hthCELL,At,kiEoUs JOIIB E1T!..1C , 8 arooL eiws, filifit. 131 for Seivisrg. rwinvid eh nondY inconveniences an 71 hu no of the custennwYskmiti alwaye bun Mach. and thraiOns nam warred. me common been...latter of smovishment, theivrekv,'„, f oe tOOO. ItrUnic *Milton, was conveniently tro ble, tal re ne*--8116, so amok Ineire TWO,S, la n sh e u been swooned in from wh,d, w vexation. and lore bas vixen: The difficulty Ws sliest bese.n n ° T o ' th t e n is offered a good article, hanti P pnblle a can vonlein form fer delete ire sek" . wilast is - article is the The may ehiee 6 d 6 ).'l"' e sib spool. 'llia is I r....., Lie-ra, impormd ntreel from Me 11........ al: r.:.a ' , Mace ed, and warranted tbe pare ati.ople; Mere I.Mer , are all m.Pa: - md by the ved...miher, and art all T ' ;:le '‘ J, ,A ,;;7 ' , ,7 - ",` ,. " 4 ° L,i '" ..... 1 .7. 6, .. ""`" . ,D arir n jet Lie-, C.AAta ar UJI kinds. Imparted dueetfram Belie: — by OM eabse:Me, and will ba found Me real Erin -5, I bragb, LADIFS' GOODS. I'll , . style rich 'Fart rialtos, .11 colors, eplendid good, Lock Tnrk datins., all price, rich ,ends, back glace -wills, all color, late timportatiom kreech ts liars. ell colas. the hest unporwd; plaid Work rmurr., In•t FTCIIth •krclaktr, new .t) la ialt.ten g,cis. Ala, a imperil and lar,e -tock :role iltuawla Lace, for trimming ladw a' •rs'y rien goocw, plain Ilareces in all color, ',treacly low IA antifisl goal, black Fringe, ill and pier...very cheap; French lawns, new ityle., per last sicarner, pla:n hock (ao 1/0 Rhine. lustre, ruperh goals, black hgurci (lea Rhine I.3rorade, rich goods; Fren, Carlinarea. new iity les, lwaauial Fadst gP , iidsd lacred ros,f igood• Irw dre•ses, mu embroidered Swi,.• baud tor evrlll9, lilt.S^,..g en and latertar. the beet Thanes in ail colors and a/ sty lc, pain and.nua atzird back Fareeh , all Corer. printed Lawns, new Ripe, from t.• to 'a coma per pantßarra. An Lama, a new arbetc for . Alen,a laree and sup.rb clock ol Wire at) la span; Bonnet Use Cary beat un tamed, all new. Csn'on entpe Shawls, .01 enon, fresh from the Cus tom Fin Twx Shaw., splendid gaods, s'l colors. per Inst steamer; beautiful etainse.W. iota silt Shsods., reesl. niata embroidered Csrautt Craps ;41+1.'1*, superb iidods• greisn embroider- Cantcri Crnpe Sbinotz„ snenlid Lunn, French mad Ttat•et, finest nnportsson; Par, eubrnere "howls, all prices and quaii• Les ; Cravats and ...earls in great va. any; Ft curl worked Capes,Collnrs. and Cnfo, a Inapt sonment. A ! t o o 1)0 . 11*.•Alk' ANi• rlncan en ha;o. to In err.. r In c.v.., Llnannoni rm. , 4 uo Itupor,d ant, t ("Oil tici , t ile o f Irom ^to LIS . .Inrr S.r, co.,es Mae ling, trout 5 In ilk trot. per y sole. • lasi o. , ortment Suminnr Cloths. Al.. Las. Tweeds, Saw:Letts, and Kentucky Jean, 5o eases dark Calico, fast .bared, from 3 to 125 rents m per yard; 5 eases lloyl A ;tons' Knattsh Pout, beat ported; 5 bales Russia and Aonteb Umbers, eXtreme y tow. Also, llouselseeputx Goods el all Instils, very cheap; W. 1., Russo. Crash, from 141 10 11 51 00101 1 11, pad, Landes a large atock of Cheek and Shirung .!dtope. Abo,CAnton Flannels, all colors and quail lo veryat low pr.esc red, wte, and yellows Flanuels, very 'bean; bleached and unbleached Drillmas, fall assortment; S cams hose Moron:melt Calicoes, ex tremely lac: block and unLleuebed Table Dowers, all proms • Bird's eye limper*, all puns, and qualams, very cheap; colored Cambrica, • fall alortxnent, cheaper than ever, 3boles Burlaps, from 12110 25 etg per yard. Alm. a large stock - of I.Atbnn Table Diapers.. Manners' sdo oats— A fad assonmenh very cheap. I'AItASOLS! PARABOLA: . . . - . The larkest and mon spkumd stock of Paraso/s ever opened by any one boa. in Prost:larch, ie this day received, aid are rat 01 the newest French styles, which, for nrancots and beauty, cannot besurpassed. As we have • large lot of theta Parasols, they Ival be sold cheaper than any other boote io the city oWt at. ford to sell the same quality of goods. The Lathes are respectratly molted to elarnine the. Parasols. ae they will find tome of the richest cod cruet styles ever Imported from Europe. The. Parasols are all of the richest and amen fashionable colors, and an 'worthy of the attention of the ladies. All of the above good• will be told o 3 at pnces far below any house to the city; and in order to prove this fact, the public will please call and price diu" good., and compare them with any other boa° in the coy, and be convinced of the a y assent.. Toe nthscriber would here any to Lk numerous cos tumer. and the polite to general, that (urea are two other bee rove stores to market street, pretending to repo anti the Mg Ike Hive, which ts alone the only reielav led and far famed Dry Goods establishment in Pittshargh. The subscribm would therefore say to all burch,era of Dry Goods, either whole bete or retml, that the Dig Dee Hire, on Hance t street, between Tined and Fourth. la now opening the largest, richest nod moat splendid stxt of sprlng and mummer Dry tioals ever °fared for mile in Pittsburgh EADISNETD: lIONNETS! - . New se col It-VD—The largest and moat faxhion. able stock of Donnell ever opened in this etty, Is just received at the rive of the lbyr Dec Dive. oa Market awe!, between Third and fourth streets, where Dry Goods of every description are selling cheaper than any other house in the city. The panic will pleure take notice that there are two other hoe hive stores on Mocker street, who pretend to compete with the Big Dee Iltve, between Third and Fourth streets, where the public will find, at all times, the largest and newest styles of Dry Goods, fresh opened. D . Please late notice, that the store is between Tlserd and Fourth streets, sign of the DIU BEE MVP., whore Dry hood. of every demeripuon are sellingcnitaraa than at tiny other house In the city. a .1:l WILLIAM L. RUSSELL- bra.• Gondar n. MASON tr. GO , Market *tree; between Thod and Fourth, ore now rreek stag' &large na. *ortmeAt or Garage Da Lain.. l'erman Cloths, an en tan n• re amain; Palletots, Crape De halms, ar.,• *nth • bore intent:meta of Le 4.111 and other •Dress Goods, of um late. sty Les and most f• able talon. ap.l i'likFFKlG—ah Linn prime - Tao and Java, 1,../CsradJA-40 bit. mould, dipped, and sperm; anti-130 big Cream and En lust MGM Canna—Wl do. Hemp and Manallat Cusita-S0 Slat.; Cloves-1 CU:A.-sUhl Common and half Spaniel]; }.O •:5 brlsand half brie lilaekerel,and Salmon; lies. --4O bre mooned lilies, Noes-IWO Prune Venison; IOW Sur, Cored; Irinino--IDO It. S F and Manilla; Inc-IC dos O.:cleans Rack and Copyinr, Mouses:-25 tirls N Orleans; " 1511'11(0,1a Sugar Ileum; rglo , ruan-SU dor avowed catualarsi MAO, nom-50 lb. Dalian; V 1.106.11,1-(k/ tht do kegs assorted; do, torierted; 1 . 6 x V/1 VP lomnolu Anoresi Puma ream., nruorkd, Itordennu; Sour-4D SI% Rosin and CALM Str•l; Snaaa-t0 bbd. N Orleans and Clarified: Tso- CO parkage• Greed, imd Wank; Torucen-10 boo 12;0, &I lb loop; Wean Itoanns-50 don yatent Zinn; For ula by J WILLIAMS &CO ' Corner e(FIRh end Wood ibllne - WiNt FUR-Si-Tito aubserlbers 101 l pay ok, Mask Rat, Gray Rad Red }ox, alipping Fara, the bighorn tern bIcCORD & CO., corner Firth mil Wood als. 7LIURSI runs! 1 for Coon, AIIOI and all kinds of at prices. fetCo Papoi — llsuarittip. SPRING BELECPION...-Will he received, by first al shipmenu, a maw and choice assortment of Wall Paper, of the latest French and Reelect styles, in gold, chamois, oak, Own and high colors. W. P. MARSHALL, Hate B. mrl3 ti 3 Wood street fillTß Co-pal...hip heretofore elisting between 5. I. B. Bonfield and John BfeGill, ander the firm of 5. B. Bonfield & Co., thls day dlseolyed by muttul ' , COOS, The bosh... of the old faro will be settled by S. B. Ilushfield, at the old Mond, No. MXlLtherlyetnet, P JOH N hlcUlLJ...llttbOrgh. Kll. 1311SHFIELD, March 1, HBO. B. IL BUSIIFIELD and GEORGE RICHARD will continuo the Wholesale aed Retail Dry Goan and Grocery hush:leas, at tho old stand, No. EN Liberty sr, under the fine of 8. U. INDUIFLELD & GO, Flame I, lel4.—tmrlll HAVE this day assoeimcdprith me, to the Whole I sale Grocery, Commission, and Ferwwdlng bissi ems, my two Bons, N. .cod W. B. Waterman. Tb • ,r listens In Moire will be conducted ander the aryls o m. B. Waterman as 80111,11 the old stand No.s We int and of /front lama L, 9, NAUMAN, beak Witskio4lls ERN James Illsaiwara Fluid MagaLlnai.". PREPAREDunder this immediate care of th e In acme, and established-for upwards of thirty yearn.- Thunialant , tri recommended in all eases of e, acidities, Indigestion, gout, and gravel, as the most' sofa easy, anti effectual• form to which Magnesia may, cud indeed the Gulf one in which it evgilt to be exhibited. possessing all the properties of the*muerte nowln general use, without being liable like It, to form duegerous concretions in the bowels, It et of cures heartburn without injuring the coats of the stomach, an soda, pmesai end tha n ''' . henries are kno on to do; it prevents the food of In fanta turning mar; in all ewes it act. as a pleasing aperient, and le F atal adapted to females. it Humphrey Davy testibed that Ibis solution forms soluble cotta omit tote acrd salts in ewes of goat and gravel, thornyeouriteraultng their te1..... tendency, when other alkalies, mad even Matnnala tosled From §ir Philip Crampton, Bart, surgeon General to the Army in relanth— "Dear err—There can be No doubt that Magnesia may be aduitturtered mote safely in the fetus of a con centrated' solution than In substance: for this, and many other reasons, I am of opinion that the Fluid Natmato Os a vlery valuable addition to our Minutia a. `, PHILIP CRAMPTON." Sir /antes Clotho; Sir A. Cooper ' Dr. Dright, end Messrs Guthrie mid tierbert Maso,ofLondo strong ly recommend blurray`p Flute n, Magnesia, as being in finitely more sato and enuventent than the solid, and soe from the danger attiindlng the constant use of da or pouts. For sale by the Importer's and pronrictor's agents, B A FAILNI.— , CTOCE & CO Cor."Al Wood & Front sta. GREAT IMPORTANT PRIIMIPAI, DIROVER CHEMICAL COMBINATION From the Vogarstle :Kingdom, to repel Dimmer Dr. Gayrotato Extract of Veneto, Dock 0.13 d On.reopsorillaa Cars. constimpti,n, .el-orate, eryytpelns, rheumatism, Rout. liver corn:dea., entnal affections, taleem, ay plait, dropsy, at throe., inks, scureey,.airections of the bladder and kidt,eys, mercurial amuse., cot , rapt humors, nat.!, of blood to the bead, fever and agoc. (cumlc col,rdedlit, cenerul dada), d)Ppep.. 14,111er of appear, headache, colds, eoFliveirSig, gravel, misfit sweats, choke, organic •Ceouone, palpitation of the heart, bills, pans trt the side, eke., back, .ke. It tt Ittfallible in ell' dilemma et - trine hero an tm pore illlE of the blood. or toregolar action of the qF In tl Vegetable Kingdom, are All wise Ening ha ;irpern,d pant. and herbs congenial, ton or cocaina none and adap:nd to he mire of dlsea•e; and to the thtuilde kingdom does the rector of m., ...all in,iinrt of ant torn for antidotes to pain. • ,lyrup is• entine compound of the mnst sal rnanta in nat ure, ernirely free from deletereous • • d en,rvatlng mineral substances, sod •• it expel, ice: nso Irom the system, Impart, rigor alto •corrosponduig,degree. CEKTIFIGATF.S. . extmordmary ease of Scrofula, Eryripelatt and LI cers, cared; by the dill use of Dr. Gnyantt's Com pound by top, Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla Nov. 17, ISIS Gerson—Sir. I tender my sincere thank• for the groat i,enell I loran derived from the use of your 'ln Inside cop. I hale been troubled very bad wit eerol,:nu• sore. which made its appearance on to en:, i did 11ot pny mueh attention to tt at first, .up paling it to be nothing but . eruption Mai uppear on per so i's far r. It lordly began to increase, until forciat thf .ack pert of the head. 1 applied to a physici., who attended ate all to no purpose. I had tried nye. tidos use d mold be tried. I saw your Syr. up of Yellow Dock en Samaparilla, and concluded to Inie it, far I knew dint Voila* Dock woe one of the most •aluable Iletleies in the world for the Work. I bought your Syrup, and from the use of one bottle, I cQuid sce a great change in toy system. I potions. to nee it until wits a vreil rian. I now feel Irke a new perrom my blood Is perfectly cleansed and free from ail lame raw. There IS not a unusual, but ilia your lie discovered compound is far superior t any sarsaparilla .yep reef .old. Thll corufrente IS at your disposal to publish if yea like, and any one you ma) refer to me I shall be hap. py to IVO them all Inc information I coo about ray Cue, Ga. I rel.. your en, aervant, Grenna C. Joubson, lid Market bate. Tke 1 est ferratin mcdfcine known. The Extract of ci.ow Doct end cfil:sapettlla v a pectire,cpcody, and permanent .re har rompiwnta Inculent • --. GEM Its mile, elterritorc oropernes render it peculiarly any we , ai the Wonder and delicate the fenni , *. it it untirolle.l In Ito elects upon roett it ncpteut eurotithounn, varrenttha, lets• cuirt.e, or Irregular rucurtruatirs, nee urir.e. arid genera: pro n tithe systhen. It let. ed3ately counteracts that dui:via:no merlons ners and cocruzaoo to the female framettoo and impart. an eourn . , and buoyancy os suer - thing la they ma craterul. We hare evidence SJII Ule ch induces or wr.thirly ,011.19Crid Meth.. married people who haws not been pleased with OD spring. raor.vsko• Drat, or Falthly of the Womb, of fly. year.' 'bawling, roma by D. Guysott'a Ertrao: Yetlocr Dock mad Farraparilia, anal every Mbar kraowu remedy bad been erred without rebel. NV...No - roe, Ohm, Feb., 1E49. The erniEen that my wile, s,ed 07 years, hes tn I.2IENItg ender the mine comylniut for Eve y—nrarly ;hat time conaned to her hest. I true In: four Seen co :amour croploycl the (calmed icel mien: t let ecoll ptocuyed Mot ecetion of tut cvuntry, ...about snyt , "neLt rrhatrver. I Lave moo purchavcal 'very Inttrament Tr-room:tended for the cvre of .ael: dis.reve , , wt. ot ve,tch proved vrerthles.. In ms oi IV-4v, I yr. msluecti by my Mends to try I, Dvek and Syr.lrrat,lll. svh,4l, vv," ov-,0 r four months. Atter she hod used It :or al , otl leer rots. Ives to ell thnt she was intrrovitur. arvl (toes thi, ume, she Improved rap nr.d ewe, 11 , t strength, until the dtse-atts was cot. revy 1, moved, cud she tsv.ow er.oymg most excellent heel:,. hVM. Mer.NFOKT. . . \t•e beta; at... Oboes of Wm. .od Jabs Monfort. know that the aauee metemenb as to the uekuec9 0 Men. aloaDort, 04 .ne etre being elleetml tiorsoWa Ye:MITI/m.4 and Sarsapanlist stnetly tore. JANE F.bLW.. M===l Grant Cart of Coamsaropttena. Haan:scot, Jwossry tea I.lrnssett—ltcar far: The great benefit which I h•vc dsrsved from you Extract of bellow Local and 54r-arartila,Saduct• rue, as an act ofjustisc, irate It.c [allowing statements • After ara.ung far two Tenn from Fears* debility Lseh finally ternunated in constimptian,l MY given ap 1.3 . my (rte..* and physicians a. treys:tad she aid al nsecire. Ag a lass resort, I was otlas , sl to try Extract. and [sawn; itatsl bat,lsso hatt[es, ao tsrstitf so t tsar dise ~c. s. 1 stun rnstsest v.:11. I to the itta, .43 dc.lre powct Its piers.]: alt ludo remedy. Gratefully your ruzoil W far'. None genuine lank" pct up to large ell re bottles, con,tntn, • heart, and the name of-the syrup blown in We gins, with the written woutrore of S. Fidlen nett tuf the outufde wrapper. ?nee SI per bottle, or sit bocle• for ES .. • It IS eo:ti vi J. D. Park, tow., of Fourth and %Val nut atre,s. C, Vbll,olJc:tem: Agent for th :iamb West, to w hom all orders must be addresk EMMMWM . • fort; /t tier:lons, Crovting•ine; Abet Turrel Montrose; Am Nits, Towerin, Robert guy, Well bor. 4 Ito irrne CallensOurt, L /t Pit burgh. enr.i., of Markel weci and the Damon& aptlitrAr l y:ir SELLI:Re: FAMILY AIEDICLNES—''They ate the euedtetnca of the day." lit wham Station, Ohio, May 25,1'42. FI E Seltrrr. 1 tlmn4 tt nght,for the benefit of others, to mate ouree fame to relation to your excellent Fa. only Pave {I tea your Verotifugo largely in my own nno vial frequently expellirg large quantite• y to 2011 worm+) from two childron. I have o used your Liver Pill. and Covet Syron In my .11y. and they k are, in every instance, produced eared depend. -. • . • -. As I no engaged in meretiandiaing, I em able to store, the! I hove yen to hoar ed the best failure where your medicines have been and to any section attic country. In conclustun, I may Date that they are the methelutrs of rho day, and are destined to have a yea extensive popularity. Venn, respectfully, VI II PINNELL. Prepared and roll by R. tt. DELI.EIIO. NolSWood street, and sold by Druggists generally In the two clue. nod vicinity. ihz ELLER.. PAlt(iLl' 111P.Dritigh--"They ars las 17 Modteinev of the flunases tlvslloll, Ohio. Alay 95,1849. IL K I think it right for the benefit ambers to stair some race in relation to your excellent Fam.l.. ly Medicines. ' I have usrd r. sr VorollltgO largely In my own tan lip. one via, -Ds aendy mswenng for expelling{ se guano:on. lasy Clo than worms from two ebildtsa I have also used your Liver MIA and hlouch !Imp to my family, and they have la every produced the elect de sired. A•I no entered in meremudistng, I no able to mate that I ties., yet to hear of the lint failure where your meant ues hove beet ed in ley se ~on of the country to conch:um. I that lacy are to medtrines 11,c , and are in,' have a very extemive mutant y Yours. Inc tiettotty, .II timatx. Prepared and sold by R. 1 tt HS, NO 57 Wood street, and sold by Druggss • s enerally to the two el tles sittl viettuly. mval T - 1 ih: uP LTVritilePSITAT:if; - biTm kx original, onlyand genaine Liver Pill. F , llOll . lima, Ohio county, Va. March With, 1549. Mr. IL E. Sellers: Dear Sir—l dunkduly owe to you and to rho public irstera ly, to state that I have been stPicted with the - Liver Pornplaint for a long nine, and PO badly that an eliceis formed and broke, which len me in u •cry low state. flaying beard of yusir celebrated Liver Pllls for sale by A R Sharp, tit Won Liberty, and recommended to me by fairyaSmith, concluded to give them •ar innl. purchased one box, and found them to icon.t what they urn recommended. THEREST LI. V Ell PILL EVER USED; and and , diking four boor. I find the disease hoe entirely left me, and I am now portends well. Respectfully yours, D COLEMAN. Went Liberty, March diS,ISIU. I certify that I cm personally &clammed 'with MI Colem , and eon bear testimony to - the truth of the ato ve :Truncate. A R SIIARP Th" ”nottne Liver PIN are preparhdaitti sold by E No UT Wood street, and by druggists In tan n, mom TO NIE PlitlLlC.—The original, only true and gen uine LJvcr Pills are prepared by It E Sellers,and have los name stamped to black wax upon the ltd of each hoz. and his sienatare on the outside wrapper—all others are eountbrfeits, or bear imitations. &pin R E SELLERS, Proprietor jx T A ICI7IZSI !--Cll 14:11 IRAN EVERI— V Just read, an inspire of full jewelled paten tis. vet Watches, jrt caret. , bur eaves, which I eon aril as lOW an itAirty and thirty five Johan, and warranted to keep good toot. Also—A splendid assortment of JEWELRY, cora pnstnit the various and to styles, and best pattern.. W. W. wiLsopi,. Watchmaker and Jeweler ..... si•osvt v^s _ TAILORS' CIOODS, AT COST. ESSEI, YLIFISING & CO, born% orrosgsa LI. give their enurn ottentton to We solo of domes. Woolen anti Cotton Goode, sore -offer their largo stork of T o ilorcl Trintroinett, Yescings, French nod German Cloth., Doeskin, tiossimercL &e.itt Grit cost. HERSEY, FLI-VING lc CO el IW,Wood et JUST rre , L an cogent plain Rosewood 0 out. Pan,' from tho cc lebrmrd manufactory of Nones tr. Clark. N. T., of supe rior tune, and very moderate price. For sale by (I. KLELNIR. dela at J. W. Woodwells. LL.' ANS' IVORY PEARL TOOTII POWDER. for removlng Tartar Seamy, Comber, sod all W otbstaverts deNtrocuve to the Too.- It i. deLmow to the taste, clew/Ibl the mobth, healing .4stranigtherr in, the Kama, sod portfpolt the breath. For sale, ',totemic and retail b deVf , R V. SJ.. T I TIZS 67 Wood at NOTES LOFT. 0 - 0710 E Is hereby su bsc ribe r that on or aboot tee 25th LI of April, the subscriber., had loaded to them, e Wolllbott, Va., the following otes, vir.—A note drawn by G. A. Moron, parable n to oar order, dated April litn, at months, for 8173 66; a note down Jahn D. !Dorgan, same Mee and lime, for 1111 17 and a note drawn by John Want Co., toedr of John S. Markel!, and mcodorsed by us, d April Oth, at four months, for $173. The 'oboe. autos were never received hy us, and this II to caution all perso ns :fee t 4tr uk a i dlng n Or e p r p. tyllsg o. diertagasumertr - -4118ELLANEOW --- SOTICSIC, THE Pannership heresoferrectistingibemseen the mdmerlbers, end et me rum of ilorbrafte, Wlhmn & Co., lass this day dissolved by ma tnid consent. The hasiness et We firm mill be settled la.; J. W. Pm , bridge. or Wm, Wilson, Jr., &Mei of whom la author ised to ass the name of the brim In liquidarien. J. W. BURBRIDGE, WbI.WILmObI. Jr. /NON, 121110R.8 & CO. Pittsburgh, Jetty 1.,1950.—dy4 CO.PAILTBIZRZUIP, AS. W. Eterbridee & Beni. P. Instal= haw this T rl day associated inemselvee under did firm of Bar -n & In,hram. n•- --- Wholdsale Grocery • bridge & log brim, to tronimet Wholdsa. ----- and ainnerul Commission fln nn.a, limns boomslontly cmonsisit by Dortindge, Wilson & CO. all on . t. Pittsburgh, Joty I, 1550. --Iyl 00-PAIITPIEI3BIIIII. rllliE subscribent have thie day formed a co-partner. I. ship ander the fino of W & Wilson, for dm nor tn,e of transacting the Wbolerale Underf anti Com poosion nosiness, at No 50 Wood street wm. WILSON, Jr. Pittsburgh. I, 1651:1—br4 FRAM. WILSON Melodeon Plano with two Bets of Heed, 7 UST received at the sign of the Go l den Harp, one Jeuperior 5 'octave Melodeon Plano,Penth two seta of Reed., the limn improvement The above I. probably the finest toned instrument Over ofleral for ale here, with a highly finished and elet coterie,, for vale by _ ll gan KUSER r)IllN-TlNcT7aEji—wo rma fine hot& paper 20 do do do 2113" 60 de do do 90125; lto do news printing, 24037; 11M do do do Mg& 00 do do do 29542, PM do do } do One& 20 do Blue Envelope,On.2st 20 do l'elloW do 90522;50 do filauille do 205.5; 15 do do do MIMI suo as Inc .4 veraf , pinK o prs. lo store, for sale by JOLLN I bEhLLOK qr iWiad Bt. .mo Economy In Ta EtIPEDIN the cheeet heal place le Plas h h hey Tea u n i t the Tea Market, out illat of the Dial:need. They cell Excellent Tea at -••.• • ---e•lPit 50 per lb Superior Qualities--•--• •• • 0 73 The very heet•---- I 03 Low priced, deranged, or inferior T u ata not kept at this calalshahrne el, therefore, wheeler you s go you tell or vend a child, you are lure to obtain 11. good tau le, and lithe Savor of the Tea li..otlapproved, they readily exchange for return thd money : /Yid MORRIS lc HAWORTH, Proprietor. S UNDRI tg o c 3rei...miitr; • 10 br d d 0; kegs do o drn 10 Uzi Salem's:Ls; I • 22 Pas Mould Candlet 101 has Yo 1 Starch; 0.1 dux patent Zinc Washboards; 25 hi Chest/ superior Green Teas; 40 caddy Pas do I do; 10 M I chest. superior Blank Trial 6 Ira Ihrifield , s extra llama; • For sale by J 12) WILLIAMS &CO 305 Com Weed k Fhb ats. (111000LATk—al boxes No. iresh Chocola kJ Just received, and for WICK bte y l OV IIIcCANDLESS GOOD nooice ron viuntiats. Johnson—American Farmer'. EnOyelopiedia, Elva Fancrson—Trees and Shrubs, too Brown—Trnee °rim:mhos, bra Thomas—Amer:owl Fruit Cabalist, 12mo Boy—A Guide I. roe Orchard, Mao pinst—Fentily Kitchen Gardener, 12mo Lamer—The American Dee Keep e, lame Brown—The Amene. poultry Yard, limo Alershall—The Parole, and EtralKiatit's Hand Gook Allen—The AlALlitlo Fans Book; 12000 Dovring—Broil and Fink Trees or Arne den, 12ma Too alt—The forme. hvo •• . . ' Bennet—The Poultry Yard, Ihmo For sale try JABIE.S D LOCKWOOD 1e , 7 124jEnuttli at limarten's 1 of Detainee, mod Arta. CONDUCTED by Prof. B. Btllnnhn, Prof. EL Still, lk.r man, Jr and James B. Dana, New Haven, Con becticat. This Journal Is issued every two months, in numbers of 152 pages each, making two octavo Irolnines a year, each with many illtutrations. It Is teamed to original articles on Pcieben and the Arts, Condensed Reviews or Abstracts of Memoirs And Discoveries from Foriegn Perindies):, Notice of New Publications at and • General Bullof recent &Sen. 44e tb orts The hrst series contains 60 volumes, the la‘t of which 11 a general Index to the 49 volumes preceding. Subsenption, SS a paid. in advance. D LAJCKWOItD, Act for Proprietors, jell 104 Fourth at. Good Book. for Somme* Goad Lag. Drown—'ristkish Evenlna Entertidaments, Moo. Taylor—Eldorado, i vols,lfttlo Cotton—rstropean Llth and Madness, 2 Tots, Loo Dsokens—Dontoy and Son, 2 vols,lLao. blartity—ropubr Deloslons, Y sots, Limo. Marvel—Fresh 6letunnas, Enna. C. G. 11—Norman Leslie, thaw—Enahsh iiteratore,lihno. • Pnor--Goldsontha Massellaneuon Works, 4 vols. blayo.—Ka•oaatt,llooo. Tot tor—Vntont Moot, Mon. litonbcdot—Cosmos, lama. Forsole by JAS D LOCKWOOD jet • 101 Fourth at llooks—Oelaeral L sn. Mom—l'erfssarry ats Use and llanuracdam. Lemn% /rialto— POllosophy of Nature. Chao. Chnore—ApMnisms and Relectaarta. Itmo. Shassr—Ensltsh l e ncrature. Orrla—Lrerndte. Itryant—What I saw In Califon:Ms. Pierre—Pant and Vtramita 2 yobs. 12Mo. Moon—Letters to Young men. l 2 to. Ilurnap—Recutede of Human Nature. 1.2m0. Vermont—Modern French Litcratnro. etnellie—Flnlorophy. Newnhana—llomma Mug - nougat. Ilamboldt—Asperts Nam, Drodenp—Zooloatcal Becreationa. For rola by JAMES D LOCKWOOD son 101 north In - P •• How lialnloptatz _ _ wINE tr. Ran nil Night; Dolly Day; Wiry /neer, tie down to Oa Cotton nerd; Nally von a Lad), de. ALSO, De land to the Loved Ones at Horne; ;Roar thy boa! True Love, by T. Hood; Our way aernss the sea, dotty - A new nn,dicy cony, by B. Covert; Jenny Gray, music by Nutley Joys sv,e crowning, Wedding Mareb; God lArive the horny marine; Senoyikill Walm ,Conarrspel. Dcpurtare. by W. C. Glover; .Y.,...nd* Irani urine; Wan.xes. Steyermarlawbe Co; Last Row or ,tounter ; _easy varilmons by Hem United States Polka; Ladies' Soavenir Polka; Corn Cracker Quadrille; Louisville Quadrille; of holy; of Trios, d large asuirment of New Musk, non band. to Whielt additions are mad? weekl For dale by feto.d. J. Ti . H MELLOR, 81 Wood H. litt•ap Standard Istetryi intrUNlEs lID•roRY Dr ENGLAND la oow pub- Itahing by Harper & Brola, ie Ovule. cloth and paper. at 40 cents per vol. Three, vote received, and tOr sate by It HOPKINS, pl 7 73 Apollo Hulldinnyovirth tt. — `l9•w Book. . . lftb FJ3ISURNI Ills FOst Voyage, by Aermaablei hill outhor of t-Typen," "Omoo," Ae. Mewl of Ktny Alfred of EngLutd, Jacob Abbot mint fine engranngs. !Wont& Me Sorceress; by Wm. bleinhold. JOHNSTON &STOCKTON, n0. , 11 on= Third and Market totem cf the Nov Ream • ! iVorEs of As Ave NINEVEII AND ITS REMAINS; with an amount of a elm to the Cheatham Christiana of Karas• tan, and the Yeziffls, or Desil.Wanddirktal and in !Nino , lots the Manners and Arise( the Ancient As. synana. Dy Anaten limey L. td. Esq., D. C. L. With Intrennetory Note by Peet E. Robinson, D. D, LL. D. Illustrated with 13 plates and ntapi and 90 • wood eats 2 vela. Syn. slosh, ova tTlie book has 6 rare amount of avaphie,livld, pic turesque narrative "—Tribune. ..'Re work of Layard is the Mast prosationt Ninon to the study of atiligolty. OM has appeared for 'l o 4lo`..,•;;ce. h 'in'im i te%st tie :aeeount of Nineveh and he Ruins, given by Mr.Lityard."—WUld.diert Intelligmther. ..he we follow the diggers with brorthleiss interest in their excavations, no 6666.119 find 00 1 601,0 . 46 ' tore a mutely., bare carved with minutg mei:racy, now lifting he mantic bead from the dust of-9300 years, we are ready t• ory out with the astonished Arab. 'Wallah, it is wondehlil, but it le Doe eriL d Fo n rt ale by JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Foy v ale 63 Wood at law Ttim WOMEN of th e Old and New Teotamenk .Edimil by E. B. Sprogae, D. D. 1 vol. Imp. B.o., elegantly bound; Id exquisitely flatbed engravings; With acsenptions by celebrated American Clergymen. POEMS BY AMELIA, (Mrs. Weley, of Ky,) • new and enlarged edition; ll!mimed by enamel:3gs from original designs by Wier. 1 vol. sqUa2oB•o., elegant. ly bound and gilt. Also--A variety of splendid Amin es and Glft Books. Sewell , . Child's Mat Book of the ILLstorT of Rome. I vol. Irmo. THE MECHANIC'S ASSISTANT, adapted forthe um of Carpenters, Shipwrights, Wheelwrights, Sow. ye, Lumbermen, Students, and Artisans generally: being a thorough and protocol 'Pesose on lamson• bon and the Sitting Kale. By D. 11. Koper A. M. BoLses Treatise on Greek Prose Composition. Olientiord's Elementary FrenCh 6111.111111111. By Prof. Greene, of Brown University. "1 vol. Irmo. Roedieers ttesciduc , Hebrew Grammar, by Conant. Ifiesectius' Hebrew Lexicon. Lemons' Trigonometry and Stogarithmlo Tables. 1 The Englishman'. Greek Concordance. I voLimas. • 4 Arithan's Classical Series. Webster's Dictionary, revised ed. I vol. B'eo. do do .abridged. I vol. Co. Barne's Notes and. Questions on New Teo... Whately's hlosheim's Ecclesiastical Mstory. 3 vols. and ols. (sheep.) Vestiges of Creation. I vol. lE.°. Alornings among rho Jesuits at ROLM / VOL (0/0 .d a Be p ev p e e s where the Tempter has Triumphed. I v. cloth .4 paper.) . Bogue'. Theological Lecture. I vol. Ova (sloth. A IderlYronounciag Bible. Boyer( French Itiononnry. Smart's Horace. For rale by ft. HOPKINS" novl3 Apollo Buildings, Fourth s JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, llooksclice and importer, No. 4 Wood street, has for sale a few conj. com pieta, (the remainder of die editiona of this valuable wor k. devoted to the Preserndinn of Documents, and other authentic information relating to the early ex. pipeline., settlement and impreveinent of the country around the head of the Ohio. By Neville D. Cring, FAq, or Pittsburgh, in 9 vela. Bee. novlo J. D. LOCKWOOD. I,osliNTMEßTYliiiiitory, wail • new of the ly Liberty of other Ancient NE... By Samuel Etha, Em. illustrated with at wive engraving., egos eared at Korea. •0111..e.a....,10= with Prescente Historical Wort. Just publiahed and Ihrsale by JA31.1.H D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and novle Imposer, rmfjp - fti ' dWL. IYALY riit ho 63 eie ‘ood cd ' eilia (800. 70 ow. BItS. FANNY KEMOLE'S YEAR OF CONSOLATION , one reeding of this booklets impressed us with a ma. higher opinion Of its author than ars had formed foam perusnig her other writings. lt displays • deeper woe of thought, United 10 MOM pule .omanly rec. ef feed. then any other production of the female nand with which we ans acqualened."—Eve. Minot. It ts a very agreeable a...table book, writteatn Fanny Kemblebt beet etyle—bold, spirited and c o o r. We recommend it to our readers al the best publication of th is semen." --Ileading Gas. alt....the Journal of a travel threeghEatope, and xddeoce In Indy; and Dr o. th pieeasantest Ed umerinteresttug books of the season."--Coax, and nquirer. "A very characteristie book. We bus read It title pt ice to COlophon WWI %imbued interest. A st rid picture of li fe in Rome. In all respects eminently readable.”—Enickerbeeker. For sale by 7AMBI4ID Locrwoop, nostli Bookseller &Intl./Mr, Wcod OZ===aMMl AVMPillt 4 BURCHFIELD haveso asselhtst• 11X *sacristans or above article, light sad dark. at chotea colors, Inetsdist 110110 of o Ten' ..Perkn ‘, 1 4 1 , li.t i kh eileotigkinkroyislimu, PAW JOOIIXI.IIII LXCIZA3ar..I Krl.l-8 oo Entglmd. Tao .st and Secaliandhonght ' - any. antout• al the Conant. Raton .f RuLauta , u.oss payable la any put of ths Old Coutr , sa, from 41 to 11000, as the moot SS to the I.aeara4; loth.* deduslon or &snout, by JI:ISIWA Rl11111!... BON, European and Frestuld r d e nt, obis *th door west of . arOOd.: - - . 11 cf alai; austral • - limes= u•nn IMAiriza 13"MA.ND EXCJLaNGE DRlDaisaw.derient ei . A poosestio Dille of Whit, r tlfSates of Depoaito, Bank Notes and Coln, a •rar: 3d and Wood strata*, &teddy . oppasito St: Ckaa- 4 tol.l • "'- W X ""tr. l . rrir Y". "ll " %Wain, .Csatiaqq, Bata Natec *aral.i.ued at Oa lciwit,t mai, by sepl3 IM WXki ( t ) ';. 7et. BILLft Comrtandy for by 130LN573 & upt3 P*Nu"' MISCELLANEOUS . • • nwriang a. • nAwortlersi RF.C7'IFYINO DISTILLERS, and tea and' Wine Merchant", F.ast aldeof the Mamie, Pitiebargh. are now canting at the very lowest prices for cash, Reetilled Whiskey, Gin ned DomestnaliDandy;. also, French Drandy,llellend Gin, Jamaica Spuits, Lon don Urn, Ineb Whiskey, Bum, tee. Pert; Sherry, Ma- Chempavne,ClateL Itlnsontell, !Raters,' Tree witre and Liaise %Vanes Wholreale t Retest wen' PRINTING PAPER—Alresgs on li as o, o,ade ta order, the various sites of ?rutting Paper, Rag Wrapping Papes,Crattn, Madinat, and Doable Crown sung Straw Wrapping Ce,par; Crown)'Ma'am. and Doable Crown Post Offen Soper; Pasteboard, /re. &a w p SLIALLISS Wood 'Agent fot Clinton /Milt NOTACE. TORN. WATT CO. hese sectosed. their stock' I/ Groceries to the opposite aide of ..gtheny UTO3IAN IN AaiERICA,Ifer wda and berre ward. Dy Mara J Melatoth.tadagr ‘Cb..rms 6. Coanteretaironi,” TO meld ittd•nd Ik"7 eel 'men Lnitee Day kamplatow, No present iime. 137 Thome. Carlysle. thiataisas.—Memoirs of Life end Ill,tinngs of Thos. Chalmers, D la-D.• Preleitlons on Detier's analogy, Ciders Evidences of Chrisuite lry, and Hill , . Lecture on Divinity, with two' Intro ditotary Lectures and four Addresses delivered in Oh New College, Edinburgh, by Thomas Chalmers la D. L. L. D. j vot IRmo.' Cahnii--Llfe of John Caitlin, compiledl iihhen tie sources, and patticularlyfrom ht h dosign Thpmas 11 Dyer, with mimic. wool itm . For salt by 'HOPKINS, ap47 79 Aidnolkahruisc Foudb Combat Combat 20 2:1-8.M427iir"" do ~or flop Ebel. Flom nvidirc Poe 41 Combs; 6po" Wood 1003 dos aes'd Fine Prom _ 30 " Shell Side Combe; .;.• 10 " toper large Diablo; 01 , gross nas'd Side Combs; meg end for sale by lobe 03 YEAGER, IVO Market et uno Hallanill Buff Welland' ro: NOTICE...-Thal.W.RieClatioek has thle do received several etees'of th e finest and beet Fled Vindw Renton!, to widen he would meetreepeettaly eell the attention of !de WWl:netshe the public in ieneraL • • et Were Room*, 7,5 Fowl livatars. AFEW ry fine GUITARS, Rift rec'd from the 'ectebreted reanafactory of C. II:Menlo end eel .ate by lend 'J. it. MELLOR, o Wood .c Books Just ItsiatireiL • . • MITE Complete Work. of Jalkn 11011. ST 0, in t vol, illustrated; muslin If and pit edge.. Biblte al std Sabbath Spllool Geogrit,by: • . - _ a neve-work; 1 vol, linno. • ' Town's Analrobs and Speller. ; _-. Life of John Q. Adams by W. IL Seirordi 111, 1 . L . nondin Poems by Alm Hemline; i rot, t o in muslin; pril. Bomb's r ennonr—Seritons preonbed upon tone u nt o; onsierrobiby Robert SonibLlA al .... cditit..44l ol ineldding.Poitburnoue Discoulpni. • lc Surmekroln in 2', .beep. Attra; Bo o. , For !ale by IL - HOPKINS, t l febel. ' Apollo EtnlllllnAo,Fonrth a OLE FOULIDELY roar 61060.0 qmEendemigued, successors in Ariburs IcNie • •3- 1 eon, beg leave to inform the cilium , pt Pa{stmggh mug publte generally, that they hoed rebuilt tho, NA GLE: FOUNDRY and are now he boll opirglinn, nntl have pore of their patterns ready for thelnarkek Amongst which ars CAokhnktittraes, Coal Und Wdod Stove, with Is splendid nir-ught Conl Stove.. which!, is l u tow auperceding in other e roes the common ro nd Stove. Also a cheap foal Cooking Stave, wnll ad p ied for small ' famillOs, with 6 till 11.5160i1.1011 of C m oo and mantel Orates We overnlit particularly in vite the attantion of persons building to call at 11l WarettOOM before purchasing, and 6.610111.16 •119161 • 1 article or enammelled Grates, finished in firm sty , .. ~ entirely newin this umtket. Warehouse, N 0.161 Llbertylat,_opposite Wind i at. mgVulti 101CHGLSON - er.VAYI , OI. PITTP113111L(3111ZIPOIITATIONS. Cg YEAGER. FANC Importer and Wholesale Deale Y ADD VARIETY GOODS: Sign of the Gilt Comb, 106 Market sk, Pittsburgh, Pa..- Western Blom ' /ants Pedlars, and others smiting Pittsburgh to purchmoGoods,ate•tespeetfolly invite-1 to colt and 11.23.1110 the MIOTISIVe tHOMEICT-11 of Enr... ltslesAmerienn, Fremk and Gentian Fancy Gonda 611 Foreign Goods at this establishment are impoitt ed direct by myself,d purhosets ros y rely on gets ling goods from first han I ands. hake the largest amou rn,. of uncles, In the variety , llne, In the elry of Pituthurgh—all of which will be gold low for eash city acceptances. Tho &CC IC C 01310314 parc, Lam Goads, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons. Silk Cravats, Shoe and Patent Threads, Bewley, ea, Spool Cotton, Topes, Sosper.dera Rintoris, Pin' N". dies and Cutlery. Gold and Silver Watches, Gold jewelry, r",i kittubc , Mashes, Combs and Arian. l't itsgion Cape, ILCVOI•C sag & Cotton Poises, Speeldlluki El o u l Susie Doges, Carpet Dugs and Baskets. llindings, Findlngs and Trimmings. : Toys and Pitney Goode; together w, .th l aw , c .a. • ty of Fanny and Staple DRY GOOD' 1 • • • C. YEAGER is also agent ro celebrated , Lan , cuter Combs. melt ' angst gmfaisk . T'tOß Coughs,Colde, Asthma rad Consunattate The " r cutc...e3 AND ONLY 11E.Y,E01 - for dm mire of Na Wove diseases, is the IfUrif.t.AMAN LIFE, discovered by the on bested Dr, Dachau, Of. London, England, and introduced - into the United Slams . ander the immediate superintendence of the inventor. The extraordinary metes. of this medicine, rho COTO Of Pensionary di•COOOS, OVlLtnons the ALLOW.. Agent in soliciting for treatment thp want :pcoible .ca ses that cm be found in thecommithy—cmes that seek relief in min front any of the eortantm remedies of the day, and have been given up by thermest distinguished physimans as confirmed and atonable. The hangar. tut Balsam has cured, aidwill name, the most de to of eases. It is no quack nostrums, but a mandud Eng. WM medicine, of known and established came,. - withryly in the United ititatdil abould la only Daehan's Marmite Delsakrt of Lifyi only ta cauntoractlhe conanmptive tendencies of but tabrused era preventive aCedicrnicia I cases o! colds, coughs, spitting of blood,}Pala in the side and chest, InitlClZOl and soreness' of the lavas, btodlatia . , difficalty of breating, beetle facer, htttit I mien mid general debility, astlastUN inattermst, whooping .. sough and droop. - Bold in large bottles, at tl per Naas, vial MI ding- dons for the restoration of healthi' Pamphlets contalnirig a mass or English lad Amer'- can sealer-4es, - and • edict evidence, showing the saw equalled meats of this great English Remedy, may abatises! of the Agents, grelititonsly. • For gale by 11. A FAUNESTQCE Ch, canons sy and Wood and Wised and CM ant. juPdhissil ELLER.Si IMPERIAL COCOA CI Diorama Lux 101 Prmustntan, March 21,15.11. Mr. R. D. paces—Dl lastice to you nod , yourincista- Parahlu Cough SYmP, I beg teats to state, teethe ben efit of the community, that ray :wife has beta seyerat uses afflicted wile a most thstreming cough. I par chased, in JO.IIIIIITY lasi,. bottle of your Syrup, which Mired a cough of two months. standing. About me, month More, the cough returnedi and was 40 severe, that she could hardly Move, from weakness m the. breast; I sent or T one bottle of ybas Cough Syrap,'suudi a part of one bottle eared the coegh I gave the odour to a Journeyman who eras seveiely afflicted, who bat, to use his own words, neaten enoagh cough Culltel core all the people to Pinshaigh,' , if the candy lad been as gfflul as reticethatcd. YOllll, respectfully, Aux. IL Rui prepared' and sold by 5, E4'SELLERS,aI wood street, tad 'said 07. Druggist. generally in thgV two citt ; A.I.I.LOIINeNir VIAISITIAIS Erkmajp, AND t , ABINET tVA.T.ROOY., 1 , J. A. [MAMA; 'toed. reopened fully interla . the %hake. drat I. . eeePt On } lend at ids stied °alba , ' t•net ttdo 9 , th , .,' Almond. Alle— ghenyeny, a complete tieeStt-.' meat of VOtiaa a Blind.; elm Ve Md. Shelters ant made bye, der ID tha. *MA style, teanuntzdt equal to spy lathe Meted Shut iliCl.ll.noli atm be removed ton Out tha Old Or n• owe , * drat p " ; ukg pareheee4 t h e ate et: that, latel Wood oftheenbine , ..,,,. tabllstleienter itemany& Me I. land, 1 eat licpated ' ay Co ~,j,r, these old, eusteasters, ea w DA ~,,,,. the 1111 bile aulihre, with every thiu t i n thdili ... i Ayesey, Itz.c. Weed euevt, nue ugh, • -,-- ; monis , • 7.A.81113wh: 1- ()enemata !aerie!lies Qullas,,;"7" ---. ..., traPtfir h. ItURChIGIELb have nee+ e e d .ortment of the wartent Cohn*, and u[:aew and pattefilit Liao, White Cohn/' pf v-,; flow. price .. ' • • flblellesfy • MEMORY h. BURCIIVISiIIi tog Shirting Maslow to lfw.d at their msvartment at them, g00..r. Great etre I, uk ‘n to leatil.q the - very heat wake' and ea thr.4 buy in large commutes - how the aIK". or , he lannefacturect, they run-be sold at the very 10a1ev;,,,," nt , DO rAd y ll-7 ca o. 4 reed add for sale by X var W ALL g dlAltShALthtgyordfian ly receiving, from the targets m anufsewriee, Nl) r . Vert sod rtidadelphia and also froth 'Freer . Agencies, the newest and men approved atilei of Tio pot Banging. together with Hareem, Fire eeW tWeenandTeeter Top. YorsaleatSSW/L- Fearth street and Mainland Alley, - (anl l i r e $. C. Ildll. . - Iris • Linen. viURPETrABURCIIFILIAI deat mayfly Utah( 17/. knlcle, anti aro prepatld to supply t k.ap, ijo r ankle, wattaartm ALL ruirand al a low:pria, > tot gotllity. Extra Etna bomm.laolbrta lately need , 1..6 Package. Ilia guava. ONE Box, marked Hertel Woooodd,, Piriburth: One Bundle, marked Charing T,e‘ghem,...s.t e ._ burgh, The owners will plea. tall and pay she there eh, and lake them meats , . los.-4113 WALI...IOVORDta CO PHI c ; VV have sell on hand • le* pea Osnahurre,o riglig;;;; . width for Wool Saeka,whieluttirry ' w close ens io • •-• Inc To•Clar Motsammo. sppo ft .perior Hwey . Pase for.lllastlop am kegs Hasard's DlsAlag. Amore; •• " • - 4 . I A -9. kcift, do die Ude Powder; , rb e e.moaae see mid spread reputation to, the saes. powder. Is the beat guano:ea or ita 'good 4=11140; Leave poor orde rs, theylLW'sr/11 0 Heelve-vmup t _0 In J D 31 • ZI Wtod ßT . H 4 CO. - Brown Lawns oit. MURP.nkVOf&B rre.Wlll.4 rnaiii rgh l it Ar f t 7d . j " *. C l Fi l f Pl4 4 # • ‘7,-,