THE PITTSBU.IGH GAZETTE PUBLISHED BY WHITE eeloo meta riimagegou MONDAY NOSHING. SEPT. 16, ISM -- D11110011.&11 0 WHIG STATE TICKLT on unit coutitunous. JOSHUA DUNCAN, too, 01 Soda County. is roil salmon assns, 'JENS • W ll CeStlty. SNYD 011119%0 .ER, OM vitriol's eruaso. JOSEPH 11 EN UssosN, Wautunron County. ALOttioasonolo sod wwi Nomatitalloas to Alleighosty Cointy. woo TEM MOOD CLIESIMIS. 4'ROIL•111 It. III:MM. Mt MOND mum ■BQtT nUT COIMM• DENST, POI 10211.. JAMES CAROTHERS, ov ant:Kt.. • lON •••ILYISLT, MORDANAOHERTSON, PHlHoloit T. J. HIGHAM, Lower St ask. . lI—C. WALKER-Elisabeth. JOHN JLAIE.B WOLU.4ICFN, Rob d, the information of the people. From this letter we kern that there will be Reelection to gu ■ vacancy to Congress, on the day of the Gen eral Vectioc. The ooprccedented length of the present amnion of Congren hiss prevented a re. nignation by Mr. Fl ampler', as be designed. In time gar a legal Prozlamstion to be made to Id the vs e army on the day of the annual election. This being the CB., we tope Mr. Hampton will not resign at all. end thou put the district to the Iron• ble and cincture of a special election. The tire Is cow so short to the close of his term, teat •• hope be mill re:milder hie re, o`ntion to reeks and serve oat his fu 1 term. W. 111,0101. Sept. 10, 1650. rstn Sri—[a reply to enure ol the 28. h OIL. I her o t vey, tint aver eereful Inquiry, I.6ed the Governor him., eethotitv to order MI election mini a iacaney odnelly ca 1..., and I do not feel at liberty to resign my povr until Googress adjourns, ab bough I should be exceedingly glad to do so and return home Immediately. As Congress has fixed the 30th inst., for its ad• jonremenioltere will not b• time between that and the day oft. General Election, or the Guy. error to order a apcclal election for that day—and consedoently no elecuoit can take place for my unexpired term at that time. I am, very, truly, you. Nee., ' IA. HAMPTON. C. Ceara, E. P.Si, My absence from the city account for my &bay to replying to your letter. Par the Pat 4urgb Gorr tu. Auansic.v, Sept. 15th, IE3O Ma. Entroc—ltt your paper of the 13th inst.. and also in the Tribune of the 12th Mat, I observ ed a communication signed by P. W. Gates, in reply to coy notice of his patent. Us admits'that they are alike as to the conical Gum, bat differ ea. sentially in principle. The conical b u m is the whole of the patent. The coming edges are no part of the improvement, although it was guarded against mmy patent. I need two cutting edges to lay own taps and dies, because I considered they were better thou e larger number. Any per. son sec - sainted with the maw GICPURI screws (Jr./urea years peat, Imo,s that all the old 'wow plates then in use, had four cutting edges. If Mr. Gate. eta god in Pittsburgh ant Dot basin from three to four cutting ago!. I will admit that I am mistaken. Him remark& In rotation to my modesty, in claiming what I can provo without ■ doubt Jr my own, or In other wards, that I do not feel tatirfied to l e t him lnpni, upon the community, ku oaama• many years, and for which they are under no oh. ligat.cris to I it ingenuity, his honesty to selling what Is not his own property, in waking our citi• ants pay tor that which by law is already their ova, does no' speak too well for his regard kr those prfec'ples which should govern a good Ken, or an honest man• Yours, respectfu Ily, FROM SEW TORE. Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gantt. New You., Sept. 10 Jenny L.nd still "Wee the hoer, and it doubtful which has most reason to be sanded I with the present mote of affairs—she or Barnum. The ginger has the satisfaction of knowing that in morrow the will have the baser of appearing be. fare the "most money" that was ever galsernd for 020 concert, while Barnum has an equal pleasure is feeling that the money is in his pocket. The first concert will realize $30,000, end • handsome Slum betide to speculators, among whom are our music sellers, one of them holding 1900 tickets, for whole he has refused • profit of $2,009. Her re hearsal yesterday ryes prom," .•f great thirg., bat a bea•ing, personally, to morrow, will tell bet• Sc? of her powers of wh.ob duo report will be The rissease of he California hill is the of cateereal contra u atica, and it is the great/a rarity to Gad one to diesent (mut that aet, or Ira °Aber of the acts bearing upon the slavery que ann. The administration ha by one week's wor a ,faired for itPlf • reparation with the whole pe• pie aneh es falls to few governments to attain i. years of labor. New cone fence tots been give • to California operations and all now feel that trod. w th her will to future bp as acculey carried With Papallylaarna, and that too law lu Into `nap the windier, who have fleeced merchants here to the tune of million& The Chief Engineer of our Foe Deputment oar just thrown a nice cold stream of water apon the Mayor, Common Conned, and police, charging them with bribery and , corruption In to 'tinted terms. He charges that the mefulness of Ins de- eannoent prevented and It. good Berne vilified by ■we of rowdies known as "Short Bay.," "Old Maids' Boyr," etc., who when arrested by him in acts of vatlentan are illegally discharged from ens. tody by effacers who dread the influence of the (needs of the rowdies at the poll.. The Chief Engineer falba pet of the Department, and, as the tailors say, hes brought the city government Op "all standing,' and is backed strongly. The City Fathers are so enraged that they can hardly eat thew city feeds, tint have consented to appoint a committee of investigation, out of which the Chief Engineer will .me with flying colors, proving bin point neinst the easy virtue of our City Of. ficsra A grand salute of one hundred guns has been fired to day by the Whigs in honor of California, and thirteen in honor of the Committee of teen. You may depend a email omnibus would hold all the dissenters in the late action of Con gresa. No steamer yet from Europe, and as a Enteral consequence, deniers In produce are not anxious tt/ operate. Ashes are selling, this morning, at previous rates. The market has an upward tendency.— Flanr—Shipping indes ars la active request, et will better prices. Sties were made this morning, 1 4000 We at '61,374 p 84,44 foe comm. skraigbt State. Southern is quiet; 400 lb's were sold et 65 0 $5,124 for mixed to straight brands. Rye Floor trotted to the extent of 200 bbla at $2,04. Meal is quiet and unchanged. Crain— Wheat la in good demand and scarce. Rye Os firm at 70., Corn is better. Sales Were made 012000 bushels mixed at 621, closing at 03 0 al. Oats are doll and onchanged. Provisions—Pork Is in fair request, and sale. were widen( 700 bble at $10,151 a 010,25 and 0,12; 0 sss.s for Mess and Prime. Beef is steady. Lard Is firm and steady. Whiskey sold to the extent of 125 bbls at 261 for Prison. Cotton—Salsa 500 bales at Irreg. u ar p recs. C. The New York Courier of Monde' , gives the follosium touching incident exemplifying the strong attachment of domestic animals to persons who have showed kindness Wands them : A few densities a persoosJ friend, connected won this office, had the MlPbtlallo to lose his son fi .e, Intel gent, leanly little tello., out quite three years old. A King Chariesepsziel had been to the habit of playing with hie, receiving food from his hands, and bearing him company In hie rambles and arsine. While the little boy was sick, the dog watched by his bedside. Aber he died, he missed him, and wandered all ever the bum, drooping sod sad. The second morning alter his death, he took Ms nation at the toot of the stairs, where be had been accustomed to meet him,— watched sod wati.d tor him In vain for • long time and at at laid himself down unto the !owe, mi and died. Thus fine ue the Ilene. to which th atom oven of brute. in ofien toothed. Lortstese LgIVAL.Ty.—A Wh tg meeting held an Docialdsonettle, L., recently passed rehigutions declaring that "the Whigs of Amenszon have per ceived with indignation the course pursued by Congrmsional Agitators,, who would crone up oil the public mind a false impression that a spirit of hostility towands the North prevails among the Southern States," rind that in common with thuir brother Whigs of the other parishes of the district, they "regard as traitor. Moto who would sever the hands which connect the .Staten of this gismo confederacy." They charge Senator Soule with having "by his vetes and his incendiary speeches" proven false to hi. State and false to the Unicro. A Whig Meeting in Assumption passed similar res. °whore, and both meetings complimented Senator Pontos in the highest terms for big liberal cosine in Congsgss.—N sioserium. lil AUTIPYRITY. PUBLIC ACTS Ora Bas.r..raltha 27mrty Fifss Congrva. [Prisuc—Ni,s. 24.1 AN ACT foradmission Union. of the Stain of Calder nil into the Where. the people of Califoinia have presented a constitution rind uked admission into the Union, which constitution was submitted to Cornrow, by the President o( the United States, by me. mge, dated February thirteenth, eighteen hun dred and ally, and which, on due examination, is found to be republican in its form of govern- Be a matted try the Senate and House ef Rep renntateme of the United Stares f Americo so Congress aeseasided, That the dude of California shall be one. and is hereby declared to be one, of the United State. of Arnertcs, and admuted into the Union on an equal footing with the origulal States in all respects whatever. Soc. 2. And be it further matted. That until the reprcaenutti yea in Congress shall be apportioned according to an actual enumeration of the inhabis tants of the United States, the State or Caltfortita shall be entitled to two representatives to Con• Irt Jac. 3. And 8e ir further enacted, That the said State al California is admitted into the Union upon the express condition that the people of said State, through their legislature or otherwise. shall never interfere-with the primary dmposal of the public lands within its limits, and shall pass no law and do no act whereby the title of the United - Sive, to and right to dispose of the same shall be impaired or questioned, and that they shall never ley shy lax or tosossinent of any destiiimion Whatsoever upon the public domain of the United States, and in no case shall nun-resident proprietors, who are citizens at the United States, be taxed higher than • . residents; and that all the navigable watere within the said State shall be common highways, and for. ever free, a s well to the inhabitants of said §tritp al to the citizens of the United States; withbuiany tag, impost, or duty therefor. Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be construed as recognising or rejecting the propoeitions tenderest by the people of California asertieles of compact in the ordinanee adopted by the convention which stormed the con stitution of that State. Approved; September 0, 1050. [Crewc—No. Z.] AN ACT to establish a Terrttottal (.I.l , oll,lMtlat for Utah. BI it roweled by As Smote and florin.. of Kin, scutatzves of the rnite4 Stars.. Attarnro in Con gress also .d, That all that pars of the territory of the United States included within the lollowing limits, to wit: bounded on the west byibe State of California, on the north by the territory of Oregon, aad on the Most by all , coma of the 11.1; Moto loins, and on the south by the thirty se'reniti paral lel of north latitude, be, and the mama Is hereby, created into a temporary government, by the name of the Territory or UtaL and when admitted as a Stale, the said Territory, or any portion of the same shall be received into the Union, with or withom slavery, as their constitution may prescribe at the time of her admiseion: Provided, That nothing in 1,413 act conlnined shall be construed to inhibit the aovertinienf to the Untied Stela* frPM (balding said territory late two Of More ' in such manner and afresh time as Congress shall deem convenient and proper, or from nunching.any por• too of said territory to any other state or territory el the United States. SEC. 2 And be it further enacted, That the ex ecutive power god authority in and over said Ter ritory of Plat; shill be vested to a Governor. who shall bold hi. fel. (Our yeas*, and nom iii ' aucesssor shall be appointed and mortified, haters sooner removed by the President of the United States. The Governor shall reside within said ter ritory, shall be commander in chief of the militia thereof, shall perform the duties and recetve the I emoluments of superintendent of Indian AtLurs, tad 4001 :approve all laws passed by the Legisla tive Asdembry before they sash take elk.; ha map rant pardons for offences easiest the law; of said territory; and reprieves for oftener* outlast Ibe !nano( the United Suttee, until the decision of the President can be made know. thereon; he shall commission all officers who shall be appointed to wawa under the laws of the said Territory, end shall tike care 11A2 tie laws be faithfully ese .. clued. Siterms 3. And b it further enacted, That there shall be • Secretary of d Territor, who shall re• sule therein, and hold his sai office for l y our yeers, un less sooner removed by t h e President of the Vetted States; he shall record and preserve all the laws and proceedings el l the Legislative Assembly here inafter constittned,and all the acts and proceedings of the governor in his executive department; be shall transmit one copy of the laws and one copy of aheexecutive proceedings, on or before the first of 4ay December to each year, to the President of the United States, spd at the same time, two copies of the laws to the Spie•Ler of the Howie of Repro eenuitives, and the President of the Senate, (or the use of Congress. And in case of the death, removal, resignation, or other necessary absence of the go v ernor from the Territory, the S.emetnry shalt have and he is hereby authorized and required to execute ' and perform, all the powers and dimes of the guir- ern°, dicing such vacancy or necessary absence. or until another Cioverunt sWt he ,lily eppolnleA to fill such vacancy. SECTION 4. And hr at further mann/. That the lecitsintive power and authority of said Territory Ault be vested in the governor anA a Legislative Assembly. The Legislative Assembly shall consist of a Council and Rouse of Represenwtives The Color': shall wawa of thirteen members, having the gictliAcat ions of voters iss hereinafter prescribed, whose term of service shall continue two years.— The House of Representatives shall cons:rid twen as six members, possessing the some goal itiosnons prmeribed tor embers of the Coinaml„and whose t erm of service shall continue one year. An =MB aportionment shall be made, as nearly equal as p p r,icticAble, among the several counties or dulcet, for the election et me Conned and House of Rep reseatxued, giving to each section of the Territory retire-element in Me tattoo( ,s population. India.. eznepted. res nearly as may b • And the member. dtoe Council and of the Urrire or Kepi druntives file& reside in and be inhabitants te the d tyre.: tor which they may be elected respeetively. Previous to the brat election, the governor shall rade • me nden enumeration of the inhabitants of the several comities and districts of the Territory to be taken. and the first election shall be held et such time and places, and be conducted in such • manner, as the governor shall appoint tuql direct' and he shall at the same time, declare the number of meridiem of the °armed and House of Represematives to which each of the counties or districts shall be en. titled under this sec The number of periods au thorized to be elected having the highest amber of votes in each f said coded districts fot members of the Council o shall be declared by the governor to be duly elected to dm Coqocil - and the person or persons enthorised to he elected having the highest number rat votes for the House of Representatives, equal to the number to which each county or dis tract shall be entitled shall he declared by the gov ernor to be duly elected membre of the House of Representatives; Prodded, That in use oi a tie between two or more pawns voted for,the governor shall order a new election to supply the vacancy made by such a tie. And tbe'perrems thus elected to the Legislative Assembly shall meet at such place, and on such day as the Uovemor shall ap point ; hut, thereafter, the timp, place, and manner of bolding and conductin g . all the elections by the people and the apportionieg the representation to I th e several counties or districts to the Council and Howie of Representatives, according to the pupas tam, shall be prescribed by law, as well ae the day of the commencement of the regular waisted of the Legtslative Assembly; Troweled, „Toot no one session shall exceed the term of forty Jays. Smarms 5. And be it Posher autos'', Thu eve ery (nee white tuaie inhabitant above the age of 21 years, who 'ball have been a resident of said Ter. ritory at the time of the pledge of this act, shall be entited to vote at the firm election, and shall he el, giblc to any oCßce within the sand Territory; but the qualifications of voters sod of holding piece, et all subsequent elections, shall he such as shall be prewribeil by the legtslative amicably l'rosuird. That the right of snifter and of bolding odlce shall be exercised only by mimed of the U. Sheen, in cluding only thoserecoguized as citizens by the treaty with the Republic of :titmice, concluded Frebruary second, eighteen hundred and forty eight. secreas ft drabs it forth.. eiracterf, That the /egishatire power of said Territory shall extend to all rightful subjects of legistatioa, consistent with the Constitution of the United States ' sod the pro visions of this act , but on law shall be tidied in terfering with the primary dopes& of the soil , no tax shall be imposed upon the property of the Unc tad States; rim shall the lands or other property of non residents be used higher than the Hods or oth er properay of residents. All the laws passed by the Legislative Assembly and Governor shall be submitted to the Congress of the United States, and if dcapporved shall be null and of no effect. Secnon '7. And be it further enacted, That all township, district, and county °Gems, not herein otherwise provided for, shall be appointed or elect ed, as the doe may be, in such manner an shall be provided by the Goverom and Legislative Amena bly vi the Territory of Mob. The Governor shall nominate., and, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council. appoint all odloers not herein otherwise provided for; and in the first In stance the Governor alone may appoint ell said °di cers, who nhall hold their offices until the end of the first session of the Legislative Assembly, and shall lay off the necessary districts for members of the Council and House of Representatives, and all oth er offices. Sconce S. And he to further enacted, That no member of tho Legislative Assemby shall hold or be appointed to so y s hi t which shall have been created, or the natal? Or ronoluttrehle of which shall have bees increased, while he won a member, dur. log the term for which he its elected, and for one year after the expiration of such term; and no per son holding a commumon or eppoinftnent under the United States, except postmasters, shall be a mem ber of the legislative Amenably or shall hold any Mike under the government of said Territory. Section 9. And be it further enacted, That the judicial power of mod territory shah be ved ted In a Supreme Coon, District Coon., Probate ' Courts, and Justices of the Peace. The Supreme Court shall consist of a Chief Janice and two Associate Justices, *ay two of -Whole shall con stitute a quorum, and who shall hold a term at the scat of government of said enultory, annually, sod they shall hold their .dices dunce the period of four yearn. The said territory shell be divided into three judicial districts, and • District Court shall be held in each of said distracts, by oces of the Justices of the Supreme Court, at such time and piece an may be pregenbed by to.; and the std Judges shall, lifter their appotottnents, respective. ly, reside In the dist:iota which shag he Itrargned them. The jurisdiction of the several Cones here. , is privoded fur, both appellate and original, and • of the Probate Courts, and of Justices of the , Peace. shall he as limited by law: Previdsd, • That Justices of the Peace shell nab have jurist I diction in any matter to controversy when the tide of boundaries of lead may be in dispute, or ' Where the debt er sum claimed shall exceed one . hardred dollars; and the said Supreme Sind Diu • tract Courts, hespewively, shall possess chancery as well as eOtenriOn law jonsdiction. Each Dis t trict Court, or the Judges thereof, libel' appoint its clink, who shag also be the register in chancier', heel , Fri ''• Al the piece where Ore Coon may be tra:d. Woto of error, bola of ex• neutron and es:rotas', algid be allowed to all eases from the 'final dem/aunt of raid District Courts to the Supreme Chun. under sums regulations ea may be prescribed by ; btu in co caw re moved to the Supreme Court,rhall trial byjory be allowed in evict Court. The Supreme Court - or tie Justices [here , (, :hall ppront to own clerk, and every clerk shall hold but arm, at the please ore, f the Court, for ts Mar be shall have been ap pointed. Writs of error, sod appeals (rem the G. no decisions of 'aid Supreme Court, shall he al. lowed, nod may be roliet to the Suretne (loon of: the United Sates-, m the same trimmer, and flu. der the mom reaulation• as from the Circuit Court, of .ho United SAilet, where the Vatue cc the prop erty or the amount in controversy, to he accede!. gl by thin orb or hr.irserion of either party, or , the competent , Inenteti, shell exceed one - • thou•..+pd dollar.; ex :opt °ply the', in all caeca in volvtnt tube to eleven, the stud writs of error or appeals shall be allowed end decided by said So• promo Coen, without regard to the value of the matter, property, or title to rostroverel; end en. core, elm, that a writ of error, or appeal shit!l al so be allowed to the Supreme COUIt o f the United &aka. from the eee . Bloos of the tad Sopterne Court, created by thi, ,Or of any Judge there. or, or of the D gob, C. ura created by tots actor of soy Judge thrtror, upon any writ of habeas reap. involviop the question of percentt free. doom; and each t f lie satd Amulet Courts rhall have, and exere,e the cam juriceiccon to all ea• rem arising under Pic coostitution and laws el the United Staten, on v versed in the Circuit and D c• !riot Courts of the Slate.; and the cold So. pronto and Lhoriet tliiortt of the maid territory, and thu reapeceve Jodiree thereof, chat', and men grant writ, of hater, orpua to all cares in whit ilk the some are grontrb'e by the lodger of the Unt- tell Slater, in the ihro i It of Coaaatos. nod tho first on days of oyez y zeral al I.ltl 0011., or no much 5 hereof ra .hall be lames:my. .hu:i he •p preprinted to the &tell oil dupes aniping ender the naid maiden,m end lbw.; and writs titer and appeal, in all en, h Rees, shall be made to the &Iwo. COW{ of territory. the attain tie is cun, the tame f.ey wh!eh th, clerk, of:o r• trict Coons of 0, port territory now mown, far similar Per vieer. Stamina 10. dad to at Jorapr poorted, That there shall be nplaaitmed an Attorney far paid Ter Nary, who 1411 a continue in cadre tar faur yea", Wove rooter removed by the President, rod who .hall receive the 1111.C1. - CA cad 61.61 y II the Min, OCT of the Dolled Area tor the present Territory of On gee. There shell oleo be a marshal for toe Territory oppromed, who shall hold hia for four aeon, unfess ...over removed by the Preen- dent, and who ahallCl.C4le ail prom-apes inswing Irow plod er t lita, when ex...o•mg their furiadtc• lion an circuit nod dorriet ems of the United States; be *hall p :dare the dune', be •übjeel to the attar. new est:rue and pet:mitten, and be entitled to the stone foe. en the otataeali of Ito einutot court of the United Soto, far the prevent Terricry of Uri yen ; and otteq, m edition. be prd tam hundred dollars about:ll'n ea a rompenashon foe extra nervier. Semen 11. And 8 , v Jotter ertagtd, That the governor, s e ti,cf juatco nod arace:lte p.n.s, attorney, and srivrati•l, abaft he [Mallen led, and, by sod with the advice end canaent of the Senate, ape-opted by toe President of the i. ted Stater Tee rovers-, and •riermary to be •p• pointed as itforessid shell, lit fore they act as fuel, respectively, take •o °nth or afftrinatine, betaro the district jodre, or some justice of tho efilta i 3 the linnts of rend Terr loty, duly aoillortaad to ad hoofs!. narks or 11W:heti:ma by the laws cow in tree therein, or bet°, the enter juatice or semi nllo,nte J 1350,1 of too Sop•eme Gem al the t led 9 sacs, to •epenr• the een.tutiun of the l'am• tea Stales. and faith, ly to d•woargs the duller of their respective ether.; which sand oetb•, when so taken, shall be certinch by the ptrenn by whom the lame stmll have been taken, And suer monde. °ales dont be leeetneti and recorded by the rod seeretgry amen& tbi- cr•-cuttge pro: nether* ; and the chief vett, .d its•re et, peaces, end al other cell officer+ to nail tenntury, .her Are they art as each, abaft to ken like oath or tiff...times before the lAA governor or rearre st,. or tome judge or ju Attne of the hes, of Me Territory, who may b. duly coot imam •ned and qualified, which laid oath or aff.y.unlon at fitl L. eel% [fed sod trin•rr Owl! : by theperson Irking the salts to the Secretary, to to recorded by him as enresaid ; and of ern:rads, the like oath or IflirMatton ehtfl lie taken, pertrAed, awl re in curb manner and h.] as maybe present.• ed by law Th.. Gavernor shall receive an annual salary of fi 400 hundred dollar. no Gov , mOO% and otio thou.:al dollars se superintend. eat tie lodiao A ft.,. The chief justice and "so. eudn jurnees shall el hreceive an ismetril tnidr? of ecehteen boner, af..hern— recei The tiecrefery receive so •tiCus . trow; ,a• - g hterm tutored dot tar, The .50 manna ',mot he paid quarter yen, /y ; of the Tr:macre al me Unttel Staten. The m•mbere of the L-rialaiivo Aesemb'y shall been titled to recelve , been :loaf,' each per day define the r attendance a: the cordons thereof, and three ecolt f.e twenty moos' f•rect, to ening to end re tura•ng fro n the slot •••• orm, csecneoed n• rued mg to t'v er•re, tloue. , y Iratienott foots. There aria tr, anoroie:. it annually the I,ler. 01 Or, thoomod dollar', in be expended by the U mum" to deiran the cAoitrivent erpeos of the territroi ; there •haffl ali t thr es ohnsted annually. • *bd .-fent acre, to be ezpended by the Secretary et ter Ter, tory, and co•on ritlllarttc to be made be the Secretary re the Tic roiley of the hafted bates to dearer the room-sea. f the leg stroive Aritern biy, .be ptte ,ra , •1 . 1^.• lowa. and o'. her Pn—drnta' ; acts• -• r-tery of the ie,cory nit, :stir ecenit.: •ri :- • 9 cri't•ry or the Trento, or :be flatted cliat• r the irontrr in who' h the afore .lr•vc u egraenif - d• Si crass I n d A 41, t rrner end,Te•• tee Les ialsA • i• b itn.i. hell •tv n' ti-at ,hall te it. p. • •• • a• .• •LI t •sr wed Terr ore P• I • 1 rp (governor sod L-'a at. e Asactnti'y 'bah fence, to locate red ea •• -1 th- teat erg larrortmat for sad Territory an - .ti es they may deem olunble ; which place ce heat ever, ob. InereAlter he ort^ject In be ehancol be the said Governor rod Legislatave Assembly. And Ific rum cf twerty thousand dot ars, ort: of any mnriev to the 1nn... , not otherwise Appropriate:, is • pp ho p hh ic e d and granted tonal , ' Teridmy of Glatt total applied by the Governor Art.l Le...dative A.memtily, to the 'ree.too of eunable pub buildings at Ito neat w government. Sacrum 13. An 4 bo if f.l qh, ennead, That a Dedesaie to the Goose el' Itepreeerosti tree of the Vetted `Rates, to serve deer g each Ocean, s of the Iteited States, may be s by the voter. quell tied to elect members,. .tie Lewis rote A.Peat , ON', who shad be mottled to h s esti. and yr v- Reseal as ere tsereteed es I ceptired by the Dole. gates from the retreat lc•rdertes of the Vatted States to tho and 11 .tie a' Itepreyetelattves Toe Oral election .bat, ht lel at •uch nine true placer, and he condom. d it :tech man. er, es the Governor abaft appoint nod duel aed at all eub.eill..ll , e'elutions, the time., places and manger of holding the eleetten• shell p i 4 dby lam. The per. sot having the greatest dumber of voles shad be declared by the Govern 'r to by duly elected, mid a certificate thereof shall be given secottlingly Pronded, That stint ecate 'ball receive re blew aura for ratleace then is allowed by law to the Del• gate learn Gerson. Swims 14. And hi t 1 fortker eniteed. That the UM 01 flea thousand dollies lie, nod the Same to hereby appropriated, nut (1 any mockery - a in the treasury net o immune appropriated, tir'be r syend • ed by end under the dbeettort of the said Litoyeer, or of the Territory ab, for the purchase of e library, to be beet at the sent of gravernment far the nee of the Governer, Legislative Assembly Judges of the supreme court, eeeretsrs, mernhel and attorney el said terrunry, Lad such other per• teeny, and under such regulations as shall bo pre. scribed by law. 'dames 1% And h• to farther enaved, Thet when the lands in the slut ferritory shall he rut • voted under the dwell in of the Government sal the United Stater, prottsretory to bringing the elate tom market, sections numbered sialceo end thirty vs In each to ashin to said territory shell he, and the same are hereby, reserved for the purpose of being spotted to school. m .aid Territory, end in the States and Ts:reboots hereafter to he erected oat of the soma. Ss,. Id. And Se it fttfrher enacted, That, tempo rarity. cord Until othersv i. provided by Ilya, the Governor of said Terruory may define die judicial &enamor said Territory, and assign the judges who may be appointed for .“1 Territory to the several distncts and also appoint the times end places tar holding coons in the several counties or subdivi. Ri. in each of said Pelle at &strict', by proclama tionon to be issued by him, but the I.,egislonve As sembly, at their first or sny subsequent treesam, may formulae, ober, or nioddy Ruch judirial di. triers, and asstgn the judges, and alter ihn Um, and places of holding the courts, 11l to theta shall seeSm A nd d convenieut. cc. ftAe f flrdoe, enatud, That the Con stoop.. and laws of the toted States are hereby extended over and declared to bent force it sett Territory ut U air, so for tis the SW. or tiny pro. vision thereof may he applicable. Approved, September it, IX.-A), l'itnidt No. ff. ) JOINT ItErit Inftruebng the Seeref of date to furw.)) the Slime of Alabatun do elites of the buoa• anti doeurneuts ere r. pl ed by Conarerr. nod which were deqroyed tee recent burning ut tau State Capitol of r Whereas, by reason of the recent eratfloitrolturt the State Capitol of the State of Aloburna, the pith I to turnip t ciongrari to the tame was entirely de strayed, including tbe hooka and public doeu merits heretofore furnished to said State by th. Congress of the United Stales: Therefore, It-P.nlre4 he the Nrwrie Ora How, of lit prelenht tiers of the L',1,1,1 Stair, of Arnertra r t Conre, o-s.ernUed, That the Secretory of State he, and g h. is hereby, authorized to boastful to tbe GOMM, of the State of Alotrlnin duplicates of of such book end public documents destroyed a, hove been, b the nets and resolutions Congress, heretofore di i n h ale d among the Slates of tho Union. Approved, :September 5, IS:Al. The Nes , Orleans Delta of the 3 inst. has th. following sowolVoPit: "Mr. Joseph Fowler, an old and well known citizen of New Orleans, dJed oo the Ohio ou his way in New •York. Mr. Fowler was one of the wealthiest Of our eitiZerol. Ihs property which lies almost entirely in the city, is estimated at more timers million. bar. Fowler, we believe, was a native of Baltimore, as is also John Mceonough, the richest citizen of Louisiana. It is some times . _ errormously stated that Mr. McDonough is aScach man Mr. Fowler was considered a clone and en acting win, but he had friends whom be woo not slow to aid in an emer;tency. He left here in walk health. His immense property will go, we pns. some, to his relations. It will be no •mall odesn. tap to this gay to have las property divided." 4i ftskii . A.Liie I'ELLGRAI'd. .tal . k.,:r n TILLSO3t6PiIED .().1 TITTSMTRUE DAILY GAZETTE 1333:123:1=1 W,.INGTO?I, Sept. 14 Severe—The Committee on Indian Affairs re ported a bill to preserve peace with the Indian tribe, in California, which after amendment en EU. to tin the annual fanatics of three Indian agents at three thousand dollars M. passed. 'il,. Davis of Miss, from the Military Committee reported a bill to provide pensions for widows of decemied officers and soldiers not otherwise provi de° for. The ?reorient laid before the Senate, the Res . . Gurley's report on Liberia, communicated by the Senretary tit State. bir -are. Owen and Fremont introduced a com ber or bias for the benefit of California, relating to the pubic lends. the gold Mill.e. curacy of the can't, housesystem, donation nod pra te:l4,M right, Bette neat of laud entitle. de:. Aloe the consideration of the morning busi ng,, the bill for tbe auppres.ion of the slave trade in the Ebetrirt was taken op on motion of Mr. Clay Ti e pending question being upon concurring In the tonentlinenta made by the Senate in Commas tee, royal.oe pennitiee for enticing slave. to es• „. n „. ; and giving to the corporate authorities con trol over in the ingren or egress of free people of Alter ennsiderable deha!e, 'the bill was ordered e he engrossed be a fluid reading—Yeas 39, nays 19. Adjourned. Horst —Mr. Venable, by %Infamous consent, In troduced a joint ',Mutton, nuthoricog the Sorre ntoy of the Nav • to furnish certain metal In Clara Mills, to vorapleie the canting of his equestrian name of Getters' Jackman, which wan passed. m r . Hamm, of Illinois, announced that !Oman H. Bottom, delegate from Utah, was m waiting, stol he want.' me that he now be admitted to • rent in the House; ov but en the candulttes were not ball it, the Home, Mr. Hartjs waved the quesnon until Mrindny. The House resumed the conaideration of the report of the Conlmittec Ott the affairs of they It,. partment of the Interior, and Mr. Vanienht resolu tion declarmg that the Hoene would interfere with the decivon of the Secretary on question, afleionuai private right., won egret d to. Th•_ bill approprmtmg mornem to the General P. 11. Mons passed. Mr. Tronba reported from the Committee o Wain nod Means, that It M inexpedient to die the present Tariff, and the report was adopted, of tor conaiderahte d.rousslon. Mr. Brooka teemed to reconsider the vote. Lrst. sone b 3, bays, 99. Adpumad. F_CPRESB MESSENGER TO TEXAS. Lootemu Sept. 14 Col. J. B. Walt ,, n left in tn.. Foram.] yesterday with af spetches for Governor 13ellomuo,oteg the paee•g 01 the Trz., and Near Mauna Bel, -He wee If -qt espf. , ee atm rent by telegraph from Waehtngton to the Conretor ihi. port. CINCINNATI. Sept. 14. A.lsices from Wooer - Ito lenve on doubt of th. lecurn of H. H. Silky to Congreey, by • major ty of l'ultalKlehtw, Sept. 14. The Dealer-retie Stile Ur:lrene. at Syrace we'd ev aftrrhoon, .vccd red Wading -e of chadelair fur GVVCILO, sad oh.ter Sue Tte ticket Is rotenoted of three Barnbern err, and two lint:tern. The candtdetee choeen ate. Jr tt.tvertor, II natio Eetrneut; Lest Got Croon, Sanford E Church; C.tnal Cenotteettoner does C M•ttter; rert of the Clan, Cu.. J. lien inn; State P.t.etn tePpecter. Mr. aneel NEW YOHJ MAILKE N:w Ygax, Sapt. li In Po 'firm is ork mak Ifed change. Whrai and 1::/f11—`rtes at yettoxflat'a prima. A fatf hm¢cn is doing to Pork at 510,31 for No cherp•. in work, =II thscrtaaa rt. Sept. 11.. Wc.,ther e;oody ; river v.--ca low, and medium CAN o•a!gatc with &Scutt!, rcaut—Fran at $350 acaatal talcs at that prim to attire in Novatubut. Wt.!. key 21' CAW. , .1 *cove ,talcs all lc. Scud! lota Iniog 1116112 c. o.uer ante!. uncbanted. = =!, Sept. IL Cosec—The demend that tlO. its.valled for the or thsse .I•es es. neft.tded ; hltddlteg, •I id II.; good nalslilltott 151 a 131.. nett Molsete•—Cotteued sew; tree. ; suet. fr; Ga. Tosest.e.. fSe tnarset essattoste• ineetire. t T-11. Oat° flan at WO St,:.); St. 1011 espettine SI 15. Cesh-..Cesitnet.i io must! trans/tette. at 601 0 004—St. le-mER nt 45 ki 50?. WhAry r-fird n. '24 rn ~ 0 c Et/can—Pm. StoLdor., 4 TLS• Nem rod: .pr•ktnN of tko Tr.d and coaltuctce httsretn tht: 'Jailed States and Toner,r vet the ho.“-Int ht.tory alhe Turkish n7v do , v tn arrsve ou tb,s V 'CI te t`'ll. ==l Hem , . Age, .dour von., Mr. cls., who been •Ir.ent front this couatry ,htrtren year, Alum Buy the lint 610 C arc of Inc rublime Von tent, ha. ever cooled lb. United State., and the nature of the maven Is umu.ltuentary to our people. Thu, ennuent ma. has tilled (oh. r tole-huts of Iroprutanee and moat depoe on thh part of los severe on. He we. Bea I • town 61 SlJtesi. and other Mahommedso .ws on the Permen Gul: - , and ro.oe leeentl et enxrgrd wln thheare Innennn nu the Hun trurcer, der:ng be late war for zudepead r, by thnl ,n' w.ble, hut unfurtunele a• rshnprher burl cnnattalning th. lath of him fat trtr, he is Tel liberal and Inteiliaten•, and. tieing hinatelt a Laval lb per, to prepared Li prig, by, a; 'a., as to perseive the auperior eon. et naval ail, a. in tae United Stater. lie he, the rank of Coinna.ii'ore the Soliaeli atop, soil nit eiana ace:id:fed to our federal Depart. r. el Stale Tern the Sultan', intelVer 01 tat. Vsalog, a, lie seal, al, our public enahhatarnenta, be will have the pleasure, . he w I nave the °tidily. to inakd a very favorable and infernal rent to Inc Ottoman covernmeet, and e • them thel the eat lees of the. Unit. Stains arc a people with wham the merchants of Turkey, as well at the official powers, may hays an entwined nod liberal commercial Intercourse. 7he Herold slates that the 'root of the Turkish Amhacesddr to the United States is connected with the lavarigati 41 of our ability to furnish ships, reamera, insehinary, and munitions of wa• gen entity for lice Saltar, and slim to become acquains tad with tha chariwier and resources of our coun try.....L7lll:nly has a wide field of exploration b 1 WIIAT vrs Liteil•LaTUKC or MAINE nos DONE Tho Lilitalniura adjourned lain Week. rho Moor hol avretLied by roustunitag amply the Old pro virt.on. utpunrt common saner., mid p•secd. S the Mtn eel,. have sailer ytheertace to wit oh to %Jai death soil ileidrUtitiou. 110Inatearl L.. 1 woo repealed, and a subetstute pra:d, which given 10 the debtor a homertead wroth hot Over five hundred dollar,. and On which ho sad his trinity :candy.— Pordand Tree.. Other of Ohio and room,. R. R. Co, Third of Ihrrioirotio, Moro. 3,18 M. To Siorkholders of rho Ohio and Roll Howl Company •oe ht.r,ll , notsfied to pny :h. eiALth-In.n!surot of fore dollare per .hare, at the Offie. of the Company, on ar before tho .011 day of AO,. The aiuth In,alto,tll on 00 tortoro the tolh dny a !,icrientber. The troth lumulnzent ost or bolero th cub ,:ay of October neat. T Tie 7111 tnetalment ans celled for on the %at ly Icct on3:dif R. P. TANNER G CO., SHOE WAREHOUSE 83 lY ood at, b•torosu Third k Fourth Aire now receiving their very large and superior F. • Noce of BOOTS, HOES, AND BROGANS . A 1 o lIONNEtzt and FLOWERS. all or the latest •'•I. 4, and p14••••ly eddy., in the western trade. Peen e..e. tea great rare, and tu to aieUs ht ova n y t 01 su 'passed be my ' , the , to be ranee et, or wr•t. Our CWltt/METII and mer• • h..• • et- me. du, doh and examine, es sre 4., on •ne nlost reasonable t4l4et4. e, teo.. s ear • I . stent•ltuhber Ohne, g• all ki••J• aeolhltf ;Feu, IMPORTITION OM IIIRbIvARB. LOGAN, WILSON & CO. 120 IVOOI/:•IREET, Ate now prepared with I large and fresh cook of q ^ git`b• 140rman, and American Madman. to offer 'Open. toduccraenta to huyers 'nose wishing to patella. promote. their interest be loOaing niough our stock, so they are detertnthed m eel' on the meet rcasooahle t•rme aujetS impra . ;•ziaaaa uoacistry. DR. G. 0. STEARNS, late of Ito. to Is props. t monufumure and set frto Tedro an rrt untl Meets, upon dretient or Atmo.phcric Sint oo Elutes. Tonto...fto net w0n..., where ohs nerve rzfored.. F our and residence no d /Os tO the May or office, Fourth nicer, Eit.ohurrh. Ram ro—.l. U. littEmiden. F. II Rotor , lop IIiIICOURACCIR 1101d4f. INSTITUTIONS CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Pittsburgh. C. lIUSSEY, Cnter.• •—A. W. MARNS,Ster. Office—hn. 41 Water street, in the warehouse of C. I. GRANT. 111 Id COMPANY Is now prepared to lesson all kinds of mkt, on houses, mmtufactonea, goods .terehondloe In store, and In tranoltu team's, &a. .• An ample guaranty for the abihty and Integrity of t.e Instiunum, to afforded in the character of the Dl r edam who are all rime. of Piushurgh, well and f verably known Itithe community for their prudence, telheenen, and Integrate. li. Gummy, Wm. Dagaley, Wm. Las inter, Jr. Wane. Ilryont, Hugh D. Rios, Edward Ilestelton, John Haworth, S. Harbaugh, ed. SI. ap30,11 ra - Tea I sate Cermasaser iffLese, the in teeter of the best remedy for that tearful disease hos ever been offered to the yobbo, thee dr Seribes the symptoms 'shish Indicate • disordered sus, of that impormat oryam— "Symptisms of a Diseased Laver—Pain in the righ t side, under t h e edge of the ribs, Increase on presture. Poinetimes MO pain is in the len aide. The patient is rattly Mae In lie on the left side. Some tintes tbe min is fell order the atioulderblade, and It frminentlY creeds to the top of the ehoulder, and is some times mi inhen for a rheumatism in the arm- The stomach is !affected fent lose of appeute and sicknees-4he bowels an general are costive, some times alternative With lea. The head is troubled with pain, aeeom pe: with a dull heavy sensation In the hack past There is 'messily a considerable les. of mammy, accompanied with a painful sensation of having left undone something which ought to have been done slight dry cough is sometimes an &madam. The patient complains of a weariness and debility—be is easily startled—his fret are cold or burning, and he compiains of a prickly sensation of the skin. His mil.. are low; and althopgh he le minified Mat axes ease would be beneficial to him, yet be can se•eeely on up (oititude enough to try it. in (art, he din. tenets evert. remedy," Have you any or •11 of these symptoms? Call and pinch me a b. of Dr. klitmele Fn r sale by J. KIDD& CO, No GO Wood strmt. sei.l4.dtmr9 Ellnd Restored to Bight by the Pe S. S. Lorree--Sirt I wish to bear testimony to the medical virtue of the 0,1 called Petroleum. I wa• for a time afflicted with a badly inflamed and very sore cle, so mach was to loge sight entirely for alum thy: c month., with very Intle hopes of ever recovering the tight, and but • Blight prospect of having It re hayed or the soreness; my attending phyaielan was uns uccescral In making • cure, or in giving relief, and iiilnrde , me Lot little encouragement- I heard of the Petroleum about the let of April, ISA and gave it • trine the result is, the night is restored. and my eyes well, except a little tender or weak when I go out in the sun. ANN IRELAND. hl an,hel d at., Cincinnati, May 114, S. S. Lnrron—Sln I have been of with Piles Inc. ren years, and have tried other remedies, without permanent rebel , until I heard of the Petroleum. I have used only one bottle, and think I am entirely cured. I ircommenn it to all who are •lilleted with Dims. I have known it to be good for sore eye& Ciaeionau, May tal, 1050. E. C. GARRETSON Dar sale by Keyser & McDowell, 140 Wood areal; 11 E yellers, 57 Wood sk, 1) 01 Corry, Allegheny city; D A Elliott, Allegheny; Joseph Douala" Allegheny; also by the proprietor, D. 51. KIE6, iy4 Canal Basin. Seventh sk Plnabo rgh ■HACKLICTT & WHITE, DODESTIC AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS, No. 101 Wood street, IN VITE the attention of Loden to their large dock f Fresh Goods now opening, and which they are prey tired to sell on very accommodating terms. We satin he constanily recerring fresh goods dur ing the s and IC4ltellt examination of Our *iota by westereason, n merchan,s, and Other/ visiting ear city. nug3l IWCORD & CO, fab who:estile & Retail Manufacturers &Deelers lIATS. CAPS & FURS. Cos. Wood & Fifth sto.,lstttotonsgb, 'here they offer a full and to•.opiete Meek of Hats, Cap, Fors, ate ,of every quality and style, by hole• sale mud Retell, and invite the ottentton of their Pus• tome., end purchnsets generally, assoriog Them that lacy eIII soil on the mos, eft a.•rraeaoes TASKS. anglielf OR. 0. MINT, . . • Denust.ComerofFourth and Decatur, between C=l On Sunday evening, at 6 o'clock, RAcala n widow me floe. Judge Fledlay, of Fayette county, aged Itrefordoura papers copy. Coxs pro, W. FL for sale by 1 , VON EIONNHORST & CO A LKILATUS-2, bzy for side by scplO S F VON BONNHORST a CO bga t filej N VlLlg : :; , lll,saleaptn 1,2 : co N A1 . 1 :,V.. ,D5-I % ln F ilo v J A la gi s f l A r gi s a f g . 7 l B y N1014 ., L p D ,, C AN D44=l::: UufNNHOI _LiT i t %V 71 , 1 WAOII BOARDS- 2; dot Doltiee supertor, 14 lor sale by J D wILLIAMS &CO 16 Cor. Wood & Fifth Cs. (1111 , AP WALL PAPER, al O.N, 10 nod Id cools r roll, for tale by vv 1. MARSHALL Hood st rty MED Wn" " ": 177 A n r/MUSIIALL It CoL - le B Acws_iw.hbils ,Eo iabd. 1310. s; So Lhds Ilims; (or rale by I:(2M= i... --, LiZIAR CURED Ilightl—ldd tee various brand. C .- I IG SELLERS & PdeOLS S UGARS—WU U 3. ill•III111 Sager; GO Gals Lord do; :It; brit