si. l6 ParittrlCD dr, TELZGUAKIILD PITTISLWILU I/ ■OAUD OW TRADM MGR Tilt: PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE AND mes,vr's u«*•z COMMITTEE FOR SEPTEMBER. 111.12 CY U.. T. B. CLOACi . COIIGIIMISION - Al. w... AiittnnYos,Setit.lo. Sacra--Mr. Drugless presented the erode!, Salsa( M. Ourinn, Senator elect .from C.V. , ' di. 1 Mr. Barnwellpresented the credential. cf Mr. Fremont: In doing so, he said, -that while be had entertained !tenon!, co o fitutional Cl jections CO the sdmiolon of California. to Mr. Fremont, per.. socielly, I e. had no °Need." e whatever. Mr. Davie, of M 1..., not !levies that the Con stitutional requirements In elation to the election of Senators had been weir led with, he felt it his duty to move a reference his credentials to the Committee on the Judicly Mr. Clay said , that prior o .-, yesterday, Calgor. nia was • State nut of the ion; but immediate ly after the Prteidenttel els atm* was yesterday affixed to th- bill for her admission, she was a State in the Union, and entitled to all the rghta and privileges or every other State la the Union.— Among there privileges was that of being repte- Seated to the Senate end House of Represent.. live.- He then could see no reason to reject the regular credentials mil which she had furnished her Senators. Haan M. DI VIII denied that dalliamia had been . . • State out of the Uoi3D. After nate foratee debate of no generarim• porta:lce, tbe 6101i00 to refer wa rejected—ten 12, Day. 66 Mews. Gwion sad Fremont; the first Senators from the &moo( California, were be sworn, and took then aes!s. Lots woe then drawn for the Senatorial term., when Mr. Ferment drew a Owe among the &IP. atoms of the firm ChM, and Mr. Gwton among 'bow of Meth ird. Mr. Fremont pen gave novae of the introdue. lion of dozen* more bill', for the public bane. it in California. Mr. Come gtve notice of •' bill to prohibit al. very in the lernionee. The Bounty. Land Bill was then taken up. Alter some debate, tha bill was mud over • . . Oa motion of Mr. Clay, the 'Senate took up the bill to abolish slavery la the District of Colton hi. Mr. Seward offered an omendmeat to the bill, providing for abalishina slavery in the Dditnct, To the effect that the Secretary of the Interior...oast' audit and pay to all persons hOlding slaves for the lame. at the lime that act goes into effer; and that V 200,000 be hereby appropriated to carry it Into eaeeuttou—the Mode to route oat of any mon ey in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Section 9d provtdea for an eleeion in Me Mario, to ascertain whether Om bill is approved by the people thereof—all persona residing In the D strict to vote. Should the majority decide against the till, it shall be void. Thin amendment gave rue to •n animated de bate, pending which, the Senate adjourned. Houtz —An error In the rote on the noicial mileage hitt was announced, and the bill was pan. ed. instead of rejected, as announced yesterday. The bill carrying out the previsions of the Mex ican treaty was referred to the Committee of the Whole on the nuts of the limen. The Judiciary Committee Was discharged from the further in restiganon of the conduct of Judge Irvin, of Pittsburgh The report of the Ewing investigating Commit tee was then Intro up, sod Mr. Vilaoo resumed and concluded his speech. I • Mr. Brown, of Mississippi, replied to Mr. Vin• ton, retorting no him severely, and denouncing the course of Mr. Emiog strongly. He referred to the votes of the Virginia members, as showing a combination to corer up the Barron one. This called out some spirited defences, and cro wed some feeling and general smoremeot. Before Mr. Brown concirded, the House pass ed to the business on the table. Several bills mere then read. Mr. Ewing urged that the bill art* public Nadi for the construction of Me gre tral rail road, be pot upon its passage:4 Mr. Vinton moved that it biSre r krred to the Com mittee on Public Ltoda. A debate ensued—Mr. Gentry traking in favor of its immediate pumice, and Mr. Venable in fa vor of its reference. A debate took place on the Senate B:II, graining • &million of hod to Alabama for sondty pore°. WIN The policy which Should prevail aa to the dupol ellen ofthe public lands was 'discussed. The bill was finally referred, to the committee on Public Landa. Mr. Otis,-from the Select Committee heretofore appointed, made a report, onetime, e't alerted," log that there is no proot thatJnahua Ft Gidd np, as charged, abstracted certain papers teem the Glee of the Poet 0175:e, connected with the MOM. eel and appointment of • Post Master at °Seem, Ohio. The committee were then discharged. Mr. Boyd rose to a question of privilege. The Representatives from California, Wright and Gil bert were in attendance, and 'sleben to be sworn in. Mr. Venable raised a question as to the right of those gentlemen to take their seats. The main objection wp, the senuitution of the Untied States provides that the times, places. and manner of bolding the elections for members of the Hauge, shall be prescribed by the Legislature of the State dna , He argued asalnat the admiulon of Repre sentatives, that their election took place before the fandamental law watt adopted,and before the pro. plc elected the members of the Legislature. He cooeluded by moving that the ;credentiala be refer. red to the committee on elections. Mr. Robinson moved' to amend Mr. Venable'. motion. by nebstunting, that ,the representatives be admitted sod aurora tn. - --. • . Mr. Toombs annealed the view taken by Mr. Venable. The Constitution sea explicit on the subject, after some further 'debate, end without taking action on either motion or ■meadment, the Hoare adjourned pnc.limr.rmA,Seot. 10 A telegraphic correspondent of the Evening Baikal., at Washington. lays :—TaLormation has been received here, by telegraph tram Charleston, stating that the people in thataity are larboard the passage of the territorial bill in Congress. Upon the receipt of the aeon, ■ publin demon attar/on woo gel up, and the dig of the Union au trodden ander feet. ' Meetings have been - ealletf in a number of dia. trims of &nth Careen*. to take actloa upon the preient state of antra!! MASSACHUSEITSELECTION licarox. Sept. 10 The election in the Second D.mtict bo• revelled In no choke. Upham la in • minority of 331 voles. Pam4ntmenta, Sept. 10. The Demeerata in the Firat District, last wed, nominated T. B. Florecee Congress. •- KENTUCKY ELECTIONS. Loutsvihtx, Sept. 10 The Whig candidate to the. Lfttslature is that city, a elected by • mojorityiof '251 votes. the following centered list principal artieler Aloes, Ebs Nzs Yoac, Sept. to Argo.. It is expected that the entire receipts of Jenny Lind's concert, to morrow night, vein ha $30,000. MAINE ELECTIONS. r01111...01). Sept. 10. Find Diglicl—Denadal. 'As Ist as heard from the vote is close. Second District—Jahn Ap&etou, Dem.. is elect ed by a small plurality. Fourth Disinct—Charles Andrews, Dem., elect ed. Democratic gain. Sixth District—lsaac Wuhburn, Whig, is probably elected. if ee it is,a Whig gain. Seventh thsuict—James S. Rte, Whig, gains ISt since ISIS. The rewire generally Car& the election oflohn Ilobbard, far Goren Tor. • The Democratic State Senator. from York and Cumberland are elected. PHILADELPHIA DIAHIET. Pnitinninta, Sept 10. Floor Sales of 1000 brls at 115, befog a decline cf 124 e brl. Grain—The demand for Wheat continues limit ed. Sales of 600 bushel. prime Southern white wheat at 109 e p hat Rye to Pearce. Corn is m steady demand, with lumber islea °lnflow at 05c. Otte are ut moderate request, with sales 2000 ba Southern at 57 (i 3 3 4 3 e, and some Peon, at 400 4a. bosh. Wai.ker—Has dlightly dielineet, with Wel of 100 brit; at MI, Urn to 44 al 201 c y gat!. CINCINNATI trIARSkt. • Ctiountay, Sept. 10. Flour—The market ta quint. and boyera aro not &spewed to go 0.'33.00 per hbL Grain—TM , market I. unchanged. Wtakey—Sotles at 231 pie gull. No gala of Proviniona. Urccerlet •re Urn" at fortqr priers. NEW YORK MARKET ?4to REPORT. Hz. You, SeDCIO. . ~ Fir ut—Tbere is a good demand at 61,25 la 4,37 for common and at State, and 64,10 0 4,62 st for sew Western . Glesio.—Wbeat is nxi, mrth a fair million in. qniry. Sales of Ohio at 97a per bushel se,,. l a IItiVOIN and prices favor sellers. sales or West. met mixed at 621 e.; of round yellow at 63e. per i b loirisions—Tbo startet l" quiet and Imo.— •E, Mesa Fork at $lO mato,Qs, and ofprime at P l - 1 3 2 459,19 per bbl. Lard Is In good demand at riffle fat tierces and bbl. Lead M quiet at 64,42401,60 for hard and soft Alluesiosa. .. . . Oils—Sales of Linine del 70790 per gall. 4 Gracerier—The market Is steady. agree fir 'Rem. The sale. reported' yesterday evening Idrould have been St. Domingo, not Ingusyra. • FALL FASHION. A T H " d .2, 2deCORD k CO aogt9 -Cor. Falb & Wood rio czr Up STAIRS . li/iUItPITY & bURCIIFIF.LD inform their custom INA era and bayers generally that, in onnseeleenee St workmen being enraged la enlarging and buy. , 1 ,rtgthelr Store boom, they have removed their goods at lbe encase Brent of the betiding they occupy, am! Aelimproventents aro entrbedt wbere t end rll be 7 . .. 0f ....:Zir 1 . , .....01 . Z ., i ll, anal, err and ...(no,r,te, ern It; ru selling life. ChaatUeedi.• - ' , ' .• go ' rr iMB f 6 front Form Street. ( AA VAR E Itfirli an kind and for ealegby anlio jugg s JUNES . ~.-, I=l PITTIIDUROU MARKET, P. PIIS WZII ■SDIMO sm. 10. GENERAL REMARKS—Donna the week jest ea ed nothing has neatened, showing any important change in the general market. The weather, win, but slight exception, has been clear and plensnnt,and bas iness, r, a considerable degree, has partaken of the as, sal activity of the fall trade. The rive r are sorry to see, Is again nearly ap proach:ea the low mete, mark Notwilbstantimg the comperatively low stage, however, the large number of new halo draught steamers which have recently Leen pet into the trade from this polio west, presents to stoppers here, and at the east every facility to ship, wohoet fear of detsntion here, or on the way west, sad at rates of freight Y4l.l4ualiy low for the m. The Canal east is now in good r esigable order emo far the transmission of goods, and quite heavy bus,nasa Is doing at both end/ of the line. The menet., of dry prods at this point for shipment west, continue quite full; and the toecap. also for our own market, show that our dry goads dealers are making full and ample pre mien for theaemends of we fall trade; and we are warranted in stating, that the inducements held out to country dealer. in dry goods In this market, will be (bond equal, if not superior to any previous season; and we are assured, also, that by the Intimate Conner dot between oar wholesale dry goods merchant. here, and those of the asst is such, as to enable them to oder L Insides in most of the articles actable to the country trade, et even less than the tlifference in the cost of shipment of the some article from the east to thls mar. het. Under this slate of things, then, we hoe to see a heavy bminess done to dm branch during the prmen, fall u-ssou On wholesale dealer. In Pidat. urgh manafat tared art ties have beewore hoaxes well sleeted, and we hope that the heavy eilla with which they have here tofore been favored, will be more tnan real zed donne the fall aeoon. ASllF.S—Considereble additions hove been trade to theaupplira of the various articles under this heed du ring the put arrek, ands nan increased firm. noes in the market, wilt out, however, es yet any mark ed change in prices. ‘Ve notice a fair general bananas Ilio (snowing rates t—Yrart rks; solemn's 3 - 1; Potash, 4I1)4, .Soda Ar it, :184; and Scorching. at 3103je P A Prl.ES—Recequa by river have been fair, and Wet have generally been edected'un the wharf. al prier. ranging, according to quality, train 13e to 1115 71 , bnl. ALE—We Continue our quotation% re Pittsburgh brewed, at Ike 39. cask incloded, at which rates quite • brisk bustneta has been doing. BACON—We mance no material ehnuget In the mar km during the past week. Receipts have been heated. and present supplies are barely sad - iciest in the dc and, priers, therefore, have been well I.l”.einrd. IVe hay: beard of no heavy Pt...coons, operation. I eying been mainly confined to general tales, at the fa lowing quotat!...—Enr• sugar cured cat.v•sted hams, Itle; common begged hams, sefefic, plain hems 74e; side., ftf: and atoodders at 4fe ffe lb. from •csre Lest city cured from smoke house is said at a slight advance onahe those prtece, and cc wary cured bacon at lower prices. BUTTER—Aa yet very Hole has come forward for this market, and we have no antes upon which in ground correct quota:max. BATTING—Prices of batting continue col lo firm a the advance noticed In our last general review. der prier. inn tiblep clove. tiaooMS—Reetput have been fair, and Mr market is well supplied, with regular sales at prices, rasgoly &encoding to quality, from 81,'M to 11202,171 f , don BUCKETit a. Tel 39 —We continue oat quotationa . al y sod country trade, at 132,:dd1i,25, for Hornets; and S3.nODEIS # dos for Tubs, of •he Later ouslitit lIFIESVin X —The regal Sr cormnt rat:. nro gdsltrle In lb with small salw, BE stitb—The better qualtuee may be emoted at FIV 1,121 ♦ bu Supplie. •ra Imbed, BLOOMS—No salca have trantotred to far axle. 000ld learn Best quality are hen at Satan: ,o p ,on Tonne“ee blooms are hcld ut from 513 to SW p too• as to qi3.1117. CIIEESE—Tho reee , pt.of Cmem Lave been llher al, and cotwah•tauding the fall alipments eaal, the mar ket ta wall .applied, and sale. pretty brisk at fob prie• es—aafor :toed Common,: 4416 a, and for cream 54- 4+ O. CRACKERS--The bailments is the manufacturer.. hat of prices Water Create., per bbl Batter do 4,75 knir.d°,* Rmas Cracaers, per lb 7 Ettla do a CORN 1114.1L—Wilh moderate aapplica are contin uo lo qtmte r oat store and the nulls nt 73367 e p be. CORDRGR—We nom no farther change in pricer- TM followina ate din Illanotactomm. priem Manilla tope, by enil,•—• • _—.140 IP f do non,— Inn White Rope., by Ile " —do 120 " • Tamed Rope, by coil,— do nui,•—•—•••110 Parking Yam, " do continon,---• •• en " Mmilla 111,570.2,61293,73 P doz. do P enil.• - • IC " 6. Hemp, 31,50218,73:23,00 IP do.. do 9 en , .,• • • •li•e 1,01,41 LIMO. Manilty. e; ..... —•—• ilunp, 7Se Odor. Kyaoived C.iriluev is goal reamarly 12le I er: COTTON TARNS—The rolluselny In • corrected Helot the various articles under the dead: 1,1•5-.1 No. 13 aug er lb ' —Z ° 14 "15 " -21 " 16 •••—•4 17 o ° le ° u• —27 " 19 o " 20 M2M ff=M9 11, " . • -•2.0 "ID, " "• • .11, --IV "12, " " • -21 Dail. No. 500, es per lb• • • • 1, " TOO, " " Comet Cbihr, Coverlet learn,• • • . Twirler. • • ........ --•--.0 No. 800, eta perdos ry " OM, "Moo, Candlevrick,l..-..—..10 We notice a firmness In Penn and Anchor Mills, 0 common or Nonatook, COTTON ERECTING: Pittsburgh manefactared, with sales of No I at est, at fie de yard. COPPER—The regular manufacturer'. price for cake and iv ots is 1E90620 IS cart Num Corral, de.—bales of sheet copper arc rego. laxly effected ut sad old copper at ICI DRUGS, lIEDICINES DYE STUFFS.—We give of tames of roma of the Liquorice rool• • • ••••7 0 9 ball- —1203 Lae Dye .. .1 1 / 4 0 Magnexia Curb "3030 V dder Realm, 14016 Myrrh, Turkey 5a215/1 Chi Vitriol--- --• • 40 0 Castor, in bb 3000 W0 " Cussi• 3 0004,0 n " Cloves 151.,1247/303 Opt Lemon 2,3003,1 m " Pep'en't 2,500706 Opium, key. 4,W/5,0d Rainine•••—• • •4,41104.14 • Rhubarb, cool '5Ol OO !kid Amonuo• • • •• —.16074 6ennu 10010 [emetic Acid 4401/41 Viiriol 131ne• —• • -11019 Umemicood, bbic GO 7 Recite, bblu 2/0 3 'Legarood, chipped •• • • 16 • Bonti, refined trf/25 I:lsssrm P. M• • • 1545002.55 uo Cepnri n• • • 4x, Dtlllllllollo 4 1 3 1 Camphor, re f ClOondo Lime, e. t 1M2113=118 U. 11•• •- tium Mei^ " Tragaenactb Shell. Ivese .thtse 5106; Jalap, powdertd • .90V100 FLOUR—The receipts for eastern shipment during the—past week 'lyic been large, while those for this market have beet compatatively light, consequently we can report no heavy sole. from Grst hands. Some Eoe so 1000 tibia Gore changed hands at 03,009,1; do,. log the past few day., however, quotations biro .et tied down to 57.401/3,27, which am now about the rul ing figurer.' From store we nofiee a decline of 121 e bbl, from our last week's review, and primes In regular dray land lOU now range from at to 01.1214 r bbl ••-• BORIC Midi 102 of extra family Fleur hare Dien sold as high-as 111515 to easy retailers. Cur Stills Fl ood h.. been further reduced, with sates at Silo ♦ lot at t ,i,, bags. Rea Ft-oust—Very little has come forward, and sop- plies •re licbt. in consequence, prices have kept up We tau only quote nomnially, at S 3 021111,71 ♦ bbl. YEATMEHYLL-Most of the receipts bare been for shipment out, bet there are fair r opal.. on the mar ket, with se! is in tote or No to GAJ lis, at 33034 p FISII-IVe notice a considerable degree of &nine., 10 the market, with regular awes at folly grimed no.. fur Not Mack ere!, 214; No 2, SIM and No 2,1174 k V bal. 'Saimaa 1113 - 1, bbl, at SO • b5l, and Cod lith aI 1N1F..10 /ITS—no ft:Maori hn pa au earl. which aro ra Bacon I Bauer 5Ce •nd 11.0 0 t ca. Herring 01,23 f eMI. ng •t• the C•n•l rates from Cher onectticd Ow(' ...Hod. • bbl. •• •Ilde Leather. Ellemma . etc Lead • •• Bristles re 11.0 age Lard t Lard Oil. Carow ' 73e Oils Cotton .----..--- Pork, bbls• 111 c Dreg. ft Modiclam• •• 750 50d.... Stk ht r,.am lined Flop.-- - c7e St... Doer E. Barak. 75e 11 ww•• ...... 7de Tobacco, Ohlo--• GM For. Peltsies.—"•imm D " —.• Lac Feathers ..... --- • •1000 Tallow Ilk Tomtit:fro See Wool 750 —• 13.5 e Whmkey,hbls•—•—• •1500 Flaxseed ..• .• • 02: Sheep Pelts"— Mc Hardware ............ 7ec Hemp, Rope& IMS'.ff 60 e OROCERIP.B-14 ts notice a continued firma... M the Grocery market, bat prices are generally with oat chimp from our last repf.m. Of Sugar, Molasses nod Coifse oat, have been very light, and .applies arc barely snOcient to the demsad. hales of N 0 Boor kne b oon mainly confined to lots of I to 10 bbd., at 7107jc, With an Improving tendency. idolamws Used Am, with ales of N Out 3:039c • and of 8 f 1 at 450 s t k., gall. Rio Coffee is generally held at 140101 • Di prier) la Philadelphia mom. from 1 1 1011fe; and la Rahlroans from 104 to flic cash, for common to prune Rio. Bale. Of Loaf Sager at 9 1010}e; and of ersohed and palsonsed at 110LIic f D. Saes of Rico in to at 41051 e • D. . ORAIN—We notice no material change in the Grain market, although - pricee are mostly en the decline — With moderate WWWWIRKW, WC an the following goo. µ[lane, from Ant kmda ;-Abet, Niel Rye, r.306.5e; 64 Corn, 43045; and Oata at 33834 e I Ima— Receipts kayo teen limited. GLAR&—Wo,notiee no akanga sn_Wlndaw Olam sales of city broods, 9 by 10, at S3,LO, / 0 1412 at SIP ID by 14 at 05 00. Country brands are sold at lower price, and may be lorded al follow.: S by 10 ..—.---12.75 I 10 by 13 3.75 It Ily its .--....-......-.3,1:0 1U by to --.....--. 3.73 10 by 14 --.---•3,M 1 lo by 17 -----.3,73 Fhilm 01.0.—The following table is a list of the Out side pnces of many of the most prominent articles of dint glass untoulactured and sold in this market: Plain Tumblers per doz., 3Uess3,oo Slould do . . . SPit 1,75 Pressed do • . . 1,000 3,25 do do Wye, " . • 371 tio4lolo, Chttrnpoignes. " " Y . .M : ' , n t: Wine Glasses, . . 60n 5,110 ._ Lemonades. . . `as. 0,00 Jelly stand., each .50a V, pot Decanters, per dos, .001:20U lww Pitchers., . w. .11iik 9.00 -- do heavy pillared, per pair, 2.lloalthtel —.- do heavy cut dote, each 75a 2.36 Iliolawcscons, . . Soo 13,00 do Ilrittailla tops. per pair 73a 1,01 Flower vases. per dos, 4.1 1 / a SAM do do cut, per pair, • 11,00a111,60 Jelly Clauses, per dos .20a 7,00 Pressed •weetoinent dishes, per dor ,Malo,oo do do howl., per pair 070 6,00 Bureau knobs and pins, per do; I.W. 1,50 ; , 11.1 1 : 1 1,11tral.11 . SHOP 17710 , 11911.1. Speeie Ars, lackered covers, 0 0 doe 1;23a10,00 lims tors, per dos 6,011115. W Fluted Colognes. •` w 3.00411,101 Tmeto res., ground ampprr, edm 1.01•10,0t1 Show Bottles. each 73a 2.00 DA V—Tz e receipt. of new crop bay by wag°n hate been full, with regular sales at 1 19 ,30,21110,60 IR I'm IRON A. N A ILB—The following is a corrected list of the priers of the •anom saes and desenpUom of Pittsburgh manufactured Ilan We give the outside range , of price. : loom—Flat bar °44154c Round end gluon. bar —t34175 c It " toul .10.34 e 31.1164 c " Sorel 5 ettec N•tut-10 to 211 penny f 3,0 d to 0 pent* 3,50 tt 6 to 7 pennv " 4 penny 4.50 " 3 penny 5,50 Sr.ctim—Cot, ato llth• • 4,00 Cat 5 to 0r tt 440 " u Cut, L to 7 tr.t , lt LEATHER—We nOttre the ottani (mountain Leath arab sales of ltaltitrom role at 21 , f/17,art.1 or New York polo at 174/19c 40 0 th. For other dexcriptiout, the market Is litnt. at full pried . , LH:AD—nem of a reenter dediand in the market at ite tor jrp, and Lye tar bar. LE. lira—'ne prerent range of r ne. of Lead I•ipe 1. 7 lis ge foot. neeordine to ti3C. Stu., Lute—Sales at Cie by the sheet. and ale p when cut. I.reo —Pore load is eelling at 82., and No Int Sii,Sti it.. LARD—The matter continues doll, with • limited u•ietra., 1.1. I• and keg., at 61 U: b LIM E—Sete• of Lotte.ville Lune ate effected •11,25 81 37 C bt.l. LUNIRER—The following are the ru line prier% from the yeirJe • I ineh Common Board, per 1(021 (art, 11l It I doco do do do 12 Oa II do do Plonk, (P AI) do IS M/ 2 do do do do do 11100 I do Clrer Board,e do al In. II do do Plank, IP n aI) do 30,A1 2 do do do do do Ca nu Plne bow, (B XI) do Il oti II do do do 100 II Sea:aline do 10 It Pme do do II o(o Slanging per M(waive) 2 03 =MI (1/19—We note !mite' +ales of Linseed at NS, sad of No t Lord oil et ft:to p R alf. stk. of Tanners. all at SI 4Ottt V hhl. Chher Oils are wahout change METAL—:lain of mall lota of II ping Rook at ffo. POTATOES—SaIes from tune •t 11101,12 i ♦ bbl Sales ta Laval twritl...< p too POWDER—llarard and Dupont Rd!, Powder rnai be qunteel in lar,r quantitle,ll4.73:•nd by amain km, al 65,23 es s5O V teg. Rnek a - Jer at 53.14 la SILO or large and nina.ll quanrnies. RAGS—The usual range Is pe. 411. gold Mean wised. 11051N—SaIrs a 1 , 13.5 . ./ 1.1.41 for mile SHOT—Soler at ',wt. bug. SALT—Sobs to a rrautor Way s 1 bbl, winch la the regularly eftahltabatl twee afloat. SOAP AND CANDLFS—SnIes or rosin soap at 4 Olk; of Star Candles 61 :Nark; nwald tallow, 10c: and common dipped STARCIh.Ie. a GIV7o, for common to test. Tt: RI•FV PlNE—:jalae to tl.l. at 4604 P p Ratl , enth—bl.l* ea tra chum SPICES—Co. .0., :140:Ge. Clove, V52313r, and Ni. 111C0. at, for Nn. 1 al.2i I D. SSELEDK—We no a fair demand tn the market, at the following pt Lees :—Clover. 15.1.90. Timothy, active at 5.1,.:5; }las, -Tie fis La. TAR—Sales at c1,2:9.150 V bid. TOBACCO—Sidra of western leaf at IlOf ♦ lb. TALLOW—Supp:ies are small, and we may quote . nemmally, lb. PROTICITAXT Astoctartes.--The members of thkenody paraded through the ntreetn yesterday, onitietenled with red seats, some of whir► were appropriately tinged with enrage Several lyre were borne in the procemlon, and one er Mel sword. rattled against the thighs clam many gal. last marshal.. Two individual, marched last, bearing 17/4 stic►s in their hands, covered at the top with tin foil, and shaped something birespear Pittsburgh Storks, and ➢loner Narks.. I bond.. VINEGAR—Mr regular rates for good enter Vine gar Irons stnre, are Sitl9e P gall. WOOL.—Trre Wool ' , arum 'snow 'wally over, with .caaional Igen at • raogvaor 'Lo various grades of fi ova to 43r. f• 6. wiiisKEy—Wr notice fair ennpl.e... the mrk., hat aaier have been eot , faned to moderate lota, to ref. liar trade euatoo, at ttlattle, for recoGed. Strneonotr, Sept 10, IVI3O The following is a cermet Sri of mires of suck, with the valet which have tranaptred &meg the put week Par vat rll- Mk u rant o f Pitiehergli—Cepitel., e Ira J. Divolead,i y mid Novi 4 • cent- • • 530 931 CO . Evehenge Hang (May imd Nov.) 4 m• 40 40 494 51erehano , and Mam • lke e— tore rs fl ank Captot,fa em igDividnd, 'May and Novl4l t.—Divide •--• • 0 et Pitsbarrh Gas C—nd,(Jan. and .1•1714 • ecnt•— • ---• 50 50 501 Allegheny Bilden Conmany-- as 71 Monongahela • 'SO 111 Hand bum. " " 50 N. Liberties " 50 Weetem limarance Co.— Ohio & Pennolvani. Railroad, 130 paid 50 Pennsylvania Railroad.—.— so rattabargh C ounty an-- IX 95 34 Allegheny C loan IX 07 96 Allegheny City Ioan—•—•••• (Ito MI 004 Plusb'g & Boston Copper Min. Co, di. off Ml II 95 North American " i• 50 25 -Ai Pittabargh& Isle Royal " pea. 31 • Otito Trap Hoeg Co.-- 13 15 Iron Cily Minibg Company 3 Adventure Mining Co., 14.5005 • ahare Pittalargh. Cincinnati to Lonoville Tel egvispb Cr(--Capital.Sl7'2,olo Dividend. Cent; .hares, 550 ea &lianas A. Ohio Telegraph CiCapital, 11330,C07;Dividend, 50c ?share far Jan narY, April. and October: snares. Cattle Market. ALLTOII.Ii, September 9 Salm of about 330 head et 6104 .517 • ewl , net, 50 head left over. SHEEP—About 300 head were solo ai 9101,50 for common to fair HUGS—None we re q aorde.. extra 51,75 for tra af Prirkengt ram, September 5. There were offered at the yard daring sh 6 past greet shoat ISO. head of Beet Color, of wile h 759 were dm, Shto New York, 2U Cows A Calves, GUJ Hoge, & 1010 eep and lambs. Berl Cank—The market haa been ratherdoll, owing tri the wet "reamer, ha( prices are well maintained:67v head were sold al 0550007 im In peal ny, and Se remain over. Cows a Calves—Fresh Cows range ftenn 11113 In 331; Springers. PiSilts; •nd thy Cow. from 57 to 14. race 11.,—Nearly all were disposed of at ttio,S.Zos 75 • 10. Gm Sheep anti( at 31,25081; and Lambs at 111',0003,50 at in quelity —lny. grrivoaa, !Oft:en-ember O. Cailo—Thn offering• al the .care. on Mond ty eon• rrstrd of Crno head n' Wore., of which 714 were sold to city butchers, Fi were left over conold,and 100 were driven to elifladelp!flo Priers ranged from 96,25 to R 9 an the hoof, eqoal to 114,5093,73 not, and averaging 32,73 gross (logs—We rime at Iss,go.—Anfer. SPLVIVID Wait.crUlSL. We have fregeently noticed and admired the enterprize manifested on the part of eon merchants, in enlarging and bean• t tying their place. of heathen. ; the more no from the fact that It affords a plain evidence of the growing linportalce acne city, in a c3mmereal point of view. Rot to the point. We would call attention to the large and ep , endid were boys. es of S. de W. Ilartmogh, Commission and For• warding Merchants, and Dealers in Wool, front ing on First street, No. 145, and on Second street, No. 118. This firm I.•ve gradu ally extended and enlarged their roamer. operation., until they !have been c cupelled, by force of circumstances, in enlarge t'ele borders go as to make room for the Immense quaint/us of merchandise which are daily pausing through their hand*; and in the erection of their fine estahli h tent they we now prem.,' I to cor. . d.sct hownese on a larger scale, and of course they are bunni to do it. They arc now amply stocked with every thing nceesssry to the fall trade,and we hope they may, M the general bustle of our busy city, be amply rewarded (esthete enterprise. PORT OF Pi'l TiStillßGll. atty.—There were Y leer, 4 mobs., la channel, by metal Climb last evening at daa3 , and felting. ARRIVED. Atiebigin, Drim, Deaver. Fo.hlon, Peebles, Elizabeth, Atlantic. Autumn, Brog.• — Baltic J acob., Broarnevllle. 'Yough iogheny, Ihrtope, Delayer. Umpire No 2, Beaver Kele Flemilog, Wi ham, Beaver . Wave, Sheerer, Wellerdle. Shipper, Dales; Wheeling. lalia Dean, Ciella4hrr, Ohio, Stoop., Cinotonell. DEPARTED Ifichlgen;Bries, Beams , Fashion Peebles, Elisabeth. Mine,Jacobs, Brownsville. Mamie, Parkinson, Brownsville. Youginogbuiy. Hatjapee, Beeves. Umpire a o 13 • Rate Fleming, Williams. Beeves. Taos Scott. Wier, We!twill.. Reveille, M.jor Wheeling. Cwhter, Magilien, Wbeeitair. DridgeporL blank Dever Cincinnati. I Umpire NO. to.a.rg. nz EA NA vE Rv ß r o uy i b i j A i 4. t a 3 Deaq o H t t S . DAY. . 1.01/ I .lYElumain.l9 4, so LOCAL RATTER& REPOITTO Tol ?ICI ►ITIUUDLI DAILY easern Ateestavor Baines Cass.—fern. T. J. Fox Alden and Robert Woods filed the following ads dittoed awclficationurie the Allegheny bridge came, yesterday, la the Supreme Court. enstwernersofth e.. The Prorates, Menages, mad Company/or weer., eFredg. over alw AIL. eteny lion, opposite the City If Pittsburgh, 411 a theSqpreine Court of Penn sylvania, for the %Vestals District, of the Tenni of September and October, .1850. Supplemental charge. in the information and relation of James Tod, praying a writ of "Quo Waninto." And your relator gives your honorable Court to under. stand cod be informed, that the maid President, ' Managers, and Company expresaly violated the Fifth Seam. of the Art relative to the buildieg certain bridges over the Allegheny and Mononge bele rivers,opposite the city of Pittsburgh, " part ed in the year of our Lord one Moaned eight hundred and .lateen," which action la prayed to be made and taken as • pert or thia, your relator% informatloa, in this, that the said reepondents did, contrary to said Act, enter upon the lade of Wil. Ilan Robinson, Erg ,•nd erected thereon part of the walls of said bridge, without dm contracting therefor, as prescribed In mid Act, and without having ihe aid land centrally viewed, and exam. toed by three diainterested freeholder., as pro. scribed by maid I et, and admitting the advantages and diaadvantagea to the owners, and as therein prescribed by said Act, but have of their own mere motion and contract, after the said bridge was erected, permitted the same W. Robinson, Esg , and ail hi. family to pass and apses laid bridge, on foot, horseback, with carte, wagons, and io carnets., ior forty yearr, in consideration' of the land used and occupied by said be dge, which at the tune it was taken, at the selling rate of such land. was scarcely worth illy tent., and when, by the erection of acid bridge, the property of the said William woe ;really enhanced to value, by means of which misfeasance, the niakutg . fand prem.:Med le the lath section of the Act of 1810, was de prived (if the same had been vested according to the directions of the act) of tolls, which the aid company remitted the said Robinson, and family, ' and which In ponce ought to have been closed under the Act, sufficient of themselves at Mecum. pound interest required by the Act, to tray for sad redeem the bridge within the spirit and messures of the said Fou noeath hectors of the Act of 1810, as aforesaid, or • large proportion of the mom re quired therefor. And your relator further charges that the • said corporation has abused the trust confided in not eLlarging the capital stock of the company, as enjoined by the second s«t on of lb. an of 1510 aforesaid, but contracted debts Inc the croon. uon of said bridge, when by the lam aforesaid they should have enlarged their capital stock, thus aro. Wang the trust and confldeece reputed la them, and justly (wicking thereby the corporate trona chile. Aod your relator further charges, that by virtue of the First Section of said Act of 1810, fourteen hundred shares of capital stock of said Company were to be subscribed for, previous to the tuning nt katen patent, and after such subscription, the Otvernor of this Commonwealth was authorized to subscribe sixteen hundred shares to the capital stock of said company, and pay therefor as direct. ed m said Second Section of tee Act of ISIS, as aforesaid, and your relator charges that the said Commonwmilth did subscribe and pay for sixteen hundred @hares of the said capital stock; a. pro• sided for in the said recited acts, mod your relator expreasly charges that the •nburiben to ton oei. gloat foeneen huodred abates, did not all pay tie summit of stock so aubacribed by them, but con. teamed debts for the building and ametroctloo of said bridge, mid aherwsrda appropriated the tolls, premnbed and regulated by law as aforesaid for other purposes, to the payment of said aobtcrip• nom of week, by means whereof there were no dividend. declsred for years after the erection of said bridle, but the proceed. of the tollsakoesaid, were appropriated in payMent of debts contracted aa aforesaid, in payment of the Individual indebt edoesu on dimes, of the private stockholders a. aforesaid, thus dowetly violating and abusing the no. , confided to said emporia/on, and dofraudieg the Comer nwealth of thousands of dollars, the amount to - Your relator unknown, all of which premises being duly considered, as your relator• Ia advised, works • forfeiture of the franchise. of aid corporation, wbereupoo your relator prays, a he has heretofore preyed, in the information to which this is • supplement. JAMES lOU All•glrny County, o Juries Tod, being daily •worn, smith that the tact• set firth in the fcregoina •mended informa. bon. are toot and true to Inc best of his knowledge and be.f. JAMES TOD. Sworn •od subscribed this 10th day of denim. ber, 1550, before tne. Anoaaer McNamar., Alderttaa. The turn out was quite a small one, compared with what war generally expected, though one el.'s of nor cezeneauended almost en muse— We refer to the honorable fraternity of the city Watchmen. The kkllogru the hoorbera of the earioce lodges John Kocx Loge, 66 Waebtegtoo •• • 50 Leater No Surrender " 70 To: Duquesne Greys and Pdtsburgh Ohms paraded yesterday, They pm. stated, as they always do, • very soldier like ■p. pearance, and left Pittsburgh In the allesnoon, to attend an encampment at Newcastle. We trust that they will spend their time pleuantly. MIMI, STAT. Comm—The United States Coon met yesterday, Judge Innln on the Bench. to hear and Capone of roles and motion.. Fm= Ps•wrincs.—Dubufe's Adam and Eve: , ans •isited daily by lumbers of ladies and gentle men. They are well worthy the attention of our connoisseurs. Tax Wrivrans.—The weather L. so cool now in the tannings and evening', that • are is very condonable. Snearmmo German took up his quarters yesterday morning in the Allegheny Market Mime, during market been, and commen ced 'harp:tang stiar.. The sound Is a moat on. pleasant one to moat persons, and there to no nes cessity that he should annoy hundred. of people in that manner. We trust that if be attempts It again, the police may interfere. blayon's Orruis, Luso — tuarr --- :-Ibere was but ono common case of drunkennesl and disorderly cloduct before the Mayor yesterday. Committed Nanva Aursocan CONVVITIONI.—She Native American Convention met yesterday morning at ten o'clock, in their Hall In Wood atteet. The meeting am organised by calling B. T. C. Mors., Esq., of Pittsburgh, to the Geer, and ap• pointing ?ileum 1. E. Taylor, or Deaver county, David fileD meld of Armstrong, and A. C. Smith, ut Comberluid Vice Presidents. Mr. H. W. Carlota, of Allegheny City, acted se Secretary. After the credentials of the delegate' had been examined, the members of the convention pro• seeded to ballot for caedidates. Tao lollowing persons were nominated: ' For Canal Commissar/nor. DR JACOB DEWEES, of Montgomery. For Surveyor General, EMBER CLEAVER., of Stooylkill. For Auditor General. • ELLIOrT B. NEA L M Allegheny. =MEM Sirr.lo, LEGO Se;tz & Co. v. Bottum & Co.—Common nee.. Argued by Barton for Plff. In Error, and Weaver for 1.),f1. in Eaor. Aldtenberner T. Cometh.—Distrlct Court. Ar. gaud by Craft for Put in Error, and Williams tot Doll. In 'Error. Shields v. Miltoobnrger —Markt Court. Ar• sued by Wiliam. sod Kohn kir PIE. In Error, sod Craft (or Deft. in Error. Harley Pani.—Hlatlet Coon. Argued by Belden and Shale, for PIE to Enor, sod Daalop fot Deft. to Error. Neely •. Coppersmith.—asthot Ooari lad,. meat of Nom Pro,. Drain to laic.—The coroner held au loqoest yesterday upon the body of lace Anderson, a wo. moo who was found dead on her .pallet when the jolter opened her cell door in the roaming, to hand lo her daily allowance of bread. For many year. put, the jail Yu been hakes.; and when she led Its precincts, It was bat to rehirn again in • day or tick after baying committed acme fresh violation of the laws. The pry bend mu the deceued, Jane Aederrson, died ( Min". palate, and the enemies mie of ardent irilitlo. Hamm or ?dm, Hanw.—Vie regret to Ingo by • friend arrived this mointag from Hlllituting of the death of Hr. °ATM. He died ye:Wit/day tamoing j and his funeral Is to take place to d We expire& bat the botomon kitting among • large clam of Our enlaces bete and In Angulo) eg, to deeply regretting Ibis temmt, to which the coma malty haeloat one opts stoat ealnatde Imemibms _ dowriedll. Piowr.—A pews of men, dm La lumber, enter sd the house eta tavenskeeper awned Braaniges i is Gnat mist, last night. One of them was a mss namcd Bill Kane, who lives in a bowie dill urns named the Banshee, sod wore as Orange rosette in ids hat. A party olive Cathelies enter ed ine hotel, and objected to Ms wearing the orange rfbands. The tavemkeeper, however, 11. nay pacified them. Kane sad his compan ices afisrwardnmet them at the corner of Logan and Wiley streets, and com menced an attack upon them. One of the Catholic rented John Magill, was cut ice several places, and wan carried home on a settee. Another one was very badly wounded, and was taken away in a fur. nature wag.. A hubs colored boy was also severe• ly beweu . Kane and all his friends escaped, though warrants were at once issued for their ar- Doctor Quail dressed the wounds of the wounded men. Man Hco.—d, mad hos created considerable appreluanaktu atooog then penes residing in Wood street, above Third, yesterday. Four pia. tel shots were Bred at ft Wm, it was killed. DD. M. D. DOWD'S SHAKER SARSAPARILLA, IN QUART BOTTLES, Hparallel in eerie( .d madd. Ja. ca./ CU lbaAly•eNi all TANEOUS ERUPTIONS: It mill effeamally eradicate from the aretem and cure Salt Rheum, Illniworm,TeUer,Seald flead, Dropsy, Seery), Whim invailings, Wag% Evil, phew& Aiminns, .d all FEMALE WEAHNL , S3EB And Obstraedona, iherrermeee, Whites, Floor Allies, Falling of GM Womb, Nervous, diet Head Ache; Languor, Fainting Sensations, Palpitation of the War. Low Spirits, General Debility, Dyspepsia, Liver Camplainm, Act. It Is Pevalp inert ISsetlrelgr Vertotablse It had bean nerd with the mow signal agrees, by the Proration W New York and New Ilempshlre, rind. the Eastern States generally. for tansy year.—and • gemral purifier of the blood .4 invigorator al tile •I•tem—as • Gminhie Family Aledicine and an effi cacies. Female Medicine it hum, equal. The parity and efficacy of the Shaker preparasorue are well Iniown n o dle medicine roquires long till of certificates curve to introduce IS IL . increasing .. ..dern•nd for the put t. 111,0 year. to It. host Totem s endathen it is thatp in quart betties, and la the only Berth partite act. on the Liver, Ridnry* and Wood at the same time, which renders it altogether more train able to every one, particularly to females Dr. Moray, Professor in the Ohto Mediae/ College, say. the Shaker preparation. are truly valltable, anti recommend. them to the public. The etch and afflict ed are requrted to call and obtain • pamphlet, and purchase. • bottle of this vale able Frolly Medicine Se *air • eat .mytolnyor Dr. S. D. IlOWI.'B SHAKER SARSAPARILLA, and take no other. Price 111 per bot tle—a bottles tar Si. For are by J. A. Jones, .1. Schoonmaker & Co., W. Black, R. W. Meths, J. M. Tothmend, J. Mohler, W. Jackson, Pitts/torah; D. A. Wilow, Allegheny mitt; W McClelland, Manehrstem P. Crocker, Browns. Mlle; James Pthll & Co, Wheeling; J. 11. Pattersen and R. G. Morgan, St. Clairemlle i &Mari & Knth, Cadiz. Also, for safe by DR. S. It HOWE & CO., Prroprielont, I Callen MD Cincinnati, 0., To whom all mew be faddrered. 0.57 dikth rT STEAM BOATS. ._ . Ma aploodia new tuner JULIA DEAN, Capt. Gallagher, will leave thin; day for Zatierrille, at la onion, a Id. For freight or pasiaga, apply on word. spit =ll - - The splendid etcetera Melton, mower, will leeve for the ehove end intermediate landings on .pi, Paakata ...Ilia. at dddd parting from the Peet et Pllttaborsh REOULAR WEDNESDAY PACKET CINCINNATI, Captain Joss BLIMMOIIIII. Thie eplendlil bone was bath by the owners the eremcr ISAAC Newton, and other., for the Ciricirailll and ittrborgh Parket trade, and will leave every Wednesday, for Cinainsiatl, b pLeee of the New England, N 0.2. Fbr freight or passage apply on board, arm mr4 U 11 MILTENBERGER, Agt isoo PHILADELPHIA ac PITTSEIDEGH.: THE CITIZENI' EQUABLE" BOIT LIME, fIONTININCS ua Omar* freight to Ptuabargh via kr hall Road MO.I Calm]. an very rem:mania. term. and unit lb. wool deo... front oar largo elygrar N. vs Market etre.. Philadelphia; formerly ononyind by Worm Ellnghant & antr72tdtha R W POINDFITER & CO YK~ULLR WHEFUNO s SUNFIPII PACKET. Ths.'4nllff ,dame, WELLSVILLE, Capt. B. lioungoeill ran as • regalv paeket between Plusbdrgh. San Ash, Idan.4 PAtalniegb every Monday afternoon, Welhvllle, Bleobennllo, and Bridgeport, and every Thursday &Rmn for !Rab. Whnildll, Endiegon, Capuna, and Sunik. Retuig, kevss Bridgepon and Pandit every Tue s . day afternoon, and Sandra livery Friday on. For freight or passago, apply on board, orto sep? D WILKINS, Adam. REGULAR DAILY PAcKEr FOR BRA VER Ike Splendid Mourner YOUGIIIOGRENY, Lot. Ilapopre, grill 10c.. , tor .1.'4 al all lotermedasto lakdil.go,overy day, at 4 o'clock, P. M. =2l=M== IIEGULA.II WIILEELIOII.I PACKET. 1350 The swat pueenger steamer F. Robert IL Maw, master, will Maya Makers!, every Tamale), Thursday, and Satorday morning., for Wheeling, at Ii o'clock, A. St Renaming will leave Wheeline,for Plustameh every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 8 A. M. aog29 REGULAR PITTSBURGH A WHEELING PACKET jaillin.Tra summer R. CASHIE WHIM., master, will km for W. bore M el Leresmodiala pons on thl. day, 31.1 kn., .1 9 A. M. For fnerhr or passage, arrply ea board. m3l EOIOIO*IIZLA 11011VR. Illtitia WI Mlles lit•igisig. Vi Brownsville and Calabarland to Bradman and Philadelphia. ti TO Bannon •TT-T•T • • • -SW IM DO. POILADZIJTCLI it 00 HE morning boat I the wharf, above the bridge, daily, at 8 o'clock precisely. Time to 33 bout; time to Philadelphia, 40 boors. The evenlegboat leas.. daily, (except Randay ay. at 0 o 'clock. cloak. Passengers by seining on t h e tIZOr boat, will Cralll the 610.tair• In stages next day, and thus avoid night travel. &er" you tickets at M. Moe, Motangaltela Moose, or St. Chula, Hotel octi‘ly 7. MEBEII4EN. Mont PITTSUUR 011 I W HEELING PACKET. ` The eplandld I fin rennlng neuter a IPPR, . S. Cantrell, maste E r, having adder. . • thorough repels, will run here- Wftr as • regular packet between Pitisborgh and heeling, leaving Pituthergh aver, bland ay and _Tboraday mornings, at i o'clock. For freight or pmatage apply on board, cr to iTIII W. 8 WHEELER, hr. WIITEBII OiIiNCE Compel!! OF PITTSBURGH. CIPITIL 2100,000. J.; Imo, Jr., Eatel. Gus" Jr, Pmt WM inure ma all kinds of rinks; wAgArtal MARINE. A LL louse will be liberally Wasted and pronixty -1.1. Paid. A bona inatitatlen—manyot by Dhsetom who are Wall known in the oamonnst and who are detannin *l by pm:apt/ex sad hbe to mantas dm char acter which they him sue ,as corering the beat promotion to show who dears to be lowa. Draasion—ll. Mlle; Jr, Geo. Week, J. W. Butler, H. lialattOr, Ws. IL Hahne tothmsenjloo. W. Joann, Wm, IL Lyn Jas. e a u, A . Ihelp o issorsa Waylay, ALA Mal Ulm Sem. Co No. ill Wow tam; ( sae o r t i pkog • walts,l Mahar/b. ratite I ♦ lige qua= of asdonsdle in more J ud for sale b [NAAR MCKIM k nts tor by 401111401MM1 P. W. CATES , PATENT MRS FOR CUTTING SCREWS,. THESE DIES having been adopted and highly approved in all the princi* (hops in New York and Philadelphia, are now offered to Manufacturers, machinist., ship moths, &a., with the utmost con! fidence, as the most perfect article in use or cutting screws. Their superiority over any other Dies heretofore used. ...lists in their Palling a ,caner Scasw, whether P or moults thread, by once pluming over the iron to be cut, which require no auftigiuir or previous preponuion, as the dies cut the thread out of the solid iron, without raising it in the leart; in their greater durability, rapidity, and perfection of work; and in their simplicity and little to get out of order. ==l3 Puttsecr-ymu, Aug. 17,1843. This le to certify that we have purchased from P. W Gates the Tight of ..i his patent Die. for rut ting holm In cur cpinion,lbis 'Das a» much mice- TIM' m soy others we or. acquainted Mtn for m. moose of ratting bolts. . . J P MORRIS k CO. Purt.anarnsa, Aug. ft, 1048. Having had P W Gate.' Patent Gin In use In cur establishment for the last nine months, for calling bolts, :we can in every respect recommend them In the highest terms, as we have laid all other. away, they being so far anaerier—consldering them 73 per cent. cheaper than any others new in 0110. RANEY, NEAFIE & CO, Penn Works, Pa. Thrill certify that are have perebasen the nab! to ate, adopted In tar butanes P W Gates' Pa tent Strew Critter, which we higbly approve of. V 6 can do much more work, and we believe it will nor. pas. in dambility and precision, as mach a. economy of latter, soy the. known to us MORRIS, TASKER & MORRIS. PAM...unto, ath month,Mtlt day,lo4B. NI.. Co., Aug. 19,1649. Baying adopted P. W. Gates' "Potent Ides" (or eat• al( bolts., we take pleaonto in saying, that it more than answer. our expeetotiono and have no V. 1.. tion W miring it as our opinion, that It far excels any other plan In present me for conisg bon, ' • " MMM We Wes P. W Gates' "Patent Dies" for cutting *cress., •nd the economy of onset them Is so very considerable, that we look upon them as irdispensa. Edo to every establishment having any quantity of BerLIVII m COL McCORMICK, OGDEN h CO, emu., May 110, W.III,OTOTI. em Seph,lB. I lame pureliseed of W 11 Scoville for the United Stater, it. right a o.e in all the .r.enai. and anno- lI'U►3LS. LUTE` KARAM. &C. TO LET. AFOUR nor) Owelboa, %late roof , office. loath room. ga. hitarra, and bake oven, 140 'Do r.l jpq..lre at 40 ‘V•ter Wet, • • aep.3 LARD FOR SALE. TRR Chln.ll-1 . • Coal Company will sell some very destrablelnieees °fiend. mooned on end near the Steubenville Tarnmke, and near the southern termin o. of their tad read. Tl.e land will be divided into quantihes in 1.1111 per. chasm, and the terms at payment wilt ife.very easy. Faquire or L W RENIINGTON. Coal /Isom, Sept.:l.—err:din.; Manatee. TO LET, ACOMFORTABLE and earnmalion• Dwelling. in Avery. now, Firth street. Apply to HARDY. JONIES ife CO •artl 141 Front at 11342E1M A EINIALL 110UsE on Pat ingeet. In the Eighth ward, Rent low. Aprig et the. flan. ongn TO . L MT, AND possession given immediately, the Three Story Brick Dwelling House, No 40 Laierty street, •nd op°site Third U. Al SO, The Second and ?Mid Norms of Warelnnusz No 3 Market street. Empire of It C STOCKTON, Booksellers, Kumla 47 Market at. riptiE large three story Crick Warehouse, on Wittei, below Ferry stlrel, naming (rum \rat. to Vint etre, on reasonable tent.. Poseeesion given tome ibately. Engin., of loble-tf F. LORENZ. VALWiIIrEII.EAL N STREET V FOR BALE—A Lot of ground eituatc on Penn lutes, between (lay and Nlarbur7streets, adjoining the hottee we d lot now oreepied by Riel,nrd Elevards, having s front of s feet, and la de p t lig teet, will be geld on favorable terms. Title unexceptionable. En quite of C. 0. LOOMIS, lL near Wood oesql-dif Meerpority eat *MoilNoway City I • ate. ethri eebers oder for Was number o cloth Lou, time. io the Second Ward.frornth on lmoton (wand, on easy term.. Blown or W. ROBINSON, Atty at Lace, SIX alr OT of MS ROBINSON. on thopramist• 40117-4/kwll7 holdl•ra and WlCleteral C/wlssais. PIMP. undersigned, lath Agent fur patine United I Stales Pet..., at Pittsnoryttt, will attend to the prosecution of Soldiers and Widows' Claim. tot Pens mons and Doom Lam .d.. An ofhetal MIPCCUSIZI with the United States' Gov ernmeht has made me famihar with the rules and forms, as well as the decision., of the Pension Depart ment at %Vashington City. M•ny w t and heirs of Revco intoner,' Soldiers have claims that may yet Jte obtanted by proper rip- J. B. GUTHRIE Office of Wm. OIL Robinson, Ey, opposite the Mayor'. Office Ponritt Pinch Potsbargh. July 20,18.1 t; liyetitdAwlml CALI VOILIIIA ADVICIITISEIIIII: NT. KAIIISA BROCKWAY, Com.otau Merebauta, 1 - Sacramento City, California. 4..1 admen made on conwpatooma, agency Mi... promptly attemied to. A Ara..., / 1 4- W ./W.OOKWAIr, 1117•14.41 maYlMddwrilta J. 11•11111.1501 BICWIELL,, ATTORNEY AT LAW, (VITO STATE CONN OkSIONER for taking Den colons. Acknowledgments of Deeds, de. Office—Fourth sueet, choke Smithfield. enridlkorT =1U213 TAMES WILSON Informs his friends and the public that be bas removed Ilat and Cap bitahlts& Ment from bututhlteld street, to has old stand on the tomer of Wood street and '),amend Alley, (second Cory/ over Pottle'. & Ftiend's Exchange em tram. boot. off themond Alley— where may be bound • lame find lash:enable assortment of U.S and Caps at sedated peaces, arbolesale and retail. Ilsaa made to rooter /c2ld/Sw3m9 8 PARDAWK, RATON kirOBTS, No 77 BIARILET STREET. Are now receiving their Fell Stock or FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. Including a handsome awortnient of NEW STYLE DRS 811 GOODB N. li—Parnettlar attention will be paid to order.. ang3oNi3eawtoettS COHN WHK" t brie , SMt, In store far .ale by (mural R HET, AIATTIIEWS a CO (it g r i . vjt o tip—v I bllt ti ttr:= i tz v o i le c tlid PITTABOROILI COPPER ROLLIZIO MILL. mite undersigned hawing completed their Rolling Mill are prepared to fill promptly all orders for hinter end other Planufactured Copper of any ie gutted Imes. Made froze the Copper of the Ulf:refine, Lake Superior. This Motel bar been thoroughly tested by compe tent ectenufic men to the service of the Government, end pronounced superior in density, strength, and *cruelty, to any In use, and ts mark preferreu for the manalacture of Ordnance and other purposes. It is therefore confidently recommended asa supe rior article, for all ums, to any in market And we respectlally solicit the attentlon of purchasers and others to thin oar branch primate manunotture Au present the Warehouse le ho b Commercial Now, Litheirty street. comp SUSS, V &Ctt /tantetatted ri/1.111•11.• 'nom ante Com. patty of IL. City of Pittsburgh. CAPITAL 1200,000.. .1. K. MOOREHEAD, Preoh—W. W. DALLAS, 1410 . 1 cd te o r .ein., SecondSlot rX" 6"‘ riia - g / y, Malt J. K. Moon btod, Rod,' Paztoroon, Wm. A.lllll, It. 11. Hooky, It. D. Simpson, Joshua Rhode, Wm. M. Edgar, Edward Gregg, A. P. Anntmo, Wm. Cot t , hogortod, 11. C. havoc, Chao. Kew, Wu. Gorman. at. keetsoosiO6l - Ip — stOd Copy Hooker chore hoolt• having been ottrodurre into Ipublic atuf private schtutes In Pittsburgh and Alle gheny, the author has sppottitorl the subtrither Egret for their stile lo this city . Trechetn and other. will be supplied Cl Walther's prlec.r rutted in circular. .1 el ELIAIIt, ringlll 41 W. 14.1 .t. et00•Iuliallon. I) V virtue of precept 1.111. , CT the hands of B hl'Clurr, Pres Ideur of the Court of Common picas, ih and for the PPM Judicial Interim of Perinsysvanin, and Justice of tbii Court of Oyer and Terminer, and Gement Jail Delivery In end for wad Ihstriet, and Witham Kerr and Samuel Jones, Ergs., A 10106410 Judges of the same county, in and for the County of Allegheny, dated the 16th day of August, in the year ol our Lord one thousand eight hundred and filly, and to me directed, for holding a Court of Oyer stud Ter miner and General Jail D o beefy, at the Court Ileums, 111 the Oily of Pittsburgh, on the Fourth Monday October unit at IC o'clock A Public notice Is hereby glees to all 'minces of the Peace, Coroner, and Constables of Allegheny, War, they be then and there, in their proper perso with them m rolls, records, iuquisons, egammauone ns, mad oilier remembrances, to ao those troop, which to their respective °feces In their behalf appertain to b. done—sod also thane Met will prosecute the prisoners Mat now are or may be in toe jail of said county of A 'ter henv, to be Men and Mere to prosecute against n eat an shall he rust. three ender my hand at Pitlf befgh, :this 10th dny Aueest, w we year *reef Lord One thoe.and etght handfed and hfly, and of the Corn enonwenith the :341. nviltndkfeurr CARTER CCMyts, yhen ß. -• • • *HillVl6ll. lii—.l/17/1.0T142. NOOl 120 and 130 Oecoad street, between Wood and Smithfield, cher far safe 150 hi and or chest. Y. KO]. P.. !tiro. & lk Teas MI 100 b as . lb 1 Coffeelb 6.'s and Ws Va. roantil'd Tobacco; Elio 50 bib Minh Carolina Tar; 20 bd. Raga; 50 brla Brawn Tanners' 001 10 Uercea like; 10 boo Ground Ginger; 00 Los Whoa Pipes, 40 bra 111 Chocolate; 40 boo Variegated Soap; • 10 1 Imp Pepper, 16 bags Abp./eat 301,5 s unit; MS dos Bearer °octets; 30 dos Tuba, assorted sixes; Id dos. Keeler*, anorted slug 100 reams Wrapping Paper, snorted; 000 bk. Window Glaw. assorted; 6 cask. Baleratom 3 tarpons B. P. Indigo; 1 cue Matilda do; hkds gladder; lease. Liquorice; Togmher with • general aaserunent of all anklet the Grammy line. ittgz.l RUBBERPACKNO-2(oo — lbs is:sorted J. thiekneases, from 1.31 to 1 loch thick. The oboes packing is pillared so that 500 degrees Fahrenheit will tot mikes it. and la superior to ovary thing else, Ss 00 gODOLLIIIM ha. so ranch elasticity which stand. 0o high a demo of hue, and may be used &font all pans wham packing ta necessary, Clot— toanaoler plates, piston rods, Meant Joints, steam ehesia, agar. der heads, to. Fos nig wholesale and retail by J 4 H PHILLIPS ' 7160 WOO4lO MEE= ries under the supervision of thti Department, P. W. Clates , "P atent kiwi , ' for mining screvre on metal, they having been tried in two of the.large anent's, end found to be very efficient and ereellent 6 TALCOTT, Col. Ordinance. Demo or Wins arm Doers, Wunatorott, &pt. 23, 1849. Conelderinp Hate,' Patented improvement for it• an, wears on motel to be • valuable one, I hive, by authority of the Honorable Secretary of the N. purebased of the Attorney, of the Patentee, Wm. H. Scoville, and Samuel Mower, keg , richt to make and use mid improvement for the U. B. Nay? JOSEPH SMITH, Chief of Bureau. In tow also by Buffalo Works, Rotolo; Reese & Ashley Rochester, Roolett & Co, Glotteemer, N. Yr." Haywood & Snyder, Behuyititt County; Illrbtek, New York; '&11 &tn.' — ltui.,ll.'ltZ Donmend & Co, Monoment Works, Balt; Y. Caren, Rochester, Moak AIMS No York; &Haar Works, do; Pease lo ot o, do; West Po Foundry; Norris & 800, Philadelphia; ♦ Jenks, Breedesbargh, Pe; Welatotta & Nason, Boston and‘New York: Lowell blashine Shop, Lowe Arneonkese Co, Manchester, N Lyman & Bort her, Booth Bosbuo. and numerous others. No 1 Machine, 10 seta dies A tsp. GI to o in. pd. Not do H do Ito 11 pace 1125 n No 3 do 6 do ' Ito 1. once 15130 All order. addressed to Gates A.ll , llCnight, Chicago, G B. Hutson, New York, IL D.2llkrzhall & Co, PC deft hia, and H. IL Scoville Cons, Coinage, for Dm. and Taps, with or without machines (or tatting thee., will meet with prompt attention. Ocean% May 3.1830. 1e4:01m arr-11411111.1. AnnivEß & WHOLESALE GROCERS, Froth. and Consenitzuns Ilfrrn%ans.e, And dealers In Pittsburgh Manufactured Articles, Nos. 130 and 134 &mond itstveun Wood de bruithEeld, Pittshurgh. RAO BANKING HOUSE. J. CAROTHERS at CO., Ho 13 Woo!!! tttttt /71ttsburgh. CURRENT MONEY RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT Coll.mtlons mode on .11 the plincipol eitle. of the United State, losg,:stir PITTSBURGH GLAtiB WURiI A. & D. H. CHAMBERS, (La. •oats C 0.,) Would respectfully inform the GIIIILDMOGIS of the kite fin, MBalso the public gel:mm.lly, that they Ist COMIIROM Ilse manufacture of WINDOW GLASS, VIALS, BOTTLES to In •n their agnate* at the Old Stand, No 13 Wood st, betwo•Et Hirst& \Valor. jrZrattlrn_ EAGILK GLASS WORKS JOSEPH D. ABELL, SANUFACTURFR OP GREEN GLASSWARE, LVI. Bolden, and Porter, Scotch Ale, Mine:the Water, Patter Medicine, and Wore Bottle, or every description; else, WINDOW GLASS. Keeps cons aolly on hand • gantral assortment of the above *rucks. ALSO nTATE, as the other Green Glass F• rice are •th notion, as is the eastern in cui rummer, Tess Eactony new to thra. Ori. MN, and will centime, in opt eon both simmer and sender. Orders nspeetralty sol ra icited, mod mil be filled on the shortest notice. Wasehoutm No 112 Second street, between Wood and Smithfield its, Pittoboroh. jyteOdly LIVE. 12181711.A•13111. .1. Pinney, Jr,. demi fur the PM II Life Inettraeue Co. of Peals. Un.*: el' the Western Insurance Company No. 01 Weber etree4 Piusborgh. Pamphlets, with all neeen wry information, and giant totals will be fornialoed. llasbanda can in re their lives for the benefit of their voices and children; creditoni the lives of their debtors. The arbole meta of the Compost) are divided atenog the holden of Lite PoHelm The tlzvadeuasof the put two years have been eigh ty per rent. reeh Sete. jets D F- WlLL.l.fath - artit open a eleseieel and Eng this `School, on the bra Monday of kept. next. Raga civet A , D. William.' dole, corner of Wood acid Filth R esee m Rev. Wm. D. lloward, Ilea. me. Willer 11. Lowrie, Rev. Dr. IDLott. I J. 1 , . McCord. Esq., Rev. I.k. Mete:lL J. D. Willman, tem. 17.22-0 CO.PARTACI[9OIII AML. P. SIIRIVER and CHAS. HARPIES bare 0 this day assoc.:o.d themselves toether, ander tho firm of Shnver & Bane. for the trans g action of the Wbolesase Grocery, Produce, and Emsoniewon brief nods, at No Plu & IS2 Second tweet, between Wood SmithSeld at. Fauber It, AumunI,ISICL-augl • g=3MZEI:= IHAVE,Ia day, associated sena me M. I.A. Cioase, in the Wholesale Gewery and ['Yodel c latainmis; the style of the Am will be A. Colbert', o & Mauls fi73l A. duLnEwrsom A. frUMITSONI p. m mama. A. GE L.HKEtTIION At CLOUSE, 1 XTIIOLESALE GROCERS and Connonston Mer l/ 0 us 1 . .1.101, peal to Produce; and PuGburs hlusufacred articles, 193 Latest) st, Pittsburgh, Pi.. 0,3 DISSOLUTION OP paRTNER...p. THE parin ereblp of Johnston &Stockton, composed of the undersigned, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. S. H. JOHNSTON, P B.C. STOCK, ON, Pittsburgh, July NI, IBA —angl7 PUINTLING BOOK-OIL/DINO THE OLD ESTABLISHMENT, Ho 50 Third, to•law Elarket W. 8. HAVEN, ISseeessor to Johnston I Stockton,) T3ESPECKFULLV inform. his friends and the en.- 1.X., tomer. of the old establishment that, haying purchased the Printing Often and Book Bindery of the late firm, be is [...pared to execute with neatness end threaten, every doer ption of BOOK it JOl3 i'HINTINU AND BOOK BINDING Haying hod thy management of the Printing depart ment of the late firm tor seventeen years past, he lends confident of being able to render sausfantion to nil who may favor him with their patrunage_ August Id, Inso.—auglAdlm 1:1•••land, Nilf moron an dniatobarigh Tal.qtrapla Company. IN pursuance of resolution of thfi Board of Circe. ,L tors of the Cleveland, Warren and Pittsburgh Telegraph Company, reitamting the Secretary minium ela and cause to be published to the newspapers along the lute, an exhibit of the financial and other affairs of thlr company. I submit the following: Report:— The line of Telegraph commences at Cleveland and terminates at Pittsburgh, pawing Ibmagh Chagrin Falls, Franklin, Newton Falls, Warren, Youngstown, and Lowell, in the Stale of Ohio, and New Castle and. Rochester, in the State of Pennsylvania, at which poinsmnts there are of busi ne offices located for' the receipt and traiseien se. . _ The whole length at the line Is Ida miles—Capital Stock, MW per rune, making a.letal capital stock or 1Y2.750, of valet, amount 810,Nr.1 n: h el d by enlaces alone the line, and the balnnee In held ny Cornell &- Speed, the contractors. The above amount of sub• *emotions by citizen, have been paid to Camel & Speed, Ins which .he Timeless. have their receipt. Isitdtf JEFFERSON UALM, Secrimory. • To Bentham wad W n Merchants. Et.P.:1 3 11f,%28. public his Sommer stock of Pertomery, Soaps, Sharma Greases, do., to winch seven Batter and two Golden Medals have, within the last sit years, been awarded by the Institutes of New York, Bemoan, and Kula• dolphin, the latter bring the only Golden klede Is ever awarded for portemeryi either In Europe Or to 1111.1 canary. Rowans Unnreaudta finer - Ina eau., (Almond, Row, and itarbrocal,) universally acknowledge.] to be rupenor to any Shaving Cream In dna cornary or Europe. • °Liu! neutral s ll .4ms—llenutifully transparent, and lutasesaing ht hly liapou atonal and emelltent properties; deems ceous Compound; . Jimbroaial Barr ing Tablet; Military if baying Soap.. &WM./I. TOIL. 130AYS—A Mend, Boutinet, nstneblo, Musk, Patebouly, Umnibsta, Float ing, Tram parent, Olive Oil, Windsor, and Cirestaalart. Erraerva rot Tut Ilannaucntek—Hoite, hunkin, Bouquet de Caroline, Geranium, Jenny Lind, !amuse lam Jockey Club, Magnolia, Clemente, Citronelle Knott, and many otter varieties, In all sixty different perfames. TOIL*? Warns—Florida Water, r.att de Toilet., Orange Flower Water, and a gnat variety of Co. lotnes and Lavender Water. r113.6.1.•210Ne VOL TUN Ilan—Gentithe Dear , . Oil, Antique OH, liandoline, Eau Lustride, Oleine, Com pound tra Matrow, Heir Dyes, liquid and in powder, and Philemon., Martina, and Jenny Lind Pomaded. Onouratime rtZralailun—Balsamle Ella., Rom Tooth Paste, Charcoal Dentrtfice, Odontim, Tooth Pane, and Tooth Powder. Comencs—Vegetable Cosmetic Cream, Amandese for Chapped hu,es, Cold Cream of Roses, Cream de Perim, Lip Satre, Raspberry Cream, dc. Depilatory Powders, for removing eopergeons hair, Year! POWJer, VinaligTO de Rooge, Armada Vinegar, Victoria !lair Compaeithon, Preen:Cl yore, besides • aMai Variety of other trUalca, too 1111Melen• to be named in tlas itdve,thement. ~ Tar rubsenbor bocce to mamtaln t h e reputation winch the establishment haa acquired, by disposing of nothing but first rate ankles, and will be happy to funiinli limn Who may wish to patronise him, either wholesale or retail, on •a reasonable normal as any am tablisliment in the United States XAVIER SAXER, Successor to and former Director df the Labownory of EVUENEI ROUSSEL, 114 Chesnut atnei. Mr. Dosinis Parfamery la (or sale by all Um pine!. pal Druggiats In the eountrY. TO COSITIAACTORS. AFF.TY FUSE, by the batrel or rent 0 POWDER-1000 kegs placing, extra strength, Loan's A sminfacture, (or salt by J C DID WELL, Alt., ORO Water meet To the Cithsesa et Allegheny City. 4BOX for the receptlon of onthrs for City Duds 'flour, I. left at the WOOS of MOrCer Robinson Federal sueet dock orders wlt be promptly sap. 00010 WILMAETII nOtil.E Ftbaillhlit BOARDS. k FEET Worked Oak Flooring Boards, f l o or , . ff ek 9 y V perfectly dry, and of s s ammality Indtf flharostranth. SOS Head gas fee Good Teas. MORIIIB ILAWUILTII have Obtained the mu union or Whey the Best and Cheapest Teas in Ptuebeepb. II you ...ware their Tea with what you yurohese elsewhere you will et oneewknowledge its supenorliy. They are very catch. to the selection of the. Teas. They bu w y altogether for cash horn the importers rich sad e satisfied With very small mins, these we the reasons they We ewbled to sell such excellent Vlach or breell 7sealant total of dmease. Dr. Elmse`• Tome Alletative Pt , lo, when and aro davarlatily acknowledged to be tadenor to all COM% za• a purgative or lover pill, Ina.maru as they loalfel nl.e bowelsperfectly flee Met eattiveueari ••• also , his Gulden Ptlla to admitted by the manta, to possess Ificeanar propr - tine suppled in female intense', net lacing mashed that a tame trial is unite eat to establish withat has hero said in the mods of the most streptlenis .The afflicted ate invited to call' upon the agent. anti I! wore Wan.) of of die Ihmters painahl.ts, giving Jetailed account of each agentremy Mid its alicatton. ilioncale by the Rillowing s,lkwel; so by mpg ildragglem ditoughout the coantrY., 1 schooarmiker C 0.21 Wochlistreet, Pittsburgh; TO•tinscod. druggmb 45 filatket it, do; liredecit haro, 110 near the PI U. Allegheny city; dos FacitleoVlatlington , Beasts,co., Jon Elllotbabanno Valley, - do; .1 . Mates, Aen,Scr, do do; ugitali • PLA JETT'S BITTERS Creatr - s a healthy swoon thronahorit the body, restore the sr,' wine, equalize the eircalatiom give tone and energy to the system, and tram a power of resist slthe to. dthease in all its forms, rarely to he obtained. They rah I priform a speedy MA peratheept Cone of Llyspepsni ,Igdigesahan, Liver Q.. Paint, an I all the Male of symptoms gee, moot) calls 4nc [VOUS ereCUII/.. Will Do lanaLedtato.ip ret,red by'lne vu or taii inatd nabla compound, which it adapted to ./1 allele and eon':, nne. . II find in this delicate ano paints ...0o PPoreden a combination 0! '.:onic t Antratiae so.' Aperient qualt • LC pecaltarly adapted to tbetr system*. The specific ats , n tbattals article has on the Liver and Digestive Organs, renders it a complete Anadebs for Eaves and Agee. and Winos and Typbeil Veverv. =3 Cnnaai. tA,L.L July fib 152 t. I be re [mod we article of pitmen',. I . :litters., and bare derived great Isenrfis from them. I hare been solder% for years past to Inc Fryer and Ague, but since theintrodectlon of your Hitters. 1 bare entirely escaped my Mal Clacks, awl ran wish eanAtielmes rezononead them scone of the beat Tonics In use. /gasped:illy parses, U. N. DUNDING. anummtn, lone 20th, NY DV. SIX. it give, mei Much pleacurelo mate, that the Dy t main with which my life has been ea long troub led, arming from /unction of the Liver., has been en tirely overcome, sada tired by the Oa of your Invalu able pmooyoutna of Abner., and for your klndaese to mootameathnit them,please accept my Mania. rola odetheni reyeayst, . C. meets, William T. Hicks & 10 and 14t beast Bunch New Tork. Eon solo by • m,&enunn It E sF.Ltrros. 'SEW GOODS. A A. BIAitON tr. CO., No. M.lrct scree, have supplied the derteicney in theca stud, eatt.ed by Ire, and it it now rat:dated o-tatpletrx ht the Acetyl .. ot ONE, ANS PACKAGES of 1 _ dellrablageode, purehated (toot roaiiirforatrara, and lujr._.ooloo Si • peat rah:Olg, from pricers arum Spring. which will ha offered their r.atner oto patrons aecoraingly. It would be to at. tempt to easullarato their well snorted sack, and, theorem invite the early attention of their friends . and the public, an*. the assurance Of nu:moues bet 1 1 4;r 2 ..??.M4PPilf!ih • " •r, • } , 4 • •