The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 03, 1850, Image 2

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rot caul, cortorttoßri.
.11 Batt. enemy.
rot • COMM Ottiut:. •. • '
HEN II • W . .
amOn COtt,49-:
10. vvvvv • r,...P O at E io.L.
Ot WivolitirtonCounti.
Antimasonle and Whig Nontinations to
Allegheny Count),
•oa rmarr stroxb
Inn 170070 nalcoN, rarrri tint commu,
100. •11111,301,T,
MOROAN ROOF:117 , 0S, Pittxbrugh
T. J. 131611ANL Low. r St Ciur.
NVALKER. Kluabeth
puma - moo ATIOIMIT,
EBENEZIgit DOYLES, North rayerts.
MU. FLYNN, Lower 81:Clodr.
csoltrt SCIPI.7O.
Ohio and Pennsylvania nail Bond.
We learn, (rem Solomon W. Roberts, Esq., the
Chief Engineer, who has just returned from a tour
~,o f Inspection along the line of our Western Rail
"Road, that the work is gologon in a very satiafac.
tory manner. The force employed upon the road
between Pittsburgh and Massillon hart been much
increased, and the Contractors aro making great
efforts to completethe mnonry of the culvertamtd
bridge. before thecoming on or cold weather.—
The thorough cut at the summit has a large force
upon it, and me work is much facilitated by the
Occurrence of a , stainable - bed of bituminous coal,
which is easy to excavate. The work in the int.
mediate neighborhood of Allegheny city will be
Commenced in a short time. There is every ma
ram to believe that the can will be running from
Pittsburgh to Beaver and New Brighton In July
of next year, and to Munition in the autumn
Cu the 1911 of the present mouth, the Board of
Directors will receive prountli (or the grading of
the sections, not yet let, between Memullon and
Railway from iadlanapoll• to Loroy
It le 62 mile, from ludimpolls to Lafayette, on
the Wabash. The railway connecting these im.
portant point, is being rapidly completed. From
Lafayette to Lebanon, the road is nearly ready for
the iron, and the short distance remaining to In
dianapolii has been finally located, and contracts
fat the enure work were'advenised to be let a day
or two since. This is a very level and straight
fide. and eau be constructed at far below the av
erage coat of each work in the country.
When oar road is completed to Indite:tapas,
we shall, through this improvement, have direct
rail road connections with Lafayette, which is in
the heart of the very richest wet km of Indiana.—
We already have considerable trade with that re
gion, by means of the Wabash river, bat rail road
tacit:ties will increase our lateicourse and bust.
ness a hue drool fold.
Pcsmaurrma or S . I.Z To MIR Wzrasars RAM
ROOS , The towimh fps of Union, Centre, end Leo,
in W.V.° county, Ohio, have, by public vote,
authorized the Commiasionere of the county to
sulascribe for them, to the stock of the Ohio and
Pennsylvania flail Road, a sum amounting in the
aggregate to 515,500. We trust that the counties!
Of Wayne and Richland trtp_ree forward their
subscriptions ro rapidly, that the Direemrs mill lee'
authorized to take measurer to procure the won
for that part of the road lx,thout delay Their in.
tercets arc so intimately connected With the
speedy completion or the road, that they ought to
put forth a powerful effort to secure as benefit.
We word present at a meeting of some of the
friends of the Hempfield Railroad, bold in the Court
Idolise, at Washington, on Tuesday evening . , and
the frienda ei•the reject in ibis region will be
pleased to lean; that they have taken hold of the
matter:. good careen Aber the advantages and
Importanoc of thin work to the count:ea through
swatch it is to pus, were iiisarty and atroncly .et
teeth by Hon. T. hl. T Meaceiten. J. 11. 1../.. g
and others, C. M. Reed, E.•q , ; retenteu a nape:,
with a view of ascert lining crest amount id - al.:s e t.
cloud be procured tritearta wicurina the charter,
wheel upwards of two hundred shiers. mere sal.,
scrsbeal,(SlO,oooj which is only • begoining ol
what they intend to do. It will be remembered
that the proviaions of the act Incorporating this
Company, one thousand shares are required to be
subWribed and eve done - mon each abate mod, in
order to scrum the charter, which m important to
be done before the meeting ct the next Leval..
, tore It ato be hoped, and it will be expected
that a spirit of liberality—propontonate to their
means—will be shown by the citizens of this end
of the cruelty.—Monongahtla ftrp.
Ten thousand dollars ' What a glorious begin,
nine towards three millions If this is a sample,
how soon will the remainder of the stock be rais
ed? It the !banishing tows of Washington, the
only place of any consequence through which the
road is to pass, can only raise $lOOOO, while on
the top wave of railroad excitement, how much
wilt be subscribed on the whole hoe ! We think
there will be some difiaculty in obtaining the
$59,103 necessary to protium the charter. Hu
say this is obtained, and the $5OOO paid In and
spent in surveys, where is the remainder of the
money to come from! From Philadelphia? hVe
rather think Phlleilelphii would prefer to spend
some hall a million of dollars to construct wsriver
retarded to Bridgeport, opposite Wheeling, which
a perlectly practicable, and would answer her
purpose just as well.
Many Dicer readers will recognize a portrait
in the following sketch of the Fret Soil candidate
for Governor In Ohio. The Rev. Gentleman is
well known in Pittaborgh. The article is from
the Werister Dresorrat
, F 119 7 ,1 1, 531113.—The Free Soil Convention
Which recently met in Cleveland, nominated the
above named gentleman as there candidate for
Governor. We were personally acquainted with
Mr. Smith in cur boyhood, and with that tequila.
lance there are not connected many pleataut re.
codersion. At the time we knew him, he was •
redsMonthed disorganize" of Caurch and Sire.
Attune lime he was a member of the Pittsburgh
Conference of the Methodist El/wool/et Church,
and was expelled therefrom, for valitying s that or. I
ganwation, charging that they ware proodavery,
dog, He then aided in organizing, in the western
part of the State, the - Free Weeleyan Church, but
the good people of this asaoriation were not per•
greiraNe enough, for him, and he anon abandoned
lb-m, and where he Is now, Ina relgietta point 0
V.eer, we don't know. He is one of moan men
who io.e .&it of everything else In the peewit of
one •dea. All oh= quest oar dwindle to Ineignr
trete., uteess they can, by fol ore or rOnerWIIM
be b.° =be into the =peon of the main one.
If tome la a dealngulared trail fn the character
of hit. Smth, that is his pecnene= to ultra.=
No matter whether for the Church or agatost it;
no matter whether in polities or murals, he is ou
one boundary or the o bre. When he was a min
ute, of the Gmpel in the MC I IOOIII Eplecopel
ChUroh, he would, for tune hours at • time, ha
reem the Wive from the pulpit, about the length
of their veils, He fellness of their eap-borders,
he mlantity of malarial in =me drones, the robe
of their shawls, dec., and after he ma* expeyed, h e
and lenly became a politician, and discoveret that
doi tog the time he was to the pulpit, the atatm•
men oftte reentry had been playing the very
duce with the [mien. Every thing wan wrong.
Tee Ccristuntion ',yen zed slavery, and mos.,
therefore, be Oct aside by conscientious men. The
officers of the got crueler.' should be reamed, be.
cause they exercise their au Minty ender this p ro .
slavery Constiimian, dot—nod, by the way, we
suppose he has changed his ground 'ellb refer.
!nee tette oath, which every officer is revered
to take. He once declared in Oar hearing, that
le would act accept the odic., of Pheridont of Use
United Stater, and be competed to take to trial
to atippot the Conatituurn. hitch is the man +hit
has palmed bitraell upon the Free Sod pony o
Ohio, as II IS, man to be hoe rhereSeenlive officer.
We itlwaya suppose! that Mr. Smith war a "wan
for the times," mid we have 110 doubt that he will
even deny every doorganining sentiment be h=
ouereL Mote anon.
Extract ofo lettfrfro m a duding-Igi.led Menran
(Gentleman N kt/ Friend rn Pirt.turgli—dared.
..MINNO, Augur 12th. Itroo.
•.- • - •
"In this *wintry we gel along vrry lowly, for
this people do not enter In the path of internal lin"
• prevenient as they ought, and Os II wan expected
when the Airiericans left.
•In all probability, (Jenerml Arista will be our
President for the nest four_ years. You know Aris
ta, and know that he is one of the most St:l=M Leo
` you teed to term him) of our dietingenhed e' en
And from my knowledge of hint and his charmer, 1
hope, that, should he be elected, something will be
• carried this t sceutioa for the Dceefa of DSc:leo."
CtmcAPheeenee of the Pitteborgh Gs:tee Cotreepute:enee of the nttehorgh Gevetto
WIIIIIDECTON, Aug. 27. Nsw Tau, Aug. 29.16L0.
or the inftetee _ Fttittete et . the One of the molt important intentions of this cen
Omnibus Scheme In the House—Bad tory it Oxon to he presented to the eocamereott
prospects et action. . public, an Invention that mum command the sup.
I learn that the President has uttered the seat in P.' l of the i...” , •• capital invented in navigating
the Cabinet, vacated by the resignation of Mr. Me western lake, and rivers, as well in that laves.
._:.,,___,__-,, ~..„,t .., E .,„ .,
of Gew , led upon the ocean. cordage hie been prepared
gi 5t5 .. 7 . 7 tr w 554 hig.0 7 .... 50 7 . • ;. • "
ii. "'` . ' . in
n -s iaot stitte, aiyrof. Johnnou'of I) . f. tpuie, an Indestruenbie foe
ai af,nlie ri*tepentei - ottltte lower house orthe 42.1 purposes of ship building as um l, that ;4:When
0.10. itigieu,t.. .
oFtig i to
the Oct that the used as tiller ropes "nitglfrouds it will rot the
111451*11:1,118.1111.i?eiCa . c* the poets and wires net:On elite fire as lenges the wood 'and;:.Rin of
oftthe telegrapiti•nothimphai yet been heard from 'he vessel, and thin ksppi'the ship coder itrintrol
61 . 0.. . i.ia
m01a , 4i. ... ,y
ei.p.,l4e,e anon, while suoduing afire, Or allow: her td.berun
"welt will be rbeeived kern him.
.. Oom If upon the iake'briiver. Vtie process is
The attempt. to reconstruct anew vehicle out as simple an it is complete, and eo cheep that the
emmmonest fabrics mu be prepared With it,usid its
of the remains of the Senate's omnibus has proved
• most signal failure. In my letter last evening, o ar be Milne nnivereal. The Professor cony
mermen by submituag the vegetable fibre of hemp
I sketched the.plan which woe supposed to have
been agreed upon for presenting that exploded 13 . P mee " which abstracts the oxygen, the most
scheme to the House. Beside the motion of Mr. important element in combustion. He then sub•
Boyd, to add the bills for territorial governments in mite the innten'l to anot h e r chemical solution
New Mexico and Utah to the Texas boundary Which thoroughly end permanently charge. the
big, it was rumored, and, I believe, correctly,that hemp with mbatances opposed to combustion,
thus giving to cordege the power of long resin. Mr. Ashman contemplated offertug the bill for the
admission of California, at another Item of the pee-' tante to tire, instead of being, as now, the food
. r . g.m ., , which
, i , e , et , thus have ~.h , . upon which fire feeds noel( to a degree that in a
ici tee p.,0g,.n
o f the senate,. concern. Bet few minutes robs us of invaluable lives and prop.
the first movement, after the commencement of coy. Wood for the lining of safe., prepared by
business in the HortM,Abts morning, showed that this process, primesce a perfect resistance to a fit,
all the caucuesing cillteanvansing which had bees capable of manna the cast iron, and burning out
the wrought metal of the safe enclosing it. The
going on during the night, to encumber and over
load the boundary bill, had been futile. Mr. Boyd right to usu thin invention in New York has been
withdrew all that portion of the amendment tele- ' purchaaed by the leading =drip manufacturer
here, and the steamboat men of Pittsburg mil' soon
lating to Utah. He maid he desired to simplify hie '
amendment, and to remove objections. Bill thin have o ff ered, at a few rents per pound, additional
conc,...ion was not
..tmen, foe
who were i titer roper. thet wilt make a paarcoger's life as
determined to oppose the combination of 'Mean , menus in his berth, as in his bed ashore.
measures in ell its forms. There is a sensible tightness in our money mar
bet, which eon however be rationally enploined.
Mr. Chop:tau moved an amendment fur eree- r The
three largo uoiorca
ham, sod
tingeterritorinl government for the district o I
~o att, I the interior by the troubles in New York, have
country °Mit °I. latitude 36 et ' the Pacific mode the note shavers, whether loaning the money
and along the . Colorado and Gila rivers. York,
room common,
Praia of order were made a g ainst the " " head* money tzrrowed by bout dirraorr, to above paper
ments, but were all overruled by the Speaker,
they refuse It
.• directors, have become alarmed and
who was sustained by large majorities. But wh at
refuse to boy any more, taus throwing this chaos of
gave decided proof that the Hoe. would entrain:- aorroatoes
Lion any thing like an omnibus scheme, wan t went at bank, and of coons can private soiree
refusal to order the previous question on ally of
stopped, the whole is atopped, canting the rate to
the amendments. Alma of moping skirmieh
jump from per et, to one and • quarter and • half,
sumed an hour or two, when Mr. Burt mote )
and no wale at that. If there is not • serious panic
commit the bill and amendments to the Commit-
noon, it
tee of the Whole on the state of the Union. • The
among woo bo,o 3 informo ta e
previous question wa• called for, but still refused -
The new steamer Reindeer has been tried upon
Mr. Root moved to instruct the Committee to the North ateer.
amend the bill, so ne to effectually prohibit the in
mile. an boor, and between main and sass:
troductirc of slavery into the territories. Here, of I
can run to Albany and back. In the arrangement
course, wits renewed the old contest over the
of her saloons and state rooms she closely rercm•
mot ' , mu *, as It always must be renewed a. rt i - I w as the boats on the Obio--securing to her pas
te. this proposition for territorial Or wr " ametita wagers abundance of room and a good circulation
is sprung upon the House. Mr. Root made a of air—things uiknown open our common river
short and piquant specula, stating that his object
and tented boats. Western boats turpass in rom
ans to get • direct vote upon the proviso, and not j fort, but Onia Can boast of more elegance than they
to allow it. northern opponents to hide under the
assumed garb of friendship for that measure, from
Cvingreas attracts much attention since the
the searching scrutiny which the people would in-
House of Represculafives •Ohered to the Ten.
ethnic nib their conduct. He would smoke the
Boundary Bit:, and the moat confident hopes ore
dough fares out of their boles.
I expressed that the whole negro
to soon Co
Mr. Brooks, of New York, nnewered Mr. Rom be settled upon a b whic wi I itre the roue.
io with severity, and proceeded to make a speech
try quiet, if it doe, no: 1,11 satisfy the ultra men
condeinnalloo of the proviso, which he though' co the North and S.M. New VJ r sty cares
had been once a good and potful thing, but was eat a
tare ,.
now superseded by actual events. It was vane-
c only sees her interests jeopardircd by the canto
essary to prohibit slavery where slavery could nacre., a
never go. And an the debate went on until tour Jenny Linda owners for the tune have •d•
Of Ice when the House adjourned upon n
verneed fora suite of rooms to which to rage the
debate whoa giver good promise of iwitir g t songwreas and her companions . She declioes to
week or a ircurght. In fact, I reeide below twentieth street, and prefers a small
of any Inane whatever, bat rwereairiitworse coo. 1 village adjacent to New York. She does not
founded. Too question has Laken Inch a shape, .
mean to have her carrioge dragged round town
that 13.11 d cannot withdraw his proposition for by young lathes, nor yet by such brainless youths
Loathe.n the territorial and the " as harnessed Ircrionelves to the coach of Fanny
seems be no possibility of avoiding a vote upon Hinder, who was "so talented with ear feet." I
the Wilmot Proviso. The prospect a dark and ,
_ teeny eaeapee the tethtea
one amateurs
dreary indeed.
sin and dealers in pork she will be fortunate tn.
The Senate passed the West Point appropriation
! deed.
bill, and then occupied use': for several boors up. '
on nominations in seriret sesafon.
Nocolo•tion• before the Menkle-31r.
Lewis- Sew Ardlsm” -Th• Watch
word of Proecrlptlon-Debate In the
LlOnse-Dongh Faces-noon and Go,
Wasurworrm,Anguat 30:b,
mentioned nil eventog that the Senate tad on
Thursday vent several hours in esecattve sea.
sic.. They have been similarly employed du
ring the greater part of thts day, a. they were on
Wednradey. It is ascertained that the whole of
hex three norcessore protruded ' , ohm's hive
ten taken up to a most no.loated Ow °rtina
ter the non:tura:on of Mr. Ironot, to tot col ret•
tr l'atlndephia. and attn , al. the do, of the
•tttng nocrooon, thedee.e.on of me
,eus[6l lar dims Lt. Notwiinntanding It 1131.1.1 41
bum.. of the chancier transacted on Tuesday,
much time will be required to of what re
main!, for many of the eases left are each as will
occasion moon contention, resembling this one
of the Philadelphia Collectorship. The chases a
seem to be that Mr. Lewis will be rejected. M.
Cooper opposes him with Implacable hostility, and
then is in doubt in the minds of the Democrats an
to what will be the effect of hie rt jectuno opt n
parties and the approaching election in your State.
Were: the latter point clear, his fate would act
bang Ave minntes in nuspe.e. The Collector at
New York also, and evert Mr. (Presley, at Bostoo,
stand in an equivo.l position. Mr. Maxwell is
in great danger of rejection. The charge awn.:
him tthat enmprebensive imputation, in these
times; “Sewardtam.” The spirit of proscription a
running high when rumored attatchmerat to a par
t exist mu is accounted in the Senate of the
Unhoed States a dutqualtficanou lot office. But so
it is. It is said to be tikely that Mr. Sobank, Corns
minion. of Patents. 1,11 be thrown out upon
similar grounds. The peop'e will Lenin to think
that it t. t, tee to inqn re more mautety into th.,
alegatimie against Wm. 11. S :ward, when th,y
had that hut very tame offends the tender ...-
bailie, of the Sturgeon. and Deka..., of the
Senate antintie country. I do not agree with Be
impracticable enthusiasm of Mr. Seward, but ill
am ever reduced to choose between him and
Ilankeriam in any shape—to say nothing of that
most motutrons of ell, slavery prepsgsetfism—
should array myself under the standard of the
former, to sink or fall with it.
fp the House, the contest over the Texan boon.
dory bill and the incidental questions, was renew
ed, hut I grieve to say that no result was obtain
ed or approached. Mr. Clarke, of N. Y. made
an exceedingly humorous speech to defence or
the radical anti slavery Whig. of the North. who
wive resolved to stand by the proviso, :f the Is
sue were forced upon them, at all hesards, and
c inveying a severe castigation upon Mr. Brooks,
fir hi. abjuration and repudiatioo of the proviso.
Gorman, of In disna,followe d, with a meet ferocious
lemma upon the provisoiats in general, and in
coarse and vindictive abase of Mr. Rees in par.
tifular. Though Mr. Root had not applied to him
aity remark or epitbetet whatever, ho compli
mented that gentleman very frequently by eject
ing upon him.eueb kinl adjectives as false, and
cowardly, Infamous, &c., iu reference to what
he had said about dough faces. 01 room, the
Ohio member could not have meant to allude
to Goring, as a dough face, for the meaning of
that term Is well known to he, that • man of
correct feelings and liberal Ina:meta upon the
subject of slavery, resulting from his birth and
restdeneo in a free community, on cornirg to
Washington, yields up his owe independence and
the rights of his constituents, to the management,
trickery, and intimidation of the alave owners
whom be meets with there. Now, Gorman boast
ed that he was born and reared in a slave State,
the "dark and bloody ground" of Kentucky, and
his whole speech showed that in his heart of
hearts, he loved African slavery for it. own
sake, and was a warm advocate fee its vulva
don. Mr. Riot never charged nor insinuated
that he or any such was a traitor to his proles.
Woos or principles, in opposing the proviso.—
Tory are and will be opreeesl to it ander ail
circumstances, and a long a. any district in a
free State accepts such a roan fur Its repreiren.
"alive, so long will the force. of freedom present
• Wotan and wavering array to those of slave.
ry. You may be lure that this speaker :eerie
ed the warm congratulations of the chivalry. sod
- some leer of the "baser poet" of the northern
dough face democracy,
And lo closed nattier day. Nothing wan done.
and I lament to say that there to every probability
that another week will be penned in the acme
miserable and worthlen style. What think the
people, What think the Whig. now tai the tibia.
doomenl of the platform of the Taylor adminiatra.
Van , That I looked upon as a city of reform from
111. contention between the proviso on one hand,
and slavery propagandiam on the other. We
seem at the preaentto be all at sea again.
Ashes —Thu market is unsettled. finl.len ark
VA 2/ for Pols. sou SO /Or Pearls. Got ton —There
hos been eitihmg door; viee. oothaut mange.
Flour la ail:tidy, with sales et 4000 tirls The tom.
ket (or :Southern Flour is still /text. Sales reach
700 firle a 1t:412t/itis,s7e. /Lye Fleur—Sales of
101 tale et $2.571. Gram—The Wheat market
doll al loatiltt: for Genesee. Aye a net so firm.
Small mkt. are mak.og at 67.: In stip. The mar•
bet for Coro 111 not nettle. TM tales are only
6000 noshes Western mined at 61/alkk. which
i/ looter. The market for rrOVIII190• centime.
doll, and preen without change. Whiskey—Sales
of llama at /
Ts/c Mrx tuns .NI —I: i. %llppo.rtl tar r,
of Srtsr It pr.,ent rz.eau
/ma.. an at Wo.lngtoo, w.l. 4 uceeptrd. elem.
ptro La. already been orierecl iv Sear,
who sew (;overnor of the Since of wbtle the
mty was Le-corned by , the Alamo,. army He is
a : l -enator .d Li wyer by prole...
A correspondent 4tbe New York Trtbune, wn
rink from :qetteo, Rap.
hit* n mot minable hunt Ii• Hu. daughters
are entmdered the beaten, 01 and truly
none eau be more neemnp:islied In theft deportment
, hould he accept the nppntottnent, the Mean-an
dies, at least, wi Il be deservedly and well repre
The recent). elected liepresentatire to f:ongreas
from New Ma. o. the lion. Wiliam S. Messervey t
was formerly a c,l.sen of :Silent, Mates lieu the
son of rapt. Wm Mcsserary, a gentleman well
' Loosen 111 MOO Of the Athlone ruin. am •11 experten
i red stop never. Surne years more Mr M , then n
mere youth, removed from Solent to St. Loom
where he res , dral for serend years, then engaged
hit the trade to - Santa Fe and Clitimanna, wan estate
Inbed to Chtlumhtra w ett the war broke out; wait
taken prisoner by th. Mestraei; released by Done
puan's expedition; aeronipanted that command to
Gen. Tnylor', line of operation., made u Cool to S..
Ira, and returned to Santa re after the pear, arms
established. lie is stud to be St young man of abil.
ity, and ra polite of doing reedit to the new State,
should he be allowed to take hi, sent.
Tor Mn.s, CO, KNTION.— Eduo,
ad.—The southern al-cmmis of the Macon GnVen-
Lion are an contradictory al the accounts I orwarded
to Washineton. The Savannah t:eiirgian says there
were 10,000 delerates present, whilst the Repoli],
ran of the saute city, estimates the whole number at
OW. The resoluttouri adopted are very ultra, doc
approving of every thins like compromise to the
settlement of the national difficulties A paper cal.
led the Citizen, published at Macon, soled the Con.
oration a bond of disunionist., whereupon a town
ineet t ng was called to take the 'natter nsul.
cration, and great exciternent won raanticsird co
"lotions were pn.sed, Iv:plains the imincduite dco
continuance ..f the [wpm and that the editor •hould
leave the city:in lei days.
This Eeempe.
Gen. Hinton. who was yesterday arrested on 4
charge of mall robbery, is !Vila at large. In the
evening he was taboo belore Me. If. pCommie
*lnner Stetson, who lined bit bail at 310,000.
The Gener•l bin ine a I've - G.2 , 1,r. naiad of being
vent to 1. 1 1.4 site kerndig, to default of giving
but, war indulged hie requeet to he pot under
to hi, own room, la the Weddell Houma.
About midnight hi' dodged out of the room, shut
and locked the door alter hen: thus caging his
three or lour Serpent and telling himself
A lerm wet itrunedleirly given and pureed made,
bet to no lupe.e. To day a reward of $5OO is
catered for hie espreSenicon, and every effort is be
ing made to it. Had he been • corn.
mon rogue, arrested tteeling a sheen, instead
of fingering the mail herre, he iroUloh have !wen
safely lodged inside the prism, well. . li le siege.
ler him poor e tint„ heated out of the Ga.
rogue, lately, in there dirgins.
We learn that the evidences of ken. 11 niacin's
guilt were; most concretive;, they aro
made Scarcely more no Iron] the tact of h., running
Gen. Hinton is n nmn emennively inown
throughout Ohio, and many other portion.or the
U1)10,1, especially to pemona of the highest reapee
talplity. Ile mot 17111101, age, some 50 or fei l years,
sod has an intelligent and interesting family
•t Delaware.
' In the minds of ■ few Indlvidnels connected
with the Foot Offine aerate°, he hoe been amtpert
. ed of depredation• upon the made, fur the peer
feta ; tint to the moment of hie arrest, probably
not t , ti men in Or World had the remotest seams
eton that he Wan soy thing but an honest man._
The pr' baleloy now lc Mat he ha. for a series of
yew he r on enynyee in roblong Itist
the attceeteful progocolon of wideli bottomu he
told went fa. thilna, Wog the lit.llll Agent for
mat extenotire rm.... rho Ohio St.go Company.
A , the time • f bu e.eapn the prisoner was In
Owen re flirt,' kteKtegtry. We trout be will
set reverinketi nod tuoughtto junket—Clew
rand Ilerald.
The Nashua Gazette tells • story of • fellow
who we. the moat determined or enfolds% fie
went to Mullins, and while there, purehued •
I coffin, took a with hart to Litchfield, Where he re
sided, dug • grave, put his crane Into it himself
took laudanum, waked up the neat morning and
found himself alive, sad not being satiated, got
op and hung himiselL fie lea • letter with 15
encla•od, to pay lot Wing •p fee grave.
ata.Po tt T di 111:LEGCLA PUILD
NEW Pone, Seril. I.
Tin .termer At:emir arrived off the Ifelieys at
Ifeigiedeloelr, P. Zr]. She bring, 133 cabin paieer
gem amonfrovhorias Inane LIND, in 6001 health
. . OR leavlos . Liverpool, the etrettereent to ere Teo
ra'y Lind wee go great, that it WWI with the greater
difficulty abe could reach the dock.
The Pal , . on Saturday, Mon IV
day, and Aug. Tuesday,
ainountesi us 12,000 hales, at prices 1..1 lower since
Friday,'with a heavy market and little or no oni•
At Marra prices remain unchanged.
Accounts from Schlesburg represent a complete
em ,
pension of operations, of both amiles. The
tilltine , al iof omosston f
long du is, ra h tion. owever, that the stillness
• •
The cholera has been making tearful ravages
Since the month of June, 300 persona have died.
The floods have done great tlnntage to the low
lands Pot 61 mile. btlotat Lilln and [Verner,
iticateld• arc completely 0 and the crops
des roped, as also in oilier plaoes on the line.
A letter states that the floods are general. Bel
gium most be a buyer of foreign core thin year.
Poem, Sunday —The speech of the President,
at the Lyons Bang net. has caused much ...allot',
and the general mohair, save among the Legiti
mists and Democrats, is that ol
N ant ion.
•polenn sonoancee his mterniion to an
the head of arra., if pub in opinion shou:d
be is his favor, Without regard to the oheiselen
placed In his way by the framers of the Conellta-
Advice. state that the wheal crop is injured by
the late rains, in consequence of which, prices
have slightly a,Svaneetl.
The weather, hothENG o LAN
k:egla D nd mod Ireland, is
go id. and the harvest promisee !satisfactorily.
In Landon, wheal has,lectined.
No sales of loaltan Coro at Liverpool. Good
description. supported firmer prices, bet red wooer
war Doe peony to two pence per bushel lower.
American Flour was 6J per barrel lower.
American stocks are without change.
A number of pennants, Who mere taken he on
suspicion of firing on the Danish troops have been
iestoreil to liberty.
The Pope is in gad perplexity in consequence
eV the conviction cortex murderers, to who•c sea
lance ordeespitation he is called upon to affix bin
name. No Ine,i , ino has yet taken place under
the reign of Piue IX, owing to big invincible re.
lactanco to sign a death warrent. He wish..
miscreants to be sent to the galleye for the rest of
their lives, but the government judges are not in
clined to jive way.
At Malta, the cholera was derimir. It had
broken out at Alexandria, and the viceroy had
taken to flight down the Nile.
Vi r wiSlihill,W,Sept. 2.
Sre•rit.—The Ird..n A normr alma bill Was rr
calved oon too Home, dr. ferre.l.
liter he een•oloration o• •he tnt rnin btlivni
•nd a sp.e hby Mr. Dono • pin the 1.,1. •-• e e
he Intro3u , ed lot tee pa•po of serum., a o ea•
bore or the prote.'l on of New Orlean. nod
p :was eni tivrtiloW, the land bill waif
•. a n op
Th, bill we. debated. aed amended tn a-vegal
part•culan, Bad I cm Ind ago, until to-marrow.
The blaram it en rrocre led to be cannon .• :op
of Enecut or•, and so multi:glued the re
matnder DI Mr day.
HOU. —Mr. Greene asked leave to offerfa res.,
lotion, o the Prealdent coon itty 2L ,t e r o
Housethe the coot of the m a il steam 'bow in
sevwe—t he anocont of increase, and whether any
of the steamer, to whole or in part, hove been
hypo heested to fodirtd oats, Sate., or cities, of
Miele governmeota, as as to foreclose theft use
la the event of war.
Ohjectino being made—
Mr. Greene nen moved • ourpeordon of the
rn:ea, Which area agreed In, and the reaolution
The vote on the pan•re or the resolution
atgattig feel, to reporter, setthtn the her, was wc.
coded, and the resolostoo laid oulh. tart.
Mr. Sylvester again nivde an Incdermal effort
to thiroduee a ten° uttnn, rafting on no President
10 communicate the result of It ft flu 1 mt..
woo to L.
be., and to lornoth the report or that
genfem•rt now on the fivia of the Sena e.
The remotion ahem.' by Mr Dardel was adopt.
dd, employing addetoont eserks I. rumplete
digest ol 114160 prevented to and acted open be
Gangrene, from the orgtn of the GOTChltntht to
the preseht t me.
Oa motsoo or Mr Bayd, the Tex.. Boundary
BA Irma made the apeetst order of the day far
ee ee , d e y at o's•soek. outs] 11 salad Lo dsspeaed
Mr. Hams. of Tenn,,,e, milted ',tine in oiler
a feet intinn for the admarnment or Gncgrcsr, on
lb (mit!) Mood .y Septein tr.
ttliiertieiri ni•die i to rriur-d n sti•
rif the ' , te, hot the m n e:d pre%
Mr. V.o it flitted leor to
nor • the I ,' , lmmsture ..1 aid
M. ara to report as mi ninthly Le pnaiiiiiie a p hid
modify LOt preset. newton, ntod to
We duly on treeign arittriles lebino nume into Com
petition with cu. own prildnetione—auch an
crease mitt fair and equii•lite protee ion 10111 0 1..
6U:4r totetem of loe enuntry, and That emit! do-
Ilea Wmade opemfic triton:neer prae.icable.tu du
o neetion was mode, and • matron toeornend
the rule* wa• da•greed to—yea• kb, sc . ,,
Mr. Kink asked r••e to on', • resonuarm tc•
lamming the I tonnontee on Ways and Mesas to
mywn a ball nmkta• done. onoon apeedid, and
c ual le 'be ad valorem Inland at the tame the tar.
1 Intl of 1 9 46 became a law.
tomato an adjourn W. °ego u vet! —yea. 6:1,
I. T.
i rs o pe . nd the rules to :ntrodude
ye.. SO, nay. tot .' male, but rejected
-141 r. &tong, at '2 o'clock P. Ad , d
Ikoot'd2u , •n , , which mouton pre•aded, no d the
use adjourned.
War titoovoit,
'Joho W Norton, to be receiver of pnblic mon
lel for 111,on a, at Shaarucctuain vulord I Illn
moo, Here—, at Bitriardsoollc, mea ß.
&Apo, at Vandal... Ir. Walter DM.. at Shrine.
6.,1,1 . It John H. Murphy, ai Danville, 111.
Henry %%Sullivan. at Quincy, and John H. Ken.
cr. at Chicago. 111.
W•snlNrost, 3-ryes:ober '2.
Honsw—ln die Howw, cn d Sour•
diy, when Mr. lisylry urgonily [not ed b, take the
VAC, IWO Ire Ind.en a krt . , Mr.
Sr eetser objected, and Mr. Bayley on etch °nett
s, ul:ered injury, tovrrnle Mr. Sarertger,
win en ch leas roes:demi extrorn•ly insulting by the
Iwo armed gentlemen, and it t.e who sat in the r
untneritate: neirkborboods The word...own c.o.
Prern.d in no [inlet 1. no, n eig.ofican. .hake
of the fins,; a nd I n nninrday, bweersor pick 41
rip en , ekryntl, but arn• err vented from throwing
thy Mr. Jimmy • friends. mho aerronsed.
'I hen. things tante art honed and seen by every
body ; it wan rather c prim
7 nu m•ro nt Me. McLane arose nod [tiniest
r• ko the a pert, rap &Meek. had occurred
be.< nen Me .... . Foyley nod nvrertztr, and tad
at t00t ,,, I roll., attune hi I In ren p non corr.,
throusb Mr. Inson• and Sweeizer's friends on
the ono side, and Mr. McLane, •rilirg Bsyley
the other. All alien..< Ist grate had !wen I
an Win wn, and atoned for, and its firmest friends
p rrot ons c.tt1,1,.: rd.
Patoaavorta, 2.
Tire inclemency of the wea th er to u day ha Septs
paroled all eel door operetta., •adprevented
avvdral omaitela from landing their rumo r ,
Thu ettlantm• advert have clamed an Meetly.
ity In the cotton market, but otherwise they have
had no effect upon humus...
Flour—The marker to quirt. Them la hole or
no inquiry for ithipment, and fresh ground can he
pumharted at 5: . t,12‘ per bbl.
I(ye floor and Corn meal are steady al $3 per
(Irak—rte market continues ingond aappiy of
Wooer, but the demand 30 flouted (3004 IFoe
red la rolling et lot GI I O(o per bushel, and
...micro 110 6lt lc per tnnel. Of Cora, milt' a
limited amount la offering, and further tale. it
yellow hays been medusa 11% per huahel. otta
am rather acme, with Uteri at 410 for new, and
Oil• for old Penna.
. .
Wt,linty a shindy at 2CII in 66 , 61,00,1 27c in
. ---
No. AMR,
New You, So p .? The ezrernivc ,
111111 huprovenled truntertionti to
tray grout rxtrot. Denier. ore eloploylng time lone
oloololhOlon, to reference to their private belle.
by the Mutat,
itovAL htAna,Aog, —Tire King of Itennuirk i
Fredrick line married a dress maker, the Inez
foreign intelligent. myii. This make, the third
wife the king has had; and ■s his two former were
princewev, with whelp fin lived unhappily and was
divorced, he Imo gun, W the rank. of the people in
hopes In find a temper:More congenial to his own,
his experience of royal tempers not lining I.
youth]e to any further experiments in those qua,
ten, Ifor first wife was his minim Wilbelmina,
whom he married lit ISIS, when he was Crown
Prince After living with her several years, they
quarreled an that his father banished him tram Co-
peahagan; m INS?, they were divorced, and the
and the year after she married another mon. The
Crown Prince waited three years before fullnwlnit
her example. His second wife was the Princess
Caroline at Mecklenbur g Buell,: Front her he
was semoniten in /b 44, their marriage being of about
I year's durailon,
The National Education Convention reaasembled
at the etanson: Street Hall, Philadelphia, an Wed.
nenlar morning, pursuant to adjournment in Unto
Iter In the abseil, of the President of the
last Convention, the Hon. Horace Mann, Mr Jos-
Cowpert Intralle, of Philadelphia, called the Conven
lion to orator, and on his motion the Right. Rev.
Alonzo Potter, 1). U , as called to the Chat., nod
I' Pemberton Morns, of Philadelphia, was appoint
ed Secretory pro fent. After some prelim:nary
bemoan , , Professor Jlenri Henze!, of Lausanne,
Switzerland, who won present, wag invited to ad.
dyers- he Convention on the subject of the instruc
tion of, the deaf, dumb, and blind, he being President
of a Stele, instuationof that class. Prot. Herttel
an-muted the stand, and delivered an interesting
The Inie election in Veginia (or members of the
Co . ..mettle! Convention has rcaffiled largely in
favor «I the Reformers, nod there will be a the,
mutt revision of the prevent Constitution. Party
dtsonctrun had but little in in the COO
A widow, hy the name of Bor geee , hvingon th
Caipots river, ohm forty mile.' above Apalechl
F orida, wan shot and instantly killed on th.
th ult , Ly one of her own Liquors ; who, on Ix
ing arrested, averred that be had been hired I.
commit the deed by whose men.
Tee. Wear AIM TIM UtliON.—At the dinner o
the Alumni of Yale College, on the occasion of the
Mehl cOMilheereamtli OeMbrahnil Of that Inatitu•
non, aiming other dtatiegutahed guests then and
there ',recent was Mr. Halm., of Missouri—the mut.
of gentleman who declined not long diners the
Department of the Interior, prof eyed to him by
President Fillmore. lo acknowledgment of a
toast comphitiMitary to the Went, Mr. Bates de•
livered a speech which was received with much
applause. We note one passage from the abstract
given of it in the New York Tribune:
He slid that out of the Nileliaaippl eight mil.
lions of people drink. It runs through the whole
country, and the people living on it would defend
me Union Of the States with hearts anti arms. No
way nor policy coo divide tt. We want no little
rig deg with • yellow epot Nature epekke
loudest in her giandent .worka, and the want West
speaks Incident for the Union. The children of
parents from Cunneetteut and Georgia on the Mts.
etesippi mingle together, and before they know
what polities mean, they know what the firo.l ea
althea fathers' fathers were. [Applause.) The
North and South seem. to have sorgotten that the
Wes' hen an Interest in the Union. By-and-bye,
when the North end South threaten to fight, toe
' West will, as is rooketirnen done with pugnacious
bays--hold them (or enough apart to prevent Wilt . -
ing but face to fa, till they grin each other into
good humor." [Lnughter and applause
The young giant across the mountain• is likely
to haven great deal to do to the way of control!.
tog sectional entmosities and of giving practical
karma touching the realities of this union. it. tia.
onal Identuy, it. inevitabln coherence as one '
body, its mighty power, and its great and glorione
destiny. The IA eel will dons pert tothis butoness
matter of instinct. In the valley of the Mis-
Nl.lppi its phrase Amman is unintelligible--
lienbelnaa 1.• the Jargon of II !WWI,
Wi,ro the next gremlinon shall look back upon
the domes and portage of thin present day, and
contemplate the occur of our preeent diesensions
and the e 013,11 Memel, a proper respect for the
wadiom and patriotism of their predecessors may
peobattly temper their sense of the ridicolcum and
soften im expression into a mile. We may hope
to racere thus easily by virtue of Mist charity, and
se her's, we 'nay venture to declare the , a of
that the Liman will teat until thew—Baltimore
Aslll,ll,A, Outo, COURT Mr. EIVT.L.
correspondent of the C:eveland Pl./indenter, writ.
log irom Jefferson, Ohio, under date of the 17th
ult., says.
The Court Honor in that pl•re was destroyed
this n o rue, at 3 or I o'clock, by fire. The records
and ruurnais of the Supreme Court, adjourned yes
terday, the mod paper, of that Court, in cages
now rending, u-gather with execution dockets I.
and li. , ul the Common Pleas, being in the court
room were - ernrunicd. All the records , paper.,
and hboks tee Treasurer, A iiddor, and Clerk's
offices were Eased. Mr. Custire is a areal suffer
er , h.. colon he I.b.ary and book.. of ac - aunt were
burned. A few to to becks, and a drawer of II 11.1
private arcen and demand* for collection, wer
raved. The tire di ~'ryes. erg n sled in the cou rt
oronah.y ironl the npork of a cied e
fillies on • 10. , /11 carpet, beneath which wan
•traw. The ho;tdinic was one el the heal ;n lee
North par: ni thr.Sate, and lean insur e d in th e
C loath, • 105..., Company htr Bhooo. Mr.
Charier. artme loos probate y 2 or SiUO2, had nu
Ito•ton Aloe., to ipenliAng or
the „ r e,.nt , 411 to br eennowneed on ttv• Old
tbnt city, pre, the following his
••The I / . .,1 South Uhit:eh ora• eree;ed in 1 - 30,and
the century and attf di which h. ainee 1.41,..-
.1, been rnennoratne tor the ,•enres wh,eti
bane been eb
nard with., no neal;* The pubhe re
and ineet,, , n• which lava bee n a:
tef,,1..,1 of 11,, the n n orb ot ,n o,
.11 h .. 1 SJartnary 01
fr,..p. are, .pt..verett hire ni n„„
vied rt. dr.e..ruted. and ined.l4 ratin gthe En,...!1.0 envnfry —To prepalre ft lor
11111,1ilowril ' , num.,. the pulpit, H.., and
cageev wen- deinoitatml. the ground door
wa• eovered web dirt and gravel, a har wan "If a i , .
ett wait of the Mill, .treat door, or the hon., 10
fen", orer The caplet, ealierte• leery ..tiraiml to
remain for the areomniodatt a m of .pertatoi., and
optroooo. I.quun were then provided tor ouch rte re.nett dottier to ...Ines., the teat% of horveman-
p I ourfna tb.. wooer .14(11 , 011. a .love WII• pine.
ed to the ehr,eh. in which boba and peoniall'set,
troin lire Mr 1 . 0/1 , 1" . .. !dewy, whteh
the 'Power 01 the hurrh, were aped fOr
Alter the lievoinnonary war, in 175::„ it W. aut•
well, re .1.1,,,0ral to toe visor - 44TM' A hnighty God,
nee .h. E., Iv, pa.tor ot the chore!, Ne.l to
Innen. , Ito.. loirch edttiee endeared to the
peopte wl NeW Eattland„
ra,VIOt rot Oto Ariz.--0 le not well that •
man mtmuld alwava labor. Hui temporal as well
am %corneal toierobin demand eesmation to the de-
Inc of life. Some years of quiet and redecnbn
oceevmiry alter a life of industry and lemony.
There im more to concern him lu life than incessant
o.repstinu, and Its prodnet—wealth. Ile who
had been a slave all has life toone mono:minus
mechanie•l porbou, 800 hardly be fur another
woiiJ. The :wk.o from toll in old ate moat men
have the promeetive pleasure of; and in reality it
is •• plecming as it is useful and calutary to the
od• Such ad•ant•ges, however, can only be
gained by prudence and economy to youth we
must nave, litre the mu, licfue we can hope to
have any rest in the winter of one da)w—Book
Inspro••inents It Dentistry.
DR. O. O. , REARN:C, late of ttogton, 14 praoared
manorarture and oct 111..0ce Tenni wbolc and part.
of act, upo.t Siren. or Atmo.pliesc suction
Ct's en In me KINCTI,, tlio nerve IP
•X pn.,l Office and fo,lflento nett doer to the May
or'. office, Fourth wee, £lo.l.ureb.
Ratan to—J. R. Al•Fochien F 11. EaUin. tale
0 • DK. D. RUNT,
q' t E I " • Dentic. Come r ofPoorth
and Decatur, between
Market ard Forry .[meta. netl-dlrin
Retail Manufacturers & Dealers in
0.,. Wood a. Fifth •a•., PI titabtargb.
Where they °far n lull and enothiete Puck of Hata,
Cap., Fur.,A c, of every toothy Anti atyle, by Whole.
thle and nortle the attention of their ens.
.gall generally, rthorrlng them that
They Will on the non •eroarraasos Taloa
Wooa at , hatoroanThirdaFourth,
AFC I/OW ICCelving thrir •cry large and impitlor Pal
BOOTS, tillUEB,ot of
lIIINNEPS and FLOWERS, all or the Inlet,
malt •. and rano-o , ly adapted to the WV3.III.ILIG.
It i 1411,11 T•rth trout care, and a. to totes
at a qua toy o not autpasaed by any Mork to be
r,ther enet or west. Our cuatomcra and .me
g.arrally are !totted to tall slid ran - Tome, an
nre orteinnoca to a.oll on the zonal nable
•. • A Iro,ll.ind ✓
year a Patent littlther Shoe, o r e ll
U( Yltt•hnrgh.
C. G. 11,U54 W. MA Rlit , ,S We.
Otfice—No. 41 Watt, etre., to the Waltheuee of C.
rIMIIS COMPANY is new prepared In insure all
kinds of risks, on house", manufactories, geode
merchandise m store, and In man.. vesseta, he.
An maple guaranty tor the ability and interi Of
the frimotallon, le afforded in the character of Rhe a Di.
rector', who are all eturefia of Pittsbuh, welt and
averably known to:the community fort l
g their prudena,
thiclitgenee, and integrity.
Ifinaroas-4.7.1j. Hussey, Wm. Ilagaley, WM. Ler Itne r, liner, Jr., Watief Dry ant, 1 - 14 , f
flea ap3o,llselton, Z. Kinsey, S. nutmeat], S. dl. Mee.
No. 101 Wood street,
IN VITE the alieutioli of Linen to their large stock
of Fresh tio tits now opening, arid Which they an
preiti. c d to soli on very uccommodattng thrum.
We shall or constantly receiving fresh goods dur
ing the non, and request an esaminadon of our
stock by we u stern,merchanbh nod °We" • ithink °or
Are 110•1 , prepitred with a large and fresh. stock of
Ithighsh, German, and Amenean liardware, to offer
superior Inducements to hayen. re st by
purchase will promote their inthrest by lootang
through our stock a. they .re datarMknod to sell 00
Ito Mil reasoooth. OMB,
Blind It
• Sight by the Pe
S. S. Lye:as—Sir: I wish to bear testimony to the
medical virtue of the Ott called Petroleum. I was for
• long time ellheied with a badly Inflamed and very
som e3e, so nine n us to lose sight entirely for about
three months, with very Dale hopes of ever recovering
the sight, and but a slight prospect of, having it le.
treed of the soreness; my attending phystman was
aiumeccssful In making a cure, or In giving relief,
and afforded me Lint little encouragement. 1 heard of
the Petroleum about the lot of April, 1351), and rave
it e trtaL the result is, the sight is restored and my
eyes wel4 except a little tender or weak when I go
out is the son. ANN IRELAND,
Maris Sela Cincinnati, May t23,19:4).
S. B. Ltsrtori—:rte I have been ellbrted with Piles
for ren years, and have tried other remedies, without
permanent relief, auill I heard of the Petroleum. I
have used only one bottle, and think I am entirely
eared. I recomment 0 to all who are afflicted with
Piles. I have known it to he good for sore eyes.
Cincinnatt, May Al, Win. E. C. GARRETSON
Dor sale by Key her It McDowell, Ito Wood street;
It E 57 Wood at.; 1) M Carry, Allegheny city;
D A Elltott, Allegheny; Joaeph Douglass, Allegheny,
by the proprietor, S. Al. BIER,
/Y 4 Canal Basin. Seventh at, Pittsburgh
Pike of Ohio and Penn. R. It Co, Third it.
Ptormnon, Aegt.t :,1930.
Tue Stockholders of the Ohio and Penneylonnin
Roil Head Company are hereby handed to pay ;he
eighth inatalmeist of five dollars per abeam at the office
of the Company, on or before the bnith day of Anne.
The innth meta Imenti on or before the snnli day u/
September. The tenth tnatalment on or before the
51.09 day of Ooloher next.
IV" The fllt . inrtatotent was called for on the 20111 o
July leer.
WAr LA RIMER, Jr, Trrasirrer.
Wimatt Wnuan! —ln commending Dr. Nl'Lane's
Worm Verrnifuge to the public, the proprietors of tb,n
great remedy prefer to use the language of hose who
have tested itsnie rim Read and he convinced
` . Alruend, Allegheny co. Pa, Sept. 1,1947.
"J. Kidd k. Co—We hare received a quantity of
11CLane's Vermifuge by your agent, which we hare
cold to nne customers, and ine.very roue it has had
unparalleled succ, and btu never failed in any
care. We e•n che ess erfully re end It as the best
worm medicine that we C...avercomm knovrth We rated
mention any number of eases, if necessary, where it
has had wonderful Nacre..
& RICHARDSViN "111.4, to t.rLertY street, 1,
IDFor sale by!. KIDD& Cu, No Oa Wo o d .cre.t.sun.: N°
d wd "
1: dh
I Ifing,4 r
reed (or gale
au e2l Wood
QuAp—Ul haul W , rithor Sit,,; •
. 10 b...lCsstue ooup, reed her sale byaur:ll KIDD. 1 - n j
_ .
ND GU—,O.O) it., an root-it rd Inc v,le by 11,11 KIDD k
In Daque•na Borough. on Mat Aurum, at H o'clock
P. M, Mn, IStatuarna3. Armor, aged 37 year..
'rho Pittsburgh Horticultural gocisty,
WII,I. bold Its FALL FXIIIIIITIoN of Fruit...,
Flowers, Vegetht ler, kn., in Willith• 11.11 thalx
er roonw t n tile :nth, VGth, and YTtli of Frptember.
Amateurs, Pi ur.erymen, and the lover. of Flora gene
rally, are invited to participate. Ticket, of ruenther
ship SI; to be bad. wall a list ol prmiums. from any
of tho executive Comuuttee.or the ru e hrertNer,
ar . V:db.l Chaire of Com.of A reangetnent
A FOUR Stnry awe/ling, slate roof. came, bath
roam, haw rce, and bake oven, Na 149 Third •t.
Ina.; ire at nn Water street ser.Z
volisertber offers for Pale 221 acre. or land,
I situate in Wilkins township, adjoining lands of
Henry Stellar. Henry Colwell, and others, near the
Leerbburgh Road. About 14 acres eleared and under
Rood f. c,; the balance is fine wood land. , The rifle
it undaunted For further inrorciation, enquire of
Petri Choke, sido.nning the premises. Bighern A Leslie,
Fifth street, l'ltipburgh; or, of die pubstrrther, near
Slayer's grocery store, It street. Allegheny
T HE lSartier'a Coal Company 'rm. , ' , erT
dreirable peers of ld. anu•ted on and near the
Sten beneillelornpthe, wud near the aouthern term..
of thmr 101 l road.
The land veal be divpled into quanotiee to autt pur.
clarert. arm ie ol payment lath be very eacy.
Ebonite of IV REMINGTON.
COM slam,. Scot II --arp , :d 1.4 Manager.
[Journal Cod Pon, eopl.l
'pill.: u dentttned hsving purehved the toter., of
Ism dl Setup:, la the entteern of Semnle, At,
act! A Co ,tottl continue the munatztetattn,s
Iron at,d ncl• in all the various brnueltea under the
«ante natal. and atttle therelofote ‘Vnteltod,t,,
v. 13 Wood at, and No 14 Water attect,
It hout• CHAS. SEMPLE, St Loom
Ychag* far S
~ the Eak“..."
_sepl Car Tturd h Mertrt%t•
Pntwortz IA Corn Starch.
I i FFINk •arl rr, , arrd expre.ply for Food. Pod
do, Cake. Co.lard, tr.e.
Rrevor 'or Boiled Co.tard —One quart of nen'
faur g, bat( • 1e.a... - .oonlolef snit, No tab
Of ref., tareb—ur 111 a
.mall qua, WY of
thr mut ull pet-il/ di.e.olved and rolooth—add
nen lurtee., ta the wtarrh— poor the eet.•
•110 s‘arrb In t. the alanre of Um Intlk. tEIC
attr ronnantly ult it bud. Ho once e , lent
For rape by
Cannily Costo•ntion of To•chor•.
IN • , cortlance with ra.tolunons panted at a mretine,
ot leathers. kohl ;a the Fount, IVard Sebool How,
Ptuni , uratt. aye mane alltrack... throat twat AM,
Kites, county to meet in the Fourth Wan' School
nous, PIO. PlLt•t'urgt, on Ike third atuurday
el au* month, 01 10 o'clock. A M o lake ILO
,utl•raLlon Use ptop”ely of forrtunk • County A. 11.•
anon J J Lit , CIIANAN.) Como:a:cc
II W 11 .1.1 , 1‘1,.. , .
A T n( I fTIIEIT.) Arrangcut,nt.
vt•as•td Wanted.
T HE Inisticat market Pflre sail; hr pa d t'itih
SELlali.flta k hI'OI.S
rti, Liberty it
bbds prime e,dr• forby
1 1 . SELLERV. S :VICO! 9
I) 13 " b I a -d
1 ". E 4..", 8 EEF --
tef prism, for emir by
, El.LErts S NI,OLS
a I.lea d e n hca nrin o er
1 7n R.
No 2 Lard Ot d, t;
lu brio No I do for nate by
rep] 5r1.1,ER.9. k NICOLS
Tbre• Dollar. Reward.
R AN sway from Ihr eub•enber, tira day. nn
peon, to tte boot and Rime making bn.tersa
nom- lie..ry Waroner I hereby warn all prr•on
I ron , han.t,",rg or ,rogune, a they may ex:wet to
acc,d,o, ro law. J T NEWELL
Sbarraborgli,l , rpt 2 —sert:Nr3t•T
A vnuApouspe,o•-
tin EMI'S • ii.F.HATTN—If Chloroform end
• Ether wie render person. insensible to pain, u is
~•ar y use duty or the, who sell many of the article.
purport° , g to be Shavlug :roan, to present each put. with • sorte.ent quantity of the above arucle•
to relieve their suffering. wade undergoing the oper
ation of aharme
Is now admitted by RP to be thie very beat ankle for
'Maytag to be Foetid in Ibis or any other country In
Ile no of my Almond Re, M.l 1 . 1.1.01/0 Shay.t,
Cream. inste•il of ben, an open" - on to be dreaded,
alais•tee t• realty a Insury Tbe ingredients of watch
iiis eoin.w.e.l are of such nature—that • tater and
richer Is lb, can be mode titan with any other article,
by which tie beard In ..o . tened, and flue skin is not
fluid. to be burned by the alkali which forms tit large
a apron, of other shoving soap, nor will it become
elmooe.l. but will remain smooth and son as an to.
fent'. No one, Slier using thin hhsving Cr
e,m. can
ever be induced to use any other Caution Is netts
my in porches na my ylhayaly Cream. an there are , '
many imitations sold Ask for Jule. Hanel'. Shaving j
Cream, and you will then eaten article which renders
JULE'S 11AUF.L. rim.' era Menne',
IYO Clw•tnel et • l'ltth
rer trholess,e en.l retell, byA Patin rock
& Co, and K S.-11,11 Ptltsbu•gh, end J. , 4n Sargent
end Citv
IWll,Llntreduce, !his day, Beebe & en, New
1'4,1 style Ilet. S MOORE,
4 Wood ...reel.
Octets Lase t Coach Lace I Coach Lace I
F Ul., whole pato ono retail :nob tdocooor of
• Coachom Fringe, Card, Taaitel.. and
min, at No r 7, North etzth street. Plidadeplitn. rim
N I' Coach Makersand dealers will And a to
their Curran to call. All orders promptly attended
r A l ;it 101 nape redeeme price ofa mr 2,, y V io r tocovwah
the decline in wheat, test
IA; All IL brit fresh tnspreed, mat reed
Y 1 scot - tl F VON lIONNIIORWP & CO
REASE--`22 bile now landing from Cannier Novi
gator, far male by 16AIA II DICKEY & CU
atm! Water A Prom at.
11,) AVON—MOO pee aa.orted, a prime article, in .mote
1/011,C and for male by 611 RIVER & 11A BM-15
aeng 110 & tat Second rt
MOKI-:0 SALMON—A runty biddy pthed7nao
0 bet never betore brought to rittsturgh. A
eery suPenor,..i rac'd per express, cm, 6.,r sale
be WM A McOLURG ter. CO
sett • • WA; Ltborty et
bls pm. teed for oak by
4 , 1111.: PROOF INT—II Uri. la +lore, 1 , > 7.
rile I.y
_ _ _
4 GIRL about 14 or 13 yearn old, ho way in a what!
411 (omili- Amoy ni 'II. nffier.
No. 77 Placket , Philadelphia,
Are now receiving their Fall Slack of
Including a baudgehme awortment of
INT:D —Particular anemia!, wil be paid ho order..
44:4;11 EN FR VED GI 1..4 . 41_E R A -1 1
c c ore
u lna by
lASTILEdUAP—Eceeived and for whie
%j Food Whl A AIceLERI4 ACO
. _
C a FFEI'-2"'
116 Water et
ADDER-3 cask* rrc•g~ for wie by
SA .II ..; V DA —lll kris ree for .ale by
ACKEREL-73 brie No 3 ?d0...;
bi brill do, ree'd for sale by
A cuLuEnvoN it (mousy:
sepy 1031..160M at
OOS-100 dos on hand and for dale by
I . IITEESE-30 bzs W. R. received for sale by .
_ •
FAMILY FLOUR—A freak •upp y Poland m il ls
a choice artiele i jost Redd per canal for sale by
jiLgt ) >y w " InN AC& O b 't.i;PVa' "e'rOVe'"
x. citt,
molt .3rE Run L 1.1.t(;E.
Cot. of Market and Third et, uplatairs,
Nf /W OPL t a ret the teceopt,oa of Cotten., I , oth
1 day /sett Leer:4, ae,tt tr sttepntone, th poirt of at.
~:;0ra,tenn,t,,:,,,,,0,:t0t, toe, ott. for keanirotg, ttiorough
hoot., urty ,1/4/14: e.tabloshment ta
!tn. lemma Of the couney It no divided lbw
a partment., ea oaten, .epraor atrot, 'l', e
and e 1.., Iceture roma.. occupod
k. more FO.rth og tote ..toa.y Calittlieff,l
ao , d not toordt,,, arm, t, tit,. we. claw.. they
have 1111ppt,r rom,ky thrm•ivc.. The Isotirto'
ed.• room k fo tooth.. mod Iteo arrat,Prel
Moot theY eatt to . to .reteett. ulob.efv-a hy Itte
getltoen ha. !teat, cot utettett, r
me Pekt toy 0 . K. Chamberan, under Ite, tv,
Loot, tate ot ,e,inte.Commeretal and k% rdzog,
Aca.tes., altti over two Inmate,/ studen t s have h.,.
lin attendance .deoe t oe • ol,er It if we, 1, eat,
by the pubtic, 0, ot 'Lon, 10,6. teachers are 0,1 gar
1 smar t the o:d nr.el omoeranrou tra nattered et it,—
coat rot... p tolikg dorinted knot tt,e
paii/Land re o lam to ttaat ciat, n hum,
tot on peg., dee note • oaltooe farther ioreeo , • , I , :t
thos ptan tats .moot It
Leen }furl
by cc: etteept
the few, 'who t. “li t id or le:retard t.o ets t e
efficient onstruet.m. I have eeeerottiy .000010,d a
numb.. el.s thee torttta• tett, Id ,
several tuotothe tv , thout re Inc cetv ens b e nefit- Pat
...toe to the air traetne patron:ego reguled,
I tome to devot e to I tenn ike • ltoPo tke,, I lon, secured the
Isre... of JOllll I,eree. Eto, gt the Aceoettmott,
end author of WC ,I:t.lopnnt nook keeping, al poiafn
; pal onttructor en hank keep ote 0e,tt0„.,. t o„
to and Con. ereini Law. he Ittoother cAionielot
unnecessary, he ttel heen I,lcnnheel 3ittl ,Oril•
meteor of f . 0.b., t o for the Ited tgor,
deteinne a romptete howesdeet go
nl is
•t It
boot bunk keep., silo 4:Sto net e le
tesorn nart
find penmanship or a 1401011,i1 inn
themat.., ran etd. t he entlege at nay toe, gt,,ter
the mot., .tdvitottuttrou• eon koetkotrea une
cil llett1 1 .101: 14,/ 31A WA It , n ere. stetlent.
o who Mc ere.riard come,. lob e c o heir, no
ito• 11,1 14b01t, 1,41 ever!,
one thus qualified n mpionta,ezalot.rel I
.1 I l - nonig, ,
tad <rIII I. Ot Moir servo. in pt . ,
url, a ,Ill1.101; , 1, tai4 communtty, Caen moo ant
coneed arty other Init.—dual trooloniortreal tone
addre.,c 0 Ctomnoterion. th reroffence on Mt
College, Will me. with primp: antidotal,' utLotli
Ilan Gpprm;.
A T. l l - f,5,,d;',7.,'„'l
11r.ther. t , epl,l 7or fel h.ed thLis i;r - 71h
The but:cr will pWlew I,,ve IL WI the under.lgned.
. put wont haf lwr stoppe.l. J. C
attsh,r, IVdinr
VI.OUP —7ll V Flour rce'.l for nolo!,) ,
nue3l Ut./1
• •
• jl , l/I•C fJ. ter'd
[ for
ritiA3l [ [ V. lIAIIII4L
ruAL R,AISAC llum• rrr'tl iormnle I.y
, - EOHTAsII-4; .e t . !or ualc L.
1 .0
8 UUAR--ai hfids prm.o N. 11 ,n 10(c, (nr,.l,
nng Jl :All 1 aliT'y
Al . l/1. ; ‘ , .n- 1 , 1i ;,i 5 , 1 0 .
, f;,:t:gb,r 1, 01, 11. 31o:A.
Ilag• prt:nc Green Mnre
Etc:: J. fis 9
M OL.. u A 4 S4ES—IG S.
rronAccofolan in Core snd fnr sale :.y
L nug:ll. 1 B COO.l-11*.1.D
Nosy Exhibiting •t Philo Elias,
For • (co do), mly, Dc bi. is. orlglnal P,
i ne, ro , .ortin en art. enter ( ' at ahe hnndmd
thottaancl have ern exhlhtled the
prineq, ens, or Pealand, Ireland , hTeni.:and. and
the United Stan,. In the. oat vereal aCtairtnkr tt 0 , over
two titinut• n , pereen•.
Oren (win mnra we !in to al rngitl
Au roittancev.let,.. nufet dla
A. HOLDS ICAS & 150813,
B ..... •, Esc Illetnr,7.• Brok•r•.
1 0 10,1¢1.11,
COLLEL 7 TIONS.—Drr.m., Note, and Aeceptanee•
phyablitn any pm - lathe Limon, coliecied on the mod:
Invorehle arm..
F:XCUANGE on N , ,r York, PitilAd,lphis and
“morr, n;No. Cznetnnn , t, 1 . 4 . , m , q1:t.. Stun( Lou.
Nev. Ortralk., ronAlantly lor •nle.
BANK NUTE: 4 .—NoIe. n a.l nol••nt Mint. I:1
(marl Slat, dtAr mr,tet rateA A.
F'creirn and Anner.,,a Uoic ald .61Ivcr Cvnt Lei
and roll.
‘,7 La vt. r,l IF it hank
awl Lack..; , , "IL ye U No UI M,r4,
foul ,low f :AWL
• m
u.S lii
I. t, more foroul. Ay
R Ell F:I / 1.,• Terd crunricll,
.7'....1;+ II crulhedi
WI. 1:
lymbe, I. du.
I.rl, eturhet,
I•e , It po - ..,..ia..rt.1;
i• do:
bri. 0
In sto e nud for salr by
Airs f.,r 11,ohcr's Loalstiugrii. Reimer):
TF:A R F: 1,.1• .11s day.
0 h, salt ”y {VICE L.Mce
4, • nr]
~ r•
Loe r.
Mt ,ate 14..1 r.t. - .1 ..y •.•••
r:1•110,;., f;EALY
hirCoRD .5 el,
arZI, Cor 1.151, h U'r.d
f 1 , ;f . ... ,: 1 ,i .; 1, 17111c and tincailna9 Snip on
i~ , l andA
as mnre and Inr Pair by 1-i , Fli h JONES
ettmd 113,11.,irewit
t? LINIAI'A 131.00A15-101 lons no bond. for 2..1e
m A , I4 FRU:— go NI. No 3.
et4.m and ft, •31,. Ll'
.N.a prime
artorle, In ma kelinus: ond lorby
10).:11 JONES
DOLI VAR FIRE BRICK on hand and far WO . by
R—Accncy r.alt , Of Tuttvd
It ("1N6 PA
roofs el/el r,n10,1
I rar w
purtinc on rhe r.nrac try
nuo2 03 wood et
ny ware. Brirl,r
I.t n L; „ ' r al Irard , 1111„1“
ony rusr r.aanr n!J art herrhy 00
ago tv.l tru.t,ny,ll, crri necarlut. • of boo
c'n'"F'" alterthin'" date ,
Ihrnungharn. Aug. 23.1F.30.T5ra,.ti.,1;h•
tw. - n:dr pima dharirebic and
hper•A gis thia dry opened by
/ti INI:11 A tar:, mock 01 thepr goods rloAdie
kjoat at ,rent Largams AA M ASO: &
1,R1,: :t ear., M Prdds Ald reed. at the
J. 107 pace of 'lc rwr yard by
...CV A A n 1 Atd .111 A. CO
lw uuou.s.
Aaa., Ll,ll 1 ‘. rernin
keener. ni prends nod ennretranoreries. In :1 vnla.
Carly/ea Larter /Jay Pricronrets—No,Vlllombrect,
11r,ory of l).riun ther.:reat. Hy Jacob Atka% verth
Julin 'lnward, n ROIJII nr
Pictorial neld
to kDi Nevo!utinn —7.0 S.
TLe alrove Wort received Lt. Jar., andner : relc by
, T l r,:l,7oti
•trxer.., Cor Thitil
N /SW BOOKS 1 Nk: W 114)01ES I
AT 11 0 Lilt ES' LITEa. A Y PEPOT
opposite Me Pow oMce.
}IAVIU Copp. , M.r . ld, No 16
_LJ Illachwrod Augers. ?or August.
hood on Art Jour , . fur .114y.t.
Litmll A Livlac Ayr, No :Mb,
lumAumintotl li.lo.reAlarly for September.
New London vtielmpestre, No+ I and 2.
Julia Howard u romanee. fly :Or. ?kW
The limm. Itv 51.1"1 r. Tapp,. Nrn.
rim and True Love, and Hy (40. fool
BACON -10 laula alsortel on ha. tor ac Ir by
Wm, Pruut
car \n Int torte m airTt - r - ti,l - forra:r
nu Rv+ ISAIAH EVt COS. '9ld
a gnmeut, by
Col nErri
ILK—A Inrzr yuar:1110 or n••Of !fit T r , nre
." ISAI 011 DICIZEV*t!iI
VA LVA IILL; ICI( AL ktil'Al . b. for SALE
r t: rubor fiber ollwe for role, on (0 . 6 . 01:11, 1 tt.rmr.
Ilre follow., .1,1 (110 .011:L0 Cllf 01
No I.—Three onlintbir three story Ilrtek Dwelling
Douses, on eOOOO,l street, between Dark, end Ferry
etrreta, the lota ncina each lsi tail trent by If de, p.
Nn d—Containa feet true,. on 10f01 ureet,
meaning The Third Presbyterian Cintreh. on, whir!, la
erected ono 4 cony Itnet Donee, used as p printing
office, and one story 110elr Warehouse.
No 3—Two Lot. in Fallcon. Prayer countri,heire
lota No 3 and 4, being nbout 110 feet square:on Which
ereCtad one !Met of lout ftaine dwellings and one
seperrite (rotor dwelling. all •
No 4—rho. Lot 50 fent front on Ira, oppoalte
the above and extending tee the lop 0' I,'
No Cr—Two Roach Lois ett rer r and van.
nine Irons the road to low writer matt. ktlej.tryy
No .—Ono valuable Water Drit,'ltsi fret na Wheel
Roe with ten shares smelt , r oiebed.
No e,
—One Lot 001-note the pow
waterlet, nn yeerf roa ,
and extending to the tope( ihe bill. on worth istreetr,l
one story Brick Stare 'W archoute, 555 14 . 513 (Li
alsn, or c realm Dwelling, 2 Otiltien
Noe—One large Lot to New Itri ghtm,:Deetver to ,
bring about 140 feet on Dread Way, and ithout :114,
deep, containing about 1 f,tterr, on which iv erected
two 0va11,610 Dwellings and rne Frajne
House as arreffice. 'Chia pioperty wan fortnerly
occupied y Ale. T. C. (retard, and la Very pleasant/A,
heated, being imreediktely Opp:mite tiii3 Baltstol,
Bridge. ,
fie ti—Ona Water Lot immediately below Fullstrdi
Bridge, being about Wu feet iellAth•Sald extend.,
front Water street Di Liver Water mart or towing path.
The o'er, property will be sold
wen- tavorabin
term. Apply at the Book Store of R. C. titocktod
corner of ?bird and Market m. 0..
arnannAto JOWN FI.b:NTINc. Mien,
y - 11) toys npCpirt Illonlo. ~.r 'aft' by
.111°'.52 1 1 iNnimi
U LASSED—.II.O brio-WO Aloor•c..
30 brit 8/I a. s etne,l
fr, /34 dOcoud it
Cl6O I.: ARNOLD & CO..
DEALI 143 IN EXllll:tiq. Uf ,G,136 NOT
N i n 74 V 0 1: Tft IC T
Frnt t' A .11 P 111 a: ET] NC
I ).
n: u'C't• •
I, ro.
Sla %AL Lterlzig Pncialug F. •InLllaLwa
FiHI at.ENT.
! port, Pc ,b 1 Nryf
by Inffy- 1'•.rny.1...1:. I, • - •
i• I
•. oly rgN iwy•
•11.1114:S PP: , 1 5
~•• w
ont t, • :1••
n• tt7
rrh t• for r,•lr•re r,
t , '•••
PO I • .1. •Artr I.t.
27 r6/11.111a1.1.
mrtari, 1. f, vp,.,
111 rnre• •)inn n; (,•
101 te,l Br •], 7":
. r
Or Ph, •.:• I,t, or 1,,,k .onro • 00.
Th r E., ' •,.10 (no Ivo 91 •c• o
orpoll ••. loTor
flono •
or , r•—. 10orr to :no 2,1
114 •!.41] . •,• • or-tho, ootv v, 1/rif •
lor terr:or to, 0.1.t0
F . N II .1r1:1'1 , 1TX,
FR t'IS ll1.1:11,L,
Px.o Ttiorupsolea Sfrinllinlry roe Voon,
Ti‘ttoi tt..d h,`
”op .o:
Mr. 1' r; rnon, nit
to ~, It A.M. 77, 1 , 511. top!,
[,,`I:NE I—:, blln, n mmtl o orle,toto to • .
i - .. nod :ur yol, by tyl Ilti VI I. h. U.- I: \1..,
14,17 1., .1 I.oo:zero.. I •1
.. . .._.
` No
, HEL-- , 0 /PM ~,,!ri
, hi' bri A dn;
:.1J WI. N.:: 00; •ti., b
I\ Elt 11 II It%t
Mhi,ull;rl.ll:ritl.,lll;.l,.l; m 1,7
nr v.arLiraa rag rniz,ml Calnrame, mao
ihmr livom liwy have r•ralva, thm,
vy °trap). ~k
m,,,,rarm•mx hm.later; thr
Ihmr aii,Latar , tr,tm1..."1 j„,
troaalr up Altura. will Lry mai emam.,
11,, ,tlm, ;lima Cheap Circa...
j:_, - Entrance from Fourth that. Au_
New Pall Prlztts .
p1:1 Yq,d•
Extras Frtroillylrlo;s;
FRFSII •frpoly of the 1,i11,1 f rrsra rams'
rtour, vezy choler eruct, • tL tt. t.
I r v •L
SL7II,?:!ZI'INE, c)4t,l_,lNtn‘z)4;,..rt:Ll3l;„l
/:/4 , r 4ftlo
r.• C 44
4: 4 1:4J.1.13-11/ I:111f 4) pr:lesc
43.)re 121.4 lur Inf. I y
ULM' It— le° crl. extra Ft, , our 1,.
S l!LHAR.11A11.01
rark..41.,. •t,.r
narl7 5. A W
1. 4 / aery ortcrlOr etttc:c„..t r rrivcd Cor.sllr. lay
{l4 A meCLATIO: k CO
I.iherty et
cnEr.,l, ~ r . . ; , 1 , ,.c , l i ,t, 14 a
4 0, n ,,
.. .
pit. r,
tor y "11. 11n1,A1.1.7V
tio •...t
icinN _
, and fore rlorr
A airCart:rt,r tr. rn
t ,_ ..
.. ,
i 1 OSIN ../AP,--:',0,. I N. I : -t r..c',l ,: ~,,- i v
!:.. ...,.,
~...._ A . 111 .1 4 1.1i11 , ..N..:- i1L,1.,,,:
/. 4
, iltl.. 1 1 11/C.ii— m .0, nn., wr ,l e Icy
• JAMIS 1..1 'AVIA.
. .._ _ .
• . --
101'EFE-1,0 E
enle I y
J Ds! Z1..1.1
;,"6 :!u t , rir No I for ro.I , Iv
I,lll—+rat ZI.; 1.
TANNERS u/L-- . .!1 I if. !or
.1, r1 111.. DA; ZI.
I . lg.
WAI Jr . 4 . 11.111..
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rifirl;;; l 7-I:orP — riun., fe ii pre,: for
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•I, I I,p—Zear 00 for by
YOUNG LA nitcs. sib:a inturr,
rnlon of
Itoo , l'rvoYol ,or,‘ Mooe oy,f , opto 3 sn ' !Per : !7:17\ .
rpfttorrta, m ol l. 101 oporik t l hno,r Yv It
,ofor,l. 1:11,i ~ or to,t,
tint zoom tvAl row to 'gloom to .cholars
••ot ! t or 1; at , o.roont.
p trt o sro!no. uloch 1,1,ad et
't tLe Poncipul, sa to,:e
gvz 1 - Vtreal ',trot
-Orro Naga.-
uu''Plit-.4.0,5A1.' ROIL TE121.1.V.R.
Online .114., (Th,rl It
Oirshore‘e, A 1..% 15, 1.-3,
DROPOSALS In g fur :0 , Lo
unto tU. ~.fur 1,1 rlap
lor t h e dr - livolly of 'the o'er, tt • .erorol,
the trnrit of the tllltle nen l'ener.rt,o.
Imo bent, n r!,:nree ot
rorn!onr of lies . renn , red ult , r•ont atm 11..nrot, .1
.., b..Orc,lper mule. 'I ..- to Are of rot ,
tri.ite ot rock o.k. tr oo ferpeeli.o,
;Lin rogioter of the con, Pl. y. I r rook, w",
01 W, into Irogthn nt rt,,,,t rt. It rt ett- red tool , rr,
they et, t o i n . rove, erns tritlarc. Of
hewed tirnirer, ate nn the
lonloto r i. , th of ono They tou• be
el , •r of I:nor...rover, Po, re , )hr
cireeter .47 ,$Fr: ia•lpf.ll. eery
Ot 2:,11 ,a , „• nate
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„what arelooor 11 , 4 vr.rboo
tikel fo, to 11 nr lac not,
ti of lort2•1, 4.1 y ,prltor 4,t3rr.
rroo, ror 401 'cad oils
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It r e!trered r og 111 r C r r, .tre,oploor ir ra long,
I: , •lth'i.orN Prreldent.
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voroy.tAa r tor• n; if.. I •alor.oW,r ogrot
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