The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 17, 1850, Image 1

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    ESTAI3LI.SHED IN 178 b.
D. IL <Wort. I Is. Malan,.
X17:414 (MT; NUT DOOII
• ---IMao per =nom.
Wee Ir , in alracco).---- --• • 2,0 a
Do. o Col's, at a tattooed rms.:
.It.^ll CS OP ADVECIIT/51201
One ogar te,tlo [lotto( Noupare tl or len)
• -
Ore„,, or uaeha—tio—lo-rt—n•••
Oa. one n• eek ..... (.73
M. top vree ks.— • 3,0:1
' TF.. three weeks.-- 4,us
Vo. one rnonth• -- • --- 5.00
Do. two Inonthe--••-• tee
' De. three Month, tel
Ito. lour mouth. ...... Inv°
month•• • • • - •- 1941
PO. twelve .• 19,41
Ptandi es Card (11 totes ar le•s,) per annum. lam
One Square, ehangeable •tplentare (per an
exeltorre of the paper--•- ....... 9300
For earl. additional 'quite, Inserird over one month,
Ana lot each additional squint haetted node-the year.
17 Tat., half vire.
ild•reakeinents ekeeedinic a Mum., and flet OVer
Arleen lines, to he charred an rrya•re and • knit
rabli.liera nut seer untahle for legal
hayolid the alumna charged In. their puttlkujeu.
Aaint/oltelng eando/utes for nt6ee, to be eimrsed the
aunt. as other wirer...erne...v.
Advertimincins not marked on the copy nit IL sprei•
led ',wither of insertions, wttl be continued till forbid,
end payment egimigi gege n ]. .
The privileges of yearly mircrtDiem willhe confined
rigidly to their regular t wianew, and ail oilier *deer.
thiement• not pertaining to their regular idlipittes% as
agreed lit. to be paid cotes.
All advertisements far charitable institution., fire
thrall., ward, inn iistop end other publicmeetings,
and tomb like, to be charged half pore, payable strictly
le alvtince.
Al damage moires to he cheered GI cents.
Deans callers inserted without charge. unless acetate.
peeled by funeral invitations or Obituary notices, and
When 16 eenompanied to I.e pull for.
Regular saver...era and all otters sending entotuu.
talc aliens', or rettoiting notices detigned to tall atten
tion to Fairs, Slitters, Concerts,or any polific eater
tainmente,.wkets charge s ate ionic fur edollttance—
all notiera of private associatlons—.nety notice de..
signed to call attention to private netcygnme relents.
leder intended to promote individual interest, elm one
ly be Inserted with the underatanditg, that tie mine
late be pail far. If intended to he tumor.' in the to.
cal Column, Gee lame will be charged et the rate of
not hem than 10 emits per line.
Ittslinp r Mat Notices to be charged triple price,
l'avern License Petitions, $2 each.
Legal and Medical advertisements to be charged at
fall I~neCs.
Real. Eitete Agents' and Auctioneers' advertise
meris not to be clawed under yearly roe., bat to be
thawed diectaret rad:Wry three and one third percent.
from the araoun• of bills.
Weiarar tau ‘9I.IOTERLY u baton Cavan.
Gut county., three ittseittena• . • • •• •$1
Da. Mich edditional insertion• • . :17
kt , is lanatAT Tarn.
One Stuart, DO liner.) one msernon•—inctg.
Ito. each additional lerentnn• • • .DS
All trident •doentstnients lo be pall in advanee.
0:111TP. le CO. Gazette.
• L. HARPER, Pol.
SORT B. RIDDLE.,' Journal.
JAMES S. BAER Ir. CO., C'wortiele.
. FOSTEII mconint, Dlepotah.
JOS. SNOWDEN, Atereury•
J AMES W. lIIDDLb s American.
11111A.M EAINE, livening Tribune.
Ps - Penmen, Dm!. IMP.
ALDEILMAII, Fifth Wari, reran meat, hem
ll'llara and Walnut. AU buttress promptly at
landed to. ma 'St
ATT..I:I( AT LAW—Ogee, on Fourth soca
dlove Wood
1)....V ID C. Tira . /.3.4
A TTQIINLY AT LAW, and Cucandssioner fo
4"1 Penn. ylv Knit,
U. Loa., Ab.
All c MmuulliOLl p col - Aptly adrorcted.
JA.111119 KERR,
ATTMINEV AT I.AW—Ottee on Fourth Greet,
between rboultfintsland Grant, Partbarch.
JOllll 11. LtAXICIN,
A 7TORNEI' and CoulterHof at Law, and Commie
/1 stoner for the State of Pentleylvattia. St. Leah;
(late of l'ltt•
References—ltitteha rah lion. W. Forward, Hamp
ton & 51111er, Wand/4m & McClure, Jolts El. Nuke,
Diemlll & Semple. AteCmd It King. aual4.lY
Gla.rgern, ra (SaJ=JjJ. Ferry Poo Oftro)
llama permanently located at tins ;Uwe, a new
and subatannal Wharf Roar, we are prepared to re
ceive and lorcrard promptly to all polars on the river,
and 'candy and Beaver or Ohio Canal. II &
rita•cow. June 15 —jelq • -
nK 11*4.15r.:..—.
. _
13AtiAt,tiV; tLIIVA ItH tc CO, lialolcaale tiro
2:11 test, No Ntlrtnt Phtladelphia. ant
-7- Pittsburgh — Alkali Works.
p.fiall ittlßr t CO, Aanufanarer of Salo
Lahta. anal Su'phone.
id..i aL u z
roc, below Ferry.
tw033.1., '
WOIA.D inform the public, they have taken
vnrelinet.e formerly orMiptc.l by Or iNir Sir.
Selena. S.el,oyer, 111 eecond Kircel. lining • 1.11 . ,e
d commothooe urazebon•e, they 'rebid 111{111ft sue
elterdion of per•ons biavlrtn good. SWIc.
lo the purcha•e w h it
C•llitt i e e n A' lll: t r ' cl r hYntu.. t (. IYLtal rw lZ r t .. :T, g Pittsburield R tt •• • "
Yrederzen Ifrana. 6 gieurne Rena,
blikU,N k. ttF.ITER., Wbol.,tde and Read Inig
-1), girikterner of Liberty and Sit Chur gran, Pam
vat, Yu. - and
H. GRA NT, w 4010.11 t. I; roe.r,
Forwarding INlerebam, No. 41 II liter st,
Ira Alerrey—•••Aarrer. Plenums ILO running
COMMISSION Mt: bell ANTals—For the sale of Iho
meslicWoolott, nod Cation Com!r; also, dealers in
all kinds of Tailors' Trirroutogs, No In 'Wood st, 4th
door from Fifth, Pittsburgh.
Reference—Aleuts. Wm. A. 8111 Q Co,llaakera.
nommissinN miir.calANTs and Dill Broke.,
‘j No -.._a &or./
1.1. 11. Vt..%
InniNFIZT, (late Fzelieb, lialletetter
. " *E ir atm ° c r4!1 " ..1.1. 1 1z 1% 1 1 :I: p7;',: •
peep ntenufsetvere. \0.97 Wood .L, between dd and
-3d streets. nett '
Wilt. 11. Si) el N — gYl. N
jr Na 111.9econd it, l'itubarelt. writ
soscur ir. in,Onr i. 41 (d.dt. ,, dd d• uron
ENNIIAL COM IIISSO)N sod Forororeing M.
okaots sold F 141.( Male., 270 Market meet, kladelptao..
socuinron &C 0
No. 41 North Wcor Street &No. 14-North Wham.
A. J:lloc”ost t PHILADELPHIA
Hower. II auto. "
D. C,Alcea MUM •
11mC to poiiihrkiTee.jWarfeiL
Ame;it. ‘ er
Vonlrr”. " lVe7l7 ' , l :(l7lo:g t e . G f lt r igl i . h. Agt7of
a. a. Malin. ant. r. /WM
HARDY, JONE t k Co., (aasuaasur• to ittwned,
N.L. Jon. in Co.) Ceuunansaton and Forwarding Men
emits, dealer. in Pitisbargh Manufactured Goals,
Pitetharifb. Pa mehui
rreecassan TO • t 11.113. C. 11111.11)
EIPOIZTEIt tketer in French and Moeda. Pa
per Hengines and Itordres, Window, Shades. Vire
' ard Po., &a. Also—Writing, Printing. and iVrap
s,VEP.,:f.eorLrldt r 7
alley,lV w ct . o . d t r s t i r d e c ef i„ t i tr u e , e g n k i:o p o a rth street
JOtiN AGNEW. hoe of the firm of Chambers, Mt
newt Co , wood respeetfittly inform the old cos
.Liniters and the public !generally, that he will Minton
(Mae toparry on tmi Given tau business, to all Its
varieties. and is prr limed to fill all orders for Apothe
caries. Parniture Alinerals, Porters, Viole,.die..
pert...ling to M. ' ltiotirretl. HI. Vrafebedat No al
Martel street, bdoireen rirst a Second tir Jr . :l:dans
0 or In!Dye Staff, Paints, Ode, Varnishes. to. No
Ki Wood strem, one door South of Diamond Alley
Eft prat a L:try holesaie Grocer, tdosonoTsnie
hl hfcrob.i, and di aim in Prodinia and Pitioborali
Mannfortoret. No al Wiitervt, Piltviimalr. dpi
111011.7 WK.?. Slt,
TEIALATI MK - RV • Co., Wholesale Grocers. Cove
t Solselon Merellente, and deelern In Produce. Noe.da
Water. and In; Frans oreets, Vittshurah.
John ti. beicrorto..=•—• • • —Joatith thisrorth•
SH. DlLWOltill'er. CO., SVllotegale Grocers, and
• Areuts lot llezard Powder Co., N 0.17 Wood st.,
Pittsburet desl
TiIIIN 4 M. TOWN:W.NDTOrusgitt ..a — Arciubceory•
or N 0.45 Market et , three do ere above Third at. Pitta
harsh, will have rou.tantly on hand a well aeletted as
Aortatent of the beat and freelitaChledtelocs.which ha
will sell on the ,nn•t reasonable ten..
tending' order', will he ...Tilly stranded to, and nap.
Shed with articles they mar rely M.. .
Phydrian. PlPserintion: will be arcurately Inc
taatly sruiarsd from the best materials, at any has rOf
• day or Welt.
.I.llse ter salt, a largo atoet of 11.6 and foOd Parry
//. all
- Joao Mord. • Richard Road.
It4l. , t. , ! ) ,. VD"Wbolny•la Grocers, Comm Won
h-aa h
thnn., i i rot.n * C 'r alt he P W " 4Voor Rol
Malat Meets, Cht.boria. Pa. ap4
pr.:/1.C.4U(.11F,f, Agent (or the late 1741 - c an - O
•Michigan. Una to. tearer sad tbn Lake. —Mac
. N the earner or Water, antl atolilhficht tans
-1 -- A l " -Arri linZSUBL/T - tr. Co=B. aeenswint.
Learnt lintehtson t I:4‘,Coranalsaion. Merchant. '
sad &Imola of the M. Lout. Swam Saw 11.4166.r1•
•. tt a i_ l 4L nr .rArMeu,lhrtaltarth.
"1 - 011 - 1 - 11iffir.C 41 .4414 - and fiat II r
. a br,.....ll.ll4.l•olnatrienta, itteho o % it e ,.. d a e o
raper, Slates,litnel Vane. Ms, Card s nnJ
altanatta4ll4non.a/ITato.i 'nod to.,4Plttaborgl.N.
UT Ralf • ~ .gbk./ 4 4 441 , eft
V nu
-- -•
~Nrip.l,l4,ltteMPlt Warnet
skin and Tofuratehtk literal..a, and whoterala
• dealer In %ratan.' NOsatlol Cheese, natter, pot
Aah, and NVemerlePtratittea ganneatly, W ater
• street, bemoan Solithfred land Wood, Patatargh.
I Mft F.W . sfalng.rni - Coonsniatilon Mee.
.114.0hacta, Dearer. fp PrMl4llce and ?Waugh gam,
sfactured a!licler,rnalartt#nlato..r 7.1 , 4 g. ap4
N NEEDY; CHILDSA 511111r* , ! , .. , 11
eottling, Carpel Cblin, Colton
grins and [Man/ , Hsitgr
ATT. IcAr.lma & Stockton. BooNSFIArR, STA
TIONDS,s PRlNTkltoma ISNLEJS, con et
&HMS aLlCHltird. Meath 111 1 / 1 0114/1, .02rAtt
.111 V ',•••• "
,-• • •
.'- •
' •". .
J.O _ ••••
• 0 •
. ,
Pittsburgh City Glass 'Works.
INitgtc l 7,..
Plusborxli. Pm.
n — Particulas ottertuno paid to odd m.o. Also,
Dods rs fit PUNT GL&SS,
ermitsrsmos, o
ro,r,:cons.v. 13..
Wm. hi ?Wm!. C. W., ricsMagh.
IjILLF.II . RICKEMSON, grocers. snd
MA I mporicts of Bramlie,,. Wilma and S•Fars, Not
and 174, corner of Lamm tad Irwin •trees, Pius
b,clo, P. Inm, Nt,ls , Couna Varna, he. dc., ens•
stmaly on nand.
halm hPIt,IL , Jame. D. D'util. Walt. V. Hue
ROE., Wboir..!e Grocer. and
LTA eon Merchant., No Int Liberty St, Pittsburgh
. .
JONIgh jog, 7. gat...
ItoSANITFACTURES, , or ,pang and hinter auel,
tTL plough .rcpt, *toe I plough small, coach a.nd rho
1 . ...ttna., ban:meted iron axle., and deniers In al
tull i e easti go
nra,Lre engine Itur.p., and much trimmings
r ra. , ..117...F7 of Rosa and Front sta., Plttabnreb,
MArFilhlV P7nti,ntand Minonura
hunter. Rooms, eorrer Pott otune Al4p and
Fourth 'Linnet, entrance on Fourth it, near Market.
a.7.T4nrelos, Gommlooks's. Elaralsaul•.
()hi Levee et, N OGeans, keep constantly on
11 bath! [brae tisronizent of Mollifies of the follow
ing brands. whirl. they odor finale as seen. toe J.
(Samoa Jo CO. llordeaur Mashisr,
rand ro'Co, Lame belle . J J Donna, Cognac, A tient a.-
inn°, AI, Ade 31ondore, Jean tonne. ,, also, AliCtlln Gin, Borileaoi fled and While IV - this
la Casks and eases, selected 'nob ease lerJohn Darned
AV.; besides CliotopoKne %Vite nod Goieet /Sorg:wily
fort. (eh . ), v.
Nk SON, Nn Alart.ct at. accond2 ant
• 1 . 10,a coriier tir roartli. 0....0er• or Farciali and
lhaninicir Hills of iiirhaume, tlertificatel of De Dort,
Baal No . 's and Specie.
jr,nealeletions aode on all ala - principal eine.
hraughoat iho Haired natritaii.
AT at.oanuan—i.iiihee, Fourth at
.L 1 third dale . above So-Ithficlii. south side.
Corivrt.tocaut of all katals done with toe greatest
care land leaal accuracy.
Tit ea to Pea. Estate exualinnl. Re. 0.1141 V
latilkographla kCatabltatmatiat
(IF Weil. SCIIIJCIDIANS, Third at, nttporitr the
Yost-011kt, PittabarNh.—/Slace. I.L.t.damt,a.l4R
keatia.t.tharcleitla, Latta, etre4ltectural cad 1 , 1.6 ,,
Th..inth . flaainersts and Vitit:ne. Cord,
it arave I
or drawn on stone, and prlntral royal, tald. flrant
or Blank, in the most approved - atria, and at the ant
reasenaltla . watt kip
0IfIN•ON. St o rt•ue•
I.lld ratiburph Wh01.•.16 l•rodurt•
t • - , 411 , 13.1.4 Alen,LAI.. wad dcz..era in 1 . 1 ,I..trr,
Kam. ru e
YO.r./._1011160:1. 11109. trrULE. MAW.. ft.
"DONUT MONNE, ll,l.toicarie 4:rover, fraud
1.11, haltller, dealer i.e l'ruiluco.. •r 1; A;
Wren, ;al ull undo or ren-ign and Domes,.
and Liquors, No. It Liberty .serer . On band a ery
large +took of superior old rticooneol,l. waiAlry,
winch 7,11 Lejiold lour for a.
X. WiTlotlos.
EVNIOLUS Forwards:r: 1.0 eoin , uis.
AIL lion UlrhunN, fo- the ver
Lusters in Gruerriez, Produce ManTufac
turer, and QldoriJa of Lion:.
The hlplie•t price, in ram!, paid at oil 'tnes fovlfl r
.74. ,, CLA r re r , k
e' ?Hie atn.
ll.°CUorLittoriutOn• rivaburgh blanutacar., Laberty street, ntubus,,
R. A. cumAxataiiAn,
burgh hbanutuchzres, No MI/ Liberty screct, urr ly
. .
B. C.. .I•CLItr,
lIE.CKLF:LT & Whohr.r.le Dr,ler
S ••
}orelgu and Domts , ir Dry t.i.raull, No. MI R,mJ
4trett. l'lmourch.
andl & 1 . ,r,
C i ti l :mrs:Tot
114 5ec,....d tut, Ydral.b RTTIITiI4 p. ' rou's 11,1111.111;
& NItJUL9, Proa uee o.k.bernlC.:l/
I) misyinn Morrhaws, d. 17 1.1 . .,ty
burgh. Sperm. I.lnriPe:: ad:l Lard Odt. r 10.17
CO7 kV
Deilc e r r a r tn '' l r irt:ju d r i g ' Fi ;I n a l n 4C n7•n r ; ', rs ' a n nP_W . ; ' :! e :!
Produve, t ••:r n,rr 0.0 ..s,6", Lod
arand,) No. 30, corner rd I roga crud:. arra Cbrd , rrry
Lane uur7
QIL ENl3lllr 11011 ,010"r1L L.
llfsksaraXa 1./0 FraxoJ
Till , . subscriber buviric In,rd the above well kiirsam
nod excellent eiibililohreent. l• now prepared to
entertain Om ' , tends and the travelling rOblie
CO'. it be beet 1111[1., an 4 un toe o oli reuvou lc
Ilia TAIILE will et all times he al:milled with every
delicacy of the sealinn—an4 its Ilan .o
CIO bear vf
lA, biabllng yen. ex lea land every .rrar.-
Merl hn. bee. mad., for tire aceutiouriunoun of Alto.
•nea it WM I:LAWSON
ude Dlsmond,Pittstlagh.
iIAIILD 6 11.1171 N
L. S. IVAI'L-Ss.ll A 3 S. NONLI,
.•I,..,rnmn and I nr-
TY In o,llr, Merelnott., Tra
duce & I'e..l.urgh At,tr..•:.• Arc.
(or sale of Kielswond uttO h)neh,ute,
SoLacco mrl
WILL elso attend to cone.... and an other
‘T tie. entrusted to hi. an Under end Annetttn.,
coandes, Pa. Meter to -_.
J. fr. R. Floyd, Liberty st.l. ti
W. W. Walleoe, do f
lam, Metreball do Pittsburgh.
di• Kee fr. en., Wood et- / leo ,
Canal thou, Penn am h
JAPIiCS 11. DAVIS 411 CO.,
Na. 217 Market, and G 4 Commerce dd., Plataderbin.
Advances mole, by either ol the alone, nacon.ip.n.
relents of Produce to either !tonne • rdrn
J. D. Wilil9 . -
go . _
1101.1;OOLE Ir. imrn 11, FA
Forerntding cad Ihnnerdirion Merchant., and
dealer. in Country Yrool•ee nn4 Pith.dbOlet :Angulo,
tares, corner of Wood and Fade .accts, IhOahstrgh
Wm. 11. Withaso•-.... ale; oy•
W Al. 11. WILLIAPIR & O.
Nono Emit corner of Wood •od Third .verse.
Dol. . 1 . 17,041,.11. Pa.
ut. 4GnCT, lon, it.
111,111. 111.10414,111, • • • Ill,'
M. BAI:ALKY & Co.. Wlkolraede tiroetri, IS
d4U Wood nreet,
ICI(t 111 , CANDLE2 , 8, Oetcer,ors m t. a. J. I).
TY Vtierd ‘Vl,olcsolo Gr,rpr, rurw. rem.. ...I
Cnmmin.tmhlerrhantr r dealer. on Imn. N
Canon Yarun..ld PM4burgb blabilkettlr, gcnerni•
ly, comer of Wood and Water ri tt.bunch
MITCIIELTHER, Wholesale "rover,
V V Rectifying Distiller., and Wine and Liquor
Merchant+. Al.—lmposter. Of iiiind• rii.o and 81P.1.0 h
im( Powder. No. 100 Libeny atenet, (appetite NSth
aireft,) Piitelinrgit. ann.
SY. a l/1/ . WlLSg boONgy , Wagnlges, I.•rnhy,Stlvrr Warn
M Llnodgg, earner a( Mgolget •nd
Fount. .rents. Vgusbnotti. Pa. N. FL —Watches and
Clotglgs eazefully opalregl. OP 17
wat TO2fla.
M. YOUNG Er. Co., Dealers fn Leather,
111 Liberty street. jnrly
aIVaTCOSON.. soar. in.criyrninr.
AXT k R. bIaCtITCHI:Org, Wbnlnvite Grocer.,
LY dudes in Produce, Iron; N6114'6111+,1, and
Pitutbargn blandantara generally, Liberty .abrart.—
Pittsburgh. JOOl7
Wl c ti , l4 tif j O o ll t L . 1 0 : ( a y. re p, n ,i nw o
g re u e . 7 , 7 s. tn
him now ' Pamtgli eatnitteit with hitt. lhour. °quit
leh Iv the hoiu will he PivIVIA';1111:?01/1-14
• City Mills,
y mtyr taken NVSL CAR{ into parinerelop venn
1 roe in imyboninelis, which with from the dm,. be
carried on under the rime of "John l'ei leer &
Ala.tds 1,1 iNiu
John rimier • • . Wit tarn Carr.
.147.1.141 Gruen+, Dtaill,l- 1 / 3 Prodare, Fog'
Mom. firror,r; 9U lifonuvalula .
and Retti,fa
Na. 5, Commerci a l Row, Liberty Mreet,
tnrsl/ Plumb. reti
WfISU.,PAtYaa. 205111, , , , 1 ,1, . WIC I. . Sa
(Sneer scars to Ilussey, 'Henna I Co.)
TgANKERI, IaCIIANGE tiftOlfhillS, and
1..) in Foralgn and Domestic Exchange, ccruhenter
of Deposite. Not., and Int e l e _N,,,,h
corner of Wood and Thirdent:, current money
received on deposits.—Sigh t Cheek.
Cheeks for talc, and
collections outdo on nearly all the principal
the United Stains.
Thr gdighut premlum paid for ihtelyn anLlgagstigi9,
Gala. • •
Advance. made on consignments of Pr6ohic4rship
• pod gag. on liberal terms. ; , oppan
isra..A.. 111.
GSM 0 EV.B 7 it ND",. ._ 4.
. ,„,...,i,...,....-,:„...-tv
1i,....,... b...., • tame anon Olpipiwo,
.Urodetiellr and Pipe Tewo atm; Parc) itlx4.
mr t
fi,l,ii.:a.,:irjElo.aymiillfall. polde r ! tope i of og
or -- •I
- maiiiiifs . ffitwou.76_ ' ,
1. Eliaraorid.
Haiwilent Te..—.--. $O-saper lb. .
Saperior gaalitiev--- • ......:. o.lf, , di,.
Tile ben imported I lid .i do. ii •
law. pie ad, damagod, or (Oro ear Tan axe aot kepi.
1 iit this aiatablishowort. . . • . 1 .. • AIWOG
':, Dfo•olaition. or Partnership. ,
hVeha l e ' tg:e . „ " tte b e ' l r h ' et ' t d r Mi n o g o b lf.e.7.lrg n t;t —.
pt .b , krrAmit - o — i - fii:.te - Tiiii. —
Claim Mann fattatcr, vest dirmitp 1 ~, vio . ~,, J ,„ w „„,,,,,, in
.b i j3,lin
°4 1 .,.,
etsztaktnt, on Om ttat day of 3 Edt, tosityt. Ai' yettoo.
~, 1 , 0 „,,,, c ,„, , , tr. „,"„ i mp ,:,, v . ~. ', ~
Innnittng Inen , ..ito.indtpled NI !WI fd - M , requvtt . 4ppit,Of ext.eL3l ItittFilifte,a,l t elehte the?
itlil , ..lir tr.....P‘P.IP Pr- , v 0 .. 1 T.l't i " .. `,:_T th. ',!!‘ ntp, op. repilitl fgolt the tilletnttl elte att.o No •
tle.'.7 ,t i .....,,, rif 1W2 , 7 % , ,T.g1.4. 1 . ,4: e L.,, n 77 .. ..'. - 7pe pet 181, 'Ph -. .tf&Ar Or the tnilkito 4editheP
,' 1 , ,: 1 14/2161y1 .T.Wk i .,,6;o , trihOe ßo lmi • 000 prsyx . drnwpdaroty.ahcaat.”..b. ,
~.., ~,, • ,k g.,...,,
LA „,,,,,f . , .
..., 144 t v to eoutplie , ..,
_!- , Milt
_Ulnae, .putpllnseoV!tt
M l ",; i : " ,,, i 'D fi l, " : C :ll ll 7 r' n ' . ' . ''''
' pl i i t AittAI R
FAH rli kiip , ' K I ' ' TI . r .
t.. ' ' . 11 ' 1711111. ' L 6
' . W----. ' - '[.tti ,,.- 1 - ,-"' - -,-IL- 11 j r , " • • : ILS: 2 l 4 Mahr 1, .. 4 •11 , 1 0 n...if Ne i. &nu ' trued of We
Ai". ‘‘.' eAgVAVSi%et ' t b n i, lr„,3 9 ( C itl:l: s ) . Z Ale't,litri'n'aettellrllt: 111t49 " 0 / 7 .4tern n t *
ilt , cnVtgleirr , ,, , r o a r a=lajoy tw e lt34 , 2stili y u tilnl e,:t tg
t t ; 04ttatc ,,, k..11 , 1! „, 17: :
4 1 */ .
~!.. i11, 5 1. 1 117.11:7203ttatte. ,,Q . ,
,01,, tijrtn . .150 ,. 111.1* .
.i ti 4 014 St r ain, fa i r at op -
,1 6 ~....* -• It+ . l-gnarr" , '4 '''' .t. tine it , o •rlit,,i,nrit.t :t . ,.:.... t• .',... ....
.„ , ~„,, ~,, I sti4 unlit 3.. • 4. , • ,vto . m 1,44./441 t. r. •
•.1, -, - ,:-• •11 + 11101104'id-lit , ,- C ,4., i „ ~..m,,,,,,,,., ~,,
, ...
-., , - .., N... • t , •ti,, , 411 If le/m:.:. , :i. , ~,
~,,,,,.„. ‘k , „ , ~,
et ~ . . 4, At' 4 ; • ; , e''. , '''-' 'I oat i.- IA )4111130* ,n e.. ,
• ' ' ' ' ' "41"."."'"1 13 / _.. %14 ~ .444.4 441 4 .4470* 0••,-., 0 I-.
... . r , . i r• ....1. ii,:il•-•.. %via* Ohiiiiliiititlibrreiii i, liiiitift.
x 0 61 IT
W- tkettni roc* ba• Wet received.!Cupt,t
.Worebeuse No 75 Foirrtyntreet,. very hand•
soma awertigeot4 140, - to Whitt, we loth," the et.
s t e m
To the Calleen• of Allegheny Cll7.
A }lux tor the'receptiee of orderaforChy
_rolur,l4lell at the goes of Mercer deltobiropih,
TiffS trtogniSeent evatilishment being no row
cleceil and ready for busineeii,the proprietorsd
regnvotrully solicit ft share of the public
Ile 111.1.11 60 Ri vrng his full an...attn . , to the hemmer,
to nick° yen house a plemntot and rot - n(Oll.We resort
for the citizens of Pittebursh and for the eintntry
Good vitcrulants will be In wailing. and every ex
ertion sonde to render the estoblishinent worth,. the
coubtensnee•nd support of an toellteent community.
T. c Two SPACIOUS lIALIA rated Lir Porn,.
Concerts, treturc.. 1.1.015, pablle meetings, will
be I• 1 by the evennixCe week, on at liberal terms ex
any other In Merit,
TIYt DAR anJ RESTAIMANT. equal in a'yle and
beauty to any in the world, a,ll kept futm.bed
with Purr Wtne, Lamer., Coraink,
Airs. •n 4 ell the reel, lin,. rrlye.hmenlor et the...l.°n
ronorp, (Pa•te, Fi•h, Soup, 01, - ...ter•. and Clam,
servW op In the best ell le.
The DINING' sad ICI,etItPAM SA I.(N.N. hong on
the het floor, and easy of agee/..5. ~e•tnntly
•oppl,,pl with all the Lorpries um) ltelte,elr.,
tat oi•o,Yr‘th 'trek •ohstanlials as the markets
Boarding by the day, week. or v•er. Domer• or
Popper, for Istd:vlJusls or parup., foritisPcJ on short
G^otiro., ..;th 4:t, VI,II, the r , tv rnn,
Le .roplie4 withrettc•tment• ”11 kmtla at tiny hour
0,11. nov
1.:.54 Stabline and an csirr..irt ',cry K.AL1. , 11
1111,111 COll/11,11,, n• 1111 1 , , 1110.
butrer at o'clock. 11,,,L :114111.1Tc, at tie e.ttal
Eltrmn, (nr Cr , ant and Dm:ur
No G 7 Salithhtl.:
Wt.; c l4. V
o ruck i.t t.,or It ,Ir I
•trrcv, til.n. No.:, ke,:rre,
,tllllCf i I n .. IhnunnA, Ver "tan 23,uttrry ni tar
.rdrr, . reonlred. twit;
TA,TE'WI eor,igted In tke nlnlvt
VY e Wood and Tb.rd %cher ,
see a', prep retl To do any work :/4 oar tole cub
pntch, cllewl to our work pg.r.0:,21:), al ~1
Will be given in Teßard to ru nelenc.• x.:,1
rulti4:y Mots ruirrl to any nod bound no.
.y. !Volts nununt rr ororalasnk ruin
rennirnil. Nerve, nun on boot. In .e r•
Thorn •1,1 Isave,nrlr lu our hire are invited
Brie ~ Inv
WIC llTNli,N—Mnurfacture t *dad kala• of rot
1. and soullels 1113.'L awry. Aliagbany
The saw wort, I. barna now al lull an •arar•ete. o r .
craaon, I te m roapapasl 11/ exevetc aria•• 41.4,-trt.
for all torch usaelanary In nat ye'. n•
nal:arn,, , ,acadara, naot •aaa. rut:leak,
Ara,: a,l tram, xraearrn, (11/1..14, :at,
ants, dootac nr.n(le, for mare/mat or roan., wort,
jaa tze.: hand lath,. and too!• Gan-
Oral. All kind., altamaa made to rear , ar ~a
Cit for goar, farm., or maktanaonntda rl,vrar.
itCPIJi "r•-• Maid, 'a.,ar I .loak
qurrNsw ARE Mt% N - UFAt7TI.:IIEIt:3,
Rl r.l.sp. Itiam,{nenr Pittllburgbgi P.•
°Au, N. :17 Mx!, st' and
rmL .„ l.,. t t
, c t o t u r r p , o w l z „ , 1 0 1 ,
. 7 , 71 um e.5 . 171 ,
J t.. r0x 1 t7 . 411:1
amine flr 0:c11..' ves. •• yen •re ..:CnTmzrril to nl!
, litaper n hem ere, ',store been ogee."' to tit. pub.
I ^
UrOreer. sent t v mei!, aernrapanted 1.7 thee.., o.
~ n ,l no: , ,g Ore. yrlll Le n•oteptly canndr.llo,..
Ivr A. writ Tr. co., Tr.' , • , rully
LT.L. 1.41. I.,..tdir t,ey rve 4,.,1 a •t:•.l*
t•• I, I
useF Ara
ere Low rn•tkio; ! •..,
of - r.
Pnym.. p:.rticu:ur ~,,•.,.,of
m., mt.' t:, on,e 1.1 roron,,, vor km., they
44,1 Ito h0..,.111 wart:. ~,,, r lt •
themfor, ask I, ato,unet or ale lo umttr,
4 , 1. 1 4 11.1,,..•-t, )r, :bc .nn i. •1,
ATIL INS() N, 4 .1.7..
a.rwaan A,MII. • ,11
lo to:ow:m..lTc 11:: • Of
AND:MEM IKON 11 t: AlaO,
satL Wor,
...rtnam lion. hot It to order.
S;•,•l=i 1.011 ‘4l,lenm lava( wart j_
Ilnon • tow onnoronnot ol i. , •rr ollfrn•I
KotOonn To% V. roc, trifTikr. Ozrao•Poitor,..t ,on
Port:lon varon. van. - a o.).r.o.rento• n,
ltdie for au:arab...La, Caltiourra emneraura. or no! roa.l
We %could reopeeVelty Invne neon, boat men .r o :
other,. cull owl !re our articles and prices Iwiete
earehe , ne el IV`Pril.7l. r
TORN IVI2IfillT 44. rm., ere prtlxr,d In 1.11/1.1 Vottor.
V And Woolen Ikluchtnery nrc , or,
Canii.r ranee/nen, frvou,tar
Ilmve)211, En.mrs..aulway Warpert.t..roo
preln•nr, Loom, l'ord 1, rinort,
Iron ^h..”; rrx,•
112.,„:en. of :be etur.,r.l I. 'nc,
• .
•nd Could of all kind.. enet.ot •of very .:,•• t,
'iarn.lsed on .Lon l'..rn• nt 1, to or
1•1111Gr.Tg, lion Rwilwg. ho. n:or
He!, 1.0 tilues•Fwq, Ite,i A K
, v. W..,,,.,. Job,, it..,..,A tio.,. I
C.&J. 1
outrsariber Oar.. Ass
A saortaat Cl
od o nd A pooanyro, Ar
Linn Isnom, i
Mild arttout Coltn•sna, rel. roma,
.. - tohan A ltarlanont 'rim ahoy< lastrumont• arrovar
rall , rd la to any tr.ritalcorred In
try, •:w astll llc sold ',err t:o, co) , t00t.:.: r•,•ta ro
Baal. F lILL All Nlas IA: woad •:,.
—City mica N pu r ,fof 4 ••
glskoz Brick Wadi" r Sale.
ra , .wPrc,rti I:r , cLo 1.... t 4,, •tr.
inde, tratoi tur Itar.t I ; , ..r 4311 'no; ihrr,
it 1141,,,,, *N AY• ~ Br., retry tiungt,.
;at .1 n•qtrr. ttt •••
psVir.ritt ett, %Vitirtott Iry it, N. ,
ytr alist,smq,lo.
atlLhret•tt 111 , , , t1(1 r. 1,11,
Wrought and Vaal (rota Railing.
THE Itulo.rrksarn 1..4 It avc !she's tln. val.!, 0 ,
dtcy ohnunnd i t.. 31 tii• Fa•t nll nn. Lon
ta..lnonnnle deist.. hr.', 7f..inar, 1.... ,
nnu rrn.rnnnen Pr ranna nr;411:.,: j011411(a.
tame patterns errata...NC rftl/ .14 exan,.... and p
for thentanntea. lEuhnt wen he (nrs•he.l the •
ru nonce,
arc In the riloonstf. RS tbr. con., o
ncalt 004 itcl.cccatircrit,Anct:moy rnr.
tug29-dif A. I.ANION'r
Wi6l lAM maux
DFl:Sl.t.tvr to tolortn ht. friend•n.l.lro•tn.rir r. th.
II he I•)e.t reeeivlogli.• hem oorth4 mork
rolopri•tnr. n nal, 01l thr nevron hod g 0.... 11.•,,t.
rtylr. of Cloth,. Ca...mem, (a hey Ve,tt,o,
too and linen Autonlcr rver)ortwlerum. , ,,
Ke tor toner eifil tweeter IL n. ,.,);
50,....14c 11 , ,CrIbr. tl,r. broulY,q.aliq 0 , .1..
th , Ito proprtelor •11 7.1.0 it, /it vr..
of good.oltoop. and well trtua..
wol give low n_call, al there I. nn Mott Ibis ...J. of
Ike Alke6eitie•ll:ll eon Compare with
The ready mule deportment iv vory ed.i.
led to all owe..
Hall rood contractor., Country merrhonte, and at
who poo•loute largely, are particularly oivord to •
*mow the work horror porehawou, C. mo
tromp la prod In time wilOie.ale Irdwora... tair
Every an tlae tutor., Itton gn.l. to ople•
the MO. la. ri :.,onpade and Ltot the strow.eo.
TllP.p•rtnenthip heretofore eltdting under th e rrrn
of A & C LIIIADLF:Vod dvroln d by rite Adee,e
of Mr. C Iltndley. The bourne., will ',panned nn by
A Llquiley, Who will rellle the L.P..rr Al the I.‘e
RMIItVA I.—A Neva..., hos remove , l too Fnn miry
Warehouse from t lla Sr efool strort, to No 19 Wood
street, hamar,. Etr•t am.0.0l moat*, to Or wn rm
image lately oceopm4 by Si A Itrrrvosbere he will
Itc , p aonstontly no band go nor mmoronma of Cam.
j r , o , fftaars, Coot tne Stns 4, to.
lt ANttencrun En Of CAST NTI:Elo and No 1
LVI. nod N. Y Arttrrirai. tttlxter Ft , ed.
Caul fttetll , llru, 07.11.11 r, and Mot Yetool. 3..1 Soot.
n64(1., Own, [mod and for sale, rut., 111,
gintStatel Wort,. trilata .trot, hall Word, or nt
,oftir WIC IMO FiLnrc of 1101.1,MANS GA It Itl-
SON, No 1. font of Wood rtreet,l 4 ll,l.orgh.
We, the Oildotrigned, havaie 1,4 d, WWI entire .111-
i4factioa, the Copt Strrl arra l'ilraedr bySeiinurl
AyrGrlvy, al 16e1 , -.lel. itt
tnro.outtrtritthliC them n• Naar in ituntity 10
Itr.y ever Onrd tty us. Of forth. mutton.' tore.
Ptttsburo, Ithaeh 13, 1.4,1.
11 h 1 II NIH/F:NIIERCiun h CO,
llantdoctesero a Iron Nail.,nl Ntn, Vitnnmf,•
KNAPP le.T0711•IN,
Iron Foundrro and Marbinmtn,.l.l.l4l,lb, Pm;
111AILAI ,
Manobsetureni en.iyriapt, Aik. , Spnng 84rV
Myna, l'iti,bl3 ikra.
• ' W
4lngtott Outldeas. Gag 14sLaw. hisalkmd.:
,I ; , *
bt tfllVßti., - I.t. • ,
• t .sutylri- I pisItVIVIVAILIINFA)I4 ,
1...mama...44Di 011414 lIPUd. , PiIVAISIti,
W W. W 61.444,14..
41whie reiger,,,lpfkuripa Ripon; pmy,
, _ , . PatAture.V..
RANCE COM PANY.—Oifice North Room of the
Erehalter, Third street. FanaticlpsilL
Flag 135r.U11.—Iluilding, Merchandise and other
property, in Town and Country, limped again. loss
or damage by fire, at the lowest ram of are °n.
hlt uted InsuAsster —They also Insure Veesels, Car.
ear , and Freights, foreign or coastwise, under open or
special policies,Li the armrest may Sastre.
iZIAND Taverrterranos.—They also impart Beret
disc transported by %Wilsons, Rail Road Cars, Canal
Haat. and Stearn Boats, oil rivers and lakes, on the
most liberal terms.
- • • • •••
DIRECTORS—Joseph IL Seal, Edmund A. Soodnr,
John C DVIIN Either% Barton, John R Penrose, Samu
-1 Edwards, 01r0 G Lrlper, Edward Ihrllniston, lona
R Wm Falwell, John Neetin. Dr R 51 'loath,
Jo. C frond, Theophilus l'oolding,'ll lone. Brans,
Henry Moan, Hugh Craig, Gnome Merrill, Spencer
Mellvoin, Charles Kelly, J (3 Johnson, Wm /lay, Dr
S Thom.. Jahn Sellers, Wm Eyre, Jr.
Hugh Craig, John T !Anon.
Rtenano N.N.roogo, Seely.
Offiee of the CathronY, No. 42 Water Greet,
Pi.burgh. fi.s4f P. A.MADEIR A, Alt ,
LIP. and Health lain THE gleaned l o tfe and llealth Insurance Company
of Philadelphia, Imerporazed by the LeOlellthire
of Pennsylvania, blotch, 1240. Chaser perpetual.
Capitol Sltia.tloo. Rainl.ooolo Into ANT PIINNSTIe
VS.NIA Courant, and 2tl per ant. lower m.,. the
usual roman of I.ife Lvuraner, e. the fallowing eon,
parican will show: Thus, it person of the age of
2l lu
ring for tltn for Me. mast nay in the Girard 12.3 e
I P th ennsylvania. 0130, Penn Mutual, SOJIK; I?quit.le,
New England, §2.30, New York Life, $2,3d; Al
bion, 52,4 n; Life and Benin, Philadelphia,
Dittiorvii. —Samuel D. Orrick; Cherie* D. 11011, W.
F. Boone, Rohe 01 P. King, Quarles P. /Nye., M. W.
Baldwin, 51 Al. Reeve, M. IV, C 1... (0. II Campbell,
lemria Cooper, I. Redman Barker, 1?. H. Butler, Edwin
11. Cope. Presidettl—Samuel D. Orring; Vice Prms.
dente-Kohl. P. King; Secreiory—Froneis Markham.
',paean°. will be rereivcd s ond e very infonnotsen
Offing, ildrumerciel /looms. rorner of
ee :.ills Wood nod TAM one, Pittebumb
FIRIK ANU 018.16.111i1a INSUILANCW..
INSURANCE CO. of NOrth America wol
Ike per naneui and !milled Inearande on pro.
PUrn'l m
n is city and vmluity, inn shipments by
('anal. (livers, Laker. and I.y tea. The properue. trl
Ill,.CoMparry ore well ,nested, and tiornifit 111111PKII•
able fund for the ample Indemnity of all perom2 who
desire to be protected by 1110u11{.E.
myle W.M. P. JONES, Agent, 44 Water at
La===El , .l:=l
1. HE rIFFICK or the Ing.•n , * ConlOolW or North
1 Arnertca, has been removed to No. 141 Front at
east of %Vow,
/ subscriber, agent for lho above old and respon
sChle Cctuyouv, viii! Issue PoHetes on lisildinF • end
Oicii eon:cots, .4 au thlpfecule of hlCrobood.i, by
,stcom /toots and other vessels.
sod W. P. Ji NES.
Modern aia TniTiii Yuralium
.1.&111F.13 W. WP 0 DWICLI.,
Kl, 'NI. Sr., Prrmv
'4 AV , j, Respectfully informs the
` r e ' A' .4-"-..4 .4. ',ebbe that he has COM'
plaza Liu Apruic lour ot
1: xi Tv IZ n. the Isrfe.t and noct sorted isloo,tniept
ere.. idtricd tor sale in this city, onnip,t4tp,
hem, of flo4socoon, M I.OOCAOIr g 1.1 BLAIN
O•t 01. VI dOlOtOtio i and piaci, sollehle for P0r,..,
No. ¢u, Lied noon, all of widen will be sold at
ti. lON,. once,
Yer•incoL deciong Furniture of nog telerlption, are
epeeitulty invited in calf and ettionnne hisidoes, whirl,
ecibranos every description, from lOU cheapest s . .d
Netnest to ,he mast eleyant and costly, of what. the
tolloainc compr,..l a pa:
Tete n fete setae, Tel., II 'l'm Urreuli
Co yr 3. Atlon Chni,; Elischttlinn Coati s;
Hoccpc., do LOUIS .41V dO
I'ZI,FI.I do Nutlet rand.,
Lou, SIY er•moutdore; Dui, of Vert', enttChj
,o ,;t, I'il,lll and 11.11 -ClO,ll
:A. INS d.,do do;
40 dom ANUntnny Purl, Cocm;
lu nod:wood do tin;
13 Its t ,Vnlcut do d..;
40 " Cdtr.c do;
1 " Altdd,.ny Rock!, do;
d " do Nal , . ~ t oola;
an MATfPIe Top Cdntrd Tt.toco;
b , do do Wa,d,,,Ands,
Iddo V. dldnda,;
I-111'1 WOlllOl do;
rodrry Un.
A 0.7). or ,e. 4.....ArtMerit of Cominprt Matra and oat
rr ' , arrow.. too t.dono. to tort.tion.
. -
• •
larnonnnl on the Bianca nu...
An nrcinr% proonstly nticndell to.
Muter, eh:. In. et pr:ted Nr.l4 nII eertr
awl Veneer,. al co,..llcerbly
k t,AI 'r II E%I A,l l'A :TIJ It ERS, ADD Al LA:Tr
-I.liN 11, N , I*,:f llt c,
W,,,te Fisoocia, all Wool. Hue t),.g.
Ilea do Jo Woe Drstiin%
Ve.loar do do Fenny COLLoneolea; an are
Blown do do offered al Factory pricy.
lii•cl Satine.
dter: o.lcd t.
~.• Homo Lear ve tAldrttny.
I, ac do I.7llecka and Strzyca, vary
Drah doday/nod.
Wart Casa/mere. .:".
Tailor* , Good..
Far.ry do Red Paddma, ,aya,r do;
i.;da A N , .: lia4.3utdidetf .01
:lp, Tibet liroaitlott Tallornifay,raiv..heary do;
~..dper !Irma n 44 nrowo Lace., S,l.rta,
Nolo, q.r. eo do ID•at. Serge, Mock do, d , :
t,d.,..r 7 , ...d....1 do t anJ wended;
Jll,er Wit. L
It,. Slk u:.'131,-1. aral Who.< Tope;
Super U.,. Cash/mew.. 111 , nel: 'fiast, that. do,
S.,,cr 11•.)n. Ito , :An:, l:Ileck • and Wl:la,'
t• .. ..•,.. ir...21, , ta .10 1.,.,., .•
•.• .... rt. rnue •r1,,-1.:
146 `1 . . 0,,00n
Ilotiond Silk.
rpir ro-panncra.p o.retoiofeesi:Ung henweert the
•uh.e.btt..., In Me naanc of C4llltats., Ilarke
thol>v atet.olvotl Aleurs
, A Ka tTI 0r..1 settle the Itotitat tot of the cohort,,,
erin pette. the,
I n the
I mtod tou
er the h
at Um t t e teen. NA e l a l,El 'ONOTAti om ,
11M11)te RN711.51A3 LAIS.
The thia.hay sax.nrece4 the m•elres
ni ithl: S IJA Ger 11. e
'"'' .1 1 .1 , r.
ra .1, la, I' 1,
• I.
will y'r-1n...1 rtr , ivr pear°,
...t.,n.rt of Mat 1/..3••• Itwe
17/1111110 , 11:11011,S.
or rm.. ih.. Norte Jr. Co
,eneAtr-od liar., A
i . t I I
a n d- r , i••••tto.fy toy ~ ran slittioon of .. .lel.
Yea. ii11dp,12414. W 00.1.1. 6+ll
AI I, PAPER—W. P. '51..115, is coustlinity
;term., from Inn 4aroN". inonufsictnries tr
Now , 1 orli land land plan trout Fr , neli
imearu-s, thin w.wepi and MD. ni.t , r6.4l..tyles Cl Po..
invilirr with Itorllet, Fire linattl
PrinN, awl 'leder Papa -For eat, Wood si, in
n Pnartb st and biornond alicy,lsuce,sor
r on'.l
PAIN hrtm,ert itc'd err ;tex'iner,
IA-1 .ele I.y the Lerrel or mre pound el 'he
Pre e, P.,:uonery Wer enreer no
untl kVeod .treete. N WICKEILSIIA
Illnapralts , Pia (awl $O.l. Ash. -
4 64CA>LN a( Inn. .Love a<lenrned Land .uJ
now oo the way from Near 0rie1..., and
inwW.l two. Una week ; anti 114 Nall .Lord
li ,, :toknre per •hap. Cboeopelin, Dania..
ea,. alta wtneh .4113 gold on ornaal, II the
maraca plane Ow ea•to or um.finertil..,l!...
Vi ♦. hl
N.. 1.1.114,1, 4z
Trelthnti bionalwetwring Compaq now offer lu
the nubile their Premium Cheutteal :Store Yolwit,
ortel wslhow tl
e•lfncralsoch or fee, of rontrarlietiott,by
lhon who hove sewed it, pronounce it for •unerlor to
•ny colter in the snorkel. The eunnonernnerl hove no
uppreltee•litno of utility, ettspeirt. ws eorn.
p.utonn prevent+ • dust from arlung when being nit
fahltql most be clone when the Stove is ewel
• •
The quantity requsred is No utile M ri udder ri beau
lukre. A sAwthil of over fifty per rent t• Inured
to the ro•taannprs. A enalln; applied to
Ar. Irt,rl bud sway for th e Dumme ;a i.oe pre.
arit/Isol rust. Alter tried II over.,
lif it IR accetsible, oro perAon 1430
blui,cr,ieluoog Company. ProMlom Chortl
e:it Stove Voliati. For tale by
Corner of NUM rind Wood eithets.
- - .
11110V1i0IBIO STORE,
Corr,. 01 Penn and 51. CM V Mrerta
Vp. , l
atrol aol
onnana parpoesa ran be ant on rammaalda terms.
I) 1131.1 n
100,001) feel
' l7n .* :l ° lroilt i :l.. e olt t n i : la te .1. hi
110HEIIT Pte. N11:11T,
Altnroey mkt Law,ynyoll. tl.
•t•t,lfl ',at.iosl]
mitt: nvirket price In etyli will be [mid rot
Oci dill/Cram grade. of liVoal, by
irlb NA W lIA linost
• 'M
rill**. °tenor. and roostgnerx of Koode erenx,by
1 the ''Cluxons' Pomade: Mott telfir,"*
after , ifolioe teal they.orfll be requf kJ lb pay freight
,tfo. cerprarelfouo% meet/Ming to the frerefro, before
) 1, Joi_d • ? craltl• hi.ANULTY h t.:O
11: c lisa fy,sl..o t func• , , fha Naos aftfewas.feativeauyf
'talc attTle ' ria e i ' lL ' cVni l A r
tftAintblott . 7:9 4%
' if ft wife tatusla by thrinfel v lssn Vraffcc k iaftf
'if ma pow as when fiwy twasholt., .
• lIA .01tint, " s " l ,
Tat WineAtefehusts, ea, t side afftbff Plansondi'
L 2 , P , ILL&
to/3 I th e R .
i f"; , l . l E FlZ.l .l D ,,, invite , hn
n ett ,
Goods for Dr ~,,, ,rot,of
Scotch and Sofas .6%111;
Vtgered Swim ti , s
F:mbroiOrrel du;
Iqw Vicincri Larrr.s;
Priced ;lured Jarmonnt for Morning druser;
6, ;* roS 6nithed do; Ara a large nxtortment of Swiss
Munn., with colorrd untornelum printedJackonctin
Lumm, Dimerr, ec, at noon out come, of South
•nd Mug -t mines;
Cheap Lawns
MURPHY ft BURCHFIELD have received a lan,
word rnf Dress greatry Cheap; 'rat tyle
brown 41 WC; /101 do, h variety, tor lOW Nit
Arlo, cathroldered and printed pio.lina andlaehonet,
ninon an 4 newel atvioa and lowest once for qualltS
and tutu) , earn corner of Fourth andlitartet out ,
W commence
Ntilole.olo Room, miii, on this ocea.lon; be throw
opt, for Tnobv, and all of their...etyma,
end. will be offered aD retnn purelprient. al a di.eoun
of Iron. In in rAr per cent. Jens than Pima pnees.
TIIKIK srocK OF SILKS Colixpri.e over fort
hundred pleerv, and will be sold :an immense di
.rort m en: n(Shawls. Derr [6r.Tiarrws, Grro
adir.rr. Foulard Sill". Larre, Mesa ,hwer.ere
trainbr , e...sla Dreo. gellerolly. will be closed
rut ierlordintely, nt ultnut one bed( itte u.u•l roles.
II Cu'.,. Part ProLored lawn. be offered of Pe
010 It.rce . 10e.
. .
I do '11,1,1, de %nine., Idr
Popsrior S.nrtisli and Amo , fran Calico., lok lle.
300 doz., Lanes llsodkezeli.e., . GS l'es.
A In rt. lot 0! Wrt vc ,, t roll 4f t, some . low as dia.
Tomb sr With a soniplere varlet, of lassorstieSind
Willie Hoods, Rstrlkons, Hosiery and Cloves, llonnels,
00., kr.
Nlnktor; In *Hormel Ow most extonsiva assortment
to the,ountrr, wi - teh ~ arkeet down to lour h
as vow a ovens than at an) . of their previous AIM.)
tcrn, , orr will closed upoh normlny and
Y Inv Alur nlit A and 3trl. for the ptirpove of arrong
i!g and ng down coot. No VA 111•110I4 m PM'
111,21 A A 7.IASON A CO
rneecrl Lll4lolli.
MrltPhV HI; RrIWIELD has, rereived n Pup
ply of 3.4 and 4.4 French Ltnont for men's coal•
end sacks, rark , c - Poya• sod chtldrclin wear
PI - the moat dr.Fablr shade,.
• . .
'they inv. nt . enitt. , to their hoe asanrtrient
Ment• and Ho, FUNINI llt WEAR, o r diderent net
trrial.. Lad *Old" which amid he .old tote Jet:
1 4 Y oflngsdp.ny etta.ot nod rofor svOnted. Orel at the
Potolat !Stott Ott Cloth Cower.
Y 1 .t:nrr•et ?i'1";
ofoyofo day, .1
tr olsotor
pstierny and colors.,
to which hr i nlntc al. ottention or pirchasert.
•,,fltl . lll 111';'11FIF.1.1t urtt tt ir °tient', good.
IT 6 , Cremtly 'minced itneet I.avfnfi (trim 6 emu' ,
up: 4-4 ligttl ttbzu4 from Iv 1.1,6t,r51., trim
i t t4.ll it Met limy, for trim ; Bonnet for Gm
per Imr-I ttre 1111,1,4 to exit autil tr;11111inr tmr
at, Of arra. comb, before parhi-461g ttrev,ltdoa—
Nutt', rum corner n Fott , t It nod +IRA, so. fettl
R l' o ct! , l , V . Tt , ltt s, J , :a , y2 , l , r , a r, a r h p, a ‘ a; , o ., rto ..r te , u o t n o m f!. , ll l -ant
"YO Paarth et
it 4' 1:1!F119 as fti 7 11 , 7111-111.1eItaia. a lalea ',act of
L9I I'ol , ' y and StsVo It,Y t.t.toSt, selnaa oil at
ottaatly /attat,
I , tttor de i. 41110,. ataatteneat oi betatiful
\icr:; ant! :f. le , Mahli,V;
A uph.tatl n-ourtuu nt 5,5 hie, It and Fancy it:llre;
8er,,,, 1...W161,14 1.a..1,:t. rutaaritebhe eheup;
ISen,,tuhl rotitar, .at ..(1111 per ya , th
Iliaut.h.; t TOOL re •1110.111*V1 krils;
A I•irc 01 Ih.o,uu pad Itlrtiehed Manlius, Ina
pet. au./
Ilot,h,t. lad nt uraatly reds red price,.
Clot 1,1 , ..”115,1C, IL MI VA age, ,h 7 the Vest quality,
ritual\ et.:y late.
'Together woh a large stw•t of TIAIng., Apron and
Sh.rto, Clorol.. n'l WO, Brown and Illrovehrd
OhoeT. , r and :iron no, Iro.ti hilutllf, loge Ilirr rya.
nll o.ttrr n• our et or nil earl curl,' Or
Fourt:,od rg.e.r
• . lour re <cd
Ir~d r..rule ~‘ery che'mp,rich, plum,
n~J Gyutrd chnocc.,l,M .der. ~ r Oman every e.yle
d quniity, .13per pint, and fi,nred Wk..; do
.. .. ; : , nre••• de 1n..., vv.' II nd 11.0-
of mcnryr 01% Prrneh. buying:Lend health
%awn, m v•..ety, pur,
:•14,1 t-oto-d. nll kin&
4un liatites am, co;ors;
kr lieno, pet.. at sior.l., can corn r
.up,, , y r.r lllaek rie.t
Olr 'UM re •u rmei eta.. 'morn.
ut north eaat comer v F axJ Aartet
EV ! A ;11.114,41Wrg1,r,
RAUHYIIj A 111:4 , :iiiii.T.13
and Iterage AI U. LA.adet very , low pri.y.
norlb ever enr,er ot
F,rth vd Market
Blot . i . rt :Il L i l entLV. - :rer . a " . , l r trerT .1/tr. lu it reed
end ftale at -NorthAsat eor-scr PI '' Focrth awl MAT ,
ket et ft ley MUR t'li Y A 13 , 1t,liFIELID
liontaate Attu I.lelsial•t teibtaailum.
1114 1.11(Yoi11. k.111,1 , 111/1111.1/ trYrlvoll an ady
dawns: *apply "a
ahoy e good.. lac Nam% ••flooof
of Com, 1'•, yood 11:nor. 11. - "mototo,
Woo, and Color.: tom, oloy and 1111. loon• of all rokors
.cre ona)11'
fp.ol oh .11. (1..1T11 -100ydo 1-1 1 , 1<.,r (hi Clooh,
oaYi rereovrol for... tn,nry. a,.J foe sale , al the
W rerro.oor ...40•. 7 A .‘1• • I
. .
5! 11111.'1'.
lit Ili- ir triv iv
Alitar.ta ,
Ott ....ova.
Mara Watt. aI • 11 t,
aii Itaatardt,
U . Sirttlan I.uttta, Allman... Plain
vi I.avtits.
110.1 , 1. .1 da, At'
• _
Mal COATINI: taco a
a tan. ilrttratte Ie totaitat, Lt,
ittill itaw 07 nA 31/O.ON Ott
atay Matt..i
i She ta la. t•r , rl,lol, Ortatviin. Orarigr. 111,,
lit., owl ititi•trvil. yet et...
atttl .itiv t ttritititi It)" AA al atitet: at ~
t •
at Mart°
^Frn , .4 , •Y in.)l7 A A NI A,Y , 'S: A I
ns...‘q, soot..
no; ie ovo Al tool. do. 0 oci Ji owb dui and 1 pi-,
too doe I odo Idued Cwoloin all pore.;
leo dot iteno.' - all
. 1 5 .1, .1.. tin solorra bottle.;
R. 0 - 01 tht• ttvl LY A A MASON k
y If.ttket vt.
/ tAMIII.II . LINEN r.:l se• talottorahle
Luottst, ht the ....ewe ptie . S l l ll l l. A.l Vstd.
ta 1 •11 11 A A MAsItY A Co
• .
200 ov. pc. 4.4 !burro
lia oupenor
I.t.eue, now opettang tov
msy,o A A MA , GN tr. CO
Wrest, Art.. ww __-
l of Pry Poods.
-0.t,1 tot, ult execllrm A 5.010 0 ,111 xi our unact
pri^, lot coth, lepprovedrzedit
Tn.. of wtt.tri.. denirre Is parimalarly
~ u r um. wo. Ir.l vottfale. of b.',
ethic to .1,1 ilrilln11•1 [odor-m*l,la rtluko 101 l will,
/111, 1'41; UM/ otaily ru' & WHITE,
lOS Market Mirect o (Dear Llberty,)
A51E14147 AN, F.N1:1..1.5t1, AND t:Ett Al AN FANCY
IJ 0 0 Iddi I lOSIEIi 1110111,NS, I, A c
EN DKR'S ke. A 411,
Magna and k . gmay
11A, LPA.N N awl LINEN 1101< PS d ddlle 1121-
ta, Midi. ad A awl every 'ninety of imonuttgs.
W••lbleg, 131••onloye, and Vl•analag
lhavevion•—l'ut the clothe+ Into cold water and Int
than admit noir indht in Inc marnthg roma them
- out and put them to a tent or bottler wter, to
which oda the proportnin of ont wit: of fluid to eight
eldlon• of venter —stte it op end 14n1 , Ire Whole la/eta
.sainutr.. Tile etoilte o easy then be room g out and
w"lIwell riemed tet clear root water. 'l'on -parts of eat
me. that play be moot soiled, curb as Nattsitnanea
to t i ng, lltata of abate. may be alerhtly tubbed before
ri and the clothe. will be ttu,td perteegy clean,
rehiie and clear
• Worrnoted nit to
he the fie° fabric and to give
Perfen: aeltifeePod, ur money trill be refended,
t'ohl oritnicealc and retail by SIiLLFItS
c ell
$7 Wood of
Dr. Hose's Celebrated Bela" edits.
I)R..1A1:1111 ROE.
S. the discoverer •nd sale pro.
1-/ Slitter of these mom, popular and beneficial
tetedtente q, and alon the inventor of the celebrated
nttrunnt thr intinung the Lung', to tli,cti,,e a cure
t 1 • loonoi dt•i, woo a rtudent at that .eminent
phY. I_,,•tornsel rhyme, and lea ereduMie CI 11.
, tur. Indy nt Itt.onsylvanla, and tor thorty 'tenon
hat Lein enaa urd In the teve•ag aunts Jf diseale, earl
the spolicanon of remedies thereto
Throutt the sec cof Inflating .tube. In connelctidn
atoll hi. Yropbylaeue Ayrop and tither of Ins lernildialle,
he h. gained an
led eminettee in cenng
tiara dreadful arid maladies, 'lltherculir Cern. ,
ovraptlon • Cancers, Setera'a, Itheliratanatnt Attik.PS,'
Fever and Agee, .1 , I all triad., Chronic Erie.
ripyles, and all t bone obstinate dilater ye - cellar tra
0 .14 1101 Use alma donthoand'olaydSca Viti Y aftis
toalarpanltla res.!. 1111ryaionsgicalt.l.W., sue 'p
-of lott tootodi ,Aaltatot4 to and. premei teed far each
tDOL.94.CID '
• e t a , tlerattve) AN, when ey e d are
• I gcd D sityterior to • all other,
' her Inlloliiiknitten es th ey leave
' ' , free Idiot'oott/Ileittel, .• aloe •
OrddelllAnda lAdnliained eted . br ro thv ,, NY'lL l o-1`05.; ; . e
ribol harlscynatnd t yp;ldl
moat rk'enneal •
TlicAlDieteg ge e iootko to ea
es t4e intent. stod
Ovvlvl 101110.1 ottn of tile domes Dumont°, giving
adatitlied:•eceeta isf each etireedy and Its applicants.
•ll.Arnale hy.the (111101/011Ta arfelita a all Re ll ila.loyanalit
.iltuagtant threarltont 1110'mi:ar!.
.1 J Ortmonuralketr &Cos 0•1 Wood encetv•Virratturant.
~ A r Tovrtiverid.4nigatyy Al•rltet mt, . In.
occiltani, do neer the P. IVAllegbeity en)",
fott,llarkley, Osr li naton, nese., co, .
• Jiler Flinn!" Hutton Valley, do do;
T Adam, Beaver, ' do • 'dn. • " •
augltdlY . .
prima arra rac 4 far by.
403E3 A Hurciutpri t CO
rrNE eleventh and twelfth seet/orie of the Act alb*
(reneral Assembly of this , entitled
"A Supplement to an Act entitled Co mm an enwe
Act to lth
cream a
Sinking Pend and to provide for the gradual and
certain extingeistment of the debt of the Common
wealth and to authorize a loan; approved the 15th
day elder A. 1:1 ISSO, provides an mitoses,
2 , =TU3I I t That the Govemor is herefiy authorized
to negotiate R loan for the rIP3 of Three Million.
Thnia Hundred Thoneand Milan, redeemable St
thirty years from the date of the itehmription thereof,
at a rate of Inmost not exceeding four per rectum
pet annum payable in gold and Myer,
st semlannually,
upon thafiret days of Fnter) and Anga of each
year, and eai
xempt from every specie. or taxation.
Notice. that proemiale for maid loan will be received,
shall be publLhed in at least one newspaper In the
Borough of Harrisburg, in the eines of Pittsburgh,
Lancaster. and Philadelphia, and in the cities of Na..
Vara, Boston, and Baltimore, for a period not less
than three morith• heron, the opening. ydd
AM by letter ehrewnere, If deemed neceseary, and
span the day maimed for thatpurpose, In such notice,
the proposals shall be opened in the poise., brute
Governor the Secretary of th e Genunoowealth, and
Auditor General, and tirs loan elicit be awarded to
the highest bidder or iriddens. If the mamma the
bids shall exceed the sum of the said loan toe same
shall be dictributed pro rata 'amongst the highest bid
den, bat if the whole of said loan Mall not then be
taken the Governer may renew notice, in the manner
eferemid, front Vane to trine; till the whole bide
said loan shall be mbmribed. No conthtlonal
shall be considered; and upon awarding melt loans,
or any part thereof; certifiestes with coupons for the
Interest, all be ismed therefor by the Auditor
Senses 12. If the cold loan shall be subseribed, it
Mall he and it Is hereby appropriated for the payment
and et ingulehment of the funded debt of this Com
monwealth, now due, or to heretic due, daring the
year ace thousend eight hundred and Arty, and fur the
payment of the sum of eighty five thousand one ban
died and four dollen and eighty eight env, due to
domestic creditors
In pureasere of the precipices aforesaid, notice i
nicen, that proposals wilt be reeeteed at th
office the Secretory of the Commonweelth anti
4 o'clock P.M. of 'Tuesday. the Orst day of Crete.<
nem.. stipulating for a loan to the Commonwealth. fo
the purposes set forth In the said net, of the sum o
tame million, three hundred thousand dodo., redeem
thie In thirty Yearafroin the date of the sobacrthtio
hereof, at • rate of interset not exceeding four pe
per annum, payable In gold not silver, sem
ant:tly, upon the first days of Pebruary and Aogue
on each year, and exempt trom every species of tax
Cern:lean, of stock for the acid loan, with coupo.
for the interest will be Issued le the usual manner a nd
made marniferable by the owner, on the books of the
inalitor General's Department.
The proproals r e d , wh i ch
acquired to gate exelietly
the amuent offered, which shall not in any ease be
less than one thousand dollen, th e rate of intrtem not .
exceeding four per drat, and the premium prup0.4.41.
Tim State reserves the meta to accept the whole or
any part of the sum Offered animas the proposals mien-
Mom to the contrary.'-
11W for the lomo feast he direct and explicit. No
conditional proposile will be received.
Ulm. .m<Tplance of the , era:apace', the money
mum be paid auto tho Stade Treasury, an sack mann.
as shall be direeird by the Governor.
Cerulleates of meek will be tuned to such amount.
at may he rmmested by the !realer..
Toe proposale to be directed, under seal, to this
°dace, endorsed, urrapasalr for Loam' , They will
not las opened or disclosed unit' the pen./ for mem,
me them has elapsed; after which no alteration In the
teams wall he admitted.
A I. RUSSIF.I.I., Secretary of the Com'at.
Reeretarre Olrte,s,l,lurubarg, Jan. eth, 165.).
IttaTtYlt TO AU antfaleilllNT or TItI ConaTITOTIOIi
EMYLVP.I3 by the Finale ad lions. of Hap...a
lit titres of the Commonwealth of Pamylrania le linseed
issues:Ay met, nail the Constitatom of this Common
wealth b. emended In the wad talkie of the Oh article,
as Mat II shall rad as hallow.. The judge, of the Supreme
I nosh Cr ILO enteral Court* of Comma Ama s sed of km*
other of !locoed as arm a Mall be enablisited by law,
shall ha elated by the Rallied electors of the Common
wealt, in 111, manner fallowing, to wit: The Jodga oldie
Supreme Cart, by the ipalifted .lectors of the 00100-
nealllt al let ge: the Prendat Judges of lb. several COIIAI
LieVieleh. Pb.., and of such elite Carte of Record as ai•
or Mall be estaShahed by Law, Ind ell other Judges required
k"."4 is tW law / quad stators a . Oa
Impalas. districts dyer so they are topreside or act as
Jiolgas; and the Amebas Judge. of the Courts of Common
illres by the qualified electors of the counts respaUeely.
The Judges of the Supreme Caen Mall hold them elites
La OW One of fifteen pare, if Cmy shall a lo , g behare
thettalees w.II (subject to the allotment hereinafter
vile t fns , suimprent I. the (Int election.) Ma
Jokes, - the resent Courts of Carman Phu cad 0 . at eh
otter rourts of .ftecord up er Mall be inettllshed by 111.,
heA .1) e (her bulges 'centred to Ise karoad it la leer, alit
ld Meer maces for the tam of to yeas,if (Lay shall as
lung Lettere theistic:yes well; the /Lemmata /5/pi Lt, a. Carts of Common shell their ,IDs for 1,
tor of fire years, If Mtge . hag belays themselves
visC7, ail of sham 'hal he commisalosed by the (Seminar,
but for soy ..useable 11.11.1013 which Mall out be sutroiat
Vfa - int...lmM , tth'ti °nate.. remove any
of then ce at two thirds of each branch of lb.
le, :.1:41 M. The Ant election shell take place at the
amid erotica of this Commouwalth met after the eda. ,
trr. at
w MM amendment, and Me eatasissiens of .11 the
J edges ho may be then in eta. shaft espin oa the first
elooday of December following, when the team of the eat
Judea ehall a-nemesia. The persons • ho shall Men be
Mated Judges of the Supreme Cart Mall bold their ogres
fAloec U.. of tam far thme yenta s me fur an taxa
ph. tar Mae yam, me im.twehe yore. sued on. far Ir.ea
yam, the term of each ID be decided 61 lot by the mid
J eiders, se men alter the elation as coomnion,md the re
mft certified by them to lie Omensor, that the commisious
may be issued I. accordance thereto. Tau Judge wine
messeinia will h,.t wept,. 'shall b. Chief Justice doling
his term, ad thereafter each lad ge whose coeunission shell
first elate Mall in tarn be ekse Chief /.salt and if Iwo or
mom •tell .4pir. on the seam day, the lode.
holding thorn Mall decide by lot which Mall be the Chief
Justire. earancia,
by Abe ons or
othervitie, m pf the and atom, shall Mid by ap
pioutnieut Governor, to comity: till the drat MOO
of Lliecembanirradoic the brat general election The
Judas of the Suprema Court nal Mt Pa•tdents of tm
(lawn ,n Plat shell,at %mord tiers, re. m•
r metres mt Mad by
wt.., mall wit be dished d Irma their cationame
ot.tie, but ;he shell rem iv. fas or prsquaites of nets.,
t.or hold together offsets otprout ate, thastlecammewcal th ,
order the rlvrnpunti of the Coifed Shelea,CPV•hy 015. e
Ste ,J Ibil U,,,. The 1.4r.4 of the Sureme tio•t,
do•mg them continuance te oak . , aid! reed. p within this
l'emnionteetehl,;,and the other Ju dy, dorm, their wenn,
.01tv etl;tr, r.:l4i. :Istriet et county for
00 they arese l beepecutely elate 1,
J 5 iLAI
Speaker of the 1 1, ., A
of Re ONT, presentative,
Speaker of the Sane.
llleembure, J.,,ery
I, Sem.: W. Teams., chief Clerk of ,ho SG... of
do hereby coat(' !tot.). I.egoier rerolohon,
„. in on the Me of the relent oree..4l.tilled
thsoolotino relative to. ono mkt... of the Co. ' iuu
—,t theno. reeolutiem h.q. ••• screed to by no
, jot tit .d the members ,holed to r.h 1101.0. o( the last
Leg:stature harog been duly woo dered end dou
osool, wps lb. a.. agreed to by • mojoe.ty or the member, to sod Wllin 114. Sem. of Teousyleopm, as its
I pm... mom, es ontl opts. by th ew rats giros the
host iwsrge of the nelson., so follows, etc
Th.,. .wog it. fermata. erne nosolleson .en,
11. Jdurs Brooke. J. Tortar llntorley,Wis.. A I est,h,
Jo. J. Coutonotsm. Thom. 8 Fro., Th. mu 11.
Fov•rh, Charles Frailey, !here M. Frick, Henry Fulton,
Jot. W. Guernsey. ICtllom Lau Dr1111){
Iv., Ld... V. Jones, Joseyh Ken Mu. ober , Geor g . V.
Lowr., )!.well AteCollio, Itteotonit, Malone, Berton..
Alatthtss, Ile—e) A. klublenterg, Id Tooker,
With... R. SWIG, Dsri. Aoki, Pelts B Itia.ry, Coonol
t t preens. tt.ol SM.;
J 11. Welk, r, an 4 V lout., lest. kips:ober— T..
Throe e Goias. the ;peesn of the reosholon were,
(Lorre 1f , ,,,, Mite.... Urenn..2 Aleoander Klng—
tra),:t Ire... from 0.. .10oropl.)
SA !PI, W. PEARSON, Clerk.
IA To. 110.... ar Itinktrogrror.ego,
11.erisburg, Mands 14, 18.10.
I, Witham Jodi, Cheer tlerk of the Hams of Repro.
of I'. nuglrenia, du hereby certify lbut U. Kee,
Re ult tersoleerm,lßio. RI on the &note ale, ant Ittoell'on
the lions. Jo null of the pre.. calitt.d ofteta.
lotiuo Ghteve to the .owed rte of the CA , 115111,1i011,”—Il
the lame grP141110.• whech trokagenrol fatty toojselty
of th e member. e:reted t sub llouse of the Lot Legisbo
ture--Glar hosiug hon, daly eoralterld as. 4 doeussed, w.
So. as, *gem/ I . Sy • majonty.of tbe members to
.4 camp In the Roues of Iteprnentatirm of Pelson !-
I als, ot its peer.. se... 1. wiD appear by their rotes,
mires on ther e! l r.* of esolute.; as Woe., trc
Thoer enti I (sow oft he poseur ot the resolution were,
John Ark., All;oon, William Bator, Robert Baldwi,
.Davd 1 Data, Crete Biddle, Jetemisl Club, John 8.
Ur , !taut.. 11. B trovete, Jeac
Runlet, John Chomm, Mary Church, .I.S. Couyeghent,
8.1 Crldlatol, Benjamin U. Valid, 1. DotO
JaVIN. 1.101•.,., Thos.. Danton,Willons Dunn,
C. DM., 111:AVIN A. Bmstt
8 Feather, T h o m .loersale to Ir.
Font..., Alexander ilibbetwy, IL Lint, Joseph IL
()rap Joseph Gulley, J.ob 8. Haldeman, Dent,. If.
Hun, Ls tre•t Joh. !luting., William., flemphill,
/oho Hodge, Ilene, titmice Lewis lierfonl,,Wwistogtoo.k.
Niel. as Jon. John .W KAlie g er Liner/. B.
Kuskred, Robert 010.., {lonise. P LA.N , Muerte L.elt,
Jonsthao D. Lett', Anson loomed, James .1, Lettia, Rory
Lotte, Jun. Jolts F M'Cull kleotowthur
C 'Cued,. John hPLausblrn, Job. fd'Lozoli Based
Moro, Ateele, Mkboel kleyere, Juba Alißer
C. Motley. John D. Morn., Willow. - T. Alortem,Esawl
Monty, Kiword Nioblews4Joeob 1.4 holy, Charley 0'8.611,
John Twine, Jeeeph C hon. C. Reid, Jaw 8.
Ithoy, Lewis Roberto. Foams! Robinson, John B. Ruther
ford Lihnoi W. &odd& Thom. C. Betooller., William
Sholf.r, Rtebord Shop., Ell Slifer, Will.. 0.0110., A. Soti . h, Mold Id Bever. William II Bonder,
Thome, I. 31.1, '.rid flieweed. Cheri. Bloelrerall; KJ.
or.o C. Tr... Andrew %Ma. llobort C. Wallote;The r w r .
W.f.., Sidney Cu Welt., Hine A Willi.. D.hte
Zerb.j. and Jot. B, MT.slmout.B.4.G—Yeu 87.
Th.. Game again.. the pump of Our essdutionworo,
Augustus K. Caonyo, Dae. Kens, .d Jam. M. Porter—
Ns), 11. (Ear.. Irmo the J.rual ) ~. •
Filed March 15 I%Q.
A W. IMP; EDICT, Dep. /key of Cammanwrallh
do certify het the above and foregoing iv a tree eel*ct,o, of the or jai.' reeled.. of the lleeival Am
artaliynel.l,tlrd fltsolittion relative to an eseetideirot of
the Canatfenliat," ea the was 'gamma on file is th.• can.
In to
'IL P. Fietr6l,4=dtr r
..."•••• 664 hlDelet. pt liprvis i tt, '" 6. 6. " l "6"' hp
APpp Voptin. out thauaand b eiibile-zulrodZa 6 j.*.'
r i f t tlr h e r gis,i 4r gli l gtj. r .4ll , :7Z.. " ,:i th at e earga rk r
erecepllerf ofleltrers at the following placc.— "
...l& if Floyd, comer of Sixth and Wood strech.
hay yard; shoe story oar. Liberty &laterite: sta.
A freelen,auate; Third street.:
L je., druggist, eor Fourth fr. SinithGaid.
Jobe It Sanith e stere, corner flip A Wylie.
Telegraph (Roe, Fourth howl.
II C Kelly, gr.., Forth et, corner of Maraet
M Cray. store, Peen sheet, Ninth Ward.
The dour areggens will call twice or Once daily
for orders, and the four,& delivered promptly, either
in barrel. or aracts—saelt floor is preferable for florally
ao—Without charge for cartage It is plain that no
ccounts can be allowed, and that drivers can have
no permit...ion to kg,. dear without pronent. • •
w e bora Co public w it he pleased with this ar•
rningeiveu4 •a we shall endeavor to do them Pinks.
• --
.amen Oyeap. . •
• Be evapa rill a Soda kat.
20 kegs Svsaparillo Salo;
20 Us. 00 doi
SI W Lemon . Lemon 1 / 3 700,0X.d0 from pore lemon bacon,'
root rooloro4 tad for We by
lootu ai Illelnetkil " I
6 , 1%0GL/in wriox
ir NOW all men who are al 'k and mfficted with die
.1%,. one of the bladder and I idacyr,ii att rheurnenc
pante In back or limbs, AWN..., ^ld sow%moving
ulcers, Irsohat they can ba and by takifte the le.
[minim: You me) talk abort its brag a amino. as
much aa you
. please, but this does hot make it en, for
we proclaim la th e face Oen count: community, that
It has virtues which ore no, contained in any other
remedy; The man who is racked with pain and sla
nting from disease. can Inc fifty coati. get relief from
any of thrill!. ennumented above. Reader! it costa
very little to make atrial. This Petroleum Is no mix.
turo—no compond, pot up for the purpose of imposing
on the community; but it la a remedy elaborated by
the master hand Of Wore, and bubbles up from the bo
sour of oar mother earth in its original purity, and of
fers... Ruing humanity a ready remedy, a certain
mid den. cure.
It has cured Piles after other medicines have (sole d
to render any relief. It has cared Rheamatiim of long
ata rag , and of tha wont and Moot pairdea chancier.
It h eared Cholera Mochas by one or twordoses; It
hat and old cases of Thurber&
A in which every other
rem ir has been of no avail.. sa local remedy in
ha s and scalds, it is better than tiny medinal cam.
po dex ointment that we know of. It will rare chJ.
blai s or frosted feet,. • few applications; ,uniloobt.
ed *Jamey can be furnished of the truth contained
tat above statement by calling on Samael.M. Kier,
,Canal Bruln, 7th street; or either of the enema
Rinner & McDowell, comer of Wood street and
Virgin Allem R. F. Sellers, 57 Wood street, D. A. El.
liot b. M, Curry, Allegheny city, an the agents.
1)1111ViUT11—It la univereally conceded that beauty is
P More common In this coontry than in any other,
whll at the same time it Is Mtl/: •ha tin no other coon
to a
my I It ttain e Io
extent,ent, b *
tan t
they n
sa ant i
often .•
caund . this
Ili s tree
o y
gleell a We ray to all, do not neglect your persne
, aptreinnee. bet read the following, and you need not
lankr look, Them articles are scientific pre-
Pare ens, and bine all attained a loch poruler.r.
Jo Moat's EMS Myna DE VrIM , Ann NYMPH
Saar, Inc removing tan, sunburn. pimples hlotcheir,
and other eruption, of the skin; the most perfect eon.
i 4,
*en tor of beauty every known. Purchase nothing
lOn ming to be Nymph Soap, oak. it h. ruy name
attac ed.
J Boon.', PRIM." OR Carnet POWIDIa, rot im
putt ff to the moat Minn complexion a radi.,,,
whitcFre. In nothieg ithoold a person be more 0 „,... I
fut th the age Sof a powder for the skin, a• many of
, thole old are very injurinus lily Chinese Powder Is
, compounded Ina eclentific manner, and contain no
ow redient Which can possibly weir. an injury.
Joon liatin't DEMLAI•Ott POWDMit, for entitling
superfluous hair. What ts more unsightly than hair
open the face or arms of a lady. Thu, ankle will
remove it in a abort time, without the use of any: sham
Jos. Mann Teams. L.= liars Drs will
tostantoneoutoy Impart to red, white, or gray hair, a •
beautifully black, brown. or auburn color. It will
color the hair in a shorter time, and more effectually
than any other Dye, being nt the same Moo indellthle.
' . JCLICI thorn% 811AVIIVO cram—lt it really a plew
sato to Maya with this errant. There IS none of the
smarting sensation umally experienced In the an of
[Matt Soaps. On :he contrary, it leaven the akin smooth
ch &iurne d co
d. lt .... infant**, and not liable to become
douse lecat's Rasa Toren Piro..—Next to the hair,
we think the Teeth were intended as the greatest Oran.
Went to the Lumen face; but when neglected, nothing
is so disfiguring. or so quickly seen. rely Ron Tooth
Pl.lO will impart to the teeth a pearly whitener/Ir, at
the same
on time keepi n g the mints firm and healthy.
Also hand, a. complete as onment of French,
llriiishi and American Perfumery and Fancy finicky.
JULES DADE% Perfume , r and Cherub.,
120 ve
For rile wholesale and re t a i l, by. IPRills
A. Fabnestock
& Co., and R. E. /Milers. Pitlithergbi and John Ser.
gent. and J. hiltchell, Allegheny City, Pa. lyre—y,.
Fool lal WIXOM, A. 111;, lleelletilierTClMl Orr ALLIUSIIIeIa
aroma 1111101 Meltelr Ran Or THZ =Cora
0.1 !Merl OF too STRILIF.,
&meals or Bing'. Evil, Rbeamatism, °herbal. Culls
nevus Eraptlora, Pimples or Pastulesion the Face,
Blotches, Biles, Chronic Pore Eyes, Rix. Worn
or Tear; Scald Head, Enlargement and - Painof
the Bones and Joints , Stubborn Moan, Byphlitie
Symptoms Salaries or Luadssio,—and diabase*
arising frt. Lildielatts use of lifercary.,,
tries at Dropsy, Exposure or Imprudence m Life;
Xlsa—Chronle Consntotiostal Diamriers, he.
This medial. has acquired a very sixtenden and
established reputation wherever it bos been used,
bayed effetely on Ps own merits, which its superior
effie.7.ll.alone ...bed. The unfortunate victim
of heredltary - driesse„wirisswollen glanda, contracted
sines., and bone. F.l( rations, has been restored to
health and vigor. The aeranaloas patient, covered
wahsolotes loathsome to himself and !r
ates, atdat.
has been made whole. Hundreds pe o-hn
had groaned hopelessly foe year. ander utenennl
and glandular disorders chrome rheutn•tiso, sail
many other eornplaints Wringing from a del...gement
of the secretive organs and the cfrialation, hove been
nib . were tram the task a( disease, and now,
th l'egonorlllid mutilation, gladly
in the
The suennon of the reader Wattled to the following
moonishing rare, erected by the oth a Surds' Sers•-
"Shia its to eeenry that I have a colofedwermnado
has been Millard far the last five duo with :ten:Rut
and all the remedim bud had no erectln are stin g
the Prof rem Of the oansplatnt; on ale • curator, she
eonwantly flow worse; and after expending between
ON and Ike/ With physicians, besides essng ether
popular remedial without success, all Ilse dieeme hat eeten away tiee eartilage or her nore, mode tilt sip:
penance on various parts of her bitsg, and half/nail,
eonunenced its Savages In the rent fier mot h
"In this dreadful eituatiou. with hem rospect 0
death Mating
her An the Mae, I stated, her ease to Dr
Disnswey, thy agora for Sands' Sarsaparilla in pieces
born, N. V, , by whom I was advised to pee that article
her case ",:all'htern"rm*CZYrnoVtitit'
d hait hot
Ices she wet restored to perfect be
the and that en the
pace of three weeks, and era the GI work to tee
seal. from the timc she contateineed telthsx
"In witness of am truth of Rai stsetement. I have
tmreunte ailoal my name, wig lath day of Sep.:ober,
"Mouth of Neese River, C arca ad. N.G.
The following Is ao eXtract from a etter received
from Mrs Seven, woe had been afflict several years
antbSerofulau llieere, Dyspepsia. A,l, land recently
no adaction of Mikan:sal and ghat.--
"Remenuono, Va., Dec. 13, Ib4O.
'Warm A. 11.* D. Hams—Defoe I commenced
ta uyour Sarsaparilla, my .uprise were cantor'
pxpre•sion,• my throat was completely ulcerated,
I had a dreadfal coach, and there Were fruptautly
weeks Member that !could not speak , above • whim
per, and licaidea;this inhumation faeM my threat en.
loaded to fay hand, a Mgt my hearing eras very much
Unpaired After letide the Sarsaparilla a elsett time;
ay health saes Improved, and my throat is eve well;
I am as free (sate conghand tightness Of the chest as
over I arm, and cart hear quite disancily. • MY throat
het been well snout three months, thel mire of which
has beets erected entirely by the one by your Snow
partite. Your nimbi,.. LOVISR :EVAN"
The rehearing testamental to Lye vaiste of me Same.
is from the Re, Lather Wrighttearal 5 years,
Congregational Minsk r, residing at Mohan,
,Weamor,Matia., Meech ifo,lBlo.
"Memos. Sands: Gentlelnert—Prom what I have ox.
petieneed, and from the Information I hese recentlV
recesved from a somber of person. nf high rcepecta
bility who have and your Sarsaparilla, I hove, not
the toast doubt but that It to a most valuable mmlidine,
and Mot the numerous certificates yea hare received
of ha ersency art folly Motalirni by eXpersenec, and
although its rep station sod acuity are very citenrjat,
tld - stead in no need of my amble etforts to mate.
them, I wont al who are articled by dints, to be.
come acquanted.willa the erwael and power of your
valuable medicine.
Ism, - gentlemen, gratefully end very remmetfolly
Prepared and said, wholesale and rebut. by R. IL a
D. SANDS,' Druggists sand Fhcausts, 100 Fulton creel,
erne, of Wil/i.we. New Yort. Sold Otto by Drug.
, gots generally throughout the (Jolted Stares Rod Can.
Yds. Price 11 per bottle; six bottles for SO.
Nor sale by 1. WILCOX, Jr., U. A. FAIINESTOCR
ho salmis Trardemalt.
Slaw vat:U.4lllD bIUROICAL OVV/016. -
• No. 41, DLeIIOND ALLEY. •
..; ; RA , (.w, deers be ow Wood mast, ur
wardi entreat
0•14 , . • . WI, having beer:
. regularly educated to the medical
g erm:l7l i and b t e i :n for
w earra n me .
Itle P aUentlo ; e . to the n t * reat ' etent ' of
I.,\Vsk, f , ..; those private and delicate eons
, plaints for which his opp,ortruuttee
ti.d.lryta4"......Totgd ro'4
nada ntreareteat oftbove complaints,(denn gams.
Li.te hkhkest mere practice and hes eared more pee
tents than eas,gyse gall to th e lot of any private pe*
lilinor) =Mk qualifies him to offer asseraneu of
•Jletil-crkr:a=t,dats.VarkWaLe es to
'nig ieud
Dr. Drown woelditterm those antleted with private
ilseasetarl,kb have deemschrome. by time or eg..
premed by the use of aliof the common eosin:mut of
the day, that their contplants cue be radically and titer!
nalbil eared; he having &ten his suck' alt to
the treatment Of reek eases,aad nett eded In hradreds
of instances In coring persons of indsoimation of the
neck of the bladder, and kindled disenkes crkloh often
continent those eases where itlmra hays co ns i g .o
them to hopeless despair. Ile potent:arty isync...o
ea have been long end ansuccesafoßy treatenoy
to consult Um, when every asteshtettou Will so
them, and their eases treated s n a cart ful,lttoron c l,
Intelligent laatlllee,potritta oat by a long exper,i, g .
stady,and levegligetion,which it : teepomble for hove
sngeged in general practic e of medicine to give.
one elate Of disease.
Inrliernia or Raptare.—Dr. Brown NO invitee pa.
sorts afflicted with !fenny to call, a. tis has paid pante=
alt. attention to the dive....
.. .. .
cu . .
lto ed. • •
Skin ;Leann,. thin 1 4 ~1. . ;”, tit., timlitilly sane
C' 4. 4 V-1 1 :Tee to nt ' s . int titter ate living at a Butane., b 7
Dating their Sitcom in wravine, ,p•ing MI Di. /imp.
loqrs,cals obtain medicines wait dirreilnes for use, by
kddressin T. BROWN, M. D., rt.t paiii t anil snake
tug • Ns.
Ogles No. St • Diamond allay,opliaalta dm Wareity
RYti.•lollll.—Dr.Drown's newly diet:loured ram.
Jr for 111ro /121.109
I. a creed 7 oorl ...oat Orr
dratialaritl trouble. II newer (MI..
°ace aro, • Pffirite Coueultlog Rooms, trr. C31)1
oormi.allerrriltoblrer,ra. The Doctor I. oIorSYS
• 11711* eon a* • , Ovoll •
• : -
(wax *Gan. a raj
Would rerpectrolly Inform the toColottli a the Wei
6ma, tm also the poblto genera/. Alit they
tOlll3lll. the LOlOtallGUlre Of
In ell th'eir , ntiiettes, u thiela SW&
arri, 13 Wood st;lietween Vint& Water.
tin:dam, ,
• 11
.caaa °Lass WOIIICII.
iVA Vials,
a !lo te nipate soul Pactel L _' Smolt Aln,,
Mat t e Medicine, and Wine 11111 a•
or every description; also, IVINDOW 01453.
Keeps ponaanity on hand sgeneral anortmeal
the abovo article. ALSO STATE, as tga alas Gale
Masi ramoricastre am. atorm as Um caglia
..mon., Tots Faeroes is now in rod. 0TWa.11074 Mai
wiucnntinee operslion both nonmerand inner.
Orden respectfinly ioliclicd. and will be Lied Us g
Osamu 1:1011C0;'
Warehouse. No It 2 _Second *WWII berme Weed
and Smithfield Rs, Pinsbarch,
a)F Vi'lLLintd.9 will open • classical and land
u.h school, on the firai Monday of Sept next
Room 00001. D. William* , Mom, comer of Wood
and Filth sweets, l.
. ~
t .
- aMm.
Rev. Wm. D. Hoard,kazz 1. Hort. Walter 11. Lova*,
ken. Dr.FJltatt,- .1. D. IlleCord, Eq.,
Rev. Dr. 'Rahn: J. D. Wil.l=., E eg .
. Cfrui V All.TalraaltrlP.
SL. P AM. 611 RIVER and ettmi. BARNES a,.. i
this day macerated ihromill re* Larder, undo the .t
firm of Shrlver 1- Raney, for th e transaction et tko • ;
Wholciato firouen.. Produce, and CoMmimioa beau
nese, at Dlo UM £l2l Second street. b.tWee. Wood 1 , 1
.1 vmiddlekto.:
rittaborgh, demon 41850.-41 q t .
r I. C l em, lo , thO• Wixo ' re:Ve Crtio74. me
Kr. I. i
Isutiness;. the 'rile , of the Qnn'rtll4e io bstris
as eel
Clouse.: 1j731 A. CULB 4'
A: C GrisitiCßTSONsis CLOMP!,
. and Coanubtaion Alm
h. nts. , Dealers id Produce, and Piltatuargit
blamfactstred WS Liberty st, Pittsburgh, Pa
in •
PlTT#Bpll. l fla r y.ll, ROLLING
andetiiirrried ha'sing baninited their 110111••
Lull are prepared to All .provrly all orders for
T a and other klinaftretured Copper of ury re
attired me Plade liditathiCoyper of the atermi=„
LakTine ;taped.
a Metal her been, thin : eighty tested byetrartP••
tent selentrne itiro in the settorra'or the Orivereerreat,
and, pronounced Japetiot ro rlensity r alkonifart al=
lengthy, tb any in use s an 4 leuelipreforned LOT the
manufactUte or Ord:lane . ° and elnerPnironn•
Ilia thereto., ettufnlently kagametraded as • arrPo
rlor article, rot 'an ult., to nil in-n.,•,nni And
rerpeettaily when Mc artentioa or parehaaara and
°dant to this now branth of homy m ufaeture. -
At present the Wareboiros I. No a Comorerclarlioar r
Lrheor arree k • aatn. kCO
THLY I L'', I 2 I t, nlc . ` ll°.7.ll:f.Vritr.:
ounces pot sous. fan. Cotrogoisd sheet,
ax7 ll ,
o, far iboGur poude bailitlngs and depot.
Ship Shcothing, x 41t) inches; from ti to 35 oiled..
Spikem, Wire, Sox. MoldooPetforatod Zino,
Zinc Papa,
They warra nt their Metal pam,and feet item any
admixture of hob, or any other satistance and
mead It for the manufacture. of most si nr
the boner, foreishing hue, as it does not rem, is not
affected by the tenon of water, and may be pothawd.
f Itinlee:•010‘11.Thlill)ed
..dels speciemiona, and other
Information may b e had *Melt agents:—
Wilms. &beacon, New York;
ATI nesan, Ruthlrot ft Co, Ilootort;
Narnan Timm: ft.Co„ Philadelphia;
W. fell. beeline, BtOtimoret.
!Its as, Day N'nratirrnst New ()moting
htILLIROUX, ReablentAgent,
:2 DIMOTOT Al. New York.
PlioPo - 0111.11 be011..T111181:11.
()Mee' of the Ohio. * Penn. H. 8. Ce..,1
.Pitisburgh, geg.13,1850.
PROPOSALS in writing will he received by Ile
under es lined yubl Tues.layo ha Ist day or October,
fur the delivetv of. the mom ties required for laying.
the tract. of Om Ohio and Peruallyala Bell lead
from hence to Marsillon,
a distance o(1% milts. TM
number of ties reqeiredwill be aboitt one thawed
nine bundled per aide. The ties ere to be of Mead
white oak or rock: oak, subject to the lapeellen of
Me engineer of the comp.), They - trust be est whlt
a saw. Into lengths at eight feet. It of sawed timber.
they are
edemabe reven by eight Inches stmerei If of
w ber, they are mbe fluted on the end
bottom to a width- of eight 111Cbri.. They most be
mar of bill, delliered and piled 'rip on the hue es
illectitml by the engineer between the first of Mummy
and fins of Slay next Bidden me requested to state
what 1./Saler artist they propose to deliver, and..
what sectums of the rail road they propose to deliver
them. They may propose for ties ofettestnetot locus;
if of loenet, they mey be mires Mahn square.
Proposals are ittro.tovited (or tarnishing mud sills
of white pine or white oat, to Ite four by nine lychee
square, and frorkeightten to twenty lour iket
to be delivered on lea line of road aa above.
' , W. ROBINSON, Jr., President.
I===Ml7mn'Tvw . rril
kirri e Pork w an , d , Beef af ßlaugl i ttering and
Yectinby the inteJaese7;. ' earn ° ;bell, but! "u ren ' t ' °""i"
The eatsihhelonent is located iit
county, 0, on the pies of around dividing the Ohio from ins Stint° R,ver, end has one thouaaad
Loa[ ,o each. Therdelogure embraces
. o 9 or e n
entealleff large peas, large and
1 . 01113J0401111 odaugh , acing, homing, noting, panking.
smoking, end had rendet at g l ohw, brick house lor
etare and every rdavanienee for. beguiling TWELVX
11 PER mo tha l
kens the same; 04. S
as t H
here are DA
ad ouble Eno steam ballot
and oscine mr residing Sege'non sawn, larthouid
two tank. (or rendering oilfal by steam.
Thera is also, ho the premiere, an lee Doom. large,
enough to eontath. dight Manned bushels,
The Potato V t , y, of which Chillicothe is the chief
market. is one °Me largeit Cork and Beef Didriets
to the %Vest, and begs own always ho bought Mers
at lower thee. taint at Clneinnali and mazy other
painte, and cooperage to abundant end cheap.
Thole is no dropout nreeseary. rte. boats may b,
Witted. at the Peck tot Beluga, and the faeilheee for
shipping direct iron, into via the Lakes to New Yost
or Philadeltoca. pt Baltimore via Pltt.burgb. ors
the Slant or Youth via New Orleans, are at all seaman
(the near thily equal mthose nth:odes:l by Oineutuail
Money Claudine% e abto good, there being ten W!
twelve Leak. withth forty bre mile,.
!typhonic., for tenting may nu made to
•, Attorney at Law, einetniudi:
Or to FRANctseAbieuELL,
ettenknool—silt, Chillicothe, 0.
'ow l We'd VW e is bldas ° 4ltl7
Telegraphs Complain'''.
IN pa mien, of, a raw/swn us sue sward ornlrac
j Ur. sho Clorelasist, Warren arid Pittsburgh
Ycice wan Fusers.Ss
, ,r W e .tint the Secretary Winne
ot sod duo.' o. bdi.slthsuod us the newspapers dons
Use ssoc, an crbtldl.dl the (uterus/eland other stairs of
shit company. I +llona the followmg Henan:—
The line of 'Filreraph continence% at theveland and
terannutes ow Petsiburgh, pawing Ibrzegh Chagrin
Fulls, Franklin, Plexuses Falls Wan., losinastown,
and Lowell, in We taste of Ohio. Ant New Castle and
Reel...ter, to the blutte of Pennsylvania, at which
points si there err °Mewsness. located for the receipt and
. - • .
The whole !env& el the Hoe is 149 mties—Capital
Stock, Ildlt per mile, nothing a total cap.i rata of
994.9.91, •St ,eloch amount $1.1.•&•.1 id held by eilliep•
ahem the Hee, and the halitnee le held try Cornell t
Speed, the contctors. The above amount or tab.
set tptions by Maces, have Who fibil to Cornell k.
Speed, for which, the 'hostel barn their receipt
APET FUSIH,Ly the barrel or h 1 tort;
L POWLISII-101at hegi Meeting, extra strength,
Lathe's & South's, for thle by
N SON 000/38
A. MASON k CO, N 0.62 Masket'street, Lips •
aapplted the deficiency in their ntock caused by
fire ' anal it io now renfred complete by the rs nolo
Of ONE irtirvulthn AND FIFTY PACKAGES of
'desirable goods, glinehtowd from soma eeeeee s, and
large uton wileatakt a great redaction Irons price.
of tent Spring, which wall be offered to their amor
ous patrons oceordlagly. ,It sookl be titian to at.
tempt to enumerate ti!eir well assorted Gook,. and,
therefore, invite the: early, attEntion of their (needs
.41 the public, vsnakbe an or a cow tatoo bss
asT,.,oo e.aeh artirle,
woolosam OOD).
rclIE u 4 drtsigo44. bca on band, 444 it ails day re
l. relviolg trona th e mannt'oeloretli;on eamipsnrsd,
1, 4 lot of PlatZels,lol molars, - plain and bumf;
Also, tint 11144444; Blanket Coating, Beaver Chaim
Cassimeres, 4allnetts nod Tweeds; welch be win soll
by the cue or niece, II m.rinetorere pylon. TIM
4441:W0n of doolortln vsoolkon goods Is Invited.
1,4414 lan Lloolly .t
NEW 1100101. •
'PRE orLefgh Hunt ; 'whit moth,.
Iseeners of mends and eouteraftorarfor,
Carlyle!. Lauer
.Day rampnlets— No VIII, rabioeL
Baton', at Bit itta the Oitot. By Idea Abbott, vat*
coverlets. •
llowanl, a Romance. By Mra Haydn Bolt.
Pictorial Field Book ante Revolatiort.—No 8.
The nbovo war ka received Ibis day, and for ball by
Co, Barter &Vandal..
Wars Pala Diana dip and Copy MMus.
T b tra p b filVe = 4 :fs l b e7llt:a ' rgit h fl./Mr
Vihetr ib atelT:fil i rrit7. P
Teeehat• and ethers al , l be supplied at publltbers
pent.. al Nutted in aitaulat. J MELLOR,
au+m' • -al iVotal at.
Inirta - RUltilEtt rACKINO-31 , 05 lb* tabula
news, Isom 1411 to 'Loeb Wok. The above•
packing t• ',forbid! w Mat 3uodegfeett FatifoothclY
oil not elect I and Is superior to every thing
no ...tee has io =sit i.lostteilY which ota.n&
ZO high n degree of. bob:. &ninny be oiled about all
par]. she, pocking nt necessary, frlit—Mbatiole
rlmn, pumarods; sma mtoints, ream ch estssu,. eylls ,
In bid", &o. Foe es& wholissle and small by
7* a Wood ot
TII 75 2 . 55 & &ftuaT,
11111 tilde of the 170tInbital.
Tth ostablialttoeol . ;be puotta.asay al gray. di,
it pent , .v , t , bmg . oapphed grab exfolleot Taos al
717,011.0 ,, PrINCIIhr4 hove
,I.ent.TDas $0 50 per lb;
y,crlOr floalt4el ....... ---tf.• 070 "
The Hota . a Itaportod ' 100 ''
Tai. IA fleDidtallt ta• theapeat Gala loon Moro in
Datßoutg't l 0 510KRI8AJIA1VO1tTli
Spa t Fatally
1. "ES"
11-".""7 170:iii.rersort &mouse •
, 59.7 1..1bet17
UN I &TA BLOOME44IIO hand,frr We by
t o taro ..114fx*J9NE4
• j