himself and his attends.,
hLad a• been undo whose. Ilunitods penanna, who
senhinni hneelesely for yenta an•ler • hritheoar
ant ,Imeduhir eprolile htleeerviere, an
offire eoUlpinett, ar,4,,,n,4 aeon • krattrethee d t
ar the qterrtere pe4:ol el, tee simulation. have been
rnisei w 11 yore fenn the rack of alone, end now, ,
with regenerated collimation, gladly testify to the
efficacy of this itiesonialire preparnston.
The anenuon tna reader le celled to the (p{ ontad
aenn.lehing cue, crceicd by the Li..q a Asada. darns.
..this is avocriiftt tact t have scolded woman who
has ty - o atfueteu for the last five year. with Setofula,
and nil the remedies I card had no erect in rrrrr Mir
the otagreso of the complaint; on the outtary, abe
entleteintlf dew worse; and after expendtit( bete,' el
!PO and IFSO with ohysiriuns, Wades • using other
popular remedies without sneers, till the ihreose had
emen away the eartilope or her now, senile its op:
pants-nee an yyrlata parts nf het hodyount hadllottlle
° 0 . , 4..1 , d Its ravages In the toot of het mouth
In Ms dtemlful situatten. With the prospect a
death rearing her to the mec, I mated her ease to Dr
Disoirway, the agent for band.' kistroparil le to Yew.
be, N t:, by whom I was advlsed to tare, that =dale'
ho rmorire and that of toy netehhors, to whom
her ease. w enown, alter usitso lune and a holt bat
!lea rev sy.el,4lcred to perfect health, and that in the
;ice of ILiee weeksoand wriun hie mwork to two
w :taw the time she ....need laical, it.
"Inwilt-.aot the truth of this statement, I have
rereinno tamed Inv hatee.this Mc day of September,
tall. JOSEPH MeCtrITER, J. Y.,
*Month oriveuse Rives. Craven oo N C
The following is an extract Ora n letter received
irum Mrs Hrvan.wiso hail Leen aillicted .event years
wi t s, ti.,,i.oftihww Uteera, Vytpipeimp ha,. and rectally,
an adeesiou of the throat and chew:—
a llarhammia, Ike. ISIS.
“filtsess. A. R. S. U. :A.:191—.11...f0re commenced
veiny your Sanaparilla, my anifferinip were almost
paw expic-sion, my throat was colapiettly utheriamd,
I had a drcadfal famish, end there were frequently
weeks together that I could Hot speak above a whiz.
per; and lierides.the ieflammistion from oak' threat ex
tended to my headom that my hearing-veils very cinch
impaired. After taking the Sormparilia • Ann time,
my health Was improved, and my throat lit now well;
Item as freclioin cough end lightness of the thew a.
over I was, and can heat uite dmanctl y throat
hat been welt shout three q months, theare of which
ti.m been effected entirely by the are of your Sawa.
r trill.. Putt friend, LOUISA R. BEVAN' ,
The folloWink atstimeni el to the reale Of the Sawa.
pang, LI ream the Rey Lather WrighLaged 76 years,
Cougregallotial Miniutee, residing at Woburn.
it Woactie, Aram, March la, 1846.
"Messrs. Banda: Ocaffenieme•From what I have ex
a nd s r
the Information I nave rem:illy
received f number or persons or high respeeta•
Olt), who have used year Sarsaparilla, I have not
he Wait doubt bat that R it • most valuable
+nd that the canoe rots certificate. you Slave receive
of its eidetic) , ace fully attnlailled by exceilence, a..
&Hit dmii its rep itstioa and wilily are atiy eiteitaly , 4
and eland In no need or inylionthic effort tho Masi
then, want all Who. are afflicted by di ease to lir.
awlie acriurttittcl.l With the elcacy and p Cr of yam
wsluahle medial],
"I am, gentlcenen, gmlefally ;tad rerrreapectfally
lreparrd larder...andes ale and retatt. by A. B. k
SAtsrliet, . Cheithstu, tem p
turner of Wlthent, Nom York.' bold Men by Drag
eltda gencrally throughout the United Stale. and Can
eds. Prime all pet 6ott!e;11I 1•0311 e. furl.:.
. ,
Vol, W.: by, L. WIL.OOX,Jr.,II. A. FAUNFS'TOCE,
t nial l'illsbures..A
gb. a
1 4,
. • 1.4 1'... few doors bs OW Wood mast, la
• 1 words martin
44 ,„,...,., DA. igl.o OWN, baying bees
40 ,- ,t,i, Manful, edaeated to Übe deal
.. iarter 4 ii:. , r`7,l74i . nt d ig` . ,"Zto some an%
I , Z_Nbo..t - Nets ' oftotion to too treatment of
''' W , 21,,,,t . :L ' i " P Pr ' Vf.hic . nls d VPP ' ; ` iTunTir:;
.' .%..,.., .7" ( .rtel n e 3 xp ' erience pecullatly qualify
"s. gum. rd years assidoonaly devoted
ts saucy .V. titatment °tilos. , complaints,(dorlaqum.,y
time he bay hod more o rattlee and ha eared MOM po.
ent. lima Oen ease fal l to list led 0( tiny private 01111 Z.,
:donor) amply qualiS7 . him to offer assurances of
tpeeJ T. permanent, and tisfocorny cure to all adilletad
with flattefits disaasos, end on fuw...vol , ormltir tnnwi
Dr. 13 town would Inform Mote antlered with peat,
dimwits which hays become throttle. by :time or as.
~,,., a by the use of any of the COlllO/011 IMMIX. of
the day, that thelr complaints eon be radically mai thoyl
moldy rated; be having given his careful i attenthin 10
:he treatment of such eases, and sueceeded in hundreds
of ins:antes In coring persons or incase...lion of MI
itchof the bladder, arid kindred disuses which often
oult from those coma where others have consigned
to hopeless flestlair. •He particularly imolai sue!
...hove Men long and ansuccusto/ly minted by other.
..., consult him, when every satisfaction will be grin
_hem, fund their cues treated In ii eatofil,tifocoughang
eteltite ni. maguey, pointed out by alone experience,
, 1P.Hd" . 1. 1 in , fliAt!tionsvgbich it taimpossibla for Mon
raed in general - practice of meHelna In give to
outclass Of disease.
•.. Call lend.. qr Ruptura—Dr. Brown also Motto pa.
`bra anti/Led . ..lMb Hernia tb call, at ha has paid ovoid
site atentiroo to t h e disease.
CANCERO also cored. •
:min- disesiims: alsO II s, Pal p. au., solidify eared
..lbarree very low.
N. o.—Fodeuts of either ualiertag at • etietarteas 07
Haling their din.. In writing, giving all the sympr
toms, eta obtain medicines with dive/Hoof' Pee I=l , Z
.addreanius T. BROWN, fiL 11, pool paid, tad
tg it Me
OM. No. gg Diamond alltry,eppeatta Me Waal,
'tune:, •
Ito anteruna . .—Dr. EtrOVIIPS newly dinar's& maws
4 , MT P.M smailmo Is Is speedy sad attain moody toy'
het painful trouble. It never Gila.
Office at. Private Consulting Room, 110. li DI
mond alley J
Pittabargh, PI, TM *Marla alwayo '
WK. WS o• erhil
VOL. %MI. NO. 48
IL•pr CtlAMTeia , AIMN/ a,004
Would respectfelly inform the elastomers of the late
arm, as atur.the •pabl, generally, that they 'nth
tonnage the reanathent re of
- la all theirvarietles, at the Old Stand,
BO 13 Woad at s beonliott Platt d Wat.e.
• WI vie., Dolling, and Flasks; Porter, Scotch Ale,
Mineral Water., .Yettent Medicine, and Wine Bettina
of eroiy"desettptioni alto, WINDOW GLASS.
' Raciest cons tatty on hand a general asserunent of
the &Niro ertielte. ALSO STATE, an the other Green
Glass Factories are ALL 112111t1., as 4 the velum in
summer, TWA Fir sox? is now to rota ormanon, and
will continue in operation both summer and winter.
Ordain respectfully solicited, and will be filled on the
gherkin notice. • •
Woecio . nee:No 112 Second Weed, between Wood
ond ea. Pith buret. jytontly
RR:WTLLIANtS will 'open a °libelee! and Reg
.e Itch Reboot, on 'the firm Monde, or Sept, next.
Room over J. D. Williams , sore, corner or Wood
Lod Filth einem.
Rev. Wm. D. Howard, Hon. Walter H. L011,7i0
Rev. D. Elliott. • IJ. D. McCord, Fee.,
Ber.lfr. 21.leGill. J. D. Williams,
ji 241-4
C!tyy:lory flu's
-••• • - •
Stl l l . l l. P. SHlGV , E d it h aild CHAS. BARNES haw;
Etna of SU ;iv% k. Homer. i t ogether,K irnaol
WOoleinte Grocery; Predate, ood Coornmoloo bort
m the
ess, at Zoo IS) k..IW Second meet, between Woad
and b•lrui4Selrle. -
Pilldlnsigh Avoid I,lSat —any'
- • - -•
r HAVE, this tier. sisseelateil nth tee M. 1.11.
I. Clouse, IA the Wholassie Vro,ry and Prui.taro
Busitlas; the style of' !Labile Will be A. CelbeTtm.wi
tr. Cluuac. A. CULUERTPDN
ALVOI11IIIT4011) (I. 11. rtorts..
YA•111, Dealers tn Produce, uttl Patql,oratt
rtlatittracturcd articles,l9.l Liberty at, Potsburtth, Pa.
landarrlgnini:lMeln; completed their iteithna
!fill are rdeuared toi hit promptly MI orders for
"hazier and other htanotietured Copper of . any le
yoked sizes. Made from the Copper of We Clad:Mine,
Late Superinr. . • • •
has been thoroughly tested by compe
tent Katmai< men to the:icemen tell. Government,
and pronounced superior In .density,strength, •it
tenacity, to any in ore, and Is much perform. tor the
111UPpiftellif ()ninon., and other purposes.
It I, therefore conGdeutly recommended
rou na eupe
rine article, for all Uses, to any in ter And we
mom:daily solicit tne attention of pprohasers and
others to dos new branch of home mauefacture
• At present MeNalettoure mNo et Commercial flow,
Liberty street. .0. • C. C. 1111881-1 . ACII
liE ViePle Montagne Company supply their opting
With Resifing and Flooding to Meets 3:7 feet, from
IL to 2 ounce; per moan. foot. Corrugated in sheets
307, 07 or, Orr mine putdie buildings and depot..
Ship Sheathing, It ;90 inehes, from 54 to 33 ounces.
Naito, Wire, Sugar Noll; Pinforated Zinc,
Zino Paint, kg. •
They variant their melol pure, and free from any
odolimore. of Iron,•ca any other substance, and re
commend it for tit manofatture of lite]. in
the house foeniohlng hoe, as it dots not rust, Is rot
atitoto.i.ey the aanon of water, and may be polished,
painted, add japanned.
. •
- Muscles, models. ohms, ;peelGcacloma and other
locormation may be bad of their aamma—
M'CAM. & Sfacoo, New York;
Alamos & Co, Boston;
H czal& I t aorrya & Co., PbHadelphla;
W. & H. AlcHtx,lla&uorc;,
MT k eT•011111t: Nam Orleans;
- • .
F. MU.LIROUX, Resides:l Agent,
New Yosk.
Office of the Ohio. b Penn. It. It Co., /
Plitsbergh, Aug.l3, ISSU.
PROPOSALS in writing will be reived by the
undeteigned WWI T ec acaday, the let day of October,
fur the delivery of the crom Ilea required for le)lng
the treat of the Ohlo and Pennsylvania Rail heed
from benne to Aluesitlon t • distaste< o(107 oleo. The
number of ties re qu ired toll he about one thousand
One hundred per mile. The Iles are to he of mood
white oak nyek'opt, subject to the inopection of
eng t the company. Thee moo be cat with
a ow, Into la of eight feet. It of sawed timber,
they am to be oven by right lobes mourn; if of
/towed timber, they ore in tic limmd en the :hp end
bonnie to t midi.. of richt inelo, They enact be
drear of Mirk, delivered mid piled on au the live as
irected by die engiumr,lmlween the fi rst ofloory
and hot or hit? heir /Udders me requested to smite
what ournher of tire they propose CO ueliVer, and tie
what webon of the rail road they propore to deb',
them. They miry propose for tic+ of chestnut or locum,
ifvflocush they me) be seven meltea.square.
Propounis are also toiled for fdinialung ...sad mils
of wtotrptno or while net, to be foot oau turbo
square. and from eight , . to twenty linir . set long,
'to be delivered on the Ilse areal as above.
aoutmsoN. Plimidcli ,
- oglrentoell;'
Zinos kt.aring O. Packing Ealablishsreat
PO' 11 ItE1111".
T , .
kook& Yuri and Deer Slaughtering end
1. nicking Coneeen, owned and formerly occepted
by the late James Y. Campbell,. for tent
The ciubbleatnt is located Chill/robe, flora
eoenty, O , on, the Oar or ground - dividing me faro
CIMS/: tram U m State ver, Wel ha. 0.. thettswid
few or ground fronton each. The enelware embeacra et fream!, cuntelturg large' pens, large and
rammodturs sleuth taring, atingieg, motley, racking,
antitank:, and Med recdmil tscuswi t htiet Inner tor
office aud every cenvenience Toe henilling:FWEL
lIUNDItSIIIII.IOS PER DAT, end rettileang the laid
friths the came; ao three are • double foe steam boiler
and engine loi scalding kcal and eating lard, and
two tarsi. kr rengerug offal by Skeet.
There tit also, on tin Vt.atte., en Ire lions, large
enough to cOntain eight thowend bushels,
The Scioto Valley, er *aka Chtlasothe is the chief
market, is ant of the large.% Pork and leant Insole,
id the Wert, and pta endalways be bought there
at lower piaci thee at OMR:eine:at and many other
point', and conparede m mattindmt and cheap.
Three is no draysge necresery, a. bows may be
loaded at the Parsing Heine. awl the twiltues lor
shipping direct nom tali eta the I.alies to New 1 ot t
on Philadelphia, or' Ilaiumore via Pittsburgh, or to
the, Lan or 5011111.1ril Neu Orleans, are at all sew.tits
of the tear billy equal toCiose afforded by Citietnnau
Nosey faelllues aro elm good, there being ton a
twelve butts with. Potty boa cede..
&prat-elicits tor renting may he mode to
Attorney at Law, eineatniktl;
aegeffutnall—SlG . • Ceffileethe,
(Smote Gat.
Vtiarrein opti — Pittabssegis
Tolegropls Cosespany.
f pstrattassee of a resalutmli 01 the blond of three
turs of the Cleveland, Warren and l'iluburgh
rclogniph Company, relecsting the SoCrelary to muse
eat stud antic to Inc pohluthed in the nonspepero along
Ike Ime, no exitihtt of the fittwagel and Other rafaira al
.rtip{oy. I sebum the rellowmie Report:—
The line of Telegruph commences at Cleveland end
lerntioal. al PM:thumb, posting thrOagh Chagrin
Fells, Franklin, Newton Fells, Warren, Youngetown,
and Lowell, in the State of Oh io. and New Castle and
Reekester, to die little of Pennsylvania, at whirls
painta Ultra ten Otte. keeled for the-receipt end
transmission of buaincrs.
The wholelenrat. of the line 10149 raies-Capaid
Stock, btu , per mile, making a total capital steer or
fi2t..15t4 of 71111G4 arbauet A 10,1113 to held by churns
striae the line, sad the balance is held ay Coma e.
*teed, the contrarian. 'rho above mount of %att.
•ettpttons by entreat, hive been pai a d
to Cornell .4
dpeett, for Which the Trustees hate their receipt.
JEFFERSON DA 1.111. Reerniarr._
. . .
AFETY FUSE, Ey the barrel oral text;
PO,WDEII-011110 kegs Diluting, war atrength,
LaCtu`s 1 South's sosoufacto re, (or isle by
J C 1310 WELL, Agh,
IY~ , Water .treat
211.11G1V GOODS
Ye CO., N 0.62 Markel greet, have
pplird the deficiency in pietr stock.eaused by
fire,and it If now rendered eamplete by the receipt
oi oihhh It UNL/Illhla hal tV YACKALIF.I3 of
dr/inite good., purchwed hem manufacturers, awl
istge aiwtion rake, et a great reduction hem pater',
of last ho offered ID their venter
out patrolia actordingly. It 'Mould lie ashlers to at
tempt to enumerate their well tuserted stock, and,
therefore, iovite the early allaritiou of their friend.
are th e
a the public,, an each t
attle le.he asturatly! of a tow rams be
-- • • III,"
ins now the z tb . l . 7x , r u e: .
a [SW ce lot of Flames. all colon, plain and boned;
41.0 lied Llantet. , Lltanlet Coating, !Seaver flotias.
t:aasainerea, Sr.inetta and Tweede; which he will
by dot eata or pieta, at want. factafata , plea, •rho
edema. of dealer. In woollen goods Is boiled.
11 LEE,
Liaeray at
NZW 80088.
.. • .
TIM Autnbiogiaphy of Leigh /hint; with temin
Licences mends and cometacontides, bt y stns.
Lanes Day.Paniplidets—Nu VIII, sabicei
. .
If onory or Dui. the Brent By JaeoliA blnt, with
Plaqua toward, Domineer Mr. Marin Unit.
etarint Meld Bnon the Rettolunan —ho 5.
The above works received thih dav, and for trio by
'Car Mark .;1 /Y. Third rt.
saws:m.4i reatemossatalp and swop,' tscisila••
run above boots having beau introduced into
L public and private schools in Pittsburgh and All..
4h.yl thertinhor bah appointed the suld.eritier slant
for digit' sale In this city.
Teacheis and 'others arPl be eepptlee at pubitshetat
prices. as stated In circular. J *1'1%11:L1.014
Flll 9 • al Wood
1 .01. ItUUDEbt PACKING—heId the nreorted
tblekneasee, from 11-31 to 1 bleb think. The above
Pena. P.Patri w dtu n 44 .lldt.Cr • Fablenbeit
tellt not affect b, and I. tip< rine to every thing el.,
at no audittancelms to ankh clostieltyllehleti mood.
c o bigh degree of heat, and may rued about all
whore heetamty, malibule
platen, p*ton code,ateant 161111440mM <helm, cylin
der Lead,. do. For sale rcholeadlebtrid reuml by
anent; : _ 7111 Wood at
1 , 111 >z va r• ALa Ali 13.'Zi
East side of the Diamand,
- T the astabaslintent 'thepantie anal al any. de
paha wpm being aappliad will cannel:a leas at
nsonablaptiths—taay have
Float:ant Teas:at per 114
r upend, 75 Tna (lent "
T. • linpoite.l.-- I "
This 1. - declde7 the cheapest nod , ten store in
Vittabarih fur ca.. WARN &11AWORT.11
ahp.s ! • • Kahn,
• 'T • ExtilL WS:any Moor.
AFREE,' iuppli of.tbe PolaSJlllll..ertra Family
'Float', a Very alma •Itiele.jastveetl for s•lo or
y . sat2S 114 Llberm ea.
UNIATA. 1:1LOPLIS-120 Mae ba baud JAL by
Ibeti iimak%
• • -