PUBLISHED DT W HITE : & CO ,ent TM eD sitar, IVIIT DOOl TO Polly ita r--......•••—••—•—57,00 per urn Trl-WOr • 6,00 Weekly, le 2, 00 /0. o Clu6s, at a reduced me.: KAI CB OP ADI7ICRTIISINO: AORECO UPON BY TI C PITTSBOIRGII PRESS. One :Nor re, (101thes of Nonpareil or leas) One tkuiv re, each additional ismirtlon- • • 0, ,, a Do. • into Week•-,...---,...._. 1 . ., Dn. ' two wee k 5........-.. --.--- 3,1•0 DO. three ' , twil.— ...... -• 4.00 • Do one Month- l ----•-••---- S.W 1 1 two tunnthe--,....-.-. 7,W Dr • 011ie m0th5.....—.,,.- 9.00- I.on ' lour month...- —.-• 10. W Dn. ale month ..... --- --- IStal Da. Metre roorths...• —..• 10,00 Standing. rd (4 linen or le•sd per annum- 10,00 One Soule, changeable at Pleasure (per an. mint) e elusive of the paper--; For each dditinnal Irtinare,lnik•rted over one month, ana for eact additional square inserted ander the year ly rates, ha liner. Advent.< lents exceeding,. square, and net over Sheen Publisher not It:lntro uneoun chargtattle far ea a •flnre and ve a half. legala adrtisemeilta oeyottd the Inuit charred nor •heir pabtication. ...minuet.g gentlidate• for office, to be charged the tame n• tuIT advcrUltinerrta. Advertiwt ents not marked on the copy for • sped led nurturer ( in, on rds, wait be rominued till forbid, and payment -scrred tenon! • - The pnvile ;es of yearly a•l'vertisers wil el h er ne rigidly to their regeirtr-Int.ineisa. and all adver. Usernent• not pertaintng to their regular business, as agreed Sur. to in paid extra. All advermerdent• far charitable methadone, fire • rnpantt, ward, township and or her public Ineettngs Ir advattee. ; and sorb 'lke, to be charged halfpnce, payable atrielly , • Marriage nettle... to be chanced SO mints. Death totter irwerted withoutebarge, ante. aecont- I . panted by ton e ' I torantion• or obituary VOLICCS, and when en acenni tired bi be paid for. • Prettier a lee, and ..110thers sending comm.. nievt.on•, or .4 airing notiCes designed an Can alien tin. n , rnira, . rree. Concerti, or any nubile enter. tainn.rtt, whet eherres ear made tor admittance.- istl nonce• of o v ote associartons-evcry notice de. meted weal; al talon to private ente . rpritha eliellia ter! or.thiended to promote indbeitlonl interest, can on ly be tiwercd with ;he . understandtrui that the same Is to be paid for. if intended to be Ineened in the lo- cal enlonth, the slime will be charged at the rate of not less than ID ecru per line. Hilltopnr liar Notices to be charged triple price, Tavern Lteensc Petition., S 2 each. Legal and Medical advertisements to be charged at fall prices. Real relate Agents' and Auctioneer,' advert' . meet. not in he el.,' under yearly nitro, but to 1 allogreJ docount of ihirty three and one third pereen from the amount of bills. IrEVALT ea TulArktllLT IN ALILT raven. One equate, three lowtions!•--...• .31 50 Dn. each additional inontion• •. 37 V.ri1121 , 001 . 131% IN 1411510[11r mama One Situate, (10 Ilneg,) min •itsenion• -SO eta. I'...each additimiel Inseruon••-. •• All transient advertisements io be paid in advance. WHITE k CO, Oaten, lIARPF.R Pmt. ROIPT M. RIDDLE, Joomal. JAMES P. DARR k CO., Oironieba • FOSTER di BROTHER, Dispatch. JOS. SNOIVIIF.N, Morel:ivy. JAMES W. DIDDLE., American. lIIRANI KAINE, Evening Tribune. Pet - roma., Dee. I. ISIS CARDS. ----- - JOllll A. PilattlBboll, A LOPRAIAN, Flfth Werd, Penn street, beteree tritire end WeltmL ea busmen promptly et tended to mayll ALI,LANDIcIt 21. WATUOS, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Ottide, on Fourth street stbore Wood mrlD DAVID O. T tyr:riaz, ATTORNF:Y AT LAW, and Commlwionar for Penn•ylennin, Lettis, Al! communications promptly answered. oettl-: JAnics I`. Kr:my A TTORNI.:N AT L A W—tahra on Fourth wen, A betaman Sawa:old and Grant, rittaburgh. .1011.1.1 11. ILAN A TTORN and C.nnlrPor nt Law, and Commit. aloner tor the ".. , tat, of Penn.ylratda, St. Louis, (late of Potglturgli.l Reterene , —Pittahurah: !Inn, W. omnrd, Ilamp• Inn S Miller, M'eandl”.. k Mreldre, John-E. Parke. Hispella A Semple. Metlor.l.k Nina. angl.l.l) BIDWELL CO., FORWALIDINO DIEIIOIIARITB, onaix. Feri-y Post Olin) flawing pt,llltriClillV I•GCeti al nue place, a new •nd seihstenttel Wharf Ilea,, we are prepad to re. calve and terward peon:lode to all poitesou die neer, and dandy and Veneer er Ohio Canal. B & co. Olaanner, June I 5 Id INNS MALI, •.10111,111.. COAkii• V.. a..ALAT. BtuA r„ LRY, WOODWARD A. CO, Wholesale Oro _ :Dark, Pittsburgh /alkali Work,. BF: NN ET r, DERRY & Co , Mania:hirers of Soda As& Wearable' Powders, Slo Salta and Sulpha, lo Acids. Warehouse ho —, Water sheet, below Ferry. nor2o ly F rederie k Itratn. . tie o rev Reiter. B I. , A m tl m N , c u :FIT L:be n it ; t; I . n n i• c it, V ,. S R , r t; t e k t i , l Yltte ee a 1 . AIrANI , IXV & r•!r, F0r5...M..1,1.611;n • Mirdon Alrrchnm•, Vftnal ritishorgb H. RAS T. t \ ..nd \J. forwarding M,,linnt, No 41 Wa‘er u., burgh. Ira Hersey ••• • .1.1•11 Yl. It hleintna nErtsalv, PbESIISO t CO., fIOMMIASION 311: aril ANT:r—For the sale of Do mestir,Wonlen, rnd Cotten Gnorl, alro, dealers in aII kind. of Tann,' [`rimming., No all Wood st, Ith door from F.Rlo. l',lolire h. R ef , re nee—Mess: Wm. A. Hill it Co, Banker. lanT.l NUM CONIMISSION Nunc lIANTS and Bill Broke., No 114 5..en.,4 Pin.Mln•rh. surd M E . s r•01..11/1, /AMR, V. 11,11.7. NGLISII UENNETT, Gate Enrlish, Ganulver Co.l Who,c.ce Grocers, COnimiasioll .d For warthne ' , Jere lido.. and dealer. 14 Produce and Pins barab Slaw/factures, N 0.27 Wood 4,l , etsween 2d and 114 Greets.or t l Wn. O JUNST - Grili. FORWARDING R GOll SIERCIIANT No 112 eeeou.l Pln.l , urch.mr2l . . LOBE.: W. I WSLT.e c. urrnomct R. W. POINDIZET.I2O. & co., ENEGAL \i124,411, and Forwarding Moo. c. 0.. and Flour Dealers, No VS Market wreet, Onladclolna. irdd EIVOICIVOIt dr. co TOBACCO CWII2ISBION 1813BCHANTR. No 41 North Weer Street k No. IS North Wharves. A./ BUCI3OII # 1 1 1111..ADEL1'IIIA Ila.sho D. c. mcc...mox TT I,IIE, lracceseor t MoTialy /t.Lev.l - Wool Deal. er Rod Conino o selo• Merchant, for the •Itla NVonlens, Liberty, onrooeite Sth n, (chi.) . ;once. HA RDV, JONE.I h Go., Isacetagors to r Atwood, Jones h Co.) Commtsslon and Forwardlna Mer doa,erl In rittabargb Manalsetared Goode, ruwlotren, mph, ==IIII7CMIENZIE ISIPORTIift 8. Dealer In French and American Pa pnr llanainaa iiind Itorders, Windrow Shades. Fire , nan d pr.., ko oiro—Wriling, Printina and Wrap. lona Paper, No s'a wood Street, Oolsreen Fourth atreel sod Diamond alley, 'rout site, Pittsburgh, Po. (Olin . PITTSUUIka II GLASS WORK9* I AGNEw, late of the Grin of Chambers. Al new & Co, would respeeti'ully inform the old en. lowers and the pa htie generally. that Ire will still eon tinoe rocarry on the Green tit.. tinniness, in .II It. *ant:ties. and is pri pared to fill .11 orders fm Apothe carie ' s' Parnitorr, Al-nerate, Porter*, Viols, gc.. rt . :mining in hi. hotter... Ilia warehoosetts No al Al tract street, batureen rt. it Netion I Sr AO 1:43m D MIIIWA N. Wholesale brutitt•t,iiiiinT rt• ar in Dye Stair*. Point, 0.l.• V•ritisheui he, No la Wood street, one door South of. Diamond Alley Pittsnargb. apt 7 ANIESDAi.Zah., WhiTilat*o I e tlror or, Coo3l2l.inTl IP Merebetnt, at, in Prod,e and Pittsburgh glanafnetures ..!1 Water •t, Pilliihufgh. a t•itpol [Act., 11•0•1111 T DICE•T, it, TS.AO(II DICKE? A Ca., wholeattle Grnean. COM- Plivrion Merchant., and dealer* In Pradana,Nas.s4l Water. and 107 Frrtv t street+. Ihtt.h.rceh. anvil ht.rne,ri._..—...--/oecph Oi wort' JR. DILWORTH ft CO., Whnienle Drricers, arta . Agents for Hereof Powder Co., No. al Woo d eh, Plttnetegh defii J s47 POWNSlT4l s ,74rriiils , 6 . 4 lid !co. (5 Market or, three doers .bat, Third In. Prue burn, will have eanstantly on hand a well enacted in' torte:tem of the hest and freshen Afetrielnes,whteh hi will sell on the n ressonehle tenni Pkynelen , sending orders. will ha prnmntly intended to, nod plied with anode. they not rely urine as genuine. nag pr :part rrta " rin - re l' ent"ln. w al let rI he , " atTn ' y U ll :e a r n e d ( • day or night ti Moo for halt, s large Moak et (nth and good Perla let 3 Jaen Nord. Friebard Floyd. A R. ' , Loy!), ‘Vl.oles•l e Grantee, Commission id . Mercloratr,and Dealers In Produce Round Church Itiplihnif.. !reverter on Liberty, Wool and Meth RIMPI, 1 . 1,1 ,4 1,101, j., apt INO. A. F, Agent for the , Lake File ilia Miehigen Line in Deaver and the Laken, -0800 eut the romp, of Woo., and ffoOth6•l4 au. lone hrEN A. trtrrcrtimlT'vez.: - _, •r Lewis Hate:neon di Co., Commlialon Merchente, and Amite of ere - SL Loan Hiram Pager Definety : No 45 water and 99 front wens Plttenurgh . tent y — PERTITr's - rif A IC Eirr el . No 21 Wood otters, Pitta l / 1 0. opt ,- In Mt In Masse and Mantel lentreenente, flehnol Boon. raper, Marne, Pteel Peng, Printers' Cords, and Stationary generellf,No. 41 Wood et.,llPitieburgh. Rein tannin or ..}en in 'nlo • soot, 1-17C-A-54-14FLO tiring of Warren, fltdod Com rte:le t r ic i s n Z{f ' e d et l er ' , * n n' ileaee A g: . te c e. h e a e n , '! ;a o tte r; Pot and Perz, A.S, and Western Predate generally, Water etre" between Smithfield and Wood, Fittebanth- =• ap4 lEN . JONF3. Fn e ding.* d • ..1.11. ler etiec.ts, Dealers it Prixlee° wed Pittsburgh mane femur./ articles, emit Ilesln, near 7th nl. ape . . IL N BILL, PITTIII3OOII, PA. TrENNEF.DE, CHILDS &CO Alenuraeterere of EL; very saneraer 14 Sheeting, Carpel Chllin, Cotten Twine ant Outing. kATE Jobrston t Sift-Ibn, BOOKSELLER, PTA TIONER. PRINTER, and BINDER, career • Ut sad Third urn% ?WAIL*, Pt. i72o:dtt THE 1!,P1, • , .. • ' ' itt ! 0 ' BUSINESS CARDS ppitt.b.,eh Clay 111••• Works. W. CUNNINGHAM & ANUFACTTRERS OF WINDOW OLAS P. In No IC Market ante; between hlnt and Second, Pittsburgh, Pa. FlTPardchinr Olentinu paid to odd sues. Also, Dealers la FLINT (CLASS, VIALS, BOTTLES, km. W. eurisiononi, S. 0.n.0. , D. CrIrtINOTIA.II. Win Miller, Phlihd. C. %V. Rieketson, Pittsburgh. M I 172 and r nnen 74, eorno f Unndies. er aT4flroq d in or g. eets, pin burco, Pn. Iron, Nails, Conon Yarns, de. Se , con stantly on n a nd. aft JoinThivt-a. James D. Ntitlt. Walter C. Ron LT cf.:ILLS A. ROE, Whnle•soe Grocers and Commis.. DLL slon Merchants, No IN Libeny St, Ptitsbu rgb ap4 ertrsuußGll STEEL, WORKS AND DINING AND AXLE FACTORY. 111.4.•• 10.1111%, /OMR 1. JONER & 44,0100, ANUFACTURERS of spring and blister steel, MR plough steel, steel plough songs. roach and clip l i ,.eongn, hammered trnn anes, and dealers in mal ,rLOing's. Gee engine lamps. mid enrich Inmmings lt,...ninY,cOmer of Ross and Front ans., Ptusburch, led:6 NNATT/TEW WlCONTPortrait and hlinimture IF.L Palmer. Scorns corner o , Pon °Mee Alley and Faun% street, entrance on Fourth sh, near Market. deed-dig XTlTY.Tarillo•, Commission Marc hunt, NL 31 Old Levee N Orleans, keep hand a large assortment of Brandies of the follow lug brands, which they odor for sale as agent. for J. I Dutiful & Co, Bordeaux, st,s: blustery, J. Erand..l Du rand & Co, Larva helm, .1 Durana, Cognac, Adesl m -10500. A 1. illeville, A de Monitore, Jean 1.L114. ko, tr.e; also, Anchor (tin, Bordeaux Red and White Nines in casks and eases, ralectett with care by John Durand /COY; besides Champagne Nl:lna and Sweet Burgundy Port - tent-/ v• XT HOLMES & PUN, N 055 Market st, second doo from r corner of Fourth, dealers in Foreign and Domestic Bills of Exchange, Certificates of Deposit, Bank Notes and Sped.. V e Coletenonsmade on all the principal eine, breachnut the United States. ttp4 I\y BISCRMASTEIL, Auisa•An—trihea, Feviith at. , 11 a third door above Smithfield, south side. Cnoveyaneing of all kinds done with the greaten - 1 I care and leg• I accuracy. Tit cs to Rea. Estate eXemined, he. 0ct..70.1• Lithographic gatahllahriorat. wm. SCIIIICIIMANN, Thirdat, opposite the Post•Oilice, Pitishunrh.—Mups. Landstapcs,lllll. hoods Shoorhilla Labels, Architretural and Nlnehme Drawints, Business end Visiting Cards, to entraved or iilra.n on stone, and printed in colors, Grd, Bronze or moatoPProvcd style, and at the most reasonable nrites otut.s:l• • CO.. • o. Ys Liberty wee Pjbelese Grocers Pro duce untl mercha eJ nu, and dealer in Plueberei. Menefee ere.. .P•' NOM 1.0111.301.1. LITTLE SA. 11013131.,. rll::fTMr3R':PlZ7l7lrac7:n7".T"'ti,lCl C dealer i s rO,.itlholhsl4l{;. re,da~ all oLt - , o r, re y , , ri n s c u , d . D;;In o nt n lc il X a ti n i large stock of sut.erior old Monongahela vcdskey, which ss,.l be sold 1 00 (or , ash. ° . t o. YZYTtIi 1D RV NOI.LIS Forucarding and rotunda. Lb Sion Aterchuntt, for the Allrgueny flitter Trade.. scalers in Grocenes, Produce Itttuburgh, Manufae tures, and Chloride of Lime. Te highs, price, lo cash, paid at all titneosfor country rugs. Cornet PM, and !corn it.. coin R OIICRT DALZELL fs—brs,-.: Wholesale Gtocess, Commission Merchants, dealers in Produce nud Piusburgh Manufactures, Liberty street, Pittsturr 11. A. OVIIIIII(011Adt, uremLFsALE GROCER, Produoe, Forotnhog, VT and Cottunosion blerrtoont, nag Maio, to Poo. burgh Manufactures, No :Cm !abort,' atreci., rimhurrh, cmrnt.. Ii SHACKLE:TT & WIMPS Wholesale De.lemt Foreign and Domestic Dry hoods, Do. LM Wood prat. PlusoXu A u e..p17 S I ; and 6'l IC e ‘ g V o 4' nern i ' l l y " s c n b :l " r . r tt r ; and Co Merchants, 143 First street and Trend street Pittshorgh. r. stimmes, ro-rtLernan. , oubi dli s t mi s I t t L bur"), S o pe v rm i S• rer ' ... a - rdths on ' d ttnaL:soo. hnlesslcGfo- Dittoes in Fhttaboroh 51.ns turcs •.I Wetimitt Produce, Lase removed to h#Clf new warehohvo. loot mand.l 313, corner of Front street and ChneetY Lane. otcr.Ensarican in•WC.23I . • CPU+ SUN.) T HE subscriber ha in !cased the above seell knoa, and rkeellent staklishment, is on.. prepared enMrtarn his (sends and the travellink pahhe genes Ciy, it the best manner and on th e most reasonst.le lite TABLE will at al! tiro, be •upplled with every delicacy of the season—tin.! his ❑.O with the best of Lieu/ire m i. L i e , 173 , 1"1; :and even , man e 3.. 63:41qb1'6,1 e aecom3934lnuan of Dm BIORHIS i iiil47-01.1.T11 TEA AND WINE MERCHANTS:, Enat mde Diammul, Piltrbargh. arid 4 BAIRD olk. IRVIN VITOULD inform the. pabh or , thry baw.• taken the arurthonte forrcerly earned by the la, Mr 9 - Inroon Senoyer, 114 ,ceond ctrrr t Itv ring ail!arm ..d comm - kiloas vrere:sover. they Would ins ati , n of pence,' no goo:10 thent ar The will •lon rive attentinn In purcan, and sale l!rioie, Draft, Ilan& e .0 7 S. W terms n • • R N %il - 1 " 11 7 ;1111l1.. W U. W.ic rrnre., • 1.. S. 'W ATER MAN t SONS. W A CVISITII7IIII and For. bog ••er,tlai., //I .gr k,uds Pro .lare A Pubd.nrgb Manutbcf.nrd Aruelc., •n• Agent. for sale of Rlebtoond and LyncLourg AbinvfArtur.d Tobacco. WFII. TIM FUN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, But/ex, Po WILL elan attend to collection, and ail culler LAM ne tt entrusted to Lieu to Butler and Armstrong counties, Pa. Refer to J. Ic R. Floyd, Liberty st. W. W. Wallace, do Junes Marshall ' do Pittsbarich. dii Ks. A. CO., Wood at. ) lan7 JOHN fIoPADI & CO., FORWA RUING A. CONIMI,NION NIF:RCIIA NTS, [tarn, Penn street, Pdtzbarsh mre JA14L6515 M. DAVIS & CO., PRODUCE AMU FLOUR FACTORS, No 2.17 Marko, and 54 Commerce et, Philadelphia. Advance, made, by either of the above, ot. consly Il• ments of Produce In calm, House J. L. Williams John J. D. WILLIAMS & CO., WIIOI.I4SALE A KKI'AII. FAMILY GROCERS, Fore...ding and Coma...lon Merchants, and dealer. in COO `itoy Prndeec and Ilittsbargn Menefee tarns, corner of Wood nod PlOll streets, Pittsburgh. notti Wm. H. Willi EL WILLIAMS Ar. CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROIa.R.S, North Dan corner of Wood and Third streets, Ant Prrrserraco. Pa. war. iusiamra, Jana a. cow.VAL W. ULM DADALLIT. Wei. lIAGALEV tr. CO, Wholesale Grocers, I and Ili Wood sire, ' Fanning h. apt: 101111 D. wig,. DaVIL WC/OWL... IrIFICK R tiI`CANIM.ESS, (serecasors & J. D. Wog.) Wholesale (ironer.,Forwarding •nd Cornotiosson Nlerenanig, dealer. in Iron, Na.l., Wars, 0011011 Yarn... 1.1 P.1.1•D Wel Manufactures general ly, morose of Wood and Water .tenet,, P,ltaburab. aol7 lA/ & ht. MIIIIrIDILTRED, •• • Ilentifyarrr Distillers, sod Wine and [Arran, Mereit.inir AI . - .—lmporter, of Soda Ash and Dirac a. log Powder, No.loo Liberty Street, (opposite rreet,) Pittsburgh. apt: W.WILSON,. te Wahes, Jewelry, SI !rev Ware a •nd Military Goods, corner of Market and Fauna streets. Pittsbutgh, Pa. N. D.—Watches and Clock• carefully repaired. apt: WY TOOlll4. /MIN h. 'mu. w.l. YOUNG k Co., Dealer. in Learner, Olden, dr.,141 Linen, street. rat , nity Wt adeotrueds. ION" IectrIVIISON. X r K. McCUTCHLGIY, Wholesale Grocers, PP deniers In Ptbdoee, Iron, Ni.,ai •C..., and Parebtiren Manufacture Centrally, Liberty erect.-- Pinsiugh. • • innt7 DIZIEI IATILSTARTII A NOBLE are now receiving new cr., wheat, which roof superior quality. Tier can now famish families with fresh Flour. All orders left In the Loans will be promptly attended . %FILM ARTII & NORLF., Jy34:dtf City Mills. 00-PARTNERSHIP.' --- 1 - HAVE taken WM. CARIL into partnership ioS 1 ma in my busineas, which will from this dal be earned on ender the name of vdohn Park, & Ca' March hot, IeSO. JOHN PA [WC J o h n f. —.William Car . JOUR PALER tCR & CO., Wicilesids Grater!, Diva,' in Prodara, Form," Wines, Liquors, Old Alanongshda and Rectifia Whisb-v. No. S, Commercial Row, Liberty street, mr..11 I • _ltt.l ! Eargh, • INATZILILLP faLata. sosints nsrers. ma. u o PAinfEn, !SANDIA d CO., (Sueccuure to Hassey, Itnetn• a. Co.) 'DANKERS, EXCHANGE UHOKEHA, nod denirm I) In Foreivi end Domestic Erehorme, 4.-nthesic. Of Deposita, Bank Notes, and Speer.--Nuttli *Tim corner of ‘Vood and Tina streets. Current monis received on deposito.—Sight Checks for sale, and collections made on snarly all the principal points the United Suites. The highest premium paid for Foreign and Americas OW. Adminceo made on consignments of Product. Olio ped East. on liberal ten.. oPTir WK. 4. fecureol puma. oh• IV2II. A. IO*CLURG A. CO.. oßoceas AND TEA DEALERS, No 25C• liberty street, above Nay. Owe ye on band a Nitre ii..otuneni of Moira titneerie• and Fine Tfoe; ninn, ' , wenn, Praise and Netn, Wholesalturnd Retell. Dextrin . a pp lied on the la .a,m• meet 11.16 4 OA WOLLT/I. — PS AND WINE AIEECIIANTS, east Ode of the Diamond. Excellent Tess— SO ..",0 per Ih. - Dopester qualltles•------ 0 73 do. The best Imported I CO do. Low priced, tionsged at inferior Tess a at this estsblislonenL " DlTthript It][7 tIeCLINTOCIE h. mot received al hi. Cerpn V . - Waren•abe No 75 Fourth .veto, a very hand some assortment or Rom to which we laviie the al dietiLen or eedieiseer au On To I he citsooms or Anogrbony City A BOX ler the exception or o th ers for City M ill. ZS. floor Is left at thee Vora o f Mercer & Rohinum, p e d.ral pirstl- Midi Orden! will be poneptly poet. selll o WILIMARTEI NIMILE MISCELLANEOI WILKINS HALL, COURTH STREFP, rrrrsauxott, PA. Inns inagnsficent morthltshment bane no. con, 1 pitted and ready for business,the proprietor would respectfully solteit a share of the public patronage Ile trust. by giving his full atterol., to the harlot-Fa. m mote the heart a pleasant and comfortable resort far the mum. of Ihttahurgh and fur the country generally. Goad Intendant,. will he In waiting. terd ever ra. .ertion made render the ealahlkh.nent worthy y the MI and oePPort of an tnielligent ear:D..l°l,lr. .Tbe th TWO SPACIt lined for Parpe•. Coneert.t, Leeture•:, ang pul.lie In/41w, will he let by the evening or week, no u. ',been' ter.. e. any other in the cite. Th.. DAR and RESTAURANT, equal in wyle and beauty toy in the world, will he k •pt turnltlted with Par e Wine., Choler Ligon, 0,1. 3 14, pw ter., Ale., and al: the root, light, ref renhtnentx ihe ..erwon. Poultry. Unrue, Fp.h, Soup, Oy. Gera, and t7.11.m4, nerved up In the bent style. 'The DINING and 'Ct.:CREAM being on the Leal. door, and eary aree,, will ho en 1 etnell rippled with nll the Lugar., and Dellvhc.e. oi owaaan, and a 1.., with the marker* alTord. linnrdine by the day, week, or Dinner+ or Sooner. for inthvoinalm or pante., fu year vhort Gentlemen with thepr the ray eln, be ntirrilieo with Tcfre,hirieuts of nil kind, emy hour or th., dor. Good Stabling and an f/1.-11..M. !Avery Fvoil,l.i.- ..into. connected with the Ilan Dinner at I o'clock. Itrcalira.t and Tea at Ilio coal botir• Fintrimee for Lad., to tne lee Crean and Dining tialoon, No 117 Smithfield .tioio togottllf VAN n r.Nss . au.] W - MSlavni.v, l ¢ A• WESTERVELT & SON. WELL KNOWN VENITIAN IIL NB MAKERS. kerpeon.tantly on Land or make to on!, rLr bent article in their • nt the, old ',and, No. nor ob.. at No,G Marker .stre7t., rand ...or, rot rattenta the Diamond. Vito titan Slot tiers mad •llr e to order and old Wind+ neatly repaired W. i J. 111.161NN, Book Blotters. ~TF, art wall en}aped In e( Wrrod thtter..:tit":7ltbt.7l4'l:!..tretrZer we are prepared redo any work in our line retell. We attend to our work pr oonally. and colt.. faeUon wilt be given to regard to its neatness and du rability. Mani Bonita ruled to any pattern and beano+ out , - sta.ol:y. Book. in numbers or old books bound rare- C ally or repaired. Names put on book. to gilt letter.. 1 bose that bane wart in our line err in•tted In eel ' . p tow I Penn Bleetaine-illbon IfWlGllTMAN—Abinarsteturt r of all kind. of eat' a Inn and woollen marLinerg,Allgeber, c 17. Pa TL e abovu work, being now in Cull 2,1 auc:c. , ds I op. egation. I am prepar,tl to eget eta orlon aval• diraete for all kind. of machinery in ag sec) pia ker., apreaskra, earth. grtncirg I •nr• dr . ..wane frame, naredgrs, loon., warden ea •C •foelde or .untie, for merrhant or reentry work, males,jnek ke,,,lnle and band tathes and ton , in gen eral. All kinds of shafting oinde to ordu. nr Nap+ , or gent tne factor., or mill. at ,aannat.le• re. I, —Kennelly. child• h • . 0 . !One Ig %toe,. lie/I . _ BENN ETT & BROTHER, QUEt:N 91•VARE NIANUFACTIJRI:II:3, 61 ratlaichapa, is•nr Pit taburgh,; Pa Of., .:17 ~• ad Pat.tharga. W ILL oenutatffly keep on hand • eon.: seer, went or 4.'are; of our n‘• n rib n4tacture.• nA enperlor yortlity • Wholesale and nnen,ry Met eltann. .t.v.ted to raill end el ems.: for then:eel. to •re de.rmincd 1. , nil cheaper then h , efote been offered to the rob. I.e. fU - o.rders sent by mai.4iacconpmnled by ibe ear) or up% reference. will be pro:OMIT stren.led to. by UMW cos.cct PACTOItY, A. WHITE h. CO., would rewnentrnl!• inform l~l• eye public that the- , !man e m:a rerwd n ShOr , en Iscuck, between Perit ny ! •re now trralt Inc and me prep.. wd .e •••••• rdd.dd Amery rierntrtpurm o/ veramr•, P.c.,. Borate., Mauer, On.. .ul e , n u are em, erridre tnr MAI ufwm.... , .."1. wt.. 1.. awl the inettumu they herr. ttwe we , cunt.4,l to der wort nn ern,. v-rv". n... the tenrattm amen, to • thesr n rrytne rrnrt ... rater atterator. In t .e.direirne of ence. rtx, ells no:.e but rnt Lave nin warrant., thew wort I'.".- thererorr Lek the attersurn. of mOtt..l N Repnwing tlnne In ann Inter manner, and n rim tr . m. 11.11C•Irt, JAN. rtc:r..... SCALPER ATKINSON,, Woo n •ND Mo,nx Kr, 1 . 11 - 1,11 c.....vriNuE msnelaelore k,.14 nf ,ors YIR TiN AND titICKT IRON WA A 1,.,, Mock moth Work. Stoup Von. built to order . SpectuJ nlienttoo ct vett to ocean, hnrc wort . 'love or, !kr:RICA • line n••nrirc• /. nt •'•incc• one I:r•itr Kcal,. Tic r SR, ac....e.t. 'oo•cti, n Portublo Forges, varou• cu.—RR vr ry t onv cot, uele for Rocumbnatx, Calitorm• timer:ant, roil r0..1 com puniev ou . e wld re•peedully invite steam boot In and otters la enil and ace our *melee ••nil price. I..cfor• porch••ine PI vrv•hcrc v. 17 Fitt Ildnaitin• Work. M./1“1 Foundry. i°I7II,ZIIOO, JOHN IVRIG /IT Ps. C.c.. am prrrarr.l la build Conn,. and Woolen 9l inrrY of rvcr. as Cindol np.rd,r. Lirarrmc I rut., Warprn, ..00 Ihravnt 000 Cr:•inc, Card I: r.. non 41:n I, tunlrd. o: I'o 111 wt. Ifaltgen 01, 1,0 , 1 pa Iwo ',xq.. and land. of all furnih,' on abort notry Pets., mat, nr.l, to: Mill Lica...yr. Iron H.lOlll, non , fur 1... a: inc Frirtone.. I rc.n W 11l dun y tinr rue. .1:y lndcro Ilion Or S IJ•er to Mack vos't, & J F tlontene•il C...., 11 %V . :a 'her, w n l',1•1•u re, . .• & J. V. 4. ner. COM= fVHF. aohser:Ler oacra far aale a large and rp:enda. A.of roreetood anal mntognny ',tap Ae. loon assortment nail andthoot Bolen. in'a eelth, ..Eollan Attachment. Tile sikove I 4.orenlew• n,e ranted tt e,aal to any cnnatiraetu red in this c cold ..on• iry, and sad' be so lo:‘, Thor any the East I. ULUM E. No lilt Wood at. doter nSuve hth N. 11.—rChly t 4 enp vial be tales nt par fora few. or above asourtmert. mr.l ' , Rhona Brisk Works for Sale. Steam Elt4trtrlitrstrrs, Nlouttl Strlttnr, st Pret...r4 Itsrl• tots ot dry r , at Lars tram tts. Lank.) Is, .1s). wd, tt.rett mrs landss It., Atte(:hes,. rtyrt ns wt.., are 4 tits. Irl./ 6.-.1%, starlit... elny wltrott. arrow., In.. 4ttoveta, tpat,•. hr . emery Ss, rrys•ottt Is t sts stetter estration• at as , Itsr. nosre. I . Ow past st 'tent ts {l4, 1,111,1,1^. 11.-,m. pa venrst stns.. Withsot land ,” partten , ars, at:hrs. 111".s.1) I _suet:74l4 Wrought and Cast Iron nailing. HE xobacribers beg leave to inform the pa bhe tEn , T they have obtained front the b:o.t a , l the late for Iron 12:.i ling, both for linv•e. nietcrica Persons wish°, io I.roco, so ec me patterns will please eall and exam., and for themselves. Railing will be furnished atthe s,ort. est notice, eel in the best renal:, nt the earlier at Ilrajg and Rebecca street', Allee , ,eng env. atilFY-4111 A. lANIONT KNOX AVILLIABIL DIOUY ILOS leave to Inform his friends nod rostrum,. it. a D !in I. font recevlng let. ocw .nr log stock of l:.. la composing. us usual, all IbeVlf , n,l a,.d roost In•li on I able styloa of Clotas, 1...1 ft', fancy Vest..., , nn• ton and Intro I ,l6liLltr .130., eol rocr, a rt, Ir ..,,,We fur genllctoen's %year for -pm .:7 :old PLISOOtOr it or., Inaposatbls to dram!, the be at), manly. or goon.", of the so , ok, abt propronor hope, all who arc 111 Vell , l of good. rt:op, foolnonnblo, II lid \VC! Ina., en.. n . anll ging him a call, a• their Is on cock thin col: at the Alleg,brinca that ea, roni.nrc with .1. Thr roaLly made , leiirtmenl es very , :ap. led to all (anon. . . . Mull road rentritetor, rorty tnerrhartp, .od .J 1 . 1, P. , h.,. Cutely, are p Ili , 1 , ,...,1 in .t. amine the .te.rt ',fare per r,meln, e. partactalos n tcnt.on ti , pad to the whole.4e LuAlnex• to Our e.t[th. iOliOlll,lll. Every strange in the tpiln,V linn Pantie In nnler in thepang faulnonallie and best onner, al the grogem nnnen mr, MO T 114 F. . .. TPurtnerabtP beretorore eriating ender the Arm at A A C lißADLKY,:a.,ltseolved by the dere., or Mr. C Bradley. The lonatneaa av,ll'.e e•rrt,, , au ..y A Bradley, whe wdl nettle baatneaa of the late firm. RET , I O VAIs—A 1i11.1.1r1 b removed hi. Enu.,•lty Warehouse trot" NnlllFee. n.I street to No 19 areet, between First and See and I .IFCCI•. lb- war.- hoe., lately occupied by 0 Berry, where hr will keep ao.tavtly uts band a ge ern!!neater C - inns, Grate., titorea, Cooklue., Inver, ,ke ..Iyl.l BAMUfi.L Ae K~LI.VY~ vrANI7FACITRER I:A. , T N. I LTI and No. I AroPriclen 111.acr ...rel. - It ` Strel Files., all al and 111.. Ituap a:Aral sou lenr..lan.l for a, Works.. Ulla.. str.eL,l%.,:. ard, offirc in Sr.,, of 1101.1.A1 NS h. I.A1.1(1. SUN, Nn I, Cool Of Wood Atm., lurZl,klllo 121:181E13 We, the anderetenrd, hewn, Dyed, twoth ',- telecom, the Om t" Steel brol ,lea meat , by ' , lntl, Mt Kele) , nt 111 , 1 roele Steel Work, w the•et:y.tete plreytter in rerontternil,, than ne equal 1.1 40•Irty 10 mey ever wet! by by, or I,prele Et mattufartner. Psttneuegb, Alarrb • !1./ 11 OLP JEN111111:1.R & CO, Iliannfocturere of Iron nod N•sil. Iton Founders and Morloomo, I . lls•,lrgh. COLF:NIAN, 11A11.,1 /C , l it. 00, Manulacomecrs of: prolgo, Azlc., Sprror /Or , ' nod Pa. Plll•t.urgh, Pa. P h, W M PAMIR, PAO. Dodders and Machine Curd MannOn•to rem, Punant,h. Pa. A IM/I.MN, Era, Founder, Pw•tatr•h, Pl. GRA Fr, LINI)SAY a 11.1".Ourartoters of Iron Ind Nail, Prosbeirrh, Co. 'POkILIN9I ngine BuilMarble Afiannfantarar, Anaba. andE d nart or, Pill.tattrrY. Pa. Dlr.&Janos of Partnership. liklll3 Barthership heretofore existing between the L subscribers, under the film or Chambers, Ave , . & Co" Gk. blanafitelmeth W. dissolved by maws consent, on Om firm day of July, instant. MI person , knowing themselves indebted to sand firm are segue. t dto make payment to Other of th e pastier, thost delay, and all persons having unsettled ReMllll.ll a Ith said firm, aro Invited ALE to present them for Immediately. XANDER CHAMBERS, JOHN AGNEW, D. R. CHAMBERS. - Pere Wises and 11cm:seise F our own lothertation s, suitable for medicinal purposes, constantly on and slid for sale by the quart or wholesale, et the Tea sod Wine .tom et MORRIS & e‘VORTII, east side of Medea, Pets. bl i urb, sad Faders! street, Alleghos7,nsu the Mae. 7W RGH, MONDAY M INSURANCE INSURANCE. MM.: DELAWARE MUTUAL sAFFT, iNsu MANGE CUM YAril" —Office North Room of th- Ellellaulte, Third CIIIVt. I n•ull.. NCIG-12u ildiner, Merrhandire and och e PrlP , nr, in Tow. nod Cr...WY, ulmared against 100 . ee by fire, at the lovrest rate of premium. Tl rarer I,l4Cll{rir also insure Vessels, Car and Fresslos. formen or eno.tai‘e anat., open o rpm policies, or the its•urld dente. I, 4an Tao , 1111,VISSZONI.—Thoy also io‘ure merrb •rt,l, transported by ‘Vaernot, Rad Rona rem, awl i. , truun oo rivers and holes, ou the tuottCorel hw E ler DIR roo. , Trlß , Joleoll II Seal, Edmund A Snader, John r.: Day!, 11,ert Durum. John II renrose, el l.',t ward.. to,. I., Edsvard D.rlinaton, Isaac Joi,rl Newlin. Dr II NI Huston, Jr. I' !Inuit Theormilu.. Pouldine, II Jones Droass, Derry :Com,. Dtigh Cram tieorer Serril I, Snenee r Alcl ivain, ebarle• belly, 1 I; Johnson, Wm nay, Dr Thomas, John Seller.. Wm Erre. Jr. E DII , CTOIIS AT 11 y rr,111../Illill—D T Morgan, Hugh Crate, John 'l' Logon. IVILI.IAM MARTIN, Prevident. Rtri.RD Spr'7. In — 0111,e of Co.pacy, No 42 Wet, stre, ( P. A. MADEIRA, ALL. . . MG. and Iteal th Inala rpifE Alotunl Ilemlllk 11,nranec C • InPorpora,kl by the GerpPlu p inr, of rehn , yivailk, Alareb, I,IP. ITharier etpiial, a1i41,1M,11 It 4T ulsvca noun API P.m., Con raNV. nod lull 20 per rept lower then th. plural rnlrg of I.o‘. I,nrAnee the followtog coin pnr...on will • perxon nte flu In P. 114/ for lib, mt. Pa, In the r.0..y1 enure, 8255, Peo,o Mutual, P. 246; F . /1.1112111P NrW !.:117;11,.1. Ncyr 1 ork Life, 5,111 i Al tile and I le•ltr., I'hJmle Iphw. $1 ill Iknketin, —Snolucl D Orripk. Charleg D. Dalt, W Hoene, Robert 1 . EMI, Churl , . P. Hoye., 51. IV Itaablxin. II 11. Hew,-, At, IF. Clapp O. II Campbell, 1. , 1 5 1. Coot', I Bro.:to Raker, F.. II Butler, lialwin Ft Cope 1 . f....1ent--Samuel 11. °me/LI Vier Pre.l - P. Kip, Prermory—Franept 111,kbarne. A p,llpstimnii will he r..eelve.l. alp! c.v.., information riven by P. 5 NI L, FADS:NI/TUCK, Asl, °Mee, I, :ortinarrelsal Pomp, corner of n. 127 dlv Wood itud ?lust/are, le I ILE: AND ➢IARI%tJ INNUILA NCEI. rrin; INSFICANCIi of North America will J, perinx. , :lt and limited In./more on pro prrly lit thisrill end vieinny, mid I or shimm.nts by and lop e.ea. Too properties of th , st'atnrany are welt iovralcd. and farisieh arn:l- dable loud for the ample macula/1y 01 . all per.. who deeore to be pro.oe'vd by insurance. U'PI I . /ONES, Age ta f'lra anti Marino Inan • T II t: . t ' t : t tn '.h r ." n I r ' c " ru " ; t.. " :1 V I4 7-ji of n 7: t h east of Woo,. Thr. r, ogrul for tf, uloore old ond er• Cortrr.y, nur rouelns nu Butlduu, •rul nnou• td rwronnar fllrrehnudi... r.ltc,/d 00.,,.and u 0p.., ves.ol4. SOdr/LI and .1111i10112 JASIL:d W. AVUODWELL., Tmar. Sr., 2":1. "•C I " .: 7;% ‘' th L f: weird tt , •40r: ntr c 1 n h Vl' It •:ITl'ltr- Ih•lre•••,1.11 gm. rtt o, nt.t.ttottr.lll ercr tttr :et lt.• C 0111 ,,,1L1T 1.4 ',nal oj ;Oa r.tmtAst, matt ratve.l,t.r7:4ll,ent, °DJ tittmble for Itratt,t, ft-d Storm, .110( rriurtE 041 d at tht. itt art •1 prurt. Purastare at, dr.rriptlon. , spreuall InV.l[lllo t.t: , ae.4 r/amille v. 1,1,• .te.rn tram rhea,r,t •ird Loftloc• and for ortich cntr,a•c. Tr. , . aTrt• Tete T., 1.1,,r, errn,CLur. .•tqa, Mite, 1 nth - e'` earLi nit!, I ., ,sti and Iltin e!,.,. rt. Inv 4.1 e, !of lhornr.jr 10 Oo i .• Or: SC 1.,. c:u End do; A T. r, er.artrip.4l of Comm,. e 1..% awl oth er 1 , ....taut - I1 0 ,1•A In ,11, t,r shortest notwe roel mcippl.ed wtth etil.ortio St ent,J.lrr+l./y itSE V, ELEMINti & CO. MANE 11 , 01 t tiALk. 1 Ant VA. 11;Hf. H. AND AT LAST ANI A ;II I:1, 111:CES: 11.1;;;... Fan:, 11 r1M.Or, all are odrrrd , FacLory prwee =En WI le I 4 i•cd r •Igr cfn ;Lon_ 1. tr Sattnrll, Slcel tl•• ( . I.e , k• alltl , qr.pcs, •cry Leavy ,o-li, asidr..,:aftJ• 1 . 4.1.1ing. cy I,lllntt. 111,•rk C••+.mere. ME= ME= ••• • 4 , 14. untrue, rl . W.roto,o4c No , V 5 . ..444 , 1 • l'it,t.o•4 DIN•ol¢llon vo,nrtitrr. CI 1, .•j VcJ 11 01:1:11/11 tol ,r Sit .N:ca7r. lot• Limy vre nutinnntrd In n.• tt, 11.1 U. • u..t.r.u. N 1131 A 1,1,11.1 . 11 , 111. It hr-, TIIt~N AE DARNI-9. The g dengcnegl, nre gine alaneggord the rn•e!ve% gn tile • Lae ;Oil: A. :lAlth,ogy•igo • /11A1.11i1 . 111S /NFS. L, r. , thr firm rtqr‘, s A , nso rr, rnntl lonn t!, Itern en., and I r r r-• • rit, •.ornr vro,t, of vononAnln Good., In n oonrroul invi.-• Inn t inter mro•l/ land 4, No r••I Wnoo st I it A:•I. I' SlAyrr•t.t. ron•onolly tar-ron ••-, trim , nom the lAulernoriri No, 1or• A .1 1 , oln•Intolos. nnol Ca° nom Frroch nntl ruct•t nt•psvv.c.l odyi, s srl.h I- ire 11.,41,1 I , ltr Ft.r. •atr , rt. 1., wo.-11 Foorth und Peamon.l Un S (. 10,11 11 . 1'.11.1./.! PA INIT-3 be • ,ust rr•e'.l prr rreuen,r, •I Tor • Or by U.r• barrel or •nrAte pound nc fr•nA, n •••:. I , rfrco,ry Wat.c.tru, c •r•ler or :••••xt , • crt, lArr.,4 N c.i Ir M att. , PAcniat Socha — Ash. 46 I ttt. brl,l I 111^ 1 1/(11111111,1, 1:1) . 1.114 the yr., from New. Orlra l n., •11.1, pin ",...a.l y. wetic , awl .11.1 ert, •I.,trttr :Imre I Jun0:11.,,,ac,,.....L.,1)...1int• Alb., ,LlO Ltsarrot.e.,l the r m •Irtrl Iro for M a.M MiToMELTHER N., Pio CIIELIICAL STOVE POLISH Moth,, Ito/op/top nove, offer to for filth., the, rlenl,nm ittierittrol thilt•. e , irrethtion or feu of rtotttraillettnn. hp thitve •al have it, , thee it far vithritni tit anv trt srlarkct The y ethiettritcil hive opprehri.eiiiit• 01 enittor t erne., A,' •ai it• pn•it ttttt previivtv duel from artist, ap al. Ili ntit•i he don < when the Pito,. ensil ititaiitthr reituttr, to produce a T'. 11611 lotire A •OVSI, of over lifty ti mei:frit to thr eniivninero. A co:111, 0111111eil to Stover, Pipe., /iv , Alien 1,,1 kW, ter thr P 1 1•11111151•,111 nore ret• t he l l,lllll,l 4,111,1 1410 Alter livirteg tii,d it nitre, 10 It ti r.. ,Irt will nor •ity thr a •r Prriniurn Chen, CAI ,1111 , ^pnn 11 For •me N I•4trttr nl,tri.i Rep, 11,t,t1 tut,. P1T ,, UU1.1.11 DIUVIENIfiIi ..•r.attll 41 rirttr lA/ ALIA ,NIti:11 Sr I: n d„. VT y, t t. ,It..rt. ttv•ty t- tor Fttttrrttl ttrut 11141,1. CA I' L.O ROI 0.1 rra•ortaite tertutt 1! 11.:'1 HIVAT 111 1 11,1/lill4. 100,000 (..•,..•.-m-rd IM..t 1 . :n.1, 1013,000 trci k'..r.aln by 11100:1tr I=l 91 , ii I-7 /or lkort ot.r•rer prtre l'utta 1,11 br rtol for amp J rcu.l:Nr or V. crol,l.v .A Vt. 110,1111‘14:11 MIMES THE nvenert ,um•lcure• or rood, urriyme by 1. he I . ..rtnon 'Lout Lice,. veld rlrte.r take notice Mut they Le,ll be repured io pay fre:j..,,, lit our urureheoLe, uccord.og to the rerv.m, before the etuids removed- UAMc AN min' At rr 11 1 PURE (11.13 FICICNCII 1111A21D1 - , -- diuirolde far Alrthrinal l'rerprmrt. IN [been eteLly terne, the :wove unirse II rreivectly re•ontvd The •obecrlber• het, emile on band for ra!e Otte Dot r per tuntle, vrbiela they know to he Kenai, .; W4l.olbotig:LL by therneeivee In France, end It up pare us 'turn war boueht 11. rit RI& Il&WORTII, Tr, & %Vine Merchants, en, rule of Ibe Diamond anglo _ . Fresh Arrival of Cholc• Teas. ORRig & HAWORTH, in the Diamond. have juit receiril trim the anyone's. another larse •upyOr of r rd undliievn rens. attach they are over ratallitig from tha *Minot chests at &De and 75, per 11. They defy any in the trade to beat the quality et the prier. W. renyeatfully solicit the lotto lie to compare oar Tana with those purchased else where al same prier. IrICTORIAL FIELD BOOK OF THE. REVOLX• TIO, or IllustraUons by Pen and Pencil of the stney,, N ßeenerY, IhnflenthY, Relies, and ?radio.. ol the War far inderen& nee. By Henson/. Loaning. with MO Engravings on Wood' hi Loulng & Barrett, chlay from original sketches :by the author. To be complete In about 20 NIL at Sec, for gale by Mg? R IIOPEINg G. SEPTEMBE LAND SALES By th• Prelaticnit of the Vatted StOtos. e TN s t.n urr o s , m rif n l i a , 7 l k e Z i A r. C!I f A A IRZfr , f4 - t r P24- dechre and make knoirn. that patine sales still he .r held at the ...mentioned Land Office. In the Sime is of MICHIGAN, at the periods hereinafter designated, to wit:— , At the Lard Office at SAULT STE. MAIM for i t . the "Lnke Superior District." commencing on Mon dry. the sixteenth day of September next, for the die nuar.' of public lands within the following named lon•hips, n North °jibe dote line, and west of the principal meridian. Townohip forty five, •nd fractional townships font six end forty one. of ratten two. Townships forty five and forty six, and fractional township tine seven, of range three Tovn hip forty sit, and fractional lownatilp forty seven, of range four. Townshins Cony six and forty seven, and fractional towiwhips fifty and fiily one, of range Ave. Frsctional townships forlY se"."• fort y ei g ht, kn. ' nine, fifty. end fifty one, of range six. Townshins forty eight end forty nine, and traction.] township fifty of range seven. ' Fractional townshipsthirty nine on "Hog Island," and tiny on 'lint island," and township forty fine, of .Fene l nan eight. lotinl townships thirty no. sod forty ...flog" and Garden" Wands, snit forty three on the Maio t land, and toorrishlps (tiny four and forty five, of range ' Fraction., townships thirty nine end 1.1 0. ' den" end .. .Squaw" G 1.., and townships tom' three, ' forty four. and Am ty five, of ranee ten. ' Fractional la wnships thirty eight on "Little leaver 'sisaoia thirty nine on "Little Braver" and "Prom" ' Wan., add fatty pn "%Viliskey" Island, rind won she ip. n Cony three, foray toisit, add forty m range elev Fractional township thirty melt on "Gull Island, sownship forty two, Ind fractional townships forty three, forty four end forty five, of range twelve. Fractional towns!. an folly, tot the main la n d, of range oixteen. Fractional townships thirty nine and forty en the main land, of range oeventeen. Flactional townships thirty eight, 'tiny 0100, foray, and (arty one, on Mc main land of range eighteen. Frnettonal tow n ships thirty six on '&1 one and "Innerly" Glands, thine seven linclading stionmer" Island and as 101041 Owl thirty eight, thirty nine, and forty on the main tend, and tdlossehluo forty 0., fpyty two, an I forty lbw. of nineteen . Fractional tow.htpa thirty .ix on .St Martin`." and "Gull' lolanda, thirty seven on an Islet of" Little Sum err , Island, thirty eight on the main laud, thirty nine (Ineludina the Island to ate.. twenty seven and twenty richt) and forty, and township forty three on the meat land. of range twenv . Fractional townships thirty eight, thirty nice, and 4.2;"7:lll7PTAtEl2l,ioftitT'g' one -commencing on fondest, the thirtieth day of September nest, tor the dtep mat orlon publtn lends within the (Mto un inimax named WM*. slops and fractional townships, i t — Nonli of the ease line, and teen of the prinetiMi ortornhan, Frantic.] townships tinny five and thirty ma On the matn knit, of ranee twenty four. Frinnonti lown.hips y three, thirty four. end a,trty five, and townslup thirty Mi. of range twenty IMEiTIE! =El= Fractional havreselos tiaGy Icy and th i rty three ne themai ,gn land, and townships thirty &lir ens daily fir of rae twenty s,s Fractional actional townships thirty one, thirty two, 11,1 y three. Miry four and thirty five on the math land and townships forty ate, terty seven, and forty eight, of • range twenty seven. Fractional lovro.thipl thirty Iwo, thirty three, and !km ir stern, and losatisblps thirty nine, font' sir, forty seven, sad forst eight, of range twenty eight. " r " .t net. p7r! , . liartf night, and thoty titer, and tharnalnint luny one, testy tang, truly three, Tony foar, for five. forty sin, forty seven, and y eight, areal,: twenty nine, Fractions' town (n thirty nine. township forty, froetlip,ol township hrty onr, townstcps forty tern, forty three, tony fogs. fatty five, forty net, forth seven, aitd tatty eig h nand the fraction. of ACC tians thirty Gra sir. at the rapes of Again hat nor, of town. sine fifty nine, of ranee l,lrtiunat townships thirty tone, forty, and ton; one, townships tarty two, forty tote,, forty loot, tort)* five, forty six, forty nevelt, and ferty elght,_and Iran- Vane: atatntrec and entlanen,on “Traversea {.land, in township fifty font, of range thirty one. AT TIM SA M F PLACE, ommencing oti Itlondn•, the fourteenth day of liensiier near, tor the disposal of the nubile lands calmed within the ondermenttoned tow tiatii • and fractional town•hips to wit:— North of the iwe tau, Ten vf tin principal Mgr Fractional townshipforty one. and towitabion forty two, forty three, forty four, forty five, mad filly, of ranee ism,. two Frarponal townships Lily "I/ fifty two, of tamethirty three rrnetinoal township. fifty and fifty taro of range. thirty (oar. of ranee forty one FraetiooiLl town., and lownithipo forty noie and ren‘i, fort) i.e Townithip 14,1,1, frartional townehip forty to•rne-tp• tort' sow, and fifty, of rantc folly three. ToarnOtir. forty 'even, forty eight. forty nine, and eny. of ranee tory lour 'lnernOie. tor, ~. rot ven. for, and forty nand ine. L: •• 1 ra 4 ite " t.Y h'e• r Ipermhii. luny SO. and fifty ot range fo, A, es, fort townships tons •is •nd torts . seven, to •oeo y eight, and fractional total...hip forty pine. ef tante forty Ferro. tractional toartishrps tarry acre., (arty eight, and forty tiine, of ranee f••rty e,tht. Frarunnal t.irnshtp forty right, of nage forty nine. At the land haler at lONIA, rnrtmeneing on Sin , ter teenth of Septror,e, 1,, for the disposal al the pa..lse lands wiles the oaderetteotioned frac not t , wn•han. •rx-- Nora of 14e Ease Itne, ofd .+r(! the prinnprd moras .. .:n. Sectlnnv one end two, .Ist half section of three, and ..eriinns elev. n, ti.trtren, foe rtnetata , nty , r twenty Gvr, and y six, in to wituhtp nine, of sne lorrormord hy law for vhe row of arbc.l., o . ourr, or 0./.o. oielOjed row U, The eln , lnkk of sl y,nk nookUnn d land* yy.ll th • unta, In *Om k. do, are ode nyed, *yob non unto, uyik, the winkle •Anil entre •ern of• try,' un • the r• • 2,11 '• d uu •ulc 6 , 0%11 Ike acid nue, , yrr than two eery and uo wry ut P, W' well hr admitted uuld elet liir rtl•rr "lnn ok own vrnelka invest under My h2l tit the ,of Wnehinn, tn. thirteon•li du, of June ,I, , Anon Do en mini one thaamand eto eight huinned 11l toe Prertlein: J BUY:6I.G. C 001 .1112.10(ler erne General Land tasee. NUTT TO I`RE-1 , -4r I'u) CLAIM ANTS. Evr , Y Per,on entitiett tome right of preietopuso to any of the latis. vrotisio the toisniiiip• and frac:tenni toisin•hip.olore entimeirsted, to regutred se estsbitsb lit seine to the ontiofor. Iron Of Register and Re reit., of tite proper Lend thrice, end mate paymont tn.! as prizebeittite eft, ermine this rimier, uf ilic t!ay Dpr;llird for the cornier...cement paiiite salt of the hinds ruittraring the tract e;alnied, otherwise sari, Cilkllll 11, I he forfeited. J. Burr Kit FIELD, COILITIII,I4,n,r. I 6 I & vv9,,i Ilisainett'a Alma,lean Poultry nook. MBE Poultry Boon sad Fowl Breeders' Guide— ]. Being a tie.. 2 on the Breeding, Raising, and General al songement of Life. Domestic Por Fowls, f rom ro, hi tiotraits fto Hy John C. Bennett, aI P . D. u• and TN. wore will ho found to eontain a treater amount of orient/at nod other information, both practical nod u.efol, 10 regard to Fowl Breeding, Leant ained si.!l other merienn works ti•gether It will le Illusirred with nearly Filly Portraits of the nowt 1/00100 varlet., of Anienran and Foreign Fowl/1, 110100 forty ) nf which are twin life, from drawings token e.pecially for this work, of the most Important breeds. rod several of them from fowl, very recently on The rtpoed. putiltsher. have apared no egpenst to bring oni tht• work in the po manner, Itoth In regard to the engravings, ovrits el the wore, and the general `•"•°°" of e'er,' port of the hook. And It is better ed that the work will be found to contain inure pram'. ea! Information an Breeding and Mamie . ng uornestie Fowls, than any work issued in this country. For sale by J AY It LUCK WOOD. ie. Boolreeller and Importer, ItnFosirth to. Usi itolO7^3 co....: l mo4—(''.toot ; a Sketeh of • ny.tral Description ol the Universe. Ily lb' ilurnholdt Translated by Otue. 2 vols,l2mo. Jam rceerved for sue by I) LC/G . /MOOD told e k lin:lnner. Int Fonrth s. IdN O l.lllll/. FIX.% fllle,TT s Itr 110I.MALK, GROCERS, No 41, Wood street. VT od , r tur , ILM, pkg. V. 11. Nip. Work and I .aniawder Teas, 115 ha, 1,1,,,,,n; 100 ea, 1110 Coffee; :gm 11014 N U Mel N U Sorsa; 'Z./ •sanrtrtl $lOOOl Weadow I..nsa; baa Val 1,1, • C :Woe Ilse Corifial,; :to bola Tanner, (1/1; 5..0 Its I [ l e d an Ili, Cord, all coils Manilla Hope; XlLuis .SPICCd CilOCW•le, 111 1,.e• rapper, a' bag. Alque..; It, tor, Herring; in brim V/ ',ran'', Mt bah, Ca Idle mak; all Lis .00arr lb Merl lu 1.01, Chalk; ..00 drum. Figs; A we': r., vm.(al e.,ulartu re.l anuelvt. TIENTIMUNT. 'ONG TO LiIUAI. TIIF.III' tna, V.., March -I u bare disposed of nil iLe ref Pills you rein run, aro A PIIVRICIAW. lIA VI; FOUND NUTII I/Lac. %IR 11 NF.1.1.111N-1 lyl Cam'lt $2 rap and lay, dst el um Venn/luxe. 11 , , ye oil Ono, Family hlctheine• in my fondle, s.I thorn, esye alfof forforllfed thorn In my marine-. I me ff moo, plo fed wilLf nod hoop (mend nolloog In oaf unl thong. !food met dol of your Yeti/Immo, and IU ilos each 02 We Live, Pills and Coogo Syrup. Iteepeelfully yours, IEIII.O of I,:ter.) T. T. Janson. Time< moldy popular medleinea may be bad of the proprtetor,E SHLLbillci, 67 Wood st, and Drogetats am/orally to the two rill. and yleinily. apt y>teSlN—A few bob A 'No 1 extra Whits kostc aupersor quality, mutable for soap maths/roust "nonfood and for solo by , JOHN hIcrADIEN & CO re" to :ma Canal Ewan: Pena to AI.K-1 lane mum received for sale by 11 111,1 J, SCHOONMAKFR &CO cass - a pore For i brr 1 SCHMN - MAKWR & CO M Ve it . 11 t:YL— i7I6 Nal CLlbe- Arts led d riyn LallET- 3 . I bat ill are74l ' , " a 6 at reed for o nto /Yid MILLER & HICICFMSON lIHENCII - WORN—A - Any astortment ot ',nova Capes, Collars and CON, id" 1 " d d" /3 ,20 A A MASON! COAX. itleg gniaud, plaid - Woo Vicar, jolt teed and for aala by jytiO IVhl A hIcCLURE & CO, 6511 Liberty st. vatENITEIi ears et Monie r us.," I mild Mtwara, flavored with different herbs, receive 11 and /or only hy tylNi WM A bIeCLURI/ & CO. 45 , 1 Liberty at LIN3EgHtI/C-4114TanooId for sale lie 1 1110 KHHE111111411, Ira COT, Woadsad 94 011 111 - - WGILTSC GOODS ROLL DRESSES. M ttitaePlaV„&loplittlelCrUtlcEnitiipacieVari'';lm"corTo%;lol Good. for Drereeg, crei Sing or Scotch en dß. Ira MON Flawed Rodeo Fintiroiecred do; Victoria Lints; Inc Priced Barred Jaclroact for morning heron; i Roc rot finiehed do; •nd a lorgc annortmert 01 RIXIII.II Monllnii, with colored crahroiderg; largo, liorcirca, &a., al Reich east corner of b Fourth imd Moran atrego. - %NUN PuvF itURCIIFIF:I,I) have teeeivril a tart .apply of Der, Lavinia, very circa', Drat .iyi t town al light do. in g mar variety, tor 111. In. A im,czni , raideretl •nd prlnted)lti.din. hdlack °net of neat and neutral atylas and amain mire for quality and north ram corner of Penult amt Morkrt au, SALE QF DRY GOODS At the O. Pries SOro of A. A. MASON & CO, WILL commence nn 3.landay, June ad, Ibthl. Their tramenra eicablialtmont, with all thel Wit 3 iSvalo 11 00 f0I• wit!, en this orcusipa, ttraW open for 'fterAll. Sad fill of lint orieneiv. rock with Ito oared to dien n o n r front nd to 30 per rent. It.. Man usual prices. TIIKIR SILKS Comprise over fro inmilred pieces, and will be tmlil at an lament& dia roast. Their asronment Shawls.ildreges.Tisruetylre online, Foulard Silk., Lawn., hlumlins. /droners , Cdrobr , es, and Drum floods generally, will he :area pu , hynnetlintrly, qt ahn"t atm knit Me into.l rap, 11 oath Fast Conrad Lawns will he ogered al Pc. V do Dashes, do lloolm de Latcas, 11m &mean, English and American Cancods, 10k lle. 300 dune Linen Ilandkerettlof., 0k 7e. A I .me Tot of Wm mrld Collars, wime as low as Se. Together with a somplem varier. of anniratir andka. White Good., Ribbons, Hosiery and Blares, Bonner*, Malting In all nne of the most a stet nye ait.onm•nts m the country, winch will he • wired d•twn to mach down Pr me. than al any or their prerions Annual LPII4. Snug wtn I.r. clmed alma Thi.iing and /kay 110.114qm:4'n; Art Bag. ii g tind marring doom zinc°. Ala V/1111•11l1,1 CA.II 01931 A A MASON h CO ITCI.I4IIiCI/1 /4211614hila'' Mitill i ttl . .h.Bllt'tlirlELD have received a sap ply of 4 and 4.4 rrench Linens for men's coats and racks, ladies , sacks, hors' and children's wear, of the moot destrahie shades. .. • . They invilo ot . ention to iltelr lage it.t[onrr.ent of •nd Boys' t+UNIAT WEA. I t ot, f Jar rcut m w i.. 1 0...2q FPI 91Tiqii..7111 . 7 ' 1 .4 1 117.. 107 PARASOL, I PAU41301.61 11tX URPCV k. OURCMPISLIShave received arotSer mrpp/y of•larve article, and nee enabled an 'on F ly almost any qaMtty and Color tamed : mid st rte *"‘ IFZ oh pricetalr s. a l•nt B Oil Cloth Coctr. Pl3 "T AICCLINT(iiB has orrved to. day, at ht+ Carpet rTn, 01 very hvlld Rod so:mr 43 014.41 lee ally - UM StMo/PiP . orpereiseepl. 1 1 lkf I. at: 11.1 .I arrattr rrnurrd prior. Im.rn. (rd m aO.Ol. am 4-4 Hero (loots from i 0 rents op ; Iteraeraforlqe; lain Black Berm: for NO: Bonnet RilMani Mr fie per yard. Lashes ore lovas.' to nal: and examine our atoet of dmos moods before purr `moon el.:where North eam•entter 1) ECEIVISP ILi, d ipahe- j h astomeat of Allrant It or (Pram Maly at Um Carpet Ware room of tP ateCLlNTheli Inl3 73 Fourth a. Nl' .I(trul..ll,l' .& ,. I , I I 7 s U p I i I , FI L F4. I / 6 11x 4 c . .t,a ing Woo: really on minted phec., 11 .• 4 . 1.A1.40. muleuoatunent of beltutifto ,1144914 .4. 1 Jae_nnet and Swies A splendid asaorttantt of Ulna k Juld rare- Silk.; llerages, Foulardnd De Loma, re:n:loEll4v e:toup: Ikaaufel Sint. do`rri nenle prr yard; Iknotnu/ Cattrou., Iron, 61 cent.. and up erne; A large cook or 11,na nnd Etraehed ll 11,1/113, per prod andnowa.d., Ilonneta tun] l'ornan!r, or root!). redoced prices Cloth., Coasinterea, "Ile.a nd Vest age.the hrnt quulity, l o7 k llte Y irign {area atook of 'belting.. Aaron nod Shtrung Cheeks, all .1.010.; Drown aod Idea-t d rheciings and Shut op, 1.10 Linen, loge:Orr with all other •rtelea ou line, at north est.t e,.rn-r of Footle end t elex .1 '''d 1!111wa • t r.,.. ;;:5 . e t; l and bitted rhaneenine 4 . 14,•1 nen.y somenluantY: •droet rldid cm' fozo o ord Woo , : a 1..; do. agn• and 11“11"; Lam e dn 11/oa, nod hood male.; new vt) '1 Fteueh, English:an,/ : root h Lawns, in great vatir4, and an •er, low poe, plain. Lgured, and auttn stripcd Jr of A; 1 ifal• and qa• ILAJ, linen luslrre of 4.1 shod... Ind etvor,, „ alnehamr, en ' inErne. &e . h east , O of Fourth and .alataet AFA HT , tl R sapid,. of Illaet 75111.. a• :'.- r eol aced Sib., £O.O teertreel o. f ; 4,4 Iru at north eual owner 17 I at al aln.tet /n; *104)71, ..IVf 1311F111 a BLit . :1111ELD are ...lune 11 and Ilersae al D. Lames at very la won hg: north can 700000 of re n 6 and sta I )o n 4 a . ri 6 w 8 ' r; l'r ua I na'' urea n i t I :t n v.!, d , ' trt n told for. ale RI Novtheall corner el h • er. het streets in) & 11(121 - 1/srl itaiiiTaiTi — nitrtrtliei bl - 3 - A7l,''' . An DR PUY & have remved .11 ed. oak)supply of above goods,lcludn t ; vartou• sorles q dn{ f Chine, Pearl. AlOnoe, and G. It , •norte. • Waite And Valeta d tano,, and iLhoona of all enlnne and prone,. .at 17 I Ce1.,01/11 ldf. CUP - NI-Mg ed. 4-1 Flner 11.1 51 , 11,, loot recereet; from the factory, Old lot sal, at the • W•te room, Na..) & U Wood cr. , . t 'oil .1 1M? tier ILACIZI 41 to their very 101 l a•iiortrornr iu. ere, Odell RI Bleak Brialv.o.oo-s, Bionliar.rc finich A Ipirec•t, Black Alvin, de ;Aides, Mourning Wash ol,lt, do PritiieJ Erielard., Boraxes, Tier trieCion Luitrca, Aria Plrin Mack and Printed Laorrir It: het Prelim/der.. .10. Bonn• 1 Ibbhun., Pear l do. ' Veil., de or; S li c h o l 'ols " a reed, and nose opening by •A hl AS4SO ACC) mapltl n 2 Mark.. INT* i Er ‘ t ' r . t i' stri tri p m t. i7o -r n '. : Grange, Pink, War, Green. and Corn colored, receiving per eatircts, And doe day opeares by A • hIASON & may rt- 61 Maroc r 9i h PIECE! lotit 111 , , Pink, Lime, a c Co;ored Hareem reed per ethic., st 00e , opening by insyl7 A A NI • Black • IVir - .rai - i A A. MASON &CO ate thi. Jay pening 10 per 1- . 1 1 7 inch Meek Geo de 111 , 1ne Pill; 10 pen :id do; 10 posll rod, do; 0 pcs 24; and 4 piece. 311 inch dn. EIESE3 Linen landk•weltat 400 dos Lathe... Lin i en Cambric l l ido f all oiler, loo dnz Gen.' do do dler,o les doe do do do color^d bortirrAi Received Ma day by A A MASelb; /t. CM _mar!! ItY 31aril et et. (/AMULET LINEN I.4IIITRES-50 go, ehmonmhlr '/Lustre,, to the extreme low price of lelo per ve nt. may 10 __ A A M114.N1 a CI, I Irian and Proton Linen. 2IX/ pet 3-II nig =I pee 4.1 Inn wn hinenni ibe pee Genre Ilurthipie, Emil Alexander's ouperlcr Iriali Linen*, now opening by Amyl° A A MASON it CO Proah /L 007.1 of Dry Goods. W i f le s ril mi no „ w a rezz m in i Llo , eLe ry nd G il=n . 4 . i n u d n a u r r e nl p o r e c k , owed in olfer an elecilent as.orlinent at OUr 1.1.401 low prier. Inc mill, or oppreaeil eft %hi The oder:lion ol erealero denler• Is ne.rieulnrlg re IplesW In our rooky as we reel er•nlnlent ef ben, oble to offt unowil lining...lnn:Vele Inn 1 bill AN ith in. tall nil alumni+ or nny ril 6 SIIACI(I.7 le WHITE,. nage • 111 l W 4 invel. . _ C. V EAG E I OR Morino t Stroot,inoo ß- 71.1borty,) INIYE,Irre. AND DICAI.III. IN AMERICAN, ENiII.ISII, And tiIeIIMAN tL ne t I IP A A NEV 000 DMI IIOSI B. I C Y, 1111al 1: AS. i . 171:,4, l'ei/V ES. TORE:Abe, OMlge, 11TTIrAin ell, eil Sai .ae. A Satin add Nano) 11•00.0, /MACE NE FANCY 011,1 i, rr t A v ea N , ~iN GLI. .., ANTINN . A, End LIN /eh ling Vel. n general A.. eonment of i'ANS, end every value d 1/4 ininnenne. /toll , rq I. SI. R. Re sips. lOC Int elo4ter do; 13 I, dn do; IS en.lcs Zonte Corront IS butes F. Wainuis. ? 13 do Brasil Nuts 13 do Filberts; n 0 1 2 1. ( 1 bb 1;1 ".; . : 3 big Cloves; 2 eons Nunnr/rts; 3 'arouse Indlgo; elm's Lemon Syrup; 23 c"o. Norte, eaucc; 10 es,* Tonto. Catnip; liroond N0i..0. of oil kind 40 borrels powdered au, Loaf Sug•r; bbd' Madder; 10 brls Wholog; ItsAlLbroial, DIG 3 cA BI, Lains, ed cvluntoeßl renewed, end ; very Inw pricey. innyV3 A A NI n,ON 4. CO 2 CASF....‘ tam colored Learns reeived and no openitsg, selling at the Ins price nt cis par yard uray23 A A lIASOIV tr. CO GINOTIMIE4. 9 CASES fait colored I.lii.gbarov, reed, and a) 01 12 cents per yard A A 1!1.311A1 A X2O m.1y.11 02 Markel Cl I , hda prime P.lioniderel lel clear 1J Sides, landing and tor ..le lYla 11114/W N & KIRK PATRICK._ WAR AND brit N. a s far:! do puce 1 Tanner.' Oil, for nal° by /YI. itHOWN A KIRKPATRICK. UHI gr. - tifir.r. - - , ThThe - ri.c.. sugared aced MI reeeived and for axle bp 17 10 SELLERS & NI of Isll-50 WI. N 0.3 ISlarkrirl; 3 co Ilcrro,, ,n , 0,1, 1 N 113.1.5. I ET UK/Oi are rumaiiiii, in ilia Alice liokiltr,.. NKr/T/-4 leige town Airit, of newest sty Ira ; Plain Wash !dime., mid Rolm.. trer /I 1 7 NUR & 11511-1 Ipth;6ll lEik...—We are rim:won ,11: green and block Teni, direct in. the I taper. lit... In Philadelphia, and have new on band, et the Pit... Laigh Family Grocery and Tea Wereirewe, cad Lin relyhtMet, an awortinent of every grade and avow, hark a. is not co he amassed an Pituieka. We In vite companion, feelieg wound that on Mid. nun wilt be found equal - , if not superiors to any at the same price in the city. Iyl7 WM bUtflAlltft IYEAR -2- -A viir;fltfoortuonot of goods. adapted for Boys' lioremer %firm . . of Vol ton, Wonted. Riot Woo , en funierial. coo lie found al the note Of fjyt7l ~1%111111.115( A IIIIRP.IIPIR1.1). Lases and Edgings. g4URPHY & BURCHFIELD bare reorient .large assortment of Lisle and Victoria Edgings and Lecem Loom Work Thread do, Hobbit.. do; Valencienaes dot Owls. and daemon Edging.; Do neenines: Smell and plain Netts: E nact Silk do, ko.—to which they ask the attention of buyers. ' a YLOUR—So els Fareer a rt'y tiro brand barr received and for sale by I . _ , _!)____lAgi_mv(3ll _ - FISN-3 0 bell No 3 Mackerel; SD WU Herder; kis Mu* for gait bv ITU • 71 rnm hVariPANCF 16, 1850 DRY GOODS; &c Ch asp Lawns TI{I GREAT A. MeCLORO & Ca. GOVP,RNMEN'6L. J - PROPOSALS S'Otifi.o .- 111 eleventh end twelfth veti°pr oftbe dot ofthe Gene "A Supplement to an del entitled a Nct io create it linking Pond and to provide for the, xrudani and to n rrain extinguishment of the debt of be Common. ...cent: and to authorize a loan," approyed the latt day of May A. LI P"5O, provide. as fellows, vitt— FiNfle% That thcGovernor is hereby authorized ta negotiate a loan for the stun ar Three Million. Three Hundred Thousand Cedars, redeemtible in thirty year. from the date of the subreeption thereof. at a rive of (arrest not rxceedin g fbur per onmm per non= poyablein kohl and amine sernbanntrally , upon the Gat days of February and Isogon of cor; ' year, and exempt from every Ppecie. e r Nailer, Not prop ale for raid moan will be received. .ball he published in at kart one eke: pane[ in the thorough of Harriaborr; in the 'cities of l'itutbargb. Lancaster. and Philadelphia, and in tke cities et New York, Devon, and Unlike/arc, for a :period not lee, than three innutho before the °twin°, of sold proposats, and by Triter elcewnere, If deemed never f. and Mn the day asiterned (or that purpose, in such neater, the proporals shall be opened in No pri.rneh of:the (inventor, the Secretary of the Commonwealth, and Auditor General, end tee loon shall be awarded to the Mabee bidder or bidders. If Vie amount or the bids Nall exceed the sum of No Nol loan the same ho Lro Nit timongst the highest Inl dero, bat if thearbole of said loan shall not then he taken tho Governor ay renew notice, in the manner afarepaid, hem time r to me., till the whole airmen , of weld loan shall be eab.eribcd. No conditional bid. shall be considered; and apest amercing each loon , , or any part thetetd, certificates with coupons for the interest, Nall be i.e.! therefor by the General. Sarrioa 19. thut said leto 11 41m he subscribed, it hs astd ttlchyllppropriat e d for the payme nt antl' e 4 ittedislnnent of the funded tetrt at this Com., now due or la hseame One, during the year ONO 10,11PWl1 ny Yt Sundn'A and any, and far the payment or ilts sum ot etatay f ee thousand one lt•o. Ltor tut , cinhlT rit:4l cents, doe to demesne creditors In parenance of Um provisions nforeseid, ounce is ncrebY Piano, that proposnlot wilt he received of the Zee of the Secretary of the. Contrountveslth noul 4 Were, t P. id. of Tuesday. the Brat Any of Oclntn, !het,nex stip ulating for a loon to the trournronufc.edy. fur pm set forth in the :th rum of three rnll!SCll3 11717 g u t5 hi1..04,, ,, 10,u5ts tlotte red re le en t . INF 'lt 41' r. 7 pcnr.? fn.. the 'late of th e &abet:nett. tdev.of. at tr tare of interest net exreedi,,,(4o yet cent fur outtarn. pattot.le In Kohl cud silver. reset onward/T. Linen the Rat. 4.y. or erbtaaiy onoA ugr,t orench your, AndejeOpl reci every Pre rtiden..a nr Ploct for the paid loan, with coupon, the irte rept wit. Le ...ell In the usual ma rner sod mode trnnpier•ble by the owner, an the book; of the A t.d.tor rt. :al s Department. The preposa:c will be required to rate e;p4c;ir the marmot onerni which .1.211 no{ a any ni 1.,, tc, th0ti.,,,,.1C,,,cp5, Li., nit- oft teven not Trt'e r. lTog;e r ti a i n h ' e licTt h ls e •thy pan t.../ altered uhkiss ptopulahl aura l... to the coc c iry. Buis for the loan most direct 011.1 Na comintonni proposals will be n...,[11,1 Upon the acceptance of the 1., opop Its Thr must be paid into the State Trcantry, 4.4 such apnea.. as 'heii be thr,Pir r e. (igyttilp, C, "...cflTrY .hh'yxf hy 4.0,1 in each amou eta 1.2.14, De . l.) the lencorp. 'fee prCciorns to hp Ellmeled, incler seal, in thip .1 name, o , oloY.ed, ..1 . /oporll. for 1.0.0" They wll 001 be opened or , eclosed until the paned the •e•eiv ing them hap ebthaed, otter which no alteration, th tae 3.022 will be athniard. A 1• RV:3BIU, Ser Ihe rortr. h. P'ereta,.• Joneft/t. Je.l2iT.,ntiC•2l" • 1tE.801.1.1T109 OCLATIVII TO All .5 , 11:11 1 / 1 1.MIT OF TOO C l rnartTlll - 1011. I di:SOLVED by the Ornateand norm n( Iteremmas ,n. tom of the Cbetuthoonmlth .. I (Tenttlelen,l 0; tieneraJ nramally met, That We C 1 : 1 01111/10,, of 11104 COllOlOO l ,- ." ,1 k aMended tb the, :.........a.ctior, r Ibe IS h Wale, the, it •IMma :t :, no glilleee : the Jedy.r) ef the tt.,,,, Mmet, of die areeral • - curia or Common , I,a, ~,d et -11,4 other Venom ef limend mum nr 0.41 bee, th, tad I) Mr, eltMl ht eleeted cant, the qns.lllled eleetwe or 0, (boorneu Wealth,. the nano, roflaterd, le hen: The 10 , e, or Om Summer Coti, the 1j1,116:,1 0 / -1-1 0 11 2 1411, tr. 11.1.1,0 1.t.11110 Ak loye: the Preirlcut Judmi of the mmmt •,-tem 0 1 1 :40141311 Flu, cod 01 /1011011. Y (aural of 1:. card .0 re re .41 hi ~l abial,! be law, arl all ht her .1.. m eit.eed to be leveed . iu the Umr, ty the gm-Aiel elettem of the a...retire ItemeM am:. WI,. lne• am th pent', nr am oa -' 4 h, end the A - . Mt' in l e. . 1 11• nth, c0r,... 1 . 0.,... 111- multfe,l elmeste of wa tuntttre•Teetitety rta dud., of the. raprete• 1. nem 0..11 %O. ihme nil.. In 'he lem of ( h e. year, if t , 4.01 behr thettonlve• well, (mtlen mt the •I:mute I here ne, t -, - tole.. bah betampeut to the fint eleettnna thenart..' ./ ode.. 1 the wterel Coo, of Cnmaao rt, c-, me a •t .Mce t.rm.f Oen mint are emha:ltamtaba h t- e e) . ...1 41 -tbar ymMe• rmint...l to 1.- lemad t I 1 • .1 n . ri, h..1.1.11e- Orr, N. hettrtn er mo •....m, ' Oa, rhm, m ham ..eltam theime res bob the n mamma jai," IN., • 4 .• y.-a-s, IC they. :1I 'a n leery re, ma thetmeh•m 'hum sm . : t • nee-,u,l' b) the lia•emme, lw. br me mehtt al • mt.", what. .1,11 not lot while .1 ...roofs ler h., .11 ahe Mmtnme trail memo.. r y •1 Ito o .n. • miler. • hf iwo 011,4 ••c I It• • bronn b.: the t. 1/* • Ti. 6,1 .k 0..,. ..,..1z 1..,.• ~.... ot lb, . -,6 ....... it e t.i.. 1 . 11001. 0:11,14/....raltn n• et MI, Om trio, 'r , st th , rtrantement ..,2 tse eanmit......ta n, • I the 4 ....., m he Men to .15 , thell tea, the Ant lin., of lneeher to:low-be, emtu Oa bra. unf the new Judd, Mal eworrhee. The lerant. .h., .',all Wien he eteetml Jattae• of the rurrene t atom. hall laid their otriee• . fit.. r On.. 1 Ulm. fee them )etm, nne fer • a •eate, e 110. ifir.o hears. nue far twat., neon, ant one ra lif cart , thr lam .0 emb to he ateided tor Ith by the raid , m tem: tiler the em lam emocuient, mut the Ju t e. rtzlied by them to the limtrune, that the ereimieshma ma% be Man- d is a.-curdaum thereto. 1 he.lmloer wlthre bh t moon..eem tam will Lent metre thall be 11 hie? Janne n' ball , cud then... Ore melt 10, whnee eneunim han 'ball trot zit, Mall to tort he the hho f Juttier, add tr two or eat, eomminitms .hell el;are ult the wane Jay, the led e r, bald;- o Mem atmll dee.. by lot wi t ch Mal ta 'he Clnief Juilaw. Asty meatele. • be,9•mott d 1 / 3 de-alb, reOdualboo,,, mbeebe, in any or the ea a euorm Mall to I Ilta h) ay . pointer,. he th rirseernoe, to common. I:11 the tint 51ho- Joh eff.h.mbher m mediae the :am ;earn, e er mu lie Judge. of the Some., lhatrt Loa the •Pet 1 1 •INI• or ..,.1 ,- ,,,,:• „r, ..., pi. , ..,.:.,,,...,.; ma gbh..., no ••-- - - - w t r SL I. rt II tur ,Uns the les ..f srthe I •Ssrst•s. or • •y ether . eu Suto.... 11. elf F14,11 , 1,f, I`. wtshns Ilst, Cu tau. stsul .11r ',C., Ju r I` or asce u .un r•rt or tOnk, r twit they teerrs rsessrace,rly error. J 8 Speaker or Ilse II suc Ileprelutetsre Espreker el tea He:car r. Vra• B relt larrotruar. looo, • I, lavmnel W. resra. n, ..10e1 Clerk at of dolieretth eratlfylhit v • ...gra, re of on, (Nu. 1.1 'he gene. foe oi the art.ent ...on:11.001e.! ala•Be io maOtt 1.g...,11.t c...C3 • Lyn rm.- Jam') of the meetrd io ea. II midf o.e hot erier o been le to •dm end em. ra..el, nth 1!.. hy u; jor .7 of ihr membm. G0.A[4,1 rAmg io th• ol ki 01 nut .0. i, a. it i 1 81.;:aar 11...• • rowair the l 'long. yid. reaututiain at lolliton. ea.— • oirog 1.... r olii , ,..mgeof the r m, 11. Jim'. Brooke. J Porter ilkon Jonathan J. unumaham, Than... 8 Fe- vio n h me. IL humh, Cheeles Fhath y, IL she... NI. C 0.,,, flew) F on, Join, 11'. Gilmour), Willinm 11.1.11, lome 11. g Timothr la., 1 J Beph Boamtuve•ch lhorre V. Boajthum to Nlvne, ry •., W 0..., Ile ry A. hfuhlenberg, O 1•114-r, IL t:adler, Datil Sitikvy, re , gll a me.), Donna! Ithounir,lt .heet Merest' , Fertha 11. ier, Joh.. II Walk., and Vi.lent Be.t, 000.0 Thowc voth g again. the p th airoge of the oar., thee. .. .1".01u• rum and .Vrathder Ktog-- Nay. J. (1 sumo' from the Jo :roll ) SASI'L W. rialcsoN. Clerk. IX TIM MT..' reishurg, Dinar!. Id, I, Jaelt, Chief Clerk of the Donn of re. seer aaa tt • of I'mothilraula, do hreeb• r o moy ih e i th e I likth 111 In the file. vied No 0.11 oo 00 1101. th Jo null of the imment I cot Ved oltheo llama reLltme lo the amendmout of the Loto.lhuthin,"— il bon, the same te..01.110, Aro.. a2a.erl in ha a to, airy of the eheied • aeli Houle of Lot liogiole Ivrea—after loin, her, Joiy ont.o mred • ot we tlith it a.m.! I . 1.. a majonty of the toernh•-• •lomed to and • mit. in hie 'Boo. of Ile. , ionlator.• of Benno ala, tle present ...coo• n ill appear 11 these th•linal v. a, of Ihe to•olo'oin. a. 'neva •thl. g in fro r cif the path.. of theamoluimio wen, Jelm Acker, John W, liamth i k e e, Dar] J fool, 0.1.11 e, ler.m,rir Meek, Joh. V. William Brindle, Daniel 11. u Ww, Jin.- IL turdin, John ih mita. limy Closreh.lo. l N. . to.yr.ghvio. I.• te. eirldiatirl, Benjamin O. 1./thid, 14 alio.. J. Jdoo. thi•uto, Thianh. llot.e.m. AAgum lOIL tval E•ri Jold. C. Keen., Ve.liam Sot 8 Fother, .11rna.• r. Ferrmr, lelitholee 'hi honey. Thom. ono., .1.0 epla Ida le.rlfiuJii.eph I itoT9, J.mob 11.1.1emth, 1..01ge li, 11...1, L. LB,. Ilart John Wthinta II•ra..101I, John 110.1ge, Ileury II pi e r, lon.. ford. II ad, n0...J. ••o, Jolo, Kithorer, E. Einkead, Ithhort Blot, 11th I. aird. Leto., Jon - lhaeu D. 1.1, Attu. 1..1.0401, Jthrio• .1. Lmoth, theory Joh. MClodoek. Joh r m 11. awl. Lin !Whined, John, John IDl.mou, Banana! Merl, John CI ,le •k, Miehael 5i.,,.,, John Miller, Jo-aph Andes), e r a, U. D Itharer, the 111.00 T. Mori", hthh.ol hluo a. Idderard iitclo.l.l, Jae.. ft inly, Ch.!. Jolt., B Vac1e...10.41.11 I: Dowel Jam.. C. lir!). John IL Hhey, Ilainuel 'thin..., John B. Itoolter 'ord Illin• IW. 8.1111.1. Thom., Beaullee, Ohara tinalTherf IL.elmed Shier, kk /them licuth, W Dian, A. ini-h, Scryser iliiam II %mode, ihoalks C. noel, Llthid Itheavaid. Charles Ed am. C. Tthin,„kiothon. Ws.. Robert C. Walker. Thum,. 33. thou. SAN.). Li. Well, Ifilant A Witham, Zethiy. and .1..10. 0. MlL:alum. Sprak.—Yeas LIZ ooime egad. the 1a...g00f the rex - Alie, Aogothltm K. Comnyii, Daeol uth, and J AI. Po n rt.— Nays 3. (Fattael from the Jonrual ) WILLIAM JACK, Cierk, March 15 1 , 11 A W. 11EN EDICT, Orp. Seep olCumnoevrralth P[ Ornca. f' viol.. ton Ido certify , that the Ahem. and fort-going it, tilr cot tot 4cl to y f Mt. of ictnal rrolution or the Orr tom An totoh.y. ruititott Itttolutoot rrlntiva toHt amendment of LOtattliAll/11,".1 the tome nn•tna en My in tins offtes. irtltroony whereof I hay. hereunto tot my /I- A. hay., and touttd . tte atAtcd the till of the Ste:re tory tt Olito, at II erti.bnyy. or Jun., Allral Domiot one thentand eight h - noY.ti and filly. A, 1,. ItUSE ELL, tlecretury of tho 1.102114131.1(11:11. IIfiXTRA FAMILY FLOUR. 'F.cfrithe ennvhutence of the em /rot, the proprietors rtr the PlUshurgh City Mille have pinged boxes lee the reception Of order, at the follewnte ptimem It Floyd, corner of Sixth end Wood etreetn. in Hayssen!, shoe store, cor. Liberty A Merkel at. A Peelen, store, Titled street. I, Witestroir., druggist, ear Pnerth h Smithfield John P Smith, store, corner II lig a Wylie. Telegraph (Mice, Fetish tree, II:C grocer, Fifth PI, en rot r in.filneset alley ti Grass, stem, Penn Itmet, Pl. nth %%hint. The near WURKAIIR will rue tee, r,hr , re 'rely for cirdern, and the flour, e pmenct.s•eiLh., in barrels nr urks—sect flour 111 pv leint.:e thr teettlf are--with Out Mr cane, It I. rtnin 111. 10 accounts can be allowed. vie that Oise, ran hare "*".`T,o l , 6 "„t","hte";,exii , e''...Tisun'T„T.7.7„,?:nt thin as rangcruent, Oa we shall endeavor to tin them instMo: maydl WILMAI2III & NOMA. Ba.”aparlll Sada .k Leman Syrup. 20 hu 29itegs Sarsaparilla Seta; e d 0 dei 40 boy. Lemon fyrop,mode from pore lemon Jul.; .I.llrocarc4 sad for solo by MILLER Ir. 1/4CXEDBON KM. 110. 39 IdEDICAL PROCLAIM ATIOM. TrIVOII , all men who are al `'t and &Meted with Os. _Aa erne of the bladder ands itineya mutt tbeemerie ulpmp in back nr c aniffini, old roma musing cer. erc, nun they be. ore by taking the pe.. troinnun You root talk abcrst Its b erg a nentrma Ini much m You may but Mrs does not make It no, Or wer procleim in the loco elan hondat communit. that it has vine...which Pm Our tontitined enanyother remedy. The dither lobo is:Meant' with pain and mt. fc nng from dither, ten tot Ony corns. get relief frOm any of the ills ammonite& inborn.. Reader! it COStil cry little to make a trial. 711 is Neale= iff no mitt rurcJ-nb dempoird, hutap the the purpose of imposlng on the crimrconity; Lot iris's *weedy ,In armed by Mc master hulderf mue, and bubbles toff= the b. rein of our medic; esrth in.ita-origiusl ,purity,aml of- Am to sdderint bienantY i. ready termed), a certain and cheap core. .' - . ' II Lau cured Piles alter other medicines bays haled to render any relief. It had eared Rhomatiam of long tau rding, met of,the wonr and romilmintui character. Sr h. cured Cholera /Jerboa by ono or two doses; It Lim cured old cases of Diarrhea, in which every other remedy bas been of no avail.: • At IL local remedy in barns and scalds, it. is better than say medical tom. poundp on ointment that we knower— It will cum chit , , or froned feet, in a few appllcatianm undeabt ed testimony can be forniahed tithe truth onmained in the above maim:teat by calling on Sweatt hl. lam, Canal Keyser to 'Arcliortroll, terrier of Wood Erect lad Virgin Alley; R. R. Sellers,'SY Wood inseM, , IL A. El. riot &D. HI. Curry, Ark-ahem` city, me tbe Mann bloat L EA oh—lt Is ottani, &lig coneeded that boa y 1 US more common Lit thu i s reentry than loan) ' lo7her . , while at the Mune time it salt: hello no other Coto tiy,i; it lost on an TOVII its age Now thi• la tit. to 4 rettrial natant, but the lots to Often coated by no greet. We any mall, do not neglect your personal apoosniner. bntgemt tholfrOlowing, nod yea need not lack sand looks. Ti , s4 •rtfoles are scientific pm ',smiting, and novo all attained a Otell-{mPnlarlll: Juin liscias Foto DIVINX DB Tress Nagrw thatr, kir removing tan,, sunliaru. atomics, blotches', and other T 11441004 61 the skin; the - olost nertect eat, ernnEnr of beauty every loosen. Purchase nothing purporting to to Nymph Soap, antra, it has my name attar hed. Penatate.oltditnrssu Pounm t fOr Im porting to the mos: billows eomplehion a radiant h t l Elan the whiteness. to nothing- elmuld, a person be Moro ogre ttecof ',powder for the skin, et many of thew ~std o v e ts "441 , 444 MT Chinero Powder is t haw In n Otyeritillo monitor, apt contains no inot-mint Witch ca;, powibls intim. 1...6,TV /n um ItsurrAi Itntnataay 'Pawn., Mr renaming tzlppertluhota lair, Nblail is snore unsightly thanhais uon tr ImaratatNer or arms or n lady.' This article will shoit time. without the use of any sharp it I F., Ilsattli Via Tr.!. 1.14011 , liar, DTI will itmlantoneous.y is Itt, in fedi white, or gray half, a I lee nrfwl, black, loon.; or el - bant_rotor. It will en'or riot hair la n ',haver nitat. and atom effectually , than any ocher Dye. al th e tan. time indelible, Si Lys 11..1:M.% Ent non Ettasta--It is really a IvIa•- sate to shave with iti% m rep t.. Thcro Is none of dm 'mar lion *molly eppenctired in the use of mo-ttlaspa on the conttorthit tenors M t skit mood, smt ro as on motto,and ,pot liable to become Nitro INTIOr ResleTerttliPArtt tot. hair, wr {ht IL the lett/ s tatailitentlint a. the arraten tiros , mom in De human larci ash. nettlettrd, apt It tag •0 IfTati4g. at 44 tplietly firm, alp gose Tooth Paste wtll ltppait ,o ,with,apestly whiteness, at Ibb ypit.e en, Immo Gnu 011 , 1 healthy. Ahm 1..., a r,,,lltta tunnitamat of French, Pridah, and A.urrican Perfumery nod Palmy &aisles. Paillinect and Chemist, P.M Chestnut Street Phila. For rale 'wholesale and retail, by It. A. Fahnestoek Co„ urd R. E. Sollars, Pittsburgh; -- ' • • roll avir wevai. moo rays Plana Celli 0r... MUM annons same •N in ma. twain or noon usmr ritamtrtat, erg .?erofdlo or him-, Ltd. Itto•toon thu. Ithsties le Cam. neon+ Vimpliont, or Itnt toles on the Face, Illotetir. ; 1111 m, Chrome Miro Eyes, Ring Worm or Tenet, Enhlrgtment and rein of the Bon. and Mutt, Flubboirn Ulcers, ttyphittle Symptom,. Scititina or Lonnlingo,—and di s 001-111; from nu intudielons one of Mercury, AM. tdca or Denary, Expmnre or improdenee in Lite; Ittom-ep (Ogle Conantulinual Disorders, tan. nit tonnine has ry extended and reputation wherever . il has been med, bated nmanly ou iw own multi, Which Its atirefior :my I.e. Meer tuttolned. rho unfortioule 'Winn in.m.lithey Mama., with garotte!. pined., contracted suicw lid hones loaf venous. hss Imen rmlosed hemth an.l meet. 'lle terrifeloas pailem, covered wjo; lowoninon i to hiS attend... het to no Inn,e wiio:e. Hundreds ..f permits, who' ern tro, ttv re, veers under utommus tool q`: d,to,tra. rmorstwm. end t; ia; tm.iming film • derangement co te-rm m• pt,••• arm the cirnultition, have been ratted et .1 Imo. the rna direnwe, not now, eta, re,:arraled rua.trtulloly gladly testify to dot c Irmo, of it , . o-tilmole prependlon. ,"rauTll ANGRIL 'MAN FICTION." Toe ancellon the rimier localtml loam following tn , 41. asa cure, eiteckil l•y the use of Sands' San.. yar•lllt. • "T"I. certif ., . tout I have a colored woman who ha, 1,, , , .I!Yi .. IT,' o,t the !nYt foie years with Set °fate, end en the rettirdit I. I 11,1: lit' rar effect in arresting the progilera ot the rommatut, on the •ontritiT, she eori , awl y crew olar: a:': after expending between Ey3 anti ea-a with roisletaits, be•ides stamp other PoPoter remedies w.thoutauccew, till the datase hod eaten away the cartilage or her :how, mode it. op; pentane, on v, HO. 11•Ild n( her lady, aid had Gaul • enatreenem, ,L, revnnee in the root of her mouth - I, :ht. ti,eadral ...wino. with the pro-peet det•li •teripe her In the fare, I .thied her ease 10 Ur la , osway, the scent for :yaw& "-tr•leparilla in Nave -1 I, a, N I:, I, whoa, I was adroo ti , 1 to are mat article la,d,, my rot. end 'hat of my a...eater, to where I ' nr, tvh. ilyarl, abet 'tutee lour and a hall lot i.e..1,.. v.-,.. i actor, to bootie, 10 - alth, one t hot to Me pl.-- a th-t, awebs, nod 'O,l a ble In *erg in two tv,,..i. trent ate lin, the r4.lll , llvllfed 1.0104 it. 'la Tr1:1, s• 01 the try th of this . stuernetn. I have heeranm aThred my name, thin Lath day of Neptember, 1047. Jtralitql MetayETER . 4 . io . . "Moult. 01 Net... River, Craven Co. N.C. b:O rutRE I'll I-COAT Th. following :4 OttritGl4,loll letter received Ir.ou Ott, Devil it, who had bean agar tad .I , C/1111 year. .etch Y -y. totelou- tr:cert, Ity . ,,, he., and recently an anat.°. of Ott throat oritl'alregla “ e Itattavneyko,, Vo-, De. 13,1[ 1 45. " D. & D. SCl , —ltefore. I commenced u•i•lr e you. Sanaparillt, any atigerines were Memel Ledro .. , toy ,I, toot was corlp,letaly ulcerated, I 0 d•codha ro,a It, one there mere frequently w,ek ~ otaAther the, I coold ant vat 'above Is whir. rr, atm Le•ita,, the lallataniatint, trout hay throat ea -1.-a,e,...0 my head, Oct that My hearlitg was very reach operte.l. After taktire the':fataaperile a sheet time, try h,alth wan narrated; sad tutu throat hi now well; i air/ .1., I r, e i ,on enuah hl, :fgt./lee-a of the chest at • t I in.., had evil herd toms diatinelly. My throat a. I,cll well Lunn linter esonth , t, the core of winch :tn. 1.0-en etremed charily by the use, of your Ff.... par,. V ro,i friend , LA iVISA If. DEVAN" 't ittinlinv. M. 1, 111110q11.1Y110 111 C Mlle of thii Yana -ost ~., .-- •rotn thr. Rev Lath, r Wright, aged 7G years, Conarrratintial 31laister, rmillna at %Voltam. "W orker:, Mass-,.ldereh :10,1810 .“:,1,.,—r, Sam', 1., alemco—',soot whet I have ex periene,d, vhd- ham the :arc:rotation I have recently race:ant I•OM a tan:thee of 'wrap. et' high respecta• rnisty who have used your .... ,, rrapaitais, I have not the lenrt cleat., but that 1 i ,r a must valuable Medicine., s•ol Mal tic nuoterou , eernfostes vim have received ~i . riNchey urn fully .u•ta.nea by caoertenee, and •;:ra nun,,. rep Iltlell ft. W 1.% ath very evennve, , ,u.d atin.l in un ru ed 411 my humble elforta In there... then. I wr,ol, Joll who c. re ea:.cled ~y itineast to I,e ;ma, ~,,et,ol wan the eth,tcy out! pose. of your valuable cu.-theme. yn . j ."”. ''''''''''' 5 "''''' OD. r Vll7itTVl ll7 0. 1 . .;, , 1 . T i c , e , d r i t , l , 5c . , , , ,i t w,01,11th,r.71,.... v...„......„!.utt.A,;,/,Ldr., e.Yrz,.; ntA'lll,nV co'Y Vcrle. ' S,ild' Ly Drug: coo generally three:. Leat'no, ti thes or and Can. Ada. l'ttee El cc: mat:, f.a butties tor :3. , , o,te 11.1.. WIL.latX, Or., 11. A. FAIINFSTOCK S. ~,,, ~,,,t EDP:ADD FEN DEMIU/ I ,rittsboreta, A1.,.,..1t. .,. , ..It. -0 aNit rLI It,olvw•w,-, laol4-.laolaw? . --- - da &Dia. - AU MID S U7.IGtCAt. Orarltier- ILI, DIAPIOND ALLnY i • L evr ,,,d lo ,,, ors hi , ow Wood etreat, to , 1)11. manor WA, p 1 7[ 1 4%111 ' , 4 1:11 ' 1 re d e 11'7'0 rth name ' the. 4 rr - s gencre4 p restive, now confines h &tient:on to the treatment of 41 , those private aed delleais e prod f ri ‘ e v ,, b c l Vi p t t iggizit q a ,, itir , e • .him 14 yetis assldnonsly devoted ' tllie he itvraz...‘rte.,?,h,z,ratTV:PAdre'T:ll3.2l.. tnits than can ever Pill to the lot or any private pr.- talopor) amply quairfien him to oder assurances of speedy, permanent, and notisfar tory ears to all afflicted with Militate Climate, and all illsurals oniony Mary from. • ... • Dr. Brown "meld Inform these of tleirid with privet. diaeasea Which have become chronic by time or us graveled by the ace of any ottlie °Manion nostnaina of the day, thnt their eompluints can betedieraly and thorg oughly cured; he haring flan Me careful attention to the treatment of smelt eases, and aueeeided in handfed. of Inumnees in caring persona of' indimmation of the neck of the bladder, and kindreul disease* Which Often reseal from theme vises where taken .have, Consigned 'them to hopeless despair. Ile particelnrly invite/I,lMb 4 , have been lone and misedeceellaly treated to consult him, when every satislactioarwill be glean the and their caeca treated to a c.cfel,thotaiigh and Intelligent manner, pointed out by a !bog expen.. mudy.aeil inaceudation,which it la lrapouiLle foripoa in enerd In general practite 10 tiVe to are clam or maimed, • . . . • . • • Lurtienut or 'WPM r.. — Or• U , own 4 , 0 Intllaipar to tt . U, i c 1,1 with dentist to tail, at babas paid partra: Car Ette our.. to tht.dt..... . • CANCERS alto e•lrf.4. . • . . . ,or,00e; also e, Paley, am, speedily send G' l , lV-7e r ite h rt;ef either Sex living it a distartee, by ateOng then dmerme lq "entre& Jeivirlk all the symp toms, ettu otalln medicines with directrons for use, by eddremlny 7%, BROWN, poet paid, and emcdoe, mg UOee 170. el Diimond 1014, opposde the Waverly RgerllaTtt—Dr,BcoMn's truly tiliteosered rem. dy for Rho moduli lea petCy and certain remedy for toot sleet trouble. It notice fatlß Office col Prmate CfJosulting ;Room No. 01 Dl mood elley,rhittobersb, Ile Doctor s, is always sir to son no 0. ~ - ~ ~ ~1