The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 24, 1850, Image 1

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rem) fe. sumer;
aixrrn am oaas, •nnio ilium?, vat DOOR TO
Weekly, in advance)---- •-• • 1.,00
bo. • Chtbs, at a reduced rant.:
■t .S 7 C PITTOBIJROR run's.
,One Saw e, (101 Ines of Nonpareil or luel
an. t
One no ae re, each additional insertion. • • catit
Do. arm .---••••-- Ono
De. three vreeks.----. • ego
Do. • • one 0.00
Do. two months TA)
De. three montes..... 9,00
the. lour months low
Da. ' SIX menthe.- • • moo
Do. Mean inontba..• • I %do
Dranding thud (0 lines or leve,l per annum• 10,00
Oneflataare;ehangeable rutdensare (per an.
ma) eXelladira of the pstper....—
For each additional sqeare, inserted oar:rine rnonlik,
am fat bob additional square inserted muter the year
ly rates, half price.
Advertieemerma exceeding a rousee, and net Deer
Irma Utter, 10 be charged as e roma and a half.
Publishers not eta:mumble (or local advertisements
Nand the mamma charged for 'heir publication.
Annotating eindidates for office, to be charged the
MIS Ili Other aidventramanta.
Advertisements am marked on the copy for a flied.
161 somber of Ir6ortion6 yell, be commuted till forbid,
and payment exacted actor&
The pnriktroo Myrna!) advertisers veal be *maned
rigidly et to noroUr business, and all other ad re,
dr=l.• not peinaintrg m them.. metier Maims., se
r, mbe paid extra.
All edvelesemeato for charitable mstiratione, Ore
capanica, Mad, teruship and other roblio arrounga,
end each ho Charged halfprice, payable emiedy
tr 1114vance.
Marriage notices to be chanted 50 cents. •
Death noticesteserted without ehtirgeoudemeecom.
panted by fauerel lOVIOLOOII6 or obituary notices, and
when so accompanied to be paid for.
Es=renrerttseM, and all others sending continu
er sealskin' notices dedened to call atten
dee be reit', Solrems,Coneena, or any pahlio enter.
Wm:team Where chance. ale made for admittance—all notices of private associadons—every notice do
=te call attention 10 private enterprises
Mended to cremate individual Interest, em on.
ly be Inserted wtik the undemanding that the tame
Isle belied for. • If intended to be Inserted to the to.
cal column, the sansevilli be charged at the rate el
not lees than y 0 ems per Leo.
Bishop Uneaseotices to be clamed triple price,
TavernPatinae; 111 each
Legal and Medical .4million:tents to be charged at
/alpacas. •
Sisal Estate• Agents' and Auctioneers' advertile-
Minitenot to be classed under yearly rates, bit to be
allowed diamand of thirty three and one third per cent
Dna theamemit of buts.' .
Innate os 1113.1rICUiT OI SLOT rams.
Cue Square, Wee Insertion, • • 41 50
. Da auk additional lemation •..
ADMllMillerf rp 141:Zirt !Ma.
Oae Sia.n.• 'esertion..."---58 els.
Da nub maddest! umenion. • ••
All translent advertisements to be pald in *device.
WHITE k CO. Quarto.
I. HARPER, Port.
JAIIES P. DARR Z CO„ C‘ronlee.
.108. SNOWDEN, Maronty.
JAWS W. BIDDLL, /mark..
HIRAM RAINS, Erarang Tribua..
Piermeass, Dee. t, 1819.
A:'ERMAN, Fifth Word, Tenn sueet, berm.,
011ara and Wahost. tomittess promptly at
ATTORNEti AT LAW-05ce, on Fourth street
above Woad. mrl9
ATTORNEY AT LAW. and Commissions/ far
Pamylvtala, Rs. LAlrlo, Mo.
All emanated...gone promptly aarnirare.l.
an 1341
♦ ITORNEY AT LAW—Otfieo on Food meet,
11 between Yannladdinod Grant. Fittobargh.
ASTOBARY t...twaaellor at Law, and Com:mo-
Wooer for the State of Penney looms, Or. Loom,
Kw, Am of Pftubanyk.)
Refortneen—Pinshurgh: lion. AV. Forward, !lamp.
bat !Wk.', 141 , 11awiless A ale Clare, John K. Porte,
Alaaella it Semple, McCord &Kin,. aarl4.4y
Glasse*, Pa. (doat't Perri Post Of.a.)
Arming paramitently locatsd at p r e pare d a nes
and sibmantial Wharf Boat, aro are to re.
ado. and forward promptly to all points on she river,
and Sandy and Bearer or Ohlo Canal. B a Co,
Glaymor,Jano la—Mtn
cepa 4v4
BAOALEY, WOODWARD Ir. O, Wholesale t:
ow, No ell 114 Phlladeptda. ape
Plitainsvels &MAU Weeks.
Ash, Bleaching Powder., hlarisule Solpharte
Ashls. Warahoasa No —, Water meal, below Perry.
• e Inge. Genre., Reiter.
BRAUN & REITER, Wholesale and Retial Drug
.„"kispts,„.torner of Übe fly and St. Clair greets, Yin.
MaANULTY & CR Forwardmgand Onnz
Ca Uladna blerthanuy Canal Basin, P ttttt
GRAY?, Wholesale
. Forwarding Merchant, Ho. 41 Water .t., Phis
he Hesse) , --•Aadrew Fleming; R. K Flamm(
tbesKenWoolets, and Cellos
aloe, dealer. in
ckinds of Tailors* Trimmings, Owe .1, Ith
deer from Filth, Pattlietgb.
Refinenee—Mestre Wm. A. 11111 & Co, Bankers.
1 anti
...•110.7 •..
No 111 Second wool. PoloboToi, •orT
WM. L rnwa 1.1.1 M I. MINIM.
MINGLES"' & BENNETT. NIA Eußah, Gallaher
X w
dtj ° o d.= I ° . M.= r gra o¢ and
z o t r i:
Intrgin amfactores, No. 37 Wood st, bemoan 2d and
114 arms. nets
WM. If. Jutiturott,
Jr me 119 Second it, Pittsburg's. unul
WWI= W. PatIOMITLIII 1WA13141 C. LIV We to
qu&Nli8111, COMIIIBSION ard Vomaroing
elm= and Moat Dealers, No VII Martel
adelphla. 1 93
WEALD, 131101t14011 - 'CO&
No. 41 North Water Street & No. to , NortliWbarrea.
A. I. !Wain& j PEDL0P...1.1.11L%
C. MeCnimos.
J. A. W.muntA f mar
LM (suennoto hlirp6 & Lee,) Wooi De — a:
• cr and Calrartuttor Mereaan; for the Ilia of
ilAerlettl Woolens, Liberty, opposite 6th n. fabl7
H/LEIDY, JONES & On., (amaeassora to Atwood
anal & 00.1 Coolcalas,on and Forarardind Her.
aim* dealer, • In PiSsbargh Manafaetarad Goods
W. P,. nAusuAs..l..,
(OCTOCGOB, TO 111110.7. C. MILO
EaIPORTER & Dealer In French and American Pa
per Hmtaines and Borders, Window Shade. Fire
rd Pita& &e. Also—Writng, Prim!. and Wrap
ping Paper,'No. 97 Woodmen, between Foorthitteei
and Diamond allay, west dde, Pittsbargli, I.
PITTS/I[lo , oll GLASS W 011.114•
1011 N AGNEW, late of the tam of Chamber, Ay
IP now & Co, would respectfully inform the aid,.
boars and the palate generally, that be will still coo
tines to carry on the (linen blase boimna, in all Its
traristiss..d is prepared to 1110 orders for Apache-
Carte.. Faniten hl.nerals, Porten., Viol., &a- to ,
=rig to his !m . elee. wareboase NU 01
street, botween Fast A Second sts. jy - 211,d3m
Ib a LIND7I4IS6O - A
- gta4areaa~
Iterclunt, and dealer in Proda • e and Pinjbarga
untfacutrea. No 94 Water at Pittaburrn. ,
11141.1 SWIM!, 11101101? MIMI. 114
II DICKEY Co., Wholesale GlOetls, Cow.
Idetehsat Mee t s , le II P-1,111.,N0..611
ape, ash 107 PrOill PlUsba rrh. 0070
Joao N. Dilworth •—•.- • •--Joeeph Dilwort T
B. DILWORTIIte CO., Wholesale Grocers, and
Anew for Ilimard Powder Co, No. 47 W. d ii_ y
JOHNICfiSWFirEND, thlry.l.l. 2 d Apothecary No. 43 Muted et, three doom stave Third s 3 Plus
barlh.nrill have constantly on hand a well ecleoteel
aorunent of the btu And freshest Medicines which be
will KU the moat reteoemble terms. Physicians
sending orders, will be promptly attended try, and sap.
plied with 11.11itl<11 they may rely scan a. genuine .
Ployalertma PmaeTlnlinna will be ....rattly anJ
moored tram the beat 1218.111fitil, at 111.) , lurat sat
O. gttdatt.
for We, • larva stack at Rah and good Porte
37. 1.13
/ono noyd. Rickard Floyd.
T R. FLOYD, Wholesale G 1..., C 06101111500
RI a•hturehLots, WA , Dealers In Yto.fa a, Round
Math fladdlaus, !tontine 00 Liberty, Wood and'
atrees, rittabaluk. Yu. - • - as
JD°. A. CAUGIIDIfy Arent for the Lake Eth, an d
ihßablymn W. to Dearer and Lataa.-..,D,Rau
Gamer of Watt. nod Paulthiald au lane
IIitid — A.MUTCH IBO % - &
Gilds Hatehtson &So., Casuudyakan Idenhazao,
and Ads= of As Bt.L•ol4lBidum
RIO. Uwe-tar opt OS Croat •
wows. Malmo
it CO, Wholesate . Dreg
WWW — MaI (O . II .
+.2 INO lil_M i4 s...nd Wee Pitobarya. .1,74.
E vtam
.11 AO Made sad Mislead. Instraimati, ad o:m itt,
ha OM*, BM: , Penh (1411 s, Printer.' Cards, ~, 3
Mcatloury gintrilly, No. %Wood .14PIcalmare,.
CT Mars M.O. der yeken In trek. .1,11
I ft CANFIELD, (law of Warren, (Casa Cowsale
taloa awl Forwardind Merchant. and wholesale
In Western 'Deserve Cheese, Batter, Pot and
Smog Ash, and Western ?mile* acterallS• Water
attac, bawnwalkatilleld and Wood, Pittetelegh. .
'i /MOM Forwarding nd Cow:anion •. et
• ahem, Deslas la ?rode.. ted Eltubergh mum
• • • Judea.; esnal nen 7t.h e 4 ap4
• warm KILL, PIT141121:10111, PA.
EENNICEDY, CHILDS & CO, Maanfart4rer. of
nu mimic/ 44 Iloossing, Carpel Cholni
so sal ftW4g. • / 43,-1
ATE haus*" i fikkekum, BOOKfi_44.aa, STA
Air Po sat VIM sramTuvinsfht iral4
Pittsburgh City Glass Work.
No te :Market attest, between non and &toad,
Pluabargb, P•.
OV•Parcienlar attention paid to odd sues. Alm,
Dealer. In PUNT IILASS, VIALS, Da 7 rL11 4 .4 , ..
f or. cmraoranam, R. naveLn,
D. CT11T136.1111. 0.4111=111,
Se. 11M.% riots& C. W. Rieketson, Pittsburgh.
ILLEBt RICKZPSON. Wholesale Grocers. and
Imponors of Brandies. Wines and Began, N.
In and 1 , corner of Liberty and Irwin strum, PM.
bungs, Pa. Iron., Nails, Coups Yams, &e. sou.
stands on Auld.
John 7.1 , th11. James D. won Walter C. Roo.
.1\ ifoGILLA A. ROE, Wholes gle Grocers and,Coments.
in Mon Meselmutts, No 194 LlbertY Ptiobnrgh
PiTTARRE.I.. Wqßiar:W__ r131%/Frii
CULP MU. Mal I. *mac
JORM.II laEl loo .
ANUFACTURERS of spring and Dilater steel,
VVll plough meal, noel plough wimp, coach cad clip
, Pnhaa hammsred Iron arks, and dealer! in not
able owning., Are engine lamps, and coach trimmings
tamer of Ross and Front Ina, Nuaberch.
Pa febo-5
MA Po r • -
Paier. W Illuo V"LC eo r ter of Pon glee
roan% euvet, anima. , on Fourth it. near Markrt.
'Pardo*, Conanalsatko niairshaats.
'NM. XI Old Levee st.N Orleans, keep constantly on
hand a lases aavnm•ot Blllildief Or the fan.,
Lin brands, which they oder for sale a. mono for J.
Durand k Co, Bordeaux, six blob:try, J. Brand, J Do.
rand Co,lArnebelle,JJ IMMO, Cognac. Ade hl
titan, A L. Bleville, A de Mondore, Jean ' Lou!., kr—,
Se, also, Anchor Gin, Bordeaux Red sad White Whnea
to cast. s and cues, "elected with care by John Durand
le Co; besides Champagne Wind and Sweet Burgand) ,
Port. feb7-IY.
ItOLOIES & SON, No a 5 Market in. meonddoor
form earner of Fourth, dealer, to Foreign and
cede Bib of E.:rowan, C , enitieatea of Liepoott,
Bank Notes and Spada.
ErColeletoons made on all the arms ipal circa
broottnot the United litotes. upl
Nbeg T 1 I A .-- E , Foinhat.
. Ildrd door above Struhfieli, math tide.
Conveytthelog of all kind. dune ntitit the great=
ear. and ![Red attearatty.
Tile, to Dean boato examined, &&
O p Pndt l Oalsel Pinabargh ANN idris,l " ii:e ' rel l4 l3lll!
heady Stiosvbihs, Labels, Architectural an!. gdnehine
Drassinlinannets and Vng
anion,, encased
or dray no n gone, and prinwd lAdd, th oast
or Mach, to the moat approved min, and at the most
reasnnahle prices 0.151 Y
OB IN. ON, LITTLE CO.. 0. Irberry stresi
AL PI tuilJurp hJunin Grocer*, Piodace nnd
COumission Marcluau, and denim. in PlttaLtailt
Bluntrao area. apt 7
lan. 'ORM.. TQO4 LITILX. SANG- B. 110gUlsoN.
ROBERT MOORE, lkholesalo Grocer, Rectifying
Distiller, dealer La Produce, Piusba”h
of aL kinds Fore and Domestic Wines
and Liquors, No. 11 Liberty street. rgn
On hen .1 • scry
hula .took of superior old Pionongahol• welshes,
which will he sold low for ea.h. test
REYNOL,DA t 8/316P— Forwarding and ilommie.
Rion idlescharas, for tee gillegacely River 'Fred.,
taa/err. in Grecerie. Prodaca irinsturgh, filiurfae
rare., and Chloride of Lime
The Lichen price, in cash, iirud el amen for
country rya Corea. Peon and Irwin sta. apld
ROGER? DALZELL it Co, Wholesaleirricerr,
Commission die:chums, dealers in Produce and
Piusbargh Manatee:are. Liberty meet, PichibaraL,
ytoCxm A oth LE
iOnB OICEBPt o a d nd D,e eForrw arow. bargeNwtactares,
No affilLiberry street, Pitudwigt .
Ya iSt
e. c. arianautrr Woo a.
QIVICKLETT & WHITE, Wholesale Deniers In
Foreigo and Domani. Dry tionds,Plo. hVood
street Pitianudah. Ipl7
k,h D
W ADPAUGH, iiletribants, Dealers
19 Float and Prodscagencrally, and Forwarding
and Commirrion Merchants, 145 ruin street and
It 6 Pecovd went Parabargh. 4917
9. s O
sEtltt Prod ' : a an '". :l ". (i . e nr ' ra
l Corn
misorin Merchants, No. PI Liberty attcat i Piti.
bwrilrhpe or, Linseed and Lard Oil:. apt:
S• y
i Vora N trin U g ° a ß ,d r rtiranrl:ri V on i" t s e,r l Zat:
Hairier. tn F Pittsburgh hiuor aerates awl 1% C 0,411
Produce, have rernoeed to their new ...bourn, (old
LNo. iw,corrier of Prin. street and ChlilletlY
Lane •
ante lea oau uuu
11/. OLD STAND.)
re l l . 1 " r ' 27:1T:111 h t
rtell th to " rt b a r.
p7p " kn*"
red .
entertain Lis friend* and the ton
the pohl e te
say, In the
manner and on the woo tearoom Lie
His TABLE. will at all times be sapplied with every
delicacy of the season—an.: his Me milt the best of
Is very extensive:tend evety arntwee.
meet has been made for the steernsowalituon of Li/O.
aleavf Wll. CLAWSON
.11101LEI19 i HAWOATLI-.
Dart nde Diamond, Pittsburgh. !Ile
vaTOULD inform the peddle, they ban, Wan the
marebOaan formerly occapled by the late Mr
Solomon Sebuyer, 114 rerond atree 11••teg a large
ebal commad,otta marelloase, they Troeld invite the
attention a pepona having good. consign or 'tore,
They will .1.0 give attention to the purchase and sale
of Note, broil.. Dotal., &e. ear;
L r. w sue r...t W w<.,
L. N. W ATIf.K.I3 Aa ea SUMS,
Wr 6' eu n a U nt C'; o;G l' e i' le e rrtr
duce l'ituburiL Maculactured A Mete*. Agents
fur adtle of ftleaructid and Lynn/I/taxa Manufactured
Tobacco— earl
wx — TOMLIN,
Stater, Pa
Wti./. atw auend us collections and ail Giber boat.
t.ess eutcustn4 to Lim m Huns, and Arnastiong
...antis., es_ Hetet to
tr. H. Floyd, Ltborty at
W. W. \Vonore, do
/outer Morahan do rlttsbarjb.
dly Kar & Co., Wood rt. 1
JOll2ll MeV ALMA 11.-1:17,..
Cleat Rasta, Penn street, PattabateL. mg.
No.2n Market, and SI Commerce Sr., Philadelphia.
Advance. made, by caber of the above, on conettn
meow of Prod.., to mime Roam
J. D:Wt/!tama• • •• .... .
Forwarding and Commission Merchant.. an
det era iu Cou..iry Traduce and Palsbartn Motatat•
tarts, corner Cr Wood and Slat streets. iluseargt
In rd.
Wor. it. - • • • • • no oal
WM. U. & CO.,
North Eut corner of Wood and Third meet!,
lea •
. lIIoOOLCII, JOON a. CO; ******
ktfitli..ll,EY k CO, Whotesal• Grooon,
VT aro 2ll Wood wee:, •pl 7
11. wtca , 0.011.110..1.104
ICK-t III'CANDLESS, (eacceleors to L & J. D.
TT Wins,) Wholesale bracers, Forwarding end
Comosimun Mershants; dealer. In Iron, Nada, Wass,
Conon Yarns, and Patsburgh Manufacture. general.
ly, earner of Wood and IVater .tract., Pittsburgh.
& M. lITCHF.LTREE, Wholesale Giver.,
V Rev urytng Dcillere, and Wine and Lupo:
Merenants ko—ineperters a Soda Ash asul Meech.
tug Powder, N 0.11.9 Liberty street, (oppstatia .21.11 ti
s , re...Li Pittsburgh. apt?
WYW. WION, Watehes, Jesscirs,Alsee Ware
, t and Witten' Goods, come. of Market end
Fourth mewl, PWsbnigh, P.. N.lF—Watch. Cud
Cloaks carefuUy repaired. ant?
wig Toone. 5OOll e. 00004
Vprrm. YOUNG & Co, Dealer In Leather, Hide.,
i5e.,143 Liken. , street Jer&ly
IL hInGUTCHEON, Wboleta/e G;icriis,
dealer. in Produce, Iran, Nails Glass, and
• !VI Manufketure generally, Liberty stresi.—
WILNARTII k NOBLE ate now receiving now
crop wrest, wench oaf superior rinalay. They
con now furnish families with (tern Flour. team - Jen
Ica In the bates will be pee/aptly &trended to
Coy /dills.
HAVE tot cn WM. Onßit into pumentlini wnh
1. 111 say busineso, which will from mu date
carnal on under the none of "John Parker *Co.^
March lot, Bah JOHN PA PCER.
John Parker-- —•—• • • . William cam.
{l 7 golivale Grocers. At,. kw in Proda4, Fon,IV/
Wines, Liquors, Old Illanonedold
and [Cedilla (fhiskry,
No 5, Conunermat How, Labeny insect,
meat rlu•baish, r
se...mum reimen. ;maim R. 11.. Will 1 a•s
ISOCCC.OhI 10 Ilaawy, Minna a ce.)
IP in Foreign and Domestic Erchaage, Cenmesies
of Depimite, Hank Notee, end Specie—Noah sweet
corner of Wood -end Third streets. Comet moose
received on deposite—Sight Chect• tor sale, mid
collections made en nearly all the principal, points
the Untied Sums:
The highest Mail= Mad For Foreign nod immimm
Gold. . _ . .
Advancearmide on eonsignments of Ir.odnes,ehip
pod Ems. em liberal terms • el=
iirx. a. stictirso.) [Wm.*. isTsii
•No 256 Worry , strove, dna Ma,
Ilene aleraye on hind • large riesintnienfor Choice
Groceries and Fine Teas . also, Foley te and
Nina, Wholeselo and Renal. lieeleta supplied on the
Itowastnr etc :I ,11111 Ti
BiOtlitts nAWOILT
sirD of the
1 Dimond.
Rowboat Teas-- 4 0 00
214 Portor ok do, •
The belt uopottall 1 Ok
.jitZtlttaztled. or Inferior Toss or. kOt kept
. •
11170111 ••• •II
W. F.%CLINDOCKIias kat receheibal.hli Carpet.
.7.l2!_h_tth No 75 Fourth street, a very hand •
rj t aTc.;77,4,l7:al.htacia,Wldett the at.
Claims** irt Ail
A WI dy 'Abair city...
„,„ Mix/ notailoor,
lI PPTT HA S;tIi , OH, PA.
Trille i t•M r t ' l ?C ' a e d n y ‘ bt il l t c' s, " t bp'rionpg ri now
reapeetfully eolith a share
thelpublio propriw e torld
He math by aims; hi. altentihn In the !twines..
to make the toast a pleasant and comfortable resort
for the citizens of Pittsburgh and for the errantry
Good attendants will be to waltieg, and every Co.
onion made torender the establishment worthy the
countenenee and au ponn elan tellicentcommunity.
The TWO SPACIOUS HALLS, fined for Parties.
Concerts, Lectures, LIMN, and public menthes, will
be Itt by the evemingur week, on as liberal term..
any other In the city.
The BAR and RESTAURANT, equal in style and
beauty to any In the orld, will be kept furniehed
with Pure %Pities, Cho ic e Liquors, Cordiels, Porte tr.
Ales, and all the cool ? light. refreshments of the season
Poultry, Came, Fish, Soup, Clyeters, and QOM.,
served us In the best style.
The DINING and ICE. CREAM SALOON, bring on
the Snit door, and easy of antes., will be eenstantiv
supplied with all the Luxuries and Delicacies of the
season; and also,with sae h eutmlantials no the market.
Boarding hr the day, walk, or yet , Dinner, or
Router% for individual* or panties, forinaned 00 then
Gentlemen with their families, rieltilke the rite ran,
be sver nt
dlea with refreanento of all ki all at any hoar
to the ?ev .
GOUtititablior and an extrneive L+ery EntnLl:rh.
eat ie connected with the Ilan
Dinucr .t I &clock. Brea kftart and Teo at naval
V.rttrince for Ladirs to tur tee Cream and Pining
•/tron No 07 Southfield rue.,
itits , lll H. VAN ItENSS/
Nkeep constantly on hood or omit in to order the
heat article in their hueat their old stand, Na t . :
Clair meat; also, at N0. , 96 Market Street, second •tory,
entrance In the piamend. Venttian Shutter. Wade to
order, and old Minds neatly repair.d spin
W. an J. G.L.ENN. Book Blinders.
are soli “ufaied in the above haunt., earner
W r' or Wood ari
d Thtril streets, Poithuigh, boo
We are prepared to do auy work iu out line with J.,-
patei. We trued to oat work personally, and sato,
(action will tor ithvou in regard to to [Leaman on.' di,
Bla. Books ruled to any pattern and bound sob
atanual:y. . Book, in numbers or old books bound sari -
(ally or repotted. Nothee put en Looks in gilt tenet..
Those that bane walk in nor line ore ins., to salt.
prlees taw tnyx.nell
Paun klatlaim• Shop.
‘Vl(StlTMAN—lttanatacturer C( an kinds al eat
The aton and woollen machinery, Allegheny ens, Pa
bovee works being now m full and sueeessts: pp•
tralion, I am prepared b canalise wears watt dinsatell
(or all kind& of machinery In wl late. sash I. widow ii,
pickers, epreadetv, em3g. grinding ,k 11.111,, runways,
drawlng frames, speeders,, loom, 'WOWcn
cards, double or single, for merchant or country wart,
wwWwwitanka,tiodeltdo and harullattics and a pps to e,w
tral. AJI kinds of eholung wade to it'd,. plan , ei • -
CA for gearing I...storms or at at seasonable foster.
Run err—Kennedy, Maid. •Ni BlarY4l.oel , flea
at et. . Wing. P A _Jos A GM,'
Itirratwwhema,ixt•Ar Pittsinstrithd Pa.
Wu, 1b. 37 Water st,• betwen Nat ket and
* IVouei,
IF bsr ILL conetanUy t ecp on bend a Road mutt
merit Of Wax.; 01 our urn nutuulacuocl
uupc,,coAueNty hol. M
•le end fOUntrY Max
eh•nt• are ruspeouully Lneuc4 to eall end c a
mu. far themselves, Si we tie detemoned to .ell
*Pups, than bat seta before been otleled to th• Pub
rrfoudere sem by mail,•erockpenied by theca., •1
ao4 eat/free:, wall be brosuptly eo•nded to. mot
_ . .
If & 020., reepeetraily inform M.. &Le pat.l.L. that they have er,:cd a 66.1..11
Laooct,Letarreo•l, wee:,
are n.war =Latino and are prepared tu terriye order. gas
aw , e , g4e , dtiptiu o p t , ve . ht:1 . e:, ,... L ., ,:e C h . e.; :r
i :L ' Yllt ' f%eTtre ' r ' t n ae th y e hT:e " ,t; " , " el ° !...%l " .:ll7, " o t r.;
enabled to do wort on the moat reaaunahle term. *.4!.
those wannuaeartieles in their line
. .
Paying porttrullx attenuon . the *fleetly° of in •te•
till., mai Elevate none but competent workmen, tto-y
bane no heeitaton In •faerantlng atea wore We
th eel the atteutkon Inc public to IL..telotler
N ereforek opuinng done In ate [met manner, .0.1 on Li , .
moat reesonsble terra,
.14.111.61,1 Va .140•13.., arum.,
tuttm., EICIMIam Wool. AND M Pn rut ..n
wn-rmut; inonerixerare all k in,la of COPTI:11
TIN AND tIIJEET 111ltN WARE Also, Clack.
, Smith Work.
Steam lkoare built to order.
bpecial alberourn riven tu atentri Loral work.
Have ou baud. • due usstrunent of Copper sod Dram
Koalas, Ti.. Wane, to. de. lttrearaboai Cooking Stores.
Portable Forges vommrs sexes— a very COUVerIIPOI u.
hale for stesentaata, California emigrants, or rail road
We mould reopornfrdly Motto maam boot inm and
others so call rod oro oar saver. and one. belor•
parrbaarna el sesshere. rt:l7
Plat ktoskla• Work. wad Voorotry.
TORN WRIGRICk Co" areprepared to .114 Callao
U and Woolen ItilichineryOrrlOTT dracrtpuen, anab
art Carding Maehules, Sinnnlag Frame:, Speeders,
Drooling Frames, Railway Heads., Warporr i tiotiolrra,
Dres.l.4 Framer, lioocit, Card Grinders. It< Wron 4hi
Iron littaftura turned; all sae. or Cast Iron, Pollre4 sod
Hangers of trm (steal patterns, slide and Irani Lathes
and tool. of all %Ind.. Canto. of every dexertnnun
Po on short not... Patterns inadt .e order for
Mill Ger.:llllf, Iron 11.11Oling, oir•to Pit, for lo o r.
wR Fa ttcottcs Ca. IrOn Oak:, 511.1 bro., + eu,t lip •Ir.lerr al I•te el, row , . •• 1.
0.-111 cf CO Ey .tree t, 1•••• r• e..
kefes L.; Bleclowek. Urll S G ,J K
S”nt. Yat.t.stgra . t.
• .•
of•-•• inr le • large and •plet;dld
•asortmcni sale
ul .114.444 and roah,rany rr•nd Ar•
non Poulos, art! and arilliwat Co!ernan's eelcl•r•o,
;Callan AMC The abovo are
t.ottdto be equal im anY alaaollralarwr m ❑n+ rata,
try, and will he .old lower ib.. any 1at..," i'rOrn tac
Earl- F. BLUME, No I ill wood w,
door al., SO)
N. B. —Cny tkne will be eaten al per for • lea 01
be •boTe &stormier, p
Stator Brick Works for Sala.
rpm:sub..., oder, fur outs. tl rel* 1 - . AM
Wtrillsh, ahoy. Lasers...coin., , tnort•unt
Siam F.uetuc 2 Boilers, h Monl,l Machin., ' dup.., of
enanuteeturtng ISJ,IIIIO hessed ku (out or dry
It [taken (roar the hank,) per day, , rub three sem, yl
land on the Allegheny river, on rehn-h are t ruin. end
Weds, machine and clay aLede, srbeelburrours, nu.
shovels, spades, he, every thing re , mule Is run,
meuee operations •t an hours melee. Prree,
the patent right touse raid nmehine, P7lSyn—n•rin.
pet/Into! mass easy. Without the lead, Ilisuut, Int
particulars, address MARV MEltlifrr,
aisen-dtf ' Nr , 11, Monongahela lion..
Wroaxht and Cagtiroa Halting
MHE ael,eribtra beg leave to inform the pails. In•I
Ttbey have obtained from the Fdeet all the :..te anJ
derogne Iron Rabid, bdth fur
Ana cemetonas. Persons wt.hhalr procare
acme patterns maill plea. call end examtr.e, and Nose
for Memoriam,. Rallusg will be furapohed at the short.
est notice, ard the best manner, at the cocoa, al
Craig anellebeeea airetra,ALlegeenv city
attgraAtf A. LAM., ITS EAlt/It
BEGS leave to inform Ids friend. and eastomem , na
he Ulla( receiving his new sprang yank of Goode
vomprising, as natal, all Inc caramel and most ...hum
ide styles of Cloths, Caminterea fancy Ve•num, c.o.
ton and linen surnawr .tai., and every arOarle mumble
for gentlemen's wear for spnag.anil summer. It Leiria
oopitasitila to deeertLe the treaary, qualley, or quo/oily
of the stork, the propnetor hopes all who are to Waal
of good, cheap, fashionable, end well Katie vitiate.,
•rall give brio a roll, as there it no stork this wt s ol
the /I.llrglienlca •
that can compare vial a.
The ready maga department is very exterram,
red to all talon.
- .
Rail road contractor., country merchant., mid all
ho purehaoe largely, are par - ocularly Invited to
mine the stock Galore pur4natnng, a. parneulat at•
tll.lOO I. pat,/ to the wholesale bartness ,t 1 thy ...tut,
Every article In the tailoring line made to war, in
We moat leadrionebte and treat manner, at the saw..
THE partnerehlp heretofore ezistlng under the Arm
of A ft C BRADLEY,th Otheolved by the d
of Ale. C Brodie!. The boeinre• will be cameo on b y
A Bradley, who will eente the butane. of the late
LtEIIOVAL—,-A UIUPL.III bas removed ph Foundry
Waxehoose from No llx Second we., to No la la c...,11
avert, between First aed Second streets, to tbr were
oecaple4 by G A Heil y, "bete he will
teep sorkusaly on hand • general auortrnent at Ca•t
tag.. Grate., Wove., Cooking Stoves; &e 1113
11/131UiCI. BIIoILUL V V,
and N.l American floater Steel. Ala° -11 e-I
Cut &eel Pries, of all urea; and Ulu lonian and Shoe
Wraps, a/d s on hand and fur .01.erthar at bi. -En
gle !heal wa O'llas• order, Finn Ward, or at the
a., 11l am Irnu /Ewe DI BOL,LLiI ANE A GA /I HI
SUN, No 4, foot of Woad aucer, Pfto , nugh.
We the undermigned, EIRVIng lwah enum ma.•
Marta", the Camt Steel and Fol.. a/m.l. I.y Se...ue I
at his klagle Steel Werke, e on, tele
aa • aaa in reetuuteepdsne d4ete s• equ..l ...Wlily 1..
any evct need ley et, ul lumat/im..tutr
Pouvhersh, Aleteh 13,1,5 e
& 1 /I Fll)F.Nlhau;rlld I'U,
Ithwatactuten 4.1 lion aik,l Nary. , Put•LhilyL,
Ilan Founden and hlachin tttt t PonrGur,h, ea.
Masoriae utters el Spangs, dile., Spring Steel End
Plmberppl, P.
P d W hl FADER,
Engine Madders and Machine Card Mondfaefo
rem, Pillsburgb. Pa.
Wm. Foander, Pittsburg/1, Pa.
Hamadan:den of Inns .d Nails, PllssLared Pa.
Lowman ra Engine and glop W
I r, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Marble adanahmarar, Mani:dna and Engine Budd
farfre er. Pittsburgh. Ps.
Dissolutions of ParDaerattip.
RS Pettnership heretofore existing between the
nibseribars, soder the firm of Chambers, Agnew
Is Glass Manufacturers, was dissolved by mamas, as the first day ofJ•ly, tenant. Ail persons
oneing themselves lndebted to sal4 inners requut
old to auks paymest to either of the parties, without
delay, sod all persons hams unseated ..ants yeltb
sold &a r e,* let itee IA present them for sett/mama
w zok di g sgiy,. _ MA:UNDER WILUSEItS,
JAV gni &sec" importatins, emtable for medicinal
j puppet% constantly on bond and for gala by the
teener Wholesale, el an_ree tied Wine stores of
Louiskg &WORTH, out side of Diantentd, Plus.
IstuA. sag radial 5tr50.1.110111.7. war m Wu%
Inv •
RANCE C.OMPANY.—Odice North Room of the
Exchange, Third ousel. Philadelphia.
Finn Inson.trica.—Onildings, Aferebandiso and ether
Proprrti. in Town and Country, Insured against loss
or damage by fire, at the loweot ride of premium.
Main—They oleo insure Vessels, Car
fem. and Freights, foreign or eoartwire, ander open or
special policies, as the assured may donor.
loitarto TIUNPUirr•TIOS.—They also inoore movelt
."4”` "fluPoried by Wagona, Rail Road Cam, Canal
Bonin and Stettin Boats, on rivers and lakes, on the
liberal tends.
DIRECTORS—Joseph 11. Seal. Edmund A. Solider,
Jahn C Davis. Robert Dorton, John R Penrose, Sams.
REdwitrdo Geo G Leiper, Edward Darlington. Isaac'
Wm Foloirioll, John N R Dimo
Jon C !rand, Theophilue Pauld ewlin. ing, lI De
Jones Swots, n,
Henry Sloan, Roth Craig, George Serrill, Simonet
Niellvain, Charles Kelly, .1 e Johnson, Wm Hay, Dr
Thomas, John Sellers, Wm Eyte, Jr. DIRECTORS AT PITTSDURGLI—D T Morgan,
Hugh Craig, John 'f Logs..
Ilicit•an R. NrIVIBOLD, Berg.
i.i.o4llris of the Campmy, No. 41 Walcr intact,
Pittsburgh Itanifibtf P. A. MADMRA,AIII.
l•tre mad Health tarns •
l i , nd o, l ro ieuntila t 7 y rozn e et , t;tilLun .. y .
Of Pennsylvania, Alurrh, Charier perpetual.
Capital, SWO.vOO. Ravi. lowa. Tun LOT Proust,
Varri• C 011.”, and 101 l Or per Collt. lower than die
usual rides of Life Isouranne, as the following tom
arison Oulu,: Thus, • per.. of th e rile (7a in
uring tor dloo for n0p.11%) in the (dried
Feoini) trains, t 1 JO, Penn 1t..36; Equitable,
Choi, Erie Endund, Ifl.itri; New York Life, St o 36;
112,4 d, Life and Health, Philadelphia, MM.
DI9ZCTOIBane I D Orrick, Charles Denali, W.
F. Drone, Robert P Cur Charles P. Hayes, W,
Buldivm. NI. NI. Reeve, IL LJ., Chu. 0.11 Cithaploll,
Lewis Cooper, I. FLOtiniap Barker, 11. Butler, Edwin
Sr Cope. Prvsidrint—Smouvl D. Orrick; Presi.
"nt — R, Scere.ry —Pruners Blueuhcroz.
Applications wilt be reed, red, and every information
disen by SAAII.. FA lINITOCK,
(lAce, Co
ad Rooms, earlier of
0e11.7 Woad acid Third soh ! l imbos - et
rl~lid INSURANCE CO. of Norio ~enea- wLU
perry a tha city mid i
vicinity, and Sh/Plittlll3 by
Canal, Lste•, told by Sea. The mope:tits or
this Company me •••11 invested, and Turnith to touß.
able land tor the stole indemnity at all person. who
thiCilw to be protected I. insurance
inytn WO! P JUN ES, .Lr/n22...
tire sad flarial• l •
r,E ur e nea s om North
at.. 01 55 co.
The tot..ereber, agent for the above 01da.44 I,.eap•
aade Cornotoy, alit rulletei on liorldina. 4.14
their Collientl. and on ohlpments at Merehandran by
SU., !lova and other ve.sala
IDodero and ilaLiQue Farniturs.
• It; Tallo Si" Erin 01111•111.
J. W.
empectially inforthe
public that he Z rhas com
pleted his spring alodk of
FL'fiNfTtrier., the inf4e.l and mou•arieJassortloarkt
over oiorrA for sale ra Mr* city. coloprlsng .corrl.l
sells of floilt,,M, Mamas -54, and Stan. W• 1.504,
cured, utnamantaf and plun, sumole loi
Liraverna and !led Qoow., 4:1 of witioh will be sold at
the lowest prices
Perron. desirint Pormture of an; 4est;:pMn,
aphonally matted to poll and es airline hot usin?,
eutbrades ovary dein-notion, [mu the rhe•penl 404
Orono,. lOrhe sot an d coal), of which We
tallowing zosuptiens a ow,
fete. 'rete MA.; Tau a row pr•..;
Cols - am Chairs; &if ahothiiin . .twin;
liceeption do Lunt. XIV in/
Faint:omit to IMilet E.litquit;
What :lots: Tuil.i Tables,
Lout, Xl V eoantoodote; Duke of 1000.Coachi
60 Sofas with Plush and Ilatr-ei4ll
SO wui, do Jo
40 dm hlatioglay ?actor Omits;
10 ° llosewood do do,
" IVanitii do do,
to ° Cane ;.eat do,
4 " Nlaitogeny Rucktne do;
V In •PLsno
Orr Ilattls Top Ceatio
do Wain Stands,
Y d an,
12 do Wardruwa,
In MI stout do,
Cherry do
sr Fur Very target”Orte
.riefal CO(11.40 OLAYlllazi4 ann.
nitais too ...Ma* to mention
nieana Wail, tarnished on the aholles4 oouot
war . " ~,,, ptly wheaded to
Y. "1 i'dhinen Makers ran Ira rurgalrd with •1140tU
at Nlal...esu,. Walnut, and Vsoert., at considerabty
te11y...1 pct.,. trbli
lIA LIG 101.111 USSILIC.
riga d m Tug.: gjANJI FACTLI th, AND AT LAST.
IVbite Elatthcla, all Wool. al, RiSlei
fled do do Slue Demisna;
Vella. do do Fades Coltdotolas; agg go
Brown du do offered at Paelory pries.
Inset Seamen.
Steel dosed do Ileum beagle diastole.
do Recta sod Stripes, Vary
Drab do homey goads. •
"Racl C/1.11112111,1 1.114/01V,G00411..
Fax! y du Rad PAddrag,varperg*
PaACr Tweeds_ Vest Paddbopc glatkram,'
Soper Hack Preto! Cloth. rellors'eaLlthaa,kcaalt do;
Soper litho, do Brown Lthens, Shield%
sapa e Gre en ad,4;ab Serge, black do, • 11
Sayer Teel od do dad weested,
Soper Stlark 11oe tns lilacs 1114 Tentl;
Super that, Cashmeres Slate Trim, Drab
Sa, I{ll,ol* Linen Caccith and Urals;
Sop , Rays ddsns eurd t beton;
Illadatta as !doe, '11,1, , ad,
•o•door nide],
ricEle•ti Vesengs,
Ithaca Saud do
brood tioil•nd As', Sills;
ildthaus, Cravats AS,, LA
Wood •
Aim< .11 61.4, wren:
. .
es , ,tturnMp !Immolate exottme lastmtsett the to Mr manse of Coostede, 'tor tes t!lt tltssolted by rumusi consent
Boar A lismes the totem," of the tonreto,
tor ssMi.•h ru rms.< they •rs nuttosnard to use the name
1,11.111M1S BURKF.
7170414 S lIARNES.
ITe tott , l•tatrartt bore thug day 11,1.0e11.1.34 idemelyaa
in the ~art.t. otl vRI 11.111(P.IFN rot the 'tarpon,
tar therm, l'lre ?mot Sale, Vaal , Door,, de
de at the , and of .hr late firm or tlonttimble. Durk.
dt:o,•wee, tney wall be plea rid tore ee iee the patron.
ye the .....tootet• of that house •...1 their litentle.
• -
T1J0.M../.8 BA ILINIF-1
In tell.te. Iron th. firm of,Loyiltp
I welt; pk•.ure T.-commend Altura. Mirk. ,
confiders. of my (I •nd the pobl
I.; Oa
LI jit-t ,e: toed from toe Ea firm Cities, 4041 0
1.1. tete. mg a large ver..ty of 601.00,•;;./C (;00.1)1 ;
olt . tosper tfully invito• the attention of siiltee
anot And p.tlen. No 64 Wood et. fedi
11TALI. PAPER—W. P Ids Must., is constantly
TV roue/stns, front the largess roanufactoriu in
New Io.F and Pbtladotploa, and also horn French
tr- • , tba newest and nowt appruvpl styles i it f ?o.
per 1 1 / I C,IIII/1, tosether sena horde's Ftro clap
Prints, lind Tester Top• Por sate at AS Wood t, be
ween Poona st and Lltamoud (eueoossor to N.
t, 11,11.)
a ITEALLIC PAINT-5 Priv Jain rood per stejuner,
IY aid tor sole by IL. barrel to Lindh. pound at the
Drug, Heed, and Perfumery Warehouse , corner of
SIAM and Woutlatrocts. N WIC:XI:R.S co IIAM.
_gedia Ash.
r . A., , kS of the 5t0,,,• celarated laand and
tr., direct from the ereonractit,ere; 1W
...Ile now on the wee from w Orlecenp, and ea
{mewl herr titre wee*: and 314 wlrl ahortle .rove
el• I.lftlonsorr pe. Oro. Juni•ta,
Ali., WWII en!! te nUid on trues!, at the
lower,. market prw.e fur ce.h or epnroved ,
No lea I..lhorty LI-
Mir a / 1 1C AL STOVE POLLSft
rilllE h uo altioufacturing Cumany now carer tO
1 the public their Prenuton Cbenoc p al Stove
and without e a aggeration, r fear ofeuntradiellau. hi!
thow who have tested it, pr o onounce far supenor to
any other to the market. consumer need Lora nu
approbeionons ofsoiling carpet, ea its Cool.
pe..11.0 pr rot . • &it (rum wising when being ap
plied, which meet be done when the Snore I. cold
The quantity rearmed to so Intl. to prndure a beau
taut lowr. A semi', of over fifty per root is insured
In the reinvents.. ft opining applied to Stuveri,
w Inn/ awl f fur summer,. ogre pre.
•ententre assts. rust. *her haytog 111e4 it,
it( it it aceet•ltile) rto perrOn ase, any het lha
1 . 64 , 1 , X til•t ttttttttttttt Company'. •
Premium Chemi•
cat Stu. For sale by -
reld Corner 0( 100(0 and Wood street.
PITTIIOIIPUIII /1101.7111111NG Rivas.
l'un•er et Penn and Si. Clair .trees.
W 01, AI.N\A N DER a. SONS. Fernishow
where every wnele tor Funeral and
hluariting purpows con Le got on resivanatile terms.
iy II tin
2 4 4 . .n0t Ire* Acacetted Deck ?lank;
OD eet Coal I.l.o ltcc. Po ckle DV
HOBERT ISlegfllli
cncl All At eorn,
I . zu.l..—' . klnJ - "
TT ut:llk,he•i m4l krt pill,
,1 ' ; “"k"""
... 774 b / %%, 'IAIIII4IIIIII
CIiIIE Owners mail conalgaces of goods •rwring by
rho lilluireno Pottatile Boat It will •plewe
use nonce that they will. be re to quired to pay insight
at.our warebouw, according the receipt, beans
tbe / o pals are removed. 0 A—AIitANHLTY 6CO
Pl3/1M OLD VflEafill BRABIDY,
u.taldr for liferfirrool Purpose,
IN these smtily news, the away wile. is trammel!)
required. The rutiscriners have some on hand f.,r
sale a , ups Dora, per bottle,which they Inner to be
genuine; it was bought by themselves at Frebee, and
n as pore as when they bought It.
Toad Woe Meacham, eat side of the Dionoad.
Vr..16 Arrival of Choir• T.a
HAWORTH, in the Diamond. have
HU But received from the iorponen, tinnier Inge
!supply Of exceilont Rink and Green Seas, wisiett they
'heow retailing from th e nip.) chest. at 60e sad
rpe lb. They defy coy in the trade to beat the
nuance at the Once. We respeetfelly molten the pal.
lie to col:nom zur Ten with then perchned else
where at same price, •••Iti
Picioanuf FIELD }mo OF Tile REVQLU.
}molt OP
or linetntion by Heals, Pencil of the
HinwrYvnenerY, lategrnani and Tradition
of the Was for Independence. By Benson J. Lowing,
with MX Engravings on Wood by Loan, A Barren,
eddy from orgrinal entail* by the natSor. To be
ItinnPleth in anal SO NOS. y ilSe, fey eale by
M URPWVA BURCHFIELD Invite the anentlon of
Gooa llw ro a r tift wg.m ke ud , t ti,... l 2 7 l o ortment es Whits
&melt and S•tta M .U.ath;
Bodenaldered dal •
Victoria Lawns;
Low Pa 4.4 Barred Jaellonet for rattralsto .dreteer;
One sat firdahad do; and a large aaaoitawat Of ;Sari*.
Miialint. 'with colored ernbtoidem; petsdndiaekonetc
Lawn., %rem, So., at flank east costar Of Fourth
and Market 'cream
' Chaagi i ,
apply attain La ,
brown at twin; light do, n r
Alw,embiliddered and ri
or neat and newts' style
and north out coiner 0 I
a N
I ,
Witl e ro m igreZe°l l :ll2l;27:.itnlri:,,
{Wholesale Idiom, n this ommslon, be throw
epos (pr Enron. Toon., end 1/1 of their ertensly
sunk will be offered to adlecoun
or nolo CO 10 241 per cent. less than Octal prices.
THU KOCK OW 0113E8 Compriee over fern
hundred plea., and will be sold al on immenre di.-
Their saorksent nfSbawls,Deregeo'kjsaues, Oren-
Slues 1 lard Wilke, Looms.; Mostlnit. Jocooma,
Cambco eel qargl Deets Goods generally, elowd
am nowlaug, at about one hair the usual raths.
Ileums Faat odor.' Lawni will be offered at Pe.
2 do Barone& Inc.
I do
Masks de Leine., to,
Roperiel Flglteb and Morrie. Calicoes, 10 k 11e.
MX) dosan Linen H•odkerehiefe, Ilk 7e.
A lone boor Wreoght Collor., eat. as low sa Itte.
Toonber with • complete nanny a fartnestre and
White GOO% hUblnune, Hosiery and Gloves, gannets,
4 kn.
&king to W one of the mod onset.. aosortments
to the country, welch will be worked down to much
tenon poxes than 1.117 01 their previous Annual
(Cribs entre be closed upon Thursday and
Fr, blv, Mal naafi and 31r4 ntr the purpose al amus
ing sad wafting down wood. No 'swam, set Pu
ss. turd* NASON • ell
MURPHY* BURCHFIELD have teettived a imp/
ply .1.4 and 44 Freneh Llama for sten'a come
and tack., lune,. mete, boys' and eluldrao's wear,
of the mot t dasitable diadem.
1r.221211 Water .1.
.• •
They molls ar,ntion to their large assortment
Iden's and Hays' 81111 MER WELR, of different ma
teriels. •ild all of which will be .old low. lel:
URP/IVIIi BURCHFIELD have received arother
All sappy. of above artLele, and are enabled to tap.
ply ahadst spy quality and color wanted. and al the
!orient eksh • rims. riff
• attest r Olt at
UT MeCLANTUCtit has received this day, at hu
07:h bo Cl' r r eZf ‘ o V r *" b y
eiy *. ll " d r :o o to 7 rl p Y "' " Oil
to erhiott we
la we srendea kgvhipant. "49'.
M.8 . 8.P111 sll Ft .LD an noir ofortna goods
t !really reduced Naos i. 4.111 from d cams
op; 4-4 nett Chins. from Weems ap; Betake. IV, {tic;
Plain Black 13frage for late; Bonin {Mho. for 6c
per yard Ladles are Invited weal! and examine our
stock or dram goods before Nachman! elsewhere—
North eats ootaer of Fourth and Market au Jel3
•Ilosait Mat.
)F.C . EF,VEID du. day, • trash assortment of *lle.
p f/taas Mats, at tha Carpet Wars room of
Jel4 73 Fourth st
—,.....-- - -..z..-!- - -=- -- ._
M U PC g " gli ti e D 4 . al
Ale n. lll 7 lF.4ll d tv . a ;it ; stp ti et of
greatly redprott ensue, TB:— ' 4
Beteg+ 40 itirttea !largo asatitlitlaut of bagulifal
Mulls, .10.a0Ptl and Swiss 1,11311,m
• splendid assortment of Block auti POMP lint;
Bensges,kawste and De ',Woes, remarkably cheap;
BestadurPoulard SM., at MY dams per yardt
Denatnal Calleow., from Gana oe, and upward.;
A law stock of Blown llleaohed Moline, !le
per yard, and upwards,
Bonnets and Parasols, at growls redtwed prices.
Cloth., Casabas re., and Vest up, of the toast quality,
remarkably low.
Together with •
,Allis Beet of Ticking's, Apron and
Shirung Cried., Lulls ; Brown and Weached
~ ,. ., . ..g.....0 W.itt NO; Irish Linen.; together with
Fll ; eater ..halesm oar low, at north ea.l corner of
oint, arid_t
ICI - 0111 . 141. • DU 111-Mal telt,
s pay* igst received
LT/ new style Foulard Bel., ter clicap; riot, plain,
and Lgarad eltangeabla slits, .1 , 1 almost every pl ain,
and geality,• caper platy and butted Ittacit Mike; do
"tree. ea/ 0 ; hos, de lions, nw and hand.
some mime, new table Pomba, lU.gli.h, and licßitii
Lawns, In great ....Boy, ....I at very low prices;
plain. Lguroi, and want .to ped de Bios of all kinds
awl gallant,...) lin en low w of all shades and tutors;
ginglams, chintzes, pronto, he., at north east toner
of thnoth andlihrket sweet.. s tf.
Alatidirtiljapply of Dlaek Saks arid faasy col.
• and 1511101,041 received ay aline. ails own.
"' fed ii
con iaff? fir BlaggrLlr .
044 X
gaifrugu-.7i- salting Barmen
Umbral. r afToiteallal:lT. 4 1 5''
B" - . L., - . Itim at. - 9 1 /Lt' q! "allV,lf . ii4dl
and Co. • art earner at swoon and ' st e w.
• -illgigeHlit /a LIVISCHFIBLES.
111slwaag• ameilesarsa grablaasat
Limon - 41c BURCHFIELD Once renewed . *d
ial 'buena! wiggly of above goods, including onion.
role,. of China, Pearl. Albone, and Gimp - Bonnets;
White sad Colored Gimp do; and Ittlibriasof all colors
sod poor.. may IT
IsnaQ ne PIr9I4.CLOT I I-600 yd. 4-1 Floor Oil Cloth,
;oat ,e,te.. WA Or facts 7. end tor snle et the
Wocroom, N0 . ...TA b W r cia.A o '; .- - • • •••• •
~,, , a it v.sio.irs
• -it inin aitllti trOHILHI,
*,I V k. BLItCIIFIELIJ tobtos me ...Bannon
of Bess ww,...., goads for Mamas< pstim*st
to th. IT very fall dl..Ortill.i., Just recanted, such
Blass Itanbuone.,
Bootwiline finish Alt:anent,
trot Sloane detains.,
d:rafts-Vass Fii;i,
do Printed Fsolangs,
Black Tissues, &Bill. Lastree, Altdonses, Plato
Black and Printed Lawns, Black Fiudiroidered do,
Boon.. Ribbon, Scarf do, Veil., be. amyl]
li.l, CB alkat COATING—W pea CoTloneieteTastoWt..l
0 colon, a too.. desirable &male for roomer coos,
nicht, and sow opening by A A MAPONI &CO
may's MI Motet ft
TlH7B:twr4-717`7'-11-liF.7l', rd Tr.!. 1gt.,1rn5..1..., at.,a;,., D,
Orem •od Corn colored, Jut receurrotr per ezpress,
and Ws day opening by A A 61.1.40:11 g CO
ma)l7 _ 61 ',Marker
.7.11 k PIECES PS./ Ms., Pink, Olsen, ar - i , Wire
set 'Colored Baregea, reed per oilifessi u_e .w
opening by _ mayl7 A A MASON a o .
Blank Deo.. 111/Isar '
ik. 4, . J11'1°111: - '6'4lg `Fthl2:lllr, VP" I tIL I
do; 'lO pcs MlTneledb; ''• yids BY Inch 4o; tridi Otte.
30 loch do. _
Llooon Illmadloorattlocow
400 dos Lat. Lew. Linen thttobrto Mil's, allt i res,
ley dot (loom' go dp
Ree/ 4 ;s 01: gal b ' r
' " ot
!I ( ll7lto L in t74-1 0 to l ni iltmoSll74"fok
r Irish art Urowin
Ea ° o. ll l 3tr:Alk 3 Anaiiin g Tilig raoflor
blab Linens, claw openly by
mayla A A. MASON t CO
• •
Freak Arrival at Dry Glow:Lae -
W E or t , vs , e r r i lev . re , g;ing ln , a ry ad o dit . tone toner Stock
p trod to a l ker e ffea dent aenortat o ent e s ti o ar airral
low pries. for each, or approved eredir.
Tb. .weaken of wetteen dealers Le paellealarly
qacsned to oar, goods, so we feel cooadant of baba
Ws to offer vassal Inducements to mate a LW arid,
oe. CBI 9nd a! wake at say nre.
los Market mt.; iilbuiro
IWMILTSPI •411 1 14L413
tiltn l ft I Kra Irdilttr,llllVOLNlt,BLL.!
PENUEuR, lc. Also,
atta mad Vasa, Vortalealpe e
BANDANNA, and LINEN LIGKES, a general es.
antrum al PANIS, aad every venety of tramming..
Ws/shims, illostrablar d , mad .1./leactslialg
intincrlonn—rut the clothes Into cold water and lot
diem soot finer nubs. to toe morning wring thorn
ia. lltif 7 Optc:o:ottifil l L ' inu P i l fornVeln
callow us water—cur it up and boil the whole tau.?
ethane,. The clothes may then he Prang out and
well rinsed In rlear cold water. The pans of eet•
men. 0.1 may be mot mated, men as erriabeac•
and rollsre of shine. may be slightly robbed before
rasarti, Sod the clothes will be load pOttcoU, elan,
white sod .lea,.
Watranted Unt to tonne the artett labile and to give
perfect merfmnon, or the money will be reloaded
tad wholesale and roue by E 81{1.1,ERS
erplp n; Wood a•-
1 iIiPORT4I%. TO Tit* 4
Dr, Rotel Cclebralod Remedlez.
lIR.JACOIIIII HOSE, the disooreter and mole pro,
Ja orator of those mon populate and
oreOlorifon, and elm the Inventor of the estelontr4
memo:nom for ledattng the Lamle, le es . ..lns • e•te
.21 hr. w druearrun, rean • mordent of Nat ernonero
plry•oclan. Duotor Physic,grades... s
trotter of Youtssybunala, and fur dolly year. clime
Lt. been cbgof oft In thy Inverstigatlon rlinooso, anal
tlf• epplreatron oficiaedleo thereto .
Throelk Leo Um of 1,41 braining lobe, le tonnettion
with his Prophylactic Syrup and other of kis needles,
he has gained an oaporale 11.1 eminence In coring
those dreadful and fatal maladies, Talc/realer Con.
sionpUon , ,Conects,fletotrala, ltheutpatothi t
Fever and Agee, VeVeri of all Cada Oltrottle Ery•
stpeltra and all those obstinate dimeses perulla.o
females. Indeed every form tedthease vaulshoo under
Ihe am 14 SO remedies, to "dean humanity to hur—
l:era by the In of ono compouud only. for that I.
eompaeblo cal h Physiological Law, but by the um
of kat remedies, adapuxl to and prenalload for ebb
periling HIMm
Dr. li flostPs T oed. A lterative Pills, when used aro
Invariably acknowledged to be evertor to all caber.
as a papers or liver pill, inallithen as they lest.
the tramobriumftelly /roe tee= Contllrenetn; as elm
les Golden Pills loMaenad by the lamely to Possess
Peoldiu PmP•nialt adapted to hauls isdains, be)
being nitellattliat a bone Malt cdlbeien t 10 establiao
what ha bate said In the minds of the Mast skeptical,
The alined ars Nailed lb call upon the agent wed
proton UM.) 500 adze Doctor% pamobleta giving
adetailed mutant of each remedy and It. applutation.
Par sale by the thilmnag metes, as wall as by most
doeggiN 0 1 10 , 0010• I the coantry. , k Co. SI Wo mom. Pittsburgh;
Jld Towaseue, &natio., , LS Market st; do.
Lee K. ocesham, do uses the P. O. Allegheny city;
Jos Bartley, Darlington, Beaver co., Pa.
Jae Eanon Valley, do do;
T Adana Seaver; do do;
magnify .
Rum -um prime pm rey.o fin .04. by
mil§ JAI= • IWTOUIiKIif i Co
fplfß eleventh and twelfth mann erne Atter the
g, General knembly of this Commonwealth, entitled
"A Pupplemeni to an Let emAled toormite a
slang xend and to provide for the'gradeal and
certain emingeinmeet of the debt of the Common.
weeltb and to authorize • loan," approven the
day of May A. D provides a. toi enov vi e ._
Sarno, II That the Governor le hereby authorised
to negotiate • loan for theearn of The e . m i lli ons
Then Hundred Tbousand Dodars, redeemable to thirty year. from the date Of the mtivertption thereof,
at a rate of thtlft•t not exceeding four per gem=
per annum potable in gold and silver, unal-ennually,
upon the first day. of February end Annet at
Vrtf, and •xempt from every 11pCeiell of taxation.
Geller, that preemie for said loan will be received,
Mall be peblished in at lent one newerisper to the
&tough of Harrisburg, to the cities of Ptimbergh,
reeneaster i anst Philadelphia, and in the elite. of New
Vert, 'Eloettlin and Baltimore, for •period not le
Man three month s berms*. opening of said proposals, end by.lefter eleemnerm If deemed neeenary, and
eptrrtlhe May uslinard for thatparporie, In each notice,
the propmile shill he opened Commonwealth, rmc of th e
Governor, tle Secretary of the and
Anditerr•lilerterstl, and the lean shall be awarded- to
die highest bidder or bidden. If the arment of the
MD shall eXtheed' be sum of the meld lean the mine
Mall be diettibuted pro rata amongst the highest bid
ders, bet If the Whole at aald Man Mall not then be
taken the Connor may renew notice, IR the manner
aforesaid, from-Mee to time, till the whole amount of
sold into shall be imbsertbed. No condstional hide
shell be considered; and upon awarding soeb toms,
or any pan theteof v entlfieues with coupon. for the
Interest shell be tattled therefor by the Auditor
ECC7IOIII It If the mid loan shall he subseribed, it
Mall he mid it it herebyappropritned for the payment
and ex inenistanent or the funded dent of than Com
monwealth, now dun. or to :become dee, doting the
year elm thoomand eight hundred and-fifty, and for the
payment orthe ewe •of eighty five eight . housnd one-bun•
dred and four dollen end eighty cent., due to
domestic eredltona
(MD have received ■ la
p, vat) cheap; neat if
eat variety, for 10 ta 1
tinted Muslim andJaekonet,
and lowest Dries for qualltY l
Fourth and Market rts,
Prise atm* of
In purroance of the procaine* aforeasid i notthe is
o ffice at
Secretaryosals wilt be received at the
office a the of the Commonwealth anti]
4 o'clock P. N. of Tuesday. the first day atoatainky
next, cipulating for a loan to the Comiunwealth. ray
the porooses get forth In the said net. of the sum of
three million three hundred thousud Jailers, rodeesq•
able In thirty years from the date of the nbscrtPtint
thereof, at a rate of interest not exceeding four pet
cent per annum, payable in gold and silver, send
antotallli Upon the lint days of February end August
Moult year, and exempt from every species of tag. ,
n.Vrtificatcs el stock for the mid loan, with ooepone
ran the intr,a.l will he tined In the lanai ipeuer and
made uansfstable by the owner, on the books of the
Auditor Or ueree Depa rt ment.
The propond• will be required to nate explictly
the admen atifered which shall not me
any ease be
len Wu one thousand dollars, the rate of Interest hot
exceeding four per cent, end the pennant proposed.
The btuu theoryes the right to accept the whole or
any p to the cout of the
ntrary. ram offered ulna the proposals stipu
Hide for the loan mast be direct and explicit. No
conditional proposal* will be received.
Upon the acceptance of the proposals. the money
most be paid into the State Trenary, In nob rp•nner
at shall be directed by the Gqicropy
Certificates of nook will bc mud In Seek Mm 041121/
a. may he repoestad by the leaden.
The en dors e d,
to be directed, or
They this
nitre, endorsed, •Proootrill for t e e n . " twill
at .P.npa or disclosed until the peeled for creel,.
tug mew by alapaadi attar which no Ilittflld. IA 111.
Len. will be admitted.
A L RUSSELL, Secretary of the Coot'. h.
Seernarrts (Mace, liatristourg, Jane 60. leelo.
it TeL:;,EE.' "'I -B =-0411°7 of.;t:',:::::i
omemiely mat, That the Cm:mutat on of th is Camnom
wraith be asmodea in the meth/ meths of the fifth article;
so that M shall mad o. Nil.., Tie .1 tidgea of the Suomi:Fe
Coati, of thy tempi Conte of 1:9: 40 3 r lens, Ihd if .10
ityr Giusti .1111. as oiro . or . bet o4abliMMl by Mlle
sbell be eMeled by the oth!iffed 0 , a 4 do, copy.-
•1414th A the =Whet' fullhle:hy,ta Witt T. lud=e .
Some. Cowl, by the itual4ml electors of the
wealth it lama Um Proith Judges of die metal thoorte
of Comma Pith., end [Co otch other Courts of ftecord man
er thall be established by lam, lad ell other Jodrell regrind'
to le learned is We leer, ky the qualibei demote of Mhe
respective Ilktrime over abith they are le Fail& or on.
Jaffee; thil the hmorthis 'throe of the Cowls ofCammaa
fleas by dee waddled abettors of the ou•Atra respretthely.
Th. Jails. of thr Sliipthem Court shall hold their office.
for the Ithin of 411 e. than, if they than ea lo g Wort
athoselms well, (subject to th e allotheest hereim.Dth ...e..,
thief No, mithequeal to the Ant otlectisr..l .i. Phrtsiithil
Judge... the sennl Cairo ef biennatOß nevi, ead .• stali
other Cools of fjocard al Me th shall be thablubmi try I.
and elf dithr /soiree required In be Wroth CLI le Ism, slid
bald thew °therefor the term of ten years if they doll e 0
holm Maim. ithithethe well; the Mesasealree ell hn
Cothis of Comes. flea; Sha /0111 their dime fee t.b .
Noe of ale plics, if them Ws • leal i bekmy th musththe
i e q Yellolu ;Ohl 4. sesmeimbia by the ()memos.
b e . to rthammbit was, Elleb all hot be eutticteht
yawed* fat Istpesalulatt ,Lhe linesman. shell sesame
the of ibers cm s eafiLram of Imo thirth uf reeb breath of th e
Lev:cae. The first election than mkt/ phi. at the
metal deft/toot thie Commonwealth eitht eller the athp. '
tis of th is immodthist, end the ethatheeithe of all ifee
/edges who aoy be th en in titre dull expiry a. the God
hic.4,47 of thumb. loUooiog, ietith the tgrau of dm ...
helps shall MIMES.. Tee perms Wt. .1,11 lb.. o
de.0614 lodges of the Somme. G 0.4 Ibeel tbeiefiffma
m f With: fact of Os for •this, )cllny oas fry ate tt1.14
ens f, Mat 0.4 .41 for Melee year, oaf ON for firms
Y.......t...t. Of etch to be decided by let by the. Mid
doles, is thou thus the eolith ae themnientl there
thlt cerlillyd by thus to th e Itheernac. that ili. commkjit
col 11. iPiPt I. ii.. MP.' 41M1.1. TO. 4.4. r
comaimith rill ant cap. sital/ ke Mkt AWAY durien
Maks., end thermaerembilthette wham measehnian pall
Met thyme shall in taro be dr Chief lattice, end if Iwo eir
mare entataimicem shall thpire on the woe big, the /theca
balite! them stall decide by lot width shall be th e QM I
hotie, A.y ..0.00000, boom:Meg by death. resignatioit;ar
otheithile, iti thy of the nod them, stun With
be by ap
poiattetht by lb. lithethor, tto continue till the Ethel llow ,
day of Dece . mber se-temilas te beet memo f:mi*.o . ;44 - .
I:etrej igurtforiXilrolileathriil,?;tlaFiStitt,:romT:e
Me IlAir Oilithe eth'ith /dm, osy...tic, to ea hod by
Is ve eloeh Ann eye be dtszonhh c ei irring the.. matte..<
id'Uqret 'b . :4 obey nhsl!reerelv• no (mar p tqu Wes of .rjim,
nee haul yothyr.ce*Tprofit thefir
or *der the ?there/beet of the United 4 , 4 , 11. , ;1r aby Othee
Etas of this Union. The Jiripf of the Stipthie , th 1
Co mm their roiminethes in
shall make noble tho
Commonwealth; mei the other J wig., iluritie thelr c‘,l4ll:V i
thee io oath, owl reale witbi• pa Cielz,t-ar 00,ey wr
hetsh We/ leiTo theimmimq stated.
aprther of th e litthe of flepoimutalicir,
V. stsr,
Speaker of the Senate.
Namara Comm.., t
Harrnhorg, Jea . yary ...14, IP.O.
I, Nana.) %V. Peens., Chie f '
ea-` ~ ree •Ilitonia• of
Pe a, d. heivo caritfytheitillLeekomg ry-rolot:on,
,iig, Or Pt. thr . rmate die of the present aestm.) emitldd
"Rwoltutoo relative man amindeent of the Comatitutloo,"
—lt being the nom repletion which ems agreed te by • ma.
jwity at the members elected to nob Route of the last
Legodatore—after lowing been 11.. y sow dered and di..
tamed, was this day mined to by a emjortty of the eit,4,,,i
elected is and ermine ie Me Senate of ren...lliraiste,; irlti
prewent ammo. as it ni,l.-t, tiy Mete met) given . the
Vr ' Tli o n f th. fa n'a ror ' th. " ''''' s . o . f . j:ZolMion mem,
H. Jontelletatt ' e. J. ;or., Unlae, , William A. urabb,
Moil. J. Cenninshont, Thomas 8 Faun, Than H.
orer Chart. Prailry, Robert M. Prlck L troir. teolt,,
üba W. Catteary. Wills. litt
fs rtt, ho.. :bires. , 4lmothP
1...,1:1..,i'"66,4. Y. if °Atl::..7- 1 , ~rl,'l,',lLl::,.u t r..Yz;
otattarar, ' lteliA. Blehreobere w thi. b i Packrt,
riji i a , ed
„ 31 4 : 1 d e r 41 3 . 4 .1 1 1 /, t sti , s ta . l . eg ,
. 3 ,,, lB , :r i e 3 l . y i ttoV .
Joh. 11. Walker. awl Wetting teat, Spralpr—yeasn ,
Thme min g Nrilll/rll. pre. of lit er t d?lo n _ w i
ilmiere bum, fiti,lmilbs Ugatd, i . eiemlif Ftd
4ey. 4 tErtracefrom p Jeo, .1
' "litthrl f W. BEA R Y, Cl/.
1 I i n i l 11:arg tai11i . 1 7•74.111, 1
I, William J.., 'Chief CL., of the Hemet of Repro.
sentatirm of ertatoy Imola, do hereby unify that the fore.
pr. resolution, tido. la on the Sea. Sk, sod Nu 111 Ott
R. Room Journal of the pelmet minim / retitled ''ftrati.
' lotion relative to the anteminient of l'l 1 .... 101 1 . 10i00i , --il
twitar, the mine made.. which was agreed lolly •notj.eity
of Go samedoen era. t, mai Howe of the last Leos!.
tate—aft. having b.. 0 doly ccantsred sad disenemd, WV
thia day agreed t • by majority of the memhert etmteJ to
nod moving te Ilse Li e
m,. of licfmeettr.o3 dr tit..... -
, nal*, a tts prrant .satin ea trill eppler by Melee.%
1 iiliVrY odtplo 4.1.1 pmagforibiWitiluiß,., as lo•lo es, o's—
TPosh ratii! hi rarer of the paisige oflhit naileliop were,
I .
oh. Acker, John fasui, Wolimpßaker,Rxhrit Bableelb,
1 'T"' 4 a., ~,, #,..., Jeremi a h 141ocit Joliti q.
wen, N • in liriadle, Daniel i, tl 4 Nerve,
ar'4?; 4 tPk.74 !. 5 1 .t1i?Ln i k. 4- i . 4 'II g'.7. , ;Lit:
hiss, Jsmes , r Pownor, Thome* Diseelo, William wenn,
Willi. Ropey, John C. keens, Wirians Emma, •..Bmot
It.. Alemodoe 8 Feather, Jame. Flowers, Itcejawin P.
Partner, Alexander flibboney. Thema.. B. liner, Joseph E.
Odin. Joseph lioffey, Jamb S. Haldeman George 11,
Hut,t lime John Rutin., Williant ' l. Hemphill,
Jutai Hodge, Henry !typist, lawl. !leotard, VlrialtlngtonJ.
Jarlr.e, Niche as Joey. John W Milliliter, Cher.' B.
Kiekeeil, Robert Mat; Harrier. P Laird, hi.r rib LOVA.
Jo. .t"•- 0. Lest, Ansa Leonard, imie! . 1 . Ly,tria, Weir)
Litt'e, Jonas IL hi'clintolh, Joh. F Ilirj.ovb.lle - Yiedme
C bl!Cordy. „IrI,•1' htl.A4 lion, Julon M•Lemi, hemuel
Mier, it:;jo a 0114, Misfarl Mews, John Miller, Josoph
0.140. y, John D. Ihlorti., William T. hlorime, Peeked
Mayo r. Edward Nickles., demob :flatly, Charles Neill,
John]) rasher. Jumpla C Powell. Jame. C. Reid, Joh. 8.
Remy, Lewitt Roberts. Pam.' R0h1..., Jobe B. Ruther
ford C1...4 W. deofoild, Thomm C. BmialLer, William
Mselfeer, Richard Itimpas kit Mifer, .bilkers Smith, W Ilia •A. Wealth, Donal Of Bon) William II Ponder
'I hose,. C. Steel, 'livid Steward, Chmin Stockwell, Ed
in C tame. Andrew Wade, Robert C. Walter, Thomas
Wale., Slimy B, Wells, Weals A William. Mabel
Zethey, and Job. S. hi Veleperil. Spestn— Tem li.
Tit!. fel.g .g.i.-t .11. pv.iltr a . .1.0 rewhitioptitert,
Au ii
li, tairoye, Pay.d E.ana, and Jemea M. P.A.,—
Nty.4. (kstenci Bum thr.iminial )
Vi . .ed March IS IWO
A. W. OkNROICT, De p. See; Cosesoowevllb
I do dem,/ dud the .b... ..d forgoing is a true .0
correct tof lb. otioioal resoluta. of thr tad.. al Ar
aelob.y. auhtled a.w rnt. rel..* to au amendment at
Coostasalism," u lb. mum banal. um Mr Fn tbd &Ore
lo traltatooy shatter I ha.. hasaursto ora ter
loordolod rataidd to b• adised the alai of M. ~d ore.
'""^" I .tY'a Offke. at HarritlUsrd..bis fillenuth diq of
dupe, floralus sae tidataand oiabt \mired ud
A 4 BUSSELL,ewerstary el U.. Cosainavexhb.
kvatta v.aniLv Vl.OOll.
FOR the Coen“ alibi CIIII.III, the proprietor.
of the Pittsburgh City Wills byre eland hoses for
tbe reception Monne at the fallowing playey-,
J & ItTloyd, earner of Sixth and Wood streeta.
hi Hayward, shee saga. nor. Elbert a M. 4"
A Beeler., store, Third street
L Wileox,ir„ draiugnt, nor Fermat & SmlthEeld.
JohnF Prolib. SIM, colon 101 & ylie.
Telegraph tae, Fourth street
II 0 Kelly, groce Fifth st, corner of Marini alley
M Ones, store, P en n street, Ninth Ward.
The hoar waggons will tall twine or ihnee daily
for orders, and the goar,&e.delivered promptly, either
in barrels or neks—nelt hoer is preferable for family
ase--settboar charge for cartage It Is plain that no
Kenyan eau be allowed, and that driven eau Area
Delilli.sion to leave hoer without payment
c o " the public will be pleased wi th this ar
m,ysarasei, as we shall endeavor to do them jos*.
env*. WILMARTII& N 0131.0
igareaparllla & Leann. Symagi.
20 keg. Sareaparinn
to has an do.
20 ban Lemon a hmkdo from__ pars lemonhiley
Jen muted sa4. tat 14101
Widdlla • 1101131110 X
D moie ty—lt
OTY—It Is urdvemely eaneeded lbw hcanty is
ap m constoon Mut country Man in any other,
while at the mine time it m mti.•ha in no other cows
tsy is it lost at ro young an ago Now this Is true
to a certatn time. Inn the lons ts often caused lip no •
elect. opv rev di an. do not neglect your penional
epneervue., hot read the follnwthe, and you need not
ler good looks. These isrucles are scientific pee.
pervious, and have all nitaincil a high popuhinty.
Jena iluctax's EAU Dimes rue Vanes Ann NTYI•11
Shur, for removing tan, sunburn. pimples, blotch.,
sad other eruptions of the skin; the met perfect con.
SrtrllS/11 . .01 4osty every known. Parchme nothing
purportin g to he Nymph Soap, antess it has my nuns
I : p w a J th c o o s l to . 7 th 4 e o
mPoesltl o b 3
iogCa e o re ple Pxoiw ee a a ,
r f a o d r
ia n
hitenes It notbias should . pmron nt
he more eare
nal thee the nue of • powder for the skin, ort many of
: those sold are very injurione My Chinese Powder ts
compounded Ina scienufic manner, and costaena no
turredicut which Coo possibly inflict an Injury.
Jun.. ilenth's Derharostv Perna., for removing
wpcserieus hair. What Is more unsightly than hale
upon the lace or smutsof a lady. T k will
fa mote it In ashort time, w;tboul the use Or any sharp
Jess Haven Tummies Wein Dee Dra well
meeteneneey impart to red, white, or gray halt,
beautifully black, brown, or saber. came, It will
color the hair in a shover time, and mom effectually
than any other Dye, being as the ewe time indelible.
Johns llexth filuuctno thm•st.—lt Is realty a pica
sure to shave With this cream. There is none of tbe
smarting Imogene smelly eine:lamed in the are of
mutt Soaps. On the eootraey,ill the skin smooth
andsoft uan Infant's, and not hello to become
Sol T r. —ri h • . we think the; 4 4tla wens intecded ' a ' s the greatent ' ort e . ,
them to uns hen= face; but when neglected, entities
is se dlsthgunns, or so quietly seen. My Hose 'tooth
Pete will Impart to the teeth a pearly whiteness, tu
the same time!eeping he Sums firm and healthy.
Also on ha d; a complete assortment of French,
British, and American Parfet:wry sad Fete) articles
JIILES Permmer and C.homist,
• 11.,4 if arlina• neVit.aearir inn noon •
.• s. or Lan or Tar mime, irrs
EletorMser'llory's Evil" Itheimaldsot,'l3sltlntre caw
never Erapoonr,Puorrot,4'..,Pieren.thr v,414,
81cnth un
es,l3lle, Chronic: Dote
• irID
fl ' t e '
Bones" B 4 l4 " Ur. rrntjet ir aM
• , XPet
fillqar, Metal:ea or Lnettbago,—and dtseas ie
ee I
ethic, hmu ORodiolons use of Mercury, Ael.•
tiles or Dropsy, Papovuro or Improdoocorn Lifel
Aleo—Chroole Constitutional DMordery,*.c.
TM. stetheino h. enquired seerr.. erended iecr
established reputation orbertrer it hut isecz used,
b o ased endrely en Ite earn merit., tii auperior
efficacy has alone sumaince.. I =lbn:tussle victim
hern litertdittl:W, 'lane Ormllezt cootrortea
o iocor, oenhif 'half rarirres, Pas been restored to
sealLb end Ingo, Ti,, scrofulous patient. Covered
with dicer., loathsome to ...well and his attendants
has been made whole. Hundreds rf prison., wee
had groaned hopelessly fnr vg.* . oults
and glntidatar disoritt cosi,,,t4 cueusuattii i n. and
many other* .Qr , ochmr Only a ciraqiewc.,
Of ;9, liceSURD' Orrilne , t , tl lee Mtcolat'nni Clime tern
Istrett aos if were Rom the ruck .0 OIL. ..e, and no.,
srlth receocrutml ceatetiOnOhi 4 , Ory learlfY ar
‘ll'll in , 74 ANtilallPiettiZET . . P rial:rilrrroN,
auenuon Mite reader Meel to the Gdln.riny
astonishing ears, effected 1/). the o neof mends' Oarm•
..This Is to certify that I have a colored woolly sae
has !Nen A &cud for the last lee yea, v,1,4 ••••14111.„
anJ all the reinedies I eyed he. a Cifeet In arresting
the MM.. of Da ocaLsaful; at, the , entntry, she
consul,' yg,ess grans, mid after caperbling between
olj, keriod with plq•icianii, betides Snag other
y.opular remedies without nieces., till the disease had
eaten away the cartilage or her nme, made as Fra
pasrance en varloa• parts of her body, end Al? smaitv
commenced its moves in the root et l weath
"In this dreadfol snow I', will; t he preopeet
death staring her ..- c„r rode I atatrA her vane to Dr
DISO1111”, ~,,, •0111 far Sande' Parsaranlla in New.
routl4 C ' , by whom I was advised to use lb., article
my sacrum and that of in/ acre hhons to whom
her case was known, and
si g four and ii hail ',o r
lite she wax re , tored to por t a l health, nr,;, L..: in the
peen of th ree vreeka, and 90; r,km ,°- work ot two
wreka from the wan 51,,,,,,,,,,u5need to knot It
1 "In IN ,, ^f .‘,..
~I I.lje tYlith Or thm statemens, I hese
I 114 '"W ''''Y
d J0..1l i '7,1 2,141° 77:1"' " '''
"Mouth of Neuss litter, Craven tor N C
The tollo'vlog Is slo eßiCael .rra .. ,Ciorz recessed
from Mrs Llevan.attel,aikhyserXeted macre] ream
..d . B. '”Pfil ,, Stie,tseyb DA erilts,. ete., and
11 14 4 5"i 44 4'4' YLS4:74:ht ` ii. A . — , 14 tri, was.
1 ti—i. I oar' a 1 commenced
.."4 - 3; 41 am a .Nqua, *.. ...4 shl:rings were almost
r9l 9 Telt ....1 Moat sari completely eleerated,
,I+6,lLidful coagh, and there were frequently
weeks together that I could not speak above • saki!.
pen and bend., the lvdammallon from ray threat ea , ,
tended bo el) head, .o that my hearts, was Tern much I
Impaired. After taking the Parliaparitla • alien ulna,
my health was improved, and Myths°. is Itow welt,
lam ea free f - om eh and tighten.. of 114 carat as
ever I was, and oat, hear quite dilitt?9 , l.l. My eirorit
ham heels swell about th , po to 0t.% Lor- OR. or wliieh
hue hc . oh otlioV 174 41,„zr. b 1,,1.,!;,,,.-
rcg;r l l;kirtTi 4141141 to tXo onAto . of %he tibi 4 rsai
pa ,Ita,t Moor On! 1 Latikiii WitglikuitedllYeltni,
Co tgregglismal :Slimmer, Na Ist Wobaro
~_ WeAtiAah ha., Mend. 30 , 18 41.
" -W.^ .431111' quetteibte—lheis what i have st
pcienceil, Mht Slat
as e tag temaation of l b ble meted
' need ' y a our Pc Sarsap ". arill4l ape
dot .
the easy the bitt that It ma most valuate m a edicina,
and that the nuammus cenlficatea you have received
of Its a
mks fully summed eye xperience, and
a n d Lash its rep datum and tidily are very ostensive,
theland 11.1 uo need of ray tioutilde efforts to mote..
m,' want all who are aMletrad by dime's to he
coma •equaintral with the etbeacy and Nisei di soar
saleable medicine
"I am, gentlemen, grqiilu r v i i . e i tuaty recyaethilly
leen NM swum's..
D P a i gi l ,..M 4 ud ' ls 3 lg ' rt h tret i fo ' i n s ‘. , n t: TOTL by 4". „°,,,,,
corner of lordlier, New Y
ee t mold &btu by Dtisg
guts generally throughout Vetted Stales and Can
ads. Pete II per bottle, me bottles for U.
t Cl)., and EDWARD PENDElliell, Pittsburgh. Al
m .. I. 41 umpris sisidewsus• I•our stasuill sok
:A few doors be ow Wood street, ea-
WM, having been
rei r ehtrir <Undated to the ntedtcal
. t.S; • profeulOn,ead lace for some time
a in general preodee, now coedits..
A a ;,, \ attnnun. to the treatment of
Ve.,4 „,,e• those pinwale and delicate tom-.
• . • plaints (or which AO opporterunes
and experience pecan...ay qualify
hine la year, ualrlaoußly devoted
to steal it treatment of those complainteddenuenTqax2'
thee lie hag heal mote
ls practice and has eared mote pee
tents than can Weer fal o the tote( any private prat
titioner) imply itellifies him to offer inisurnne. hi
opeedy, permanent, and satisfactory rare to all Ciliated
with delleeto di•eaus, and ell diseases arming there,
Dr. Brown would 10(5(10 Ocvtg 0 . 1064 with Privxbk
which bane become oaeonie by time or ag.
gr.,,tod by Die ice of an; of the amnion nostrums Of
we day, that Weir rionsplideteeen he realisably Udall.'
Oughly eurrtli hoeing given M.. careful attendon to
the treatment of soch eams, and succeeded In hendredi
of Ins/lance. in curing persona ofJnflanonatien of the
each of the bladder, and kindred diseases which singe
resell fnt h ope l ess rues where other. i nvitee gned
men". despair. tle particularly easel
a . i.e. been long and unsucresefoll) treated by °Wan
to commit Min, when every entiefactinv will be given
thorn and their eon, treated in a earefol,thorough gni
intelligent otanner,pointed oat by • long expectance,
.iody,and invertigationoirbleh it it impost lung
roc those
on e
general practise of medicine to glee to
•n u e class of dime..
113 . 11ernia or Rep ent—Dr. broom also lemma per.
is... Mimed with Bernie to call.. be hes paid yard.:
slat attention to this dimes..
CANCERS also cured
Skin disease.; situ r e , Patsy, et.., .peedily Sires
Chary.. very low.
' N. D.—patient. of antler sex living at • Mumma. by
Rating their disease in verinne, •trinx all the Ilmf.
lona, can obtain medicine. with dfiectione for am, by
edd reruns T. DROWN, N. D., post paid, and angle.
fAcrNo. if Diamond alley, opposite the Waverly
Itrossioeurs.—Dr.lisowo , * slavery diseoversd rm.
iy (*enemata=
troribla is h
s 'le • peed
y ancertain remedy for
failstOM es war Prism G 01061114 limas, Na. o 4 DI
•20114 aLq , Dmbingli, I* Ito Amor I. aollt”
WPM , unt Do s4llls
lifirNOW all men who am at 'lt and afilieted with dig ft. ease pr em. Madder and I Idneye. II tit, rheumatic
P.m in back or limbs, stiffjo roof, old sores. running
sleets. In, that they can be ared by taking tha.res .
unlearn! Iron may talk ahoy I Itl bong a clewed.
much as Too please bin thin does not make it an, for
we proclaim In the Mee of an nonest community, that
It has virtues which ore no. contained to any other
remedy. The man who la racked with pain .11 suf.
fenng from Dream, can for fifty cents, get relief from
any of the 111, ennaMented above. Reader! lb costs
very little to make • triaL This Petrol.m is no mix
ture—co tompond, pot op fee the purpose of imposing
on the commottity; Datil Is • remedy elaborated by
the molter hand of nature, and babbles stp from the be.
sent of our mother earth in its original purity, and of.
(era In at:doing humanidy. • ready remedy, a certain
and cheap curb.
It hut cured Piles after other medicines hams failed
to render any relief. DI. mired Itheematlant of long
.. ndlitar .4 of the worst a n d most painful character.
It ha. eared Cholera Anima by one or two dams; It
has eared old cues of Diarrhea, in which every other
remedy has been of no avail. As • local remedy In
ham. and scalds, it Is better than any medical o
ormd or ointment that we know of. Unit/ rare chit.
'Atilt. or frosted feet, in,a (rw applications! undoubt„ecobri;lsh.
j e , d in o x f
a th n e s tro .o tt o e m onta K ir i g
Canal Ruin, 7th sire, or either of the anent..
8 :1;1 , , corner. of Wood street and.
lint A...Di, 57 Wood street, D. A. RI.
C " r rt Ahddthenl ens', are the events.
A. & 0-I.I..—C'NAMBERS
oan.csignss,..AarvarAW A ,
wcw:respeetflany , Infanta the easterners of the tats
Eno. A also the public coo rally, tkat id.y In))
00110013111 the manaf.etola et .
167iwnowaraLss, viatsintri2mga as
In all their variet .. at the Old 81aod,
'Bo 1a wood st, between Pint k. Watsr.
ICAOT.II GLASS litrOltits‘•
WI Vials. Doltles, and Flask. Porter,Sestatt_
Allnerai Water. Patent Medicine. and Wltos sooJea
nt every description; also, WINDOW GLASS. •
.Keeps Concantty AL S Oand a general issartaterd of
tlinabova article. STATE, as the otharGreen
Glass Factories aro AG. sTOrran. tut IS Oa amnia la
tozomer,Tats Fitton I. sown MA orlasmois and
Will coating° to operation, boldLiman and iirimar.
Orders respectfully solicited. and Will be lined on Iles
.boner node.
Warebousa No 111 Second. Woe, betav a r i ra
and Snlitbdein Pinsborgb.
E. WILLIAMS Will - -•
WILLIAMS opnialm Mai Eng
s. fish School, on thesill cal fin( Monday of Sopt. natl.
ROOM over J. D. Williams' igt9nh comer pf Wood
nod. Firth lITEGIS. .
USE.II4 Irel.
Rey. Wm. IL Dowud, Boa Walter 11. Lennie,
Rev. Dr. Elhott, I I. D. McCord, Esq.,
Dr. 14). Wlliluoir
PCJl—tr •
0 the• day arsodated llemelves I erreihnfi, =ldea dm
firm of Sanver tr. Hornet. for the tranaantion of Ida
IV/tolerate Grocer?, Produce, and Contraiuldo bag.
near, at (tu r f
& &court meet, benne% Wood
and Smithfield CL
Pittsburat, August I, 113511.-au I
T RAVE, this dy, assumed mull me Mr. I. fl.
I Clouse, In the Wholesale Gnseery and Prestum.
Business; the 'style or the arm will be A. Culbertson
a. mrbantarsonj 'fr. n. clams.
AXTI,IoLLALE WXI:XS and tionimissisn Mu.
V hats, Dealers In Produce, and Pittsbarjrn
N a n nfactaredatntes,lMS Liam) ar, PittanSub, Pe.
fill promyt
all order! «r
Hamer and other' hlanuteetnreil I-topper Cl
quitted Era Made from Me
Late Superior.
This Natal has been thorosighly nand by mama
tent scientific men in the UNTO! of th• Government,
mad pronounced superior In density, @traria, sa
tenecity,fonny in use, and Is mach preferred tor NU
DISDNUCILIit a Ordnance and other purposes.
is therefore carat/may recommended as a cra
nia !reticle, for 13es,
.10 any in abbot And we
rospecuelly solicit the attention of pi:rehears and
other, to all new beach edam mattatatans
At present the Watch Dare or No d Conunermsl Rola
Liberrystmeh sue C. G. HUS9PYA-00
• saumpxygiss,ame — , ------
I"Vrrun . . .
ig a sn ma g
It to Pt oces per square foot, Oorrulpitsd Ild
.3r7, d 7 or. for motive public buildings ant /delude.
Ship Sheathing 14 40 inches, froin 114 to Mbedneas.
&ails, studies, Sugar Molds, Perforated ruin,
Zinc Palm, le
They warted% their Metal pure, and free 'Nn *or
4.l.Dtittilli of Iron. or any other substance, tad re
connitind it for the thaqUffiellifel of anjoles.a
the hoes° farillshinebne,i or It does not teat, Is not
adheted by the .even of setter, and tea) be peLisked,
painted, and )span.,e,l
• Sampler, models, plant speclheations, land ether
informationniay be had agents-e- , •
ElttatL & Steam., Now Yorki
Assures NOr , LIIW & eis,, Portent
Nathan Tree. Al CO, Prolade/phie;
W.& )1 c Pm, Ilattirthre;.
basalt, Dan & Praterreci, New 011earsh
F. 11111.1.1KOUX, bandeau Agent,
Ilanovss sr, Navy Yolk.
Liege, Semen:l6er 2.—seti6;dars,
PILOPuHata. itou.
(1;:en alrh<lMle tr Penn. It R. Co y )
itariOPOSAtge %emir% veal reeetvaa by the
.1. unnetogned until ittenday, the let day aiOntabOt.
fur the delivery In tbe 1:10.4 lice reqinnd (Of Jaylng
lb., tenet of the Ilblo end Panful Irani* Reis knad
num berme to blesvillon• thaw*. of 107 tante. Tho
nutabeauf : ilea reumottletatt blintruat oue Onturaaarl
dine handfed per trate To live the wbd uf annul
addle oat tor rock arra,. .object ter the Jeeps/talon of
the engtueer (.4 [Ol./p arty. The moat b...
• WM, t;....a ftmetr. of eylot feel. 111 or .awed thllol
it* Ito be reven by eight inches agnate; if 0
dathet, they etu be but Apia, and
bottom to a width of eight 'They nom hot
abbey barb, detrvete .l.oll4,l 11)•1
dtre.ttd of
bit tt 4 ave any hetweeu the eft, '(Janneyand theta( ?dry - arra- hub:lton Ire tequeirtid to stabs
N O l o oßrnb4l.:uf OvoilloYZOOPPob oerilvr, and an
ottlb.: even... of the nil reed tbgy POVltoee w deliver
Moot. 'lfbeYntO7 Norost , &etre,. oretroxsturlooost,
it of faelitav they - suayiki metro kaakettequitte.
Prepoltals tee alto tnvitel ter ternittlag mad Ulm
.1 veinte'pini or white oak, ta hotfoot. by nth. inetten,
from ni.oltteest to Went/ bar t.* 4446
W daliteryl u it the liner (timed ma above,
. • • W. ROBINSON, Jr., Pyeelderta
- -
Illaughterttag k.Ptealltialtatablialhoacat
. 10 1 M, UNLIT.
T iff. Well *newly* and Beef glanghtering and
I nektex Canbein, owned and fennetlyateaptad
rti the Who dame. V. Campbell, to for rent _
Tbr unWbb•hrocnt it located id Chrlbeothe r Roo
enmity, la, ea the plat of ground doefdlng the Mrs
Carlin hear 11, delete River, and /Ma Ode itleilibiasi
hot g.yr,l timit The enthusede ambratee
vi en.ei of r rotted, ...eaten.* large mud, Mege and
01111110,aknrRili, rradglnering, hanging, eaten, narking.
rod had rondo r bouoas, hewn home lot
after: and every conocnicuee for handling TWEINN
HUNDRED TIOON PER UN %%and 'entering the bud
loom therame, as ttuott doetbl toe stem boiler
end enable fryr, waniing bcgt and cants MIA, sod
Iwo rondsorg offal by Meese,
Tbstela Man, an the prrintma, Ice Roam large
*rah to cannon right
wide haeltent,
The (fern,. Vane,. or widen (Mihreothe Is the awl
marker, inane of the large,* York and Beef Ammo.
is the Wert, and top :an oivroos be baught them
at inter newts Wiest at Cincinnati and many ruler
pant.. Mid toidy4rtase atbundant and cheap.
Thc l 9' et i.e drayage neeessery, basis tn., he
Wad the'Paeking House. arid tm faerlibee (or
dripping direst (MU Ihtil via the bate. n NeW Vora
or Philaderpoia, or Baltimore, efa, ar to
haul. heredim• New theisns, are at .11 , seasems
of the year equal la wore . rooled by einetunato
hloney faciles
twelve Minks s^' erre teed, there being tan o •
%Wrty live noir,
_ aptheeirods for ort
no fo uns may he mode to
Attorney at Lam, erneinnall;
a,t_si4 Or 44 CAMPBELL,
Chillicothe, U.
(Santa Gu.
Telograpla Copany.
IN pariemtet of a taelutan ot the Mend of Diem.
I tut. the Cleveland, Warren and
mus e ►
Teltaraph Cdospetn), term:coda the Secretary nausea
not and t;+a•e to be pabl aloe a the mwep.pmegaluagy
an on athilm of the financial and o th er oi
ale company. 1 robust the folurnmus helmet—
The Ittie of Telegraph comment. al Ma wised rad
tertninaa. .1 Pittsburgh._ pawing arolegh Chagrin
Fell., Pan t h
Sto le Newt Falls, Warre,,
•nd in the e of f Oa. and New,
Rocheeter, the Mew e liann.ylvanitat which
mats thete ollam located for Ine meat and
treraminian eti
The te►elp length at lie line 4 149 entles—Capttal
Meet, MN per mit, mama a total capital Mai of
1124.9.10 - Mien amount .1310,1011 tu held by chleaus
nem the line, and Ma baJapee is held tay Canned dr.
laced, the cmtractora The above moon id mai.
clttastle, here bees paid to Commit It
Speed, era which . the Trustee• have nab receipt.
IYFTP.I I, KI9I'IIIII.9I, tWermarr
SAFETY Deb:, Ly i)e Lend or al fccA
POWDER-IWe 'keg. Mutter, eel. Weeny
LaISW• ♦ BmAb'e...ulume re, for ale by
.1 C BIDWELL, Agb,
alum , GPODI9-
A Pia MASON k CA) N CI Market atrea; hare
CI. alpphed the debe/ency in their Moe L. eensed by
fire, an II la emu few:tette eoreplete by the nogipt
deb:l.llla loud, purehated Soto loantafactoren, unt
Inge 60121{10,1 nit., at a pleat reduction Solo price.
of lam. Sprang, winch toll he eflereAto %bolt Imams.
a. Pattotta seeuroingly. It weal,/ be unfitu to air
leapt t0C11110.1.1. them Well waned l4oE, suo.
theierant, Invite the earlrattanuan of meat frietio.
laud they etals, with the aniuranen of • Levi
tits .Weep m estch er l.4. •
cu . IIE anderaigned ha. oa h.ud , ynd la thlagay re-
I. casting 110111 be tuaabfac , crest, toutignmenb,
a latge del of Elatbuela, all enlole, plain alba harreni
yea:Del Blankets, }Melia ei I:oldies, Beaver Cad.
image. Aatinests and Twicedr, evitleh he anal Sell
by die care er piece, at anancfaelarera , pneea,
imeatied ul dealenem reealltilt geode u in•itad.
aoglo • • Li F E.,
131 Libel . . Si
llF'AutubineritpLy ut Leigh Mal ;wU I mai.-
tarenecs al pleads and coweatatrtatirai la act.,
, Cattylo'. Lauer, Day YaKpaletf—Na
Distaty,of Dar aft Lbe G tato By .3 stab Abbott, with
Uy mri Marin doh.
80011 of ilie lioratutibu —NOG.
The note wort. ree“rca this dal, tad tot Silo by
Ca an t
attel iTtiltd
• . .
r.exiaaaahlp Aisin Copy
limn: Wore books lifivntig been intiothicen Law
I. public and titivate *ennuis in Filubaratt and AM.
gheziy, Lite author has appointed the aultrellbas auto,
for their role In this ear.
T,aehego rid nibs,, add ba aur.ptled at pubdthaPa
prices. la'alnled in eiroalar. J .11 MF.Ll r pg,
til Wouil it.
NUL& . ItI.IIJUSCK l'Aellitto-3too Ow awned
thicknesses, from I as w I Inch thick. Th. ahoy.
Mating Is prepaing so Mat ailtdegreis-Eithlehhets
will oat attest r i and is 'spelt. 1...M.114g dog,
as go substance has ws witch elasticity "bleb "w i de
lo high srdegres or heat, and may ked
parts Whyte peeking w peces”ilt,
Aster, wawa twit, etch /Whist... there, flak..
der beadle de. 'Fur sale tistielesidtplisid Selma Sly
anew, 7 g. 9 Waal st
• TI/In Th.A DiAanzw.
Frtat aida Ilie Diaitoot ,
AT ti a vatabllanotent the paella say al gays de.
,nd supplied wan excellent Teas at
reatronnie pntea-=tney harts
v ane Vain Teas at ..... oo Dep lb.
t pallor ..... 5 75
as *ix X a Imported..._ no o
Thia dreidedl7 the eheamit sad bet Mors
'itiabargh to toy lees. • Illlo4infa a HAW ORTH to
'1 Tropicana.
.If.xlzA i^amlly /nom..
A FRESH aopply or the Poland Mills ea u% Family
A. Flour, a very chorea anicle.Just he'd t lair
f IJNIATA 1-o"Fia--) ma an hale
AI - wog ilea jam