The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 09, 1850, Image 2

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MONDAY MORNING, sEer• 9, I'js°
— irrAtivematas are carom,'
M vreseq m Dana In
Mem !Mora before 3r. at and nd • • ' l7 i• th e •••
itMetesble. Advertise...rite se ••••"• la* • .),••.
Zed time grill invariably be efiartr 3 fiodi otdered om.
QT,,. ps , orss , s o ven for this paper at h%.
asenl orsosiss i n Ne.r R.k, Philadelphia, and
Payton, and la aathorited to receive sabsenptions
and adventaemenis for ••
.„,...p 050.505 ,„,,,, pen. lIMICA2I.--AdVritill,
memo sod so b, s ,„pnons in the North American and
United SUM. Oaten.% Philadelphia, received and for.
iranlod from this en ,.
• •
toad. vietabl- paver, .14r1TIT: ' re L` ceive:L b .17Orw l' ard
of fregil care
BauiroasArsamanr-eeb•onpuo ..nod
stab (0 this paper received and forwarded fret
starts from this office.
cr C13.1111/013 D.IL 134.LiTtl —Advertisement.
and sabacr.ptiona, for thts paper, will be received and
.orrranlert from this offce.
HE N sv .4N V LIER,
ur •nty
WOO 666666 • • •INZYL
Of µt•nrn(lon Covn,ty.
Antimaamale and 'tantg Nominations r•
Allegheny County.
nra ream saw. cora...
4.110B1A&NI. HOWE,
to, sumo mmon, num Orm mumum
07 RM.' COIL
7011 (CUT;
Yo. asssurrgyi
T. J. MORAN, Lover sq. Clair.
• R. C. WALKER, Ettssbetis
sanertsa •TTORTZT,
WM. FLYNN, Lower Ni Clair.
Fassaox or Trio Texas BOI,DARY
ter we had left the office on Friday evening, well,
gee. arrived by telegraph that the Texas Bounds.
ry Bill had been reconsidered and pussedthe Howe
This int.:genoe will affect many of our readers as
dots as. They will hear it with mingled feelings
of pleasure and regret. Thu pleasure arises from
• hope that these dtfficulttest Ore now over, that the
danger of disruption is pset:,, and that Congress
will be able to attend to tamp bdiditmes concerning
the general welfare. Thor taipet-aprintte from eo
epppstnon to the boundary i.e . :LW:el nponi. and to
tke ten militias of dollars of a banns,. , Indeed oux
Opposition to this bill is in.:tell/le. We can never
View it with favor. We may endure it for the sake
of ponce, and from a firm faith that slavery, despite
the efforts of its supporters, will ever be confined
to those territories where it can be made profitable.
and that its boundaries will gradually be reduced
to a•maller compass by the inevitable laws of na•
tote and utility, until it shall become wholly an.
profitable, and so great a mural leprosy in the eyes
of theyteopte, that Mere will be a general cry rat
ed for its abrogation. This wilt be the case sooner
than many of us now Imagine.
Unic• we are cutstuken in our rending of tbt .
telegraphic- report, the Texas Boundary 11.,t passed
In the shape ti had stilt. it .le from the :Senate .
and now only needs the Presaletit's siguatute
become a law. This matter settled, the must did'
malt of alkwe hops there will tie no delay in pas.
aing upon a admission of Cdtfornmand thr terra.
oriel bills an well us the now twist:on bills, after
. which we suppose C.ngress will adjourn until De.
cember, when, there is some stiubt reason to hope.
the elate of the cUuntry on regard to commerce nod
manufacturcsovili be considered and anneth ing be
dune to relieve the general pressure. Having given
so long a time to questions originating from the
''peculiar institution,” we rbou'd hope that a little
of the time of our public servants will be devoted
to the wants of the people in general.
Thu Pall Election—the Leglalatare.
As about a mouth now only remains before th
day of thu annual e ection, it becomes the duty u
all good Waign to pay some attention to a matte
of so lch interesl. k few davt ,ince we urged
woo our Whig readers the importahce of potting a
large vats 110 fail as a moans of nit exprerston
to their unabated attachment to their print ip es,nad
on account of the effect it would have upon thr ac
Lion of Congress. Uur object now in, to call the r
Knotwork a:socially to their duly to our Leg otlauve
Tile Part, of Saturday last, menttons a rumor
'Tat a large phrtion of the Whig•" had agreed to
swatch Mr. WaiLer for ben Moorhead. Taere
may be such a rumor, for nag ht we know, but we
doubt not it will be a baseless hope of the enemy.
Gen Moorhead is a gentleman of ahtlltt, and of bu
--- inns habits and tact, sad it would no doubt gin.
many Whigs a pleasure to vole for him were b
politics right. But however event hn merits as
man and n citizen maybe, be is neveribeles.
politics a Lo&sfoeo, and. the very reasons wheh
might prompt, some thougtaless Whigs to vote for
him, ought to Ilearl them to opposehim, if they care
any thing for he succms of their principles or men
mires. Geo . Moorhead, nay his friends, is a gen
tleman dial., is and Influence Grant it. Will he
not then rre a more f ormi dable opponent to contend
with in the Legislature' : Will not Ins tofluenco
be exerted feir the promMion of his party and his
party melanins, and in oppoeitloo to both Stale and
National Adrainistmtion 7 Shall the Whim of Al
legheny county send to the Legislature the most in
fluential, and therefore the most dangerous Lome,
bone in the County ? Such conduct would be on
everlasting dimmer, to the party.
On the next Legislature will devolve the Im
portant duty of ere — cong n Senator to take the plasm
now filled by that Locofoco ume-tenter, and polio
cal automaton, Dante' Sturgeon, vrbo has too long
ailed his high teat for the credo and good of the
cute. It ls a miter of the last importance that a
Whig theadd he chosen to fill his place. There 13
•Mteenng probability that this can be done. II
Philadelphia county will coat the Whig ticket, of
which we understand there are good hopes, tie
Whigs will certainly have a msjority on jam' bat.
lot. What an indclbble dograre It would be to
Allegheny county should she send a LleofJeo tn
repreeent the majority of her people at such a
time! If we can elect a Whig Senstar, we that'
matt certainly secure a moil.fieettoo of the Tariff.
Bat Mr. Moorhead, say hat friends, is in favor of
increased protection. We helm ve this to be true,
oat what will that avail us! Ile has pledged him
tell to vote for the Locofcco nominee for Senator
Who will most certainly be a free trade mats. , 0
- What cute to as, then, will be his tartlf opinions, i
halo pledged to go arab the party the a free trade
Warhave heard it wild, that some city Whigs
have resolved to vote far General Moorhead instead
of Mr: Walker, tweause they say he is better ac.
qwinted with the wanti , and 'altercate of the city.—
lit this they do Mr. Wa.ker injustice. Ho nes all
his Ida been closely connected with the city by hi.
business, and from his legisixtice experience, as
well as his general acgitaintance in the city and
With its wants, he can represent our intere•ls just
en well as General Moorhead, while be and at the
same thine faithfully repieserli Who; principles,
which the other will oppose. But what do thew
Luconsiderste Whigs want of another city member,
when they have on the ticket Mr. Kohcnann and
Me. Bigham, both of thorn tidimately connected
tend acquainted with all the Interests of the city ?
Do they not see that this policy would ben ahsine
lel breads of faith with the Whigs of the country
With whom they have equitab'y divided Op
.ffnkret. Suppose the WhiGn of the country should
:Initiate their bad lade, sad scratch Mr. Robertson
and put Mr. Baker or Mr. Patterson, of the Itico.
Ikea ticket, io his place. for the sake of securing
another country member! Would tot such con
dom he condemned in the most — unmeasurec
term.; and yet it won id be juat as proper as that
which rumor says some few city Whigs-- hey
hardly ought to be called Wkies—contemplate
Let than be no scratching or dodging. We
good and bight! reepectable ticket, one
worthy al one suffrages, sad we feel assured that
every lone Whig will vote It. Those whose prin.
eiplensit •0 lightly upon then], that they can lay
them Off
, OSI to slight occasion, are unworthy the
k ow as place 10 the Whig party.
Ellagariox.—Tho aggregate Dumber or IMMJ•
grants who arrived al Nev. York during tto
met h of Aogubt, was 18662, winch makea a
grand total since the lot nt January of 162,01 6; the
.anivala for rho correspondlog season In 1849, were
;11,113. Vecrearo, this year, 29,079.,
Correspondence or the Ptitstrsom Queue.
WaseTtcnver, September 4.
Another break down, another omnibus crash.—
A perfect epidemic teems to preyed among there.
vehicles. Mr. Clay's line broke damn m the Srto.
ate with fearful dernrnetion. Notioea Int on the
Pennsylvania Avenue has been run off and brok
en op by a competitor from Philadelphia, and lam,
the Boyd, Cobb, and Bunker line in the Home,
with Team New Mexico, and Utah, a few a ray
Whigs as pusengere, was to day overturned and
now Ilea bottom upwards in the deepest ditch that
lines the way side. I call It the Co'ob & Bnyil
line, bemuse the Speaker hit evidently fiken ;hr
concern under his especial core end portousgee
and has placed Mr. Boyd on the hoz as driver. —
Nobody else hit been recogn'r , i, he enninetika
the 11.1., ranee the subject came before the lirlurc•
The confederates were eci swished with V, eve , '
lenee and Infallibility of their own Pa , th"
never entered the head of one cf them other
members might have hints or soggeslier's
attending. tu this spirit of decraltnnt'or •.1 f-rce
their patent outrun. down the throat. c, f :reds
and foes, the previous question woe ,g.
on Boyers molten to leers the Senate [AI, of the
organization of a territorial government for New
Mtzieo,to the Texas boundary bill, mart , d upon
by ninety nine to ninety. The previous ii.'e.eicen
also covered the motion of Mr. McLitic icr onto of t
the bill to the Commitiee of the Wool, ti ,ctriry
i n all ea p,,,,e a rop, on toe port of the fr., lee
meteors, it was recurred to that Comentice — rye ,
101, naeo 99. This was fir n few En ;mi.-, cone
eidered the Anal nod irremedishe defeat of the
bill. Mr. Walden, the stogie Ito
from New Yutk, moved a re-on.hir of the
vote on committal. Another 111,131 1, er moved to
lay Walden's inottoc on the toads. Tots R. lost
by the cawing vote of the Speak< r, who by inter.
rowing produced a tic-103 to 103. Hie northern
satellites consider this a great concession to the
north, and any aim one vote will make him Freer
dem It is quite =flea that he sae cut loose from.
Southern it/waists and fee/donut . . Then, ty ay,
104 to noes 93, the recomideration proveoed, our
the matter was metered to 11, former posiiien bc- •
fore the House. The neutral recurred na ate
motion to commit to the Committee of the WneM.
and it wee lust—ayes 101, noes 103—no that the
House was again brought to the amendments
which had not been cut oft by the prewoos i t, a
lion. Clinaman's amendment for aettlng ed the
southern portion of California from the Bee.ii
. the eastern border, and rutting a territory out of,
. it, was rejected—ayes 69, nose 130. tar. A tie.
• I cr North Carolina, then renewed the moo:int.. :ay
On the tett:. He faded—ayes GI, cone 1111.
Next the greet question et the day, Boyd s
amendment for annexing the territorial goveth
&lent b 11, was psesed upon, and aas
ayes 9n. to coca 100 ; majoray bight A Street
on. drain was here made to adjourn the House,
unszacersfully, and the epreation ennaing
on the third reeding of the 101 l without amend.
Ineat;it was thrown out by no iimmeneo imr.rtity
ofECI to 126. Great coneternatioo aini i„g,i,:t coo ,.
pm:rases of course follrwed—sod, pcodire, a too.
non to reconsider, the Honee adjourned. Lte ez•
pected that by active clocussing sod es:sigma to
ntaht, the work of thia day may be undone and !ho
hill petard. The plan is to wenn...tear ell 'ter
coning voice, and make BOOII.T etrutt m, pats to
amendment of Lloyd, for the connociton di a !err
tonal government with the aubjoot tea tir of th -
it, unit :m.ttrg tbo f oceority
In I don's
ilvorch. .urn nocc Chet. s-r...r•tt . cnt! y 1
,veG VIM a. tact
however tiara ttc prep ,cc.
o sreeds the ease 14 night. We oust woe c
[le morrow for eoteluttre tlevt Wei:Lent,
_ The lideherde . Comm., of In veto otel.n
oa the eh✓tee .ge.test Mr. Ewtely. rrpor eJ L.,
corame,47 the majority end ufur
8. The five demxrati gfiuc, to a rev
House Ire adop , on of (love re.oilonon
ring, m hrief. that 532,500 hare been pt.d •
301 requisite legal auanortty to me
.1 Commodore Barrne, of tOtrialUtlitan rt. 7 f t 0..
"velem la the Virginia navy daring the redo
!OUST! war, or wh.on o got thousand det , ars ••••
minapemnd interest; and that the awn te."O
00) pad to Corcoran 6: ames. on an era ,re moot
• et am by Wm. 61 Garin, cow Son et•r client
Collernln, in behalf a the Chic:rear I•dian, as
urjoet.y paid to said etJtruraa & R,
melt to lone been ra•• r s the T 1,..
broll renoo, prep .n d by Mr. V ninon
•i tat, four Wt.'s., begun. Mr. Ea• 1 1••• • ..••
tl or improper conduit', and •• r. .1
a a. , / the cases c nod age r• 1 I.lm. Arh I t..
:in r...1 , ed to be pi hied, end ver-
•peciel ord., fur Tuerigay urea:. the Goth.::.t—
defence of Mr. Eaneg o fund to h.: tee c.n-•
ncre , erty and unanswerable durum., t of it, l r.
met bee I oiely been terd b•lure C ncr.e.. Ic re
card to the Chimers' ela,c, it e kno cUr
'bet $14,000 of it had been prevrou.!e• re •d to
Gann to pereon, by Wel, of Mr. We.ner. and th,
the larger amount cf $56,000 had been Indy eel.,
d:enied, and only laid over =account of some in.
fore:Wily. JuTur,
5 , 110111 NEW TORE,
Cot:zoo...a of the I'llt.Nll7h
New loot, 5, pt. 3
Every thing ban been decidedly
Snnday morning, when Mdlle. Lod arrived at me
Irricg, crooned by much auch a crowd an lollous
• travelling manager e. A trtuarphal arch wee
errciad at the duck Where ehe leaded, uy a f,x
petroasof the Arts who are employed abJut lie
American Moncam, while a w h ole
cheer, were given by the crowd wte ,a,ertA ba
lack of cmployment, to eve bar drtut. Al a...
N7C..C.,111 , : her thrt was fealty y
performere, who gave her an elaborate concert,
concluding with an adder's to tail, c.:l etc Inada a
short verbal reply, anti a longer one to the snap,
of a collation. The indglngs of trElle., L•rol.
bed, her carpet, and her toilet arg, in deter., have
h-en descrtbed, and there can 14 nothing sal v e I
shout the Irving House, if we except the tart:ai
the landlord does not get n penny for the Load
board, hat has got her as a sort of gudgeon to
catch flits moth. There are a good many mart
tricks of trade, bet Vats one of catching she 1., u.
ten ants, dietinguiehed 'erecter, and dot:nem
remained to be discoverad by a shrewd Yankee
in whose veins runs the blood of ail the Howards-
The Astor House m not cloned, nod a few pcnne
of considerable note conunne to make it their
home, an home it is to all its roof thelvant. Sal
mon to always salmon. Codfish tinged with beau
I, attllctidfish only !
A very foolish, became entirely false, rumor W
new going the ronnds rf the preen, is regard to the
trade between New York and her alaveho t dica
coetomerts. 11. 13 19 0 f roan i bat our larCein are de
serted by southerners, and that we arc sellirg them
no goods. Instead of thin, our hotels are Crow.
coed, and d 1 the accessible ladgmige near them
colonized to the roof. Oar merchants were neve ,
more thronged with I,3l..thara trade, nor that
always ',Linable trade ever promise or a hug,
harvest talc now. The stew of trade shows cot
rho natation sign of disunion, but on the other
hand, a growing InVenne of confidence that maker
disunion scam a perfect farce.
Tba tlghtpeas m the money market, exi,tihe
.- . .
some two days since, ha. measurably onseed
away, and the hours watch were shiverirg in
the wind have gat well round, and ore going elf
free. The Importations are not so heavy us they
were, and the aconmelation in toe aubiteeatpl
moat soon be dissipated by the action of Coogrese
upon the various appropriation bills. Exchange
dote at preaent promise to rue enonoo to laze
Mire coin than can be spar. d tram our stock, or
will be replaced by California imports.
We are to have • grand bridal one of three
days. Nothing leas than the Union at Navw York
with Brooklyn and Williamaborgb, the latter with
33,030 Imola, and the former mob 110,000. Both
there toLlagur arc peopled by New Yorker., and
they want our C(01011 water, and cheap (ornate,
nod low lazes. At the board of Aldermen, lest
n g n at, the trot paper received Was a cotanoinica•
use from his honor the Mayor. sauna loth that he
nod received a communication from the Brooklyn
Common COMICU, who that they have
been appointed "a select comm.ttee to examine
and report upon the expediency of spiting the
cities of New York and Brooklyn," and to enable
them to judge of the measure, they ask that the
Common Council would appoint • committee with
whom they may have an opportunity of conferring
on the abject. They also luau, that they have
received assurances that V7illiatosburgh will par-
Unmans in the consultation. His honor recital•
mended the Common Connell to appoint said Com-
Chttl2G, DIId to ltz, • , t; artion m the premises we
should Seem fit to thew, which was acceded to.
. .
The Arctic, he third of the Collie. Line, to leer,•
ly comtbeted, •ad wdi probably take her place in
the line, to leave New York on the 28th itiaL, for
LiverpooL Tne Asia leaves New York on the
28th mat, for Liverpool, so that the Arctic will
have the o pportunity of trying her speed with the
fattest of the Coated Line, sad give • good ac•
cone( of herself too, if ell indications are cot Vil.
Ashes—Salon are made at 6,12.1r-6,1E1 fir Pots,
and f 6 for Pearls. Cotton—Sales 700 bits. moat.
ly common &unctions at pre... prices. Flour
—T., inn better feeling for Rye, sale. 100 bids.
52.9 t. L - mated demand for Meal 3,121 fn Jersey.
Grain—Market for Wheat inactive. without alter•
ation in rev.. Rye firmer; sales 2,500 bush at
- 11 - Tne Corn market is very heavy and quiet;
_.hell earn enrol Weatern, 80, Oate—Unal-
NOVI,OCP—Pork to firm, but lens active.
Boer Ia rterdy with males of 100 bbia. Albany
mew, at 69. Lard remains ID active retreat with
sales of 3r-0 bids prime, a' el 0 70., .d 100 bbls
arcs. at'ie• Whiskey in in request at 27c. for
Prison, and 201 for Drudge, time. The approach
of another Mesmer makes operator. wilting to
From the litlMOTO lntt
ME Buoys DE G.. B.E.—We have re•
cetved a variety of facts relenve to the Hares de
Grace Bank, most of them from our atientive cor
respondent at Hares de Grace, and regret to say,
that we can see nothing yet to cheer the note hold
r in the prtepect of obtaiiong more than a moiety
cif the purported value of their "promtses to pay."
Thomas C Hopkins, President of this remnant of
a Bank, and James T J. Hake, and
Charles T. A. Cote, the Nerve de Grace Directors,.
nava pub..shed a card. in which they state that
they are "It-Red:gamic z attairs, but stop short
to snake the I..ilowleg brief but rhoifiwnt state
"They h rive niieermined, greatie to their reg
and surpree, that the i:lishier of the Bank, with
:he 1:11owledge or tior,ent of the President or any
the in,ren ter, has elven to two persons, one to
New lolls, nod ante not Ilhon, som !..,150CKI
sen - oh sum uoss given by the Ga.shner to those
pen ,oh: wah tot
ess then the lest two months before
me nonnoph,ge of the Rook This lase, !Mtn W,
i:IV , 11 to the isersons referred to, in the notes
et me ionk, atm ibexnoun. eommg preauerd
OW W.,-
The peroons Here altutleu to 'as having received
o nottst fran the traohter were, n• stated by our
orespondent yesterday. Charles HOOO. attorney,
f New York, anti John Jeatttno, of Ohio, the or.
r ate twenty five thou.and and file tatter
etity thonttand. With regard to thew ttereetly .
e Waled - 11,de%, the President and Director% re-
•'Tbeonderrigned have taken a. energetic men
they rail. to recover the money the. tinprre
peaty troin the Bank. It they shouio be
iou•ce-t In :he rerovere, then all the habitities of
Inc King Indy hind will be 11,1. The books of the
1t111.1.1 n. stain nk practteabe be thorough.
iv examined, mid a minute account of hrr con-
&bon sulitnitted to the creditors and biocknol-
From thi• it witril were that they place their
aler•endrhce on the 1, cry the money
clreuhiLed, winch appear la
are hero trey.: d by We parties named wienou
ueLtivw.a . ..artnent elerpt Ogreennent
Own wnal 10 Varll en rue !Istria.
••Tb.s hurl •to.lcrr.e.ut I.llew the dtrrct ra. •
Laud It ,1.1:t neen, too, that IF WA
~...n.gbt eve., (.1 Jcrt the under.kned no
, ao.. hitd no V u owiedge, but could twt know, Ural
tte . abera , h . .l hank 0ut..., came back to them lu
rletup sk..o
There ,en, r.o doubt that the loevl Prest
dent ahJ 01:he Ilarve de Grace U thlt or
orn prohnv tnnn. and knew no thin,
111,/d- toe people o, whether Ibry undLt n
or hove }:nown—whe:Ler it wiw not rhea duty
have .trim - , Invert etated the conduct of the cswri
e r , --e-peetat, when thev'eou!d nave known trial
the ot , tkiinh.n v:ewort won di-tru.l by nun,
vet c,••euttn. , .y in v. - hich 214 no t , ctr.
ated- even ex opt ag that of Itarve Lte.
r.:Tto , It wa• lm Io have been tannin
, o nthttn.rn ;none,' *peculator.. whilst
Lt gcn , ra: ni.naled Ibvic ItTlte no
.! 1. , v. theocce--Ov tho-e who
Gie 4p, POW coeu. l'ltirlo. Doe...
to aet w,•11 el. cry noihm, part rt v the
to Ise
la In the Inherentlnherentof the
orhrntrlocn , tiers. .hoarde
tx.rne in maul. that it was the private eharne
ter- of toe, oqieer• nhAe , whir, nave I. note ,
,tit..of then fellow /..Zen•
Pre- drat, and a of the Dora
!nr., rotw.t. , l tf.elr mate:neat, w•-re,
M • . V ionpot , ir betore Thomas M Rayon.
it, J e. tne Pelee in and for Ilartord
count% . at 1.0 of E Jridize Guilin, to
t•..po• Won lode petit Innfelnirred tar
• k., ..• entht dal:J.—that bunt
a r , h.• h tie the d
o, ...Lne
ml,l tx
tct.,de Iry ',le Pra..tdent •nil p.u•
Lfirer...r..; oad. have so
rab...911.1. even,. arc
p. rwutatlaity lah adv.....c1 to rela•
1.. in •
c.1.11,rr. Elztair Ja.l,
boto, va the enar,re
...ley Ankles I. iac prelecel, to default of .51.506
tit C•couse —The depth And
1,L,111, Lftne ieeitrtg In the the Alexandria
;Sl,llr tliunl, pc incerred when we see Bach
men, Vs", l'res afer the resolutrons
.eat he tint at a tli , etitt.tin tj,ttumiatta, S. CC. lately,
whore Or Innt.on "f Mr Maxey GrealrdMr Foote's
fr:ttod.t n wa• re, , ,sted that -a tuthttto It tahta
daartatiort . tor the in sbou:d f trthwttit be
furtnttd. Mr l'rt , tdn brag In tiro bad health to at-
tottt,i, t, Hon. J A
B nnd they were referred to it C011ifil;I:Ce to rt.
m.,..nre ., ',van, as, an ••ac.ocial
.uh±eveet ft.. y T there are Hi le:ltex
rl.l, n
r row and sy-slernalle
a-=».) t- »,a alin
du I), »» . 1)o slavehua a: ales u pun
pr riper,
r)q)•) ol thx.leVafttoldinS
i), that the lacer 4)))11111
4itopi anew un ar, vane, .unti ..07:Ctirt
t l
11.1 rws.,e and sagely, the edlnyrnent
whine 1» 'ht. ))hr.), ))1 all uovesurnent
1:).-.). , ) d. hat the nra01.... npon our honor and
our )). at WWI: 10 ,1111c1 and Inplry,
»).dur wlaran ,vern)n , nl In worn) preserving,
aud iu avoid usnlvh any danger should be encoun
A ',MIER. t1,11(5, Pnc.n."—The Washaig
S r 4; . .001 to learn that the plan
lung t.! L,l wane coctr rnps•l, the c.tablPqment of
.s:rikh,rn 10 Neu: Or;cnot. o.lf We. It
rAry tl:? :I .• tlnae 0.1
eortmo Nortr-re frirr.34.P print. of New Orleso.
03, 1 ,1 11 111,1, d dodo, to rod to c-0ah1,41)
u . ~,, T,, rusla a a paper one
Tuc 1, gt.ohttorg., of Maine .dpurned on thr
29gh u rug, o u...- It-t tin) o—having puns
17fg egad Ite gun
gotreu. 'fl.e 6C31100 hot
been an u. r.•euentedly Wag one, growing Otl
of the pfolrgried euirfesf on the arristOr question
sod oast, tntliezti 0: au ituportanr eharacrie
brou,tl:l briore t
To :id 1!,..-I.ok 11,1mro, alias Ward, and
ft 1 k...: are, rcetialiy convicted al
4 ciaid, a; E,ibrairti Hibier, a watch
1.11, , d.:ll,•ring to nrreet them, hay
been edmezottrd to he hong on the 18.6 of Uctube
nt dent of nocinteure is from the
Prtir I . ,l,ponderme of rho Courier der lira:,
Cm,l. ;Er vnt dip the extracrdinary coven.'y which to etiliued in the ferule? of the
Por , pro—. 1.1-rtin fillinenenert would hove
uit a improve upon thus rpeciateu of
nins r ~sirriutii.—A catastrophe recent
ly havened nt Gil liwne and citi
zen of tun, pia .old ate crtwherd to carry tint
beeves too cloverheld, to lit :Mint gram a few
treneter, to watch theta c.refully. and to bring
lie In back es soon as iney had eaten a little. The
COWDerd drove diem 1.• thr eioverfield, brit being
(yid. aced was heel, be forgot his charge and went
to sleep. Tun heavet verged themselves with
e over. Very sid they became ewollen like
belkons—they fell end burst. Tune primed. The
master became unea.ry • and ran to the moverfii
ri cry of rage escaped him at the sight 0(0 four
( end beexe's Furious, hi, relied the cowherd ;
rexpiroit. He passed rapidly over the field in
neareb of him, nod nt tench fi ;tad him in a cor
tier profoundly asleep. He was transported with
feat. To awaken Ili servant he gave him to
v.olent a kick upon the temple. that the yeung
man potted .nsindtly from sleep to death. la vain
the e,ter /Monk him to awaken the cow
herd gave no regh e! We. Theo, seized wth the
exuiest anguish, and terrified at the idea of the
ntilr(;rr he and committed, he lord his senses, lied
ovrwhelmed with fear, and remitted labia borne.
His wile, observing his wild look, waled him
whet was the =niter. lie understood nothing,
but excl.utnedt tones of despair. •H wish to
die"—•"l 'won to the . And immediately be rush
ed toward. toe well to throw himself into it.—
The iitm hence of the danger gave to the wife
extraordinary energy and courage.. She approach.
ed lor husband, on the malg,n of the well, and
struggled with ail her twice to retain him ; but
she lost her balance. The 03m hill and drew biz
wife with him to the bottom of the well, w here
they both perished.
Great Freshet on the Schuylkill
Glatt Loss If ur. and Property, copy
the following dispatches from the Philadelphia
North American, of Wednesday morning
Pontrair, Err... 3.—The Schuylkill canal is a
complete wreck. No Mimesis can be done on it
this season. Several bridges have been earned
away on the Reading railhead, which, u is amied,
will be able to carry coal in two weeks. The
bream was the severest ever itnperinnileii in this
neighborhood. Tee Tomblin; Ron - Dam is en
tirely gone. Toe ilestnunion of Me and property
ts awful.
Too idttle Schuylkill Railroad is eniirely sub.
merged, and about foty or Baty bollso have been
carried off from Tamaqua.
/cues', Rank's dc Seca Iron Wolks have been
deal royed.
The Mount Carbon Railroad is not much injor
The West Branch Railroad Lai sustained co
The Mill Creelr Riulroad suffers but little.
The Szeurkill Valley Railroad can be repaired
In about ten days.
Only between thirty nod forty houses were
swept away Leona Taro•qtra.
The number crime, lost la not vet ascertained,
• _
but it is fear,. they will exceed fifty.
Sixteen lives were lost at &bail'. Bridge, Lbw,
Port Clinton, fourteen at Janet' Forge, and pry
eral between Mount Carbon and Sentry il,ll Ila
Tbo Railroad bridge at Mount Carbon, en° bei.
ow Schuylkill Haven, the br dtc at Port Cimino
Lel the one beiow Port Cimino, were swept
Trace dens, between Mt Carbon end &boy
kill Haven were destroyed. •
a The clamant:Mount eat bon a•.d Schuylkill Have.
are Mare Or len. nutted.
A number of houses r Mount Carbon, and be
treen that place tied Scburktll Haven, wet,
ascent reap,
. _ .
Tho dam at jortill, altiove Port Clinton, is al.
It is area stated that tiliumel'a dam, Blue Moon
tale, ban OW been earned away.
The dam at Landing Bridge, nod hail the heater
at Part Clinton have ell bete swept away.
About eight hundred lest or the erntorement ci
the Reading Railroad, "audited anent et rade above
Pert Clinton hat been earned off to the bed et the
Ailntim., Pa., Sept. 3.—The fres'et has been
most disaltsvea along Inc Lthigti. Tan Ovate, tone
15 feet in a few hours, hew higher than no am.'
fresle.lofJuly last. The less cannot be estauniee
at yvsetit. All along the shores, small middle",
and property of vertens kind• have he, stweist
away, forma 111pr:chitin]. Ike. Tee losses to sever.
al 01 the shiterers w,.1 be rmii,us. It will
take wale Weeks to repair the damages to the ca
Reading, Pa , Sept. 3.—Tae Burr t, date,
Orva,o•eutgh, in carried racy, o no, the Port l.ti•
ton H. r t iread bridge, wh , on en: neeta ort,h the
Bette., Hallman. The Mt. Carbon It'otrourl
bridal !tr bit, corned away , .
Part...ale, Pa.. Sept. 't.—Several of lac Cr!
Muter are linuadated, and the nem. gn th-horbout
the region is ensc. Flom what I can rttr
here, a rettl taarunnt fill week to redo, the den 11,1 ,
on the Bending Itatlrond, and it to dcu oft, no ,•
er the Schuylkill canal will be to•te Pt r r the
Unmkes lima to get aky more cut lttr,iihtuta
S-veral of the large dams aro earrte,l away.
When the water attbatdes will be beUct alOe
rulorna you of the extent of me ipjury.
Eaaran, Sept. 3.—The Lehtgh cod below
riven, which commenced rasing yeeterdav
noon, contmucd to rum till Lt. morrung. 'roe Le.
nigh r. , Ve at tar re, 0121 feat nn h.tur, KIV., e"
mcrott.a nlO eel treettet It has, lee.vett
fallen conetdernuiv since. lee Delaware dol
Idly, burgh thv ancredon a a oe.l Il
or IS feet abut, Is uruil I.etart Thy Ade
done to 00 eanal cum°, ar ), nt.ii
r, lot arcrytmng is under water. 1.. auri.efed
to be Very &Ma'.
The young but pignut. terptery of ttut Ntuth
Wes., tit tong= a vtgorrnot ytrugg:o to bring bet,
sell tato prouttLent pullout end In r
uoueptcooutly before the pubt.c watt avow in 1,
tclluen,s upon mtg...., the toixerar et , c•r•
factor and •grzetututel usttetul.tutt ot tr<
- • • •
lyolh upon the 51. eset and S. Po r, r.••r
•au 11,c Nizanmeippl ate.," the Falk or or. An
Ci,ernot Ramsay, In the dischsme nrha duties
as In Ise Avert to M nse—,As. hes made ea, et, .1
j n at ss tato etdereut parts of the rerr.t 00, st
o c• h rises a ae•Leht Oh the Mt,
elan , tr n , rte Casa Late, v: h,s
I r It'd as very hesottfulsueeti.l Water L 0 :owl , :
thr was-et, at thh 'l,w-, 0:
the hltss.eoarteaanti culvvf Ihcl las, to,t
many lords of •sgetahlcs, ai.gro a o 5 rer.lls not!
prods , L,7 We I
S•earol partles from S. Fin . or r
MteoLs oa, mkt, ro.!, x r,n. lar up
Pete, nye, Ins prt-eut suninr:r, era fund
side na Irtil•Pn fin Ty rcinfortliic class DI
steamboats, wry] besulifet scenery, 1,1! • c ion
try a:slt b they ddscrint Its %ID of sdIPPYis4
sections of hind drasely and valuablywaded, and
of besunnal prairie In - Plums, eitial in tetuuty to
a • in Ina Miami, in Oslo.
I trri . ,er on the St s extrenaehi hPan•
/1 a , c 1 valunnie, and PP n'
qua ti. the demand for ursiph a. non nanny hernnd
ac tea the tuiN. can sittirdr. I urn, is 1,:c1,
bane In! and rich forming Innd on to sun. airri,
IDA ph inn, wilt lii:ns iniu
it hat b,ti aLymu t; ••.! . it m
dm, ~r l3, e r when •tir i:.• •,./,
zero, el ihlic am,ii•atr •zt.•.l.
WCO weal uu. OA: ,
aud lieutectry, wbcfl me r, tr. r... 1 'r a
men( was org•wv - e. Tee atimiurr• me term—
arat-ul is lea vareiti:e thin la tu, de, rr,d
the willies's es en much more dry and ace cilde
as got to be yo severe me c./alitituttou of au
embir•nt (ruin tor Onto a• air tar
ctier.s:ce here from roll to motkrt,
rice vets; with the ictleeeza and lever* Lt..
tie god has been decovered yet to M.nursola.
nor et the hind one witch holds out Intineements to
the t•lothlul and worthless to eon, and .1 upeu it.
Men wt. Co 10 Malcitll4l, 1011.1 g'IrCI to r.,•: or
but land a cheap—bran:am lat., in plea
t...l piacea, are ttinelAtst—the anti etound to re
enllnerlite generous.y the 11,1 i that may he expended
uNn tt—and see have no doubt that, trodn,ir tout,
and provident settler, it nod. eon ogler and better,
sad oertatnly tnore inan' unitteetnents than an y
part of our broad nattou,l dootattot where a the
of the earth and toe toonttlatton of the sun
and shower prodnier fotst without labor, or any
part in which pure gold lien the ground it.
o inre peces eau he dug from the I,Cdr• and sulee
of Its streams , in pound lump..
Thu lowly. in Mhetetota, we understand ore
growing wtth etnenternlne rapetity. nod thee tt.
mediateneghturhutel. ti•ling up wo h thrifty ra t a.
of Lamers. good deal tetent ton hes already
been te.towed opott common schools. 4.1 several
have been epeued winch are wed euppard wtth
Poisttes,” as. unfortunalriy, aonnstlittio
rely and pervnatt, eat•tieturrals are cited 10 Oa
Cill1:11 , . are begtn; in rage a lot, tierce). to
the daft rent C er: ron oinDotretts, and harsh [COM , 8/C
ll.dlligeti, but won the departure of the dog data
to to it, hoped that any thatg no uu and tin.
ece.ary arid dr...ppear
Three eand,datep have brcn nominated for .tv'e,
gate to C;;ltart,.. viz A M Mitchell, now Alar ,
anal of the Terrttors; H Stbtry. the pre. ent Del
egate; and David olmyteart, an old and altparently
mh respected citizen Mr Mitchell emu, ~at
aratam what Is railed the 51unopttly of the ••Ort
F , tr Company," Mr. Sibley Avoid:led with that
Company as its acknowedged head, but wigs nre
eetton OD the ground of long an I Important on,
vit.cs to the Terri ton ; Mr 0 ,, n-lead appal,* to he
the cayman a the. normanting vonveattone. and
hat the support of the St. Paul Ch ram,* and R.A.
roar paper, we Lava I reiofbrene,gler:eil
le,11100: has passed out of the hand. Meows.
AT Lean and Omens, us rounders, into those it
Mr. L. A. Babcock. a 111.[Enber of the Territocal
L.-gm:alum. The parer has been well conducted
from its commencement, and taken particular pains
to make known the oral character of Mmnesoui. by
descriptions Of IM rivers, aecounts Or its soil and
nod articles oil its timber and other
natural resources.
Looktng at this fine country, nrd thinking about
the ten thousand tailors, shoemakers, and on her ar
tienns, ovidi their families.) who ore "striking,"
gnurrelling, disturbing the pillion quiet. and of ten
inure than lin if wa v ing, m the Cale, of New York,
Boston mid Pin adelphia, &e., we cannot but think
how mileh wiser it would he, how trench more
only, bow fur bet er meverf respect for them
wives mid others, if they would only change local
sues, and, for the unnt part, romans trying down
shaking the dust of the lag cities from their lest,
nod arming themselves against hunger, and thirst,
end whih the t he plow and Abe hoc,
on the Maas of Minnesota.
their shears nod needles, their awls and larsiones,
Or, if more fields are too far elf, there ate hun
dreds of thotimods of noses in Ohm, Kentucky, and
Indiana yet,—braititfully situated lunch of ii, nod
newly till of it co rich no garden spots—which the
one has hurdle soundest in yet, which the plow has
never touched, which no loot has been upon but the
Indoor and Bitsgeyor's. Any of mn uunn be hod
(or a song" and n trifle of money,and when po,e,
md isa sovereign remedy naming "the evils of mo
nopoly"ilmt are so notch complained of, and “the
tyranny of employers" which is so often the aliedg
eit cause of the outbreaks among the working clas
ses in the large cities of the Union.—Car. G, r.
Too STOILIS ar TR% SUIIII-The Southern pa
pers still teem with accounts of the destructive
ravage. of the late morns. Much damage has been
done to the tobacco, cotton, cern and other crops.
It appears to have extended as far South as New
Orleaos. In Georgia, It has bean particularly de.
RIVE PAL or Poor. Wear - mt.—The Boston Con
rieraaya that the burial of Proles:so, Webster took
plane an Friday evening. The body was taken to
Mount Auburn, attended by a few friends and te•
lotions, and deposited in a family tomb. The By
ton Traveller soya:
"As no other min kssion has been left by the
condemned nothing Is certainly known. He sc•
knowleaged upon the scaffold the justice of the
sentence which WIW about to be executed upon
him, which Is, ?crimp., equivalent to a con•
feseloo of the murder as charged upon him - at his
An Ecccrnuc OLD Bncacon.—Wo find In the
N. 0. Bitarcur, of lge:loth Aug., ■ letter dated
Woodbridge, N. J., July 4, Ia which vto And tha
following sitigulas I.l2o , ntra of an eccentric old
An old haehelar ham lately died in We place,
nv ag a fortune of ssopoo. From what I learn
•f him he =USA have been one of the mow eoeen•
tee and canons chaps that ever lived• His clothes,
upol. Wing taken off, were wparwely fold e d in
papere, and were never allowed the sight of
broth, a silk handkerchief aaswering every pan
9 ;-tod he be in the mad and spy a wagon
the '-••ce, ho •dd run fcr his hfr re'
,ioance, ho would run -le, for feu th.
... ape, k of duet should thence to tly upon him.—
The village belles have enjoyed many a laugh
hinting from church, to see him
• and ma at the eight of ■ carriage
MA although he would take no
h co when Tel
he to hie beets
• c.. , 1 xi' de
nonne of them at.the time, yet they were 1204 (3N
got•ea. Bt always endeavored to keep is clear
of the Indies as poasible, and particularly the wid.
owl, whom he looked upon as something very
drealul,md was nevereauglid walking to the road
with one, If he knew it.
With all his oddities he veal miserly to a cent, and
often to be area at the Mere exchanging a quer•
ter of a dollar for 25 pennies, theta by saving a
copper an every 25. Taese he would not take
niiner without examining every one to see whath•
er it worn not bad, rutty or something else. Many
of the articles he bought was by the penny's
wor h. mld hence his great use for that cola. When
he came to the last peony of his bundle it was
wrapped in two pieces of paper and laid away.
Thus lived this carton old to= and when he
appro,ci . ed death's door he was odd as ever.—
He mold no: beer the idea of any one sexing him,
Or entering his room, for fear that they would all
e eothes, step on hie shoes, or do some other
damage, she m thin state he died; "attempt, One
F. 04, end uncured for,. although wo*tt a fortune
of 64,000.
••toed to Sight by t 0• P•
S. S. Lmlom—Sir: 1 wish to bear teatime'' , to the
medical virtue of the Oil called Petroleum. I was for
n I,,eg tune afflicted with a badly inflamed and very
sore aye, to much so to lore sight entirely for about
with very little hopes of ever recovering
the mum, and but a slight prospect ef having It re
lieved of the soreness; my attending physician was
unsuccesited In leaking a care, or is giving relief,
and uncle me hot little caeouragcnient. I heard of
the Petroleum shout the tat of April, 16.50, and gave
if a tr ie i. the result in, Cite sight it restored and my
e) rs well, except a little tender or weak when I go
out in the son. ANN IRELAND.
, 4 , .1.1 rt., Cincinnati, May 54,
S. S I.lxtoN—Sir: I ha, been afflicted with Pile.
for rro l ear, and have tried other remedies, without
pere.r.grnt Tti er, ul‘til I heard of the Petroleum. I
a, m.ed ody Otte t , ot,le.and think I am irely
cored. I met/M.10114 It all who ore afflicted with
Piles. I hare allows it to be good for sore oyes.
Cim., oat., Nloy 10.50 E C. (IARTIOTSON
Brr 1,31 C by I:0)am . & McDowell, lOU Wood street;
II r. err. 57 Wood IL: I) NI Cum, Allegheny eltyi
D A I. a.:). I!, , ,hrby, /moth Douglass. Allegheny{
si•o by the proprietor, S. NI. IsIER,
114 Canal Berm. Seventh a, Pittsburgh
Orrice or Urrro tenon. It It Co. Third It.
Pyre Fatima, Aare. 5,1550.
t'lor kllnldr re of the Olio andYton+ ) lrania
14. ad Company are hereby swathed to pay the
menth u.sustruent of Gee dniMr+ per share. at atter:46cm
r.I uc Co.L. pally. on ur hc.looo the :rah day of Aulost
The s.tuth in,abocall on or before the Mb dry of
S-plerul or. The tenth Instalment on or before the
...ebb den of October POLL
Taa 7tir Law.°Racal war crated far on the Mb
Joly Irac.
No. 101 wood tttttt
I N VITE: the. Sll,lllr. of Caren to their loro stink
"codsnow oprn , ne and rehi,:l they aro
pr • , ,te .e,l on 000. aerommodottog :tram
We a,01.. , rt.n.laony netts - mg (troll ,00ds dor
lee I,e •erte.. I loquest oz.:matt. of our
r.vcoat, & co, Qt.
tVa 311n.metatenth Dealers an
Uo r Wood S. Fitt ly sae., Plllablargb.
ngar ern,ete st:Fk or Hat
Car, I aleve, /r. by ho:e
• , kela at, mvar 1111VTIIIM c
atchnYers ret.crt..4, •• , .” , ft the. th
they .cll na the an.! Loy , A 666 .Ostasse.
P. P. TANNER & Co.,
111 Wood .t, between Third k Fourth,
Are noo root.. Lug vrry !Mgt .04 superior Val
Sto,,kof •
ald FLOWERS, al , l of the late%
eo. and taw adapted to the *est,. IA• beet tcd earli, and as to sae
and co. • ity rot by any stock b
r,:hrt es •t err, Oar et.tOrners and me,
r , ent• er& .s 911•1110 ealt hod examine, •
rr t•••,,,r3 r.: t., 011 thr: Faust rcasonnbl
la 0, uendy cat's r•tent Shoe, o•
'lenvroviernetacs In Lleiatistry.
OR \
0. ,rE.kii N 73, , ate at Ikeeten, In prepared to
value!' •te re er,.l er: i.:troca Terre Au Whole end pant
e„. ,-.., ~,, ~-.—...• , ~,.., Ix• , u her, the uerre tt
ALL 1511 . 00.1110 N Oy 11112W1RF
• t4O W.,e)I•t , rIICF,T,
re , ~, prer." , .l with a larg • and fresh week of
.. n•ra..,n, el .1 Amettra : Ilatdorve la offer
...- . w.f.. e met, to Loyc lhosc 'rotting to
oral rroonnte the... totcreit by longing
stock'. tt.• they arc detercutted to sell on
.0 Lao, tea.o.,t, ...MI% .gt 3
D. myer,
Tart et and Ferr; otreett. oattlAlv.
Oi Pitt•burgh.
•,.. f W. MARKS,Sartr.
- - ti Water strec, In the vearrltcuae of C.
I I, ttS
C• Ala' t• 717 7 n 1 7 lCp071Ttf to inaure all
r•“.. on hoube, marrufactorte•. eood•
otr t
• u ..tnte. and In
the at., trar,tturttarB:,
S•• r o cs.Bt or ,t and Ull a r 7 rfry of
.7 . .7qol 177 the r 1.3 actcr the Lb
,II nt ht,burgh, well and
I.,the eonantintty for thud prudence,
. - ront•—•t. Ila••ey, Wm. Llaaaley. Lat .
en r. Jr, ,er HY& D F:thrard
Drat !• on. Z. glosey, S. liartotugh, 8. IL Kier.
••s. .+u n.l [JAIL r ws,,rr.
linnr• N. ~, A pro frith, ISI7.
•Ir. KIJI A rt.. --(renrlroirn—our stock of AV. tt0,121 .5,., , rezhsuited. us is slso thut of
, narrchanin rn thir. uniy. There 1 , 1 cult. a
And yru „I I nhlrge Yr by forwardi ng ll2,••.l .t• ho , rll.'r If it wou'd :.e sgreeablo
)culrve would act ur lour ge irern4 agents for this
e0..1.1i1y. cm, lei us hour from you loon
4 h. CO"
The ..oar 10 orly ore among thousand. of certra.
ste, •r,d or, n by pun Fir, in upon u. Irmo
II G unorro n! the I s nlnn Fuell letter. use the beet
erFor sale by J. KIDD & CO, No GO Wooditreet
AI &lilt lUD
At Cairo, Green en, N V., on Monday, dd of -Fey ,
tetubcr, by Rev. C turibm, JAVOII W
of {,g. city. and ANIO only{ daughter of Rrehq
Van LS te, Esq., of .orener Once. t
On Ro.turtlly morn.r.g,7lb
Mg, of ttls city
lF ottrral to a I,lorre ni to fatteott abont a house
1 For the tfarA of &r adventser, engoi, orHa.
_ -
No g 3 North Third , Phlled•lphle r
importer awl Ilanufaelcaor of 1,1 kin/ et
Taxtrb, Vraeds,
A 1.5., aald and Sliver Fringes. cora,
LAZYIi I.ll.tra Ur 4.114, Eint,oldCMlX, 801110,11.,
Says ,• , Stars, anA Emblems of all kinds,
Itsnans makers and Soetes ns of every
sN , SIi , of ventous style. mode and
t neatly ton des at shore none° sr, n
;), TEA•II Acnt for the Seb.ili of Lower
incr,rtip Appltentlen may no made
ttc, .tott 01,111,e te. In the untleraignid, until Fri
I Ito .2 dry or S,ptember metanit at Which time
the Itct.itt vrtri procced to examine the applicant., at
oa, Free,. Sete.; Hoare to Tecuperanceviite. at nine
o'clock, A. hi. None but competent teachen ward
apply. Sxlery, &Ann pee manlii.
IL Itall ENO N eI.LY, Temperanaavllla.
NINA I' J. 4N ITI I, lower Sr. Clair.
A. AMBLE:II,3f/ Smithfield et, l'itnibergk.
et . pg:d&ert4T
I Jouren , Peat, ani Chronlee, eopTl
WWMcCLINT.OOK is now opening at hts Carpet
. Warehouse, No 73 Foirrth street ard n Wood
. trc .t, a gory handsome essortment of Cerpettog, nom
lill•leg in part 01 the follosseng nerieties; —
Rich end elegant wyle Velvet Pile Carpet,
Pleb and elegant style Tapestry Brussels do;
Pep: rlor English and Arseneto Grovels do;
Estra .op. 3 ply Caroms; Rugs, extra Cherdle;
gutperfme do do; dup. Tufted Rum
do Ingrain do; Chenille Plats;
Extra One& hoe do do; 'Vogl Mars;
COOl. all wool, do do,I Stair Rods:
do en choir; do do, Coto Natal
do 00100 do do; Jate do;
Al.. a eery large assortra-rit of Trimmings for
&atm Coats, Coma,.:/10n.".4 to.
Oil Cloth+.
A very large esrommentol well seasoned Oil Cloths,
raneng m width from 27 inches to 24 feet, of very
heridtorue styles, cut to to any Sired room, hall, or
Tte !lock of pa• will be sold as neaps. they
cm be purchased In any of the title= attics. We
invite every body to snit who wl w ah a m b: c rgat uN n. TocK
61 , UMAG—LO tons on butd and for sale by
DINDERS' I.IOARDS (Buawl-150,00* lb. Chnm
1-7 bersburgh oubnatebane on hand and for ula by
cap as-as tan now II r
vg ij=a co
on 9 Water as Front eta
L 30 COFFEE—D2O bags TiEbi'l,ol(ll
Rod Church.
arFAS-200 packages Y H. G P, Imp. & Mack Teas
lama Importation, for nabs by J & R FLOYD
F ISH-190 br!s nap No 3 Mackerel;
Mkt brls Non 9 and 3 do;
10 tan tolled Herring, fin sale by
ne; 9 __
' . J& R
T AR a 01.1.-21.1brls brown Tamura' Oi l,
brls Carolina Tia, for sale by
arts Ja RFLOOD
OE— tea fresh bear Mee, for sale by
sepf. R FLOYD
ILAT.IIEft-30:0 eides N Y lota Leather. for sale by
terSre R FLOYD
• •
OBACCO—WO boxes Idutufacturest Tobacco, of
&tassel & Robinson's. and other favorite brands,
For sale by 10091 .1 & R FLOYD
Ij F.E.E-1:000 lb. W EChee.e b. store, for 'a'. by
rep., 11 6 FLOYD
F L 0U6,-50 bets Poland ilillssuperier family Flour
leD brls superfine family Fleur, just reed
for sale by A cutbmersor4 le CLOUSE
sepro IRS Liberty st
RYE FLOUR -20 LIB just read for sale by
CIDER VINEGAR-35 brim superior Just reed by
Wet Baru Watatia
AHEALTHY woman, who can come well totem
Inended, will Imo Immediate employment
Ploqulte at this °Mee sepT:trat •
JRST niceived at H.
following Soma:—
In the Eye there hes the Heart. I Lose Cm Thee.
The Watcher, The White and Red Roses. Nmey
0 11. IM doeth al things well. ell I. over. Where
ue now the hopes I cherished. La Serenade sep7
WHOLESALE GROCERS .nd Commission Nor
-00 chards, No 41 Wood street, ormosito it Charles
11 , 141, arenow receiving and offer foe gate, at low
flies, as follows:
150 p'sg d • FL. T ImG.P,
Bleat crs
200 p lies 5s es lb and !alb
lump & gs ton Tob'co.
200 brigs Rio, Lap:rays+,
sad Java Cod,.
60 khda N 0 Sugar.
_ .
W M hiPp.iah Cgars.
51111 Havana and Vara,
in MOO packages.
M Havana, qr
6 M Regaling. ,
60 lialcs I'lb oty Foglish
N 0 Melee.,
90 brlspo 'veered, muted
loaf !Fugam.
Oil 1.09 :Mum ,
*0 bele Tennem' Oil.
3 0 0 poll Lamp Oil.
su 1414 903 Mee. ere).
Pe , 1.1.62100 Illelelinum
13e 6• • Rosin Somp.
100 nor Pot Bucket..
13 bs. C,o,nlnte.
23 An Wenn Pipes
tue rm, NVII.II Pepe,
20 I t. Popperlc riluptce
00011, SeottlarliapetSnotf
sod Ground Mon
20 bus Lemon Byron.
24.1 Oz• Pepper thaw,
ter dittos Pickier,
10 eases splo'd Chocolate
Ground Ppiees or nil kinds
Ac r.r.s Svdines.
15 bus Rock Candy.
In has hhelled Almonds;
5 cases Logue, ice
Rinehart's Cut and Dried
- - -
iu Ice Rice
Torether Irith la general
•llp kepi in wit .
orhonment of vole awa•
well as Plusburgh meets
UNDRlEff—loo nes Cream and W R Cheese;
Jo bags old Jona Coffee;
10 beim LYS...V. do ;
30 bags fancy Rio do;
10 of chests Chid. Tea:
10 caddy los extra Oolong;
14 do prime Green,
hf chests do;
In bas hooch Raisin.
3 hales AA shell Alonands;
rt den pore eloyetal Lonon Faxon;
6 bisHomeopa:hl • & fancyChoeolato
10 lax Booms, Cocoa and No I do;
• Ail. Almond and Palm Soap;
10 boy Rosin and Vareg•t-d Soap;
0 dal 01 ye and Bordeaux Oil,
doe Pepper
dos Gerkin B Walnut Males;
2 dos Ro,e Water;
I cape Pali. Alnecaroni; do Vermiemli,
9 ease* pure India Currie Powder;
Sea,. onsofine Roe Flour,
10 bris cruphed & pulyeroed Sugant;
10 liris small Loaf;
10 brls pure Cider Vinegar,
dos Coo, Broom
Cor. Wood & Fifth so
Per sale by
LINSEED OIL-10 brls just received for sale by
24 Wood at
J. fat by J KIDD Zt. CO
ter GO Wend et
f ACQUITWEI eelebrattd rwient Tinuee—A new
IoL e; reeeivcd and fur aisle by
- J Kinn Ir. (X)
FIR. GU VI3O Vellow Dock 9antaparilla—a do
,ukt reed for sale by (ter) J MOD &CO
POWDER ALA Y-2 cm& Jost Yeo'd for role by
seta J KIDD a. CO
"DOWDF.Ii 61.1b1 ARABIC—(Pure,) 1 ease, pm re
"rived, for sorb" by
awsortment Net opened 1. 7
•ep? Mt Market et
T INKM IIDICPO.—Ind dozen received this morning
t at i cents by IwP 7 l A A M ' S°N A CO
D FISTS —A large and splendid &sentiment Meet
not, cacheco, and Fell River Pont., now open
ieg by teep7l A A MASON A CO
mono, .11 widths and brands, direct front th.
mnn•racterers, at the lowest pricey, by
11 . - , , G V-5 brls fresh last reed lir. rale by
GRANITE WALL PAPER—Aperfret tevuatio
ablgaultlr Granite, to be Ilene' in block.
For Bale by P MARSHALL
sap, BA Wend at
- , -
r ErD OIL-13 brie Grievold s 's p br r eAW t i g
IiNCI I . I; p E i IIEA—SS-2 brig re'd U . r i ;.: ,, , e A U t z ,i,.....
. .
CI , g i e A p ! .. tl CFI EI.:SE—?I U bi. pa•t j r , L ,, , , :74;1;4 . ;
T AL i
•!_Oe I , -
112 , , G0N-4111 fo g go e t.. s;
etU Sugar Cured Rues;
eegt MeGILLS & ROE
& 1.111.—a3 brl. N C Tar:
10 brls Tanner. , Oil;
3 brig Not Lard Oil; in more and for
PAIN rem TUBS—lb dot wilt be 'rid low, to e 1.,.
tbe ifll_ p
p1A? . 114-50 bob. Manna 31111, , , ,, l'Ae o te s bl
131210M5-120 dot Cote 8i00194 on corw,ynntent
oot2 SIeG ILLS to ROE.
BLOOMS -25 ono Juniata No 1, for *air by
aop7 :VIeGILLS k ROE.
sOrutenoN as Dock Knone, by an
rnectl accountant Address .Do; t% Post °Moe."
Sow fatory_satorrooe
(j OLOKN SIRUP-40 brie soporlor for tokle by
131 r•pb / KDIL.WoRTH &CO
Between Third & Fohtih etreeis, EhtteJurgb
INVITE the attention of merchant, vialting the city:
.o their e.t . a...Ye Meek of Fall !MIA WIWI!, Geode,
selected mat great care and attention from recent
tmonclatiens. large an,bon sale, and (rem the lead
ing ent , n ,ecra, by 111 . ,[1? resident partner In New
York. -1 bete stork this tall Witt be found to be much
larger sad Wore varied than any they have ever berate
by:waltz to this market. beteg replenished by receipts
pegoods almo.tdesly through the season aa the ap
pear in the cum a marketa. rendering their clockl
butes toll and perfect thereby enattling theta sun.
a:est:tally to compete with eastern hours sepe
A TRU NK, now to the porsendon orC. Cochran,
Anethery. The owner eats bave Ilse Imoe by
provme peel elle and pn.trg ler nsie InFeertlrement.
Fsgulre of James Oweten, I.l2olm:ie. Hotel, 1 . 10.
beton seoGnilto
For • few day• only, Dobufeg grand original Paint
rig. of
rinifr%E.l.ublmoe works of art, valued at one handred
I t and dollars, have teen exhltnted in the
princi al mks of Illnglend, Ireland. Sentland, and
the lr !led States, to the universal admiration of over
two m Mono apes - mons.
Ope from oin the morning till 10 at night.
Ad nonce Oct,. Children leg ca. scpiAlw
Fast side or the Diamond,
AT tb s establishment Me public mey al ways d •
rend upan being supplied waft excelleut Teas
remonable priaes--they have
Eseelant Tess at • --AO SO per lb
Ferrell. kaslities• • ..... -• • • • U 73
Tee Best T• a Imported •-••-• 100 ir
This is decadedly task cheapest and bat store '
Pambusgh tot ay Teas. MORRIS a HAWORTH
seps tiropneters.
HE undersigned will attend to Counting SAO, in
tne emes of Allegheny and Pltmhnegh and the
bbo, hood around, and muter coven' tolls.
hcoges moderate. Emden., nandusky tune,
near the Depttat Church, Allegheny.
Joseph NV Kits, Arclntact, Pittsburgh.
Band Fbr damn. eo.
J. K filanibrao,
Kramer Pc Raton,
Sapternber 4,
C LIkIESE-00 Lea just reeeleed Po sale
tdo I lad Second at
FLOU p I s t-40 brie HopedalVir l aal i gt;e l 3:;l , by Es
QILKS—A large invoice plain changeable gad Ll bleared alt. this day opened by
ectif;Cr 4, 1930.-440:
GINGIIAMS—a large stock of these goods closing
eat at great bug.. A A MASON & CO
KINTS-3 enter Madelr Print* lost reed, at the
low price of rt.: per yard by
XXVII nooss. • r
16 Atnoblegtaphy of Leigh lImt; with mobs
lacenees of mends and contecoontrie., in 1 . . 34 .
U rlykra Lance Day Patapitlete—No VIII, anbieet,
• r dol.
Ll g
awry of Darbutheareat. By Jacob Abbon,Witb
Jolla R ng owan% a Romaneet. By ides Marin Bell.
Pieter's! Field Book of the Revelation —ho S.
The above word received thle day. and for vele by
R C NTOCaTtint •
Market & Third et.
ILPcA Imp quitotity of arn.,l 3 c Ti i , A4 c . r
I and for silo ISAI ff
PiOL.T4riimimiiiiNFlassim7 o+r Innis,
WILL commence me mil sessiort, an Monday,
YT the 24 eeptember, at his mores, 24 Liberty et.,
between Third and Fourth street.. As a limited
1.1121nt ts received, early apCcation will be do.
dyable. For terms, apply to v. Dr. Biddle, or to
Mr. T. at his mans as news.
Pintlncrigh, Wig. 27, 1220,_400n/iltir
Cams- of Market and Third street.
HOURS of insurcetion botb , day and evening. Stn
dents can enter this Irmritution et alai Mile •B‘a
receive IL complete Mercantile Education, consisting
f Book Keeping, Commercial Computation, POURS.
O. K. Chamberlin, Inseractar in Penmanship and
Mercantile Computation.
John Fleming, Esti.. principal teacher of 000 k
Keeping, end Leeinrr.r au Commercial Science, Law,
Sc. Mr. Flaming will be amimed in tea Law Depart
sent by several members of the Pinsbnigh Bar
Warranted P. Wines and Urandl.s,
S UITAMLF: for Medicinal Purposes, always on hand mad far rain'by the bcd!e.. quart, or sal.rn a,
won .ea & Wine Store. o.c•1
rptif: Vieille Montagne Company supple their agen
with RooSug and Flooring in sheets 7x. feet, fro •
11 to 22 ottue. per sitio•re foot. Corniza d tad to sheet
3x7, 00, for 'Define puttic buildings ari depo
Ship Sheathing, 14 x inches, from Pa to Z 5 (mires
hiails,_Spiket, - Wire, Sugar Molds, Perforated Zinc
Zine Paint, tee.
They warrant their metal pure, and free from any
admixture of Iron, or any other substance, and re,
commend It for the manufriemre of most articles In
the house furnishing Lae, as It does not rust, bnot
affected by the action of water, and may be polished,
painted, seal japanned
Samples models, ohms, rpecifications, and other
information may be bad of their agents:—
teenons, New York; .
/tit MOON, ROLLIN. 2. Co.. ItOstor4
Taortzt to Co., Philadelphia;
Ski., DAN & 81,571Z8. New Orleans;
F. MILLI ROUX, Resident Agent,
2 Hanover at, New Yotk.
Liege, September 2.—seps:dfim
Salesman Wanted,
N a wholesale and retail Dry Goods Store, a core
I rr
patent salesman, with undoubted references; none
other need apply. Addresa C. R., 1300 300, Pinsburgb
Post Office seri4,_l3l.
boon, Water stieci, 'may occupied by 100001 ltdd .
son & Ploriken rupCdOw
AMES WOOD & CO., have ..rocieted James (PH
'7 Scully, with them In the manufastera orison, Nail..
Steel, he. The style of Ihe firm will remain uuchanged•
Pittsburgh, September 3, Itifin
Eagle Iron Works.
Warehouse, No 119 Water street, Pat‘burgh, Pa.
iIARLES T. [ham, Franc,. Plunkett, and Ch
I%l.knirta. have this day aasoeleted themvel
ender the hem of Mame, Plunkett & hilintght,
the nutrias of manufacturing every minty of it
Glens Ware.
2, ,1,541.75e11pyr
I_, and Enainser ng. Nol6, h. brew reeetved at
Hahn.' Literary Depot, Thud strret. opposite the
Post Office Every toechnole should have tilts worn.
sr 6/1
HARPE R'S Monthly Maurine for September.
Pictortal MIS Soak ulu.e Flevolutit, No 6
Just reed for sale by R C CO(310 , NI
sep4 Cor Market &Thus/ at
("RF.F.OI COPAL VARNISH-5 brla, 10 bf Me, and
to kegs, cow landing for sale by
ISrbl A If aIrFEY & CO
scp4 Water & Front sts
• - Pulver:sod Corn Starch,
EFINI It end . trsoarcd ntPremlY Int Food, Pod"
It dings, Cakes. Cogtards, Er
Recipe 'or Boiled Comard —One quart of new milk.
four eggs, half • teaspoonful of salt, two tablespoor fair
of retard starch—stir the rimer, of a small quattar of
the milk, till it is perfectly dirsolved and ,mon th—and
the ego, well beaten, to the rtarok—pour tl.e re: ,
and march onto the Leblanc, of th• milk, while balling
sur constantly ull it boils up ones—tdeellent.
For sale by R F SELLERS
or , tp Wood et
Waal/era Saelmage for Sala,
A T redecal mem, at the Elehrot4lll , , i;V k
oral Car. Third & Narita: Ma
rilo zee ed Wanted.
T HE highest Market pnea be paid In Coth by
real Liberty et
BACON -100 bbds prime odav far able I,
DRIED BEEF-12 brla C•11,1111 11 ed Sugar eared
OtL4-~00 Fns.
bleorlted 'rimer Whole o.lj
300 ig.‘ado Sperm 00;
30 wt.. No do Lard Cht;
la brio No I do for loOe by
A BABAOESOPF.NATION—If Chlotofortn and
A. Ether wilt render persons inter,thle to pain, lt Is
rttar'y the dew &those who 'ell many at the nhtrle•
purporting to be Shaviog Sean, to present earth po r .
chaser with a solfactentAwtotlty of tbe •Lovr article.
. .
to relieve their suffering while ondeigning the ope
ration of stiavine.
is now admitted by all to be the very Lest &Mole f
sh•ving . to be found in this or any tithe, entiniry. In
the rise of my Almond Rose and Pistachio Shaylna
Cream. instead of brink an opera.. to be dreaded,
shaving is molly a lxury. The ingrednts of wtoch
it is composed are of such • nature, h ot • finer and
richer lather con be made than with any other article.
by which We braid is softened, and the skin I. Oct
burble to be burned by the alkali which formsso lame
a pardon of will havin map, nor siftwo bendr
chapped. bat ormolu manoth and as an In.
lant'a Na one, after ming this Shaving Cream. can
ever he indoced. to use any other. Caution hi neete.
earl in porchming my Shaving Cream. as there are
many Materiel...aid sk for Jules IlauersEhaming
Cream, and you will then gat an article which renders
shavingeasy and picaemit.
JULES H &UM. Perfamar and Chnetliel.
For .and, wholesale end retail, by B. A FahrtrYlook
Co and tiell•is. Pittebnieni Joh StimuM
nod .1 Mitchell, Allechenr rep - 2rt
Cateeh Lai e t Coach Lace I Coach L•ee 1
I t URI. M., wholesale ono wail miLzufneturer of
T. Coach Lace, Frirge. Cord, Tease!, and
omega. or No 67, North Sixth rtrert, Plededelphia.
N. B. Coach Maker. and denteri will find it to
their irtereat to call. All orders promptly attended
to. repnid I we
ICE—IS ;cc prime for sale by
U - 11.M ART.I & NOBLE: Lave reduced the t , . n'
theca Eitrn Family Floor to toms; or:d mild
the decline in wheat. sep2
%Ai All k. bk• f , es b inepreted. jost rec
G - ja.A.SE.— ., brie onto landmg fromatenntet Nevi
gator; 1, 8010 by IbtA lAlf DICKEY & CO
scot! Wale? b. Front ins
IJACON-15.11 pcs boot nod, apptime atttee, in amok
D bottee mod for sale by bIiRIWER &13An N
cep! -
122 A 12i Second vt
MOKED SALMON—A rarity highly pined the
• - '1 East, but never before brought to Nue. arch.. A
few very superior, jtat reed per exere•s, ono fee sale
sep2 gig) Ltberty _
Pnme"" for
`l svg'tl i ' it,A b,lnyin
1:IIRE PROOF PAINT-6 brls in nor*, fur pale h
r sow3l 111 CANFIELII
A GIRL about 14 or 13 ye.. old, In suy •ma
Apply to this afros, augao
aep, NV St A NItCLURG h GO
C ARTTLESOAP—Rccciveddz e rL, R ta ,
CU' FEE -4 'Ai PVIN lif /710:1133
6662 116GWwer st
1 AD e.• meg 6.1. eala by
~, HU ll BRIDGE& INCUR", ht )
D- lb bey red), for bode by
sep2 - BUR El RI DUE & INGEIRA b 1
MACKEREL -7X brix No 3 Nev.;
10 br Eris do; ree'd for sale by
xepl IES Liberty :•t
()ROOM —WO doz on band and fon tod.b by
iIIIEEBE-60 his W. R. received for me by
FAdIILY FLOUR—A fresh aapp y Poland Mill
a dunes asucle, plc recd pet canal for sale by
IL)LACK WADDING-60 bst , es rupersor,
ACHECK dream by steamer Hall CoTumble, on
Palmer. Hanna & Co., in favor of Bidwell .1
Drab., or bearer, for 88a dated Path or PH. last.
The Poder will please leave it whit the underingned,
as peyote., has been copped. J. C , DIDWELL
aug3o water at.
IN,OUM-70 Drl. S F Floor reed for oeleby
r clog% S
O - --
II EENE—= las prime Jeer reed for sale by
engin 8 &Al' HAND/ilia
B ACON -6 el.]. prime Std..; "
6 caskaprime Ilam•,re.'d for .le hy
.631 6 A W HARBACO
nit. SPEER h removed to 'Liberty street, be o
J_l Pitt street, No INV Office end dwelling In th
sue e bodimt, angtllttiNe
E lVATEDuiL—z.,brle pia . ..teed T i r i ug o k
6 , • wood at.
SOAP—bßlaa Windsor Soap;
lb bap Casale Soap, reed for Pee by
too3l J ICI DP Ic
GO-350 Ws just recekved for ludo lor
nriglD J KIDD &
po /u A g .. 3 l l i—li cgs!, lor Amle by
„ in
Q.lll.liltZ:ZllThdifulie N.. , g i g
331 Übe riy st
Ifi•OLASSEJ4-00 brio N. 0. Molauea, oak barkJA
aL in stem and for Yob, by
= a JOHN 'PARKER &60
COPFEE- , 3 bap prime G
aogJl ru e n!TPA/MEn Rio sta ß n &
".)'"‘ r
.r d tt::::1;114)
, 91 31
T 01 1.1 30-5 0 . 1.13 .tore and f
SUGAR HOUSE MOI.ASSEI3-obrla In Mora and
for , 'le by JAMES A HUTCHISON a CO
Hatt 7,7714gri50N &
.u g lU CO
1116FIri ED b130A1031.1
bole dr c bliaC t; el °rallied;
ICO Inds C do;
130 bob L do;
30 bole decada rerd mugged .
50 bobs B powdered;
30 bile C do;
60 brie 0 clarified;
In atom and fir sale by
moo) Agts BeleheriSsimals Seger Refinery
STEARINECANIN Fs so bee this ed
and far salo by WICK & fiI;CA. DL
bTins besnUful style of Ilst Is now received , and
elatrotlesed no Saturd2y. 31.1 ton, ,
111% A , W 994 pa.
S. E. C 0.." clf Third and blar,LS 0.1.•
AsatoLsii di CO.,
So. 74 FOUIiTII iT117747 .
(Neat door to thollook of.tittoiltoglt.)
nowiaa a Bonn,
B kkkkk • 5 , Vicasance ikr•k•r•,
suD natant - 11
dOLLECTIONS.—Drafts, Notes, .Dd Meerut, cs
ayable:ln any pat olube , Union,ecillictsd on the in,,.;
EXClitiNtiE an New York, Phasdelp'ita ssc Its •
ttmorc; alro, Galant:tad, Bann tioutt •.4
New Oilcans, constantly for sale. •
JUNK NOTYS.—Netcs on ill aliens beak. f llf •
United Stuns discounted at the losOcsi rates. Liii • .5
ofEocc sad Antenna Gold astdMilecs Coin hos,
and sotd. t amg3U
& BONS !lave ,tCltnovedsktrilladlt•
.N i t e l d .t , n i ; 'and Lsohango ONeo to No 67 Monet rt.,
ott otdow old stand. an6d7
SOAP:— . 4so — bu Louliialle an/Cincinnati Neap On
bend end Or bale by
1)T21.1 . 4 k 1 2' 4, 1 r 5 at 4-8 —d Prime n~cle, Iv
no. VI , tt.eventit at
UNIATA ➢LOOMS—U tans nn band, tar sale
Ic/lIACKEREL.—Go brla No 3, M maebosettitTrand,
1,11. large, is Mare and for sale by
DACI/N—Hama; Shoulders, and Sides, a prima
Aicle, ni smotebouse ace ldr irdr by
n I
DOW VAR FIRE BRICK on hond no 4 for Anlo
Ongoa ICIER 6 /ONF.
ooPirthiArEti—lgency r,r the sale of Tarred
I•ilrer or ravel toots, end:orders rreelted (or
ung on the same by • 33 , r 31AR51121.1.1,
83 Wood .1
J. dluspratt t Bone Pt.dertt Soda ii•h.
A CAShn of the •Loce celebrated btar.d. pert
crit - la acre, and the remainder arrive th in and
coot 'man, per "Antis itmh, pc"' 'Berlin." end Orly., yin Phlledrlphin .e 4 Ilantroore, watt aid
nd .uperor It, both etrenctit en,.qh•th y to ant In tie
then , et. for shle at the lowest I , Ce to - e.oh and ttp-
Proved MM., by 11% & myrci,EurNEE
alcolll •trect
t iiTEESI'-+"'" The
S AL.E.HATLI:d . - 140 boo Your - Pito.
10 cooky ono Lr Ado. for pale by
of alone Om - udder.
ent felTruarnfoife, cueopoo-
Linee I`.l-pklno,
Seoteb Diaper,
MOO, de. he.
Ilte•O Boat
V V f"' ;: n . T u t
t e o 7,,ete,notr.
ing in pan af Inedoltoann
C-4 and 7.4 Table,Linens,
Met btict them,
Card Table CO•cf
Li.quelial Of all de.
ViirCiouse. 75 FOSIth St..
- re - edifor mnle
assl4 limpet
tes pririolLtv,
wooiLms donne
'riff: andel . ..honed hos on hand, and Is this day ee
l. coining won the memafaodrers, or. conrimbcal,
a large lot or Flannel, all celery, p.m and bormd;
Also, nod Blankets. Blanket Canting Beaver C satin
Cass'mares. Sannetts and Tared.* sohloh he orsi
by the ease or piece, et mworficlure , ' pr.e.s. The
attentton of dealers to woollen koods ininvited.
• II 1.F.P.,
an 16 M Laws y at
POTASII-Ibrls just reedale by
: • . __ . ...
AXFALL PAPER A large SP torment of Wall
V T Papers, front filo to 12 per roll, tug roeelved tor
he fall Hada by AK P MARSHALL
titaght PS Wood of
, .
BACON -40 ttbd• assorted on hand for loin by
,ar & Front sta.
DOTASII-10 conks Ist scormOn stole ard &rani., by
soreB isAin II DICKEY & CO
Q arts In matt, a
otn close confirm:3=4 l4At \I
OVEEF:—IIKI Lag. ;alma Green QlO In ware
FINE PLOI•R--50 belly& te a
nni Rmie, Wet reoeineei
and for sale by 141114.1VP1t b. ISA fINE3
aant7 IZO tr. Ma Second et.
ACKEIZEL--40 hhlo No 3 large;
reb bf Inge' earn
• ~ lef L 114146 4 dr; inst received by
anew:! 811 tels: p.ll se ni.VINFS
Sew F.ll Prints
PHY h UURCIIFIEIiII have Just received a
ill supply of new style Dark Fail Prints, tart coiart,
et 111 e per yard. aug..G
Extra Fatally !flour
Milin T y. Fsnuly
" 74 " r 0 :
choler •r 'y
IDS Liberty et -
Q. UPERFINE FLOU - 11:1 - g - irle en bend ter tole by
U litON-150w
nue') 31 We& tt
UGAR—N, hbd. N. 0. iignr, a prime article, io
;" more .d for mile by
LOUH-100 brio extra FOutily Hour reed by
r_turY7. ; 9 & N lIANBAb
BUTTER - 3 bit. packed in *torn abd for wee by
Q ODA ASH-7 tisksSodslAsh reed for rale by
, W IlAttimudu
Vbirt IASI& CIIEFSP-10 [tn. Imitation Knyhata a
L't vet).
& C supertorrirtieie..trii rA
b eeei vhle•LU fnr talc by
;rltti O
mart: • 2. - {1 Liberty rt
APPLE CULEES.F r EAptim7rpsly,.reetby
WAL.L LJ b K & C
N EESE-7il4 . ree'd for /.01, Uy
Yor27 • A MyCLU _
h!Lvi Forlacell:4 Metal
lor psi, by (bolg13) ,_‘lNl liii(.ALEI Is CO
A F‘11:0 ce, )u.t eiyyd by •
L 4.21 IVST A 51tELEPG & Co
QAIIDINEA—Vreb Sardine* in whole and kW bze
tear received and for sate by
ROSIN SOAP-50 b. No i jwo reed for sale by
F ILTLEI3I/ICK-10 * Olu More and 'or sale by
raigbMl 10 V .ler it
COFFER—P.O beg. Rime 'Rio for the h y
LAIM Ojlr 20 Lois 00 i for .ale by
, ANNERS OIL-24 brlslat talc by
M . A t ;73 b ralosv
- EPI•ER 111 OCE— dares O:ollr, Miter & Pro.
y. " "p e " w ' ' ant &. CO
, T oO Lloorty et,
aun groI.VNG Tiara-1u Urea...sorer, foss
1 ;test re. wad (et rale by the hi chess or tb, as low
as treats Le bought west arthe mountains
ttnote Wgi A M ceLURG k CO
l i ,LV , l.;.. t OLL— ved ll . t . Tr i el. o u r i .4 birt:lcil, Saco brands,
aural W . ll y A liIcCLIMO &CO
BAL b -- .TaTOM—,IOo b. In more ...a for ralebr --
• 'SIVA Irr tr. BILL
104 Weal a
131:1,31:4—bU flax In store and lot salt Ly
nug2 . B Fru ALIT & FILL
GLASa-5u Its, 7a at •
75 Ills 8.10 in store and for oak by
C •
IIEESE—A snaLLI lot Crcam reed : by
INE‘AILI—nS Lahr old, in more nr.d for nide by
ay; ne.
bide., loc ale 4y
Pnm* a7Un RTt BILL
BATTING -5o bale. NO I, Ia v u .,• , :t ri vaty
• .•,2.
c!„), ''' dit e tiT l y e ILL_
O.IL - I(eTr. , -3o dee Beaver Beeßl _nsal y
,)E Cu icuz—Litierent mums fat sale by
D. n'ts.2A STUART k BILi
1911 Liberty at
1,O.:0 I/ F. and leTiale by
'LIP E ..." E— " O begs Egii:)'`Anrcyta,tvAls.gc
WEFT (Ismer Wine, Geod . Pon Witie, nook
CS Trendy, lIo:In• d Enghels Gm, Leillah Rom,
o 510 per bottle, for eale by
--- irOui-n0 cuts Sides and Shoulders far lialiliP -
B noe s _ -- 11li OWN le KIRKPA I HICK
FEA - „Ens-MOO 1:;i a li s si t;e it e ß,r ' i d v, f mE o r ti sal war. : H b A y ßlirr
: e urN ARM V F.P. h. RA lINFA
UTTER-4: e a liaii
a fil.hrllENW.
III" school. tad.' the direction of !kir. & Mr. N
1: IV. Noma(' will be , iii-ouencd in 'Teton, da
Itou , Fai.cial Street on Nondar,Peptumtuir, Una. It
proloary department, b. a number of optional branch
es ',aye been added, and a corps of teacher. ***** ed,
an Mat 'hairnet:tons :will 'now be gluon to mholars
of MI ascii and attainments.
Far particulars we altcalars winch may be bad st
age book storoa—or consult We Principols nt Inca
that'll= on Federal Street.
aog.3 tr.
FNGLISIL Classical, and Mathematieal School
1011 Re-Open on blonday, the loth Inst., at No
webstet meet, Si the bead of Seventh at.
Olbee of the; Ottio..k Pear. IL R.tan
. ' Pittsburgh, Aug. IS, IESO. s
DROPOSALS In writieg will be received by the
.L . undemigued wail *Meader, the Ist day of October,
foi die deliver/ of the cep. tits required for lapin
.the track of the Ohio Man Penns, tennis. Rail Road
from hence to Msseillon, * &Mance of WI miles. The
number of um required trill be •baill one thousand
nine hundred vetoed.. The ties are to be of sound
white oak or rock nob, Ili:Meet to the limpeetion of
the engineer of the cacepOny. The. must be cat with
a saw. low lengthe of et t feet. If of sawed limber,
they are to be weep 0 eight Inches 'ottani if of
Mimed timber, they are e be tatted en the top and
b 4.1711 la • Width of e hi Inches. They must be
clear of bea r delivered and piled op an th e hoe se
dijelted by the ea&cer, between t h o teat of January
and firm of May prof Ridden are requested to stew
whet number of ties they propose to deliver, and ea
Whet sections of the roll, toad they propose to deliv er
them. They may impose for ties orchestoutor locust,
it .4 locust, the} may be wi +en iuchmksquare.
Pn.pozals we also melted for forniebing
. mod Mils
of 'pilule pine or wh il e saki to be four by rune inches
square, and from efighteen to twenty 1007 tee, long,
to be delisered on the Unit of read as eta,.
W. 8011050 N, Jr, Pruident.
for ra'a low to ',logo