The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 11, 1850, Image 4

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— T - .Y011.1111 ILTI.IOII SPOOL •ILK,
Expressly /or , Souring.
TO avoid thetiony mconieniences attending the
use of the ermonoutry Skein, the above ankle has
been much, and for along time wanted. It heaniway.
been • matter oramonisinnent,,thaterhilstthe mammon
snide of Cotton, was conveniently spled foe gene
ral use,-91111r, so much more valuable, should have
been melted in Skeins, from which 95 mach trouble,
vexation. and Lon has arisen. I
The &Imam has at last been overcome, the public
is offered • good artieleibsadsoustry pat sip in • eor,
Trident form far domestic use.
The eel, objection urged aping this article is the
apparent ornati quantity on each aPedi• This
explained. Each Spool is segmented to contain 95
yard. ofSilk; while the car...xi Skein et tbe same
price, bus bat an meertain steamily, staying from 15
113 yards.
The Spool Silk is resdy for use at the time of pur
chase, and It only needs • 111.1, to convince the most
skeptical elm simertorny in ga.lity. independent of
the neat end cOnveatent form tn whirls it is furnished,
it hes great advantage. over the Skein, as it does
away with the tedium of 'eluding, the vexation of
turtling, and the loss of time In preparing it far eme.
at North Third st, Philadelphia;
9 Maiden Lane. R New Tort
Sole Agent.
by William SMUG. H. D., 01111 of Ws executors.
2 cols limo Moth.
Railway Economy: a thetaae on the new art 6!
transport, 112 manmrement, prospects, and relations,
commercial financial, and .octal, with 4 th 62andlthth
of th e practical resells of the railways to operation In
the Claud Ktnid oaten the Corintatn, and in America.
HY Dianyslue Lardner, vel.lltho cloth
The Past, Present'and rotors' of the Repablle, trans.
feted from the French of A. DO LW:6101ln. sotbor Of
“The Gerondistho' ••thentotre of my Youth,.
phut," rte. 1 col Moo eloth.
Mae toward got arms in LAMM. Address.. and
VhIV.P.bY Horace Greeley. 1 col limo eta.
The History o( the Couthasional. fly John Henry
iloptins, D. D., Bohol, of the Dtocese of Vermont
1. vat Plata cloth.
The Conqaest of Canada. By the author of , 11whe
laza," (Elhottthashortan, Est eels lento.
COMO% • sketch of a physical description of the
Universe. By Alex Von . Hemboldt, translated from
the 0•11AlII by Es C. Mt cols 12oco cloth
Gibbon's Profits and fall of the Roman Empire,
notes by I, Milman. Harper's cheep edition_
Mao, Moth. complete IA 6 Toll at hoc per col; 4 eels
Method or sale by B HOPEINS
small Td Apollo lthadhap, Fott•
N.," !Emile.
IMOURN thee la sadness. Whoa otter Mende \T.
around thee. Consempt's denanare and '2
Anti. Lau 116. Are Wo almost them. Law me a ntbk ..7
ear. Re doeth all *mks well. Neby msg... .
Inlet? moon. Grave of Washlnku).. Ir_b
„,k I !
vroanded; the spied. IlosPd Soksk Boy. in . ._. 0 .„
loved ones at none. Cheer r Vsj .. o 1. , , ,, , ,,, .:7,
thriee'trrOLWeatt4BFalionon Ponta. Getty Poll a.
1,..val Polka. Jenny Leo
Polk. Lund. gale/tamp.
Marna from Nona.
d and for gale by
T ......... ' ." r'"I" . .1 II IS , LLOR,
St Wood at
for la,. , th
ItC gT°CKIVN " r" thl Lintrand Atli of
of Gibbon's Rama of e so
Use Boman Emu.
Life an/ Leann of Thomas Campbell, In ./ eels.
Edited by Wm Beattie, hi 11,
Eienmotasy Simile. of Mona Philosophy. By the
Ism Rev. Sidney Bomb, SL
Lettares on the Amerleios Eclectic System of 900-
.11. By Benjamin Bill, K. D.
Talbot an Vernon; a Novel.
The Shealder Knot, a tee of the seventeenth eel
u Se Bearlet Latin,
, a mamma By Nachel
Strawberry Plante for Sale at Green
wood for
ST93 rat % Ilovey's Seedlings, and Vietoriat
BThew are e lemon and beet Savored Irai
amongst all the different varieties now pawn.
Orders addressed to the prop eta , . nalManolio
ter, will twelve prompt munition. 1 MeKAIS.
HAS become an established and ennui lndlepens.
able reqatstor Inavert well
_provided terullT,
Cram Its ream kably wholesome and 1:1111.1iliOns qaath
Lies as • fond toe th e healthy u well as a diet tor in.
wal de, and aloe for the sustenance of growing children
and Infants. Variess modes of cooking and preparing
It are given on the wrapper.
Though well known in the eaea It has never been
Introduced to any extent In Pittsburgh. The enbeenb
en have, therefore, made arrangement/ to be non.
newly supplied with lt. and now offer it to retall
dealers or ILIZillt• on more favorable terms than
W cuer been sold at in Pittsb urg h.
IyALatiNti—The vagoentiehave Uce.. ft. owl
eel agents for do ...le of Steps , Patent Black
an . White Wadding, anal are prepared v. &apply the
trade et eetuern puce§
aut-D 191 Lawry street
Asw Goods I Neer Geeets I
ELFAtt:a hasicon received • fine lot of Bro.
. Instrainents of the beat manufneture, ...tested
► Vitt ' ;it e !Mx' u for t h.
t s, ' C n o r r k n e ei 5, " 711 " ..,
taro also, a fine selection of Musts Bores, playing
taro and three tunes. Putinaz, de.rdeoro, dn. de.
also perlor German and helmet Strings, and genu
ine Neapolion String, tour lengths, • splendid
suet lot Third xlr•el.
& sorereiln remedy for ell• on& rheitiumie affections,
suaknees and loneness of most pans of the body,
scalds, barn& sores, of most kinds, eras, swellbays,
sprains, hiatus, corns, and felons when first coming.
Also, the MOsa comment and safe sucking salve for
strengthening plasters and drets on the feet.
• -. Cor. &Oh & Wood et.
wicrra i BAILIIKII, Proprietors,
/halm Eiguar., Erie, Pa.
GENERAL STAGE OFFlCE—Eastern, Western,
and ;Boathern Magna, lf-11 , 1 , dna none daily. Car
fines so and from Steam and Packet Boats, Grans.
W. W. Erma, lam attic American Bawl, Erie, Pa.
0. W. nausea, tate oftne Kinsman llotel,Otdo.
VERY l e oes of F oge, and ehom w resh fipring
A and Rammer Gwals has lest been opened at
Airmantier &Day% No 85 Market street, north west
toner of the Diamond.
In calling the attention of our customer. and the
public to this snick; it affords us grew Wls ease to be
able to say it embraces GREAT BARG•INS in
most every dmeription of goods, as a large portion of
at was purchased at the recent eMensive emotion sales
in the eastern eines. Oar msortmenti. both of fancy
and ample goods, Is very =peeler, and affords to all
cash harem. either by wholesale or retail,. fine op.
portal:dry of sillb bmlbt=iiiizeiorse.
Nave Style Fordard sllks,very cheap; rich plain and
figured ehmgeable silks, of almost every sryle and
quality; aspen plain and figured black silks; do. ba
r cum and timed.; barege de lam, new and hand.
.cure style; new style Hama, English, and Scotch, in great Variety, and at very lyo
ow e..;
lore& and satin striped de lains of all kinds and
uales. !Men MM. Or all shades and colors; glop
ham WLS
s, elhntres, print=
Super chameleon silk shawls; plain and egared
blank do; plain and`mbraideredEluket do; floe cash
mere do; super pin and embroidered veldts and
*Mora crape do"„bilikana c l
i betig : toff
A fine assortment of malls, namooks, inserters,
filwlssm, nooks; bishop. BO lawns. Ae.
Florence braid sad
A fine street of . t pe rto e plain nod fringed silk and
Satin Tarepwasole of all colon and qualifies.
assortment of super French, English and
Belgian clothe and eassimeres of all qualities and
whim' we nomad invite the attention of the
Ctar nteek °Chums andalesehe
,townm, ticking%
*hocks, chambrays, Millings, tee arge, and at
th..olala'reg'S I'4:Sic:ruble diapers and sable emit.,
brown and bleached; Roma and Scotch diapers, crash
Dye. nankton, cotton and wool n goods fur men
bare wear, Irmh lumens, red,yrhile,, spd 'Tr! and
Tln of
oe t&
, to all Which we would respeetfally
Invite the attention of wholesale and retail. cash
AS Market at—N W eor. of the Diamond.
/ 14 . pteTmes, (ma the
T Am OW roerf P IF N. Brow. The
trove will brdellve"--re6—t th w e i r mo hlri g a ...4, t Pi th ne r b u sg u %
liallWlebritirldeir P eron .00
co ern n at f
IDAHAYI BROWN &CO. 6.•• removed to No 120
Waterst, id 108 T below um tdonorwthela House
aliilo l7 /&L..
h. Bollesl tANN/.
we have remor_Czelr
Exch. o north st 6 1111.1 :fse
main.lrd mom..
Harafa LaliThi;
LIM handsome Wimp of above goo** at reduced
prlo•s. A few pieces Barnes toll remaining *sr
t , e lo+•d
for'; . , , , ,bA tikx OA rx)
vig g ,ED •••• J N
INDOW GLASS-100 bxs usone d sixes reed
V • - 07 3 ) In"U"
Da &salad ia.37w11-,1
leg - 4
svtimb °?,‘,lrffv---elm-T-3”,:--&-f.
FEV ift ti , sTi v e trAI : W
7 y Re d o pare WWte l.a~d.rceeia
ad and for sale by
3 & %V. 1U.1111•UG11 .
ClOAR.—tol,goo Common cfss_.
_ A _ cat
babt by 14—;—
tIIIIV3IIFGAIINISI, borpby ktneld LI
TT wps loop on band its:boss I,dot.b,ogght
aim I F ate na 'Mr: 0:10 taste Flannels re
-6±1,1 tlnsnsoVitaag•.3
u".... A 1 a 9 wicKt—wceNDLEss
J. 31 ht brio do, for ade by
Oa • pinorlor sale by
Cane r:-I".—IVICK&iiocCANDLEss
" EL" --i'''rrei-"d'k.=rEll74.r.
LFamily Pima, are., doy
;°' for
193 I..ibe ny el
._. -_. So Da ~p~lla~
RLS. No 3 MACICE.REL,Iikmon laspoeuan,
I°° j""""d "'LVII4II%. alEVArbk,
mgl Canal Dub,
L;b-44 4ni‘" rtiVLVlti tiosimoN
‘I mE
n 1011" toss Rooroll & noon
to by,"
11 zo Ryon prowl lamp;
attinUr " kl
`l ‘ I"AnA.E"3 PAPAW!!
fat rale b ES42.
- Tiros for tole by
J. Ile /11:1.16011,
NO. 11 Wood street, h ue just received a new a.
sonment of PLANO 1111/SIG, =WU wade , ...".
the folkrwinc— •
Molly, do 730 Lave me, by S. C. Foster.
Oh, may thd Red Rom Live Aiway, do.
triellymm a Lady, do.
Untie Ned, - do.
Garb. to Rom all Night, do.
Dolly Dal, do.
Soldiers Wedding, by Glover.
The Robin, • do.
Oh, Touch the Cord yet ranee agaist
Sweet Memoirs of no&
Silver Noon.
Lament of the Ruh Emigrant
A New Medley Song.
Tboa ham Wounded the Spirit that Lowed Thee.
The Conscript's Departure, by Glover.
Ile Kind to the:Laved Onita at Homo.
rTis Horne where e'er the Han 1.
The Yankee Mud.
Law Itaakfaby Lova:.
Do you ever think of me.
Slumber Gentle Lady.
Jeannie Grey.
FAA Galleries, Wedding, Wreath, and Do °1
ntaltot.lor, Mden Della Welta, Concert, Learcs'
Sou te e rdr, Gaily ai , h.:lairs, Lily, Aliec,Evergreen. i•nr.
el& Adieu. and Limy polka _
TICAB I 11 ''Y'Ll
WE enter not Into the list of puffer., we , ay nu'iiing
shoot Hundreds of Mesa, Impo.ters, Earge
Capitel, Bought for Cosh, &a. In fort, we re.l. Int
humbug In any winner or form, we imply Ira an the
pabbc to compere our Tess la ith wont thry I I. wham
elsewhere; pas is the bestmethod too
ith ow..
Lain woo sells the best end cheapest Tca. vat.
burgh. \Y are now sellics ,
Good aerstrongTes et Sound 00cents per lb.
Apr The hestea T mararted Into the U. Stater, 11
L o w paced, damsron, cr inferior Tees see do no
keep. •lORRIS & lI.IWORTII
yrgyne.ors of the Tea Market,
I.'s., sale of Domani.
i ggg - - r --- . s --- isoe o3 riia a kleatissnloal Work. -
D. Angleton New York, hare in course ao.onal,.
u nt ip e , In poll, brae twenty Gee Cents cu,
A 111C . :10NARY
of much ti,, All,--Jum,,,. EnvnA IPork.and Ere.
gmernag; destkrzed for Prorated IVurlini ,
Men, and eh°tc irurnaied for the Eve .
arrrag , Pro/carton
anima sr ouvrd grave.
SIIIIISCORK is of large win. lure. end will contain
.1. TWO 1110re.119 nOrt, and op ward• of 11/ root
an Imrsrmwtona It will present working-draw
, and e,eri, , liOull of one most important machines
the Untied :Welts Indepeaderit of the results of
meriCall ingenuity ; it will complete Prue.
ii area es on Mechamies,blachinery,Engine .work,
td Engineering; with all that is meful in morrthar
uce thousand dollars worth of folio ..lames, mega
tines, and other boots.
practical at obj men ect oand f Mis pn nku bil m anch c soon le, to place be.
foreacgn amount of
theoretical and sciennfleßu knowledge, Ina cuntlenyed
form, as shall enable them to work to the best adwaw
rage, and to avoid those unmakes which they might
otherwise comma. The amount of useful informarion
thus brought together is almost beyond precedent In
melt wait.. - Indeed, Mere Is hardly any subject
within its range articir Is not treated of
melt Cie.-
Oen and precuion , thai eye; • treate d
or the utort or,h•
Thuscapacity cannot fail of ainicratautlng it, and
dm learning from it mush which it is iralporiagil for
•• •• - -
him to know.
The pebbshers a workott, determined, n.giviltas
“.17 Make thts complete as possible and
it Is hoped every one desirous to obtain the work ' will
proeare it as isaa.c4. numbers. and thus encourage
the eaten:oleo.
The work will be Issued in I.l•••ntenthly embers,
....kenning In 1E40,1.4 iinllgdoltrasa with
Treat regularity.
The whole work will be publiahed 40 riambeta,
at 23 pants per umber, end completed within the cor
rals germ, MP. A liberal discount will be made to
/Lay one.restionng ah.c publishers 1110 in advance,
shall receive the work thritigi , Jadst other free of
Opinions of the press.
WV, our numerous Manufacturer., Mechanics, '
ginner", tad Annan', It will be amine of wealt.h.*—
Drovideltee, Journal.
*Yoang men, um yosrgelve. within knowledge.—
We can with confidence nedmmend oar readers to
popes themselves of its nar.liir , pe fen so they ay , -
pear..—Anterw. Artisan.
We unhesiuungly commend the wort to ansa
gaga is or ist.restcd to meehanical or nlentifie par
nits, se eminently worthy of their examtnotwn sad
study."—Tray,4 ol . V.) 131100*,and the publishers de-
It is ustly-a- pear I**ort,
serve the thanks cf invostiort,machnism. and mann
lecturers, and indeed of the panlar isserally."N. Y.
hVis'arilutonary will De highly useful to racti . Al
mechanics, and 'eatable to ell who wish to P anottal ' at
mernsenes with the progress of Invention in the me
chanist itna."—New Bedford Daily Mercury.
*Young mechanics ought to keep posted op in the
oretical us well as MO cal k.wledge, and this
aork will show Ono lint how they atand."—Rok bury
IMasat AoVerllser.
*We take It tn he just the work that score. and ham•
tads of one intelligent rucChantes have desired to pos.
• MI. SCO amp:e. are as den ripuous, and so lull and
minute ite eperifications, that it seems to us that any
mechenie aright CODlnct any =Latham a destribes, on
rength of'su enstavings and et"—N. T.
Cnomnmal Advertiser.
*Allinterested to mech.:as should avail them
selves of its edvaulagse*--SchayAill, irson.,) lour-
work of cransive mental cutup and great im
portance and value to th e repidly Increasing mares.
of On country. We regard the won as eminently
calcalated to promote the cause of science and the
enectinnieal arts, and to disseminate valuable inform•
tart on these setriemar—Fariner and klechonie.
"Practical men In all laded walks of mechani
cal and mannfacturing in/lamp engineenng kr. will
find in this wort a yeasore which ti will be to their
prott to pomeaz."—Ttoy Daily Whig.
.We havesarefally pi:attire the numbers, and base
no 4.TM...if it saying that it is the best work Mr ine.
chardes, trademien, and scientific men, ever pub.! ,
ed, for it meaning minute information on every branch
of the mechanical nets and seterzes, expreesed in a
style and language Intalligible to any readeroCardi
nary espacity."--siloccesfer,lmad News.
We are sore we are doing the =chard. , of Nor
wiels -andother Darts of Comecticat larvae by
bringing t ae wort ta their attention_"—iflorwieh ,
(Conn.) Courier.
"It is last sash. wool as every mechanic should
possess."—Preemiure JpernaL
Wo consider Done of the most ureful and important
publiessions of the age. No mechanic sun agotd to be
without it."--Iliewarr, (N. 1.,) Carmine Mat Conti , r.
• Cl all the curio= publications buying lot their oh
jeet the Macidauon an.l advancement of Oa
cal arts and sciences. no that we hove ,cll, is to
full of promise u this Corn.. Adv
alt is the best and cheapest work rice rid to the
pi "t
and practical engineer and mechanic The
plor ezet mcd.—trgshin,uwi (inn,
"weeverreet Dictionary is -one of the mom utwfn
works pahlished for years, mid the low prior at
which it la sold makes It acceptable to alL"—South
We regard it. mato( the most coUthabeasive sad
•alaable, as well as cheapest worts ever published."
-,ilialtiniore Advertiser.
••Ought to be taken by every one drig to kee ace with the progress of art 'and acan e ce si in n every on p
p e
of the labors of eivilmed life,”—ltandrat Courier.
"It is designed after the principle of Dre's Lac liana
ry, only that it is fa:weldor:ilea lathe mecharucal and
ergincerint profesetons, and above all, Tenable
faconapizthing far America orbs' lire has do. for
Engt.d, viz : describing /mance. machinery and
worts of arb"—SeientiGe American.
published in numbers, and at a price so mode.
rote, loot ing at what is contained in rush somber. that
no one who hatthe theist intermit in sock matters,
need be deterred from procurag di fad every one who
does so, wilrfind that be has In a condensed form an
amount of instruction which would be obusitied, if at
ali, only by the purchase of very many volames."—N.
Y. Conner . Enquith.
"Th. compreheneiveneas with which the subjects
are trealed, the admirable manner in which they are
illastrated, eanspire to make tide one of the most desi
rable worts."—Demos sue Review.
a Ibis worn should beim the hands of every suer huale, -
b.., and mannfacturer, especially those who have
tb, least a/piraticn to excel in their respeenv• busi
es We hare cmcfally exandned it, weds • corn of
recommending it to inventors. Co them we world
say in the strong language of the Dibtc "It is grad , —
Bnitimore' Journal.
Nona to Ns Proputors qJ Nempapers throughout
it. Unaaot Scam zuol Canada.
If the foregoing advertisement is Inserted five times
tering the year, and Me paper candling It sent to us,
ropy of the work will be sent gratis in payment.
anls:dtsoltT '
Containing sto flfercury, tree other Mineral.
rgtHE following testimonial was given by the eel,
I heated Dr. Wooster Desch. the author of the great
edical emir entitled 'in. American Practice co.
Medicine and Family Plrysiciam ii
s(laving been made amatainted with the Ingredients
which compose hieftlhater's All-Healing Ointment
and baying prescribed hied,
tested it tn several eases
m,trnlictiTztetliartaf:itese; raitelitettamtieoany Inogr
no mineral substance whatever, that
combined el they are, and need as directed by the
Propnetor, are not only harmless, bat of great value,
being a truly scientific Remedy of great power and!
cheerfully recommend it as a compound which has
done lunch good, arid which is adspted to the cure of
a great variety of males. Though I have never either
reeommended or engaged to the tale of secret medi
cines, regard for the mule honest, conscientious, ha.
mane character of the Propnetor of this Ointment,
and the valae of his discovery, oblige rns to say thus
much regarding it. W. BEACH, D. D.°
New York, April 49d,1848.
BURNS. —lt to one of the been Mingo in the world
for Burn.
men t
PILESIt n .—T ever faila t bonsands o are yearl g y eared by this Oint-
givin relieL
For Tamest, Mee., .d W kinds of Sores, It haw
no equal.
If hlothors, and Nurses knew ita val. to eases of
Swollen or Pore Breast, they would always apply IL
In such eat., if cad according to directions, it give.
relief In • very few hours.
Aroma the box are direetion• foramina Me Allister'a
Ointment for Scrofula, Liver Complaint, Erysipelas,
Toner, 0111618 in, Scald Head, Sore Ey., Quincy,
Sore Throat, Bronetutes, Nervous Affecuons, Pains,
Disease of file Spine, Head Ache, Asthma, Deafness,
Ea Ache, Dams, Coma, ail Diseases of th e Skin, Sore
Lips, Pimples, Swelling of dm Limbs, Sorel,
Rheumatiatn. Piles:Cold Feet, Croup, Swelled Of IR,
ken Breast, Tooth Ankle, MOO to the Fete,
From the Beading Eagle.
There was never, perheye, a Medicine brought be.
fore the public, that has In so short a time won su
ch a
reputation as McAllister's All-Ilealing or World
Salve. Almost everyperson that ad Wei of it
speaks weevilly in I. reuse. One h a s been cared by
It of the mon painful rhenerstlem, another of the piles,
a third of a troublesome pain in the side, a fourth of •
swelling in the limbs, So. If it does not give imine•
diate relisfiln every case, it can do no leierY, intros
applied outwardly.
As another cofience of the wonderful healing pow•
Cr possessed U
ed DY .* ester, we subjoin the fol owing
certificate, frem a respectable citizen of Maidencrock
township, in this county:
Muldenceeek, Reeks c0.. - March 30,1847.
Messrs. Ritter & Cot—l deedre to inform you that I
wasentirely eared of • seven puinth tbc the
o of McAllister'. Sella, which I pier
nemed from yen. I suffered with it for about 20 years,
and at night vete arable to sleep. Daring that tuna I
tried venous remedies, which were prescribed for am
by phyaleiana and other persons, without 'teePiing any
relief, and at lest made trial of this Salve, with are
uit favorable beyond exoeetation. I unw m ne
ly free from the psi!, and enjoy at ight~ r a peeceral
and sweet sleep. I have also used the Salve over for
Your fr iend
and oer complain., with simil happy
meh., /ono Noko ar tassen.
Sole Proprietor of tee above medicine.
Principal Mike, No 19 Nene Third etreet,Philadel
Amore tre Pwrsaceerte-11. A. Patinestork Yr Co.
Fener of Wood and First max We. /season, No.
210 Liberty timer Is. W il cox, Jr, corner of Market
Creel and the Diamond, also comer of Fourth and
Smithfield streets; 3. U. Camel, comer Cl Walnut and
Penn meets, Fifth Weed, and sold et the Bookstore In
Beettlifield street, lld door (corn 'Second.
In Allegheny City by LI. P. Schwan: and J. Bouglsm
By 3. O. Muth, Dramise,_/31roringhatto Negley,
FAO Lib,,ty; If. Rowl.d, Remo ni J. Alexander
& Son, , Mon ; City., N. R. Bowman I Co., and
J. T. Rogers, lirowerrille, • John Berkley, Beaver, Pe/
Job a Walkerolr, Elbaboh; BoaDeight A Erwin,
. fetal...lly
.10 Will oa hand and for sale bp
YV/Ris 4011COAKPLM-:e
V•11111%bit anti crtee.atee IA after Power to
let on las arable to
now prepared to lease the Water Power at the
hundredapd, to .f amount millet.. to
t oproe four
psi. of dull stone.. The location based
rirribl'reT‘to'boblif:dralldebs P o o rth e fe " rater. e carte.
grain of be the White River, as welt as the Wabash, e.
be readily tarnished at th is pon. its ti m ber
iron':ore, .d coal, in the greatest abundance, and of
~u p erior quality, can be manly procured through the
mime countrY
Ts.. ---fine hundred della. per annum for a pow
,"ogqignr propel a mingle ton of medal= steed
Irma stones, foe a peeled of fifteen years. with the
right of renewai .on th e expiration of the lease, at
fate vamairon of the power employed. The site of the
Mtn or manufactory included, without farther charge
from the Company. By order of the Directors.
Yrerident of the W. N. Co.
Vtricesnsta, in. May a, 1 , 50 my3l:d2ro
.- --
—The skin of many persona is disfigured with
slight eliptic., . pimples, otorpliew, Me- and when
OW in merely • direane of the skin, as it Is in ninety
nine canes out of every handred, it la verycoil,c,o
moved. /des Ilaucl's Nymph Peep is '.re../
adepted to disc.. of the 011 in, as it lieu directly
cyon the nitrite pores which COTer is surface,
cleansing them fromimpurities- and by its tialeiLMlC
properties healing and erndicating ail eruptions, and
rendenny the darkest mid Toughest skin soft, few, and
blot ming.
Persons who have been in the habit of using ordi
nary soap, will be astonished at the beautiful cfloct
produced by the Nymph Soap, in imparting • dcbcate
bloom, prcyrnung the neck, Mee. or bands from chap-
I ing, allaying all Irritation, and removing all mita.-
frill eruptions. It prowesses an env:mite perfume, and
Is entirely devoid of oil alkaline properties, rendering
It the only article which Cll.ll be aced with safety and
comfort to the nursery.
MI those whose faces or necks ere disfigured with
pimples, blotches,tnn. rnorphew, he, should make
of JUICA Ilsuel's Nymph Soap, as the proprietor
positively ttsseres them. tbut Re Ilse will tender the
most Ziseolored skin v him, the toughest skin smooth,
said thd most umeased skin healthy, prat, and bloom.
Jule. Havel'. Nymph Pimp is the only .mime which
will etectimilly produce the abo've effects in Mort
a time. and rand
o one which a ren t e d ute ume all
ruiwerlal and moirely hamlets. P only Icy
JULb HAVEL, Perfumer and Chemist,
1...9 Chestnut street, Phila.
For axle wholesale and retail by R. d Fahnestoek
& Co., and It. E. Seller., Putaburgh; and John Sar
gent and 41.1E3,14 teleihriiLellf,ith.
A GOOD Mohoguig !nano Form, 6 octaves,
second Land.....— • ...... • •—•11100 00
A handsome upright Plano, with Rosewood
Furniture, 6 °cloves, and in good order • • • • 100 00
.1 plain 51 octave Piano 45
A good 6 ocrave 71 00
A good di octave Piano, with handsome (urn,
wee ------
7011 . N. 11 MELLOR
Wood +t
For talc by
Et•tallo light Ltekt.
QUPERCFDING the Wooden Floats, and hems tie•
0 combuelthle, thereby economises the 011, and pre•
vents •enuton, heretofore so much objected to to all
other Potts One table spoonitil of the common
lump oil will last Nine Doers, or any further length
of time j. accorCint to the additional quentity of ea.
4 . p ) for rale by JOHN 0 MORGAN
Tun RECEIVED, at the Pittsburgh Rawly 6sot
0 eery and Tea
6 eases Fresh Oy + n,lt tin eats;
5 do Pickled do in qt hut;
;do do to, tn pint do.
The •hryd Fies Oysters a re parboiled, and put
in • Ltebly conitentralce eg k joit„4 :a hermetical
ty sealed cans, and will keep mut ts
pot to in the ordinary way.
For sate, wholesale and retail,ltle by
d Liberty at
Utosat 4.pwrlessi Mechanical Work.
D. A PPI.g,TOQ rg., Nw York., have to cont.-
Of plablleellan. 111 th e ear ito
each, n DICTIONAIIN Maehinea, id
( e;
F. 31
% !' o ' r ' i ; rl7 lr ae a n ' . d an r ilt n o ' s 7 lnTn ‘ dr dlo'rletlgt'neattd.'Wng
Profession. }Nina by Olteer 13yrna.
a' work icot large Wro Axe, and conthin two
thogalua p.,..guy, and upwards of sir thousand Wenn
ttou, hteesnt arpiTing drawings and descrip
tions of the most Impertanr.actioei United
:hetes. Independent of the results a Xmertnin
genaity. it will contain complete prattle al treatiws
Mechanic, Meet Engine Work, and Engineer
ogi; with all that is useful to
then one thousand
dodo:3l7mb of (oho •ohrmes, imageries...and other
booty nusoLars rouived, criii-‘rif sale by the
apo ii titifiiiNS•
73 Apo 1111 , MOilding , Fourth st.
1 2 Eke:f:::',%•-• - .7 . ,- .
Sohn It. !dello:, SI SSood Street, Pillibargh,
Sole Agent in Ny r ste 7 Pennsylvania, for the sale of
Grand and Square Mario Forgoer
to intone his riends and the musical public,
.131 that Le bad now themees, and will receive and
e ‘ z n r d ro . se. oo fr
d:a.ler;ut.i.eltreof rpe:tio yout ;1 0 71.11 , 0i o th: , l . l . :g rc es , ;
forr sale in the
eat--sanong the 01012401 . WI be Kind
a al supply of
Scouhly curved Rosewood Grand Plano Fortes,
with all the recent unprovemente in mechanism and
style of exterior.
Splendidly coned Rosewood seven octave Square
Piano Fortes. finished in the Elizabethan and Lowe
XIV• sli.e•
With • lame a,: of all ;be various rtyles of Pia
no Fore , varying options from =.5 to Sem sied
Stott, prepared by Mr I:Metering for the preterit
year. llihbai
Parr los, r, nee wrered that the rim of Mr (Thick
erus Phreu• ho, 1.. r....1.,1 wit! carat:tee to 1.... the
• woe ar w ih. eorii, , ,iury :II 1t...10ri. retina charier
rut tr eau...Lawn, arid w:l. be and at up in
rrfect urUtr,.a 3 . ... y yen ctl' the city. TrAttoatel.afge.
A CAI , Ds
I Davin whe cnt. the nueston Y. Corn
m:sslu bosmess at she old stand. corner
Me ood and
Path streets, and nor whom he would stollen a conten d
armee alike liberal patronage heretofore bestowed up
on the hoc., JUJUS D. DAVIS,
Aril pth, te3o.
P. is. DAVID,
pO2NrA or Iron. XID MTH trralrrit,
VViltl2"rst'lC.'.lll!g°„,,Tr.:°l te ms, of Forties sodße
8,- owl by experience and clone uttentiort to
bostooss, to Int,tt a ooahrometoe of the support tad
patrons, so libera!ly extended to Lho former hon..
April 1/ . .h. 1000.
65011 c• to our Patron..
Otto decease of the active 0.00000, in Philadelphia,
.L Cho late !antes rd Daris,i produc* 00 rommarition
to the Losmess—orraogernentg have been made which
involves the same oncosts precisely, which have
heretoforo existed. 'Phe basinera is cot:domed 00200
the same name and Eant vier—
20 boot. 0 Co, VistladelPhia;
Joan 57'F's v.. It Co., Pittstutnrit.
The continuance of the patronnge of our meal
frierde is respectfully wattled. If any persons have
demands against ire concern. they am requested to
present them frothyntla, for payoresit.
PittsLcrgli. Aped f 0 '2O. JOHN M'FA DEN_L_,
Ruivi xirrtros
B. Ls Palostetook
UTno.LE.ALE First DItI'ISOISTN, corner of First and
Mood streets, offer for sale, on favorable terrain
Ito bhia Whiting; WO lbs Cart, Ammonia;
GO do Alum; 00 do Assetcauda;
000 do Dye Woodg, 000 do Crude 'Tartar,
15 do Lampblack; 200
do Ltqcorice Roo;
£0 do Von. Red; ano do Irish Moss;
B do Ca
n. CA do Red Preotpttate;
10 do Open. Brown; 150 do Calomel Amer.;
20 do Vellorr Ochre; 25 do do Eng,
10 do BUlTlgtOrle; MO do Bucher Leaves;
Si do (lover 2to do Rhubarb Roo;
3 do Charn. llovvera; 400 do R hubarb
14 eases Ref. floras, IMO do Clemson do;
1.5 do Coale Romp; 200 do Bel Rocheele;
15 do Prussian Ittrie; 'MO do Retail= Mislay.;
10 do Cole
Ma do Posed Rhubarb;
13 do Chrome Oreen; 000 do do Fop. ElOO
5 do do Yellow, 100 do do 0. Areble
sdo Am. VericHion; Ithi do do 1d q. 11001
Go ITR g III. Rend Paper; 100 do do Jalap;
25 bosNomad; =redo do Al. Cayenne
15 bales Wattle Corks; 210 do Suipb. Zinc,
75 or. Ralph. Morph.: 30 0 do Bo TO;
153017 , . Cape Aloes'. Z. do Tommands;
1100 do Ilidlhront P:m.1050 do Brock Silver
01010 do Pink Root; 25 0 do on.g.
1500 do Turkey Umber, 7$ do Cochineal;
MO do Cream Tartar, 20 do Ilyd Potash' s .
500 do Tartaric Acid, GO do 11.00;
100 do Ilya Uor, 25 do Granville Lotto:
febV-LiceimT _ _
---•- •
oThere are more thinga in heaven and earth
Than set dreampt of in philosophy."
TvißTuFs of this remarkable remedy, and
1 the °coolant appineation for it, to the proprietor,
hat induced him to have it pot op In bottles mob la- I
Leto and directions for the benefit of the public.
The PKIIIOLECM It procured front 1.11 tn this
county, et a depth of four handred feet, is a poet sea.brit
&lime - sled crude, without any chemical chnge,
just as Sows from Nature's Great Latiratoryfi Thut it
contains properties smettmg • number of disc.., to
no loneer n matter of uncerthony. There are 'many
odor,. in the crews of nature, which, if known, might
be of vast usefulness n th •llevthng ouffcring, and m
otoring the bloom of hl slid o r to
a sob
fete , Long before tbe proprietor thought of putting
It up in bottles, it had a reputation for the cure of dis
ease. The constant and dusty
rib . , ln
cell. for it,
sod several remarkable curt, a performed, Is •
sate indication ol im future poularity and wide
spread ripplorsilon in the t are of d ,sonse.
We do not ortish to Mate a long parade of certifi
cate arc consius that the medicine can soon
wor s k . Its Iv as we
ey Into tli c c o favor of thom ache outer and
wish to be belled. In we do not claim for it a
universal applicatson In every disease, we anhesito
tingly say, that in a number af Chronic Diseased if
enrivalled. Among these may be ennonemted—all
diocese% of the mucooo tmoucs, such as CHRONIC
BRONCHITIS, (tONrarno On Its early stage,)
Asthma, and all diseases of the air pusagem, LIVER
COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Mathew.. Dimamo of
the Bladder and Kidneys. Pomo in the Dank or Stde,
N erten. Dtsebses, Neuralgia, Pais), Rheumatic Paths,
Gout, Eryoipclas, Teller, Ringworm., Burns, Scalds,
Brumes, Old Sores, tee., bc. In cases of debility re
sulting from expnoure, or long and protracted ease. of
digest., this medietne wilt bring rebel. It will let at
a general TONIC and ALTERATIVE In such cues,
unparutig tone and energy to the whole frame, remov
ing ebotrectinn, °pent in the sluggish funetiono, which
cause diseime and • broken conotitunon, and gyring
Increased and renewed energy to all the organs ot
Life! The proprietor knows of several cures of
PILE-9, that resisted every other treatment, get well
arider the use of the rgrnoLEum for a short time.
The proof can be porn to any person who desires It.
[brie genuine without th e signature of the proprietor.
Sold by the propractor.
S. M. ICIER, Canal Basin. near Seventh BE
A 0.3 by It SELLERS, 57 Wood sk
corner Wired and Virgin alley; who are his
anscEd I ... c o a ct, appointed Agents
- -
Arlo.) 11.1Bduo•d.
. .
TUG SUBSCRIBItItS will sell Masons's best
quality and hien test Gls.. and Scat/ Yak...
Soda Asa, warranted superior to any other brand
3) by the quantity of b tons or upwards for currency°
approved Note.; at four months, or 31 (or • leas qua
850 . . 411a0A -- 1850
BOATS of this Ldne wilt leave tseolurty, and de
liver freithis without transhipment.
JAMES COLLINS,_ do, }Agests
1850 akm3
From Pitthintredi to Colt...hue and Clevrfand,
through the nub and poptslous 0311/I.lil, of Colo..
Mona, Carroll, Stark, Tomatoes..., Coshocton,
Miarithgwva, Licktng, and Franklo.
The eoinpledon of the Sandy and Beaver Canal
opens up to our city through this great natural central
route a direct commonicatton to the above as well as
the adjoinins counties of Wayne, llolmed, Roos, and
Prom this section of Ohio, the trade with Plusburgh
has been, to • great extent eat elf 07 consequence of
the high rotes of transportation, winch, are now re-
duced In, kV end 5e per cent.
Boats of this line will leave daily, and run through
without transhipment The Canal company hove
bestowed upon this line an interest in the unprece.
dentedad•arsee of their chance. and 0204 secured
to the middle pormona of Ohio In ordering their goods
equal Interest In dila adventure. Agents:
C. BIDWELL, Pittsburgh;
BIDWELL & CO., Giugovr.
c Holmes, Spear's ;Mills, Ohio; • H & A Coy,
williare a yori, O.: George Kemble, Elkton, 0 ; Culile
& Hoffman, do; Hanna, Graham Co, New Lisboa, 0;
Arter & Nicholas, Hanover, 0.; Ilibbcis & Boory, hlh
nano. 0.; Syr aka? & Foes?. do.; Joseph Pool & Co ,
do.; Hull K Buss, Oneida Mills, 04 II V Bever, do.;
C B Rumba! & Co, Malvern, O.; R K Gray, Wayne.
burg, 0.; P. Reynolds, do ; I.aec Tel./, 5 1 .1.. 4 . 0 ;
F 4 Outtlult*. hiagnolla,o.; WmAfarkneas, do; J
NPFarlatui & Sandywille,o; FFL iles do; Pub
bough b. Steinhart, h. isolivar, 0.; Willard & Stereo?,
do; 3 J Hoffman, 0.; Caroming & Co, ;
John Robituon, Canal Foliori, O.; Ferris & Torrey,
Canal over, O.; A 111edhury, Roscoe, 0; L K We
ner, Newark, 0 ; Fitch d Hale, Columbus, L 0 Mat
thews, Cleveland, O.; Rhodes & Green, do. mull
Intata 1850
Via Pansy Canals k Ran llnada
O'CONNOR, ATKINS & Co., Canal Buln, Liberty
street eiteiburght
ATKIN ' S, O'CONNOR ft Co., 21P ft 250 Mattel Greet.
Mletwawiu k Co., 70 g North street, DaloMore;
13tock. New York;
Swart k Cane, 11 Doane IRMO; Boston;
Ilan.. GUT, Marertlle, NerittekG
Ilwx. k Co., Colombia street, Chwinuark
E. Watts, Louisville;
Bawl, Huout IC Co., St. Louis.
To Skippers of ilferrAandanit and Produce to and
Iron tohtkariphin, Bektincref, if• 1 - .24, q tidnHont.
13111 F ytb
dol,no riotf Kim ordir, we urn prepared
foxiirtHil girds as above at very anew prude. We
mut. ail freightfnis of any charge baying policies for
over turtt,ooo, and with the following extensive week
orfloatt feel confident of swing entire sella'nction to
all business entrusted to our ewe, Oar boats are all
new, and commanded by emote.. of experience, and
our ntire bee 15 conductal on arks sWeetalt keeping
And owirieranee principles.
• 0 4 A . 44- , 4t1.4a.
-"q d t 11,4%, rrlaWvanm
Marylan, h ais all BL Louts, Cowden •
Cinetrmatt, Ronde Col. Howard Ridley
Ruth Anna, Chatham Mary Dcbonth Sims
Wm Atkins, Brewed Enterprue,
Import, ill'Qnade Juniata Blown
Boston Alter Gen. Scott, Oore
,p e , Ilplim'ecltppot /Islay
AmeAcn Pere) Duo
Belle Kearney
Mermaid Ill' Colgan Hunter Rankle
Fog M'Quade Julls
Ann 1 Layton
Arliovrell Telegraph NoPllavls
Look Sharp 501,1Lorkn
Notth Queen Wible
%Witten wilt Ind it to their advanwee give us •
oink • CarlVAl ' ;A ° l.Wg ,n ,V, ' ftt/it te•
m o no
— l7ll i tiaasportaUma Company.
1850, gaga
coca Lt..g,
By Penney/yenta Cass!. and Rad Road.
THE Bowl and Can 01 this Line have been pat
cow pee order, and with the Wanton of leer
new 011 t• to the Line, enables us to carry it In.
' 3l g 't alttheriirgeq7l; i ii ' is elened and cent
.aty the EWE."'"
DARR'S & LF.F3314, No 13 Roth Thle4 .t,
And at the Tobacco Werettos
adsc, Duet •,
esi r 4-1
/01 1 F.P11 TAYLOR & SON.
No 144 North Dowsed O. Ilannoore. 343.:
OFFICE, No I West st, New York;
D LF.E4III & CO, Cum Dino. Penn s,
alga= 1850.
O! Tom PENN.* AND 01110 GAVIALS.
01,4/15, potics & CO, ILoo.bester, pm., Proper.
40t01 A OlCClllik'. Atatut,
Moe nor Posahfiold and Water tan Pitatuch.
oland, Wan.
rrins . wvii known Una are props - ed to transport
1. fretyta and Pwarnaer. from PITTSBURGH and
CLF,WF.I.AND. In any potnt on the Canal and Lakes
Tan factraies of ate Lax ars owayaasect in wntser,
sunlit; and enpattly of Boats, expertenno DI eapfun.,
.. r i3se l ' lOUUtt o,f, Li' giaz-,h ~... of eawd amity. ran.
airs, In connoonon with • Late of Pte.= Bow. /w
-are, PII'FSBL ItG II •nd BEA V ER, nn LI a LIM, of
}lra. Pat.. Stefan 8....:., Propeller* and V.,,n.., on
tha Lake.,
Cr,ItiNEE: 4 :
ci.rt. Parts & c., Roc, er,
& Co,
)! • V
1 k CO. Raronns. Cl;
Kesu, Grams!. & Fronk
CI A Miller, CoTo 3 msk F.. , 0,
Whs.ler, Lee & Co. Akron. o;
Chan Morita, Crossfotd k. Co, Cleveland, lr
llobbard tr. Co, rivtdosky,
Proklmm & Scott, Toledo, (A
G Winton. & Co, Dtroit. Mob;
& Co. Alklsrulus . ,Wts;
/.131My Elnattoa,
George A Glhbs, Chicago, Ill;
om. Chicago, 111.
~r3O comer \l:almond Sooth6rM
iSig= 1850*
CLARKE. Pen KS & CO, Barham., Proprietors.
THE Proprietors of thl• old ad well Irav m ra Line
would tororm the ;albite that t hey they are no to op
eration for the present erommi. nod have contsten“d
recielvirg Freight oral Postmodern, which they •re
tally prepared to carry all
_points on Me Coast and
At the lowest rotes. Ono f the o are of the Line
mal 'de constant/7 •t W i n
lan o dlnig t b H elow Monongahela
Bridge, to [comae B. JOHN A. CAUG Hr.?, Agent,
Ogee, nor Waist and Smithfield es, PlOtherels,
W Conningham.Castle , Po;
hiltebeltree & Co. Paloalat
W C hinter, Sharon;
J k S Hall, tthorpobtar,
Wick. &Chit & CO, Gte&ll•ii&V,
WOO Henry, Hartman , :
taro Power, Connettolville;
John Hearn & Co, Erle,•
John J Hollister & Co, iturtalo, NY. mr3o
Pittsburgh Purist:do host Liu.,
EiEiMa 1850.1ee-Sla
vox vuz vaangrostamon or
To 4ND 'WA
Ilansunat,l STaarrs k CPoovana,
Phil adeiplum I 3 Tituborgh.
Tll.".C.o.T,'.t7l:l7,2°l",Z`:;.th.ePus"trn:tr t hcdd
stands, receiving and forwarding Merchandise end
Produce at low rates, and with the promptness, ser
tOnty, and safely, peculiar to their OTNICIII and mode
of transportation , where intermediate ltmushipment is
avoided, with the consequent delagi and probability
of damege.
Merchandise and Produce !shipped O•alOr
• of Lading forwarded free of charge for conamis
slot. advancing, or storage. Baying i.o interest di
rectly or Indirectly in meemboats, that of the owners
is solely consulted when shipping their goods.
All poirmnilications the IblifoOmi WAR. Prompt
No 08 Mattel street, Philadelphia.
Cam. Penn and Wayne ur mreets, Pittsburgh
John DeCullogh I o."., a tkiNo . rtli at, Dant
& Y 5 Doane a sh Roston, W. &J. T. Tepseott & G
OS Booth st, New Vont; James Wheelmrtsht, Catch
nati. m rtM
. .
EMEM 1850.
notwelia Pittsburgh an _astern Cu es.
The Canal being now open, we are ready to receive
and forward promptly, produce and mercbmidiso east
and west.
Freights alwaya at lower fares, earrged by realign
sable lines.
Produce and merchandise will be realised and for
warded east and west. without ay ebarae for for.
warding or advancing freight, commiesion or stoma.
Bills 0( lading forwarded, and ail dimeuona (Milo
folly attaided to.
Address or apply ta. MOD/kg!,
Canal Basin, nor. Liberty and Wayne vs, Pittsburgh-
No 1133, Markel at, between Phil's.
No Iff2, North Howard at. 'Baltimore.
wale -
No 10, West greet Clew York.
Pansessgsr snot El•mittanes Offlegs
IIANHDEN k. CO. continue to bring potted.
from coy p o rt of Ergland, Ostend. Footlutd or
wales, upon the most liberal terms, with their
anal punetualaty cod attention to the wants and corn.
fort of emmtgrants We de not allow ourgattsengers to
be robbed by the I...riesling scamps that Infest the sea.
porta, as we take charge of them the moment they re
port themselves, and see to their well being, and de.
epoch them without any detention by the fiat chip.—
We say this fearlessly, as we defy ems of o ut p m co.
gers to show that they were detained 49 / . .1111.11 by mt in
Liverpool, whilst thoussods of others c oo. o ctc i o co
mo nths, omit they could be sent in some yd graft, at •
ch; p rate, 'stitch too frequently proved their cont..
w o I n t e nd le perform our contacts tunably, cost
what it may, and net act as wu the case last season,
wicy ether eneers—who either perforated not .11, of
when It suited their convenience.
Orate drawn at kinsbmgh for any gaol from II to
zOO% payable at any of thegrovi. .tdal Carle in Ira
laud, •tgOsnti,Bcotluad amdaits.
European ltd Gene tat Agent,
rip.b_ stmt one door ltaltrw Weal ,
11 QCOH3-17 2 1: 1 4 1 1; 41 Ornld
" Ward, Dapoy, au,
6 ales N BUN
fAP bbli WhlgkeT; cereal. 6,
NA, • macalovrip
• Artabk ,:ka, naduad do.
folthu'g Niw /nu.:
011, ray c.n you see or the troth's holy Ulegh;
cated to Rev. C, Gook. Ob, think not ss
thee. Ulanehe Alpel love thee. When other friends c,
around thee. The co t beneath the hills. Wool *ho
but mine. Annie Latirle--Bnoteh ballad. The Robin
—words by Ellta Cook, motto by Stephen Glove,
non bac ...clouded the spirit that loved thee. The
, Grave of W.Slacton. The Irish Mother'. Lament
I Old Sexton—Bowel. Ile doeth all 1144. well—
Woodoure, Widow Machree--Rorsell. The cottage
ormv mother—llutchiersons. Low backed car—Live,,.
Blau Waltses—complee. The Magic Bell. The
Bridul or Wedding Polka. Jenny Load's AMerie.
Polka. Limy Polk., tonne American Pinks_ T i p
Top American Polka. La Belle lialtimorean Polk.
Jenny Lied Polk. The Origin. Scottish Polka—
Julien. Salutation Polka. him Polk. Josephine
Polka Summit Polkn. Re...lngot Polka. The Pro
phet Quadoller—hleyerbeer. Jenny Lind Quedrill...
The Wreath and Daisy Wait:es—Bin Ernest. The
Swiss Drover Bor—ve n shoe s by Ctemy.
Sou.. row Home. Wrecker's Daughter. quickstep.
Louisville Much and Quickstep. W cod Up, Qui..
, R
& e .i.
E r . Si r s Bo x al 4: l p
E el/ 1.13:1y
Eng:HO and Amerlr
Farr. tkv,fine
Extra super patentChezull
Superfine Ingrain C p rpeu,
rate.. fine
Cowmen, all wool, 1 ^
1-4, and Tog Veil:pat.
3-4,1 and I Tarill'd Carp.
• and P-4 plairiCar.
Lim and Rag Co n
Printed Cotton Carpels
Ruperfine do do Rom
n Tufted Ravi
Extra Wilton
Common do
Chenille Dint Mats;
Sheep Skin
34, 7-4, 6-4, 5-4, 4-4 464
Estragrinted t pg i n: corers
Embossed Pi..
i'• Table
Printed woolen
Embalmed m otto
Linen and ld ^
Damask Star linen;
Turkey Red Chintzes;
English Oil Cloth Table
Brown Linen crumb cloths
Braes Stair ilodsi .
Stair Druggeth
Carpet Bindings;
ate sun Coco Mete:
Alicent and Ukeleton Mete;
ni4 and 44 Gmen Oil Cloth
for Blinds;
linckeback Dinner;
Oil Cloths;
G-4, -1, 44, and 1 Milting;
18 inch pmetu Oil Cloths
for stain.
nine..nd. Pratt Clthe;
Crdaron Plata;
Coach Ott Crabs;
Damarks tar Lining.;
Watered Marries.
Buff Ilollenalso,d for Wl4 i lmeeC
French romp. n
Gouung for n.Ol.
7.1 end GA Table Linen;
Russia Crash;
Semeh Dinperei
Grown Lumn NePlring
German Oil Cloth. Table
SMUT COIL CLarlill from the most approved Eng.
in Wt
wntdh ,A m h r cw ilmbnou fa c c u t t urers from It to 24 feet
to fit rooms, ball., and
vestibules of any Wee of shape.
The undersigned hernia Intl:dated direct from Eng.
Land, his Velvet Pith and Tapestry CARPETS. The.
Carpet>, which me of the West Itrui most elegant
ttyles and patterns, and of the most gorgeous colors.
will be wild at prices as low ma they em ba purchased
for in any of the eastern Cities.
Having the largmt assortment of the richest and
most faehionable RUSSELS, IfdPERIAL THREE
PLY cod INURAIN CARPET'S which fur surpames
In anality and cheapness of price, arty .dm , m Coo
before brought tO t h
city. He also maims Steamboat
hire and Were Manufeetuien to his lure and well
selected maortmentolTßlHMlNUS,and other articles
necestary in thetubusinen.
The undersigned Is alwi agent for the only Stair Rod
Manufactory In Phnadephla, and is prepared to .11
Maser than can be patehmed elsewhere in this city.
Cloodell — ifew Goodell
eirsa TUB TRACI 1
See Stein and Sumner Dry Coati foe 1650
Ar . aa Winsome.. end Retail Dealer In British,
e' ' , French. and American DRY GOODS, Merkel
oreet, between Third and Founts, sign of the
Me Bea Iftra, Inman commenced receiving
and opening ona of the moat rich. splendid,
videgierusive son t a of Spring and Sommer they Goode
set °T rod for salt to the Western eountry. All of
'Dien r .poted Goods are freak %numb and received
per the 1.% steaniggs from Prance and Emlnd; ••
cieo Irish Linclub ..por•cd direct hem a r tic le;
are mid warranted the pure article; then
Linea are all Imported by the subscriber, and are all
mire 11. yarn, warranted. Also, !rah Linen Damask
Table Clothe, the very beet manufacture; and Irish
linen Goods of all kinds, Imported direct from Winn
by the subser.bor, and will bo found no real EtilPs. -
New style rola Turk }Alin. , a:1 odor*, epleedid
p.O, L.ouS Poe{ Wins, all pines, !lab goods;
1 Li get glutei Z , liks, all colors, late imponottom French
Kid Linn., all colors. the bast imported; plaid black
Acetone, per last French steamer, new style Satan French
13aTegra, spfendld goods. Also, • 'open and large
clank of wide black Remote Lace, far teaming ladies'
!restos, eery rtro amyl., plant B ane in all color, .
estreracly low, heuuniut goods; black bilk Fringe, •Il
polths and loler, very cheap; French Lawns, new
irtru.ey'Plirg!'retet rte.,'"LhpeTiregle,Yl%',.••"liglder red
De Rhine Sregh,le, lob rproirsl r . l. ll .l ' ci and English
Clairol:3a, new anlea, beautiful geode , eplendtd
Enured Pa as goods 5.1 ball themes; rich embroidered
So. Mulls Oa evening dre. ea; Sent.. Eao.g and
ranging. the best Imported, Silk Tmaver in nil colon
and qualities, new style, plant and atm Atrip'd blank
Boren, oil priers; printed lawns new styles. from
b to h 5 cena per yard; Dae de lair.s, a new arum
foe lathes: lamina Also, tlane aud superb stock dl
new style eptiog Bonnet Rithopi, tau iltsT Leal ha
P .r. i t, ailirli .
Canton nape Slowly, all talon, forth from the Cus
tom lirmar; 'Turk Sane Shawls, splendid goals, an .11
color.. pee let steamer; beautiful rbanaratde s lac%
silk Shawls, fresh Importation ,
.••lote embrotdered
Canton Craps Shawls, superb goods; green etnarooler•
ed Centre Crape Shawl., splesidol geode, Lupin's
Freneti made Embroidered TAW., hossl onporationi
Palm panted Cashmere Shawls, all prices end gyp . ,
lie; ladies' rammer CrIV•Illl sad ', . - •: t la yoratt - r a
-12. ll I In.alt soarvoilayrtilLeolliam and Curs.• large
A Large Smelt of
30 bale, uchfoo cll. 51 os,,ris, from 5 to to rent. per
art, IS 03 /I, .1, ~hed Pltedms from g. 1;4 cent, • ail 11 Irt.4 Linens imparted mreot foie
d d is.t. It oa r• r.,•aeg, from .us 02 .-ef r , •,
- curs 1,..e 1r tor i.l esuef•
f,,tlasset..u;.cli 0Z.1,10g , r blotht. Also. 1,d..-
.Irucres, Turned, M.Unctts, aad lientucky lean.;
NJ coned dare fam colored, from 3 to 121 rent.
pet yard; 3 este. lloyl & Sins' Englian Ponta, best
nueorted, 0 hale. trusts and Scotch Diem... estreinc
ly low. Atte, Ilm.rkeeping Goods of all hold., •ery
cheep; 4 bole Dueos Crash, from 111 m 101 cents per
yard: besides • large awl of Cheek and fftgrung
Stripe. Alto, Canton Muncie, all color. and gp.oll.
ties, at low prices, red. lox; ~,,g , ,,e'rte,geig
'cry 6,0 d latlidegehed linings', fell
usurtmenti .5 ease. Woe Merrimack Calicoes, ex
tremely low; black and unbleached Table Illueem,
prices; l
Ilircl's eye Diseers, all 'ince' and guilds.,
%to cheap; colored timbres, • fall geSortment,
cheaper than ever, 3 ult. Dotter. from 121 m tn
per yard. Also, a large stock of 1,0 g TOMper.
:dimmers' Shoring— A fool aisoliment,•ery cheap.
The Ilargellt and
pose ti
stock of Parasols
ever opened by any oce house in Ptubargh. is this
day Retired, mil are all of the newert Frehiestrlek
which, for nose, and 000e05, cannot be ureamed.
As On hupo • Imre lot of thhse Pirnsola, they molt be
cold cheaper Wan a other house in the city eao al
ford to roll the same gitollty of goods.
The Ladies are respectfully melted tef examme these
Parasol., as they will an/ to of the richest and
newest stylea evm rotpotted ilmmtw. These
Par meals are all el um richest and mast feshlonahle
celorGatil arc worthy of the eusistion of the ladle..
AP of the Strove goods will b• sold of at emu far
beloW any hou.e on the city; and in order to prove
Mrs f. t, foiblic will please call and pnee hew
goods, end CoMpore them lib any ether hoes; io tea
esty, and it convinced Of th p abOWS eMerdhil.
fhP eibtcrlbrr oyuDid bele try ,t huncertemes cow
temers and Me pate in general, that er two
other bee 41re iltere. in market streepretending to
cope with the 111 g Dee Hove, which ts alone the only
celebruted and far famed Dry Goods establishment to
PPittsburgh. The subsertber would therefore say to all
purchaser. of Dry IcloOdfocither wholesale of retail,
Mat the DI% Dee Dive, onesket west, between Third
cold Fourth,. riOvr opng the largest, i t
most eplcOdid M eni
ock of spring and spanner Deg Cinodr
ever offered for Sz . cle In PattlaU T
lclOs Np - rai ETSI
New SoluM roe I es,—n. limper and most fashion
able mock or Boonow
th eo ape pd In Mis city, tassel
reedy. at the Igo of e llig p tarter
strut, betWeell Third and Fa c et streets, where Dry
CieffidiFtsll4oll dercripoon are selling cheaper then
any other bout to Me city. The pap. will please
take notice that there are two other Ise& hive stores on
Market street, who pretend to compete with the !log
Dee lime, between Third and Fourth streets, where
We purflic will find, at oil timer.l tartest ald ncaren
Myles of Dry Goods, fipsh oesllt
I . Preset rase notice, that • store Is between
Third and Fourth streets, sign of be BID DEE DIVE,
where Dry Goods of every duetted. are saline
enteral than at any other house in the city.
Dream Goods.
; k A. MASON fr. CU., 66 Market street, betwe,
Third and Fourth, are now meMvlng a large a_
sortro•at of [bongo Da Caine; Fenian Cloths at en
ton near arnele4 l'alietats; CTN. lm 4c'
Lamn. ail other um. tioo a,
of hoc latest Styles aa d moot f. unable colon&
COFFE"Ailiagit ygniellin d iron
11annum-4 0 tas mood, dipped, and apcm;
C 1113.11-160 kiss Cfm. and f e ngliab Wu;
Cc guil—V dot hempand la;
OLINIA.—.O Maus;
Callat-4 0 01 Common, and half Syanl6,•
Fun-25 btlaand boll brls Mackeral,.d Salmon;
liLts•--.50 b. micorted limn;
Rams-10 0 0 Pnnte Venison;
Organ Cored;
lamoo—lflu 11.. to F and Mantllai
I.—le do. r Dorm.. Slack and Copyloßi
litokaa.T. -20 brl. N Orleans;
II WI liugar Rouse;
Itlmbann -20 dot as.ortad
Mscranam- 50 lb. hail.;
viatiamtki-60 lb. do
N. 1.- 21 10 keg. assorted;
Ficskas-5 dot. Is usotted;
Placitcs-30 bound. naives;
00014 —3O Man, amarted;
Fuca a-- IVO Ita (Medea.;
Fiaar-5 0 bits Rosa; .4 Cast Steel;
bcooo-1 0 bbdr N Otleana and Ciortbad:
yackageaCteen and Slack;
ToaacCo-- . 40 b. 12, 0, b.l lb lutuyi
W.llllonana-60 iloapatent Sink;
For Bala by J D WILLIAMS k CO
t.lB Cornet of Ftlth .d„Wood s
FUR S! FURS! FURS I—The subsedbers 11p
E for Coon, Mint, Musk Rat, bray and Red boa,
and all Mad. of altiyying Fits, tie highest ea
fob./ MeCORD fr. CO ,
Fifth and Wood ins.
— Paper 11..41ag.
SPRING SELIX; i'lON.—Woi be received, by first
canal shipments, a new and choice assortment of
Wall raper, or the latest French and Pastern styles,
In gold, ehams i. O . P i t t platLand
KS Wood street
I I tENll`.7,T3o h L,',;fetli,".l , l:f t?."7,`." S.
B. Besnfield tr. C., as Ws day &waived by mottos.
cense, The Lawless of Um old brat will be sesied by
S. S. Ilushfield, at the old stand, N 0.291. 'Liberty .tenet,
condone the Whale.le ntd Reuel Dr y Goods and
Grocery badness, at the old stand, No. !lO Liberty et,
ender the Ada of A. D. UIIettFIEJ..D Jr. CO.
?Swab I, teddt—lrerll
1 HAVE this day umetatedivrith me, in the Wrmie.
Sale °Marl, C0M.11.8108. mid Forwarding beef
con, my two Boas, R. N. and W. R. Waterman. The
i autumn In future , Mll be conducted under dm ogle of
Vf""n24.4 mend NO.= Ws.
ter and et PYont street. le: RAMA
Mtn* Mak IA in •
RIP Jain/01Ni rrrrrr Elarlll. l .
/.AB under the Indnedie e ease of the In
/. venon, and ntabllshed for upwards of thirty yea.
This aleguit prepared. Is recommend.' in all
ems of bile, acidities, Indigestion,gout, and which
as the most safe, ray. and effectual form in
014hich It
¢Wt . o i. toe extlVed thd eed .
stgorastl!tnhoerpitenp7tvies of
the Magnesia sow In general P.WE WitilOin being liable
like it, to form dangerous concr ' etlons in the bowels,
It effectually Cores heartburn without Injuring the
loans of the name., so soda, potass, and their car
bonate. net known to do; is prevenn the food of in
f.. turning sour; in all cases It ants as a ple.iug
aperient. and is peculiarly adapted to females.
Sir Humphre y Davy testified that this soled. Wens
actable combine... with uric acid salts In cases of
goat and gravel, derby counteracting their 'Mario.
tendency, when over alkalies, and even Magnesia
'meth ha d failed.
From Sir Pbillp Crampton, Bart, Surgeon General
to the Army In Ireland:—
flat—ahem eau he en doabt shot MM.."
may be edmlthrtered more safely in the form of a con
centrated aolation than insubstance; for this, and
many other reaeons, I am of opinion that the Fluid
Mag.. is ti very valuable addition to our Materia
Sir James Clarke, Sir A. Cooper, Dr Bright, and
Messrs Guthrie ond Herbert Mayo, of London, strong
ly recommend t o Fluid Magnesia, as being in
finitely more Bate and convenient than the sold, and
tree from the danger attending the constant use of
oda or pouts.
For sale by the Intooner's and prooriel Or% agents,
otbT 2l Cor. of Wood & Frontal*.
From the Vegetable :Kingdom, to repel Diseases
Dr. Gaysotni Extract. of Yellow Doak
and Rasa•parilla.
Cuar , consumption, scrofula, erysipelas, rheamatiM,
gout, hoer complaints, sninal affections, ulcers, sp
rint', dropsy. arthma, piles, seureey, affections of
the bladder and kidney., mercurial diseases, cor
rupt bllOO,ll, noel, of blood in the head, fever and
ague. female complaints, general debility, dyspep
sia. lots Of appetite, headache, eolds, costirenese,
gravel, night meats, shone, organic affections,
palpitation of the heart, biles, pains In the tide,
chest, bank, An.
It is infallible in mill disease. arising from an ht.
pare slate Of the
: blood. or irregular action of the sys-
In We Vegetable Kingdom, an All wise Tleing ha
deposited Plant. and •erh• eengenui to our constitu
tions, cud 'adapted to he mare of disease; and to the
vegetable kingdom does the reason nl plan, 01 well a
We instinct of am old, torn for antidotes to pain.
The Syrup ;5 a uteutshe compound of the mot out
treble plugs In nonire. entirely free from deletermas
nod enervating mineral rubstsnees, and as it expel.
discau Rom the system, Imparts vigor and strengto,t
An extraordinary cam of Scrofula, Erysipelas and 0
ear., eared; by the sole use of Dr. Guysott'e eons
und Syrup, Yellow Dock and Saraaparilla
Dooom..mi, Nov. IT, ISIS
D. einYerefr —Sim I tender nay sincere thanks for
the great .';ensfil I have derived from the use of your
minable s a rup. I Mire been troubled very Leal wit
Sete, which made im appearance on m
chin. I did_ not pry much attention to it at first, sup
posing tr•to be nothing bat entpuen that appear
on pertor's far a It finally began to increme, until
spreadto the .ark part of the bead. I applied to
physician, who attended me all to no tampon. I had
tried every thing that Mehl be tried. I saw your Syr.
up of Yellow Docked Saaaapiwlla, and °enfiaded
to use it, fee I knew that Yellow Donk was one oT the
most valuable articles in the world for the blood. 1
bought year Syrup, and from the um of one bottle, I
could see • law grt change in my sy•tem. I continued
to me it until ee a well man. I now feel like •
new person; my blood is perfectly cleansed and free
from all lmpurities. Thera la not a qaestion bat Ma
your newly &novena
le far superior t
any ommparilla Immo ever mold.
'Thu certificate is at your disposal to prehlith if yes
ho t 1 any one }mama, refer tome I shall be hale
pp giaa them all the information I caa about my
cue, i.e. • I rem.. your obedient servant,
Otom• Joniewm,
113 Market sue.t.
The beet female medicine *sown. Mae Extract of
Yellow Dock end Sarsaparilla is a positive, epeedy,
and permanent cure for all complaints incident to
It/ mild, alterative oroperues render it yeenharly
nyplieahle ui the lender and delicate constitution of
the female. It is unrivalled in lu edema upon such
diseases as Incipient umvumptien, barrenness, lei,
corthoca, or whites, irregalar mentuasoon, tneend•
!Immo of urine, and general prostretinn of the system:
n and s a la te s ly t u c d o e u n so e m ra u cts c Oomn it
od i t s h tr e e senma lneervous
and imparts to energy' •nd buoyancy NA St risingas
they arc grsteith We have evidence Do file which
induces g% strongly h a veo skis medicine to
martitin peopbs who not been blessed vri th o 2
Plat neon, Duos, or Falling of the Womb, of five
years . alartding, cured by Dr. Guystottla Extract of
Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, atter every nth.,
known moody had W been tried without
ssurrioxos, Ohm, Feb., 18111.
This certifies that my Wife, aged 07 years, hes
p ee n aelyer. ander at
above complaint for fie.
Yeurer-noarlY g
of Mat time confines! to her •
bed. I
have for lbw years unity employed the beamed
ma! talon! tau could bit prootred intros section atom
cogusy, without any benefit whatever. I have also
purchased every instrument recommended for the
cure of such disease, all of which proved worthless.ln the spring of !Ht., I was induced by my friends
to try Dr. Guysetra Yellow Dock nod Setruparsla
which west used for four moods. After We had used
tt for about four weeks It woo evident to all that eta
was improving, and from Ws time We improved tap
and ned Yteak us! strength, •ntil the disease
was anurel gai y remssosW, and she is now enjoying most
rice beta tioaltis WM. MONFORT.
Ws Le tug neighbor. of Wm. and Jolla filo:lions
know that the above slaternent, ea to the Richness o
Mrs. Monfort, and a• to rise cam being effected by
(tapas , Yellow Stock and Sarsapardla, to be strictly
Great. Cars Of
Juit Coattoseoptions ,
Mc Bennett—Deer 9i t The great beise, winch
have derived ItTssa `'oar Extract of Yellow IMO and
Sumpwsila, teduces me, uan act ofjunce, wand
the rolloartne statement:
After wasting for two years (rom general debility
which Guilty termmated cansumpuon, I was given
Dp by my friends and physicians as beyond Me aid of
medicine. As a • last resort, I wali Induced to try
y oar Extract, d boring guseil but ime bottles, an
r 3 rdnir your dimftton7i , I ain enarely well. ,I
le old 11, , rcioto vnincalls resofnin• nil your uncle el•
mitirtol wen desire a powerful
?Loon wit sate temcJy. Won-Imq your inont,
None genn ,rte unless put op in large square...tics
conountag • q uart, and the name of the spun Nowt
in the gm", ithsthe written signature 15( LIT. Ban
nett on m e outsid• solapper. Piing it par bone, I.
six bottles for-S5
It is sold or 0 . Ifi eOrker of Fourth and Wel
tel striff.i,„, - Ohio, Oeneral Agent for a,
Sadlh arid `vest, whom all orders mast be address
Carter k Bro Erie, W. P. Judson Co, Walef
ford, Olin it Memo., Crouingollet Awl Tarr.
Aluntrose; 141Tem bilk, Tovintidh, Robert Roy, Well.
t.nek, Rodcfnek,Calionsliu L. Wilcox, Jr.. Ibto
burgh, of Market Meet l e nd the Memo..
apt TA wlynT
med. tnes of dm
liyiihath (swoon, Ohio, May 15, ISO.
R trs—l Munk it right, for the bencstof others,
in state facum retail. to your excel l ent Vs,
rally Mid ones.
I have, Deed your Yermiinge larghly la my own
Welly. one viol frequently ejpelling large gaming.
(..1 100 iw tiUoworififil from two children. I have
•rte used y Ljvcr fin. end Cough Syrup in my
thimiy, and they see, in every lustanee, prodsced
Wile des:red.
As I inn engaged in merchandlalng,l am able to
so., that I have yet to heard LLa hod failure when
your medico :mg baba bocce used in any section of the
etniritTy.' coDel4stoD, I may state that they are the
atedmines o( the Ray, and are destined to have a yell
ortensivp popylartty. Yours, rf, , * ‘ FeY:S . Ot.
Prepared and sold by R. E. SELLERS, No 75 Wood
street, and sold by Druggists generally in the two
and eternity
e. ELLkftre FAMILY MEDICIIISS— . Tbey are saa
1,7 bledielem ol the day."
AY MAW% ST•VMS, Clt Ma Pro s 1848.
RE. Sellers i I think it heal fax humane( others
to seam nom% fee's he relauan to year eloellent Fuel.
l' l t ra d y7tii:i6 yet Yerodfuge largely l my n
PY, oneirteli'fruvitentlY ...venni for s o xpellIn(l t'oge
aaantiu 1 tiny Ito UN) worms Prom two childeat I
bavy •I o acrd pour Liver Pat. tend Cough Syrup .
rnY lA. T, and they have ha every instance produced
the ede dels.
As I dm engaged to trierehaudlsing, I am able to
state that I Have yet to hear ci the first fallacy where
year niedlo.nes have been used in my acetic. a! the
country. lit conclusion, I. may sm. that they too eke
medicines el the day, tout am dammed . have a very
extensile popalarity Yours. roe .et duly,
e.. II Pinata,
Prepared and sold by R. Vl b HS,No 67 Wood
street, and *old by Delegate @I R ene tally in the two ci-
Ues and vicinity. my2l
iii - E4A'r ihlii - ii - OF LIVER COM - PLUM; lii - kie
l 7( original, only true, end gcnitine Liver rm.
'..naat dual, Ohio county, Va.
March . .4o,lB4S
Mr. R. E. Sellers Dear Sir—l laha it a dm I owe
to Ton and to the pablie gsncra ly, to state that I have
been areted with th e Liver Complaint for n long
tome, a d es badly that an Omen. formed and broke,
which eh me in a very low Mute. Ilavi heard ql
your celebrated Liver Pills being for .al e by A R
Idharrq In West Liberty, and regular:made to me by
my phystetsio, Dj. c v„ Smith, I uouoluded to rye them
f r
'' V,. 1 P ""*4 o's
bol d ' r d T r alil '.e r m LT
reLitl.ll,.a.tArz,ll3.lS7''andc:fter'taklng four boxe•
I bed the disease has entirely left rue, and I am now
in'fiY - a1 wY li. ab ‘ P ' ''f"). " 111 COLEMAN.
West Liberty, March t 11,1849.
I certify that I am personally acquainted with Mr
Coleni .1 , and can bear testimony to Sc truth
above.rrufiente. A R SOAR!'
The ea:lame Liver Pals are Pr.PuYba end Cold by
r. la i LLERS, No 67 Wood stint, and by deuggwv
entue wo 01,4.
'PO TUE PUBLIC.—The orimnalonly true
nine laver rill. are prepared by R ES ellers,•
his name stamped in black was upon the led c
box, and his signatam on the outside mope,
°there are Cannterfeits, or bale indlatiOnl.
Riau . R E SELLERS, Periplector
lATATOtIES t I..CIII:.APER ran:: Kyt:ll,
vl' /net reed, an Invoice al fell 4CVnfied P 4 tsn
vet Watches, In carets bne asses, which I Can se'
low as
and tinny five dollars, aid wares ut
keep good time.
Also--A splendid soortment of JEWELRY.
prism.s t.vvaiau4i.Til,d‘iiielne,t,tsmiy2es, and hest pr
h lice and Jew"
'7'. ...... viiee•i •...'77-•"
HER..y,CO, harm arranged to
give their enure aurnuon to the sale of domenue
Wool en and Cotton Goode, now oleo their large
stock of Tailors. Trinonilurs, Vortinga, French
0 moan Clothe, Doeskin., tassime me, la. at flot coat.
CST reed, an elegant plain Rosewood oct. Prune
U Nimes from the celebrated manufactory of &
' lr lark, N. V., 01 •111,C nor tune, mud Ter] male rale price.
For sale by It. KLEMM,
dcl9 at J. W. Woodwelle.
V for removing Tartar, Starry, Canker, and all
subsunces destructive to the Teeth. It is delicious to
the taste, cleansing the mouth, healing and strengthen
tog the gums, and punfylng the breath.
For sale, wthlesale and retail, by
R R on Wood at
Vancr. I. hereby given, that on or about tee UM
1.6 of April, the subscribers had mailed to them. at
ellsburg, Vs., the following notes, vizi—A note
drawn by O. A. Marro, payable to oar order, dated
April I at 4 months, for spa 04; a note drawn t y
lobe O. Morgan, same data and time, for 6111
a note drawn by John Won le Co., In favor of John S.
Mattel!, and rewodorsed by t es, dated April oth, at
four months, for 1178, The ve notes were never
received by us, and this is to caution all somas
against trading for or buying the miss, PaTmen l
e l them &SS OM 14PPIntl. & W WAY
TrHE Partnership heretofore existing between the
J eubseribere under tee firm of Borbvidge, Wilson
& Co., meat this day dissolved by mutual consent.
The businesauf the firm mill be settled by J.W. nue
bridge, or Win, Wilson, Jr., either of urban to anther-
Med to use the name of the
W. Jim in liouldanou
W N. WILmON. Jr..
Pitteburgh, , lnly I, 1850.—jy7
TAB. W. Itnebridee & B. F. Icahn= have this
el day asaociated theurselyes under the firm. Our.
bridge & Ingbrato, to transact a Wholesale Grocery
and General Commission Ileartesa lathe bowie lately
pc,,,,,,Nd by Burbridgc, Wilson & GO Water sr
Pittsburgh, July ti 1800.—iY4
sebseribers nave this dity formed e cc-partner..
jahip under the firm of W F Wilson, for robe
of the Who:mile Grocery and Com.
potash:in Bailout, at No 9 Wood street .
Pittsburgh. I, 1620— . 04 FRANK. WILSON
RlielOilaXixt Pismo with two Itioad•
T UST received at the sign of th e Golden Ilaw, one
0 superior i S octave hleiodeon Piano, with two setts
of Reeds, the latest improvement The above is
probably the finest toned instrument ever nutted for
sale here, with a highly finished and elegiun exterior,
for sale by
YHlN',iu, Eitu7l KLEBER
!,!. nee e
do do I ,T 'crl .l o 4.Z;
Go do do do 200931
Its) do news printing, 24137;
WU do do do 0201 t,
de do do do .99.044
L.T. do do do 21104.3.
GM do Blue Envelope, 21.4.2 fr,
On do Yellow do Wirth,
50 do Manilla do MMIG;
85 do do dq
500 do assorted wrappine P
pers. in More, for sale by JOIIN II AIELLOR
1.11 ql Worirl
Economy In Tows.
TNECIDEHLY the cheapent and bent place hi Pins
.l./ hutch to buy Tea is et the Tea Market, oast side
of the Damand. They cell
Excellent Tee at --SO 50 per lb
Supotor qualities— •• ---• •• • 73
The very best------' •• —• • • 1
Low priced, deranged, or Inferior Teas are not kept
at this entabllshment, therefore, whether you go
self or tend e. child, you are sure to obtain a good
ankle, end If the flavor of the Tea is not:approved,
they remitly exchange It or return the money ;
ji• Lk MORRIS & HAWORTH, P(0911010t.
SUN/MKS-4 bk. extra Cream Cheese;
lo bf brio No 3 51sekerel;
10 brts do do;
5 kegs do do;
10 hos Stdertion,
05 hos hloeld Candles;
VO Irks No 1 Starch: •
ot dot patent Zinc Washboards;
25 hi chests supettes Green Tea.;
40 caddy bus do do;
ID 21 chew. sayetior Black T...;
I tee Defeeld's extra Hares;
For sale by J D WILLIAMS Ic. CO
1115 Cor Wool A. Filth sta.
C ILIJ . C . O , =I=b - f tx , e . s .i. Nz.;l Fresh Chocolat!.
/1 ,5
Johnson—Amerman Farmer's Eneyeloptedie, boo
Emerson—Trees end Shrubs, too
Brown—Tree. of AM.., evo
Thomes—American Fruit Culturist,l2mo
• • ••
Iloy—A Guide lb the Orchard, llAno
Pour—Family Kitchen Hardener, Ibbno
Miner—The Americus Bee Keeper,l2mo
Blown—The Ameneast Poultry Yard. Ideno
blarsball—The Farmer and Fulartnes Bland Bova
Allen—The American Farm Hook, Ibmo
Doarfng—Frelt sod Free Tree. AXlefiClo2Mo
Yonan—The Horse, SOD
Benner—The Boretry Yard, lehrlo
et 7 104 Fourth re
rIONDUCTED b Prof. B. &Inman, Prof. B. Sill
‘,../ man, Jr , and James B. Dace, New Haven, Co
nestle.. This Journal is issued every two mouth
in numbers of pages each, making two octal
volume. a year, each with many Illustration.. It
devoted to original articles on Science and the An
Condenced Racier.. or Abstract. of Memoirs an
Discoveries from Foriegn Periodicals, Notice of Ne
Publications, •nd a General Bulletin of recent Beie
The Saw series contains SO volumes,
lust of witted is a general Index to 1110 42 vol.,
preceding. Subsenption, Si a year. In udeance.
J D LOCKWOO Ag't for Proprietors,
relo 104 Fourth et.
Good Boots for 8[1.1211510/ Ito. Gag.
Drown—Turkish Evening b.:ltem/m.2moms, Inn.
Taylor—Eldorado, 2 volt, Ittroo
Colman—European Life and Manners, 2 vols,l2mo
Diekeno—Domby and on, 2 vole, 12mo.
Mackay—royal. Delnsmos, 2 eels, limo.
Marvel—Fresh Gleantngs, Elmo.
C. 0. II —Norman Les., 12mo.
Phavr—Enellsb Literatare,lMsm.
Prior—Goldsoolh's talscellanemis Works, 4 vols.
Illaye—Enavab, limo.
Taylor—Views Moot, 12mo.
Humboldt—Cosmos, 2 vols, Omo.
For sale by JAS D LOCKWOOD
ley 101 Fount sr
Dooka—Cl eeeee I Litaraciaria•
Mom—rertincry a Uto and Stanufactarc.
Stant.— Philoaopby of NaIUTG.
Chilovr—Oplioriims and Iteaccuoas. 12iao.
Looritate. Itmo.
Daris—lirgendre. Moo.
Dry ant—What I save in California.
Si. Pierre—Pam' and Viririom I%ao.
Alcoa—Leticia t 0 Vo.n g men. 12. - ao.
Darnati—fteciliade• cf Homan :gamic. 12rao.
Vericoar—Modern French Litcraiiira
Nerrnharri—lluman Magnetism.
Humboldt—Aspects o. Nature.
Droderip—Zoologleal EteiCAlliart.
For solo by JAMES; D If/CAWOOD
eN Int Fourth It
F New lialatoptua diolodsoo.
WINE to Ron .11 Niet: Doily Day;
Dolcy Jonev; Go down to de Cotton Field;
:Jelly ass a Lad), to.
lie Kind to the Loved Ones at Home;
Row thy boat I.ghtly - , Tone Love, by T. Hood;
Our way across Mc sea. damn
A new medley , or by B. Covert;
Jenny Gray, music by Atelier,
Joys that were crowning, Wedding Mont;
God bless the hardy morWet WaltA
Cot:memo's Depatteve, by W. C. Gloveei Dom Brow; Watmcs, Steyr...D.lmb. Co;
Last Rot, of Summer, ens); V10)011011, by Item
• Unite, Mama Bolan; loon,' tioeventr Points;
Cr..) Bracket Quattrillet Lommille goadrtite;
Beauties of Italy; • [Metre, Trios, ere.
A large assortment of New Menlo on butd. a which
additions am made weary. For tale b y
febtin J. H. MELLAJR, St Wood st.
Cheap standard HlstorT.
It 7: M M= ty l rp 'R eY
peper, at lU cents per vol. Three vole received, and
tor nib by II HOPKINS,
apl7 73 Apollo Itoilditterhyourth
ItEDUURN , Ills at Voyage, by Henstanblellyill
.abhor of f"Typec." “Cnoo,"
story of King Alfred of England, by Josob Abbot
with fine cog...togs.
liblonia the, Soreafoug by Wm. bletnhold.
tarot;Thud and Market street.
oJ the Plan Ream .. Works of the Aga"
of • chit to the Chandman Christians of Kurdis
tan, and the Yekidis, or Devil.Wonthipport; and an
Inquiry into the Manners and Arts of the Ancient As
-0F.5.3.. By Aut.. Donr7 Loy r d. Esq., D. C. L.
With Introductory Note by Prof. n Robinson, D. D.
LL. D. 111. trued wi th 13 plates and maps, and 90
wood cuts. 2 vela boo. cloth, 1fd,50.,
"The book has tutu amount of graphic, vivid, W
m-value narrative "—Tribune.
"The work of Layard is the we prominent contri
bution to the study of antiquity, that has appeared for
many year."—Christ.
"Not one excels i q inarreat the aceount of Nineveh
and its Ruin; Riven by IT, laytud."—Waslungton
lotelligenoi c t io
th " tt.:Lr ' ex ° ith:lo th ne e , t a irod irely b n7: th o l e ' rs " el t v ' e t :Te " .
lore • massive firth. carted with talnute accuracy,
now lifting its picantio head trom the dust of WW
years, wo we ready to cry out with the astonlehed
Arabs., 'Wallah, 11 is wonderful, but it le true!' "—ln
For .010 by.
63 Wood at
Now °own.
LIIEWOSIRN of tee Old and New Ttstarcent
Edited by El Sprague, D. Ilk 1 vol. trap. Pao.,
ily bound; le exquisitely fin/stied engravings;
with deseGutima by celebrated A merican
. Clergymen
POEMS fl(eta. AN elbri of
and enlarged edition illustrated illustrated by engravings from
gns by Wier. 1 vol. square eve, ele aut.
I ' VE k e og iL d at gilt Alan—A variety of splendid Agana
els and Gill Flanks.
Sewell's Child'. First Book of the IlistuEl of Rome-
I. at leen°.
VIE MECHANIC'S tI,9ISTANT, adapted for the
ase of Cerpentera t Gitipwrightv, Wheelarrighte, Saw
yers, Luratigmen,Students, and Artians generally:
being • litorough and practical Treinuse oulilensure.
lion and the Sliding Rule. lily Et M. Koper, A. M.
Boise's Treatise on Greek Prose Composition.
OLlendork's Elementary Freuelt Grammar. Uy Prof.
Orione, of Drown University. I trot IProo.
Beetliger's Cies.ilas , Hebrew Grammar, by Cement.
'Geseigus' Hebrew I.exicoo.
Loomis' Trigonometry and Logerithrula Table. 1
vo Th l. (sheep.)
e Englishmen's iiireek Concordance. I •01. (mu-
Anthon's Cloveteal Berles.•
Webster'. Dietionari, ..1.91 id. 1 vol. Bun.
d d unabridged. 1.1 ato.
Barne o 2 's Noma end questions on New Testament.
Wb.biy's Logic.
Mmtheira's History. 3 vols. sod 9
ols. (sheep./
Vestige. of Crude' , 1 vol.
Morning. among the Jesuit. at Rome. I TOL (ClOth
e , l
SOC.. where the Tempter has Triumphed. 1 . 1 .
cloth and paper.)
Bone'. Theological Lectures. 1 vol. Too. (cloth.)
Alder's Pron..lag Bible.
Boyer's French Dictionary.
130111'11 Horace. For sale by • A TIOPAINS,
nool3 Apollo Buildings, Fourth et
TAW.. D. LOCKWOOD, Booksel.
2/ No. 23_Wood street, hoe for sale a few opt
pletc, phe reteunder of the .1111015.) of this va.
work, devoted to the Pre.crV•llon of Document,
other authenue infoimahen mint ng Me ` re v .,
p settlement and imptevoment o. the rev.
around the head of the Ohio. By Nevesie B. Lt.
Esq., of YiUseurgh, in 3 yols Roo.
1)i)0 - 111AN L 11313 lk'W-All.-73—PrY, wail a •lea of at
fl Liberty of other Ancient Nations. Ny Namur
Bike% Es.a. Illastrated with twelve cuvartngs, ere
cuted at Rome. 2 vols., 6v0., uniform with FrroccitT
114Wrical Work..
Jam published end for sale by
JA.M.EM LOCKWCK/D, Book sell er
Wood and
fd to
F Ittno'..7sKkolts.‘ll' APRS.'
"The reading of this book has impressed os with •
mach higher c.f.i. of its author than we Molt...nee
bers pen :Isms her other writing. o deeper
one of thought, united to more pure woo ...It grace of
reciter than vy other production of the itmode mind
with which we are imonammelo—lire. Mirror.
'lt j, • •ery agreeable and leadoble hook,
Fanny ramble's best rtyle—bold, spirited and enter
mintng. We recommend to our readers az the Deo
'publication of the season."—Reading
"It coommathe Jour t nal of a travel through Euro
an most
d idence in Italy and is one of the pleasor
books ef season.°—Cour. and
°A very Characteristic book. We have read It from
tune pare to Colophon with unabated interest. A 1.1.
vtd 'picture of life in ßoam In all respects eminently
novls Boaheller k Impeller, 03 Wood . st
Small plea alaiban..
'tarn' & BURCIIFAZD have an excellent
assortment of above utter,
cm. of c ctn . =MO
WWI la 111 *au kuakeelosuin,
FOltl/110a leXCIIA11101::
B ILLS on Englad, ernela, d
any amount at th Cure Rams of Exehartra
Also, Drafts payable In any pan of the Old Completer,
from. 1 to SIM% at the rue of SS to the 1 Sterling,
deduction or dmocutot, by .103111. TA ROlll/Se
SON, European and General Agent, oleo dth
door egret of ward. outtSU
Luna amarcatal n imbarann Uhl
0. ILA
to Furman and Domma C doN R . dt
Bills of Emmen, t:Oer•
Photons t 4 (leposlte, Dank Notes and Coln, comer of
3d gad Wood creels, direeth 05r 000 . St- Chat'ez
WICIV2 12 11.7 P 1111132—
Ludlum, Tt
/wan a 2 ky,
Ba Nets%
7arOkaky.l at ab• lowart Mat, by
aeon 35 ifs
sabot %Italia
BlLre or szorimciag—s4hi Casaba-On
Nava York.
Philadalabla. and
DaLincurrs, ~
Constar.ny for soli by N. ItOLSI ES a. SONS.
211011,U111R ItAWORTU,
Illesettants, East slde of the Domona, Pittsburgh,
sae now oiterale at the very lowest priers for cash,
'tee rued Whiskey. ism end Domestic litandyt also,
Eteneh Drawly, Holland tile, Jensaira Spada, Lon
eon Den,. Irlsb t\ task sy. Rosa he. Pori,- Iterty,, Champagne, Claret, taavatell, Malegs,.Tenw
setae and Losbon tVine, to:t , oteaoles Retell.
PRINTING PliPM—filwaya on hand or Wade to
order, the various sizes of Printing Paper, Bag
Wrapping Paper; Craven, Median, and DoshinCroven
snow Wrapping
Mr.A Paper; Crown, McCain. and
Doable Crown Post W
P (IffiCe eOO P a.ob es oaft.d.•
~f ‘a
RSHALL, w 044.
mast , Aeon' for Chalon !tittle
TWIN WAIT 2c :0 11 . )1 b . a l a C o i rensoced their stock
II Groceries to the opposite aide of f. bony st.
t TTOMAN IN AMERICA—Her work and , her re
, y ward. By Maria J Melntoah, aathoT of 'tChum.
Coonterelownts , " -To seem and In be! , I ved
Lauer I)ay Pamphlet., No It, Thu preadlit time.
By Then.. Carlyme.
Cnnt.www.—eternoirs of Ltte and WritincUorTtlr.
Chalon., it D. L. 1. D. Prelecuens on Butler's
Analogy, Paley'. Evidences of Cbrirtianny, and Bill's
Lecture on Divinity, with two Introductory Lectures
vird four Addrewes deltvered in We New'College,
Edloburgh, by Thames Chalmers, D. D L. 1.. D.
Life of 7obn compiliMr . 'Ahem.
particulorly from ha c rums.
I Dyer, with portroiL 1 12rtlo.
78 Apollo Braidings, Fain* ort.
by norm" II
For We by
.p 47
Combs! Com do b d a o l vm
2 , 0
. TICISS super Polka; 10
4 kes'd Reddtor;
10 “ .oiler PAGliah nom Reddinv•
6 . . Pocket Combs;
Goo . . Wood " ..
1000 Joe amid Floe Ivory;
10 " Shell dude Combs ...
10 " super barge Daffolo;
d Dole Combs - 'd
tot „ Gr.......' i' , cy .: 0 ''.'''''''''' b y
LA Eft, IC* Market at
Hear lielletadt Oa4 ilollasidl
T A n t iCE tte c s N e t tl r s e l C a
l et n' e
et ro . f M t
I gen= n k h db e t h s
Window Holland, to whims he wetted most respectfully
call the &Holman of hts customers me the public in
_p7Carpet Ware Rooms, 73 Fourth st 1.01
Guitar.. •
A FEW very Ilne GUITARS, just reed front the
A. celebrated manufactory of C. F. MAUI, and fur
sale by jan9 J. IL MELLO/3.81 Wood at.
Books Just llos•lnrsd
Ltitettell's Liit<ltcul nod Elabbazia Sch.< Geography;
• • . •
new work; I eel, MO. .!
Town'. Antares eod Speller,
Lae of John Q. Adv.; by Wm. 11. Steroid; 1 rol;
vo muslin
P. ; m. by Airs. {lowans; I 'al, Itio . muslin; gilt
South's Sermons—Serni,vrerclio'd upon several
vesions, by Robert So . D.; a now edition. A
olsi inelwilos PostlitimonA courser.
Same-4 vols. in St sleep , Eno. ~
For sales by R. HOSNINS,
Apollo Clulldlnits,Fimrtb rt.
C00N1110101.511, 0. W. a. PATNA
THE undersigned, successors to Antilles lk Nichols a.
eoybegl eetoinformthecitizensafPittsburgh
andpubllc generally, that they have rebuilt the EA
(SLY. FOUNDR,Y and are now in operation, and
have part of their p.ternaready for the market:—
Amongst which are Cooking . Stores, Coal and Wood
Sto•es, with a splendid eirsught Coal Stoye-, which la
Flo , ' 014.dt - ceding in °Wee cities the common round
Stove. Also, n cheap Soo Cooking Stove, well adap.
en for small families, with a full easortMent of coins
con and mantel Gratee We vrtiuld particularly fo
re the attention of personsbuilding to. call at our
ei archon. before purchasing,and examine a splendid
arttcle of comumcfled Grates, finished la bee style—
encrely new in this market.
Warehouse, No. lot Liberty et, °opaline Wood at{
(1 YEAGER. Importer and Wholentle Dealer In..
Sign of the Gilt Comb, Drs. Marker at.. Pittsburgh, Pa.
• Western Merchants ' Pedlars, and Others Losiont
Plush.. to parchaselLoods, aro respectfully invited
to mill and examine the extensive eesottment of Eng;
lola, American, French and Berman Fahey Goods.
All Foreign Goode at this establiehMent are import
ed direct by myself, and porch... may r e ly aa
tins goods front first hands. I have tub largest assort
ment of articles, In the variety Ihte, ;In the cuy o(
ttsburgh—ol I of which win he cold low for cull or
city accepuinces. • The Stock cottrins,•in port, of
Lace Goods, llosiery, Übrors, Ribbon.
Silk Cravats, Shot and Patent Threads, Bearing
N i, Spool Cotton, Topes, Suspenders, Buttons, Pins, es
dlcs and Cutlery.
Gold .d Silver Winches, Gold Jeweliy, all kinds of
she., Combs end Razors.
ercuwion Caps, Revolvers, Pistols, Clocks, Silk as
ton Purse% Spectacles, Steel Pens,ifilemin Boxes,
.pet Bags and Basket..
' l'hidints and Trirornings.
end y CrOMNIOZeleol with a largo varies
i INCy 1,11.1 Staple DEN GOODS.
VV .55 ER is aw agent for the celebrated Lan.
°nibs. : until
tarsal Magilan eamSdy
T:ill Coughs, Colds, Asthma .4 Consumption! The.
i ONLY REMEDY fhr the cases, Om demises, n the If UNGARIAN BALSAM OF
LIFE, discovered by the celebratedllr. Buchan, of
Lor.don, England, and introduced into the United etimert
seder the immed iate superintendenee of the
The extraordinary success of this medicine, is the
a pulmonary dricases, wurronts Alerican
Agent in soliciting for tl.l.6<fit the worst possible caw
seo that can be found lathe canupunity— a
. ruses that seat
relief in vain from any of the eoMmon remedies of rim
day, and have been given up trY die 01.0.1distinosmbell
phyrimans as confirmed end incurable. The Ifouguris
Balsam has cured, and will core, the moat deepening
of eases. It is no anent costram, bat a etanderd Eft".
Wh medicine , of .kramen cad established effiency.
Every family in the United !Bates Mould be mp9ml.m
with Mich.'. klungariart Balacia of Life, not
counteract the errimemptice tendencies of the aliment,
ba to ho used am a preventive medicine iu all am. oi
colds, coughs, spitung . .of blood, pain In tho side and
chest, Irritation and 1114MICS. of the, lungs, bmothisia'
Mt:malty of [aerator, hectic fever, night sweats, maws,-
luon .1 general debdity, asthma, InForemat vehmplegy
mach and croup.
Col l large bottles, at pet .114, with Nl.l dins.
tio. f o e the restoianon of health. ...l
Pamphlets, co:n mEn
aming a me
o! glish' sad Baled
can certificates, and ether evidence Massing the 11.1:r.
' gentled merit., of this great Englielißecnedy, may a.
obtamed of the Agents. gratuitously,:
Fur sale by U A FAIINE.T.TOCIL A Co., corner o
st and Wood and Wood and GM sta..; lethigmeid
SN•1711.0 Lux Ist.
Prromegmlif Marcia 27,18'a..
Mr. R. E. Sellers—ln Justice to o
ats'bund your ocean
pumble Cough SIM., I heg leaVe to te, for Sieber,
cLa of the cottirounlly, that my wife has bee., eev essa
tines ailLeted with a most distressing cough. I pur
chased, in January last, a bottle of yogi. Syrup, which
cored a cough of two months' stmitifeg. Ahodt one
month Meer, the cough returned, and was so steams
that she could hardlymove, thorn weakness us the
breast; I sent for one bottle you. Cough Synth, .04
o part of one bottle carted the cough I gave the other
to s journeyman who was severely afflicted, who bad,
to use his own words, 'oaten enough cough candy to
eure all th e peop l e in Pittilistrgh," if the moody had.
been as good us moresemed.
Yours, respectfully, Ain. Rasyn..
Prepared.aud sold bySYLLERS, 57 Wool
P e t ,
smd told by Druggist. geoerally the VOIO
r I! I[l{ deli.
. _ .
. ....... S.
ally inform J. pablle, that he
keeps on hand at !dawned oar.
west side of 'the Valued, Alle
gheny coy, a complete assort
ment of Venni. 'Linda, also Ve-
Munn Stnier* are made to se
der in the bcht style, warrament
equal to any lathe United Statx
itts tlintds can be removed earth.
contralto aid of a screw driver.
Having pernhased a h a stoc,
tool., end ...I of tie cabinet ea.
tablislimentorßantsay tr, hitClel-.
land, 1 pea
customers. prepared to furnish,
their old . well an
Mr nubile 0 , larre..ith .011 Ming tri Metall..
Apony, Nod Wand straatt PittahttnA
etch% .. J. A- llROVirlia.
Colortd Marsettsois (aunts.
BURCHFIELD - hove renelveA an as-
Icy Sfirt Or the 'Amer colors, and of law and
brown:al patterns; also, Mlle Coornorp.cs of va
-110. priers. •
eel their ouoli. Great care in (then selecting the
very belt male; nal oe they tiny in large quantities
f. oat tan ogenot nt the ruanufaentrers, they can Inn
ni lac verYnitee• ' .ugh
D L p 0 :111-7 cart. reed and (or sale by
Ant:7 sh. V. , llAillihtGlr
is tosuliet
I y treriviag, train tlw tartest inaualacitirea.
Agar Yorkt and I . l.ordelplult, had also frau
ArIICIGX, Cue newest and roost approved MY11... ,
pne 11.gioes, together with :Cordon, Firo 0:51.1
Prut., and Tatter Top.. For .ale at 65 Wood st., be.
meta Fourta Street sad Diamond Alley, Mere...or
to tt. C. - I 2.
ußrar.a ntiRCFIFIEbb deal tArgely to aborts
t ttrllcle, Cad are ptsparcat to ttipply o ooo.rim
BrtiPif, wtlotatlTlCO pad nt low price-tar
q Ent, fine Ictwoln I
P etagea toors.
ONE mashed Barret
Ch.fl. Woob iluabergig
One Dandle, marked ~ Pin. "
burgh. •, The Alrner. please. eall and pay Ale
efteraek..6 take them away.
" , v U. laßL—jrZl WLIUNGFORD tr. CO
lase fanea h../ a le erthey
()!nabargs, of right
ealdtb far Wool Sacks, .6 1 c/. . ',l
To City Plortlitatalit.
EP,060 ft ropertor Hued Fete for Hiestinc
a,:ltin seg. i1.1.1 , 1's Matting Powder,
I,huo teen . do dole Yowler.
The aide and Wide tpread reputation o.
the above powder, t• belt atitruntee ?r its good
Vegdn, Hoer
D m . ; 31 Wood et
Drawn Laws's at ill ••11•1.
ALURPIII" a IttatCIIFIELD are •611•6 g • beat
article at Brown Drcu Lam,. at the leer oleo
of 12 ) a rut eta, a_ pest Taste() of ate i ez:
hiht do et 10e, tree, end I.IH Da la*
096 OW WOW WO won 1111-