The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 13, 1850, Image 1

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Vkl H I TIE.: 1111. CO.
D. S. WIMP j 1%. 11/O.M
lIAZZTTI EU! .INC,, 111 1 1111 Prit.i. flit 0001 To
to• • per .nor.
Weekly. in ndiranciey , ..--- • •-
De. o Club., oils rearmed rate:
Doc Silts t e,(loSne• of Nonpareil or less)
Orin q. re, earth additionat inserllon••• 0,•4
Do. one week •••• 1.75
D.. two 3,00
DA. three
Do. one 0,00
On. nee 7.15)
Ito. four m0nth..._..._.._,M0p
Do. 510 moriths•—• 12.00
Do. twelve montbs•—• .• 19,00
Standing Card line. or imr,) per annum- 10.00
OneSquare,tbangeable alp:ensure Ifico sr.
nom) exclusive of the paper 23.00
For each additional aquare,lnnerted over one month,
.a for each additio.l square intoned under the year
ly rates , half price.
Adverusements exceeding a riquare, and nn over
Arleen to be charnel a. a .qo are and a half.
Putili.liers not aecountalile for legal advertisements
beyond the amount charged foe Mei, b e
nnounr eandidates for ofhee, to be charged the
imam other
neveruseineno. ton marked on the copy for a sped.
Ited manner of will he continued till forbid,
and payment enacted accord, .
The privileges ofTearly advertisers will be confined
rigidly m their regulsr business, and all othsr adver
tisements not pertslaing to their regular business, as
agreed for, to he paid numa.
All adverosem,nts for charitable wistitations, fire
nipsaies, ward, township and ot her piddle meetings,
and such like, or ha charged hulfprice,payablestriell
tr •iivanco.
Cdarrnacclioticce to be charged SC cents.
Death notices inserted without cbarge, urates &neat.
panted by funeral invitations or oblutary notices, and
strheorn •ccomptthted to Ire paid for.
Heroin, milverimor., and .11 others sending commas
nications, or requiring notices designed to tall aUens
Lion to Fairs. Soiree., stoners., or any public enter
tainments, where charges ate made fOradMlttancr—
all noun., of private no —every notice de.
'toned to call attention to private enterpruen catcall
cr totended to pte Individual interest, ran on.
ly he tow-fled with th e romo undetratandlnS that the tat?e
l• to lot paid for. If intended to be inserted in tee 40-
cal co:=1:, thr earn, will be charged at the rata el
no: Ire. crow per lire.
Itn.Lep or Fist Notices to be charged triple price,
Tavern 'License Petitions, 111 each.
1,1,1 and ModJeal haverLtemouls to be charged at
fall r ,,, ••
hoot Kstath Agents' and Auctioneers . advertlee•
tarots not to he cluesd under yearly rotes, bat to be
allowed discount of th irty three and one third perumt.
froth the ereount of bills.-
t•totr re, three ID•tertinna• •
enetitdtlitiorml ittrertion• •. 31
•lIVI.TIg.L.NTS IR AV.E. TT rraLth
• .
Onr :Num line.) , (10 lis.)one •nscrtion---b0 eta.
Po. each additional IneenloA•-•23 "
All transient advertisements in be paid in advance
lk CO. Gascue. .
ROUT M. RIDDLE, Journal.
- P. DARR 2c CO., CNrmiel,
Jos. SNOWDEN, bleacury.
JAMES W. CIDDI.E., American.
HIRAM RAINI:, Evening Tabun...
PrITSCVOOII, Dre. 1, Isl 9.
A LI7F.TUI. , Fi'Ll W. I Penn etrect, between
iA O'llarn .oC prompUy n
ATTORNET AT LAW—O.Sce, on Fourth street
r,,es Wyo.! rerte
1)8,VID O. TOT:Tide,'
Arr9IINEY AT LAW, erd Coma:aimsloner for
Pcntm L
Imola, eq. eniit.
All ettrltMuracta,mo promptly answered.
JAnitts ILEII&A,
A TTOtt.tinl AT LAW--oSiee on Fourth street,
broorect 'Onothheitt ardollint,Pthsburgh. .
M ==l
A rrortNE; of Law, and Commis
-110 RC( for ...Anto Pctowyttrania, Loom ;
Vnt, of Pot.nral.t
Itetomart lion. W. Forward, Hamp
ton .4 1111111. 41 . 1'2,,,10, ttlet'Thoo, lohn Parke,
Ittwallsi a. Soma:, 4O.Cord Ktr.o. total I• 17
GLa Pa. (Zimith'a Ferry /Ws Oji4v
1;6.1115 permanently' located at ells place, a new
and wawa:lt:el NV, ILIC Boot, are ace .prepared to to
and do wd y
prnm Ohiol poi I,Ls d.
Co. and nowt,. aild Deaner Canals. 1.1& Co.
Glowers - . June IS _lets
irs BA ALIT. -• • • ........ 13.. v
er. v. 11C0113,1,11..
Po tasburgla Alkali Works.
1 - 3 ENN k:rT, nerves a. CO, Alnelabocuwers of Snda
J.) Alb, Mosel:mg Powders, Murimit soy SolOisitie
Acids. Wsrolionse Wotc , sdrcc4tm , .. , FecT7•
FredcrtCk Bran n. Genre, Reiter.
!ti fr. RE:TER, Whot.ttale and Retail Oran
.I_. „ „t . s . e, corner or I..lntrty and ett. C tau streets,
A. McANI:I.TV ts l'orwatdiug a.,d C.
• MiS 100 Merchant*, Camal Bann, Pittabore,
H. (/NA NT, IV hncsnoe gnd
Forwardlng Alerchea.i, Nn. 41 Weser .1., Pi:t,
bur h. vos4
In Krnrs•••"_.Arnre flmoo,k It. Fleming
nicaLsgv., FLEMING 6 CO.,
flOMMlt , t+ M F.W.:IIA NTS—For the sale or Do
.n,..n.'onien, and Conan Grunlaikilro, detlers in
all kinds of 'ration , Tiammisig a, No la Wood at,
door from F.llb.
Ref<rrncn—Messrs. Wm. A. hill It Co, Bankers.
....I .L
Y. •.
nAirt° 1
nNli' °N fit;rtc II 1 - I l et Bill Brokers
No lit SAro
XI, NEWS!! IIENNETT, Cato English, Gallagher
n en .1 Wholesale Grocers, Commission and S'or
warding Merchants, and dealers in Produce and Pitts
burgh Manodattores, N 0.17 Wood at, between id and
Id streets. °ell
Wal. 11. Jot' al ATOM.
No lliSecond st, Vitoilistrats ooa.l
R. roothagessl [rvslAsa G goose.,
ENEHAI. CONIS:IKSION and Poosareing Mei
Rif ell snot end Flour Dealers, No VG Market erect.
Philadelphia. Pt'
131.7C11.1q011. It CO
la. 41 Nortl, W... Porel .4. No. 14. Nora Wharves.
Ewen Hal n 4
D.C. 51/.41..1ana / P ,1,141. e. __,
.1 A. Wnwan l Nue
11 - 177/E, - io
I.uene.r to lilerrpFyis Esej Wool Deif.
. er n nlPolr.mialo• Sleranant, for the ale Cl
Isnerina Won , :n., Linera, ocronsite 6th et febl7
- ARM', .171NFA k Co., (ntecoototo to Atwood,
tone. A. Co.) Conantakon and Forwarding Mor
ahan., deantr. In Flusbargh Manarastured Goods,
m. , .orsh. I.a. rnohoo
W. 1.,, al AtLktlit.l.l6,
(ffreCSSSO.3,ltrtt c.
In French and American Pa
per itannines and•Uorders, Window Shndes. Fire
hoard Prim., Ad. Aino--Writin, Printina and Wrup
ping Parr, No. Wood wren, betwnen Fourth street
sod iamod alley, west ride, Pittsburgh, Pa.
011 N mi NEW, late of the Wm of Chambers. Ale
Jnew - Eller, would respectfully inform the old co•
tomera sod the public genet:illy, Oust he will sun eon
tonic to carry on the Green Glass business, in all 01
varieties. and is prepared to flit nll orders for Apothe
caries' Mowrals, Sorters, Otter, &e..
pertaining to hie busine•n. Jib warehouse Is No vl
Market street, lugsreen riot S. Seerin! ors. her 4tillbri
and deer.
U er in Dye Stab, Saints, Oil, Vnruishes. to, No
VI ood street, one door South of Diamond Alley
rlttstiur•h. !1 4
rbhIPersD&T.ELL, i..flio.corn,e(;wer,iffOn - TOrsstion
tfi Merchant, tb . ale! In
Produ e and PillibUrgh
Manufactures. No 21 blister st, Stoshurgh.
a 022111 DICIEST, It,
11113KYTY S CO., Wholesale Grocers. Com•
tallest, Megehents, and deeletre In Produca,Nos.6o
Water. and 107 1- . Tnnt rtr•Pts, Pi.lrll.lrth !ter&
Brilnyn,n. Litlworth•
rinsbersb . CO., dcs.y
trilN ThiWNSF.37I), Drugglet gar Abnihnd 4 r3
Nn. 45 !darker et, three dome above Third st. Pilte
burgh, will heel eonrorntly on hand a well selected al .
torment of the beet end fretaltew Tilethelnes, which b•
will sell on the, non reteoneble ter,. Physitiatit
rending orders, will be so-trendy attended to, and sap
sited with arttrl, thy me, rely coon , gen nine.
fr 3.• Pbysleinte Treigerintione will be aornretely ane
neatly prepared frontjhe best materials, elan, hear at
day a: nitbL
hAt 60 for We, a line stoat of freer and toad Pert.
re lota
.1.1111 Ko d. 11.tehaid Floyd.
& rt . I.Loyn, Wholeaalo Glocera, Cormisatan
la a Illerchanto, and -Dsnlara ercaln - n. Rotnd
Chunk Lluilllos, Iron., on Liberty. Wood and
Sixth streets, s inch rte.. es.
1b: A. C AIA:111: V. A gent fat the Late Orn an a
Abehiann Line to Beaver and Om Latta,-011ict
an the norm , of 'Wong.. awl fienlll.F•l4 tr. ' ' *or.
3AttEsA)MITCIILsoN, ". r a .—uii."... -- ,,, — ,- - „, - ;
Levi. flo'etiaan tc Co., Comraictiaa.llnnthaoss,
and /karat. of. Om St. Lome Sum Solar Eteaaary . .
We ILS anus and s•/ front artets.Plttabisgb.; , -- -
,' . .'!l._ ...... _.I. .
CO, %V bolentle-1/nunn.t.,
ol .An /tron iambi: 'I( b..
rl in n=
Paper, Slatela, te..A -Pena; Qui Ha, Palate rn R!
argil, and -
Nation, ry garaprellyNo, M WPeal .L4r l, .toburVb.
mr. 1 , 41 , 11 f • roiron.lwiroglo. '
' — irii - A,N - 0,11 - .11.711. I 12.u.w___
Tth CAKSTra.4I, theta of Warms. 40h le4 Comml.
sion and' roes...ohne Merehant, and orkoleaate
dealer to Wennein Reserve iThrese, Ltalter.Pot and
Per,l ash,' awl Wr.l ern Praince generally. Water
street, betweeh Smithfield and Wood,PtW6ngb. ••
art • . -• • •
t and Onensabsionyaiw ,
K l Atts j :oSts F i7l7;:ja l c'e sad Piusbargh pant•
canal thitin,ise. rust.'. opt
(PENN MITA, PIT'S . SDlDOlft,;.*&.
EtiNEEDY, CIIILDS k CO, 161..aufametrers d
a, very csperlor Sneering, Carpel Cha.. Cam
Twine and Diming.
EtTE Johtstou k:Stnektao, 80 . ./KSELLER, STA
TIONER, PRINTER, and BiNtlEU,.corrar o
kit sad Tlltrd suisu,Plitabirib, Pa. ilaCkatf
T'.;=sitr, • .PITICIAOL .10kititiir G0f....rrEk:..1.
Pittsburgh City at... Works.
w. CUS NINO HAN & co.,
No 29 Market street, between First and Second,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Ot — Parueular attendee Paid to odd sues. Also.
P. cuannionau4,
lythitf D. CDPIDDIOII.I. 0:151VID,
Wtn. 111111er,Pliilad. C. W. Mamoru Pittsbergb.
ILLF.R & RICKETSON. Wholesale Grocers, and
Importers of Orandies. Win. and Dryers, Nor.
177, aed 174, corner of Liberty and Irwin streets,
Data, Nails, Cott. Yams, Ate. ae .4. 4.
snarly on bend. .rte
John .t'Giil. Jame. D. AVOW. Wall. , O.
gfil UR A. ROI:, Whole.tle Grocer. and Comm:.-
Coo Merchants, No 194 Liberty B 4 Ftusbo,ib
envs pt
nueoffirrrELMVINKTCW - ANU - T3FitiNC;
ILA. lam, /WOO P. IMO.
JONILII . 411110 0 s
MANUFACTURERS of opting and blister steel,
plough steel, steel plough wings, coach and clip
fM samara, hammered iron axles, and denten in mid
eable eaaunga, ire engine lamps. and coach mimming.
Kr.liTieogner orßoss and Front sta., Pittsburgh
MA TTH EW WILEMN, Portrait and MiniairTre
Painter. RPOIII% comer of Post Mien Alley and
Fourth street, entrance on Poorth rt, near Markel.
7:7(J. Tonics, Commission al•ronnsito.
N 0.31 Old Lease st, N Orleans, keep eonstantly on
hand since assortment of Brandies o f the follow.
in brands, which they offer for sale as num. for J.
Durand k Co. Bordeaux six: Manny, J.F.rattel,J Do.
rand Co,Laroehelie ' J Demand, Cognac, Ade 61 in
teen, A L Ade Mandate, Jean Louis. tss ,
Re; alao, Anchor Gin, Bordeaux Red and White Wines
in casks and cares selected With rare by John Durand
Jucoi besides Chainpagun Wine and Burnet Burgundy
Port. febl•l)a
HOLMES & SON, No SS Market at, second door
from corner of Faorth, dealers in Foreign and
Domestie MIN of Exchange, Certificates of Depout,
Dank Notes and Specie,
117•ColeletIon. made on all the prineipal eines
brooghout the United State& ' akrl
third door atave Smithfield, south aids.
Conveyancing of all Muds dorm with he greatest
care and leg•I accuracy, ,
Tit es to Meal Estate examined, be.
Lithographic Estabilahna•st.
F WM. SCHUOIIMANN, Third at, opposite the
OPost-Office, Pittsburgh.— asps, Landmapes,
bead.. Shovel:AlN, Labels, Architectural and Machine
Divvinira Desinem and Visiting Cards, Act, engraved
or drawn on stone, and printed in colors, Gold, !Donut
or Black, in the mom approved style, and at the rarat
reasonable pores. octlatly
yji 013114-014.1.177 LE & CO.. ^ o. tifsS Liberty avast
l'ittsbursh. Wholesale Groeers, Produce mid
Commission Merchwas, and dealers in Pittsiranra
Manatee ores. opl7
imkr. rava trans moat.. m ILOMINIo _
ROBERT MOORE, AI holesale Grocer, Reel tying
Distiller, dealer io Produce, Pittsburgh Simian°.
tures, an all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Wines
nod Liquors, No.ll Liberty strecb On hand a very
large stock of superior old Monongehel maiskey,
vs Mott voil be sold loos for • ash.Layl
Z. 0. 'm.o. 13s. L. L.
R •
EVNOLI.4 t 811EF. Forwarding and COMM.
rho hiGrehtlAlS, rOr tne Allegheny RIVET Trade,
Lealera In Groceries, Produce Vitiabarg fauna.-
tares, .d Chloride of Lime.
Tha higho•t Nice, in cub, pud at all tinses for
country rase. Came Penn and Irwin sts. 800
Commission Merchants, dealer, in Produce and
rittabugh Mai:intact...a, Liberty meet, Pitubarch,
Pa. aple
WHOLESALE: GROCER, Produce, Forwarding,
TT and Commission blembant, and Dealer in Pits
beret Alaaufactarea, No = Li bc rty meet, Pitsbarch,
C •21.•c[t.2t7
6. Warr..
HACKLE:TT tr, WHITE, Wholesale Desler. In
O Forego and Domestic Dry Goods, Po. la Wood
ttreet Plosioury.rAUGllh. apl7
s - 7 - iii • RH, — Wo7l ,— Sferehnits, Dealers
on Floor and Produce generally, end Forwarding
and CoamittiOn Merchants, I 4 First stteet and
lid Record strest Pinsbargh. 0 ,17
1. andiicas, tri21 , 110.11.. 1011,1 11100..11,1Tirsio.
ELLEIcB NICULS, Produce and General Coca
0 mission itlerehanis, No. 17 Liberty mime 1,
burgh. Sperm, Linseed and Lard Ms. OM]
cf - FvoNiCigNiMsr CUTWhale•al. Gro
0. nest. Forwarding and Commission Merchant.
Dealers In PAllsbvigh lilana'actures and We item
Pradere, hare removed to their new ' , Arnhem, (old
stand,) No. 30, corner el Front street and Chancery
Labe. 1.017
tlistianotra Ot.n amen.)
bsetiber having leased the above well known
ard reeellentrataldwhatent, is now prepared in
entertam Inenda and toe travelling public erne,
the best manner and on the most remonahle
iii• TA JLE will at all times be supplied with e'er,
delicacy of the semon—anZ his Bat with the hew of
His Stabling is very extensive; land every arrange
mats has been made for the accommodation of Dm.
O 011.11711
Ewa flde Diamond, rittsbnqh. apy
WOULD Inform trim pubbe, they have tab es the
warehnove formerly emceeled by the late Air.
Salomon Settoy , er, 114 eetond whet. lletriug huge
se 41 commodious wereltOuve. they would to the
attention of persons having goods to consign or store.
1 hey wit! also glle altentlos to the purchase and sale
of Notes. Drafts. Bonds. he. not
W il w. i ; reALK GROC tilt r leo . rn .. ta i r . i d and g
dote & l'nuar ' gh ' ; ln t' itiTel d ared An k let; 0
O4 P onni
for ogle of Richmond and Lynchburg /Sanctum/aced
Tobacco mrl
Herbs, Po
WWILL. also attend to collections arid all ether bog
y y cress entrained to I= is Butler and Armstrong
eoantles, Ya. Refer to
J. It R. Floyd, Liberty at.
W. W. Wallace, do
James Marshall do Plttsbari h e. .,
dly Kay & Co-, Wood
Canal Basin, Penn .trees. Palsbarrh. mre
No. 277 Market, and 44 Commerce at., Philadelphia.
Adrinees made. by either of the above, on comlgn•
menus of Proems to either Home. lard
.I. ............ •-• —Jobe MR
. •.
IVII F 0 . 1=0: I d IVAIL I FfthII I 4Y O h ROCERS J
deniers In g y ; n ominee and " Pilbri " rult Itlrn ' on•
tures, corner or Wood •nd Fifth streets, Pittsburgh ' .
mein •
Wa. 11. WILLIAMS t CO.,
NorM klost comet of Wood end Thied streets,
10. a. C 0,10011,111,
It. R. W.loWllrk, aasra 1111.6111 n.
IXTM. ft/MALEY a CO„ Wholesale Grocers, I
Ins Id Wood Ores. Finsborgh. apt?
mum D. , VICIL, -- D.V7.4 110.1.1 LIDS.
"WICK & bIICANDLEMS, (successor. to L & J. D.
Ty Wick,' Wholesale Grocers ' Forwarding •nd
Commission Merchant& dealer. in lima. Nail., WI."
Cotton Saran, and PillSbargh Manafactures general
ly, carat of Wood and Water •treete, rittsborgh.
, Itesufying Distiller., and Wine and Lutoor
blerchstas Also—lmporters of Soda Ash mad Bleach
ing Powder, No. 100 Maly street, (opposite Nina
street.) Pitsb i argh. apt 7
W. cav,..dw,17:2;."( 1 ,=.°,%,1.°7,' 1 7/11'ar'r.Wt sand
Foowit street., Pittsburgh, Pa. N. D.—Watches and
Clocks carcfnlt) repaired. an I 7
11 , 14 Croons. WWI B. WM".
. .. •
T. %%JUNG & Co, Milers In Lecher, Hides,
&e.d.43 Liberty street. • jartitlY
LITt It.
Wholesale Grocers
a iieldeb, iron. Nails, Glass, an.
nufn r
nature generally, Liberty street.—
. . .
AVILIHARTH k NOBLE are Dow receiving near
VT ma wheat, which leaf maperior moan). Thar
can new famish families with hero Flour. All orders
left In roe bores will be promptly attended to
Gay Plata_
— oitiWqcliVeiiimittlit i ; •
IHAVE taken .WM. CARR into partnership with
me in my business, which wilt from this date he
carried on ander the Came of 'lobe Parker k Co.*
?Awl , Isb 1650. JOHN PARKER.
John l'arker•--•—••••WLIIIam Can.
.701.111 PAO.ILICH
P CO.,
, F WAolisab Grocers, Drfrs in ro nin
Old Mown:akala
and Rectified Wkwakty.
!U.S., Commercial ROW, Liberty . meet,
cam rittotburgh.P_
warrm.raPALMIER, lIANNA di CO., C NMI
(Seceetsors to flu.sey, Hanna it Co.)
In Fortin and DOisinftin E.Sebaule, Certificate.
of Deposits. - Bank Notes, and Specie—Nona west
corner of Wood and Third street. Calient money
Medved depentiSight Cheeks for sale, urd
collections made on nearip all ,the principal points
the United States. •
The highest premium paid for Poulin end Amstieu
Gold.,Adarsees made on consinnrannte Of torodate,httip
Pod East . . on . litiejr± term.. F w`cicrso.)lSlßlA.Eollll
W.Z.A A. anoLvne A.c0...
No - 256 Liberty Auer, adore Troxt,
H.,. Rill/2711 on band large anortmeat of Mole*
.Ureeerin and Fine Teas; also, Foreign Fruits and
Nuts, Wboleute and Retail. Meets supplied on the
torn. wrists
inniett7iTfaTici:wlitirrii; —
, TrttraviNE MERCLIANTS, east aide of the
Eared/int Teas-- SO On per lb.
• XePeritto.qualitiew—w.............o 70 do.
Tla best mooned 1 OP do..
Lc "' 'ar datOned Id or doe Teas Aro P
tette . t
et this es " tAltstilithht. /TdX
1 II G 1
IaeCIANTOC U R O h ll as but rees S
V. Womesase, No :is Youth guest • seri bon&
some assomneot of Ross, to which wf , melts Rt. ""
WO.. of atosha'sms.
To the Clitsotao of Allogemay Otty.
A BOX fOrtho totioptlon of omen for City Mull
Floor, L. left at the OM. of Meteor & litobinvon,
Fodsral Mot , . Bash ordonl4ip
THIS magnificent eviablishment being now eon,-
doted and ready for business, the proprietor would
respectfully solicit • share of the pubhe patronage.
He trusts by giving his full attentinn to the business.
to make the house a pleasant and comfortable resort
(or the entrees of Pittsburgh and for the country
Good utendants ant] be in waiting, and every ex
ertion made us render the estahlishment worth' the
countenance and support of an ittelligent communal..
The TWO SPACIOUS HALLS, fitted for Panic,
Concert, Lectures, Balls, and mevungs, will
ha let by the evening or week, on as liberal terms as
any other in the city.
The BAR and RESTAURANT, equal in style and
beauty to any in the world,dll be kept (emitted
with Pare Wines, Choir, Liquors. Conlin], Potters,
Ales, and •It the cool, light, refreshments date season.
Poultry, Game, Fish, Soup, Oysters, and Clams,
served up In the best style.
the first floe and easy of access, will bee cnetantly
sttliPbed with r,
all the Luxuries and Delicneles of the
season; and ulso,with such substantiate as the markers
Boarding by the day, week. or year. Dinner% or
'union for individuals or parries, furnished on short
Gentlemen with their families. the city earl.
be supplied with refreshments of all kinds at any hour
re the day.
Good Stabling and an extensive Livery FJtiriblisli
eat is connected with the Gall.
Dinner at 1 o'clock
Entrance for Ladles to the lee Cream andlilining
Selman, No At Smithfield wee,
keep constantly on band or melee to order the
beat article In their hoe, at their old wand, No 13 S'.
Clair avert; oleo, at No.rd Mar krt street, re cowl •tory,
entrance in the Diamond. Venition Shatters made to
order, and old blind, neatly repaired. spin
W. h. J. GLENN, Book Rind.,
WEare sull enpged In the above business. corner
ef Wood and nilrd airects, Pittsburgh. where
we are prepared to do any work In our line with des
patch. We attend to our work personally, and sans
faction will be given in regard to its neatness and
Blank Books ruled to any pattern and bound sub
stantially. hooks in numbers or old books bound care
fully or repaired. Names pat on books in gill letter. .
These that Imre work in our line an Invited to ear.
wires low
11:1" WIGIITMAN-51unafacparer stroll kinds of cot
AL. ton and woollen machinery, Allegheny city, Pa
The above wails being now in WI and successtal cep
erasion, I am prepared to erectce osiers with dispatch
for all kinds of machinery in ay hos. rash as willows,
pick c rt., spreaders, cards, annc , ng rasabnes, rat 'ways,
drawing !mines, speeders, thiossils, looms, woolen
gratin, doable or single, for merchnin or country work,
stalcs,Jacks, An; slide and bond lathes and tools to gen.
eral. All kinds °caballing made to OtA,min ale.
an for gearing factories or mills at reanatile ions
Mgrs. no—liennedy, Childs A. Blue haute Bell
In,. k _las A Gro•
6irrataigh.32,[aear PlttsbarghdP•i.
Ofcs, Nu.
.37 Water se.7 teneeen Maria and
Wood, Padthurgh.
ir WILL congtantly keep on b•nd • good amm
o:t -
ent ut Warei of our own notnulactuto, arta
superlorquallty. Wbole•ale and country Met
arc rerpeetrally :wilted to vallander
amine for thentsel•es. ma we are deterromed to sell
cheaper than has ever before been offered to tb • pub-
ItrOrdere.nt by mail, accompanied by ebeeerk or
ood reference. will Le promptl♦ . o end.d N Mr 6
MA. WHITE & woeld reepectfally inform
. the public that they have erected a shoo ett
Lecoek, between Federal an d Sand,, -t y street, They
are now making and are prepared ....rive order at
every description or vel.cles, Coacher, Cie note, lb,
conches. Clergies, Phemona. kn., ertheh from the,
long experiencein the manofartu re of the above wort,
and the (meanies they bare. they :eel eotaident tb-.e the
wereto do work on the mos; reasonable term,
there wanung article, in their line.
Pays.. particular attention to die eelocuon of mate
rials, and havins tone but eon:potent workmen, We)
have no has:lotion vrerrar ant their work V.
thereforr ask the attention of the putdie to this matter.
N. R. Reptifing done In the best manner, and on the
most reasonl2l/uemit. 111,N. If
.X.l /Olt, ATKIN, 3
PLa wrm, armors" WOOO ASV Manir, Pitmen can,
fh...+NTIN m manufacture all kinds of CC/ITV:R.
mita Rork.
a Warr balls re order.
Special attention meet to neam boat work.
II are ou hands a fine anoortteebtot Copper and gnu.*
Kettles, Tin Ware, ,tc. b.e. Stenrabrint Cookto,, S:nt- a+,
Portable Forges, carious 1110.,4 a eery convenient or.
for ateanaboato, California emigrants, or rail road
Vie would respeetfully Invite steam boat men and
others to call and see oar articles and prices liefors
pc rehnsl on el
TWIN WRIGHT& Co., are prepared in build Cotton
and Woolen Machinery. eleven, description , sorb
no Cardittg Machines, lipiontog Proton., Spe:ders,
Drawing Promos, Railway Heat:, Warners, Spooters,
Dressing Protons, Looms, Card Grouter:. tr.e. Wrought
Iron :thou.,' turned; ail sizes of Cut iron, Pulltr• and
Hankers of the latest pattern., slide and hand ',thee,
and tool. atoll kinds. Castings of every descripoon
furnished on shoo notice. Patterns mode to order for
Mill Gelirlll4, Iron flailing, doe. Steam Pipe for heat.
ing Factories, Cost Iron Window :troth and fanny Can
tinans a^nerally. Orders loft at in 'Wart-bons, al.
Palmer Co., Liberty street, wall have prompt at:ca
Refer to Black stock, Bell & Co., J. X 11looreaead &
Co, G. E. warner, Jebn Irwin & Hon., rittaLureN ti
C. J. It. Warner, Steubenville.. Ibn tJ
rrillE aabseriber offers los sale a lame and splendid
usorunent °donee's - end and mallegany non an-
Lion Pianos. wi th and without Coleman's celebrated
Soli. AnarbmPnt. The above Instr.:cicala are war-
ranttd in be equal to any rnanutnentred in this coun
try, and will be sold lower thuc any brought front the
East. F. BLUME, No 11l wood st,
Benp will be taken at par for a few Of
he above assortment. mr..l P. B.
IHE subscriber offers for sale, the STEAM BRICK
WORKS, alma< Lawrenceville, compriaing a
am Engine, 2 Dollen, 6 glould Machine, capaule of
manufacturing Ml= Preseed Itricke loot of dry clay,
as taken rrom the bank,) per day; siiiitt three acre, of
land on the Allegheny river, ou which are 4 kilos and
sheds, machine and e'er sheds, wheelbirmirs, trucks,
shovels, spades, ire., every thing requisite to com
mence operations at an hours notice. liner, including
the patent right to use said machine, 51,000—Mrms of
payment made easy. Without the land, 63,000, For
particulars ; address HENRI' kINFIRITT,
•-dtf No Its Monongahela flou..
Wronght. and Cut Iron Railing.
TIIE anteretibers beg leave to Inform the public thirt
they have obtained from the Eut all the late and
ridonable destgris for Iron Railtng, both for bowies
ton cemeteries. Persona wishing to procure hood.
come patterns miil pleue call and examine, and judge
for them.elen. Railing will be (unmated at the short-
Glll notice and in the best manner, at the corear
Craig and ' linbacca meets, Allegheny city.
ang29-ilif A. LAMONT & IChlt rl_
DEGS leave to inform his-friend. and customers the
Eig he isjam mceiving hie near spring stock of Goode
comprislng,as weal, all the newest and moat (minion.
able styles of Cloths, eassinteres, fancy Vesting, cot.
ton and linen summer studs, and every article...mail.
for gentlemen'. wear for sprume end summer. It hetet!
amposslble to describe the beauty, quality, or quantity
of the stock, the proprietor hopes all who are in want
ofche•p, fashionable, and well made clothes,
wilt glee him a call, as there Is no stock Oita ode ol
the Alleghenies that ran eompane with It.
The ready made departelant Is Very entenalve, adap
ted to all tastes.
• • .
Rat) road contractors, country merchanni, and all
ho•porehase largely, are particularly twitted in e
mine tho .se
ek before purchasing, as particoler
cotton Is paid to the wholcaalo business to Chi, estatt
•• •
Every ankle in the tailoring line made to old rr to
the viola raribionabie and beat manner, at the sbortrat
HE parteership heretofore existing ander the gm
of A A. C BRADLEY,se dt.oluert by the decease
o r. C Bradley. The business snii be carried on by
A Brsdney,.who will settle the buiness of the late
REMOVAL—A Buutar has removed hl. Foundry
Warehouse from No 112 Second street, terNo ID Wood
street, between First mot Second streets, to the ware
house lately occupied br 0 A Berry, where he will
beep constantly On hand a general assortmentof CAM
init., Orates, Moves, Cooking Storm, Ae, jy
and Na. V American Blister Steel. Also—Scat
Cast Steel Files, at all allesi and Blacksmith and Shoe
Rasps, alive) a on hand and for stile s either at his • Ea
gle Steel Works," &flare street, Fifth Ward, or at the
Oleo in the Iron Store of 1104.1.111 ANS 44 GARRI
SON, No 4, foot of Wood street, PittsbOrgh.
We i the undersigned, haying used, with entire .at.
Ptfeetion, We Cam Steel and Files made by Samuel
hleKelvy, at hi. Eh.*le Steel Works, to this city, take
pl ..... e in recommending theta at equal in quality to
any ever used by us, of foreign manufacture.
Pittsburgh, March IR ler*.
Manalaeturers of Iron and Nails, Pittsburgh, r..
KNAPP & rorr E N.
Iron Founders and Machinists, Pittsburgh,
Manufacturers of Springs, Azle, 3 Spring Steel and
. Rivets, Pittsbarth, Pa.
Engine Madden and Machine Card Mainorrielli•
, rert, Pitt hu.Rh. Pa
Dram PounKer,Pitulmirga, Pa.
&tantalum rrrr of Iran and Mad., Pittsburph, Pa.
LOCOmotkre Engine and/Rip Ilallder, Plitabarsh, Pa.
Marble IKanuractarers Machine and lgine Build.
sr. Pitmbunrh. P..
Dlasolattoss of Partaarstst
Partnership heretofore existing be P. cep I
hialiseribera, and. the arm of ChembenTAs
CO.:Glase hlanontetarers, was absolved h - • " gl
COPSCOir op the Grit day of Jul), Ajur,
to said fir request
w msxe paymeot to either of the Hies,p
delay;sed persons hannp unsettled IiCAOLISLa with
sald arm, are Optima to present them for reulereent
Immediately. ALEXANDER Ca&filllEUS,
lyMdem D. IL CIIAJIUttItB.
Petro Wises end Ittrapdtea. _
OF oar own Importance % minable for medicinal
purports, constantly on and antl for .toe oafs
smart Or wholesale, o(
al the Ten and Wins,
_stores al
MORRIS a. II &WORTH, out eat Diaarded, Pity,
WV, sad Went Men, ,Mtegtteshatat *Mach
" R ANCE COM PANY.—Office North Room of the
Esc hares, Third street. Philsdelphia-
Fins lestotaitch—Rollilings, El ere handle, and other
p e rperty, Town and Country, Insured evaluates.
rdamage by fire, at the lowest rate of pentium.
Meant. lostrec,rece--Tlicy also inaore Vessels,Car
goes end Freight., foreign or courgette, underopen or
apscial policies, as the assured may deans.
INLAND Tusroverraviose—They also insure were!.
andisc transported by Wagons, Rail Read Can, Ca..]
ROM, and Steam Rams, ou rivers and lakes, on the
moo liberal test..
DIRECTORP—Joseph H. Seal, Edmund - A. Bauder,
Jahn 0 Davis, Robert Ilucton, John RPonrose,f3anin•
el Edwards, Geo G Leiser, Edward Darlington. Isaac
R Davis, Win Falwell, John Newlin. Dr R M Huston,
St 4 C Hand, Theophilus Paulding, II Jones Drools,
Henry Sloan, Hugh Craig, George Barren, Spencer
Mellvain, Charles Kelly, J G Johnson, Win MY, Dr
9 Thomas, John Etchers, Wm Eyre, Jr.
Hugh Craig, John T
bonito Nsarsobn, Secy.
ED" °thee of the Company, No. 42 Water street,
Pittsburgh. tiatit-tf I'. A. MADEIRA, Arb
Llfa and Rutty Insarausse.
THE Mutual Ufa and Health Inm:rums Company
of Philadelphia, Incorporated by the lArielmew
of Pennsylvania, March, 1848. Charter perpetual.
Capital 0100,000. RATIO hewn Yuan our Paristsgr,
ovstrita Coarser, and full OD per cent lower than the
maid rates of Life Insurance, to the followl.: coca
pension will show: Thus, • person of the age of On Its
wring for 11100 for life; moot pay in the Girard 142,30
Pennsylvania, SI 36, Penn Mutual,;
13,04 New England, 112,:a1t New York Life, 14.30; Al
bion, 30,45, Life and Health, Philudelphia,lll,9l.
Diewroaa—Samael D. Orrick, Charles A Hall, W.
P. Boone, Robert P King, Chad. 1 1 ,11 eyes W.
Baldwin, Al. Al. Reeve, M. D. Chas. 0. B Campbell,
Leen. Cooper, I. Rodmanaker, E.ll.Butler, Edwin
FL Cope. President—Samuel D. Orrick; Vice Pres/.
dent-ItobL P. King:, Secretary—Francis Blankburne.
eppllcatio. will he received, and every information
given by BAML. PAWN FSTOCK, Agt,
oehrg.dly Ogee, Commercial Rooms, eon., of
Wood and Third au, Pittsburgh
„ -
MILE INSURANCE CO. of North America will
thisrmanent and limited Insurance on pro
peny In ity and aleinhy, and en ahipmeets by
Cone!, Rivers, Lakes, and by Sea. The properties of
this Company are well invented, and tarnish an avail-
able fond for the ample Indemnity of all persons who
desire to be protected by insurance.
mole Wel. Y. JON E 7.4. Agent, 44 Water at
Flys and Marano I ===== okoot.
NE OFFICE of The Insurance Cornpany of North
America, has been removed to No. 11l Front at
east of Miooa.
The Ante War, agent for the Aare old and respect.
able Com,any, id lane Yelame en rtaldinge and
their contents, and en Albacete el hicrebaratee by
Steam Boaz and other ...elm.
Soden] and Antique I,unit-et&
J. Ws W
Respectfully Informs lb=
public that he boo com
pleted bill spinng mock
FURNITURE: the largest and mmtivaried assortment
uttered tor sole in thin city, eamproling several Se
Sento( linwasio, klancroono ; and `Varna:,
carved, ornamental and plain, makable for Parlors,
Drawnig and Red Rooms, all of *Web will Da sold at
the lowest pnem.
Persons desiring Fornitore of any doocrifidnai are
spectfully invited to call andel amine his woes, which
embraces every descripnon, from the cheapest add
. to the most elegant and costly, of which the
iollomng composts apart:
Tetra Tele :sofas; Tete a Tete Divan
Conversation Chairs; Conics;
Iledeptiou do Lome XIV do
F.atension do Ballet hauque;
Whitt nth.; Toilet Tables;
Loath XIV Commodore; Date of York's Conch;
tal "oft. wan Plush and Dole-cloth cove.;
do thwarts, do do do;
40 dos Mahogany Parlor Chairs;
10 Rosewood do do;
IC " tVainut do do;
40 U Cane Seat
4 " Menogmy Routing do;
I ' do Ciao° steel,
as klattile Top Canoe;
go it, do Wash Stands,
00 Mahogany lkdsteedi,
It do Wordothea;
IS DI'L Walnot do;
Cher' y do.
A very t ooted mwarament of Common Chain and oth
er Fortnum dums to mention
(Fr Steam floats fornt•Led on the &honest notlea.
All order• prompt!! stranded to.
Y. F.—Cabinet M..e r . COII b< win:flied with all SOIL
01 11:1116K11.1y, %Vainct,ll. Verreers, •t conlidenbly
reduced febl3
ERN U&N I.: t' Aer t; it Eltb , BRIBES:
Waite Flatotels, all Wool. Blue Dmitri
Red do do Wee Deming:
lellow do • do Fancy Couonedea; all are
Brown do do °tiered at Factory piece.
B:11.[k SatloeUa
Sur! mixed do }lonic League BUIrRog.
Blue do Cbeeks and Stripes, very
Leal, do ( goods.
Blast Cauimers. I Tailors' Goods.
Fancy do Red Padding, sager do;
Easley Tweeds. Vest Padding, Dnekranh
Soper Black Broad Clods 71140( Linens,
14 belly) , do;
Soper Brown do 'Rosen Linens Valeta's
Nsper Wren do !Grab Serge, beset do. aI 1
No . per Twined do and worried;
Super Meek Doe Skins °Lark and Whtte Tape;
Soper Drab Cuhres. Mack Twist, Drab do
Soper Moira do Linen Cheek, and Drills;'
Super Mork do BDiszt's iii cord Spl Cotton;
California Mange.. do Linen Thread, •
.eariet do superior untie;
Woe do Silk Figured Vesiings;
limb do rocs Satin do
Grain Ragging. Drown Holland baig Bilks(
Crown brlls, Buttons. Cravats, die.,fr.o.
rat the Manufacturers' &reticule, No 127 Wood o
Pittsburgh mr..4
mite ea-partnersam aereinfore existing between the
Ivatmernertu in the name of Constable, Berke &
CO, is this day diutolved by mutual Conn,. Messrs.
Barks A ilsruss wtil.ettle the lincieels of the concern,
for artintb purpose they are nuthrtnred to see the name
of tin concern. NATO &NIEL CONSTABLE,
Eomorio BURKE,
The andembuted have this day &s mattered themselves
In the name of BURKE es ItARNb. for the purpose
of emituorcturtits Pre Proof Safes, Vault Doom, Se.
Sr. et the .mod the late firm of Columbia, Burke
alb, where they will be pleased to receive t h e purou.
age of Ma customers of that boom and their fnenda
In retiring fret. the firm of Cannel,le, Rorke a Ca.,
With ..mecm pleamre recommend bites,. Berke &
Herne. to the confidence of my filial-dm and the pablie.
H A re b etrvlnTa 4 Tirree -df o ' rricty of ac 'rn rir?t!l ' e e to s cr2ii d ,l ' o
eihica he respeetfully invites the attention of welch
ante and resident. No 04 Wcod at. febll
RITALL PAPER—W. P. hlassuast, le vinstualy
TT recelyine, (rein the largess manufaetories fn
New York and Phtladelphra, and also Baru French
agencies, the newest and most approved styles of Pa.
Par /tacking*, %Drell.,with Borders, Fire Board -
Pants, and Tester Toys. For sale at Wood st, be.
tvreen Fourth stand Diamond alley, (successor to A.
V,fitrALlte'ATNT - --STrirjust
IYI and for sale by the barrel or single podnd at the
Dreg, eked. and Perfumery Waretunme. corner of
Slam and Wood streets. N WICKERSHAM.
!lamp Patent Bodo Ash.
, 4 6 , 4
r th ec e t fr o to r e t
me i n
o n ' Ja d e t b randur rX; and.
rooks now on the way from New Orleans, and ex
pected here this week; and 311 will ;Manly arrive
voi Baltimore per .hips Juniata, Chesapeake ' Ihroas
co., and Athos, which will he sold on arrlsal, al the
lowest Darter price fur rash or approved bills,
apx3 No VW 1.11. m
cmcnutows. STOVE POLIIII
TUE Phantix blanufaelnring Company now offer to
the public their Premium Chemical Stove Poiret;
and without exaggeration, or soar of contradiction, by
those who how. crated It, Pronounce it far superior to
any other in the market. 'The crairamerneed
spirrehesslona of soiling carpet.. Se., ox It. cam•
position preverna a dust from arming when being ap.
plied, which must be done when the Stove is rod
Tee quanuty required so so little to produce berth
tiro! lustre. A saving or over filly per cent is intoned
to the ransomer.. A coating applied to Ulan., Pipes,
Se., when told away for the summer, is a lure yr&
Tentative smarm rest. Allier hiving tried It once,
Of It is as...giblet an person will use any b t the
Phronlx blanclacturing Company's Premium Chemb
NO Stove Polish. For sale by
myel Corner et Sixth and Wood streets.
Comer of l'enn and SL CI., streets.
Ur 51. ALEXANDER &EONS, Furnishing Uoder•
later., rebore every anal* for Funeral and
Mourning parposas can be got OD reasonable terms.
1 00ft'' 73!l!i kri." tSr000 retC.l:it EßT ,Flr Rale by
/Marne, ai
pm: 1146.1 owket plea In Cub will be pals for
I tile dlffetont gritilts of by
MBE owne tad consignees or good. arriving by
she "glis iti
ons' Portable Dont Lloe,n will please
tags, notice that limy will be required to pay 'might
at our warehouse, according to the seem}, before
the goods urn rentoietL 0 A fdeANULTY - &CO
jyt -
• Plitt 0111 rtiFF3,IOIILIPARII4I/4.
Suitable for iledirtne) Puryts
TN these steklybthes, gut above ankle is frequently
sale at
on itef: Tile subscribers have sante ell hand for
Dol:ar per bottle, which they hod. to he It war bought by themselvee in Prance, and
tt as pore as when tney bought it. 2 ..
Tea k * Vp mos Mac/mots, ouiside of the Diammt
@rash Antral of Cholas Wsiuk,
MORRIS I.II6WORTII, to 'the Diamend.liva
Jost ramrod Irani the inipernerarinelher lend.
wind, et eXtaliaiinlitlabirdrad Green new,whlekthep
are now retailing !read the original ehan• at KW tad
:to per lb. They de! nay to the trade to bealthe
gen e ial' attar pwee. We rerpeeifidll intlielt the DP.
li to eampera o a r Teat with those purehiaged lse;
where at await priers. • - *gob
.TlCE , l,or , lllnonolons - by' Pen end
of the
Illetoq,.Beenery, Diogreoll. Mae., nnd TroblIon•
opt. Warjotbdependeoce. By tlenson.L.Loselog,
pitb 600 Ropey Wood' by
,Loselog it Darren,
phial) from Original aketellen:UP.l. etn.e. To be
MUSK* la eboota Noe, at Wok tor Ws 0
a horituri
By the President at the United States.
TN pormanee altar, I, ZACIISELVTAYLOR, Pre
sldent of lill, United States of *merle., do hereby
declare and make known, that nubile salmi well be
held at the undermenuoned Land Odiece In the State
of MICHIGAN, at the periods hereinafter designated,
to wit:—
At the Lard (Mee a EtAI7LT STE. MA PIP, for,
the "Lake Superior District." commencing on Alen
dey, the atzteenth day face o ptember neat, ror the dls
prima of public lands within the following named
North of the 1.40 liw. , epul most of tAs principal
swridion. •
Township forty Ow, slid fractional townships forty
six and Cony seven of range two.
Townships forty lye and forty six, sod fractional
township font seven, of mu three
Township Cony and f ractional
ctional township forty
seven. of range four.
Townships cony six and f3rty seren,and fractional
townships fifty and fifty one, of range five.
Fraehonal townships fnrty serves, forty night, ran,
nine, fifty, and fifty one, ofirange six.
Townships forty eight and forty nine, and fractional
township Oily avows seven.•
Fractionni townships thirty nine on "Hog Island,"
and forty on "Hat Island," and township !par a.., or
X:1%1 townships thirty nine andforty on "Hog"
andt Garden" Wald., and forty - three on the churl
hand, and telonatups forty four and forty five, of range
Fractional townships thirty nine and forty on
den" and "Naas." Wanda and townships forty three,
Pony four. and fitly fins, of range ten.
Fractional townships thirty eight mi"Llttle &weer"
Island, thirty nine on ulAtile gleam" and '!front"
Islands, and foray on "Whisker Island, and town-
ships forty three, forty four, and forty five, of range
Fractionnl.tover.ohly thirty eight en "Oral Inland,
township forty two, and fractional uintably* forty
three, forty four apd forty fist, of range twelte.
Fractional township forty, on the main land, of
range sixteen.'
Fran✓ '
Fractional umni.blps thirty mina and forty on the
main and, of range seventeen.
Freedoms] townehipa thirty eight, thirty nine, forty,
and (any one, on the main land of ran eighteen.
Fractional township( th irty ale ge
on "Bummer" and
"Poverty^ West., dolly coven (ltmleding "Sommer"
Island and an Islet) end thirty eight, thirty nine, and
fonr on the male land. and township. forty one, (arty
two, an I forty three, of range nineteen.
' Fractional townships thirty six on "Pt aferdn'e"
and 'lint" Islands, thirty seven on an him ofnitde
Sam-rer" Island, thirty eight on the main land, thirty
nine (including the Island In undone twenty seven
and twenty eight) and forty, and township forty three
on the main lead, of range twenty.
Fractional township. thirty eight, thirty slue, and
forty on the main land,
of range twenty one.
AT TIIE SAME PLACE,commenning oo Monday,
the thirtieth day of September next, lot the diet, mai
!the public lands within the followtng named town
ship. and fraeslonal townships, to wit:—
North of As M. lieu , and wort of tho principal
Frictional townships thirty five and thirty to on
tie main land, of range twenty few.
Fractional townships thirty three, thirty Thar, and
thirty A s o, and township thirty all, of 1".11. twenty
the male
rctional townships thirty two and thirty three on
main laud. and townshsps thirty tom and thirty
of range twenty stir
'motional townships thlny,one, thirty two, tbi
ret, thiry leer, and shiny ire on the main land and
mmihips forty am, forty seven, and forty eight, of
ange twenty seven.
Fractional townships thirty two, rhfity three, and
thirty seven, and tom:0114m thirty nine, fon, MI, fatty
seven, and forty eight, of range twenty eight.
Fractional townihips Witty seven, thirty right, and
thirty nine, and nisruship, forty one, forty two, forty
three, forty (oar, (any five, forty sir, forty seven, and
fon y eight, of range twenty aloe.
Frecuonal townships thtny nine, township. Corn',
fractional township forty one, townships tarty two,
, fo rty ma, forty seven,
( sin ar t t l y fOlf;lA:r e h n t, y an f° d ' te:f r r ‘ tintl e o e nsof menun• thirty five
and iFirty nix, or the rapes or Agate Lunar, of telee
ship My nine, of range thirty.
Fractional township. thirty nine. fony, and forty
one, township, forty two. forty three, forty fete , fort/
five, forty six, forty seven, and ferry eight, sort trac
tional means samancen and eightemn,on "Traver."
island, in township fifty four, of range thirty one.
Al' THE BAldft P LACE, commencing ou Monday,
the fourteenth Joy of Oceoben nest, for the disposal of
the public lands courted within the nodenanninned
utmost, -a and fractional townships, to win-,
North of thd Mu lino, and mat of the priAripcd
Fractionel townaltip forty one, and nowt:whips forty
Iwo, forty 'three, forty foot, font' Ore, and filly, of
range thirty two.
Fractional tomultips fi
thirty three. fty aid fifty two, of range
Fractional townalnye fifty and fifty two of range
tlony roar.
Townialp filly of rangy forty one.
Fractional townrhip forty eh, tit, and tooraoips
forty nine and fifty, of range forty two.
Townghtp forty ec haelional township forty
eight, and towns:llpr fort ycn, y
lane and thy, of range
forty dote.
Townships forty seven, furty night, forty woe s uid
fifty, of range forty tour.
ownsbip. forty wren, foray elgt, and forty nine,
and hawash,p finy, of mope! Pony five.
Fractional toarnohips Cony nate wind My, ol Santa
forty six.
FrocVonal ninanthlps forty .10 mod Cony se.v.ol
wnship forty nigh; and fractional township Cony .
nine, of range Cony .even.
Fractional townships forty somata, folly alight, and
forty nine, of rang forty eight.
Fractlonal township Con) eight. of range forty nine.
At the land omen u lONLA, commencing on Mon
day, the sixteenth of Septeinhor text, for the disposal
of iho poetic lands within the Indorse/Wooed hoe-
Imtal vex—-•
Nortis of go ban. and food of Ike priacipat
Section. one and two, the cost half section or throe,
d seetionveleven, tore' we, thirteen, Selman, twenty
or, twenty five, and ttorty sii, In township nine, or
eye OCT!.
Lands appropriated by law (or the rtre or schools,
teary, or other purposes, will be exeletlealrem the
The °ahem; of the above mentioned lands wall be
- commenced on the day. apeointed, and proceed in
the order In which they aro advertised, with con
venient Strome, until the whole than nave been of
fered, and the salty the. cloud Urn no We aball be
teat open longer abas two meet.. and no private
en ry of any at the lands will be admitted mail after
be expiration of two weeks.
Given ander my nand. at the any of Washington.
this thirteenth day of.lane,Amto Domini one thousand
eight hindred and fifty.
By the Prtsident
J. Birrreanetn i
Commirtuoner of the Omura' Land Odle.
Every person entitled to the nght of prewmption to
any of the Made within the togro,hips and Remotest
townships above enumerated, la required to establish
the same to Me sattsfacnon of too aerator and Re.
eelser of the proper Land °See, and make payment
therefor e• soon as prat ticab la seer stems Wpm:Mee,
and before the day appointed for the commencement
of the publto sale of the lands embracing the Reel
elabned, otherwise each chum will be forfeited.
fleamett4 4oaertooaa Poultry Book.
TME . Ironltry Book end Pawl Breeden. Bende—
ifeing._a Means. on the Beettlini, Basing. and
(Minna Management of Domestic frown; with na
cre original deseripuone gird Fur from Life.
U iti ' s hn wo C rktirt:ttirei to content a greater imam
of orinbal and enber.mformation, balkPmetlchi snit
unfit!, In regard to Fowl Breading, tetra le cootattem
an all other tannin works together It will iM
illeunraed with nearly Piny Patna. of the men
Canine nation,. of Anler10•11d Foreign Fowls,
some foray of which as from life, from d4 o, iog o
taken eapecialy far this work, of the most import.%
breeds, and avant of them from fowls nosy recently
The publisher. have spared no amain to bring out
this work in a ripener manner, both in regard. to the
engravings, the merit. of thusota Me general
titration of every part of the And it teellov.
ed that the work will be found to minutia more timed.
infarmarion on Ilmedleig and linutagong Domenic
Fowls, than any work laced In this country. •
Pot saleiby JAB D LOCKWOOD,
Je2l Bookseller and Imponer, 101 Fourth at.
IkUM doUrN - CirS - klismoira:Slietch or a
Physical Daeriptlen of Die Uunene. fly Ales.
on:adds Translated by Dulls. B Toll, Mao.
Jest received for sale by.
Dookreller 3 Importfr. 104
odor for rale,
pkg. Y. 11. Imp. Diael
aud Gunpowder Ten;
133 ars Tobwo;
No bags alb Corm
bau brl. N U ;dolmens;
73 bad. NO &gar,
taa boner 'lntwarted rarer
RB, No 41 Wood .boot.
. ta. M. R. Rs'oins;
100 boo clamor do;
1616. do do. '
II cask. Canto Curra.l.;
15 bales E. Walnut.;
15 do Illalll Nuts;
13 do Filberts;
100 do Pea Nobs;
00 boo dialled Almonds;
re boo Rook Candj;
5 end. Llgoonce;
10 M Principe, & Recalls
11/00 la 11.1( ?loud*
3 ass Clove.;
I cans Maimed.;
3 ,croons indite;:
45 oases Lemon dirrop;
25 cams Pruner B.ltee;
10 asses Tomato Catsup;
Oroond Spice. of all kinds.
40 barrel. powdered Ind
0 Midi ?dodder;
10 brio Waning;
. . .
Window, Glass;
40 bas Pipe.;
41.3 bee bap;
100 bag Caadi..;
30001 b.
30 bd. Tanner. , Oil;
110 b.. Chocolate.
AO dos lied Corgi;
50 cod. Manilla Hap.;
dp bz. Opined Chocialaug
10 b... rapper;
IS bag. Al.nles;
00 be. Herring;
40 brls Vinegar;
bales Candlemak;
alibis Starch;
10 ire* Rice;
la Uri. Matt;
300 dram. Figs;
As wall as • !retinal
ossorumoor of Nadi*
Cough Syrop and Liot
18 doo of No_ Vermlfogo.
laim, Va., Mareb . B,lBso:
hove doomed of ill Ito
er Pahl you boot 100,..L00
I have used all year ily Wallabies to mykinll),
and bare also preseribed them la my pranuea I am
very mesh pleased with sham, and have found nothing
to .1.1 %bp. Bend ma g dos of gam Vennikee, and
10 am each Of the Liam Pill. and Cough Syrup.
Respectfally yam,.
of Letter.) T. T. Yaelsom
• Those bighly•pepalar medicinermay be had ' , er the
proprietor... H RULERS, 87. Wood in,anditruggiuts
Morally In thel spa
11109IN• 17 ,1IVIWI4 0 0 I aitraZPWe itosin - Tif
Lt superior quality, sattable.tor !imp making, last
received add for 4whr .- satmr McVADIIN k Cll
loll_. 310 Gavial Rada:Puna at
TIFIALIC—it Samba rumored for tile by '
qrAorz - s casks pate for sale by
11AACKtittl.-16fl krla No X. Mass. tam. imnimg
6 ' Llbartl.l,
CLARET—UP his Iloupiesay, oilL Jones bledoe."
Si Axil atargbau Join reed for bale by
trariarWOlCK.-A.ifor.aseerTerd. - ofeh
. I•maght Coos, Collars a ,t iod A Cr A al ft wk
11 Mo 'or, rut reed and for oleo by -
IT= Wel A rdeCLURO 4400.934 Llirert7 dtv
DRENCH 611.18F - A - Rtr-rirrera W3drwearde Amato
age•." eland Mustard dowered with difforent
b l ' yt '"*lglerfor'CLUlttrk.
11 6111 b
WWITIR 00001 1 , 011 D REUSED.
M1:92 II V & BURCHFIELD invite the ...oiler; of
the ladies to their extensive associates of White
Goods for Dresses, consisting of
Scotch atid Ryles MON;
Fixated Swiss dm.
Embroidered do;
Victoria Lawns;
Low Priced Barred Jackman for thornier dresses:
Roe 1102 GrAshrd do; end a luxe asannrcent of Swarm
Pilnaltes, with colored embroidery; printef dee toilets:
Idawne, Hareem /Se, at north rut corner of Fourth
and Wariest worth ;col
MI.IIIPFIV fr BURCHFIELD have received a lame
supply of fires. Lawno, very cheap; n-at style
Mown at 14e; light do. in great variety, tor I la ije
Also,cmhtoldercd and printed Mashes andiackonet,
of neat and newest styles and lowest prier for quality.
and north cam corner of Fourth and Market, eta
At the One Pelee Store of
WILL commence on Monday, .31nm 3d, !oda—
Their 11211 , 11.10 establishment, mills rill their
'Wholesale Rooms, will, on this °erasion, be daollll
open for Arran. Tentin, and all Cl their este:trios
nook will be offered to retailporrhavers. at a ditenum
of from `-'0 to 30 par cent Ice , thnn 1,1111111 price.
TIIEIR STOCK OD SILKS Comprise over (vial
handfed pieces, and will he sold at an Ina:were div.
This assortment of Shaw?a, Dor.sos, Timer, Gren.
adlads , Foulard Silks, Lawns, hlonlirn. /scone.,
Combed., and Dross (Med. senowilly, will he rinsed
'out Itnnt(dißlel), at about our b• 11 tb. ° .e.l ntra. ,
Il eradslFast COdrod Lawns will bd °dosed m Pr
2 do Dames, lee.
do Muslin do balms, 10c
Superior English and Americo. Celimes, 10 ik I le.
300 dos. Linen handkerchiefs, 62s 70.
'A large lot of Wrcught Collars, some. Ns law us Se.
Together with a complete variety Cr Domestic •nd
White Goods, Ribbons, Hosiery end Gloves, lionnets,
de de.
Making in Phoned the most estersive assortments
in the country, watch will be so arked down to much
town pox. lb. at any of their previous Aunuel
. .
Fri n i i n7.l74 'ooo
:xr.hT:l l l i l ' l o lO c . i l ' O ' r e t a h ' o P pTrp Ti oW3 ' olf ‘ t a .
log and nutting down stock. No vti•vton is Pal
ma tuNIL A A MAsIN A 41‘,
VANN & ER7II , IIFIELD have received n sup
ply of 3 4 and 4 4 French Linens for men, cost
ad poets. ladies' sacks, boys' and children, wear,
of the most deeir able shade..
They Invite Mewlen re their lart• ss , ndolcor of
M.'s and Boys' PUMPIPR WE& li, of different In,
tedals, ad all of which ad I be mild lore mI7
igURPIII( & BURCHFIELD have received another
apply of abase article, and are enabled to rue
almost any quality and color wanted, ot i t e
lowest cab prices. fell
— Oaten l Stele 011 Cloth Cover.
WVbIeCLINTUCK, has received this day. at his
Carpet Wareham, No 75 Fourth ax. Stair till
ClothCoveringg of very handsome patients and colors,
to which we invite the attention of purchasers.
MCRP,' & BUCHFIELD am new °terms goods
at mail, redoned prices Lawns from 6 cents
apt 44 light Chintz from la cents op; Re fur 124 c;
Plain Black Berne for Me ; hornet Ribbons for 6c
per yard. Ladies are herbed to call and examine oar
mak of dress goods before purchasing—
North east corner of Fourth and Markm a'. fet3
Alleant Mat..
RECEIVED this day, a freak assortment of Al'curt
Was.. Maks, at the Carpet Ware room of
jets 73 Fourth at
M ULPI , I , I'
. t a ltUjl . C p r X.L ry D
a ht r ze ng rto o 7
. 4 1
greally.redueed prices, sin—
Darege de talon, a large usconnent of beautiful
pi rall?,lationet and 9 IflIM Muslim;
Asplendid inurement of Black and Fancy Mika; Der ages.ragea.
Dersges. Lamas and De Lathers remarkably offeap;
Deaanfal Foulard Filth at :171. eents per yard;
Callenor, from 14 cents, and upwards.
A large stock of •nd Illeached Abraham: Me
per yard, and upwards,
Donner. and Parasols, at greatly red aced pricer.
ClothsCusiarneres, and WA/ uss.of the best quality,
remarkably low.
Together with a large stock of Tickler, Aaron •nd
Shng Cheeks all width.; Drown and dirt
Skeetings and Stunner; huh lonens; together with
.11 other •rileles in our line, al north east eurner of
Fourth and Market Cl. trio
£5 new style Foulard
and Chutes' chat:Lucerne ell', ol an - nost every "yte
and qurallyi limper plain and s' lligured black silks do
bares. and Omuta; Larc e de new and hand
some styles; new n's le Creneli, English. and Femeh
Law.. In great 'solely. and at very low p
plain, figured, and mom striped de lains of all
and gala sure; Itami !mainn of all shades and colors;
ranghams, chart:ea, gnats, tn., at neck that corm,
of Fourth and Market en eats. of
AFRE — THUS aapprr of Blank HrlY3 hrel ftylaY rot
ored jail fretted e 7, era al rtair worn
ray., at north arda corner r r • datarker ma.
/05 •
al and Derain hI. D. Laine• at very low prier.. m
north east corner ofFotardt and Market ma. tad
1011,70it,"811,4272,761:4- - -Faii7Vrile Enctinan add
.ILa narrow trlmsnlnd Laces of best quality, just read
and for sate at Northeast comer or Fourth •nd Mar.
ket Masora jet: MURFIIY & BURCHFIELD
esa — la -- a • t - artl
& BURCHFIELD have received an ad-
Vlditionall supply of above goods, including carioca
styles of 'China '
, Pearl. Alhooc and Gimp Bonnets,
White and Colored Gimp do; and Bibb°. of all coin.
and pnces. mnyl7
TILAI6R - 611. cLurri—ls. yap 4.4 Floor Oil Cloth,
r jest received from the factory. aid for sale at the
Waretooat, Nos. 7 & n Wood etre, t.
MURPHY & BURCHFIELD inane the atiennon
IRlof them mauling roods Inc hlooreing pisionam,
to their very fall amorucent, moat received, !net. a.
Black Bombazine.,
Bombazum belch ilpaccas,
Black Moose LI. :AMC.,
Molublog Wash:ZlA.,
'do Printed Foulard.,
Barmen, Tissues, Sicilian Lustre., Aloownes, Plain
Blacked ?Rated Lawns Black Entbeuittercel do;
Bonnet Ribbons, Scarf do, Veils. ee. may 17
ATIN-121 pcs Cashmere. ..
. a.owl
13 nolo», a mart desirable article for simmer tot).,
reed, and nowlopening by ea A blAtAliti A CO
maylB 62 klartel
Shari., comprising Crimson, Orange, Pink, Blue,
Orson, •nd Corn colored, pat receiving per express,
and this day opening by A A MASON h .-0
mayt7 di Marker
P Blatt, p e r etWrn
Cored Dareges, ree'd per expree, e new
epodes !y mayl7 A A NlAtariN
AA. MASON A CO are this day opening 10 por
. /7 Inch Bieck Gro do Rhine Silk; ID per go intl.
de;inch 10
dpead. XI melt do; 6 pea .Ml , l meg do; and 4 pieces
Orin 11=:==
400 dot Ladin• Unert Conlin le Ildlfs, all pried.;
100 dos Gems , do do 410
do colored borders .
MI Market at.
ZS des do do
Received this day by
inn ID
tAAIFILET LINEN LUBTRE.9-50 pea e hanite able
Lastres, at the extreme !arr . /price of lale per yard.
amyl° A A ItIAPON a Co
Irian and Urown Linens.
300 pe5.3.4 •nd dq pee 4-4 Drown Linong
LSO pee Gray.. and Alexander's gone
Irish Linens, now opening by
moiyie • A A MASON h CO
- Brash ArMIRY Or Dry Ir - haal.
WE are now receiving large adOrulons to our sleek
TT of :Poring ald N.M. Pry floods, and are pre
p trod to oder an excellent amortmeni at oar mual
low privet for rash, or approved credit
'The attention of western dealers in p rrealarh re.
, gaested to oar goods, as we reel confident of being
able to offer animal inducements to mate a bill with
us. Call and examine at any ra e.
Maya tit Wood street
1011 Blarllcet Stre•t, 'near LI bertr,)
PAIN MRS. At. Also,
Satin -mad Vonoy Voothass,
BANUANN% and LINEN 1105F5.0 general as
sortment o 1 _ANDS, and ovary variety of 1.116101111g0.
• •
OASES plain and Euured Hawse de Lanw, sewn•
ed eolord,juat received. and wiling nt very low
podia. A mayva A A rd AnON te CO
11 CASF9 fast eolordd Lawns received and now
4 opening, selling at the couture low pace of 8 eta
par yard . m•y23 , A A al ASON & CO
0 CASEB rut ealoredthrghtuna, reed, and telling
a) at In etlll.ll per 7 and A A M 1:10di & CO
mayel ld Market at,
bbd. prime nboalders; 71 bhds clear
JUI Side., landing and for sole by
ANU OIL-3U brie N. G. Yuri be au polo
J, Tartness , Oil, for sale by
T'ellTED — blelilF—iu bare. irar area dried Iterb
JJ Jut received era for ale by
V19I1—:50 . b . as IST°. ;Mackerel; Co to Ilerni. g,for
sale br • WWI RELLEIII , _,I. NIQULS.
I ET ilittet are remaining In thu office addreirinl
a I)17,
frilTrf 111;171 , 1 - 1 . 7rWS 2 Xiiige - Ul tlculeal
Natn,.of nearest siyles, also, plain W.rc
ash Frisbee, and Itobinett, reeelvrd by
La EOM Elin-ON • - an, connalaty restrict neti
•a: •c and black Tau, direct , rein Itinimportein,
lo r, and Innio .91, on hllnd,' at (he hos
ball& F Owen , and Tee Wgrehmtgo, =Win,
any Mee , : 'aisortment or arm , grade and flavor,
seek ai If not tole aurpllised in Eitsbbrai We in
'rite comparison, feeling assisted ihst,,ti grill. der'
Tees .111 be found equal, If not superior, v 3 •ny at the
Sm. price In the city.
1111 WII, A..mccLune h.CD.
kAL IVEMII—A varied Ituortmezo al
t t: 35 1 !V I
:11;1i f f*'' !:l TPI Z1 S 7 riltilt7 b
llTlrr7. °l;
Irri.i . wiairlerirro aI. 6 ••• • .• r
l i rruTi t Y itir 1 1,40 • 1 044-fic sienna l"re.
lail fr . A
rat Vtiforii Edgings a n d Looooj
. - Loam rvirotk Thir:rut . . do;
• • Bobbtsg .• •• do • . • • ,
:: .ValaneldneO do; •
Bwi. KO Jaeones &lenge;
- 7 1 . , ansentaest ,
piriyen aini,Ylalo Netts: Illicit Bilk do, &o .— to which
they eee the IrteLIII51 . 11 1 ( Buyers: . jl3
-- . OV-14 - 6arrels Eames & kirk' e
T. 0.4 and for sale by " .• .... , eee,
S Pr. W liAnuAucn
rll-440 bli: 1 1 %3 hlseketal; .
. 5 b bl bats__lbrale. by
. . .
#ba .-, . . 14 1!"WV 4 IClAgrai.4o; .
mitt eleventh and turelfth sectione of the Act of the
j General Assentiay of thlsCommonweethh, entitled
"A Supplement to an Act Gallic& ad Act to create •
sinking Sand and to provide for the tresaaal and
certain extinguishment of the debt of the Common,
weelth and to authorize n approved the irah
tiny of May A. Ii IPSO, provides ax tolkiwei,vic
:Mama 11 That the Governor is hereby authorised
to negotiate a Man for the rum of Three Millions
Three Handfed Thousand Pollan, wdeentable to
thirty yesati from the date of the sobeeription thereof.
at a rate of Merest not mmeeding foot per centum
per annum :payable In gold and silacr,.rtilisonnaliy,
upon the first days or Febrlntry and Aermst of each
year, and exempt from every aped. uf taxation.
Nonce. that proposals for nail loan will be received,
ahnil be published Ina least one newspaper to the
110=0 of Ilarrisbure. In the eider. or Plushorgh.
Lancaster. -
and Philadelphia. and iu the oilier of Neer
York. flacon, and Baltimore, far • Pena not Irea
then three months before the openintror and ...GC ,
and by letter elsewhere ' If deemed neeessary, and
apart the der ...Orford forthatpurpose,lo tomb notice,.
the proprmalit eholl be 0..4 in the ...nen et the
007•11101., the Secretary of the Commonwealth, and
Ando. General, and the loan shall be awarded to
the highert bidder or bidder.. If fin amount of the
bid. :Mall exceed the rof the avid loan tne same
shall be thrinboted pro m
rota amongst the highest bid
ders, but if the whole of said loan 4.11 not then be
oaken the Governer may renew nnbee, to the manner
afritemul, from time to 111110, till the whole mount of
acid loco shall he subscribe& No condoionol btda
8.11. consideted; nodup. sweating snobor any part Him certificer co with coupons for the
intemet, shall be issued therefor by the
Sae , toy 12. If the said Man shall Le, anbearlbed. It
h all he and hereby, appropriated for the payment
and ex iimuiabreent of the funded debt of due Con,
mon wraith, nun dim or 12 tumor. due, during the
Year one thrmeand eight hundred and fifty, and for the
payment of the aum of etyhty five thouttand one b an
dad •. d (our dollars and eighty eight erns, doe to
domehtir creditors
In put itionee of the provisions aforesaid, notice Is
hereby givXr, that proposals will be...received at the
oldes oft he Secretary of the Commonwealth 011111
o'clock N. M. of Tucaday. the first day ef Octoher
next, stipulating for a loan to the Commonwealth. for
'he purposes set forth in the said net. of the tam of
three millions three hundred thousand doilare, redeem.
• able in th'reg years from the date of the subscription
thereof, at o rate of interest not exceeding four per
cent per annum. pay tilde in gold and silver, semi
wally, upon the gem days of Yebruary and doge.
acacia year, and exempt from every sped. of tag.
• •
Der:Mean, of nook far the said lean, with coupon.
for the attn.:at will be issued In Utensilsl manner and
made trailer:treble by the owner, on the books of the
Auditor tit Petal's Department.
The prop...its will he required to stele eePlietli
the anichnt offered which shall not in any name be
lees than one thousand Lobar*, the rate of 'tureen not
exceeding rant per cent, and the prettlam prepared.
The bathe centred, the right to accept the whole or
nny part orate can offered vides, the proposals stipu
late to the contrary.
Md. for the loan most be direct and explicit Ni
conditional proposal, will be received.
Upon the acceptance of the proposals. the turney
meat be paid into the awe Treasury, in such manner
at shall be dare , ted by the Governor.
Certificates of stock will le issued In inch amounts
as may be renamed by the lender,.
The pror.o.llill to be directed, under zeal, to We
once, endorsed, ' , Proposal. for Loon." They will
tot In opened or dthelosed until the period for tenete
ath theca has charged; after which no alteration In the
terms will be admuted.
d.l. RUSSEl.l...Seeretary.or We Com%ti
S•cretavre (Mee, Ilarriso.rg, Jane eth,
ESOLVED by the Semite and (loose of Haprdeola-
D, flee. eft. Commonwealth of Tentssyleania in ttenrral
Aim-..slily met, Thal the Constirettoo of this Comono
teralth be anti:dal en the remand mediae of the fifth article,
so that it shall read a. follow= The Jqdre orals Supreme
Gaon, nf the metro! Courts of Commune leas, mid of such
other Cense et Record es are ar shall beestsblalard by boy
thud be akeard ay the qualified elector. of the Common.
wealth, In the reamer folio wing, to wit The Judges of the
Supreme Court, by the qualZed electors of the Conmens.
oulth at Luke; the President /edges of the enema Courts
of Comm. Pleas, sad *flea other 0:11114.• °Camera LB we
or shall be edahlithed by law, and all other Judges required
to be learned is the law, 1) the qualified electors of the
respective districts over wo•ch they an to preside or stelae
Judge.; sad the A wociate Judges of the Courts of Common
Plea, be this qualified eleethes of the entities respectively .
The Judges of the Supreme Court shall hold their offm.e
far the tcren of fifteen yon, if key that] so to g beheve
thmoselvta well, (subject to the Oaten , I heresalter
tided Lw,,ubsequent to the Ant election.) deli I rerid.ot
Judo., the eve. nd Courts of Cements fleae tad a' stab
other roues of Iteccrd .. a ,tenon be estabit ,
thed by law,
sod all ether Judf.l mound to be carved in le It., &al
hold thyla offices fur the tern of lea yeurt.if they
ling behave therme'res well; I/IC Jades at. or
•sa at COMMUD Plea. ah.yi teat their attires for tee
teen of file pees, if they, Let:. • ling behare themselves
wet% tot of whom stria s s--merin:osed by the °enamor,
but for any respect, aeon. arldeb .hall out be softy...sit
groends layeackers ale (totem... shall remise any
.mire.. third. of each branch of the
Let •i Jr.. Tar tint election stall late Voce at the
}easel startko of thi.Commoitusslth nest after the adop
ts al this ameodsuent, and the emenniwitos of all the
Jtddr. who me; be then in rate .ball expire co the first
Mande; of tiecember following, when the.terroz of the new
Judaea shall: commence. The persona who obeli then be
c!cerml Ju2ges of the Supreme UNurt than hold their newts
as f Pas•e: (Yoe of diem for three years. one for MI veers,
our fur ismer:ars, ma for twelve yore, mal way for fif eon
7t141 . 1, th e term of earl to be decided by lot by the mid
Jud,es, KW" ever the .'eellata ful cuovennott, and the re
ell certified by them to the (hyena', that the comothesioaa
may be iesued it accordaace thereto. Tye lap whom
cow:Mottoes will first anneal 'hell be Chief Justice dorieg
litelerm, nod thereafter each Judge whose commission shall
first . ewen shall in torn be the Chief Jdatiee and if two or
more COCalliflaoll3 obeli expire on the none 141 y, the Judges
bolding them shall decide by lot which shall be the Chief
Justice. Any recancice, happening by death.reslgnationor
otherwiee, to any of the sail comb., *all be tilled by ap
rwittment by the Governor, to motion • till the first Mon
day of December mem-v.4l:+g the rx rel chectims The
Joilgel of the Neptune Court and thY ncra Presi?cots of Cie
it:stcal revel. or Cowan n Pleayshall,letated ties...receive
i.e their se.vere. ed.quate to be filed by
le, hie!. shall 0,1 be diroitti,h,d dyeing they. r.eitomoure
Melbas; but they sh.firecetve no (rano, itrgo ...of office,'
hew bald anyother edict of profit under.," Comoscowealth,
Or under the yovenimeot of the United &Mee, or any other
State of thia The Jet.e.yr. of the Supt.. rou-1.
dewing three eontinuance m office, shall,relde within this
Commountellh; end the other Judges,duriog lb., marmot,
sore to office, snarl reside thc district or county for
which tot; tsars rmpeetrely elver I.
Spcsket 01'16 Ihase of Reprctestatir49
Speaker of the Ikoato.
Sentra Citssiecn,
Heremburg. January 121, 1691.
I, Samuel W. Pennon, Chief Clerk of the iterate of
I'romylran., do hereby certify that forrgoicg rendatipo,
(No. hi 11.11 h • senate Lk of We present nission.) entitled
i•Retol tit im relative to an acme d toent of the Constitutlm,"
—it being the same mohairo which wad agreed to by a m•-
jarity of the members eleeted to each Roams of the last
Legrelature-after havarg been
. egniOdered sod
tensed, was this day agreed to by • majority of the menarn
elected to and iserrio; la the &mete of Perinsylemia, at Ra
prerent swim, as It rill appear by theta giveu we
Enial tamp of the remlotdon, as follow., Ms.-
11 hove voting in favor iilthe passenger the motel= were,
11. Jams Brooke. J. Portei tinwley, William A. trabb,
Jonathan J. Fusminaharn, Thome El Femme, I trystae H.
Forsyth, Charles Frailey, Itobert M. Frick, Henry Fulton,
Joho-W. roam, Willem Hulett, bac lisps. Timothy
Imo, Joshua Y. Jones Joseph Konirnseher, George V.
Lemony, Maxwell Beajamio Maims, &writhe
Alatthias, Ile.ry A. Mohlenbrog, F hacker,
it. 8a ter, David Satikey, Poles B Safety, Coated
Shone r, Itober CL Sterrett, Daniel :Rine, Parris B.Strester,
John li. Walker, and Valentine Bast. Bomber—Y . ... W.
Three egNitai th e Peamtt of the Int l. were,
&ion, Dante, Amartus brunt, end A4moder King—
Nay& 3, (Kennet from the Joorntd.)
BAAVL W. re,mtsoN.
Ise yne HOC.. 0/ ItZiIIntWZAVIITZA, t
H irrieburg, limb 14, ISAR. S
I, William Jack, Chief Clerk of the Home of Rapes.
sentinel, of l'esrylnnia, do hereby ..reify that the Arte •
goof molotin, 110. 10 on the Renate file. and No Bit en
We Rome Journal of then reterit as ) entitled
lotion relative to the amedment of the tanalliation."—it
beim the ono. resolutim which ems agreed to by • rnaj7ity
of the members cleated Is each Home of the last Legisto.
Mt e—altsr having beet dely considered and diream d, was
this o. agreed t by • majority of the nionnbers atemted to
and a is,, in the llonee of Represmtativis of Prune+
realm, at to present semi... will appear by their Totes,
given on the fooll Forage of the redolution, as lißlo
Those roll, g in (mar of the pumper the meoluticea were,
John Acker, John Allis'', Wtdism Biker, Robert Baldwin,
David J Bent. Craig Biddle Jeremiah Black, John 8.
Bowen, William Brindle, Daniel It. R. Brower, Jesse It.
Bird., Jam Ce .sba. Henry Chnrch, John Dr. Conynghma.
St leerier Cridland, Benjamin G. David, sWillima J. Dot.;
bins, Jame. P Downer, Thome, Dcotan William Done,
William EspeY, John C. Evens, William Erns, A. Scott
Kering Meander 8 Feather, James Ffowcre,Beejamio P.
Fortner, ale:Railer Oibbcoey, Thom. C. Once Joseph K.
Griffin Joseph Huffey, Jacob S. 11aldmosi, ' Charge IL
fleet, Leff 11011. Joito tinting+, William J. Hemphill,
lobo Hodge, Henry Iloplet, (Awls Ilmford, WaihiagtonJ.
Jackson, Niche's. Jorm John W Ranger, Charles E.
Kinkead, Robert Klota. Ustehrowl . blorris Leech,
'emu.% V. lett, A n.utz Leonard. James J. Lewis, Item,
Little. Jonas R. M'Clintoek,Johl F hi'Collimh, Alemodar
Nl'Curdy, John bi'Lan.hlin, John Nl'Lean, Samuel
Man, Joho 11 Meek, Michael Maier., John M Wee, Joseph
C. Moll John D. MorrisWil liatti .T. Morison, Feekiel
Mowry, F.dwerd , Nicktema Jacob Pt fatly', Charles O'Neill,
John I/ Packer, Joseph C Junes C. Raid, John 8.
Itticy, Lewis Roberts, Pommel Robioma, John B. Rather.
font Glyn-i W. dotOold, Thomas C. Stonller, Willem
Shaffner, Richard Bietpion Eli Slifer, William Smith,
Wiliam A, SITIO!, Daniel ht
Elosyser louder,
Thom. C. bomb, Ilevid Shit/mei CMOs, Stackwell,.F.A.
win C. Trona, Audrey Wade. Robert C. %Talker, Thomas
Wenn, Sidney B, Wells, {Timm A William.. Pattie!
Zetbsy. and Jahn 8. N.PCalisiont, Speaker—Teas 87.
Throe votiny emhot the passage of the meolutiort
Angoitus K. Conayo, David hians, and Jomn M. Parter—
Neye J. (Retreat from the JeanntLlAM
IL )
W JACK, Clerk.
1 , 1'.4 March 15 15.71.
A. W. BENEDICT, Dep. Bee'y etCpamoimaklll
roves, heßrok et:
I do certify
a 'het the abort and fottgolng. Is
• trots tad
rereect co • y the original resolutiaa er tbe %l A.-
rcnab.y, ennticd , Remlntion relative ni amendment of
the Constioilinn,” as the nets moan. OP file in Oil. clime.
'eke* lo lectoneny whereof I have fierenuto sit my
../ heed, .id mead to Fe the nal of the seem
tory'. Office, at liarrisbuig, Win fifteenth deg of
line, Alm° Domini ova thouiand &phi Iretdred and fifty:
A L. RAlSOELL,mocretary of the Ilmornouvrea th.
y'r dual
FOR the ran :.fence of the caisetty, the proprfetOra
/E. tor the Pittshurgh City Mills hnvellaccri hoses for
the reception of orders al the following places:—
I b. R Floyd, comer of Sixth and Wood streets.
N Hayward, Rhoe store, cor. Llhert & Market
' A neaten, wore. Third street.
- Wileos,j druggist, cor Fourth & F,tnithGeld.
John F Sm i t h.
. store, corner Illy &
Telegraph Ciller, roach tweet
.11 , 0 Reif, r. la renter of Ala Tart alley
111 Grua. store, Penn star:, Ninth Ward.
, .
. ,
The flout sandals. will call theme or *me daily
for ordeta, and the tlour,tte tictiverrdpromptly, either
in barrels et *date—each Omit is preterahle (or family
Ilse—without char,. tar eanaae it is plain that no
accounts can he allowed. Will that tither* can have
no permission to dote without payment.
NVis hope the patine wdi be pleseed web this ar•
rancement, as we aball tthdenvot to do than justice.
ranytsi_ . Wll.Mdftlilk. NOBLE
Sarsaparilla Soda & Leman Syrup.
TO kegs barespardlaSodei
or b i ns • do do;
e. Lemon Pyropostade from pure lemon Juice;
Join ?scams,' and for see by
tOl• •Wolili'M • liagliTsota
VOL. gPUI NO. 37.:
17NCYP7 all wen who ale d tk and afflicted with dies
PI, ware of the bladder and! Ways, watt tisitemanio
pain. in beet t hey r, stiffly
old soma, rennin
'ulcers. P.c., that eon ba aced by 'skim, nut Po.
troleumt ' Yoe may talk ahoy i Its beeng a noatrao( no
much as you please, tun this doe, not mate It so, Mr'
we proclaim la the face eta.
.vontst community, that
it Mu virtues which are no. contained In any othe,
remedy. The man whole racked with path nod oafs
terms from disease. can far ARy mans. got relief how
veryany of the above. Reader! It cams
liule to make • trial: This Petroleum is no mho.
munpond, put op for the purpose ot imposing
on the cmatounity; but Ills l remedy elaborated by ,
the master - hand of tare, and babblesup from the bcf.
som of oar mother ea rth its original purity, andel.
ter, to maiming humanity e ready remedy, a senate
and cheap cure.
It has cured Piles alter either medicines lam failed
to render any relief. It half eared Rheumatism of thug
fLanding, and of the-wont and most painful character.
It he cured Cholera Brothels by one arta . * doom; II
has cured old execs of Diarrhea, in which every other
remedy has been erne avail. AD • local remedy . la
borne and scalds, It In !water thou arty medical emus
pound or ointment that we know of. It will ewe chil
blains or treated feet, in • few applleadonm
te.morty e n be furnished of the troth contained
In the above statement by calling en Samuel M. Kier,'
Canal Rosin, 7th mreen or either of the agents.
Keyser k. hfeDowell, corner of Wood surel and
Virgin Alley; R. E. Seilms,s7 Wood onset, D. A. EN
lint k• D. BL Carty. A Uegllerly city,.,, the agents.
• lan.% •
DEA t;TY—It to tutiveraallyeaneededthet. besot; la
5) e Common In tha eoentry that in any other.
whitea, the some time it is sal.; the fin soother coon
ay is it rods at so yonecen age Now this Is tree
to a remain extent, but thy lost a On+onCallied by MP
also. tire nay to all, do not nealoat emir personal
appearance, bat real the lOpoming, and In need not
lark tom! la•ese &melee are scientific pro
/meg:ions, and boreal] attained a nick pooduity.
Jots. liacat's Umt units DX VX7Cilan NTIR2II
for removing tan, sunhat*, pimples. blanche*,
enut other eruptions of the skin; the moat pirfeet son. serval, el beauty every '.knOvea. 'rumbas* nothing
Pa rrordeg to be Nymph Sony, =dealt hu my nuts
nuts. Hunch's Pusan as POMDIVOT
patting to the mos; Winne complexion a radiant
whiterem. In nothirg ahOo'd apnnen be
.more care
ful than the tine of h poweer (or the skin, at many bf
thes e tol d, tee .tiny iniminus My Chinese Pa.:lards
compounrcd In a artentlGJ rammer, and .111111.11.1 ae
imretlient which ean ponilly in an injury.
JUL., llarrh's lUammermir POTPS.S. for.removing
anpetiluom hair. What in more unsikhily than Mlle
upon ;he face or arm, of n lady. 'nit article will
move It to a abort time; trahouithu ate Of any sharp
JULE. Vnimar,Le tuprin flare DIE well
rnenuneouav impact In led, white, Or any halr•
beautifully Mack. blown. nr ethane color. It w i lt
co'or the.halr in a Monet time, and more effecteally
then any other Dye, Intim at Me same time indelllbk,
Junes /facet'', nuavt•co . Is really a pitm
an. to abate with thi, cream. There Is none of*,
srnaning sensation meetly experienced In the ase Of
D.,3o.goaps. On the contrary, It leaves the akin smooth
and soil as an infanfe, land r i ot liable so •become
chapped. • ,
Jet ea IfacaOs RoseToar Parra—Neff
we think thel'eath were intended teethe greatest ones- '.
meat to tee human face; but when neglected, amble'
taco diabeuring. or go quickly seen. sly Bose Tooth
Pa,. will impart to the lamb a pearly whltenese,sl •
the 041. e time keeping the gums lien and healthy.
Also on hand, a complete &increment of French,
British, and American Perfumery raid Pancf. anletek
JULEB HAVEL. Per:artier and Chaerday
120 Chestnut street, Phan •
For selnerholesale and tetalf,ty U. A. PahenstOek
k Co., and It. E. yellers,' Pittsburgh; owl John nu.
gent, and J. Mitchell, Allegheny . City,
LIMISIa ROM al 6vaet STA. Of TIM ■tooa
or man op vllesserre,mm
Bari/fele or Kingtr &Incarnation], Obatinate_Cnta•
neon Ermitions, Pimple.
Baer Prtatelea on the Fate,
Moes, Biles, Chronic Eyes, Bing worm
Scald Head, Enlargement ant Pain of
the Donee and Joints, Stubborn Clean, Syphiltio
Symptona, Sciatica oi Ltunbagoand disease.
arising from an injudicious um .of, Mercury, AM
lime or Dropsy, Emmiture or Imprudence hr Life;
Ms.— Chronic Constnutimuni Disorder., &a.
This mealtime his acquired a very emended add
eftablishai reputation wherever it has been used,
based entirely on,ils own merit; which IM imperior
efficacy has alonesurnined. The unfenuantovicllm
of hereditary:dime:Se, with swollen glands, contnutM,.
sinew s, cud bonet.lhalf serious, her been feitOrielatO
health and pip., The scrofulous patient, covered.
with steers, lotabsome to himself and h i s
hen been made whole. Handreda cf persons, who
had groaned bopeleasly for years ender cetaceans
end glandular disorders, ebronle rheumatism, and
remit) , other ebincialms springing from a derangement
of the secretive organs nod the circulation, have been
rained ea it were tram the rack ofdieue,
disease, and now,
with regenerated consittnnon, 'gladly lustily to the
efficacy or Om inewlmamlelprepuration.
The attention of the reader is Called to the following
asiomiahing mire, effected by the um of Sandie/3nm.
..ttua Is to novelty that I have &enforce woman Who
has been •thicted for the last five year, with 6c•ohila,
and all the remedies I used hat no effect In arresting
the prOgnee of the compnint; on the • ontrary, she
constantly grew wane; and after expending between
670 and &V with physicians, besides using other
populist remedies without ince...till the disease had
eaten lWike the cartilage Or her nose, made its app:
pennon., DO cations p arts of her badyd had finall y
commenced its ravages in the root of her an month
"In this dreadful !donation. with the pelmet 0
death staring her to the face, I stated her ease to Dr
Disesway, the it,-crit for 6anne'llarsaparlll* In New.
awn. N. 13 , by whom.lwaa advised to use mat ardele
and ca se y astryillso and that of toy ticighbora,to wheal
her was known, after using four and a bait bot.
tuna the was restored to perfect health.and that In the
pace of three weeks, and wan able to work inns,
eeks from the time rite Commeneed taking IL
"le willies. et the truth of this statement,
hereunto allixed my nam ,, , this tith day of &Members
"Mouth 01 Neese River, Crayon ca. N. C.
PORE 'lllllO/I.T.
The following to an extract from a letter reectied
from Mrs Bevan, wee had been calmed several yearn
with Scrofulous Ulcer., Dysp.pna. in., sad recently
as alectien of the throat and chest
• • .11.11.stsanne,Deo. IS, lard
akTeeira' A. D. & D. Sinos—llefore lcommenced
tiling your Saraparigia, trty sufferings were almost
pt expressiort th roat was completely ulcerated,
I had a dieadfla cough,' Mad there were frequently
weeks together that I could not speak above* this.
per, nod besides, the isfituranation from my throat en.
tended to my bead, so that my heating weevers mush
impaired. After' tante the Sersayanila ashen time,
my hearth was improved, and My throat is now well,
I ant as tree Poen cough and tghtne,s of the chest as
ever I wait, and east bear quite distinctly. My th reat
has been well about three mon th s/ the man of - whieh
has been cleated entirely by the one of your Santa.
patina. Your (timid, LOUISA If. BEVAN"
The following testimonial° the •Mue of the Sava
suits, is Wont the Hos kather Wright,arred 71:1yeara,
Congregational Minister, reading a Woburn.
• "Mans, Masa, Mach 30, ISM
pelentmema ..ransielgteeea"lg
received nom a number of persons of high magmata.
Why who have Send yOl2ll. hare not
the least doebt but that it is a most saleable medicine,
and that the numerous certificates yes have reedited
of Its effiency ere folly suardeed byexperienes, and
although its rep n o mid unlit' ere sexy =eosin.,
and stand in no need of MY humble efforts to merease
them,l want all who are afflicted by disease to be.
come acquainted with the efficacy and power or you,
saleable medicine.
am, gentlemen, gratalatly sod vary reapeatfally
noonS. LUTHER ‘l , lllO/IT."
Prepared and aald, arluileaale and retail. by A. O. &
D. SANDS, Druggist., and Chem" 103 Fa ban Many
earner of Neor.York. 6old also by, Drug.
girt. annendly throughout Int United States and Can
ada. Price II per boute; six banks tor LS. 4
For sale by 1., WILCOX, Jr., R. A. FAIINFSTOCK
a, CO., and EDWARD FENDLRlCtr,Pitutbarati. 1A1....
.... IN. 1. 1. WI VII avnig-4•Mk./1
nugy! ... o ,. Ay. AND
r..nod. B 4.4 lLl , ll. l ; n : ln Ct .rici L lyn o .4l, 7 , -------. 5' ;
n li zi. : 3l7 lg: t...
~,, 1 wattle menet ,
k.. : :1 : ::, ,
...i . " i. 7- 1 " - . --- c ; ,
i - ~, - . ; ;17:: 2 .
k ' . ; .
In n r o r i
s pr '',
; 1 4 . 1 r u : i s i l l o n i
j ' . n i: , P s
i ' p n: ° d:b e e t V ::: 1 :::: o n h r a : w s : r e
2 , 1 some medical
iiii . hers
11 coe . i
"4. ,, 1 . t' , th . 74..-To o :oldbeditf=e'A,V
...,....,,,,.. plaints. for which his oppertandme
'' • and
' rag o einfo i ty lV d q ,r3
to toady musalment of these complaints,(dertnamf
time he has had
minden and has cored more Pen
tenth than' can ever fall th.the lot of: any private pow
(Wooer) . amply quake . hire to oder IllitlinlVell 01
speedy, peranthent, and satisfactory can to all aldieted
With deltoids diseases, and all dismal arming thend
front. ,
~ , .
Dr. Drown woaldinhino thou tainted with mete
diseues whleh have Fecomechreale by time or mg f
graveled by the U. of any of the common nostrums of
the tiny, that theft ecimplrWits tan be midieslly arid OA
mighty eared; he having given Ms earelhl attention to
the treatment of sneb cues, and d .
Lo hundreds
of Inetances In curing parsons of ingammation of tbe
neck of the bladder, and kindred diseases width often
result from those came where others have consigned
them to hopeless despair. , He partlenfulylllolloll,sueb
as have been long and anenceessfellY tmeted by mbar
to oneolt blin, whoa every utirfeetion will be men
thee,,end their cases treated In e cmethl.therOrtghand
Intellgens meaner, petaled eat by 00004 expettessee,
itady, and invutiganotothich it iciteposatble for thaw
engaged In general treaties of medleine to give to
one Clare of discus. :. ~ •
erllcfnla or Reptarso4Dr.fliown also tnottes • per.
sons afflicted with Hernia to call, es ha has paid partmj
sloe attention to this Waage. , .
;,;; , .
CANCt.ItS al. eared; .
Shin 'diseases; alert' 11. rb Dairy, eta,speedlly gored
. •
C ll.l.,— " garte . of eithneuz Hying at a dietetic', hp
cubes their disease In Writing, giving CH the gyms.
toov..,Cslll obtain medicines with directions for es.. Ly
addressing T.; BROWN, Si. Di rest paid, and imam.
leg a fee.
Oglee He. II Diamond alley,oprene the Wares/7
Partegavont.,imenes newly discovered resew
.iy for Rhe =eta= Is a. speedy and pinata remedy tort
thvgarittro i tif.ltALe t rf n e s ila
i. iyo.
cis in
mend alley, ratzbamb,Ta the Deem ltr Mew' ..
, , .