The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 25, 1850, Image 3

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    EY MAGriEia, lEl4m:tarn.
e 1 ar.T.icoTtaldii:.
V/Autuurrox, Sept. 44
Sri/Alb-71e Senate agreed to take a tree.
from 4 bo'fl o'clock, P M., to day, the daily acre•
after, for the purpose of considering tee executive
bora:teas - now before the Senate, wool the sate Is
Maewted Of.
On motion of Mr. Dickenson, the Mask.. le
demialty bill vas takyn up. Mr. Dickenson es•
plaided tbe Mil and advocated it. passage.
Mr. btolee oppomar, ri, and argued that It would
be principally for the benefit 'of 13,1.10 bank
. ,
A motion wee made to postpone the further
consideration othe bill. tor the purpose of taking
up the special rder-i-tne Carona& bill, but we.
loaf—yeas 15, aye SO.
The bill then es dome from the House, wu
reed a third Unto and parad.
The Senate then Jolt up Ills tell making tem
porary provision tor it. orcupautto ad granting
lease, to worker. le ace gold mine districts, and
several asheedroenta liver° made. Tim bill pro
vides for the o ppotrisinut et twelve mg eels to eon•
tool the mince, laud 'Wei them $2OOO 'salary our
'anent, and flee per pmt. of the amount collected
for route. 1 :
Mt. Si MnVhi ID reduce the number of
Agent' to six, uhicli WO% egreed to
Mr. Fetch rove to rprek encrust the bit, when
the tour attired for ireeees
Homo—The Civil and Uplomatte bill, as it
passed tan Senate, Wee reteteed, and the S, pate
amendmenta ordered to be printed.
Mr, Johnson's reeolntion to pay menthere for
stetmierY, &t., C.lli! op. The Chair toted out
the pending •menddient providtag etre com
penstainn for employee. of the Howe. This rem•
lotion wet then adopted.
Mr. Grinnel called up his motion, to reconsider
the reference alba bill snowing Canadian vas
to discharge in American pestle OIL term. of woo
Mr. Bayley moeri to lay the motion on the ta-
Me, watch scat low.:
The motion to reconsider was then carried—
yeas 93, nays 58. '
Mr. Chinnel moved to commit the till to the
Committee en CoMmerce, with 11.11rUCl10811 to
=tend Why Mauna; a protection .1 o so
The Hectic teen look "CCM,
The Shuthern P:ese publisher. the proclamation
of Gov. Towns, of Geo., for holding a =sweatier,
as anitioriped by the last Lrgtalatore, upon the
subject tt the edluil.eica of Criosnla.
The Cot.,allon Will assemble at Milledgeville,
on the 10:1, of D ,cember Toe election of dele
gates will he Sell do the 25. h of Nov.
The pro , lntoallon was dtelated Yeaterday, and
WTO !deg nt; h is tb,e city. '
Mr. Scbatatat Jetteingt., or Fayetteville, N. C ,
one of the elannanti , f the (among Jenutogs et.
late, the' has teetotcokit g (.o betrs Lr years, ha*
gone to Enantod. prearta hie .ntaitn.
The Mixesta tnqemnity hoi passed b.itn Hoot
es of Coatitest to day. Toe FOlLELinuon but pate
<date !louse, !
Aileron is brini male in the Senate to it cot
mete the Tessa aim into Oil", in Its tart .p
The Senate is Ow in Erecutice seasion-9 c'
crock, P.M.
Dtl,lll/.. Sept. 24
Flour—The market coimnues,eseeediugli doll,
Wan sale, of a rt bandied btia bi•ndard brand.
tar esp' , Jri, lit St :Ai, ‘rtieli in the anifdrm tubing
rate. for :Ili collalllitelf are limited, at lib
0 3 .1 2 1 per bbl; for camihou end good brand,, nod
$.5,2,503,621 for etioice.
Rye ' Flour — St'.is of lb° Lti'B at per bbl.
Ckirn Meld is,2l . oireo. add add firmly at $3 prr
Grain , - The supplies of Wheel continue small,
and pore. me ~, e ‘ede. A small •+ln ut Penns.
Bye at Gsa. Cnrii is in iimiird demand, mite
Weser 2.033 he Pet.. and SOWECII2 Yellow at
Cit. •isa! 043 i are lelret, •oi tempts belt
Bales 2,000 bu S.4tberri at 31.: per be.
Wmitry .cares, with Wes at 23; m bbl.
Hada are held a: iatne
I.4l.nuanz Sept. 21
Four aad Cir•;lla are without ea. iv•. Sales
29,000 tualacla to day, at 1053100, I
Moe Pork i. bFld at St t rer.bld.
CuffuS—Huldui. a. k 13,. fur Rio.
1 ted.:l REP AT.
Flour—The market L. firo., Wilb s goad export
demand. itrenp. are large, and stock. are an
eninulatint. Se m. of new common State u $4 r. 6
fP4,O3f tat own State, and of Weeder* at 14,73
(itt.b7 pet Ibl.
Gratn-,Wbesi, Is in gocd requiah, but holders
having put the priers up, buyer* Wia not meet the
,ni.erls.; Corn CPIs tropmeed ball a cent.
Bales of Nottaced tamed and Wedern yeilow at
ei taw,
Prostiona—Pnrk fa Leld higher, with snail
tratuntebens at 110.62 for Mena, and 1937 ler
Prime. bud is in goad demand, and price. are
Arm at 71 per Ibi
Groceries—Cadre is very fifer, Sala yester•
dey Weft, tOil t.. Rm at 121 A1.119(..0 YAK
rived is held at p: .e. b :iugtor •OJ Nll.l.
all ISM, with • k J•,itti at tets 11.111 yuc
L awed Od tOell at 6 2 i , .
Whiskey is Iti•vy at 2i 271 e.
floor — No et.... see to prices. If soy:thing, the
Suithet is MO, ;Mt, Ve.
Grikit—lio!Jsrm tt Wheat 0007 to loch”tioa
to sect buyera.' Gana ib•teedy •I the azia.nce. &Meal are oachaeg• d.
. C1.'01..Nt46.T1 MARKET'.
Coctomett Sept. N.
The weather.a oppregal•ei, Sot, and the nest
b stationary.
Flour— :Ater; of 103 hb's. a 5365. -
Ciro—Salts of t0:10 base,* at 19 a
Wbi,trey—Salcit at '-`7l ea '2231.
Nothing nouig in 1 , •••• , ..n0t.
Wren is 6'm at 13 a Isl..
/111. Y. D. ILOWIV9
IN Qu.urr nornxs,
HAS no pareflel in pen inancorly clime end ctadli
tenet tram tre
jr will e ffeereally ered`reln from the ayadent end
Eon Rheum. brae veti rin, Teller, Scald llesd i bru,say,
Stony, is hire Ler:Lam King'. Enl, Ncuraigle
Affect:out, and.%
Arld Obotrnrniiin., iicriencrts, Whtire, Fluor Alb.,
Felling 01 ie Wmno, Nero., nick Hand Ache, , ranuan o, the
licit.. Lave Cinneral Debilny, Drawn.,
L Compliit. e
It l• Pavel) ,
~it Entirely Vegetable.
It bat been WOO the nin, I,4l(Cekl by
are Protesvion In New York and•rilica Ilempebire,•ne
the Eneinin Fibre. re...ri11,. lot cant year.—and ea
• general ponder of lie blond end Invigotator of dna
...`em—ea • Ervin.. nano' Medicine and an 41.
a nd donkey
Medici. , it boom, equal. The petal,
anA egirsey Of the roister pteratation• are well
low.; and thin medicine Women no long list of
ertificate. arra cure. to tntronuc. n: it. rocreaslng
demand for the put twelve teen la Its beet mom-
It le put ap yowl lottleu and ts the only blaria•
panne that sett en the Liver. Ridur ye. and Wow, at
the tame Uwe; whirl, renders ttrltogether more vsla
etlile to every woe. modularly to temples
blueseyi Pune,. it, the 6100 birdies , College.
aaye the move, po.parntionv ate May valuable. and
recommend. them to the public, tic sink and slihro
ed are wormird to rdl sod ohtaln • Pamphlet, lad
pitrehme a bold< o . th:a rebottle fondly Medicine.
U. sr,. and hivotre re , Dr. S. D. lloohli'S SHAKER
DARSAPARILIA, and mite no other.
Price II pet todie—vt lopWhir:s IA
'Par sale /aura, .ttuttaker & CO,
W. D'art, R. ilk Menu., J. M. Townsend, J. MAIM
W. Jacky., S ; It. A. Elliott, Allegheny pip;
W. it McClelland, blench. .ter; P. CrockerWOO..
vine; 8. Co, Wheeling; J. 11. ' Palter/00
red E. 6. Morgan. et Cisuart,le; kl•fieut & Year,.
Cada. A1v0,, ,,, r sate IT •
IDR. H.U.DOWE A CO., Proprietors,
lionwe Halt. Ciaelnroul, 0.1
To arhom . , enders mart he addresseA
sug7-dit ter
Opening it t tie Pa n • •rioassla ktoad
; to Pittsburgh.
TTIR Prnavelvattin Usti Reid Comport, Laving
complete,l Or whale line term, told to llntlidos.
Larlfh, thus !curt ritine the renege Rail Road to
Johnsown, and trio Mtn, by, boat. to Plttshorgn,
.are „now ?revoked to 'arrive a n d forward rarrehan.
dim, pt.:ark. r., m end tens Plutburett nod MM .
' The Mohr leeve the depot of the company
: daily for Johnstown,tlmte co n, WM Ike daily
• vei n or cal} 1 , 5 t' It , that ta•cl , i.m tne de.
livery of all pei,ht It, rds.cepttla "hide Lye dabs
DELL & LifiGurr
Agent. 1 1 ',iT I's R. R. Co, Cans, Hann. Plushargh.
etpladd CRAIG! CELLAR, risme,
Two.gT.rey PRICK tioUqp, vna urp,
it s4ect, c.ll4cr E‘r. Allty no w,,
I.o7:.frbf ppor RT WM.:l6ll'r
Pneliellylvanla, Itid Owed.
.10DimPosjels nil be received •1 Enonectio
.1 OM e. Indies count anti the
Math of Inc the Gradostion and'Stanenry of
remailiang section• on the Western Moistenf
Pennsylvadin Had Road. Including Pertwel ii
teen to tort/. except numbers eighteen and twenty
Seven, &dries' seder contract
This wort whony in the rallies of TurtleCieck
and trash ICreek , ord includea a large amount of
• .diagoory, and game heavy earth and met work.
At the sabot time preposale will to received for
the Grannatenn and Memory of the Branch Rad Road
• m illairtyllte. two and three quarters miltalisiapoz.
which," t IlelJgr over the Coriermiugh Ritter.
'fir Pl., add 'stealer will be ready tor commie
' allodEledoher tat, at the Fdgliteeria todlee. at Blears
vale, at *bat time tie lire will he prepared fur eon
sairMtdr, lafonandon Ray tie lout of the Aaalidaut
.-Illarwer.Mllllo due, or of EDW O. MILLER
eOlt :tweet Atiorime Vegineer,
P. 1111.71•111.11111 Rail Road.
6 prO M
prlelore of alts & Co.'s Ey's*
sp are
rusting anongenlerde, and Ted!, to a Her dare,
..41Diele. senio,-11r ca•rsing parcels em&yeseklies
Potsbezph and Ptideeclphl. Pp the Non' era
Etats Rolle at Prnotylvaule RIO Road.-1 Use,
SS hews I 13.1.R1.0./.. FORSYTH, Ascots,
sepl&Alse HO Front st.
Alt B + 4o Yeas Zor'alaass'd sixes. for fealty
Hpl7 IN Lusty ati
um ausclustrs zus•sai_
ngoa. M tow: x. i CLAIM, Wu. MM.
rtevles• or 'cum
tot rut Win Until tort. 91.
GENERAL REMAR/15.—The mutat donna the
eek jut ehned, has been marked by no material
hang. in quotations. Ike weather hu been clear
ad dry, and donne the pant three day. has been an-
sanity tot far the 5e....
The river vita very Mile affected by the micro( let ,
eek, and the depth In channel op to the present Writ
.g ha• not varied more than an inch and • halt The
mio,howevcr, bed the effeet to prevent a bather fan
tod of the water, nod the river bas been very morll
at • bland durtrg the week.
In of the motioned lew singe of Inter,
In that coaster has been exceedingly doll
and In consequence of the high price of freights, ship
ment. have been very 'Molted. This mote of , 11011.
•ccoants for the continued (Wine. of the snorkel, and
wa sus no signs of change for the better, until we are
0.1 CG mote favored with a good nee. OM merchant*
are {weary awaiting the result, and °l.'''. ample
cooks of nserclamae on bonds, they invite the orders
of their country fumes, that they mar be filled, and
ready fir Ottpment upon the Grp movement of the
ASHES--The business 710. In the Ashes fllo,ket
has been comparatively bed, and wo have no change
la notice
is quotations. With a regular business to
city consumers, we gthite as rolirtheat—Pearl Ash, el;
Saleratnit, P/SP, Potash, akm Soda Ash, diedie; and
Scorching, no Within fs• ts. Very little has been
bmnglit in during the week, but there are fair thippli.s
In the martin.
. APPLE3—Reeripth have been light, and sale•lPult.
ed, al 711.711,101 O bbl, according ho quality .
ALE-We ennuntre our quotas.. of Pittsburgh
brewed, al chat Included, al. which rates game
a brith business has been doing.
BSCON—We notice the receipt of several conalde
,able lots of Gamin daring the week. Suppite. are
anent curial to the demand, and prices eon Lou's quite
tam We nom male of 100 Ohda Sides-u:l+. 4 no.
Several other tales, in lots of 5310,000 Ms, at, for plain
hams, 71c; choice llama cured d0.19c; pride do .110 c,
and common begged do et 840*Itt V lb. Sales 14 skt
Shoulders, in lots. at 41c, note.
DU yTEift—Very Idtie has come ferasto, and sup
plies are barely worth noticimi. We have no report..
Me sales. Good sual,ties wcied obtain logt, p tees in
this matter.
WeettmoroN, Sept. 24.
BROosll.a—Wa canna mu ?applies in the instant
oh ?exalts? sales, in lou of 10, in mad Co dozen, a
Inns ranging, according to qoanty, from St :25 to' ,11
UU K6T-3t TU 03—We motive Oo ehanre th rose
...4,mb moue from IWO to SUS" Jot, to enY .04
country trede, for the Letter qoat.hen 1.1 Hooke°, end
Id 0335/ r clot for Tubs.
Parcivra.rn 1., Sept. 24
DI ESWA X —We oottoe toodento supplir• to the
.rte, sal. to Immo.l event al 2 - 12r2 lo
CHACICERS—The .ollowing IS ti r - e suaoufisoloaci.
1114.111:11 non, Sept 24
tter Cra
yo n, pet Ittd oo
Ba .• —• •- • A,' a
FirAld,o 4.00
.xt enzkera , per lb • • -
8 0 a • 7
COIIDiGE-Alle note no further change to prices:
The following ate the hlumfacturcre pewee;
hteralle rope,' by col • • --Igo • lb
White Rupe, by coil,•-- • ••• •• • Ile "
da ent,•—••— ---- 12, " "
Tarred Hope, by coil,•—•— •• • the `. -
Pecking littwa. hoe:—
do C01M1110.1.,
Mani ---• • •-• Hemp, The V' dot.
Event:re Conine. i• Nld resulnkly allege I Dr
uvrruN TAILNie--The following is a
helot the 'wive. article. wader this heed:
N 0.3, es. per lb
Y. • -
"10, " • • — 1.1.1
"11 " • ---VI
tie. MO, el. re r lb• .• -101
" " 91
" 9 "
Carpel Chaln. —lO
env. Batunv.
No• 1 A. V• • 11
Pauabargh entmulartaml, Penn and Anchor . Mill
rah sales of No l at Sc and nadnott or Nunatool
torte ip yard.
• -
COPPER—TO. regular marmfacturer't pore fa
aka and Inr au IS sl9oso co,
Starr Caret. ie.—Salta of sheet copper are reg.
rly effected at " and old Popper at tOr
C/lESIIE—The receipts of tia,ese dyeing the past
week base teen heavy, and notyntlanand2ng the tall
alOpenenta sat', out mask. Is well snot:die& Tke
week's sales tam np, In nations legs, some tOO be,, at
&DUI (or gwd common to prime gnaltty; salts of ordl.
u try at,d common, at blOdle V p.
uu aup.t•at rear.,e in pe.tx alettgc Um net. The
10 lloennr t ^ ar trert 11l of pthcc.el loge of the
11 I pat•rt.rte ,
&Nos, .. IGO t7l4.o9aortee i°A ..... 7 3 o
ALM , •• •• .... .JO .11 .` laic lot.,
0.1.0 M-iota vadrat Lae 11To ".-3140
A • rove Root 100 a 'Magnesia Cut 546:03
Adoefont ....... . • 41010 gadder Umbro• •• • lgitis
Volta. refitted vhfrtigyrret, Tattoo 3 , 1030 '
Balst m P• ro • • • 1M,0091.01. 011 Vitriol.. -. • • GO .5
1.10 Copasto • - -3533, " Cotton. La tolv • • in,rili
BlioooUt 110 7 “ Carrot 0:43100
Camphor, ee f•• • • •-i -4395" , " Clover ff'd.V.3l 00
Coto i ide Lime, est ' i " Layton •• • •2/.o33diu
Cochoical •• • • • 1,5001 70 " Pep`ro't •• • •2G033 Ob
Copamlartar • •• • ath. Omar. Turkey . . • 5,001050 u
0tt0,... ..... . —.140 1 Qunine •.. ...... I,gropco o
G to Obis 1.
r 0 rcpt • •• 4:44100
GI vlis 401 SM SIII Amonae 115110.
(7,12 Antic. • • • • •5081 v •fal Soda •.• .. ..... 43 o
tap. 3d051. , anos. 1,0.
Tragoctortb • WEI ak fortarle Arid 4101,0
. Shvlta, —••— ISO iti l Vitriol Bize• - ...... 11014
I poctie • • . .... —0.71 lamsrood. 0011 GO 7
~,,,. g. . • • • --•640 0 1 Faair a, Llis Vbia . 2l
Jalso, posndoed .1.0311. Logyroad, chipped 04
DRIED BEEF—We notice tm•11 sorp!ie., at d •
rood den,o a gd aye bcder tub link, in De.
i 1101 x tut Pl•ma sad tine) gall I es
FLol:ll—owing in the /ow stage of water, reeetpt•
has, Leen le., abundant. and the consequ or
Leen, an ads au.. on oar tact we, k's t i nutanurts The
larger portion of tbe ream , . by r ver have Leen (or
imeoshate stnposent east, consequently we ran report
no tome sates Loin hell. bench Sale. , no the
In lots of Vito 100 bbl., al 61,0383,14 toe gond brands
sup, hue, aLd fl tor eaten Th e present It lan,
Lon store, to enroll :ow, are 114,11401,1Ei I Ltd
Leeßla manual coming forward is eery
light, and owing Or the light I applies, and stoat! Lust
nest doing, We C•nnrri give reliable quotatin
Col a ht..l.—W • Lout, hest sopplits and • innier-
Ooe der. and in the snag", have linen eabbaed
so mot:ante tratriLlettono, at Lbablie M La
11111—Th - au. Vet Lae been notei and vales awned
{'lle[ are gene:ail/ the matme as given in I vvi 'or. ear
eel, tat No I Ittooltotei, 114, No !, $11: end 3.11.k5
Bela. of %alma. at la SP+, sod of F'1,.1.1 lat
FE&TIILRH--We no.lee fur regular butane.e in
sorer Western, at aterrle fie
VREIOIIIIII-11e follounos ore toe ennui Wee from
his puint en; which are rainier unsettled:
Ikeswai •
Bristle. & lists
Dry g• MCiilClOO•
Kg........ • • • •
Ihted Frolt•--.
Fluttr•• ..... —••
Fors & Pelttlet
FRUIT—The demand iv lair, and, sale. of Borstal.
at sa do fa boa. Rolm of Almonds, at 169'Au fp
IR, of Grnand nom, at 11145 1 / I ;J7 fir lam; of pe0n.,,.,
no , of Filbona, la 7 of Cream nuts, at 61557 e, of
nom Conant', at VIM, and of Filarial Walnut. at
Olo; Oranaca, SaLNl,Ftgs, 11015 e IP lb; Lemon, ss 00
•111550; Cocoa Nom, 0,15 • lb:
GROCERIES—We notice a gearial /armors. In the
market, with a slaglat adedime la Immo &rooter. Oaten
It hid. N O Nagar, in lots, at 76,60 days, and 71071 r,
I to ciondno. firm, at sdiliVire for N tl,
•ed 41010 e for S 11. Owing to the improved feeling
eta atttni and muthern markem, we notice an on.
eialrealept in Coffee in this mart et. In the early part
of the vault, OR bil• Rio wen, sold at ,001a1.11 ,
mime which, prices hale stiffened, and at row hold
pretty firmly, at 1201140 to city and country tradr
gopplice ate limited. bile, of Loaf Hagar at
and of Rice, an ire., at Ile • C.
GRAlN—Receipts IMMIng bean thigied• o ( th e
week have been Moderate. Considerable tom of
Wheat have conryr :fairwird, then Moot of which was
bought out of the market With • light bovineak,wn
IS. the following aminationat i—Wheal, 731/76e; Rye.
74051 e, Batley,; Corn,Wo4s, Rod
113 to f ho., from fin , appals,
lIAI'-11ay m Atm, staff the better qualtdia of
TIOLOtLy eaa.ot be branight from wagon, under SI4
115, tom
IRON s N following a eorterted tUtOf
the prices of the 'anon@ woes and' deisdnpdoni :of
- Pittsburgh ma:Ml . ..wad Imo. We gale the Vialdnia
r ang• of prices ra
' farm—Flu bat
Round and Noma bar
Nmm—to to 90 penny.. •
"Plia •0 penny • •
116 to . 7 penny • •
Ma ' :; X • p e nny.
.. s ly penny
• 000 i•
, Pratt—Vim 3 to 14 Loeb
5 to 6 bleu.
, Cut, 0 is 7 Intl
pI:IVER , —We notice Om usual Gisetva.l44o.
er tat mles allahlmore sole at 21012 e; sad St Now-
VOtig mole at lotus Pat. Fat other deeertptiocei; tes
Immo la Ava, st WPOCP.
81,E702,8103,75 • do..
du 4 c0i1,.• • • b
Hemp, 11,5002 r.r33.00 v. do.
f cod,- • • •10c b.
No. 13 <Ls per Ito ..---2.1
17 •
twad • • • ........
Lard & Lard Oil 4D
bbl. fl
• -• LW rota,l
• • • 16e lias4, caw,— .1.
•• • teed. 6.
• • • C. tu
aks, Deco EL budalo 75e
• • 7. Tobacco, Ohio. ••-- • W.
• Io.L. I.: T'.
• • • W. Tallow 4.
• •• • I-C. Wool
• We Wbistey,bbl..—.. La.
•• - l
7.111 cm. kropc 6. Liag'og Wc
11 - 04 e
OAS P Slit:
ve , • 400"
et •
amnia m Windnair Gine,
0, 01111,C0; 10 by 11 at 1114,00
511.Je48--"Cc notice ott
Wee of eity.brands,B by 11
10 by 14 at 6300•
Country brands see told
quoted as 5511066:
g gg 10 110 by 15 3,7
10 by 15 3.75
14 by it
10 by 14 by 17 41.7 a
Finer Grasso--The following table Is a list of the out
side prices of many of the most prominent articles of
tact glass manufactured and sold In Mil market:
Plain Tumblers per dot, 30ea35.,00
Mould r Co
Premed do s7la 1,75
I,ooa 3,2.5
oo d b o kw. do tap, 5,5.5•9A37,11
Chanipaignes, ' " 2.755 G,Cre
lihne Glasses,' " 50a 8.03
Lemonades, " • • 7.40 4,00
Jelly stands, nob Ws 2,00
Deeming', • per 'dot, ,01612.08
as. 0.00
do heavy pillared:Or pair. heavy eat flute, each 75a 1.50
Molasses cans, " 50a 6,00
do Drittanla tops. per pair 7504.00
Fewer awes, per dot, 4.00 a 0.00
do do cut, Per pair, 6, 170 612• 00
Jelly Glum', per dos .tsa 7,lgt
Pressed meet-meat dishes, per dos XOO,OO
do do howls, per pair 876 6,tm
Bureau knob. and pins, per dor 1.005 1,511
..14023t.razne sutra ITINITIMI.
Specie jar, bickered corers,'" d05t,.Z•10,541
Shaer jars. per dot 6.00418,1.0.1
Fluted Cologne, " 3.00•11,1.0
Tinctures. annrnd Stopper, le dos 1.01.14150)
Dhow Deifies. each
LEAD— o regular deman d I. the mullet at
51051 e tor pip, end 503511 Me bar.
Lean Plea—'llos present rangeof prices of Lead Pip.
Is 7u/140 p mom secolding to .Ire.
Sit err Laso--Bales at 050 by the amt, sod Me I 16 ,
when eta.
Wrivr• Ltan—Pore lead Is selling at Si, and No tat
$l5O 1 , tee.
LAUD—We notice to improvement In La.d, with a
moderate basilicas, at 7074 in Obis and kegs.
LlME—Louisville Lime is womb 21;2301,37 I bbl,
LUMBER—nit following ma the tutu/ prices from
the yard..
at lower price, end mar be
4, per IVX feet. SRI 00
do do 1200
(P AI) do INUO
Jo do In DU
do do 04 Yu
do do 4900
do II IM
do 1010
do ULU
I men Common Roah
I do du do
14 do do Plank,
2 do du do
I do Clear Board,
II do do Plank,
It do do do
Pule da.t, (B 11l
II Seau do
Pine do
bhing!ea per AI Bizarre)
MALT—SaIrs or new at 40,011.5 e * Oa
OILS—The market is gout. whit • moderato tom
ear, sr 001 for Linseed, MO for Na and 5002.20
for No Laid O gelluo Sabra of Tann. , Oil Of
11:5•117 p barrel
PUTATOFS— We note sales in bags, for the Letter
qua litre, at tuZlitfc.* Lo.
RAOS—Sahrs of good =gee at 21e IS m.
Wilßll-11roard and Dupont Rl6. Powder may
Le quoted in large qaantlnes,4l4,74. and be ~ogle keg.
at *ARLO:rad* keg. Hoot Powder at v4:l no 21.22
rot large and small quantities.
ROSlN—Sales at 43,1040 bbl for North Catolia•
sliuT—holoo at SI AO • bag.
SALT—Sales Ina retolor ...hi oh 1 / 1 .22* hblow man
I. the regularly utablirdied price ado..
SOAP AND CANUL&S--Sales of main low at 4
Wile; °lSt. C.. 1146 Y.10.1k, mould tallow, toe,
and eritmarm dipped at be Ife
STARCH—SaIes al 0107.., for common to le.
SPIRITS TURPEN PlNE—Saga to bbl. 1 40442
gp gal 4 easb—Otds calm charge.
SPieblS—Csalllll, 384140 e; Cloves, 25/11,4a, and Nab.
meat. at. tor No. 111./ONI on p
ERDS— C.over has ad•aoeed, with sales :0 Mai at
81,7140 bbl. Ssle• of Tonol by at lIRSO, and of Flat
•L Yoe *Liu. in a small way.
TAR —Sales el I-LZHIJIA/ 40 litiL
TOBACCO—SaIe* of wallet, leaf at 41/30Ie $0 lb.
TALLOW—Saudi. , am srutdir and we goo's
no 71sT" la IP Rt.
VIN I: AR—The regular Isles for good rider Vine
gar from store, are Witte p E.i!
WHISGEY—SeIes 'of If. 11.1. raw, at Ze, cash—
sensLar lens have been sold at YLIOStr. .2rees of Mee
Idled at the r
Nottoog has transpired of eurtarquenec fat
some Ilene, /Zl.l pot-.• me nominal
nr.."—Thn d':rings at the Pcalen on Alonda7,
amowiled to 450 to (AV bead (lop,. come forward
freely. end oar last week's prices le,te fully...tame&
The sates were :rout wd to trend, al a scso
Sl,l, —Only s :1051,1 cumberWerttsreved. Sale.
o( brad, at 111411,L03112 each.
,--- A "oat! Lot ar,mli.posed of al 131,,0111:0
♦ cwt.
llslrasoac. Sept 11. 1010
ma tart seas ....ammo leo. e on
111,..tday. 'Fhe two,. YZ/ Lead of theme,wt.trb Ito onto Jseen Stilled...lnt... and the
babture 0,.1 to city tow het• 'armed
from 01.01,. to 113 IS on Me hoof, eqoal to 111.010G.Z.
act. and aaaaa ging 54,00 gross.
flogs—lhe supply w [nod. and the market rather
drooptne We quote at 11:4/.1,50 Tao outeral roe or
the sale. is made the Wm.? Stare, lb° latter puce
being only Dinned for chwee tote. The supply h.•
consened ample torourldom lba net, Sod the rote-lief
Mond% y Lava tern .0.103000.
Strmaularma, September 19.
Therewere safer ed at tar yorddlittu,‘ the PIWt week
about is lel bete of Boot Cattle. al Whir b GAI Were dem
Nto ear Vol k. 1 0 .11 Cow . !Calves, Vte/ (logo, d. IWO
Sheep and Lambs
Lteef Cattle are in steady demand, at 1110: ir 119
ran... to•
'Cows • . ..Ire.—Fresh Georg nage Soot 4 . 11 to WO,
opsueers.ll , 9Altl; and Dry VD • 'tom 67 to 14, each.
llog•—Near:r •Il told at 1111.0.54 S per lug Tit
sheep and Limas easy, 'tow 111.00 to 114,)o, ar to
, .
Dry Goode Marks..
Nes, 1 ors 1. 4 . pi 10 1,53
Mem, s'•4l. Daunt held a rvodoor ode
o r Dr 4 1.,...•./. it wrnt col in • 'err rpm.ed mar,'
net. \l'o doom illspf • 4,...,7014. Ilkelln, daalttov,ls;
1,,t0t0.1 r.unno balm,. 440541 7 d do rqua•e do, 73304,
treot• I. C do, all 1.0001, 1141.7014, ladwr hats. p , tated
border, 5, leper pia:d pongee ao. St, Starr,/ ertut•on
do, to; loo,rred Mork liana , ccccc ty :01191; lort”..
=tin to. 97E frt. de (WA, do , , 1., 1ie0r,..114.4 10. de
rore dn, 65010.; liosls.acter reams., 3G94, 515.1. trek
.1, , , 950, role .rut .oul vt • tner, 40,, 4 1 ,0000 plaid do. 02
0211, dark ground es. 100 50 1 15 d. II do, 20 . 00 ved V w
oeuan do, 100374 9,0 blact silk do, 10501 1 0; Lyon,.
Wort ..tin tin, 1i1,3112e, Wirt min do. 1i.304t0d, it,
mare silt do, IVO, balled .05 ••{lll do, 13.2.1/1914. pia
4. 00.051,4 do 0 3, tie , . boots.'. velvet, 250. silk serge,
70,3.41.1[ sato, it, r1,0,e. 51e; Ftenelt Ida,. viola.
15501114., 7 1 El 4,15 , 1 do, 17501P0t, FM...Lk 61. rm
',torte, tit, Lleirlon Olt do 70, Nark blood cloth 105,
rtnird 1•••••rr, 1174; gtnitoorlla dn. 11,1 gently. ptlot•
.1,,., q 4 lopes r1n..1,00. to 2 4 ....tog, 3744)41 , , 7.4
blrae•ed dr.nrrlt v/rub. 410-5. 7 1rd0,411•774, II 10 do
4.11.1;0, 10 19 dn. 175, 5 4 to. ILO9IO. 7 4 ~..0,, 1 Cot
ton corr.,. 2 , /. E. 4 worsted do, t; 0.4 do. 1.15. Sentet,
dtsre', 799 ,0 1: 3 4 mown Delland, 01114, 15 4 Woven
.Ihon nesortrs.37; 11014 tuttn Imett dartiv•V , ion, 0 5 0
MO, Dr IC do 9104. Dirl,i dn. 2150 c , ..., velvet .01 trourlt
14409. 3.4 Arai, rpm. •k o, fit, 0,0.4 Nolo, madder
00111, 101, 1 100.550 , , 94, 51sreuri• rb•••l, , ,
li',; 12. 0 wvoten dn, 193, Inn, dn, 170, tartax. do du, IMW.
5 4 white t•corert 010310, 7 tit, -1." , W (1 . 1 . 1 . 0 * , ..
:175, :A Ir7d Wilji Sod do. Ott, ron .1 .A41,74/452, Del.
til do, o'. twided do, 474474, 1,...1. rimer, 05% Myr..
net •lurtlogl, 74-, eu.nno 4•ttol• 1., :It., Kent', 1.045,
214, ~..0 t ..,,,, 174010 rellnw d une14.1 . 0001•I, root
let tsr , l .d on, 05. rod lord Ult.< , -on.. VI. :Wird Inn
lel, Itnel, , , e,ldtru'r diamond I .v.11'441124, mi.,
rd do, t 050,71, ti., 0'! 40.1074, b own e... WU, ladies
01511 5 ... e. llts. merino wool 010 dr u• dirroun4 do, DU,
1.41.5 Wars tour.., oils top, 91r, to no do dr, 45, lot,
. rat ant wool ruff, :11, eart,tnere el •er. 175; in on , len
, drrtverr. 074- torn , . It .... • wool 010,00,195, do chum.
hoed !lento do, 11 t3,151.57 011001,1 3 s—Cour a guy
N Wtho rtw, Fate thfitco of_rha
i:ommerrlal last, atoll receive row . knewiedgcnthatt
ter recent kind tato s
Hy the war, we would e•ll the on ratan of car tom.
nthreril thierdr, to tin• invaluable commercial thee..
ilkromcreist Low has attained .n eminence Patten
renders It well worthy a place in thd °punting room of
every merchant h is a lerse and Ithrolsenre sheet. and
is to be en tailed on the Ist of Jantthry
ISmast.—Tbrre "we /1 tonics w sn cl,annet,lasi
suenueg at dusk, and foiling
V. 1.., Peal Ell.Leth.
ble , ....ser, Beaver.
We11..111. Vaunt, Rrown..ille.
en. hie, lllc Milian, Browta.val'e.
Pummil, Ma.on, Louisa tile
Cegolactland No 2. Cirtc inu•it
Fashion, Peebles,
Slew over, [leases.
Wedse,lle, Teens, Browevvile.
I leshi , , Slerolillsn, Brownsv,l l e
Kam Flav•lnt, Rob'mien. tllnetnesu
Julia Dean, Dalls,assr, C3nrinnail
- BOATS 14.1AVIND 'flfl,l DAY.
•CINCINNATI -1 U Gordon ,I 0 N.
umosit, l 0 •. rt.
Fox CittettetAtt.—lt "All b.o /wen 1.9 advertisement,
that the ftpe new light draught steamer 1a•. 11. llottton
No. •ry Capt. I.xtlerith, .011 leave as ahoy. tht• day, at
10 o'clock A. a.
1... •plenJld light drought sun
Sumnal wily
I. •• •hnvn 1111.1d•T•
JU rwel vrO Irmo tl . ezten•ly- , manuforiarlee of
Phtladolphht, New York, god Boston, at the old
47 & as Idlairk•t
Anas etedutrly large and general assortment of Wall
Paper and Borders, to which, with the &lock prance,
ly hand, ennespalty of his own manufacture, the
coonhan of uterehanm and bonwkeepent is reaper,
fatly Invited, and winch will be maid al priers to
with the tunes, and tallefattort toeuraseers,
a•ple:dare THOMAR PA Lhigil
TUIE partnership berriofure Denims. Jahn
mirsevlst, /Imes at'Ltsviu & Wuoam AtiDevtu,
coder the firm of John trliDevitt Ir. Bra, lose diesolved
op the ea Inst. by the deeth of James hliDevith The
onde , sighed eonunue the b.ines• from and aner this
Axle-, nnloe the firm of John bliLlealtt & Bee . at the
Id eland on Liberty rtreet opposite th e head of :smi th .
Ged,where th e y will attend LO the mettletscot of, and
attune tip of the besioessofhtte late bre.
ritishanitt, Aug 46.4epttitd7t t'Vid.Bl DEV ITT.
ook mi tie Woollen: (hood!.
/ANN ease Blatt lothawls
C Sh.
Tease Yew.
eases Red de; •
I ens., Red twilled Elannel ei
eases WM* do • ab;
eases starred do:
I eases Plain and Faaey Ceselsaihree;
I ewe Semen: '
2 ease. Clan Alpinak •
• lease Jean.; • •
cues Blue Black Blaaket.paanadt
a elves Gnb Blanket i
9 cues Dna. Blankets; J.
!MOO Bloc do;
Roues White Bed Blanking`
60:paIrs Stearalloat Blankatc.' • e '
Remised an acanadnnas, and tar sale al arlandas•
eatarsejedoss by 8 LEE • •
,4".• z WWI On*
Fatonartn. Accmcirr.—this [dart KMLID, /MD
Two HhIntIBLY latest.—A terrible accident
happened at Knapp and Toueui Foundry, in the
Filth Ward, eaterday. Some workmen were en
gaged In bulldog a Large pipe, drowned f r the
new water works, weighing about one thousand
potHlGeOpm the air, by means of a Crime, when
one of the links of the iron chain gave way, and
the pipe, on its cud, fall over on three un
fortunate men who were standing near, felling
them to the t elk.
Two, John Barclay a moulder, and a German
named Snetichana, were caught under the huge,
mat. of use, and Barclays' ',legs were crushed to
a jelly. Sae!wham had one leg and foot broken
and was very severely injured internal:y. The
pipe struck Mr. James Dal:ill, pattern maker to
toe establishment, on hi. heed, which it cut hor
ribly, and his back was lojored, In the fall.
Every attention was paid to the unhappy suffer
ers and medical aid was promptly called in. Docts.
liszlettt and McCook, •mpetated Barclay'. kg,
but he did Lot long survive the operation. He
leaves a wie, but no family. Mr. Distil was
carried. in a aisle of inaenaibility to his residence
on Pike street. It la thought that he will recover.
The German wee taken to his house on Tiny Hill,
bat his injuries are of such a nature, as abnost to
preclude the possibility of recovery.
The chain which woo the cause of this horri
ble accident, was seemingly • strong one and bad
fierprehtly been used the hoisting articles weighing
ten times as much as the water pipe. The Coro.
ner visited the Foundry, but did not hold an in
quest on the body, sinee he deemed it unnecessary.
Ildlacctir Ten Silunossia.— This man was some.
what better yea:erday.
Fronton thAvis —We learn Irmo our edified
dtiaena that upward. or ono hundred fugitive
eaves hada already left Pittsburgh for Canada.—
Furry lots Allegheny yesterday evening, after hoe
tug bade adieu to their frlends mud lamilses. They
realest all lived in she upper part sf Allegheny
city, Rad since Melt escape have intermarried wit
bee Won. of color, bet they are thus once hung
•onipelled to sever all the 'amity lies. The parting
wren° is described tons.. having been very &Seer
m r g,
bdt it IS a. Well that they haVe rum, ware
there would must aworedly have been to:washed.
had their matters endegsorrd w recapture thorn.
The escaped slaves bane all alined theinvelven,
and declare that they are lesoived to die rather
than be again carried woe bondage. We Woo
that several runv , e3 slave hunters are in lowa ,
and iWen the free colored people tie bectnelaill
adtildlia tithe idnAgatil 'novitiate of the •. irgitive
slave WO
11341 . IMO nu Wlra.—A Octal. a cayman 121467,Cd
ttebrib, lodged a complaint beWie Alder:m..o
Partiilana, 71.arday, &gaunt her hese Urd, whom
ahe accuseit tit: beating new.
It appeakedOithen the Alderman examined IX
to the patdetala6, that for the last three years the
hoehlad has bare m the baba of dummy h.s wife
ixeestonsily, Which she eubmitird to patiently net•
Lit Within the eat three day., when ahe exerted
her strength, sad turning the tables, thrashed heat
eounaly. Thee, by way or a ehmax, she stied
The sr fa, betas victorious. made her own
terms, ivid the bu.haod eras dtschsrsed Co VVtoi
a tine of rive dollars and costs.
Seems Corm.—The Supreme Court took up,
au Monday, the argument hat of the Fourth Jodi
nut punnet, composed of the mantles of Eon,
Wartnot, Crawford, Venazgo, Olerion, mud hte-
Kelso. The argue:teat of the remanent( portton
of the Allegheny comety tut, Intl be resumed on
the thud Monday of October.
TVs Autoasat Sate Cast—We do not deem
P necessary to publish the °pluton of Justice
In this case, since that al lodge Onor, of
the United Salts Court, on the mow subject, bas
altesdy eppeared w ear c.rhirue. Una point an
which the judges tidier, is as tepid. the "War.
titian" of twenty per tent. toterest, Judge Grier
beitur ci the entente that the meaty par cent. o n
Ise.rollected only for tee taut pair the note rune,
the previous peon being at tee ordinary rate of
tattiest, tem per cent). The Supreme Conn of
Penmylventa„ however, allows twenty per cent
for each year, 1 the scrip is two years old.
. _
.44LOVOT.—A woman laid ■ amplified beLeta
Ali!cacao Lew abesterday agamet • Mn. Loiadtt,
wham the seamed of to eat bet silk
a bathe, lam her boos re., btra L. seen arreated,
when It appeared that the • green eve,' monster"
wit the emus of the Whole affair. Sae laded
that the eemplatamt had induced her !disband to
!Cave her. wed that he am lived with her
The alt•dged hu.Laed, beware, dewed :hal lie
bad ever awned her.
M. h. web great digoey, declared that r . k e
could rat ~s Sul before she ,rould mat, shy spol
ogg," so, as tee Was Mashie ta procure bail, she
Vas committed to prim.
liartiaa.—A number 01 %roams* are endued
io vartuf paw , Peso street, above Ms Cabal
to B.s•rdawsuu. The road veltstOOy re
quired mws.
Magma Boa" —We hover ewer that portion
a , the God it•ate,aear the horse oarkeiwo grow
th a with bum. •• a was yeaterday evening.-
Vona/a W ALl.lOllLat —We are 'garbled
to Mi. T. 1.. Methilsa, Diputy Ink sed i ataies
Marshall tar t. a elly of Allegheny, for the reaurn•
the extant' of the Fourib Ward, by which
we bed teal the popoletiort satottete to 7;05.
ro■ ASIM2
•—Warrants were Inteuday luue d try Alderman
S tele 6r the AT Mid of Mayur Brier, mad hi; 01.
fi via 11111 aid Luwe. oh a charge utcon•putvg to
a.sdnet the Guilthen, recently hike.> away how
Ml. Mania Cuaholy.
Ton Ka sinnno iluAß?*. We m. 1.11141.1 that
perauu• have joined Ibis contikuy, artneb
u. be .cii.oatbied by Captain Pane., who wan
Captain of the It.ber u sa thesua, during the waz
wak Men no.
. .
tbcriteur 1111 Austo.r—lfute.nrires. The Fore
man at tho pep, was going down Third Street at
about one o'clock on 'Need,/ morning, and when
dearly prelude toe Journal cn, , he wasstopped
by a radian, who, seizing hum by the throat, um.
trimmed choking him. With counderable diffteul.
ty be managed to actuate himself from the
acoundres grasp, when the latter struck him a
violent blow to the fur, which knocked him into
Ike gutter, and his cowardly assailant supped up , a '
body, severely ousting him. After a actinic,
the villain ran, and • watchman pursued, but Uid
not succeed in arresting him. Ile afterwards had
the audacity to return, and was taken to the watch
house, where he was at once discharged. Oar
police patters are managed in a mot outrageous
mmser, here wu • fellow, who had made an
Unprovoked attack upon a respectable gentleman
—the police were well acquainted with the fact.,
yet they .discharged the premier without trial.
Rowdyism is on the bureau, in Pitudough, and
the cowardly scoundrels who attack unoffendaur
Men, almost Invariably escape. It is positively
dangerous to walk about the streets an, nine
oVock, for the night watch area very int ill :lent
body of men, and not to be depended on.
Serr.rurg, 24, Ibso.
lievooldr, for uge, v. Rdettards.--Ctariou Curio
ty. Argued by Corbett A: Llthy •nd Saturn.
Caldwell rt al. v. Walter..—Erie county. A,
geed by Mataball arid Galbraith.
McCracken, Lette, v. Graham.—Erie county.
Argued by Marshall anal Galbraith.
Comm. ate. v. itioth.—AUrgheny cwunty.—
Judgment adirated—per Canon.
v. !bro.'s of Erie. Erie
county. Argued by Udbnlib, Lane, and gabs
Leater. el al v. b.leamvell.—Effie county. A.r
ivelktly Marshall, lialbrailh, 6.1 Lalle.
5at..1.1 No Lincoln on Sunnas.—Three tavern
keepett, of the Second, Tbitd and FouSh Ward.,
Mleaheny, went attested on Monday and bcosght
before the Mayor, charged scab aelltug liquor on
the Sabbath; They paid the usual line and were
We notice by a catalogue wat us, that a nay
'choice COUCCUOLI ul London books, (tons a private
:lorry, wall be sold this and to morrow evenings,
at Davis' sales mum.
We we many ipissraldly illusirated- and very
rive line cutioun work, operaihd; which can be
°brained but ea chine uccasalls. therelare the
present nboald be esibtaned by admaers of
FUllik—bt. Iwo Mal& N. a etaalra n2l;
111 Lons. •V. do do;
II damm um Opasib, salting 0r .W by
. . .
Dr. Gamic*, Mxtraet of Yellow Dock
and Ilar•aparpl.
UT op in the Istigett sized tattles, contains mere
alb! pyre Handal. , Sarsaparilla than soy other
preparation estant which is chemically combined
with the Platthet of Yellow Dock, the Fusser of Wile
Cherry, and the Balsam of Fir, thus making the sumo
dy nip.e thathroahly cfZeient than any other Bsthape
Min before the publz, Al the same time it Is pertect.
ly free from all air erai r [Okapi, which .010016 e sale
or any othet of the Sarsaparilla compound.. The in
vaild should Lessen of pnl.nesf ltivm.atT. Irnttrtildi
nine. Potash. ledire, Pluiphor, Artenle, and tunny
other mineral and metallic poisons enter into and
form the active bests of meat of the Sanaperitla and
Panaceas of the may. Sarra n: suit's Compound Extract
of Yellow Doc. au dparUla doe. tint totitaln a
particle of these sehatances, as any one can easily
ue g nain by applying the neenattly tens
The poisent may ocenuonally remove disease, bet
they so vitiate the blood. and so completely lamp
nate the whale grams with their benefit effects that
the Ant cold, or the first stuck of dueue, prostrates
the patient's strength, and sublects bun or her to the
moat ezeratietinit /torture, and renders another ease
almost impossible( and hopeless. Let all poisonous
Sarsaparilla prepitrallana alone, and use (thyentee
Improved Entrant or Yellow/ Dock and Sassaparilla,
sebtch is thoroughly eilleacloue, perfectly harmless,
and purely reseial/le. All kinds of disease yloldo to
hosed.] influence.
, , . .... ,
Scrofula, Caneerdur Tumors, Cutaneous Eruption.,
Es y amens, Mice, Pundits, r Pimples on Ma Fare,
Chronic Sore liyet,Tetter, - eald Riad, Rheum.
rim, Enlargement or Pain; II use Bores or Joint.,
old and stubborn Clean, Fever Soma, Hip Dictum,
Serolltug of the lands, Blotches, Syphilitic bump'
tom., Lumbago, B, finite:Ws, Javinlice, Cos
derneas, Salt eon, Affection of the Eldney• and
disease. arisinurfrout an injudicious ore of Menu
17Y, Minister's Sore Tarot. Weeltuu of the Cheri,
Pulmonary Atlietions, end all other Clauses no&
lug wenn, Consumption, Liver Complaint, Female
Irregularitirs and Complaints, Sick and Nervous
Ileadaehe,.General Debility Low Spirit., Lou ot
Appetite, Night SllrDall, P alo. In the Side and
Shudder., }lnnovate or Imprudence In Lin, Chron
ic Conuitadortel Diurders, and ss a Spring and Fall
runner of the Bind, and General 'tonic for no
System It ie unrivalled
A care DJ - Ulcerated Liolha of =tem roes &Exams
The loin lag la an extract of • letter dated Muoh
Tr, 19611, from b Perkins, M. D., a highly respect..
Lie phyalalanahlarietta, Ohio.
Joan Paha—Dear' Sin I have ender my care •
young woman who, (or sixteen years has been mi.
feting from Ulcerated limbs, and sittoso ease has
been pronmanced heipeless by three of on, best phy.
%incline I loot her into lovely, nnly, and bate awed
fitryriout Yellow Dock and my
Sarsaparilla freely, end
am conlldant that the Yellow Dock •od Sarsaparilla '
will erect a pones net mire.. She la better In general
health than aka ha. Over been home, and walks a
stale or two Nemoat longue or pain. A Veer ago Ma
used cretchaa I will report the ease in doe lime.
Very empecitell s y,
iton R.
mA. fiElllglNg.
It Lme been remarked, by eminent men. that in the
varied catalogao of dmeases to winch man I. liable,
them t• matcmy one of loch importance, and Mauch
l i ne s ein a, gemiel, whether we look to the coliseum,
of to origin, it. Analdtov. porn rem, the number and
•annty of ortgans attacks, or its remarkable le
: annitollty and catenate., Cotality.
ociofins ha. toollioJ the skill of the 01041 velment
piquet...lln Mt country and lit Rennie lint then Is
an .tidot • tor tins dmdesc in pr. Gay n'. Retract of
Venow Dock and Sarmaparilla; talin ati is procure
eels • perfect membe in the most morere 04000 0
serclals. •
An et...finery cave of Beratela mired by the
cola one of Dollar Crayon's Compound Syrup It
will he seed by this certificete that that man has been
under the trostrasna of several celebrated physicians,
tte put rant year., without deriritig any benefit,
arid Liu been effectually eared by the ou of ,
a few
bold., of Dr. tidy oottla Compound Syrup.
New Von, Jane 70)43.
DaDoeurr—Dear Su, --Owing to you • debt mulch
mPiney cannot pay. I am indueed to • public se.
kinowledament of the benefit I bare derived from your
invalueble Syrup. I wee oorcly afflicted with a tern.
ble Etero(oloila disease, hereditary m our family.
which cu need on my neck, and, eanctimlng to
soon reached my early, running Win my head,
and esientla,x MI frfer tar Poo', neck . mi 1 11.. ., c. -
use:titter. I hen .tar • di.gpsong paled to lug upon
t h ey ual:in Moto.
.0 afelt Wall dino la
On lir down; UM the Mouse exteg IMO tel
re p moue, alerted my hearing My foes ma one
enummou care, from which a discharge of resort
elland enter kept rononually oozing oat. People avoid.
me. .opposing I had the small pea, or some other
infections disease, and I sou comemtently obliged to
relmoeish my busine.s. Netwatimandlng I had the
beat an d admee. and tried different plans of Beat.
meat, the disuse contLued to grow wore, znul I game
op in &Imam Fortunately I fell in with a pusetmer
, tin pp atestabOat. while Muslims for my health, who
at one owe in as nail s
I ' ,Toon:ce rn .: eyreo h , '. l:rtant by rising your Syrup he
Iwas speedily cored I Unwed:Moir piecesed tae is.
tiele y commeaced wing it. and now, CIA r baring tired
' le. than sli battles, I am well and able to attami to
my yaeinesa I .ad 'co lOW alatemenl Al an sal of
Mance, op hoping Gar tl mar tearer the ardLeted to
cialease .1 the rtght mYdicine, .0 thereby um, done
mach sautug end eilaelaW.
llama. your ohm:Pent servant.
Corr of an ournoaetie ram of Erysipelas.
- The name performed by 'Dr. Cleysott's Singer of
yellow Doe. and BarLyperifle are lasting. The pa.
urn'. general health canumnia to Imposes MUT Ills.
t ease is removed Cures au not cheonieled oath rime
has telly tested that there can boi no relapse of whirr
of the disc...
Nosway,llletkicier Co) Feb. 13B).
B F. Bureau & Cu., Deno. Il I. wall greet pleasure
that I write you about be very happy effect. of your
'Yellow Deck and Sarsaparilla open air um who had
Wag been IllaCittle wader that diem:trial. loathsome dim
eau. Poyalpieles. with which he wa. coasted in ,
and re. me sternal month. munded by some of ear
Le.;rum... woo Mud their shill perseveringly an
I bee months, watt.. any LanriClal4Pet• Pr. hnurer •
Ile become reduced to a perfect skeleteo Ile bad el-
I pays tram W. hip to hi. knee which were cOntloaally
di.chereipg C. ...tingly odenove matter. Medical'
end yerglEal ran. ses hadted. f hyomonsvoid that
his rue mu Lopcleu—there meld be rodung done
to erne.t thou .stale gangranclug ulcers. My netigh.
bor. mid myself thought I. dissolonoti neer at band
tme of my uighbon, who lade... a child of straf
ed& with your teraleable Medicine. ensiled me to,
mate Viet al It, and mare from the rude. desinyto
do aumethin( ktie lac Pissed, than from soy kegler
Fug rolfeclpmeared Gam boa,. of your"Sehow
eh and
and !Wawa. ea saint „
to my aatolltAtnent, ha commenced hamaes
be had used the Wed bottle, and delete be bad need a
half rarer. tier lie coald trait eat. He sited in all
z e e1 d ve ,, Z13 , 14a1 , 4141/ ,, rVi r t e lu a t s. he . w . amilrfeetly
I. removed, and he remains to pa /art health op tottro
p...e* ,:,.... lit. race•eil. wader the blemg et
I Lod, Is entirely owing to the rise of your Vella in . Dort
and Pampering, and I ye.. mot I feel mysetr
ender groat Plihgationa to you, and It I. with gent on
Mat I Inform Fro of what tar damapartlla hes done
WI my son. Itmpemiully,
1 tea RUS9II.I.
yl3 . Noe. genuine 0t.1,10 pot up Ilt lame toltlee
coottlatog • gnarl, , n• mama of Luc Syrup blown
In toe `lie; vir tt4 the w rm..° itgnamre of S. F. Item
no the motakle sr.ppet. Pnee SI pc( hottle—fa.
II Wiles for S.S.
1114 solJ by .1 P. rANK, Nerth Fast Corner ol
Fauna tied .lntt meets, entre , CO Wulool n
ei (Ai°, to whom all order. mutt be add...
Cl Erie, W Johnum it Co., Wat r.
feed, Otto A eceoste, Crosiongeole; Abel Toriell
Montbom; Mosta blot,Toevanda; Robert Roy, Well..
W.. , I. Red,nr, M . t ea te Wilcox. Jr • Pau
...mart of Martel street awl the Lbatalond.
C•f11,1 , 1017... , ”
t .000.000
('!I AII7'IER t: 11 1521 x,
I riff: undet•ag nett him Leen spoomied agent for Pi.
Add •1141 reap:lambic company, to /nevem] Air.
Fayette liroem.•o4 t. ready to lame re.ltries nt it c
Fire 01.1 Manna department, on 0 laromble terns
as any ottior responsible rosuperry In Ott city
PO Fourth at., neat to hank of Pittsburgh
411,111.11 Pr.-mitmA,Capirat Ntoa,,}:ior p Fund,
8 1,000,000,
rik HE mallet...lamed would nail the attention of nter•
I c bts and other• haatog property expearti to
iar. by en Fite or the peril. of N•rtgatton to the ottpenot
.antages offered by the
100 luau Company
VS" ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,, VW
-I.—Ratea of Premium oe low e•those of eny other
^n speedy •nd anisfanory adjonment °Clones by
the General Arent a the Company lot the %Veneto
and Southern States.
3. Albortown lof all difference* which may arise)
by referee* mutually ehown.
4.—A yr ardspromptly paid In Spee ie, Bank able Fonda,
or Rscharge on New York, Baltimore. Charleston,
Nem iSkent, St lantis, Loolast I. Pittsburgh, or
Cincinnati, at the option of the insured.
ICr Samnhlcts, setting forth the rood. and prin
eiples of ad:mottos tome, raw. of premium.. elassia
cation of hazards. Lc., furnished to the CUMIN:yen of
the office fret of charge.
For further (.formation, apply to the ondenigned,
who Is folly moborlrad to insure Irwelliore, Store.,
Hotels, Warehooser, Ntlls, lidmafactories, Barns, to.
llonwhold Fortnum, and Goods, Warew, and !der
ehandise, eont• toed or stored thereto, natl.!, loss or
damage by FMK
Dry,pooda Groceries, hlumfactured Goads. Pro
duce llouscitold Fornirare,, Live blest, and every
Other Miseription of Merchandire or Personal Pro
perty, sh pped of to be shipped per mead steamboat,
or boats to and from points 011 the Western Waters,
or between Eastern cities iris Luta°, other inland
mute) and any teaks in the Western easmirri Sainte
AL a,
Sip IpMento of thirds. Waren, and blerehndise, per
trend noel-ur teasel., between New Odeon* mid
Facern pore—between New Orions and ether Gull
port.—oetween all American port. and English or
Euruperin poem. or to any other maritime port what.
carver inure Atlantic V/130 la. against the PERILS OF
'74 Fourth at., nett to the Bank of Pittsburgh.
I 5 .'7. I R. Mlual, Jr., Pins%
Will insure galas; all kinds sr risks, ,
• ..
LL lo ra n will be liberally adjeing4 god promptly
A 4pms lrolltlitMll—manyed by jhrectors who ars
moll known to the community, and who are determin.
.4 by promptness and be to nraintain the char ,
rater which they b ra e ra mmed, is eferlnr the brat
protection to those who desire to be Wowed.
ljutscrotra—lLAUller, Jr., Geo. Slack, J. W. Boller,
N. Holmes, Jr., Wm. B. Holum., C. thmsen, berm. W.
Jackson, Win. Id. Lyon, Jas. Lippincott, Thos. K.
Litett, James bi'n•itieli AWL Niselek,Thos.Soott.•
Orem; No. 93 W..' ettrat, (warrasaws of Span
e", Itint., Pittsburgh. ntenile
'inn , : undersigned have, this day associated *cen
t selves mder the firm of Phillip& War &Co ,far
• parar.r.ips, UNIT & 00.,
Manufacture& of eve& variety of
put, Pressed, and Plain Flint Glass Warr.
ORDERS filled anthers delay, at th e t ee , e ,e
a., pr., et their (salary, on T.y Street, near
eecond, or Si vf• Willer Mort; PRlStelllgh.
P T . SerRE.— p to Illit
40 ha end., er , for axle Or
&PM • WM/ k. Ems ma
I i t 0 UAYtte larTEti-Abr...ixelgfok ;1 , 42
Osip WRAC ILERSI b r b fpuLe Cle.v4
THESE DIES home been adopted and highly approved in all the princi* shops m New Yon
and Philadelphia, ore note offered to manufactureni, machinists, ship I.lthiSilk.C., With the utmost eon'
adence, as the most perfect article in too or mating screw".
Their superiority Over any other Dies heretofore used, consists in their muting a PLIVECI
Scam, wlinther Vor satumix thread, by ono passing-over the iron to be em, which require no ouvrag
ilte r*10n..., es the dirt cut the thread out of the solid iron, without raising it in th e cot
in their greater durability; rapidity, and perfection of work; and in their simplicity and little liability
to get out of order.
Putaaus.unta, Arra. n, 1913
This If to amity that we have purchased from P.
W stares Mot right of es his patent Dies for cut
ting halts In aar contion,Lia /Ilea an much supe
rior to any others we art acquainted Vita tor ton
purpose of matting Solt..
• PHILAOILPI3I•, Aug. 21, 1219.
tattle had P W Gotta' Petent Dies in usa la oar
establicl meat (or the tut nine months. for Cluing
lola, we can In e•try respect recommend dam In
the Fie hest tem., ee we hare laid all uders away,
they Its' ug se far eueerlor—consldeting them PS per
0.1. elletper than co)others now in nee.
RA Peon
NEAPtit & CO,
Penn Works, Pa.
• Thu I. to certify tbat we have Paramus . " ma naht
no, end adoptad In cat borlnes t P W Gate.' Pa
tent Posew Caster, which... Wahl Isplnweo Of. We
can do mods Intor• wont, and wa b elieve It WIN Bar
pan In dotal:4111y and oroclaion,as coach at economy
of labor, any dies known to ac
110101.18. T.OBKEII. Ik M 0111319.
Potaanateora,Oth month,2Bl6 day,lslB.
Naw Ting, Avg. 19,1819.
Having adopted P. W. Gates , "Patent Pies" for cut
ting bal., we take pleaanna similar, that It more
Man Simmer. nor expectationa, and haw, no bath.
g alas it as oar opinion, that II far atteela any
other plan In present no for mining bolls.
We bay* P. W Gates". Patent Dina. for caning
screws, and the economy or taint them O vary
cortaideottO, tkat eve look upon them o utdiepettsa
hie to every oatahlislannot harlot any quantity of
screws to cut.
Cen“ao, !day 10, 1849.
01034.1."2 oyrlcz, Wasuntoraw, Sept., `lB.
I have porrharad of W.ll Scoville for the United
Fisica, it. right to ova In all the anienals and time
SOUSEb, LUTc tiAlthi6.
A FOVII Story Dwellint, m'oL b.d.
ruorst, gas faturer..o bate o.rn, 149Thini
DNA. at W Water etrxel. .ep3
Co.f~rHE Chaser's CoinimaY *MI vv.. 'en'
deairable entree of land. entitled on and near the
Steuhee illy Tempi% e,•noll near die eoatheim terminus
their rail road.
lba land mill be divided into quentillea m mill par
chasers, and Ma terms ol payment milt be ten Toy
erbium. of W REMINGTON.
Coil trarbor. Sept Manure.
COMS , ISTAULF tool tomroodions Dwellingon
Few, filth street' Apply to
amen ILL Front et
A ND poor anon af von tounedisuely, theThrre Story
" Dwelling Noose; No Glf Litmany meet, and
opt cute Tool et. ALSO,
TN. Second and Thud Suffrara of Warshoaaa No 3
Mal het creek. Eupotre of
R C STOCKTON, Rookaelkra,
V Musket U.
To Log,
f7 , 11E large Woe wog Mick Warehouse, on water,
below Ferry rural, monitag from Water to I , WW
street, on retuortabla tams. roans Won given Imam
diately. Ea.:mire of
FOll SALE.—A Lot of 'Ground mutate on Feeto
etreat,botoreen flay and Slut:oar)areas, Wlolning
the benne and lot nom incepted by litiehud Edwards,
having a front of la feet, and in depth ISO feet will to
ld on favorable tans. Title oneseeptionathe. En
Qira of C. 0. L 002413,4111 et, no. Wood
!poverty tat /Wag/Lamy City far • ale.
aabaanbers tier [anal , . a numb.. ow
Lota,amtata ia the Second Ward.fronttn on
on frond, en easy terms. haat. of
W. O'IL ROIIINSON, Ally at Law, St C alt at
or of MS ROBINSON. on taaptscala •
PEARLS /a BROCKWAY, Comodzalat, Morettauta,
Baerataroto City, Cali/mt. Liberal advances
nada on — coocignratits, mod,il money business
promptly !Loomed to.
S. PYSS., 4 W.:SnwISCCOIduT,.
ST 10T1s.
glens, Acknowleditmeas of Dmls,
016ar—FovnA strut, •Lore Smithfield.
n 1114711. hos removed to When, street, below
LA ho street, No NZ. 'Odice sou doreihno in the
same Gadding. ame3l:NVo
111101.111. DIALILLa
111. 101 Wood ettoet,
INVITE the attention or buyers to their la re Gott
of Yrerh Goods now opening, and which they are
prepare 4 to will on tory uteotoodadattne tenor.
We shall be constantly receiving froth goods dur
ing the eeason, and Tenn.% so es tuninaren of our
stock by western merchant., end °Wets suiting our
rit• segal
TlR+eatehlialiement has been recently [tied ep. hi
Pacific street, net: dencome,orhieh ea:moment
to the but; en; parts at the city also to the (my Hall.
and otter putt'. baildirp: en d withlr a few Wort&
walk at the principal ctconi boat !chomp..
The proprietor, from barkg experience io the but.
w ith lintel for serval )eors,wei* eon&
dent that thou who may visit his bean will S d there
we cot:dermal a heirs.
Ptoptte tot.
ban Fraitetrea, Aar. I.9so—eep4:4l.3irietltT
OAK W 1.00111310 BOARDS.
15,00 u pe " t a fly W ig . L o. : • " srpr " ; ' l g ot ßn qult
ler •...le by 8. • LA Kist:.
•utO at/.-- Sb.ryslmrgh.
1BI: old hem ef A. & J. BONN k. BRO., Is now
MUNN. Bit OTHER & CO., thm io—A uthony HOrlly
JUlpti Mom, and Ktehard (box. Near :tooth ammo
mart, becacen I omlard and Germse. They have
just remitted, perelem., Poraltoutaa; direct from
Ittehmontt, one I undred boxes of those celebrated
bpringert tt littl xof Me Belle of Va ItM bay or the ‘lffl o
ailk Mochic . e Bled, eplendid article to re.
tail, at xttete, 73 baser Ullthyte eelebt•tad Sea Cared,
that cape the clime wherever it goes; weather with
a comber GI mbar trundle
We Imre on hand 40 quarter boxes of tip top Prim
cute Kelm, and no miot•ke; imported Howson PC-
Kara. 01 Mt Ittndat tommtle Seams of ettery demrip.
tioo As we IMve cordructed for Upwards of IMO
boles Tobacco in ftWhnn nd, tt it certain that arom,
mil cheaper than any other Imam in this or sup other
coy in the Untied mama BONN, BULL at CO
tetpl3.drw ;BMX Amer
lual Warr
Joins WATT 6 CO,
1101.ESALL nd Comml..tuuTeh..l.
a "Wen In Produce and-Pitiebergb Menu
acr errs, drd Lit_r_nty Cu t PttaburcU, Pa. rept,:
F LOUI1—;.1: tr e ::
s to i.. lc , c or, l- , artuly;
CO Mir rule, arriving, and fur Weby
\IIARLEA T. I Lreern. Fran..Pt and Chan.
?aliment. have 111101 del Lerocian d themteteen
neer the tarn of Ihrasen, Plunkett d Arliolght, for
he peeper. of manofneteging warp nnt'.tr
linos Were.
September 2, InKL.--PeOnl2*
PLUNISMTT R /11 9 131111011 T,
Vt. ANUFACTIIRERS of every variety of CUT,
jvt PIM:SPED, & FLINT Glastn9 WARK. Ware.
house, Water street, lately occupied by Young, Ito &
& Plunkett mystidnve
y UTTERS of Administration, on the estate of Moo.
I s Catharine No6nittt, deceased, baying been,
granted to the undersigned, all Fermin. tadebted are
hereby tionfied to make immediate payment, and
Ilion having claims against .aid estate., to present
the sante promptly, for settlement
snit:l4lm UUCP:UT & eKNUMIT, Muer.
E/ aD
111rsE celebrated and lastly sernowledged so.
perlor goods, m the latest eolotings and welt im
proved styles, will be famished by the etikr.rOb"
in any quantity. at the very lowest price.. P er
r• will Wine. notice that the genets. Bey sum ,
land. bear tickets corresponding With ihe abort
emoted they will also be distinguished (roman other
Woolen Shawls by their enamor bni.h, hneneme
1nt0,.. and brilliancy of colors. Order. rehe
from all aceilonsOf the country and the s a ne
promptly attended to. Purchaser.will also
i n
our !Om' department' a large as•Oftlaenl of all the
lithe. Inset approved makes, and newest designs of
American, French, and ticotch Woolen grawle, em
bracing a grem variety of plain and medium styles
for blends. ALPO,
I Superior Pans Mocha long mid meant Shawl. in
latest styles and ben manufacture—High Josue iliac t
and Colored Slit Scrawls—Lopins Block .. 4
'Colored Whet !lintels, with MO and woolen Fongea
—Earls Printed Cashmere and Tether.' Shawle—
Plain and Embroidered Crape bnetelii—Picw style
Printed Palm Bliawle—Nest figured Pens Ur styl e
Shawls—Lupton Blackd Node Colored 'nib.
Long Shawls—Plain boun d Seal Skin POlvels—Plan
Mode Colored ErenchTerk eel Shawls. rrinced and
bound—Eight quart, Frenchrd. Mode Colored
saga'. Tbibet
Cloth, taeleatioa (all two ya tunie for
binding to match—White Ana Celoredißmeelona
Geneue Shawls, to- Wielesale and Retail.
ROBERT POLLOcg a co . ,
Id South Second 111,Paildelphte.
oepllhdtmaotlng ‘,
CHHCOLATEI—tab.. Norfolk Clweolabr;
Ilakpath. Ceet No hcaolato, to I, kraraMr ra ta
le b Pre y ach, 4.0, and
136 Liberty .t
' ,VIA I T
t :IV O P C= trist d i ll:. .1 -
a.. 1. - a.. to store, and the rentoloser lo arrive this ant
yen toolde,por "dans eEpme oi kr i th, „.a
ether obto. via Pelladelpttio end Etalumoreorarsent.
metw le both =Met eal edeAtrio =7 Id Pe
eurtev,etroate sr thp lowest mice
os.b and'ep•
proved Uta,by yi t Ats um Al MITCHELTLett
aigis mom •
rte. under the superatslon of thts Department, P. W
Gatell• Potent 1 les. for contesters , . on setal,they
having been tried inns° of the lenge arsenals, and
faun. '
cent and es central
A. TALADUTT, CoL Ordinance.
Brame; op — isudna AND l ' Jicadis,
Wean:soma, Sept. go, Ide9. c
Con.l&ring Gates , Patented Improvenneet for tot.
non screws en sena: to Ise a •ataablis one, I have, by
authority of the Honorable Seemuuy of tha Navy,
purchased of the Artomsys of tkis Paten ,Wm
andcosulle, and enamel Blower, 1 an,lber ht to mate
use said impose/tent roc the.U. O. Na y.
JOdEPII SMITH, Chief o Henan
In us. Me by
Buffalo Works, BRIM;
Rowe re. Aebloy, Rochester . ;
Roston t Co, Gloucester, rclri
doxd r, CoarrY;
I.lirlwel. hew lo;k;
Dore A Delamter."ftwole,^ N. Y;
K. twohm& Co, New York;
Denturad &Co, hlonament Works, alGt:
Van Caren, Roolusner,
Bats Ayres how Vora;
Allaur Works, do;
Pesos, k hfurs:dy, do;
Wen Point Foandry;
Norrl% k Bro,
h. Jenks, BrecdeAorgh, 14i;
Walwattb k Nunn, Swan an 4 Near Vora;
Unwell Machin Shop, Lowe
Am.o.aana oa, Manchester, N H;
Lyman t Son-bar, South Boston,
and nainaroaa Wan.
No Edieelons,lo sets die. taps fr to 2 in. pn. Per
No 2 do 8 - ito 12 prise 925 tr
Nod do a do lin I, print 12150
All enters addrensed to Gates & Chtoo o.
0. B. Hainan, New York, E. 04i/onkel & Co. Phila.
ft. H. Semi" nazis, Chinese
dolphin, an.... Cafin — S;;Fo;
ma Taps, wiM or arifhoat machines for min[ them
will men with prompt attention.
Comeau. May a, 1930.
SAYL. r. muvu.l au
nodun and Co r amitatow lilerrkants,
And de•lers lu riusburigh Manufactured Articles,
Nos. 130 and 139 11•00ud
BPI wren Wnod ftuithGeld, Pittabuntb. augl
No IS Wood Pittsburgh.
nail the prinelpa
A. WILKINS i 00.,
S. R. Corner qf Thin:tan' Maths as.
ALL russu-vore, At atair uiss
OLO. Y. ARNOLD dc 00,
No., Ito.,
(Next door to the Bank of Pittsburgh.)
_v_lFlStdAe.t •
3101.1111ZU 110111,
Ba•6•k(• Brokers
. .
COLLECTIONS.—Drafts, Notes and Acceptance
pcyableint any pima the Unicn. collected. we DM
(avant; e terms.
EXCIIANGEoe Ne 7 yeor
unlace,. also, Cincinnati, Louisv il le, •t Louie and
New Orleanu constantly for Sala. ,
, SANK NO TES.—Notes on all ealeent banks In the
Uniud Stoles diecounted at the lowest rases. All kinds
ay Foreign and tunertenn Solo and Since Coin bought
and sold. sag=
10' 110LkIES k. SONS hare ,remoced yet, o f na.
VI • in, and Exchange Office to No 67 Matte at.,
lour door. below nld stand. • • suoVe
Asorsolot•d V1r0a..34 Issoasonco Com
pany of lb.* City Of Plitaburea.
CAPITAL 1200,000.
I. K. Pdt/OREGEAD,Preoq—..W. W. DALLAR,Ree'i
I ComPonl OITPOIVO to tamer against A
FINE •od NA RINK Ritt.Ks of all tied,.
Of Second Steep, hall. ,
1. K. Moorehead, Kali Panama, Wee. A.lllll,
R. 11. Hartley: R. Lt. Mequon, /cellos Rhodes, Wee.
OE gar, Edward Gregg. A. E. Anstalt. Wra COi
liagorcod. R. C. Eawyer, Choi. Keno, Wm (torus..
J. Finney,, Jr..
Agra fo, Me Penn Litd bintrants :Co. al Pkg.
UFit:E of the Wmtern Inserautee Company Na:
Yr Water stmt. Pittaborai ,
Pmaphlets, ahh all necessary information, and
ylsok forms mill be famished.
Husbands can imam tketr Hem Gir the benefit. of
the tr wives and ebAldrent crtthlont the Irmo( their
debtors- , . .
The whole elrolits of the Company aro divided
among the holde of Life Politico,.
„The dividends of the past ore years have been eisth•
i s tper cent-emit rear. ' • WS
[lb atalweribet reepectfolly Invitee pahhe attention to
his enteral., stock of Pettaniety, Soaps, &atlas
Creams, to., to which wean Silver and two Callen
/Noels have, wittin the low. six yetz, been ambled
by the Intuit.. of New York, Boeton, and Yhilo
deletion, the lance twine the only (ioldett Medal. ever
awarded for patioutety caber le INtottpc or In this
Hunan% UN111,21.110 Enemata CRUX, (Almond,
Rose, and Ambrosial,) eniversallY acknowledged ID
be superior to any Shaving eteial la the COW!? al
11,1h1Innt Elnevma—lgse,;areu, isagipu a g4
and Poimetwing toed/ t'ePort to and MOIII.I
prOWnienfiakontinions Compound; ArotonainlShay.
tog Tahiti; Military Slis•114( Soap.
ooramoteTtnLer tiimrs—Alownsil,Rose, Natation,
Boopset, ask, Patchealy, Utto alba*, Flom
it.g. Transparent, Olive Llil,Vindsor, end Matsui..
EITILACts sot Tat UAKUL‘Iti,IO-801e, Jazmio,
glougitet de Caroline, Geranium, Jenny Lind, hionzeo
, Linn, Jockey Club, Magnolia, Geniality, Citronelle
Knott, and many other vatietiss;io ell sixty difermat
Toner Wayne—Florida . Water, Rae de Toilette,
Orange Plower Water, and • great v=14117.4 Co.
logites and Lavender Waters
. Prlt.a.llo3ll /01 Tat lima—Gertulnet . Bear ,
Antique Ltanttoline En, Lastmie, Oleine, tel;
pound O x Mattel., Bae r Dyes, Inlaid and in powdeS,
and Philocome,einine, aud Jenny Lind Yotea , ea. ;
Inlt ßa erotanoaw—ilalsamie Ellett, Rome
Tooth Paste, Cherrosl Iketrifiee, Odentimi, Twig
Paste, and Tooth Powder. •
Ccagance—Yegemble Comet. Cream, Amazdisa
far eb.pped band., Cold Cream of Roses, Oremn
Parse,. Lep Salve, Ravi - miry Cream, le.
Depilatory ihiwelere, fur removing aupediumis bale,
Pearl Powcer, litnelgra de Rouge, Arm:made Vinegar,
Victoria Hair Compowtion, Preston Salts, besides
it great variety of other articlee,the nitinerens to tmi
'named in this advertisement,
The rabeariber hopes to maintain the reputztail
wLich this establishment has acquired by disposing
of tiothilog but lint rate articles, and will be happy to
furnish those Wk. may Wl*h to patronize him, either
who:male or letail(.9. vmsomble len= LS any ea
le the United Eltaves.
Successor to and former Director of the Lobotatary
114 Cheeaut street.
Mr. Ilasints Perfumery Is for We by all the prinel.
pal thee..o in the tonetsT apl7eityl
, I , IIIS beauutol ylo of Hat i. now recelved,und
1 natil be b.:traduced ou Saturday, 31. ion" by
AIoCUIED d.sal
Co.. Fifth a. Wood uts.
,N aelledlnnent of One Doliar per share on the Met
ft of the Ohio Trap Rock Mining Company, pap
able on or before the tlne of October orel, to the
Tnnueritt, In Pittsburgh. . Di order of toe Beard
septa WM K 11411 T See'y.
Y l4 AI r. lU Lor li ns . agll .rusw. I
.04 ; 771 79 Water 1.
ULAS , b boa.. osootted met, of Yodel it Ilex
ton's brand, toccood and tot sole by
acyt4 . StflEY MATTHEWO d. CO
- -
rola ICON—w' toes La
E ba freptl]
N:1 SSES--Wa tat& oat cooperage
ItyLATCORII out:LFla& foor ano platform malts
to .1. nor MD to lfroo lb., for asha by
g J Orr Sii—o Ono asilfWno Door; 1., eto4conslig
D aepl4 Mar ILLS & ROE.
( lIGARS.:. 130 Oa Principe, Havana, rolltV Regalia
to Cigars, selectad branar, for sale n
septa MeGl y
vir tuN —ed bales very heavy, for cover
k,/ In steam boat decks, received and for rile by_
serf SCAi PE & ATKINdON.
I lOiSlent Oslo jllllt (CCM foe .ei
septa GO Wood at
UN Unit---t 4 tale beret
15 tato Grease;
'I bog Seem.;
7 bap Feathers, ut arrive, for role by
re to Water k Froylliqs
'No. eV HUM:Mat GOOVS just remind ftoco New
22 2 luKe site U&I Hoods;
, I dos extra do do;
I dm Da pc.;
1 din Liotu, for tale 1 Ste India Rabe.
tore, 7 and 9 %iced at. J II PHILLIPS
ones Lot ter We. — 7
TIBER storied Brick House, on Wylie street,
uear Logn,last built, and ninth bah bone,
s Anne, soh all the maims Imprevereentsi will
sold. If applied for. before Ist October next. If de ,
red, a long credit will be given.
septa:Moen WI Youth •t'
nen/ones Iladten's a's der; '
• St boa Cabinent IP. lamp;
oe the le, Myers , I lb lump:
nqr bn do +b, to. pi for sale 1y
pit . MILLER 12,ClarrtON
Sir James bleerr•ra Plead Ilessestat •
Dia:PARED ander rhr Man, diets cake of the in.
L venter, and estathshsd ler et *lode Of thirty
years by the profession. for removing bile, Acidities,
and 1- , lrerttort. •estottng Apeente, preserving •
m. gum. acv. abut boatels, and dlmolving uric acid
in weal and Ocre4•111,0, At so easy TIMM, toy eea
trio:febrile affeetion Incident to ebb&
hate It is Wean:mho. On the value or Magnesia as
remedial nest It I, anneerssary to Marge; Oat the
Minot Preparation of Sir /mem Money to too the
moat valued by the primed., es it entimly avoids
die peambility of thole deadened contact*. ammilt7
recoltina km We we of the article In ponder.
For sale by the importer's and ompri•terea adecit —
IS A FA Hies roux k CO
sepll• Cor. Wool & Fromm*. •
Tail-460 U elm 11, OP t & leap.tem
lOU Cheats ong and leng Praehr
01 0 by
170 caddy bza Vy_
ilysere & Clintrifor
wine wep
~ .
The Van new lielit dr etit am"'"
sat- .TABIES a GORDON N. 0
Wm. - 110.Leibeltti maeter, aeill knee
for above and all intermediate ports,
Ole day, at 10 &dock. A. M. i •
Fee freight or pamagei,...qty oritosed. arpls
The*;lendld steamer
Mime, 'muter, aril! leave for the
earns' and intermediate landings on
th Co e r 0 A1 6 11;1:or pae l'aL " , 4 a4 e l7 4' e l ge ' ld . ' orpe.s
&eke ts •rrt irnaitiet ! sad depart Ivan freak
the Port
,at Plitsburgh.
Jong Eminence.
The ejneedld boat was bail, by am
owners of the sterner !nee Newton,
and others, for the Medal:tadand
Pittsburgh Packet trade, and, will
lease every Wednesday, toe Chtdirowl, ' ln plate of
the New P.ltlead• No. 2,
For freight or Pnwel i e i lp i g t ar i m4
CorniNvEs to &game freight to Pittahurgh via
Rail Road and Cattal.en vet 7 remumable terms,
and with the most &vowel!, from on large depot,
No. WM Market Philadelphia, formerly °totaled
by Noun Bingham &Doek.
The fast tanning steamer
Capt. B. IC:mangos , 'll ran u a, regniar
packet between Pittsburgh, Wheel.
Ina. 'tarpon; and Stinarb,leaving_Pittsbargh every
Monday anernOro, for Wellsville, ettobenollie, add
erklgenort, and every Thursday afternoon for Steaben,
'We, Wheeling, Bridgeport, Cantina, and Penhsts.
&taming, leaves Bridgeport and dantlah every Toes.
day afternoon, end Smtftsb every Friday afternoon.
For frelght or, passage, apply on board. or to
sea, D WILIiINB. Agent.
. „ ,
The splendid steamer
cost Damp., will leave ler above
and all ietermedlue Luldiop, every
1 7'l; rie 'At c l'ite
1850 jffitt.
The awift paaainger steamer
Robert 13. Maier. [nattier, will leave Mehl/rah every
Tnesetsy, Thursday, .4 Saturday moraines, far
Wheeling, slit/Weleek, A. hl. Returnine will leave
Wheeling for Piusbaigh every bloriday, Wedaerday,
and Friday, at B A. nit sag%
;•=tc4 - 4 . 2A..1.28' 4 " &IL
Central 11.allironel open to Holllday.Lars
103 vales Canal to Johrsiitown-260 miles Rail
Road from Jo/swims%ra Pldladdpldd.
&elmlialy for Punt:nears,
Time through, 43 hours....---Pare-410
Nto joa sl tr 4 wlTl ' le F a7irrr r.rolhoste*D d a lly
theses take splendid new cam VO miles direct to
Plolarlelphia, parsley over the new Pennsylvania
Rail Road, being one en th e very bast ill the country.
The increased peed by ibis roots makes it the most
desirable, as wall Lathe moat e omfortab k one to the
eastern cities , ,
A Packet Beat VIII leave every morning at 70'
cloak, and every evening at 8 o ' oloo -ki VrealalT•
U•The Pomade Rail Road Is passed In day light.
Fur passage or information apply to
W BUTCH, Dlononyahela Ilona;
sepl3 or to D LEECH & CO, Canal Balla
Only. 7i ' Ell•• lit•gtair.
Via Brossardlle arid Combat:and to Baltimore sae
Yon .= D*L1.022—•••••••• • ••-••.-••••SIO 00
so. l'attamer.raxs---- , . 10 00
rrIE m orn i ng boat leaves the wharf, above the
bridge, daily, at 8 o'clock precisely. Time to
„„,,„,„, hoary tine to Philadelpb la, 40 boors
The everdag boatleaws daily, (except Sunday ea.
ealoghl at a o'clock. Passengers byieattirr eratba
minute boat, will mass the mortotalca In stages next
day, sad than avoid night travel.
Scone posy tickets a: Ma Mae, Allonottgaltala
loise, or 8L Charle. Lintel.
octll•l) 1.
„ at ,
BIDWELL & OitoTnian,
'esser Point.)
PACKETS' totetag.sed shipplty, between Pittsburgh
sad.Roehester by Vests boats Rheldgels, Lake Ede, • !
sod Deaver.
pEr Goods reeelpted en d proaipily delivered to a ll • •
Vlaces so the C.sts sad akes. at the lowest Hite..
hippers will please dlreet goods.. 0 11.1d.c111 Lade.°
1, A. A. MASON eb. CO.
Ilev”en Thl d “outth .teem, INtubugh,
INVITF.the attendee Of merehartut Meet= the city.
mUair extensaye smith of Fall end Winter Goods,
.elected with great rate and attention- feta recent
impetnationa,large *ocean salem.and (non the lead
ing olattatantutere„by their resident partner to New
York. litetr "Mirk this :all will be Mend to be meek
lamer Ad mere galled than any they hate ever bvore
brptight to thie market. being repienished by receipts
of geode almost daily through the mason an they 10-
pear in the ealter* markets, rendering their stack at
.11 tines fell and.teerteeb, thereby enabling them me
eeestitly to romp•te vow rsstern bon.. repel
TAHEELIVILSON informs bi. friends and the Nadir.
47 that be has removed U. Hat and Cap Eatablishs
Meat from Smithfield creel, re his aid .mod on the
comer of Wood Mimi and Dim end Alley, (second
I'M'S one Patrietif & filiend's Exchange Office, en-
Hance back, 011 Dimond Alley—rebore may be found
A large and fashionable asseruncol of Hats and this.
at reduced prices, wbolerrale and retail. •
Ham made Co order is
- • -
TN& JOHN HARM respectfully announces to the
JJ citizens of Fittsburgh, that he has peressnently
located himself in this my, for the playa:, of pose
tieing Medicine sod Surgery, to of issue:too. branch.
e. His riffles Is po Fourth street, No H. Residence
No 97 same st. ' lyldd:sryusT.
D lL Ul L th j et M alt' !Zlla b o u elfelver erle r ftu k t . y .
145.1 reoldesee, fort he man; at Roadate.
le Manchester, uotnediatoly above the U.S. Marine
Floipeal. • , leleubm
Creases a healthy action throubont the body, restore
Abe appeuteomardme the elrenbulors, give tone arnl
energy lathe eletem and create • power of resist.
.anee to diseue In al l forma, rarely to be etnalneA.
They will parfotto e. speedy and permanent tare of
litapeFton, Indigestion, rtataleneY, Gemmel DeballY•
LlseCompland, sad ail the tnde of symptoms ellel•
too called 11.1/01111efeedorm.
• -
Will be inietednuely reLeved by the itee of this level
liable compound, urttleb if purely ireseutbic, and is
adapted to ell as. and conditions.,
111 palatable preparation, n
camlnettgon of Tonic', Alterative and Aperient quell •
d ltrepe uli lbli=trl=rhe on the LA„r
and Digastree Organs, tatden lt• complete Antidote
kr row and Agee. end Ellions
Cnosretwe, 1.7.701 y ITU I.
Duet Etta
• I have used dui ankle of Planetthi Bitten,
and Piave dented Keret Moat from them. I have
been Isabjeet for years past to Fever and Ague, bat
us. imodnetien of yO9( B itten; l have entirely
escaped my steal enacts, sod Can Who coafidenoe
retemmend Meat as one of the bat Tonics in use.
Respettaelly your?
C. N .
Ha unlace, tor t e
k. HUE
&muumuu, lane 51161.330.
lde Rum Am. •
grees me much pleasure to mate, that the
Dlopeasia arab which my Ilte has been so long troob•
(roil Luellen of the Line. has been no.
u ro lv overcome, and eared by the nu
your Ines ha
able reepstabon of Bitters, and for kindness in
recommending them, please accept my thugs.
roar aulient sermult,
Agents:William T. Woks k C0.,11 sod 151 front
Street. New York... For sale by
Ice3stln ! R. R SELLERS.
firvlethe of • precept ands the hands of Wm. D.
hlrClare,treardent of the Court of Common Plc.,
a and fort h .. J P Ifthladidel Dirtlct of Pennsylvania,
anti Jun. or the:Gifart of ( T
o sad f and
Genet. Jell XMll•cry In and for said Ihstriet, and
William Rem and Burma Jones. Ergs, Associate
Jadsts of the samecoesty, In - and for the Coonty of
Analytic., dated the lkh day of Aagatt, the year
or one Lord one thatmed eig ht bendred and fifty. and
to me directed, for holding . a Coan of Oyer and Ter
miner end General Jell Deliverri at the Court line.
in Me arty of Piusbargbi oh the Fourth Monday
Octoher nestost in &clock A. N.
pebbe =ice In hereby green to all Janie.. of the
Pemba... Como., and Germanic* of Allegheny, that,-
they be then and there, In th eir proper person., wit.
them; rolls, Mc... togaithione, ea:meringue. and
Other remembrances, to . those things, which it
their respectire edtta intheir behalf appertain lobe
donw-and also Mee that will prosecute the prisoners
that owe an or may be in the Sail of said Va.,' at
-Aliegbenr, to be then and there to proscenia easiest
them as shatt eje.
Givem•oder ary hand et rittaburgh, MIA leth day
of norm, lathe year of our Lent one. Moannd eight
handle.. and gay, and el Me Commonwealth the 'MM.
usaltede..47 CARTER 01/ItTIEL !A.M.
Important I. Tallow Chandlers.
Tenttheriber erring paid taniculu attend. to
1 the earths. Improvements ut De mu alacute et
Candle Wald. for the hot ali.yeero, end opthitio
neither dm oar tip , l4B to make them In the moat
approre4 style. to goose repamdto efferb bie•oe.
lowan and Morels an article of Candle Deaths equal
it net eopedeli toany maastaatered ie the world, th ey
are otter the autillth ogle-.the tips to sere. ee the
plp., sad the PlP'lrta"re7ltthmt In the
t int!' have
my IMMO 0, Ugh pipe, with the warrantee attached.
im goes !Meet. ratiedelelth.
•pPh on board
Bro. QS MAliiEira . El !MUST,
!Antes* Iblehaag• for tale,
A T Tabbed me; mu w Etensa•• OdSee of.
sob ' Cor.irain) k ifortn
M lteu.te mUB CCOTII-374 rd. • .plea
enbas, tor oak by k A
bei WOO