The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 09, 1850, Image 3

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Wasumoiros, Sept. 7.
Hosice--Mr. Blebs:dean resented his speech in
support of the majority report or t h e EVitig Coot.
mimeo. Being very severe on Mr. Ewing, be was
tallowed by Mr. Vinton in reply.
Them in ing boor hieing expired, Mr. Robe ;
bison_ ed that the Ha proceed to coo
tbe usiness oo the 9 aker's table. Agreed
The Chair announced the tininess Ant in order
to be the West Point appro etion hill
Mr. Bayly proceeded exelrin the Senate
amendment to tte hill. It then referredito the
Committee of the Whole.
The Senate bill, establish g a government or
California, thee came op.
Mr. Boyd moiled to amend if Vy . annexing the
Mr. Vinton relied • point of order.
The Speaker decided the amendment in or.
Mr. Viotan appealed from the decision of the
Chair, and the Chair was not sustained.
Mr. Bola's amendment wee thus decLared out
of order. -
Aflorfarthet ineffectual attempts to amend the
Senate California bill, it wan mdered to a third
reading—yeas 157, nays 57; and the bill was then
pawed—ayes 150,•nsys 56.
Tha House thee went intoT,immiltee on the
Senate Utah bill.
QA 111011011 to ii,tcri thO Wilmot Proviso won tell
Mr. Stevens moved to strike out the amend
ment In the bill, providing that when said territu
ry shall apply for admission as a Suite, it shall be
admitted oath or without slavery. Lilst, by yeas
59, nays 85.
Several Ineffectual attempts mere made to
sawed, when the Committee rose and the House
passed Ike Utah bill, by yeu 97, nays 85.
PuttAnzzazai, Sent 7
The market generally, owing to the wet and
unieuled state of the weather, has been very dell
for the season, and in regard to poems ' we notice
a very conaderable advance In Coal, and more
&mesa In Iron and Cotton, and an Inereamd de
gree of aeriviry In molasars and coffee; while for
Floor them Is little or no demarti, and the market
is completely unsettled, and unusually doll steee
the close of last week. Transentiona am confined
to MO brie, Mostly for home use, at $5 (3 in 23
p bit. leapectlons during the week sum up tome
11000 ,birla
(halo—Recelpts of most kinds have fern off;
owlog to the damage done to the canals by he late
freshet. With a gco3 demand, pie.a are aben,
stationary. Saes of WACO bushels Wheal at lOt
0 Int for red and 110 for ram quality ol
white. Corn ilateady, with sales of 1.0,000bn, at
Provisions—Tranuctions in barrelled meats
have been limited at about former price. Sales
250 brie Mess Pork at 310,62 0 310;75 per
nil= is held at $9,75:0 119 p bd. Cxy Mess
B.efidt.ol.ll at sl7l'o 319 p 01 Bacon,
we note sales or Hems at If 0 100. of Shoulders
it di 0 di. and of Sides at 51 05f p lb. Lard,
in Ws., in rather more active, and 300 brie were
.old at le; kegs contain dull at 7f p lb.
GroceriesCorce is in more aciive demand,
stocks being very much reduced. Operations are
only to ■ moderate extent at very frill prices, the
genera , tendency being upwards. Sales 'curb
above 3500 bags, mostly Rio, at tai 0 ale
with the usual credit; including an entire cargo
taken on landing. Of Sugar, the supplies of all
kinds are unusually light tor the action, and hold
en are firm; but the demand has become leas
active, and the week's traneactions have been
mostly_ confined to small lob, comprising lo ail
350 bhda -Cuba, New Orleans, and Porto Rico,
within the rues of 61 0 7o p lb
Tobacco—There ta a good feeling in the mar
ket, but the fire:mesa of the holders his a tendency
to limit the transaction.—The market i station ary it SO Sln for
Linnead, with groan eaten.
Lead—Thera Is sot much inquiry; and little is
doing; SIAS having been refused by tome bold.
era of Galena.
Hemp—There n a limited demand, and the
market has been at a stand for aometlme past, and
prices merely nominal at 3167,50 p ton.
ken in limited' demand. Some ZOO tons
have ban sold dosing the meek at $lO for No. 2,
and $2l for No. 1 p ton-6 mos.
Whiskey ha, w+aoccd. awing to tbAseareity of
supplies, to 2610 27c for !Ads, and d 7 29e for
ram, Your., Sept. 7.
The heavy rates have checked outdoor trans
Flour—The market is easy with sales at the
following quotations. Common and • tratght State
and mixed to straight blioh‘gan and Ohm, 51,4463
. . .
Omit —Wheat is ire fah. rtirest Mr milling, meth
sales *IMO busbies Ohio at 1000. The marker
for Caro has an.upezard temdent y, and deem la a
good demand, laelcd.rig some Itquiry for ship.
?milelona.—Pork is milder, with a moderate
request at $10,121 0 510 , 73 for Mese, and •39,121
0 18,23 for.orime.- Lard continue, active with
sales 0 t`i 3to far green., nod et 070 foi.gtiod
and extra. • Boner is esey at 00 121 c.
Groceries—There is a rone:derable 'peel:ll.loe
movementin Coffee, and fOOO bags Rio were seld
inch:ding one Invoice of nueo bags at 101 0 10 I c
fr lb. Segall are nteady, hot out oelitog creel .
Tobacco--There is a lair rrotte.t for Tobacco,
and the moire( Se weedy. Sales 10 blade Eel.
tocky:leaf at 61 0 etc- '
200 do Virginia at 71, and
30 boles Havan• at 42e.
Whiskey—Team ant loever. with sales at 261
02610 for Ohio, Prison, and New Jersey. Sales
or Drudge at 2602&c ♦ 6. 11.
.CtecreetAn, Sept. 7.
Flour—Steady at 3,47413,rt5.
Corn—.Salestaal9. bulk.
Clata—ln demand at Me.
Wbiskey--Salo at Vie.
Lard—Earns vales cf pima key at 61:.
Coffee-400 begs Rio at 11011 la.
Linseed al—Bales at 70075,-
Arunrinr a BURCHFIELD inform their minims
IVI era god buyers generally that, in consammnee
of velirkle. being engaged havearging and
toin; their Store Room, they removed their goods
to tbe Sm.ouo groan of the building they oceepy,until
the intpro4cMente are finished: where they will be
happy to see their t 1610112.3 01.1•1. and for the
Doable of walking up Wally will try and rmeenerats
them by selltra them Cheep Good..
11:7•Fatrance from Foe./ street. aaglle
Ilaughtc ring k p aektag eit.blishmolait
TlNEwell known Pork .d Reef Slaughter - lee and
Packing Concern, owned and formerly occupied
by the late James P. Campbell, Is far rent
The establishment is located In Chillicothe, Rots
county. 0 en the plot of ground dialling the hie
Canal from the Fenno River ' and has one thousand
feet aground fronton each. The enclosure embrace,
six no es ;Almond, containing large pens, large and
oreamoditets slaughmiing, hseging r oatung, narking,
scenting, and lard sonde& g beattes, brief house tar
omen ...every convenience for handling TWELVE
It UNDitral ROCS PER DA Y. and rendering the lard
from the game; as there are a double Ore steam bolter
and Refine for melding rugs and .eaturg lord, and
two tank• for renderigg offal by steam. •
There is also, 00 the premises, an lee Roo h, urge
enough to contain right thonrand bushels,
The Selma Valley, of whieh Chillicothe Is the obit(
market,le one of the tureen Park and Beef Distrlets
le the West, and bogs ern alt.ys be bought titers
at lower prices than at Cincinnati and many other
points, and encl.'sre ts abandant.andellesp.
There Is no drayage netessert, as twat.may be
loaded at the Peeking House. and the facilities Tot
s o b r ip z ei h r i l e te , &troot this rig tbeJAk ii ett b elle: Fmk
the Easter ;outh ' ll:ra New ' Orl ' eani s , ore at all season.
elute year fully tomato those afforded by CL
Wormy Rain. are alto vent, then helot ti ul n
Melia, hank, withinforry keo mile..
ippileationa for 00011 If may he made to
Antoine at Larvoetnnatk' •
Chilliest/m.O : •
rpiijS establishment hu been recently fitted ay, in
.1. Petite area, nearSansome, which le convenient
to the badness pans er tee city, also to the City Hall,
and other 'ohne hatidlngs and within • few =notes'
walk of the principal new boat landings..
The propneter,froso las ln caperienec in the busi
ness in Um city antes, Vor o g k, bane a' been connected
with Lovejoy% Hotel fee seveal peon, feel. confi
dent that them who may visit bi n boom will fi^d theta
the comfort. of • home. GEORGE BROWN
SBA Francisco, Ace IR:C—sepl:dlwherttT
XTOS 120 and 129 Peeved street, between Wood
1.1 and Smithfield, otter for sale
100 and qr chests V. 11,0. F..lrop. & flik Teo
WO has 11b 1 lb dq and Ees Va. mull Tobacco;
100 hogs Rio Coffee
50 brie North Cerolloa Tar,
20 brie Rosin;
30 brie Bl , WliTatirers. Oil;
10 tierces Rice; .
tigs Ground ' Gingen
00 Lie White Pipe..
40 his St Chocolate;
40 hie Variegated Soap;
92 begs Pepper;
16 hags Lisette;
has tench;
/92 dos Beaver Hewlett;
00 don Tab., aisorted sizes;
16 dos llstiers, **sorted 'Hein
160 ream Wrapping PCXT,111,11011.044
SW his Window Olga. asseriodi
5 casks galenite.: •
2 moon. S. V. Indigo;
1 cult Manilla do;
Ithls Madder; -
cawa Liquorice;
Togiff.her wish* general amonmern of all artteles
ina liroorl Lac • . 02 11
eIICIAR CURED HAMS--B -mks canvassed Is.
CM eat ler sale loss, to close consignment, he
OR Water st & 132 First et :
121;12, 11008.21 EIOW BOOKS I
Tenn Some, opposite the Font Office.
Wl3lO Copperliold, No 16.
11tetweed9 Maori. for Awls,.
An Journal for August.
Ikriog Age, No 203.
laternailosal Mrieellany for September.
Demo Bbaltspeare.—.No-2/.
New Louden Ettakspesre, Noe 1 and B.
Jails Howard a Ur Mrs Bell.
The Han, trnile. , Hs Merlin F. Topper, En.
Pint and TUN Urn, etaew novel. ItyGeo.Pand.
- .rarn braten,Cres LIMAN X.
UM. X- XOWt• • ..... Z. S. , 431.. X 'NM 14..
THE OCEAN MT-iiilEll9-
C0rr,1.111..Fr,171 Lieerpant . 1V,,,, rime
ATLANTIe--Wedneedny, Annan xi.
ATLANTlC—Wednesday, skater.. Ity,"
PAClFlC—Wednesaay, Celebes In.
• •
From Neve York ro larerpool.
PACISK Saturday, Arm. Rt.
ATLANTIC--Saturday, September 7.
PAClFlC—Saturday, September PQ.
ATLANTlC—Saturday, ()mallet :13.
Cunard Lior, (stopping. at
ntms roofs
For ',r York, 3 Aug From 0040, 7 Aug.
Boston, IV " New look 14 '
. New York, 17 " " llottnn,
" Boston, 29 " " N9w York, 1. "
Nese York, 31 • Itot.ton, 4 Sept.
" Bo.eoo, 7 Sept. " :New York, II
. New Yotk, 14 " Boston, 1. "
Boston. 21 " New 1 ork, 95 "
" New York, " " Butgon, 00e10.
. Horton, 6 Oct'r. " New York - , 9
New look, 1 . 2 Lsortos.
Boston, 19 " N•sr . York, 111
. New York, 25 "
Boston, o Nog. " New York, r Nov.
" New York, 9 Ds.ton, 13
• Bost-n, 17 " Now York, “
• New York, ID " " 11 ,, t0n• "
Boston, o New York, 4 Dec
" New York, If Dee. Boston. It
• Boston, . Now York, 16
Oetzrn Steam Ca.—Far Brnnrn
HERM .I.NN, C. Crabtree, A eau. O.
WASHINGTON, Capt. Lloyd. Sept. U.
HERMANN, Capt. Crabtree, Orb al
WASHINGTON. Capt.. Lloyd, Nov fn. •
HERMANN. Capt Crabtree, Dee. :10
Free. Bremen to em Yo%‘.
WASHINGTON, Copt. Lloyd. Aug 15
HEMS A Nsot!p , .. C tablbee. srpt. i 5.
WASHINVCON, Capt. Lloyd, (let. 15.
BERSI ANN. Capt. Crubtrre Nov 15
WASHINGTON, Capt. Lloyd, Der. 15. .
For Chap... from em ion(
EMPIRE CiTY. Cap. Wilton, Avg. 13.
CHEROKEE, Capt. Aim 11
Prvm Nerr rork for GlusTorr.
CITY:OF GC. ASSCOW, B. It. Matthew, —About the
middle of every alternate month, viz :11n), .1u1).
September, November and January.
Frwrt Citaavol. Net. Von(
CITY OF GLASSDOW. B. IL Matthewr —About Me
middle of curry •:terstate month, WS :—ln Apr.;,
June, August, October, December, and February
rtrerro. rirranction Gsnrrru t
Monday Morning, September 9. 'lido I
The weather was nool and premium - an Saturday, or
Outdoor transactions, but, being the general pars lc
day of the firemen, every thing like business ueemed
it a stand, and nothing of spertal IrltorCill transpired
in the market. Quotations generally, showed no mart
ebruttge from our lout report
The neer m again penny low, and rdowly receding;
which, together with the rented breaks In the Const
has stopped for a time, the shipments of goods from
the east to the wee, and rendered businees on the ric
er comparntively dolt
Prantnan Sins—We nonce a sale in l'bi , ade;-
phi., on tie 4th inut. , t (lsco Na. - burgh tllci. c ir7o
at St.
011 Bier et
Nam Bansuarr, fdept. it, ICSO.
Sperm—There is more inquiry for Fpertn. and bold
er. continue ery faro; a sale of 1000 bnl• crud, at MO
manufactured 35./ galls Winter at 1200, Id,o gall.
lileitet , ea second sql er at Ito; Met untlen-b,d •ce
nd Wltter at 11601170; and 1500 ,aliens unbleached
Spring, at 114 r cash
IVhale—An antra demand has spruce, up. and buy
ars tare shown con•iderable dlaprootton to operate
which, however, boo barn aomewhat checked. nr the
Inetea•ed heartless of holders. Sales of Ird Obit groomd
uer atOnte 150 dark at 010.. 310 N W Co.: as toe same
price, azo do at C2ILT.S4 and aawo phis on term. we
did not learn. In San Harbor a note of lfall bb.
Comm, by Ilotteu, at Ste Manefactured Whale it in
good dere•nd, mod the stock I.moth T?td t3ole• al
PAX. an.l• Spring Whale at Mir; 1000 cdwin
ter at 551 e, 1.0 bleached do at Stir; and IlArd at One.
Khali. Bone—Sales 3,0C11 ns N W covet at 21; ma
eou •t r
Candles.: iale, 110 at 4,c; and 4CO Jo on prorate
riot.. Oma.,nudlog. Aug. 1.
Talus a, DE VA cry -- t
Register's Ollics, Septmi/Iser I, 15.50.
Amount ontstaniiing of the several ipso.,
pills to ii,e 21.1 JoIT.l*lll. •• {isr record•
of cliLoo
Amour, so toinitir ISt.. of
ly. nt per records
Amount sol.ioniliog of Me issue of ',ls
Jo:lorry, to per seer in,. of
Deduct cancelled note. in hund. of the s
ALIrgT, where, all ander seta pilot to
EZ97... , 49
Itenni—Ttiere were z feet, 9 inch', in chorine, by
istesal,mark 1 .,t evening at dunk', crol
Michigan, Beie,
Faehtue, Peebles, Eliahest,
Mistime, Venison, Brown-villa.
Hein, Jame se, Ilre s ereteille
Youtosiogieisy, Hastnee, !leaver
l'inpsre 2,llemputll. Beaver
Isspiter, Lute, Wheeling.
Tnetarist. Hemphill, Wheeling.
Mile, Walser., Beaver.
Allegheny Clipper, Waters.", Wheeling
Empress, Cog, Zumwalt.
Dlichies. Brie., Resve•
libm, Peebles, Elisabeth.
Baltic. Jacobs, Brownsville.
Aiissue, rstlnrison.Binvihscilis
lioughioglieny. Ilarmpee, Beaver.
Urnpire,o 2, Hetsphtll, .
Kale tas,hales, Beaver.
Wellsvias, Urideepoli.
R eveille, Alshir, Wheeling
kanlifelicv, avec:inn.
DEAVER—W.O loghetry . , 3 r. u.
BEAVF.II—Pss Ass ehr,le. John A
Cuntlcy; I-I do do, J o Bidwell, 7 [obis pd will, En g.
Ih. Lienn,t.
ZANESVILLE-I'u raroo—T.9 wo, 910r,9 hh , ll,
too, IN Elin6b“,3 do do, 1 bbl, 1 bg egg', W II Jams
WHEELING—P. Ravr2.l.2-19 kca batter. I auk
Wan Boichara; 72 bbl. Cour, I 3 lick. In
McCiurkan; IP co - Polecat,. tiralf Co&bb;alloor,
Heil & LAggcc, GC do do, Eleker lc Fa ray .11;4 aka ectn;.».
Fakdecock & Co; 42 atids sob, Lcerb & Cc; 7. c .c.
vat coed, 1 Black & Co; 74 is cbecaa, Caohrld; I cal.
I bbl were, Armstrong & Crozet; I box [c.c., locazi
RATES OF Ulbeo LINT—C(3a ED 3 7
/11. 110/.IIILII a 5015,
ElChlage Brotera, Na. Si Marl. aucc4 near 1t•
Pamlazyl•aakia.. Ind lawn.
Ifaroarr(Vituourair —Par Etats IP. 'alltancees-•
Leetrange Bank ••••• •Par'S'a.teSerip • ... 1•
Mama a Mao. flank •Par
Likaotriolatelphra• --Pas Eachanee WI. of Ira, • 1
Gould bank Par Fanners Ut.ot Va•—•
Bank of Genoa/ewer • •par Mr. or the Valky, l4
Chester Countp•—p Ala. of V tliglIlia••••••••• "
" Delaware Co.. • • Al. Ilk., Wheeling a
" Montgomery :ea • •parl aer ?dors anrown•
ss Northoroberland• •por N. W. frank Va—•
c o a.mbi.up,e, ge co.••• pas do %V eilebere---• •
Doptecolre Itaak•—•par do Yarkoraburg--_ •:
Fumers'Bk. Itendipk•pak Tenn
Fkaters'Elk. Becks Co. par i Dk.of l cane sses• •••
Tumors Irk Lanmer•pariFar. Pleree'ts Irk
barreaster Co. Bk.• • • •parrimsters , 1.1 k.--• •• • - 3
Lkk.uter Bk.. —•— pas Union .
U. Elutes 13ank--••••••••20 •
.. _ . . .
13. n m -sills Bk.- ..... pail/instal:lk of kliscome.— 1
waakinopp Lik.........--i North varollma.
Gettynburgb Bk.---• k Bk. of Cape fear a
Chamberabars• ....—.. '"Mc rch'R lik.,Nowoerni. J
I Biaquelianna Co. Bk.- - lassie Bank.-- ....... . a
.. . ......!•-.-- Booth enroll.: i..
• -
,Canides iti...
IC .den Bk
• ilk. of Carkrkmon
It edletown
Carlzsla • •••
eru •. • Cr leorunierei
Fkrener.' and Drovers' Bt. of Beorgeurern--• 5
Desk, Waynesburg.. lik.of ports, r•••• -
.—.----. Slerehants Lea-- ---
g•Plantrrg aft eenais ilk •
Lebanon •...... ... •p. r Ilt. Of Sonia (5 - iro.l Li • •
_ Baltimore ••• •• -PS"
York Bk.• • • & It It •11
West Branch Dlt. I Cumberland Bk. of n•lis-
Relief Notes .-- gbany 1
111 It Bk. Pms .• F s '• 1.0• of kiarYland • •
&rip-Plush. I: County) Farmers' d Meehan es
Al l rr l Al ll Bk. Fred , : rir ••
Ohl.. Bk.
Male Bk.aon Bragebaa Bar:era:own Ilk
Mount Pleariant ..... • Lneral
Bleuhenville— .1 patapsen Ilk .....
" Wclklnglir o "
Marietta • . 0
NourLiabon• ••••—• 173lehly,on.
...... Ilk. of ?t. ir• • -.
Cotcmbn. do- _ •,
; Bk. of River Rs ,roc -
Cirels•lll.---- • 0 Michigan Ins. C.
Far. & 111 • •• •• • ;
ss Wisconsin Torrit. o 4•
Wrreiner 751darAFIreln.CantiNes 6
Maolllon I Canada..
sa.d.skg ....... ycAll solvent Dank.
.••-••-• i
Hank of Englanallole•
Norwalk •-- ....... - 70 ----34 70 VI ay.
Clervelang---,. 1 Orsid Spect•
.... ; . Napo:tons —•—• 3 e •
0 Burns 150 22 0 0
Franklin Benam•— Facle,old •••••-• 10 00
Franklin B'k Colarobas Fagleolear •••• - 10 00
Chillinnbe Coubloons,t3pcnah.lo.o
Lake age.-- • •••••• 110. Pat r i•-•--• •13 50
Select- ....... hierv.reigns 4 Ed ,
lariertnin Guineas •••••-•.5 611
~,a°0 00011. —•••• --•In Frederirkad'ors•—•s7B o
unmanly ....... •••50 Ten Thaler. ••• .• 700
Pazzerg B'k Canton-14) Ten Cutlelers •-• 700'
116.. " ..... •50••••• •• • • 460
Iltalatselry. /Cielsaniga•
Bk of K O OlO ky••—.. 15c. York -•••?•-1f
Biz( Lonis:lits•-•.••• inn
Norhern Bk. Kenneky• 13,1th:bora •-•-••• i Tr.
0010 Y . '"'lle-i-Cir irrarror
IS Orman st ABalnmorr,
A GENTS foe the role of eola Ash. Blumbins
1 . 4.7i/dersake.. hare on band, and are constantly
mooteing direct from the Allnufacturera, the .hose
•rtieles oran heel and most appmend brands., men A.
tbi ofer.lo the trod, to qustulitb. to suit , and at
t••••••••• mov , '••M. 0n510:4,.
6L/cite-IW SO b.
l'bel • e. b
bU binre,
T AP, %LI.
L": 4 4 rinigiap
=rota= In Tat trrrairmiceta DAILT etztrit
Flax Piecitm..,,We found on our table, one day
law wee.k,iha verlinest peaches we hare seen this
sena.. They are from the extensive peach orehdrd•
of Mr. C. F.dively; cf Ihlns to vmh:p, - ivh.. lit.
some 1,50(1 trees of the best •arlettes planted, about
half oitheni id be4ritig. order. Thu', Who ivant,
good peatthea should leave thew utdsrs with hit.
Sol rely, Who cam' ke rouiid a( his stand
mood. .
A LLltaltr.44 Batons'Oattet—The ,rise of the Com
monwealth ex relation's. James Todd vs. the Alle
gheny &idea Company, canoe p on tt att , r o,. hot
was postponed. till Saturday next, in consequence
of the illness of A. W. Loomis, Esq. counsel for the
F 19 6 ,1.11 Assn/.t. Paseoa —T, moment pc- .
rade of the firemen look place on Eatorday, end
we thief: that we have cover be:0:0 menu ho d ee a
display en they then made. All the brase banes
in town were in attendance, and their stirring
music enlivened the occur, while the g ,geon,
orelofina cf the firemen, and the beautiful menu,
ofd flaws and digs which ornamented term n
conrunis, were well worthy of ciliniire. oc.
rood en Grant street while the compani wime
pa,ctre and were ranch p . catied es
tnd! belting of nii
I) ivul Cunlrbca a t , ths Caiel here Is'. assisieil
by Mess a IL IL Itibert, nail W. W.
lrVnittihi brass brad, inn careitie di awn by On ,
white horses was at the head the yroeession
and was Eillowitt by the members of the
A...retention, who rode inn !nni: I.ce ehrrager.
Cho Fare %Vares:is, who noun:. ie were dry , .
ed in a very neat uniform, snit rude on ournebacsi.
Tony were thirty font it number.
The Ergo Fire Company, immediairiy An •
needed the Fire Warden., The enc.ihe w Inca was
heautile ly ornamented with wrerths nl d ewers,
was drown by six airy hi rare. One eel wag
drawn by Cur boys, white the ropes ot hi. nth—.
whiz', was ilreseed in the must .1.1111 m WC,
Z. ire, and red etileinds, were Mal,
zed by the n. tuber. of the company, htv t.
aumlmr. Ttmir uniform was the of the , te nlks'
thantent open the gronne , e
green hat and jacket pine faeartn, wh to
pantalooaa end n Meek . Leh. Too Pe ittesne crass
',And aceompawed the Eagle.
The Allashuny company urag creuedell by
threeroe men. 'norm mrs.du en, te,[l,4
a!e..Od i2CaallSOO Wah me.. 14•, and
red hem. and whim per.m , ou:,,, manned the P-p,
of the earl. A bawd tan W 44011 drawn by ten
cream colored homes, Cora ti rte to t roe `•.llneourr
el most eloquent mums" Tno novae wo, drawn
by eight harms co:ducted by poettl'oco•,
111 the garb of Ind.ans. Inhamd.ctely 14 fill,
the enpme, rode lour restquern, too ,reared .0
represent cavaliers of Ktne tan . time, tee ten.
ars clad in armor, with helmets, l tm:pia...—
The members of the company numbered runty
The "" came next. tic cult e seg.
drown by asx horses conducted by posttl'ams, n.ll
tegether WILL, the reel, was ernarnented senh dans,
and scree:bad Gore-e. Tee members, ,x• y two
,n number, were dressed in GA.., ,r.• here trounced
watt red, red caps and wear pantele..ea.
A murmur./ engine, drawn
peat diemen, Wan seemed to thr.i: no tney
formed net the lees: I , l3pOrta.l part of
lion, Came slier the Dcl,r - nr.
The m_ __.a ofsite Fat ,
betwecia tody and help r, Por, c:ed
very Cent appotornce.
o a red ;scout and tans can, and pa,
Done. Mtn ong,be mom< wed oron tiny, sad
drsverr, was orr Yen by (ocr ttntrttrr.
Bserdsley'a bras ban.! strr 1,1,1 'ht. Neptune
Fire Caranstly, the raetu - :err of ar .a we, dress
na Wiped larlial 0.11 to pan tatn,na, at d b‘ur
Oita. The err!, wse 1,0 I by ”1. bay tor, ,
rulden by posbibeas, and n ann.bas of s nu,
boys. ,a the dress is", acre co ty siquo•
prustely Waned upon tut n:d Nepds t:CIC
Were slyttly membors tilt
1:01,71,0 00 ground.
Tiler Niagara came Leal, drew a by cud homo
driven by pocohone. A ma-luer represcm.r.g
an Indian, arrayed in all the finery Mame:molt.:
Or a ravage, etectl the lop of c:,•te. The
reel was very pmmly de: orated Nrch ii nod
rib4auda, tun wa• preceded by the mcm: re Of
the company, dretaod in a nrcham
radian:4am and cap:, and yell to t . rll-..L.0
The reel of tee Lhfayhtle win Cr,-.: by fty
bey., ant: ILE came by br,y horn,..
acre appropnßlT'y ornam,blr4. Tie J Were
tsqty e.ght reetelets 03 parade, dtessed .0 Ir 4
Its.kets with t , se 1:1,05s, w_... !.a:s aad pses•
t.rtps co4.wra! bi
sdnrnea in the meet go:grin, mtbcar
en and n'Jbands. T. prea.zed. a
they always do, n hoe •ppeararec, •od were
dre.sed in ant neat oniforin or red
p•nta:oana, and Mud Lnt•. Tante were tiny (our
00 the rope.
The membe,e of the Uoad W4l, twenty aLe
Three axennen preceded the reel of the G eel
latent Company, wltteS we. fa:lowed by the Itliie
rine, drawn by einnt horses wall tn... I he
members were decreed m F... pie jt , irt., buff
nu•, •nd andu psouticonl, •nd worn tidy in
Too Indrprodeot ennine nttractil more aarc•
prOn.l.'y, than .ny other on rue gruel, fjr
ea the top rot a pert•y 1110 r r r', dra.%-e Is rep
recent the credicr, of Ffeedatn, rod holdlne .n her
hand a oraff surmounted by tho red rep of L•ber
ty. Tbo Idea altogether Wall we I rimed nul.—
The newborn of ;,1111• company turned out to the
nomber of forty two. •
TO:along procer.ioo woe wontLl op by the mem
hen of the Relief Fern Company, forty lo Dtlmlo'r
This company, thouEn e new Ogre, would compere
favorably w:th any of tho others The reel rine
engme•Vcrc very tartcfully ornamented, nod Ire
men lacked well.
No temdeuts heppened thrtachrint the day,
nor did we nee the re.ettew breech or doenrii min
toe conduct or the firemen. 6tl far AI our o , ,ncr.
ration extended, there wit not a mon in
that ling prom-I,ot under the inductee °Riper,
nor were there any bickeriteit* r.r gaer.eie moony
the members of the different eitm pities.
Met.sectio. Sys. ACCIPENT.—Wc iscre in•
(mined at the Punt (Wire, on Saturday, that tie
ilition stage, whilo ionceneitig. a toll, a chart
distance tan). Ilrady's Bond, here°, oneoupled
and the hind wh 'OlO and the body of :he roach
foil over a peemptec of conniderablo do 05, emit.
sag upon a rock at the toltom.
It contained cz passenger., all of whom were
iejnred—some eeserely. Mr. Wham (I, les, a
gentleman rennet ed wits the g Owning Rolling
Milker. very dehgerouely woueded, fits some
being injured, nod but taint bop, or hie recovery
ate entertained. Mr. William Irvin, Marshal
o f the WCS(CIII I)Ntli.l of rell(1671V.:11. a well
as Mr. Meredith, of I:manning, also austalned
severe Injuries.
Anaivro.—Tho Hon. NV;lbain Irvin, whose
orninolion as Marshal of the Wrevro I, rvl of
l'ennaylvanla was reeently rent: toed by the
:senate, salved in Ilahhurgh on ri day rogbr, sod
has taken at annaeols at Lie Monongahela Honor.
Ws aro I'l oiseil to learn that 11.: In font r.rot
eon g from no efforts of the IPP I / 1 -5 be so , a red
L 7 Oil apse. - g of iLe Churn stop , on Thorsilay
CUILD Dracavari.—An infani, SI new days &d,
WWI discovered snugly wrapped up, 'y rip in the
passage of Mr. James Thetupeen, of Penn unreel,
on Friday eircuicp.
Every nueetion teas paid to the :alto stranger.
Its wretched mother will have the SafiSUld.lol3 of
hawing that Its Wants toll be attmeded to.
Now Boors.— We are Indebted to Miner h
Co., or Scrolbield SL, a. my op; p dre Itrowh's
!Intel, for a copy of • grhn Saidter's I>onabter," a
new novel, by Cal. W. Ii Maxwell, author of
Filmier Of Waterloo, Wild Sports of the West and
other well known works. It is well written, and
very interesting. By the way, Minor dr Co, knee
at sail extensive assortment of cheap literature,
teleotedwith Admirable taste, and of mouse
maculated to please our citizens.
They ere also agents for the solo or "Bell's
Life in London," "Poach," The Landon Ilturata. ,
led News, and other.E.oglish papers and period.
icalL • _
Nsarcrr Ctoraretrr.-4 very beautiful collect
lion of llows•M. arranged to the shape of a star,
was presented, on Saturday, by the • members of
the Allegheny company to the Bag le, the letter
winpany being, to dal: opinion, the mutest on
M. Vona&
rar.erxr• - runs or • Fmni•n'a Can —R. Bid
dle ts, Eeq. , presewsd • very me galficeot
Fireman's Cape, braotilaily ma-rented and trim
med le ith geld lace, to Mr. David Carapbel
Chicaresinim of the Fire Department, on Sum ,
F.. 443.. to .the pre,catatirn, Mr- It. toade.a
neat ntll "spnec, In his navel hap#y
manner, to when Mr. 041741,:ft zespooded, and
pift hn Lie acw cat 4, among an bee era of the ens
aembted firemen end catizmtr.
NlysTErimoC . li.Scainerns.—Aa we were going
down Market aired on Friday night, We observed
I‘,,r, of Yout; men gathered together near a mel
on pile. apparently having felonious designs upon
the Itecicus fruit. The melons were guarded by
two men, one of -whom we took to be a watchman
from a lademace which he carried. At last the
plan of the pluncerers' operaticns was settled, and
[hoy rommenred their attack, at once routing one
et the divisions If the bottle force. The man with
the mace stood his round valiantly, however, and
struck one of his opponents three times before he
iced will h.t. The melon plunderer held htm
with cite hood, while With the other he struck him
in the lice We es reseed 01 . contra 10 Reci him at
once lolled to the en rth by a blow of the niece, but
our utter a+lolo+lnne the pea menliur of the latter
stooped down, and inflieted a very em
phatic knock on the pavemei.i; the blow in the lace
Was repeatrd, and opal the unidemling bricks
were putuslied, and sc it went on for Imam time—
.. nail of perudine his adversary, he paignArd the
ground, until Ins twail.l got tired of striking hint,
and wcht away.
We had the eurtosity to ask Lim whether he was
sv,linan.lint he ,110 the! he was not. Tiredly
nutito nt relei. had given kilns permission to Carry a
mnee, and kinich for assistanee on the paent If
any tele cattle to steal his melons, a privilege ve
he. seemed to tiserevie withesit its being of
the slightest advantage to
Supretue Court:—
S.; tnihrr 7, WO.
Pre •er , - Jo.t.ce (;I;..nn. J uittrer liogern
Cll, rr. rind
I! ,y• v. Common Arcaltb.—Common Pleas
71.1.!glnent Opinion by Mr. Justice 11.0-
ly v. 11,, chanen.—Dieriet C.,urt. Argued by
Mr. Bawling .11 Iklr. Wand= for m Ettor
ant: Mr. :31:M, (.11 . D, t. la F.,ror.
Illete . arologleal Table.
nrported fur the Pwahurgh I itzettq nasl far lb
Sa.t..nlan Inetitnte, Wastonaion Gay.
Pronl .1. - pt the ta m &rt. 7di
Daly. Sun me. 9 A A. 3 P. A. 9 P. A. mcau
Sept I 64 • 67 66 67
2 55 e 4 77 r , 6
10 6,
' 4 r) 1 71 71
•• f. 01 In 7fl 10 79
t 0 71 17 70iU
' 4 7 CO 1-2 75 71 \
The foloretris table fthofeAthe depth of the rain
mOtoli ton fallen during the prentent month.
Tenths alma inch.
Tot \1 l
mt. 3. D. HOWL'S
IN tivART normus
11A, no pars , irer.erm.e. curtnk and iredi
at's, n
r. Lore I.RUPTION,
It wlll racemaily rrulteate ll[llll ..
11 1 .nd r•re
II i•rum. I,l,,,nrsn.,Te,trf ficad,L;,,,,o,
bnctun,,, AJors Era, NtArraiffik
1 a..
Atol tHAorue.a.• Orrtrour,.. 11 hoes, Floor Alhoo,
o . IVor.,h, Nerrchot, T,•2 to,
Ln'• , R ons Yo'plohtion o the
lieL.•rr ,corta.l Deto.oy, Ilyspopoto.
1.• t 0r00,,t,
It I. ely and Entirely Vagetabl•.
I! rat. ret-h •,rn•,
Prrnr•nr: Nrvr V brit i:Nrw Il.mrySlrt, ant
•-• ,r 1 rer-rol}, .nr .
rnnern. :o.! and inanort•or nt Ott
.. LP,
tvolt , Sl sr .1 I. the 5 . ,. Splsd.
r .., , _'a 14, vet. ,
L.e 1,1 - Ge r. tot,L•n r , ..!,!ev• morti
se, to ••••• nse. rArtt(l.3'
•• r• • ••••roor •• 11, Oh, 'Octet: entlreet.
nt •ir• rot, tolotto oc It c;• ort,th ant!
- 1. ••••. thr rut•ltet The CIC aCi •f“C.4.
C err •re cot, et••••::: • Vontdo, •n;
, •-• •Q•uor.... I niel . e Nrco;;;tne .
inirtitti re• Ire 1101 i 17,3,11AM - 3i
, kftet•trAtilt r.• n.•trek. en nitro
; ; et r.
tr: o r •l rot ,• tct •f;
,el...nflrrtker ft r. 0.,
•. T Nf
1 , 1 , ri. ,
(. t ; .
• D.... r. Le
No I —T. IN— ‘.4.ia•b r tlstr. pm, Ilrltl D.rel,t4f
II 4414,/, 4,44, {,,,
•treet..44. .44t0 4,4,10 4.4 t t 1., 4-0 41.44
No 4.-.14.4 • (root «44 slrret 24.
.4 e 4:— 1,444 1 . 4..10vir050 Cnorrlt. 444. wt 4 .a
• or) Ltr,b. 1144.4 tsked fte a prinitog
Lo. • se Fri.wroir. itertyrt ritutity. hwrirt
t t rrr, about Itor fret wirinft. on which
• r of aur frau, rlirreirte, row true
.4.• w• irnir w h.rah
l•rt (10111 pires
Ith< otrwrt .l In
the Lo . :( or tr
111 wt. lw e• it ,r 1 front...n.l rim
road to low sal,' mark, oh .I:01(4
n, 4! Wert ot. Intl I. on Whorl
woor.r {mow., oltsc tn-J
• ....Jo t - . 40 olo; ;414 oel feel front.
top of Ll4e Inn ot. 1•111C11 o4ectod
, 4 4 .. •41•rolomoe, r•• 44, :Oro.
Inc. 2 LO I len
lon, I A•••• TIC n
CO ,
.4,1 On ti.Flla Wuy, Sod a , out 2.0 (I.
4,..nt yore, ,on Irtatrlt rell
Frgo,r Parr' $llOl U.r .1 Frame
!leo, u•vc manm,e. plOref, Sr formerly
Mr. 'I I I,ncld, ou.d n• very piravantlY mtrredintely .Iy..s.te: the Y .Um.
h—trAe NVltet I et in:inlet-tattle i'allvton
ttx. About lut) fret lb 1,103. ancl ritenotnc
i,orn wry yttre• .ovr water mars orery tnreirpt
Ihe n - ~ityterty hr told oh lavo
tetih• •, the It.. :Ante of R e. _metro*,
ch met '47 Aittl azol Slattct atter"
f "1 . vtrtue or n preee,t 11/I,or the henna of Wto.
I ) 57' 7tore, rre. dot of the Court of t'otomon ?ten+,
nrof for V., J.tetet.l in. Ott of I,
tt-rt Jetr- of the Court 01 1)) r arid Term :ter, •rti
1.• , .er:11 lx Dettrery In nod 1 1 /1! onitt notrtet. unit
:tn ..r tni ',roue' Jotter. Fettr.. Antroenve
Jrn,,e'l ro
or Th e r aime court:y.lll and for ttre County of
A4retterty. dannt the lino day of Aururt. in the peer
010,r d one tnocrond err hl hundredand fifty, end
to Inc for 00,01, r"ourt of tter .41 Ter
Intltcr nnor Genet-AI /all Ito It rent ,et the Court llouse,
111110 01:7 of l'inrl.orntt, on the Fount. hloodny
Oc.nrrr on: 1. trt Ir o'r,or It A Ni.
Pub, u it hardly given to all /notice* of the
Peva, Co'o, r. ur.d •of niwrhrny, that,
they t Var . , 4.11 tl . t ., in their prop, **tiara, with
rraorrit. ciontiostrolio and
in 1,, no those Mom, which to
Vora; rr•prciive th^tr op:a:Iola tribe
—A.,11 ni•ii throw Cuat will prdwcuto Ilia proiorirrs
tlivt now arc or f:1110 tun of ." o.wr ei
ta thca nod there to prosecute agotort
U.,' PP
urd, 1717 L.,1 at Pitzthurrh, ;thr, lath d,
An: ru rt. 1. 7.-ar of onr Lord oLe itkou wand right
hol.:r•d on filly, and of r rnmmoz , wr.llla the CA RIF:11 illitTlt+, Fberilr.
Tr 111 :-r 11iiD17,,:r.a7drertar: ,t,‘,‘ca l .. : ,,,e.. 7 .,,nd.a.i w:
C , t'n Inflaingnatory Ilhrumantdt,
" , plaPir So, iirllkril Ltrrnat. Sad
qe r -m me. tett lc Aare., and all cutaneous
ndol ”11 ,, dory disco,'
:C,:r•r••,,rfrtlr r•f •e• EXTRACTOR In the OLD
t .nod IL •marl., `gran ri• •)ori would
„.... • hy nrbtt.c n lbt NEW DIONB
yo, I,' ••••r of 1, irrir••re4 u,r•r, Ay total
, ort Gr iar.r: the i••• ntlibe, .14 gun!,
man wn r mrst• CC. 011 010 nverralc.
upon Dealer, by un.
put up Et, counterin, n,ufr
;.,. ar.pper. :cw
,d..:.• doxrrt, unl mum otl,r tt
.I. -n.---: int.u<ent ro..umr.r. abs
a 111111 le. tue peisalts! thafirrtng.
• •
C111•S in i'atnt n In tag Partlan/arli
Of ono of ILr Inow fovorcly LOOM and io,ured gator
ow. ill Ilse Iwo find illomoto.u% lIAGUE till:A.:fir Yaw
I' In New York. will shortly Le f
Mod We NEW LAMA:. /Ka.
•r. [by AUTHORIZED Ail fIN OS!!
. •
ihr. New Clrco:ars for 1840.
f.1•37k the orn.boht on tha near drew—the Triangle.
San, Dove, and liegie, 2.13,1 11. Dallcy l / 4
Avrtt , en ma-nature.
daneer and fraud, and boy Dailey's E.
tractor in the MEW' taus and tall. son,
IL DAI.LI4Y, 413 Broadway, New Vert.
!luta, P Sctuwatrra,legbeityliencral and Mole
dale Agent.
Wa.'l`llelttt. /tarot, Ptltsburatt.
N. II —The :mines of Dealers who procure the Dal.
ley Sblec, new else, from either tho proprietor bun
el r. froui his autlintiued agents, will be published
i.; the papers,. a guide to We public 1 , steer etc. of
fi last al•see for tale low lay
VV WHITING—U) brls l 7l7 l orf n o c il ic tpd ., ,in e •42r . •
It 1 7 j__ {Yaw •n 4 Fro. obi
CIAS.f:CI - Elt.E3—, few tea Il`anao
bright Wan, Jun receir'ltd and fn• bray, by
•ngt: .F.Tr w,frrn
I.J different patterns, Just reed for sale by
7 a./ a Woad %1
DATENT L:LACK-14 reaLl ro,12)0 by
A V Yir rtrFJurCeV:
PIA 191 W 994 it
Them annleg tamer
airdas Cap:. B. Ynang, wal run 11.• regular.
packet Delween Putsburgb.
tug, Bridgeport, and Sunfitl., leaving Pittsburgh every
Monday atternoon, tor T
a e,• dtettheavtlla, and ad Leery 'Thursday fternoon for Steubqns.
rate, Wheeling, Irridgrpor- Capons, and Eunfish
Renaming, maama.l Bridgeport .d r , unfivh every
day afternoon, and :Sunfish every Fraley afternoon.
For fretgat or passage, apply on tr , ard, or to
reu7 D Agent
The splendid steamer
Copt. Hartopee, ari lU I
Ik .ve
or •hore
and all intermediate Imadanga, every
Oar, a[< o'clock, I'. Al.
Fife freik , at or promake ,• _lmly on hoard sep7
, c • The aplendld steamer
Att e ,„ Johnston sower, HI lea, for the
A.-Fe r •'I above and Intermediate pens on
IEIIO tlO7, at 4 P
For irmght or passage, anply on board. er In_ •
.t 7 WHEELER. Agent_
The fine heat drought ...lel',
.ston, master. swill leave tar the
"..77 v . .. above and irtennediate landings on
this day, o.h instant. at 10 A. M.
For (might or passage. apply on board, or to
rrpo ARMSTRONG h CRtiZt.:R A ts
. -
The splendid steamer
Cant. rape. !e for the above
sna all Intermediate ports on this
day, the 4th Inst., at 4 V. AI. pasiueel)'.s
For freight or passage apply on bona. ser!
Ks.. 4 The fine new and staunch steamer
Wan. Dean, inaster, will Ware tor the
Omar. and intermediate landing., on
this tiny. the lth mit, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
For fretcht or pitheare apply en board. sep4
Packet. arriving at and departing front
the Port of Pittsburgh.
Captain Jong KlltUthont.n.
The splendid boat was bolt by the
$ embers of the nesmer lease Newton,
end :Aber., for the Cinema. and
Plusbort Packet trade, and will
leave ear ey Wednesday, for Cominnau, m place or
the New England, No. h.
For freight or pastage upety or board, or in
ttla ISSO
rIONTINITF.s to f0ra...l freight to Paustwrgh via
d very terms, pot
No Market etre., Phila and wotb the a eel de ib. f delphia, formerly
I,y Iltugham a Dort.
scrg7,l2na K W POINDFATER & CO
T") 1850 `OEiIL
•w,flps,•enger Atearner
Robert 11. Mmor, master, sell leave Plttabureh every
Templer, Thunder. and Saturday nominal, for
at to e'eoels, A M. Neuman, will leave
IVi,...eline for l'utn,aleta every Mayday, Wednesday,
and Fuller, at 3A. M. ' aon2o
Ike steamer
M SWIM. Mmset, c. 4 leave for the
above and all Intermediate pints on
tat* tn.t., at V A M.
Y,Y:: J.
Only 73 71/1•• staging.
VI BrownrN!• and t_tanthert•nd to Baltimore and
ao P00...a004.,r5t• -- • -- tD CO
T I I b E n, 4 , 744
. 00 . 7; 8 te o r l e ,,, s th t :
ttrrt:tinore. 3: boars, vote In I I. ihdr.lphor,lo boors
horlits•raa Irleept 0,0,4ay or
rrn” o',looll Vrtsrr.,, b, ...010, th•
~ore ',oat. 0111 mos :Le inqartli• in 'Mfr! nett
11ay. and tlrrir aoo.lnrcirt trace;.
Srturt boor twarta at tlre Office, tdonongabea
illoer.e. or dl. Crrtrle• Howl.
ocoll.l y
Int en.,
t,. ,I 1 I
Vag :plerubd 6 fa. rouni..,Arntr
,110 , ER,
W V ensvivs. mmße r, win, uneer-
RBI.• r 0.,. • run Ler/-
1,1 .1 a re,..,cr n and
"I l'azobar,h ,-Tery and
Tburielv mor nina. , •t.
For MO. P 411 14 11 1P;41 . an hoard, or to
1.21 %V B WHEELER, Art
allifaa r 1850. Bala
1111)112.1111CIL ARRA NOIZAMIT.
671'T51.1. MTN TO nrwrutunon,
Two belly Llrrs txpress Barka Boats,
(ExcLusivitz.y Tot P A ti. •)
...I and Pena'a Caps!.
140 /-* R.1111.... 1 .. and 140 mile.
The Portage Rat::. Ad is pos.ed In day light.
f N thle L., Mae June,' he Central
on rasa:lace est.
;don to l'htiaJetploa, The to on we
lo•ow• ros,l tee Aheglartty Portage Rad Road
rice all new, sod of We •ct, best descripttoe lu the
e , •untr7, sea w.ll, the increased speed oo the noun
p.a.-ogee. go °awash with despateli.
; A Parer wail leave raery mowing at ft o'•
dl , ck, see ~v ...emelt at
For rtes. : nalrwed, and Comfort. this route is de ,
hr tee preferable row to ate to We Intern
Cat.e., Fur pat• c t r , M , Ta : r3 ,..0 1 , 714 , 3 :,
I ,
• " '
or to D &CD, C , Lal
fl —Dr. tl:e lot SerGEmber, toe Cenral nail Road
wol Le op to Ile ltdaysOurg, went pa,en,n v. 1.1
throach In 4. •
oours. jell
„at 185°'
Inearcr PoLlitd
10 WM! and ahcpring Leiween ritiabar66
d ifo,be.ter by M.O. boats Michigan, Lake En c,
net Beaver.
t.ootly receipted and promptly delivered to all
p1.11.,1 011 tie Canal. and ake., •t Lowe. tRIGII.
Stoppers Will please direct good. to ttllttlwelN Line."
Water at, Pitt.buralt.
J. FlRtllt. Jr., Soe'y. I R. Altura, Jr., Prasi
Will irmar Nation all kinds of risks,
ALL loam. wall bellhatW T adjusted and promptly
A home instlnatort—mansted by Directors who ars
well known in the commotury, and who are determin
ed by promptnese and liberality to inanition Ow char
acter which they hr.. assumed, as offeriny tha best
protective to ule who excise to be limurca.
lliszerow—lL Hiller, Jr., Leo. Blue!, J. W. Butler,
N. Holmes, Jr., Wm It Holmes, C. lentsen, Geo. W.
Jeekson, Wm. Pl. Lyon, /es. Lippincott, Thee. K.
Liter, James al'Attley, Ale.. Nlmnik, Thos. Scott.
. , .
Orme, No. VI Water vireet iware.boule of Spoor
& Co einirsd
JWIT received from Phd FOetory,looo yd
01 Clo th Crash, didereni patterns, for sale by -
.0010 1 0 II 1•11ILLIPle
ic, ChE I . Gum Hasa Int 11 drams, ;us%
it.ll/ teec/ved fur sale by 1t /I PHILLIPS
& V Wood el
N.ll.—All Hasa Pohl lc ararnotad to.the rarehaterc
a cora sauktacuoa calla! to leather or the fund. to•
lu augIGJVOL
a) v6elr
Vim lb. do no Amelia.;
LAP td
to do African;
GU Wood tc
Toßkl'OF: I . ll.l.+—Mulct' c . nropoolot Rms.. ol
Tomato, a aptoottata for Lain.fini, on band and
for •st In at Intoorli WICKERSHAM'S
INSE,D brio just recerwed and for sale by
ItitlEU REEF—, berm. Sao]. Cured Canyalsod
I j Deer llama, a rnme artier, for role by
r I' Flsli L.
need I etl lo b
• lo
"T YY sTig . l2 A% h y
~)U'fA lII—In erta4, par
' —rso
Alt bbds plane, in way b . a/ .1% el.y
•41 ,1 w .. 1 ITC/I1 liter
A . 1.1:11ATI.18-3 lons Air sale low to clots ean.ln't
1:1 by 1.1 A FA 11N1.1.qTOCIC tr. CO
Coy. First A. Wood st
'u.° P
TIJIIPENTINC—.I7 brly foe male by
'Ant/ 011,-60 bet. (hr role by
aloud Q,u forOood
- e
MORRIS & 11AWOHTII have obtained the repo
lotion of selling the Best and Cheapest Tess in
Pittsburgh. It you compare their
one's with what you
purchase elsovsliete 700 sistil at acknowledge Its
super:wily...They. are very careful In the selection
of their Teas. They bay altogether far cash from the
Importers eau, and are al:tusked with very small
pants, these ate the reasons they are enabled to sell
ouch excellent fleet or Green le. at Ofic per lb
Bnperios ntic do
aug2l Eliol side Mooned
The best kinds Unperted•--__
51 do
SIA 111.113L1SR PACKINU-3rter lbs usoned
from 144 th a t Inch thick. Tbe above
passing Is prepared no 3OO degrees Fahrenheit
will not affeet h and Is seperier to every thing else,
al no millStSsee PRA sa ell...telly which -.eland.
so high a deree of heat, and may be need about all
pan. where packing is neemmary, via:—manhole
plates, piston rode, steam Mints, chest. ints, stern ches, cyllm
der hea d., do. For sale wholesale end retail by
eagle 7 & fl Wend at
CCoireirss • prime Green atielye salt,
nn re - ceivA and - for i'arie'antiCtrnPutußi
T INSMD 011,4 W
0 s for e by
lid "f 4 1010 m 409NUAUga & cc,
THESE DIES having ben adopted and b.glOy
and Pluktd, I pal a, pre now offered 10 tillilnufart wen*,
&knee, us ;be tetra perfect article in tne or culling
'Their .perwelty over Any other Die} Lernol
SCIEWW, Whvlber V or squ•ste tread, hr oscerse,s;
or prrrrow prep rrani,n,. AAA, dieeeot thnt timid 0
in- their greuter r lttrnbiliry, rapidity, end PMfte , .on
to get out or order. _ '
• Proaccnrum le, Atli. 17, IW.
Thiele to certify chat sre have purchased from P.
W twee thoright of men, Lie patent lA. for nut
ting hoita. In car opinion, his Ines an much tore
or to toy others we are seyounted woo for Ina
purpose of tatting boils.
P1111..140111, Auk. 71. P.I.
Having !led P W Oates , Patent blot to arc to oar
mat:Moment tor the fart nitro mamba. for cutting
holt, ,vre can In every retreat recommend them In
the ,reheat tome, as at hate hod all others away,
they beteg oto ter cooerior--coneidartir theft 7 2 Per
tent. cheaper than any others now in one.
Penn Works, Pa.
Thu is In certify that wo, have porenased the of ht
to u.o, and adapJed in cur bustnes rNV Gate, Pa
tent ficrevr Cutter, vakach we high.) approve of. t% e
can do much more work, and we believe it veRI to:-
pa.s in dors:Allay nod precision, as roach as elOnOltsY
of hiker, any let known to us
l'utkanskents, US: mot:tin:6lS day, (Odd.
Ntra , Vont, ling. la, lila.
Ilaving aeopleA P. W. Gate.' ••Patent Die." for rot
tint 1 , 41/ill, we take pleaante iMI 1. ey•orr, that it irofe
than 13.110,1, our espectationn, end have no !,•1Ia•
lion it: giving itan our n , that It far elec.. any
other p:an in proaent two (or en.
" •
We have P. W. Guinn` “Patent Lea” (or rotting
aerewor, and the economy of using them io veil'
eozoiiiimithlo, that moo look upon them
blo in every establiiiiment having any quaniny of
arrows to COL
• •• •
McCOMICK, 001DE.111 & CO,
Ounteotice °rout; WANtlirldl,ll, Ottt t ept.'4&.
I hove purehetted of %V If Scottole fur Olto United
State, ¢e right to u. in titn arvettu!. end ureno.
TO Lie.T.
A FOURF.I^ty Devei:tvg. s'a, roof. once reora, gam f.atures, aria bake oven, 142 Tturd
Inq. ire at to Water FIOCI. 5,11
❑E Charlier, Conl Company rt.!: roma.
L desirable r:rces at land. Eituatt a or elm/ :,%r the'
Straterieviel'urnpike, and Lear Mr aoutlinni
of their tad rood.
like land will be divided inln quentille, inkr
chi...v.1,1.d the items or paynten.wili
rowu uld
convenient brick three story Decol:
contateltq nine room. epeo,.uote.
t. nest the comer or Fr 0.... Yea.
.011 cl,O 00 the ISt of rletorer Appit
a0r4,t11,• Wood in, for. 01 ..3...r0nd
AA ONIF , 'RTA ova corotrodios% g.O
Avery's No.', Filth crett. Apply to
morn • 141 FIOL: .1
ASMALL DOVel; ou P.thie •thert. in the Dehth
Wned,—Bent Aro, ftt akta tAce kugl,
A ND peeve moo ,iveth nme,theie ly the Ththe
La. Wick Deveffing Itoete. No GU Ltherty
op• 081le Third IL Al SJ,
. .
Tl.e Scoood and Tlofd of Wartime.: No
Aluwl strceL Extwo,
R C liTOCKTON, Vori.el;eto,
a0a,16 17 Morl,l at
M ill , . torte three story llnck NVerebonw, Water
1 below Ferry street, rut.og Iron Watt, to Pm
street, on reasonable terra.. goasescon porn tonne
(burly. &allure or
reblbtr F. LQIIENZ
FOR SALEw i d ledt
street, between Hey and Morboryacccts, enin ... A
(be boos. and lot now occupied by Melton! Ildwoidl
!metal a hoot of L feet, and in depth 150 feet, will be
sold on fevoratile teems. Title autleeptionable.
q•ite of C. O. LOO5llO, CO st, nes r Wood
Pro2erty la ialleicsaemy City tor • a...
enbserthers offer for side a eutnter <eels
I. Lots, sane. in the ?cooed Ward. frontio On
CO/, grO,nci, on C3l7 trf7l. lognire at
W. W7l. ROLiiNeroS i Ainst riir• C air n
or of .1 AS iIIiBITS.4IhN. eh 12a 3, ramil •
J. )1 ESK I 51 Flq , Agent
T HE ouLerlogned, !Mt Agret for irays:.g Irn,rd
s trito.nim, mkt Ft.l to the
p:otecotico of toltlit re and Vi,duw.' :ot Pen
as,d Doctty Let th
yikeial egareetlon with the Unile , l 51C1.1 . 66 - e
errmer.llkas made ine familiar w zhe r end
form a Well attt the 61.010rm,0f The l'enilva Ihrp•rt
, ,al .
men. W•eturpon
ht on• ondr,or ono helot of Rev° unonorT Soldier.
haw claws trot may rot be Otalatnrd !,y roper op.
pucuton._ .1 It 01.1111.1 E
()Sect al Wen. (VII. Itolein•ov, orpvave tar
kivyar's Office, F.:vette Sieve, l'ivaLueg h.
VIDE- IRIS Cum, re bulls
tioavram , len City, Cal •Joanert
made on tielisigementy, and oil ygisuey bum es*
primarily ate iced
a... r 44.4, S a w set.clw.v.
OHIO fho
satons. AcknowledA - menio or herds. A:
Oact•—loorth gam, &Nave e3A,,,,,Art.:
11.474) us 1 . .111%0L.G. Ant. lib, 1,-1.1.
"FIDE Stockholders of 11. e /Lana of I•tttsbonsh a
hereby notified that a geral meet:, g of :r.t.or k.
holders, will br held at the'lian ne ktbe Boort, on Thor,•
dal, the fifth ~lay of ' , camber hr at. at thn
A.M., when e a ch arter and the •et...• ens.e.,J
Leg talatute at o•L msßron..ti: 141t1 iba• lbein
for Bret, acceptance ot re Action. By order of Board
of Direetore,
aorS-diorldS Jolt, Gun., Plea
AM r"..4 WILSON informs hid friends J.d the public , ee bus removed LI. Ilu and C,ll. 1141bItto. I
moot from Ftrini4be:d airrer, L:. old slatm on tbn
torn, of Wood street •rot Distrtrod Alley, j.rotool ;
story) over P•twas Firrtors r Low, nser.
trance bark. nil innonond A:Jay— tottoro racy be (ound^,
• idrge and bastdonnbir assorts., el Oran and Caps
at reduced prates, otboirsale and
liars made co order trao-dirmitrad
Are now toceiVlllgtiwtoFall Stook of .
Including a handsome assorment of
lOft7(d. WIIEATEr brie enrnn
0 btl. Wheat. in Coto (or .ole
01 , i•U4VTI FM EV. Al. 1. 171 irA, , a co
i Ins Tril - , 11.1-24 brls. Mow , e wake., in .kore e. . 71
k) for sale Loy ((HEY, MATTHEWS h. CO
() 11.—SM/ Tilmerei Whale oil;
brig Tanner.' Oil;
Iro bra blearhmearinter F. , phani
aMibela do do Whale Oil;
WM Kelm veinier Sperm Oil;
lit us. Sperm Candir.; for rule by
jyt:drodUrr ,r 1 Arunll W. r ye, N.Usdelptia
rill.: undersigned having completed their Rollin(
MO urn prcnared ro MI promptly all orders fur
Remr and other Manufacture,/ Copper of any re
mitted s izce. Made from the Copper or the Cite Mine,
L the itupenor.
This ;delta has turn thoroughly tested by corny,.
tent timenithe inn°
it the service of the Government,
a n d pronouoerd superior in &mitt - , airrngrb, and
tr...v, to any e
. and is morn prelerreu ler the
ni.lloracture 01 c re and other purpose.
It is therefore confidently recommended as a sure.
article. tor ell use's, to any in marlret And we
mohnetialfy an loft toe attention of purelmeers and
°Lorre ut this nevi branch of horde manufacture
At present the 'Warehouse le No O Commercial Row,
Itihertr atreeh euno C. 0. It user rya Co
Andralas•d Fir•tnan 9 a Inans anon Cana.
pang of the City of Pir tabs:mils.
CACI fAL19200,001.1.1
Company how preparedtv agasust
J_ FLAP: and MARl:sit Rlt.K. , n R Mo°trine
Ufhro, Strand Story, lrafine
J. 1,161..0110:
K. Moorehead, Rody Patterson, Wm. A. I hp.
R II Ilms/ey, R. U. Slmpson, JC.4lAlit
N "'AR., tame rd O , <IC&. A. I'. Ashur:, W,u Pa
h, proud, D. C. Pamper, Chas. time, Wm Corson,.
-tanaii Pentnais•lolp and Copy Books.
IIIII: above books having liven intro.:nerd 1,,v,
public. 4 private sehoots in Pittsburgh .ird A -
n .
the mutat
h as appotided the rubreriber aueht
r the talc i city.
Tenehms an others wig he supplied it pubti.her's
priers, as rioted In earealar. J II NEI.I,TI(,
au,l9 I vi Wind • i. _
%var. efiALK-Itivt, Molar sale by
lusl4 J KIDD St CO
GUM CAM 11011-71aibsreeMtor ma's o•
autt4 J KIDD ACO
BLUE ViTartlio—lTO Ms for sale b/KIDD
•uati J Pr CO
ULM/hid-117 lona :Sappier amain ior
1427 IdAIAII Dltait:!,,k 60_
MtHe&-&0&.0-100 tate N 0 Nobles=
30 Ws gH. do; stet ereeived for
tale by - & LIAHNai
13 V SO.& lecond
N.._„ cues beet qualite, for ea'e by
Hip minx', nucrrif KWH & CO
linnt'slN, Russell & Robazeo. v., oRd owor
eboiee brands for We by_
o.upd N. East Caro2l4th d.inarketltrcots.
or mole by ---
L iNgalllll;=-2 IMMID r ibI:KER
N 024 Wood btrool.
noir? •
YOWL itOßta—D Cases Jan reeclood end tor oirr
Xt, by' nogg . 1 SCHOONMAKER k.
UY CAA& g 441,11-10 knit for sofa
6its4 i• N#9ONII&M, & co,
pproved in ell the pi-metre:l tthoctstn Nrw Yorti
tunrbinrat., :twilit, are., u,th the hum..
fin. u-cd, ron.ohla 111,1 r coal, a PEP I',
poor qa. a, to rognare .f/t a ,
an of trot .00d 1 ,0 11. Webb: mr,f,a it .11
wof 1., and /II annpflofty and ante
7:er eider Oth quperx;sion at th t , e .
Gat , I e
me' rar enaiLe prrx MCA:, they
baying mettr.two old laro: arxetoti., sod
found to be rel.) efficient tot:
A. TALCUM . , Col Ordittarse
13L7,117 er Yana IND float..
WASAIN.7.4I. SC,II. 25, 1L49. S
ron•iderine J•wetitra lo , provea.n i orf rut
ting ecrews n meta: In be c. v e logs,. by
authority uf the 'loam - Ole Secretary of tt.e Navy,
rurehnsrd of the Attdrifert of the Patentee, Was. It
Serettle. and Furcoel Mnwer, , the ;let.: to loa.jte
and ate estd tharrtrreronat 0r the I . Y. Nunn.
In Inr also by
kAmTnto Work& Ituanio;
& dFhioy, Itoetrtmr.,
Roelcs & Co, IlloucePLer, N. Id;
Iluk wood & Snyder, SehoyUid Counlr;
Birlwek, N., York,
lides & irelarentrr. "Moult.' N. V;
11. K. Pontmer & York;
Drronrad & Co, Atonement Worke,
V.lll Cures, Rochester;
Dealt &Ayres, New York,
c on- Works ' do;
Pen, MoreAy, do.
Weq I' mot I oondry;
Norr, & Bro, Phildaelphv:
A irnks, IlrerdraMorrk, Pa;
Wulneurin & Meson, 110.0. end'New York
Lowell AI ne Mee trilop, Lowe
&mem - In:kg Co, AI arehrAlf r. N
I.rmon & Son hoc, :'oat, lio.doa.
and numerous others.
So I Nlechtne, 11l eels slier a rapn fr I .
N 0.,/ do S do Ito II pr.: ,
Ur, do 0 co i lo I, , 1 , 0
All or addler.sed toW I'. GAtr, 121,,rorae, 0..
B. 11•1,on.rt,rr rew , lar,L, 11. D. ,t Co. PL,Ir.-
detrital, end /I. 11. Scoville 4. Soo, lidli,,, for 1,4
and Topa, with or vallout marbtars for uting thtm,
wilt mcct wob prompt atter,Lloo.
0,11,40. !II as 3, 190. I,l:rr.
1 . 10611 . 4 and Cannaia.vnax illerraant,
An.: tr a;:;s In l'Act.urg, :qv:ars:lured Adle:cs,
Nos. 130 end 132 Second street,
I,reec. Pdt..l.oren ~chi
Se 15 AV cod street, nat,lburgly,
t - un r, ENT MONEY FE.'7FIVF.T) 05 PI-TOSIT
oln ,: c or; a:: r;;;K:pal c:de. c the
Wouid rorpectfutP, 1.1i0[171 1, CUnts..l,,Mlll . It , la,
Era. as Two r., art,
roam., thy. r
Mem var.ctic.i. T.. me
No 13 INoptl at, belweep Ycraa k IN star
nk•Eill .11 - 'ELL,
v ANI FR t. 111: : ,:.
P43nrra , , tt,r. Vutrea
co[ et)'
rl;rn •
ar,c,r, A Lfe.:-TA ,
1.14.4 Irketz.,
eVil , l,tf.T,ll r/LIONI
%%‘ ct .•
a •-nl t f,.
L LLr K Ib !, U it A IT C'..^.;
J. Finn.
Act,: (4, 14.0,...,4 Co.
O '- 4 11 t ' \ j Utz. " , s"L'
r.,!. nil ner , ,,ry 1!,0771.,o071. e.•
y , •.• Rom,
liue cgn in•ore v.rtt It7e, ft, ~ , fa
It elr sroirt mat uti , ldret; ilVri ui li.t
Titc utoto ttroilt, thr ittitrttphrty s. tt : e t , ,ttr
e Noldet •
or Lae
entll,l l ,
1•1/ op
1 13 . 111 t n
11~orr ' 1; .
vue 1-1.14 •
Rw Wu: n. liowarJ
SAVL. P. 1-11111 , . hit CO t. 07
1. tut. 4! tt attt . co.tett
tvot tt t.tavt-r toe tt . .toto.• t•to ,
0.1,1,447. titttuery. Pro,oro, ott•I t's•toco • ol
••, 01. it 131 Occoou t•trtet. W e t.. c. %Von.
o.ti l'a'
otttb....ant•ti t l , t io —non:
Ayr- th.• 3 , 40e,t41 •••••A 1. I
Cl.ll.Nt. 111 0, ;.oirmt.r.
1.11.,,11,.. Fly /r CI e Lim 'xi, •
Ciaubc- 11)31 .1. CCIAILiti,IIN
- ..crt.smartt.t,l t: ~•z
A Ul.ll'ETlTft . Olt7 t.ti.n . 4 , “t. ctt,s, t
So 50 Third, brio. rla et
ttnneerrant to Job: con &
Ir. rI:CPb UEJ.V stncrus• n.. films se me rug
, tamer, ur fine Md erturshentr. tst arm
parchmet Cht ermfirsn OrLrn aml
fir, lase fim, be ir Esenarcd cAccrne. .mm.ser
and M.s,ramts, 4 , ,
IllrOti re Jral PhINTsNI; AND Mr. Fr IsiNLINi
ilar.ssg had Ise mmsamm.ent os the Trams..
mrntLe In m scr en rfi.r.
•trn ficsr g 0,1.1 10 1K Lder ra..s.finn
ail .31ro may favor I un cs,ars Dm: I ussor..rnrs
A urnst 14. —msrlfinrlrn
Upovalami. War, en Sad l'it.burmh
Telaurapit Company.
N pursuance of a relrOut.on of th.• 1,11,1 or Prree
tors a( the Cl•velnott, Warren and I, h
T , legroph I:anrr any, tegoemEng the Seeretary
and eau,.torOe put, 4:red 13 the cew.naper•xlana
the Itr, an ellant of the Irnrtneral arid mien , of
thi. cornpnov. I salot.,l the lollewing
The ha< et 'Le lerraph cora:ter:re,. at Cleve:Ard and
tar Oh l'ltrgburgh, thro.:l;
Frr,e, Vrantrio. Newton t:a.!s. ~111.
RA, Lowell, in ilre of 0:1;‘, ..1••1 New r: - rstre
Hotheraer, In the of Ur:IL:A:v ld
poit',there ate kr aped her the roc opt ted
..ton of t.u•rtress.
Toe wt n4e !einah ni Ito hoc I. 149 not
k, t 4,1 per tnt . .c. mt., a :tor.. 0
S.r=on, of a tJca tanount 4.4
.long the Itne, nnJ the talur.ce i. riot to: Cornett S
Sveed, ;hr contractor's. rho above 00w40.. of,••
4 e 1, 1` 4,,, cLonno, boat t.evn paid t ,
Spud. lor WLIC h th, Truetres have thrtr 0,0
.I[l4 - dt/ JEEP4.I4 , ON BALM,
To Boothorn and Western Iderobonts.
EOUSSI•:1,':•: PR1:7 , 711M 11:125 "113;R1 - . TT.<
solikerther tee pectfulfili.vitce publo, a...coLca to
1.11 estemcive stock of Perthrocry, Soar,eillvitte
Creomv,.te., to wh,cli %oven :zither and two 1:oletho
Nthoole hove, within the lon ea. yew, I,ece awarded
the Institutes of New 'York, Hokum, nod
delphth, the latter Lein; the only (.e:gtha Meeek, ever
owerded lot perfumery either le Europe kr to tioe r
Ilocvat's ntarearmra ? , 114VINO ;
Rnne, and Arubruniald nary crnally acknoudedemr
nerernor any Staving Cream in dun ocular) . ne
Okaornanin non SHAVING—Beam/fully tranpardnt,
and ponrcsvinc nighty Snynnadrou. and nundlinnt
proccrue.j Saponuccoun Compound; AlLLrOtitti Stony.
it:n; Tatild; hlitimry CiMining soar.
rant r c ' n ' s . n i° ,
klcriutrrn Tan rug flusuck.dnds cmd, Junmin,
Bouquet de Candjue, Guru:: um. J tnur [dna. 'Moon, c.
tine, Jockey CIA, kia;nutia, t:Oroncik
How, and many other untidy., In c..xty
Totut Warms—Flonda Wa,r. lion d- Toilette
Orange Flower \ Vater, and a graan varioj o; eta
lognea and Lavender not-,•
/.1.1,11.1,10nt rut 13,1 r, M.
Antaice Oil, llandoltna. lion Leatrie, 01,1 e. Con.•
puma! 00 51a•r0,, II a ir ' pokvd,r,
aall . l.sla m
rae. lt:a nana, and Jenny Lied Yrma
11.0 tm.rine YeLra,anom--14.1.raatut
Trell., Cr, .ctr bal. - awe, Odt,:nn, Tool,
Pace, a3,t rw,•ll rot. ler.
Lb, chaff 1... C0 , .1 Crrao:.,l C,cala
Prr— Sulr, Ilirer , trry ic,
vi , ..tann Compt,tn:,.. ~,...
or allot,. oL.loo:cm , to he
•,nL<r hon, tn Eto
J w.,•1,0 rAtr. Nr • r,g,
On '1
Ike I:nktea ,
X O'lvit
.3ar , e,.. , 0r to v...": 11 former nr
In C 11,4,
r3lifft l'erfumery i.or ue prtnr
pal Inti,pc. zn the coma], n. i ..Iyr
Q . A FV.TV F17F:.. , y the l , tt re! or ti !",:,
1_ f'llt\III:R-1tHo keg
LutLn'e d :Real es euettefacturr. for eel; ,
ETeliange [lank of Pi [tabus gh.
A til:NititAl. Aievoi, •irk r
Lai, t'llitttlim,
Bookwg Iluu oa Auntie), i,.r lt4 of,
noz, P
tor tbe put pt.,
load detuutuniag upon Act d ,
suction Si iSo Lcgitlituro, uttcodUtr, o.a cuutt,
By order of the Bureetnr., •
'11.10:43S M HOWE, Ceram,.
Asyut ID. Itat—truulaitd
To the Citizens of Allegheny City.
A BOX for the recepUon oultris for Ca,. Mills
al Flour, is lel, at the • ere or fewer h iletrusue,
Federal street. :inch order% will Are promptly sup
plied. ougtO WILMAILTIi lo NOBLE_
SUCH(, Chtet of iiatenu
Nu 1!1. Srert r,,c,%cwer
i n 1 , •
1 •
1 I it
^41% 11.4
is c
,Worted Oak Flcoring Mord.,
perfect,. dry, and of I / 11y:trim V. 1./
forao by S. ul..aitAk.
atAtf norodolzan.
lOUISVICIXTIKE46 — F - ariel ri:Oireinciniii,
4 and for sale by
01 41 1k g..11.', 44104‘7911,
'f - ) R. I. A. It:TITS ed.,. BeniCOl
:a. the ,jlj}e2n Iklanelierer non Tle/Mtr•
t 1 N/r. ntl re,ler: re, (et the present, at ROPedalet
the brster, =Freer.. 17 abets the U S Martha
1,1 , .1C11N scsiacttally asuriminces us Ma
sisr Pittsburgh, thathe has permanently
it ,r . city, or purpose of prate
s Vs. ,• ISIJ , ur
. ce . yjn till its V7IIIOPX tol.dbr
!. ..1:11CI: If on tutirtb streci,No ltast. Reoidroun
isi.l.• jy I •fltr.w.loOT
I).. Witysott, Fi.x. rat* eirTellow Dock
and Saraaparilles
p I 'l' up ,c the it se. I oto , d beaks, contains more
era ,1:1, 110nd urea oarsar..orilla than any other
rttota tvidois is chemically combined
•ts t true: of 1 then Posl Ate FA - tractor Wild
'ILe i - ,,,tt0 , Enlosun of I tr, this making the rem.
an, thorouniti) elLe,ent itian any other Samoa.
f •r, Ca, tittle, Al Menem, tune it is perfecto
!,• 1,10.1 ill sett oral itlll.oll6,aohiel, cannel bestial
ninro int Me ,4 OlS.rarniin compounds. The in
nnt bOW7O, Oi ,t3.(01.! Mercury, John, get
lo , dire, column, Arsenio, and smarty
mu , ‘l . and truth ne poison? enter into and
Ir. -,• , °Comm of the Sursapnritia and
I . "' '• • In 'lthe l:upon. Compound Contain s .
Ilcer mud Sspsnila does not contain
r ,,, •, , .111 . 000,,, 00 arty one can easily
Mud y moo th e meessary testa.
potsnos n,a
remove disease, bat
m •0 voide the Wood, mid m completely motel
or,drm with their [tuneful edema that
t.r.t brom motet of diocese, prostrates
oorrinti, nod sutileets him or her to the
0 0 ,, •r• rot.rting tom,. and renders another cure
uil' end Filmic/to. Let all poisenone
P.,n• ,st prrosintsnon clone. and use Queen',
Eztrant oi Yrilmv Sect arid Sarsaparilla,
tohi, nom:cello eilleseinus, perfectly herroless,
s.' ohm's uem hate. Ait kinds of disease yield. to
tto rams, measure.
e.e. t`nnecroer Tnnor., entancims Eruptions,Er t ...nein., Dile!. Pustule,. er Pooples on the Faoo,
tt•g“ . t.orc Evert Feiier. Scold 'Deed. Rheum.
n.c.... ; , :arreiner.t cr P.tio• In De floret Or Joints,
%la:, tuf.t... Llerrm, Frier Pores, Hip Di ease,
1.4 11 r tue "Talc r, ll:caches, Etyphtlnie S 7 p.
.... reantnao, Drop,. nyrpcpria, Jaundice, Cos
-, sail Hee I :m..l:cc:tont of the Kidney. mad
• . nriFtAl , rom en I:nuttier.. ore or Nerve
..:. •.r se Sore le root, W e allies. of the at,
1: . . 3.4
o.,oe r y ndeetkorr. nod ail other unease. ad.
in, ,c , ....:6 Conruloction, liver Complaint, re ale
1;,,11.$11,1, aril rent.pletin., Sick and her on.
IP, ir.e he. General Debility..Lovr Spirit., Los of Potreo Sweets, Pula. in the Side
ithe cote—, Pser,nre or Imprudo,tee. In Life, Ch if-
I:. t.: no...its no net 1.), Orden, and.. a Spring and 'on
Pun GP,. or the 1110c.1, nod rt,,,,, m i lbw. to .,
pc,: e ri it is unrive.ird.
A ra, of Mr, rtged 1,z:1,o! $141(01 rare :Jot.
Jog to nu ex,ract ni a letter dated Na
li7h. Vt 2 0. It., a highly crepe
hie pby . .feho.of Monett, 01 .in.
J. , on as.—Dual. Sir: I have under my er
Trr„, who, ?or .kiit , er. years, has [o,..en
fetin from Uh.,t^...ed a o .d
h., 1, rrndouceed monk,,, by three of oar hen •
I that her Imo MY !*oily, and have
rier'ect, no^k .hd ddr9rarilla freely,
a:. tt ht , ;olv nook 1,4
r. cur, She Ur Letter to gen
Leh!, •I.e. bat ever before,
arid last P..r. vv.:tout rause< or palp. Aim agog
tared r•c:,.h.s. 1 wiP report So et. in doe tim
Very t'oepec.:olv, EL R. PERRIN.
he. !.een renntrke..., by enanrad men, dm ie
ehta.loiree cidi,elses. td ',ankh moot
the f t Y coe of !doh depart:mem_ and of
mc Ue totet a. whaher we 1114 14? the Othie •
oils prou feRS, Toe - number '
vanery or ,1123 that it =ant', or Itimartabl.
SkIII of:the most em
..cottatry 41.4 .11 Lutopo. Bold,
e Ut. doteate to ler.f.tht.thl oat;
`. Dt: and Oftrosporilht," totton le Novi.
; et:le.:spec:lo to the matt toyer; cos
mbrenolllnery misa of Scrofula cored by
AM, •Iro of notior , m , lmuna SMP
t•e raw, thl, acirolivate t7etithie man ha. I
ILe t•ektir.em .•iv. ra I el:a:firmed phym
mr t ! i t aoy bet
•tl I..• 1 acir abr.: by Me use of a o.
:c cf bl.• C.“•i b tion,
..b. one-Jane 7, 3.
Y7•-11-nr rir -Mortar. e, you a datOw felt
•-7 7ro .I t mile., make o public
I •,cach•leeed from our
I• • .or. la rs oath a rot
,- ma,l.mellitmy 111 our r ly,
~ ack, :Mal, aconite= to
• 1 a. ,r. • rumilar into layh
mi a, oict, and Mower
• • nat rof lam to look u n.
• vcb , c Mai I woo tumid to
•bb ibe beicioung lido y
•-•-: , bre•me Ply race erne cup
vi••••••• a 4liet•eare ef r
•.c..T • 0,1 , P.; celt l'eople at 11-
• . e .ma ra.r. or t other
It • - oro r alm ome aralb obliged to
tin , init I had the
I i• •i•eingiont yOYOu ea treat
, , 41 . 0rc..1111 gava
I .uin• va•ilt pemenger
••••• im .t.rILIO health, who
7 l•-•.• •••in btone time ea pod a
I d a - , a.o" at I.- trilby 3 YroP be
I p bruarct am
a •I r hamp,
1.. •••p. ^ bad! able YO attend to
0 I .• lit a, on net of
I ny, boa mita Mcbee lit aEltatedla
'• • • =tom) nave them
.1 c
Care a. , an nr,....‘ardi ca or Erysipela.
• ' • 1. 1 ' se
tOtyrott'a t.:s.tract of
t....ty ot VW: 0,1 Irotang. Tim p.
T.r• r{:11://.1.1, jilt:prove elar Ma
t— • 1: trot too .1 ctttorocle omit Um
V• ot.ttott lb.:to:re toot tc:apte. or morn
of tit, Coca,
htot•rll T. • ilertmor c ) Feb. Initt.
S. F likathirar c vest pleasure
I w•lr. eor, , on• tie 1-'7 achpy efireu of your
k and se.r. , ,a•illa egahher nolit whir 12.
ihrt alietc.lfel,loathatime dm
<a• -. ••• , ce)h whieh he warattaened 'h.43,
rIC •,), • 'lcr •everal moat: a attended by acme of our
-• w:r telel the)r ttdo Perseveringly for
shy Iddlad,d4rlT:e. whatever.
rite skeletuo. lie Udal
-1 .)) h), rc , to e. ante. were conco
-Il naity
~.•, enean mailer. Medical
lip/mans natal
don Mat
).,. ••• nothon e
:).• .4.)•clebna near et hand.
• 1./.. ter, had enured a Child of serof•
L..l...t,rutb. notated me to,
etd .0
le n t . defier) to
lent tram say hope of
). th; re betilra o( potte"Yellow
a - ^o,ll,m:teed using It
ecerheneed Improving
re. ct telt,. he had need a
eat. tie reed in all
•oher lest he was perfectly
)..r.f.e C . tie except the IMAM
d I', 7,1/I:ns )11 prefeht health byte the
. I . ender toe blearing a
ewl. te ),• ere of , y , aor Yebew Dock,
Id., and n:.,e yocithat I feel myeell
t • pr., ot , 1,14tdar.., ydu. und II With Fraloo7
di, I 111,71, xhat year )•ateetearilLs has don.
1:3 - . 4 venal" , tr.lrss put up tn largo Dourer,
• In. oCtLo byrnp blown
or the wrur pea. I . r:en *l. per botee—or
J North E.{ cot.l of
ri ,t tn. ,:anuite 03 Mama at,
n. hem oh ordctV Mtn{ he aildre.
A Cr , . Erie. W. P. JoLOLOn& Co., Water.
rk....L.• 1.1Omr(111.; AL•el
1! tr..l, ro•
P.l,lleri (Loy, Well.-
u( act alteetoad: the Diamond.
tal.Poll.l.%lNl` TO TUIII AP a-1./GT=4
Dr. F.utes Celebraledlacmedite•
vt. JACOB S II D Lite dieeo,rerar ...Isola pea
LPpr,rwr of tzoot popular and beneSeial
utea etiaa nen envca tar. of the celebrated
iut !hamlet. Mu Lutiffe,Ml ace:mg a ems
hturiu thseuees. twosetudeln of that eminent
tlayee clan, li , cior rut e t oad 14 a graduate of the
ritie t. ul P,llanjtattri :Qt thirty years shier
La/ area /AS:attn./ me inveslig /Wen of disease, and
e the oaten
e t
a reneeetea lett
reete le! en 104 üb, in cennection
to hta l'rnlitt • ihetic Syrup' at.d altars of his remedies,
r weird at, i I;,tale led mmtistice In curing
mid e lan., ranea4,9, Tateranlaf One.
ea:a:e.a, Calm ft, 0010 S • tratttitrel, Asthma,
Ft utt Avec. Vow, uttltiucs. Chronic Err
, r s•. s, -M-Ptinte di•cases remitter to 1, tit vtiie dbiSu ,, unr ! tubcd ander
•ett.e.:tes, tt• orhic:ilhuatansty as heir—
an- 1/: uhd only. or :bat It le
cc te tet Pur,inhapteal Lb, but by the use
of let rt tc . and ittese, teed for each
:Jar /otot ll• al' •
In, tee', To
.;c .ketretateata Pitts, when used mrot
•; rd e.l le bee ie, , crior to all ot.bes•
tit it pe-cmise or :ter ptl'. Inallevec asthey leave
r.r.; reilrr:ly five ctiauveners, •• alu
cc t.. I It.. tills.- bt'lhr I teWiY
e.t.a,: er it,mc.rites imma to female ditelmes, but
Mt; a liate/0.1/ stohment to establish
tet et e It. crt tettalc Mc minds °tithe most skeptical,
me ere ihrlice to esti upon Me agent.aad
t au , . t-rattst into of the Doctor's pamphlets, giving
lin c , erica remedy told its appileallon.
Va./t t.jt it..tumita ligfiray all well as by most
arm at,the
.-... es i t Co. ill Weetit street, Pittsburgh;
Cl ....mum druceith Mataet dei
Lee ere do near the I'. 0-cuteghelay city,
per., p.1.00/0/41011, Peavecco., Pa.
no Val int, Vatiey, do , do;
T Alum, ]leaner, do do;
sue Italtv
alone, knit% the I•udy,7eSiOre
et,ze the eitrulatinn, pyre tone end
1:.4 cre3-te power of reels,
11 1 tUrn, oblabied.
rem anent cure of
y, Generes DebUsty,
GTO: e vut tra.
auc uf 6p at
uruoms coat
a.•••uoa •
11 1 F,A0.9.0 HE
be - IrnmethaLe,., rc,. - cvect be lOC nen of this trivia.
, I.! - conm ,, crn. wnvn it r.lf Ve6clable, and
minptc,l to all ages uiJ cop4tUone.
V.3:1 hste thie pa.uuth:e prepara , lon,
t Dont I,attou 011 owe. Alu,n , sve and Areelehlgual.
ut,,inrt,d the,t ,
t..• r c ',le:, du, tht• unclehi.. on the Liver
Orcaus,ltrattlete 11 104 COniniPle Antid o te
,er yo, et Aaae. loud Muoue Tv rAtte Fevers.
Cue21.Z.L.1.e.,1...1.-110 I . 7th F.SO.
1.1m.x Sou
•. . .
I bore or.:11t1:c uclubs or Mizell's Bitter",
cud PAVE Ucortit !Info. them. 1 bars
brc: rut u•• 1 I , ars 1..q.t :cc U.:era:3d Ague, but
4:1.111 too our Bair'. I have courcl,
A:tr.orrobd ran Wow roof:dep.
m t.+(oa Um Torurs in rubc..
Jr,pr Ofetily ynurt,
C. Pi. RUNDIN r.
t•iluN4rlv.s, Jane tOtb, 1
7./yAtt St 4.
ever ree mrch tflentore to elate,
my to. ban been CO beg tr ,
:$. Clem itytcoett of t,c Leer. ban beenj
entl tortt.r by the use of your in,'
t,tton oftittrlt, And ler your Mantle
teen.estevenn;,ote. , ..m . etleptt ray tnanb.,
laternee.geent ...trrant,
Ar,...lll:liem T. Hick% kl and 1.51. k - York. 1'0 , 421.36k
r. 9FI.LER
rt , QOO
A A MAbOtI CO, No. 613Iartet street, W.:etf tt.e tlatc . ienej to thitr mock, roam! I'
bre, •tit,i : re tillw tired et rablete by the receipt
et ttN3. ItUNDII,CI) AND tivrte PACKAGES or
r , ogitable. Ktodr, purchased front ttratteneturees t Sod
beige eruct oa rale, at a pent tedbetion front prces
of larrt.rfpelng, 3313 . 101 trill bettlfer Id to [kelt. nsizer..
ovs atterdingly. It Atotad be arelesa to P.C.
tempt to evartterab their ell verotted *met, wad e
therefore, Invits ea3ty' , erbeetlon of thetr friends
and the public, 331113 tie bustrate3 Of a toff rues