ESTABLISHED IN 1786. PUBLISHED BY WHITE:‘ CO. D. M. PIM, [ , e. fiat., 1,71 I.IIIST . DOOII. TD P• 1.1 NI ,---•...• ----VAC pet u llirt • T . l .:i-"'. l7. ' l 7 .l . advanee)—: •—• t: I : ) . 0 Cbabr, at a rt 0100.0.1 rate.: Lii7 CS OP ADVERTISING' ' AGREED vrory V TI C PITTSBURG'S' PRESS. t,,, Oto'l!...e,4l ol frteeef Nonpareil or letal one One Sqar to, emelt addttlonal insertion..- Dd. twonjy) DM. three ameks•— 400 , one month• --- • amt Do. nee months._.---_...... 7410 Dc. three moths.....__ non Do. four months • 1000 On. six m0nth........._, Mao Do. menve months..-. lel,oo Standing Card (G lines or pee 0n0... 10,00 One Square. r hangs:Able at pleasure (per an num) recto...te of the ....... 25041 For - ea c h adddional square,lnaerted overtone month, ant for etch •ddloonal moue Inserted ander the year ly rates, half price. Adverti.eniems ...reeding a equare, and net tmer Ahern 1111,1, In be chatter 1. ot ...tease and a unit Publishers -not acenutmble Or legal advertimments beyond the amount charted to, their poldian on . Announeing condo:sten for oh.ce, to be charged the sante HS other advertisements Advert...tnts not marked on the copy fur• c& _bed number of 'in.ertions, will be continued till for spe bid, and payment exacter accord. The pnvtleges of yearly advertiser. will be confined oeldlY to their regular hutinets, and all other adver tisement, not pertaining to their regular basiness, as agreed tor, to lie poid extra. All advertirtmennt for charitable Institutions, fire rap•rdet., wand, township amd.berpultile meeting., and .uch like, to be chatged Italfprice, payable P.M, It - advance. !derriere notiees to be charged 50 cents. Death notices In.ened without charge, unleasaccom ponied by bonsai invitation. or obituary notice., and when an accompanied la Le paid for. Ilerular advertise., and all others sending emartn elention.. or retsuiring notices de,igned to call Loca tion to Fairs, Soiree., Concert., or any public enter tainsnenta, where chargesale made for admltion. ali notices of private asrmintions—every nonce de. stensd to roil attention to pnva. enterprises catcalls. ledor on ended to promote Individual interval, can on ly be In..rted with the undemanding that the game is to be p. td for. If intended to be puttered in thwlo eal column, the porno will be cents charged at the rata of not lea• than 10 per line. - Dishop cr Fist Notices its be charged triple pries, Tavern License Petitions, Pt earn. Legal and SletLeal advertisements to he charged at full prier.. ,t Real t,tate rA ' and Aucuoneers' *demise rocas not in be classed ander yearly rate., bat to be allowed discount of thirty three and onathirdper cent. Cud!. Me VTIOIIIII of bills. O,VKLT 01 111.11=11.1 to DAILY 14013111. One Nicety, Cone Inmitiona• • •11 50 Uo.entli cddhierail invert/rm.., 37 41,0111 . 115110.7110 101 . 11111 rank One !Neon, ilO 10.1,1 one •nacttion•--50 eta. M. •eceb addition al incertion• " 110 transient ode ertimmenta in be paid in advance. WHITE k CO, Gazette. I. HARPED, 50.,. ['DT At. RI DOTS;, Jenne!, JAMES P. BARRA. CO., C'oonicia. POSTER k BROTHER, Dispetch, JOS. SNOWDEN, Mercury. AM ES W. DIDDLE, American. DIU Pad Precool:en, Ike. I, 1040 CARDS. JOHN d PAILIEINeOIII.. A UW.7: Z. ~f 711 EL'it:::`ptivbepttl7:! tended io dar_ ALMIANDIECIL at. WATSON, ATTo!INEV AT LAW—OLGre, on Petard. street share W ortS aisle DAVID C. 'PLITTLIIL TTORNEY Al' LAW, And Comadmitionor fur Penh.) , letdiA St. Low., Al! con. , mmicatlons promptly anDrerrd. • V[1.11•17 JO\ VI KB F. KERB, ATTORNET AT LAW—Office on Fourth street, between Suadtheld and Grata, Paushargh. JULIA Hs ILANICILI s ATTORNEV and Counsellor at Law, and COmords stoner tor the eta: e of Pennsylvania, St. LOUIS; blo., (lath of Pohthurchl References— RR...burgh: Itnn. W. Forward, Ramp- Len 'R ?diner, hthlandices .t McClure, John E. Parke. Dissells & :Semple, McCord & Roth. BIDWELL Co., WORWARDISIO EIEROII ANTS, Mugs., Pa. (Smith's NoTyl'ost O,An ) Ilavots permirently !sensed at this plane, a new god euhetanual Wharf anal, we ore prepared to to. e e l, and forward promptly to all points on the river, and Sandy snd Fearer or Ohio Canals. it & Co. Glasgow, June I+—jets WM ./1.1.111. 10. O. C . 0.41.4VZ. 1,10:1•LW1. BAGALEV, WoUDWA RD k CO Wholesale Gro hers, No vi hlartet a 4 Phtladelphia. soh PllUUar(rb Alkali Work.. J Aa l r cingß o ?a Co s , ' M M a u n s a e t t a te t taanred r S a oolfF Sde Scots.W&macaw Water Unit, below P erry. no• 201• Frederick Braun. (~,urn Ratter. DRnl.7:4la RHlTER,'Wboletalo mind Beall Deng „LI pea, corner of Liberty end St. Clan streets, Pine crab. Pa. aria CI A. AIcANI)!-TV kOO r.rwardin,and .`am minlon !1121,%atits, C anal P•ushtlro Pa. .11 Cll. GRANT, ls lirorrt....umt.or. and . Forwarding hlerchant, No. 41 Wooer Fitt. Gogh. sal Ira Iterser•••—•Ai.ogrto Firming R. li ne.n.str.v, FREAK:num £ co, o:sums:gm; M FRell ANTS—For the sale of Do. C mmtle.Wonlen. and Cotton Good,; •i• deal,. in all kind, of Taiiora• Fricarnoiga, No 117 Wood at, MN door from Fifth. Ihtt.burgh. Reference—Men is. Win. A. Mill k Co, Banker. iandl C . 11 moan j I Fsh tarts. BA TRH Is IRVIN. OMIBSION h:P.O HANTS and Dill Drake... C_ No III second sore o . Pohipsh sar7 ou. 0. asotaka, ovum 0. zastorre A BENNETT, (late EnaliS!l, Gallagher F Co 1 'Wholesale Greco's, Con:allot= and For warding Merchants, and dealers In Produce arid Pitts burgh Manufacture., No. S 7 Wood v.., between di and istrecla. WM. 11. J n tis oToN. FOIRWARIHNI: A COM tIISSION MERCHANT No lid Sectind st, INuntareh. tne2l _ _ .10a.T W. rm.'s real t , F , 71,7 FtTos EL. W. PoINDESTICIL at. CO., el EN ER andMIO and For g Market • araToin Nor. VI chant. Final' Deale 74 r., No Rd reel., Philadelphia, OAS II BUCK NOR & co TOBACCO Cu MINISSION MERCHANTS. N.. 41 North Waer Street & No. 10 Nona Wharves. A.l. Bonus*. j PIIIL&DELguiA Salo D. C. MCC. Ye.% J A. W flat Ho„,„ ... 111;h13 - 14 ce.PA 4 643IDiTa . - r and Corn nis.a. Merensks, for the solo of Azuican Woolen.. Liierty.onnosits s:h .l. 6,617 a. Hall.. 111•. e. /0116 'MegARDT, JONES A Co., (sauces.» to Atwood, 17. Jones & Co.lCornmoston and Forwarding Mel. ohants, dealers in Pittsburgh Mactutl3.lltod Cow* . Pdonsoth. Pa , 13.0191 W. P. 1111AnStIALL, Orrchwes To 11•11. A. C. JAM PORT ER A H.alcr in ['remit and American P.. per Hanging. tro d Itorirra Window Shades. Fire oard Prints, to A 140— WritiOc. Pnnline and ,Fr• - ping Paper, Na, SI, between Fourth street and Diamond alley, sec. solo, Pittsburgh, Pa. (0.13 - PITIE•8111114.0f1 GLASS WOZELA• GUN AGNEW. late of the firm of Chstatien. Ag gear A Co , neoei.l rrspertfullr informddg old eon towers and the to — ibne genendly, that be wastill eon Only tee •rry on tse (keen lila. business, in all its varieties and Is prepared to Gil all orders for Apothe caries. Vomiting, dbneres, gamma, Viols. tee. Ike. trountng to his bus/news Ilts warehouse is Igo gi Market street, tn twee," Firot Second gm. tyl4:o3os TOIDL D. hifißts V. Wholb.:le Druggist, awi do T tt,ti in Dye Stuffs, gain., t. Varnlshes, de, No tle3 Wood street, no door Sooth of Dlarnond Alley Pit-lammedsto4 _ _ 77 'it el LA DA ra % , t hn , e.atr tirocar,CojatTaird; •e 1 Clerehent, and ,fuler in Produ c and Pittsburgh :Manufactures Ntoet Water .t, Pittsburgh. ap4 14410.11 101.11 T PICKS?, 111, - rtfAffiet Ititlt:FX „St. Co., Whotesele Grovel, Cont i. suisslon Mete , aants, anti cleglers 14 Produce, Nos.tte ' Water. and In 7 Fis tt streets, PCtshamrb any? :Join tirleiseertu•-- Utl worth y I,II,WORTtI N GO, Witt:44 0a Grnec and it ts Acen lot Ho 1 tad Powder Co., No. Y 7 Wood ii, st.. leittsbureb. ri;it:i M. towNsENo, Draaat"l P) No. II %Terkel rt, three door:above Mint at. Ping 'enrich. hvve renwandT oa hand ialeetad ernatent best and fre:hett hleitelaea. which he a . to art) on the renal raeonable terma. Phyaleiatto tin order*. will ben rnerttly el'endet/ wt, and sap plleui with • MP, rely en. , a. eenelne. PhyActanv Prevertetior• will be accurately c petparwl (Tom the but materiesoli any of d a ST me., 1,1. 0 W. 1., .la,g• 010 a of tr."' ooa red. 1.113 lone u lord. ----;.----- Richo&lEJoyd. • Jtieg-re G ln m 7r "' odu • ei, m Vol ' in Charon 1.101.1. V. trontoor on Liberty, Wood and Slothotroolo. Cy. ap4 XNO, A. CAliiilJ; 11. , Aertit for th. hake Erie to o v i .bi.„, im,, to Dearer and the Eratea.=-Othe e •an the enrnrr of ear afro , •n' l nrailfArld lass I-Amneg,,,:: - lecrr,Usri, it: CO7-ZriiifTeiil7 , ., .u.,,,, s 1 [ 0,,,,t, it Co., erntor.lsaion 'l4t•tehantr, 0 Itirtnts of the Pt Lonna Steen, Ranee Balance]. CiSelettr an. 19 5, freo 4 arrears, Plusbung 4, , , .• liS INNEelklAla,ll St CO, l% hotesails Doormats, 2_.• 1211 et Wend tins., I.Attabusets • , ~,, 14,itiffril7hAIWIN. 211iiileisiiii-ferlattrailer os ~, m„,,,, • ,,,d 42,4,11 Instrurnents,Solnol Boos., p.r. ., ,, ,. t .. , ,,..„.1 p,..,,, Quill s, Priatrrs' cards, and *Stsfloocry gonomliy• No. PI Wood •421,tthusF.. errfeepLcre I...cpbe ee• eplepn in tri.lp, , , epos • T 11.43ArTf1i,.1.1, luteef Warms, trlnor,)Coramt. "IlorsrardinK tyeheeanr, whalrhals •deilo h. Western itessri, Cheese; hover, pat and Per,. Ash, mid Wrsthrn Produce generally, Water ~ tree` WI. can throilfield And WArAll Pitult.lo , . . z lok i rk,vre,,k;o6rrgtnfliltrazr. •ueLltdtiticleh"llnal'Bnln,nnrtthlL' .telcsis KILL, vvirreavan, PA. TrANNEEDY, CHILDS' A' CO.. Mazurasttrets of LIN= . 44 S"rl"P'l Ch°l° ' C° 3 noa e;—"-rivriliCw.. • - • &TP. Jot:auto. & Moe m, POO f; Sr.LLER, A T lONV.R, PRINTER, W sod BOWER, anlnikr t37 o Oalt otif T6lid ettieti, mos*. Po. plMt THE .. PITTS.IIIWII7.-.."#H-at----.GAZETTErT-77-77, BUSINESS CARDS. Pittsburgh Clay Glass Worn. W. CULISIIINCIIIATI ft CO., lur A NUFACTPILEILS OP ti IND'fly Gl. A:3 S. in NO 26 Martel greet, between Finn and Second, Pittsborth. Pa. V• Fatneolor attention id to odd awes. Alma, Dealer. In FLINT OLASS. VIALS BOTTLEIn, Sc. yr. jy932( MINNI3011.•11. D. Cr3313511/1. 9. 111041., MiC•rt Ybilvl. C. V.. Rickeicon. Pinatourati. %if ILLER t RICKETTSON. Wuniesale Grocer., a" 11 ,co of Brandicii. Wine+ and Seca., No•. IT/ and 174, corner or LiborlT awl Irwin st/Ce.l3, Paw. boron, Pa. Iran, Nails, Cotton Verne, te. to , eon• scatty on nand. .ro sonn m 'VAIL Jame 4 D. 311it11. Woln.r e• H . °' MoGILLS ROE, Wholr:ole Grocers oral Commo igloo 3letOton., No 104 Liberty Nt5..1.1.1 rsh mrs2ualm - stEo. - Atmxs7AND — snum, „ . - , AND AXLE FACTORY awl ZONIS, .101111 I. sprisia JONIZIS & 4 1 / 100 t d Wl A rtugl ' aceeL n e ' te l :Ppl a c f aglf rth witc.7c.. bii b 't' a r el ' e t 7 l , ' apneas, hammered iron axles, and dealers in teal cable easunga fire enxiae larapa.and roach irimming• V . LifinillY, earner of gota't - U Front Its., Pith-Inner , 1,1,5 ant Nrniviu.e M A Pain i t l e E r W ßM C e r ler P oTl't ' s‘ Foartir Great, entrance on Fourth .h, near Market. derrodd 77 — kJa Tant., COINIM1•111101a al•rehant, O. dl Old Levee at, N Orleans, Map con•ratitly Or, head arm mp ee comentor Brandies niche Wino , - 1 1 : 1 : T brands, which they ober for sale aa earolla for J. brand k Co, Bordeaux, vim Alaelory, J. Eraud. J Du rand it Co, Larochelle, J.l latrand, Comma, A de 51 or tolan, A f. Uterine, A de Mondorr, Jean Louie. Ae , ke, also, Amebae Gin, Bordeaux Red and White Ware% in casks and Ca.., .eluted with Car, by John Dora. AlCo; beside. Champagne Wine and Sweet Burgundy Karr. 1161MILP3 k. SON, No to Market at. second door J3l from corner of Fourth, dealer. or Forrino nod Dornettie of EiChatagr, Certificates or Deposit. Bank Notes and rlpeels. V .- Co:Mations made on all We principal f. hronchout rho United store*. .p p ea TT 111/01(filt‘tTlill, Ardioreico—Orlfree, rOkltih ,1.1 I it third door above:at...Mirk', south side. Conveyancmg of all kinds done .etch We greatest cane and kcal accuracy. Tit es to Rear !Pirate examined. ke. oetlru-tv F Wtt aaaaa Otte. s c en e lirvitarblta•tre ?/. SCIILICIIMANN. Third n - melte the OF N.G.:Kee, PittelearMapa, Landricapee, bead., Shombillm Labele, Architectural nod Maelono Drawing., Beeinesa ViklinK C. IS, C• ne raved or drat. a on atone, Med printed in color., Gold, Broom or Blank, in the most approved style, and at the molt memorable once. netlnity ODIN - ON, UTILE t. CO.. • 0. weer R Pittsburylt Wholesale GlVeen, Produce •::,! Commission Merchants, and dealers lu Pittrburea Maniac ores. npi loer. contra. runs. urns. Galt. O. IlDtsl,lo, /DOBERT MOORF., Wholesale Grocer. flee , fl uig IL Distiller. dealer id Produce, Piitsbn •r h lures, •0 • all kind. of Foreign and DOT/PO/if Wanes and Liquor..., No. 11 Liberty garret. MI herd n eery hugeshock of nuocrier old,el. waistey, whir h r mi l be nu4llow fern arb. L . artit. REV:COLDS .4 SIIRE. Forwarding and tlontads lion Merehoutr, for the Allegheny Inver Trlde, ealers in Groceries, Prodiree iitaburgh, SI ermine tares, •nd ell:or/de of Lime. The hlgbert prkee, in earl., onid et all times for country rags. Corne• Penn and Iris, err opt-. R ORIEIq OaLZ ELL a Whole...We . ...egg, Curacileston Mclirhunts, drillers In Procure and Piushurgh Slanufaciaree, Liberty street, Pitwatirea, P. apli IL A. VIiNIVINCITIABI. W . ll . o ,L,t 9 m A . L 3. } : i. GlZEß 4 Pse n l u rt , ee i Znr . 7 n are .. . , 3 !: , bargh Id ea • lam. re*, No :r.Y...l.tbc a treed,. Ph. ure 4, Pa 131 cTM. X. Svittrz. SIIACKLITr * t WRITE, Wholegate De •Itn. In Foretri and Demesne Dry Hoods, No ud street 14,0m/eh. ei.l7 %Coed - Merchant., DettOrra 0 in near and Produce rrnerelly, •nd rorgrerdln,: and C.oanniasion Merehmta, 143 file street and 116 Second saner PaMdtgh. • r., LEKNICO loud aSlnd4 ° E n L ainnS& L?, Proeuro G General ..,m- Morahan;.. No .7 I.ll,arly ioreet. Pins. burgh. .pert, Unser , ' and Lard Oils. asr :\%h7....;ta le Go, ars, Furveardinn an: Dealer,. in PinvlanTii Nlann 'at turn 01141 NVe.itin Produce, have removed to their near warehouve, told and,) No. 20, earner et front meet and Chancery Lane. ItliN BB Unti HOTML IlAzur,ink 02.11 STvm.) THE asihranber a:l , aq leased [be aSnee . - 01 known and excellent ecal•onlm-nt. is new prepntra La entertain his friends and traverthir pal lin re nor •11, • . Acct maw.. and ti tha roost tensonside ten.. Iva TARLE 'rill at all tin,. Le auptilkd rah every delicacy of the 'alma—and hi. ILA Ruh the btu of Lataars. Ilia s.l•ling la eery exiecTive:lend every nee th arrn e. b.. been made for e aecommo2ation of Dro •ers ang3 tf CLAWS9N 1101121.111 & TEA AND WINE MERCHANTS SI de Diamond, Pituborrk. apt• INAIRD AI IRVIN - _ . WOULD inform the public., they hese Wen the TV warebottle formerl occupled by t , e 111 r. &Amnon Scheyer, 114 y aud wee I Miring late • a. d commndmas warehouse, they would issue the anentron of persons having goods toee:t.ign or sloys. They will al.n giro. anent.. to the purchase and wall of Note.. theft. lined.. Mlc. •or, L. S. .; It NI W. , ar0.a..• • WbWanrmaT L. S. AV ATlgittlAlli A ROVIS, Wlll/1.1.qh1.F. enmsataaion and FOT warding Mer,Lattis; dealer. In an Lati• of Pro duet h rataborgh blanoloctored Aniclepi an. Agar. for tale of litclunond Lyuchbutg Manufactured Tobacco. mrl WM. TOMLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Bailer, Pa WILL also attend ea co:lecnons and all chef ball nes. entrusted to him in Butler and Antonini,. counties, Pa. Rake to 1. R ILFloyd, Liberty st. W. W. Wallace, do James Marshall do Pittabaraii. dly Ray lc Co, Wood at. I ten? FORWARDING d. COMMPSION AIERCRANITS Canal Llastn, Penn atteet. Piosbureh tech_ JABIII/8124e DAVIN & co., PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS, No 217 Market, and 54 Commerce ot., Ploladelybla. Advance. rta,e, by either of the shove, nu conetan =eel, of Produce to either Mouse torn J. D. Wt1ham5 ............• ••-- • —John 111.11. J. D. WILLIAMS & CO., TiIOLINALE A RETAIL FAMILY UROCERR, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, and dealers in Cotr.try Yrndoce and Pittsburgh Maness to res t corner of Wood and Fifth streets, Pittsburgh. mr2o /m. 11. Wintarna--.... .--.1 0. i• Wet. H. WILLIARI9 I/. CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, Nona Eau comer of Wood rind Third streces, Jan! • Prinnaraan. Pa. WY. 11.11LLLICT, JOHN COrOIUVIL. W. re. roorourAzo, •111..1 . 11 sanni.ra. BAGA , .EY & CO , Wholenale Grocers, 18 TT and e.O Wood siree•„Fittshorgh. opl7 10112 D. WIC'S, CAVIL .0C•Na...E . ..... ItrICK 11PCANDLEDS, (•access.. L o t J. D. TT Wiee,l Wholesale Grocery, Fortesedine and Cortorniyslon Illerobantot dealer. in Iran, N. IL, bins, Callen Yarns. sad Petroberge ➢ , s general ly, comer of Wood and Water atreeta, rittsboyah. am dr. M. MiTCIII-32PREE, Wee's, V • Rectifying Distillers, and Wine end Liquor Merchant.. Also—lmporters of Podia A. h nud Bleach ing Poveder, No.loo Liberty street, (opposite Sixth eeLl Pitt•bergh. epl7 tif w. w ILBON,tiVetehe...lwoirr, • • • and Military Good., earner of Market and Fourth streets, Plusborge, Pa. N. IL—Watebe , and Clocks carefully repaired. acl7 or ?Oa.. noltul •. Wry's. 111 TM. YOUNG k Co., Denier. L.eather, Hides, V de..1.13 Liberty •Ireel pirrrlV IeCTIS Kum. P VIT ~m .:cu- r ceLON, P`°""' 64'64e':r" Pittsbistgb. n"". g°n".,,rt Liberty ytr;et ' . ' j•nr - - A CARD. 1T• • • iLmewni •!, NOBLE are now receivins new eroe vette., whlebtsof reperior qoalttr. Tber can new farm., families with hese Flour. All orders left in the boxes will be promutty attended to WILY ARTIIk NULII.F., jy?ltdtf Cap MOW 1 00 HAVE taken Wit. CARR n partnershre with Ine to mm burble., which vett l from thm date be tarried on under the IMMO ot"John Parker ix roe" March Ist, 1640. JOHN PARKER. Jobe Parker. - Carr. aoilN PAILIc.w.u. a. co., Whaterde Grows, Dealer" in Prod... Porogn Wintn, Laquors, Old 1 4 1anangairla and Rectified 100. S, Cornateretal Row, Ltheny creel, Mr.) Pht , errh, P 11,11111.1.11 L. rar.Yaa./MIMI. HANNA. WM. a. u. PALMER. UANNA & Co., (Deccesiors to Horsey. Mena ft Co.) DANNERS, EXCHANGF. LIROCERS, end Jrnter• /3 Foreign and Domestic Flreharsee, Cerlificetre of Depothe. Dank Notes, and Specfc- r North corner of Wood nod Third etreeu. Current snonry received on deposite.—Sight Cheeks fur eelt, and collections made on nearly all the principal points the United Stales. • . The Memel pfemlom paid cor Folelign and Amerieao Gold. Advance§ Made on conelguntente, of Prodaec,stdp 'pod Font, on liboral tonne. /4323 . wag. A. . loco.. none was. A. WCLUBC, & CO., GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, 2:16 Liget, gentl e *re Woad,. lines Garay. on hand a Isige rostirodent er Choice Groceries and Fine Teas; alen, Feecidn ?roils and Nate, Wholesale rod Retail. 'peadeta supplied on the attviitunislourstratvrlif... - ~, tTheAND WINE bIEECuANTS ma. t.. . ormo Ihnsoond. . .. . Eseeolent Tee.- . iil do Per lb. ~1 • Esperforgetditles,------, 0 T 3 do. . . . • The best impanel* 100 do. ". „ Lew priced, deemed - or Info-riot Tea' 11“ . 0 0. , " ' IN 11.11. e•ftillailllZlClL int.'''. RUOtII RIMS I. • 1117 MaCIINTOCK hat ian reeelvedat his Carper W.l/ • Warehouse, No 75 Fourth infect, acaery heed- ItOuto aisorOneut of Rugs, to whiel, :we tacit, the Cl. totiooof mweaurr. - • ,arm - Clttooto Atiregberry A, BOX yor-tba •retiptioe of omen for City i nato k,MTlour,q. lel at the rote of Merger Rob moo, t1, Bacli Rita" - bis_proiniT sun WUJUMUI NOBLZ PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 11, 1850. MISCELLANEOI ‘', WILKINS lIALL, FOURTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. Tmactuficent reahlishment being row rots. I nleted and res — ay for Foamy., the proprietor wou:d respectfully solicit a share of the nubile patronuse Ile trust. 1,.; giving his full amend 'SI In the brumes, inake the house a plelsnot end e erafortslele re.ort for the earzens of Pnts..orgh and lot the country generally. (land a.tendants will be In waiting, aml every eneon made to render the estAbliMmteat worthy :he C011111CD•ne and ~ e ncort of so I; telharet commun.. The TWO SPACIOPS hoed fry Parce•• Concern, Lecture., Befis, and public oaten., em:l be Irt the evenley or week, on as liberal terms as any other In the env. The BAR awl HrSTAURANT. equal tu lay le and hooky to tor/ LI the world, will be kept forn,e , ed wit% Pure Wines, C 1,,,.,. LiqUOI , L, 0,14,1, ['niters, nud ell the cool. hub, ref reiamer, si ouoason. PooPry, Game, r:•.h. Soup, Opier•, and Cme, tenet! up In the I)ext Trzo DINING and ICE CREAM se LOON, being' on tfie beet Cone. and ensy of peers,mill be eantly •e•Polled with the Lozar , en and Delienric voc . of the truAon; anti talooorithattell .Exhatanualli ea the markets afford Soor.!lng by tht day, Tor,k. or %rat Mon., or Forp,r. for tudtv:clualx or p0r.,4, edrooolood opt short nonce. Gentlemen with their (Amine, the city can, be nunplied with re(r:eumenl• •,I 111 kind. nt any bout of the nsv t..31.1ina and nn Livery I Ktaii•Ail men• In COMlretrd R4.,1 MUMS=I Duran', l'or 1,0 Ire Cr...., a‘,4 kloon, No C 7 Jc CAN P.F SSFI.AER A• WESTERVELT & SON. IA - 71,11.1. KNOWN VENITIAN MANI) N 1 Y lrep c0u,n , ,, , n i laud nr Innke °He, the !mot Kr:loe n• Itnr. 11.elr SI. Murkri •trrol.,cond mon . , • enitranrc F,uttrrs r4er, mad .1.11.:Lzp.1• ItcNit: W. tit..Z. GlLietifli, flock Binder. mienre prepared to tin any work to our itite tle.• to Wen e I ' 4 ilt il ;e;a " rl „ . . rubth:y. Muni' Books i rased to ithy path.m and bound rill. Hooks to tutubers aro.' book• bound en. o. fitly or tcpwreil. Nam, pat or. l•rynks i [id .. , Eller, 'Pao.e that bcve work In our thle are ittvitc , to CX/ pH..., env. Ei=l 77 wiGtrrmAN—Alansficutrrr .f all 'colds of e. 11.. con and svool:rn rna,,lrry. P. The above works b.,. ,inve ,:! 5,1 ••tt! ernlion, I not prepaz , d ta rxe•e, arttr. or.o. doyaten for all alud• machotrrylncY o'Ll , •••••• [utter, nprraders, rnrd...grotdmg marl toe,ra &swum (comma, apecder.., tbr0...11, loom.. woolen enr.l.,doublollll/RiV. for rnerrhaut or roan,/ work, tnnlel,jaokr, he r :Ode nod bend loth., a.nd tool. on gen eral. All koal •le Lord,.• p...n. giv en for gcorloe, facloro, or m.t , r si vuuirr , , tt.c. Chi ld . , :a ttne s, 1411 BENNETT & BROTHER, tel - !::`4 , W.1 RI A. NUI'.I(7IT-O.F:t`. Ogzs, Va. :0 ll' at, se,' 21L,i.-4 =A Irma , 9 of keep on 1, , 111. lent coNvit ruent ot W 1.,.i of our wow:. ru,tueaouve. • rut artperiorge..WF W.wlesale Intl count', NT. , chants are rer.pertluay 11k,,,!‘.. r g. , end el ===e n ixpcT ;EN. has ever barns Use]) off - cr..' to tita pub' by• , •,compAntrd 4 by ;het or , , • t,red . , . Fr :ea.,.le y etre., Ivy arc Pow nankin, ond al e pr r,, ~, .1 , 1 , t. evedy deettrlption Vet,er e, totatee, 1 . 41 , ter., e , 4e. ie), I rt., te, looloar.ra .nre in ttle tantsatfat cl tiro al.te w.• 11, find he y Lest. ttlett is rot.t,lent eno' led to dth weft en the tr.teee,al , !: tern, est°, 0,4 wanttur article Iv .me. rttrt , eytiet :1“1,111t, tne w:eet.nn of rev,. hee,...; none t comet•trnt ,rtrnet, 4SVCS . Lii heolLe.son in ora.ubttng "telt work '.O thervllote a, iLr atter.iat.e of the pu,lie to Ole nem,' 111. U. Inter in:6g done the beJa rminter, and tte :Ire meet re,ole..kiscm,t. SC•I, SCASPIF.I a A TIC.INSOII, Fm.trrt su-rwar4 •••-t. Mr... Mirry,-Kun C.ATtNUF. to,. rule AA Ir.'s of C.Ol - 1 . 1...4: !FIN AN LET 1ia1!.7 WARE. Aly.o, /itack &meg. %Vnrs., ii• brlit evVni v . :v.. iin linst 1/ 1/ f/Til lIS a five aranrivr n: ana A •v. Tin Witre i .le.d.c. Sinvce N, •• ile Wr1011• •110.—a very rcrivenit a oele for atzailitionla, Calanivila cw.iyvania, ¢t tllO tua-1 rarCp.rnes e revrerlfolla Invite steam] tots per. and others 111 cal: anti to nar articled and prievii porvhnoina el WEINI . TOON , : , ,pitted in I.viid nnel ar•ett Nl . ncluDrry evc dr,nrrn, %.,11 as Cardmt A•chtne.. Srtr.r..rkg .n ..t• Dr.rg Dre••tog l•rarien, Lnon,. Iron S.3.l:tnit sanxd: •;:-. of I r.“l. 1124g0r0 of Ihr pcloTop, no.l 2.011 /,,,er.s, and too '• al nil kon',. Ca3nogr of cyrndx.. forric4o.l o t oonor. ratttriP IL3dr to aro, Mlll Ilioarmg, Iron 1!....::n0r ~,n,tl row fo•, tlrok • al 1.• t 1 a Po:tner 4 Itt , str rt. or.l . :oat, (.m0i1. , . xu. , Kelt, to ills.etatort. Bell C. 4.1 K \lvor.l:f a 1 Co. 1. C. arre.r...l”, It 4-111 A Don, 1'.1r.1...r.' C 4 / 11 V. ornrr..rteill.eireile. PIANOS! anher riLet OS," for a e n and n•n, r.l roAnyrnn.l and rnanncnn, nrund imen l'inno, snit And .t,out Coo-I:Inv • re•ni.rnnnf Alln:inn A to.o.l.nmnt. v , nye n.. wnr• rant•d r. . quirt! I. any m•unlucturci.l I.n ron..- try, sad be sold loaner L..- to,y brought•lmn tue Fast. F. LILA; M F., No 11...w00d .1. al.ove N. B —Cu. Scrip wit: i.e Liken at par for • co, tic .hove F It TllEsrri.vriber offer.. (or role. vr. ' , TEA SI 1:411C:4 ,VoRkS, nbovr etrrnprtr”., Swam E.emr.2 Itrr,ra, Jriorrld :.12,11nr.1•1,11• 01 manwacrortri, L'l! rr...D lir, Ir a. do a• taken nem the Welk., p., tint. t•il three r• •el land en the ilietthette nee, wltten ate I kin. , at .1 Kbeds, 011arfilVe and rimy eland,. 011 tette:. snow. itaelt, mete, uters...on. at an tours in t Pre the ptaral np ht n/ aim •nal r e, 14; par nlncl endv Withots. 14 F / n . ....0n0 or parkienlon,mean nildren+ lIENIIN ..1. N11.111411-1' anc.17...11( Nnlln 51.onnnnnheka Ilou v. Wrotakht •nd Cast Leon Trat.f..riper. beg Ira ve to Jarman we pul,!.r. that I they Lavr a:a...1 from I, nrol fa.blanrible rigior for Iron Entl,ng, both for la.•,ner and ccroeterico Person• cri.:it.r• to prorate hank. some ratlern• call 'mil xurnor,•nd (or thernotlven. Rath:A lain,-hed at the • .nrt evt notice. rind to tlio boot manor, al Ole corm r or Craig gird Rebecca •triteur,Alleghe ny city angD-d - if A. LAM,)NT A. KN,,X.. WILLIAM DIGBY "DEGS Dare to Inform W. fnenthreul cultomer,l,n I) he is lust reerivis, hi- new oprin, of 1...0ds aonthreateg, a. ulna!, all wenetveAt aod most tannery tule atyies of Glottis, Ca,A/111C1,11, fancy Ve.t ray, cat• ton and linen summer mu 17 . ..an5l evcry arcele au" n hip for arty,emen , wear for aprlng and anyone, It 1,11, ouporathle to de‘crihe the beau, y,,,,alt:y or quo :unto of the stmt . , she proprietor Lopes all wayl of good, cheap, farhinnable, we'! made will plye boa u call, a There slot, aim lode of the Alleghenies that canepare with n. The ready wade depart/cent a vcry ettcnnve, uthip led to ul I•. Rail road contractor.. country ni,rehents, and all wile purchase largely, ere psritre , nriv in ex mine Ilia SD, k before purenaming. as particular at.. ienlion . paal to the arhole•ale business in ibis e•tato lissinctil. Evrr •rtiele in the IstiLnrine line made In order in the at.n4t fattlionaltie and beat manner. at the *honest =CM THE oortnership heretofore entling coder the Erfo of A k C IfUAI:A.IOf%. dotrolved by the tirerate of 11Ir. C ffrotiley. The hu•lnett wits 'm earned by A Medley, who will acute. foe Ifosmest of the Into Graz. REMitirA Runner hos removed 1.1. Fooodry WrtrchoJoic (mm IV: Second'No W .tree t, between Fl,oto 11, w Lotto, Niel) , occupied by I: A 'kr,. here h , wUi keep •nnolghtly on hood t. genrral n•-oritoctitol Co.t. 010101, 01000., Conking otrovre. to. ly IU ANUFACTURER CAmT FTVEI.,•nd No I nt,d N0..1 Auirrirno Stcr I. Al.n—lte•t Cost Steel File., of 01l cites; stool 111 nr Y.nnth .nd :owe Rasp, ',lora,. on hunt.' stool f or •11, elth•r pie Steel Wort•.” Wliaru Viith nt n i toe the Iron Store of /It /1.1,5: AN, h. GA!, HI SON, No 4. fool of Wood .ter. 133:1=1 IVe, the undemeoed, uwed, wet, entire sat. 1.11.1. - bon, the Steel an:l nbele eantuel hl: helvy, a; Catt Keen heel Wort., eny,•. Le .lea turr rec....leaden,: them at ... t ont to qua, ' to try ewer u...ed by et. of for..Go niunlit:Kturr. Pittsburgh, blarrh 13, 1 , ,e. ti A J It S110F:NIIKI11; ER A. en. Alum:Attu:era of Iron and Nal Pa, KNAPP h. TUTtEN. Iron Pounders and Machinist", Pitb.bamb, In COLEMAN, 11AILnIAN a CO, Manuftetarers of Springs, Atlas, Spring Steel and Riteete, Pllttbutab,r. •P/t lb AI FAUER, Engine Dallier. and Machine Cant Manufaetsh nen, Ptitsbutah7ra, A FULTON, • Drum Founder, Pitelburgh, Pa biIIAFV,LrINIMAYtc tom, naraftetaresa of Iron .d Pittisherrh. he. l ip TONIL.INSON. Locomen', Engtne and Sine Pallier, Pit ,t.A lV w Marble Manufacturer, hlnelonealed Engtair baild• lar/e en. Pond...vb. Pa DI partlation of Partnership. Pmtneraidp Oetmotorn eii. lop Imtwron the ouLmenbero, under the firm of tH0nbrm, , ,,,, , , k. Co.. Gime Manortemrero, waroliamtived hi m.. 41 Gottwal, on the firm da• of Jelly, inmant. All promo. knowing thimmelmet toilette-a tomtit! •ftrut pro renuest ed to mate payment to caber of tbo teltlMat delay, and all person. home unsettled soinup‘s mid Gm, aro Invited to proud{ ahem for,settleomtst Ismeds.ely. ALLXANDKR CI4..AIHEILI, JOHN D. li. CllAMllitllft:' Pare Winn. and DO•114Inn rNiF oil? Own Imortabon, suitable fey rnedietnnt ~,,,,,,,,,ev ee nuts.utty an tatutbned_fue,sale by the Ttn . ratt netto!este Tea ind t4,,..., F 4Wdlegben7, mat Ile nalliC4 VTAVi , rms4,immt fo. .6..Aboy ktakerifiii i ' 5.A..12&±0.a' "4 : 2 4!•1724' S ...1 ~ INSURANCE. (• ;. 11 E DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSU RANCE CX/MPANT.-01:fiee North Room of the lis chanee, Third street, Philadelphia. F,Lit 1 110WOCK-131311dIngs, Merchandise and ether Prrf ,, ‘T, in Town and Cannery, insured against loss or (Mmage by fire, et the lemma rate of premiere. filiacts litscemsew—They also 111•61 . 0 Ves.KIM, Car go.. and Freights, foreign or coastwise, underopen or special policies, 43 the enured may desire. Ista.we TRAINTPOITA.TIKI.—They also lasers Merch andise transported by Wagons, Rail Seidel" Cell.] Roots and Steentiloets, on steers and lakes, oetho emitterms. 111 RFXTORS—Josepti 11. Seal, Edurmid A.l3muler, John C Robert Clarion, John RPenwse,Samm. el Edwards, Geo C Leiner, Edward Darlington. lease n Davis. Wm Folwell, John Newlin. Dr II AI Ilualon, Jes C /land. Theophilas Paelding, i 1 Jones Union, Henry Sloan, /high emit( George &grill, Scenes, M clisnln, Charles Kelly, /II Johnsen, Wm Hay, Dr 5 'ltem., John Sellers. Wro DillEcToßS AT PITTSiIuRGH—D T Morgan, Hugh Craig, John T Logan. WILLIAM MARTIN, Przsident. Riff.. S. Nemec., Seel. °Noe of the Compairy,. No. 49 Water areal, Plusburgn. risnits-tr P. A. MADE/RA.AAt ' 6l " ntnd Urnlth Inararessa•• THE mutual Lao and licanh Insuesnes C.OPnttY uf ItreoiyArliaa Ihe Legislature PomtrYlvante., March, Mtg. Charter PerPdlPC. Capital, 8100,000. RAI". Low. nue ANT PCIMII, CvogrANT, and full 10 per teak tearer than the usual rule, of Life Incurance, as the following emu pan,on ell Thus. a person of th e age of n - curing ler AIM for life, mum pay in th e Girard MA3C— Pritorylvania.StllA, Penn Mutual, SIM Fkrilltable, e1i,04, New limituld. 1at1,36; New York Life, 112;i5t AMS; LW mid Health, Philmielphia,Bl,9l. ass - roms—ttsmael M.acrick, Charles D. Hall, W. F. Bonne, Robert P Ring, elicalak 11 .1. , M. W. Brild arm, al. Reeve, al. U. Chas. O. Lewis (Moyer, I. Rodman Bsrker, EL 11. Boiler, Edtkiu it. Cora. Presideni—samuel D. Orrick; Vice Pres). deht—Robt. P. King; Sceretary—Francis Illackborne. Applications will boreceiVed,•nd every Information given by SAML. FAIINETOCK, Akt, Office, Commercial Rooms, corner of imnr7.tily _ Wood a nd Third sts, Pittsburgh Fine. AND 8AN.1114 Inr FIDRANCEs 1 1 , 111: I o N SURANCE ermanent a CO dn . 1 . E d , Army In this city and nity, and no skiposterls by Canal, Rivers, Lake, and by Sem The proportion el Mite a nd are well invested, and furnish 11.0 avail fund fur the ample indemnity of all persons who ;Icel. 0.? protratrd by Insurance. myle WV. JMNEZ, A Oire sad Maxilpip 111 OFFICE of tip, buortue growiiimi of riOnh TArne.irs., hu be. removed to No. itiThotON. east or W.d. The subscriber, agent for the above old and martini able Company, vrOl imne Policies on tiniklinfis reap' dams goritents, and on shipments of Merchandise by Sarum Manta and other vessels, sad Modern ilia pplol►uro JA ACS W. WOODWIALL. 83, Tutu Sr., Prrtuoutt J. W. W. Diu+v Rape tfully inform. the= `"• Pollbc that he bac cam pietea 1. ppprd stook 0 FUIINITUILE th e largeet ant rt... tad idlnfhithnf ever otfered for tale m this city. comprising sortral retie of ilulrwooD, M. 0.., and 8t... %V.A.', :arced, ornamental and plain, amiable foe Parlors, Drawing and Bed Coot., oil of which will be .old at lotwaic. tennng Furniture of •ny deteriptton, aro theetfall• .4./4“I so roll node... biliatoca.whleh mbraeae awlll from the chr•pest and alecst so the moat elegant ani coldeY, Alf low inr compel...a a part rev a' fete, Teta a Tete Defanai to Otrhatiou Ch Ellzabethi. Chaim Rceepnon do Loma XIV do Inzlension do /.1001 P.sulthel 1N Lai Note, Tolle! Tablet; :51V Commodore. Duke of Yotk`• Coach; io Onl.s ',nth Pin. end Ilan-cloth coma. bti thenn.,do do; In dot Mahogaay Chgjrat In e Rea... do ifir. 11 " BI 'k Walnet do do; Ot Cane do; " Maborany Rocking do, z • Pomo moots, Au Marble Top Centre Table, to de do V, Vtands, ,rtny lirincodp .• V.P.robea; DI Bp. .lnat do e Cherry A err' , large assortment of Canna. fa.. 6.4,141 b. or I arnisfan too tedious to mention • • • 111, - tltrato furnl.bed on Oka dorlest AAA.. A.: promptly •tletiod to. r S —ust.s.t Matcnt owl supplii , ci with all sort. al il+nnc+ur. Walmat, and Vencen, at cossitherubli t.el,e, teLIS HERSEY FI,EALING Az, CO. 1141/§4 V FROM TUE SI ONUFAL. ERN 31 ANL'EA iVbite Flannels, all Wool Rod do do Vedol. , do do :Rogan do do Wadi gstlnetts. do I4u do I,ran Black CawdletS. 110 Food Tore, I.:sek Woad Cloth. Sneer I,roorn r , t,..r I, Po do th.r 7.1 , ed do ncorr Inack Ibe tiktnt Drab C•shmerd4. Flroo, do do CV, WA C 14,4".. Kes.•:r. do d, Jo WTI) do Ragging.. Crown A t ter Nlaoufaccorers. E:ll===l ccoportne.sly netelvlote ecoting between the ocoootecto, in the no [. ne of .. table, Burke CO, Is no. usy d,ouncd anneal consent Mricro Burl, S. lt.rec* will settle no, 1g:;;,..4 &of the concern, ko winch ,oposet there. sentenced tioe me neat of the co nrent N ATIIANIEL VONISTABLE, EDMUND BURKE, T/1051•14 BARNES. Thn imdertigned have this dal aaoalated the mimlires the e.inr 11URICE A DARNES, for this Napalm Fir.. Proof Safe., Vaal, D.", a, A• r....• Hand of .he late firm of Comment., tiarke CO, or..orr oor, vt!l bo l,leusod LO receive the patron. vise At At ea.:muse of ihst house and their friend.. .‘II:44D.HURKIg, TIIOIIAM In re, from the Arma( Countable, Berta t Co., I wnt, pien•utc meornmend Mews. Butte .1. Baru, .n the eenfuk nee of sty flltnale and the pablte. Fe, ...ta. N A rai AN' m. CONSTABLE. (Co.:A :1 11A S imm reformed from dm Eastern Cittes, and rerr f o f n.. ierge ••,iety of oemomoble Goals, td -4.11 he re. pccifuliy Olefin* the alumtion of metoh •nis and pennon, No kg Wood at. fehlt {(TALL PAPER—W. P. Almusau, I. Roam:3By vir receiving, from the largest manonermles In New }ark and Phtladelphla, and also from Freneh genedrt, the neveat and mint approved etylee p... per liar:gine, 'meth., WM Borden, Fire Hoard Print', and Teter Teen For sale at IS Wood et, be. meen Fourth at and Diamond alley, (succor., to S. C. Ihill 'P er, Nl:,,,i.:lklLettleettlic:tziNttTe—btabrell pe r / tr at the Ditty, hteed, and refitment Warehoon, corner of Math and Wood Meets. 8 N WICKERSHAM. el ld u.pratt. , Patent Soda Asti. 464 and 1 now on the way from New Orleans, den.paried here tide week; and 311 will shonly attire vla Caltimorr per ebir. • 7enteta, Cheaapeake, Dwaine to, a market A Hoy., +turn will be veld On arrnrai, at the lowest intro for vaehormoloveqhilli, M MITCIIELTREE. N. Ina Liberty at . _ COEIIICAL STOVE poLi.o T'Z'Plu're'thhiri'rVrefaTormingrnt:lM7B7:7l, o P 4r ol rsr; mid ...Mow ...racers ., or fear of contradict...4Y Sarno who loss tooted it, pronounce It far superior to soy otior in the mark, The utemeld bluetit, apprehoccon. of soiling carpet.. , as its com position per•ents a dart from Antony whoa being ay plied, witch must be done when the Stow Is etOd Toe quantity required la so lido to produce a beau. 1.101 town. it saving of over fifty per cent Is insured to 14.. eon.asucrs. A coming applied to Storer, Pipes, when away for din sumetor., is a sure pre. vcolutive Realest roll Sher having tried it once, Of .t is secrs....lo Coma use ally Ina tba Yrs , : Msnetattalles Company's Smola. Clacmi rsl Store Sonar, For solo by 11 hl WICKVICOIAM. met Corner of Sieth and Wood streets. riTveimuPou ICIOURDIINO ISTOEIEs Corr, r or I'rno and St. Cgatr streets. t)'Il A LK?: ANDER tr. NONS, Furnishing Under. tos,.es. where every arttelc for faneral and ns:t Mouro purposes can be got oa reasonable terms. 1)11:13.1. UUAT UUILDICTLS. 100,000 rem eensaned Deck Plunk; 100,000 teat Gual Wet sAdifig. For vale by ROBERT ADICNIDDT, Attneney et Lew. t'na•ia at =l= 3 market price in Cash will be paid (er 1 tfi , iliifcrent 4 groklee of Wool y byHARI:I4II6n I. (.1 TOE owner. mid consignees or good. arriving by tho 'Gluten.' Portable Boat Una," milt plea., tasty notice that they will bib niquirod to gay (might at roar warehos.e, according to the receipt, bailor, the l oods aro rev:toyed. 0 A IIoANULTY &CO • - - - OLD FREIII3II_IIRA'NDY, . • Sutal.,le for Aralicsiscil Porpascs. IN thee. wok", um." the Ineuee,a.r.dcie I. liege rad y re:3lredl, The r itheerlhers have some oA h•Rd Is ...i t at clue Donar per Lnde, which they know to be s , •beel rt will : bought by themselves m Franco, and n as pure as when abet) banght It. • • , blelitalet 111WORTII,_ Tea Vane end dile of the Diamond. _cretin IrOash Arrival of Whole* Teas: • itifORIUS t il&WORTII, Ie the iliampad. hat , t , !. Jost received from the impanels. another Jar gunpi• tram:eland Blank wadi/teen reas.whiallell./ ea now retailing from the adgined ebaW mato awl Tnaperm. Thar drfy any-to-ibe.tryde to but the nality at Me prim,. Wardellentfinly the to ale., &Males our Teas with theme purchased elet• , Neh•re at same plats.. as set or Illeetreodaa .Ilimory, Scenery, Biography, Better, sod Tradition, .of Me Wm for Independence. Br }Jenson 2:Lording, rob Engtmingi on Wood brtioutng a Itarrett, nhally from calm.' sketchea:br the IMMO.' TO be Pilaf' , els is eboattglltto. at ada, Pei Ode by :114 7 " 110P1UNS. ti 4.; La , +-z4A/1 i A v- t ~. By the Priildant ffff • patted Rtata a. I N parsasnee of/aor, Llr L&CIIAR TAYLOR, Pre- L aidant of the United Eltatea of America, do hereby declare and make known, that public lees ser,ll ke bold at the tende-menteemed Land Offiees lo the State of hiIehLIGAN, at the periods hereinafter designated, to wits--.' At the Lard Mee at:SAULT STE. MARIE, for the "Late Superior District.. commeneung e n Mon day, the sixteenth dry of September neer, kw el.e die natal of nubile. lands erhiln the following named townehipu, . . North of rho dam line, end awn of the print...pal tutirlian. Township (arty five, and fractional township. lona six and forty (even arrange two. Townships forty a e and fatly rig, and fractions,. township: forty seem , of range three Township forty al , and fractional township forty seven, of range roar Towntkuns forty x and forty savan t and fractional unintsbipi fifty au fifty one, of range eve. Fractional town hire forty entree. forty eight, forty i f nine, fifty, and fin one, of range six. Townships forty eight andforty nine, and fractional township fifty arrange aeven. PIIIICU.Ibi townships thirty nine on "flog island." and forty on "flat bland," Ind township forty flee, or range eight. Fractional townships thirty nine and Pony on "nor and • Garden" Islands. and forty three on the main land, and township. (arty four and forty Svc, arrange nine. Friction.; township. thirty nine and forty on "Gar- den" snd“Fonastill hands: and tolintiulpe ropy three, forty four. and fat ty flee, of lance ten. Fractional townships thirty night on"Llttle ft reload, thinynine on "I.litie Beaver" and "front" blond., and forty on nWhiske ialthd, and town ship. Cony three, (arty roar, and forty five, of range eleven. Fractional township thirty ettcht on "Gall inland, townsnip forty two, and (fact:met townships forty three. forty roar and fora'' five, of tango %orrice. Yrteusmal hogoship forty, on Mt main land, of range sixteen. Framinnal townships thirty nine and forty on• the main land, of range seventeen. Fraction.' townships thirty eight, thirty nine, forty, and forty one, on the main land of range elghtenn. Fractional townships thlny six on `Summer" .d "Foveny" Islands, thirty saran (ineluding • , 13untiner" island and an Islet) and thirty eight, thirty clue. and forty on the wain land, and township. forty oar, forty loop. ctrD:if"43°ll°` 4aiiAg.1,i 5 ,7 1 1 :"Pt' P l"iil"d.'th rf eran4l i l'jfii teeitlaoththiregrtethe ,In7 . ladthity nine (including the Island In sermons twenty (nee and twenty eight) and forty, and loWnship forty three on the main land. of range twenty. Fractional townships thirty eight, thirty nine, and fon?. the mole land, of range twenty one. AT THE nAhIE PLACE,commensing en hlondity. ,I.e Mlnieth o day q( Saptsmber lest, tar the dirp teal sllptl 4 t.:7ra i o o tl o 6 9 4FtWn Zgy, k' ao h 7wT„ g z- nam" ‘o " s - NortAiirf the kw lino, eoid PASO gi Me rtncyq4 earriftwit. MUME! EMQt=! Fractional townskups thirty Ave and shirty ala on the main Iscd, of range twenty font. Fractional townaldpa thirty three, thirty Mae, and thirty five, and township thirty six, of range twenty tolVwFo+ 44r;• two and thirty throe on. the main land. and townskirpi , Mirty five, of saran twenry six Frandonalloverahips thirty cue, thirty two, thirty three, shirr four and thirty five on the maul land and virnahips forty afg, forty seven, and lorry ..eight, of rooms talons/ eiYalk. Fracul lownrotps mutt, two, billy airpC, oi l y thtrty stools, and townships thirty tune, forty all, fatly seven, and long eiallt, of range twenty eight. Fractional townships thirty arena, thin, eight, and thirty ton., and townships lofty oar long two, forty three, Cony roar, form fare, forty stn forty seven, and forty eight,of range twenty also. Fracuoual townships than! nine. Township forte, Ce4tl} , fa,wlah_lil forty eye, townsiona forty two, atly c, and torly LOU tvirty • n, at Ma caper °Lague baton', of town. .L in ear nme, of range shirty, ctronal townships thirty nine, forty, and forty P e, townships Pony two. forty three, forty foe , . forty fire, forty ala, forty acorn, and fen, eight, and Irmo tional wyentsen and of r an ge on “Travene" Island. townebto four, of range thiny one. AT TUE SAME PLACE., consawncing ou Mond, ' fo,--tecnih day of oourber nosy lot the disposal or .4. ItiOnita'ranao adost.ely;d . d!n tr, Ondergentlonod 10wn.1,1 a and (mail - n 0 tartinfilflf, la reult. • - Nord rtt go fax lose, op lf fqs I,nm-qv!' Fractional townakip foray one, and township. forty two, fumy them, forty four, forty ire, sad illy, of range Way me. Fraerooal township* fifty fifty two, of range • thirty P r rertienat towcolups fifty and filly two of range pa Township of made 1.07 opa. Fractious) township for., clam, and Worm:jet forty nine and arid, of ranee AMY two. Township rimy wean, fnituaal townrhip forty eight, and townenipa foray nine and fifty, of ramie forty tine. Townetilps rimy seven, forty eight, forty nice, and Shy, of range lorry lour oernrhly• forty term, forty eight, snit forty nine, and (notional taiernship fifty, Of range forty Gee. ' Fractional townslira forty nine and Oily, of range ( f 7 rettnal town. litpe foray• tZrrg . f . : 6, t , *lila , so d itt. irfot ) nine, of ranee forty seven. Fractional ummtehips forty invert, ferry night, .rod forty nine, of range forty eight. Frontlet.' township forty eight. of range forty nine. Attlee land nines at lONIA, ceimmenetag on Mon. ritt •sitoenth of Septemhet nett, for tan dispose!l of the Wino hods within tiro .andoementimmd tree. trsaLseararbip.anstr-r , ~ Irimxk-tif tip& dor ord icest of rho riot"' Sections one 1,4 larJ, th, east baif ,tenon of !Mee, and sections eleveo,treetve,Memeen, hanriren,whaty Nat, twenty five, any thirty Mg, in township nib°, of rente seien f,aa to opprrtoollood by low for rho so, of school, [...Misty, or other 1 atrtioro, Ortll be rlelodrd from tto ralra. 1)4. VALE, Onni:4 aNH Nan- UK YILICLIM War HOLM; Woe Drumm Fancy Comrade.; ax mimed at Famouptieea Home beemle Baleen'. Cbeek• and Stripas, very hear/geode Talon' Goode. • Jeod raddadi. mime do y a p ge n ta 4 l : l ; tl ram. Nova Linens, tfelit7P.' Drab Serge, black do. • I I and raorsled4 Wise k and Whits Tape; Mark Tart.% Drab din lanrn ebeea• End D 11114; c.c.) Sifel Orion; do 1•• en tread, • ,717.:,%orari.s.clek Tt offering of ite above mentioned lands will Le itmilene be Joys apnotnied, proceed in b Mike in Thigh the; ere •dpetorttl, with rein. venient dtanmvn. until me Smola spell have f•Cfp of. feted, and the salr•thoe'eles; UPI no nolo ARP be tept open longer ktito tore weeks and no private ewe) `pen env el the lands will b• seleniued natal a'Ler the expirstiros of two erects. Given under my nand. o£ the Domino a.lthltu..) this thirteen:l day of Jena, Anne e thousand eight handfed and filly. By the President: J. 1:1711M141. 4,4 Nand des4go; Itiock Natio do drown Ilotland deg Silks: Witte., Cravat; de.. & n. arshooso. No 187 Wood • owe, Commisetoner 6( the Oceania Leed Orme. ; NOTICE TO PRE.E.RETION CLAIMANT/3. Every persuse entitled to the right of pre.wription to .y of the lands within the townships and (menthe) townships Oboe. En 4 l.lll,lllrd, II ftqUlrCd to establish the same to tee sansfeetion of tee is and Re retort of the proper L and (Mos, and toe. payment resort ...son to Preen... oiler see th e this untie., d before the day appointed for the eommenemnent of the pobho sale of the lands' embrating the out 'Mimed, otherwise melt elates wit De fnifelied. J. 131.1771dItEllOiD, Coyentistioner. =rem Dome:math Ams•plpars Ppmlthy Tt.P,owr. u - k, - it,Frel,l;-;(1% sr, '* 11 7 .1 General ruestnalyme*nt on /the t Orirne%lie n lt Fowls, *nu merous original descrlpnamo and Fonts/to from Life. By Joke C. Bonnet; kl. D. Thist work will be brund to fantatl • antrum amount of orimmo and other information, both practical and meal'tfo la regard to Fowl Breeding, than contained other ..menesu ;forgo together It will be Illnarated with nearry }io, Perrin. elf thp meet choice varied. of Anterlcon and Foreign Foyle, mote forty of which an from life, from drawing. taken especially fur OM work, of the most important breeds, and mortal of them Mom fowls earl mceltall Impotted. The pub/Jahn-a knee rpared no noncom to bring out thts work In • nperior manner, both la regard to the ent.einge, the merge of the WM, mut, th e general xe ecittfifiroftvogr part, of th e book. An d It goe fit v cd that the work will be found to eantaln more prowl. cm! information 011 Breeding CA, Managag DOIIIBIItiC Fowls, than any work Issued In this country. For eats by JAB D 141C1(8100% Jetl Dookoeller and Importer, 101 l Formth at. 11antlYoLtrrA or Physical Deennptlan of the Uniycrae. By Aiel. Humboldt. Translate; by Otto. ; yols, lama. Jost reccryml fig only by D LA)CtCWOOD giS • Irogbel., & .Port.r. 101 Pen hat .EN01;11111 & WIlg r L , F4 . ALE OROC 100 pkg• Y. 17 . .114. Mack 'lnd Gunpowder Toss; 113 has Tobsecot OM bags Rio CF,l6a; OM brit N 0 Malinger 73 b b d. NO Bug 200 bores wound' sixes Wandrics CHAU; 40 bin Pipes; 400 bsc +ow Ito his Candles; 80916. Codfish; 09 brig Tannereoll4 gu bo. Cluxotste; 00 do; Lkd Cord.; ug coda Mounts llopei 30 9T4 np_iced Chounlatc; 10 bag. Pepper; 6 bap Alapice.4 490 beg Herzog; .40 bola Vinegar; thn blkles C. 41.6166. 401,6 a 6tat* 10 toes t 0 brig Chalk; 30 00.09. well a* a tenor.; Manufactured articles. A PIITSIGIASS TECTIfrION p. al HAVE POUND Tt) EQUAL 111E31." Illiaceacao, blarch 8, lw. p sed of u INCCo ß ngeligp " aU'Llve i r h rlis d yOu ' aent and ' 18 do: at the Verrnifuge. • n Kann wed all year Family ifeUlcines 1117 tunny, ad have also prescribed them In ray Praellee; I *ln very much pleased Nth 0 , 0E14.41hr...f0und calking in equal them. Head me d dot of your Venni lege, and dos eke& at the Laver Pill. sod Cough Syrup. ltelpselfully youri,„ . - T. , fi , ./..qrs. Tbordlughly popalar medicine' MITI. bud of lb". proprlttori a EwELLERs; srwt.7 NW Mongol. generally In the two aid. sad vie ballr , ank ESOMCIA frbri. [No iketr ► er apmlav O.SO,lmulabia tor Onto mokiminit ooetiral for say b, ~,oIiNmoRADK.TI.4c4 . ) " 1 9 tatedaa teetsttTd for ludo bT; • • v, Il ls J croNIIAKP.R R. Co jWiirrAsai-3 •• .-.ACIOREL—,I,3I/!_brls. No 3. Mss. mad .p 1 In for sale by ' MILLER d RICIIMTEIOM • •AM 12TI Übe MT " I LAMIg—..„ 2O oFe it ..Sher.. oboe bledec ". • reed tot sale) /103' lIIILLER4b lIICKMPSO, Ana 'assonmeut of l'reueb ipSO urrougbreaPOS;Collors rind Ca b, J reed at , j • AWASON &VI3JS. IC 4, Bl42* .nien ti reeTl '°'-.U-;-.T-hi abZ VOL sate b -Pi1144;-"1° Riee ‘1y . .11 d MIOLIMG & CO , 454 Men) st. . fiametriilt—Teastifietki;n7ii• tige L. ePaL mild , Aliatard, Ostered w i th &dere* herbs received and for sale. b, In , WM it Mei:RAMO & Ca. tea Merry et k 4 f ii iitigPlA . Jusl rel 4 Fir vvid z• • 'i —, . • .7„ — wictinsuitAhrs. ; -', b air, Wag 5a4644.41 1 TORN P4.1.,- - -.l' i LAND SALES. Mulls, J00n.% and Bevis., IMEtBo; A splendid otorienent of Dint and Bane, Silks; I Berate.. Loon and De Lainee, remarkably cheap; fleamifial Foulard Silk., at =teems per yard; (W.W.11 Bekaa., Crowd; cents, nod upwards; A large meet of Ilona and Bleached Muslims, Ole per yawl, and ina npwurde, Vt.l;erytueallty, remartahly ' Together alth a large stoat of Tleidarl, Apron mud &Onion Cheek., all . width.; Brown and Wesel l ed $ beetings and Shirk ng, Iriate 'Linen.; hotelher with ale whet critic, LO. ou r tiaa, at Penh tall ftolll, Of Fourth mid Market it. lelo n r ro -l ertlo a ro n yVerM i t ' s, L v i eTe4 . 7. e loot 7pl ax 4 11, ` M ; V41:gr.Y.. react baremes any ;lout byre ade ins, new Med land- Y do owe alio; new at) French, Englieh. and lecoldb Lawns, in real minety, and at very low poem.; plain, [glued, and satin airiped de leans of all kinds ant, qua woo; linen lone. of are Outdos and color.; Ontlaw.. pm's, tea, at man eau corner of Fourth aid Market shrew. I LE A rtarrti R supply of Mack tdtady ,or A orrd Sdds,joit redet•dt! ,707 t, I !eil , morn 'oP P L V L," y skim ieici.ii •. Lkl. and Ikrago M.D.Limea it Very low pri.or. Al north dart oersted, of Pottrilt nod Market old. joy tnedorm "OTIS carrow trimming L•Cell of bort qeold.f, jutt reed And for Wile et Northeast referee! Fourth Rod :dor ked street* jes muaritY k 01311( INFIELD --- Basamata...ellounet ItibbeTirt.7" —• Li( VS PUY & OURCIIVIELD have rerelveil an *d ial ditional rappry olaboergood.,lnrladine varioni styles or Chins, Pearl. &thong, arat gimp Lynne., Writte aid siatoreatillap dig Gal attavirtsoi all colors lard prier. • VarOfrißL - 111. - .Lfil - -000 id, 4.1 Mimi Cal Cloth, tram ihn SreiGrY. and for sat: at the Warereorn. N 0.7 & 9 iVood .1,1. 1 Pc II PIIII.I.IPS --- 116 , 1111 - Niftiroutpus. URPirl' & BURCHFIELD Inane the als.ntlern or thoi; 011 ggiiri for Xitltiii.4 putlitries, to g very fall aridarnent, juin inert kg War k Boinnalines, Itomhamile finish Airllecat, Black Movie de Lames, Mourning Wash Silky, do Primed Foulard+, (ranges, Timmy, Sleiliatf Loma., A Itlagrneß, Plain 131aek ard Printed La.inoi Gloat Paanoldered do; Bonnet Rttobans, A S T eAttr&olvot, e ,.. ,, . mays,. ,11.1Z , 1 , 1&11ill CO merea,aliciptett t Ed oo~ o " pmai '" rh i ; nut CO ria MI Markel it rPIIIEJET SllAWL.9.—Saperuir high eolarthitint 1 Shawl. comparing Camara. Orange, Pink, Ohre, Ali men, and Corn colored, Jam receiving per exprem, and this day opening by A A MASON • Co mayl7 AGM Iblorcd Uarepe., reed per c/Tret,. ' re P n ' ro opeatia9 by ~.Al ul t. l . ASer e . A A. !USG:it aCO sTO 1111.!darNyning ~ •77 Inch Sleek Gro do Stone Sdk; la polio dot 10 pas 39 inch do; 0 pesalineh do; and .1 pleat. 3G inch do. ma I EESEI3 JUL. '" LINEN UsT & u mls Fresh Arsiwwll corDry lilprE aro now receiving - Imm oddlinens too. stock TV or earths aid Nonvoter Dry Geode, and are pro - pm] to ofibr OA excellent' assortment at our natal tow "noes for east!, or en...roved The rnention at western deafen Is banicalarly m ourned to oar roods, as we fee/ confident of being able to offor annum/ inducements to tactic a bill whit as. Call and tzwaine at any On, ' SIJACKLETT te WHITE, tot Wood street. ------- • C. YEAGER, • 108 Itl.rket Strimt, Maar Liberty.) .rornm AND DiaLrlts IN ASIF,RICAN, ENGLISH. AN U GERMAN S`ANOT 130111/81 HOSIERY, LACES, GLOVES, THREADS, COMBS, BUTTONS, SUE. PE:VIA:RS, do. Alsn, .1.01 BLACK ND_FANCY SILK CRAVATS, eONGE'E, LIKNOANNA., and LINEN UDKFB,n g enclal el:ailment 01 VANS, and every yaritly of tt awning.. .1.21 . nitaramwr, • • rk. 41 Woo 4 street WM bas 21. R. Rs`uistA 100 bOo eloster do; 13kill do do; 13 auks 4ante Carrara.; t 3 bale. E. Wmthaw 13 do Brazil oun ' I 13 do Pelberts N ; 000 do P.m Nara; 00 63..00100 AknoodA W bp Rock Coody; 3 eases Llquonee; 10 &t Prinelpee tr. Itegalla e' l 1000 ! 11010 Spanish; 3 Lis Cloves; 9 o.lliliolll2cFN 3 eeroon. Indigo; 23 case. Letoon Syrup; 93 ease. es pper Foote; I 3 20 . 0 Tomato Camp; Ground 2plees or ;II kinds. 40 barrel. powdered and 4 l i tat r at re r tu brl. Wltalor: tVALlilearia D. LAWS. 9 plain and figured Ileiregc de Lams, utnn. J id colori,itist received, and selling at very low ' amo • A Aid CrlN &CO - LAW Mi. (-) CASES fast colored Limos facetted and TOR 4, opening, selling at trio extreme low price oi 8 els per yard selling A A MASON is CO (ZINGSSI Alas. 313A8E4 fast colored Cilsgbams, reed, and selling at 11 cents per yard A A NI 4.80 A h CO many 14 Market st. I.llllx prima tqoulderoi 1l Ithde cicnr am; lor ;We by kVA BROWN Y IMIRPATRICK. ANU tat. N. C. Tor; 13 do pogo j,„ Tanners' 00, tot sale b lONz , _ ITO% NI Lk FIRVPATRICR. assonizent of Pittabiri4 _ unto 1 - 11(1F.Dtier°. sikot 11 fort rtoci•rd aid for tale by 1718 fiF.LLERS VISII-55 brit No. 381orkdrdi: SEo liernod, :of hy . sEta.Eßs k Nieta.s. - - -- I rn• Mari ma . remaining in UM Witco etAresseti to LJ I /IV • 1V1.441.11aKu NEI . I.3—A I lap. es sun men , ni t 17trd Netts, of nage.% aryles; also, plain Netts, I. ask 11.4keiNgt, troll Doh i acts. re cr.i NIVRIItY er'tlUlH.tlFtE .D. .14 1 14 t 1 7E,AA—,We coiotaily.intinving A. min and black Tens, direct :tom, the importers un PAlladillphis, nod - Pave now: on nttgb nanny roo et, win Tewarehocue,a'4 Lt"' :en? ottont, an airoortonst of. etetyittoile •04 Rotor, aaW itt jo nottatia antpaeseil to Putelngli. Wa _llia comparison,' &elinstZnittnipg ,lha4;onon'tylar.. our by foitodeannt, If not Ottpotiot, to not al the k p 'the t WM. A Metti.llllo A CO. pt . M e l lier V lJOVV . S h rts. 7 :Z d Z l :::r " c4.. n of 40001Vonara: L ana Woolen curial. con hn ' lnana ' a t t tho atom Of lii/ 7 1 /MOM I , k,HURCI Lanai and Sclalings. U*4'RY &, UURCtfFLELUmae raneland a largn JYA. 04110tIZICIII Or Idga and VlOnfia Edilaga and Lane.; • Labia %Vat Van& !do; • Babalaa , .Valeaniennes.daL ~ ...fwAn, J.A..!lT.S i na n ; I o g' ran . NeaLvlll.:l3ll,l w hi e b r P 'They ialt elle attention boyars: Iva - tiOki.lF-50 barn,- VaIUIR-50 b rrels rammer a. Teealgetadforade by Kirk % "• ' ' .54.W1L" 21, p i keret; • s.le by .. ijOr , ; 1 4 o )Vti A xnuipAtiacx ;,. .. 3:1 11 Y., 331 ;1,1 /17,43 r/11:1 it:1141.,141. t:T11'125.11 DRY GOODS, Se WRITE GOODS FOR MESSRS. M Yh a r P t i ct i die s k t n n i C r n r es t i e t o t ia Dv i ndm the attention rt! of im Good, for Drasken, consisting of Scotch and Soya Mon, Figared Buries dm Embroidered do; Victoria Lamm.; Low Priced Barred Jockooet for mornisg dresses; Roe son finish.' do; and a large msonment of Swim hlaslnnt, with colomd embroidery; printeJJacionetn , R are dc., at north caul corner of Fourth and Market streets. Jeri Cheap Lawna. BURCEIFIELD have received a Nero sopplY or flea La n., •ery novo' riplo brown m lgict light do. lo great variety, for into m e Alto,embroldered and primed hltiolinp audiaelonet, of neat and nearest ityloe and lowest rice for oa a ti e , , and north rot earner of Forinh and Market as ,THE GREAT SF.%II•MiNUAi. 'SALE OF DRY GOODS A. A. MASON & CO, WILL commence on Monday,..itine 3.1. 183 Their Immense establishment; with all the Wholesale Rooms.aill, on this °erasion. be throw I.speri for Ram, Tao); and all of their extensi stock will be offered to retail purchaser, at a dlreou f from eo to 30 per - Cern, leis than moral prims. THEIR STOCK OF 011.4.4 Opzapi4a inai fn . hapdrcd piaaea, and Will pa mold at ao immense di count Their assonnient a (Shawls, Bareges.3lssives, Chen. 'idiots Poolard Silks. Lawns, 3lnelin.. inenntl., Cite We st and Dress fiends generally, will he closed mat kern Millie' y. at abort one half ;he areal rites. 11 eaves Fast eolored Lawns will be odered at Pc. 2. do Uareges, lee. I do Muslin - de Lakes, Roferior FAglisb rind Atnerkin Calicoes, 134 lie. 300 o-,en Linen Ilqp4 . erehl,..(s, 04 7. A afge Wit sielit Coll:ago, Nuns s• lose as dc. Together with • eeropletc variety of Domestic end While floods, Riblruniv llosiery and Gloves, (kernels, ke., /re. Makin!! In &toned the mostextertive awertments LA the coantry, me ich will be t• Inked down to teach Liman preen than at any of their. previousi Annual Sales (771 in Sinrc will closed upon Thurs.:ay aad FII My , May 2 011 , 41!dql‘t, fp, The ParWM; cl q.d ipertinedow, .poc6. Nro ti A A MASAI?: S C.%) • Vitroscit bixstriq. urugpitv flUtirltilEt4l. reedivtti • ••• 4 3, 1 1 . •f:! 4 sad 4 4 1•••nt0 LILO. hit , wen'. col" and sank., ladies' sack., boys' and children'a wear of the mast desirable shade.. . . 'I hey invite at ention to their logo a.ortritrebt o alen'm aeJ Doyle 8115IATER WEAR, of tlitfcrent Ethel. awl ail of which will he .old low. -r VA/A RABOI.B!! PARASOL NI 11;r A BIJACITALALD other C pp;lf .1.v.. qr 4 0 . .IA 1..01. rl l 7O . b005t . ..7 totality and 00107 11,01110. sod at the I "Vett !gab pewee. I Pataftt Stale 'WA Cloth vpiT McCLINTOCK hut teerited Ono day. at h 3 TN Ca.per Warrlanze, No TS Fourth eh. Snot In ChhbCottony,t of v ery handsome pollen. and colors Tr eth!rention of rutchasent 70111KFIIV h I.IIIOIIFIELP anenuor ogenng goods aj at greatly reduced pneeg Larvae front Gcrnl. ue; 4-4 11. ht Chintz from 10 eenta up, Bora., y o r tglet l lTar ' L l tliiri r o l vr4 ' lu n g n nutV : r t ft ' gu ‘ e ' T '. 3 rteek of theta go before purehanng elsearnere- . : .North eon gamer of Founb uld !Make. eta. jell UD=M efT i FD e '" M 4 g 'h n= ''‘ "i'" irs Vaaha, rarpe former W Al eCLINTOCH 1513 Penr.h si 116 f erriirefil;WHFlETlT - troltlid'slOck 0 LTA yam y and Sum's Pry GosOls, etildsg at a [reedy li.lbired price.; TIP— , Uarege de Laioes, a large assortment or Leamilis pattems; /611.1211 II /faults re bitrs. 400 des Ladieti linen Calabria Hdkfs, all paiais; 100 dos Heats' do do do 25 doz do do Received ads day by =WO do colored.boxdors; A A M &ON tr. 1..13 A! Ma et at. ' Irlali Aalti El/1211111 Linens. • WO pas 34 and ilaipes 4.4 Brown Linens; 1312 pes Gray's Harklars, and Alexander's superior irlalk Linens, now opening by nanylo_ -xs, anAucn GOVERNMENTAL. PROPOSALS FOR A LO/1.1. elerenth and twelfth remitter of the Act cram I General Asiembly of Die Dermesonwroahh, entitled A Supplrenertt to an Aer entitled an Act to create a Sinking Sand and In provide foe the gradual and certain extmlettighthent inr the debt of the Common. wealth medlar authorise a boan."•ePerosell rho bah day of May A. D lilt , provide* an follows , viz,: Bretton 1" That the Governor is herehp amborieed ton egothrtei loan Eke the trim of Three Millions Throe Mouthed Thousand Dodg redeemable in Dirty peen - fit= the date of the enb es, eerinnon thereof, at a Me or Memel - rote:ember four per cents. per annumpayable in geld and eilver,semsannually, upon the Grst - Zaye of Febru a ry and Airport pf each year, and 'exempt •from•averts spent. Of lexatien. Nonce, that proposals for mid loan wil l be received, shall he published irrat leapt one newspaper In the I Borough ot Ilarrishorg.•le the rides of Pittsburgh, Ifineester. and Philadelphia, and in the elites or Noe'l York, Boston, and. Baltimore, for a period ant Ices than three menthe before the opening of said peoposn's and by letter elecernere, If deemed neressary,fni open the dayaniened for thetpurpose, In each miller, the propensleshall tot, opened In the pr senor of the Governor, the Secretary of the Commonwealth, and Auditor (Memel, and tie loon eiWi be awarded to • the highest bidder re bidders. If the amount or De bids shall exceed the sum of the mid loan tae aims chat: be &Pinhead pro rota emongst the !tidiest bid. drab bat if Oa whole of can! loan shall not Men Ite• token the Governor may renew nonce. in the manner aforesaid, from time to ttme, till the svhfUle amount of said loan '4O he eabseribei. No conditional bids sigh be eonsideied; end spa d asesrding sveb leeno,• or any part thereof, certificates with coupons for - the' Interert, shall be issued therefor by tho Anther General. Semi. It If the meld loan shall be subscribed. It' shall be and it is hereby approprialed for the payment and ex inguishment of the feuded debt of ills Ceol ttioneerar It, now due, or - to become tine. during the Year nee thousandnigin bofillted nod env, *tiler the es* mein of the ram .ol entity hre thousand one Lon 41,4 2,1 itibi dollen and eighty eight cents, due tol t domestic creditors In pursuance of the provision. aferesold, notice Is Ninny given, that propose]s will be retained at the. office ,of rlles Secretory of the CfourliOnmenllll and 1 &Meek P. H. of Tuesday, the Gut day of Oeteber next, sdpuleting for a into to the CouttrunDmidtk. for purpoees set forth in the .111.3 set. of the sent of there n1111101•11Arna hundred 4%4.04 nogir, redeem able in ill'rty pease Nom De date of the insloortipllon Iherent at d holy n or - ilnere/ . 4 net egeeedyng rope psi Ildinha—,Plll9.o4. to gold and filter. vital anuelly, upon the first days of February and Angst of easit year, and exempt nom ,very sheet.. of PIZ. alien thitiSeemo of stook for the said loan, with eoOpons Inn the interest will be Issued In the anal manner and made tratipferahle hp the. Gurnee, on the books of the Auditor General's Department. Tee prep:anti will be nennireJ to state expllctly the amount °Bond which Mall not in any care be ler, than one thou.nd dopers, the rate Grimmest not exceeding Deeper seat, and the Pentium Kepner+ The Stele iikerre.thr right tp tpeeht tke or ,P o igll c rAt i .n. Pgiered anent Ike tlrepomisetipu ttFe' E dition fin - thnlei r tr . inesi•be dlfeel and explicit. No conal proposaleyftll bet received Upon the acceptance of the proposals. the enmity most be polo Into the State Tremary, In such manner at shall be dimmed by tae Governor, Certificate% of stock will be tweed in suck amenote' as luny be requested by th e lenders. o .7 ° . t ' uy i n ' t s 441:1;;Pa;,1'17.51.1,* this .eni peer. a disclosed until toe Period IfinDeit . OW , 'which. Mined o in the temp will 4e Adidtmed A I. RUSSELL, Secretary of the erlDn'iln' Beemlfirre °Zee, 'Harrisburg, /nee 6th, lilt ..jelattlitew3mY =MI= anoirve To an OTILTOrIeZoT or TIM 9m,TiriTrl+l4 , irtro oVrfh p o ge,Lif =TiA(e‘ti,:leatt"toairtiTta'etil t-Vbtelt MO(' Thll W e Conolittlt. of Oda Cuomo,- rtel l =4 l lTa fi l ) dlio ."'" wo TZttlges ' .0 Cowl, of 142 antral CPI.. of Cotruouns . tram, and b y ortoeey "ell other Guars of floard o veer 6101 he establ t shed by her, shml to elected by tholoslifed al it( of the Common woky km the manner followmg,lo nit( The Jud:es ll Supreme Coati, by dm related eketort of Om Coentooti.. 'meth lag t lhe Prearlar Judges of the meserwl Court, of CORM= end of such other Claurts of nmt4 to shall hoot:01 tied by law, end aft other 44 ; 4. le be Sculled in dos lay:, t 'l ‘we.O./ed elidtro e 747r. t .;, 1 1 ° 1 ra';la 'A toTtr '. 1 ;70:1 0 01..qtrehtled telectars of the moolim rrepretirelj T ro he Judg Li es or oh. Supreme Coin shall hold their aro feet the vent of Vera yew, If t et, Oat so to g kebab the m .ll,l olces wet, (subject to the alLnmett here'eutter obeequeut to to Cow election., Ile ere, Judes..f the worn] courti of Common rt...., art! at it oh Itoeer y JI .I.IT Judge. required Übe leaoted it le of bold their ottms fur the term of kto t7:13 aWI kTr stint/ qicbiber A. A smotet. Ja4to cm at co esta t e:moo Irw. shell lint WO .111 ms ho r .4 'emu ftre rag, I t they. lath • la beim dowel... w. 1 .1 et of Com OS lb eretolatioami by the (locator, but tor env romarells mart, whiel, 041 not be suffi tont 'and. far Imintheeeet ,lhe °enamor shall remote e , ) ..f o dors 1111 3 sulloor sf two third. of swett braneh the 1.31...111 an. 74 tint olertiou .1 It lake Vote at IN. rein: //Mita at ihtl Commomwealds sett alto, the adOp• lit alls emmehneat s and 10 of alt. J.tdv. who may b. tlamths tritto .11.11 .spire oh 104 C a ra( Mendsy of December I...ll.orltgigth• terms Of the um' .I‘dges 'Oesteratorli , 1 , 14. s who S h a ll thee b. ,eletted 4udgeitf the 4oproor that rhold their mlbtee as f Des of thee( Pat three parsons. kw ma tears, cue her yawl, eta. ror loom yaw-16ml owe for fif tea y.ra, lbe WM .1 each to be decided by . lot by the mid udos, es con eller the e s eetetu as motestral, end the re sort m rolled bytbsot lathe Ch.M.', that tio coattaissiao may be Mead to areordenee thereto. Tie Judge whose Monnesion lOU lint sere. shell be Chiefjostite dozier hi. um, and thereafter each .10210 whose onomiasion then drat tapir, shall in tors be the Chief Janice, and if mare esouniotions . a. the gone atEllhd dediMt huldiog them skail fecor L e lorsibbrit sball the'chief ti.11:7( hata.t.Meo, bajmentug reognatino, tihrteLe, lay Of to mil court., shall he ulled by .1. paistasentth Governor, to cantina. till the Sou Moe, de, of permitter osteeedieg the cot general eee(ion The Jaam of the Slone. Coartand the Pre., frog of s yowl loots of Loom u sl.lll,at ltch (to their otriees so ad ;vete ammo 4.4 by w hieh not ter dimMi . e t cittlefol bar mottauser. imam; b • eh, amtreoit. (kw°, yollqiisites of taper, sorllrld gdy other opre orproit under thts tbnasatoowealth, or under the geverament or t h e Untied dime., or way Mbar Mato of lhit Iloilo. The Jutg.. of the Sepses.. eentt damn, their eentiquence office, shall roil. within this Co NU; old the other J alga; deringtheir contuse, Loot in ofitte, reside Willi. Linnet or commy fur sebkh they sore respecooly eleetel. J. ft bIeCALMONT ( Speaker of the limo* oc4illittiMUT;'• bims.Yertgre'Brnele. aßnn Cemega, Ilarrobory, Janua e ry 21, t { I, Fernald W. Pearson Chief Clerk of the Ilente of: Pommy lemia, do hereby rinity that In foregoie; (No. Pi on qie ettatate die of the present icssion,t entitled. ..Itesol titian re to an savedratra of the Constitution,.. —it being the sum rev:dull-a which was agreed to by rclp; janti of the member. elected to ,each Home oc Ligisla tura - eller limb.; hem d. , ly %cyder% aut its-; mooed, was this alee agreed to by a mayirty of the menalcire elected Co and serving ia be t Se g ni of Pensyleani, at its preenal sem..., ti Vaiil their rate* gine on the' F.nal ratasi.4lTl he ainline, se folio ws, 1 hom voting in !nor of the femme of the emolation were, H. Jones Brooke. J. Porter alrawley, William A. ,ebb , Jonathea J. Cunningham, Theme, 8 Fmnon, Thcnme Forsyth, Cuarlei Frailry, Itobare M. Frick, Henry Patton, Joha W. Ourrony, William Hulett, Immillaggia, Timothy: Wet, Jodi. Y. James, Joseph Kmaignischce, lien y. Lawrence, Maxwell MeCeslin, Pegissitio babe!, hpothie s , Meer, A. Molilenherc, hank.. William R. %eller, Dria Scadtbrahiß , gin mer,lgetert C. et Inn it, Daniel elites, Fat.. B. at..., John Wyllprri mod yalcotaa Rat. Elpeek•e—Yeu Them Day . ,. 'pima the panne of the nealmion mere, UtOrte , AUTtelhis Lanz, and A'eneder Ramp— NeYe 3 . • (tbitenct (ram the Jonmal.) /A.LMI. W. es.AnsoN. curt. if in =la HOW Os. flaransorrerions, ) Hardt . 10.50. I, T7illieni '34Ck, Oiler Crook of O 14H Ile ones of Repro annalist* of: kmamyttania,,dit horsey certify that the fore; go nu moduli . .., Na.l 10 on Dio Snot* file, and No 81) on tee HouseJudroal ot the piment mitien.) mtkilled , lotion relative tho amendment of Pin lkaoatiiniim,.—it beim; the nano Celestial agreed to by • majmity of the maselmen ecelml llama. of t h e last Greets. tuee—after haying been dal, and diem:a:ed. was this day *poled t. by at sonority of the member. e ivied to and citing in the Homs-of Representatives of Penns , t , a t ' ts nt maims ae will micro by their valve, giren 00 MI prese u.r.rth: mete., Thom nestle* in Laura the rump of Um resolution wore, John Acker, John Alike's., Wham Baker, UvliortDaldwio, David J Bout,' Craip Diddle Jteemiah Dluk , . John P. Worn, William Driadir, D lid H, 8 Drown., len, Durdin,Joho Comnsalrotry Chart), John N. Pooyeghain, B,lmiter Cridtand, .7.lstein IA Mein J. Dok. tins, James P Dow , Thom. Duman, Dunn, Will , am Eopry, Joho . Evans, Willem Emus, SooB VlOO/t Alstander 8 Feather, James Plower; Sonja-sin P. Fortuer, Almanacs OttlioneyoThoosas D. Onto, Joseph P. Crilan Imeph (lefty, Jacob 8. Italdetsm o Ototge IL Hart. Lee-, Hart John Hastings, William J. liemphip, Job. Hedge, Henry ll^,plet Loviiliteiford, tkarhingtonJ.' Jackson frkhOes D J om ohn W Atiliper Chivies Do. Kinkead, Robust Aloft, Harrison P lAird, hlarria tomb, Jonittnin D. Lcst, Anson Leaned, /outs. J. Lewis, llency LLltee,Joim R. p NisCutlveh, Almtandap U. Al Tardy.: John /Ain SPLoon, flownielL Nan, 4clps It Mesh, Id khan! Wpm', Jahn llmLr , Jaorki • C. 51oloy. Jahn D. Maori. William T. Moslem, Warkiel Howl?. Edw.; milmon:Jacob Dimly, Chaska 0' John D tacker, Jomph C r'os'e James C. Reid, John 8. 'llhay, Lewis Rail's. Pamotel."Robitreo, John 8. Rather. ford. Aonaild, Thomas C. Scanner, William Itichenl Firopeon, ED BOfer, Smith, W IDw A. BosPh, Darsiel al Mapco William el Bonder, Thomas C. Sloe!, Mind Bloward, Charles Btockattl,Ed• in C. Trowel Aodrew Wade. Robert C. Walter, Thous.. WO4Oll, Ilidnej 0. Welts. Hlroa A Williams 1 / a nl.l Zei Ivey. and Job. 8, M'CaleacuaLlipeahm—Temtl7. Those ontine *final ths peontgo of the moolatioo were, Ausuout A. eosins Dlerld koem. and James M. Porter— •ft 3. 'lrtr."°‘ tc...r's Fr...ll,fareb 15 ISM. A. VV,. BEN EDI6T, Dep. &toy etCemmenrrolth M4Z=M • I do vent fk that tho ob." sod fon:rain is a try. .1 eornet (pet of Atte allaesedresolstkes of tin itiktstal Atte oetab'y, moiled e Ilaa.dsaion relatifs to .o autendeatat th e co,eeeituti n ,,, ,, ,, e 111. gams nm.inr on file is this vein. eeee-eeln ttellotoai 'whereof I haws komouto set toy L.. bard, sod eao.ed to to ellasel Owe Kai of the Rm. Jo taties Ones, al liarelshoty, Ibis Alleetotle Retain. op, tbousaa.l a dhl tv.artd.d fitly. A 1.. RUSEEll.,beerytyry of the Comenfiwea th. ie!fit.taifigtfii JRXTILA FOR the conv..Lience of the rthacne,:he proprietors :Atha Pitt:burgh City-Mill. hove oteced hocec fig the reception of orders or the follovtien,:— • 1 & R Floyd: corner orsizth.end Wood :arctic. li Iforeard;ehoo floret, for. Liberty fr. !Racket ate! A Peeler:, store, Third street.' ... . • . I. Wlleoade, druggist. mit Fnurth k flmilLSold. John P l'ailth• more. earner Ilia .Y..• Wylie Telegraph WS es..roottli ' , mot . II C KO tr. grocer. Fifth et, corner of bl•raet alley M rims, nine, Penn it eet. Meth Want. The floor waggon, sail call twit. or thrice- daily for orders.and she door., k delivered pinam*S.nither to barrels or ucki—vaek . ur is pmferable for family sae—without charge. Mr t 7/ e hI. plat* that 0* .001 , 11.0 can be ollowml, II that driven can bilk 110 Perthi.lCon to knee do r vrithoutpayroent. • ' We hope the pahlit sane t o pleased with this ap.' rans resent. as ara shall endeavor to do them honk. • may*/ • _ ~..nIILSIAF/Til tr. NOBLE•• SarilpinTillalol24ll.&Lintilo3ll3i.U P* 90 kegs tlans Nadia Nok% CI de 20 haze:Lemon rTM,lmuldleana p2io lemon hiler: JOst neipTed Lad for KB • RICXVO3O', ' • ' -•- . EMU VOL. XVIII. NO. 313. MEDICAL. PROCLAIM ATIONI.' KNOW all men who are el , k aa4 alnieted with dw i ease of the bladder and Idneye. AM rbeammia rams in hark or ktritnii stifle mu, old some,' male" hiccre. dutthat dity eon be Mod bY Millet the Pee trolentol Coo may talk *boa tin bimeg a teams tut t mach an you please. bat :Mallory not maks it sai iket we proclaim Mike face of an rimiest coormanity, Unit It reseed virtues. which Pre no, contained la any ti ler, y. Ifni man who to racked with pain and sit. fermi from disease, east for hareem's. get mbiertritali, any ache Ills enumerated above. iteeder: it mak vier (o make a trial. Thin Petroleum le int 1111 W toye—no compond, pat up for the purpose othapeolime on the cammuoitY: Loll,. remedy elaborated the enieter band of nature, and bubbles up from that*. min clear mother earth In ita original purity, and at fora to sedating hummell ready remedy, • egyoda , a d cheapnure. : it has eared Pile, eller other medicines haw fail, to meet any relict 11 has cored Rheumatism at loan standing , Rod of th e wont mod most platal character. It bmeared.Chokra :Umber by ono .or two dean:. U. her cured old eases *Monaca, In which every Met' remedy hair been of no avail. Ana local remedy la . burn. mid autlds, It Is better than any medical cam nod or ointment that we know or It will element. or !rested fest. irla few. applications; andoebt ed mutineer eau be furnished of the Math einandeed in the abort statement by calling on Samuel M. Kier, Calm! ttaoi2l, 7th otreei; or titter of the agents. Virytm Allen Keyser & McDowell, comer of Woad street yea U. 57 Wood street, D. A. 12 tint b. M. 'luny, Allegheny city, aro the agent& • 'anal • - eymmen to tits eenntry than tiny decal beauty while ea the saran Ume it to rt lt: 'ha tin no other Ma= I,y if Wing at as the a egt Now thla by as in a eettsinitstant. but the loss la open a i med by MY but to all, to , ant neglect your petonsa 1 prearance. bat read thy Inllnwing, and YasSalled net leek Reuel lochs There articles are. helendae pro- Reran,,;,,' and nave air alb oied a atabloipalaritY. I; Jena: Honor.', Eau Muse na Vague Ann NUM! 'Soar, tot- renmalng len, sunburn, pimples, ' , lmams, nal other eruption* of the skm; U. moat perfect con servator or beautygvery, known. Purekaarrnothing Purport:lg to be Nymph Seep, trten' a halt lay name t:netted. Jetfa If •rm.'s PLlLelan on Celeella Power., l'or parting the mt.. cetithkiiOn radiant whiteces • In notturg +Sated st person tie more earns bit than the ti±e Of npooler roe the Alm!, at many of Abase re:o ore vety 'slat - loos 'My Chiec , c Powder._,__ la Letnapoulided in a scientific. manner, and. c on tains tit 11arretlient which can r oar-ally Inflict en thntry. Juba, linen;', Ivrant,toar for ermoriaty Amp...MM. hair. Whe i _ol mere, untsehtlY Mar+ help onee the rice or anus er a 1.0: This article move Din a chart time , w.thost the nee of any sharp Jesevllamml; Vot eras.; Lequin l i st: bit mitt .o.l#:eons ylmp a i r W toil, lahlte,or gray halr,• , Leaudrullo Slant; bmwa; or' unbon color. It will r o llr {JA hate to a intoner nag, and more eassmanY M Ju nta ot any ether Dye, brine at the em iudeUltde. Il same cluteine Cilleal Is really •01eus Mite to 414 e With 11,111 cream. There is none Alibi smarting tehmtlen usually experienced in the tae 01 FnaPt. anthe enetrart, it le toga liable*ki smooth anti tort as infant's, a n d eel le become chapped: Jo: en It'argt.'s litcarleomi Puntt-hlexttothe'lnava we thin/111bn 'teeth wyreinthodett as ;he greatest onto, t macs to the Inman thee; but when negleeted, nidldsta is re elshouring. er so quietly sren. sly Items Tooth' Paste Will Impart the lectir a pearly whipaessolg the thatorinte keeping the gums brat and healthy. Aire en hnutl,• a complete alsrcultatel'of Franck,' lyntieh, and American YetturnegY and Fahey ardslem, ; revue:me and Chemist, MlllOl greet., For sale evhplumpht a me ndretail, by D. A.pug,. Fahnesnoek, A. and Plusharsh; p,;B John kers' gert.t : ass{ ..t. Allienell, Allegheny City, Pa. i PAPCW - - A - Data Runge:Gent or Wall' Fk Papers, !rum cis to Caper roll, lasi ornelead.ton li6ll neon by P MARSIIALL. master ' •' Wood at B ACON-ritt hhda summed en land ree . si'Mkg • a MASAO DACKLIVA aue l n W atsr k. From am. . 1 -urnsit—tu Cane tat illicitf sm. e . 0 0 fo , ule by ' a- vrt iSSIAII'FOCKEY & CO. - !gg tekln - ilo'lefi,i 111 ewe, end contigamem, hy 1, 4 11 t peCirElf &CO :age penes tereenltio in stare _IS Ara 11 DICKEY ee DINE PLUI.R-4041 yord nrticlebastrreeienk P •0.1 for [laid by • Sillll V F:it a Irk RN F. 3 kuor /*camel al. . M4CICE. iltstyereived by sully/ma HAR.P.B • New Fall Le- unpin? A. have.jusl receiver% ✓ lriii r crpir (Kneward. tirle Pork tut ow•N •I per y • . avirgril • . - K . Ntra lirsikedly Plisit's ~/ 11'. . re: ..Pl' 4 l , aqt I\ Oars; Wile Tair&Faseß iy. '"l"rejLtlt...l.4ll)7&dgWlje!Eh ' ll*sql ' - . .. .25 Ith+tm st s'N . l , Jrli q uinat FLOUR-PO E , lf kelt blind far .ate by! A CULBERTSON & CLCUBH , -111 rlllON=l.ssiOniliti/sni• f.4iite - bii -' r .. J 8 DILWORTH &CO ' aor27 ,:11 We.' st OUGAR-4R bbd. N. U.: ogar, • Immo as tsoleOrs S. , store issl far sale by pp rr," ' ' - - -- IV TiARHAVOn tiLotm—uu bti. e4tzt, Fa ri f Floor Te. 0.1 17 nu R Yj 9SNHAIM/1166111 13inTECALrio packed . 1.311 i for ergo be . j,NV HA ROAUGEt DA A 51 1 77 ca, AA Soda A.O rec'd fo r Pale 1 , 1 s AA , 111141561 i linqit•PNl OilEV*P—tu bzs Inu6timt Engtill,. a ‘, , 10:31A Mon1,1)11 0 A • • • • Article, tmaM !pie wM A MeCLURG CO., G r ASLIENCIIifiSt.-Jult dyte r ' WM mamma co Q - 7...tiCiT " ollaiNitlTL;Gairetra fa Muldemfaria •UVO 31 A FAIIINIZTOCK ap-? -- StE TAL -10-I .4iThhiNlFornieA - Pi g — kts_ ta k lot mit10, :( • rti it tr.tAl.ry A no C/ILF:4I , aeb.. M 13 7 -- ISl ' e r a r trlta d"CO Q A RUIN Ftr—Fn'sh Faidinbm ii rotTas brat AWN& Jut tbeerred and lot sal, by 61107 AVM A MeCLIIRB & CO ROZIN SOAP-40 tar No lOm r're.. kr Cld for _rm to 0 10 r A eln.fll4 1% 1T.30 UP :, I.\lAh 13 fdlos"—/V,01,10 - tore re.rm,. rtoZ4U .rti JAMES riALZELit, . ,1 Writer st • rfarKr.i:—;oo ergs prime Hatir..A0.91,...e.... G nes • ' Alt a wA5.a..... I "( DAL2ELL TACINurEAt.,-.24 brls toTijitds nALzEti. VIACREREL.-73.tala tvo 2, for see low to.olos• ./.71 ; eounlgneaest ang2J JAMES DALZELL 113E71'EIESAlICE•je Veils, Miller & Pig teat's ' , Tarim, lost reed for rale by %761 A bIeCLERG &CO meta ' 26. , Liberty at Ent OR Um LONG TEA—tb t.tehestsveijAnti, 0 Mit teed atA for see by .he br eherc oiRbRI./e w as it ean be bought west of the mountains mg2G ' WM A mea..lll9#cci, _ _ braads, rclOteed and tor sate by ragbi . . WM A MeCLURO &CO - • StAllQalC6-10 boa more anefacsitle - 6r - ' STUART & SILL. aural . , 11l Wood si AOua'd .up doe In store and tae sale L t77r,7.c)F•• • • • • Cs boa iitz to; in store and for sal, 67 - sill STUART &SILL niar:e-4.otATot pirii7c;;;;;jltij ..,?gta bTUA ELT S.LL TrINEGA - P-13171; nuc..l. • • • trlllk ET k ULU 1411,‘,.N 001 , 6 buds 000.170,10g.ttlttc.ic A 1 V, BATIgU 7 4:: . , bales No . 1 .?n !r . 1 marlAr i ngoird! / 101113.5 . Y KN— Asso Ned 1400. 107 gale: br • , nr12.1 , . - WitrART Ls dz.l3o.sver Bockats for salv , . I )bO CONV.,-,L7a.Fera riots, for ocie , . •. , : trISA4.3Cf ; I- : b a ti . tig..;:ritZll69,ls • lILLOW'N LYI paw C . 75 tog ' /1110 OPP Q, augZ .... : HR} 5710 . 31 . 31 "i " -l _ '!‘r-Ti7 ; y as 30a per rolueoor r i Z mast:4 . Sonr—pu. Lam; hAnd eirdrfaegal‘ he 711111iD VkaIISON Y. 11 gam and Int vale angt9 Dannd7. Table lie. Daetbsoa Diaper, Card Table Carers, Canals utaitsial deo .rerlptioss,' avgl4 tes prin. et JAJ TOT: 4 Inue. orwmigna dac e e coralog Irma Ideroas large to or Flannel% Also. Iled.l2.lseacts, Mary Carrltnerea ria.loetts v. .ho tare of Ogee,' atteurtoo ordeals., uvr Srngr . litlVil C;`-. a. 11.' s • •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers