The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 24, 1850, Image 2

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    THE PITT 8111! d4'.grigtz.
'TUESDAY 1110112,11 N% EX:ff.24,
J 08BI:tit—DUNGAN,
Of Bath County. .
,HEN arms sessin.
• t . A , W. SNYDER,
W sive
.. aaa survive. ervissi.
01 Wuiliost. County.
a an iliViedigNerataatisas tor
Alletbaary Ginuatir.
vox TEM ROM 0021012111.
irdolllAll BOWL. '
ocoso. man= Tarr mom,
11 1 •11.11=EINZY.
.... 1
101 MUT&
I/01 a / t LLL
T. J. MOHAIR, Losses St CUL
R. C. WALKER. Elitainth
MIMS Furs.. sao.p..
DIZTICCI a.nruisr,
CEINEZI2I BMX -4 Nadi rim?...
WIL num, Lower *t
DILMTI ■ciYcru2.
Dugs car Cm an:eaten—The death of ads
gentleman„ rnapeneel inj the morning papers,
yesterday, tout oar eine* by enrpree. Els Dl
beta vras of short doratloni anc Ale demise sud
den end uncrpeered.. itttbseg a highly esteemed
toes private strews is the eirda of ate Mends,
be ern best horn to the nommtutity at units as
tbe arrow ofa large landed !tense, to this city mad
vintaltj. Hie only daughter, tits lady of Captain
Eleadelay, rends la Cantu:U. Cu nano is rap
plied to be worth several Milhous CoL Cro.
ignites Manal takes plum this monung.
, Tim roarztva SLITS Law la publiabed In an
ogletal form la oar cancans to day. * It La one of
Owe enwtments, like slaves, Itself which mast
ever be repoleme 6. OCIT feelings of humanity and
Ashen, and tvtarty repugnant to the put princi
pee of Mamma freedom. Torn It wbmb way you
lii, and bring never to many gamma for it, it ta
gala wrong. *ad no anderfoge can mate n right.
it he who! y meads:We, sad a strtegit it nay be
aonsuartieng and all that, It din never be lovely
add of gape esport.. We fear It will only tan. in.
*wad at allaying. agitation In the Northern States.
topistio• to Om Wore
l Tinder this inn S. Lois a..d Cincinnati
-- paean are mums load complaints of the reheat 1
of Clongresa to make en appropriation' for the erect
lion el • pablic building in each of those places,
tole owed far a Comma Unwise, and other govern
o lintel purposes. In this canpLat, Pittsburgh
canine with good meson, so the lei usike - deue to
us 4 sot leas than to our slater edges of the West.
St Louie Republican intimates that the
time will come when the West will be all
poweifkil In the mama of the nation, and
that the South and East may have region to
repent their - step sister policy an the western een.
teal Sutton. There is boos In the observation, as
the remits f the ceases of this year will show.—'
As she Itepnbllean
; truly remarks, while millions
.. efdollare are expended every year upon Custom
Houses in the North and South, and hundreds of
Vtggaands are pet illgately squandered upon the
building cismein vessels, end foreign mail scam.
Medations, not a dollar is to Waives to the West
Lie public buildings. There Is no reciprocity in
any arch game as this, and the petiole of the West
should make their Northern and Southern broths
run understand, through their repnesentallves,that
• until the demands of the central States Me com
plied with, sot a dollar shell be applied to any vim.
filar piwyerel, no matter bow meritorious it may be
ti Le the only plan la bring these people to their
seeand when they And that we ate in earnest,
remember that under the next census the eas.
Blades Can uteri a cosOolling indlnence is
Ws Veins, t bey may be disposed to do us bailee.
We slain urge upon the cabana of Pittsburgh,
to use some delaite and energetic mean' to hirer
oar ofeemities kir a public building upon the at
tention of Cosmos. Cincinnati and Is. Lout.
irdl use every exertion to carry their point, and
izury succeed j3ictly With them, if the proper
;Dorm 'to made. Mr. Marupton is indefatigable
is urging our chilms to this appropriation, but it
*mid assist him moth to hare strong backing at
Ore Warman Item. Itomm.—We clip the fob.
Marks remarks, in regard to the great western
lima of rail road, in which Pa sha:Pi to ea deeply
literested, from the New Ymk Tribune:
The Pang of the Terre Huns and Ledianapo.
Ifs (Ind) Raul Road ta progresong rapidly. I; to I
be ready or tee saperarnetore next Spring, mid
if the Iron is reastrad in Ism,, win be completed
and to operation by Dacember,,lB3l.
Thin road In a vary important link in the greet •
chain of roads connecting Nev York and Pollack".
-pant with St. Loeb.
The whet, litho line of roads with the peep.
Mb of that_crane Ilinois—conmter.cumg at this
y, vrs Mai:Wpm a Pitotermb, ;terms the Slates
of OW, Iguana, Illnum, sad sang as Sm. Local
are at,' a prt. , "•l time Wider tante!) comomed;
cram In °persimmon in a ray knave ewe of con
• new m and w,lt be ern:lived at an early day.
Thearegis isesspiel are 00W miog taken to
pule forward too Limits part of lee One. Tim
c. S IS Of interested to • direct Ilse hum
Thrra Hams, Id. to Si. Lotus, kelltakcoaddent
tat they ewe the right to der the general Rau
pi raw of that Soda to coostruct the road have
org monad a company andstn. , obiained
• subsonpuoc to the stock Stoo,ooo,,end paid
to ten pee rant: and thfry are D.,w ragged in or..
boa a preliminary comfy of the Imo. They corn
mimed at the blur opposite Terre Haus and
at Ism accounts bad programed some fooltean
mita Weetwird, finding the Use very favorable.
The -onaineor• expect to roach:ft Lords by Gra
Stab of November, The prop° shag this Hue are
In Am Wills and are detaraunad to make the road
Wsb S. Wait, E.q. of Greenvtlla u Prastdent of
that Company.
Then km beau another Company °whined et
Allan, 111. distant amnia IS miles Sem St. Lonla,
for' um emirate of connracesig a road from that
point to Terre. Haut* They bane collected a
entactipoan of $170,000 to their stock, and Pea
completed a survey of the road from Altos, by
di, way of Shelbyville cad Charlaldos to the
S ate' one, 61 welt of Terre Rama. The ear
neer 'raynta. a vas Gvmdthr line—and it is said
tap the Cavan, are determined to mimed w m
the v rk. Teen, is • peat andidellee 80. ten
- at um Wee Mamie of those Boma at least arm
he made, which CU Ward • direct, and for alt
primemsal purposes, Pascal an alt Ilse tram the
Radian to the Itlilmdsslypi.
New Parr Omer:—Among the new Prot MI.
CVO establiabed, by ho Pat Meader General, Cur the
week ending September 14, are the following in
Peonsylvante—Slate gilt. Itotk Coanq, V. O.
Stu* Post Master; While Mb, Allegheny, ll
.Nlorsow;Pcet Mater; pottage, Huntingdon, Was
Wetter. Post Auger, Bower Hill, Washington, I.
Bower, Pon Mester.
. .
dlesandet Dahlias, member of the late revolt".
tlsoary Congress of Heasley, aad ComMiseary of
the HmeaMian army, arrived at New York a few
days Mace from Nashua!, and Mixed immediately
for the pm Was, where he is empowered to par.
dam a large tract of land foe three Mouvial of his
countrymen from Ceara: Hungary—atom robust
mes,aad nearly all hunves. The amount of land
ea/aired is 10,000 to 100,000 acres. Mt. Imlcaca is
one of the eleven purism who were enslaved by
Getteral Wlrallahgrats, In Docembei, who
be entered Hungry at the head of me Saurian
army. Man the complete overthrow of tha Haw
.series army, Mr. L kept himself secreted la Hu
ssey tuna Mara' tut, whim be effected hls escape.
. .
- The Jinn ), Lind excitement continues in New
'York without abasement: The net proceeds of her
.thdrd concert was 171,030. A company of sane
four hundred from Aster a, Finshing, and other
photon in that neighborhood, .aimed a maim boat
expreagy for the purpose of aucahng , the fourth
concert. A 'pedal train COMM treat and returns
to Itewark, on the tight of Jenny's einem, and
the Staten Islanders chartered a boat, on those
evenings. for the phasuie of hawing the wonder.
The road bed of the wend division of the La
Fayete and ladhutayolia Roil Road. (Gom Labs.
ma to ladiositiatioJ %distance of 26f tulles, Las
bow let to respectable , cosauseton, sad at a kit
p r im,' The wort to too commeaald by the lot of
c kto b e r. , gad completed by the let of My,
1851. The earth work of the ant diviake, Qom
La Foldout ladiantpolla, to eamplittod, void
the exeeption eta small aascaat of britlghoir, uri
the inekag of the dig tbrss seisloss',oli of La
Fayette. The . President of do Cagpini is I.
New Test, ibr ibs plums of =ling pediesinvy
stessosiNgib foe Inailisobirroytaa.,
crenThixesiss. alas rktt.ridoute , 6.
'Oar Omit. Wester& itaUroad,
MuuaN 0., Sept. 18,'1630
Ginummot—latat week the contractors of the
Ralkhatalne . and Indite, Rail Road ware paid
their monthly estimate for work done, which ex.
corded $lO,OOO. As the Pace on the lice is steed.
fileteallnir, the monthly payments will won
mot= to $20,000, or more. The grading and
=mom between Galion and Motion, 201 Wks,.
are to be finished by the inn of next Aimed, and
between Bellefentaine and Sidney, and for tea I
miles west of Sidney, by the Ist of October of I
next year. This embraces all tho heavy work on
the line. Nearly all the heavy masonry Will ho
compkted this fall.
The secoonts from Indiana and Illinois, rotative
to the extension of the "back bone" hoe t-cross
those States, are highly enconraglng. Thefy are
proweuting the work vigorously. And east if us
your Ohio and Penna. Rail Road Company teem
to be aecompliatiing wonders in pushing leeward
your end of the route. The prospect is bright and
cheering In the highest degree along the athOle of
this peat Emend West thotongbfare, for 'fee,,
malimaket of the widen of the thousands snit tens
of thonsands who are Interested In its tocre.s:
By this time, I presume yam have a c-ontinuith
mil wad Ban Philadelphia to Johnetown. ht the
western base of the Alleghenies, leaving only 74
miles of Magian far the route by cans.) thence to.
your city. The Pennsylvania Roll Road line cer
tainly been put through thus far, with remarkahe
arkijegy. Everyruecoucernedm its 1111 D g !flint
should he regarded ae a public benefactor .
Yon now have °netted the bObt route heft:ten
the Win tire, auj tie ectte re ; 4.1,1 w en
you tihsti Lave deished the milt t tut to,ng link,
from Johnstown to Pittaburgh, sour t ranut nuke
non eastward will be complete sod perfect. The
efforts of the Btlimore sod Oho Rail Road Com
iskey, and Of the rejectors of other lees I negible
ocitemes, including the hempen project, wit:le they
serve to convince the public mind of the vast
parlance or you: great Central route, CILI or et cc
price you of the advantages which that risciferane,
with W tvestens cocceettott•, is dunned to confer
upon your city. la due time this will heroine
matalfan to all.
In about two yews, when ore shall have a coo
rail rood from Philadelphia to Terre ilnu:oo,
and perhaps to St. Louis, you will have ocular
demonstration of what It is tba has caused buck
an unprecedented augmentation of populailoo, ie
the Sates west of the Ohio. Sorb a creom o f
pork, beef, wheat, cora, men, women, children
and fat babies, an we .1,511 send, will astonish the
natives of old Pennsylvania. It will- open the
eyes of the good f..lks of the cap of Penn, to lento
that a Tines , viol of railway will be inodeittiate
for the transportation at the businesirnf this nowri
or new world. They . ill be ready to exclaim
Well,tts it it great country." It ia, ton, as thy
census will show ; but if the moans taken tic, not
lam b you most add tin percent. to their return.,
for the population is Mill going ahead. "The 'Cry
Is still they come."
Youretrnly, &c
Comspowienee o(tbe P mbartk
WASS:MO . IIW, Sept. 19.
The Tatilf— AstmainsVa Equal • Other
B.T. the Turictql A tent
Mr. Merano, or Man., bas propounded his
plan fior/a modification of the tariff. It is briefly
this the home valuation shall be established by
apiWideement in the port of. sat* at the time of
lmportation, but no values shall be aliened et lets
than present pricea; vecond, the ditties on pig and
wrap Iron shall be seven dollars per toc; on win
dow glass, thirty per mat:ad valorem, and on, all
other manufactured Steles Len pee cent. 'hitt , e
what are levied upon the raw material of Which
mid articles an compered. Third, pig copper
shall be free, and all contracts for rail road lion
now eatererdinto may be filled at Plesent rats,
if the article be landed within one year. This is,
you may say, the Mariachusetts platform, quite to
complete. too, it L. and a little &stalks!, hot pot
a bad one.
Other members, howerer, think it can be lm
proved upon, as I certiiidy do myeelf. It bas
been expes6nettal that =Mr aneurismna to tieing
as arbitrary steeds:riot prices might be °hr.-Inc.
by 'decals* • sadist' meth of prime on which to
wens end levy the duty. Thus, Instead au
swan the ellertge wide prices of ibed to be fie
lad, and penmen; the propoadlon to to make op
ends first day of every fiscal year the avenge
of the meoket price-a to the pcnis of entry during
the preceding awe yea., and to declare Umiak
dal tralueica as the uniform standard for all
! custom bowels detrlng the catalog year. I think
Liman excellent supgulloo, if tl e plan be preen.
cable,. it appears to be. The Iv.ia null thou tc
I made to Cederm to the state at t.e tur , Sets, std
Ito the charges of circumetacc. throughoutls,
commercial world. This is ia dispense toe It ascots
to me to be the one thing 117•1111 Dir to make any
legislialon upon the subret stable from year to
year,and far may year together. A plan baited
upon this principle will probably soon he Mtn
ducted. The fettle of pro:cairn are ye cool
dent that aomsthin effectual will be done.
Coy. Porter Is hard at work, and is brnang
mug= to bear upon Job Mann, Itmorck, M...
Lanett., and Roe. Job and Ross are overly
out of the pale of persecution, and, I may add,o
sannution. They aro both so utterly and ileser
vedty damned. politically, as to leave them tale
or no sopa cf re election, mid they are mate
greatly recklew. Bat 61cLanahan and Dimurck
wand on a little better pound, and eon he, coo
ought to be, and wit be detested, tf they periest
in the coarse they penned last week on Vain&
ameadment to the free trade resolutions of the
Commiuee of Ways and Mean..
The New Talkers are out of their senses annad
and 'band Jenny Lied, bet LVashinaton, *al.°
%metal a iaa out of the depths of its pohtical
Amin or Ameer Bey, has sensed in a neat
of quasi, equivocal, udneedental, diplomatic capa
city. The Bey is a Captain, or something of that
sort, la the Turkish Navy. Ho COMos by author
hp and order of the poring Sultan, to explore the
country u a held in Turkish diplomaoy. :inch
ts their custom. 'They send a preliminary ar .,
who takes notes, senile them to the Wyatt, and
they an each as to warrant the mciutue, an en
voy Is sent u a permanent representative et Its
Sella/do sublimity near the government sa Lon.
ored. The Bey will no doubt do the handsome
thing by ea, and give as a good character, alter
the very liberal and acceptable greeting he Las re
Waived here to day. He visited the capitol, no?
a in very likely bad previously caned on the Pre,•
at, th,ush on that point lam:not definitely ad
vrzsed. He was dressed in naval uniform, sod
a Weight, good Lacking man. Hia,b.esd face tied
g11311:4 are a counterfeit resemblance of John Hr.
gets, the old Cherokee Chief, who died bete •
kw years ago.
It seems that Tartish notioos and eandents ate
nen u to require Ihat their diplomatic agents
shall in fact receive a handsome outfit ar Jab
from the Goverment receiving them. This is the
common practice of European Governments
AmorditlillY. Mr. Webster recommended' that
$lO 000 Me this purpose be inserted fa the , general
appropriation bill, which was to dal taken up te
the Senate: After en animated and interesting
debate, the item vu voted in—ayes 35, nays 19
to the evening. Amin Bey vu serenaded at the
National by a full band. Ile made a little areal
In Turkish, from the window of his parkrs which
was newly translated by the dragoman or literprs
ter, Kr. Brown, and delivered to the crowd,honeh
to their graetimtion, Arnie Bey thaelreß the
people hitheir attention, complimented our 'Four,
try en Its greatnew, sod in allusion to Ilia own
vise, called himself the Turkish Wu mhos, tbe
Mu °Baal visitor to the New World front , that
Pan*. Bali scoop! a lama from the brevity of
the Tort, and, in cotclasion, am as ever, ',
The New York Pox max, that Mr. Sterrett, the
canto armx, formerly attached to the 3altiotore,
Minense, ha., by the recent death of a relative I n
England, become a baronet. He is now So U n oege
Andrew Brand, known 'knave Kentucky Fat. Boy
died at Albany, on Wednesday but, nged 10 if .r.
—He was probably the largest human being in ec•
weente, weighing no less than five hundred and
bitty seven pounds.
The Washington eorreepondent of the Ben.
owe 5.4*,.X" slakes the bollowleg stemma at:
Mt. Joshua Giddings It seems, has made a Orr•
clothes retreat from Washlegton,after dramiso hit
per dins to the end of the seutott. tie left oh
the thirteenth of this month, jou u • werrant hod
honed aid been Fat la the conataNe's beads ea
He anew for hbeL The honorable v Lamb.,
bed *Wiwi on Mr. Ketcham end other gonlamee
bat blip wars lap holders of Tone scrip, ano
Sr that purpose urgag members to rote for the
Tctio and New Hsi:loan bill Hr. Ketchum
'Weapon commenced • anis soles Hz; but
Kr. !Weis dodged him end the oonwable. He
0010 pnewsktagabothlon InOldo,
P•.* , "V"
of We rllll , Urgh
thw YOIX, Sept, 19
The project or uniting New tork;l • Brookijii,
and Williantiburgh, has came to he most aerial:l4
tined or, and the committee of conference are
measly of the opinion that the tinkle will be ef•
(ected and forever preserved. 9ne'great want of
Brooklyn is water, which she expecte to obtain .
from rho Croton; but bovibit not been' determine
ed. EtFipeellf see entail:4o3g to saFilWy cheap
and effectual mean., but the cheap requisite does
not seem easy to attain. It is proposed by one
engineer to form a serial tube of gait, percha,
composed of eon large Inner, and twelve small
outer tuber, the whole to be five feet to diameter,
or the !same sire of our present mains. This
tube la tenant sd to require 67,000 pounds of gotta
perch*, and will need 24 000 Ibs. of anchor., and
can be supplied at a cost -of 1109.000, and guar
melted for twenty five years, if not diaturbed by
violence. It is proposed that such a tube shall nit
placed across the East river, above Hartnett.,
where vessels seldom anchor. Water in Dottie
way will be got across the river, when Brooklyn
will as much corpus New York the a resident.. ,
as Allegheny the present locality of Pittsburgh.
The Ltd mania continues strong enough to
give her houses averaging twenty five thousand
dollars per night, but crilictsm, In her case, hoe
tskno a remarkable tern. It is no at wr In say
that the tan. to In private life most estima
ble, and the breath of roandll has never robbed
her at a single its 0f repniatlon The critics are
racing to roe iota shall accord Ler the most pra,,
fu. 'her crquAlto s o,i.. and her motn h le•. t
t at, ht tat .00 .t: A ^, A
Lot me poelo.n •01a1.t.,
Bishop, and ttir ides fist Of lb., who,: Vv.,'
have by tuteg drawn multltudes sitter rivalat
Chia is tear, 62,1 %Ilia can wish it differ..? JetitiV
6cs cap MI ice outr, the Cr of a wattaro tor yel
t o volca of ana. Ali al on/tit:Ll-1 warm;ed.
purr ',ailed woman can Infuse lota she cre ai•rt , .
of the mus t of w,ict. of fletatatv She
bestow, hot rumor, nod he u - ho Vltlie her, •
pmeaag the magic of her rotor 0 smiler at
other limo taut.• caned lor.a ay the ro re
of a aster Or a tad,. will Ire Naely deer ;•,••I. ,:real
ternan she does oreate, tut ID toe donor tI be
et, and of bet pro:er.a.oh. tt moat be nowt r.,ht
admitted that .Lt. any oevelopro me otoe en..
yoro efmnions of her att.ltecee. She o I Five
"roe sacred run., ere lotto, wh , tt she ot.r I ~t
for au J.en., , tar beyond any root m N• •d• Yost
to elan,
The deplebon of the sub tre•iiiry nn!.., to
haven good elect upon the money siarali, and
Ile of money has billets almost at log]
rs: god Leine the business seam commenced
Toe b'eereisry of Mr Treasury, with L . Oll np,da
e judgment, acting upon the suggest.on. at :lc a
who know what is wants-I, lets out of the strong
box the coin, when its presence therein riranch
tal to busineta, and allows Inc metal to eiresiale,
and not br stagnation, eau,: infinite troll-c.
TI.. 111,111We113.0 , 11 lot tar payment a ,bo nsr
three and a hunt million! instalment of the Mrxi
, an inuerntity, the approprothoa I,r warn LaviLg
priced the Ilse, of Reprereniativea has haus
nada at 91 per cent. premium. Ihe Mews
Barlnge, Corroran & Riggs, and lucre and As
pica. ail are interested in the erflOgeibcpt. The
last instalment seas paid Ina smiler way and at
tho same premium.
The fitment torpedo Cape ha. assumed a new
aspect, and the lawyer Warner, who has ail along
been trying to ah& - sie that some villain sent an in
fernal machine to tate his life, a now charged by
hia wife will being thoOrtgletter of the nchcMc,
and that her life was the One nought. Her funds.
vita are to the purpose., bat Warner has fled, after
collecting all hi. debts, rotting his furniture, and
confessing jutignamt in favor of Moffat, toe tal l
man, for Sit,Ont.t. He came to this country origin•
ally to get rid of hia wife, and lived in the most
grim v oration of hia ebrgationa as a hutband.
He perm:mice hia In come to New 1011, and
bat acne abscondeii: under the Imputat on of ai•
tempting bet death. We have plenty of tb. hind
of lawyer, bore.
Orders have been trammeled tearinifolr, For the
eelsdthpalth to the Weal tad., vest
tel. oe that oration. Varian. Manors are afloat.
lotto fetal object in view--imatue [mama it, than
Government la tppr zed of another Expedition b
Gabe; and other., that. Spam b•• merited a tone
towards thin enuntry, to her c ENat cornroalatil
noon which cannot be tobmitred to wile honor .
Another a[ory has it, that demands having tam:
Endo by the American Mlnnter at Madrid, at the
lottance of thin Government, for the release of
Amer Chet canzeo•re•ident m Cobs. who had to en
,mvre':.•.4 cod ri.,cc.l, wnhhut any enderl:,
plll,, Lnta, ,nv•••,,r,
ip.thAct ~ 3 ,,vert:thetti le:.•ed the
-10 , acsrm—atti hr,reth • rt,thry.•,
/totes are wtteout ea• aocati S. c•.
For Cotton titre it a stool dets•ad thw encrstcy,
with tiles of • few hnodred bales at advance.
et= deacrtpttner. Four is heel/ , the Sete. are
3000 Ws, torludtaff fret/ fresh ground at Si
S auburn a &too heart, wad the rate. are 1 , 0 tent
Ells floor to firm, vette salsa lot) Ors at Si IV*
rleal ' at 53,10 (ti and t, ~,to
ha e—Witent onetetaged, wto va:c• 7 - `OO Ftn•
wawa to hi, 0e lit I tie,. la toed, au,
e7OO bile heated at I tOc. Hre 01 Orel at
Cub is firm auth sales of1.;00 tow at 01* tot
Western mined, whirn 3 a alstat tart°, swot
PTOV.VOL4—' , Xe a drro trket, ortult to X.'
trete stiles at eaterday'r W.ili.key a draa.
and the antes Isis nnototas ate CO. 011-n •
Vic ; Ittotd at 0 71 ai rhudge I. on
Tim `fee Pr-cht —.Juni. Smith, of Fnnth Car
&. n, trio rnnentratod that thrift, pia. [nay
•uein•nf..y fhlnra:ed in tt, furled
.int. , ins! It, tea Pair reve.s,4l by hum train Chi
na in May were pained i. tsar, and Lhft: on Etc
f.n rl the .mint memo of pierntMr, many o
them Were trout 1 In :! arbor in be r,,,,--.,nr n ng
healthy, Peantlint pleura Gam the orrwertt China
reed. g-rren‘rt.n, o• to then:met,. •Ircve
ground in to thrat intern month. frost the time
al 'blaming the hum" lie add•
• Any apart them plant., acid
sail to anion they were planted, and are how
growing. No ore can deny the fart that thr`tes
rant imported from China will Mahe itself 2,1. m-s-ale
-ale to 10111 climate, and grow with great Justin
ace. Tarte they starts—tn. , . import.] ear
;dented or }Sift and those from Chins planted th ,
tint weer of Jane last both io a elroog and hrediti ,
growing condition Althoogh the plants teat in
pirted- - hil of the brat quality of tae green tea
spans;— were of:-goal s as when planted in Jun,
in one Sr eli confirms.", baying the same an,
aspect, Mt...ober,: and etllll,2doe ; yet it is a CU,
/lOUs and remarkable fact, and ddincult to recount
grnw.h If eiCcedioaly valltttla. I
Matte Cite Want, and only one, three trines the aloe
any other in the palmation. filth plants nod
not, are cOagrwal to the climate, 0110 1 Maki GO
doubt will grow and Starrett in any latitude sod
climate between Fonda-,and the State of Marne.—
So tar es I bane gone, l dutar nay.lf that every
gap dernonstrates the truth of the declaration,
m which I alerted in ISIS."
Man. :Ur,* Alystryw.—The fol
lowing lever, in relation to Inc long lost Mrs. Mil
ler, ot Niagara Falls memory, and who latelyre.
turned In her home, in Detroit, Mich., appears no
the Winchester Virginian. A previous leber, from
the name sourer, which has been chows the editor,
is to a 'miety contrasted tone, and "Nadu bitterly
of the stippm.d guilt of Raker •
1/1. rums . , Sept it, /S9l.
illy Deur Str . —lt affords me more pinnace man
'I can well ewe. to eonnnm on mete to yon that ten
do yi ago we reserved It-item - from urq do,tglaer In
forming IN where she wae, and requreting nor lath,
er to color for her, she not having heal Yer
fattier'. death. A friend won .4,11.4 her and sue'
arrived at tonne Ise Saturday own: I ler c.intlitei
has been niont rati•ifinitorily captained, and I be
lieve her to bean tree Irmo guilt as site was when
she first left her father's , hon.. She hoe not seen
or heard nwything of Henry C. Raker niece [miner
she left Wincbenter, lam November. I believe he
left Winchester name tuna before she did, with the
intention of going to some "foreign country. and
mince then she has known rothmg of hint. That
he or a perfectly innocent men,aa far as She is con
cerned, lam perfectly convinced of, and regret
that !stinted have dime blot so notch injustice when
1 last wrote to you. She has been under Cetbolle
protection ever since she left the F A liso
vein pin
red io the hands nit her own friends. With regard
or the stories which appeared in the papers connect-
Ink his name with hers, he will have to mske his
own esplattat leis. Belleving that this mammies
non will bring joy to hts mother's heart, I female,
Respectfully yours,
las.acm.s H. Minima„
Dr. G. A. V. Reed.
An littanTA-1T LIBEL Suit wa. commenced in
the Coon of Common Pleas, at New York on
Thursday morning, which excites no lode talk
about town. The complainant to Mr. D. Ander.
son Pratt, editor of the Merchant.' Ledger; the
defendant, Wilkes and pabltsbers N.
rion•l Polo. 6rserte. Damages claimed, $15,000
The Pohco ()same la charged -with publishing an
aciclo arperporg the character of ML Pan, chug
lag that be kept coalman, with, sad ItippOrted
lewd women, ete, ens, etc.; hut, whoa too late,
Mi. Wakes discovered that the Mr. Pratt he bed
in his mind's eye was not the edhor of the - Ledger
Prompt apology Fut:ll:Cara and refused. Hence
the sal= for
nsx:o rmnPner<4l'
Ltatuto/sc cult:ref -;tarti era's Drat atsSt
vpjr•re, an& thisreception or DLO /Drat
•, B. tiasslas.
fiirune twenty years since, more or leas—far I
eannotfix the date wah more certainty-1 formed
a travelling acquaintance, upon a steam boat on
the 'Hudson river, with a geatlemani who, on that
mammon, related tr. etc romp incident* of the first
voyage of_ttulton tit/Orally, in his boat, the
Clermont, which I have ne. ermet with alteetaharvt
The gentleman's name I have lost; gut 1 urged him
at the time to putthrtz what he related; which, how
ever, no far as I know, he has never done. I have
several nmc, repented the facts as they were told
me, and have been often requested to preserve
them from oblivion by giving them to the pre..
I chanced, told my narrat o r, to be at Albany on
bosuns.. when F11 . ,111 arrived there in his unheard
eratt, which every body felt so much interest in
see. Beam crude tom a anti hearing that hit
craft wits flbt.ll, to return to New York, I repaired
on board and inquired ittr Mr Fulton. 1 was re
ferred to the cabin, nod there found n plain man. n., , ,, elf alone, and engaged in
Mr Fulton, I wuppe•e
Yes•tr. •
Do you return In Now Vint: with thin boat
We 'halt try to got hook
Con 1 nave a
,pa•narto Join, ‘
You eon take your enauce with u..
. .
'ingitreil the ammo i be and one} a mo
ment'. heolntlotl. I nook thtt dollars me , Oar,
ed. Toe amount m ~ iac I ! ta his open hand,
and wok hi, eye fixed twit a , he remained so long
monontess that I might he anti,
count, and said to bun •,:at r,ght: air ' This
roloryl hint (ruin a r, crw and he looked
up of me, a big Woe tirinitinng in his eye, and
sin voice loitered a , he
Erma, me air, butmk 'airy way busy as I con
tempiated Mts. I , ts. the D r • or•lnlnry reward 1 have
ever recetred tor al: my ezerrions in adopting
steam to no ,;,t rommemorate
thenernswo river a I wine with you, but
really I UM VIO poor err, Crt that, lust DOW; yet
trdst we may meet etcr.o. matron this may not be
Therorage 'to Net: rk soccessfnl, as
all know, - and lemon , k accident.
Some tour veer-co , s. when the Clermont
had twee greedy lotto her name changed
to Me North Rive, two other boats,
namely. the Car of Nwkii , tad the Paragon had
been Lunt. triakinkri nett three boats
repiMirly pik tor tek , Y" w York And Albany,
k •-r• tor the tatter city
The Yuma. .0 ?lion. • .•1, - on.l as 1 walked
r. non Ir.• very etwe V 011
' , V .-De how
ire I rel`ryhtli • Mr f . 'L..".m, bar
dr-eloann; n. ied my maik and
nwemml Me remit A , rnmmng inn
Oun vn• - • met. when ..• • hi, 'eel, and an
vcrly w.zed tomd, ,
know n mint be
viPtir femur., ta,er ,-.raped me. and
rano.; eli I dill ',tut Ittr Irei„ vet I may venture
that e hob. It raered, and during .1•
tut, \I; Fn l in s but t,leptly over
his ,-.per ik ttpr war pr , owl sneer,
and ,d ihe littir- Ii ..appanornant., hall dnii.
e 11.... 1111 hPi whole Calera
me tramtpli. al wh:r!, I.a .0 tiPlt 101 l ho had at last
am, a Awl m ; he, I have
acme .1.1 ptairit lap iert and the tact.
a ti
aunt 01 our r‘t titterr A
a- - at Albany, and fleet,
hare I done so without an refiewiog. in thy nd
it, mid mamm. d enu•rially canned That ecru,.
ed amt rtill doe.. emtp the tinning point to
ire dr...boy—the divafina tme between heal and
d.tram—.. ruy crv, ra -it earth; foe it wa, the
r•pip t atill,m id my tt.clutneai to my fel•
low men
Such :him wre tho eVionlr coupled with the very
seam y .lLu vit .on—a Wn 10 recent no to
be. MI I recolierird bo ion., —Load mach ma Fulton
Were r. .r-1 the.n. sot re era ty •,
Lt the o cod, ot olleoweis w hirh ha. wooded oil
orw•itia arma.ainwn onvigailon, which
has a cnost Wroth v Irrotoolt thevery ends of the
earth in ...cwt.!.
S 1. Adrto.n Ihe %Vatitioglon c
re.pohdrht ~1 the ladclimiod American, hay. --
"1 he projedt lor enhto,dintr a tote of ma/1 gram
nop. (Dail 01 r-ii- t, Menet, vie the
Mettocrotneno io London, which hiss been the mob
ject of no touch ddousntou it the new:phi:tern, will
be mord. hod watt eten rr noble prohltottly
emcee—, thole the hooolronteni of Coaue.d. Uric
lb. creno-dt oh,et.-- I nay say, the principal
thl• .I,Cllllr, beAldrs Trending our corn
rnerera: relat low, En n..w and encournging.pficre,
anduntol,orvin,r, with nem,. tolarien
of I be y phgko,rm o n tt
xion ~ t ivron; lardm, lor Van..
1 w trre
:1 r.opuaton 10 ',bermr t m ,. , .li o ll,ll.,lq •,1 , Nr.oli,renlt
LAI rt.lll,Ml. v•
era , ei !he r , • MIIVI hive already r% ire ea
a ryaee ieruthy and enhghten-,1 nut rn euroura
. mul other. are prepared to
,r• hr. I, et the pen true proptru
Iron ulied "nem are, buw, err, pntolar
.--,Mail s.! wen eh •Ornral narrl large mduen ,
Tire !spat preprre.r ..5 an, crear or:Amman elval
all that r ~ ehnz h e,,,hon, and in Ine et ,
rd her ~rer up a the occan aclntout-trer,
tu.lntl our anpr..uh,e, to he tun , allatned. =-
Ira, N l lllll' alit:,- 1., ' , sere unprowntent and prep..
ird ••,,pele Ii h error enterpre.e
v exiendert every la•
edgy ;Le:erne-rent eJtreun,e build upw cum
orrar.ex, ' l O C I , I II .I A II CIC4 ?Dip pu
vs or hem,: 4.;nereeieu sielings a: err' Cu earn
er.,• ruete Y so obrum4v wise
a+ in aI n. cluunt It "as teen Cultured to a
lunged enreo !le ~ u r own r , vernerreat, and ha•
been .111r,1 , 41 ,o-p!turxer resuP• iyy
in r. interne ati tellst nnw mutnu plalea,
and tr.!, .inn• 4.1 .1,011111,... C.l/7./1 1, 4
y h.srld up atua e. lhe errurre nr titlii
tn-ar• r1...11,11 4,11.111,11 with any.
end r
... l'il.;nJel
ph.., t.. tnr •••••;71 ord., for
Ling ..1.1( pe‘era. L t.. • a-,CV. at Nt.rlaik.
I in, I, en, ',•-e. .I..c.ntre brva dr.pnirn.
ed al- ti:tzni:
v Cuba, .1.1 ure
t.'ar cause Sotor
.t,.,,, Mai •111,1, t 011 If god
ortt.,• S,ll II n toward. lb.
•- I, a rnoment $(3.,
ale.l • narmg been mod.
he the Ante , r • ` , :x , frhi,ol the trwener
„f t h . Ane,eas
et: resident 4 • d ...I Imo hithrewneo
med, w .h , I
:11,1 . t'ar• : - . 4 .;furroN cr , r‘err.
m-n. hlcl rt . UN dI. I • 144. d—...n
morn prt-
T ,•,e•Lteeerded in arre.lms
_Net, ll ade charged web
kot. t e, sonth'. !.urK.rtroou.O. eller
oil the I 31 Id :t1 'ors 134 lk Dorehe.ter.
4.12 110 J. mostly ta them
thot,aull , fl one )
•.i. I.lld AI 11,44,11,0 n to lt'oJe.
.rr pot ...1r.,. Ix•n arre..l64 lit the Nan, time,
e• at Wrwle.
art oollfio I.,ytalatuto "ol.raerbtotetto, giving r
con of I.lTrrrlroPr porlion•ry tfi
•, 1. dwr t nt irbont tlve mr-bitl provide • plant
nor tirat mood work
at A on, lb n 1 lb , - t• r ntfilrrett toy tho
lr:.:.rfi-r ,n,'-no it .t.t ettort,
• lin,. Idto —roe ISOLdatta Anicnenn, of Ent
day, o fV. toolctstend ?duo a &liftmen WI.
rter.V( . l yeil , r,lll7 otototitc fy the Cay Ronal
att:a g ve t t; aot emit Eilltinaate thin
month, an ranted in the Atnerienn of yesterday
Other hmeron fare Maier, been made, by
which rho 111 to eine in Ration on the tee
and the wilt anon nr:tirtl In Nan York, and Rive
coat crtn their fellCe proneetbett firtbef tiouth."
W,- learn Irian the \ Vaatonttlon papera tint n writ
of halwa,,,ill,l V 1,1% on Weariltaday maned by km
honor, I ollr,tlCrant.l, Cdnel Joilite of the Circuit
Court for vat I lt..trict Colistribia, on the appliedP
lion ol the, tniii44.l of t ;env.' and mu.
on That' Lty, brought before ita4o C, who requited
had to the %Inn it,IXII/ donate fur braappearance
at the lull term the f lrinunal Court. A bond lot
the requi4no atnt 01 1)4:1 benut entered in,
imon vol„ aintl,o t trneral Chaplin, David
A. Ilan, seifw and William Blanchard, thr
I'o,l moral ihrr 1110 41 10 T 0 . 1 (rota the multady of the
Jailer it hI naltovon county, bat held upon II War.
rant r01,..11, Val., 110. rtaiarolloo 01 the (it,
vroor ill Maryland, in vbnipllnocr. WWI wheeh he
.0 the afit.rttoon convt)ed to 1t.0t.1, vd by 0111
~era (.:.,4'.1.1:41 and II
It 00 ,Iot arr',ll c{f Chaplin, nt
00 rutin .1111,111 wtot hAd before /1 toujit-train,
Lot to. tlet•totem W.l non,. •• reporal. [mil It WWI
grnertwily thon,lti nt villuthat he would not Lc
uthnittill n. Ittn! —11131( Amer.
A r , h,.r. 1, - roue—The Charlovion IC
Free rolloWittg .Inguiar elremo
t•ianre• •
'A new. in liii.widtte counly,cante to his denth,
n. short tllllo 1Q..., lilt! following Bllaguiar manner
Ile was seat uwt u field nu un errand and not le-'
turning as soon xe expected, .arch was inadedand
he woe found lying en the ground nearly dead, his
train their socket, and exhibiting Me
appearunee of grannuintion. Qa approaching near
er, it tyros dIiCOVCVed thaa large snake had crawl
ed down histh. oat. They attempted to draw out
the auntie by um mil, which extended a few Ma
rla out of the negro'. mouth, but it drew it in t.,
sod the negro died at the Inttnnt. It is aopposed
that ho lay down on the gavond . and fell al.ep,and
the snake finding an entranda in the open mount of
the negro, crawled down bin threw, thereby /mus
ing 11l awaited the negnde death."
By and aria the armee and ft ef the &mats.
George Lunt, of MathaelutaNta, to ba Attorney
of tba United Staten 14 and fir :be district of Mu.
C. Goelb* Ilaylor,of Teiklk, In bet Consul Of the
United Bute. of Amer: et tot the part of Amster.
oem, In the fitrisdote of Aso Netbettende, in piece
of Albert Lease, 1031 rut .1.
W.. D. Imp, CL4.ecto: of the Gatlealut tar the
dittrl% of Ptuladelplaa, ttaaglvtalt
p am ,,i revving the Fiat Seastanqf Ms Thirty First
IFustac--No. 311
AN A , :r to amend and suptdementary to the act
enr lied." An act respecting fugitives fr o m j g , -
tie , and persons escaping from the service of
the r Lowden." approved February twelfth, one
this.seed seven hundred and ninety three.
Er at . a w ard by the Senate and H.* of Bewrs•'
senwnors tf or Unita States If A,, ,i,,,,,„ Coos
grr, orarmbled, Tint toe persons who have been
of may t erealter be appointed cOmmonioners, to
virtue ninny act of Convene, by the circuit courts
of the United States, and who, to consequence of
such appoitament„ ore ant homed to exercise the
power , that any justine of the peace, or other me
astraln, no any of the United Stiles, may •xerco a
In trepeot to offenders for any •r me r offence '
gains, the.Untted State, by arreatieg , i primates,
or brOng the name 'under aid by vi ue of the
thirty third sect on attic art of the tw m y fourth
of September. seventeen hundred and tshy nine,
maitre , . "AD act to establish the jai mai courts
o f the thayenB Ilea," shall be, sob ar hereby, an
honited and required to exact., and I.eharge all
the pre sera ono deli., conferred be th • act.
Sao 2 And be tt further enacted, That the as.
aria n ant of even cognomen Territory of the
Unite I Siete. shall have the name power to ap
point cops nOssioncrt to take acknowledgments of
s a d aaglegi wits, and fo take deportioun of wit.
terta , 1 6 civil raver, which ot now possessed by
the erinutt coon of the United Slates; sod all
conami•elonere who shall hereafter be op Jointed
for such airport. by the no ce•rior court of guy or.
ginned Territory of the United S are, stall oce
an all the powers, mid exercise all the &Mee
conferred by law ninon the coramirAtonere • pomp.
ed by the United St Una for sinsfirir paps is, son
shall moreover exercitic and dirchage all the pow
on , ~,,o dune. runt:anal by this se. •
Src. 3 And be it fattier enacted Tint rbe cir
cuit e inns of tae United States, and the ...trove,
oats in etch organ mod Territory of the Col' ed
States. Ova from time to time enlarge the numb,
nt,,ent.r., welt a view in afford n tallow,
We froalaies ter real. !optic es from Woo . , t‘ ,i o
the prompt discharge of the dates tinikOD,J by the
Sic. 4 And t : , It limbs *nasal, That the cons
micro. re en-tire named .sat naire re) nanrren ,
jlll,[l . cnOci u•Ve. Ibe j,otrot, of ibe intuit end din
tell act vi :no Crated Storer in thew reepeet,e
&trails and der Ca. or n h.n the acverni State, a r
the peace ot the euperior errata of thet•Ternloncr,
orreetellY ...ft eollee , relli 'n term tinge and vacs
two; sod stall gratit etttl leave to lasth claimant,
spec vianitctory proof barns mane, wt .- 7h authorits
ter tithe and remo•e such fugitives from service or I
I an-, under Inc rainctionn herein reat•lned, to
the Sate or Teri - 007v 0070 which welt persons
I may nave enconed or 11. d.
ISte. fi. And be it (.usher en. etre?. 'Then it rhel
be the ditty of aii inambais nod oeirMly marsh.l•
to o'srY and executt• eh warTaula acid preeritlvit•
toed u der the r r ni-lons ot t h e. or, 'worn to them
direc ..1; end should any marshal on deputy mar
end re filar to reunion rich mortar a or whet prn•
ees.when tendered, or to use all proper mean•
d lige otly to execute the nom he spell, on eon
vollon thereof. he teen in the sum of nee thou•std
do Inca, to the ure of •veh claimant, on the mains
of ram claimant by ,he circuit or e ettrlet court for
the distrct of ouch marshal ; sta. after arrest of
finch furlove by with marshal f r his depot?, or
abate at any titre in Lla costar; under the pro
v row. inlet, ibis net, tamale inch fugitive en.
cape. whether whir or without the rowel of sect
marshal or his &put!, coin ma: •• hal allot' be Untilr
era tint mil u•l bond moor proses oco for the benefit
ot sae element For the fall 'valor of the terrier
or lab in or raid furtive, in in,. sir e ; ', T ito., o n
detriet whence be twinned ;., and the lieu, to en
ante the said coomeroloser r. wren thus anpoint•
ed, to •x-rote their dune, faithfully and efficient
ly, to conformity woh tan taerer:tart of it e
, Conaitmain of •he 1 . rind Stain, and of this art
i tit -y are hereby outline' zed and empowered, with.
to theta COUntool r.vnecin e'y, to appoint, in wro
ling under their hand., toy one or mare suitable
persons, f eon Wee lore be, to execute ail elle
i warrants sad other pre mi. a may Ire mad by
them in the lawful performance ',lnbar respective
dries ; with authority to such commissioners, or
blue persona to be •ppn oted by them, to execute
process as aforesaid, to summon and rail t i n their
aid the byrtanders, or ;rears consitruur of the proper
county, when ace- say Yo ensure • faithful ob
•crirs a re nf the arc a ot the Conon:orlon referred
to, in conformity wth the prociairms of Idle act i
and al snort raiz. Os are hereby commanded to
an t
t rears in on prompt and elbceill hie , if
i lain of this law, whenever tketr nereicna insly be
required, air tifuren• id, for Oat peep., add and
warsni• shall rUoi and Inc executed by ard ofG•
ca. soy where it, the State within which they are
Ac,! '.e. 21 /tie bier marred, That when a
I issued
person loud to -cern, or lab,.. In any Slate or Ter.
hk, of Us- Cooed S tate, fats heretofore or shall
erfattler erns fa- into notate, Stale or Territory 01
the l'n,leg S ones, tine person or penntett lo whom
•och eery ice ,or labor may be due or his, her, or
their agora Of .11faar, duty authorized by power
of strianery, in serum, acknowledged and ratified
under the aetli la Tome legal officer or evert of the
State ne Territory in which Inc come may be exe•
elletioney pumps, nod reclaim eau fugitive par
sue. either by prOnoring a marmot from wine one
of tbo court., paters, or eortnnt•tioners aforerattl,
of tat, proper eneoti, datr,el, or county, foe the ap•
path, afiral of sorb Intoner front rammer or labor,
or toy waling sod arretoter verb Itstlttee, where
the Some nn be done thoot rats, sod hi oil,
leg. or rattling ,ugh' remon to be taken, forthwith
hoOrro such corm, range, or colocnivaluner, whose
duty a Oral bo to hest and determine the case of
net clan - rani in .1 man' manna sod upon
ssi .... tett,' peot , t7 t-tote tn tee. he tteret, te o r el
1-. haht,g , V., •o oath end '
take depositors', under the to ot the :time or wr•
Mom Irmo which such person owing service or
labor may have escaped, with a cerotente of such
rimatorsey or other author it v. as aforesaid. with the
at ~t the. proper roue or termer thereto atta c h e d.
which seal shall t.. sufficient to establoth the com
petent, of the proof, and with proof,anto by affid•
va of Inc ;de,. of she person whose service or
labor la claimed to rc due as aforesaid that the per
son wiertesteu does in tact owe service or labot to
preson or persons cootiong ft..ri or her, in the
note, tar Tintonfrom wroch such fugitive may
have <warn] is and that said person es.
- aped, to make out and reliver . such claimant,
his Of her •aent or attorney, a moth. ate setting
miit the subwan'tti tact, e, to the Perrier or labor
due front such foveae to the clertant, and of his
or her escape I root the State or ,„ which
service or labor wan due, to the State or Ter
titer, In which he to .he w arrested, with •te
horde it. snub [...inn' or hi. as
or h e r ag e s, o r
ornry, to use such ress. , naltkrestraint
force and
es tea) be uccemary, under the miscionstsoces of
me case. to take and remove *vett fugitive person '
hart. to the liltste or Ter.ory whence hr or ehe
sl Once escaped an aforesaid In no trial or hear
ing, under this eft, shall the testimony of such
nurgtd loginve he admitted to evidence; and the
certificates to tilts, and the first section mentioned,
dot t fac conclusive of the richt of the person or per
sons ot whose favor granted, to remove anvil fuso
cc. to the Sett or Territory from which he escap
ed. end enall prevent all mots-station of such per
son persons, by any process issued by any court,
inegwirete, or usher. perste', whomeoever.
Pee 7. Asa Wu farther enacted, That any
per-on aro nhgli gnOwiegir and untimely ober not,
tender, or prevent nun /clamant. b. agent or at
torney, sir any person nr persona latched, Restating
biro, her, or them, from arresting witch a fugitive
'ram, Of labor. either with or without pro
cm...dormice, or shall remue or attempt to sea.
roe ouch fugitive from service or labor, from the
sustady of much claimant, his or her agent or at
torney, or other person or persons lawfully med
al: emanate, when so arrested, purananit to the
authority hereto given end declared; or shall Rid,
abet, or asset au -h person so owing se fteie Or
isbor art of &reedy or indirecuy, to eitest,e
front such claimant. his agent or Romney. or other
person and prevail, legally authorised as aformuldt
or shall harbor sir conreal such fugitive, so as io
Prevent the discovery and arrest of such person
alter notice or knowledge of the Pact that loch
person was a fugitive from service or abut as
eforeetud, shall, for either of Reid r fleeces, be sob
tact to a flee not exceeding one thousand dollar.,
nod imprisonment not exceeding am months, by
indictment and conviction before the district cowl
of the Untied States for the district in which arch
' ollanee may have been committed, or before tt-o
proper court of criminaljarisdirtion, if committed
within say ono of the organized Territories of' tee
United Stolen; and emit moreover forfeit and 'pay,
Icy way of Neil d•mages to the party Micro ii by
such illegal &Induct, the tom of one thouesnd dole
torn, for mot fugitive so lost a alornwtid, to he
',covered by amino of debt. In any of the district
or territorial enor• Rfareaald, within whirr pins.
&Omit the said offence may have been et/leonine&
rlrc. 8. And ha it further enuard.. That the
tureens's, their deputies, and the cles'es of the said
d :met and territorial e tufts, shall Ise paid for their
erotica the ltke foes as may Ls avowed to them
ft , vonaar ..rviers In ether capes;and where
..11 servuira at,, rendered tic' osively to the or.
• vUelmirodol deli rem sit the fugitive to the
!ammo , . his miter lucent or attorney, or Wherh
h lillopovotl hoary re be diechatned out of
ritsloly 'nuke went of aillicient proof an akne•
sad,ih or such leen ere to, he paid In the whole by
suit claimant, his rgerA or attorney; and In all
c.iv• where the Prow sidings are before a coots
rolrsloner, be 6111 b e entitled to a fee of ten dol.
lan to filll for each case upon the
delivery 01 the sat , . eertigrite for the clamant, his
of her agent or at Janney; ok a tee of five dollar* le
cases where the twoolenall not, to the opinion of
such commiallotter, warrant 'mob certificate and
d . "IIIYv inclusive of all nervier. Incident to such
nod wxaminetion, to be paid, in either case,
by the claimant, his or her agent or attorney. The
pencils or'perpons authorised iv execute the pee
rless to be Netted by such cam missioamo for the
arrest and detention of legit:vett from gerviCell or
labor as'aforcsnid, shall akivbe . „ entitled to fee of
five, dollars each for each peruse he or Mel may
arrest and tale before any null immmiseloner as
aforesaid, at the instance sell mutual of such
clinking!, with such other fees as may be deemed
17 Its b a ' r bT r e*mm' re f"eb t h"
e d byhito ee'e T "My
endhig r .
keepiog the fugitive to monody. and pro.
.siding him with food and lodging dining bin
'detentiOnr - altd tent dm 'Anal deferminatinn °finch
.onmmimioner ; and in general' , Cur parforni=
ether dente ea may be renal/rod by mach o
eta or her attorney or agent, 'or commiatifoner
the Premblea,, snob fees to bet merle tip In eiettform•
Al with the teen tinted, charged by the °Mom of
the emits of jostle. within the proper dnurict or
county, an near as may bo,priteUenbig, and paid
by such Alumnus, their agents or attorneys,
Wiltatht 1114 Nyco, rokictrof ttgpl OCI": 11 Pr
labor iM ordered to ketitetiverod to sock claimseth
by the filthl determination ortmeh cocomirtoutio,
Ste. 9. And b U farther - inched. That upon
affidavit made by the claimant of sock futiuve,
his !agent or attorney, after such certificate hell
bent towed, that he has reason to apprehend that
each fugitive will be rescued by force ken his or
their posseraion before he can be taken beyond
the limit. of the State in which the arrest fa made,
it shill be the duty of the sere making the arrest
to ret in such fugitive in his custody, and remove
hint to the State obese, he fit& and there to de.
liver to said claimant, his agent or et "mut.
And in this end, the efface aforesaid is hereby au
the , z d and required to employ so many persons
as he may deem necessary to overcome such
force, and to team diem in his service so longs,
cimummantes may rrquire. The said etneer and
ass!. ants, while so emp`oyed, to MCIVO the same
chropr u,ation, and to to, allowed the same ex.
peohe,, as are now allowed by law for trenspor
to lion f crimioat., to be certified by the judge of
the dierict within which the arrest is made,
•nd paid out of the treasury of the United
SEC. ID. Amid Le it farther enacted, That when
any person held to service or labor in any State or
Territory, or in the District of ; Columbia, shall es
cape therefrom, the party to whom such service or
labor .hall be due, bin, her, or their agent or
attorney, may apply to any court of record therein,
or judge thereof in vaestmn, and make sanstactory
proof to such eottrt, or judge in vacation, of the:
escape aforssid, and that the person escaping owed
nervier or labor to each party. Whereupon the
court -hall causesrecord to be made of the mailers
so proved, and at. general description of the per
nonno escaping, with such convenient certainty as
may he; and a transcript of such record, authentica
ted by the attestation of the clerk and of the seal of
the said court, being produced in any other State,
Territory, or Diteriet In which the person so escap
ing may be found, and being exhibited many fudge,
cuenrninsioner, or other officer authorized by the
law of the United Staten to cause persons escaping
fromservice or labor to be delivered up, Omit be
held and taken to he full and conclusive eminence
of the fact of escape, and that the service or labor
of the person escaping is due to the party m such
record mentioned. And upon the production by
the said party of other and' further evidence it' ne
censer} , eit er oral or by effidevit, in addition to
what is contained in the said record of the identity
of the person escaping, he or she shall be delivered
up to the eminent And the mid coon, cornmit
! wooer, judge, or other person authorized by this act
10 scan , emtificates to claimants of fugitives, shall,
Luton the pniduction of the record end other evi•
den,. rOoreerod, grant to each clamant a Cr nifieste
of his right to take any such person identified and
proved to br awing service or labor as aformafd,
which certificate such clement to some or arrest
and transport such person to the State or Territory
from which he encaped• Prennded. That nothing
herein contained chill he construed as requiring the
produmion of a tranw rip' of suck record as evi
dence us aformod But in its absence, the claim
shall he heard end determined upon other satisfac
tory proof, competent in low.
Speaker of the HoLne ni Representatives.
President of the Senate pro comport.
Approved September IS, I&.O.
We mentioned, a week or two since, the death
of a female m Cheater county, who was a stranger.
Her name was Higgins, and she had a son residing
o Pinahurgh. It the papers of that city will puha
bah this paragraph it wilt be the means of communi
cating the intelligence to her relatlV..—{Village
Tbat pornon of Or Peonnytvania Canal be..
Morn lisrr:reour, h end Colutabi•, which has bet in
closed to repair lojorrea tram toe late storm, 'Pia
opened flue week.
Iplttlail U to Bight by 12. P.
S. P. I,mron—SlT: I wish to bear testimony to the
medley , virtue of the Oil called Petroleum. I was for
a lone time afflicted with a badly Inflamed and very
iions cern to mach so a• to lose eight entirely for about
ihrre month., with very :title hopes of ever recovering
the ri ch, arid but a slight prospect allaying it re
bevel of the "renew; my attending physic*. was
unsuccessful In making a cure,. la giving relief,
andafrordeil me bet little eneourageottnt. I hoard of
the Petroleum shout the let of April, 1810, and gave
it a the result is, the sight is seatered and my
eyes well, except • hale tender or weak when I go
out in the sun. ANN 1111AAND.
hluts•tbehl at., (h.q.., May !Sit=
y. S I have berm sfllieted yr/Ith Pile.
tor ren years, snd have teed other remedies, mrllloat
permanent r clef, untd 1 iseard of the Prteo/euM. 1
hare u•rd ost;y one bottle, thong I sm euhrelY
cured I ter ttttt menu It to •II who are afflicted malt
I have luo. st to ha good for sore eyes.
netnns, May In, Isd 11. C IiARKKTStirN
Dor .ale by he yger & hlnitowell, 111 Wood street;
11 F. Sellers, Wood et.; II At Carry, Allegheny city;
It A /*Anna, Allegheny; /deep!, Douglue, Allegheny,
sled by the ttropnetor, 0. Id. KIF.II,
ty I Canal Ramie,. Seventh st Pittsburgh
Flyysacoult, Aernat 3, teal
Tom eioclaoldcra of the Ohio aria Pennsylvania
1101 goad Comp. Tore boreby nottfied to pay - the
e3ate. ice.mlencel of five doges per abort, as the office
of the i'lumpanr. on or Lehr.. the Cot!, day of ASS jut?
The mom mmuutineng on mbelore Um .011 day of
ecommuer. The moth ;uutaieneut on or Lela?, the
UUM day of October Ileac
ICT 'roe 7th itiCaltacnt wa. rolled (Of on the TOM o
July lam_
uaufealf teat I.A fie 1 , 11. Jr, Treasurer.
n 011.
D. 1111IST,
• iir
11 y of! ns.nti
•••• ~1
R. P. TANNER 6. CO.,
52 %V toed a, botvre•ma Third c Foar2h
Are n•is , res tying their •ery lame sod •uperior F
Alto noroirrs movvEruk. ad or lbo lat
olt, at d aaperaala adapted tc the *raw, Veda
It I a• bet, selettad volb at en-rr ta,unst ri
gad qua tay rat rt”, r d any ...I id
1, any cutler ea.( nr sett Out customer, sad m
chatkt• acrirrWty •e knakk•il up calk and caw:alma
wc aro %ratan/aided t• on ma most rceolonalk
tcTm. /also G11.04 , 37'3 P•lent Kaldker • Shona a •
tinda tokakikdif
u 1 M'CORD 4 CO, lato
ttoletMe & Retell Mt watt rem& Deo era
11A:1 - S, CA PS & FURS.
Wbera may pan a all aou noromete ea of Hata.
Cam Far•, an., of earn' quota, and by %. hole
a•le wnd Retell, tp•ne. Il,e alteraton of their eus
tonic, .; Ana parrhasen generally, as•oriog du
they volt ee , l on the labor •,./.1 .{.1.4.
129 w Ookrnaj,T,
Ara now prepared wtth a large and trrah reek or
Lnettah German, and American 11•Idsetua to nter
aupertot inducements to buyer.. Tease wirhthr: to
por,lme will promote them interact by lac trap
hroaah oar stock, VI they are determined to nil on
the moat reasonahte tee',. at gin
snapro••osona• u Umassetry.
OIL II O.STEARN:O, late of Benton, is prep sled to
manufacture and set Owe. Tann in whole to id pan.
o 4, upon ction or Atmospheric Suellen. 'Antes.—
SOCHI Cell. IN WIVE Ituncros, where the ne
..ppned. Orme and residen;e next door m.,.
ors taco, Fourth street. burgh.
Hares O. hl.Fatiticts,P. 11. F.atort. IMO
Or Pitt•hi”.gb...
C. C. W. 41ART3,13. , 5,
odkr—No. 41 Water went, in the linmhoolle of C.
1 .
COSIPANY Is na prenared tnimre all
1. vy
kinds of rink., en bootee, re anufsetones, "roads
merehendite in store, and in traymitu Tones, dm
An ample goarniny for the ability and integrity- of
the Intlitntion, in abide , ' in the character of Me Di.
fc tom, Who are all citizens of • Pittatiorgh, well and
vorably known te.the commanity for theirpruden.te,
Into ihrenee, and integrity.
Dotamnas—C. O. Honey, Wm. nagaley, War. L ar
liner, Jr, W al,er Ory•n4 Hugh D. Hilt;,
limuclion, John IlawonN, 8. Ilarbangh,l3. M. lam •
Rout Rs. ti I—Dr. Itt'llo.nela Vermiloge for el
pelung Worms b ing Cure.
•• Yarling It In be a eoty doe to my frllow Minim
lay before Iberia a fact ...loin took place not long
since. Litt ball I cello] on Messrs. 117rold A Co., or
%Vint...Flown. N. Y.. tor some Worm Medicine, and
Ihsy recommended Dr. M'LaneNi Vernatoge. or Worm
Specific. I ut: a beat c home and gays • dr, to a
child abut.. oil year. old, and to my
ment it brought away ci w I soon after gale
another do, to tho'raMe Odd. olio I. brought away
about MI mime, suMe Ide mom. in about 12
ham , . I have gra en as o.hsr of my I Addl . en very
edecto shy , ands on cheerkally terommenO a lo all.
Amboy, July lAltb, 131;." •
Ir7For imla by 3.1(11/D & CO, No ISO Wood MAC,
TamperanoaellU & Nablaatawn Plank .
Road Company.
• • •
ATMICE is hereby given, that to conformity with
LI the p10y...50( an A. of Amenibly, authorising
...eon.. Mikan Or the above, paned the
7. day 01 April, Mg', Mots will be opened toosub
aertn to the capital clock of said cotopmy, at the
Mine of Drown •nd Kirkpattiet, Liberty Meet, In the
city of Pittatianth, on Wednesday, the leth day of
October mat, at the bournf 1 . 0 °bleak, A. , and
continuo for tee apace of flve dare, or itnul the whole
number of
od. retailed by the said not shall have
been suhaoribcd.
Jonathan P. Ron
Jame. Woof
James Tmelet
(ammo Led to
John Staten
Small Bell
C. Wane
Jacob Doolittle
Debut Starrett
George Auchnts Jr
M. H . Nmwn
Levi &lists
M. A. McVay
John Obe7
Must. Less
(luau& limb..
P. J. &dui
tVlllicm FIMMIT
I Jatulin itlnuarilson
—Mhf chigts Y. IL Ti..'.
23 de O. P.
30 do .ecticbon J s, realr per Jl.llll, for
70 Wise rat
To People from the OM Gann /4,7.. •
Ez•mti the .[et.kind of Medi Lett Ft ia,Stro,,,,'
and hough Flavored Ent Ten that tat nod la
ma Old sso be bOUght al SIX sad , sm . lb,
at More. Marotta'. Tn Son, cud lido oftha
Nag NPP P 9 Inlcle dI9 MIIPU igthl vippl
3111 . ft g A!!:4 ~,n , e i Aworriti. the Dial/Pitt& am sell.
t Tea, et
AO eta per lb—Tar 111 l "P"
Taxers ruparilta•Orlinairihrharrost - Tea
THESE are the ern best Blank Teak that are lir
_ in pored taco tbellrlted State. Morrill r. H. worth.
Dealers, In the Diem cod, are aelltag Lair Teas at
of 7he per Ib, for club eeptl
ROat: POSTED; or the Mystenas ortho Conti of
London, rot 3 of this Interesting work has been
treeivedat Holmes' Literary Depot, Third street,
opposite the Pon Other; alto, Ellen Party, or Trials
of the Gran, by 1.111 , 12; George Caudal, onmarned
Sostuterbeg king of Albino, be Clement C Moore,
LLIt ; and Is or Littetra Living Aoe. 'rasa
Jame Received,
LARGE and extensive assortment of PATENT
.hti. ME TALLIC RUBBER FABS/Cd earci , be
almost endless moiety embnued in the assortment,
may be . ounethe follovt—
Hone Covers, Carriage teg Cloth, Air Reds, Al, P 11•
inurelAir Cushions, Water Path, Tobacco Pouches,
Firtune Boots, Costs, Capes, Cloaks, Tarpaulin,
Gloves Mittens, Pouches, Maps, Menses, Pone.,
line, Lon eps els, bieeblne Balding. Son Wester,
Machine Pacline,Cardp Blankets, Paper Hoiden,
Life Preservers, Travelling Bey, Isthmus Bags,
Bathing Meta, Dolls' Hands, ITT.. Lions, Saddle
Blcs, Air Bills, Fool Balls, Lance Wash Gloves,
Ladies , Gum shoes Gents , Gum %Woes, Leavings, ate.
Every article told at this estabitahment Is sweetened
to puses, all the cbaractstistre essential Lo saner
plOOl coods, Gx—lnsotubdit. eon', any de g ree Of
heat, fir ninny in the severest cold, great durability,
lightness, perfect Impervionsess, •n 1 freedom how
odor, for pale at the OdodYear Bobber Emponum,
Nos 7 h lt Wood street.
Sept I
t'l,,.i !I.
le . ag d adAdj gi z y tak;o m etiarge om ra of
NVA,Ni,e Pitia . ba m o i g 6 l. '
Orphsor, as Matron; eleo, one 113
septi or. MRS. ROBINSON.
THE annual Meeting' or 'he eteeLholdere of the
Penusytra la Sat famttaetutles Coapalay wrll
De held oo tee NI do orOelober edit at le olo.oet M,
Glee Dice Mr..Gourge T. Leone, Front al., below
Walnut, Philadelptua.
EGRAMMAR—The English last [eta
.Eg Int torments and forme, whit a history of its origin
and demelopeatenti designed tor use in colleges and
sch.ols m C Fowler, late profesatir of litteloritt
to Amtent College .
Astroaomr—'tLe recent progress of Astronomy:
Ictaly In the United States. By Elass•LOOnnls.
Pave :form or a Homer's Late to the far interior of
°urn Arne• wit undoes of th e nalOth tribes, and
anecdotes or the "chase of the Lon elephant, loppnnci.
tau., cantle rhinoceros Ac..• hantrationa By
R. tr. Cumnung. Race/Tod for sate by
scp73 • 47 titarkrt at
(Post Canticle, and e opy. J
Murat and Mectical butrumnua,
Sign co the Golden harp, No 101 thitst =eel
H. ;MEDEA respeetfully Informs
'RP!IN hie &lends and h public, that he has
jn'to%t"TTala from l
thz:nfa"ivto. vna t
meni of Illitinon of rano. iity Ins and prices, Selected
by bimself, alear care. ai the celebraree factories
or harms • Civil. N. V., and Dunham, N. Y., tibia of
!tinder, & pi. V.; Ha•tas ceircted tea above
from an immense week tall fin abed: by the above
mauls, tbey arc orananted of my. rlor quality and
tone, awl wall in all caws be to'd at New both lac.
tory puma Porch...en will receive a written aase
ant) With each Piano, eutluing in to an csehange
or return saute if found Catena,.
At so, a lot of splendid Guitars, front the factory of
Schmidt hhol. N. Y Thy am a mperb article,
•nd warranted equal, If not superior, to any made in
the world.
Alto, et One selection of Plates, Clarioneta Violins,
Elisions, Dram matruments, and the newest and molt
popular mazio, including Jenny Linda aeletualed
earns. sepxl
TILE subseriber offers for sale the:Steam Engine,
yob the Saw MN 'sewing and lath antUng ma
chines'', in the building on the nut side of Craig
in ASeglieny ellj. lie will also, If desired, sell tee
budding whmh Is one hundred and tirenty feet long
by forty feet wade. the clime Isen excellent one,
with sufficient power to dnye all the machinery for
sawing and lath nutting. The whole could be remov
ed abd se: op elsewhere, within sixty nays, at • too
dente expense.
Or, he will leue 'be steam engine and building, with
sufEetent stoned, for any other purpose than sawing,
for a term of year. NEVILLE S. CRAIG,
1111, TRAPPING PAPER—A large let of straw and
V tag, at sorted sixes, eoestanly on band by
seeen RS Wood et
EW PATTERNS of Wall Poper for Halls, In
Arabesque and Persian styles.
ANTE CURRANTS—S.Ou tot tale lAwr
Wll.l A bleo..Uftli & CO
e 23 Lltreny tn.
A L &I A TS —Fz:ll pg e tra i l; tY
Ctbebaz; for
8R003.18-93 dos Iv sum mad for ..le by
Q ALERATUS—RaidstrYfer sale by
pACON—A smell lot elm sides fOr sal;by7
.13 urn
TARCII-20 bss best brands for rile by
RlX4—Uhfresit sizes, fi . ii ,r zsA ß e 7.
I FLX YARN—A. ad lolfooit T:F , ST im i r a t
reoM E t , pi, k Wood .u.
OIL PEPI•BREILVT-60brls pare for ' by
..b0"23 B A FaONESTOCK a CO
TANNIN ounce* (47, nl6 by
II A FA Iib:ESP - WM tr rn
DLL VII NH FL—tio e Ihf i..r•e , e
1,) wzi 11 A FA lINESTOO.K & CO
SALjgallik:-10 kegs reGord Ar y
SUGS UCAA CURED HAMS—A eboicy lot my rale by
and the "OLD CUUNTRIIy , for ete by
Co,-. Third ¢ Marta a,.
AVlra C ZITLSTID 1 SIC rtuotanirrr Ann .OTHD
eor. or fourth & Etas kat ate
Ora Monday =must', 23d Septsda,
With a Lane Mad of Nov Goods
O. K. ;
Corner o , Mort et ona Third them.
TsE cools, of insuuMlou la rbt Institution. eta
bracer Cook keeping. Commercial Cosoricomio
Yournamidp,-Lcelarea Od Colo6lolliild Law, and
fart every branch pertaining to a Ai:Milted monorail
• • • -
John Fleming, author of the National Bank
Keeping, piaci - nal lecturer and reacher of Mack
fondles and gentlemen orirhing to improve their
Peotwot hip, can call at the Caeca at any boar dor.
tog the day or evening. rep2l
Clholln• and laUMW.. Yltlllh BOOkJ.
h • by Catalogue, at aviatloav
Porten:Der 231 and lath, ou 7 o'clock, at the Co.
insrels3 dales Room,, corner of Wood and Fmh m,
will be sold IA eStonvlve, tiett, and Varied eoilection
of choice and cogent tbruposn Blobs, ma, ennoue,
and very valuable; many eoperby illwirsted mOb
emoted. engravings. also, old editions of standard
elawical and Histories' .than,, dd.
Cowlogyes now ready . P. in; DAVIS, tem.
lentil .d+ %
LUG CIOES-1 lit r e on head a small /at of lAsd
rood wi µact, the 'Wish ill.w sold cheap st
Repel_ Cor. Wood w Sloth sts
C ANARY SEED 4 o ibli AO we'Tor sale by
sepal W Wood st
Cil'ltteldfl WINTON.: —Ol bits lot Ws by
U sepel. J KIDD& CO
iklll9 WIIIIK—MO los supenor see•d
.ale by (.epdal J KIDD a CO
/ doi ituthloo, Clark LCo.' . S
ki pom Cod Inver Oil, jda reeelved tor .ale by
F , 1721 .• 1 KIDD& CO
FLialftWn 11 ,, t KEETliiii7l - Sfiatii Boa.
iakeepore Mammal, a new edition, for sale by,
sera' 47 Itlarkel 4t
DRINTINO PAPF.R-11. best In market can be
L had al ate agency °Wanton Mill.. en Wood et.
ntr prune reerd
lJ j eLl A, ;le 17 vLi.
711 Water al
cute In atom and rot sale by
DAT rING—Ta bales No. I,lor sato bY
9%AU, FITCH & HttOlia—rou I b via rat. M
Iv rla ?IK
brio Rom;
To arrive, for sale by ISAIAIb DICKEY k. CO
tap& Water & Front its.
-1 barrel-sr--
4 k 4 11 4 ,22 Solara*
1021,4;212 do;
To arrtve, and for solo by 12 toss 12 do;
patl3-4u bris NO . de by:
J oep2l isstail DICKEY &CO
7 - 1 fatektlE—gs b, 1. for bY
IIEVAE-t9 baa now landing for sale b
pioJr —ISO 14 , 13* ElaartqlrEp lae, t a l 701 W WATT& .py
Vn i ssontd t fut We by JO ain
HN ra T
S ° . ! TAT 74:1 — VIIIT Y /t, CO
SUGAR CURED HAMll.4otleyeea a prima ardel
alko, a taw Scotch eare d rae'd for age by
45. Many etc.
i ll" e; ' 1 11"1 .- fIigVeIIirDPRIVZOO
GlrA - 4
b mw d%rimirinerzi
Lsas-14 Eib No, by
Er s 90
GAGA !ale 1 / 1 1R110.1t OF CALI FURIIA,
mad loan. utesttug the I•tt mnl, s a.
Wat•P.• La • fear day,
iikiVrßD from original tketebest.k.n on the .rot
by rant F....e.„,Y5t., Mfg, antler 6e
natiniltioll nil L.. 7111nrir ialla Or the prentiefor, te ,
ha& .pent a year In Ca.frotnia, and will rip , et..
different •Wtrit Tina etlet, wont ,4 on.l ,
olpara orChaptee!C.nte. , M
.7.eapaleo, San FtILCISro, Cuj.
Fort, the mining &Owlets; eater. 14 I. ntc , eet 0, ,•.,.•
ow.. and prime a:norreel mirror of the WI e'•
try paa•cd through; and pow oecurned 6i one In.
and feflovecounleynten,: w ',Joted it, N. re \
Trot, Albany, and by ovet an
23,140 pet•o.,. en
D a n e , Buffl by ..:0,000. eowpwalng %be thle a Ole, eines
open si I:retook; to yommente an :1
Admirp ton, 23 eettla. Children tiniOr Irb out Lall
price. •
Elbit Sion on SaturdaY afternoon, 11 , 2 u don t.
tep=nllw • -
AT IP A./6 . 1 , 4
Debate's . greed entreat ?endues of
ptilVrE aublisneworkaef so, valmedet ore bemired
thousand dollar., have been exbilowiri in the
eipalettie or &eland, Ireland, Pentland. and
the United Smell, to the Univenat admit...lee of over
two millions of penon a.
Open flora 9 In the morning . till 10 et night.
AClllittlllCO Zel. Children 101 et..
2409 ' 9. CREIGHTON, PrOptletor.
F RESH TEAS-41e sabsc ribtra have iattmenved
he rge
Bode,ctsto o Green ana Bias Irreas
nar.fall lnd which thry offerto mitt deal.
era mil simile ,one • y low term.. • •
OT sen,plee towashed to any withlog to try theta,
or to compare Medi with o hers. •
vir HITE Fle I*.A' 5) tots Piol, for talc by
a. aeon /, • , JOILY tVATria CO
FOl/ BALE-300 nicreTempentat'o eirtif AM a and
a large Teratirranco than; a National Map of
the &merle. RePahhel and Atte cxhlr Map, ton
Phan one. Interest Tables:len Anshan h daltr, and
meweral PI .shart4l weekly,. and Idtpsit
kinds of esehange news rapers. loom Star no to. New
Oimina the Family Christian Almanac; for tell and
teal; blank .To Lou," rlrbeka of agreerventi potmrs
of attorney; varlooao 11,r blanks; a .mllll ton
ply of Letter Paper school and' titer Footle Ink, in
differed .load bottle ZOO ebony Lead Pencil., anti
• Moan roPP or ato Penal e; Ban. (bills and
Patera Pena: for oath , h.IPI to any goirony to wait
all elasse• of costmerri IeAACHIKRIS
sepal. at flak at.. between AN qpi *itted,
EDICD.a.S, tac .3,toont A/bones tipasp and
usefol Pledmines, Bnaplo Pdis;
Dt. .for Consumption, Dyspepsia, and
Liras Complaints:: the celebrated teeth P. 11.; Dr. Ca
yuga Doha °IWO and Soothing Syrup. Wad., Core
(or floras. Dr. t.nseues Anodyne Cote lab }Yana'
Soothing ...33 sup rot elifinen teedangi Dr,Vms.Fever
an/ i Agos Pills; Pr. liannsi Sirengikundng P l gs;
am 1 vartety of olio; idedig•no forage :sexy cheap,
holcsaln and semi, or antas.ll classes. by -
sepal:Ogg ISkAC•IIARAIS, Fin. et
r FETTERS of it dminlitiation haring beetrarantuil
La to the undersigned on be ci me ol the late fames
L Ruin, deceased, au persona indebted sun miners d
to make lomedtata piorrienq end Uwe haring chows
a nnesent the came. proper I 44ihet&cated,,to either
if 411 sabacribers, for liquidation.
WHITE LIMEoIe-LIVI,Ite Loth. Ie Limb, by
he barrel or retail; MO ehtsp Wooden Blair;
CO cum purple and yellow Carpet Cretin, ILO groot
Willatelimi OLO/ smail,Fish Hooks; SO reapers clean
Metallic Pololo 00 guiles orluspcnery Barton., /or
sale by ise.ptl3l2ll ' ISAAC lIARRta, Ptill
aIYANTED—M/aees for' a timber of :talesman,
Book Keepers, Pehool Teachers; Warehouse
Laborlug Men, and • number of boy, Moll mom
Places orotund for emigrants and feral.tra Money
bottomed and lion farms, dwellint booms, store
rooms, &c, sold or rented. and all kinds olagenetes
attended to (or moderate chsrarat at
upll“l3t Arancy, It Intelligence, Cake, Fif h
No 47 Alcatel are; coiner of Tairdsit” .
HAS constantly an hand, for sale, Writing, Letter,
Ptinurig, Tea, and Wrapping Paper, Bonnet,
Pullers% Binders', and Trunk Boards; Book and News
Paper Prltiling InlotLyadch he will all at the lowest
cash prices,or in enchain° far raga or tanners' se rap°
l y t, hlV ro at i r ,, trd . f . (MID trio Phiilipoulle
OM yds 7 , 1 Floor Oil Cloth: 0500 141,44 doi-1100 Td,
5 4 do. WO yds 154 do; OM yd, 5 1 to, ,590 )do sheet
do, wediont and hoavyi from 4 to it rod. wile, all of
the net welt Wyla of purldrnstondloan, giv•tt use.
7tlo yards 4-4 Furniture 4nl Cl . ontot 4Uu ydas-1 du;
501 i yd. :I :. •
trat doom mooned discs Table, Stand. ond Bureau
Covers. ' , rams paderno. and KniA:
1100 yds 4-1 Patent Carnage Oil Cloth; 701/ Ids 5 4
do; Ildi ph 5.4 do. •
Mott yo. Oilcloth Coach for Waits, as Jotted pattern
yd. 4-4 Orono till Chair for Window no
yards 5-4 do.
Window Shades, a large woorodoot Just received
Of newts, style.. ,
Merchants and other, wiihing to purchate,ire in.
vltad to call and xaraine our ar•ortnient of goods,
which will he soli at the loweot rotten price..
J x 11 91111.1.1 Fr
7 & 9 Wood •I
nIL-1300 gals bleaabrd Whale. 01, pm/.
aept qaathy, for iala by IL
SF/.l nd .likS,
a • 1•7 Wa
. _
O POUTS TUIEFNTINE—Ia b'l tn goal ordcy for
Y+l. by ' bsepYo) eELI.Ens
MANNERSWIL-40.brle, a pure article far We by
eeP'R. R
DLUE VITRIOL -2 ca.k. 3.1 re Ma for Bale by
cIORICS-16 lodes porter and mlueral. for rile 5•
.1 ,20 E :MIXERS
IT lAL WEIN—IOW growl j me; f, gale ly
I r. pia II fSELLEIrS
- 1/517 131T06Y, -
Mo. 130 Ltheily:Strivat,
DEGS resnoctlally to thrum hi, numerous tilands
and castosncrs, that be In last rocelving Pio new
il stuck of CLOTHS, CJISSI:IIERE:, and YKST
INGS,oI the netgest 47lcs, adapted for tbe .rprench•
dig till and winter atasono. All. Iltbio an wont of
ucap foshionottlo, and good 'clothing, snit find the
num; roost ond best Moot tie
tcrn country, at tlds trablisbnicnt • scplo
WANTED, COSIPV9ITO. Apply ot tits
11 office. sop,
Dl.lF*B KM.' BOAT 0, u
sopply of •
OF ' ' S. , TKAM BOAT B. Olt IiFF,PING.-: lt new
/ popply of Oh errellett and pornosr work •P•
bred and for sale by, kl 0 It'fflCKT, N
seprl .. i: Minket it
ft --
Lind Extranb West End. dn; Sorkey,aub
ipring Ro:rens az; Jenny Lind licr Hints; A , Oiltal,
Amandine. Poticb•n Song. for winwring
he alb; Almond 911 . 1tving Croat. Roo. to do; Am-
Wainal do do; iloneyVosp; Flaming do; Aown,ine
do; Hazel Nat Mil dot Rote do; Maishmaliow do.
Br Bart do; Drown Windsor do; Stir'. Great. Sr.
For tale, wholemile • d reui by It E tHiLLERS,
Imola ' 07- Wodd it.
LIFE PILES RVE S-11 di gurc'd on t►e oeT;lte;
It de , do - inside;
Jest seem ref ule by J R:Il . PIIILLIP:n.,
se. ad . it W.ll
PEA COiT3—:lldoi • no eltinte Pea Costa, a ha hi
5.4 beiKtiful sritel.. tor sale
• J& II Pituages
rl UM DRINKING COOS—t doz with' bruin.:
lust received and (Or said ""
septil by'
3 tr. n PIIILLiPS
9 doz pairs, or film rubs
• r sal* by •
ADIkS' WASH 0 . 1.0 . 9
nevele, nut reeelyed and
v duty 9o1» ,
e l
Zit PiiiLi.ips
anicle, recelvdd 'sad far
eh Iciof this ezecU.%
net for ,ale hp
& Wood macs
usiale of Wet, ju . si reeM
8 N
ireplB ; Cot Si
kJ for sale. byi
• rime rec.'s; at, canal,
Wi!ter et.
COtFEETtlert COrce;
• 10 Les et. reel per ern .1,
For onto by . iy ! 0.14 JAMES DALZEI,L
PA1.W.96A1 0 -1.21.Lbs metier. 14;r sslo by
on.lo • • &ZVI &CO
14".4 1 1tA7"°"'"P" 4 "";117in - d's
reenved for n•le by - -
te.meu7 3 "'
rrLTRAUABId6IILUE—k case ter.'d for 'Me by
; • KIDD h. CO
itrAlthrsul W.-WM WI r”iriZirroy - 7 -----
ee It Cor.yirstd. Wood us
USE VESIY-5 Dlle ruperiot for *Bo by
.reels_.,. Ai FA FUNE'STOC 11.
UlUdlritrE—do l.rb. 1011, for role by
V eridd ' B rfi . CK cr,
CUhl 911 ELL
U. Stn.
ei di vh .. I I I:ELLAC-10 t pale lo hy
riPirrs - itts.:= 7- :41i 6 !C A 12 ry "29 "- ‘X2
_ luAFAlizqiirocrsa.en
AVP — i-ICATisg—qms in rash an. ,bria
I trpl4 )1 A FAIINR.iTOOK CO
, .
INIEUAR4O b 34 pura cidcf to( iale bf
1 .ent3 , JKR
. 3 8. 311 , 1.1• I'D
B'l7r • u doz en "en tem for owe bi
-0;11 ; kb. R -
f ,
tlAer ciabi Sidor bliouldr•ro.o.,..,
Neuorl •
113,btro Logwood; tor nit by
' • J kit-14311M
bet! Peppe.,
10 bass ph.,,,,„ ;
bareolNa els . for sate b 4
" 0.3 i' : gciA:orn
PAPER—rou ram rapping Yaoeir
SO do C,p for sate br .•4
..91 3 J4k. @ 1740 VD
Ether will render persons intensibbs th pain, it is
cis atlY the duty of dome who sell tunny of thellthnolt •
norportimr to be Shavisd may, to preatat each pur
chaser With a sufficient quentity of ibelbovearucle.
to relieve their sellfeying while undetioirm' the °par
agon of thieving. . , •
is now admitted by iii t be the Serytelt article for
shaving to be found in this or any othir totintry. In
. the use of ray Almond Anse and PutachtoShame,
Cream. instead of being an °petition:at be dreade d
-.shaving 1. remit ailmafir. The, ingredients of welch
Ois comeosed are of loch a :mien , that • finer and
richer moth than With animber article,
by which the beard is softened, and the able is not
Table to be burned by the Wean vitiehldthas Ito lathe
• portion of: other skittle, soap, nor 1.111 'become
chopped. Itab'Wttl' retrials ,amooth end is an In
ant's; • en., after aging tide Shamed Cream. oil]
ineralki4o.ll4 to use finy other canoe is owe.
sary In perches so oth , *heed* Creme:fie 1b.... ,
many lantetions veld Astk , for Jose fluters Sbartnif
Cream Mal you will Ilbentitan ankle vtluakreader•
cur t 4 ti
e aelntmen! ,, ,
51.11,,eiPerfsmor and Citremist,
150 t. et , Palle.
PM sale; w holesale 44 r e I .R, by B. A Pernemeek
sr Co., sod IA 14.1Sellera, Pntsbaralo andJobt, ft steal
544 J. Zattolvill. Allegheny Qir •,