The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 24, 1850, Image 3

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WAIIIMCCItoOj, Sept. 43.
Simare—Mr. Dicklimn reported ii bill to pay
the 'Mid Instalment of the Mexican lodemcitl,
sad pee notice that be mould call A op to mor
A reactlulientelfurchste 10 000 copies of Ilick
uy's edition of the Conatinnton etas Lidice up, and
after some debate adopted.
Mr. Cass aubmined • rendefien citiling for co
pies of all correspandecee relative to R.Ognri. o
emigrants, which was adopted.
The Cyril aed O.plonfano Appropriation Sill
was then tithe up. The toilettes perdlei was
on the amendment proposed by 11.W:Eiribt, to
appropriate $14,000 ter antra clerks; for the Der
panes nit of ,the Weldor.
Mr. Benton moved an an• lament. 4 VP'oPris's
Ing SIO 00 to enable Pan Page m Cialna.
experiments In eiectro msseetivm.
Mr-Becton addreaved the Senate tri explais.
Coe of the great advances la the screams aired,
made by Prof. Prie,l2 eta Atlferiaseeta, Red the
hnmeres advastases likely to resell from their
- On =donor Mr Underwood, 510,000 were ap.
propdated for medivil aid for seamen cm the Wes
tern waters,
On tririmht Owinn, 520,000 were appro.
priatea-for the inure . purpiee on the Pacific cola.
Mr. Dawann bthved to lama 52,000 to per the
Senator elect from Nirirr Mexico for mileage,
whieh ins rejected. • •
Hctss—Ths Hone wept into Comniutee of the
whole on the Sate of the Union, and 114.0 med the
consideration of the Navy Appropriati h
An amendment to abolish dogging td ma Navy,
except in cases where Courts M artist are bold,
and sentence not carried into sews tutu: :I bow.
ulterjudgment; and abolishise the spirit ration
and : giving a rennuteratinn of dye cent., was for.
abet amended, by adding tbat wins Ind ardent
Nitrite shallots be usedby odlcest on ithip board,
while IWectnat service, exeept as medicine, to be
adminiatenekstuder direction of the ship Inc.
Mr. Tbompaon, of Mist, offered a substitute
'bathe amendment, which was adopted. that dog
ging *ball hereafter be 'bathed in the Naval up
. Mr. Sariffman moved a provrao that not more
Mau one donee lashes_shall da administered a
-day after. , Tole was adopted, and theh the entire
amendment rejected.
Ashmun offered en amendment which woo
!erica to, threcting that tee Secretary of the
Navy, to all futflre resurgent for Crimea, five
preference to all things being sq.l to the antrum
and the patina; productions and manufactures at
the Vatted States.
An amendment wsta also made for o. appropria.
C. 0111.000,000 for a sectional or duatum dry
dock in ?alit - err., to. conuacted for,
...Other amendments of minor important. were
also agreed to.
The Commttlee then core, and in the clawe op.
propitiating for the New fork and Chairas line, as
eriginally.reposed, the Secretary of the Navy was
requited to rescind such contracts as mhy not have
been fully performed.
The Hutrr, by yeas 114 and nays 47; conrutred
In striking out this requirement, and ilismied, in
stead, Met - no payment shall be made, envyt in
proportion to the mad services hereafter perform-
Mr. Marsh*ll'n amendment that nothing con
tained herein shall be so constined aa to confirm
or ratify Any departure from the origmal contract
for building or coattacting for the malls, without
the- sanction of the Secretary of thelNasy, was
not concurnd tn—yeas 46, nays 130.
The amendment abolinking bagging in the Na
ry was concocted In—yens 139, nay. t 9.
Thcse voting in the itegative were--Alaton,
Andrews, Itayly,Hoown, Brock, Bart, Cabell, Oils
ben, Henry, liollidity.Hottaton,liebkard, Jackson,
of Georgie, King, of N-w Jency; Job, A. King,
Mciteasica, Lane, Mit/teen, Mootheid. Nelson,
On, and ranter. •
All the amendments were - cdecurted in, and
:the bib paned—you 111, nay. 40.
After some noisy proceedings on a inolution to
parmembers for the s atioaery and einplayeea of
-.6 the House extsa eocapousatioa, the Ileum, with.
Oat.dispoalag of it. adroarDed.
Now Yean,Sept. 23.
The mail steamship Paciae, Csp . Nye, wasi
egnptedoll Sandy Ilmk,st 31 o'clock, P. Dt,on
Satarday, nod anived at her wharf m GI o'clock,
having made the passage from wharf to wharf in
ten days, Bur hours and three quarters. This
heats the yrEiden pusage of the ?ism*, and la the
curator TIM/ ON 111130113 .. . betweei Liverpool
nod Blur Yink, by a Cunard steamer, by 13 hours
after making • proper allowance for the detention
of the latter at Halifax. It also surnames. role
tively,the qtrietest yips of the Consider' between
Liverpool and Boston. •,,
The steam ahip' Niagara, from Saw fYork, eerie.
ed at Liverpool on Monday wight.,„
The PaC46O brings 67 passengers. i
liaynaci, the butcher, slipped out of London by
Writ, to avoid receiving a vemnd &jibbing.
There is no additional Dews oT sufficient ins.
parlance to telegraph.
Naw Youi .Sept. 23
The Mum ahlp Ohio, trom New'°deans .od
iiavaua, reached her duck at Matt pier II o'clock
hut night,
The Ohio left mithe BM that. She brings 300
pusenkera (rem ealiforol• with halt a million In
09 , ,d daft OD freight, end In the hands of panen
Tee Falcon, PORI Chagree, mired at Havana
on the 17th, wilt. 100 passenger, had a large
amount of gold duet.
There mere a number of caws of cholera os
board the Helen Muffin her trip from Carves, a
Sew of which were fetal. Teem were alto some
death. on beard the Olio, 4..:ween Alvan{ and
blew York.
There la nothing !mei hoe Califort4.
The cholera Is raging at Panama. hut it is eou
teed almost ezehttively to California emirtuht
and Americas re.tdaets.
Very Here rata fell on tbelithmulltbetwhela the
4thaad 11th t.
I d
The officers of tba tero:Arnehean ts I I s, at
Carden.. (lath g the Insmon, bay* been eon.
'damned to e years get yea eoufiternent :and ha la •
bor in chalet. They are to be transported to pale,
in a Gra days. --
A great fire brote ont ft Cardenat on the 16t . i
inst. Several stores were consnave4' and the ,
-is very real. ,
. .
A destructive ere ociriarred to Covington pester•
day morning. The Isrse enuring eitablishinene;
kticisti as the Uaio• Mille, and &Yarns de (o
planing mills were destroyed. tog#tber wan •
huge smcont or lumber. Two (rime dwell:cgs
'wage alai Lurned.
The Ines Is eiglitialed aII2OPOO. Insurance on.
ly $7,000.
n 3 asrorr.
New Your.,.Bept. 23.
The steatneee news had no effect Span the mar.
keta. •
Floor—We notice but Lute activity. Western
descriptions Cr. firmer then State.
Zorn—The market .yeas at Patniday's closing
.pines--64c. per En.
Prorlelone—ln Park tronvankrus tte lijbt, bet
prices are firm et it 0,50 010:4 far Alma, sod
19.31 $3,37 tot plait!. Lard rein food demand
at 71e. . .
Oroceriestrre is still on the ddsanee, and
BA* Is held at 19 e. and upwards. Sffyani are firm
at prima, with fel,. asks. r, • -
Lead is to vied demand at SIP for sat :timer-
Linseed Oil is heavy, and do be bought at 73c.
for Eaglish.
Tbellidt is Nilo', wall 3 Lem I itieh In theca
nal. and 3010 31 Inebes on Iba ban to Cairo."
. .
The Newt/ Aetna papers cumin Aco news.
Co[rev has adranced to 16c. ha this! millet. [By
retail, we Boppone.l
CINGiiiNAT ilAri fart_
' •
, -
• - ' Cincumill.SePt- 23
Floor—The trinttret .inquiet, *lilt sake nt 300
bbl.. City MM. 043.M . per bbl. C4uutry brands
are held at $ 1 . 04 4f3;74.1 /par bbL
Whiskey in declining with ni t s tt Vi
9x11.• --
(Irocetirs—Coffee Is In Ile:send, *Oh eels. MO
sstsmos r 121 e. Sofa, is is toad demswi
SUM. 141 libdr. lur at GI.
35, et: g•IL • I
(sr rim o'atiu.s LIN'S
New 011. mi,. B. pb 23.
- The Pacific's caws is received.
- Canoe—Tye market lagulat.
Flour—We make • deciioe of 1121 c. p et bb
with pleaof Ohio at PAK. per Md.
Cora—Sales at 60630. per bu.!
Bacm—Side' of 100 hbde. sidsiat 8! per lb.
Mese perk—. Sales at $lOOlOS O Per bbt.
Whiskey—Salm at 211 C per gal!.
Sugar Is Inn at 61c.
OriiiMier the P•11.11,11ISSIIRSili 101110
to pittelresigh.i •- -
. Ira Penneylvadla Hall Road desepani hieing
.. oempleted th e.lehole hoe ot rail .thad to Halliday.
ugh, thee conneeung the . Fertile gall "load to
-.Jeanatrern, and /rem thence - brboacaterPitteberek,
grapey prepared to receive and thnraidincirhana
drawee de • io and I= l'Uthbardlt and FlLlla
' dal e_ ' • , , - -
. ,
peep arid 'leave th e depot Pr th e eddrEttn7
'.dally der inhalant., there conneellad milk the daily
; Ulla of earn for Palle/cleats. thee,' =Ming th e de
l' • Illnlilif all freiala In Philadelphia within five dayr
• - BELL & LIUGETT • ..1
I . _ Agents Car Pa. g. R. Co, Canal Batln t Pilleberg&
: . • - • CRO & MLA% Agnate, I .
eroliadtl . phu n mpata„
- : V. 13 OA Ilill'f k.ll. '
aby (.021 . 'WM.& itec*lll9
B osros inAcque—n Iris Hatter C.ratkarrs;
opt* yoi A isFunua go
rileTinuituu suAktu OF waiwit
TTOL K. KM. T. L [WITT. •• •• • .WS. I.IIILL
Orate., Gaza,. ?
Tuesday suorstsg, Sep:ember s 4, lesSU. 5
The mukerle.t.Jar w.6e..* 11, 7 gnint , with no
• inked charge la qu3tatlonr. The weather continue.
ry 47. and unarually hot for the ieasen.
FLOUR—The receipts yesterday by river amounted
• abeit 700 bal., which was principally desagned for
eastern shipment The sales from drat hand. were
confined to =all operations, at about our last quota
ttous—itay, 51,9003 911/3,95 ir lila. From store price.
lag unchanged, and we ennllnne oar quatationi, In
10101 lots, to the regular homy demand, at • range, ae•
cording to quality and brand, from 54 to 5t,11.111 bbl.
GitnlN—ln bet:lran market nothing onateryst
transpired, We noticed the receipt of a large lot yea•
terday, bat liwasiall bought oat of the market for the
Cdy MU a In the way of smell sales we continuo one
ortolan., as follows, from first hands.—Wheat, Me,
Rye, 005. c, Barley, 6021fiSet Corn, 404d,..bil Oat.
.atgail34a r boa
OgtOeggigg—we 13.01jea a tteatty matkel, aea .
get Cell flrmaey (a {Mee% bat .ale. have Iteen roam-
ed to moderate tf111.01.10111 N 0 Surat centimes
quitelltut, neigh sales at titian, fa , tale and prime
etialiuen. .N
0 Molasses is selling at 3S2pa in small
log, and 8 ILI at 498300 v , now. Of IL.o coa , . We
beat of novalea of conrigoence, lilt/Vic may be re
, en at the ruling grime, according to terms of r ale.—
Bales Of. Sine, in lota. at 6051 c f b.
BACONWrii bare sale of ILO calks Side., at.3c,
mantra, and other rules In smaller lolutatliesle lb.
Salim of Shouldera at 4i.c, and or ploln hams at 71e •
• lb. Bide. of chute., augur cured buns tit toe ♦ lb;
tel affair q.laty al Ilk,- sales of C=l4loll ertoo..ed
018IDEba • R.
No ebengoin other art.elee email y
N..' th.r?... :Apt 10, 1950.
perm—Cooltsors in good demand, and Niece save
fartbetledvenred .Patee of COO nets In pelmets, at 10c;
so nth stdenietMOCl bbl. at 131 e; oble tete; It
pen ots Loadneneconott and • cue.. of 7011 Ws in N
1.012 , 10 D, at 1200 • gall. alto for London.
Whale is in easel demand. Ind prices tend upward
The nensections embrace 1000 bbl,, at prime Ist:ging
from 61 to Sic, en to quality. We note sale 165 to.,
at 61b04.19 134 •t Ste; IMP at 6..1t and IVO at Ale.
In Naar London lOU bbla inferior at Etc 40. Ina Solna
ben at 61d. sod 60U DLL N 1V Coa4, at 62c ft pal.
Whale Bono—ct •ale of N tV Cote at dbc ► b.
Candler-1. 4 1.m ate scarce and alraotcd.
The COfile Trade. • •
Janamo, Jaly Y 7, le.lo.
'he receipts dump the pest month hors been very
bathed, and altbayrk the ehipments have been WI.-
aslly small, no stock he. been peranued to accumu
late.Prom,thi• tense, cembierld with rather mete
favorable accounts troth Europe, prices haverallied
here, and may now be consideted 40113144 rent ge ar
robe, those the lowest point reached, There me to
sopettor cots. in thwaso clawed crier be
quoted at 341i/0820500, wok, tor mixed lota of very
indifferent sateen°, 2111511 hat been paid. Gboil first
we plate an 3.1100121.1,0- The stock in market doe.
not exceed 6,000 byes. The shipments ton the United
State. foe the lint tone months, as compered wiitt the
same trite mouths of last year, wall the, deficiency
Of onto atda ot litati t p,ottale at is washy el remark.
mat the spipmenti for the tour months of tot year, se
(erred to, were very moderate It to doublial it the
crop of colfee.of this cottony ever react, d, in any
one year, 1,500,0a0 bap In the crop year of thl7-11,
the shipments reached 1/$67.111 bare; but these ship.
moms embraced nacre or Iwo coffee of Sipe Sean'
crop.. We have new entered enter• the month of July, we
ay say, with scarcely a beg of old coffee is So coun•
try, an.. the crop item which we are to lee eapplted for
the peat metro enshants,is known en be. altos below
the moeutain, While such samples of .he, upland col
tee as have reached ea, are of so small a he., Oat we
(ear a cooside table taltos 00 there oleo. 14 then, we
allow 1,440,000 bap as the crop of the present year.
and cabman: 100 400 bop as shipped prior to the let of
July, we are left with too MI bags of the present
atop, to which w, may add 1110,000 bap from the nest
crop, omitting the what le shipment widorts the pres
cot crop ye. 1,4te),000 hags.
Basxnanco, Sept 41, 150.
Tbo Coerce market els week bap been toter aLle ate•
nye, bat the greatly redacted stocks bare teener
bottlers somewhat todiderent at.cut selling. 'the sales
of the week are .113 bags Ma at ltaiw; and 1100
bras to day at 1142114 c; Lae latter . priee fora choice lot
of about ,SCO boas These priers chow an &dolmen tors
weak or fully le IP Ib. Sales also of 500 bogs Porto
Wert at 110 i I le, .4 of 100 bags Lakosyra antl Mar
aeatiaN at llibt I en. The stock to first hoods Is very
small—lrst than .1000 imatt—and a/vices Item other
markets represent them to be equally bare Ti the arti
cle. Then, wore no impost. Mus_week.-41suer,
Da7 Goode Markets
Mims Voss, Sept: WO Wt.
We have atehlt g of impotomee to note to:teeming
the sweat units. Bat ter Caney good. brought br the
stoic Asta hare beta sold as fair soma. bat nil holds of
s sple reeds are imtetive. sod extremelpeduP.
[here seems to be no es voodoo to the tole, and mile
seems to be gradually /tang Into a decline bre Au.
Moon -mm the .re yellner lest ^ W. sensor
thus far, has been any thing tut profitable to the am .
porter, of Dittos Is goods, and if Ins market on the oth
er sldeof the touter bad not been unusually firm doe
lug th e enure season and knees leaning upwards,
then we !mould More ' had such • depreilated market
as weuld hays trusted as seriously.
The nigh pricer on the other side, ironeeet.l with •
fairoirabbh state of the money market here, will firer
caplegeoe• mat of the auction room, and we trutlthat
we hh•O aeltt the
rine far the teas...mad that
hereafter. goods will heir( a mtall ploh.t to the
Tt pett aa ilunittithed Materially. sod
will coot.lore to grew Meatier throughout the b•lanra
of the
bee losses on goodeseill trachea
patties 10 be careful in (store, and bat impel. more
than the Sant, of the ematary art/else.
We have no deabt
tea r,b that bratty met of staple
gratalls will be held rand there is a einmalaueo to
the thought, that those roar oat herr...her (rose the
other .40.. w higher charged.
bane. It
C u so] the prier old go • little
higher the spr ie arneld Co out 111 the reed .nand
perhapt, might Lore • •.twel t_tt.oney
and the entet• of ever tape t
Ly wry): roarer
mould ha d ept
Ton, however, we do not an
We hive oetblae more to say to regard to good.
The market la rermstecked,lllll,ll the except.n of flit.
ey Muff med., sod they are all em of fast hand.—
Cour. & Eoq.
Chan= Beau—llie amount oral and Bone import
ed inn the United eretea;doring the went ending the
16th Inc, and athee Jan. lei, ha. seen n Co !oars :
Sperm, bias. Whale. tthla. Bone, be
Total ark
Previously ' • -73873 161,174 2,7408)0
Fr., lan 1 to da.e•.74,701 117.1411, 2,7101100
A• TWO STOGYDECK -1101:56. ond LOT, on
Penn Ilefirt, comer of Evans Alley. Inoosre of
Pennell wan'y nail awed.
PRoposAts wt 1 be received at the Engineer's
Office, In Blairsville ladling roomy, anal the
tenth of ()ember, for the Grath:allot) and Mas*ory of
the remaining sections on the Westbrn Division of
the Penitaylvanls Rail Road, includieg Becton* fif
teen to thirty, except ow:Own eighteen and twenty
*even, already under Contract
week lim m the vallles of Tette OR")
l Brush Creek, and include* • largo etuount of
masonry, andltotne heavy earth and rock work.
At the same limo proposals will be received for
the Graduanon and Ata.oury of the Branch Rail Road
to Blairsville. two and three imellet• miles long, upon
which Ira Bridge over the Conemeugh River.
'The plane and pollee will be ready for exem , n-
Mien Otiober Ist, at the Engineer's Office. a: Blairs
ville, at which Owe the line will be prepared for con
traltos. Information map be had or the Assistant
Engineer. on the line, or of EDWU. MILLER
eepleultombl Amoefato Pngineen
It has been remarked, by eminent men, that to the
vaned catalogae of diatom to which man Is liable,
there a scarcely one of inch impotence, and of ace
intorno aerie rondo, whether we Iwo to the obseerny
of ils origin, its intidiOini Motets, the nu mber
rem and
variety of erg.. that it snacks, or itskable in
worabilhy and extensive Naito,
Scrofula has bodied the still of the moo Minton
physicians In this country and in Europe- But there is
an entidot 0 forthis dliteese In DuCluyott's Fatten of
Yellow Met and Sarsaparilla; which is proving It
self a perfect epeelfia to the most seven cases o
An'extritordlo•ry else of &toroth cored by the
vale use of Doom tayouts Compound S) p. II
will be men by this certificate that this men has been
under the treatment of several ceobtaied physician,for the past eight years, without deriving any benefit,
and hits been effeetwelly eared by the ea of a few
bona of Dr. buyeaWs Compound Syrup.
Nam Voss, Jona 7,1048.
Da. tioreurr-Dear Sir,-Otring to you& debtwhlth
money cannot pay. I mu induced tamale • public ea
kmmtedgment of the benefit I knee derived from your
inramble Symp. I was sorely Maimed with a tern.
tole Scnifolom disease, hereditary to oru
which commenced on my neck, and, contomin( to
spread, soon reached my can, tanning into my had,
and extending all over my face, neck, andlower ex
tremities. I bow -me • disgusting oblect to look upon
At times my distress was so treat that Iwite unable to
sleep or lie down; and the dim.* extending /ate my
ears scriomly aßer tad my hearing. My (me was oar
continuous son,
from which a oiechame of Metter
and water kept continually oaring mu. People avoid.
ed me suppoOng (bad th e small pox, or some other
infections disease, mid t mu cenwimenti) obliged to
telitthenth brains.Notratiatandlog I had the
Lest medical deice. and trial different pima attest.
went, the diseella Continued acme erme,arrill I gave
op In derma
Fortunately 1 fell In with a passenger
on the steamboat, while travelling for my health, who
informed me that his son was at one tone inn ord •
condition at I sera
that by using yes, Synth be
was speedily cured. I inonediatch proeaned tee SP
tide, cosurocaced ening and novv, a ft er having vied
less then six bottles, I ant well an d able to =motto
my bminess. .1 send you this statement ea an act el
moire, only hoping that It may indllee the afdictad
make use of the right medicine, and thereby nava them
mach suffering and expense.
1 maim met obedient screen*,
Cure of an aggratraleof rue of lirarripalas,
The cures pertotmed by "Dr. Gummi'. Ithireet af
Yellow Duct and Sarsaparilla are lasting. The pu
tout's general health comma. to Impress! after dis
ease is removed. Cures see not chronicled until haw
tat Ikll7 tested that there can be no velem Of relent
of the disease.
Nolowar, (Ilerkluar Co.) Feb. 1410.
S F Ilxv err Co., Dena, it is,
with great plasaura
dim I wore you about the very happy caeca of yout
I'cilow Dock end Surtsparilie upon toy sou, who boa
(one been smart. maim that d mental. luethsume dis
ease, Crystrelm, with whirr he was attached in ibl
Er UNGRI6 :- fib beg prime u,pra Ills ls; and was tor several months attended by some of oat
j~ I:A packages assorted T ess . , last IMO tried their .0111 penreveringly for
• 75 bee escorted Tthaeco; five menthe, 'without any beneficial effects whatever.
• •10 bags Pepper; Ile become reduced to • perfect Oedema. Ha had el
" 0 hags Aispical cars from hie hip to his knee, which were continually
' U roans Cinnamon; &wheeling diagustmgly 0001111Ve Miller. Medical
1.0 las No 1 Chocolate'
and sargioal sees baled. Physicists old that
It eases Lammice Bal
bin One was boneless-there could be nothing done
• ••10terces (test prime Bice; a west those terrible gangrene-lo( edam. Alf neigh
bors me myreit thourght his diewolation ewer at band
2 eat ks post bladder; One of my naighboa, who heel loured a child elector.
barnels'alim4 eta with your invaluable medicine. seabed me to,
barren lint's' CHI: make trial of it, and morn from the testate , desire to
33 daub patent Buck sts; do tromething while life lavad,then from aiy - hoptiof
WU tide Corn Broome, r. tun' retie - , I procured the* b ones of yonir"Vlttiale
• , thliems White Plpea Dock and Hariaparilkat , and commen ed using It
nu bites prime N 0 Amen end to •my astonishment, ha commenced improviag
ha tole do litolessta ' he had used the third bottle, and oefore had used •
lance No 3 hastkelvii half dozen bonito he could walk eat Ile land tot all
,• htls large Na V do; ''• twelve bottles, end by October last he was perfectly
red bred, every,Veathre of the daemon except the eeare
, letentrived, and he babbitt, In perfect health op to the
•:.•binuintg of
..duprime.4s.unter=le. rmo
.owtogr.wtheery., ;th...drerreke Ydmw lock
r .
I fur myth!
Ite Mda p bales
rime Whirls Leadil • • under great obligation* lo yolaandt le with rpm* ior
Nm loti• amnia NM/12 • •••• tins I inform you of what yootAlarseparUla has dosta
Also, a fall
by et Pin:thumb r ed l*t "n "
axdoese, thread. hy youridw'respirtna. COse In . yri,Nano remand lenient yid iip In , huge bottles,
NO Liberty in
TE.4B-alga a mast .Notaitt Ilyeati• cOntaining • lidera end th e Mural of ms Syrup blown
• 5 •• do • 'alinitelWitevl in the glass, sent the 'Witten adrialate of S. P. Bene
'•• ••• ' ICU •d- --s. bay on Um orMaderwthpar. IN4seal per botde-or
110 cadeityg . ;7l,,,•)4oi.. Douce for ;Cal • • •
ll'irial•flawinlealNew Yea ••
It is sold by 8. D. PARE.: North Fan .conter of
ii,eme,,,.,tor vr , nett Foeuth and Walton streeleozontoo• on Magma in,
•• - " AL '•• Co Clammed; Ohth, to whom MP oniarethastla address
..,aarevr war: t .„d
• .6 a ,„ afire , Eace, W. p,4oansen &Ars Water
:- • GP_a• BAG - Co QM; Oils Clem Creedetiille; Abe , Tamil,
• I rre4 - '4 4,13. NBl4lYeagtheamy , ,,,,.. Ilfontrwee Hiram kith • MOWN Rol, Wallow
• • „.% ICA , / bon; Cghbaosyg; L-Wiletar.44 ?Ma.
war Ma, Qualdilas bale by •-'• blush, comer of ;mom law ptubbbc
SedAb be ' 11,14411 ti &cis! ovill&N74
Through Is MOOS Days
WT takapleassue la annozneing to the Plerclanta
of Pittsburgh end the Western business
that 611 wad oder. Alosda3.loa 16th of Sept
temper. we Wol Welke end forward goods ruche
Central Rail Raul. and guarantee than to be through
In Fear Days. Oar eileawke slack of Can and Boats
coablas as to oder the tore expeditious logic to the
pablle001t1ILI:e still CO MIMEO 0414 51551 n.
Itartisburg Columbia
iderchaoti gaols brought from M. Fast
with cerudruy sod dispatch at law rust, or prodace
slapped Wm.o
r are insitcl to call on
ONNUR. ATKINS b. CO.. Pittsburgh.
ATKIN", 04:'4 , NNOR tb cp., Petladeiphia,
Propricion or the Pitts/Arab Traasportation Lilts;
Or lac followior agent.,
o , Connoas A Co., 10 North street.' Italtimlre;
E. noel, I thaws Place. New Vorkl
kituirrs l Gauo.ll Doane wrest, /3ottow
Via IP•aasylvaala Etall Read.
rIMIE proprietors of Adams t CO.'. Espossa are
making arrangemcnts, and will, in a rear d•ys,
complete the same, for eat tying parcels and packages
between PtisLutgh and Phdadelpnia,oy ON Northern
Mate Roam 844 Pennsylvania Rail Road . —Torte,
34 bows BAKER t FORPVT/1, Agents,
se • leltd2w • 153 Pront st.
11m:win) tb. day frogn the east:—
1.4 :Serenade—Sad obest
bercas—nrssnped as .n.
Jennnsti o n uld Jetnnol—Por G uit ar.
Yuire ‘,l by gene dayr—Vomer.
Away down to Cairo—Posit,
It. Wairbfel sud.lieware—tilsres.
. . . .
... .
Besides many odic, popular Equire mod Pie era.
repl3 Sign or We Golden 11.rp, 'll.lrd 41
Ervon,—Tbore were MI Inches oratorio obannel,last
<wovier Cl dealt, having swelled ono Wren in If. Pre'
ceding 24 foam
Fashion, Veebtaa. nizarietti.
Messencer, Beaver.
%velment. otig, Bresornaville.
Cashier, McMillan, Brownsville.
Fashinn, realist, Elizabeth.
Elesseneer, Deaver
%VelDville, Velma, Brownsvile,
Cabins, Madill., Stevensville.
CINCINNATI—J. B Gordon, 10 A. K.
kt Intik Deoo,lo A sr.
FOR CISCMNATL—iI will be Wen by adecturenteo4
that the fate new light draught (learner Jas.. R. Gordon
No. 2, Capt. Lettanth, will leave as above this day, at
10 o'clock e- K.
Fox —The eplandal new light &neigh'
reamer Jana Desa,Capl. Gallagher, erlllleave thla
mamiag, at 10
STIALBOAT ACC - 0141•1 . .—Tha Mr Shenandoah arrly•
ad at St Lod. oo Satarday, from the Ohio river At
Trade...ter bar, In running In to make the massing,
she ran entreat Ma steamer Tribune, lying aground,
and both test, sastalne l some damage. Tbe Shenan
doah had a large pardon of ter larboard guard, cook,
and wheel house torn away, and it la *Mel the Tribune
...Mined a crOilar injury to her onboard stde Wa
latter not so Sneer,, however, 11l the former.— Lou.
MAYER—Pair K 8.. A. 1 210159-1200 bus wheat,
Wilms,Kt A Noble: SO bbl. flour.
Poo K. 21. Ass.-000 blas Boor, 91 reams, 12 rolls
REAVER—Paa K C. Fircaari-72 bra abet., C
Bidwell; :..0 bra cheese. Ca. field; 400 nail kp, Wood
R McKnight; 29 kgot, hg nat., 2 .k. cm Mt
onio r; C Black; 35 obis dour, S t tV Harbaage; IPA
on dn. to bbl. oil, Graff tr. Co.
y EWERS of Administration, un the estate of Me,.
Catharine 11let:night, deceased, haring Leen
granted to the undersigned, all 4.10. indebted lee
hefEbr 1304fiCti to make immediate payment, and
those Morava claims against said estate, to present
the same promptly, roe teulement.
'roll dim ROBESN Adm•r.'
finte..E.: celebrate , ' and justlyac”owledaed am
perm: . goods, in the latest coloiings and most tol.
proved oinks, wilt be furnished by the labscribers
in any quantay. at the very lowest prices_ Porches.
cr. will please nonce that the stinting Bay itate
fabrics bear Octets corresponding with the above
csa, and they will also be distingalcbcd from all other
Woolen Shawls by their sopenor Eolith, fineries& of
leg - tore. and brilliancy of colors. Orders solicited
true, all sections of the Country. and the same will be
promptly attended to. Pareh.ers will arse find to
cur nhawl aepariment a large •ssortmern of all the
other most approved mates. and we designs of
American, French, and Scotch Woolen Maw* em
bracing • great vutetl of Plato and maltw
for friends. ALSO,
S•penor Paris [Mocha mat and ware Shawls In
rates, styles nod best manuthotare—Fligh lustre Mace
and Colored Silt Shawls—Lupine Mack and blade
Colored Thrbet Masaie, with silt and woolen Fringes
—Pail. Primed Cashmere aol Terkerri Shawls—
Plain and Embroidered Crape lohavals—hiew style
Prmted Palm Shawl.—Neer figured Pans Broeha
Shawls-Lapin. Blare and Mod. Colored Tuber
Long Sbasrlt— Plain bound Seal Skin SOmirla—Plara
!Code Colored French Tarkarn Shawls, trineed and
bound—Eight quartar Franc. Mode Colored Thibet
Cloth, measarins fall two yards wide Inc Shawls,
binding to match— White and Colored Barrelova and
Maumee Shawls,e. Wbotemle and Retail.
la Smut Second al-, Pttildelptua.
Dr. Cry 7
wad I
f e.
::tract of Yellow Dock
PCT up in th e lar est sited bottle, contain. mon
of the pore Bonds • Sarsaparilla than any Other
preparation cannot which it chemieslly combined
with It. Ertmet of Tellow Doe I, the Ulnae, of Wild
Cherry, and the lialmin of Pin. th. making the mine.
4 y mote thoroughly eilmient than any other 1... p
ar.!. before the public, At the same lima It L. perfret
ly free from all mineral poisons,mbich cannot be maid
et any other elite Sarsaparilla compound.. The in
valid oboulit bew.e of poinms! Mercury, tron,Nel
nine_ Potash, lodine, Poinhot. • rienic, and many
other mineral and metallic poiso. enter Into and
form the active basis of most of the Sarninarble and
Panaceas of the nay. Goyrott'. COmpoond Extract
of Yellow Dock and Sarsapaillia does not contain a',ankle of these senances, as can easily
tain by applyin li g the pecessarytesty.
1 he poi.. may oreestanally mown disease, bat
they so niate the Mood,
w and so eampletely vapory
nat. the whole system their boom. , elcts that
the ern Id. or dm Ant stunk of damps, pron...
. k.
the,ane Ps strength, and subject, has or her to No
mo es dating tort., tad render. am:Net care
al.ot t pimanble and Impale.. Let all poi.oaa..
Paruips la peparatilvi Jona, and tea GotymtP.
!mote Extract .1 Yellow Deck and Sittosparilia,
whielt is thoreachly elfleaeloss, perfectly harm/coo,
and p a y neanable. All kinds of diaesa• yklds to
ha (*Mai influence.
Stroh:lL, Cancer°. Tumor. Cumin.. Erupttoet.,
Erysipelas, Bihar, Peartiles;or Pimple. on the Pane,
Chronl. mere Elne. Tette, Scald timid. Rheum.-
urn, Cast eement or Patio In ii e Doe es oe fon.,
adJ 5..0 stubborn Ulrets, Fever Sett, H. Weems*,
Saved nye of the Eland, Llienchey, Pypeillite Symp.
toms, Lumbar, Brom. Itylipepst, J•endlee. Cow
trireeit : salt Mese, Affect.. of No Kidney• and
dlle. taming from an inNilictous use of /defte
r', MI nerni Pore Tama, %Yea/ammo( the Cheat,
Illlinstmary Affection, awl all other Cantu. tend.
tag towards Consamption, Liver Complaint, Female
Irregularities and Compliant, Sick and Nerve.
Beads he. Genera: Debility, Low Spiny Lo. et
ppel' , Meat Soma, Patna in the Bide end
Shoal ts, Erpoeare or frepredeneeth LII., Clnon.
ic Co Ilinuonsl Disorder, and as. Panne and Pall
L it= i i / I f t. tha w,r lfilzd h , ,,t ar,d General Tonto be the
A ease alWarated LinAs of nal., year. setratlang .
The (DJ. infis ea eatniet of a letter dated Harsh
?I, le/E nom E B Perlin., hi. D., • highly :aspect,
We physic...4n Marietta, Ohio.
Jos. P.m—Decr:Pin I hare .nder beena. It
young woman who, fur six.. Year, hoe ear
iertng from Ulcerated Limb., and who. easy Las
besot proorianced Impel.. by area of oar best phys
sista.. I took her tatoleanly, and have used
Guyilon's Yellow Dock and my
Partapartlla freely, and
ma confidant that the Yellow Dock •nd Paesaparllla
will effect • perensnat care. 1/1. I. better In general
health than she has ewer bee. before, and malt..
mile ta two wtthout fatigua or pain. ft rear ago she
used caliche•. I will report the ease in doe time.
Very re.pemfally,
atroinct, poa Tai nrrssitait nom anirn
Mamas.—We stated in yesterday's Gazette tha t
a Writ of Quo Waitaki had been panted lathe Al ,
legheny Bridge Caw. This was a mistake. We
were occupied all day on Saturday in reporting the
proceadinp of the Teachers' Convention. ea had
to rely for no account of What was done IA the
Bridge Case on a legal friend.
tie heard the Chief Justice grant the Ride to
show cause why a writ of Quo W."," should Cot
issue, and unfortunately mistook the ruts for the
..,u. We regret exceediuly that this error should
have occurred.
Tau:mums &mem—The Addreeri of the Dome
of Temperance, eras handed in by the editor of the
Dispatch yesterday, at ac, late an hour as to pre.
elude the possibility to its appearing iu the Geeette,
to day.
Tva CYRRILLT T 53.194141 Lnat—Thla tine line
of telegraph has been oomph:led to New Orleans,
and messages are noir delivered Sitwell W thot
ear. The following are the 10.601111 on the
Bardstown, Glasgow, Gallatin, Gullying, Co.
Tuaeombia, Jacinto, Ripley, Hen l Phiss
Holley Springs, Pikeville, Columba', Lonßraille.
lioseinsto, Canaan, Jackson, Vicksburg, Ga llatin,.
Liberty, Clinton, Nate& a, Baton gouge, New
Gazer Escrientre r.—The pawage of the Fo•
`hive Slave SW has greatly alarmed oar colored
population, a portion of which conalue of astiPela
alevca,aad many of lOW have lan the city for
A legal friend of oars was telling us yesterday
about some of them who came to consult him cm
the suljecf, on Saluda,. They bad heard that the
peovlilone of the law were very stringent. efil,
wished to be lammed of the line state of the
case. Ha explatuaAtha jav, and that eight
mace loft the city for pats unknown. We Be.
d intend that they ware wall armed with rides,
r.ivolverv, and bowie knives, for the ow of
which there will be, luckily, no occasion, leas
much u their forma ottani will hardly fellow
them farther owl than Pittsburgh.
Amid parties have btu leaving town for some
days past, sod we are la formed that sound
went away yesterday. The passage of this law
will have the edam of tahishleg the great colonty
of the escaped slaves to the lidlish Powersionr,
where, at last. they can look on themselves aa
I pawn, and meet at equal terms these who be•
tore held them to bondage.
Clo.lloLarltassunT.—An Irwtosoniast appeared
before Mayor Barker yesterday, and made oath
against • map, whoa Wm accused of stealing saw.
earl dollars bozo her. The accused was amens.
ed, and brought law the Mayor's,wheo his
Honor sated the wawa*, w sem eta got the uto
nay which the prisoser b.d. istotaa Cross
question she declined to tamer. The key.
• r repcuad his laterrogauon, when she spin re
fusing to tell him, he at once discharged the polo
The Laahwacusa and her husband, tabu seemed
to be nevelt, Mace he tads ih or some Wed is
the Mayers OSze, at ones retired.
Marna Haan, son Tea Slum Conszatztz—
Oor readers have already . leveed from Tema.
day's Gazette , that the Mayor ordered police
°Meer Randolph (late his dud conatable, and
Mat.bat of the ?ruminant Aambeiattue) to he ae
rested on Suoday. The particulars of the ease
are as Makers:—
A letter was received by:• gentleman of Pitts
burgh last week. mailed at Wellaborgh, and pur
porting to be written by ardr. Hobert Wilson. It
mated that the writer was in this city, In the be
ginning of the mouth of September, and that he
celled in the Bank Enthrone. At the Use be
htfared ► note which the bag keeper deciarcti to
be counterfeit. He thee went out, but was stopped
et the deer by as othcer, who said that he mast go
with him lathe bleier'. OS*. He west with him,
nod sow edema Randirph and Pirkertoo in the
back roam. They searched hint, sad totted out
his person ■ tee sad • fife dolly bask noir r
tailing him at the same lisle that Mayor Butes
was &Irak, bat that tf terms* In, he valid seed
bim to *lam. They thee *ea* the doer and
told him to dy, whiat he did, leaving his meaty
which be says was good) In their posseisiort.
The Mayor leaning the calltealli of this Wier,
ordered ittedolph to be mimed, era ptimed
the cells, refuting* Mr. It halms us, Illy the*.
seed *liars bad for his irppearaeoe He dually
&ashamed him On two **dead !oar, but
We understand that the proprietor. of the Beek
Eschuge brae ma knowledge of the treaseetioe
referred to, and rho letter is behaved to be
Srzerr Passueas dtaiertscr.— Sharp, the
szeat Preseber, ram accessed yesiesday. by Om
Mayor of Pittsburgto; sad thntst Into ;he torstre.—
He was released after • abort impriactusseal.
Lyrics B. z —Ogle oir lno letiere lateuded
frr the Poa °M .. are Mopped tete the Omega
leper box every eight. They are or corn sated
to the proper place next mammies. bat we world
advise their &palters to be more careful m fh
Hasa. Coons—attrayouni Cook. • man ebo
are sem to Jed some time some, charged wilta
commuting • borgi•ry al Ih• 24. Merles Hotel,
weibluought belore Judge nephor• yesterday. en
• wna of habras corpus. One o( the groan& ale
lodged as a rowels for Ws liberation ma, that he
had not beekideouned, bet his Moor decided that
the commuting magistrate had irefficlent tenons
for what he had dose, and ordered the prisoner
to be remanded.
lioakaut Amour.--We have I/ionised Into
the panto:dim of the 'oxidant which happened
laid week oa the Portage tailowd, and hod them
tc heu Wow..
Two section. ol• cabal boat were ileac audits
plane No. six, vrob motor this hands, • man named
hovisoo, aeatedeo the bit:daunt redo., while
ttio' tope broke, and tbo boat Immo:teemed Jo.
sceaditig with frlghtlot velocity. dankly a Lute
portion of the cable eller 4.
Poor Jamison was barbel on; and en fortunately
fall oa the tope, which log y, tike • bugs sae.
pant, coned Itself around and ho was tames
dwell &stood to pieces.
The boat vu destroyed, and the goods with
which lives loaded weer mach towed.
&town. Towsuour.—A large and respartabla
mewing of the A11ti11161.719 and, Whip of Snowdait
Township, ',savanna nt ibe. boom of Jasper Miller,
Esq., and oitpanlzed by calling Ilagh htoElhannr,
Eeq , to the chair, and appointing Hiram Holm,
Exi , !Secretary.
The follotaring nomrd gentlemen were appointed
a Comminee of Vigilance for the Township, being
flaw in each school distriu.
No. I.—Hiram Holtz, R H Fafla,S fd Adams. D
C Holtz. No. 2.—Joseph Miller, Esq., James
Wilson,Hugh McElbering,Ewp, Dane McDonough.
No. :I.—Johe Murphy, David Rigs., James Murry,
Philip 81030131. No. 4.—Thomas Stevenson, Thos.
K,ddoo, James Morrow, Edward Riggs. No. 5,
Isaac King, Hervey Wadsworth, James H Logan,
henry Murray. No. 6.—Dwrid Lkanon, Dr. David
Donaldson, William F McCormick, Robert Doug•
Ins .No. Woods, John F Weller, Jas.
Higbee, R. Homier.
Committee on Naturaligation, gee., It II Fare,
Joseph Millet, Esq.,Johallarphy,Jartias hlortow,
Isaac King, Du David IJoirldnoe, Samuel Woods.
On motion the ineetingluljoarned.
Tuz Fuauo f assa.--Ftre sults of swoon sod
balm 7 wero humeri Isriolre Alderman &War yes.
terday, but they were ■lio Willa* as not to be
worth reprints.
Tax Sums Fizz COMP#I7.—A copy Mahe Coe
mitaiica or the above Piro fr Oompaay Lae been laid
on oar table, and, opIIIIi.IIIIiOD, WO ladle
proviaioni admirably adapted to the preservation
or good ordm among ite members.
The Eqle° hone or mu moat efficient emu.
Tee AIM:MIXT Eaeraist--Beveral or the Alto.
sheoy costae e ompirdei e over to the dee ID
Wood moat, est last aldhi, same they
proved themselvesto* a veil 01 1!sierit
don. ~
AnativiarreBa • him= Parthuon had
eogai stilto Gm smolt sod battery betas bho. l•••
*today, bat POPO gfanOcivillpmortance to later
eat our readers.'
fifaonrr 3awancazo,l-1414,,wotaitonate
arnica la Maya dat00t4.94401, baths Moil)
Prison. Tif ivelltrid,vu so anew
sa almost td yinaaliakthitiosaitafy Weisman.
*aunt Braassooflate•entla Sudan
s fag way of rawrosy..
Zugregai court.
September 19,1630.
liampten, Sasiils do Co. rs. Modem & Shaw—
Dirlriet Coen. .Judgment ravened, Opteitm by
Imam Rogers.
Allegheny- Qty .vs. Allegheny Tovmhip.—
QaartFr JidtaLLOg lanned. Opinioa
by Julien Rogene
Allegheny City TI. rdeClenten & Ca—Muria
Calm. Judgment intnsted. Opinion 61.h/ince
Cotter. -
. .
Campbell vs.ideClorken & era—District Court.
Judgment eDrmsd. Opinion by Dunlop Coulter.
McClure ItileChue—District Court. lodg
ment reversed. Opinion by Joanne Coulter.
Smith vs. Albion. Clarion County. Judgment
of blob. Pros.
Lion B D 1111614 Parion Coanry. Anna by
Why GU PUT iEI Error, and rdeCahnont for DCVt
la Fol Or.
Barber et. al. vs. Dolled, Clarion County.—
Judgment of Non. Pros.
alchardoon's Hers., Carlon County. Argued
try Lathy for Pk% in EMU, and Bottau for Def t.
In 'Una',
Hall v. Itoblason.—Warren Musty. Jodsment
of non pros.
Lantz, et ux. ♦. Frey, et az—Eria County. Ar
gued by Marshall for plls la crew, and Babbfu for
deft la error.
- • ,
Erma v. °rein Town.hip—Erin Madly. M.
pad by Babble for phr. In error, and Moralist] Ex
daft to anat.
Kelso T. Kelley—Erie County. Asvied by
Mashed for plift in ever, mod Babbitt hi dnCl hi
%MR's Orr^ A LlZOnnT.—Threa thunkett
caws only went Won the Mayor, at the coorants
watch retorps, :yesterday. They were all cot
toluell to prison.,
Kayaked 85? the Piitabarah Ga.avue, and bulb{
15(adtbienian Inalitute, Wastungton City.
VIVO* : 01' flit TUL17.703111101,
Frog,. beat. Lae 1518 ro 5ep1.2113.
Date. Ban via, 3 e. /4. 9 v. u Daily wan.
Sept. 15 55 65 1/ 72 67
16 61 66 70 64 aa
13 52 OS 73 '7O 64
is ei 70 72 70 65
IV 67 66 63 65 66
20 40 8t 74 63 6.5
31 61 65 84 86 66
IN QUART norrLm.,
AS no parallel la pernotneeLly eating and ends H
cattag ROY the mom ell
It will effectaelly eradicate from the .yethin and man
Belt Riteme,ilottgerorm,Teurr,Scald Heed, Dropsy,
Prouty, White nwellope, Mash Nearalgie
Affections, and all
And Obrtneethea.,therrennets, White., Finer Alb.,
Falliom of the. Womb. Herein., sick Heed Acne;
Mote. Law
Itteneatthes, Palpitation at the
Hotel. Law Ganeml Debilny, Dyepepath,
L. Ter
I. "'piety sad Entlrolly Vogrelbabla.
It bthe toes geed with the mo-1 eigual thecae. by
the Protassion to Nov tort and New Matinwhimomed
ma name RUM. amorally, foe many fears
a general portlier If the blood aud invigonuer of the
gll • (lantana Family Medicine and an eft.
Medicine it loth no togal. The With
end edlemy of the Skater preparation. me *oll
known; And this 'Redwine theatres no loop list of
reniethatea sat ewes to introduce in It* increasing
demand for the pain twelve year. is ita beat ream.
I. is pat pp in owl bottles, and is the only Barn.
pantie thst sop pp the 1.41111, Kidney* and Blood al
the moth time. whack renders it altogether more 'rate
able to eeerl one, pion calmly to Inman
Df. Almth ,Proor in the Otuo Medical College,
Bays the er preparation. are nely valeable,V3o
reedelMentll th em la th e pabile. The Welt and altict•
W an reqemned to sod obtain • pamptill, sad
percher • bottle of this valuable /Melly Medicine.
syntandowilr.fier D. BOWE'S NIAIER
BAJJAAPAIDLLA, and take no other.
Prize *I pee
J . A. bottles for O.
Pot Bath by . Jones, J. rtehoonotaker Co..
W Week, Q W.Pdeans, J. M. Townsend, J. Nobler,
W. Jackson, Psusbergl; D. A. Elliott, Allegheny ally;
W B McClelland, Wane* our, P. Crock et Drown.
vale; Jame. Paell l CoWheellec J. Patterson
beJ O. Mirth, C lieltheille; 11 , Desa a /leek.
Cults. Also, tor sale by
1111. B. D. HOWE CO., Proprietor.,
I Collate liall.Cmcineeil.
lyTMjler. moot addreaemL
muff to
11 - 1 - 11i8
.1/11rAt. non A= SWUM= MY,
dr 115 azt
. 1311:g a ne d
a t el= ntn:l a .Vent r t a r:
Fondue Hanlon, andlla mob ea Wit. glinted t.O .
Ma and Manus. depikrunant, an .. lavontlintddas
Nany ale, respownla rampard In thin city.
• GEO altlntiLld, •
nerd, si n sass se bask et plasharilL
Awn., Prr=um', C'apout Slue/, 4Surp'ss Forma,
$ 1,000,000.
116: usdervirsed erwid sail Ore mention of leer•
ao.I others li••Isi property tsposed to
less lir flee so the perils of Neel/Win io the superior
olitlllo 7 th•
P/101••111,1 C•Mipalar
y +IIOIO,OIIIIL, ,i1:-
1...415tes of Premium es low as them of any other
F.sruriSl BLE °Mrs.
2 —A speedy •wlsatisfactory adjostment of losses by
iha General Lute of tim Company for the Western
awl Pouthern Staley.
3.—Artinnuton (of all difference. which may ann)
by referees raantelly chosen.
S.—Awards promptly paid in Ppecie. Suitable Fano,
m Rusting. on New York, Baltimore. Cbarleston.
Now this... Ri Inuit, Loalsvaile, Pittsburgh, or
Camieneil, st the option of that...a.
ICr Pamphlets, Nettling fro th the mode and prin.
eiples OfGesring! mem, euleaot prearMaa.
„ration of basso:lo,k,, funished to the cIISIMCIII of
the office free ef charm.
E. fent., latennation, imply to the vodersigud,
who is filly authorised to insure Ihnellines, Mora,
Shoals, Warehalus, 6fole, Menefeetories,llmu,le.
Household FUTSIIIIIV. and Goods, Wares and Net.
ens:Wise, ennisined or stared them., against loss at
desndare he TIRE.
Dry GOO4l, Groeenet, fdanafutared Goods,Prri.
dere, Ilimorbard Furniture, (Ave Bto.t, and awry
etl er dneriprron of hlerehandhe or Perannal Pro.
pert? e 6 PP.I or Wfro Waned per rood rteareturat,
or boat. to and no lo polat• en the Wertern Mart.,
or teirroes Pastern dues
lath e'n Lakes, or other mimed
Boatel and SAY lawn. Wera eeourtrr, option
Shipments of Rovds. Wafts, and hlerebnass, per
/lewd atteeel or scants, !name. New Oaten. and
Eastern pons—lietwee n nine Orleans end eater Coll
parts—between all Amend. poets and English sr
En.adan pone. or its any other maritime port what
soever lathe Allstate agulnn me PERILS OE
Foatth at., neat the Rank of !quaintest,
Wgllll6N 111011ACB COMPANT
CAPITAL 1100,001
J. Plasm Jr., E. ay. I R.. Mum, Jr., ?Tool
MU Inn. against CI Mods of risk*,
LL loom be line ray Muted and promptly
home ioetttution—managed by Dif•CtOrt WWI are
nil known in the community, and who as determin
ed by promptness and liberality to mstomin the chor
ea*? ortileh they him assamed, es ear th ly the beat
protection to Mime who to ha Insured.
lhant-roms—lL Miller, Jr., Geo. Block, 1, W. Haller,
N. Ilaltries„ Wm. 111. 1143111105, C. 1610.WE1. GLO. W.
Jackson, Wm. Lyon, Jae. Lippincott, Thee. K.
bl ob, Jame. WAoley, Ale Nhulc k, Time Aeon.
trince fie 01Woter strai x. n, (warehouse of tip.,
stalrel Plitshorth. ;ninny
THE •ndet.l4.o have, Oils day, associated them
selves under the Una at POllnpa Hest Co.&
Ltt.T.7." m"','W;r16,74711114;`, PUnt
imfacarara of svery rosiety of
Cat, Pulsed, and Plain Flint uiau Wore,
d , VIDEOS filled wilhous dela7, .1 O.
lowest m,r
-v kat prhie, at their factory, on Try Street, titer
Second, br at litt Water rubel, Pittshttogh. •
will be
8 .F ei 74, teen ' t a r e t ' t ' d i: • " l o t Ze h' o r t
itabaeribri, for Grading the Allegheny and Marchese
r, P oak Mood along heaver street, f ro nt Water Lane
to Strawberry Lane; abarfor furnishing suet,'mean.
NC U. M. of liarnieck Plank, 3 Inches duet it feel
long, and not more than It Inches wide, to De elelleet.
ed &one the road as attested by the Engineer; alto,
foe 4000 lineal feet of li
r e
In or Pine elms, 4by 4
lathe' thick, to be delivered In like manner
Preipogala to be foe the whet. or part of the Mork Or
materials, and the company 'reserve the tight to di.
vide the bid..
yieposale to be addrested to Thos. Dakewell, Erni ,
President of the Company.
Farther inform:Mina may be obtained at the ogles
of the subsenber. WM PA uswELL,
1111 pltd td Seely A Trash. A gr. Al Plank Road Co
Mee, Tilghman Ilan, Grant st.
•rogr received from the extonelve mansfamotiee of
Philadelpids, New locoed Baum, at the old
eetehaetted sutra,
47 di 55 narket
Awes coedMMI Imp sad mast anottmnat or Wall
paper told *adm i t* wldeb.wlth the stock Arnica.-
oa haadt prinelpally of Ida two cosaithettirs, th e
anandon or lacrobanta sod hoasekscpsor la scam:-
rally Anita, sad which will ha sold la prises corms.
platting with tha lima., pad zathdattery tar CllllOlXtll,
b"."fi".4.lllbegna 10kr,
Alt Darla, ones ' 111)seitt W sso . PPDevitt,
lodes ON Ins efJoho H'J>nitta Bros.,unte di toed
0 . goo NO int , by the death or James APPeiritt: .The
oodetithstued wafts* the business foot and alter this
dote, under the tom of John APDevitt t Bret, at the
old sand on Liberty street, opposite the beide( Smiths
fiehl,lithoro they will soloed to the esulemmit of. sad
Sluing op et the businses of the larub
JOHNte d
plt,.benb. ha OkseptPd7l WM. W DEVI=
"/. wrim-4 "" r r i 3 Ms C O
griV rani& Pm ota, ,
PATENT= MAY s, 147.
THESE DIES having been adopted and highly approved in all the principal shops m New Cork
and Philadelphia, are now offered to manufacturers, time:mists, ship smiths, drc., with-the utmcot con!
Ocoee, as the most perfect article in use Of cutting screws.
I Their superiority over any other Dies heretofore used, consists in their coning a PSITATOI
Scam, whether V or SQVARIC thread, by omen passing over the iron to be cut, which require no rir,iging
or, previous preparation, as the dies cut the thread out of the solid iron, without raising it in the lest;
their greater durability, rapidity, raid perfection of work; and in their simplicity and little liability
tokstt out of seder.
Puzummiau t sag.l7,lBe.
ghts is to candy that two have parehamod from P.
W. 6mso thy right of ointi his patios Dies for rat
ting halts. In nor o pinion,la Is in,ss aro moth supe
rior to on* others we an acqvainted smut tor um
porpose crooning bolts.
Ponetanints, Ana. late.
Having hod P W Cams' Petekt Dle. In me in our
leMbliel Inert for the last Dir. ,mombA, for manna
holm, ere ran in every respect .rteommend them to
the blithest term., as ma have I.ld all others away,
they bele. ws hr eneezier—tonridering them 71 par
seat. cheaper than any others now In ase.
Penn Work., Pa.
Irkta Is to certify that we have parcelled tne right
to are, and adopted In tar benne.. P W &etas , Pa
tent Shrew Cutter, which we ithrbly eponvre of. We
Gan do math more wort, and we believe It will ton
pus to dantbty and precision, is macho. economy
of labor, any dies known to us
Parisournts,Oth mo hdlth day 184
Nils Voss, deg. IS, 1949.
Hiving adopted P. W. Oaten' vPatent Dies , ' for nut-
Us" Win % yea take elements In rapine, that It more
than anion our cut:monde., sod have no besita ,
in ring It al ear opinion, east It far excels any
other than In present tee for manes bob,
T P 9FT..06 & CO.
We have P. W Gates , "Patent Dies , ' for cutting
screws, and the economy of nine them Is so very
eonaidarable, that we look upon them a. indispensa
ble to every establishment having any quanny of
sevens lb eliti
Chuckao, Nay 10, 0840.
oanx yes orate a, WAVIISIGTON, 6t6 Sept., 'lg.
I have saraband of W. 11. Scoville , for the tinned
States, the right to use in all the manna). anti artno..
AFOUR Flory OweMe,. ewe reed , oaten. bath
roam pm talent, and bake oven, 141 Tined rt.
log alre ai e 0 Water rivet. tart
FIIHE Chartiet's Coal Camp.) , will Bell tome very
L devital.le pieces of lhod. shunted on and %mar the
Sits tra ov illy To toyike, sod net; thew:lather° terminus
of their thtl toad.
lunl will be 0,1,1.1 tam quanaties to eon per
obesely, red the teems of payment vonll be veryenvy.
h novice of W REMINGTON.
Ototl Harbor, Popt.ll.—sepluitr.. Maneeer.
A COMFORTABLE and rommodiom Dwelling, in
Aeety'a Rum, FIML arena Apply to
augaß 14V Float yl
n given irtieuelliately,the Three Rory
A"teif:l774;Vring Hoe., No av Labeny street, •1.4
7'n• tf rued a 'a.
n111111:1 Al
atariss of Warehouse. No 3
Motet sweet. Enquire
R C4 ' TOCRTON, 800
47 IR srket vs.
TIE tome three story Brisk Warehouse,. Wide,
betels Ferry street, naming from Water to First
Meet. on tem. POSecialOn given Mime
diatea.... f olatto of
y FOIL SALE.—A Lot of Oroend intaate on Penn
meet, between Hay end biarbury streets, admitting
Om house Ind lot now occupied by Richard F.dookldo,
Ward • front of SS feel, and in depth Ido feet, 1.111 be
sold on favorable, terms. Trite a.seeptionable. La
glare of C. 0. LOO5llB, Ott, st, neu Wood
oeyel-dtr •
Fireposty 1a allwataap Ony ror r .1..
riE aabaanbara lar lode a nambar abate
Lata,Wtrata Oka Saaand Wazd,froattn an
awesroas4, any ulna.. inquire Of
w. 044. ROBINSON, Any *1 Law, St C air el
or al US ISOFINSUN. an Ras Pl 1160.•• •
OALIFOI/1111/1i 11117111,T1111OWIT.
rpIP.ARIS & PROCIWAY, Comm ion Merebama
&mammal& ca Coliana. Liberal advances
made oa tontlynnaralk; and 011 agency &swam
promptly artertood
IL s TWA t SL. 1/.:210C1:::"
*atom, 1
rklllo ST/
VP tor Wring NY
Deets, &e.
D - 7•44i.a
rut mut
betty moo, below
dwells.. in the
to theft lame 'took
and which trey era
.00tatodatfoa woo.
ulna float ■■nods 455-
eatwiaanon of oat.
others ',hating oar
t &oak I
prepared to
aholl I
los thse
stook by 'rot
pins eutabluniment hen Leen recently fitted .p. la
Peesbe street, near theu.ste,nhiell to convenient
to the tint,. pn 01 tar eny, alio to th e at) 11.11
uld other bto
and witnte a fen manatee'
walk of the pry:tips! nesse 6.11W...110g.
The propnetor,lTooll. Jong esperience in me boa,
WOW the clip of New Vort,hurtnig been enoneend'
With Lovejoy , . Hotel for StV•111.1 yearn, tee. confi
dent don those who may unit his binge will bid them
the Contactual' • hem. CiLOßtin itItOWN
15 00U F I T ti w ' ud
by per re 7 , dry, GI o
8. 4 . r .8 0 i r 8. 2. 7
LRR old gro. of A. .130Nlir fr. BRO., is now
BONN. MUTH RR kW., that Le—Anthony Bann,
eh lione,and Richard Donn, Note Rooth Chalice
pace; bemoan Lombard and German. They have
Richmond,ai, per neasser Potalaintrd, direct from
one tiuldred boar. of those celebrated
B th p a n t
ei saws, bse Ctisby'a iebreted Sas Cared,
that cape the clime wherever it goe.; %caviller with
s number Of ether brand.
• .
We have on hand 409 smarter boxes of UP top Prin.
kips &tan, •ad no mistake: It:ironed Havant Be
gars, ot all kinds: Domestic &gars of every dtherip•
Ran. Al we have contracted for tap:wards of IMO
bases Tobacco in Birhno mi. it Is ern.nn that ors nan
sell cheaper than any other house in this or •ny other
city In the United Slate. BUNN, BRO. k CU
•rcladvw 111.11. Amer,
1050 meths.) Donn taw.,
M r cl n d i ffett i O l in G 7:Me C Tn? ' AtZu M r
g ann.
(. snreso s nen Linen} ois s ritis4us4 3 l'n. u•rol
FLOUR -70 clsofec Fund);
2 . 0 bris Flsperline;
GS brio Eine, arriving, and for sale by
(111 A IMPS T. lenwn. Franc,* Pl•nkett, and Char.
lb/ I , l2(n , pnt. hove Ws do y as•oeiosed tboolrelves
under um lima or Damen,' Plunkett &ltrgotglt, for
parpboe of uranafoeturiog .every nutty of Punt
neytember 2, IMO. yinitor
1111581 bl, PLC MUTT t 811.11311011 T,
IkA ANUFACTUILFRIi of every variety of CUT,
W.g Plllo3Blag & FLINT ritau...4 wAitE. Wore
boas., Water ousel, lately .eupted by Young, ths,
wen & Plunkett stp4:dtp
CIIVXBE-73 bye prime tee'd for meld by
eepl:l 8 f.
•)ACON SIIIJULLIERS-4:0,W1i It., out of mote
1) boom, tor •ele by el W lIARRAUUII
IY Ab2B-8 .... topertor eaneueed limns luel re•
I_l ceircd and lot este by .
i s IODA Adll—ad cart. In store and for tale by
10 aapt3 & W ItaRLIAUUII
M OU4B ,, CANDLY---SU bt. to nora far sale I,J
W'N.D'„l" u 6 A 6 '" bt7ltifi°l47llll.,
brio antra Plain reed for sale by
c 004.1200 111.) ,
MI I~J re P .
0:4 SAM/ PAYER—Joni tetelVed from theo manatzetd,er • large toppty the beat mutated*, lot tale oy the ream or quire, and warratyyd
yewd N WICKEItnIIAnt
lIROOfdICOOieii Clint Broom. (or tale by
spit J& R FLOYD
n. t . t44!..i
Jun (eared and (or sale by
TAR & bd. N.C. T.,.•
V bola pare TentonatOil; fur sole by
144 Littedv
linetro.-1 , coax. SOvuoiorq
So ou W
t. °ar Std.; for sato
uttowei & KIHEPA ralosc
r .—so m cam. V. It. Ilea;
40 on Imp. tr. Gunpowder;
Ad do Black Tea;
41/ caddy has Y. S. k It. F.; for eel. by
Demeatio Weefloa Goods.
ONE case Mace Cloth Shawls;
I ease Yellow Flannels;
I cam Rini, do;
1 eau Red twilled Flannels;
2 cues Whin: o do;
11 cues barn
I oases Flails d FattePe”loseres;
I ease Batmen
3 elms Clap , pins;
1 ease/eau% •
, 3 eases Bloc act Blanket Coaling:
2 2 13 .2. ate5 . Go.y Lants 2 l.;; ;
I ease Blue do;
I ease, White Bad Blankets;
10 pain Stems Boot Blankets;
• ' Received on consignment, and for Ws al monplao
Comes prices by II t,EE
I -1.-P-1* 130 Llbarly strict.
'CHOCOLATE -20 has Norfolk Choc-Wawa
Baker's No 1, tpattlelt, French, spiced, lure
Itoweeparble Chocolate, her ale by
shell • Llbeny at.
Jas. ilusprat4 dia Sas , ratline Satin eta
.89,4 entail of the above alarmed band. put
Wit in etoia. end the tellaladaT to farlIPS Ulla and
caninsoata ,Pna" Ananibea .""Earaps_ ,a *Berlin ,n a a
akin was, an Ph il adelphia and Bataan, vaunt.
IA ;pain /It boa an naiad hastily to any in Ute
Onshlatt fa Washita lowest pries for pooh in/Lap
prated Wilt s by W t hi POTCHELTiIiIiI
Lanny woo
ties under the supervision or this Department, P. W.
Gates"r merit I 'telt. eaultig wrowson womb they
having been tried in two of the lame arsenals, and
round to be very of and expellent
A. TALCOTT, Col. Ontirmnes.
MEW , OP VI.. ane DOCIS,
Wsenmyrog, Sept. Y 5, teOS.
Conrid•ring Gamut Patented Improvement for cot.
tinge vereurii en meta: to he • ••luatile one, I have, by
authority of the IlOnomble Segretary of the Navy,
pilrehued of the Atterneys of tire Patentee, Wm. 11.
Scoville, and gunnel Mower, keg, the right to make
and use said improvement foe the U. S. Navy.
JOSEPH SMITH, Chief of Roman
In nes o k o by
littffelo Work% Buffalo;
Reese & itelt!cv, nocheetery
Roolett & Co. filoncester, N. y;
Heywood & Snyder, Schuylkill Comfy,
New York;
Bags & oPbecnix," N. Y;
B. K. Dunham &Co, New York;
Devolved ec Co, Monument Work., Balt;
Van Caren, Koehreter;
Nos le Ayr. hear York;
Alleur Work., do;
Pease fr. Ker.), do;
Welt Point Foundry;
Nutria & lira, Phlbulelphia;
Jenke;Breedeeburgh, Pa;
Waiwoch k Nsson, Boston and New York
Loerell Machine Shop, Loire
AMOOSItEIIt CO, klenchester, N
Lyman &Boa her, Sooth Bacon.
and numerous other.
No Illtdaehtne ' In sets dies It teps fr a to 2 In. pd. =SD
No 2 do II do Ito II once ,a2O
No 3 do d do Ito I, price 3150
All orders addressed to (hues & MlChight, Chicano,
G B. liartsoA New Tort. E.D.filarshall & Co, Phila
delphia, and R. N. Scoville & Sons, Chicago, for them
and Taps, with or without HISCHHICH (or lain them,
will went with prompt attention.
CHICAGO. May 3.1830.
Pram. r. rruuvrx.) MA.
811. RIVED. di BARNES,
Pruduts.62.l Coorsaiteten Afteriterser,
And de alert '(lts l'in rc It Manufactured Articles,
Na.. 130 •ad 139 Second
Demerit WOOll & Gehl, Pittaburgh. g 1
No la Wood tttttt Pittsburgh.
Col leetions tootle on all the p,ineipol cities of the
United S ttttt . ougl tdiy
J. R. amt., qf Third and Maria n.. •
*S., we.,
(Next door to the Bent Of Pittsburgh.)
I orN:dtten4p
■. 110141/C3 & sons,
0000000 , Ezeh•lair• Drok•rc
- •
AND DANK Nal re,.
. .
COLLECtIONS.—DnIfIa, Nolo. totd Acceptance.
pefeLlgin totf part of dor U mon. collected on atm moo
favorable terms.
EXCHANGE on New Vert, Plulatlelphlit and Bal
timore; also, Ginointattu, LoaisviLe, t3lant Louis and
New OtleansioanstAntly for tale.
HANK NOTES.—Note; on all solvent bank. In Use
Untied States dlseoanted at the lowest rates. All kiads
of Foreign and Amene. Gala and Silver Coln bought
and arid. aug3d
ItOLNES a SONS hare+ tremourd Weir Mut
• Ina •nd °Paco to No ti 7 Marto st,
tour doors usinw old cond. auen
A.soalated Vlr•man's Ins...nee Com
p•ny of lb. City of Plttablargb.
'cAPI rm. 0200,000.
91111.: Company is DOW prrpared to insure agamsi
.me ARINH I+l all binds
• 05re,Sarnl &my, Filiins pall.
I. K. .linanhcad. Rody Paitctson, W. A. 1111,
1411. Hanley, H. D. Siammia, !calms likmdra,
N. Edgar Ea ward flmag, A. P. hasbum, {Cmrol
hriammid, It C.
Haarycr, Chas, Hat.i, Wm Gentian.
earl Mit
J. !flimsy, Jr., i j
dawat for eke Penn Life leesarreeees ca.
, 0 . 1 , the Western Insurance Cotelway
etreet, f . ittaborgli.
..Pswlthleht, with all necetteadry information, .and
giant tonaswitlfw
Ileettaxtee Can fawn* their Beau for the benefit of
thew wives Kea children; crethean the Wow of their
debtor. _
Tae 1•11.oio kofiis of the Comiany am divided
=AceWo holdere of Life Polime. , .
The iividexter of the past Ora yea. have icon eigh
t, Pei coat. each year. iets
To Soothers wad Wostarm. Illorobasturs
Er i n ' s:Z . 2r re r o j pe i W..7 fe l Ny M anViet=i t L . lTal b til
extenalYo nook cot Perfartzer7, Soaps, Atha:ig
Creams, to wtleh 'mete Lilver mud two warded
Nlet, oda Lave, will. th e la.t .ir ,e•ta f,en award e d
by 11 , e fouttute • of New Yorl, I:ennn, non I•l::n.delphi, the lath•r Leine the (oily toedalp Cool
awarded for ottfumery either in Iturnre or in thin
Umarvmurnr Pompano Comm. lAhnormi,
Rose, and Arabs...l,l unirentally actnoorlestrell 'to
be ssprnor to any Shoving Crcsm in this rountry or
Ognatimatz von Swaysno—Deautifully tramintrent,
and tame ming highly itapnn onions Ned emollient
Moles; ?OM , . euka n Cemiutundi Ambroa lel Shay-
Tablet; kitimary gli smog Soap.
• ;tenement Tomelffitarn—Almond, Row, Millet...,
Bouvet, Pi nee uthlm . nrmly, tmulis, Float
tin"i-r•Pearrcol'' eme ""n lla ' strnr * eatiL!fl ' il " ose7=,
Ilauttnet de Caroline, Geranium, lanky Lind, hlonsaw•
hne, Jockey Club. Magnolia, Clemente, Quenelle
Font, end many miter casino., In all Maly different
Toon Wnallw—Florida Water, Eau de Toilette,
Orange Flower Water. and a greet variety el Co.
lognes and Lavender Waters
Fultragamons con rem Ilate—Genulno Fear% Oil,
knuque oil, Ilamlnline, Eau Lastrale, (Heine, Corm.
poem' On blamer, Hair D ye., liquld nod In powder,
mni rhiloetune. , Ittemint, and Fenny Lind Pomades.
Onormagnic Yarraugume—Untaamin Ellett, Rove
Tooth Paste, Charcoal Dentrstme, Calontine, Tooth
Paste, and Tooth Powder.
Comerta•—Vegei able Cornet e Cream, Amara.
(or dapped hands, Cold Cream of Rows, Cream de
Peru, Lip Pala, Raspberry Cream, be.
Depilatory Cowden, for removing superfine,. hair,
Penn Powder, Viunigre de Rouge, Aromatic Vinegar,
Victoria flair Composition, Neaten baits, brace
II great Variety of other .I.teles, lOW POMMY) to be
mourn/ to nib. advertisement.
The aulawther bores to rlll.ntalit the reputation
which this establishment lag acquired by dl•postne
of nothing butt Cast tale ',link*, and w i lt be happy to
furnish those who amp wish to petrotae him, calico
wholeale de <tail, en as reatonable term, a. ally C.
µblastula in the United Plaint
SULCCSOOf to and fOrMOTDireCtOr of ltOf Lrbottoory
114 Chesnat street.
hlr. Reato's reifuotery Is for eale by ell the owlet.
Po I Dtes r ... to the hours nol7tdlyl
inui 4 Al - Cu.. Nab .k Woo.' kts.
A N armament of One Dollar per Clare on the meek
the tithe Trap Dark Mining Company, pay
able un or Lebec It.. Mu Of October next, to the
Tomato, Ll , Pitmbergh. BT order of Ice Board
_settle Wal I LIAM*, Heel ,
P - mbT i i -- ' 4 "lll7,V,'l,
eeplt 1 - 7 &ill Wawa st.
Uldtoo. box.. olsotted sixes, of 2outb &
MU'S brood, received end tar sale by
sev , 4 RUHIIi MATCH/MS & C.O
Pro LlkUrei INM;:;• . ;, "
1 - 1);;•14
be l. , 1•141 ROE
N. u ... n p 1 1 u 4 1 ASS htl-10..! o b a s ta t Eag e s
.01 , 14 bIcGILLS& ROE
. .
Btr .. l . l l e4t—e brim will be eold laks z af t eil . o;e a ciyar
f IIGARS led Oi . PrineTire,flaironi s stid Itegalie
el gars, •elected brenas, for aide by
septi NorilU & ROE.
lON 60004 —au boles very beavy. -- te a r e evoVVi:
1.1 lug .team boat docks, received n_ . od foe b y ,
iNSFAW OIL-15 4515 pot reed for ule
• J KIDD it CO
iwpl4 GO Wood.
sUNUitlkb--14 bd. L.s,l ,
15 WI. Orme;
I bag Deem.;
7 bags Feathers, to Ilrli•t , , for men by
re7lo Water & Front .1.
littrlllEttratrOliSrikrt New
York— 2 dor large rile Doll 'leads
1 dor extra do do;
i11°; 54.;
1 r sale at the India Rabbit
slam I' and',o 1/,t 1 1;1 ' . " ' o !
; & II rumunt
--- puitiii .nd x. — i.t ton Bali. .
A TIIRM,I marled Buick House,. Wylie stmt,
Jl. nearinganjust built, and hay Ins lea It Imam,
gas Lilar and all the modern snag...catguts, will
be sold, It . plied Co,, before let October nest If de
sired, a Ion; credit will to gi•en
sepla:4l4"CA lit Fourth et
litaritt24.lllo , ll . s . l i t , ag:lt a it u ß . 4 , , , h o iri o cetn;s , a.. ',to
• :" r IN boa Cattiness` Ws lIIMPi • . .
, e WA bra B. Myerstil 11, lump: .
. • 70 qr bra do .11b. la- p; for sale.; y
seotll . M 1.1.111 &ll nth ll'lrtON
Ntr Juremon Flora • is F J Ostd Daszteal.l. 1 CANDLE. n0w005.... .
Mat BIIPASIIED•eader the irath/dlale onto a the In• '.. „
L neuter, and estsl hob. for assystds Of thiny • „..InlP" ,.. .!!!•ttTadalynr .- thatatollayst.
lean by the profession. tor Tentacles hilt, aciditigno, T.. , „ % •„ 1 6,,,„ %7 , .. 1 . m .„.. == %ISO. attention to
.r 0 I...ilgaattaa. tastoring Atrettle, ptetervine • ,
V. n either hloolds fOT tba last , ' @ r@@"'lMu ' i°l
tat dataliata.4 4 th a bowels, and dlnalvehg aria aid , , . • .I. N.T.ltla.l.l4.apiTiTiC,
la untiring Goa -21.0, a. an easy Temeny lora. 1 ,. . t. r.11:21t., se
la mese these In the most
[ aleltnessst.a., lite the:febrile slreellen Meld.% to chit& i arrlaf7 •
~ 7,2„.,_. o .lLFFDared Io arcs to h. se.
hood it Is ll:Nahum. On the 'tale. of Masnaabt tur a ' t"..! . ..'f,....P...,,..,nf.t_ 0 2 , !T ,0 .0 , r11itni1e•b1 e nnip. eq.:l :
rflald emedl i ttLa p yzni ntu lt . l o a f o t l t t i rn j eaat . ry h t i o mi en . i:rf . e; ,, b o l . l : 2: 1 ;;,7,...,,u r 5 d._ ;17.,:; r iz. , ,i wk1z4 . ,„ , 12 , k ..... ,:,.,1, ,,, ,; .
~Ic,, , d,„%gat ,bl,, , r os t- d t.....1%,:=111T,", 1 L'i;,!ti.r4onties 1' , . °, .%1 , g7,:e"d'i11,'..r.`11.",bg1r:,"i1i bane
' tea:lov from i.e moot obit
Miele In powder. '• , ' 4.6 .. "leh_FiY o , *II/..11. *arrant. &Malta. ,
Foe man by We importaes and mopranunft agent. ~..„. rusHNI c,u,vg lux,
..... ± ll o2 . _.o_nEto . 109 Ryan Went, Ynilatlclpb'
,' Cm. Wood A Front at.:
mil : ' . --- —_,----,....
-- -- • • Easton Exams. go - ilor Salo,
ritiltucorms 1:50411 , —&& Wm Or solo by . . ,A .T reduced ratty fit ego Eioaaoto Otos of •. •
kj own • . /CILER a RICILUTSON,.. XIL ; ; .; A. WILKINS a.C*.
re:446 0 WohLits V It. (J P, 4 lam Rea; -' 1 ' , • , r... TAD d t Martel oti ,
, 7 ,,, br a w ls ta.m., mia ook,, giiiir r : IVIZTALLic Ainstira CLOTII-3] 4 7 - Gt - .ehmt•
ra ouldr bso Irilyain h. Ganpoordar tor id *nide; WI wag b 7 " I& " Pin Lia PS "--'
WO ti 0 1 1 1 /4 PiksiocuTapli . isso
- 7119W0e4ii .
The fine new 1N22 &solid steamer..
Wm M. Lederi th , limner. wi ll 1e.,.
I'm above 2211 all iMennedima rMel.,'
21- day, at to eelnek. A. M. • ' •
Fn.... i.u. ne pamAge, Opplyon 1222 A. reph_ .
i , Olt CINPIZ.6I .._
, ATI.. ,
Tha sp:cr.iti ;war steamer
: /111.1 AN.
CAIN. G.llsgber. .k.
will M
If oleo thls cf.y
for atove, at 70 b'eloaß..A.Dl.
1 - .. r.-;0,. ~, paseasc,•Dply on board. .epti
- _
Pockets errlrm(a nnA.depnrUoß horn
the Port of Pittsburgh. •
Coptain Jost( Bisbuivaaar.
This setnaid boat wail bet thy the,
gi&is L owners of the eteataer false mea l
and others, for the Cumin all an
Pittebtintit Packet trade 4 wilt
'leave every W•dnestlay t Grr Cincirmati,'Ll lace or
the New Finglend, No. Y.
For freight or P. 15...
!PTA bolted or t
on -20 ti LTENB GF Aga
121414,---- 1.85(2
N a o 2w4i th th r
e usua
de P e h n i o l d ad b e . l p f h r i o a n , t
fo n r o m r
es la lyoc cup o d
by Nevi.. gingham ht Dock.
The feat running freezer
Capt. B. Yeaog,will ran ea a legalar
pants between rieshergb, Wheel.
lng, Bridgeport, and 50n6111,/eavingPitribargh every
Alonday afternoon, far ‘Vellavfllo, Otesibenvillo, and
Bridgeport. end every Thernlay afternoetiferStaahen-
VIVe, Wheeling, Bridgeport. Captina, and Bengali.
lierrirnlnc, leave. Bridgeport and PunGshevary Teat.
par afternoon, and Sonfirh ovary Friday . ..aflame. '
For freighter passage, apply an boartl ig er in
Ilep7 D WILKI S. Agent.
. .
The splendid rfeamer f
Cam Hanapee, will leaee for alfare
.1 all inlennediale lac:olns,, only
0111 ,14 ticlocc, Y. M. ~ .
For freieht or passage apply an beard,' l sf•Pl
Thy p ger 'team, , 1 .
. ,
Roben B. blator, master, will leave Pinebomb gVery
Tuesday, Thursday, mid Saturday mornings, fur
%Vhretlog, in IA o'cltiek, A. al. Ileturnkg Will leave
Pittabargb every Atoridayi lyednetJhy,
insWridny, at tl A. M.
o•Ektral liallroad open to,111;e1111.6s•borg
Itr; CaNJI ro Johntroter —2t3l/ : .7”
Ro✓J p✓m Jolenmorrri I'll , ladelphia.
Foil PHILADELPHIA AND iimaimont.
Tittle through, 45 hours... gare—slo
()N an et, Momlsv, September two daily
p e ee et W , a ,. will leave ibr JohiMOVVII. Gum
thence tole epletaltd t.ew cutler, tlt/eet to
Yhiladelphla, psta4tug ovcr now Seanerlear,ia
float, beieg u,no . tl.every Lett ilk the country.
The itten-arett &pert! th route mates the aunt
destrable, •P It as the moat comfortoble ono editor
eastern clues
A Packet Boat will leave every mainine u 7 o'
clock, and even naming'wt y o'clock, pret trtly.
OnThe Portage Rail Row! is awned in day bed.
For posaage of ntformatinit apply tu "
W AltatonTll6eln
aeon or to D LEWD .t CO, Cino Benin.
110210110AHYLA ILO 1.4/4
Mfitl AO.
Only 73 311/•• etnatlng.
Via Brownsville and Cumberland ter Baltimore and
ROM no Barmstoste---.••- , 2110 00
no. Pinearicunta•-•.--i
. lime to
ilaltimare, ' 24 hoot.; time in philadelphiui4o houra
boat leaves daily, (e.mol
t h e at 6 o'clock. Passengers by. miming en the
limning boat, will neat, the mousitalcs a; stages t 0..;
lay, and thus avoid nigh; traireL •
&eons your tickets , at. Me Mae, .illonongahala
[louse, or St. Chicle, Hotel.
octl4.le 2. h1CKK1322:21, Agent
Eira, 1850. ;imam
• •• Menem. Itoinl,l -
PACKET% innilng and shipping between Eluding/h . '
and Rochester by steam bolts tilltriliirt Lake End,'
and Deaver.
MT Goods received anil promptly delivered to tll r
Once.. sireGanala arid LlLlLL",...tit:ll:lOVrell. MO.
hiprent will pies/4;l4am ens'lllidwell'sLiun.n.
, • . tartlet at. Pitishorah. .
. TO .WLSTNRN AiLlit4llANrS•
, • •
c's Ell A VACZT 9 rur.v.7,
Between Third & Fotrrth 01161(1r/04.
• .
INVITEthe multilane( merrhaets visiOni the city,:
1 to their eatenstve stock bf Fall and Winton Griads i l •
selected rob care and ettention. from Mee' ,
importations, largen action sale's, and (rim the lead , •' '
'Prorimmitaanitora retiernt prkAer . ln New
Vin sowk this fell aril I e+oanit to he meth •
Miner and more rotted than Rey lire)' have ever Swore'
limsgh Ns mallet; bring teplcuisheebby receipt.:
nt goods almo s t Shirtich the PII . 51.01( as they vp--
pear ;n are emtem markets, rein:este; their stook at
All runts full end perfect, thereby remiling them the in reinitiate *ion vetern bomve .06
JAMEq WILSON infant. hie Meade and tbeptiblie
Oil he removed Lie Hal d Cap Eatabliab,'
Mem trete Smithfield etraetoo uplold siand oat the
ennvr vi Woad strecl.azir Unbend Alley, (seVoibl"
. I ° , l/ over Ffiend'a Kichabge 01fire.en
liallees book. ad Ibatnond Allel— . where teal' idame
a: large paid lavtdunable areorlmatt of Hale and Cep,
at redueed palrce, arholuale mid retail. •
Into made ie. trim • iri4altur2sia,
PR. JOAN MARTIN Te•pnett•lly annonneits to
eitisen• of Finstiorgh, that Po. has .permanently
fouti himself In this city, for ibr perpowt Otprao
tiring hludirom and Surgery, Ina:lint various branch•
es.llia other is on Fourth Wont, No Inn. Rasidonc•
No U 7 note sL
I) it. J. J. MYERS otlets los proalsionalisarrlcst
to the citizens or itisheneiver nun trictnity.
ttiGeo end rczittirce, for the prezent, at gosoJaits,
Nlenehester, titztediately nbove Ilia U. i
llospnet. ct9ollto t
tbentes • healthy sedan thrototheat thafbadi: Malone
the appetite, eattolite the circulation, give lone and
cherry to the aystetti, and eleate a power 4.! venal
epee to diaeave in ad iU lama, rarely t Le,4Dtained.
They will pedant:l-a speedy and petsnineuv care of
0, amide, Inthveition. flatulency, Genet td I.)ebiloy.
Liver thnuoend, mind aii UM' tr•I . I. symptom. tont
evenly called affeedo.., , ' '
Will be immeannely ret.tred bribe toe of ttii. Inval
uable compound, *Mea hi purely iregctablc, and ra
anapted to all ages and coudilioqs.
. .
- - - .
VIII find In this deficam wd palatable preparallern i
combination or 'runic, Altinanyii and Aperient gnarl
tie, peculiarly adapted to then eyeleme. ,
The 'pyritic anion the Mi. article his on the 1./Yea
arid Digestive Irian., render. II • complete hundote
lot Fever and Ague. cud Viking and Typhus Ferrell,
Cnasreird.a. July I:th te.filk
• -
Dare fin
I bane seed We aniele of Planen , Bide.,
and Wive derived great benefit. rms. Wein. I bale
been runs.rt tor years pan to the Fever and Ague, but
shire We Itasodurtion your 0... I bee. anu”lY
evtaped mr Duel intact, end ran yawl confidence
recunduend Went ea one or the best Tunica in ere.
SrmisennALS Jane 'Anti USA
Mn Dees gr.
!wires me mesh press-ere in State, then the
Dyrpopria nub tehnib my 100 bit bead ga long trout,
d erring t'som inaction of the /Aver'. Lae been en-
Orel) , overcome, end cured by the use Of ywir (amnia.
owe preparation of Ilium, and for year Insdnese ua
recommending Wean eleave accept 1311,11411/111.
row drifts - At renrina,
Agent., T. Hicks A. Co, (19 and ISt Front
Street, Ntor York. For sale by
augbiefimin •
V virtue of a precept moles the hinds of Wm- D.
Prniden of Mei Court of Common neat,
in and for the Fifth Judicial District of Pennsylvania.
and legatee of tho Court of ()Yee and Terminer, and
General Jail Delivery in mid - for said lbstrietotad
Willisca Kerr end Saone! lone., &us, Aseonata
Judaea of the same tounty,ln and for tee County of
Allegheny, dated the to day of Aetust, in the year
of on Lord one thenrand eight hundred' and City, and.
to me directed, (or bolding a Court of Oyer and - Ter
Miner and On Deliver?, et the Coen Hogue.
in the' city of the Fourth Monday
October nett, at la o'clock bl. I r •
notice Is hereby omen to all Janice* or Ike,'
Pelee, Coroner, Ind Coustables 04tAllenbeny, that,
• they be then and there, in their proper 'arrow, wild
' their Tells, records, Dmaisitions, teeemittatlons and, ,
1 Other remembrance., to co' , those thing., etttint tO•I
their respective offices In their behalf eppertain IdN _
done-and'also thee Met will proieirms the pelionetia ,
that no. tire or may bo in the Ja4l of said etiontrot
Abeghenv, to be then end them tq romeattieganya,
them as shell e Jon;
Wren ander coy hand at Mahwah, this- d. q .,
el AlSart, fn th year of oar Lord one thousand Oight.l
hundred and Any, and of the Comeninerealth the nth:
artatiblawldT CARTER 011tIT19,8horifE.