_ . . • PUBLISHED BY WHITE;4 CO. D. It linTrrs rtaktaDT. Alarm am Dl5O/ ?MD STUDS; PICE . T Doo/ TO • Dail, pa r••,---.. —st,oo per annexe. to-Wee. a" Wockly. In advanee)--- •—• ROO 6, • Do. o Clem, at a reduced taxa: - eta, CI OP ADVERTISING! AGREED LIMN CY T 1 C PITTSIIIIROTI PREIS. One Sour re, (101Ine. of Nonpareil or less)— one 3---•10,N) ne Sou re, each additional inaertron• • 0.43 Do. two week...—. 3A,0 Da. there 4,oo lio. one month•----. 3,otr lio. two months.-------- 7.00 three months--- —••-• adM Do. lournitomh. 11700 It,. tin months.... ._• ISAM Ito. twelve months-... . • 16,00 Standing Card (0 Ime, oleo%) per annom• One Square, changeaatpleasure (per sai corn) exclusive of Nathe paper.-- 23.00 Fob each additional Mauer, Inserted over one month, au for rack additional square inserted under the year ly rale., half price. Advertisements exceeding • more, and net over fifteen noes, to be charged as a square and a half. Publishers not accountable for legal advertisements beyond the amount charged Mr their publication. Announcing candidates for office, to be charged the game a other advertmements. AdVertiuments not masked on co n tinu e d or a specl lumber of 'amnion., weld betill forbid, sad payment exacted accord. The privileges of yearly advertiser. will be confined rigidly to their regalar business, and all other adver doormats not pertaining to their regular basins., as agreed for, to be paid extra. All advertisements for ehatitable tristitutions, fire mama.. ward. township and other public loony., and oich like, to be charged halfpriee,payable strictly advance. Marriore none.. to be charged SO cents. Death aoticeonserted Withoutcharge, unlessueora puled by funeral lavitstiono or obituary totters, and when so accompanied to be paid for. Regular advertisers, and all others sending comma. Ideate., or requiting notices designed to call atten tion to Fairs, Soirees, Concerts, or any public entea lain:bents where chargesare made for admittance— all notice. of private assuintlous—every notice de. signed to call earn - lion to private entopase enrolls, ted or attended to promote individual interest, can on. ly be Inserted with the tmdernandleg that the game Our be paid for. If intended to be nmermd in the in. cal Column, the taro will be charged at the rata of ant lean than 10 cents per liar. Bishop or Fist Notices to be charged triple pries, Tavern License Petitions!, $2 eat.. Legal and Medical advertisements to be charged at ll and Real Estate Agents , gad Auctioneers' advertio meats not to be awed under yearly nee., but to be allowed discount of thirty three and condi/Macre...it front the amount of bill. I.l2citi OR TILI-WitilY tr .ant rams. One Sows, three inunlons• • —• .. .BI 30 De. each additional Insertion. •. 37 • Cb — villrria[Nr. wan, mamas. On each n%) one lnsertion.---nn Do. eadditional amenlou•.-.Z . 3 UI transient advenimments io be mad in advance. WHITE t. CO. Gazette. L. HARPER, Pot. FLOBT M. RIDDLE, Journal. JAMES P. BARR A CO.. C , roniele. FOSTER A BROTHER, Dopatch. JOS. SNOVITDEN, Mercury. JAMF9 EUDDLL, Amerman. HIRAM. RUNE, Evening Tribune. Preessuan, Dec. 1,1849. CARDS. JOON A. PAHILIZInON. ALDERMAN, Flft Ward, Peen scree be O'Hara mad WAWA. All beam' ess promptly tended to. ALEXANDER XL WATSON, A TTORNEY AT LAW—Oatee, ort Fourth street atava Wood. Dune • DAVID O. TVTTLR., ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lod Coromitatonor for Penury'raids, t3L , Lonio. Mo. All rommortlemlons promptly ansorcred. oarl2-ty JAB W. KEIIII, A7TORNEV AT LAW—(thee on Fourth meet, between SmAbbe,' and Want, PatAborgb. • -1y JOHN U. ILAZELLISI s A TPDRIVEY and Comma Par as Laos, and Cornas .l-1. ginner for dm State of Pennsylvania, St. Loniss Mo.,llato of Pittsburgh.) References—Pittsburgh: Hon. W. Forward, Starr.. Una & Nliler , id`Candless & McClure, John E. Parke, Binells & Scalyly McCord & King. ungld-ly EULDWELL CO., ronviHcanitta AIXELCIIAN TB, Glut,fform, PA. {Nth'. Fury Pou OftreJ Having permanently teemed at this plane,. new and anbatantial Wharf Boat, are arc prepare 4 to re edy. and forward promptly to all points oo the river, and Bandy and Beaver or.Okio Canal. B & Co. Glam.. Jana I.s.—jeld /OHM R. 00.011.1,11. IC IL WOODWA.111.••-• bI•ALIM II ARALE'f, WOODWARD & CO, Wholeule Cr.- *l Otto , No g2l Market at, Philadelphia. ap4 Plitiobargh Alkali. Works. 10ENNETI . , BERRY & CO, hionefastererz of Soda Ag,Bleaehlog Powder*, elarialloyme Solettere Acid& IVarehareo No —, Water 'Nett, below Ferry. rorell&IY Froderick Braun. Gent,' Reiter. BRAUN a REITER, Wholitaalo . 214 / Ratan Drna • gists, corner corLiberty and SL Clair guava, I . itta arch, Pa. apt John A. Craig. W. A. Stumm CRAIG!SKNNER, Forsrardine and Com, twins Merchants, No t M Putslarch. spl — AA ULTY & CO, Forwardingand Coot s Mission Merchants, Canal Rana, Enubergh, 1•14. awe r • , holesale nxer, mon and ..Fororording Merchant, No. 41 Wanes at., Pins k .k. on 4 In • Andrew bicolour R. II Fleturug FLICKING I& CO, COMMISSION MERCHANTS—For the sale of Do• otani&Woolen, and Cotton Goodr, also, dealersin all kinds a Talton' Manning', No II? Wood et, 4th door from Fifth, Pittsburgh. Reference—Meagre. Wm. A. 11111 & Co, Rankers. 1.21 a. Ilain.' WX. S. uric. BAIR& & COMMISSION MERCHANTS nod Bill Broken No 114 Second street, Pitelborch. ace A. ViTLKINO & CO., EXCHANGE BROKERS, H. E. Canter I Third and Maria ALL ALL SAAXIIACTIVAII AT MOAT LIMAL BALM JO.AA LOOM I. lIINNITT. VNGLIBIi sWiNETT, (late English., Gallagher R . E_CodlTholzalL 2r d oez%C i rmlas . l . 7 . 4,. Moe n. 174172anatactorrs, No. ]7 Lod at, between ad and Id mom. .r 1 FOB WARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANT No 118 Second at, Pittsburgh. mat 103007 W. mwor....] [warm C. grersarrog R. W. POINDEXTIGR da CO., kENh:RAL COMMISSION and Forsrarolog Mar chants and Floor Dealers, No VC ?darker swat, ladolphia 025 HEALD, If VOKNOLL & 00 TOBACCO CUAID18810:1 MERCILINTS. No. 41 Nora Water Baca k. No. IA North Wharves, A. J. Comma t PHILADELPHIA • Roiro $ D. C. I.lcC.cdool. t Min" ' J. A. WARN... s nag LiTSWeTroi A " e Wo V.T.,VV.',",.`,"="1-.e-;:ii,l7- A. S. aaabr. Vs. P. MN= HARDY, JONES & (aaceasaora to Atwood, Jones & Co.) Como:mum and Forwarding Mar sha:its, dealers, in Putabargh Manufactured Grroda, Fittidiergb, Pa. W 1127 W. P. - `ll -- A -- .W51LL1.1.. ----- (eTICCIS•OI TO Z•VIII IL C. HILL,) IMPORTER & Dealer in French and American Pa per lianginge and Borders, 'Window Shades. Fire and Priem an. also—Wriung, Printing and Wrap ping Diamond 87 Wood street, between Fount (treat mid alley, west side, Pittsburgh, Pa. (rbt3 OL WORK/. JOIIN AGNEW, late of the firm of Chambers, Ad . neer &co svoeld respectfully inform the old awl totem and the public generally, that be will still eon three to carry on me Green Glass businees, in all It. llarletiee, arid Is prepared to fill all orders for Apothe caries, Fernlture, Illtnerals, Porte., VM 4 h,lko- 00 , permitting to his burners. -fits warehouse Is No Pi Muket etmet, between First & Eleenni to. 42 41f f 3ml SOITSID7IIIOR(iii - V,rh - olesale sole Dye Staffs, Paints,Varmaties. 1e 53 Wood *teem, one door Smolt of DiamndA ll eyl PW enursh. ape irkIESDALZELE, Wholesale liroeer, Coamdosticii Neeehltutokod dealer in Prodtve and Paushergh enafamares. No St Water st, Piitalterah. tsume emus', Nose. maul, ss, IRAJAH DICKEY • CO, Wholesale Grocers, Com ' mission Merchants, and dealers ill Produee, Nog. QS Ma. and 1,117 Front etriseta, Pittsburgh. ete—e— nogg elm& [wane . —.J oeepb thl Iwo MI T B. DILWORTH k CO., Wholes. le Crop..., •nd Ili • Agents fot [heard Powder Co., No. V Weal sr., Pittaburgh. de .y TURN - 14 - . -- MD - riBNltst aid — RpotbeearY rat No. 43 Market Illy three doors above Third sr. Pitts h•rgh, will have constantly on band a well selected es! •Ortorent of the best and fre•best hrecheiere,whieb be von /ell on the most rewnnable terms. Physici a n. orders. will be promptly attended to, and,sup plikl with articles they may rely um, aa physicians Preserimiena will be asenraulysind y prtpered Dorn the but materials, at ariphertrof • day or nista. to? • largo stoat Of Insb and jrardPerfa Julio .Eloyd. Packard Floyd. ; I lsl b a:V:s r;N e g-VIPI eko,o Buildgat Od Liberty, ,Wood and Bath steets, rlusesrek, to. j. TonictrArr,(ii4 to FaaCl 7ebbar IP VPholueale Ordeli and Controtstlnd at e .,l L i, Hamlet-1a Produce and Pittsburgh Macaw.* , or • Oar of Llbesty mad Rand stmt., Inatuaggko", ,Trio.A.cAuGsEy, Agent for char Lake Erie - iiica Ildiehla. Line to Beaver and the Lakee--onk e as the earner of Water and !Iraithilald i.„4 1 _ 1 AMES A. 110TCHISON, & Co.—Successors , L.. ti Ilatehison k CA, Corned.oloo Mercheety and Menu of the Si. Logi. Steam Segel Rehear, 41% - waser end SI front streets, Plosbutth. • 3 SCEloo,4ll.liiiiil CO, W.... broom. . 24 Wood most, Pittsburgh. .94 JIL SWEITZER, Mummy at Lam, aloe 34 at., • eepoeits Et. Charles Mimi, Pittsbaryrk, will also • ahead procaptly to Collostioss, Ix Washington, Farina " - lateen s'nntis.' FL REFER TO • Shaeketst, 11 k Co., Mena k B• 1 Carothers, j•Phlshireii. . PI 71 MOTES...- 014361 :...•yvvy,,` •;,41:1114i*elkik 1610. -- 7 -- < . . , • ' l . z . • 1 1, E.. GA . ~. • .. , , . i• Y . ~...., ....„ ..,„r ~, i.,...: -•,•• •,- 4 ~ „. „.., y?t THE: -pins t- - iu: .. . _ li. s4 '''''' 16. BUSINESS CARDS _ . 10IIN 11. AIELLOR, Wholesale and [Lewd dealer In Music and Musical Increments, School Berms. Paper, Slates, Steel Pens, Quills, Printers , Cards, and khlicducY generally, No. St `Nord st..APlttsbersh. Rao. / m eek, es risky, In Irwin reale warren, Ohro,) Commis. deal.,l 4 n Neater,t; M drere b re t' ll ' a n tr d e ' Plr In ' i ll Pet- , Ash, and . Western Produce senerelly. Water ersee___ , r, m bettireen Smithfield and Wood, Paraburfh. & JONES. Forwarding and Commission bier ett•ets, Dealers in Pewlore aad Pittsburgh menu ° l.'. 44 ' 4 1ii 4,40 , 4 "b5aal B•sin, near 71b, n. apt IPIDNII MILL, PITTABUGII. PA. LI" ENNEEDY, CHILDS & CO., bianufauturen, o a n :eg d arLeri n or 44 Sheeting, Carpet Chu", Co L t y lon a' U. C. STOCKTON, "r ATE Johastnn A Stockton. BOOKSELLER, STA TIONER, PRINTER, and BINDER, corer a. Market and TtuN street., Putannrata. Pa. jy3oxttf _ . Pittsburgh City Maui 'Works. IP:CUNNINGHAM & CO, XJ!" ANUFACTTRERS 0 %V INDOW GLAA 111 No OS Matt. linnet between Firat and Second, Anisbursa, s Au DeVFunicular attention paid to odd tau A I.n, e - ra In FLINT GLASS, FIALA, BOTTLES. ODTCI.I4, _iytant_ D. crxsixox n..inatrea, Wm. dlrller, Yhilad. C. W. Rieketson. Pittanergh. ‘IILLER ft RICKETSON. Wholesale Grocers, and IVA. 'esparto,. of Brandins. Wines and Elsgars, Nos. 172 and IN, corner of Wherry and Irwin stress, Pros burgh, Pa. Iron, Nails, Croton Yarns, Lc. Ire , eon smarty on nand. Johnrkruill. Jame. D. hPOilt Walter C. Roc MeGILLS .t ROE, Whole-sale Grocer. and COMM..- stun Nerehmo, No IDS Liberty 8, Pittsbo rgh ap4 PriTISOURGII ETFEL W - OiNS Ant 6PRINEI AND AXLE FACTORY. states MPS, 1011111 V. 411 - 1••.. JONES It Quiaa, VrANUFACTURERS of s ong and blister steel, in plough steel, conch and HO. ! 4 Pfutlfs,h 4 =lnerba s and dealers in mug cabin castings, are engine lantris, and coach trimmings K otrallY,cornei of Ross and Front sta., Pinthurnb, frb2s WrniEw WILSON, Portrait and Mintz titre Painter. Rooms., coiner or Post When Aney and Fourth street, entrance on Fourth at, near Market drea-dtf Z.M. J. Tarlton, Comnal•ales M•rohantr. WT0.31014 Leven atrN Orleans, keep constantly on hand a large assortment of I - Dandles or the follow. log brIlAdS, which they Mier for sale as igen. for J. Durand & Co. Bordeaux . , eix MaitlatT• 3 . Rm. , . 3 D.' rand & Co, Laroehall J alp, dc 111 •es temn. A 1. Blarille, A de 31onclore • loon •,^ • Ac; also. Anchor Gin, Bordeaux Red and White Wine. ia emit. and cases, select.' wutt care by John Durand Pore; bealdes Champagne Wine and Sweat Burgundy • - HOLSIEM &SON, N 053 hlarket at. second door s.l from corner of Fourth, dealers in Foreign ant Domestic Bills of Frehange, Certificates of Deposit, Dank Notes and Specie. ECT - Coleletlons made on all the principalclues hroughout the United Slate. cp .{ IIIft.E3I:kSTEIL cassistithec. Fount at., third door above Snsuifield, south sole. Conveyancing of all kinds done with the greatest care and !evil aCchrecY. Tn es to Real Estate examined, .ke. WELLB i 00. ANEFATIJRERS OF GREEN GLASS WARE. Aro. 27 Market street, Pittsburgh, Pa, keep eon man t ly hand, i mate hs order all kind• of Vials, Bottle., e. Pont, end Mineral Water Routes of su perms quality. Puniest's., attention paid to Private Moulds. aaliitiocia - ptalc . Catabllnhameint OF Whl. SCIIUGIIIIIANN. Tbtrd t, opprnate the PostAtthee, Pittaborgh.-51aps, L.enduapes,Bi;l. beads, Showbdls, Labels, Arehtteeteral and Al urban e Dreertotts, Bowles, and Vt.tting Card.. he. engraved or dean n on stone, end pnnted is coloin. Gold, Bronze or Mock, in the most approved stile, and at the most reasonable pones nellroly 13 ODIN - ON, LITTLE Libeny street AA, Pltilburph Wholesale Grocers, Prodere ard Commission Merchant., and deters in rm.:porch Manatee are. well 11031, .1011.011. 113011. 11 - 111. .10- IL 310..,01. 11010BEGIT MOORS. A holes.. Grocer, Reet Nat, XV Distiller, dealer:a Prochire. Plitsbarrl, 51a.nsfar tares, •n ' all kinds of Foretan and D0111.13C and Lmoors, Na. II Lthenr times tin hand a la r eh Mt ry too Y 111Z,101.1,1. L. L. onus. morns It E l . TeZno & u, sH f E ri s tte F rr a g r a d'' nf lil d ve c r Tr ad ...slurs in Groceries, Predate Putsbursh, Mitoufa tares, and Chloride of Lime . 'rho highest p rice, In rash, paid at all heir. /• country rasa Corne. Pisan and Irwin etc aoi , Il DOlstRT DaLZFILL - 61, Wholesale Cotornismon Metchants. dcatcrs in Prtslur- Pittsburgh Manufactures, Liberty wren, Plitst,ure IL. A. CONNINOIIAM, WHOLFSALE GROCER, Produce. Forwarding, and COraMiSSICII Merchant, and Dealer in Pm. burgh Maul/factures, No TN Liberty etre., Pittaburelt, Pa . e. attsest_grr _ WWI,. QIIACKLETT & WHITE, Wholesale Dealers in tore,Fgn and Dameatic Dry Goods, Lye. 99 Wood !sbargit. apt: 11ri.ititiDil N, Wool ' Merchant, beater. 0 to Flour and Produce gerwrally, and Forwarding and Conneuman blercharrts, Na. 53 Water mart, Paulette)* &pat T.inamsa, rrerstwase. roan NI COL, suieLann. SELLEELI. RS & NICOL'S, Produce and General Con,- mission Merchants, No..7Librwry street. PI,. burgh Li Linseedand Lard 001. apt': SFeVOras i " 110 . .N ra ht in i101 . 2:1 6 u ,.. C m .) , ... 4 Wh 0, Dealer. in Pdtthureg I to n ' hd W Uer estern Pr,duce, hare rew,ved to ~ Lr hews wirehnu,c, wand) No. :hi, corner of Fr,mt wreet and Chancery Lane. nnll" ZIOLLItIi i LIAWOILTII, TEA AND WINE MERCHANTS Fan nde Ihansnnd, Platatovreh. apiN BAIRD i IRVIN • WOULD inform the public, they have taken the wareboam folmerly *retried by the lam Mr. &Janson Sehoyer,ll4 berotal street 11••tng large ILI commodtorts warehouse. they would Invite me attention of persons having goods to consign or stora. They will alro give attention to the purchase and sale of Mg.,. Drafts. Donda &a. aug7 L. S. Waterman • • R.N. Waterman •• W Waterman. L. Ys WATIERRIAZI & 602111, WHOLE-SALE GROCER.", Commission and POT,. TY ardtng Merchants; dealer. in all klatls of Pro. does d. Pittsburgh Manalaetoreil Arne Ic•; and Agents for sale of Lichutond and Lynchburg Manufactured Tobacco. nut WM. MSLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Butler, Pa Trn - 1,1, alio attend to collections and all other bawl. item entroated to him to Bailer and Armstrong emantias,FA Refer to I . R. Wa llac e,berty MI W. W. do f antra wimooli do t Plcabalgb dly Far Pc Co., Wood m I ian7 23. B. 11.14 E old • •—•••-•• • B. B. lIUSTIFIELO & CO., WlimaisALE and Remil Deniers in Groton. and Dry Goads, and Commission tderehan No.VM Liberty 111, Patsburatt. JOHN iIIarADEN & CO., FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS Cana/ Basin, Penn street. Pinsburrh. sn tr. 11. DAVIS & PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS, N.. 217 Market, and 64 Commerce at., PM'Adolph' Advance's made!, by either of the above, ea consis menu of Produce to either Roam. met J. D. %Vllllnm.•-•—• ••—• •-- --John 1111 J. D. WILLIADS & CO., lITHOLESALE tr. at:rid!. FAdIII.Y GROCERS Y Forwarding and Coornission Merchants, an dilaters in Country Prodoce and Pittaborgh Manlike tures, corner of ‘Vood and Fifth Greets, Pittsbargh. cord. Wm. 11. %V 1111.1.-- WM. 11. CVII.I.IAIIB & CO.. BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, North East corner or Wood sod Third street., Ant Prrrintraos. Pa. WM. •.a.cxe. JO,. •aura, n. WOODWL•I, a•un 'Ur BMIAUSY & CO. Wlanles•le lirooet*, I TT and 20 Wood creez, Fltninorgh apl7 iono u. st ctk qc4 tcANDLE„,4 'Awn w w .cs i nnliels. D Wheicsale ' iiio . c ' i!r:, " Po r' rward ' ins end . lerchants; dealers in iron, N Glass, Cotton arid Pittsburgh Manufacturce general ly, corner of Wood and Willer streets, ?metiers th iird7 VIV k — AL . SWPCNRCPREE, Wholowile Grocers, Rectifying Distillers, and Wine and Liquor *eschew. Also—lmporters of Soda Ash aid Birach ing Powder, No. too Liberty Mew, (opposite !..oth Crest). •pl 7 WW. - 11711,1110 N ., Witches, Jewelry, [hives Ware and Military corner of Market and Fount Street., Pittsbereh, N. R.—Watches and Clocks eatchiliy repaired. apl7 . YOUNGk. Co., Dealers krt Lauber, Hide VW ka 2 ls.ll.therty Meet. . jaYtkly ICCUTCII,O7. •oory. yTtatcatny. TAT & It McCUTCHEON, Wheleaida Groaera, 77 • dealers In Produce, Iron, Nada, Maze, and Pittsbergo Manufacture generally, Liberty Street IPtueburgh. MMT=I! T HAVE taken WM. CARR into pannerstup with me in my business, which will from this date be carried on under the name of "John Parker & March Ist, ltsso. !OEN PARKER. IMENZI= =MM== :1011111 PAILKCO. s CO., lirkolesnle Grocers Owlets in Protract, Awns?. Wino. Li quors, Old Aram:roes;Aria and Reqified Whitley. No. 6, Comae...al Row, Lanniy greet, .44 Manure, P WATERAL.I ',LEER. EMMA lIAIERA WE. 1. n•a PALMER, HANNA Bs CO., (ilneeesnors to Hassey, Hanna A CO.) 'IDBANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and deMers LI Foreign and Dornestre Enehatiat:Xertifilrates or Deposit, Bank Notes, and Spemo—North 'omit earner Of Wins! and Tblrd street.. Current money received on deposite.—Sight Meeks for sale, and collections made on nearly all the principal points Ms Ballad Sinte, C „Tim higkest m = ead paid for ForAp and Amaisao old. I ,ll e =tigne m onsionntent. of Prodi=blp wctanta.] Nino... nos. rc.. WOLONtO GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS. , St. 2,56 Liberty. area, nicre Wood, Have +Prays on hand lame usoryneut of ChninTo Grogan. and Fine TraN also Foreign null. and Not.;wbalr Om add Retail. Dealeto supplk4 on We its isms. mayl , • - FOURTH STREF.T, PITTSBURGH, PA. pita , . Pal AWARE NI UM' Al. SA MTV INST. HIS magnificent establiehment being now core. ' 1 Eschormt, Thtnt etre, Ph..1,1,,,e. . I. It A NCE ' COM PA NY —Olit, North Room of the Trieled mid ready for bunions, the propeterne woutd ~,,y iy, ,,r _ * „ ...,,,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,,e , ,,,,e , ,,,,,, ether s a r raaaalta a"aaa . " . ' t " tire public P . ‘" na. 1 nrtt.rtr. In s Town end Caroler, Prluyed at:alert lore ••S re... by doing his fell etterni , n to the bermes.. .., 0. „ . ... by byy..l , ,„„,,,, ~,, of ~,...,,.,„, to melte the house s Menton* and comfortable retort 3fasii;a I:i.e.:lca —They also/moire Ve..srk. eer ier the citizens of Pittotturch and tor the country fan ., and p„.,,, , ,,,,,,,„ „,„„,,,,,,, enden e c en or generally. spee MI coheirs. Or the nasurml mey destre. Good att.dants will Lein welting, and evm• eg- • 1 , 0, ,, yen Ty „,,,,,,,,,,, y ,„ , _ Tb „, e t a ., ~,,e re m ere }, era. made to render the establi.hment worthy the ~,,,,,, ~,,, , ,,,e , by w nre „, ~,1 1,,,,,1ci t m, Can a l "'';l Tire n W Tl '" V n '(/' andS A s C o p i g °UP clan HALLS, %. ' e r' ll ' a ' r n t i ' I.'''. lt o n a ,r ., .. t iz t ,: r i t n s . 7 ,llouts.. steers and lakes. on the 6""'" ' Laatarea, Hail' ant "' Ala aaaana ß a ' .a."' ' ln RECTORS—Josenh U. Seal. Edmund A. 50.,. be let by the evening or week,. se liberal terms es i John C Liu e , e. ~,,,,,„1,,,,.,0„. John it penrose, ~wiry at other in the mkt.. el Fel wards, Pero G Lerner, Edward Derlittmon. tenor The BAR and . RESTAURANT. equal in style and 1 11 lieston, Tol W Horn..i2en well, ..lohn :1• tvtot. Dr It beauty to •ny in the world, will be ken! Mrntshed jaa clto ~,, Th. „..,,, ,i ,„ ~,,,,,,,..„, c ,„„, li n „„ a „ , with Pure Wines, Choice Liquors, Coni.el., Porters. I mar , „,,,,,,,,, Rod, c ry ,„ . t ; . ~...., S O -r.II, s ~,,,,, Ales. and all the cool, held, reireahinents of the sees. , m,.,,„, „. c„,,,,, ~,,y. J , 1 j 01,,,, w e , il..y. yk, Poultry, Goma, Fists, Soup, Clymer, nod Clnui, i t . y . b.,,,,,,, ~.,,,, ~,, ~,., „..,, „lye-. Jr. served up In the beet style. The Bistro: and ICh: CREAM SAI.OII ST beme on I t h u p _V c ''. : 4 T , ,, " , 1 7: ‘ , , ; 1 / 4, T ., j ., "l : ' ,, 'S "Kt."—D T Mat ''' . the Bret Poor, and easy of access, n°ll . red, sell,' sapplied with all th e L aaar , e , an d c e „,„,„ „, ~,, ‘„__._. ~ r __ . O%p_..L s y,u ... SIARTIN, PresolcitL season; and also, valth such substantial.o the market. iF,,,.7 0 y ,„, , `,.7 , 2 ( 1 ,• 0 r ' ,,,,,,,,,, , , N,„ 42 „,,,,,,,, e ,,,, H0u ,. (ford Phonies or Psnehury.n. beit,..tf P. A 11A BEIRA. Agt. rippe n r d sTo g r t b n y di t y h ti e ln d er::tir c ' e ' rLe o s r , Te m r . O r tshetoitshort once Gentlemen with Weir fanlike. trtsinne th e , t ty es, • • nuked will refreshments u, all ktnds uteriy hour • r the day. Good Stabling and en ementive Livery Fstabbsit -sent ts connected liskill the Hell. bintice su p o'clock Breektu.st and Tee at the usual I .. ..ranee for Ladies to tbe Ice Cream and Diann.; S•loon, No SmaKtield .met. le=-`:du K. 11. VAN REN s.. anammvarrs, a.] [•. wairrwayat.r, • A• WESTERVELT & SON, WELL KNOWN N , BNITIAN BLIND /ilia:I:RS k' keep constantly on hand or mak, to order the ben article in their line, at their old wand. No. S•. Clair street; also, at No.e6 :Market street. st cowl r:nry. entrance in the Diamond. Venitinn Shutters mold,- to order, and old blinds neatly repairrd. nolit J. GLENN, Book Blesdar•. UTE ute stilt mimed 111 the .boor 1).111r., nt TY 01 Wood and Third stream, Pittabural, mere we are prepared to do any work to our line walh ger• patch. We attend to cur work pernonully. •nd grab.- faction will be given in regard to its occulter; and do. rability. Munk Books ruled to any pattern and hound sot otanbully. Books on numbers or old books bound au,. fully or pair I n lt lei ed. Name put on books in gi Those th re at have work our line are invited m ea, . Priers low rorro.ti P.on et.oem. iShop. WlGllTMAN—hlantracturer emit kind. of eot 11., ton and woollen macktnery. Allegheny c:!!, Pa The abaVe work• being now in MI and succeeraft! fration , I ainprepdard toe xe. ate 07(itrs with the,. teh r all kind. ormachincry In k Ltne flub a. picker, apreaders, card, grind ,ng ne., r al, drawing frames, weeders, throes:la, loons, vroolen card, double or tingle, for merchant or country work, Mules, jacks, tco4shile and hand lathes and too , in ...L -oral. All kind. of *hailing wade to orde• • it.•• ea for gearing factone• or mills • at renuonablo c bur., !trim. To—Kennedy. Cluld• lilack.u`r:. Neil BENNETT & BROTHER, QuErNsw ARE M L'FACTPRERS, • ilranittglaam,[smosr Pitteburgh., Pa. OA., No. .31 Water st,' eortoo,-.1 Mar.trz Wood, PaLatirgl... WllLLeonatantly k cep on !tend • roe. assort meal of Ware; of our own not.otarture au per.orquatttyr r Wholesale and COY., Met chants oespectfully trmetted to ..ali anJe.l nuns for themelves, o we on &wt.. ut.tt to ue; beeper than ho•ver before I.lten 000701101110 0.11, f. ;7 . ortlett sent by nutl,teentuontetl by the cot or oat reference. will be protrwt:t stettf..teJ tu m,'S .---- - - INRW COACH FACTORY . i kr Lmm i. 14,7 Z et th. C , 0 , u;.V . :177:: , t:111: Lae, tertarden Fedcral ae.,l Nand •1 . mem,. • T , ,r vn are nos. taalung and axe prepared td dd defeer.pnon of veheeles, Code he.: l'hem.mt . e. ites e , reed , se , netSeMm. Phaeton,. be, kr. mhdde emu eh —r lona dxpe-r3end.. in she manor., • et, mer .edder wore. and Use laedltra ehree have. thel terienmhdrnt Ow). edahled to do work on me mem mdmoned,le to ler,d , theme lern”una cruder:sin sheer hoe Yu) me {testicular *Pennon to the •elccuon of mete Ids, and bovine none but competent wort men, the eve no beettatton in eruttantatte thrtr ettett etefete 14.11 k •tte Meta of the OpOitt. to Mt. taupe. N. B Reps.-me done to the beet manor, at I it• cet rca‘olothle form, ,:to• •111. sc•tris ATILINfION, BILTIL[LN Wool. A`VJ lartatr. (N.ATINUE roanur.iitare ail or col, e TIN AND:rink:El' IRON NS ARE Al.O, D... smith Work. Stearn Rusts built tn order Special attention tu •teitin at wort User on iiitud• • fine it...or:Lie.- 011 . 1,,, 11. i Kettics, Tin Ware, Ac. Stearrit.u.ti Portable Porte, •arioui flZet.—u very inivenieui tr. ttele for ate-sr:CLL.:iota, Gainer...a meg-ram, or rad rued cosiia w ates ou . %Se ld respectfully invite imam tool men and others to tall and &cc out articles arid price. tie,• pureliv•ine el we•rherie It 17 PIIt& llaohlineWorks ikud Wooled ry J frITITSC. ro. 01111 WRTGIII• &Co 11., , are prepared to ha, / d co••oc and Woolen Maehtnery of evert desenphov....ch Canltna Machines. Sponnina Frame., cpero..r.. Draw •ni FrLn•es, lia3:vray Head.. Warp-, Dres,d, , ,, , Frame.. Leen, Card I:colder,. is Wt ooh .• Iron tilvahnr, turned; sly moo of Cast Don. Hangers of toe late•t patterns. C.de ar..t hat, Ls•he•. and tool. Of all kindsCastinas of every 4o hloni•Led an short none.. Parton. Made to old, ,nr Mil I.< army. Ita far tag Fa ~ Ca,, Iron W•ndovr Coq, units genera/1i Orde • 'oh nr Wyrvhou , e Palmer a. Ltberty street. w.. 1.1 e [lifer In Plitek•raek. IreC . J K A C. tr./ \ litrut,..wirrle. . rpziE ..b.e rtb, offers foe sale a lame and sr len , lli2 j assortment of rosewood and manoaany (T 421.1 , • ton Pianos, with a_nil without EMPMMI .4;ninan Attachment. The above vistruineitt,..arc war ranted to be rcuni to any manufactured in it.. try, and will try sold lower flu, any 1,1,,e1a from th• EMIL 1. BLUME:. `lo 119 wood at. 3..1 door •bver SIG N. EL.—City Sono will be taken t par for • ic.r of • above auortme•t. corJ V U. Steam Brick Works for Sale. rrHE , sublienber offers tor sale, the STEAM URICK Weill2Att, above Lawrenceville. rainprlo,ng n Steam Engine, t Boiler., 6 httnald act.... eap•h, ~; naanahtetanng ru.nuo Prevocd Itnek. iont el ttrt taken from the bank.) per day; vent dire", acrra en land on the Aliegbeay river, on wbirn am t awn. 70..1 shed, martin and clay sheds, arbcelharrOW, la ear k., .hovels, spades, he . every thing rCO I. 11•4 to manes °pers. , . at an hours rio.e. Pnee.inehen, the patent font to usa said ihaehlne ' I,7.msi---eerin, payment made easy. Without the land, 65.1itsi Fur particulars, address HENRY Nicruurr, .. E 47 -du Ne 11 , Nlonongehela Ittmee. d Wrought an Cast Iron flailing. rrt HE vabscrthera beg leave 10 intone the pultlter that 1. they have obtained from the Kett. all the iate and fashionattle designs tor Iron Itattutg. both for !mutes ana cemeteries Perrone arirbtug to procure band- . . some patterns will please ea/ I and ex:union, and lodee for thertirelves. Railing will be funnstied at the •hor eat nonce, and In the beat manner. L at the corner or Craig and Rebecca streets, Allegheny city. amer,dif - A. A WENT R KSWK WILLIAM DIODE DEGS leave to Inform hie Mande and etieninet• the El just receiving his new epilog stock of Goods • coraprtiong, as clime, all the ',cereal most ta,hiort• able style. of Cloths, Cuslrnenrt. fancy Ve.iter.., Cot. ten and linen rummer stela, end every ante le amtabla for gentlemen.. wear for sprint •nd•nterner. It het., povinble to desenbe the beauty, quality, or quantity of the mock, the propnetor hopes all who are in want of good, cheap, fuhionable, •nd well made clothe, will give him a call, as there la no Coca duo aide of the Atte ghee,. that cart/metre with It. The ready made department it very extensive, adop ted to ell taste.. r•ud contractors, eottotry merchants, and all Inc purchase largely, are p•rur olarly isa•oied to r.t -•lne the stock before purchaatng, particubar ni. ;monis paid to the wholesale too.mesa in alit .tan btorent. McVay Every article in the tailoring One made to obit, in the gram fuhionatote and best manner, at Ma entortest marten my= THE partnership heretofore exicing ender Or Gm of A & C BRADLEY, le dissolved by Bic dereeie of Mr. C Ilrulley. The bailors. will hr ramie•' no by A Bradley, who will settle the bonalcs. of the lac REMOVAL—A BIIIADLIIT bn removed los Potted ry Wyebouse from No Ito tieeowl street, tolio 19 Wtootl street, between First nod Second street, to the wors t:oust Lately occupied by (I A Berry, where he will keep oonstantly on nsnd • general assortment of Cost tng•• lsrateL litows,Cooklng Stows, Ae. Iy tJ IMIVEL BIeKELVT, ILf A N LYKA CT U ER OF CAST NTFEL, and No I LIA. and No. I /merle. Dilater Steel. Alao—Rest Clot Steel Files, of all me.; and Blacksmith and Shoe Roam, Myra, a on hand and for oh., either at ht. “En gle Steel Wort.," 011ara street, Fifth Ward, or ad tia office in the Iron Stnrc of BOLL.MANS B GARRI SON, No 4;foot of Wood street, Pittsburgh. mrdd.dlra 1=21313E1 =llll=llll4=l Isfactron, Oa Cast Stccl and Eller, made I,s. ,nrnaei Nlefirivy. a la. Eagle Steel Warta, to an• ray, rote pleasure in recommending them as equal in ornanly In any ever qued by u., of forergn manufartnre. Pauburgh, Itlerrb 13,1 , 5 6 . & 1 11 & Co, Mane/Lena ter. of Iron and Nails, Pittsburgh, Pa. KNAPP hTurrEN. Icon Founder. ar.Hl OOLEMAN, lIAII.ntAN et. (Xi,. Ildsdatseuress of Spiders, Axle., Sprier Steel and Rivets, Novenae W IFABER, Engine Madden and Machine Card Manufaciu. Mrs, l`iitollurgh, P.. FULTON, Bran Pounder, Pitirburgh, tiRAPP, LINDSAY & Co, Menufacturen of Iron and Nada, Pittsburgh, Pa. JtISEP/I TOMLINSON, Locomotive Engine and Ship Sander, Pitirburg E h , , Pa. W W WALLAC' Marble Manufacturer, Machina and Engine Budd - aura sh Pittsburgh. Pe. mem Partnership heretofore existing between the subseramrs, under the AM 01 Chamber, Ann. ur & Co., Gin" Marulfadfireis, wag dissolved by mutual consent, on the first depot July, laaant. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said firm are letiue.l Cal to Make payment to either of the pante., without delay, and all persons having ammuled for with Infirm, are Mailed to present them for settlement =malady. ALEXANDER CHAMBER_, JOHN AGNEW, D. H. CHAMBER& OP our own Import&Von, suitable for purposes. eonutiody on hand and far sub, by tar iplart or wbOleaale, at th e Tea and Wine ,r 0 , 0,, at A. H MORRIS AWORTH, eau Mae of Diamond. Pine. bargh,and Fenno.' strem, Allegheny, unite nnue MISCELLANEOI~ WILIEISS HALL, lIERsEY, FEDI! FH ,, Ni fijiA., N• II 1 /...• it fl,-t IJ.. h TII prtr•t:vr IlrIN CLAIM I17`I• •er. t•-•••An rnoth-olm the nicht n( pre-...mune la, n, o' tie tan, within the marn•htna and Irarumal •e 4 • ..., %t•ove enumerated, required In eat•id.alt • 711•1.011 ot Ileg4tar and Re cud t lit. pat'rpent •'. 1 . .• oa•. , te toe of Me lends ernhractue the tract •• 1 • • t••• . e a..o , d,o.t.ersakao saell ...lin.] be fortetted. ' J. rrER FIELD, In .frn Al Commis, loner ~‘ El•aaootta A m•rleatt Poultry Book. Herm, m the o• Ttl Pout., and Fowl Weeders' Guide— F ~„ k ,, , 11..11, a Licatt,. on me trvechne. Kateaug. •n I • • ‘lanaFemer, Ibmestm Fowl*. lelth let o• ine-ra • nrt.rront..,,ttpt..ma and Ponta. from AttllCTli NUT 11. Ir. e. t' r c: l „ n o t n a . t.zelf . r p e r. al:r ,, ez:7 , 7 . l ena „ .„, rernrd Fowl lin. e.lrt, than ta edivatiled ,t in a mr,er mer.rnt work• tt•nether It orth tc• wita nearly Pity Portraits al the ro,l NSr I•Eit IV is 1 !..w.r.t •t. ••• Cci ron., C 0.., t , cet•tam tram me inr • tv o. arin•-h are from lite, fmtri drearma• Scve No, .• • • for 114 111 , a,k, of the moat important eenrica.M.• aa4 ••" ••• .•"ercl• .e •etrim •a! oft em from lorr:v very recently r lilt •••• •ra I .re • Prlnt, :1:1.1 rater in, ••,• ' ••I •'. ' n I.our th at hr have spired no expenna to bring oat twec a , .“,./ • • wt.:41., gnp.-rior n , annrr, ho. regard to ton • • 111 IC,.} A C‘ir ellgl , ••• , g, teemetets of the ;wort, and the gene's] LTALLI•• !NI ;,• • ~•• e.• r rt. ever,, , trt or the hoot. And It to hellev iVI lied for sore he ,he • •Jr of tne d •r• ss,,, and to contain more prard• Drug. Seed. nod i . erfinntx7 tt re`,.•... lortn•tino Bredln, and Nlauacrtg DaategUe nod {Bond 4 N 141,11 A m I Fowls. than se work :asset/ this country. a, le • I•of sale f‘r .1 D LOCK WOOD, /el'. Bookseller end Importer, DM round: al, f I VI/S%lo2l , —•Coinalei ketch of a 1. LYe e nytpricto of the Ualvetse. By Alex. ilue.ht.... ranalaied by 011ie. 2 vol., limo. :or luxe Le, D LOCKWOOD Bookseller Importer. lot Form!. se - flnspran, P•AeLI SzlllM. 1,111. 464111R11 ..l n I Ife ,1 the wnr from P , el.-d Uo • cr. / I •••1 • n• • Iln't ~,,, ••• per •1•t• t. '. . .; ••• )1 111. 112 I.TREF: till 6 I, ST(YVIi: PO 111 w nip.l ahnu , el I;cernlinii, or frn•0 ,,, ,0ntr, , ,,,..,,1 h•ve tr•trol p ro .11. , 5177,- ior whcr 1/, 101 /XVI , 1. 0.•111a, r.o oppro - loe , onn••r,rp,..•. r , Tl. e•ot, pq..tom prrvro.i• n mom o 000. (shot lov.ire A t•vtr 01 ovcr lofoy owr 'or-moony., toa,Atoloa rto. no 1.•-•1 117.t0., '1710; 17 I:1111 k N/00111 l'iwool cal flo•c ~.r =Eli mrl Corn', nt mn.l PITTSBUPIitI MOURNING STORM, COTT., 01 1 , -Im aril r W A , 1 ,.k A ,r 1.:E..\ , ,, ,,, N v 1 . H . . : 1 , C , e, t ;5: . c?.: , , Mourning purpo.e• rut, 1,1,4 11,1,n 14 IMAT 1 . IL DRIt 100,000 it.. Co.. 11.,n1 F.. • 1,11 1111:i,r1.11 11M0...0tt ers n( (111,111, tho "Chliten, rorlink•,l,e' ttit, nollCr ilint they iv, to hey oiltti. heiirte th e iood, ,cTovcd C A MOAN I Lry &co • PURE OLD F 11.1117011 IBILANDY, :51:11.1.11e fa, Ob.lianul l'etiputre TN Ibex, .telly Wnra. ttz, ../ccr crtte/r 1g (mg/Jr...311c j Tv/nu/red. The sc,r,or.er. hay., ..cme oc hand I CCILI II One Dolor 1',r 1,, t/c• wh/ch the/ lot• //v to t.e genotr.c; It anc buccht hY , h - m.) , Yr31111Ft../ec, att..l iI as,parc orben - ittcy 1.//ccht tz N/i/ItttlA R/IA wnwrli, Ten tr.. 11 Inc ./Ilerrhunts. cast rittc of thr 21200 Fresh Arrtvof of Choleo Teo.. M 011111.9 k Ilutvoltr ar it, tit, Dtnond have 1t,..t rearaved trent the Imparter+. riao:hcr lar4e •upplr eareltent itt•r mad I. tarn cur, vitir b they are now retailing front ;tic ealgtual elle,. at :Jac and eae ricr lb. They day ar y in the via, to , bra, tha qnt.t nt the pour. We reepeettally aolaataha pot , . lie to