The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 04, 1850, Image 2

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VOA cam.a.COXlMlnoxii
‘ , ltuelcs County.
. rmt,rorm, .rprztu-
Eli G s N D ER,
♦atlmaaortic and Whig Sosianattadiatbe
Allegheny County
mrry arMlD enmain.,
rot vanxn ,D• 10 rmrri mon 03,1417.133,
MORGAN ROHIRT't'N, Pittsburgh
T. J 111G111N] .Ps , r &t Clot.
H It WA rt Elisabeth.
JOHN blI t I.rrHEY, Robinson.
WTI- FLYNN. Lower St:Clatr.
The 0 Election
WC have nevejinown less excitement And fee
itig in Pennsylvania, on the eve o f an important
election than at present,. The paler" scarcely'e
vert to it, and it is hardly ever m entimavil in private
converitaboni Oar neighbors in Ohio have 'man
aged to get up quite a pretty breeze with their tri
angular haht, but in Pennsylvania all fa es quiet as
if a Wnig orilincofivo had never teen hean-1 of
The rouses of this state of political feeling are an-
Tic , but t h e p r i nc ipal, we imagine,, is to be found
i n the fact t h at t h e public mind is too anziomly
turned towards the doings of Congress, and too in.
tensely occuppied m anticipating the probablerith
cults of final decisions, toapeod much thought on
minor nod remote tiller,.
Our readers should not Comet, however, that the
election pending may have a very decisive effect
upon the derision of the very questions about
which they are so anxiously concerned. At the
raw Cengteee is moving .1 is now probable that our
election will be over before the final mine in that
body on the subjects of the most interest; and the
result Of the contest may greatly influence the ulti•
mate action of the National Legislature.
The W big party of this great state is univerteilly
known to be conservative; alike removed from the
radicalism of their Locefoeo opponents, and from
the funstimegn which characterrses members o
both parties in each ertremny of the Union. It is
devotedly attached to the (Talon; and is willing to
abide by all the compromises of the constitution,
while at the same timo it is firmly, constatently,
and steadily opposed to all the 'encroachments of
slavery and to all the schemes which have been or
are .4111 contemplated for the ultimate benefit of that
unhappy ins. atuton In regard to the Free Terri
tory, It o not,tb-poced m quarrel about acmes, pro
vided It con soup the cub-minor, it is not inclined to
struccle (or the ioertutcnev-lor the mere sate of an
empty triumph. it t. willing to settle the controver
sy on terns= whirh will be derogatory to no section.
while hr. ,gbie end dteteilV ere left
Well,' II is not wi11... yield le slavery one
foot of irmiory now tree, , nut inclined to Inc.
upon an obnoxious proviso, men-ly for the mite of
a sectional triumph, when um enactment can do no
manner of good II RIM, more at the peace, wel
fare, and harmony of the Union, than to achieve a
political triumph, believing that honesty in politics
will finally meet It, proper reward an well as the
practice °like ramie virtue in the othei concerniol
_life. lc in devotedly munched to the principle of
protection, and ardently believes that it is the duty
of the Government to improve our inland harbors
and rivers. 'lt holds to the doctrine, that home
labor nod chill ought to be encouraged and fostered,
and that a notion is only truly great and indepen
dent which developer within Itself all the neceasary
and arts of life—which opens up a home
market for ien farmers, and which gives ample
scope for every description of talent and taste
among its people—which developer the resource.
of its mineral as well 3. anneultural nnralth,and
which hinds i, inhabitant.- ni indissohnible
union, by a in tuna I dependent, and community of
Such is the Wing party of l'enn.ylvanna—n par.
t v which has been toed in the fire and not found
omitting, which has proved faithful to its chenslaed
principles through the defeats and reverses of a
long series of years . which has shown itself ever
hopeful of the future, and cheerful under every dis
taster ; which has struggled against a mighty major
ity, nod has more than once overcome it, and now
feels itself strong in the strength of conscious in
tegrity and in the power of numbers. It is no long
er the feeble party it once was, but when it mug
zero toi forces for greet deeds, Its mighty, and for
merly all conquering foe. quails beneath its prow
ess, and bas more than once yielded the held, and
acknowledged a defeat.
Oar ocpsoente, the L. - to:iron° party of this State,
are almost In every thing oar antipodes. We are
conservative, they are radical,—we are in favor of
judicious and salutary reforms; they rash en
blindly in their levelling process.--we oppose the
ens machments of slavery with firmness tempered
with prirdstee aid foibearance ; they bow the
subnervient knee to Southern dictation for the
sake of party aggrandizement,—we desire to de i
velem, the resources of cur noble mountain. I ,
and teeming valleys, to 1:4.1er borne industry and ' 1
home crimfort., and dot every bill and vale with
the thriving village, the school h rose, and the '
church, and to enliven the face of the country with
the hum of industry, the reverberation. of the
forge hammer, the sound of the ahottle, and tee
merry .ocg of Mc ploughman. - Theyoppose home
manufactures, and refuse to encourage home la
bor, but would transfer oar work shop. to Europe,
paralyse the arm of our artisans and mechanics.
and destroy the home market of our farmers, and
leave them liable to all the flocmationsof a good
-or bad crop abroad. We believe in equal laws,
and that our inland harbors and riven should re
ceive the fostering race of the government, as
west fle the ems board coaet,—they oppose these
improvements, and idler having destroyed the
home market, by destroying the mumfamores o
the conntry, they deny to the farmer the mesas Of
,tak irg his produce to the sea board for a distant
market with cheapness and safety.
Such are some of the prominent differences
which divide as, and meat ever continue to divide
the people of this country, anti] the light of intelb.
genre hoe dispersed the fog and prejudice which
now ehtcures the vision of so many of one fellow
ell/Senn. Wo have not given an over wrought
pietero; we have failed to come op to the living
Ita l lty, and there are many other most important
dtitereices al:reeling the s.-,ciat and moral happi•
newt of the people,—their quiet, contentment, and
weensity,—which we have panned by, -but which
will : be 'present to tho mind of every thinking
t heir Is 'male-lent cause, then, in these diger.
sneer, in the absence of any special excitement,
and TDCI3 discharge cf his duty at the ballot
box, at every general clemion. 'We have, how.
ever, in addition, at the present time, the mo.
rise above Isnygristed, that of the indoence which
tottlalt of
one election will have upon the de
'ehriot h of . the present Congreas—deciatons arca.
• log kith the interests of freedom and home mos.
. Perity, to an eminent degree. We now thia ad.
ditiOnal motive will weigh heavily with oar Whig
readers, and prompt them to a devoted digs-barge
dna othei matter wo will soggr_st, and then
clean ihla already too long inlet. In the absence
anj special exciteinent, them ate always real
... 11 37illtnts*tho neglect to attend the polls, but who
habitually vote the Willi ticket - When they go.—
; 4.4.0/O - Waigo of the various election districts,
then,: horn themselves into committees, and alas
teinitse their !abate, and vie their) slags - oda to
ditisharge at duty. The mak or a quiet effort
t;rii kind will add filly thousand to our vote in
Sews. and secure to as &nous victory.
" . :I:nitransaci - fltstrruta. — We take pleasure in
reeneethe aitenuou of the fileada of aced mar.
- , als,atid'ot batman. !maniac's, to the-call for a
ifsiantnee. emotion to be held to-day. Th.,.
:'." seeer 'atattel Mao la the 'history of OUT country,
arbeilletetaperineff- Sena doins mole la the
cuininiutits than ;at prefeat, gad Ire rejoice to
Iso,itl,4l:ll.3l:SpiCll rat Us nun:seq.
Conic.Sll46.lo( Ise Piluborsh earth
Wasmacrron, Aug. 31
Waste of I.lme...trltleal clots of the
denote bills.-Dhigeneefal altercation
and blackguard's= In the Donee--.A
hall robbery.
Another day utterly wasted in Congress. The
petty force concerning the alleged contempt or
Ritchie, in refuting to answer the questions of Mr.
Stanley's Investigating Committee, has been dis
poaed of, being laid on the table, the House scent
ing to be of the opinion propounderi by Dog born'
to the watchmen, that though they might compre
, head all Ingrommen t there were some among
them that it was best apt to meddle tat th.
There was no dew* to joke Ilpitie',..9eoale Bllls,
because WO proceedings of the lasi three days have
furnished abOndint evidence dial the boundary
bill, upon - which sit the rest are believed to dePend•
cannot pass in the present atilt of the question
on it, and under the adverse condition of sentiment
towards it known to exist in the House. So that
after the Howe had manifested its contempt for
Hitchie's Imputed contempt, an a djournment mu,
agreed tom a matter of course. I hove raid Co
much about the disgraceful waste of time, tip both
Houses o f Cengress, that I do not feel called upon
to expatiate at length upon the fact that on this Wet
day of the ninth month of the session, almost not',
ing having been done, one House does not pretend
to b e in senton, and the other intentionally foola
wa y the time till the middle of the afternoon, and
th en adjourns over the balance. The people should
r eckon with each Individual member upon his share
in this general delinquency.
The hmlly Chairman of the Committee of Wove
and Means tab. occasion to follow up on attempt
to pick a quarrel with a Rule member from Ohio,
hich ne commenced, ace which, I suppose
considered quite a shfe and comfortable mode of
signalizing his powers. Yesterday inorning,
1L yly
asked unanimous consent to take op the liitbrin
Appropriation 13111, 'which ha• him on the :Speaker's
table for more than two months, ready to be plaord
ori its heal pacsage. Sweeter, of Ohio, rose and
objected. lisyly Ipenerthately sprang from his nen!.
which is very near Liwectser, and leaning over to
wards him, end shaking his finger - at hint in the
thee threatening, contemptuous, and Insulting roan.
ner which it is possible to imaginedold him, that he
was a they, spiteful little cur, bestowing also sun.
dry other Uttering - compliments. This piece of
insolence was heed and sees by the whole liouw.
This miming again Bayly made the same motion
• htch, I should otenhon, requiros•uuetimou+
sent; and Sweeter made the same objection. Again
Bayly rose from kit seat, shook his bet in Cweetx
er's face, and said, u nearly as the members in the
Immediate 'Lein* of the patties could distinguish
—"too dammed rascal, if you ever praiune to ob
ject to another motion of mine to this House, I will
wring your nose for you, Cr---d cl—m you "
Sweatier rose and made a motion as if he would
throw his ink land at Bayly'm head,but othexmein•
bets interfered, and nothing further came of the
affair at the time, hot it wasp observed that Swam
er soon after left the Howse. In passing out, a
friend advised him to procure a club and quietly
smash the natal protuberance of his assailant as lie
at in hLs sat.
Sweeten replied that he shouts. arm hmself and
take the damned scoundrel's life. I give you this
as an incidental occurrence in Congressional ac
tion. It is as forcible and telling a commentary up
on the spirit of the national legislation as can be
written. Probably we shall hear wine thing tar •
ther of this matter. It may be added that on an
other member, making the same motion, Sweetler
did not renew his ybjection, and the Indian Appro.
priation bill was passed.
Some little sensation has been caused by the ar
rest of Gen. Hinton, of Uhio. at Cievittand,for
Lung the mail. He has been well known here for
twenty years as a mail contractor, and was very
popular. Many lowa of fonds by the mail be
tween the West and the chief Atlantic cities have
been detected of late, and n is suspected that Hin
ton'• cleptsdations have been extensive.
Ncw Youc, Augnat 3
The arrival of Jenny Lind is now the great
event looted for by the amusement hunter•,
whose antielpsidons have been wrought op to the
h , ghett paint by the Recounts of her somta.
abroad. Fifty dollars have been refused far tick•
ets to her find enured, a fact which wilt give e
I smail idea of the feeling that exist.. She will,
come to Pittsburgh if they will mate the visa pay
Barnum has no idea of asking Pat/burghers ti
1 , nay any extortionate rate, and only insists on
wee that Intl make • t•'r return. H- h
eztravagmt Idea af profit from her cogagt,
awl even vty artych offers a rearoaatale pro.
Or TV6100C,21.1.111, and his s proper room. Ina)
mow on her ',memo,. The Atlantic mdl reach
hero to morrow, When u fraud nob of nanceptt
ble youth. m►T be expected to Wol6.othe her.
Pmfessor Johnson, inventor of the fire peon
cordlike, ano more. He was buried this ale,.
noon in the beautiful cemetery:of Cypress
Elm hopes elan European fame such as attained
by Professor Morse, and the other eminent talent
which has exhibited its products there, have been
blasted, and even the ben, A., of his valuable d.
covery, an far as the United States 111 concerned,
a made doubtfuL life was terminated by an
attack of Cholera M3rbus, which a constitobon,
sreakenei by a habit which has ruined millions
could not wittiatand. As a Surgeon. in the army.
'luring the FloOds Was, and while on duty in ott
er pans of the country, be acquired a high reputa
iion,land stood deservedly high in the West with
the most distinruishedipoliticiaas now in the Seri
steel the United States.
New Ymlc was never fuller of Galt than now,
and people whO world like, as the old adage runs.
”to sae the folks and get some peaches," had
better come at once. to every workshop, and
emoting roam, in Clltl, tuskeis. and upon all the
corners of the streets, the luscious fruit abounde
at prices that barely pay for picking and tvanspor.
cation. The quantity of exquisite plums, rich
melons, and of apples molt as Eve never dream.
el of, is beyond all, precedent, and at prices which
place them in the hands of ell.
Mr. Inman, brother of the painter, and for loose
yeara the editor of the Commercial Advertiser, is
no more. He has, by uninterthitting labor.,
brought Lis life to an early close, to the regret of
thousands whom his versatile pen has iostructed
and amused.
Min Charlotte Cushman, the great American
actress, bevies:had an engagement at Niblo'a, at
the time she left this country for England, on a
visit to her friend Eliza Cook—and having per.
famed the character of Meg Merrilres the night
before she sailed--last night appeared again In
this wonderful impersonation, before an imman.
, house, at Nthlo's Garden, and, as genial, achieved
another triumph. The great actress has lost none
of her power, and eneiteKl as much enthusiasm,
last night, sa before her abort Joargey to England.
lost • fortnight ago, Mini Coshnion played this
tame character to a crowded house in Liverpool;
and the triumph thus achieved, by this great ac
orn, of appearing In the same role, within a fort
e sighs, In the two greatest commercial cities of the
world—separated three thousand miles from each
other-inunrivalled in the annals of dramatic Inc.,
To night a young Belgian violinist makes his
Grit appearance at the residence of the editor of
the Courier Des Etat. lint,. Rumor ham it that
he is equal to any at the players who a year or
two ago made so much
Money has grown more abundant, and there is
little trouble in selling paper at label rates. Stock,
ore dull, but prices on the whole Indicate ao ad
vance. Flour—Sales 4,000 bbl. at 362103,671
for NJ. 2; Superilee, $1,16101.371 (or .mmmoo to
straight State; 5t,z501,56 for mined Michigan;
$5.624 for pure Genets,. Southern a without
change, with sales of 900 bbls. Rye, the ital.
are 800 bbta $2, 5002,5 - 4 . Meal—Jersey is sold
at $3,124, and Brandywine at $3,811. Crain—
Wheat a without alteration. Sales 1600 ho Rye
at 55c. Oats 416:04 Inc Northern, 3.5(d10 fir Jcr
se,. Cora—Sal.. 400 bu at 610411 e. Provis
ione—Pack, sales 200 bbis at $10.25 for M. a.,
and $5,25 for Prime. Cot Meats the same. Lod
—Sales 400 liblirrirease at t(tiLtc. and 1.1100
Mils at etc. AI.
A R1.711,MT Cattotte —A negro no nano.,
Ebb°, belonging to William M. Cochran, o N.trh•
a, MUM., Will arrested on Tuesday, at Norloq,
on pored the packet schooner Adrian. Tbe
"It appears that the negro, "rho hod been the
body servant of a former man, the father of the
present, mins in the habits of maven) rit - with hit,
diving the bed summer, while they mere ttoppoo,
in Albany, hie old master was taken sick mob the
cholera and died, and he availed himself of the el..
portnatty to gain his freedom. About four 0.0111115
since, be shipped on board the Adrian as cook,
inane which tint, he has been sailing to 'Loa port.
where, through ■ friend of his master, he was dis.
antral gild ClllOO4 to be ETC"lld'n
Exec..look of PrOiCSIBOr Web
We have already pubLzlled m taper account
of Me Execution of Dr. Wantran, received by
telegraph, but our readers will doubtlexa des,re to
reed a more circumstantial history of an event
which has excited so universal an Interest. No
care in the criminal annals of the country ever
excited no deep sod awful an interest, and made
6 03.31 . 6 powerful tropreacon upon the public
mod. We trust it will be for good. The follow•
ice roll report we select from the Borten Trarrw
nipt, poblwhed on Friday, the day sat execution.
4 r,wl'art, relating to the closing days of the mo•.
mite o; John White Webster may not ho mappro•
pdately 'mentioned as introductory to the brief
story or his death this day on the gallows. Should
these facts corn et with the theories and prep°.
BrY.lO. of those persons wise think there was no
redeeming tree hi the man's character, that he
was utterly bad, 2 sort of moral monster, the Nets
will be none the leas true, and as such proper to
be uttered.
Those who would attribute his demeanor to
duplicity, affectation or constitutional frigidity,
will, we think, be as roach in error as those who
would roe in every declaration of contrition or
sentiment of religious arrinfirtion and hope, the
sign of a thoroughly purified aoul and renovated
heart. No oe seemed more aware of this than
Profernor Wooster himself. He distrusted the
depth and efficacy of Ms own remorse; ho pray
ed fervently Tor a mere wand - imp penitence , end
wished that no puerile should be made before the
public Gillis religious pretensions, or of .the fact
that ro vile n sinner a: he bud dared to hope for
030ICV from toe A Infighty• •
To Ilia e who would repudiate this view <lithe
Cate of hot mind, we would say In the words of
Thai In the reline of patine none of on
Should ore salvation we do pray for merry,
And that saute prayer doth teach. all to render
The deeds of merry
Thee .nduct pi the prisoner toward his friend
and advisor in spiritual matters, the Rev. De Pao
nam, has lawn throughout of tt,r gro.t ^0^9,1".1,
character. He has ever showed a torawardness
to render his slama as little pair fut an, under the
circumstances, ihey r,mld and Dr. P hart rte.
queenly Men amps:zed to find his allotted hour so
qnickly passed. The prisoner has spared him all
rinuellluons escileinenr, and preserved a campy
sure Is vor•lile to Um Mc•satit dtachame elthe du
limn D•. Foment has assumed.
- -
Prolevor I.V ot.ter wein viadatl • oat., by hr.
mlly yostordoy •Lerooon ; rod they !retained
nh him nearly (dor hour.. There is every re•-
:n to beheve that they Jell entirely ignorant a to
the day of the ele 'talon. The prisoner had left
great anxiety to regard to this closing interview,
lest he should berry himself. When it was ovdr,
he felt greedy relieved, and spoke cheerfully
He bad detected no sign of a recognition of the
tact that this was their lait; interview in the de
meanor of his tawny. Neither kid the jailer. To
the latter, as they left the cell, they addressed
come remarks plainly indicating their expectation
of revisiting the prisoner. An immense crowd
had asaemhlnd in Leverett street, and about the
to see the unhappy family as they matted; hut
Mr. Andrews took his Webster and her family
through his owe house to a door opening on Low
el: girt et, where • earriage was ..111Vg, nod they
thus escaped the scrutiny and remark. of the mule
0.. e incident, which seemed to affect happy
he spawn of the prima., during the Interview
• ith his tardily, may be worthy of mention. For
veral months they have been in the habit of
reading the indite to him to his cell s taking the
barters of the New Testament to molar nouns.
whiteout skipping. The-chapter which the. came
no yesterday, and was read, was that exultant and
nonanllng chapter, the I nth in Paul'. First Epistle
to the Gertott.i•n•, in uthlett 0t . ..11r the sortie,—
" New thin I say. brethren, that flesh sod blond
cannot inherit the k madam of God, neither doth
,orevpi , on mh^ni to , ortopeen.
Bri.o!d I ..husw VoU a loydtery, shalt not all
sleep, lint ht c she" b- changed.
In a moment, in the twinkling of as eye, at the
last trump. for tin trumpet emit sound, and the
deed shall be raised ancarrupubha, and we shall
be charrd.
Fur in a cuter puble must put on incorrupt ton,
and to, initial roust ~.11 op immortality.
Snn when th.a runroadtb , ” *knit have Font on In ,
corrupt,o, and th a con tat shalt have put term,,.ta, ty, shs't ten brought to pans the r•n•ng
that is Aral., Doch ts swallowed up in view-
do sib, where ts iLy sung t 0 grave, where
is thy v,cory
The soon of death is we, and the attergth of
sin the law.
But thanta be to God. which gtverth on the vie•
ton. thrut go our Lad Jesus Chrtat. '
Tee ricsiieer ariettiod moeh onarewied by the
econcid , cee whir. had, th rut calculation on •ny
port, tpreo Ole Chapter to be read at his last
operv,ew at h h s and 13t1 the laid day of
his earthly ex.:cure. He recurred {3 the incident
alter the inierytetr, with very obvtool pleasure,
and seemed to dreary much hope nod consolation
from the inspired wilier., of the Apostle as to
the reaurreclion o' the dead, pawn • to dishonor'
and " to werknrias
Toe last interview eit Dr. Potnam yesterday
with the prisoner toot plate between half paw 7
and 9 :ark Iv t even rag. t •ers lance and
wrh,r m. r' f r ont itrid, by the then:r
ot-dery 1i• m.•h , I in we prom" mod
ib.• tooter mina dna: rocnt iniamd by ...1011...
the offirers and having Mr I:n.tarci- Andrew ,
the m r, ewe aw° , M .
cannot we murk. Tri re wa• nn r
trad , clnn nu that already made he the primmer
Profrawii Wooster declared hituerlf waling to due
on the hallow., as 'a pant& expiation of the great
wrong ne had done to somata "
H s serenity be Paid was establtehed on religious
tOnrietinn. 11, alloiled to the rererstany of ht.
exeSutiou. and remarked that be mitered it
mould lm through an fe•e of dung, through no
effect noon him of tie horrible wreouod ng• and
accrawantinente of his doom, but buwatme of hie
tniag.vings as to thr rificary of hie own repeat.
as to the future. to which he If., going; Im
mure of the cloud, that might come weir bit
spirit at the lasi. He hoped, however, that he
shoo!& hear up—arranged that he would be tied
by Mr. Aldreamon reference to any other of
—and said that be expecbd to he tranquil duet g
the nigtt although he might not !deep.
Ater Mr Putnam roved, Prof.-war Webster
resumed his reading of the acripmres, which he
alternated with toward and inaudible prayer dos
ring whirh the two Oflicel. preserved perfect el.
fence, Orcamonally be wouid ritme the Bible and
burying, his law in his hands, seem rapt is suppli
cation and thought.
During a get ut t art ol the day yesterday the
poisoner occupied h Itself with setting .ode little
memorials for these fete friends, to whose chants.
GI , feelings towards him. when he was gone, he
might hope. He selected • number of his books,
and wrote to them the names Of several persona,
toward whom he wished to engross some recol
lea,on of pest obligati°ns and fa ore He seemed
to take much to rest la this occupation.
He me a little fresh rota during the day, and
exhibited hole Of as OOTTOOSDeII or physical kg.
°won. Tbo, was have conversed with him of
late have fe't ht le spprchenslou as to his corr.-
mittrog suicide. He was evldest . y fully Imre..
eed with a sense that it sr. the t rime and n • the
gallows, that made the shame. Me. Solver, con.
.1 for toe prlsoner, visited him dt.r.rg the driy j end
look leave of hint.
Q t to • number of •policsti its have bean made
to tee the poisoner lur nit the last two weeks.
ct.r.ymeh from nail xis ports of the country have
snugti an interview; nr d he ha. received t urners
rr letters et en admonitory or COOIIOIIMO nature.
e interviews he has, to most instynces, deck.
ned. The letters he his read. lode.. through
out his two.. .merit, he h• 11 kept op bus later.
eat in outward shams, although his thought. have
ithetn•d to be mistily devoted to ttedies and mod.
coons•ppretirtate to his aquntton.
The cell of Professor Welimer was No. 5 in the
Esat cotter or ine criminal department of the jail;
the same Bell in which Washington Goode was
John W. Webver, son of the late Redfield Web
tier, a respected comen of Roston.aras horn in this
city, and 'modest, &wing ton boyhood, at No 13
Fleet street In ISI , I he graduated at Harvard
lint the same tilers with Ex-Governor
Everett. Dr Frothinaham, Charles P Curtin, H H.
Fuller, George Morey, lir. Edward Reynold., Dr
D Townsend. Thomas G Carey, J. C. Gray; S.
C Gray. Williant P Mason, Rev Samuel Gilman,
and other well known pernonn, the claw, being one
hill. moat di...gowned that has ever gradated
Irian the college In 151.5 Dr. Webster wen sp.
pointed Erving Prot eivior of Chem wary and Miner.
stogy At the aurae lone he practwed medicine
in Hinton. and rwitdctl i to 15.i0. at No. 8 W Inter
street mid in Pell he removed to Common. now
Tremont street, and nevi:pled a building whtrh
stood on the site of the Tremont Hoene. In
here moved to C
I-eh4v, ]. where has since real
to fie 23d Novi other. Intl. hecommitted
the crane for whit h he thin day underwent the en.
treme penalty ot the tow
At dusk the first wagon tottered the tail yard,
loaded with mat,' and other fixture. required
ncorking off the ground and erecting the aret ffold.
Alt!r Mr. Putnam retired for the night, officers
Jones and Leighton ',entered the cell to resume
their guard over the prisoner. according to the
crier of the Sheriff and the Tequirementa of the
The gallows was erected noon after ant-now
thin morrow: in the arca of the tail. Every
blow Ina wit. struck bythe worinen emote as the
cur tit the presiner, and inn, have a akvt...l aim Un
al!rmtsly. although he had prepared honvilf by ara.
timpation for the dreadlol sound Thep rtsoxer had
the rwht hot tone until 11. The Sherd .
had lined the hour 019 for the executton
of The mannlier of lssued for the adiniatizon
sati ai n the rid yard wits about '4" . A
peony of reporter-Iron New York arrived late ev
ening, and wer e furnwhcil by the stern!! with tick-
rt. al taltart.t.h
Thrrr were :tho, twenty holm% in the neighbor
tr.att virtu,/ a rkavy of the gallow•may be bad.
inn a• [hr., that taaatatrd by the jailer, vows emp-
ty and elo-ed
Anteut the eroard who honS ab , att the lad yea.
terdav Id ter Ili , .11 10 °bums a -dtht of the grief
en !molly of he preemie, tw theY might leave,wee
.ever tamale , We have already inentioneal that
, he canoe% c r owd were dmappotnted.
It of uodentiocal that, niter the ancuincii, the
body w i ll be deposadd in ilia cell lately oceopkyj
by thyp r y.yater; and toward eveonat earned to
Mount Auburn. The funeral will be buicily
rato sad waubtrusivo.
lmmedustely after the eleeutton, Dr. Pawm
will proceed to eoassahnicale the fatal tidtaga to the
bereavedigmily. G;al kelp them!
THIS 151013N1 NG.
- - .
The prisoner retired at a hate past IR, and we,
in • coned steep a little before 1 this A. M. He
slept till 6 o'clock, woke calm and reircebed, and
maintained perfect eternity end sell.pumession•
At n quarter before - eight, Dr. Putnam and Mr.
Andrews, the jailer, ',jetted the prisoner in his
all. The arrangementa for the execution had ail
been t splained the previous evening. Dr. Put
ram continued in the cell until the prisoner was
taken to the gallows. Mr. AndrE••• came oot a
few minutes before nine, nod shan't , Mlrrw.ra
returned with the nhenif and jail ratters, who
then took formal and affectionate leave of the
. At a garner peg Moe the religious services
commenced' in the presence of sheriff Eve.
huh, he jail officers, toe legal witnesses sum
moned for the occasion. ilind the reporters of the
The prisoeer knelt before s chair in the centre
of the cell; Dr. Putnam standing to the door-way,
and addre.slog the throne oi grace. The prayer
occupied anted minutes. After a brief but
touching mission to the solemn nod melancholy
character of the °erasion, he prayed fervently
for the prisoner, contrnandins him to the mercy of
an all-wise and beniflcent (t,d. He expressed
his beliel that the prisoner was prepared, no far
an Stet ere contrition for hta offence and prosetation
of soul in humble supplicallons fur forgiveness,
and reliance upon the Saviour's promises, coedit
qualify him for his departure.
Mr. Putnam then prayed fervently fur the fami.
le, that the rams gruf+ nod mercy might sustain
them to their great sill ction, and enable them to
support it with resignation and humble hope lie
prayed that this terrible r sample might have
salutary effect en the whole coronsuoity, in teach
log them the danger of Unrestrained passion, and
limiting humility and self•dutrust.
The officers of the law, whose duly it would be
to carry the sentence of the law into effect, were
also remembered In his prayer; and he naked that
while they pe f ruled their patnful functions with
(Induce., t t would al,/ be Ina spirit of tenderness
and corupedrion for their fellow bottle, who waft
about to pass baton, a Wilber tribunal, where
lustre, would be Aure to be tempered with menu;
and he hoped that some Et/the stunt, winch would
nreside:in that htcher court, might shed its benign
influence to aid them in Ws trying ocoftwon.
Ater gain fervently commending the prisoner
to divine mercy, the service, were cluc l uded
without thriller CLICII101310. ; and the company en
tired from the bedding.
Thy K•110W• we. surrounded by some 110 per.
pone, including several ahortffs end LiepUtle• Item
abroad, and a Inge pollee force. But few mem.
hen of the bar or of the medical procession were,
prerent. The windows of the surrounding hone.
es, with the exception named, were crowded by
persona of both sexes and of .11 wan. The tope
of tbe adjacent building., the sheds, out bootee,
and every •vailable point of clew were occupied.
The rear 'clarion: of the Lonna on Lowell .veer.
ho bowies OP LOVGOWId Wall street% all hod
their ewer thsongs of spectator.. Probably they
numbered %haul a thousand. There was some
alight disturbance In the crowd at one time, and
the reading of ihe dcath warm:li was inierropied
by shouts and the crowding. at those wzdicltous to
see the appalling spectacle,
At 2 minute. past 9, Sherd!' Ereletb, and his
dello in., Meant.. Coburn, Freemaa, and Rug.,
mounted tho mesa of tbo scaffold, to the sail yard,
followed by the prisoner, supported by Dr. Putnam
and by jailer Andrew. and Mr. Holmes, • turn
The prisoner toot his Italia upon thc asp door,
or drop. and tadoodudelS under the mat de•
pended from the top of the mallow, lame. Ile
was dressed in • black freak coat, batio,d op In
front, black paw. and shoe*, Without any neck
cloth, and only • portion of the shirt bosom Ssi.
hie. He immediately entered into coovenisann
with his spiritual adviser. welch be connoued as
long as practicalae, and Stith apparent ealmoeas
and trompostint.
Dowdy Baer ff Coburn called the attention of
the wane.. & ,to the reedlike of the E te•Cal,
dealt warrant, watch well next done in •tt .M 1
hie manner by the .heel(—wo n, with A. ratter
and the grwinbly. generally '<aimed with tin
rdvered neat!• italbg the readwg, with the ix w
bon or the preocier.
TheTh<l itloll , } w•• then grated, wetly Isir. A,
drew, i.,,eruct, In rut bee hte vlbedra wlth
atm, wit n awo pateedl amend the h. y and b.
ine seal. .0 trent. Anwher .trop . ma. bone
grr, d the leg. tw ad we the bore,.
Arer the bellow. heal again rtwo apse hie re
tee mpe Newt drawn down wad aept.ted •roll•al
all i.e.:lE by Deputy Sherd licag• rbc knot
pl , nord • bilk a. hied the night car; sod in rope
6,aacty .trident drawn too Octet!, the't
conntcnance Sashed .ud his eye. Itictl
le•ril, when the noose taws ittatatatty stacaew
Tne blaek can wee drawn aver the bead tol
Messrs. Kept sad 11. Ines i the. Montag oat lan
ever front the rt•oneesOrtat .tams the heat.
Wu! suclight and blue thy of thu (so atimater
'l' tie neared appearance of the pdscsaar'm fate
continutd as the cap was descendant; and to the
last moment, be tinned hi. eye. sidew•y• upm
Dr. l'otaam. who stood at the lefi, Icemen alma
the miller and mach mferted.
b.hentf Elevelb annonaced, that to the name at
the Gollittlottyrewtth, he 000,1 now proceed to rar•
ry 111,1 et the • anon - ea( the le, rod matted!
tto• p.tttntttt I, to Upon the drop. the prataner
le'l awn., seven rem and tato mid ho manta ca
, ten• rtt nit rod I, tot , . Wu, moon.
tams 1,1, WC ,e 1 1,1 t tt:
bdtl)*waled •ioltiby h. end Ho end, e otw I
set-und. euerbe len, ibrre wa• ontott-modd• draw
up of toe .rg, once ,prt Iteyond
Men* Wan no oooe rabid .litigate', our wit. their
env etitynrqueni eginttion or quivering of the laxly
After hnotting ttoriy mins the body Won ranw
Henry er
hard by Doetor
enry l; eberk., 1 phytm...m,
and by 14 Civvies II Slednyan at the nttc Ho*
pool. Sottitt ihndon, and they informed tbn 'Merit!
ityet Id* wee rstenet.
'rhe sherlll then announced the tart to the
fi as.rtn.
blv. and are thanking the w.tneretes tar lair
?t•olupt •ttendancr. or dt.entased the wdners.o.
It,. fent, .erv.ce
The body vrus igen taken in charge ny Mr John
Peak, undertaker. placed in I 1 Muck • Lung, and con
grvt.d or lire rill reeenii oreupied by the prisoner
Profekaor Weimer leh ”pccial conininurea.
lions for the public, nor did he retract tir um last
any statement made in tria conleasion to Mr. Put,
He teat, however, lett a manlier of {eller. In Ca ,
ciatia pante.. end wane or theta may hereafter be
communicated bur publication.
Pm . the Pau:burr{ Gazdte.
Sts—Paristng through pour busy etty and env-.
n. and observing the great waste of fine cool and
e.ial dire, at CI your cent opening, I was much
surprised your enterprising people bad not adopted
the use of the line svf t ings, to ranking briek. Every
stove! full of int coal and coal dust which can be
had in the City of New York a eagerly bought by
the broth rakers, and taken up the river and taken
to toe country toe this papaw. A certain proportion
of it is ground with the clay into the mortar, arid
with it is struck, by n rust iron machine, into
moulds, and dried as usual, and another portion is
spread out between the layers, as tne brinks ars
laid up into the kiln for burning They are thus
stabled to put in 10 to tO it can not thy the enact
number) course , snort—and bran the kiln with
wood also, and between two Sabbaths, and make
hard brick to the topmost tier Salmon brick are
scarcely known w that market The cool is con.
sinned and leaves no opening., and a smooth, hard,
superior article is produced. Before the nthcnine
was adopted ths coal dust was used, without chat.
culty, and the mortar etruak by hand. Let your
acrrsiry it, sad you will not, in this respect,
mealtime loath behind the age. ''A word to ilia
wise," Sic. A NEW . YORKER.
Tun Great Western Railroad from Niagara
Fall. to Detroit, in put under contract, sad will be
commenced immediately on the section lying be
tween Hamilton and Landon. A meeting was
held a few dsye since, at the Clifton Home, Ni.
agars Fails, at which all the [Erector and a ma'
mot) , of the Contractors Were prmient, and the
spirit manifested, promised a •igorooa prosemat.on
and early completion of the work. la the distance
of 210 miles from the auspenaion bridge at the
Falls, to Sandwich, the grade of the road will be
111030.1 a peacCl level, excepting a mountain
Hamilton. Another remarkable lecture of thi
road, will be • direct run of Ott , mina, being th ,
largest tangent of the kind In the world. it 13 ex
panted that the trip trona Niagara lona to Detro.
will he made in aix bourn.
LI-1-11.108% IN THE Onto.—The CIOCI nnell
Commercial tells a story of a French resident ul
Covington, in Kentucky. opposite , co,h, h n h ii, W h o
amused himself by sending ma dog after chips into
the Licking river, in which, after a time, on all•
gator raised his head, attacked the dog, and finally
disappeared web tt beneath the 5u11.3. The
Commercial says it has the story "from a gentle:
man who vouches fur the fact, and then adds the
following remenumence:
may not be forgotten that some four yeti
ago a huge alligator was seen sunning himself o'
• sand bar near Sedalia's, four miles below the city
and an ineffectual attempt was mach to captu
him. ft was then said that it was one that had
roped from a showman. This may have been so
but our waters are warm enough, our weather ho
enough, our streams convenient enough, to in
duce a visit from all the aquatic varmints of 11
"Lthink," said Mrs. Proungton, gelling up from
the breakfast table. "t will make a tower and go
on a discussion. The Loll says, if 1 collect right;
bar a party is to go to a very plural spot, and to
rookaka of a cold collection. 1 hope itwont be
so cold as ours for the poor hut Sootily; why there
w;rn't sufficient to buy a feat of wood for a re-:sa
lute winder." And the old lady put on her green
The editor of a newspaper being challenged
coolly replied, that any - fool might given chal.
lerige, but that two fools were needed tor
A TlArcitm: Conn...ord.:yr of the 13..t0u
Tran,eript, spealaniof the small note law which
has recently gone into operation in Pennsylvania,
°At 7 o'clock, went on beard the Amboy steam
er to r3outb Amboy, (two hours) thentm by ralis sa ,
to Pulladetnnia, where we arrived at 12 1-2, In n
drizzly shower of rain. After dinner, went to the
Baltimore railway stailon, and while waning for
the departure of the Wilmington train. noticed the
101101V1 ng placard posted about the prernoes --
-olnutiou to Travellers. so bank note prohibited
be oic Mw of Prtunvlranin will las received nt this
orrice. The law of Penneylwmn,rnncm that •Alter
A ogost 21, 16:10, any persons who 11111111, directly or
tudirectly, pay 0111 or corollate a note of less than
l• 11/4 1 416v is trod crony other eh., be lo-
n ble ton fine of $22, and a further penalty of from
SI to $lOO, for mcidemertnor '" ton may guests 1
was taken quite aback by tilts startling onnounee
ment, as I had but a moment before been guilty of
the hetuous crone 01 tendering a New York lull to
a colored cab man, who shook to. w,u,lcy headand
ejaculated, -It ain't no good, sir," Two hull del.
tars were taken instead, the generous colored con
,sen d et ilinuN to tale the law on nue Curious,"
know the reamm for such a singular emu -Intent, I
indult - et-1 of n storekeeper, and teamed that it was
- • • • •
to throw into ctretilation the Immense quantity of'
specie held by the public. Happening to purchase
nom(' pen , he% n whorl time utter, in return for 11
quarter 1 war rendered twenty two renti worth of
copper ore. I couldn't subunit to that "nu how" no
declined the truffle.
A FI,ITTVE Fort.:Kß —JunkeA
ger from 6eodmrd•' where he .bade charged
lii the forzesy ttf prommory notes to the alumni
live hundred puo7ds sterling. and escaping I.
I. country to ovoid punishment, In undergoing ei
animation in New York 'file inipreimmit tha
the Government at Warthindmin cviil siirrenikr tln
primmer up to Itritudi authority, n+ the ea, pre
teithi one clearly miming under the treaty.
11nr.r. —We ndied looddind 01
SaitirdAy hod, in older lu inke ai the eih
are, pi eriute , io being roiled in. 'rho mum I
or coert room ilned. netvge,ble by two d. n id
of nu nv m', one lend tic to Merger Wert, anti lhr ome
to 13 odd war. The hall ininare, ha vind a round,.
end where the +nide e.and Nur rounded by is dal
lerv, inipporteil with iron It a
the . inurd puly.ioll'..l manner, from Ihe vonine. to lb
I dale n. A edeam engme m
meat to deaden the now.. and w. dl,..ten en:raged
ph,eing the nnlnenan arrho., ..ernort
lataln, the walk, and arrannwn the poolnon
under the itallerms. 'rne building l Molt
br,el, with mud h.., and ',rung, 0
hre I.l..riea I t Ileurku. nud Uchted Lv lorly
uulow, each beau: I I levl Ils.;tz. anti n. ven Iv
• utle; twenty lour of Ihow loot:mg on Meteor rl re 4
and the remainder oil a 001Irt In the re of the re
defiers , n Broadway. The prop...M. ar
the br
ore as betgln,
one hundred in u,dih. 'rho. huddin: I, bo be em
Weird Lt• the fir.t of n , xt II ~'Will, et
•trnotedunder the popermienJelice of Mr. Jahn M
Trutible. ar,bitrut tlie Broadway Theatre
Hower)' Burton', Barnum', M 11114:111 I. trod all ih.
large puhlw The Jenny Ldnd Ilull wit
he4ll moat pubmanbal hosiirttng• in Ne •
1 ork one
It 1 , welt worth vuotnig, now, by ail wb,
ta ~,g the way strong building
are up.—N. Sun.
'rue Errrers 01 l. nte Fteu, to
'me —Yu 1,111 lolsmsno or
idea of the storm of halts
tad .I.c.i. that tr,sed each other in their dread
course. Bel ore and around the 'Tag on which Field
Marshal Itadetalo wag
standing. the- coll,ll
pound shot ploughed up the ground, tritero4 one
ptare a deep furrow, and down atree hke
stubble in another It liar how melt kmd
of nit .ire hut ds 1114,1 ehatamerisite There is the
tremulous of the large round shut, the whittle
of the suo.ket iii hiss .1k the 13 4 ,. t h at of
thn Cativirine wheel fireworks. and then its de1...-
tom as it herd- Of these many v. bra tell
among are. and 1111111 V r 211 1 01.011 hartn.
less :t. the air, hot where rine tell and dal it.
the epees was leaitol Otw su
elt nt: ean "'beer
in tile ll,o.l. expßoded 1111111100.1111,,,,..L. d„w a
a titan h. the right and lett. and em "tr the upper
part o. tar officer% b all in sue'. a tashion that hi.
li:thtened loan! gal.opped offsetae dittato•e
the feet of tar crp.,. ,tl4 . 11 are the
' spee . n.ies which a held 01 home ....ea...mills' pre.
mem. N, t tar .11 Inv n l'redoomtewart•ller,st
lad lien ttio• k on . the forenend xv , th ii -pent tot
lych rentalned in the w.inl A hintrr had twea I.ll`ed at the 1.1111 . in rant wat lt, ht. Itor-e
Icy a snot wtio.h had p-turd Ihronch the neelc Zit
the i,ier they had sunk t.hZetiter. la. , rider 1 011/ 011
, he %abet stn. to to. ham!.
The .i:ddrii a man etzor t•
wilat to behotflft.tll4. with.qtt
jum. h•glt vim
.1a Ick tar. 0.., and , drag] I a
Grans, Irvai vrr.
1,1; 'are
octal. tat.,a IP Inning dlll hr , raa•tol
a dtani,rn man.liwn. all, a la ao wh,per
alaat• b.. h•ano, I, , wri the rail,.
imoire hAl•pr.a.l 11,aaal
1/i/ Ir at Irr/./. /././rn /4///, , / , / //
ttl a.. rr c orrircro / 4 1,1,
S I.l,llN—Sir I wt•l, I , e•r te.timony to ibt
atco •14. v:rstae of the r4.5.. , 1 Petro enl:l3 I vra• lot
• lotq t ItlEntte.l ve,th "111.4n.rne • ntl %et)
so uch ,ct 01 tn curs!. i:rt.t rot at.n,it
e month, m
n.•;.-• 1,1 • yr, 1.1,..vnnr g
ihr ..1 aml ,g 1 • p tut 111‘1.,ix 11 re•
~.,,re o the sore et m> olth rthveLeak, wen
ien•urere• iol m• 4re, or Le pr.:, teller.
m , but
nnd tindit I 1,111 rniirely
ad "Can ate altite'ed telld
N , al 1..Z.d3 C OARRr. frlIN
by C••,... NtrDnwr•..
I. Curn,
13 A 5... wt.
TtlsFlorl',oltlrr• 01 the lobo. •nd I•enntylvante
Rol Road Company arr beret,
etghtti Inntalmeht of foce per •hare. at Ihr on,
of the, or 1...10re :he 70th day of Au. Suet
The ninth tu,a,cnenti oh or betnre the 121.1:h day of
September The with ,nttalrorht on or I,elore the
r.h dap of Ortoher
7th li.elahtent yea. celled Poo on the P.etit o
July le•t.
eugs,,P,! tl7ll LA RIMER. Jr., Treasurer,
Wocv• Wnwon.. —ln ronuorndiLg Nl'Lttni.'s
Worm Vertr..tuxe to ill.. pnblic. Ulf provrartnr• of
grcut pte(l, io u.c tho language of' rhos vvi.o
halm tested nicrtts, Head and I c COD VI /.red
`Almond, A.:!-at.e.t.7 co. r. .
"11 Kz.1.1 Co--We L.gwe reretvea non.ity of
Mq.nor. Vermin., t, tour neent winch we hive
•0..1 to nu , art! ta every ea, a h.. had
tanned euree•• and never feard to any
ay. , . We run rheedully rcrnmntrull n. the beet
worm no donne nott e haw. ever anown. Wo 0. I
meanon any euro,er w
ol rneee, a neer_ aaaa y, where tt
has had wOndellui eurees.,
Error Yale by J. KIDD& CO, No U.. \V 0.1 .reel.
Whnlenale Mvuoacturrre & Dreier. In
Where they oo.r n 101 l sthl remp,rte tett et of Hats.
Car, Fur, a r , Of oven qunl,k, nod nt, le, by W Ise],
sale and Kelm , . anJ inalic the nitenuon n 1 thelt an ,
and purr/Intel% eern it •. nenoring Mena that
they vrIII •ell on the wort • 4V,1T.0.Y.US
I& rod et. between Third & Iroiarth,
Arc now rearmng them rrry large .41 Roperior Fnll
A 1..• VONtiEn+ .nd FLOWIR., nf the htle
ar a. mm.l.i y * dap,' lc the wrre.erh u.•.r.
be-n •efenteil With great reire.otiti a. In tires
rinti qua 11l Is not surpassed by any sleek to I•e
e titer entil nr vre•t customer. unti Inert
r Lams senersny sire Invited tali nnd ristuine, er.
I to sell . Ilin Innitt rensintable
tern , Also Goodyear's l'ittent Rub i .ter Shur. o .11
lit tit. uNY:.“
CPANY 14 t 1. 1 14 t, pared to metro o!
j . kook of roll,. on 1t.t00.t.. Kood
turrehnnt ll, too, and to trtto,:a v• n.
. . .
An limp, guarnt,y 4.r
the and micg rity n:
the Innolutim, aintrded in the 4.l,arneter of the Di
rector, who To all rift...ft or 1 4 1,thur71, sell nnd
favorably 14nown n:the communety lot theft prudence,
intelligence, and inlcg nty.
Plnsursoim—V. Wm. DaVitel', Wm•
inlet. Jr., Wnher 11r) ant, Ilugh D hina, Edward
Ilearelion, Z. Kinpey, tt. liatrmugh, 13. M. riot.
Ao. 101 Wood
N VITF. the annotion ahoy.. to the.. lane muck
of FTe.h (mood. now [opt-none, and winch they ate
pren•red in sell on very uccomenod•tuts term,
We shed; be ronotantle :scrofula fresh goods dur
ing the season, and request an esamination of our
stock by Western merchants, and others vinntos, our
_ _ ang3l
Ulu wooo.,yraEE-r,
. -
Are now prepared gnat a large and fresh stock. of
Knalub. Germ., and American liattlware, to offer
supenor tndoramenta to buyers. Thcwe artahinK to
ttarabase wal promote th ew interest by loakin,
throogh oar stunk, es ulna , aro deternonwl to anti o
dm wow teasonablo tem.. angtnn
Mt. D. 11111112 , ,
Decoct. Comer orPoartto
and Decatur, bcmcce
- - • eat/AUDI
Market aid Fcrq strecu
At Cincinnati, Oh!eon the 30th of Auraell
NU Wnwto , alma :47 yea:..
hlie remains are expected on the Comer Iron, and
the funeral teal take place from the 00400000 of ks.
parents, on Fuho . street, of which doe notice ertll be
Try • who( sole and r an Dry Gmoda Store. a cora.
I,pct-to pi:cameo, with undoubted ref...nem none
nour , n.ed apply. Addres• C. IL, Box COO, Potaburgb
Inn.t , tee, septddl
N.11. N R *1 1 ' ..... F :4,k. ,
F ll ,
( 7 , v S
WARE. Zl7,f ,
hou,e. tb obt Kreet. latcly excupied by Young. lb. , '
& Plunkett sep4.l2•P'
• AVER o u & CO, hate awceiated incites O'H.
•, y, with incin in Me manufacture of Iron, Nevi
&c. The le call. fi rm will remain unchanged
Pliwinireli, 4 •eir mini 3,1650 —septdlw
11,...• WOOD P. IL k CND. .1 kJ. O'H. SCULL,
Ennis Iron Work..
Warehnuer, No 113 Water suo3, l'itt.burel, P..
Jlw '
" 77: .F rTj i l ' d "'nd .71V1 (ugtt,;s, • dxocattheme
um', the
of Ihm.erk,
ever tsh M'KotgLi, for
the Nape, oi mumiociumlK y •orsely of Fllint
T. z . !EL: t . r i „ ,...l:m t c ,4 t r I:z.,bor,eni,t,l....„erorAVtatnevd=
tu the I,usirect parts. oi the city, •1.13 to the City flail,
and yr tithe buddiuss: nod within(Ow mutates
w '
sot, the .1011 in boat foliating,.
'1 tie proftiorter, trOlit Ills long experience in the ban,
the ear of New York, having been e.mnectel
with I..oveoy's I lotr I for srrisl years, feels conh.
:left Hitt M. GA, t% 110 Ma, tra•
110 tl•- 011111,4 there
the comforts ot a Imine. ti MUG littOWN
Sett Cranetsen, Aug' I-r0,—.0
1)1 . .
s' I,:t.trnry Vero , 'Ph: street. opposite the
Coe. thee Est' ry a:lecher., should have this work.
•rp I
TAR l'l•.l4'S . Monthly .Nlagn Mon Mr September.
I 1 In tonal Field 1.06 01 we Revolution. Noe.
J.. , rent nor na.a by R C SCUCKTON
mp I Cor Merkel& Third it.
11,T,FICF: .y faro. th3l onamereament of
In, Dollar per *heir. boo Lms day been ord.,•d
tkyr., ti director , . of the Iron Qty Mintng
'Cctop.c, of . Nlicirenn, paratilt I 7 the Treasurer,
oe ;Id day of October
lit It
n th
I'itt.bur,ll, September'!, 1.00--gep.l:int
AT a Meeting of the ~ t oekboldera nlthe PittsburXii
n.icon!, I "rine Hail Road t ompar•, Lehi at
tit, 'loom. at he lloard of frn , e, Anat. :11,11enentl
Win I minter, of Pitiftbutgh, Jame. I•ardnet, EN., of
Wont Newton, end John r. Herat. I ,of Commit.-
rit , e. were appointed a CoMnIIIICe to co-operate with
a omit ar committee, conc.:rig of Hon. Andrei. Stew-
H. - Re.., F. 4. Col. A 51 Mil. of Fayette
County. end Ira Hersey of Pa mlolb it, who have been
dele,a,ed by the Connelirwille and Weal Newton Na
vot...inn Goinp.inv, to make such arrangement. a,
ume deem expedient to open either Rood
Plana 'toad colt:MC.. betercen Connell,-
de Cuniberiaud, h1d ..1 .
10,1 - 11. D KING, Beerentry._
Valuable Coal Land for Sala.
•u.,, other, intendire to remove to this 0117,
oiler50:0 Lis yen Valoahle tract of land in
township, 010 it. one quarter of a milt below
rontaintile WI yore. of which about di
sure , re Gus My of real lari ' d, 50 acres cleared,
0,1 Mr: Itul 4.1.4,1 limner Ins, It to of eas anon.. to
e Nloso,s,ela Hirer, and on Pool Nu y
:I a little
over quarter of a mile from it. There are five
sr bnnt • oprneJ; and s person .going in, the hem
os,d rocs, right of weir for a rod road from
Inc to the river, and would be enabled to deliv
er coal the, with [teat tacildv ano on very is vorable
eem intin w rev/ non, thn and t• ot a good
OW, 'or !mining. vol welt weiered, The op,r
-11 odc,ed n pur•lts•er .11,1 i as is Dot uflen
orewnled, a• the price wren tin resnosable and the
tem. ot°ilia easy Kr uire of Inc
I, t i Gn
the ,remi.c., jr N. Cuthbe q rt, tlitthlkeld stfeet.
rynepO eettrl Julio. If
_ .
hTRA Y COW gni
aril to at-•esolen,o of the subscriber. on or
ai.out vath of Auaust. a Neded Cow, with so
tn me
frt., d Mr beat and along the Dell, (awe a
rat,S .sopo•eal to he shoat coot years old. The
wvr the same is requested to come forward,
p•oge ploper.y, and take her away, orate sell be
so.d as tie law threat. AI. BRAN 11..7
Tartre Creek Malls.
hp. Sept 3, lislt —sep4s•J,sf
I Itt'EN VAR:aI:MI-5 brio, 106(6,1, and
IU aegt, uaw ...hog for talc by
."1 Water & Front sta
Theilortleoltnral Society,
\,l' 11.1, Lod e• X111111110:4 of Emit.,
t I••••• 1 1., Yea-Intim W
dn., in zlh hall all flow
er rffnft, f tee f.,:ftn, 01111 and 17th of Septemner.
A , 11•1- N ur•fer, men, and It, lover. of flora cane
r.f,) Invfled 10 pa.tfefmte krt. of member
•upal • .ff ff. If mi. vfffttf Inft of prennumt nom any
of Inc arcut l'anarnfttee, or the anlnteramr,
Chmir'u of Com. of Artaingenzeot
A F. w ~,ry Dweittoi, alma roof. office. bath
A r,..g0. K. I. store., awl hake oven, 149'1 hud wt.
kii , „, Water Irmo, ,p 3
i't,4llrtl,lV vil Pell some •rry
t,,rabir terrA rof MI and s ear the
.u• Turrint , and scar the southern lmmas
akl road
divnto4l tnlo quantitiee anii par.
ra)mrnt vrLit be •ery .
+Tr.,' re of Z REMINGTON.
itar,or 1.--4rr•.11..1 Nlanxecr.
/marnai and Post, copy
TH. LL .I• r•••••••• 1 • ••••••, put , •e•rd Ile Jetere•l o , FALL FASHION
"- '' --",.- L''
r nrr'"
k la` rill gn Leauliful el)le of Hat L. now I s kreHrrd,und
''' ‘." • ' '''''' n "'''' '. " . '"" . "' m ""' “ "'" 1 " , 1 win be ismoduerd on Selordsr. 31.1 in., by
LL,LL •ILLI n• ''
.le le 1,1 the v•e,np. t u ..,,,,, e .d e , the
.Lane name •nd .tree as Prretorore WatebotoL-s, ..,,,
Cor. Fifth &Need sta
....• U. , .enl ••., Pltliblirel. End An II Water street, - . . .
e cii,s L tslmpl,F, a t L om . 1 0 . OAP-150 brLi Louisville . and Cincinnati Soap
, t 1,,,LL,
WM si DISSKI.L. : C., band and for sale by
LLL., 1 L . , CHAS. IIISSEL no
Eakateria linrharige for Sale,
A ratra al the Ezrnante . olll,
A !LIONS kCO UNIATA BLOOMS—UP tons on bond, (Ironic b'
4 — rot Third & Alerket st• ; augt! I.INR & JONFS
• • -
eaitt•resty tor Food, Pad
Reope 'n• ItmirJ I.7n•tard —One quart nf new milk,
foi.r e-, U. n salt. two tstOopacolon.
of re 100. g0 .1 tho •orch of a small quar.tay ey
tor no k, perectly dio,leed and smooth—add
, 1.e.,, to the srcb—paur ter rltpe
r.h , cll ' ll:lg , the L•lsuce of th ta e
unlit, labile balling
.t b 01:. uo once —Excellent
For .:,.rr E SELLERS
57 Wood st
Yl.:ued Wantord.
T HE t,gll,lt into et price zli L lilp t ii s dn r. l i alLy
;Mt Liberty It
I)A , ICS —SW I.hda prime sdo, for •nte
bri• rxrp.riat.‘
1 cE-15 re, prime (or •ale by
(‘IL, -500 ea , . hlervired %violet Whale Oil;
/ IK , . an' .1 do do Sperm Orly
' :el or:. No '2 Lard Orly
la brie No l do int •ale by
A It S RSA ROL'S tiPERATION-1(Cblo,o(0,,n and
/A Ilther wil, rends per•ons insensible to pain, it se
the duty or tin 5, who sell many of the •rdeles
put ~er to to he Shavi Soap, to present each par th n sense eat quantity of the above articles
Le celll ve their suffering while undorgeing the oper
atm, et Ali•eing ,
/ I 1.1 , S II AI F.I.'S PRI,_
M 11. .,
i• ii ...c . sdinitted hall to be the very best article for
sho +it,: to ith 'Dull lin :Ws or any whet country. In
the us, of my A'mord lir seand Pistachio Shay,
etentn in,tr.d of , etnc an encl . ,. nu to he dreaded,
•th,lar a, rce Iy a krt.., The ingrodo nit of watch
it i• mon , ose.' nre of vuoli a nature. Mai a liner and
richer Is ran be made than with any other article,
lii. which the heard Is so trued, and the akin Is lint
liable to be bottle/ by the alkali which forms so large
• rotor.. ni other shaving soap, nor will A become
Hooped. hot will remain smooti , and soft as WI In-
Mr, Nn one, niter using this Shaving Cream, can
ev, rbe induced to use any other natation Is fleece.
Pary in parches no my Shaving Cream, as there are
iny Iradadona ....Id Ask for Jules flatlet's Shaving ,, l you will then trete° article which renders
shavlng eas• and pleasant.
JUI.ES II Itt' El., Pe rfuntar and Chemist,
P/0 Chestnut si , Phila.
Tor ••1 , .. wholesale and retail, by B. A Fahneatock
Ai'o , and It E. Sell." rilthbulgh; mid John Sargent
a' , l %It '4,1. Alierberiv env. ert.l-4
1 nl r lL ,,, , , n i t . ro i , i , o , i t 7e, this day, Beebe tLo;4 I N , ew
55 Width] 'Mel.
Coach 1.Z4, I Coach Lace I Coach Lac..
tiltl.Ll„ who'r sal, and retail mat otaeacer of
I T. Coach Friorre. Core, Towels. and . 1 run.
at NI. r 7, North r•sitili Street, Ph,ladelphin.
'• tell Motel.' and dealers will find it to
thy, r,terr at to coll. All orders promptly attended
a pep:1:111w
lI.NI rli NOBLE have rr dared the prier of
V V rl rlt I. s:ra loin it) riour to COllearond mill,
1 1./.•1 tnspume, Joel ree'd
VON Li' iN 110 INT kCO
C. 71. now I ,enng feum courtier 7 v cur, .ale by ISAIAH Litt - k &CO
Wort, & Front it.
DA,ON-I.incrinwoorted. in prime artier., in *moire
JI house find tor sole by tit RIVER & BARNES
130 & 132 Second Al
AIOR ED SALMON—A runty highly pi 'red in the
East, but never helot° brought to Piltabur&b. A
iv ve •er) talperior,jutt reed pet cure., and for solo
ssp y Ltheny ot
/ tit e.r.ot,—,oni bus oriole reed for oak by
F 1 PAINT -6 brie in r yed,tror,lFTLbj
GIRL 0.00 14 or 10 lean old, In slay in a winall
ANltv at this office. nuelu
I,l'llllllAMi, DUATUN & {{ U&T$.,
No. 77 Slarle•L tttttt Philadelphia,
Are now reeetring their Fon t , neen of
Including ir handsome assorMlent
N. ll—particular attention wit be paid to orders.
cog:3o:dlor.ivr toellN
I_) " . " „ P I RERv EU-Gl'''. WN A MeCl.l RG ACO
ASTILE. SOAP—lteectv.l and for •ale by
ll aer.l • WM A McCLAIRU &CO
C °FI'EE-261;.g;
Orr W at, at
NlA:r;u-'—"a ..,,TLi
SA . I . :4A/A—lo tuts ri;telgiteEblth;Gavam
Neer V: b itillhag at PLUS DaII,
Fey it row days only. Dabufearrami aright's! Paint-
Imre of
, NESE aut.:hoe works of art, valued at one hundred
' thonrand dollars: have been exhibited in the
neipal cities of England. Ireland. Scotland, and
the thine& States. to the universal admiration of over
MO millions of penny..
• .
d. tl it r m rasn n,e o mc!nyrgc.vlllolocaut.nigta.t..o,:di
MACKEREL -75 brio No 3111 a.,
hf brio dm reed for ..le by
1113 Lihrny
2' l ' 2
BROOMS -ILO dor on hand and for sa:e by
fiHEESE—so b. W. R. rreeived for .rise by
T oi
A . 11.1 c 1L l " 11.01:R 7 A freeh Bopp y
e erVele, jaw reed per tenni for .ele by
.ero2 A eI,I.IIF:RTON
DLACK WADDING-50 Rbste ttpyrior„for
Laalt by A CULNERTKON A (11. f MSE
Cor. of Market and Third sts., op stairs,
IS NOW OPEN for th e seeciption of students. both
day and evening, and far surptmes, in point of ar.
ranrco rin
gement, and racPttles for acqutg a thorough
ntile educatilin, any similar establishment ia
this section of the country. It ts divided Into three
apartments, each baring a separate entrance. The
large and elegant lecture room is tree upted exclusive.
I y by those purruing the study of commerend scence.
and is not infringed upon by the writing elm+ as then
have an appropnato room by ittem.lve.. Th e Indira'
class room is spler,didly furntwer, and so arranged
thot they can pees in and remain unobserved by the
geoUelnen. Tam insutatoon has been conducted, for
~,,a g, y ear , by I r. K. Chamberlin, under the well
known title or Chambet Ides Commereial and Witing
academy, and over two hundred saulents banebeen
to attendance sauce lost October. li is well known
by the public, that. vitae few teachers are wil par.
suing the old and soperannuted method of moon;
that consists In placing a printed book before the
pupil and requiring him to truismn be a certainbum,
, her aftage•, deeming • othing further necessaryi but
I this irreales tong since been abandoned by all except
the few, who are too stupid or igrormit to give
etheient notrocuons I hew recently received a
I number or student, into my elms thus instructed, (or
several months without r• musing any benefit. kloi
owing to the increasing patronage monism/ more
time to devote to petsmat.lup,&c.,l have secured the
, services of John Fleming, big,
I abbe Accoontauf,
sod author of toe Nottottal Keeptng, as ph inn(
`,17,!.'n"&';."',.`',"17t`,,,`,PL" . '2,`,",t,c,`, 0 . 0 .. r 'L`! - ..1."
; unnecessary, at be nos been Identified with the coot
' mere.; ot Pitthborgh tot the last thirty years. Thu*
1 deeitina a complete knowledge ot meromblei or
steam boat hook keeping, and also an elegant add
rapid pennoanabip, or a thorough khowledge of ma
the mattes, can enter the College at any time, under
um most advantageou• cia...threes. The course'
of Instruction Is well a* Wilt enable carry student.
iwho reertves the prescrMed course, to take chare of
a eel of books on leaving the inWtotion; nod every
one thus quititfied will receive a diploma, endorsed by
. J Fleming, Full . tbm will be of more service to ne prtb
curtng a sitimuon in this nom unite, than o en.
marred by any other Una
addressee to U. K Chameterlin, with reference to the
College, wnl meat with prompt attention •ug:11
A CIU'CK drawn by grinner hell Columbia, on
Palmer, Hanna & Co., in favor or Bidwell
Brother, or twitter, for tea is, dared 28th or 371 b Inst.
The finder will please leavo it wi h the underrigned,
as psyinent bat been stopped. J. C BIDWELL
F LO . O hour
il_ " "1.
8 F WVV r i e fl i Alfil.ZU6ll
B ACON- cs.k. prime
6 emitr prime Ham• reed for Bale by
& W BARB/it:GI
R. SPEER 1,.. removed to Liberty meet, bolo •
Put .trees, Igo Itrl 1/Ilice and du ether in th
OlL—zi brie Art rebid for F e c t i elj o
SOAP -50 bxx W ud.or so,
40 boo Casale Soap, reed for .TI! by
. . ~ • •
sucll J MOD &
ITed for glie by
.1 KIDD & CO
I)OTASH-13 canto far pale by
1 .431 1 KIDD &CO
SIJEJAR—W bEcia prime N. in oto . re,lor ..le by
MOLASSEb—.SO brl• N. 0. Molamas, otk bnr,els.
to store and for rale by
c oF . F rgT -,1 bat. 1. 0 .. Olf 7',' N n kA
MOL . A g S . !EZ-16 Ws S. II AA
T ,FLIf i 7(.II-50 bis in morn add fo j r i s i ae ,, l , FlF.LD
0 SHAH HOUSE 1110I.ASSES—n anis In store and
CI for sale by J AMES A llllrcitisoN A co
D tev- 15 les In more Itrii for %Mc by
11 eu~(nl J AMEY A lIIITeiIISOI4 h. CO
REFINED SUGAR-.9l t b b e r ' l , , , d i r co , ^1101;
110 brla C do;
150brit 1 do;
N, brit doable re rd coolie&
50 tale B powdered;
50 b.O der •
50 by. 0 clarified;
Io oto:a near*, sole by
ato/30 Agto fur Belcher , At loot. Sugar REfilllM
STARIN CANDI ES—ht.l h. 110. day rert Iced
E F.
• r. for sale by WICK & McCANDLESS
verrice.. hereby given, That my We, Catharine
II Kenly, having left my bed and board without anT
lust 0,1,...,01 persona are beret) , cautioned neat..
Innate, ber en my •ccouni, an no cents of her con
Wieling • .ier ibi date will Le pen' by me
auir3i Trlo,tdl REALY.
.VR.p rR
Canal num. ,c•enth
11TACKEREI.-80 brill Nu 3. Massachusetts brand.
hoar, w ature and for sale by
nue.9 KIER & JON}S
augol KIER & /ONES
BOLIVA R FIRE BRICK on Inuad and for sale by
_ . KIF.R R ;ON Eli
ROWING PAPER —Ageney for the sale of Tarred
Paper for grovel roofs, and orders rved for
pumps on the some by W I' MARS ecei HALL
XTOTICE is nearby siren, tliat my acre.
111 Iloymaida, having lon my Lid and board sotto
any inn cause. all per are hereby elution.
against trusting her on my account, as no debts of b.
ecntraeunc arser thus date will be paid by me.
Ihrmingbam, Aug. LL50.7-augW:43‘.
(21LICS—A large invoice plain changeable and
0 Adored silks this day opened by
mists, A A MASON A CO
G oN: !t i t A gr " : t 6142.: "° "
pw rcr p s . — c
p M ,r a y d a d;r d li:n y just teed, at th
Rog 25 A A MASON h CO
THF. Autobiorraohy Leigh Hunt; .nth
Rennet, of if lentil. nod tootemnotaries, In
Carlyle'• Latter Day rampaleta—Na VIII, aabj
History of Darius the Great. By Jacob Abbott, with
Juba floward, • Romance. By Mrs Barrio liell.
Pictorial 1 , ,ehl Hook of the Devolution —No 5.
The above works reocived this day.and for solo by
Cor. Market &Third st.
Taitap Nraaar, opposite the Yost Office.
D AV F• D e k e Zo r o e d r tni a :F N lm o in N e . (or August.
London Art .loprual for Augam.
Ltuall s lAvtag Are, No MM.
International Altteellany (or September.
/10%.11Shak.peare—No 22,
New London Shalt %peer, Na. 1 and o.
Lulea Howard a 'octane, By Mr. Bell.
The Mean, a tale. By Mar. F. Tupper, Fen.
Finn and True Lore, a aeow novel. 13) Geo. Sand.
• _ •
B ACON -11) essorted °
hand Mr raM y
mein' Water & Front am
DurAmi—lU casks ist sons In aloft" Ind (nestle nT
so ItSA IA 11 1)111111.:V & CO t
W 111T/N6-10 nth In mom, and wtlt bo sold ha
tiJ • in alt.. nonvigninent, by
L , AI 5H fIICICF,Y et. CO
.COFFEE -100 °apt Green Kin in •inre
IL quantity of ••tted CI. ,tn
j F—A •o
end for vale by IPA I All DICKEV et 171 I
TsuHF:breriber offers tor Fair, nn fanral , e wrinr,
the following tt al estate, to toe city of Pi.burgb,
tiv I.—Three trltlontOr three ',try hock D•
• •
Hour,. ou tcoorol Wee; between hhe et Nutt F
inteitte, the lots helm, rarh 10 fcct (reel ny Ni Orr
No 2—Contain..? feet front on Third .urret• ea'
tqleing the 'Thud Presbyterian Cheerlh on arittch
erected one 4 story Linea Bente. need as a prolong
office and one X nory Brick Warehouse.
No , a—Two. Leta in Fallston. Beaver:county, being
lots No 3 and 4, being &boot 1011 tees equate, on which
Is erected one block of lour frame dwelling. and one
reparate frame dweding. all 2 stones high.
No 4—One Lot 50 met front on Book streeL opposite
the above and extending to the top oboe bill.
No —Two Death Lots, each So feet front. and ron,
!ling Dorn the road to low Water mark,. on the Big
No o—One valuable Water Lot, lee feet on Wheel
Race, with ten share. Bates power attached.
No (—'inc Lot appall... the water let nu feel front,
and ratentitng to the wpm the bill, on which erected
one 2 nary Brick Starr mid Waehouse, {;fry 30 fl.;
also, one Frame Dere.thnkt atone. biga,
No e--Orte large Lot in New Nilson., Beaver col,
teeng about 140 fret on Broad Way,aind &tout 213.1
containing about II acre, on which la arecied
two huge Frame Dwellings and one mall. Frarrie
House used as an office. Ilia ploperly Was formerly
oeeopied itlr. T. C. Gould, and la very pleasantly
located, being Immediately oppogite the Fallabart
he tr—One Water Lot arrosierliyhtly, below Falloton
lholge, being obout ICO feet In length, and eXtendlog
Boot 1 &
000 to low tenter MaTt 01 . towlng,pedi.
The ri-ove property will be gold tist very tavorabib
,„.. Apply al the Book-Mend IL C. Otoekuge,
earner of Third and Market greets.
gmyYS,tlivr JOWN FIJEMINO, Arent
pIAJWIS—II7 taus NappicaEmmy 10f male Ey •
r) set 27 ISAIAH DICKEY tr. CO
0 Molitdse —
NI ULASSW'- TO Ott 1:11 do; Alt leclved
1:70 k I.7lPrrovil
S IVAA4: e r .. .ci T Z „ -- A 'urge ' a.ortnikt - 7.;(
te to Alper roll. 10.1 r-eeire 1.
W P .11AK98ALL
Aim a Wool 61
(Next deer to the ftrk of Phtsberyh
lauchneag• Ll[Okev• i
axa aaatrai,
NOTI:q,DRAFTI , LaCr , ...TANer.,I3OI.S,iiiI.I - ER
COLLECTIIONS.—DvaIta, tlote• atILL r. ppta
parabliilin any parlor the Unicift, collected oa the weir
favorei intim,.
EXCHANGE on New York, Philadelistita and R. •
also, Cincinnati, Louisville, :Finial Loins sad
New , . Orleans, Can't:rally for gain.
HANK NOTI-18.—oiii on all rolvi•nt bent, in its
United rttatesillseounicil at the lone" , rate. Al:
of FOreten and Aincitcan Gola laud:olTc, Coin tr•r St
and tout
N. Hopi... SONS hnve trno,•l 11,1 r Ilat
I se and RiehangeOffice to No u: Mark, ••
four tic “ri t,lnlv old slam , nu, 27
glaugtitertnga P.nctingEetebllebmeat
T ItE well known Pork and Reel S'augleerre .d
Packing Concrrn, owned nod fort., oceaptrd
by the lute dames P. Campbell,. for .1,1
'fbe rwat.l.ltscrot Is located
county. 0 , on the plat or ground ti , viding tt.e
canal learn tbr Scioto Rwer, and bar our Ita.u.m.d
fee gar ground Irons on reel,. Tileei.cio4tpie
am ion, of !wound, contatnirg large poi., Iva, and
conintrodioca •langlaterlrg. hargog. cutikng, tar L tar.
smolt,. nod lard regd,ll g (+user. hi,. hon. , r
cod every tolgonkence for lanctlltur Tw FA.%
HUNDRED HOGS PER DAV, and send, mg Inct :ord
from thebange, no tlarrr ace II 00111 , 1,11 Y, steam r
and ,rrtnne for realthog I cgs cutut g lard, and
two` tat is for tendert.: ods: I, steam.
There. in
: also, on the prrtses, e n tor House. large
onohßb to goo:am right thousand tort.rhs,
The t.triotn Volley, or whim, Chain-00,e is the etc
n•rkei,ia one of thr large.t Part and Reef Itkatrteir
the West, and hogs con always lie boo?* theta
at lower priers thou nt Cincinnati art) navy othrr
Ivan., and cooperage is abundant and el.enp,
Thrtr is no drayage nrcewary. on teals may be
loruted et the •
Parking Route and the facilities tor
shipping d.rect horn this via the lake. to New r oCg
oirlolin, or Itollimnre •ia Pittsburgh, or to
Me East or nouns rut New ()cream., ore Pt all Pelt Cr.,.
of like 'eye roily equal to dingo aff o rd e d by clurtim,,.
hionry far,litir• are al o good, there Inn,g Inn Of
ttPti ye `nu is with., lone bye a.
6'5N/cations for renting may hr made to
ALEX. II hteat;FFE , ,
Attorney at law, Cineittor
Or to FRAI! , I:3 CAM PLIELI., I
nop,f2std moat —316 Cull:cods, 0
Inriota tha.
Prof. Thomp•oles B•mtmary (or Twang
WILL commence t 101 l Flexion, on blondaY,
M the 2d September, at hir mint, 64 Liberty
between Third and Fourth rtrrrtr. Am • limited
number IS received, early application ail' be de.
triable. For terms, apply to Rev. Dr. Riddle, or to
MGT. at Hi mono awnhove.
Pinahorch. Atm 20, WM— none:idDe
H --
VINE Fl.OlO R-50 biln,o good nrucle, just trcenvtd
I' and for sela by SIMI V Ett & VA FlNh.n.
i!urn 130 & 11/ Second oi
X/ ACKEREL—Ln bhn , No 3 Torgt;
In 2. hf brie d
00 tit Grin No 2do; in." ro ,,i,d b y .
aar27 SIMI VF.R k BARN n'n
1417E111V k GURCIIFIELV Inform their m o o n,.
er. end buyers generally that, to eonwyneors
of:workmen bring engaged In enlarging and Immo,
leg their :StOft Room, they have re mord their got du
to hr SECuSt, Sense of the buddies they occupy. taunt
the improvements are fintrlied; where they vet , he
happy to see their customer. ots taus', and for the
Woable of walking up star, will try and remunerate
them by selling them Cheap Goode.
.I.C , Yotranee from Fourth street. aug2l
F•wr F.II Prints.
I S4 U s
u ß irp i l j y Y o ' l'n ß ew " t e y r il ll EL s rkTu " l7l F r
4,lUicpdr yard. aug.6
AFFIF,3II 'apply a 1 Ina l'nlnuit it I. extra Family
Four. a very choir, article. tart ,ed far *air Ity
au.3l 111 librrty at
. _
Q UYERFINN FLOUR-11/1 , 11. nn bend for ..le by
0 11.16 A I'III.IIERTSON & f..v by
tug?: 31 Wood
SUGAR—Z.I Mu!. N. U. Evgar, a prnac arable, tn
non, and for bale by
;nutlf7 S A WII4PTIAI,4I
LILO I) I, brls extra Uta Flour lov
r. ano7 SA LC 11AHBAL611
113 u -v KR-6 Wig p•oked hi : .. .foreiT , r A n i win; , .i .., ll , v ,l
P. , '...
SODA 1,11-7 ca•ks Sod. Anti re.... 1 for Pale by
n0r. 0 7 .- . 5 %V DA MIAMI.
E NZL y l.4 p ll , e n l o ct.r o l c , i; 1 , 0 .. 1; n r . „. l r lo , ;‘ ,. .o n t r 2 V ;;;:, , n
VV3I A hlo , LUllli 4.00
p G EF.Sl, i; :*
ITEIS c;:l 3 l;7 c at t 7tl , 7 ,
NtiFF.- , -(rreit . . in blatfeer•, by
AP SAGO C EES ;1: 4 7 , L T ,, t „, y
OARDINFS—ErrrIt Fardinr• in mlzn:c and hirlf
mist rcermrd wrd fur rale I.y
•ores WM A itteCLUßate CO
RUW I N SOAP-50 brit No I p•I rer'd (or ms'e by
FIRE/ BRICK-10.0EO rtorr •rni orb by
tux% Wale, el
nUFFET-10u begs Nim, R.,
Rlt Oil,— ',qt. No 1 j o r
1 "„ 1 ,:[';',. "A " MT` ,.' D ' A n 7:2 " l-:1.T. "
P E Z. P lVurn• A r l i j or E o n t it " :7f Y .l . . l : : ll 2'le, r'n.
auelit I.i,rny
'4 Grl. lot riCe ny
JA M 4 S DA12F1.4.
UPF:1(11111 rtr)LONG TEA-10 Ilene.. very line,
pl.t reed •nal for .nle I.v 11,1.1 e., or lb, as IcAv
iv eon Lc b0e.1..1 men of %tie Inou..m.
augeo WNI A NleCl.l;ne; A 1..)
0 L ju l . V n l r iL/ c l l L ,: j4:;:f t c t u r x :. s ,, l n t :;k.l:lE. riare brand.
S AL tate • ru,.—lUU bit in .toir and for .m,le I.)
,Tl.3n HT R SII.I
--• I • 4 Wand ot
DRUO.IIB—(.O dux to wiry ma for sale by
LI town sTU ARI & dll_.l,
:15 bxy o 2 Ili, in note and Yoe yule by
aur4o . STUART & h.LI.
Cif EESE—A mill lot bl ri
barn. Crcro rer',l by
nuctf; ,ruitcr tx Sill,
ArINEGAR-15 byl. old, La stoic slid for .al,. by
V nu ,- .11 . STUART & Sill.
B Ae fr y s i:7 27 -0 puma
R ATTING—So ba!e• No I, in cora and for sa!e ul
,;I . l' A KT t SILL.
/ t ass,— nesertca Sqoa. or aala
Bliels/Irs—au Juz Ileavre Backe. fur sale I;ir
au ai U A SILL
ticJJ C.ti.L.,-I.lafcrent W.V.:tor Kate 1.,y
tturth; -TI rat P k SII.I
rOBACCU-51, 4.111 errt'd
JY kcgs b mi.,: jut reed for me'e by
.1.03 IVY Literly rt
LY.l " at ' g'l 4L—,W
teal argearrlrtn~,ror.a
04OUR—Inn . in .1n•el and int- rale by
COFFEE—ILO bags Rin arrivMg, and for sale by
oWEET - 61'ape WoiO, Good Port Wine, French
CI Brandy, Ilodasd Gin. Englodl Om, English Rum,
Ore per battle, for sale by •
B.coN-20 . and ghoithlcrs :orFoie by
V IiATIIERS-33Mlbs joet rre'd for ;ale by
ool2S i•IitUVER B • ItNIF ,
bets jest iOr sole by -
atio24 511111%9-31. fr. BARNES
DtfrA,U—.l be. Jost read Gn I ale by --
•ngl4 BARNES
UiD4R "CITTItTri ardl , —.3 least. ran ..... d to
MM ~ and for sal, low, to cid., cOnliroment, by
09 Watitai,t 1311 , 1".1 pt
it 'ArUN- 13rliekeiVoulilerii in *loin, (or rnic by
nug . 24 JA5i ES A HUT. lIISON & CO
D ICE-15 ie. prime iu.i .le by
fl•iiati4 JAhlfa A 111.1TC111:40N & CO
T AIL, PliCil A
brie in min.
I pure, ice,' by
eligt , ?(:-15ii tar priine;iiijrre'.l for rain
n~I J lI_CANIfII-.1.0.
tor uniU . o
WICK t i . MeCA
vut , Nu T.Anixs ,
7.+; V
1..n1 ri,ar,
oronary 14par,,nt. and- r..rnf
~t , „„ nt
that instrO^tion• will now be. given to act.olara
aeca a9t). attainments. •
Yet penitentta see a tree: art' which may he had at
the book aware—et tenant Um l'aineipala at their
Alerneng an Fedtaal Street.
A :Fent", nee :ltr.
J. 1111. t. gr.
ENOLISH, Classical, and ,Filnd,nmatical PcSpl
will Re-Open on Monda) Inth inst., at Npc,
Wirbster Went, at Flte - Lesd of nr•eadli st.
aoatti c
—,,Affyxo • Ofthe Ohio. ..St Penn. R. R. Co,
PlUmbolgh,"Ang. 15, I tII. y
DROPOSAIS in writing mdl Le ereelved by the'
rr ondet.giled until Tuerdatt, the lit day of October,
for the debut,, of it ore.. ties o dotted for toying
the track nt the °bin and l'enotylvanot Rail tumid
from hence to hlatoolloit. a donator of th 7 miles. The
number of Iles recurred will be rt not one thontand
flay hundred per isole.l`Plie ties toe to to of sound
white (Ilk of rock oak, inb r xtet to the if, spec/Yon of
the engineer ol the cotopany. 1, v meat be cot with
saw, into leecthi of eight feet. I pawed YlOther,.
they am to be
fed by Oat Inches eduare; if of
hewed umber, they ere fn to fla:ted on the top •nd
bottom to v width of eirtti int..., They moat be
ricer of toot, delivered rid pr cif or no the hoe as
donetcd by the enx nicer, In twee. the bent of January
tool brat of May next PiXecre ~ ,e ripe c l o d t o s t ate
whit numbt r of ties the y to deliver, and en
what reettaue of the Mil toad tier protect to deliver,
them. •Tbey may incline. for ter ebr•tt of or locust,
if at.... theY maY ."' h " '`"'"
Preltroaltbate ,acted tor tote
of whoa yet* or white oft.
aid Iron r,rl,
to be dellyet“ oo tit. lion-