THE PITTBBU dFI tile/dal% PUBLISHED BY WHITE & CO PITTsECIACiII VWB.3DAY MORNINR, 41u93J,8T,12,10 ErAmmar., an, earnestly fonneased to nand to Our favors Worn 6 r. ■. r and acuity Intladar az prsctleablc Advantaetneou not Inserted fora spool inninanifillinunably no atiarrui analtordared atm C:TV. B Patiora Is for this paper at Ws Notial ageoelea be Bees Rork, Plalsolelpitta, red ..4,_,Beseo. awl Is eout aathorised Ur receive sabsenptions , and iolloonieesa for a.. • • • • . . and fabe riptonsmh. eA lNmoirtihrtA ft aa e n an a d -••Jg i waiar teal Sums etaerte, from AN Mize. Philadelphia, radioed and for. ytel • ..nydente .. LOXIta . ZreeLLlsT —Pabeerlption. b, received and forward inst Hlta ts dvier= . ..tenuntuaL . oabaenpuove and adverdser n rel paper received and forwarded free or .ijra:11,111111T1 Dane WAlTTL—AdVeTtltallellti . MlbeetVd=k for tate paper, wtb be received and arrested ten We came. .ViUiROOSAATIO wrivric Turns:l . poi *AN. COIOIIIIWIONSIt. • JOSHU DanA DUNGAN, fn k. County. ram anartor :ow rout. , HENN' W INYDER, JI yr or. C•anly. 11 , 011 1.'11.011 arltll.l. . 1O EPFI II FA DRItB 0 N, Of WoktinutonCourny. 41I1t10aso11a and WLII Nominations in Allsigetony County. IRA =CM MOND CO. WM. 110111•11 M. mown, soa 0:0101 scow, raorn , rust cows.% DIONNY, Jak.Mics CA.B.OTLUEES, Of IVIIXINS. •1111i11111lLT. UMW( ROBERTSON, Pinsbvsh; T. L 1110111.14 MR Lon.. a Clair. AL O. WA..,_Elonabetk. JOHN !MAMMY, Robins.= WARS FIFO% rimellostoo 4.1191 CM, MANOR C. Iff..ANEGIN, Pd bagt. EBINICEER IJOYLES, North Folsom AIRCO% WM. .VVYNN, lamer St.Tlalr. Cann 111111VIFTON, a N. COURTNEY, Oblo. .41711:611!fErr PLO FuR LOCAL MASTERS SILLEORLVIIIC NEW.% to. Hew Wring* does this wand I The State of .Colikornia! It la only • few years lance that re. trios Was almost unknown to the eivilind world There was a tort of mystery and romance aboc Re Ruth as now Galata conocroing tha interior of -Africa, the Islands of Japan, and soma of the more insnetealble parts of Central Asia, and Australia. Now it is almost as Well known so say of our frontier fhates—bette known to most people of the Northern States Ilan &o Interkir of that little pepper pot, South Carolina. It Is now a sorer altoState of the American Union, iolth all the in attrition, of Republican Government—Couwitu• boa„ Legislature, Corms. Eleculoni, eta ...It W" With kallags of more than ordinary plasm:ire— . 4 was with exultation and national pride—thit we read the Wei-rankle announcement that the Bona 4tos from the now Paculo State had been swero In. sad had taken that, meats is that dlithavatthee. sod venerated body, the American Senate. Here, side by side, sit the Senators from the Atlaulte Roc 'the Papilla; the ancient and time boomed Sister of .Idalmichusetts, Virginia, and Pennsylvania triwt,an lama pt perfect, equality, the young gt ant queen of the far west, whose east is on the ocean the waters . of -by/ wash the shores o' Chinn, Jonas, aid the Indies I flow sublime inch at event! How woederfal to the pc:greaser thif What, a magnificent and indescribably grand spectacle does this vest Union present ! Pilited be the arm that Is raised . to rend It isle fragments ! Tim Pae Manilas of tee Cowolf • However much- delferenec of apialan may be antertatized, in tegwd cattle, particular principle. tp s wigth t set,Ossment of the:eV:nitride' Quern= ty,phulized; sot seldom hu there bees • nuns IWarUist kidtuilialtiliotlattlksted by the peopleou the ocentereace of say event. a lo em .fieries pricers. ken to to a sort of Leah rat. &Won of ow gieniona Union, which has bm.ii as lea* severely tried, and has come out of the fur more Wed, 13114paCant, and enduring than • • Thia:wal probe* he the list maul% which Iva be made apes it kw .muy generations, The [cis. galded me i who khve Pad in thin effort, .11 . fee that their mad and unhallowed project auto& la chance of amatiesa. If it could not some.. myth ati uniwyasitating . lineations to aulat . WOO beigteily hopeless when thew question, all amicably eattled, mid when the attach. • MieutaUf the People - to the Union have been quick mud by this dawns through which it hu para. There wileprobsbly be some bluster and dine . Ina Iblly aahibitad In some parts of South Caroli stn,but tW will scan subside. end those who . openly takes a pent In the limbelne Convention I andether disanloaproecediagr, will go into pat!- ' dt f rgetl laws=a puenthroent not at all corn. Ineneenta with the asaipthstde of their sins against We =any. • :we Consider that the union has annulled addl. detail Momith and opera by the ordeal through pared, end by the mode to which t b tptelts lasi teen tattled. We expect to „kaast law oftresena Iteresfies, sod to God the un Spa of dame titatei tloderooe ettleicat Government ,of kilted pewees; selieet too altered, tbsoogrh the ejectment ea Tenettnen at the people, to be Debar Called in question' and ibppantly dig snaked. • Dam ter Laura Puns—ldany peat men hempland away Angus tlds year, bet 11.120011 Am all, none ware more nenultable, or who had lad a mole ovoidal lAN than the &Mal al Frantte, Louts Phatippe,whose death or annottimed L iar taleimpilti &mamba to day. Whaumet wete hlserrons mad fades, IFS VAILI6OI but regard kale atinoty :Wait rupee:. He was, - vs think. ion idined males! thin slanting. U he had any 'pent etier,lt win In the errors to sysnadtse his atutity,tatt lids Inane so natural, sad 110.06C104/ to Ms Positlas,tletture cannot look upon a as de. eervitlf I. Terr *ftb jediOne4L. - .The sateral end legitimate effects of the effort Is this elty in Introduce the'reed. of Ireland, by gin laititutkin ofistUdkit Orange Lodges, and by saimpl to get op a political patty, founded on Mick= ibednetioas, are 'handy teen in the no adbloodsted which took place on the evenleg of 146 bin prosewdoz. We confider It the solemn duty of the hotenant chtuthea of these chits to disootattenanenthla whole Meg at claw and fa inter. Thaw they do, it wit wart untold evils to Ihrit trovm•stly Waling he peace, wow hy, ace prosperity foe Teen to come. Its erects upon the t fif;tom'peeeputtp. of the Proteitant churches gout, elso, but be - moss disc trove. We should bs.ostottitta of Peieetaltiziatat eTsitlirticaccitieii seb • Node of oppoehte-Cathollelsto se this. • • • Pil,'".2")/ or .13arrsolus, adreilmonosat of this oatopany 'sop bs folp4 water 'cobuom. ILL' not unknown of otz cads= to &soaped inomit io. Attain. Thom litho 'lsisb.ta 'twits In *dam lastitnikkas will led OW one all that shop maes. ata 't : . Ims ; Bitazthtrm Comm Talon—Forty two rises gm, thalamus] crop of coffee in Bruit did nut: exceed forty thousand bogs of ease; and even la'Bad, ft only reached one hundred thousand bap• onta!*actinitt, tho hlgh.priee of - coffee in E* laidompermidad to the diminished prodoction ia eats, atimulited. the Brazilian planters to extend thi'isaltlestiret, .sad in 1830 they sent to market loci' Itualred thousand bags, o, ably four miillon imueds. and M VW, tba enormous guarani Of seer ly three tumdred minima of poen& 't • lowa.—TMgreint Mee cal 9ovenior of ler , hell Wind bis grociamatient for a special elec• lion dumber of Congress, in the First District -116 Noise" 'of Rapiesentatiees having yawed its out btdd ter Wu. Thoraptcnt , because be bad ,no 1.1:111b""1"64: DinitelP. Miller, Who count id the right, and dantoutrated the fraud pracileed hig Thweison's friends; in cider to secure hien the eartnietate, is do Whig candidate. A convention Is lobo beta bi thiLocofoces, to wage a Rowing.- gas for die odes—grad =willingness- being msn - m a ga to gentut,ltdr. Tbotnpson to rim the MOO/ under thawing eirnurostrtnees, for fear that he may be U 44 To add io theUnable* of the Lemorocu Party, Deletion Smith, who bus until Sow been reoopused as in f,dl,commcnion With the Party, tailxdtad the Convention system, and is • awh ile bgrietnination of the people' of his county. nclunatrildng it over the District. The 24ut of 1001gaentter ill bad foi the igestios. 1./VW:l3lr WASUENGTOIII • F.orgerPondinee et tie Pixtahrorsh o•sere , • Wsimsogrig,..Sagr. 7.1850. We ire in the midst oft Vest ovation.. Vh° Califoredittll his pasta it will on Dloaday re. eeive the signatures at the presiding °doers of both tinimee.ef.ctolt6feslt netd_wilLbe Sall to the prem._ dent. It will be returned approved and signed by him on Tumday morning, and California will then be a state of the Union. I, need not detail the pro -Et-incline:grit the Weise . Which resulted thus glorl on/dY for the' country; that duly will have been performed b./ ether !Audi, and the iorpirtng news !.,em this, fillmg with gladness and exultation the hearten( our countrymen, not only in poor city, but in nanny others hundreds Jr milea more distaot from the captal. The new. h. Sousa on the lightning's wings, and now wbtlel write Maine and Lou. mince, Georgia .d Wisconsin. sire rejoicing over a ...sumrnation -which will restore peace, harmony, and good will to the country. The Senate Bill fog the ndmi.ion of California, without change in line or word frorn the original. , passed the at half past two o'clock, by the vote of 150 to fit It went through to solemn and majestic silence. When the fact was announced to the }louse by the Speaker, there war no excite. went, no exaltation. The deed was looked upon as the happy termination of a controversy that had shaken the Union. In truth all the violenac of feeling which hod before actuated the members of either party, subsided immediately after the paartuye of f the Texan trouudary toll, yesterday, which was warded ns the actual end of the %Mr , 1 could hardly mist my scathes when I perceived the per , fent calmness with which each succeeding MOIOO, every one tending to the mine momenta. result, was put and carried I could hardly belie vethnt there would not lrs some innmfestation ofou,ed mid indignant feeling Iran that band of 6outttern men who have threatened with such unseemly vette. menee to resist the neromphshinent of this men. ...set erew to the hhedrhin; of blood. But not a .mind name, norm sign was made. Mr. Boyd moved to add this Utah territorial bill. The Inpeaker decided it to be in order, lost as he had decided the Nett Mexican territorial bill to be in order as an addition to the boundary bill. In that as, he had been triumphantly sustained, out !whether it 'was from tlio absence of Texan bonds, or from an honest change of conviction on the part of the majority of the Home, I cannot say, but err. tain it is that though the cases are precisely similar, Mr. Cobb's decision in Ibis Instance was overruled by gin. House by Si to 115, twenty eight maj ority— a most remarkable change of mind, here ! Mr. Jacob Thompson, of Mississippi, proposed Souk's amendment to the bilboonoerning the min. eml lands, dre. II was rejected-71 to 134. Still no excitement. Mr. Thompson, much disappointed pettishly observed that a decent regard to the fitness of flungs seemed to require that the bill should at least be read. The majority laughml gtthe truim,and nt Thompson's vexation, but admitted the reasona bleness of the request. The bill Was rend for info, mation, and then ordered to a third rending, 151 to 57. Mr. 11.010 m, of South Carolina, undertook to play the long threatened game of frustration, by moving to adjourn, denanniliug calls of the Moose, and proposing other such like merely ddatory mo rionsaand calling the yens and nays upon all of them, but usifortuantely for his patriotic purpose , he could not rain, more than WS men to second h is de mand for the yeas and nays and taken hand in this game of impudent, indecent abuse of a ygluabl e Lsmentary privilege, and he bad to give it op.— The fi rm ! question came, and but fifty six Southern men took - she rreponsibility of approving the ad. mission of I, great via populous Suite, merely be curse it Was a free Suite. ' The remainder of the afternoon was spent in at tempting to amend the bill for establishing a govern meat for girth, so that slavery should be introduced in and established there. The attempt did not sac ceed, though it afforded Mr. Seddon, of Virginia, a good opportunity to prove that be was a good ;nein lo fighter but of very little account in a regu :er action. Ile carried on a trifling but tegious skirmish on his own account, for an hour and a half through five minute speeches, showing how the North had triumphed over the South, in getting Calitoraia into the Union- Hut the bill passed without suffering adisl terauon from any such duni meq, at proposed by him. And thus ends the eat ethane of bats expected from Coopers at this se,- Rion. The fugitive slave bill, mad that for the abo lition of the stave traffic heredenaain, and they will, staffetedan lie until, ue next Congrzws. From the ildjourament of has Howe till Ids this evening, the city has been a scene of the wildest mad most enthusiastic rejoicing. One htwdred tans were fired on the common near the unfinished monument, in honor at so joyous an occasion. As somas thwart dark, a procession with a fine band of mimic, was formed, and called at the National Hotel where Mr. Clay was called out by repent ed cheers, nail made 6 few remarks, die Hotel xis bralithtly illuminated. The crowd and the music then-proceeded to GencralCass l residence, and sue-, .cresively to those of Senators Dangle, and Foote- Speaker Cobb's, Mr. Webster, and Senator Dick anion's summoning each out to the balconies of their houses, and requiring a short speech—which was in each arse promptly and 'neatly given—Mr. Webster had had a dinner party, and he and some of his guests came out and addressed their fellow citizens in coagtatutation (or the happy event. WA.samarron, Sept 9, Int I believe I thatched the occurreacea of last ttigaL It was a jubilee each as I have never be. (ono witneesed. The general joy brate forth in a manner dmilar to Ihlt which etteracterzes the Mauls, exultatian for a greet victory. Had we wan another Saratoga or Baena Vista, the public mind could dm have been more joyoarly agitated. hreete appeared more delighted that the moderate tadi some of the extreme acuatbern members.— Gliagmin was a hide dumpy, but evidently much atoretterigned than ha would have been had Ira awn advice been followed, and its natural copse. VICO:Zit happened. TOOle"WeithOfti, Hilliard. tad Gentry, did not affect to conceitl their delight and satisfaction. And the worst chagrined men, ceYond try .grest , on, were the Southern ultru, ..ho real dieunioniate. ' rem tome or your renders miy consider me narrow minded, 'echoes!, and bigotedly partial in tfie habittudii make between this class of triremes and their oUpotiites, or as mum .enalgtain; their condi/tail, thn free lagers and . political 'abolitionists. 'Let lms state, then, that L believe Ile: fire soil WbigeiodDemocrats to be 'perpetly P16 . 1 . '0.011 . 1143 111 ultra, -but their =nice la a good principle, founded in tanafqty. 'love of jtudiee,.sultd a .enneet meta as tad) batons welfare of the country.— They, look opcm a wrong tawsids the trArior race, and well as far as it operates up. eoe didoli. or the leboring ' , Ohne nate. They belicee, also, that causes a mai peeetinaltytege ularitiotod tt ppiitle±l trAjcstiee,tieiweeta the sec eon of the country whintiprontbita, and ihat *Ma tolerates' it: They thlulr, finally, teal to permit its terrlteriatereasion, ritthts ppried of 01:1 national himny, would entail it as w curse open succeed-. inglOtterS1101111,:pl00 0 it beyond any:patter . of and reader inevitable that terrible confliet LJNOeoti sudixedicted by Jr ITetiort, tho effect of which would be the extermination of the whites filers the see. pond and : gulf Oottets,sud Ilia de• -stretnion of the blacks In the more elevated tote rbeyWro right to 'mint to the lest mintiest- Vomit extremely the pretensions and purposes of ,the iplaSeri Piopagaid bits. Y will never consent peoreblstrty upon the motives or conduct of thasocciew. , L will, on ell proper occasions, beer -lisfteiMrednytt honor of Divid Witatoo—had. done - Burrens,J..W. HoWe, Giddinge, Preston Bing, Hoot Dix Seward: Chase, and °there, who have dietingaished thermic:vas In this great cone manger" Met wldo of the 'question: Bet for tho motives of tholes seen whose guiding star through. oat our now embeiding agitations, has been the propagattott of eiallery for iu own sake, the cone version lairs's:twilit territory, for that extension of dive markete,End she advantrge of tho free breed wand the ds : alst in this human tnerchanaixe.l can eery orrreopeet, nor any toleretion, tad I hope to be exeutba it! never prefers goy. Resole, these reuthern extremist, were traitors, that to, they soughfthe subversion of rho goveionaene, Mode. etroeilon of the ethredetary nod the republic-- Thal was aduatued by many of them, and proved aeon many more who did Lot admit It. Mr, Cal henct was the leader of this sec?, smith Iv num. hers, derperate and wicked In design; and for this tenon I do not aurally allude to his memory with respect. • Now, no each charge can be brought against any free mil Whig or Democrat of nessidetation and respectability enough to get to. an Congress. There in no disonionlet in Congien from the north. Them are among our millions of free population come few thousands of enter, fool. fob &Puree, Irto Gerrit Smith, Garrison, and their Tingle* falLaWero j who prey and itzire for disunion. Bat they have no representative is Coegresi; nor carer will have.. Wet Jet ovr bed. lamited ion at bagel:nail it becomes unsafe for Society that they 'Mould enjoy this "largest libel , 1 7. * sad then Out them op. Some States end ' nrvi In ..I;ntg,, EMMET - But , tht e hug par:gr.pri to Idi iftf OOSkOII thi an" ; bethe.'womiVilbseadthttep =are .. l ibel:70 " cl " M y - . trait, the Seddon', Meade*, Venebles, L sad Inge; of the Home, the Jeff. Devieett, the Yedees, Stinks, Bernwells, Maoist, Tunieyeuarol Borlanda,of the Senate. They may recover themselves, but it is more likely that they will sink into enduring con tempt. There can be no doubt that the game of_i these fellows was dist:mien. Most of them have conic-wed it in their speeches, and aa to all the proof is too c!etr to leave room for dispute— they threatened resistance, or as eh alternative, secession and dissolution. Now, will they at tempt either! They cannot. The booth is not with them. That is shown by the votes. The Texas and New Mexico, and Utah bills command ed a very large majority of votes ham the South. They were emphatically Southern measures. That is matter of record: Bat there were only 66 Sou thern votes even against California, and not one from the North, While twenty six Southern mem bers voted with the North, and we know the , twenty OMe could have been obtained hod they fern wearers. And it these disunlotaints can. not gat op disunion oil these issues, or rather be. come of three decieions, where are - they I Dead, and buried beneath the overwhelming load of contempt and derision which they haye Invoked and towdeserve. But in the settlement of this fearful 'Retake, who has gained and who has loot± Who is vie• for and who vanquished in the termination of the contest T The answer is quite clew. The North have gained, btu the South have not lost. There le to victor, nor any victim. Nature, and time, and events are the only conqueror. la the admit. sion of Calitbroia the North gale. ail of substance end reality ahe halt been contending for, btu the South loSha nothing because she had nothing which could be lost. Manifest deetiny" has done the work. Manifest destiny appropriated to free. dom, that It to the cytleql of free labor, all the ad. vantages which the South hoped to secure for slavery. The North has not withheld anything from the Smith which the latter could have got without the interposition of the North to favor of southern demands. The North contented hermit* with abstaining from any attempt to deprive the Booth of what she possessed, bet refused to beeps, aterthtell nP°n her; and so destiny gave to the North what the South hoped for, but never had. This In regard to California. Nor is the case very different In respect to ter. ritmiea. Nature and citaumatanzes hues been at work here too. They have excluded slavery. The North had a pride ofopinton to gratify In imposlrg the proviso, the South thought her honor rermieed it to be resisted even at the bayontt's point or the cannons month. The ',mai!, has pot been enacted. The North scatters her pride and the South naves the point of honer. The South one• needs in form, but the practical solid advantage is with the North; Providence and circomstutees having so ordered it Slavery will not go into these 'armories, and is a fw voice they will mine In as free State. But though we yield the point of honor, we do not abandon the proviso. It is waned, and we hope that we shall have no more wan for conquest, so that it rosy never need to be revved. But it is impending, ready for that pre-' nice emergency. The disunion •4 have los: mg thetr nate. They certainly are 'aimed gamesters. Nobody else has lost •oythlog There is no news to night of imgortsnce- Jcsma -,,,--- - WHOM 21 XiAr YOLLIC. Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Clasetts. Scat Yoltu, Sept. 7. The action of the Horne of Representatives op. on Teal., and New Nexico has been received hero with immegled satisfactioo by all whose 0:talon is worth 110t14,3 People do Rot stop to ask what degree of north latitude I. the beundary of Texts or what the peaukar rattriellona are Ia the • memorial government of New Mexico. All they ask is fie the Senate to ratify what the House has done, eel give the coordry peace. The sore paid for Texas is a mere bagatelle and not etir.h • moments nothce. It Ind be used cairns pup the debts we were addled with when she was an owls& California it now theP9 l 7ltatd ttealrloa, and that will soon be cleared up. The north de. mends her &demotion free, and California will sets mit to tutting less. From the gold regions the news is favorable to a certain degree; that is; tome uncles of export pay enormously. SCIOII sell at 11140 per Mo:maul. half barrels of pork 1118, and all kinds of bresesiMrs packed is valor pTOOrClies si en. Ort11011• price•. A FAT/a. Cass or Mitatiraoarrr occurred to City Hall Place to this city on Fnday. _ The wife of a printer comet bluldom, was hroeght to bed tor the drat time, and after the most protracted and severe loboor, abe gave birth to female twins perfectly farmed, and of the usual woe, but born vie a Me, and united at the breast sod edema by a provost together of the Peek' The arms of one was thrown over the other's shoulders, but otherwise they were exactly alike, and presented no further singulanty of form. The children were alive when bore, but died mon thee. What roe. dam the case peculiarly painful la the subsequent death of "the mother; every effort was made to save her, but the extraordinary effort ofthis double birth was too much for her ttrergtb, and she died at noon. Thin is one of the most dupla: eases on record. Tun reigions movements in California an thus summed up: The Congregationalists in San Francium haves church which cod, with the 1at,117,500. Item Mr. Hunt G Pastor. Trio Presbyterians have a church, Ram A. William% Pastor, which-coat s3, ooo oxili half contributed by the American Board of DO4- alone. The Baptista bare anhnte,. Rey. Wheeler Pastor, watch cost with lot $16,000. There Is a Methodist Episcopal Church, of Which Rev. Mr. Mine: la Pour, cod a Rectal or the; same over witch Res. Mr. Bcriny presides. The Episcopal. hens have two churches, TrMity and Grace, pre. aided over be Re.. Mr. Miner and Rev. Mr Vet ! rocker. There is also a Chltbstic Church. which most 1113,550, over which Rev. Antonio Lengiciie presides, asaliciated by Rev. Francis Gayle and Father Anderson. In connection with each of thew churches there Is ►Ssbbsth Scholl!. Th is high evidence or an infidel:me Warn to the Merry of CaliMmie, and we take great pleurae 10 recording inch °video es of improvement. castle Garden hat been m great commotion to day, with the J:aney Liod Bak. -.The It choice of seats sold was from oat to ten tickets end was struck off to Genie, the ter, Gar 6225 for one ticket, after • sharp Pompeii tire. lie selonted the centre chair in the second row, immediately to front of the alma The second best bargain (for Barnum,) was the private box, on the south eastern side of the stage, epposite to linoey'ir—the on ty two fe-the house,— blonuot of the New York Hotel, who afternonipe• bog with Hoekard of th., Irving, sod others, bad it struck down, at $l5 a sest,—for four soots. Toe oversee price of choice seats was blo;—chain la the front, side ways of the centre of the cage, sold at Site b freely. Some of the centre seats lo the gallery brought about the same prince. A grim' number of seats in the gallery, and soma of. the aide chain, oo the floor ebbs for 65. At I o clock, no nest had been sold ander s4l—the minimum, or iced hew being $3. When there is no ad• vance on that sum, the sale slops. Inlet noose, Astor liouse,and to Son, were the only per. easiers of soy consldenible lot of tickets. The rest were only etruck °fru, individual purchasers. Tho rale has poured down forioney all day,and bonnets Is dolt in coneequence. _ Ashes midst; sales of Pols a 10.25, and pearls at 620. 'cotton arm with moderato demand.— Flour leas active, while priers aro =altered. sales 20001,h15. Southern is desisted; salt. 300 bid.. at 3,0693,19, as - In qoality. Of Rya Floor, dco. Bales are 100 bbl. at 2,91. Core Meal is quiet at 3,10 for Jersey, and 3.31 for Brandywine: Crain—Sales 2300 buishela fair red Onto Wheat ostler.. Rye firm at 716223. Oats command 41013. for Nonhern, and 33010 far Jersey. 00/13 held at 60001 e. for Western mixed. Prcnrisions are without special charge, and sales moderate.— Puma Whtiltoy firm at 2.211.!; &tido at 941260 time, without ieleren. E Vlimaxs.-1 am pleased to find that this gentleman has opened a Quint and Earlish School, on the corner or Wood mud nth sWeets.— Heron been long and Intlionely aoqualated with Hr. Wtli twos, I take the liberty of wylog—los the Information Grum public—that he Is a thorough nod accomplished etholur, and an idea* teach. Or. As his extreme . modesty may prevent bim from hectoithig lateens, It is presumed thit this sot—designed to call attention to his school—WW not be gotuddered cbtruatee. Tut frost of the Jenny food Hall in New York, esclueive of the ground en whine it stands, will be El:ft.Uoo. . The deco is one hundred and filly by one hundred feet, and will Sent fire diamond per sons. There are no pillars to support the ceiling, -nor will there be any chandeliers to obstruct the view of the atage. • The arrangemeets-lerlightting the roll are on a novel and magnificent wale.— Around the cornice under the ceiling • put light will be led, perforated every eight inches fora triple let or clear lime. The enure will be lighted by five splendid chandelier, of ;Bohemian crystal, at • cost 0(.5E1,000. Around the front of the galleries there will bee balustrade In white enamel and gold, below which will run a row of double bracket lights, with glean globes, nearly eight hundred lights in all. Bayard Taylor has been pronounced the stm cessful candidate for the Jenny Lind "Greeting to America." There were over seven hundred of fered. The committee mys, among the songs sub mitted, a large number were felted to be destitute of the poetical merit which would entitle them to be taken into account. Of the others, two were unanimously selected as, in many respects, being equally deserving of the prize; but in the opinion of Mr. Jules Benedict, one of them was superior In point of musical adaptation, end on that account received their unanimous vote. The sealed en. relope accompanying this song, was found to coo i lain the come of Bayard Taylor, and he is acct., cleanly pronounced the successful candidate. Cnot.cus AT ELAVICieII r2latT.—We are sorry to to bear, saysithe Baltimore Sun, that this scourge has again broken out with renewed violence at Harper's Ferry. A gendemsn from Martinsburgh, who pa,. sed through Harper's Ferry on Saturday evening, informs its that Mere had bean seven &nabs, and some DISVCIMOLI new cases within the previous twenty four hours. This is severe in a population of the extent located there. Taxa...Netts hievxmarra.—lt is, stated that In• formation has reached Waribiegton that the Gav enter of Texas, before convening the Texas Legis• lature, corresponded with the Executive of certain. Southern States, 'eliciting aid against the General Government r and that it was tecretly guaranteed by the Governors of South Claudine, UiviniPPii Georgia, and Florida. nixie of Virginia, Alaba ma, I,ouisiana, and other Stakes refused, by letter, to countenance the project. The Public Debi of Texas Mr. Underwood. of Kentucky, In a recent speech In the Benue of the 'United Stater, gives • statement of the public debt of Tess& On this authority we give the statement which fol. lows. The laws of Texas nutheriie three loans. The Ent law of the 10:0 November, 1630, of 5,000,000 on a pledge of the public Muth, and the proceeds of the public Janda. The tecond by ant of the 16:0 May, leas, (or 65,000,000, at 10 per cent., on a pled! cof the public huh. TI e third by an act of the 21.1 January, 1639, of 01,000000, at eight per cent, on a pledge of the customs and &West:in Imports for the payment 01 the . prtacipal and inter- In June, 1831, Teru paand an act to conaoll. date the debt, mod then found ita amount $3,000, 000. This act pledgee the revenue from imports and direct taxation, fur the prompt payment of the iateicat. A report ethos - tins the state of the public debt ma. pubished undo, the authority of the legiala• tare of Texas, the lel of January, 1619. By this statement her domestic debt on that day stood thus: Aud.ted dram, Treasury note., Elebt per cent. bonds, Vu0.1,1 debt, Interest on 11,113.11 U., Unand.tad clams, Total domunio dela, The asrelan debt stood thns Day liana of the United States, in einttng interest, /740,000 CO Cluthed be Jamey Hu!ford, ago., for s:e met ay ilia. Ineludma lowest, planed by It. Daum., foe naval vessely, including mantel!, 1 071 000 CO Total !Re* del Add dome.. delft, Total debt, • $11,0:0,201 51 Oat Item of 51,a01,0t4 90 areas In this Raiford end rezu &Ammer sod other vessels for $310.0141 69, to be paid Ina cue tale um*, Lot to 6e donbled It Texas Gilled to pay St that time. Sae did fail, and the contractors re. seised looked of the firnt evidence of debt, 10 per rent. bonds Ear 51,101,055 90 aa above, Pat:lotto VLeJnieth go. The general jay ddimma throuia all elm . ,ES dal pelage •by Cowl," of the weature vile rentore Etrenae and peace a the MUD try, .mantlesti lent[ is a mart cy Dal mace. in our city on Stuurd•s averting and night. Soot atter the pasasgo, on Saturday, of the boa of the acra of compreanme by the Home of Bemeacnta trace, preparations wtro made to testily the public joy. Accordingty, about genet the canteen 01 the Co!ocribia Artillerists. seder Capone Backing ham, were drawn to the Washirgtoe lidoeutnee Square, and ono iluatired oar were Aced In honor oldie occasion. Bat the demonstration of the public feeling did not atop there. About menu o'clock. there was a be..dmate display of Are rockets thrown in the air Coos the Mall, cam eflth cram. A tam bodY of our eltorens then termed into prooesemo, match., cd to the National Hotel with the Marine Band, and there played raven! itatioual aim, and load. ly cheered in boner cf Mr. Cley,whe, being ab. vent from the city at Mr: Calvert's country mei. deuce, canal not raimend to the compliment that Intended for him. Toe lit allonal Hoxlwar, how. ever, Mailman illuminated in honor of the gram ,e e ei„ and of the distinguished matelot. whose pairiouo tabor. and those of his noble coadjutors I to the caudally of the Olden, had on that day been brought to a happy and gleams consurnuntion.— Afier the procession had visited the National Ho at', they marched to Mrs. Peron's hoarding house and called eat Senator POOIA who responded la a brief and telmumis speech. Leaning Mr. Poole, the procession halted at the Potomac ileum, where they paid • Medlar crgeplimeat to Mr Sea. star Cass wile, amidst loud Cheers, item...edified responded to the visitors in! may felicitous man. eel. The procession then marched to Oadsby's Hotel, end after a few patrlogc airs from the band. celled out Mr Spesker Cobb., who addressed the people in a very happy manner, oongratelatlns them Span the sespictous' !Seats or the Wat two days, which be firmly belletted would restore her. many and good feeling throlighout this lately dl. tracted country. The Speaker's addren. though 'be et, we. very pertinent, patriotic, and Magma'. The procession next visited Mr. Senator Doug las, wbooon being called one. spoke to kis alsiters to a clear, animated, and patrkule strain, predict , ins the greatest porribla good to the country it large, trout the •orplcieui legislation of the hot two days. The addren of :the' honorable Senator as. received with hearty chew', le the midst cf which he bowed and rented:' After braving the lodginga of Senator Dieglas, - the moving moo troceeaud teitrActik street, nod presented itself in trout of r. Wehater's rear. dunce, on Louisiana 4.1,:f1ie. TIWASTWITI6IO Secretary berg loudly cheered and repeatedly called for, made his sppeararee Here we mins gird with the multitude; and got near enough to bear a put of what woo told, noising the peo ple f-r their kindnese, Mr. Webrtor said that his claim on their regard wee not to much no account of any ea. rat made by him' to prodnad the great 1 result, as on the depth, tio. r &mr....ength, and !Memo} of his participation In the feelings of joy and glad. nevi which seemed le =Mate all beans. Truly, gentlemen, (mid Mr. Webster,) the last two day. have been peat daya; a work has b e en accomplished whrah dlealpates doubts and alarms, puts an end to say, con traverslea,eartilles the Constitution of the ottuntty, and strangthees the bonds of the Haien. " Now in tle Winter 01OUT dllCOUtent Made gleams tommer And ell the clouds that lowered upon one house In Ma deep bosom efts* ocean burled.. " This language, fella,/ citizens, Is highly peed!. e el, but, In my opinion not too Clang for the oc casion. The decisions of the popular branch of tee Lestilature appear to me to surpass in import. once any acts of tegislation which I have known for thirty yeah. A erisie bah come upon us,. in which men's minds have been ;trimly agitated by pollees of wparellen and disunton. Phaeton:a of new coulederacies, fenced out of the now netted body of the old thirteen, and the new eeventeen, I bare swam beicre the eyes of some; aeparate l State minutia's have amused the visions of otta. era; while local eentenetalell have raged with ,i t commottbitunneria, and local and partial later. ems moulted with so tench of the exclusive spirit of partWmahlp, that the hopes of the most coned. ins appeared sometimes to water. Bet Mom mimes cf eppronenakidatd disquiet, thew clouds, potentimas of disaster, are now 'ln the deep bosom of tbe ocean barbed: I Wooright to be most ankle! to'Providenow that the results of our de:i nherence, have been so pacific. When,, on to roorrow'a sacred mor4 the sun shall begin to as. aped In the out, ll:lankier= devout. heart* ought curiae with% and fly beyond its cob, to that gel , clods Being who has so kindly overruled all things for the premiere - aloe and perpetuation of clabbers tie. and our peace. ,a Ye*, tentlemen, we WWI be thankful indeed, that you, and I, and all of art, boar a common time sorts common character ; that we are alt United American.; that we can yet without shuns open the books which record the deeds of our fathers, aid can still look upon their grave* without re morse." Mr. Wilhelm's murk, were listened to with 1=1103212! profaned attention, and were moat enthurtutically renalred. I Neat, the Mon. Mr. Hilliard, or Ala bama, addreued the crowd. He spoke with gnu earneotsooo and eloquence, and attributed to Mr. %bete, coguaanittal talaala, Is Ounce, sad pat. Yoram a principal shuritOpraticiiig dote IMAti foaklis sun eh ;scold all lb heart M stub the nation JOT nud grathado. • • Thineuthusiantin• furling %stitch pemided IWO murmur assemblage crow Fallow cities:lN max ouly azonedad bgthe good order which melded thin whole or this spontaneous public go„ monatration. We• newer saw, on reausgivania arcane, so much good order and regularity, naked vith se natmeenthusiamin and pithiMie joy. Lax tuatuain Tinazaux,—We very cordially Dwarainiate our reader; upon the fact Deadened In the report of iheproette&tga in the Home of 114km:datives yesterday. The bill defining the boundaries of Trua, and establishing a territorial government in New Mexico, passed tbe lion., 'let a hard straggle of Ohms on each aide to de. feat - them, esp. elegy Defamer, the Home acting upon the priceple of compromise, and at waning two measures In one WI, notwithstanding the at- tempts of many to throw ridicule upon that plan. We anticipate the mast beneficial Dubs from this anion of the Hoene. I leases thedbrargatizeia without excuse, the douniontats of thew capital . , and establishes the confidence of all true patriots. It iva glorloeviriumph of peace over war, order over disorder, union over disunion i • triumph that will be aolummmated when the Cal ifornia admissioct bill is pawed, of the safety of which, we apprehend, there is no doubt. Although the American banner waves to day over acme Whig headquarters as a token of re. joicing, we do not regard this as a party triumph. It is a triumph of nationalism over sectionalism, and the joy will be shared by men cf every peal cal faith, We have only oce•art.b In reference w it, and that is that the New York delegation bad taken a more commendable coup, la the matter. TI 'hey cannot have sightly understood public sent,. tent In this direction. Bat let that pass. Agree' pactfica ory measure—one that leans no excuse for warlike renument—has been adopted, arid we heartily symnathee with the common thankagiva tog, made all the more joyous by contralti with the gloom which the previous day's intelligence had We thank, with all reverence, the Groat Disposer of human events, and look forward with grateful confidence to the continued pollee and loereeging prosperity of this Ittpubbc,—N, 1. Cont. Nor Qom so Ban.—Mr. Howard, of the Ir. mg House, contradicts a statement in some of Or New York papers, to the effect that he had agreed to pay Miss Lind a thousand dollars to secure her presenr.e at his Hotel. He says,— “So far from paying Mdile, Land one thousand dollars, or any other coo, she has become my guest on the usual conditions, Mr, Barnum having arran ged for the accommodations for herself andsuite an no other terms that those asked of the public to general.” Wheo Geo. litetou hefted from his keepers, hi first core vu to make them sole by turning lb • key upon them. He then lathe Welidd Hoo without stopping lo ay hit bill, and took bi•ecourse op Centre eArceL Having gained the grade of the Pittsburgh rail road , be bellowed it a short di. lance, but soon considered It ufer to make a abort detour therefrom. He regained it, however, near the city limier, and at day break brought op In • Etude' near Newburgh. Here he aktuked among the hushes all day. and at night resumed hie noc turnal ramble. For forty eight hours he subsisted on green corn and a piece of salt fish that be wealthily obtained. Finally, fatigued and footsore ' be •pproacbed the habitation of man, obtained bruktut, bought a horse and bold'y pursued his Mmes. At Wellsville he voluntanly surrender ed himself to a tavern keeper. He gives Ulu [us opinion 'that be could have escaped across the river, and by taking to the mountainous region of Virginia, and piymig hm trade of eaxpenler and Joiner, have defied poment. Oaten have their doubt. He also asps that it was at so time his iambi:on to escape fora longer time than he could procure his witoelaca, and make ready to eatablmh his lococroce. Tors point is open tor clismmoion. —Cinstaauf Luc t~sm thrmixerrL—The following Import •nt act, allowing widows and children of inselvent decedents to retain property to the amount of $5OO, exclusive of theAmoont of properly which is now by law exempted from levy and sale upon ex.. anion, was passed at Le. Ism scarion:of the Lets 5207,284 40 2,553,911 00 500,000 00 1,875,900 00 2 039.091 21 1,060 000 00 Sect. 25. Hereafter, the widow er children of any decedent. dying within t►u Consmmiweabh, it i he said if.ecedeut shall love left a widower child. .en who ' , sire residing, with him at me Date of his coath, and the emote be istutEmeot (el pay his debt., exclualve of the amount of •property which is now by law exempted from bey and sale upon an executor sauce, a debtor, May retain either real or personal property belsosirg b said emote to the value oistbree hundred frolics; sod Inc ti. 906,148 01 EMZEI same shall not he sold, Out suffered to remain to the said arldoer and fatally i •ed it shill be lb dory of the executor or adrotntstrator of such de cetera, to have the said property appratsed is the /144.054 Ve b 906446 et same manner, provided ie the eel parsed the meth day of April, A. 1.). IE4O, to act to exempt prop erty to the value of three hundred dollan Iron) levy IQ ask. toresomMetim aid slisuAut far anal • • , aided, That this section shall eat street or Impale any bees for the purchase money of oath real IN. taw ; •nd the said appramement, upon beteg sego. ed and moiled by the appraisers, and approved by th e Orphan's Court, stall be Mad among the retards charter. Nye ARILOGINCRIZTWI2. iLV.T 1403, Woo Bateral—Moorawnia iot the Miriam:4 mein lee oaltictilare Of* new contract Were you. ted by Mr. Btroune and Maple. Lund. By this at If ement. which sopercedes 111 farmer contract.. the rum of 51100 pro nigt.t, lor nee hundred ace thy otahrs, will he scented to 61,11:e. Ltod, io ad dawn to which the nett precede of o.cry We hi teal be dtsided equally between the parttes. 0, the other band to an %Divalent for this !thenl cf• for on the part of Mr. Barnum. Mdlle. Lind has agre•d to rung deneg her etiogooient in any part of Dittoed or America. it Is probable . Mel ahe NW Willa Land. during the Great Industrial Es• edbitne 01 IEOI. She alit binds herself to give ooneette mu city until the price of tickets &hall be brought down to the minimum rate of 83, so that the tairesi oppo•tanity of beating shall be al: Lorded the 000110. Under the crecirostances, th,a is • most liberal arrangement, and we doubt ona grill be ronli.lered so by the public at Inge. N. F. Tribtow, of Frtdey. li.coicaL Cuts rot Cans.—ln the number of L'Abelle Medicate, of The lab of Apnl, M. C. Mar ton proporea • mode of curing corns without a re , KI/lio cowing inatrurnenta. He advises that the feet h • soaked in water (of a short bole, and the moat projecting part of the corn be taken off with a penknife, or with the noggin; a stick fo nitrate &sil ver 0011111511 a at are, tree extremity 141134E41 to be pree ned slightly over the whole surface of hardened ru de, sod a little eviintheyond on the sound skin. Toe part to which the caustic a applied Hinted then be well dried and let alone (or tea days. A very alight and hardly perceptible evocation takes place which, however, Is room aheerbed. Al the end of eight or lea days, by making some slight irseiation arab fingers or • parr of Moore:mg forceps, Croon the circumference to the center of the michar, we tatty remove, Without the slightest pain, the hardened epidetmia, so completely ria to leave no trace be kind Mr. klaxon pledges himself that t Lowe who try his plan will be certainly and radically cured. Sosala Illarcal Journal •Ithavi,N, V., April 13th, 1417. "Mau. Kidd A. Cw—Gentleaten—Oar monk of Lanes Worm Specific is eggartated. as is oleo that o 611 the merchants in thia scanty. There Is ctitm call for It. And you .11 oblige us by forwarding pnekago au roan u posailde. If it would he agrceatil I. T. we would act as Tout general agents for till country. P:ease let so gear from yes soma. .SCIIVYLER & CO The above la only one unclog thew/wide of eertl6• Mee end order. constantly potion in anon as front II quarters of the Union. Ouch letters are the beet of its excellence. mr , For co, O,J. ILIDDi 00 No 60 Wood Moot 6441,10.1.3 'Mind It to WWI b 7 tb• P• • nom S. S. Crane—Bin I wish to bear teetimony to the medical virtue of the 011 calleo Petroleum. 1 mentor a long time •filieted with a badly indaMed and serf sore eye, so mock so a. to tom light entirely for about three month., with very hula laripes of ever recovering the eight, and hat a slight prospect of having It re bored of the soreness; my auendint physician wiw ansucemefal In making a roe, or In giving relief, and vfordoo me bat little criconragemenL I heard of the Petroleum about the I.t of Aprll, 1830, and gave It • trl.l. the result 1., the .ight t. resUared and toy eye. well, except a lode tender or weak when Igo out in the ma. ANN IRELAND. klansGeld sr, Cincinnati, May MOSSO. Ltreron—Sin I have been} arnicled with rile. tor ren years, led have tried other remedies, without permanent rotor, until I heard of the Petroleum. I rave used only one bottle, and think I am entirely cured. I recommena it to all - who sea .!Meted with Pile. I have known it to he pod for Pre ayes. Cincinnati, May 00, tr,so. E. C. GAERETISON Ilor rale by Koper & Me Dowell,llo Wood street; E Sellers, 57 Wood at.; DM Corry, Allegheny city; A Elliott, Allegheny} Joseph DOUgh.4 Allegheny; also by We proprietor, 5. N. ICIEIL, /7 4 Canal Ouln.rilewintlrat,Pltubargh Office of Ohio and renita. R. B. Co, Third. Promotion, Aeguat 6,1e50. Tim Stockholders of the Ohio mid Pannaylvania Rail Rad Company are hereby notified to pay the eighth inatabnent of Are dollen par aka., at the odic° of the Coinpany,on or before the MI doper Anicst The ninth lortalmenti on or before the Soth day of September. The tenth inetalment on or before the 20th day of October next. irr The 7th inualment era. called for on the 20th o July foal. 41110411 WM LARIME2, Jr, Twaumm R. P. TANNER & CO., SHOE WAREHOUSE, 52 Wood et, between Third &Fourth, Are now MClthillir their very large and nperiar Fall ock of BOOTS, Sling St , IBD BROGANS; Also, BONNETS and PLA)WEES, all or the Must styles, and enpressly adapted-Id the western trade. It hes been eeleeted with great care, and es to sum .11d qua 117 1B net Bemused by any nook to be found either out or west. Oar eastonten and men chants generally all invited to call end egarldne, we are daunt:Med to sell on the meet reametible (emu Also, Goodyear's Patent Malt 5tc.... 1 1.11 tindsl IlafitAK FeLL.mrisrntma GF IIIRDWIBB: LOGAN' WILSON Si CO. Are arm prepared Wo tob n • large end fresh :Week of • English. German: anti American Illartlance. to carer Leeperlor to buyers. 'Those - wing= to parcheati will promote their interest by knitting ...1h our met. 10' they ite - del erlduaid WI on the mots ;amanita, terms. 10515 DR. G. G. STEARNS, We of Boston, L. menufacture and set Mat Torn, in whole and rare !sets, upon auction 0 rAtmospberle Suellen Plasm.— Toornarwx mom re stn warm, where the nano to arPowd. (Mee and residence next door to the May. office, Fourth street. Pittuburuh. MlF.Aden. F. IL Fate. 1.9 ENCOURAGE .110.11 E INBTITIITIOIf - CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Pittsburgh C. G. GUSSET, ran'.• • —A. W. BIARKS,Szc'T. Once—No. 4! Water Greet, in the warehouse of C. I!. GRANT. T • DIS COPSPAN V Is now prepared to Insure all T Iloilo of risks, on hoaxes, mannfaolones, goods iri.Otattiltse la store, and in tranrito semis, fro. Al, ample guaranty for the ability and Integrity of the !antiunion, Is afforded in the Character of tlus Di motel+, who are all chltens of 'lnshore:, well and fasorably known collie community for their prudence, Intelligence, and Integrity. DIMTO•s—C. G. Burson Wm. Bagaley, Wm. Lar Itrial, Jr., Walter Bryant Hugh King, Edward Ilearelton, Z. Kinsey, E. Blubaugh, S. hi. Kier. ap3M.O SHA.CKLETT t WHITE, WRIOLr6“. DLL., IN DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN DRY GOODF, Na. 101 Wood street, NVITE the attention of Layers to their lame !gook of Feesh Gold. now operung, end which they ere prepared to Sell OR very necommodatinc terms. We "all i.e constantly rteeirtng freshgoods dor. Ind the croon, and request an eintnlnstlon of our stook by Western merchants, and others visiting our city. .01 WCORD & CO, ATS, CAPS & FURS. Coy. Wood & Fifth stn., Pittsburgh. Where they offer a tall and complete Sttek of Hatt, Cap., Furs, rte., of everrgn•ltty and .tplr, by Whole rale and Retail, and Invite the attention of their Goss tomeis and porehareta generally, assuring theta that they roll on the mow anvateraannon OSLO/. wag tont Pa. D. norm, Dentin. Corner of Vowel and Deeatar, between • -- seil•dl•4n Et ABILIED• On the evening of the loth Inst., by Rev D. It Rut, Mr ‘V:t.rtem rtsnoutog to Mini Mgt:gene WecloOlb of tins city. asemovaL. Vaca. Ladles' I. I Institute TRH Institution, under the superinteridenee of Um Y. Dents & Daughter, late erinclpals of tba Fe male. tfrmlnery. Ky., has been removed to the Tone In Km Dr. hl'Lliren'• Church, formerly occupied by Dm J. N Same. on Sixth si., between Sml , hteld and Grant ms, entrance an Cerny Alley. For tenets, nee ritual. , I, or apply to theprinelpale. • . Re, D. Einem D D. Rev. Wm Preston, Rev. D. 11. Riddle, D D. Hex. S. I. B, , arts, Rove Nonionic] Wren Urn. .1 ,K 1114mrbend. Rev. W. D. Downed, Rlehatd Edwards, Esq or ott:Vt _ /0. WATT I [JO. vrigoon. JOllOl WATT & CO., UTITOLDIALE Grocers, Commission Merchants. and )eaters in Produce and Pittsburgh Manzi tam res,nin Linorty sr, Pittsburgh, Pa. 'chin SIGHT DItAFI'S NEW YORK, BALTIIIIOIIIO, PH ILADELPH lA, CINCINNATI. LoUssYziLz, sr. LOUIS, ted the ..OLD OUrSITAY," Sr mate by A. WILKINS & CO. eepl2 Car. Thin 4. .11teritet w. R &N.Ns & CURHANTS—..SO b. blanch Raisitaq lb basks C Wants; Jasi reeelved mad for sale by aryl; Wil UIUALEI k. CO T " 4 u"-- ;1' r ti 'r el7 i ß s t ' •;:t. '. 7:. - .e , 4 1 0i1; (or sale by AO 1/. KIRKPATRICK 144 laberty BACCIN-19 Showder.; efrar for by uttoWN a KIYIKPAIIIICK tif come V. 11. Tod: • 40 do Imp. & iloopowderi 5.i do Block Ted; 4u caddy bid V. it. & ti. P for sale by mold DROWN & KIitKPAPKI• . F LOUR -7U bele choice ramly; 2.0 brie b.Laperfir. e; c 3 bib am•ing r and for axle by DROWN It KIRKPATRICK 77;7.4.7, Domestic Wootton Goods. - 1 NE cue Macs Cloth Ohagaled k.,2 I case Ye Jour runnels; tease. Rad do; I es. Steel tertlied Flannels; V chars While do do; 3cases nagged do; o cues Clain and Faun, CesslXletro I one Setsnen; 3 cages Clot Airing; 1 case /cum 3 cases Bing Black Blanket Coahoi; V eases Gtay Blanket"; I cascol4.oo Biankeeh iv i re lgoio do. 2 ease, W hoe 11. a Blankets; SU paste Stelglit boa, Istnheeto; Received on consignment, and LOS sale rarer: pones by Cll. ICOLATE-23 nn Norfolk Chocolate; Cater'. ho 1, bpaulab, Freack, bpieed, and lloossoparbie Chocolate, lor sale by: WILL A MeCLURO & CO ospla WA Liberty at. SCAS—Low's tOubly perfumed ilroam Windomr. do do Honey Soay4 Cinnamon Oar Soap; Philadelphia Variegated Soap; Pitoonirgb dodo; OWI, Soap.; -Moro Soap; for salembenrale and Mail by arplit WAI • AleCLliit. 1 C. LARCA l'Ris CieFSEE-10 base superior for We by isrplfil o 111eCIX NG isC.l B OSTON CRACKERO—:I brie Roller Crafter.; 2 brie Bra do WM A PIeCLURGI lb CO fIICAV ROOKS 1 NEW 13001(81 AT II 0 LAIE S' LITERARY DEPOT, Third sure, impels'. tee Polo Off e. rr 13TORY of Pendennio Nov. By Teta-feta. Noi tetbv err bay vine lot September. ilea Me left IMP Maumee for September. V. b.. Review for September, wtla an v O IRRO O I' 0 Cos salt, Roston Shia spare, No -M. Live,'. Lied... Aye. No ale. %Via Portrait b•berl. containing fifty two engrav inge of diSilogavhed 11, hies. Nortb Il lust, Review for August. Detnneralic Review for September. Iciest.° Remo" of Foreign Literature foe Septem ber. wolf I=i2l T HE rm Isdlele , ng luy store on Merkel WN wind oo y o ice pled by Messrs. N. Helmes dr Sow W asa Broker's Ofttce nod Hooting Howse, will be shortly related onto new front, sod otherwise im proved, anti will melte • •ery desirable 'natation for Insurance or Uroketbt Orrice, and well adopt./ (or • fleet store, trams located in the best pitted. In the city for either of these busineans. Enquire of sert,dat NV AV OA PROTECTION FIRE k MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY Annual Prentitona,Ca pita Stock,4•Surplut Fund, $1,000,000. qi rndenigned 'undid Ball the arteollon of mu. 1. chants and oilier. bauble property exposed to 10. by Flu or the petits of Navigation to the superior mil•minges offered by the Protection Insorano• Company • r 1141.{170.0..1.M., 'if:— I.—Rote , of Premium so low as those of any other RESPONSIBLE Niece. 2.—A speedy end satioilletory &diastoleot of losses by the General Agent or the Company (or the iVestern and Southern Staten 3.—Artntratioo (of all differences which may wise) by referees mutually chosen. 4.—k11/110.1 promptly pull In Specie, Ihnkable Fun., or Exchange on New York, Baltimore, Cearleston, New orient., St Leeln, Loulam le, Pittsburgh, or Cincinnati, at the option et the lettered. Primehlets, netting forth the mode and prin. eiples of art tilting loneen, rotes of premium., einem& eation of hammoli, On., Wombed to tee customers of the Mime free 01 chard , . For further luformation, apply to the undernigned, erho is fully authorised to Bleu. Derellince,Ptores, Hotels, Warehounei, Mills, Manutectories, Beim, he. •11.1.0. Household Fortnum, and (Mods, W.., and ?der• chandler, cont•ined or noted therein, against loss or Munn. by FIRE Dry Goods, Grammes, elmwtraeto red Goods, Pro. dare, lloostmold FOrlatere, Live Stork, end testy ether dewrlption of Norebandiso or Personal Pro. Felwy , Ma pped or lo be shipped per and steamboat, or boats to arid from points on the NVemmo Waters, -or between Eastern riots Ism 'mime,. other Mined mote) and any omen. fettle Wemern countrlf• Neatest dm bawds of INLAND TRANSPORTATION, L O. Shipments of Gorda, Wares, and' Marebndite, per Reed vessel or vessels, between New Orleans and EILALAYA ports—between New Orions and other Gull porta—between all AMOLICAA pens and English ar Earopean ports.or to any eiber maritime port what. seever lathe Atlantic water., against toe PERILS OF TRH SEAS. /AIMS TURLIETP, gt Promeuen Insurance Gompane. In Weed et Pi.burgh. 12=1E0 WARM YOH. BALlil THE eabseriber offers for sate, the Farm on which he snide...named in Velorotomothlo, too county, Pa., containing 133 Acres, more or leer. The Improvements ate, a good dwelling house, with kitchen snachee, • • large tumble bar , with several oat buildings, and • large timothy or fruit tone of different binds. The lam is well watered without eitiLtrolten land. This farm is located twelve miles (ism Pittsburgh and thirteen from Washington. Pa, adjoining lauds of Joseph vennerters and others. Toole demons of perehassug • valuable farm ter, Welted to call on the subsetiber, on lho GUTHgroans R .. ROBERT IE N. B.—The above farm, If net sold berets the rid day of October, will he for rent. eeplibw3lB Slimas , ALE—Now receiving In whole , half, and quarter barrels, of tho fall brewing', and COMMAS applies will be kept for eel., by ROBERTSON & RUPERT lil Second et WINDOW GLASS—MIX bze tbs bast mow, y bmb. imbruing AS the dui In paint bee, RUNDIN PAHSSTRIQX t, APPEST, real FOXLII/47;i11., • A FARM situated On !Milt Cleat; 17 MM . !engine In Niigata 101Mrship,AllOgliany ignlles from P lo ..^ o rlth sad 7 Hon the Allegheny Meer, containing OS'Aerte In aMdl Mate of tale. radon, or which 17 seem areerea ammo are an followv—A good two nary Brick 110000, good Pr 0 7 .77 " 1 1 0 3 Dorn ad good OreanrdOl P.M - grafieliTmir elinalit/ng of 300 hearing peach treeent noperior qualite a 100 apple, trees, and a variety of plan, pear, and enemy - trees. broom co the proprietor, on the premises, 'note:lo4.g MICHAEL HART liVetigoss tar e gale, Cheap. A FIRS? roe new One florae Warn, suitable for /7 bread, milk, or peddling pewees. Enquire at No nel Smithfield at. lepllnSfit Ste Jagless Illelmray , a Plmid Bissimeala. REPARED ander the immedinte ease of the la. P venter, and established for upwards of thin) years by the profession. for removing Bile, Acidities, and Irdigesuon, *emoting ApOOllle, prt•orviqg • moderate Vats of the bowels, sad dissolving one id ie Gravel and atm; also, as un easy remedy for sea sickness, and for the febrile *fraction incident to child hood it in invaluable. On the val. of Magnesia as a remedial eon it is unr.ecessary to enlarge; but the Fluid Preparation of Sir James Murray to now the cost vaicod by CO profession, as it entirely avoids the possibility of these dmigerousconeretions usually resa Wog from tLe are of the article in poeder. For sib by the importer'. and proprietor . * agent, B A FAFINEI3TOCIE m OO sepll Cot. Wood & Front ets. nHILLICOTHE SOAP-200 bag for sale by sepll MILLER d RICILErSON Cohens V IL _a P, k - fm ( l7Te 70 Mabel. Nlngrms aed loses 111.0 k; sale by i7u f ;Vel d ?) 1 7: . 111tEVII aMrali:i° CIGARS -140,110 genuine Principe—Crux & Song 4e,000 Havana, Herbannl; 40.0n0 do Reg aLas.yulonabrande 4. uun foultalion Pilecioe; IuO,OPO Philadelphia made hi. Pp mba.; .1, T OBACCO- : i tx . 5 .. 11...e . 11 . 1. 1 1Lbinf . 0 n Za n gh'u lump; b.. day 20 Cabinets' Vs Imp; :JO Pro S. Myers' I lb lump; qr Into 60 Ilb tun p; for oda by Po • 11 OIILLhR& RICKETYON SUNDRIES -20 bo; Sardines-odliatil , c; lu los genuine Stall. Dlaccaroril; MI be* do do Vermicelli; I cask Nourtees, No 1; 2 bele Cloven; 20 basketo Hoodoo. mid MaMille Olive 01li in elove and for vale by .volt yIILLER t RIOKETSON II icr--so too jou ree'd >llll fat Inds by J!iNIES • IitITCHISON k CO NSF.ED 011.-75 brl. SUG . II 9 I%CURED RANG-BO Mn=:E! PPANTED, a siteaden in • Wholesale or Paull Greven , establishment or Conmension Wert heim. by the advertiser, who has had twelve lean exp.-time° In the above and the WWI kowtow,. Choice references as to Character and competently can be given. Addrete R P. at this omen VANDLE MOULDS Important to Tallow Obasidloos. THE rubscriber having paid particular anonzion to the various improvements as the manufacture of Candle Mould. for the lest eta years, and sparing neither time nor expetse to make them In the NUM approve I style, IS now prepared en Otter in hi. cue. lomen .4 hired. en oriole of Candle Moulds equal f na superior to Lay manufatnarol la the world, they are after the Anglian solo—the tips to screw on the pipe, and the pipe to screw tight la the heath. All IN °aids manufactured b me after this wall hays my name on each pipe, tank the warrantee attached. JOAN CALVEKLY, itspltdnirr IM Race street, f• eiladslphiA Al ID ACKIEL—Z hi brie No 3 Mackerel; r 3 bile do; DA MD No 2 Manx do: Just reed for sale by JAMEY DALZELL IMPIO :0 Wow. et INDIC:0 & AZADOER—IO comers B. P. indigo; 7 beds Madder. for see by ustO WM BiIOALEv & CO Bplendl4 Household FursHuse at Mumlea. _ . ON 711WISDAlf morning. September 19th at ten o'clock, at Me residence ofJo•eph Pennock, FAL No 3ta Penn civet, will be old, he entire mock of Ilonschold Farnham, among which are— Chaim,yle Mahogany Soca, Divans Ottonans, Pier Tables. Liming ,other ' Tables, one pair hop French Pieta Minors. litahOltaci7 Drd”thlll and common Oman., Wardrobes, Work and Wain. Manes, Fader, Stair and Member Cane,., Ded• wade, Feather Beds,'Mattreasee, ling, Farley and Common t hair., Settee, Looking Glasses, Mantel Clocks, Window Dimile, Fenders, Fire Irons, China, Glass, and Clecensware; Also, a generaFinaornment of Kitchen laminae, dm Terms, at sale. svelte= P. N. DAtllr , Anettorzett. BACON -8 hhda Bides.]lams, Shooldersi }oat re. ermed and for sale by $ runlcr 8114. eoplo Wood et t ta—lM Imi:om:s for .alt U .iArasa l FLUOR -A mall quantity Sheerer& Nobles tit rpllt STUART k KILL Lab, umiam, rev,.! , lot LA mu< Dy ROUIrIuN, LITTLE & CO La rep U 255 Lerty SPANINII WHITING-20 6[1.1.1 reefd for role N N WICKEASHAACS replO Coo. Wdod O. Booth of. t ga r z I bag Beeswax; 7 beg. Futbe re, to arrive, for sate by ISAIAH DICKEY tr. CO 4 ; 4l7 D l wit // 1 . 17111 11 =noliarg . " Ann-naps—PM the clothes Into .:direder and tot them soak over debt. In too mortdmr ening them out and pat them into a lento or boning wane, to gwhich edit the proportion of one pint of dad to eight im. of water—stir It op mad boil the whets twenty madden 76s clothes may than be saws oat 'and wan rimed ht elrar cold water. The parts of &- mints that may be most wiled, each as anistbanes end <Misr, of shirts: may be shirtitly Mihail Wove nosing, and the clothes will be found pertain , alas, •nd Omar • Warranted net la Piptre the fillets fabric and to glen rierkriaanifaclten, or th e money will be ierseded. Font wholesale and tclail R F EIELLEILI3 torpid t 7 Wood at . lea New VANCY RUUBER GOOB.S.Isst received L 1.7 York— 2 dos lasso size 11o1111osd% I dos es , so do do; 1 dos Mx.; 1 dos Lb., for We at the Indio HOU!. stow, 7 •ad 9 Wood se. I & II PHILLIPS H LE L.Leiry Street. ETALLIC RUBBER CLOTH-371 - 71.717.R article, (=sale by J & Ft 1411LLIte 7&Y Wood at CAL. El. Nu • yards, • very MT* 11. ankle, made olytes,ly for that purpose, for ale by •0010 / k H PHILLIPS Draadits. Winch GM. alto. 50 hr pipes Cool:into Bundy, various ntinaire 431 r clung do 4 p ipe. Holland Gin; do; yortobenos hotalea 2 panieluons Old 4 ie. Wbirker. 20 or desk* Machnis Wine, 22 , Oporto do; - A hlidi Rom eo-2 Clare t 10 hr pipes eplinish Red Wine; tO bon Bordenx Waring 10 bog blitrent Wine; tale French While Virilla Vinegar, Reed tot eels by MILLER & lUCILETSON sep!u 021 Zl3 Ltheaty at SUGAR AIOLASSM—a4 ). I t t , lig . • f c? i:Fari 100 bp white Brasil 6 30 aria Stuart'kenaallV .7C , Loyartnes pea ; 1.11 Louie dal ID bra Lomiall'a brla St Louis io; In owe and for sale by MILLER & RICKETRON zs prima cm& Ristited by V own& et W IIARB&UOR B &CuN SHOULDERS-10,000lb. reed ler sale • scow UIARBAUGH U"R-" S "a"°"r"" t.plo traien - i0 0111111411 ,epee NI North Third street, Pittladelphlß, '.7tdittoster and Manntaciarer of al kinds or OILVIOONIB k COTTON FBIN U COOS, Triara.r, Broth, Gimps. Lecar,fs. ALSI), Gold and Bilrer Bullion. Friar's. acr d , Tassels. Lae's, Braids, Embiniderinr, Ballitlash Spangle., Gavels, Burs, and Emblem" of all kinds, aou,hia tar Rdiaila makers and Societies of smog dascription. !LAUB and to BAERBof 'miasmal* : Biada and trimmed neatly order at short pinion. 'Matadi,. TOTING LADIES' sicausaler, ALLEMIMY. INS School, under the direenon of Mr. A Mrs. N T W. Metcalf wtll be re-opened in .C.olentrede Row^ Federal Street on Moeda,. September Sod. A printery dep a rtment, k • number of opurnal branch s bile been added, and a corps of tesebereseeured, Do that Instruction. ',sill now be given to scholars of ell ages and attainments. For peniculan see <troller+ which may be bad al the book stores--oh consult the Principals at these dwelling on Federal Street. -Allegheny, .05.3 01110 IN uoTEL, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA rums establishment ha. been recentlr fitted up, in 1 Pacific street, Peat Saneome. wtdch s convenient to the business part. or the city, also to the City Ball. and other pufille bnildinum and wohin a few minutes' well of the principal steam boaflanding& The ProMmtor. from Ista Ice cape:Mace In the heel. new In the oily of New Pork, hnsiou been connected with Lovmoy's Hotel for moats! yems, feels confi dent that those who may 'chit hid house writ fi - d there the cornrows of a home. gEottor. SHOWN : Propnetor. n Francisco, Aug. ISSO--aeptddartrwrltT Warranted - Pin...l Wi •szol Drandlbili - UITABLE for Medicinal eorperres, atorny• on S hood and fur ink by the brie°. aeon r gallon ot MORRIS & It& WORTH'S' eeps es & Wine Blom 111..1.1.1 - 112 , /•W41.14 T HE Vieille hfonts d iT io Von%Y . =zl , Nr= toVou ß trces fi lersooare fool. Cormeautd ITAtests 3:7, al or, for ru she r s baddings and depots. Ship Stkesthing„te :1113 . Inettes, f lft prtlon ted Zino fort, 3c. They warrant their metal prim, and tree from any admixture of iron, or any other substance, and re commend it for the inanufacutre of most articles ha the house furnishing bne, as It does not rest, is riot affected by the action of water, and may be polished, painted, and Japanned Sampler, model., plena .. radon, and other Information maybe had of their agenuo -1,1%.15ta. gllOllll, New York; &lemon, Rowse t Co., Boston; Havana Morris lb Ca, Philedelphia; W. it H. Moline, - Bankanfe: Pim, Dart Brammod, je w g r e l s e id n e m MILLIROUX, nt torn, Hanover Sty New York. IlE=!=Mi • JJ IuTIUNAitY up fettellANlCS, &gine Watt. and Frwitheartot. Nol6, ku hem ?mewed irotmee Litm , 7 Depot, Tthd Aaron, opportw the Pan Oruro. Every mocha:do thoold Imre Wdo wort. apt AB'S. • • '• on • y Nrr - rt no for September. ■ Pleuniol Field Book of li4volotkm, N. Jest teal keuleh C STOCJETON papi Cor Muter& Thud as irtREEN COP YARNISII-3 OAR, 10 bf briny sad 1 t cgs, now larsdlng far sale KW by_ ISAIAH a DICKEY CO Will MA sti 'MAMMAS W ANTIC°. . . 22TFACIIERS wanted the r chnwin of Leav er VSt Clair tawnaltip.. Appllestwn may ea tn. d . ta'Wthlne • t calletarem to Lb* onanwigled. unlit Fn. :day. the 'nth day et NtmemNey 11111 , 8.1 . ; Fa which time thd Revd will preeead to rziontna, the`'''` , “ Frarre School {foam in T . ClPper•ll, , It 0, al rt-.. O'CiOok, A. M. None tat Minwetent tenabem need .PPIT• '"IeNtt7.II.S.M Yee mon I RI FIAMENTMN KILLILY,7,MPe"..fs'IIa PIIILIP J. BIRTH.. I ewe , EA:Clair . A. AMBLER, 110 Smldtheld at, Vitit . ,arth aepthdtstdT EMI= FM.OII. Classical. arid Mathematical So no i 111 Re-Open Monday. the 19 th fruit, at en e abater street. at the head of !rovernth at angle - 7 - 6:swearre, vita. CLOSE'S, *a. UT . Va . McaCr LbIoNT C No 73 Fnoo wohnrng ardO %I 0 .. I utnsat. a nary handsomeassorinient of Carpeting. cent prising rn pan of the following varieties:— Rich and elegant aryls VOlrot Pilo roofer; Rich and elegant style Tapestry Brussels do Superior English and Anieneren Brn , sels do. Extra amp. 9 ply Cornell; Bugs, extra Cc.r.Pc; SaperSna do do; Sop. 'ruled Rugs, do Ingrain do; • Chenllle Mau; Extra fined.anedodo; Tufted Na;.; Coo. all wool, do don re 8..; de eatt'n chain do do; Coco Wats 1 der oottoa do de; - Jute do; Alto, a very law asspilment of Trimmings :or Bloom Botts, Corner, Bowen,. etc, 1 . Oil MM. A vary large amonmentat vrrll rearoned 011 Cloths, roving m width from fl7.laehem to :4 feet, every handsome styles, eat to HI any tined room, hall, or vestibule. Tim BLIICk of goods will - be sold as chrap an they con begorehaseu Tern or the testrm fillet. We Invite every body to ealletho with a bargain. tape • W ItIeCLINTOtIK Ci ÜbtA C-10 tons on hub, and for .s le by CI so I? A C 1166 ERTNON tk CLOUSE BINDERS' UOARDS ( Straw ( -750mm IL A ebyay borystuqb manalactane on bind and for aabo by gel 41. A cuLnEareoa a ci.tatam C HEESE-85 tam now I.ndln c for ralr hr co er dr. Ere= gs: o COFFEE-100 boiti gimp for sato by J IR FLOYD, Board Cborob. oep9 TE&S-200 package. VII. G P, Imp. & Black Tess latest Importation, foetal. by J & R FLOYD F ISH -1W briolorge NO3 Troikerel; SOlat brio Noo 9.'11113 do: 10 Lza ocaled Harris g for .111 e by J k It FLOYD TAR k OIL-70 tub. treifiern Tanitvii . Oil; Cat•ellna Tor, cur rule by J ft It FLOYD RICE -Si WS &cell bell Rite, rot see by ..1 9 I k R FtnYD LEA'rf 1611-3 DU aides N sole Lumber, for sale by eerie J t fe FLOYD npoliAcco—ico box.. MoedaVoted Tohteeo;of _ll. Qu uell & Roblason'r. and other 111•Oritil brands, For role Or 1.1 ,9 1 J At It FLOYD fIRDnR-0030 NRChee.e store, fnr sa cAy scp2 J do R FLOOD F LOUR -50 brig rolabd Plillaroo.ior family Flour Ii brls superfine family Floor, Put ;red ' ' ' A CIII.ogRTPO,II a CLOUSN 195 LiteriTsL 13 YE Fs.o UR-20 brls Son re c' for les by iL sep9 A I,IILBERT3. s . Cr OUSE IDER V NEDAR-43 btts impetiar Dist ree'tb7 A (17LRERTRON tr. CI.OU,E TUST received at IL KLEDER'3 Elusid Store, the d o l following Boom— In the Eye there lies the Heart. I Love lut Thee. The 0.11. W D e h oe r t hThl e t h W in h ks it e wen. d Reld I R o ou r e .. WNuhre ery are now the hoped I chelshed. Le Set ertade. scp7 ENGLISH'S% WROLESAIE GROCR chants, No 41 Mani wncl, are now recelviaa rams, as ransom— • ISa pkg. Y. 11„ rag. Black Tam.. 100 rags 0 EL lb and bflb lamp & 6a rollTob&b. IMO bags Pm, Laguaita, and Java Care. AO kbne N 0 guitar. NI brit N 0 blolaana: 40 brispoweered, cru.brd and loaf Elagara 90 bal. MUM, VO brls Tanners , Oil. : Me pals Lamp 011. i GO brio No 3 Slam orel.- OSS hos 61111.LP/21a Glass las bz• Soda Soap. 100 dos Pot Dockets. 3 !os Ctocolats. 23 bss Vb to Pip 100 rms Wisp. Popes.. err Is• Perrier & elspree. 000Ib tlemebtslitspeetloo2 lute. Rice Together with a germ, ii, kept la Weir liars SUItDRIES-1.0 ex. Conon and WChoose; 11.1 bog. old Ilya Ceded; 10 bra. Loguar• do; 30 bor. lino? Pio do; 10 of chests Chelan Ton le caddy bz. extra Oolorm 40 do prima Green, 3s !annexe. do; 10 boa bonen Raftlos 3 bole. sue shed Almond.; 6 dos pore Hartle; Lemon Porte; Sboittomeopmbi • A famoyChneonda Itibmi Broom, encon and No 1 oo; 3 toe Annoud luvt Polo, Setr; 40 es. Boris nod Vanrag.4l Poop; -321.1.01.02•211 Ilerrennk X dee Pep)), Pau net • .11 dosGetkin & Walnut Piek:es; 0 do.: Pose Ware N.. - 1 onto Malian Mscoetroni; 3 eases do . XerOdeetin For .ala by In, LINSEED OIL-10 brj•,ort brocierd for onto by J blullOON NIAKI-10. S LNJ son? 3I Wood in DIAGNLIIC OINTMENT—NO damn km sae by •, • J KIDD& CO wp7 Wond rt JACQUITIVS tekbiotN Rtcm Tturrez—A reit . 'atrial. reerivid aid G r main by J KIM". .4 not GUYSOrra ir.itn. Puck Sartaririri—i do — a I list note for sale by tail?) J KIDD kCU pOILVEWI3JALAP446,i'asjistTeed foisalehy - I KIDD K pow Den GUM ailfalle—lrorej 1 eastOult ro sad for ntle by - .es 7 • DLACIE EIS - p: aseanment j uts opened by BIAYON k CO ji) :0;7 62 Market el T' WEN liDieFB,—....,neck received IN. morning, I a% 8 cent, b ivep7l A A MASON at CO POINTS" ,, 4,6o!and splendid antorinlept Men mast, roamed, •pd Es.o River rallts, twa open 11; Dv ' tevp7l A A MASON* CU DLKACIIED k BROWN MURLINS-4 fu t asaart• Den;:m an widths and brands, direct (tom dm manoraetatara, at the lowest price+, by set:. A A MASON A CO GO9-5 frosti Egg * tort ree'a for role by /...s .07 ' . itomos.1.1171,1•1&00 GRANITE WALL PAPER—A perfect im , tatiart of Quincy Grollia, to ba hurl in blocks. FO/ we by P MARSHALL •eri PS Woad at LNSEED OIL-74 brls Griswold's brand reed by 04 • 7 J d CANIFIRt.p IN 7 I.IEANB+II brio ree'd fregAt;zimix 111:AU CUUSA-210 las .1.1 for C •ep , J 11 C A Nl , l rt.o TM/ & r i cC o nT oil; 5b )7 No n t ard In runt ar.d far 1 MeI7ILLS & 11)-)E, IrtC • Of VI 4 .7 B a D 7 BARBADOS • B ACON-4ro pc. BEcu:dotai , :Or) pe..sldes; VA Sow Cared Flaw; sep7 bacalLLS & ROB P ' , vire Tynt - 4°4 - " 1 ;.I,tit.lgivlr FLOUR...4O:6es Blarietta Mills. for side by BSc GILLS t ROF • BR 00 31 8-1 00 tali-Coro B1VOCI• on none lemon ni K-7 • AIoGILLS k. ROE um!! J. .*3(OIi- .sln by o fk.!_ r_i tatki ymioi At - 41 :5r E , J 1 mpg J VinuWfirtall /CO FALL STOCK OF DRY GOODS. :A. A. MASON & CO. DMUS IN FARM STAPLE 'GOODS, Mo. 05 ItliftEMlP STELICKT, n et ".. 'hint Fostth Fittslough, IeVITE the attention of mereh.ta eieiting the city. Ito thete tenstve stock of Fall and Winter Good., .elected snot pest este and Loos regent importations, large euetma 'tales, and from the last ing their resident Venues In Neer York. lbw. stock Ibis fall well be found to be math larger leer core Valirethan say they . knee ever hetes° brorght to the mallet. being replen ished by rgeripta of goods Rio 94 daily through the season us they EP: pear in the easuttle markets, rendering their sleek ar aq time. fall and [lenge!, thereby enabling them suc cessfully to compete, mint eastern bonzes. repo Fora fear day. only, Dulifo . a grand original Pawl ins* of ADAM 4 EVE, IN PARADISE. THESE sublime Works of art, valued at one hoed ted thousand dollars, have been exhibited in the raSpat cities ot.Englend, Ireland, 8 attend, and the Vented laltateato the universal admirltion of over two million. of petaans. Open cram 9 In the morning till JO at _ratting_ moo ricti. Childentite cts. scpktilw usßbAacitisiWElATtriN—lrCbloreronn an* Faber will render permits lercerible to pain. it • clearly the du, 0( Wes who mil moray of the awe n • porponlog to be Shae Les Peep, or retard each par r with a setictent quatolty Cl at above uncles to tudeve their refreting while undergoing the crier• anon of Cawing. JULIO) PRESLIUMBIIATINO CREAK la now admitted be all to be the vary best article Me admen,' lobe toyed In this or any other matey. la the um of rtry Almond Use and..Pmeechio Stainer Create, Instead or bearer an operators the Aetna Is really i Jersey. The logredL-no of which it Is composed lare! of each a Ware, that a filer and richer lather can ha roads than with any other article, by which the beard a , and the silo to not liable to be Maned by l the ennead alkali which forms ao lame a portion of Whet shaving seep, not will It become. chapped, bet OM remain smooth and wallas an In. (ant's. No one, eller wag this Sheeler Cream, can ever be indeeed to an any other. ennOoo !SUMO , . nay In purchasing my Playing Cream, as there are many WWI.. sold Ask for Jules Hanel'. Blamer, Cream, and yea Will then gotan ankle adoeh nacre Waving can and. pleasant. 31.12.11. HAVEL. Perfumer and Chemin, ~•:21te Chestnut st, a. For sale, wholesale and retail,.by lb A. FOrertoek fr. Co., a nd F.. &tilers, Pitobargh; gad /pan Bergom and J. hiitehell, Allegheny City. arp3-ttp TVNIATA BLOCIX6-Ig o tom on Nod, ter sale vsae§ & JONI& Dee. 3. noN - Nrrr. lISCANBCTT, •nd Commtenipo bier- Wreet. opnosito St Cl/orlon end otter roe sale, Cl low 50 Id h(Epardah Cagan. 50 Id Ilavuna. and Yarn, in tea otekw.• • • Y 3 M Ilavann, qr tan. 6 /A Rascals. 35 Id Prinripea. 53 bva 111 Itnissnst 60 balssYtlltesta, English Walnuts, Brasil (was, and Ground Nutts. 20 boa Lemon Syron. 00 bon SoPoor Soho , thasitics Pickle., Iticascoopic'd Cncentate Ground Spice. °rail [coda OA DK* Sardines. 20 boo Starch. 15 0.14 Kock Candy. 10 boo Sbnlled .nlas.kocdl; 6 c.c. Lequo , ieo ginelaun'a Coo mud Doled Tobacco. 10 rocs 111aclubt. assortment of rolls wo ws!' sus Pittsburgh menu• sep7 9 cues pure India Cu. le Powiei; 3 cues expellee Rice noon 16 tali .reeled a pUltenzed Suns; IV bile mall Leer; 10 bets pore Cider Vlneglti SO des C o rn Broom , • .1 D WILLIAIIO ft CO Cot. Wood A F1t,11.0. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers