HE 'i'R,bi. 1 :it iir'hElTE. vursi.l.ltEL; isy tviirrc. s: co P 'V vaon FRIDAY MORNING; sEl'r. 13, . ]550 or...) — Auvram nu, arc eurrieloy teettedto baud It. t heir felorz before oP. qu l. ti cod se cur th e •C pmetiettl , :e. AdeetUtPinert.not Insetted for n Ipeer ttel ome wall Itorans.b . 4 It <barged unul ordered out. irrv. R Pritvem la Agent for Mt. pep, et Ma event scenctes m New gore, Philaarlptdn, and Batton. and is volltorired to receive sobteoptions and ailvertimmenta Mr et Cr Pm:A.9I.I'IIUAXERIC.I.—A4VCrIItt. men,. and 1101•CrIpti011ik to the North Americo and United 'Srierm G•zr, , e. PrithuldpSia, received nod ror .warded from • [Ynunruq—a-,u,ux Us, —SutiArriptionsi for tills Im:it:dill - paper, will received Anti ioi ward ed nolo thin office. Datum - tin Aiiiieam--t,ilseriniteiiiTsdn advertise manta tar this raper received and forwarded fire o charge from this °Mae. TO - CISCIMIATI DAILV (421111/..-..- A dVerlirel9 , lll. Ka subset:flons, for than paper, will be received and orwarde4 from this oGlee. DEMOCRATIC WRIO sTATz TICKET rot can.. coxlrms.oxcn. J OaII OA 1)U. NG AN, , 701 r Dm, 0•••., HEN, , - LER, ,„ ~„ , 0};1t 9 N, County. , Antintalonlo and Whig Nominations fo Allegheny County. pow 7nrwrr mom> ce,ronrcs, TaOIIIAS )l. TIOAVE, Or OLLTCOVNT. rot morn arn-nos, TV'OTT rrto% CONORCO, lIARMAR DRN NV, or rrrarrrr. JAMES CAROTHERS, OW MUM.. •oR I•Sib(l4l,. MOTLHAN ROBERTSON, FIL.A , oII , T. J. BRHIA3I, Lover Et. Cis., IL C. WALKER. FAxabciA JOHN M`CLUSKET, JAMES FIFFE, Soo . .dm raostcrOss al - mann, FRANCIS C. FLANF.OIN, PA:stank. EBENEZER BOYLES, North novas WM. FLYNN, Lower St.:Clair. COUNTS •OSCUIOO, a . N. POURIVEY:Ohin. JD..915 ISTAT PAGI?. FOR LOCAL. MATTERS TELEGRAPHIC NEW:, Tus Carom: Et.verrios.—Cur Who.: friends in this County sometimes excuse theinselve. for ma king little or no exertion to promote the success o. our ticket at ordinary nunual election,. nod even Ire not attending the polls at nil, by the plea that the Whig party in so strong here, that their votes an_ not needed to secure the election of the ticket. That this poor excuse is acted upon by hundred of Whig voters is very7ident from the fact, (ha , at ordinary elections ou majoritws are tunny hue dents, and POMelltlICI thousands less. than' on oe cantons which call out our whole vote. Then tut majorities range from twenty live hundred to thin five hundred, while on ordinary 1,01,10115 ou - thodainil is considers,' a: fair majority. We consider it the drily of every Whig to vote at every annual eleetOn. whether its importance in their view is gresterer Irma. But if they need a epur to duly for the coming election, we can furnish it, antipasti we have neither a Governer nor Previirnt to elect. We tied it hi the feet that we h,er the writ inuccaa . , S of Canal CDmmiseinacr.innthter Genera!, veyor Central. The ti: rigs can only eery tht Sate w r.t, they make .4 {r,saire said tiered err, It is uselees for to to e4ue with inteliigrat Whir rent:ere:4lW it is of Importance that we of these 5.11- r.tfi•ors. All are 'w.ihno to ednrt th—, ant all tams that we citnnot do it unless the entire Widg vote of this count) , is Out. Wo therafaro most earnestly urge our Wiry friends to take immediate measures to organist . their several election districts, to se to btleg rut their full vote. Thera, is net merit o:frietilty it doing th!o, or much three creed, if it is pro perly moneyed, and the' t con% will i, a 11.1 raw tve fir the pains token. . No are pleased to roe a buoyant rp;rit coirurr in the Wh g ranks throughout the State. Thrtt are grcathopes entertained of the success of the Whig Icket. Our opponents are not RI all ann. ovine of success. There' is no cordiality among them. They have a poor and weak ticket, while the Whigs have a otrobg one. All that is want. tag to secure a Whig victory, is a fall vote in et strong Whig dritricts. Wo hope for the honor a Old Allegheny that oho will not be leek leg. DCAT'II OP Butt, fla'rennra.—Tetrcrapttt dn. snatches 61111Q1InCe the &rah of Intl celebrated pu . pit orator, and dotttncembetl It.vine of the Southern blethodirt Churn/1, at Lou.trattle, on Saturday last. The eriinneratiort orate CC1151119 of the Second Ward, Pittaburyh, hes been completed. The number of inhabitanss In exactly 1,003. The num ber of taxables returned net fall erns .412. Thla gives about 3 Inhabtmus to a taxable. Burin.—The ceueue return, show that th pleasant little borough of Butler contains MO in hbrten'n, nod Igil hovios Stautarivti.t.t.—Tha 11weld State this Mr Dsrbrean, :he eeputy tryhat;tri , pled comp o erl the cerrm nt that plate, whirl, rive• a poptda Lon of 7 22 , 3-rstercare tin, ISt°, 1.593. "Caurossra Comitsx."—This is a neat, inter costing and racy sheet, published Daily and Week ly in San Francisco, California, by Messrs Jame • ht. Crane and Francis W. Sine. Ws have re calved the Courier up to Aug. 1, and have giver some interesting extracts in another column. Here after wo may look for California papers on our la ble will as much certainty arid regularity, as on exchanges from New Orleans, nud o f vet,' lot. dates. California is even nearer to us now, for al practical purposm, than New Orleans was that yearn ago. The following announcement appears m the putthe of trot Tuestlas . • • The eirenmatanets which led to the change i the editorial department of the iirpeiblic i n May In no longer etiattne„the undersigned cheerfully an render John O. Sargent, o.q , one of am abl foundert, the future control of an Columns. ALLEN A. HALL Tee Wittman; llamas CAME' —We will ink it as a favor ,r some itch , . who 1:30% , wail giv na some information in regard to the ve:ehrate ‘Vhnelina Itridgweaso. The delay/ is omens!. able and vexations. Thsro is bid munagemen aninowhere.—Pon cf . y,wrdwY. The dtlny mentioned cb:ve, unavoi , b.b'e.— Chancellor Vialworth has, we liclieve, ti limbed taking the - access/of depasitiona in the ab,ve ease, and they will t o F:iesectest to the Supreme Conn of the United Stake at as rev meeting, when a decisma wilt deubtl,as sena be made. 'flint this dec.;s,on faYorable to the interests of Penn sylvania, and tile ether States interested as the is in the matter, no O. at all acquainted with the facts of the caro min daub:. Tito Psltavtvesur. RAIL 11.0,00—ruiroon rem l'irrszinanu.- 1 .-From and fLcr the 16,rt of this month. the Pennsylvania 11111 Road Company will rnn their cam boo Philadelphia to the inters emotion of their road with the Portage flail Road . This makes a ez4:inanue line of rail road from Philadelphia to Johnston, a dials..., of two hon• dred and eighty Miles. From Johnstown to Pitts. burgh. Passengers can have the c ehmee of canal boats, or stage coaches, as may snit their tacto or convenience. The time to Philadelphia will be About thirty !heel hourz, by taking the wage to Johnstown, and about forty boors by tak;og the canal. Them rAe:ii..4 mart great:y increase the travel threes: , Pl'Asburgh this :all and winter. A Error/I.—ten Wheedler, pipers speak of the Wenlna top...tier hereell en the mother cd the Isle Brunter:le. Faiihe!d, the poet, nud who Is edleg /dent proeurizg s obseriSers tor no nllrg• ed new elition or his wee., co the ground that she has h.s &Adieu 'o /upper!, ns n grns r iiere or. The works arc never reee:ved, the tels ter.% edored, ethd they declare her an imposter. A M!: o. Pre/Nur M.N.:, —The bending orchards in the conntry inilicato that a goodly number or the machines thus mentioned by the Albany ReFlster as an attraction Utt the fttto Fair, will bet Wanted Ms Fall It rape: One nrticle which Mr. Lyman Root, of Lake Co. Ohio, l!Ceilubiling, Mune:. an lecr.al nnenbon and makes eery' body laugh Tnot and slicing machine; a parr, corm, and Omen ap ples with marvelon.. ce;er y cortninty. One tarn of the crank slices an npplo which ha.. been Towed end sued, while the muse (PM pares nu' b-r for the •liclng process, Tie old Ls present were highly &lighted with the iiiventina, and the young folks would mane been but for thr thought which they e s presso.] aloud, that it would put an red to the paint[ bees; rind ronseuncnt jMity . and natal, menk The march of impnwement it mute lass 4lat •et reached its termtntu. Correspondence of tae fittiburee bisreme. Watzurann, Sept. O 1650. Signing of the _California 13111—adrais. Hon of the Seinters and Members— Happy Coneninmation—ddioornintnt —Position of the Chivalry--lllte•ge and Per 'Mein Peet Stealing, to.-Gen. Wilson, of N. H. The Precedent to day a:geed the California bill, and it will be returned to morrow to the Senate, where it originated. The Senators frond that State will present themselves and be twerp in to War. row. I. wilt be an occasion of great interest— They will be claendied according to the titles el the Senate, aid will draw fur the allotment of the terms. Col. Free:ma's fist net will be the moo• Lorton of a bill f ir the div-aton of Cal!farnia into district, Eteerging the odrolasion cf Cohfotria, to act of tfon Cocgrers wdi command such ocoversol rod tear;c approval as Ste passage or Cur John rosulu tion to dry, hairs( the how for final t_tootoncert ot the 30th ofSep,uther. This it n note into. ltrot, end every tad, will CD-Cllt in GC f••111.1f of Seumrr D.Ckiritoo Cot ace :oz.:hie wing has Seen done at this aers,on. • • . The :tome rercgrte.! in th • lituen tumndtnent ti the Texas Ilma•lary en I Ten Million It 11, in corporating Now Mcl.,art terrttLrlal government plan with I:, by ter ' .O . 01 31 to in. Tee art, anallve vote ues ttOtttponed of fourteen N anihern and reyettleon Soullicrlt tlerlatern, the re getlye of Mr. Benton nat.! Litt, tree !Oil DCOtlOCiarr. nc Jautt slavery Wn.gr. It war noticed with tome Inter eel tint tho p/opogand.rtt eft quietly end g:oomdy i n the re mre, rot trtro ti Isomer, so that Mr. Ben' eons the rely Cate against ron••n•r.eg in the bill es it came from the Hunec. Tt.n t h.vnh y hist • lehre the position that they lave nothn fir more to do!I:H.1 with r.triect to there coratrurea. They ',eve I ml been tongee:ed. They remain acre vii i ;IS rirollitta ut woe. When released .hdy 'Mend to change the theatre of notion, and to zo to the people upon the tftSl-153:30 of union or disunion, they bolog for disnnion, so help them Gad, an Brown of Sii.suisippt piously and ferment. y exclaimed yenterdny, in abandoning the fight on the MO bill. What is ain't wonderful, the limes. to day, as it, members thought, rejected a bill for the pay• meat of their per diem and mileage, because it happened to Ile clogged with certain plundering Aetna of between lily and a hundred thousand debars. The pay and &rage item was 8100.00, Sot amendineute were added for the payment of .brat four thousand dollars each as mileage and compensation to the [ejected delegates frbrn New Mix co, Alt. Lindh N. Smith, and the Mormon Voliry, Mr. lialob.t. Another amendment prto pus d.5'.0,000 to carry out vermin supplementary omit :sealing fur the advantage of member, Af,er vest of racueeuvremg,the bill was declared lea! by the casiing vote of the Speaker, mahmg '.O, but V. in tilthrslOOd that VI error has been dis- COVereil. taint: h, when it is corrected, will be men ,o have been passed by two ma:ortty. I hope, imwever,trat another vote will ire bad; and Mat • rceohaideretion will prevail. This et csarages meat to their, for so I consider it, is most ultimo. :holy. 1 hope the public will noon begin to took into to mark the moo who perpetrate it. Tacre will he acme coniest over the Fugitive Slurs bat it seems liXely that if will pans.— r. 6 WWI the erOng sole of ayes 109. 110.111 53, On n mation to suspend the roles, to Mho rt up.— bis indlCßl:rt a large majority tavorable to In . the able and eloquent Willg mem. wr lrorr N Mir resigeed his seat Newit :a FCC that he 1 .'..1.1e/tca. It is said :Lot ha wol atto. , ,alL.• Sar:oy or Gcraral of Gatt'ortaa •nd a.‘a, a t0.0.t onportout and tottpna.able The imp-rtont business or tatautg IL, census .rouitout uur widely extended borders ie pro• sayttleator 1. as a great work, and oro• g to ear very recent Imm...a necess 4 ore or ter tory, yet ill or. unrargenxedcooditiod, and toil, ,rtrotirgln.grr,on nhrotE, and truigra n tram Satins to :he Western tertnmtee, is mere Mtaattlt than it his ever bees before. Mr be se,tinpi shed end tettondisstile yrs rid:nut:cf.! of this kaceb e the pub: id 571,e, 1 , met town tot his residence in Went rn Pea 33y111i en a, end perhvos in your 01y. No cllzer at SOVerhtnent it tltit, autalad to relrtetian from ,al.or than Mr. K-nue3y. 1 learn that a circular lately l:eea (mu. zit :Tom the bureau admonish 1 . /e 11,1.11lant 011.11 , 11til anninpt the pract.ee is .tickaome of them have nadalgotl, of making pub s an unanthorixrd manner the intarmatton In ater pn••ar eT..iro of .r.,liv,atuq., tyht,E eemi,et erCOULai. d le.l, the re nee.% thal bre eet:erteei r pnblir rte.. oee, 32. , to he undtl :or the ere , Li fa o• ecieer et: i., reef.e,ty, or the ernee'u mom ;id gaeu 01 !Le" WhC6C ul. U lrlti reaseteon epees .116CCCIS, 10 it. muolts Pat.t4qr,qh. Caws Ma. Entron—ln Wednesday's Tribune I ob. .esvcd a piece. earned A. Lamont, decanting my right to the invent on or pnicat of my Liles and rape, and modestly ne•inang the honor of the in ventton h inse!f......ion Mr. A. Lemont is eat;lV• int.taken in relation to the matter ; for hi. Pa. ten. D.e to ahorether differently constructed from net x, a. h•s has but two cutting e fgee,vahtle min lee fvur, wino's any machinist will acknowledge alike. it for sorrier. It to true, the Woe prior • c of cutting screws is the same, but differs es eenhary in ever; po nt, and an that have aced eeth U.ce giv e mine the preference. To Mn. ei..ineits, and all otters hverested, 1 would to glad f lacy mould cal and examine my Dies and Ma ril ze seedy Merl, elves of its troporii fit., at ,e Wei e hon,e el Wood in Ycirn•gh , n, 'Weer I rm oh.n ihet any rerpona as htre , rely take lho machine, .01 it at work, .e.l 4he ant better p'eased with my el, 1t.% M. A. LAmont'a, he may Icturn the ma- t: In 7 rxoenrc. ItcAp,ct!olly Tour', P. W. GATES, by G•m. Mcbanght P.lthburgh,s:4ltcrnher 12, 1E:0 Ten ('a? Dt.tircert cur.—The Soother. Preet' at Waehington," the organ of the t ztreme South,' eMe on y paper lint recto, to despond in view I the re , ent action of the Hoare. Toe leader of Saturday wen en artic , e from which we make the fabowing t :tract : Tao Tema. diemec.bermeot and New ?dexter, tayrittire4 lull hoe peueed. 1. Ilse passed tar H 0.5 o f Rep ref, ,f,ff,%, c, if • mtpr2ty of ten voter; and in our ripinino ti I* the 1 . 11,t calamitous event is - h , eh has yet betakes thus Union. When wit ter tiodies the Lek - alaturea of the oth er Sauthern Status will meernblmend wn will then aiiet what Men invent by their rtmo:uttons tart mom ter. If they shall determine that, fa dert•rutu their re f f3il3l.nn to reeler the Wilmot roma°, they meant the tame and out the thing, then they wit More ended slut ramit earnprchonetve and memorable fir, that has ever been enacted befare the myth et.il varlet', and the South will Faye rank to rim tO Unwept, unhonored, and osirung." On bolero that becoma bee tale, it its our opinion hinny c banner will be lore, And marl n knight to earth be boron." Toe Rxceir Fl." 0. to Pr...IIYLV.C(.. —The Pennaylvanto papers comet° on with the most sad aceountn of the toss dr brn by the recent floods which visited portions Of that Stale. At Berwick, Cotiontna county, twenty one fiCISODS lost their lives. Two houses botonging.to George Meatier, at NeMiopeck Forge, containing shout twenty per• nous were swept bell • rui!ei down the creek , one 1 , two men were saved. The !tonnes were lodg •niong trees, and were dashed to pieces.— Pienum,. given, end pone of the Wilma recover. ei. A Sentient:ll Hoven, ten Pc.... were Arowneit. At Readine cieven liven were lost, :imam. who, weed WIC Sands end three chit. ire*, the wire and (Oaf children of Eli Merits, of Leeepost,and Mr. Aaron Ketnp of fenesport. The emot, of buildings destroyed at Rending were 23 prick bothltnge, 11 frame dwellings, 63 stables, woe:neer, and utters—making a total erotic bun lied and tone build:ego deteloyed. The scare• cam too st Reading i, contented at $50,L60. Twnly ace pennon. were drowned at the village of Tsencem, Among. them toe toilets the name 01 the Rev. Mr. Otiertelet, pastor of the German Intoner, n teeter niton, who Ntri•lied in attempt. tad ton e-tine of ho neighbors froma wwateryttt . Tim Pn tet endtitpii.a plot ro nent•in the moot re tent. of de IL ace done to properly at ra otnettn It et nand I it•IA tin leinovt tropostolite t 3 the net e °ram, of thing% along toe Ltttle Senn Amu. MlTA...—we i,•er, hell, a toupee folly entnlvel to creed, taut 17n. IVIPI.fr, whose sodden its.ppesrence and etreposrd noiolde et Niagara Fads pl , stol CO mnni., remark a leer mosths crone, tots, within n few dove, returneh to tee home of her tether, the tat; :reenter Noreen, at Detroit, hlich,,tao, who headier.' daring her aLseure. Clarion WWI which the preen has teemed about nor haying ono to Europe in Company with a aardietnan, lac-, are wholly unkmaded. She re tore, of tier own accord, drawn mainly, we ho. lieve, by a stroatt derive to coo her children, Her teems to be disordered, and, it Is supposed by her friends, that her absence was induced by toe arena reltgiooe excitement under which she 1.0 boon laboring for some Unit C..11 ,- nrt• I v7c.TVT.LT.ENCP. Steam telllVll{ t'• • , 11.1 Clthra.—nn, ramie papers are mill situ:mous:y urging the eget,. lishment of a line of steamers to China. The San Francisco Courier suggests that a coal depot might be secured on the southern coast of Japan, which could easily be reached in twenty five days from San Francisco, five days more would lake the steamers to Shanghai. This would bring the ces lemials within a short month of California. and would at the same time be an entering wedge to wards the trade with Japan. The Courier urges upon the American and English Governments the establishment of a light house on the Barren or Saddle Islands, as a leading mark for the mariner in navigating the Yangtre.Kiang, and adds that without the assistance of either Governments, the American, English, and Chinese merchants of Saanahai, on amurance of the line being mtablisl• . ed, would have one built by subscription. Trade 'rah Jo:um—The San Francisco Courier; Ist August, (n announcing the arrival at that port of the valuable cargo of Japan merchand•se, This, 'we understand, in the only importation of the kind to this port, and they have travelled a great distance before reaching their destination.— It is well low, that the Dutch ere the only nation now tulle,. to trade with the Japanese, and that the only por where they have an entrance to Nan gamin. The Dutch Consul at Canton induced his friends at Batavia to send for this cargo. It was sent from Japan to Batavia, from Batama to Can ton, from Clinton here—this being the only mode in which it could ho procured. Parser Nilson, of the Preble, a gentleman of practical and erparien eed view, on commercial subject., think that a direct trade ran now be carried on with the Japanese in despite of the prohibitions of the 'Stan den.. The name paper allude+ to the recent MliSioll, of Germain Glynn, of the S. Navy to the .hpa. new Government, in the sloop of woe Feeble, and We learn that Captain Glynn, of the Preble, is now ordered home. The able and satisfactory manner in which he conducted his delicate mission to the Japanese Governicent,•entitles him In high credit. Wdh his *mall force he obtained prompt entnpltance with his demands, and created a rm. pees for ou nation seldom felt by the haughty Jap i anese—a r pest strange as it may appear, aided by a knowludg of tie victories gained by our armies in Mexic n account of which had probably reached this strange venni° through the Dutch Ga zette.. The manner in which Captain Glynn con annuli! this business was in the highest degree flat tering to the national feelings of every Amerman-in the Ens, and we doubt not the povernment will despatch that °dicer to complete the work be has suably commenced—a work for which he Is, we understand, peculiarly suited by his acientific at ininments. , A Chinese Funeral.—The Courier gives the fol. lowing di.oription of the funeral of a citizen of the Celestial Empire, which took place at San Frandsen nn the Rib July: nA Chinese funeral took place yesterday. The Chinaman di a: the Chinese Itestaurant of Mann Sri W ousting. The funeral was large, there being over one hundred and fifty Chinamen in the pro cession, each wearing a piece of white crape. A large number of persons visited the burying ground to witness the ceremonies, which were as follows: They lowered the coffin as we do, they then threw the white bandage worn on their arms, into the grave, then matches and the was candles, and a bottle of wine. Befall: covenng the collie, each person bowed his head to the earth and uttered some few words not by us understood. Then each ihrew a handful of din nn the coffin, and passed round liquors, wines, and segan.,ll,, of which they invited each American to partake. mud the grave was Men fi'ed up. A Mira Journal trt Orezrm—lt afford.. us great safisfaetion tonnnounee that a lVhig Journal is to he ettinmenerd in a few days in Portland. Oregon, by 'l' J. Dryer, E.q , the present city editor of the ' Courier. Mr Dryer is a practical and forcible' writer, and a Whig of the right strtpe. The W big party in Oregon, no well as in California, have nur sed and sustained journals whose edttors and pro ' nrwtors have started as professed neutrals and a in to ssault the Whig Fumy—its 'dependents, only timid.. and reppresentatives, and the Federal Ad ministration. The time has come to tone off the toast,. and compel these journalists to show their hand. We hove many here in this State who seek I every ocea-ion to villity and columniate Me Ad nun- Istralum We have no faith ui the independence of such journals. Tney Wm wolves in sh•epsi clothing. and should be so regarded.--(San Fran. Courier. A Plea.tant Seght.—we witnesserl,yesterday,noe 1 of the most pleasant sights we have observed since we took up cur residence in Ws land. It was a I Sabbath Sehois procession of neatly drewed chil drew, 011. and boys, about lolly ill number, aecom• ponied by their teachers, on their way to the atendu- er Dona, with a view of making an CICEINVOo Up the Incur. They were neatly dreessed—carned their baskets of food with thorn, and seemed so joyous and happy. that we almost "wished we were a buy arson." We have wen no nights here which call edhome so torcibly to our minds, With ail lUI <4. dearmeio.n—ferainento Trans. IVirmly. 'laza Eelferants owas Or stand roars —it Mr. Collier, law a member of the Illinois Lee i &Awn., firs recently arneed fa this country: be left home on the Sib of May, and. has hada re. marl:ably quiet trip. He states that brims be reached Fart Lantos< hr pawed SOOD let.loa, and der leaning that point, although he could Dot keep rnun , , he :hints he passed twine that Dumber of • ...cum, . La', • 1 de f . . ZI[LIF7I7 , .740a.--Tbe retm boat M.” 0? 11,...,1 h. r pa•ntge. bp Pettier Cetru a enat .oven roArrs he,* Yibn ry. end .nn t. Tio• , re.ght and I un.ili.tre et Ofer hog n vcd. 5 I. I.lst. The sert'den) ofe nerd on effrundny coming. At the present Lily., mean of water., on•igation high up °written COn. cecessartly be attended with &ream. frtr Srar.—Tne ;If nig repgrts that theriestenrS in, on her upward trip yeaterlsy, wee: n rens fug abort Pear river, and sunk to hrr dee:. Si,. wan I , ,aJed with lumber, and will prgbahlytbr raised without much damage to boat or rem, Arruirot to du Saeramento.—The steamer Sao• rell,Jrn!o, on her upward trip, day before peeler. day, .trues a snag pat below El - a•, and sank.- 4-ar,o veal Soooe7hat damaged, and it ts earl• owed that a los., of 52003 was aostatned. The •Sun" was ravted, and went on to Maysville. Sea ere Pnorox.—The Pt ,x )4.nm on a !meg atnut one and • mile, shove dm erty, yes. , e rde7 morning, ■nd lornedottely went down, dose inm shore. ACCOCIOSS are COI CI cunt alo the probmhi+es of raising her. Her cargo w.• Cal alhle, and we beard Inc loss attuaated at 512,- 0(0. Lieu Pwrse.—large go entitieso fgranuiulireb ab , m, [lave been d acovered in the neighborhood of Sonora. Maj. &hies showed us a small gain. t.to winch he had horned, which ie of the best loalov He prone., horsing a large kdo Of it s law days. and we expect soon 10 are alone u !e,noi erected in the town where testa and frail tenements now stand. Salt Sprang.—A alt iepring, with abundance of water eqoalls aa rroog nod as pure as that of Saito, New York, has been discovered fif.een colcs Pool Sonora. Ice Cranun.—A new anic'e of luxury has recent. If been introduced in town, In tie shape of ice cretin, which in dirty earned pant our olti,e. It In mnnf i:vuel by hirrcarui, of allow breoglu •baui 39 mile, distaot, from the Stern Nevada. 111= Bnrl. —We watch, with a good nt,sl of interest, an the torten!, of bort, at U. port. The ship lietongton, birquealoranawa and Abby liakentthe laden tre t e gottunorej brain nhuut 160,000 of th a items-arc lmddma material. The latter rennet has 100.1r0f) tot the quaintly named, and is consigned to b. A Slum, • rst ...IrrJerd of Ire —The tiehooner Merchant cmcgtir.l to Dewitt flarroton, brittge from Bos ton the lino lot of ire ever limited in Sao Fronemeo. She 100, ar oartrd wnh, 117 ion, - - Offirerd ( vollphrnetats --4)n I, , wterilay morning, Petrick Dillon, Comm, end Martial Chevalier, vire Consul of France, for Kw Francir•ro, waited on the Mayor at hi. MEN., and presented their ereilentinls, as the acerechted agents of the French Govern. mem. Thew gentclemen arr. ved in the Oregon. Ova RAIL itriao.—We dip the tillowing.no lice el ear rail road from the Ohio Slate Journal. Spanking of the yuleus roads in contemplation the editor rays : • " Thu bird reed commence. at Pittsburgh, and entering pane, through Massillon, Wooster, Mawr:cid, and Elellefontsine, connects lag at tho wen line of the Sate with a road al. reedy located to Indianapolis, • loan portion of which is graded, and the cars art actually mooing from Indianapolis attar ral miles in this direction Through Ohio, It is generally located, and the gra, ding along the various sections of it, is pushing towards crimpled , . At Pittsburgh, A forms a communication with the road from that playa to Paitidelt,hia. It passes through some f the hew, lest wheat counties in this Stale, and as rear a we r.an read too ages of the times. it bids fair to he the best rail road completed antYlS the State from east to west." The following interesting extract I. from John Adams,' diary, soon to be published by Little d; Brown, giving an account of his first nppearancgi in Farmed Hall, 1770: '"I had never been at a Canton town Mecting,,4lnd Woo pot at this until messenger. were sent to me to inform mo that 1 was chirwolrepreseritative of Bos ton.] I went down to Faneuil Hall, and in a few words exprereove of niy septa of the ditOculty and deafer 01 the times, of the Importance of the trust, and of my own instifficiency to fulfil the expecte. Lions of me peep e, 1 accepted the choice. Many congmtinntions were offered, which I received civ y, but they more no joy to me. I considered the step es rt devotten et .my family to rain, and myself 1 to death, for I could scarcely perceive apossib.lity that I shoved ever g 0 through the thorns and leap nil the preetiornot bat ca e me, and escape with my tire At this tone I d mine 'business at the bar than any "MI in the Province. My health was feeble. I was throwing away as bnght prospects ea any man ever had before him, and I bad devoted myvell In tabor end anxiety; :foot to Infamy and to death, and that for nothing, except what in deed Was and ought tube in all, online of daly.--10 the evening, I expressed to Mrs. Adams all ray ap prehension::. That excellent Indy, who bas always encoumged me, burnt intuit Bond of tears, but said she wan very oetteitne of nil the dangers W her and to our children, as well as to me, but she thought I bad done as I °tight; she was very willing to share in all that was to come, and to plum bee traM 10 Providence." Pansy (lister: Srerts - ilmi-The Intul number, of pnlera. lekerrimt, by ...intel4 from 17U0 to 11.1:0,', inclusive, asaseertained by staiinies furnished by, the Patent Office, in 11. follows: I=lll=3 Maine, • New Hampshire, Vermont, • Maimachnsens, Rhode Island,. Connecticut, New York, - Pennsylvania, New lertey, Ohio. - - Michigan, - Indiana - Illinois, - Wisconsin, - lowa, - EIESZEDMI Delaware, Maryland, - . 73s V Ira tnta, - - • - 3eS Nrtlt o m, So h • - 131 Georgia, - - • 8:5 Florida, • • - - • 2 Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, - • - Mtssotaippi, - - • 37 Arkansas, Loumiana, Texas, Toler Free Strom, Slave States, Grand Total, 16,3113 Florida, daring a period of sixty pears, has ab orted two patents—one for dressing feather', and he other for making soap! Arkansas hew obtained one patent, and this to a Northerner for a peculiar manner of dressing stone! Tho patents issued to the District of Colum bin, from 1500 to 15:0, were Foreign, - - - • At large, 14 Itvonneetion with the above, there are now 1. the Patent Odlce 15,117 reales, claimed, as fol lowa Of patents named, - 7,180 for designs, • - 257 for additional improvements, f 2 Whole number in Office (or patents grant ed, 1,5 ,‘ number of models for applications auspentlrd, 612 Whole number of models for application rejected, - - - - 6.946 Total, 15,117 So that nenrly one half are models of which [h. owners have never derived the leapt Leneftr.—N. Y Express. ANOTHIS theastomrr.—Mliabean B. Limey, formerly President cf Texas, is oar flat-(noted fa disunion. lie mays, in ■ 'Mimic the Macon Con "The t we shou'd desire to remain In the llttion under to many CUCUMPISOCeIf dunnage, defame nob and contumely, cod with the certainty too of ultimate role, is a species of tufattlation, of Muni. tr, a* incomprehensible In me as It is lamentable. Bel I am sure the% the day of our dieentralment I. drawing near, and that the words recetaion. reps. ration, diminioti, which are now so appalling to the hearts of many, will become the common dia. lect of our children—and until that day shall ar. rite, I cats entertain but little hope of the South. The New York Courier and Enquirer has th, following remark. oil the {maw of the 'relit Wunder. all: The portage of this ball bus not been secured no much by its inuinsio merits, aa by the conviction that Its passage was she lately mount,' y , In order t, prevent civil wnr. There has been Po decisive demonstration, that has met one ale at lent, this the b salutary line bled is the true boundary of Texas, or that the territory for which ten million. Ire paid, belongs to Texas, or in worth that lam No man, from any section, has taken that ground. Even those Northern men who voted for the bill, lariat this Tears her no void title to the teentory. Or the money which she gains; and the &althorn men who voted for it declare into she la not paid for the lebitary relinquished. But bate urged that, unless Use this tall etusuld pass, a collivon would inevaalry Oeent between the troops et Teal. and those of the United States—that Texas ahould be added in the cutest by the Southern States, and that the inevitable fettle MOM be civil war and probable dissolution. No vendee, they erred, wee too great to ward otf to dire a entastrot he; and the hill was actor/Bo& passed, avowedly padre the preunre of an exigency which wall supposed is nt ovule all conandentions of atom and trchnieal jest co. 1.. IMO illtatiTe is beyond intim The effect of the t hall upon the question in dispute must be good.— Tyx has proclaimed that she w.ll not accept the bill—that she wall not yield what is yielded by its provirion• Even if thut should be her purpose, and eves if the attempt* to catty It cot, the pus wage of the tell will be cf Vest service, for it will net ~nly leave het loos excuse kin her count rhea the had before, but will at least Maude thoro fauna •hons she expects support in her reslntauee to the auto: tines ot the Union. Texan must accept of this bill, willingly on unwillingly. Concession can go no !anther. Even the 'lout tiles trieuds of Coin,iromiso cannot yield Sty ton an are to her derhudn. ((peace Is to be had by eoneeswen, this bill secures U. Udmurt Mcratica.-4 murder was committed Vogt,lts, on Thursday last, which has seldom been cormlled In enormity.— Capt. fiiidney Lane, well knew, In Norbllc sa a sea Catmain, wes ergsged with his brother, Win. Lane. In huddling ■ vessel In Ma above county, where thrry both resisted A negro woman,living near where the work was going on, picked tip route chips from around the teasel, for which oh. fence 6.dney Lane beat her unmercifully. His brother helms how badley the woman was whipped, went to his haute on Thursday morning. to remonstrate with him for such cruel treatment to the negrolor so trains an offence. tic told Wm. Lwo to leave bun, that It was none able huarneas. and if he said more to him about tt he would shoat bun. Hi. brother disregarded the throat, aB no angry words had paned between them, whereupon he took up a double barreled gunned fired at him, one barrel thhirig erect in the face, the other to the body, when he felt to the Finding he had not entunly tinned him, be deliberately re-loaded his gas, and placing the muule directly against hn bream, .bat the load through his body. The murderer then micaped, and had not been arrested ou Friday last. The Norfolk papery state that Le wan Formerly captain of the tug Sidney, owned In that carob etch woe I lost in an unaccemnieble manner while under hla commmid.—Bnit. Amer. Drove or an.. Dn. Jouron.—The death of .this widely lumen and eminently devoted miss .tonne) la announced In ,teuera by the Hibernia to to have taken place on tae 120 of April, on board of the French brig Aristide, bound to the Isle of Bourbon, In Which he had taken outage for the bench of his health. His remain. were committed to the deep on the evening of his death For some time past the health of Dr. Jedron,which had been seriously impaired fur several years, has been known to be in an alarming state, and the new, of his decease accordingly will not come as an unhooked for blow upon hi. wide circle of friends. IV Judwo was the son of the Rev. Ad• ordain Judson, a Congregthonal clergyman in Plymouth county. blassaotdscUs. lie received btu collegiate education art:ll,mo Utilvcrally.wuti tar ~..goal intention of putautug the protection of the law, but experiencing a great change In bit rebrous sieve soon after, his graduation, he en. tared the Theological semloary at Andover. DI, ring hi i residents, at this loattlution, ■ prodound intermit In foreign missions Was awakened among tbo studenta, welch resulted In his determination to devole hie hie to the MisslOnary salient. -- L. wring Ms native laud, AM.." the fine Ma. alocaries rent forth by the American Bard, in company with Samuel Nevin, Luther Rice, and Samuel NoU, he arrived in Calcutta in 1812. In, consequence of studies daring the voyage, he was let to change his opmiona on the meeting et baps Lam, and • short time alter his landing received the rite of immersion from the hoods ail one of the English mtssionsirien resident in Caletuts. -lila warnon on that occasion, which produced • deep impression on the religions world, Is a master piece oflogical ornament, scriptural research, and give eloquence. After connecting blmaelf with the Baptist dotominntioo, he selected the HUMID empire as the seat of future lanon—al which pint he ha remained, with seemly an interval of relaxation, for nearly lorry year.. His efforts and suffering. In the prosecution of ha neilion are well known. He wan a man of high and resolute courage, of remarkable self reliance, of more than common mental ability end of devotion to the perfornmsea orbit, duty, &haat Withent a parent in Modern times. Ho had all the element, of a hero in his composition, and whoever would took for • rare specimen of • life consecrated to noble, ideal alma, inspired with an elevated and almost romantic eel( devotion, and dimly exercising a valiant energy more difficult of obtainment tote that which animates the soldier amid the smoke of baUle, moat contemplate the strange and beau. uful Lido'? of the hon.hearted miasionary of Bur ma& =922 APPOINTMENTS BY TUE PRESIDENT. By and with eke ooloioo and ofmnnt of iho &two. Daniel D. Barna/41,0f New York, to bo Envoy Evaordinary, and bliniautr Plenipotentiary to Primula. williatal3trote, of Ohio, to be an asatatiate Jo. tire or the Supreme Coon of the United Stittee, or the Territory or Oregon. • John 8. Gallaher. of Virgintai to be 3d Auditor of the Treuery. William Irvin, of rennirylvarda, Merited of the United Slates, for the western dhartM of Penns* vania, vim Alexander Irvin, removed. Tames Ewbanit, Commlutoner of Patents. CONSUL& - William Carroll flaadorkot Alabama for the city of Rome, # place of W cltolu Broo m, re. called. Lorenzo Draper, of New York, Re the port of Havre de Once, in Frump, wko William .1. Bra. pies, ccallath YEdward Kcal. at Mcce, kir the vet of Rio de InlttlO, in Diaz', vice Ikaham Parkr, . . Wimp R. Glover, of Monterey, far the dity of Monterey, In Mexico. Wm. K. Hayes., of Connecticut, for the Island of 11.1bnitocr, vice Noble Ton o tit, recalled. Ralph Kieg, of Lonisitoa, for the roet of Bra. men, vice Wm.. H. Robinson, recalled. 403 FM 2372 253 1 2 2.2 5245 2122 John L . Hodge, of Pennsylvania, far the port of Marseilles, in Prance, vice Daniel O. Drexel. re called. Fagan., M. Ringgold, of thaDistriet of Cohen ia, tor the port of Arica, In Pare. Berl N. Norton, of Mtseachugettg, for tha port .1P;ctoo, in Nova Scotia, vice Lut►cr Brackett, • Albert Louise, or Indians, for the port or Am , erdsm, m the Netherlands, vice Chalks Nichols, oilled. Joseph Nosier, of New York, far Aueoia in sly, vice James F. Freeman, tensile& Alm H. Clemente, of the District of Colombia, for the port oi &leonine,lo Sicily, vice T. W. Bobu, Nathan Borcher t , of Now York, for Buie, in Swiineiland, vice George H. %unite, recalled. Zabdiel W. Potter, of Maryland, for the post of Pmparalso;in CbIG, 'Ma Willem 6. Ikloorhead, recalled. Jame. F. Waddell, of North Carolina, for the end of Matamoree, in 'Aerie°, vice Thomu W. 916n:tone, recalled. Wilber, senior, of Net Yorlr, for the port of Nice, In Sardleia, vice Victor A. &memo, re mime/ Lherla Baker, of New York, for the port of La. gutyra, in Venezuela, vice John P. Adams, re• called. Thomas M. Rodney,rif Delaware, for the port of Mstansar, in the Wand c f Cubs, vice Simeon M. Johnson, resigned. Reynold Franck,ll, for Helsingtorn, V Rosily Hoary Biocide, for Algiers. John M. Pecrendea, al Dresden, in Saxony. Pablo Ariguera, for the Port of Barcelona, in Spain. Mr. Elliott Cresson, who is new M London, baying informed Mr. Topper, the poet and Olden: Myopia, that an Eplaccpal Church ba I been erected at Bas.sa Cove, In Liberia, that distinguish. ed writer immediately sent to Mr Cresson the fad• baring beautiful verses : THE LIBERIAN BEACON. A thousand miles of rugged shore, And not a light !mune nen 'I A 1..! the thousand yews of yore . - That ant h a shame bath twee ! Alas! that Afric's darkling MC:. The savages and alarm", • Never have known the gleam of pace Oa their aouth western waves! Never,—till Now! 0 glorious lig bt,— The base.. le a blcte! And hall the terror. of the night Are scattered by Its rays! Furth Item the carry heavened West Was lit this glorious torch,— For, dear G•lombi.. son• t nee blest Liberia with—a church! Iten,—yoncg Colombia leads the way, And - thews onr hard old world Bow alarm in the eight of day Can wisest be down hur,'d ; Not by the bloody hand of power That mangles whde it frees, Bat by Religion's calmer boor, And Freedom of the alas Y. brother's! Patience in the word, • And Prudence, injonr zeal; Where these eWcet angels well are bend They moth the common weal; The North olive wait ; the South be wise ; Am! both unite in love To brie /be stare lenenb the she" Who is no dave eikre! "Meter. Enid It Co—Gentlemen—Our amen er Lane's Weans rapeci he m exhausted, na V also that of .11 the metchants in this county. There t. (ode s call for it And you rgi'l oblige ut by forwarding • pocks.. gonn a. possible. lfit armed be agreeable to yen we would net y ou: general agents for country. 1" case let at bean from you roan. 'iSCIIUYLER A CO '! The alrose Is only one among 1b.... of cenift tate. sad order. constantly yeoman In moon from all yasytera of the Union. nitich letters are the but •ieenen of ay excellece.. [Er For sole by J. KIDD& CO, No CO Wood strut corl4XvO3 Mind Ro•tor•d to Sight by tb• P 00000 Man* JlAlMurh—Pirl I with to bear tertimony le the Widical virtue of the Oil called ral(0:04139. I was'lor • long time @Ahem.' with • badly Inflamed and very thm eye, to tench 40 as to low light enurely for about three month., with very hide hope. of ever recovering the taiglit, .d but a Blight prospect of Ravin, it re. fitted or the anrene, my attending phystruna Woo ananerevelal In making a core, or in giving and affordeo me bat little encoaragement. I hoard of the Petri:deem abort the lot of April, RCA, and gave tt • tri a l: the remit le. the sight in restored and my eyes well, except • little tender or weak when Igo tot to the sen. ANN INF:LAND. Mantheld oh, Cthelnnan, Mar t I. P. 8. tutees-7ft I b••e bren allbeted wub Piles toe ten seam, awl boss tried oilier remedies, without pesos:rent maw!, until I beard of the Petroleum. I have used only one bottle, and think I am entirely eared. I Worriment. it to ell who are afflicted with Me. I have known it to be good for core eye... Cincinnati, May 20,1tik0. E. C. GARRETSOkt Dor tale by Keyser k. MODowell,l4o Wood street, R E Sellers, S 7 Wood et.; D M Carry, Allegheny Oily; D A Ellicur, Allegbenr, Joseph Douglass, Allegheny; also by the proprietor, P. N. KIER. 17 . 4 Cane! Quin. Seventh et, Pittsburgh Mee of Ohto and taunt R. R. Co, Third st. Prersacaott Actual 2,1e20. Toe Stockholders of the Ohio and nanneylvania Rail Road Company are hereby mailed to pay :he elibth loidalmeot of hoe dollars per share, at the other of We Company, ort or before the 20th day of Aghast The ninth Instalment, on or before! the 20th day o September. The tenth Instalment oo or before tbi Sith day of October next. Cp.. The 7th Instalment vas called for on the 22111 July last auxhdlf R. P. TANNER & CO., SHOE WAREHOUSE, 511 Wood at, between Thhd& P Are now receiving their very largo and eoperioi P.ll BOOTS, SHOES, IND BROOM Also, DONNE :PS end PLOWER, all of the latest Giles, and exposmly adapted to the greaten:l trade. It bas been selected will, great rare, nod u to sixes and qua tty Is not surpassed by any stock to be found either east or west. Our eustoroem and ram chants generally are ramtsal to ra and examine, we ore determlued to sell an the most remonable terms. Also, Goodyear's Patent Robber Shorn of all kinds augotattf FALL IMPORTATION ON HARDWARE LOGAN, WILSON 4 Co. 190 WOOD silt Err, Are now prepared with a large and fresh stock of lenghsb, Getman, and.Atcerteuel Iturdware to offer superior Indoreatent. ho buyers. Tango roishlng to patebase will promote th eir interest by lookout turougn our stocta. they aro datertnotod to sell on Me most reasonab le terms. attgld IlaproVelenalat• a DealtStyr, DR. Ir. tr. 8 i4TARNS, lam or tio.tln, to prupar• roma. u .od art Ilhocs Timm to Irl o c thud tar nrws, upludJelif nor Atmospheric Fort o t Plates. 'Ammar us u'.•l3 TO nu, mirror., or. e. a th• nerve I corded. orrice m.d restderon non d .or m lb. May or's othre, Fourth lomat, Pir _ R ars. ro—J. B. rdWadden.F 11 Faxon. 101 l 3GISCOUILAWIC 1108114 INSTITUTIONS CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY or Pittsburgh. C. G. HUSSEY, 1 . 1111W7.• W. aIARN€4B.'". Office—No. 4t Water street, in the warthouro of C. U. (WANT. lii' COMPANY Is now prepared to insure nil I kind. of rialto on houses, mannfaerones, goods Merel.inlion in stA re, and in traneltu vessel, ha. An ample guaranty for the ablltty and Integrity of the Institution, Is .Corded In the character of the Di rectors, who are all rumens of Pittsburgh, well and Ineorithly known lathe community for Molt prudence, intelligence, and integrity. I/microns—C. D. Hussey, Wqqqm. Itgaloy, Wet. Ler i me r, Jr, Walter Bryant, II gh D. King, Edward Ilinaclion, John Ilnworth, B. larbangh, Pt. M. Slat. - alatent ■IIACKLILTT sownms, WAWA.. D.A. IN DOMESTIC AND FO6EIIIII DRY GOODS, xo.lot N VIT E the attention of bayed. to their large steak I. of Fresh (roods now opening, and which they ale prepared to sell on very necommodating terms.' We shall tar constantly receiving fresh goods dm , log the season, and request an examination of oor stock by western merchants, and others visiting oar city. augdt ii M I CORD A CO, . OIL Wholesale k. Retail Manufaeturers &Dealer, la HATS, CAPS ,& FURS, Cour. Wood & VIA& et ~Pltt•lnorgh, Where they offer a full and *flyleaf Meek of hats, Raps, Rum W.e., of emery oath and etyle, by Whole. sale and Retail, and invite the attention of their etts• sweata and purchasers general y, snoring theta that they will sell pa the mart *Qv aseous tonal. aagleaf D4 DIL. D. MIT, r mist. Comer afroant • aid Creator, dowers 10 ttttt erd Ferry streets. .11.411 vie • Yesterday evening, at e O'CIOCk, Mr. S. MATtIIIIINI, Of Allegbetf. Ilis Amaral wlll rmmead to the Noma Emmet Ce metery, this afternoon, ea half rem theta o'clock: The relied, at the deceased me reenasted to actendwith ficriher notice. . I BBOOMB-100 dozen Com B sepla PALL ARRA DI bEMENT• fikm, CItAN:EOF IiOUR - - Central Railroad atlas to Rollidayabarg 103 tll,l I'l Caned to Jolutetoteta—°So vase Pzil lipad frortsJohnstmen to Philadelphia. TWO DAILY EXPRESS PACKET BOATS, ESL!. vely for Faszengers, FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. Time through, 4 boon— FIN an *her Monday, September 18M, two dol l 7 Corrine Boats will leave for Johnstown, from thew,/ lake splendid new ears 290 tildes direct to Philadelplna, pawing over the new PCMIIIyI.IIIII Roil (toad, being one o the very best in the eoeottT. The 111 C rennet! spend moor mute make, It the most deeirshle, as web as the comfortable one to the cocci n cities A Pocket Boat will leave every morning at 70" clock, and every evening ate edema, precisely . ED - The Portage Rail Raid is pawed In day light r or passage or inlorniailon apply to W hlonongalmla House; septa or to D LEECH d CO, Canal Basin. Hont• and Lot for Sale ATHREK storied Brick Boum,. %Wylie erect, I.ellr Log., just burls, and havi ihrtra h house, gas Imams, aml all the modern Improvements, will he sold, tf egithed for, before tat October nook Ode a long credit will be peen. 11. BRADY WILKINS, WI Fourth et Low I Some. I...pa—Warrant •et Qannlna DROWN Windsor Soap, Benauin, Honey, Mogi DI Vernacular, Oriental, rain, and Olive Oibdroaps- These Soaps are highly celebrated tor la:Tatung smoothness to the snub Purchued from too Importer, and for sale by sepal it El ELLERS, 37 Wood at Plow Music, EfIFIVED this day from Ma east R I • Sercnade--Selv noon. I a Serenade—Arranged as Daett. Jonnnatle and Jemenot—For Renner. \ Moo of by gone days—Fosier. Away down In Cairo—Foner. Do Waiehful and ltivram—Glover. Besides many ocher popular Song. and Pieces 11 KLEBER, rept3 Nan of the Golden Ilarp, Third at. . 1 SUNDRIES -300 bog* prime Green Rio Coffee; 150 packages amorted Teas; 75 olis stoned Tobacco; 10 bags Pepper; 5 begs Alspice: 5. malts Cinnamon; 50 boa No I Choeolate,• It cal oil Liquorice Ball; 10 tierce. freshprime Rico; • 2 ear. best bladder; 5 barrels Alum; an barrels 1 moors' Oil; 50 dczen paten:, Baskets; WO boo (lon, Broome; no box. White Pipes; 3n hhdo prime N 0 Susan lo brls do Molossec Um Arts lime No 3 Mackerel; nal brim large No 2 do; do Not do, 50 brls N C Ter; 20 brim Pitch; lilla No 2 Rosin; WP 0 Me spooned Yarns; 10 boles No I Uniting; • 100 kegobrinie White Lead; 1.110 kegs assorted Nail!. AL a fell savonment of Pitiaburgh inimuranaured arnelea, ter lisle by JOON WAIT Ir. CO seri 264 Liberty at VF.GAR-40 bt Is pure sales Cor sale by V .cola J& K FLOYD Flu 5o coot• 1 ore for solo by Jh R FLOYD L,L.:nElY3—to dozza p.c.; foi sale RV 0 .011 J& R ElArirD 13""' N—A few casks Siena .3 81.3141.1, in aun• .4 for sslr_ by 1..431 1A R FLOYD MA ODER, its-3 khdy Mitader; 3 eerva. VI I' Indigo; LS Nis Logwood; 108 sale by .013 r JA R FI4JYD svacEs, Ac-33 beg. Pepper; 10 bap l'imraw; 1 bone' Nutmogr; for role by rep!:l P A PER—UO rmo Wroppir! roper; Lo do Cop Paper, for rule hi. A NF:I , I 'Wear( lioai, complete in all rvipeele, (or A •ale kily. Apply to eCAIFE ATKISON • seal liaili.liarthS Frani urea. 111AIN CABLE —A second band Cable Inr axle by ll ter!! SCA !FE h ATKleliCii &tuna F. Toren- 4 , 111:S11 Tklng-150 hl chewt• Young Hylton; 1:1 an Gon• °egad,: :ti do Imperial, I:d.P noddy has do; • • Per !latest arti•Ws et Nee, York, eemprialit velem aelusee, ter sale by 11101 UAVAI,EN & CU 1)10E-40 toCaton.. Rve, for race by scpl. , V. M lIAGALRY & CO B LACK TEA-140 hr Vonx Choi. Cmekeer tal do Oolong rf hale grades, per ilrber, Inca, sad Caaoda, :or lain by V, 0 Ir %GALVA' A CO 91 Lie j . en . c .! .1" . ol ;t i t'? pl.l I)ACON SIIOIII.DEILS—£u Ihr, out o( 'mote ) hour.", 'or sale by Si W flaßDAtirr VjAM.Y--e cues selperier caneuxe4 Ilensehast re 1.1 ceived tual for •ulo by - • - Q . ODA cask. la mate sail for gala IT tepl3__ 114RI!AV011 M. OIJ ., L p II 3 C N ".°'„nv GLA33--&W hf:Zr:V4l(l7l;VAtly(lil FIAIIIII-111. bele extra Floor ree4l bit sak sept 3 tl k W Cltibße—MAW common in mon, and for siolo by Feral W lIARHAUGH SALUM'S SAND PAPER—hint received Um Ito mannfacturer • large supply of th e LT at artioned 0.100 rs, for race by the team or quite, and vrarrnited giant N WICKEtinDASI ALIBIIAtSVRATOII.II BIOTIOS. LF.TTERS'of Administration, on the estate of Mrs. L Catharine McKnight, deceased, having been granted so the undersigned, .11 pence. indebted are bezeby notifiedto ake Immediate payment, and those baring claims m again" said estate, to present We same erne:pay, for settlement. septdninn ROBERT steKEITGITTAdter. T.. old 4tm of A. & J. BONN & BRO., le ,now BONN, ISKOTSIFIR CO.,that is—Anthony Bonn, Joseph Bonn, and Ittchard Bonn. Noktl9outh Charms weer, between Lombard and Germs •. They bane Son teestred, per steamer l'oe•homas, direct from Ilmhmond, one Landred box - ea - of Mare celebrated tipneket'a 3.; ICU Izs of Om Belle of Vs ; 19 bks of the Vtr{iota kletkirk Iltrd, a splendid erode to re tail, at tiew, 73 bra oft:lll4ra ealcb rated Boa Cured, that caps th• clime wherever it goon tosether with • number of other nmnds WeW • , . bate on hand IVO quarter Mama tip top Prin. eipe SegmA and no ousi•te; impartedllavma So. gar., of nil kind.; tenni:tie Schars of every &emit , - lion. A. we 11” e ContraCteit for upward. of leet) boxes Tobacco in Riche. yd, It Is certain Mat we cm sell cheaper than any other tfre in Ml+ Or tiny other City In the United States. • BONN, ARO. &CU mpt.l.dtw (I.lalt. Amer. Tsang LsdlsstL y Institute T 11.4 losotatton, ander the superiatendenee of Rim P. Davis tr. Daughter, late Drine!pals or the Fe nate Louisan!. Ky., has loon removed to the room in It.. Or. ALLaran's Church, formerly occupied by Re. 1 M Kanto, on Sixth sht between Small Geld and (Dant atu, entrance on Cherry Alley. For terms, see circulate, or apply to thearlacipala. .... Dry. D. Elton, n D. Rea. Wm Preston, Rev. D. 11. Riddle. I/ D. Rev. P. M. Psorks, • ne.. IlioWnniel West; lien. J. K Moorbend, R. W. D. Deward, Richard Edinaritr,Eig sepll:,lnt - n. weer WUJOIL JOUN 'WATT & WIIor,E9ALE Gr . ['CCM Connniasion Merchant., and anal.. In Produce and Pittsburgh Nanu. factures, 7.(11 I t ibertV at, Pittgburth. P.. iieola S rr DRAFTS NEW YOR.K, . BALTIMORE, PH ILADELPH lA, CINCINNATI, LOVISVILLIC, ST. LOUIS, s..mi the ..OLD OBS TRY'' , !or .Ile by • A. WILKINS & CO. 12 Car. Third ¢ illarirs or. --- - RA !MINS & CURRANTS-130 bee bunch !Wein& 10 casts Currents; Just received and for vela by rept:: WN BAGALEY & CO TAR & viL,eo brio N. C. Tat; bao D pare Tenneisi Oil; for sale by ROWN & KIRKPATIUCI( rePl4 144 Liberty at BACON -19 Shoulders; TO casks clear Ri,les; for sale by BROWN & KIRKPA PRICK TEAS—slhi dims V. U. Tea; 40 do Imp. & 03 do Block Too; 4u caddy boo it. .t. 14. V; for sale by BROWN & ICIRKPATRItt K acpl2 F LOUR -70 bal. choke Pem.ly; brliSuperßae; 63 L. la Fine ' •ralvin6, and far We by aapl2 IIFLOWOI a KIRKPATRICK Doena•Go \Fool:Ian Goode. ONE cave Blank Cloth Shawls; I cue Vanes. Flannels; 2 caves Rad de: I ease Red twilled Flannels; :I cares Mae do do; 3 eases barred do; 2 cares Plain and Fancy Ceesimeres; lease Satinet; 3 casts Clan Alpins; I caseleanG 3 cases Dian Black Blanket Coating; 2 cases Gray Blankets; 2 cases Utah k Blankets; I case Was do; I oases White lkd Illankenri SO hairs Steam UM Wankel*: Received on consignment, and for sale at minutia Mer' etes. by It LEE 132 Liberty mime: CHOCOLATE -10 bas Norfolk Chocolate; • Baker's No I, eparush, French, Ppteed, and Homeopathic Chocolate, Inc role by • - W6l A IIIoCLURO k. CO acpl2 • 216 Lama . ) st. • soAp.i.4,owia highly perfamed Drown Windroil do do Money Soap; Cinnamon Dar Soap; Philadelphia Variegated Seco; Pal/burg% do do; Cubic , Soap; olive Soar roe ra'o whote•alo and retail by ae 49 .• ' . WM • aIeOLVIIO aCU THE room adjoining my more on Market street, too:ally occupied by Mews. N. Holmes & 800. as a Broker's Other and flanking Bosom will be shortly reams! with new treat, and other wise im proved, load will make a very sinkable situation for Inseranee or Brakes's °Mac, and well adapted for a fancy stoso, being loomed La the best position In the ally for eishor of Home Luminous.Houlte of sopa= W W WIIAON for sabkby J R FLUID wpm zooms:' ' =sm . '' BOOKlS AT 0 L MSS' LITE R DEPOT, Third street, apposite Cie NU wka trisavair of /enamels, tto 6, By neaten/. L Beleketb.oeter tn *seine lea September. Hont's hie rettentst efamisine for September. ~YWg Review for September, with ao engntieg af Gen. Scott. Boston Shatspeere, No 22. Litters Living Age No MM. Whir Commit Gegen. eenteloing Shy two engrey7 Inge of distinguishe d ßeview f or North Stain Angett. Democratic Review for. September. Eeleetle , ReView of Foreign /Aerate. for Septem ber. • se w_ T AGUAYRA COFFEE-10 bags superior for sale Jj by Isept2j Wel 6 MaCLUPG &CO B OSTON CRACKERS-3 brie Ballot Cnkekeis; brio Eno do . Apti WM A MeCLOIS it CO PROTECTION FIRE & MARINE INERANCE Annual Prrmiqms, Capital Stoek,¢ Surpfm Mad, 1112131221131 1113=121 GE= IMIZSETEI E',==:23 TAKE NOTION: ECECI2I COMPANY $1,00,0,000. • 91 . 11 E ord .- erste:mil wail,' call the attention arum chants and others haeing progeny anomie to loos by Fire or the perils bl.Naelgatioa was &opener a4.antages offered b7the Ptem r asa ' e Oomp•ay ce 11111170111, I.—Rate. of Premium a. low an *out of any mbar RESPONSIBLE (Mee. - - - 2.—A speedy , and satisfactory adjusunarit (lieges* by the Genera! Agent of the Company for the Western and Southern States .—Arbitration (of all &forenoon Which may arise) by referees mutually chosen. 4.—Awards promptly paid in Spieht,Bankable Fano. or Exchange on New York,thatimors, Charleston, New Orkans, St Lenin, Loolsol:le, Pitinburgh,or CillEllllllll, at the optional the lamed. IT towable% . ..ming. forth:_9ze made and ~412- !eriohlete, Trotting. forth' the mode IMCk elOres of trejeetiog Imes, mtes blotto:Ousts, elarelfr e anon of hezerds, do, faro/shod to the castootert of the office free of charge. For farther Irfonnellon, apply to the enderelved, whob folly authorized to insure Derellines,Stores, Hotels, We:chooses, Male, hLeaufeetortee,ltirosiete. Household Fumiurre, IloOds, Wares, tad Mer e/maize, contained or stored teems, against loss or damage by FIRE. Atio, Dry Goods, Groceries, Alanifactored Goods.Pra• deco, Household Farnham, Live Stoat, and every other dsseripoon of hierthandire or Personal Pro. pony, as piled or to be chipped per good steamboats or boats to and from ?tabu on the Weetern Wows, or between Elate= elites (via Latta, or other ,inland route) and any town. in the Western oestrary, agates t the bawds otINLAND THANSPORMATIOIC • Shipments of Garde. War , m and aferelatdlse, per !mod vessel or 'emelt, between New Origins and Eastern pons—between New Orleans and ether Golf pons—between all American ports and English or European ports. ors any other maritime port what mere, In the Atlantic waters, against me PERILS OF TIIE SEAS. JAMES TURBETT, An' t Pratecuon Inns.= Compang, septitajml PM Wood et, Pittsburgh. 0 RILLS' ALE—No& receiving In whole, ball, and 1.7 quarter barrels, of the fall brewing, en d constant supplies will be kepi for sale rog ROBERTSON & HEPPE:HT sepll:Het Itt Hewed WWINDOWML,ASS-3000 bis of the bat emits) brands, embracing an the alma in general nos, m011:410i ROBERTSON /k. lIRPPEURT. Wagon for Noll, Cheap. A FIRST rate new One Florae Wagon, zultable for bread, milk, or peddling parson. Empire at No 36 Smithfield et. w • 11.1331 Air James Einerters Mlald llsgatrale. PHRPAILED under the imMedians care of the In. venter, and mublubed for upward. of thirty years by the profession. for removing Bile, Acidilim, and Indigestion, smutting Apoente, preserving a moderate mate of the bowels, and dissolving aria mold in Gravel and Coon else, so an easy remedy for an sickness, and for the febrile streaks:l Incident to child hood tinbavalnable. On the value of Magnesia as a remedial agent it Is unnecessary to enlarge; hot the Fluid Preparation of Sir Jam Murray Is now the most rained by the profession. Oil It camel) avoids the posstbility ante. dutgeroesconeretionsnatudly mentos nom the use of the article in poOder. For ells by the Importers and proprietor', gent, B A FA BIII A CO aepil Cor. Wood It Front sts. nIIILLICOTHE SOAP-2001as for sale by__ erpll MILLER & lUGUEPBON T EA:I.SO-fit'aWtilf-11, P,& Imp. Tea• 70 bf chews Ningrong and Oolong Meek; 170 caddy bra V. 11 an & Gunpowder, to sale by (*colt> MILLER It RICK ETIION CIGARS—IAA 0 pen vine Principe—ems t ElonN So ,w 0 liavans.—llernanni; 40 MO do Regabas,vatioas Naiad. 43unn lasitanon Risen.; 100,0IXI Philadelphia made hf. Spanish; In .torn and gale by anal 33 b. Cadmu' V. lump; :JO bz* R. Myers' I lb lump; 70 iv br. do' *lb lon p; for.ale by mutat L ruccsisom SUNDRIES—'SO bis Senlines—GaillooVs; In t as genuine Italian Nosearonit Lot bog do do Vensiselb; . I east leanness, No I; 9 brb Clayey = baskets Boodeaan and Pdatsedl- Olive 011; In store and for gale by wall MLLES t RICKVISON RICE—C-0 it s just reed and f sik kby mend( JAMES A HUTCHISON & CO ;1 IM. Q UG e R CURED DAMS--SO brls superior for see by septt /3ELLERS DICOLEI IATANTED, a 'bastion In a WPoleeale or Retell IT Grorery establishment or Commroost Ware bowie, by the advertiser, who has had twelve year. °clemency in the above and the Glees Inteluess. Choice retentricee as to character and competency can bet 1.17 en. Add rt..* R P. at thl. nßen lIANDLIC EIOIILDI Important. to Tallow Chandlers. It subscriber having paid particular Minn . -too to the various improvements la the insmsfacturo of • ale Moulds for the lam . six years, and p..ring neither time not expense to make them in the moat approved style, Is now prepared to offer to his ens• waters and friends m article of Candle Moalds equal It not superior to any manafastarel In the world, they are after the English atylo—Me lips to screw on the pipe, and the pipe to screw tight In the bench. 617 tdoulds manafactured h• me after Mineral have my name on each pipe, witt.the warrantee ansahed. JOIIN CEL,YRILY, • , 100 Rice atreet,Pnlladelphls. xi ACKNREL-33 MOTU Na 3 Mukalla; tS bag do- IW brls.No) D.Sr.a dq_ Jun ree'd for sale by JAM ES DALZELL. trplo 70 Wstar INDIOU t BLADDER—IC browns S. F• Indigo; ?raids Madder, for sale by OAOALEY at CO Splendid Olausehold liuralturi at &111641111 Z. ON THURSDAY morningb September Mb at ten o'clock, at the revldenceof Joseph Pennock,Rsq, ha An Penn street, will be sold, Ms cadre npek of 'leasehold Wurniture.antong which ars— Neerldyls Mahogany Sots, Di v ans, Ottentanti, Chairs, Pier Tables. Dining and:other Tables, one parr large Preach Plats Mirrors, Mahogany Dressing and cowmen Samna, Wardrobe. Wort and Win Stands, Parlor, Stole, and Camber Carrels, Dad. Common Feather Red . , Matiresees, lledJing,Pancy and Common shales, Settee, I..ooMng Glasses, Mantel Clocks, Window Minds, Fenders, Fire hone, China, Glass, and Queenswarei Also, a general inuorrunent of Kitebert Farnham roe. Terms, at sale. upIOXI3t P. N. DAllio, Auctioneer. od.CON-8 bhd. Bides, Hun, }Moulders, Int ro• JD delved and for We by STUART t BILL oeign Wood .t lunesr.--ou Lis best Moos for sale by ‘,..1 se reltl STUART & SILL FLOUR—A small quantity Shearer!. Noble's extra meolo STUART l SILL Irnnncu 11,46 Ws Country, pour ryaool and lur . rode by ItUIIISuN, LITTLE & CO Mrllo 263 Liberty st. S PANISH WHITINU—SO OrIS )It4t reed for gala a t N WICKERSHAM'S 2100 Car. Woad & Suitt au A 7 13 brit Lard; 13 WsCrease; I bag Deerara.al 7 bap Fez Ears, arrive,fer tale by ISAIAH DICKEY It CO sego Watera Root Us 1,17 .4ti•1ts Bleaching, watt elleamelagy Plnld Dncilorte—Pot Me clothes Into cold water sad let them soak over night. In the moreing wrier them out and pat them into • little of boning water, to which add the proportion of one plot of dud to eight eau,• at water—tale it op and boil the whole twenty minume. The-clothes may then be 'mug oat and welt rimed le clear cold water. The pans of au mints that may be most wiled, seek so wristbands and collars of thins. may be slightly rubbed before raising and the clothes will be Mond perfectly elan, white and clear. Warranted opt to Wore the final robrio vai to fl er feet aallefaettort, or the medley will be oak _ .oded Loki iebalesalo red retail by 13 SELLERS stole 17 Wood at VANCY RUBBER GOODS Jut reteliatroas New vd,k— !Int aim U0R.11.4% rE=I del Doge; dna Liens, Ihr sale at the India Rabbis .lore, 7.unl 9 Wood aC J & H PIIILLIPS N i l LLIC RUBBER. CLOTH-37j yds a salon& Id Wale, for sale by .1 & II PHILLIPS 1ep,07 & 9 Wood at rPit - L — PHEKTING-30 yards, • my ail a ll J do ankle, made exylessl7 rot PirMasolpli° ( crib Brandies, Whig/. Gi.r 50hfplp<a C ara l ac !pond), varionldatsges; p ` ;e7;ltollud l 3 puncheons Jamaica SpiritK panchr.s Old hish Whiskey; 20 qr cos. Mad ents 20 do Opono do; • 20 Mt. Ltotadia Clash 10 hf pipes Spanish Esd Wine; Go hos Hardesty. Chinni: 10 has Mascot Wine; brim French Whits, wins Vingfarl Reed for sad by MILLER k RICERTEIOII ..plO _ 291 MO Liberty CIIEESE,GO pr -- sto cream Jon rec'd by sell° UR W IiARBASOIII BACON S IIO2I. LISES-10,000 lbs reel 100 ea r leiTy mete RHAUtin 0 Balm reallor cab by, , W BARBA UGH WAR— . 47 Win " "P"'grit: rag/1130El Warrantrd Para Wines asibilrandilidi SMARLS for' Medleital Tenant; always or bent tad for Well the bout& quan, at talks at end bIORRIS k a. HAWORH'S Wan Mora Mb-TauttAltb OF hISCHANIO/cßittbitATitt. and Rertreetier, tto lk bat been teemed at ore Llivrary Depot, Thai m en , n.(4. t Every neeltaak ehould hare Ws vest H ERB 1 oath ! • • September. „U. Neunial Field 800 lbsrotadoN No sat aped Co!bals k otos ; 0 lIITOCON t seat • ••• Itballoket" RKEN COPAL VARNISH:4Ikb, lOU brls, ea, la 10 keV, now loading hi , Ws or From 0 , 1 LIMAN DICIKEY & 00 KS Waur .wrza.lan mucTziin. Nevi Phlt•dglpal.• '.imparter and 51.artenarer ni • I Vadanf 114,-moulis It ['OTTO!' .FIiIIIdEkCOILES, Gialps.l . alas ;It, i A ' ESP, Gold and- 'Myer. Frit*eit. Naves, in, Tassels tames, 'Plaids, Eardpviderier Ef.iltiecs dark, .Satatlt , nod Feebler*. deal! tio. , s, ..noble /or nevem Draken and tieeteties of tVrry description. FLAtritt and II NNER Rof'vartotia styles ..ateM and trimmed neatly to o•der at abort ratite .llw --- SUGAR &140LkASSIh b liifigl i ; In° bra while Brazil .1a brit StoarPo.ervahrd. 30 bris Lovelln, , . ...Iv tl{ Ms DI Laois . 10 bra Lowninira 30 trtli , St Loal 00; In aim and Cot sale by 4. • 10 MILLER & lIICKEIMMI YOUNCI LAIYISCI r 111111SIVSARTs • ALLEHHE/Tir THIS School. ender the direct:lbn of hlr'd Me N. • W. Metcalf will be twepeded , Coir.tnade Row" Federal Suction ?dander...egg...4r and. A primary' department, k a namberer optlothl bynnrit es have been added, and a corparof teachers.r •ti m that Instmetinna :will now b lino b mbelNn of all ages and attainment.. • Pot particulars on. altruism which may be bad .1 the book norm—or =malt Mir FrittelPell ht theu dwelling on Federal Street.' ; - Allegheny. avg• 3 • ; • TEA.OII=I.II %BARTZ°. - 20 TEACHERS wanted fir the Pebeele orLower St Clair township.. Applieatien Ine'y be made to Inning rr otherwme, toiler trident good, anvil Ftl. day. the With day of &pleat et instant: at *bleb Unte , the Board will proceed to examine the applmanta, at the Frame School Ikon° In Tempersneerille„ at nine o'clock, A. AL None tot rommteP, uar f hen ac e d apply. Salary, SACO per mon 11 - I HAMEUTON KELLY, Tempeiroceville. PHILIP J. SMITH, Lower St. Clair. A. AM BLER, I 9 Smithfield at., l'innburgh. eepkdawidT i. A. SISITSPI I ENOUS% (usical. and .Nathentatleal &hall will Re. Open on Idenday, the ltnit Inst., at No 9 stee Wen, at the head of Seventh at angle . OARIPISTP, OIL cLoTno.as. 117 facCLINTOCK la now opening of h% Carpet VV . AV alehouse; No 76 Fourth rued and 76 Wood . gnat, a very handsome assonmear of Carpeting, era. "prialoa in part of the following insifetiett.— Rich and elegant style Velvet _Pile Carpet; Rich mid elegant, villa Tapestry Brawls-deg Superior En lash and A sacneau Drutsela da; _ i EXtra irip. 3 ply Comets; Rags, eztra Cherti , e; Raped/no do do; Sap. Tuftrd Roes; do loarala do; Cheatlieldain • Eras fine tins do den .Tafted Mau; • . - Co= all woof, do dot • Male Rod; . . do cattiTt chant do dot 0000 mug do cotton do do; Jato 0:0 - Also, a very lame wortmeet of Trieurtiots tot Steam Bosits, Ramses, Iteaelei, hr. l, .• - Oil Mad. A Tory large anortment of well seaweed Oil Cloths, ranging to width from flinches to Selector eery 'modem:to Myles, tut to r any Weed room; bell;or vcalbale. Tao stock of good • will' be sold its cheap as they "-` ' • ' -*stern clue,. We • bargain. • ateCLINTOCK sale by .ON &CLOUSE Jr.o,ooti lb. Cl.. d sod for lola by ?ON CLoUSE dale by mcgny s. co & Front sta I .tlo COFFEE—= bags green: co; s k ft t bk .oyD . Romp Church. Ees-200 packaged It 11. 0 P, lasp. & Dlaek Teas T latest Importation, for misty J& R FLOYD F ISH-1011 Des largo No 3.lllackere4 I ht WM Nos fluid 3 'do:. LO boo ocoled Ilerrit for oob by RV) I 7 iz.-R FLOYD T& 011.-30 brie brown Tonne& Oil; A aw brio Catollnn Tar, for role by neon . J AR FLOYD ICF-25 tea teeth beat Rice, for We by trpfl J FT.OVD LRATHER -3W sides N , / pole Leath.t. L Pep 9 I & R FLOYD' TonAcco—lce boxes Blainreetured Totmeeo, of Russell & Roblneee!v. and other fevovite brand', Per sale bv iseo)] JA R FLOVD e llEk ".,,Z B-2CW W - Ck"'" 10 b y FLOUR -5D bris PoLila Sins .onerior finally Floor KO DM taped., fasoilr .flour, 1.1 reed A CUL.HRTSON CI.OUSE 105 lahenr "Uo !E. FWIJA-410 bids jou 1. , ' for solo by IL oopfl CIJLIIERTSMN OICSP. CIDER VLNEOAR-33 brl• isperior TEeti CULRKRTSONA cliDuAB aserwrelasses , TIIST received at 11. ICLEBER'S dlosie Stare, the 1) Colloseive dorms:— In the Eye .here Iles the Henn. I I..evetut Thee. The Watcher. The White and free Hoses. Nue' , 13.11. 116 doeth Is user. Where are now the hopes I cherished. Le Kne cede. scp7 w. o. comm.) • [so. :. immure. lIIMBIZTT, • 7AB eud Cam' salmi. M. niter. spaohlta NI Charles and ass far sale, at lass & WEIOLMALE GROW. chants, No 41 Wood Hotel, are Isom receiving rates. as &limy:— BO M kC Sp'nigh C gar.. 60M 110v0na and wars, in IVUO . park•ges. Qy M 1100600. 9r b.& M 1100080. U.° T atra; gETZ P .: lkgs &Pa lb and kflb ama & 51 rollTubto. sco b... Ma, .Logusyra, andHaTu Caffia. 50 hada N 0 Surat. 50 Ws N O Ilalasno. 40 bthpowdered, ended and loaf Eagan. 110 brls Alum. 15 M Yttneipoo. 50 bx• M Roiaitto; Whales Pallborto,Foglioh . Walnuip, Wood Auto, MAI Ground Nuts. 93 bia Lemon Sy I on. be*Oper Sauce. 19 cams Fickler, 10 ease. anie'd Chocolate Ground Spier of all kinds GO tas VO bet Solidi. brla Tamara' Oil. 300 gals Lamp Oil. bb Nog Mato erel. '&3 bs. Szlbk lOslYGlass 152 bz. RosinPotp. ===l la b.sa Hoek Candy. ID 1,14 Nbelle Algaorols; . eases Lula 'lee 'Linehan's I.lut Tobaceo. 10 gross 11;ackaig. assume/it of goods uen well as PittsWWl mina • . l_!ep7 ==M 513 bxe White Pipes MIMS Wrep. Pepe,. 113 hxt Pepper a. elaptee. 6001 b SeetelakitepeeSeelf le iss Rice faotoray. SUNDRIES—Im bps Cream and W R Chccsei 10 bags old .1 yea Cmres; 10 bogs Lrgass I a do; 3.1 bags lanes Rio do; 10 tlf chestisChalus Tea: 10 caddy bza *rut fJolocg; 40 do ;111. Groca4 Archesta do; 10 las.banch Raishic, 3 Pales sail shell Almnadm drs pate.clapstal Lemon ragas: 6 tasHomeopm Pl. d dancyChccolme to tas Stoma, Cocoa and Pro 1 no; 6 bas Almond sad Palmslop; so lag Rosin and Varmast-dco ops dos Olds* and Hardens% Oil; 2 dos Peppr r Sauce; ' - dos Grain d Walnut P,ickles; .1 dos Hose Water; j I bate Italian Macearonn eitioo do Vcrirdeel2i 2 cases pore India Ccrfle Posed.; 3 caws aptrfine Mee F , rf on 16 brio croaked& mann 11121opays; 10 Aria small Loaf; ! 00 bd. pare Cider Vlnegan do: Corn BMW; D WILLIA6I2 & CO Co.. Wood & Fiflh.sts. For &ale by egp7 MIMED 011.—VO bras juat avec ived for vale by J /141100 N %MUIR & .ra7 ' 24 - Woad et RAMIE MAGNETIC OINTIIENT-200 donn tot We by &KIDD & CO Ina • : Go Wood .t ACQOTTILiV celebrated harm 7)111.1-4, new V lot inarcetleed rind for rale by • • re 7 • .I•Kilin a en OU.yrlll3 Yellow Deck gam .orl • I. y [ POWDER JALAP-2 cue . * jtot tee'd 6, 06 by SeP 7 • .1 KID . &CO Janie POW DER GUM ARABIC—(Pism)!.O eeled, end fop lisle by • j. WD BLACK !ILLS--A fell um mem Jut opletied by AA MAW) &CO ae•7 62 ISlarlea et . T INFII liONlFlde—lurieoses received this morning.. eat accrue by Isepri , A A NASONA CO YINTEI —A latge arid oplendid anorienent Men- Meek, reeheeo. rod Fail Myer Prints, cove epee log by 1.47) . A A MASON &CO BIZ g!11 . 51 1 ) t i ttCr Alt . ll . l . lNELl , ,T r l o troj , t a : manVactarere, at the lowest Tutees, by seta A A MASON A CO EC-3 brio treat Eggs lon rre'l for rale 67 - : HOEISON. LITTLE r.r. CO GUNITE WALL PAPER—A Oarfeet 1aa,,,,,i,,,, Of (Olney Granite, to 4 hang In bloc[,, For We by - W P MARSHALL Np 7 , ' El Wood et 1" BOWED 01.1.-1 a bits Briaarald'a brand reed by j nepa '7- J B CANFIEr.p WHIg;DR°"'" TrirVg6,LD Cat bithutjnintztrizthl2; WARs 011.-03 brls N C Tart 10 brio Tomes , Oil; J. 3 brie Not Lod Ca; in mote oat for Isepti MetilLlS BACON -4eo pea Stsce.ders; 200 pea Bides; 410 etsgar Cared name; NeGILLS & !UM diN FED TUDI3-10 des will he se Id saw, to etc me I dm 1.14. (44P7 1 ' MCGILL-13 & FlOl. F .. . . _ . le . _ LOUlt-1.0 brio Maria no Mills , for raby_ up 7 - 161eGILLA i, nor: ROOMS-100 do: Cam grooms On eassripoent I 'se • 151.1311LL9 b. RON NO I, for wale by AteGILLSi — 6121 m ays sepT P 0 btla woparler ode bi . 8 DILWORTH ROO A DABBAIIOIJBOPERATION—If chloroforniand Ether ender persona I nrenalbla w pain. die Owe, the duty of Wow who wit many of We &Melee polMeriline to be Bi t ede t soap. to present each our. chaser wait • seleient quality of the above awoke te relieve Weir waning trials endergolug the opt, adon of Waving: JULES IIaUEL4PBEIdiIIidSUAVING CREAM . Is mow admitted by all to b. the very bat article for ghat*/ to be Wand In hits Cr any otter country. in tee ow of my Almond Rose and Podaelio littavin t Braun, juiced of Meg sac operation to be dreadeo. Analog is ready • luntry. .The Ingredients of welch it is composed am of mob el nature. that • finer and Heber tuber ean be toads aim with any ether ante' by wider, Me Mont I. softened, sad the skin ti , not liable to be burned by Bet gland which renew foliose. • portion of other altavlsraosp, nor will It become .I,..Ded bet will remain *meet/. and eoft as an in one6. one, after wing 'lles Shaving.Crewn, elm wed to use any Whirr. Castlon Is eer sary In purchaeln• lay Shaving Creels, ea them ate. ...ay imitations sold. Ask for Jule. Haney Shaving Cream. and you will Wes solar,. ankle which render. asTOir gasped pleasant. JULES II attEL.•Perfirmar and Chemist. 111017heatnat et Per sale, wholesale and retell, by B. A.Fahnewoek I C .... 3 A. Reeder% Plltilbargli; and John Sargent att4 Atibg ail s ititegbol C l l. .P 3-4,
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