The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 25, 1850, Image 1

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    ' • 1
EST AB S' 1 IN , 178 b.
ruacqniso ilk
WHITir.:6 CO.
D.. ; ; la tutaaT.
lAnlrrz .DlNak TiIIM eillxr, RCM MAUI To
raz 11*r tams.
Deli M 1,—..--••••••--,--S.7,0 pet' Wilma.
In •Ov•DOO)- -- —• • 2,41 /I ,
Do. at • reduce-I tab.:
gs Or ADVigaTISIBIei
),GIfDED 0114:h
ST TI C ibtrlT2 . lll3olo3ll
One FN. , it, tiO filet of Nonp Tenor ler•1
01Y1 nott re, etch eadiuonsl tronertion• •• or-5
Do. • orie week 1.75
Do. two Week., •
- thtee week ••--- 4.10 mond, --••-• 5,15,
Do. twin roman— 7,101
thiee mouths.— LIU
Do. iota month. • •• •-•-• • 10.10
Po. uk munlb •••• 19.00
lA'. ttre!ie months- •• • --- • • 15,40
&sanding Cant 16:1inet or le•s, annum • 10,10
Oneitqe•re.ebanucable atpleutere +m
ount) eleleuivn of the ..... %W-
Fur each •11dolodx1 suoare, tnenttettown. 000 month,
Ina fur curb additional pore lust ton] haler De Year
ly rate% ball price:
Advertoetnent. exceeding • .4i4 IC, and not one
Angell lint., to be Charged a• • •oddre and a hall
Pabli•bera not monoentable (e, i,al adretvaetuents
oeyond the adamant charged fur .heft patol a •tj aa .
Annoanctng candidates for ueofe, co be harged the
tome V Other.laVertl•MientS.
adverhueruents mu marked nn the copy for aped
led number of Inmelon•, will be Continued all tortud,
and payruentelumer accord
The pnrilegee
10 of yearly ad vernee re will beehoed
thou regular towitlew, trod on
all other wirer
tieelbeTtl MI pet laded. g to their 'eyelet bonnets, al
agreed for, to be peed arts. •
An al venom:nobs for ebarlteble 11.1fiittons, fire
. . •
ntrattie, anti. lowntldp and other public otreinits,
and ouch like. In be chatited hnliptimpayable sthetly
II advance
nnto,Pl to be charred l so cent..
Death noucceineerted wohion chord., thole...eche.-
panted by funeral inonation• or °Loamy Polices, and
when re teromponied to he paid fhth
Regular adventnern. and .11 otherseendlog etothnit-
Olcathina, be trouirloc notleea deliened to roll toro
th:111LO Fans, dolt Pt., any public [ll,t
-taintnento, where ohmage, nit micro for adutittaneh
all notices 6) private aasochatienr--every donee de.
signed to call nthenlion to private
or ;nterpores calcula
ted oitended to promote Indian! al inherent, can on
ly be Inserted with the undernhandlrg that the acme
1. to be paid for. If Intended to be inverted in the Ire
eal colutoth, the raise will he chirged at the rile of
not lest than 10 cent• per line.
Dlrticii or Flit Nratces to be charged wide price,
Totem Lirenne Petitions, gd each.
Legal and Modica! advertisements to be charged at
tall ricier.
De p al Fatale 'Agebts' and Aurboneerol•neentee
meaty tor to he dialled node, yehrly rweh, bat to he
allowed dilecoot of thirty three odd one thud peraant
from the amount or
word. the 111-WIMILI to oau TAtIll•
-One Sgatat, mice lusertions• .• St 50
Do. each additiooal to meruon• •.
.11311.10111111 IN %I E 417 N• 7111.
One Nuare, Ole Inkee.) one .nsernon---50 ets.
lU eenb Ineerdon•--
• •
• •
AU Hauteur rulvertarments to Gir caul
k CO, Gkeetr.
1.. HARPER Po,
MOTT M. R IDDLE, Journul.
JAI MS P. DARR A CO, arkrontrie.
FOSTER tr. DROTlltrit, Dtsperulk.
Joi• SNOWDF.N Mercury.
HIRAM WAIVE, Evening Trlbuno.
Prentice., Dee I, lut9
JOHN P/11111.1N/sOll,
AaLPER MAN, Filth Wart! Penn street, between
O'Hara and %Went )
biutnees ptatupdy et•
ell tn.
A TTOILNEV AT LAW—ollite, on P01.11.11..1
1b.., Wool Tung_
ATIORNTY AT LAW, cnt Co.usalucm for
Penn./Nom, Lmai,
•U cornsAurucciuta plomptly ancremd.
ATTORNEY AT LAW-01fico on Foonti
bcrween Butatifi.eld and Gram, Putabargh
ATTORNEY and Counaellor at Law, and Cotornir.
goner for the State of Peortrytratila, St. i... 1.1111,
Mo.,llate et Pittaborah
Heferrnent —Pstalnstato Hon. N'. Forward, Hamp
ton & Witt, M'Candieta & McClure, rotin I. Parke
& Seeeple,;.aleCord &. gm. atkrl4-ly
WOILWARDING 1:1Z11011 A 11l 'al 5.
Glaagow, Pa; (Smith's Ferry Post Offica )
Haring permanently 'bel 'at thm-yelme, a ante
and sobetantial "%chart Coa te are prepared to ne
tele* and forward promptly to all points on tie nye,,
and dandy and lieserar or Ohio CRAW. Et .t.ett
Glamtow, Jana 15 —ield
erti7it — at atalir• - 7 • ••
• •
matt s ,
wo•2l,v . osite..- ••• -- • ••— , stoorn 4111.)
IrtGALES, OODIVARD & CO, Wholesale I.[
ot* Noah Stiuket et, P511414434:404. ant
BENNEMT. BF:ft RY a. CO, 24 ono fa no,cre of 't4
LA, litcathioo Powder!, hitutalto one .I...alphow
*olds. ‘Varel,cne No —, NA tart soon, below Fouy
Fradanek Braun.• irarte Re.,
BRAUN k REITEH, Whal,ale and Retail Drat,
guns, corner of Liberty and St. Cialistrcana, Putt
anti P.
CA. bIeANUIaY R 1-4-1, FOIV/1".1.r.K and
• ..is3lloll Met:hunts, C 41.11 I.IOM, Plll , oigh
L. ORA volA11•1.11/6111 •
FOrlll.4llll4chant, tin 41 %VALer et., Pia;
bar Ah. 4,4
In Heraty.—•-• Ooldrevo t I.n in k. A Fitcumg
fIOM3IISIIION MORA' AN . N—For the .ale of ~
metue,Woolen, and Co:i.a/ Jralersio
all rind , of TalloN' Mumma, No la Wood .t,
dom . from Fifth, P.1111.0,1h.
Recreate—Noma. Wm. A. 11111 & ea, Bankers
s. 1141.41.1.1 WY. ,•
111/1.11.10 &
COAI AIErtOIIAN - 111 an! Dal Broteo
No 114 S.-eund atm, ihurbetilt, NU/
WY. I enaL1.7., 411 . 113 7. itnintrt.
wardtne riTerctinnvo, and Oslo. in Praia...nand Pitts
boritti Nlanafarturii . ., No. 37 Wood et, tilinreto 2.41 nod
id .(loon.
FORWARDINN A CONt V1110;1074 Idea(' KIT
No 112 n'ccoat rimilinnth tor!!
polity w rn , %nrs reibt pviwra•
ENEft 6/111 FOf Mir
elan:.t•d Ft Dealerr, Nn 2:11 Martel wot,
_ _ .
— tik..‘;.t.,, avortrecia & co i
No. 41 North %Valor :Mee. A No. 18 Nortek %%Ilan,'
EnWo IlvolA $ ~,,..„..
D.C. Alreoniron. t -
I. A. IV .. !I .. i w n a
n. L.};...,!.1.. , ,.;;::::::.. ,, ,, , , , , , ,tr,....,, - 1 - , v, 1,7.. , ,, t;,,,..,Y001et,, Ltnerty, croponto ath la. fetal
HARDY, iorcr. Is CA.. Dances...ors to Atr01.4.1,
Jl.l. Jones lc CO.) , 4.1411 , 01111015 ant Forwardlmo Me,
.hams, deorra In Tim:Forth Manahotored Dnodo,
F.Mboroh, Po. 10 , .1 , 7
vv. r. at R:Vtit It tila., 1
imeccome To a•amas c. tut-41
Ih . IPORTER A . Dealer la Vreisra and Anieriean Pa
per Hanging. and IloOnf, Waldo* Phalle.. Fire
rd Print.. Arh - Alm - Wntine, Pnating *no Wrap
ping Paper, Nu 07 Wond .irre,, between Fourth cram
and Diamond alley, west .tae, Potobargh, Pa. •
_febl3 . t
1011 N AMNRW, late or the firm of Chamber*. a e
es new 11, Co, to °oh! mapeetfelly inform the old e ..
*omen and the public generally, that be-will rollr a .
bone to tarry nn the Green films beanie., in ell to
•01eties. and isaar
rreed to fill all °M '4. -
ira for
t .
caries , Furniture Minerals Porters,_ Viola, he.,
PfiMining to hit ' huainros. ' llO searebonse la No ; I
Markel street, between Fart h. Second ms. iyl ad lo
iiiitiD:lllslif/ A Y:Lilholesali-Vialgral, load dr I
Jer in Dye PROD, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, An, . a
03 Wood Street, one door Pasta of Lhamund All y
Plitaourgh. •
itlidllo3l3ll,tilia, Wi/ramie Grorer,COP1111••• 1 11;1 ,
4 , Merchant, ited do sire 04 Nadu - e end Fitton]. h
610efactares. Noll Water .t, P21.2;g1r h. ai
1.1.11 01[SY! , 00/ 541.1111.1111, I
TeMAii titcx - EY a Co., Wholeaale Grote.. Co -
1. minion Mrrrisnt., and di - alert in Prlkinee,Nole , :e
Warty, and lo? Front Piranha Pill.b.rel naval
Jolo P. Thlword,•-- •-- • • —Joseph Ihlovo b
T S. DILWORTH & CO., Wholesale (ironer Id
IP • Agenta not ) layard- Powder Co., NO. P 7 Worid s,
Pitlabatga • ' -
' doAlt
J Ntr. 4S Mo n.URN-hr:WIWN9.Ek et , th N ree TlT dean i above Thir a — A - F d o - rAhre eV
t Pais
birth, wilt barn courtamly on hand • .all ..k .l 4 ` .
lioormamilortha Leon and (rodie.% 111,d,mg.. ',Piet, he
will eel , on the m!wt temanable Myrna Play sinter.
lending ordera;oll be procartly attended tn, and orlp
plied withSTAiGICII they mar rely anon 0 Venn. , '
IT Phylielara Preserintiorm will he aneur.ely aho
as 11 e pared trona Lde Last materials, at 0/1 •••e• 1
• • day or nie,M.
tillso ter Sale, • large stool or treat. and a oba Peot :l e
lobo Kloyd Rictard
& R. FIAINID, Wholesato Grocers, Counnonuon
Merebenti, cod Dealers In Prodo e, Round
Church Butldlars t trontint on Lttetly, Wood und
Verb streets, r/ustrtreF, Pt. mot
rio. A t. cAutiliElr, Agtra for the Lake Erie an.
NaJ g. Lute lo Deaner wad tbe Lasts —O the
ee , th eon' , ne 'Water and RmitAlfeni •te ;Ann
11AMES nu-mime: IL
14.6. nolo.. Merehe,4.
exit Wet. of the St. hoc. Steam Sugar Refinery
Pie. 43 enter 411.199 front streets,Pittebergls.
Irnt • '
r ' - 1101100 , 11IMICII WOole•tio liraotN•
• • No 81 11/004 Put . thiO. 'VI
1011 N bldatiß7Wliolesals mot !Loud 00.0,
111 In No•ic gni 141o•Ical loNnamonts,'ESoLool Uoml
l'imer r Slates, Moe] Pen., Quill., Yrintt. , C0,,,d a
Suitiongry renorally,No. 81 Wood .t.4llusbolch. I
',ll - 77_11•0f hortiet ol token in trod,.
U.ANCI,F:III, (late of Warreu, Coruna.
1 0 , elan and Farayardlaa 14 ,, rebun,.. 1 wholaaala
eaglet to Wearrn Reaerw Carew-, Bauer, Pot aad
rac,74 an d Wen.,' Produce generally. Warr
slimol, between laralasfield'aud Wood, Pilubaratt.
4gkstu, Dollen In Proitute at 4 Pittsburgh cants
itastore4 articles, t'ansl Deur, pear 7111 et, apa_
A . :NN 11111, PITTSBUGII , PA."
E. NEEDY, CHILDS CO, alaanafaerarera 0
• • sapatler 4-4 BOttlinj, Carpet Chain, trawl
hind U.urox. l.lO-141
I 4 o. STOCKTON. •
JILAJITEJohiNum a Stockton, BOOR9DLLER, Witt
s kat Rad Ku/ musts, Pitukszsta, tiy.l[4ll
I 10
- • d.l
• 1 4 ;rt ..-rA „IL
, ' 44 1 1 tX A IR - .1 •
ritt•bstgb City Glass Works.
MA N o U gl er l r iesi a t
Ptitibudald, Pa.
Psfileultr silt sans paid io odd 102P1, sks,
Dealer to FLINT uLAstl,
Win riltlicit,rhils4. C. C.IC Itictotiion, Pittsburgh.
Sit ILLER & RICKETSLIN. %V aide 14 i• U ruer., sold
A& Importers of Brandies. Wise, and Sagan, No.,
172 and 174, cornet of Latiorty mai Irwin attneia, Pitt,
bursa, Ya. Iron, Nadia, Cotton Varna, Ake. 4.0 , eon.
•tuidy' cad band. - '
/rin Nl'tall. Jame. D. hrtisil. V\Mier , ; sto,,
11 A cI4LLN A RUE, %Vhole.e:e Worm awl Commis
ma. on Alereliguts, No IV4 lAberry St, Pittsburgh
uua loan, f.
JONWS 141111310, '", vu""
ANUFACTIT lILIIS or spring and blister areal,
LIZ plough steel, Wel plough ortng• coast, ama nl,l,
aprings,hanimered iron •ales, •ri ' dslealem In mai
tasbla car4angs, fire crag,. lamp, and conch trimmings
onarrily,earner altos. and Front stri
rartratt and Miniature
Pat.,. Rona., cor or Port Other A Pey and
Faratu ner
street, entrance uu Fourth 51, near
• ttern•Jtf
Td J. Tardum,
O. j 1 (Ad Levee N Ardent', kee e p it...tautly
hand nterp 11
Y{.,0114 . 1110f Dranthaoithe folio le •
ink brand, winch they otTer (or pale a, aneilt. /..1. J.
Durand A.
C. Ilardraux, hlnelory, J. Eno( .1 Do.
rand Co. Larocheile, J J Durand, Coe tOt.,, AdeSt ot •
Ice., A I. Blerdle, A de hlondore,JeAn Loup, tr ,
elan, Anchor Oin,lJordeau. Ked and White Wine.
In e.t.a and ca.., selected arch rare 14 John Durand
A Co, necdes Clio :4114n. Wine and titTeet Dorgondy
Port. (4.07- I •
N1101.‘103 S P.N, N 0.55 Merkel "1 ecen•ldanr
c from comer of Fount, t.o , er• nI Forel, •il
Damenie Mils of Ezebeitco, IlerliGetties of Depot.,
Boot Note. and Spf,elA.
11. — r ltol•letioo" made en all the principal tines
hroorttoni the GnilrA Pim." "It
IV"Jung." ep—OtTite, Fonith et
ihint da; '
rsbovinolthrielj. "tooth It pie
Convey.tositing. at...ll_lE4lWe 4ioolll wt.t ma greaten
out 1..2.1 accuracy.
Tit •to tie 44 Etta.' otominett,Ae. • eteat I r
/Lithographic /Maas
. WM StI..II.ICIIMAPiN. 'Mint the
1./ art-Once, Pittshorplt.—Atop.
Lead, Shoortalb, L.hel. Anluterturin sad At aelta,
brewing", Donne." end et, enrresed
or &sou on stone, and pnnted In ro!un, Gold. flour
or Blank, in the won eopiored "Lyle, end ci the town
newin able tame, nen:. IY
I) 0 UM- ON - LITTLE a. co. 0 vs; l atkerly uteri
• l'inxbur,ll Wholena, timeer.,
Carninimon MeteL•ltu, 1.11.1”,
Mama. urea_ Leper
anat. tOalsOn., 'that MITLit •MIL R`nee
(vi altt,rom
RliEttl . MOOSE, hotesaie Grocer, Rec. ne
Distiller, dealer in Province, l'instivirti %Lanolin--
tures, an all kinds of Foreign and Dom•sue Winn•
win Liquors, No. LI Liberty street tin !mod s very
lute stack ofsuperior
old hienangsLnelt wank,.
which will be sold low Pir thyl
L. 0 1.17t0, Da. L. L. I.
REVNOLVIR & Forwarding an 4 Cont‘cc.-
al. Met - Chan., for the .Mlt.c,aelly ((tort ft ..Ic,
• Galen Groceries, Produce Innstiorigh, rdatioise
tures,•nd Chloride of Lime
Tan price, in ra46, paid at all time. for
enrinin rag. , Come' Penn and learin api,
DonEwc DALZETE — i
Conauscoon Merchants, dr•lers in Pro.hice rood
rittabaigh Alanufse:nica, Liberty Wee, Piits.burk
Pa. a br,
wIIOI.I:9ALE Gat, Efl. rtoduce. Forw,rding
and Cninnussiun Mcrrl.aut, acd Drairi in Pitt%
burgh Staiwiacuars, Lil Arty succt,
Pa iv
QllACtil.r.7l . d WHITE. NV!oleynle De Oart In
Foleixit and Domestic Dry GooJs, No. Va
Creel- Flt , slusall. •pl
SVI Wo.)I Ile relinuid. Dealer.
a Flour and Produce generally, .nd Forwardill
laud, Codimillatan Merchants, :as 14rei .t ,e, and
114Seca darr.t PlUsburs It 4.61 Y
Q ELLFIIS NICOL"; Produce and Itlnera.
in.ts‘inn Merchants. No IT Ltberty street. Pitt.-
66190 , Sperm, Linseed aril I,W Oils iFpl7
S 7: nr r t r : GT
s.l.lcalcie in l'attaburj 1.14 ‘‘r•tel.;
Pradist.t, n•ve removed to theii n.s.• w•iehunee, tell
wand,' N. :itt,earner I.lint street an. Chan,' Y
Lane sot 7
Uft 1: !I 1111 V It 1411 uOJTL L.
oud• 013. 5t..,0
I"" , ..bacr.Laq hikv.s.g leased iLe above well tenon, t.r,,,w
entelliuu wod L
tbe be, roboblet oxi oil me most
lain TA BLE. setll at all tosaea Ge supolro.l wit!. eve,
Oelreary of the aeaaolu -and L. Boa writ, the t.eet er
I. vry exteneree; :an4 ever, arranse
meet hall Leen wade for the •eetreemo.latton of Dro
&rasa .1 - Wli. CLALE SON
Vast ride aiuskon4. PittaLur#4._
W n ar l L L eroTt ! : " ltcr„& " otrl.te ' l t . :7l.e tu l ' s t t u e Tr .
,tlstnon rater, 114 ',roost Street Ila v 1,, • raw
~-A coruittrarthea ararstroase, they se osld throe Ike
tote-ohm; of persons Lama too& so roosoth or tore
TI ry is, ive•Eterthon to the purchase and .rrle
of vote. into, hos,. err.;
L. S. 11; WILIIII.I a N a 141,11i1i,
dver 1c 1 . 1.1.4..r0 Ma21111. , 11 , 1 Ars.c,•,
for •1.1c..11 M.c4wuuJ suld 1.7 ncttl...g
WILL also mend to coliceouns and all usher boo 4
ees. entrusted to blast in Buda, sod A tutaunng
routines, Pa Rater to
J.& It. Floyd, Linen,
W. NV. Wallace, do
Jurors Marshall do Pittsburgh
ace hay & Co , Wood at I sn7
.seet, Pitiabureb tur6
No 27 Pelsrtrt, .14 SlCnentor roe al, ISsiled•elf I,la.
A...ets.cre by either of the &Love, ou
menu of Pre.lacc to rubes Ifoore. met:
0..01.1. • ..... .. • •-• •- • • - , Jobn Sas'
. • . . _
W11 , 11..E. , :I I.l'. tr. HEN'all. FA3III.Y (.1110tERK,
Vorseariling an,l C0MV.1%.1011 fdercbanta, and
dcalera in Go,. try Promine , aLW l'lttsharrn Manue•e
tare. COI tier of iVond and Fillb.streets, eltubural,
Way Fl. Willtamn ——••— • • 1 O. Mc ‘. a y
WO2. 111. WILLI/IBIS £ CU.
Nagu,K.N., comet oi Wowl Third
MY. •tak,ILT, lOW. • ,moat, t,
• •
1ir1.11.211,211 Y
11. s. A fr.. ,la amen,
Wcavl itete.,Fitt. , r4 A •07
wreg L M.I7ANDLEV9, J U.
tV,•.) WlJule.ate Gr.trero, Forw•rdint •ud
Conoalo.son Alorehato.dcater. of Iron. N.. 16 ,•• •
Colton Yarns, •nd Patonnigh Manafatinr.• vnent I.
Iy, corn.. of Wood and 1.), a. r • Lrerto, r:
o ,
hirrCIIkoLTHEF., 1V•oloiala Groc,r,
If ernfOlng rs, and Wm.. and Lnoor
Sfoffroonl.. Also—leoporiovo of Soda A•l3 ard Blearb•
too Powder, No. lOU I.l:ol.tty street, IoPP."
IP 0001.)
• •pl 7
N .
kA — W. WIL'ION, *slate, lcorelry,.4,l•Tr Waft.
and Milieus) , Good, corner of Market and
POOtth Wert,. Palsba, es, Pa. N. U.—Watches and
Clocks carefully repaire d. au I 7
i te! C lTllYbe k o e' y ;u tk e,: le" l'.'h'^i/illl7.
Wft I( Met:LITCHI:ON, Wholevtie
• tkale , • rcuthme, Iron. N 6014, GI., mid
Pan4arxii Manuf•taterS gei er.ll y, laLeny atrcel—
rdt•Lasy,b. Loll
W& NOBLE •ce new rec. eiviag new
VT cum wheat, which I.orgiaperior qushiy. They
cart w fainthe. with Ire.. Flour. order.
lc B in no the bores will be precept , rstietelr.ll.3
CO , P 4,11..
I HAVE Ink. %VAL CARR into pertnerrihip with
mc u , my biome., which will from this dn. Ls
marled on ender the newof "John Porter'•
Mara lot, 1t.50. JOHN PARKER.
Joan P trier• -• •• • William Carr.
JOIS N PA hliltit L CO.,
Inuirath Goverr.o. D4alers if Fora l gn
IVrata, Lipton, Old MaaaagaAedu
and Recrtfiad
No 3, Cuinmprelid Row, Liberty atert,
la,o 1 tu.a ai at!, P
War ?ALM.. 1.111 U• 11•Stl• as a u• •
(Soccer.. to 'limey, Ilenn• a I a
DANEEBS, EXCIIA NOE 1111.0KERS. end de sit is
to FOTtifll and Domestic Elchenge,Cnrnh eitt
of Depostre, Bent Notes, end Npecre- , -nrorth - wrel
corner of Wond'end Third turas. Carrera money
received on depothre,—Bight Check. foe sale ; end
collecone made on acid] all the pitnetpeJproras
the Untied entice
The hippest premium plod for Foreign laid Asniceen
Gold. . . •,•
h.dvanmeinlteri oq eansipmenti of ProdSeeon.
pod Earn, ent Itheterrernis • '.BoV
. • aVO. s. hol.
fla tnti I.4e•rt• af•TeVwd•
flu. •tw••• .L. 3 • MIR • 11,0.11.03ent or Ch.IC2
Grodenes sal ram Tear.. Wo, Sc yfo in.° and
Nam, W6oles2laand Raul. Deal., auppliddon Me
1 ' .4tel/ WINE DIER.CIIANTE,Fam.#I4O Me.
Eteencnt Tem.- • • • •.• • 40 50 1. 11 9. •
ane bar
Tee Wm imported
Le* premed, damaged, or Infeddr.ress an mat kep
at talk ematEshoa.nt. .
,~~. c3Tn
VAT:. IIiiCLINTOCK hat hot receitadat hb Carpet
VT . Wairetoev, No 75 Foll[o. /111Ctl,• Very bind
iiievaooemoineent of Ho g e, u. whieti we lavas the lef•
To th• Clithaata• of all i arli•ir
BOX Lin , the tkeepthia of <4l (or City Alit
near, I. left at the woof of akar la nobthato.
4 05411401 Illtet. aah7i Orders WUI be2prooply oak
1410 IYiLt7ARTS3 {,FO43FItE
P 1 USBURGB, 1 - ViD - NES - 1), MORNING. SEPTEMIER 25, 1850.
VOURTII s rßcrir, 1 . 11 - 19 , 11U1+1111, YA.
PHIS trogntfureett evablisbment Leroy mow .or..
I nleced end ready for bunnn. . thr pronnet, 'rood
re.pee , fully ...lore of the pubhe
Ile by rovutr hi. full ettetot..t. to the I.usthers,
to male the house • ple...unt cud eumfurtsh:e ',art
for the ettoons of l'itteburth and fur the country
liood attendants w,ll betn waning., .ml every en
ertton made to render the eolOdiOmebt worthy the
roomensmee end •vrt.on , of en Iftellieent comment,.
The TWO tWACIOITS OALLS, hood (or Pante,
Concerts, ',c. 1011.. sod pull,.ntertme, wtn
be lo by the evening o eek,n u. Ithoul term. a^
anv 011,} 1 / 1 thr env
The BAR nt! RESTAURANT, equal In ..t - le and
beauty to Au, to the aeotl.l, will kept lormshed
with Purr Wine!, Choice• Liquor, Cor.hal•,
nn,l olt the c 001.1,01,
Soup, ( , )rte , 101 1.,11.1,
•ftVeli up In lbe he•l
Tn. DINING •11.1 ICE CHnANI nn
the h , .,t float am! Om?svO
or •••••e,... l ..,,t , ol..ntly
sll the Luxur,r• hrset,... of Ihr
1.'16011; ....141..0,v0it1,%ue.h the 1411,k01 1 ,
11,tartline 11, thy, week. or yr., 14 ner. ot
" , true , . lot Indivtduet.. or pat.-, tut...bed ...I
Geit:lemen wtth thete, v.. , itne the env cm,
^ul , l•l , ed Walt retrestituent• et . 4 1 kLtel• ect•ily hour
of the dr V
Coed S.l t •tne •n.I •n etni, Livery F... 161,1,
Envonen toe Ire egram cod Thins
NNlouo. No C 7 SoottatolJ -tree,
`x F 7 .I.KNIAI It1.1 1 :1 1 51 NEIN
V V keep rah...L..lllyon hatitl tome to ortiTs Iltr
Vest arttrte tot thru •1 the, ,Itt Itt VI
Clam crrett tat No , 4.lllwoltet ttrert,stre ..... I .1,1 ,
en. 0 V rttztt•tt tV,tttettt 0,00 Ic.
Vreler. tittrttl,,te •ptv
'WE ord o:lllroydred kn. rt , ovd ertroer
IVrool ottri 'flora •11. l'ord , d
lord aro prrpordd In do any work to our owl
Vote), d nd to OW 0101 • ,111,611, Mid md:ro•
lartom ovdl atte
grveu rit icortyl et• oda:neon and do•
Riunl !louts ruled to piny •nd trouu , l tut
-p Hook. tinhe:s og 01.1 u. :•t• tuutn , l rut,
fully nr rrioaltrtl. Nutue• j•tt y to O.Ltt
Ile In.a l a • M ‘ :ea ' l.l ! ...4. l , ' lt..7 ' v ' , ' 1 " l i e:1 1 -d. ‘ „T i ...„ ° :.Y.
T cur
hr work.. helfA now .n .411
all It , I am pr.,a1.1 e Zett ere
to! dale at mech.., a I o •
psekrat, +Farad., r•d'"
card., doalik• or oladle, Inc ...reheat or coudtrr w...L
aautele,,lacke. :altdr. and band Idtb,e and tdal• gen.
etch. All rind. ettuatelr{ mode to pi Jr• ..r1...• 4 4,
en (or Kea ring z mitt.ot ...n•no.dde . •
Raw. v.—Kennedy, Childe , Dell
121 r mlagthain,lowar Plat•burgh,! Pa.
;17 Iruh, L•f ar,l
i{',....t, Yrrr. ~,~ v
ILLeancantl, p.n • ga.,111.,1T1t/1
t/1 PI tr•nt, of tl/ °WI% II1,11.1•Clae .14,1
IlllVerLYl.laaltt , Iwircale •.i.i COIIOII, Nrke•
< u • atr rr•preouliv ...vited to , 411•1,1,1
aiwn• fur ti..toselte ••• v. at. s!,.(tule,. , . 11
LE/ 4 '1441444s c•ilt Dl ms4t,arrompol:4444l 44♦ the c•• 14 4.4
0.41 4•1e4 cur, will Ire p. 44441441.4 •444e4 - 4,41 . to .44444
A Cu , .aid regneginally gn form
L.U. • IFe I.nUlie thnt they ha, g
Lego:A, Nrcwern •trigt. ,
tie now iAtting und t•tei.ared grvgil e
•etv CLasioeg, LLa
Iloggig•, , , then,
long ..aver ...Are in tile 111.1011,i111,t .1 11, Awn
and . am say ,Itur. , t/igie e,itirT
tomb/ea wurit tA• reivoii•l•lg
LAD, sitting iirUgles Owl line
partAular at
IA the grigrtAin Of A.,.
.n.l iia•-inj LA, ctigiGieten, worLmen,
linve nntaa, , VCI
thrletair n• the ul pabla this r.
N U is. V.I. tic A roe, and on
115 n•I , 514..., hi..a..
N.ATINCE 10•Itul, to, xL ,
TIN &NU nill-Kr [NON
II•ve on 1..•11.1. • fin e
fiettle• Tan \amt.,. 6e P •
oJtatne k. .•conu• 11Cr• • • V., •.
tune Inr Ineunnosts, Cantornia anovanta, or I.“..nrocur/nL
V‘e would Te•pertfully goi•ne anmin Loaf men •nd
others no nun and Pen niti &Meted ann paten*
- Pita imagblao Work• wad Ireoaadry.
ironr4 WRIGHI . , ale ptrpateJ L.,1‘1
ana ‘Vo.lcn Nlzehinery of rye', •$",
a• earaini ,p.ntuur lYw 1r
tr,,,u4 , •tsit:rito,
tc..n turne,,
ildrlfel. Lai diti.•ll.“•• old< .11.: 42..1 LA,
Ili LW. .• , rry t,t•
Ilatne•h.-1.1 on •,I1 neater eattrrt•• ••••1 ,
1.1,111,410, In.n 1 . 11, ,
!Wei to 1/.....t•ta. 1. 1,11 t 1.4. I I; .•.1
1 111 4 1 a n I: d r :1:!• ,, , 14 4 1d
1.1.11 11 •.114 111,11.,/.11 1A5ie1...11.1 •
.+.0•11 A11•14..11,11 TL. .1...,• t/12101 , 111 %.•I•
eantrtl to• to.ool to to y to•oolortuted to tltt• ••••tto
try, , and will Le mold th. , soy 1a.,. tr.,. It,.
East. BLUM 2.:, N. 11, rw.A v.
.ti dour %bore
N U --City Scrip vrlll 4a taltc• st pas ter •e•
Ist alsoVe ustolussesq stsyl • •
14.•...3 title k Works for Not•.
.le,. 'at, ILe
1% .11 kr, I,w,iter s
lll•llulArinns i 10,1011 Ittlr ni
tu•eloute and c:lnt,
arn.lea, ar v ,bar,
tug,. ea, Wit2o
particvl•rs, tddreAs
ctr , WO tot,
/11:110 ,11.1111117,
N I Sletttnt.lll,llt
Wrought .ud t:a•t Iron Rolling.
milt: .....r/Iren Leg leave ta tator.n dre pai.he taw
they ha v• odnuaral VA, rhe
laandakuhle deragne Inlron Ha trig, both iar haa.e•
a. reta,ene• Patron, ve,exe to proeure
errata patterns a... 11 ,de... Call at..l rad..., and oe , la
for tbeinaelvra liadineg dr, La , turiallore at the •lArri•
eel potter, aAd 1.1/ the'ert rosuar, at the rum,of
Craig and Itabeee• street, AllretoraY
sur« , lif A. LAAIIMIT A 100. X
lI rEiS lea,. ID tlliOff 11100. and•lbu
w tow rerestrteet4 hr. Dew firm, stork nt W
toutrDtettg. 34 •
11.1{11i, all Ittr wew a ttl ntono lawDtta
table Wyttw of Clot!, Cswattnrrea, fan. y rut
and town •utunter malt. and car, arttrlc •utta
for Ken t:entru'a wear
111 11(111111( 4.11141. 1 1. 11 C, it I. omg
intpDattlitle trt ticarrsbe the beauty, yr Wow .tr tine n tt,
of tbe work, thr propnrtor Rohe. nit wtto wr w +Di
uf gtroJ, cheap. lartnonaLlr, olJd
wta tow a call, a. there ts no Wort,. 110. at J<
Le All,l,oteo that elm rompu,e vrlilp pi
Tim ready niadedeportsuclo ts vcry ctirinvo,..lapp
Ind to .11 Isle.
atl to•J contractor, eountry taro Itantt,o4 1.11
purrit•e partirtilas, 1,,0rrl ••
ne the •tork ',fore tt• i.arttrulxr
:on itpaul to We whole.ale•t
Ever, •ttsele in the tatiltart, hale etude to natter In
MUM lashicanitirle and Lest stastatiter, ha the slae•arat
TitEp•rluership to.rctororr rto. Lrfn
of A UKADLEY, Iry the .1,
or Mr. II grodley. lire I worn.... ortll. , r e I.y
A Wadley, Who yrtil or.illo yet 6... eta ul the late
REMOVAI,--A lia•VhS, bait teunivea hi• tidry
IV itrebou se Nolo No Serum] 'greet torNo It , IN 0.1
P,Wr n Flr.t and Second etre., to the I,ate•
I+6l, homy orroyge.l by 0 A Iles,. w Pr, hr vein
keep annol..lT WI hand • general whmitrigisentul t•
.0,01,0rate0,1 , 10,9, COOillog Sto•rr.
R OF CANT STEL, 4r.,1 No I
And No. 2 Ause4,r•ot Illi•ier M 1441 A 144- 114+4
Cao hteel Fetes, .41411 414,4,1.4 •nd Shoe
altral un L.. 4 uul fur 4•l , .,thrc i 44 Li.
die 4d4l Wort," 0'111,4 urn Filth Ward, or 4,1 t,
office in am Iran VOLI.SI ANN A 4/ ‘ItIll•
NON, No 4, lout %%. wed 4trect,
41411C4 din!
1V.,, the .n.ley•sq..l,l, lanai u.a J, wlth ettl.te e+.l
Itolp lai.J 1 , 11 , 1 by mar•ite
Akeivy. Lis F.agle sLerl Woel, so !1., vltv tot t
pit- , teolothnd thrszt •
11,01 bagb nyult.inetyi
1•..11,,, Mat., I.t, 1,:•S
ti a 1 11
elanularlulcie or 1r0n..1,4
I:l4kPe 1111 - 11-. N.
I'our..lcry and black.n..or, 1,0,1.40, P.
Alunwacturcra ul, Azle., Morn, ,u+l •n.l
Eyre.; Pike nuro.,
Ekkuse Braider. laid hl.eL,rie Caral kiknuisclo.
Brun rounder. Pitlobargb, P.
M....fact...els of Iron and Nnilt, Piltkburph, Ps
kopsomoßre Logitte and kldp
Haar , kianuNetuger,lll.rhine And r v , ,n.. Budd
tilt, oF.
11/•1101•tion of Parromotflp.
Tfib: rartnerrlop hereto°, Mining etween
eabeenbers, under tbe brut to Omnibus, apn.m
C.. 0., Glare rditounretror. re wet dmmlyed by mutual
consent, rat the fart day o r July,,penkoor
Inoltring thelorelvee IrMlented mud brio are reapo,l
ed,to omke payment to Oilier wanout
delay . , and all peredne havntx anialtted steer/unit with
and firm, are Writhed to present theta rot 'enamel.
JltiMediately. ALLX.ANOLIt
JOHN Aetblf:VV,
1111.11_st 0.11. CIIAMIII4IS.
Para Wines and laitradista
• *Ur own Importalatil agitablik
▪ oapprel; constantly nli , itataptdta , f . i
ala atar
Vl7llll.l3VVtiftlitecast=l/IL. n"riZtte"!
bulb, and Federal anat. Alartati, Swat as IMITIO.
))23 ,
RANCH COM PANY.--4112ire North 1/1.11101 lLa
e, Third suet, PhiludetphOL
has I astra.aSea—llot blerehostdbm and other
Prop , . it,. it. Towa and Country, now,' 5e..., loas
e by Ctroost the Inver. ram of premium.
it 11,1.1•Ket —'rhey akoliviore Ye...sels. Car
l'rrtehts, forslen ofeoiritwicii. under open or
speeta I policies, as the assured may dritre.
11 , 14311 INIII9.O.ATIOIf.TheI RISO tasuie 'vetch
,ternnioned by Wagons, gall Road Cara, eons!
Busts and Siam 1.1...11 on rivets And !alas, on the
10.1.1 liberal ulnas.
01,, EtiT1IRS—Josop h 11. Seal, li...dmund A. Sander,
John 11 Davi., Robert Simon, John /1 Preto, Samu
el Falwarcts, Den !ANY, ralseard Darlington, lease
It Darin, Wes Falwell, John Newlin, Ito 11 1f Ilustmt,
ins 1.! Ift.nd, Throplrilus rauldinr, II June. Wool,
Ilatiry Sloan, lioeh Crsiy, t;eoelCe Son ''' .
Molls am, i`h•rir. Eel 11, J Johnson, Wm Ilay,
!Thognas, .Innn Sellers, Wru Lyre, Jr.
1 / 1 12T.:111lItS AT prrrsituiwit—D T Morgan,
Ila,tt Cram, John T Logan.
MARTIN, President.
Rte.. Y. Naweoso, See".
ID' kawe 0( the Company, No. 41 Water street.
I'. A. :11A DEIRA, AEI
I lIErVO. I flt•r CT I , !tCI LI
Matt 1 Mutual Idle and I teattb lowasnee Company
ol Philadelphia. Ineorpornted by the Ler , zu re
of VC. .ylvattie, flat. 11, Inds °barter Pert...n..l
Capital, 0100.000. liar. LoWait awati ANT
CoMoint. and foil oil pet (wt. lower than the
naval rates of I,afe Insurance, as tho Collowong
par tnon wall show: Thu., n per wyn of the age u( nil Ir•
%IVO for id, Mont rot In the tiward
Mutual, 3 0 36 1
37..04, Sew Etwlond, If, few York idle, 0430; Al
bino, S IM; Lode and Plaladnlpbta,lll,3ll.
/31•Eloar —ftntuel Ii Orrtek,lThatlr• Iltdt,
F. Itoone, Hobert P. Kuw, elnalea P. NI. W.
1311 d. tn, 51 ft. Reeve, M. tl, Ch... 0 ti
i,v6,.Cooner, I Rodman ft ,eked, IL Wetter, gaunt,
H. Cope I . teatdent—nantnei I) ittrwk; "ire Pro.,
J end- ItAn Kin;. tteereture—rrourin
kprittlaYti.‘• *lll reerl•.J.•nd every Innwordt,,,c
awe:, hy 1 , ..%51 A al,
thlsee, ott rt, ot
orr!7-die w onnnorwr ono.l.,l'Phood Pitt•t• r
V`IIIV: AND rinitutsa leisurAttcw.
, 1 , 111; INSURASeIA CII 01 North krner.c pi will
I unto prrtimnett, and 1.1.0,1 Inear,,,, , e , of, No
in 11.rrlr lidykrmily, itml•
hnel, I.ak, AA Se* Ti , .-
tA,I. i! pao, ent/ Feerol.,
Isitul for alewhy
deolre , to, he
I\'ll JAiN I,: A rot, Ai
11 , 17.; - 1;lid Marge. lam &&&&&& .
OEllll'. att e ....utnpam tti Nttrth
Atutttrs, Itren tr.... Pea to !Co. rt. Pt *t
stt %%n,.,
1 lanaFc.llor ISP /Wm.. an.l
Cow,w), V. id 1 . 011,1,1 r4111:11.• 42‘e: c...0nt..,),
alUtiCta dna Anliqur Furuiturc.
J Antra) W. W 410.4 ELL,
Ttattp It I•trt t•t•thatt.
newer ttLlt4 Inter nts the
Out or Cam het I.•• doto
rh ItNI tl.:11 IL the ota lute, v a, ass at .thrt
ever olleted tor sale to l'aot p JO r.l
•etts ol Italcwooto, ettuo4 it. and HI,. Wet...,
e•• u•nutitettoil etot +•fll,1:r tor Pe.t4l,,
DIANII,I,{ tind 14,111...31., 411 al vet. h vusel tot 4.t..1 Ist
the to at Itenter•
Vert°, ',sato, I, roOttto of 4ov dleetrwoutt, mat
er,ortelthllu Inv .1,1 to onot I moddiao.ote •tad 4 00151.
euttoseed every dritortottott. , ll , du the .tte.t•ltt In tl
elstor, tlte .t.c•telos‘dt Isrot , esti 0, u. tt
141tueeszte, • rait,
r‘ 1 , ,e • few thew,
tt•itsrt,ut.atil , tent , tloatt ek.l4;
I\ I V
„0,,, /sod., 1,11.0.4,
44 bat NM, I
L0t0..• I V Valhalla Ithtre . tide,,.: It at VI l'acto l a,
64 :leis" vett!, rivet. Audits., 414. h va. o , s,
ha I", ..
do/.l sue,
141,t, shy dtt-
ettt..l a
I. 14.4eitood 1, do
--et t . \Valuta aa
4u 't t•st.e
4 blekagto)
hl: Toy Top Ceht, I t h,,
4.. do %V tt•rh , 141.11,
.110.11 I,IIT
le ‘4 . ottOt.o-et.
Hit 44 elnut do,
A •er 5414- assotteneol C . T.eirs Lts.loth.
at It aflOtate tedtous I.nteht..a.
L LO•L fttrul teed ott the %Lanced r•.,..4A1l • r att. tto. I
tloottoo 4144
l',1•111taL *4.1 al
. .
Alai are
or.teJ at l'aetteeie:tar.
11rt laravea telaMutt
l:hreller4l.lll4LlAie , ererl ,
Leave tcJaionde
Fled 4..
111. an uv. J.
111..41 bsutoeus
111se • .
I .I ' ,/ •
Iced r•it..., super So;
V. I'RIJ.III,. he,le
LA '1...." t'vt v•s. lr•••, .sa
.••rc. •
111.. IL At.
• lc., t th
Wert rttnaLm.en.
^ u
up., IP.
I , !••
1% •Ic Lou,. No
Plat rwywststerwsp F. rtcis slat+ belwern the
I 11 t• Jis•nt s r, I y 31°••••
14111, ILarts•• sysel•rstle Ist k asow s . of tls•••ysite•s
Ws web wasssusse shey •r• ysssllsossze s sl Its •••• tbs. !stmt.
NATIO AL CN2,1,1111.1.,
EMIL 111.111:1 , ..
hi. m••• 1, th,m,lve•
($.l llw vurpo-r,
Lb.,1...1,. 1...1
1110.\4 0 , ISAKNI'S
in Ail Consiville, Ui”te a
ii-innaniend Men,. ',tie AL
• in e I t. 41• ar1.10. ,
In :rum tAn
I /IS to. ...of] troy tn. Mann Vote, stod
1.1 •sr,o. utuott 01 turt•
whit. te,co tit./ tut oc, tot 111.01.0/11 01 110,111
0111.01,1 pool. r•• No 1 , 4 Woo , l 1.011
- •
\ VALL I . APl , :it I' Nltntuttd, tu 0001001 1 0 r
...m, Uto anulterturart .
Nett 1 oIY tol uter. 1 1 1.1tIo let.. nod NI", 1, n,u 1 1 .10ote
to, !trio, tl. toond•t and out. •oprootd :es Po•
pot Handout, totothortit — llor•tets,
tuld Trey' , Tor. Fur rei n.P.) %V..] t.t.
Fattr.4.ltud dhamottd .Ile], totterct.. to
1 . W
titt clod
k I I, I'AINT- -3 lor.jeurre, per •tranor:
Nit., t. rl.y tlr buirot ur •rnrin poun.t at
Scr.4. awl • I,clinacry arauoun,, of
utki stfectc D N WICKERSHAM
ati •
Ritgap aaaaa • Patalat soda
I ti4L'..'i:',".'!”.1" . „1:7"..7 1
.'',77 1 ., 1- ;: 1 1";;,
peptea bete this arra. a. :;14 14,0 •rrt•e
sLet ,r
c p•,1“1, .01 I,q. sivld
sbartel for r 6.1. ur :4pnrove.l 1,111..
a NI MI rt:111..i.T111.11.1
N.. 1.
Ciletifit;AL BTOVIC PoLiNti
luau. Muouirruturlor ruolp•• •• nom. orTelr la
I tire pubis. , 11.rir Chemical %inv.. MIN.!,
•" ur (or.r of runtroolir um. t.y
Ifru, who have 1r...a it, pronu•orr II l•r lir,enur ur
ulti, In the Mart roil•unie twi
iipsweli,Wlssni ail ...Ism; cimrpols. ti.
pooilline Ws-vents • iliwt *Leib twiny, sp
must Lwi du, when ttir roid
Ter gout y 0c. 4 .41” 411% .50 mile
Isi•tre A 01431 fifty lier ts
A la Slur,. i'wer.
Su whnn r‘rr, ilte•orniiisr ,is is lIC plr
ors wit. gust. Al)', live°, 01. r.
(II I/ 111 6, cr•+, will wir aiiy ibr
r, , on y
gmas Prciulusts Chem,
csi rut ,ale by •
luY6 Corner oink/FM rout Wroth ri rrrrr
ri•Vrsittletill MOVILDMiti WIOIUG,
Coel er nr Venn and HI •trerl
tokr, e•••ry w. 1.1
ane, pulp.... ciao I.< gut 411 fels.ualat, terraA
1 00.1100
• Ntet::iit•ii I
.llf A ~, . , her AI 1.. a 4.•„,,1. I
p zn,.
Tow,r• 111, 1.14.1,1g11..., or Fut.A• •rtlyttoty by
ib t ., l'uottaly 1.100.•• ytte t tir
taAc bob. t-. mai Otry ott al be I ea 41 pay. Itcpylti
b.O our wo aiebuote, me. ortltitg to 11, reitt, 60,10
thr goody •,ee IttOlorytt. C A crl A.
111 —
for Pfr,l4noial Puquer,
yti iticse A tt. ty •MoVC tltql/eGlir
I irt,tuirtl The suborn., lave 01..1111, hap.l
0„, gy,, t t.ay Wale, whirl, they Set... , tt ,
gronme; it wee Lttught tnetnyelttea an t 1,10, lend
II as pure as when they boiaphl it.
hillitHit , d lIA
TO'. A. Wine ?genital., eau ante 4 the Lttainnitd.
_ _
"rank Arelva& of Chula* Teas.
Mok RIS & .11A W6II.TH, in the there/aid. heed
Jett iceetvee tutus the ttnportets. another low
supple eteelleni &leek lane tyteen Ivey, env It they
ere /1111•11.11 1 MK I.llllle et We soul
the ppecf le, T he y deli my In Abe tirade to beat the
quality •I the price. it. retiteetfallrootirtt the pub,
ite to compete out Teen want theta yurcbund elte•
&bete at yetee_ittiete NM • 10
TION, or Illuntettone by ren end Pencil of toe
ittetery, Scenery. Ette6teehYt /1121.1 es nod 'rtedittoes
ci the War for Independence. lay Beneon
ett& Engrayinge*Oti IVeeni by toseinf It Herren,
eteelly Dom anginal sketch.* bt the meteor. To be
canaplaut. la abotlbb AIDS at Vie, lad sal e by
Iteg7 libretris
i►l{Y UOOl►S, &:(3
•illtl . llV S ISt' Irtv, Ilv atienziov el
I I, th•tf • ir,!,a.o4re amortsaans ul Vbit.
Good. lot Ore,c*,,,a , Fialtni of
Saioirh and N•ua Mu lir;
VI red etvriaa tin;
. do,
low Prier.l itritonvl for morning ew e r,
I• 1, so , t ithed n large assoronrint of Swing
Monde . M.,. with volowd riuhroolerv: J. 4..""
n'V/. ltt r,r., c., eiwt corner of Fourth
and alio:, eirrein. jcti
Cl.s•p Lawns.
91.111' S. 111, lit:11P1 MD helve received I lacer
...Pl./I* of Lsana, very a h•ap; imst style
brown ni 14e. Rent do. in erect .wimp, for In In tele
A l.n,rm>•ruidnrrd printed Muslim. •ndJarkn net.
of nem 11111 vre , t stvl.• and lots., cried far Quality.
end 11 .Ith re, eon., DI Fourth awl Mork.,
W ILL carmen, on ?landau, Jun e 3Ji
inimrnia ciituali.hment. with .11 their
i e will. on dm/ ocrarlon, hr thrown
o,,en ft , or J all of their erwnsire
stork will he odiirid • to rotail uorrhowww. at a di.rount
'non to to 3d -er rent. than usual pores.
Til It lidiltlCK I ulliKS Comprise over f•ar
hundred piece., and will be avid at •11111AMMI.
irlirienueortmeri ei(Shewls,llayrera Tivrars, Ore n
• I.,dit, inentirta,
Comb, - e•, a n t Drew aced. veorrally, will he closed
aut linintidir idly. at about our half the 1.131110
colorod Lawns will be adored at or
C•lleoes, lOklle
114, .'ut 7r.
A 1..1, o. \c,. C0n.3,4, 'al,. Is low no !rr.
... •
lA' h., 4:.•uds, ist.J (i/oVe;,
&e , A
'du...,the .....,..rirr*oretownridirnt•
In Or wntrh dm. I. utlied dowo much
Lhad at ..oy of prevw. 'Aitnunl
1,14 - 16.• 1 . 0 ...pond op,. ThulLeday And
Psl :LOOT sod :11.1, for the puronxo of r. r1 , •11S•
11,1 and slut,.
d0...1 A A NlAdl.di A CO
1 „ ICIL21( 1 .1 PJ
X I l'll tuft 111/11 , 11 1 - 11 11 have reeriTeil a top.
111 pin hid 4 and 1 1 ['ranch Lem,. to
uhd •ank., Indira' nno halo' and e.I,IJrnIC• wont,
.1 the c 0..% de,, aide shad,
1 hay " their enune rhalr Imr,r• asoortsnem of
Men, oh., Ilm• • M IVO-1%11, of 11,1etent
.r. •n n , which nns'l -"hi .ore
PAIL/ISO 104 Aron t
1 . 11 ,
.0...74 nred laver venntcJ, anni Lhe
prre• del
l'ellwrat Malt 011 Cloth Orr v.,
31.1 . 1.1,• IYIt 7 A heln eeeetved Ill* Jon . . at In.
T • Carpet 1V•Irhoto•e, No 71 ourth et., ,14.1 ltl
oth ona.t..• of VI I) 1,0..1 4 . 1 11.e ositern• *ll.l volnirs,
to wahl la we 101,a WC, matentiou purchaaat e.
: . 1 . 1 . 1= 1 . 411 . 1 . 17 . 117 , 1:4. , 7 6
un. 41 t la•LtChinzal;hlvi Wert.. hp. (Ye far Ile.
/41••kr. !t-rage for 114, . trawret,llttriron. rot . 6.
Pr , v , rr. 1a.... Ila *ll and '601.4'
•t.. , .
, 1 Jr. sr vaa. •
1. I,ore hurehanto, elnewher• -
Snort, •••. roe rand itlrt el on ,etj
11'1%11 ' ED Oa. 1.1 . , trenh s•sorten , nit 1111 6111
1 1r W l'ir
Wu,, •t•.•t 461 Carpel IV. tomati of
7.1 Fourth at
„ 11 , 1: ‘ ,1 • • a .
l e , swot u 0 . :
1.1111 e• ••
.17re ....meat of Lavauttf..l
Jartenrl ,ta," Ninth.;
A ,nlenJA ht ol ihren land Panel Salt;
linsugen, 1An5n....1 1.1l.i1 , ..1(111. 1..61, cheap,
oktittol 1 ov:1/: h.:l • . per (ma:
1 1 7•11,.; I Iran, 04 van, and 1.,••141.,
Ai d lnanart nod illeneund hinodtaa, 641
der y•rd 1,011,41,
lianhe. wed hal a..e atly reduced inter.
feetn••./.: the L[/.101.1"7,
,ItArt s• f.:
161. •
•/, I. rne ana . l ince, Apron and
•, : r`r.t1, 61 ., and
ahaettnen I r.• 11 I..nann. totethe. *vita
“oe, , n.rnla r•, ...., dr
Cot n 11l 'am tea - v.+7 , d
yTI new •t, Vontai.l .hey 11Cri,
mina FangrJ ehnneemhie .181. .I • “t,no•l aver, .nn
and 111 In nr.l hear., Llhet •dlt, Ju
1 .1,, 11,.1 A. La, • J. sa.z.n. nave and band.
tool. ,•,•. '1 lehal. koala,. and I . thdeh
1.•••.., se,a,v, J at •110 pgea•
l'Ati r l .l lt vs m•el shlt• I,lft ry
aced ord 1 J., ve . ce•••...l ♦ in; alv a t nlat: mliell•
- 111 Ittlfrlkr.l l 511 •allan jarirr•r.•
Ar t ir k a.l .l l3 ,Y ea '- 4• I.salnen at er, 14 . 1741.40.
arrnbles. ol Foal. nntl Mantra OM • ter
1.11..1,414-I} I..kekS 4:4111 - • •a./
rOvicor itraalatn, r.o yud.iy. 4 , 1 I.e r d
564 far rar - a , aillre•ot ent,asur Veatrrli •1113 Mar.
tcr addict.;r:ll Illlr II 1 a HlAtertEll . 4.l,
Ito* r•••• 0.1114
1, nthe
aqd 11,1,0...101f ~ .. i•
~1.4, ‘ J: 011 •.. 1 1 ,011 F 10.4 0 1 1•10 f.
i•••• 10••••• r .2,1 rah, tt.r
NI 1.: . 1 , t ;%. , i .
x r t h
p l
11,., touro,
4f) I'nulutd•
I , ara T.••ar., S;•l'lan 1,1•: , •, A ~ • aventi. 1.14er
111.rie ~141 Lawns, !tacit l'Aupttnerp..l da,
eions.•t A. - aft uu. vra, ar mayr
AM t•••ATINI. p.••
rolura, a v.°. C• alocie tor •yiprti•r r• , t.,
ee,, 4114 114• Or upcsang by A SI AP•01, k
wayl- 111 Marl•• ,
T 111111. 3. dII
• 1.;CF..5 .o. Iti 1,11 I:fren. f . A.
l , LorcJ 11.• - reg,I•er raprrav, AI r no.
o,.tug n.,1 , A A MASON A 11 •
Black Dr • m• 11105 -
A. kIA , UN &CO •Ir t!.:• d. 4• p II •
4'717 6tari ..c 11140. Slit, 10 1v...M1..0
10 vv.\ Inch 0 e• :,-1,0
1$ prl, do; .001 4 p1..<.0
inras 001110
Isln•n lissstasik•rschlefs.
dos.t.d.s.s. d Castsisrse 11.41•, xi) r.s.rks
100 sisssAys-4:.. d t , 4.s
Rp ,- .ve-Alka day by A A MANILA Al l
' II
.13' rt chnor, rbl•
l..trea, at LI.o ....rt.. low ptire of NI , prr v•td.
lir 1.1. •.d Lima..
pe• 3-4 1.1,1 re• 1.1 t7 , ,,ern Ltlten•;
Ilark wid Alczatler's aripeticr
!nal. Lux., now .v..,ting ny
mny A A 11l A SON x.lll
Wl'. are no., ee,o, sa.lstoents wet...set
ta . r.prot, r d's llmmuf 14, 0,1 0 .
tired to otter e•t .1.0,11.111 ow' Hindi
low ptce. t..r, er
•IlelttiOrt of .le...tern drat., Is parliedlnt!y re• .
404 re ”ur goees, we reel eupbtlestt ot two g
el.lkiC to ed. r tomtaa a Litt will.
ez. and exasw. at orty
tut Wood street
lOirtelatkat (u•ar I. • y.)
ANWnit!AN, ANI.O 1.1.:114AN VA !ICY
(A 001 , 6 itt , 4ll.:llY. A
CuNI1:1;, • Se,t-
Slain and ♦aney Veattng•,
ND FA NCI' trll.le URA Vn FS. FONtat:
LINEN KS. • lenaral
14w...it1 al CANA, and every v•rlety 01 trauurrnec
lb•rersoot ..-I . ta the el.abrA lulu cold wet, end 't
them ettidr over it.iltt Litt
e tumult...s vottrot theta
dot ;teal put thew 11111 kelt eor ureter. to
tuturtt .014 tt.r. propotitutt of our putt ul fluid to etetu
gallons -•tt. It up tutd Om whole vault',
tumult, l'he eitottlet. buy Olen wow g Jul aot.l
wet. rut, rd etear roll water. Ttot 0. ea.
•"tut nuty 1111 , 1 , 1 en.led. Putt!, wristbrutet.
01 •b ".• M'r , Oghtly rubbed Ladd,
and Or 01011peet well Le lound pertroby Onto,
td ulnae
toted orl to ttje re the tie, t rebut. an 4 in r
i.on,", the tuuttry .01 be triundad,te end tetad K 20:1.1.1•ItS
I,r. ILoi' Celebrated Remedies.
111 . 011 1 101:11i, doworrror hod ..ale pro
ur ll.rroot." nod 1.. 1
.u4wtro ti.. lOVrOLII7 Oi r elelo.o•.1
n. 41 of., thn I unt,, 1.1 rU o•o,
g mg. g0•,..a.., gau. iguic..l gig thug ....gwut
ggl 1,411,0. aggag ugg.l lug dog! •aggr• Ik.
U• • Oaag, gasugl gnat ug deggenae...J
gye upgagg agiou gagg.agaga• thagetto
" I'lg e.g. Is the L.+e a h. lig a1... 1 11011
,IIU Ptoplrg woe 1 , 7 gup •.144.1rie1 of hg• gagoodlaa,
We lugs <a. .1 tiapagala lagi rouggragra, 111 1 ,101(Iff
thogullul hod la gal eggiglogluga, P rillgaraulsr Vow
auluptsuigg4olwirro, Laugatg,s, AggOgno,
ErV•l SPI Aaue, ravers ut all hind, C 4,01110
wpolagg, Iwo] all Iluaga 0.111•*, ditcnr• ' , peal., 10
ludeed every lug 111 guglgataar •anwhas ogults
Ow , ow , . 1 1 11 • gegardia.. go which Igivouggity Is heir
tby ago ag.e og war toritgagoigul may. thal is .•
ugupaulgl, wg It Ph yaigglooteal Low, bat loy • ito u
ul hi gegoodiaa, clawed lu and p,,. eglOgad kir cog se .
µmt.. fano tgl ilweaso.
Itr. Hose'. Tonle Alterative MIN, whey heedsth
ma mistily salmis/edged to be eopertur to kll other,
at a purgative Cr neer pill, Inatintueo tit they levee
the bowels Pelleetly tree new esetivenesat ...lea
ht. Golden Ptlie a si , lentled by the faculty Sr lientwtnt
peculiar properties adapted to female 41101.011, t•
being *snaked that a hare 111111. *tuba eat to establish
what he. beet. 111th in Manned. of the moat ekeptlnst,
The &filleted ore loaned to cell upon the agent. sad
p.,ty. watt.) cue of the inseter . • parisohlets, giving
',devilled account of each remedy and its appnesitort
.I"br aale by 100 inllirwths agents, I. Well as by wont
disr,gletti throurhout the eountry .
J erboonmatter tr. 05 Wood meet, rtusbarght
.1 M o Market Ct.
„„ A. nShaut, P.., Allegheny' onto th e P.. Allegheny' airy;
, Ltei r..‘kley, neater, cu, lie
ion Elliott, Fannie Valk', do do;
T, ail,, Uelau r do din
• •
tllf riesonth sad twelfth wen*. of the Aat of the
I tient ray Assembly of thi.thnutnonsvoalte r entitled
“A Supplement an Art entitled en Act tri oreate
*luting Supplement
to provide . fer the vadat! end
ea rUir; erisevioliniont of Woe nett 9 ( the c," , n „,,
wwith end io authorise • 4 , .;^ apnvaved , he
day of Slay 0 D loSo, provide*. robot., so:-.
il ,14 It Thst the lioTe:nOr is here, ...hooted
to nosatiew a lose fur the y hr ,„
Three Ilonared Thor...end ro.l,emat,le
Witty yea I's ,*tura the date of Wro, sularipnon tserrof,
env of Inorpt loot .:reeding p „
ror payable in r aid end silver, winn.nancalty,
„ oon use!ret des. of February and A dawn .3.•vh
roar. n Corrupt from every Ppreios of WIWI:,
\ wig, Net orapotele for cam Ina. will he voisiord,
.hart he tot:dieted in at least One newbpan , -
1,,,,,rgh or. Harrisburg: In the
N rh,
I ....aster. and Phlindelebia, and In the rine. ol
vort. Bosun, and Deltiraort, fora period lot le..
;hen three month. before the opening of re prase
est by letter cisearhom If deemed two ..... tr, and
upon the des tionened for the:purpose, in rue h
the proposal. rball be opened In the no erne. of the
tinveraor, Ste Secretary of the Commonwesith, sad
a minor General, and W e loan shell be connoted to
.he Mallen ladder or bidder.. If the unmans of the
hid, abet( exceed the tam, of the mud Irian we sae
;ball distoibuted pro relit amongst the Inaliort hol;
dots, Ina if the whole of said loan °hell not then to•
..ken the thaverour may rensw natter. in the manner
afttre.atd, firm time to time. the whale atnnate
.411} loan shall he eubserlbetl. Vn eondittonar bid.
shall he ,attsftle•rd, and spoo atar•rditta ruck leant,
ar any part theyenr,Cenlneale. wilt, cantons far the
Interest, shall Fe tamed therefor y the Auditor
Forel°, 12. If the raid lone sha:l he elb‘erihei. ft
's!l be and It Is hereby appropriated I'm' the
and ex itquishment of the funded del.t ni tin. Cent.
enonwealth, now or to hteum- doe. tinr,ex t.
m.e thooonnd rgrhi hundred an.: MI, oh, fir de
g ut of tlielum of eighty re MIT,
tied •nd four dollera and eighty eight cent', dwe to
domestic creditor,
In purat.a.lee of the pm vi*int , s nfore , t.).!, ;•
h..reby pier:. that ;e re,ty r,I
olfiee of :Secretory of the corrnoryn• •.te, u,t,
cook I' rf t!le tletooer
r , ext, stipulating for al, losi, r7rontoo,tore. , !th for
•Itc purl Oleg yr, Inv!, tn the .41 or thr •uni of
tt,e, mtlOnu , three ortftdry , t thne.ovl dorar,re•lren,.
th.nY 'ear• from the , late ot the •Pf.••yrtpt.on
toereof, reir of illtery, net yaeey,o,,, Your p-r
rent per annum, pv sq., In gni., 4i!vcr, troll
ahnually, upon the hr.t day. of FehreAry and A ego,
eaeli fest, and E./ m:0 from every apceeea.or taa •
Uriii.c•ir • ot clock Ow the raid lane, with coupon,
'or fl , r ....rte.t will to lowed inthe twunl inawner tend
wade trawww, tole hr tie owi,cir, On inc boot. of the
Auditor tiwwwal'a Lnyacrin,ent
Thr propowit will lid irnuired lu roar exult , 0 7
thr ascot.. offered whorl, .hall nui nit, rme te
iew Lan one na1..., 11:c wile of Inie•ent not
r yeeedinc four per cent and the piroition
rt..mate freff.e• the 11/1.1 aceepi lb. whole's
cnx part or the cum •
odeond Etat.. the nnpu •
lye to the rontwxy.
Hula idr the loan rnustqw threci and explicit No
eondlitos I ptopwin , . will he tre,ved
Upon ' the areeptenen of the ~,upond't the moor,.
qwwi he paid inu, inc.:Wale Treanor, in Inch manner
cs chnil to direweJ by for I.uurtnot
Celldirt., of •Lovk Xlll 1.. Itrurd In UK, am...Ws
t• Way Lc IVytietted I.y Mr IrtJen
The pr0,...a, to be ,t,te, tr,l„ wrier Beni.. oh,.
other, end... 4, "Protrorol. for Lern They toll:
hot ha upelte,l or at... 10,, urea the pr nod to •e gf V •
ha• elry.ed, niter niteratton In the
.crave tall be rthentr,l
A I. SerreLary of I. C. , m'ih
Hrrrela nr...:Lec. /ace OM. I,:z
GELATIVI TO VC .11.34.0111717 or 711 C CatNarllltrot.
13 Enbil.V VA, I, the Senate and 11.1.• of lieill•••tila
-1, 11,. If the Cogouhtsigteglitt of Peru, it.. itt I Settteal
nnotobly wt That the ConOttuttou ut tht. loinuou
tollth be ...Jed to the ....a4 sent...lU. hf Li a rticle,
that 11 .hull rend mg halo.: The Judge* of the Mutt,.
of the 0r.c.1 l'ourtg of lowing. t Iran, and 01 . rocb
ochry Courts, Iletool go nee or .hall he cgiabl.l...l by :go,
..,1 b slist.4 ly the of fotl elec.. of the Common.
geralthylo lb. Oaltacc Lai . ..ring, tu nit: The Judyv. 44 !h.
Stip,..esturt, by the qustit...l Electors of the toyougot.-
w.eith at Is.c.; Ute 4' reuticut Jul, 4of tige wt .. , Court'
ll'ocusgtort Ilgog, and agar!. oilier Courts of Record as are
...toga he ..11..11.4 by Ism, abut •11... bet Judv, rvquirad
to L. teaintel in W. now, 1.; lb. yonliftel .lector, of the
•symerU•r , sl...... nets who. they nre to ri.ide or no al
dulgss, sini the Amocute Judge 01 lite t` to of Coguinon
roar by th. cgroliard elrOors uf the 101,res insp....el,.
I - 1... Ju411•4 oi the ..pretsveogrt 'hall hold lbe all,.
fort it. itroa al" ifirSo pi., if I' ty ILO ro I, c
h...lets .oi l, (*object to tbe allaatuct.l lutreatoact It— ,
vole/ 7.,, oolooluirol la t h e brat cccoott.) tie Pr...1,a
huli•g. i ittegsgt.ral l'gruitg 01 Com... flea., seti og o g it
...go Cgtort..4 Roccrd ug an ...ell t. egtabloh,d by Ka,
/Loa 01l allot Judges null., to he Icerug4 a i In Igo, .1..1
1,44 lb,. off., 10. Ote tern. ot . yet...sof U.., .11•11.
1.4 L.b............ own; •Ite 4 otaotra Julys bit n .
ci Comm Pica. •loot lt ol thaw J 51... tor c..
tertu of St. tee., It they. 14... • logy he! ilmoore..
•••11, .1' of %hum et. to tunsai”.oraS by the 0w...,
bot no 4 , 1 ••••.tikA tag., =Lie,. .0.11 no 1.
stoat,. Is In !Let:km.2l As slower., et.ll remote oty
.lOtto- Ll' , • •41,“ ni too ihtedg of coal Loon, Or Ott
la, 1, :ft Tbe •
Ant ehrogoo .:,all hear it use Kb 11.
slgegit.o of itto 4 e•Itl, go gt gn.e. tit....,
it r. al ta.. odutesitgod onouttow
Ow r0......t, . oi al th.
Jody.. oho us, L. they . Lao. gltait ex., on the rogt
ond, .f I,i, mt., tolbououg, ogfe. the t.0rn..4 - 11. go.
.1•40. ehall, Th. lora.. who 01101 l theta 1..
ot,toJ Judges orlhot Suitors. , wan doll hull 1b.., nth.,
.. t Ito,: tge of Van for three yr., one for st• b..,
We ton. ysgot, tain 4., *twelve ywurot, .ol taw fur 31....,
yet, the I.e.b. of each to be 4,144 by lot by the nod
Judge., al WV. niler ihe egroloon a•owsproteut, ...ti in... -
gtot petit*. by the n la lb. llorearstr, ant Lb. evount., I.
MA, 101. 14”, I. soCordnuee thereto. - 11 • .I.lg, .bout
e 41113.111.114.. •111 fir. •aperf • .11.11 t e (1110 Juoire dor.,
hag 1 gnu .ad th.rectler each Ju4s• •hott• couttnovits, 0.7
t .
Ivo Yine• .L.ll to two be tile, and t I too or
too. ruoggovoors thall et. n on it.... Jay, te. led,.
.ola g doe. shall dec.. by 101 ..l. at .11,11 La th e Chutf
Just c Any raulagent., hagyirouggty by 4...t..t. ',toot.,
.... le, , ill
any .10. gatd roost, shot he id. by .u.
y.... trot by tb lioerroo, to 101:11O1- 1311 I. Ant Mott.
atty I yo.e.bor .0,...11., the oect roue,: ...grog Th.
JoAtlt 01 Ilt• Sup t . tott Cuart otol ahr Pro WOW.. Id I •
P. •1,1 . uttrip al . Coall/1 0 11....01.1,,ai taste, tee., ...c.c.
toe ilt.o. mg.., •n kJ. tit... r ultimo uttott. to tg O. 1.1
!,g, .1....1.411,. 4 be Jo...aged 4 tr.: the. sobouto.b.•
tut Lh.y .6.llereiroe or iiiie•ot
any other ogeeoepootit g0d.. *.n41.,
•.r rerer...l a - thy 10t0t..1 Stoles. or an J.,/
01 OM L ' :11 1 12 The •
their •o:trowiir. shV • r e IJ. within thii
ovo•ottoi ant ih. her Jtrig...Ourtuo their c.o.',
ottoe..o.sil thr .toro t or rotor, Itir
. they .ere neepectswely
teri.ler a the lido.. of itriirtlesatetive•.
V Les - r.
Noel., of ihe Stoat,—
xxxxx a ai
Ilarrubarx ora,,
Januar) Lb Pl o d. C
'•faarl \ he 1 - 6,e1 Cl...rk air of
hrrelow rar raon,
tify that 1, rr ..tut
O..rr.c; Lae al th e prt•rat I..ate 41
r• 141.• .m.uiltnnut of ilse
ar, 9.. t vatcwolti. a wl.orl. vat, b!,
.o ch. wan." rl.rlr.l .orach 11.. u, of .he
..... inau autl
w..acmtd u, intatber •
u. mid mmom 11.• Steal. ..f at ot.
lhaur ...mar is pasup•cril. mire,
11. l'orler .1..0.7, A IlLam A.l
J. l'unulnr . .... Yr•, 11, 11.
1 or., Feaslty, n...
Henry 1 , 41.1 m,
J.. W. liumcmu.aVtilusa Tlionll.l
vet Y /me.,J..Ch Fin
Lauren., .11aurall Alt 1,,, Crrj.uu. n NilitorA, DM) m
Melia., lit r 3 A. Alahleal..., a, m k rack,
11 Smile., Pavia Sankry, P.u,F 1.1 Havery,
•C Parri. 11. Miami.,
I.IA ii.•WaMer, and V•lcallete Stsl.llprali.r
-11....0t 1.1. r Mr; al ry •Inc
ba - iati an re.
11 m., 1, ta Ontoapaiact. ,
aml A l mcander
(1. 1 .11za.1 from O. Journal.)
In ills }lnv.& or 1' tvn,
II Trillion, bitty) 14. 1-od.
I. Williraw Jack, I:liier I:lark of Itte Howe of
.411.0444 of Pcnisql.aosa, do hail cer , dy ih. 11,4 fr, r ry.
;n u; 4441,,C0n, (No.lo au Sroate 04, wd No :HI eu
ILe [loan , 1,41 of pr.„, ) eutzfled "keno
Band, anorndranot 01 it , onerldson."—il
,Idna, ery'ally Whrell taw, . 1.. by a inaj
of tbr 4144,4,1 I. adrh liduat alI.,
Nit --•,lar Iravh,; hat dnly told( (rood land ddroweJ, wid
Pad aay apeed by • uoijnrily the mriab•rs eb-cied to
and • twit, la me of Arlo. *mutat, • of Paw n I
woota, •1 pr....0i a. 4. will Appear by their we . ,
lowa ou 11,4 fi nal paws., ..woo
of the - rinaylliim. a, bflo .4, r c.-
11,4 d• volla; ib(444or Pm pomp) of 0, 44I»initi won,
Julio A qk 44, J.La 4 Wi Jim Baka , , It. knot Baldwin,
11441, DOM, Jiiros,4l, 111441,, /411 , , 0.
Itriudd, 14.041 Itruww, .144. It
ur., .1,i),0 .... Claatch. J •
0 ,
P.I. •r I ' Betijmulo thao
biu.,lans. 1,40.44, Thew tioawno, Prads,
Job. C. W Clw, •.) &fel
Pori, A 144 .
8 Febilitl, .I.lllta Cluomrs, Benjwio P.
kles.mde 1 1,ttn.ury. T1101:11/1 Grdr, Janeph
0,0114 Jac 1141.148,4), titorva
Ittri 1 • 04., Wart. John Ila mhaulJul l .,
Jdlin Ittnr, Itypial, card. Waildovida.),
Jacbson, /liche Am. !oho IV Killrogw, Ch
art” C.
8,410. d. llob4rt Ilawie•• P loon!, ?dorm La4rh,
(o. Jaw, l) 1,41, • 04on loyouid. James J. la
Loilb. hos. •1tilitoo41), Jut, r yvc,et 01, Alonrad4r
C ii s Ctr.l•, Jot. 51 . 1.2 n hl u , Jam 11'1.rou,
it.. t, 11,1 'chat, , /oho .Al 11Icr,Jowth
51015.. y. Joh., U. 510rr1•,50m T. filor,s '
Nloo.• fitelOttott, Jamb Irish, Charlet 0!:114 , 01,
John U r.k.r, Joseph C Core% JAM. C. Ittnl.Jolns S.
Ithey, L.llels 11,..6eCt. : , sonarl Ilnhurou, J.ho U. Rohe,-
'on! I ino-i W. 8.4114, Thaws C fitotalre,
Itkber,l Snsp.on 431
C. , !nos A. NW' h, Daniel U ? Rms.. lx l llli.m II 14naJor
I how*. C &«l, D.rid rinxlcorall, Ed
': Tr.:, Andrew Wad, Robert C. 55 rr, Tho,no.
W. 1.., ',dory B. ,conn Mtn. A s Vili.on.•
2...4-I,,stnt John S. NVCalonnol lin.•ll•l—Y.-s. "
vonoy n,tin p.nnnir of Kn. r•snlonon nrrn,
Att.:non. k Dnwn.l F.-von. nod Jaw.. 51.
5.. y • 3. (Kxtraa Iron. IL. Jootnal
ti•J 113/.11 15 1 11 511
A 51 . L1K: 1 1 1:111(" I', Dep. Pee', ..(Comm.:3l.rea Ith
I J.. emoi, •I ml ahem col ...arr..,
•of ihr amt.. modal , . al cal A.
...toy ....NJ' r• Isom . carrolreaul a
...Man," a. Om r ca. • a.. ••• Mat mf.e. ..... I
o .4 woo, to 1....11.A1 • Noel al thaifecre
••-•••••19.7'• olfam Jay of
J., Alarm 1N... auathaumao.f .4 bauJrcl .4 idly h.
A It IIASELI., rscrttary 4.1 11..
EXTRA VA.Blll..if
E , ...111 the nu nee oi the citizens, the proprietors
- ui It City Mill. !lave pissed tomes tor
the re: cotton orders et the lullOrri Warm—
ar It Floyd, comer or filth amt 11 osul streets.
hl fl•yrieard, shoe shoe, cur. Liberty & Sister rte.
A Heeler, store, Third street.
I. Wileos,lr.., druggist, tor Fourth 0, Sontlrftald.
Joloi F Fond , store, corner 1144 & Wlbe.
Telegraph Udiee, Fourth meet
11 e Kelly, rower. Fifth st,e .111. of 5I Hey
111 (bass, sore, Fenn street, Ninth %Yard. •
The float vrogcons will call Mee or thrice daily
for orders, and the lloar.&n. delivered promptly, either
In barrels or sacks—sank door is preferable for family
a ccount
for hertage Itdrive is ',lola lbat no
accou un nts can be allowed, and that rs can have
" Z ‘ T i o ' rrl 'o
erlre a sTllltTTrell=2l - 10Mar.
V am stall endeavor lo do ltrcenjoulleouftVlLMAliTtla.
k • WILK
20 Imes Satssymtilla Soddy
VD bait do p pi
bases Lemon Synly, made from pure lemon Juice . ,
Jest twallitt and far sal&i ii
PROUL. a'rli:l3l
hNOW &I men who um sl `k and he'ieted watt dim
ease oath., Madder nod! they., .th rhetnna is
pat, 111 hae\ old nom.,
ulcers. thec they COO be ored hi; tulrine the re
tru:eum! You tuay talk abate t it. ton,te on+teura an
Wool. o• you plea+, hot loen not make o no, rot
we proclaim Di the face of an none , t cornintruity. the!
it hal virtues which •r eitnltOnrd In any other
remedy. The man who t• raeked with pain and suf.
tertur tro'tt &reuse. can for fifty ecitta get re,
ief from
any ol Inc tits enunmerated al.oye. Read., ! eu.t,
very lot eto make atrial. Ti,,. Petroleum :r an mi
ture—ho rompond, put up fur the parr., of trapo,.he
0“ the etor,muuttYl but It it a remedy elaborated by
the man , er hard of r.ature, an,i 1.u1. , ,:en op r'e,.m the ho
- Oto f nor mother earth Dr it. orional pus sty. and of.
ra to nuilerine by count y reOdY rerue.:7, repast'and cheap
It lan eared Palen after other Mr.IIVONI bane !alled
to reed., a•ty re'ie(. it ban !tired ft:mu:T.:sm of :one
stan , line, n..,1 of the worn con.t piutol eaoraet•r.
It has curzd Clio;erd Marl.* by ene or VA, dit
h3' "roe,! old earca of 1/, in wlnelt evOryores;
retue,ty ha, ....en 1,/ aczil. A's • local remedy in
r ' .
, e
Mani, or Itr.-qt.-4 ice, in e is... application.;
ed rqlsrt ot the truth antaim . d
tic) , er ,t McDowell, co,, Wea,d r,et
Vlrtt'a APey; R. r , r;lerr.. lr fd, a~shh.n~ic,id
}7AI TV—I: s, - as:reel:lllv Isynsity it
te•re comsat, s••••••:sty ss, sn r nay °shay,
.•stssa • nts • sn na nslsa, noon
tys• st !a•S ,• se , si•nts a• ••••:• .nws t•lss•
s • n
, •••1 sus- 1r.,. I. i nr•
cies, • . s Per inn r
n nos :stns., lour
1,ra5...5.•. I,ve all 5....11..1 a
tt.s ,L's V 6AI • Nefrsstl
Bnf P. sr, rtsnouinu cursS•ur.. ranpls 1 00 . 1.11.,
nipt n• rr lb.' • s
11, pericts Yrtrahon
.-syr• •••• ~ •Esss•s • vl-ry t,rn l'uselso.n
..... I, NycoralSonp, un!-.. u .1 1.4. my slam,
;tornAli P•0n.0.• in no fn fl.c Proorpon.rnrltAt•
pni :in, r tho mon. toltoun romples , oo o ni4i0.14
whonori• in nothing al.nuol pnrmoo toor.l r t
ful :hr inn of n pr-der fon lon okno, a. m.. of
•a J ern very Inloroitto Chion:a row , cr g•
erllll, l 4 o ir•.!,d nninot•fio ottioner, And onntains .
Innrenho-1 1,11, rn no,ihiv indict on lopry.
Jr, • `gr i111,1./.70P.1 - Po n, fro. noinolog
pone, Ono,. . Waco n - or< oionrhtly iii in hair
Cl' l l :Car nr 11,41i1 of n holy. m. 55111
4 sbort AiAttionl lha aso ut atiyoihcirp
Jr ru. 11nr•L's V cotrnrws 1.-orto HAIR DTI mill
innino'nonou,y inipoi i to roil, HU,. Of gray batr.n
t.roo, o o r lormon, or auburn nolo. •ri:i
lour Ytkottre Moe. nod moo. effectually
other ; nt threolor r
Jill.ll.ort, Sit•vm.,ok•
i'oure —lt reolly .0110-
to , wok cream. TOore 1. none ot the
polar", o•onny exp•rirored ol Ow
I:, the roiorary. ir•ye. tho Ain
mod 01111 us got otfunt,, and 1101 nab,' to Locator
Jclu AL DO, Ito•Vf ono rant —Neil , O,llvinotle,
Vtr Ih.nt 11, e T-etl, ere Intruded a..he grealre-tpsna•
ror., to not I noun hoe, too st ben negloeto..l.lontoog
.nr so iwr %,v ,en ,My Woo, Tooth
N11111111.,1,.. :11r 10 , ,t1 pezrly reLund... at
thr oar!, ton, kee,ot• the tom. fir VI Mal h.nlthiy
AI.o, bei..l, • e•mporte. a••ottment of French.
ttrOi.L, att.! A o roc., Nroonery umt uriirle•
.11.1.1:11 lIA t'F.l .. Peru torn nod eh...1W,,
ei,ntroo street. 19,1 a. ,
•02 lISNIOr/a. rt.1.4.,,,TC1/..0111.L.D111.52
4.11,:lNo "0, 11:rono. sr. to: Tr. 2
o: •73:114.
3ernful. nr tiiittinateE tits,
..4. I;l.4a... i e.:iv:ea or ti.r nice,
or 'V.4,, SciLl niiargement tu S Pain of
the 11.0iief StOitrorn
ih-iatirei or Ltmlbt , g o .—wril difriSt,
from itti liticitiorous .llcrcui.y, Act
in,. Of Prop.)), nr
nos •'ti-.31.110 nisi/aura o Ten' wad
I. ad
wherry.: it ha. beenul J r
Lard rtittrely of rs owo iae•nit, ail...A it. giupersot
edit a oar sivitasiied. 'lon aatorttla iic
al arrii.i.titur"thacia•e. T• 1,11 “aultrit eianthurailtr•Cied
•itir• i 1 GaR rein.... tail lievu r,.teirrid to
heat ~ i rico, Th.•titio'iiioup fin, red
ria• 1... a iriaiie • f aihe
althea.. air, • . hay. Litiro
ritiaid µ i s
trots, Li thataari and npar,
with rracarrotrd tinaatitiniari. :tir.tily las
cif this ii.c•tonai
TRUTH LS riboor. rit'T • Wai "
of rr,rt t• koll,e v•l:nleing
10 , 10.1,1, tun. rite... , (1.1 .S.nstd, S•na-
- 1141• la tn ert.(' I,•t I a Isolnred woman Mho
ea. "Mit led for ,t,c
tnd rhr nub 111, I „,,
14c protre, 11 Olt Crirr.pfrl , • . ahe
rt,er rspenditLg r.e.weeo
1:0 311. i n u.:nr Mier
p,clar unt
atrea.v pad
tte "•r 1 1 1. bp.;
to,l Emtl!,
rtl.Viage.r. mt... Mot ,r mouth
In opt• tlrraPifly rpturoop, vr o, prn•pr rt o
Pl•ca out: • nlrr Yyr . Per .1 .tatr,i r,r ran, to•nr
Irp•r•rornyr tlpt ornol for noit. , ' r• Ncyr•
Oern P' t . ...ow I ws• tIoPPPI :3 urn th•l nr:Pn.e
Yr cop, Po-s• 'snow, after Pt. P, lon/ ropl • lon, Iv,
Iles our W3] eylo - rcl In pc 0c..1. 4.r.d
p Lye of Ilene yrrolr, kon or, Io wort :In(
•rty prom ope • • ••11:111•1,, , 6 U, • ,
Ivan , o• toc tru, of thio olz:vorl., I
1.... fa Ma° a.) n. • I':::i yt xj
it,vrr,Crav, co N 1
The fnlina , n6 f• extrwtt frr•m tett•r rzerterd
from Mr. Itevat,. who qt.te 1.0,1 attleted et , terat )eiro
watt SeTnfulot, C? .d re,entl7
stlarttott of the thee. 111 , 1 ',brit:—
"Ila,Yry..tao, Dad. 111,15 . .
"Allearn. A. B. A. I) r I commrnord
your tlarearanlla, end , ntlya Werre
;rust ripreeylor o y ',oat WAR complete:). oleo p 1
I had n dreadful ear, ntel there were frenteenlly
week•to.rther tn. I eoujd not " o y
r, e
:I nd 60,0.00, mel. Clamurali,n /fora thr,ra airy
tended no my ,10, an tart toy ItritrieF wire very rani h
lall'arrell. rakted rhe toy
et snort tall,
my health way Improved. eg.d toy am.. 1.• 110 W "Rdlli
arn lyto f'orn tough arel 14:rt,•e•r of the erie...711
eye, I war, End can hear erult- dietaletty. ll,our
hoe t.erts well n nul three monts, Or, cure r.( hae '•ffee•erl entirely ,y the eee of yo,r ?aria.
yerlliu. Your (trend, 111 He BEV ANI
The. fellowine teelyroontal to Otto
va.ite ofthe
nar.lln.lo 1 0,0 the Rev lather WR1VD.•,4176 years,
Congreeatuortal 511...0ree. rer.d.lly , clam,
, March 30, lath,
`tMe.ara nand.: Itethietztett—From :That 1 have
perottter.l end troth the ...fort:Atom I have rcocutly
featly,: Mil a ...Mott of Itht 1113p5C4:144
lathy who Laveatarrnonttlia, I have ttel
:he 1111. 11104 1 1 '2lO that It lo t a noaltrote,
awl 11411 1 1,0,1 4 errtttlettle, you ttht.e therved
it..lthor y ere thtly ..y Hate, p apa
atti t L1,1,11i th athi of tty a... sr(' rtatt totter.
11.1.1 etaott no herd ol Santa, rtrori , to 110,5.1341
them, I vett. 411 wit., • allocted 1111raan to Ite.
.not acquait...l watt the r I.esey att.litoner of yoht
vatuat.le ot. thotna
"lam, gr.lcmcn, grate.lly 4.1 rcrl
..d tv..11.1.1.,..4y A 11.
Il t•ANlY., ,, tnurgt-t , l'lretsts4,lo3l , .tun,Erctl.
rorl' N^. 6 ; t'Y
ret...11."111.r..,1.0dt I,tot-11 , Ca 3
I.lx. 1,,,r 31 per eta Loltie a for OS. tatrr
%%11.00,, Jr_ tl A I , A lINF3 , INK:Ii
A 1 . 11., A 111/ VENDERlo.ll,l,trour,tt AI
~.... ' No. 41, I.IIAMOND ALLEY, • ,
irr . ,
.. z.5... _ r.. doors
net b. ova Wood street, 0.-
• • veni* ren
DR. •RO WA). Lem, Lein:
. : re.rulatly educated to Oa med..l,
r i
..- . .• : . profemson, Ihnd beenlor Nome tile
;0' • 5r ,„ • s in general rrecti , e, neve cunitn.•
:;\ 4 d . 0 \ hi. atlention to IL• treatment pi
• ..- ~.. those private sod de:ien. mob!.
. ',`., n i..,ots ,or erblet. 1... ...prt . ..114s
~ -....01e ( ;„,,, ~,,..eace per; harly warty J .
'.... lout. 14 due, d•
to otady ..t. treatment of ihme ..omptatnin,(durtna - Jirk X
orie Ire has pad mu, practice mud has cured Mora pir
trots limn Coh aver fall to tbe lot 01 en y pill the prat.'
taitmer) empty quelifm, Mut to oder ihes..",t ant. Di
somle, permaent, •nJ .allefaetory mart to t el l all:
with Jsisca. di and all diseases arnan Ware/
r. Ltr.vro venelat Inform thle Iltalete4 th arie sln
J..ert.c. whirl. 1... t.reome o chronic by " me or ag•
gravel a.. hy the a.r of eny of tl, common noitrents RI
t,c day. tl.• . :hers eciolain:.o. tot rmltcaliy nod goal,..ared, ire hAVIII, gIVGII 141, careful ntlention to
the treatment of ruck case., and succeeded in tortltircat
of instance , . , nraig perroot of indranms:jion of le
nark uf (hr ta ..1
udder, and landred ...rune. orbit It of a
roevil from ilia, esses where others hare. eutr.ignnol.
them to Impe:em , •dedintir. lie pArtteaterly tom.. oath
a• h•ve Leen lotm, and unsueee,:oli, tremtmi Ly :Abele
to eonsali bon, When every rat-Me Imo 5v . 1 , 1 I, given
Mom, end their ease. ticated th x .....etal,t4oroneh .1/, manner, poinled out , •y e :0111, eal
atody.andanuesticsomi,wh., t. a ..,..,.......4. for : Rei s
s.gaeed in general !peat.. or u....1.c.:• tu gi. o.t
sue cleats °Nilsen..
Frllernin ur Ropturn.-11,. Itm•lrn also lean. pa,
ions •aim.d artlkilnrme ...-• :all, es Le Lee p.hlyettlig
tier allemloo to tiny 1 , seas
CANCEIIr: al.. cured.
tlttn al. t 41, I, •tos, apanttny
Ch t y low.
N. B.— ar Patient. of anbrr •as 'lnns at • datum., try
stating their slams tha systr
toms_ tan olsant willtdtreetinns for ataa, by
add! raring BROWN, N. Pearaab1. 4 . 6 . 441. 1 ,
tag a foe
ONsa N.. ILI Ntasnona alley, oppo•itattia Wasarty
No s..
linants arras.—Dr. Drowns newly disardstrad Sanaa
-17 for Ulm ttuadant Is. apiedy and <attain rented, has
that painful trauble. It never fails.
Um e• at.d P 11 1 ,21 !
I, b•aulting IbrooraNn. 46 461
stand allay. Ylnaburg 160 DoitOrts
tho /WO Pe 141111
(La.a en exam, ACIXIM & C 0..)
Waled reepecifilly - Islorm the evAlDiners of the hits
finu. CPO the. Dunnc generally, that they
rortUVue the
' Tn ell their s?airtlea, at the Old SUM,
NO 13 Wood .t, between Pint & Walter.
7f.A.01.11l LADS WORKS.
Mineral Waier. Patent Medicine P .
en one d r ' Wine Dont:
es every description; abr. ; WINDOW ISLAS&
lleepe eons Roily on tend egoteral isenorttrient ef
tile above article& ALSO sTA:re., a. the other Grant
Ole. Fantod,. are eu. elorrea, as is ue custom in
einionr, 'nits Facto,. Now to POLL 4:119..0311
WI/ , i t•Otill. m operation both summer mi l.l3,l dwinter.
rdera rcrpeCtildly solicited , and will ho filled on the
eler:vet , •
. .
• W..tebouh. No lit Seetnta stmat, between Woo 4
Ana s4.ll.GF_;l.l_,!!!,llcts_laje.h_.
D E. WII.LIAetra ...ll' open • ela•steal nal Eon
leth Sehao4 on the Brat Monday or Sept. nera
Roan! over J. D. atere, corner of Wood
and Filth _
Ile, Wm. D. flossuril, ' Ilan. Walter H. Loma.,
it..e. Dr. Eitlett. I J. D. liltil•ord, Esq.
Rev. Dr. • ••J. D. Williams, Esq. ,
, .
C , .S.lll^ drill , rlHA9. BARNES have
li+ Anv norocirited them.clres together, Odder the
tri'm ..f.r9lnver 'thane, for the treriadetiou of rho
ikocear rtoduceotrid Gown,lssion
uO nn 13 , ,, 4122 Secorid ctreei, Letynsen Wood
and ' , • -
l'ittihrgh, Aup,sll,lWrt-augl • •
IHAVE, ilea day, atinelete4 Tenn ran M. I. IL
. C.ntme, In the Wbolesale Gronery and Produce
We urle. o( n, Am rrill be A. Calbenaan
tt. etr.u. (jy3,l CULLIEWCSON
•.enturstensi • '
%. C.1.11.1113C1VP5(1.7a CLOUBJC•
WOU.:Said', GROCER:4 and Commission Moir
ebni,6l, Dealers in Produce, and Pittsburgh
3/neut.:tared Oracles, IDS . Laberty PithibUrgb, Pa
P/TtSI3I3IIGU COVPhat. rsouLine
_ .
matt F, undo reigned hiring eimpteted their /tolling
51s11; err prevered or hit presently "Weeders for
!ironer end Other Metturactowd Copper of any mr
aairen.ire,.. Made rime the Copper of the Clidtditto.
Lute Superior.
Thee :artal has been thoroughly tatted by compe
tent amepttho men In lbeisetrence of theVoYernment,
WILL plottouured .ettperior ,tleurity, "wreath, and
tenacity; lu oily in tar, and much proMrzett rot . th e
aumulactorm thrtittareo end teller porpowl:'
It it thervioto yonitriontly recommend's]: us cope
riot •, tor all nice. to any-in methyl ...hod we
roantreally soltrit the ottOntion nr porehascia and
when to thu new branch of !mato mafiefaelaret
At pretent the Warchousola :Ye etiommorcial Row,
'Abort, m .ahra 43)(2. lIUSti.EY.S.OO
mossleLnialtrzileo: •
111 E Vimlte Montag ne earnpanyaunply Omit agents
wan Rooting anti Flouting to theeta3Zd fem,from
II to Iltauttes per equate foot. Cdtrugattlil In Sheet)
01, for matins gather buildlngs arid depots.
Snip athettibing Ildt. 4n madam, teem xt 23 ounce.
14 .1110 ripltesiVite, Sugar Plaids; Perforated Zion,
aloe P.ut, tae.
They warrant thearthetal pare,aml free from any
admixture Of Iron, or any other substance, and m
onads:tend it for th e manufacture' of num, articles tn
the loner furaietting Idte, as it does not rust, Pt not
ittfeeted by the neon,, of semi, and may be polls/tad,
(Miatt.l,l2ll:ll4PlLllaell ' '
eoloples, roode!o, phony,' sriocificagon% and. ethos
raforrootion cagy bid'or tholr aKentr
.ortuovoo, Roux°
N Amon Toorroo S Co., Philsololptdo;
w. Mc Mos, I.ltltiet.ore;,
BlTErit Ven n n ' t
Ilanekrtt IL,
Liege, SrptemLer 2.—rer5:13131
PIWPOeIALS.S/Olt irsanwit.
Otr.c of he Ohio. tr Penn. It. R. C 0.,/
Pittairorgh, Aug. , S
•IIIII(JPIISALS in writing wilt her eceived by On
.I.untsl'Newlet,the In day et October,
lor the delivery of U. crows Slot reqeind far laylaa
(Inc tiara of the Ohio and Pehnsylrenia hail hoed
/root bone., se rifeesillon, a divtats.of.lll7 rellea. The
noodle, of ties requvied will Le about one theanantl
ewe hundred par wile. The ties ore to be of woad
white oak or rock oak, vnblect 10 the itaspeetihn of
the ensineer of the euivany, 'they maw be eat with
taw. Into length. 0l eight sect If ot .dwell amber,
they awe to he levee by. eithl Weber. isitertrer' If of
hewed titular, they .r Untied en We lay and
botrore w a width of ei.:ht Inclin. They swat be
stns k•TO, deaVered awl p.,161 .1. on the hire ea
threrte.ll.y the eity,ilier j . ...maven the lint ofiarwary
nod ht.l of Islay neat' Bidders rue ergaeated to mate
what number of nee they preonah to deliver, red as
what !Leottolu of thy toil road they prepwie to deliver
them. They may plopbse foe bee oftheernat or locust,
ig aleettit, they ma) be serer, inebetkaquere..
Propovele alao invited foe Yorowlany Joist alts
of white pine or white elk, to be fear by meta inehee
toand front *Waren WV twenty lone teeWlong,
to be deltvered eh the line (dived as shove.
'W. ROBINSON, dr, President.
Elia sit{ hte ring & Paeking Estlaillahmeat.
PrHp well known Pore and Leaf PJalyidering and
Parlin,,r Concern, °woad told formerly octhopled
hy the lair Jyttur P. Campbell, Is for iota
The ertatth•luarni is lonanal la Chillicothe, Ho..
erutv U, on the Plitt or ground dividing, thaphio
canal (mot the Scioto three, sod lit. as th ousand
1r.,. error& ironton eanh. The enelorare minuet,.
'll,d, contutmeg lodge pena,lntge and
onnoo,,nasbOnging, cutting, packing,
rieoltieg, end ' lard tandem g toner., brig o hove* for
afireand retry convenience far han dling TWELVE
HUNDfiILI7 tillll/Yr 0.11',a04 rendelteg Um lard
and tame, NI then,. are • doulde due stem-boiler
gold repro., :or rural/nu I us and eutUrg lard, and
tern curt, for rendre.. g offal by attain.
Te r m ft n on , nn the, ah lee Ikon, large
enough to colown algty thoutasol hushelt,
The 'l,min Val.y, soLleh Chillteoshe is the ehtt f
on of Slot largest Pork and Lteef Lhotraele
the W ont , arc) c,„ ) , ean, Matti be bought titers
at lower prices titan at Cincinnati and warty other
a toll. and coorernee of ahnedant and cheep.
to -to w ra3 age bccearetry. ea boa.-may be
lone, at the liar/ Icy Donee and the far.ditna. for
+Wooing Otreet wont via the Lakee to New York
Cic btealy ua. or Italttntora. vta..YittAutnh, or to
toe 16c , or 'oath one New Wenn., nre at ail Iseael.
ci the leer fait) equal to those atforded by Cinetnnatt
facibtx• arc nbu aoter, there being ten o:
calve bank. wohlit fort) 110 c coley.
Artlicatton. tor icon ne awry he Intl.& to
.I,LbIN. IL OtrtiliFFTiV,
gnome) , ul Law, Cincinnati;
• Clev•land, arien' lewd Preitilittiiiic
T elan ettpli Cosopsatairi
IN nertemer, of remlutent et Me Loud or Dime.
tors el tue Cleveland, •%trarren and Pittsburgh
t e'en ronhviestMg therkeratarli
out raid souse to he p ltashaen in the tie...papers aloe
the late, so ethibir of the Gnalleial and Other attain el
tun , coolness. 1 sebnattlie following Itrperb.t , d
The line of Telegraph coremeimes at Cleveland }aid
minimums •t Vaud/sigh. naming tliresgh,, Chagrin
?Ma*, Fro:Alin, New ton Fuliu , Warren, Youngstown,
une, to the state rol Ohm, and New Castlifind
Rothe/tier, in the State of • Yettosplearna,•t St!!
toilets. there are elhostflonated for the reeelpt •
t1•. , ,0U0,. an of ' , Millet, • • • • •
Ttr whole length of Me' lint it 11l mlles—Capltal
Stlack, tome per utile, mat inn et total capital Stew W. al
,pfs;tto, 0.040 a amoonl 4(14,21.13 us heldittp'cumens
.inn: the Ime, and the balance is held us Cornell t.
iipme4 the constant/Im' 1110 abose,Moent . of tab
cliptLo:l4 Itsva.beett paid to CoprettU a
rr... for whir b th.Ves their teetiitt.
tertnitt JI•IFFIASON SALM. 5ee...4.
AFETY USE, by We bone] or id legit;
I,) POWDER—Biro Itego Watling, tau., Drongtb,
bluaWA rionotoatute, for tide by
; . .J G BIDWELL, eat,
A. ATAFOYi .b CO., No. ra Alerkaletteet, have
„ nappttrd tbe d,f.eirney In theft +dock, enwed•by
t,r, a lid it in now. renderea'nemplete by the neeipt
itallf.l. , Ahlt.tll.ltY I'ACKAOFA of
glynnie good., purehaned Ounl ontentnetnteii, and
oAC anat.,. 10116 k, nt n'yorat yedeciteatfroat prin.
f loot ii p nu 5, which will no offered to anger
u. potato neettrotenly. it wnold be toeless 'Wet
twupt toollolooi.* thelr.Yrell ...dated eaten, and,
Int:tett:de, Invite ently tittentonn el their friends
and tee public, With of I LOW rues be•
1111( 041 nnelo monde • •
,r ILK tioderswined hie on Want, and At al. dapavii
I cc,. in wain the alai:attic:ureic, on coutiptimcat,
al laic e Ito of Pamela oil colon, plain sod banal;
loot, Poi LLIsiJCy, Jilanhei.Canting, Cleaver tilinata.
s;..frucrey, Safripetts aln'areedsi which he witaaell
fry the cote at piece, at tawarfacturecti priers. TD•
intention at acme.. In woollen goads iv invited.
•- • .
AttoLlegrephy of Leigh hunt; . hriih
j_ iii.ikt.d• anti chhieniorhll o .l 1 , 41!04.
I.:ally:et , . Lane! Day rampille hi—No VI liothhoet,
• • ,
litatory of Davits the Greta. By JargbAbbOrlobrßb
ng aring..
Julla halo:toad, llomanee.' By Mrs Manta WE
rictorial Field 800., of tact Revolution-4W '
Tie above wallet received thiv day, and tor sate by
Pct. Matter Teird.{.
. saes Wm re latamaaaValp ahoy, Lanka.
rg,til.; .60y. book having bran noroduvca Una
1 patina and private Ineltoula in Pinanargh and Ann
aem', the •utlingitit appuuned [el/MC-fib. nom
for ;heir salv AhlavitY.
Tvaehera and uthiin aril be applied at pablisbat's
prim, a. awed In carnialar. ,J MELLOR,
auala • Wood rt.
"fir tnn 1 , 10.111 L, PACKING-34 Ibw .honed
tbulaneuer, 'tow i•Let to I Pub tbiek. lbe above
p.atng, as plcpated that , :en degree. Fahrenheit
will cut street I add L toperlor to troy thing eke,
as no allosiauee h. et much etasUelly waleb etude
so Ugh r degree of heat, and may be ward &beat all
parts whs. peeking Is neees.ry, rig ; _.g sg a.b.
jOetes,instsm lode; steam' gent., steam, ettollrhay lin-
Lc:Ler:4U. Eta ware wholesale and retell by
7 Yr SI Wood at
• TILL !Tit f"M'AItK Im 71
• Eani alita alike Duni*. d.
T tf a ..stabliihinent Alin, patina ouy al way. de
-1: upon beior iapplied WIUi exc./lent Teaa
ryvaeaahta priaca--tnay lave
Facel:eni Tau at ----•-•—••• .10 SO
r uperior
.Tnariteavi - a Impound ..... I us i P
P deeided7 . 'CO ,cheapeat and' Lent_atore in
Pittabnigh fileghls &HAWORTH
Rate ThOWITV,..n
AERISII supply of she Poland Wills oils* Fula).
noes,. rosy lost scold Cot solo by
IPS Lib , n , ,
ONIATA .14400:1113 , -/Vg Wua 9 band, In sag lu
V • . I .ariV IDA 147/14
H 1.1. k
11l Lmer •
,y It