M s ( 17 ; 17)11.11 UV b POW. 61.1;1‘. Erpresstv for keleznlg. TO ay. , the many illC011VCIllet:Cr, atter_ a f,: J. us the eof CV•lo,ll.ry lUketn. 4107 C been much. and In, along orne wantedJ f . It ena nfwnya been n neuter of 11 1.•le11101111,i1. that I nc thr article Dream!, was rone!mwfoly . hou ,, hane ne hl 1114-5:11i, e.T. mach mote vasuun , e se much unable. Lie Fepp:led in Skni,n, nOn wan' vriatten. rd loot haa ano,n. The daroPy has at lam I ,, en rerreome.the Putke in °tared n Kann usnele, ham!se.nely put up to a mt.- Ventent Itron for domestic u.a. • The only et,,,,,,t0 n a fainst this arttele is the •Prureot rm. goonoty tr. r.oh 001. This is easiis explained Each spool is warranted In rostam .11 yards of Sat while the ordittan nein, sante plies, tots hut an utt:Lertain Quantity, Vat) mg from It With yards The ripe , Silk is re• ity fur use at thenme of rorr chue. ono t• osly neetis trial, to ettriatnee the roost steer/oral of it, ssittertortty 401.i5. 01 the neat au I tonveutent form in which it is lortashed. II lit great adva , lage• over the Stein, nit der: •aray with the tedium of ',mime, the veahttnn tangling, arid the less of time in pre partng it for lose Sold by wm. 11. 1111its1 MANN strNs, St North Third et, Phtltttle,pittat, lIORSTM ANN, IlitottS & tit h Maiden Lane. New York Sole Agents j73thder-dem NEV 130013.11 r irr.&I,f7ITENS OF TIM CAM ?BELA- FAlfied _LA 2 rolobyl2cha Niti c li2m licalt,e, 21. one of 11/s czecutorc loth Railway Economy.. art n , traniport, Its Tll•nngeMerll. r,lattot..,, eatrinte eels!, financial...l,ll an ex porton:, thee practical Fr , el.ol:l, ra it, em United ii,nadem.on n • , ~. anti ,n America By Ilintlyplua I ve 1.1:nao cloth he Pa,. Pro . : ~.,,r. Repalii,o, tree:. lated tur Fr, . . De Lamar; n, nutlet n, "The Gerondt.t. ...Nemo. 01 t oink," ••Rs. phael," at. I eel 1 . 2t00 cloth. • •. - Hint. tr. "raid Reform. In Leeteres. AiWee ayes an... °Cie , by iloreee lire. Icy. I vg, 1.1 The Ilivory of the CoLici,lonrsl lie John l o ien, Ifopti., 11 p. pump of the Don sr of Vi 1 001 Ilhno cloth. - . The etr - ehew of C.aris By the hpihnr HoeLe• 14 bn," (Oben Worlenton, t• rnA Commoti 111 sketch c 1 s dry,• et`K.n of the B, Ale* Von Ilumenhh... !nen the Bertone le tett 3 ro;• fly rne.h Cthhon's Deehee nee 9•11 ef the Rome: Erneer with notes by II 51,1m0n. Bather . : rite, edition Vatio, Haiti comet... in C. vol. 01 Joe pr: vol, 4 voiA rteeteed lee Sale by It 110PhINS eug , " Apollo Both-lino, Fourth ,t DEEM IMOIIIN theein oath... When ntler around thee. Connorsl , l'. eepor.ure nod Annie Lune. Are we olniolit Low Nai One. Ile meth nil thing. ell. Ne..y n ?Hoer moon. Ora, or Wa.l,r vevalifed;the am; t-o,er (toy. Do kind to loved oleo at buy, cheer u.s my csen 06 1 Lemutl. Spring' Folkver Wnltxt. rfin n, B rut ebern %Valtz.Sa:utklinn Purls. Bettya. Po:. a. Hovel 1 1 0. kc J .eny Land l'oll a. Linda Liii.okotap March from Norm..., The above ere lu.t received. and for .aIo try II (Ii LLCM. ougfi t•I Wood .$ the hoc. 'lmp°, Lek .nd • 1.e.,.ef Themas Cantrt,r,., 1r le EAled by %Vet, 11,ame, M , - E1;;11, , Or, Moral I'Llwephy. B the late Rev :31dr.e.y S th, N. A. Le.caz,rl or tl.. Ararnran .clecue Systent of Sur Kerr. i:y Dcmart.tn 111.1. M. D. nl,l an Verunt; Row. The SLoutler Knot, n tale or t!e se•enteenth een turf TheScariet Leorr, a romance. By NaO•an,r . Haw home. ear) Straorfacrry Plant• for 'Salo at Grrea ood Gard Mil. 1R:1.91 - .3 Prize, w llovey . o Seedling., nod Virtortat 1 tn. Le an, an• largrat and Cent flavored on.ongat nll thv thagrent vorieLics now grown. Urdu r . addroaLvd tr. the. prop /errs!, WeLLManclnta. ter. will recei•c prompt rOltiltina J AIeKAIN. =EI MIAS benonte an e•ial on diehed and almt indiaziens rea.cn ernr• tirrro, tanyir. front ns rnma q ika! , ly wholcaon, and lp . tro tdnd th,. onion lan• a• • fuod tor the hea:ity tis writ n d.nt tor an. ••I d.. and also ler th e ru..tc.n. , n^r ,rnertngrneldrrit and infanit modes 01 coati., and preps rang It ere menu on the ' , rapper. Tnourta well known an the nu, it ha• never been introduced to any extern to l'ltlttuteli. he nuti..cr.o. eri liner., therefore, mare arrandndinot• to 1 , con ntrintly,oprned with it. rind no. ode F o rm. retaal delatry or 15/11111" on too, in•oratte than it has ever beet, mold at to M A M , i - I,Utif: & CO 4u041 ed agnutp torl'atent War It and Whit, nnd are t rrpared , urply ttcle el./IC[llr Nero, A C1 , 1, 7 ,41,0S 19 , ~ , n y .trees N•i• Goode I Itlcsr Goad•l 1 1 ',I ;1 " m r. e n nt h :Oi " in ' e n' t. c r .' 7 t n . :7, ' , ' :t:r n, . r :r1 1 - ' <7::l by vath arra, rare. for 1..14 mark, -u•n . "Iu Voice 'rmrhi.uhea,Saa•A.. I. fine nn,; Mu-, fluor, raytoe two and thee rune, Flllll,l, arrordronx. l at e Alto, • prnor Gannon nod /,'lllO had ,•ru. IncP• e• Ir• rt. •. a arac'e. SIGN 1 , 1 , 1151 . .1,,,Aws 41102 li~ I S " T T lZNUA: , F7. ' l,7; :' . c . ' !. ," ,; : ir ' ,: ' .. l ,.;:; . A ' . ' A •Overtlea remcay lot rh.orir th;,•. vreatarr• and lameur•• of n,o, 1.1• t• 11, scald., tam, Form of reo•I ...vri..nr•. •pr 00,., bruu•e•. Corr, e 14.1.•••• ar, Al•o, the mo.,onveneria anal an/r •,.ra +AI, In• altengthrafrr pha•ter• •nd drast• 0.• .r.t rot •rtle Cot six,t, A WPOIt — limo] REED HOUSE, (1850 KEITH & BARDEU, Propagators, PuMte Square, Erne, Pa.. ftENFIRAL, STAGE tEFICE-I,etern. Weatern and 'Snutoetii 5i,,,-,. leave lb. lair Ca , Gages to and from h‘toatri nod Par Boa:- ...rat. W. Kirin , late of h.-. h W It,nern, talc of .1, 1101... ~10. ap2a-dddri FItICSIi SPRING & SUM ,f 1611. Gootni a :d tsar A:eats:ldes & Das', st.erf. ::onth ,; cornet of the ['mein:A. In callus; the altent:os of nun en , .•o•ne, and the public to tt,i. star 1, it ador.:• h• , -h•ars to he able to say It embraces I, h EAT SINS RI. Date ver, devcriptien of goods, a. a la -on port tnn of It was porebavd at the.reeent es:hawse au t o in the ea•terh eines Our a.sortment to, of ranev and w goods.. veM supenor. and milord., to all caah bu,era either by whole., nt 1,1111, • fine op. pox-wally of SWIMS taste and on,. LADIES' DRESS GOODS Near style 1',1a11a, CO!) rtiray., .1 , 11 plain and Spored changeable silt., of aim.: cv..ry ..yle and quality, super plain and lleured L act auks; dn rages and titaneto Oareee dr la na, newund hand• ate atyitt; new style French, Encl.', and Scotch .alena, in great n•nety. and at vrm low one, plain. fi rared. and nun wiped de lams of a t I.,rid• and goal/tie, linen lustre. of all shades sod colors; ring. barns, etantzes. .4.r. SHAWLS. Sager chameleon alit shaw/s plain ane (gored black do; main and rentorni Jared Tot: et dn, tine c a•h. mare do; super plain and embrowered white ...id Colored crape do: bares,. and net Aa. Sr. , WHITE GOODS. A Ins rtment of mull, .oak., jaennets, Sansone, nook s, I.tahn , . 1•6,14. Sr. ah _ BONNETS. ' Ravel k Reidy, pearl or.tfd, Florence braid and gaper En;liall masa , nn net• PAILISOL.s.. A fine stork of &parlor plain and Ina •ed ~ii and Satin Tarr par•aola alai; roar. att.. CLOTHS .sf. CASSINI A large asSortmcnt super Ir/ ash, I.ar,sh and Belgian &nobs and ea...hetes arleea, to white are would nitrite toe at,onnti of Ina gentle=en. Oar Meek of brown and tan-Ached uclringt, aback., chambray% drtlttngs, ,ks, is very .arge, and at She very Lowe , . prices. Alan, n large lot at table (taper. and table enth•. brawn and bleached; Rum.,a arid Scotch d,,,,,er5, eta. lin:.an kins, rotdor. nod wool it goods for men and hope wear, Irish linens, red. white, and yellow tlat, nets, dornestte gingham, .k and lin., Lost. and 110004 of allkntdn, hosiery end boar, r,,oons. aro. banal .1, to, to mill wilier, we rr , p,cau 1p Invite the attention of wno.e..ale and en.ail cash buyer, k bAI may2Al E'3lll.nrket 5t.. , 1 fl en, Mite l.,JAmn”.l FM= I AM now prepared to (ornira Apple Trees, from the wen known. Noreen. of Jnrnl, N Wotan. The treel will t.e dclotered at the wharf at Itattleureh 1.. r SLY per hundred. rer-on• ws-ttotta goo.: thr.lty tree. should leate order...non nt the Drue.tseed,lll.l Perron:tarp %Vtarchoose, corner of Wocat att, tt,ta .pll S N k ER -II Aft. RiCaIOVAL. W&YNII IRON WORKS WAIMOOI'SE. Dm= TOALNIKII. 116NNA & CO. lotrr reKno•rd thr,r lirrhar,e, 0,74r0 to north wcn cor.rr of %%ood and Toonl .orems Bang. d. Laine• vrUP.Piir & 11URCIIFIELD ere Frt.', neßt LYI Itmndfonne rty leg of above r 00,.• at rcdpr•d prep. A fus Berege* rttli rrolasninno. will be c'ote, out !!ry low augl.l QUI I I ASII-10 east. recelvdd inr T. d hr 1...7 au: IS 1.9 9 9 11AR .TAL;(111 T msr.ruOlL—VOArls .T ••I. 1,7 kJ .17 ,9 • K CO VALTINDOW GLASS-914 ba•amorld •tx•T rdr'd V Yr Tor .91- Isy 91. 1 1 V & IV 11,91119.91'1:11 anylled ~T 1 rrd9i, ior by "-- 1/ , V 99 11A1111A1.:G/1 HICK-17 , irt - • prone Ird•A Mee, 11,1 T.de, yr t: for •nle LT tryrnl 01 1 .1..1.91111 , h :geld,. Ll T9 l / 1 13 TITUA TTIc CT3T—ira. 190 I. j0.111•1.1/1, add for gale by 1110) HARI/1, JONI.a4k. CO SAUCK—IU Lis in • err and (nr..l. /VII f:-NT.t.loll E 11ENNfT W, ll , l a r L l.l". , A . LT ,i i. , S y Krig• pure What I.ead,recelv aug:3 N. & W. ILA-RBAUGII - Rd.-10 1 00 1 1 rornnion etgarq Terdived •nd for gale by ftunc-tli S h IV. TlnHilm;Gli '{WT 1:1. 1 )11 ILANNF:I. E--Slurii7 h TT coos scot an bin.d tint above Fought directly loom the Importer, arnl w arrutted ITenurnr - also a timber supply at Welsh Gauss Flannels r. - Celled' thoto10100,(._ •ng.9 •• • - APeLES—ZIL , rIs - ji•l ree'd for ital,:l,y tug' WICK & N,CANDLEEIS TAR— . .I brls NC rot, .111 a uri. to, for scle by _.‘401 WICK & NIrrANDLEss CA:NVAS...IED HAMS--112 pcs surrrur for •vlv. ap t ,, WICK k MeCANI.Lres rancr_ilmun—Jcpt received, a , lot of t :upe nor 0,1Z.,,'„Yfr0r...Z.01/17saInctured by NA , ru LI le ; , A CULBERTPION A CLOI:SE axle() IPS 1 nit MACKELI EL, Coston ineretion, arnved prune tavt vdd vsdv by JOHN Me PA HEN A. CO, smell Cenral Pam,. cog!4 • VI v lat , vrty It -• T "ACe°— to d "."'" P. 40 boo Myers' pound tam, nary and for "le bd ATILLEE & RIC__t•ETI a 0414 ,ON AIWYLE'S LATTER DAY PANIPULEItC.I'WoI Ito fesuicale b . (.0 U IIOPEINS orlySidoo, anaTialsuifin sa ty W RIARDAU It Clll •' , , scot:- • er MJSCELLANEI'S. .1. li. rl N ':.:ll',°,° : l' ; •`,7, ; -, ; 0 idi ' ; 0 t:1 t c, ". ... "' <7.7, ' h n ew - d.partnr,bip bcrelaroM S. 11. 1 ,, 01if , ..1,14,11.J0hn 311 , 1;af, ander 15R 'of Lunn ikr et & . 114, abut day dissolved by. Entm,,,l os+, 'l , lO lb.old!" . rux - pc«.tled S 'l,ry old* Nara, I, LELO: MEDICAL. 1514 Jam. llinTriara Plaid alagslaala. P ,R e E tErtott:l l /:,1,1f.t!! Th.,elegant preparation Is re p a wdi commended to all eases of bile, acid/ties, Indigestion, gout, and gravel, as the most safe, easy. and effectual form in which Magnetite mar, and Indeed the malr one in whi c h might in be e.ehihned. poss.:meg n;1 the properties et the Altarnesin now general use, without t, etng halo, I kc It, to faro, ' , an,- rens col/cm:on. in the bowels. it effreinai, Learl:•Orn w.timut inprlng the eon!. of the stomach. a. .oda, nom•s,..d their r.r- Lonste• are known a,lO- it prevents Mc loon 0 . fen. famine ea,te ni a : enec• LI acne ma a pleuritic sportful and 14 refill. , is lemn!na. 11111111,1m . y Davy testated Dal this solution forms soluldt. comoinattous wttli true arid pane In roar, of rout anti v enentera-noff their innlrintln tendency, a - Len outer alkailcs, and evert Magnesia I..ad huhp Crompton, Bart., Surgeon General to the Army ,n "Dear Sr—Thr.r, can hr no doubt that Nlngnemay ara hr adm•mrtr r,.,1 mole safely in the form of a con• em,rat-,1 so: LI • 1011 than n o t übstance for tht.. knd M other rrn.ons. 1 urn orollon thst the Fiold Mnao..sla Is rery voluab:e ademon to our Sinterie Sir Jamee Ciarke Str Cooper, Dr Bright, and !1e.., (holm A , rod ' PHILIP CRAMPTON:' Ilrrto.rt Mayo of lAndon, strong ly r , :eornmmtd Orr, •, flu,,, Ain c•:e+.lo. firoe:., tom, se,. hod ,morrno•nt man the sot LI, and free 4 free from the potaas danger attendiur the constant use of or For male by the imnortrell and pronnemr , tagents, 11 A I , AIINEST.S.7Ii tc may 22 rot. 01 'Vol, A Front ' , ls. GREAT 1111'0111Atef CHEMICAL DISCOVERY I'llllll AL COMLIINATIOIV From thn 1,, ,t, ,,, L6t,:Kingd0m, to rye! Dues,tra De. .Guystott.'• Ex!,Oct. of Vsllow Dock •ocl Conc. onwoorptr,o,ornfo: Ah n.orpipoin, rhotnntiorn, Coot. nvor coowfo.no, ....Id ulorof, n.ouno, amowry. Ha. cowl+ of , •loador Opt , Yofor morruoo, uf•ro.r., o rNpf I .tnor.. ru•ii of /.1,11 :roof ;Lodi tun, row r,d, !01 , 11.:0. opor. ria..o.• of oprowo. bro.iorhe. r"..ovette.o, wgio.or tallooktoo•, pv .(41.00 Pkic hosart. Lilco, 1.4.11 •...c, It 1. o.r•ertsone frorn oo pure et-ttc the bio.nt. or IrTrguler action of the eys. tcul. . In tl.. Ve . .etel le Kingdom, an Ali wire Item, he depo,ed Plant` ..od herb. conger', to our cou•titu :tnd nelnp dto be tare of di ; art to the vceetehle kingdom doe• the reaaren man.. well a the troonet of ern ale, turn for antidote,. to path. The rup et re re.esstsbr compound of the mort oat nu" , Monne in , nature. entirely free front de/cleric.. ettervlting mineral Ruhatanre., anti on it expel, direove from Ilse ry.tern, it:unarm rigor and strength.' aeorrefponding.deenr. CERTIFICATES. An extroOrdinery Cate 01 Screfu.a, lirreipelne and C corr. eared: by tbe sole u•c of Dr. Guy•onle Com pound Syrup, Yellow Dock and sstreauftrilla 1 1 PuoLLYN, Nov. 17, I.llt Do. CrSetten . —Sir, I tender my sincere tiefmk • for the err, '..-terfit I Lure derived from the ore or your valuable rub,. I hove hero troubled very ht.] wit pervulnu• re. tootle tot appearance on m cher , I elld nut y melt :mention to it at far,. lettP lettettle to be nothing hut on eruption loot appear ort ar :It eruption to increase. until prrew! to lb , .ertlt.port of the head. I appited to • rosy •ic,.... who attendee! use ad to no Purpo.e. Iha d tried every tbing that could bet tried. I Saar your syr up of Veilow Dock . and S•veapanlla, and rot:clured in ore it, her I knew that Veilow Dock Wu. one of the most valuable anodes in the world for the blood.. P I , ourla your Syrup, aft° frtom toe of one bottle, I rut,' we great my tyttrtn. I eont•nued to ii, it ant, wax • welt moll. I itner feel like a new alter, blood if perirelty ciertn-re at.d free tre , m ount., There i• not a etacancer. Lel the tomato xly if...covered compound is tor oupersor t any •af.apterill ityrup over nod am certificate ty al your dirpo•al to 11111.11. th it you I, Olt! any on you yre rue I ohs!! b•p pr;o c.ve them e is; i lite 11 1 , traiLltell 1 oats 11:qul nly ca, he I reit:min your werelictit eery ant, Gave°. ti. Jteleteen, 113 Market .creel. The 1.. t from e me.lic t re Ironton. T., F.etrael of , nee Dret t nt! oM.mimrtlla p inta .pectly, and prentatmnt cure rnr arl compla moulent tO It. rr,,!, nroper,e. Telmer :1 peoulotrlT norm.. . a , snler arti ,enrkm , nstentunont of uto men., It tot um 1,1 m upon each •ea.e, a• ine.vient ennenp,on, immentlm, • enrrata a. or VIIOII, :meettlar mottrwat.oo. aem,n• itrotnr.: the ey•kern. It Loam M et er'y dr r tee•, 0,6 • •%11.410 0 coloCloll 10 VIE ',Pet, lrame, rind Inn url. an entfe, .1!0! nonyarmy at& tormnang ;Pry are Frew-fol. We i item. evidence no Me veblob mo , noly to recommend :lon me, to trr cd people. who hale not boort .tenteti ve:th oft SI :114. Gr•a Caro of coustuntittlos. !Or 1 1 ,,,, , - 14 s, crfti , 41 , • ;.11 • 14., • ..ow Poc• r•arEE , I., II ~• ^lotjLt.ec, to 4.. a.• fur •.......111c11; ye•:a `rom K•n•-i. z, 0 , y ; ; e1,101.111W1 p .rst •) 1.1:1, , t• ill: LIP Ir. wrapi.cr. I per .or It :• fo , l •J. II r:trit, ror,o, Four,ll xf.td Wal• Agr.:l :or 11, :Nc4t, to Is no, u..t0r.0.r. 11.1111,. adJrce, I:r •. J.” 14,1 A f& , I Vc • cr• 01 11,0 •Arct sJi,l tl.c gtl.ll Awl, Jr A41!,1 1:LICIN ES- n. lrhio, }lac 25.1,19. ta )nur Clrel/C/11 Fet I 1,, yllt, Verto.itt, :eterir rey own o•ot freolottOlv rlt te :!ted btette titutetes t. t t nt 1141 dott vertrutel tram t,tt 01111 4 , 11 hove eto. tiet .1 to, Lt.., .• .to t ' ordtt 53111,11 illy Irttoty. :tdo t t.ey lave, td evory ta.tdi.ve, pttotuccd rd •rt, de•orl. A• I otereho , lonne, I nm rt!,:e to •l air. I az,- yrt In hear ot the bent Influre where med•etlte• 1... we :won unr,l :55 :any nreonn of the eonntri vot:c,ion. not v •tAte• that they are ihr mralc , •••• eat, omf drmlin•Ll I,Vc verV eittra•i••• Ipur, rr•pertfully. l'repyry4l end 4.14 J by 11. R' II SELLER-t. No:, V. and 14444-4.44, 4.44,1 ty Druigl•to getscraby in the two Cll,ll no I Y 4 •4444 y S.DI 1.1 - em e Ai., , Shy R E. r3¢lti forth,- Lrt/.1” of o •Iror •.,tre 1.11,3 re.stl.on 10 y, ar rice.lent num iy Mc 1.. I he rr ri•ad 7.. r Verrnitege orremytti my own ,etrit 117. n. r I.l.,tottaly tin for ritte;hrip: ge tier. tit • `red to am, wortnr l'rrn twit VI//,111•11/ ////, 1.1.,/o tired your /AVG/ . /1/4 alid ran ot in, tem. I. Intl :hey have in vcr) test coee Notlueed the ell. ei tii sited A I , titt attcnred itt mritritawtlt‘.l, I ral, nttlr tn •ttttr Vt , mt , ' Yr , tr thr ftW whore your 111,111 , Itavr !t u•rti ott •etetLott thr r., urdtr.ne.nl 1r tttit nrr tle•tt tr., tt n trrry r.,trttive pspLuer:;, l'ourr, r. utt: ~ II I•,,ret.t. Prepared and •C, by R. • • I lIS \n 5: Wood soul Drozetr •re .lers.'y to the two ca• ~nn , c , “")'• mv.l 1 I rST t'l trF I,IV ty as of tamal e only true. end (teem., Laver PIH. du,sar Idle° runty, Va. / March 2tah. 1 , 10 Mr. R. E. Feller,: Pear Ste—l dunk eta duty I owe to )ou and to Mc pub.ae emery ly. state that I have been atrleird v•ith the. rornpletnt for lone ten,. und . badly that an nbeess tonna und !quer, wheel, loft me I/I n very love state. !Ism oer heard 01 your cr'eltrated lAver br.eleg for Ba t e Ly d R ezell eel In oerly , and recommended to me by nev plo.octen. Dr. E. South, I cimeluded to else them a rear med. f purrhased one lox. and round them to •c Hoe: won they ere recommended, THE imsT 1.1. VEIL PHA. EVER UrIED; nod after takme lour our. I rand the dieter lee retterely 101 l toe, and I am now perfectly well. Reepeetfully yours, 1) II COLLMAN• West Liberty, March 11,, 1,11, I centry that I wro pew? , ally acqualnird to u. Mr Cr)lem ,and can bear tesontony to it, truth or the atoPv cruficate. A Il SHARI' The e ratline Liver YIN are prepared and Aoki by 11. LLERS, No 67 Wood street, and ay dreggi. In Int aro ewes. TOr lIE rtiltLll!.—The original, only true and Re nine Liver Pills ere prepared by II !:Scher., and ha h his na and his ai: asiged in black w. r y alp upon the Ind of ea og, nniare on the wapper others are counterfeits, or bane imitations. aptd E .ELLERS Proprietor A'r El ki:811—t7111.111 . 1.11 VII AN V Just rettl, en tnvonw ot tutl tnwci.sti raw. vet Waiehr.., IN c twos hos cut,. .lurk I can Art, low ai atm): and ttatrty five tloltuPtornd Watruntcd keep good time. Also-41 eplesalid a.sortment of JEWELRY, cooly entitle the reflood and Intent style., and nest ' , entente: 'W. W. 1.1411.140 N, NVatelunaker and Jeateer, llr . Ll e 11.8' WitilllB AT COI Cn, bans r3n~ra to 11 R lee their enure vtknun~ to lhb sale ' Waolen.,Lo Cotton trieo.le,.aolv otter they - large Moil( of Tailors , Trtiorpiree, yesdogs, ond ,GetwahClothe, Meath., easstmereve&z..ltilliroet.. e " "J tbT tee • an elegant plain Rosewoods ort. Itta;Tol (yore th • reiC.diteCetwohietsery of Num. , /e.' . - "Arlll':..bV . R. (2l m7tifillie'd "fir 7,lll;Tid7:', p 2 Lan .one nen {Ai ILLIAifeIitt'LXIJRNeVKAiI,L. TOOTH POIAMER. V' for re'?ooirittie yith, ,f - Vieuroy Canker. Ind all eubstantlee deetrutitiveleottlie Teed, It &Deco. to, the taste. dee using the mouth,lteeline and yth r e r v e iN k and Inc:Tr !he Arendt. nAretili. by del° W 04,1 et_ .k - - 1.1. '' '-_ ..... _ NO TES LOST. OTICE Is hereby gthen, dim onarobont the 4 .15 th (April, the sabscribors itaA nuulfil.so them. at Wellsburg, V., the Wry. notes, Mot—A note drawn by G. A. Marti. tumble to oagordeg, dated Snotllth, at 4 month s f n stn Ath - 1 ndte drOhn t f ohn D. Morgan, sante dath and time,Totand' e drawn by John Wits & Co., in favor of &LIM 8. Marken, and re-endorsed-by us, dated April PIA, at roar months, for $173. The above notes weraitevar, received by es, .4 this Is to caerila u 2enlons j against trading for or baVlAtthe ritaeoie intent of them Itu boa Oupptdr , & VY,t Vial r R • MISCELLANEOUS, T ILE Partners`op hereuirore existing between the subsenbers, under ion firm of Burb , idge, Wilson & Co.. was thiN rl•y dissolved by mutual consent. The business or the firm will be settled by J.W. Itoe bridge. or Win, Wilton, Jr., either or whom author. iscd to use the name of the firm in liquidation. J. W. BURBRIDGE, W.ll. WIL&ON, Jr. LYON, SHOED I, Co. Picsburrh, July I, 1er,0.--iy4 CO - PARTNERIIII4I.4. 'FAS. W gurt.r.dge & heal. F. Inahrarn have this sj day u , swiated themselves under the brio of Bur ndsc Ir. ingt.rnin,tu transact a 'Wholesale Grocery and benerol Conuntssion hastens, in the Musa lately 8.1 ocrdeu,.. ,burgh, ./ llorJuly t.n l, o.dale, Wilson & Co, 116 Water at. --/Y4 C 0 -PARTBIERiII I F. 1111 E suborn hers nave this day formed a copartner stop under he firm of W a F Wthtont forme Pure frse ft . ..lacuna the Wholesale Grocery nod Com pottaton Ituameta, al No Oft Wood ntreet. WM. WILSON, Jr Pittsloran. I. 15.10..-Iy4 FRANK. WILSON , Melodeon Plano awl tlitivo or Reeds J UST recolved at the sign of Goldin /tarp, tine Re Itova, Melodeon Plano, with fr o Mall of Reedy, the latest improvement The above.' is probably the Immo toned Instrument ever peered for Fair hone , with a hied,. finished and elegant exterior, Me ...ale be ' itea7i 11 KLEIIK}I • . c b . R-100 roo bnoo& a rld 131• P kiNT"U e' P E 20 do. da sfo P 30 do do do tnatM; 100 do news printing, 24137; Itel do do do Oil do do do 29:42; lon en do do :Merl 20 do Blue Fnvelope, Wad.% cal dp Yellow do Watag NJ do Manilla do ter.l3; 25 do do do 941311 300 do assorted wrapping pa. per.. in sums, for ode by JOHN 11 MELLOR Ft Wood at rk EC I n EMI' the cheapen and best ptisee In Pim -1.7 burgh to boy Tea is at the Tea Market, east woe of the I/mond. They sell' I , J, 'lent Tea •t • —so 50 per lb Sult for Quo Itties• —•• • • 0 75 •Thr veer Tow priced, damaged, or Inferior Teas are not kept at hit establicitmea thererom, whether you Royour 0. or timid eitthl, you Ste sure to obtain a pod article, anti if the tarot of, the Tea is not - Approved, they readily exchangeor it return the money. tYI , MORRIS k. HAWORTH, Proprietors. SUNDRIES -40 boil extra Creant Cheese; 10 hI brl. No 3 Mackerel; 10 has do do; 5 kegs do do; Int Loa Mould Candles; 211 has No I krareli: ' PI don parent Zinc Washboard.; 25 hi elLe•tsnperior Green Tear4o caddy las do do: 10 la' cherns superior Mack 'Frac Por rote tea Duffield'. extra {lams.. by 1 I) W ILLIA3IB k CO Jr lb Cur Wood .1) Filth in. 1110C1 En box es No. 1 Fresh Chocolat lust received, and fin • , ile by 2F , WICK & SIOCANDLCOS ODOR ROOKS Icoll WARBLERS John.n—Amenren Farmer's Encyclopm•dia,S. Emer.ll—Tthe and Shrubs, eve Brown—Tree; or America ' ,o Thom.—Amtg can Fruit Culturist, 12.m0 Hoy —A Gohle t. thc Orchard, Mao Ittnat—Ferrtgy Bilehen Gardener, lAce Hiner-1 AnLenc. Bee Keep r, Brown—The American Pltry Yard. Ilmo Mur•hull—The Farmer e n d EiniuranFe hand Book Allen—The Amen,. F., Book, 12m. Bovrt.—Frun end Fruit leers.' America, 12mo Young—The linen, Fv Begnet—Tha Pollitr Yard, lAvo For sale by JAMES D LOCKWOOD in': 104 Fourth et A me r I can 1 of Selene• aud Arta. tiONDUCTED by Prof D. Sillirnan, Prof, D. Still; Mall, Jr. and James D. Dana, New Ilaren, Con oeenrt. This Journal is tensed every :Ivo months, its i , umber,, of 1, Leger each, conking two octavo volumes yen r, oath with ninny iltostrations. It is devoted to ortemai sit:cies on S,icr co and the Art., Condensed Review. or Abstracts of ?deltic:6ra and Discovrnet (nail Farman Periodicals, Notice of New Ponnent•ons, nod • I:ciicral I.lolletin of recent Scien tific work.. The first eerier contain. Su volomem, the last of which is n ecneral Index to the 49 volume. preceding. So to, sipoon, SS a year, in advalhee. J D LOCKWOOD. Air% for Proprietors, lel9 104 Fourth at. Good !looks for filatdmorr dooding. Irrovol—Turatsh Evening hotertrunments, Moo. Taylor—Eldorado. 2 arils, 12mo Colman—European Life and Manners, 2 toll, Unto. /,,,,,,,,,y_Doeirry and Son. 2 vole, 11 Mae ay—Copular Delusions, 2 vol., Umo. Marvel—Fresh blearungs,l2roo. C. 1.. II —Norman Leslie, limo. Shaw—English Literature,ltito, Prior—Guldenitth . • Mrseellanemis Works, 4 soil. Maye — linl2mo To,lor—Viens Af oo l.l2rao. II inlmldl—Cosems, 2 vola, I2mo. rale by JAS D LOCKWOOD M2O 11.1 Fourth st Litoratoro• Ear, and s lnnufacture. Unit, ytlo—.l . loo..ormy 0. Nam,. 12mo. nymw—Aphori•m• and Herrtmns. 12M0. 1 , 14.—L Sham—Kn. Lalrmure. 12100. e.ydre itryont —What I armir Colifornic St. I'mrre—Enui nod Virett.m.. 2 vols. 12010. A lert—L , litra to Young Mtn- 12mo. linroap—lter,aude of Human Nature. 12Mo. Vrramur—Mr.dorn French Literatura Smc . :te—ELliroaor NCVVII,IIII/1--iillllllol Mernelism. o Smut, 140.0,10 Zoologt,alßecretorons. Yor , sym by JAMES D LOCKWOOD f ed 104 FouriL •I • Polder.• paw ISchlopian 0711 N 0. /40, oil Meta; Doily Day, 0 .rc E v 40 down to de eouon Field; Nell) am. a Lady, An. ALSO, Ile h.' to me Ltore,i - i;;;e; ht Hom Bow thy boat tlehtly. True Love, by T. Hood; lour re iv a. toss the rest duets, A lICW eon, by H Covert; Jenny t,rht zoo,- by Muller: I.Jen 1,, nlc.More't; , r • t tot., .•. our,, si. , ,,osrkische CO; 1... t !Use' easy vsrie.'.on. Horst I t :c.' l'o.o 1.12105 , Souvenir Polka: Corn Crot tr Ouhdrille; Louisville Llnadrllle, Des ut,es or holy, Cocas, Trio+, Se.'. A loran a••ortinent of New Music on hemd.lo which dooto, ore made weekly'. For elate b y t 01.21.; J. MELLOR, IL Wood at. it..,ha ato St atridar 11.-ID. eery. HI:ME'S Ills I',. HY OF ENELAND a now pub lir.tto.r lithos II nor Bra'., G vole. cloth and paper. e at .1u eel.. vol. Three Vo orl. rer and •a' by R lit apt 'IS Apollo ilutldtnas. Fourth n. New [took.. D EDHURN• F/1.1 Voyage, by Herman Metallic t.l'ypee." ttOmoo...fte. Motor, K t op Alfred of England, by Jacob Abbott; with hue encravntcs. Solon , . the Sorer rear; h 7 WM Meinhold. • JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, I onv 2l porno,' Third and Market street!. Onod/ ele it/.-tr Reanorte/SVlWorka of the Agr:" XI - INF:VI:II AND IT'S REMAINS; with an Account 1.11 0, n et-ot to the Chanclotan Chrome., of Nordis ta, 4:1 , 1 the 'l'end's, or Devil. Worshippers; and an Lotto ry t.lto the Manners and Arts of the Ancient As- Ity Austin Henry Layard, &sq., R. C. L. Witi, Introdne.oey Note by Prot. E. Robinnon, I). D. LI. E:u•trated mob 17 plutes rind maps, and 90 vro•ol Otis.blob -no cloth. 14.5. boot hoe o oat/tont of graphic, vivid, pin turesque norrot.ve '•—Trteune. t' rite wo.'it of Lai aro is the most prominent contri bution to :be study of antiquity, that has appeared for many yearo."--Cutt, Int; ••Sri 010 eve,. :ti.ntorest the aceount •of Nineveh told is Hoot, given by Mr. Layani."—Wuhington inte:lleetteer. =ES A."A. - wc lo,tow the dieser, with breathless interest Lri their e tens mow.. sod tuddclily laud ourselves he. nrsttise brute carved with minute seiuracy, how Itiung els:tone head from We dust of 3UVU years, we ape ready acry out with the astenished Arabs •Walish, is wonderful, but it is true!'"—] depen:ett Fort,e by hos JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, r 4 Wood st • ••• • . Milli WOMEN n: the Old and New Tealamenb Mill: Edited by It Sprague, D. D. I vol. Imp. (sm., elegalit:y bobbd; 1 0 exquiontely fini.hed engraving., with d , -..emplin, eelebratril American Clergymen. lI.EMS DV A MELIA, (Mr.. WelbY, 01 KY.4. new uni en,urged edition; try engraving. from de.igiba by Wier. I vol. neinare ,vo., elegant noubd gi't. A i•o---A variety or splend/d Anna n. and Gift Rook, Setvell'e Fir. Book of the History of Rome. I wool, I,nll. Tilt: MECHANIC'S ASSISTANT. adapted for the one of Carpenter, Shipwright, Wheelwright, Saw yer, Lumbermen, Student, and Arid,,,.generally: being n thorough and practical Trent.< on Mentor,. non and ;lir Sliding Rule. By 1) M. , Kaper, A. AL ina ne , Treati4e on Greek I' .e Composition. odord, Elementary French Granonar, By leaf. Greene, of Drown t I I.IV,SIM. 1 1 , (11. It nedig-r's Gerenitie Hebrew Grammar, by Conant. lie.entn.' I lebrew Lexicon. Lao1:11, Trigonometry and Loganthmic Table. I •ed (tnrep.) The Etigli.binsuia Greek Concordance. I vol.(mos. lin.l Anthnn's Clamcal aerie.. 1% chnter's thclomary, reTtmed ed. I vol. Pao. Dank do unabridged 1 vol lto Bartle • Notes and bluest... l New Testament. Whale I).'. Logic 111.11eim • Eceleatastical History. 3 vol.. and a vela (sheep.) Nest:cc. of Creation. I vol lemo :doming. &mole . the Jestom at Rome 1 Aar (cloth and paper Occne. ..here the Tempter haA Triumphed. I 001 (cloth and paper.) lingoes Flmoloutea , lecture.. I vial Sao. (cloth I .4.. tier a Pronnunrom Bible. 80, c.. J. re orb Di tootar) Sin in • Hera, e For sale by II HOPKINS, no , I 3 Apollo Buildings, Fourth Al Th. 01d.% 'rime. JA 11F , D Liter s tl 0111),Bookseller and Importer, No. II %hood ..rect has for sale a tew ropiest/Ho oleo., Ithc rethamder of the edition., of tills valuable work. devoted to tic Pre.ctration to I.coracios, and other authentic. tu m mist ohl relltt ne to the early ex plorattott., settlement moi improvement of the country around the head of the Ohio By loot,it Ncrillc 41 Craig, .Fay., of rah, in 4 vole *all novto 4 V I.oe KWOOD . y t oci - AN unEk I y.ii ,, ,,, 47(ir:Yg ''''H... 11.. , -,dt i Ltbert) Of other 1e1R44110011 . 0 1.,,, , I I Elliott Hsu ; , 1)). , ) , oe )0 , t I h , .# ts,.x- I clued at. Some 2 • els , lirj., i ybarul, th , f 4 t 0r,,,,, %l ideal • • —, ~,,,1.,..1), LOpr.H4POri r Boilhwileti • 2.V . f 4,4--...4 4 .- ~ 1 only. " ‘ l .;l' 1 , po Vl6l KEALIIte. uk. I utha.juthoil red et . ho ~ Iltao 75 et4, l ill q..lFitatl4p:m u L et. 1 LAB 11F CON.OLA ON . e , Ine readmg of 411,2, pokh.RaXessed RS •ehh Me h higher m !moil ol . satim 111,n . see h,ttll . te orrriunt'u":l,th,eura'nethlirmnouliegiktrclehlPftft rreteeT7a'reit_oPr*tda tlecitt-eirc."l'M'A l l ' ' e 'lse• v. f a and tetdard* ,am. 11. natty *can, fa iteaeasyle—nehle apleeeftdceer / ne, mgt. I'l e re it to oar rea der . itk hest Ith Oettoon of the . eaaoll '—Reartjm thth ' • • t cline,. khe Joarnal of eiravel ISrouslirepe, . residence To Italy, and le oil of IV, pie jai int moil interistals. hooks of MI Ifels116 0 "--0.1 arni En WM,. TtINCkaL ________ ' k very charleterateiark. Wet have teaelll from page to Colopttilkflalk urtit.6l6ll knerest. A •o Nye of lie to Roam In Alj respects ergigeo67l 0 , by . /Amps p Locovoo, no 3 Bookseller k lotporte 63 WO•4PI _ . Siva! ' /aid GI 5itt.93pi..... trithiir /F. ntractrkup of arkKi •-",,,t,4; PL tniolcurj., q wito - 6 a EXCH-06 FOREIGN PILIA , on Eaand. frcland and any amount at the Current Re 10, Drafts pay•ltte in any pars of It from -.LI to SRO, at rate of to without deduction or disc the ount. by J SON, European and General Agent, door west of Wood, Mate a RAI MIANNERS AND kaCLIANGE I:I 1.1 in l'oree and Dumont Dais 01 115cate. oT Itima No,. RI 3d and Wood mrtel., , hrectly oppocio w LSTACII.M PCXD.II 010, Indicua, Eactac t r, AI a, pottehami at the lowan rote., by N BILLS OF IL }CHANGE—S. New Vork. Plallada!yid, an !Into• CoulonUy for aaJ• by N. 11,4 aept3 M ISCELLAN RIOILILIS lIAIVOI RFCTIFYINfi DISTILLERS road Alercnants, FAA idde of th are now off,rona at the very lovv,t RecUfied Wht.lter, 14/II D.,,0 French Brandy, liollend Jarau don Utn, Iroh 1% Ittrkry. nun, Ae. I demi, Chakr.pegot, (;lure(, Moe ntrll mitre and Limbo., Wlnes on PRINTING PA PER—Always order, he •adoo. mem of Frio Wrappote Paper; Craven, Ntmlium, en Dom Strove Wruppine Paper: Crow üble Crort Post thrive roper; Pa. Witt:DAL, Agent Mr Cu .111111TICIC. TOIIN WATT A. CO. have-remove tt, Groceries to the opposite side of: aftrt TATO:DAN IN AMERICA—Her w Vir word. fly Marin J nelntonh, nu & Counierehannv,' , oTo ACMIII and to Lotter Day Datophtein, No 1:—T• Ety Thorns. Carlynie. C.l.M.R.—ltlenaoirs of Life and ti Chetlntern, I) D., L. L. D. Preireti Analogy, Paley's, Dir idence. of Lecture on Divinity, with two Introit itnd four Addrevtes delivered in Ili bilinburgh, by Thomas Chnlitiern, vol Nino. Caama—Lifr orJohn Calvin, comp) Lie enamel, and particularly from bis My Thorn. II Dyer, with portrait I For sale by II 110 P apl7 71i Apollo Budd! Combs! Combs! 20 ( .:0 8 °.° 8 :".:F,1,1=1,'" d -1 0 w .0 1 01 Eugl.t. Horn Re o l'oetet Combs, 500 Wur.d • 1000 duo e•••. 1 Firm Ivory; `• Shell Slat' Coinl.N• 10 super Intee Iluffnlo; 200 gross sued Side C 01•11,1 rec't lulu'C VFACFP ' ' . _ Bair Ilollaud! Duff II • TAE NOTICEI—That W. :11,71.11t reert yeti Beveral ea.., of the Window lini:and, to w.. Le wouttl call the at. attention of tog customer& a gcneral. ify - Ciapet 'Ware Armin,..': F . l , llr:h Guitar. A FEW Very fine GUITARS, eelrbrated nuuuil fun ertory of (7 =le by ntnS J Dome Jet Itece/w TIT COMM.! AVork• of lobo I:on to I vol t 11.axtrated; mualut gilt an Nlitchtll's Ittblical nod Sabbath :acts a new work; I vol, !Stun. TOW 1 1 . ) , AnalyFts and !Ate nf lona Q. Adams, by Wm. 11. rhrmi mdelm roams by Mr, 'lemons; I vol,htni, SoalG'oinos, Sermorts—,"ertnon. preoche on'ca by Robert South. D. D. volt ( including Pon'humans o,ncoorte Some-1 ohccp, extra; S. For sale by leb2l Apollo Dodoo • EAGLE POUNDIZ roan 111C1101,80,1 THE undersigned, soot' 090000 to Ar son, beg leave to inform the eitiae and public generally, that they have r OLy, FOUNDRY and am now in Nil have part of their Patterns randy. (hr Atoone•t which arc Cooing Stove", r mth.o splendid air-tight Coal su now percetling In other clues the "love, Al., a cheap coal licv.si 811 tad for small (mull es, with a full a,so non and mantel Grate" We wr,vlJ Site dm attention of vrtonn ba, ling archon, before purchasing, and vrs article of ensoimeiled I; rues, hewineol coil reiy new in this market. Worehottoo, No. 161 1.1:,ny _aur2o:dll NICIJOUto, PITTBISURGIJI IdIPOILT YEAC4:II. Importer nee "'heir k-i• FANCY AND VA IDE' V inW e o n f te t r h n l M in er omnbt. , I tPedlar. ct and i n to purenai, Good., 11, , re to rail and alumna e 3 Lc move American. French nntl I.rrinun All Foreign Unc.de lit It., direct by znksclf, .11 pur...lan se, tie goods from firm lliat tn. of 1r111 . 1,. In Me rartrty 1 . 1.1,w - eh—all of erbch rstll (QV Tile Lace .0 Cruvws, ,110•1 /In.! Paw-1,11,A, p' Gnlnu, ntf , c, ehoper.dcr.. llult ullery. Gold t,d :divertV lehca, Gold Jewc Comb* and Razor., Revolver., C. 1110•1 P:,., I m• IT, it ty of rctit.) "ma 6tap2e RUN 4./ C. YEAGRR to alsoagert lor ; R:c r to ter Great 11Giaglloh lie;ra•l2 OR Coneb..Colda, A•tht,la (MEAT AND (EILY l(F:MEI/N :Or hove thsenara, iv the 11UNI,AfflAN LIFE, do.rovrred try t o. London, Eng:anJ. and introdurni Iwo under the immediate gur...rintrndrnre m It The extraordinary aticeea, of tho. ine. Care of Pulmonary w"rran, Arent in ...emu!, for trramir,i the v.,int acv that can be iound rommu.:::v—r relief La VU.I3 (101,1 any. of thc .:4//111/0J re: day, and have been given no ,y the moll pliyaimana as confirmed and is nrorulde. art Balsam hat eared. and will cure. the re , of coca. It no quack nof.trt,n. a . Hob inedreioe, of knoriii and e , tat,h,thrd Every family in the United with Burhan'• Hungarian 1.1.11,int of l.t, - . counteract Inc consumpuse t/o.dencte. by to be aced as a prevotolve me.lteme colds, coughs, sprtung of blot.d, petit chost, irrhouon and soreuelo• of tiro dalioulty of breartng hectic. fever, to:la • atioll and genernldeloy, asthrug, rehoe trough and cr ttl oup. !Sold In large bottles, at el per bottle, 1.10:1) for the roast:a - oho:1ot boahh. . . Pamphlet, coutaming a nitoa of Eng!! ecrilAt. Stec, and o,.er Evol•nne, quailed metal of thla great Engll.l l Re .btamed of Arcola. gratuttou.,y. For rale by I: A FAIINI, , Ttic}: t and Wood and Nand and ~ 01 XI! - SELLERS , COUI.:11 NOTLILI6 Ltns II! Mr. R. E. Seller.-la m 11in " parable Cough S) ran, I lwg leave to at.tt