I: • --E.- - • Prar H. A -.1 , --.4 ,.-;..„..._ r i r,4odrti lo w.,_._____ ,-,,,,r.pig5t..,.11....,.: ..,:n,0,... I tn. r. . r i ll ‘f7iilise . "'Slo ba e &lng ' iilird 7 4 o"," : Nit-- ..,‘ te,4l4iikehrli, from ca to 35 °criers • 4-t V 6. Molds, perforated Zino, at t ,' rf •5341frattetal pore, snd free from nny_l •-eariffiens o Ifhis, on any other rabstimee, and re it for the Manufacture of most article. n t fa •• •init I•ne, as it does not tart, Is not gay ihe action nt inater, and may re polishes, apand Lna, mode rta ls, Mans, spenoGranona, and other ill "...9 IA I ad of their agents 8 ,7.3re14-1-&-Prito.go INevt f ork, AulSr Ir rt k, Rau .SCo . nor am ... -•••-• . • , • 1 4 / I .2ll.),Tanrres . & Co., Prandetpkim • W. A. 11 Meltha. Baltimore; !Raki, - Da, & STAMM, Near ()honor. F. MILLIIIOUX, Berldent Anent, 1 1 1 282. Mai 1 2 Hanover art. , New York. MrtY29:413:0 sir* FINDINGS AND LEATIISIL. Edward A. Geofrey, 16 Savtl Calvert st., near Batumors st., Baltimore, i Late K. & Sons. N.Y,I IMPORT,P of S ncr 1 , 11:11,.t, and Dealer in Loather, Of Iftliiool. k , nds: Erg'ish ard Preach Kid kikins, Preach Calf Skins. Pen-i,% Leather Morocco, red. white. and pint roans. linines, Ls:stings, Francais, SILK GALIA3ONS AND Kt 'MONS, Likens. Wehhs, SKOV ROiee., Awl Blades, Stine TIIRKAD, Ithaca Tasks, Shoo Nails and Aka. PEGS, of all s sea. E. A. G. having established the above hi:sines , In . . • • Baltimore, wnabled to chap roods South or West wt h the utmos e t derpotrb, and at the 10Vrrst prices. liutufaciutera, Urine's, and an others, may rely opon oh:aiming every wit..le it the trade, of the beet quality, sod on liberal it • 0.. I:7•Alatiu !net ut•r o• ..•11•, Boot Twee-Shoe Tree, Clamps, etinips. lota tr.ncher., hr. All orders will promptly exec.. d Low puree for rash. A catalogue containing a contyleie lint or every ele in the trade wall be lotwarded to there the may desire it. . . . . . EUVC ARD A. 601/FREV, I 9 S. Calvert at. ar.l9:d!ler near Ilaittenore vt.. Baltimore BARNUM'S HOTEL, NEW YORK, Broadway. corner of Iltald•w rolD•• to 1: . , 1111.3 eV-entree ROTEL has been teased by the subscriber, and has. been comelemir "" ed e meet elegant manner: Large visa's,. are now being made, which, when completed, will male it the most extenstve Hotel iu New York. Ills ihe determi nation of the proprietor, to make It sieve, in every re spect, to any mime Home in the United OLltell. I. los cation is the rum desirable and central in the city, be ing in the fashionahie nart of BrossiomY, convenient ball the petite buil g pieces or oinuoement. und asineso. Grateful foi ihe liberm patronage reeeived (rote his western [Geniis, while at Cubrland Md., and mote recently at the Weadeil Cu m b e r land ,la, Ohio, he respectfully solklis a renewal of their patron e, for his new .I.6l4km:tent. at New York, and begs to ensure them MG every effort on his port shall be Welt to adanntster to their moron and ple.mar... A. S. BARNUM. New York, Moreb.lAills—lme-`6•3m A PORTVAIA FOR £lO or 15. TIRITANNIA SPORTING PORTRAIT CLUB, D G s -mge street, Plymouth, England. The g mn beg to acquaint their numerou. patrons that ire next Diartbstion of Portrait. of Race Hosea will complise bore entered for the forthcoming Grand Nmomed Derby Race; the number of shores to he tanned to OW each elm. First class member 1144 Second class ditto .4.3. Rani •pplirsuon for the tin• appropriamd shares ts neemary. A patty suttee-Ih. Ing for more thin our .hare ha. the chant , of gaining an earml number bonuses- Those members who draw tlie canoes Connote Will be presented with the fol. Awing sum•:— Fortran of let class bonuses 31 ditto Winner, or First llotse £OO,OOO 1.10.000 Second Llorse• • 10.030 3,000 " !bird llorse 0,0011 4,003 Divided amongai Staten— ••• 0,003 3,000 " " Cion-titarten 6,000 3,020 Them are 209 honoree in cob class, that being the .nu be conducted upon the same letritintate prtneades as those which characterawo the late nit. Ledger an • Other Lifoceedings. Full particalar..of the result ant be sent to absent member. immediately after the de Orion, that each may know his poatuort. Soh...there regiatered and sc rip forwarded on re ipt of a remittance. Bills of Fachange, Draft t s, Bank Dates, m addreed and made payable o the Managing Directors: W. A hIESGO. Five per cent coinvalseion to be reduced on the presentation of.bonniea rarlescut / 850 ] REED HOUSE, lie so BARBER, Proprietors, Pa/ale Spare, Erie, Pa. GENERAL STAGE OFFlCE—Eastern, Western, and Soatlketo Stages, leave this Louse daily. Car ries, to and from Steam sod Packet Boat, Gnus. 61 W. Ears, late all, Atnertenn llotel. Ene, Pa. 0. W. iate of the Knastme Gone!, Onto. np224.416:n Sir James Illarrars Fluid 17114g13021.. , RKr AR 1 , :13 ander the tinmedia e ear- of the In yeutor....d establichrti for upwords of thIDY year.. This etaß ant presort... noted to a roses of tole, arida:es, lioligreon... eon, end. kestrel.' a.. the most safe, en•,, and spar; not iorm in meh agnmi• mat, anti indeed tho only one an whirti it ought in Pe esktinted. pnaws•lng all the pray-Dt's of the %lamest. now in Rena ra I tit.,withoet l.nag liable I'S- to form dangerous concretion. in the bowel% It effectually are heartburn wittiest Inianng the tolls of the stomach, as soda, potros, and their car bonates ore known to do; it pre•entt the food of in. fants ranting marl in all eases It oats •• a plemmg aperient. and peew surly adapted to female.. Sir Ilampbrey Davy trstrfied that it. solution forms g o uts sluble ecmlftnation. with uric and sal. In ease. of nd gravel. therhy counteract:Ls their nUanon• tendency, when otter Claims, and even Magnett• Itself, hod (Med. Fnim Sir Philip' Crampton, DM-, Surgeon General to the Army in Deland:— Dean Stu—There can be an daub: that Magnesia may he admlntstered more safely in the f o rm;f eon eentr.ed soluDon than in saberonom l, and many other rearnns, I am of npy.. thst the Fluid Idara-r. ta • ',cry valuable addition to oar 01amris CR..MPTON." Sir Some. Clarke, Sir A. Cooper, Dr Bright_ and Messrs liathne and fie rhert May o. of London. strong reen.nnu-nd Marroy's Magnesia, as hetne 6., more sate and convenient tom the sold, and free from the danger attendtag the oonstnnt ase•of soda or pot.. For sole by the imorter's and proprietor'. agents, it A FAIINESTottIi & may 22 Cur 01 Weed& Enna... • NOT KS LOST. NOTICE I • hereby p.m, Mal on or about the 23 , h of April, the suladmorrs Lad o, ,red to Lucca. at ellybarg. ta , .0,0,, 1.04 i 2 b ete drawn by G. A. Mart.. pm star to oar order. ..II April Ilth, at 4 mob, it. SI: 1$ o hotr drawn y John 0 Morn., saute date antl time, for Slit if. and 11 note drawn b) 40.1 Wad Jr. Co , to teat. or John S. tlarkell, and ye-endorsed by UP, dated April Din, at boar mouth., lor 111:3. The above notes were never received by ea, and this to caution ape . mnst n° ag trading for or baying t all he l`. as payment of them has boon stopped. OANV IL meAILBAUIiII rßeen SPRING s SURISISGIL GOODS. A VERY large mid chyme stock of Fresh Sprlng anq POOOOOO Goon. ha lust been opened at Aleamtdes O•Y's, N 6 d Market street, north veal corner of Me Diamond calling the &neaten of oar enstoreers and the patine to this stitch, it affords us great pleasure to be able to say it embraces GREAT BARGAINS in al. most every deiceiption of goody, as a large portion of It was purchased at the recent extensive auction sales an the eastern'elues Our asnstment, loth of ninny and staple goods, is very ameEor, and affords to all cash bu•ers, Other by a,bolerela or retail, • Sue op portunity oropiont both tame - and prove LADIES' DRESS GOODS New style Foulard elite, very cheap; rich plain end figurri changeable allk, of almost every altle and quality; super plain and figured ollek laths; do. ba r ega and nem, b•rege de lo ne, new and hand , use style; new style rench, English, and Scotch .awns.to great vari.Y, and at very low pnees; Maio, fi glared. nal Salta gulped de lain. of all kinds and uanties, 111300 Wall'. of all shades sadcolors; ging hams, cantata, prints, Me • SHAWLS. super thatoeleen as , . alias. • plain and figured blast do; plain and ernbrnidered'rhArt d", fine mph =toe do; .0700 wain and embroidered white and colored crape do WHITE GOODS. et Iv tee, - • ------ A fine aseortrocrn mulls, nansooks, Jaconets, Bwls.et, book., Inahno, ETS. +cc. BONN n !c p :l , 3l .n h J IA T h te .u ad z j r IrarVTud, Florence brad.. And PARASOLS. A fine Meek Of sopenor plant and fringed silk and Balk Tare pararel. of all eolore end CLOTHS S CASSMERES. A large laintruccea of super french, English and cidtbe and en-tanner.. or all qualm..• and orkea to Willa wo wrfinld Inane the sitcoms° of the gendernen.' DOMESTICS. Our stoek of brown and bleached muslin. Dck..ta, checks. chambray!, drillings, fce, very Large, .6 at the very lowest prices. Also. a barge lot of table diapers and table eoths, brown anal/leached; Rama mdScomh knakb Lin nankin', cotton and wool it goods or roar and boys' wear, Inall linen. red. white, and yellow eel., domestic gingha .11k and linen tidtfs and o a ses of all km., boost and bonnet ribbons, ant. fimal Chlecrs, Jae, to all which we vroald t o tootle Um attend.. of wholesale and retail cash bayeTs. ALEXANDER a DAY, rnaydn 85 Market st...N MI co co( the Diamond . APPLY. TLAMaGB. A!,l Taw prepared to famish Apple Trees, from the 1. known Dimmer, of Jar. N. Drown. The tree" to ill he delivered at the wharf at PitDburgh for II 11 per riondr.. Persons wishing, good thrifty trees should 1e..: their order. non ar the Drug. "Iced, and Perfumery Warehouse, carnet Or Wood anal/411h ~o aril it Y WICAF.RuIIAPI RitaIOVAL. avAyNt: IRON WORKI , WAREBOUSR IL3A.11.1 . :1" BROWN& Co. h.ve remora to No tv Watrr at, 9.1 doer below tue Atonongottola House nigio V AL. PAI.IITER, HANNA a CU. hove removed their gichhoge 03eo to north leer' corner - of Wood and rtll/d sures. ILICDIOVAL • - - CHURCH, CAROTHERS & CO. hove removed N o py Wow, auk:etymon Worst to !darter. to 111 Orom foroierly occupied by flerdyr Jones tr. Co. aed-dm STARCII—'ti• ci.RtLell; btv3Pauric I. "reeve tin; just received and foe *vie by M I LLER /c /IMRE rsoN Pl•ptallon Sugar and alellaasea. 133 b.bds eocninon, 00r, a prime Plantatton Sugar, 2-0 oak brim Plan .trod It!divots; 70 cyprea bd. d o morn, for sale b MILLEN& RIC.KKTOI.OI jel7 171 k 174 I.lhert• 111° " C°14.6 GRANT 41 Water ai )c2I RTel:-4 tr. ,--- tiFi" '-... by irn H GRANT Ifi ' it liNtiS-10 toil brie No I lot CI *ice by I G RANT H ro AMS Ir. lIEEN-10 ice DoCarlil l a S Cared Ilemq 5 I na Al iller, Bw, n li linn lons do 30 tee Even. & Swifts do, 20 Lel D. Masyle do; 6 tee cane/eased Doe( rounds; 6 tee plain do For .110, b, Debt) SELLERS k NICOLS NOVA SCOTIA HERRING-16 brie In Gore end IP , re. by liaCif RIAIISON, LITTLE aco _Ctili.ltCfriffe so. - -JAP-ICO h.s brown Clinneobbo; n to hos No I o; GO las No I Resin 0.. p; Jerireceived and foe sal. by ).17 MILLER Pe RICKETSON I-41rt!ed—D;Itidl;sa".417;""'" . n i Zia, - TCO ' ''. i2;II.DOZ S. P. Townsend's Sensparille, for tale fiy •-k 021 J KIDD tr. CO oi i: sr tIC g irit V Ertlrkit- - ire li - e - r'e'd f e i - ari - tTi - Lett J KIDD 6. CO 160 btlr N C Tart 1401,11 s Pitch, on consirmcct ‘ll FF.LLERS VICOLS f ilateti &T or de 4 II RECELUNEOiis .1. 11. 111ELLOIL, NO. 11l Wood street. hal tom receteed a new or sortment of PIANO MUSIC, among which are the following:— Molly, do you Lose me, by B. C. Foster. 06, may the Red Rose Live AlWay. do. Nell wos • Lady, do. Uncle Ned, do. Owine to Ran all Night, do. Dolly Dry, do. Soldter't Wedding, by Glover. The Robin, do. Oh, Touch the Cord yet anise again. Sweet :Memoirs of Thee. Paver Moon. Lament of the Irish Emigrant A New Medley Sang. Tou hart Wounded the Spirit that Loved Theis The Conscript'. Departure, by Glover. Ile Kind to the Loved One. at Home. 'Tot Home whom e'er the Heart la The Vansee Maid. Love Bar kV Car, by Lover. Do you ever think of me. Slumber Gentle Lady. Jeanote Grey. Elfin. Calhoun, Wedding, Wreath, and Waltzes Batchelor, Maiden. Bella Welt., Concert. Ladies' Souvenir, , havin. Lily, Alice, Evergreen. Sara. oga. Adieu. and Liras Polkas. most= TEAS( TEAS! I TEASI 71 W: enter not Into the list of perlera, we Fay nothing about Hundreds of Chen., Importers, Large Capt.', Boast. for Cash, he. In tact, we will not k“ m b ug gnl form, lye amply invite the public to compare our Ten with renal they purchase IS the best method we know to laner. tam woo sell Pails. burgh the best and cheapest Ten In Pts. b ur o. 010 nnw aelling Good end strong Tea at 90 and 50 cents per lb. A yams o r ool, ' , —• ••- 75 do do Toe beat Tea imported into the U. States, $1 Lew paced, damaged, or inferior Ten we do not keep. 510IIRIS & HAWORTH Proprietor . of the Tea Market, Fast rude of Diamond. • Amerrofto Doohanioal Work. D. Appleton &. Ito , New York, have In coone of pub- Ilea:too, in paths pnce twenty five cents can, A DICTIONARY Of //Lachine; Illecluddro. Engl.. Work. and En pore - nog; designed for Product] ll'urbsog New, snit Morn intended fur the Bogs. ocertng Poeta:ram MAT. at OLIVIER MUM • T.I. 'two TilonitattO room, and upwards of no lour tn. thisrantanoris. It will pine. working-draw togs and descriptions of the most important mac blur, in the United State. Independent of the results o, American ingenuity, It will contain complete pro., Cal WWI es on hlechavics, hlnbinery, Engine-work, and linnneeting; with all that is useful to More thati one thousand collars worth of folio vothmes, stn., and other books. The great object of this pablicotion is, to place be. fore practical men and students such an amount of theoretical and scientific knowledge, in • condensed form, •o nail enable them to work to the teen ad•ttn tan, and to avoid those mance which they int gni otherwise commit. The amount of useful Information thus brought together ts almost beyond precedent In each works. Indeed, there le hardy any sullen ...Inn its range which is no treated With such clear. nen and precision. that even a moo of th e most eedi nary cap - cannot fail of understaneing it, and thus learning from tt much which it is important file SLIM to knew. The publishers are, in short, determined, rerardless of cost, to make the work 11l complete as possible. and a is hoped every one desirous to &oath the work will procure it as issued to numbers. and thus encourage the enthrone, The work will he leaned in non-monthly num.n, commencing to January, IPSO, and will Negress with great regularity. 7" whole work will he published to 10 numbers, cents per number.end completed within the cu• • rent year, "SW. A liberal discount will he made to agents. Any one remitting the oubliette, gin In advance, shall receive the work through the poet office free of aspen , Opinions of the Pres. 4 To our neunerous hlannacturets, Mechanics. En gineers, and A Mann., it will • mine of wenth.”— Provideace. Journal. "Young men, arm yourselves with in knowledge.— We can orith confidence recommend oar readers to ponces themselves of its numbers as fast as ;hey •r.. pear.”—Amencan Annan. owe unbeannungly commend the work to those en gaged In or ancrested tr oy eChaal or ectentific put nue, as eminently wor of theth egarranauon and study.”—Troy, (N. V..) Budget. ••11 is truln great wore, and the publishers de serve the th an ks of inventory...mut , and mane facture.. and Indeed of the public generally.'—ii. V. ludependent. his Dictionary will he htghly uthful practical inechanics, anti vain., to nit who with to •rquaant mennelve• with the progress iiinnuen tn the me rhanarts."—New Itethord Doty Mercury - Young gne.•hanths ought to keep poen, op In the eas ve , us vac t cal kuowledg, atid iii.• eck sh".•thent p.m tow they stand ' —nun Ma..., Au vc,...rt tk le it ,u•t the Work the: •corr• ti• .1 1.0., ..,J• of our it Lament menhanie• hive desired IT. no smite ore It deseript , o ~ srio, so furl - ,numte its t,e••ifiealloas, that It to , t. ‘, 0,1 0 cchen. rat..t contract mil' an chnic a des, phc., on s rehgth of engravings and th•lnieno...''—N.) , " romnieretal Ad•ClLlier. ..A.I tntererted In mechanic. should nail them rivet of its advantages."—Schuylkill, Wenn .1 Jour- "A work of emenstve practical entity and great im portance and value to the npldly irereostng tracers:. of the country. Ws regard the work a. cemneinly calculated to promote rhe cause of acience thr mechanical arts. and to dm...minute •aluable in forma uon on these submett.”—Former and Mechanic. "Prectleal men to all the vaned watt. of mei:haat cal and manufacturing tndustry; engineering tx_ wit: find tn tuts work a treasore which it will be to their proq to puss es "—Toy Duly Wink. "We have carefully perused the numbers, and bane no heattanon in saying that it is the best work la: me chimes, trade-men, wad scientific men, ever pablirli• ed. for It coranths minute information on every branch of the mechanical ans and sciences, expressed in style sod iangente tractile:hie to any nailer of ord.:- oar, capacity `—trloneester, flass.,) News. -We are .ere we are doing the mechat lei: of Nor wich and other parts of Conoteuret aterrine by brumtek th e work to their attention" —Narw,ch, (Conn ) after. isjust mocha work as every mechanic should posseas.Freentsn's Journal. two ennsider it one of the most useful and important pabitrettone nt theme'. No mechanic eon Clued to he ii."—Neurars..N tiemn. int, Cour:. r • net all the 'saints nuaitestans ...cis; tor their al it:et the ear:dation itsul adcar et the :Inc ea it tins and sciences, none thst we have seen, is so full of prormee•t tint "—Regale Com. Adv. to the best and enearest week es er oac-ed u' Ithe he inenlibe end nraeitcal mtkineer and mecnimic p:n. nr- beautifully eteced."—Washthron titO n' cTltts great Dtenionary it one el toe most usclul works e•et pablished for years, nod the low p in e at which it in wed mike. n acceptable to ail "—death 'Carolinian. We regard it IL, one of the most compreheusive and valuable, an well ta cheapest works ever puuthed." —Baltimore Advertiser. •:Chichl to Le e taken by every one denting to keep off th e the rogress of l i fe ' t _ eciencCost every one of the labor. of civatthd life 4 —Rondoutner “It ni designed after the promple of Urea the ,an a. ry, only that 0 is more devo t edt to the meets., ell mod eninneenng practice., *bone wt. .8 valealae rs• accomplishing far /Mem. wt.: has done for Kr:gland, Sit : describing American machinery and works of at t."—Scientifie Amerman. "Itli pablished in numbers, nod at • price so mode. rate, looking at what is contained metal number, that en one who bat the least interest in •ucb matter, neee be deterred tremors:curing it, and every one woo doe• so, will find that Le has in • condensed loam an amount of lattruction which would be obtained, if at all, only by the purchase of very many volucacs."—N. Y. Courier rind Enquirer. "Tim comprehennveness with which the subjects are treated, the ndrnimble manner to which they are Wu:nested, ennsplre to make Om one of the molt JCS, tab , * worlisc—Democratic Review. I his woes :Mould Lein the hands of every meet:nate. 'an tan, and manufacturer, especially those who Its, the least atone:toes to extol to diet, respective ho•O , beset. WO base carefully examined it, with • • view al recommendk it to inset:tors To them we would say n the snook lam:make of this Chine: "It oi good."— Inan i mate Inventors , Journal. Nonce to the Proprictoes r f J Ninerpopres throu ghout the United &almond Canada. • • - • • - - If the foreemng adaertlsement a insened flee um.. derma Abe year, and tee paper centaur us, a . c, , , , p i ! . ..:11t11 ... v r a0r1t vrtil be went gran. In payment OIHTMILNT, Contatmng Merrumr, nor odur Ahural. Tfollowing testimonial was given by the eele• I bested Dr. Wo.ter Bench, the author of the great medical mark entitled . .The American Practice o. Medicine and Family Pt ysicier.." -(laving hero made acquainted with the incredient. which compose ItlcAllisure All-llealing riinto.•in arid having prescribed •-d tested it in several ca.. , my rms. practice, I have - .o hesitation In en) mg nr eerufying that it i • • Vegetable Remedy, tontai..,. te ed robstanco whatever; that its ingredients co mbinedco as they are, and used as directed by the I'fOriVtOl, are not only harmless, hat of great •alor, being • truly sclenUfac Remedy of great power and I cheerfully recommend it as a compound whirr, has done mach good, and which is adapted to the rare of • great variety of eat.. Though I have no v, rimer recommended or engaged in the sale of secret med, clues, regard for the bile honest, conecientiou a, hu mane character of the Propnetnr of this Ointment, and the valve of his discovery, oblige me to my thus m h regarding it W. DEACII, a D." uc New ark, April Zed, 1.46. [URNS.—It is one of the best things in the world Bums. PlLES.—Tlthossnds'isre yearly cored by this font. tot. It never fans in giving 'elm!. For Tamers, Ulcers, and all kinds of Sores, it has " Mo ni tion , / and Nutting kilo. Vllitle In ra•••• Swollen or SOY° thry Yrottid aiaway• apply it In soch carry If used according to directioar, II ac, on • relief in • hers few hours. r Around the box are directions for using bleAlliorr , Ointment ior Peron,la. Giver Corohunt, Eilmpels+. fetter. Chilblain, :Wald !lead, Seen eetio o Eye, Qm , y. Sore Itrunchites, Nervous AIT ns. anr, Insert , of the Spine, Head Ache, Asthma. IWbfness. Aehe, Darns. Corns, all Diseases of the Skin, Sore laps, Swelling of the Lim, bores, Rheumatism, Piles, Cold Pert, Croup, Swell b ed or Ilrb• ken Breast, TOotli Aube, More In the Flee, he. From the Reading Eagle. There was never, perhaps, a Medicine brought be fore the p.n.!, that has In no short a time won 'wets reputation as MeAlllater's -or World lital•e. Almost every person that hat mode trial of It speaks warmly to its mire. One h. Ipnen cured by lief the roostpainful IherIMINIPM, snoiher of the piles, • third of a tr o ublesome pun in t he side, a fourth of a steeling In the limbs, rke• ti d". not Imc dime relief, In every ease, It C. do no Injury, being • applied outwardly. w.another evidence of the vronderfoi heallnr pow er possessed by th is s•lire, we scibiron the fol owing certif..... from a respectable dozen of Miudencreck townshtp, in this county: Maidens set, Berko co., March SU, ISM Messrs. Ritter s Cu:—! desire to inform you that I was entirely cured of a severe pain in the bark, by the use of McAllister's Allll. Salve, which Pur chalted horn yea. I stead with It for about years, and at night wait enable to sleep. Daring that time tried sato a remedies, whieh were prescr th ed tor me by physicians sod oherperwns , wnhour heeivingany relief, end at lest made teal of It. Salve, with a re sult favorable beyond expectation. lant now entire. I y free from the pain. and enjoy at night a peaceful and sweet sleep. Ihave also used the SolVe wee for tooth ache and other complaints, with similar happy results. Your friend, Joon Ilot-nothsell. JAMES MeALLIKTER, Sole Proprietor of the above medicthe. Principal Office, No VS North Third street, Phlladel- PRICE 98 CENTS PER BOX. .A.0113T. Prersetean.-13 A. Fahneoork & Co., earner of Wood and First t.;a Wm. J•esson, No. 310 Liberty street 1.. Wilcox. Jr., corner of klarket treet and MC Diamond, also comer of Fourth and Smithfield streets: J. 11. Cassel, corner at Walnut and Penn torrent, Fifth Ward; and sold at the Bookstore In Smithfield urret, 3d door from Second. In Amtier ni Cr Sgtstre n rl t t and J o. D i t? i eglass Dill Lberty; 11. iirereland,'kelfeesport; Ate:at/Ur /k Son MonOntabela City; N. B. Bowman & Co., and j.T T. t h owoosolle; John Barkley, Beaver, Pa/ jokn %%A r, Jr., EU/sixth/ SoLdirig r. t bi t i. Ersn odiy a. Rochester $OlO 111 PAIWAVOM 1. , " mod for • M • by D GQ MILL ,LUNEOUS MI:12=1021=1:1 let on fns arable terms. THEWAIIISII VIL:ATIOS CAJNIPANY are ~ow prepared to 4rtee the Water Power at the Her ad Rapi ,, •. nalt .mnunt norliment to propel foot nun red pat" of ea , I • one. The lorraton ba.ee r • rork laureation. and the power ran cor ve. trainll,l•ea on both allies of the river. The grain of the River, so well MA the W•bash, can be readily le ~, h ed at this point While timhee. mon ore, and coal, in the greatest abundance, and of •upermr otot'ity, can be cavil , procured through the same country Taaa”--llne hundred dollar. per annum for a pow m•utficient o plopel a viugir run of Meda:ll mace ill .trinca fora perm! of fineen year., with the right of rcrewai oi. the expration ef the lease, a• fair ...imam of the power employed. The .115 of the mill or insiouluctory included, without furtuer rharee from the Company. Lly order of the Drertore. MINER T. Prepidera of IE9 W N Co. Vlre_79x9, In , May 9. I-50 mv3l:dam TT LEE lIAUF-L'S MEDICATED NYMPH SOAP. l/—The *Yin n( ninny persons is disfigured with slight eruptions, as pimples. morphew, !Fe, and when this is merely s d eeeee of lye akin. as it isin muet) nine CPWCI out of every Imndred. It in very ea•tiy re moved. Jolt, Nymph Sosp is erPresslY adapted to diseases ot the •ir tn. as it Meta directly upon the minute pores which cover its surface eleansing them frona impurities. and by its noi..ainie properties heisting nun eradreanna all renotrons. and renderote the der test and rung best skin soft, Our, and Wm ruing. Person, who hove pre, In the habil of u sing ortii. nary soap. nsioni•bed at tJ hecutiful 'dirt produced by the Nymph , kiap. turrnrtina • bloom, preventing the peek. tut, or hands from Je,lhute lave, allaNing all Irritation, and removing all cutae• nun eruptions. It pon•e.mr• 'in exquisite iet fume. and is sorely devoid of ail alkaline properties, rennertim it thr only article whi, can be used with safety and comfort in the nursery Ail those who•e hiers or necks Ore disfigured wish h.otr , ,• inn. morn/row. A , make Jules of Nymph Soto 1.9 the proprietor positively a.suren them, that its use will render the most disemored skin WI hre. the roughest skin smooth. and the most diseased akin healthy, pure, and bloom. Jules Ilnurl`c Nymph Soap is the only aruele which tll effectually prolluve wr eLle.veeff•r, +l,,r a tin,. ••,,1 Ihr a I. twe nt Inc ...nr t.r.e powerial antira ire'y hartn!e, P•eparril only t , y JUL.E.t.‘ II A Ul-11.. Periutnet nivl Chem.. 1,1 l Cheat out meet, I'l.lln For ride whoirrAlr. Ind ,La I/ A Ffthnesto ('o., and 11 and J.l”, S p.m and .1 Nlitcl,ll, A:lerbr, fl'.'. 1,1 DECO!' Et HAND PIA NOB A 60.1 ) nhurany I,m,° For,. ot.to re I.4 . ciand hunt] • ........ ........ A handhuine uprisht with Rhiireroost Funmom oc.hve, Friod r • k Wain Wit', fila 54n goo:11 ra Vun ... A unnd .5j cirlikve P u••o. with humboine fu ni tu, 701 IS II NIF:i.T.OR rl Wo of Into cly ml, ID•tallc Might Light Q UPI - 11(1 , 10M: the Wocden Flo•ts, and helot, t,..7 coot:m.olth., t'erely econcoupter ott,,,t pt. '.th e e' emi, Itetrevolote ,o rut..t.h oltterted • .the flows floe 1.,, .prott•cl 0 t the • wt.= mop ott ssal Itt.l Ntne !lour.. or v turt,tet heg tti Woe. ocrOrr int to itte ktitlittottot gnomon , oral. lierettre4 kttd :o1 ..I0 JOHN D ?MR, AN mar-, - Drucdt.l MIMI T UST RECEI , F.D st l'itt.hurch Faintlys) ccry a3t.iTcn Ws n 5 cares Frrr.h Oy• el,. tto cans, 5 do I.,:t.trd ja •. 5 do do l.O. da. TWO al.ose Fresh arc o hi,bly conce.arced *cup. enriurrd ly ,rsJcit can , ...nd v.. I kccp much ,onser 45. i.u• up in It , ord.c.l, yr, Fur sae, .hoh..a.c. a „1 fetal. by %%NI A WC:LUIZ. A Co, - Great American Mechanical IVork r , Avil.KroN ..".. New Vert. irr•• r. cots I / of outdo-ono, ir roll+ or', tweet, - tiv• r• enrl.. n DR — rto•All) of Ma rl'in••• Nler,a , I.— I s,t Wor, ar.d. Korlwr,:nr Are cerd 1,1011 or, re Mell.lll, :re:reeled lor Id.peeer Vrere•renn }'All-,1 hy 1,1{4, ter TLl•won.lc Iv of ler,' N will fr',l:ll. the wood page, led er. w theu•sn O d it u•t .1. of Re Tool' 'overt- n: In.'. a ll,' r ten Indepen.l.-re, o' )Sc r•,..11• AVlCrrr , lr llr•en NI, ANtt,sit'l wilti Itl,llir 1, , "•.1 1211, Mi• t.! OVlrrt!rol Virll.l7l, ti,,,101 , 0• nod et ia null rte reccorr.l. nod el R 'nil N 7. , In 7 , Asol o I'vorth • NEW STOLZI OF PIANOS. itflteftctii , ii.....-'77; rii:l* CHICKERING'S PIANOS. John 11. Mellor, al Wood F.trert, Pittsburgh, So lc Age..t \\'r-,en !Jr the •rvc of %W.= Ch. .1.:15KA1.1.0 GranA and Square Plano Fortes, I) to Inform Ol• r.cosit %sal Ire attistettl ) that Ss has nose tresses,. sea nettt ree•te or a te... ` cs,vve tor sa.e..tarirg the reel month. the nntl most dr irithle stuck of alto Pones eves otlered fur le the orett—noto, fne tanraSer arm Lc fount, a •4; •Ilpf• v of r..? ottes,l Itotenvosul tovn , Ihnen I ”r•• .ells:ll thr svrent .Inetoserochts to ottrhantnot &ft.l style of estenor Slplerohdly 5,004 Itonearovnt never ...et"- lnitttase P'%/10 For .hr. IffetriC4 ilt In. Il.issthrtetna to.t I,uts Xl4 •111 r• VSIIS nstre stoek of enthe vvs,v• nts len , Ihn• be:. ;env. toi.. i•orTs t w m rat•sot. intatne•• at the nrt •tatoi rortwt tit , tol Ftl , ll ato•rt• anti .or vitt cot Lc woo. o4t, a cotton tht 100-rat itatr.isa,chtittt•ot , a , •ttta" . . , uto on a...route ItO Vitt, Arm va.,1`,50. P. 11. DAVID. I:+ucci-:ssoit ro JIDIN D DAVIS AUCTIONEER AND CUMM ISMON MERCHANT, raIAIVO frr WC., rl - 111 M. IT. mak.. •ale• term* or I I Docirlbe Itra Kam , . arol e.p •net auentinn 1...r.r•a, rn•ni a r0,11.1M11.4.`e in• •grrtor . . and eliendrd to ttr lu mnr Locse. Aprni === RELIANCE PORTABLE. BOAT LINE. 7. lln deconan of Me netrve partner, In FM/tradeMara, Ulm to , 1 tuna :t1 Dem,. r•nrince. nor mu, non ,me nare. •rrm••—orranernnenta no , rrm.r. mot. n artnert •arne !mere.. prmnmery lam, bare aeretornre -elated Tfi• roormued under the "me name and fim. ro, Je.fitoo li Ir. ma h. Co, Pm,rolcMora, .1 rim! NI FAO-ar I..ttrnzre T`eenntomenne of Orn pattonag , nr nur ar • ,r re•ner Ju.'y annerm. If illy persona one to demur tr. nen,. '1 • ralleern. thr, are Irque•led p ra-nr them lorthar,to fin payment I,, , aretr. Apo Ur Jl , lll I'FN. nor tf Yrrarrnvlng partner B. A. IFalleta•tocir. a Co.. UT111,1.1 , .. , A1.11 1,¢1''01.1.111.n 01 01 Prot wt.! V/1 WO.l offr, on ivornl.l..nertna: 1,41 h.t.14; 141 , I.er rr l. Ammo., tor do Mom. Jn rlo o. N., do N. dv 11-o , lr. 1 ar, ,, r, 2.1 dodo Liquor,. 11004 tl , do Vett. 1 , 1,1, • 100 do I•k•a 14 0 —, Camp, r dr. 11 , 1 1 1 rr., 10 do S.. 1 hrrr , ll , Art ,, r . (.1 1 0.. h re; 03 CO. , 1 , . d', 1,,,,0ne, Ir. do 11,1 , 11, ,tnr t o J ,!,, I.- doS , r• I C rlo. I 7 citc..• Ilci lin', PM do . .1... t 1 do do ' , AI If 15 tin 1 . 111,011 Wu, .AY., do 1./ do c :.101 no Pow, /1.,, , itt0. 1/ do Cl.totur lirren,ll..oo, oo sd o do 1 ,,i10.A., do do It do Am Vcro,A.no. PAdo do 1.. t 1101.1 CO rrnin• 1 . .000, 100 co do intop, Sumac, do do 0..",cnn..; . 'Witt.. Cork 21 , 0 do F , 011.1 . . 77soi ina. ~i7ll,ploa; 3151 e, 11, rem 11,. cm., A A..s. Tditt”•.• 10111) do 14 .1•1,..310 7t,001,;011 1 0 1300 , 0 0410, TAM ao I . ooc 11o1:1, u , .10 ti r . c 17.1 0, do 'I ti key radd.r; 73 do 1e 1 . 1110 Crc 1'. , . ,r. Ai do 11..1 1 °too di 0 4.01'13111i.0 Acid, do Mu., 11,4, dr. Co. Cr.,, do 64:Loyd , Lotion. r fi Mt ROCK 01 11=1 1 "1 / 1 1 ; • 1 r". Lr ph. r .ti e ' arca rid loon a we.' ti. county• al a dap tl! 11.11,,, .ert, i. a pot • 'tint a+ now. :torn :•11111 I.a lr no long. n t aa trm'efluthly Tht rr ore thing. 111 the a.- ant. t ofu giure wh.elt. if knowo be of rum ...fol.. in alieviattog antra:co, ai it re storing the it font' hoolth anal vigor In ma. y 11 pa , fere , Igo./ be ton proprietor thought or nutting it up to Wattle, it nail n renatauog for trae of gta. n. The rearicant and dal:, were:tat, rat . , for It, Sid e . everal reinarigatile aar. it ha• pecornted. sore oi it. future popularity and wide spread application the a are of We donot 'lsiah to 01... a 1..4 Parade of cernft cotes, are ure eorteinuo aunt the tried:etre van work it. Wiry into the favor of tiniae won ruder and wiaa to be healed. Winitit are do not claim for it a amtveraal application la evekv OP•rAxe, unheatu ungly ray, that in a number of Chronic Mar.. in unrivalled. Among there mot he enumerated—all di... of the anico(ia town.. •aeli la CIIIIOPHC BRONCHITIS, CONSUNI CHEN fin it. early Plage,' Aathmo, and all dew.. of the air priasages, CO.MAINT, DVSBEBSI Litarhgra. In-raw, al the Bladder and Koine. Boina to the o ark or side, Nervous Dom.., Neuralgia. Val., Gt. Couriairielsi'retter, Ringworm.. Ilan, Segal., Brew., Fovea, he., ke In C.F.C. of dey re. Bulling from erpnaare,nr lung rand protracte .brae. or dile., title medicine will tiring relief It will set . • general TONIC •nit AI.TF.RATIVE in such ca., imparting tone end niter. to the whole frame, reran , . bog orodructiona, opening 11104 tune to which coo.. diaerag end a ken eOristltatioll. rind ng inere.c.l and renewed ener. to all the organ. tat Lae The proprietor knows of ar.veral cur. of that 1,-,ied every Other IrratrUCLA, gel under the one I 1 n to for a short time. The proof ran be given to all) per.oodel. , . Navin Witi.Olal LIM •Iguature of the proprietor. I=ll.llinaill Basin. near Seventh at. A '•7 It SELL.CIIS, [7 Wood at; and—RENSER !WM/ WELL, corner Woad at. and Virgin aller i who are his regularly .polnied Age.. (lALIFORNI.IL RUDDER GOODS—Jost reecned, koi SO CmpStk - elsi UM officer seam Pants , 16 Pan, 16 puss nett hoed Muting Boon; 12 Isthmos Imp; s water Tanks, 6 and 19 gallons each; 90 canteens, gallon cash, 1 dos Haeltskta Honey Belts; I do 0 ,1,41 Cambric do do. Tko atm. goats for sale at Ote Cali fornia Oatiamg $09019911116111. NO6 Wood a. TB INSPOR.TATIO°4 LINES 18511 1850 ERIE & MEADVILLE LINE DOATS of Oz• r.sne sa, !cave rests ar:y, and de. lj freirho witt.nut trsn•lnpment BusW ELI.. l'lttsburen, jAms;: coLLI , S, I. }Acents BIDWELL. At. BROTHER, Rochester. mar I .1850 111=1:3213:1 SANDY AND BEAVER LINE. From PP" .Larlde Cnlnnaals and linwrland thronza rirl, and ropn:an, am WO, 101 Caurri &Jana, Tn. Callon-tun Allashncurn. Ltellmr. and Frnniim, The completion of the Send y sod Braver 17nnel pen. up to our city Orourti Wi. error naturnl,•ntrol Male a Arrest ranilatilll,oaa In Ihr nlleac ar arrll an the .I,ollolla counor• of Way,,c, Lk law are. From Ott% Iteconti of Ohio the tinge voth Prottorgb ha• beet.. to • cfont oilent oto nil. In t•,,or ot 'he ht•tt rote , c.• ottn•portnI1011. 11 arc in to• to•ool und prr c: • • Of d h n. !ow dri,iy, and 11,a rand, flout trail•ltitunent The rompnny hnv • towed upon .I,e• I.r an ntivxnt,-• har. aml Nun err ur.it the. middle portinn. ilitto ortirtitr, ittri r vitt tirt BillW SAN trY ',l' Eli LIN nit and ituit , . to this .. v...TirR•• J. C• I•ll,l.urhi 1111.)%1 R Clmert. Srdrotd. M. o • II & A Gov, George K. nit; to, ; Cnrltle A. Hondo.. do; lloona. Gootan... Co. tr. Art , r Ntrltolos. Ihlnnvor t t. • NI, ner•o. Spook, A. Fetterlore, It Cool A. Co. Hull A o.td co Mi . o—, • 0 V li , Ver, CII Ilk. Co. Mulorrn. It, it K \\'n) 'ors K do, tine.o , tr, 11. E J Ilnrkdollit C n, 11.01;ottet.; r. Wr0110511.0.0. Op, J SI Eurdtod A tIo Sortd, vtl' d 1.1,. I nortt A Idtriot tkaten Lod cOO 0 , \yd., tfi Sldtor J J Ilonun. ott.l.tott. Coodno. C • A I, do holtr. Rnl,n , Cnuol I.'oltot, 11, E rr o c A C•oeI Dover. . A Alodl.ury, (/ I. K not. Newt., . hitch lc II:., oloo.do. It. I.)) Mtv. K.rer,Clevolund.t , . R. or, do ml) to THE Nz•N'L.V A\I,ICAN OVIA PITTSBURGH TRANNINIRTAIIGa LINE. 1 S: )() VI. , Pennsylvania Canals d linll Roads. wcoNNOlt. d. Co 'an ni lin.in, 111,erry O , ,NNOR 219 h Martel .treet, Phil•dr Ipht.. CYCONNOIVI Crc 7 , 1 A a r:, c cc r e,c Tl n c ttm c. re , Iccrki ELI co" A rcictic, II IC.c , •cc It ~:cm; &LI A. Co .Cfccaccr. , ..et •tre,c, c cicecnnac, W1111311.1.1m,1,.• Ila•c. 11 uctr A c, . St I .•u c•. .` , l.•ppt - m • Prodoer, ztt.i from Britt o.or. I um, tr itomoo. ..n. I,••••i•t.pt I °- Nlrrmarl r•n .r F r•I I _ J . crn r E•tio,t rompenr. 1). 11.1,L.C11 fa. CV., 1 INE. 111716'1..1:. 1,1 - !'- , 51111.1 1 1;. liAut R I :1 4 .1)) . 1'er:r , •1,1.. , 1 .2! Fr:11 P.A.!. EiM== lII' t-Vl , l T o: UNION LINE, ON TOE PENN'A ASV MAIO C.^.IIALS CLARK. PARA...Oe • I"'r" Jtotr. A T ' , l 4 ~,,,, 11Ft Vi AN !,II IcAc•• A A (4 . 1,1 I. • 0, ‘l4' Ar m. 0.,. •...1. brc.c• I A I'. • 1 tau.. 11. c •'I.• 4, \-)11 - 1.•115r. ICIIILI ANU !II ICLIUAOr L.1,61i. r \A!. 1 lit' Pr n: : •nn / •_.,e we" , r 0,.. c•crort frt., • 11.11:: A Al ~ 11rA a a =21111102 • JAI:, .4 Co F.,:• Pl...burg 11 Port.tol• 1551 ). 4Atttiqb -111 1t , .11 1.11:I. • 1,11.1 It II.TI`J,pI:I I, 11 , - .1• litlMllolll and lobrs k eot,, IS , I e ) II . ~.1,,,t1t) nst;ll.ol'S TRANNIAIWNTIO) LINv, 15:)(1.09411,, z ,.A , 1 Ill•tween PIII.I.UrgIa end /S.st•lerts aid pron,,n , v. i,r nu.r nt, ita...l,tr • nn F d r•t r, •w • •Inn nlwn) •at t,wn, r,:tre,l., I.••durn nn•rrho• ,1.••• sn, trnllll , . lorwitracd, •1, , 1 ntrvetn,n- Innn u • rally ne,,,lnd to or apply In. NV , I 111N1',11ANI. Can, Ux.ln, corrt. , I..likl,argh 111‘1,11ANI No 1,1, Martel 5t.1,1-iner S 111 i en .n tnll,l . l.l's JA At.t. No 1 , 1, NOM llownrel.‘ . Ualumore J mrld Nn llt. Wr%l stern. New York Paa•omfgane am. Remittance 000.. 11A NIIDEN CI) continue to hring pernona jafront any p.irt of I,land Scotland or Wilk., upon the Issosr Ithern: ter., their usual 1111110101111 tr •nd nitenuon to the wants nod ens. fort of ronnocrrtnur We do nut ailOW our Ona.roCcra be robbed by the avriedlinc araropo Itat infest the sec, port, an ere tote ehnree of them the moment they re• poet theinnclara , I.lltl ore 10 thnr var!l tine, (1111) lie. SOl.O/1 01 , 01 0101.1000 any detention by the fir, ship• any ths• as are defy one of our pureen gem to show tan% they were dettuned 4tl-114-1 by us sn Ltverpool, to.y could be air...lnds of others • are dota t ned ga id i sent in aoine ^raft. nt a eh; p our, which too frequently prover. their orbs.. Wc intend to perfortn our Contract, onitornbly. coat what It may, and not bet an was the ease lasi stensos, with ether oliseeta,—crho either performed not all, or when it roiled their ronvensenee. Pron. drawn at Piliebargh for any ante (mm II to LlOno, payable at any of the proviaellti Ranks in Irv land, England, Scotland and Wales. JOSHUL Korn NOON, European •Ld Genelal Agent, feat Fifth stmt one door 1.1.•• 10're,1 . LI Q UORS - 1 7 bl pipet Brand—Otard, Dupuy, au 2 pipes Holland OIN cat* N E Rom; poi bbis Wlti mi ska ol y; m l.43 taumazz M 1 1 SC F LLANEO US. MEAN' DIUSIC. J . 11 . xELLOR, SI Wood street. ii Rode the folior,rzg New Mori, () ) :::.:,I,`,";::"c"`,7l"'Lrg;!k ho n l l l ::."it u er" A Ipen, lone thee. When other friemis thce !thee he araccd thee The rot beneath the hills. Wert thou hut Laurie—Scotch banad. The Robin —seep]. hy Ellen root, mace by Stephen Glover. Thou bre , t Twouaoed the spirit that loved thee. The tan, of Wcsam gton. The Insh !Mother's Lament. inn Sexton—Russel. He doeth all things well— Widow hlachree—Rusaell. Thee ottage v te c t rer--Ilatehp.,:pon. Low hseked ear—Lover wi n W ed:es—complete. The hlagie Bell. The e r Wedthos Polka. Jenny Linde American Piot , I.,ety Pc ha. Soiree American Polka. Tip lop A merren Nile. La Belle Baltimorean Polka. ny Lied Polk, The Origins Polk.. isho Julie. Salutation Polka. Fan Josephine Polka Somata Polka. liosaingol Polka. The Pro -I.vrti,dnt,ltl,le,es.,-,-,Mlzettrybe,e,%,,,.J:n y m L r,, in oact ,.. ad t. rill r e h o yhr e inneer not'—vs ileum, by Ceemy. Mon meet : , 1,11/.: • I rosn lion,. Wrecker's Dauchter. qui c kstep. Loutsv,lie March and Quickstep. Wood Up, Quick ly CARPETW No 75. Fon W . N .. 1 . ::: r 1; . 1 :. , Trt fritnn..nr, Ar., er...privon • l'a:ru ,oprr Royal :Jkcll•Sand Amen,. Ext, uperhne im Super It. 4uprrr, , Ingram Carpet• Elll4 hnc 1.4.1 ntl,l I Tup Vrn Car. 1-4. I 1 Twl .ll C.rr. 1.4, 1,1 at,d 2.4 plain Car. 1.t.1ut,,1 74...4 a 4, 44 •nd 1:1( t.•i and I Muting: I- Inch palest OLI far 0.01 Talc 113.1. a..tl Ilrni, t:toWN t:r.rn- 1,•11. en.rh elnihs; I.tnmik.; 1V utered :11°11In.. nutr /1.11,A for WSltAde tratot,rent Um a for Flog.; 7-1 Hod 6 t Tolle Linen; Ft 1 1 4.111 ern•h. • - rnw I..••• Nnpklnr. 'e•man Utl Cloth Table Co•ers, SIMIT OIL eternss from the most approved Eng. ush h... 1 AnlC7,llll nufaeturers Item It! to 21 feet tt Ott at to fit IVORIA, halls, and Te.,Lo , r • of 411 y or shape. ht wrier•ig. ,l hestog ouported direct from Eng -11,. r,, - t Pzle and Tapestry CARPETS. These • • nre - t• a m toe :a est and most ele,tant .e• t sh.l of the most gorgeous colors, b.' r rcr• a. low us they can be purchased :or m any Of U. , rli.Clll C.lll, 111, 1., rh larg.rri ..ent of the richest and •L!tn. •.•r LIR L aottrn I MYER' A L TIC RI.:E nL.I I It AI \ CA II PETS which far surpasses •: .man enronneno of peter., any smnottment ever eny. he 1.1.0111511n1 Steamboat 01qemfaclurrrs to Ms Ivry and wnll ,• IncitiolllllMllllNGS,nodother ankles 1. ko %atm fnr only Slam Rod nr. 1 . 1.1.adel ohm, and m prcparrd t Fell ran Im purn,a,edel.ra - here In IMP eny. Wll. NI`CIINTOCK. ••• 0004111 It New 000 d. i TRACK ' pry _Goya" fur ISUJ Mlnr=l3M3 1101,TAI.It and P.,.1ntl Deamr in Ilratab, aoef -an Utttl . 611(10rt, uraet 1).,,1 and Fte rtu,en ni the Lard recet•mg • e %re moat ry areueatl, ,rll 1, and:Witmer Dry arnoala We•vrrn you., y.wu of are Irew:, opened, and rece,veil Irma France ',pat Kna'and, •. , t.rrtcd &reel !loin LlellaaL all . .n 1 arrllDlLd the pure aruele, there mr,rre4the eoliserlber, and aro all , arCSIM A 1.0. !mit Lane. Ilamaok the rent ben manalar:ure, and 'flab a nil kintie temenett direct from kr , rcrat , et, Uul wilt he found the real Enta-go- DIZLIs3S GOODS . Neer •.y rnk I`.lrk SSW], on Cabo, splendid 1..411, 'fork natur, an poen, web Sands; a n,'• • •.I erner., late Importation, French nr., the be. trnported, pled black r. .rt rcnon ...ante, nese style punted ~ A.so, o eupt.rti arid Inrge k Lam fee In:wring ladies' ~:s coed, pima Damsel , In all colors, • corn!, black Milt Froore, all , • wr, hr•p, rrtncb Lawns, DCVO • .n•: r, et cenruer, piasn black tiro De geed., black nfiurle l , r l t o n ro •it—. Freneb ad tb .r• nr•utaal acorA., splendid ere. 'f al. ~,,, non eenbroideral .or dor, es; norm Erleine eon In p.a..... not lhaarea in all colors' rr plank and satin stnyd block pried Lawns. new styles. from •nt• per ard . Darese de Loans, a near erotic Intl< and roped, stock of ie rlng Bonnet Ititrbocu r lire earl best ha _ I C . ELLERSI FAMILY MEDICINES , -"Toe/ are toe SHAWLS. SDAWLS. Q medicoms of the der." T.- ...f....1...11 sours, fresh from the Co.-,. Graham _ soon, Ohio. May IS, 1.0. ''''' -"''' ''."'• ".." r" ", I " °II R I: St llers--1 Mina i nolo, Iglu,) the bent fit of other, ''' 00 " 10. `' •n " n " . '''.. to state come Oct. 11, r lation to your excellent Fa. • • ^•., .In,sertai.on *One embroidered th, , ''• -"`"'-• ."".. V"' eider- I I,ve used your Verm.fere largely In no own '''''".'•- • ' r•d ' d 1 " . d •• L "' " family one vial your expelling large qua:mite. o " l ''' , "0" '',".'"'"' (..y Ito to 200 worms) from two children. I hare ". "••'''',,'' " i ',"„" d , " i ....' .lan used your Liver Pills and Cough Syrup in my •'''''''' "' ''''• -•''. '''..F"'" •- (moil and they I ave, In every instance, produced r,. wooed Capes, Coker. •nd Gaut. a Intlg• tyre.,,,. ~,,,,,,. A I .irre i.e.. k or ln merchandiains, , am able to ri: ' e, len ' e n f.. s e ' v ' e d t to it of the law failure where ...I*-1 d •'I. -• 1 ...1•:.I: i.i . tiMpa ~ , ,_, sour med:cines 1000 lieen used o• a, y Aretion of the '''''' ''',,,..• '' 7 4 '", ''''''."‘ - or y. Is e.., r so..n, Inuny stair that tto y orr nt: n ' ' n • ','" n : :, '„"!'', n ..“„. ‘ . . / t o ...., , and ..e destined to Lave. a vets ' ' . . • l'., ii..r. o.fii -ns 2.4 J rents per od, I,_„ ' ''''..,„',;', "1 ":"."„/" R " •_.'",. Prepared and told by R. E. SEL O L O E I RS " , ' N 'N eI ESL V L ood 1 '. ". ''' '-'''''''' -.'.' ""''' --- greet, and told , t i oy iL ll , ru:g e.u ts_ r ts c g , :n .L erally in the two I.ree.ii. riannett, and Kentucky J an.: _.._. and v.c.n., .-- ~ts t'Ancn. fast eo:ored, from 3to 12k ems ”` • • r 1,.... Russia and Seinen Utapere, extreme- • U Medieines of the day." A...., lion. , serytne tOceels of all Outdo, very I Goa nes ters.llo7l, Ohio, May Pie 1/ 1 41. 0 . .„ R„, aint .. o ,-,„r i , (r o e, pi .. 0 Ili eents per , R. F. EV•llers i 1 thin li k it right for the benefit ofo_ ra the ~„„.g o r Ch ec k end shin., I to amtsßol. fees in relation to ye. excel'., F so. I ....nets, an colors end goal,. i IT Medicine.. . r ...i, waw, and yellow Flannels, , I have toied 1. sr Vernaltuse largely in my Own leen ... I..reenr.l .n.. 1 unbleached •Rrilliarge, fall : 1 !y• use ••••• • frce. llll T au.`vecult for evOctllslfl ag e , tae M,,,,... Ca1,c0,,,, ~.... quanotiv• (nay Ito Wu) worn. from two ctuldrea I e.se. 0., . r..• i unt.leached Table niapera„ap I have also reed year Liver Fills and Lough Syr. get ~,,, , ~. ~ 0,,,,,,,,,, ari pr.,. and...aline, I my laurel and they have in every instance produced Cv.:hoc, a full rat eat, the elect desired. a . 1 la to as ..es !lotion.. from 17f toVS eta A. Inm engaged In merchaa, !sing, aamb 1 ' A.- e 0 .1 ‘terar stor aof Cotton Table Diapers. ewe that !nave yet to hear of the first failure where ni-• t o - A lo.i assoronsni. very cheep. your medic nes loner been osed in my coon of the I' A It An or t 11, PARA:OUL-S: country Ili conch:Eton, Inlay state that . they are A. aseest ri,d most spiel - mid stock of Parasn(e medicines el the day, and ma destined to bate a very ~..1 1.1 .14 5,.... house in Pitoburali. Latins exienaive popularity Yews, sea .ectlellk . - rot... or ii.e i.,, of the newest Freticli styles, O . 11. •• • rnes• an.' ..00 , 11y, cannot be surpassed. Prepared and sold by R. I t bRS,No 57 Wood :arse nn of thr.t. I' Is, may writ be etre., and told by Dnaggo . generally in the two el-. ••• • ' 1 ' .." I{ aoy on.er one, in the cloy eau al- nee mad vicinity. roll o •s- •••••••• qUaelty of good* g 1 F.r.:AT CURE OE LIVER - iIoiCR'PZINT,ey be ••••••• •01^ earn: duty mill. , 57,1,15 me these Vl r original, only true, a. genuine Liver Pill. - .. ic• 0 to, • bull some of the 'Wheat and Soon Cason. Ohio county, V. ..... es tv• i imported from Europe Tinto March 20th, 1541. S •-, al i.' tee richest and most fashionable Mr. RE. Sellers: Deaf Sir--1 Mink it a duty I tome ...1 urn worth) of tr- anonion of the ladies to you and to the public gs,iierri ly, to Mate that I Kaye l•••• .••"' P.A.." , is. s° lll na 0 Pllvve ter been afPicted