The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 03, 1850, Image 4

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R 101411441.314161 ZINC.
10HEI Wilk Montagne Company suPplytlr o l
with Roofing OM Flooring In sheets
11 io L =seem pet genre foot. Corme47,,i de u
147, 47 or. for mane pat 11e,,.
Ship Sheathing, 14 IR inches. "
rated Zino,
21.1noILOPT,Te7114 S°4-'
fllrey warrant their metal Panttl, fr . ' from any
ollmMtnea of tedtt, ‘of'mosfirtc:le:To
commend It for the
"I. and yhe polished,
rmoeted by the action of wats
plantedomd japnned— , other
'Sampe*, modaels, plan. •Soo.cattana, cad
lnfa ho,j4.ll.lmytarcakgentst
PWCIAL ."..% a. co. .nl
r AT . A .. ,rit y ,, - ,..n fr. Co., ;Sig el phts
V. & Nam, Saltimosol:
Huns, DAT k. Sraarrn Naar Orleans
:F. miLunoux, Resident'Agent,
uea d La L 9 Hanover at, Now York.
Edward A. Godfrey.
16 Soma Calvert 4., wear Baltiourre st.,Baitiraore;
(LaM E. Godfrey &Bone, N.Y.,)
IMPORIMPORTER of Shoe Media as, and Dealer in Lea th er,
Mr...lone kinds: English and French Yid Skins,
Calf Skins, Solent Leather, Morocco, red,
Whits-01nd pl roans,linines,g.e. Lastlngs,rmneals, '
Shoe Knives Awl Blades, Shoe TIIREAD, Bleed
T•elre, Shoe lila and Shoe PEGS, of all time.
E. A. G. Ting eatablished the So n eless
Baltimore, I enabled tp ll sh, ship goods hor West
with the elmout despatch, end at the
Maaufactorers, dealers, and all other., may rely
upon obtaining every article In the trade, of the best
gsality, uld on
urer libera
of L em..
4ilop.hlmtufertest, Boot Treu, Shoe Trems,
Cramps, Crimps, Coot fitretchers,de.
yoromptly executed. Low prices for cash.
A will
catalogue containing a complete list of every
ele In will be forwarded to those who
way desire It:
im near ihttllttlOre St., Bat
Breadmray. corner of fluidal La.e.
9tlllB eXiedislve HOTEL. has been Wood by th
ed e
rh l sabserlber, and has been eolnplete l l
e most e:egain manner. Largo adinion• see
being made, orl.:eh. when comilleted, srlll mate It the
most extensive Hotel In New York. DUO° detenab
nation of the proprietor, to mate it ellen' , ni7 re
spect, to any other Howse In the (lilted States. Its lo•
cation it the moat desirable ace centralist the city, be
ing in the feihionahle part of Broadway, convenient
to n d
all the public buil:o place' of arnueernyi, and
buttneas. Grateful_ fat Me libend patronage received
from pi e w e stern friend,, while at Cumberland, Md.,
and mere recently at the Weddell House, Cleveland,
Ohio, he sespeetfallyvalielts a renewal of their patron
age, for hie new es tablishment, at New tort, and
begs to =aura them that every effort on bin part shell
be given to administer to their comfort and pleasure.
NoviTork, March, 1.091-Imr267m
A rowroatir. FOR LIO Or 1.3.
0 4iers,George street, Plymouth, Englazed The
Managers bog to at qunint their eat:acmes nattoruthat
tie next Distribution of Portrails of Race Harms, will
commute those entered for the forthcoming Grand
National Derby Race; thetimber of shares to be
limited to Spoil eachOlass. First class member LIR
_wood clans ditto LS. Early application for the an.
appropriated abates is necessary. A party subunit.
Ng for more than cum share has the chance of gaining
an equal number bonuses. Those members who draw
the venous Portraits will be presented with tae
Awing sums:—
Portrait of Ist clam bonases M ditto
Winner, or Vint Hone .f. 0,000 Lik,oau
Second Hone.-- lOW° 5,000
" Third Home POW 4,000
Divided amo ng. , Starters Starte. •-• came 3,1:W
e " Non•Stmtere 6,003 ZOO
There are 2GS bonuses In each class, that being the
Comber of horses entered for the rare. The Drawing
will be conducted upon the same legitimate prmeieles
as those which Characterised the lam St. Ledger and
etherPmeeedingo parienlars of the result will
to Sent to'absent members immediately after the de
cision, that each may know kis position.
Subsctlbers registered and scrip forwarded on re
ceipt of a remittance. Mlle of Frehange, Drafts, Rank
Notes, Re. addressed and made payable to the
Managing Directors. W.JA HES & CU.
Five per cent. commlesion to be reduced ion the
zr . esentation of bonuses.
. _
isaci) REED HOUSE, 1.50
BARBER* Propulsions,
Pubis< &rums, Eris, P.
GENERAL STAGE OFFlCE—Eastern, Western,
and tkouthern Stages, leave tht, house daily. Car.
rlagee to add from Stamen and Packet Boats Gratis.
AL W. Knoll, late of the American Ilene', Erie, Pit.
G. W. Baum, ute ofwo Kinsman Rotel, Ohio.
Mlle Java. llsarrars Fluid RI sairmsalas
PErASIED ender Ito mamma care of the In.
venter, tted established for upwerds of thirty years.
This elegant pi eparation rs recommwded In ell
Cases of bile. atidthes, lodigestim, goat, and gravel,
as th e mon safe. cosy, ono effectual form is which
Mammals may. mid milted th e only one in which It
ought to DE exhibited. possesslng all the properties of
the Magnesia now geacral ore, without tieing liable
like It, to form dangerous concretions in the bowels,
It egectusily cares heartburn without injuring the
coats of the stomach, as zo,la, prams, and Weir car
bonates are knowndo, it prevents the food et in
fants turning or in to
all cues a bets as piecing
s-rind is pecoliarly adapted to female a
Mr Humphrey Davy temiLed two chit solution forms
soluble combinations with zinc aeid salts In eases of
goat and grovel, tberby cosnieraming their infunona
tendency, when other alkalies, and even Magmata
Itsel had 'failed.
From Sir Philip Crampton, Dart, Burgeon General
to the Amity in Ireland:—
“Dem Str—Them can be ao doubt that Magnesia
nay he administered more safely in the form of • eon
ceutrawd solution than insubstaneet for this, and
many other TVLSOO2, lam of opinion Wat the Maid
Magnesia Is a very valuable addition to oar Malaria
Sir. James Clarke, Sir A. Cooper Dr. Bright, and
Messrs Guthrie and Herbert Mayo, of London, strong
ly recomotemil Murrar• Fluid Magnesia, as being Ire
itimly More sale and convenient taw the solid, and
free froze the danger attendutg the oonsmot ma of
modem pouts..
For sale by the Bogor , p A lt i a r ildr=lir;: . Vs,
knaySti Car. of Woodli — Front sta
VOTIOE la hereby invert, that on or about the 15th
of April, the wharribere had marled to them. at
e . lllbarg, Vs., tee followingtotes, am —A note
drawn by G. A. Manta, pas able to one order, dated
April 19th, at 4 month,, for sin 60; a note Masten t T
John 0, Morgan, swan claw and time, for 1111 17, and
a note drawn Johnfavor of John S.
Martell, and ra•ando by raed t by as, dated April oth, at
fear months, for 5175. The above notes were never
received by at, and this It to cannon all person.
against trading for or buynig the tame, aL.i payment
ot Wen has been mopped, BA. %V HAEBAUGH
PIANISEI SPRING a. 117/1111.1CIEL 00005.
A VERY larged chnice mock of Fresh Spring
tn 4 Summer Goods has last been opened at
Alexander & No as &wk...., north west
corner of the Diamond.
In ailing tire attentlon of ens cmaamers and the
public to tlait mock, it affords as crest pleasure to be
able to uy it embraces GREAT BARGAINS in al
most overt deuripuon of goods, as a lute portion of
it watt purchased at t h e recent extensive aacuon sales
to the eastern clues. Our assortment, Loth of fancy
and staple goods, ts very cayenne, and affords to all
each Doyen, either by vanotesale or retail, a firm op
poruttury of saltine bath taste and oorse.
New style Foulard silks, very cheap; rich plain and
figured changeable sties, of almost CT.") , style and
g eerily; gaper plain and Stared black silks; do. be
reft. and times; bereft, de lens, new and hand.
erne style; new style 1. reach, English, and Scotch
..ures. In great •ariely, and at very low prices; plain,
lured, and satin strtped de lain. of all kinds an
galenite. linen,la. 01 all shade* and rotors; 1014-
km:ta t eldna prints, ke
• --.
Super chameleon mit 'havoc plain and figured
black do; plans and embroidered ThiSet do; fine cash
mere do; super plain and embroidered white and
colored crape do; barcse and net dn. he.,
Ausortment of mulls, nusooks, latonets,
emirate, nooks, bishop, turns. fee.
Regh d icesay, poen Wenn, Florence breiCend
gaper n in.nw benncte_
A )Quo smock or superior plain and fringed silk and
glesik. Tore 617 0 71 , 1( 6 1 11 Ar l tti l es.
A{age assoruaent of super French, Hoglish and
eioths and eawimeres or all queliiles and
prices, is 'shied we would Loewe the attention of the
Oar stock of brown and bleached muslin!, tiek4a,
Ohetks, chambray!, drillings, /cc, is amy larger and at
the 'very lowest pnees.
Also, a large lot of table diapers and table eintla,
broken and bleached; Roca and Scotch diapers, crash
linen. nankins, course and wool e goods for into and
Wye wear, Utah linens, red, white, and yellow flan
nels, alnatfile gingham*, silk and linen hires and
glopes ufalt kinds, nosier!' and bonnet ribbons, arti
ficial flowers, Me, to all which we would rerpectfolty
invite the auenuon of wholesale and retail each
PS Market st...N Wenn of the Diamond.
APPLE Tainfaus
lAM now prepared to furnish Apple Trees., from the
Well known Nursery of Jacob N. Brown. The
loses will be delivered at the wharf at Pittsburgh for
SIS per hundred. Persons wishing good thrifty trees
should leave their orders .ours at the Drug, Seed and
Perfumery Warehouse, corner of Wood and Sixth its.
atilt 8 N WICKF.B.SHAM
- *DAILEY. BROWN k. CO. have eratoved to No tee
p Water., ad doer below the Monongahela House
PALMER, HANNA it CO. have remcrred their
Ezchanas Othco to north west earner of Wood
and Third lames. atatt
CHURCH. CAROTHERS a CO. have removed to
No 97 Water 55, between Wood a Evan, In the
loam formaly occePted by HtudY.Yonee ! it Co.
grARCII-25 bee Sonbriybes ex Sum&
15 bee Strube ea;
XEI bee bl• Clare & Tee. , do . ton reeehred
end for eele by MILLER & RiCREmoN/11
plantation Samar and alolaaaea
libris common, fair, & prim. PLaritaUon Sagarr,
Ica oak WI. Plan ZUolllolasses;
To czpresbria do ' In core, for solo by
172 k 174 Liberty on
i'RE.-4/ 0 bag. for mie y
41 Wale? or
14:1CE---Cie To 7
Hill:lt:WS-10 br:o No for 1.j1;;Ii-tRANT
HAMi& REEF-10 tes Daf6eld's Cared Hams;
6 ten 611Ust, Brovrattliankinsdo
30 tea Evans A Swift's do,
tea D. Maey's do;
6 Its canvassed Beef roandm
6 um plain do
pot ..It by 10191 SELLERS & NICOLE
11 for side by (611111 ROBISON, TATTLE k. CO
ICIftIIE SOAP-160 ex. broom
e 0 Ins No lli
GO boo No 1 Rosin Soap;
Jut nealred and for l abs by
16ii-X-it DrFioasa ILA•trwort avid Tar. Jul ra•
le& Salved and for We by J KIDD & CO
64 DOZ S. P. Taarnsendh namparnla. for - 71.7y
Xs./. Jrnl J JUDD kCO
rill TONKE UV i..NDKR —WIT, • reed
KID" for bate
°° by
1.-/ POI
liffetisTAß-16dTbn j '
110 brls PV T , on aangarmacas.d
or sik e . En .. _,,___.4" LLEIt! NICOLE'
WO.II Wood.strees,kee_basi received esvese
.l.l torment of PIANO MUSIC, among di's
the folkraing:—
Molly, do you Love me, by H. C. Folder.
011, may the Red Rom Lye Moray, do.
holly sNol a Lady, do.
Costa ; do.
Gyring to Ron all Night, do.
Dolly Day, do.
1 Boldiers Wedding, by Glover.
The Robin, do.
Oh, Touch the Cord yet =se Data.
Berms Memoir. or Tee.
raver Moon.
Lament of We Irish Emigrant.
A Nem Madley Hong.
Thou bast Wounded the Spirit that Loved 'Ma.
The Conscript's Depanare, by 1310••7.
Be Kind to the Loved Ones at Home.
liome where e'er the Heart to.
The Yankee Maid.
Lour IMAM Car, by LOTS?.
Do lon ever think Orion.
Member Gentle Lady.
Slam Celled. , Wedding, Wreath, and
Batchelor, Maiden, Debove
Souvenir, C 2117, Bina, Lll7, Alice, Evergreen, Sara.
o_ge• Adieu. and Lial relose• may'.
'CITE enter not Lae the lint of palfera, we say nothing
T about Hundreds of Chests, Importers, Large
Capital, Bought for Cash, fa. In fact, we will not
h um p" to eny manner OT form, we simply invite the
public to rempara 000 Teas mob what they purchase
elsewhere; this IS the best method we know to aseer
tale woo sells the bat and cheapest Teas to F`dtts•
We are now ailing
b°TGood and strong Tea at 40 and 60eente per lb.
A Mira oftiele,. ----e • - . ••-• 73 do de
Tbe best Tea Imported into the Ten, tes, gl
Low mined, damaged, or Infaior we do not
kee p • MORRIS tr. HAWORTH
Proprietors of the Ten Market,
Fist side of Damon& .
Great damerisea• Mintkaantoal Work.
D. Appleton tr. Co , New York, have in coarse of pub
Ration, in outcomes twenty flat cent, each,
Ataritines, Meehan:., Engine Work.,and
gleaming; &tuna far Prawn:a inninng
Men, and those inkradtd for the Eng..
neersng Prqfennon.
111312. Wf OUT. Iliart.
THIS ken,woßiii:7ll.4e .lintarld will coma,
Two Tuoczann roan, and upward, of sin rune
soap rumnuerrons. It will prevent working-draw.
Inge lend deseripoons of the most important machine,
in the United Puma Independent of the result. of
American ingenuity, it will emanate com plete _ preen.
cal Dead.. on Mechanics, Machinery, Engine-work,
end Engineering; with all that Is useful in more than
one thetheand dollars worth of folio volumes, maga
zines, and other besets.
The great object of this publication Is, to place be.
fore premien l men and. Modems such en amount or
theozencal and scientific knowledge, In a condensed
them, as shall enable them to work to the best advan
tage and to avoid those mistakes which they might
Allie ' rarise commit The amo.t of azefel Intheenation
thus brought together Is almost beyond precedent in
such works. Indeed, there is hardly any ealder,
Within its range which is nut treated with sock clear
ness 9.134 precision. that even a man ethic most ccii
narycapacity count WI of pridernanding it, and
dens learning room is mach which 11 is i 1 a1 ,01, ../ for
Wm to know.
The pabLiabers are. In short, determined, reeurdless
of eost, to mate the work as complete as possible; and
uis hoped every one drain: as to obtain the work will
PrOMPP it we issued In menthe.. and than encourage
the uiterprthe.
..The e r ..4. 4 wil t.
i l te="l o. 4 , F o rint d i- w mo w nt w h roi. ly number., with
great regalarily.
at Re.,,,w,,,,t*rer 111 °t he/ l e i : 7 J i pubWLed In linnullne;ft
rant year, liberal discount will be made to
Any uneyethining the publisher. 111 In •dvanee,.
shall receive are moss through the pool creel tree
OpLaleas with. Prses.
.Iro om nether.. Manufacturer, Mechanics, E.
gine., and Arbsana, le will be a minor of wealth-n
Plnvideeee, /./ Journal.
°Tonne men, arm yourselves with its knowledge.—
We can with confidence rmommend our readen to
pow. themselves of its admirers as fast as they ap
pear.n—Amerienn Anise.
'We unhesitattngly commend the work to those en.
caged in or Istereeted in mechanical or scientific par
thus, as eminentlywor D thy of their examination and
nedy..—Tyor, (N. I'..Wget.
"It is truly a great )
wort, and the publuhere de.
verve the thanks of Inventors, ne.hinista and mans
tactumrs, and indeed of the ;abbe generally."—N. Y.
"This Dictionaey will be highly woeful to praeUcal
mechanics, and valaable to all who wish to acquaint
themselves with the progr.a. of invention In the me
chanic artan—New Bedford Daily Mercury.
"Young mechanics ought to keep posted up in the
oreucal am well as pearl cal knowledge, and rots
work will show there pest how they stand.”—Rokbary
'Man.; Advent.,
' , Notate it to be just the wort that scores and hen-
Jreds of one intelligent mechanics have desired to pos.
:in ample a. ll" destinpuons, and so anti
minute its specificauon, that it eeerpe toot that any might cent's. ant machine o describes, on
he srength ens eneravengs and instraenocs."—N. Y.
Commercial Advertuser.
'2Ol interested In m.hanics should avail litera
te. of in. advardagea"—Elehuylkill, (Penn.,) Joan-
work of extensive practical entity and great im
portance end Talmo to the rapidly increments interests
of the country. We regard the work as eminently
Caleal.ted to promote the came of science and the
meclosincal arts, end to disseminate valuabie Inferma
bon on these enbjecte."—Fermor and blechtrue.
.Prictical men In all the vaned wells of mech.-
cal mid omufacturing industry) destryo engei4ng .
. ton
find in this work s treason whies it will be to their
proit to poutesa..—Tioy Daily Wing.
"We hevecarefelly perused the numbers, and beer
no heattation to saying that it is the ben work for me
chanics, tradesmen, and scientific men, ever publish
ed, for it contents mum. information on every benne h
of the mechanical arts and se ere, careered in •
style and language intelligible to soy reader of erdi-
Ilitly cepacity."--tiloneeeter,(klasa,) Neva.
.We an sore we are doing the mechuilca of Nor
wich mud other parts of Coninnticet a aerates by
bringing the work to their etmotion.—Norerieh,
(Conn.) Courier.
-It la jest sortie work as every mechanic should
peeseas.o—Preeman'e Journal.
Wo consider hone of the most useful and Important
publientiOnS of Bleep,. No mechanic can afford to be
without 11..—Newam, IN. J. 4 Co othirreial Court , r.
vOi all the various plibl:cal+Ort• baring lor their 01.-
Bill the elucidation and ad•ancement of the mechani
cal arts end sciences, none that we have seem, is so
lull of promise u this"—Buffalo Coen.:Adv.
"It ie the best end cheapen i work e‘er offered to the
amenfike end praetical engineer and Ineptanie pie
plena art beaatlkilly executed."—Wastuninou Blob,
“Thie great Ineutinary is one of the moot useful
works eve: published fur years, nod the low pnee at
which it is sold makes it acceptable to all^—South
"We regard Bea one of the most comprehtneive and
valuable, ea well ae cheapen works ever published?"
—Baltimore AdVClllsar.
"Oogbt to be Wan by every one desiring so keep
Nice with the • regress of an and science in esery one
of the labors ti <inland life •'--Ritindnot Gentian
"Ills designed after the prinespi therm res DieS ions
17, only that it iv mom devoted to ech.. eal and
pigmenting professoriat, and above PI, I is valuable
lecompfishong for America who . Ure has done for
ngisad„ vix destribing Amerman machinery and
worm of at L e —Sicientifie American.
"lilt published to flambe., and at a price so mode
rate, but ing at what is contained an ev ell number. that
no doe who has the least Interest In such mitten,
need be deterred from procunng lb end ever/ one wee
does so, will find that he has in a condensed form an
mason of inttraetion which would be °Mislead, if at
ell, only by the pemhasit of very mom volameste—N:
V. Courier and Enquirer.
eTba comprehentiveness with which the subjects
an mimed, the adminibM manner in welch they are
dies/rated, conspire to mate this one of the Mow desit
rah:. wortee--llcutocratie Review.
. . ....
°this work should be lathe handset entry mechanic,
on ran, and mannfecumer, eapeelally those who bane
Animist erpiratioaa to excel to their respective hose
s. We how amorally examtned It, with a vices 01
mcommending It utnveomrs. To them we would
say In the etronic lenignage of the Set °lt is good.' , —
re Inventors , Journal.
If the foregoing advertisement la inserted five time
daring the year, and the paper coming It sent to n
a copy nettle work will ha sent gratis in payment.
Contobaiwg my Mercury, nor other :Veneta/.
follovving teennomal was given by the Cele.
brazed Dr. Waxier Beach. the author of the great
medical work entitled ...The American Feature
Medicine and Family Physician."
illaving been made acquainted with the ingredtents
...which compote hlcAllisterl• Alleblealing Ointment
and having pkeseribed •ed tested it in severe c.f..,
my private practice, I have .o hesitation in saying or
eerefying that it is a Vegetable Remedy, .ot
no mineral substance whatever,• that its Ingredients
combined as they a and used as directed by the
Proprietor, are not only re,
harmless, bat of great value,
being a truly scientific Remedy of great power and I
cheerfully recommend It as acompound reldeh has
done mach good, and which is adsyted to the care of
• great variety of cases: Though I have never either
recommended or engaged in the sale of secret medi
cines, mimed for the truly honest, conseientloas, hu
mane character of the Proprietor of this Ointment,
and the v•los et his discovery, oblige ma to say thus
mach maudlin it. W. BEACH, D. D."
New York, April 91kl,
BURNS.—It to one of the best dings In the world
for Horne.
PlLES—Thomands are yearly cured by this thou
meet. It never falls in giving relief.
For Tomer*, Ulcers, and .11 Urals of Sores, It has
no coat!.
If hfotharsland Nones knew its mane In eases of
Swollen or Sore Willa, they would alsmys g iv es Y l'', inch eases, If ased according to direcuons, It
relief In a very few hours.
Aromd the box - are directions for using MeAlllster's
ointment for Scrofula, Liver Complaint, Erysipelas,
Tem,. Chilblain, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Quincy,
Sore Throat, Bronelotes, Nervous Affections, Pain,
of the Spine, Bead she, Anthrea,..peafne
•.--• Ceres, sit Di
Disease of lint Spina held hehe,
Eat Ache, Rums, Corns, all Diseases of the Skill, Sore
Lips, Pimples, he., Swelling of the Limbs, Sores,
R umallsm,Piks, Cold Feet, Croup, Swelled or Dm.
lost Dram, Tooth Ache, Agee In the Face, &a.
Prom the Reading Emil,.
There was never, perhaps, a Medicine brought be
fore the public, that has in so short a time won sech
reputation ai McAllister's All-licehrig or World
Salve. Almost every person that Loa made trial of
speaks warmly Wits praise. Our has bees cored by
It of the moil painful, another of the pile.,
a third of • troublesome gain in the side, a fourth of •
swelling in the limbs, de. If it does not give home
dime relief, to every case, it era do no iN.ry, being
applied outwardly.
As .other evidence of the w.derfol healing pow
er. possessed by this salve, we se:biota the foliowing
..fielue, from a respeetalil• eituen of fdaidenereek
township,. this county:
Maldencreek, Berk. no., Much 30,11417.
Meson. Ritter k, Co:—I desire to inform you that I
was entirely cared of a severe pain in the b.k, by the
aim of McAllister's All•Realing Solve, which I pur
chased hots yen. I suffered with it for .boot S'n year.,
and at night was .able to sleep. Daring that tune I
tried venous remedies, which were prescribed for me
by physicians and oth. perwsa, anlbM.UCC.iVing try
relief, and at Iwo made trial of this Salve, with a re.
.It favorable beyond expectation. I WS now !SIM-
I/ rm e from the .4 enjoy at mg' lit a peaceful
.d sweet sleep. ' tare also used the Salve Mn 44 for
tooth ache and other complaints, with atmailer happy
resell. Your friend, Jong Ilounitesen.
Bole Proprietor of the above medicine.
Principal Office, No IN North Third street,Philadel,
£ol2lltl n PRIIIIPII2O.-0. A. Pa!mama A Ca.
COMO, of Wood and First sit Wm Jackson, No.
Ma Liberty meek L. Wdeon. Jr., corner of Market
meet and the Diamond, also comer of Fourth and
Smithfield Meets; J. IL Cassel, comer of Walnut sold
Peon cu.% Fifth Ward; and sold at dm Bookstore in
BronhGeld stmefi 2d door from Second,
In ALWfiltcoYektY bl D. P. Schwartz and J. Decal:an
By 1,.0 Smirk Droufst,threningham D. Neale',
Hard Liberty; ILRomano nielietsporn
R. Son Mononxabela City;'N. Bowman Co., and
Drawl:millet John Barkley• Bniver, Pm
John Mker, Jr., B. kalethi
RISC! illidNEoll,B
Valuable and e teinlve W ate
' • 10t nhaaaable term
now prepared to lease the Pinter P over al the
Grand Rapids, to gin amount it:aliment propel four
h o ond pairs of null stone. Tha locaSion um timed
upon • rock foundation. and the north, ea n cones
ntently.'be applied on both udes of Ur, ri , ire. The
Ifratofthe White Rner, as well as the W• hash, can
he readily furnished at this point •Phil., timber,
iron ore, and coal, in the greatest alto 'dance, and of
qualtty, can he easily procured through the
same country
Tmots—One hundred dollen per annum fir a pow
ulaciend to propel • single rue of medium used
mill males, fora period of fiftee
n year win the
right of renewal on the exptration of the ,
least, at •
will mination of the power employed. The site of the
mill ormmufmmry Included, wuhout further charge
(tomtit< Company. By order of the Threaten.
President char W. N. Co.
May 9,11.4 n my:ll:dim
V utmrva, la
—The skin of many persons is disfiguredwith
tTight eruptions, as pimples. morphew, &c., and when
his is merely • disease of the skin, as it Is in ninety
nine eases out of every h•ndrad, It is eery easily re
moved. Jules ilauel's Nymph Soap is expressly
adapted to diseases of the skin, as it acts directly
upon the minute Ares which .over is surface.
cleansing them from Impurities, and by its balsamic
properties healing and errdicating all eruptions, and
rendering the durum and roughest skin soft, lath and
blot Ming.
Persona who have been In the habit of using cosh
. nary soap, will be astonished at the beautiful edect
produced by the Nymph Soap, in Impantng a delicate
bloom, preventing the neck, face, w hands from chap
ping, allaying all irritation, and removing all cutane
ous eruptions. It possesses an exquisite perfume, and
Is entirely devoid of all alkaline properties, rendering ,
it the only nrtiele which eae be used with safety and
comfort in the °emery.
All those whoa faces or necks are disfigured with
Omples, blotches, two. morphew. &e , should make
trial of Jules Ilauel`• Nymph Soap, as the proprietor
positively assures them. that its trite will render the
most discolored akin •bite, the roughest skin smooth,
and the moat diatomd skin healthy, pure, and bloom
Jules Ihmel's Nymph Soap is the only article which
will effectually produce the shove effects in so .nark
a time, and the o-ly one which Is at the wane time so
powerful and entirely harmless. Prepared only by
JULat HAUEL, Perfumer and Chem.,
PM Chestut street, Phil..
For sate wholesale and retail by It A Fghnestock
& Co., and R. E. Sellers, Pittsburgh. end John Fs,
Et•L_lt and 1 Milehcll, Alleenrny etty. 1 . 11.
GOOD Mahogany Plano Forte, ri octaves,
Elm 00
V A handsome upright Piano, will: Rosewood
I Furniture, 0 octaves, and in good order • • • • WO to
A plain M octave Plum If 441
A good enclave Plans. • • ...... -•• •• • •---- et tin
A good Of onteve Piano, with Landaumu farm.
tura ...... +tit
JOLIN II ►1R1,1,011
tl Hied
For sale by
may •29
alotalle ■lght Light
SUPERCF : DING the Wooden Floats, and being to•
conibasib le, thereby economises the oil, and pre
oenni annuli, heretofore PO much obiested to in 1111
ther floats One table speontul of the remmon
lamp oil will law Nine Ileum or nes further , PO(111
of Ursa, accordirts to the nodninnelquanoty or is
Received and for sale by JOHN D MORti N
mare Orogenl_
Tun RECEIVED, at the Pato,bnrgh Family Cro
eery and T. Warrlannse:
do Netted dtt. to
0 do do Co, in pint do.
The abolre Fyralt Oyster. ma parboiled, Kra pot up
In a highly concentrated poop, enclosed .n hermetic a!
ly waled cane. and will keep much longer that those
pat up in the ordinary way
For wale, wholesale and retail, by
4.41..1berty Sr
Great Ama•elean Mechanical Wort.
TA APPLETON & CO. New ',York, have ii coat .,
1./. of publication, IS tarts, pr re twenty Orr cews
ach, a DICTIONAR% Lf Machine. Mechanic. rn
glWork, and Uvrincering; designed for Prsuneat
`corking Men. and those intended for the
Profauion Edited by Oli•er Byrne
This work ts of large hoe are, an d will contain two
thousand pages, and upwanls of au thousand illustra
tion. It will present working drawings and de-enp
f the
ardentportant machine. in ihe United
Start.. Indep of the ref alt• of American in
genuity. it will contain Complete practical treat:yes or.
Mechanics, Machinery Engine Work. and Engineer
ing, with all that is owtel in more then one thousand
dollars worth of folio volume.. magastnes oiner
hooks. au number. received. •n.a la.
V.? Apollo Haueing Foarlh st.
/oho 11. Mellor, SI Wood Street, Pillaborgh,
Sole Agent in Western Nor:sylvan., for the sale of
Grand end Square Plano Fortes,
jIOI..CA to tolorm bts nods susl mu ea. puhlte.
DP that be hen now invo:eer. und siA
expose for so,. durtng the resent mord., the wee.
and most destrahle stswir of Pau. Fortes ever off-red
for sale in the Wen—amongthe number Will to lound
Ad supply of
Superbly caned Rosewood Grand Piano Fortes,
with all the recent improvement, in roec,st.,tra
style ortenor •
Splendldly carved Rosewood wren Wave Square
Plano Fortes, is to theFadabothan end Louts
XIV. styles
With *large nook of all the ..,inns •tyle•
no Forte., rarytor in peter, from 5273 to gam ens
prepare, by Ms Chreleftne for the pretent
yen. (11.50
rorehaeers one ...turd Sit nor r,oto of Mr Cbte
ertnes rtanos have neon..,ui reo,nue to he. Ire
sear at tbe uusnulsetory in Roston. sr•thont eberee
fortreaportono, and set:. be jar . . se , •
perfect order, to any put at in< w .toot
TOR . a d.rv g nit4 beg* 'care 10 Inform the patolte
W he had declined boomers to rd rot •( Itto
F. 1! Da•es, lobo and eonirlin• We uld Cond•
almrtion bond:Lova at the aid .rand. eadrarr of Iteood and
Fifth street.. and tor whom Pooollo ll a ronlia
ria.ue n f the littoral patronage heretofore berturverd up
on We how... JOHN 1.1
ApOl Pth, IPLA
w c03.1.1i py . %Va. JIM, /WTI/ oro• roo.
ILL make. le, on Lihoral toms. or Fore. nod
Domes., 51..tehnotite, Real ttootte, rl4.ek,
3e.~amd hopc, by exporience and f
Oth e • . utert:nn
bos to Merit • eOntillUlltlet Oe ppOtt
patronsor litternily extended to the former house. n
April 9th,
11Ie decease or the active partner, in Philsdi.lnlita,
line late James NI Davis,l Prodneeo no imetrantion
to the husineu—arrangements have been made to e h
involves the same interests pree.setY, Which ~
heretofore existed The business is continued ender
the name name and firm, etc
/axes Dam. Phliadelphia;
Joan N•Fs Den e eo. P itt.Lurlo.
The continuance of the patronage of our ms if
friends to respectfully soimitc.l. If any persons
demands against the concern. they me requested to
present them forthwith, Int payment.
ritmliorgh, April tO, 'CU. JOHN 11ITA DEN,
ap1.7.1f taurmoiNuiirtper.
71101sT-rIIO . I_II`SAI.V. DRUGGII 4 4B, corner of Pint and
IV ood atter., 060 for We, on !wearable. terms:
Ito Ltd. Whiting; WO lb. Cart. Ammonia,
60 do Alum; 510 do AssalcettJa;
330 do Dye Woodr, Gm do Crude Tartan
do I,llppl,laek; 500 do Idquorlee Root;
0, do Vet. Red; 300 do Irish Koss;
si do Camphor, 150 do lird Prectpllale;
10 do Rpolt. Brown. 150 do Calomel Amer.;
al do '1 ellos• tiehri.; 25 do do Ene.;
10 do Brioutone, 1.010 do Bucher Lemma,—
s do Mores; 000 do Rhubarb Rout'
3do Chula. Flow-n; 400 do Sarsap. do,
14 eases Ref. Boni; 100 do Denlloo
1.1 do Castile Soap; DV do Sal Rochsele;
15 do Prussian /hoe, AO do Resdliu 51,01ure;
10 du Calc.lllagne.i,e; 500 do Pow'd Rhabsit,
13 do Chrome Green; OW do do Shp Elm;
3 do do Yellow; 100 do do Arable
6do Am. Vernorhon; 1110 lin do 1.19. 11001
60 reams Sand Paper, 100 do to J slap;
Ci bags Sledy Samar, 210 do do Af Cayenne,
25 bales R o de Corks; 1(00 do Ralph Zinc;
750. Ralph. Morplitai ano do Dor
1400 lb. Cape Aloes; laal do Tamarind.;
1200 do Bol`,brom Potash; 110 do 40,00 thiser;
IMBI do Pink' Root; 250 do (house Peel;
1500 do urkey Umber 75 do Coeholeah
Mal do Cream Tartar, 2o do 11r4 Potash;
600 do Tart: pie Aaid, 10 do Mara;
100 do lbea Um; 25 do Gib. 0111 e hounn
riivraoLo.un, 01,. ROCK OIL.
'There are thing. in heaven •ed earth
Than are dreampt to otittomptir
MIRE VIRTUES of this markable remett•, and
Jk the c 0... application for it, to the proprietor,
has Induced him to hare it put up to bottles with la
bels and directions for the benefit of the public.
The PETROLEUM proeured from a well in nits
roomy, at IL depth of four hundred feet, • pure abut
article, without any c hamlet. change. but
Jost es Bow. from Noturet's Great Lobratory . ` That it
emu.. properties resettles &number of disease,
no longer • matter of once:nanny There are many
thing. in the re o of nista re, which. if known, might
be of moat use • fulness ut allemitung •uffenng, find re
storing the bloom of health arid .Igor tomoor • suf
ferer. Long before the proprietor thought of putting
It up in bottles, it had reputotton for the cure of dte,
ease. The ctimsnt and dutly calls Mr It,
and several ro emarkable cures it heit lierformed, ie a
sure indication of its future planet:tray and wide
thread application in the tare of dtsense
We do not wish to mane • long parade ofertifi.
rates, .we are conscious thin the Inedietne. en won
work lie way Into Ike favor of these who nog and
wish be be heeled. Whilst we do not claim r
universal appllcatton ly even dimaus, eon sea
tingly nay, that in a Dumber of Chrome Dim. as tt is
artrivalled. Among these may heenumerate —all
dims". of the roucou• one., .00h a. CUR NIC
BRONCHITIS, CONSUSI r PION fin its early aged
Asthma, and all diseases of the air p.smyez, L VER
COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Diarturn Dim es of
the Bladder and Eldnel, Puns In the Rack or Side,
Nervous Discathsjtieuralgi :a, Palsy, Rheumatic ems,
00• L Errs:risk, Tektaßmiwo ties rms, :
Istirthlrole Bores,
long e o n pro n o n e f V i c li m a .
&Matte, this medicine wilt bring relief. It will et.
a general TONIC and ALTERATIVE in sorb •ase
enparting tone and energy to the whole frame, r moi
log obstinalions, Opening the alongtablanctiong, him
cause disease and a broken constitution, and imny
renewed energy to all th e org a
Wed The prone...ter know. of several co -
PILES, that resisted eveth othertreatment, re we
rithf the it. of the PETROLEUM for • oho lir
The can be given to say person who des es
m i .. g e ne,. without rho Mama.n of the prop iea
9°ldrbY glrgyiß, Proprietor, a.
Alia by R E. SEL.LERS,S7 Woo'at
and—iKEYSER & M'DO%'
corner Y Woad at and Virgin alkyl who str. hit
regular. sooolnun -
Camp Illanketsi 90 officer coats; 12 pr. •
1$ paws nen lined Wrung Boots; I.a Isthmus la
water Tanks, 6 and 12 gallons etch; 50 can •
ggalion each; 1 dos Ineksku Ronny Belts; I d
cambric do do. The above goods for sale al tat
fonds. Mating Establiatzwen, No I Wood at
, Po•tr to
1850 Mk:MI 1850
ttezllerehlar), and de
er fretrLW.
EL t,„nx s h,J C BIDWL, Batstur
JA NIKO CoLLIIS, do, }A,seats
1850 emiA
From A.hurrh to Cerium Ala. and Ors.,lota.
Iltrottgh thr riolt pointiotr., • 411,111,1 of Colon.
ditztitt, Carroll. Star[, To.trotoroo c, Coutortoo,
11114.tittogunt. I.le.ktoc, and Freonidin.
The completton of the Sandy •nd Beaver Canal
opens up to oar city throw Rh thts great natural central
route a direct enttountea,on to the no esell no
the adtotnlng counues of Wayne, Helmet, Knox, and
From this section of Ohio, the trade with Patshurgh
has been, to • grrat extent cut off. to
p consenat,er of
d t
Me hig l h
crate ste aud of transportation, which are now re
a •
edtdi er eent.
Dues of this line swift leash daily, and ran through
setthout transhipment The Canal company hov e r hestowed upon lent an interest In tlie uprree•
Ahmed advutt•ges of their eharter. and thu• Been red
to the middle porno. of Ohio in °Henna their gonds
equal tuttrest to Una st , eantaire. Agents:
J. C. BIDWELL, Fitt gliurgh;
I.IIDWULL A CO., Giugow.
. . .
R C Ilalmea, Spent'' , Mille, (Thor 11 & A Coy,
R'illtameport, C. lieorro Krinble, Elkton, 0; Cantle
& Iluffinon, do; Hanna. lituhatr. k C,, New Lisbon, 0.
Atter tr. Nichol., Jinn/ Parr, 0 ; & Booty, Nli
nerva. O.; Speutet & Foote, do.; Jooevb rnol /t, Co.
do.; Ilull 80., Onriclu II V Rev, do;
C R Ilut4thal t Co. Mulvero, 0 , R K Gray, W•yu.
burg, 0., E Reynold., do; lenxe Teilee, Megoolla 0
J florkdollA. Co. Monnollo, 0., do. 1
711Taricuid h Cn, Saudyetlle. P p
haugh & Steinbuu,h. Bolivar. 0 . h. 01,tivcr,
do . 11 Hoffman. , C,, do;
John Robinson, Conn] Enlton, ; Fertiq & Ton,.
Canal Ikm , cr, 0. A 111,11.un, 0.1. K mr-
Kew c rk. U. inch A /la:r I _.
thew, tic vclr.Erd. t.rr.
126.11114/ 1S3()
',err ONI,
O'CONNOR. & [ T .
t4nAl [l.lll, Ltherty
%Lreet, I'IVALurOi
ATKINS, CI CONNOR h. Co., 291; 150 Market street,
• • .
°T0!..." h 7. , North Street, Del"more,
Lora. Nrw Vorh
FhLorr h 4:xhlcs, it Donne •Imrt
tiAxlmart IiMAT Nlnv•vt..e hen.
11•1... A Co ,Coi oro
Hit Stu. a e. 0.. St. 1.11121%.
To?4it tr,lera illrrotn nth r. and PM, IIIV to aril
films 1 hri.hhitatut, Rh/, .Y. lorrA, if ;Amon.
Oar route bring 110,1.11.11 r Ora,. 9, err nr.parril
La frt, , ard gocra. a• •I•ovr .t
tnear• all Itetallt !re. of arty char,. harm; -.J..... tor
o•er traraooo, ao.l 1,01 the V/[1 . 4,111,
of gosoa reel craircloi., ',flog atm, •aii , ..action to
ai, i,uaittex• volturred . ln our rare Our 1.,,,t• are ...I
near, war carnntaadr.l t.r r•piamt or e.per,,,,e.nA
oar enure t• eontlarte,l on ,:r,rl raraao
and ternaeronee pnnclp r•
Bn•u. Captain. lloata - rep,: ne
Iron l'ily, 11,,n 11en.,:% molt V' las .°
Nlarylaml. Ma, h•!I St I,t
ethrinnetL. 50.... ; Co: 11.. 1 ward h J,, ,
Ruth Po.n. el.athsrn :o'firrD^lo•ruh Sllll.
W. A.,‘,,,t, por,onal, Er,,,n
Import, Sllty.l*.l6 L. , . II ....n
114.4311. A•tc
6ar•rcd• 11.1 r,
Mermirid M gulp.l Ilutiti,,
Ile Y.. Art.rvigle Jg:i. kg- ;,..iir.
A. cal M 1 , vr.,1 , •re i - r.rt Ni.,l4.rlii
Lg.., anigrip 11e , r7 I Sc:Mll Qs,. n Wl' ••
r'llrlpi.cro wili irril ...I, r ii.l rim., to rive ur a
c•II. 0 ')SNAP. ATKINS rt i to.
l"'" Ciri.i I.e. Lt. , ' V.. V.i..ii.ita,r.
- W i. T i rro!pOrritllati.) Corapirnf.
Ingi 1830, Ab_gtA
BE W EFN virrstalthif 1 . 1111. A DELPIIid
Ry re 0 A.lp 4%121.6 caual and Rad Roca.
'I'M: Ito*. 1,1 Cer. I.the have h.e., ,h•
row pot e order e, tha. m 34,
geentlty , Grab ^r h.'' , so'.
The thaer •too, the la own, eh,: metro
e.l by the t'ropre.rtere
HARM: h LEre/1 /.•• ..t.
Aro/ se isle NN r . •
.11/...'.1'11 TAN 1,11 A
No 111 hl,th it. 114 ruorr. NI.I .
/Nr. 55 er/r •
IS & C. S. Can. .1.
mill 1/..l•lrvirrh
CLARE. PARKE. h t'O. P.otherrrl. Pa Proper
ifrIIN A CAUttIIEN• Aoott
0L e ror F.rn•Orb•4l anJ P.urtruFgrt.
nem uEt,LiN, can w FORirh Co Av..
Tlliswril known Lire 1.0 prrrn err In er•nrirorr
(teat: hot P (tr. rr,on. and
CLEV. 1.1. A N at, prom thr P.n.. and I.Altr•
Tbr farrinwr of rhe Iro.r arc an•nrpar•nrl num,er.
qualgy c..pnroti Pont, ciptnencc or captor..,
sr.! cßir irncy of
Ilse IMa rnv•• Pnlxtorreilt,irlerv'enn .110 v. ran.
•n .11, , ,er. 5.1.1 • [..• /10.1 • • be•
w 0.," VI I .1 rint rl
I ,rrt lar • ,V 1.171114 Ind Vr",.., on
the Lzoti
• '
51 I/ To; . 1s• SS Burro
I Brat ton Co. Ilsorrona. 0,
on, I.onord la Co, F
F•.16. r00k1.n. 0,
1 A 111,, CuyikooKs
Wkootor. Gee Co. ror., 0,
Chamor;in. l:.
%S ,ove;mol. 0,
Ilvt;.•or;1 Co. ,o;.,1;01; y, 11,
l'or Sam Soot,
Ni;;;o• dt Dotro,
/011 I o Aro,
or:0 nod onto..Er, .to
EtdgM I S 3O - , IEU
PARK, A Ctr. Itichr-tor. Pri,rirtnr,
1 11 x . Pr pr,,,,rti nlll,l old
wouin•puttatt that wry it, pow it, ~p.
it for thr t•rr.e , ,t , tra.ote, aind rtinonoitt, , t
recrivii t Pr•igtii Pasteritters, vrtiteli thet air
(01:y prcria,il qarty to ali potillt, on tine Canal and
Al Owlnwr-t r+ One of lOC ILnato
Dili the. landing,l,sour Alamungahr ,
Bridge., to P/CrIVC
Office, co . W.4.r and :Imultfkr,tl art P.ttsbmrilL.
R wolglown New t'x.tle,
Marheßree k Cn, Po .4,
W C Moßtn,ShElfrnt,
& u llit i, Share.l.ur,
WIP 11. Attire A. Co, lireennile;
Wzn Henry, Ilart•town.
, Conneuutnlle;
John /learn 2c Cn. Ene,
John J Raul, N V. to elf ,
Plttsbarlh Portable Uoat Liar,
abiaZa 185(1. Mika
ha TIANOTOITATEo. cot IrltioudT
flonstli.z, 9 TS•Vet & I' Vassal.
VfoOole:rM“ l'ato.uret.
r u " . " l3Tl 'n" M nf ?::l
stand.. recrieles forantdme Nic rens toh.e and
Produce m low retro, and Te.,M the to. Rumness, eer•
taimy, and safey. peculiar to thelt proem sod mode
nl trsn.q.crtelom. %she, odermedottr It an.lnioT , co ,
svmdenl, setth the ronsequem delis), and prohnuotty
of damage
and Pro,lurn shipped r•st or weshanol
11111. of 1.1 W., forwnrdr.d free of rhArirr. 'or cormut•-
mon. advancing, or corer, hn nierr , t c:.•
reedy or todirr,ily I.l.lentohn 11, that of
• onfrly co•Jtoiterl .hipping thrir pan,
1,11.11.113,11.10111. 10 inc. following cgcnts prompt.
ly aitendod to:
t - Markel •trre . , I'l~il.drll.n fin.
TA AYH.: &
John SlrCollogh k Co, On Norther I', U. Burl
te. I.n. Y 5 Doane at, Barton, W, & J. T. Titwon &IN •
on :tooth el, New Yort ; 111119<1 Wheelwright, norm
initEn 18.50. &3&
D......Plitabargh an astern Gilles.
The Canal betrK unw .pea, we are ready to retire
and forward promptly. ',Md.< and me rcbandtze east
and we,
Freights •Iways at , ovreat raws, charged by rerpon
Produce and merehardize will he rr reivrcl and for•
warded es. •nil wrgt, any for for•
warding or advancing frriglat, ennimi••lnn or , ior.,a
Dill. of lading forwarded, and all dirrotini” faith
fully attended to.
Address or apply ta, WM. HINGHAM,
Canal Daein, nor. Liberty and %Vitro. am l'ittahorgh
No 183, Markers t, between Ith & 50, Phila.
No In, North !Inward at. Ualitinore
ulna No 10, Went greet, New York
Passelager Imo Rana'flame* Offloa.
jahIIaNRDF.N k CO. continue to bring persons
from toy pin of Englutd,lend. Scotland or
Wales, upon the most liberal terms, with their
or usual panctuallty attention to the wants mid ear.
LS fon of emningrants We do not allow our pluengers to
,es, he robbed by the swledling scamp. that infest the PC.
pore, u are take charge of them the moment they m
idi port themselves, and see to their well bong, mid do
ing spateh them without any detention by the first Miam—
i, We Bay this !curiously, a. wr defy one of one puseth
r. f ge to du w that th ey were detained 18 by us in
es Liverpool, whiter thousand. of o th er* •gm detained
me. months, until they could be sent to some .4 -.raft, at a
p„ gh; p rote, WhlGh too frequently proven their minus
tor. we intend to perform our contrneu oonorably, colt
what It may, and not net.. was the ease hut senor',
L''' with ether emcee.,—who either performed not all, or
tpwhen It salted their convenience.
Drills drawn at
for any sum from tato
Is mpg% paynble at any of the won Bend Banks In Ira;
land, England, Scotland and ale.
' , d. Sacopean aLd Gen. in Agent,
tits: f e q Fifth mumt ono flew. boo_Weeir
hf pipe. I.lrandyotard, Manly, Cu
aedpipes 11411.0 (nth
5 ask. NF. Rum;
400 bbl. WbOker for sale by
J MELY , R. st.,t. has racieived [de
cay can pdt see I y the trutles holy light; deelt
ik./CILIrd tr, Roo. C Conk, lib, think not leas I love
thee Inanehe n Ipen,l love thee. When other friend,
around thcc rot beneath the bilk. Wen thou
hut mum. Aut.' Laurie—Scotch ballad. The Robin
by Enru Conk, mice by Steph en U 1 0„,
TIIOII mounded the sptnt that 101M11 thee. The
Grave of Wn.rur,6-nu. The inah Alather's Lament.
Ind `triton—liu.el. He doeth all things we11w,,,„,,,0ry,
w,,,„,,, o ry, Widow 51riehree—Rupsell. The cottage
of my mother-11.r lor...nns. Low barked ear—Lever
The Magic Bell. The
Brid I I r Weddtre Polka. Jenny Lie,s, American
I'n'to. !dr ry Pd , ka. Soiree American Polk, TIT
Top Ami man hole, La Belle LialUmorean Polka
/troy L.,1 Pole, The Cinema
Julien. Saint/tuna Polka. t fin Polka. Josephine
I'oikn Summit Polka. liessmeol Polk, The Pro
phet ioudrelles—Nleyerbeer Jenny Lind Ctuadrtllea
The renth and D.rtsy Waltzer-11ra Ernest. The
sA,•. Drover Hey—r•natinrs by Crenly, Monument.
PUTI , • from Hoe,. Wrreter . .. Dau7hier. quiet Step.
1,U1 4 ,1•C March and Uoick,dep, Wood Up, (Oma
No 76. Fourels la treat.
' Ort 7 ARTV:7 "' Jli ' : ' l74. l A " ,
T. , in part he following, yrs,
• lain, ,uper Bina] Velvet Pile Carpets, o
o Er,Otsh and American
P o p es Superfine I terrier' 3 ply "
-1 Sfine
Snrerfiga Ingrain Carpels,
Elll3 hue
lA. I and 1 Tap Ven Car.
14. t and 1 Tars rn,
1-4, 1, 1 and 1-1 plain Car.
atsJ Rag Curiwts,
--4 P i !hied eo,o.Carlte..
11.1 Clot",
._4, t. 4-t. and I M anny,
001. roorol Utl OiortH
for -taro,
C.llll TR11,1..
glue avtl XV
1.0 Mm
I.rna•lt n for lArangs;
Hod 11.11e,1 lot Nl. * Shadc,
I I.lg,
7-1 nn:l r.tneni
:rll lhaprrn;
Oil Cloth T,L,r
64str (mem
Allll,l'll. mamula
xhirti w. I
The unfir r•rn....1 hnv”rn
land. hie Tr.'' , I If, nurl l'n
..7nrprtn, nrr of the
rty: • ni,rl ,nr.erns, rt.,l
, aro or W. •nntrrn ri
Him, On !mgr.! assortment of the riche, a nd
mostURI tnntsS:l.S. di Til REF
1 . 1.1 . nod t 17q(illAIN CAHMTS wnrrbld, surpnszcs
nifid cninnsiness of prici. . any isiisor,ineni dins,
,fondf” n oT. Ile nno "nes Sten. win.,
Nina rinfiatiir n rers isns inside and well
sriertrd sissorii.innt ;;other me fiefs,
rian r in; engin: is own ladenl for U. end' Stair Nod
°Ty unit r. rnrciiiitra still
tne pin r Ira.erl di,. where in t , kl• city
I \ ri
5.w Goocis t I fil•ors Gooda II
N rui f ISO.
a.....•.! „,,..1.1,21AL, etuf Ile:nil Iles,. m Ilti.S,
Fte , ,,, it- • A n,rlr al. DItY 1.001./...4. Nlia,t•“
•tr, ... t..1%, , r, 11, td a.; V0110v.,. :."4.1 o: . ..1,
•-- - it “ ligt It:: 111 t..,.. 01EMIt1 . 1-,,
1.•.1 oi , . , vna vi li.c T.., q'ruttid.
. ..
r-r••zeo- Wcro yeue tria rmtutrl All I,
:I• .r, •i. Pm, r
••• , •til (PIM F . 7IL t, am! EIIR
: a'
- • nl• : the ocrihrr
• ;1•1 11,. •r7ailtre. Amu
. . ..
AIlt: .1.1. ~. %. 1 • 11 AI 1.. , r . 11 1,1 IL 12,.•%1.1 ek•••...1 okirt fret. 1 1 1.11 . 11 1 . ..' ,. .. 1•••••••,dekile: Aldel Torre!
1,... k .. • , • • •, ~:• •r. Look, deo, ITC•I2 A1V1...• V'. Ihrkkln Nt , r . Toerdifen, R0 , ...rt licky, %V.-II•
rkr • drok ••:•••ard, Ilaro:r .rl.2kok. a new nekrke t•oro, I. fir Ire, a.••• kroure, I. Wkiroa, J.., Pills
1,,, ...2. t. ..r:d..• • A 1.,. n .•:or and doper , •treekg of t..cret. r..r .., o f 51 0 rk,,,,,,,,.,,d.j,. D,.....0.
•;) tpattig itttatotot. toe very Do. nol i r
ported xi. Low , ( 4 ZEC1.1.1 -. llt , AMIL't At . t.lolltltSlt.— .. Toey are toe
•ct:o o front the CO.-
Ut atm, Onto, ?goy
. "'. It F. tno I , ..t.efoolothrt•
to •••n, •• • re II•1..“1 to your czoollont Fa
1,•• ..• •. • I,r:. ,tor, onotrot,
o Crtt- ooltor good.. Lop,
I - re
tttoe : 'f,:tt.t. .n.porta,n
r•• :too tr,•, tol pr.or• and tit,.
• •ott. ut, Crovetto mod hr.
o 4tost r
,oh nutted Ct.voit,t'etotto rottlCulLt.o I
Arro Prepare, aro: t , y R. 11 SI:1-1,EfIS, No 73 Wood
.„4e. a, ,;,1 fful.l I.y 11,garats gene ally In the two
arl • fa•l ro,nre,S, from .1 so P.:l or .ssa• sol•
per , • r.s, e,,a• :jo, ,ao, • Pm... twat I 1 . Allll. Is - , 11 , 1,1 , 17.1, —.- rho, are M.
.n.pors• J riu“sa and bower., extreme, 11th or the Inn"
reo, II„.-e., re :be trwa:• ns a. Iset.S.. re—t i•st.llo,. Sean°, Mo. MAY P 4. 1 ,149.
v 11u•..• Irony 41 10 1:4 ,rr 11 E. sae:.-r. I liitl.k eta:. tor the henel•l of other.
, ....Le 'a, in relatenn 1 , • 41 excellent Fetab
.t es r fr.! hite. ) 'flow Flortuel, I ar.e.l V. .1 V.-vv.., lure., in nay own Iwo
.. s, ,1 .d lall t.. an•wer,ne tor raped:lull ge
.• 0 0. e ., , • , Merstosnall Ca , •• • r . U. •• • • • 4• 4 r mor.n. Ironi chi:Ore:l 1
5e, , .• tl.lO I,,arsere. nll I.•f. I. red your I..Ter itful tweets :leap in
r • • rirr•J • r TA. r•rl (•••-• se , : ,I.s r Ks, • . , sa..v. u•vc Lit cY.r) rnstauve produced
•, r • rulr n•ar,,,•• • ••••,„ - • - - •
. ,
.„ • • • ••• turn .11f.
per la.. •.: ur v f cv It off 01,0 Is 1., Is , apers.
Nlaraer• 4.1 4 , 1•0r1C11,1. vcr, chruy
1 11.A.501,1
1,.1 nu., ftplert./ftl v of Para..
a•er ssee,,r,s ~ as, him, P tr.f as•heren. rise
•0 e,,er ths, any ,er tosser so thee .1, ens,
Sold'as ,• • 0 •)1110 unalrly of geode
Ise 1 sn exasaloo
tic sPr from t.u . or.rl To.
• ol •
11. c If - be, nodu....t tft•hrour..
are u fira.y Of Ul f vult
A. o' tho a vuofl.l.lll 1.0 .01,1 off Al prloo.
y .11 the cLly; and 1 /Inky pr.
it fu f.ll, rfut.:ival.l plea.e cal , col pare Its,
Imr, 1701 C. 101,11, 1/0 - M IXIIII 01:1,( hn , .. inwE
•itt trttintr wotti Its", i, 10 1.11.rn0 - roul utt
ttttrr• nt the pot., ,rtternt. that titer, Ire tWb t. V . •ti te• t tret. ton lentlnt, Up
1.• - e Itttr. which la ii/Oneo ntoy
er - troa wart an.• tanarot Soy ttroal, rotkolskialttnettk tli
1,1.ut Tla vorarrroarr wout.l tlarratora art; tr, all
'rot, a.t.r.ra ar tor, earrrr art ((( ~ rta , or renal,
that oar 111, 11170 or: Nlroiral rat, I.ototrett
.41 f r okkoltk I. ar ape, a 111, :or,r•t, ',hert, oral
caw kkkortolol ylko, oi roator, and autunter Dry laorola
ever odor., for • k a ko 11 ..,our k r.,
Nrw Srlt.t*rok too/rotund moat Natanri.
Kole tioalt ol Itorract. avr r opened to tor , cat i• last
treaty,rd or the .cri of or. live Ilr ca. on Ntarkat
1., torero Dool fourth rarratn, where 110 r
Load. o r ay . , . l aterrp:ron ire Iv tlarrt cheaper than
owe or, r boo., In tor r ay • The , , , tr wrlt
tn , no, that throe arc two other tore sour, on
arl , l .orrat, who raorrol to c0m1.,: %rah the lig
Ilac I.ato ran T r act nod Fru. •t la, coo r 0
tr,, aer.l I,r.a.nt al l 11100 a, 1111 tar:es:and or II
'avow cr• toy I...rralt, ror, opened.
Ire f r , to t tar /roar). toot core It tottor en
Thar! *ad oar., •trr roa. rortt the It, BEE 111 V
arta ar Ilk k lotto, ot r•ory Ortartption arc roll:.;
rata , . than or toly to Wt. city
'llllr ua.l I: ' „ l . l nr ' t " to; '' :7 ‘ 7v7„: C it :T:1!
aorom. 11,1 Vert.. • l loth, r
Plll.l. ta. Crlp.• Dc 1A... Sr; wail.
1.0,r.1.am0n and other Ihrta,
pi 1 aL wont ialitional,e cOlurs.
pre. priole Nto n u 0110•,
umu'd. dlr.', it, •0.1 .perm{
ois Cr , con and Eughsl Dairy;
1 . , clot rind IIuIIIIS
CAS•k•—.I Maim,
Cu, 43-1 I,rrnl;
Common and hftlf Sponi.ll;
p'l.ll Nlnckertlnatl Smtlmpn
rtssortrd .lattot;
11•11/11-1110 l'r.tnr.
ti. Svr
1F and Manilla;
If •It.l °urn.. Ignek and Copytur;
brit Suß.r
Mt •TAID-21 , 1102 eanwtsit;
31at mitoat--5n It•
1 , CiO
L, , • •
. •• Lel,. La yea;
p., u“orted,
I . UV 11./ Ho, dean.:
1100 ite•P LI and Coo Steel;
unaa-Ilr hhdr N °Hem. and I , :arified;
Ta•—no packages Green end Mack,
Toeaceo-,01,k• I lb luir,p;
Waxit Manna-50 duapatent
For sale by J WILLIAMS &CO
non. Corner of Fifth and Wood eta.
1171 — ANTILD.
FURS! FURS! FURS!—The yobwrlbere will ray
for Coon, Mink, :Husk Ral, Gray and Red kin:,
•nd all koala of snipping Furs, Ike '
once. MeCO
fchttO earner Fifth
Paper flanging,
0 canal el et a new and choice ria,
Wall P ninnaper, of the lateet French and FAste,
in gold, chamow, oak, plain and high color..
inrl3 1,2 Wood street
- •
11113 Co.partnerslop heretofore existing betvieen S.
o.lltivinield rind John (Merrill. ouder the film 01
S. D. Hasoficlo h. Co., Ls tins day dissolved bp rtuitotil
t. The boviness of the old n[l2l will he witted by
11. Bub/mid, et the old Wend, No 290 L.Swrty•ts , c , ,
Pittsburgh, 9 II BILI9II9IELD,
Alareh 1,1650. JOHN biblitLL.-
eoutinue the Wholesale .d Retail Dry Goode and
Grocery bi•inces, et the old Mond, No. t'o Liberty *4
under toe fain of S. D. BUSIIFIELD&I.V.
/damn I, 1,50.--ImrL2
ft ltYKhs day assostatedpeth roc, In the Whole.
rale Grocery, Colnwlssion, and Forwarding beet
nem., IT two bona, R. N. and W. B. Waterman. The
osiers In future will be conduct e d under We style of
;I S. n Waterman fr. Sons, at the old stand, No. 11 Wa•
ler and 42 Front street. L B. WATER MAN,
ritLiblzik. Mug Ph WA
Extra auper patent Chenille
• • •
Extra tVilton
Cionmon tin
Cholalir Door Nom;
Slteep Skin ^
" t.ble
Ernnerietl Plano
Mm 1.1 , ... I S.ll
Linen stol sv4ut rt
44ran.t4k Stu, 14ueu:
Turkey Red Chourcr,
ctot Ire Itordrrinc.
Enclt4ll 11t1 Cloth Tab',
llrour n Lourn crumb gl.tito
Irrat. Sot, Ilrolr;
4 4 mr litugurtt.
Jnrort lUtttog•,
mut Coro V.,4;
tiu4l,4rmtou Mut.,
IU 1 nu , 441 Greco 011 Cloth
Or iiiltld,
Illortet set Lhoper;
the most sppro•crl Enc.
atom,. ~,,, 12 m 24 Iret
cut to Cu room, andmr,•
ouporo4.l lop 'rout lihr
apc4try C/411 er:r4
.41 1.6 i 1//0.1 Ir gat,
Its they can Le
tv.:l rcul
11R11,4 fr 001.)!?
cirerr! color.. wrlrmir.l
• I ,r[ f 4
RII vrrers. Irrt• ala
1-rt • •. Ftrnch
Istraarrirr, newK parraerl
• . • Pr - •rr fr:t rrrramint 4••fir•rr'
rtr pra•rt lizar•r•-• rt. rororrr.
r•attrr, 0 •',
rT g nurr
.•. I naarr. rmlit Irrar Irtr.
,perrr . grANS, tr4r• treurer•
rr We. 711, park,. I rrrr. A .r.l trrttrrri
rr. or, rr••
aolei a 4
r 'Jr.
Dress Good•
From the Vegetafin :Kin gdom., ra repd Di.rnam
Dr. Cluyeattla Extract of Yellow Deck
n Sara aparillr,
Craw entunnrynn , e, rfctonna. cryripelas, rbeatnatitm,
Kout, liver comon., spinal affection, alters,
'lnk.. drop.). t.thma, plies, neurvey. affeetton• of
the I , :ndaler •o 7.1 ka , ney, atereantff ditea.ea, to
top:hatror, rt•h of blood In the head, fever and
net, ,etna , e ccr.rda:nt, eeneral ffeblitty. dtPpcp
ot, to-n of ni.i-ute, header he, cold, et
atel. night ',veal, clod, oteante affernons,
ranntation cf . UM heart, bile, yarns In the. side,
rte., hack, he.
It :1 Infallible dt.enren anslng from an im
pure stale 0' UM
. /000d. or IrTegu!ar merlon of the .7.
In We Vegeta!, Kmgdom, an Ainsemse Being ha
Miposnsii plants mid boas congenial moor eoLstittr
boils, and adapts,' to Le cure of disease; and to Ms
veleta L le lingtism dons the reason of mutt, as ' , oil •
insonet of ant ola, turn for witolotes to run.
The r , y top re ase lenubs compound of the most vul
tuil , c pint.t in ni.ture, entirely free from deleterious
and enermitir,g nuncrat subamnces,'and as it expel
Untrue nom the 17 stem, rinparts vigor Lad streArtha
aeorrespondmg,des rec.
AU r Vraordinarycn oi 6crofuLK, aud U
tem eurr4; by be Rol< u.o of Dr. GuyaoW. Cosa
pound ,y,up, l'cliow Dock and Narsuparilla
llstamen, Nov. 17, 1 , 18
Du. (:carom—Sire I lender my sincere thanks for
the gr,t yacht 1 have derived from the use of your
vrduabie a my. I have been troubled very bad wit
sel,lliollll rare. which made its appearance on m
chin. I did not pry murh itehtlon to It at first, sup
posing it to he nothinc but no enption that appear
on per.-,'. far It finally beran to increase. until
sprcr..l to th, earl of the head. I applied to •, who attended me nil in uo purpose. I bud
tried every thing that could be !nee. I raw your .Syr
up of \chow Deck and Saisaparilla, and concluded
to use it. ror I knew that Yr bow Dock WWI nor of the
mast v:duablr murk, in the wor,d for the blood. 1
b 0,1.1 your Syrup, and f-orti the use of one bottle. I
could 1., a great chnit•e in my system. I cannoued
to use it until a wellsan. I now feel like•
new person; my blood perfretly cleansed and free
irom Cl impurities. There is not a question but Um
your lir w,y d.scovered cpound ta tar superior
any sur..nparill.t !Iran eversold.
This ' , maim., Ls 111 your i'isposal to publish it you
:ike, and city one )ou may refer to Inc. I shall be nap
py to give teem •t! the nilormauon I cau about my
case, he. I remain your obedient servant,
Gaon. c. Jourelorr,
113 Market street-
bast wm.l, mrdiewe knoion. The Extract of
Yellow Dock and Sa.xoparilla is a punitive, speedy,
ot,! permanent core , or all complatuta tneldeet to
Its mild, •Itetat7ve proper... reteler It peenliarly
npp , .rul.le In the eentler consututton of
. ..le 'ruin:, it 11,111•1.0. e.: in es eller. upon such
inclptent coo-umpuon, t.artenecum, leu
r0r.1.....a, n or vitote, Irreuular olenotruatton, Inconu
orme, and general pro rdr•• un of the !Ist..
II aura edm . .cly counteracts ilimt dmircerinK tql/00..
irA. urd 1.1••01.1dr. mon in the letnnio fr•mr,
Ultki w.m. an curia yarn , t.oyaney its rprmnig ma
tisry arc grarclut. Lave cy,denee oo hie which
a. nr quoy to recommend ;nu medicine to
rharr,d people win, have not bean Eleaaell Venn Ott
1..,rec1, ar Flloll6g et the Womb, of rive
cure: by Ur. IJoy•ettl's Eitract
c, Doc mut nrootpnrllln, aher e•e ry tole;
Itottut. reutetly 1.-td - bern tr:rd without relief:
Wmml,trom., Ohm, Pet.,
T:/31 rrrufies that my mile. nerd ..Y2 years, bas
been “tdrring under the almve rump:Ault for five
rar.—Puer:V lb Of that time copfamd to her bed. I
ce for four vekr••onatantly e,.s.Nayed the best med
teM talent tlat could be Oda seruon of W. r0,07y, ar,tbout any I.Mat whatever. I have alto
pore,. ed ...Antrumnt recommended (or the
rurc amikw... Al of wh.rh proved te,,rthlem.
4,111( of I van, imluerd by to) friends
tu 'try lir t•uy•ott 1e mw Doak .11.41 Sarasporttla,
whp.a urd ft.u: A'ier the bad used
tor a , ••ht lour .e.< ha. a w‘t evident to all that she
WI Irmo Ito- mar the Improved tap
d 0-• h ttretatl., kaul the data..
vri% ,Clor <a, and the novr emoying toast
ra oNn
...q 00 (.1:1.ors r( Win John Monfo
to theeicicieuts 0.
Mn ••. , 1 •to nure. Itezng caected by
GuYsott , 1 6 1 0•• lk)c.l....lSurutimr ,. .im. Co Itc esrmtly
Or•rt Car• of Coa•nmptloa
Mr Ilr:Lnct.—lT:mt+, grcat Lenct,t ,rbiCh
havc '1,4 fr..m our Eattnet a,
:or two Sea r f•om geoem dent.).
ntorh coo con•conpuun.l CM/ Reven
ao i.o oolong al bey.w the aol of
A• v Jr.."... I or. Induced to lry
lour Eat:in. an, havlog hued but two loOtko,
IE, )...or ti,'l . l:n/IS, I 11311 tnuroty arca. 'I
.I.T recommend your unequtl.
led Campo...l 1. , a, otOo..tod Who do• Ore po.erful
pira50.....4 sole rno.dy. your Inrnd
NOOO ,o-roohe rot up in Iv,. mita, tootle*.
of Lkn
,er 11,c !I par bollie,
;.. J D
Wt.', to o Ner Ge add res.
I If iv. - your V. r.O lege largely in my oven
lam one v.: fr,uartly ripri!tnn large guannitirs
. wr , rt.u. , !tom ehrldry.n have
ny,l oar L,,at 1 . 11. and Cough Syrup In my
ave, terry Irotoncc, produced
A• lAna roeatted merehandimer.l am able to
I Mee let to he ollna Mot bold, where
r tor Mr .te• heve been toted lb aretion of the
A t I t.o. Ins,..zet! torartttottlotenat. I •sn a ble In
to k so tt I save yet to ra! the Strati. UM' mt..,
you s toott.s. ,te• Stave boo, so my aecoon of the
enttotrt I o A.,
rost....t. Iralk, ataoktbat they are ska
: la. Cl•biMll..k/N - I, by be
or.gtoc, on, . , Lsvor 1%11
.t , droy o y, V.
!•14.42., ant lo4U
Mr Q F boar ,r—l tt,na ot a OW, - I ooso
to yt..l to toooo..ers to strut that I have
loon .55 , 0V•1 al, toe r . ontr,arnt for o long
usoo. badly that on aber” mo l d and broke,
y o o aoyy atote: Haying hoard of
your oo y,.ratod 1.. - Or, 1,•• toong for •ole by A It
I .1 0 ••• rroo.o.oroird to nte by
yolpby.oron. Its on..tb. rooolunod TO gtve theta
o (otr :y.ot I poro , n•rd tooy. mud found tSroo to
m•I wont thm rndr.l. THE 111 , ST U-
V K I'll.l. I".V ura.r lour boxes
I am•-•y toll or, aml I am now
pc rim 'aril. ..,m,ul; y your.,
Wm: I.MartY. Morrh 26,1,4 a.
. .
I 0e, ,, T that 1 am persmmlly isfoimuntml With qT
I 1110,q • 'l, , flit/ I.rvt tmmasovy Ics the truth ot the
.r ttu.te AII hiIARP
.1,1 - roue., Liiirer l'ins are prepared and gold by
R LI - No 37 Wood qtreet, arid by druddlsta
T.. c." 11 I.IC origina:,only true sod gen.
I.lvor ar• prr,o-rd It and bade
11•1111 c 51,1:1.r.1 id di uro“ the lid of eact.
l•ox, •
the ("IL
~c rapper—all
hit itt 12 It: l'lnpnetor
r e l sv i
Vet l% nwhr., I.ert, tine chi., which 1 chit tell a*
low a• Ohio' nnd thirty Lye dulters, and worrn . nted to
kerp urn,
Al.o—A splendid ...Mlle,. of JEWELRY, rota
prlrm e :he vAriour n.I innert lamll.rmi pattern.
W I 1.51.,74, NN onehmkker And J;ncicr,
Price Ited.e.•4.
TP O colt Nloapratt . • beat
nod loch icst Clara and loan Nlak era`
e.odnAFL,tto d annerior to any other brandrt
:11 by me quantrty 013 tows or uporarna (or currency or
approved :Noma, rat month., or al lore fr. , q..a•
W A 111.
,r 1; Liberty Atre , t.
TAILORS' 00005, AV COSt.
v. 7
their enure attonunn to t h h a e , n 0 v1714 . 12 ,
I.,nnu Goods, now offer their large
of r•tiora"l'nrurronca, Malaga, French and
Litman Ciottir, Doeskin, to:Amur rev, &e. at first cost.
Ittl.Woal at
rt?.‘ VDER cork, NG; TAW&
'” ' • 1 1, I'l P
brand, arucle for ante by
&II irITCII - •
Ntuvruit's Soda MI, cod lu cut,
I , t 1 11“.aelung ['murder. arrt•ed per clap Olrnbrnlge,
and z.nw corarns on by canal, for aule by
N II --TbeY xal r , cerva, dartng thaw rote,. tau.
Clark, N. V., of rupcnor lune, and varyroralcrare price
For kale ' K LEBER,
11110 at W. Woralvvells.
for removing 'lnner, Sonny, Canker, and all
substances destructive to the Teeth. It is delicious t•
the thste,cleaueing the mouth, heahng and
ing the gums, and purifying the breath.
For sale, wholesale and retell, by
d r.lO It RELLERR, 57 Wood .t
oUR El OUR-19 brio To litle for 9torch or .tlaitti
t , tor .0:1, 0 ,27 1
__9l`GlLL.rt k. ROE
It I, II i.-20 brit reccortioand for role by,
P6l' ri,l I —SI) ra•lc • tor nale irmr, to ric;;TcFm•lga
meat. by MI) JAM I DALZELL
311;1;tC ACID-20 lb. i"t
'"'''' 1 " 11=1 1 C0
0/11:1,4)-1111 - las nrime . , reed pet Ilidwcll , 113 m)
(or.) ) . by ti. 6 ) JAMEII DALZCLL
iTliitICK-10,u00 I.TC and ray am la by
)ems) JAbII flAl.zri,r,
OULDERS—M eßalt It (or.. le In y
Znd for rcfle lbth
by rr:If " 117 d
o , ll
E.: °
V7l;7in rtly
1 Ali WU Jr es. No I reed for ale by
dt. W lIA F.IIAUG If
ICIDOW owned luxes j
TT received and for sale by
LibblAß-20 Ng. hi. 0. Sugar, • prime aztlek,i•
IJ mote.sodfor sale by
2/hrtr. Haw Slave and Shooleen, join rea , d
• RI I.l*ll
THE Partnership heretofore azin np between the
C o., bilentrer., under lue firm of,Ourtuid Wason
& C mos tlit• day dumolued by mataal ge,
The hurmmis of the firm will bo settled by J. W. Bur
bodge. or Wm, Wilson, Jr , either of wbom is author
ised to use the name of the Om in liquidation.
WM. WILnON, Jr.'
Pituburgh, Jul
TAS. W. Burbridge & Beni. F. lantana% have, this
dny Vionnand aiernselve• under the fine orßur.
h ridge & Ingbrsen. to ~sear, a Wholesale Grocer,
and General C011112111113i011 Business the house Well
oenunteis by Busbndre, Wilson alb, 116 Water IL
Pittsburgh, July I, ta11...0.--M
subscribers have cmi day formed a co-partner
ship under the hero of W d P Wlllsesa, for the par.
of transacting the Wholesale Grocery and Cow
poisgion Business, at fie 10:1 Wood street.
WIL.SuN, I t
Pittsburg!, 1, 1.5.50-Iy4 FRANK. WILSON
Itholed•oa Plano with tivii
usT received at the the Golden Harp, one
LP superior 5 octave Melodeon Piano, win two setts
of needs, the linen improvement The above is
the fir • '
probably the jnett toned instrument ever ollered for
sale here, with highly finished and elegant exterior,
for sale by feast 11 KLEBER
etiNTINli MAYER-100ms fine booX paper ibz*
20 do do no 21x30;
50 do do do 200.25;
BO do news printing, 04027;
IiXI do do do noat,
00 do do do 2ex4A
120 00 do do ^9n43
20 do Blue Envelope, 20r29,
20 do Yellow do soya
50 do Itlanllla do 20rM;
00 do do do 2lxTel;
200 do assorted wrapping pa
pers, in store, for sale by JOHN 11 AIKLLOR
;eta in Wood in
Economy la Teas
TkECIDEDLY the cheapest and best place in Pins-
Lk burgh to bay Tea Is at the Tea Market, east eine
of the Diamond. They tell
Excellent Tea at --- .-60 50 per lb
Superior Qualittes—•-• • • • • 0 75
The very ..... -•• • I Ou
Low priced. damaged, or inferior Teas see not kept
at this establishment. therefore, whether you go your
self or send a child, you are sore to obtain a good
article, and if the donor of .this Tea is notopproved
they readily exchange It or mom the money.
iril MORRIS to HAWORTH, Proprietors.
hrls do do;
o kegs do do;
10 Las Sale:suds;
25 hos Mould Candles;
155 hos No I Starch;
25 dos patent Zinc Washboards;
25 hi cheapsuper.. Green Tod.:
su r eddy Gas do do;
10 he dies , . superior Black Toast
5 tea Duffield's cum flame;
For rale by J D WILLIAMS & CO
415 Coe Wood & Fifth at..
111000LATE—t61 box es Na. 1 Fresh Chocolate ,
lJ Jost received, and for •ale by
dohn•on—A menran Farmer' Encyclopedia, BTo
Ernernon—Trees and Shrubs, 8.0
Brown—Tree. of Anactara„ 800
11o1'—A . Goide I, the Or!hlii:d,l2mo
Buott—lfarroly Kitoben Gordn's', 12mo
i'dinGT—Thc American Bee Keeper, taco
Brown—The American Pon[try Trud, Mem
Marshall—The Fanner and Ernigrera4 Hand Boot
Allen—TlM American Farm Book, Mao
Doering—Font and Fran Trees or America, 12rrin
Tenon—Tin Horan boo
Bennet—The Poultry Yard, Itmo
je' 7 104 Fourth st
Am•rlean 1 of Bolono• wad Argo
fIONDUCTED b Prof. B. Bauman, Prof. B. Still
man, Jr, and Jemeit B. Dana, New Haven, Con
ein. no. Journal is Issued every two months
in numbers or I‘,l pages each, making two pen. •
volumes a year, each with many illustration.. It I
devoted to ortgbial articles on Science and the Arta
Condensed Reviews or Abstracts of Memoirs an.
Discoveves from Farman Periodicals, Notice of Ne
Publications, and a General Bulletin of recent Sole.
nbc W unit. The first series oonmins SO volumes, tb
last of which is a general Index to the 49 volume
preceding. Sub, ription,ll3 a year, In advmee.
J D LOCKVVOOD, Ag't for Proprietors,
gig 104 Fourth st.
Gnod 0000000 Hammer Reading.
R. —Turkish live-rung kA.ertaantnents,l=to.
Taylor—Eldorado, 2 vole, 12mo
Catnap—European Life and Manner., Y vola,l2m ,
Dick ent—Donnoy and Son, 2 vo , o, 12mo.
black ay —reorder Delustore, 0 vole, ltoo.
Marvel—Freah Gleaning., 12mo.
C 11 —Norman Leann, Mum.
3haw—Enaligh Ltterature, 12mo.
Ynnr—tndeantla`s Jllenellaneous Works, 4 vela.
Taylor—Vleaa Afoot, Wmo
Humboldt—Cosmos, 2 vole, 12rno.
For role by Jed D LOCKWOOD
led. 104 Fount at
Looks-0 eeeee I Literature.
glorrr—rerfuorery Is Use and Marrufaeutra 12.10.
Stallo—nnlosophy of Nature. 12sno.
Chdovr—Aphortrms and Re3eetlons. Irgra.
Shaw—hog Lan Laterature. Irmo.
Davis—Lerendre. Irmo.
itryant—C% hat 1 saw In California.
St. I'lyr - re—Paul god Virgil:is. 2 vols. Mao.
Alcott—Letters to Young men. Inmo.
Itarnar—Rectabee of Hum. Nature.
erreonr—Modern French Lltoratara
Snre , no—Phrlosophy.
Nownhanr—lluman Magnetism.
Humboldt—Aspects ol Miter,
Droderip—Zrvlogieal Recreant..
re , • 104 Young st
F•ster's 7Liblapima 7 .1. • ..,
%V IN E to Run all Night; Dolly Day;
Doiry Jone, Go down to de Cotton Fitaldi
Be Kind to the Loved One. at florae
Row tby boat Itghlly; True Love, b; T. Flood;
Oar way sem.. tbo sea, eloolb
A new medley Bony, by EL Covert;
Jenny Gray, mimic by Mailer,
Joy. 'ha' were cm'ffltlalt, Wedding March;
God 1...10 IE. /tardy martemi Sehuylkill Walt;
ermacitat, Departure, by W. C. Glover
horn Some; Wallace, Sleymmarkmehe Co;
La" Pose
fit I.'lllllll/11, easy variations by Item
United States Polka; Ladies' Souvenir Polka;
Corn Cracker iduadnilei Louisville Quadrille;
Wixom, of Saly; Dams, Trioa,
A lute amonment of. New Mamie on hand. to which
madames are mule weekly. For sale by
feluM 1. 11. MELLOR. St Wood st.
Oh..p standard History. •
lj FMC'S FORY OF EPhiI.,ND is now put:i
-ll lirtueg by Harper & Oro% in 6 vol.. cloth and
parer. a: Cu cents per Vol. Three cols received, and
Til:Diit , Rnil IIL• Fast Voyage, by Henn Mel'
.a str.hor nl"7ypee," "Omoo,"
Iltcory of Ko, Alfred of England, by Juob Abbot
wall fine engravmss.
81donirkUle Somer..; by Wm. gleirdlold.
n.o eOlllOl Third and !gasket stream
have a veff
II PAlnr-
"Owe of this Mews iteinseriethis Work, of tits Ars"
NINV.VEII AND ITS REMAINS.; wi th an account
of a VISIt to the Chandwan Christians of Kurdis
tan. and the Vestals, or Devil-Worshippers, and an
Inquiry thus the blannen and Arts of the Ancient As.
svntins. ley Austen Ilenry Lo rd Esq., D. C. L.
With Intraluctory Note by Prof. E. Rebutson, D. D.,
LI.. 1) 11:1strated %Ki th 13 plates and maps and 90
wood cuts vI,. bee cloth, 114,00.
.TbC book In. • row amount of fratthic, vivid, pic
turesque narrative "—Tribune.
-The work of Layard ID 1110 taw prominent contri
bution to the study of antlqnity, that has appeared for
many venrs "—Chnst. Inst.
"Not ore ,wets in interest the account of Nineveh
and its Ruins, even by Ms Laysrd.”—Washitmlon
'LA, we follow the diggers with breathless interest
I h S. No .9 Ward
. - -
In their excavations, and soddenly Ind ourselves be•
tore a massive figure caned with minute accuracy,
now Ittling alcanuc bead Irma the dust of 30IA
years,a, are tearly cc cry oat with the utonlsbed
arab., It n wooderfel, but It Is true!' "—ln-
TOR WO MEN of foe OW and New Testament.
Edited by E. D. Sprague, D. D. 1 vol. Imp. eve.,
elegantly bound; IS exquisitely finishedengravings;
ssoh descriptions by celebrated Arnerteart Clergymen.
points Jo( A3IELIA, (Mr. Welby, of Ky.,) a new
and enlarged edilinid io
iilusloned by engrangs from
oriemal designs by Wier. I vol. square Non., elegant.
ly bound and gilt. Also—A satiety of splendid Annu
als and Gill Boats.
Newell's Child's First 'flank of the Olsten Of Rome.
1 vol. Irmo.
yersof Carpenters, Shipwrights, Wheelwrights, Saw
, Lumbermen, Students, and Artisans generally:
being a thorough and practical Treause on Mensura
tion and the Slicing Rule. Hy lb N. Kuper A. M.
lioine's Treatise on Greet Composition.
Oirendorri's Elementary Preach Grammar. By Prof.
Greene, of drown University. I vol. lemo.
Boediger's Gemini.' Hebrew Grammar, by Corium.
Gelunaus' Hebrew Lcsienn.
Loomis' Trigonometry and Logarithmic Tables. 1
vol. (Creep.)
The Englishman's Greek Concordance. 1 vol. (aux
Anthon'. Classical Series.
Webster's thenemary, revittej;3. 9 vol. Bee.
do nualor ed. I vol. gto.
Bane`. Now. and questions on New Testament.Whately..
Mosheira's Ecclesiastical Dieter?. 3 yo/a. and B
vol.. DbeePd
Velluges of Creation. I val. 18mo.
Morning. among the Jesuit. at Name. 1 vol (cloth
and paper.)
Scenes where the Tempter ham Triumphed. I vol.
(cloth and paper.)
Bogue'. Tuimlogical Lectures. I vol. Elvo. (cloth./
Alder'. Pronouncing Bible.
Boyer'. French Dictionary.
Stuart'. Horace. For sale by B HOPKINS,
novl3 Apollo Buildings, Fritirth at
The Olden —
A)1F... , D. LOCKWDOD, Bookseller and Importer.
N 0.63 Wood street, Wm for sale a tew copies com
plete, he remainder of the editiono of this valuable
work. devoted to Me Preservation of Dmiumenti, and
other authentic utfonnation relatmg to the early ex.
ploratirms, settlement and improvement of dm country
around the head of the Ohio. By Noodle B. Craig,
Esq., of Pittsburgh, 108 Vols. 800.
• • m"`" • •
novo) • J. D. LOCKWOOD
n OMAN LII3E6TY: A Nuiory, with n View of the
.It Liberty of other Ancient Nation.. By Sump!
Elliott, Esq. Illuatrated With Ustive cogravinge, ere-
noted at Rome. ni rota, ihre.,luniforM with Prescott'.
Historical Worts.
Just pithitaltedand for We
JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and
novto • ! Imparter. RI Wood
IDANNY KEMIJITInTILLY; aithertied - edlifi•
"Tim reading . of Nis book has hummed ae with •
mach higher opinion of itr nether dien we had formed
from pemsing her other writings. It displays O. deeper
tone of thought, crated po more pare womanlygrace of
feeling than any oilier produelion of th e female ea too
with which we are acquainied."—EVe. Minor.
“It is very agreeable and readable book.W ri ttealn
Fanny Kemble's best style—bold, ophited and h ester.
taming. We recommend It **defendant lithe best
publication of the aceson.K—Readleg Hu.
.lt contantsthe Journal of a pave Daotteh Earope.
and residence in Italy; and Is maga( the pleastuneat
and most interesting hooks of the suron."-.Coor. and
"A very oharammicio book. We have mad It from
title page to Colophon withenabated intartsb A Vi
vid pictrife of life in Rome. lot all =outsets eadnehdf
novls Bailreeller & Importer, ea Wood id
haul' Piald Mailman.-
MURP Fl Y & BURCHFIELD have ezeelbent
amanita= Or above aniele, light and duk,of
choice colors, laeladlot porno of A v.l I , .. ,
4 1 10 v 1114 %On 91'96umey poems*. Ilia
108.$10/11 ZXG11.1.210X.:
BILLS On EnglaAd, Ireland, and Bertiand bought
aminaut at the Current Rowe of Faehange.
Also, Drafw parable in any part of dm COuntrier,
frout4.l Lfooo, al the me o f r 31.0 the Str•l-ne,
without deduction or diaconal, by JOSHUA ROBIN
SON, European and General '.higeni, off.*
door tweet of weal.
ALLaa [LIU. 1,..” 4 lid
H I RAI/ EU 11[
In Foreign and DomeGio IlitH of Eactant... Car.
Llficates of Deposne, Bark Notes and Coin Corn,/ of
3d and Wood moats, &Hots oppoahe SL Charlet Ho
Ilant Notes;
at We
" "h"" 1"."'"
septa 35 Market atre;on
BILLS Clig ir.xourmitara=t4 4 l“ Clunks on
Now York,
Philadelphia, and
Constantly for tale by N. HOULE'S & SONS.
sopl3 x Market sr.
hicreluaritsliEastaldo of the Diamond, Pittsbureh,
are now offering at the ye ry lowest priers for Cosa,
Rectified Whiskey, Din and Donarsna Mandy; else,
French Brandy, llolland Jamaita Splnts, Lon.
don Din, Irish Whiskey. Rani, tee. Port. hher ey. SI a
deity, Champagne, Claret Slav sten, Malaga, Ts en-
tel Litho.; Wines Wholesaled. nit 3
PRI NTI N , PAPER—Always on band or made LO
. order, Oa various sites of Printing Paper, Rag
Wrapping Paper; Crown, Medium, and Doable Crown
saga Straw Wrapping Paper; Crown, Medium, and
Double Cro Poo t awe raper; P isle board. be Ise.
W P RSHA Si Wood st,
Agent for Canton Mill.
TOON WATT & CO. have removed their veer
Groceriee to the oppotata aide or Lamely sr
VITOMAN IN AMERICA—Ifer work a n d her re-
WILTd. Ely Marla.' Mclntosh, nothor of ..t'h r.ce
Coarnerehtems," "To seem and In be." I 'col limo.
. . . • - •
Latter Day Parophiets, No I:—The present tin.e.
By Thomas Carlyste.
Ca•u,uua.—lnernoir. of Late and Writings of The..
Co.,halnt D D., L. L. D. freleetions on Ihmer's
Analogy, Raley's Evidences of Chn -dianity. and 'lilt's
Leatare on Divinity, with two Introductory Lecture.
and four Addresse• delivered in the New Coilege,
Edinburgh, by Thomas Chnlmers, D. D., L. L. D.
vol Iteuo.
C /SIMI —Lire of Sohn Calvin, eo•npiled from authen
tic sourced, and particularly from his corteepeadeue es.
Yy Thoman II Dyer, with portrait. I not I•tmo
for sale by R RORKINti.
ap47 '7g Apollo Ruddings, Fourth et.
Combat Combat
20GROSS sneer Polka; IS do do very fi ne;
" &yid Redding;
IS super English Horn Paddler;
6 - Pocket Combs,
600 . . Wosd
1000 dna arsld fine !very;
an. " Shell Side Combs;
10 " .epee large Bud - nisi
too gross ;sled Side Combs' reed and fat .ale by
kts C YK AGER, lib Market •i
Buff Holland! Buff liollsault
rnSE NOTICE—That W. McClintock has this dsy
received several cases or the Wiest and best Bud
idour Holland, to which be would most respect/tidy
ealt tbe attention of his customers and the public in
jrrCarpet Ware Booms, 73 Fourth M. ).31
AFEW very fine GUITARS, P.M ree'd from rho
celebrated manufactory of C. F. Marlin, and lot
sale 14; ; Jane J ILMEI.wR, el Wood at.
completeits Works Of John Runyan; 2 vole, 800,
In I yol, Illustrated; marlin atlt wil edge,
ttehell's Ltib[teal and Babbath School Geography •
a new work; I not, I2mo.
Towols Analysis sod Speller.
Llfe of John Q. Adams; by Wm. 11. Seward; I vol.
1.2m0; muslin
Poems by blro. Ilemar.s; I not, l`ricc 61111 a.
Booth's Serrnoas—Strmont foreached upon sever,
oicaslnns, by Robert South. D. LI ; now ed,oorot
vol.; including Posthumous Discourses.
Same-4 vols. in 2 - , abeep, extra; svo.
For sale by, R. HOPKINS,
retell . Apollo Iluildmgs,FCMll4
3011111N10101.5021 P. W. O. INITNI.
THE uirdersigned, successors to Arthur. & Nichol
son, beg leave to Inform the citizens of Efinstroidh
xnd public 4 enerally, Motthey have relittilt the EA
GLE, FOUNDRY and are new In fell operation, nod
have pan of their patterns ready for the market:—
Amongst which are Cookie; Stoves, Coal anti Wood
Stoves, with a splendid air-twht CO.ll Store. which
superseding in tidier cities the common TO,:
Stave. Also, a cheap colt Cooking Stove, well adap
ted for small families, with a full uworunent of m00t...0n
t...on and mantel Gram* NVe wovid par ocularly M
aim the attention of persons building to call at OUT
*archon. before porchusuig, and examine splcii lid
article of enamimelled Grates, fousued In fine style—
entirely new in this market.
Warehouse, No. lal Liberty st. opposite Wood au,
augighdtt NICHOLSON tr. PAYNE.
. _ . .
1 , 1 YEAGER. Importer and Wholesale Dealer in
Sign of the
Neer Comb, 108 isMerke t., Pittsbargh, Ps.
Wenterh chants, Pedlarn and others vomit,
Pittsburgh to mocha. Goad., arc respectfully invited
to call and examine the extensive assortment of Eng.
Rah, American French and German Fancy Goods.
All Foreign Good. thin establishment are impo t
ed direct by myself, and puGhaser. may
deg goods from first Lands. I hoer the largest ton
of •rticles, in the variMy line, in the e• f
Pittsburgh—all of which will be sold low for e As i, os
city acceptance. .The Stock consists, In put, of
Lace Goods, Hosiery, Giovics, Ribbons.
Silk Cravats, Shoe and Patent Threads, Sr win Silk,
g; ) ,l ,7 . a . Pea, etopenders, Dutton. e ms ,N,..
Gold and Silver W atches, Gold Jewelry, altitude of
Dr - ashen Combs and Hasors.
i Percussion Caps, Revolvers, Pistol., Clocks, Silk
Cotton Purses, Spectacles, Steel Foes, Music Doges,
Carpet Hogs and Baskets.
' Ditithage, Fonlinge and Trimming.
Toys and Fanny Goods; together tools a i g ,,,,
iy of Fancy and Staple DRY GOOD, '
C. YEAGER is aid agent for the celebrated Lan.
Caster Combs. nova
Great lihaillsla Elemear.
Cha d ds,
above diseases, is the HUNGARIAN BALSAM ill
LIFE, discovered by the celebra.:l De Bucher, or
London, Priglutd, and introdnerd the Ullited Stiles
spier the immediate superintendence of the inventor.
The extraordinary success of this medicine, in th,
ram of Pulmonary disease, warrants the
ri l e
Agmit in soliciting tromment the worst pose rile :Is
see that can be found in Pm community—CW.s than reef
relief in vai n . from soy of the common eetneeleev of it,.
day, and have been given np by the most disongaumed
physicians ns confirmed and incurable. The llungun
-1121 Balsam has cured, nnd will CUPS tU, pm, g e .,„ 0 „„„.
'of oases. It is no quack nostrum . , 1.111 standard Eng
lisla medicine, of known and es's...Oohed eilfiescy.
Every family in th e United BOO* sheald be supplied
Iltiugarirre saluam of Life, not only to
terrine... the co...urVNive 'ender
of the
ha. to be used as e, p.otiventive medi a e is all eases 0/ .
sold*, cough% spilWig of blood, pain in the side and.
chest, trritonon and soreness of th e kings, brink...,
difficulty of bloating, hectic! fever, night awed., enact
atom and general debility, uthesa, influenza, whooping
sough so
Bold in large bottles, at SI par bent., with fell dirs.-
done for the restonstion of Aealth.
Famphlots, *ordaining • amaa of Engll.6 and Am.n
asn and other cridence, rboolog w
equalled 'manta of Mrs great Engltrh Remedy, may I •
°blamed or the Agors, gratnimarly.
For axle by II A FAIINFSTOCK & Co., corner a.
at and Wood and Wood and 6th co. inDdr•er
Norman Lta• Id!
Pun...on, !Starch t7,oory.
Mr. R. R. ?allow—ln juice to you and
(oUt incom
parable Cough Syrup, I beg leave to stew, s i r the ben
efit of the community, that my wife &so been seve, ut
times afflicted with a most dtstresata& cone*. I pr
chaaed, in January tut, • bottle of :toe , Syrup,
cured a cough of two montlyt swiJuß. Aboid ono
month spice, We cough rettuved, •nd was co severe
that she could hardly move, frown weakness to th e,
breut; scut for one ladle of your Cough Syrup, and
a part of one bon)" eared the cough. I gave - the otber
to a ioeuteltaau seho erns eeveruly Who heel,
to ore his two words, neaten enough cough candy to
cure ati the people in Pittsburgh," if the utility had
boon as good as represented.
Yours ‘ respeetfolly i Atwan Ift. Nowa_
Prepaiet) and sold by R. E. SELIiERS, 57 Wftese
clues , and bold by Druggists general!) , in the two
3. A. DRIJWN vrosild respect.
fallyinform the public, that he
keeps on hand at his sued on the
west Aids of the Diamond, Alle
gheny ray, a compleie maser,
meet of Yeomen Blinds; also
Shutter. ate made to or.
der in the hest sit., warrantee,
equat y in the 13ntted
Ills Mods con be removed sailb
oat the aid of a screw driver.
Having porehased the mock,
o:iota, and wood of tho ealote; cv•
tablishment of Itaingsy & AMU.
land, I am prepawd to furnish
their old customers., as well a•
the public at large. with every thins fa Liar line.
Agency No 0 Wood street. Pituk,k.
mental 3. A. DROWN.
63 Wood 16
Colored Blarselllao Ct,rdles. - -
& BURCIIREIAIhave received no
oortment of the vorioas rotors, wart of neve wed
boanufal potion.; also, Whiz Covieterpaneo 01 vv
rims ;Ines*. rzi
. . ....
• Shirting Igusiinfr.
Al i q P r P S T ltTntr ul ti ß rat q ui k t n ot n .t " itigr ' r0 ."' , ' . ' ,. 1
be gooJs. Great tare Is taken in twit-cubs 10
very best make; anti as they buy in bleat asset/i.e.
front the alert. of ibe inunufactureis Limy by be
sold at the eery lowest peters city.,
orium-7 casks teed and fer Wet.)
••g 7 , ta S. W lIARCATIGII
ALL. be YEN— .Y. rilAlTh.7..itt. raConsisa
17 receiving, from the largest mansfamons• •
New Ymt and Pruladelphia sisd ,rem bre •••
Ageneiw, the OGINICIII and east approved str le, or Yv
per Hangings, together,. with • borders, Ewe, War,
Priers, and Tester 'rope' I. or mile at Fir Woralat,t 1...-
mean Fourth steal and Dlanthed AIN), Isdournvors
tea C. 11.111 . ". ttu
MURPHY:it BURCHFIELD 0../ orielaßove
PDIDD.. I LogPF,T.R wort,
anleb t W. 1.1113, a... . 41 0 • iciF pnee lot
• DudltY. ERtta nue baled= IDWDD .loge
Pluakedges 1* Store. •
ONE Box, :narked Barrel O. Wood, Pitteh r ici,
n Beadle; tentked Charles Mugh:
burgh. The ovaxten •Urla V. 1.. kr um
.10;.,.. t rig, , ,°111 1 . - VALLINGFORD lk CO
otou I'InCirOBCBTP4I,I,
V have on hand 'ow
d~h ter Wool Seeks, urißeh irtey elooo odi
To am, Ilorobatato,
ye,oed n ellferlol Suety Flare for Welting;
2,304 kegs liesird'e Meeting rowan
Thel.t•CO tells do Co Ride Powder.
a mils and .wide upend mottatioe
the the best rearenteek of Its ,
quoit LC/TO poor ordelo, they Will receive pom,
once on, bY DILWORTH eto
031 31 Wood et
•Ht•lol..l4awins at 19/ oniti
WiIIiRPHY 6 MEC/WIELD are aeli;aß , mat
IVA article of Brews .Dpraa Lawna at dm wprice
a "m e par, Ian!): alioW• real variety a sip, of
L .1
Lahr do 1 0, 4 12 1e.i * Yar d ; alai; White
Goods otail Lia4o ;En' wee. grow% my kyr, app