- • ~. ~~,:-_ °';;lit'. _ - JOHN llTLeh a ti aPOOt. lill4ll, F..rrculy frr . Sermeg. t .avoid. the many trKovawtee ut alettAilfg the USA of the customery Skein, theatiove ankle Ins en m uch. and fora longtime wanted. has always ten a matter of utortirhenenb that whin ter cionmon to of Croton, was conventently spooled foe genc• I use—ells, ro much more valumble, ahould hale igen supplied lb Ettcou,Oons wldel so much tr he ehation.abd loss has arisen. • The didwulty has at lam been ormcomc, the public a offered a good mho' handsomely put up Ida cot-- el:tient form for MITI:CA.IC use. The only old-mien greed realest this article is Ote apparent small quantity On each spool. 'f ids o ~g pi n y m is . SACS opall warrented to co?tton y .. r d. i ,f Mitt while the ordteary :Miro, at tee oien.c poem, lots but an uncertain gumauty, varying from 15 to The lif yrds. Spool fl 4. le re' dy for nag at the time ~base, and it oily need. a trial, enimnee the 1,0. skeptical of it• stiverionty in quad, I ndepcne cat el the meal and convenient form tis deli It is Mouthed. o has g adverbial, over •t otda away with she tedium of winding, the vegvtiod ot tangling, and thy lola of tone to pre nu cnc fer Sold by WM. II 11()IbbilitnNNA SONS, fa North 'ltted rL Pitilsitelptildt IItOISTM.Msff, 11110'S b Maiden Lour, New York I ' hole Agent. _ IyMdcai.2lm 1.113. W GOOKS IFEA Ed ,ied by Widitim Llemi.e. PI. D., one of elect:lora . veils lfmoeloth. Railway Economy , a ireatige on Gin i.e.* of transport, lie rrier.em men.. ,firßects, and ream., commercial, financial. and ...cia., with an evenYnico of they raotieril rem., o. rsilnas• in operalion In the United Kimedoin.on ~m inem, and In 'eerie. BY DionTsin• Isardite• , se. I vet. Lome. c loth Ilia reel, Pre •cm I. VW ti lit the ...led from the Pre A Lk Lantz:tine. amber ot Gerondists,” ..nlernotm of my YOuth,.. l•Ra. abaci," to. I vol Intro flints toward Reboring in Lecture. Addressee and other Writiny. by llorace i.rerlry. I rid Maio rho. The Hatory of Mr Coefesgionni. lie Join Beery Hopkins, D. U., Bishop of :be [hooey< of Vermont, I ml Ithoo cloth. The Conquest of Cane dn. By thy author of • Roche. lay." {Elliott Warlinsmin. Eso P vois tun,. Cosmos.; v sketch ofa physical description of tie Universe. Ily Alex ,011 tlark.lntrd tom the German by E. C. lb, t ent Ithoo•eboth Gibbon's Decline and eat. of toe Roman 11,08 ,r, .with notes by 11, 11. Miltrinn. Harper's e @Meer dition 12.010, cloth. complete in G reds et 40e per von 1 volt received for ..be by R tiorhirie enya 76 Apollo itoddlnyg, Fourth It New Manic. T MOURN thee la sadno• Wbco offer Mena. 1 around thee. Conscript's clener.orr Cud return Annie Lorne. Are we alma. there. Low bactrrn ear. doeth all ttunss Nell wso • nolo Silver moon. Greve of %Vasty! on ~ Thou test lovedthe eplot. Boulld Soler Lloy. Be hind t loved cotes al home. Otter up Mt owe lettrunett Oh, Lemuel. Spring Flower Waltz, Elfin %Vote Bretuelteso Waltz. Selulelion Polo , Bow poll • Revel polka. irony Lind l'olte. Ldada tilu.cestcp. March from Norma. The nbtoro are jot received, end for s ell by J M' LLOR, et Wood at ICI ST`OCKTON has receive , for sale. v•ti 4th XS, of Stibbon's Iltatory of th e Dthlthe and F. ca the Homan Emptra. Ltre and Letter. of Thelr.as Campbell, in 2 2.1. Ekted by Wes Seattle, NI D. Kiethettary Sr ctehe• of Moral Philosophy. r T the ate Dee. Sidney Su: th, M. a Lacquer:a on the ittn•rica, velactio 2 1 ) stern of hor sey. Sy Ueeioe.in 111:1_ M. D. Talbot an Vernon; o Nose. • The Shout:or Knot, a tale of tie Seventeenth cen tury. The Scarlet Letter, a cow:ante. By Nathan:e Ilaw.horne.tug./ _ . - Strawberry Planta for Sole at Ors wood Gardens. BUISTS cosy Sondlirgs, and Vlcto.d Thsse are the largest and test davcred amongst all me threreut satietes nom cream. Orders addressed d, the prro•letor, West nlacche tar, will receive prompt attenuon. J SdcK-I.lli. au 14 nEoKurvs F /1.11.1 NA °WAS beech, an emabllshed and almost ind , spens- L. able reqmotor carer welt provided ...V from Its rectal kahly wholesome and lvtritious quali ties as a food ior the healthy as well no a dim Inr ins voids, eel also tot the "cotenant , nigrowing children and Wart.. Various modes of coolant; and prcomlng tl are given on the wrapper. Though well known In rye east, It ha. rev, been Introdaccd to any emc ht Pttlsburgh. The subvert' - ern have, thetefOre, male astangesmento to be cod moody supplies with and now otter It to ret&l docks. or families on more favorabte terms thou tt has ever been sold at lo Pittoburgh. NVNI eCI.P R &CO true/J ed 10 . tr151, fur n‘le at •rui Wirfte. ‘VAlitll.o, prr;.art . ff t.. 1.114it0 ILL clic.... p.,rer MEM Now - Good• . 1 lew.Good.l r to lc, u LT:t oe . In.truatcnia I.ot , by bt.,11 ith gre, care, fur -tn, 41 Valve Troinl.ones, Sal lobs.. 0 ono Ite?r ot g,zet, ing a , vo, two and tmee tont, Accorden., &c. Se *l.O, penal . G•ralan and lultnn ,tring und Int NeapoL.An e. 14, wir . 'toot s. a .plei.d.c. artle - e. e•IGN aae2 celeLroled I,fICKIN" e„LL.V h.. A, T V STIIf.NGTILIeNINI: 1.1.5, A sovereign rcmed y fee oh oe itly,:nuti. • a:L•ruon sseakner and larerne es o• meet ic•Lvt.. o ale bad, scalds, nue ,d , sores. di more lone, cc, swelhne apart, bralies, Cores, and fel en, evLel frst e••••• , :a. Also. the [noel convenient and •sfe suettne sane strengtheniar plaatere and draft. , on the feet. For sale Ly S N WICI•ZILii:+II/0 1 _angeri__ _Coe ‘yood e isool REED HOUSE, KEITH t 11/LIEBER. Propriet Public Square, Eris, Ps. GF.NERAIi STAGE. OFFlCE—Ks_ntem, Rearm. .d :Southern Stages, leave thin honer daily. t• li. W. retrtl f' , l m aj ' e t ;rl ' • e ' Vtit P er ' .! k v7 G. W. Sautes, tate a! the Enta.. t nmo apttiant FECEISII SPLLISO Ge SGN(dI SILL (TOOLS . Aand Blattner boo.. and oc h : u., e t - en:. Alenanderik LAY'S. No en NI,. nett corner of the Diamond In calling the sitention of ntir -,amcie dud thr publit in this stock, it affords u. re.t pic.•urc La be ab ar e a say tt embraces GREAT 13.11tti NIZ`: it. al mery illsennuon of good., as tierlarge poison of it etcbased at the recent exten 01011011 ,We. itt the a ste rn ewes. Oar tenertnient. Lm Of ler.ey and e goods. is very supcnor, and clerds to a:: cull b arers, either by 1.11:10 , <•100 of retail, a fine ep portanny of mittina bath taste and p LADLES DRESS GOODS New style Foulard silks, very cheap; rich plant and Searedchangeable silks. of annost evert' •.ile and quality; wiper plate nod figured black stlke; do: ba r eges and mance; barter di lams, new and Rand ,t me style ; now •ty le • reetrh, kmakvh, and Scoteb _awns ; in great vncty, and at very law pneee; plan, fl rated. and “11111 sniped de mettle of an kinds *nit quintile.; linen lostres of shades and colors; guig hams, canines, prin., Aar SHAWLS. gaper chameleon silt anew.; plain end figured black do; plain and embrot treed run d te.Jo; hoc cath• mere do; taper plain and embroidered state and colored crape do; bent, and net dn. WHITE GOODS. A fine assortment of mail• ' A nen, cook., Jaconcui. • S wines, books, bishn BONNETS.p. lawns. n. Pandit tr. :Ready, ',Coll brand, Florence braldann super }:x64.6 straw Sonnets PABASOLS. A fine mock of supcnor pleat and frinned end Satin Tore pnra... l • of all colors end G. , . ULM. CLOTHS be CASSUIERE6. A large antortivent of super •fr rcoeh, and Se cloths-end e.t.a:hems of ad twat:tics atdi prices, to velment we won la Inane CAC attennen of the !gentlemen. . DOMESTIO& par stock of brawls mud bleacacd tiek tnp, shacks, tbagsbruye, dtitlings, aycry Page, nod at the vary lowest prices. Also,a large tot of ethic diapers and rattle &rola browns actind, RIOS:a and Seale h diapers, c raz linen. is, demo sod wool II goods far wen eel boys' w, Irddi Berne, red, wbale and yellow doo m's, dootesue gingham, silk and hues attars and 'loves of all kinds, hosiery aid bonnet rdattons, arse Bent Bowers, to, to ILu width we wouldrespeettulty Invite the alseetton of wbo'esule and retail east/ buyers. ALE:CAM/1;R • DAN , maim AS Market st_N eon of the Oinmand —APPLie. Tatia.a.n. lAM tow prepared to furnish Apple Trees, frees the well knows Nowa of Jacob N. Drown. 'no trees wall be dellveml at the wharf at 1.:t0...ugh for 818 per sand Persons ertslang good amity liner should loave sugar orders .000 at the Drug. gleed, and Perfumery •Warcbouse, CONIC( a Nrood rd :3LI:11 apll B N tVit: f:y:IUOI IA fa _ 11..EZIOVA.L. W ViNE IRON WORKS WAREHOUSE quipAti.KY Lacuwri t co. bore removed to No 1 . 20 Warer et, ed doer below tee einnuteonele Roe. —__-___ . ._. 11.8.110 V Ale. PMAIEII, lI&NNA & CO. have lammed theft Eleta..ge Otkeo W &wall west earner of Waoa anti uFITton/ street& Italie ge 21. Lair... Mme`PIIV lb BURCHFIELD ere se rang rest anal haadaome styles of above goo.. at reduce.l prices. A few ineces Burette. 0/11 remaardbe am , sedl be closed Dot very law. an,i3 SCl7Crilf:-Ta eaalra tet:/i7e.l terser by augts A & %V IlAftaAVoll _ T IN3SED OIL;-:v Wt. for a kle by IA nal, 1 ntlktottlatlANTll &CO • ----- INDOW OLAbb -Aar ber amorte d vAirs m . W VT for sale by 1101 ba w 11•111.1ALG ll_ Cinly - 77 - - - .4111ba abelleu 'so reed for role by /1 3 .. __ b re W lIARII.I 7 dUII ItICR-Rf b y te i s pnmc frecb ptee, . for ode r .by 1.1).i to , t- 1 4 - ,.. ~, , n i., , gci -- 11 - , , , ,, r Lrlaib l.l - y u./..,.-, , , , :y . —...... , .2...w..!..... ( •, i . 1L...,, , a axg i , I _...,.- -, PEPPER six - 6T- t., t.1Nzn,,,,,,.,..i.„,,u1;.1,J,,:::,.....v iv -vie- LIT}: LEA D-75 Kegs pure Wane Lead, TEC., Tlf ed aml Mr • ale by asirli S. A W. BARHAM:IP • cna . 1 .Dm Cameron Cifisrs received •rol for C 1U ,,j,i,i,. ---' O, pg ... 4 0.0 W. bib KIIAIR:11. vurF.I.SO FLANNEL S- . slurpt y lidie .. rTf,ird - ill.. 22 ways Keep on ii.d me abow g. mt., bougbt drrectly from rho Impormr. adod warranted gebuine.- WWI • forager sapid/. 01 Wrleb utsuse Hamel. ra ceived Moo caorrape. uug.3 A. , •P. - -4--- -.1, -. - sq'„jr....t:ANDLFRS 99g9-.--- ' ' TAR -sal brls N C Tar; 31 Of tars do, for rale by sage WICK /c 51ecANDLESS rIANTAIRIRDIIAIIS--3W pas superior for role by %,./ astr,9 RICA A ftleCANirLy.ss - '- A/1111N PL01.12--Just Lefelved, • Iv of :4/pep, FFatally Flildf:lntWela<W(Cd uy IN al Little. Ex, , Poland, 0., fur .ale by A CULBERTSON a CLOUSE riord.o 195 Liberty st 1 --- 21111ACKEREL. Boston inrprebon, looloot ar riv ed in prime orrlc;nnd for sale CO, 301 1 N McFA D/a CEN "!!‘ l`'Rf ---7197-------- " 99 ' "''r and loCrlnii34?''' - 1111,44:11 ft 11OCRETSON iugl . 4 . ____ . aft A tra Liberty st T 0.,..0_,,. bus ni”...11.F. Reitill..'•s l e Lump 40 ban C.n.1.11C. 90 20 bss Myer.' pound lump; l',1: 1 177 . a r" solo bY!1111.1,1111 fe TIICKETION — 7. iiv LEitirr Eli DAY PenriiLE'rZ-...-Tro-m iu. 6, fat sale by 1dp271 It 1101 I N S 9 AC°N..."*ll"": fi '''' roi l I I TIr.a . I/71 111 i ' li 9 99. 7 • MISCELLiIIiEOUS J. H. MELLOR. N`-Wl'.°V.b2: jum ei ved a:.CrtoPIZOIiIC, among which ars • • • -.• fotWoir-11%•••• Molly. do yoo Lnye me., by S. C. +Fordo, ' Or, may the Red Rose Live Alway.d. rtel,y w, h do. do. Ut.dle Ned, Dwm. to Ron all Might, do. D o ll y . Day, do. So,do Wed..lmg, by ("lover. Tb-hob n, Touct, the Cord yet oboe agora Sweet Memoir. dine, odyrr Mono. • Ler rot o , the Irtelt Etatgrartt. A Neer Slsancy rylou hot,t Rounded tle Spartt that Loved Tbeev Ce...rertpCs lleperture, by Worst. Re 16d te the Leard Ones at Home. Mtn, weere e'er the Heart ts. Tl.e lee... SI Aid Its-. J by Lever. 11. yea ever ittmt et me. ti.e , ber Gen le Laay. Wohling, Wreath. abd Ihtsy %Value,. 8",.•k, • , ^rt. Brl la Conecrt. 1; el.y , v A lice. Eve.ee zur. 1...1 1,0 E.. tati, 2'4 TEAS! TEAR 11 TEASIII VV . E enter not into the hot of parer., w e ty 1.4.a1 ilunnrelln of Chest, Importer, large ez•h, he. In Inet we wall not tv/ oktot • ..‘ an; r ror torn, we 'lmply thvne the put,he e g o c om,r ut Tea • wrist tt,ev roan here, •• the hol we 01,0 v: In one fin ~ the • •,,elpest Tette in Pitt.- I.urph. r re n 0.0.. and •nore Tee eat 4U and GU emu per th. A ny sale ..... Tt.e heat Ten. Ported tau, the 11. "Aetna, SI U.priced, 11100101 Teas we uo not keep. An 171.' RI: , et I IAWORTiI itte Tea Market, or Manton& nsecttansowl Work. or s ark, have in :nor, nt pub .. 1... pr tweets , five coots coca, - A lot i7IONMECY -Of N.rel.“.e., not, EraCt.n4 Word. and En v; •ecroir: de•i,:t.l for reader/el IVlclieng Me, sad ri,pr. rnter22l.2l for the Env. nter222,2,. Profess - 2.222. ,t 0 otlyau T ull; 1, , of I•rire a.. 4 will contain „,, wtl working-draw .., • Lb, moat -rat machines the t.,,,,d , ht....lent of the menhir of Air...neon .I.lgentity, WA{ COnl/10 complete preen , el treati es on Meehan, tdiechiner7, Engmewoort, and ngineerlng; with mil Mat is sti.e.Ml in more than one thouswid worth of lotto volume*, mug. nom and other books. The rent cy, j ect of film pal:dicey. M. to pines ba fore ~ad •04 model...anti en amount of A:coterie/I si..l F[301111.3 knowledge, in a condensed lot., at 4..11 them to work to the beet an d t o a0 ,,,,t Wove modaker when they might s:berry,: commit The .mean oi mortal Information tot brought together le sleaort beyond predent In Foch work, Indeed. there is !Lanny an ce y L bin. o ntion it, ranee which Is nut treated with each clear , es. and prem.., that even a rano of the moat on.ll. nary cupact,l cannot fail of understanding it,and an learning from n moth which it important for um to know pub:tehtr are, in short, determined, regardless it' eat, to make the wort as complete as poasible4 and t t• hope.! au, bone octircos to obtain the work will no dared in tail...icor and Jae encottrage enterprite. The wor k will be leaned in iteml-monthly nernbers, OnarinnGlig la January, le&J, and tont progress with rent regularity ltie whore wort will be published In iD numbers, cents per narni•-r.toil completed within the mini rear, discount will be mad. to }." Orel". 'Artof • . Any one remitting the publishers Sig in advance, call receive ite work through the pott otßee five of Optvalcas el the Pres. eye our numerous Ntentoncturers, Mechanics, En 111E,, Stloi iiamia. it will ben mine of wealth.u— 'rovideacm i•Voune men, arm your its knawledge.— V. can sun roubdence selves with recommoud our readrs to se e s thenircives numbers as last as they rip e-tr."—l-rnoric an Artisan. i.iVe unhesitatingly commend the work to those en- In et I utcrs sled In mechanical or scientific per Mat, as tonne aconhy of their examination and mity."—Troy, IN. Y.d fledge,- "It la trul k great wors, cad We publishers de ,erve the ma y nti Inventors, machinists, and mans umd iudecd uf We puboc generally.'—N. Y. ir-nLect. oTbis s Dictionary crill be highly useful to practical , aim vlashie to al, who wish to acquaint .w.u.selcca im prosrars itlVe.o4 UM We cue. arts.' - -Neer Unlined Deily Mercury. •iN nan7 niceoames ought t ;keepp posted up in the : • nowledge, awl this i • ~ • „hey stand " Rosbary • ••• 111, 1 , . v . 1,137 BLIInCI• bun • •II Itan,e. have dmrcel to pc.. at ..tenpuons. uma wta.l •-c. Lat un) t 11110411 C It acn , rlt , e., on •,- - nyvtga ar.8‘11•1111.0 Y. =IEEE of I nine /,.r..1 N.lrerueer. A I :.arre•ted inCantra erhould vnil thi vc• t.i .3 a (Pcnu.,) lc I== corm Lee and en., tc tne + , efen.lo6 , otefee. the enunty We ter„,e4 tt.e wort ne ecuneally , CP‘Slt, t 0 The CartlC 0( Itie.llCo .d the -.. titeren' ~1• 11,110 ~•,^nnale vnluable inform& on on tt,ee .utn,EL. ald Mechanic. ^Yrneucal 170,111111111 he Tolled welts of mrchenl • Jto.e . .orine inoo.tr) I enClneerlng end In Itn. unrk a trensore whirl) it enll Le to U.cif • • . I, nretu.`y pon,ei the number, •n•I Lave Le. ..`ty o.; tt.at t- the beat work for me. ole...i.rade.roce. and .c:um th e men. ever pabli,h , I no: ce.ntum.nonate in[orraaunn on every breach eq. art• au.l n to a, eJpre..ed in • ,•e ` , t euato totettigoor to auy reaJar ot ordi tr ,MslNcaran -We ',re i t .or Coo, the mocha/Ica of Nor • luh ud oil, part. o: Cenneetmat a aervlee by t.- l. swot It to mei,—N0r.ich, Via;,V 1.1,n a work no every mechanic. alamild —Vt• W.O eGni....ter uone of the moat aarfal and important .I.`u`a`oro ..nott.o. Noth... can aura to be -•••-ut., me Coon,. •,1 e the -` . tut •• • c o.` -ortm-,1 ot me, USES Ad. ,- • t t, thr i.r • re... 4 u—Wa•htiw.on "In //.4 ,011, I• Of, of tue suu•i nacre , c: tut turned welcor once r at I: t maks, aor cepuhie to C + e r, a -.1 its,. one of the meut eninprehens , e nod . .ulua :du as well as W.,epen. +eras ever published.. {Pa.:it:ore Ad seri, er. .oasai I.e au by every one dewriee to keep pow. with the proper.* of nr. au, science to every one ni tnr istmrs of iv red lue "—Rondo. Cosner. o .t d•-•.0: - .ef.i nil, me er nein , of Ure , We tuna ry . , 0315 ths, r inore denoted to be meehatneol and w.wurermir nen(esemen. wat obny• , valuable ...uecompu nu fur Amen , . vela Ure an. done for en . ,:bribesAter r.ran machinery and a e oral, —Setentuar turserms.o. p•tu'..il , rd in no mutts. man at a price no mode rut-. mut:, . 'orb... enutorntd 01t11 Lemur, that • our hs• me teast Interest In each montru, , ,dr -wed from he th a Lel (-refill:Me who d:e SO, Wl. Und that he ha ,, in • eonden. , d term an nuo.ant di I ,troction wlare would to olasuned, If at • uy by me purchase of very maervolames."—N. V Courier and Enquirer. *The dutowebewivenem with which the mh}ects • treweol, the admirably manner in which they are ,l!ursated, conspire to make this one of the most dell. w works '--Ltem.ratie Itevacor. •` Das• worn ellomief be in the hmrd •of every 19•ehallIM, a r r: Ton. manniamerer, erporially thole who have ire, .4%pr r alto, in creel In their reepeetive bus'. .1.." We blue cazefatly ensmined it, with a stew of redlnr, it to toventors.. To them we would any in 1...0.c—ng Innattser elan Bible: “-It Is good.''— t•rnore luvutnersi /nu rau i:turas to ail . a Prop - Wore of Notoepartee throughout ••- "• • - , .the Uvula B:arss - ara Canaa. ate f0r. , 40.r.g advert:scene= is tn•crled five tones ti dot.f the ye at, and the paper conteaus It two, . us, r op) of toc wort will be scot grabs le paytnent. ...”I.!ltvtir DVALLISTIsItI.. I 3 Csr..t.ii:ing as .I:,tacry, riot off.> 111iirmi. ronow,oli trsttinowai ars* tercet by tike eeJe. lord Woo•t , r orn! the grew in.tt,eal avers canned oToa American Yrastice o 1.1,t.e.1ac at, Pomo) . Pl.yatetan.'' -I,vtara,, , n Made meg eatat,l with the inimdt anti ta , t , rozn.,ilcA/Itstet,* clinuorn Si g I Lnyrinz, prercri •-t1 tested it in neveralesses ito r:Fole Knew., I have hr.:lmmo to saltog :en iyo: tka it to a Wgetablo Remedy. nonisouni taknersl cuLattinee way:over; that ;as met . ..do:nu P r it n• .n o t are. end ustd it. dttcchrld by lb. Prnonotor. tel not coy hernaleaa but of prat valve hr.ne • May acientif , Ityme.ly of etvat toov•ier: and ~toty teetenmend a •11 a enmenund which ha tore mut, veal, and which Is .1,1,1,1 to the core el V0.1' , ..1, of case, Thigh I bare never cline re...otntocutiod or rocaged sale of secret stirdi ripes , , read for tan truly Isort. caosetenyeas, he t. character of the Proprietor of this ,/Intmen nr.l toe amine- of his thaeovery. oblige sne to say tho morh revkr.ltar W. BEACH I U. D." Now tors, A1.r1122:1, letos. 11111S9.—It is one of t.he boot things in the wend In rm. Pll.E.O.—Thonsands are yearly canoe by this r ,t. It hover tans in Mann( toitot at Tanner, Vinare, and all kinds or Soma, It hns 111 , If Nlothorld and Nunes knew lis .111111 m e•rea of qc....u11n0 or Sore Breast, they would alwrapi imply it. Fri , h ease*. if urea I/scenting to dlsssslos4, ;circa rr .cf m a veri leer hoar.. and the box arc ..te rectiona for oalrig MeAlllater's 0o u ' o ent 'or Scrofula. bisCs Colllo.sl, Etraipelas, fc•lcr. Chillfla”,, Scald !lead, In,. Errs. Barrier, Ncruou. A decuona, Pun., fr. of Vic seine. Head Ache, Asthma. Ileaforea, F. r Ache-, Harm. Corm, all Macs.... of l.n Mc Skin, Sore Ira, ?twit... . Swc!:,l.q of meSore., Itocurr.atir co. Pile., Cold Fret, Croup, Swelled or Bro. Y. n Breast, Tooth Ache. Arne In the Face, ft,. FM= the Reading Egle. 'The, was ROW, perhaps, a Medicine tortmght be- There. the paid, t ha.. in so short a time won sech Salve. Ail-Ileahne or World Salve. Almost esery person tam las made triviaf It spanks wartely in its prate. tine has been by it of r tnott 1.3,141 eunth..m, another of,the k 1,1 troublesome pmn to the 111 , 1, fdorth of n owe in the limbs. km. If it doe , not pie imme• dyne rend, so every ewe, it cast do no Mot Y, being appl.: outwardly. imnther nvhlnnee of the wonderful brallnar pow." er pct. tensed by into a siva, see sotimn nollowledr cat ufir ate. tram reamtemble oilmen of Moidencrech aniship, In th.r county I,l,ldenetheir, Perk. co, inform 30, IMP, -• I..•ry. Cor—l Oa. to to Ton that war m‘t , nlY eared of a nevnre pun in the bar k, by the tn. nf NlrAlliatneo AD./Irak. winch lint' from you. I reilat.d wlth it for about In yeartk, .leeto Purina that tme tro, rowan. re wth,r were pr....critical ion me Iti phy•irians nod nib, n.rrens. without receiving any nf Sathe, with ro suit fasn,uirle .er...a expect...um lam now entire ly (the itona th e print. awl eqoy at night a pesteefal and rneep alan tiend the Naive alone for talth tun! other comp..., with alma. happy Yoar mend, - lloh sea. JANIV-. Mr ALLISTER, Enle Proprietor of um above moritesne. Principal °lee, No 19 :: Devi nord strtht,Pkilladol. p4a. A.... Pi thTrstrau A. Faidiertnek ft Co, eoroor of Wood and Fast sot Wm J•ertnn. No. JIU lAtwely ...roc. L. Malanx,Jr, earner of Mattel street and the Diamond. Woo earner of Fourth and Sinithficid street, 1.11. Cassel, corner of Walnut and. Penn 0re..., Fifth Want; iond.dd at tho Bookstore In *urea3d door from Second. Allegheny City by 11. P. Se tiwarta and J. Doug Isms py Smith, Druar.rt,Diratingbami D. Negley, Foot Litman 11. Rowland, McKeesport; J. Alg,‘,A gf Moonitarthela Citn N. 11. Dotrman k Co., and J. T. Rorer., Droarnsvlller John Ilvkley. Deaver, Pa; Jolin IVolter. Jr., ElloatteM; Doshright F d iario, Forbear,. fablleodly s.ALT6-10 LOA on hand and for übb, by 1:4 bop. ' WICK & AteCANDLIX4 MISC!,LLANEOUB Valuable and d cr.. Del a ve ‘Van m er Poomer to lel favorble ters. T • HE WABA.III NAVIGATION COMP/ NV Iry now p,pared.to thaw the Watirr Powcr 1 the - 1 3 ,:i i ' Vena i r ' s er to 71 intone. n' ire k : c 'd ° P a r ° l P s ' a f re; 'ic.:ll.'V".'„'i.,%d4L3"""f"enet nleatly of the Weer. The twin of the White Itiver,ne well as the XV .bah; em be readily furnished at this point. While tarlb,r iron ore, end eoti. to the greatrot nbonoonce, and of outlay, eon be easily procured through the mate <01121.7 Team—line hundred dollen per tonere for a peer thileient to propel • tioll, rim of medium sized mill stones. fora per.: of fifteen years. with the rirht of renreiral on the elpiration of the th•ee i id a fair Telemann of the power employed. The site of the mill or thenetnetery ineleded, without farther charge from the COIDIMIJ. By order of the Dirthitoth. ABNER T. Preside:it of the W. N. Co. 1715 C,... In. May 9,thal mY3ilinnt - . Ut.E.S 11AUEllS hIEL4CATI-10 NYMPII SIJA V. ton —The akin of many pers.. , le dtsfigared with slight emlap6,oll., as pimples, morphew, krt., and when this Is merely • diseeth of the akin, as it is in oriety nine cases mat of every bandied, it is 'ter y easily no moved. .1 cies Hanel'. Nymh Soap is eummall , adept.] to dtheases of the t hin, as it ante directly upon the minute pores teach cover its surface. Cleansing them from Impurities. and by its baleamte properties healing and eradicating all mentions. and rendering the dathest and roughest skin soft, fan, and lamming. Peraotis who have been in th.b.bikof hen( miry di oap. will be astornswid Cl the oeituttful elect produced by the Nymph Soap, in imparting a delicate bloon, r{e1,...1.g the neck, face,. Mmds from chap ping, allaying ail irritsuon, and remoying all outane nue eruptions. It !tortoises an and derilicoe, and the devoid Grad alkaline properties, restricting is al the only article which can be used with safety and comfort to the nanery. All those whose faces or necks axe disfigured with pimples, blotches, tan, morphevr, he, should mote trial of Jules Havens Nymph Soap , as the proprieter positively mums them. that its use will render the rooat disco!oted shin w bite, the roughest skip smooth, and the most diaeased akin healthy, pan, and bloom- m imes Hanes Nymph Soap le the only amide which will effectually produce the above effects in so short n ism& and the oily one which m at the same time all powerful and entirely harmless. Prepared only by JULES HAVEL, Perfumer and Chemist, IM Chestuut street, Phila For sale wholesale and retail by 11 A. Fshoestoek & Co., and IL 16. &client, Plttiburah; and John Sar gent and J Mitchell, Allegheny coy, Pa. Ire hECOND TIMID PIANOS. A GOOD Mahogany Plano Forte, a octave., $lOO 00 A handsome upright Piano, slab Rosewood Furniture, 0 octaves, and in good order . • • • 100 CO A plain 51 octave Piano 05 A good 6 octave Plano 75 CO A good 51. octave Plano, with handsome lams. ...... 75 00 JOHN 11 51111.L1M1 n Wood at For tale by ay .3, alstwlle ■lght Light • UPF.RCFPING the Wooden Floats, and being in eombustible, thereby economises the oil, and p •ents .anitlon, heretofore so much objectad to in al other gums One table spoonful of the mute lamp 01l will last Niue Hours, or any farther !Rug • of ttnle, actOrdlll( to tl•eadditional quanuty of 0.1. Received nod for sale by JOHN D MORGAN ma 27 Druggist TU'T RECFSVED, o the Pittsburgh Family Cr. V eery and Tea Warehouse: cases Fresh Oysters, in tin cans; 5 do Pickled do, in atm. t; 5 do do do, in pint do. • The above Frwth Oysmrs e n c lo sed and pro I in a highly concentrated soup to hennettea ly sealed cane. and 101 l keep much longer than tool put an in Me °wham - ) army. For sale, wholesale and retell. by WM A McCLURG & Co, en 202 5 61Labertyr • Great American Ittecttanical Work. APPLETON A PO.. New York, bare in coarse U Of publleanon, La sans, price twenty fi ve cents each, • DICTIONARI d Maehines, Mechanics. En. pr.. Work. and Enstmcdnig, designed for Pracueal lvosirtng Men.md those intended for the Engioeermit Profession. Eduell by Oliver Byrne. Tins work m of large graph., and will contain two thousand pages, and spward• of OE thousand alarm , none It wil! preset: working drawing. and assnaP . lions of the most Important maehines in the United Saws. Independent of the fe•011i of !Menem In genuity, It will eontain monolog practical treatises on Mechanics. Machinery Engine Work, and Engineer. mg; with all that I. useful in more Men one thommd &Mem worn of folio •olumes, 011,11Zine.• and niter books. Pis numbers received, and tor sole by the agent, 6 110PRINB, I .pt Tg Apollo Balldlngs_Ponith st. BTO;Cli OF PIL3OB. _...morazftA . l l .K l aV3X — f""*. --- ••?•tr .:...-:-.* - A 7f,.. - ":7 - 51 4 . - -.--;' - ' 7r5 iz: . - _ CHICKERING'S PIANOS. John U. Nrllor, 81 Wood 6titcl, Pittsbnigl Sole Avrt in Wratern Pennsylvanta. for the sale o CtIICK alt I ,c4'. gfIKATKO Grand and Squar• Plow , Fortes. totarm ht..ttrod• aud Ma Mow pu & blic. D that be hal ..o+ tavoteea, and receive and 0100.0 (or tale. derma the pre .cal month, the la•gert and moat dr•trehle atoet of Reno Fortes ever oared for .ac out the west—amang the nomot.er 1.11 be wand ssupply f Sonernit e o arved Hoarwood Grand Plano Forte., with an the n rerd Improvements in =debut.= and style of evertor. Splendidly carted Rosewoodseven' octave Square Fat= Fortes, ituntheil to the Elizabeth. and Lou. XIV at 7 els With a lanTo conk of all the ustioas mina of Pia o Forte.. varriagin primer fro= Itz7s to 5-01, and rieparrd by Biz. Chic...big for the presets year Itito I thht thY. prim of Mr. Chick eTi nt•s hh•e bre', and Will enntin. to be, , M 4 1:111 , inegnulDcOry to Boston.. without char. tri.la;,ttniton. 1.1..1 wilt be delty , red .ad set opt. order in toy pun of the ray, ardhoot charge int, . - A CANU. TH;"..:`',7,,T:;"10;1",;:.4.1.: In favor 4 hte Son, o Inlorm the pehlm P M Davis. who will nonontw the A tletli. and Cum wan buatnes. at the col stand. comer ot Wood and Fpfth street, and tor tabard he would salted a cotton oaune al the Ilberal patronma heretolate bestowed up. on the bonae. JUILIN DAVIS, April leak P. 70. DAVIS, (911CCF-T,OR TO JOHN D. DAVIS,' AUCTIONEER AND CMI3IINEION MERCHANT . . • • COVID• Of WOOD •TD TWIN IMMO, Wll4:o7airolr4Cottnat/71:.1, gs7'EtaFlD,°"'D"V•.' and hopes, by experience and close attention to Latatneas to went a continomee of the support and pstrenspe so liberally extended to the fermi:whoa.. April oth, 15.50. - - notice to our Patrons. RELIANCE POILIZADILD , MOAT LINE. :Tele derewe of the active petner, In Philadelphia, .1 the lam ,noes 51 Devon) produces°o retereeption to the businew--arrangements have been made which volves the same Interest. precisely, which bare heretofore emsmd. The btu.n to con Mined weer the same awn and firm ; elm— sts M DAVIS Cohiladelphi iot Ma; ons 'Estw 0. Co.. Pittsburg.. The continuance of the pmtwage of oar mew' Itlet.d. n respectfany wlicited. If any pernos ban, deratnei o.oinst theconcern, they ate requetted to p.eeent them forthwith. for payment. Pittsburgh, April Di, 'W. JOHN SPFADEN, itpl7 tf U. A. VaLmmalleck It ljetir AVIDILESA LE DRUG Gwrs, corner of Fire and 1111 NYtimi street., elerlor .ale, on tavomble terms . WO Ohl. Wbeng; ritai Itt• Cartt. Ammonla Ott do Alum, 510 do Awsfeenda 300 do Dne Wood.; 1011 do Crude Tartnr, 04 do Lo mptlacle E.OO do Liuorice Rooq 50 do 1/en. Red; 1100 do Irish M 0..; do Camphor; leu do Red Prem..; 10 do Span. Drown; 150 do talonael Awe,.; Ado 0 ellow I)ctite; 115 do do Eng., It do Itriminone; An do Dace, Lenore; b do none., Ani do Rhubarb Root; 3 do Mare. Flowers; WO do Pers o P. doi 14 miser , Ref. Unreal 4ilo Gentlan do; 05 do Castile Soap; Ite do Sal nocheele Ifi do Presian Moe; WO do Setdlits 01101 0,.; 10 do Cale. Afar...sift; 500 do Paved Rhubarb; 13 do Chrome Omen; 018 do do PIM Don 5 do do Yellow; 100 do do O. Arable sdo Ani Vermilion; 100 do do Llq. Root Or ream. 0.00 Paper, 100 do do !elan; ID bog. Ste ily Sumac; WA do do AfiCityeruae e bele. Bottle area; y 0 do Sulph Minn; 730: Salph. Morphia; 3 00 do 110, Tin; 111.1 It. Care Mots; Mai do Tamarinds; IAIO Iloithrom Potash; 150 do niece :blear, do. Ptak Root; MO do Orange Peel; IWO do TvMey Umber; 75 do Coelawal; 1.40 do Creme Tartar; 50) do 001 0 Potashi' 644 do TarteGe Acid; di do Mime 100 do Ue• Oran MS do Urania. Lottor feble-deellmT . PDTROLD UYI, OIL ROOK OIL. °Torre are more Mier' In hwy.n and earth Than are drewmt e( in philosophy.. 1111114 NiIIiTUIDS of thts remarkable remedy, an j the eonriant application for It, to the poprieto hoe induced lAto to httoo a put up la bottle .with It Lela and directions for the benefit orthe nubile. The 1' M is procured from a well in 101 county, st • depth of four hundred feet, to a pure on: d a tterated emelt, without tiny chemical change, bi test 11.1 dows treat Menne'. Great Labrittrn r! That contans properrie• reaching a nombee of diseases, no longer a matter of uncertainty. Them •re many re v thing in the amens of nature, which, if an d ght be of ire is teralneos allevtating suffertne, re storing the Moon, of health end meat to mem' putstif before the prop Actor thought el ting , les, it bad n dol t' forth.. cure of di j• ewe. rne ermsnint dolly tit colts for it, and severe relent liable rums it has tiarformed, Is sure 0,00,0602 of its rate. popularity and wide sprehd app:ie eon 10 the .a re ot disewe. We do not moth to mate a long parade of eartifi• eaten .4 we' arc corious Wet the teed teine can soon walk its way ne t the favor of those - Who suffer and wish to tm healed. hilst we do not claim for It a universal a pplication In d W isease, we unlyes tingly my, that to • number of Chronic n an:reeled. Among these may be enemereMd—all dieowee of the naueous tissues, nett ea CHRONIC w gniDepriS, CONSUMPTION Ito Its eariy.staga) "mama, and ell Jimmie• of the am ressegett, V. COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Marble. Intease. of the Bladdry and Kidneys. P.O. In the Dech or w o k . Nervous Weeuses,l4oaralgta Palsy, Rheumatic Pura' LouL Eresirelon,Tetter, linigtrorms, Darns, Seed., Brumes, Old Sores, dec.,ko In ease• of daintily re attune from cepware, Of 10 0 11 and protracted eases or dieenee, medicine will beteg relief. It will let., a general ToN IC wd ALTERATIVR In such eamin remise tone and energy to the whole frame, remov ing obstrucuons, °poem,: the elogglsh function., which cause disease and a broken conduatua and givlng increaser set renewed energy to ell the eget. of Wel The .proprietor knows of several ewe. of PILES, Mat resisted comfy other treatment, get sell oedot the nse of the PETROLEUM (cc a Wert Ilma, N oe proof one he tiven to my person who desires one genuine wit out Um signal:lse of the propane,. Sold by e l . shpra i t s g;,.. l KRAolle.eoVitt oG cornet Woad at. and Virgin alLayinein are kW noandry - - ,eenierly appointed /reets 2113111PILATTrg PATENT SODA ASH. PCII3. bleduent. StIggCTIIIIERS .1.111 sell_ Mepter. bnt aod hitch tee Glee and' Reap Metere Soli Ash, werratited eaperbn nth) ether brand 3d by the quantity of 6 tensor upward. for onftello7 Or app toyed Notes, at few mouths. or 311 toy a letnOtitn. tity. W k hi NUTCHEL I4 "TILEtt, nrm(h . TR lINSPORTATION LINES ISSO tigazia 1850 ERIE & MEADVILLE LINE. BO.A7Sof Ibis Lme teiL Woe recelealy, rote de- O'er [IMO. without tranrhipment J C BIDAVFLI.. Pittsburgh, A NIES COLLINS, de, }Agents DW ELL & BRISTLIER, Rochester. mart 1850 0:112:12ZI SANDY AND BEAVER LINE. Gebeadnia and Clrvriand, thrwagh Mr ',ea and pordingtratnaiex C:ol ma, Rana, Carroll. Stari, TuAcarovra,, eathadan, Maiktllgll,ll, lacklug, and Froallin. • The campleuun of the Sandy and Hewer Canal opens op to our elty through this great natural taint al route a direct communication to the attost, at we II as the adjoining COLLIIIJCS of Wayne, Holmes, Knot, and Delaware. Prom thot pennon of Ohio, the trade, wtth Pittehurgh has bent, to a greet natant rut oft, it consequcaec of the high ruins of tran.portatton., which are now re• [bond le, dl and :A per eant. Boats of this line will leave daily, and run through without tennohipment. The Canal company have bestowed upon this Imomiereot n the unprece dented IA rwitagoa of their charter, and amp weured to the middle portions of Ohio to ordering their roods by BIDWELL'S BAN DV AND BEAVER LINE, on equal Interest in this a , tv.t•ee. Agent,: J. C. BIDWELL, Ymsburgh; BIDWELL A. CU., DluAgove. R C Imlm o , Spear's WI, Maar II A A Guy, Wrirrom,,port,o4 George Kerntdr,,lrron, 0; Cantle A Ilarnan, do; henna, Gotham & Co. New 1.01boa.1); Arter & Nichols.. Ilynoyer, O.; Gibbets A floury, Mi derva, 04 Speaker' A Poster. do.; fool A Co, o•, Roll A DLION Oneida MK, 0.; II V Bever, do; C l Ilurzthal & Co,,Merlyeni, 0; It K Gray, NV,tynot. burg, 04 K Reyooldr, do ; Imac Tel Ir,, Magnoha 0 ; F.J BorkdollA Go. Alag110ill,O.; Wor'llolrness, do; M'Forrland & Co, Sordyolle, 0; r do; Fwd .. ••• , • hnogh & Strionnuith. - ,Ilurd a. t...hrivcr do; J J Roffman. Massillon, 0; Cummins & Cr, do John Robinson, Canal Felton, ; Fortis,& Tarrry Canal Dover, 0; A bledborY, K • • • er, Ne war k . U; Pittb & Ilule. Columil... 0; L 0 Nint. wra, Cleveland, 0.: Rhodes & Greco. do. mal. E=E PITTSBURGH TRANSITIITSTIGn LINE 11PMa,1550 O'CONNOR, ATRINB b. Co., Canal Basal, Liberty ere, Ontaborgh; ATlEllaq, O'CONNOR O. Co., 470 S 250 Marko meet, Philadelphia. (rOosArtsa & Ca t 70 North street, Uslunaors; (gee 1 orki Frr.lorr & Gast*, II Wane street. ll.rator4 MnyeViile, HALL Co..olutnlas sue., Care , uratt; ty tes, 11.artmllvmv b. Co.. St. leonine 7, Sitlnv+. qf 3ferchandaze and Praha's to and from ) Igsladelphia, Balstosare, X Fork, ¢ lio.glon. Our route twinc vow it. fate order, ar nee pr-pared m (c ward coo. at ntroye at eery /otreng ; 11....• a/1 tr,...ghtpst of en) rhar,, hawing rol,eles for .wer and with the ionow.na extensive stoat of Ii asto lael confident of nwinn anti, Farisraction to all has toons cnirnated to our care. t iur bolts arc all flaw. am , eL , minand."d captain. of experwren, and our entire litle conducted on tenet s4bEarii kovar and rem/rya...re principles. 1.t0a . .5., Captain. Iron elly, Slogan - Maryland, l'ola , aball Cm Outdo Bolt Anna, Chsunam Wm Atkin, N.rroad Boat,' Capoint Pen • Ili& E I.orton, VA. Lotn., Cowden Col. Howard Ridley Mary elms 114orrprIsc, Kay mn . • , ... , . Impart, /41 , ./mtem J aroma It.nn Boston. A 4e r Gen. Scott, tinm Garhada Riley Telegram,Nn IShsrli.a Cella Hawkins fact Mill PoyM`quado livellmncht:asmr Ilalim'eeltpperßitty Amene• Perry Ohm Iteile liemm.y Mermaid hl•CMirazi Hamer Frlmele The Fax :111.0aLle .Ittlla Am3-._ 11.tqvan Aarara M'1M•roll Telermph Noll/am. Loot Sharp Itemy NOTIh Merril V. ~ -..e Shippers w',ll 6/11l It to litClra T t...timer to tet use call. tyCONNOR, AKINs .t 1%). mrl6 Cana , 8.,... LA:mrly at, P,:t.t..,rg,,. - vg - — li "Trftnaportation Mi.:cp.:l7. 1 lEBUSM 1850, Xfafitlaa D. LE OR & GIPS LINE, BETWEEN PVITS I; I Itti II !lII.ALDELPIII.A., BALTIMO & NEW N't MR. • • • • By Petar-sidcanta Caws, and Rail Rohd. T 111: Doane and Cats of tlNtt Liar Lave horn nut .n em Pete order. anJ woh tha ot ta‘t new On, 10 Line. c••atne• at :4/ att, a .at,te 'pant, n 1 prodare The exture coca of the Late a o wheJ and comae ed by the Propnatora. HARRIS & 1.1-ID:t1. No I:: Scugh Tlz Tobatvo Dos, Phi .107 , E1 . 11 TA Y 1.014 A 7z117.4, No 114 Norlh Iln.a Id Ilwortnr, 11.1: .ITICF- No 7 4t cal 0, New II LEECH 1. CU, Cana Liazzo n mill iritAM 1850, UNION LINE, ON TOE PENN•A AND OHIO CANALS CLARK, PARKS& CO, Roches,. I. Prop r'• /011 , 1 ACA IR.IIFI. Arent. lliee enr Saguldkeld 'aro! ator l'aDtor,h. CHAMBERLIN, CRAWFORD & Aro. Cleveland oho.. T " l Y ::te7t l t l n ' ,l " ;a7 n oor i .e 4 .7ll7ell 7 l P . :',..-^,,1 % ` : ',1 % - n r,,` CLEVIO.AN D. to any pow( en the CAoal lamer. Tbe (actioies /gibe Line or us.guryoged in roont,r, quality old enpoony of Boa., expenence of carol., and eflo7teney &Rote. One Lkott leaven l'ool,atth anal Cleveland dial,. ran" In; in eonnottson with • I.ln , of otelor Hon', 1,.• loorn I'll'l' 4 W 111,11 RI.A OFR, vn I-, to Per •ia./ ,toarn Ik•.s, Propelleo god C.I. the LaLre. CON911;"0 , 1-7 , P..rl Aca F.:4 & Ca. 1 urs..gato., AI II Taylor, t\ •rren A It N dark. Newton Fell. 0, I Bra, lon A CO Ravenna. Kent, Urionell A Co, Fra,kaa, 0, II A Miller, Cupnhoga Fatls, 0, \V heeler Lc< .1 Co. Mg r°, 0, Chamherltn, Crawtoril A. Co, C:eve l‘cd, Ilubtrlnl A Co. Samia.lo, Pro:l.ona A Scott To.cda, 0, I; Wilhama A Co. U. 7031, Alia.; Wkllamt. & Ca. Nlllarackir, IS; 511010 2t. Dutton. Race., U , orge G.. C hien * , o, III; Thor... 11. o. II J CALIGIIEY, Arent, szon.o ..one, 1V ate, a./.1 nnat,taca: nifit-M 1850. ski-it LAKE MULE AND 141=1110AS LINE. UN THE ERIE FIXTENSIUN CANAL. - - CLARKE. PARKS & t.X), Hoehe.ter, Prorrintora. THE Prerletnro of Mae old and well krmwu Line would inform th• public thel the) ate now 111 on erailon lot the prr.ent season: and have commenced CeltErclght ~.dwhich they are folly preparod to carry to all point. on the Canal and LAKES ERIE AND MICHIGAN. At the town. ratra. One of toe Boa. of the Lire will 5c cost.tontly at the landing, below Monongalirla Bridkr, to tannin° freight. JOHN A CAUGHEV.Agant, Offlea, cot Walar and Smithfield au, Pottbargh. CONSIGNEES: R W Cunningham. New Castle, PE (neheltrra & Co. Pulaoltn V Malan, Sh•ron: nhorpaborg; Wick. Achre A theenvillsi ol Henry, Ilaronown. Wm Power, Conneautvillci John Hearn & Co, ECM; John I H n itonee te, ro. V. mean Pittsburgh Portable Boat Laos, iEtaiol 1850. itet.ea . . DALTIMORE. NEW I lIRId, LIOS'II.A, A,. T 11014.44 Briaeathaz, !r. Plamdeiplita. i 1 Virtrbargb at lhrrr nil elands. rerrivirg and forwarding Merchandise nod Produce at in. rates, and With the peump.r.a, minty, and safety, peculiar to their syrteni and rrtLde trey snort. where iroerniediete iran , innen iis a voided,a with the consequent delays and probahility of damage. Merchandise and Produce shipped east or wear-and DIII of Lading Mrwarded free of charge for commis aleoe. advancing, or storage. flaring iro interest di rctly or indirectly in steamboats, that or the owners Is !solely cousultrd when shipping their goads. All earninobications to the fallowing agents prompt ly attended to: - . • THOMAS HORBRIDOF, Market mom. Proludetroa. TA AFT': d O'CoNAOH. Corner Penn and Wso ne *tree., pu telJur,ra John AleCullogh /a Co,. North at, ec co .33 Doane at, Spawn. W. ,S J. I"ramentt et. 0.. t. 5 •South it, New 1 ark; Jainc, Wheelvmaht, BINGII/11111 TRANSPORTATION LINE, ariEgMi 1850. DIAL Datareart Plit•borcrts sn irtaettorn Cities. The Canal beteg now ttpen, we are ready to and forward promptly, produce and me rthantitra cakt and welt. • . Freight• allyaym 0.1 lower nies, rbarge•l by r•-•.pr•n Lk knew. • . . Prwloco and merrhandlle wiu lw ree eivrl .od for warded ca•i wesi, arai lowt oily rhsr,e for f.,r warding or , sdaanrin retant,rnowowwil or llalla of lading forwarded, and all directiool fun, folly attended w. Adder. or apply is, Whl. HINGHAM. Canal Basta, cor, I.ilwny and Wayneatt. l'itiabargh 'SINGH/LSI WK. No 103, Markel at, between 4111 A nib, I'll'a. JAS. WILtioN, Agt, No lel, North Howard al.. Claltanore. JAS. BINGIIAhI, miteNo 10, Weal airecl. Now York Pass•wyger arms liaralttaweo Oflrlee. miIIANRDEN At CO. continue to bring , per.ns from any pot of England, I r•land. yentland or Wicks, upon the mm 1116.111 terms, with their trotal punetnaho and attention to the wants and nom. ar ~razalgrant. We do not allow Onr perWermers to be robbed by the swindling scamps that infest the sea• ports, as we take charge of them the moment they re port themselves, and see to their well being, and de spatch them without any deo:intlon by the first ships.— We say this feerlemly, as we defy one of our Pao.. gent to show that they were detained 48 i-ron bye. In Liverpool, whilst thousands of others • ere detained menthe, until they could beeretin senor •4 emit, at eh 2P re., which too frequently provet their We Intend to per f orm nor contract. couombiy, coy what it may, and not lot.. WY the ea. tact sea.' - with ether ea r either pr when it suimd their mrvcnirnme. Ith ether a rs,— ewho either performed cot all, _ Drafts antra as Pittsburgh for atry . savt trout .C 1 to nme, payable at any egtheittorisetal 11. k. in ha- Eughtud, Scotland aud Wal es. .1031113/. ROBIAISON, Elltapelrl a ed Gond miAgent. fah! pick atrium°. doe 1..1 Wner T igirOltft-17 pipes Brandy —guard, Pupil: AA gpipes Holland Gin; 5 cut. N E Muni. bb4 Wk4ke7i 10T ate by BUT. 3 , y 4 X Xri"CXELTREZ MISCFLLANEOUS A k-4N BIIISIC. J. /L 51 Wood xtrert, kw received the following Now Alone: rey can you see try tha urntll's holy light; dal. roned to Rev. C Cook. Oh, think not less I love thee. Blanche A Ipen, I 10ve... When other friends atoned Mee. The cot beneath the bill. Wert then but mine. /tool ,- Laurie—Scotch ballad. The Robin .moo. by Fn. Cook, music by Stephen Glover. Thou :nisi siotmoded the spirit that loved thee. The Grave of Wssluitetort. The Irish Mother. Lament. lid Scr toe—Rinse!. lie doeth all thltnes 'seen— Woonoury, trod.. Machret —Russell. The cottage erns r—llumbiuscons. low hacked car—Lover .nr..l Waltzes—complete. The Mole Bell. The find, en Wedill. Polka. Jenny Istudis American Pol.. Limy Polka. Some ',merle. Polk. Tip Top A tio La belle Baltimore. Polk. Jenny IJod Polka. The Origin. Scottish Polki— Jaheo. Solination Polka. huts Polk. Jomehine Polka Sum , oC Polk.. Rossingol Polka. The Pro phet Qv ',done( —Mc)crbeer. Jenny Lind Quodrilles The 'ls moth nod lousy Waliaer—Mrs Ernest. The Swie , t, aver Boy—ve uatior • by Cserny. Monument. Soon , f, oat Mem. Wrrcher. Dane bier. quickstep. Louisvil.., March and Quickstep. Wood Up, Quic _ AREHOHSE, • rth Street. CARPET OIL CL v in part the following, 01 Velvet Pile Carpets, o Tapestry. •• eon ilvosrels " 0 erial 3 ply CARPE T ,Fon W CARPE 73 MCUNT?"4i n. 1r V . ,prtsla of Nit:miner, Bc., co.4prisin, 4 I.:_ttra senor Royal "d. Eng link enol Ameri. .Aup,fitte I superfine Extn .uper pateniChendl Operfi 12f . Ingllllll. C31119t. LIIC nom Itoperfine Jo Jo Rags Waned Rnßai Fire Common Elixir Wilton Common do Clientlle Door Matz; Tuned , i titieli t ialt in 4-4, 1 and I Tap Yen Car. 44, 1 and earl , . 14. t,i and .4 plain Car I It.a 6-1, ad, 4-4 and OJ Cadn-4 Extra printed p.m° cove, table Embosned Plano Table Penned woolen linboteed Stnud lat.on and wrmtnid DamnAt Star Linen; 'll3oey Red Chnitute; Chn tn. Bordertnr Oil Cloth Tab'. Coven.; Brown Linen crumb cloth Woolen 64, 5-4, 4.4. and 1 P.lntungi l IS inch Rama Oil C10t1,4 for rimim. CoAm MCC 11./•.1 Drab Cloths; enconon 1.1,m1r, Llmmases fnr Watercd Norm, Hoff Ifollend for WSltades Tra, ,11 rent Frenc ' h trencp. Venetiffnhi Benin le for Flees; 7.4 and .4 T0.1.1e Linen; Cru.tf, rleoteh ihilerei Moven Linen ISepkfn, Ge.lllll 011 Cloth 'rebl Covers Brass Stair finds; Statr Murree.; Carpet Modules; Jo< and Coco Mats; Abeam and Skeleton Mats; t-4 and .1-1 lireen GB Uloth for Ithnds; ilorkelack Diaper; uo, itle moot epvrcd...F.pg. :sewers frallt) . 3 10 *1 feet cut to fa rooms, halls, aro! th!Pe' Ikaa and Arnerinan manta tn W.Ol, ,'illol ',UN. • of any Pine or imporra dtreet from Ent 'cli,rstr) CARPMS. neve The undersigned harm lend, hok V el rut Yile nr.d • r, in e.r nn.l moi , t elcga, of the Ilirnt gorge.. color.. •ve Any cats purcha..l Cerprm whtele etre of eetyto• sett peteerno. nett wile •tt,•l t ,ttotre at 1 liartne the lats., ortment of the tichest and mewl tr,ittoon. 11111 , S a•S SELS. IMYERIAL THREE vu! INGRAIN CARPETS which far surpasses tiva.ity (AM pnecoany a•sortment ever Iry-turf 10 tht• cast Ile also invites Steamboat Alen at: Coach Illanutmlmerts to his large and well ,rted otTRY MAIINGS, and otber articles or-cram/7 in their tousinvaa. ur Wlen r$,F L• Erni (or tto only Stair Rod Slanutro..ry Pbt , uort, ilia. and prepared to sell lower Ellll he porch 0 el.ewbere m tlna city. ni•V , aPCI.INTOCR. Ri•aw Goods 1 . 1 1 alow Goode 1l 1 CLEA ' R 1E TRACK! New :. ,, ,orin; and 8:g. ter Dry Grryb far 1550 IA ILLIApI L. ILUSSILJA., ...,:,,,. W 1 ~,,,n a. d Ret:.ll Deal, r to IhroinS, eFroneh, and Am neon Inn' GOODS, Maxilet .:.:ror... ue.moron L.,' mod h'ourth , man of the --. , il o Roe Mrs'. Fla 71.51 eoinsuehoed receivint o:.a • 0en.0.; nne :V the moot rich. Pr:ldid, ..., a 0:11. l sos, au:loom:her Dry Good. cv.: et': r.. 1 :or:o Om Wectrit veulttr) All of :he, t 0.0.:,: 8...0:i• are freeh opened, end reamed to, the , : .terancr, Rom: Erhitoe and LoeloOd: oa tO.O I:• , : 1...., •. lo. , ::::::: :Ornet from th•litio. all CI a• .ea,,, hod to•itar led tl.e. pure nnicle; U.. , L..'' en: t.:: :go::: tte:: ::.y toe ...blorlher, and are oh por. O.:1 3.rn sr ario.r ltd. A!go.l.r.sh Daraark Cr.'o co.:i., t,hest otanufuetom; e and Rah I.:nro ..00.... or a:I to:dr, imported direct Irmo Relhaat 1, o . ~:h:: i:,:r. a :a nu . wood the :cal kilo-go h111.: I. , .Dir , 11111 - ,1 1:(II:0:, •ty c nil ro,r., *pleadld ru.t W;CC.. ...Lgood.; • ro.-r, woolA.lo. French -.5 ter,,rtr tl; plotd black ocw -L)IT galntro and I.rgr ...0n.... L.wct atinfg4og lode , ..a.n .1 . ..11 color., Wm t ~ . 1 LLL., 1LL.....~rl rILL rteLecit Lawn*, LI.. • L LL. IL 1.1.,11{t0 I li.tLr r.LLL r La.... ..L.L;vr•IL got.a•, black la,urerl li rtt r.codx, I rtoch ikb,l r.. 1.0131 Ir n ...,144 eo,.!ntDail rirt—...rs. rrc4 endrrnterr, •sr r s ..!1 . r St. sso I...ditllnt and SOL T.••tre• in all colors Lew et', piton unl •a to p'4 I, , act , t. Lawt.s. rcw •tylet“ In-'' - per •c Mar, th• !Anna, • new MINI Ira Lotter altr,r. A kat-• rwrite arat 1.11,11, sleek •:) 13u..nct ttaLLons, tLc vary Lett ' Lott,: SHAWLS. Ct.tggerg reArgeroger, grerh from the Cut hnet 1ig..., gatl ',tog ettgawl• •pgergeht gown, tr all enge.t• g g• g 1.••• • ....get, Leggetigui g hon • tralgle g gaca .ti. e.g....er, r•I gco.J.; geregg eathrotgler• t t- . 'II tatpultalwn; Par., trprik c• ••noncr Ctn.., sod Scurft ,11 rtrut vs pen, Err tich worked Cup,..Collass. and CuUE, • 1411. •t. A t.x ..,.k 11 r (MOOS. ... twoottiter.• ot ',NI., C.:0,1. ni50....1er.. •,rher, I weeds Sebum., sad Kentucky Jeani .at t. ts/ • tin rls r'Jlien. fast comred,.from ".1 In ltll cents r cy ye, 1...., 'ley, a P. tit,' Liteltsll Piton. best niperte.t, 5 Imo, Ilus, a and Scotch 11,4.er...urine ., ,oer A ,10, ilou•ekt etong boat. of all tired*, very .heap, , ..•,rot Ral... vliasia, cram dl to lVe eel.. Per v art], t • .1,:-• a rar, , ,e smelt at Cheek and .Bhtrtleg t r ipe. et'eo, CIFIIIM Plain is, all colors and quell o, at mar or, es. rm., whoa. *nil yellow Flannel, sery ..i.etto, I.,eacie,l r.:nl onLienetted Drtlllngs, full a.i/.1 . 11,/,' V,. ti ev•e• I .use Memmolt Calicoes, es• T,MACI, Io.a: 1 , 1,i4 4 n , .I 4.0.1001 kcal rattle Diapers, all rte.. r . Int , et e t , ',erg, i.rier• and qtalsues, ••• re r• • . o ; rt..oreo I annFrt a tall assortment, perto r ~.. 1 r v., .1 ~cs hater. 110111 IVi to `l5 cis per 101.1 uoi, ... t ru...touk 01 Conon Tattle Diapern. Mangers' ebtr..lll[ A tml assortment, very cheap. I . AllMstul..9 ' FAILAIVOLS : The lare••1 and tenet splendid stock of Parasol, ever opened by any ono house in PlOoloargb, is Ulf, a vy n.lO. rid: sou ore 11, or me newest Fetal , striae, whir+, 'or richnes• ...1 re:tell, eannot be surpaased. As we .10 e a taw lot oi Mete Partuals, they will be ... o ,d ~.., a 3 l O 1 than en, ...be, image in the city C. af ' ford to e... 0 the same quality of goo!. The Ladies are scspacoutly itiv.ted 10 examine these Parris,. as they will fool some. of the rtelieet and newest styles ever imported from Europe. 'These Vert.... are &tit of tee name% and moot fashionable color., • tol or- worthy of tar onentiou of thil ladies. Alt of the *Frt. good* will be .Id MY at prices far I.clow any hoc-. in the etty; and lu outer to prove fa,, the obl , l, will plea. call anti. pore the. Food., tied compare them with any other hoaae in the coy, um! De COIIT/I:Cld of me stove ...Moll. . The •,..erttte: wool., here say to Ina numerous cos. toe,r, u:., thr pubbc to general, there ere two ier I.e/. ravn . stores In su•rket WC., pretending to r. , , e a ot. the the Dee Dive. which is alone the only re,Dre lc.l. Lunt tor tamed Pry 1 foods establishment in N 0..., . The salot rtusr would tbrrefore say 10 ail purch••• • • of Dry 1, .m.l•, e:ther whole salt or Fellal. t.tat l ee log ;krin., nil VI at Set btr , ,. between Time end • , rlt. I • lo• A OVe !Al, tire largest, rtChest, end most stuentlid Orlea or •r,,,te 011 d Fume:ter Dry (Foods • lb tlyllt E Ili' lit tNNETS! Now t'vv . t...• ro a I,so—The largest eit.rroort fa•lslon ablo •to, o: llot.qlle cv •1 opened In tht• city, ta pt. reem.,...1 s: 115 • .ea of :0, thelter lit.. muslarket mu. rt, Let's-ern I mrd and Fnerth iitirets, where Dry Foetus of ,very tl:kertptom melting cheaper Al. say other Foust- In the . ity are 'Ybe pulote wail pre are ma , anttore 1101 there urr two other bee hive stores on Itta ti • ' , tree, ....40 prmeod to compete with the Big Ben I hen, bet urea t'ord and Fourth streets, where tt.e pan, a iii hod, at ail notes, the lazgestand ocercel .V,l ' i ' .l- 1-' 4:l ' ::!. ' n ' t t v o l ' e i t i . ' Th . l:l " tle •te„ ie betw„e , Th:rd cod Fourth ;Wets, ,1., a of lie DIU DEE DIVE. where Dr, 1....• • of every dr...notion ale sclltog t o as, a mutt at any other house in the CAP. .1 I ti, ILLIAM L MIIe:FELL. Greco, Goods. NIAoON , .t CO 0), Markst street, between !V. Fos Rh. ore vow rrceltiolo 1 .1 0 as mortn, I:stess Prrsoso Cloth dhlt Vt1;;r1 1.1. Craps De Lail., &o; with Inc,st,.l othsr co Goods, of o. ,strst ty le. lutoontdilo colors. n 001 I. rl-.--So baa. ratn., Ifni anti Java, r:+it.l.a.-Junta tantra alpprd. and sp...rm. s Cream and Enalish Dairy; dna Ilenlp and .MaratlL r. so MA, , In.r<l; •aa I,- M Common and half Spnalab; I brl•ab.lt,n.f brie Alartercl,an4 bla .tIsOfIC6I i • Ve111•011, kr Curtd; lb. F and Mandl.; IS tan .Inril•Ptla Mark and Copyist; -231014 N Orlcana, " 15 bull lulu Sup,ar iota • 211 dur .a•orrea raniateM ItaJtan, • do -nun k., ,,, annrd; ••1.t,• Iw - , 11.2‘ Co., rel; `...10-th Linn, N Orleart• and 1,11..1601i T ..rear and Slant, CCO-20 b. 4 PA 3, & I lb Inantri Waal, Boanua-51. dual - mina Zola; Frank by J L) WILLIAMS & CO snrln Cnrtt r of Fifth and WWII 1.1. W ANT/1130. • 'OURS! FURS', FU111.!-Tba •nbacribera arillpay 11 . for Coon, rand., Mast Rol, eaa 111 CirariaLd.ll, Ya m , pnc n. and all kind. .lapping FaFans , TCOHI) & CU, earner Fifth and Wood — Pieper Il&nyyliiipir SPRINO SELEPIION.—WiII be receive assor d, by d C4nal Oillipments, a neve and choice tment • Wall a Paper, of the latest F'gench and &own style In said, chamois,ak, plain and high colors. W. P . 11•AlttittALL, (late B. C. 11111,) mr1:1 b 5 Wood street DIHISOLUTION• TE Co-partnenlitp beiviofore existing between H. U. liosblield and Jobe McGill, under 160 Arm of S. S. Modleld it ttos day dissolved by ebutsisi 11., business of tite old firm will be settled by S. 11. BushLehi, at the old *used, bto)Llborty great, PiHoreb ttstiorgb. 11. BLISHEIELD, 1, 164111 JOHN ideGILL 9 : BUGS/FIELD and GEORGE RICIIARD eactimm 11,:f.Whotendo asd Retail Dry Good. and Grocery ha:linen, at We o:d stand, No. VO LAAcrty as, under we firm at S. D. DVS/IF/UM &CO, Mann I.1:40.-1mrt2 VP, this dal associated:with me, m the Wholes .."""m7, Commissios, and 'Forwarding bard nese, my two Sons, R. N. and W. B. Watenaaa Tho ..dond. In &lure will be conducted under the Stilt Of Waterston & Sone, aIL the old mad .No. 21 Wa ter end 0 Front won, L.. A, WA tii44argb. Pbot. MEDICAL. Jistssess !Litirsterslneeld 3/.11.•&"" PREPARED tinder the Immediate area at the Lit• centdr, and established for upwards otthin, 1d... This Cebeiet Nese:alien is recommended' to All amea of bile, aeidnies, indigestion, goat, and gruee4 as the moat sec, cony. anic-tree/nal MM. m which it oMu.sriestrrianamearylglated indeed d. posse th e g colt tre o p ; "' ope ni es at the Magneala mantle general me, without being liable like it, to fain, dm gerous cOnnietiOns to the bowels, It effectually cures heartburn without injuring the east. of ihestomach. n. Sods, potam, sad their ear• boaster are known to do; it prevent. the toed Olin (ante turning our, in all eaten it nail LS • pleasing aperieid. nod is peenttarly adapted m(emitter. Ptr ihrinphrey Davy testified that !hi, Mignon forms soluble combinations with uric said rails let Cases of sem aid gravel, therby counteracting their , tendency, when otr.er alkalies, and even htegneein itself, had nobn. From Sir Philip Ctamplon, Bart., Soegeon General to the Army In Ireland:— "Dear Sir—There can tie so doubt that Magnesia may be d amt niatered more safely in the form of a con ceutra i otherrd relation Man in aubstencei for Ude end many reason., lam of opinion that the 'Field Magnesia IS • Very tamable andtnon m oar Ninteria PHILIP CRAMPTON." Pie James Clarke. Ate A. Cooper,Dr Bright, and Messrs ltuthrie and Herbert Mato, cf London, strong ly recommend Murray'. Fluid Magnesia, as finitely more sate and convenient Ran the solidtrod tree front the danger menthes the 00Initant n.e of soda tar mow. For sale by the Importer'. andpronrietorls agents, BA FAIINETtrCK & CI) Cor. or Woo its I , n)nt rt. GREAT IMPORTANT CIIENICAL DOOM! I=l From the Vegetal :Kingdom, a rep./ Disassr. Dr. Cisysettts Extract of Tallotr Dock log' Sarsaparilla. Corr. room:mnion, umotola erysipelas, rheumatism, !Mot, num nominate., ovine.' alfeenotm, Weer., oy plans dropsy. asthma, pact, scurvey, affections of the bladder and ktdoeys, memorial nisemen. Um' ropt tumors, rush of blood to the head, fe•er and ague, impale coutplatnnu go. nem' debtlity, ,l)sprp• . of appetite, headache, colds., costiveness, grovot, night sweats, ebnite, organ. &gently., palp.mtion of the heart, Liles, pains In the ante, chest, bock, he. It k itftll lible In all' diseases larlaing horn an 113:1- of the blood. or irrtgolar orboo of the aye- In tl.e Vegetable Kingdom, an All.wLe Being ho. depopord loam+ and belts congerOal to our nanstitu• lions, and adrpied to be ewe of disease; and to Ws vegetable kingdom does the reason of man, al well • the tertian! of ani ale, turn for antidotes to pain. The Syrup la a n a tu re, etatutiontsd of the most val stole plants to nature. entirely free from deleterioas and ervating mineral substaneer, and 1.1 it expel. illiteare ne trent the system, Unpins vigor and stresigth.d anorrespanding.deeree. r(.qlg An extraordinary en — se of Serofula — , Eryslpelas and I) eery, cured:by the sole use or Dr. Guyon'. Corn pound Sytup, Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla listmaLl.s, Nov. 17, 1545 Da. liumurr—Sin i tender my mom. thanks for the 1 bane derived from the use of your valuable s, rap. I Lave beer troubled very boil wit a ofulous sore, which made its appearance on m thin t did not pay moeh attention tort at first, sup posing it to be nothing but an eruption that appear en pew° .'s the It finally began to Inereum until spread M •aeli part of the head. I applied to • phytieinti. Whit attended me all to no purpoie. I bad tried eet ry thing filet Meld be tried. I saw your Syr up of Yellow Dock •ndSkisapsinilae and concluded n.e ii for I knew that Yeliew Dock seas one of the most vnluoLle mucks in the world for the bloat. I booght your Syrup, end (rein the ow of one bout.) douid ser s teat chunge 'elly system. I continued to use tt until l' vacs a we man. 1 now feel like a new urnwint my blood is perfectly cleansed and Irce from ilipuities. The Is ne myuestion but Ina your newly iliscoverea compound is far superiorl sarmpanllu syrup ever sold. This a ny is at your dtsposal to publsh if yen like, and any one you envy ewer to me I shalt be hop p) to giva them all the information I eta about my ease, ho. I reetiele Jeer obedient !servant, Cinemas 0. doorman, 113 Merkel street. The leer female medicine known. Ti•e Emmet m Yel , •••• Dont and ttalsapattila I. • pat:Live, a peedy and permanent cute kir all complaints lunitlCnt • FR.II Lt,..S. It. Mild, atteranve properties render it peculiarly opphoo. , c to the slenitr and delicate ...ammo of the futhr!e. It tsunrivalled In its elects upon each dlteaws as incipient contumpuon, harrennesa, leu eerrlanca, or whims, irregular measithattnat ineu ti. tuner el urthe, and general prostration tithe systmn. roe ;acre that dual - caging nervous ore. - moi laaultude to conacton to the female frame., and imparts an enotEy and buoyancy tut varpradng as airy agrateful. We have evidence on file which induce. no sweaty to recommand medmlne to marred people who bane not been tlosand with oil .pulpit. esoteric. , Us u., . Ettlltng of the Womb, of 5 yes,' *lauding, cured by Dr. Guys u it's Fame: V ence Dock end Sett:panne, an. eveti nth k no.a turtedy had been tried without rel.. • . . aaatnuros, (Roo, Fes. IMO Thia .ertific• that tuy vrtk-, aged :11 Yea., h Leen soleritta noder the •fiove co plant for ft• lean—neArly all of that tone confined Lo her bed. nave for fuer year. conotantly employed the beat med tent talent t tat could be prlvlenl in this .04 Lion of to conotry, wallow any Lenef, alasteyer I hove al pu,Lated e•cr y tust , tuntat tecomatended for Lb ewe of .ucl, ages.. all of whirl, proved worthle. tLe Tprit.‘ of lo. 1 ,!, I war leulopcd lay my mends tto try Dr liortutt's leltaw 1./wck and etrwaparuts, w•ft used tor iota mouth, Acker-she had used I , tot atunt lour week, evident to all that stis wag improving, and from tn. ume she improved rip Idly, aid gained at and strength, matt the &ww o ma. entirely mmoved, and bhp ia now chairing trot excellent health. WM. MONFORT. NVe t.e'tog neaghtto. of Wm. and Juttet Monfort know toot the at,ore 61.8.M.1... to the steknen o Mts Atoefort, and a to .1 e eere tieing ebcctet h) lta,atttre Yellow Duck and Sareapartlle.. In lee strictly JANE 1.111/Y, EARAII POWERS; Jalluary Mr Penned—Mar Sir: The greet berm!, ...loan I bast deuced (runt tour 1..413 act al Yellow Duel , and Paccaharilia.iiiiitiers me, as annul of Jostles, to mass N billowier statement: Ansi iirsbtlng for two years from general debility a:illicit fin elly.terminsted In consumption,/ egl en to by my friends and phrsielans as heyorni the not o: mod cinr. As a Met resort, I RIM Induced to try our Extnset, aid baring lured but two botilts, re miritibc toyour directions, I am entirely wed. wasu stiv yr.nalMend 'var . Imnr..qulti to the enrye a:::: , I:4 vi.ro neer, and ...to (sratelati) you, Pd. WAITE None genoine unless pot up In large square boides, rerunning it quart, and the tame of the syrup blown o Inc Oa., ith the written signature of P. 1 , Ben. nen 011 It.e outside wrapper. Fore El per looter, or • bottli for RS It as sold to/ J. D. Part, comer of Fourth and Wal • nut street*, Caption., ChM, General Agent for the South u3d IVest., to whom all orders mast be address. Cute.. k tiro .F.rie, W. JuS•on It Co . fo,d, d. , Cf01 , 111(•11i, Abel 'Carrell :11,11,t1.e, Hawn. Mix, Towanda; Roben Boy, Well. Lu nt, Rodcrtet, CallenAl.ura; Wllees. Jr.. Pitts btknot, cot... )t ,laamt .trey t and thy Ustamond. a ma.wlyar SELLERS' PA EDICINRS—.They ate the medocitice of the day.' ntaham Station ' Ohio, May IS, 1(49. R think it nght,for the benefit of others, to elate vome facts in relation to your excellent Fa intly Medicine , . I have seed your Vernon - age. largely In my own family, ono • vial frequently expelling large quantities ltey PM to tioo wormy) from two children. I bane •Ito used your Liver Pills and Cough Syrup In my fanally, nod they t see, In every mortance, produced Ilia effect. desired. At I no engaged in merchandising, I am able to state. thot I have yet to bear of the hest failure where your onedlernee have been used In any section oldie country. InCoucluqinn, I may elate that they ate the medienias of the day, amid am destined to have a serf cabman° popularly. Vaunt, reeneetfully, NV II PINNELI.. Prepared and sold 14 R S SELLERS, N 075 Weal Street, and wild by Drurginta generally in the two cities and vicinity. jel FA.hiILY NINES - 1 CINES-- - Tney alv us I Mcd4csaiti.ul the day.. (Inseam's triATION, Ohio, s lay Ph,1549. R.l , - Sellers: I think it right for the benefit of others to mate tome fuels In relation to year excellent Fuxin. ly Menne:nee- I have used y. .e Veemitage largely In my own tent tly, one rio , fre. o uently answenag for expedli tuft ge [pant.. (bay you Arm worma from taro etaldtaa I I. a roi ;ilea bredr Liver Pills and Lough Syrup in my tinnily, and they have in every Instance produced the ctleet drained. A • I von engaged In merchendiain I am able to loath no, I note yet to hear et the bee g. t Moline where you nombe nee haven used tn thy seen.. Of the coun r try to conelm e oion be , I may mate that they are MO rtledtr,elit nt the de,. and ore do.tared .0 Im Vet Yen' es VI propulsory Yours. ear ro , II 1 • 1,01.1. Prepared and sold by R. t I HIS, No 57 Wood street, end sold by Drugg..,euerally In the two ci ties 1.1 vicinity, meal flne.A'r CURELir LIV ttt COMPLAINT, by ha NJ original, only true, and genuine Liver Pill. Shoal dasss, Ohio exmtty l Va. March . ...nth, 1545. Mr. R. E. Sellers: Dear Sir—l think It a deny I owe to you end to the public ruera ly, to state that I have been with the Liver Complaint (or a long time, and se badly that an abets, formed and broke, whirl lest tee la • very lOW stale. Iladnngg heard of your celebrated Liver Pills being for sale by A R Situp, an West lubeny, and recommended to me by my phymetan e Dr. E. Smith, I concluded to gyre them a fart trial. purchased one box, and found Own to ~ e just what they are recommended, TIIE 5E231' LI VIER PILI. EVER LISE; and alter taking four bole. I bud the Ermine has antirely left Lae, and I rim now perfectly well. Reapcetfally years, U II COLSMAN. West Liberty, hlareh VO,lntfo. I truly that I am pervonally acquainted with Mr and can bear testimony to the truth of the atonve ..eruficate. A JI min Rl' The rename Liver rine are prepared and sold by RE i LI.ERS, No 57 Wood street, and by druggisu tome wo clues. To PIIE PUDLIC.—The original only trua and gen uine Liver Pills are prepared by RE Seller., and have ins Moan stamped in black wiz upon the ltd of each box, Sod Mr signature on the outside wrapper—all others ere eowitelfeita, or balm imitation*. R ft SELLERS, Proprietor W.A . : . O ‘ a c t . 1 1 7 Cll[:tp , 1:11Z d one Watches, IN curet,. U. CY.C., WLICh I cult eel, a e low no thirty and thirty five dollars, and warranted keep good. unto. Also—A splendid assortment of /If WEI.RY, coon prima the various and latest styles, and beet patterns w, wiLsON, Watchmaker and Jeweler, GOODS, AT COST. tr. CO, harm!! arranged to give their entire anention to the I.IIC Or domestic Woolen and Cotten essant, now °Tar their large stock of Tailor.' TrinlttlillglN Vesting . , French and Cicadae , Cloths, Doeskins, teasaiLlMlTNolc.al firsl cost. IiERSEY, & CO th9,Wood St_ lea aut , reed, art cicaant plum Fr:oscura:TOO Oct. • - ,auo from lil[ celvirrated manufactory uf Dianna fr. Clark, N Y ,of auperior tune, and vary nrodenrusprwo. FOr ado by 11. XLEIJF, WV at J. NV . % Voodwell.. - - - -- ---- - -•••— IVURY PEARL TOOTH POE' DER, VVfor removing Tartu, Beam, Canker, and an subaMnees destructive to the Teeth. It la dem...to the torte, cleauslng the mouth, healing and strengthen. th t , o " r e sre7:;L '' ol d elt ' t ' fett th d 'g re th t:il., b W th E tiita.t.Eßl4, V Weed at , _ _ MOTES LOST. CTITICF. Is hereby wren,. that on or about the Melt LN of April, the unser. ibers had mailed to them. at ellsbarg, Va., the following notes, vim—A note drawn by 0. A. Martin, payable to our order, doted April Ilth, at 4 months, for 5173 60 a tune drawnt.y John p. Morgan, unto date and time, for *lll 17, and • note drawn by John Watt A Co., in favor of John 8. Marko% and re-endorsed by no, dated April sth, at four months, for SIM. Ths gloss nolo wars oartur reeelued by its, sod this Is to caution all pompom against trading for or buying tho mins, as yoyntent of thest los W. loppyil, 7 h.W WbR341115111 MISCELLANEOUS, ZIOT/CM. MEE Pannenialp heretofore existing be the &Oiler - Wen, wider toe firm of Barloidge, Wion & Co., was tbi• day dissolved by &stool ...en' . The beanie.. of the firm will be settled by J. W. War bridge, or Wm., Wilson, Jr either of reborn I. author ised to use the Lime of the ' hues in liquidation. J W. BORBRIDGE, WILnON. Jr., LYON, 811ORD & CO. Pittsburgh, Joly 1, 1550.-1,4 CO-PAfTHPr.RIMIP. " • • ' • - sg•TAS. W. Iturbridge 1 . nem. F. Ingbraut have kids day asseetated themselves under the firm of nar bridge.klnFhrum,tu tramesei a Wholesale Grotery lad General .7ormuission Liuniness, iu the bonne lately oecum.e , by Iturbralge, Wilton b. CO, I Water st. Piluburet, July 1, 1450.—1y4 - - 00-eefTnsRBQIF r 1 IIE .übsesibers have this day formed a ecopartne, ship under the hem of \V h F Wilson, for the our case of iron/Lacuna the Wholesale Grocery and Cont. poission Iluatocw, at No is Wood street. Wlll. WlLfit IN, Jr. Mnabarßh, 1, 1550-114 FRANK. WILSON dielodama Plano valt/titvr - i. . a ttt of Itiiittla JUST received at the Flan 6f the Golden Harp, one superior 5 octave Melodeon Piano , with tv./ , Jena Of Heeds. the lule 4 l mapowetnent. ' The above is probably the Cutest toned instrament ever tarred for cult here, with a highly finished and elegant exterior, for sal. hy Ow;l it KLF.I3ER 11NTING PAPER-1 O A .fine - book o4r l9ozVBi;p fd do do do M3 z ; : Jou do scars printing, 1t4G17; Ita do do dti Walt, odo do Jo 310 410 do do do 790a3 Al do nice Envelope, 200. Z; 20 do Yellow do lUodJi Cat dual...lila do IlUrlSf 75 do do do 2.101; SW do assorted wrapping pa. per. to store, for axle by JOHN IWnl MELLOR NI et,l•l. iecorti,iny - In Teas rhECIDEL/LV the cheapest and best place In Pats. .1../ burgh to buy Tea Is at the Tea Market, cut sloe of the Diamond. They sell Excellent Tea - •-••••••40 50 per lb superior Qaalitms-• --- •• • OR " Low priced, damaged, or inferior Teas are not kept at this eatablishment, therefore, whether you go your self or send a child, you are sure to obtain a goal article, and if the flavor of the Tea is notioppieved, they readily exchacge. it or return the money. /YU moil Old e 11.11.WOUTII, UNIILKS-40 his extra Croons Choc.; 10 Ili bob Ne J Mackerel; 10 brie do du; 5 kegs do do; 10 bas tiateratos, ya boo Mould Candles; 20 is No 1 Starch; 20 dos patent Zinc Washboards; 05 hi chests super= 0,000 Ten; au caddy LOS do do; 10 Lt elms, sayotior Block Th.; tes Outfield's extra Ileum; For sale by J I) WILLIAMS & CO 1115 Cor Wood & Ftrth sts. .CIIIOCI AL h =iProx es NO T 1 Fresh Chocolat just secelved, and for Wsolo b & y Jr 3 WICK AIcCANDLESS GOOD C OOICS POD. IPADDIRRS Joharoon—Ameneau Flneyclopzdia,e , Entefron—Trees and Shrubs, red Brown—Dees of America, eve Thomae—Amer!ean Fruit I:altruist, I:hao liay—A Geode te the Orchard, hymn . . - Oudot. the Orcharri, Kuebeu Gardener, Limo oer-71:e American lite Keeper, drown—The American l'ochey Tend. 17mo Moreliall.--The Farmer wd. F.¢oKranV4 Eland Book Allen—The Amer... Form. Book, lihno Bowing—Fruit nod Fruit Thee of ARCM/1,12m0 I'o.o—The Horse. boo Bennet—Tan Youitry Yard. 12mo For sale by JAMF.hi D lAWKWOOD 10 , 7 101 Fourth 51 American 1 of Science and Arta. ( - )ONUTICTED by Prof. D. St limas, Pref. Lb 91111;L) Inca, Jr end Jemm Dom, New Haven, Cons nectieut. T it. Journal Is bound every two month., in numbers of 132 pages yeah. snaking two octavo volumes e year, melt with many illustrminm: It be devoted to to missal article. On t.Clnnen and the Arts, Cuadcmrd timiews or ./12.111C14 of Memoirs and Discoveries from boriegn Periodicals, Notice at New Publications, and • General Bulletin of reernt Seism Übe in inks. The first Peri, colon im GI volumes. the last of artiish Ise general Index to the 49 vole.. prceed:ng. Subs:Op:ion, KO a year, in advance. J D LOCKWOOD, Alb fur Proprietors, lett IC4 Fourth at_ • uood Hook• for Summer Ikendlag• Ilrovni—Tork Eveoing Entort.ozonis, 12.0. roy:or—Eldonoln, '2 vnl., l'Ono Tolman—European I.ile (JlO sloone4+, '2 v01a,12.• Dickens—lhonoy and 1"oo, V 010,147. Mack oy.--rupular Dolusiong, h‘l. vo o. Mararl —Fresh Gleoningo,nnno C fi. II —Noonan Lerlm, 721110. tAbass—Flntitsh I iterehae,lo. ' Prior—Goldsmob's Miscellaneous Worts, 4 roll. Mayo—Ku eons, 1.21n0 Tallor—Vieves Mom, Itbou. If inboltii—Counos, volt, limo. Fut f ale by .19:4 D LpoicwooD tew tot Fourth at Boolka—Genera./ Liter wro• Moo i—Cr; v Ito Lille ana Man facture. Demo. enollo—Pidloaohk . y of NaLure 'l2m Chilaw-I,,bon•nis and licaeenons. limo. Shsw—En, LW Literature. 11.100. ll~lvt.- - L,Yeodre 10010. liry ant—)t hat say. in California. Mt. Pterre—raol and Virgo:lA 2 vols. ltote. Menu— Letters to Toone men. 12.00. Horner —Rectrinde of Haman Nature. 12010. Vermont—` e...10ra French Literature. Newnhant—Hunian hlaimienseci. Humboldt—Aspects or Nature. Droderip—Zoologieul Recreations. For sale by JAMES D LOCKWOOD • WF, rib et ' I , o•te - Zes N••• GWlN,F;;ronto.n down t01kd,10170,11.1,13 Field; Kelly • •••3 ALSO: lie Kind to dm Loved Ones at home; Row thy boot lightly. True Love, by T Hood; Our vray,ac toss Wor sea, deep; A near niedley sang, by U. Covert; Jenny O y. movie ey Joys Oa were erOwniag, Wedding March; God bler If. , ' booty marine, Schuylkill We.; ell,<11:41 , 1 Departure by V'. C. lover, Soroula groin !tome, %Vanier, Croy etrearinvelte Co. 1.4.1 Role h YMllter. i'vey l.y tiro. Cinted Slates Polka; Loire.' Souvenir Volta; Corn Cracker Qasdrille; Louisville Quadrille; Bcaunes of Italy; Darns, 'Frios, A large as.ornaeut of New Maxie or hand. to which additions are made weoltly. For ado by 1. MO2.LOR. Al Wood W. L'h•lp titandarA ilistery. ujj b ,N . l b li b t; eyl,ur:V; nd piper. at lu cents [Kt vol. Thrie Dro`r, In reee r. iv..l, nod lor.ato by K HOPKINS, 70 Apollo IluildiNys, Poorth N•W Books. EDA U Felt First Voyage. by Hermon Molly Me somor of 'Typee," "Chaco," Sc. Ilistory of King Alfred of England, by Jacob Abbott, watt fine enernvmn , didouto Na Sorcereso by Wm. Menthol& JOIINSTON & nucK.ToN, north corner Third and Market arms • .0-ne of the Alert ReourrianVette of the NINEVEFI AND ITS REMAIN S ; with an account of a •isit to the Chandman Chnstlens of Kurdis tan, mil Ito Vesidis, or Devil-Worshippers; and an Inquiry into the filename and Arta of the Ancient Ari• Wrims. By Austen Henry Layard, 6q ., D. C. 4 ith lutrodurtoryi Nob by Prot. E. Robinson, D. D. LL. D. Illustrated with 13 plates end maps, and 90 wood ems. Y vole "vo. cloth, 34,50. The book has it rare amount of graphic, vivid, pie; Mosque nerrause "—Tribune. "Tim work of Layard i. the mom prominent cannel batten to the study of antiquity, that hoe appeared for ymr "Voi.o ' n 'n e ' e'Sricis h'i iii ' int7eet the &Mount of Nineveh and ite Ruins, gtvou by hi,. Laymd."—Wu Intelligences. "As we follow the diggers with breethless interest to their creavatlons, end suddenly find ourselves be • lore madam figure turned with • minute mettracy, now lithrig Its pronto head from the dmt of 3000 Aran, ewe to ready to cry out with the esion.bed Arabs, `WalLab, it is evood k orfel, Mit it Is true "—lre JA Pt D. florid LOCKWOOD, MI Wood 81 HE WOMEN of toe Old obi New Testament T Blood by E. B Soigne, D. D. I vol. lip. non., elegantly bound, N extiontrly finkhed env ravings; woh drocripuons by colebmted AU/erica. fllergymen. popAIS BY AMELIA, blea Welby, of I: v l a new and enlarged edition: illusirowd by eng novo.. from r t ' y n a n utl de a ' n ' rg " ilt y y v a ul tietro ' f " spl v endi c d i Vu n n ' tt ‘ : als and Gift Gook.. Cbildla Molt [took of the History of some. 1 vol. lino. THE AS:XIS - PANT, adapted for the tie of Carpenter., eldpwrtibts, Wheelwrights, klaw yero, LaMberillen, titildenti, and Artikarni generally: being a thorough and practical Tremble on Meow.- I bon and the Sliding Rule. Dy 11 lit. Roper, A. hi. Itoteels Treatioe on Greet Prove Compovirion. 011eadord'a Elementary Prone. Grammar. DT Prof. Greene. of Drown University. I vol. leant Roediger's GesertiuP Het, rear GraturElat, by COII.I. lie.lllol' Ilciew Lexicon. Loom.' Trigonometry and Logarithmic Tables. I vol.(sheep. Thy Pigli ) alinan'a Greek Coneardauca. 1 vol Onus. tn.) Anthork4 Classical Berle. Webster's Dictionary, revised ed. I vol. Pro. do do susahridged. I vol. 4 . .11. Barn's Notes and Rotations on New Testament. Whately's Logic. glotheim's Ecclesiastical Ilastory 3 vols. and 2 vols. {sheep./ Vestiges of Creation. I cot. Lena. Mornings among the Jess. at Route. 1 vol. (cloth and papal.) Irene. where the Tempter has TnampheJ. 1 vol. (cloth and paper.) Bogue's Theological Lectures. 1 sot. !Ivo. (cloth.) Alder's Pronouncing Bible. IJoyer's French Distionary. Brooch Horace. For sale Ly R HOPKINS, oe•i? Apollo flutidings, (ouch st h• Oldars Time. AME" D. LOCISWOOD, Bookseller and Importer ki No. 67 Wood mart, hos fur sole a tow rows coo• plate, (the reminder of the ediUnt.,) of this purr wotli. tooted to the pre ssievotion of Doctiments, 0011 other authentle ilitotiontion relal•ite LT • , L.er• plorauoas, settlement sod iniprovornein ihi. cs.unity oroond the head of the Ohio. By Neville D. Craig Esq., of Pittsburgh, in vois eve. novlo J. D. LOCK WOOD 1 . .0b1A.31 LIBERTY:.to A 11ry, with new of the Liberty of ethos An Nations. /11( 153.11111 d E on, Esq. Illnstrsted with twelve engravings, exc. coled at Rome. 2 vols., 000., uniform With Prsscon's Historical Winks. Just published and for sale by D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and novlo I nirtorto r, 6.7 sa 7, nN7I iThI r fOLB IN ITALY; as tt;onaitlT•drth; Ignio. 73 ots. MI Ka. FANNY KKNIULE's YEAR OF CONSOLATION. • "The re•ning of (hla took has impressed us with rt mach higher oputton of Its author 111.111,01100 formed from perusing her pit. writiogs. ltdisplsys &deeper tape Of LbOUSILII,III44 LO MOM Fire W01.1:1) arse of feeling than any other pxoduction of the Wattle mind with which we aro acquanueiL"--Evh Mirror. "Dia • very agreeable end readable boakorritthaln Finny Kemble's beat style—bold, spirited and enter. tinning. We recommend It to oar readers as the but igiublicatiou of the season."—Reading Cal. "It coutunsthe JOarrtal 01' a love] Um: • Ind residence In Hilyi and is one of the PI sad mast hamming books of the eeseen., .EuouJeer. "A very characteristic book. We have reed .. title page to Colophon with unabated Interest. A •I• aid picture of Ilk In Some. Ls ill respects eminently reartable.n--Knickerboeber. For sale by • JAMES D LOCKWOOD, novin Bookseller & Importer, c 3 Wood It =i==2 EIPRY HIIRCIIRELD haws an eseellint Ispertment or shove ',Oslo, lies 00 10 .1 inelatin ..*e of s ion .01 , gginit gat 499killiCkISI*Paill"k "Oa ►KERB EXCHANGE NOW.: a:sod booght otos of Fachoog• • Old Co",olne• to the t s , ROM. , oftoe 8 - 0113ZIGN LX MOLLS cr. Ente...1,1m1.4 JCh en, amount at the Cart 'Alia, Drat, pei-ab:e le .7 p frottll.l to SIpGG, at Wen turbot or duo°. •petu Gel:Loral of woOd. a.LISB Z.I.IIXII. I A LAn MIL . BANE ..:119 AND MURANO!: It IndKlL4 ttt , 3 , F, reurn ltd Dnruddlo Intnt at Iltena.L., kr tl6ca•.ca of Nputne, Bank Notts &La Calm. rot , • ot and d Nod suveng, datcdy opponte Si Chadr• .1 wir.bl6l l . ll YUXDS— '"iadiar..b, '. I gsattety, Museum Llut Notes; parabasii?. 111 tb• lowar. ratty N. 3LOLISIM & SONS, sept3l 7/ date: meat. BILLS Or IZECUANOIIL-61,1,1n Ch." cr, ; N... Vort. Phllad4lplaa, ~d . ' Bettmora. Consta&tly for We by N. 1101...VF.4 & ..e., 5e913., Xi Ms" • .. • EIISCEIANEOUS. az ORM El t 111AINORTE4 24:.4zr,,!o.bW:It'rnhe, Yee now ole Wok at the Ye, lowest pyres fo• cash, Roc idled Whiskey, Gin en i n, shy Li,,.,a150, 'proooh Grandy, liallond Gin, Jamaica Spwas, Lon 'don Gin. inch 1h hist, y, Rum, &c. Port, Yherry, hit. .leira,Ch•rr Claret, Mue , atell, (Wogs, Tow,- rellYe •od Lialwa Wows Wholesale & Roma. fell P Trlrr!tith' 3 „ `;: riorf. — . lAleh7olf . ;rnlctitVrTpn'er'd6: Wrapping Paper; Crown, Medium, and trouble Cron ei Straw Wrapping Papal; Crown. Medico , and Double Crown rust °Zee ropm P,itettoard, to. to. W P JIAIINIIALL,o7 Wood it, marl , AteYl for Clinton 11101ir Nori.o.ra. OHN WATT CO. Linea removed Weir met t) Groceries to the Apo:read Sitio of Liberty et. IarOMAN IN AMERICA--Iler work and her ro. 11 , ward. fly ItIOXLI .1 Mclntosh, oath. of - "Chan. h Countorehtmina.. "To seem and to be." 1 rot Moo Latter Day Itamptdew, No I.—The preeent Owe. fly Thomaii.Carlyste. Caraw.a.—hlcnotts or Life and Writings niThat. charmer, D la, I. 1.. D. PrVICCI.IOIIII 013 Analogy, Pule) hi E. We.. of Eh r a rr tonity,anil Lenore on Divinity, with two Introductory Lamm. and four /Wm.. delivered in the New College, Edinburgh, by Thorn. Chihnert, D. U, L. L. D. • . CsLvDa—Life of John Calvin, campiled4MT ttudten• Ise sources, mud particularly . frous coursMltleuccd. Lly Thomas 11 Dyer, with portrait. 1 Vol Idem. For sale by ••slt HOPKINS, 5,17 11/1 Apollo Ilati•liogs. Fourth st Combs! Vombe CLIVIS 11 . :12N1 I nfl; 1 . 0 do do very fine, " super klagllTllorn Iteddlngi 6 " Combs; 600 d DM doe ass'd Fine Ivory; 30 ' Shell Side Cout•s,• • 10 " per large DUtlnlo; WO gross Cad Sole COW.", roc'd and for sale by tebd C YEAGER, tu'l Ms act .1 nna IlallAndl nna Ilollandl of Wiridoto Holt nett, to which be would MOS I reopectfulty coil the RI:MAJOR of customer, end the public in generaL E....1 .- Ctlrpft Wore Poecor,7s Founh Ft. jilm7l Llec F:al , :;e4y eGU manufactorylA R t m r . e n e: f r a e n T l i lll o l sale by jar..S If o l f EtLOlt. bl Wood BOOK. Jost necelVed. Tun Complete work.. of John Ilunyon; 2 , nIA, evo, in I vol, II:o•tratml; mishit nil' uua Fin mire, Mltchull'a Uildiest and 50.111111t1 tlebrot licueraptcy; • num weak, vol, Itmo. Turritls Al.l.lyrll and :Speller 1.-tic of John Q. Aflame; by Wm. IL Suwon!, I.'ol, Mum me•lin Poems by Mr, Ilesanns; volt, limn; aluq1111: South'. tlermonei—t•ercioht preaehml upon several occasion, by 11/ . 31,n South, D. 114 a new cdnion, 4 sots; Yostlmmuoi DinC0111 , 4.3. Same—l vols. in 0; sheep, extra., 800. roe ital., by 11. lICFPICINS, robot Apollo Thsildlngs. Fourth at. M=! =l= ro RIVIC180:11 •. Vt. G. FAIN. Imir. undersigned, niccensors to Arthurs Ls Nichol. sorb beg tease to incom the cis MIS of riusbutgh and public generally, that they hove tebuth the LA ILL FOUNDRY and WO now In full operation, and hare port of their patterns really for the lunacy— Olinotoon which are Coolldg Stoves, Cool and Wood Stoves, with a nplendid otr-tight Coal Stove, oslorti flow supto,ding in °the cities the eoinition rayed stove. MAO, • cheap conk Conking Stove, Adop ted tor small with a full assui tam nt of coin. roan and iaantel Grates We would paroralarly in vite the attention of persons building to tall at our wureboni , before purchasing, and connote a splendid oracle of itainoselled Griies, finished In fine owl.— entirety new in this market. Warehowe, No. lel Liberty a, opposite Wood at NICHOLDUN S P ANN I]. IRIPOILTAkTIOEMS. YE-kliFIFt. Intporter and Ulmlemle Dealer in lJ k'ANCY AND VARIETY GOODS! Porn of the Gilt Comb, PM Market at., Piwburgh, Pa. lk'eatern blerctionts, Pedlars, and others visiting Pittsburgh to purchase GOodo, are scspcetrully invited to call and rmarnine the extensive assonment of Eng lish, Amordeen, Frendb and Gerraun Fancy Goods. All Foreign Goods at this eatablishmciu are impoit rogdigloWlsblromurat (tient al sttselso, t n e. sanely line, in tbe city ur cit y s.l—alt of with "will be sold low for cash or cit accertnneco. The Stock consist., in part, of Lace Goods, Hosiery, Moves, Ribbons. DIM Crovato, Shoe and PatentTlimails, Sewing Silk, Spool Cotton Tapes, Simper:Mem, Ittatons, Pins, Nee dles and Coder!. Gold and Silver Watches, Goldiesvelry, all find. or Crushes. Combs and Razors. Percesszon Cam Revolves, Pistols, Clocks, SIM A. Cotton Poise], Ppectocles, &eel row, Moore Boots, Capet and Bassets. l r itndlnes. Findings and Trimmings To), s.nl i'dwy linotto; toletlini sr.], s large saris iy of Coney and Pup... 1.)11k Gr Wits, C. VII :GM( IA also agent for tat celebratto] Lao caster Comb., novt7 anal iclaglisn rtsmeay FOR Cotten:lC° Alitlt and Coutfamption! GILllA'r ANL/ONLY RENIEDY for We career the hove dISCNSCII, It the 111,NIURIAN UALSAM 01 , LIVE, thmovcred by die eelebrat , / Encl.°, al Lyndon, l'on.nnfl, and introduced into the Vetted htiateo .rider the immediate auverintetift mum of the inventor. The ex freormeary meccas of Oa. in4ceine, in to.. cure Of Itclmonovy diseases, waren et, the Americo, Agent to eMietting (or treatment the worm poostble ro res thate..l be found in the eoinntrouty—catee that seek elief in vain from any of the conlinon re:Tit-then or Lt. day, and have been foven up by the most dietthemenrd phyeicians ea confirmed end incurable. The Ifunguth. an Ramon hay cored, 'Oil wilt ear:), the molt deeper , . el caeca It is po genet uosthum, but a standard Ertl lilll Mtdl,llle . , or-known and established etheacy. Every Ga m y in tote United Suites healthd be .applied with Ilarthetn'e Hungarian Ratation of Life, not only la counteract the consumptive tendencies of the climate, be .to be ustAl as a previewer medicine to all C.A. a of eoida, eueglis, sonnet of blood, pain In the side rd cLest, 1/.1.01 and obreiiese of the lunge, Inoelotte, di:Lenity of Greeting, hObtie fever, night gamete, eIII3C loon and general debility, uthr, tullueusa, whooping ro rough and cup. ' Sandhi largo bottles, al SI perirllalo, with run diete ticna for the restoration of health. Porepitiem, mmtatalug a mans of English .11 Amen. C•neerltheawattire evidence, hawing th e 1111• eqoalled merits of ilia great Englioh Remedy, they ho othutted of the AgenratAratuthea‘ly. For Ole by LI A PAIINErITOCE eorner a at and Wind and Wood and bill ota. • tathAwS COCCIISTRUP—Tnistaht 17 Norutoo Lla. IV Prrivraron, March 27,1217. Mr. R. E. Sellers-1n puttee to You and your ,tment. parable unegh run, I beg Mace toee, (or the hen. el, of 11,0 communing, that my enfe h.. been aevcrot time. enema arm a uinst distresmog tough. I pm. c bmfed, to January last, n bottle of your oyrup, touch that a cougn of Iwo months' standing. About one mouth •Ince, the cotter retel:tett, and Was no sescre that she (maid hardly. mole, front wentneau in the brcasti I .cat fur one botIM of your Conga Syrup, and pan of one bottle' cutml the rough leave the other to it lear ,et man whoaceerely ent,cted, who had, to use was Own Words, 'valet, ettouch cough curtly to cute alt the people 01 Entebutgh," rf the candy had been 13 poll ns lepretentetl. }'our.. re.peetnilly, Avast, 11. Ram, 1 . 1 , p.1 , d mai sohl ay R. C. SELLERS, 57 %cld etre., •:..1 sold by bruggtsts generally in the Iwo Ines ertn . ALLI;OIIN:fiIt VENITIAN 1.11. 1 / S D, AND CAIIINKr %vA.:Eauom. J. Art _ fullyu, f011,11.,t thepls.,: on , 4, 1;1 . r , e k, sr h. keeps on hand et hi. •tand on lb. west .ttle of the ts‘r.annd, . mem of Venni. Muds, abs, Vc ninon Shutters are made to or Srs: der ntho hest style, warr " emus; b. any In the United S ' utl '. aa the 111.4.1 e ran be removed with at , • , l of s e gcrew driver tools, it'snrw r o ' nklof the l ea ' bizZe n .t tahlishment of Rass,by !Slllet ‘7.- land, I am prepared to fern.. their old eustnumrs. es well • t h e p a bile terve, with every thing in their tine. Agency, Nob Sweat street, Pittsburgh. niehe J. A. DROWN. fJololoTaii•gr;s111.• gallts. rh 0 1 u tt n ree ,, eived . iin a , hr .t.tesul pancrna; Elan, White Counters... r sea of v 111,10 , pr. v• /VI ytdrelny; Muslin.. p.ors. Great rare Is rttest in rele.ung very 1. , r, .0,0 t; ¢a Obey bay in large rcatiul"lurer, “icy van er , J Bi v-r, 1)0r.7 c..." 4 iced unit !al, 1.7 n.. R I n N. IV I) ‘1:1111 011 . At.S. rn . P. MARS" AO, to eel...a ly ,reetving, (ruin the largest tousdartonc.. Nrw Vaal and Pelladelphis, and sho from Erre , Aiencles, the newest and mint spon.ved riot ! of la per 11u:tines, togetherwith Itordere, Uosre Pr 14 4 ,4 and Teeter Tops. hot sale st h 5 Wood , L, for n F.. , Uk , Street and Diamond Alley, (sucrose to S. C.'1114 , 020 MITRPIIrdi BURCHFIELD alai aa mei la and grit rc ti to I nn 6 ih,tatzt aatl ..t'7lvor: •+Mgr qTd , ‘T. Kum fine horont illlett, rec.c r •te. Packages In Stara. .)NEII9I, 'noticed Dune! 6 Wood, p i ttrnoren; ( Otto Bundle, marked Charlet Inii.gbeny, Yin Imre,. The °mats will plea. call and tOY t ...tin.. nod lake them away. Jul.`lod. 105n,-4)-S1 NV AI.LINGRIPLD & C.O lertelit.kGLn•TatiViir - o. - tit/Rain - 4R • V nan .till on baud a tew pea ri•enbargie. of 110 width for Wool Sae., watch toes wilt clout out to tow' To City Pf emboli:lto Sty. ft topcoat Y minty 'Poen for 1111.164, :LW/ kegs llogord's bloolug rowdet: hetet nevi dd do Rile romder. The eglantine sale and wide•rpreYd repotatiOn the shore powder.l. the Lest gunrontre of Its cualky. Leave you order*, they will teeetne pro. attention, by • J s DILWORTLI at Wood et • Stows. le•wegt• at 121 cents. M URPHY & BURCHFIELD aro selling • nMe iele or Drown 'Drew LAMM a Ito lOW 111 121. perelse, • EMI 011tirt7 of styles ligh.tdo at 10e. We. sn 4 res , 7.d: b• WM INI4 WI 140 a kra 4977 hoc
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers