The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 25, 1850, Image 2

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. t 6, KEPT. 13,1850.
• nt GuasCeintry.
Of VOcoOttoa Count,.
astitniisonto aa6 VVllig AinatsuLtlirsa for
Alin bestir Cava t 7.,
M * =um g*nal coltalsu,
Er aclaks 11. mows:.
rn MUM assoi Totern
11•11111•11 DEXTIT,
oir 1 •
lot Won,
FOX miltioal.l,
T. J. BlLlHRtd i er Be Clair.
R. WALKE Elaubeh.
.JOHN BISCLUS F.Y.E Robulscia.
JAMES MCC. Suowdet,.
D.lll. ...iroaxcir,
M]r=ZEIL SlMrt••
caoxtt 11WITICITO,
— D. N. COURTNEY. nila.
TO ins= tows.
dada' I . day ar eleotaninpproaches, and the =-
Sauna ot the hem Oran *b ^a own oar
ilittfation, as foe! De liale'phnuare In the reflection
that aeon rack some thmends of Whig voters,
and thin ems an Lublin* which may tell span
ta malts kJ the Sewall Tardaybf October.—
Wllaz we iithat W oar Iluions to do is to snag the
pails, and wrote (be coif Wkiliitioku, and fa
Ugh eoarie'we dank In tioin pram uroog reasons,
siwald madman': ihenuebrin to Ito grad
esawsadioboriodgmeat of every re robot and
%lunatic citizen. Par !Cinders will And than m
uss cot forth In tlio lamas which follow; which
In take from an addreci of our lotiocutcr Ceallty
teratea, to the Whip throughout the anus, and
lie adopt *ban with pleatere, in place of any tkuas
tlea salitht tall and use', an saying all we could
wish or desire:
To exhort urea* aim to that cons biennial+
of Ws duty la the icontitir contest is our preacia
mows. We'trio* to excise every honest man
to proper_foldlment of Ida high trust. In seeking
tor madras damson, we shall endeavor beady
to ehow the important*: of this election, the Inc
t it:Mere= and reams ati gate; and to demonstrate
- Vitt afaill outs see:mil Wl4- triumph.
Whig access 'Wares to the National Ad.
Elbustration—plaeed id_ power by Whig voice—
d* moral farce which it knowledge of the pooch
eke of popular confehinoe inspires, and endorse*
and 1193t11111S ILE 01611.111:1Vc satows which are end=
cad the renoration d ausGovernzunt to the reputo
than purity and simplibay of its better days; a jus
sod ;acids system of interwar.* with (weigh
*tom a soared domestic policy which shall proteM
end sap Port oar home hadmuy, improve our rivers
sad barters etronms'critss the Limits of Mimes
Image, and invite lob our cherished Unioa
reaidenuof-the ;nig* Wes, with Constitution.
stmathed by the eursa:of slavery.
2i'. Whig 1111001:115 ihis fall expresses approbati
al the course cod policy of the Slate Adminiara-
Wu. This far it las:Preved Med ttemeetlY de
serving of our coultdence and support. 11 has been
efficient, honest, and eMnornical, it her devised end
put in excel-Mon • pits! for the payment of the State
Debt; it hes preserved 'go rights of the citizen and
eared inviolate the ; Cohaitatice by aim:helots. ex
ercim of the veto power in the case of the spoor
tionivicat hal; it has rid:modelled n wretched minis
elsidnsi t bas withotrt additional taxation or in:
crease of, So osalAng provision toe the comp e
tion o' North Brarieti Canal, rescued from stun.
doamento Taluabls part of the public works in
which millions of the people's money hasbcen per
muted to remain =pre:lei:give zed valueless; It has
sosminedtiri time bettered principlesof our bolos
edCxurnonitealth by; le opposition to the exten
sion of stn cry over Soil now frac, it Ilea given it,
aid to every etfort to; protest the labor of our citi
zens from the oppressive indoeace of feeeiva marl
petitioa, and has largely extended the benefit of ed.
ucadon to the indniMions poor. Moreover, the
Sato Governuticat isj entitled to popular support in
tie of the admirable admininrative talents and
virtue:sof Governor WILLIAM F. JOEI.N.STON,
whose official nervier, have redounded to the hossor
and credit of the State—given • (mill icopulre to its
prasyiesity, and by a AIM system of Mineola aeon
mar sod reform, largely emtribrued to Improve
lad render more pellets and profitable:oar ttystem
of public Improvensints, without an increase of
debt or taxation.
Thee are many miter acts of the National anti
State Adminutrationa which 001IIIIICeld than to the
continmd codutenace and regard of the people.—
Sitt ill Me important 'memoirs already refereed to
fall to convince the . Sanest mind, it would be me
lee to enumerate otitera.
3d. The nest eleMicet decidea the character of a
LeigialnUate upon vital will devolve, among oth
es things, the sterftirsttaice of the following do-
1. The election of a United States Settatgr.—
The dm*, of a Senator Wits tall will give
Pennsylvania a fettle and power in the National
C2612Ci13 which os4t command for her neglected
and oppressed Iron nW awl and inciustriel utterance
attention and reepect.
- 3. The apportionment d the State for members
of Gaspe. The putt has taught as how cm=
_... slow ars our oppements in this teepee, end bow
unwise it is to leave in bands already polluted
a mot which they bus heretofore so basely abet
ea • .
3. T h e districting of the State for the election of
\lodpe, should the! proposed amendments to the
Gemination prevail. The selection of an hollow
end intelligent Jcitheistry—the smelt and safest
, - piaci of our lives, liberty, and property—is too ono-
Moab= a qmeeriouno be elan:cued, in the mange
- swat of districts, to; that partisan dishouesty which
hes heretofore we recklessly exempted the disfran
trildmemet el a huge portion of our citizens.
4. The proposed imewinsents to the Constitution
will be sehaitusi tt, you at the exit election. It is
a queslon of vital limpoetance. No ,tme Whig,
Whether ha oppose& orfavors the change, will pep
lest or refuse to vote at sorb a time. Every good
eitiori should votrqin order thatthe dehision, when
aseertained, be it fp or against their adoption, shall
be the Judgment of:the whole people.
s:Members of Congress are to be elected.—
* heclgetthe nor, Pennsylvania rosy lox the
Weems Sc bar Wrench Propane majority of her
Coupes:nen bane beset Intruded by the voles of
her people, to eta inn by a protective Tariff, and
thus secure the nestu:o of employment to her wit'
Beg and hides:iota sera By low emus ing and bold
falsehood, our opt:Mums have cheated and deceived
ed our people, and a free trade truiff has gnaws the
bury hum of ow Workshops U Penusyliania lends
bet aid to ' l6 °'ilim.! PO the. her posterity and the
hopes of her bedclothes and eiderprhing citerens
have fillet, it may be to rise no more.
6. An Auditor General and Caned Commistoner
are to be elected. '. For years a member of cos per
ty has paid out the money of the people to its own
p mittens, and aniather member of the same wetly
has seeded the *Cements. The common same of
away hareful min teaches how unwise it is toil
low, in the every day business Sc private life, the
None egent to ply out matey. contract debts, and
settle, nude, teed adjust his own accented. Prudence
would sugest some check, or etfeptard, in publ ic
as in pzirate affairs. Shoold the Whip succeed
in aiming their Candidates, the people's interests
will be watched Ind guarded in the Canal Board,
end the arca:inure; °deers will detect the unfair
, ,l ....„.....
malts tn_party mai, ..,.. petty favoritism In the
Canal Board patronise unmti co Each party will
laud the other, and thus the money of the tax pip
er will lie saved,i and the tremor° Sc the Stale be
• secured from tavixithm and comemeent waste.
For Auditor General the candidata of the Whigs i
. is HENRY W. irgypEß, of Milan County. than',
whom a More pole, upright, and °gable man can ,
itot be Cowed. 4 srm of Steam Snyder, reared on.
• der the anselinge of Rat booms and fatalel and pa
, 'ariollo Chief Magisteale of Pennsylvania, he has all
Metallic's integrity of purpose and pure democra
tic urea of the people's rights and interests. The
plain opulent:l4= of the What her night the sin
that =tramlines had PwfliPxY In affairs of Seale
are as ransom sot is private life.
JOSUUA DI:MOAN. or Baal estwedes Is ou r
Clindlaini Ex 'Canal Ormunlesioner. Educated
co it,i wig eadluid to toil, he is a noble sped.
wig Ms Polnilylynnill Penner, and knows the
. ' W a P il M , en h d
en e !
I t n h g e u i eit e th let ta , ohfi th w e ' tEll , e n h i ofe thye,
*ad ituelLigente have ecnar...3 the fricodehlp as.)
reaped of ell who know bim, acid tho - fanner.
tiles twain comity haws placed turn to the hone
*Maki position of Plesident or the Agricultural
Hodety atlas:county, as a Jrm st of Mei: esteem
toe his virtues sad ability. His sound and one
blued judgment—hls stern Integrity and his more
than aniltuuy capacity, especially fit him 1217
the important office to which he has been Bomb
The nominee of the Whigs for Surveyor Geo.
oral Is JOSEPH HENDERSON, of Washing•
ton county. To merry of our citizens he is well
brows. For several years In the Loud Oftim,
he mot only fittedJiiroselfyo'lativfollil the duties
of this responsible Matiori;bal his accommodating ,
~rltpl.pinty el tipple; ea . •,i , °Meer—,
hit reverie? !pall:tete capttpitr and netarlifahed
lategrity--were wide apparent and actnowl.
eiged. bauev Oild' have been ea
The ratans of it Whig victory are many and
Impenini, and aboald exalts all to energy and
actin. With the election of a Whlt Senator,
Petuaylvaniaa voice for the text five )etra i s
Undivided Or PL,NITLVAAIe. Poi. = . In. the N..
d c ,g4Sensoc, It the balls of Congres., Peelle
rylvania woad aWI be an the side of American
industry, Our State would for ten years escape
from an POW •od oppremine apportlosiment.—
As • Whig IStateoha would be recognized as
wonhy °lnward far her fidelity to republican
nab. And alt thla would give strength an.' vigor
to ow State Admiaistratiou, and increased cool
awe and oats hope to its labors and unroof" to
remove the barthena from her citizens. Tr.° mph
now would bring zeal and nave into the sane.
qua oonteu G.DVernor, and secure an easy
victory. Oar plutonic 03vernor wit have it
proven the maim of Whig menswee nod Whig
men, that the people will damned their cautions
tree in algal position, and ■ crowning victory
a the Presidential campaign of 1952 would
ba but the ..bagloang of the end" of good re.
A ma. von azzazu • Wale futrus.—
We give the figures why wa say so. We must,
howsivor,, be permitted to say that the Whig
party is peculiarly liable to the charge of criminal.
lyomilting to tote; and this has produced mum
Injury—more parturient wrong to oar instllutions
dna any other can se. We would prevent a re
curreuesof this aril by impressing on the salads
tour citizens the Importance of the duty. The
ehligetkot to defend our country at the expense of
ifs arid property is not come binding than is the
dot? to OLotetse the elective franchise. To ro:e
as ob !guar/ on the good man &sic the perfor
mance of any duty. There 10 no stronger evi
dence of bad cillsenship—no More marked cz.
ample of aural treason to his country—to his fel.
• menr-io himself sad to his posterity—than
Jr culpable laziness and listlessness that keeps a
enter freak the pone. Neglect °fa [IOWA duty, is
evidence of infidelity to every obligauon.
time &gigots to Tote, Mon/ ID be ■ repubucan—
=sea to be a put of the peoples' government,
and Is a recreant to the hallowed trust which hi.
fathers cpromltted to ht■ guardianship. It on•
alas may neglect thin dory, ail have the right to
to to, and the vigilant and scheming mould soon
mbirml ths Republic, and the active, mid tricky
wiitieltur would direct the destinies of the coun
ty. It is manifest thst bete a must be feared the
inn fatal Injury will be done to those intentions
which give glory and power to us as a nation.—
iownto be wao falls to exercise this important
My claim the protection of • government. in hi•
r non or properly. which he by his negligence eo
aerially aids to subvert and destroy' ITTIT man •nut.n To TOT., whether 1.
.e antiatune or storm. perroltung neither business
or Osman to prevent hint. A day given to
oar country is not lost. To perform this duty
Ilea only la duce velour yen, Is a shameful
Ileclarrs oils priceless • privilege—no sacred,
i• obligation.
A. rad. vines at • Wean moves, because the
Whig patty Is in • majority in thlaState, at I•
ail:lanced by the following stellate', which shoe
net the Wt lye have fee attetiath or cumbers and
eed but the win to secure /11,01 t,
auction asacrwts T11..131 181Vro 1919:
Far Prorsident:
1 1 4 1 4 33 1 4
Van wen, ..
411. For NOoornoo:
15 R. Porter, ..
Jolla em,.... ......... ..
' N aleacon, 2/14.11Dullf per•Lor oar..
1543. Fer Canal Costasussontr:
Inter, 110 299
_ _ 08,317
844. For Governor:
Markle • • • • 154.120
Swank 150103
Criv 1 r 1 ,ROl
Po:k,.. ...... .. . .......... '37,535
SIS Firr Coast Conn., star.,
Bonn, ........ ...... 510
55,1 t 9
543. For lime Co et on= law":
St 7. For Governor.
Shunt 1413.151
12 1.53
648. Fer'Gorerpor
tl* 168,525
Fr Canal COMOUSIiO •
These'matledes show that it all the Whigs who
toted In 1840 kir Harrison had performed their
Intl, the Whig candidate for Governor in 1541
would have been elected by 7678, and the Wing
:anal Commissioner of 1813 by nearly 34,000 ma
tartly; and had all the Weiss who voted for Clay
a 1844 been at the poll, Muhie would have been
elected Governor that year—Kerns would have
wen elechad Coned Commiestoner In 1915 by 40:
100 maiorily—lrvin elected Governor In 1847 by
Is9oo—and Fuller elected Canal Comminioner
a 1649 by 16,000 majority. Thus hove we been
'stated by oar own criminal indolence and spa•
hy. Oar victories show an inereued v , ode.
'cadent of any corresponding decrease o we vote
tom opponent.. This forcibly illnenuee the
endive duly, the solemn obligation by which ay.
vy Whig voice In the State, is bound to exereile
Its high and responsible right of autitege at every
Paean Crrmass—To you persoollle are ed
limped the foregoing Ineenthres to activity alto
seal. They are not merely to be read, but yon
lewd deeply—to be incorporated with your itches
sal morple as a motive principle—to be borne
with you, and impel action itt your walks and la
tors of every day, until tbeir vital strength and
inineture shall make each regard his right as a so.
er, not In the LigSt of a privilege to be used or
mythic:ad at pksssure ; but as a sacred, reeponsi•
toe, imperative obligation, enjoined by the love we
vest to, and the interest we have io, the honor
and welfare the great Commonwealth to which
we belong.
Correspondence of the Pittsburgh altaette.
Now You, Sept. 21, IPSO.
The centre Of thfraction jam now for capitalists
sad specohttors Is Well street, which is rather
more lively than has been known for • loci time.
The approach of the end of the session of Con
gress., the pessegs of the appropriation bills,(whlch
lets base millions,) the settlement of the slave)
quemicia, the receipts of gold from Calikula, and
the shnest certsiatyi that Ensrud has got to buy
breed of as, milieu give stocks an impetus rarely
whammed, and there Is ■ general indiscriminate
rack of mitaidera to the street, the effect of which
bar been to force prices op sonetal per cent., the
market elating very strong.
Flom California, the tows to relstlno to the le . ;
dean not. there, is limited; from the fact that the
nail ht. not been revolved. The quarrel that ht.
led the smashers to rebel may he soon told. Un
der the old Spanish and blezinau law, grants of
land were made covering floury miles agnate,
thin gammas the toil oho the hands of ■ few, and
Ntogatillg Will so tong as California remained lim
ply a pulse, or an agneoltural country. Some
of these ninety rags grants. Capt. butter's for ex,
ample, happen to include the meet desimbie gold
Malaga, where thirty feet square is a location,
and where waeh trautedis have been very to mot-
Duly made, the .natters or Waco; more proper
Isetfting that no ninety mile gnats should be
neehPaa,, bat that the soil mum be divided Into
small sections. rho Courts, however, recognise
the validity of theppeniatt title, eject the equhers,
sad Moro theft attempt to acquire .poaseuelon by
for Ce. Law Is with Capt. SCUM and ethers, bet
te eery Aneationahhe whether, in the present
conalan of Callinnle, his tights Cat be maintain,
qm..•• .! • 'hp 6nr 14. p .r fold
RV.• r •cnuaryxd legal
Gruber caeca mnand of ne golden trempre. Thad wt. &imam? when the Cuollse ibst the riot
at &memento Guy tied been ganged, and an
agreement catered Into between the Kunz:sand
The organintkm of the Whip for the Novato.
bp campaign Is proceeding very efferiently, and
we shall give a good account of ourselves in No.
•ember. J. Phillip Phenix will not be a candid.
ate for Congress again, ear any cl the older mem.
bent, except Mr. Jas. Brooks, of the 0 Express,"
who has woo golden opinions from his constitu
ents, and who will be returned without trouble.
Among the grangers in town is the Hon. Hai.
marTfonny, the popular and very agreeable land.
lord tribe best home west of the mountalts, the
Menortgabela,) and a amore of alms, who have
rushed with all the artier of Panatella to the bbl. ,
vats of the fair Jenny. Mr. Ci 0811313 viaiti the
eau for the porpcise of Inspecting some say Tel. '
ankle Improvements In warming bonus, now in
auccessfel operation at the Astor, and the New
York Hotel, and will introduce them ct once to the
Menonsehele, " a tavern" equalled only by the
Astor, and Revere of Boston.
California hat taken the epidemic. which
prompt. people to make public officers presents.—
Coumodore Ap C. Jones, Into commandant cfont
Pacific Squadron, at the moment of his depanure
for the Eutern States, by the merchants of Ban
Francisco, es a token of their teepee• fir his char
acter, and of their gratitude for his distinguLthed
Public services, had presented to him • splendid
specimen of San Francisco manufacture, in the
form of a massive goblet, wrought of the purest
virgin gold of California. The chased work ens
cling the hue and embus is formed by beautlfal
varieties of particles of native gold, cemented by
fusion, as collected from the mines. Commodore
loom bat rendered valuable ,aerVice . s to more
chute engaged In shipping, and has in numerous
crwei kept the land sharks from the uptake who
have been sued by passengers..
The Dry Goods trade is very active, and lath=
reviewed by a very competent hand, In the Ex.'
puss ;—Tao birettas In the Dry Goods market
has been cementations , dull throughout the week,
especially In the Domestic tvaneh, though prices
on the whole bare been pretty well maintaine d.
Terre has Leen considerable activity in the auc
tion sales, but as the seam, advances we notice
a sight Whys off in prices. All ducripuus of
Cotton fthrice have been the alive, the little Inqul.
ry for export proviouly noticed having Subsided.
The finer qualities of bleached and unbleached
Sheeongs and Shirting' have declined lOU., and
the prices ere nearly tionitinni.'' Printing Oka;
are ale, doll and heavy, while Prints have been
operated in to a fair extent, (principally at auction;
id for goad styles of madders and steam work,
prices have been tolerably melt entrained. Mona•
lin de Lalces and Cashmeres are an exception to
the general doilneu in other descriptions of do.
toesticor, and large rules have ixen made at, full
priers, The supply of nearly every deseripnanof
Cotton goods continues good, and many styles
could not be replaced at the pretreat price of be
raw material, the continued high price cf which
has led to the partial or total stoppage of Dearly
thirty cottoo mills in varicua parts of the country,
bet most of them have Dal been clashed among
oit largess producers. LOW cotton flannels are in
demand, wsite the doer Quebec. are inactive
though the mock is I ght ; preview. print are sus.
tamed. Gingttuns are telling briskly, though a
decline has been eubmitted to 00 the Osegow
styles, which are reduced to 2.11 c. Stripe. vein
lair demand, web riles to arrive at previous pri
cer °sunburn. and bagging are doll, but steady.
Sainetts tweeda, and low 4diced clothe, both do
micelle and faregn, are in good demand oedema.
mond good prices Linrerysare firm. A grad de
tumid has prevailed for ahem la, in preparation for
the winter demand. Merino* have declined sai
10 per cent., yob a fate demand and large sup
ply. Woollen goods have Leen rather less.tive,
there being a pane between the termination of
the southern demand, and the opnoing of the
north western demand, which Is near at band—
The city demand from de clothing branch M
eteatly. The e‘.ntlotted demand lon clothing ore-
CAS n nece.s.ty of the renewal Of stocks, some de.
...71i.:tona beaten become reduced. Tee trade In
CS . WEIS f•Efl. E. been chiefly through the ES.
tion mom. The circling of Continental gouda In
th a way bare been einedycsnelnad to Marren mtd
it b .na TES hlabeat colons of the latter realized
many of them, within 5 per teat of MEEs sole,
pleas; the blacks were leaseortght for, and many
of them bold tow. C.
The T0. , .,4r mph has brought eye condensed state
ment oi the ex .1.113 e new. breasts! font Calf icr
ni4, by the steuruer Phila/dein:Ai, witch arrived at
New York, on Friday creme; teat, with two weeks
later new, We select the most Interesting de
tails, brought by the mail,, which, to reference to
Sacramento City, are of a most excuiegchiracter.
The Phaladelma sailed from New York on Use
2.4(b of August, and corned al Chsgres on the eve.
meg of September 6th, making the passage out in
nine days and seven hours_ Left Chaves Septem
ber 0111, and amend at liangston, Jam. on the 12.1.;
left Kingston on the 13th, and arrived ad Sandy
Hook on the 201 h--making the pause home in
sine days and ten hours, running tame.
When the Philadelphia left Quayes there were
some few cases of the prevailing disease ((antra
whacta,hovrever, was confined ialmcat entirely to the
saber popalation. No fearneed be felt by those
wishing to cross the Isthmus, as with proper cue
and attention to health, there is little, if any danger.
The hoe steamers Carolum and Columbua, Horn
San Francisco, had both arrayed at Panama with
flea files from that place to the Cads
The Carolina brings down the Oregon and Cal,
fornia mail., $770,124 le gold dust, on (night, and
passengers; and the Columbus brings VA:1,000 in
gold dust and 200 passengers.
Not a single case of sickness of any kind has oc
curred on either of these simmers. They both
stopped at Acapulco, which place, we are told, is
as healthy as it ever in. •
The U S. Ames propeller Cheapest., Captain
Porter, finally arrived at San Francisco on the 7th
of August, after a passage of dhe year and fore days
from New Yolk.
Letter from Sacramento City.
Epcciel Co...sondem., of The Tr(boas.
Semmvmmo Cm, Wednesday, Avg. 14
editor: Mbunc:
Ther :egret,' excitement here. At 134 o'clock
an armed for of equauene marched pest my office
up Front st. In J. et., led bp' mourned leader with
sword In hand.
On J. at they bnd a ham. Mayor Bigelow ban
been .hot, but Is thought nut to be killed.
Sa men have been lcilled. The leader of th
squatters, Co roll of life a few minutes since, •
now dead. and hie horse also.
- -
The citizens ore called upon -to defend the laws
and assemble in trout of the City Hotel armed.
Several men were arrested list evening who had
been engaged in publiemeetings, pawing mo
nitions conflicting with decirsions of the courts, and
proclaiming their intention to moist.
Thia armed force, It Is said, was for the purpose
of liberating their brethren squatters.
2 1.2 u'e'ock—Four arc positively killed and see
ern! wounded. Shooting is going on while lam
writing The steamer Senator is wailing on Cr
mma of it.
It to difficult to get the correct particulars in time
to ..end by her. I shall write again, If there is an.
other uPP. , ..oity, In time for the Carolina.
Yuma, in ham., W. B. L.
From tills Francisco—Tim Affair at Sanamersta
—Great R. - caw:34— Departure ) Volunteers--
F,re Campania, !fa
Special Carreto Indenoe of the New York Tribune
San Faancisco, Thersday, Aug. 15—t P. M.
To Mg F,firsrs rf tM TraStrne—l improve the
late.illnflogclll tognrc 7011 Important new.. Thy
ateainer from Sacramento City, ibis morning,
brought Us now. of anarrhy and dlecinted.
cn d,.. n hews. the •inontiers," su called , and
• Land holden," occorrro yeatcrday, In which
Meyer Bigelow and several others were ki led,
among which was the loader of the Squatters,
“Mahloney." Several horses were shot loader tke
M.yor egad others who wart trying to preserve
order. •
The excitement IS addlo . have bean Intense.—
When the steamer left, the ' , planets were drawn
up to force, armed to the teeth, and tt was sop.
posed they would born the city, and spread dew.
lotion and wo throughout "The Senator kit a lit.
de before the regular time, for the purpose or'
meeting the steamer Gold Hooter on her waren,
in lime to enable the troops at Beulah to go up to
the scene of wire, The Gold Minter .011 met
some dinance beyond Benicia, hot returned for
what troupe and UM there were 111 the Military
Lirat. Gov. McDaniel, came down es far as
Beuleia on the Senator, sad returned on the Gold
Homer. Before he left, he caused to be placed
cartoon before the .prouia brig, is which were
eosfineti esteem% persons Whetted been eciesple.
nuns to acting op this difficulty. At Crill
left In twenty nutmeg after th e 'arrival o the
Senator, this morning, for San Jose, to place 03 t•
'Bennett In poiseasioit of the facts and reqrdre his
This looming the Mayor arm city, OoL GOA
ry, called oat the military, ondepoodeut comet.
Welk) Ate companies; emiof Ude city, to go CIP
Immediately. I bays Jas* rnuree4 nos an board
tkirt nt,(111 whi•h sp. large dumber or
„ ~ (40 , fairirltlos '
Watt of editors.) siellud for Sseraroco4lllrho talk
lead of low Mid order,".blood and thunder, • and
t thoualad other things. How this matter will
mid Gad only knows--teari city, sio dottbi. Many
suppose the city already in ashes, and that ladiM
crlmiante slaughter has been the ordea ankle day.
As to the"right" or ° wrong," I can way nothing at
Ibis time. The mail is cloying, sad to mot I.
glee )ou the particular. by nest mail. In great
Mate. T. J. D.
oar Mead California papas to the 15th
soleetthe following important new,:
From-the Alto C..hfornls, Log. 15.
ervible Riot et aserazamato
CoMaio's bettrialstAr Eandiatden. and Everstero '
- , 44;iyor llig4o e. Anon,. Woodtondand Jet,
ern/ SitiLL-r4,1. - 13/all,..lllartud Isgs
Troop , Of detAd f rnic kts- , - Tremendous Ez
titossnt •
TQ News which OM Buster briny from Sao.
rimester la exciting in the extreme. Riot ma
death rale the hoar! The long expected collision
between the land holders and squatters has at
Ism taken place. The battler bu began—God
koowawherpend where It will end.
Capt. Pao Pelt, of the Senator, Das famished
no with the following intoratotton: An armed body
of &mutters proceeded through the streets about
o'claok, yeaterdny, and were interrupted by
the anthantes nod opposed by portions of the oil •
leen. Au tang coon commeno-d, sad the city
was armed te ulna Mayor agelow was shot
In three placer, wed diet in fifteen minute. after.
J. W. Woodland, Crty Ataettaor, tau shot dead,
severalmessea killed and wounded.
. -
Oar correspondent informs us that Dr. Robinson
the lead sr or the Nutters, mu shot dome tee
bead. till horse mss drat killed under blm.—
Several anise, squatters mare killed and wounded .
Tee ranks were swollen ICUs the 60 fintensaged
in the erre, to a body of alters] men, cumbering
between 700 and 600 before the Senator ten.
The keepers ef gamtng houses and sporting men
generally aided with Me real mace Minters. or
citleeps prepu. A tremendous force weX Gut so
The mu continued to rage as the Senator left.
The discharge of fire arm, ton heardlin every
pert Grilse city Martial law hubren proclaimed
and the excitement Is intense throughout Sacra•
Tee Gold Hunter, !maim; on board Lieut. Gay.
McDougal, ante down to Beatsts Ism Animists,
and was to morn immedtatedy wdit tioops and
CaPliell 0108 bsett started to Sea J. tad the
Governor will probably repair at once imbe scene
of riot
Oar military citizen commies la the State will
probably be required to march under arum to S
- • •
It appears the sqllllter, were probeeding to lib
erate two of ther party confined on beard the
prison ship, where they end been committed the
day previous, whey they were wafronted by May
or Bigelow and members of the Coq:manna. A
little girl war wconded in the et/vet by a chance
ball. The speatten were assembling n 1 the car
eer of J and 9th streets in deliberation, and it WWI
leered ac auempt 'zooid he made to destroy the
city by fire. Sheriff tdcff taney was that through
the arm.
The Pacify Nara 'mei the Wowing, which
contains further particulars :
Oa Botta Stunt IA St.IrDI,
tang. .1 4-21 o'ciocn.
Editor Factfir !Viral
A terrible excitement pervades the city of 13ao.
lament*. The 54naler delayed her denture fur
Pan Francisco to gather particular. The Lane is
etc between the rainaners ct sealers aid the eni•
tags, beldam of property ender the Sinter thin—
s:id a bloody issue d promises to be. Several
perwria me already killed and wounded ma both
The history and result of the aril., dies far, Is
briefly that ; Large tram, of ground, coverts( the
city and vicinity of Sacmuientn, are held by grunts
from Capt. Sutter, who e aim. under his Now
Helvetia Spanish greet. The settlers bed, that
CapL Satter's grant done oat care this territory;
that it belongs to the Ouverement. They bane
moved on and erected buildings ; a atoll for forcible
entry and detainer Is brought agalasf them; do-
aided in the favor, a writ of restitutiou
issued; the officer attempts to execute It; Is met
by a body of armed cleaver+, who resist him ;Ma
occurred Saturday, 10 e ; prior to this date, an
alma] to tab codas court had been made by ths
&tweet , . for the settler., lodge Willis presiding,
and the nett of spore! 'ruled. Exuperatton, of
coven. was the effort upon the pang whin, it.
dress is tho higher Come. Meetisse sore held
led 12110htii011 , were rm.( the law..
Sodden was dote more by legal protean from
Saturday until yeaterday, (Toads!) whet , Nome
ate Of eight pence. were arrested for 1f00011 , 112 or
rerlavng the and the 0re.... of the Court
on Saturday, and two. to defa.alt of bail. OEII fee/.
cal to the priaol brig. Oat, of them is Mr. Mn.
Cuddly, estrier of the Sacrameato Transcript.
To any a ball, of 'tenter. nepaired loth, brit to
redeem, that• two companion,, then they Mood
Sheri) NelC , eney, Mayor B (claw. sod • rteae
who drove them from the around, bet to force
teed uutd_thte settler. d retreated allusion
tramatetat* <Toro J. atreo, as theeowtOwltt frOorth,
near the Cteetwet C. 14 Whintatibtr a ntyt
owenaken gad turned at bay wititpanntaiteditlMP.
Poly or Ally shout were geed between the tattles,
and to the period of tee mtnutea Maps &view
ona.htv Ilego ht. horn, throttah the body, aim,
and m toe face ; not tiled to hire: Tasked- .
rr of the 1011E11. Mahlcoey, was alroadttH dead,
Tee hours or hada leader, were phoned with
Amour Woodland. an Buell:nu et., We.
a e [am,. Me. Man
pee, tri aorta P , ah. t+ .l .• the let !and and
eg n •aqut.ter au 1 tort, o f tee ihette *lee Sri
Another MAP of the .440 tr. war kihed—shoi
through the A inge Kid wt. wounded while
pawing rung J Nrert; the .t 11.4.11 dew let all dine.
ttons around the earner of land Fourth, and the
blood of the wounded unearned upon tbe lidestralt•
et, they were carried tnong One man learnt's •
mule along the street wan %hot through the head;
frorn the tdp the ball poured downward through the
The It reliteit excitement fortentled the city
when the boat shoved oti From ail to tine ham•
died routers had assembled at the corner of .1 and
Ninth so...resolved to dee sport any new who ap
proached them. The city is declared under our
tWI law, and every citizen required to enroll hit
name an the Coy Hotel
Sacramento Reading ROOM.
P. S addition to the order for citizens to
enroll their earn., at the City Hotel, Lieut. Gov.
McDougal, also d mecca' en order to he publish, d
that all nun ownSo•ainra ltar chi, of Ms streets, tad
directed a cannon. supplied with twenty foot
rounds, to be placed at the foot of J atrxt, and Will
by the "Gold Hunter." talon up fronts Benicia, by
Thursday meaning all the Imptemonts of war, with
which be as resolved to rate the many, and bring
them to • speedy and summary trial.
W. W. C.
Just as the steamer Carolina was getting under
pay, (about 4P.M ) a dispaleb was received on
board from the Pecifie News office, stating that an
cypress had just arrived, bringing the intelligence
that Sacramento City had been reduced to ashes,
and th e 'nutters were receiving reinforcements a
men from the mines,
The dispatdi referred to wee received by Mr.
Norerow, Auteuil Editor of the PaciEo Nears,
who reached New York in the Philadelphia. He
considered it, entirely tellable ,
At the lime the Carolina left fifty U. 9. tooldiera
had left Benicia for the scene of battle, and two
volunteer companies in San Francisco had also o(•
fared their services to maintain oruer.
The mining operations are progressing with zeal
and energy, and are yielding a good return for /a
bar and investment. Heretofore the surface of dm'
gold region only has been gone over ; but latterly
the miners are Naming to the use of machinery,
and the depth of the earth and the mountaineers be
log inane to yield their quota of treasures.
Companies are branching out in every dices.
lion. arid going to wort systematically, and with
energy. Where operations have progressed tar
enough to test the working, cocoon ha. generally
crowned their•efforte The difficulties which
have existed at the Southern Mines, between the
Americans and foreiguers, and which have rm
suited in no little oloodahed, have finally subsided,
end peace is again aerated. In consequence or
thew outbreaks and murder*, large parties of for.
eigners had ion the country, and time deprived
the Stale of the beam fit of the Foreign Minces Tax
Howejer, we are glad to be able to state that a
reeetidtt het taken place, and that henceforth
there is every appearance of galetoasa.
From Oregon the intelligence is net of much
tenni to the Atlantic States. Seldom was in
vrry prrepertme condition at our last dates, Joh
25. Gold has been found on Rognis'e hirer, aid
it wan confidently believed that when the water
subsided, cousiderablo quantities would be tittles!
out. A tedium( puce bad been aegotiated with
the ineiain by Governer Leer.
Basinesvgenortity en the Paella coast is stow•
ly unmoving. Get own coy ho in a great mesa•
see recovered from the aleastnetill 00ttlitgtet1411
with which we hive been visited. and our streets
present Weir wooled bottle Gad selivity.
The miners will undoubtedly tike out more
gold thin season Wm ever before in the sate
length of time, and of Wane all kinds of besinolis
will be correspondistly affected.
With the exception of one fibre, somewhil
exteustve, u excrement°, nothing has OCCIVred
to shake . the confideneo of the puMie in our feed
lot business men.
fires; fatality Windt anticipated amens the reel
trews of the ovcriaad emigrants, Cad movements
hive been in progress to give theta soccer.
The water courses in the Gross Blain here
been Itiguir this gamma than for rem put, which
has caused much suffering.
. -
The Gneeroor ol Ca hug Issued Ina pro
elammtion for an election on the 11111 of Odder
next, for the choice of Attorney General. Clenc of
the Supreme Court, Diathot Another', bthithert
of Assembly, dthi., and vre shall won be Wall
na paratton for the cluepaign.—PouAitlathaolsii.
• .
We copy the following from the Sacragenio
Our accounts Crum the Smith Fork of-the riinek
icon are rug itatioring. The waters have so
aukn tolnktg open:Sturman" anossneing tattaldp
atid crowds US MUMS. CllnOffla sad talrillirK
lowa, fctr sica Ica/Ma an the mew Thigh stay
Ong trade in that section of the "placers," od we
aLell urn , Intl nil tnereanedal..l:o4 here. -
About half a mile from Colons a large . If ire
turning the river. Some fifty or Mew men —ow
coastrucliog a tunnel directly ihrooga a hill, • at it
will not; lb all probabStry, be flaished for le eral
month to come. The workmen have reached a
•pun which it is very difficult to excavate. At the
completion of the mime], the river is to be direct
ed through ig this will leave bare a very rich bed,
over which tin stream horn at proem. to sever
al other places, both above and below this locality,
companies are turning the stream, and we under-
Maud that high hopes are entertained of complete
mimeo, and that alto life in the vicinity.
We gather the following items from the Sonora
Herald :
&creams Affmcs—The dry season has now no
advanced that the Staralaw and she Tuolumne
. . .. . . ... .. ..... geed working condition, and both those riv.
era ere already yleldirig a moderate quantity of gold i
and no theiinweraptulnues to tall the exertions of
the minerslrill meet with a richer reward. There
arritit lees( from 8,000 tolo,ooo on the bare of the
rivers in this country. •
The venous coinpanies engaged in ming and I
mining expect to work the Leda of the mem, and
expenenee ban already shown that the u Mr to the
water on the bee, the richer Me the de de of gold
and in one instance, where the bed of th &nada=
was partially worked law fall, gold a ',fermi in .
very large rim:Attica There is a great confidence
exhibited by the miners In the river alms, and
ehares ere sold frequently at prime raging (rota .
5100 to 51,fifil. It is generally believed hat a very i
large amount of gold will be taken out during the 1
p 4
mon th s of August, September, and 0 t bet.
Tee bars of the huge gulches w e n be in
working order, and the miners ex ito realize
Lindy, particularly at the Mormon Matt, where
the rise of the water, last Fall drove the miners
away inst as they bad discovered the existence of
gold in extraordinary deposits.
winter diggings in Tuolamne county are
probably the richest in California, as not one fif.
thab put of the dry diggings have been worked.
Those diggings will yield the miner at least boo
onset per day, after the rainy season has corn*
menet& Fifty thousand miners can find rich
winter diggings In this comity. Provisions have
been as cheap here as In any part of the mining
mem of California, and as the traders have al.
ready Immense stocks on hand, there is no proba.
billy of the extatence of exorbitant prices.
to addition to the above, we gather thakilotelng
Intelligence from the northern mines through the
Sacramento Transonpt :
Float nth Souris Foal.—Mr. O'Dwyer, who
hie tom arrived from Colima, leforms as that on
Frlday kit three or kur Chum took out In that
sbiniq $3OO. Another mu who wits working
on Ito north book of the Ayer, three gout= olg
mks (tom Ouliouts, took out 011 Saturday forenoon
those pounds of dust. The tame man had pre4
rfeasty taken am in the course of three .days
51 WM. Mr. O'Dwyer tutu that he wu• Veen
hood" too.
Toe voter on the Snub Fork is fatHztg rapidlYt
bat the rakers are at t yet sorting on the bare.
They work almott naive:ally with the ordinary
nockera. The quleksllear and all other machine*
era ant Coed to then• mines yet.
The rivers ire gains down rapidly. On the
Yob., sod on the taro (Mks orthr Feather Rim,
particularly, the miners are dolog finely.
Tho Gold GOllntaltl.
Muses. EurroasJot tome edicolal remark.
in the News , of ibis clip, as well a. a levretiraets
Gam Eastern paper., it would seem that a report
of a rick vein el gold ore la the southern portion
efthis Sate, some =events of which was publish.
ad here last spring, has been looked upon as •
grand humbug. To pnt the people •at home" tight
to this matter, I would ask • spare MOM of the
Many of our friends on the Atlantic, having too
easily been ailed grub Arabia" Nights stoyes of
this country fee tuns lumps of gold In the pincers,
dtc. seem le [kink It necessary DaVallo appear very
Tome by beheviog nothing. This extreme Is is
wrong as thc other. I have not seen the article
poolnned lam spring by the °NW..." coo there lore
cermet ray tt was not overdrawn Bat what I base
seen I know. And one of th we things is the
"Vold bloomain."ss MUM been Tether stubttiona
df twined.
I am one of the party lately returned from that
resort. I no (ho vein, or rich spur. glittering
with its obtroalie wealth, and Ailed, as salmon
tests have since proved, with bidden treasure.—
Mr. Greeley and all other doubters need doubt no
loose•. The story la a feet, the fact proved. Abet•
4 ince of specimens brought by os are In this city.
and have been seen and examined by Imitated, of
tin citizens. Some ol them are mill at Metal.
The CaCepeov has alnaly taken pentagon and
cenaineaaed anstking the mum Part oldstr ma•
a leery is on lbs spot, and the real hs process at
traorportahon thither. They haves also prealsions
than. Taey are telly organised, sad road? lot
nitetatinne, and also, what may be a etgallesat
tut to Mt. Greeley, as well as all whet hottest men
who have doubted, the company ate eat intact
a sell shares le the stock, but p aye deierannsd to
letain in their own ponsoasion every Vanillin of n
Monti of the country atrocity wllich we travelled
Is • vast and desolate wild:Leaeis of burning sands
and aletast irrespirable winds. Immeasurable nand
plains St4TOUrld the spot; scorching and prostra•
ling the wanderer, like the angel with a darning
sword guarding th e gauss of , able generalionZ, Eau!.
4sancut io many plack - r• ins straw°, ltdaserlerth
.Sarkian alkaline properties,that the cruel oral. sir.
lance i. frequently sudlcienily strong to bear g man's
Weight. The water is strongly nunerat, and wash
es c`oikring perfectly wohout die its of soap.—..frhina
The aloPfetee of Barton Lee, fat the heavy 'tam
K sism ona, m r... , -,erante um coy hat p.iodui Ott no
Time esiiitement both .n that coy and
:Mr Lee hit Icon est log on I•tmocr- smopl
'eremite crate He r• a..tnneri over all no, prop
env to !Amen. E F E. J C Ewen, and
Dr. Mckenzie. Those gentlemen do nor express
therightest fears but that he will be able to meet
an his liabititien The Sacramento pitmen state
that the assets of the errata are S1,400,01)0. His in.
gaited... to Messrs. Cornwall and Priest, his (or
do psriners, new absent In the States, amount to
6 800 , 000 140 0 . 000 of which tit covered by mort
gage Thp special deposit. amount to $.50,0N, and
the deposits, drawing lateness. to 5280,000 The
moms albe estate is estimated et from 6:11,001.1 to
$.90,000 per month. We understand that there lens
eansidetable run male upon the Sacramento hank.
c e rt. / guy, yemerday, hot that they promptly
met all demands.—{ Mtn Californian.
Paimemse or Cscatensarre to Timm —The re•
cent arrival of an envoy from the Ottoman Porte to
ouGoventrisent has attracted a large share of public
attention, and given ria in a variety of speculatirms
In relation to the prosperity in wore for the Turkish
empire. The protection afforded by the Bohan,
Abdel Medi id, to Korot h and other Hungarian re fa.
sees in his dominions, with the advice, we Lave for
sumo time past been receiving of his enlightened
religious tolerance and the appointment by tom of
Chnsuans to °Ricci of slate, have tanned to excite
an mutual degree of interest to this abject Pro
pessiee commercial intercourse and the spread of
bbeval sentiments have ins great measure removed
the longeherished pretodices existing between the
!unmarred the "Crescent and the Crow," and the
maw. of enartkiiid every where are beginning to
taro that they are brother. We had this fact as
en omen of the a ablishment of Christianity at no
very theme period among nil the nations 01 the
earth, and VIM consequent advancement to the
scab, of atilmation. Idahomitanism reached its
limit and lota its vitality when it c.a.] to be propa
gated by the sword. Ii iseesenttally the religion of
violence and igusuality, and though superior to the
idolatries which preceded it, can never prevail a
mong a refined' and well educated people. As the
Turka continutin their present career of Improve-
Meat we anticipate a gradual change of fauh.—
N. Y. Cosumucial.
• Manor Hama -apt no !dr:scooter Einscora.t.
Csinace.—We nitrate learn fmm the Western
Miamian Advocate, of the severe illoeu of Blahop
jiamlin. The Advocate, In reessrl to him, ells
that the health of &shop Hamlin failed eo com
pletely, that he was unable to meet the fdiasoorl
Oraterence at Its late session. The lowa Contort
ore ecru - red during the extreme beat of Miguel
end the Bishop was more proetnued than by all
V. previous labors, ho however, started on the
Icing jawney to Missouri, when both himself 'end
Idle were Wised with a fllionous that precluded
Barber efforts to traveling. The letter which we
have wee, conveying the above Intelligence, coo
tato& barter, the nnonnee of Impr oving
The health of Bishop Hamlin to eo semietualy ire•
paired, that we are appmbeusire that he will be
ender the °emelt, of relinquishing his labors, on.
el ■ restoration of ft takes place. His present tour
f service was undertaken against ttleexpress ad.
sloe of his physician', who predicted meat setts
cos consequences If undertaken, which, we now
kw, hate. to ■ great extent, bite realized. The
loard G1'841144, befog aware of Bishop Hamlin's
isehle health during the Int Isom& proposed to
rebeve him entirely, by assuming his dunes addl.
do n al to their own—a generous brePollihhht which
Bishop Hamlin declined, knowing the breadth of
nor work Imposed attend• as meat duty so the
B.elsopr could endure.—Cin. Oax
The following wkime'cal circumstance happen
ed some time .go la Kilitany :
taitor, who was wanted to a very sickly we.
grin, got enamoured of a young girl who lived le
kit neighborhood, and on certain conditions, be
egreed 10 give her • promise, lb tenting to marry
et immediately on the demist of Ins wife ; in
emu quence of which Mr. Snip passed the follow.
ki canon. note of hand. "in two days after tie
demise of my present Wile, I promise to many
bliss Mores or ordn, value. reek:laid, under day
potted. werllog. Given under my band Ibis six
teenth day of May, &a., J. Beltivaol Shortly after
Wes Moray received the above note, She died,
leaving it endorsed to a temple friend, who also
Chanced to take • fever, and died, before ths tat.
Ws wife; however, on her sick bed, she also en.
domed the note, sad gave it to a cousin, whom
the tailor ab•ohitely married, agreeably to the an;
dorsemant, in two days after the death of kb wife,
and it is said thin the tailor and his wits are now
Salad happily in the city of ICillniany.'
• omakot am. ma rum. R. IL Co, TWA it.
• tray,asaes, Aerett
Tem Sontholden of lei, Okla gad Penarylveala
!tall &led Company are t!eraey notified to pay the
alyteh lastalment alive Milo per Flan. mate Waco
tkr tho o .:emPae7.ees or belan the SU dayef Adam
Tao Walk letteheee4 ea or beforikba SIM day of
Oepteniber. tee iamb ancaliiemi ea at kens the
slaßlisy of Cksiotem sail
faitolmaes was sated en-aik dug NA
40 /AL
14111411 Wk /41140134,40'nee11a.
endows. •
th - 6, erros—Pit: I wish to bear teathneny w the
medial:l'oo.o of the Oil called Nouer. 1 was foe
• knir*sloliscted with a badly inflamed and very
tone eye, io mach to .. to lose sight entirely for Omit
stereo months, with very hole hope. of eetereeoverteg
the sha. and bet a slight prospect of having It TO.
Laved of the aoreue,,a; my attending physiman Ina
unsuccessful is making a core, or in giving rad,
and agerdee me but little eeconragement• I hoard of
the Penetrant about the let of April, IEDO. and gave
it a Orton the result 1,. the sight is restored and my
eyes well, except a little tender or weak when I go
oat lo Ma son. ANN IRELAND.
st i Cincinnati, May SS, lam
S. s I have been &filleted with Piles
for mu your, and hove tried other remediearmilbaul
permanent mint, until I heard of the Petroleum I
have used only one bottle, and think I em entirely
cored. I recommeou it to all who are &filleted with
Piica I have Inure It to be good for sore eyes.
Nay 20, 18.23. E. C. OARELETSON
Bur into by Keyser Zr. Mc Dowell, 140 Wood street;
S E Sellers, 57 Wood sm D tkl Corry, ilalegbenleDE
'‘ A Stilt Ihenr, Joseph Dom.' -a, Allegheny;
D km, Allegheny; Joseph Douglass,..
also by the proprietor, S. hi. PIER,
Canal Basin. Seventh st, Pittsburgh
Da. 0. mum,
Dentist. Cornet betweenend Deeatnr, between
- - - • mat-11,1e
OA W ood it, botveo•la Third k Pour [EL,
Arc LICAV receiving their cm Inrign recd
Also, BONNETS and FLOWERS, all of thn latest
atylr., and expressly adapteutO the western trade.
It bss bean selected with great eare,and as to atlas
and qua Ity is not surnamed by any stone to be
found nether east or wrest. Oar euestmers and mere
chants generally am invited to call and examine e as
we are determined to sell on the most reasonable
terms. Also, Goodyear.. Patent Rubber Shoes oe all
kinds aumtbdtf
Wholeudek. Retail M,naraoninna Deakni In
Co.. Wood I Fifth sts.. Pittsburgh,
Where they oder a toll and complete Buck of Hata,
Caps, Fors, 10, of evert guilty and style, by Wboto
sale and Haul!, and invite the negation of their eon.
teem • and purchasers generally, assuring than that
they wet end on the East nevaavnenotre Tan..
Am now prepared with • largo and fruit mock of
tingirsir, German, sod American Hardware. to offer
sapenor inderements to boycn. Time wishing to
perch... romote emu - Interest by Moving
•b rough Opt Met, they are determined to ••11 on
the mom ir..0.111. moms. .S.l/3
improvements an Dentistry.
DR. 0.0. SIT.A.RNS, late of hasten, Ispremed to
elm afar rare and tet Mom Tatra to wirele and pant
of ter., apon dumb:mot Atmospheric Section Plum—
Toorrysemse ItY• PISS. IIITICTI3, where the nerve it
arrsAd.c;rferd tmonet doer to al Way
ormtn t ene t,
iarwro—J.B frlitn Rama. lall
Or Pitt•burgh
C. G. HINSEY, Parr. • • —A. W. MARIES,Sser.
ChSee—No. 41 Winer meet, in the otexcitoue of C.
. • • .
OIITI3 COMPANY Is now prepared to Insure all
kinds of Oats, on tenses, ortanufactones, goods
merchandise In more, and in transits vessels, &a .
An ample ganranry for the ability and LumgrirY
the Institsulon, I. afforded In the character of the Di•
rector., who are all eilizen• of Pittsburgh, arerl and
favorably knows to the community for Weir prudence,
Intelligence, and integrity.
D e, Hussey, Wm. Bartley, Wits Lar
Imo, Jr. Walter Orvant, Ilogh D. King, Edward
Haatelton, John Haworth, S. Martians's, 3. M. Kier.
Haan' Haab!- Dr. SCLanek tide - adage for ex.
penned Worm. !—Astonit lung Cum.
l'reellog it to be a duty due to my fellow beta's. I
lay before them a tact wind took place not long
since. Lan uil !called oo Mesora Hyrold t Co., of
Williantoown, N. V , for some Worm Medicine, sod
they recommended Dr. Sl'Lanels Verb:lnure, or Worm
f took a Lori's home old gay. a 0390 to a
child about six years old, and to ton
grew aamniW
menl it brought sway 03 worms. I soon der gave
another dose to the tame , told. whir la brought away
I about Sumore, multseg eome lib wln abate Id
hoof. I have died to <him of mormsy • bliron very
demesne', and can choer.elty recommend It to all.
Amboy, July lb b. 191"• ^
Urr Fur sale by J. 1C11.11)k CO, NO6O Wood st
mgßcilAyrs riORNSIR . of Thad and Market so,
I ednabll bed by the principal In
Cpti PP. 940. On referring le OCT o/ ow
O. *sinew'
Ib cit t y raerehonty It will be
Snsolilln4; 4 l:loai X wo, - 11rie j a " 1 141 (Meg
Law. ruxuuste, S
eaed to a Werra of preectl neree approached
hymn. on., teacher In We De no
nof Ito !pantry. Cl
ealan of terms, ke., niallod to uly part of the
emintry. selatorlTT
Jon NT IL S: Fr, N... 1 Wood .11,05. .t en
for C'or serene' • I.;sto, row.. log Western Penn
reertred, •n 4 now ready for ..In, ,
IrOlosnot s•orrtinent seieese • by himself (ion Ito
noassfaeurvy, end be stpplled MI usual sr NI
Ctoek pnees, • r
erred Loom XIV, 7 warm'..
2 ring rot Rosewood, 7 do;
2 do do 1:11 do,
do do 6 do;
I do Mahogany, d do;
I do Wain., I do,
I (oil totted setiograod.
A CARD—The nelson.. he. the plommo of
Madeto the eleserts Plasborph. tern he ha t
Mode aretneements with Mr. lone H Pdellot, for the
eletustve tale of Ms Powo Font.. In Plawargh and
Western Peentylvanta, and thaw wahine to por.
onus may too mooted that their Jammu twill he filth.
folly a tended to. CHICHERIAII
Anton, Hsieh 21.1E4!
In addition to the shove stock of Mama hum Mt .
Chiekeimg, a new mimeo is aura from the (retort.
of Adam Slodart. bacon fa Raven, and Worcester,
new York, and Hallett, Common & Allen, Boston, a
prtees varymk from two to three handled dollars.
sap la
(1 AftISTONOT ts meettot • hose moortna_ru of
kit fanny and staple, variety, and My Boos, consist :
pen of Woon, 'nob., and Cashmere Shams
Milk, to
Betttn, ?Whet. fad and Backskle Ote ens; Wool.
an and Warned Comforts; Alpaca. toad Bsesbulnes.
Wool. molCanton I'lannelo; Colored and Bleached
familiar, Camino* and Crosteseres j Ribbon. and
Lanes: BUM. and Combs; 'threads and Basdings;
Mndl3ollll. and Dour Bons, tee
. .
All of when, eoentry tad eay merchants are n
•ectfatly tainted I. examine at ee uD noel
gIICTIONARY Mt:GUANO &wee ...ass,
Eg and Easieeerlaq t 7 of this great wart Mu
been received at Aare' Wenn , Deyot..l hed st.,
opposite the Eau odca.
I INSEED 011.-33 Drl• pure, ic'et reed for sale by
( - MOVER SEED--5 m owe suul forby
..y.'25 J CANFIELD
REAM CHEESE—LT/0 bee prime embus ebeere,
Not ree'd for mile by JUCINFIELD
S tL y ERATUST . Iitm Wog d elt. , pfor. tele
Tempeeaneeillle t Sobleallown Plank
Road Comptes pi
XIOTIOE to hereby given trot In eonfonnity with
111 the plovtstons oh an Adel Assembly, authorixint
its Inert:potation of the above company, paced the
yin day 01 April, IS U, book. volt be opened for sob.
seeption to th, capital stock of sod co °party, at the
pingo of Blown and Kirkpatrick. Liberty Street, In the
city of Pittshogh, on Wednesday, the 10th day of
October next, et de hoar of 10 o'clock, M, and
condom for the spats, Grave nave, or uttnl the whole
nsuabor of :Share@ malted by the staid adaliall hoe
been subscribed.
George Archuta Jr
11-11. Brown
Levi Gregg
B. A. McVay
Jr he Obey
Alone t he.
Samuel Unhate
P. J. Oath*
William Fatter
Jvalev Kiebetdabe
Jonathan P. Rasa
Jame. Wool
Jar.. Tratark
Greige Lad 10
t h t:OVUX
Irate Walker
Pl. C. Whits
b10b.% Starrett
TEAS—I tO hf °beets Y. IL Teas.
2.5 do G. P Tesa4 '
3u do Pouehong, reel per canal, fr
70 Water it
To•Pooplo from ittoOla Goasttr*.
F4IACTLY the mops kind of SUMS Leaf, Flue,StrOrig
and Rough Flavored Black Tea, that ere turd t•
Inv told Counar, can be bought at My and 700 per lb.
at Norm w Haworth's Tea Store, east side of lb..
Dlnniond, .and no where el.. f.. Plitanorgh." wool
0111nraP TX& AND NO DllnTet
1/.OPS1;1114I0STH , in the Diamond, are .alb
OS eta pail&-TRY
IT I I .01
Zola% Sopranos Oolong & Nla.gtaNg Tta,
ritHESE are the very beat Meek Tea. that are on
1, ported tato the D i am on d, Mo.. Morris &Haworth
Tea - Sealers, to thean telling said Teal at
the low petrel of ;se per le, for each. septa
11_103e: FrtsTER, or the Idystenee of the Coen of
LA, London, vat 3 of Ws Interesting work bes been
received et Holmes' Literary Depot, Tturd street,
apposite the Pow Office; also, Ellen Palen or TAW.
or the Henri, ey Olivia; George Cestilot, roamed
Sew:dome; King of Albine, - bv Clement C Moore,
L. L. GI and No Mtiot Li nen % Living As.. erp.4
Just Seemluta,
A LARGE one extensive moment or PATENT
JR, Mti ALIA.: RUBBER FABRICS, among. the
&most endless vanoty embraced In the amortmasts
Recta Covers be lomtd the forlosttg:—
, Carnag Cloth Air Bag, Alt Pil
loorsgAir Cushions, Water e
Pan ,
t, Tobacco - Pooches,
Pishmg Boole, Coats,
Cape' Clock.. Tsspinoi
b t P° ;t k'. gr= P =ttooPtPrr o,aePe Arid geW
asone !acting Camp lilsokets,raper
Lite PresetVers, Travelling e.g., bosoms Bet%
Mulling blau, Dolls' Heads, INgs, boas, Sado!.
Bess, Air Balls, Foot Balls, Loden ' Wash Olaf..
Lad.n , Gmaloses, ti en.' Gum Bboa, Lnloda,
livery article sold at Oh ostabbehment ls warranted
Da guineas all the ottamoteristre , essential to Wiled
proof goods, via: —lnsolobtlite coder eat degree cd
heat, Reslbiul In tho severest cold, great darobluty,
tom, perfect impervious..., Imekaa Sam
l atr, cola at the I:boar... Robber ErhPeSilm,
Nos t ! 9 Wood arse. JR II PHILLIPS
lot or straw awl
W nyr, P =lstaw,a.awhirg
w e elAitanki4,
off= ISSW•I4 St
wANTED. a tamale word Istdd, to take elude of
the Ratabaralt and Allegkettl , ROB. for
Orphan., as Matron; alto, ono as assistant.
rep= or, MRS. ROBINSON.
THE Anneal Meeting of the steekholdere of the
Penesebreele Salt hlwanfeetwing Company will
be held on the Midst. of Oeueber nal IS o'e oak
utile othee of Mr. George T. Lewis, Front st.,bio.•
NEW II 0 0 NJ&
ENGLIBiI GRAMMAR—The English Language in
its elements and forms, with a history of its origin
and development; designed for am In eetteaes and
schools. Wm C Fowler, Ism professor of Hamada
in Amherst Calla e.
AatrOomay—The recent progress of Astroaomy;
empeciaily in Ma Itched States. Illy Elias Loomis.
n Yeats of a ilitateria Lite m the (Srlnterior of
Africa. wits notices of the native tribes, and
anecdotes or the chase of to. Ilan, elephant, lupporw
muAr, giraffe, rhinoceros, ne.,with indstratiOna. By
R. U. Cumming. Received for sal. by
eenra- -
47 blarket
(Poet. Claordclc, and American copy.)
Mune and litim(ed instruments,
Sign of the Gold. harp, No 101 riceet
fo"If. SIEBER reepratfally Informs
his Mends and •be public, that he has
just returned from the east, with •
most elegant and extensiveassort.
maul of Pianos of remo ra style. and prices, selected
ny himself, with great care. at the mlebraned factories
oi Nunn. ♦ Clark. N. V., and Dunbani, N. Y..ifu m of
Stodari I Penh sin, N. Y.)ll•rinirrakentd We ahoy „
from an immense store jest Dished by the above I
make..., they am wenacted of mortice qualityand
bane, end will in all eases be so'd at New Watt fee•
ter, mime. Purelmeera will receive a written gear
auty with each Plano, entitling them to an exchange
or return of same
if found detective.
Also, a lot of splendid Gaiters, from the feeler, of
Schmidt & Maul. N. Y 7hay are a superb vitals ,
and warranted equal, If superlokto any Made in
We world..
Also, fins selection of Flutes, Clailonem Vienne,
String., antes instruments, end the newoM and meat
minder smaale, including Jenny LAMP , celebrated
tie pi ,
MBE subseriber often
mitt the Saw ".
sinium sew amt. vog gium.
ISE subsetiber offen for tale the Balm Fogine:l
wrn the Saw hlt , l geenng tad lath 001/111( VLF r
'F.72. 1 '1 h - e 2T! a WS" I - 41 4 re i g t i,V tth
Allegheny thy. also,if aeslred,
building which!. ona bandital and meaty *la long .
by forty feet wide. dha angina la an anoollent ono,
with sufficient poorer to drive all zho niaaldnary for
sawing and lads noting. 'flte whole amid be rams.
a and or up elsoahars, within airy days, la a oro•
dente nipsusa-
Or, he will /ease thorium grew niut
infficlent ground. an sni oa pati than .5.011(,
for a term of year". N EVIL L En CELSIO,
lILTEW PATTERNS of Wall t , per for Haus, is
A. Animate sad Pairlaa nl
ZAN CE CUILEt ANTI 3-6 casks LOT We Im by
1001.1ba st
=ANTE MATS—Fancy Hemp far sea b 7
sepSl WM A /tIoCLORO & CO
nIIE.E3Z-SO ars bell Cream;
173 has commando: far sale by
B)oirs—as des in atom aad kr .Lo b
aeyr2 STUART
SALER/Cril , " , •ri • at q • trY a , • cby
eaptl STUART tr. SILL
m c.„—A let clear .11.
STUfor sale by
TAUCLI-3o &se boa brands for by
ED CORDS—Diffeisat aim., for self by
Tow k FLAX YARN—A =AU lOt rot sale by
sett) STUA RYA , ILL
L INSEED Dll.--e br i narAdaz zrocK k
gerra Cor. Ft: k Wood sik
OIL PEPPERMLNT-60 brio pone for u 407
TANNIN ounces for We by
BLUE VITRIOL-2GO lb. for talc by
y ilepZl El A FeJINEBTOCK a CO
AL ITETRF.-70 keg* re fined fine sale by
SUO UR CURED lIAIIIS—A ebolee lot for oale by
amt the "OLD COUNTRY." fm .e. by
Car. Third ¢ Market zit.
11.1,130 C 'MST= tat lOglaterilleTT AND OINII
DIIMOVSNOrt• Or TI MM aftint
nallh.glst. oar. of Fourth & Marko& MI,
Oa Maas" lagrarag, 23d Squabs".
With ■ large Mut of, New-Goodi.
Comer of Market and Third stream
TF. COW= of Innitrueilou in this Institution, =-
blare. imot Keeping. ementeretal Computation
1,1101•11. p, L. mores on Comae. eivl t a w sea
larlinerri branch pertanties to a hni bed eurreaulil•
Celt iation•
Jean Fleming, Esq.. etehir or be tin Waal B nil
Keeping, prlueloal lecturer and teacher of final
Lathee and gentlemen within' to improve chef
Penman• hip, can call al the Cmlrge u sal boor a r.
th • day or creel.. .01
Cbaloa aad. Valaab Book!,
by Catstogas, at auatlas.
O't WHEIND/DAY and THURSDAY evenings,
September 514 , h and Mb, at 7 o'clock, at the CoH
notteial bales Rooms, eotoer a Wood and lath sti ,
will be sold an oaterolve, itch, and "Hied 'sideman
ofr hake and elegant Hatay.. Boot", ram.narioti•
and very 'skiable; bony raperb i3attraied LILL
ecoand onstavlngs. also, .o• editions of standard
elasvical sod Historical whom, at.
Catalogues He now ready. P.M. DAVIS, Abet,
LMOOD—I bay* on hood :a moll tot of Lod
Wood VI acct, dm which wdt be told oboap of
goon Car. Wood a Sixth sto
lb. J iat *eel oae bi
CO Wool ot
CI P e.c.aset
1.7 .epil
DAMS WIRT4-010 lob rubella & rro any, reed
1. far sale by *pill .1 KIDD eCO
/ trlb—it dos Nuance, Clark t Cot
1 4 _, bora Cod Laver re], lan recemd tar sakr by
asyßt J KIUD a CO
iTIETTes gook' KiasrtNu and Steam Mr
ioteeperti Asairtant, a new edition, for sale Al
II Market st
PIIIIIINTINO bent in martin can Oa
had at the y ea ey of Cnnian Mill* in Wood oh
Beni, W P SG am LL
U tILIE.Sb3-0J bbr pnexe road Sba for sale by
seal 're Water of
+~l ~m1T71.i1~.1.a ~.i~Ai T717~
or We by
T"' PITCH I HOS/N—tou bn. wax.
10 tuts Pilch;
10 brit Rolm;
To antre, for We by ISAIkII DICKEY CO
not* Wawa fr. Pivot ell
.bl-7 barrel.;
H kegs, xt/gralleach
'Okay. 15 do;
Id kegs 10 do;
' To ssriss, ay(' for sale by
brie No War ode by
/74::-25 bd. for We • I
DAMN HAM4—te auk* for We loor, to Wow
oar, ' [Ur%) (PAUL DICKEY & CO
HEPSE-e9 %JIB MOW lauding"for sale b
C m e rit
flu IRON—i6O tons Someref o r i t ir teA red ( l , r,
WirDlAWTH2ll.6irßirrbliriTuf WI Wally
&aorta, far bale by JOHN WAIT & CO
SCOLE LEATHE.H= O OO O Ibs ree'R for Ws by
sep2l JOHN WATT & CO
SUOAR CORED HAMII-10 dem. &prima amble
al., • Om Scotch cured, xved for unto
734 Men) street.
u :27" ° "'" N ""fgraWbtaLlV
brio landing from simmer •
phraiss, by 4001 lAAIA7I DICKEY kCO
brl No 1, now Latin
i ti c L
- 11 - 111LIT - 01:11111 - ki - Tiotric
Through la POOR Dry.
ukrE take pleasure annoenoing loth. fderebann
g g of Pittsburgh and the Western business Corn
mann), that on and after Meade', the 16th of Sep
umber, we will receive trio forward goods Vie thr
Central Rail Road, and guano tee diem mho ditough
in Pour Dalt. Our arienalve stock al Can and Beau
anabbss t o tbe above e.toedittous mote to Abe
publlthwhilst we tlli errant! out usual lines Iris
Harrisburg and Columbia
Merchants wishing good. brought how the Par
with certainty and dispatch at law taus, or prods,.
shipped there. are toe Wa to call on
O s
TgINS & CO.. Pludbargii.
ATICINg, O'CONNOR & ett.,Philadetpnia
of the Pittabutgh
Or tlte follOwingoginns,
CPCounoss a Co., 70 North street , Balomml
E. 8r.ec1.6 Sewer, Place. New York,
,x u „,, , ,r, Qum, 111 riot. Strtlt, 8041011 "
Matte. to Cestraetara.
EALEDPambeals milli* remind unlillaranity
0 the tail Paptamber imam,
h the
es at )
We oleo ef
_Ofilreding the Mesitaand blanc
em Plank Roaa along beam saga, 4.= Water Lam
ghlasebstry Lane; aleohrlbinithing=AO squab
feat FalE - al Hemlock' Plink, 3 Makes, duck, b fee.
Wag, anima...aro than 1.1 lashes adds. bs be deliver .
ed along the mat ss directed by the Engines.; also
au 344100 lama feet of Simla* or Plan dila 4 by
Mahar Wok, to be gelhand Ia like limas,
=t t. 64' 4 . 16018 or oat' albs work m
rlen and Ha ecnaggmhicmr4 the right tel 31.
to be eddittied Idtbee.3akewerl.E.l
jir Ma Coln psnk.
Allthes Itgonitsti on litS7_l;i obtlineel ths ag!“
gibe kraboCalblia War HAKE
WOW "11ia 144 . Tree. X Flank Road Co
TUgltaan Halt, Onws n.
lipid IntWUr troasing:she iao roma. a .
Wal open Ina for Or,
pAJPITRD nom °rigida! st Nene. otrn on the h.
by Paul Blount. Earl • .ando 'l.e pereo,..l
serration of J. L. !danin, arta Of the proptletor
brie 'pent a year In CalkenlA and old
different Thu celebrated tort al MI, ru.
bracing .plersild vino ofChagrer,Cll,, , lft
Acapulco, gin Promisor. Sactin.rno Oto, yol e rg
Fort, the mining aistrictlJ; firiettra irrt of 1. ', 01'
ros. and paring • correct thr el
try pored d'routh, and Orr orninel by or
and Odor countryman, was amtled in New Vora
Albany, •nd Troy, by ...or %OW , P , en
Buffalo by 10,01:0 comprolog the elite of 111....; r;
DflOr• open al 7 o'clint. Irreonrotene st •
Adults' i0n,13 eons. Children under )rer a
Eiblhition on Saturday •6arllee 7 e , J .7.eler hl .
Mid, A
' Duhufes grand original Paintings of
11111E3E anblone 'troika of art, v.leed 0 one handed
thousand dollen, Insre teen ea LlLit , ll in On
protein' ening of Fwgland i Itelsedi
ion o f
the Valle, Blues, to the nemesia! admit anon o' over
two =lkons of peasant
Open front 91n the muntiit till 10 0 night.
Admittance teem CLodron (okel..
shpl9 H. CREIGII Noprlefor.
FREBH TELS—Thnea bazaars have-I/it re•aard
a ham and select Week o' Green wee k Teas
forithlfail wade, and which they offer to ratan deal
en aid teakie+, on you low term,. .
It Simplex iurnirlod rn any Ivo o ity
or to tismparn them with o h-n.
WE FISH-40 tots No filar tato by
OICA ALE.-200 aka Tenperimea ConiC cites and
a 'lama Tiontomanee ettirt; a National Map of
Uto Amarloaa Rapablte; and - date o hen Maps; SOd
Ehant.On'a imams Tables. Ha dittahltrah daily, and
000/611.1 Pt tabarab weakly. and %big% too dlfetant
ajadaof exchange news papent, from Boa on to Nam
Odeon& the Family Cludailan Attottno for 1. 5 d and
IP61; blnlit . ro Lea," ample. otagreem ono otterers
anatomy) TenoO• 0 41T blank.; o 1102•11retall
ply of Letter Paper lichen( and obey Inaba; ink, Li
different , dzed bottles; $3OO eloap Lead Panel;,, :tad
a =WI .app') of Slate Pimtilin Sang Q/il:2 and
Patent Perm; for We chug, la anYaoantity. to nit
all cladata ofelnininarlL 154 AC Halms
:eat Ptah at.. between Wood k Martel
_ka.— , LbOnt nO boxes of cheap and
011ersaltodicloos,rD , Made El Ptih;
Dram's Pal for Coninception, otola, and
I.lm Complaints; the eeinkratod lierb Pdle; Dr. Dn.
Terre Behr of Life and Soothing Elroy; Ward', Coto
An. COTO; Dr. Breads Anodyne Dr. Evan* ,
Soothing Syrop tar ohliarait eething; ilr.rviuno Fever
and Ague Pats; Dr. Evans , th r
glhening pm.;
wall variety of other blecticina for we very chosp,
veholevale and tetll, ault all cl err, by
se. :d2t • ISAAC HARIIIN,FSf,6 at
ETTED3 of Adminbtration haring bee. pruned
L 4 to the anderetgueildn the e• fete el the late Gaol de
L. Bets, &owed, all personi indebted ate request 3
to make Immediate payment, and Mom h iving
to present Me same. proper y sub... Cowed, to eiLhzt
Of the tobsetibert, for liquidation.
• GEORGE 0 30:39.
WHITE LIME, de—Wbiti Louisville ,tar
V V the panel or retail; tito ebrap WONI<JI 13.11.113 j
WAeuts purple stud L elle* .Csreet Chile; ILO grass
e Matches; 3We small F,h Iliwks; 60 Psrers clean
Metallic relish; LO gross of Suspender Amens, Lai
tale by fsepLlA lit ISAAC HABILIS, FILL st
atWANTED—PIaces tor a number of baleen en,
Bank Keepers, School Teachers; Warebousa
l..anorlng Men, and a amber of boy • 01.11 age.
Places wanted for ernigiante and fatale. Money
borrowed and. lent, farms, dwelling Louses, stole
rooms, Be, sold or rented. and all kinds of agencies
attended to formodeiale <bargee, at
sep2l:d3t Agency & Intelligence Office, Pith at
No 47 Market NUM, comer or Trdtd clo
All rankußßlY co hand, for sale, Wilting, Letter,
Printing, Tea, and Wrapping Paper, Bonnet,
Miters', Binder', and Think Bawds; Book and New,
Paper Printing Inks: which he will tell tithe lowa.t
cash price., or in exchange for rag. or tanners' scraps
ON hand and reel host th e Phtthpreille Etiology,
tor the fall rrade,— • •
61S0 yd. 3-4 Ploor Oil•Clotto 2000 )J544110: WO 1 , 14
S 4 do; 600 yd. 64 do; 1046 yd. 14.5 40, VIN 0 yd. sheet
do, medium and heavy, (non 4 to 6 yard. Wide, nil of
I. newest style of putter., 4114 4110 any given airy.
TOO yenta 44 Ftor4wre 1..11 tithing 4W 0.1.0-4 do;
560 yds (4 do.
196 dotha assorted sizes 'rabic, Stand, and Barran
Cavees, various pattern., and apientilil golth.
WOO yde 4-4 Patent Carriage 0d Cloth; 6thl yds 5 4
do; 499, 7d. 6-4 do.
3060 yo. Olt Cloth Crab for Stain, *stoned pattern.;
0(0 yds 4-4 linen flit Cloth for Window Mud., 300
yards 3-1 do.
Window ebades, a large lasortment lost received
of news.. styles.
?dere/tams and o th ers 'eluting m purchase, we lo•
riled to toll .4 eisokineoallOnllll.l of gooeu,
which will be .old at the lowest eastern primes.
seprO ' 7 4. 9 Wood et
0 4 ,m 1.-- . ooo , g b a n th , blers y tted winter ti V i k , ale e ly . ar n ono
lumen 57 Wood st.:
Cf. PHU= TIMPFNTINE—iIa bla m KOddliratr., for
! BOA by foop9ol R EFELLERS
ANNEILS'.OI4I-30 Mr, pu re talkie for'euln by
IILEE eukersuo reed far sale ay
asi 20 K E SELLERS
rIO6BS-10 bees porter and mlaenl, for sale by
sep3) R LFR9
VIA L CO FIKS i. po tort rr Ft ed for na
LE te hy
tor° E SELII9
No. 1311 I.ll.rty.Strf•t.
'JEWS row orally to infothe his tumorous friends
o .nd eamomers, that be I. dad ...ea.,. hi s pew
all Mock .1 CLOTHS, CASSIMESS. .and vr.9l -
•NG9, or the newest styles, adipted far the spproach•
ng fall and winter seonos. All those in Will et
tamp hohlonable,•ad good clothing, wtll find the
begat, most fashlonahle, and bast seta in the
We-tern country, at this establishment. 'lapin
. t elpgi.
Dof F'9Bl cA hi DOAT 0: Oa a FFPINO—A now
supply of alu assailant and popolaa a - ct} re.
united and for mashy it r taTOC tat N
mapal 47 Market at
Rom - ma:a EXTRACTS, SOAPS. Are —.Tenon
Lind Extract:, l West Eod do: lotkey Club a..;
tpring Flowers dl Jenny Lind flair Glass; frototo le
Nonfat, Amandine; Pooelon Soap. for wlnteatng
be akin; ;Almond Shaving Cream: Bose do de: Am.
truant do do: Homy Soap: Floating do; Anne:dna
io; Hanel Not oil do; Rosa do; So onato *Aims: to,
kqUel do; Brown Windsor do; Bear's Brea,
For We, wholesale led Mail. In
.11,19 O: Wood IL
LIFE PRESatyERS—Ie <lsd. gula'd nn the only 'n;
If ,o ,
Jan teed far sale by
EA COATI-11 dos rune elastic Pia Coate, at!, e. el
C and beautiful article, tar ale he
sepia J te fl PfIILLIPt
G . U DRINKING CUPS-2 de' with benn e.
2 dos without handles,
Just received and fat sale by
LADIES' WASII GLOVES-2 doe paire,• rim rate
aniale, hut received and for !aid by
repl9 J h It PIIILLIPn
ENTLEMEN.B GLOVES-2 pairs, a good
ariteleolecelvad and for salt 4p.
HECRER'S PARlNA—Afreeh PI at tbis eltelßun
ankle at dial, pit red'd and Or see. by
Cor: Sixth & Wood WeetA
iC;L THER--800(11b. prisis ree !ler c ana l;
o: sal e . by .1.5.61Ezi D I A LZ E.
KIN 19 ! 2O Walsrvi.
,: aT, - .nrkif . ,
t•e*_per can
For Web* - 14!p191 /AWES DAiZet.
Cjit..tiliitikiCLaw for lila ey
sepl4 XIDD & CO_
LASS PAPEtt—JDO rtis paten!, for
.4 .s3in
O..rAc.i•INIC,-3 brio just recet - frittfoil : r.te by
repl4 . , J KIDD & CO
LTLTA!' MARLYN Ilt.llF-1 ea. reed for sale L 7
r• 7•14 1 INDD&CO
Atill.S.s.itAsil tint ree-sAlry
: U A FAtINI:I37I/Clr CO
srpl4 Cot. First k. Wood an
RUSE P111(-13 brO.ilperier for We by
plt S • 1911.1hESTOCK & CO
I T U INI ELLAC-10 rt. " EVI;241`11C y eu
ElNTalifiloo-10 b
rept.' B A FAIINESTOCK .8e en
f A. P BLAC6—.OOO lb. Mat. lb cam./ an. Cm,
..pl4 fl A PAHNBSTOCK k CO
PILIIGO. eett...• rafTty
.e. 1.1: B A PA lIN ESTOCK & CO
INDIA R—SO byls pore c.des for siae by
repl3 • I it Ft FLOW'
eat for awn by
EM s *
e:11 --""""" I & LOYD
ACI N—A eapti.lidea alFfsballJere,ln _
oral (at pale sepl3) e It 11.011.
AUlly be--J bbds •
J eeruana F bd..;
YS brls Lorwoodi.ii:ll.l2„;
.11 PICTS, kg —= Wigs Pepper;
lb plain Pim. olo
berm!. Cloves;
1 berrel , Notozets; for t.2IC by
skßf "'V?!
pen:it-worm Wropplod Paiwn
uptA Wdo Cap PoPdr• 16, mow,
Etter will teener oersOnS tore n oibla to pain, rt m
e tar Y the duty of them who mil mmth of the ardethe
vtirPOrneeito to Statist Soar, to present ellen par
haler wine a .06e1011 OMIT.? 01 the above ear
o relieve th eir manilas width ' 0 . 41 . 6. 1 .6 a. °pt."
Wan of Oaring.
e now admitted by all to be the very ben ankle for
lading to be wand In Wip or any miter country.
be ••• of my Almond Rose and l'itheehm• Snaviry
:ream, inatead of beteg- an oprate. to bo dreaded,
*Lathy trAly a blurry. The e ingredients of welch
eommosed are of finch • aware that • finer and
i e b e y lather can be made than with any other article,
,y eaten the, board It uttered, and the akin tr rot
I da, boned by the al tali It Leh forms oo large
panto* of vd.b• thawing Mop, nor mill it become
theme& but w ill remain smooth andft sem" in
eat'.. No anei tiler ming this Snaring so Cream, can
therte iadaced m, We any flee eautlent Its err.n-
sk i mps Cream. as there toe
many Imrtationt meld Ask for Jales Himont Sharing
and y ea mai then get an tole which renders
*having 011.1ggri ,
FIAVEL, Perfumer .red Chewing
• • 110 eltheunti m, pule
For sale, orbalersteenfl retail, by B. A Enithe.wo,
b Co., had B. E Entsbarch; and Johu Santin i
lad J. 200 1 , 0 14 Alidlibmir City. .sey2—ey.
7 a