ESTABLISWED IN 17Sb PUBLISHED IST WRITE:& CO. o. •. ' IL nmatrt.' 'Allan SUE 4,11%011, TRIID STRIXT, KEIT DOOR TO 1111 POST OTTICL . i T 6.1113: Da Ile pa --;•—• --• • ---1r7,00 per amaze. Tn•rer :y• .-,-- • -- ..... .3,nn Wrekly, 'in atranea)— .... 2,00 It • DO. 0 Chiba, at • redaced nes.: t&1 CB :Or ADVECTIBLIIOf AGREED UPON tIY TI C PREIS One Soo leillolinea of Nonpareil or leas) one • — •11 0 4 4 One goo re, each adilitioruil ioaortion••• 0,Y5 Ito. cot wrek two Weeks.-- as, 1,. there "recta.— ...... • 4PO la, one month.-- • —•—• 5.00 1,. trioniontb 7,110 thire toon , ht• - •-• •—• •• • D.OU . . . . Do. foir tnnnths • —••— • 10.00 1 D.. ail rcnnths• • • Moo Dn. mnntlis• • -- • • 15,40 ==l:l=l= One Sunare.chartgeable mpleasure tp , r MU) PiLittriTe of the putar• •• ••• •• •• On roe each additindel square, Inserted over one month, and fee each additional agleam limermd under We year ly rates, half prieei advertirementa exceeding a •quare, and net over fifteen lines, to he charged as u ulo•re and a half. Publishers not aocountabli tor legal advertisements rierond Mt amount chimed tor their Announcing candidate, for office, to be charged the game as ether adverutementa edvertltements not maitre On the ropy for a apert 11e4 number of insertions, will be continued till forbid, and payment exacted accord. e pnmleges of yearly advertisers 'Milte confined ngidly to their regular butineas, and ail other adver tisements eat pertaining to Omir regular bananas, as agreed tar, to he paid extra. - - All advertitetnentr fnr charitable Insulations, fire turo.ties, ward, towinible and other publtc reacting, and ea• h like, to be caarecd-halirrice, payable strictly tr Muth notmelmnserted withnut churge,uuless often, panted by funeral lomttalon. or obttuary nouccs, and when •n aecomrsnsed to be poll for }Sten!. *deciliters. and all otters ...lint Comm,. Mations, or reel:nine notice. de•ienety to mall alien tton to role*, Soirees, Cone ems, or any, public enner• tamments, where chess, are male rot, admittnoes— all natures of private ao‘ociatlons—eveny mkt do signed to mill attention to pyorste enterprtses eaten!. ted nr intended to promote tudividual Interest, can on. ly be inserted with the understandum that the 0.020 I 8 no he paid for. 11' intended to he tweeted in tie lo cal column, the stone will be charged .1 the rate ol not less than IC menu per line. Ito.bop or Fot Notices to he charged triple prkce, Tavern License relltiona,ll2 each. Lrgal and Medical edveruscructot to be charged at LOI pncet. Real Estate Agents' and Aectioncere adverhae anent* not to he elasccol under yearly tries, bat to he allowed discount of ilarq three and enc. third per Cent flora site anialsol Or bills WILLI.. 00 21111,47.C1LT 53 DLit, ',Tits. One nquaye,threc Internees- • ----•-•111 54 Do. each -alluonel tnacrtten••. 37 ADV.T.caseivr• 111. wen,' ran.. • o.r Senn., (10 lines 4 one •useruon--3. Ott ❑o. tact ailditiomal tnrernon•---dd ♦ll transient adveruaerriross so Le paid in aasreace CO. G.:LIM.- I. 11.‘11PER, Plot. NOIPT HIDI)I.E., J.Areel. JA B' P. DARR h 1., C.oon.e.e. POATI , .R k BILOTIIEN4 Dlepmeh. Jos SNOWDEN. Mewori. J A..IleS W. DIDDLE. Aimersnt.. MN NAINE, Eventeg. Tbole. Perranwg, De, I, 13S CARDS. JOIIN A- PAILKINwON, ALrIERMAN, IVO Wan!, Penn tHert, WHerrea Ilar• out Walnut bunwess rrompny at tended to, AI.NNALIDEN. 3i, weTstird, ATTUJiNEY AT LAW—OGLee, co Fettath tweet at.ise Woodatria DAVIT)O. TOTTLE, A 7TORNEY AT LAW, and Comwassioner A Pennfylrtnin, St. Lao . , 370. AH rewruenieanons . prompny answered. JA K 5 P. KIKII.II, A TrOnNEV ATLAW—flame on Fob A tocLorcert Puuthfir.l.l And Grant, Patsburgh. IMEEMW A TFORNFY and Coun.rnor at Law, and Conanio moner for the State of Fennlylva.nia. SL Lento; °ate of Pat•horgh.) Referencea—Pn4 l, argh: lion W. Forward, damp tno tc.1431,,, Vi:an•tirca k McClure, .I.l‘n 1, Far,. I.lmolla S Secaptc, McCord to It:no. BIDWELL CO., FORWARDING 6111:11i3I1 1 3NT9 GLos,mm, PA (Smith's Ferry Post Odin ) Ilartne permanently !seated at data (dare, a ne and rabstannal Wharf BOA; are ame ,preparrd to re calve and forward promptly to all points an the river and Sandy •nd Hearer or Ohio Canals. 13 it C. Olamom,lone 15 —geld • Wit saiihrr . /ono a. rolam. • W. 1160VVIAll,-• •-• • • ILL Lr 11/1a4(.117. WOOLOCARO k CO, Whole Gru a.) ten, No rel Market 1,, Philerlelphl a. rim, Allor.llWisrurs. BENNIXT,I.ICRItY it. CO, Alanufa 'toren of Srel• Mk, Bleachleg Powder., kluiriatic so Sulphuric Seidu. Wankel:rue No —, Wager tweet, lrelovir Ferry. Vtedenek Braun. Gcoree Rrsicr. BRAIIN BRITER, Wholnavia and Itrratt 11-str• gists, corner of Ltaerty end St ant, streets, Pitt orgtt, Pa. ape A. bIeA,ULTY t , o, Forward., Ca mission Merck..., u Canal Baal, P,1‘31•.•,k. Pa. u.• r C H. GRANT, kla.rucaalr t,rover. C0u,3,1;..,0n Forgrirthog Icrel,aol, No. 41Wa‘er at., Pio. ant bar h. Ira Horwr•-•-•• Andrew Ft..,ntne• ••• K. neratn,c IigIIAFIV, VLF:NINO dr. CO., fIOMMISMON bIEIICII NTA—For the sale of Dw- N.,/ mestie,Wwnlen, and Couon Good.: e in 111 all kinds of Ta:lor. , Trr..longs, Nu /7 Wood st, 4th door from Ftflh, Par..,twe Reference—Meters. kY , n. A.lllll & Co, Banker. on2l i --- 1 LI i. 11.1 W In. taro. BAIRN a. IRVIN. COMMISSION blerte 11 AN'TS and Bill Illrote2s. No Tla 2.rond ...el, P.ll , l•Wlni. ----- —. env:. w 1(. B. llTialtall, 101141 2. asnnars. F...IGLISII & UENNETT, lime English, GallasLer 4. Co.) Wholesale Grocers, Commission and l'or wardinc ateraltanu, and dealers In Pro Acre and Nns. harsh Narnsfacsarea, No. V Wood G.,l2ctsween 221 and 34 •tretu. .11 vitn. n. Jouns•ros. FI7ORWARDiNG & COM MIiSSION hIERCIIANT No lit Second 01, ihttslosrolt. 000000 w. iNVALfing c. tivitornin U. W. POIADEXTICIL t CO.. ENF.RA.t. COIIIIISSION and Forwareing rice 7 7 chants and Flour Deolerr, No 255 Mart, t, phdadelphm. 1125 lIICALO. BOCK NOR le. co TOBACCO COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Na A 1,4 orth /Vat. Street & Nu. 15 North tli'lminres. 110ccso0 I F.D.' 0 Cal 1/. C. hicC•stsmis • lui.a'n • J A. Woars. got 'Uri LAX., (queers. St ,to Murphy Lee,' Wool Dora- 1.1.• or and Contmtstio• Merchant, for the sale or ATV:Leiio„Voolittts, !saintly, opposite OM et lobe? a. L. If LMIT. war. I' JON.. TrA(I.I)Y, JONEI & Co., (sue...sort to Atwood, 1.1. Jon. & Co.) Conlmisinon and Forwarding Mee. than., Pinafores Manafactored Good., Potshorrh. I'.. whs." P. el A iti.tim.L, lacccosito• So skate. c. nLyl LM PORTER & Dealer in French and American Pa per Hangings and Bordera, WM•low Shod.. Fire board &c. Alsn—Wrinng, Printing and Wrap ping Paper. Wood street, between Fourth street and Diamond alloy, west side, Pittsburgh, Pa feblll PlTTSCillidail GLASS WOMKII. f 01IN Co, late of the firm of Chamber , e , new & Co , wound teepee:Otani inform the old en. tome. and U public annewilly, that be net t s, t it' v ase to Oar., nn the tweet , Wars bon in all ita varieties, and it prepared te fill all orders for &p. &r_. antie naieS, raffaitffe, MillefSit, Viole, plntawng to his Intaine.s. 111 • asarchoese is No al Market street, nattnreen Ftra fe. Seenni . a. iriltd3u , 0 I . I7MORG A Si, Wholesale Drocuitl er in - Dye Stuoa, Paints, Oita, Vat-matte% Cse, hfo U 93 Wood street, one door South of Diamond Alley Pinsuarch. op( .1 AMES DAVitd.L, Whoa ea ,e tarot er,Cortia , asion Merchant, and dealer in Produ• and Pittaburgh Manufacturer. fro Y 1 WO,' mt. rjricho,gh. iseito mann., Isii•Torinintior, it, SATAII 11, Co, 332inlesaft Graders. Coin. inissitra Narahnoln, and dealer, is Pyorinno.NOs.3o Weser. and 107 Front sisera.. Pitahurnit nosil fitirn Oil Ja. DILWORTH CI 1., Wlinle.ile Grocers, nod Aghats for Hazard Powder Co., No. 17 Wood sr., Vinaldirych. dciLy 147TOWNS/1N13,-Dragaist and AOolhaerall J N 0.43 Market td, three doors Rhone Third at. Pito tooth, will It nne ennaantly on band a well selected aid Women of the beat and freshest Medicine...which hi will sell on the most rensonratie terms. Dnini.clafol sending ordern, be pronintit notarial to. nod sup. plod with they tuna roiy noon aeration. PreLri v e t: t o m s I si e s e i stsrssy banal t • • da ly nod y or night. 111.1 w lon wile, a largo stoat of fresh and good I°l3 'loran sr Jobn El Ro oyd. eherd Floyd. T & wbolesele Oroeert, COMM 0,51011 Iderchnnte, and Dreier. In Prodo e, Round Church Lioildinge ' horning on Liberty, Wood arid Bath otreels, elne berei, spl • CAUGHEY, Agent for •t hate,Erie end Ihnhisc. Line to Lknect sae the Inktes.—olle• vi nf .W,or nn4 Areohro.l4 on. , toot JiiMq7)C,lturcinsoN, „ Lnwl• Iletehi•on a Co., Clltanlinialk N•rehantt ee4A.kente of the - Rt. Lenin Stearn Suter Refinery No 45 water and 9: front etreeuhlhWitotrola. • :I.llsVailiTkiriiCO;Wrace7rje 1)11%. ant Na al W t 0011 law,. Piathan,ll. . Waoterale and Rmdtl daai,r aterslis and Pdvical• fnorumeat., Sehaol Dont* Pipet. Plata., Sircl Pena, Printen . Card., and lardatury generalty,No. 81 Wood dt.,lPlasa.taa Tn. Ran 1,..11•• hlr•r. In irstin •• ewp•lß T il. CAN FIELD, Pate of Warm, Obto,)Coments 16'. tided and"Forwardtag ;qria.,Lsdit, and wboltvalo dealer in Wutern Resenrn Mtese, Dotter, Pnt and Peet Ml, and Weuetn Produei gtoerally. Water meet, betweaa SaddiEold and Wood, Pittabarga. add • . JUNES. Fort. rdms and Commission M !GPSNa vvvrenvan, P A. Tar EN . NEtOI; IO C r 1V 4 L.22 . &, ‘• mute 1.6 1.3,617 tr -- -- Ite O. ETOCIETOE. 77'' - ATE Zotuoa44. gloekum, 1300 ES ELLER, tent - TIONEII. PRINTER, and EINDER, co,. e kin sad Matt Mom rittatverr,A. EL 40/411 • . • . • • • 1.., ET•wilg. • I pITTS„,,FIT W'y • • •-i• A v • • • . _ r BUSINESS CARDS Plias betty la City Glass Works.. W. CLIBINIIIGPIARI & CO, MANUPACTTRERS OP kV INDOW CI. AS S. To Not Market street, between First nod Second, Pittrbartlt. Pa. Irrranitvise Etentisn pent to odd arra AlO, Dealers 10 FIANT GLASS, VIALS, BOTTLES, . M. tVettttall~ll, O. D. eS,011,01.1•11.. D. 1111111.7._ Wm. w. Ittekeuan, Pataborgb. S 72 ar.4 174, corner of Liberty nod Irwin wean.. Pc l . - burgn, Pa- Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarns, to. dot 20 °' autntly on nand. apl Julia INtilil. Jame. D . apGjt Waller C. Roe ircCILLEI &ROE, Whole.. le Grocers and Column.. .100 Merchants, No lab Liberty S, Patibu rgb TITTSOD - RDil BYEitt, IS'OftAra AND SPAINLi - AND AXLE FACTORY. MAO IONII, JONES It 417100, MANUFACTURERS of spring and blister steel, Plongh Mel, steel plough wings, coact% and clip N.rii" , gni.Saininercri iron axles, and dealers in auil t gable outings, fire engine larops,rvid coach ...mugs comer of Ross and Front sta., Pittsburelutgh, f 3 • POrtiall land !Miniature M. A Pate l te lP r. " ll I, earner et Post Offtee APey arta Fourth street, entrance ou Fourth at, near !Market areratltf J. &J. Tardoi. Commission .01•rettinate. IVO. 31 Old Levee at, N (Wean., keep constantly on Al hand titter, iosortmeut of Brandies of the follow ing bands, which they offer for sale as rigem, (or 1. liarand & Co. Bordeaux, ea: bilaglory,J.Erwad. I Du rand & Co, Lame/mile, 1 /Burma, Cerise, A de IB lento, A 1. illeville, A do )lo„ done, Jean 13nuiii. de . age; also, Anchor kiln, Bordeaux Red and White Wines in east s and eitoka, selected with care by John Durand & Coi besides Champagne Wine and Sweet Burgundy Pon.• Pifllol.3l ES a. sus, Nn 33 Market et. seconJ door from corner of Fourth, dealer, in Foreign hod orucattc Dills of Fackanae, llertaficatea of Dcpuart, Dank Notes and Specie. Irreolcletlona made on ell the prtnetpal elites br-aghout the Uniictl Soar, ap4 11UCKNI ASTER, A....en—lace, Fourth et., 11. Mad door above talestafteld, south ride. Conveyancing of all kind, done with the greatest care and 10,1 accuracy. Tit ell to Real Estate examined. de. noCIO-1 Llitboycraphia lEstabillstusent OF AVAI. BCIIVCIIMA NS. Thud st, oppoulte the Pon-Othee, Pitutatrlth.--Mape. Landscapes, Bin. head, Sholvbill, Label, Architectural and Idachtne Drawings, Ba.ineks and Vi‘itinc Curd, he , corn red or draw n on atone, nod printed in colon, Bold, Brorre or Block In the most approved etylc, and at the wort rea•nnehle prices octls:ly IjOBIN-ON,LITTIsk: t CO. "ottn - silaberty street 11 Entts b urn It Wholesale tirocers, Cruder, end Commission Alerchtsda, and deniers In Pt...nth Manofec ores. 1107 toe, toemon. Tuns t.strtrt.a. SAN n. rosins., _ IrlVill T erVelie ß r% =o r r ' e l l'i C zt7u 7 I g != f u T f ' s " 4 tures, an . all ktnds of Forato and Darnrsue WIIICI and LP:soars, No. IA Liberty rirret. on band a very large stock of sanerinr old Mononcobel wairkey, which 1.14 sod lour for slot.. n) I o. over3o . Di 1111“. . . • IIVNOLDS /a SLIER. Forwarding .nd l,Olll'llllM sloe Nrerchasta, for the Si . .,aheny f Trada, tore., in Groceries, Produce titialsirga, Matiafar• tore., and Chloride of Lune . . . . TLe bi r eh; s , grx. ; LAMM iii/ for Y ER . :CIT , c1;11.11. & Wbole.,e tii COMMI.IIOII Merebanto, dealer". in Produce and Pinsburgb Mriaufle:uree, Liberty we., Ibiteburib, K. A. CUANINVIIIAZI. WHOLESAI.P. GROCER, Prodtac,, Forymr‘l , nr and Carenmettott Merchant. and Dets , r-r nt Pitts burgh Mattisitactures, NoaaatLlherty Pltutbargl. Ys 111 - • 1511.1.CIL•rf i 11024 11 Q ACKLETT & rE. Wtole•ale De elern 1,7 Foreign and Demesne Dry 600,13, No sue-et opl7 — h - V%llAfld A - 116 Waal . !del ehaatn, Lanairts Ls D Flout and Produce genera:ly, +ad Faavra"linr, and Colaraltaiad Merebanla, 10 Firm. Firm. . act and 111gr0n.441.1re,1 Pni•baqh. anr rtrmusiu. .1•111,11 /110.3., MAMA ND. QM-LE:KS & Produce. and General Con. ontmon Morchan.s N o 7 Litton). •trest,l itto buret Sporn, Linaet-d and Lord Otis. apt: QF ° s tt. Cb7W - Golotat le tato oerVa,Forws . 'n Forwa rder and Comm Ilerob , Ilealott in Pitt...burgh Mano'notuteaa n and Wett er, 'dare, bove removed to %nett now warehouse, told aatado No. tat, earner of Front street and I:bat/oozy Lane &pi: UttIiZISBDIUIIIOIIHOTILL 111••'s 01. ST•NO.) MITE .uhretther howler 1tt0 , ...5 , the abe•e knosrn I a; d excellent r /As , ohreento ts now rptor.l t. eatertsan EteiNerds and the travelling ro.lblie rater. sly, is the ben mouser and on the most reasonsble tetras. Itis ?AIME vsill at all times be suppliest with every ttellevey of the season—ea: his Elsa wtth the Lest of Liquor. fill teen is very<e.; even' amva , ' - oseut ban made for the •ecroctosoiattort of Urn. err. aura.! • • WI!. CLAWSON TEA AND WINE MERCHANTS, nem Yule !hymens", PistAborth. • • - VITOI'LII Inform the petite. they Lave taken the V ware/too.° font:tee,. accepted by the I.te Mr Salomon Selmer, 114 :ceded street. Ileetra Imp , aid enatexteNovs were hoa.e, they weed iuytte toe enema,' of pereong hatted itadds cen•Pdtt or flare. They al.a r to the potetteee and .ale of het,. Dm it, Itne.l• lee eat .9 IN Wukerumn W L. 9. NV ATKA. A RI Vir 1101.F. , IALIL URI/CI:Rd, Outman...ion and 99 nrardin, Iderel.andn dnnen, iu stl kinds of Pr.. dune .9 I•alsborgb 91.ufnmeed Aniele.i a•s , Adenl. I,F , dlle 14enonond mind Linchbumg Nlauslacutted mrl ViNL •TTOILNICY AT LAW, Pa .• WILL Coo antral to eollentimm and all &mar [me net, entrusted to Una in Banes and Armstrong soantles, Pa. Utter to I.&IL Floyd,- Liberty M. W. W. Wallsms, do /moos Marsha!' do Potatarsta div Ras A. Co, Wood., FOBW ILLIING & COMOWSION AIF.aCII ANTS, Cana/ flacn, Penn atm , . PWobirrrh rhri; - - JAMES 11. DAVIS s CO., 'PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS. No 227 M. km, and 54 Commerce st., l'hiladell Wm. - gnaw, by either or We move, oa eonoli; n meat. of Yrodnee Onlstr l!onoe mrti 1 ...... ... J. D. WILLIAMSs CO. , NViip,KAAL & RETAIL. FAMILY 0 Oorw•rding and ronawasrloa Alerchnnls, awl dealer. in COu. try PriAnce ond Pdts , aryli Mdinorire• tures, corner of Wood and Filth stroeis, Prustiorgti Tv!) WinT11:1; • • ...... I n. elavy Mc IL WILLIAMS £ CO., BANKER. AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, North East corner of Wood end etreewY.,PA. pent YITTOMUIPI U. 11.10,..., )oi. • etwonava, . n li.l.."1111•64.11rf. NITIVI 0 VIA ..EY & CO W hole eule Grocer', 19 altd oh Wood strew, I out,atah. 007 J 611,1 p. wICI, DAVIV VIVICIS b. M'CANDLESP, (eaceearors to L o a 1. D . TT M wed Whole.le Graf:ern, FOrn •nd GOlllllll.lOlOll No rAhaids, deal." In Iran, Nal., W.*, Cotton Vara, end Pitt.Orgh /I.nufactorre general corn W er ofWood and Water s weep', raubarelt. _Apl7_ I)kr MITCHELTREE, Wholesale (minors, . Rectifying Itisuilert, and Wine .d Ltnans klercsatitii Also—lmporters of Soda Mk mid [Reach. tog Powder, No. Ilk Liberty street, IoPP O4 . aircel.l llitisbargb. •Til7 • V • WWI LYON. Watches, leoreleri Sliver Waco Y V • and Military Moods, earner of Market and Four...WA, Pal/L..01 Pa. N. D.—Watclic• Clock. carefully repaired. an IL. —;;:i1M100714. 301111 e. 3.'M/TIT. rlt. Yr IUNG & Cn, Dealer. In Leather, Hides, ise 4 l43 Liberty stseet jaerrl V wierstna MOIL 11.11. Ur it K. DIeGUTCHr,ON Wbolesale Gasmen., - alr • dealers In rrodnee, l ' enn, Nana Glass, and Parsasnen Manahan... generally, Liberty streei.— Vntsborgh. ant' A CARD , WII.MARTII & NOBLE are now receiving new 11, neon wheat, which wof superior quality. They ian now furnwh 'amities with treat, Flour. A,l orders iu the boxes will be pro mptly attended to WILMARTH & NOBLE, Cal Mills. — CO-PAIViiIIiGIIIII II P. HAVE, taken WM. CORR into partnership with me in my bowies which will (lOW this date be :soled on under he ., name of "Jelin Patter &Co Maya Ist, ISSO. JOHN PARKED. Jahn Parte r • —William Carr. JOON PAIMILIat a CO, Whale rata Grwr , Dealers in Prodaca, Forng - n ;Grimm, L'grures., Manongaltela and Reaified WM.lin. N 0.5, Commercial Raw, Liberty meet, mita Vimbareh, P iVaralLM-.4 ratttaa. Print. Man.. 1r IC Z. MAO PAIJILIZIts HANNA CO.. (See...oars to Hersey, Manna fr. Co.) ANKERS, EXCHANGE URDEERS, and dealers ofForeito and Dortiesue-Exeharige. Certificates of Deposite, I.Unk Notes, and Specte—North -west earner of Wood and Third strets. Current Money received on depositn—Sight Cheek* for sale, and rollections made on nearly all the principal points the United &met • • The highest madam paid for Foreign and Allatiell Gold. • Advances made on conalgrements of Frode:e,ship pedEasr. on liherai teLtrn A tom. a nose wa. rect.stii.) A. RI tOl.tlllo is CO., GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, No 256 Liteny 'lrv; elate , Mod, Have always on band a lame assortmeni °Moles Groceries and Fine Tees; also, Foreign Fruits and Roth. Wholesale end Retail. Deafen eepplied on tite 1_e•1 861181841. IIAWOIII.TLts TEA AND WINE AIERCHANTS, cant side of the Diamond. Excellent Term— In fa per lb. Sapetior 0 7 3 ' do. 'The to mu:roiled 1 tP des Low priced, damaged, or inferior Teas are not kept tot ,air nnablislitnent. !r2ls__ ILO 011 - 1 - 11.TICTid TV/ IteCLINTOCC had fast reorivertat kis Carpet V y . Wasenottao, No 74 Fourth ducat, a very band some urionpent of Rnds,. which We Layne the a wall. , or astagn - To the Citizens of Arrailway Mar, 4 BUY for fhe ree4rioa or sneers for Flour, islets% go wore of Memo &Robinson, Federal' streeL 81101 i Ordera vi sp. FU" sage MISCELLANEOI‘ WILKINS HALL, FOURTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. THIS magnificent evuhltehment beteg now - rime eleted and reedy for Lust., the proprietor would re spetfully solicit .hare of fthe pohlte pev,m can e Ile busts by giving his lull B.llOOli, to the ' , wine.. ..k, the bopse n pleasant and comfortable resort fur the cHkena of Plnanurgh and for the penury enrally. Good attendants will he In waiting. and every ex ertion made tet render the esistilishment worthy the countenance and support of an intellieent reininumtv. Tim TWO SPACIOUS HALLS, hued ter Port.e•. Cenceeta, Lectures. Balls, and puhlie meennets will be let by the evening or week, on as liberal terms as any other to the city. The BAR and RESTAURANT, equal to style and with'beauy to any in the world, will be kept luentshed Pure Wines, CiiOIPO Liquors, Cnediel.. Porte., Ales, sod all the cool, light. refreshments of 'he sseson. Poultry. (Rune, Fish, Soup, Oysters, und served op In the beet The DINING and ICE CREAM SALOON.being on the brat noon, and easy of access. trlll he roustaioly toppbed with all the Safi ale s a e Of Ihrf season; and also, with such subs...nods La the markets afford Boarding he the day, week. or year. Thence. or Suppers for indendual• of paroes, iurni.lieJ on short flOtter Gentlemen limb their lamb., vietinfr the rite can, be supplies] with refreshments et all kohl.. at toy hone 0 , the day Good Stabling and an extensive Lteery Estabbste meet M connected with the 11011 Ihnoce at o'cloc Tea at the usual hour • Mt for to tee Ire (`.teem end Dunne Saloon, ran Au 67 Smahnt nt oe., s e ., 11l is II VAN RES:SST:LAHR a wa e rnvct.s, CI I 1•. write - tat . uhr, I=l A• WESTERVELT S. SON. IAIF.LL KNOWN VF:NITI AN BLIND Kilns keep eanattotly on band or malt to order the bet. arttele Ow weir old stand, lan. 13 S CD...street, oleo, No .S 0 Ma ket streoh around •tntY• entrance in the Diamond. Vehioan Shatters mode in order, sod old Winds neatly repatod •Pla IN • i J. GLENN, nook wE are enraged in the ahoy.- cohere rner el %%God and Third streets, l'iltehargh w ere are prepared to do any wore In our line syttli Jee p, tch. We attend to our wart personalty, and auto elion will be gtveu in regard to Its eeatnese and du• rahlltty. Clara Docks ruled to any pattern and bound out - eknont!y. Books in number• or old holis• boatel e sr. • tidy or re paired. Nantes put on nook. In pli tenet-. 'Caveat that bars w•rlt in our tote air n rd tc, price e tner ote :el ==il HWlGllTMAN—Manafaelarer rf at: kind• of cot • ton andwoollen c IT, Pa The above worts being now In WI aa•l am pie1m,...1 nr relate nett , we:lb...cow - A , for alb km& of machinery in a.lltee. a•e'l a, pickeTa, spreaders, card...a - nog rag ra6st allw), dlawmg frame, .I...edera, iblass . l., loom, woolen card...double or magic. lot mr....h.tni or roam, Wu, k. males,jar and hand lath...arta too , In gen eral. All kind. of •hatting mode to orde•r.n• eta lot gearlng (octanes or Mirk St savab le elna•re. Rt n no--Kannedy, Pt Wart w.or a. 1411 • ca 1..., I. .1•• A Cr•• BENNETT t BROTHER, QUErNSW ARE 1 I'A.IUR ENS. 181 • =lngham, [w.p.m . Pitt•burgh,jP•. Offs , N 0 .37 Wu., 44' &qv..., Maq, cold s Wood, Put.ssu.44. irWILL conatantly oarep on band a grocal a.or, wet, of W alai of own starkufactdre.a , saperlot aeal“). NVcol,a,le and catinlfl Let alma, are rrare, toll If Lna ta.l Lo ,al t a de., mama for thenuehrea. aka aaa •rt Arteranlted ,0 ”ii ettaapar than has ever beano Lean oderao to (ha pet, he• lErOrdere sent by matl,2eentertat.ted by the or 0.1 beet:nee. "nit be rtbbtbt.. btt.o.! , e , th ,4 _ . NEViI COACLI teACTOIIY, Le-roc% ,Letorrca Fader a.. 1 atery deserip:sun of vet.te , i lo.eteat, Iftweles, tte . , n tr•. to en, ictice tti the inetint!. nto at.ove suit atm fat Ilitte• ittev bnve.ll , 7 ..... tit tl , el ‘te etintiteJ to do trot It on the itint, fa, tent. , v., ertutene. officio, in their lin, nays, particular linen:lon to the .etresina of mate. nal., and lta vote none but contatens workmen. titer Lave no !monition in w311.11 , U1 r Weir wort We tilt:ree .14 titn at:en:ton PI they piett:te to 1111 N. U. Uteri: ring don t- in We tte, manner. •Ito a°. re...natio term.. L. DCAIFE & ATICINSOh, Fla art, grrwucm Wona M (NONTINCE 11444,01, 14 , 1 gt• of CtIPI . ER TIN AND SIIRET IRON V; AR C. /11•4., R... unith Work • Stecm Iduats built .0 order Spocisl *newto elven tc ,esm bow.; work Have on bands a flue a.vorLdirot Cc.pper awl Ittults ICettle• Tin IVa/e,b.e Ac, 141.-cidodut CzkdEtng ek,vec Yorlabie Forges, •stloss arce.,-• very r”uver.te,., Ode for steamboats, Guider - ma cruletal.t., • or rail goad cc/rcpt.:es. e would respectfully InVllP•atcarn Loa: nand and 0 , 1.1 . • 10 Cali •nd see dud uruclu• cud pores I.cfctu porch acme el ar.hern Pitt ork• clad Wounds-, JOHN PcT Co., are prortol build Colson o MIA! WOO (./.1 Nlar,titnerl c.c., devrtpci.o. eurt. as Coril.:.! Sw:.trie Inswing F( .m Ilmoiits. Looms, i , nrat Ord; 05• 0 , Cost Iron. I'o L.:.. Hanger , of the !au:, pattcro‘, C, Sod :sand end lonia of all kinds flaitmci of every iler•iti•il , fornivir,l on short niniet. Vattern. node to r lot N 111 Creariri Iron Rolling. Slcam PTA st• Winiloor nollus • s• t...•••• , orrally ord. rs lett t'aro'td. , Lii•orty .ti , wilt 8., Refer to Blact.wcY. Dell b. ,J. Co, U. I:. Wu:ver, John brio & Snob Y. tul•urgn . C. & J. 11. Warner, titeuhCiavtlle. !or, PIABOSI THEaubseriber of," far rale alarge.nd aplenm4 arrortn,eut of roaewm.d and maharani , gran' A, non Pl.O, with and Isttanut Uoleorte.•• rele••r.l-11 Noban Annetoottnt. Tbc .hove ar- oa, • ranted to hr equal to .ty tam:afar tared 611 WI. • 0 ` nod ortil besold th, any brought (ram De Ea F. BLUME. No 11/ wood o. door above no N. D.—Clty Scrip will be talon 'et par far a Irv, or he above tt-rlrnmer.r. 7 F. It litaairk Brick Work• fur %ale. THE aabsett ber ‘ olers for talc. e 1 WORKS.. aberge Lai., s e7 Crollapr, g Stearn gnome,l.lmTßrt. G d lytertlne, r 0/ 113411tthICILIIIIIK :AMU PralLre rout or dry ' y. Lank, land on the Maracay river. on wham are 4 t, n, and abed*, raaehtne and clay abed. whc..ll.trro., nook., .hovels, road.. de.. every thlng requitite ~..• mence operatona •n Andra not;ce the Patent twirl to 000 raid zuarlttne. 117.0ur1- ,- ,rrna rr payment made eary. about land, ..A./ partletilara addreaa lIEN RV alrf augg7-dtf - No 11, Mo.oneattela Wrought and Cal, iron Railing. TilKsithaeribers beg learn to inform the panne that they hare oldained Iron the East a.i the Is, on. fashionable designs far Iron Rolling, both for hnar• .nn cemeteries Ponta°. wishing to prneore hand mme patterns will please end and examine, and rnire (or th,toselves. liaihng will be ftlf °Med at the cm, eat Doter, and in the best planner, at the corm! of Craig and Relecoastmeta, Allegheny sit]. aturs!).drf A. LAMONT k KNOX. - - - WILLIAM DIGDY DEG'S leave to Inform his friends and cashmere ho he Is join receiving his new spring stock of Goo. corner...nig, as usual, all the newest nod most faelmo able styles of Cloths, easstrocres, fancy- Vesting, cot ton and linen seem. sluts, and every llTL.C.sultobla for gendemen's svcar for beauty and SOMME, 111,111 r impossible to describe the, quality, or quantity of the stock, the proprietor hopes all who ore in wain uf gond, cheap, fashionable, nod well made clothe, will give hem a call, there to Ito stock tWs silo of the Atli-shell'es that can compare with n. The ready made departs.nt is very...lye, adap• ted to all tastes. Rail road contractors, country coercion., and all who purchase largely, are panoularly stoned le ea same the sin. before purchasing, no parmul. at tention paid to the wholesale bas,ncsr in Ow e, tat, lishment. Every article in the tailoring line made to order to the most fashionable and best manner, at the slimiest TllFpartnership heretofore taming under th• 6r1 , 1 of A a C (MARLEY, is dissolved by UlO decease of Mr. C Uradlcy. The business will lie carried on by A Bradley, Who will settle the business of the late EMIL REMOVAL—A 0.10.1 has removed his Foundry IfVuebouse from No Cieeond street, toiNo la Wood street, be First Psad tii«ond sweete, Ow ar bouse lately on by A Berry, where be will keep eonstantly on hand • general assortment of Cest• ings, Grates, Attnres, Cost ing Stoves, ac:" by El 8A.310101. ItIcKILLVY, N &CT R OF CAST STEEL, end No I and No. it A1:1e1 . ..a1l Blister Steel. Also Ca.t Steel Ftles, of all raze, sod Mortar:lit, and 00,0 ReArt, tileresv on band end fur so In. either of ht. • Ea gle Steel %Yorke," O'Hara irtreet, Fifth Ward, or iv, 11, came in the hod Store of LIOLLNIANS to SON, No 4, fool Of Wood street, Patabsargh, ntr22-dlm we, tho anderaiducd, twenty awl!, with enure ant. tha Cart Steel mid Files made by Samuel Ketiryi at hia Eagle Steed Warko in thii mei i tal.- plear . in recommending the. a equal to any ever nwil by on, of &erten manufacture. Pittaliarah, filarch 17, I li & J ll PHOENBERGER & CO, Idandantarers of lowland Nails, Powtiurfth, P. KNAP P &.TLYITEN, Iron Founder. and Pdsohininn, Pittsburg. P. COLP:IAN, HAILMAN A. o, am of Prop, AX=Prig Moo' nod F W'M ". Engine Fonder. and Machin! . Ca m rd Ing u ors , zoi .. TPUI:TuN, Drags Founder, Pilubmigh, taItAFF lANWAP A CO, Mnonfiactmets of Iron ingspirfilsisr LboiNpn. Locomoune Eagloo nod Sid9aFd;kloti,P,ftotgt P. Mubla Manufacturer, Mori., nod . Fgot. Dh Va. 1.151 —. —__ ---- Masahalloo of Partaasahlps TUE Partnershlp heretofore existing between the gu t.Abery, ander the 63123 of Cluthabers, Agnew t Cr., Olate Menefee otters, seas &method by mutual consent, on the first day ofJuly, instant. All persons knowinat therosethee lodthled to asid , fitm are request al to sot payment CO either of the parties r amtheut delay, ll persons henna amenied meoants with said Cam,o re inetted_to present them for settlement immediately. AI.EXANDER citext ums, JOHN AGNEW, D.H. CHAMBERS. . "211 16 T. P. Winos and Urandies OF mu vont Imporrtio:Ngidta.bnla Lo,rzed,:catal P"P"M " :1: alitra'res cad Wine axle by Vails'l Ht.:Wotan, ..41 bigksod r 060.114 linty JUNFUlTlttgatikillizaVkat. PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 12, MO M . Milt: DELAWARE MET , / AL SAFT:PY INSU -1 It A NCE COMPANY —OM, North ROOM of the Exchange. Third street. Philadelphia. a,na Merchandise and other Pr. , py. to Town and Cuoutry, insured Got'' er damage by fire, at th e lowest me of premium. INgura.mrx —They al.n !figure Car. gor. and Ercighis, foreign or roanwise, under opt. or apecial a. the armored may derive. !hush TasYoroirriatom.—Theq. WllO inane merth• trattinamod by Wagon., fled Road CMS, Canal Boat. nod Strum hoar., 011 rivcre and Mks, ou the mon liberal terra,. DIRECTORS—Joseph It.-Beal. Edmond A. Sander, John C Davis. Rnben Idorton. John R Penrose, Sam, el, Moo G ca p er, Edward Dralingum. loner R Dan., Wm Poll:well, John Newlin. Br R M Ilur Droo ls, Jnx C Hood, Throphilne Paulding, Henry Sloan, Hugh Craig, George Semi!, ?pen , r Melleatn, Cherie. Kelly, J Jolte.on, Wm Hay, Do S Thomo... John Seller, Wm Jr. 818 F.,7TORS AT PITTSIMJEGII—D T Morgan. Hugh Craig, John T Logan. WILLIAM MARTIN, PreaideoL Bronco S. Neu'onhn. Prey Err" Odle° of the Company, No 49 Water Greet, Pl,..urgn. liang,lf I'. A. MADEIRA. Art: tate and Health laeletallee• 41 4 11 F. Mao a! lae and Ilea'th Intoraoce , Ompany L at Ineorporated by the Legtalature of Penny varust, Mar. h. lubl. Charter perpetual. Captut, MUM% F.Args bowelt In•a ANT Pa`leatt , VANIA CITMFANI, and full ..,t1 per erot. looter than t h e naval run, of I.iie loau, rr. to the following coin. our,. will above: TLo.,. a prixno of 'ht. age of in or silt; tor 11,. utu,‘ tirrard 1.41'7 pet t o, ;;4, Penn Mutual, 11 . 2.:5: Egailabla, P - 2.01. New Eneland, New York lac, 1 . 1 . .V1Cu f1,4,.1.1fe and Ileu:ta, I'Mladelphia„ 01,01. Same' 11 Ornek, Charlet D. W F 11..0nt- Robelt Ch•ri.... P. IluYea, M. W. ltv'a veto. 4..11. Re", M. 11.. thas 0.11 Campbell, L.,,a Cooper, 1. Rodman Bar aut. El , ato R Cope. l'restdent—Samuul Orrtek, Moat. dem—Sot,. P. tg; ,eerebtry—Franeir 11Mekhurne. *pp:J.:mons vetll be re., 1,.d errrT mfurtnr•bou Riven by SA It I. FAR Aft. (Mee., Commetrind Rouen,. corner of Wood aut Tb.rd rtut,utgb AND MARINE INSURANCE. T HE IN,URANCE GO. o f hlerth perntaneot and limbed In,tranee on pro. pr•rty to to,s Otto and v,eml7. and, n abli'm-rta by Canal. Myers, I.4kr, and by Sua. Toe p ane ot an. CompattN sir say , ated, (crotch a.,le laud lot' the un.pir I,..'emott) of all per.. Who 11•••. , to be protec Ml' by menu auto. l' /ONES, Ater , . 44 W 444 4 at. T ll l : m f :r F m r .h l7 , ll ,.. ot ur th :n I , n; m tt o r: I , t , e o t i . tnz it i n , y , tit r c rnnl .1 mAt of Woo, he ruh.c re her, ag•nt fht the ithov. olz! End te•pott• üble llotlytEnt, trod 1•• t i, Pot,rlr-t I,llldlns. sod th , tor ront.,,t, hod 11.1 shit , rnent• hletrhandhus Lf Steam nom, at,: Mc? •etscia. othl W. P JON FS. Modern aria Antiqut Vcrullutc. JAMES W. WOODWELL, b 3, TOUrotrVy, lttoloor ann. .ret tfy, rr.nt „he r.0.r... ' t10•1 r ' o pletcrl ht. .Is oro or.e or FURNITURE. the targeot and most voreede•KWElll[l3l co ever re rd for .ale Mrs coy. romnrtsinc 6VVf •Cl OA 8.. IWoOL., Mattoor.o , o, mod Ittroro W•L,T. carved. ernaineniv and prom, ourtelrre nor railer, Prolerrso Rnunto „II or orhirrh so:.' to orold aI thei•te..4 Perron. dr.t o rrtor Fortuture of ant drortortlOO, are stet nl , 10000 to tall andel Amor. too ...ea r ortoero etor.r..trr• deeertotoon. Irmo I t r. he rood Kf oo ‘.. tn ,.. rt , r , e7.roo . l7 . o n tat mod cord!, or: 011,011 Rre trete • Tom ,o f••• Tole • Tete Pryor, If 6 . 1141, F./.211.(11.1•11 .... If er. r• LOW, XIV do V 3,r,•,0,du Bodri rone, Loo.. Xl'. ; Imodore. Ho Twit • Crotch, .1/ 1•1-•4 onJ ~ o ntt err r 61, u , rotorr hlrnottenr r.. 10 is t 111 "ItlY e Wuluut t, th• t:•oe .•1 "s, w Mr, re fop Crr.wr V WOL., I. 4. or Noirogarry use I- 11l I. 111 e: oat an, .erre revan A e onto arrsorttr.rort of common trot. and othr et le.te to td ,m I. 4ra. f.a the .n3tr *I troUce. • 11v. HERSEY. FL.FAIING & CO Volt. NALlat !'lit M TUE )J ANL I'AXTURERN, Ati l/ AT EAST. I%IIN NI AN/. ACTI REUS YKICES: White r•••aci, all %l It, se s, Feat 41, Op /ILI,. I.tupn, do terra t,t,Nak/co; all ase , rlcred ,INciurY FEE Stlon•LeV ..., -_-...... d .... Ill . •• o 1t,,,e.-1, a , -.1 ..-.r.pds, •. , 1 Drub do , t5e,,,, , ....• litact Cs•tsmere_ 1 I. n , .' w4t0,14-• 1 . ,,,, do '14,1 Pok,,inn., .02per do; ~ ..0 1 . .. 3..., Iduraratn, b•rhd I', 1 d.r., • •. ••••.hears ar., 5dp , ,, , , , , do ID, t' ' do, • - . rn.,.1 Sup , t One ,1,1 IFllitry Ltte "ucr. I 1 n Jr, Sup,. 11”.14 D , ... 1•, a b'l4urr.l Ve.nuhs. Dgub Ou 11.• u es u,, ou D , u. D.[Xtuf (W... Is.. , .ard ~,, Stith . Brown I r.. bkohnr...l.t.v.s, he . he. AI bhr biatuula , turreu . Vh lag - eta...Nu In SS CM g rit:+burgb gut, Masalotion T LI eo-parl.arni lip hereto., envonelrevri , en t - et,rf rn ei ~ Cl), • •I”..i.ty re e d M Iturle I.lirner wol rett, for .1 ~eb rrorrwr, the) . are r. irthori, , l o rr. , tr.• nee.. of tr, conrern NATII \NIEL uONBFABLE, EBBEN II BURKE TIBINIAB BARNE.A. Thetie.terelened have 11, intr tottittetntetl the nteettr, tn. ttt NA I: At. lIA FINE. , to. the purrcee ti_tt, ire /tree( 4 aie t. V 34 Deem. e A c ate at ate lute ntrti trl .;'re-, 11.1, ve.t,te at. y wtII be write' tu mew:rate patrnt e t.t ,Ite rtittottacre it( that hot., ci:t their friend, EDMI — NI)IIII,Ii(Et, TI111:11A In tr.tong from ihr tom nrConslnbir, Burke ..t Co I ow. .......... p1e21.,11e rcoonamood Mee., Burk , flom, . L.:O coot.okno. of my •rlt!te . 0, s NATHANIEL CON:II'A iILE. I AS 'Oft return , cl from the Kest. , ni Cities. and ,n hirpe vurl,ty of sem..onat4e Good, 0, lAL.rh Le re•,cifully 111,1 1, itie •tteruon of Meto nod ped!e“. NVood st. - • IV - ALI. MAYER—W. Y. Matto., is constantly yy rce•triug, from the laws, otattafactorlea New York and l'tniadelph,a. and also rote French stench, the :man, and nu. sOPrnvcd stYlCa of Pa per ifmt.rinan, torther Borders, Fire Baud Vrint, and Tester rep, For solo at 115 %Vocal at, hr. tareen Fonrtn at and Diamond alley, isnerntocor to S. C. /1.1.1 sou • ' en'd per steeicrr, noJ for tale lir the tar;Cl j o7. r ir, 1 r pound st tl.n 1.1 r,,, Seca. and Perfumery Warchon.e, enrimr of Sixth 0i.r.4 Wood strecti S N WICKERSIIA N. .rIH • Blusprktc.* Palen. Soda Ash: - 1 CAt4i.S of the above eclehra.ed brand and `IV . 1 high test, direct from 11. c mnittvnelare , .: 1 % 3 ...ark, now an tie way front New Urir cos, .I[l,l rt peeu3l herr. 113. week and 314 "WI .hortly nTrive •Ia Ilaltnnore per .hin. 11/ (3,c,a peak, Dam.... ar. wh,n .old on orriaxl, at the loare+t wallet pure 14.1 ra•h orpnraved '1 rrellEt.TrtEE • at Nn 1. I,Bl.erty at OIIE XIOAL NTOVIC POLISH lilE Ph 0 .1.41 Manufnetorine COmPllitY now oilier to the public their Prelim:in Chemical Sin•e Poll•ht snd esite,r•tiott, ur fear of Co,llradiCll4lo, , any who ia trrd it, prof...nee it for sunerinr to whet in we mark, Thee 011nlInet nerd have to Rpprch,..n , of soiling csrpet., . pow,. prey, m• a dust from among when Lenny ap • which 4111• i bello. when the Slao. no.d Tee qoautiby required U PO httle to produce a beau- WO la.°, A raving of owe( filly per emit m iusurrd to the (o.llVieri. A coating applied to Stoves, Pipes, toe., when away mt the k1111111.7/er, sre pre enlos . . After haviiiK Med u it mme, I' pi• ~ Al permn um any but the anelsctormg Company's Premium Client, eat Stove Polish. For N l lt by ICKERSIIANI, apt. Corner Of Sixth and Witorl istitiett. PITTSISUPOIr DIOVEL3ING STORY. /311:133 rOl Peon •nol wl. Clair .Ir,et.. ITM Nhsa risme parposer an be gta on reasonable loan,. )711,13 TO DOAT DOI LOEINaI. 100,000 feet S , ,mtened Deck Plank, 100,000 lett t.eal lout !WIN. rule 67 ROBERT NIrl(N11111T, Mtnrn, wt 1.. w. Fnueth .1 MED= T IE nif•lctl rnce7 s et; t h v w: l l l l A l rt , o u p:i . ll 6 to i r i W. dare,sout gro•tex of Wool, by I'os frill:owners and consignee* of goods arriving by We Calicos` Pon.. Boat C mg ,ri tate notice that they veal be required to pay freight at covr antrebouve, ancortling to the egpy beiore the goods arc C A bIeANULTY A. CO POIDIC, OLD Fltit.NOlß BRANDY, Suitable fur Illttliesnal Puepwei.• TN these mkt) Clint', the above 11.101 . 10 irequently I rebutted 'lle ettbseMbers have Mot n talc. at, Um Dot or per bottle, wbieh they know to be gebnine; It was bought by themselves in France, raul rare as wbcn they banallt it. alOalliti A IIaWORTO, Tara Wt. blercbartu,easmude of tin Diamond. engin ArIORRLS & HAWORTH, in the TAarnond. have LEI )att tieciecd Hari the anyone., . 4th th„, erße nipple of exter.oni Rlack and theca Was, orthah they arenow retallins from trio original chews at tide and per le. Tb ,, der ony In tbo trade to bout :It aardur at th e to w. VanY Po li ett the pox. bo to compare nos Teas Wi. mote purchased clae• where at natiO pIETORIAL FIELD BOOK OF THE REVOLL;- 'l.triory°,l:n:sl;l7l.74, f ine_ .0 • and itrla4rx" of the o i l the Wag for Ludepends= d Letspn.l2.o.ning, .0 - r" E 'V`Y l iTC.7.tebirs :by Wig.: D INZ rtudy f... 71 1 0 . 11. & ;10a, sila by cats as In a • II 110PKIND SURANCE. By th• Proshim, of th• Ilkolvod btat•o. T N pursuance O n o aw, ACII ARV TYLOR, Pre sideat of the m] States of America, do hemhy declare and make known. that Ouhltd 'talcs brid et Me me taed Land Olices in the toote of - kiIt:MOAN, nt period. hereinafter designated, oau-• At the Ler it (Mee at SA ILT MAR IF. fnr the shake Sonerior District commencing on Mon day, lb. sixteenth yof Sept oilier next. tor the pima! of public lands sittil the following named tomimbipm, am— IABCIIAHCK Norils of roe Lose littft, and v.", of tho Fo- y.,! uru/lan. Township forty f. , ; g end fractional township. foil, Sit and forty seises, of ranee two Townslnns forty five and for y rat, and fraelmits: township for. ter., of range three Marital:no fons six, and fractional township fort, ! seven. of range four Townslito. forty and forty seven and fractlor al ...thins fifty and hiy ono, nf es nee ' five Ft - notional township. forty seven. iorty men, fort nlne. fifty. and fifty one, of range mix Townships for. eight rind forty nine, and fraetioni township Ivry of ritnec sev-n. Fraction. iownthttis I.lrty 1111, on "Hog ' and-forty nn Ist and,” and townshtp forty bac 01 ranee right Frartional iowlishins thtrty nine snit forty on Rec'' and (hid." itlitods. and forty throe OP th. ni.ii taint. and townships forty four and forty Corr, of ran* , Fractional townships thirty nino and ro,,y 00 "00. den" nnd-‘l.onnw" Istantiv.anil leern•llipa lorry three. lorry 1011. end ha.l) five, of tans. n Fractional lown•hipt ,11.1 on le!snil, finny -1.1-1. " oral Isiontle, and forty ait -00 'wok.. and toot f o rry titre, forty lour, and forty Else, of rang, elover. Fracnonti ns r %An tlit•ly richt on "1:ull th e re, 10,t, 'lllll i•Url.11110 lown.e.,Pe loft, tbrre, lofty fear fort) fly, r mar l.r .rr Fterlionel township forty., on the ILaln land, of ran, Filtee.n. Frnrtionol townslttps thtrty nine and forty on thr la >ln nand, of fern. seventeen. . ' 1411/. •11•• 1.11 . ayaut, and V every, at rot • U. ARGIUTIINOT I=l MELO LAND SALES, , Fractional townrhips thirty eight, thirty nine. !or ty, and fatty one on the 111/.11 land or range eighteen rear-tinned toaftlattip• nn '94nuner . ntl "Povett," dome seven low I . oliott - nottintot" Island and an yam? owl thirty mi.* thirtY htoe. an for on the man, tan.l. and tow n•nin• forty one, fort two, aul lolly three. of tauge. toonteen Fracimond toren , dopq mime mt 'a , t Me run, and *lion" island, Mary %neon on an him o' :+am • nr" i•LAIlti. thirty mph% on Ms.-main land. thi,t. nine heel mune the I.dand reeti - nor Raven on meee re eight) and forty, nua aownabip lorry thre-e anam Mtnd of range twenty Fraeuottal .ay thirty eight, thirty nit,. and forte on the Tam land, of range meray one. AT T111 , ,,A.51F. PLACE eotornettedur Moo dm, the tbutimh day of Sep.ernher r. tor Me dirt , 1.•1 of um rabid. land. Nerd., the fomain, named war. ridor . and Inmonnal tow:tabu', in wo Nor'). of the 2,4. line, ono , trym .% the prowip.4/ Fractional th:ry flee an.l thi) on the main I Ind, of ranan ivecn•T Fracoonst townalnpa lent y u,rrr. Ow, four. thirty five, {OW p khati .Ir, of ran,. innnn: Awe. Fractrottal townshros thirty taro and th rty tbryr on the main land. and levrarlups thirty four and army Itve, rarte twervy Fraohonal toteeslorto Onr r , oire, om turn three thrry four •ol thrrry Ityn on lho moo raw! ur .1 roarnettip• forty •r.r. forty ire•en, •nd forty etibt. ul fort,e twenty ...wen Ftaentrnal townebtp• ttorre arirty tbree, end tn,rreven. land rowrennor thrrtt y.n,orty ‘ll, fort, Re•en, ltd Inriy ere ht, r I r•nee weir, rfebt Fracoonal to triartntw Orr, w-yen. richt. r Om) , ilino,•rnitownyhrot tort% nor. forty tarn. fort) rbree. forty tosr. font fire. t rrry trw.lorry .e roll, land ferry tight, a morn twenrr nyre Errtersorra • towro•b.or :tory moo. town•lap forty. fractions. , terwrorbro rq rn•e, wortz ;.• Iwo forty three lortt lorry (...ty urn - . rerry O,Or•Gtrio, and lor, trar , ..01.• 0; •ent.oo• natty het tt At •li. at tl.e eurer of hie bat( lb. :awn rto ip Eny dr n or rOnn, lb. ty I F raevonal tow...ape tnnly nor.. forty, and forty to, fort forty two 1.. rt reree tor I .t tee, fort, rui, folly rw.ven. urn fe rt, <lea. •nd Isar •orllci, nt er trr ter . ”. no - "" let•nr, Y. tow . ...L... Into ~Ift, tu.rtt tree AT TIIE atworeernr on Ilonda, the foutte.colb d.tyeit. ID( lir 0,00 , 01 , •the {retake{retake land. atto •.-1 r ~0 ,•1 0,00 , 0 • nod r•ortine• . ...weyhr, ger,— 1111=Min= Fnatwvl L, n.I. 'Pony rt.t enA lotarnflttp. fart, two tatty atm .t ~ tatty lyr. t. , t Lvr, .tl,l mug.. tootty wyruiltipt ti:ly a. 4 4 r,T two. ul rr.nve , Vra , towasittrot ant two of rune :Imo, toot Totelontin SPy ot Wee tort, o` , . Frarum .I toornodo for, tonm, 'arty tune •nd Loy ..t t+nge for ty • Toloo.•ir for., oc‘ol.. rrocto , oal toarttston fort,' a.d towns , ,ina luny otsm and toly, l more dory n•ree ..Y. , •• , no.• aol r•og , to, ottr lownotnno !GI A unea, utrty aod Intl r rte, and tracnon.: t,o'nohtp . 1 ! 1,1,3 retry Etaeloolal toaro.anna for:1 10110 mod Lily, of range forty • oonal terarnobt , a forty st: and forty aeren, to •al tp fort, e,gitt.. tru•• Ito tt•'l• rutty nm '.""" n ar y tuonalona forty aeye•, fora otght, and fatty trot, 01 11000 I r ..rtY e.g.° Krarttona ....tub, for one t.t of ranee f0r..7 otne At rue Otod ochre nt commtontog on Nifll' • day, 1.1, of Ypi.m ,rr no .11, for tor Otlionoll or th e rot.nto land• ontina tbe •ndornienttOned Iron , too.• , I , ern , ttsr. , a'— ! Noon of 1/.• L.... 0 /Irv, caul sr. f rid goyarynt Rtrunr4 nre and i•••.., • 1,11 .erle, of 11,e. and • ••••,,, are,, liii•tre,..lotirteen.twep, icur,my R•r. en.. thirty ume, -t re. hat, .• „”qtropr.o..l t.y i••••• the • I bebool.. it t.< ex,•ulcd Ole rue ...feting nf the ann . , m•ll.•nnre Lend• wl'l Le eel deyv, and pro reed in the ender to to, ere •dv•roa•fl. env ••nrela dtvnin,c vnn, the nr,ole vlven envc nee° Di. ie/cd 0.4.4 the ou,r• .I.cs Dot 1.0 wile thsil I.c ivnt oren then twn weeLL n...d no rtorale try el env er the ',ma.. yr& let &dunned It:ann . ., i.eL ricnrattnn nl two (nven under my Card. It the env or tVevk.vrgrton. Unstlarteennd•T of Jana, An. Llanula one thousand ensLt hotilred sni fifty. Ity the Prev•Jrut J RUT VOMLOINItiIIe r al the liererel Lend (Mee ; rIrE TI, KNIVI . IO , I CLAIM ANTS, F.very per.. er.Otted to the 11.4 ht of pre-etopuoo to any ol the 1....14 m.ittio the ta.rnAtoo• .d frnetnn. to.n•hips mhove etotro,ntrcl reworele•tsh . o , h the me In Um reit.liteloo, Reg.., and Itc eels, r of the proper Law) taw, loot male payment thereror 'root e• Ormetwaltie after nrelll4 l hi. miner, aid before the day nprototed for the comateocentrot of the puhlte male of the land. eeththethe the thee, cialsued, otherwo, .etth els,. not he foreited. .1 ItUTTF:IiPIFLIJ, .IwOtirriNOll•tioneT Dearatertt • A ors•riersta Poultry Hook. fi , HE Poultry 4143011 0114 EOl.O liteedert . Ileina a treat.. on Lae Breeding. Ham,. I:eneral Manager. en 04 Doinc.tio Forris, with ou. marries original deeerip,ons and Portnits from Lite By John id Helmer', L D. Thir wort wit! he found to rontaln, rreater amount of or aria other oi,ormatton. 1.11 praerie•l useful, i n n regard to Fowl Breeding, then if ' , nut." In o'l other metre. mu; as ingather It w.II i , e Mastro...l with nearly Fifty Portraits of the tr,.ti ehoire varieties of A 11141141111 end Foreign Firer, some forty of mynah are from life, from drawin, n take caper:a:ly for dos work, of the most Important breed, and wanted of them from !awls very recency mported. The publarber, have spared no egeense to bring out Our work in a , upr nor 'nol, onto in regard to Me engravings, Inn went. of thc w and the pen rat raeculleri of carry part or the boo oe, t. And It it ocher rd that the work wilt be found to etisituri runt , pow.. rat informatioi, on Breeding arid Sturiag ng Fowls, than any work trored in this country. For sale by JAV It LOCK WOOD, je2l Bookseller and Importer, 11.4 !'ourtro 11UNItIourrs COSlVlo: o .—Cosomij a Sketch of • I.l.ysical De•eription of Inc Univeire. II) Alex. Iluutholdt Tra.lmed by lAtte. 2 voil,r/mo. last 'excised for sale y b 1 I.OCRWOOT) laltl Book•ellet R Itennro.r. Int ENGLISH & 1 0 1 L Lr , ..V.:1!: C ROC k W 110 pig. Y. 11. Imp. Blear his H ~ M. R. Re ousi m tGunpowder Tea.' lOU In 4 aat do) 115 br. Tuberro L • .... 15 l en do do; lOU bags Rio Coerce; 1151 o.!. Zama Currant, 710 brbt :' , l t) M01n...,t.c 15 talcs F.. Vin ) 75 100..1 N 0 So.tur; 15 do ltraTil r% ut ~ 210 tmges a....orted noon IS dd Ftlbert,; Wtudow Lila.; ,1W dO Yen Nutsl DENNWTT, RS, No 41 Wood .vent til I,li shelled Alorandir, 1. , 9 hit Hock en. 1111); Baia..l.lquniiN., 10 M Prilllpee& Cigar": • Mipce, 'amp f.w Iles; C. 16 ranner4' 0 I n Chnen!nte; lOW At Ifni( Siozniolo z ISeJ Copia; 3 Lae (Roars; 113 Id and in Rape; 2 cane Namara; laniard ellOCOiltle; 3 reroane Indigo; gs Pepper; 2 caw. Lemon Syrup; g. Alsace; • 25 ftliell Pr pper snort herring; . IU emote Tomato Catoap; Is Votegar; liround Spieee of mlll'lllo4. let Se adMenet; 40 barrels powdered at..l 4 Starch; [A'S' Sugar; to Mee; 2 Mom Madder, to Chalk; 10 bole Whiting; anal Pots; well or. general newsmen! of Pitlehereh faetured articles. aa-TI A PIIIIVSICIAWS TERTI2I.OIIV. AVE FOUND MITRING IV fitellAl. THEM . . Ihhacaoceii, Va., March ii, c. 30. if if V.. SIiLLIIIIS-1 have dicohod of aii th. Carle, Syrup and Liver POI. you Imo mc, r ii.• I a of the Vormlfugw. have used all your Family Medicine. in me?unilly, •liiic also preuriboil them if my procure; I am much pleased with them, and bate found nothing • uul flora. Send um h. doa of li•oar Vaninifuge, and . • a each of the Liver Pills and Corti:lol.P. Respectfully - your., • tract of Letter.) ' i T. T. JAmson. Ow highly popular medicinal mu blab. , et the tletori lt il 0 EllaLklitS, 57 Wood at, and Druggist. rally In the two cities and aleinity. ar4 p gilt:L - 40i beta 01.1 W i aiii - Will; - TEr.;;7,1 1• aupenor quality, suitable for soap muting, lust .. - veld and for tale by JOHN Me PADEN te. CO 1019 . 350 Canal Ilihain. Penn at f IitALIC-2 toss Jost re& . csedfor sole by ' %./ 1110 J S.:1101/NMAKPR * CC. l ioTAiiji: - ;* ORA - I - pans forgot° by M VA We 1 H , by J 2 '4' 1 : M 4„ -."x. ,- r--- CO miLLER. kifitcKiisoN Off , 211 it. VI Liberty st CLARET.—.3I - at JIIIICII blvd.." 33 bas Margaux; ii.t Teed Ina .ale ae Add MILLESI ARICRF:TRON MlRlngeli - Wiitit;-7a — Na.rinAenl ol Paeling ./.7 wnnagnt Cal.., Collura and Cada, loe reed at 030 A A MASON A CO.'3. RlCE — Prahl=k bags P . O. grovad, Fare Rile roar, ~.a rm..' and for tale tit )y2O Wad A MeCLURq .t CO. 350 Libeng st. ml:srAni , -1 “ea .dloorerde Aroma Vete." •dd Nodded, (layered void, danced herb. received o and (or *ale by , rli; W 11( A bIeCLURO k. CO, tela Idheetv LINSEMONIe-412 AlZ9glol,rsailleiws, Ira 017,W044110413111 ua WIIITE GOODS FORDREOOBS. re BUCHFIELD Invite the attention of der ladle. t h eir •stenalve sueortment WI Re Gonda for Ih meting of Scotch and 9 •Inv ngered Swine dn Embroidered do; VlCtOliel Lavern; Low Priced Barred Jactonet for morning drermen; ft, rnit firsoltert do; and n large orortment of Same. Muslin.. with endured moltmoderv; printel incensing, Law., %redo, ha., at mil east corner of Fourth and NT,rkng cirCell4. M T.l .u ll o l;4Y e t7 n lll.Tß . l l ll ,, F . ll:..t.. , D , h , aa c c b rL n e p r n e_d a a , I: . r y /r i c „ Mown at I tic: light do. in grew cnricly, tor In to loin Also, etW•roidered and printrd Mn,lin. analorkonnt, of neat and newest styles and towed once Co:qualm, and north east entree of Fourth and Mark... an, TIIF. GREAT SEMI•ANNIIA L SALE OF DRY GOODS At the One Price Store of A. k MASON 81, CO, 1NT11t.7T.',f,':‘,°"„,'. 1 ,7.: 1 h%:.1,'",:,*. u . 111-7, Rpotn.. will, on this neeasiOn. be thrown open Inn {ices.. TRA-Pe., and all .1 awn,. crtentinn stock w,;11.1, &kmd en r,tailparvlia•crc at tP•count ar (torn to 30 per rent. le.. then a•tral price, 1111'.11t 6TOCK It StLIZS Compriae over I .. nr hundred piece., and will Pc bold at an iminen , c COW. • T'T,r Shawl., Bat, r, Thou, Gren• rochul Jncnncts. Cantbr co, and limos floods at:nem!' y. w,tl t,e rlesc,l inoratdloiely, al about cmc hull the usual r , •tc... 11 en•co rnot eniored Law. be otlei a: r. 2 do Barges, • 10e. 4 do 0101,11 de I..nineo, 10e Roperlor I.llgltnh onil Avneriennenliroen, 100 11e. 110 dozen Lin. Ilnudkerehmo., i',& Or. A inme lot of Wri ught Co4nrn..orne I.lliOP - n• Or. Tort,her will, .. eomp , ett. vitro, 8 , 1 Dotnextie and While ~ ,uods., 1111,0onv.110.te00 .J 610000, llonnel, fir, hr. , . Makin, In ill use of the inner ezterstire nssortnients in thecoantry, wLich be ...lied down to trench pr ee• than, any of their previous Annual Sraes irpTheStore %vitt he rloited oPnri ThurSdsl, nod Fr, Inv. May ,ith nun . .1101. for Ito purport, oh nrlk, 1. g and mlr,intr down stock. Na V•111•11,I . N Pal -1,4 A A MASON A r, 11 1 (110 1 ; . i %. 11, 13 11 1 : t i and stseg •act •, y dr' an ruddrcit • ueltt of the Inn., dc.ktuble allude%un • hey Rivim at grown In largeagsnrtm , .. awl r' MAI FR WEAR, o' dia.:real n Wm!, sod all erbteh •nlrl ;ow ...r1 PARABtIIRI PAEIASOLSI m1;111.111' 1111U(71•FIELD have ...erred arothr vapptv of arucle, knd a , . rombled to .00 pit nitno.t loty , 11! •1,1 color •1 color eettoted. and at th. lo•vr+t jelS Pat." Moir Olt Cloth Corr.Ay.ll,l of very b. , ho '^"m wfOeti C 11/Mat It, WM.IOII 01 J.l aL.Atrtia:D ott,,ug i•;;;./ jYl t s . t ß i l t; l rra t lly rr•Part , l r lawn. from o,r. op, 4.1.11•1311 , hinna from LOrrnt• rp. P • (.r1 . 40 U•taxror 14, , Llop tirt 1111.1... m. ." pro vnr•l •re In all nr.driatnme espy. of aim r F Jr... rood. .betop• prreAp.Pp.r!revehrtr N..1,A row nrur • al •ou•!. LLP•I ,r 1.3 p.ll xi COX,: :N Onve toyO .:dd. :ara, o l o: Va. Ind , • 13:::::ge de Loaco c a , ortotent of I•oauk:::.1 pa:v.; A .;:l.ot ouvot aml 511kr, eaol cl,afr SIIA% at ri L1T.1111 , 11 trohl [, A '!art Pr it•ooro End lileadacd 111:1:11ns, tic ant: upwetda, • Itontn•ro and Patonedr, at qrraill: to:laced prier. Vo.t ngs,of iLe bust quell:t7 remorl.•l.l, !ow. Norther voith a large clock of Ticktrgs. Apron and Corot.. cII UM , . and 131,e - I rd ohcand ?h l ‘,.. Ir.•h togcoltrro,::: a.: wt... l[le, oat at math ea.l corn.: of rourlo .n o d blxritet Ul.lll'lll' • lit'liC/11.11..1.4 , Ayr da.t irt nn rev• •tyl; l'odlard 11•. vrryrbrap. net , . pl.d. dad .'.4.ird •notracaln• a.m.,. r•wy and toahty: •uper pltz, an.) hid acn •E• tary•nrad 11••ce., I,ftre • Jr bevy and WO, •ome • •ty , <l, new gt)ir l'rench, /..dg:4•11, and Laant, gTral rattet,, dn.! .t •••• ,oton figarrd. and a s strip-11 lw.• Dr .01 Ili.. 411.1 lanin Itt•tres nif 3.1 atnaltartr, ch.rdats, prim., Etc., n, r•h en.l di Fourth and Nlantri st,r•t• A FRlalle.flriapply of Itlack and yad: reeerred t• 7 c tt • !1.• 'Dom .', at orth alai torn, .11- • a:. ,I•rten NI.; I 71.. f ,thitiVeHFlL 1,10 k,11.41 , 11N R BLIC:111 , 1i2.0 arc aaLlutx r.Kr.. IV/. •nd Dente rik U. Lainet at arc,' ot at. at kko:th east elroar of Four. soil SI, let .1% yas .B LACFE.—Extra wide medium •nd I , •rrow trorming La,., reed End for tale at Norileaat ot Four , b. .nd Nan let aircels toy sINNYHY & LIU Il.://11F.1.1., C05.•(.4 modElownea t itP RuItoIIFIEL9 hvet ere,rd d dwon+ , suppty of 41,0ve inr"od•nr. nrarloo. %Irk,. of Chwa, Pror!. A tonr,e, mod G•mp and Colort..ll.lmp do, pnd .td , ool'of ro'or• r.ce, ma, 17 f. rR I , ll:ll.PTll—tir , IA • 4-1 linor (4,1 Cloth, r Jo , l re...etv ,, : f.orr tor at 11,, Wag , ,Joul, No..] S Y Wood sue , 1. I 1 It IT PHIT.T.TP. 11 or nriNti titmu 71,11:R1'11VBC WAIFIEI.I) 11.•ete ttte nt want.g go,. for Nl.putmns , putp.,o-s, to their 'err p... , Tmeot rnce.ved, oucti us Meet Ilomonzwee. lunu`Pszne fin. 4 Mrtect,, Mouse de ;.aines, Mourntng Stlt, ae Prta;rd roulard, ••, • • - 11tragra, Th.iser, Stein.. Law, Alrrtellee, Platt! Illark aril rtmlml Law. Black limbron*ted do, Ribb , o, Sear( , ma)l7 S CL' t A te " : - 4 p.. F h scree." s 11 nrlCelorl;:c nt.l uovr opcmug by nA Al A , (IN &CO may!, Nlnrige., .1 ER= T--IWIET AtiAWL,enuporwr bwn CoioMli lila/. , i wl.,c.prmlng Cralt,t,lt. Or nog, PL., Mu, .. un.l C . , , ,, color d, pal. rrectem, pet ....r ,,,,, and th.• day Ginning by A A NIASON A. alo ma) I 7 A/ M.rto .._ . . . .)11 P1E.i11 , .: , P.m 111 Je rlnk, lir•rn. al r r.,,, .... ,, olored Itarege, tre'd ref ewe., gr 0 now upetsing ty %nay 17 AA MASON Pt V • Black Ore. Silks. • • ' dn; pc• tuch 10; ti pc9 34 trrh do; and 4 larrel 36 inch no. Lines. Illaildk•rc Met.. 4CO Jo - a . Cumbiie Oda., all prices; dn: Cirios' Jo do do deado do colored liordera; daY by A A NI Ai.O.iti CO mono Go Intim at. IAMIILII . LINEN t.usTRE.3-50 pea eliongealOO I.LNIIC3, at the cilrente low puce of 121 c et , Yo , di tnnyto A A AW.(IN 4 co . Irish and Drown Listens. Dxl rcs and 21,0 pre Li Ifrown Linens; LA per Grfl) ., Berkiny's, and Alexander's superior Irish Limn, now opening by tuayin A A ittOiON A. CO Fresh Arryrsa or bLrY pronow rerottrroulsage aritlanott• too. Hock of start:lg attd :Summer Orr tintufla and ate pro: wired to oder as excellent assorunent at our usual low ortuet Ins rash, or approved e radii The utvoltan of wevotrto floaters is pardealariy re• atstad to our roods, as we lent onalkfloot of teeth a u to to off, unusual induestatutts to make a hill with us. Cull and examine at ally !aft • C. YEAGER, 10A ,(veer Liberty ' ) ivrmacas aYY DrlLitilll AMI EN61.1: 4 11, AND GERMAN FANCY OOD Si 110,311.:IIV. nunioNs. I. AC I.:`, THREADS. CONILLS, uurroNs. bus. ?EN e. A leo, . Salim a nd Fano'," V•stlinga, BLACK .'I4I , ..FANCV CRAY AT:4, roNGEF, BANDA NN nand 1.1;4E:4 111,ES, 1,[1.11,i normem or CANS, 1.4 every v kriety ut mom/rugs. rrell n 0111.1 L A 0 CASKA pima and Ingored lineer. de I.aing, ageort k) nl cnno lenetved, and tcllmE ut very low nrt A A NI At-ON & CO LAWNS. g") CASKii (,el eoloied Lawns received end now oprideg i seliii.g ¢l o.te extreme low pare oh P eta per ,urd tunr.ll A A NAwUN6 CO • GINCJIIADIS. OCA3VS fast colored Ginghnins, rec i ii end selling et 12 ern. per yard A A AI A. & CO rnqyzi st. rime >l•ou.Aeni VI LW, ecar L.) r•lUce, !endow and for gale by [MOWN KIRRPATIIICK._ hp .I...reoners' Oil, cot /YU> tiROWN a KIRKPATRICK. LoWi —o cu./ dried Ilit rcrrived oand for .xle. I),ft, RS a MOONS. 7 ; tea—:l [Tit* Nn. 3 Stanknrrl;o Itnrron., Ll ,l 'l h.t.3.1.-L5ll-• • l. iTi l n 'h i , , ll 4 4 . , a re m 1.1114111; in dug 0/11CC udd,571 7 .0 L f's Errs-4 oda s btause,l .Ic . Neu, of newest style., also. ',Lon Was Netts, F. cab llh.sobs and Iltddnet., rncrl V, 00 UltritY truiteutri.ty.. ly 17 _w m,uys,;ZitU,nd ieaa7,4Ttreet Wont thn isuporuus t a n W In Philadelphia, and have now on , hand, al tb . e Pitt , il - butgb Funnily lirocery and Tea %Sarnqu e n , . eery linnet, an ...moo, or oyory .rtr?. Boon aot to bd surpassed tu Poiso Bile comports.. ranking 4•101,1 ;bah ..y kt mc r Tea. ',ill be found equal, If ant supdbor, Sara? price us the oily. wm t i r i'l , I:U[.co, /Yr, nl 6(II p I , SH WEAR •ora;O;rortincot ma, Worsted. onVjtotordr'm"rii:c. the store of (j yl7l Jt,III2ItCHFIr.I.P '' • la wn s. wadi lldtlggloga. LildltedlFLEA,D nave received a large 01 str:meant hirle and Vietnna talgingt and Laces; Loam Wort Thread Sobbing do; Va!tawny. do; S and Jacwel F.Agings; no leaeoungr: Figured and plain Netts: 'Want Silk do, ks.—to lebreS they rag the a.rnuonuf buyers. 1.7 Ft;°entielBv:ranbdrarl:aleTT's& eons brand, S C< lIARIIALGII --- Orli No 3 Mackerel, F IS"— : D b Heroingi Li Id brie Stud. (*rink bl li6OWN KULKFATILICN OVERNMENTAL PIL - 0 - POBALI POR A LOAN • OFIHE eleventh and twelfth .ctio. of thn Act of the 1 General AsseMbly of this Commonwealth, entitled oSt Supplement to an Art entitled an Set to mate a Stoki e'und End to provide fne the grad.l •nd certai n extinguishment of the debt of .the Comm.: wealth and to authorize a loan," approved the INit day of May A.l) tilt', provides u tolktwa,•ir ris4.-non 11 That the 11ovemnr to hereby mchoricid In negotiate clone for the rives of Three Million. Turco Hundred .Thousand D 0... redeemable m thirty years from the date of the aubscription thereof. ar a rate of Increct not exceeding four per ceotton per annum payable in gold and silver, semi-annually, upon the first days et February and of h year. and exempt front every species of taxation. n Noce, that croparrals for said loan will be received, shall Le published. in at least one nepapet In the Soronolt of tlarriaburo, In the Mws i. cf Pinsbareh, Longtime, and Philadelphia. and to the antes of New Vora, iloston,and lialtimore, for period co t less than three menthe before the opening a said ottman., and by letter elsewhere, If deeniednecessary , and open the day assigned for the:purpose,. such notice, the proposals shall he opened in the pr sta t of the Governor, the Secretary of lOC Commonwealth, and and d s loan shall be awarded to the highest bidder or bidders. If the amoant of the Ws shall exered the rum of the sold la. the same sh a il thviributed pro rola amongst the highest had dery but if the whole nu said 10an shall not then be taken the 11overaor may renew none,. la the mono' •feresccd, from two 1011111 n, till the whole 01110011 1 snot loan shall be subscri bed. No crinditional bids .hall be considered; and upon evesrding such 106(01, or any part thereof, certihroies with coupons for the Interest, shall be issued therefor by the Auditor f'or rah Saertom IS. If the said loan .hail he subaoribed. it et•nll be owl it a herby uptooprtoica for the payment and ex ingur.nrnegn of the funded debt of teas Con, monsernlth, Mow due. or to become due, dunar the veerue thousand eight hundred and htly, and for the payment of the sum of elehty Gee thousand one huh died and fone dollar* and eighty eight cents, dm to domestic nredaora In pursuance en the provisions nforessid, notice is keenly given, that proposals wth be received at the ~:flee of the Secretary rif the Commonwealth mad 4 /Velvet P H. of Tuesday. the first day eflletober next, s ti pulating fora loan to the Commonwealth. for purroses set forth in the said set, of the rum of three ralltioi: three hundred thousand able co ml,. y years from the date of the .en. I;J[fCof, al rate of tuts., not erreediene four p . er re', per annum, pay Ode in gold and sliver, Ben. •1110000, upon the first dos of February and Maori e }ear, and exempt cram every species of tux- atio.i of stock far the raid loan, with coupona ilitrre+l will Lie issued to Uxorial manner and ma, transferable by the owner Tl. ,on the books of the Thelit nese!, Departmer.he proposal* will tierequired to state eatilietlY themount offered which shall not In any ease be Mrs amo Man one thousand dollars, the rate of Intertst not I , ording four per cent. and Me premien! proposed. The mate reserves the tie , to aeire Pt the whole or any part of the rate odered antes, the proposals sepsis la te to the contrary. Bids tar the loan most be dire, and .0,, No conditional proposals will lie received. Upon the arceptavee of the proposals. the money must be polo into the Nom Trenat re, in 6 sieh manner oliall be dire c ted by the Governor. Certificate* of stock will be mined in such am ants as nay be requested by the lender.. Tun proposals to be directed, smiler seal, to dna °dice, endorsed, “proposals for Loan" They will nt tit opened or diiclased until the period for weeets g Mein has elapsed, after which no alterationin the erns will lie admitted A L $t USSELL, Secretary of the h. firrrrtary, Vth.•e, Ilornroa'K, Jove Gth, je I ..1..111,7 , _ _ RELATITO TO AN L)IONUNIKOT or TX H•CONSTITOTICOI. 1) ESOLV FA) Ir ih. Ortote aod 11000, of lloprovfoio- Ito." of the Uototoottorool , lt of rootsolvoroa to lisuctol o,ortbl, met, Thal thr GA:01(ot. f tho Cumarooo - botofocode.l to Ih. tocood scctiort A. aolde, trokt rood oo follow tt Tlof Juke. of doe Supremo Cowl ; of 0,) 50v...)1 Court) of , tosr, acid or .00h .t!“ loir aof 'Record 1“ he hr *halt De cstaloWe4 15.., shn/I the qftelifted eltchrs of the Commit, rtes./I,thechoer wit: The Jukes of he ttoprehte Co hi urt, by he 4.1,6.1 <lotion of the CuLatiaLC r faith .t Litre; the Creeslcrit /high of We when! thotlf of Cocoa= P 1.., :aid of iocli otlice C..'hrte of accord as hs. - • rr shall be minhlisLed by lam, and all ether Judges required In U. homed is Is. Inn • y the q.lthod Meehan of Ilse ds•ite conr whs. lb. are in prtaide sit as Juldm, and t he A.:stave Juli e n of the Cot. of Cumuiets Flees by the quiettGad elsrturs of she racoon respsictlvely The indeed o tit !topmost Crum shell hoist their eithe s r the t ruis of Iftem sear, if t cy than so lo theathellm t 11 , ieubject to the adotmect het-salaam rte stlet fir, outompinut h he lint. elestssont the rresid•st .1•4‘.. •..(1!. atm ral Courts ef C thymus PI., sad ss solar s:norts i.f Record as are or that, Imeetabilihid t, mol .3..1 or Jokes required to by homed silt leo, slid • 'ld their Of the term of teu ye—rel.. tray sh•:t 40 too, behave them will: the A•staastes jut!. ati s of Ct.. 4". . 1 1... n :lea. • 1.1, than ..t,on • s...mise!ossd by she thomout, too to. asst stmt. Ma .1,, wont. shall cod bo nativist of fic sts is/toms:l tiomthor shall ,gy.4., of 11.. a L.O ••ai/t••• af tloeds of eat brunch of the ...ea • As the firm elietson shall take pia. at the I• • /!Vjt:l.l - 1:ii• Cu 5512.. aids vat after ths adop ts assmolonat. thd the mancitsmstot of all the dad. wisu they be thus sts oak. shall tease oa the fine 31,0.1.) Of Derember tullore •ts the It shot the new J sot, • shall remission, T. perms. who that! On" bit chess, JuJr• of the demon t mat shall bold their odic. Igor r the of them fur three year, or fora o Irma, •tor nose years, sass Gar twelee years. ant me for fif ems yosm, list terth of each to be ascolird by Int by the mid Juel,s, as mem after the err, m es movenithi, and the re sod certified by them to the learn., that thriemaddrsions 1131. smis.d nmordthee thereto. 'I a c lodge who. comasnioo .111 first sapaie stall be Chief Justice doriog toe term, ~cal thereafter meth's*. sth.r roconiamon I Inn Grit sepses shill so torn be the hbief /units, thd tf two or room commtmioess shall spin cm the Malt day, the Judea 1...1d0l them then dem.• by lot se- cis .hall be jiv, Chief Any nenetr hsl.peumg by death, rcsidnanon, or mimeo. so m of the id cones, *hail :se idled 4 ) ep poratmeo. by °memo, , WI th e hmt kloo. um c l lOmcutiershiectiloot th e ai ter, serk,re unt The lsosnc• of -he Sumi. cos, arso she Pre limos oft e • e mal • torte :it Cocain n Plea. shall, at stated seu.m, mom,* li, host ..Mt n• u ad. qua. emynas otos, to h heed by lam, loth shell co desonsolod donor (lieu rsmttossauts offriet hot they .. r,, m gosh.. pi,u sees Of otter, or hall any other office es , pront under Mos Commueserealth, or tam the pp...risme. of the tholes, Sint, or any other Slate of lilts U niou The 1,0 of the Sermon s'oo•t. du .or these rout orsoci so odor, shall mode maltose this C., umorsoithl, the other .1,0,, during their tunitho. en, o th er s . hall ri oda nil... the ut. men m et rooy for who:. sa they - nem respectively eltele.l. J S ICCUAI.:IIOPt T, N 0.., of the It not of Herm. otqfires, V WIT, Noakes of the Senate. SanaTlE I Harrithor, !mum I.Faint:el W. Pears., Chief Clerk or the 9. ate of I , ma) is mos do beret, met') flat e oriegumg reroluifou, N. lot vo •he Mom, file of the present remora,/ ....led ../1,•444110p mlative to sto am. udaient or the Conaitutiot,” —it taint the um* reeolutro which vras amred to by a ina nt[ o,t the :minter. elected to each Ileum of the Ina lagsslatom—after Lawn g Mtn doly eon. acted and die cussed, ay. du agreed to by • nrojsrly of the mutaars elem. to mod scr•iog to Dm Senate e relent•esslyn, a, *pp m, ba their vote. gum oo We oral gt.mge DI the rerolumm, Its kalotf. em -7 l,.st mow in Favor all. pump oithe rosolutiou were, IL -tomes M.A.. J . rotter Urawlet, M illiam A. t nob, Lit,..hst J. tn 11.4155.1,1%,.. loritioo, I MSS 11, Forsyth, Chutes Frailty, Bras, NI. Filet, Henry Fulton, Joon W kiyrylisty. tllmak Hulett, lase ilegoe. Timothy Ives, Jodlo• Y. Jou., Joseph botamothee. Orut . ta Lawrence, Mozwell Reojmnio Mahar, Ilmatenzi mithi s s, Homy A. Nlohleberg, rocker, Wiliam R. Sadler, Davit Slastry, Peal Suety, Catroul Shinirr,Razert C. xeeeeelt, 0.11111 sear, Farris B.Strerree, John H. Walker, and Y Menton, I . Speak•r—Yeta Thou g agmart the pounce of the resautam were, (Joorre Dottie, Ammon, Drum, sod Atemoder Eon— :Nut Eaton from the '..inns). 8.4 MI. W. PEARSON. Clerk. loTelt MO.r R.Pttutrra.avc., j .rrithort, March 14, ttiNti. 1, Witham dub, Chief Clerk of the House of Hem. setimrtee, o f Piroraylmnia, do hereby certify that the fore go ut moslution, 5190. In on the Senate foie, and No 911 ro Its llomaJoutml of Me present minion ) ciliated "Reso lution telsore to the mendinent of Me ibustoution;:'—it bunt the tante resolutio,, which nu agreed to by ammority of the members elected t • each Homo of the tot Legisla ture—aftla hating been d'ly cm./ timed and ditenssed, thisway weed t. by • majority of the member. elected to and 0,1.4 to the Home of Repreurataime Poo, 1- ani., at as putout /union will appear by their rotes, rams the nusl kns age of tha se troaises. Tic:— Those g en GT, of the passage of the resolution were, I John A rime., John AMU', Wi.lisort Balser, Rubert Baldry io, J heat. Craig Biddle, Jereoziao Black, /oho IL Bowen, ICaliturt Unodle, Donal Ile B Uwxtr, Jew. 11. Bower, John Crew, Henri Chureh.Jant B. Couynglonu, I:ridlitod, Bmazinin G. David, Dob bin, Jana. I' Dome, Thomas lhoscoo, William Dunn, Willmot Rape], John C. F.VIIII, WiPime F.nta, A. Scow Alesonder 9 Feather, Jam.. Flowers, Donjair to P. Fortner, 91e•noder Otltmory. Thomas L. Uner, Joseph E. Credits. Jueph iisß.y Jacob S. Haldeman liersige 11. IturL Lr2ort llort. Jot.Huuvgs \P ills.: J. Hespbdl, John Hedge, Henry Iloplet, [Alt. IlerLrd. Weaangtoo.l. JuNton, Jum Jobo W Kalinger, Char.. E. Kinkead, Robert Klotz, Hama. P Laird. Morns Leech, Jom Mom D. Lett. Amon Ltimaid, Jame. J. Lewis, Hear, Litt`, J.ll It. btitChnoock, Joh. P BCCialloth. Aleguider C Nl'Clerde, John NI 'Lou:lain. 50115 MIA., Samuel Mara, Julio 13 Meet, Michael Merin, Joho Joseph C. Mosauy, John D. More., Malmo T. Maris., Radial Mow, Edward Naliteson, Jamb Nioly, Charles CaNteall, John B Packer, Joseph C Jame. C. Raid, John ahoy, Lewis liokeria !.marl Robiuma, Joho B. Mahon tord W nenfald, It C Bcoollte, William Rho ffuer,' Rielosrd blimp..., Eli Slifer, William Smith, Wdlum A. teeth. Daniel 111 Smut Willis. II Bonder, Thom,. (S Steel, David Blowned, Chutes Stockwell, Fa. Win Tient< Arolrew Wade- Robert C. W. 1.., Thomas Womos, Mdory LI Wells, Roam A William. Daniel 7.e toy. ma Joh. 9. MeCtilmota Brealem—Feu Ito,. 'maim eglitre llte roam,. of the reeolotwo emu, Act. .... K. Corny I, IhnolErmo.and Joint. NI. Pouter— Eatiut from the Journal WILLIAM JACK, C 919. suncKiErr er_ WHITE, Inl W.o,lorrrt lld 31erth 13 IPrA, A. W. DEN EDICT, Dep. flee'y of CoemotAmllln Yesaagaratot• ay. do cartory *hat thr abova and ronlyaing la • trot: env rootrort to., of the original revolution a tn. °glottal Aa y. 4,11.11.1 rd itratlonou relator. to au azoortathnen t of the Vonstintivo, to at the um* renovna on Ala in Ilia otraen. In iestortanag votaerval lam hem.. ael / •. hand wool almost! to bloated the seal of th• Berra , tarate Oka at Ilan 'shorn, hi hared lay of June. Anna Dountit oat thaunnot aoaht narra atoll folly. A illiArf.tolo,hoocretaay of the Corromonatraoth. tegiallavoloraNt . _ FOR the. onv..,Jenee at the etwero.. th e of the khttehorzh thtv no pi.rra boxes for the theepnon o(0, der* at the fh:lnothr & R . FlOjd, corner of Strri mud %Vaud eaects Ji floyothrd,thoe *we, cor. Lthcrt7 Martxt etc A peelen, stare. Tiled eo Seel. W•feoi,jr ..lro,,tet. the Fool - th.k t John F Pmtth store. come: he. Teirginph Oilier, Earn h II C Pcfili at, e.t.a, of hla“et alley AI rave, once, Penn %nee', a,nn,.Wa rd. The Oar sninearicia will call pair, or thrice daily (or orders, and the dour, r verrd promptly, either in barrela SAG lis—sa,lr floor Iv preferable for family ate—with., charge (or e•naire It is plain that no seem:lan can lit allowed. and that drivers can have an parritintion to Ira ar tear 'mahout payment We hope thn politic will he pleancd iteltb this or. mtg.:pent, m we shall endeavor to do them io Wee. maysl WILNIARTII k hOlll.ll Btrigitparilla Bodo .4 Lemon Syrup 20 kegs Sarang non a nods; 23 las do: 20 Nixie Leann Pymp,msde from Pare lemon iohrei loat*lpiallid and for see Di WA' DUlsisla VOL. XVLXI. NO. 36. IT NOW all ann,Wito are tint . sedateleted with des vire or t h e bladder and I Olney., with tiltehmwder pote m back or Itrehr,Adenurots, old sore; 'running ulcers. &e t that theyean be VIM by taking thil-Pai tridental You may talk alma tits be• . eg a - newetm to couch as you please, hat this does ml make itto. the we proclaim in tke Mee Of an tartest .eatagtheiry, that It h. virtues Which •re no, contained am any Wm: remedy. The man Who Is racked with Min Md tering from disenza,'ean for srty cents. got roller Rom any of the Ills ennainerated eboae. Reader I It earth very dole to make !trial. This Petroleum (a no mix. tlire—no compond, pat op for the memoa animating on the comr-maltykbut it is a remedy elaborated by the master hand of nature, and bribbleaup (rem that,. torn of oar mother earth In It. original purityoutd or. ten to muttering lanthenty si ready moody,. memo and cheap cure. It has cored Pile* alter other medicines have halm to render any relief.. It has carat Rheumatism of lam standing, and of the worst and most pained chandler. It h. cared Cholera Mottoes by one or two dimwit It has cured old cases of Diarrhea, In which every other remedy hat been elm avail. Asa local remedy In burn. and scalds, II la better than any medical eons. pound or ointment diet we knower . It will cure chd blainA or finned root, In a few applications; mtdoabt• eJ te.almoity can be furnished of the truth contained in the above stew:Met by calling on &mud Ida Kier, Cs .1 Rosin, 7111 street; ar either tithe agents. Keyser tr. hieDnwell, cornrr"af Wood street and %%wan Alley; R. P. Selleci,S7 Wood street, D. A.O. lint at V M. Carry, Allegheny City, are , the @gems 1.11-:dt;TY--it Is note sally conceded that beauty,. more common in than country than Many other, while at the carte dine tt rs azte.tha till no other Boca Ity ts ti lost at 53 young an age Now this la true En retain stent,but the less is often caused by no - elect. We say to nil, do not neglect your persona I ~,,,, r entneeybut read the following, and yen need not lack toad Maks. three articled, see scientific pre parations, and havc.all attained a blab popularity. into. il•trnee Eau Divine at V.Ca•SD NTIMI tt•r removing, tan, sonbarn, pimple., blotches, and other erdpuancof the than; Lb& maxi protect con serystor of beauty every 1.001/e. Purchase nothing purporting to be hiyanph SO*, sinless it has say name attn.-bed. JCL. Its um.'s PrtritaS ea MIMIC POUrnsa, for parting to the rens. Latinos cot:splint. a rwitant while/leo, In nothing should person be mom care ful man the use ii . powder for the skin, many or mote road are veryhmonnoe My Chinni., Powder to compounded In a reientih: mannerism% contains no torrd:rni which cit. yuiuililt maim •n injury dire, Ift 1/Irl,Lxio. I . olVoalt. for re. 1114.0( pupratuous Lam What Is more ormithllY thin hat. upon the fare or urine of a lady. This •rtlele wtli II in a shod:time, W.:401.II the von of arty sharp tuairoment • IftellaTAlV. O,IM. lirrELA FAMILY ',LOUR. MEDICAL PILOtLABI aTION. /die S'eca Cue. Lmeriu Moe Lisa will inigantaneous,y impart be red, white, or gray tele, beaunfullv black, brown, or tinhorn color. It will enler the hair in a shorter lime, and mom effectually Mimi any other Dye. beangot the umnaire biddable. I Su•vine Causi —lt in really.. plea sure to shave withlhei eream. There is none of the %aflame. experienced in the UM al meet :lamps. On Me cuilimerv, it logy e • ihe akin smooth and rah as an lilted's, and int liable to become charified. Jet es Nap wa in Parr..—Next to the hair, we think thy Teeth were iniendent ibe greatest erne. mem to the'huniell (ice: but when neglecteel, uoMing .° disbmiring open Ideal! seen. fily Rosa Tooth Paste will teepees t 0 the Meth a pearly whileneu, the setaenom keeping Me gumaltrus and healthy- Alm on band, a complete aimriment of French, Bowie, and AinerMan Perfumery and Fare? amide. Chestnut JLLES.IIIAUF.t.., Fernand and Chemist. 12 , 3 street, Phil& For sale wholesale and retail, by It. A. Co., and R. hi. Fuller., Pitt•bargh; /ohs Sar i gm. and J. Moneta Allegheny City, Pa. hen—pp I.lerptala or Klux s Rbeentanrte, Obstinate Cuts bcous Lire?tubts, Peoples°, Postale. oa the Face, Blotches, Web, Chronic Vile Eyes, Ring Wage, Or Teller, Beget Head, Enlargement and - Fein et! the Cones end Join., Otublient Ulcer, BypiffilUo Symptom, Sciatica er tertffittgo . ,—ned diseases arlung front. inindleinus use ot Mercury, Arl ene... Deeply, Exposer, or Imprudence in !Me; Also—Chronic Cenatitertional Disorders, fee. This metimine . 'kets acquired a very extended and establishedrepel:von tettetrver It has been abed, hared entirely i . e own merits, which Its superior efficacy ha. aione reNained. 'She enter:agate Cedes or hsreditar. atteu,s, with. imetilen glandb, contracted sinew., and bone. italf canoes, her beee manned So health and Instr. The sere:Mous patientirmland with slcen, loaternme to I:maid/ and his agendas/la. has twee made: whole. Hundred, of timers; oho trod groaned ladoelcivly Per yearn snider cutantone end sit, addle, .41torderA, chronic rheumatism, and many other contplanto ern:nixing from a derangement of the secretive organs sad the cumilation, have been ratted as it seers tram the rack of disease, and now, Ivan regenerated constinnion, gladly testify to Wet efficacy of On. Itiebtimat le pleparation. "rRUTIIII gill Affitlltit CHAN FICTION" The atter:nen Of the reader,. called to the following asten.ishieg cute, edected by the use of AMA.' SIMI, Pratha, -tots la to cattily thnt I have a colored woman who has been stbieted for the Iwo Eve year. with Scrofula, and all the remedies 1 used bat no elleceita attesting the ptogresn WI the complaint' on the. °nutty, she constantly grew worse; mod altar expending between $7O and 6.1 with physicians, besides using other popular remedies without success, till the dictate had aten away the cartilageor her nose, made its .71 pearance on tattoos poem of her body, and had Finally commenced o,tavages In the loot of bee mouth In this dreadful situation. with the pro-peet death staring hie to the faze I metad her ca. Idisottvey, the tgeut for ban d ;' Sarsaparilla in Dim bent, C Whom I was advised to use that article and to my surmise and Mat of M 7 neithlOtta,M Wheat hoe ease was Chown, alter using four and a hale bet. has she was testored to perfect health, and that In the pace of ti.teetweeks, and wan able to wort is two weeks (tom the time .he commenced taking it. -In won,. or the truth' of this statement, I have hereunto whicil my name, this 19th dap of September, tot]. JOSEI`II ItIcCOTTE.II. 4. 1'., "Month of Ciente River, Craven co. MaitISMI The follnwing Is an retract from • letter received from Mrs Berlin. woo bad been afflicted seven! yents with Scrotolous Diem, Dyspepsia, , and recently Kit odection orthe throat and ehmti— l'hattdizszeko, Va., Dee. 13, Le 43 ,, "Messrs. A. It. to D. SalllPS—Befors 1 commented using year Sarraparilla, my sufferings were alma pest repremlifrk my throat wet completely ulcerated, I had t dfraeful crash, and there were frequently 'week: , together toat.l could not speak above a whis per, and licitilcs s the iellanunallon from my throat ea tended to my head, se that my hearing was very vouch motored. After to b iog the Sarsaparilla a short time, my health we; Improved, and my throat is how w I am as free L-oui cough and tightnese of the chest @II over I seas, mid can hear wide dist/achy. My throat has been well &omit three months, the cure of which has been trailedentirely by tee me Of your Sarsa parilla Your (Mend, LOUISA D. LIEVAN" The 10110witq testimonial to the ens 01 the Sam front the Rev Lather Wright, aged 76 years, Congregational Minister, residing at Woburn. , • "Woeutn,lll March 70, ISM. "Meagre Sande Gentlemen—Flom what I bare cm pet - traced, and from the information I have recently received l oth a number el persona of high reslssuttm bility who have used your Sorsoparille, I hoer not the least doubt but that it Is a loom rideable medic and that too outlier°. certificates you have. !WWI 01 Its erkeney are fatly evatailice by experience, ao althougn its rep imbue and Wilily aro very catenate@ and *void in no tired of ray bumble eallrta to melees* - them, I want all who ars willow ./ dby dimes. to be come milaatmed vrtni the etficac sa power of yonr valuable medicine. "I um, gentlemen, gratefully and very tespeerreir, LUTUER VV11.111111'." Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail. by A. @ D. SANDS, Ihuggistr and Chemists, 100 VllllO2 street, corner of Wilasin, New York. hold alm by Drag gl6. g yore throughout the United Stales and Can b.,.l; sin bottles for • For sale tit 1.. WILCOX, ILA. PAIL'S ESTO k. Ca; and ADWA RD FLL'i ULU [CIL Pittsburgh. Al m. h. rta Wall-1.11,101.1ew•ia• Au/APICAL SIND 41 mine OrlirlOens No. 411, ULAMUND ALLEN, a A fats doom to. ow Wood t, ter 47 wards sonnet , MHO having been tfi;latitt isealarly educated to dm medical profession, and beanies some time , in tenon] practice, now emgates. , Nils attention to the [mamma el those private and delicate coor tL . • plaints forerhich Diropponamtue and eaperisneo pecaliesly. qualify him. Is year. assiduously devoted to essay o. treatment o !thus e complaintaltioncfatesti time he has had more prne2ce and has caul moos pac tents t h an Clh ever fall 16 the lot et atty private prac titioner) amply. qualities him to odor assurances al speedy, permanent, and satisfactory core to all articled with delicate dictums, and all diseases ansunrtittraj from. Dr. OroWn would intern lie.. Pm.* disease. orbleh howl bagman ehronio by time de ag‘• /Mated by the aye of nay of ma Comma. =arms at the Jay, that their complaintsean be 'tidiest:4.4am, Lankly eared; he having given bit eaieful attention to the treatment °touch mmost,..od `..C“ . d&:"' haadndl of instance. In eating persons of sonacosnanno of MS neck of thi btadder, and tlndred Meow, which al= tomtit from those ewes where others hare eonsignell tLent to hopelew despair. Ile patneobwii MILI. en have bevel long and uusoneesafttliy treated %) other. to consult film, when elmst eustactio. kw Rtno them, and their eases treated in a enrcfol,thorough and Intelligent soanner,potroml eat try I.lollrelp.lenee, lliTelli,gatiOniirh{. l4 it 11 traposaiblofOr then atigaged inlgelmtal preoUco of rttano. t o , g i,"„ ono Cass of LlZMlteroit or Daptura , —Praltown ittantroOton pet suns alllie tad lath lien. le call, al bob aeasal4 win] .!.sire nniort to tug:lnman: • • , CANCERS alma cola., Skin dbowsevi also Li ' a!Pa.fayonl.,egaidlly oared C.. ea orre very low. . N. Paaemaar eatherprax Ulnas ire (Usual:a:by stating their dista.. in writing, airing all the aysa ta.r, can Obtain mmileinetwitb I:oia.OY.. duactiorm ' far au,by g r .na % rlpP"u4an6;:' H olFi. l lDiaondi;;o;pow tht Vawi;tc Itanatrosx.—Dr.l3roara newly dlreovered rtia Jy for Rae kulauun it a sMedy'aud atria= meet, 1W tut taatpainfil trouble. It never fails. Oar, aud Trkvate C:loDiting Rooms, Dia 61DL Maud ritlabarghi The taraunla.ahrlga alma. 3 Ertl 110 ~ . • Am I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers