ESTABLISHED. 1786- PCBLIMED, DV. k: W.O t wpm I " Es. sorrne strf tarok nun, sisarr, earr DWI 70 Piny 1. 4 4 petjhanum. ThAireer 'Coo Weekly t "inll..dvanee)---• •-• • 2, 00 . DO. o Cabs, at ■ redozed ra..1.4 •.. • ILA, CS OP SDITICRTISINGI EPEMEMI Sow te, (10 Rocco( NaPpe.reLl Of less) one I .tenloe--•-•••-•••• —sop Die Spy fe, verb aJditional laseittes.• • 043 Do. cue week• • • , 1,73 De. two wee ke•—. . tires vreeks•-•-- ..... •••••, Do. • one monlb••-• 5,00 , De. tut etionthe--• 7,t0 Dt: Ihteo meethe• •• • 0,00 Do, feu months •••••••• 10,00 •De• nix ceentbs••- ••••-- I.IM • Do. twelve months.- • • .. . . •-• . . -letanding CAA (0 line. or lear,l per annnn• WM . . Onel3quare,changeable etpleasure (pecan• ' - nami exclusive of the paper— 23.00 ror,W. itch additional square, !Inserted over one mon*, 'op fbr cazt additional agave Insemad ander , the lean• (►nea r half price. . Atirertisemenut exceeding a' aqaaie; and net en . Over( ham, to be charged as a *gears and. half. • Publishers not accountable for le . gal adcatiscaurtti magi the warrant charied for a/et:publication, I -, A.wchair candidates for ether, to be 4, , ko sp! Roinor .. , , . tivr!lt oirit4l '' W4iir . , • ,;!••••1:4-7 Tis:tE PITTSRUR •BITSrESS CARDS.. PltteLrgbr . City Gloss Works. W.17111511118E1411 &CM, M A N N .Ty.rt . gal, O zt.v. N . - .2 i tieta ß ot Pittablirgh, Pa. Mr in Citation paid in odd OM.. Aka, Dollars in FLINT 017.13•11/11, S. 1:105460. ire33l, • 0. crinsinancn, 11:1101.1110,, Wm. 74111 , r, Philad. C. W. Rickemon, 1 11 LLLEII.II ILICKETSON. Whalen& Grocers, aPatsbargh.nd Yl importers's!' Brandies. Wine, and &wars, Nos 1711 and 174, carat r of Liberty and Inoln wren, Plus. bar/h, Pa. bras... Nails, Cotton Yams, &o. to, con• mantis , on band, • •P 4 John DIRCI. • James/Y. AIR L. Waitar C. Hue * M eG a a i l i tVire [1 I :l4 ' de r riy e Z,9. 1 laa ' rygt FITTDDtf - RTiaß.' WODICI AND OFRINT3 • • AND AXLE FACTORY. - JILLI/ lousy lOXII W. rites. • & a - mach MANDFACTITRERS of and blister steal. plough steel Heel plough mugs, eroaeh and elip yy springs ‘ htuansered frau axles, and dealers to ' 'able easusaas, Ore .glue lareps.aul rout trimmings tadrally, comer of Ron fad Front w., Pittsburgh; (chat; WILE , N, Portraft and Wilmer; OA Averts. lawns, eornefol Post Offiea Alloy and 'Fourth street, eutranet ou Poi:trait, use Market. deed-d , it . Tartlos. Vosamuisiosk 2111,erehants. 0.111 Old Levee st,N Orleans, keep congtaLtly on N hand &lance assonmentof Brandiesof the follow ing brands, which they offer for sale as agents for J. Datand & Co. ilordeanx,vW //I.l(ttlry, I. &sad, J Do. rand it Co, Laroorteße, J J Durand, Connao,_A de AI en. teats, AI. I.llcyllle, A de Ilondote, Jean Lads. &e., &al also. Anchor Gin, Dories. Rod and White Wines in east. nod eases, selected with care byJohn Darned icCo; besides Champagne Wine end Sweet Setv.4l Pon. • " fhb]-lys 'IIOLAIFS LEON, No d 5 klarketst, second door Elfrom corner of Fourth, dealers in Foreign and eatic Bills of Exchange, Cenlfterues of Deposit, Hank Notes and Specie. 112 . Caleletions made on all U, prinslpal krociiit3he United States, apt taiiTy.l . le N d E 4 third door above SLIALOrte &Pith side. Consnyanelmr of all kinds done with the groat's% egroandlegsl ageoriroy. 'Fives to Kent liktate examined, ke. Llgitocartlo Matattlastawont 0 7 Post.Offite, ftiles i bLlM Thi apaf tl an ' bead.; Showbiltry Labels, _&rehltecturol and M oa etope Drawing., Business and voting Cards, &e., engraved or drawn on stone, bed printed In colon, Gold. Dronse or Blaet. In the moat approved Ogle, end at the most reameableenema 4 oetlday 130BINcON,LITTLE & CO- N o. 455 Liberty InTeet lA. Pitt/buret Wholesale Grocers, Produce and Constaltrion 4hgerrhanis, and dealers In Pittsburgh Idol:ate ores.-- . 1417 • sort. -mama. Taos. urns SAX, R 1011D.S. ROBERT MOORE, 'Wholesale Grocer, Reet.rsing Distiller, dealer la Produce, Piss Manufac tares, an !. all kinds of Foretgn and Domestic 'Pine. nod Liquors, ?io. Liberty street. Oti Land leer y lace stock, of emperion old Monongahela oralskey, which win he sold /ow for .4 sub. itartu.Da L. L. ellita— • R Eictiotara A slit= Forwarding and Commis floe Itietettants, for the Allegheny River Trade, ealers in Groceries, Produce, husborgh, Mandan tares,ann Chloride of Lam 'l`se dishlrot price, In cub, paid at all times fon country rse, Comer Pena auditoria eta _919 . OUb 01T DaLgELL irte., Wholesale tirecen, Coaisniwlon Merchants, dealers in Premier. anti 'Plusbarga Blanatantugs, labany street, Pitisettort4 • old U. A. CUNNINGHAM, p h lV trlh all emans l' ' '9l."l. :l; 3 = *('Et*G :t °Clt o 21, e'U'h irb P eity ' ' '' Inntd"--43.F.I' P e rob ' • - - • O HAMMETT & Want. Mob:nada Deafen la 10 Foreign and Drunsatit Dry Gonda, No. 9i Wrasd atom PittaboThl. • - • apt? .- TVW - t - FlariatrElVlVQ — MiTecerataTtlealeri 10 In FIAT and Prolimea &zanily, and Fonsardlng lad Con:mini litatahtnts, MS First ravel an - 111Serawd strati, Pltiabv h. - asl7 i. stresseaan. cans mans, naart.ain — , ELLEIII3 tc NICOL.% Prodtma and General Com • tares:lon •tarobaa u, No. It Liberty 'treat, Pnt. bath Sperm, Linseed and Lard Oils. ept7 o:7lr — vonowinoast7t7co Gra, ....,• - cers.foramdiarand Onatolesion Merchants, Malan 'ln rd.:Want' Slann'aatures and 'Western Produne, bate mated CI their ea sr 'emboss., told Mand,) Ne....T.,zotuer of Front street and Ma/Inert, 6.1LEIGS . 11111:11L011 BUTYL Ilhasacrasrs Ota Sum) . . MIRO ibeeeir.eiSivieg leased the above 'well known .1 and excellent esttlAittiment, lenose repered entertain hle Itined. and me travelling pone eenee.. Mir. It tle beta magnet and on to most -reamentbM Ina TABLE Inn at in 'lmes be supplied yeah every delete.) of the oeseete—oat hie ON whit the best of Uetters. • Is Stabling to Teti extensire;;Nad every re. are , a has Leen trade for the aereassoodaamsof Dna WM. CLAWSON' 2110ftlAill IDIAWORTIT. T_EA AND WINE, MERCHANTS, Fast stde Diemond,Pitt3bergh. •211/L u.un.D.46.lictruc: • trjlkULD taferm We pablii, they have taken the IV yrysybenyn fdennezty Decal - den by the hoe M. &Armen Fetal., 114 tecond street. Ift vi?g a Jaren d eornnzo,heas orarehonae, they woad teene the att-ntl , a of perrone havina geodeso or atnr!. They era. nirt attentron to th• poreba, anti of Note*. Drai.s,, Yas L W Mt., • It.N. MatermanA tv. Waterman. L. Y. AVA*EI7.II6II. 6 YONY. WHOLFSALCZIdOCERis Commlulon and Far. I aardinn Mercian:l6;6llJan in all loads of Pen dant & Pltwburatt Mannfactared Anielcv; 6+ Atenli f, 61E' of Richmond • and L roehba Inanafactur6l Tobacco. art • WM. MILL" AVT012:51.17t..AT LAW, P. S[rfL6 eleolwerk4 tocolleatienl and slt other heel -1f antreartio II)Wor tad Annsmall emisee, Pa. Refer td tr.. R. Floyd, Litoerry •' Wi W.Walace, do ruses Mirehall do. Phubargh. di, ro t ,. CAS., Weed in. • ) ie.27 .n • JOHN I 1 N&OUiCO., .pniWARDING . & COSI MISSION MERCHANTS, re.ivi melt, Pittlbwreh. • Janes xi. Day's a co, .rttoinrce AND 'FLOUR FACTORS, • N 0.417 'Starke, Intel SC Comumtee Plalsaelphla. • Aarabtea made, by dater of the above,aa tonsiv. mama of Produce to either I town. lard, J. D. WILLIMIS Halt. • lITIIOLESALZ ti. RETAILFAMTIN GROCERS, gg Fo rw arding and Ceernieston Merchant*, an d deelars iu Coal.try Prodaeo and Pittsburgh Mahal.. larva, corner. or Wood Pl and Fifth Greco. nsbargh. . - 16V11114Jah---------•••• • WDI: 11..WILLILMOS II CO, '.BAWKERS AND . EXCHANGE BROKERS, ' • NOVA Er.a earner of Wood .1.1 Third 'urea, pia Prrrsnrame: PO. cr. tummxr, • • roan ► arrows. Q. 21..troqn*Mah rvi 18 Wiageolk 6!°7,4,7 MVO 1111 . W1111.1.1 :WICK k ,WC&NDLEd% (saceessers w 1. IS • T Wiet,) W•lsolesele Grocers, Fame:Can •ed Cennaission Merchants; dealers to hoc, Nails, (.Inca, -Callan Vacua. sad raison/eh hlaaafactercs genre!. 17, career of Wand and Water streets, IqUabars ph . • •7 - V/If ti - M.411 - raWl.fitra.,.:Wbotesale Grocers, Keestrpner Distillen. and Wtne and !Auer Merr.ant , Als.-letpertets of Soda Ash Lad Ble sett. leg rosreci f No. WO. Liberty street, (opposite Sixth :szell,),PAttsbat_ALu . r,, W.WILMON, Watches, in sTerry,Sl leer Wan , , rlf and , billetary.rnhods, aware, of Markk and C Penne etreethAttaberity.Pa. N. ll—Watches kid Ine es serrany revalue. - ' a 917 In( Tom - • '''''r •-• MIEN a- Want:. inl" 4'rektr, ws. - UST. LCCITIMNI. IVG R. • hleClTTClialle, - wholesale Grocers, 1, dealers 'ln Peadoce, Iran, Neils, Glare, and Palabarta Idarusfactura generally, !Ahern . Wee.— Jane. A . CARD. .. WILRARTH NOBLE ant n ew receiving new p p , etoperkaeLarbielt leo! impeder qoality. Thin eau now feenisb.tantilies oath Meta Flour: All olden UR to tae boxes mill be prompt' y. inended to WlLP4A.irrif a NOBLE, • IRAVE taken -WIL CARE Into partnership with me Rim, beelnessorhich Con this date ha e aisle& °Studer itte of "Jahn Parker &Coe , _ 401 IN PARKER. John Can. JO= PA.latga ineiejele &mere Ilitaiers in Prodact,Fortngs =" - OU Monongalulds ' • 7 = and ttedffud No. s;Cominereial Row, Liberty street, • Plusbureb. P WA:UMW rtzasa. lama RAMCa. WK. L CL! rAmanaru LUMINA IR CO., • (Seeeessors• ar•alamay. Mann a Co AK RB, EXCIIANCIEfaCIXERS, end *Zeit fti'forele and Romanic it'•vellel e i festival siv depoilisekbrebeets fruit, 04 off pier all the pelasioti ,Ifokat ' Vrtr 4 7 4lilt 11P r • 4,4;itutitdiaristaisrlseiri! sivottrao (Hi qValitS A N D _ PE A.VE tek iiebi onr au trge %.7 44 rei,;;V:. ' . u •AlgrAit. p"" , r. • Alights ar,4lil. rtAnD 'ISMILTIANTP, rut flo of •IV dements wis ie Vreetl B.9etv a.nal*C _ bt; ,l.thaite gak WC" I r , j t: ffeiiolMMl A"t4loen.. nh~' eel at,Aht, 3 ~fmlen W N W r illi y . srcikt rr E g thti 0 130 Z , t the .titstycitisr tit arum ftbr City WI Pleitt i aj t tlt tub, swim tit, •M tw trt 00100 1 , mi g 0 14 1-• k 4 Aifttw,Al67s4ok -0,-;.,,•;.,i PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 21, 1850. lIISCELLANEOT'g .WILEIYS STALL, roma STREET', PITTSBURGH, PA. HIS earpieces eainbliehment being new gem. I Dieted already for temmess,the proorictor would milinectfolly dielt • Owe of ttie poblie pa morass tle Wrwa by Wing hls foil wentlan do Me business, to make theta. • pleassrit and comfortable report for the elates of Pittsburgh and for the country generally. Goodadstidas will be in wailing, and every ex ertion made thunder the establishment worthy the eenntenanee at supporter' an intelligent commoner. The TWO EACIOUB HALLS, feted kr Parte, Concerts, Lenges, Balls, and petals meetinge, trill be let by the 'tinning or week, on no liberal terms no an other lit DIGO. The.BAR aierIESTAURANT, equal In style end he eurY any the worldorill he kept furridied with Dare Wine Choice LigtiOrl, Cordials, Pat rcr, AM., lad all thexd,light. reireehmenis Of the season. Poultry, Gamligeh, Goy, Oysters, and Corns, lamed op it theist eryle. The DINING a ter:CREAM SAIXION. being en the fint IkrAlny of acce.m, will be COr1•140111 , .applied with all 43 Lavoie. and Delicacies of lb. eesson; and alms viheaeh embzunual. as Om motet. afford. Manlier bt hoyoy, week, or year. Mere, or Forpers lot ituriri4de or paillea focw•bed on •hurt 11611E6 • Gentlemen withra erl the city can t be sultpllee .1111 ler menta of MI ktmla at any hoar o• the day • • • Good Sethling n ; .n extenetho Livery Fetal.lth , went Ie connected lit, the Getl Dinner et I , o'cloe litesktest and Tea et the PM. I hours. Entranee tor Lea to the Ice eretsgn And Dining Saloon, No 67 Smith Lid meet. fe.1 1 2.41tr W. R. VAN RMNSSELAF.R I==il A. WESTEIVELT .4 SON. VVELL KNOWN NINITI&N MIND MAVER's keep constantly I hand or make to order the best article in their liaise their old wand, No. 1.1 St. Clair amen also, at Neil Market street, second stney, entrance in (be Menlo% Venition Shatters made to order, andold btindi 5 0 1110Potred. • ante w. & ClLlier. Book Waders. • TUE are still erigagtda the above buaineaa, mann VT of Woad and Mil WOOLS, Pittsburgh, arbor& we are prepared to anerork to ma ILOG with sire pateh. We attend to ourrork perrauani. and ...- Mallon vial be given Inroad to its mantes, and dm rability. Blank Books ruled to aipattern and bound tab. stantird.y. Books in nanOrs oroldbooks bound ease - fallY or repaired. Narocaut ea lamas 10 . gilt letter. Those that have work Lonnyfinesite invited to cab. . _ . prim,. lea, Palm Jll&Cilia• WIOJITAIAN-111.facturet fall kind. of oot loomed iroollea marine Allegheny eirp, The above work. being no. in fil ry. l and nacre...el np- , eration, I am prepared to exec. orters'withni.pateh for all kind. of enteblnerg ixy late reek ea miaow., Pickers, op readers, cards, gr.dup tirl•Linet. raiteragea, th"riAll vimil .Peeders,lnigs wool e n cards, oubla or single, for mrelnintdr country moles, jack., rze.;sible and had lalbesand eral. All kinds of shafting olds to order ; er rind. 'pe en for gearing fantode, or not. at relutonable ehat.7. Rrnm ro—Kenvedy, Child &o. Illackatoe k, Roll gine, P.m...4 A. h... BENNETT & 3ROTHER, quEr.NswmtE fiIArtIVACTURENS, atrantatesassi, fames sitsatittricla.lPrs. Otto, No. se 37 Water , litfteieen .14 foriss ord . IVaxt, Patslf rik. 41 611:11.4 constantly kiseloa hand • Food usort. moot ot. Wants of oust", martniaeture. too soponorquality. WhoSiete and sonnies Mc, chants ate. rciNtectfally Slatted to rail and et. min* for themselves, as .1 In detzmi.e4 . tell ••capar thanbas over before ben offered to the ps C. Ita. igl9 . ordersimut by mall,aeeocetcled by 004 refelence, wilt be prompt! atierided 0%14 YAW COACH FACTORY. Al A. it O. wooldrospectfally Inform • UM ;attain 'O M they bat et•rard 41 4.1 , cook, between Ftdonal ttPd San nary stream 1h.7 are now making and .re prepared precrtve onions fcr eenry (Wampuoa of rehlales, Covhca Char,ots, Da foneed, Bhggias, Pluslcul, PP. an., Bich from 1 air long experfortro In the mantifsAito ofahn abotos omrs, and the facilities ikay havo,tbpy fat confident they are ennblod to do work on the 010,1 Manna:dr terms wok. 0..0 wand,* ardcfes is thoir line. PaYintataltifial. *Madan to thcoolostion of mate. dal., and [mama none hot competed workmen, the, have no bealtation in AarrillUOS We therefore uk the attention of the pudic to thin mane, N. Li. Reoniting done to tins best smnstor, and on me Men reaannablo terms. fatah• • .voint. a BOAIENE £ ATICINION, Dm mt., arrwat, WOOD /17D rITTSWIDO, PrONTINUE to snonntartort all kilts el 00DDID7, - la TIN AND AIIRST IRON WAHL Also, {Anat .:DM:I Work. ==l • - - affection be Specttd ction even meant toes work. • flare on band.. Eno assarunentof CIPP , - , a" Ur'. Kettles, Tin Ware, &e.t.a. Steamboat Ccotang liters., Portable Forges, minus elms—a 'meow:m.lst h ock for atearablials, California emigrants, or rallereal et:mom:de. . We would respocefally macs boot men stil ewers to nail and ore .oar talkies oaf pile,. beers Po nth wane el sterns. re ft:l7 • Pitt Moonlit.. Works mad Wenndry. PTTPSIC•OIt, Ps. TWIN WRIGHT &Co., ere prepared to baild Can ton .d Wonlca Machinery of crery description, snail as, Carding Machines, Spinning Framers, , l, Dittiring Frames, Railway Heads, Warparn, Dress:no rrinaca, Looms, C-ssu Grinds rs, /rt. Wrralnt Irob Stmftinsr turned; all noes of Cast Iran, Pulite , and Dangers co le latest pastnrns, slide and hand Lstites, nd :Don of all kinds.. Castings or rsery ocicrii,on fvfninhed on thorn nonce. Pct erns me-4e to Grater for !•11114",esstr; Ili:p.a. ars Pt:— tr.a Fll:.ncli, Cast Ilea I,Vp.t.lass Stui et.d tiuga cer.E ruly. Ordsss lett at sbc Warciospa J. Palm y& Ca., Lntz) . Sect, artll Las,: promr, autos- Baez w Oltekstoek, Bell a Co, J. A. 31ourebez,1 it Cu G. E. 'Reamer, John Leann & Sons. Fiusbartt.. C.& J. 11. Warner, Etasbearills. las .± 12!=1 • - TAE anbacrtbet offer. for .ale • large and splendid J. Isfortment of rosewood and mahogany gran ) Ac• lion Fianna with and ortmoul Coirman, celebrated Attachtennt. The grove maim mem% are ma mmon to be equal to any mmufactated an this court.' t trionta mill be sold lohrerF. BLUME,N th, any o 1.11 wo bronght od a from t. the Eta Pe. door above 5..11 N.D.—City Sem will be takes at pm for a f,er of hi *bore SPIMELICK. d,y9 I , B. I=s= T I od'ors for sale, the STEAM BRICK' j WORKS, above Lawrenceville. cornpriSotq a' tiletarn &gine, g &tilers, 6 Mould Martine. caphide of ntalmfactuong RbrOU Pressed Mints tout of dry e:a y, as token from the barsk.l per day; with three se:e. of stjAgob Poo Allegheny river, on which eve tiros ant s, :machine and cln .sheds, wheelbarrows, trucks, shovels, spades, Re, eery thing requisite to cum ' mee operations at an hours tincee. Prite. int:an:dr thatent right to use said inaclnue, 67,0un—tarot I or payment mann easy. Without the laud, 64,tes: Fnr partieulan, address HENRY MERRITT, iticZAtf No tln Moonttqabela Ileosc. Wrought .a 4 goat Iron But ltng MITE sotwerlbera lwg leave to learns the puhho thai they have ebtoloo from the Lam all the hat. cod • fashionable designs for Iroo Railing, both for hoiwn Ann eemetaliaa. persons wlehuag to preenre hood. ante patterns will please call and examme, uW lednir fartbemeelvev will he furnished at the el:mi en 401.100, and le the beet raier, or the earner at. Craig and Rebecca creels, Al u lesheny ally. r asiT2D-da LAMONT is KNOX. - WILLIAM DIGIITI 11E09 leave to Inform his friends and easterner. thrt , be blast receiving his new Satiate week of (Seeds Prisine, steal, all the newest and must fashion. ebb Mies af CMOS, Cassimerel, fancy Vesting., not. ma and linen unloosen Juan, and every article sunset* forgentlemente well for spring and sammac it being, to dories:be the beauty, slip. or ikaamil7 of the stock, the prdprtenor hopes all who are to want of.good,ebeap,faihtireable, and well rondo clothe., will give him a call, as there Is no stock this aids of the Alleghenies that can compare with it. The ready made department In very ellortalve, adage red to all mates. Rail road Contractor*, country merchants, awl all who paellas. largely, are particularly Invited to ea table the stock before puree...tag, ay pardeolar mutton a paid to the wholesale hastenu In tha attah• lishmetaL Every &flints In the tailoring We made to order m the most fashionable and beat 1111412t0C et the ahorteet notice marts. tiTHE parincrstlp hereto:Om emitting ender the Anil of A k C BRADLEV,Is dissolved by the docesiie AIA,C Bradley.. The bonnets will he carried on by A Bradley, who will souls the bosumas of the late REMOVAL—A Basoun tum removed Ms Von nd ry Warehouse (rem Neill Second MTV., cceDlo 10 Wend street, between First suadßecond streets, to the war.- house lately occupied by 6 A.. /lorry, where he will keep sonstardly on hand sooners' msoruncritof Cam , ings, Grales, Stoves, Cooking Biases, Ae. ly ti. VrANUFACTCRER OF CAST STEEL, and th. 0.1 and No.* Ansezienn Minton Steel. Also— {ne tt Cast Steel Files, of all mixer, and Olackwilth and Shoo 9.s ,ivy al* an hand and for shin, eithci at hi. ..E.e -lo Steal Work.," &Han loom Fifth Ward, Orin the olEne in Ma Iron Pima of 1101.1AlAris R. GARR!. SON, No 4, font of Wood sum, Pittsburgh. . 01110III.JILL - - - We, tie ondendgeted, having nerd, with entire eat- Istaction, the Cast Steel end Piles made by Huaaei blelielvy, at his Eagle Steel Works, m coy, take pleaaure in recommending them as equal to gnithry to Mt IV/C(ll.d by us, or foreign manufacture. tAISt!. tgh, March 13,1850. • 0 & IaktIIOI2IIIEUGEtt & CO. lesintfactiaren at I,ronAti4 Nail ritabg CO arhaPV 't • ASIS:4I6II:tdAN 1:04 tilhantaalaUltga o[4 *ties, Spring Steel an . iVTITIV/171 ' A I inglna tieua r ara .41194 r, - 1142 d• • • 1: 0 • . .; t&Lia 11...tkrgh, • --00&&r...U.VD$Alt t s a. anutaiiXeiforatii asid Nail., IlattabaltielM JOSEPH TOMIANSUN, Idtmonentiuo Eagan and Ship Builder, Vittaborah, Ss. • W W WALLACt; litatbletiungSkuttrabt"tde,2d g l i . "1 1 14- 1' WILL , r:Pt bar! . Pa. ~. 01//itleaSton'alsatt,eralstp... ~ ~ MPanterthlp , betey; Al eSA , Ing te1.... th e /. sqbsetthatii an4ler th e, tek. of Ohataliern, A pew /r.Slaii Cats tdantraelasert /ea, 4lssol veal:We:lie/AL edinsati ®o/Arita lispaJuls,l4tani. rAllyezithm, mwerlng,tlasseelen/WIRIOII w . (0 4 Grm2re requem . va loud. plijalcasll3 WAS? k e parties, 'Miami 11•11:10=10.1YPg 4' 1 4 ( M I : ft 1r V lONlteirlirl;• tnAloVirrrD6. Maglifate, ". , I. • • - , 1 .., S.. :. , -...49fizi:Ausew. ...tyrbito 1 1. 1 11 11 , a'„ Asio. s larsatn..::.... . li* aw.iiira 1111Z1441Suitb1; tot 11 , m4lein ILI s, rtepon . ,i 0 151 the ...ft or Enisrait d ' SYLns ,lure. nI um die of Dimmed:Pin*. bar..e.aD4 110/00/li4/1;1141/. 1". - • ,,, i Tix.:Ot •'" ' • 1.%0.6.::04070a • At' ' I .." " . - ~..... 0,,1,,r, • • c , • . _ • . • • • r r . • ..., # . . • A. AI If • ..... INSURANCO.. issumeNce. THE DELANVARE-MIITHAL SAFETY INSO. GLANCE cobte&Ny.—Oftice North Iteersibf the Exchange, Third street, Philadelphia. ns ,. .ittlr.tice..—Doildlogs, Merchandise and either property, id Town and Country, inrared against lota or tmerielll y Gre, at the lovre.l n ruse Mmu .11tAIrey.—Yhey. also helium vessels, Car, yeieeutd Freight., tonic:tot coastwise, underopon or special policies so the assured may _dente. Mtiko Yeeairorrethite—They reran march. aadios transported by Wagons, Rag Sand Can, Creel Soar, end Strom Boats oit river. and lakes, 0.2 the pier !Jibe rot terms. . . Jo DIRECTORS—Joseph 11. Beni, Edmond A. Bauder, Joho C Dl:Uri-lEo6er" Ramon, John R. P.m.., Bleneue l Felweerdie j Oen 0 Leiner, Edward Darlinginn , Isaac R Davit, VI m Volans% Jahn Newlin, De R hi Human, Jos C nand, Theophilus Paulding, H Jane. Bevan, Haney Sloan, Hash Craig, George Serrill, Spenser Halvah], Charles Kelly, J D Johnson, Wm Hay, Dr Thomas, John Seiler", Wm Eyre, Jr. DIRECTORS AT PITTSBUROII- , D T Morcul, Hugh Cr, L eng John T Wi.=lll MARTIN, Decadent. RICRLID S. Nrinel.n, "D" Moo of MIA Ceimpuly, Na MI Water street, Pluabargh. tjameaer I'.A. MADEIRA, AO Lira mad Health latatiestatoos • TIIE Alareal Life and licatth Insurance Company -of Philadelphia. broorporrued. by the Legtsintans renntrybeatala, Afttrch, 1049. Charter pcipetuaL Capital,lllol),olM. Lyme; timers year £M Premilne ram. Cowan, and Atli Y 0 yew cent. lower than the Usual rates of Life Insuriame as the following dens parlors ',Wanes,: Theo,. peison of the age of .10 a p n e rie n gio4 . /11 4, 00 w for4V .. ust 6 n h aLi ol it . tha. 1141; New Fa: gland, trb36; New York 140, 02,34; Woe, 81,11 M Li e and Health, Philadelphia, lhascronstirmel D. Orrick, Charles D. MIL W. P.lkonc, Damn P. King, Charles P. Hayes, AL W. Baldwin.. M. M. Reeve, M. ii. Cdm.O. B Campbell, Lewis Cooper, I. Rodman Doter, F. ll. Dirtier, Edwin 11. Cope. • President—.meet D. Orrick; Vice Poll ident—lletit. P. King: Seerctery—Fraaeis Ellackburrie. Applications will be received and every information glint, by SAAIL.FAINESTOCK, Agt, Oleo, Co:menial Room, corner of N j :"ztl and Tturd sta, Piosbnrgh FIRS AND 11 NZ IBISIIILANCIL • .• • TakelssurudicT of' lieetth Amide% will 'make permanent and Ihnltedlaseranee *I Nip pon:, in thio city and vicinity, and ea Okla:neva by Canal, Rivers, Lakes, and by Pea. The properties of thin Company are well Invested, and Welsh an *Tolle able fund for the ample inilerrosiry of all , persons who desire to be protected by Itlettllttlee. 18 Will. P. JONES, MOM. 4 4 We 1..., Sire and . llnrise fl int °met: or the innaraneaVolipani of North Amens, haa been removed ua No. 141Frdel at eam. or W.a. Th. eulmeriber, •gent for the above old and reopen vible Comono7, 'al bone Policies on [loadings and tacit cameo., and no alopmenta ol Mercbandire lima= Roots and otnei vea.ela: 'l4 W. P JONV9 lodern anti Antique iturnitilts. JAIILW.6 W. WOODWKLI., I:/,MO EiT"Pirllnlta. J. W. W. )V. 4 Y . : 4 .1 pa Ite rr s itepenMu htfally e n ha. orn form On • pitted but springs.= o FIX MOTOR& the mega. and mosoraried =torment eln,ffered !or tale or this city. comproulf vrral anti. of Fruetirooo, ftlevormit, and 1.11....= NVatage, ntal and pain soluble for Panora, tog Men and Bea Room., = which will bo sold at tor lowan prices sp V e e r r soloy dttrlls ro A cmau=.r MOM-. CCITT deittillt.D. plainest ,o the mot el , gitOt fel:owing comprmos • pour Teton Pe. se.; Teta a Tete Divans Comortatton Chairs, I:llsabetadm Caa.m Ileceprion do Loon XIV Co Fatertnon do Dornt Minos: on Non Tod. Tablet, Loot. XIV Conpnadoree, Dian of Yorktr Coach; Ca Salts with Pin= sod llsmolorl. =ren t Iherms, do do do; 4a der Mehotany Parlor Chain, In ftrisovn.4l do do. la " UAL Vntignt do ds di Cane Spar do, 4 e Mahogany Hectic; do; do Puna ;tools SU Mtrfie Top Centro Tali., kV do to Wath Stands; Idmovany Codsteadt, II do WargfoLosj In BM Walnut der. e Cnen7 do A ter,. large anartrmnt et Common Chalet and eel. n Yarttialreloo toelloalt to mention. ET su.n fondelied on me =orlon notlea. pr , 011 ,, 1Y P Mater... h. , corpll•4 'nth atitortS of hl•euer....y. Kran.. and Verret., at omardcrobly radioed pr. 11.13 , ns6 , deserip(oo, •re lesantineldaoct,erhia a. (two cheapcpt •nd and coNtly, of which the HERSEY. FLEMING tSr, CO. tvivir. von vni.n, FROM Tor MAN UFACTINNINLd, AND AT EAST. LitN MANU FACTURE :119 PUleldat White Pl.:meld, all Vioel.glue Drubs Ned do do Moe Noun.; 1 olio", do do (lettotradeld all axe :Stoma dodooderedatFactorjunisei. 'llllak IttadoOlok. • amt, tesio ' RellMr" fMeel mixed do Ulna do Cheek* and Stripes, deg Drab do heavy goods. Talors' Goa. Red raCdted, aver do; • Feat Padding, Buckram, Tellors'eat.ralLheary da; Brawn Linens, tiilleidls Oral/Serge bleed do, . I and woraed; Black and White Tape; Week Trier, Deah dry 119,1 Cheek. and 1/rillrl . Etudit's L cord SO Cullom, do Loon I'Llead, a eoperior onlcle. bilk Figured Vestadde; Mack Vault do Itroaro Ilattod Seie Folks; thall.l,Cravata, de, da. ...raga., Ho /27 Wood . lardl 11text Ceasataera. Fame} . Caney Tweeds. Super Ftgeet Vread Cloth. r.4.gper Brt.gra du 'gaper igreen !acre" Tegal.ed JJ P4Cer Meek Dee Sag:. :taper Gan ea. ageg el , 10e, de a:Jer:a Ma: legs. ' , eaglet . glee do Drab Ca Onan nagging. ilrearn Laggeg tae bigul'ateettgreri Prusbargh Meselutios. ea-partser• olp sesetafore a xistinc between tbe emu crrit. as ff, in Um Loam. of Constable, Darts se CU, p✓ this Say dlorolved by puma! consent. Please. (larks A Llorees orillsehle the business* , the concern, for who. h purpose they see &tammed 10 iffsetar came or Me sent , ertt. NATHANIEL CONS CABLE. F.Delli tin BURKE:, THOMAS Elditfik. The andsreligned have thin day auteelated themselves In the vane of (Malik: a BARNES. for the porpese of goator retaribg Ftre Proof Safes, Vann Door.. an te, nt the ...IA of stor late faro of Coortahlbt Fort. nen. lei,. tong tatlhtse pleased to receive the patron. age of we enatteakey• of that boos., and thelrfnenda EDMUND ainuce, TLIOMAB PlAll(ita. in reintrtc from the arm or Constatos, Barite a (to , I with sincere pleasure recommend Mew.. Burke Barnes to the cent:deuce of lay Meads and the nahtla Feb. li. NATLIANIM CONSTABLE. fehetAlS C. ALLOT/TU/10T 10IFAE 'tht returned from the P.asten, Clue., and In eeet..ingt large CorletTo(authenatho 0.4.0° +egeh he ra-spettfolty invites the attocUoo of gulch fob and petit.. No hi Wood rt. . febll AM - ALL PAPER—W. P. MmtißAl.t. cantata/I tif rectioLny, from the large.' otartniamories Nov York end Phtlarterphm, and rti so from French ageerko, the noweth and math approved myth. of Pa per Hangings, toge th er wok Borders, Fire Honed Prints, and at Tops. For gate or 05 Wood M r be tween Fourth at and lhamond atley, (theethoor to B. C. ap:l thilf P.a I N pr ge ame - G PALGad for thle by the barrel o r , alugle pound at the rot..l,74W.l=l".""BlV.Viifgae f aylt. 7 11Itsip ttttt Patois% Span Ask. 464 Va 1 11 4 :1,1°, (117,rthee=4°c e l e casks now on the was from New Wiesen, and ca nceled hero tide weak; nod 311 will shorty arrive eta ftnlttranre per shine Juniata, Chesapeake, Damas cus, and Milos, wthlrd will be sold on mamma, at the lowest meeker price for cosh Or approved ta.. W a. hi MITCH EI.TREIL ;WM No tiro (Aborts'. CTIESLICAL smuts POLI9II 1. BE Phenix Manufacnuing Company now offer to the public their Premium Chemmal Stove Polish; sad `sithas' ss.anteration, or Starer cumuli:ellen. by those who hove tented it, pronounce It far titer:Mr to any other In the market. The < have no apprehensions of &idiot carpet.. 0.0., as: Pa com position prevents a dun from annul whenheint op pliedohi cch repist be done when we Piece in to: Tne netunitk required, to .0 little to produtin a boon. blot ills.. A semen of over fifty per rent is Waled to the eensume mt. I_ti casting applied to titerer,lhoes, &e., when laid away for the summit-, is e 'aura pre venially° agunst nat.' Alter having sited Al Once, Of it is atee..thle) no penelt will use ley but the Pbeeeto. Manententrint Company. Prenthint Chemi cal Stove Polish. For sale by N WICKFRSAbI i istytt.„ Comer of Sizthkind W U eed streets. VITTSBUPGII notramiso evivitz. g • Corner ot Penn and tit Claa street,. rivet ALEXANDER It PONS. Furnishing 'lnger: VV Inters, where every eruct., In, Pelletal , and glontnina purposes clan be got on reasouehle tern.. ly . TO 110 AT II01.1.O111115.: 100,000 fact rtnanancd Pack Plant; 100,000 Ina Coal 1100 Plant Pnr by /Warner 01.0.. rnn.ta THE hirbe'et rket prlee In Cub will be jega i lq diferem n. 0.4“ of Wool, by 4. • b 1115. , ' A. W HARDAISOII fillißirreees and Canihgnee. of -beads arriving by ' 'filel•Cateena i .Parttalla &hut i.may" ...4, pt... uas.otte.thE2thel .ei to rvititircik go tiar freight 111: 4 4c l eir:r 't' e nty . W. Y4i l7 F A l ll!lThigfPik i tir • !ill'. ,- •il - ,•. '. .i..,_....t_..' ,_' PULSE OLT , , SSIMACIII IlliSi t :PY:s •• - Arcitairi f qr edinned Purpo g.., , "111 *lse otekly imaa,the above aincte I kahhabilY featured. The pritiacribere havevome oViand (..r hale et pri MOP. which May enpse , itiTha' ganninci it eras bauhat by then:Wire. m fehho. chit 'ty a s pumas lablnattliNallalawaliqi,c,.:",:. ~,i: m ,ie 1 ) ! ,.i....iti, / 0L9. t r , t,id60r(1..,.. ,,„ : , .. u. „,: vir.i. knrriiiii l erifh . avir Vexia- • - ." V wo it ittus is Illaurorreupin ese , DME4iii3. fi . ' S' I: latt rqd .a.1.4 h iqponcrea elleWlited au Iv of eseeheat Mack nail tkigaii lese, ,,, Atelieley , ere now ratalling from the origaill• abeam st.leseadt Sae 00. elb.! She defres_ 'AAA Ah. =O4 to beet the I,pubiy 'Ma ric y. il.. Wa teepeetfelly e0pe6 , 4,0100., , are in compare oar Teti thYlb thole PULLS/A tire. when at same price, 1 tgr,(!• l a id , etlist i nUesiiiriVlep gtt ' t 14114111denxeki„y;,1, amt am It ' ll.. Iv' ItgarAtitna. Ss Wood Sy [AL* S 8 'WKS:" ) k AS thethodOsslekaleXas bribe seable, TA be ', SlSS*l4ll , o"alle bylS • -,- selo ,, 0! . •!, ~.. Willie , a. ~,,- . 13,., )1 -3 4Gli Vr , r , • - . 11 . 1.. n.: ele",iii3O—... , ... • • -we* 0 -!' eishAesa:4' DRY GOODS, /ic WRITS GOODS FORDILESSICS. , . It A U RPM' it 111JRCIIPIELD Invite the attention Of MI the Is di. mitt:tele *molars assorunimbot White - Goath for Dreace,eonslettes of • , ithoteh end 8 rites Wells; . • Poled Swiss. 404 ' .. . firobroldered Itierorin Lamer, TA. Priced Stered Jaekonet for rooming dreiroSM -fine salt finished do; and a Lugo othortment of Bonn Muth.. with colored embroidery; printed Jaeltorteur 1.4 m., Three.; Ike, at earth east corner of Foorih' end Market came. . Jett! • Chsap L*wa.. IU - URPilyk tiMitCIiFIELD bare received a la fropply eillrega L11.W1111., Very eltesp; near ewe brown at laic! liebt do: to areal variety, tor LOU, ltie Also, embroidered ard printed Mollies andlaelkontc .of near and newest styles and lowelf Aries For artalitY, end Honk east corner of Fourth andWarket at. I=l SA LE OF DRY GOODS. At lb. Oao Prise Store of • MASON & CO, '. Wholetala Room,, will, on thls occasion, le a thrown open for r Rtlo7. Tacna, and all of their extensive met will be offered to scull pad:meets, at a diseeint 01 from sO to f 4) per cent. less than 111011 pones. THEIR HTOCE OF BILKS Comprise over Par .hundred places, and will be sold at an Immense count. Voir assortmentefShawls,Molas , Tisolea, OM.; adines Foulard Silts, Lawns, Muslin.. Jacenets, Cambria., and Dress Cm& generally, will be closed eat Inunedlatelv, at about one half the asual rates. It cases Fast Co'nred Lawns will be offered at Or. tt do Ramses, lee. do Muslin do Winn, too Res or English and American Calicoes, 10/t flo. - 900 doxen Linen Handkerchiefs, . OR 7e. A lot of Wrought Collate, roue as low an Sc. Together with a 0.200 , ratio* of Domestic and Whit, (foods, Ribbons, Hosiery and Gloves, Ronneb, 4...„ se. Waking In all onto( the snow aroma. awontnanta Widen country, wnich wrll La mocked down to math Lawn ;mons than at any of their pnrrlotta AnnitlO thins. Prge Atom will Do chwed coon y 2 : l ntay 30th and Mot, lot tho purpose at &runic— Log and matting down stoat. No To-maven to Pat ens wynt A A MASON &CO ===! • • - - • AIIRPICY t BORtiIIFIELD have received a nip. /1l ply of .1.4 arid 4.4 Freach Linene for melee mats d wicks, latter' vireks, boys , sad childrair'• went, °trimmed desirable shades. They Invite abolition to tuna entertroent of Mn.e and Bore SURISIEEL WELR, of different me; fyrialc end all of which will be eolcl jaw. .adt7 PAILASOLIII PAUABOLS I .11EIRP/IV t BURCHFIELD love received acethcr sopplv of above uncle, teed anablod to sue. ply *lout..ivy quality and color wanted. and el we lowest each price. Jett - Patent Stale Oat Cloth Cover. UT IIIeCLINTOCC has received this day, at his PPCarpet Warr/sow, No 73 Fourth st., Blair OH Cnoth • nog ornery haw/woe p.uuo. end colon, to whirls we Invite the anent/en of purchaser. _Jel3 MURPHY fr. BM:HEIM an now Wrenn' goods at greatly masted prices LoiMU tram d gents lirhs Chian from toccata up; Berne. for 10K Flaln Brut [PMe for ttto ; Bonnet Ribbons foe 6c pet gaol Ladles sra intood Us colt and czasulnik our mooltof Amos goods Won purchasing elsaseharo— North tilt contr. , of Fourth and Market sm. MO. Attoant Maw. ItrzEtvED Ai. day. a (ma assannseat of Alleaat or UM.. Mats, at she Carpet, Wall" 'TM or MeCLINTOCK /el 3 75 Fourth at 111 uP.",!,"..'dmitt?pr D F 4 D a b" ' ' s a o f greatly '