LIMIT OF LETTER/1i iIaiEMAINI:.(i ID tnc Putshurgh Post Office. front the. 16th or Aug. to the Mat of Aug., 150. Persons elating rot them WM pie., any they are ariverused. Aekin Clurbe A Allen Mary Ann A mold Jean. Allen Same Anderson Nano Ateblson /and Bailey Annie 105,, M .I. A Bailey tfariirtt !beefy C•thne Drown Jrnatma Martha Dula,* Man. F Brown Mrs Ehrth BUM Elisa D Et/binge Mra.'ar'ilalktt Amai a Dater Emnra Ittna , ey May A MIT Anna Dater Eli... J Marti Ja.,e -Darla. Mary J Bantry Mat Illaaeny It Hari, Mc. Darrell Navy Dnat,..- , k Ma Huller Ana Dates Cathne IlradiTY Carafe Ho!, Itriary- Dates Sarah litookA Elath Butler Sarah Deana Adalitte Brook. Mary Ca Bay Rmannerh Clapp, Barbara Cord Paean Caldwell , 2 11.11: C:ara J. Corr Cuhar Ca: holm Re ('laver Catitne Cox Mary M Calvert A ire C.. ry Mary Craw , ord Jana I) Campbell Nara, C.xC lone 511 try Aeununln% Mn,Sn/1 Carly Alive 1,011111 A Carry Ann easel! NnneY Carry Mr.; Cot•ter al.mrn Cont. Anna Chummy Caro'n Connally Midget Dally Rele.era D.ltnrela Drnleet Down, Alan Dnle Ni” M Dunne Catbnc Dune an esvall Delete, A no Donovan Mary L Dugan lirelc I Donahoe Catbne F. no Rrharaa Irlarnrthy Mary Eaana Mrs Lyle Encktns Cathay rat.i•lt Sidhey Evnaa Mary C EJa•r Maria 1. Englian Lytha A F:enng Ithr.ll4 E Nitta Catiae 1 Evan. Jana Farrel. r.lrnn• Fig - me Mary 9 , Tor.. aronv 1.1111 Finley Caroline Flyn n emrlla Font) lb Atm.' Folgem Mr Illy Friend It it nt Gallagher Base Glenn Sarah Greet Mafia Gambol Mary C Gl•¢en Mr. allry Ge•en Mary Gurley Ann Garden ..1111111a Marc F Galatea :Bataan Gorman Mary Grogan Mary' Gilman Katy A (Ream. Mary Granata Ann Gibson Satell Sarah Gramm Sara 4 Glass Mrs Ann Grnre•a Ger iu Ca:henna Grain PA n, Ilami hon 'Anna Ilartm. Nan' Alin:lent ark Awry/lare A plc, lenalclthlaarathllanln Mary Ann Ilam. Ma, A lortrt. i Itn Joratn.n Hamer Alarrarrt flam Lavinia ellaAr'SA.ltla-ill Hartley Alreatisanliarnal, Malley l'aulana Hartley Mr. Danlifolmea Mans Ingrnm Irwin Ann harm. Lydia Irwin Idea. Irroin.F.iennor harry Swath Iron• Alargeact Jame, M.ry Johngtoa John A John, lln A NY la t Anne J•Am.ton Mary A Jottosum IlarrietA • Johnston Mts. Ke.nslltraK,laraK•lly Margt Ann Kinsey Nam., A Ne , ,ney llonora Kennedy Jenene Kink. Malin Kelly Ann•ltn hirwain 11.1,1 ; et Kuientd Kelly :duty Lain MATT r Ln Mary A Lurrr Isar' -t' Laughlin :.nrah luvovloulMAryLLs . toms Leary Jan.: Loiu-iKun esul , u Lyneh Ann Loyd os7tb Lynch Mary DI IS.V^Y Ju'h M‘Pigur, Jxun Morr Mary Marchand MurthaMult. uop.aut Mut. Mr. Mar , o,r F::ix 0$ 110.1 g umrry It J Moutlio N1.•11 , 1nmer.1..1113 , 1,1uu MolduClll.le MAllhelf• NluretoT, iry Mutlin Rebecca /Any Elszt Morton .11.retli A Murphy Cl.llle Mrn ly Merin L Morr • Jeme Murry Irl.3lJ'e. b 1.4111 Mn Morn/ Ntnry .I).r. A.. M'ilatran , Mary M'Done t Mery J IWl:ea ralnre lit , andle.Salat)M'lloaa. ztn M"Kar Nanry ADC:wan Jun.- M'Elrny rer',EM'Kce Mgt TlrCannry M*Genan Mary WK.:try Mn MI . 1191rel• Nvocy WWI Er:Oly M'Lare r Met TlT“Act , r, Mary Nl* I:1111y Arl.augM.n loan At'Con.l. Martha M'(;ntav A IM'l.4koKhlieL 1.1,1 M'Crark.sti..'n .I..r.ettr M'Nli'lan MaMulct AI Crea MarTlgn . M•Mkst rn Mary A M'cul , y Mei A M Inlyre Mrs M . Sully M'Dsvitt Mory A Arlie< Ann AVSarl/gra Nan'y Nell Ellzth Negley Mrs FEI Neely Ann O'Donuoll Garb. Oa Mrs Park Lucy II Pltilmps I•ntlp Parte,tat•Ci!la Potterron Mt, Ir Itriu Nur. EkrtS APorter karat,. rattersoo Raldon, M an agsreth Ras., E. Reogart, Cath Rolo, Mrs Joscpbßu . , aa , rth Reid, Imsbana RolAnson, Arista Ramos, Cars Rice, Ann Is It Mary Scott, Marratoth Sh r lan.R nal Shannon, Par hl Kona, Mr. 1M -n Shon n. Abbey A Shaw, Mary R I Seanor. Lamle Shn.ntaler,CarreSA a, linnora Marvar,-th Sna th, Laurent ne:the, Mary Ranna,Mary 0 . Taylor M. I: 'Doom., Noll Tuer E.ra Ta ler Mort. Towner Slat, S Ty, rn rcl Grrn-sr.n Walter Mgry Wick ham MI, A NV,l•ni 'Warren M•ry A Wicgtds A M WynTAct Mary IVrate AV, ghi Anzan Charlow•AlVillinmq Jane Wright Low. White E.:izabc:ll Mary UlVocAlzle Math Wr,Klo I=l assatlernela.. Mist Adam: on 'runt Armorer Adana Arnagrona u.r Adam. 'A Luta Alaran , or /al A•m.ront nt( Atken Jeri Ander.", 3 JUlt t A'ePx Alami 11Jd7 A.ulenon Jan r. Atttn.nn Agent Geo Andenon Joou AtlrJormo Dr 3.. Appleton Ton. II Alkenann I W Adorn. Cm, A rot.trnoa B-, t ,,h Abel Orannmort. Adams Jno !Wallet WF. Mather tlay , t Der P ttk Batty /no P 3, Battey Jos 11 , Itx400vcr M JA, Ilaetrmrtote. F J Ba:ey Peter ty urn. 384 Barnes Joe Wood ism Ilvadun•lrtt,l Baker Henry Bird Wm I. Branoett M,clll Dater B I,oompr /no A I n Hen/ Barnet C Isto., J N !krona,: M J Bang :atria Inaek Brook, Henry 0 Barr Sunni V Bo Juo ft, /Imo, Jno M. Bayne Anew Boyd lieu Wont* Morns Barbering, Boyd (Vol Brook. Ca Ilatrulge Pet, /tote 3 no Brook. /no A Barron Homer Wl.tee Wm Jto H B ay ne) Thot ' Bo nner Hann, ay no Bonner Jon Barth. Joan 1: Jno Bartley Jun Boyle Jun Butler Jo. Barker &Gard. C Onylers Jan , Boyd lire 13 Lturn.ttles Rlbt Beatty Jno lloetwtct inn or Wm Beale eawe Brown Tneoptlusßuteber Joe A licWer. Joe L $ Wove Co., Urn. inn Beaumont 'llan I Bron'n Butler II Beac!ay Jon Brown Wll,rt Nuthl Benstl llPorwet Wm B Bun JIV Beach It It Burke Finley Boron Wm Coles . . Nell Clark M Corer Rio A Call Jeremiah Cob...enlace. Covedo Jaenb Caine Win COl,O JR, S Coyle Neely Carr. Jeri Collier Myron Conch Deo Camp Thee Vole S A • Cowan David II Cameron David Aoollint Jno C.valt 1.1411., Caroline NA- Co d. Frit! ell Cnofiwie ram Camey Stiehl • Coder Palk Crawford Win Crawley ribilthewColiti Jas 9 Corer inn C Cavanagh Jno Connion Oman Crawford L Cathcart Saml Col. Sidney Crichton David Carpenter Tina Cochran leo Craw lord 9 9 CrewieylilanticarCnelirnii tilanlaewCraig Carlisle Jas CurTer Woo Crawford J It Campbell AII Couraiumon MlelCraig Juni. Caraphelllt A &nor:finely Mich' Casey J Itt Campiw.ll Patter Conwall Jii• Crowley J no ftsumbrll Jo. Wok Prank:in Crowley Pot Campbell Minh Cook Jacob Crowley Corners Caldwell /no Cook J. _Cronney Caldwell trent) . Coot Eugene L Carley Jon Caldwell WricS i'ook Jivo Commie. Jas Churchman Woe Coot Shaeklettil Collin Thor Chamber , Mr. Co Cullen WA Chenowith & Da. rook Wm Caren Thor Chen/berm A C Conk Jo. Curl Hain ChM., Iran . Conway Ti`os Crier lino Jona'n Carr, y o u crane Jul Conning nun 1 Carothers inn N Craig Jno CI rk C rV & b roe I) Davliman Sanliiel Delany Samuel Drage M K D Martin . Dilworth Ur Santllhiffy Michael M ay Al Joseph Ihracy LaiayetteDngaa u nK p Daman, Jora . lhllen Michael Dann Arthur .0.1,111nlor• Deb. Geogr. , Dance Patrick Drafts Jarne• Daolin union - Donee John Davis M. Doyle Mr Dann James Darts Thom. Dorf Jerk ea 'Dorsey Woe II D 8.14 JO/Ctal - Douglas •J. Darter Thor Davis John Donnell{ And., Diugherly Geo Davis Win Dey'e Owen Mum I• illp Dan. DO. John Dreneing Thom . Devin Aleineder Doran John Delo Ceo M Den /MO Thor Devlin J. P Desmond CorecYs • Dalf Jarnen Earaond John Ellwood Jahn Emus John E Rli Kliv l.v,c Li R005t...1110.0 W Raba F. F Fr ti. Dug.. F.vons Wm • • ELlsra Evan. David Ejutor CS Ella,. Robot . . . Faden Mr . nynn htlehiel . Priv! John Fagan Jon A Fhnn Ando' Fo•ton It Farr Flavin& J Flanipin John Fo!tnn A J Fen" , Wei ' ' Ford altetteel 0 FOrc , lfT Francis Fasu.n Jai ht Fia Jame. Fowler John nlin Fri& rA k Found J Enos Ss marl Fony Maurice Foiroim 11.1.11.. Freeznan hi drtin , l Fitipwric IL John FOalt Phltlek Frederlidi Cart W Fitt‘erald Mau- Fon. Wm fovley ii.chard 1 . 2., Forsyth Mr For t ugh Win A Flley WOr, Ford Wm Flew., Ohm 11 Fisher Joseph Fowler Dr Four ito , en Farrell , : Tilos Ford James Fimrimatorallrvil Falter War , . Goo . littler* Ran Gregor Theodore GOlllghelf JO. lines Unof Illeylogte& Clar k Gallagher Jt. Giro. Tonothr Gres nut Gallagher 'loch Glaasford Ands Green Ja no Pros I" ttrar,:; Dine.t , icotrry Galbraith Geo Glory Wm,, re Gallagher nut II Glenn Timothy to macs Jobn W Geer John (Henn Wm Grafts Gardner Jon Worn Jo. Gm.. M, h 51r. II Gamble And Gorrnly Mehl Griffin path Geraghty Martin Gordon w Grove, A 11'K Gardner Mr Gould John NI Graham Res. GaoltJohn Grsee Wee 51 Grab.. W. Gibroa Gco Green /Grim Gray Rev Gls Gibson Rohl Gregg Leonard Ural' Geo W Gilmore And Greer 71a 11 Cooly Jo• Glnespie W C Grayson Jolni, Gray Ralph Gay .1 A gynallton 11. Hamalion J Britton it Hamilton in° Ilmunga C llolmes tieo faagare Henry Heseloy ItqlotesEnoeb • Woe Riehd Have. Wm S Howard N J Haaaren J. IlalsrlJatepn Homer Robt Mi. dated E Hayward 5I Ilqumm. Jesse Halo Thong • Ilnys J Hof k los Wasb'n Haigh Joseph P Heston F Hooper/hot al Hamm CIIIes Itenthom Taos ,Howard Mehl Hamm Jno Hamad Ephraim Hernia! Jas Hanna Cape Wm Henderson Jag llorolsh Rev I K Bart J I Ilarmol & IJIY• HermsahThoa Henry Jag ny Dant Howae rdWm Tbos /tart Shoo .I.llorriagton WM. Hahn hosier 17 1) • 'lamer Ota W Hoodnek II 0 Bunter a Fleming Barrio [Card / herald Jon t hes . liamsonloen 'f Henry Wm Ilubett J no Halbach Jat Herbert Rev I Wll•ghs Wm Hutt. Hush ilflter Fredk Hutchison David Ham IReo P `'''llirsh Lenin Itibler boot B • Hathrtwayll ' ' Irwin his A Irwin P Ingram Ja..Pi , Plgla Jag Wing Wm Irma Jg 9 lS Jameson Da,cl Jon,. RAW V /sok II D Joh.enn Snml Jones Ilrnry Jactrol Sam Johnsen II CV Jong Moscs Jacitmon Wm s Jo,n,nn Nlnn•f"l Jllll, Mr . _ Jal V II Joht,r,i Wen Jtsnes J.. 11 Jo. Jo-114 0 Jorte•l.,3l !wilco la. Jo le. Wrn Jnacs lirnry Jewril Iletrk Juave ioltL Paul Jolsco strithen E K..f.,,, t , Aun n LlZ,nry NI wn. Kr.. , x G , o iitv-um Jc" k.- , k3w d, ii .tryNlK,orr Wu J Ketoall 1t..,7 K.• Ir Jaa K. A ii. , ,mp , rin.4,6 K. !)• Palk K ellaur iro K...:nrdy Ilettry kr ly NI“ id k,y., S K.lrr S II I: , lq 3 " El •,,Iter Nrieon Ktlf .1,5 'Ed.,' Jon Dirt t• A NOMEMIM Aeor. inn A sill Clinl A A, krttrek A A;.•11,!, Jinn Eridlcr 11..1 Ker. J. I:lln,nc J. Inther Pis. A J Lem, Cho. 1, , f. Law., ~ Jo!. orl.rnthain Lei t•on Ar.n 11,n, I, , vr, Jolla D•vea Jr," 1-levilivn hymn A t.,10. 1.0, mini W.ll L.ClOll' FM, L. 1e.1t. , 411 Simonn Level , Geo Jp. eeelk Locor , Timm Ewell 11 Lent L II I.tviugit. Lemi•Lou,ll , Jv 1.. Linti•ey Mirk; I..wry 11(.1 Lewel.., The. 1 Lippincott I I II 1,..11 Sul Lem. Pi,t!,im L,"'"' don Ca,. Leoim md '.ey II C !Ono:, Nit'lr.:tl.l MtottAror Itetris t tttltn Me , reedDtvitl Mill. 6, MxlterfT , lltm,n \I,II, Ni.lannry . . . . . Ala coney II W Al lA Jn. , lahnuer Jan II Mort. I Mad, J. Nl.l, N1r.0... It Muer A Do.mon Nlagher J II Al It r Alatommy ‘lammic Ibehd NI:11/r JI. 11 of Jay Chas M... TM., Mil cr JnoS MAO,. J.... J ti.. Nlaarn Mari , llT Nlorg.hy Wm Marrhail Mill, A 11 Murphy Ilrnry C Al.). J.- M143. - .1 Wm I. Nlttri...). 31111‘1...5w. Thor. J Mar, Jo. Idr,oo F , oncin Nln3g.n 3.. Alnwghan eban Knag on l'ho. I. Nler3l3l Jno F 3.1.05t1e Mt. %Mir T!. Mret •beon Ihvl.l A II NlTatclLeon Nl'Brule NlT:rack-1.1., A SI v, Nl'lleth II II NlT,nlllicon , I' NI ,Irnn I'Amlrrw Jn. Nl'ljernia•l Ntk N , in NVeu'lnneh J A NI Donuld , Vm wr‘it Tn 4.• >I 1..g:, Jna Wrlella.l! Win At IAI, 3. SI !..tugttlin lllrhl Nl'Cluret J II Nl'l,llll/11.111 Nl'Lr.a 1. . . M'Causim.ll l .'m 111 1 111.1 Toss, M'Cann Jul M . GuieK. ll,l.l cr 111 1 s1andles.. 13 1 1.,U1.11f1ry M'Nea. Mr 11 1 C1nry 1 , 11 11 1 1•uir., Plot 111.1a.1L J %I'llsnfly R. 114 111 , orl.lru 11" a. ty Jul 111 1 11tustfle And 1 M'Nul Nuun R M'Cabe Pe.u. 111 1 Elroy l'ortruls ?VT ,V M'Catre.J..n 111!Eiroy Jot, MA 'tults. M'Caron Nall.l 111' 1 :Tray 11 1n13 ., , 1 1 1, &'M, M.r l ll M', 1 1 1' . . 1 fly.c4.‘fl 11,1. , rnuca Jas Mg:lu, louflar.lll'floren 11 11•I'orn.c.1. IVin 11.1ou•h A Irir 11'Nunnun las 11 ennorl. llr,.ry "WC,. J.. dl't'Ev Jun cizzam Onvut Al't~~ec ten lo• W NNIOt 1: P NeNon rho Nurrn: Fran', or Nee It I: NAV . ,nr it Chu .I.firt Ne.lnllntxon Nee Noble , 11.1,1. 1 N .rr v Ncwinall ,•ln Ft II °a Newman Jas Ft 0' `onnnt item: fl'Ile•r1 1 I1 , 1.1 0, 00 I` Ort 0 - 11,0!, oa.e, o °Wen. I' 01,arf H. I' Owens Jim O`Urten ldwd Parrith Frrn Peneteol: JAt Ir ru,,p+ Thn ItIo•c• I..•nr Jne.leit II l'art Gen renrent eNTn NI r. Jet raterr.on I . I•nw.••• l'alter.nn Tne.d Pioturynn II A: •0.11,01,41 J. Psuertoat Aaron Dew:, Q eitOnn Arthur flu; in Pirtlee. I/1.1 , 1110Ln quart, Jam., it Runs Wino Ranlitn h etort,rt Rairl,R Gen Rut,e,... I,••e. Runt.. lune. C IlaPo•r•—• Rch.nrli t r Hr. Trkne !herr: Rcurte , I. fl Rx;11.• Jn R.G•nne Rudig'ehlrtle• Ready Sl.e.toe: Re4l.lrn Reed hint C !try ok.l 'rho. II km4/1 - 0111 Bier). 1 Rie,r brtnr• 11,1, .I•rte ILee•krl II t. ; , I. • • I:1 . . it Ito.ley t. W xnoem ii: se.Ro . is x„ Root. Mr Rubel*. UlOl,l Rnep. , It Kl;ent I .opA Itolr,ilong. Win El Ho.. J•mc• RN•iu nJ,. lloi.ers.e. •It , 1•0., Ws. V liotletl.ll A S rtut:lertor. l l.lul,l , Crus, O'ellor Low 'I ter A 11. kiop St, here John Seam. Fo:yro Jai .e. s o• It • , .1 SR Oen It e 1 . 5en , 1% 11101,6 o • !nte-h II Sander. Grergo th So,- 4. N.ene. J •te.ra Allred Slocols K E tenoth A:.llnoe Voter t‘alOton Too. linoth /lent) . Shore John r.entl IKm I. StrAlli Wel/, Jonlot Sean It'. Stni9) II I/ A 0.1 1 Inano senu George De :moo :etc., I D tesebrlst A Irah.aletenztl. F. 11,11•• eels To.„ Samnn Jnbo Nn../1 •t•t0000tl Stew.e t A tlrr reea.ort C4e• Form, Gen rre JeLlne • A o .re.toto null le II , •oeee,, So-rre, llr o/noh In4o A t'n ot 0., • Mschnel W 11.••••••• r.werranca Sl,ll , • II St.t••ter lacne mel.eMl Or,. • 511,... Wm Fr , •••• , 1 FA,. Win • shmtlry , l it Al• • e MO - 41 In• 11 , p • • 2, N., Taylor Gen W Thom,.on [lnn , r 'lll ,, titp-o r Jao t , • D )1 Trxmat J:•o Tr. aret • •ter Taylor V. T Trunev trr 11.1 ry . Taylor WM Ttr. J 'l,, W.ti raosnonon Wm 1. Or J. •I. 111.01 -, ;3• .r Thu ,l mp , .11 Jo , c rhTroman N F., VavgbartAnannlb Vaoshan Jun • \\ lVagponer 1),n1 ‘Votkaa• W • ,n e. 1••• Watnwri,la J R•a•t •• R Wnhon I' Wan:. W, •••••••• J. WuJ••••nrIl c War,, •n Watla, two S War/ /n \\..••••Pl• pb,ofl tV R V. eldan Wnlacr /n 1 Wee IL ll•ary Vi' , /no L. W.. t•Ja• Wolman A WArren Gno We, Tau 4 a, a An' ur tVo•ht , gt>n T C termerW•en:n. Wrap, Wm W • .^T, .1:1 Wm Wulkul• EWP/•h Wm ,004 .a , ••• /a. Wet rt • A WAtemc ad 'Cm W0n.1..e rr Rand Watter•ou W ••tra, Mawr troa.l. 1t,,,, WaraOck IVA] IVWU , te Tho• J \V0.,,. U, ltorpS Wnoon /po li:hantrr la. W. (....IVII.IOI Aa/nr I , o• • A st.l II CP•,I, I:•••• John Wand. Sa.o! Wnt•A Wlllmr. J. Wm. Wm Wards Wm Wrip.c.l /at Yoon4Wpn A Yn,,g II Younz le•bn Young 0.0 1 Young Dsnl oung M.lll M Crner, steam, Clerk a,ca,ner Clerk .Ican,cr Pre -,14,,t llur,tultura: Mona, Trare. Irr. Tvv,” Ca, lorke, N., 'Ai. L.Enlge, No 1 , 1 Cum art rfoCts,Citi 1.0. of 0 F Ocean Wave S. of T, No 131. Plik.butgh F. ofr.,!No II Tcaionta ri T., N,, wrn••• vO'r °IT. V 73. No If S Wotol SAMUEL FVEIAIRO, r rterrettoott, September IL. 4 .JIPILVAIN & WILLIAMS, II) firruurn st,'Rallmorr, A GENTS for the .dcol Soda no.. Blenching IX I nadvra. nn band, •n , l ton•lnoni rccriting i.tloo !rum the Manutarincre,nr ',We. a the anti :nom nnprov,l braTnl., 'rhino alry 011, to tia: bail: a I,4l“&tAllea 10 and towe.linark•rt went. an, Ur d:110. 11 rr untlcritioned hat on hand. nod in thin al. J!rem , . the mantihirt orr cc, or. conwolincit a burr lot of Fitionolo n tol color, It cot and Also. Hod Illaulettn. khan., Couloir, II C It Coanoticwo V s loco. nod Twerdc, which ho wall w by she cm or piece. at lIIINIICNCIIIfr, orate.. Ti, ottelitents of dealt 9•00i1C11 good , to itiviletl. H Low. 0 at Office of Pitt4urgh , :n• Company, August I:. %ME Stockholderii of the Pit.liurch I.a. Cowan Iltre beret,; notified, that ti. Anima; Nlcettng the StoctholderA for she Election of Triiidem, held at the odier tit t ho company... ti,c city of I'M burelt. on Nlonday, the...cowl dry between the hour. of too awl hoe o'riouls, . Ihr r ilrpnall of c , eie‘trg two par.,. to ma non, Tr u teed for said company, lor..three year, second day of re at. ' nririddyir raffia Lb Coal Prop,ly oi Ammon. ON mono ng Septembrr :Ird, tit. 11 • clock. no the'Commercial SArk room, Corm; Wood and WM •dreet, will tee sold A tract of Laud satiated on tba Fast aide of tl Mononsobela Biter, shout four m,le. anove Mono ashen-Cap, formerly owned by Winner and Hunt shoot 63 A Cron, ono hall of ksdicii is am' Cult.vnuon, wit), n farm lion.;. nod. al m sz Comm amen. frame •larcllings in connection with Na Co Works. The Pit opened I. favorably located f draining and vennlatonn. Vein of Cool four feet depth. and onalt p Very' suPcimi. indi.oataMe., and a long .n amid., n i ec e to , 1 ., ..... 111,,,11 111 I ,11011,. fell proper breadth, was laid over. 1 r.i . ' , ... ri - - -- PetilLooli for loyal° water pipes tin E . ,. hp.trte I ,:=74:. , , t11 . 1' , ... - •' ) ..1 Diamond Mey ,n.ri. re relarred to the Wa•yr ' M1,:..-..Y '`" • Irf p f - Committee. 1...t1 , V.1".1.1. .r. [MOT 11.11, I ',i11% .4 P.l)iNt, MI.I;CtIAN't,.., Ititc.III.I. , TER.I.A. Mr. Furedon °Tem.! n revointion to have a pink ,t,nver ems., .. ... . . ~. ... tonnt latil on Cherry Alin), lvtrn Finh • trt t ' , U I.lotlll w ten wnn ndninvtl, , it prr r r :C i e ' around K'nged ( e upper adopted. Mr. Cordell preaen etl n report from the Samta• ry C laminae, aocompanied by an orthaserm u. tabliahlag a Board of El alth, which wns read and ordered to be pabliahed. On motion, rho C00m..11 • - CIhCINUT I At/well'," a L. NI --r-Orr readers, tunny of whom end to vino the Cane nett Agricultural !dealings, will rec. from in..... lowan; letter, trot the time 01 ho d nit them hue been postponod on account of the cholera : Cl frame ' , an.rfor tinny sears ranee 1•Call el 4 . .3,ed onosot;•unu of diiiNase. and the appt,e Clan of ,calm,lhanan. .Th roe, ii, et no. auff.ifi, tube. noonneotiOn aids his l'rnp hd feet . s) top turd ow,' o; hi. Mandl., he bai coined n., earnrair lush slimarnon inc uring rain.drelf.,.ol end, Tubercular Coto compt.oe. 1 . , of. Sers , un, Mean/nasal, Asthma, react OD, l'aVcr. of ea, Carat. ER eipelns, df ect, peculiar to reroutes 1 d every (arm discere vainsites under the uof re.: rcirodies, whfeli hen . — not by the ure id Alt .1.11-aanind Only. for that is in, vsi if l'hye;ologiCal Low. ' , al oy the Ina rcturdida, adoptedfind pidscilticil for c•Oh mesh:. nirtn of efeesse. Role% Alleratire Pills, when coed are Invariably ut . /con:edged to he elldelitir to e.g other, hr a• put pilfer or ;O'er pin, luoumaenua they terra the hOv..i p,lectly Irec Win r ...usenet.; ra situ his (Schleif' l'isie uthalt:- . .1 by the Intuits to porrli peculiar arnoetties .aiihtied to foetal., threfues, U ra., tidied that a hare loci le wild,: ant to estatdlA tchat haelizett said fa toe 'sonde el the norm skeptical. The affirmed are nivoed in exit upon the agent. had One of tae Dories ehmnalele, giving nUetallen aceeraid of root, remedy and tta application. Co. salcifq the fette,fne nevoid, as well as by most Plueburgh: M Too we n d, d 45 naz Ott at., do; I .ee Coot, do near the 1`.1). Allegheny city. jee dart ley. DA rildearin, Deaver co., Inn Flan.t, Fionno Valley, do do; Adam,. Prance, ' do do; .014121411 4,1 YI T'C'S 11 T.BItB ,-• 6ream, a I,,,:thy ahttnit thrnuchout the body, tea • the appuutn, enual ruculabon. give tone intern to ti` Py /If T. ann creole a ;lower of real nnar In diataac In all il.cfarma, vareiy to be obtain: They grill I•erfnon Tprily dn.l pannanent earn. Tharepgia, Inibacation, Denth Liner Complaint, al., WI Mie tillln of aymptooma Co , manly called nervous affect:Cola HEADACHE Win 62 Immedice.y ,I,eved hr the n.e of this lay ankle eamonund, winell is pertly vegenible, and adapted ta all ages and condition,, ME= Will (main N. , oltlic4tulind pa:mable prepar.inn. .Conalnputinn of Atfrru.ivr. an 4 Aperient 4000 11100.,1..eculaurly aduplud W thuts The sine if., utiunn inn ',Uric her no IL: !Aye and Dige•tiVe ra ILA rmapiele Anuthx (or Fryer and Ague. 004 10110011,41 "I'yphsrl Feu,' IM!M=E3 - . . • DIAIE I !me.- 01 , c41 the uro. ,, r o' rl,nett , Vitt anti have dert•rd gleulroad. I hot 'been mobect yea, ;Inv. tnand Ague, b )Dar t I.t.eF., I I,lvr. entire ', C•Olspe .1 sety ' 5. , Toenco. In Yb. .• - T.. N. BUNDING. Sr.o nrlxt.v, Jane =lb, I NT Dar'. sm. v ,e. me moth pleuaure to stale, QM; t I/yap...rata woo ertneh my We Ittas been lao brig Ira (,em inaeuen of the Liver, hoe pert • n 'el ~,,, e, and by the Low of your at tal rreaaranon of losers, and for your kiaducaa f e commeodoot then, elem. and tety n platalta rat, ukthent arrvant, C.L.LETC William T. /licks dz Co 119'Lr. d ISI F.' :Str.el,"New York. Far talc by ' •ok.'k ' , non R. F. SYLLFRB • • BI,IG IV GOODS.. — ._.-- ... .. . A A. ~ ,, ,t ,..01 A .-,., No. G.l Market street, hay .4.ppl.en Mc trkbeaes,y in 01.-ir rry,kk, caused b .fire, aistl4l is 111 W ,trr,ltt, T 1 enarbLie by the 'keel. O el NE HUN RV.D Mitt VIIV1" PACK aGEZ .klesiripisi fond purehab,d trent 'Coantilaelorera, iktgettneban so es. eta ',real reviorilon from pri . i otlxll Binitir,,ehle LI 1..11 be otfcred to their. Dam on. patrol,. arroriancly. It T. onbi be orelers to • tempt toe.Mtr.llC ,toes wb i! eagoried stock, an therefore, In. the early st,tilon of their Inc,i , and the public, with the ar,uraree of a jaw r 11l C . • lag aitcd to each sttliVc,irß _ .