BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. nicroa•rED & TILLECia•rn&D fOR TAIL: PITTSBLIRULUDAILY GAZETTE FOREIGN NEW A.II.IIIVAI. UP THE TICAZIEB. HIBERNI A. Sept. 4. ' TllO creamer HlOOlllll, Capt. Long, wrivid bastoms lea /antral arab was gone On/ The river lire at 10 o'cidek to day. - Was at a war.d during yestarday, With a little leas than I, Her dates are from Liverpool to the 21th, from t h,„,.. fort to ,i,.,„„i • London to the 234, and from Paris to the 224 td. FLOUR—Considerable law arrived by river yeater- i time. . d.y, bat sale. were comparahvely light, being nor fin- The steamer which sidled frorin New York on the tech at A. 0.4 had .. t iiii ,,, a , Livrpool, ed to severd 'limited lets, at 14 f bbl, which iodic Lop when the Hibernia tailed. or the wan het from first band. We note take in dray Since toe Railing of the Allende, Cotton has ,Toad iota Itom Bore. at 54P P Md. advanced y. After thedeparture,a spirited man-' CS ALN—We his co runner change to. notice in ton took mace, the sales of the day being 10,000 prlees,mad may cerstane oar geom.:ma at, for Wheat, to 12000 bale., at the advance noticed. The to- The; Roo. 042034 : Barley, 00 : C OO 4, cat', and ( Mt. tat Sdalea 01 the week are 30,000 hale., of wink . at 33831 e, from girt hoods.. speculators took 2.1.030 bales, at Me Gyllearang GROCERIES—Sogar continue, hem, at 74, in Ohl* qootationc Fair Upland and Mobilo St cents.— mol . tws. „.„,, ti the Coffee, 11101 w, Rico at to IP Friday's wales reached 0,000 bales. lb, in Ire.. Al Havre, tee market Was extremely doll. PROVISIONS—We notice • fair degree of firemen In France, loaners looted on wormy. The - President bad been tooted oat of a ball room at 1 U"' thy market, tenth tile. of Plato bonne bass, at 7i;or Bn . , ~,,d thsi , ~,,,,,,,, h a d to be cloned ~ tk i , e , 1 choice sugar coral, in mauves., ai 1 t 1312, a.l Or COT. poet of the bayonet. 1 moo bagged at etzeio. Sides 111 e set , m, . sje, and The Holing:teeny bad dislodged the Danish out. ' Sueolhers at 410 irs 10. SalOs of Lard ad 4,42.701:* , rd posts at Kropp, and their wroth army had left I bbis and kegs. Tined Beef is to goat demand, at 114/ Hendaburg, wad advancr.d in tee directiort of the mye for beat quality Danish position. lei Germany, affairs had become more and mom complicated, and several heavy Llama ado tenoned. [Here the eastern wires beyond Boston gave CONGELEMEIION6 Otrastllttaroa, Sept. 4. SC:laid—Oa motion of Mt. Clay, the bill abol-._ the alas° trade m the Di.trict of Calumets, en postponed, in consequence of ;the absence on several Senators, and made the special order of the day to Tuesday next. Mr. Diehl r son, from the Fiance Committee, re. ported the general poet Mee Appropriation Bill, and moved Anal It be taken op for conaidcration at once. He brolly explained the bill and the amendment proposed by the committee. After coma debate, Red on Ineffectual attempt to postpone, the amendment, of the committee mere adopted, and the bill ordered to be cremes. The bill providing weekly mails by memo" ocs Now Wein a, or the.mooth of the Mendrato pl river, to Vera Cruz sod Tampico, to flex co, was taken up, amended, and ordered to be en grossed. The Senate then adjourned. Ileum—The house resumed the consideration of the manhattans reported yesterday to print 5000 copies of the Hot of persons on the Tr:orlon roll stoup October, 1535, which was finally laid on the table. . - Mr. Richardaan, from the soled committee .p. pointed to it quire into certain alkged trawaMions of Thomas Ewing, while ho was Secretary of the Interior—auch as reopening and paying certain Clnekinaw and other claim's, after they had boon doted by the former administration—made a re. port and cold that the doctiments were voltsmin• one and that it wa• utterly , impossible for geode men to understand It until they could read it In print. Re therefore moved that It be printed,and that farther consideration he postponed till Tara - day week. Mr. Valton presented a minority report from the Committee. . . The question being when oo the motion to postpone, ii tan decided in the negative. Inas, 61—nayr, 107. The morning hour having expired, The Home then took up the Texas Boundary Bill. The Speaker announced the question predict to be, to refer the bill to the Committee of the Whole no the elate et the Unioo. Mr. McLane said teat a commitment of tb bill would be tantamount to na rejection. His object wee to pan the bill In the aspect in which ItJ woull be most acceptable to himreilf, and be was under. wood to any teat in I e prevent tom it had most strength in both branches.. Mr. Cable,ol oalO, moved to lay the bill on the table. -- Mier considerable debate, the bill finally came before the House, nod the vote was taken on Mr. -ct,ngm.'e amendments tp Biwe'a retsalati.o. posing to meanie" Southern California under the name of t•Cotormila,''br the tine of deg. It was disagreed to—yeas 69, nays 130. Muck contused proceedings tallowed, when the Rouse relaxed to ceder the hilt-to a third reading. Year, 50—nay, 126. Tito Ronne then adjourned. DAMAGE UN THE SbHUYi.KiLL, CANAL. Porrsviu.s, Sept. 4. The Schtl3o4(l Casalie a total wreck, in coo. •isequence of the rate freshet, and no business eau A be done on it before the close of the season. "2‘ Several bridges have been carried away on the Reading Railroad, and two week* will be requir ed to repair the datessei. Thirty houses at Tamaqua have been carried 7 . ; away, and about half the bonr s at Port Clinton bens been swept of by the flood. About fifty liven, ills supposed, byre been lost. The freshet was trenoendnus, the rreatest that has ever metered before. The destruction of life and property is awto I. 1. VERMONT ELECTION. . Dorms, Sept. 4. :;! We have just received the vote to 17 towns in Windham coucty, which loom; the toPowlea re. toll for Governor :—WtWano., Whic. 1555; Foot, • . Free Deco ,879,Hubirts,O.d L . oe, 302. In the alma towns . Ima, year, the Wnla pain .• was 163 for Corgreva; ape It the .ame town. Lyman, W., 1290; Minor, W., SOO, Roberta, F. D., 792; Clark, 0. L., 41. . . There were two Mugs running le this district. Nn choice has Lea mace. The day was wet, and the vote generally mail. NEW YORK MARKET WON AITO Plow Fogg, Sep. 4. IFlour—A better feeling evails, with good home ard stopodag Par prs at e Eamon a nd straight state at SI ISM ne iv state Ohio and Michigan at ga 6X4 73 per btl. Grain—No aisles of wheat to report For mulling, boyars urn awaiting a deal re. Ohio is quoted at93dl Stile Per ha. Corn is cagy, with a limited demand and Redd raPPIS. Provision•—la _pork, a fair buoiners is dolor. bat the market iv bear. at 11.0 ati for revvv, and Si go f o r prune. Lard Is in good impairs, at CL97e per Groceries—lne mathrt, Mr legal. ,ffee, and mo• litres, II very firm, and 3teldet• generally den and an advance. We have the f 'wing salp.-1500taaa Coffre Di fat St Demingo; an d agnavvai Dig Olt; for Dim Id* for Costa Sten, 1110101 for Java. of F.agar, tea .0 doe tdula bare been *old at d4,07e for Orle. c for Porto Rico; Glefige for Caber, .co m magtieboseo II unfl lit sold tali • per lb. Idohisves Is in lair request, with sales of ILO hhda Porto Rico at 310, and acme N Orleans at3to lie per gallon and Cahn at 220210 for sweet, and Ms (to soar per gal. NEW YORK MARKET. New You., Sept. 4. • ilaTttREI 161701T.j Cotton—She mantel u firm, with males of 3000 balm Fkmr—We notice no marked change in Awn unlens it be that the market in del 0:. dales off3ooo brls at last quaint:one. Grain—Salee ci 12060 bushels Wheat at 109 fa 111 c forprime white, end 70 al etb lor inferior Swithern. Sales of IDOOO be Corn al MI 0 60 e bonhel. Nothing ban :remind in other articles worth noticing. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. POILMOTPItIa, Sept. 4, Very Istle activity la munfested in the marl et today Floor—rhe export amend conduce limited, and only 800 or 1770 bile were fold, for shipments It fifer sound old meek, and AA 111 (rm freak Irma. Thu market I. lirreer, In consequent , ' of the areal dernege upon tbo canal and rail road, by the see*. Restmt, and some holders rein. 03121 ter fresh ground doer. Conic—Wheat Is la bunted demand, and ;mecums steadily ma ntaleed 9iln 57:17 It..prlMe Canest& Wheal at 1170 tor mbar, WOO bp prime Dennelidattla hne at Ile 011ie, prommaily at IDM kis good Boeduess anti Peusrleule red at late per t Ultsb To day, however, sortie holders &Otte selllng,_at nolo prises Receipts of Corn continua small . 1101 dd.end Ls limited, but prices are steady, with take of scuo 3oultoott ono Pozomit'..l.7.lkm al 45't afloat, inetadtng some in more at GM per ba. Orocenu—stocks of Callee are vet. kende. and priers are Earn Sales fife Mlle sod.. lel on time In Sugar, *nice the Oleo mama( 3370 I-- /144 taw tars. and 461 bits noted last Meth, e.t.a ' VALUABLY. US ZATAI for MAZY rot edirised.of any traossiettoila Stocks are very fistlF, mbsenber odors rale, on 01 tale tenor *orbs, and holders ate firm Mataindia itontlesea Arm the re al lyo l mule late tolemme, with ea c• of khds at 430311 per ealmoi .1 No I.—Three valyab l e therm muity llnek Onetime Promuns—halee are limited and pilots steady. non„y, Corona bun , b yswoon nnn y o „, Mess twit is sel lug at $1U.50910 73, Mem Dermal buon . the lot. bete, each front by ny, drop . 4/1 2 20, on thee tit Itaeon,•rlea have been confined No 2 , —Contaliss • 37 fee front in Third street ad to p•rcels front rinse, in on ham se me, fancy coma lobos, the 'I bird Fresblteriao Church • on ..biter, aide. sle; In 44041elfer lb. Sales al Lard, erected ono 4 story .Dock Boum med NO • primes 5 .0' 6 1 "" " 71 '‘ Per lb dbl'*d 1' d...71 ' Mime and ore a story Brick Watches. wants Furter commat a s D 42110 per le No'd—Vwc late in Paktum, Deaver .nnty, bet. Iron— roe item den. to ore canal has caused an . • tots No e 3 and 4, bring •beit feet sphere , on velvet teercased (rem. f. 11 p g Iron. Holders are not dm erected ore Noel, °freer (rime dwellings aril om to resits •at te prism, anti) the extent o f us teparnte ell Datum. limb in/my m ate •ensued '' Not—tine Lot IA fort front on Due et tees °imolai, Lead—The mUket it doll, and inlets tend dowse the nboyo no d oien dieg ie t * si mper the bill ward, no sales . Cfils—Preati ola ere held Ann'y at quoted rates. ning t4° cm—l*th":_pikn:ah Lo th itt":air.7o‘no4tCl.l7, Linseed in in limard n 'est, ud pines are hardly sy _ ny „, nemined. Sales tn la's et se in casks, am 60 in bila. "• - rio lL. Ono vnloybio Water 1. , 04 100 feet no Wheel No inlet of lard 01 to Soy resent. n .Maas,with ten attires water power atteched. • Wi'd'krr " "."" 17 dr d ''''b d. in k .'. *" " in "d i sae .— N 7—On Lot opposite the water lot, lid fret front 0 3 4 and d o l l . bdld o d nno T n lle m n ` l a n c • and o extend a lathe wear Me bill, an which is erecter yor„,'-crb7,7r,:,;-ftilly ;Melane& demand one 2 story Brick *tore at Wembonee, 28 by 40 • reef.." to p t irib t irgh by the 100 lbs are--dry woods, abv. tiara. De aver 4 1.."2.' No tirl'alli.eit'oinlmerWat'yg anAbeattYrdtra' 7(s, enumrate, Goe, bat, an shut, 30, tea, top- o,ple, abort 11 sere, eo elks, rousllar, per bale, Adm• two large Frame Drreluop and one strudl POMO Haase used •• °Mee. ins property Iru formed/ oceopled alr.m. Geeld, mid to eery Plaamalll located, belie; immediately opposite Ma Saltines Bridge. No D—One Wamr Lot Immediately beinat Vallstab Maui, being shoot go feet in length, and extendinr I Dorn Water street to love meter matt or towing path The woes propeny mill be sold on very aaaaa bsi come Artily at the Book Stom a( It C. Enteloos comer rifle/Id and !dukes streets. SooB Iv SOWN FLF.SIINO. toota3buti t3L(3o3l3:Zuriotio NippieiltuotottororsaTo — bi .1./ aural ISAIAH DIOKEY &CO lylOE/a53.5-1.0 0 blelasma 70 bile H den Metfdd VIIRIVER & DARNED 170 & 13t Pecana tl War - P rttildmtdd. 'data al P. toll ont teceived (e, the fall Vele P 7 W I' Mk lieltal•L aug3l W111.1./A2l lll , 10 Gerwarn st!Balnsiore, - A GENTS for the; sale of Sodi Ash, Bleaoltlat .01. Powders, Sc., have on hand„ tad sps constantly ?aerial:lg direct trout the Alanufaelaters, the above UtCles :he beat and Men approved brands, which they offer to the trade an quantities to tralt, and St lowest market rates. , 11,9 sod WOOLLILIg Tfig undersigned has on hand, and Is Chia day re mining from the in aim favorers, on consignment, a lasgelo4 of klannils. all colossi plain and barraii .Alsa Be Blanet Blanket atmg, Cant:me d m bati k nett s, a and Tweed Co s., which he Will aell the cue Or piece,. at manercentrees, omens. Th• oktention of dealers in woollen go lfssi Melted. LEK, 1W Lionel, ‘st. _ Je.g.linspratt-li. Sons. Patexit !Rods Am t . . 3 , 4 F..ALFAn l i a ti d.. 7 l :l;if v tif ‘ l: r t tt e . d u1 b:13 . 1;, , z can manta, pe r -Anna I , ne h,""Ea tope," "Ikalia," Ina 2lops, In rtnt te. Ala •nd ilaltnara, warraut nAntmt In both Went , and cra City ra h? any 40 the %auk et, for anli . at the Loa est once for cas nd ap• Fayed WU, by W la MITHEL:MEE amai I n ' tinci COMMERCIAL RECORD. PITTSBUII.OU SOAMD:OV TRAMS Ann irxrca•yr's =nom'. COMMITTEE FOE AUGUST. 31311c0i05ut13...-...0. W. o.:cre-oam.•••e o. Loom PITTSISIIELGtI )1“113. Crams, ?remnant. GlzerrL Z Thuraday rnoraln, eeincra.r 5, Shan. 5 The 'roaster ynterday arab cleat and pleasant, and U. S. lUrna.—Col. Snowden, the .+:.. , •t eat Treaso rer or the Milt trSl`Piladelphirt, give! the in , .`"^g suett ment of the opereions of that &Zee, during the week ending on Friday last i—Reeeipts, SPAniS 51; DOT. SGI),(ILS 73; Balance on hand . , 111,250.444 3d. Spirit of the Domretla Markets Nor On.lois, Aug. at. Sugar—The tumor...liens in thin eruct< have been on a Unload genie ottriog tn• . pn• areet, vie omen tieing mDolly in grunt! parcel+ ler tee Oily trede, and for pia, en to the netthle.rhonel, and the range of prier• he• rernained about the .111.2 a. before We therelure, tontine to quote ordtmity to common. iften; twr to fully (air, :136; prone In elm CIDI3II ple Arriv ed sine. tee tern 1a•t.,114 bhila Cleared in anion tune, 5 bed. and :id beta .apply is very le eat • Unit ed demand, and transaedons are it -import. zo; itir on. eanlnnal amal, nt:ltivg final dlaldlc re:l o matting tnyanloy. A rnved once the lett mat, 147 bbie. 01,ared . • . . Coffee—rrier• of Rio haat at Mord, in ennsequrnre of laterable account. from Non . yell. ,••••k.'• aolts :::an bp at 2.1.3t1c, c:o•init at tqaak lc Smelt, lap 0 togs. Rtce—We uoice madorate sale+ at •1121.1jr. n, or—The atiphly of fresh •opm di 9t. Lows and llama ha. been bardiv equ•l to t &mato! aturing the paw week, rind prieeu of the, deaertpthws have improved tally 111 e fLL I, but extra has been rarely neglected, and barely U111111•Ineduo previnut po•it ton. Toe cafe. el all kinds up to the 93rd, eon:thrived A. bhle, at 33,5303,40f0r I,tll . 610E:5 'opera.. Lake and ledthn t, 1141th01,40 for supeifirro . Lwaix; and ft 600.1,121 for e p.a.—Prier Carrera. FORT OF rirl'BßUßt4ll. Owes—There were 3 (eel, 0 inches, to channel, by Metal mark last eeenina at desk, and at a stand. ARRI VE.IS. Piliehimsn; Rries, Deaver. Fashion, Peebles, Elizabehh Paloson, Brownsville. Baltic, Jambs, BrOwnsville. Yonahlegliene, Hannon, Glimisydir. Umpire No 2. Hemphill, Beaver. Caslier, Wheeitog. Nave, Shoffer, Reveille, hlrjor, Wbeeliog. Camden, Ilendnrk.en, a7hceling. Cumoerland No 2, Naehele. lonian, Liston, ‘Vbrieling. [DEPARTED MichirrAnlßries, Brave , / Fdhion Peebles, Elisabeth. Dallis. Jacob.. Brownsville. Alitgll4 Parkinson. Ltrownsvilla YonanicioherlY. llarnineesielassdow. Umpire PO R Ilemphill. Datefe r. Julia Bean, Gallaher, Zandman. Moroi, llockinepoll, Novlrder, Dean, Louisville. Rinurild, Cove. Cincinnati. The. r‘dott. M,ller, well/villa. Caledonia. Cahnun, Bkipper, Billet, Wheeling. GOATS LEAVING TICS DAY 0 LASSGOW—Yonchiogbeni , e.. 1. WHEELING—C.2Ier, 9 L z. WHEELING—ReveiIIe, IV a. at. ST 10 AL Y. CINCINNATI—Jeen., I P. IL The fire ealner Revel9e, Cep Melo, will 'cave for Wheeling to day. et 9 a. lt. Tile Revei:le is • gall.; lade craft ani her accommodations surla under the p.oenger emy .d comfortable. Dont lorget the Iv.r. Fon Sr. Lon.—lt .111 be even by advrratemers camber colona, that the spleclid light dritneh , font., Capt Lirton, will learn this Jar for St. bouit and CI traerntelate port, A. thlr I. In of the lighter afntight, prisencert need have no (cart of being cock oa the way Mr accommodations are such at :ornate h trip on her Very dellrable. INSPORTS or RIVER. LOU/SVII.J.F.-PCMCCYZMAND NO apanlla. Ifeyrer & MrDowell; 51... leatOer, 5 Lrzx beef Graff k rim feather', Leech .R.,Co. le I. emir. O'Connor & Afttlif; 1.9 aka wool. 'Not r boo rod., Ka) . & Co: ^Z care. nide , Elfltl & trp fratbrra Corred ft . Mel( lett. 7t!,L.r opples, D T Mor goo; 7 skl woo!, O'Conuor & &firm. Writ:l:LlNG—Pre lo,•,11-441 WA. floor, A Stott a V% do do. Drown N. It. wen; SC do do. Graff Co; d , J I do do, s Merl,rt oculot furniture, IL do ", Nloorbrao,.. a'e Irtors, 6 A Campbell. , Pxot (:.onion-11 ,1 do, Whatot.. &Wolf; 551,!. COI, 11 do o moth, seed, 51 bhde 33 do J. 40 .10 :•rd. r.g .m; IJ•l• A. Co decd. ueu & I I[lo.o ❑b do Brawn & 105,Aptriek, 50 dodo. tl & Co. 1 , eo ea , Wen Sco.; yl do ao.t bi iilt. Llairt & Forsyth; .0 bAron. ft IV Flarbaught try,* ci Ar k ft tulas. 1111 A VER--Ple Gurrks-23 bblk tloa , iisvl.l 1130 i 12 hkk checke, Wick & 31eCknrle/si 47 40,10 11,1• Or. Renteroo, K 150 111 43,..0 ck. I'o7l ash, i1ea:31614;16614s emir, 1101.cmin pen • _• DR. B. D. SHAICER SARSAPARILLA is QUART UOTTLX.,,, TT AS no parallel in nermanertly cartng and eral JUL eattag (torn the oporin all CUTANEOUS fatli STEINS. h ar m creeraally eradicate from the syrtem and c. Salt Strewn, Itinirreorne.Tetter, 1 1-vn. Starry, White 6acellte6a 4 ging's Nero! Affections, and •11 FEMALE wcei;Nß.sr.,; nd Obstrueuor.r, ttorrennornbnr., Floor Alba, Falling or the Womb, Nervous, *et lived deb,. Languor, Fatnnng Fentationv, PGrnation or tb IlearL Low Fpirits, General DeWitt), Dyrpeptt• L ver Gottplrdutv,,teo. It I• Purely and Entirely Veg•tabl•. It bas bent used with the moat signal aurae:Eh; the ProlefssiOn In New Tort and New lla,op.hne, am the Eastern States generally, for tansy yeais—and • a genera panther of the blood and invigorator et th. I>mecn—as • Gerisine Family Medicine and an ell enemas Female Medicine. it has ito equal. Ten punt) and eltcacy of she, Skates prepaitiouns are wel Issmont; and ltd. medicine. require.. no long Inn o. centric.. and cures to %trod. , It. increasing demand for the put twelves years is its ben tacos nndatioa e It Is pot op In quart battle*, tad t. the only Santa. patina that acts on the Llvdr, kidneys. and Wood • the same time, which renders it altogether more gala able to every one, particularly to females Dr. Massey, Protemor in the Ohto Mediral College. soya tbeSbater preparations are truly valuable ur recommends them to the public. The slob and . 1 11101 ed are requested to call and obtain a pamphlet . , ant purchase • bottle. orthls valuable Family Medi cine. Ds masseur twpotroyer Dr.S. D. HOWL'S £IIIALCED SARSAPARILLA, and take no other. Price 111 per bottle-6 bottle, for tn. For talc by J. A., Jones; J. nehoonrnaker k Co. W. mark, It. W. Means, J. M. Towntend, J. MAI, W.Jackson, Pittsburgh; D. Elliott, Allegheny rut W •R McClelland; Muchrlder P. Crocker, Browne. ; vine. James Pael k. Co , Wheeling; I. D. Patten.' sod 'E. 0 AIM., Clairsedle ;bi Dean & Knox Vaal. Also, tussle by DR. S.D. HOWE fr. CO ‘ Proprietork I College Hall. 0 .1 ' , To whom all order• toast be addressed. uenik.wllT lariprovesneate Asa Dentistry's • DTL O. O. STEARNS, late of Boston, Is prepared ti 161 , 4ditetnin add let BLOC! Turn whlne-ind part. ,sWeetii, upon &meaner Atmospheric Suction Irlstria— s•roosascstaceiro to Frew KINCM, where the nerve If '.llXreised. Ogee and reaulenee nest door to the Slay ' Ofe office, Fourth street, Pittsburgh.. Alfriezarro-4. B. llPPaif clan. F. Sr. Beton. lan gaadh mantittlp and Cop . " , flood, tdalkle becks hiving been tntrodd'ara itt. T vatie ttud private .esool. In l'ht.or,l, and Au, arty the xuthrtritas spixstass the subsetibet asp ler their Ode Itt this city, Tesessre and others grill he supplied at publi•ber priers, as awed Li circa.r. J MELLOR, 0411. Wood .t. LOCAL IiATTERS 1.13.01210 WOK THI riZT621131911 DAUM, sazaza Cuotetta.—lt was but yesterday that we an nounced the disappearance of the Cholera from Ptitaburgh, and borate our paper had gone to rest it had again broken out on the bill above the wa ter works. Three persons dci in the Fountain Inn, and from thence ths disease panicked a straight hoe to the blase of Mr. Orlando Metcalf, attach. ing five individuals in la course, four of whom have since died. At 5 o'clock, A. M. Charles Metcalf, • young lad of about 14 years Oa, was attacked by the cholera, and abort time afterward. his father was also prostrated. The coachman was takea 111 at two o'clock, and no hops. are entenained of his recovery. When we last beard from the ted family, Mr. Metcalf'. son was slat living, though his death was momentarily expected. At half past eight o'clock, yesterday evening, Orlando Metes 11, Esq., died. Ile was one of our most distinguished lawyers, and stood high in the tesionst.on of his legal brethren, and of the coin• inanity at large. His death will be deeply deplor ed by a large Meet , of friends, who saw hm bat day before, in the full enjoyment of health, and bodily and mental activity. His funeral will take place the afternoon at four o'clock, from Om late residence at the corner of CIS and Fulton We presume that a meeliog of the members of the the mill be held in the Court H mse this more tag, and that the Supreme C 3 ,311 mdl adjourn. ' """" llamas Cadges Cara—no nine arm:mem who are 110 Y• candled in tail, charged with iiemer on the Ohio C Petuisyleatia nail Road, were brought before Judge Ilepboru yesterdut . on it writ of habeas coupe a Tee length of the proceedings of the Temperance Meeting, compels in. to omit the hal report which we prepated. 'rue pusouers were remeaded te custody for further keen; g. In ng Temperanoe Maettng. A meeting of persons friendly gi — the MUse of emperonce, was called yesterday afternoon to the ter. Mr. Bryant's Church, Sixth Street, and was tteuded by a large number of gentlemen. Oa motion, John Meeaskey, EN., was called to the Chair, and the Rev. Andrew W.l3Lgek was art. d ..ecretary Tee Rev. D. Rodgers opened the meeting with prayer, eller which the Chairman rated the oh- t i eacromplteh which they had a.sembled.— t meld hot to denied that tutemperance had r read with f.arfol rapidity through this comma. ay, during the past year. The city mall onions • ith drunkards and giJg shop., and all Glenda or ohriety ahoald hackle on their armor, to ware against the monster of intemperance at he active and eriergette, and above all, labor h pnyerfollneas, for without the grace of 0.1, bing mold be accomplished. The Rea. Dr. Riddle said,that after a battle had been Caught, as soon as the wounded were cared :or, the next duty was to attend to the lurial of the dead. The Allegheny Ca. Temperance League was, be believed, del d. We should give it ad, cent burial, it this were the case, though he should like to hear sane of the particulars of Us decease. Mr. Mecaskey knew that the Rev. Dr. Was' had been appointed President at the Lamm, but it had not bad a meeting for same time. RCS . . Doctor Campbell mid that tiara the became 'are had been declared unconstitutional, grog seilleg was legalised. Drunkenness was walking ' through our arctic. and high place., and it became , 11r duty to greater, against it. Let us fight bravo. y, and it overcome, we could but fall at last. Mr. Harrison Parry thaught the supineness of •he temperance men had prostrated tin League. ['he gentleman proceeded to ram s high eulogiam no James Dunlop'• "temperance law." Objet. gons had been made to it by person.. append In the frrimat administration of oaths, but be though :f ,hey gave a dud consideration the most ecru pn• ions would agree with Its proviamm. How great a crime cld that man 03121.1 limo would sell I,q uor to a follow bang, soon to fill a drool:an'. grave I It was right that such a person should be put under the reanimatingy of an oath, and if be violated that oath let him go to the .peniteottary. All tavernbeepe ea emend be tatleeted to the most criagent restart:am They vhonld be sworn no t in nil ardent spirits to :a drunkard, or any _person thy habit of becoming intoxicated. He wcatld predict that if Mr. Daalop's law were parsed, be ore the expiration atone year them would not he renarhnos in the efts Wetor drnrison unshed to know if any resolu. •w bad been 1ir2,7111 op. It 110, they should be p•esented. The licverend D:ctor Kiddie was aPoid that ^emwnone ye, of no avail, and wt.hed to know rhetter the ',ague" wan really dead. it had tone up to hit I,lna, better thou ail other a.•hetu^, aid he thouout that It would be very dist, trtentog oiganive another, until they knew why ft had Drew:. +baston that the League had "gone to he tooth of *lithe Cspolew o '.. Id h t warld Ilse to ee tattle reso.u•,oae presented. Tea Rev. Neweatel West thought the Too, 'craned L •ague was not dead. It wee io ea e. erne, end ready f. r setter, thresh it was ore that Me. Dowlop's oenspe.anc* tort tad au upended - operation*, and the menthes were waottrg untll Wet hit patted. 8 tit, tan orgentrattow en per, feet. The Rev. Ihomr. Campbell mould move 'that he AlleOeny County Temperance Lesigna be .evored to vitality. The Rev. Nathaniel West was aware that ex. ept Its advocates were active and energetic, any good cause would gently droop and die. Toe eieodsof temperance ahoabl have fired meetings, , o ha held monthly or quarterly, and committees .hettld - be appointed to Inquire Into the one of in. enoperance. There seemed to he a disposition o the good close sink when it had reached .be height of Its prosperity. Perseverance 'and energy were the trot secrets of success, and we should dw:rict the cities, appointing Clocomittees for even/ Ward. Lot us labor as the temperance men hive do. in Glasgow and Edinburgh, to the salvation of hundred. of grog genera, and the overthrow of many dentiterien For his part, en was reedy to bear his share of the bonbon.— Ylr. Drolop's bill for the promotion of tempersuu lad been rend at a meeting of the "League,' •od tad passed nionsphaudy. Since that time, it bag lad"bot one mesons, but the frame work was left, and only one resolution was necessary- - Let us m on with it." Dactor Johnston thought that Mr. West was to blame, since he bad not worked bard enough Is the President of the League. As for the temper• shoe men of Edinburgh and Glasgow, be ought to know something of them, since he had just rea turned Irom Scotland, and to his certain kneel. edge, a more drunken, miserable set than Its io nubitants generally, never existed. In Birming ham, the enormous sum of seven nundred thou. sand pounds sterling evaa annually expended its the purchase of ardent spirits-la Liverpool nine hundred thousand pounds, while in Glasgow/our., (tell herurreithourveri pounds went every year to the colien of the distillers. All the beadily coo• erred on man smarts from the Choral, and we must bring Hs Induction to bear on Intemperance. the Law of Pod orght check drunkards to their downward cdurac—human law never could. . . _ Mr. West said that when ho tits last in Soot. sad, a different state of thing. p sailed. The Roe. DOCLOT Badges s did act care whether 7r tot the motion to review theleastie psti.ed.— ; He only wished that the ardor which had former • ly animated the temperance men ebonld be re. wised. He thought that the meeting mould agree with him that the molt ilea with the clergy men, who had beeome to, easily discouragNL It was no wonder that at times the world should bo- 1 some Islet with labor, but the, Ministers should Tall in aid from on togh. A temperance meeting 'itteuld be held to every congregation, SOO a COCO• alOteallOgabil likewise be appointed to confer with he miniaiets who were absent, on this important .object. alder Campbell's motion was withdrawn, and the following resolutions wore substituted by the Chair, and read by the Secretary: Wegagas, Intemperance, during the put year. on made fearful proper, in this continually, and u proved the ruin ol many, otherwier, useful and excelled members ol soetemand, from pre. rot appeal laces, to likely to effect the dent:twain ir sonny more. And, Whereas, The frisbee' gar of this aorta malady, am not confined to age, sex, ei - andition, but extend to young and old, to men tad women, to richaud 200 r. And Whereas, We . OA 'required abbe by the ginciples of Rchgloa and phdanthrophy to lose our .Ighbars as CIUM/V132, and taught to believe hat me suststa that relation to every human be• .06. 130 u literature Resolved That art members of evil nrelety,and of the several branches of Christ's visible church on myth, we shall do every thing in our power, coos sistent with our profession, to stem the alarm it; tide of intemperance, that threatens to overwhelm our beloved country to ruin. Resolved, Tea those of tis who belnag to the sacred pea:salon of the ministry, will, rail a dif• ferent arrangement be adopted, preach every 4th Sabbath evening aghast the sin of intemperance and tate up colter:one, which shall enostititte n common loud to meet contingent eiputir Doti. ...I*urr,spa.6ll, nen I arr y thdt I for! olpeil x...t 0b1ig.t..0...• s.O 4a., it voth peal I.T in. 1 ga )ou of .14. t ., ,srlit,,tritia bar done orT • JAS. Me.blane f•nainr 121.1e.s mg op to large Isola., cniplatlng tong. nr,.l 1:1• vo,snr oft. try rop Wovrn tt.o ./”F, usc ve[nte.t I.lq.mturr. 01 F Ilea.- belt. on Ott nts,tde lonttprer. tea 11 per bottle—or G'loo. , tor S.S. It t• by I. D. PARK. tiortb Eut toenelC'er root. end Walnut .occts, ententes on Walnut et, Cimeinnati, Ultto, to whorn ell older* moot be eddros• Caner & Moo; W. P. Johnsnn & co, Wnn,.. fold, Ohn A. Cirmons, Cro.nineville: Abel Tun, lllman snx.Townmia; Rouen Roy, WCIiD- LoUf,L. 11.1rrti•s. Callenonurn; L. W.lto, Jr, Pau burgh, ,OTSIVf ni Markel sueet sznl tha Lfiwnond. n IslAte.yrky:, IMPORTANT TO TOM Dr. Urses Celebrated Demedks• R. JACO/I S RUSE, the and sole pto piketeee of these moth popular and beneficial inedictiths, end also the inventor of the celebrated inurement for latltouts the Lungs, In effictrog a cure of bionic diseases. was a student of that eminent ph..., Doctor Physto, and Is a sradeate of the Uninetnty of Pennsyleania, and tor Leon, years Woe. has been or gaged in the investigation of disease, and the ipplicaUon of remedies thereto. •Throtthlt the use of his trillsting tube, in conneetion mob me Preperlacue.Syrop and other of his remedies, he hoe gelocd an unparale led eminence in earms tense (heedful and fatal muted/es, Tubercular Con. Fumpbor, Cancers, Seroluia, Ithettetuset. Asthma, ever ant Ague, Fevers of ail kinds, Chronic. Ery suotinA and tall those obstinate diteaus peculiar to femsles. ihdced every form of disease vanishes ander the -use of I,ls renedies, of. which humanuy to heir— nOuby therathe of one compound only, for that is in compatible en h Physiolegical Law, hot by the of his remedies, adapted to and ptesettoed for each penalty loran of disease. Dr. Rose's Tonto Alterative Pills, when used are Invariably acknowledged to be superior to all other. as a purgative or liver pill, irommuca . they lease I the bowels perfectly tree from costivenmen a. also his Golden Pill. Is admitted by the faculty to poneer peculiar properties adapted to temple diseases, bat betut satif tied that • barn trial is suthe.ent to establish whit has been said in the the most skeptical. Tee ollttited are invited m call upon tee agent. sad procure throtthl one of the Doctor's pamphlets giving • detsi andnotouto clench remedy And Us SpOIC.IIOII. Ear sale by the Inllowuts agents,. welt as by most druggists threnelono the country. J ecttcoomaker A Co, el Wood street, Potsburthf I M loarnsend. druggist, 43 Market at, do; Lee A. ,( enchant, on near th e P.O. Allegheny city; Jos Ll.kley, Darlington, Beaver co., Pa. - Jun Etiont,Enneu Valley, do do; T Adams. Deaver, do do; • susltalY PkANISTT'S DITTISIIB Creates {healthy xenon throughout the body, restore the appeute,equatee the CIIMUSIIIIO2, give toneand energy to the eyttem, ono ere*. a pourer of mein. ante ID disease in all Its forms, rarely to be obtained. They will perform • speedy and permanent cure of I.4epepsta t Indtgemion. flatulency, littoral Debility, Liver CouiPlaini, and al the train of symptoms tom. toothy called nervous iffeetious. lIMADACIIE Will be immediately reLeved by tie are of Ibis Moat habit- CMllloYlM,Vehleh Is purely vegetable, and is adapted to all age. and,eonditionr. • VILDIALIFS co 111 and in thin delicate end palatable preparation, a combination of To nio,Allet save and Apertent quth ilea, pecidiarly adapted to limit eys.cins. The ',pecan aquae that leis •male ha. on the /deer and Ingeative Organ., renders it s complete Antidote for Fever i a.nd Ague. and ',us mad Typhon Fever.. L. I. July 17th V.W. Dux Sit. • I tome need the artiele or l'lnnett's Marrs, and boos dertaed vela Lane ti tam them. I met been enLjeet for yea n post to toe Fever and Ague, but elnee the intrcducuou of yoursnters, I Lave enntely escaped mot . att... a:M.2lr, encan ales N reconutzend throe •ot not of the tt“t 'reales Ln a t. ifaxpeccrkily 'aura, C. N. BLINDING. 'num June Dirstt gives me mreb p!emere to Mei lbet the DTPP , i , wan mbieb my bite hse been as long mob. sm•lmr (tom inscilon or a.. Later _has been en reLy eveii on and eared and e us your our bottle ob.e p. epsrsuon of Diners, Tot o kindness to `rl m, please wept my tlmaks. ac ' Yo.r aractizst servant, C. 4 LEXCII. T. 11 k. t y It E. 1W and 141 k coat .00.1? SELLERP. “.." /NNW UOODS MASON ec CO, No. 02 Market creel, hare the derteleney in their .met, eau.. by ...ow egbgefed complete by the rf mpg g II Pr, ulna) AlsP HETI' PACKAGES of de elf ab FE 640414 pdtchsuen froth 19111.1414 WI., sod large • de W:/11 at a real reduction ham prices of Itiet Spring, which It'lll ha offered to their ',emce o. patrons accordingly. It would be melceilowt tempt to emmerate their wall fiseorted Met, VS, thetofont, invite the early attention of their friesds sod the public, with the worance Of • WW Cals be, lel law; io such wick ; ilO