tr. 5P01.1“.. SIPS' ei th eethe the t:th nntny h.s ronannnrY nkn., ba liar Own)e inn common •r of unoni•hineni. that fo . rhould have "h morn enmuch trouble, ire in tik.tna, nos,. __ OVOTCORIC, the public. I t " '" aely Put up in a con good artiel-. bate. article W the G , rell cwol. nos eastl‘' r.. warranted to contain 1k; while the ordttiaryt..ealine Ida as r iaaertain qattamy, van tug (tom IS rr re• dy for use at the time of put . I . frinli trail, to convince the most eo•.er,onty in quality. Independent of co:lconic..t form an which It is faruirhed, at odour tare. over the Skein, as II doe.. h the tedium of winflinK, thoo.ofmo of od the loss of Drne in pre porinß it for rm. , \NMI. II 1101t,TMANN & SONS, fit North Third st, Phliadelphia; 110}ItSTMANN, I3llO'S 14. CD if !data . . Lane. New York. ?in Sole Agent.__ . _ NEM B 0101: LE:MESS 0 E"1 - I P DELL Edited tiliam Beattie. ~ one f h executors ••o cloth. • y Fenunmyt a %rector on o tte r, new art of its manocrtuent. ctosre.ns, nod relations, .1 dinner iii, rOlll I'l an exposition het col remits of it, rntl, a V. I e m operation in Eingdoto.nn toe .rat. nod in America. lied -. ,00. Ivt I. Mao cloth t. pre.. F 011.201 ,rn toe Fre... , A Ito leurnorinte, author of crondLua." "Memora of any 'tooth,," "Ra e. I voltusno cloth. toward Itelorms In Lectures. Addresses and one.. by I torace Greeley. I vat Ivtno elo. I ri Y•ory of the Confessional. John Henry .., 11 0.. Ihroop of the Iltocesc of Vermont. no 010th. ..s•usest tty the author of ' , Hooke . ID,. Warburton, En, .1 onto tvrao. out • sketch or 0"..1,1CIII dr...notion of the ct. By Alex Von liondoldt. translated Dour usin by E. C. Ont. d vol. Fdtrio cloth .11 . • threttne 11314 roll of the Doman Empire. to. by 11. It. ?Oilman. Horner , <boor , ethtion . loth eernplete in G vol. at 400 per voli 4 trots .1 tor sale by 44 ID/PRINS. 5 Apollo Buildm,s, Fourth st St .l iMIZSi. )11M.; do, to When otter frleud• r.d thee. Cossetlre's cepanore zed return I..une. Are we idmost there. Low backed le e uu th all t h t oe• Nell • lodt morn. Grave of Warturgton. boo but tp,a Duel t 0,,, Dot. Ile Lted nue. St bone. Cheer up term ourll /canoe. mutl. S,r t ng F'ower,Waltzs. I.!fin Woi,e, ere, Sedutal or Yolk. !Jetty p o t, l'o 00 J cry Lit.d Linde Qulckstep. ltru“ Norm , el.tre mite Just received, and Sru fele by 51. L.LOR., tt Wood et OCI,STOCICTON has retelacd ICT sale, •nl th (I , l , ben , s Iltstody ot tha Ilselinc and Fat, 01 <man Enplcs. e and Letters cf . Tht Inds Cantrt•cil, in 2,1 s d V.'en 13:stlic,M 11, en- ot try it ,etches ,111c,t1 Vh.lotcpby. By the e:c. Sta n tc Atn,t SIO . ~ ocsn c.a., s3.lem of Sae o - ~ Ilropor..:h 11.1. 1 , 1. I lotion Vernor; a 2i ,re,, Slcul:cr lino:, a talc of Ile IlleTeiltooTtll-O-Cl2- Scarlet Letter, • romance. ❑y Nathaniel •ae . . ....bzr*T Plants 'ler. gale at Groat,- wood r• Pvire, Ito -tea% lenorial rder4 rldres.ed .• on r •r I t 17.1E01K.ER'5 F Av beeenne to rstablkhed well provided d. n as r..nnt aMy mMI vetice•stinin and quad. ss e end tor the healthy 11 , 1 a. diet for in. , d nice lot the at ?term? , of growing caildren I Inyeas Vertauvrnedei ol eno'iing prep•rind r., on the iveprer. 'bone. well known in t' Itft, Ilm• never been odured env extent in Vivant:re!, he subseini, nye, th^telner, ineee •-rnnrecnerts to be con t.iv LTOO vs /Ili It. offer it le retail .1., or taraihrs on inner liivoraliie terms Ulan it cv , r been sold et in 1 , t1• , n 'eh WM A co . r•I th , .•• k•' Ps:cm Work Wt.•k, • r•;,..reLl v,pty A CIMISSE 9014, 4;001111 Mr.ld's I I TVS , ( 4 ..: L. Or .ra.• 0.n.0. , (.1 t..r. •e I .olci ;lclri •O,1 • a% T Ito,. • ',Cornet.. lobo, • .... t Ono I ploOrg cod 0a co !ono', noti. Accord.. /to o • p•nor an, I oLott. :,.•:10.•, and oroO. nirno.ltirt ur ItoknilOl 14 t...1.7.N 01'1101 G.,1.1/EN HARI% I e'TII NI.ENGTFIENI e lCis IN 1.:11 pnee 10V,...,1 remedy fe• el. n ne rti unintir alicetionr. 11111 i Ins ol To4l pa.. 0 , thr hOdYN h, lnres, sorer, ot rtiort rut, siivelline•• rnii.i. ton er. corer, land h I ins vitro twit ceinins tL IRD•1 convenient an. , .rte rhettne valve to re none:mil rial , litS utd 0,1 on the tent. tar .n hy tir N NVIt . I4F.RSIIIO I Cor. Suitt ik Wood. 50 1 REED HOUSE, i/S 3O & BARB&R, Pradtc Square, Eric, Pa. GENERAL STAGE oFnc--Estaterri, Went, ,d Southern Stages, Wive this house daily. Cat ages to and from Ste nit and Pleket Bon, Gratis_ tl. W barest, lute or 0.. Amer ran line;. toile, Pe W. Balton. late of the li...elan 0180. are:.'.-ddra rts:sst ItPIUMG s SVPIPI KAI Gliobi: large and ,oly, or re•h SO , lug and Sommer lesander tr. Day'e. N:ar,,et Ater:, /with west • In collier the In colt,. the aitr . at.on of our eu,nnte.a and the he ohne to 6" sine cif.,,r,:s picomee to hie to say it embraces GREAT ItAIIGAINS in al nst every doserlpton of goods. as a lance portion of 1, IC the recent r auction sales the cc-tern cities Our of sortment. Loth of fancy nd s!uve aood., is very superior, and affords to all asn a• ern. either by who,cmlo cr aEa op. Di - tunny of .u , tkrr bath taste and nurse LADIES' DRESS GOODS new style Foutgrsl• ll l , very cheap; rich plata arid ear•.l tiangeahnt of almost every s.yle a.rul rt,,. pain and doted I•l'aek silksi do. Pa eget. an.l tissues, Graeae de Inns. new ad hand , s .y,e; now style much, Luglish, and Scotch was. in creel Vant lif t and at Very 10. pr:ces; plain, gored. atol eattn 'intend etc loins of all kinds and linen iii.nrcs at all ...ides , and colors; at., chintzes, prints, AC SHAWLS. Sne: ehfienelenn rinwis; plain and hg - need Itch eo, p out 0, 0 embrni lered Thit et do, hintsash ..r. do, super , pram and embroidered w and °lured entre do; lnl,lfe and net t 1e..1.e, WHITE GOODS. A Inc ro.ortment or mutt, nansooks, ;.conga, hooks, Roue!, Ready, richt, FlOrenee braid and uper Cater ortnen A En, stock or superior plain and fringed and re r,o,ols of ❑ Colors and no,ines. CLOTHS 6: CASSIMERES A Inrae tuliartill of uer rrench, ERetsla RIO enthe and etreidni , res of ail- qualme• and pr,res, to white we emelt, tows tec mtcntom of we gentlemen. DOMESTICS. Oar sleek of brown eon tdeaehed n.. 111, ticking., thanks, chambray., duffing , ke, is very large, and at . the very lowcel price.. Ala, . three lot of table diapers and table &Mb, brown and bleached, 11,1 , •5a and Scotch diapers, cra.h linm, nenttut, cotton and wool n (wads for men and boy.' wear, Iroh linens. red, white, and yellow don ne!, tomestie gingham., ant and linen bola. and tlove. of all amt., boaiery and bonnetbnnet ribbons, art, penal dower., km, to all ...melt W d reepectiolly tn•nr um at of Wl.D , ef ;tic and mud cash buyer. ANDEx ER k (OA, Inarl,l es Market m.V IV not of the loartiond. --APOL,IL TitkilLS. I /01 now prepared to formal Arnie Trees, from the ~,,,i ,now, Nttraery ol Jacob N. drown. The t rec. , ... - I'l ue del.vert .1 at 1.1:r• wl.orf at l'itt•hargh for dld der lourtred ref em, w,.ne god thud,: twee thooid ~ rife trietr order, .00n ut the Drug Seed, end florion,r, Vear e h ° ose , arehotoe, CO. ,- too W,../,1 , 010. apt I S N NVIUKEIteIIAM ItEMOV AL. ,VNE IRON %;()R.3::,_ WARVIIOSE. I),CIL,KY it rt,l‘VN CAL have (0,0-110 1.20 LP 2,1dt.” bts,oar tuv. Nlonn.i.,!. House tr079110V. 1,1,. : ve •rd thrtr PAZ'5n.,;.,"..1'a7:411 A in ' SI Ir3t t O r Tll ' C ;of Wood and st,erts • _ IC"rege de Lcings. V eto o d .1 01;d.,:a 7: .0. 1 s trot wA I,es 01fN...rang .li P. 11l vs.." trte,rd for so•r by Ornr:n'" S ItAlitrAU oll _ INSI:LD 010-4 , 1 1. C. for .11, I.i I A r ,C,lll I, INN/ A Kr,II & f!tr AV IN DOW (iL,..E.S- Vs..lbr, d sarova - ed V V ( or jj,r, W 11Alt DAL •II ICI.-In it.rce• prioto frettt ItOoe, junt reeelTed .air , SFILLLIIS & NICOL. IX TWIST' Trill &Cs:to-GI sr t g. p.o 0.1 banding S . nod t.rr .stirt 1.1 IIAIIO I , 111ZNiFi1ALC(. 1 ) p SAI:C.I 3 ,:- I= I, W 1 . ,: 1 11: it Le n a: u , r c « i j al • •4-3 ' I a =.lO ~ 6sa Crouroo ., CIId los recovre ,n or S ‘:11“onn'0100: voals,-6141taxht o r ,o) troto Imparto.r,n,,d warrant. d Kellar - u srpply of W<ltti bauxe Flanor s ort co_twe.l tbls GlOrt.aurtle avg , _ j'"‘ A.MeCANDLFSR Fr 31 h' " (00 tV.ll‘,bll& WC AN MESS arra CIA!, AtILAII) LAI,I F Q`. l ..tY, Poland, U., for sale Ly CtILVIZATSON k. CLOUSE ougN _ 105 Libet . tyl l _______ pi 9 OK IJk_f lust srmrtd srt .oder rola for sale by Jul; V II,FAIIF.N k re), Csonl lifCfb-I‘ '" "" tuF not 2rJ Liberty st irOßA"iii3 do P boOyo 4n x gran`Palo in u . 7 4 . l "4 " 'ar 4 :1111.1.11 11 ‘. lOCKETFON CO - - — Afiklll . lll±:4 - _ I.zoto fer. 110VKINS ~,e,eiert, an* unto for ula b. TRA°°""s4°ll" k, 11.tkDAUti ,04 asi•J— • • MIISCEhIZEOUS• J. A. lIISLL.OR. NO.R 1 Wood etreet, hae loot received a new comment of PIANO MUSIC, OMOng which ate the follwmpp— Molly, do you leve me, by S.C. Foster. M olly, may the Red Rem Live Alway. do. bell a Lady, do. Hods , Ned, do. Game to Run all Night, d. Dolly Dar, do. Soldier , Wedllng, r by Glover. The Robin, do. Oh, Touch the Card yet once again. Sweet Memoirs of Thee_ Pilver Moon. Lament of the Irish Emigrant. A New Medley Song The . Timm hoot Wounded the Spirit that oved Theo. Censeript's Departure, by Glov L er. T. Re ,l o n e o th here o'ee Loved Ones at lionle. where the Heart la. The Venter Maid. Low Dank'd Car, by Loose. Ho you ever think of me_ Slumber Gentle Lady. __Jeannie Grey. F.lfin. Cellanus, Wedding. Wreath, ard. Waltzes Batchelor. Maiden, Delhi Welta, Concert. Le y es' Souvenir, Cully. Elva., Lily, Alm, Concert. n :gra nge. Adieu. and Lizty Polkas. in 41 TR:ASI TEAS I I 'TEAS 111 W • E . 7 , n o te . r Ilvn tiLto e '2 o el tat of P we rot 11'Cbcote, [mobile", Large Capital, Bought for Ca, h, a.c. In Oct. v . : mil ma humbug in an; manner or fora, we .trupl, n v., the T eas 000 Whllit they P elsewhere: t4is If the beetmethod see troii e• -, r• loin woo sells th e p el t and el....sliest Tea. in V., burgh. We are now am, g Gee'! and etrong Tea ut 10101 S' cents per lb. A prtme 7.5 do The beat Tea tomart.d it n the U. Stet., II Lew priced, datesred, 01dnor True ua not keep. 7w 0 ul, , t, HAWORTH Proz . .e•or. of I,e Tea Y. niket, nt Dmrno,.. - a reiLCA.,,..F.O Iliac Manioal Work. D. Appleton 11, Sec , ant, hole ear-tai rr Puo lICILLIDIE, /II palls. p ri es twenty five taut, em, A DIC TION Alt.Y .11m/inure, Engin. IPorl.and En deuegne.l for Practmal Tr.r/eng 111 m, and those sharThird fur tme srs- Iff==n torityFto sr siren tenor. Til'S WOlO l ....bale let tot- coo will contal wo r , ot 0000 vauto. nod itiltsai4s of et: root tLortratvoies. It wit! p canto workint-drua nr• .-.1,,t0is of the moot important machine e la tes Independent of the results • It will contain complete practi na. trvau es on Mechanc., Maebinory, gogine•work, and Logineedagl with all that is useful in mow than ono thousand nollaVs werrkb ...0 ( folio ' lolo .ral mulra stn., and other books. Tkie rent objeet of this is, tu peas. L., fore practical men and such an amount ol theotstisat. and scientific knowledge, in a condensed form, so shall cairble them to work to the best advan tage, and to avoid Inca, mtstait es which they might otherwise commit The =aunt of useful Information .has brought together is almost beyond precedent In .eh works. Indeed, there is hardly any strject ivldito Its range which is not treated with such clear and prectsio. that even • than of the most °nit vary cupscity cannot fail of anibirstanduis it, and taus learning from it much which et is toopnetant for aim to know. The pubitallera are, in short, demrmined, revardle.. of cost, to makr the work as complete as possible; and .1 a hoped every one desirous to obtain the work will oisued numbers. and thus eneoUrage -• enterprtse. The work will be issvesi keril-mockit4 tommencing in January, 15.50,10 , 1M1..:;;'07te“ wan Wax regularity. Tho Whole wort will be published in 10 numbers, at ttli scats per uumberoind completed within the co, rent year, lola. 6 d.woont will he made to ege o m. is :ere !!0 to adeeneq shall o e n t e ve " l t e "t w n :r l r:h 7 otg :pease. Oplntone of tha Prtes. .To our numerous Manufacturer , Mechanic., Fo- Vrt, and A riwanc ;t will be ntine of WeCtil."— ideure, (KAT onroul. Pte mei, arm youraelves with as knowledge.— TiVigeM totth confidencecrWmnertil our renders in lihatien themselves of ha n umb-cr. f7at m thry ap pitat.,—Amencan Masan. t•Wd unhcsindiny commend he work to those en gaged to tateres gl ted in mechsn t ieul or reiennfie par •mw ea cm.aentlY Worthy of their exammanou .nd study."—Troy.lN. V..; Ltodget. "It is truly • great wors, and the publishers de serve the tbunk• of lurentoss, mwhintrus. and mans facture.. and indeed of the unbar generally'—N. T. independent. •'Thig Dtettonary wall tughly useful to praeth-al mechantes, end veinal, to all who wish to neounint l:mtuselyes w3th the progress a invent , on in the me cbante arta^—riew nedlord Daily Mercury. Young me, haute, ought to keep posted up in 'the • eties! as wed prart eat knowled nod thto ,ors will oho. them ;1,1 bow they nan d- ttoibur, Adveruser A e talc tt t., ne rest the work mot seore• and hen. • :rd. ot our me e klte..nt mech.. , have deuced to pen. t+o droclkpuon, nod 501011 awl n.inut , its ..if thst It seems uo Mot -hame raleslrontenet any MA chine it Ars , nben, on • re nem la as ,Jgr•vings and 11.1,trocuo.o."—N. V. Commercial Adyerttoer. Interezted mechaniel should avail them sdvea of its adrantages."—Setosylktli, (Penu..l Jout- .. .tt work of ezten•4•G practical utility and great on parlance and value to the rapidly In...canna interest of the country. Wa regal. the work as eminently calculated to promote the can, of encore and n, mechanical ar n. and hodwattninate vslorthle iLlfo/11.11 Volt on there ealurcts "—Farmer and Mechasisc. Praetscal own tn. all the vaned walks of tnectienl and stisnufacturing Industry' enetorerser. Ac., toll hod tit this work a treasure winch it will be to thei r ,to , t to parr.. ' . —T:oy Daily Whig .We hate carefully perused the aumhert. and bee r 1.. heats...en to saying that a is the best work me. renal,. trade nom, an t setentifse men, ever p e nkah. d. for it contains minute infottnation on every branch t , the mechanical arts and iwines. expressed in a style and lancuuse c o r n y evader of poi - nary capseity."—tiloucester, (Mas) New. -We are sure we are doing ea ' meet...ries of NOT leb mid other puts of Cormeeucol a ILtrVICe by swim/tog the work to their attentle."—Norwtch, (t: sun I Courier. -It Midst such a work as every mechante should powess."—Frecman's Journal. We ronntder hone of the damn useful and Important ptihneattoru or the sr:. utechanae can afford to he ett.,"—Nrwars. J.,coctraerciai goer . -r •tn all the various pohlti havn le: thr.t . 'eel the wilt tdanoti att.l rid•anc..went at the toccl:an.• c, art. and 'testacy, none that we have seen, .• sit th , . of pronasse a.141...-14.ta10 Cora - Adv. •it w the lac, and work r odered 10 It , ...,enfthe and practical encase,' and sarcasm.. I 1., 1..., a nr- Ireattuf.tlly executed."— ... I -lists great Dtetionary la one oi the moll awful wur as eve , published for years. nod the low pm: e at which tt is sold mates it acceptable to ruL"—South Carolinian. ••We regard It miscue of the man comprehen•tve end •iiiaable, as well a cheapest worts ever publsithed.'s Bellmore Advent... “ought lobe takan by every one destring to keep pare with the prom. of an and science in every one of the labor, of cmhzed Itfe'—fiendout Ceener, deslened after the erne of I'm'. the Lena ry, only that it Is more devoted tot., mcchathest end ritemeenne professions, and ahoy- nil, .5 valaahle ii.accomplithng (or Amenea whs.' lire hen done for Tne,ead, vts describing American machniery and whet s of at r'—Scientific American. "Big Washed an numbers, and to a price so mode. rate, looktns; at what is contained torch number. that otte_whe has the least Interest In web matter., n need be deterred from proCanna It, and racer one who does w, will find that he ht. In condensed form an amount of tristrecuon which would he untamed, If at ali, only by the purchase of very many witonee"—N. e.ittrier and ffinquner. comprehenalvenen with which the subjects n:c tresned, the admirable manner to watch they are Loarated, conspire to make this one of the most deal rah.. worse "—Democratic Review. -1 his wore should tic in the ands of every mechanic, •ri one, atul Inanufecturer, those who have 0,, leant aspiretions to c.scol In their m.0....a e. IVe h ove catefally examined It, with a rice of rim -mending it to inventors. To them we would ..y La the strong lananage. of the Inventon'Journal. Nun , to lAA T:roprleLorl Nevrapera thrmigAstit ihr, Un;ted Stat;Ja.l lit;latia., If the foregoing and advertisement i• inverted five to urn donor, the year, the paper cone ina d sent • copy of Me work will be Bent gnarl, in payment. ar , ls.rldaritT _ DVALLISTEWS OINTMENT. Containing rso Mercury, nos other /Viewed. 1.11 k: follosuing Ve.1112101111 as given AT the cele• brated Dr. Wooster Be ch.he author of the vent medical work entitled .The American Practice o. Ile , tonne are Family Rhyan." • Baring been made acquainted with the ingredient which COUPONS McAllisterhi tbran•ent and having prescribed ad tested It in several is ray pnvate practice, I have .o hesitation in savor o certifying Inst. it IS Vegetable Remedy. 00111‘1111111 no mineral substance whate•cr, that.. ingredienti cornlitned as they are, and used MA directed by Rroprietor. are not only harmless, but of power: alue hate, truly scientific it of treat power: ond chtcrfully recommend it a. • compound whirl ha Cane much good. sod which is adapted to the mire • e rest vsnety of eases. Though I hove ne•tr elite I reentiarnended or engaged in the n on of reeler merli mars, regard nor the truth bone., cscientious, Au moon character of the Rropnetor of °mourn nod ;he reline of his discovery, oblige me to say he couch recardiog it. W. BEACH, D. D." New Vora, April 22d, lgas. ItL Itsitst—lt Is one of the best 'hints in the world for Borns, I.ll.F,S.—Thousands are yearly mused by this flints mesa. It never furls In giving rester. For Tame., Ulcers, and all kinds of Sores, It per nn ,al. If .Mother, and Nurses knew Its value in eases of Swollen or Sore Breast, they ...tad alsvaf...o7 It. In sorh cares, if need according to dircenons, is give. 'chef ITI a very few boo.. Around the box me directions (erasing hlcAllisterts Moment or Scrofula. Liver C 01,10.1111., ErYslOcinsi Triter. Chilblain, Scald Bead, Sore Eyes. tbsincy, ts,re 'Yhrom, Droectities, Pierson. Affections, Pains,*rs of the Spine, Head Ache, Asthma, Deafness. [or Ache, Horns, Pores, all Diseases of the:Yam, Sore Lips, Pimples, he., Swelling of the Limbs, Sere., Rheumatism, Piles, Cold Feet, Croup, Swelled Or Bro ken Breast, Tooth Ache, Ague in the Face, ho. Prom the Reading Eagle. There wee never, perhaps, _a Medicine brought be fore We public, that has in 1. short a time won sech repUtaLiOn hleAlliater's Aibileahog or World Almost every per that bits made trial of it speaks warmly in its prni.e. One hail been cured by it of the most painful rheumatism, •nother of the piles, bit Ihrd troublesome a swelling in the limbs, /re. If it does not give Mime. re tie, in every ease, It eon do no injury, being applied outwardly. • Al another evidence of the wonderful healing w er pew rrrrr by this .vice, we subjoin the follow po tog ertif...., from • respectable citizen of hlsidenereek township, in this ertunty: Maidencreek, Perk. no., March 2n, 1947. Miwitra. Ritter A Cei—l denier to inform you trier I was entirely eared of a severe 1.130 the h. , ks bY the a., of MeAllister's Sabre, which I pur chased from yno. I suffered with it for about tat years, and at night was unable to sleep. During that time I tried •6/1001 remedies, which were prescribed for me by physic tns end other per...without receiving any rebel, and s at lot made mat of this Sarre, with a re suit favorable t eynnd expectation. lam now emir, alndfr eew e fr e o t m W tehee ai l n h. a a v n e d a r ls o o w ue a d t th n e i g ;W y a e , i ea e c e e f . or ' tooth ache and other complaints, wait wrillar happy results. Your friend, John JAMEri SIeALLIBTbiR, - Sole Proprietor of we alwve rne•tieine. Principal ()Mee, No 23 None Toad PENCE. 915 CENTS PER BOX nouns ra Przusmaan.-1 1 A. Fatincstock corner of Wood* and First .u' Wm. Jackson. No. um Liberty street: L. Wilcox. Jr.., corner of Market insect and the Diamond, also corner of Fourth and Smitlifondstreetr, J. 11. Cmsel, corner of Walnut and ryn. atter., Fifth Ward; and sold at the Ikeukstore In St i u Allegheny Citysame 3d door from Second. 1 , 7 IL P.Sclisearta and J.Dovg laa• UY I. u. smith, Dreggion,Binningtuna; D. Negley, Fast Liberty; 11. Sowlmd, McKeesport; I. Alexander & Son hlonong‘bela cm; N. B. Batsman & Co, and Brom...tile; John Beckley, Deaver, Pei John NS alter, Jr.. Elizabeth; Dembright & itgoehahllntidl3. M.S SOALTIS-40 bits on band and tar dal - n . 14 Esuits ;A/3 . Olg itectil:47;4,Pß 1111:Se,k,l,LANEOUS Vniuultic und ”I,IS.Ve Vrrr PG.Cr (0 .iCt ota fn v orable tern.. • frith: WM:A.SD a V tridlllri rortIPANY Pre I now preparra t o ha r e the tier Power et the Grand Rapids, to mnt f ufftetent to propel font bewared pairs of I= I I stone. The in ors l TOelg Ibunwison. hod 11", tan CO,IVr• only sorbed on both spies of the rider. The reok;'esoV'y' ITrn i i : Ofl vc rti . tt s it w e a p l rd ' r. ' l the NNlTe b" le . r 7 , Iron ore and coal, in the reatest ohne danre, and of superlor . 2 , 4 ; trY , tan be easily procured qtr.:men the 7.;:n hundred dollars per ennum for a pow , satfictent top iopel a tingle It, taird,um sued radi stones fora Ferro. oT ti•tren I rAra. tetth the . * got Cl antes' on ther e rrahon t.te .hatte. a' a r Val“atlOn of Or pdwr rrniddyed, Thp •tte of the included without farther char g e r fi n -o il at h O t r he ' L'o n te ' p ' art "r y7 Order of the Directors. /.11NhIR T President of the Wl. \. Co. , ‘lNc.orxra. la., May It, (e. 50 old'4.l:fl,lm JUhUff HAVEL'S MEDICATED NYMPEI'VOAP. t/ . —The so in of triat,y persons is dlsagureglawgith •licht eruptions, go pimples, morphew. &t. , and When Cite la merely • d,setve of the skin. os it is t ntuety nine oxso. out of every b•ndred, i• very enaily re. moved. Jules Itoners Nymph lavalt capreaaty adapted to diimases of the as tn. as it arts cluertly upon the mon, pure a which rover ita surface. cleanoing them front unpurggiea. end by it. bel•smir properties he•thig end erselge•tina, all eropttons, and render' the dur•est and roughest skin soft, fair, and bay ruing Peraonig who boor horn in the 'OO , O M, using ordi. nary soap. will ho a...melted at ti e beautiful egret produced by the Nymph Snap, IntparOng It del.:ate bloo n, preventing the neva, Ilter. or lia,d g from chap ping, allaying all liri.UOU, and removing all eaten , our creations. It posarszes on exquisite nerfurne, tied is entirely devoid of all alkaline propertires, rendering it th , only article which can be used with safety and comfort in the nurse fa ry. A those whore ces or neck. are diefigurod with romplea. MOW., tan, morphew..kc should make tom' of Jute, nuel's Nymph Soap, lie the prortietnr positively gra•urra them. that it a use, will render the most discolored skin • hige, the roughest skin smooth. and the moot eascr.g . - ed skin liertlt4Y, pure, 41d Ltoorn. . • tue Jules Marl's Nymph ;sotto is th• only article which ardi ell , rtually produce tar ••I.o•e rfl , ctn no .hort unto, and wen I.oIIC which at the saute time powerful end en:irely harmless. Prepared only t. , 7 IllLEzt II AUF.L, Perfumer and Chemist, 1 . 20 Chestnut street, Phila. For sale wholesale end retell by 11 A F•hArsiod[ & Co., and 11. F. Pittnburell, end John Sle- E.e.E.11l VCOND lIAND PIANOS. 6001) MuhogAny Frw, °coon, $lOO 00 A handann, opneht Piton, with 80...w00l nventure. 6 octave,. and in good' order • • 1.. A piton Si octave l`tano• •• • ............. —•-• 45 Irl goo! 6 oel4l, Plunn• • .. ........ 1 w oe" .5! octave Po,o. hanarorne fo•nl JOHN It HEI.J.OII r ma.tie IN Ight Light UPETICI , FIN4ia Wnstlen Meta ani,itte e v0n:144,4a, t,tr. y ecanalmact the and ato •t•pta kaaa.l.tta ot , roati itoata Ottr te,'e tpou, jI. ro , to .elantt , V• 1.1 !het Ilnarr. Or WI, lan) ft 1,01 ul ti;na. act ore ma to 1, adtlitios.a , ytalltlty of I. itecotactl an.l ty: %a, Or 2011\ P Vo,lttiAN anzam JUST RE'FIVED, et the Pkti,horgh rnmity Geo- CeTy and Tea. W. rt 5 ease. Frr.h lloy , er, to tin eat, 5 do Plekird do, nu q, is•, ~6oa to prat The n'.eree Yrer. 'd t . o r ^P no•hmhiy ennert..tentell roup,•orlosrd •ealed corn mod (top much louget than too, put Lln in thr orthr,i Pat' For sale. reholen,ienfini. WI, reA MOCLVB6 m. 1.4 Client American Mechanical NIC or a. TA A CVLEIIIN A t f).. Neer York Ite•- IC. of r,,hilrc,o , tott•te, pro, Mo d rt ty t. m r cach. MTV/NMI% tf M2 , 1 , 111e, Mr 4 nor. Vl " o r tY ' ttt n ; of ,rd by Ohre,. Mr,. eLtr . ; ot tt‘tec :co 01er. to,' ettll tom). two themand paf. el, rid cpyhrtitt of iti n0t , ,41 tthttz. um, It vet. ptmem wont tor Or., cotgi ott)e t:ro oons of the ohm on, rimt not. Itotc• tor Ittoted 0-tatm. lotterentic..t of th. o r, eebtnty enrir:o trttm't t.r.0)0) or. Memo), hot 1), or mod hor or, tor, wne iCo Iltat tit mtefel c ena thonne.t . ttotinte wont) oi lotto Nonni:ea. utticante• eon totter ohs. mums[ mettored. nett tor isle by the It rnol± 7 0 Apollo Dullv roan!) et_ - - - NEW STOCIL OA PIANOS. 4 - e r 4 „, Ft rr..o . k,.A.-.,...:..„-... ,: t., 1........._ E,:z4.,,,,t, -4- CHICKERING,S PIANOS. John U. Mellor, bl Wood Sired. Pittsburgh, Male AC'"t in Wentecn Pene•ylvan.a. for the •ae of V1414-K,.111,41: §,F• ,It 3 i 1 Fit Grand and Square Plano Fortes, , Btho. be Oa. none thso..t... No, se, rf,•l•/ 1114 •Koo.e for We..twr g Ihr and roost .le•ltalike otork of P 40 • ~ r no. red non we to the law —among the 1111,,, he :nowt tali set ply of hterret.t carved ii.....eneoonl "rend Plano Fero,. wlth nll the recent sethrovevenoln .11 thees.a...•th rtyle of extensor. Splenitolle earvethßtmeorood seven Trete' , Sloane Putsun Forte, bnvilved tfl the .14 Loule XIV. st,lt• With a tar, atoea of Ili the nallour atele. of Pla no For.. Tenth, 4n pm,. ithrn Iltrrn to la-tal al.d 61. 0 . peenarro by alf tn.tete.sre 1a rue prerrnl :". a:11.1 g , ll c .Pits ender coed he-, .:; mo ;,P°: P w,', ,ue ,r uct.o.: nna Con, bu,oc.t. r Fkl.n tor wat:onx w 0.,..! a a rot.ll a.r. -..(the Lbera. yairo,vc r::.,...•. On tar t.,. JOIIN D. DeVid, Aptai 90.L.1.50. P. PI. DAVIS, (SUCCESStaI Ttl JoIIN D. DAVI9.) AUCTIONGIN AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, COVI. Of WO6l , •No Vrtlt A - rumtit. 1,(7 11,!. ott top - rn. term, ot Fweige t Docr.,Ele It• tr., 11,1 tm, , , by exp• tktltt ut,ntioll to !tonnes, ror•it • nitan ,, et tt, sapport tmd p•tronngt - ttberu.iy exit culcd for iorilact bottle. April 1 -6.1 Unlace toour Patron.. BELIABtEr. PoriTAßLit BOAT LINE. rune droott, of the lotto , portorr to Phitttlotrttin, thir Into Jotnro 1/noto.t rod,: • Ithrtruotton to thc ttuttnr•o--.llltt . oft mrhto 00,-nook ottttch trtontrra CI,. woe I.thter.ts .•r.r • tt.. I,lot roretoforc •t tOrd T oe root,. so to cotthrued tooter thrt runt home act Lo, ott /r hi o f th tts. Co . Ph: rt. totott .I , IIN N tt .V The rotottottoner of t,c patrottortt tiler Gyr too ,r frr ot t,,, r 0 : ,..rtt,„:1) .tor. If it.) pct..% bete dem t oft ag•tost I,e cottrcro, they ore retturotra to p•rv”. 11, nt forth watt, tror pornrot POtotturth, Apot JOON NITA PEN, •oi , ur4h, itvtotoJt pushier. 1!E=11=1 • WIIOJ.F. , ALE DRCI,III , TA, rororr 01 Find nbd otyd "reels, oln, for sale,on 10,0101 , Irrn.l 100 (lal. Vo. 0011 11, HlOlllOlOO, 00 do Anno; 500 do REM do Dyn Woody; cal do CT.1.10 1 01111ta 73 do I.lmindoct, dll la 0101110 (10011 2 , 1 do Vol,. Rod; P... do 1 1 .10. c; 0 do Cnrophor. 150 do nod Prr , tpitatc; 10 do Rpm/. Pronnn do Am. 70 do .IIoYY , Ontire; 21 do do Vont 10 do Ilrun•tol.e. 7101 Bunn, Inlync, 1:10001.. :no do Rinn.arlo 11001, 3 do rowers; P. do , Yrg*n. 14 ea .c. Rrt. Born, MP 1;e1,Iyo do, 23 do CnYttin Rono, 70 , 1 do' 15 do 2..1 do 7 , 10 do Mug ~eso, 90 do 1,1,41 H. 011, 1 ,0, 13 ,lal C1“00, tjf• a ,t, 1,0 0 , ..s sdo do (Iy. do . do I, A SJo Ann Vrronflool. no do do Vow 50 renm• nond roper; lon do do .1 cop, 25 1/or• Aulool, do Al CY) cunt. 25 on.r• Bor., 7.0 Stun.. 7J... 73.00 So l pll. Nincpo.n. ;Id II" , MY, MA Capt. A yn.y. Von do TnnlY , ; l,l, ; PAO do 11. , Poinld..l lo do (Fn. , :Y. rev. ..7.Y01 do hob R 1,1/ do 11 0110 r I . nc , . 15. do 1 u.. , y (.lul or, 75 do en.1../..n 1 ; 1200 do 17nr tnn r, 1. do HY WO do Tarnnnr Annl, 011 410 1110 11'01 (.10; do lyianYthe - IaIGTR.OL 5.1 1 73. OR ROCK OIL. oThere no. more tienve , , nett ennui Than ore dreampt of ih ptlo.ou,lll, ?VIM V11111'1,13 or 0.1.1 e 'erne:ly. and j the reir.tont a. .ite. proprietor, has i1111,,111,L511 in have It VIII up in I , ottles Mill la bel + and iltreestoi. (or the benefit of the puinte. The ri:CIMLIA'SI is procured 1 . ,1/11 u well In thia count), at a depth ref four hundred feet. i• a pure una dulterated er Nat e . y t,e,meal r Image. but just as bow. (rein Nature , U r eat Lahruuny°. That it proper re:whine ourntter ..1 dt•eanes,. no longer n molter of uttrertnno. There are inanY than g• itt the Istvan. oniurc,wlor nowt, nnglit he GI IFl.lll,efainc, 111 oil:cuming sintering, dad re• storing the hlo.on of health and 110 , ,, to many a tut , fere , Lone before we propro.tor I it up its bottles, tt 1 , 0,1 n 'ITV/AL:on .0/ ine of 1.,•• e.r. The 001111..111 alts,y csll. for tt, and n ever. ream r,.,1.10 cur , . it ha. perform ed, to sure 11101enlIoit 111 1.• iu urc end wade apread applonnon 1111, We do not win!. in mut, n woe parade of rend, eases, •n wc aro ern•einus tor ie.he me eau soon wo rk ita way in rot of rho., who ruder mid wish to be healed. Kilo, we de not ,mtr: her it universal any:Le:mon in every dlarare, an, tingly nay, Mat 111 n nultitler of Chronic I,,seaoet it is enriVelled. Ansong these may be enputerated —all diseases of the mucous tissuet, such aa CHRONIC LIRONCIIITI:A, NSUNI rrtuN iln a. early etagn,) Anthma, and all dimen.tes 01 the air passage., LIVER COAIPLAINT, OVSPEPt 4 I.I, Dmrticeu. Ihnenses of the Bladder and Ridnera: Palen in the back or , Side, Nervous Diteruca,Neuralgot, Puisy,ll.hcomatie Paine, Gear, Erysipelaa, Totter, Ring-worms, B urnt , sot w g, rid Sores, Ile., to. In ea.. of dehility re to l l ing tram exposure:or long and protracted ease. of diseare, itsis medicine will bring relicf. Ii will ant aa a gene rot TOMO and ALTERATIVE In cool, cages, ion ," old energy l 0 the whole (10100. tomb.. 01.44,441,11441,41, 01,1,1'111g the sluggish fancuons,which raw, and a br,•tell cousutuhon, and givtrig Liteand renewed energy to all the OM.. or YII. Lite , The prom-rotor known of several mire. of that resod. d every other Ventmem, get well ander We ase of r lire • short time. Tee proot etven to any person who desires It. Nr ar I,lallllr WE signature of the proprtator. tl(e 1t4, 4 e4444. 6. AL KIER, Canal harm near Seventh at. A E SELLERS, S7 Wood at; n,i—ht,NSEll bi'DOWELL, eo-ner st stud Virgin alley; who are his .egularly appointed Agents IiVISPRATT'S PATENT SODA ABB ==:=l . . iII:IISCRILIPtHrt. it sell filarprott , beatT quality and bleb teat film and Matt Nat..' warranted superior any other brand, t ri to br. thevillainy of tons or apse ant ofor cantor, Or approved Notes, at four mouths, or 31 for a less into- Ow. W & M NITctiF.LTILEI , , idboty 1111NSPOKTATION LI iSSUair2SM 1850 ERIE & MEADVILLE LINE. of t,t. Laue C• 111 leave regularly, and de l) ”se.• fry, I,t• without rennohipluent. t• B,DWELL, Pataborgt, 1, ME , do. }Agents LL BIDWE & BROTHER, Roeheger, iL 1850 azafilm lIIDWICLL'iI SANDY AND BEAVER LINE. From .I'rtt.tbor,/t to C n ambnx and Cleveland, h ran -h the rich and pa prdoLL• mantle, of Colton , Carroll. Ntork, Totearateas, Caßlserlon Illosi,ng - nui, 1,14.4 and Franklin. . The rotunlenou of the Sandy and Beaver Canal uncut or to our city through thls great narural central Mute a ,Itrret Mi. 10 the stave as aa the dio.ntne, Col.llllltl of Wayne, Holmes, Knox, and Delaware. From tats reetton of Ohto, the made with Pt...burgh hag been. to n grent extent cut oil. in congeguence of the high rat, tran4portatton, which are now re• ,Ineeo In, V and 5t per cent. BOP. of thts Ilue will leave doily, and run through without tran.htputent. The Canal company have bestowed upon this hoe no interest in the unprece• dented advabtaers of their charter, and the. secured to the [toddle pennons of Ohio in ordering their goods by BIDWELL'S SANDY AND BEAVER LINE, an equal intercit in!sb.• adv.thae.. Agents: .I. C. BIDWELL, Pittsburgh; BIDWELL et CO., Glasgow. R C lin'tne, Spenen Mill, Ohio;' 11 k A Gay, Wil:tanoport,l) , George Kern!;., Elkton, 0 ; Cathie A Huffman. t:a; Hanna. Graham k Co. New Lobo., 0; Art, A N.riwlnt, Hanover.° ; Ililibets A Hoary, Al!. va. t WA- 11i , eipeaket & Fo. , ter do ; .1,,,,, fool do A Co, I I ~,, (lord; %Una, (I.; II V Bever, do C B Ho , rthal 4, .- Ca. Malvern, U; 11 K Gray, W•y flea. I.uig, 0 , K. Ilrynoida, do; Gone Teller, Magnolia 0.1 E J Llaradull &Co, Mugnol.n, 0, Warily, tarns, do; 1 Al . Forland A..f10 , Randy vide, 0, l . 1' Index, do; Vaal, bongo A Steinbanek. boltvar, ° , Willard A Shrivel. d , ; J 1 Hoffman, Alaa.olloo, 0., Coo:mina & Co, do'. John Robinson, Canal Fulton, 0 ; F,eng A 7", Canal Hover, O.; A Medbory, R0.e,.., a y; t. la Wa er, Ne wart. 0 , Fitch A 11';„:0. Coiorillous, IA L 0 Mat thewa,Cloveland, ° . artifides & Green— . do. ma)9 - - THE PENNSYLVANIA CANAL r - OPEN= &IMAGO TILMJPORTATILA LINE. Oavia 1850 O'CONNOR. ATR INS d Co., Czbal beam, Liberty b 0: v 5 Alit qt.:o d Co., 249 h 250 Market meet, elbt•tictitbra. O'CoNvostn & Co., 70 North Thosmon; Ne. Noe, L., “uoa. 11lloar.e ci. ItontOn; I, 11, II LILY (i. Nlnynvilto,• •tre K rot: Ili:, A ,C 011.11311•1• ett.cumnlti F. 5% lA, Liwtevillc, Ilr+to k I`o, Bt. 141.1.1. an.l P,dual to nod fro, Baltivierre, ]'or l, d /heron. Ilur Unine now In two order. eto IVe pp-rated to (n•n con.l• n• 00•000 nt re, boson p.oa. We • • en: Iwo+ any ,n,nrre 50010,2 polleles for or, 5..01,10, WO trT 4, al the fokua. exten.ive stock Or fluor .thlpc..,o rr rare Our luaals are all nptal ni ni epertrver., and d on ;Ina .41 , b41.1 keeping •••••1 twill:dent of K 1 rntru•trJ Innu new, end noonsan•le.l c .•••., conduCt< emd t.,,reance riarirr • Cant,. I iron . il•Etn Nlnny M.n , hall I Ttotrta. • Co'ptins Penn., !yenta 1.1 Layton, St. 1,u,, Cowrie." 4 -. .. i llrwrnrti R.t , r7 NISI) Ovum - nit Ater.. rAttrrprotor, Nu, tun Jut.... B t...rn Gen ...Mt. I ittre T. ,rgrrottNol,tutritt• Po,: AI.:1 Ho) !ITLlttstde 11.::,,,,S,titprt t It oe f 01,0 Itr Nr.rnry Iluntrr Ruteie Jo:. An; JI .4 tan ,I,lntlth.rte %r. 1.,1e^.1 Vt 1... e. a to tl.c.c ..lvat.t.r, to rove 11A it t . \ , Q:NOR. A'l KIN: 4 A. CIL, ~.t , r. , i,,,,n I.ttr., .t , Ittn.lntr.n. t lu , . A r 11.1,r1. 11.. cc. A •. C•ns ..rtre•rrnneM, , , , er litr,nea Mt rm4ta Yrr The Fox nJe oi,a 1A.,•611 l• .1., Li, \\,,eiti Traa.portantlon Comp...a), EMA 1830 - .01Pila D. LElecit a, COS LINE, DETwkr. , . vItT,yLII(.II, BALTINI ,, ttE k NEW VORIi. Dv J- , j1t42 LYS coal and Rad Road. gni! , lb: •.• at.: l;:sys of :toe Llon bats bron no In I torn ,snts ordsl. soloonno of sr, r.• 111. W Vq. t • Leer. snables es to cArty a large quautor of or. v L. s,. r b:- ..o. • nt os,esi onJ contro I td by Ins roosts n:• II k111:1 , Sati•h Th. I ot. , the , A•zr•r. TAYI.I‘II 1.11, Norib Ilkomo.rr "II WI- S' slir.t a No.ut Serf 1.1.1 CH a Co, Car,* liaon l'rr el. •!, Pat.butortt UNION LINE, • OH T1Ili: PIa:NIVA. AND 01110 CANALS. CI, l'A It Isti st Ror hr•tet. r, . crop e.. tIIN A l'Art•111:1. Aorta. • • o. •trn.tnto, Ia• ,V•tr• st, Plttstisirgh. t. lIA It LIALI.I,I. CRAW FORD ft Act, Cievelaust, Ott**. 7;:so r l"l r f;' ' - ' ll ' t ° l ' t r rilrs. : o n d CLE% I • N tt. rco, :Itr ..ntl Lakes ,Thr !:t.r• of t..••••• crr sarit3ss•-.1 cattota-t. qauo Itoots.rxitenertre oitptuns, -t• of Agent,. tO • .1: • I'lltsi•ttrttlt %rot C.rar'•• .110- • •so • ik:d t•trtsto 11, a••• R J Vesle, Ni II 'ra, tor. t% orren I Brat ton& Co. Ravenna. u; t.,Anen k Co Fraolenn. 0, • .•gttccca c, Lee A. Co. Altreo., C ..,raornon k Co. Ale•eload, toi A Go, Sodnoy,ll, et lotn A Oron. Toleao. Ict.• 8. Co, 11-tron. Nll-1, V., mm• S. Co. 711.1vraulo•, N. art ty A. [Anton. !tarn,. tVO, I.] 111, ,onto• Rao.. I.tegn, Jolt, A CA Agent. corner \Valor and Omani...ld au EZ:l=l IS3o, AND PIICIFITGAN •IN I lII'. RI V. lIXTENSIttN CANAL. 111.4,... PARKS A Pi, Pnettettcr. • • ••t t ...c..Nn; and Pl', c0rttr.,,..1 Frctch: •t d Pcs•cn,ra, arttlch th, ar , co t car, ail points an the Canal and I AO> • thillC a AND MICIII6A N. ,11 1,• Or, 0' the Rt. I .1( the Ltpe e .a. I , al the !awl., bctoar Monttagichtla ip.acclrc ftetel. 103 IN CAUGIIEV,AR.M. r.” Wats/ •p.I c.actu.itcht sta.llllshmll. p W Cann hp.,cm New Caatle, Pa, & a. Pc Ad, • kVc Slhartp., A Itu Ahatpthortt. llActa Co. N.rcenctllc; I ..ilcr.ty Ilartstown. N.. al Ihvver. Cucertuottllc; Jahn llct.t^ A. Cr. 1•Irle, J..trn 1 A 1 th IturPOn. N V mill. r F ' r• r r. 3 1 rittaborgh Port•ble float Ll•t., 4.14‘. 1850. I taa errr.lll 111.11, Phil. ‘1.F.1.1111A. nki.Timorx, YORK, ill', 0 04, A.- TAAVVE & (V 00,40., l'And.ore,ll. Istts open, pronnator, n 1 ti• Lune are It• a.ual at then old ,t anti Nlctrltsrdi•s. and etol rt.. the mcmisoon.a. err , ty ;eau. st In tuna •t und made anew n nt ersant tr•intnnent 1. ~to the roarsquent Jnlapa ai a J nprobaboitty Trinv ir," NI •od .dto- aod Produce glorp-d e•.t or we.t.end I ndlog lorwseded free of char, fur cotatnoo .r •otls I'l • kenr l rn ,ot, ihnt of the owner. .•tdol wnoog }3ll. ouo. t tnoOd n o ng ueents prompt- A ~ In BORBRIDGE, •fa ‘hirk , & rrcovv , ,R, c,tur r Prim ..,d Wrtt Airowt, Cli, lie No•th ..11e.t., P. 11. Burl I ,, oene 411.1 r, W at J r TMIII . OII & 13 , • ,ite..h at, New ark, J 13 her.WMI4M, Cn 1.1.1 . _ . BOGILITS TKANSFURTATIOI LEO, et • pet sveest I.lltdbargh kaakterp • TI , P ttring now opm, we Rye ready to Tercel/a and lora opt promptly, Protract and Pacrchantlme east mr•t. 111W11,• 1,1 OVVIVCI nil,. charged by re•pon• lar,cbard.2, bo ee oo lv,d Go, vanr.ird •1.,1 or, woßoul any char, !or for• eyar,l.nir or rode:mem, cononirrion ..tornae 1111. of lading lorevarded, altd all three.. WO. folly attended in Addre.• or •poly tae W3l HINGHAM. Canal llauo, car, I.o , erty and 11 ayoe. or. Potehatrgh. 111N011AAI.a. Nol.ll, ',lark, between 4th & 3th, .1/114, WILSON, AO , No Is 2, North lanwoud al.. /AN. BINGHAM nad a Nn 10. West erect, New York =CB Paaaaragarr aura Recalttameo 05... ILAN EDEN CO. mamma, to bring persons mafroot any pan of Er gland, Irel an d. 8, 0 0.,,d0r Wales, upon the most liberal terms, with their neon! punetunitty and attention to the went and com fort of ern mt rem. We de not Allow our pessengers be robbed by e m synedling scamps dint net the sea ports, as we take charge of them the moment they re ipoe"ter ge . m niv :i ' lo a u n t d iul " ; j o etet e u i ri r n7y D ili b o 7 fi n rt sTd d ps d .! We sty this tearlessly, as we defy one of oar pansen give to show that they were detained 481,a, by us in Liverpool, whilst thousand+ of <Ahern • ore detained months, until they could be sent In some •A anat. at • et,,lp rate, which too frakuently proved. teem coffins. we intend to perform our contracts eonorably, cost what it may, and not ant en • 1.• the ram last Hawn, with ether ollbeers,—who either performed not all, or when ti suited their convenience. Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh for any gam from It to gdimo, priyable at any of the moo/Amid Umtke In Ins land, England, Senaltuld and Wales. ,Icroliu/. RODIN/30Ni Erlopeara min! AVM. raft Fifth arm. ond eer below Weed! LIQUORS-17 6fra P!•• BlllY-01.WP•Y• as 1 pipes Ifolland Glrq 6 milts N E Roan - 1101 GOO b bla Whlitasaywasx MISCRhLANEOUS• ../. jj. MELLOR, SI Wood street, ham received tire followarig New Illy OF c i,.F ., al c ep i l t ):: , o o .l3 thz b l , ru t t t l , li n s k ho n i , t lee. I love thee. Blanche Ripen, I love thee. When other friends around Wee. The rot beneeth the h il l. Wert thou but WPC. Annie LAlllifiC—Seotela ballad. The Robin --word. by Ellen Coot, music by Stephen Thou host —minded the spun that loved thee. The onW .Abington. The Insh Mother's Lament. Old Scalene-Rowel. Ile doeth all Ming. well— Womlbury, Widow Mactiree—Russell. The cottage pi., mother—ll utchiasons. he backed caLover biEllin Waltres—lornplei. The Magic Bell. The nd cr Wedding Polka. Jenny Lim Amerie. Polk. hilly Polka. Entree American Potts. Tap Top American Polka. La Belle Baltimorean Polk. Jenny Lind Polk. TIM Origtot o f Polka.— Julien. Salutation Polka. Flirt Polka. Josephine -Polka Summit Polk. Rossingol Palk.. The Pro phet glad:alley —Nleyerbeer. Jenny Lind Quadrille. •rb c , 0. math and Daisy Weimer—Dm Ernest. The Sori. Sooner Boy—venations by Ceemy. Monument from Ilomc . Wrecker's Daughter. quickstep. I.outAvdie )Inch and Quickstep. Wood Up, Quick step. IYI AREHOHSE, In Street. CARPET W 616 76, Fell W. hiT„';!,NTr. Trimsul cc., ccupnclo Ei ” tra Svcr Kora .w coasts...l reeeivlse hi. CARPET OIL CLOTHS. r In part the following, et= Velvet Pile Carpets, 5 .r. f, Iku. Aerial 3 , ply nn TruSidi end Amerie Exi e ra Superfine lm Superftne Exfts,s . t;xrpatenlClLemli. Roped Ingraln Cars, Elstra fate Hula' RoperfLe do do Rugs; Flo. ft Tued FluEol Conant:ln, al/ wool, " I cotton 14,1 and I Tap Nen C. 1-4,1 and I Twill'd Carp. mud .1.4 plain C.. List and Rag Cazocts, ,-4 Fruited Cotton Carpel.' Coalman Fxlra Willem Cannon Jo I=9 I,, fted G-4, 4-4. 4-4 444 Oil itsns, 6-4 6-4, 4-4, anti I !Hafting: le (nen patent Ott Cloths for mins. • Eliza printed ptano corer : tattle flabossed Plaan Table Printed woolen Embossed Stand Linen and wostat d " Damask Star Linen; Turkey Red Chintzes; Calmest Bordering; English 011 Cloth Table Coversi Brown Linen crumb cloths Woolen Brass Stair Rods; Sint, Droggett, Carpet Blndtngs' late and Coen birds; Abeam and Skeleton Malt; / 4 and 4-I Green Oil Cloth for Blindni Diaper, . Cosrn T1L13.1311.4. Bloc and 1)soli Clot Crimson Pia Coach Oil Cloths; namaillis for Linings; Wmornd Norma fl Ilnikad tot WElbadea; Tretb4parend Frencl, 44.4 p. n Voneuan Mod.; Ilannua for Flaga4 7.4 and 0 4 Ta 4 / 4 4 Una.; R114113t1 Crapa4 Scowl. Diaperai laroarn Lanen Napktna; German WI ClOtil Table Covarai AIMS, On. Chem from the most approved Eng- Ilab and Anieneatt monalnetarers fr om 12 21 fret In vent°, wnteh Will be eat to ftt rooms, balls, and ot any nr shape. The uodrrytnrd havtng Imported dune[ from Eng land, tn. Velvet Pile and Tapestry CA TIM S. These Carpets, arnica are of the la est and most elegant *lves era patterns. and of the tenet gottreno° ..etd Cr proers as love as they can be purchased for a any of We eastern cams. Navin! the largest assortment of the Helmet and most I ushionable IJRUSSELS. IMPERIAL THREE PLY and INGRAIN CARPETS what fair surges... quelitg and cheapness of grit., any assortment ever before bro4ali, loth.; coy. He also 'writes etrainhoef Menawl Coact, Manufacturers to large and well selected assortment of TR ISIMINGS, and other articles neees•ary their busirss. The uoJeis,gued to also agent for the only Stair Rod Mauut.trzory It, Phitaltelph:a, and is prepared to 'ell loa-rr 11,,, eau be gurenued elsewhere to 11 , 10 rue, melt, wll. APCI.INT",:g. 1 a.l• Geed. l I CLEAR THE TRACE' - - • Syrtn, .14 Summa Dry Goods fur 1S:10 ILLI AZ L. ILUSISZLL. ,• ~ tVehl.... and Retell Dealer in firM , kh, • —'; F/C1,:l. and Ant. titan DRY I:ol,Dzi, Slarlet re . hetWeeh Third and , ournth .e eh of i 6 oe - - I: I:ne Ittex, has just commenred reer,lnr a. 0 eprhitm one of the most net, •plendid, and eIIe,, ,, ,CItUWILe of :3pttne and ttummer Dry Loads •er et f.. 1 !Or •ale In the Webtern country. Alt of these I , dtw rt , ..d twods are fresh opened, and rrretved ,to .0 1 from Frey., and FAe ,, nd,••. •ao , rs. , .. , nrn•• iwPdt:ed direct from Ile Its, nt: e•a.. h,rae bed. end w•traniet the rare article; Mel, beret ore .4, 'tearaorted by the entweritwr, and •te eti pcie ehl \ .1,1, anted Alan. Inch ldnen Darnu.k Tat, t tom, the •cry neat matiwreclure, and Irian Linen Good. el Al kinds, imported direct front Lle:la by the •utweriber, and will be found the real Fam-g Laub, rw vsyle rh Turk Satins, all colors,ic Rkodld e., 1..t0k Satin, Ith prmes, rich goods, k •, all colors, law Laports.sotc Frenrh brA .poncd,plavl War' . irt.urer. errFronrii siearner rt , new ile pan., 11: re t er c . g0.r,:.• Also, • ,operl. and Orr, ac l a ileurrels Lace, for trimming Indite r, Tr" oods. plain H lack arem. in all color.. low .evenb.. KRood.;b lilt Fringe. ail non.. and pliers, eery Primp; Irene!. [Awn, new per !art French eitaMer, plain black bra Ire /Fume. 1..‘ lustre, superb guods, black healwrl (rm. lie Inane Ilrorade, rt., roods, Fres. b and b nalrrb C•shineres. neer .1) es. `nary.. splendid be ore, s erauls lee b• 11 tlre-aes, rich embroidered ... Mall. te.r ...rm...., area er, Swots Fdalnit sod ~.s.rut., ton Pr,: in.pnrlord, Silt 11..des In all entries •../..,./1141por ir, plam and saun sirip`d back llnrear., al priers; prlined Lawn*, new styles. iron. to eet +. T• 1,1; Ilarege de Lain., a new anmle Inc an'-•e•. Alec. • larke and superb idneir ail new 'lle 'prink Bonnet Ribbon., tb< vary beat lm poned st arse. SHAWL.P. SHAWLS , Canton crape ~nwls.t ,t, ors , Gest, from the Cu.. . line., ark Sat:. glossal. splendid goods, tr. all romr•. last sae or; besuulul rhar.gesble • lac, 1,1.1 IrtleOrtello4l. hne •01broidcred °raise Glarat of COsastaroptloas C•nion Craps shawl•. superb coals; green embroider- I Ilastit-roa, January a. $4 l . el Can, n Crape Shawls, splendid Laplu'• j 'Gotten—Dear S,r: The great benefit which I Trench made I 1111,rooirred Ttnbet hoest importation., ' hued erived from 10111 Ektract of Yellow Dock ane Ports pistoled Coshinere Sh•wls. ell price, and gash- ) r‘nr‘aßar , lie , indeme• me, ac Lot of Dradcos to mash. the (olluwnn3 statement: .sd.c• aumosor Cr all Scarfs in great ea ! nett. Trench worked Capes, Calla.. and Gas, • large , Aner wasting for two year. from general debility sawor.samfd. which finally terminated in corounaption. I was el Yell A Large Stook of up by my friends and phyaimans u l.eyoud the and 01 Di • ale. l elOO. As a last resort, I was ‘ , 7 `o: , n'.Gorn 5,, Ie per ) 0 . 0 "tr... mid Itno'nghat s. sir lonic,„ l err ,. to your dare Lens, I c am re,s nom to tt.), rents per )ard, , , •trs l' , wer.u. " , ~,,, • ~, cc,' per y.lelL h 1 t a d di l• 1 t.u , sdes iu q••lorlrnreo nt Sommer Cloths. Also, Cos. hl WAITE s,rures,• Teeds. and lichtueky Jenne, renn ) nn r" op a l i ba rge lniattre bottle., pe eve. dark Cabe°, colored, from ato 121 len. "'" ). "" g " 5 „. ". ,"' ll ' 55 ' " ) "T"P o l '" 5 " r „ ed. peer , ries , r r e „, v er er e p een , e b eer in toe g wit, the signature o r nett on :lie outside wrapper. Price SI per bottle, or ly low. A,so. Ilou•ek repine Goods and ~eoods of all ktuds, very •If I. .ffiVs (0, ” R e c rer ,„ . r e ,. re re, per It is se,d or J. 11 Park, corner of Fourth and Wal• s.d. Imp... a :arre stock of Cheek and Slairuag nut streets, Ctnemnati, Gem-ral Agent for the 5104 , 0 A ;To, Co l on en d gee , Smith and We st, to whom all orders mod be address. ties, Cl ;ow pnr,, Tell., and yellow Flannels, ". very hearhed and unble•ched Drilltega, fell 1 800 „Erie. W. P. Jodson CO., Water• as...einrornt. 51. ericA 160 M ir 'mock Cal:core, ea. foot HI n Clemons, Grossampille; Abel Terrell, trense y b.sek r 1.. u ,, bleirened Table Diapers, all Montrose. Mar, Towanda., Rohm Boy, 55 ri,s. Itirdo eye re ep „ T p „, e en d eee e r ,, boro, L. HoJerir Ceiielimileeei L. Wile...lJ , Po.- „ ry ,„Lor„, burgh. cor.ier of Martel street cud the Diamond. r heap', aloe ever, a ha, • LlOrlaps. from Ilk eta all LdAwlYtiT per yard. et I arp. strwk of Cotton Table Diapers. Manners' Shun,— A 1,1,1 assortment. very cheap. PA ILASOLS: PAILAtOJLti: The largest and roost spleiond stock of Forum!. ever opened h) any our Itot.e in Pittsburgh, lets day rec...ed, and are oil n me newerstEreueli styles, which. 1,,r richtie•• ami aoty. cannot be surpassed. A. we Ws: , a .erite lot of 11,0 Te Paraeols, they will he -old re. aver than only 01:100 000.1 to VIC city eel l at ford 10 , 110 oenie itualay of goods. The 1.1.1:05 err resimettudy tn•ited to examine these Patee^... n• will Lod mom of the riche. and C4west styles ever imported from Europe Those ,rank are all of the richest and moat fashionable ••cil are worthy of the numition ladms. All .1 th• almse goods wall he sold off at prices tar below any house in the rill, and in order toprove this foe, tile public will please call and price these goods, •ad compere them with •ny other house in the mir, and be convinced of the above susertion. T ~.bomber would here say to Ma namerelas osts lotu,r4 u. 111.0 9,111,0 .3 general, that Caere are two r 1... e hive *tyres in market street, pr , tending to cope won Ili< Hee which Is alone the only celehrh: , .d : lar famed Dry Goods establoMment in Pittshurgh. The •tibsenber would therefore soy to all nurch..e. -of Dry trod., either wholesale or retail, Mat 11,.. Dig Dec bre, on Market sire., between Third and Fosoil. I. now opening the largest, mite., and most sp.elltild .lace ot spring and summer Dry Goods Ceti .lured for sole in Pittsburgh DONSI7II3! Wt./NETS! Yoe SM. , . run Itika—The largeat and most Tallinn. able 'dock of Honorl, ever opened In this city, is past seed at the sign of the Big Ilea lime. on Markel street, between Third and Fourth sheen, where Dry ()mats of every descriptionare selling ehraper than any oilier house in the etiy. the psi sic will please ate nolier th a t there .re two other bee htve store. on Marini str-et, who pr rid to compete with the Dig Iltve, between Toad and Fourth streets, where 11.0 pont,. er, find.. ell tlillell.the largest and nearest styles 1.1 Dry Goods, fresh opened. I,r. se lase now, that the Store is tiftween TI. rd rind Foust) , streets, Gan of the 1110 FIEF: HIVE. Illy 0.0,015 oi ern' description are set dog 1.0.r.a man any other house in die city. WILLIAM L. RUSSELL. Dre•• Cioadc A A MACON A CO. GO Market 1.1,rt. beteece !l a '1 Ertl nod Fourth, ere now 1 . ..ce11/tog n large a aor VareseGe Leto, Po ',art Clothe. e ..• re article; Valle, I. Crape Ikhe; wit a I art,e naaortmeol of Law.. •ntl other Gm.. Good of the latest my Ito awl most (aeloottable colors. bays prone Rio aO; - 1.1. ,, i;, k_./CAL•IOL,n-40 Ir Is mou,d, dipped, and sperm; s itr-am and English Dairy; t', do: Hemp and Manilla; CAssis-50 Matta; CLoviot-k barrel; as--50 51 Common and ballSpardsb; I io.• -23 lorlaitiol half brig hluckereland Salmon; t, m. -50 bas nsitorted sizes; I I•sts-1200 Prune Venison; I IWO slant Cured, Inman-100 lbs S F and ItlanIlls,• I , t• -lb dos inri .ons Black and Copying; 1,1,,,, ,, 5, hi+, N origang; " 15 ball brls Sugar Ilona.; Ili • rs an- .20 dna so•oried canasta.; oresaißo-50 lb. lultvn; do 441:11..1.1-4.1... N IA -00 key., n•sorted, 1 . ... i..-5 dot at, nolorted; 3nl kti•,ll[ is VC l's,o • 50 tram, At/torn-0, Ili., -tat so4 P.- :JO las Rosin and Caot 6•11 -10 Wide N Orleans and l ack; T.-10 packages Green and Black; Tons.rco-Wlbvill, 5, &I IL 'snip; Itguaus-foli doz.p•tent Zink; F., sale by J lIkCO snrlS Corner of Filth and Wood Cl. WANT/RD. 171111.5! FURS! FURS !-The subscribers moll pay F (or Coon, Mink. Musk Rat, Dray and Red Fog, and all kinds of shipping Furs, IkeO highest eaatern CO, P"c ;e%2o corner Pin and Wood sag, • Paper IlanoFlop , SPRIr4G set,EcTioN.—w“; be received, first canal ehipmen., a new and chotee user:merit of Wall Paper, of th e latest French swd Eastern vtlielf, in gold, chamois, oak, plain and high colors. W. 1.. MARStirldeL, S. C. COO win 85 Wood street DISSOLUTION. SS Co-partnentup heretofore existing between 8. T B. Iturhfield and John PlcHill, under the firm of B. Dr Ilerhfield & Co., IP lAN day direolved by mutual eonee, The banners of the old firm will he Wiled by S. H. Berhfield, at the old stand, N 0 . 2 2 20 Ldbeoy street, l'amburgh.Sß March 10E30. JOHN bleGiLlr. B. B. EiIIEHIFIELD and GEORGE RICHARD will continue the Wholesale had Retail Dry Goods arid Grocery l:mints*, at We old wand, No. titt Liberty st, ender the firm of S. IL DLIEHIFIELD & CO. March I, la3o.—Darlil I RAVE thie clay ueoctated4wlth me, m the Whole '. 001, Grocery, Commission, and Forwarding bowl, otos, toy two Bons, R. N. and W. B. Waterman. Tba idwinees In totem will be =Anew! under the style of Z.& Waterman & Bono, al rho old sum, No;1 1.11 • , :a71.. 03 tar and Fwat gloom 0, WA ra1004 1 4 04 1 14 101. 146 MEDICAL. elr James llv rs Field 3105. 5 ".. DREPARED tinder the immedia.e care of the In. ventor, and establiCied for upwards of thirty yenrs. Tots elegant preparation la recommended in all eases Of bile, acidities, indigestion, gout, and gravel, as the most safe , cosy. and effectual form in which ° M ull e t ' to ' be le c e v e t:i n d il. e p de' ss d ce ‘l az e ng ee all ' tre e pro 'n p ' er h tle e s h of aI the Me " e'''' het ' gette ruin serwi being liable like it, to form dangeroas concretions in the bowels, tt effectually cures heartburn without inJoeieg th e coats of the stinnann, rw sods, potass, sad their car bonates are lino.,to do; ii protests the f eed st It fuss turning sour; oil c.c.s it onto as a pica...a aperient. and is peeu rawly adopted to females. Si, Humphrey Davy testified that this solution forma soluble roinbinauons withuric acid colts In cues of gout sod gravel, therhy counteracting their tendency, when other alhalles, and torn hlngtteete Itself, hod failed. From air Philip Crompton, Bart., Surgeon General to the Army in Irlon. "Do, Sir—There can he no doubt Mat Magnesia may hr adminitte red mote safely in the form of • con centrated solution than in substance,• for this, and many other reaeone, I am or opinion that the Fluid Magnesia is le very valuable addition to oar Materia Midi a. PHILIP CRAMPTON." Sir domes Clic lie, Sir A. Cooper, Dr Bright...l Messrs Guthrie and Ilerberr latret, of London, strong. ly rteaminend Igurray'• Fluid Meanest, as being rat" finitely more sale and ion end i ng lhart the sold, and free from the danger attending the constant use of soda or nom,. For sale by the importer's and proprietor's agents, D A FAIINFSTOCK re CO Cor. of Wood& Front sts. GREAT IMPORTANT CHEMICAL, DIROVERT CHEMICAL COMBINATION From the Vegetable :Kingdons, Id repel Disesses Dr. Durso:KV. Nurser of Tallow Dock and Coact. consulopoon, scrofula, eryorptles, rhottmartam, Rout, liver complatuts, soma/ affections, ulcers, sy• phili., dropry..astiona, piles, scurvey, affections of the bladder and loducTs• rnercurial diteosea, cor rupt humors, lushof blood the bead, fever and •gue, female complaint, revery] debility, dyrpep. a, lows of oppente, headache. cold, costiveuesa, gravel. night sweats, choliq °rano. alleeuut., palpttation of the heart, bales, pouts In the s,dc, cheat, bock, Sec. It is infallible in all' diseases arising front on ire pa re state of the blood, or irregular action of the ay.- .. In the Vegetable Kingdom, one Ali arise Being ha deporited plants end herbs congenial moor constor none, end adapted to be cure of disease; and Co tha the kingdom does the re.on of roan, as well • the It mil net of am Ms, Iran for antidotes to pain. • • • • • The Syrup is a reientrfic compound of the meet vat osl in P;onta In nntore, entirely free from deleierioea and eneroating mineral subatances, and a it egpeti disease iron the system, Imparteergor and strenglna acorresponding,degree. An extraordinary ease of Scrofula, Erysipelas and V errs, mneed' by thr sole use of Dr. Guysott'• Coe omitd riytop, Yellow Doek and Sarsaparilla Itsootills, Nov. 17, ISIS Do. Gus...ln . —Sir I tender my sincere thank. lot the stem l . ,eneflt 1 bane derived from the me of your ~ rue. I have been troubled very bed Ott sernOulaus sore. which made its appearance on m chin. 1 did not pay much mteribm to It at first. map ouslng ,t to be nothing but an erupt.. Mat appear n In an far a It finally began to Increase, unttl spread to th , ...It part of the head. I applied ma pnysician, who attended me all to no perms, I had Died every t a that mold be toed. 1 saw your Syr. op of Yellow Dock ;and Sarsaparilla s and concluded to sae it, Mr I knew that Yellow Dock was one of Ms most valuable rticles in the world for the blood 1 bnagPtyour Syrup, end from am use ofme bottle. I could nee. rent change In my system. I cantina ed to me it until I was a well man. I now feel It) e • near person; toy blood is pet/m.oy cleansed and tree from all m m oo ri.. There I. nut • mesuon ho tha your newly d:senaerrl comp.und is far sups, nor t any .reaparll , n qyluir ever sold, 'no crrificatr at your d.pnsal publm k yoo like, and my one ym may refer to me. 1 shall be hap. py mac them all the information I tais about nay crow, Ix. I remuu your obedient serf ant, Liam. G. :maws, 113 Market street. The bent (nnale medicine t :man. The Extract 01 lel cc and t.iamaperilla Is a puvalve t opeedy, and permanent cure for lll , eotnptainmnimdent to FILItAL4. 111 told, altm[aVve nropern. render It peculiarly oppile•Mc to the elender and dells ate eorivututton of the Mroale. muurtealled edema upon each .Itveam• ea incipient earivartiptlf.r., burrennev , ., len corrtwe, cr irregular nictstruation. nence ulurgencral pn.tratan of the av stern. It imal e4L11,,,y riuteTIICI• that nervous nev. and Invaitude ill ,o common to the Mota:e Larne, ved imPrtr u an en e rgy •nd buoyancy a. surprotng at lacy - am grateful. %Er have evulence on file ' , bleb intlnee• otr .ngly to recommend Ilnemedicine to nturr.od people who Lore cat betel bleased me velth 11111,0 g. esoLarsee Uram, or Falling or the Womb, of fiva par,' otantbny, cured by I,r. (thysott't F-xtrael a Yellow !lock and Sathoparilla, alter eye ry alba, known remedy had been teed without Teller. • - WA_snutoroN, Feb.. ISW Thisser.,ses that toy serf, axed sr: sears, hat been sofferina ander the above ,europlaint for fres years—nearly an nt that time confined to her Led. I hr. ve for roar years constant!) employed the hest died tea: talent conhl l.e pr. en mud. •eettoo an. cout.try, ar:thoul any honer, ...hawser I have also perehaerd !eery a t rerommended for Ms cure of ruck .1“..-ares. ell of aedell proved Worthe...... In a-a sprtne of sass ~.,:acrd hp my YOU. to try Dr Gu)sott's below Deck and Sors•part irt. wine. w ere.l for fear unrntha Aber she bad uml is ha et out tour weeks. tt veer evident to all that she was ttnproVlng, and from tan. tune she improved rap , and Meed lemt star strenathr nnnl he discs.. war tartly removed, and eta is near ma. excellent health. WM. 1111,NVo1rr. NVo beinr, neggigh.ra and Wm. Jobs Alonfor Ign.•w that tor st“,erocni. as to tr.c uckneas Mrs fd.solorg, sod •• go co. besot , clects, gssysoll'a Yellow I).k .se Yarazonnlla. lobe &incl.! tra•• JANE F.1)1)1•... Effn= SELLER S' FAMILY MEDICINE —"They are the InedC/LICIO of the day." sham Sterion, Ohio, May 25, ISO. R E tdelers-1 think itnight,lor the benefit of others, to cam 'oven Meta In relation to your excellent Fa mtly Itled.corea. I bee used your Venninage largely In nay own family. non vial frequently expelling large quantities tray leo to MN worm.) from two children. I hove alvo used )oar Liver Palla and Cough Syrup in ray ns faily, and they I arc, tit every instance, produced the effect. dewed. A. I ara engaged in merchendising, I ant able to sm., that I have vet to hoar of the beet fatlare where your medicines have been used in any seetton of the country. In role. n, I may Matt that they are the medmine• of the May, mid are detained to have a vent extenaive popularity. Yuan, reapectfully , V. II 5,N SELL. Prepared and .old by R. F.. SELLERS, io 75 Wood street, and cold by Druggists gencralty in the two ewes and vicinity le7 3.1..1,-Ith AMILI Xney air kj Medicines of the. day." • listottar's li. - 1,210”, Ohm, May Pt., 1949. R. E. Stoller.: I think it richt tor the benefit of others to mate some fars in relation to rem excellent Farm. ly Medicines. I have mad y. or Vermlfuee largely in my own tona lly. one vla.' fre.,dently anowetme for e ge quanticeo Way Ito UM) worms from two children I bare olso used your Liver rills and Cough Syrup .n my family, and they have to every instal:Cc produced the edeet do lured. As I eta ingued in merchandising, I am able to state that bare yet to hear of the fi rst failure where your 1100110 10,1 have hero oud acre seen. of the rooms, Itt conc:noino, I may mc 00 they arc Ma medicines or the dry, and ere ae.uned .0 have a very extensive popularity Your.. ro • ...001 • *.. II 1.11.i1.1- I . 3llpere4 and sold by R. l I 111. No 51 Wood overt, anoprold by Draggle • aenerally in the two 01. Iwo Pull WWII.). mitt keir.r CUILE UP by he ~,,g , n a h. on ly true, and geom.. mace 1.111. Snout t:,arree, Uhlo county, V.. blare:,de4h, ISII. Mx R. Relies. Dear Pir—l think it a duty I Owe to youand to the üblic rttere ly, to mate that I have been ad!icted with p the Liver Complaint for a long nme, and so badly that an aberca formed and broke, which leu mete e ven low shoe. Having heard of your oeebral.ol Pitts bents for sale by A R *harp, tic Went Idtterty, and rerommended . to" me hy pho Inman. Dr. E. Smith, I concluned to give the m m a fait trial. I purrhased one two. and found then, to .c idm what they err recommended, THE uKsT LI. V Ex PILL EVER USEIh and aftur tatting foot boxes boll the diocese has entirely left me, and I am now porfertty well. Respectfully yours, D COLRMAN. Weer Liberty, March "MA , I Certify that I col personally amounted with Dr o ,and ran bear testimony to the troth tit the an , se •ertificate. A II 101A1(1' The rename Utter Phi. are prepared anti sold by E 4 1.1.E101, No 67 Wood street, and by druggist. intim (op claim TO tell: laU DLit - I.—The original, only true and gets nine Liver Pill. are prepared by R E Sellers, and have As borne stamped black was upon the lid of car lax, mid his eignature on the cum& wrapper—all °the. are uounterferoi, or bale in:mations. twit, R E IELLER3, Propmeror YY J A'lo.l WS I 1-..1:111 4 ..A PER Jewell KvEn I um reed, au 00 , 007 e in toll Jewelled rnicti Ile. nor Watches, In Corr. Limn caoce, which I can anti as low thirty and thirty Are dollars, and Watn..lllol to keep goal time. Also—A oplendid amortment of JEW yles, cod ELRY, cora. pruna the o canons , soN,illl,S,tine,:ths.l TAILORS. GOODS, AT CURT. T,l ERSEY, VIAIMING & CU, having arranged to IA pre their enure attention to the . ulo or domestic Women and Cotton Goods, now oiler their large stock of Tailors' Trtenotinga, Vesting., French and German Clothe, DOCSkilla, Ceuelmere., && at first cost. 111:11SET, FLEMING b. CU ViV,Woxid .t ESTCichl, an elegant plain Rosewood 6 eel. Piano . t 3 from the celebrated manufactory of Nouns & Clark, N. Y., of Ilupenor tune,•.nd very moderate price. Per sale by It. KLEMM, dela at J. W. Wootheelts. WILLIAMEY I %FURY PEARL TOOTH POWDER removingfor removing Tamar, •n d substances destructive to the Teeth. It in iCiotts t. the Isste,eltasslng the mouth, healing sod • strengthen tng the gums, and portfylng the breath. For elle, IsLolesale and retail, by deterV SELLERS, SV Wood st_ NOTES LOST. IVOTICE Is hereby given, tn. on or about ine 2.5111 1.11 of April, the subscribers had minted to them, at wellsburg, Va., toe folio eine votes, vii.-A note drawn by 13. A. Martin, p•patlte__?oso order, dated April kin 111.';i'io"rg month., V o te ta t' , li Ga me,%7Sl /71 1 7a 1 n 7 i1 note drawn by John Wan & Co., in favor of Joan S. hlarkell, and re-endorsed by es, dated April oth, at fe arkmU, month', for SIM. Tim aboea notes were never received by as, uid this is to mention all pentane against trading for or buying the isentet ed V!Puent a them Ms boon Noppod. & W LUADAVOII - OMR M ISCELLA_NEUUB. I =ZED! Partnembto heretofore calming - between the Isubsenbers. under It, Elm of Ithrbtidge, Wit bon The business tin• day dtssolvrd by mutual conent. or tt... firm will Le settled by J.W. Itur . bridge, or ttt m, N 0 t kW, Jr ,mther of whom Is author ised to use the 11111.. of the Jr m an Imuidsoom. 1. W. BURBRIDGE, O%M. W11... , 0N, Jr., LYON, SHORE & CO. Pittsburgh, lttlY I, V O-PAIITdEU IH[P TA F.. W. Bu t /mne & Beni. F. logltrarn ha, this tf day assontated themselves under the teen at Bar acidge & a ll hien, to transact a Wholesale honer Gocery and General emotroatton llontness, in the lately rectum./ he Burin-14r, Wilson & Co, lid Water et. Yntsburgh, July I, 1950.-Iy4 CO-PAIITNERSIIIP FrHE subscribers have this day formed co-partner i ship under the firm of W P Wthion, for the ;nit rite of transacting the Wholesale Grocery and Com. potation !liminess, at No :Si Wood street. WM. WILSmN, Jr. Pittabuigh. I, FRANK. WILSON Melodeon Plano with two of floods IUST received at the Inv of the - Golden Harp, one J superior s °move Melodeon Ptuoi, with two .ens of Reeds, the latest improvement. The above is probably the finest toned instrument ever oneself for sale here, with a highls fintahed and elegant exterior, for sale be (WS?' If KLEMM , . . 1.11/UNTINti PAi 11A ems floe to . oot paper 10.424, LI, do doto 11o3!; 511 do do do 0 , 115. 11,0 'do news prinung, 1101 do do do 12134 00 do do do 2,421 120 On do d0 . ..Vx4:1 20 do Blue Envelope, 10104 211 do refloat do Awe, 50 do Manilla do 111.435, 25 do do do 2123, • . WO do assorted ' , reprint no pers, in mere, for *ale by JOHN MIiI.LOR lett) Wnnli at •- liconemy In T... TIF.CIDEDLY the cheapest and best place in Pitts. If harsh to buy 'Fes is at the Ton Market, cast ode of the Diamond. They sell Esc°gent Tea at ----ED 50 per lb Super.. Qualmes•-•—• •••• 0 75 'The very best•----- 100 " Low paced, damaged, or inferior Teas are not kept al this establohmest, therefore, whether you go your send a chili, you are sore to obthin a good article, snol if the flavor of the Tea is not Approved, they readily exchange n or return the money. jyt2 MORRIS*. HAWORTH. Prop•ielors. SUNDFUES—g 0:s exOn Cream Cheese; 10 4 W b e le do do; 5 kegs do 00; 10 his Suleratun, tun Mould Candles; . .10 tap No 1 Swett: 15 dor parent Zinc Washboard& 45 hl cheers supettor breed Tea& 40 caddy do do; 10 !ache. superior Disc& Tens; I Leo Duffield's extra Dam& For pale by J D WILLIAMS & CO .1115 Cor Wood & Felth its 11000LATE--- , 41 - Lb& es No. I Fresh Chaeolst C just received, and for ..slo bY 15'dWICK 0 MeCANDDESS GOOD BOOKS MOIL rAnkturts JoLoran—Amender , Framer's Encyclupadie, I+l.o };maroon—Tree. and Shrub', tvo Brovrn—Tree• of Americo., ever Thoroax—Amer e,n Fruit Culiurimt,lfto Iloy—A Guide le the Orchard, 12mn Haut—Family KitelLert Gardener, 12110 Miner-1 he American gee Keeper, rdrno Brown—The A[l,llolll Poeltry Yard, Ittro 111erstell—Tlie Farmer en] F:inierenee lland Book Alien—The Am.-newt Fa , ni Bonk, Ithuo Bowing—Fruit and Fruit Tree. of America, 14mo Younit—The Ilorte. 1100 Bennet—Tee Poultry Yen:. lemo For sale by JAMES I) LorxwooD e 104 Foie., American Journal of Belenc• amdart CONDUCTED by Prof: B. Sillimso, Prof. 11. and James 13 Dona, New Ilxven. Coo. ertteut. This Journal teruto every two tnontb•. In number. of the onees each, Inattne tss'o nei•ve volurnev a yenr. earn se•tll many iil.ll,lliiig.A. devoted to °runnel arnries on meievee and V , Art-. Condett‘ed Iteview• or /31/..troets of Memo... nut , Disoover,es tr..rn For•een Perlndiesls, .1 New Publiest , ons, and a 11 , i.erel ti ice ,9 ork n. The first serie• rooLnins SO volume, the Inst is a genera: index to the .19 volumes precedtig.Subscriponn. SS a year, in a ne. dvac. D LOCK W 011 u. Ae't far Proortetors, jel9 101 Fourth st Good 13ook• for Sommer Itoodlog• Brown—Turk .31 Erenins harenninmentv, 12mu. Taylor—Eldoradn, Y vot7,lvmo Kruun—European Lac nn, Manners, 2 sots, I:tha• theSens—Von.) . and Son. 2 vnle,l2tno. Macs ay—ropulvr Del u•ton., Y sole, 11uao. Marvel —Fmtla Ulesvangs, 12:no. C O. II —Norman Lcsile, 12mo. VKa•s—Enshah LAterature,l2lno. l'nor—Gold•knith , Mescellaneous Wotke, 4 vols. Mayo—Ku 0300, 1 . 2210 3..),0r V v,vs A f00t.12,n0 Ilu cottultlt —Cnola Ds, 2 rok, 12210. For •sle JA; D LOOKIVOOD je_ti 121 lrunro, r.t ltook•—(leWaral Lltorniure. rtumery Its I •.c. or.d Nlat.ufileture. 12m. ,tad,-1'1,11,..0phy of Nature. clulow—A..orl-ran and Ite3erttot:n. limo. Shaw—F:ll[ll6ll 1.1 ,r.ture. 12tor, DavLl—Lrer2olrt Man. Bryn:t —What I now tn Calirorma. I.lerre-1 . 11121 and Vaal., 2 voln. Mao. Metal—Letters to `faung men. 12oto. Iturnap—lleetitudn of Iluman Nature. la o. Vertroar—Meden: French Literaturc.. FrrlEiLle—l ' M:csophy. Newnharo—lloruan MagneUTm. liumboldt—Angert• ta Nature: Drodrrtp—Znologiml Reerearson, For sale by JAMEA II lAIcICWOOD Fnertt-nt Insiattse• Nave Ws latorte•ss I , Thileiditese GV. INE to Run ail jrntta. Dolly Oa); Dote) Jtine, Sto down to de Cotton Field; Neily was a Lad), &e. ALSO: . Be Kind to the Loved Ones at !Some; Row by boat 1104; 'rive Love, by T Hood; Our wan aurae. the seat dnetti A new ntnttey not.e, by D. Casten , : Jenny lolly. mettle uy Muller, Joys than worn crnwntng. Wedding Maretti End 1.,..• On It.trdy reitrine; St.bui .k. it Vi alt. Loneertt t a I.t.ttinite. t.y W c. tiniver t.....n It.inni. ". t. , ze . nt , rettitark•oil " C u ; Lot lin-, of, eoy votattotta i•i Herat =IIIMUISUMMECCO . • . Corn Cracker Quadnlle; Lood.ydle lduadrle; • Beaune,. of Italy: Doetta, Trio*, Ac. A large ailkortment of New hitislc on hand. to WhiCh Union. are made weekly. Fnr solo icy febdh J. fr. NIFILIAJR. t Wood tttheAp Standard Ellatoryt 71VN1E,31) 14now mitt- Jl.j. Item, by Harper & Brett In a trots cloth and paper. at to coma per vol. Throe C&11 rct.ct vet!, and tor naie uy K 1101'KINt-, apr 79 Apollo Itutldtns. roorun — New liotik a. D EPTIURN. IT irt Fttat Voyage, by Herman blellydle na:Dot of if .tory of ling Alfred of England, by Jacob Abbott; with bne e 1 gtarlll(.• Sidocto the. Sorcery.; by Wm. bisinhohl. 11ASTUN sTItCh"TON., ter Third and Markel turrets w.i.tatfe Itronts of an Ae;:" REMAINS; watt an account adman Chrieliafts of Eunlis . tr Itcyll-Witithipperic and an my ry lillo thir Manners and A, of the A 11 , tent As r cycians. Its Austi Mi.:try lAy 11. C. L. With Introdomory No, by Prof. E. Roiditson, D.l/ , LL. U. IdustCated with 13 plats and map, lid wood airs. 2 vale hvo. cloth, i 4,50. "The book has et rare amount of graphic,.pie tarue nem:nye "—Trihunc. “ es Th q e work if Layard the mow prominent contri bution to the Judy 01 antmutty, that has appeared for . . ady r :amt. Idq ot one e • els in interrat the encount of Nineveh diu NI given by Mr.Letyetrd."—WinAdngunn Intelltgener r. As we 1011. w the diggers with breathless interest in Lair carat. Lions, and suddenly Grd ourselves be lore • museiv fintre carred wan minute accuracy, now litnng gs gig:lune head from the dust of :as. years, we ark, reedy to cry out with the Anoi.ished Arabs. 'Wallah, A ts wonderful, but it is :rue' "—ln. der o n , d . ex. ,, now Id JAMES D. 1.00K1iN,V,1,1,02,ii at . . TIIE WOMEN of the Old and New Testament. KditedV, It Sprague, D. D I vol Imp lon., elegantly boiled; In exquisitely fini•dird es,ersvines; witn tlescrn q , o el mu I,y rehrated American DlergPare, POF-MS UP AM t Mrs. Welly, nI Ay ,) A new and enlarged edition: illustrated by 1,,,V1111FF,,i10111 original designs by W., I 001 sonar', ovo , elegant ly and Flit. Also—A variety of spictidal Amin all and Gift It..nits e.ewell's Chinn, First Dank of the Ilistory of Dome. vol. itnno. TIIF: NFDIIANIC'S Art6:ISTANT. adapted for the UP. of Carpenterx, , lopwrtatas , Wheeiwr , rln, Faw. ye., i.lllnLretttlell, Stildr3ll.,nd Artivana ge.,erany Icing • thorengh ur.d practical Tre.. , o on Ale oars on and the Silslllll, RU.. DJ, In Kaper, A.M. Bosoe`• 'rrerm 1. .e . on re..k Pro, t7onfor,i.n. Elei.irntury Frenen Urammur: By Pro P-ror, of Itown Enver.), I vol. Bnno. Boediger's ife.crone' I lcbrew litanunsfr, by Con. Ge.entos llenrrw i,ZICOn. Ttigoootnetry nod Locutttunto Tables. (sheep.l • -- The ratilili4nian'a Greet Caneordanee. I vel:0.1 • , •/ . Antlion's Chassienl Series. , I/ Kaisitt Webster's , ary, remard ed. 1 vol. fivo; do do unabridged. I vol Ito. Butte's N les and Quesuons on New Testament. Whotely's Lome Moshettia's Elcolemnstical Himont. 3 vols. and a ola(shell , Vestiges of Creation 1 vol. lainso. Mornings among the Jesuits at Rome. 1 vol. (cloth nd popes.) Scenes where the Tempter has Triumphed. I vol. cloth nndpaper.) Dopes Theological Lectures. I vol. tivo. (chub.) Alder'. Pronouncing Ilible. . . . . Boycr'• French th..tormary. Sm. Cs Horace. Far •air. Rli IR/PRINS, novl3 Allan, Fourth , ..rli• ON.. Tante. - . TA FVF.o D. Linn. tVi tt [look...nes and triports 0 Do. All Wood street. bah for sts, rew on, piety, (the remainder ot the eintrorYl or wort. devoted to the re, IV.IO. a. IX'. aitir . ll,. other authenuereo....“ , to ine rot/ .1 ca. 'notations, nit`' around the head of toe,Oho/. lay :myrtle EsD: Crteo q., of Pittsburgh, in vor• evo. novin J. LocKWlNtfl L IAN g;t7o ' n " S. n ' lly e" Sa o lllU th el Elliott, Esq. Illsnrated with twelve engravtilgr, exe cuted Cl Rome. 2 vols., ern., untfOrm swab Ilmacott's Historical Worts. Just published and for sale by JAMEZ D. LASCEWOOD, Bookseller and nosinlmporter, cis Wood st IT/MY ICFSDITFI — IN — ITALY: JC Dlnso. 70 cur. MRS. : FANNY KEIII:LE'S YEAR OF CONSOLATION. turps reading of W. book has Impressed as With mach higher op on of its mathor than we had formed from perusing her other writings. It insplaya it deeper tone of though; united to more pure womanly gragg of (C. 1111410.0 any other production of the femald nund ssith which we me acquainted.”—Eve. Mirror. `NI Is a very agreeable and readable book, written In Fanny Kemble's best atyle—Mld, spirited and enter ...ring. We recommend it to our reader. as the best publication of the semen."—Reading Oar. "It contains the Journal of a travel through Europe, and residence In Imlyi and is om of the plensurmar and most interesting boots of the Beasou,"--Coar. and Enquirer. "A very characteristic book. We have read It burn title page to Colophon with unabated interest_ A vi vid picture, of life in Rima in all respects eminently icadoble."—Knickerbociter. For sale by JAMES D LOCKWOCHD, . novls Bonkaellart Imposter;a3 Wood .t Small Piald Glaghasne MURPHY k. BURCHFIELD hare t an 1,1.11.1 " I " °°°° of dm , e ankle, ligb‘ and dark, of chaise colors, including some of terr..uPoriof 411101 WI W 1914 of Musa., unie.saL EXCHANGE BR9KER:S. • • IF 011.141 UN C, 111 A NC: 'DILLS no F.r.partd. Iland, sou ...,elgLand boot ht aby amount at th e re Current ISIS , of Faehan Also, Dr payable :a any part of the (lid Cowart. from'. , - 1 t • LION. at the rate 05 1.5 th the 1 Sleds without tleauetlon dtseocltt, Ly J(.I`SIIYA 110111 80+I, I:urr^eau'and General Agent, Oltie• Rho o dean ' , feat a wood. A.l-11 . 1 CiA Mr. l i : "'. . ...AMER 6 11.A1191 " ; .'s'"' Ili BA:SF:FAS AND KACITANUE ttlzol•F.RS,deAle to Fm.,:ot sad Domestic 13.11 s al 1...xer.m., Oe. tifient, .-, Depo=ite., 11,,.t Note. ?nil ,:oar.. corner , 3d and Wood stmt., Wittily op,oetta St. CLarle, Il• WYSTILUZI FUNDS— Oho,lndl.a , Ira.actv, , 11,1,11111. MO:k tilt.: hued the hmut rat., by 1101.V.F.:3 h. SuNs, =MC BILLEINI;IwIOIF2CTIAPIOII:—, cb,ot. ntilado:phm. Lod Snl,rnoro Copstan:lr for Na by N. 110L.511. & SON aepl3 tr. , Mart. MISCELLANEOUS, DIORILII,I & 11AUOICTI., RIC7II , VING DISTILLERS, and len and II Merchants, Fla, slda Of the Diamond, Ping!n art. row °ID rilt .g at thc Te in. ,t pr,ccs rot c Itectlfic , l Gitt at, i Ltryndy; French !frond),Hei aiid t.ip, inn/ 41'13 Sp 1,3 1! don I 1,41 %,I,,key. Rpm. Poit, , he ,, . Claret, Mus• null. Malaga, r rcite 3131 1.1.1101 (VII,. )V1.05,313& PRI NTIN PA I',l:—Alwayr on hand or lila. order. ma vatiour rites of Printing' l'spdr, ,Vroprn,dr Paper; Ct:mn, Medium, and Doahle ',raw Wropi.dig Fader. Crown, Medians. Double Crown Post Curer:l'artohnsed &e W M PASHA Wood snovl7 A Well for eninon JOHN WATT h CU. have removed their the Mem:m.l"de of Liberty It. NAT 0 ,. .1 . 1r d y N M .2I . E 3 D I V i 7 c .I r ;Z: work o s .J h Coanierellaroil," •`To nee. and tin!' I rot Larer Italophic.s, No IL—The preenn ily l'bosits Carlyme. CYAI-11.1•3‘.—M croon, a Life and Writineu of Chalmers, D D., L. L. A Pi-elections on It Paley", Evidences of 1:n11..1111y, and Lecture on Divlutty, villa two Intririactory Leo end lour delieered in Um New •• Edinburgh, by lhoma• LThislincrs, D. D, vul Cnbv - m—Lire of John Calvin, compiled from a. tic aourcca. and particularly (rani.. corre.pood. 4y Th om .. 11 !hat, with ponrna. I vet 11. mo. For Attic by K HOPKINS: apl7 70 Apollo Platidiags, Pour, Combs: Combs; GRINS move, It Polka; 10 tio do veri ants; V It 30 0 4 to, . " super 1:0erdI nr 01.1 lion; Readier . rocket Combs, 50u NN ood " 140. do: Ftne Ivory; 30 Side Cumb.o 10 suptt largr Irnio; %S um. ti.ed Slde C 0,1004, reed and for 101.5 • C rEAGEII. 14. Mat Buff Holland: Buff 11l Handl T A KY. I t )" , 1:1,C,.1::;;1,4;,.N.V0.,...1,1LCtt,i,:: tr and he Wntdrin 1101:an,,iosabieu ho wou.rl tea call tin. attention of rue tomers arul the p , R , nem:. o — Carpet \Vern Pomo,. 75 Fourth at_ Cal Lars. A FEW 'rut) . flue GFITAHS, just reed Ll c,tchruted mumthirtury ui C. F !Arum, t.). .no .1 II MELLOR, ‘1 Wo, Books Just Reoclosd. THE Corop:rie Vt'ttr4•,ol John !loop.; tI• IIL V01,11,1r1a1.4. 011.1111 e% '.l.ttrt.r (Pi inn.irul nud Etunttath ttchool tie v nen. wt.', I trot. Irtntor, Tt.n.rn , ttnd I.tnt of John by Wm. 11. :core, Um.. en it•lnt P by Mr. Ilrontutt: 1 yo1.12mo; znottit St•ton'A Sent preatthrd up° nr,tr.t.•,, try WO crt 11. II.; a new . vo.•, tocnading l'o•tittlottan. 0,4r0uT.,e. 1 -, onn . vol.. in . .t; entlro, Coors; Fvo. For by 1101'K o-1:21 Aronn Fo EAGLE FOUNDB.V.t )ere 111(11 11 , 11 1 1 ondrroencrl...ocer . to Anhui o • son, hest loavemliwiti the ortizen , p(P n 11 ptroor onorrtily, thot they hove rebuilt 1. 1.1..1•01iNDIll . owl arc now to full °Rent Lee lit of rrnity sof ttr 1 ,0 1r- Coot.ll, V.tovey. l'attl r 'col, r ron. Strive.. 1,111.1 . IW, veritoK to othor etrie• COl3llll Ar..o, a cheap coal Control; to•I :or tnvil n ful oiftwell end ntantol rrratoy We woul.! imp.. • tio. noorttor, of 1 ,11 1 , r , 11 11 1 1111, to en 11,111111, 111 1 to, ourrha rtur..tor• Item, limit Lit r i y new its tilt. oir L:t orty nkonlite arleYt:dtf NICDD P IMPOLITATI Import , sal.l • PANCI AND VA ill (Awl of the 0111 Coro:, It, Market Yt., Pitt Wegic lr ris fileursont.f. Pedlar, and °the , P:! . .-orrill to pit r0r.....10 onoris, to• Gdn all tad etantit..- tr.c _Tenths ny.ortfor 11.11, Am , r•oul. Ffor2co and Ger:unit Prlory Al. Ftrretr. tioro, 101, ....,I,llahrtsortt erlllll,ol otp•orr. mrs•l p.itct.o. , • - •17. map to nr.4; sour, fro., hove thr In or or afto•li..., tho oty In 1 of Feld !ow , t cLly ac imams.. Sto.A. p Late dead.. I losi,Y• IT I /1K Lintels, Sato. Patent Thretidts i•te Spool Colson. Ituttowt, db.,. and cutter,. riold owlstr Wtsehey,Liold Jeweirf, lirashey , tomb. :Iml irAr , r• Por,t—tr , r. Coo , . itry..lydr... Porto!, uio, Pco., ,T 7 Ir 1 . 1- . .110.1.1 aff.o voter - Great English Re...• 113, li,Clll As4.lun naci KAT A • .:iLV r.,ve ‘l,-en •••• , 11:2:V:ARIAN' F.v rod twni titt 1:• qttpel.,, , lenre orKie raKuordr..Ky ec , ol st,nt LI; ~ ; , treatr.,. f , Out: euu evaltrawty rti.c( 111.KK., ; the roc:Km. reit. lc, give, ep ILy r T IA pit...KlK. conbrvlrd a:..[Knrats. r:ll.linni t•tt.,,. It ,ao quncl. lio.trunt, vut MIN ft,,,! liar y tatmly titlllo Ututcd.t....atc.,a , lll4: LturtuK, 11..rtKolg of Life-, Karr", te.derLetr. t . buto be u-ed La Nrventive Kotizellle o•.•^ . K•ot. 0p.K14 of :Arad, paw In raKtmr, ..::dsorencta of thc dc:Knt.t) of ..KcalKtG;hertic re•er,itsgt. ton .. sei,r4lac.nuly, Latham, influen K t ach 3,1k1 croup. ,tdes, Z 1 per botile, lor the. of tlp.lth.. Gums tittm a [11563 pf llng!i h , and 43,0ur evldenee,/ of tlus treat taye .ed Agana. ratullouAly. Fre .“.le. 11 It A FAIINK•IllICK utpl nlvt 'AI, Ct. '• •• IMP PHIAL V 11 5H l'rrrsnraor!, Sl ur NIT. n. E SOleri—l,jtt:ee to yoa an ctblr l'ougal . ...). , rttro. II beg leaVe la OW. rift 01 1155. et.El)lr utlity, that my wt.. lia• lar• tIIJ ¶:ul, tf1. , .1 c et,cal. to .1 iftit letat, Itult.e of your °arr( 1 . 004.1 off taco tuoti . .ha' otaadiar couah etornad, ett.fl tl. Ow c.ou,tl tram tarn hr• nal; a• I.t,t•e of your Co, • , peat of tot, `.oz•lr cur..l the cough I tit wh. %van ..cvrre:, nllli t.c 1..• men word., • «men tuco,ltr. Lite the pc...we It. l'lLLAl.arg..,'` II ren renret•ente.l. totrut.. Prep.., .•y R. 11. trect, by Druggist. gent,,l 41..LLU. , 1:1111‘311( Vb.:2 , lll'lAM A • 11 W A • ' ERUO. , Keep, 01, I,ami al ••Itin of the I) elteny coy, et co 01 , 01 co , Velohan tt,ltAn xre. Ml.ll. oh, In too voreltzt-,7 I wohti of 10,,he onentel Rare 11114 t om prop ou,nro the oroito ;or,: with every thing in Ages - toy, No D NVood street, Piustrur Moto. Colored Marseilles 14 A)117E1 :, r.v,rt,t; WI., Kb fr. itlg m MUM •-• gr y I.,rk p ~r tl`utl ~ , pl.ts, :. Ae,nk,. 01- ,sewr4t ut:.! tn.," appr: tng•tint r nab Prtats, •tof fop, I [.r +.sle !ween P..ur,11 crect and Ihumonol . Vr.S.C.IIOI, Itlitt Llneux MUMMY; or, OA article, urol rat: 1:6 anwle,‘" " " Plackages t Igo ONE Bor., lov , kcd Iturrel One llunr.l:e. horgh. The o /vve ; O.rges, nod note them away. Jnis TATI./61, 4,1. %Is— % . li, it!' II V • v have eul h. 111,1 'r Prll , width for Wool Sac vetch they To City Merehan YI:,1110 worwrint rly t u•r for Yeg• 110 i trtni i n fo , lus 1,00 )21:• Theexteu. trr the 'wove peu ive der.i. L., - guar gioality. Leave )our order, they utlYlo.loll, pad rti Brovrit La san• at 12 MURPHY & a article of Drown Promo [AVM. oI Mk pot yard: atm,. a grear . a, light do a; 100, ttle, and I,lc par y Wats pc 41 Oa§ ler hotel drawl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers