The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 12, 1850, Image 3

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al.&PurtiTED &
One AVe•l;Gater - .. ll — e;rs from E.nrep
Monday morning. Sept. 9.h.
The steamer Aria, with Liverpool dates to thy
31.1, wan telegrapbej at Sf o'clock this morning,
sod awls& In part at 101.
',macro., August 31. -
After g ~.natieg, Cotton tine dechred I to 101
• penny pee round. The Commlucerquotattons
DOW are, Cor OtErano BJ. Uplande Mobilo dd.
?diddling qn dnies 71971 per pound.
LlvEttroon, Aug. 31.
Indian Corn her advanced 1 shilling. Yellow
is quoted at 274. 61. to :Ss.. White 25.. to 25.
Flora in firm, mph lisle, or Western, Carts! a.
22, 0 23, 61; Oaio at 23, 0 tila 6.1; Pailadelphi •
a ad Baltimore, 23a rid 0 21• per bto.
Groceries—Sugia hag advanced Lon 31 to 6d
Rh a large hulines. doing.
Coffee— Ordinary is 2, high tr.
Tea—A fats business is do.og at about previ.
ou. 0.105.
LIVIPPJ,L, Ang. 31.
The 'demand for American cured piovision.
continue. weedy. The business done in Lord ha.
been to a good average amount at very mead,
rates. There hal been no change in Limon. In
one or two parcels, however, a alight coaces• ion
wee made, hot generally the mai het in firm.—
tthouldem continue to entrimaoll full Orient
Lon.x, Aug. 30.
The Money Market COrlt , nurs easy. b.,,pr.)
leading hankers Lave lowered their ra es of mt r.
-cot on deposit. C 0.34 'JO fur money and a -
American Securitidn—There In but little doing
S. weeks. and price• CaatilllD, as last Week.
The Aann cleared from Liverpool at noon on the
3114 nit.
The Cnneda arrived at Liverpool et 51, A. M
on the 26th uu.
The 'learners of the Cunard line running be.
Mean Liverpool and New York, will hereafter
run direct. The Aloe will nut call at Herfax on
her return from Now ?JO,
- Trade ocintinui a brirk in the manufacturing die•
tricta. The weather hal been unfavorable for the
harvesting operati invand the yield win pot beta
great now as Was totlelonted.
Louie Phitlipe died en the 26th OIL 1.1215 N.-
p.e ggit ia sal on tun lour through the pompom.
The Quart has gone to Scotland. Austria has
given her to the Et glish prolectlon of the
Danish question. Theta is uniting from the beat
of war inyoad an account of some alight dlr.
Tee eubarnrine telegraph between Dover and
Calms, ban been completed, and works wail.
Nese Your, Sept. 11.
The steamer Asia reached her Whirl alxlit 10
o'clock this tnoreirg. Ste tailed from Halifax
on Monday at noon.
Louis Poillipe died on the 26th oh., at C!are•
moot. lie had been made aware of his approach
ing disamlntion esriy an the preceding day, in the
memo., of the Q tren, and prepared for the Goal
arrangement Intnen t he hod to mate. Alter a
conversation with tbe.Qacen, he dictated, with
remarkable &mutes% a conolueicre :to an me•
moin. Ile then caused to be sommehed
chaplain, all his children and grand children, nob.
were at Claremont, and in toe presence of the
Qat., and hie famiy , dracberged every duty of
;edition wilt the most perfect Christian rein goa
Toward. 7 o'clock Is the evening., the fever
came on, a hich comintwd during tto tvght with
much violence. He exit red at S o'cio •Li on Mau.
day too, :n the pre.. of the gneen and
the lollt.witig msmher, of ht. coral
tughsewe• tie Dachew of Orleans, C. 4,1 do Pa.
cis, the Duke and Dad:etude Nemeurs, the Duke
de Chm sew, Peace and Princes. de Atuatoe,
duchess Auratits,:,F. Saxe C bawl, and the at mut
ants if the royal - household.
The Peace Coo:meet Is in ionic. at Frankf•
on the Maine. Copt.) The Indian chief, was
tenant, and made a speech. Ethu Burritt and
Emile Guardia are there ; cad also tee bloody
Hayslett, whom Cobecti any. w his Convert- to
peace orinctplea.
Al Rome, the centplraton against the Pop-
Nave renewed the praeuce of throwing urna
bids, filled with exploteve imbalances, into his Ho
liners' carnage. Several persons bare been ar
Waskinorom, Sept. 11.
Scvara—.Mr.Frrmoat-intrcilnced bdl. to 'rend
the laws rigid the Jullre erg Syst mof toe Uci;ed
States over Calitlirnir ; to epeoint a mimes,r of
the ' , e bb e •n flalif..rcm, and to preserve
peace with the Indite tcbee , berto
On motion nu Mr. Davis, of Mess.. the hill
•mendatory of the act of 3d or Mare, 1615.
lowing drawback nn foreign merchandise tirirted
in too original park ag•. to Chlashas and Santa
Fe, and to the British North American Province•
adjoining the United s:ate•, wan taken cip and
The bill to abolish the slave trade in the Dis
trict of Columbia, was taken up. The question
pending beirg upon Me. Seward's mendment,
aholishingslavery In the District of Columbia, Mr.
Seward - . xpressed himself in favor of the original
bill as repotted by Mr. Clay, from the Committee
of Thirteen; and it wax only when it appeared im
possible to paw, it it its original font, that he of
fend his emendinent ; he understood now that it
was probable that the bill could be stripped of its
amendments already made, and paused as at first
Introdueed. Drainer/ to vote for that measure,
and in the here that it might peas, he would, with
the consent of the Sortie, withdraw his amend.
went fir the protect.
Mr. Clay argued in sopped of the bill, and
against acme tithe objections made to it. He
had always contended toot Conga,. had unilmits
ed power over B:avery in the District, but had, at
the same time, MI i that while einvery rooted io
Maryland, it would be a gross breach of geed
taith towards that Stale. The question now was
in relation to Ito nbel.tlon of the slave trade, and
he believed that tithe ort,asure aboold be passed,
it would give-place to slavery in the Dario, until
the time, which seemed to him rardly approach
ing, when slavery world work itself out. A. to the
power of aboli•hioy, slavery, he challenged its
question. Atibough the power to aboloh slavery
mat dispowd, it was Cocgiee• that bad, by its
law, meal (abed slavery in the Diatnet; sod was
ft true that Congress had not the power to undo
Its own acts.
He then drew a compericon between the
amendments cif!red by rile. Seward and the ori
ental bill, for the purfraito of .bowing that the
Southern men ought out to vole armlnct the at.
ter. because 01 the presentation cf the farmer.
A lengthy d...1,5t0 en,uttl, and without coming
to• conclo•ion, the Senate arjoorned.
Hama—The Oral bush:teem before the Mouse
wea to refer the credentials of Meagre. Wright and
Gilbert. Kepresentrtivea from California.
Mr. Rohn:mon had moved to amend by inbatt.
toting ■ come, that the Speaker now swear the
member., which was agreed to. Yeaaltl9—nay.
Ibe motion an (hoz amended Fan tt en aped
to Without a division.
. .
"Here they Gown," slid several voices; for
Bad was seen rowing down the title, followed
by Wright and Gilbert. Having rewhed.the foot
of the awns leading to th. Spanker's chair, that
e..r slime down and adminieb red the oath.
The Speaker then n•Ued the members to order,
and the Hcuw proceeded to the conaiderationOf
thy COntraled election care. from Pcnnaylvanta,
between Messrs. Little end liontrina
Ater considerable &brie, the reaolotion deelar•
fog Hobble. entitle,/ 10 the heat ho now hide, area
adopted without OUlvi.ion.
The Ileum then resumed the consideration of
the report in the case of Secretary Ewing'. reo
pening sod improperly paying certain elatms site
they bad been rinsed.
Mr. Brown, of Mies, trimmed end eauelnued
hie remarks sarrzet the alkmarrn.
After some further dirr u , eloo, sod without com
ing to ■ culaclu.,n. , he Iloore sejourned.
PurrIAND, Sept.
The following racdi.l.te• •re as
elected to C....grew—let
Democrat. 2d Matriet- , John Appleton, Democrat.
3d D.lllr:l* — ltobr t t .denow, Whig. D,.
trim—Andrews, I):Er.oe:at. 5.0 Dudro.t—E. K.
Elmart, Democrat 6 hlittlir,—l•raei Waahburn,
Willa., gains largely on :be Governor's note.
Cuserman,SepL IL
Dating a fire at Independence, Mo., on the 24
lament. fifteen kegs of powder exploded, killing
A. H. Kean, and damegtog a comber of,
including the New B,ht.ot F:reohyterlan Chorea.
CL•cociart, 9OPIJ I.
The reamer Peter sLl:er exploded, neer Pad.
OVA, yetterd.y, and it to repoand that atz Imes
Vera km.
Nam Yung. Sept.
We have jolt learned, from reliable authority,
that Jenny Load intends giving her sh•re of the
Concert to eight, amounting to over 310.000 to
the diderent enttitable intinntion• to the Coy.—
Tl+• rt.:42411.k, wen .re between 25 arid $30,000.
Cl...canal!, Sept, It.
Floir—Tbe market fa steady at 53,50 per bbl.
Whakey—Sales at 221 per gal.
Provisions—No pales to mport.
Cane fa firm at 11So per In.
Linseed 06—.Salea from second bands at 77s
'Merin? ton 4 backs 1410 halm:Km, but is
e w swam.
Naar Wan. Sent.
The Asia's news bag checked operations to day
cx-epuntr In cotton.
In produce the market continues on the ad.
Corn—Sales of mixed parcels at 133 . 1 c. per
' Prepare:MS—Pork bas an upward tendency.
Lard L firm.
Grocener—There is • fair request for Coffe.
and Mal continue firm Saga
eve tweak, with. moderate buainees in New 0
leans at 01, and in brown Havana at 01 a 7e. pe
lb. Sale. of 1500 bag. Rio Coffee at 101; 300 d •
Lagnayra at Ile, and 500 do St. Domingo &rine
and .owe at 121 c per lb.
Tobacco—There fa an active speculative de.
mind in tobacco, and the market is buoyant
Ur. , 01 1500 Kentucky and Virginia at di 0 Ole
for Virginia, rind 01 890 for Kentucky. ,
New Yoac,Sttpt.
Elevens—The ofrerings yesterday were 1000
herd. Prises for good retailing qualities ranged
from $5,50 to 33
Fel. pre owl. net, with s dull mu.
Cow. and C•lvet —Tim market Is Rouse, with
va'es at from $2l to s3d, as io
S i t." and Lstobs--Srde• of Sheep at from 5i,.17 1 to 2,521 a $4 75i and of Lambs •167tre$1 C o
653 esiob, • , ^ordiot to gea6ty.
cetiltilEAClAL RECORD.
AND . 11 LICII/10.
coo, 110 %VC S. CLAM WIC IMILL
1111711.011 al AnKKT
Orrice, Pirraento2 Gaza,.
Thoriday morning, 5ept.12,1220.
yeaterday an. enera:ly and vary
Ca of &alarm transpired in the mark..
The FLOUR market conunae• n:• manifest • droop.
ins tendency. eldtough from the small salts which
transpired yesterday, we find hot lurk change from
Previous due's quotations; the sales on the wharf were
cenfiled to hawed transactions at 0/93 SS i bbl
53,(0 ring about the retlng figure; sales from store at
Itlit4 I> bbl In GRAIN we find no teethed
change: Wheat may he Corned at :037:te IP b., a• in
quality of Raney we have tt sale of INV bat, to Sr
rive, at GS< fir ba ; Ric Is veld at 5.5 e; Corn at , 13045 e ;
and Oats at 332/34, from first hands. In PROVISIONS
era have nothing new to note : Bacon Ix in fair reqvco
at 12r for extra sugar cured hams, 80ale for common.
bagged, and (I (or plain hams to GROCERIES thethe
market corn:noes firm, with tales of Pi 0 Sugar at nil
7lc; of N O Molasses at 3 , 3022 e: of Rte coire.. lila
lie ► IA No change in orner articles.
Dora - arc Banes —Toonapeouhi Dank Note Repent,
jut. the foltowtne ander the bead of doubtful Banks
The Brute Rank, Brines, R. I ; Mineral Bank, Mary
lend; Salisbury Bank, N. T.; Commercial Bank of No
Jersey, and the Fanners' & Mechanics' Bank of Ne
Brunswick, N. J., and the editor rentark• that he doe
not belles, they can long be sustained.
Blaney Id tttttt , Trade, .to
New Yalta. neptembor 7.
No malarial alteration has taken place in Stock.
Mace tbe departure of the last steamer.
Tpo &arry of Government and Steln gteck is limit.
ed. and all offering aro readily taken, is that the mar
ket It comparatively bare o(these descriptions, and
Inge amount. could not be protected unless at an ad
•ance. U S are selling at 107I•I0e to•a• of lbge;
1,1 1 0 WI ior 11510tIO 'Pe 1040 end leaa. and It:
hit t7j far Hondo of 1,49, with coop. N Y City 3 • of
le , A to tato at 1112, and 1570 to ISIS a• lad Ala Walt.,
bren in trom , t at SO •et II unit Internal Improve.
mint Stork brings 523521. Penneylvarta r. ale not
in active rquest, sod the same may he said or lathan•
The adorns from Earope received by the Hibernia
are not very enamor - ailing Ilartaga . Circular says
••Sales have been made of U 8 IP tent dollar bonds
Ma, to 810 t 0 bonds, at Mai; and there am *cliental
that pries as well as of lwn
epuous of lErl7 at Ital, Led
of On-o a's of 15'73 at Ito Beline.a has been done ID
y °
at Nal; I, and
nain nand, at 33 Barton Cot
bends °ahead at Cada fro (nee l' In other
stork. we bare r 0 t , ttniaction• to nonce."
The Irrire Terme. of California noir by the Enspirr
Clio and ehetoler, amounted to nearly two and a hal e
Mt lion. emetter mitt the payment of 'be mint certifi
cate, frem the sab reran ry in thi• etty to day, has am
parer a better feeling le Wall street. and warires v
tot we .bull nave an &baud/nit supply of money. at
^heap rote, for some dm- enme. (he dareant line
of mon of the bankers are :ell, tot they readily di a .
tenet all thst their dealer. require. and from aeration
c'tet mart of the rather In the hands ot tte brokers.
noire ha waver, an abundant acpply of ese , tal st
tea daceinit houses roe al the 'toed see urine. err ring
end toe
..cading maraca ao readily at oar quotations
soh:eb are for
abort lttel atar are. and acceptances.° 0 7 — se aree.
Short do do G1071.-fatr su p . y.
auctioneer. paper e of —good c
at claw d., . and names leas brown. • •O Din—large
Lew, on demand and opeetued 0 0 7
• _ _
Cot:Jin, —The Henderson packet. Hermann Sc.
reendi,r, end Ironton aseendtne, came In collision or.
Thursday 'stemma. about n miles stove 'lenders,.
be which the Hermann had one of her wheel home
store in. The Ironton .stained no finery. The Her
mum is ermine op on one wheel. A passenger an ths
ho ter inform. tis that she es. In the middle of the tie
•l, and the Ison on was eroesinc it. Custom eves tie
de , boil the mew channel. :cubed, was It:l
Captain A pee. hen ehernt2cl the Industry, until the
Hermann ts repel:ed.—Lam Jour.
S. E. COMP,. Third and /IZarka
Ike., Ice.,
II o. 1 4 rotlnTti •TSYTi,T,
(Next door to the Bank of Pitteborgh..
B•akm, Exchaag• Brokers
COLLECTIONLL—Drafts, Notes and Acceptances
favora ablelm
ble tl. an
tay pastor the Caton, collected on the moo
EXCIIANtiE on New York, Pkdladelptila arid Ba.,-
thnore; also, Cinclnnall, Louisville, Saint Libels ant
New Orleans, eonsuintly for sale.
DANK NOTl , S,—Notes on all solvent banks in Cu
United Suites discounted at the lowest rates. All kinds
or Fenian and Areertean Gold and Silver Coln bought
and sold. aag3o
"F-S& BONN have reaT i v o ed their Bank-
N. ins sod E bLnn o,
slo 67
tear door. o
Jas. Jlnapratt dailleakatt•ma. bog..
834 CA 8/le of tbe above celebrated brand. pan
In store, and Lbe remainder ro arrive thi. and
oral mouth. per "A Ana Rich," "Eat ope," 'Berlin," and
ether roma ma Ptuladrlpliii and Balumare, warrand
nd rub/calor In both strength and (lushly to any In the
marl et. Mr vale al the !owers prlee for cavil and ap
proved bill. , by W & 81 MI rCIIELTBEE
Prof. Thompson , . Derelaary for roan,
W7g e L 2 lw ., ru p m , :nz , ltte veaston, on Monday,
between Third and ion a nli b' s n je . ela m ..' ;I• Lj ar b Wrte at ri
number in received, early application wall be de.
.sable. For terms, amply to Rev. Dr. Riddle, or to
Mr. T. at hit room. as above.
Pirteherah. Ang.—rtagYfrdtwe
Odes of the Ohio. b Penn. R. IL Co., I
Plai:rah, Aug. In, to
DROPOSALS In writing will be received by the
114i1PIPI gad aid Tuaday, the lot day of October,
for the delivery of the efo.ll tia required fur laying
Pa Ina of the Ohio and Penally.. Roll Road
from hen, to Sarnia, a dinunee of 107 roilea. The
n.:niter of Pea regaled will be about one - theins•nd
nine hundred per mile. The ties are to aof and
white oak or rock oak, talent to the lapeedon or
the engineer of the company. Tha mat be eat with
a nto length. of eight fast. If of awed amber,
they ore to be /even by eight aches Naar; trot
hewed aster, they are to be darted on no top and
bottom to . width of eight Incas. They mat be
clear of hark, delivered and piled up on the boa as
direeteit by the engineer, between the first of /unary
and first of (lay neat' Bidden are requested to state
what comber of ties they propene to deliver, and or
what section. or the roll road they propose to deliver
them. They may propose for Pea of chestnut or local,
if alarm. they may be scorn is hea;.guare.
Priposills are aloe invited for furnishing mud ailla
of white pine or white oak, in be far by nine Inches
mare, •nd from eighteento twenty four feet long,
io be delivered on the line of read so above.
W. ROBINSON, Jr, President.
g hte ring Packing list atitioh-akens
MDR well known Pork and Beef Rtheghtering and
Packing Cnncern, &weed .d former/y occup'ed
by the laid Janie. ir Campbell, is for rent
The retithlithment in located in Chinmethe, 800
enemy it ,en the plat of ground dividing the min
ea: fro the Scioto River, and ha. nue ihinthand
feet af gr.,. I 1,0111 on each. The enclosure ern brae..
ms. •e.e• of rthund. containing lathe pen*, large and
rudennisous misughtermg, hanging, mo!, narking,
.muk ard lard medium( nnuver, brink n houm tor
'CC,. e•ery ronvenience for headline TWELVE
IIeNDHED BOGS PER DA Y. and rendering the lard
rom hid mune, h. there are a double fine Steam boiler
rot inr scalding hccs and milting lard, and
two lank. (or rendering offal by new.
There I. also, on the premises, an Ice House, large
enough to contain eight thourand bushels,
The Brion, Valley, of which Chillicothe is the chief
rket, one of the Isrce,t Perk and Bee f Distcts
In lire Wert, and hogs eau alwaya be bought th ri en
at !ower prices than at Cincinnati and many other
po , nts, and cooperage is abundant and cheep.
There II tin dray ego necosery, as boom may be
loaded or the Pocking Bourn. and the facilities for
thipfung direct team tide yin the Lakes to New York
Or Phtladelphia, or Baltimo via Pittsburgh, or to
Me Fas t or 'oath era New Orl r e e
ans arc at all seasons
l l . te y ear fully equal to the.o afforded by Cincinnati
twelve baViltiv'w"ltl7oriet fo.rthy*firAiltebse.' being
&indications for remind may he made to
FRANCIS Cal Law, Cincinnati;
limo CIS Chillicothe, O.
rumsm beanuful style of UI• now rennired“..a
.1.11E4 Introduced on anann/n7,34.1.‘"CL1
Coe. ?fil. Wood sta.
MURPIIY d: ht,RCIIFIRLD adman their mite=
en and beyers generally nor!, conseenenee
of workmen bcins ..gum 1. ..l d
uting and impro,
toteeir Store Room, they betidingemoy,g tools
Pacoima Swine( the they the ft'
: „. p) ,
the improyemente are finished: where they be
ban) , to see their eustentera as rimed, and for the
troolde of walking op stain, will try egg
lig., by .11Ing them Cheap Goods.
LIT - Emmet° from Foarth meet
t LMS—A Imp sack
oat at ves
Rm.—Thera mem a fem. 3 inches, In channel, by
meal mark lam evenbni dusk, sad mina,
filiehigen, Dries, Denver.
Fashion, Peebles, Elizabeth.
Parttson, Brovirnsvilla
Deltic, Jacobs, Brownsville.
Vetighiogteny, Ilaitape, Beaver.
Kate Flea:Aug, Wtllmas, Beaver.
Clishler, McMillan, Reeser.
well (Total:01s, Green, Loalsville.
Reveille, !Belo, Wheeling.
Cennees, &Wens, Cinefbnau.
'nos Scott, Miller, Well. v ol g.
Kiel:llan, Brie., Heave
Fashion, Peebles, Elizabeth.
Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville.
/Lasalle, Parkinson. Broarnavilla.
1 ougitiotheny, flartspee, Ikaver.
Rate Fleming, IA 'Dan. !leaver.
Wave, Shaffer, Wellsville.
ro ' llM• D or ' til ' a V a kv " r,Va r o . esv
Ohio, Stoops Cleaannot,..
Pam No 2, Davol, Hoelinapon,
Summit, %lama, Laolsville
Oashier,_2llllll2lan, Weeoling.
BEAVER—Youghiogheny, 3 r. d.
WHEELING—Revethe, 10 ♦. a
- • •-
ZANESVILLE—Prz /rt.. Drva--9 sok. oa
illlll, owner, 400 bbla 00, for anipment, V dol7ard, l l set
leather, L Sant.
BEAVER-841 KATE Fixlelm —ell bog. door . J F
Porn; 12 hl bbls. 1 or do al,. do br,
r, owner.debo,3B dog broom., %II wagon ber, lot
Pa. K. B. hog Gout--470 bag cheese, 113 Canholo.
44 dodo. ntrwarf & till, 74 do do. Carson A 31•Kulebt
36 do dn, N & IV ...bough; 14 do do. R Dollen & Co.
34 kg..l bbl butter, J A Caughry. 7 sk t woo', bbllsrd
1 kg do. 1 do bona, / & Co; WO stns. 31 bale.
Paper, .1 0 Gilbert Itt doe brooms, J F Perry.
Pia Celetee—e33 boxes cheese. 1 11 Canfield, 2 bbl.
otd copper, 1 Ere sweep, C D Tender, I bbl wbra, G
M Barton; 1 pig iron .0,10,1 0000100 do, Living.. a
IVIIEFLING—Pad R13 , 13%1.-12 eks baron, Bell &
Llgerth 004 bacon 5h00..., RA W Barbatrb. 40
bbu 11. r, 11 lulls boon iron, A A Woods; 15 ohd• iob.
Leech & Co; 53 .k. wool, Clar•& Thaw 6 bbl a
14. 1 , & le do flour, 31cClurk am el ,
d do Bros. A Krrkparmck; 40 dodo, T•nalrk & Ter,
kr- 100 b., glare ware, Wm Bingham; 30 ha., 41
chowders, J Jordan.
BOCKI7GPORT-2 drtt nags, 5 bbl, door, Wick A
McCandles.; 50 dozen bucket.. n T
John & Co; 17
bbd. rob. Lee. & Co. 11 . 1 do do. Wm II oru 54 dr
00.5 A Rot do do. Clark A Thaw, 30 Lbls apples,.
175 dos brooms. non...
BD 1511—PnaCavutex-20 bbl. A. - , Shriner A,
Oa rocs..2 do do, Armstrong on do do, 1 Me
Cunt;C &
do do, R Dalsell A o; 3 C7ruse,
do do. MoClurkon.
1211 do do, DOrrorth A no; 148 do do, Bell A Lore.; gr
do do, 23 kg. butter, 17 Mid. lob, Graff A Co; 10 do do,
:lark & Thaw 18 do do. 17 kg. trotter, Wm Bingbam,
17 do do, 17 birds lob, Leech A Co.
CINCINNATI—Pau Onlo - 4 gags, 3 boo, Baker a
Forsyth;broken glass. Young , Ihmsen & Plun
Sew 30 bbl. vehtelley. A Weaver: I box trnala, Wolff
A Lane,3 ohs wool, Wm Bark. 10 bbl. whiskey,3nr
Fonda. 20 des wash beards. L e Waterman ft Sons,
300 bbl, lour, MeClork. & Cm 200 do do, W &Amex
A Co. •
P. hart Cotrsona—,9l bp feathers, 4 pkg., CPI.
u aver:ll%3 on bet..., :7 bp stone, Loceb & Co. IA;
s pewee, Jiro Oder, bar sugar, W Day; Ido
Surveyor of Port
etc, 43 blade hpon, Peters ft
Nip &Bo hblv m ete d,are 1 Parker & Co. 13 Obis t ill, J
Schoonmalter; 2 te.ol, I chest, 13 tree hauls. h Read
4 Co; 3 nhe. rob, Vick & That.; 1 bo bans& W Moo
ham; It rolls leather, &Connor & Atkins; qp ions pa
Don, Allen & Co.
8. D. 1101iViVa
HAS no parallel in permaneetly caring and eradi
une from the nyincei
It will effecinally eradicate from the *ye.=
Salt Remain, Rineworm.Teuer,Scalti Heir ,dDr opsy
Scurvy, Wine bwoUings, Eie6'• End, :iterates
Affections, uld all
And Obstruction, barrenness, Whites, Fluor Albs.
Falling of the Womb, Nerves, .yet Head Aeb.
Languor, Fainting !Sensations, P•ipimitun et to.
Den., Low Spirits, General Debility, Dymemus
L ace Complaint.
It Is Purely Mad Eta 1111 l y Witilgatabl•
Protessi ha. been
In med with the Stn.t ann' b'
the on New York and New Hampshire, ant
Me Eastern States senerally. for matiyyent.—.d •
a general panfier of the blood and invigorator of th•
system—as a Genuine Famil h y Medicine and an efb
roma. Pentide Medreine .
on equal. The peril.
and efficacy of the Shaker preparation. are will
Imes.; and this medicine reqnmes no long list o
tertificams and cares to Introduce it: Ito int...lel
demand for the pest twelve year. Is it. hest tee.
It it pat op in quart bottle. and Is the only Seer
ermila that acts on the Lanes Kidney s , and nle m d
smue lime, which renders it altogether more val.
able to every one, particularly to females
Dr. Musser ; Prmeseor In the Ohio atediettl College
my. the Shaker preparation. are truly valuable , an.
recommends them to the pu blic blic The melt and Millie•
ett are requbottleested t of this valunble I o etol and obtai twit pam blepdicin e hlet, an
Bs tar. nod
sate. /.r Dr. S. D. 110WK'S SLAKES
SARSAPARSIA.A. end take no other.
Price St per bottle-B bottles for VS.
Bede by J. A. Jones, J. Seboonmaker & Co
W. Black, R. Means, J. M. Tobresend. J 111 , h1,1
W. Jackson, Pittsburgh; D. A. Elliott, Allerreny rat
IV E McClell.d,Mih.ster; P. Czocker, Brown.
rite; James Paoli & C o,, Wheeling; J. 11. Patters..
and E. G. Morgan, St. Clalrsville; & Knot
Cadiz.. Also for sate by
DR. S. D. HOWE & CO., Proprietors,
Cone. Hail. innati,
To whom all otters mast be add Ci ressed nc . 0.,
Corner of Mart mend Third streets.
TIMMS is , imbue lon both ear and eremite Su
Ll]eenu can enter CI. lirntuilon in any woe
te RIO
teenier. a romple Stemma.. Fsiocuti•n, st-n•istin,
of Bash Keeping, Commercial Computation, Penman
ship, he
U. K, Chambeslio, Inetroctor in Penmanship an.
Mercantile Computation
John Fleming, F.... prineinal teacher of noel
ka , Ping, and Letterer on Commercial Science. Lao
e. Mr. Finning oil be assisted in the Lase Depart
p by several members of the Pituborgli Bar
Cfl A RLFS T. lAmsrn. Prate,. Plynken. and 02.
PlPKrbt. have Oni. shit) associated themselves
ander the fora of 'hose., Planer. bri(nribt. far
, I: n e v r . i . w . se me of manafacturiog every variety of Finn
September 2, th3o.—eeplidise
MANUFACTUKKRS of every vanety of CUT
boar, Water street, lately met:pled by Yonne, Inn
was Plankeu e2ojet
••7 AMES WOOD & CO, have associated James 011
tacugy,withi them in the manufacture ono., ?ula
Sion, Ate. The sole allot don will remain enchained
PI itstough, &number 3, 11931—aeptd I w
!AWL WOOD. P. 0- 'WWI°. LI. 0 • 21. SCOLD,
f.ahrls Iran Worka.
Warehouse, No IN Water row, Pittsburgh, P.
Pulverrood Corn Starch.
IjEFINI•D and nracared etpresaly for Food, rod
a dings, Cakes. Costar,* &..
Recipe for Roiled Custard —One poen of or. milk
fear eggs, half • teaspoonful of *all, two tablupoonfot,
of refined caret—stir the staren In a small queenly
the milk, ell It Ls perfectly diewlyed and emootb—.d•
the eggs, well beaten, to the starch—poar tat. etre ,
and attach Into the balance of tke milk, while bollior
air constantly till It boll. ao obee.—Ereelleat
For sale by R F, SFLI.EFtS
sera c) Weed st
Easier. Exchange for Sale,
A T reduced ran", at C. EXclitn.;:ll,l;;lf.
seri , Cor. Third k Market •
P x A Wanted.
rEHE Merest market price will be pald in Carhby
Mal Lt
D ACON-100 ktid• prime .M.. for We by
TAMED DEEP-19 brit ganyamed 'Oral rured
7 3 ,
OILB-600 gals bleached eelotor Whale ohli
=Ogee do do Spann Oil;
30 Orle No 2 Lard Oil;
10 Ma Not do for sale by
Coach Lem • I Coach A.M. 1 Cepahla
m Lae. I
ORLUL, 'wholesale and retail menet . ..uter op
kJ. Coach Lace, Fringe, Cord, Tassels, and 'I rim
ito ai No 1.7, North math de a le r s ledelphia.
N i'each Makers and will and it it
'heir intereet to call. All orders promptly •imoded
ICE-ta ten prime for sa l e by
A, •rp3 S A NI t'OLEI_
W l t laA f i ty . l , l . & F NOl: l L y g pl . o n or gd: o e , e , d ,.. O p e or f; e w e i t;;
the dresino 3n &heat.
tr.:4 l ; "IS"
VT. Zr
G l aming isAA erg a .017 . 11 - N XI.
. CO
ot Water A From as
II A C0N•7500 pee :tyro Aid, • print. , arValo,ln amok.
II boo., and fur mclo by SHRIVE& A BARNES
sepa IN A 132 baron, a{
31011 ED SAL3IOI2-Airrrity Manly n o,
0 E.., nrver prime brought to rittsuurgh. A
rglg g r ay •oPendr,laat too'd per exams., WI./ fp,
by Wld A dtleftLUßO & CO
.weeny C 31 b .. 3 11;..-gus nis 'inane tee 0 to; •a le g
FIRE PROOF PAINT-111311s jtcp.raavaitolit,
IN O7-P&TH EIOMUNINObIIt-1 eratTe-riqf-r
-if rep' WAI A ZdaCLURO &CO
I 1/airrlCE-12021-a.-Ifetieltred
coI 2 FEK-2110 bags plate Nut ree' for esii by
asy2- lld Waters
MA WO:12-3 casks recirfTri ;e '
mu_ 111119111/X2E& INOIIRAM
MACKEREL -73 bale No 3 Mama;
XO Id brio do; reo'd for wale by
opl 103 Llbent at
1 4141.1 ., U p hi g 21-100dos A on c b i tod e r RTa d ro o f
bat W. A. reenNinor wire by
Fittil .ho lL , ll:ll;o 4.4. U ks Atiit t - nsc freah m a r tipp .. .y .L Pg r and i... suii,
L te% IdWINAttrIrErATIVirt
aurfr d A / MASON h. CO
pr-Alb memo:Ls-a i.rre poorttnent rind
Planvels bun rAo•ind .4 for We 1 minsfac
naeno rices.
1223 nasalp H LEE
Uti MOLASSES—A bd. la 410111 anf
PIIO far sale b 7 JAM • lIVECILIMON
Siburran'r /Jam mer Jotrartat. or Emma AND
Alia —The number for September In on our table.
:1 contains nine °natant articles on virioua sub
jects, many of them of great karma, /maiden
MUM of scientific intelligence. J. D. Lnkorood,
Agent, Sty street.
Timieusaacs Marmot.— The &Opened Tern
pentnce Meettnit, held in the Rey. Mr. Ryan't
Church on Smithfield Street, yesterday afternoon,
matVorganised by eallimr the Rev. Doctor Camp.
bell to the Chair, and appointing the Rev. A. W.
Bloch Secretary;
The exetelaes mere
Rev. Dr. Pre sly.
The minutes of the It
•paned with prayer by th
t meeting were read, and
d that the retardation of
at the last meeting, mom
the Secretary •nnoun
Doctor Campbell. toad.
the first thing on the m
be Allegheny Tempera.
v.ff: resolved th
ce League be restored
Doctor Rodgers did', wish to roe the League
revived again without same pecuniary provision
on which to draw in c a es of emergency. He
attributed the failure o the Allegheny County
Temperaue.o League to a feet that it had made
no provision of that kind.,
Dr. Herron wished to 'hear the constitution of
the old League readdd there was not a copy
la the boo,
Dr. Swift thought that t e first object of those
Interested in Bee movem t should be to create
so excitement relative to t, and enlist the pope-
tar sympathy in its favor. \ Tne beet way to do
this would be to first to 6010 large public meetings
and they could afterwarilVbriog the members un•
der a regular organiotion.
The Rev. A. W. Bieck agreed with Dr. Steil,.
The proper time to organ a i another Logue bad
not i 'rived. The public did net manifest atifri
mot interest in it as yet, niece, on lot Sebbath,
the fact that a temperance meeting would he held
this afternoon was announced in a.I the Churches
of Pittsborgh and Allegheny, •nd yet there were
comparatively COt to attendance. The Mini..
ten should commence the work of regeneration
in their churches, and when the leaven of temper
our war tallied into them, then the Leanne
aboard be revived. We bad at present to grounds
on which to work, but if the public could be In.
deiced to feel an interest in the matter, a League
would flourish and be sustained. Never bad •
greater necessity for the formation of such a body
existed than at the present time, for drunkenness , '
was alarmingly on the increase, and men of char.
actor and Loading were not ashamed to iodn'ge
in ardent spirits. He must, however, oppose the
motion before the boom.
The Rev. Mr. MoClaro agreed with Mr. Black_ I
The palmy days of temperance commenced lx fore
money wu connected with that noble caner, b
wherever the power of money was used,and hired
lecturers employed. It nett. Let every mints:es.
of the ,Lord, labor in his own field, and afterward.
when we became wrong, they could aticat each
other in their labor, like good farmers.
The Rev. A. W. Black, moved that the follow.
lag Reso'ution abould be adopted as a nobeliume
fsr the resolution before the House.
fterrlved,Tbal a committee be appointed to ad
then all the mummer these cities requesting them
to deliver apeuril temperance addresses or ran
tacos in their several congregation...rid ffdermcd
tads - an:smmit, to firm societies, or at least to
procure the sobacrlption of all their member. to
be temperance pledge.
The Rev. Doctor Herron recollected the tt,
• hIo the temperance cameo we, mach more pop-
ular than now. Then his Oillt church ind other
damsel worship In the city mete filled to neer
'laic' every ever lag, end ■ powerful lcGuenee
am exerted, which had s happy effect on society
a general. Ardent spirits were then banished
.ttt houses where they bad been b4tre ulted
and no persons were admitted to the church, who
did not cgo the temperance pleqe. Store the
however. temperaece had bees taken fro
he heads of the °torch, and the Weshingtntia
tad other societies bad been form e d to marsh
•eer mare that lime it had declined
The rev erend get Fenno dwelt fur a long tim
.n the irdeetce which the eterey mold exercise,.
suppreming ib's v 4,, end concluded by morn.
re arumadveniona on the hoallecturcen tub.
d usurped their pUkce.
The Rev. A. \V Back m.. of the orectlen Lb
methice m•ght he gained by bevel{ • gene,.
•eettt g 01 the ad ace., et attach toe pattomol th.
trout caombes ertad report the rococo. vii
bleb they had met many the!a "aron, coop
The Rev Natheriel W. bad detrered e le
are, a ram. I:me Jig •, to • LA, of po.pie ett,cit
tied •maopt tbemeenee for tte purl..e of temp-
With regard to secret ancietes, he opposed thorn
altogether, but null he thought it best to c•ap them
oo the hark, ar.d help them on, until there were
illy thousand secret Societe, to the laid, each
with ■ distinct secret, sod lieu the rod of Mores
would destroy all those serpents. He called them
wrpenta in an allegorical seer tir there were
doubtless malty Rind men amongat theta
Dr. Herr-in thought that when the Church of
God lot tee Wastengtonians and Sons of Temper
ance take that cause oat of as hands, it lout a.l
tad.... P Temperance would ever preyed, .1
must - ba - throngh the taffetace of the clergy. -
Mr. Meraskey was in laver of the resolutton
law preatented. Attar as experience of thirty
peon, he was clearly of the opinion that the tom.
perauce cause, to prevail, must be aided by the
Church of G.A. lie had seen [away attempts
made to urge it onward, but they had ill failed,
became their ft undatious were erected In the
.and. Let them be erected on the Rock of Ages
and they onuid imam say edifice He thought
dial all who joined the Church of God should sign
the pledge, and all members of congregations that
used ardent spirits, should fint be censured, and
if they did not demo, should las removed. He
!toped to gee the day when such a COIIIIO of con
duct would be adopted.
The `eotleman made some observatione on
temperance lecturers, who, ea a body.were full of
bombast and anecdote; but produced no perm..
mint impressions on the minds of theft audience
The Rev. James IL White, of the Hanover
Section of the Pittsburgh Conference) was to las
nor of the reaolotion. One reason why secret
moieties wean formed oa the temperance question,
.as that the ministry travelled artao slow ■ rate
to wilily the seal of thole who were contiecte4
with the temperance cause. He koew an old
minister of the Gospel, residing in Colon:bleat
r;osioty, whose head We, slivered over by the
nova of eight! (our Violeta. Ilia congregation
numbered, •month other persons; erne dlstille
How weld it be expected that the Ws.hingl
Mans and Sons of Temperance should not organize
theintelvm on separate someties, when drunkard.
became members of Churches. Ile had seem in
Massillon .a congregabon which, as a body, beaded
by their minister, hod adjourned Iron the comm.
nion table to a neighboring doggery.
The Rev. A. W. Black wished to know whether
he was wllltug to give any tonnes.
Mr. White could di, DO if necessary.
Mr. A. W. Foster wished hint to go on. He had
hward several 1.1111/11110ua made against the Wash
ingiuntans and Sons of Temperance by the clergy,
and he wanted to hear bon aides of the questton.
Mr. White gave acme toleratio; stanatieni la
formed., as to rho spread or intemperance to
Ohio, and as to the interest which the publicatiaa
of the proceeding. of the late temperance meeting
(in the Gazette) had etched. Alter remark. by
Messes. arddle, Black. Bryan, Yarn, Presaly,
Elliot, Morrow, Wray, aad other gentlemen, the
( allowing resolution was passed.
emse, Tat • comtte be appointe to
add ß rua i all d the h pastor. of mi the e se cities teqoC•l d illij
them to deliver special temperance addreues or
0.61011, to their several coegriegaitone:
On motion It eitsta melee.' that as la deemed
Went ICOUS for them to Gum amerce, or at least
to procure the robaeriptum of all theur member* to
the temperance pledge.
The Rev. A. W. Black, Dr. Wray, and Dr.
Rodgers mere appointed • committee to cury the
drat reaolution into e.TecL
On motion the someday adjanreed to meet In the
Rey. Dr. Preasly's Church, Allegheny City, on
emir Wednesday evening at early oandlalight.
Tno Tatus Tuasen..-- A tavern keeper in Al
legheny gm several young men arrested, and taken
before Mayor Fleming on Tuesday. He hag sold
Mom liquor on the preview' Sunday, and becoming
Intoxicated, they broke several articles in his It ouse.
Lie estimated the for which be had mumble d at
one dollar and a boll, Wham they paid, upon wleieb
the Mayor tined him two dollars for belling liq oar
on the Sabath, so that Do did not make much r 7
tgg cproU9a,
We would -nll the attention of those wishing to
purchase superior household furniture to the sale
at the dwelling bowie of Joseph Pennock, Esq..
No. 307, Penn Street, this morning at 10 o'clock.
hapreme Cotart.
Svc. 11, 1850.
Worthen v. Hartman, et al—District Coen.
Judgment affirmed.
Harkin. r. Forsyth—Deana Court. Judgmerr
Forsyth v. Elopkthe—Dusurict Court. Jadgmen
Campbell•. bleCierkark & Co.—Diatrlet COMM
Argued by Gayer, Wills, •ed Marshall.
City of Allegheny v. MeClinker' az Co —D.r,
trio Corm. Argued by Geyer, Willy, mud Mae.
Stackhoure v. O'Hara, Far's.—Dirarieg Court.
Argued by McCandless and G. P. Ham/Iton.
11.1 en do Walker—Gstrict Court. Writ of E..
tor quashed
M, Kinney v. linshAeld—District Coml. Mil
ed by McCandless and
Fu:lwood v. Buebdeld—District Coutt. Argued
by Metleedlees and Wi lliam..
Toe Maxey Howersc.—This methadon spina
which so much has been maid, was on Monday
last thoroughly inyeetigated by • committer of gen.
demen appointed for that purpose. The commit.
tee consisted of Capt. Rowley, street com Widen..
er of the upper district, Simpson Horner, Rotd.
Criswell and Thomas, Dad, Ewa. These gentle
men made a thorough examination of the premises,
01 the sewer ao often complained of, end all pls.
cea connected with the estabbahment• and they
reported that • more orderly and well kept Inutitu.
non Is not to be Mond. It will be recollected that
Bishop O'Connor was hoed twice and threatened
with lorpritonment once, tor • nuisance charged
Wlll.lOO Mercy Hospital; 130 tWilbSIX:ding t 0,,,
the committee of highly respectable gentlemen al
luded to„ reported that the Hospital is free (mm
all disagreeable molls. The committee. In order
i e make ,bate feesatigatiow complete, celled open
Mewls. Acker Edgar and Baird, gentlemen hewn
In the netabborhood, and they deny that the weeds
complained of or any stench at ah maze from Ike
cause for which therepresentstWe of the Hospital
was so shamefully hoed.— Chronic's.
Tbe censer
master, will lea.. for the
bore and all Intermediate landing.
y, at 4 P
Par Arleta or pathige, apply on board, wpl2
sate. The - splendid steamer
aobert, muter. mill leave for above
day, the 12th inch
able o'cloc dt k A. ll. land.oks on Ole
For freight or punka, apply en bout. rept'
_ _ .
sat The spkrthe new steamer
Capt. 6.llseber. will leave Ous day
for Zanes•llle, o'eloet, A. M.
For freleht or pwrage, apply on board. repel
mato , Tbe splendid steamer
Moos, num, Will leave for lb
W and Inierinediaie landless o.
iti;orlraLigtlLihrleat ar . l .p os;e ly lo: n k, , Y o .2l.
. 4141
_-__ --
- • --- -
Packets arriving at and departing from
the Port of Pitt bbbbbb .
Captain Joire Biletlaorice.
This splendid boat Ina built by tho
owners of the stammer lase Newton,
and others, for the Cincinnati .4
P/osbareh Packet trade, .4 will
knee every Wednesday, for Cmcbmatl, to place of
In New England, Nn. S .
For freight or fauna apply nn board, or to
=Via 1850 Mall
C%.., l Ft'oUaren %Aro o f K ry b rr a co r
.0 wall the osoal dettorteh from oor a rm.
No Y7O YorkermeetPhiladelphia. fonnerly oecupµol
b, W.,' Bingham A. Pock.
aug27,ddha H IV POINDF XTER & CO
RI:OULAK WllRRLi;clTA.ftilsiFigjipAelyri
Cart, will ran
pan Yet between Pittsburgh: =al!
ins, Rridsrport, •nd Sunfish leasing Failsburish tasty
Alenday afternoon, for Wellsville, Steubenville, uld
Sridg egos.. land every Thursday afternoon for Strube.
We. Wheeling. Widgeons. Capon*. and SunSah
avian,lee, leaes• ItrOgrpori and Isenls.• every Tan
dav ellernoon, and Savaalt every Friday afternooK
For freight or pusase, apple on tinard, or to
ern? WILIONS, Agent
REGULAR DAILY rect - Er FOR BEAVER Ma splendid steamer
gaileg gE oartase, will have 10/ every
end all intermediate landings, every
Jar, o'voce, P. 51.
For (rena l . or palmate apply en board n'eS,
m iEgt
Le •vrif, Nostril, steamer
Robrft B. Maine, ens•ler, will leave Plltaborsb every
1 or.fol , Thursday, and Saturday moraine*, for
Wheeling. 10 n'e , oek, A. Al. Saturnine will leave
VVlirrilfig for Mitens. el every Monday, Wednenday,
Intl Friday. •i I A. AI. ang9o
mosoaroansLA ROUTE. -
0.17 03 nii•• 3s•glag.
Via groernsville and Cumberland to illiti6lo,l
Fan to Da vons•-•-•-- •• • ---- Oil
00. Painainearme • --- II MP
llF.mornlnl boat leaves the mbarri aims* M.
bride., da 7, al 8 o'clock precisely. Tinto to
Dahimo re, TI hour.; time to Philadelphia, 43 hoar*
The cochlea lass leave, dolly, (except AundelY lty
enuige,) at It o'clock. Paasengem by taint on the
evening boat, will <rove the utoentalca in masa Ow
day, and dive avoid night travel.
Secure your tickets at Um Offlee, Monongatiala
!Immo, or St. Charles LloteL
orti4-ly BIEBRISTFAI, Agent
The apleadtd lk Nat rennin/ anteater
m ai
W. B. Colwell,. ta u tPIIIPBEfts
m er, having under
gone a iberoegh repair, will tan he
lines a• a regular packet bemeen Paiute:nib and
Wheeling. leaving Pittsburgh every Monday and
Thursday mornings, at 0 o'eliset.
Far Irewit us partite apply ISO bOlTd. M. In
W 24
BE= 1850. liaia
RAIL ROAD WWI TO ecurrutopox, PA.
Two Daily Lines Express Poeiel Boats,
/Lad R.II Rout Oars.
Etc , Ln.sviir rot Pae5lIFI•11111,)
Via the Central Rail Road mad Pane'. Canal.
R4O miles Rail Road, and 140 miles Canal.
fine—vo boars. Pare—gin through.
The Portage Rall Road la plumed in day light.
ON an after Moo date, (WM looney the Central Rall
Road will run Two valor Camasreasamatt cans
from fluntingdon to Philadelphia. The oars en the
above road and MP Allegheny Portage Rail Road
see all new, and of the very best dercription In the
Mm the increased 'peed on the moan
taine,puseoner. I ma g o through with despatoh.
A Pact. wl le•ve every mooning at sob
clock, and every ecening at 0 o'clock.
For balmy, Roved, and Cowart, this to Is de.
notedly Me most preferable now le rose to that:astern
Crain. For passage en Inlormation apply to
W BUTCH, Monongahela Douse;
or to Di..LEcii 8. Co, Canal Davin.
wltl P. R —On theist Repterabe37oe Cenral Rail Road
b e open to Ito lidaysburg, when passenger, veld
no throug/i 43 boom
• .
1850. iliaseasi
DinwicLL a. BROTH zu,
I lia”er Point,)
IrrA gents for ninwELta PITIMIWRIJII AND
PACKElloto towing and slopping between Pitisbargb
and Itochemr by moon boom hlicLigan, Lake Erie,
tod Dearer.
iLY r.reiP ,, l and
.promtly delivered m all
en the C. 41. and L,t me loirmt sate..
e hipper, wolf nice. direct goody tn . fl , dwell'a Line."
Water st, Pottotourgh.
CAPITAL ;100,000.
. ••
Fmne,e Jr., S eel .1
IL Aiture, Jr PantPant Wlll Mermine! all kind ofris ks, "
A po d. ea will be liberally &Cleated and romptly
A home Institedon—reensicec rceton oho ent
wall known in the ommanity, and who see dete ror
gd by promptness and Itherailly to maintain the chef.
actor which they bane amunma, off. r th. th . beet
prolamine to thom who emir. to be lesaria_.
NUN!, Oeo.
Black, I. Willman?,
N. Hol SO
mes, Jon Wel. B. Holmes, C. limner! Geo. NU
J nokson, Wm. hi. I,yon, Jas. lappb,,,, at. K .
lamb, Junes bl'Aeley, Alex. Mimic k, Thew .
o f Orme, N. Wet.' nretit, lwarehotee . of Spear
on maim> Pittaberah. votdly
000STIZO nuatar—
Tm{ undeystrzed will at to COMUUZI Dnok, to
too elites Allegkoey and Platbargii and the
asighborhood oroned, and mow coneol-blila
coups moderate. Residence, nanonni E r ens,
near the EtaPiht Anghary.
Joseph W. Rem +Voluted, Plttabasah.
DeoCd do.
J. K. Moorhead, do.
Kramer 11 Rabm, "
0 11111VER11. BARNES
130 Ll3l &Booed et
F LOUR -10 brio Hopedale brood jon ree'd b
ll k. BAINES
D lan-10 to la 1 412 1111.1.1 for al* by
THESE DIES hiving been adopted and higttly approved in all the principal shops to New York
and Philadelphia., are now otre m a t o manufacturers, machinist., ship caddis, dre., with the =MOM
6dence, as the most perfect article in use or cutting scream.
STheir auperiorny over any other Dies heretofore used, consist. in their cutting a Farrar
r esw, whether Yoram:rims thread, by ...pawing over the iron to be cut, which require no needging
their preparation, es the dies cut the thread mu of the solid iron,illaing it in the leoht;
to get GUI
in grea
Orderd. urability, rapidity, and perfection of work; tad in theirtheir simplicity and
Purranonota, A.. 17, 1848.
Thin is to certify Ina or* have purahned from P.
W. bates the nest of viOng his patent Din for eat
dor bolts In our opinion, his Ines ars much supe
rior to any other. ore ars acquainted Inn for the
purpose of C 611.114 bolt.
Plutenat.eme, Leg. VI IVO.
Having hid P W Oates' Patent Ole. in in . In oar
ertabilahment for us last Mee months, for totting
I oils , .we can in every reepect recommend them in
the highest term. as we have land all other s atop,
thei Wog so far mtherior—considering them 7d per
elm cheaper then any others now In tee.
Peon Works, P.
Thu la to coney that am hove pmenwed toe right
owe. and adapted In tar busmen I P W Oates' Pa.
ant Screw Cutter, which we highly approve of. We
n do mach more work, and we believe n will our.
an in durability and precision, es melt as economy
t labor, any dies known to no
eta asond.,2Bth day, IE4B.
Now Vona, Aug. 10,1842.
having adapted P. W. Gatrs , "Patent Dna" for ast
ir's holly, ara tate pleasure in sayina, that It more
nn answer. our expectation& and have noeslia
'they pta in pre.eni tun opr c na r at 101 ,, 1r carnal an y
W. hay. P. W. Cates::Pment Dies' , for cutting
nerems, and the economy of ming them Is so very
eoneldemble, that tee look upon them al tudlsixnsa.
ble to every establishment having any quantity of
screw* to out.
Commie, 01ay 10, 1810.
oClannistrez Ovrica, WTAMMITON, nth Sept, HS.
I have poreha.isi or w. Scoville for the unitad
States, Ma rigid to ale in all the arsenal. and ann..
IitfUSES, LU'b N Aiiits.
AFOUR Fb ty Darelltag, slat. toot. Ohm bath
room. E. !wares, and bake oven, 142 nerd wt.
q.,ire at e 0 Water street. sop,
rp l ilach.nler. Coal Compwly will
some very
desirable_pieees of land. silvered on and near the
Awe bewail., numbOs, and new the eonthern Leonine.
Of Mai, roil rood.
I. land will be divided tato enmities Is wit pur
chasers and the term. at payment he very CO
1. eosins of Z W REMINGTON. T.
Con! Harbor. Sept it.—seplidlid Manager.
COMFORTABLE and L c ommodious elbng,
Avery's Row, Falb street. Apply Pe
ssoicen 141 FILMII
on P ride street, In the Eighth
NA:m.l,-14m low. Apply at Ibis efGee. sop
on Dane Thind .4 AL SO,
The Second and Mild Biome o!Wazahouse No 3
!duke! streeL Begone of
R 47 STOCKT ar ON, Booknellera,
Mket In
To Lai: -
T " Zo l iTe th rtret . r w a r i l , guTnir w r ' ront l' l ' ri g
urea, 01:1 raw:table term. Powasalon si ren Lam
uitedlatele Eno of
yg-riblett F. LORENZ.
FOR BALE—A Lot of Ground situate en Pea
area, between Hay ad Marbuey cram, adloblind
the house ad lot now occupied by Richard Edwards,
hawing a front of di feet, and in depth 150 fay onll be
sold on favorable tents. Title anexceptlonabla.
gain of O. O. LOOMIS, Oh st,l2. LT Wood
Property to All egeruiy Oily rev
Lenbacnbars Mier for all, a numbed,. Owls
Lots, aitaata in the Second Ward.fromln an
awn rroand, on oozy terms. Uglily of
W. OIL. ROBINSON, Alp at Law, SIC alr
or of JAE. ROBINSON. on thaorantla• •
la EA RIB &BROCKWAY, CommMalon Marceau%
1 ememmente City, Calderal. Wawa' advances
made an
promptly attend ed eamaMem
M. eata, amd agmaey basimem
• AL. 1•411% Al. • JPROCZI• v t .
VT Lorls.
a. 11.1A1LRISION
silk., Acknowledgments of Deeds /us.
Oglee—Foords asset, Khan Smithfield.
BT virtue( •Wel;r7;l7der7b.Thand• of Wat.l3
hllChre, President of the Coen of reaunan Nears,
in and for the Fifth Jedteiel Mallet of Pennallye
and Jestlee of the Court of Oyer and Terminer, and
General Jodi Delivery in and forsaid Dtstnet, and
Wiliam Kerr and ll amas! Jones. Eau*, Aseosiare
/Waco of the name es:away, in and for the Counry or
p r of
dated the loth day of August, in the year
et oar Lord one thouvand eight h•ndred •nd Ply, and
to one directed, for holdrog a Court of Oyer and Ter
miner and GeneraLJail Delivery, at the Coot. Ileum
tra the cup of Paribergh, on the Fourth Monday
Omani, uazt, at In rCeferck A M.
Pahla nemire to hereby given to all belle., of the
Peaces-Coroner. 004 Consables of Allegheny, Mat,
they bn Men and these, re their proper persona, With
their rolls, reeorda Itioniatuons, czaminatrons and
other rentersobnteeo, to co mow none", which to
their reopeetive offices re there behalf aptain to be
done—and alma Moe that will prweeew he r prwonenri
met now are or may be le Or owl of said so;F an ed
Allegheny. to be then and there to prosecute a,
Mew as oltan be lest.
Gl,OO soder me hand at Pittsburgh, ',thia lath day
of Asp... In the year armor Lord one theround eight
bandied and filly, and or the Corszeonweethlt the 75th.
augleodierwT CA RTF.R Cl rns, Aend
4111 111.Z2110VA.L..
1111 V
TAI , M WILSON Informs hi. Mends end tba - pabis
Oat ha has removed Las Ilst a Cap Eatabstn
meat (em Smith Sold sueet, Ls m
old stand on the
center er Woad street and Dossend Alley, lammed
1 , 0 , 10 Over Patriots A Frien d'.Erehanits oNee.etn
trance bark. oll , Diatoond Alley—wham etas be found
d lame and la/biortable assnrusent of lials and Cap
at reduced pts., whelesale and mast
Hsu mad e= order. intlEbdawSlaS
An nmnr r.e.i.indtall Fall Bunk a
Including a handsome amorlamot of
N. B —Particular Citation will be Odd w order.
ll 4 bile Wheat, In mom for Wit
bY 1..e471 RIOT. MATTIO.W.9 It CO
kJ for &Oa by
T •
GE undersigned baying Completed their Rolling
Mill ere prcomed us HI promptly all orders for
lbarroil and other Manufamared Copper of anyrm
gaited tyres. Made hom the Copper of the Cliff/Gine,
Thisaleltsi has been thoroughly tested by eompa
tent mitt/Uric men In the service of the Government,
and pronounce,/ superior in density, strength, end
tenacity, to any in me, and ts meek preferren for the
menutscture of in
and other purposes,.
le l
amf conadently recommosded as • lupe.
dortor all ems, to any in mute, And we
onopelthilly Kollell the attention of porshasere and
others to Mrs new branch of Mime manufacture.
At present the WaYelsouse is Noe Commercial Row,
Llbeny etreeL see C. G. 11U6811. if &CO
As Wawa • ITlrismamfa 111..1&. 0. Cosa.
Poor Of IPs• CIIp Of Pitt/MD.llh
CAPITAL 8000.000.1
sislJF.Company Isnow mewed to Immo .'.thatFLlLE,artd MARINE Rlolol of all kind.,
Office, Second Atory, Hi7Jiw Roll.
.1. IL Alison heal, Holy Pane:von,' Wm. A. HIP,
R. II Ilanley, H. IL Ehammu, Joshua Rhodes, Was.
01. Edam, Lowasd Atom A P. Anshalt, Wm Cols
hajoscod. 11. C. ISawyer, Chat. /Mos, Wm Gorman.
st•oeslti sissenasi• • p Bs.
'pith; above hoots Levies been ihnodu etolu cnil int
public and Ovate schools in Pittsburgh and ALI,
t betty, We author Ow appointed the aubsesibor eget
for thin, sale in this city
Tee hers and othere wig be Whittled et habit. hej
Prin.. as stated In circular. .1 II hIELLOiI,
at Wood la.
/1611 13•....-.• gt
kroB 120 sod 139 re
Sousa stet, between Wood
j and t4/11WItid
for rale
101 lo and „ A c h e sts Y. II G. P.lmp. & BM Tea.
Slalom I lit I lb Ws and IN Va. rouged Tobacco;
8e....g • Pin Coffee
5a brit Neel. Cush". Tar;
00 bras Buie;
So brie Br len Tanners , 011;
10 um,. Rice;
be bee Ground Ginger;
60. as White Pipe.,
10 boa Si Cheemate;
10 bee Vatiegauf Sou;
20 ..0 Pepper;
lb begs Alspicei
_SS bm Mitch;
us &encase, Boot= I
3.4ollTebt, assorted alscri
IS derKeeler., assorted elms
' SU "... WI.PPIog Paper,
1 010 b Window Glaso aseortml; •
ili ks &Hennas;
3e n• S. F.lndlgo; •
I e e Manilla ills,
2 h de Madder;
I e a Llyttoriem
a the
reter' h with a general assortment of all snicks
Una .. • aull4
yNDIA RUBBER. PACKINI - 03 lb. assomed
J. thlakneuee, from 142 to I Loeb Mist. The above
V" 1.12 1 I. PrePated se Mat 100 degrees Pskov:Melt ;
will not sleet 11 ass/ is superior 10 every thing else,
ae no eabetanee bu so mach elasticity whirl/. Mande
so high a degree of heat, god mar be used abort! all
parte where gukbsg m neceseam, enamtmle
plates, piston rods, Te am / 01 .0,... , 1 ebesli 01 , , c
ler beads. &e. For sale wholesale and 'Marl Im
7 .1k II Wood st , .
East meta of the Demo od. •
A. T p ls . esteblietaxe . :t tgrelie hey always de.
reesonablelA=se/trese im 7"ilext at
mil., Tee) fib per lb
Foam, Qualtles•-•
ed •—•-•—• 0 76
Iket Tee Lempan -----.. I CO ^
This fe decidedly the ehupeet lad ken am is
Embank to boy Tee& MOMS haILWORTEI
Berl Erepdatons
14 0 Li m .Vall 99,10 ea /mad Rafter n/%'ba
41 , INV! f°96114
ries ander the sopervision oir du Decimalised, P. W.
Gate.'"Patent lies" far totting screws on mita., ibity
baying been tried In two of I. !er g o enema, eV
foetid to be very etbeisat and excellent
Bm of Yams an Dome,
Wenn:soros, Sept. IA lE4P.
Considering Gas' Patented Improvemeacfor eat.
Una terve. on metal to be • valuable one, I brie, by
authority of the Honorable bleeretary of the N.
purchased of the Attorney. of the Patentee, Wm
s e.mtle, end Primed Meurer, Ise , the debt to mete
and um, ealdimprovement for the b. Navy.
JOBEPII SMlTHC le fhof Berea.
In um alao by
Butalo Works, Dattairc
Reese I *shim, Rockeste ,r
koala tt k Co, Gloucster, N. yi •
Haywood I Snyder, Bchaythill Cowar
Bisbee k,Naar lak;
Noe, Daltuname..Pbeenix." N. V;
H. K. Dunham I C., New Volk;
Denmead k Co, Itamement Works, Balt;
Van Caren, Rookezta
hlott k A. you haw Vert;
Allow Works, dm
Pease k kfarinty. do;
West Point Foundry;
NOTTi• k tiro, Philadelphia;
A Jenkl, Breadtsborgh, Pa;
Walwolth it. Nemo, Boston uld Now VorC
Luttrell Maohlmo Shop, Lowe
Amettelreag Co, Mancheitar, N 11;
Lyman k Sou ber, South Roma,
and numerons wham
No V libiach
do B ina,lo mu dies k. tape fr a too In. pri.S3so
do . /to 1 11 01 00 8150
Nog do 0 do , pries 0100
&II croon addmitred to Gales & K n i ght,, Chicago,
U B. Cannon, New York, E.D.Mvaltall & Co, Phila
delphia, and IL IL Scoville & Mint, Caleago, Mr Dies
and Taps, with or withoat machines for using they
will meet with prompt attention.
alt.., May 3,1830.
sarm r. mum.] moo. am=
1111111VIA8 dt MAD.NMR.
Product' awl Commune= Afrecharter.
And dank= in Plusbargh bleomfactured Articled,
Nos. 130 •ad zaz leeead else.,,
Between Weed & Pothbfield. Pinder=h. ad_pl
No 15 Inroad . Pittabmrsh..
Caliendo= made on all the principal eitlea of the
linked Plates. =WAIT
(hare enamexu, honer dt C0). 3
Would re:reetfully Inform the testament of the late
Lnamte the".toneaf the ietig that
th. 37 will
In ell their verledex, at the Old Stand,
No IS Wood sty ballroom WWI A. WADS ' ' ' .
d Or l :11D.Ey,,N4 LtrIESWhARF,
Mineral fates. Pat e% Bledielne.*and'Wfne
of every description; also, WINDOW GLASS.
Keeps cons antly on hand Accurst *momenta
the above articles. ALSO STATE, an the other Green
Gloss Factories are ALL STORM as is the esistom In
simmer, Tom Facrost L now in corn. ormution, and
will COll4/1413 to operation bothMUM./ end winter..
Orders respectfully witched, and will be filled on the
Menem notice.
Warehouse, No 112 Second Watt, betweei Wood
and Smithfield at, Dittshnnth. jyyskdi
LIP! 111150.1111110/0
J. Pimtoy, Jr...
Merktfor t Ao Penn Lifi Insuriretes Co. of PkilM.
FFICE the Western ILI wants Company No.
I Pittehttnii
client fo
amprms whle ts, ilt be with elfornishaLl neceseary Information, and
Husbands can intone their INn foe the benefit 41
them wives and children; eminent the lives of Mob
do tors.
The whole profits of the Company are divideg
tunnel the holders of Life Palle/es.
The dividends of the past tyro years have been eteb.
4per re. each rear
fitr. WiLL.lnhis - ieDropen a Ounce! and Ent"
lisp School, on the fast Monday of Sept. ned.
Room over J. D. Williruns , tone, corner of Wood
filth execti.
It Z, 113. ..
Rev. W. D. Homr,d, I Hori..Walwr H. Leval.,
Der. DT. MI 01.1. J. D. McCord, £m.,
Hew. Dr. hlethlL J. D. Wrllmats, Esq.
- _
A tn a r f
8 n I R tit "d
Ina of Plan ," er a:ulnas. ar
Whole... Las proem, Produce, an.
1341. at No Mt &anal -.
aad taitalald n.
Pnisbarib, Aar.. I, lESLL—ana
HATE, Ws Car, Boot" e l d
Clouse, in th e Wboksalto
hasimma; lb. Mle of the diem
Moos. U. 7 31 A.
e. rrLezersos]
mitV...fitente, Dnale , . in
03 aztteles, 193 Liberty
fr HE yam e f se ip of Johnston &Bine kton, composed
I. of the undersigned, has Oils day been dissolved
by o f
eonsenc S. . JOHNSTON,
Panburgh, July 211,16313—ang17
PRlllTlifiii INI — OIL - 111 DINO.
Am 80 Third. below IR kelt at.
W. 8. HAV ,
(Beeeemor to Johnston ik • Stockton,;
R ESPECTFULLY informs his Dien. and the ens
jk, tamers of the old establishment that, haying
pusshased the Yrinuoty Whets and Book Bold., of
the late firm, he is prepared to execute with seamen
and disyntatt, every dmityption of
Devitt{ had Um management of the Printing der to.
mant of the Into Ann .or oeventeen yenta pan, he
feels eumgdeat of hem, akin to render satisfaction to
all who may favor him with Metz patronage.
Ammo 10, 11,30.--auglikdlat .
ateeolaad, Warren sad IPletabargh.
Telegraph Cesapahp.
! INdernenag of • reson; of the Board ef Dined-
Telegna r Company,renesting the fier. wea Vta4 " to:2!
on* and Gans. to bepabWhed Is the newspapers alon
the Use, en exhibit of the financial and oinr =Mina
thh, company. I submit the following Report:—
The lino
Telegraph commences at tMeireland and
tannlnatee et Pinnate/4 pateleg Miroaeh Chagrin
Fans, Franklin, Newton Fens, Warren, FanntemM,
arid Lowell, in IN But of Ohio. and No. Cult= and
Rochester, to dna Mate of Pennsylvania, at which
palms there .se Glees Inane lot the receipt end
transmission of littainesitu
The whole length of the line is 149 =On—Cannel
Eton, min per mile, making a total npital mon of
VM-Seq er Minn ...Mt 6i0,993 le held er chinas
alone the line, ann Ma balance is bald tifi Cornell fr.
1971Speeddatieb;onaa.cluzig* Obaelizeoatintron=ittbi..
, foe which ins
Trams. have Lir receipt.
=HMO JEFFERSON RALll,l3ecreterp.
To Illewth•ra aad lillrestilra It orebsata,
eabseriber reepectlally invitee public retention to
hi. ezteneive ranee of Perfumery, Soaps,-Charles,
Chum he., ttl wkieb seven Surer and two Golden
Medals - bare, within the lest tin years, been awarded
by Ma Inentetes of New York, Beaton, and Phila
delphia, th e-latter being th e only Golden Medal. ere r
ewarded (or palimony either In auvp• or la Ode
got atat
h Unmuma Swum Caux,
L.., and ambrosial,/ milrereallY •eknoet.dra to
be moonier to any Charing Crease in the actuary or
Crinornans roe 13 nama—Beantlfklly trumps:chi,
and posseeslng highly Berionaelrous and emollient
properuee; Cape:latent@ Corepoandi antbrodal Shay
ing Tablet; Military Chewing &ay.
ttersursa Tomer Boare—almond, Rose, Mille fhlen,
Boor, o Pistaaidn e r.t i l Vion
%r n ug ,oat' runlerinaceettud--)tose, Jasia
Bouquet do Caroline, Geranium, Juni) Lind, Mouse-
line, Jockey Clob, Magnolia, Clemente, Quenelle
Resat, and many other varieties, to ail arty diefer . ant '
Tonal Warsas—Florlda Water, Bea do Toilette,
Flower Water. and peal variety of Co-
Lope. and Lavender Water.
• axtataetee. TOO TOSS Haut — Genulne Deals 00,
Antigua 01/, Ltandollue, Lostralo, Cano
pound Os Marrow, Ilalr Oyes, liquid and In moue.
and Plillocerne, Rieinine, and Jenny Lind Pomades.
unouraune PWAIIATIOIO-1118/Alrntie Elixir, tom
Tooth Panic, Cameoal Dornatee, Oderne, Tooth
Poem, end Tooth Powder.
Cisiernes—ViretabloCosomPe Cream, Amanita*
f i z . e . O•md s tro ve dego p l t i .rry Cregi r u . olltr am, i ir, Cm* de
DePdowry Pooiders, for removing ouperiaous hair,
Pearl Powder, I/Malone de Roam A.1•11e Vniegar,
Winona gait COMPOSIIIan, Pictlo/1 Sans, bend.. • re d
in thi s of other •ruales, too nottiorea• bo
named in this advertimenson
Ton sobettriber bores to maintain the mpm atleo
which iii• establiMiment has amnairei by dapping
of nothing bat first ems orioles, and mill be baggy to
(welsh Qom mho may nW to patrozine iithm
eirbolosele or moil, on e• roasonabft tarsus.. nay
!antis/tomtit let tho United eaten
XVIER nem,
Bumper ta and Ammer Dilut A or of the Labelstory
111 Menet meet.
M. Basin% reenter) la for Bale by all the panel.pal Druggists In theeesultlT • spl7ullyl
reel; '.'
POWDER-ICOP ken Blasting, eats. etrength.
Laßin's betittl'e manataetens, Iler me by "
119 J C BIDWELL, Alit;
Water street
150 fig FEET Wattled Os Menne& Dowd%
t./ perfectly dry. and of a gotten. quility
for sale by a. uLABA.E.
ugtastlif Aberystwyth.
Head iiimant4eirs tar tkafikd
M ORRIS a HAWutati hays obtained the Ape
mien a wiling Um Dm and Cheapest Teah to
pitubergb. It pm ...pare their Tea oub Alutayou
purchase eiwwiltero hos will al wine lan
soperistfty. Thy au eery tatefal In the ' e "rl =l
el then Ti.. Thy bay a:Amber IA Ash from the
Importers san, awl an saAW 01111 Wily twill
volts, Mess are the limo= lag rte anankil is sell
each maul Bleck or tin= 'leas at Me per itPewter
The bet: do ,
Rut Ade Dielleat
ticrotilitAnit a.
IILE—A lute quail:, of mama Tlla ta4oom
allot &motto by ISAIAH OW CRY feet' •
tor 17
1 4 131 3. J. DIVERS tificrs ht. crofenional aternec.
to the citizen. Of Mancherer sad viehtity.
()Mee and residercv, for the prevent at Rosedale,
In M nen anchester, =realm ly above the II ft Vatic.fn.l
D R JOHN MARTIN respectful'? announces to the
citizens of Plitsbargii. dist be has PerinzineallY
located himself in So. elfy, for die pumps° of prue
Seine Medicine and Surgery, in ail It. various branch.
es. His office Es on Fourth meet, No MI 'Residefiel
No 97 same st. 41/kiordis•T
Dr. Giaysoirs gattset or reDoW Doak
and liireaparilla.
P PP rap In the lariat slued bottle., contains mete
of the pore Honduras PursaperlUa than any - Other
preparation extant which is chenthully combined
W the Extract of Yellow Doek,the Fstrsetor Wild
Cberry,aid the Balsam of Fir, then making the reme
dy more thoroughly etlfeient than any other Sarno,.
nark before the public, At the same coin itia perfect.
o y free4rom all miters! roisoos,which cannot be geld
f any other of the Sarsepsailla compounds. The in.
valid Blurted beware of poison. blercaryaron.Qul
nine. Potash, iodine, Sulphur, A molt, and many
other oilmen! and metallic poisons enter into and
form the active basis of meet of the Sarsepurida end
Panaceas of the day. Guyecuis Compolost Ear.%
of Yellow Doer sad Sarsaparilla doe. not emitsta
panicle of these imbalances, as any one can easily
ascertain by applying the orcesnary teats.
The poisons may occasionally remove dimmed, bet
they so valeta the blood, and so completely improp
cam the whole system with their baneful effects dud
the first cold. or the Grit attack of demase,rostrates
the patent's strength, end 411biews tam an ot he r s the
most exeratiating tormit, and renders all
almost impoesible .d hopeless. Let all {reimport
Bernoulli's preparatigna alone, and one Devotes
Improved Extract of Yellow Dock and Peursaperille,
which is thoroughly edicaelous, perfectly harmless,
and purely veretable. All kinds of ilium yields to
lurganial influence.
A. TALCOTT, Col. OttlnaintA4
SemMIL CannellalS Tumors, Cutaneous Ethrtannts
Etyronelas, Bile% Point, les, or Pimples on the Pace,
%mule Sore Eyes, Tette% Scald Head. Rheum
alto, Enlargement or Puitm Itoßone. or Join
Id and suabboni Ulcers, Fever Sores, Hiplaireme,
Swellom of the Glands, Blotches, Syphilitic Symp.
Loma Lumbar% Dropsy, Byepepsla, Jaundice, Cos.
dueness, Salt Rheum, Affeetions et the Kidney. end
diseases mine" from an inlediclourt ar e of 3lereu-
Palo m e l s '' ry " .,T,To T n a ..7gl .7if="lose f n ' c n. i!`.ll.
ins lowan. consernotion. Liver Complairst,Feaude
Irregularities and Complaints, Stet and Nervous
ilmdacha General Deathly, Low !Spirits, Legs of
Appetite, Hiatt' Sareatl, Pains in thus Side and
Shoulders. Exposure or Imprudence In Life, anem
ic Calumnious! Dieorders, and m ■ Swath and Pall
Penfter of the Blood, and General Tonle for the
System. it W unrivalled,
A cafe of Uhenasd f novas yotss otomessig.
The fella in men ettract of a letter dated Moat
27,14:4, from Pt Porkies, Pd. D., a highly =Natl.
hie physician of Nanette, Ohio.
Joan Pans—Deer' Sin I hare under my care a
young woman who, for sialcon years, has been ref
ning from Ulcerated Limbs, and whose case hall
been pronounced hopelera by three of one ben phy-
Mclean I took her into m family, and bare aged
Gaye:ens Yellow Deek add Sarsaparilla Dee)), and
am confident that the Yellow Doak and Sartaparilla
will effect a permlinet ewe; She I. better In general
health than she has ever been before, •and walks a '
Ogle Or two without (Wigan or pain. A Sem ago ithit
used crated:tea [will report the cam in doe time.
Very resp ut SCeatfully;
It Lu been lemmked, by eminent men, that In this
varied catalogue of damsel to whirl man is Hanle,
then is scarcely tint Of Midi Irepoilawe, and of sash
intereirt as Scronda, whether we look to the nnitettraY
alas on to Insid•ous proems, the number and
variety of arranathat Dialect., or itt remazkable In
curability and extenuve fatality.
Scrofula him battled the rain of the men eminent
phyliciansin ads country and to Europe Set there is
an antatat e for thi• disease In Dr Guyon's Extradt of
perfect/Sparilla, whieb Ls proving it.
ant • specific in the most severe eases of
manila. •
An exuaordlnary cue of Scrofula cured by the
sole use of Doctor GISTOWII Compound tiny It
will be men by this eertificiste that Olt mu has been
under the treatment of revered celebrated physicians,
teethe past eight year.,without deriving any benefit,
lad has been ;effete...l , cared by the use of a few
Nettle of Dr. Guywnt's =pound Syrup.
Haw YJuee I', ISIS.
lita.Goirare—Dear Sir,—Owing to nne,
a debtwhicla
money cannot pay. I are induced to m a k e a pablic es
knovrtedgment of the benefit I have derived from year
laminable Synth. I was sorely manned with a tern
hie Scrofeleue diseme, hereditary in our family,
which commenced an my. neck, aid, commutes to
spread. soon readied my ears, min ning into my head,
and extending •I 1 over my fore, neck, and lower et
maniac% I bee-me a disputing einem to look upon.
At times my distress was w great that lag., unable lu
sleep or he down; and the dimase extending into my
iamly affected my bearing. My face wen me
osetinuom wee, (rem which a discharge of rustier
end suer kept continually coring°. People avoid
ed me, supposing I law -the emailpox, or some o th er'
infectious dime!, end I Was consequently Obliged to
reliant/Ith my bminem. Notwtthetendlng I had the
best medical advice. and tried differentplans of treat
ellen., ate diseme continued to grow wore,entil !gave
op In derpair, Fanaeately I fell in with • passenger
on the mamboed., win' e travelling for me health, who
tolerated me that hien was at one tune in as end a
cocondolerte I was, md so that by using your Syrup be
was •peedily cured I imandialcie prOeured the ar
ticle, commenced using It, ma now,Mar having used
less than six !mules, lam well en -able to attend to
my bushiest / send yon this stater:. et as sn set of
Imam, only Leith g that It men induce the attilcted ID
Waite w of the right medicine, and thereby eau Lhasa
mmh stamina and expense. -
I remalm your obedient Q
Coro of an aggravage4 rate of Erysipelas.
The ewe, perlorined 'la. Guysou's Exurelot
Yellow Doet and Sersaperdle are :Wing. The pm
tent's general health continues to improve Saar
.ue Is removed. Cores acid hat chronicled Until lima
La • fully used than there eta be no relapse or Manz
of t be dimma
N 0.." Werli our Co.) Peb 11150.
ELY. Doman& Cu., Gents, it is with met pleas.»
that I writeyou abolit the very happy Miens ef ye.,
Yellen e Dock and Sanapatilla epee my son, lobo Au
long b, en mAerute under that drew:lath loather me
ease,L. rysipents, with whack he Was attacked in 841,
and was tor aeveral months attended by some of one
best pyn inns, woo tiled their skill perseveringly Inc
five months, without any benefictal siren. whatever.
He become redeCed to a perfect %Veleta:4 He had W
ee. from his hip to big knee, which were ettiathattally
diathergtat disgustingly odelesiVa matter. Medical
mffil was bellied. Phy•icians aid that
his care was hopeless—them meld be no done
to arrest those terrible gangrening ulcers. Pity neigh
bars and myself thought ha dimolution mar at ham!.
One of my neighbors, who kuld marred a child of aarot.
rte with Tout Invaleable medmine.unseal ma to,
mate trial of It, end more from the restless desire to
do somethins while life lane% than from my hope of
, setting nilef I procured three bottles of yuarult chow
' Derek and nountrillan and commenced Isles It
and to my astonishment, ha commenced improving
e tad sued the third bottle, and before he !maimed a
bale dozen bottle. he could walk out He used In all
'twelve bottles, and by October hut he was perfectly
rea cued, an d sth ol the disease except the man
is removed, he remains In perfect beslth onto the
.. present lime recovery,: under the blessing of
God. werairely awing to the Nucor your fe e l Dock
and Idaraaparlita, and I assure you that feel !Myna(
hatter ant otillgatures to you. and It is with grem joy
that I inform you of what :Sarsaparilla has done
far my sun. T ile. pectfolly,
117• None genuine unless put up in large bottles,
centatning a quart, end the name of lin Syrup blown
in We glass, with the written signaler. of S. P. Baas
win, on the eauthe wrapper. Prior 01 par bottle—of
po ill. for SS.
sold by J. D. PARR.rNerth East corner of
Femme end Olt along tweets, nun. ca on Waloot sa„
,Cleernatul, Ohio, to whom all order. most be eddies
Caner & urn Erie; W. P. Sohn.. 4 Co, Water
be,k; Olin & Clemons, Cronies . ..ale; Abel Terrell,
Not tram; Ninon thx,Towanda; Robert Ray, Weds.
burn, L. Roderick. Callenthurg; .L. Wilcox, Jr, Pau
blush, comer of Market areal and the Diamond.
ly One 'tartans
• BARNES have
together, ander the
transaction or the
• Canonizeton hut•
between Wood
Ith me Mr. I. 11.
" b 1 e. cutren.on
jr. m. upc..
Commission 111 err
, and Pinabarth
lid. Pittsburgh, i.
Dr. Raul Crlebraled Rtmedles.
Da. ~A 0 18 S. ROSE,the discoverer and sole M
printer ef these matt popular and beneficial
miediet,yesosiii,ll also th e inventor of the celebrated
instrument far fofisund the f Mist, In eff.celog a elm
of bionic dlsva.tes. no a student of that eminent
physician, Doctor Physic, and Is a gradcate of the
University of Pennsylvania, mid tor thirty Jests sines
has been twinged ler the Investlgstion Of ammo, and
the sppileauen of remedies %trete
Throes& the Ilse ono. inflating tube, in 'connection
sulth his rrrph, tattle. syrupy and other of Ms remedies,
he has gamed an unparais Imltetrunrnee In curing
those drvadfel and teal maladies, Tubercular Con
munptionf Cancers, Strent's, Itheematism /mums,
Fever ana Ague, Fevers of all ew e s oe
I .Err Alpena, and all those obstinate di peculiar o
(,males L.deeJ eV.] form of disease vanishes under
the em of his remedies,, to which humanity is helr—
not by the use of one co Peened °elf... idol le in.
mupsulble art h Physiole,Mesi Low, hut by the no.
of has remedies, adapted .terand preso.lued roj each
• caler lona of dt.cate. _
Dr. Rose's Tonic Alterative Pills, when urea era
Invariably aaknosrledgetto Ire , superior to all alter;
as a purgative or liver Pill, Dom.. as they lee2/1
the holm. • perfectly free Crew costive... .a *lea
bin holden Pills is admitted by threfreenty o porseer
ppppp b eeett e eeeeeally
properties at rptert tu. female,
wished that a bare tral is authe eitt to
what g baa bets said In them i eds. - toe most sk estab e-pheal,
The allheted are Invited call sport tae egret l ag
promise d tarsus, aue of the Doctor'. pamrAll.ts, &lag- • ; s
• deudied account of emelt remedy 4.111:11La -
Ear sale bough ou t lg ageats,. well as
domes. throughou the ernintry,
jerehouemaker &Ca 24 Woad streeFiltabargh;
Id Townse.,druggist, 45 Market sr, do; . •
Lee A...ctham, co near the P.O. A lips homy alt)/;
Joe Hartley, Dadipgion, Llestereo, dal
Jae Ulla; Eon.. Walley, do do;
1 Adams. Deavey do do;
(treas. a healthy ammo ilirmittßoal the body, restore'
atm *mama, equalmo thy 611.411/Won, Moe MO,
•eneryy ro the system,cia ereald...a rmaryr of rcrlc
aare , toaliaease In ail Its forma, rarely 19 be obtalued.
'They vollperform a speedy ator pert:nu/cat ajar* of
Dyspegia.iodigestion: Flatulency. Valero DebiT
Lt•of mida+o , , anO &Ilan trap of symptoms ao
=only conUtelatryous atomic..
' laustedasse lLMAD ly ret.eved b the me or this thee•
atheism:lpound, which Is gently segetahle, sad to
adapted is all ages and conditions.
PPM Ind in this delicate and nelatarde Prenarantth, a
eronbination of Tone, Alletati,6 and Aperient guli•
tthee peculiarly adapted to their elntema
aleallSo action Matteis eta ele,Dao on the Live,
crud Lizelano Organs, render, he nothplete -Antidote
elorlierer and Aga. and Bilious anal Typhith feecya.,
Ceasevasa, 4 t. cols lab tea
have land the attielatif Inanett'a Bitten,
td havadenved great oenCht• kora theta I Ithva : 1
la en am eject bt year. pa= tOStlaVever and Agne In;
,oinee the inuoLnetion of toot Bitten, I have entirely ' •
netcapee my asnal.anachr, and 'can with eontidenee
nines peen@ thew tn. one of the tacit Tonics in 1180: •
.li4s . Ftofelly Imre
PrimoYaw, lane loth, iduk. -
lir Ow Fn.
It p.m me seal ofeardre to .tare, 0 a dy.
Mtn pepsin Irak which in ype 699 Meilen loro [ Dina.. I ; , , ,
]N..,,,,ing (Ma lunation Um 4brer ban been On.
iiA, 0 ,,,e0me, and eare by Lb. no of goir 199914.
.61. prepws999 of Thrum', and (or yontiladncyjill , 4
~ ••• , • ' them,please aechpl at, tbardre. , •,- - •,-
—-• Your otediou 99,99m9 LEE , •
Am ati,l7llllasl T. 111994 it co. 9990191 9,
49t,,,,q.N9•99Y0rk. For saki try : 94., ••,
- , .. "
nalVkafbairr . St. BAIELLrit R.
*ICU , GOODS. , •
A A. MASON t CO., No. fefhlarket streek • hlos • -
trio,4„ embed the delletene, In their etook. tamed by.: „
and it is tem reticle, co eetiolete DT lhe eleelp • , .
*ll3 lIIJNORED AND Plell, P 4 C440,611 of I; : .. • •
deal ntbla t Feeds, porthole:4 from eaahnfaeturers, Its 4.. Z.,.,
, lan
a outlets talk., It a Bru t redo mien from priced
is( 5 on Bollittg, which will be <dem% to their earner
oat mans accordingly. It oroald be useless to af
ro eet to .meson is their well assorted cook, arid,
the tear* *414411M owl tutteatlon of thole frieatio
on 4 Che palls, vfOt Ike osototwo ill itir rani 1141.. •
..11 111 1111 1 1119.1119100,.:_.; - ..--_„.4tia4.1..,...:.:
, .