The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 07, 1850, Image 3
_ _• • B 1 LitiNk. lit 'ILLEC.ItAt'H• t•U , Cfa KixORD - _ PlTTsui. Hot/ LuAUD OT TH.ADA ~tb as tot COMMITTEE FOR ACOUST. ARILIVAL OF THE sTEASX SHIPS • "' rnc `' •-•.`• w• '`nc"""N CHEROktt AND GEORGIA Lici Eft 71-10:V1 CALIFORNIA. EL) a. T Kt. ir.uics [441 en FOR THF: PITT,IWIIuII DAILY GAZETTE Orrum, Pirmatmots Ourrrt, Satardar caortat.k, Itcl•tcabct 7,1510 S Tie. Yr..., Sept. 6. • The weather de.tetdar wan clear cud PM rm.., and The etr•rtier• Chem:ter and Goorgts, with the barmen. an the street wet more active. California marl to Augudt I to, arrived tot. morn- FLOUR—We nottWa further - dentine In the Flour t og. market. the mired,. yr merday for thin market wet, the Cheroker and Ge.dtata bring an arnrepalo limtmd, and ils• nrly acre we heard of on be wharf amount of over 3040.h0EL Sad a Rua' , Ra.'"' r wart do bah, at 5d.99: and ad libla at 53 , 7 P. b5l, fnr pa,rengerd. grad 6.1. (I.sio Wane.. Tints it a decline of ILO to Idle Among thox who died on I nerd the rarer., 4, W Iron c O, on ionnet talet The male+ fm more have mn.„. 1 , a , „„ e , P M I. been eonllnctl t , leg tder Itr.vl,l 1., StUdidirl,gd driphia, G' ,h•w, ni Toiodo, Onto and John for good aupmfore kr extra. The sh puiett. Coal ore North, of Pl, t0...0n, On.o. Lravr note sales of-Whoa: to a fair uteri at COBRAILESSIoN AL. , d'0d17..• Mr ordinary to prune qualtly. Ike memo. , or W MN. Sept. 6. Rye and Perin - art .n 3,11, with re re el :he former Sheath - 7'4r II - math Rave nerice that he de- WPM:, and of the laver at Ole 10 . hr., from 61;1 halide ars renree. nod In tad . atlTlßtld at 3 - alie on the artd, on be pest to make a perennial eaten. tat on In lbe Ct.., la Walton tithe Wallace wharf Sales et Chen nom tante are loniteil„at 410 :toter. 01.;• P l Alter the tone , of then if the regain boPtaerr, I Itr bettnty lon.l let an tetra up. ' but we hear, t %remand., We genie 0 Mt. Sea. and ehlttet: ml hmatoltn no, which) • Lunt soca adopted, • ee,:the the behetis uf toe 101 l to (`', Os' Os‘t , r " Srmrra uOtr x'qatoko r Isile.df Molar , . at :en, ter hir Walker anu'rd atm:to:mem provjmng NO, a0•4• , t1.0e II ehtifee t• en rt. and not, Ite that Faun, land warrante alit II hot be naeigns,e gamedatl 2 4 l, le for Me better ...Wad, cal of r soy case whceser. litre 1.7 Mr tree, at Se 4a th. hirer eans,deral, &hate, wtthcttt comme toPßOttrlONS—Ftacon m but roe, are firm . vale, the bill we, laid over, end aft, ammo awing m the aernparatlvely au; el., won revere' ,Beale hill y , the Senate chtjourned extra sueare are d dotem•ed ham. at IPe, eoinninn Over till Mtmer, • barged and pinto ham,. at 7t - P lb, Andes , Home—The bit melteg approprittins far th e 4l, and r•h0u7.1.,.. ni rth Oft,. [kW. returned treatlnc C tale With Fne o ,h„ „..e.„ me trace do wan re:erred both to Inn hirattmatee mar l a A r h m,ge m no „„ , uns marart °Maya anti Men., The MU, then potererled to the ethatderation Of the report made by Mr. 110 - Xerrlsnti grout the Select Committer noo, clod to tnotaire Moo ree. Isin dale' trehpert , tt rind Laid lie Mr. twang, whit :detent e of :fte lt.treer. The report and se,ololinna were orderetlf, Ie pthried. v,,,,0n c , vet nuttce It.nt he svonli move recommitment of too report and re•ctere,e, Yeaterdsv, alter the vale reftc , rot nt.htnit the Ilexas 1011, an nmecdml to n herd reatlng. Mr. 1-10 ward moved Or ror insidernlion of tt.e vote ashialt the (floor dee:44room o: color. The Speak• ter to day cheerier,' an appeal lo be pet drag as Iht.hottnets rd Inc Howe. Mr. Howard made rotor remerks. te 1:11 he •. exploited lent Ito Made ins art.v.. trent ton tact that the hill on wh.. - 11 the Note Wen,rhd war eltierent non the h a t of which he had neoveite itaderatten, tool irt ie t are . Speaker tire eed otti of order; he llietelore rat. Ira the prevent, ostesttin which War eg•red 10— Year. 1111; Nya Tao quanta , I-nip, Shod the a l emoten if the chair le rut:steed o.llte 11. - htme eleeleed neg•• tavelv.—Yeaa S, nay, Iho. The Hattie then rceocrideted the cote mil:a loe to order the 1,14 I a llama The gear:ion tat:et:el, tart tell as a/needed yes terday In o !lord rec..rug wan Merl taXt - n. I. Wee at 010:100ace inne, cocrea'nn prevalled. Ti' cat:trim. and i wer.: krd voth noxious riteeletorc, When tto eerk. et-ma • rnroced cnltt g toll the nnie tearer. and eeldrin bare we known so meet: gotul am then preeell ed. The roil , x3nonocd.rol there was Er rnmetnent au Ceerthe 11 ece—etoyr, wa• metetc ,d chi eiv. When Mr. llowar4 cl r, xem war called end Vettd aye, nprd.tice wen rose loonced, bet etc , . e Wes pretEll , t , V re , , , eted lip the stealer. alit tow tooddo r• or. o! no tern seats I many !rent nem: lo Mt, area ot the Ce'L'n Taare was TrThw•xen:ion e and Spent.: phe Spen ex 11 PrZ,,rett•t r ill the e,.ord,r who h had Xroken out nr , een. wad thri r omateneed non tooting the. :tattle—Yee, 10,, ray , ter. loixeitatelv_aneecedhe this, there wets clap ping ti hood.. And stainolt.e Lod wit.atisn, In the IrePtertee, nett n, ;Inn, the d.or, end cNna of “order rennet:ore In erery The SpecL, he eled 10tt.:1.7 o 1 n his hem mer, and armee, were it aid aha tag, ''let theta clef, " The excitement homer, anhhtled. the Scriber said•—e• The Tr, rtirm to n :0- on the third reading of the bit.' Mr. Burt mewed to ley the hill on the table, :latch me. .I, , ,,reett oil:care 1(6 Tic ball wait then pistol — lens 107, Owl el rarer anu,c g lb^ title of ac bid, the lions taut,tl at 3.. P . M. DEATiI 4 A r ITV Pr. ]. IL 11. rr.rk, •.. Wm. 11. from DlLiecurt. N 111" UPI) ny Jewee Stare', Mre.i.,viee P.. Glee, for mer y 4'414 temlur., w Tema.. 0 Seiby, of SE sas. Nit; You:, Sept. 6. IlThiernia nerired ntAmu nt 13 minute,' pre" G c.'e1. , 1. - Be et ne'. ansLattett Un'ted S:atee 6 !per u ,pt..1,6,1 1 1 w , r: 10.51. nttl:l6; 0: I 10"r -13,WInutM ban 'run done iu Penney:van:a hoods nt 53. THE JENNY L:ND rT.T7...:: soN:cz l•the Bolyerd Tnr N •- enceept 4 .ll ,oszre,,r LIT Jenny Lrml. 112111111=1 Grrnt prn(tnrrit'rn. sre-utak - on ittr th•• ter., and nottiTt to IT r t nen tt(l . ne otetulor. nrid, to 'Le G-red I,J,- • 111 n 11..1 , tTnri nt 'ri on Wettnr-rinv rvento4 urv. Ito t Trrnteri to boo crony a•F• r. Toe reurient Dot, , run nvd. , .. ,, not nri ?L. It • tritlu l ttctit oto t., •• n• t nt• prinv i.i... • r.• ..:19 3111. 10-. Ing!. 0, nig give AIIK E Fo.n.--Thn nr!,. 333,1.31,3 wlth filar nrn n 3133,4 E. , . 3,33333.3 . 33. : 3 1.-3rer.ent3- 61.3 , 1 in n d r333 - 333,31,33nn •t. sr. 3, 3.n3 , 3 3 33 33 33 . 3 •33e.t. no I 3 . 3 3 VP, 51,2,r3 _ . _ en,n.on wood I.r.t. dn.' G•ain-Whont is •tendy, hu• tr, dotnnod ton. Crw. leettsd. Salo" - I r.:44,..f10 , c 4..! pow , rod at 123.'altnti, nod ~.r orloto 21 Itto;1' In • tt. lra:let. Corn cortloorn on for ropaptt ro •••,• no root,. Cool ear teams, satin tido. of point. no.. South- , ~., ~., ..., . . ..... . . - ern at :O. Grooorten nod l'Ovi•i.ln4.-In Groceries and I i'.72.07.' and Prover,' 41x..4.,.....e.. 0,.-- SI 144,0,1444,4% v., i.r,or 4 4.4 ..14.441r , In onl•ro. ~ w.„, „„,.. i IA 1/111,,,e1t• — • - 0 o i Itnittonta • ..... ...- J. :tin-. i.•••••. fin-- - a Weioirns in hold firmly at a5O. In Ink and ..7e ,,,,,,,,, ..,_,, _. 4 ;•!„„,„, ~, r ,i,,,,,,,,, is hada. . ; r,,,,,„.,...... ...... ~,,ht. of torn, t.ornonn• 2 ,---- lelnrylnad• CINCINfiATI MARKET.„77,.....,. ....... j aula .!...0 y'e II 0 ,:-.4. 4u Ctsroornrt Sept. 6. 1 v... 1,, .t0ur-knot: pt. ••• • 1 . 2 ."-lbr'l•” bl° nn .:e l." Fl•oor-Sil, neon! rIT p,a• t 2 (only it 2J - 1,41 '"-`• ,: i`k. , . - • ••••-- i .s''`," • i , M. 2 NI Ilk. P.l, .... a 1 , Ie -lk • 11 , m. , 1•0 ,4 . • " sl ..1), .14.4 144,- I.eielr the 4 re. 4424144.44 rec.. I Se-44,--Pi.t. 14 ...-0444T1 F1 ,, 11 le , ` ~ .'. 1, -14 , 1e , NV[44sl,ey-Sc Or .i..5; , 0 0,.. at "_.,c per gal., n A r d ..,t, ~. r 11l I'. 1,4.6 i0n.04110. Fr ottnto cCo Ili.--... • Grlcer.--1',.. 1 . 611,1 i• WiZho l ll . ebilllle. 1 t" . 1., 1 1 1. am.. 13.. a .0104 1 111 , • ,, 1. , 00 Inc •• - a • herd-SC, too I. [MM... CI pee Og• • Ne. 44 ., e • ...t •• . " :41.444 rat IIi• -- -- 1 ee.4,1,4,11,-.•.• .I. entne,ol3k•- i NEW I`...iltK IN , I 11 li KET. 11., etc. •- - • -- t. 1.14.0 f V...tM3.144ter • . • •• 41. N 1441,,,e'r.=kW pass. - 40 NV. Yoee., Sept- C. 1 C'''''''''‘ . " "^" ..... " •fit.''''s-.. Ch, I -- , I I 01.4444.4c0 44.,- .. Ist. Itn.s's— —44444 i 00 n o E 414.444, Vetth t hie 4 ‘4 ,,.,,,4 44 -. .... II I.:. 14, •• - 5 al SU h'i: 11, 1'0..00 nod stronth, Staler $l-1 zane...aa ----- ----- u l'a , • a )lee l J'ls el, • • • ' riti2ill,7:l far none Soto nod•rn. hornet _--- -.. .. Wiscotuani TerelCM. .. I n 0,,,,,,,i.,. _ _ ......._ . 70.0.t0n/or-ire .a Cr. n........ $ 04.144-Wnr. 1.4,1.00 44 , 1 , 0 te1 , .... SJIII• of ~., , i Canndan. rihnoPhio e 9.42'1tt0r prr his. Corn in firm, i .:',.,,,, .. 2 0 011 ralrooiLter, 1,••• •• • i Wii-htta any marked etraceo. : .morn •• • •• .. .. i Ilar.k of 1,44 02.4?N0t- a 1rtn,v4i444,-Ntle to en., at 500,25 lor M finownls - • •••• .... 70 • ---2-4 74i 9 ~ ,„. sad lid,:fs for psrtf. Thor is n good inquiry for - rk.eir od - - - • I ,T" 4- -• SP." , vra.r• /Ard. arta poonno•nd opnverda. 2 Ise 2 20 Le-niecii Odr--Wo laoliee 6 tot, trade demand . 5 y.,„,,, R .,. ~.___ rt 1 ...0.,„rd . ... .. rd ,, o in are at 792 for Anaerrenn. l Frew nick ....riantts. " 1:ntl , nnt. •••• . JO 440 Ornne•air.- Calf.te end Molannos are held at fall ch , ;.....,..... -----.- " lioubloovs Spanish. 16 no rice. Se in not to arty. :f.alt• Era •• • ••" no Parrtat-- •IS 20 Iferap in in fur P. • 'I 17 '2o' ' , O per too . o . , •‘' • ...... •-- • " F‘r , r ,, ,roZ . .... •4 el qutet. 444 ..4 , ... ..- foe ArDeriefi4 4.1. W MLA. i Me, 1. , - _- _. • •-- •tn Fre.44.r•ekteenrk•-•147 FO Lead In Imo. don. . C.r.tre.,• • •••• ••• et Tin 'I .......' 7 s stt Iron--..iales 4.1 ii;•olch roc no 5205510,50, on rarlo'fllrr C.Fo.r.-- to 'Cr, Good. ra •••• • 29 0 time. -- tf.aaltuaby• lEashaeg•. Pk v 1,:,,,,b f - •••• I Now Vont ---•-• Ipm ri a ,..ri,,..,,,,a • • • • • - Podadeto.ta • •• -i prof --,-!:,,,,, Itt 14I•re's.'17• II 11,140.0 re -••• • f 4•1111 wi• 1, - -k-r. •-• totnis •at I. ten,.. irk. - !NEW YORK M.l rIE Er, ' IL.VC,InG Cr MR r 1 NV.. Yor.s. s.r. c Fluffs—Tic marker, wish c mod-rafr• rani e 5..., __________ COMM.& in rnvor 0,..' wry. r•. Satelleaclic II b0:11) cw po tr,fr Asa T citAraoyso, bWa. . • DILLEY'S JI.ICIIII, PAIR EXIRACTOII, ~ /7 „,,—5a1c,r,,, ter.hrli n 1 0 fqi Wheel fit i•erlntn core 7002.' Sale. 1 . 10(1 1311 S N. ,ela I , uhf c Corn 01 r r i t iS '''' ''"o ''' P i o f t' "r . ' • n. " ,, r. i ' T ' ii di. 60c. l'utn. IA nu nil , lIrnI•e a. Inllamenntory lan'agnanan, I`etivia'On• - 5 1 'ns Of M•...• P..-te at 51:1,1: ;• ', u u , •,,,,. ~afn. ro e N.pur ~ lircrrn 'Weft, nit 11 0 . 25 ..1 ..4 etP..""''t,.V2i $5„.3 p bal. = It,of• . nr, ,vrrr room*, nun all ri,,Annnla• S•len 1., , LMI at ti: a l:' if r 1 and ii.d.unn.i., diet •..• , it ~,,;••. I:' t t.i,riPl, AND PDXES 1I r 511:CH wwf•••••"......••••••••_. • lid 1, aitr: VD SI t•,,' " ! UNION IIOTE.L.• AUDI:V.. • SAN FICA. N CISCO, CA I,F, II Al /I * f '‘, IA (VAC lOR in the nth „ ", NIA :r""st."roul'Le tro : hpt . Shen thou]'. , no a, Old T ''''' ''-'''-'-' - -- ---,7 ''''' " ''' n w o ' ir ' n ' n r !_! 2 ' as boy . rig the ortfe•e 1 . • the NI:1V If ItS:Sef I,rft,e ut•f - f - t, i rur ~.1,, ,1 11.. , t,. , .t. in sow., :rst ..,,,,, ~,,,,,,d th . ~,,,,,,, „(being rnpowd upon by roan to the soli , .• Nat. u• to. ef , 500 . Is, cif nul. 1',,,,,,, ~T , . ~,,,,,, af gruind the 6 ensfer , c I R.., ant . ol•ef pa , ;If In..kin ,-, ..I i. Irni.,. a in. no a' .. m ,,,, r, ,, , ,.,,,. ~,, ~,,. „.,,, ,„„,,,,. ~,,,,,,, ~k ay, pr.rif i,,fl x., um Ifo.l taff , ' , . , r. Caution to Dealer ) • /Tae l • r, '“ ,• "'"'' '''"" '''! Tu " ,.. ' :f . , '" .. ' ",'''' I : ''`'''•',.; Grrics liner" itiffo ilf urns rk.i. , , bY m. Ti - t ' lO 011-00 s ' -. 1-- ' -.." - - ''-- oteropainuooptruturf, who pot cp thr counterfeit •tull with that efut , Iltd ., 1 " , .0 '' '''', ' ` ,,',,,,.., 1 , ` ,,.'',",, ••-4 ' In n f ounterien of the OW 1NF...PM..." ''''''' . late de n ' hia. a ma a"i v''''' '7„i.",',',',,,,-..'ic,-,;,;...-,, t..,, 01 the ,nu. le in esel, 11101 th nth' tlit. etk , it the enell;OIOI ors h .. , e. -N 101 sole at n o•tfarrdl.llol . 'Ma seas on.hes man, r,,,,,,,,, -- , i.s.rt ',IT ' Oclrf, hut the ...doling . , InnOcrnl eorlsonfer, whit Son Frsoet.rn, Atte 1 • •••” —••• T " . _ _ , ...e.thn 'win.. - r,le p..Vithe pernlly: Nat:ring. It !I ISI VIZ It Cr. 11.1.11.NE5. pun, •]+'a hte, .rf‘r. land me rl‘• real.llD/IR from Itn... ns 1.1 . „,,,,., 13 ,, ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,, between 1 ,004 t0 .. rn ,3 . , ,, , 0 ,, u . t. ,,, a , r ,..c fcf . 105, sod erica toffs of lilt Itself, ill ~,,, ,A, ni.•fbe'' '" e '. '. , , rik 7,.... Came Ito Pot,. • eeeeeee tlng Par cicalas. ):.. h , a.. , n , el ., ••• , b . II: ,:• - ^ p:,. ~.. ~___. taro ro, of the inua. •.; scre:s burnt and to, u fed *uff, - ..1. , .... a,• , ~..:. :It,. ,0I I. Iran,. u .n, .". • e,a al the late •1111 .111.10 , 4“1, BACA . ): n-rllt:cr 1.1.. fof 1 ~ 1 . •.o I oder PI ”Alt in Nru. York, ruff: .horalc be; utilidfell. '.,,,; i, ' ;, - NI es revs ti it T. , , i Shod 11, NEW CN S:1,0 1 •1•::‘, didiflatlili VA , lir, Itn•fft: ; RS, ald icy AAJTIIIitIIZED AGI:I'd:: inir if,. a•a Tansf•••• Oil, I ii - *f• the hew effector* in, ,;11. to Ilerres P;1 7,_ . . Malt tile symbnlll on the new iltria•—the Triangle n hsu If "Ault. r•ld.t . rf l Scfper.‘ Lion. Sap, Dote, and Eigio, and hi. Daliey't ti, an At ...Ire, . 'writ en atgthitutt. ~ ,In 1,., At .4,x0 la, VjAvynd dancer and &mad, and hay Dalleyi 1.U'1., 40 hi, Ve/ n o po,t; temp, ifia ,, nf ell ~ In l'aa ethw Wm!, nod tats a cum ....n bat. refl ,, • ./ a 11. 11A1.1.1,V, Siff ero.ldvruy, New Vora. I.'i bat. Al'lneer )lasi, Peddiwaars-, AflegkettS f 3 enema and Whole sale Allent. r. totrr : rooter oneteOn Wst. Tunau,Agrin, Pot. berth. N. SI —The haters of Dtitle ea Into procure the Dal -1;". Z.; icoo'at*, ncourir;l4,7;,, Icy Sale, new c•ef._ how either tltr proprietor !nul lifier ge ., ''' ' '' .."' if rr ...gaffed; tv,a ,pins ap , , Self. or from Ma I,6ou:fixed egenr., will Pt published. 1. , ~„1,5,,,,,, . a gai4cto the publir In •terr deal Of I ' Y ', 117171 Z ~.i::,..:.";'.A._, f;' , 1 : ;. P.n.. rle d ; • fitisid . marl. 11,1,101 1:::‘:a: i i.`,l:lir, ... __ - -.-....-...--. 11,11foVAIIII i WILLtAMS, 1 rflo. Si 11 c., 2 ha, ti...'d.r, V - .. ..0 0,,c.,,0s nAllaltiptarr, ,NTSOf? -111K , Otle ol Veda Asti, Bleaching , • 2 Call 1. , ~., ' .. ' ' rfeleS A G/ , „ ~ ,, ,1 ~a,,,,,,,,,,at (fall • . p...d,Try Le.. hove on hand. and am..., tonna Tr:' , ::''' ''' ' ' ' ..... 03 oriciag direct trom the Idartefarturers, the apace It tbrf.'Sf".•l'Y ''''': . I ts'.-5 .... i '''.•.'"."4, ir ' r attiel.v orrno beat mad moor approw.t b..,,,,,,,,,,,,, S-....- c.."„,r4.1),'V* ,. ennapranetn.. , Mei oSer to the trosto In qtblatatles to ROIL, land al ..1.-. and fo r --' )AOIPS A isvicurAoN &CO lowesuarkft rata, sudlVQw. p 9 Water st Okla tint ft PITTaItURGII DIAILKILT Nl‘n•CorNratra-ro —The Tiolth Amer Wen knew enonterfen rive, on the 1:not n 1 511t14.10R111 It. h. en put le. etreulni,le an th at t ay. de. Ferthrd • n•ur—V, nen.. an eerle, de May I. 1-10. The Irn hand fin ure If Carr. , y and Ibr renon ener I-J.ollord ' and ronnn er err am ttea Tl.cgo..rai.r.- r or Ihe nn :e bnere•er s t• reell er,e4lnrd dree/r, •rd .11 nI tL,t drhonnn ;nun ehonld l.e e.o•rly A nnw coomer.t, n tho l'u.rkrxr .:n 11 vi. N . V, 6r to 11,1•0 Sr Tur rn, ig coarse. eftprrml , y the ut r, and general appearance of He r„, A en:l.-v.:dem 0: the Met, cre • the prodet:t anti comumpuon tit sumtt m the MEE= rntnl ptedor, In•• Vora; art, Alin ervountn ff= r.pulutzonnlF,vatfttn thr •In GreNt Brawn, llotlnnl. ,I t<• I, Chal•77l I 4, 16. Reviver of the Wool Star Yet for Augn•t. Many acurtte:• have rerner.ra *etre doubt a. to rut rah:roue, ye tar;,earaiat to come iron, the we, tr the rort , al. We hare arra ea, lime a- ta rh. Intl dt hot ett sr , a.o •,, .f.tad ere, , th • v., hr hat v-ry ~, e •ver r ta Ihr ••• huturui ora , r 7,1.•13, It hay e et , Iltelrrt...l ban, Acft at 1,,,• ott trashed II hay, evrr nt, , 01 T. , w ho•e :Amato. ht. - coll-re/y..11 oat, 04krl , d from Build,. tor , tr yea , t• le, ta Itt Ir , 'lv r'n - e' • ......... ...... k. 4 . . , 111 Raltroanl 477.744 11 Ibto .17...11athr, as ,:rrretvral p.nt:,tl is Irt :4 , 0 .1,40 11 •• RAlllonti Trot TO or I.t,n rvanaa onal 'topped for ol• Vi e. rto 2lot Pooto •: • Itou [IT C.., 491 k 5 US Hat1r...1,1• • • Tu . .: • • ,t 151.• er. e . • e:rern nu. dm! ..•1.3.•.: pound; nate to b.- •1. oc• :. from WA ....err. • • makr :be a•ounl eltru rcee.o.e We hoer .t.dn crtod dent of pa•nr lo come. at to n. ard ret ••...ate •.1 ray. :La' 11. re I. 1.0, turt at o cern- c 00..., morn.. t,three quarter% of t. mddlon ..1 we er , drerc Neon', •ntou'd 1•1 •••:•••••, ou arc to Olgh o• . I'.• trail rn,orie• La're •toct. nr•! tell tom , or• ed... cr., nr•ej It.tarrc , • . rdep 111, i•. ler nt Cu .7 MO I ti•-13. ekc. c • • raw. 1.. a.•••• c n• to Ir.• tn • ‘Vh•d•vrt t..erroce threr re •e. in rl, ,• of I,ln, tn.. • sne l•rx r•c •••tp Ime ••••.• ..t re . b•atr r•ret. touc tennta. h .an ••••••. 1 . •on• n' •tt tr. let ..I..lcate o twee el. T,c nmeun • • d •.n. wrrt r I' vedot n• 'd • en or•ti • ••••der •••I: T.aver•. wont eh , F•l• eOd yet , . toey tehl Teo.• TTomentTe oe]. In carry Thorn to the Coy. rte.! ore to,Te •tote who ha, SI l IIOIST AI •u• Arinc, looneh nr olv•oisge (01. r, . 1 If 11011,1 i Il• tltetto Muth ISILIVIr for prvtit _ i.TraxclaT .t.r..V•ST —The !,-Tptr, Cart MT, I ha. Nona lat NT , ar alittal mvc 4, lant 01/1 arl.To .11 Ilratltnan.. Irher. t • thr sraT ttaLurdi i•• ttlo 0•00 f. , 1, 1,1 ITT v.rav nas.° T,Tor..sTI to ,a oT ta t nb.e. su•TredTil raT, la r Q.T.-811,T rrT.CTrt.•.l st•at .<1..1, .0 lisle • 111 1 1',.:1 10i 11ii =IEEE Pexuaayl souls. liknl of l'a.,.ur7uirc dilr•a.:,es•• 1 I.:achancc Imn, • ••••,:o . litnt • V 1.1020 a. c: a , I a.• ht. Vcllf), t.:l,rstr, tr'i;• o V.rgat,. " " • r'• en . • ' trt , • 1.11. 1, W F• 17., L,n l'..l 4 vrter •{1 03ettym1,47 ...... f•ll.cnert BEE PORT OF PITTSBURGH. Rnn—Tlcre were J feat, a:haat:us, In channel, by enc.l mark laat e.enind at dusk, and ARRIVED. Minnie., Brie, Deaver. Fashion, Pecbles, I , 7ll.zbeth Atlantic, l'artison, Bownsville. Ils inn, Jacobs, Brownsville. oughingi ens'. liattupe, Beaver. l'inpirc No 2, Beaver. hippe, Dales, Wheeling Lydia Collins. Dancer, Louisville. ier, Gossamer. Itßeecher, Cincitocau l Prin. Berm, Cincinnati. COMPUIIIO6. ',fainters, Wheeling. DEPARTED Mlchigan, Dries, ileave•t Fashion, Peebles, Elisabeth. Bsbin, Jacobs, 8r0W114711115. Parkulson. Brownsville Youghiogheny. Ilsrutpee, taaare o , Hemphill, Deaver. lonisn, Liston, Cincinnati Cumberland No 2, Cincinnati BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. CINCINNATI—Jefferson , 4 r. a. nUNFlSll—Wellsville, ra. BEAVER—Youghiogheny, 3 r. r. WIIF.ELIN(I—CnsIuer, 10 , a. Tot W I .1.1.1[...-We noticed the favorite steamer nn her place at the salmi( yes - mass. Capt Young has *Truedneither gains nor expense in filing up his steamer She has undergone thorsug a repairs and re ps...ism, and loot April almost coast io a nese boar. She is tee her plane mi a regular Pitieburgh and Sun. ti•ti packet, and will knee fat that paint at 10 o'clock, this n.o:fling We hope to see her well patronized. BVAVBILPsecar —lt will be seen by advertisement, that the fine little guar YoughtioahenY, is againn the trade ',Moretti th,. point and Beaver, leaving Pitts burgh an the knernoon, and Beaver to the forenoon oh each day She is of very light draught, and ia most admirably adapted lithe trade. LW& V KR—Pas R. D. NA,GSTOII-1042 b. ober.. II net wool, 60Is be•ns, 13 Olds oil, JEI Canfield, 0 ek saietstUs, 4 Jo pearl uti, 13 0., I esk cheese %Viet & MeCand e. 5.13 bbl. O.ut. Illsrlotugh; 02 b. ewes. %Vm Its enley & Co; 50 da do. W & R aleCeichroo,lol It, do 20 0. stuck, Lambe I & Shipion; 50 goer, & C , onse, 31.01 s eggs, Robison & 1.110 e; 1.0 • sa.eratus, 1 liaison, I Ind pri ash, F Voo Bonn. tort.liquor, I; LI Miltenberger; S pes esiinder eosi -e, A lir.idle,; II b. cheet, R 2 hi,. non alert, un. Ileuenon; 3 stoves f tzlurez, 109 be oboe*, J A 1 . 02 g bey. CINCINNATI— Ysa L,rt COLUNS-9 bg's rcllco I Id chest lea. CV en /sawn. s 9 trunks. II Urge & Co; V Selmo..otokrt, 31 ',his ham. Nzeols; hAtis soh. Clark & 'Chao; 17 pas entlsolts. Forsyth & Co; I t Ices w.ool. Murphy. Welson & Co, 40 tads Whe... key, II & Wrever, IW ibis door, .6 AlcClati•r; 9 ale. bbly, Wssoreght. l'ais Peru —l.l y.. 0. wool, Wrn Darker: in hhd. be eon, Wm Hingham; I. boxes glass ware, J D Able; 44 bbls 41 ps scrap iron. Calem•n. IlsllmanA Cu ion bbl. Ilour. 24 rolls leather, O'Connor & Micas: Oai s. T,ade & O'Connor & &aims, p p. east,hge, 9 bars, Vor.rai & Co. W HEELING—Pr. 41AmoC1—:13 hhdr tot.. ID bbl. flour, Le. cA & Co;;1-1 do do, Cl,rk & Thaw; 40 do do, .1 Ocolt, Itl L,04 04,.. Bo nett & Berry. VALID/UWE HALAL fiIITATiI for SALK rt , 111: sobseriber oiler. for Wel, on favorable terms, the folloaring rt •I estate, to Or env of Pnteborgh, No I.—Three volnkb!e three Cory Brack Dwelling llnt,es, on . Seeend street, between :fluke: and Ferry street; the Imo helve roe!) to feet front by EU deep 2—Conwnh L 7 loot front on Third Whet. ad. inkrur, the htrd Presbyterian Chureh. on which ts rectrd otte 4 ori. Urtt k Woke, used a. • privung office. and 01.0 con' I.lrtek WareLowir No 3—Tw. Lots to Falisten, Ile•ver county, besot lots No 3 awl 4, hang ahout 100 feet muare. on arbtch rreelevi one block of foot frame dwellings and ono .enarsto frame dwelltnS, all 2 .tone. high. • No 4—tehe Lot SO feet front on Bank !floe.t oppostte the • and ,stending to the top or the hill. - Nos—ern Ileneh 1.0,, each SO feet front. and run ing cote the mad to low water mark, on the Bag NO o—One aalatt,le Water Lot. leo fret on Whet Rate, with to anaree tooter power attachtd No 7—tine Lot oppottle the water lot, •to ft, (run and r rendang to the tap of the bill. sbn stitch is r tette one 2 story Drink !gore and %V arrhou, b 7 to ft 111 e Frame Onetime, 2 node. blebse , M—One late, I.ot in New, ll.ishion, Beaver no . In nu, *bolt 140 feet on liroad Way, nee st,oui 11 sure *boot ti n”n 'eh. , is e'ee.e , isen aree Frame Dsselitog• pro p rue small Frame House used e• no tare. 'Thiserty was fort:natty neeupted y Mn. T. C. Gould, sand IS very pleasantly , tenied, being immediately opposite the I,llstou Bruise. !No 9—One Water I nt immediately below Falb.. ttrelge. 1.e. ! about IV, feet le leer., and extend. ; horn %t at, ouret 10 100 V WU.e mart or lowing path. he a• owe property vetti he pole on very Immoral. tertua ',TOT et the lltoot Store of R Swett° corer r of 'I turd and Nlarket meet. i)V v:rtue of a pre ent orVor the band. of Wm. 13 I ) hl,lore, e of the Court of Common Plea.. sn and for the Firlh Jothesal Die riot of Pronsyreama. .10.11, of The Conet of fryer knd TerODOer,•nd lie , Jail Delivery in andler raid. and twilit= Kerr and ttamoel /one, E•u• A..oesate dude.. of the resat. conaty, in and for ,0e County iv Allren.ny. dated she d.v of Anat., In the year Of our Lord one thousinnd cieht hundred and Lily, aad Wme directed, for 601010% ...Coen of Orel and Ter iner and General Jail ta Herm at the tourt Honer, to the city of ritt.bargh, on the Fourth Monday 001cher next, at lo o'clock A NI • • , ruhr, ronee te berth . green to •Il Jaatire• of tlk Peace, Coroner. and Cone•ele• ot Alregheny, that, the;e theta and there. In their proper person, testa !Lea roll., ingot • exaastrusuo•to and ntro c ten n.braneett, In co .tron, aloft. three , .N •heir re-treeee• otTre. tri the, Niter appertain to he ,Inne—e•pr trt , -• Plot erdt prorreate the .o,let• are er le, tn Pet nt tetht roontl et %roe, to he then and !herd to prosecute &gator! hem at htt Ihe pattt. . . . Gl,n , Ton', my ban , so P.ln•hurgh. this 16th dal' , A' , .u•.. Ln ~,. Tour clout' Lord ono thousand olutst ..n“-.1 ano . nny. and of the C.oonrnonsaealth tFolnth •no ton, .a :A C.T nHTI' n CURTIS ......r , _. .. _ Effl=l RUMEgiMMO Saranla or liinra Kell. Rheumatism, Meate Cute. arc°. Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules date Face, ITIOICLIG,Iie, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Won° or Tenor. Scald Head, Enlargement and Polo of the Moto, and Joints, Stubborn Liter, Syphiltie Symms's,. Sciatica or Lumbago i —and dioceses arising from se injudicioususe of Mercury, Art. Alor Irwin'', Expoolure or imprudence In Life, A im—Ch rotor Consult:novel Disorder, to. Tlii• medtcric hea acquired a very extended and entithiinhed reputation wherever It has been used, ,red entirely on Its own merit, which It superior efficacy ban alone- sustained. The unfornmste •tetlm of herritita, diocese. with molten glandseentracted end hones hill canoes, has been restored to health s and vigor. The aerofelons patient, covered with ulcers. loathsome to himself and his attendsints bar beenmade whole. Hundreds el persons, who had groaned hopelessly for years under cutaneous and einruhilar disorders, chronic rheasnatism, and many other complaints springing torn a derangement of the secretive organ• and the circulation. have been raised Or It were from the met of disease, and now, with regenerated conntitution, gladly testify to Os addict of this heat maple preperedo. , “TRUTII 18 STRANGER THAN FICTION." ' — Tbe attention of the reader is called to the owing astonishing one, effected by this me of Sands ' l S•na. pull le. 'Thisls to certify that I have &colored woman who has been ollirdsl for the last five ye ar. with Scrofula, end all the remedies I used bad no effect In arresting :be proven. of the complaint, on the r °every, she constantly crew worse; and after expending between CV and foe with physicians, besides using otter popular remedied without success, yll the C.c.s bad eitri away the cartilege or her nose, made es vp: peer ance on various parts of her body and had Sunlit com n i eneed its ravages In the TOOL Of ' her mouth .1u thin dreadful situation. with the prospect death staring her in tee s fare, I stated her case to Dr ILlBosooly, Jog agent for Hands' Sarsaparilla In New• N. by whom I 111•-• advised to use that article nod to my surprbie and that of my neighbor, to whom •sr was known. atter ening (disc and a half hot . . i.e. .he w‘ll tern/Wed to perfect ocalth, and that in thin weer.f thrweeks, and ram • Me to work in two from ten time •tre commenced Patri, IL "In wririew or the troth af thre statement, I hay. hereunto affixed my name, this lath dad of September, 1847. JoSEPII McCOTTEL J. P , 1 "Mouth of Newe River, Craven no. N C SORE THROAT. The following is au extract from a letter received (r on, Mr, liras, erne had been afflicted several year. cub Sr ',Ado. Litters, Omegas, to., and recently nil saw owl of the throat and cheat:— ollotArascao, V, Dec. 13.10.13. "Mews. A. It. & Ira Solna—Before I commenced Lorna your San•pantle, toy sufferings were almost past C.1V1. ,- .1101, my throat low completely ulcerated, I had a dreadful no oh, and there were Iragitantly week. tri,etherthal I mould not apeali above a whir.. par; and her the luewninallon from my threat ex. tendert to rap head, ao that my hearing was ve Amu.h mputed. After taking the Swarrparlila a short tinia, ray health was improved, and my throat la now well; I Lin or free Vona cough and Celanese of the cheat as inert yaaP, and fan be qUlte distinctly. My throat h a . been well shout three menthe, the core of which has bren effected entirely lay the use of year Pars. 'lla. Year friend, LOUISA R. ['EVAN ^ The rehearing to Rev to the vat of the Sarsa parilla la (rota A l Rev Luther WOOL, aged 7S years, CoogregationliAlintater, residing at tVobarn. “Weirozer, Maw., March 30,11Hf1. "Mew. Sands: Gentlemen—Prom what I have ex perienced, and from the infonaut. I have recently , g g e :••0 from a somber of persons of high requiem. halt, who have used yoar tientapatilla, have not the tenet doubt bet that It is a most valuable medicine, and that the nameneus ecolficates you have received of lo elftency are fully Summed by expeetg.,,, , nn g It its rep +tauten iwd •to •ery adiutaud in no need of my bumble efforts M to I 'taut all who the afflicted by disease to ' be come acqoainted with the efficacy nod poseur of you, valuable molleine• ul eat, gentlemen, gratefully and very reepoetfOly Vntrn.. LUTHER WRIGHT Prepared and sold, wholeeale and retail. by A. D. & SANDS, Dolgellau and Chenuets, 100 Fulton meet, earner of Williams Now Port. Sold also by On g . situ generally ttcroughoot the United States end Can. ads- Price It per bottle: els bottles for&S. • Pat 'ale by Is. WILCA,Jr.,FAHNESTO A CO., and EDWARD FF.NDLWCH,Pittabargb. A li 17C1"1"&"R"OZ-4700.7":*7 • to bats Prink; Gu belt Resin; Is stare aorht JAMES A HUTCHISON &CO LINSEED ullrartla puns, aleM i 01.1 reed 1,7 .. sot slWineu LOCAL HATTERS. 113.011 1 . 0 101 Mt 111111101.111 DAIL! 0,../ITII add , ess to (ho Clergy of Pitublargh and LIDI Bev. ash DEen Berman: Ala Temperance Meeting, held in Rev. A. M. Bryan's Church, on hot IVedueolay afternoon, the undersigned Wore appointed a Committee to notify the ministers et We rending in the clues of Pittsburgh and Al. legheny, to attend an adjourned meeting to he held in the same place on next Irrdnrsday ofirrnoon half poet 2 o'clock. We earnestly hope that our friends in the ministry, located in the above cities. will favor us with their presence at the eppruschmg meeting, and coo their influence with the members of their respective churches, and their nequniotan• cc:speciosity, to induce them to follow so laudable an example. It will doubtless occur to the minds of our brethren in the sacred office, that an an nouncement of the proposed meeting, from the pul• pit, on the ensuing Sabbath, will afford an excel : lent opportunity for presenting to their people tile vast unporuinceof the subject, to which we are solicitous to have their anemias directed. We deem it inexpedient to remind our friends engaged in the cultivation of the Lord's V ineyard.ol the alarming incralsa of intemperance in this ,oin inunity, as the faithful dwoharge of the soon d du ties of their vocation, has necessarily made them familiar with the lamentable fact. his obvious to our Judgment, that the salvation of the people, (ruin toe frightful whirlpool of intemperance, which threatens to ingulpf them, can only be effected by unuring effort and Indtssituule union, on the part of the wise and good, of every name and dedomina• lion. The efficient and 01 our friends, engaged in the wrist of the ministry, we solemnly invoke, • • • • - Neatest the baletul parehee, and detximag CU of in tuatmiton. With sentiments of esteem, Believe its Very truly yours. H M RYAN, A \V BLACK, J. KUSH, W HAY, J. MECASKEV Sept. 7, 1160 CuutiltA as tur.llll.l. —Mr. Thomas L, Knapp. whose tittle., we noticed in yestettlay's Gozette. died on Friday murning, front the effects of the Cholera. Ile had out - been long m this city, where he had come alter the death or the lamented Mr. Toile, lo enter into partnership in the lion hiitics• with his brother, Mr. Chas. Knepp. Though bin a short tone smount us, tits Loud and courteous detneottor had endeared hint to many friends, and his ioss will be deeply regretted. In him, Pittsburgh loses n man whom scientific attainments would have reilleeted . - credit uporcany city. A. W. Loomis Erg., the partner of the late ..r. Lando .Meicalf E.g., was yesterday reutched by tile Cholera, but we relates. to learn that, at tbe hoar at which we last heard from Imo. (nine P. 2.1 .1 he was considered cot of danger. C. a has bee ill, though not au patently as hi. on . rte He is also out of danger. We air sorry to say that Charles Metcalf is st.4l in a very cr.ti.sal condition Hobert Nelson, and John Ititer,whose Illness ter notated in our Last, lam, ore dead, but there have been no deaths arnot g the new cases, with the eg o:T.o.of that of Mr. Knapp. We could learn of but titter other casem—those of a colored man tsn• med Brooks, Mrs MeKeivy, and Mrs. Ferr,s, all of whom are believed to be recovering The husband at the latter died on "'bonds,. Exnllll2l. -WO rrgtes lo calve, by an adverti.noent to auother miaow that at • meeting ct the executive Committee of the Pittsburgh Horticultural Soceiy. tt wes nusn cooottsly reoleed to postpone the Fall altogether. cocenquenee of the rutevotlable ettoence of a numtter of the mosl tatintenual member , of the Seetety, it to believ,d that the ethitnuer,rl to .4und be .1. de:eni m q. o.ual tae eolvseimo cl doWers, trim, •ad vegetable. We •re reeonetled to the pootweemer.t, bec e•tor,hy the follotartecoottee: The •ommtttee retrat •xceetiregle tbei thee er;Muted to dueppulut the poW.e et UI, tJale, but hope et the hell • ehtlettoo to Make limeade &.e the dlssippoiltuneas." Parkas arrlatng and departing from the Port of Plllatoorgla. )41 , :i."1" LAY, ME/Mr-31)A ti l PACKET CINCINNAtt t Fin r i ltiAi-Ni —Mr. Cre.ghton, the praprtmor Cetplmn Joey/ Butlepson•er. of the magnificent p•initeg4 W Aden, and Eve. now on exhibuton to Maio 11.11, •howed ki. r• , ,„„,. day, • leplendtd atlver OW, pre-tented to boon, me ladtm of Edinburgh It ran be wen it y ew .2. dm. the ex htbootoroom. end ti thy prmtteat ur. • e 1 11 , • V. r tole of silver ware we Imre «ern lor O: tette , • Tug COl.Olll - • —The •ne men Nato. ore, t ttp• .., Q A c) e.ifeed tvf the Committee finrd 1.1. chared woh mglug thr n0.111a.. 'fond, wr". front vuootiv Thorw.lor v.,ng lor r THE 1 co,,,,,rances for :he appearance nt oir r • l'ut•turver, 1r Arun of the Court QOM,' A• , at 1 . 011 , 1• IhIS is nn cud of Inc proceed nh• rOr , ."" "'• • • " , "' , • 10 • , fo'mur', ncruinc,l thrill, as they will he fur enough nwav thai lune, I'OIN DV X TER aCO and war tha except,un or an unJrci.,l r• • , . • • to en 11, lir own n o es , ale t.• kEtrISI.AIt I'ACACT IntleMnily !he Conlintrnweallh lor ihr.r non appcar • A I4 Suer, Indeed It is questlo•nutre sshetircr they even c h . 11 4, I own Aral. moat of Ahem, protearl, not being as >LT 1,, . w .,, „„ u ,„ citizens of the United Staten MOM , * CAIRN , CV. --Judge Hepburn lOU 1; lu• asjit on the Henna to the District Court yesterday morning, at the appointed time. to hear the en dence tri the case td Ciessr and Mrt ler th c,t wo ;nen 11l AtULA It PPlTridttlltttll A Will:1.1AM: PACKET bromithl ton of proton on awrtof II atn-us Corpus, , 'llaial".,, (,Arbil, P IL. by John A..11 * /11., K.I. . Al • Mi.ltri. En..., tr... for the Ile .I,J whether any one appeared on the th , ~, ~,,,„,,.7', " ° : :;',CV" ' ln ''''' llrlh.l " lltul P" mrt of il i , e , May o r, Mr Wills said tdat he presumed loom Itealit of passage apply on hosol. &atilt . the Mayor relted on It In el: whtch he had played • - 21012021GAIIICLA ROUTE. on the prtsonerst. Ile land sent up another ront• :: 1 7:0 ' d I l b L j e ' ll il 7' ' Th r4 :7., " : his b ; ::::::: ::?: EMank tiligt .iFfifi. be had railed disorderly condurt In the heat in. • stance, into !moult arid battery. I only 72 nal" atiaglag. ' Judge Hepburn ordered the prisoners to he dm. , Wit Untsensnile an i d h l , l , a . V. i e p r h l i a:d to Balurnore and charged on the first commitment, but derided that Fate To rld.rsmoSs—• • ----1110 00 he had no power over the second, e. it was prima THE i n r ,,,,, P‘' ,,,:,7 'n' -- .r. ;;;;;., " b. 7,,, , facie good, and no wind !labels. , Corpus had been g bride , "'le , e‘ , .. ,,,, e , Ptcrtwl• l obo t: isatsed . regarded it. The prisoners were occur. n'T,',77:::,,,t,";,",.Z.1.,....:Xdi:r1did,1ibmi colt y rept situ.. en diagly remanded to prism 1 a cTe ' l7: n'a l laa...l a a .6 .re ' r . o,! ' l a hrtal a ,r " ta t.' 'aa'a" at, the Tim FUR Arta. - 211r. I. E Craig Is nnn , en- d..y, nr.•l Ll.n. • avoid nnirht tt•Vel. 'E. ' ".lE.E'''' gaged on a painting representing the Prophet ! , 1i 5 ',.::::,;,n . .,,,:',.,t71ai th . • Offiee, Mmlontabeie Nathan rebuking King David. The sal j-ct la • , ortil-ly 1. MESKISIFN. _/le ..._' • hoe one, sod judging from the the ch i we have no 1 u, P .: 1 14. 1: 1, 1 1 11.71t , f 1 , 11: c t ,, A n ' 1 w 1E ,r ti. 1.} 1 1.. .1 1,. : 7 1/ vI P , h. A . C , KZ. ,,,,, . The splendtd & fast rannlng Et•amef daub th at It wall be ably handled. and add to the / • Woe of thin talented young artist. . , cone • .I.otnugh repair wt.' ran here- Filt a. arse s PA... —The annual ~t he . Zi ,. ! ,,, , ,,,. ,•,:, a ; :nr eri ,, ti la p i: ii ‘, e , : .o r b r .,ri tie h, T r e , a n. Pt; i i ::: , ti d t i:yh tadis .ri Firemen, will take place to day. They ' , ended a great deal of time and money on the re- tar irmee‘ or Pewee,e apply on hoard. or In Jr.ll W. II W KLE lIEII, Art. Idle preperaitona and will doubtless present a fin appearance. ____—_---. ... MVon's Orrica. Aminrmv —One lurd. ' 'MIMI only, au s pre/rented to the anent]. of the 1850. Mattla Mayor, r,esterdny, et the morning watch return. ( BUM mica ARRANGIEMICIT. He paid the MUM fine for drunlenne.., and was crnirn...l. AAA. neon area To tiIItiTIXGDON, rik di.charged PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE. )IttEll ... 1 atINSID To an Scarce. —E. Mrlimough Two Dolly Lints Express Packet Boats, MI an Information, yemerday, before Alderman I AAd 11.11 fond Caen, P. rkinson, charging Robert Brown with snatch• i (E y c in', Vg L y gon p„,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ) log a cast from liirs store, and running co with is. To PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, Kepotrough gave chase and succeeded in catch- via the Central Roil Road and Penn's Canal . Ing him. Poor Brown's appearance showed that 1 ago mate Call Road, and 140 miles Canal. hew much In want or new garments, but .. T im r , — , : n .r. b ioiodurrso Rail bond in paired Parei—gln through. the Alderman did not approve of his manner of I , NN nil an: , this dete, (loth ilune,) l ' h n e d eln li tfis h l ' fiall obtaining them, he was committed to prison. 1 . 1 Rent, will run TWo DOILY Tuns isseCtoes cane ~,,,, it am indnn to Philadelphia The ear. en the Ono 1.01,—A German, named Kraft, mm. Mks •huvo r 131 and the Allegheny Pn-tage gad Road , of the Very hest anted bon 1 th e our before Alderman Psrlurmon on Tliondsy, i " , ~r 7 i t i r l ) ' Zil 7:11 Olt , rend speed anted am moan 6nyed with stealing a lot of old iron and semis mom iiii.mrir.r• en threuah with eetpatch na the rolling mill of Lindsay rk Co. Alter an , , A .. 2:°,,'„';;Zn.‘te.wnagl7,.; every --in. .. 6°' Mammalian, he araaddcharged on paying the sal. lor g,i o Y• ','", and vornlnri, Milk mime Is dm f ',II) I, ,inn pretrrahle now in um to the Eastern i 1119. For passage or in , orination apply to til 24' rcii, alono,enein Me, D o 1/ 1.1.1 I:II k ret, Venal Blom ' wila _ t r a nit tot rterctisher, the Cenral Rail Hoed l he op, n to lin lidsysburg, when prumrigem 'mil go through in di boots. Jell -- -------- o of the 'roe Sae Arr•m.— W e I. are, Item the T-ibune, that as a party of emigrant. were coming down the ca nal, yesterday morning, ao Infant leaped from the arms of its mother into ■ Loch, which was h:holk at the time, and before it could he rescued, war drowned- The dianeas of the poor mother cot scarcely ba imagined; aggravated by the circum. stance that it urea an only child, and her hn.hand had died a fear day. before at Ilollidayaburgh.— The accident occurred near Tarantula. Sinatnra Dunn.—The coroner was called on I at a late hear en Thursday night, to hold an in quest on the body of • woman named Jordan, who was found in the yard attached I. her honer, 'per fectly dead. She had but recently mime to Pitts , . burgh, and hid suffered no illness whatever pre vious to her death. In order to satisfy the doubt. of the neighbors, the coroner deemed It his duty to order a post mortem examination of the remain. Is be made, when the whole cavity of Ifni abdo men was forted filled with blood. The uptown. nate Woman had ruptured an internal blood ves sel, and died from the elects of the !lemur laje. A verdict la accordance with the lads wait misdated. • Fins Lrrnoolurn.—Mr. Seh9ctunan has jail fro- hated a lithoraph of the .trims Keysteee State. 'rho work I done in bin usual masterly winner, Supreme Court.. 6411.116er fi, I CO. Protent—Chlur Jututo Glbson, Juatiers Rogers Coulter, and Bell. Hays et al. vs. Mouille 4z Ca.—District Court Argued by WdHams rorPlif. in Error, sod Ms /wo and *haler Deft, la Error. hirrrtson v. Ilsrunser.—Drstnct Court. Argued by Washington krr PIK in Error, sod Msgraw for Deft. rn Error. Caihouo V. Maboo.—thearict Court. Armed by BurYo tor PHI io Earor, mid Marshall for Deft. io Error. Naroa'a Orem; Ptrrantfacat.—Six common were brought before the Mayor yesterday •iorniog. One paid hi. floe, and fire were con• ..itted to Jail. Da. B. D. HOWE'S SHAKER BARSAPARILLA, El= Ircaunn'grl7."Mirnie".;:jemm.V‘lY toting."ersdi eL TAN SIOUS ERUPTIONS- It will effectually eradicate irom the syviein and cure Salt 'Neon, Risurworm,Teiler, Scald Head, Prouty Scurvy, Vhiie tlarellings, King's Neuralgic Affection., and all FESIA LE WEAKNF.SSE.S And 01,.trucktotts, narrenne.. Whirrs., Fluor Alb.. Felling o( tac Womb, Nervou., Slot Heed Act, Languor. Fa.nitng ralpitatton o: the Heart. Low rieneral Debility, Dyspepera L'ocr tkomplusnl. hr. It IN Purely and Entirely V•getatil•r It has been used with the rtio4taignel 'nieces. by the Profession in New Tort and Near Ilarnasill re, and the Itagtere plate. emcee Ilys for many yearn—and as a general purifier of the blood and invigorator of the systenl—as a Genuine Family Medicine and an rig, camp. Fe rini,e Medicine it Les no equal. The pular and efficacy or the Slicker preparation. are well known; and this medicine renews, no long list of rerubeate• and cares to 141(1/Chle• It. inerezaing demand mr the past twelve years in MI best tenonn• a collation It is pet op in uart and Is the only the y that acts e n the Neer, Kidneys, and Bleed at the same lime, vir Inch wooden it altogether mote vet - attic to every one, perneuMrty to it 111•11/A Dr. blua.ey, Prorelsor a, OW Ohio istedle•l College s aetA the Soaker preparations ate Italy valuable, and recommond• them to Vie {labile. The etch and alnico et' arc requested to tell and obtain pamphlet, and purchase a bottle of dm valuable fatally Medicine. fir sa re ne.4 enquire for Dr. c'.ll. 110 E'S SHAKER 0511115 PA RINLA, and tote no other. Price St per bottle-13 bottler for 75. Forss'e I.y J A. Ic,,e.a, 1. Srboonmekor It Co., W. Blurt R W. henna, J. M. Townsend, 1 at . W. Jurl eon, I•itttburoll , 11. A. ?:Ilion, Allegheny ant, IF It lleCirlianel.lll.incto.ater: I'. Crueler, !Stolen.- mPe, Jim , • Paull tc Co J. 11 Paten „ umi ti "meet n. & Cant. lilac, tor .ate by 5.1,1 110 WE S. CO., I . ..portant I Cala, Ilani. Cincinnati, t, To wl.oin al , ardent moat no adamant sag' daveltT TAM BOAlti, L.All it SUNFISH PACKET The tor toonog WI LIAVILLE, (up: 11. 7 oung,Yrill run n , • M . 5 . ,. packetwren' Patabores, Wheel. Ilrid•roon, old Soothe ,termi . Pon•borEden Monday wneronon, Welhortlld, and kindKeport. end every Toorrmo• kalertoon for btenrmn ltrtdlrepor, Potterm jirmo port oul , ounrmit corm, Taco drm a ft ernoon, end Poor, h !Teti' Frirmy afternoon. For freight of p.o.e. •Prrm on Orm ,, , or to •rm• it 11'4.161N:1, trero. —— - - 11F.41:1.AR DAILY I'ArIAEr FUR DV-AVER J The cplend r tomer n l dr Yr7I4IIII4,IIENY. Ca, Iturwper. wol , cave for shoat and ci ir.termediukc IsLAAngArecr) c.v... r e cock, I . NI Vor twah. urrae,Aee apply on_L.k..l_ err flhJ;K't.'.'V.Wll 448Ltsai li, ti , c),...7.• - ,,.7.. r ,,, lea m.... 4, 0,1 , ~ ..tor gn the ctn., and all LuterLerd,o, o orta oh IS. dal . , ell I' AI For !mgt.% or pa.vorge, anrly on 6.rd .r to .{.7 l% II WIII:EI EU. Agent • FUR CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS The hoe light draught “estoer, A I ioNIAN ~..„.., : L *to, ros , ,. girth tear Ira the ~.'", ..ho•., an.l betertned ate looeto, t oe thi• Joy. C h oA . atorkt. at 10 A AI For 11,00. 0, I•••.-e , • !, , j4.4 An a .ar ~ or ,o to rt ARVO I KONL,( 112 V.R. AV.. r,4(401. NATI k ST. lin IS The 5p1,n,1,,i cram oe • ,av I, the abov 1/1:1 ~ ,t erm, ur p 011 lilt 647, tlte 411, tout al 4 P . roa. , tly., For frc,,p,a , r pa.zage apply ot, boosd rep.l FOR k,INCINNA7I The 4kke staunch elev. AllitiA Wm ►llle. mower. rill kart i4r Illkd Ir.eromeJLate Recd I da• CI , e o<lr. A. A! vbr to I:nat.& wept PITT.+Ii! IBLV! BOIT LINE, Itriert Mop, nmAtAr, nro leave I,ltalmorh rv. , l 'I uroa•,. SAtilAntu May ...-e404. At 1. , oeic, A lu NI Hr •rt, Altmds,. •ev.•t NI uut•JA SPEED INCREASED jEst , l6so. 01DVITZLL et. BROTIICR, FORWARDINU MERCIIANTS, ROCHESTER, Pay [Heaver Point.) My-Agents for RfDWCI.IRS PITTSBURGI4 AND CLPIVELA.ND LINE: ERIE AND NIKADVILLE LINE TO ERIE; %VA RREN AND NEW CASTLE PACKECSI towing ant. shipping between Pittsbargh and Rochester by shown boats Alicelgen, Lake Etie, and Beaver. tiootts receipted •nd promptly delivered to all places on the Canals std Lakes, •I the lowest mtes. Shippers will please direct goods to t•lttdarell'a Line ^ J. C. DI DwELL, Water at, Partsborge. WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL $lOO,OOO. .3.llstist, Jr., Reel. I B. Nu -An, Jr., Prasn WWI° against all kinds of risk., FIRE AND MARINE. LL losses Intl be liberally adiasind and promptly g paid. illome institution—managed by Directors who are -weknown in the community, and who are drumm ed by promptness and li berality to maintain the char acter w uhi to R ch theye who have as”mcd, as be Insu offertn red. y the ben tome Jr., , 003. Black, J. W. Bader, N. llohnes, Jr., wra.B.llol;ackp. Rms., Gee. W. JnetwnlC Lyon, Ets.' Lippincott, MOB. IL. Litch,J;rnes Alex: Nbolck, Thos. Boom. Owes, No. 19 Wamr meet. (window of Spans ti CC•IEF PONrjBOV ti . 0t417 P. W. CATES' PATENT Dlp FOR CUTTING SCREWS PATENTED NAT 8, 1e47.: • THESE. DIES having been adopted and highly and l'lnladelphia, are 11.4 A uttered to manufacturers, 'eave,. the t wrlCet article in one or cuttlng Their ouperturay over any other Dies beret. SCRFAV. whether V Or autsr.s threid. by oars passing or pereautcr prrparatunt, aa the dies cut the thread,o in their greater durability, rapidity, and perfection to get our of order. Pitivanahrata, Aug. 17, lAI9. This iv to certify that ars hayepurchased from P. W. times Os nicht of erig his patent Dies for eat. og bolts. In cur opinic a n, his Ines or. much supe rior to any others we ars acquainted with for purpose of cutting bolus ll= I PIIII4OXLIWA, Avg. ft. 1Y4.9. Having had P Nin Gates , Patent Dies in ray In cur establishment (or the jut nine onths, (orr cutting i-oltsi.sse can m every instinct recommend them in the highest lerrtla. Re we hare laid all ethers away, they bobby 24 far superier—lonsidermg them 73 per rent. cheaper than •ny others now in oar. RANEY, NEAFIR Patin Works, Pa. . This ill to comfy th.t era have porce.ed the Gght to toe, and adopted in las bonne" P W Gate.' Pa. tent Barrow Cutter, which are highly appro. of. We can do touch more wort, and we belle. it will oar pass in darabilav tin I precision,. much at economy of labor, any di. known to et hf MIRK TASKFR & MORRIS. Pau.apments.,9th mooth,g.rth day, ICAO. New YO., Aug. 10, Pin. flaying adopted P. W. Gates' “Patent Pie." for eat. one bolts, we take Orients in saying, that it wore trieln answers our expectancies, eital have no he•ita. tion tr. giving it our or num, that It far egrets any WWl' p:an in peanut amt (or enitic.g T P EC-012 tr. CO. We have e.W Gates' "Patent Dint" for cutting *mews, end the economy of name them le to vary cormnierubla, that eve look upon them a. o dt•penea ble to every einablletuuent having any yusenny of *mama to am. NeCORMICK, OGDEN a CO, .C 70010.00, Miky 10, 1040. Ortsenca Orem., .671.11130T011, fish Fept., MS. I have parchated of H Scoville for the Untold lute., tee right to oev In all the oatmeal. and ermo - NOES, I,ol', VAtitd,), A rwmß ßaa !wry DweMyr. o'ate mar. °Moe. bath •rethake Gm, 149 Itkir4 at. • tel rirtlß C7hartier'at Coal Company letil yell some eery L deplent , le sorer, of land...M.lrd on and near the Stetabert•iiir 'fµnkolte, and oell the toutiarnierminun al their tail Mad 11. e lai.d wilt he tlielded into quantitte• to too our et t atte, ono the lettets of payment volt. he vet, rm.,. Lot lore of A 111: , 111l6TON Cent ort.or scot —lterl.tilt,t YO ISM LILT, MIN° new •nJ conreru r nt !met three story Dwe ll int ronuilonK met room. a • urten on Roves, zir • the corner of Flynt mon g oon on tLe lat of Ockol et. Arplv PF:lk RS & CO rt, co, of Sccond at 70 LET, 111 anti curr.f.thoc• D.elling, to COYF,'RTA Apply 1.1 .acct Frftb , 1.111.61"..1 ,, NES d. CO au 1. 141 From .t -- Volt II stf ALL. Pride totrret_ tn the righth Wartl.—lllnnt utn. AK" .Itlll/ f.dar nt,G 13331:121 ANDpos.. won r.•t otr.rdiCelyTbell.rre Szorr Bort Dw..thrg Du...No 49 La.erty Altert,..lo op Tr rd Al SO, I, .rd l d ,lortEr o Worriment.: No 3 Mutat atccot. tA quire or Il C STOCKTON. Booktrllerr, 60.16 I: Martel... !re het, "` Ofk4,e,Gn ale. T i Lt . lot -'l l ", e ' r ' ry rquet ruitul 4 ui1 0,,F14 (turn Watet t o Mrs. nicer, on rruaou•ble tel.& P gorcn imme anLeiy. I , J:quire of febld-tf Vr A BLE L o t TAT.. , ON PaNN STREEI V l'Olt SALE of Bloun! *sante nn So Orset, between Bay •ed !Barbary!Me adlolndli hnu.e and lot now occapted RIC hard e., I:dveard• attain' t front of feet, and in depth ISO feet, volt la sold or taeorable terms. 'rule aneacept.onable. Er dale. et IrOOMIS, 4tb st,n”r Wood oectt.•llf • - itrett•tiray Ilallagetotair 130 eel' • Isla. T IllsLo Lots, • lb: ra t. late t 4o o r , • „ t i t s a ., n 4 u . c f .t r t o te n r u o r, t o ?. Cmmon • round, on ca•y terms. Ingaira of O'll. ROW Ndit Auy at Lays, St C 0 or of /AS ROBINSON,. th•pwamte • aet- oa.:C11 8.0.1. ur r.martvn. Avg. Ist, I'so. of eh r cc id vi tie dvy, the rdth /ay cf yr. idrenict cra. at tea cietoet A.M. why. th e tuner cod dm sotto• c.a.! try Lis Leg IaiILITC at on mut serd...,Vllll be laid befure tie • for tact?, tofoeuott. Lly °tact of lion of Larce•to“, attgattitaftdat Jona GRAM., Pre. - 111LBEISCIVAL. 11111‘ ANIF.A and am. public J Ilan be has removed Its flat 4..4 Cap Eatabl.a. meol from atti,beld went. ln boo old atat.d on the corner oad Elfin" •101 ILarceod iseeoud ), ow, Paine. Iplcud's Elrhan•e. !ranee Luca. od toartood Alley—erh.ra sway be found • large st:d laubtoomble •••orto,rot oi Hats mud Caps at reoure.l art.dsl•••:e and retail . ea`. r•oriel et,d/itorlaoB , , pro•reu 11,10.4 r• snd Claus* Peu .401.1 Oat, 1.14.1111111.31.., eo alOtrtal eortrrrtmu *ILL Or I . :lard tftateo'l•ov ernalclt 1,•• made Mr 'lfni,. the aged tom •• arrl at Lirr , l,,,of:a,f tte rel,ma flerart turnt Ws•mtatntf . tly Mao, alul bras of Rev° ationary Soldier. have rialftl. mai may yet nr 0f.,,,r.1, parnuori J II fa rare of Wm MI nabistson. 1,.y, OprOtlll3 We Ala, or, ifa.rr. rourlh "fret. I . lll.llregh uly ":1, 1.40 lilt d 1 vriml • CALIFORNIA ADV/ERTIEMNIENT• j) lIROCii%% A V, ComlnEsmon Air Tr hall :+acramenn , co, C•llforma Liberal .1•••‘ . . ..le 03 ran.. tr{ents, and all neuey bumme promo; nnenued m. • • ruk . . ' 1,71.111V.11 n J. lIAISNIS4OI ATIORNk:V AT LAW, 01110 wrATE CoMMISSIONER (1.1 int mg Des+ Mons. Acknowledgments al Ikeda, to. 0/Nee—Fourth sue., de.thheld mrs CUR'S . r . ; ..' tie ;n' irt., in Core for ••111 ' --• 11111.:1 . , NlArl'ilr %VS _ lA., I 1.. mow . .. 11,%•, awl fur sam.tly lIIIEI , AEVITIIEWS & CO •ordt ll.—yho MI. Tanner.. Whale (hi; Io Ittir 1 al 001, 011 . r. et • bleached waarr Elephant Chl; 31C .I,lls do do Whale CM; 3tmo Ms minter Sperm Oil; 100 b. , Sperm CantEesi lot sale by ALLEN k NLEDLES, IJlAerl.• & Z 1 South %Yrs can, Phil•delplkla PITTSUVILGII COV - PELL ROLLING Tur undersigned having completed their Rolling Mill are prepared to promptly. oil orders for Il.ntier and other Manufactured Copper of any te qui red are.. Made from the Copper of we Old Mine, Lake Superior. Mc. Metal hes been thoroughly tested by Comp, tem setennhe men on the sante e of the Government, and pronounced superior In dens.), strength, and ho nor . in use, and to muchrorelerreo tor the Manufacture et Orrnce and other purposes. It Is lbere•ore en Edently recommended as a sone. rior aticle, for all uses, to any in Market And we rpectlally roliel me attention of purchasers and others to Otto neve ranch of home maourseture • At in esent the St, arehouse taCorntnereml Row. Lamy street. ftric-r C. 0. DD6Fnt sat Am.:legated Flr•m•re. Isaana •ne• Com pany °VIII. city otPittabaytte. cA IAL 11120 0,000.1 K. arrroymf fr U , p re et—W. IV. DALLAS. See/ sIIE Company i now orepered to Invert •gatnst rg FIRS' •n.l MARINE RISK. or all kinds. Of:ce, &rend Nmr v. I rail:, r 1112.305., • • . 1 ?Conn heed. Hotly PoLterson, Wm. A. Hill R II llnclnV, It. It. Simp,on, Jc•hun Rhode, W old Gregg, A. P. nballoi2, Wm. Col od, It. C. no.ych, Chao, Act, %Cm Gorcoon. au6l.l:dly - tl VIC AL AND SURGICAL OFFlller., No 41, DIAMOND ALLEY, • il k few doors Its ow Wood strut, to• " DDiTTAO wm, having deep Ar'?.7 is . regularly cdaceted to tb• medics , I , In Profession, and been for some time ••••••• In genera! practice, now confines hi. attention totise, lilt 001=001 01 Ar:? those prelate and delleate cow • plat.. for which his opportenitme and experience pecaliarly qualliy him.V.years assiduously devoted to study treatmerkt ofthom complalmeddoria yr 9 time he hes had more to epratice and has mired more pas te tits thee can ever fell the lot of any private pror • titioner) amply qualifies Wm to oder ...... nee. of npe,dy, permencnl, and satisfactory cure to all aMixted -w i th delleam•idise.ea, end all dims" arising level n. Dr. Broeoald Inform those afillemd with privets di eases which bus become chronic by riffle -M-age . 'mooted by the en of any of the common nostrums of the day, that their complaints can ben airelly mid OA onghly euredfflie hating glien his careitil intention to the treatment of such costs, and eucceeded handres of irtSt•DC. in Curing peT,ns of IntlitemintiOn °Nile i f the bladder, and indeed d i.e au neck o . which often result from those eaves w ere others have consigned them to hopeless despale. Ile panicelarly invites midi as have been long and enracceufolly treated by other@ to oonsolt Min, when every sensfactio• will be given them mod their cues treated In a careful,thoroagh and inteleigent manner, pointed not by . a long expeneure, stady,and lnyestigetion,vehich Is unpouble for Mon engaged in general practice of medicine to gm• to ens class of disease. Irrilemiau Ramona—De. Drown also Inlttee per m.. afflicted with Deride to cell, as be hasped pailm: War attention to this disease. CANCERS also cored. Skin disuses; also LI a, Pale?, mev speedily dmi•ti Charges very low. N. 11.—Pailerim of either see living at a distance, by Eating their discus In venting, giving ail the n emu toms, dmean obtain medicines with post for a, by addreing T. BROWN, M. D, po paid, and ueloe le g a fu. 011ica No. II Diamond Wen aPPodwbe Wb•bYly Roam. II.111•1101DT. Drown% ild•rly discovered fem. ,17 for Rheumatism le a speedy and certain remedy lot thatpalnful trouble. It never falls. Mee and Private Gineulting Rooms, NO. egi DI mend elle), Pittsburgh, Ps- Th• Docmstrsimuye Coma. misses elms nnas Den a. in — laran riPemmanahlp avid Goifbrsijsrli — i num above books nevi.; .been introduced. ism I. public and private ioiols 111Piusburth and Al . teeny, the eonor bss appointed 11its subeeriber ascot for *els Weis the city. Teachers and others *RI be appliedu publi.b•ell prices. as salad In al:film fl MELLOR, inn % Y 74.441: approved ~o ell Abe principal eho in Near York . cool .crews. ore used, COMil.lll in their cutting a PCIIII2CI over the iron to be cut, which requlra no 'wedging. of the solo] iron, without ratting it in the knot; of work; and in their umplectig and little tutbltty rie. ender the supervision of dill Department, P. W Gates'"P &tent I te." for caning mrew. on metal, they hiving been trie Belem of the large arsenal., ana found to be very and egerhent A. TALCUM Col. Ordinance. Untie . V OT t OoN, men p tD Id ea , ISIS. I Considering Oates' Patented improvement for eat. ring screws,. metal to be • yaluaole one, I have, by authority of the llonorable Secretary of the Navy, purchased of the Attorneys of tho Patentee, Wm. Ii Seovtile, and Samuel Mower, lag , the richt to male and ars said improvement for the U. S. Navy. JOSEPH SMITH, Chlnfof Buret. In on. Mao by Buffalo Works, Buffaio; Prose & A.hley Rochester; Roulett A. Co, Cloucemer, N. Sr_ ;lay wood & Soyder, Schuylkill Co&MY; Ihrhenk,Newi York: Hogg k Delornater,"Phsenix." N. Y; 11. K. Dunham & Co, New York; Demneod & Co, Mouumeut Works, Bath V. Caren, Rochester; Mott & Ayres New York; &deur Work., do; • Pease Pc Morpoy, do; Weil Point Foundry; Nom* & Itro, Philadelphio; A Jenks, Dreedesburgis, Pat Wotan/o & Noon, Damon and'New York; Lowell Machine Shop, Lowe la/MAORI( CO, Maim:heater, N II; Lyman & Son her, Bomb Hinton. and numerous others. No I Machine, ID seta dun & taps Alto 1 10. pri. la% do price Few No Nod gg # do la I, price 5101 All orders addressed to P. W. Gales, Chicago, G 11. Davison, Now Tort, F- D. Marshall A Co, Phila delphia and 11. N. Scoville & Sans, Caicorto, to Dies and Taps, with or *About machines for using Dicm will meet with prompt aucorlan. GUICAOO. May 3.19411. 811R/VICEL ar. BARNES, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Produce and C4.IIIIISIOU AnA sestets in P 01,61100 Manufactured Articles, Nee. 130 "ad 1351 Beeopd z ttttt Between Wend h Pittsbars h. augl BANKING HOUSE.. J. CAROTIIERS & CO No 13 'Wood *t*** a, Pill•burigh• CI'X It l' MONEY RECEIVED ON DEVORIT , made oitall ibo Pr , nc , Pul ‘h o Stptrva toot Nll9 l'ITIAlt1;11 GLANS IVOR/3 A. Si D. H. CHAMBERS (tan cum..., aotwor a r 0.,) Would respectfully Inform the e 41.011.1 of the lat. tarn. as luso puhlle generally, that they setl contome the manufacture of wIS DOW IRLA BS, VIALS,BOTTLINES 411 In kllthetr tbe Old Stand, No 13 Wood it, b•ttre•st First a, Water irV.d3te NAGLE. 01.•Sio WOUKI. JOSEPH D. ABELL. m A v NIT AZ F . R .1 0 F Flaa a, i ',1 0 ,, ? „1 : A 4 .9 .7h A F A L lt ," lltnerai Water. Patent Medicine. and Wine Bottles •r every description. alse, WINDOW GLAV.S. Keeps eons manly on hand a reamsl assortment of ihe above art.eles. AL.Sar ST ATE, as the other ' , teen tans,. Factories are ALL rinreati, as i• the nsta. In •unmser, Tab Factos ra arete PM4,10 , r, and will co „u in operanna ankh summer apd se,nter Orders rr s t rectfdifi •olt,ilcd, and said be filled on hr shortest nouce • - Wl...choose. No 119 4WOOOd street, between Wood nd S.-ow - Geld Pnisbureb. (total, CEMIEI INOVRANCIO J. Fluney, Jr, Avail', tat Yean Lap ',unaware Co. ef O F: 2 lZ , a . f ,. l , b r e e : t ifcgrA ,.. l , 7 h arance Carrupany Pamphlet., wide all neerwary informtlign, tod giant nay!mt will he famished. Ilutitcods to.ozon Ikea "'WWI Cot tbc benefit HerzVC. orul obrildrcut credttortt.tbe lives of tb• tlebtorl. The whole profits of the Comp., she dividhd among the hotder• 01 We Polio.. The imdenaa of the put two fear have been m eh ty per est. !ach year leaf . ti1...1 - 3 - 11. vrtli open • ciaa•leal and Ens . 11.6 Sokr.ot, on the first Mood*, of , I+Pt. nrxt NW n, over J. D. Willis/1W store, corner of Wood aid Filth meet.. la,. p Dore 11.. IT. Lawn., Kt.. Dr [ hlel'ord.. Fri., Rev. Jr. Sletial. 'd. D. Willtaros, 1 op k=M=l=r2 Ardl. P. MINIVER and CHAS. BARNFP have this day asroctatod themte lees together, under the Gem of!ntrioer k threes, for the traneaction of the Wholerate Grocery, Produce, and Cononisrson ba•i ore., at No tr 131 `Second street, between Wood and Swot:field to PttGhttrah, A canal 1, lef..—oopil IHAVE, tam day, amomated eetth me Mr. I. H Clem, In the IVLoleaule Urn cry and Produce Batumi, the style of tbo firm led] be A Colbermo &Clouse. 0731 A CULBERTSON CULDEETSON & CLOUSk, I)VIIOLCSSLU liRO,ERS and Commission YY t bests. sir, in bodbes. see NiAittallettltra ISS Liberty al, 111111b11,0, DISSOLUTION OF PAILTNEIRSIIIP. Mill: ram ershm Joboston Sockon, composed of u ogt:ed, has thl• doY been MemMmd by couttmi e01.•[111. S. H. JOHNSTON, N. C. STOCK - I ON, I . .tuburch, 19.1,50 —•1417 P•INTING•BOOLC DESDIXO TIIE OLI) ESTABLISHMENT No GO Third, below Markel ot. W. S. HAVEN, Itiorre.‘nt to Jobox . on S Stooltton,t IIENI . ErC r. TFLILLY informs Ina ft tend• and the - ft tome of the old eataldiahcarsit th•t. boom. parehs.ed the griming Unice and Boot Wilder, of the toe firm, he t. ',moored to eget,te with neatness and at. patch, every drarr Orion of trISDK A J.ll ritINTiN.: AND BOCK BINDING 1141,aile MO the rearmament of the grinneg depart• ment of the late h.nt.ol wventeen near) past, be .ec.• confident of loctr.g attic to render ba11516.013 to all who may favor him enth their patronage. • A pawn Alt•Ol •nd Pittsburgh IN pursuance of a resolution of the "lewd of Dine. tom of the Cleveland, Warren arid Pittsburgh Ts legraph Corny any, requesting the Secretary to rnsik e eel and cause in be pablished in the newsy pert along the lice. an exhibit of the financial and other &Taira of this eatnpany. I school the following Report— The late of Telegraph commences at Cleveland and terminates at Pittsburgh pawing through Chagrin Falls, Franklin, Newton Fails, Warren, Youngstown, and Lowell, to the State of Ohio. and New Castle and Rochester, in the State of Pennsylvania, at which points there we offices located fns the receipt and transinisston of business. The whote length of the line it MI miles—Capital Stork, gas° per mac, making a toted capital stock el ft2.350,M0M. 1110,203 it held by eiticens alone the line, and the balance is held by Cornell k. Speed, the contractors. The above amount of sal, setiptions by citizens, have been paid to Cornell k Speed, for winch the Trustees have their receipt. iellaultf JEFFERSON LlALM.Seerwary. To Senn.... nad to Ite.haots. 'IOUS:3EI.'B PREMIUM PERFUFIERY. The Wmeriber rerpeetfally invites public attenthm ta ble extensive stock of Perfumery, Soaps, Shane, Cream*,Ac., to which *even Silver and two Golden Stencils have, within the last sti years, been awarded by the Institutes of New Vett, lloston, and Phila. dolplita, the loiter being the only olden /aerial. ever awarded for perfumery either In G Europe or to this country. ovont's Suanno CRUM, (Almond, Rose, and Ambrosial,' universally acknowledged to be rope a nd to any Shaving Cream in tbi, country or Europe. nacram &tango—Beautifully transparent, and po ..... tng highly Karon twee°. and emollien prone rtres; Slovenes eo. Compound; stlntrrOlilal Shave nig Toblet; Military Shaving Soap. sormurma Totter Soars—Almond, Rose, Alillefleum, Bouquet, Pistachio, glust,Prgehonly, Omelette, Float. in t i r ile 1 ,7 1 •p . a . r o n . 0 i1, ,,, 0 1 . Windsor,. c : •n i s . t Bouquet de Caroline, Geranium, Jenny Lind„Clonme fine, Jockey Club, Magnobs, Clemente, utsonelLe Begat, and many other nuieUn, in all sixty different perfume.. Toast Wanno—Florida Water, Eau de Toilette Orange Flower Water, andgram WM.] 01 CO! lOgileS and Lavender Waters Platellello7o roe no, 11•12-6e110100 Bear', Oil, Allegr, Bandnline Eau Lurtrele, Oleine, Com pound Ox Marrow, Stai r Dyes, liquid and in powder, and Philoroute, &Ozone, and Jenny Land Pomades. Ommtavate Pastruanoge — Dahounie EGAD, Rose Tooth Paste, Charcoal Dentriffee, Orionune, Tooth Paste, and Tooth Powder. Comirors—Vrgetshle Comnetio Cream: Lormsdlee for Minting bande, Cold Cream of Roses, Cream d. Verse, Lip Salve, Raspberry Cream, Ac. Depilatory Powders, for remenung reperfluous hair, Pearl Possum, Vinaigre de Rouge, dromano Vinegar, Victoria Oats Compassion, Preston Salta, beside, is crest notety of other &melee, too naimereas to be named In thls advertisement. The rubsenber bores to maintain the reptnapon thts establishment has acquired, by diapoitng of nothing Lot Gest rate articles, and will be happy to furnish those who may wish to pato:wee him , either wholeselo or retaken*, reasonable teems so any, ea ii,bliokment in the United States. XAVIER RAZIN,t Rune - caw to and farmer Director of the Ldibevatory of • EUGENE ROUSSEL, Off Cheanut atreet. Mr. Basin's Perfameryla go sale 07 all the princi pal Druggists in the eintntrr. • --apklidlyi iO - CONTRACTORB SAFETY PURE, Ly the barrel or NI tee,: POWDER—IWu kegs Blasaag, extra strength Laffirt's s tavdt's asanufaatare, far .14 I , y C BIDWELL, AO, 1.30 Water •trees Ittetrang• thank of Pittsburgh. A Gt.:by:KAl. Alectiot r.f the Stooling. Wets of the A Exchange 13•111 t-of Pttahorrh .111 be held at the Btottng House on Ronda), toe (lb Jay ot remember toot It al o'elock, P. ht. fo r the Mamma of eneolder lag and deteratintag upon the Act pamet at Me late mutton of the Legislature, extending the charmr thereof. • By order or the Ihreneys. THOMAS M HOWE, Cuthler. A Agust Itbk—so MBA _ . To the Cilium •1 Allegheny City. A' BOX for the reception of Inners fot City Mills Flour, la to at the atom of !timer et Robinson. Peden" meet. Bach orders will hepromptly wp- Pile& angle WILMARTH & NOBLE _ _ • OAS VLOO IR MIA FIXT Worked Oak Flooriog Board.. .la/oVva. , perfectly dry, and of • .operlor oranq for sale by B. CL/LIOLY. aagl24tfsaarpabargh. UliS V ---- 11.- 10- -- -- ilsoe ...a:a 1./ ud for Ws by Pii Pt - . t4 EIaIDAV9MI MEDICAL nR. I. MYERS otlets Fla profennional terrteet .L../ to the r of ?leueherer and vicinity. Cff., and residrr et, for the present, it Reandi9n, to Manchester, tomedintalY nh.•• the 17 $ Mt... 1et114310 I) • It Jt 111 N MARTIN rrvernolly ammonites la th s of ritt.,,b. that be Las permanently ire•urre 1,9.,11 in !hot elt , for Iho purpose of pre. pulpy 0n,.! Sur.rry, in ad radon. brunehr sr. 11p. ellres I. on Esurrb sue., No 109. Resideues Vr, 97 roon , r' rdetwrZun•T IDlNGtaisikit , s — itxtract of YelliMfD•Oili and S•rsaptarilian PUT op the largest sized bottle., eontain. mare ni pure I louder.. Sarzmatills than any other preporation extant whichchemledlY combined look the Extract of Yellow D ock. the Fattener Wild Cliny, a n.I the lionam ot I 1,, thus making the realm dy more thoroughly efficient than any other Swoops. r.lla before the public, At the sum time it i• perfect ly fire nom all mizet•l l niwua. which cannot be said sit any other of the San•patilla compounds. The in valid should beware Or pedant.... A/Cleary, Iron, gm nine romeh, iodine, Sulphur, Argeo.le, and many ether mineral and metallicoise. enter into and form the arrive buds of motto n! the Saninparbla and Panaceas of the city. Guysottlo Cmopoond P.xtriset of Dora and Sarsaparilla does not contain • particle or these cubstanceit, as any one out easily nernain by opmYine the occessary tests. he poisons may occasionally remove disease, bat dry so .date the blood, and so completely nate the whole system With their banclkiVelfeces that the first rektor the first attack or disease, prostrate* the patient . . strength, and cabinets blot of her to the roost est rutiuting innate, and render. another cues almost Impossible and hop leas. Let all poisonous Sarstipatilm prtpankti , oa alone, and ass Corson% Improved Extract of fellow honk and fiussparilla, which us tt.arogghly erECaciatia, perfectly haradera, runt porrly e m e . 1.11 kinds of Miscue yield/an lissome] Infilience. crofols, Cancerous u...ur, ['tantrum Eruptions, Pt yripalas, W Ice, Paroles, or Pimple.. on the Paw. Chrome aura Lya, 'fetter, Scald Heed, Itheoaa ti•m:l.lerFrment or Pam§ In tee. Bores ar /lieu, old and mul.horn Llama, Paver Sore., HO pima., samihrig of the (lined,, Blotches, Syrhllltio Spa"- wait, Lumliago.permaY, ,( s•l l ePan, unfits, Cow overt. a, Solt Rheum, Affeetionsef the lUdneyjs sad au,n2 from an ifklildielna% use of Nana.: ry, are Tarrant/ Weaknerra of the Pulmonary A elation, and •Il otherdlsoues reed ing towards Oonamerinn, Liver Complain Female and Complaints, Sick and Nerve** Headache. General Deblirly, Lore Spirits, Law H Appetite, Night Serous, Pain. in the Biala awl Shoulder., exposure or imprudence in life. Ch 'Oa Lc Comte atonal Disordea, and • • • Spring and Pall Punfier of the Mood, and General Told° tot Um Salem 1112 uutlealled A s of Vlerrattd Th. roil° .1,4110 n LuLund CI • letter dolv4 Is6o. fry= Poser.. M. le,• trigh4 teepees. WA, pliyuni. of slnrietta,Ohlo. Jo. Parre— Dna r; Sol I have pay.r omy aara a young Wreann who, inT nixteen year's ha. been sat. Unit., and whose cane has Peen pronouneed hopetcas Ow. , of ...hest PhY• ns I wok I•rt two in, 'sleety, and hate used Goya, y e ll o w Dock nod Sarsaparllla 1rea179.04 001114 ant khat ate Yr P.ow Doc k • r. 41 Sarsaparilla will ,dreg • ',molter . arc. Slse is better in Menai health Ltan the has ever been before, and In.. • relle Cr tc , o VritrlOlC ()Mg. Or pain. A yearllgo Lk. wsed enizone• I willwport the ease in due time. Very respeoakely. E 11. PERKINS. SCROFULA.. It ha. been remarks. ry cosivent men, Malta the •aried catalogue of shsesser to vishreb mao I. liable, Mere i• searcey ono el ouch impririumo,. and of much intomot as tiormolu, who itior on look to the obacortry . of ...rig.. yr baud our pros roes, the number and variety of means Mat u &nooks, or Its remarkable in ounitnifiy arid extensive fstallky. Scrota's has bellied thesakalt ilffikke mom eminent pbya an mmos In this couriblY ape. But More l. Ytidot e. for thin :1• • saran% Extract of ellow YBoot ondlS „,„ 4r, ••b Is proving It self. Terft01....,,; ~..§: :Ainrere caste of "I Aibe ,• blionipou n ero ' cattii , coredSyro by. the 'AMOS_ i d Is • Sidelethat tbla man hos been eedepflre ' seviiYal ec'ebrnted phyasclans, roe IM:4lLn:eight: ye. without deriving nor bone'', and Los boen effectually cared by llac use of a few Swale of Dr. Guyaott's Compound Syrup. Now Yoar.. Jane 7,1811. DI, Chancr —llrar Fir,—Owing to you a debt which munti c..not p y S ate induced to make • public of the benefit I horn derided from your ins rup. otos rots ly allltclett moth a WTI errofulny •• diaraae, bereslitory our family, COIIIMCII rod 1.1 my neck, • and, conoriffing to 'rend roe reached mycorr. mooing into my bead, and ritrmisn; all nye, my face, nick, and towel CO. trannues. I bet tric • disporting 0111001 to look upon. Al umci. my distr.,. was so "mat th at I was bauble to sleep or lie down, the eitending Inlo my ears rerloorli .Crete d my bearing. My Moo was one ESIVEICI2MMETC=Ii and water kept mintinarJly mains out People asoid ea me, yuppo,,ns 1 bac ME Comb pot, or amine other infecticu• diyeaye. and I Was ronacneently obliged to relinnomb my LIISInc.. Notwithstanding I bed the best medical advice. andhied different plans of treat ot. ilia coonnueil to grow wore,uahl 1 p in deepenorte iiately in Yeah • passenger on Me ste ,F artiVe travelling for my health, who Informed ins that Isis son sees eat one unto In as bad a Ctaldllian I W.. sad Oil by ening your Syrup be arms speedily eared 1 iminedistele psocueed the ar• tale, eornmer.ced eking it, and nom, after having used less then hi bottles, I &la.-well soil ' able to attend to my boantemy I tend 100 lam ktatement a• an act of nomec, only Lami y that li may inouce the aildleted Lo make owe of the right medicine, and thereby save theta much team ins and I lumina yOur ehiedient sermon. JOHN .4 SPALDING. Cure of an itgl;r.ruird rase 0 . / I:ryaipelas. The entre pettortuen GuysoWs Eittreet of Yeilow Pons and einrsaperilla are holing. The pa ns., general hyena continues to Improve after den nay< m removed Dorm. ire not chronicled eon! urns luny traced that there ran be no relapse or Teta= of the inseams. Neswav, (Herkimer Coy Feb. IPSO. S. I' Itennin - r it.., tient, it tia with great pleasure that 1 write, on otiout ice very happy eke. of your Yellow Me/ and Sarsepanlin noon my son, who bas tong been angering undet that dinadfal, loathsome dls earl. Erysipelas, with whirl he was attacked in tE44, and errs inn stverni months attended by some of our • • best pyre an., woo toed their skill perstvenngly ler five mouths, without tiny bcuefieinl edema whetever. Ile her atm redneed to • pericer skeleton lie had al cent from Lae hip to Ide tore. which were conunually d•mbnyetr4 disett•otigy nilensive metier. Medical and wig tent ••tii we. bodied. Physteiens said that tot ease in., hope ea.—dime could be nothing done to no., ildoe tt ,11• • • ,fl.l.renrtne uieers. My neigh hem adernt set: h.• dtt•utuimn near at band. One of my Ile:got-ors. woo had curled n child of enrol , ale with your invaluable medtmde. embed me to, mate inal nl It, and more from the reedree desire to in somethtng while life Irned. then from say .hope of getting rehel. I procured three nottleN of your "Yellow (loot and Sersapvrills..P and corn neneed ueing It and to my asionstonient, he eononeured improving he had nved the tined bottle, an d betas he had mud had cozen hmtler t e would wa,k rad. lie need in all twelve 1.4.1•1!). ant in tdruchcr lost lie was perfectly rm. med. r \cry vesucc nl the Amoco eiceta dm sears t ed, sod be remains in purest lienlili up to the presents time. Itis recovery. under the Lleuine of oi elm/ell owlet, to the use Of t ovr Yellow Dock NMI t+.r.parllin, and I sedire yoit that I feel myself under greet Willi/moms to you, and it is with greetio, that 1 deform you of what your Sias/manila hail done tor my sou. Respee J folly, AS. RUSSELL IljNone eenntne voter. put up 111 large bottle., contalning a quail. und Lame .of 1.. e Syrap blown n ti.e class, with Me written /denature of S. F. Ben nett, on ike outstde wrepper. Price 51 per bottlo—or 0 nodes for 1, is sold I. J. D. PA RA, North East corner of Fourth aidl no Wninat n.. Comitinalt, Ohio, to whom all orders must be addrea• ean.r & W P. Johann & Co., Wel:, ford, & 4:r0....nyy101, Abel Totiel4 Nlont,oe,• 111.an2 AII2, Towanda, Robert Roy, Walla. I,oro 1.. Hoalerit.l.. cnile,t..urg, 1.. t% sleoz, P.o• Laub, t:o.ier 41( Nlarket atroct and the Lhatuond. ISIPORTAiIT TO TOM. Ale VLIGTILD Dr. Den's Celebrated Remedies. Dralk. J ACtslt 9 ROSE, the discoverer and aele era LP praetor of these moat popular and benefieial and also the weenier of Ibis celebrated instrument (or Inflating the Locke, In elr!eneg a meta of • bromic ...harems. was a student of that eminent phylum., Doctor Phyam, and a grades.. of the University of Pennsylvania, and for thirty years ainee in, b e en croaked In the irvenugstion of Mame, and the applicauon of remedies Memo. Throes h the use of his inflating tube, in connection on. h. Prop). lactic Syrup and other oatu remedies, he rim gained an soma.fe led eminence In Caring these timadfal end fatal maladies, Tubereillal Con mmption, Cancer*, Serous* Kheareatisin, Asthma, Fever ens Ague, Fevers of all kind., Chromic Ery sipelas, and all them obstinate disease* peculiar to finales. .1 dred every form of disease vanishes under the are of hia remedtes, to which humnelty le belt not by the use of one compound only. tor •that la In compatible ash Phbviolngscal Law, hat by the are of his remedies, adapted to and prem.lned for each peculiar tort el inseam. Dr. Rose. Tonic Alterative Pills, when used are Invariably acknowledged to be superior to all others as a purgative or liver pill, main:.m as the love me bowels perfectly free tram eoelivellese; 1 , 2 also his Golden Pills le admitted by the faculty to ponesa peculiar primer - Um adapted in female dimmers, bit being swished that a La re Irtal is stilhe , ent to establish what has been said in the minds of the most skeptical, The alliteted are invited to Call upon the agent. sad procure tetanal one of thri Doctor. pamphlet., giving m a de lei account of weltComedyand no application. Foe sale by the filltowitlg agents,. well ashy:mist druggist. throne bout the tinnily. J ceMonnisker Wood street, Pittabittgli; JNI Townsend, dine gist., 45 Martel ist, do; Len A. eathe,n, do time the P.O. Allegheny city; Joe Berkley. DerhelOne , dearer re., Pe. inn 1.1111., Hanoi Vallcy, do dm T Adams, Deaver, do do: auctEdlY BLS NETT'B BITTERS oTe..r a healthy nation throughout the body, mean, the appetite, tonal.. the ore blauon, give tone and erly to the system, ana eras. a power of moist.' mire to at warln all lies forms, rarely to be obtained. To r y wtli perform a speedy and permanent !aro of Dy a pepaist, Indigestion, Flatulency, Deneral Debility, Laver Coroplamt, end all the tests of symptoms ram oaly called nervous affections. Win be immediately relLeved by the me of ails inval uable compound, wbieb is portly ♦egeuble, and is adap/ed to all ages and condluonr. Will find is Mil delicate and palatable preparatinn, a combination ol Tonic, Alterenve and Aperient quali• ties, peculiarly adapted to Men system.. Tbe specific action thalthis article lies on the Liver and Digestive Organs, renders it it contplete Antidote for retread Ague. and Nihau. and T•^bus Fevers. CCM Cu...•.1t.e, L.. 17th 1550. Ds. Sm. ' I have used the c a rtiale of ?Innen , Mtge.. and have :derived efit from them I have been mu eject to ) t un pert to inn re•rt and Ague, bat since the intToducann of your Bitter, I have cutlet', eacaped nay a.uat attack., and can valitt confidence thetrk 9• our of the ta.t Touts. in sae. lie.tivilf C. aw, N. lIUNDINO. My Dnan me moeh oleaattre to date, Match. "'yea Ine ha , been so long Mout.- ra " P"a'a aa"h aab"b To( the Laver haa been en in'''''A`dc:red by Me use of poor Mania- Muer% and for your landnesa to ' of aka. accept my thank. Door aed. EECH. nee, William \l , b Co., and 131 Front Street, p Sea' fart . ft E. SELLERS. A. MAKIN e: CO, No. ed Market el:met, hie. supplied die dehcieney in their meek. ceased by em, and Itlloll, Tender.;plete by the romps of ONE lIONDRF,I) AND F com IFTY PACK/LOEB of desirable goods purchased ft= madardetutedrAdd lae suchen sales, at a great real:aloe Dmllt Pmeete gpsing, which will be Offered to their stwitrh rg cue peon. accorlingl T. It *meld be missal° C. tempt to ertuntersto their well assorald Meek, and. Dievetano, invite the early lateen. of their Mende and the public, with the ssaununo of a tawriars be. Ulf MSS he cod inscia; fluid Bassos. =3:1:1 /one Mb, Ma. .{V GOO DS