THE PITTsu tititr'•ls-711.0- PBBBISHED BY WHITE 1, k PlTTsellaGelr'' " MONDAY biAkNING; SEEP: 7zl, E!so vaitatitarnie STATIC 'Tamara. A. I A Du.lla, (, pUtacto • • AN •-• 2 MY.4.1 , 4i.a„---=•-- . 1 / 4 ) L.V.IMPt.:COPW • ros gamma iirmitu.. =2SE!EME •wtlmuoolo,ooAN . IsNemlni4,tqlwiltr . - AWsb4nLy Covi!ity. a sc oaazonaisar-c-•_r.',:rn ia :act= gimalup's, THIZTT . - - • ' -• AMES OA:ROTHERS -• 101 ♦•RiILT, mnito ItotititTSont.' hr•birrilt; - .1 tt WALKER. 1-7trlrbetp; JOIIN PMCI.I , NI!I', Itobrase!l, JA511 , 14 LIPPE. dt..den. • ; 2 FRAN C. FLAN.EXIIN,'INttobargh. }:III24 DO LW, North rayon*. , - ohorroz, ' NVII. FLINN, lagorlilt.:Cialr. tom . ? onmovoh t • • ..1, , D. N. COI.IIITNLV: 0110, --Ohms and PausayOrsimlai Ikea Rim& -At • tr.emieg of the Board or Directorial' the Ohio 'and Permaylvaula Retad• held la this city, last week, the grading and masonry ol the to s.njt acetic., nineteen is number, be sweets Massillon aid Wooed; were put made, - comma. The- iiiirVeri flan diitantie of 10,Stils la generally ti ght, and it inborn let at rates con siderably lower than the estimate of Solomon W. Rubella, Esq., the Chief EntrineSr: The work is now under contract in a eontlo• onus bud Wistetter„ a distance team PUtaborgb . of 132 mites; and a vigorous loan Is about to tie made In Ohio, tit riiso r the 1119.1141 of stock yet. re quired m rrotopletuttia gradiog sod bridging Ohm Wooster io the Western tarmious of 1110 road at Orintline, near Galion. The distance is flay thfc• soles,throngl a very favMatile cot:min. Ma uniting au heavy merk,on a line with light grades and curvatures, baying a maximum grade of about twenty five feet per mils. halts, lies in the counties M Wayne, Hulas,, • add Richland. Patrons living on as-I nest the ,line have already gubienioed about hall the amount reunited, and the 'citizens of those cavities are about to be appealed to for the num remaining's," be taken, being atatta one hundred and thtrty.thausted Mailers. Ad loon ihry do this, it is the intentiOn of the flitaard to put the. whole wore under Contract, slid to complete it next neisan ready LA . the main no that out West , era Rail Road Maybe 'finished- Alone as the When we redid gat. wawa on the immense Importaace of the objects thus to be secured, nod the Isl.ll Sum retinlied io iectne them, %ratan. not doubt the relinh. The seed mutt be et.W3,-0r the hatvee cannot be reaped. - Now is the golden opporiennv, end it is for three inunnliately inter ceteJ In tat, C1'140144, Of it. :The people Iniog &lout; tur tele Ire tiitettelhe at ceasity . • oek, and if tang ebould not do it, ermli n the,r ne.auter hoed .11 not be teal= to le alter teeLtatai , itteslett. illial.camoyabirt will titttiti utiliody but Itiestioul4, to blame foe M. delay: • . • a year from this time. the nil toad luso PUtsbuieb)42damillett will Le ically for nee; the bus atmedy blight, and the locomotive en :Mutate piiBool,l.o 140 I:mum:104 the. 'Pittsburgh ardt then have a wallet:lons Rid Road to Cincin nati; bititat wajof Cleveland aid Culimbea, But we shalt not riert'satiUted until Me staid idea of (tett-lam: Wm:elm:amt. ROAD is !idly carried 001: :11t00'0,1t Oka hart gind thtnhOot . ttne.; 4inallett in As poldtionity any in the eonntry; geni the ,!etinlitue of waieh other. *de low pre gren AalA exte.4:10.f., , ?n and Galena; to Indinaptiii,:gb. tittils, 'and lasteisels: dente; tioultitude 'of Idatiabing clt i" and town/. Am:manna beat roulette:tusk Pittsburgh to New York and , , Is mitt Ann 'East heart=-Dotanoction 'vista 'Washington. MaicVdt Mit evaders are probably away that at lb lansiesslan of the Legislature, a charter wee obtaiael teethe formation of the Saw Mill Roo Rail Road .Compauy. Saw .Mill Ron, we mil state for the.benefit of those Tibacquainted vats the geography ofour county, empties into the Obit river, on Ma math side, just below this city. It Its rrom its mouth upwards, fa situated the &meld:big village efTemperaneeville. The Bair Mill Bail Mold is luteoded to sunup this valley for some dionatce, and then mosseeDte ridge dleidinr it from Chattier§ Creek, and to end for the present at the confivence of Georges Rim with the Char. tiers. Its length will be sheet Revco macs. It. principal object Is to give greater facilities to that splendid coal region to reach the Pittsburgh mar bet. SnEcieut stock hu been anbacnbed to wee • the Letters Patent, and the COmPiny has beer organised by electing the folknemg Board of Di . CA, Wan. s spy,&Plana; Alex. Carnm ban, Wm. Paiute, Jere ParnonS, Eli Neel, an? Mathew JEspkiatinh, Smelter:. ,An Engincel has been employed, acid roneyparill be commeu• cod immedlalely. It is expected, that the naiad, can be overcome between the two meats, by gm* pot exam:ding 45 feet to the mile. The Company design to, lay a double Wank of heavy, rail, and to construct the work's, eveav respeee • equal to aortal! road in the country. This road willies located on the direct line from Pittsburgh to Washington.' From the mouth George's Creek toWastilogion, the toad weal? follow the 'valley of Chattier, Calm * *. The Grade would be easy, mid ! the Male eters no great dim collies. Our friends In Winhington, akw days ago, bantered as 10 make eyelid tothe ecrunty line. promising if we 44 So tempt:eine tot* place. Are they seilliegalidp that's mb.S When the Saw Mill Retina loadiplalatted to' Char. tiers Creek, g all. Ws mud. dideuliiesWill be over. came. PAM'. thirdia Sus • county hue will be about ten miles.' TIMM WHY b no dliliculty In raising tliiroiOls to coirfil theraj jrtheWsibing, ton people wtp , men neat that pat, -or If they will 'euhe4ibi ePau11 1140 : 1 : 1 4.' the. 'Obi their owe eel:atty.. It Is Intended ionensintet the s.i.aral:Reo. Wad veil a villa; to its `cootioti; &nee tolVeithioyhm; end la itegrildee; curvatures,' end ii - AretAhly of eatietmeiicet, 'en eye will be kept to that:MILL ..Lot...SVAuanstitao then irpeat.oot Atiefids Ina renottiblo;'itidgitAY, • There-i. abdui Viet 3td 4 a New,York Courier and Euqufrer Indulger Intoreto , magma. w Lary remarks Onthe,quiet and peace which the late action'of Conine. boa glvee to. the country. and axes , with Vat tollowlag. direatlent and trutlffolffituallcv op itte.?aditire Navie Bat 'with the aentimeolvol which we fully acomd: - °The law fer this recovery of FogitivaEllavas fa ne etclinkm to these remullen "uotlaltlan are. grettly.odatakeo,' that law etelxidied the eltitnenta of chadoned tiontigeritiy indeicitiMent.: Amid of lie provision. - •re ea directly at sat with what are generally amaidorettandllintheram.. at ripe., and are trained moestownlyto do dires aid woman outrage toy all- generous atd , kiddy feellegethat theywdl ineuttatigaindretrWide satisfaction, sod ,-preocat petiole de most elfestree • appeals to popular &chug. aint,aiympatly, From that hill, therefore, we apprehend mischievous to WM., 11 will . not sabataolisll3, aid the nwOvem of fugitive alanes, while it- will ••deepeni and atrougthenproyalent. feellud nuon, that cube Bet the i exenipilott .Witichwe .nOw s eAjoy from exciting saltation. most be gnite.ful In all, and shook! bo.emptoyed Orate- personated. harmony of 111, geetatry.. ' It'abeeld be owld to-Impress op -0o the publle toted 'the amnia' importance of • betteemaie, feeling than has of late deleted, end the thorough Vld'firadatoestal unity of interest which wiw l t ciielPf4fl Makin thirrimerieta States, la,thlaytily era maybe the better proper. ed to ar.rd off whatever dame :a Mare Agitation may beitig.liponol.. . .Tats Comcom-se Bum. dd l ' .. Teit Wavhimam Smitten! Nue has seitigio• the effect den theyamigo of the crompeotada bid les bitera ke• cei wed by the Kith'itilth itintiedtihnstite which ie 0 0 44 to' fpredd he' dpgroachtcg, divvet.' elm letxtaw Melieratioia ere amides to send dale gates- to the 'Mkt tbob tide Conmetioa, which' mead siv - Vietsbegctse the adjdudidatitt fklirgygt • Jewry -Loin is to give Iwo cannel' in Balti more on the nighte of the 27th and 3001 of this 061101. ite. vOttsispilsor 1 lici lSii4d,f ",, `-',.-- 1 ~ ~.., i ~.. , ..,,., . , G./ ~ i r. 4 , TTTI - Tri ri t . :its foot:quo Tot, duo of this soisittooeo- .; . I A ", ,',:-.!'-' A AA. '" " , t"Pgi,.. l t,Frissluit Oeniontof else. L v --7-7,gUBLIC Acts ? ', tiaidOotosiontsOoto vhdiod.los.ror.tsip-oxot. ralyd titeTeet tin Funs Samos/ ttfr'At'o shootilite titafeer'ourcommonedest; - ...- V '-'...:.,..,,. C=Bra. i IrOttiontssloslolokuossiodootosoliisi.-T JPErmos—No. l' 6.T. satisTrest is too contemptible for more t h an II atlenaoa, by way' of explanation and atisni*.Jf-brafabitazifense.e!Ylfglt., ,ated ; ono of thaw .excrescences open the coos. mum which *Xs:Woolly toile to show as bow mneTh folly ag r awaiawl.l4ll,.tvfait — tfas . busfaifeffr 4 off4irWl jaw: 043.11 g .tgOv.l 94:PI'Vemd , 6 1 !ta. vitkom, th01,4444142.,,i4ri /i f :4l.loa. ~ nkOrAke ' • • . 00n. Peat invklrnag tterillkWoy* calstro;; . Wools tab. movoason •Pssitlea or partlwo andlindtwiduato on Om lint, ailjastmoViktL•alPilsse !Ss Atst srlslassoi.:.CoissfiisiylSlass SSC idonbaiiii. I.;owts.-..Presldeonal Usu . sic . *; A*. aho Tow= .! • - • ! Exceit pow and then,Vion4 . :rt 6 tiA . Wnne. un easy agitator, the current ollegislatiOn in unruffled &tibias, no I presume it , Until the 30th of the present. month, when the fleopl e. Will rejoice that an end Willem-nabs the rump. Doe: a t. ,l a aineptiaits . athoothness •ud 'gaily which mark the =trey of • politlay events at rirme,was the introduction, today,: into the Senate by Pratt, of Maryland, of a hill itt_respect to slavery in this District, superfluous and tattoroillaa; ty,anduthen _consideredin conneltion:ath th veining Bute ai.things, °ltalia° allta Pratt'. bill propose. new 'and penaltia for wasting or enticing a slave to escape, remit• iteration out of the Federal Treasury for the low of a Alta to hot owner, and Willy, virtually proposes to expel free negines from'the District, by making their condition latoleratali within it. I woe no friend to the omnibus, nor to the Texan spoliation bill, nor to imposing a territorial goadriallent upon New Mexico, which was intitled to &State form. of Government, nor to certain features of the lasi. tire slave bill. But these illortallr.ara now laws, They are part and parcel of a plauof conciliation, witted:rent, and signs:Anent., They are bills of pave, and with these we get the great practical udVanta. gas of the admission otCalithain, which will re. null in breaking the political' pow& orslavery for• ever, and the abolition of 'the slave -trade in this District. '1 ash. to tube these things for what they were intended,. conclusion`of controversy, at least for the present. But here comes Mr. Print to renew the strife, to stir op &sew the waters of bitterness, by aching for legislation which .he knows .tonst exasperate and aura Iwo resisted by every:Northern man.: The ionnediate consequence was jun what he probably expected end- desired: Mr. Hale moved to . refer this bill to the Itilliclary Committee, with iustruo nowo report amendment. or a suletitute, by which slavery should be Summarily abolished in the Dis trict, and thermion there was an exciting audio: temperate debate. and Mr. lisle's motion received nine vote; to forty one. It was worn..., as egards udeade and . 4pedi for that proposed tprelef- the Tinton Of emauolpi lion tdlhe leg ,Soteriiiif the britrict,inifMe Nate received font. hfr7lSeward did:- Who inside these lour vour in as many days, Co. the abolition ne 4.arerv , Why,. Mr, putt did if; and bin noostiinnow,'and thopeople of I he District may.think him;'Ttinte ip do denying ihnie. , The great mass of Nart.bern people look - 4We the VIIIIttIIV 0( the Wedera Capital, I have. uo doubt, in i great_ indignity to tile free Statei of . the confederacy, le a bloctipon,the 'ant slid beautiful pleturer whicti, ' oar Alewives lit. public, and free Clove:retail - if Preraphtito the gaze of nate:mit nations, as' amrair ready nod - glad - to . say tkat • ' I do. - But time Is,atratruF the Iddeousuesa of tuna deforMity; time wiltaCeomptisli all thai Bale, Sewn :Wood dem 'praporel to, - erten is. tationi-end with money.. For One. theis4 walnut_ oxalate. agitate tli • J'tostiet, - Tii r e:ttid*r=y,:th', slavelowner,?lore.barie litTn -long attalbevperate eoateottati to whiPtorailLaroautuatillygatrettel tag but the hate . .oteach Inter. liereitl true, is barred us, let no -take ii i ' Let as . nitise:stitig-- Kling toiet6r, by_ cissiug •to sign. and ieia to - 1 t . . c°14 , 0,.1°, ..0n , VetkPAr.10 61 . 1 0, 4 . 166 ub1it 4 frog yritie delicate Lin Peeler instittnicsis,ind you by acting up inathanaable pretension, la ~b - F a l o it.". Thar aLai-Pip will go out of this District within at 'very few years, I consider more certain that that it will clever go into the tetritories. Tberefice I would not acne peeplee passions nor promote furious dissensions to expe'ilito, by* few mouths or years, an inevitable event. At the same time I would resist, with any amount of zeal, all such phuta le this of Fetes, to •Uregthen 'Navy by artllShlal Means, and to *lre it a lixtoro egtonee nature's decree that it should fade away. G.lll. Pratt, however, levee controversy, aye delthta trt that same sort cf fraternal discord which ham beau reams tactile last five years, and therefore he intruduzeit his supplementary Slave bill for the District of Columba,. He deserves to be Bused with ths worst of the lanallce, and be erilL She Senate, to day, confirmed the amnia ation of Mr. Lewis, Cedlemor or Philadelphia, by the' vote of 38 to 7-151, Cooper being dm only Whig opposed to him, and Dr. Storgeon, I presume, nr• raying himself on the same side, for I learn that he erns eqoally opposed to the confirmation sent% Mr. Cooper• Tbe Presidential game Is progreasing . fairlyherei . and so far, General Cass is melting grand headway against all opposition. It ie understood that the re cent coalition in :New Xoc.k between the Free Soil party and the Hunker factioa, is =dermal to have been eichnivelY (or his tie.tit, so far so it has any hearing upon the Presidential contest, end that it has emote Important one an aspirant to the highest honor of the Republic doubts la Pennsylvania, also, we beer that general Cass base/scum] all lbe controlling politicians in Cony counties. This is aninous for Mr.'Buchaniu's standing, even in his own State. The kiloarin4 ones here are all laugh ing at the indintry and sealer Simon Cameron, in organising his party's anus for the coming caucus for Senator. If Mr. Buchanan finds that bit chat. cos (or the Presidency aragoae, , • °Small by degrees and beatifullY lea"b" as theater of Mensal astatals, he will quielli• re ,.. t eta to . lais plate la the Senate, that is, if the Dere- ' waraup Its the power 16 trod any one; and with lb. cool assurance Of saprrio; afrengda,•will appro. priests ' Cameice'selaborat4reparstioni for victory. It is an infallible:Democratic rule that might makes right in the matter of personal rivalry among her. lieges. I and on:enquiring, to day, that Governor'Porter is atteinwiag to mould and fashion. the. refractory dements at Washington into a condition to be on ly operated upon by the leaven of Pennsytrania tar. iffisurOodefault of llto efficacy and' virtue of that morWgeoeraLopecifio of Abe once character, nnl veral to diet habrary of tho eouotry.—: The influence and experience and skill in affair, of the (inventor will, no doubt, produce the due effect upon the niaierlitia he hnitaiWork upon, but !ranch 'fear that higeddreeng.,ll be inedmpetenttotne ratkol bringing even . lbe . f;ur erring member, of hie ohm . party crea6fn entig . Ivaninin the right atone Or tii,uking and aesing thb great WOW—, . . .. , Tau Tatum—The speelal.Washingtoneormoo !pendent of the PhlkJe Lill tirldbAlini.lll4 derdateolthe.l7th Incwrites as Orlkriirr.- !!' Another' latirmovementDow pirefieeted;the achirmedlilfonng very conaiderablyjionx the last. It proposes - dos, after thirty days tram adoptlnnsll ditties on goods, warm, and merchandise shill be assessed on the value thereof at the prinerpal parts or Me Salted Stares at Me tirde'of IMportstion; promded Mitt in no cam shall duties be amassed ,o 0 any valuation less Win now ettrblished by law; 'arid that the dutlea to be paid on pig and scrap trod shalt be mien, dollars per too; chi blamer 500 - Mika boo fineren dollars per lon Lon ,window glsq thirty per cent: ad valorem ; and 02 slI Other maahlietared articles ilea per cent: advaloreto Pier mad gave thi deities levied by the existing law cc the raw material Of which scab ankles maybe wholly or in part cow pled Primided; that upon no articlesshall a leas rate of dpty.bc levied than Is now Impased, exeepting PIS cdPPer which shall be exempt from dory wh.lq rails the roll Mad e now aontractpd for 'babe ridatitted at present rims, tanded-whhin. owe yam. This now reject will; In a few days, be of red as OM amendment to some ormabte bill, and under mote enentiraglog armpit/ea than before.. The prod pact for the nieces' o[:sack a modification is dmedian ammed a good one, tboogh no body can cenahtly the result. Tus'New Celia Mormarm—The Norfolk Hemid. of Monday sails . .A sonar is in circulation up= our on:eta to. day, appareolly not without foundation, to too .r. &alum meatier Clean Erratuma lionibe topic more anemias is 0f0 . 41.111001 mud appointments thaw say. of its. Outran, ritedeationa. Sereau thousand men, it is aaid, are abeady enliaual in tba clxlif, wattle. nada aid appliances. That car Goeorntoent Is - already hit tbi'ytts ate; and tbat ordsrajtavo been diapatched to sw9ll, New York. and this sultan, to fit not immedlatelYfor as, the sloop. Germantown and Albany, and the dn., 14111tivof S.rasac , pow ICOolltief repels. at tae NUT TOL': AN ACT ro fraboirrer • • • wai carrtfy mita, strumations, m • in certain cams. 7rvitr=7ll.ll;th'Stattilj esiFir-list, ~ er„ , ~,,' ,;;,,04;1 . 11" - did MI iiisetal i Tudiect , unite; Ibe tali, 6f. the GoltealShiter• oaßea, aidli o ., 4r - aelalfript*olfErtialun may nor be, or-mad. any fußiiie.'or:Jefektea AL ''' of nor ffiwte - 43PATierlurp, mash tiattutr toi r "cir . IttiO . eagnotos oozy ' be also taken or, ?n ' ,. .W btpt .. ~.any notatipptffil aply appoilit e ritneak.S3gcritory, end ii' ctitied e ,. Strike iiiied iad sesS.M:incja, r Live - the Orcemidefient Mill* or by or before itecAtusuce or jostler*. the peace. lited Oftwema fi d parts of laws for bier pertipi: 4} xity ry, or seffiffitailAni of perjury, comnimmtler Any ouch 1 ffiliti3"oraff,inDeuDßlNfheiLt?dien, D.r.PiDaDtiefFre.DDY rich plauce.of the peacee - lbaßsZu toy. such. 'ofFeacricanmitted us nay oaths or 'oes which ; may be taken under this not beam apublic or eacemeironer XS terestialter muned: always;That ow:aryl - rod for either of*bees offences, Mescal toad aittastulre 611 be notary *halt Pot be nl dteed pollf Clank ra tberdsffives to etnatiLu di Mk" of final ebanictet of rick Affiary,itundlmeanie. shall be shown by (Mm awl proper eviclence..• See 2. , dod I,A itfieraer imootrif,-That all the powers and amhoritsi octullered to wed by the pre. ceding teniffin. of act tiptar tkitines:pdblit, be, AMC the Barre' Ira tignEby fesqd. is and may 'be exereised by, ELS ,camautsionet Appointed, or Ifereafter to be appointed, by say circuit court of the United Soo" under any self Constr.* ate Mousing the appcontmeanef commissioners to take ball, affidavits, or depoeitioM, in caret peed as in the nof the Upped Stites, Approved September IS, IMO. HOWELL COBB, , Szcz.t.r of 0::57 - :. I;4' ::,int.t......, WILLIAM IL KING. pasurretd th• 5.,..;. prq temppc WARD FILLMORE. (Poetic -No. 2.7.1 AN ACT to extend the pow of New Orleans. if. it enaerad ths.Sernars 'end 'Harm . of fte• prearniathrea pith, tragssd States 4,lllpriess iw C•mgrat, Arareasd, That the portal New Ortolan. shall be, and is hereby, an extended es to embrace the whole parish of New o.leant,Cdl taw! aides 9, the Miralartnpi river. Appeovad Sept. 18,16;50. fro.!ao—No. 2131 . . AN ACT realties appr, priatioc• far tbe support of the tiLl.tary Academy tor-the year eadmg the thirtieth Jone s one t bohnnd eight hundred and fitly one. lid it manta by the Smite and -11 ruse rf Rt 7 MI • seetatites 0 . the Masud-Sten tf Anal'. in Can vass colernbled. That the fullowfoir uncut be, arid the moue are hereby. haptaprutted-out. orany hey the trews, hotathenviatt sppropritned,for the inippnn (lithe Military Aeaderay.cir the . year Outline theitnnieth ot . ltine, one tbonauld elaht hundred and fifty one. .1' PM' orarr., itilracton,cadels. mud ma. mimeo. Ilextaaud tout hundred and thirty six dollars. For rommutatiertyarrablistoaea, tWO thOUlluld ilia htlidred rad rimy tone dollars: For larage of officane hp...eight !Kindred and Cat! tour dollars: Pramial, That terealler, ia lieu of the pry proper, ord,oety radon!, forage, and eatviati:betetf,fore receirea.aader the pro vision. of the ail or 4;11 - twelfth, etighteea boo. ,hed.-rrad twelve, the -Professore.. Eagiveers, Fhilo.phy, ;ad Chemistry, than be eatuledlo receive - lea Mashed darkn each per aorta.; aod the Praha.n at-Draarieg tied Freach, Aimee hundred dollar each par a. For. clotblog for' otawe servants, I)dtly dol lan. ... For repairs, foal, apparent., taste nt pubt o horses and ogee, stational, printhig, tad other meidental . and contingent eavenses, Meaty eight thousand eight !iggled and eighty Eon Jot. lan. . Far tbe items's and expanses of thelibri rt, on dontiod Fort ukase* of the board ervioi'errh lora thou• and five hundred and la vontrea doWre &ad Om eeven real. For bunch for =fats, 11:MT ilia •thortuad 6veltertdred dollars. la Vl . nee men bail, twenty Gee thausarid dol. F .hoepeal for entitled men, two lboasaud dol. For, ereeliat per6nrieot guard house Bud coat• mirenly wee, ihrei tbelm llar. od do. ' Aneorml S.rpt. 16, IMO. (f,clr9c —No. '29 j AN ACT taprovide for the printing alb° AnDad report Open COlataertli nod Navigation, • • ' flaw It ',toed br bh. &esti . kiinie •J avpre riistaiets data ITAntai glrlidal of Andrew is Arms wNfref airgelloif •ii ; slat! bathe mln bhiftilety of the tbgArgl he'ertliq#lo.l, Oft tii;thfconitnerce aid. Dili/Wien Ao.'ho, porn pp tad Itt vet!?•egiV. berme the Ona Wein= 30netrr *Leach Weir twit pteetthibleb • A. 134 fxighw:i..ifis that Witco oempleinkot in the mown *Kits pregtves totintds completion, if 'too will give deepatett to the both new, the lirerk Of priorint, ender the superlatelb dente of *aid Netretery. VIC tie etcruanneet i lour the whole nhill'be panted aistfreedy in &flyer, on or before the ftno Of Seaway next ealnieg he clue of the Axel gew to which-the teport re. Sac 1. q Am/ ht u farther sudeurel,l Thal haat . /, Oortere as; half 'othenetse /acct. the. S :eery et be 'frees re ahel cane. to ite printed. t a the thine man re as other printing' older Department. twenty thetrand materiel laid tepow, which - deli ere&math d u hAloira: first,. the 10111141 number. Mule use file meudiersof that two Honors and . their officer} ; second. Ave hundred copies farther was of the T-}rnmy Department ; and thirdly, as twarly as may be,lire thonsand copies tants San. ate. and thirteen thousand copies to tie House, to ho diaittbuteh he the moutheue .r each atutha• ttatc. 4. Anti Jes afeenker urrater. Thu the re. port ebtretatt, reoept sorb unto to be bound with .other' public 'tloatmarts, shall, be eubsatatially bound; Prergal; Utit the expobse •Ihermf shall tot exceed Melee ud a halt real lox each boal. Approvid Slpt. 16, 1630. Ittaiso—No 30.1 AN ACT mak Ili aapreyriatieua Car Out service of the Poet Mee De tat aught, the thee yeareddin