PUBLISHED Hy, WHITE az cxl PlL'rTestlvßou SATURDAY MORNING, SEM'. 7. Entheltarrsies ar• earneury reqatkea to Rand to thetr rayon, before 6 P.m., and . early to tbedar tt° Practicable. Advenketnenta not yawned for • •pen Led time sin rueuwato, until 1,3 e red out even] tETV. ratite to nano kr to Pt paper att hi. Incentive in New Bore, Philadelphia, and Damon+ and to nuthoneed to reeelve nobsenptiona and advertisenterro for u. ti?Partabeneur• Nauru AotirsTcara—Advernse. Enema and pubsetipt:o. to the North American and United Stater Gaterre, Philadelphia, received and for. Warded from thianal.e. Iw 11131 911.P11114 Lux —Sebsenprioria. for this saleable paper, will be reeerved and forward ad from this office. - BatvratoisAwalocara—loubteriprio advertise menu for tau paper reeeived and forwarded free of Charge from bile office. frf" Cretctintan Deus Gsecrra %AO subscr.ption. for this paper, will ortrarded front this office. DZKOOLLATIC WIIIIO STA Fox fAISE (1312 , CIS'ONI 10 fillUA DUNG Hacks Connty . lON Artono, f7s. 11ENR - .NY DER, co- s: orniy. PDX CCCCCC JOBEPII 11ENDF.RSON, 01 Wutancioneminty. Anntamasente and Whig Nominations for Alia ggggg County. vox nurn al:COSO CONORICIA, Taoass M. HOWE, Ma rl Trn.r , C0N.10.4 RARIIIAR DENNY, 111=1 JAMES CAROTHENS) Fon issmva•Lt, Moewei ROBERTSON. r...bwrb , T. J. HaiHAM, Lower OLC2a4r. R. C. WALKER. Elisabeth. )01IN BECLUSKEY, JAMES FIFER, Snowden. rranscvii. srromm, FRANCIS C. FLANEGIN, Pitslbgagh. aui~adl~cn~ EDMEZER pones, Nor Fayetu was. FLYNN Lew., S :Clth, COVIST D. N. COI7ITNEVjOhio. r BEE NiI:ST . I'AM: FOR LOCAL. MATTER Our Philadelphia papers are run of Descri ption of the Isle great freshets in that region. We nothing, however, necessary• for the information o our readers which has not already reached us b telegraph. The loss of the Texas Boundary Bill in the House. after a severe struggle, we fear bodes no good to the country. Although it is alßill,VticA we hover admired, vet we are inclintict.kAink - thattbe . peace and good of the counfritieen promoted by its pilaw° throattiitiittiatOcltie shopejt came from the Senate. It •Uriaatfeatt!id, bY the extremes of both sections of the Union—bk . the South, we fear, (or the purpose of promoting dins,. lotion; by the North, from a belief that it gave Tex. as more territory than she owned, and ten millions of dollars beside. No sane man in the South can hope to get a better bill for Texas, and the rejection of this peace offering, by the southern Totes, shows that they are desperately bent on treasonable dee The Pre sat Tleket.--.lllr. Walker We list e hiihems avo d-d all non eor a stnal myna in chit city watch am-mites to ti•elf rat title of the Prote.tan , Parry. WOO nothing to re commend it, rither n it- o•'e it or lorrd , Oß cater, we we, in :In e lot t qui ray run 11 race, and die withot t not ice. no every effort of ttv kind emu do In a country of cat rlligooms sot equal religious liberty. We only notice It toe for the yorposie of aviiin l eg a -7 well meaning me, Who may he deceived by us titre, and 11,1 the purpose of defending one of our caudidate• who has already been falsely accused fry the pa per which speaks for Ibis anti..lntrrican Party. Every intelligent person knows that every Am erican citizen i• completely ptrieeted by the con• 'Mutton of the United Stater la the full end tie. enjoyment or his . religions opinion., and that ho has an unrestricted right to worship God ucorileg to the dictates at his competence. Any polluted party, therefore, which is founded on It c proacnys lion of any portion of our fellow cities., oo ae• count of their religions profession and opinions, a - In direct opposition to the later el the conatitutice and the spirit of nil our institutions. Any e.ozer therefore, who encourage., 5t0013.111, Sad offillitte wth such a party, is derelict to his duty no aire e man and as an 'American citizen.- Scott a jam Is essenttally anti American. lt grow LI is .o• sign. It is an imponaLon of one of the woo e vi r a and most hatefel Causes of wet hoiner., roc is • anarchy, poverty, :belt, murder, and Minuet evert other evil work, which now athlete some parts c. Europe, and which has made Ireland e proverb o misery and disgrace. Unhappy will he the du whet a political party,fnanded ao noel obtains a loot-hold in free Aineries. This faction arrogates to kto . f too mush, when it takes the namo of the party. Nut; tenths of oar commninty are Protestants, and for Cy nine fifliethe of Protestants abhor the idea of prlitleal piny founded as religious proscription.— They have awn too plainly in Europe the halefu effects of political and religious intolerance ben courage such s spirit at hems. Believing the their faith read U;cra the truth—upon the Holt §crlptnres, they ask for no protection but equality for no shield hot the Bible, frerly mrceloted umoni the people. With this ...Sword of the Spitz". they are content, and esquire no burn in sword no special privilige., no civil immunities, no pr Weal proscriptiou for sake, nothing to canal lawn, mad entire religious freedom. lf, will the Bib:e, free discussioe, the pre., and th , achonlinaters Protmtanism cannot austain hotel myainet Catholicism, it is not worm keeping. On , faith in Its troth,lta the protecting care of its Ryan, Heed, and M its final It iumplas, is too melt to leave room for doubt. We shonli mourn to are it, wheels clogged, and Its glory tarnished by a polit lest crussde ageleat its weaker foe. The weep one of Ps warfare' are not carnal but mighty through Gad, lathe pulling down of strong holds The pulpit, thereligious piers, and unrestrained free discussion, are legitimate weapon, of thank, gloat warfare. With them, the church ought ever to be content. The political press and political ponies have their appropriate sphere of dunes.— They should not step beyond them. ft is but due to the Protesmnt Churches of Pat.. burgh to ray, in this connection, that 1101 One or them, to the hest of our knowledge, has any syin paths , with the no-called Protestant party. We have reason to believe this politico religion. movemsat 14 condemned by all of thorn, al though there may he Individual member., of Pro er- tenant churches who have mistaken the oblightlone of their religeoi profession, as well as their CI,: duties, by unman with them. One word concerning N U. Walker. Eeq., ono of rent Candidates for tho Assembly. lie to charged with being a member of the Catholic church, and to opposed on that ground by this (action. Were this charge tine, it would not be solid ground of ob jection. Hut it is not. Mr. Walker was born of Protestant parents, and brought up in the Protestant faith, and as such, mouthm to the present day. Thn we have from his own lips. Nothing more need be said un the subject. The Illaressontsons Democracy. The Locofliens of Westmoreland and Bedford Congtesaional District, have finally. nominated John Briodgrass as their candidate. This dies not peens its restore harmony among. the "incorrupti ble., The Bedford "Jackson Democrat," a eofoco organ, reviews the nomination, 101 have pan heard it rumored that John Snodgrass has been nominated by the Confemni, at Ugonier, as the candidate for Congress All we have to say I.—" God rave the party " The proud old Keystone Sate, eminent for her intelligence and honesty, to have John linoderase—s name sy tinny - mous wtth ignonmce and dantinesty. to rep relent the "big Dirariet" in Congress ! It cannot, it tenet not be! Should this sad news, which has fallen like blight upon every Democratic been, he trite, some teen, profestitne, Denti>cmcy will he held loan awful responsibility. Our friend BLODGET and the Democratic parry has been sacrificed on the unholy altar of mammon. The whole community here ore justly indigMtat and ekasjerated! Perfidy and constr. tient, of- the groasest character, have been reward ed, merely to gratify the malice of a few greedy eorocoante of din and Westinorelnnd county ! Mare 00 this subject- next week. erbal! net be %V afraid to spiltour Mind freely and fully. LATER ,tostai•ssiosios•ss NOMINATED. COCltary to the wishes f exp ind ecfithonn of the Docaocraue party of this eornoy, John Snodgrass . has been nominated for Oun.gren , We are the advocates of ragular nomfaitions, bra we believe twit there are mote important requi-nns in making nominations 'than rnere_seguiardy. They ehould always be honestly and faithfully made, and ahonid not be tainted arithoorroetion In the present mon, _ /re believe timely, that the proper to ran be 'O&M/ to }auto thsg Jets SaArl" owe* his nomination to the tufluenoe of the almighty donor. How comes it that ooe of the delegates of West morend county voleddtrectlyoppotite his instruc tions for Alexander McKinney, Esq. How COMM it that the Bedford delegates—one of whom was pledged to vote against John Snodgrass'.—voted for John Boodgra.s. when there was but one solo., ry Democrat for him in the whole county, no far as we have been able to escertatn t Let an have an answer to these Important queries! We cordially endorse the following remarks of the Pluletelelphug Bulletin. We have been utter. ly amazed at the folly exhibited by the New Yo , k ere in the reception of Jenny Lind. We fear B,r num has cantnved to turn their bead., or one hr undenetande the art of gathenog all the well: en..N together. Bat what shall we say for the ethtore They write hke wild school boys, rust ewe/ e from the restraints of crabbed tutor, fI the, heeds are out turned, Barnum has contrived to relict them meet effecmslly to aid to turning the head. of others. dvertivemcnia e received •nd THE LIND FOLLY The oondurt of the New Parke, on ihr irnd cg of Jenny Lind cannot give the Smoot', .mg. er a very high ides of Ameriroin . friwirei, or of Amerwan sobriety, Aftor the dint gerh id gran fled vanity a over, her nommen eerier out to her how eminently flogmeefut anon bobs, tor war on the Sabbath one, and how little in toe eon wit h t h e wpolitiegr optio-ition to eii In -n war ship. W e eepeet thr gear. eif, of lent, I, nd no moot as laity one, nn,!vie reverence her ail wore (or being •o yeoman ; but we i•ahnoi look o pen Curti pro..-ed vga, as thorn exh.lo•oil Soodmv, with to ihiigno. The American r should have more totorct for their conn.ry than to shear tb en owlye• thus, and more ettneweratien for their pieta than to annoy her as they wit at the /Indine It w one them to admire her talent, an other thing to make eurselvea rldieotonv Were Kirov ratio good men—k Hower.", Whitfield, or a Weider—in lard upon nor dour-, not a eto• gin individual would crowd to receive Mtn, even •hongh, by ton inevitrimbie liner flora, he has rea trier tovery and pain. But Int r p raad at once all •Ye,e hods over blobs preen around theca, nage, block up the approaches to the hotel, and erect the neighborhood - awake with shouts pro tracted far Into the night. Sometimes, at der such eircomrtances, things in the shape of men Inge the horses from the carriege, and drag the favorite to her door in • word, disgrace themselves and their country forever. EE11321:33 The late demonstration, it may be said, was difs remelt from other, that have preceded it. It may he contended that the occurs of Sunday were canned by admiration (Jr Jenny Lind's personal qualities, more then by env enthusteam for her as an artist. We do not think ao. Had Jenny Liod not been a popular anger, yet remained in all other respects, as elm ir, there would have been neither a rash at the lending, nor a crowd at the Irving Hone, Her virtnes, had they been ten times as great, would have tailed to win a solder, buquet. Nor is Ude ail. 01 the admirers of Jen• uy Lond,stinose opinions she would herself reepect. we venture to assert that not twenty partici pated in the unmet- of Sanday. 0 her duties de• mended their acention on that meted day, or. if not, a decent respect for themselves kept them at home The great mum of those who housed .o tumultuously at the pier, swaying to and fro like men fighting for hank stock, would have crowded equally to glee • meretricious dahecr, or to pet no the dying throes of some pitiable victim on the galloure. Tne demonstration rightly viewed, was en insult rather than a welcome, and eo Jenny Lind will ultimately co-ander it. if she I. a scum, ible sad pure minded woman. We root that when ;the faftlisitde vane Pniladelphia, there will be no such insane behavior on any day, much less on the Sabbath. It inhere site will meet the larg eat audience of judicious admirers, and here. therefore, she should he welcomed with warm Leers, but without folly. We have even New York make itself dd.-Woos before, but never halfso much es on this occasion newspapers exhibit as much want of decorum ts the mob, vying with caca other in rhodornon lade and faiworne adulation. Even toe Tribune, atuch tiattatly wt nsisinds the billies of fashion, ions in the the hour, sod gravely A-or:nacres that •. in the corn tee mild to Mile Lind,"ii hi `the dawn rit truer apyrrelation of well do, med effort" The tsir Swede, tt as. dern, it is a ororkee, too." Cot sistency. entour leers, Mr. Omelet. Wes singine for a fear hours :time • woman to more praise than if ate stitch 'd night and day. with the Elamite, in support her orient* Ah I Greeley, Greeley, if you would no eon...tent, you should net op similar ovations whenever P poor seamstress lands from the steer ge of a packet snip, for the seannittcsa is " worker too," and even ■ wore heroic ene than Jenny Lind, Intoonoeh es Cis herder to live by gin-tine then by staying. Bute nough or this sutipitet. It W the last time, we Our, Ma turn an eati.bition of lolly will be seen an the United State, Confirmation et Mr. Intl.:. as Marshal— Of Mr Embank, Mr. it d and otia ere—Slave Trade In the Distriet—Mr ferrard . • course thereon- rex., Bonn dary BBL A Penn.ylvarnan tbint• it important that I should CIItIVCI a .t,cht error of •txtement Into WhlCh 1 tell some V.n d.t).rrit.renee to tle• notittnimon if Mr Irvin to uoireeed It,. In other an Slowisi: t the Western Dintriet of your State. It wan not einitioned lam we. ka• scowl be rite, but only ten nod tr. I knew that dime WI, no opposition to on appointment, and adop vii the ntatement which I comniunicited to the Casette without special en quiry into to authenticity. Beside the confirmation of Mr. Embank, Cono inc.-over of Patents, yesterday, there was that i Mr. Barnard. Slimmer to Prussia, and a consider able hareh of others of more or less Importance. The general impression, to day, is that Mr Jen .4lrl, mill Sector, and that Mr Sommer, of Virgin. ta. will accept the responsible and honorable 1,0.1 vacawd by the resignation of Mr. dicKennan It .5 to be most earnestly hoped hat the place will noon be tilled, for the pubic business requires the control of a-directory head in that Department. • The Senate have reverted to the discussion upon Slavery, connectmn with the almost forgotten but vastly important bill of the Committee of thirteen, for the nholttion of the Slave trade in lb. Down, It came up to day at one o'clock, and expectation ran high that Mr. Clay would make one of ho no- We and effective speech. 'upon it, Rot there was a genera: disappointment Mr. Clay made a eery few remarks, and those only by war of introilue• Lon to the bill which he declared hit - itself heartily in favor of. It cllttrded toeand others true pints me to perielve that the excursion of Me. Clay to to the Eastern watering places has had a gowl ef. wet upon Inn health. I have not seen hint link better for yearn than he did to day. Mr. Hunter, of Virginia, made a forcible speech againni the bit ',denying the prod/coon ofCongrew ever the subject of die trade mu star. between the States, or between this Federal Dimmer and any State. A Senator informs me this evening, that there um a good prospect that the week may be con ned in thiS discussion. The passage of the bill through the Senate a probable, but I do not think n can be cmcheil in the Home this rename How. ever, there cau he no doubt that ere many yearn this blot upon the National escutcheon will be wip ed off I conmder rite existence of thin detestable and •harneful traffic here, as among the greatest of the grievances of which either side has to complain in thin rotarovermy upon slavery. It cannot be re garded otherwise than. a national disgraee. Sim sensation has been mowed by a report l that Mr Seward intends to more as an amendment to this Ina for the total abolition of slavery in thin District, and the Nyman, of an ample indemnity tnt ise own ers ma of the Treasury. I . not e4preas un opinion 11p(1/1 that proposition until I see the de tails M it. A measure with that object in view might, I think, be framed so as to attain its pur pow gradimay and wisely SO its to shock no pre • indices, and awaken no dangeroua excitements any where or between any clasues. It appears to bit believed that Mr. Seward will not offer this bill d, an amendment to the present one. - The ilowe pfbeeedings, to dnyovere dwrourag ing enough. Mr. Daniels, a moderate Fort of Dem ocratic member from N. C , one of the putrrelts of the l louse, made a speech on the Texan bound ary hill, which I rould not but dusk upon non mani fesnre ofdemuion. Mr. McDowell, of Va., awn iaide whit wan expected to Ire thn cloning nprech, Lin Sir. Holmes, of Charleston, S. C , permuted in indicting himself for a whole hour Upllo the Route in a strain pecidiar to him:elf. Then Mr. McCler nand withrew the motion to refer the bill and a• inendnien. to the Committee of the Whole, by which movement Mr. Hoot'. ntottou far the adop tion of the wdm.t Proviso Cell, of emir., as it want an amendment to the motion to commit. Th. proceeding was looked upon as a trick and wan deeply sesented on the uppente aide of ale 1101141. MeCleratand moved the previous question cm the hill and amendment., but it wen I..wit iv Drew, maturity. MeLone, of It iminore, then renewed the moil. to eointnit. and cost the pr. 1111, qww. [km. The Donne then sidninined in a Xeryhad Immo, The appearance of things lo nlcht mar mots theapprehennimi that the hill will 1w lost. it certainly rennet pl.s in present shape--rind its euemtes appear to have airength enongh to pre clude all neeemary amendments. Enit CONGIUSaIONAL Diskaurr.—We learn by the Erie Gazette. that the Whigs of that Distliet hare nominated John H. Walker, Esq., the present able and popular Senator from Erie county, for Con gress. No beater nommatimi could be made.— Able, intelligent, prompt, ready, energetic, talented, honest, and faithful. If cleated he will serve his constituents inn manner that will Mattel honor op on the col=kollWeilal. 1111111211 the Locos °I Su•queltantts rt ants ft-so:sect at iheir recent County Convent POll lb.' the Conchs., atonal Conference, o f the dottriet be tostrlteterl to support a eandtdate float Tatg.t. Flt Wtttnot I. a resident . of Brad:cult and the tehttltitionher,- lore, a to antfest Now at It •aHts I to Shstinotton, rendering hint] ohm, is tt, the Ittgh ',woo, of L,peltiOel o l l ,ll, they have iletertnined that he shall be superseded. It o , Caleb 13 Smith, of Indiana, has •ecopied the Presidency of "the Junction rail road, - whirl] to n from Itishmlle, in Indiana. to Mow,. n ' Ohio. The roam for the road ha, bred iiervey• rid, and found much inure favorable than woo anti. pared. BRIVOrIi OVER nu. TIELME , -It Iv staled in one of the English papers, received by the last steamer that the six largest bridges who'll span the river Thames, in London, are 'gradually giving away. Slackfriars, in particular,has evinced such signs of In that it is Mooch! nothing but very greet precautions can prevent the whole fabric from be. mg precipitated into the river • The others wluch are in a lar preaarimei conihtion, are, London Bridge, Southwark Bridge. and Wewninster. Frnmt , ae 111,14 wrzh Poet• for the People, It la not our twettunn to wave one charger ewatoat the proems enerneter the ',float,. no w . e, for State elhoe,, althetteb that ha, been ciew• to we record to one ilinaidate at leant by Nome at the Lowaliteo nutria themselvea. lint thetr or arty are pql.dlo• property, and or, to W.. the I,C• ple what would be their Yoko( nohoo l it elevated to power. Mr. Morrison the LN0101•D candidate for. Cangl C 31110121.1100., was a silent mei:ohne el the Lsgtes triune forme Intl two St/1.10135. Nave aver beard from excepting when thsre was it -call 444'1 yeas and nays. On ell snob ocaaglOW Wiript" uniformly Lund voting web the M.* 'rediesVihr the Lx•ofo,* on nli quemtonn that were :zittiewil involving the principles or intemata of tlrgitiWo 1 lie uniform'? anted't vii MO,M,Lie favor of przucciton to the labor and to Iberian and Coal imamate of cur Site. Lite session he voted for the indefinite . post ponement of the rr.tiltnious nornetlng our Sens tors in Coogress to vote amain' the extenslon 0 Slavery in the Territories of the Cooed States • .• He voted arm nut the printing of Gov. J o hniston l a message, in which our State wan aldy and unto• sarerably vindicated horn the intailerit charge.. NM' foul calumnira laid upon her by tor ti..ernors o• Georgia and Vim nt. He ' , toted for the infamout anOvrtlonivievl vetoed by Gov Johnston, to which en outrage wa• atteo.nted to be perpetrated upon to: per ple dt . this State, um aampled In the [valor, of edddno legialatton—by which mice than EV:111 Y rir.H.. SA ND Whin voters would ctruat.ii hove h.,. dtairanchtsed, and been unrepresented in time L. g istatore. In every ,entene.. when caner hdis motions were before. the House In d •Ganot.i, Whigs, he cram loord votit g Or them ; tLa. prav• tug his d,srea ord nit jl l / 1 /TI, or pat„,. ile.voted to inert", in, FI:Soll4 of the Canal Gornmi svouarn. an, e r Wr.. 11 can didate. notwithstanding the so, t act , L i e ph., and reeetved he Vrevsioy thc • Ivry, p•a voted to the Lerralat ore in that tants , . ne . vole a tea.. cm:tamely dratted by the I..,oiliero leaders tot to rekord. He clt.n voted for Inc nanal! note sv.Lug it • penalty for any one In n • 11,111. P. 0 at the W I, line tintforta'y VO,O ef.s.r, a, to ettow the hant, o! our own Si,,- issue acastl trln.a to meet. :he Wants iti Ctt. tt—tp He In, {tar ',craw 1,4.0, I, far the enne- , 13,1, p.m] nod ho v.,tl nen I.,tnt ice t. • onmenrird 1.0 Gly. .t . tiegtli.bment nr Ile S-ec These art a fez- of 'he 1, - m-rt., avt• .4 1,- Lot-ofoen norn:nee for Cahn, G.ol , ooarTmler. Ti-.' tat might he greatly tea, naed and creaded, there are aultatent to snow that to n wort: y of the contidenre and support ni 0, 1 mm raga.o the true :etereate, honor and vvel:ere of rho Stet, Whie there are aohd round• of objer,-n h•te and whin- nrs rinnnol drier 0, ;map, 01 MI- state from raahrr autTraar• for nan. mtv lent vatn for any •e , -;:on..n.' 0 h • favor. Ere! , /.0001000 withl and har•aho,a, non- le.l to cuain, aaa r,: reason for his eupoar, It -a non. Etal.ol.l. App<ar. In tnre"l'vran I q•er.Pr •ft•iromtrge• . .Cr!. 1,,1n•r T arty • t Wlnds.,r F'•lare • a,. " u [rrrt 1 d ,nt ,e I. en °dicer of gr-ri n clener .nd , . ct- r, nt-re,l rn•nte-sed el/V , VI , V It, cbe,••. •LAE ' a " ''"" .I.••rrived vecuom . • Iry 1) 14tt.11,0 of lbt• r l, "" ' '"" k" "n " ' • ftmeirrofir evr,ry from ritruletiOn. , r..vor n^y appenr.d in the Loudon The enpulalue 01 this currency (A sett,'l he wa. gew. from the Stal • Id . • pa, 4, A Ica days h/• n•n• mrpriaed to una. a meat urn tunolv en ton , 1114 1 opted 0rd ,,, a.t1c , •• I• genercl Ina% nr.,R , 11,11 “3V.- r cu ' , w r ' ,n gradual and not !mire I t ver,ll.ll w 4. t 7 " : n thodld have beer ,u,pt 'on At I.', , n na o , o p _ .. nntnicatton from cur u•An btat, ban,. Go asod silver hrtt.. O c t take the 10,c, n r 11, 0 smtil nclecurreLev, e• the friend. 11.enntir.. . r ,hnfl t ltthtly at.,,p,leci. The n; , .-In , •rn 1. • lir Al ^.17 , to Itr•Leri, ;17, 1211111111E1 of the c.atutty tr.e Fttne.n.ort of tte :aware " • ' 1 " atrocity obiereed, Themom , :r lrnptnel; made by m be IA r a... 1 mo tete ..reoted In another. c . cll. ....el hot,. to on,. weer, rtor. nutted to tormah tne onmmunov wah enr, : " "4" " n un' 'eel otted to :tea wants Et conrenincl fl:": cy tha: now proltub.ted ' Thr cam, • ".. ' t .0 votn a. he ennton,rol .„0 00„th , 'h • .•• 111.• 1,0.111, • t,r. 1:11,1.1g1 wn•rb "prokowtoLce. stone." •nol, , r ter poriarde r I es. " " treV k. h•tr, joltng tact peonie.ifeer.ont gee, in ag ,, lt' 01 the " "'" 1 ' ) r 4 tae r e "c"'" '" ottani:me, cept,wled Ben:oaten here.e—an 0, Wo' , l and etlver' —t , a•ind ;heir " c,4"4.'4• thy theory upon tar, (elk 3 , 4l.llorpntheAts that, if 01, •r• p,„„,„0„d tto. al rf, on . of the tea. nornmaloot Item nee or to. duller. the eiretrialtod tacit :44 " . medium n a It, der ott,•nnoor, mart, of nevem. let,mr,g. et n Pee, n A ~t-rt. Annear, d l a l n ' d c N tm.hout ty.eontort of tam—of arti vrr. Data currency bomb, ht. lot•n hashed and" "r. ' tat tther ' t. ' mh...bed to the people, year alter yea, c ,„„, tn'oot •n , • rwcitt I u I,r , rn they were. ano start he p.m . 'coder rodunv•tv...toett polownl ' ''' ec"rh rrer " ., wb et ' to the .0‘ .. „ , . 0. 0,10 • , u cl.tnee tar heelvet I< mon,. 0.. .r e a.tle , the ny ro,e",,d t..;twentywhton tram .n yea rr, the party In power or tee hark nt le•w-rear and TI — V took throe a alma cc, a.. Si t, an nevt , .•lme Pro , ye , A' " ." own „,"'," Her , eed the pertinacity, to perrnd Inc .sir rot btel. in Ill " ; th'"e• which not large, itomelatllant a Icatt drenn.•-to.nn than Eve &Wet, rl 'tr'er Mn, a h."th° rem. The consoquent e wa• ',1 , 1111,•• tur•ettry nr w " r. ' ` .4. ‘""r".rm — thr dencminatton wan lwel• ot the t.!..• te r " ot ' , her Iler M,. rr,riprd., to none, and the Pr.ore only let ra:l • try' on. or tl,. man adean•aar+ , b,„ , a 1,1 nom, cr,e near I tin, at len g th would have Patented to the ct,rto. of Pensylvanv ' rr ` n '' n " new ' ewer th° , bow ie, bad • ditTereet po. et been oto,nted It the ""1 ea kw•rd tth "et' , that , ' par nail net.. rumen,' Asa t ..••r the tr•tte ol otrr , w tier r '' rrn " rth ett'''. a" the holder. et ny I"rc al , et. t of the ilatd•trerm Goardo, tin that rutted thett eon yen enee r-or, • ! ,hen ot•,. warn P • C . r e the fin. , nlrn. ....• •• at any time totter than Ind.der. IV •. e. -n •a- te ,nn 11.•fth weto headed bar placed thetr ...iv • rr yn rent., rake , . r "" " set °. •rh lien they ean oniy ,tad sal by :I , V 'JO " %Os , " In rrprnaon, nom.. en Iltleef the late taw, ni nosey do.enunt It Map hr neennuteda wrtu .. e tn rnatend va- r, e'cr. "" tthe e r'thele, ':,oily for our rottetry age., the ttztrek• tor"' liner eon. common enema; but it I. wore than on. ter te.,ty time, Recta In Partake i , , best tett...wt. of ter enln tromay tr." and ""th.lthe'r''''t ' b y th e 'h t 'era make, e• tnt.l o 0 ,, wmg room, eta I auppose the hitt:tote. of nary.—r' hott, m. rt.ey cal ,t, het er har,t at.ohten all the tone to ,tr pea, Toe Pr ooe'r lured. however, the P..e. tie Itatlrond Com onto, en Arm.; .n • • c harry •" "o n e ro' lier Mrloor h••I r.. , p ym.terday, f.orn a .t.. 1 tit the tome , •• ..n thr '• end 'vete converaa. our of 'he prat - otted It aotood. earl •• no 51. o art .1 terwo tuhjettia, In hadlepi.yed rod totereated to rt. Ile (' te, P..., tar . tc`d 'o d er'"•‘ I,ll..yette, Jehl,un. at d tem . de— " nml intellen• root.. I rot • • • ne•ere i ••en, that her Map:e el' .re ponp'e,lu favor o' the tool lA', !e,dr. • ; ' , tree, and ad., t o.r. he found in- beat .udit pretettitiliE Iltnenr. the, the Queen, and a tir,rd tir.terot,oattott ! lu.. In. • .0 weldnd. W. lienmatters prior nil a n d in in, Air, A, i re re",,p•ed Into lion. in Inr Verti ewe., threogh 1...1, h e cNke ‘ , ..1 banded - road t. I ::•'y to paws. the , t •• ' • '. art'" I. muy .re l oad rot, re. led In the - voter., and In • .h fon no.", C•i M")" • '• m'oht once k,from t o the coo, h ton. wonderme when amunt ...•'.1...•'.l nit then' nr•n•rei.tin . to ddnr, untiin lie given, the Grand he o nurauun 11, Sad., tokstur ,r, le.od'ev 'fl; hem 'hat her its ercdot to the t; - mpi3V, la nltn .t 0 ,e-te • had V., order. t. hr eholud he err. panidd, and by thewoe b'-I,', .ott,tre ; eau, 'o and to Where Her them', no doe'', tan% , n r. very c ., s , d , dral.ll l lel, V%intl. , ' In the sin, rnrun, and with lion of the State, there he no d:••.nt . .:+g vo.e, inch Comm a • 'h o ugh 11 .' had t 4.1 met hrii i so far, p d hrinnerhrknelt and tetiebed with Ina lips he upon it an n fixed feet, that ft wi s rl 1,, &north,' antthin ceremony gln,' batC: 0.0 be l'o".".1 nand the enna'rnett ot 1 sannedtnnfreattraeida,,afi; Cutlltre a itzttansagntahtaattala phrid- of the road. We are nrat:fied, moreover, to learn that the eng,theraleparne• ho eo pounerl the, pre'ontoary surveym and examinsvou. to I 04 , 00 of he liar. and Ifni 11l preic,voTiry th,. nu. Of the road. the gr00;;;1 turn.0.,1 ,, v ;rlt not the en. ut,hL.. terett v Itreten :he tee ; •. It r.•.• e,mnien. 7WO I,ftn: poirPn in f4 ,, 0f 01 i,r• worl. Cure money to returth I- the road--mid It% cull:, practicab!lity. Ws wen, r•Phi,f,3lll premise•, in saying Inat rn •eer.l welt or thr g rr. rilicrprviti will noun be wail. end That, in the beetle of the talented and coot ache gentleman who is now at lie head. a ye", few ge•n will withers es completion.—Sr. (iv. o f Aug. 30 Gnu. Wst. O. tlrsrov left herr for Columbus Yesterday morning nn e-roll esinsoting el Mr. Wer of Wellsville, arid Officer Mills of Akron, Ohio. It is antimpoicd that h. trip ',II hr n safe one. and that hi. f rteuds who accompany bun will not desr, him during ht s portion. lie appro. to have had II hard lime nl st sines, lie escaped from Clevennid mi the night n 1 Wednes day, the 25th ult. When he left the Hotel, his keep treing safely lariord up. he made for the lake, rod tn.-ie.-I 014;110 the Israeli man daylight. Dor ing the day be seercod tunisdli In n barn. and ai night ...rimed hi. porous, Ile trnveled on foot for about tour d.rvs. nod myhla, through the rm.( unfrequent ed parts 01 the country. subsisting on Fr , ‘" , . and once t getting runnel other focal Item the •pro. horn., oovir the way. Al length worn down with Imam s, lie bought n horses and rude into inner d relight on Tuesday morning— Ile stopped at the here! of NI, W•y, with who he was well ocriumated, and surrendered himself, ret arkln r that he (Mr. Way) might as well get the rewards. any other one. lie was brought here on a steamboat on Tuesday evening, and kept at the U. S. lintel during the eight. Columbus, we presume, will be his place of trial. lie expresbmemindenee In hist - o.lov toe.rub hats hisinnocenee, notwithstanding the etrong co lt/QM guittrolfhcoling Gar, of Thum • A voice Loa 1: wt. fliou to Ilie foliwaton biter a prominence r Onu I sly given in nor column. to eta t t , •l i• h ra nee It le from LI, ha n geht.ll.ll:l n ot hoouraido aliment:m e it r cr , ar,s .1. wet' e. perbeui any man in S:a c thy ratan of pending quesfitais 10 the Getter.; o— verhmeol, ard toe scutiracta of the Pecttlit of Virg ILla genet sliy in regard then,— F.0:0 such a loan we may sivril rejoice to have n cotaarriodoi. to the letter of the opiniota which we hey,. bud oi•ca.iun lately to vu prone °line loyalty of the of Virgate to toe Union. VIRGINIA, Aug 2'; 1550. Yens!, Pola r 0n Snort; Tue cut.. of your Pan , et ail Imo 1.. twee in are - erroner with the n 1 the peep. of Virginia, tit d you CO then; a , Itstat je,ce when you lay, tt. yort In your edstortal a l the 17th beat., "we h vvbriber in the while range of States, Ileti• nOv des , onaled an Soo:hers a angle one more retry t'evo ed to the Purer ani too C.... notion by tool, B ., 'lhtled man the Sinle of Virg' a• •." i.eT 113tos yet, Chad bit, I) it wili be tire.ereed I t den mre of the ell'orin that are made t.n bob paces to wore, ;hone hoods that now oncoroftaw It. The reopir of thin ord Common wee th are ' ardently eitachem" to the Union of Inerrl...ates; and Vivi: ate ready to prone 0 when ' eve. an nor-tame •Itan rent e• enseettal for them. ton,. I nay the re,pl, nne I nrthe word to tie adrott and mict ementlea tense. Ido nO: in clude to is. term recto of route noliticyna, who hare ',fro re nod tg"lront I 79S down to tbe peen, rot day, titi leni:y they bat, beetigio no tad i smog grown anialler and tensile, 'hy de. gee, to attract to,• atigniten reap[ for dud,. pantry •urer oyes are generally to h• eturi :intern a , yoilng Inwyer. tam, feu or of DJeters AVIA portrwt. or other g•rolrnen it lemur.• tans nay thing. From arch roarer, an tom: string lip . .ttlOtttlo,-Illeel toy, of very dtgva. , l matein46tim those a • otnn originate. the regßy-it ItUt t lei optatetl Or Vcginta— and- 112s1. nee out of ten, the old Ctldiinop:"Plitirifeataiiie to Lear the roue el rode ~ i 'd1 314 . 11 41:0111 abroad for what we know the as unworthy even of her• g01(.3343kCjr , * ;11110111.11yr Mill more of what she once wai;: . .ifftlir*eix back, though, now, 1 verily 6811eilitn*ritil:dtt lent mot g thenoof her lifters tom, proud postlion. I any "444". .baclrirlitia by thin lot It mean to &Ware that , orieln toot retraelog her atepa, in order to rench;tire point of her depariure itom the true remind, where idle will again he ready torntatell fo.w4rid ln the Caere of her ancient fame. I her. tort to sir the rpm„ It; lbw 150100 at the Stoic, who Wii l • i.e a Moment, I.tell to the seg. dean. of Oa th-ongla even of a diaselution Cl the Union. Dowel - ye 1t,,. Brion! Foe weal) He the Peons: of ()Aileen tri rhotte in prohilet n'tyr w thin her holder.) B emote amerce. r ent; wise% to gene, pre, hitt or ton ball eatah t•ltir, the Territory el ULM or flew Mexico f rbtreiy riot. I nesever teem the doctrine of the 11troi•t .0 lelwee queari,r, me t'ecy.:e of each pro. sr air to PVtlit . It far t'tcactelver; enf ,to et,t = e; tir i t-titer, in the Territtriten, Onegrena I e 1 , , in I.fe, ro apply the prohtholon to •. d;• a- in n Dran,cra.t.t Con. • nr.t a by thethen Dnnocrutor Perri. n ' A , ny. thee. w thrr talk of • .1••• , ./ tt.r. e” at 1.4 z, ,i.nrullr Ittne . eta t. 11 . hrg...0•,..d be sttl tt, •ry ! 11 rur l us to .0 tv• AdtalLutra'. •n, as ato • I. h. 10, in rinitarrna. Gen. raTL'llen It n 1 ,r 1. , . cry wren the South 1. 0 f n 4, - nc4.! lound . ,nrn, n .•nt, . 0• • urf. II dm, (Prom., I wh..n • ,•,•• ch , ity they wt.: lytte t tte, Nem/. Tk• .toot ~ —e t, Peotee sec e4r w,.! rton commend the., tat le er, • , re• .t:er the, trust. (eel to. 0 n-e ttrr er tent W. ,C.r.04.11. U3lO. 1.1, he p.r, -: be a 1.m,, r00k,.,.. men won know •. s A t. , ttt•ttt. 1 1. Are doe to th.At : t , • •t. •e• rt—t , all 11,2 I.atr.r.i• 4,.1 ;Cs .14s st r .•, ettl e rote rouotry. I will t,v remark 14,1 the ateat t•etttt to (wore in al te.Atr• to t'....ttrtte• —t.t 5 1 314 4 1.-y.OlOlW, A. 0 . . 4,111; 1 1, [ha. car. he eat• r d.ret.tly or remotely t.n net tr d m.lll r 2,ml lee , aottn. .Could be the tt,te, ft vot .he I 1 1 1 1 .0 1 .11,1.101 1 malt, be Prep., d 1.3 rtlAot!tm all party ,tttea. WO, ea I Ilitiltro•kr a rt..l 10, al orTnaent, (ante and r •r.t. tt, th.• ro a mere rat y net. .'ll,lcaG I , ertd 111141,111, 0 eet tdratteralt'e • h. ~-. and ter o won't, ....-Atray the h:pe or the t. ..1J it rr. , 4,1g iturpo•4 or to re per v - e • • . • 1. • tF ,, r, 113 • a ! 1. • - , w:erv, to co, : 11,;" couutry,and 6 .11 •,11”!1,8 s ;,:ot .1 al Put It tra. r-t .n, Int. a quart, of an hour rut,. ~• ta• latramr.l ihal If ar Mairaly, who d t,,• L nlonva raaraa about a• darn • ant,a,rad window, wtahad In ronvanal with , ..... c;a mart ni• ol h,n , •. 11 bar n ,. ~, ell rr. rr• nr; on,t, f , “;7l , nle,m m e :7 I vyva” and tewiligenre Into I: p.r.n.e:nr end interentlne, ;n loary r•-•,,,1n rttl pet in wh; r •h he hnd bet., l,Vll,rtf, •how.ev a 1 herinnnirira nd ote. er ynt e ono; well .lorrO, enter, and eillure• led frond W. en 11-r Al rpm', had eon vereed for minor lime, end et:Pit:toe , " inl irrtird hereelf, row, and Nl nod mien Oft, and the other tror•t• unpinned. To. to Mt appeare overdo; hot If /ler ltltqutity bed not the peen:len turn r I . •p ekwe and twine spoken to only when oho wt•ttil, lee ninlittude of her enmoeny sod revel -along would he lettorintin end weetirome.— Whet a illeawag it would be it we hed the neon heppv pytetlitee et timed in private life, if it were only thet ato rhould lie olilitrit4 I n li sten to b or . and swine people.— Brno! nom, rII Mi. De HOIST, • Deno.. Corner nfrourth aud Decatur, I , etetra Hart. and Ferry etreete. nell-dleln ENCOURAGE TWAIN. INSTITUTION. I=l INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Pltt•bnrgb. C. G. 11U.9SEY, rocii.• • —A. W. MARKS,Sset. ffAtoo—No. 41 , A'ator street, In the warehouse of C. II 6ILANT. ruilui COMPANY to now prepared to tonal" all k of fmk aon bounce, ...New, goo d, merelfandom In store, and In tranrito vamela, An ample guaranty for the abllny and Integrlfy of the Inrlitotion, I. afforded in the character of the DI. recto., who aro ail 6111 Y. of Pittabereh. well and favorably known tfithe eonunanify for their prudence, offelltrenee, and integrity. DICECTORA—C. O. (loamy, Wm. Bagaley, Wm. to Infer. Jr., Waller 11 , 7.11, Ilegh D. Km, Edward Maranon, Z. Kinsey , 8. Ilarbaugh, 8.111.K/ere IPM. aaaaa to Slight by the Po. trolosot. S. P. Linos—Sir: I wish to bear testimony to the medico , virtue of the thl called Petroleum. 1 w e , fo r • It, g time orlticted with a badly inflamed and very sore eye, to mach so as to lose night entirely (or about ihree TCOUtkt, with very little hopes of ever recoverlng the right, and hot a slight prospect of haring it re beved or the eateries., my attending phymic:. wee ucces•ful in making e core, or In giving relief, end Rorie , ' me but little encouragement I beard el Ow Petroleum about the Ist of April, 1650, and gave e the result is. the sight le rumored and my eyes well, except a hole coder or weak when I go out In the ma ANN IRELAND. 11 ato field st., Cincinnati, May 24,1820. 9.H I.l:trox—Sir I have been afflicted with Pile. for ren years, and have tried other remedies, without Permanent rein!, until I heard of the Petroleum. I have toed only one bottle, and think I am entirely cured. I =comment. it to all whoare afflicted with Pd.. I liner known It to be good for sore eyes. Cominnatt, May 10, RAO. E. C. GARRETSON Bor ode by Keys. A McDowell, 140 Wood assent; R E Seller., 57 Wood th; 11 51 Curry, Allegheny city; D A Elliott, Allegheny; JosepEDouglass, Allegheny; oleo by the proprietor, P. M. KIER, iI4 Canal Ethein. Seventh 0, Pittsburgh Office oI Otto and Penna. R. R. Co, Third et. Prirsaueurt, August 6,1250. Ton Stockholder. of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail Road Company are hereby notified to pay the eighth Instalment of five dollar. per share, at the office of t h e Company, on or boors the 20th day of Anklet The moth instalmentl an or before the ROO day of September. The tenth instalment on or beta., the 00th day of October next. (Er The 7th instalment ma* called for on the 20th o July Ism siasys ettf IVAI LA RIMER. Jr., Treasurer. BHACKLETT t W 7101.11. Li MALVIN IN DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN DRS GOODS, No. 101 Wood NFITE the ILUEI2IIOI3 of buyer. to their large stock I Of Fresh Goods now o very pening, and whieb they are " MVlt t l? be o o t7s doe. log the reason, and request an examinauon of our ewek by 'reeler° member., end others sneering our city. 5.31 CORD & CO, gito Wholnaled. Retail Manufacturer. tr. Dealer. In HATS, CAPS & FURS. Cor. Wood & ITlfth •to., Pitt•borg h. Where they altar • full tthd compicte Suck of lints. Cum Pure, ar., of every qoaltty and style, by N bole. sale sold Retail, and invite the attention of their rue tornef• nod purchfuter• generolly, ••thrtng them that they will sell on the .11011 T ateamea•cocs Cana.. neglikif - R. P. TANNER & CO., SHOE WAREHOUSE, 53 Wood W. b•Wvomok Third k Fourth, Ate now receiving Wolf very lurge god superior Fall SHOES, k of DOOM . SHOES, AND BROGANS; IIttNNETS and FLOWERS, •II of the: latest st)lr• aid raptrarl, adapted to the western trade. - • It I.•a brett fricrted sun great eare,and as to stars and qua tty not surpassed by any stork to hr found rah, rail or 5051 Our custorners and MI.- - • • enew, /are melted to rstli and se,. arc crierimee.l to sell on the most reasonable ten. Also,S.suollycat s Patent Rubber Shoes o~ all tutus •ugt•liti i.PTIDV•I9IBaI• a uentiatry. DR. G. It. SII;ARNS, 'ate of lk,ston, Is prop•red to on...oasts, slot set Moos Tams la Whote owl ports sr, ors, r-ocuort or isinto•rheris Suction Plates 1,1,M. ry 111,11.71[1.sonere tile nstve 12 • I .••••1 and r oodens s neat coos to the hl•y -r • r, Dort!. strsct. n>_—J. It. kl . / adden.F 11. Raton. 1519 FALL lIIPORTAIIOI OF HARDWARE LOGAN, WILSON • CO. rue WoonFTREEr. A, uurar prcparrd wart larKe and fter.h urn-k of K. n , •e . "nail, rand Arcrrtrzollatetrrrue to offer •urrrr.or inUur events to truyet• . ITo.e yretrlrtng to purrt..•r promote their rest try luoruto* Irrouvr uur, thuy .re rlntettuarroul to WI on tle aro.. le4.oupolo ler,n. .ugl3 Co—Gentlemen—(fat mem. of !W -t.- • Worm rzt..“.d, ff• i• also that of tby no-ro,nt., c my 'rho, yoao CALI Sus! you ui I ob: , to u• by for.obd.o6 • paoi•e soon Numb,. If o you'd he aurreetbie lo It 6wo ofob aeL •• •u u• genrf al Agents for %hi. coubOy P.c.:: o• boar from you roon. t,ellUVL.tilt A Co' Thr a 0r.... only onetamong thourtrltlr of ccrt run st d orar, rttettrattly row, g m urr,. o• rrnm al. qusclrra of the Union letter• •re the 1..1 ev.....,ce cf. rieeltenet. Lrrfror we J. KIDD A. CN), No 00 Wood n,OO Ai t, l'• on Suede,. 22ith el'. Kura threat t.tre Nl•ortntogent de•ghter oi the late A Lretl NI •..1 Al 0, ”. Lhe gist , etar ut her age tter'erlt.s LP Iha xe e A If If a 1.1, 1, AVM faro wench (DV a to morrow mormag nod e•rafrg at toc u•uffillat, o Itt< lir•nk • reet Churet.. - Rev. 00 Osorrox, I" of Coloovoso ,110, Cl.i.go•tt Air oome.w. I rotach • tee 1.•, , ,L 50..., SI I Coorce. ..t,.111, yr Nutt". 1 •iii. U , . t:..~i~ t u i.zutca. w 1.1.em0 t'Sat.Latia, site rnnoo. ~•IIKA Llll\ woo., who ea.. came we:: reenm tnruaed, immeamie empiu) mew .11 LI re oleo wp,K•t New 11.1usge. . :1 h1.1..1.1,11 :4 Murk ihr j l, r trer,rd rbr We. r, the Heart I Lore ui Thee 11' it •lel Red Ito. r. ey Ile tr. I, ax. I, I. A' 1t Le, Fr i tiAr .b- I ,e 1.11,1 1.4 ne,,,a4e lorpl ,•. • . V. ''. a.VlWV(k.: WA, and Ilreea et: •. op i2Tl • trrN7 ,, 2ll enter Our Inoti , rninn anv tone. otuoto.gli Merranutr • On Ac,locl CI Dort herptug, Permrtrutup, /owl I. mow, C , of ne Nolion.l Book Broorp•I 1.. lurk., to Book lirop nR. trd er .oi Voconrer-or. Briertee. lIMME=M M • Inemn4 rasatateo by I Rennet., of the Ilse avt I give >vet. of beetares on Commerentl Law) Thole rdAtknog at • ;balanceran arapne • comp,tr knowledge of the above named tnanekea, hr temattlin, the co:lcpc • term of from • teeigh; wee, Owtrag to Mr. Fleming's...ere acquenn. • with the commerce of l'iltsboirga for the past yoart, Itiaatton. (or grldohoce can R Ily aer,w7l2% NOLISII t lIENNYTT, II•mt, are bow .nd oth , lor ••., .1 t o w- ILO pkg. 11..1010/ I', 50 M h(Spani.l, C Cr.,, and Rl.r a 'l'd del NI ll.wana and Ye, MI OK. %rib in 10%1 park•gt, irmie t 54 rolil'oll'eo n• %I Ilaran., qr 1/.1 11 , / :up 111%, Imusyra, I 1 M Flrg•lisrr. a, J..x Cadr e. IS N Prtuciper. =MOO N Col)b81,.• Filbert., Eng'vat cu 1.1 , 11 , 7 . 7 .... F: r e . d, r :ru.114 . 7 n :1 , 1 ; 741J i t: l nT nri• A ult. I.rsnun 4) cup. Pe•prer Sauce. leg ca•rn I'let 21. bit. T•emers' (Pd. rat. Lamp tilt. S. 3 10r a.e. apio'd Chocolate 14,5 1 , 1. , 110.4 10x1 . 2 limas Ornund Vptee. of ail kinds 'too Li. Nnun%d,r ISo 1.1. ~ a rd.e.S. too eg,t rot 90 hap Starrh 4, I, °cols. IS tut. Rork Candy. , 4 x , who. 1.1,, 111 Ais Nltclled Almonds, fllll WlPp .1 x• & Itlemhaten Cut and Ottcd o.'ll. LicatelAltspeeSnold Tol..seco. lr les Ittcr 10 gum. logolber woth general aosortutoot of goods /13 / I kepi ro weir 111, al Well I . ll . l4bUrich MR. S klu i c , , ; o g. Cz d aT . v a:d cn W ir ' , R ., Cheese, IU use. Lsguayra do; Jl loop Inn, NIo do; 10 , el chests Chalon Too: 10 caddy bas extraOulro g; du MA prime Gruen, bf cheats do; 10 DIA Lunch Raisins; 3 Wes soft shell Almond.; 4, 4. r purr eltrastal Lemon Surfar; 0 ,X•llmaropa , lit • & tancyCboculate In bas Brom, Cocoa and No I do; 7. 1,. A/111011d and Palm Soap; 1 , 00 s Rosin and Vartraar-d Soap; dal re and Bordeaux Oil; Art Pero, ts..o nt lir r ttn & Walnut Pieliles; 0, llo.e Water; I nowt It•ltan IMaeraront; enses du Vermouth, 0 :ass. pure India Cool, Powder; 3 rases arpwrlins Mee Flour: IG I.n. comical & polvenzed Paws; In brl+ smal Loaf, 10 brim pure Cider Vinegar; 50 dor Corn Flrmim.; For sale by 1 WILLIAMS k CO ter) Car. Wood A Fliat L INSE/AIUIL-10 brie rrerived (or tale toe J SCIIOUNAIAKEII & CO pro, 24 Weod at mitAbg IdAGNETIC OINTAIF.NT--VOO down J. :Of sale by J KIDD a al said CO Wood. AriQUITII'4 celebrated Patent Tts ..... —A neer j lota um received and for tale by ami I^,R.UU YRUPPS bIow Dock Stuvaporl.a-3 do. it 7 put reo'd In, tittle by [serf J KIDD& CU nOW DKR JALAP-2 eases Just reed for sale by sep7 J KIDD & Cu POWDF:R GUM ARABIC—(Pure,) I ease, Jul; re delved, and for side by sem, I KIDb Ss CO. lull moment tun by A A MASON & CO sep7 8/ Market et . LIN Erg doxen received Witt morning, at b cent. by isep7,l A A MASON 11. CO PJUNTA —A large and aplmldld .oilmen Merl. 0.6ec0, and Fall River Prints, now on. leg by lanP7l A A MASON ABON & CO pe ---- BLEACIIED k BROWN LISLINS—A full amen. fit ment, all widths and brand., direct from the mano , aeterera, at the lowest pri es, cby .07 A A AIASON & CO g olv hrls fresh Egralaniotri.Z co G • RANITE WALL PAPER—A an drat imitation pc Alamo' Granne,lo be bong In Marls. For ram by W P MARSHALL ••1 ,7 BS Wood at LINSEED 01L—In bd. Gruarobß• brand reed by Fr 1 LI CA:1E1E1.1:1 Urn I I F. BEA:LB-La brla recd !or ..le by _ sop' J H CANFWLD RAII CHEESE—Ro Ire lust rrc'd for salt by A.., la LI CANFIELD TAR OlL—r, ben N C To; 10 brio Tanners , Oil; y 3InNo 1 Lard Oil; in ore and for YOY by Ink No .YP7i MaCILLS d HOE B ACON-n pc: Shoulder; • uu ; ' ‘ig• B ar d C7reil Munn 2q 7 AIcOILLS P. ROE P AIN rF.DTUBS--In dor will be sold low, to close. 111 r lot 0,1.71 111eGIL.L.8 ft ROE FFLOUR-aubrit Alarietta Mills, for sole by .t. .p 7 McGILLS it ROE B R( . 1 . 1. 1 1t .. 11 1 --11,0 dot Cans Brooms on constrinment 111rti1LLS& ROE 1)1..0131‘18--.5 tons Juniata No 1, for sale by scp7 - 111eGILLSR, ROE 1:2:123ME2 • • 1 AMR to the re•tdenee of the subscriber, in North 'areire town•hip. on the lath of Aug.. N.. • Demand Cow, with white face,.earrt inn •bel bell, ahoot tweive tear. old No other mart. , eribe. Tne "mitre requested to tree forward prove property, pay ehaiges. •itil rate her away, or she will he dis. pored of according to law. Of PON, ZLER s Monongahela BrldgiSt sno !delimiters PI the Company for cseenng a Ilndoe over . .ste River Monongahela, opposite Ptusbureh, an die enemy of Allegheny, have dos dry declared • Involend of three per rent for the ht . .... month., which will be . paid the stockhOld en or their representattves, at their office, on and sines the le. inst. JOHN SHAW, Tressuler Panstrugh, beptconber e, 650—•ep^.Jt•te A. wiz./Lugs EXCHANGE BRO.KERS, N. E. Canner id" Third and Maria dz. •ct. radn. ..nom avr not: mama. 114... Jew _ Ac , C e T ra A cro 13 ° 17. i t i : a d o d k res K s e: So e i . . , [ l4l4.l Nci•fmtriory renerence Koren. SPABIJAWh, DUATOI9 k WURTS, No. 77 al AILICET ISTIIKET, PHILADELPHIA, Are now receiving their Fall etoek of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, 1.10,114 a handsome assortment of N E NV STYLE DRESS GOODS Nn) —Particular notation will Le paid to order.. euelnAblar&wtocilS (101. D P.N b+YRU 1 . -40 brit ruparior for stir by lT se pt t LlVnft'P II &CO To W.F.STERN FALL STOCK OF DRY GOODS. A. A. MASON & CO. DEALERS IN FANCY k STAPLE DRY GOODS, Ifes GIS IItIARIKAT STFIJCICT, Between 7 hlrd le Fourth tame., Pnithurgh, INVITE the aitecuen of merchants •1•1111/11t the arty. to their C 1,1161, tioek of Pall and Wthter Goode. 'elected vv. ereet cure and attention from recent mportant., low au :Lou sale, and indu the lead ' Jag manurocutters. by their resident partner in New Vinla ihrir , ark 1,1 wi Ihe totted to be much tare< r u and more ratted thnoi any they'they'[MVO ever 1.,0rr troi rno thi• hen leinnlied by receipt.. of atend• aln ti•l thrritigh rite acetton as they a, pear In the en.le n markets. rendering their stock at a I Tin II arid or net t thereby enabling Mein Rue ecatdutly to rompete vault cogent hou•e• :% TRUNK, 1101 V in the po..e•sloo. ear C Cocttram, Aiseguee,y. The owner can be, the same by pro•iqe properly and pe wit, for Ito. acl.ernyernent. Enquire eh J alue• Oerrien, Exchange lintel. Yttli, burgh scp6:d.Re HORTICULTURAL BIOTWIL: A Tc regular IlarElag Of be Elte.llll, Committee 1 , 3 c ll•trtaxl. Mortteultural society, it wee one t urfy reso , •rd. that II would Ls Inripedleut , u hold me rt,taott.lttrd tall exhilation on ate 251 h, bell, steel .7th days of September. a. sdrvrtkred. ow sodn to the prevalltnir stemless of tins season. the unsvo,dable absence of a number of the most flotratal members of the roclety, to consequenee of whtch. me somety would Le r efiment of some of We choicest Colteettotts of trona, flowers, and •egetables, as verb m abets personal se ~, tea The committee regret exceed/Italy that they are ob.•g -4 to daspontot 11.0 puolso at thts tar, Lot hope st the ,textaw antrutls for the dtssp. ponttmett3. j,s,e ARltlellot, A L 1 AN, I tl 111.10Cli, Jr, Members JAS. NIL 11.1/I,K. I of b..e.reu• N N ICh EtteLlAft tare Com 01:0116 ter. dllt I/. AI'CA 11111 Y, Pn 1 .., o HALL Far a law days army. 1 / a bate's grand ertigisal !teat lags of ADAM S. EVE, IN PARADISE. 'rift:NE oubliette yowls of art, valued at one hundred 11.011 heave teen 01 h 1,1,11 the etue• !,Mead, Ireluttd. th anti the L 1,40, lAt the uhtverosl otitturauvo a. over Iron uuthui• 01 petouno Open "teen In the. morning tel: ID al neethl. Admittane. V l'Uldren £O4 cta. sepei dlt• 0 K. CHAMBERLIN'S lber 01 Ala!tcl and tald•tter... both •V tool eve,, Slin• I=MMIERI . K o ekamherin. Ina trnetor in Penmanas/p and kl o r,mpui Jo t .e o o.g, Bry n . 5 pr Commercial teacher of hook 1 Krer.l.a, and Lecturer n Commeral 2..elence. La, tic 31- Fl mot arid .e aa•med in th e Law Pepart ment 11 .ev era. tnernl. re; of the Pittabursh Ilan ...I, . _ TUK Ti:At :11 ARIL.IGT, Elul sloe or The Mom, d. rcagotteloc pr: ••••—Ocy La, 11,1,0 i rut —•- • • . •So 50 per :II openor Hosisttes u The Hew •et Imported • •-- ..... lur Thu dertneoly 0 • cbcApect sod treat store to rall•horult to ; less. NORRIS &HA woit ru •c; 5 • rroprteurs. W•rranled Pura tWlne• end Bra.ndlos, St. !TA iny for ?;leJletrwl rorpolt•s, always on h.,..; sad !or .ale by the L. tt e. quart, or talon at AIURIItS & HAWORTH'S .Ma les & Prune Store. Itllt:ondtr.nietacd arltl attend in Brick. In tbe melt of Allegiteny and ht.l.nrgn and the rt,l.t,o.tlond annold, and nen., Corr ret I Loge. ntederite. Hertdeaee, taede.Ly street, near the Ila gust Church, Allegheny. JAMES RAY. loiter+ W David Pc/ K do hivmrr & Rebid. do. .4 "rebel], Claptember 4. 1 , 40.--ve0.424, lac just received :or side by JIIRIVoR &11A RV11.14 c " Cc 13'1 Second at 1j , 1.i /l It —IC brlt flop.. Aisle Inlaid just tend Ly SIIRI V ER tr. BARNES pm: vwt'ir Tilontague Company Boorly their agents Ln Roofing and Flooring in untie. ilt: feet, from It to 2.2 01111,4 per square foot. in sheets 3.0, 27 as., for icolicr pu.!,e buildings slid depots. Sitrail U itiig, iron ifil 15 mners. Nati, Spikes, Wire, eiugat Parlor:llrd Zinc, Zinc Point, Rc They warrant thew metal pore. •nd free from any adanztore of 'rut, or any ether •nd rod h lotwe tumuli . •..tare Os masa art•rles In the haver Ittrutohtne I It Jaen ton raat, II not tareeted ihe !tenon of watcr, and may le poltsiteo, paw led, aml ,rtmomed Wan, e., modrl, plan., speetfienadna, and otber inform.oil ma) be ha Neweir agents:— M ., ' LL Sraoaa, 1 ork; I=:=MEVIII N•f11,11 l'inorroO R. Co , I 011odelploa; W h II l'ilekoo, lloomoro;, Dew a Sretwera, NeWleans; , F. MILLIROUX, Renck:it Agent, V Hanover in., New York. Liege, Septemtx, 2.—irepS:d3o2 ==Eit=! T N n who/ .ale and recall Dry Good. Store, • com• petent salesman, villa undoubted references; non. caner need apply. Address C. IL, Don 100, Pittsburgh Port "Mee sep/1131 • 11111181 ON, PLY/BK.IOTT ?i';l,l(=s - NVINE. OO "Zi - rer: Inure. Water atrect, lately occupied by Yonne, Inns. ace b. Plunkett • sentdusr CO.PALLTIVE:IIBIIIp. AAI EN liroO ie. lt CO., aye •ssociated James Cll. neutly,,th Mem in the manufacture of Iron, Nail., 81,3.1, an. The style of the firm will remain unchanged. P.taribureb, September 3,1050 —emeLetre• - 3 Mt , WOOD. , V".P. .1 a. 0 . 6. Meals Iran Works. . JAMESwomvo 4 Go., 111,134gglgtaYgra:TVW4t %% tenure, No 1 - 13 Watt wee, Plmburgh. Pa. .0.1,11., oa.Paship. rviARLES T. Ihmern,Plunkett, and Mee. V/1(110001., have Mie ay Immolated themselves under he hll2l of Ibmset , Plunkett & Whalen, for the purge. of manatee( ing every vertety of l . out ((Ikea Ware. ticyleraber 2, (h50.--11(dflvr Y IOF 111 httIIANICS, Fagine Work, 1.1 and Endineennn. No 10, has been reeecred at tindnee I,l,nynty bypol, Third street, opposite the Pa t , offi,e Ever p tnethanlc should have this walk. asp. _HARPER'S Monthly Magazine for September. helm.' Field flora of tne Revolution, No 0. s ost reed for sale by R C sroCK'neN ser/4 Cor Market& Ttord sts NOTICE is hereby given, that an assessment of One Dollar per ahem haw this day been orderea y the board nf directors of the Iron Coy Mining Company of hltaliman, payable to the Treasurer, at Weir office, in Pots burgh, on the 3d day of °eloper next. — W. PALMER, Treasurer. . . . . _ _Ptimbargh, September 2, lEoo.—scot:Xl: /11 REM COPAL VARNISH-1 hole, 10 tilh'ilirraia lT le Lego, now landing for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY A CO mpl_ _ • Water & Front hut lalvertsiiii — liairas Starch, IjEFINt.D and nrepared expressly for Food, Ped al dings, Caked, Onatarde, ie. Recipe for Boiled Commit—One dean of new milks fear egg su ch—ea • teaspootithi of ma, Mro tablespoonfals of refiner the march In • smell quanta' , or the milk , llll it is perfectly dissolved and smooth—add the !fp, well beaten, to the starch—pour the eggs and starch into the balance of the milk, while ladling ; stir constantly 011 It belle oo sees.—Excelleal For say by a It BELLEAS pyi p 7 WQ9IIO NOTICE. k Co, will continue the business olmosittaeturing iron ud nail, in all the vermin brooches ender the fame name and role as heretofore. Warehouser, N° 43 %MA a4i St...Wirth...lW No 14 Water meet, OHJIS. SEMPLE, St. Louie WM. tl BISSELL. JOHN BISSELL, Jr. • CHAS. BISSELL. Earley," Rrekkango for Bale, A T tedueed rater, al the Office of 'e A. WILKINS & CO d . ! Cor. Third & Market ard T R. big ben market pnee will be paid in Cash by SELLERS h. NICOL 9 fir. Liberty .1 13ACON—ISO hill!. prime .ide. for .ale b. "e T 1 SELLERS & NrCOLS D RIED REEF-19 brim, curra.seil Pow Cured D RI E D SELLERS & NICOLS OILS -500 gale bleached winter Whale Oil; 3nogale do do Sperm OLS SO brit do 2 Lard Oil; 10 brie No 1 do for .ale by eep3 SELLERS NICOLS AHAEHAHOIIif OPERATION—if Chloroform and Esher will render persons inaenaible to pain, it to cleany the duty of New who tell many of the artlelea purporting to be Phasing Sono, to present each pars chaser with a sufficient quantity of the above article. to relieve their ganging while undergoing the oper ation of shaving. JULES HAVEL'S PREMIUM Sil A TING CREAM now admitted b 1 all to be the very beet article for abasing to be found in this or any other roar In the use of my Almond Roar and Pistachio sh qs ,,, Cream. Instead of bring an operation to be dreaded, shaving is really o luxury The ingredients of which It i. miaowed are of such a nature, that a liner and richer lather can be made than with any other article, by which the beard is fattened, and the akin is rot liable to be burned by the shall which forms an large a portion of other shaving soap, nor will it become chaptied. but will remain smooth an ft., an in. lint's. No one, eller wing this Shaving Cream, can ever be Induced to use any other. Caution la nee.. sary in purchasing ray Shaving Cream, as there are many imitations wild Ask for Jules Hanel's Sheirtog CM' 818, and you will then get an article which renders shaving easy and pleasant. JULES II Ali E 7.. Prelims. and Chemist, cis • 120 Chestnet at , Phila. For male ' whoiesal; and retail, by B. A Fatmestook & Co , and FL &Pelle., Pittsburgh; and John Sarffeat and 1 AI Ochall, Allealtieny COY. aep3-2p Coach Late I Coach Lae. I Coach Ls. .I GR1.1.11, wholegele and retail manufacturer of X • Coach Lace, Fringe, Cue, Tassels, and lrim• ming. at No 07, North stirth await t, Philadelphia. N 11 Coach Makers and dealers will hod it to their interact to call. All orders promptly attended to pietel:Jlw DICE —ll me prime for sale by fl sep3 SEI. LIMP • & NICOLO WILNIARTII & NOBLE hove reduced the prich of their Inn Family Flour to concept:3ld with the decline In *beat. tier/ W All t ft FISH-10 bOO ' , esti inspected, just reed seri R F VON WINNHOI:LeiT & CO_ ~t:Aßt b 4 now . landing from steamer Novi la gator; fur sale by IBA IA HI DICKEY 300 sepo Water & Front B. fIACON-1500 pet assorted, a prime ankle, insmoke house and for sale by SIIRIyFFIk HAHNE., 130 tz 131 Second rt Shloo,ll SALMON—A rarity highly prized in the East, bat kefore brought to Phut urg h. A rew very zagerior,jurt reed per Caere., and for ante by WA! A MeI'ILLIRG It CO A. Ca Liberty at ‘._; IIEKSE—UtaI his prime teed for sale by a ug3t J B CANFIELD VIRE PROOF PAINT-6 tole to store, for ule IMF nvell D CANFIELD CZEG:I2I GIRT. ebony 14 or 15 year• old, to stay in a mall 11 4 (manly. Apply at this office. o ogle TIRY YRI AAVBGGINGER-1 oa.e reed by Itisl A MeCLURG & CO_ A 5711.1: LWAP—ficoeived and for mt., by 1,/ awl WM A MoCLCRU &CO C 'FFEE—IX "" TO/111T gf.'f.Nr=iibty.,o---i ~ar9 110 Wan, S AL •C2 C.DA- b‘" r 1;71 . 1117111t e il INCUR ANI M ACKEKEL— ZDtl l lai ' s " d M rn " re ' d'd for rale by A CULBERTSLN it CLOUSE IDS [Amy 88L . T ,. 1 b l ..S—BA. dos . Z b C 1 0; ' :1 1 1;;hZ;Vrt. GI OUSE c."ls'eEr';E-3° boo "::::ICLIZ'''RVSMILVYTJUSE FtmLlFLA":b.aa'' Poland " choice article, •t teed per ors •T‘s . A CULBERTSON it CLOUSk BLACK WADIANG—Su boles Riges , superior. 10, Ace by A Cl LB ERTSoN ri CLOUSE A CHECK drawn by steamer Hall Columbia, on Palmer, Doane k Co., in favor of thdwell A Brptber or hearer. for lel dated :Mal or . rd, The hndor plea,. 'care it le, unarralgned ea pa, intr. haa been stopped. J,C BIDWELL aoalb Water at. VIA/UN-70 brim I , Flour recd (or ..le by • r maell W HARLIAUGH CIIEE E S-35 Lis prLair josl reed for sate by amen H t W 11A111111M11 BACUN—A raak• prirne),Sides, camlo prime Ham. reed for sale by HARDACCH lIR. SPEER h•• removed in tAtterty street, below Pittteet, No lot. tdrh e and dwellt, in tbr Pnine. • sten:II:06o torl..ju., reed co n. 121 fitt Wood at `OAP—:Abr• Windsor Soar, — IU hos Pasta,. Soap, reed for ...dr by suval J KIDD IND du fuss ei retved or sale by _ J t,'UD&Co I )sITA-.11—,,.•1, 1.3 r qr., by got) , J KIDD Cr, lib).by L I'ARRI'R S S CO augal 331 Lit...lly •t _ m tt Molasses, oak barrel surli 10111 PARKER k F .r F1;: , b , :—...+1 bogs P"4:c6,7 ;i ' tti ß tTß " K ' rtrk CO CO IL if OLASSF.,•i-10 brls K e Kilt Jost red for sale by 11. J“,•11J LI CANSII.I.D IrtMACC(b...A t bit in store and for role by 1.11( 11 JD CANFIELD Sto .ale by JAMES ARD fCIIISON dCO DK , ' — l5 tr. In 'tore mod for sole by Anf!J A ItUTCHISON o CO REFINHIJSUGARS—•.S errs double rerd crusbadi 75 brie II crushed; 10 brie C do; ICI brie L do; Ir Ha double ref,/ crushed brle R powdered; .50 brie C do; C 4 brie 0 elarlfied; In Mote and for anle by J A NI ES A HUTCHISON & CO trua:bl Agt. Ilelebeea Loan Sugar Refinery TEA Rlbi Y. NDI ba• War day recruited 1,7 mud for sale by WICK A AIcCANDLESS aue3u a FALL FASHION. A T ,,.., : q ilb b e e Tu aliful style of Iles is nom rreelved. and troduccd on Satorday. 3141 last , by AIcCORD & CO sue:9 Cor. Fifth & Wood ate. sit/t.t std and for .ale nod Cynetnnati Soap on • A WALLINGFORD & CO TIRIED VENISON RAMS — K, A uk pri a ni j e or :r r, tiela, it If store at. (or sale by _itagt9 Canal 'limn, Seventh cl J _ LINIATA BLOOMS--hat on on b.nd, far aalo by aura h JONES 117 bingo, in 120(0 and fot eale by bland KIER fr. JONF.9 A Ci*l—llams, Shoulders, and Sides, prune. 1.) article, m smokehouse and (or salo by " IVI ' V R FIRE BRICK on a d KIER JONFS B 1 axle b ROOFING PA PER—Arp-uey for tho sale of Tarred Paper for alasel loofa, dorders reeeivrd (or pualor on the muse by W P aIARSIIALL auipPa 65 Wood at large 111•01[121 plain chanaeable• and 1..) 'lasted silk• Ana day opened by auss A A MASON .1 CO GINGIIAMS— , k large stock of these goods clash out et great bargains A A MASON & CO 4 ettglND RINTS-3 casas MathAr Prints just ree'd, at the los price °ilia per yard by suet A A MA:JON k CO THE Autobiography of Leigh Ilant ; with remin lacence• of mends and contemporaries, in 2 vols. Corly lacier Day l'ampiders—No VIII, subject, Jesuitism. . . lh.nry of Dash" the Groot. BT ./o.h Abbott, Wl th mg. n TOW, John Howard, a Romanee. By Me. Martin Bell. Pictorial Fmk! boa of the Revolution.—ho I. The shove works received this day, and for sole by C lIRATt/N Cor. Market & Third st. ILK—A tarp. qoantitvonasyorted Tile In store and for lime by ISAIA II 'DICKEY A Ills LA - Til , tor sam by 0001 WICK & hIcCANDI.F.Aie Jas. Aluspratt s Bons , Patent Della Ash. 834 i'.'"..stoKri:::in'dbls",..".°lnco.lerhritTitrilv"::l::. l ,2l:l vex t month, per “Anna Rleh,” "el:trope,. l•Berlin," and eyrie ships, a Proladelphi• •nd Baltimore, war ram nd superior i n both strength anl quality to •ny in thc market, (or sale at the lowest once for comh and ap proved bills, by W & M MITCIIF.LTREE attain Libel, street f I DEF.:ME—INF bar prune, Au rred /or sale %.../ aural 7 II CANFIELD SALtri.ATUS.-100 ha. Saleratua; 10 casks and brio do. for sale by aura 1 D CANFIELD Trimmings. of those fototebing Steam cot of Trimmings, compete Steam Haat n i%%ta u ti r o m a YY Ind{ in pal of the followtng, and 7.4 Table Linen., I Ilsealmelt Diaper, Can] Table Covers, Linen Napkins, Sewell Diaper, Crh, Plats, de. dm Carotin matertal of all de tenpuons., MeCLINTOCK, Warebeoe, 73 Fourth al. 331 e F• A HUTCHISON & CO sogl4 Carpet ICKL-23ejiasi 1 . 1 aue.l4 JAM WOOLLEN GOODW errlfP, ondersigned has on hand, and Is tills day r& .1. ceiling tram the manufacturers, on constintnent large lot of Flannels, tall colony plain and barred; Also, Bed Blankets, Blanket Coating, Bowser Blotto, .Casalmeres, Smitten.. and Tweeds, which he will sell by the ease or piece, at manefutsterrat pliers. The attention of dealers In woollen pod. I. invited. 139 II LEE, labekty'st. F AEIII a b y. anti BURN= &11161t.P014 W AAL PAPER A lue. mortment of Wolf 4 1 1 :1 1 r u i Cio to IR PeWlilr i t A raelved L wog Wad it GEO. E. AIIMOLD & GO., BANKERS, DEALERS IS EXCIINCE, COIN, DAM NOTE;, ale, dee., No. 74 FOURTH OTREET, Next deer to the Bank of Pkltsborgh., 1. tIOLEILI i 110/115, G:c,6•ag• DroY•r• M:!=I NOTE O ,DRAFT4 , ACONPTA NCES,GOLD, dll•V ER AND BA..'NK FS. COLLECTIONS.—DeiiNs, Not., and Accemancra payablern any part of Lao Vino', eol:erted on the inn. Naomi le term. EXCBANGE on New York. PhilaJe].•hla anJ Ba • tumor, aCincinnati,. Ss, Lome and Ne. (Mesa, conatientl3l (or sole BAN K NOTES.—Notee on all solvent bank, In te, United N; ales dtseonntedlat tha , etc.. of Fared, and AroorreareGolo and Saver Coin I•l , ar nt and .o sold. noEII3 - . MCI=E9M! "NrIIOLME. & FOILS hove rono•tt Itaok i l.Z. d 4 . s t o e d i, tl o o l lt d a . tm d. olsco to ,No r ot; au, NEW BOOKS) Niew ROOKS ) AT ()LAIRS' LITERARY DEPOT THUM gran, opposite the 1,, (.11u.c. 1 A Yi l lUVO P X'a t' Al d ;r N u:il. 6. f A +I. Lund'n Art Journal me Ao ' go t :t.. Until luvtug Aft, No Iniernauanal Mour,,any for Semembrr. :Oak oprort—No Neer London r•tkokrpc.,, No. 1 anal Tun. Howard oßy NT, U- I. Tr.. Ilea, 1. a tale. fly .'Nn n. P. Torpor. Fen. Km and True Lone' a cola' ~aort., LI) Get, Saud. Jor!- by lt ow i'tneti D tt—lo 0•1/1. lAt •00. in cr;.• aret frTrlale 1 am,. INA IA II I , I , KEY .4 Co W :MING-1U atom sitA will be mold la Q • In ctn.e con•iiinrnent, by viturP ..11 DICKEY A (1 - 1 ( 10 1Z . E . Z—loo uaTl R i prune Green itio in MOTE • ISA"! DICKEY ft (X 1 Illaughtertug Paellileglk atabil•husent NOR RENT. T HE well known Pork an g,d Beef S'nurAgerm Pocking Concern. owned and fen., iy oectimaJ leftbii he c•la I P o b el l t i en ' l f tl:h r frl , cotbe, Rea, county, on the plat of ground Mei., Oho Canal from the Scioto Myer, sod tie thotnul feet of e, front on each. The rnelo.tere ernhr•ce. BIZ ae•en of ground, coma In latne pens, large and rornmadioun glaughtering, hanging. 'eutumr, [At k O‘C. amokimr. and lard rerdeeit 0 twirl: hob, mr office and every convenience for ha ndline TWELVE ItUff t o lICIGS PER DA %%and tende , ing Me lard from the aurae; as there are 0 Clout le 000 .L 0011,01.! and engine Mr geolding hoax and catu.4 lard, and two 10144 for renderirg offal lay rtenm. There is nlso, on the premises, en lee House, large e nough to eontam eight thousand boatel, The Seim° Valley, at which Chitheothe in the chief market, it one of the large.l Pnrk and Beef ht .trews L. the Wool, and hips can always be bought there at lower Meea than at Cinciennu and many ed., points, and cooperage aabundant nod eheap. There is dry, sae neeevenry. a. boats may he loaded at the Peeling House Fool the Inf . Eilliel tor shipprg direct Iron/ thin . vin the Lake. le New York thePhlladelphla. or Balton.< via Putsborttb. or TO the East or aonth eta New Orleans. are n IL • eat err of the year NH> equal to those adnedrd by Ciirronna, Money Neill... are al,' good, there lining ten or twelve banks within forty five miles. • - Anlicauons for remlng may roe moan to ALEX. II MeGtIFFEV Attorney at Lnw, rtnetannti: Or to FRANCIS CANIPLIELL, gag2?.llnovl-910 • Chill.cothe, 0 Prof. Thompson'. He naloary for Young Lady• T[; ILL Commence the toll urosion, on Monday. V the 2d Cepternt.ce, at Ma ruoinn, 54 I,il.rriy , between Third and Fourth atreei• u locoed number I. received, curly application .01 to , oc- Mrable. For loom, apply to Rev. Dr. Diddle, or to r. T. at hi: rooms as noire. rt11• , .11m11. Cue. V. I nogYT:d,o.v - • L'INE FLOI R-50 brio, a rood n male, 'apt are,vrd and for sale by Sem RI V KR In BARNES .saris 140 a. 130 second .m. IACKEREL-50 WA No 3 Inrar, - -- /71 On hi brim. do: 20 lola No 2 do: •I rocriard by SHRIVEN h BARN bane era, Ire ore of workmen Wing engrafted in entn wog and improv ing then Nom Hoorn, they have removed them goods to the Stump Sm., of the bultding they oecupy:untd the noprovemems rare fini , hed: Arbete they verli he , •PPY to see thOlf enratontrn rt. imoitr, nod for h r Imrahle seelltior; up otsar, aril, try rand ref:wormle thew try crib op them CLerap __ll,l•Yntrance from Vorarth street ourrrt Hew F• 111 VIURNIV & ht., Mt received a JJ supply of new .tyle Dark 1:.11 Prints, tart cOlcra, it I,:ic per yarJ au,o; Extra Familylctrir oupplyoi rim Pol mud Allll,l!rtyllFnarlp Flour, el very choler •1110 i, , tee d tor *AI , . vy A CULPiRT:.O4 & CLOU,V cos Irt .„. avorn 1 UPERVINE Fl.ollll—tft on bend few •nle by .71 A oUI.PENTAON h CLOUSII p Itilnuti—atitong 16iiii..jp6, 1,, J Co PI 1.W..11T11 h ti wood .t UGAN—:.O btole v. 071;11 7 Xa - p . rime - t;t vlswe aLd for ea!, I.y I===l I_, , LOUlt—ivo brie MM em Fur.ily h lour p 1.07 Sh W lIARDAVI B UTTER -3 Oris &eked in Otnr, nnd *O7 P h W PIA BA UGH 'ODA ASII-7 ea.). Soda Alh ioe hv V 11,1617:111G11 CHF:ESP-10 I..ertlfl t 1:4 very supt ILor mr••v;:t Cr.nlr 1•v WII A mr - i.ußti a CO enrV L 254 1.1,,rty et INC AI . CL.E C II •ittelr. re c't.l • 8.14,•27 AV NI A Ale & CO ueilEn ree'd e&glI• WNI A NIrCLI I RI: A CO SNUFF—t; 7 , r re j 0 y PA G r !IL T I L-- Vt; . 11 ' ] . A CO Cif El•:-.E.—If•e•c )1. , •'0 •IVOC•••1 7-- — .VI7 l• AI A & CO N DINFS--Fv.h Fardine• w!r1,.11,1 half t.s “1111 meekved hid I.r.ale by nog,: WM A MrCI RU ! ffr R OSIN : , OAP-'-541brsSn I ju=l rer'd for •reael, •11/: . .i A CUL/thit'l,i)N h CLOLSI: F MK BRICL-40,110 to atore awl , or rnle by !ARIES 11.1LZELL :0 Water st C OF .n 7;I;;—IM bag. pilrn, CAPI) 011r.b brit No I Gtr ,alr by I AmrAl J 1100.ZELI TANNERS' OIL-14 bas for rale by ang7.l3 JAMES DA LZELL_ lr_ A e C enag a L L— et„ " '';9°°.' D EYPER lir ti ear., Wel , . Miller A. Pro- E 11 ,,C110i,f uvi reed for sale by WM A Mrl.l.lno A. CU ',betty H. 4,2 UMRIOII.OI.ONG TEA-10 kf chr,tx ♦err fin, jo.t reek! and for 1.1100 by the b! cheat or lb; tie low ggi it ran be bouch.t arcnt of the el/mum. 51 'A BIet:LORG Et CO au Nl;rfri:les,te.Nlce brhnd. ved and enr sale by AL kißAilittl--1411 Las In store tntd for sale by oTUART *ILI ought 1.4 Wood al DRtrUnIS—A4 aoz rn ..ore and ler maln by angS , / STU ART A. SILL GLASS—AO on. 7 bne halo, In +tom and for avle by STUART A.SILL CIIIEESR—A small lot Enttne Cr , nam need by ..gtn STUART A. S.LL nrk 01,1,10 stole •ot.l for eale ho nosAl sTU A RT & SILL )ACtiN—Cl bbd• prime talc by liT k SILL RArriNG-j. baled Na in elms and for mile by eueee tirt• liT 441L1. liti./LN—A.aortee Nor. ler Sok by , aue2l . . STU /IIIT & SILL _ 1,1 e 13ea;ier Iluekel, for only. by LP au; 2 , 1 SIUART 4 SILL, aieee, for rale Gr STU Ant it SILL Cie iutt reed for /a... by BROWN & KIRKPATRICK aglil inf. No 3 11., ^- 111 ....... Ws No 3 Int..mins, for 53.41 lIRNWN & AIM I: PA MICR . RiLlllO tbriff S. 'tire moo for Rupd BROWN (IOFFkF'-IW hag. Rio .thin ( , end for isle hg O'WEET 'biapi , Wine, di.t . Pe.rt"Winrc Frrneh. Bro o dy, non, d E,:grio, !LORI, at 50c per boale, for .efle hV Rircs4l IifoRRIS A liAR_ORIH 11,4CON—00 casks Elides and Shoe Idris , er sale by a aimed BROWN A ICI RR PA IBM% Fi:kYll ltis lost ree'd rem vai n by ime24 e•IIRIVSk it ttAß'el, trrtn —Ho vr and r d for sO,e - ITY aur24 ,4 11RIVFIt k SATINS-S YOUNG L ADIES' V. Tyelmed. vnd. r sio oo or %l e W. Memoir will be r .. , letod i• , How" Federal Street On AlhoAat, Sept, nem r 'n , l pnmary department, • of opts tot.. ... es nave been adned, and corrot;of teacher" reeored, m that instructions will Hoar Ito elven to sclui,ami or it MACK and attainment. • For pa t rticulars see elrealara which be bee at Me ben slorea—or consult lee .Principuls Mem dwelling on Federal Street,, • ane.3 J. M e SIIITIrd Clurical, eon' nlnthommoral Peh001.12.4 .12.4 Re,Open on Monday, (Lt. iwth met., et No CS Web•let Street, on the Lead of novo', gh St.• PROPOSALS FOR TIMBER. Othee of the Ohio. tr Pion. R. R. Co., t Pitoilievgh,'Attg. IS, Into. S DROPOSALS in woung:will by re eemed by the L andetogned until Tue mita, , Re)st deY of °Mho.. for the delivery of the Coot tier S , Allired for Disler; the track of the Ohio and Panne frame Rail hoed from Image to Plasmillon ' 0 dimenert et 1 1 7 lhe number of Ike retie! red will De ahem one thousand aloe hundred per mile. Ihe O' are to he of attend white oak or rock oak, vehmet in the iespection (if the engineer of the company. Ti en moot be eet wOh maw, Into length. of eight fret. If of sawed Umbel, they are Do Le mate Ly eight Inches thwart; if of hewed tindier, they are to Le Po ea They me tted on the top and tediam to a width of eight ineLlt D 6 clear of bark, delivered and piled up on the hoe .1 &reeled by the engineer,lretween the hoot of January and firer or3la, next - Beldere are relocated to Mate whet umber of ties they Mope. to deriver, and OE what acelliilla of the renamed they prerooe , to delemir them:. They may prontose ler tea ellebeernereere, if of locust, they may be tie gen terhewaitome. 'Proptheale ath also invite (Or I erni.lpine reed et whoa pine or white oak, d to L Ito, tip /111cC niches metre, and froth elpineen to et In to he delivered on the tine of road h. 4, =2lllliMi=l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers