The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 03, 1850, Image 3

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iIaiEMAINI:.(i ID tnc Putshurgh Post Office. front the.
16th or Aug. to the Mat of Aug., 150. Persons
elating rot them WM pie., any they are ariverused.
Aekin Clurbe A Allen Mary Ann A mold Jean.
Allen Same Anderson Nano Ateblson /and
Bailey Annie 105,, M .I. A
Bailey tfariirtt !beefy C•thne Drown Jrnatma
Martha Dula,* Man. F Brown Mrs Ehrth
BUM Elisa D Et/binge Mra.'ar'ilalktt Amai a
Dater Emnra Ittna , ey May A MIT Anna
Dater Eli... J Marti Ja.,e -Darla. Mary J
Bantry Mat Illaaeny It Hari, Mc.
Darrell Navy Dnat,..- , k Ma Huller Ana
Dates Cathne IlradiTY Carafe Ho!, Itriary-
Dates Sarah litookA Elath Butler Sarah
Deana Adalitte Brook. Mary
Ca Bay Rmannerh Clapp, Barbara Cord Paean
Caldwell , 2 11.11: C:ara J. Corr Cuhar
Ca: holm Re ('laver Catitne Cox Mary M
Calvert A ire C.. ry Mary Craw , ord Jana I)
Campbell Nara, C.xC lone 511 try Aeununln% Mn,Sn/1
Carly Alive 1,011111 A Carry Ann
easel! NnneY Carry Mr.;
Cot•ter al.mrn Cont. Anna
Chummy Caro'n Connally Midget
Dally Rele.era D.ltnrela Drnleet Down, Alan
Dnle Ni” M Dunne Catbnc Dune an esvall
Delete, A no Donovan Mary L Dugan lirelc I
Donahoe Catbne
F. no Rrharaa Irlarnrthy Mary Eaana Mrs Lyle
Encktns Cathay rat.i•lt Sidhey Evnaa Mary C
EJa•r Maria 1. Englian Lytha A F:enng Ithr.ll4 E
Nitta Catiae 1 Evan. Jana
Farrel. r.lrnn• Fig - me Mary 9 , Tor.. aronv 1.1111
Finley Caroline Flyn n emrlla Font) lb Atm.'
Folgem Mr Illy Friend It it nt
Gallagher Base Glenn Sarah Greet Mafia
Gambol Mary C Gl•¢en Mr. allry Ge•en Mary
Gurley Ann Garden ..1111111a Marc F
Galatea :Bataan Gorman Mary Grogan Mary'
Gilman Katy A (Ream. Mary Granata Ann
Gibson Satell Sarah Gramm Sara 4
Glass Mrs Ann Grnre•a Ger iu Ca:henna
Grain PA n,
hon 'Anna Ilartm. Nan' Alin:lent ark Awry/lare A plc, lenalclthlaarathllanln Mary Ann
Ilam. Ma, A lortrt. i
Hamer Alarrarrt flam Lavinia ellaAr'SA.ltla-ill
Hartley Alreatisanliarnal, Malley l'aulana
Hartley Mr. Danlifolmea Mans
Ingrnm Irwin Ann harm. Lydia
Irwin Idea. Irroin.F.iennor harry Swath
Iron• Alargeact
Jame, M.ry Johngtoa John A John, lln A NY
la t Anne J•Am.ton Mary A Jottosum IlarrietA
Johnston Mts.
Ke.nslltraK,laraK•lly Margt Ann Kinsey Nam., A
Ne , ,ney llonora Kennedy Jenene Kink. Malin
Kelly Ann•ltn hirwain 11.1,1 ; et Kuientd
Kelly :duty
Lain MATT r Ln Mary A Lurrr Isar' -t'
Laughlin :.nrah luvovloulMAryLLs . toms
Leary Jan.: Loiu-iKun esul , u Lyneh Ann
Loyd os7tb Lynch Mary
IS.V^Y Ju'h M‘Pigur, Jxun Morr Mary
Marchand MurthaMult. uop.aut Mut. Mr.
Mar , o,r F::ix 0$ 110.1 g umrry It J Moutlio
N1.•11 , 1nmer.1..1113 , 1,1uu MolduClll.le
MAllhelf• NluretoT, iry Mutlin Rebecca
/Any Elszt Morton .11.retli A Murphy Cl.llle
Mrn ly Merin L Morr • Jeme Murry Irl.3lJ'e.
b 1.4111 Mn Morn/ Ntnry .I).r. A..
M'ilatran , Mary M'Done t Mery J IWl:ea ralnre
lit , andle.Salat)M'lloaa. ztn M"Kar Nanry
ADC:wan Jun.- M'Elrny rer',EM'Kce Mgt
TlrCannry M*Genan Mary WK.:try Mn
MI . 1191rel• Nvocy WWI Er:Oly M'Lare r Met
TlT“Act , r, Mary Nl* I:1111y Arl.augM.n loan
At'Con.l. Martha M'(;ntav A IM'l.4koKhlieL 1.1,1
M'Crark.sti..'n .I..r.ettr M'Nli'lan MaMulct
AI Crea MarTlgn . M•Mkst rn Mary A
M'cul , y Mei A M Inlyre Mrs M . Sully
M'Dsvitt Mory A Arlie< Ann AVSarl/gra Nan'y
Nell Ellzth Negley Mrs FEI Neely Ann
O'Donuoll Garb. Oa Mrs
Park Lucy II Pltilmps I•ntlp Parte,tat•Ci!la
Potterron Mt, Ir Itriu Nur. EkrtS APorter karat,.
Raldon, M an
agsreth Ras., E.
Reogart, Cath Rolo, Mrs Joscpbßu . , aa , rth
Reid, Imsbana RolAnson, Arista Ramos, Cars
Rice, Ann Is It Mary
Scott, Marratoth Sh r lan.R nal Shannon, Par hl
Kona, Mr. 1M -n Shon n. Abbey A Shaw, Mary R I
Seanor. Lamle Shn.ntaler,CarreSA a, linnora
Marvar,-th Sna th, Laurent ne:the, Mary
Ranna,Mary 0 .
Taylor M. I: 'Doom., Noll Tuer E.ra
Ta ler Mort. Towner Slat, S Ty, rn rcl Grrn-sr.n
Walter Mgry Wick ham MI, A NV,l•ni
'Warren M•ry A Wicgtds A M WynTAct Mary
IVrate AV, ghi Anzan
Charlow•AlVillinmq Jane Wright Low.
White E.:izabc:ll Mary UlVocAlzle Math
assatlernela.. Mist
Adam: on 'runt Armorer Adana Arnagrona u.r
Adam. 'A Luta Alaran , or /al A•m.ront nt(
Atken Jeri Ander.", 3 JUlt t
Alami 11Jd7 A.ulenon Jan r. Atttn.nn
Agent Geo Andenon Joou AtlrJormo Dr
3.. Appleton Ton. II Alkenann I W
Adorn. Cm, A rot.trnoa B-, t ,,h
Abel Orannmort. Adams Jno
!Wallet WF. Mather tlay , t Der P ttk
Batty /no P 3,
Battey Jos 11 , Itx400vcr M JA,
Ilaetrmrtote. F J Ba:ey Peter ty urn. 384
Barnes Joe Wood ism
Baker Henry Bird Wm I. Branoett M,clll
Dater B I,oompr /no A I n
Barnet C Isto., J N !krona,: M J
Bang :atria Inaek Brook, Henry 0
Barr Sunni V Bo Juo ft, /Imo, Jno M.
Bayne Anew Boyd lieu Wont* Morns
Barbering, Boyd (Vol Brook.
Ilatrulge Pet, /tote
3 no Brook. /no A
Barron Homer Wl.tee Wm Jto H
B ay ne) Thot ' Bo nner Hann,
ay no Bonner Jon Barth. Joan 1:
Bartley Jun Boyle Jun Butler Jo.
Barker &Gard. C
Onylers Jan , Boyd lire 13 Lturn.ttles Rlbt
Beatty Jno lloetwtct inn or Wm
Beale eawe Brown Tneoptlusßuteber Joe A
licWer. Joe L $ Wove Co., Urn. inn
Beaumont 'llan I Bron'n Butler II
Beac!ay Jon Brown Wll,rt Nuthl
Benstl llPorwet Wm B Bun JIV
Beach It It Burke Finley
Boron Wm
Coles . . Nell Clark M Corer Rio A
Call Jeremiah Cob...enlace. Covedo Jaenb
Caine Win COl,O JR, S Coyle Neely
Carr. Jeri Collier Myron Conch Deo
Camp Thee Vole S A • Cowan David II
Cameron David Aoollint Jno C.valt 1.1411.,
Caroline NA- Co d. Frit! ell Cnofiwie ram
Camey Stiehl • Coder Palk Crawford Win
Crawley ribilthewColiti Jas 9 Corer inn C
Cavanagh Jno Connion Oman Crawford L
Cathcart Saml Col. Sidney Crichton David
Carpenter Tina Cochran leo Craw lord 9 9
CrewieylilanticarCnelirnii tilanlaewCraig
Carlisle Jas CurTer Woo Crawford J It
Campbell AII Couraiumon MlelCraig Juni.
Caraphelllt A &nor:finely Mich' Casey J Itt
Campiw.ll Patter Conwall Jii• Crowley J no
ftsumbrll Jo. Wok Prank:in Crowley Pot
Campbell Minh Cook Jacob Crowley Corners
Caldwell /no Cook J. _Cronney
Caldwell trent) . Coot Eugene L Carley Jon
Caldwell WricS i'ook Jivo Commie. Jas
Churchman Woe Coot Shaeklettil Collin Thor
Chamber , Mr. Co Cullen WA
Chenowith & Da. rook Wm Caren Thor
Chen/berm A C Conk Jo. Curl Hain
ChM., Iran . Conway Ti`os Crier lino Jona'n
Carr, y o u crane Jul Conning nun 1
Carothers inn N Craig Jno CI rk C rV & b roe
Davliman Sanliiel Delany Samuel Drage M K
D Martin . Dilworth Ur Santllhiffy Michael
M ay Al Joseph Ihracy LaiayetteDngaa u nK p
Daman, Jora . lhllen Michael Dann Arthur
.0.1,111nlor• Deb. Geogr. , Dance Patrick
Drafts Jarne• Daolin union - Donee John
Davis M. Doyle Mr Dann James
Darts Thom. Dorf Jerk ea 'Dorsey Woe II
D 8.14 JO/Ctal - Douglas •J. Darter Thor
Davis John Donnell{ And., Diugherly Geo
Davis Win Dey'e Owen Mum I• illp
Dan. DO. John Dreneing Thom
. Devin Aleineder Doran John Delo Ceo M
Den /MO Thor Devlin J. P Desmond CorecYs
• Dalf Jarnen
Earaond John Ellwood Jahn Emus John E
Rli Kliv l.v,c Li R005t...1110.0 W
Raba F. F Fr ti. Dug.. F.vons Wm
• • ELlsra Evan. David Ejutor CS
Ella,. Robot
. . .
Faden Mr . nynn htlehiel . Priv! John
Fagan Jon A Fhnn Ando' Fo•ton It
Farr Flavin& J Flanipin John Fo!tnn A J
Fen" , Wei ' ' Ford altetteel 0 FOrc , lfT Francis
Fasu.n Jai ht Fia Jame. Fowler John
nlin Fri& rA k Found J Enos Ss marl
Fony Maurice Foiroim 11.1.11.. Freeznan hi drtin , l
Fitipwric IL John FOalt Phltlek Frederlidi Cart W
Fitt‘erald Mau- Fon. Wm fovley ii.chard
1 . 2., Forsyth Mr For t ugh Win A
Flley WOr, Ford Wm Flew., Ohm 11
Fisher Joseph Fowler Dr Four ito , en
Farrell , : Tilos Ford James Fimrimatorallrvil
Falter War , .
Goo . littler* Ran Gregor Theodore
GOlllghelf JO. lines Unof
Illeylogte& Clar k
Gallagher Jt. Giro. Tonothr Gres nut
Gallagher 'loch Glaasford Ands Green Ja
no Pros I" ttrar,:; Dine.t , icotrry
Galbraith Geo Glory Wm,, re
Gallagher nut II Glenn Timothy to macs Jobn
Geer John (Henn Wm Grafts
Gardner Jon Worn Jo. Gm.. M, h 51r. II
Gamble And Gorrnly Mehl Griffin path
Geraghty Martin Gordon w Grove, A 11'K
Gardner Mr Gould John NI Graham Res.
GaoltJohn Grsee Wee 51 Grab.. W.
Gibroa Gco Green /Grim Gray Rev Gls
Gibson Rohl Gregg Leonard Ural' Geo W
Gilmore And Greer 71a 11 Cooly Jo•
Glnespie W C Grayson Jolni, Gray Ralph
Gay .1 A
gynallton 11. Hamalion J Britton it
Hamilton in° Ilmunga C llolmes tieo
faagare Henry Heseloy ItqlotesEnoeb •
Woe Riehd Have. Wm S Howard N J
Haaaren J. IlalsrlJatepn Homer Robt
Mi. dated E Hayward 5I Ilqumm. Jesse
Halo Thong • Ilnys J Hof k los Wasb'n
Haigh Joseph P Heston F Hooper/hot al
Hamm CIIIes Itenthom Taos ,Howard Mehl
Hamm Jno Hamad Ephraim Hernia! Jas
Hanna Cape Wm Henderson Jag llorolsh Rev I K
Bart J I Ilarmol
& IJIY• HermsahThoa Henry Jag ny Dant Howae
rdWm Tbos
/tart Shoo .I.llorriagton WM. Hahn
hosier 17 1) •
'lamer Ota W Hoodnek II 0 Bunter a Fleming
Barrio [Card / herald Jon t hes
. liamsonloen 'f Henry Wm Ilubett J no
Halbach Jat Herbert Rev I Wll•ghs Wm
Hutt. Hush ilflter Fredk Hutchison David
Ham IReo P `'''llirsh Lenin Itibler boot B
• Hathrtwayll ' '
Irwin his A Irwin P Ingram Ja..Pi ,
Plgla Jag Wing Wm Irma Jg 9 lS
Jameson Da,cl Jon,. RAW V
/sok II D Joh.enn Snml Jones Ilrnry
Jactrol Sam Johnsen II CV Jong Moscs
Jacitmon Wm s Jo,n,nn Nlnn•f"l Jllll, Mr
. _
Jal V II Joht,r,i Wen Jtsnes
J.. 11 Jo. Jo-114 0 Jorte•l.,3l
!wilco la. Jo le. Wrn Jnacs lirnry
Jewril Iletrk Juave ioltL Paul Jolsco strithen E
K..f.,,, t , Aun n LlZ,nry NI wn. Kr.. , x G , o
iitv-um Jc" k.- , k3w d, ii .tryNlK,orr Wu J
Ketoall 1t..,7 K.• Ir Jaa K. A
ii. , ,mp , rin.4,6 K. !)• Palk K ellaur iro
K...:nrdy Ilettry kr ly NI“ id k,y., S
K.lrr S II I: , lq 3 " El •,,Iter Nrieon
Ktlf .1,5 'Ed.,' Jon Dirt t• A
Aeor. inn A sill Clinl A A, krttrek A
A;.•11,!, Jinn Eridlcr 11..1
J. I:lln,nc J.
Inther Pis. A J Lem, Cho. 1, , f.
Law., ~ Jo!. orl.rnthain Lei t•on Ar.n
11,n, I, , vr, Jolla
D•vea Jr," 1-levilivn hymn A t.,10. 1.0, mini W.ll
L.ClOll' FM, L. 1e.1t. , 411 Simonn
Level , Geo Jp.
eeelk Locor , Timm Ewell 11
Lent L II I.tviugit. Lemi•Lou,ll , Jv
1.. Linti•ey Mirk; I..wry 11(.1
Lewel.., The. 1 Lippincott I I II 1,..11 Sul
Lem. Pi,t!,im L,"'"' don Ca,.
Leoim md '.ey II C
!Ono:, Nit'lr.:tl.l
MtottAror Itetris
t tttltn
Me , reedDtvitl Mill. 6,
MxlterfT , lltm,n \I,II,
. . . . .
Ala coney II W Al lA Jn.
, lahnuer Jan II Mort. I
Mad, J. Nl.l, N1r.0... It
Muer A Do.mon
Nlagher J II Al It r
‘lammic Ibehd NI:11/r JI. 11 of Jay Chas
M... TM., Mil cr JnoS
MAO,. J.... J ti..
Nlaarn Mari , llT
Nlorg.hy Wm
Marrhail Mill, A 11 Murphy Ilrnry C
Al.). J.- M143. - .1 Wm I. Nlttri...).
31111‘1...5w. Thor. J
Mar, Jo.
Idr,oo F , oncin Nln3g.n 3..
Alnwghan eban Knag on l'ho. I. Nler3l3l Jno F
3.1.05t1e Mt.
%Mir T!. Mret •beon Ihvl.l
A II NlTatclLeon
Nl'Brule NlT:rack-1.1., A SI v,
Nl'lleth II II NlT,nlllicon , I' NI ,Irnn
I'Amlrrw Jn. Nl'ljernia•l Ntk N , in
NVeu'lnneh J A NI Donuld , Vm
wr‘it Tn 4.• >I 1..g:, Jna
Wrlella.l! Win At IAI, 3. SI !..tugttlin lllrhl
Nl'Cluret J II Nl'l,llll/11.111 Nl'Lr.a 1.
. .
M'Causim.ll l .'m 111 1 111.1 Toss,
M'Cann Jul M . GuieK. ll,l.l cr
111 1 s1andles.. 13 1 1.,U1.11f1ry M'Nea. Mr
11 1 C1nry 1 , 11 11 1 1•uir., Plot 111.1a.1L
J %I'llsnfly R. 114 111 , orl.lru
11" a. ty Jul 111 1 11tustfle And 1 M'Nul Nuun R
M'Cabe Pe.u. 111 1 Elroy l'ortruls ?VT ,V
M'Catre.J..n 111!Eiroy Jot, MA
M'Caron Nall.l 111' 1 :Tray 11 1n13 ., , 1 1 1,
&'M, M.r l ll M', 1 1 1' . . 1 fly.c4.‘fl
11,1. , rnuca Jas Mg:lu, louflar.lll'floren 11
11•I'orn.c.1. IVin 11.1ou•h A Irir 11'Nunnun las
11 ennorl. llr,.ry "WC,. J.. dl't'Ev Jun
Al't~~ec ten lo• W
NNIOt 1: P NeNon rho Nurrn: Fran', or
Nee It I: NAV . ,nr it Chu .I.firt
Nee Noble , 11.1,1. 1 N .rr v
Ncwinall ,•ln Ft II °a
Newman Jas Ft
0' `onnnt item: fl'Ile•r1 1 I1 , 1.1 0, 00 I`
Ort 0 - 11,0!, oa.e, o
°Wen. I' 01,arf H. I'
Owens Jim O`Urten ldwd
Parrith Frrn Peneteol: JAt Ir ru,,p+ Thn
ItIo•c• I..•nr Jne.leit II
l'art Gen renrent eNTn NI r. Jet
I . I•nw.•••
l'alter.nn Tne.d
Pioturynn II A: •0.11,01,41 J.
Psuertoat Aaron Dew:,
eitOnn Arthur flu; in Pirtlee. I/1.1 , 1110Ln
quart, Jam.,
Runs Wino Ranlitn h etort,rt Rairl,R Gen
Rut,e,... I,••e. Runt.. lune. C IlaPo•r•—•
Rch.nrli t r Hr. Trkne !herr:
Rcurte , I. fl Rx;11.• Jn R.G•nne
Rudig'ehlrtle• Ready Sl.e.toe: Re4l.lrn
Reed hint C !try ok.l 'rho. II
km4/1 - 0111 Bier). 1
Rie,r brtnr• 11,1,
.I•rte ILee•krl II t. ; , I. • • I:1 . . it
Ito.ley t. W
xnoem ii: se.Ro . is x„
Root. Mr Rubel*. UlOl,l Rnep. ,
It Kl;ent I .opA Itolr,ilong. Win El Ho.. J•mc•
RN•iu nJ,. lloi.ers.e. •It , 1•0., Ws. V
liotletl.ll A S rtut:lertor. l l.lul,l ,
O'ellor Low 'I ter A 11. kiop St, here John
Seam. Fo:yro Jai .e. s o• It • , .1
SR Oen It e 1 . 5en , 1% 11101,6 o • !nte-h II
Sander. Grergo th So,- 4.
N.ene. J •te.ra Allred Slocols K
E tenoth A:.llnoe Voter
t‘alOton Too. linoth /lent) . Shore John
r.entl IKm I. StrAlli Wel/, Jonlot
Sean It'. Stni9) II I/ A 0.1 1 Inano
senu George De :moo :etc., I D
tesebrlst A Irah.aletenztl. F. 11,11•• eels To.„
Samnn Jnbo Nn../1 •t•t0000tl Stew.e t A tlrr
reea.ort C4e• Form, Gen rre JeLlne • A
o .re.toto null le II , •oeee,,
So-rre, llr o/noh In4o A t'n ot 0., •
Mschnel W 11.•••••••
r.werranca Sl,ll ,
• II
St.t••ter lacne mel.eMl Or,. •
511,... Wm Fr , •••• , 1 FA,. Win
shmtlry , l it Al•
• e MO - 41 In• 11 , p • • 2,
Taylor Gen W Thom,.on [lnn , r
'lll ,, titp-o r Jao t , •
D )1 Trxmat J:•o Tr. aret • •ter
Taylor V. T Trunev trr 11.1 ry .
Taylor WM Ttr. J 'l,, W.ti
raosnonon Wm 1. Or J. •I.
111.01 -, ;3• .r
Thu ,l mp , .11 Jo , c rhTroman N F.,
VavgbartAnannlb Vaoshan Jun
• \\
lVagponer 1),n1 ‘Votkaa• W • ,n e. 1•••
Watnwri,la J R•a•t •• R
Wnhon I' Wan:. W, •••••••• J.
WuJ••••nrIl c War,, •n
Watla, two S War/ /n \\..••••Pl• pb,ofl
tV R V. eldan
Wnlacr /n 1 Wee IL ll•ary
Vi' , /no L. W.. t•Ja• Wolman A
WArren Gno We, Tau 4 a, a An' ur
tVo•ht , gt>n T C termerW•en:n.
Wrap, Wm W • .^T, .1:1 Wm
Wulkul• EWP/•h Wm ,004 .a , ••• /a.
Wet rt • A WAtemc ad 'Cm W0n.1..e rr Rand
Watter•ou W ••tra, Mawr troa.l. 1t,,,,
WaraOck IVA] IVWU , te Tho• J \V0.,,. U, ltorpS
Wnoon /po li:hantrr la. W. (....IVII.IOI
Aa/nr I , o• • A st.l II
CP•,I, I:•••• John Wand. Sa.o!
Wnt•A Wlllmr. J. Wm. Wm
Wards Wm Wrip.c.l /at
Yoon4Wpn A Yn,,g II Younz le•bn
Young 0.0 1 Young Dsnl oung M.lll M
Crner, steam,
Clerk a,ca,ner
Clerk .Ican,cr
Pre -,14,,t llur,tultura:
Mona, Trare. Irr.
Tvv,” Ca, lorke, N., 'Ai. L.Enlge, No 1 , 1
Cum art rfoCts,Citi 1.0. of 0 F
Ocean Wave S. of T, No 131.
Plik.butgh F.
ofr.,!No II
Tcaionta ri T., N,,
wrn••• vO'r °IT. V 73.
S Wotol
rterrettoott, September IL.
II) firruurn st,'Rallmorr,
A GENTS for the .dcol Soda no.. Blenching
IX I nadvra. nn band, •n , l ton•lnoni
rccriting i.tloo !rum the Manutarincre,nr
',We. a the anti :nom nnprov,l braTnl., 'rhino
alry 011, to tia: bail: a I,4l“&tAllea 10 and
towe.linark•rt went. an, Ur d:110. 11
rr untlcritioned hat on hand. nod in thin al.
J!rem , . the mantihirt orr cc, or. conwolincit
a burr lot of Fitionolo n tol color, It cot and
Also. Hod Illaulettn. khan., Couloir, II C It
Coanoticwo V s loco. nod Twerdc, which ho wall w
by she cm or piece. at lIIINIICNCIIIfr, orate.. Ti,
ottelitents of dealt 9•00i1C11 good , to itiviletl.
Low. 0 at
Office of Pitt4urgh , :n• Company,
August I:.
%ME Stockholderii of the Pit.liurch I.a. Cowan
Iltre beret,; notified, that ti. Anima; Nlcettng
the StoctholderA for she Election of Triiidem,
held at the odier tit t ho company... ti,c city of I'M
burelt. on Nlonday, the...cowl dry
between the hour. of too awl hoe o'riouls, .
Ihr r ilrpnall of c , eie‘trg two par.,. to ma
non, Tr u
teed for said company, lor..three year,
second day of re at. '
raffia Lb Coal Prop,ly oi Ammon.
ON mono ng Septembrr :Ird, tit. 11 •
clock. no the'Commercial SArk room, Corm;
Wood and WM •dreet, will tee sold
A tract of Laud satiated on tba Fast aide of tl
Mononsobela Biter, shout four m,le. anove Mono
ashen-Cap, formerly owned by Winner and Hunt shoot 63 A Cron, ono hall of ksdicii is am'
Cult.vnuon, wit), n farm lion.;. nod. al m sz Comm
amen. frame •larcllings in connection with Na Co
Works. The Pit opened I. favorably located f
draining and vennlatonn. Vein of Cool four feet
depth. and onalt p Very' suPcimi.
indi.oataMe., and a long <ma will be gin.
on part of the poichase money.
soc•i:wtaTikanitc.f.l I'. M Auer .
Jo.. tElo•pin , t it son. PaiinitTtioda Ash.
ne tnpro h. pc, Anna It lel," "Ea rn.," "Re I tn.' . and
atlscc slape, eta Pliaadelphia end I.lalunncre, warrant-
PCrinf in nib and quality in any in Ibe
scaTlict. roc mole at h n losvcst .nice In. cacti and ap.
peeved bill., by w & M MI reIIEI.THEE
aairt2 1.11a,,v
Plum float. Trimmings. --
R Inv. tho attencloo of MOP< formAtang Sir
goals to nor asoortment oi Trimming,, comp,'
log In nom of .13, folleatnr--
6.4 and 7.4 Taido Linen., I Linen N ap kins,
110elbeet flap, , o , c 4 Duper,
Card T4b , o Gard, croon.
curtain motertainf all de- I blot, &c. 70.
....-. AV ,11.ce•LINTOrK.
..,14 CoypetiWorenou.o., 77 Fooott 111
4VIE. -v c qinl liA%P=i6ill cl. toe V ------- ll' .
7r ' • . - _wita Ai.c..i"a7; ..e(7l
T koel,
- .
.1 ' ). . L
-- I
Llk -.EI, —Jo. fi1,:41, usl.Etn.ifo-ie-Zii;;;Yaglryii.
For ••Ir by Isoy13) WM A 4:r1:7.7R7:77.;,', "
OLIVER FIRE lIIIICk—IMOOu 1b1y.... Itobver
Fire Brick, lot No by
Ant ..xOl um....
t CA Ant. 6013 .•- • C. Ve IIMII.T•ON •• • C 0
Orrice, Ptrrsomtan Gsr arra
Tuesday morhittg. September 3, 1490.
The weather yesterday was cool and pleasant. and,
• crom,ll degree of a envity was mani•
oted in the :carte, The rtver is 'early at • stand,
ith a low wage of water, hut, from the recent rains,
e may have • rise in a day or two, Si all events, the
falling will be checked for • while
LOUR—Conviderabte lota were received by river
renkerday, but the exteut of stiles on the wharf •o
tar e• we could aseertain, was libls, at St for good
brands, and --seseral of our pnncipal dealer. re
fun,r• o bur even at that figure, Salmi (rose .tore 111
mid/ WI, at 64.2.5 for good brand a. f and SI
rot err. hood brands Flour ,n tom. front
.tore at bbl, with • downward tender.
cy. The •bipmentn of Flour east. during ttc pant
month amount to It POO [MIS, which more than double , .
the exports of July.
GRAIN—The market is quiet, and prier. general t
on the eel! , grade Wheat Continues io arrive pr.,:
ely. and axle• ton (air extent have tran•plred at
prime. Nnle• of Rye have been moderate at
and of Barley at 7.30101. Corn to doll at 4ie, Ono.
ni fait reque•l at 320:11c f La.
,—The demault for Sugar, Cod, and
Molassett ettntilioe firm at full:prices. The t.upplte.ot
tt oe are t omparatlvely habt. but the •rnele se m.
to have attuned It. btglic•l tat,. +latch °toy be no
down at Ilk for Ho), altbouch some “malt lot, to rotin
try trade have
.old • little hitcher, and MI.. 41.
y trade at a fraction lower. :togar snit att•lttfe•tt
an ail nutting trndeney, with aa;cts of N O in lot. of 5
hhd., at 74, for the belt, Ouettg• Niola , Os i•
Arm at f 171273, for N 0, and 4,215, 1 g. ,or Et it Kole, of
Illee at 4103 t. In too.
PROVISIONS—We nom,. fair t.n.ine.. a ,
our lan quotation., which continue •,ol!ole. Pro,
aug•r gored ran I halo., II Wig, common hag,
ed n eliTh, plain ham. at ~des, thoulder, al:
V lb• prod Beef is hint. at Unite f If, for plan,
and tangy Lard is quiet. at (OZI:c In bhl• and log.
iloore fair aupplle. In the mulct
wars role• at n range, according to quoit!,, from (I to
61c in lb
CRACKER?.-111e , o!lowang s. Lba manyfarturer
et a pm,'
Watt, Crarkerx, pet bbl
Dater do " --• 175
Dy•prpt.r ,Io " " —•— • --•-- •On
Not ..... 3,75
Surar ener t J ra, p 4 r ln------.
Soda J ---- 7
OILS— Sa c• of Ltn•ced at v, and of No I Lard at
W The reau'ar rates lm rerl bed are 210
r r Fall, re-h and trine.
Canal Commerce
The following ta a elhiblt of the business done on
the Pennsylvania Canal and Rallroad. dialog toe
month of August. ISLO. also the macula ironopenti.v
of the Canal to 31.101 August
A 1 1990 riou
Arnim 1 9,44941• • 3411,109 1,794,401
4,0 I
1114, In 3 40
COlO/9, ®.-• • 70 701 444 ,
1 40
/trot', 0. 3 ~ 4191
1 1 ,193,9 . •
rWo 1•u
..... • . • .171
19,ncro 1,91. 90 7 12.103 431
31009 1.1,t14 11,01 1.00 591
9444:34.0. lb• it 0,
1 00 1 , 0,, 010 00 191,137
.......... • • .170,01
7-91: 1 4/ 3012 , 11
Il.rt, nn9tou-91 . • - 247
110,0 ran, lect • 1- WO 93 mil
11.99 ~:cl4. . • • • 7,11.41
30.999,0 0,0 Ito - • ,
499 lor for,
. 414 l
... .11m 1 . 110
Drut4 ,•,1 04.11-:1r, na 701
999 171,131
1 - 11.19, ware , IVO 171 .30
114.-1 u ..... • • 11.01
121100 1 901 7.7
1104 9 , 140. h 1 4-970
23 1,,
ti '•u• .s 970 .
0"1,1414,..1 9,.• • • •
• u 2 .09
Cont. Filueral. tot. ...:,(1111 10,304
7.. t,
1 11 law
114 , , , n • • • • • • F7,...J00 3 , 11.1. W
A I,
••• ;Iv 4.04 fY
tm. ,144.
co.rumumi Imp'en,4l4l.• mt.
I 7-.4 ,t 1
Ilatto,Dy wood, lb
1.1114:10 1.1120091
I rirtlware C Cutlery •• 1,103 WV 10171,015
.19001'. flrr, 4, gall. • - • • 4101 11.4101
50,•1 VI 5,4
6i.; • a:
MP Ell". or Thts. S r , n ,l
Con. Colnctol the C.ty tt P/llhortl,
t•it .......
Iton,e,t - •• ~ v t
0, .1 1 t0 I Sat ntight.
Iron. 1"°00I"'"" Inc Common Connell, Mr. Robert Mr 1% la
Iron, bar t.thea tn.fnit
d Stttke , • • 0 . 100 Lt. 2 1, 1 , 3111: the Chair
Aelte. , • 4.51.1“t0
sp.nrh Vi Inc
4.. 00
0.000 :I+ , 500
19.1X1 075,:i00
14. p •••
Atr I p •
'urn InTP •
Pop , . lb ha POO W. 17.910
.straw par,
Tar h Rom, 4a...0p 01 Poo
..tpli.hp , . , - .- .......... —. 1 ay,,,,, I,TAINI
Rm.—There were J Icel. 5 tnchas, in channel, by
metal mart lam evrnlng at dusk, and at a stand
Miehigan, Brie, Hemmer.
Fa.limn, Peebles, F:lllabeth.
At Ilrown.ville
leenh*, flrown•v,llo
Nuiogi.eny, llKrtopr, Ging•gnw.
Wkv ttth e, Shafer, Welli•vil.o.
Licon, Wheeling
1,,0re Banger.
Ilendnelrenn. Wheeling
Peel, 1:11"he , h.
Jnenbs, Itroven•vtlle.
Allantie, Part Ingnn. lirnarnsvilla
Vnuenineheny. ll•rtgpee, Glaosgow.
Ilevrille. Rees, Wheeling
Empire No 2, Banyan .
Thn. Semi. Wellgville.
Allegheny Chpper, Waierson, Wheeling
Gl.A.4 4 l:llW—Youctilo64en9, 2 r. X.
s.r. Lotlig—Rtn[ g old, 10 A. S.
WHEELING—Inman, 0 A,
Pea Ss. tare.—lt will be seen 4v re(erenee to nil.
vettisement, that the fine list. draught .000 Ringer,ld.
Captain Cope, Wit leave for Cincinnati and St. Loots
this rventnrg, et 4 r The R. tea fine boat, and de
serves well or travellers a n d shipper+.
The fine light draught steamer Navigator, Cap! Dean
gni, leave for Merino.ii this day.
c.smar--14a bbl. debar, 4 seek.
wool, Clart & Thaw; 157 bbl. door, Dell to Liggett; Inn
do do do, 1 BDilworth & Co, do do, 01,
bd. ronn, Bennett le BUTT.
rsa Reven.S.E—S9 bbla Ono, tßobannt Its
bbd, tob, ',vett to CO, boa Icontor, McLane; lAA
how, to W llorbsusb, 43D bdls paper, Reynolds. no
aka wool, Robertann &Re l ltt bbla emp y s o w.,
Radom to Co; 11l sks wheat, Wilmanti to Noble; an bbl.
Dolt. d Ilerben.
CINCINNATI—Des Roionosso—.3o bbl. whiskey,
C Martin; 0 tthds 'neon, W Ilingboal; 30 bbla apples
Des Earnasyrs-4 boa Loolto, Greif & Co; IC ooze.
dross, blesSurten, 3 pa scrap Iron, 44 Obis do, COlescoo
Il to Co; bb., eke, 4 crates, lot loose se ap
One. Grail ' , 1./nettay kCui 16 ton* pig iron. 111 Allen
Co, 73 do do, McCurdy to /Amin& 3 O&M frallo 3 Dmj
A-1.1.r.11111,, Batch,. CASE—T..I Fox Attlen.
appltrd to the Supreme Court yet.tertlty. for a I tt
to ' , how can, why rt writ of Quo W0" ,. .'"
MN Itg.tin•t lb., A.lttxlmoy Itrukte Comp:tot t..
exhalot by what nnthorllt• it exento., the Intocho ,
of a corftorthion. The nil, ,C.ll grantrth and me
w,❑ he :ugh.' oil S:1311,131, A W. Ll/011, , ,
appeared for the hind_,• Cootp-trtx.
V,rnab 6T.11;;6411,T.—The United State, Corn t
met ye... Vet-day, trw/n thr Tl,r
r.e of Jo.. ph Wil,on rt nt, uertt.rd ni
the pa em ',gilt •• Itermr', Thrn•tung
Imeni,otted n lornwr num.., rof I! G.17.01e,
tinned up, hut it. Wkl• p. , • 1 1 ,0 n ,d
the next meeting of the Court.
1511: , rr s AI, 11 AND 1. , I —Trig 1,11 , ' i• 11.11
I.zlltytg. ha , entz-rd
rilrntrnt among the ti- hor brre,:sls.
t. 414,:y , rowd , tl by thr
e aie glad to the.e plettire. pr,perly a p
Ifr ttrto Ittt RAE. I . ARIR.II Patttburet
Hnrttettiturett Etot.tety ti Autumn t xtt
billOU of I ' M., flower., and teeetaldt at W.'
Lout: }le;:, no Wedn.eday,Tl.orvday, and FOIIAT
thy :150,26 hand 21,11 daya td,eptctut.,,,
Premium, a otr,re,l forh, fru. ,
Appl,, Plum% rents, Pre. h.
Ora pt...
The best Potntoe., Pear.., Frmtt n., Turn
(Carrot•, lOnion•, Rhubarb.
Beet, , 3c!ery, (:44) Toms
0ci.:140a. , ..., el.: tubw w
prmts wt.; in the hest Rrees holt,
plants, Roses. Flthett a., and It th , .a, together
with the most tasteful Tu•er Jest,tus and 1.4.-
All nnu•les Inlerdetl I inu,t
prothwed by th , rs q.b.tor sn•l tntt•i rrpnr.t.
J ~b
to the Commetre et M.••
u• ILo'en•nn l•tee• Mer.t..L, and A.
.toevent, betere ~ • ...reek, A. ....I on the L , :.h
,eptemlar r.
ALLMIIe, Cry /.-- I V
through h.. rltoro•ry. i None S., Itlo, 1.••, .1/IPU,I
• I,ort
Circuit COlsrl, pg11:12.1 ...1:171 , 1,110t1 r i /.\
ghroy C.or. no Ponlr p ak.'z Lc tad .a r
poi lon. J uctee :net . ,10001..t0. bo• jo,
mud" thoug:l n opy 0 . of, 1141 ,rl, Iheptc;tt esl the LbCr...l Cool. t ,
ment tor the We of the DM, ral , l tin enty fel
damage., together w.ttk the ettet,
The •ppeal from tlrt 1, on of ito. I/ ,t;
Court come durmg tro, pre ,cnf wren of for
Supreme Cour.
end A Y.wAngcr. %%y... o.••• h.ry, d y• •I. •
d9y by the Mayo, of P.ueblrin vy bed t.:. o
1,3:110 oretdhr- and n. nee frvtn ••••• hen , •,•••
cenakf,l•3t tat-tn. ;c. off ..e
I.+l. They Inns e•'3, d I,n we,pt t re.
ar.:ay a •cnn I 1, , y ?nr, n , ;' , lll\ll W
••••• • pa••encer I,artl t it, a
The father, rmup;nl :rg of rn,. ~ .ele u
vrry un.errinowousl
Nveuedre , wax brougn: ,vr. I
burgh, eu! wax velete l t 6•Ewt a) Pi a Gt c
of five dollars.
Str.. Pr . , wa• v••• er
day I,ro“got b,fzbrr toe Mew ..r r• •
ststeufilg bren :n the bre..., urn.. a.• 1 r ;e-,
mad euitimg E:- hcm, .n a Cr . w • •
10.4 plat,ln uorgery nn •11t. I. It
I ,, mnonel A and tor per • • w. • •-,!
recetwl et Ho'nte•'
opi,n,t, la , on-c. r Al— •.. T.
Mr, South road , tre.A. Novv:. the D.-v., W $.
04den mnd Jo•hua W 1 e
Tralore•o , In. I:, locnraly vest. . .
b, tilt;
. so ,• 0 , Tr .
P. n " B i. r.. T;.
ItrOrnano t
Major' 1%.
al 1..r000r, a ',lava wed 11 I ta . RI, ,
alla whoa,
f•or,voll v Strto•ot Err,- . 1)..,v • c 0..,
'new of 1`..• If ff.,
Eva % t : .
RI 11 'Sr I
lbanrrlie 1 v N b:rror 1br:3.3 •Cr 3 3 'a
by Mr %Venval• and Mr. ”Inaier :or P3l 333 crrur
MranaPern for 1331. tn yrrn-
Mr. Kmg rarsenleri a pet rt.nn from I r.
for, lelntloe to the open;og of D 0.% idd ctac
Referred to the Comrnmee on Sire. d,
Also, a petition relet.oo to !a on acre , Vrio
win tee:red to the or tie
Mr. Shore ortonnted a pcbtica r n•LL. g :to got.'
Mg of Crawford grog,
Mr. Soolt prenrrotta n pet.hon for Int a
pipes no Harrison error t.
Mr. Wino prrnom-t1 a to m tlot
Comm:lice, snob an o.d.aance I. r r.rt Itt,g in
Domond marlegt, union wan rood ra I
A renonrato znatrogorg the nog gt A otooomo,
aseertain the pub, 101 l Area. w drull g ;
Idrect, Wa+ taken up end pn”ed
A to pave W0..11t ctro
Wylie greet to Fraok: v ia, was read a ,
end adopted. ' A l' , . ~., I," • ,-. I, v....str, 111,,,, ma 68.
The ordinance in favor of Stork-'. In iv. wr• ' ''';`.` :.'.'„' ,'":`,.::;:•,;-'':'''':'''''.
then taken up, read a third lime, and cioln,,l , d. i r.. 1,11, ... ~.,•,re1, . ..h:0 Z:p.:7ll ' 'it!!,- " :ro " li " e 'r. I. .stf Ll t ' i;
The revolution to pave 17,e mood All-r, (ram : ''''' I„f '''' .. V . .. '• .....I.IY .
, • i I% 11. Mor...p.ieln 1100,. '
Smithfield Io Grant erect, was indabidely i.nyt• ,' In 1)1.1.1,11 , e,,ai 1,m,,
poned. . 0,.. ,u, 1•, ~ ~....,drr, we I. }Nil it ad
t ., N .. r, , 11., nenzlturc., when pordenlrt, will
A resolution to widen >.n amid., n i ec e to , 1 ., ..... 111,,,11 111 I ,11011,. fell
proper breadth, was laid over. 1
r.i . ' , ... ri - - --
PetilLooli for loyal° water pipes tin E . ,. hp.trte I ,:=74:. , , t11
. 1' , ... - •' )
..1 Diamond Mey ,n.ri. re relarred to the Wa•yr ' M1,:..-..Y '`" • Irf p f -
Committee. 1...t1 , V.1".1.1. .r. [MOT 11.11,
I ',i11% .4 P.l)iNt, MI.I;CtIAN't,.., Ititc.III.I. , TER.I.A.
Mr. Furedon °Tem.! n revointion to have a pink ,t,nver ems.,
.. ... . . ~. ...
tonnt latil on Cherry Alin), lvtrn Finh • trt t ' ,
U I.lotlll w ten wnn ndninvtl, , it
r r :C i e ' around K'nged
( e upper
Mr. Cordell preaen etl n report from the Samta•
ry C laminae, aocompanied by an orthaserm u.
tabliahlag a Board of El alth, which wns read and
ordered to be pabliahed.
On motion, rho C00m..11
• -
CIhCINUT I At/well'," a L. NI --r-Orr
readers, tunny of whom end to vino the Cane
nett Agricultural !dealings, will rec. from in.....
lowan; letter, trot the time 01 ho d nit them hue
been postponod on account of the cholera :
Cl<OlNllkil Au; 29, Is:Jo
Joshes tionorson, E.G.—Der , r 6 Y.thr de;
snatch, dated AiTIM 2Sth, has her n rere.yrd
The exhib :no-of the Agrtentintat , ate Fad, Ph:
exhibioon of the Cicetnenti Hornet t tend 1.t , 0r I , tte.
and the 0e ett np GI oh . American P..thologtent
Cot:tithes., will take pace in Mat t taw, on the
second, third, m d fourth days of r:ctobr r. Tee
directors r f die S ate A grtcultural Fair postpone 1
the lime from the 12th toed 1716 of Sett-other. In
aonsequenee of the (ter/tern, and the nthrr two In
stitutions ng.eed is the o barge.
Yvu rn,
GEORGE 011111.1 M,
CD, Sec. Cm. ❑oe'i. So" :If
The lointnn passenger train upon the record.
of the Boston ratheadu, wee brought Into loom
from Wormwer on Saturday, by three lormino.
lives. It col:mimed of 46 long care, carrying be
tween 2,700 and 2,200 persona—toad enough, acr
(te•iliT ItOTTLE3,
.11 curing and eradi
11,e0 kv11; Ncutsig..
.4.%• F. w P.•.hNti?.SES
• • ' ! . :T . , • F. W Fltffir Albvs.
1..,•., ~ + , ...1v.kmi ,, X, , ,,,,,... n,, 11.. d Ache;
~..,... .1 , J 1.1,,, h 04 ,41 1 t.11q.,raAr111114011 01 U.
lie . t! I. 41 , ff i0. , -1.1•,. Ilifli,ral Dr billty, Pirpeprm.
kit ty , 1 , ,1.E+3,- 'l, , niit s'ltntirely Vig:tabi•.
• • . ~, ~—, u.... 1 ...1.7 th, enn-1 •ienall•a-cces by
1.,. I laic ...ea,. ,a,-Piew•VarF aam New Ilamin , tare, oral
r:..0 1,4.1, SI ~ m,,.., ,t tt,,, ply , or .111:1P, Yr." — . n d ••
1 7.-111-Tut IN' rtfter,or the. 1,10 , nd arta 'lnargaeabr or the
~,t• rr•—a s a I •re ~,, Fern, ) ',Trawl. and an eIFI
- ~., i•eu:a .. 0 , ',.;•• , Ir .t La , . equal. 'Fiw porrtY
J • • ,„••,0 ••• • ,0 1.0 ~,,•,,, prcr•nra.. err well
~; a., tha, ~..1,,, , , re,ooire. . long la".
, • ,t,l,ease•• Lati rut—. 1,0 I, :roma, a: MI iarreae,re
I ~• 1,.,, tI ~ ,e lla I rt ,, , ta,re years I. Ito, best Iceorn•
nenn ketlet, end i• the only Sarve
• •st •t I vcr.1,11,,.. old !flood at
Ntie% lh the MHO Oletneel Collete,
r• the ,Urolie un.l ellltet.
tw...• • I \lrch,tle
I 1.• 1.. rIV
A r.,•1
F•• J 100 e.. J. , onoomOulger k CO.
1. I: %,,,•• J. !I, J
J "" ' 4 / II I . .rt•oti
•.. Lir.lL & Knox,
^ Ir lIt,W F. A Propr..bra,
n mu, t,
~.*1 1.01 •
I , ni ,rostuve,
•- • bnurd arr 3
,•,t, rlz,r4,4:c
t t 4 .1 • 1
13 4.
t , N 0.1 1 ,1/. Iran.. for
.1,1 witrolcdutr ports
rThr•INNATI ANGST 1.0118
fr"' •-•
• rnortor. orld :rove for Move
&11.10 Sel l
Nt Art
• Lbis usy
I .It ct,
• nernt
A • :br 12,0ve
P.0.......".1..niv,1.4•1•ar1itag from
Z." Pe". .f I ...burgh.
I t, I I 1 IA t. L
I.not n
tr." .
V" . -1 tikt l / 2 Not)
' 4 4
'3 tl•3 fitaptimag.
krt. et.hir• the
th 'mute
VI OW Nonongal
• 11. rrl
1 ' II • s11 1 1 , 1.1NI: pAeLET.
~,, • ”g
P. ' •En.
Nw undi r•
• .and
ry Mond ty and
zyr.,l ntird, , , Tr.
tV 11 Nvilr.r.t.rit,
Mg . ', Li IS 5
1001. 111,
Tyro 1!;!il y Lit is I Arto:i Plichtt Boats,
And ltall 1t1.5..1 Cars,
n, I'll'l.ll I AND BALTIMORE.
in ilny tiOn.
The tarn nn inn
wal tureen •gno, ir • Iltihvell ,
1. strrpt,
CAPITAL i2110,0U11.
Jr • = 4,• y. I R. Jr.rFtish nll knlti•
of mica,
A• 1) M RINE.
A 110 tost.V.3ll4r.—mensged by Direett,rs - who ars
Tre.:l3,nwt , .1. co•umum”., nmt who are cletormin
,.l proomor.e.• Rl:4 itl.,rahLy to 111Ni 1 /IAI/1 the ohs,
schif - 1 , y I; mkt . .., We best
protretom In tlio, uoo +IIn-ureJ.
,-r0..-11. JIG.m, Jr , I,en Wat - s, J. W. Butler,
N. Ilnilnc.. Jr., Wm. LI Ilmukca, C taro. W.
Jne: run. Wut. NI. Lyon, Ju.. I.lopoteott, Thos. K.
L11[4,16 111 . , M . /Raley, Nmalek,Tbo,. Scott.,
Clercs. Nu. IQ NV:l,r .trect, (sy¢mhoo,,,, of Sp.,
, 11..•••,.ry -
yCAMP/Wit-74.y 11.5 50,4 for I.le , Y
j 54,11 J KIDD ft CO
UPC, k 1 1 ,11 , ,, cc'
Will ING-50 brig teoom uorold.
I.SAI m.
All DICKIN h Cit.
Watrr end Fr..., .Is.
i 1t , c1.1% h. IVIIKA I—, brIS 4,•11.. -....
, 'I bri• Wt.crot, In • orr for role
6v 1•4,1:1 1 II lIKI. MAT 1 . 10..,, , k , N)
f1.,,11 , 1t 4 .n.-2.1 I, 1.. Itio.w , . tiLa•... ~, •...,
k_./ In, bale try itlik.:l", DI Aril*: Na 7. CU
p. W. CATES'
. TII Eaß fItES baring been adopted hod bighly .pprnved in all the princlj*l shops to New York
nail Pit rlndo tiro• now offered lotiation6aclurens, machinists, ship RD Ithly&C., with the utmost conk
tido tire, an the insost perterworticln 131 use. or cuttingscrews.
'I tam supenortty over tiny other Dies. her:wrote med, consists in their cutting a Pin vrcr
Seas -tut, whether Vor stt'Sitttt thrrud, by osewpasstng over the iron to be cut, which require no vrfr.i.e:,
p eVuo. j . qiporigi6 , 7i 0 the dies cut the slim& out of the solid iron, without mounc it in the tea,
id th eat utuater.dtfrubllkty, Vapidity, and perfectton of work; and in their simplicity nod little liabilits
to get, Jut pf .
. • PML•nrl.7llli, Aug.
This Is to minify that we haua purchased from P.
W. mam s the right or using hit patent Dim for rut
ting holm: In our opinion, are mach supe
rior to any otberr. we Ste aegaainted Mtn tor lb.
purpose of gutting bolts.
Pintionina,•ug. Pi, It 19.
lining hod P VP Gain Mond Dies in um in our
for the MO nine rtmtbs, for carting
„Yoko. can in every respect recommend theca in
the limiest term, as we have laid all others away,
they being so for atinerior—uonaidering them 73 per
ceaL cheaper than as others now In us.
k. CO,
Penn Wor Pa.
Thu Is to certify that we have porchesed the rule
to ore, and adopted in cur haunt. I P W Gate.' Pa
tent Screw Cotter, which we highly approve or. He
can do much more work, and we believe it will tort
pae. in do rahtliiv and precision, as mach economy
of labor, any dies known to as
Puu-snautlia, oth month, nth day. tErte.
Iln•ing adopted P. W. Gates' “Paient Diem" for
bolo, me take pleamoe a tarn,, that it more
than 4.111. Fer. our expeetatioca, and have no bean*.
.100 glring It RA 041 . 01.1000. that it far steels any
other plan tu pre•ent use for eaturg balm.
We hav• P. W Gatea".Patent Dies" for rotting
•yrewe, ale rennomy aamt them is so very
eolvoderaLle, that we lootllyou there as t"i'Prem ,
Lle t, every eatabliehment haytog any
.quanuty of
screws to en.
_ . .
fiIeCORMICK, 061)EN & CO
Cmc•aq May to, tz49.
OADNARCZ °moo, WARMS." 6th Repo. V 9.
I have po'reharail or W. 11. Scoville. for the Linked
Suitt, Ito right In use no all the arsenals and Imo-
ruwo new and ronwrownt brick three .tors l
mg Wow., containing nine rooms each, 11.111.11
near the corner of Front rt. P.SOIN
-4w Ftiun pit the Int of Dmober. Apply to
mig27Alnw . Irm/ Si, enr. of Second
4 COMFrtRTABLE and COOlllll4lOOll [Mentor, to
A Avery's Hose, Wilt street Apoly to
1141.11 DY, JON A. CO
asl - e4 141 Front st
.._ _
I SMALL 110LISF: on Pride *Wel, in the kaahth
t Ward,—Rein love Apply as this °thee. ••FG
AND pospr.•t 00 porn unmealtsbely, the Three Frnrp
iirle I Patella, House, No 63 Labetly strut, sod
op , Te,3
in Al 30,
e.t.a t.. 1 ,and Thu,! Slortc. o' %Yuan.: No 3
Mallet sure. Inquire of
C STOCKTIJN. Book. Hots,
srin 47 Illatkcl
To Lot,
T iiE Iskrre three story Duet Wortboo.e, on W. 1.1,
1...10ve Ferry mown!, (tote W.... to Finn .,reet, ren.onatblc terms. Po.senion giTen Immo
dletely Enome of
v roR SALE —A Lot of Ground mutate on Penn
greet. betort,o ll MIJ •od Mtlrbtif T accq, tmmrti
tae Louse to.d lot now oecupted by Rtehard E no d•rard3,
tom.; • front of feet, ;a depth 150 feet, wtll b•
sold on savorable tempt. Title elocsreptiotable. FSt
quire of C. 0. L 00308,416 0, nolo Wood
Property Ise Allis" Moray Vlt7 for Pals.
pin: subscribers oder for sal. • number o chats
Lots, inmate in the Second Ward. fronting on
CP1.3(1:1 grOVld, on easy terms. loottota w of
W. 011.110PINiSON, Am" at La, C air
or of JASROBItatION, on tO•prommes
ia AND WINE MERCHANTS, e'lut side of the
I,redrnt Tea.--- 50 SO per lb.
TLln.'! qualsie,•- ..... OVS do-
Lem tasporte4 00.
Nired, minoro; sea. tic not trp!
es:ablit6an•ol. 1120
rIVA BR V. A V, Merchants,
1 Sarrarneros , City, Caittor:aa I.thcral advnures
m•Oe cm ten...ern:tenni, an.: all •ceney hu.ines•
promptly Ittletteeo to,
• • 1...41C.. "117,'01.':G11
.1. 11-AltltlHo7ll NEWELL.
ArtußNl:v A'r LAW,
1110 STAI I: Ctriv:,l”4;4l,,Ntlia mk,n.
As.l,.ovrlrdzment, cl ' , red., be.
Oflv,--FOUrth strect. C.ovis Suvallael.l.
DANK or P:lT.erprit. Act.
ri , llll Stneithoill., or We hoot al Ptitatatrett are
Idre., eot.erd 'hat u ',corral m•eutte of ettoelt•
will hrl.l at Ihe Ilahtlne Chose, on Trio,
thy. the Wth a.) to Vepteroner neat, at ttn Oclork,
AAI.. ,en the tuner and We act,. enacted by the
I. ita low w. , ../n0..0.111..e laid before them
;t a, rr ot .r. er or rr,cetino. By order of Board
of three:olK,
• r• )von Giurtaar., Pre..
wr of V , •••,••1 •,••••• I
•, • ,, S, "ye, 1,0, .
10, A l'ilro•I'• E.14,1001t,1111,.
trallre (41 1 , 13.,,,d en., tr. Mum,
Aid Pl. f.lo n••nrone ., l,4 lilts awl 1,1••
•, • oared •rhoirrnir •r,•I rrta,l
mw, l. In order
I ) 11. :410• TR WitsOe 0,1
s.flo l'arurt•'
I' n 1 r • 1.4,01.1 WIIIICr r.pllnnt OW
31g. 1,11• In NI ha, 0:1,
71 , 1 m cnl• mnnter Spurn Oa;
lug ni•
110. r 29&iCLNnatb \\trlae•, l'hil•Jeybi•
V xch•Ege H•ak o 1 Plaa•bargb.
I.IAI.ItM. Meetino nf the S.eolth•leeto nl the
1 E.seh , .r re Ihtea l'ittsLtUlat hehl n the
11..1141.4 !Jou, on Monday, ten 11th of tteptembor at t.' , M. tnr the purr... of norotder.
ow! dewrtuto..,o urou the Act it. Fed of the !ate
••••.on el the Isqt.inture, extetollog the center
Ily order nfille D,Trcion.
THOMAS DI HOWE., C)).1110r.
Ax,o.t in. 11,10 —10,1).):111)1
To Ilse Citizens of Allegheny Oily
A l l./i ' D \ u ' r, I ngl ' or ry ll ' iZete o u r f ° lll7;:er f 7t.
I cdrtal intert. Such orJr, avlll In- prompdy
Soldiers end Widows' Claim•
unert•taited, late Agent tor roeing Unittd
1 Stair+ rellPl ,, ll, at l'ittidpurgh, will attend to the
',Hier:non of Soldier. and Widow.' Claim, fot Pen•
and Ittinoty Las ds.
An gat.l.l conreaum with the Untied States' Gov.
roment has made me familiar with the ride* and
limn., ow writ as the iieirions, of the Penaion Depart.
turin nt Warhington City.
\lsnyy widows mid hens of Reviintionary Soldiers
hare claims that may yet be obtained by proper ap
ple:stmt. J B. GUTHRIE,
Office of Win. o'll. Robinson, Esq., oppoeito tho
alarm', Other, Fourth Street. Entaborgh.
idly Sit. Dan I tygtlidittelml I
fr I y o u IX 7 , 14;7 . 111 , Ti n t n b l i vpornalrelleyd
oil dT:l.ll,nocr
lousier nod other alanufactured Copper of an ie
,ui red sixes. glade from the Copper of the Cllff Aline,
Loire Superior.
Thin Motel bus been thoroughly Misted by compe.
selennhe OK, in the service of the linvernment,
unit prowiunced superior In dentity, strength, and
tense.). nny in use, and Is uch preform, for 1)0
nittiallsetii re tit Ordnance and 011,01 purpows.
hit there loin e hdently iteuillincnded us a supe
rer smelt, for all urea, to any In market And we
tetpe. Polly solicit the mtentlon of purchasers and
tett.c rs to this nate branch of borne ntanufactore
pre•eut We Warehouse is No p Commeretal Rose,
I.itserty sue, aug, C. G. IIIASSFI" (:(1
Aeaoc laced Firemen's In•ut sane Com
p. uy of the City of Pittsburgh.
CAN fAI. $200,000.
J Pre..,—W. W. IMI.LAS.Idoe'g
11,, • , u, Hall.
J. C ?doom bead, Roily Patterion, Wm. A. Rill,
1111 Hanley, R. U. Simpson, Joshua Rhodes, Wm.
NI Edgar, Eusimed Gregg, A. I'. Anttnt, Wm. Veil.
lingerrod, 11. G. !Sawyer, Chas. Reim Wm Gorman.
suet ,idis
15,0(11),,T,Tf,i,,wd°,;.`".?°';: 1— ""
tot y
1 , " 6. " Sagin:
auclthdtf Sharp•burgh.
, .„ nod Mr the Firth Judiet•l Direrlet of Froneymanta, 1
will Juttice of the Court of Oyer and Term.ner, and,
I.rneraJ .1 rot Lit-Uteri to and for said I/mulct, and
trona., If err and Samuel donna, Eros., Automate .
I Joann. of the same county, in nod for the tMunty or ,
A1...he:4..1mnd thr Nth day of Aug utt, in the yr. , i
dr our lord one Moorland eight hundred and !any, and
, co roe rlmemcd, for bolding a Court of Clier and Tot 1
MUM l'S lud Gellerni lost IhilVe.ll, 11l the Court lloute,
at the elty of Futtburgh, on the Fourth Monday
October next, el In o'clock A M.
Public notice la hereby gm., to all Joanne. of the
Croce, Coroner, and Conwobtet. of Alleghruy, that, 1
they be then and there, In their proper perverts., witn
their rolls, records, inquititiona, tutor filch ruler remembrances, to Co thee. thttlg....leetCu to
then. respective offices In their behalf oppettoln to be
one—and alto those Mot will prommtle the pritottera
...SO %Pao( may be in the Ail of t3itkiNeg . t
Allegheny, t"i"le then-andthere 1 0 '.)
them all shell he Just.
Gtetuer Inv hand at tittliturgh,:thla 10th AoT
of Multi, in the year acne Lord one thonoand rig.
hundred And fifty, antX of MeCoromonwealth the 71th.
augiftd&wulT • CARTER CURTIS. Sherif/.
BIttAMIB.-143 riMitratit-Brooma rei ale bY
- .
v.t..l3ltutlitro.S.—ti qoaitty, far sale by
1710 'MEV. .k
iVit N ra V LX ,A , ' Sl U Nllrelt. ' igron ' A 6b :, ll Z l" o ' lbeT l.
choice brand• tor . ado by
GLOStiViifAiCiZt4lLlN. — lteccived this:monno.'
[by Iltpreasj AL store of
N. Ewa Cornet Ath & market atrooto..
imsatED 01L—W Rao pore foridito - hy
out, NoW Wood tortzt.
P.FjO 0 Cu“ just reyelYed , and .•+ '
by •pri . 1 SCNOON MAKER eft
t. 2
1r 17 Alia SUDA-10 - iiis Cu solle by
tail6o-15 Casts ar sat to. by
pAgiopir:TED BEAT 8, 1E47
ries under the supellltion or tlits Cleoarnenr, P. W
Gato.C.Catent tlesn for elttniT wren. on mein , they
having been tried In two of the large aruenals. •no
found to be very efficient and exeellern
A. TALCUM, Col. Ordinance
Dnua op YARDS at. Does.,
WAhIiINGTON, Scab 1,19.
Considrriec Gates' Patented Improorment far rob
lin g screws on mete lo be'. valuable oar, I has, hi
authority of the Honorable Secretary 01 tar Navy,
Outchasett at the Attorseyeof tho Patentee. It Is It
Pre, We, and Samara Newer, Flus , the neht rllke
end tut sold isn , totrment tOT the S. Navy.
' JOSEPH SMITH. Chief& Gateau
In us. •Ito by
Renato Works, BuOato;
Reese & &able., Rochesteri
Roolett & CA. Gloucester, h. Yt"
Haywood & Snyder, neheY l l.ll Cellnert
Itirbrck, hese York;
11.'2 te „ V.Tl7;„"l;,°. - T , 'S., N.
Denntead & Co, Monument Worts. R.
Van Curet!, Rochester;
!lon & [tyre* how York;
&nem Work., do;
Pee. & Murphy, do:
Wad Point Foundry;
Norn•e, um,Phllattelphts;
A ,lente,llrecilecttargh, Pa;
Wale`oe ttt & Nue, Boston and New York Lowell Machine shop. Lowe
&maestro. Co, Illsechrterr, N 11,1
L en A Sou her, sportlioeton,
and numerous °ikon.
No fitnehine,lo atm dia.& napa h toillp Prl• 11 , LSO
No 0 Jo 8 do Ito 11 price 5 . 250
No 3 do 6 do to I, price 81: 6
All orders addressed to P. W. Ultra. Chiesg, ti,
S. IlassoiL New York, FL D. Marshall & "Co, Phila.
delphia, and IL 11. Scoville /r. Bona, Calcium for Die.
and Tapv. with or without machines frikusinf them,
will meet'with prompt attention.
Gumucio, !day 3.1850. •
Produce and Commission Mrrrh out.,
And dealer, in Pittsburgh Manufactured Annie,
Nair 130 and 139 II•eond street,
Between Wood &Pittsburgh. nugl
No 15 Wood 1 Plttoborgh.
LoAIOOII made on all {be prtnelpal clue. of
United States. wualglly
4 , ./. GUAM.), leaps a co,)
Would respectfully Intone the customary of the Into
firm. my Mao the padre generally, that they volt
of the manufacture o(
In all their varieues, at me Old Stand,
No 13 Wood et, between Strat a Water.
losEph 1).
m irl d 01;
Ahnern: Water. Patent Idedrcine. and r
Wtne Mules
al every description; also, WINDOW GLASS
heept. cons•ntly on hand genrral nsvoliment of
the •no,e ;uncles. ALSO ,TA LE, oft the othir a
Glass Factor.% ore all. sTortro, as is th. c . v..% in
summer, TutrFaernal nor( IN 11,1.1
will maim. pperatipa loth auoatner n. , trwier
Orders reipreiftill / .aisctted. and be linen on the
%Lomat rualLec.
Warebouse. No 1111 Second street. between NVond
and Boma.ld its, Plamborett. tvtdcdly
J. Planer, Jr.,
Agnzt for eh Penn 1..1e 11131(ranm Co. al P1i1.4.
F 7
.I t h , e ,e ‘ , V:c l ;l , ca
v 1;1 , 7 en e Cnninu:y
Posuphlertt, with pecersary in/emotion, I.A
clunk tort. Will jo roirhed.
liust, orin insore then, lire. for the hr•nchr
Cut ir wire
r and children; creditors the aces of the.,
The si..ole profits or the Company ore divided .
among thr holders of Life Poltems
'Me ,t; vole., of the past two years have been cosh
ty rear
Va.. will I)
1: ‘
•111.chno , , on Or fins Mario) a/ Srpt...-xt
Hoorn ouet J ‘VillialAs , sLuc, came/ or 1%
nod Filth :arett.
Rev D Downrd, Ara , er II 1.0r0r , 0,
Re,. Dr 111,1. I J. D. M.,0,1 I
Rev Dr. : , Icl,ll. J. D.
Attn. P. PIIIIIPFR brit CHAS 11A117:FS hove
L Lb.. day a...rimed themmeiret tegether. C/Idi
firm of ehriaer d Sanwa. tbr ttanenetten 01 He
ichoteattitt Gyerere . Produce, end Cummi•ttnn 1.1. t•
Ora% at Na 110 d 13,1 Second atteet, between %Vt..:
end StntlefielJ
P~tt.Luryt L, Auenat 1
lIIAVK Otte day, ...emelt 'MA Ntr 1.11
Mow., in the Whole. Ura-ery and Prat. ,
Ittts.neee; the ftyle of the taut will I e A
IClon.e. 111 3 / A. CULBERT:4IIN
• . t•Stlirsyln•l U v Mos,
vk, s IIIOI.F.SA 111.1 i 1 ‘ 01111111 l• ,1011 Mr,
b• ale., In Induce. sI•A It• •
zut.ele s, 1.16 c rty st, ilitst•orsi.,l•l
'via; pAnn u.sliip .11.lkt,au A Stork., roil
shr 3 , lc,Aed It.. th. fern
P. 11.11,1., July ,u.1. , i0, 7 4.17
No 13.3 Third. Dolour Haricot, •t.
(Successor to Johhs;on e. Stoeitten,)
FISPI,CTFULLY ',aeries his filer., ar.d ihe co.-
I.lottll 1131 th e old e.Dtbliolme.kt 11., hails µ
p•atchesed the Yrtnung 0E5( . 0 me,/ hook lhodely el
ne late fine, hen ptepared to execute with neuter,.
nd J.•pfttch, cent,. de•cr pups, oh
•-• . • .
ilov.og had the mannammtnt on the Printiag 41,oarl
ment o the late tam mr armenteen hoots pa-I. Fr
wcla fillent of !ming Attie to reoder sattafoetzon to
all who •aT favor him with their patrono,e.
Area • le, le3o.—tualfiNlita
ART IL. lARTII & NOBLE ore now receiving new
rt.p when, welch too( roper tor quality. Teri
• fat .1.0 tootle, with Aeon Floor. Age...
left in t bolt. will be promptly attended to
wiLmAnTil ..NODLE,
illAxammes C. Stara)
lltis borriber having leaved the above well known
andrscelleatesinbhstsmeDt, is now prepared to
ertertai his friend. and the travelling puitlir genet ,
tidy, le he best manner and on the intAt re ante
. • e
Hi TABLE grill at sill times be supplied arias ever,'
delicauX of the season—am: Ltsa With the bat of
1 1 ' 1:1 ‘ 17kibling is very extensive; laud every
isl ei.t ha been made for the accommodation ci Dro.
--. .i.3.1 Wed. ct.A.wsoN
c lavallasol. VW arr•n aria' Pllttaborygh
Tolograph Company.
IN pus Dance of a resolution of the Betel of Piree•
tors of the Cleveland,. Warren and Pilwargh
Telegraph Company, recneWing tee Secretary torn.<
our and eervie to be published In the neivapaper. along
the line, no exhibit of the financial and ether affairs of
this company. I submit the fallowing Report—
The ha of Telegraph commences at Cleveland and
Imamate. •t Pturbufgh, rasing Chad..
Fall., Franklin, Newton Faris, Warren, Youllo 'loom,.
and Lowell, is the State of Obio. and New Castle nod''
Rochester, In the Sae of Peanylvenia, at winch
pmitts there are odic. located for the receipt and
traiismiswn of burineas.
Tho who o le lastb of the line 1. 149 miles—Capital
Stock, Divi per mile, antriog a total cnonal node.( of
SeI.ILVI, of - slime amount 810,203 to held by citizen.
oleos the hue, end the balance is held i. 9 Cornell &
Speed, the eantractbrs. The above amount of sub.
afrptions by murens. have leap paid to Crimea &
Speed, for which the Trustee. have theitreceipt.
jelCdtf JCSPRRSONT SALM, Secretary.
To BOUthern and Western almaohnnta.
kk, subscriber relpeetfally Invitee palm...nem:no to
his extentive stock' of Perfumery . , Soaps, :cartes
Cream& &c., ta which seven Silver a,td two Golden
Medals have, within the last .1.1 viers, been awarded
by the Institutes of New York, Reston, and Philw
delphin, the latter being the only Golden Medals ever
awarded for perfumery either In Europe or 'lithos
Ruovill.'s Uni11•11.113 Snoylno CRUM, Irtimonil,
Rae, and Ambrosight universally acknowledged to
he .upettor to coy briaTing Cream in thni country or
EuroPe• "
Ohara/ore rot Thisvuor—ftenntifully transparent,
and powrssing highly ISapritweeaa ad emollient
l palter; Sapontiecous COmpoundi Ambrosial Shaw
toe Tablet; Military Sh•ving Soap.
Serino the TolherSosrs—Almond, itose,Millefleurs,
Bouquet, Patechle, Musk A Patehouly, Vna., Floe.
fag. Tronoporrnt,Oltve Chi, Windsor, and Circuit..
Ex resew roe on. Ilshostactimr—Rose, Jumin,
I Bouquet de Caroline, Gemmuin, Jenny Lind, Menia
-1 line, Jeckey Club, Magnolia. Clemente, Citronelle
Rout, nod my other 'erica& to all nap, different
Tort.= Wsruts—Florida Water, Eon de Toilette,
Orange Plower Water, end 4 great verierty'of Co.
lopes and Lavender. Wirier.
Parrancriar resins' • Olsta—Gerielrie .Eleer's Oil,
Antique Oil. Bandop . nr, Au litiltrale, OTCInn, Conic '
poundi , Or . "Morrov,l Inv , . I:F .I, I:DM and lh powder,
, end MI coi as ne RaMt . te i t1. , . t ,1 .,,1 %1, 1 ; 1, ; . , dr h 00 1 t , a , a , ;1 6 1..
nate, CnalColl Dentnice, D.:atria., YUoill
Foote,and Taub Powder...
Cootarws—Vegetable Conbete Cream, Aranillas
for chapped hands. Cold Cream of Hoses, Crain di
Persoup Rohe, Raspberry Cream, & d.•
Depilatory Powders, for mooring wiped:loom. hair,
P.M Powder, VI mgrs de Rouge, &totemic Vinegar,
Victoria Male Composilign Presini Salts, blanks
a trent variety of other articles, too tilimereas to be
earned in thiandrertisemerti.
'The subscriber bores to maintain the wspefetion
bleb tins ettabhetintent. low logos re.l, by dvapriling
of nothing but but rate Wales, and will be happy to
furnish Loose who may woe re patronise him, either
wheleaale Or retall,rinlas reasonable termi as any eth
, Whllaharent in the Uoited'iltatea
StleCCatiOn to and former Dtroctor Of the Labot•tory
114 Chesnut street.
Mr. Basin% Perfumery Is for We by all the P.m. -
pal I/reecho, in the courant apirellyt
SAMTIDerEi'«Z .M.bos
Lalrm'a t tlmrWb ..ufac to rjel,foi,AlwELL
iY3O Witicr street.
L (JUISVILLE LIblE-96 Ward!. Lime received
lot sue by
aaj4 Q. t EIARDA94II,
*.r . ;nr:
' reVedere, Cur the present, at Roped...
n Ill.rtett,t ee ta et:tat 11 above the U S Mara.
tIA rrt N re•re cued,. annitances,to the
Pe, r, ••• of that he Las permanently
~ • bila‘elf 11-1, etty, for the ParPoffe Pm^
t• atc! . 4,er, Li ail it.. radon. branch.
^7• Is on Fount, .tree:, No 1119. Residence
Dr. Ctst rylflaterarnaT
y sett, Extract of Yellow DOCk
And SO...mooring..
nUT Lou,. remains more
I to tt,e pure Honda... Kar.n o.rtill;llan any other
prep....d on exotic ...Cita eLenceoly combined
mitt ti.. oi fellow Doct,ilto Ka tt ., o f Wad
Cluirty.•nd the re ',tam of Fir• dm, nudi in the eme
dy mote tboroodlii etteient than any
i,h o poi. , r, At the fano. time It is
bier fto•t, all lid' tat obtons, hich cannot be sa,d
of in ti dther of ltd Str•eittrtlla compound, 1%, ,„,
extolabocbt b.. tr's, of po,smns! Itlercury, Irsubtot
r .be liot,t. Abuct, itt,lphar,. Arsenic, i n many
rdber and nietslbe erttno. en, into om
intro thc netiec ba.., meat c f th e Sarsaparitlit an i s
of itte oast. riny fon , . Compound Extract
of) Doc* nulldors not Contain a
particle of these solcda beet, ons nor one an Curly
**eertain 'lpoint:di the necesaary lest,
be onisent mar ocrasionally remove diverts/1, but
.Ley ',to, the blood, and PO completely Armin
itni:e the ,rtitste,steith with their banelial elect. that
the It, er;,!., re the Co attack or doseove, promotes
ne r d •übiects born or her to the
exert:tin:um torture, and renders•notlier more
&Mo., trrinoadhle nod ~pile.,. Lt , all poisonous
oter.arialdnl 11.1011, and use Gaysott . •
Improved Extreet tit Yr Itow bock and Sarsaparilla,
which thorneshly etTmarinic., perfectly harmless,
0r,..1 rarely vest., bit. All bolds et dtKttle yields to
Its genial toduence.
SerisSUCa, Caurerous Tumors, Cutaneous, linaptions,
lii Cusuiire, or Pimple. °u tile Face,
Chrome Pore Eyes, Triter, Scald Ilead,Rheama
uym, Enlateen's/1i ar in Jr a LOyea or Joints,
Sld and dicer., Fcver Sore., flip Disease,
site:or n g of the tiLunds. Illotehrs Syphilitic Symp.
tnihs. Lumhaeo,ll 4 ,rinsy. Dyipensia, Jaundice, Cos
tiveness, Salt Rhrhrth fiffeetienssif the Kidneys and
dlo.s•rs arisints from hit I. , jlo , ifiaLl. ilea of hlereu•
ry, Slim...Cs torn Tnrost, Weakness of the Cheat,
Pulmosury Affections, mid all other diseases tend
ing tun:atilt Couseniption, Liver Complasnt, Female
Irrerularturs and Coinplaints, Sick and Nervous
Headache, Gear.] LAiw Spirits, Lou of
Appetite, Night Srvuts Pains in th e Side and
Shoolders. Expo-ore nr imprudence in Life, Clasen
in' Conon utional Disorders, unit an • Spring and Fall
rural, of Um Mood, and General Tonic for the
Sirrtem, vt us
A ~. /u/rerale,jirn b r f,rlom yet ttanth
The tniln ing I. on extract Of a letter dated Mate
27, from E II Perkin, NI. 11., o biyldy respecta
ble pt, nlcian of \la riettn, fib in.
Seen Pass—llene tin I have wider my care a
yam, lonia, lobo, I, sixteen yew, has been oaf
*feline from Elerran,l and arlin,e ease has
yeen pronounced I.r.pel.ns by three n( nor best phy
steinny I took her Into mr , nenily. and have used
Gursnit, Yellnw Duck end Sonniperillo freely, and
~ , , M teni that the Veqoar lino end Sareap e azilait
will reeet cure
in ben,.
1.400, than s:e bus ever been before, and walks •
l,r IN“ wannot ianeue or pmt. A year ago she
ased eentelies. !will rtpOil the cure in dennolo.
Very reepectlully, E. D. PERKINS.
11.1 1 EIN.A.
It ban been remarked. by run ornt men, that in the
rnosh wises In which man Is liable,
then...a retiree v nor of sari, imibmiance, and of oath
Interest as Sere:uk, n hello, we look to the °bateau,
of its one,. as ibrid nun prnaress, the number and
varieir of °realm that it, or its remarkable in
curability End extensive fat slid
Scrofula lint bodied the 1401 most emlnens
physioinns in ill!. r....oitry rina an Europe Mather, Is
an antidot e tor on• distal...l Dr. Guyol'a Extract of
Yellow Donk lind whieh is proving 0.
ea perfect spe,ifie theAmost severe ea.s of
sera& a. •
do o..nrdirinry el, et Scro , nle eared by the
eoln o.e 1,..10, drop. It
Will be .et, 'hi:mon hat been
lbe t , ,lnient I r...'el , rated phy./etan;
rot the part r.-o A.r:vopg nny henna,
.d ha , ra,r,l , r ,iof• law
bott;e of Ur. Ciwie.:ll( 1 , 11,0,11 a WU,
\avr\r. Jam- 1 , 49.
Ty. I ar v.. 0 a det.•
anmr, I 401 1 . 1,1,,1,0 'tn.. • paGlir
t,,ow ,tr 1. , .1.• at •dr.r.l from your
r ,• • ICTT4
Sr(4,lt,r, • -, W ~ Grre-',Mr, .n our fanuly,
which rommr,r, ..:o en.nuln, to
ppreNd }I mnoutg Inv. my brad,
.r.ll 116,.^. rerk, amt lower
1.7:nra,,. 111 TT - , • ‘iert to task
•Mt+o+. re. I vrasunaGlr to
err in gay
reit sr • orrnrwr !qv Moe wan one
••r Eli , rharre of moslrr
. .
Prop, avoid ,
:.o •volc fritter
I ' l,l I o , ltged In
- the
hest mei,. .d on• of treat
ment..Yo: rot:t.,u(d to I gore
Forw 11,1 to • pac<neer
nh^ rt. •.nl.out, 11 he.ith, who
.mil me 0, Id, trme a, bad a 1. 1 aod y your Syrup ho
e. 11.1 Mr, 1 tdlmc.:llle/i. proeneed the
tempo,' , alt , r neortng vied
1...• than -s 1 •n.l ur..l uhle to attend to
ny do !h., ..wern,t 6.1 an net of
t t.,,c It •
um, 114•••ler the afflicted to,
thLrel.) , rave them
macn I I,
, t, •PAL.I , INtI.
N . 7 " Extract of
:7 1 , 4 , 1‘ lg. The p
:o I,,rr,ve after
CJTC. rltTe. ir,tl until time
Lto t,.ted that :her, .vu re:sp.e. or return
Ne I t.rtuner Vet,
r , a, a— g reat ',tenure
Ilint rvr.te yorr rrlrrrot rte' curt I mply of yo u r
.Velroser Iserrit SrtryarrArt:lrr upnr rtry. rrron, wt,, hue
:brig buy en,:rrrrr u nrie: .I,..iful,lnethcomr
rn whirl4r ',tact etl in 1,14,
Fmut 1 - 10 . 01 -1 arra, month , . 11,11,,,,, If rromer or our
eF: pyrrre trlrr.lll, , r 'ir.rstrvertnniylur
liter rl.• rrirour .r.ry f•rrts wiruiever.
lie .. r•rt ir.rrrer .lelr , ten lin harlot
., • .
1.4..) situ Wit
Twilling dotal
r•. neigh
' gi band.
ur tut. n t Lt , il of remit
.a,Mr.l me to,
i. , Irum a re..!ce, dew., to
h,14,1 u• .1 11,,
~1 our n rellow
had atled •
0u1.11.. t 0,41 to all
up lo th@
t rolr , I.le,sint! of
thiklo• etii t.•`• to 0, rl< w Dock
undrr ki 01.1, .• wok ritlilloy
Iti#t tnwln yr. or whs. ). •nr ,n,und has done
for toy He•,.4,.:, IV.
frit - None gersuarr unlne rat aa in large boulew,
ei!titaai•i, nag,- Syrup blown
i i„. 555- rye itr.•ll ,glt.r• lle
Sir vvraiyar.. per tioltle—or
o brat,. ,or
. .
J. I). Noflll r.nst come, 0,
F.lOlOl .1,4 1% rt.not -in rlimarre on Wplttat
laVelnneta, .1, to ortome nJ mutt Le sadre.
• Co•ter A Ito, Eric: It. P. 3.'i.11,1,1 A_ Co., Water
ford, I•!,, hi s . ,1 Al'! , Turcoll,
Ste, ru•r - liir., nz.J... no . rt Itny, Wells-
I.oto, I. c - tiseg.• run'. ..o Jr, Pitt.-
tar , ot nn.l the thecnortd.
Dr. R: use's CelthraWl Ruudlra.
Te S IL'S? SI. the doCovrrer and aolo pr 0.1./0.1./
. 1./ potter of did, uiii•l ptrmilar and beneficial
Medici ece, and aleo the ois o( he celebrated
insatiate in tor leddonv the Id.nic,siodr fn t ,ting n auto
of . Inaba . 4, vraa studect of that eminent
pityermud, 11”etor o a anduan of the
Itniverany Ponce> frame ' , an.rfor tinny sears ranee
1•Call el 4 . .3,ed onosot;•unu of diiiNase. and
the appt,e Clan of ,calm,lhanan.
.Th roe, ii, et no. auff.ifi, tube. noonneotiOn
aids his l'rnp hd feet . s) top turd ow,' o; hi. Mandl.,
he bai coined n., earnrair lush slimarnon inc uring
rain.drelf.,.ol end, Tubercular Coto
compt.oe. 1 . , of. Sers , un, Mean/nasal, Asthma,
react OD, l'aVcr. of ea, Carat. ER
eipelns, df ect, peculiar to
reroutes 1 d every (arm discere vainsites under
the uof re.:
rcirodies, whfeli hen . —
not by
the ure id Alt .1.11-aanind Only. for that is in, vsi if l'hye;ologiCal Low. ' , al oy the Ina
rcturdida, adoptedfind pidscilticil for c•Oh
mesh:. nirtn of efeesse. Role% Alleratire Pills, when coed are
Invariably ut . /con:edged to he elldelitir to e.g other,
hr a• put pilfer or ;O'er pin, luoumaenua they terra
the hOv..i p,lectly Irec Win r ...usenet.; ra situ
his (Schleif' l'isie uthalt:- . .1 by the Intuits to porrli
peculiar arnoetties .aiihtied to foetal., threfues,
U ra., tidied that a hare loci le wild,: ant to estatdlA
tchat haelizett said fa toe 'sonde el the norm skeptical.
The affirmed are nivoed in exit upon the agent. had
One of tae Dories ehmnalele, giving
nUetallen aceeraid
of root, remedy and tta application.
Co. salcifq the fette,fne nevoid, as well as by most
M Too
we n d, d
45 naz Ott at., do;
I .ee Coot, do near the 1`.1). Allegheny city.
jee dart ley. DA rildearin, Deaver co.,
Inn Flan.t, Fionno Valley, do do;
Adam,. Prance, ' do do;
4,1 YI T'C'S 11 T.BItB ,-•
6ream, a I,,,:thy ahttnit thrnuchout the body, tea •
the appuutn, enual ruculabon. give tone
intern to ti` Py /If T. ann creole a ;lower of real
nnar In diataac In all il.cfarma, vareiy to be obtain:
They grill I•erfnon Tprily dn.l pannanent earn.
Tharepgia, Inibacation, Denth
Liner Complaint, al., WI Mie tillln
of aymptooma Co ,
manly called nervous affect:Cola
Win 62 Immedice.y ,I,eved hr the n.e of this lay
ankle eamonund, winell is pertly vegenible, and
adapted ta all ages and condition,,
Will (main N. , oltlic4tulind pa:mable prepar.inn.
.Conalnputinn of Atfrru.ivr. an 4 Aperient 4000
11100.,1..eculaurly aduplud W thuts
The sine if., utiunn inn ',Uric her no IL: !Aye
and Dige•tiVe ra ILA rmapiele Anuthx
(or Fryer and Ague. 004 10110011,41 "I'yphsrl Feu,'
- . . •
I !me.- 01 , c41 the uro. ,, r o' rl,nett , Vitt
anti have dert•rd gleulroad. I hot
'been mobect yea, ;Inv. tnand Ague, b
)Dar t I.t.eF., I I,lvr. entire
', C•Olspe .1 sety ' 5. ,
Toenco. In Yb.
.• - T.. N. BUNDING.
Sr.o nrlxt.v, Jane =lb, I
NT Dar'. sm.
,e. me moth pleuaure to stale, QM; t
I/yap...rata woo ertneh my We Ittas been lao brig Ira
(,em inaeuen of the Liver, hoe pert •
n 'el ~,,, e, and by the Low of your at
tal rreaaranon of losers, and for your kiaducaa
f e commeodoot then, elem. and
tety n platalta
rat, ukthent arrvant,
William T. /licks dz Co 119'Lr.
:Str.el,"New York. Far talc by
' •ok.'k ' , non
• • BI,IG IV GOODS.. — ._.--
... ..
. A A. ~ ,, ,t ,..01 A .-,., No. G.l Market street, hay
.4.ppl.en Mc trkbeaes,y in 01.-ir rry,kk, caused b
.fire, aistl4l is 111 W ,trr,ltt, T 1 enarbLie by the 'keel.
.klesiripisi fond purehab,d trent 'Coantilaelorera,
iktgettneban so es. eta ',real reviorilon from pri .
i otlxll Binitir,,ehle LI 1..11 be otfcred to their. Dam
on. patrol,. arroriancly. It T. onbi be orelers to •
tempt toe.Mtr.llC ,toes wb i! eagoried stock, an
therefore, In. the early st,tilon of their Inc,i ,
and the public, with the ar,uraree of a jaw r 11l C . •
lag aitcd to each sttliVc,irß
_ .