THE MI MI till tili;ao PUBLISHED BY Will'•• 431C.11001WR10-NIT.IIII:11TATZ ?IWO= etkt.c.clicranclicri: niaocr.ln(,„ ilk &1 i p - 4 "A - EN .q.v.mrs .orCouny. Ox, 01 VoluningtanCouluy, AntlenagonieenihWhigAninhhetione tor _ _ _ Altegheny • MI 71111 M .CoZND coxinan, sc iI o.s. A .nr..n.o W. 54, CI O.I..IICEILTT. toi...sgroxn, trstlq,‘, tamrr -rust coning, n u !ism. ,ib 'Os =III in kg.s.o 4OT HUBS, MOIII.iAN ROBERTSON. I'llmtcrik. - T_ J.. BIBILAN, 1./twi-i• St Chß . . C.-IVAll'UElt: - JiiIIN . I r, Ito btllloo. • JANES FiEl-I•*., Staos. • ' IDMIRICT sTtolOa, • FRANCIS Patsbahrh. EBENEZER BOYLES, North Fly.".. ' • ITN. FLINN, 'Lower St:Char. . _ P. ISIA:BIIIrtrNry, ot.o. • NIMTi.dcn~MA T O " . tELECiIIArIiICNEW.I, • Ara Ton If not,..recollr.ct that yint lota your. vote trtorierun day. bet re the oleo- tied; ~ L at esirjUrlapie,lothja. • . • 01-icierdaY: is inals• c§on , !a lions on the approaching election, has the follow lag rraprbi • who scratckWansell will generally cote Walker', *la; In his turn will he spoted by "nilny Wings, became of the Item pfield RIO Road,, and beutit=e—although prefe,edly a Protestant— .- 14u:had 10.1iiKe ltpp,prwctis_partion of hie laase at a-AO:aof tearnirpfoi•tke R.TIII/271 04.1. j. :.When it is well known lo 'the editor of that on '...;,.pctAbat: Mr: Walker has 'positiyely. denied this &ander, it is surpri s ing that he will reiterate it in a ee orer cdeulated to 'do that gentleman no into ; ry. tenor* those who say not sec - the denial. It_ there is any place in hiShouse used for the piupcee . • of worship eaurding to lie forms of the Catholic Chureititt mist be his wife's private place at de. votion,whois n Catholic. Would the Deqatch saradosuch a sancumry as thls? The Pit 'sari thd Whigs won't come to the Wart nf detesting the I,tieolocnse this tall. ' The ed. hot Interprets . acr.oidiug, to too own wishee. Ho hupeS they wo n't, end therefore says they won't.— "tie try however, loomed to disappointment II we interpret Whig feelings aright. If the. Whigs will not chine now, when they have bethliZtato and National Whig adminheration ro suititin, and have everything in the victories of .tho vast, snd the prespects of the nitrite toencour. ege theisi, they might to disband, and never say • word about Whig printipl,Ssend Whig measure. again; 1g whir Pennsylvania Democrats, in the Ilottos.of Representatives, siejoinlig with South. .k4t'abrusettosists to' direst" pmiee.o, to Amon. con indut.y, ersd In itecp pmstrato reossylvan urntir nbatnclul enb , obryicpcy And antt,Ponney!vanie pcbcy, by Mr Pobt,lbC Witivicf Alley.bccy county ebell dtere - Ord cora. saiara 'abilmtlione an piny men end thee. loThmt 'merest* 1a citizens, by acting as • the editort•C the Post indicstm and 'desires, then 'indeed we shall hare . Wien on evil times, and the Whig piny will deserve all the Odium which the Past codoiroie to east upon it. We say not this, bmtuse any fear. Our con idence in the Whig vet, ra of tbie county is unabated. But we point our Whig metiers to ttese moos of the Poet, to stimulate them - to the Work before them. There Is always integer of epatity in ordinary elections, . end probobly we aced a little of the otimulotte -Which the Pont. to forolobio64 to cause as to go to eitrili with : a hearty good sill. - _ 4:11 . 13.19.-10th Congreastenal D ttttt et.. This District it comt.osed of the comities or mato g oo g ,.?orage, and Summit— The Whig" havi .. noinitested . for their candidate, -Ebert Newton, Eeq., of Mithoning county. This disiriet is cow represented by. Mr. Crowell. Mr. Newton is n good antialarcry Whig. .lons F. B.Sltere, E.g., cis Trumbull comer, Obio, la the Whig noanure for Scutum, of the emmties of Tromball and Geaurra. Mr. Beaver -rani many (death in this part of the country, who begirof to see hie acme once mom Murtiog under the Whig:banner. Mr. Braver RIO In the loci Ohio Senate, as n Free Boiler. We hope he will-go back as a Whig. • • ' • 'We etrubsend the 'dewing _remake of s klart Regulfic, in relmion to the late action on . , the Tariff question to the House, and also in • relation to the true poailioni of the two great parties in regard to quest.a of great public I • concernment, to the cereal attention of. oar Madera And especially do we appeal to the Whig voters of this county and State, to regent .neon the Mat importance there m of hoeing out a • ; 1011.Whig vote at the approaching election, in or. - "deg to give a public: and decided indication cf our Sriewa.en them question,. We vote out merely ibi our ticket bat for oofontnt important interests • ! -which South Carolina and Virginia abwrnetioeists, aided by tecegede Pennsylvanians:are endeavor. ' . • ing4o overthrew: • • • - ohm recent veto in the noose against the rcpt rt cribs Committee of Wave and Mean., adverse In sty anion span the Tariff tedieaien an unusual • enakitnity and harmony among the Whigs oa a falbjeCt of cagmtaing tatercat to the whole country the attar& tendered 'opou this and kindred aubjeetri.t y the Dereectatio party are of national bearing .d national importance. They ere in Villelheal soil sectional. Georgia and Leci•i• • \ .alaa 'ate cc deeply concerned to thcir.loct settle- `meat as Mossachusetis or Pennsylvania. Alabama •' Mani. are as deeply concerned to the prey aldocc of Whig drftnnen in reintion to national imbnivemeets as NclaT York or Mettle-an. The gnn' ad active proseention of Wing policy on these to darn 'cannot bate strength. a Whig ad • oniiiirdiatiCri‘ead to augment the numbern of the . •s: patty. The anti•taritf and anti improvement -z , --svieg of the oppOntion—ascendant to the puty— is in }'minority is the nation. The majority of .. .lbe American people do not believe in thertd ea that the Government need only took oat the itself, . end' I cave the people to leek art for themselves Thel IMlnlve that thu Government, in the rightful ohs end itnereire of Its konontotional powers, can ' ' &colter Ltia.cus and hlessingi - as well so collect - ilece.thee_it a proved open which the Whig plity con egked, not only with a revannithle pros ' ;sett, link - wail en obsolete certainty or sue truth the , diatiagnishing feature be. (wren - the tn../ greot-perticiwtoch now &vole the Sieben.. The Whips and the friends of pacific pro ' gifts, tn'be Ibfamed by the development of our • intertral T.:14m0, by the fostering and petunia hand of Giveintacrit. They believe that there ie an entire hammy of Intermits betwcen the 'Gov ' etnnient -as well as between • all the sections of Per - dominion country, and that rneaturea which - •iirri&nt the reaourcu of a part.Prorahle lee pros ac--I he wliole. The opposition to the Whig Aduainktrition and Wing polietri• now compared of mM who hove no faith in these idemq bet who believe, on she contrary, that any measnre which' t• ' - ' advantescone Dart of the country la an 'ajar, to atl the, rot nod that the less the Federal Gut. _ eminent cars in soy *57, except la t h e acgaiaF e. ' . lice or leiritorrto quarrel over, the . better it will - .Age teethe 'people. • have great hopes of this cpucty. That anment stronghold of Locefocoism ; le:becoming . awake to , her true interests, which • . are identical with those of this county, where sentiments so greatly prertniL We are glad tti•xce inc WhtFa their in such good spirits, and . • ; ready torn/LI, efficient exertion. to promote the good cause. Seccesa'tothem. They beet nom& • noted the folicrionig :infect, which wo recommend all our readers in that comity to support: Lurentrier, of Mt. Pleasant twp.; .10,4 h Moorbeid, of Venni°, twp.; Hen ... ay.fh hinthiot, of Fayette co.; Dsrid H. Whaley, .of.Payeteueo. .... ' Poni . liotsvDsnr.tais Henry Looter, of He 40 ps ' • 1 'Said twit.; Henry Hannah, of S. Huntington twp.; litcrisenin Hill, 'of Salem twp. Coutosivioesr-..ll,obert . Fobon, of Sewick'y ;WP. Distria eletorsep—GtorgroW. Clntk.of Greens ; cai,ry 'Surrryci—Jaelb Guthrie, of Derry Asia:W.:Zeds McGottaich, of N. Huntington ..aurfi. • -.'The Riga De . v. FRANC/5 Ferriiso, D. D., the upp9Ante4 Itsrohcp of the Church of ,f,gogland W rititireinnit t , - in the didette of Montreal, reached that city tut the 11 i tdit6 hie ?amity. The atelier says the he :is a fine looking man, in the prime of life, with a highly intelligent and boner. - • dent comitemice. • • *lie Di 044 -74: • T'Vr., gariao, trl s • amaWbq • celebraiid Locillucb diattietj,c4tafared 0 the ' , leg/Ilea of liVouiruongaua;Bedruid. ind V . 0 0 14: now represuutel. by Job Mern, are pull uneettled" , rim - Talc Greenebtragkia ndlitgamer ;Ives the nolowuat raceme; and emu, an account °lath State of aha '1.., a , they rcmun up tiiiEri -- dato : - - - - •• Without . ptrilidice, Oa the hteryars ray, too Democracy or tne "Bic Dmitrict." (irone cal n. snare the queitinti Of tertberkbro been tgFutr.d. tie "9 , 1 , 144 7ago Dextrine." inferring, me prcruino. 'hat the ttlit•erixtrhrti.t co n veye d in . - 0 °, 1 .4 saddle tag.%) bare thi, candidate" in tire eta Cougresu: A lc-tangier rile/Clancy, le ho See d‘rais. and General McDonald. Fret,l r4o Kinney,; Ent ,who elanit• to haste the risotto' , cleat. Malian attic Gsr.ferrel who naimmOOal at I 0004 . we, and who contends. that, ef•c ri,or Ming aud.nointnaain.i., au] uejv . urii : v4 site LI,. their efSee coop f olteiniktfie , o rod ecti 41 I ei sUucitatei.l agaiooy, may peeves Cr Dart', short ore reappointment". by thu "ecTle, and Oat tor, as. Immolate at LISTAilip v... La ne , . Of tit c-pat and their aces absolutely said. Teo, wct,t.i've, I is the neneral end hatter opinion. John Enothera.,e, d host IVJOIMICIIOII by thv meeting of cc:Arrow, at Ligonier, 'tuning received four rotes, (en. , niimber ne M.. Mc. _Kane, received st tn.: trot oneuttu'ou towtt ) and alto clairu• to it, the lepi inn:ea:on e, , nd prOMliellan salve h'• ccert‘opets ilaolly ci 32d (al eticr they trtt: LI , II ant) and den'r stoutly hiP havoc , ....MOP ;a per, .n or by eigcl.l, iiiibed the I...gotoer The proof, however. arc, io lie grotty tear taut one or more the cen - .!orec,ir. hn 0010 A 10 , utmost licarne:iime, avpilrled . thSt they hal pord a trtir. 1 These charge, arc mild, t. , er. and cannot be tearn.ii Ore..lo.cptt Motional°. of Chra'orts, altbl,ph not to the field be eirina of a formal nointuaivou, Yet charm , p Forty over; votes of e . prtmie.l'liiVil Crtub.,to 0n,,Mi4)0; - 111113 ULT,. tP4tt she crpt th LI right,. Ay:the rnariornrrinn or .1 t Campbell.. dunerintnnd., , on Own Port., Ittt.ti linod, it l l,l j,cl,l4^l•ljr,re, 1,, :110 tuck nod ehtettaery a .tnti the W.,:ninrod end Bedford Cou• The above is n brier cuthne or the fade; and exidhila • ravel rpo,! n! crlned, it to be. Leved, cean en!y be detenteni:c.l ha the penp , e on the tad Tuesday oTOekbet While our dearly beloved bricc.ts the o; portion s eethe's:prated:op, to our Omit gr,rt, and the erre° scandal of that inentraptible and distnte7e.tbd party, the' higs. to duty boom!, are net Idle Fearing brat the Matron en:gt.t pt Ilnrepr,,nted in the midst of the ti;ht. which 'zeroth hotter and hotter, the Whig Congteatiopel Confererce bare Assembled in Johnstown. and unanimously nom. fatted /min H. Kurris, Ern., of Westmoreland, withal Whig lcandidate for Cosarers. Tltr is capital nomisatton, and we hove great faith at ttr anccese. The.W.blga,, of courre, will rally to Pia support to a mat, and' many or the Do,nocmts, dAsatiefied and irrhanacti of the ritutrrelingr and manifest went of principle criubiled by taws carat dtdates, and by those who capeclalli Patin them, will else cart their votes for Me. Knit,. flu In telligens...or sprats of Mr. Kuhns ra fdllowr Kahn. is n gentleman of aces, b.prad abilities, a ripe actolsr!srul a rostal and oar, raced lawyer- porrersmet as , to-tit.o greet ,nut. ninny of temper, and a had and corictlattory position. lie is adourshly .pttbibt.t rr•pr,ent the nineteenth Consre,ineral It stret in the mum. cite of the nlediZ, mould he be eacted to that tons portant office. The new and montra . trus saltp.eis which of late have shook the R-oobb volt rbell Ie ur centre, and which anti tmenten n taw....tetro of our alert• OLDI Union, require tint tke an"lonal leg.atstore atioultl be con/pact' t.f rt OI experlena, of sound judgment, nod or cool sod dart:mulct] pub Pawn—men of Icemen and approved peno.p q ra, who, thmugh. rood and through cell report, err' axed op 51.-001 . 0'0 for the general to gl.l. jOdero,[ll,. mond above a nett Intel to an•l poll teal man• veering So,q j 1,,0n t'....!1^•. to wimho,ClO j j j j, • dOCICT of the Toter...l. et 01.1.• 11 .r.,t sure he waded tra;lrt the plata; eortit-uce, sod for whom both ll:roarer , aai t t tie LO•V vast tboin ente.,‘lthoUt the le art .coraor t:y. ta regard to party 011121 e-S ororgao. z The Boston Poet, Ito most Influential Detro.. tratia paper In New England, makes the follow ing. Put remark, is regard tu a ellargu in the resent Teaff. We ore wed to too ttoo cendoi nrowel, heron., there or^ gt:, poem of Me f011n• try In which (Retort , . era milli boa • t? .n etepp,d and thOtteande of workmen thrown out of em ployment, wnere pohtteloco are Fun bind enough to api:ad ate doctrine that no protection Pt toots. 13 : - - TEM Macaw --Wu asr:rin I.aae gear eresC - Zi ale urged, a.. 41 to haves to doubt, that in some rt 4 ,cll, t be. tott rout. a:the F..ctry mqTre Item. Far. is r. fi ramble period El give Ibin/ imprtzot subject conslderr,cr. The late eZoAtirg y.nst,as Conc.-et ane , eg teen &Toned of, to, then conAanrneahaa measure rub.bled, baopf.y, .oirii.o(cani!ez ern! L,r , Ines• in ,nar n mazer lire cod -.oar re,lee e I lee ore. f tr ;.arty . t a: r. that 11:f4{/l atteht.aa,..pcmal .1 loattoh By (lsn;ue..., hl. be ing of the potpie dernsnde. eettaut restores in the present land reqn;reeust,llntat, helve Congress tad! epprmton a. dido duty with liberal and eohailialor. un...nate toe imperredaehe of the system, end detenninallomao do alt lea, power to resardy tee w.thout rcperd to .00.1 cr party prrie.l . .ec- Let our reverale krele/a upaa eau he and judicious princiob , —prukN , :es wukb etpd• nonce has pcizted cut as best, nett then lel n us .kairt ae permadeLt es env euljtcl to mute ;:on tan ruin..sin. Mr. Loydrd, in ClCa.ling :433.114 the great py, amid at Nindroud, had penetrated a mass of mid°, ry, within which he had di,covered the iamb acid ,attie of Sirdmpalus, with foil an., of that monarch's rCign encra red on the wale. Krum ac AS EDIT. —WC learn from the Au- Gevo,pa„Constituttoua! , t. that a clUtieudy oc curred in Fontythe, on the 13 th Inman!, between the editor of th e Lice. and Mr. Plnlartf. ;:erk of the Superior Court of Monroecom ity, in watch the tatter wata shot. and led In a mew moment,— The partner bad a previa u 9 ddlieult y liain.orer molt Cumut.eern to A company ha, been organ:zed under n rharier, to construct a railway from Cnilliunti.e to point, through Jaelmon, &Al.:mid an a. emineetmg lint• between the Virginia work. which terminats at the mouth of the Kenhawn, and the Belpre and Cincinnati, and the Selma and the flocking Valley road, terminating, at Chillicothie The ditnnnee from Chdlteothie to Gallmolin, in AI miles, and the SeiotaCrazette moonier an that .0 mite,. of the line ore the richest mtneral region. of the Talley of the Ohio. The whole line, ■IA Faid, to wore favore hle than any in the Great Wenterr, Bat froni Soma. to Springfield, in MEnoaclot-ene. Cgxsrs ItCru.S.—, Schuylkill counts., 3779 inhabitenta. In 1841 the population was 473. Pottsville, 741+5 inhabitants, au icerease in five yearn, 2275. East Troy, VI econsm,l3l9 Etli cent's Male: Maryland, poptl'atinn 1102. E• 1 Ridge Landing, Alarylund, tlarage Factory Portland, Nlaine,7lP,o9o Chhilenan, Virgin m, 1,5011; in ten yew., 239. Southfield, Virginia, 449. Islorganlown, Virginia, 416. Am darer, hleseachusetts, okrii. Brandywine Hundred, Defitivaro, 3,103 innaboaan , , or whno, ;257 ar, whites, and 1213 colored, of the white, 17 . 13 are le males and 1674 moles; nf the wizen. 3 . 26 were ken in Pennsylvania. From Northiamberlnnd county . we kayo the following return.:—Sunbury, 1211 inlllllriant.l., increase since VIII°, 103; 575 are and cas females, Amnon has 1717 Inhabt lant.4, being'nn inerce.., of 210 in ten years; Dela ware tosnaolatp, 1905 inhalmantS; Lawns township, 1194 Turnot toadm.nip, 10.37. Groat:its STATI CoN yr, rtnrk I :Sref T,II/1. f -cm au Union.-The Federal Union itublohed al Mil ledgeville, the capital of G condi and winch,. the tk_ organ of Gov. Totem, mys Wail 1.1 exec Ileney will cili a c onvention „i - ,li, ;00,M f Georna to re dress the Whlllpi they have soder d by the robots sion of Callfornia. WI: flirty caber; 0 pronlartm tuna m a few, days, ordrrtng an eferttlon of dole. ealc, In rezard to for "cntele 0: r.....t•itanec'l to be adopted by the Convention, Mal I , :deral limos. nays. 1 • "II may Ire that the Cotyrtmtton 117,n feprtate action by tbe t.trotr—jit .m : mmltatebomevel., inc HPIHTIH'Hd. tmll be the dermt, ni.tb, 4.LT:ea every other ,• spat:. vt falltid 01 proved bop., The Char:e•tott I:l,ft it ha. au thenticlnform:lllo'A Iron, ACdril.p.vllle 1/.1 ‘,; . UV• Tawas will eartantly tol I r ronv9otto a of the State. The Savannah Rapthitean, however, 0• tiettiho Federal Union need not t: outdo ; . o thaw itinio mediate" or any other kind of " Initr.s.nho To tug LAIJIL... (If Ihe Turki,ll Amin Iky, why is ow is New York, the Pest my. Such ladies as dative thc:r n, hms of th4e.d 3 ' lite from tale and adurinny bee . mei in regard to Ws domestic establehment, am ilornied that he is at present . eoirely eruncunitcre , arid sr-re - Y . " ul high tmlratton of-Inc ladies 1,6 &midway . Has interpreter, Ntchern, Is an Amer icsn and n rte. ter, but his dragoman, !Inseam, iis a Turk. Dr. Scotts will accompany the Bey during his visit, mad teluMsWith hrek to Cmistanrinopie, • 4* , : Ika !CV, a nth Naliuual and *7 F.C.PrAtiinfiKi ydiati m Senator WI/laic f fiCiuth di tend he wan more rejoiced at hiflpron Mallehnn2tlJrnithina. than the pipricierityn brn r h--thr.4EATerametrry ,, f;norr ht. Dallas--their ,S•rinlhron Statiehida es are now rejoicing at . Iltr ieglense Ok'clur oce .!4 or es' - "reilL .. ll.tatory - of-otp Govemtnent a Ir),7latt iqtales pittemoi have latiot ni et . fie hatilla talll al out srinamtati. and rallies. Frem the ten drialitng at Bbstob, all through ,eve rit form. and on every occasion, to Cortaxess'ult?ltioixtState La gislature,Ayery.mari, woman, amtehild to our rrir dere, earrietallifttiated• protebtioo to ham n daMr ..i lw .the BitPaittn.ll. l lis or thel.oeofocu Tarty malsted. proteettpn, ill . .kivery thong,. but stdivenv i und-they.farrilly wois,r,hafttF and now the enure' party are Free Tra, era lb a manufacturingeity, liependaitt on the ready sale p 1 iron of glass. coP tterokin., !kits priiipetity. • Like all the business marts of the interiPt, we have '.notesPital to carry en our bosh - was.. Tne :boo& pr .cur foe the Water Works,-and whetimpripeements ate sold in Philadelphia and New 'lath- ;The hopds of the County, rot. the 'Pennsylvania Rail Road, are Sold in New York, the Bonds . of the colas are sold in Europe fur the Ohio sail Recut. - Our Scale bonds for forty ratio. are:owand r .ablutd. - 'The interest on all these—and swine day: the' oes into the coffers of the. money. obangera 'or Europe. Our Western Road extends toilladianapolin—for its cousittleticaa,7our - Pregident - haieporehased , La Eng , load. ;Wu:land fond of reit road iron. NellooniGarzens,..etriath&L large debts imposed on you am oar lo eaable England, after loaning-es the moneylo make these improvements I A u g...neurons, the ir o n-for oar, (tad, SIC these debts ! litUitrreittlitnurspbri British iron wares, merchan dige,Ao cantry ? Oar land teems with cowl. and iron,anif.Mipper, and materials for glare, and 'Felled over thousand Rolling Mills, Famdries, Glass llotVes. and Copper Works, the farmers. gardens,, and art:mina, end' manufacturers, would prosper. and when thew debts are to ha, paid tn, vp Id spare the money. .The Autocrat of Russia IS constructing fire rail' roads, through his dominions, to the Black Sea, to enable hire to send Ens gradn to Europa. Is our Western Rail Road built no that wctern fanners nor compete with ham in the British market? We advocate Internal linprovoments. safe and cwanualiout Ilarbors,and river. free from snags.. We advocate Free Territory, leaving slavery' Ia the States already cursed with the evil. A two Banking law, !wed oa National and State. bonds. which would give es a enroency of our own,. and our nit gen s would reap the profits, instead of ,•it,ep. of other States. A review of our tax laws—so that each citizen' mar nay according to his means. We ad vo,ate the eleo Uu of Judge., bel ieri Og the people role prtent to ehricee all their odium Fellow Citizens, you are to decide on all the. ineaturct Are von for the prosperity of manufac turing Manchester, England, or ommilacturing Pittsburg h ? wall yap vote. FllO3l WABIIINOTOB. Corremomienie of the Piuohorelf taa.ltte. WASIIINGTON, Sept.. Pi. The end of this protracted and memorable seaman .1 near at hand. That event m indicated by many eircumlitanceri abiitit 'the eapito, In the tat place. considerable buinbers of the duly elected members are leaving for their homes, but n numb mentor number of delegates to the Pahl home, or lobby men, erg arriving. Qmong the most dcninguished of these latter urn Ex Governor Porter. the laic most popular and adroit executive of your Slats. Thy object of his visit, or that of utile( old politicians who arelovering about these scab, 01 Nationxl Legislation, skill not specu late upon. But there is no mistaking au, ewese of the anxious and almost hopeless looks of those gen tlemen who Ince come up to represent the distresn ml and solfering condition of the leading branches of ontiounl industry, and to Invoke the speedy in. tervention of Cungt74e-for the relief which can he afforded from nu other quoriet• #ltheugh there seems to he a firm determinants to make *mother and if necessary repeated trialk fur the tousling. tion of the present tarttlinoght for to the umanuresa• tel esseolution'aillesVteloit;,Mis Satutday, I can not holdseht inril 4 etacotirtmement to those at a do. lance viihoso aileation • t directed to the Settee of Cpawess on this msor or finaldmccess. The time is too ehaot, the temps,e fr thilOote* too doubtful, and the Free Traderatire yet tin strong to the ken ale to warrarA any cdidfident 'expectation of relief at this sesame. It mat be cdolitteel, howevei,that e‘cry inuVerneat tu the right direct:au now will smooth the way ton favorable resell at aka neat, who It to but twu months distant. There ad., epinted tinledebate in the Senate. w.w day the passage of the bill for the supproision rn th.. Slave trade to t h e ponriM- This being the hint of we museums embraced in 4teliebetel es•beoile of tbe [anions Commute. Or actor= i 5.3 winch re paifodThvie;gbgicatui. which hate ell reveal in ileieilZeeity of each ether, Dlr. Benton could not furcim lb.• oppartduity of sell" laudation, intomuclt sie he had I,lmi:A that tithe omnibus mere demol ished and thrown iota the ditch, us 4.pp , :a F Te 'ha paamtigers would get safely and cam iortobly vehicles of their own choosing. a. bet reveotem, Senators voted for. all ci,nc .epanited, which, when united, had mined ,ma m ode tr,lunitilis. Thu 'Mowed the ~i/div,ll or ;Le Omibiti. But time tursho.s.f , i of the Comm:llee .tin tt tem which reported the otti• l.nd voted di ell the bills contained w Tow proved the truer manioc unanimity with which it was supported csen Gy itp roputed parents. Sew ton was replied to very Mrectively liY 14r. Clay, Foie, and other.' Poole Pennot, even after We severe monition, he has received, let his old an onilit rdons, but to day laiinched a quotation at 1../n weirh he had picked up some wheredied which the lave man Fulled arse flippantly end sounding ly, dint the galleries came down with a round of epplacie. The chair did not mean half >q much scondalawi by tits disorder na he ordinarily is, by rich occurrences. Forcibly that was because he tws no particu= affection for the Senator from Li:mg:A, ormd rhatthe Cal if ornia,Utahou3d New Mexico B finally plumed into laws had never formed any past Of the somtalttte report, and cever were passengers in the omnibwit. Hp htd reported them hinvelt long before that concern wmn put on the line. After this little affair between the rear guard* of the opposing forces bed been concluded, the Stave Trade Bill passed, •yes nCC, nWuritoni Benton, Cloy, ituusinn, Coder w wrSpetrinee, end Wales, from Slave Staten icr ted in me attint'utve,im did both the California Sea atom The Hoc, ivs taken the alarm at the immense extent to whirl: the Crd Vlrginto claims are teen lo her decline, that venerable State scents to have been wonderfully successful in quartering her 111:113• upon tho Treasury. Mr. Halle( Missouri, ..meried a bell for shames down the gate upon these gentry through the House by three or four to one. He veld that three or four main:man( dolLue would be absorbed in the payment a( the crann.,nolera something was data Bay ly walk ciwi. roux, and indignant against the pro. ccedmg, I viniation of vested rights. We haircut leoirth the tempt of the sorrenderhif the Now York blarnburners or Yree tioittlrs to the Hunbers. t 4 ll mistake, the former make no terror, but an nocptalitional subotuonon. They abandon every thing hke principle or independent plenum. They niareh in the wain of the conqueror, militia, thonah errafellea4mpticca. If the coalition ehould anecectObley will of court,. reelect Dickenson, nod rettrn oral. rapturitncijoy totheir old run:Unite to the SCuthern chiertnine rf the pany. It decei t., ipso the \Yhianito trek, the whole ermnge• Jonuss. %V.A." to rem, Sept. 17, 18LO rAt W4II returned auention to bosinen at the Tilmcurz Department. Ho health boo been infirm 't to his appointment to the Ishoriono pool. Lion.)c nee boat, and tar three orfeurdoya put ter tel toted It cc:manna a ettrlmed that &dee appittatton La kiting. ;watch he bed poetised tine, oreeptint oltce. Ilta office was to day threpted w tn .- member% of Contrer• and other lees privtit zed .:.erne tees, fur several hours to Inch an NM the cola 01 the department had soma , erfat t:c appearance of those or au 1016011.3 bo tof. :To day ha. Irmo coneummated whit I regard an the crowning act of the smile. The bill fat the airport:anion of the slave traffio in this dietrict, and 4 ror the cinema and &helicon of thole monomenteet riatlyn'Ainfainy, the : slave pen. of Washington, pet•sed the Ilona°, in precisely the shape in which it came, hem the Senate, by the &noes v o te o f 124 to 47. majority neventy IItVGII. When ilea:me op an the regular course of buslnesa,idt. Breve• or Mie,oelppl, moved to amend it try the Insertion o f it,, rejected proposition of the Senate, to makerbe ad vivng and entwine • slave to escape and weir ironlow, • penitentiary offence.. It was de tented : Ryer, Co--nays, 11th. Among rho kw nod flora awl woo voted In the affirmative on this ~..bnuctfn! clatizo was Rolm of your state, who like 11 n,n vac of :kw York has cause Is regret that hr.Nre.l tot born in Virginia or South Carolina.— Bet we teeded no help from inch men. It la rather pas:slll to evete lover of freedom to end g ue&myte party toots na,thie man arrayed evilest la cause. The crnunpa would hardly Seem MOM 011.0.4(Zikkoa hl Abe aid ot, zuch *man, so nue, ly eptluLand P . e.110 Iol!: his yropenaiclell i ticiati ah'ilfi Ross. Snob acenthenia la hl)aracild disgrace a nazi of Nicht:dui There 'were found leas than half a dozen others from the free Stales : ..i. - -- - 41#7.11 404 1 . 4 V. step WS illStraLettl a the altrit? eecoCtiotrpantell . m z ~,t- t i.,.. ~,,,;:-.::- 1 a pi:, or._*ter.l plunder 111.. uT74!...44'.., - 0;. 4. dtlitest gcb , ... t, kd,, 4000 . : iiii., i enerakkireitninneat of I ' . dman'. which ha ve i !pastiod'arlitle union her,' Ilirf• fira:ly passed. —,They_ate toe bill yiparit each It Artier eeinon sti the public laid' on eachaide of (bJ Ctitealgol Chop. and MrakileAteil Road, and lailtan:!4l.rtillea.ol ine line upon either aide, to. ward,. !het, coliatinction erthe road, and ita twin sweep proifilute 4 19elda koreender to the States or:thnrythjett they. Le, cf _the awamp land. to the sV.isalatfappi Valley, that have been heretofore offer ed fee nu, and renialn untold. I all not make any statement at 'annum on the matter, and iave not the materials qt band for an accurate calculi, lion, but a general idea_ May be given of the - ameba of pillage provided for to day, by saying • it i ai' many members estimated the &kneel bound :lmi Merle ceded away as equal in value, at the navel government prices, to the amount of money .already voted to Texitythe ten million. The 11. littois Rail Road Bill, throwing away some three .millions of acres of national !ands to that state work, pass by 28 majority, and the black swamp. er a. it WIZ called, by even p larger one. The policy most be considered settled. The publin land. ere In be abandoned to whom soever wJI 14,0 Lb, m, w.thout regard to the claims and rights of the old who have paid or acquiring, SerVeylng, and taking ea., ~r ,; ; ; ; ,.i t yen now hose. • ly taxed to pay data, and USIECt c..apenditores on best accounts. 11=1 agrarianism. In every practicable shape and form was the refrnia to every song• Perhaps prophet.- cally regarding the approecl of that not distant period, when the public lands, op tbie aide of the Rocky Mountains, •rill by absorbed by grants and acesious alms* omit or about to be made, the apobt•is have en seed that prater barrier, and p!ungtd Into the ont*plored wilderness of Ore gon. The Senate w, :re driiberatipir and la op parrot earnest endeevortog to list Into shape a bdl born the House, the tout awl sobstasce of which was an Insitabon to all creation to come op to the cap, t a ctil a and receive a patent for , hif a ree3loll of iand for each humanheing with • wife. Ihe eehate woo moat spirited and tote., nut I have ho time to prepare • sketch of it Lora, JUNIUS. F• 801% tamW c4arrespnftecneftnt the nuahorah Gerson. New Yost, Sept. I'7, MO. The suggestion of the Gesetbs in relatron to building a rail road to oonnect Pivabargh with the New York and Erie Pssed has not Gillen upon deaf urn, and a movement in the eight place will ere long be made. We hero In New York do not aia people to harmer limey wens wont to any— rhdadelphia bas a right to the undo of Pitts. burgh, and that it is of as uao to attempt to get it from her. time tie contrary. Pittsburgh is now regarded as a fair a,,eculation, and if the New York and Erie [toed . .. bring ntinul a coq• nectlon of rosin, end deo show our merzbants a hair chance of gettin g the enaloo3 of the valuable trade having its head quarters upon Wood tweet, you may be sure they will do it. The article of the 4 'satin has set the E,ie people al work, and nary any, Is ay cannot w= divert tie mimeoae trade that now goes lumbering over the mountains via Baltimore and ?amide:phial Why anent it be made to pans on rite 0 Ils river an Platborel, the true bend of nastotton, nod thence up the river to the Erie Road, and on to New York, at a ria. ring in time. in rink, and, to far as passengers are cm:teemed, I,th:the tut:teat cOdif.ll, Tic censuof tee city t. h•iog taken very rep• WIT and satisfactorily, Or a i'erelopes the gratt.y lag fact that we have over rive hurdled Mermaid inhabitants in N,iv York. It Brooklyn there are over one hundred thousand, In Williaroeborgh, thirty thousand, and in Jersey Cuy, twenty thou. and, making the population of Nets York really ant bandied and hlty thousand, incresalny, too, with a raptdity second only to Oalifornia. o.r hills of mortality have neva tanned to a fraction, only 311 in the teat %reel:, and till., too, tenth an amount of (mit in the market abundant and cheep beyond all precedent. 'rho weather, hnwever,l. clear and bracing, and would he mote seasonable in the ...nth of October. Kato ioc4i I to ha had by *trammel in ttwo this to At.lhan On sows oius, and Coo nail of strangiri has ie r ssocabty ditainiate - 7:si r itlettlarly Croat the extreme Month. That branch of trade a...applied itself and the West, and near borne, trade rules the day. The forwarder, admonished by tho licee air, Cr' pushing ad'gboda. as fast as posseole, but the streets, le epee of Milt enlist', are rerLt blockA with pacing Th.: I.nd roan . , b. I sol•.i.led arghtly, e• d ts.:e bet c-o,,•• • r,o, 01,1, t:muab ti .+_.......e t.> a Very er woman, ths:t Sc: 4a.,,, Lao ass ennsnlet, ante of what Yankea call apunk.., Yesterday, as reaaataal, she Lard an audience of four tun. deed, and terns/Ai to sing, except in the most in. etLeient manner, to the had a right to do. All of ascii:des, when it c0...1.:ie. rive to eine, he rely earaliesly kept It a scat, and gave a pall of one of Mann'. Mordents, with his hat on.— At Us Jeany'a.dandet riz," and quickly stepping scroll the stake, 101.1 told the' bantloae that ho was not Jenny Lind, and that he stoat Oka oil hat hat, fat into on atOttids, and 4 s , and that she C. 214 do tau .nhignat.he e',l floe?. The Signor accordingly pentbruled the task to the amusement of the nudiance. Ammin Boy, the Special Envoy from Turkey, hos Leen actively engsrd in examining oar ships and oar dock yaias sizga he has been torn, and L evidently a man who;onderstands what he Is stout, and vidl entry home some thing to repay the expense of his mission hither, and not fill up km. ebip, (ne did* beenfoco Con „,,,,doted wlb an Egypll Sam ophages, and a rgo or jackaysee. The Torkleb Navy, (or be ts • seaman, will, (roe; his via nelattlons here, acquire new efficiency, ZIA one Or these day. cause the Czar • deal of tenble. He will visit all the leading atannfactules of the country, and it in :not unlikely w.ll 4ad his way !mots the monnlens. The Suydam and Sege rue hu Opided to all intents and purpose, Tao morning Ate parties appeared {a this ease, pommel to adjournment. The lodge thought on venter amagata n a‘raa a proper rase for a reference, and It was amintd laity retorted to Lucius Itobinson, Esq., to late pool and report. rro tolereo pol probably mak& his report {IOW= or tour ,ezeka. Cons is without much movement this worn. lag, but pries, are eity.firos. Flour is •-shado lower this morning, and (bottles ore s,ooobbls at 53,bri11,013 for 40 . 2, R.P ,0 tiin ia62l One (rub Enntod s t olen 6i,61 for now do., lind Stfa,7s,. for pare Gorotte. Rye Hist and Cons Sisal tee unchansod, and we heed lg. no asks. OTlMl—Whaal is steady, with sajeUl9oo bush Red Soutticuot 95,,. ltye upward tens deney, and held at 40311,e; Wei 1,000 bush pritrate term.. Corn ts dull' and heavy, sees 2500 bu atoned at G3c. Oats *re better; .Northers are tooted at . 49314 es Provision.— Pork is steady, w,th small sales al $10,3501 , 0, 41 for Mess, and ts:2s . for. Prime. Beef and Lead are as yesterday, us th moderate sales.— Wnislosy-25 bble were .arid • at 210 I* Prison. Igol,ll CENTRAL Rio:. Itose.—The Awl:hold ers in Moe rood uru to meet at LOUiSrI•COUIi House on tha Rids October, to consider the prop,. I of es. tending the work from SI3IIIIIOII to Covington, and the best mode of expediting hs cornpletion on the cam! lode of the Mon Ridge to LW,. tunnel. The enmities of MOO roe and Greenbrier lave edieribrd 5100,000, the amount required to entitle the rout. pan)' to the subseriphon of the State. The Hon. Jm, H. Otto:n.l3l. has accepted the nomination for Congress recently tendered him by the Whigs of Phtindeiphia. BIM= ComerV WeLm—Our neighbour,' the Moo. Wm. Beatty, of Nonh Butler township,. has just threshed and ineueuted the cut of Wheat from o Gold of sweet, Orion, which yields to him, of clean Wheat, thirty five hmhels to the acre, by measure, and over tho ittandard weight. But ego in. Every Jay brunet us fresh intelligence of the abun• dance of the Wheat crop in this county the resent year. We have just been informed, from a source in which we can rely, that Mr. IL M'Clitre, of East llonnoquencaeing township, threshed out tha crop cif one of hie fields, at ono threshing, and when leaned and measured, it yielded to him the fall measure of forty tux bushels to the sere;tyruermrwei and over the stahilard weight, • The Gees of this hind noted by es, this Season, are only a few of the many that might be reported. lacked, there are bin few parLsof our comfy, when properly cultivated, that .will not yield equal to any county area of the Allegheny mountain, :There is an minumbleoutlet, now, for goal ferment in this cotutty, much of the best lands to the county is of feted for sale, and we arc pleased . to tee dot par chase. are beitg. trade r : in threrent is 'or the I eeueft brthese Who 'have acquainted thentrielete with the actence of fanning to such a way tit to enable Mart to develiiiiim the vlrtuseand bring forth &Lulus' 'Products of the tto4L.-Ssigior Ihntsprai. Tee Gk.'s° \ V have joist learned, as „ u , rawer uni.e"r7 . .. press, that the 1,0. rtavelliginr. ,ametratefield a gusdiiow op•niet plybi :ta mos'. betel. which stoked i•,, n 4yieji one 51115'30hp. melds e. am 'reserved rights' 1 146:-6,,,,nuniee...G"rneraniter,ghr. In4ll,swactr, If inrell'genee is eenfirmed by the ficiloT.ibg !der, published in the Peg of yesterday: • Garmsztraan. Sept. 1D Hon. L itagim Etq, Me i t i WY. B . oft .gratts,. and myse'met tau ,„,„ a all night; Snodgrass , er „ at. ten et eampronause, being unwilling to make any sauce e for the good of Me party. Hia dewe. m . aline fortes all In remain in the field. Let hero auger the conaequeneel. JOSEPH McDONALD Tar. VIRGINIA CONVENTION.—The Richmond Rottener classifies the 'delegates ohm.. et to the Con ventioa as follows : 81 Democrats, 54 Whigs—ma jority 27. While all are in favor of reform, some oanueb further in their views emu others; her Mere it, the Enquirer says,' an overwhelming ma jority to favor of decided reforms. Upon the (main question, the 51 detente.; from the two western divisions are all, no doubt, in favor of the whim side. The parties are estimated to stand di vided in Convention : Mixed basis, 72 ; White los. Sit, 63. Borrna.—A person passing by Ktlbuck Island yesterday morning, perceived n basket con- Mining about n hundred pounds of butter, conceal ed under some drift wood. It bas doubtless berg, stolen from some country wagon—the owner can recover it by applying to the Mayor. Tut LiTcurisp CONN - IC . II6'T hirRVERgb. —The Now Haven Palladium elates. that Judge Church on Thurfday, , Aentenced Macomb, Calkoan and Wentowth, the murderer, oI ilarniee White, to he huus on Lhu 51 Friday of July next RAIL Roan IdErrimao—A meeting was held at l e arkersburgh, Va. oaths 3d inst., to take sama an. lion with reference to prosecUtir4 then' deemed fen the "l'ig.4t of way" for a Rail Road from that plane to connect with the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road. P. U. Van Winkle, Esq.,and Wm. H. tlaf ford, Req addressed the meeting. The teller (say: the Secretary's report) gave some teller:ling and cheering facts relative le the sundry Buckeye Rail Ropl,a, Ms remarks bearing particularly upon the Belpre and Cincinnati Rail Rood, in which enter prise his city ban actively enlisted gnu velucis it projectors design comote.,Mq to the Ohio River, oppoll le t'ar:orvburgb. Wasn INGON —The Pliiladelpioa News says several intimations have been thrown out lately, that preparations are being made for establishing free sod journal in Washington, to he conducted by Francis P. Blair, who was former ly the organ of General Jackson and Mr. Van Buren. The tinitty teat of Metes county, Ohio, ,131., In 1840, a Chester. Sines then it hen been removed to Pomeroy, arheh we. not in existence at that time, Litt which new coolant. population J 1188. Ais situated on the Ohio, and is smdpe be the tlepekt of one of the firma aeeliona of co, I nuttily in the United Ewes. A gene I town meeting of the citizens of the city and eouniV of Philadelphia wag held un Monday evening, for the purpose of uniting under n con. 4oltilaied goverunicint the townships adjoining the city. Tha meeting was presided over by the Hon. Wm. M. Meredith. late Secretary of the Treaaury and was well attended by the citizens concerned, irrespective of party. Numerous spirited addrcs. sea were made, and a serieil'or Veselutions adopted tooting to the furtherance of the object proposed. 4 great roilroad Con;;ent/on, to bo ambpoaed of de.egstca from the oouutfoo of Somhern I is to be held at hit.' Vernon, II!, on the 26th et September, to-promoto the etutstruetion of great.- !Moil Central Railroad pe r m Caio terChieago and Galena, !be Ohio and Miesatiippi itadroad from Vmeceni to I lit olatbwn and the Misospppi and Ada t a ie Flatland from Torr 4 }few* to noisrowo' licenTt pox Tinterh.—Tbe pest tunnel through the Blue ' ,Lge has been foal commenced, and a heavy i l, it will be. The workmen have emelt 'mood atm. t 70 feet of the math toned on the ver t ern side .1 the moontrun, and their progress thus far has been entirely through slate rock. An only nine mew re ab'e to work at s.toste it is slow bor hens, alt If ugh they work day, and alto. It w.ll s,go,re 1 or or nye years before this co'ossel mark La mpl;,:ed. flit when ii le done, it will ims a m Comeht of Voginia enterprise, and a toontaio f trade and prosperity, which Cannot lAN Berms..LT any *bolter work on this continent.— Richmond ( V./ Rfl'a Seanell - r or SAT-MON.—Th:I year has been the most unsisecessfol ,orer km. wo in Bentland to ntlnion gibin;:. :tame the tmoh , k al Horeb, wit. a salmon nilhton betty,. not forty Balaton, ta Is Tati 4 . Ilava been taken hvlct.ton G.nagt,i4 and the month ri the Cylle r 1.111,V a‘ta I! . rf C. Ps 'C tut tango f{1.151 /1.,./Z, York county, gin nemo• ratio candidate for Can tree. fro the 15th diatricr. T h e mhi3 conferee have nominated Mr. s.v...erten Conk-rem RISIVIIIIM To lore'—The papers in Chautauqua County cute, that klurrag the !till two at three we4s. there 4at bedu conch deadest caused by dyeentery,tn the town of Westfield, in that county. A gt ntlemen of undoubted veracity, glees a state ment of the follow itg eatreordieery occurrence: A young lady, of ',timetable standing and family, was taken nick with the tlyeentery on Tuesday iset. She died on Saturday afternoon, end her parents and blends prepared her remain. for burial. On Sunday evening, while watchers were in at- Cend•nee upon the bocly,ahn came to lite, and was able to epoch. - 1 , heteia bow impriof bet recovety. Thle anions fact his nrodperit quite an stoat meat in the town.—=Albesty Nxw Rleleo7l rot Tug IPZItererITT Or TUX Uston —A Western orator, haranguing big audi ence on the Vogt extent and overwhehnust popu• lotion of the American Republie, exclaim. by way of &imam, Fsncieil Hah wiuits cradle, but mbar. Whir shall we Ind timber enough (or tin ehfin " The SL Louis Union leant, from theft engaged 'to taking the eenatta of St. Lloks, that the popula lion trill not be far from 00,000. Gear Lop Gpaa hang further accounts of the deattuccvences of the late atom to the vi. cony of New Brunimick and Nova Soon*. The St. John paper. slate that during ihn storm on Sundry night weeki on tho wand of Pinion, at less 'hut fourteen mires of the aurface of the coal oil,. tell In. FortOnately no liven were lost. AN M. D. DICUTTD.—Tbe Rev. Albert Usenet. in reply to President Labarte, of Allddlchniy lege, reapectrully deolinea the honorary degree el Doctor or Laws conferred en him by that loatdu. don, at its late commencement. Pont-CHM or h7.ll.woolts.—The census of latlwouttle 'boars • popolanou of twenty thousand and twouryst.x. In 1431, only sixteen years ago, Solomon demean wits the tole white male I ohabit. eat of tho town. la the opting of that year the first frame building was put up there. Even in I[4o, tan ten ?eat ago. Milwankie multi only number acventeen hundred inhabitants. Farah Arrhar.—Mr. /tan Keeler, residing in Northmoreland townahlp, Wyoming county, Pa., caused the death of Matthew Weayer, on Safari day week, ty Wik..g him on the back of the neck. The parties were dipputang on political matter., and dreamed had romcd a alone at Keel. et. The latter is worth 5100,000, and gate hall to 510.000. A faux Dawn ai rna FALL. or Si. ANilloslr —An tom.. apron Of rook, being a flat glee abort 30 feel ;vole by one hundred and fifty fee tong, over which theyater of the Fah. of Bf. An thony !we poured. next to the Western, AI d not g g lee under the weight of the({ox' tu Tnere was a agnloeent hall made by thigrea mat belilod the !Mott wavr. PIUXOILT MUSIrItICICII -Mr. Samuel Applcto of Ita.ton, who, hhe other" merchant princes" that Place, I. • doing anmething of thin ant has riven 55,000 to the New Ipswich (N. (I Academy. hIsLYn O'Llains.—The Hobart Town Britanns, a' the 11th or Much, say :--" We MgrclflPerd• inn? IC laaro fn.. an antbenon NOnloe, that Ms. O'Brien to inhering adveolv; both mentally and poormally, from hie banishment to Maria I, land." BIT. Dr Ilawm.—This elagnent divine, says the New York Tribune, lima scrapted the call ct the congregation of Calvary Church, in that 11y, and is tone to enter upon hi. dolma there. His salary la howl at S5OOO year, to which is added • 1,0131111 tOltaOlent to tootle hia debts, The population of Pottsville, Pa, iv '7,496; an Internam of 3.159 la tea yearn. la Onto there are 175005 white mates over 21 pare ofago. Population of Niagara Falls 1,110. Count Dembinsky, the Hungarian patriot, who arrived i n this country ■ • 0000 time Moe, t said to be doing a. proapemns buaLness as a tobacconist in New Fmk city. Lewis C. Leitrim has .ecepted the nomination of the Native American p.m lot Conven in the Ist It fe now well known that the late King of Helloed died inaolvena Kenos tho sale of hie picintot. FALL IMPORTATION lOf HARDWIRE. LOGAN i •WILSON &CO. 129.W00D/ITREET, Are noseb T prepared erisk.wlarge and fresh stock of German,. sadJerner e izt liatOramo, to aka s euperlor induceenui to wee tirothinK to pgrohno will promote - intaresr by imams inrousti oar stock as LW 119 dstanomall so sell on %be zoniiessonaLo tins& Rvi • Eat •' fr. 111'Lane'sVeratif ego for ea pellng !—.Aoocoithieg C,o. "rtl , Itrg It to be a tlitty duo roily fellotrbtiatla I 10 7 been, them ,a .rant "wpieh -tjt place not Gong . "'glee Loot Mill collet{ on Nettie, /Walt &UM: 01 Williamesorn, N. Y., for fume Morn Medan.% 02 4 they re , ommeodetl Dr. 21'Lane'r Vlrmiloveat Worm Erv'el-. 1 took 2 boll'e home ,at gave • 0000 . , a etuld about six Seam old, and Oar Bret a"." meet 0 brouellt away el worm. 1 &tweeter gate arrother dare to the tame t told whir, bohi ht woof about 09 more making tome 00 women about 12 hoar.. Iha given to by of my. 0w...4 ,. .. , 7 and eon cleertoPy reemovela it to Je PII ALLEN Am1 , 3 . ,1y 2,1,1,17 Icr nr rase by J. KIDD& CO,No Carr.' crest fa . 21,1.1.1r3 Blind Ilastorad to Slight 7 te• n• trolinam. S S UN - tom—sir: i wi.h to beta 'Oniony to the med.eui virtue of te.e Oil culled Peu-eam. tau for a 1,, hole staimed ionli a badly named and yen' vofe Much un ao to lore eigbintircly for shoal three zumillos, with very bole hopes ,ever recovering llie "c ht, and hat • *heti piospe of having it re lieved of the SOMICISki my attend" PlilMn.a. wu ewial la rucking • cures giVing rebel, and 'florae , ' ain lot little eneoura,ment. I hoard of the Petroleum Klima the lot of leihre.73, and tee a a trii I. the result M. the sights restored aril my eye• orsll, except a Hole tender, wont ashen I go out in the sun. t°. D. si., Cone inn S. bi L.:bruin—sir: I have bee ellteted With rile. for Ten yenta, ILIt.I have tried oily remedies, without permanent tai er, until 1 heavy( the Petroleum. 1 have u.ed only one bottle, andlank i am entirely cured. I ICCOISIAIff, a to CI he are Cl:kited with Piles. I lthva known it to be pd (or lore eyes. Ma) A., tral iC. flAltlil:ls.3:d r •Ale - by 1:e t . ser h Me Drell, 140 Wood street: It htit.e.tere, 07 Wool et., 11 :Cd , n., Allegheny clty; 0 A Ediod, Allegtahy; Jett.. Dottglose, Attegeeny. a:t. I I the Ideidtttot, I. Mt K/111 . 0 lot Caent ElatillSeveuth et, Pittehergh Office al l/ala nod roaa. R. It. Co, Tb int at. ViTtotoll. Aegust 6, IEI4. Tort :itockholders of theffbio and Vennsylva. Rath Road Company are ireby notated to pay the eighth Instalment of See doer, per Clare, at the office of tha tbastpany, on or Leta the Clint day of Au2nst. The moth instalment' orir before the RUth day of September. The tenth limb... OR or boforo the ROh ay of October Yeats; 10 Tiie :th instalment es nailed for on the 20th o Jch IS= • DAV. D. DUST, nentil e C . ln r c r o b cP m n o:Lh •. - • • - - n;:1-dIvitt ==ll R. P. */.4IINER. CO. SHOE %ME HOUgE, . 62 W ood at.. Do Wean Thlid &Fourth, Are nom. receiving Ito very huge and superior Full 00T8, SBOB, AND BROGANS; Alga, noNNETs ,td FLOWERS, nil of the later' ciptessitatistplett to 1.1. a western trade. It has bons relent. With oral cane, and as to stabw fod qua ay Is net turpa,..d by any sm elt to be nd ndtter edon or/est Our conomers curl mer cant, gettcrany anntattrd to ran and examine, ad ata donna:nand , sell on Ike most untamable teem, Alan, tiootlTat'e relent Rabbcr Shoe. or ail - 4- atortd:dtf Lit • WC/RD & CO, a Whol alrt Mika Ma.lnctaterstrksktsin HATS, OAPS & FURS. CO.. Woo4s:l6llfitt itte..Plittsbwrgh, Wbeto they etre 11 lull end comtiiew It of Ilet•, rept. rue:. AC.. even - qtwilitY end .ttYlritiY" Ite!e sale and Retail, ta.t Invite the Ittention al their cu.. tome, and pori•h4te genwal4, R ''' . they will w , l on he weer Liiveraheseet rst..Wt. aehltiitf MURPHY &BURCHFIELD HAVING r nnrt. flit ZNIAPOT3IEN - 1 AND oil= I.IIFGoVNFIIII. OF THEIR ibTolB amd, .North -E4 tor. ofirawrth & Eartltt Irts; r '23d Sqemhr, • 'With n , Large' 8114c4 of linv Goodl. rE3=33 @===l MitE route of 41.1111:11011 in this Inatnution, em .l beat es Ilona tteeptna. Commercial Conapatation, I . e-ntnr. isainteg on rdaranetenit Low, and In nin fact avert , bran,. dettatinna to fad: hod mercantile adulation John ritinunit,. Vat. atalir of the Natianal Book Feepinr, pituelprit lecturer and teanitet of thick Keeps:,„' ,•• • ` , Unit.' and gentlemen within to improve Iheir ranniaittnp, utit pad et Int Co.leito at any bon , tin , - lh day or otterintl. arpit ChoiC• •raiiirliabble English IBooks, by Cati,lbot•, AISELIISM, OV ah,d eveorngii, Scree:dire 2.1 4 cid o' , l+i - 4,*1.4. Coin tni:ra Roiair.a,coaurr of ‘v,nai and tint, a( , will be soli ynahemlre, iish, and italied collecuon of i Loire and Eardpcan Mel.; rata, carious, aid very viduibled !Quay ruperii.y I lortraird wins co aced enoairinits olso, d editions of standard end )lis.tval au'llsra ac La. I . :11 DAViS, 0 • ',•• f•: M.% t; tl 1./ •, t n. ••• ,••• 1:••••• pot.a , at wort •e , ttd y a.r ,ul4 • r•TOCKTi. N ca terN 4? !delta et • [Pot', ClanTazle, en I America., copy.) taID-1 lorehand a mall let of Lng• .n ttck,,th In on c I. will be told cheep at WIOgr.I.,IIAM'S X9l • CANARY RE.EII—IOo ja.t koF,' j°l( by CO .ep2l(o Wool • t • QPANISII WIIITLNG —'o Ink for h. tep2l 7 KIDDir-CO p.. fi rt ,r 1 ; , 5 ., 7411 - 1 - E—to r L . l3 ,p l . c r il i gypetto3 iTa,ty; OW) LI V hit don 1t • 4),, Ca: k Co.'s pure Cod Liver Oil, jast received J KIDD 1., s'e & Ity a pil CO pI3IIO , G'S B KEEPINU and Steam Boot B a,eopers. Moats:lt, a Imo , edition. for Inla IA7 R 0 STOCKTON o,rl fr. Market et P PAPER—Tha best In market tan be al Ih, agencyoi thalton Mille .5 Wood el, nee2l r RPII A Id. G ueest x, Ala Va ' Z I E LL 71), .t . . D H roo ar As —5O ky store sod for isle by I el4ll .1,01.1..$ DA LZF.LL AT TING —7./ Wei No 1, for silo by B JA1111 , 14 DALZ.F.L.J, T AR, PI Teti at ROSIN—It b b r r l i o . T iv an 10 Ws ROOM: To arrive, for sale by IOA-IA 11 _DIOR RYA CO repß tol Ftont iim. G REEN COPAL VARNISI.I-7 4 1317:1?j ,g.i..,bi 10 keg% 15 do, 11 keg, 10 do; To toots, ar d for sale by ssoll RICHES A CO AR D-40. brie No I, for sole by I sepal ISAIAH PICKET ACO GUSIA:W.-25 WI. for • sap.' ISA 1111 & CO FIAM?•.C+ carts for Rule I sv. to close (Artv.l! luAl 01.)a }:l't CO lii. adv. luntlo, for •sly by sera 16.11.111111CIZEN • tYlll 11110 N-150 tont .9emereat furnace. far .ale by P. Ira JOIN WATT& CU 1 .7t 1 .Vrt " ..:1,76r 6A a age by JohiN WATl_t CO iba for sale by . r ot JOIIN WATT & CO WMTV. FISH—O bril No !orpbhr writ JOHN WATS k CO CI UUAR CURED HAMS-101k tees a prime article; Ili., a kW Scotch cured, kelt! far sale by . AIeCLURO fr. CO typal 23 Liberty street. F f , t , tll r f e Tn9 . — ei Lla , e s eXlvb , Lr e a . h . ov . e ic lu i s i t , L;e4v , V . foethe fall trade, and vatilnli !hey offer to moo deai• era and (=they, on very low terms irr ttutorlt• forni.l4,l to any wishing to try tham, or ,o compare thew well r, hen. arr. I : 1,11,11 SALE-300 nice Tempera°. Certificates and r a lame Temp,' alma r h rtt; n National Map of lno Amerman llepoblim end dare other Maps 000 Sharman's Wore. Tahlron lc a I instmiah dotty, and aeveral Yt mPut, L weekly, and about Intl dittereht 'hall "rm. Panee., anal llpran to New °newt. the ram! v chttstmn A meaner for tan] and tail; Malik .•,ro Le; ," stuoter of itartainetn: enecees or atln , ney; Nainous 0 11:r Wan"; a *mall icing run pin rr Lerllaper wheat sod w boot, ink, boot ink, in dincrent ve tonl-s `2.:110 rh •ap Lead Penrik, and I' annul ot Slate Pencils; sand %nil, and Ilmont Vans , for sale s limp, in Imp cmunyoo air' all elkoser ennunter• ISAAC HARMS nep2l:d3l st-,ltmween Wood A. Market • E.OIrIIIES. &e nu Mina. of clinap and Up AU toad 111r.dieines, yiri—Dr. Ilunt'a linable Pills; ItuniN Pills for Communion, Dysprptle, and Liver Complaints: the celebrated Ilerb Mg; Ilygn. veal, Ilelin of late and 13crothIng Syrup: - Whra.l Curs toe Cams; Dr. Ureeril4 Anoil,on Cor ds 1; Ur . Ann.' Soothing S.) r.p ror ebildten teenvng; Dr.Eama'Seinr and Ague Pinri gyano , 10611,6 , 1 M of other bledreine for sale 'cur cheap, vliolmala and mind, to mit ill obliges. by Depgirdllt ISAAC HARRIS, JEIXECUTIMS , LI* A CRECAIIt.k to rho tenure of .he lent litsll and A fee,erntetvrCal.-Willietri Med decestied,thtre w ill 0xp0.0,1 to vain on Monday, ills 1 Itn day of October, le tween 'he h urs of 10 wettere A Al. and 3 o'clock. e m , all d, Root Dilate belonemg to the deeetned lii It 4 Urns conetsene , of a trite, of Lalid ou 111:tiouehiorbeny R iver, contenting unseat • of Yeventy Acres, principally cleared, ws.h bit, th ree acres of Timber Land arloining. Thu land he. on Oat Youghfoglle o r Riv 6, In the Forks side, within three Eli a kelt'miles of the flourishing town of kV acerpt atel k .000 Col. Elrod farm. ou'whteh he ptolte road le.dine from M'Keespott to West Newt.= rause. Ihr, of to Jacksnd aloe the road !endow hornFilinavtihrown onville pastes litti.tieb sate hem; 004 0 0 food J farm there it *good Ferry afro.. its St tqhfoghenT Rarer; alJo, e large beefing thrhard, a good well of water in thole/A.4nd belle/nos ratabie to reside In. The posseacoa of the farm *III Le Risen ontlie fast of next Apni, when tht piece odd be free froln any istenntbersoce,os there Is res fell grata pui IRMA the, farm Term s made known on the day of • hide will be bald at the b.nits t of Robert C.Bter rett on tke. farm Of deceased., ; .110:11Ad COUOLAOII..., JOSEPH ISLItitD, September leat--#4144140* NOTICE. 1[ rr - rEllq of A draini,MliOn hILTIOIE beers /noted SO Make immediate pv•Tr7o9l.7arld those h Yndebted eels.' chores Prr.Pett the panse proper', elilh•nliO•ted, . Ith " of Use tabserihers, For licuulatiors. TVIOMAtt DAFT, GEORGE C VMS. 1917 - Pe: rr Li ME, Tai V :La barrel°, retail; 2DO chap Wooden Bowl% teems purple and yellers. Carpet Chain; ITO Imes or klatchs; ;OW *man Fab !leeks; SO pavers clean Metallin Fedi. r gross of Suspends, Etattona. tat sal. b. Iwodlrdk. ISAAC HARRIS, Fifth st !look tor a `nutahes of Salesmen. TT Cook Kasper, School TeAcher•; Wareboows and 'Laboring Alen, and • number of boos of all ages. Places wanted fnt emigrants and families. Money borrowed and ;ern; • forma, dwelling houses, store rooms, be. saki or tented, and all kinds of agencies attended to for modetate charges. at MAC HARRIS' tt