The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 03, 1850, Image 1

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tAZITTZ 51'1 .Dll , lOl, TURD =am, NET DOO/1. TO
— 5 7 . 00 Imr tang
Weekly., in udie6eel— , — •••. Y.,00
Do. o Clubs, at u reduced nos,:
One Sow te, lin lines or Nonpareil or leas)
one r • rentoo•—•— 4040
One tenor re, erre+ additional insertion •• • Goa
Dn. taro nonrelt••—• nser
Do. three oreeks•— ..... —• • 4.00
Do. one month.— . 5.P°
On. tarn months-- —• 700
sk. three month...
1)0 four 7 rnnothr ..... —• 10.00
De. Mx menthe.•-- 12,00
De. twe , ve montto• ••• -- • 19,00
St Card (0 liner er•lt's,' per annum. 10,00
One tlyeare.ehangimble atplermare (per rm.
nomlexelmove ol the paper••• ....... MAO
Fer each addstinual .snare, Inserted neerene month,
IMP for each additionil Keen, Inserted under t h e Tees
() !ore, half price.
Advertierments exceeding • , quard, and net over
Arleen hum lobe charged st. n ;flume and a half.
Publishers not accountable fro legal advertirementa
beyond the amount charged tor their pubticarien.
Announcingcandidate, tot office, to be charged tha
same at other advertntroneatc
Advertisements not marked on the copy for a aped.
_odt:nline, of Insertions, will be continued till forbid,
and payrnentexac.3 neroni .
Tke pnvlleges of yearly advertisers will be confined
rigidly in their regular businesa, and all e th er adver
tlsementa nor pertaining to their regular haziness, ae
arced Mr, to be paid'enra.
All allvertisernents for charitable institution., fire
moan..., ward, township and Whey . public Ineellap,
and such like, to be charged balf price, payable strictly
Ir advrnce.
Mairnage batten to be charged DO cents.
Death notices inverted without charge,
panted by funeral invitation. or obituary notices, and
Heroler whon so acconEpanied to be paid for.
advent•ere, mid ill others sending comma.
micelle:is, or requiring notices designed to call atten
tion to Fairs, Sake., Concert., or any public enter
tainments. where charges ate made for admiitiume—
all notices of private msociadona—everg notice de
signed to call summon to private enterprises calcula
ted or intended toprou.ote individual interest, can on
ly be Inserted with the undermandlng that the same
la to be paid for. If Intended to be inverted in the 10.
cal column, the stone will be charged at the rate of
not 11,4 than IP cent. per Hee.
Bishop or Fist Notice. to be charged triple price,
Tavern License PC111i062,112 each.
Loyal and Medical to by charged at
fall prices.
Real roam Agents' and Auctioneer•' advent.-
ments not to be classed under yearly me., but to be
&homed dt.eount of thirty three and one third per cent
from the amount o bill.
inmrtions• • --• • • .$1 Si
additional inaertion• •• 37
cm) one lneertion--30
additional inannion• •
tomcats to be paid in advance.
P. In CO, Casette.
M. RIDDLE, .YoarnaL
.5 P. HARR & CO., Citroniele.
ER & tmartinit,Dispasett.
NOWDESI, Mercury.
..- W. BIDDLI., American.
t AALYE, tanning Tribune.
Dna Bic
ALL tr.nwe
Ward, Perm meet, between
M. 6:1 business promptly Sr
0 Ilaza
traded to
A rrt , llN '
21 above
.AW—Ofnee, on Fourth street
A TTORNEY AT LAW, and Carnmissiour for
1.1. Pennsylvania, Sr Leah, 510.
An ewnwardcations prompt/7 answered.
JA PIES F. KlltnEt.
ATTORNEY AT LAW—Offiee FeanY asset,
between Smithfield and Grant. Pittsburgh.
AITOHNEY and Counsellor at Laur i and COMMIS.
stoner for the State of Pennsylvania, St. Louis;
Mo., Haut of Pittsbarnh.)
litaferenses—Pinstiotgh: Hon. W. Forward, Hamp
ton t Miller. WHandleas k McCrary, John K Parke,
Llissolls &Semple, McCord n. King. . auttl4ly
Glasgow, Pa. (Smith's Ferry Post °tit:o
Haying permanently Ismated at this plane,' new
send sabatanual Wharf Dom, we are prepareD to re ,
calve. and forward promptly to all points on the neer,
and Dandy •nd Deaver or Ohio Canal. D & Co.
ClDeow, Jana 15—jele
R/I.O.IILEW, WOODWARD & CO, Wholesale Gre ,
V cart, No D.II Market et, Philadelphia atel
— Pittsburgh Alkali %Verna.
Ia•ENNETT, BERRY & CO, hlanufarcurria of Soda
Ash, Bleaching Powder+, aluriaile Imo Sulphuric
♦rids. Wasetroase No—, %Vote, atm; below Ferry,
V& BARN & RF.ITER, Who aud Retail Dreg
.Ul), gists, comer of Wbetty and St Clue streets, nu a
iarg6, mist
John A. C BV. S tittuarr.
NNER, Porwardine and eofll.l ission
Alerebsos, No- Slaract st.Putshurgb. apl
NuANULTI & CM, Forwardlag and Con,
s mitafoo Merchants, Canal Dunn, Pittsburgh,
Pa. nlra
eMOB ANT, Whoterale G Met r, Comm is mon and
erfartwarding Merchant, No. 41 Water st., Eta.
bar. h. eat
In Mersey • —• Andre.. Florio, R. k :, £ CO.,
MISSION MERCHANTS—For the este of Do-
Cateatlo,Worden. and Conan Good.; a 1.., dealers in
all kind. of Tailor.' Trimming., No la Wood at, etb
door from Fifth, Pittaborgh.
Referenee—M . Wm. A. 11111 & Co, Bonita.
S. um.) '•
HI ttrennd greet. Pnisbergh. an +we]
5. B. Comer qf Third asui Alarbri sLa
•L/. 71161BACTItral AT NOT? LIACIAL Von
W , =GLUM, /MIMS I. 15.11 M.
LINO/nil & DENNRTT, flats English,,
etratnA C V. " l:. ” 1 711, 4 1,7:1741c.°,7T0tt eV PTt o ts t :
burgh winfiteterna, N 0.37 WoCal It., between nold
id streets. cod
idillf. 17.101.113111T0N,
No 111 Second M, Ilttsnonllb. tarn
summer W. eonreareel [WALTII C.L1,120810N
R. W. POkiIIDEXTAB& C 0...
ENEHAL COMMISSION and Forwarding Mer.
enema and Floor Dealers, No Za Marketfeet,
k 3l.
Indelphia., t odd
No. 41 North Mum. Street I No. 16 North IVbanet.
• A. J. thrunoa. I PHILADELPHIA 11a.u. S
D. C. 61..Casaos.
4. A. W•rot.
LEE, Itneeeesor lirMurphy Wool Deal.
or and Coottnissloa Merchant, for tha sale of
rp r jztten Wooiena L Llberty, opposite 6tb .t. fabl7
a. a. at..., tort It. /MM.
1111-ARDI. JONES Ott, (0.00..50rs to Atwood,
ja Co.) COISIMMIOI , I and Forwarding Mey
oto,ot, d 00 k.,-s, In Picsborgh Manofactared GoOdt,
Pittsbarrh,,Pa, meh4l
vi 7
• as lILALL.
Tossvolsi T. otti:l
rarooRTER Islet in French an Arneriellin Pa
per Hanaings end ii. , Orders, Window Shades. Fire
. o .
R d Prints, tsc.
dotiret. betweeun PrintinA and Wrap
pa, N oT viroo
4 - Dtant p ona eller, west slCa, Pittsbarsh, Ps.. street
febt3 . •
14./lIN AGNFW, late of the Gm of Chatabert.Ag•
IP nese deo would reepeetfully inform the old ens
slier. and the public generally. that he will galleon
tines to carry on toe Green Wass bagmen, In all as
varieties. and Is compered to fill all orders for Anodic-
Series. Pareilvern Minerals, rollers, Viols. le.. de.
prtuning to his 'business. Ilis warehouse Is No II
Market street, between First k. Second sts. lilt Sid3in
MN or in Dye Staffs, Paints, Oils. Varnishes, de, No.
ek.3 Wood cosset, one door South of Diamond Alley
.Pitt enough,.
FILL, i • Vb ol es. le Osoce r, Commission
4 M Merchant, nod dealer in PrOda-e and Pittsburgh
Odannfaetarea. Mott - Water si. Piusburgh. a.
1 , 11f.1. MCC.. /GMT DICK., it,
IDICKCY is Co., Vinlolollldf GrOCM. Corn
& wirrLen literekants, sad dastlers In Pr.loco,Nag.sl3
Wont. sod 107 Frent arects, Pittsburgh, novf.
JefrsE - Ddererth••--:•—• • •--Joeeph Dil worth
T• 8. DILWORTII t Co., Wholesale Grocer., and
. Agents tot Hoard Powder Co., No. I? Wood st.,
Truebetyli. &by
Jduti !,. ilfcAlN.Sie.*.iD, Debut. ma Mabee."'
No. 43 atsrket it, three doom aboye Third it. Pitts
beret, will have commonly an hand a well selected teel
somment of the beet and freshest Medleines, which he
LU sell on the most retsevhle terms. Physicians
miffing Orders, will be promptly attended 10, and eV.
!Vied With mien they may rely von as Caddie..
• Payelelens Prescriptions will be accurately sad
pre.pered !ma th s best material; at any hear of
• day ar night
ALIN for sale, &tarp et.Seleal fresh and Vol Perla
~.. -.
. 41 ‘1.444 : D ia i rea Li ntrisa l d 'h"' De '''.7' al ' a l a . °' 1 . 1‘ ;"7 :: " ::l b.C47 : "1-1.11."'
. ansacfs Haildings, (mains o a Lib ' '"` I" .nd
Nis* Woos, rhubarb, r.,,, eny, Wad and
49114 1 7A7 6 ( 1 ZeilsTi - o — e4n. teTar, 47, --- .j.t, b .,
Alistair Is Produce s7fd4ritebarh ;,1. ° ,1 u k r,,,.",.. ,Nuta-
Aerbf Libaty and Ifitdd streets, Pittebnr;hial "
.INrCA. CACCHEIt, Agent for the I, iiii - Eile — sa - a
Ileehisan Line to Deaver and the La5 5 ......0,,
*a Us earner of Water and lionthleld ets ~,,,r"“
- ,
I &NES A. HUTCHISON, & Ca.—s,.. r .
SIP Lewis Hutchison k Co., Cocurdstion bt.rchsaV
.and Areas of la' St. Louis !MIMI Saga, g.g. ir p
rika. 411 arida and 19 front areas, Pitutbargh. •
.rftbteUS' i 111A . KNR & CO/Cialsesta Draw.,
• •Na 14 Wood wreet, Pittsbargh. ape
' dro r pr, B or —E- te n t.ttr I A rrITL Y I, .Pit i anT ' V ie Wi ?It ' s;
*.el.saut7nd peonsptly at Collections, la Wasklalaia,Fiyoua
and Gnat cantles, P
H a.
-- _
8h1.k. 100, Belt Co,}MOM&
ma Ca
ch &n:F*BM
''') , l%': •- F , . . Pik.
' .
, _ . •
.1 •. .;,..:
le. A
7. ..b. ~
, ..,.. • •
,„.......• ~,.... ~,. •.,‘. ~.?
.4. 7 4
,7., fr , ... , * i _
. -- 1 11 ,,,,
. p .. . .?.. .4
'PI g, '',. '...
~.,..- , e
iS: ,In• .
.... . •. 1
. ... 1 :•• •••••• .
1011 N :•. NIF.LLOR, Whol , la:4 and Ret•tl.•••let
in hln•ie and Mum4l In-tr tmenta. Se!nsr,: 'Joy,
Parser, Slams, Steel 1`,•• , Printers' and
4 11•11nnlry rener•Py No. SI
RT 41••••• ••••• t•I••-•• il• • • •In gnat
T 11. CANFIELD, Date arren, (llnn,)Corann4.
'lnn nnd Ferernrdine rttant. and wnole•ale
dealer in Western keterveßutter, P. and
Per.. Ash, and Wentern Prod,: W•ter
between Brr.lthfteld and 'gad, Pttl•Lurgh.
I7:1E11 JONEI,3, Ferwmortlll nll Cnrnmi , slnn !17,r
eln•rts, Dell,. In I'mllcen nd rats:wrath 1131.11
ofuenmed cruelest, , anal ear 7,1 t n. npl
ENIF.F.DV, & CO, ~,, a
IN. very supertar 4-4 tiamunr, Carpet elm,. , Alton
Tlrme arid llamas.
11. 0. STOCKTON.
LATE Johnston A Smolt ton. tirli t11.1.1.1f1. ETA -
TIONER. mid ItiNDER, rot el' n(
Market and T9..1 •tree.L., 1,1.0 rOl. Pr.
Pittsburgh City Glass Works.
No 26 Market street, betwren Fir, and t. reend,
DaPart,rular allenunn 1.11 , 4 to ad I .sars. A
rs Iv FLINT Li LAS., VIALS, i&rrri.r.4. &,.
IY93:tr D. C , 10.1.1.
C. W r7l}l7i.
Hie kruno.
I\AILI.F.rt h t;roverb, &no
Importers of Llrand.r.s. /2,111 S•cnr.. No•
1721.nd 171, corner of laba.rly Owl It vent ..act,-, I Ltt.-
borrr, P. Iron, Nails, Cocoa Varn., ke. cos,
stonily on 'inn& 1p 1
John 111.1•01. Jamr• U. 11 . 1:11t. rl,,ii — lt
MeI:ILL4 ROE, ir Grocer,. t . ..nit...-
eau Mcrehnnho, No 1.94 I,therty St. l'lmburgh
Frrnmatt itti I STEEL WORKS A1;11 SPILINu
(1111•01.1%, 10.17. VMS
M .
ANUFACTURERS of *pro, and I.llater .tree,
plough Orel, meet p!ou7l, von.-h and r
•Prlnga, hammered iron axle, and deni•-r• rant
lealde rowig, Err er,tue ano .-oftrh
!penny, corner of Ro,l and nOla at.. .,
Mai 11-Sti. ',matt and uturo
INA W , r
Pller. Roonts, corner o , rth., Al 'r
Fourth street, entrance on Fourth at., ue•r hlariet.
; - I`.. J. Tairalos, Corn cal•al.gok Pll•rc hat"'
NO. 31 OM Levee al, N t•rtean., Lora en n.,:al.tly
hand sk large a...Rome...lnt' Brandi,. o• Winn.
Inc b-rands. , .-Ipe thog on, n .ale an ur i r .
Domed A Co. Bordezta, Pig J Erantl.l 11,..
rand .t Co, Larochelle, J J Durune, Coatis..., A In 7.1
ler.dn, A I. Magill., A do Nlondorr. jean
AC, a 1.,,, Anchor I:in, llordrans Rod •n,' Whir Wtnra
In east, and cn.ea, telect..l,.7l.r•ro by .1,,n Du, 0..4
it - Co; ',aside. Champagne Wme and Smart Plr.rgon , ly
N HOLMES fr. SON, No 53 Nlarket at. •tenlidonor
from corner Of rourtit, &ale, Fotelso ana
Domestic thus of Exenante, CertiLicates of Deposit,
Ronk Notes and Specie.
117'CoIrlettons insole on xii the pilot tpal cities
tinrathoutlhe Ur.ited F.tat , n. apt
OUCNNI ASTER.. An. . l'eut dt
third door above
Conveyaneing of rat k.ds JoTle vrtth wr grreties
CM! 6.11.1 ter•l acrtrraey.
111 V.,tatr n•
itklifititukat, w ea.h.
NO. 27 Marl. .% cr l'ittsbu,pb. 1 . n., krcp ran,. ut
on haul, n Ord•I . Vl,l•1.• Vlali
Bottles, rr. Potter and Mu oral Water Hunk" of su
pen.. qoalsty.
VAT SCIIIIWINI ANN. Tad nnp,...ite• the
Pon-0111,,, Pittubarg4.—M I,,,dgenvra,
Showbt!•a, Lat.els A rei6.,taral n 114: •
Drawings, Dimness ..t1 Vt.°, Card., erras,
or dray. n on stone, and rma.ltn c010r... G.. 141. tiro,.
or Meek, in the most appenord style, wnd at thr. /110,
reaannnble preen
D OLIN ON, LITrI.E et CO. o 1911.,erty rtre,
Plurbur,h Orotrr... ruld
Coo Merchs.n., ,Ica.cra
fllnnorat urea.
Row, voolsoN. ntin 1,11... /wet. ro- , No
OREpT MOORE' %% , hol osne roe. t
, lior• •.Il
DI:oil cloak, Pro.lnee. Put Slaon:“. -
tAres, 1.1 all er, kind. of F0,1a..n 1)0ov:we
and Loloors, N. o ate,: On 111, rf n aerr
Inge "oak of Pllen, ,o a a1...10ng:0,i ..anaa•y ,
wluelt wul be w:..1 low un • n• L I
L. O. AM,. D.
- L.
EVNOI.Itt Forwanh-g C D
%on nlerei .fo , lt,ne r o Tr , n
Lner Pnoono .
tires, nod Calonde of lame
The tathe, Mice, in en-h, Paid a, tt:' WIWI , fur
conn‘Ty raga emne Pen ,
ROki}:RT DALY , A.L 0.n., Nlnn,..ln I: rr•.
Conalinfvloll 51errionnmtlr.nicr , In Pro Wee and
Mir t.
WaTl L L S cu 'a m;s r ; to G n R II C e a r' e r r7: Penn
burgh M.ufactures, No Labertr buret, Ytughurgh,
11/IACIII Tll . ll 11..
HAM:LINT whnle•alc De icn tn
ForelKr. anzi Dna.. lk - y No. vto V:ona
streef l'i.:anuzirh. •11:
. .
SI7.W II *.V.31 reltaros. Ilea:era
in Floor and Yrochtec gencralty. ono h. rase•an,
and Contrataaton Merchants, :3 NS tt,sr stret,
Pittsburch. :17
rrimer.u. 101:1• •uk..l,N••
NICULS. Proonee on./ O
rnrrl S
mission Merront.s, No 17 Liberty 'meet !• , ss.
, burgb. Sperm, Lonserd and Lard Oak. 0
cer, M . fr
Unlearn Manta nr,,,r*
l'r 'Jure, t .
and.) N0..X., conger o: I.r>lll s:tcct
{last nde Diamond. Damharth. enls
W 0 U 1.11 inform the publte, they have token the
yeasehoose f.armerly ueeap,ed by It, .1. Nte
SoloOtua Seboyer, 114 !..crond tan,- Its one A tar,
a.d commousoos warehouse. they would tuvoe
attentimt of per.ona haulm Foods In ron,t, or sty...
They RID •
also atve ottent/on to the purchase and .e le
of Note, Drafts. Ilond.. br
L. S. Watraman. •R. N hSrlr rota,
WIIOLP.:ALE GROCERA C4.1711r111 Jon nnA For
merrhunte; dcWle, In on Iklud,L of Pro
duce & Pstoburgh Maoufacturrst al.• A:Tcnt•
for gale of Itschorond and Lynchburg Manufactured
Tobacco. tort
Btaler, Pa
WILL also attend utt collection. , and all cther host.
TV LIM entrusted to him Butler and Artnatrong
cimantiee,l4t. Refer In
Floyd, Lbertt.
W. W. Wallace, i doy it.
James Harsh.ll do / Pittsbergh.
Cy Eel' Pt Co., Wood Pt 1007
H. D. •• • • •tiicorp }lmbued.
WHOLESALE Ind !DOD lissiera In iiroeenns
and Dry Heads, and Commission blerelmnts,
Nn. MN Liberty at, Pittsbureh.
JOUN lllei/ADEN , & CO..
Blasi Basin, Penn street, Patsbnis I. min
No. El 7 Market, and 54 Cementer. 'st., Plaisdelt hits
Advances made, by either of We above, on consian•
menu of Produce to vitae's /loom tors
J. D. Wffliatos- •• • --John Haft.
Forwarding Ind Commission Merchants, and
dealers in Coutary Prndoce and Pittsburgh NI Anew ,
tares, corner of Wdod and Fifth turrets, Pittsburgh.
Wm. IL • D. McVay
lova. 11..WILLIA1113 R. co.,
North East corner of Wood coil Third street,
hint renown... to.
M. BAILLLEY & CO t Wholnsala Worms; td
T and CO Wood &trent %pi]
- -
WOK b. SillCANDl,ESS,(caecerrorn to I, & 2. D
Wick,l %Thermic Warms, Fora•nrdina end
Connalstion Merebarn , , dealer. In Iron, N....1r, Lint*,
Cotton YU.. and Pitrmorgh AlanuAletlarrn
ly, corn. of . Wood and Water strew., Pittaliwr. L.
W/ CAL %Thriarrale lirornr . l,
V V c Reeurying .d Winn and Liquor
Herman.. Al.—lmporters o. Soda A. and II:•ut n.
log Powder, No. WO Liberty street, (opposite S•xiii
street., rittsbargh. apt"
• ---
YW. WlLao,N,Wateber, - Jr-orelry, Vi lIIPT Were
tad Winery Goods, earner of Merkel and
Fourth streets, Pfusl,uratt, pa. N. I3.—Watcher end
Clock, carefully repaired. apt?
yr rover. .. -_..
:Y. s. 11.C7.1”.
W.- •• . . .. . .
M. YOUNG k Co., Dealers in Leather, Hides,
ke 2 2_43 ',hem , street pkrfiti y
wit. leCOTC111 , 0". --- ,COM 11eC.C.1,1.
Wk R. IIIeCIITCHLON, Wboleßal. Croce,.
. dealers In Produce, Iron, NnO., Must, and
PClsberea Manufactara generally, Liberty strrot,—
HAVE taken W.ll. CARR into rmrtnortlop wit!.
me In my bust..., which will from this date be
carried on ander the name of .John Parker &Co."
March let, teal JOHN PARKER.
John C.rr.
Wito/040Grocer!, .Dealers ice Prod act • Fon t s",
Trinea, a Ltquoro, 014 lihmougaida
nd &stifled IVlnsiev.
N 0.5, Commercial Row, Liberia arrect,
WAMIII/011 . 1.1[11. Imam, 4sans. Wl.• a. It•
iflaccames CO Macy, Hanna fr. Co.)
in Foreign and Domestic Rrehange, Collinear.
of Deposit, Bank Notes, and Same—Noon west
corner of Wood and' Third wren. nionry
received on depaile.—Slght. Checks for ale, and
eollecdona made on nearly all the principal points
Me Ualted Staten.
The highest prenatampald for Foreign and American
Adwartees made onvonnlanenents of Produne, .hlp
pad Ear 4 on liberal !onus. nrirn
MIL A. 'Omega.)
WI!. A. 111. , CLUUCI It CO.,
2ze Laorty str;si, dew Ina,
//... 'ea 'hand a large assort= ns of Choi.*
(granaries sad Fine Teas; aloe, Foreign Fraits and
Nor, Who U leards rani Retell. imppile7 on the
;WM AL Man
THIS inagnineent rwablothrrrot being now eon,
sleteel no ready for boinnees,the proprietor would
~tinny s. , bcttn nbAre AT the public antenna,
Ile mat. by giving h.. ion eatenti , n to the biome's.
male the bowie pleasant and comfortable re.o.t
fon •:.c oi Pittsburgh and for the country
G"nd artendan:a ai!l he In aniline, and eve 7 en
erthot made •
tn render the utahlighment wt.nhy ihe
conmenu end an..part of an ihtellieent commemtn.
Tr., Tw rce o ..iI'ACIOUS 11A.1.1.5, tittt•d for Pertsr•.
Cns.verts. Leeturt, , , 1:zIls, and pahli, meeti-,..• will
he I , t by the eventog utak, an as liberal terms sts
as, .her In the city.
Vie PAR and RFSTAVRANT, etsus I in aly le and
tn nny in the world. will he (nra.shed
to Pure , Vinea, Liquor., Cardin', Pew,.
Me. and ...P. the cool, heht te:re.shment.c(tht.,son
Gnme. Fi.h, Soup, Oysters, nod C,ms,
served np In the best style.
DIN I NI: •nI ICI , . CREAM 5A1.111.N.t.,,,, mr
lbe 1., ree.y of acres, will be reusmnlly
•upeeeil with It the I:atom.. Ileticnew. the
see. 11.4 ties., with such subeie.tiinla a. lee markets
ear sr I
Ilonrdint Iv tt, day, week. nr year Dom.., or
Sneper6 for on.l,l,ltialo or portte•, futtnotted on abort
li,ti,nen with their !huh tr...iing the c'tY
ee cu , phrd with re rrerumrm, ,, tnn kmdt n eny hour
Smbltr.c end •n ex.:•”•1•c• Li•rry Fstal..ll.ll
men: ..r.omocied nab th^ 1.11
o'rleck Ira at the umml
1,00 , a.
In I r Ice. Cream and Pinion'
No 6: Southl.eld •trret
',11,. row On nand or make to mar, the
hr rlmrtiele inanrl,OC. at
their old vand, No. 11 S
1 . 1na..1r-s Slarkerstr,ci. srennd •10r1.
1 , . ml. Verooftn Shout,ne Iu
ore., wtd nr,tlr ro•prurrol 01111
W. & J. GLEN N, Look Ellod•r•
u r T.- g.illenerd nhr •hoor tmcmcor, corn,
\\'o: •: and Tfitrd street. rtti.hurgh, where
we nrr prrimred nod. Inuy wort.. our lihr
altro.:Wl3lk per-onully. an.! xatt•-
far. r I. grven in regard 10 I ne.ness and du-
Id . donka ruled to aly pattern and hound sal.
crinli, V Evool.4ut tkunnn.r. °rani book+ bonnd core
f• , lo or toonirod ritnno% inn on I•onk• inin lettr,
have wark in oar lane are tnvite.l in <al'
wimiTmAN—M.n.r.,turer ornll londn or cot
Li. ton and ...wilt, tinel,atry. P.
*rka oho, hems Ito a ~. rot az! gitectwita! ol••
f o r
ortrint,l to r2VR•tr rm . < ro dint:nth
for k ind• oi m..clanery m a.l lint .tielt as willow.,
pielier.,..prenderw eanl•.s mottosrailway,
drA wweders, thrass.lw loon, wwolto
Cools, dotai, or,tatalt, lor merehant or country wort,
nwilet,plCl,.&r.;allde and hand lathat and tool. in gen
eral. All I. wt.!. pf miting mad: to plant ta
en far aearlila la or mill. at 1...X0173trir CLHIgr.
R ',vat tiwnes
Clalt • dc Illackatoelt, 11011
4 Pe. .., APA J., A I;r,
Blrmingbatra,tr.anr Pltt•burgh,lP•.
Opicf, No. :37 7.•( . t Market and
ll' ;mod ,
'X ILL cormently t ecp otL n4nd a rood moor'
mem or Ware; of our own coanua.late, and
ea, nor Wboicoic and rour.,ry Me,
reqlcelful: a
v to to ce , l end a•
artun• for themoelototra to lvo, es we are Jeterrokned In oil
tban oa before been oderec to tL• ro-
ICTOre•rs olt by ma.t. accompan led hi the cob of
nod re•er...,, er,d aurn,:rd to tore
La a.
Err roter rarkthr on.: Err rrrlrtrett to It rr , ve ...Arr. 1. , t
evert . Jr.-Ent...3a or erhicler, troarlt-E., Crotr..loE. Ita
rnar6rr. trnrEtrt. 1 • a r. . rEtttr!.
tort e mnufaturr Orr oh.ov t,n ry 0 •, 1
Irt e•thirient Err
. .
p2:ll,l:nr %Ammon to the &electron of race
nt. I novotc rot, r,ut moneetern workmen, they
hemornoo 1., urnm.rootte their work. We
tho a al *e pub!, to tltre mar.,
Nlt Ifo,ootote done in the Imo; manner. •n.. 1 on re
'IA trwT., tcnetiN Y:rt , nt c‘g
to al . or COPJ'EII.
~ ...71N A:NJ:mt.:ET I RtiN ARIL •
.unfit ,l'ork
Fit u5l Ti Ia: NI ANC:FAA - I'U HERS .%:', I/ Al EAST.
EllN NIAN lUl.l.i'l 12E42: YRICV,
where Fin ;Mei., all Woo. •II tin Dr-. 1.,
Red do do (Vue Demme;
N redeem it,, do Eager! Covouttel; all are
Drown de do veered at Factor, prtres.
11:,tel Satinet. !tome Leoraa shlr , . , ;a•
Stec jo
Pita 111 octal o• NV orlIr.• llika F•tatedry. I Diu,, uttar.l
,lo Cheek. and Stflpea, very
rTIT,IC4III, Pl. 1 Drat, Jo heavy roods
1 - 011,1 Welt:lr.., co . are preeated to Itaild roltoe ! Bla<k Ca. ..Mfr. la;;ort . ffooda.
ej f .. W. ~,et. :dat. , .;;,...y (Wee., Jr.r t.e..10, .ere . FancY do Red, sap, do;
v.' 1'.....1,... :I arllttlef t.,,, , ,a l'ruotet. ,:erttOrrtry-f 1'... , v Tweed. Vett r.o..ling. {tartrate,
b„..,... , F .._„., n ,..„.,,,,,. w „,.,...,...,.., ...,,, ',per ll'ef 0 limed tioth Tatiort'Ctu.rat.,.lr.vt .1.;
Dr,. 4 I ~ttaf •.I,attlete 01,11Y,14,0, &, ,i ti , ll z .1 ' ''' ,. 'r ",..., ~,, 1 ,, .. , Lint., tkilie, ,
Ito, S ,11, mr.... •.; •Ift.• ft , .'an I fen. t`t,,., , .. lad ;,;",...,... do II';;` , S . ta, ! 1. 3 c. 4, . :
Mute.... el .he I.,te, patter:tr. •litin meet ka..J La. 4.•. ' et;;..., Tw,.....1 eo and war.. J,
. t ., ~,,,,, o f a , k„,,, c„,,, o f „,,,. ,r,.„, ; ,„„ . Sue, Mar It Doe Sigma Ittal k and 10 tote Tape;
~;,), y e.,,,,e rt y„,.,,, ry.,,,, s . ma ,t, ;,, ~, , - 0 . I Super Ural re* I Work Tte.ft, that , do,
, 1 . 1;11 ,, ‘ „,..., ~..„,, R , .;,,,
.„. ..., _„,,„ ~;,,, ,„ 5 ..„,,, ; Sot,. Ilrotem Jo I.'nen 1, et. of.; Itt:1;.;
t...e• .• •,) 1. t .. ff Ir . t ;..,..,. . ;„„,„.„ „ t . t,..t. .... .1 1 , /.11.,1L 1 .10 1., , ii 1 . 1 n.d a
l• • . ter .t t...; . !..i.efty r. ect. w ae tc plt,e, t kt,e, - ',. ~ a,,,er of If; ..
li Je ut ...IA F. ,, d Ur. '" :
Itrat; Jo Ill: art Nal.,
"ram itnego.e. lit..,len 11.olletA erre Sores
Itro I,fme, 11..tt05,, l're•n, ,ke ....e
e ; tte M.:Jena...ol,re' %agat..., No Iva „mw I
-.---..-...• ralllbillgh u.
Mill: suk.ertt,er offer. for little a large and •pler.J.J I
a. a,,:nert ot rtetwo.A.l I,lllii 0/.. , 3% ,, y gr.... , Ar . Di..°l"l"."'•
ban, alb. Cobra, atal Itra.v
Ware, le he. .tteartMoalCookineSt. , e•
Portab, vattou, very mrtavenb-r.t at
be IC. steamboats, CaLterm• entagr.m, or rut roa.l
e would reaper:fa:ly inv, ream boat men gni
other, •n ca,l •CC ota ar,Mes endprmeo trbtra
pub.l.r•.nr bete to ! 7
R.-fer Otto:, A Cn,. K N1r..tret.....1 A
nitrottt• min otIr•
ranird in fo. row, til .10 nininaleiriarnif ine in in, ronn•
try. sad anti ne ifold if•VV^T nin• id . ..tight Irvin the
I: Lid. Nn 113 wood
ld dont eof•i• Sib
D —City Scrip will tie OCTt M. pat fat a trio of
Lc *burr . nird r II
rir k W
4 . - 3 en Buttersr. %Ituel Mart:eta, ,thlt,
,P.M.1. 1 ,1,111c ekt firth,. 1.111 o,t} e,yet
ft , . Ital. 15 4 .. the ItrtrA.t Fr? , ..ti, Ittrre •rrer .1
aM etst thy Atleghette CS , . wM.vharil
orrnt, ond r4ry aor trh
111,f, or ~ i tt • ao,re l`rlre
t:ar nir• 0 , nr.117 ta 4 .o -
Petmert W,Lhont t.e
parttrumt. o4rlsc 4 l lIENIII Eattrrr.
aug,-..111 Ilr Moron/,0h.,
Wrovicht avd Va. irea
Icolortilter• boa Vivo. to utforto the pit:dir that
I horn olttanted trOla tor Es ait the , titt
fdatiton,le int 1,, Ituiltna lanh for hon.,
ant] rentetertcy Vetaton• wodong to inhc-dro hand
lime tome.. • will plant on.l h.,' ea aunt, and inane
for .oa r sltutt it. be It.roiched at lite •Itort
p.t nover, red in the brat guano, nt the router ot
Crahg and Rober , ..ttectin Allodhany ray.
DI Ef.:; /rare to Inform hi. (neat!, and customer. t:re
j) le/ re p.//.1 teem/. togais or...tiring stork (kind,
cot/Tn./qt. me tpaial, thr newest and IIJ•el re•hina
uele alt le. of Cloth, Canaimere,
end horn :unmet 1111.1:r4, hod every art, le ao/ta2 le
for gl/p•lernen ' tor tering and .0 It bring
mit/ens/hie detente the beauty, tpthlity. or rptan/aty
of the ,OCL, the proprietor hopes all who are In %Volt,
01 ga.:, cheap. famtmlnalAd, and well made riotp•d,
will give boo a call, an there la no stock this side or
the Alt/ gilenics that can compare with 11.
The ready made department is vet) extenal•e, radar,
ted to sill tante,
Hal/ rnrt4 contr•r , ora, enontry rnerchant•, and
who purchase lars,ely. arc porw-u , atly I/111,d
armee enek ln
lehlnnn pual la lhe wlin:c.•le ',wane. In lnlf colnl,-
11.1 annal.
Eve, In theta:lnt:ntr line and.. to npler 1.1
n,.' fualannablr Uhl bC.III, ut We aim
Trtnerehip heretofore. erflting ofoler firm
of A & r UlfA MAW,. dffmol vcd ly the derfforf,
of Mr. UKm Y. The bfoffnesa will be comet! I/ I Dl.
A Bradley, who .rill[ the befolfesa of the late
firm •
lIRMOV A I..—A 13114..0Ler has rernord his Foundry
Wnrelo,u,re from Noll, Se., ~od mttert,to.Nin 10 Wood
twiween First 00d trerortri rtrecta, to the r-•
hoo.o I.orly occop,d by (1 A Berry, oilkrre hr
trop entiblanlll on bond n georrn! ittiorpoent or 7.l7Ert•
Ant,. Grates, ,to, yr. Cooking Nto•rrs, kr. 'oil
LT 41/.1 No Ainorteno Rimer Also—flert
4t.. I ?Om of ell Nigro; and Illackornio. ond Stooe
olo'nl• on hood nod for s•le.e.ther al hOs
gle 4tro !lora 61rerl, rtillk Wool, or uL the
oMor $o 1.. , t ,re of 1101.1.N1 ASS A LiA II lii
;WS, 4;!ont of Woo.l sheet, PitvLorgh.
IV.. the üboleratvertb beet, used, soh ent.r• stab
the east: Steel tine lee teeth. by Se Itue
hie grivy t at ho. rtterl WGrii G. In 11111 rely tette
plea,ute inreetet . httibe theta usr,l ul to evellty to
and ever tterd ly u.. of forrlen 6111111161e1.t
Ihttel.erglt, Itlett . h hi t I flit.
I. h 1 11 slit/CIVIC - MC ER Jr en.
blanufacturers of Iron and Naas, l'ittettntah.
If NA P P •:( rri•EN,
Iron Foundeni and ?dark Pt • t•tturg h, Pu t
Munufact rrrrr oftipnngs, Aite,, Spring Steel end
Elect,, Ihsiburch, Pa.
P k W ad FA HER,
Engine DuSilers and Machine Curd filuntiruesu•
rests, Ititt.b arts L. Pa.
Emu Founder, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Manufneturerl of lode and Nast, Pitteberith. Pa.
horamoti•e Engine unit Sbip !Wilder, Ptitsbury It, Pa.
hint tits filmssfacturos, Makeblne and Engine Build•
r etf er, Ibtt•ltorrh. 11.
Dissolution of rrrrr ship.
TIIF. Partner. stp beteto(nre exictag between Ole
chotertliet, under the 4ten of Chamber., Agnew
/t Co.. Slanalneturer., roar ) dissolved by mut .41
consent, on the first day of J oLy, nstant. All prroon.
Itonwtne itternselve•iedebted to e.tJ ft•tn are IT gut .1
raidto melte payment to either n( the pcnes. without
delay, and all persone booms anaattled •ernant. won
raid Grrn, are in•itea in prevent them for •naletneut
immediately. Ai.EX ANDER CHAMBERS,
19I3,dhas D. II 011ANOLKS.
. .
liars Winim and Brandi..
() o r
our ono imporint , on, ionable 'or
prport , . conitandr on hand and fur I.le by
quart WhOltal4-0, 5, Ibe Te„. Ind W,nr .tore.
hIORRIS & Ifn WORM. eliat Fide of Diamond,
barrhond }Weal sum, Alikeuy, Dolt In.
ANCE CON PANY.—Offire North Roos of the
Err..., Third street. Philadelphia.
a I neoutera.—lini/oings, Moreh.dl. , and other
l'ellterty. In Town end Country, insured aaninst lost
Or anotant by Um, at the lewert rale of pre
hl nat.. 1.-6traanca.- They oleo innure Ve nt s
grte. and Freight., fareiln or enact wise, ander open or
special pollen...the angored luny desire.
Ins u Tita,srOrttarlol.-I'hoy also in•urr niereb•
P ltd., It atisnorted by Wagon, Rod Road Cars, Caro,
Boats Steam Boats, on rivers and !aka. on the
most hlooral ten..
RECTORS--Joseph 11. Seal, Edmond A. Sootier.
/oho C Davi. Rol,en Gorton, John R Penrose, Saran.
eI Ftlwards, Geo Li Leiper, Edward Darlington. Isaac
R Win Falwell, John Nevelt!, Dr R 11 I luntoh,
Jas C Hand, Theophil. Pauldinr, 11 Jno‘''' Reno. ,
Marl' Sloan. Hugh Crabg, (le.ree Serrill,
Mellsatn, Charlet Kelly, .1 G Johnson, Wm Day, Dr
S Thom., John Sellers, Wm Jr.
16.11 Crallr, John T Logan.
nicaaaa S. Nawrout. Seely.
ICY Office of the Cotop.ny, No. 42 Water street,
rlaraLtf P. A. MAD:1111A,
Lrfai and Health Insurance.
VI Mutual Life and Ilealth Insurance Company
01 Pllll3llllGlphl, InCorracuted by the Leg ,nature
of Pctincyivaina, March. ISth. Charier rorprt I;.
Cap;:.', $lOO,OOll, 11• T. town 111,1 ANT PT.,01,,,
vart, CanfoNT, and full 10 per cont. lower ilian the
usual rates of Life limuruner, as the follow., rom
p:, ri.on will chow: Thus. u person of the Mgr of 30..
at, mg for fDn for lb.. must pay in the Go n-,1 SC..,C.—
Peoncyre tom, 5236, Penn Mutual, 51..311, I'.doit able,
t 2.111; New Ent/laud, New York Life, Si:LA Al
loon, Solo, Idle and Health, Philadelphia, SI
Visas-roes.—Samuel D. Orrick, Charles D. W.
F. Bonne, Robert I' King, Charles P. IlaVe•• M W.
Baldwin, NI al Reeve, al 8., Char. O. PI Campbell
Lewis Cooper. I. Itialman Barker, F. 11,11,ii le f, Eilm3ll
R Cope. President—Samuel D. Orrick; V,rr Pre..
dent -Rolit. I' King; Beermary— Francis Blackburn,
appliration• will lie rceeiveiland every lalormarlua
river, by SAUL. PA RN FSTOCK,
Office, commercial Roomy, entrier of
Wood and Third Pittsburgh
INSURANCE CO of North An,efien loll'
i mate pr matie rod limited Insurance on pro
perty thIN nil; aud it , et.), and liV
Canal, Rivers, Lat.,. rind Sea. Tire IrroOerile ,
tlo• Cotoproy ore well invected, and farnich an
able land for the ample inde.onity of all persona Nal.°
des,' to be proiecieil by Insurance.
no IN WM. I'. JONES, a Kent. 44 Water at.
THE OFFICK M mr Ingoranee C4npany .. North
Amer., ha. 'moo removed to No. 141 Frodi nt
cut 01 Woaot.
'I ho ngont (or the .hove old and re.v,
erozo•ny, vet.] l'oholeo on Iltoldow. of , d
tlo,r eclotoot, atoOnot OArtornts of Morelotodt.•
themuod other vciotolo.
W. doNV.S..
Modern and Antique Foruiture.
J. W.W.
gigni Elesprctle, y whams the
public lbw. 1.1“ ce u, 4
rkte4 xtert
FURNITURF- the Inrge•ta.4 tuoc wird its.artment
.dered tor 1. ate In Mg car. aert*.i.
vu.huSCWOOl:l, M•110•IANT, en
1.11.1 .rv.
an w
tentat nod vaitati.c for parlor.,
I,IIWITI, an arrid
Bed Room., all of which 4•01 be sant at
iorreut prr.
Penman. dra ie tnne Furniture Of any drunrintion. 4rn
nlntottuity mailed to calf unSexatatue Jinn,
rustiracc. ernry desert:awn, from din (be arse.: r snd
to tat taunt cieetttit and eerily, 01 which tic
foltfiaviitis rontortass
• Pr, nntaii, Pete • Tete f4,,tna
l•nitrervolion Citsirat V.:47 C 0...:
Benno . ..on do Lou, 1111/
Eitteaidoni du Budet Eltl 4 2ll'
tt to“ Not.; Totirt Tea.-
houi• Xl\ Commodore: Doke of \ otk' , fount,
1 0 Sofa, with •tut Bur-moat rot r a
n ,
50 &trans, do
no do. Maorilly • Parlor Co•ira,
111 linen wood do On,
It afoul de do,
40 " Cane Scat do.
4 o Ittatrotrany Rankin!. ,Pt,
n do Piano ,utoa,
an v. rile Too Cent,
ati an Want, Stondei
Jo NVord - ones;
I. W's 4Valnat do,
et 1 4 .1,7 do
A yrry tater osoortiernt of Common C. ill, anJ oth
er Para:tare too tniltotia innotiou
r rim rurottlirit on he ohnitest nonce
tier ~,,, it
I' J . t NI a
ne .4.t,
ri , 11!". ro-rartnen bete . tatorr ..ung helve., the
• t the 11.,41 of 1:011.1• . • r. Dor.,
a• itt.• d..oi•cd , mutss, epo•r , .l. Mr.t•
14,11 , taLso...•• I', 1,1 OM. r • 11,
I. I which purporetacy are muthortiel to ts• thr MP!,
uc a N
of Lro
rrrn_ ATTIarill';.CON6
•r ram, or !With!. O. 1.1. P. KN.!•. oft 11. r
n. IlkalltraCtur, ire. I'm, Vs ftif 14n.t.. Ac
eLr . •t the or fate Iwo of Con•talflo, Rorke
f wf'• tin, loft! p:r f•r.l to feretvr n•lont•
lheroolomera of that house xnJ their wends.
Kir.ll/ ND MIME:.
In tooone lona 1I firm Concat,lr, k. Co.,
I 'mot, rOol-lac tronnonrocl Itorkr
IlarLo• to 00. conlokof e of my oLectis jothlte
I l.le returned (mm eLald .
whle 1. he r , ..oncitutiy 101/1,11 the noon of n•nrr h
111. sod pi-Jiang. No ed Woasd at. fell
W F, from the Inrte'• n tn ui : v o no o r .: .,. ll? .
Now lorlg and Phtlade , rica. and also tynn French
onamama. thenown•t •nd moot nontoved styles of I' 4
;otr Ilangn.da, eirther ooh Banat, 1,10 flo•rd
rrton., and Trster r„,, For sole at ei Wood nn
row. mt and Diamond alley, (•urcessor tr tl.
t 7 Innd ana
vj' A 1.1.10 PAINT— brll mat tr 0 .1.1 •i
iWlon.l lot ..In by the I.ltrtel or tingle potteJ al the
Dreg. Semi. owl I'vrfuntery Wareboote, ' of
Ano2 alnd Wooti . allenta. N WICKERSH A ,toe,
Wasp i Plijant
rnaks new on Itio way from New Orlrm.g, end rt.
p. ,:rd bete lbi+ week i tonl 311 will2trrote
11:1;:ilenre •hipm lonialn,Che.mpelkke.
orlortr will br nold nnarro•al, at Ms
letwenl mud. pnce tar cA.II or 1101..
TIIE Pairing Manufacturing Company now offer to
the pnl e Premmuni Chemical Stove
eridexureeratinn, or fear ot
tis who hare teated it, pronounce it (Cr rani-tier 1,,
~ L y other in the inarircli The consumer need have no
mq.N.lwoolons of roiling carpet., a e its rem.
oo.itiou pteventit a dust from nroing when hmne up
plied. whirl, 11.4.1 he door whenthy Stove it en ,i 1
The oak:lly regurred to on little to proolueo a beau
11101 'wire.. A okorsng o( over fifty per eet,lli logurrJ
tu the ..oirountero. A r °nun{ upptir,. to Stover, Pipes.
kr , when lola Kwa) Cot Ito •w0m0,.. .. , o
Tentative ovittist root. After having tried onre.
lit it is se et," ,ble) no p,roon will us? no,y bat OK
111rtnetnetOring Compuity . o Proomon Chou.
ret stove Polish. For mole I.y
. .
myd Corner of SIJOI and Wood atreel..
Corner al Penn and FL (7.1,nr
. •
NI )i CSI DKR Z 4 ONA. Furui•lnng Under.
tnkt.r..wAeery urtirlr for l'oneral not,
Alnurlnng purpose• ran be pa on reasonaUle
100.000 rem , aitimed Deck Y1ri331.;
100,000 lain Caul Mot
wl , l be paed
TM:owners mail e.mngnera of ROW,. WrrhrinE Ly
the “Cillren.• Portable Boat Lmr wid pteese
mho ootlee that they wit Lr minuet" to pay (teighi
at Ida wgrel4.l., ucrordlog to the TrCfliit, bevare
oe goods are removed. 0 A MeANULTY ACO
Snitahle for Medicinal Parpog.r.
TN Ilse. rankly blue., the nneye Untie iy frequently
rentateed. The rubsortherabasoatano on Stand o,r
•sie at Une pee tropic, which tiler blow to be
genoinc; at wes bought by thecoatlres In Franco, and
it u pare an when may bought
Ten It Wont Merchants, e.taido Of the Diamond.
aug to
Fresh Arrival of Cholo•
VfONAIS It lIAOVURTII, 11,11.10 Diamond. tome
tV/ Just received-tram the importers, apothar large
supply of [reheat 111. k and Green Yeas s whiett they
so , sewillog from tho original chest. at Oho and
,Se'per lb. They defy any In the trade to .boat the
gnaLly the price. We respect's'', o olich ass, po6
00 ,,,,, 5 rs pia Tens Yeah those purchase&etsee .
where wime erica •••
rims, or Illuskraitons by Pen and Pencil of the
llistory, Scenery, Biography, Relies and Traditions
or the War orf Independence. By M onson J. Loaabsg,
con Brig:eying. on Woodl by Loosing & Barrett,
chiefly onto anginal sketehes ;by the author. To be
complete so about On Nos. at flee, for sale be
43, Tat. Lin, Ptrts..u.
I.e ..r.
& SI MITCH r.l.Titre.
No lan
citritcAL 13TOVii: POLISU
Up elide Pre•lilene or the Umlced 15 t •
74 eur.unnee of law, I. ZACIIARN"rAYLOR , Pre•
,L "eh , of the United Stales of America, do her b}
and Muae troy., that puldie talc% 'fedi he
hell m the antic - mentioned Land Offices In the Mate
nt the periods hereinafter desigaated
At th, I. d turret at SAULT STE. MARIE. ray
the " , ..ake ta sorrow Dottnet.” commenetng on Mon.
day. theet nth day of Scptatober next, tot th e di.
nornt a pa: stoe b. lands within the following named
North oft/ Lone lino, envd wont of inn principal
TOVTUR/s p forty G.r and tractional lownattipa fort.
rt. an. for, 'earn or ran, two
Townships forte five stir (ory six, and fractional
township forty .even, of range three
township (Orly six, sod tractional township forty
seven, of range four.
forty six and finy seven, and fractional
to 6n}' end fifty nrin, of r Inge five
Prvet.nn•l township.. finny .4•CP, forty eight, forty
nine, fifty. end fifty von. of range sto.
Townlftp• forty eight and fony nine, and fractional
..oin, toll. of rsae"- seen.
Preetfoilviloworlitos thi v rty nine nn ' , Hog Island,"
end fiirtv an "lint Island," and townshipforty five, of
ranee eichr.
nownalops thirty nine and forty on "Mr
end ' carden - kland, and forty three on the main
land, and to wrtkops forty font and forty Inn, or:range
Fractional towniildno tinny nine and forty on "Gar
drn.. cnd el, Islands. and townships forty throe,
forty Inn, and fore, ni wa nee te
rrir linnet itiwn•hto• thirtye , ,ht on "Little Beaver"
Wan , . thlrtv gm I:eaver , Sod "Frost"
new forty on “WlicAny'' 1.1,10, and town
.loo. forty three, borty lour, and forty five, of rango
rra , tiortnl 110.11 ••rrhron "Gull Island,
tno.nrry nr,LI ftlrooqnl town“lttre forty
A1.... w otrty lour lot, ul rwEige iverlye.
Fl,l'6ol'lll I , arfis.hip 1(1110, the Mllin land, of
Fraetlonal lorvnahkr. thirty none and forty CM the
Roanol rime, orwrnienn
"WllO.l inten-hit.e thirty e ght, thirty nine, forty,
and Inert one, nn the niain land of range eighteen.
l'tnetatt.i.l Inevnelatte thirty six no 'Si-turner" end
lataiols, thirty at. ven ling lodtnx "Summer"
itlett wad thinly right. thirty nine. end
011 me mm land. end toten,lake tarty ont o forty
mo. an I !nit three. of ranee nineteen
Irart.oal ta.ahmt,,ps ttorty ate nn -ttt Martin's"
end “1.011” thirty .even an un Islet e`l.ittle
in'rnt" aorta' right on the town lend, thirty
nine liactuUmx the lelend in Pennon. twenty seven
ty eight, end cony, end townr.hip forty throe
on then run, twenty,
Prertional toero•taxt thirty right, Iblay mee t and
!arty on the rell.ll land. of min, twenty one
A I' '1111: PL ACE.cognmenent,' on Mond•y,
tier 1:nr0...11,1ny ol Snineoll.rr t.,:, Olson.'
n, . !Ind. "ninn Ihn noined town.
nh, t p. ,nd Irwoooo , townatnnt. to wit—
Pro-th cf the date 11nr, and west of Ms prlncipia
True tonol townthip. th.rty bye • 11,1 thirty
t . he tvld,or range twenty four
Frnenonol town.ohipt tinny three, thirty four. and
awry hire. and township th:ny ns, or ronye twenty
Yritrihana; townithiril thirty two and thirty three em
th.• town 1,1.4, and tov.hithip• thuty Not and thtrty
Etc twenty ittx tootritty. tirry 01, thirty two, tbirty
thrro. thirty fnuy ontt thirty h•t nttr main lard nod
torrattther• forty ..,forty seven, mod forty emht,of
lown.l,to. thaly two. rtarty Ore., and
1.11,r1 o, ,114 rowo•liw, tingly lour, forty sax, lofty
.0•0,,, a:of tor, ratt, twenty eight.
Jr;..orr.n.tlorty Vial., and
,r. rty mop. r,tl n, tart)'two, forty
inrly four, forty ric
only ',Teo, and
.r.irt, or ,rtaa -
n ,! r , 4 t lowordap fortv,
.ona. one, tnydrial Ta forty two,
nniy trite, taur,terty tont' It:SA . .I, ne7:l,
Intl lorry trar,l,ll4 ot• non s flatly fore
f nt nt• - • hat bot, of town.
. .
, tme of rw, ,
ge •hr. •
Prart,,nnt toarn•Ln.. l4iriy n r, forty, and forty .
v turn, forty tome, lorry rout, forty
tore. forty ena, luny ot•vro. lOW lofty and In
cal,,rcn ` : Treirerse .
rings tllr:i 're
AT TIW 1r 111 V. I' LAC T., ~,,n tdfl, t
tle (ma, nt , .lay of (3,•ini,,r tool. for Uto thoonaal of ettuat•d entlon at,icroienuoned
p and tractional in..n.lnpa. in wll,
/N,, , fh of /AZ roof .1 iAs pAntipol
towngh, forlv o mol town.stup• forty
two tor.v turre tor, lour. n,
fire, mud fifty, of
tt,,ty to,
4 —."'• 4 •l'• Oft) ••d 1.(t1 /vro, of tango
,tar e Ihrrr
townsh.p. uay sn.l L fly two or natge
Om, N•ur
lovyr•tlip Ely of mop. for, 0”...
Frnet.o ,, •. •.••• , .•bry 4nrtcht rind townyhip•
Town•dlip tarty An fosen•l, forty
e ,ht. totr,t• ty. forty labc ..d hay, of rtin,a
(cm C.,te
• •
. .
a, J '3 , 1,1 ,, ,m1,...r.•!.5p E , .•. ,I ra.. P•rty five
Fraruotott loorekt.:ps lady &od Erty.vt tens
Col, CS
tract rine: Pownyhtpe forty OM end font. seved,
Lo De , ip forty eat.. and tracaonat tow,shlp forty
1111_. Of ran"
Freedom! to. oships forty yeses, forty eight, and
forte nine, of ranee ktng ets:o
Fractions! roargrAblfrThrty eight. of ranee Inn, nine.
At the land ottlre at lONIA, commencing on Moe
da,' Inc..ieentlt of Septein,er u. .xt, for the disposal
of We pl , he !ands with,. the undermentioned I rec.
Tuvtok 11,11, riga panapel
we a cr, nad tw - n.•he • arr . .nn al three.
u•etiolp.riere,t,. foorteen. treaty
war 11,. and thirty luvenship time,
I f •r CII.
....pri nt,' 1., law fr, a .1...n1,
). 0t,a13.••
br ex...4.4.J Iran Um
••• ~C.,airal :he t uba., incrunnee turn:4 eri•l Le
cortinenttril ttor 1.1••• •t•nutitind 411 , 1 proceed in
o•.lnr eni.tnt .t .nv str.. ativ. , u•...l. with eon
, t ntintnet. at ti tar nitole I,en to.
ntitt - 4 r •i. 41 11, no •ste
nt 0,11 /u •K/ 1 1 711 1 1, •.n wino, 13, no a be
nit ry uf any nt tae artll be *dunned until atlert
nYttirtinint twit %reks.
Given ull, eur rtar A n n. city at We!hlogte,
thereeuth du, o' June, Domini one tnoustund
Inindred und hny.
Prt stArnt:
thr General I.‘nd 1/176,e.
lettort'T: TO PR Pi EMI' rr,.N
onttlied to hr titt;ltt ot int ttnitottetf to
•ny in thr land. with!. the tnyer,hl,.. entt (ra ,al
too Inept ylint r entitnortitoti, o• rettutrell in et:tali:nth
the yam.. in that i.x...t.tolun 01 ow Ito.tiiiior arid Re
retwor of tlin ,f( l f , Cf rualle ettytroTai
thorr , ro e• 4 114. • orrititionliie else. •iiettie thk• I.ler,
And Ito .In, app.. ..toil (or !ln einainettectnont
of the outdo, rem el ter land• etuttrartegi the train
riniurti, othr reel, .ace itl•i wol ineletted.
J. 111."171.:11F:1'.1.0,
Elennetr• American Ponliry nook r .
Ittvik and Fowl lirre ter.` 1,101,1e
-1. Brio, a Imet,,, on the Itreedttor, ROOOO, and
twoural Nlanagemunt Domestiv Fowls, vrt'it
nteroo• orteirtul der,,poon. and Portrait* (roe. Lite.
{ f
t - Bronrtt, St. D.
TM. work ;amid to enntetn a [meter amount
color:Klux, and orb, if,formn, but, ' , latticel and
ovefui, revarul to row, lir, uno
wher riran work. I , , ber It War ,•‘•
dluntrau , d with nearly l'eftv Poriralt. of Om mutt
eilorur Arirtte• of AOl,lOOO au.t Foreteli Fow,s,
•orno fortr of "%lett are from life, from drawing.
telt.n e.perwav tor Mr. work. of the moot important
breeds, rod 11C•CI MI 0( 100111 from Jowl[ very re..eutly
'I be pnt4tshrr, ha,. ..pared no ripen.. to tiring out
?h. ..nit In a attpennr mannrt. bon in regard to tie
thencm.. of th" nor., and the gene.•l
e.ecution eve, oort of ihe book And it
LI that the vontt ail: be found hreontant more perett.
•nlinnoonanon on Dreedong till Dotncono
Fowl, than any wort 1v...c0d ru bin Country.
Fon sale by 1 .I`. I) LOCKWOOD.
jr-25 Dookr"- Iler and luinfmer, 104 Fourth .1.
.110 11401 . g CUSAlo: 4 —Cmuuoa; Elrelrh of
cal Deg,rtption of tee Untverae. tty
t 1 IlutubnlJt. Trun•lairti by Oclle. 2 vol., Itruo.
rce"vc.l fur sa.:c by.
Bonk.pllet & 'moaner. MI rnurth
ENGLISH 6 ciiiNAlieTT,
W0 111:1 , .1-:-.‘.. , IE GROCERS, Nu 41 Wood Wee,
IVII pLunl' H Imo. R`1ek....! ,, 0 VI. Ikl R. RI, .tos;
nod Igtaut... wale, i's mg, : I IN/ riga, do,
(1.51,, , , T, t,ncro, , 131,4 dn do;
,Vgi ... , R.o , 'oder ; r, ,-,,•kA Zs tile 17ti slant.;
2.0 bd. N d , 111,1 ig aa; IS laglog 1,. Wm..,
77 10,.. Nil 7 , ,, ~, IS In Pritril :gaga;
. 7.,0 hosr+ ag,gard gars, 1.71 dn,,,
• ,
‘l ts,,low 1......; 'lOO do Pon Nat.;
•II 11.14 nlo.lLogl AIIIIOnd.:
111111, , - otp; 'a) 01. Rook Ce 1011;
:PO I , t. CI,ol'ol; 5 case. Llquottoo,
100 10. 1',01R , 1., 10 M 1 . :L.1,4,3. 14<galto
30 .41K T0n....r.' no; Cibopr,
, Lt • 1 . ,,,,,...,t0; Mu la doll 90110:11ti
.SU dug. 10,1 Cord-• .IL.• I'.ovr4;
11 rod, \„a,l. ;tope; 2 ',La, Nutmo,.7
SO 00 .'(nerd Ci.oocoto Le, ..)..,rnon• lrolitto;
10 1..0. 1 , 1 lo r. 2.”, c•pr• Letlloll Syrup;
A harr, .01.p...e; 2.1 oz.'s', Pepper deuce;
/001,.. Herrn.; 10 onxr, l'oolatangt.t,N
40 WI. Vs3o,ar;• iiro
, und Spice. of 211110.1,
:10 e.::., o.3ollgriclr, 4u burr* powdr red wid
1 , 11 , 1. ~,, I c It, I.oaa Sunor.
I. trr• 1,1,, 2 Ithau 51n..1.1cr;
In or, t'n ilk; 10 brie Alfluungi
.04 arum( } , ,,,e;
A. well al n uen•r4l nssorturent of Pill•burgb
INinuf.,.turr .1 .I.6<s. 1.311
HAVE raLNlt Mt EIIINI. ium. TtiEM
atm.. Vn.,Alu m, 1<41
Nlt It twit th.tpo.ell of nit it.,
,1,11 not Liver yon rent Me, 111,1
, dna r. Ifir
I hat o ute.l all your Pamily ‘l,lwikleot .o tot (.broil),
Intl a..vo prascribed Otani in iny prueee, I . not
very much plea•ed With them, gad lunar foun it d nothing
mina! the., *ett tar. .t 9. andour Ve =taiga, and
i 013172 l a Vry Mt Coorctigyrup.
Retpectful I y yours,
'Extract of Latter.] T. T. Jam..
Tv.=r highly popular metbeintot may be had of the
proprietor, IdELLERS, 57 Wood Al, aodDrattatata
tearrally in the too elven and vie logy ape
CJOSIN—A jaw Una No cal.. While k011111;if
lL rupertor quality, suitable tar soupmak ing,trott
TareeePred and fur solo by JOAN Me PADEN to CO
t inn Canal Ibtatn. Penn at
(1117 , 1.1: —2 taus lust recetvedler Palo
- - • •
pure lot 0010 by
jy.1.6.....-..........—......JP4113X11:01A5CR1VFMni •
%TACKER r.L-13:1 bits landirg
in for solo by VALLI:It tr. NICK giliON
JOG thri 13berty at
Uableaoa, "et. Julien Metlac,"
ll 33 bad Mumtaz; jag feaM far sale by
11{IF:NCIfIVO7t1r.-7aTtiiti- esq—iiii-eAra.1.1.04
U wrooActteApes,Ckglars and Coffs,lain reed o
jy2o A A 51AtiON
utings - Phit. groand, iota Elio
Floor, mot reed soil for rale by •
Ora/ WOLA AICCI.URU A. CU, ^:m Liberty SL
MSSUHD-I caor, .51ounord6 Aroma
-1: Circa,'' a mid Mar ard, Ils,voted watt diftreett
%orbs, reoelvad and for sale by
LINSEED 011.4 ballot - %
WS/ • Dor,
CO, UM Liberty a.
• c.t.l 544 Mph #l4
Good, for Domes, tonsuring el
Score); and S. RI Mulls;
Visored Elwin do;
Embroidered do;
Victoria Lawns;
Low Priced Barred/seamen for morning dresses;
One .on finished do; and a ;area monment ol Sarin
Muslin, with colored embroidery; printed lace ones.:
Learns, Barters, to., heath awl corner of Fourth
and Maher ~recta. jolt
Cheap Lawns.
MURPIIYA DURCIIFIELD have received a law
',apply of Dress lawns, very cheap; neat style
brown at 11./C; light do, in great variety, for Mtn rejo
Al., embroidered and printed Maslins andJackonet,
of neat and new.* styles and lowest once for quality,
and north east corner of Fourth and Market sts
At the Otte File* Store of
A. A. MASON fib CO,
lI.L eommenee on Monday, Jon, :ti, tris4—
Wholesale Rooms, will, on thisetecasion, be thrown
open for Ryan. Tu., and all of their ostensive
stock will ho offered to entail purchasers, at • direount
of from 00 to 311 per cent. team than usual poem
THEIR *Toes OP SILKS Comprise once fent
hundred pieces, and will be geld at an immense Mo
Their assortment of Shawl.,
Mu s lin.. DareacTiseoes, Greni
adines Foulard Lawns, Juane.,
Camlithea, and Dress Goode generally, will bee
s. ls
oat Inentedsmely, gt about one halt the aseal rate
11 case. Fast Col.. Leon. will lin Mfrs. Pr.
II do Du stin toe
I do Muslin de Lislnes, Ille
Superior English and American Calicoes, 10111 c.
300 doe. Lnen Handkerchiefs, 01r. le.
A large o f of Wought Collars, some so low al Sc.
Together with a complete varlet, of DolrIC•11C and
White Goode, Ribbons, Hosiery and Gloves, Sonnets,
An, Ac.
Making In all one of the most esteem. assortments
in the country, we tell will be narked down to much
bown prices then at any of their previous Ann.!
I;l:rTite Store will be closed upon Thursday and
Fn lay, May 30. sind 310. for the purpose of arrang
ing and marking down stook. No VailikTl.n Pm.
ors my3l A A MASON A CO
MURPHY /4 BURCHFIELD have received a sup
ply oft 4 and 44: French Linen. for men's cast•
and sacks, sackr, boy.' and children'. weer,
of the most dertrabla diodes.
They Invite at.enrion to their large awor.nant al
Men'. and Liars' RUM MFR WEAR, of different irt.
wrials. gad all of which wol be wild to ici7
P41[430483 reta4stiLei
MLli p P p l i tylkactC . l n ll2l , ..l/11a . Ir m e r e t n e .r other
p o lLalmost . sny . quad ') and color wanted. enl o a; " ge
'.--I‘ P " .::• P s " t " itaLltdsllWlotla Cover.
VVMeCLINTOCK boo received this day, at big
" Carpet Warehouse, No 7 3 Fourth L. Starr Oil
ClothCovenng of eery hmadsome patterns and colors,
to which we moire the et/cotton of purchesers.
"k 4 i; RPM V. nanIIELD are now otering , goods
/VI. at greatly reduced pores Lawns from cents
up; 1-1 light Chintz from 10 cents up; Be far IViel
B 7 rngo for Win ; Ronne( Ribbons for 6c
per yard. Ladles UM tarred to call nod examine our
stock of dress goods before purehaling elsewhere, -
Noritreast corner of Fourth and Market ma jell
Allen" Mats.
it. tlVFlh..dy,: 171?
rtmen A.,;i.;.,zt, m li.&o
jell 76 Fourth st
Mlt RPH & BURCHFIELD have a large Mock of
Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, selling oil at
greatly nth:erd prices, air.
Bartle de Lames et large assortment of beautiful
'• Jaconot and Swiss hlnallnr;
A sklendid ansortment of Black and Fancy Silk.;
!Images, Lawns and De
remarkably cheap;
Bern.uful ENlard hls dello per yard:
Beautiful Called., from ak rents, and upwards;
A large stnelr of Drown and Diouhed &lading, lie
per yard. and upward.,
Bonnet. and Parasols, at greatly reduced prices.
Cloths Custmerea, and Vest rig., of tea best onallty,
remarkably low. •
Together with • large stork of Tiekings, Anon and
Shirting Cheeks, all widths; Brown and Sloshed
nheetings and Shirt rig, Irish linens; together with
all other armies onr line, at north east corner of
Fourth and Market G ou . tele '
ICTEBFrirm Inn reeenred
now style PooDerd Silts, very rhenp; rich, plain,
and figated changeable silks, at almost every snyle
and quedity,• .oper plain and figured black gilts; do
bang,. end Hanes; bare.< de tuna, new and hand
styles; new st)le French, Kuglish, and Emmett
Lawns, in great variety, and at very low pi•nes
plain. figured, sad satin striped de Was of all kinds
and go•am , linen Dutra. of all shades and colors;
gingham, eb . auses, prints, te., at north east corns,
of Fount. and Market streets.
A FA REHM( supply of Black Stlira sod revs cal
Qr,4 4cit toasty:4 of • Ea .4 111. worn.
Int. at north oast center a( az alarket ca.
A4LllFlll' & IJURCIIFIELD arc ...Intl Bo
nd Dense M. D. Lune@ at very low prices at
ninth can earlier of Fourth and Market sta. jeS
LILACK SILK LACES—Extra wide medium and
narro. tramming Laces of best quality, oast He'd
and for wile at Northeast corner of Fourth and Mu•
bet sweats. jc3 MURPHY re BURCHFIELD
Bonuaso and Hennas Ribbons.
.%/11R PHI' k BIIdeIIFIELD have received au ad-
Lai dtuonal soppy of above roods, Including ...aria.
styles of Chitin, Pearl. Albano aud gimp Bonnets,
White and Colored Gimp do; and Hil.bons of all colors
and pr... .1.17
rVaLOOK idLiMi/Tll--.lollyda 4-1 Floor Oil Clod.,
taa receive,: freed the factory. and for .ale at the
terootu, Nos. & d Wood soot I.
J k II 1 . 1111.1.11.8
1114.1011.ki1N4l 1100.14.
. .
/s. BURCHFIELD Invite the attention
of this.e ur•ntlog goods for Mourning purposes,
to Him very fall assortment. Host received, suet, aa
Meet Bornbuines,
itorniosstne finish Alpsee•a,
Olnek MoliSp de Laluos,
Mourning Wash Silks,
do Fruited Foulards,
Ranges, Tissues, Sicilian Leming, Aloawnet, Plain
ITlnek and Printed Lawn., Mart Embioidered du;
Lmar. Ribbon, tie:vide, Veils, An. may 17
`UDI al LH COATIIIi—t.I pc. Cashmrects,
1.7 edicts, • moat desirable article for rummer con.,
ree'd, and now opening by A A A/ ASON A CO
ittayle dt/ Markel at
111111 , .1 311 AWLS —Sapertor - WO colored tnittet
chnwls, composing Crimson, Orange. Pink, Slue,
Green, and Corn colored, mat receiving per atone.,
and tins ray opening 14 t. A A MASON en CO
mot'," 61 Marker
.2 1 I
Flinn Plnk, Green, .r gorn
X • lorc.l Damper, re ed per expreer, Are now
opersng by Alayt7 A A MASON A
Slack Dress *like.
AA. MASON I. CO are Wuday opening lop et
. 37 inch Meek lira de Rhine Silk; ID pen 30 incl.
dn; 10 pee TY not do; 0 pee 34 inch do; and 4 pieces
Id inch dn.
— = --- Ittikes Handkerchiefs.
400 doe L•dieei Linen Cambric. Ildefs, nil prices;
100 dot pente do do
• •
dos . do do do colored borders;
Received this day by A A MASON ab CO
msylo Si Market at.
lAN itLET ehangetTire
L saes, a t the extreme low price of l 9 per yvd.
mor to A A MASON t CO
blob and Drown Macao.
pen 3-1 end 30.3 pee 44 Brown Linens;
133 pee Gray's Barbi/Ws, and Alszader's suaerter
Ineb Lunen., now opening by
mull/ A A ?JASON & CO
/fresh &rrlval Dry.liirs.
TETE arc now receiving lame addittions Incur stock
11 of opium • til Summar Dry Howls,
are pre
imed to offer an excel Lent assortment at our usual
low prices for cash, or approved credit.
The attention of westornilea/ers Is particularly rot.
egoemed to our goods, a. we feel con fi dent of being
•hle to offer unusual inducements to make a bill w i th
us. Call and oxamme at any fa,.
mar, 101 Wood street
I OS llark•t , (neer Liberty.)
00013 s, HOSIERY, Ritmo:vs. LACES,
PENUERS,A.e. Also,
%att.& and ranoy Veldings,
BANDANNA , .d LINEN If LIKES, • general as
rortmeol of :ASS, and every variety of trimmings,
t.r.ito %Le,
0 CAS f•'.s plant and figured Ilarrga tic Laing, assort
) ed volor, just reertved, •nd selling Si very low
psi; en. w•tuii A A NI •a t 4 ON & CO
LAI7O 6. _ _—
0 CA( Fa (s. colored Lawns revolved and now
c.perong, selling at Ins extreme low prior of b eta
per yard warn A A MASON & CO
•_ll CAKS fast colcand lito-gbarus, ree'd, .d selling
a/ al ecnts per 'ant A A MASON fr. CO
ma yea 62 Market st.
I) A(% —l.ll bad. pnme Nhouldcra; 21 kaids clew
4itles, landing and for sale by
. . . .
T A , A n 4, ,, N , l: , l;l il t :f - , - , a,u ,
... ti e nt N. Tr Toir; d 3 do pure
borbos yriK•r cured dried Reef,
1.1 received and for sale by
JIN SELLERS & Nlry.i a.
bris tin.J blicketel, 5 do Ilerrit.R,
f ET I El: ti ate reatarolog to this office addressed to
rroN.“ JY
UNA; n NI:I'M—Jr large a..ortarsor of Pis oreA
r Nett., of newest st) lee; also, plain Was Nett.,
Wash Illusion., and Unbinds, rceerhed hv
t,"‘FIEII TEAS—We are constantly receiving trreh
I. green and black Teas, diner nest the importer.
in Philadelphia, and bare on/(on hand , at the rib.
burgh Family tiroeery and Ten Warta." 256
erty street, an assortment of every grade and Savor,
Inch as Id nOllO be eurpaesed ut Putabuga. We in
vite comparison, feeling ured that, on trial.our
Tess will be found viva!, If not superior, to any at the
lame prier in the city.
iyl7 Whll. A. tdeCLITEO
B'" BUghit-IK WEAIt—A vaned auorunent al
.4.pted for Boys , Sommer Wear, of Cot.
nrudWorated. and Woolen motet-kb essibedlund at
the mote of tryttp-4111,!WITY 3nBIIRCIIFIELD.
Laces and Edgings.
TURPHY a BURCHFIELD aaaaa ecelved • largo
IN/ assortment of
Wide and Victoria Edgings am; Lases:
Loom Work„Thread do;
Hafitraid Jaeonst Edens.'
Do Irmo:tam
Figared nod Pleb Nem: Mims PRA do, Ste.—to which
they ask Ms suentma of buyers. ird
FLbli6-- 30 barrels Palmer &Kirk% ems broad,
roceiveil uld for sale hy
s 3 13 a W unnnevon
r ls f.filatkeTtli
15 Ai l s 13= fg ale b
103 vbi 7 XIIR4TEIcg
THS eleventh and twelfth ...Solo of the Art ath ,
General Assembly of this Commonweal:h. entrnei
"A Supplement to an Act entitled an Act to ornate a
Nuking Pond and to provide for the gradual end
certain extinguishment of the debt of the Gammo n .
wealth and to authorise a loan: , approved the Csui
day of May A. D ISSN provides as toilet., •ir—
fiIICTION I I That the Governor Is hereby authorised
to negotiate a loan fer thesnm onAilDtreellrlllonr
Three Hundred Thenisand Dollangliepeatable:
thirty years from the date of the subscription thereof
ate rate of thereat not exceeding four per contain
per annum, payable in gold and silver, semi-annually
open the fire* days of February and Axonal of earn
gear, and exempt from every species of to awn..
Notice, that proposals for said loan will be received
shall be publlded In at tenet one nearepaper in the
Borough of Ilirriaburg, In the mica of Pittsburgh
Lancaster. and Philadelphia, and In the cities or New
Work, Boston, and Baltimore, for a period not lure
than three months before the °pent n c of said proposal,,
and by letter elsewhere, If deemed necesoary. and
upon the day assigned for thatpurpese. In such natter,
the propowthaltall be oftond in the pennies, of Vie
Governorgeneral, and the loan shall be awarded' to
the highest bidder or bidden. If the amount of the
bids shell exceed the sum of the said loon too name
shall be distributed pro rata amongst the highest bid
ders, but if the whole of .aid loan shall net then tle•
taken the Governor may renew notice, in them r
aforesaid, from time to ttme, the whole aof
said loan shall be subscribed. No conditional mors
shall be considered; and apen, awarding. such 101111 e
or any pan theswaf, certificates with coapons for the
Interest, shall he isitled thornier by 'the Auditin
Samos 14 If the said loan Mull be sobseribed, It
Mall be and It la hereby mpproprizard roe Olin payment
anal ex inguiediment of the funded debt of this Con,
monwealth, now due, or to became due, during ibo
Year nee thousand eight bundrod and fitly, and for the
payment of the soot sal eighty rive thousand ono bun
fired •nd roue dollars and eighty right cents,:due to
domestic creditors
. -
In pm-mance of the proalsiona aforesaid, notice is
hereby given, that proposal. will he received [at the
office of the bleeremry of the Commonwealth amil
4 o'clock Y. Al. of Tuesday. the firm day of (bomber
nem, stipulating fora loan to Me eoi.raonwealth, for
'he purposes not Mill 1 me Mild am. of the sum of
three Wiiltoua Mice hundred thousand dollars, redeem
able In thirty years from the date of the subsomptieri
thereof, at a rate of interest not ezceedum four per
cent per annum, payable in gold and silver,
gus t
aonnally, upon the first day. of rebruary tied August
of each yes, and ,egertipt tmult every spool. of Md.
CertlaCatel of nook for the said loan, with coupons
for the intermit will be mond In the urual manner and
mode treiteforable by the owner, on the books of the
Auditor General'. Department..
The proposals will berequired to rinse expliotfy
she amount offered, which Mall not su }y 44.2.1 be
less Man one thousand dfdlart tbd rate as interest not
.‘"c"l'l d a (POT P. uuuts and 010 presolosn proposed:
The lltale'reenroce the emit to accept the whole or
any pan abbe ”m offemd onleasthe soropnve4 stipu
late to the contrary.
Ms for the loan most be direct and explien. No
conditional proposals will be received
Upon the occeptance of the propunds. the Gooey
must be paid into the State Treason, in such wounee
as shall be directed by the Goversmt.
Cerst4cates of mock by booed io each =owe
as may be reqoested by The leuders.
The proposes to be directed, underseal, to thin
edace, endorsed, "Preps:stela for Loan They will
not to. opened or dischmed anal the period Ins severs
mp them has elapsed; alter whit Ss no nltcranon in the
terms will be admitted. ,
. ,
A L RITASELL, Secretary or the Coo h.
Secretary'. (nnee, !humours, June 6d, IF:A.
RELATIVE TO +-MRqineavi• OW THE oommTvrton:
by) if.SCALYRD by the Sea.. and lima of Here...Mr
~ (lb. Cotriarmarcelth of P.aeoyhanu la ...mat
Amicably tat, That the Coustituhou of this Comet..
wealth be emended m tlateeoud ...lien • f the fifth article,
that n atiall read u follow.: The Judges of the Suprem.
Court, of the sr... Courts of Comicem • tele, nod of etchother Coum..of Record ary or gall beret - ad:6mi by tot
.bail be elected by the qualified shears of we Cooecou•
wealth, a the warmer folla•ing, ho wit: The Judy. of the
Supreme Court, by the quelLeed tic... as the Couerimoe
beau!, of leNti the pi
,Aryl 3,61. of Court.
of COMMA Neu, and of rash other Courts of Record a. eve
or .hall ler allablubiad by law, rod all other Judge. required
ho be 1..114 a the law, by the qualified electors of the
trapative districte over which they are to pre.file or set
Judaea; end - the Amaral. Judge, of the Court. of omen.
Pleas by the qualified elem., of the court,. resiectivrty •
The Judge of the Supreme Court then hold th.r odes
far the to of fine./ yrs., if tey elan w E Lamas
thethrl.. well, (sokiect 41 the Clotreeet he relraMet rime.
041.1 fin, setnequeet to the Ent tvtlad,l the Premd•ut
indges .1111( Se • erti C.lll '0143041110 I'l9l, rod o' et ibt
alher CohTld of heirree as tee ce then be emalmishid 5, he,
.50! .01 .ther Judges required to be lathed i. t le h n, *hal
hold dine offices for 01.0 him of tth yomri,,: the,
loos beta., themehes well; ,he Aumare juig.. eti
O,A of Miasma Plea. shut to di their .Ere for
leno of five year., if they }al, • herg bobs.. themehee
wen; all of whom mil be by the Uortrisor,!
bat hr any•bith tha/I sot to eutficlet
grout.. fa- ihpreataszt ,tab Uoteranr than romo,e ahy
of thole est a 4•400•4 o sf two third. of eat' Irani h of 16.
heetniet an. no drat chetah then this p the ei ine
pawa dattku ord., Comaesith oil oiler the ado/`
r of Ilia aarodaral, and the ..131.41.111 of all the
Jed,. Eby may be the/ io t rice shall rear. or the tint
Monday of theccemtvr whn the terms of the or
ofJeer. then comae...eq. The yen.. rho shall thca he
Judge. of the Supreme court khan hold ef,res
as Hoe.: I.lna, of them for thee, years, so. for ma tears,
ewe for aim, year., ate
be years. sad eve for fifer
Jere, the tam of each ta be decided by Ist by the ar e
nude.., 4...5my3 ear the e , eo e.a•cuist e t, nod else r.
sou eertiGad de, them to thy th.verlaor, that tie
maybe heard . la acemedatace thereto. Tie lair whom
emomaioiou volt Aral .op,oo than b. Chief -Nemec durirg
hi. arm, sad thereon. rash Judge whoa. emswaiman bon
liretespfre diedl is
be the Chief Jamie, std if two or
. • •
more etnimaissione shall expire cm the ..m. day, the lodges
holdiag them Man decide kilot w hich ohel be he Chong
Justice. dui Tataucifti, happening by death, rre , getattco. r
°thermion, ist vy of Me , shad dby sp
Nintment hy Gomnanr, to mintino fill the Brot
day of 'Jn:Men estcrendiu, the nest gentrei etectinet The
Judges of the Suprema Laces nos (he I're...ems of I.
general Courts oreomm Plea• at oraled ..icoo, ne
Ise thrie terriers on •d• quote cr nom° to Le Om
.1, which Mall nit he dimim , hed Corm, I Lem cat Mu... c
tuctimai kasha) obeli receive cc feeissr p sqc ~the-,
mon Bob, ou., other <dee of profit under ti.toCesumumerealoh,
Blunder the gavernetmat of the United States. or any other
. 1 . 4r MO. Union. The Judges Of the supreme, no t
damn; theirrun 0414 mEdw., 1,8011 IVO. • 'thin nut Comovrensaht s, nod the other Judgea,durmg tint, ft.a.u..
B wan s mall randy wiatia cie:1111 or county wh ic h ich du, we elmeal.
Br aker of 164. Ltou.r of teepee.. nail...
V. BEI f.
Braker of ;h. 84...
Harn•burg, J.tiary .
I, Fennel W. Pearaaa, Chilli Clerk ot Ole Aso.. of
Penasyleaola,o teHlfy Iltet tle iortgoior reiolutioo,
(Na. Pt cm 'ha Pena. Me of Um preornt ••••iooy entitled
“Iletriltition relative Io a am. adment of tho Coostittitino,”
—it hettat the um ...lira attach was atreed to by • ma
re, or the members elet.d to auk lloov of the hot
Legulato to- idler hashed be= dory .1. tiered and the
mimed, was this day &arced to by • majority of hi e members
elected.. and arming in the Sonata of PrartA)leaniii, al its
prevent ammo, ite it will appear by their wooe green oath.
dual gouge of the rreolntion, as follows,
Thaw/ toting in favor of the 14.1/•iiithe re.lution were,
H. Jim.. Brooke. J. Porter linw y elk.= A. Crabb,
Jonathan J. Petaninatam, Shoots. bt Fenton, Thant,
Foreyth, Charlet Frailty, Hobart IL Frac*, Henry Full.,
Jobs W. litternity‘Vilham Haslet', Isa. Timor by
Inca, Joth. V. Jones, Joseph Kotittmarher, Georre V.
Lawrence, blazarell hitearliti, Betio:gait 'Malone, I.ottatin
Matthias, 'teary A. Aluhlenberg, P•rker,
William H. Banter, Maid Sankey, Petry B B•tory, Conrail
Shintar,ltobtrt C. taterrett, Shoe, Farris H. et reeter,
John H. Walker, and Velent.nt. Berl, Speaker.- Year
Thaw Tuareg strainat the phinne of th• tloiton were,
Geom. Uarue, Anyostos Dram, mil -Alexander—
Naye 3. (Extract from the !min.].)
la mut Horan br R amen
Hwriaburg, blear-h
I, William Jack, Chief Clerk of the XlOll2. of. Renee.
santatiees of Pennsylvania, do hereby certify that Soy fore •
tl ' re '' the lb. Ifewe Jooraal of 8
1146. the *amendment of the ,)
Hine, the mum Plantation which was agreed to by a DIM wily
of the members elected 13 each Hons. of thr last Itegids.
lure—atter having born duly ho
of and disci:mid, eras
this day agreed I , by a majority of the member, elated to
and mewing is the Douse of Ilepresentativel of Penni. le
mmia, et its at mason. ao will appear by Orme vb..,
OO \
gwea on the final pas age of the readMion, as loSa e e ,
Thom rod. g is favor of the passage of the resolution
John Acker, Jobs A II:son, Witham Baker, Robert Baldme,
David J Bent, Creig Biddle, Jeremiah Black, John S.
Bowen, Wdliam Briadle, Daniel H. B Brower, Jesse R.
Burden, John C 0.,,., Henry Church, Jobe, N. Conyugham,
Behirster Cridland, Benjamin U. David; W J. Dot.
bias, Jame* P Downer, Thorne Dencao 01/ illomm Douai
Espey, Jahn C. o.eos, WiPians Frans, A. Boot
Alexander B Feather, Jet., Flowers, Iletiyamitt r,
Fortner, A lc:under fiskboney, Thomas k. Joseph F..
Joreph tanffel, Jacob S. lieldertian George 14,
1101. Leffen Hart, J o hn.
Ilastingt WiStam , J.
John !lodge Henry notelet, Leer.. Hmfoid, Wmhingloo.l,
Jackson, Niche as Jones Johu %V oillinger, Charles 0,
Kinkead, Robert Klotz, Herrieon Laird, Morris Leech'
Jonathan D. Lett, Austin Leonard, James J. Lew., Henry
Lite., JOOlll R. M'Clintock, Joh. F 111• Coll -eh. dissuader
C. Al'Cridr. John hi 'Laurhhn, John Nl'Lean, Samuel
Mara, John B Meek, Michael Meyers, John Miller, Jowpti
John D. ?dorsi., William. T. Alorismn, Ezekiel
01... e. Edward Nieklesoo, Jacob N i
Jolla B Packer, Joseph C James C. Reid, John 13,
Rhey, Lewis Retort.. Samuel Robtawa John B. Rohn ,
ford. OM..
W. Seolleld, Thomm C. 14,-onlier,
Shaffner, Richard KU Slifer, William
Wiliam A. Smith, Daniel 01 licayset Bonder,
Thorne C. SWel, D acid
Steward, Charles Stockwell, F.d
wio C. Trove, Audrew Wads. Robert C. walker,
Watma, Sidney B. Wells, Hiram A Williams. Dmiel
Kerney, mei John B. MiCalmont. Speaker—Yeas V:.
Thom voag eain.t the passage of the resolution wens,
Augustus [ .. Co y', David lonns, and James ht. Porter—.
N*7.3. (Extract from lb.
I do ecru f, shot th e alum and foregoing I. true awl
comet tot, of A. original resolution of A. °viand A,:
enittled , .ll...solown roloti.• to enNJ:madmen* of
IMCcontitution," as A. awns lemma on A. in this odSte.'
In testimony whe,sof I have hereunto tot my
L.. hand, and aanatd baafEled atel of the Been.
tary'a OM, .t Flaniaborg, this Ilflaanth das of
done, nano Domini one thousand thht liradrad and fifty.
A L lI.UBSELLSecratm of Lb. Costeonistamh.
FOR the eanver.lence clUsene, the proprietor,
o(the Pittsburgh City Mille have placed boxes for
the reception of orders lithe following plec.ct
I & SI Floyd, corner of Sixth and Wood streets.
M Hayward, shoe store, nor. Liberty & Market us:
A gleam, storeabled street.. .
Wiletn,lr., druggist, roe. Fourth & Smithfield.
•WelomP.MOldlniere, comer Hirt &
Telegraph Mew, Foonit
II 0 Kelly, grocer, lirtfth et, cabbie!" Maga agcy.
tel Oros, store, Penn scree; Ninth - Wad.
The Sea Waggons will cell twice or thorn daily
for orders, and the lour, tee. delivered promptly, either
In barrels e, sacks—no k doer is preferable for fanny
ere—without charge for cartage. , It is plain that Co
accounts can be Clewed, and - that drivers can hove
ne permission to leave doer without payment.
We hope the public will be pleased with this a
musement, as we Malt endeavor to do them Justice.
- Sanaparllls Soda &Limos 87247 -
1s kegs Bsztaparilla El**.
lb bog do dee,
Whole. Lease !mistook& frogs pop lesson joke;
Jan MOM! sag fez ssla sa la ix
PROCL All A TIO ------
K.Nct1.7:,,1,1tgetztit,,,,,,,n1,1gd:4 at with dm
onto, to haok or alw, lidlomm I...".'nZt,en'ent!'e
errors. de, Oat they can Ise
cur. by taa,.! ; ', f ,j, -- gc
!roomtn! Von may talk kWh, Its 'mine a ;oad: ;-
much as you please, hut ho do. not
com maAs it ' fa '
Irc proclaim inthe face of an honest a airy " ''': '
it hal . virtilea 'which !are not ...l e d ,7 an , a g e "
remedy. The to who la Melted with pon
of rra
'en. from dmemso, can for Arty rents. yet relief from
any artherda ermumorat. above. Reader ! It emon
' eery Man le Make rt trial ! . nth Petmleum s no mix
tm—no eompurnl, put op for the purpose atom posing
lof the community; but ti tan. remedy elaborated by
he meat. heed of Wort and hobbles op front the he.
sont of our mother earth I n Its original PUMP, node(
,:ers to eallcring - humanry a ready rem e dy, a ann , n , n
and cheap core.
It has cum: Piles after othPr rnediela na n ear h a il ed
Io render any relict It lull cored Rhetten a n an , o n.,
`tending, sad of the wont end moot uthi c h ar ...
It has cored Cholera Moth. by one s" ortwa dos.; It
ima cured old cases of Diarrhea, In whichever). elfin
remedy 1143 been of no broil. Air a local remedy In
sures end scalds, it Is better than any media, anna .
mind err erinuncut that we know at It will catnehil
lain or frosted feet.. a few applications; ortattat n ,
d testlmOny eon be farraMhed Of the Mae e.. ...aed
'' - i the shove statement:by palling on &Mittel NI. Kim
Canal Basin, 7th street; op either of the agents.
Keyser It McDowal, corner of Wood street Mel
Virgin Alley; IL D. Sellers 57 Wood street. I). A. El
dot te D. rd. Curry, Allegheny city, are the agents.
113 mn3f.
DAVIT—It Is unloosing ...needed that Leanly 181
rileln that country than In any other,
h.le et the some MOO It il Raid Mat in no other noun
i yls it lost at ay rerun i nn age. Now this ie true
I n certain extent, but thy ices is oten mane. by ne -
g cel. We lay to all, Jo pot neglect vont pconn• I
1 i
...ranee. los mart the (elbowing, and pro need not
lack aend Inn.. They }offal.' nee sett...pry
&ration, and bore all [sn
iffled n rich porrulottr.
,Jerms Illseat.'s 1... IMO. en Veto, into ratan,
Bear, tar rememlug tea, sunburn, pimple.. blotches,
and other erupttona o: the skin; the moat perlcet eon.
Wen.' olbealt.Yeerry known. Pam., nothing
purporting to be Nymph Nap, unless it has my name
Jet.. Ham% Pato. on Cn Mee Poorly", for Irte
porting to die most whops complex,. % radiant
whiteness. le nothing •tindfd a per.on be mom .ro..
ful they the use of a powder for the skin, nr n T" of
those cold are very Unarm. Nir Chl nem Pos... ra
comport.. in a smoke. !mariner, and comm. tin
tea remelt veto.pan m
can pothiv mato an noisy.
,lute. Sat.'s DitelLarnay l i CaMna, for removing
layettltletei hair. What is more unsightly than hair
el. , n the tare or Loma of a Indy. TM. nruria will
"eve .i t. la alert lime, without dm use or any strait.
4., Dankt.f. Vltelltlaalt LII/3111 Don Pre will
Inalautancourny Apart to r.d, whit. gray haw..
be lulls black., brown. el! artiturn color It con
Wr i the heir .n a them, tune. and morn rtlectually
the " any Other Dye, beam at the grille dire pidelithle.
Jukaa Ilana.), Sitar., Carrara —lt is real!) a Pm ,-
sere to share with Ilitt escam. Thum ts none of the
almostns ane.ttort tonally experienced lit the tee oi
111011t80.413. on ...rarer,. cane, the 'kin smooth
mul Fat . .
_ a
intams, and nut noble to hcttmped,area
itLal Dreads Ross7oollPlaa—Next
to the heir,
! We think the Teeth wererniended rt. Me grecteocron
went to the hum. face; bet when nag rem., nothing
la to dikliguring. or so gatealy seen. Aly Ito, loom
Paste *ill Imart to the teeth a
hen, an d
the retie urea keeping the gutua and healthy.
. Alto!. land, a complete *tarn.. of French,
Uritish,Mod Amoicart Perfumery and Fancy •ruele..
JP tES SAUDI., Perrenter .4a:hem/et,
• . PA/ Cbconnt awe. Plala
• Poe ink wholesale and retail, by 11. A. Fehnesme It
a, Co., and IL K Seller., Pittsburgh; mid John Sar
gent. and .1. Milebell. Allealthay City. PA. rorr—rp
vox TO• Irmo1•1.1. AND reIuVILII,Or CORY or ...1.1.1 , 11745Z0
A1E11301 , 1,0,6 an IV,oks,re, or TIM mono
40 TO.rar eV TIE G. •Or:TI.V.
Serofuln or Klng': V:v11. It'.,urrn,ti,o, I wOrn , nte
neou. Eruoaons, 1 . 1011.10 t or 1 . 1,:o lea go , th- fore,
Blatrirr,, Ude., .
,owe. Won.
or T•lter. Scald Entar,rnent and Pain of
a,at Joint, htusLorl V:cerN. ,v,O,Otto
Synlploop, Sc,iliea Or L0r01 , ,,,—a.r3 , 1
atiatnr; front an Ldudgricus w, of Niev•or:,,
Mea or I , ropay, Exposure or Ituprourn, tr.
A Ito—Chronic ConsGtutionai
Ti,,. rn-diciro I. o negiewrod vory rwt , ..o, nod
oitallished reontation wbrrover It hot o
w, een a•ra,
ba.ed liwoly own tge,:tt. w tor h H. 41 1 .0, - o
elbency ouswsiped. .tn n
of heredizot;' , l , ten. - r. ?roil,'u .tnr
oonlrer ant
sin w., I , n .es heir enr,ok, tm•
[wan oml: 1 .. r,0t. The sr rniWout
with sloe,. nto,
lin I,r, nassodcf who
'os • ,ro,d so. -!• - •• • 7 r-Ors Ondor 01,M1'.
sl o
err "...T
, ait Thearin . ti,n, and
00n.0rn0.., rOnorng front a detorr.ent
of thrs , or7a , nr: lac ....7oulatlon. Lent
ns we ,
re:plot rns-k of fn,elso, and now,
reter.era , ..l I•Otta,m, lordly to um
elLet ev o!th.• ire •pme-Se orronralion.
“Tltrrit IS ST A N.:F: MI VICT,W .N
rho attr:lttot of tto. re.+, I. ra loth. ;.d.o wing
asiontlang core, offer,fl l.y Use 0.0 01
“re. to nerffe thnt I brn, n er!nredworan , ho
hii Fern n;:heled ;or the , u.t hvr yet , ,,
nod 101 the remediev I ii•ed by rnn el - net
the prop.—• a the ^ontotm.; ue
Constantly e "envie: 31,1a:ter ,
rr,: etu,en
sill and with pheit• 1,-•du.r. other
remrdleg wohnct th•
avvey the earttlner nr her 1t9.1e
peatemzr. on •erinan e s eq her h. - Atm:oT
commenced its ravines in the Mal of her month
• •
In this dreadful situsuon. writ the v • a. pr..% r,
dereh ',hut hrr the tar, I +tete.: I,‘ r n‘r :t.
Clearway, the agent for' Sarsarnr...a ,rw•
hero, N.O ,by whoa, I van. ado. Ito 11Fr
and to my %aroma and Mai of my ^.mahhore, to woosi
het case waa Lnown, vamp four and a hail
lion she was re,torca to perfect healM, and that in the
pace , of three weak, and ar aide to work i two
Weeks from rile lime -he commencedM
tn.. it n
"In witness to the truth this b ree
haretlnto orhied my name. thm 19th day of Slactuher,
1E47.. JOSEPH mo;orrcrt, J. r..
"Mouth of Neu., Iltva r, Craven co N.C.
. .
The following I, eitract from a letterrece,red
(rim Mrs Bevan, woo had ' , eon afilacled it,Vral years
with Scrofulous there., iSispr.pstn, Ic. , nud teceoll,
ati adoedou of the throat and chest.—
“1.1•11.trwl co, Va., Dee. 13. 1545.
!Ness,. A. p.a. ti 6...-1;e0r. I commenced
using your Sarupatillo., my sufferings were almost
nut expression; my throat was completely ulcerated,
lilted a dreutfal eau h, and there were frequently
weeks together that I could not speak above a who,-
per, and besides, the Mauna:tabu from my throat ex
truded to my head, so that my hcanag WSJ very much lntuited. Abler tubing the Suseparola a short tone,
my health veu improved, and my throat is now well;
I em sta free horn mutt and tightness of the On, as
ever I was, and nun hear quite distinctly. My throat
has been well shout three months, the care of which
has been effected euttrely,by the use of your 5a0...-
penile. Your friend, LOUISA IL BI VAN'
i n.e following temitnaelal to the value of the :nava-
Patina, Is Dom the Rev Luther Wright, trod Itityeabi,
Congregational Minister, residing at Woburn.
~ .Wonuu, Mass., March
'"'Meson. Sandie ,Dentlerumm—From what I hove on.
Perienciel, and from the inffirmatom I have recently
received Dom n umber of persons of high respectis•
Willy who have used you Sarsaparilla, I helve not
IhiS leant doubt too that it Is moat valuable medicine,
and that the numerous centric.. you Lava received
of its efficacy are fully sustained by expenenee, and
although rep nation and miller are very, e xffineive,
std stand In no need of my bumble efforts to acorn,.
them, I want all nun are afflicted by disease to be.
"ono acquainted with the of and power of your
valuable medicine.
: . "1 am, gentlemen, gratefully •ittl very retpeetfolly
'Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail. toy A H. h
D. SANDS, Worming and Glitorn“ts, tett Pullon street,
dOrnerof IYiin. u, New York. Sold also by Drug
i is generally throughout the Unovul States and C.-
•da. Noce et! bottles (or I.
. .
IC:, CO., antl EDWA RD FEN DERICII, Filtxt,argh.
I.v. Dr N. 111 1 / 4 11T11.11ritimyrtle.... a0,.11.w.ndx...v
j g7 l
. 1;; ,- ' few doom bi. ow Wood strait:, Oa.
' IL._/ - . • .. • 71: 4 4...7210 WNs havisg been
' I ,r ; ..t - . ' DT( e :Ili ' IL ' : 'c'eaent to
r " ' g o o In m e " t ' i c tr '' a
,f ) ,,Att,.kplif 7 \ I h n . gc.n ara I . practice, now confine.
• ?!..''',' ' ' ttiovei .. lr ' i ' v u n o i n o t a o nd he delt * el ' l m a 'n c t ont o - 1
,j ‘,l . yf. • • plaints for which his opponuottle•
. • - and tatierlerice pecultwry quality
.•. ..t. i ht. -14 years awiducarry devoted
tottorly a treatment of thane complaints,(donnoolaw 2
thee lie has had mora . practiec and has cured mow pait
tenor than can ever nor to the lot or any private awe.
thinner) amply qualifies him to otrer asconcees or
speed P.n....M , and sans (=wry o are to all willow./
with altCAta Attains, and all disc.... arising theca]
Dr. Drown would Inform these aOletod with pnvata
disease, which `on.. become chronic by tune or ass
ctiveamd by the age of any of the common OO3IIIIMO of
the day, that their complatioe can hr radically and thong
odrably euted;he having !ism] hl. carmul attenoon to
the treatment of cleft elms, and aoceeeded in bundled.
otinstances In string persons of infiammanon of the
veer of the bladder, end kindred diseases which ellen
reyult from Omega/m where others have con.dened
them to Impelesadetpair. Ile paruculavy ;writes suea
sibs,. been lons end onsweesafally wowed by others
tornonanit him, when every !a:Miami. will be svan
thim, and their moss treated in a e , ./efol,thorototh and
Intel teent miIIIII,T.POMIZJ O. by t lent Coterie:zee,
amdy,c fhl investigation,wh nit impossible for those
miSoned to treperal illitalC• of toodtcitt. to xi,. so
sit: elase of disease.
10-Ilernis or Ruptme:—Dr. Brown also trirtum PST.
tele .fainted with tortes to rill,. ha has paid yarull
•Itia tomntioo tO tbls discus.
CANCELS alao cared.
Rlltt disease.; also I/ s, ?slay, sot., sOsedir
Chances very low.
N. ll—Patients of either seine:llg at natures, by
stating their disease, In wwunc, ninng ad the not.
ton., can Ohtani medicines with ditectiorn for ass, by
addreseing . T. DROWN, M. D., peat paid, sod antics,
my a fee..
(Dace No. 6/1 4 5datmoltdalloy,Opsumits the Waverly
nom ,
ItuscatausWo-De.llcournts rawly discovered rms.
ittesmatlam Ma speedy sod certain remedy tor
Mat pahrel trouble. It never fails.
Once mad Pttytto Dottlethos rftt. SO DI
abort. ritthhurgh, Pb. Doctor la always
valicsa4ll9 5 7 , Da.). 19