. . mush:Li:Lei zlbQ V u riZa3 r env caupt..y..o.*o,s* o . • .11 to It 2 Dancer peT4e ar:lfft. grr'ea=tttret' 2;27, Shat. for roolne 'pet.ol,.. budding, sn•I• drPeTI .ghip Sheathiar. 1.1248 sachet, (rho :A to L'S oe”re. ziainlsiZikesekre,,Puzur.3tulds, Perforated Zia., ioknott their ictetal puro, ir.`a from( any adma - terre of Iron or any e , l , e .1461 !me, and re commend tt.forothi ecubefectore of must ort'elealn the house foruishing I.no, as at does on lost, it not affected by the , cnanoi.trator , and tiny Painted, and pc,ed. Samples;roLdels, nises, rmiScationn, and "nth< M'CLttlnformation 'say Le lad oftheit ite & ST&DYG. New Alcuosal. tionurn Cb. Poeta rt; • Karam Tanrrri. k. "Co PPiladelph!&; & ( 4 :slcEne, nett ors . Ds: *rents »t, Nen. 0 11e0nr. F. blittrttOlJX, Ree.tdent Arent, /Jere, eM dant 2 liUscrvc, New - Y.4 1 totr !MOE :AND . LEATIIILII. 11 r.dorAittl Aa Gaither, 313 Baulk C..llvett rt., nf,,,l3alcip,te If.;llcdriniore. (tote K. Godfrey in :lone IMPORTER ofelliew rimitnes, antl ' IGe &ler f.enther, j_nrearinus kind, nfulieh nednench ATa 91ritr. l'ench Calf Stine, Patent• Leather.' Monrrtn, red, and pink ripens, GALLooNs A SP Flow Knlve, Awl Mane, Sim ,2" ants, Ehae Neil. and tlhon P.P.SiEI. of nil. ane. E. A. G. having erti%l.C,ed the :More buritioia In T.lllntnnte, le er.abi,l'frl Weal WMI tho uunnn ono et lowest relent,' 111.ufacitirerr, other.; may le& upon obtaintng the trade, or the 'beet azd 1,1 .1: 1,019.'- - U:ritia.IZICILICCi i• ,,, , , BLICIITrtet. brre • Clamps, Crimps, hoot Siretcherr,&c.• All onion will promptly executed Low mine, for tech. A eatalmi en enniniring a compl-le nt Cuol7 ere In the Vane or:Wire torwrrdrd to those who may desire it. . EDWARD A. 6onrn KY, I Calvert may29:dlnt . near Ilahltoore Itcdumare. • • BARN U TVI'B HOTE L., NEW SORE, Broadway.engrave of llllentslan Lassos T e its cementer MCI hun been leismd tie autirertner, endim h been completely refloodls t most elegant manner. Large mistimes are eon . being made, which, when commeted, will make It the most exte.l"Vre Hole' hi New York. It t• tnedoteimlL nation of the proprietori to make it equal, irtierery re spect, to any other House in the Coined Salta. halo cation is the moo desirable and central in Meeker hr log in the funionnalde part of Irma:limeys tonecttiord to all the public buildir.gr, pipets of sindW i r i " , s ai.l [motets. Oramfol cot lho tilmral pompano er-ddlimd from his western rt . :midi, •t Comberlarid, hid, nod more recently o the Weddell Hotter. Cleerland, Ohio, he respectfully oo:; , 1 , , , teneeral of their patroti• I age, for lily new roatiliehment: et New .York, rind 1 begs to encore them that - even . M ', port bp give¢ to adminkster so Mem comfort nrvllilmiue,.. A. P. HARZ:UIan New York,lllarcb. ViHtwlrstrZei-lhe . . A FOISTIZVIC FUR SlO or £5l "IDARTAINNIii SPORTIMI - PORTRAIT- OLI/11, _i_roffices, George irtseet,•y mouth I.,Aland. The p eg ,euvalat their numc co. oorrosathat tl next Dish:lion. of Purls:lß, 0 1 Comp t ie, there entered;Le forAcciaing (4.4 Na Diolig (fade; tag number' of lk .tobe limited to Vol/ eucliciacs. Vt.:clew member LICs second claw ditto Si. Earl--; rines:Coo for the on. appropriated sham. Is necessary. A ',sty roloe-i lag for own di. one ablind has the ch.ee of gaining an equal number bonuses. Tboce members...4o draw tlo vane. Portrait. will -be presented withtile fat roariniessnst— Portrait of let claw bottores 2•I ditto Man., or First Horse -- .fr: (IA) 110,00 U n Docoudlloraa••-• IRMO &OW Third Ikons , 6,00 1h&g 4,000 Divided arriongst Stancra•-•• a,uou I\4l.bl:orient 0,0110, ROM There ore ISO 9 bona.rin each claw, that being the Comber of horses mitered for the race- The Diamog will be conducted TIM the more legilsolatt,pnocioire as those which chaweterised the late Ph lodger and other proecedingi. Pall particulars of the resuit be vent to absent member, immediately after the de c leion, dint each may brow hi. positioa. Subscribers Roisteredand scrip forworded on re eeipt of. remittance. Dill s of Fschenue, Drafts, Dank Notes, &c,oddressed out made payohln to -the Mona g hie ihreconr.- & id(k. Fite pw cent. commeision to be reduces on the - presentation of bon we. : mrlf.-3nt REED • HOUSE, 11850 KEIT4 ' t 131111.731411, Ptopristsia - 4. • • Falba Spar'' Eric, Pa. STAGF: Wahtesh and Sonthein fare:, dltt; Lou, a.:ty. Car /I knee to and (rot Su old and et I.; rah, AI. W. Kura. late of Vat. hat. tocom Eric, Pa G. W. 1 1 / a rtga, tato of :to KLIALITA.I adio. ap2s.dand tits Jasescal Acriar. irttald ht agn•atri. :DAFT-Mb) ulhet the iiiirribia c :tam of thei .1 seater, nod esastocihedmr upwards of thirts years. Thu etoemit thebaritto i otivonimended to nll emet biln i •aciiitirs, gum mid t, r/J-Tei, .IS most. 1./[ll. in ...Mimi 111 as—onto 0107 aid indeed tvislets II ou;;Ist to he cst;itited.l%.•,,l t 's nil It, priiperu-s of ttse hlagneria Din grotrei c oat being liable Etc it, to fojraidessertn. costerrtiens in the wise., It cCectivilly oats Leatiburn orlthent intornis tie coats of Ike stomach, an nert melrrCe. Imitates aro. known to de; stiore sea. liar fend of in fants tursm . roar, in all C 054. /1 art. an a pleating aperient:lnd is permit:ly n.l spied in leinoleo. .• limalibrer Davy my—Led cat thin roiation forum soluble conalintuionn unto uris acid, sal...tea:ins of ;coot and travel, Merl. CUlMlCreturg their smarm:ls waa."‘Y, wiion elltertillatlet, and Lena Alagaersa 1t...1c hail . friltrd. l'rum Cteavon, East, Furseou General to the Army In Peel !glee] . t‘il—There entt.lie ',tient, that slesneria may be admfainteredmdli Safely In the L. - 1p 010 CP7I - soleilon than it eabstaevel - for and many other reason', 1 am of opinion *et ,Flunt Magnesia is a very saturate' addition Item. hioterilt Medico. ' cuAluviuCl? • the James Clarke, Sir It. Cooper Dr. Bright, and Mc.. Guthrie and ticrtimt Mal', efl.ondon, wens. ly mottamand ttlarray's liii Mammon, us briar in. finitly more safe aroleonmitient than the eche, and free from :be denser att.ding the constant use et aodaor ' Vet sale say the ith , J r • t tt.,cl• Co:. i'fbvt,s NOV:S NOT Ap rI6F:III bereq t:. or r~r::.r, vbc , .1 o V-ct `t• o:Kbutg, , Vi 4.— hp G. A. f.lstve.", tauLr ucer r. ustra. s ip. 11th, nt A !us F 17.1 Joh+ U. 1;0rg1.12,..me dutel.r.d time, bc . *itl ,7, said Ws draw:: by Jet. Welt tr. Co., in favor of Jelin fork and re...rtulouca us, dot :l; for 8. month;(or 51;5. Tate' &thee notes were need ereivest by us, end thin 41 to etwtion all perso u nt astinst tralting . for ai buyitsg Vac rtere, no paper. othesn has been stopped. .3 W .a7:7 ' ruCsn twrilac 46 SIMMER, GOODk. g VERY large and choice wOCK 01 Yeah epting fled Sanaa (loofa ha )v, been opened nt' lexader G lay% No ES hlartel event, north war near of fhe Diasennd. • --•• • • • • valliar the attention of oar ettrOilltrill and the utak, to thin stock, it affoeds o. et ea pienotre to be .ble to say It anthraces GICEAT ILittG SINS in al , nest every deveription of geoids, as a large portion of isms purchased at the-recent one int re metticiu sales in the eastern Clues. Our a, e:4 both of fancy and staple goods, cony cayenne, and affords to all cash buten, either by vrinineerjo or min% a One op portunity Of Clol.l3Z . both tuna and parse LA JU S' IIRt :S9 (JOObS . Neer style Foulest; s•der, l cry ct.e ay; net; pl.n and figured eSengeabla vas. of almost every style a.nd quality; aapsr p!ein and Clured Wank silks; do. Ira rcr, and Ussaern bare, de lanls,neer and Lamle ,rtne style; ,neve style reach, Kriglas'l; and Seotets , wns. its great variety, :end at vrny prices; 1.1,11 fi eared. and' wane sniped delay,: at nil Hods and qualities; hued !estrus of all shades and colors; give hales, chins:cf., print, fen %MS. _ - Soper' chnnreltan Mtn r.. 13; plain and rgutel black do; lain an.; e.4brolierrd 'phut et de; fin, carli , mere do; !tper ;Ariz and embrnidertd vrts.de and colored crepe dot 0n,... n, I,VtIITE GOOD 6. A fine arkartateut or rsArcoks, jt.cor-et• El who see, book*, bi.ton,ln 1.105."Nt.76. Renee le Ready, peuri nrald, Florence Lorseljtell super F:ngliah GIIIM to n RASOLS. em PA A Enf cock of sof.nor plain and frinred B.i. Tore parogoli, 0(211 colon nod ognluicf. GLUT/ - LS S CASSINIERES. • A lofge alsoftn.a.of sop, Frehoh, Eagll,h and Itelgioa cloths nott cm.fitotres or Ylr onothien and prices, In widen wewadld Invite the ea' the gentlemen. IMEEMEI nor Dock of brow:: and cleachetfraisellte, abetctr, chtdobray.s, uialinro, de, is'Yeryefir&, Wl3 at the very loath a Alata.a tarp:, t of tatt!%, dttloert . ihii tOlde eodta, htorra and bleached; Ildestabthdrdeatelfai.erc ; cr.o,h linen.nookine, cotton odd:cord rivt, f, , , rued and boy t'vrcar, horn', rod, whitc ; dott.Whode for. art., dontrellc frin;hatity, liaCa flodhfr avid rdoret Oran finds, horiery oat] It carridttithiftne, ant. total aware, kr, to of tottith-tvelcoubt rtdpectfdity ivattetthe atteahoto schoe.nte a'rd rn! IneTt•rt. • ' n 1.30.1 . of the Itindt cad.' • . . . APPLAL lAdt now4ieparuti to famish APPro Tr^ess trota Or' wail human Nurspry of J. 1,01. N. Brown, t rocs ardl hartokreasti al the wharf at Vittsaargh tat $l2 per awldred. rr.Parrhaa urisalng.good thrifty troos. .hoalJ 10aVO their orders :non at tho,liruu. deed, and retraraenr Warehouse, ceracPur 'Waist rualSisth [pit . • n'• N Wft.s.I:I4PATANT _. • u=nova.z.. . - WILYNE IRON WORE WARFROOM latllbl Y. BROWN it CO. removed to No 1:10, Water 61 2 *i:doer below tae .11anotrottida Lieu. • •, , - EIiATAIIER,I4/i.NNA t—CO. liavereriorred ibrir Ezehar,it Office to unirli irrecr corner of Wood gird Third Lirect, CAROIVERt+ te' CO. llevereboved to - No 07 Wettest. between Weed &Matte}, la Vhe . h00..e foreettlrotespied by flOrdy; loose t at): np'43m o TARClS—g i t , t7 : =T3.,.uci ftl•Llare 0. ; Terse de; ja.t re eelyed end for sale MILt..III k'ticKersoN k'lmn Ea — J.l6lr stikii 155 blitls orvann, fur, h Nita: Plaustloo Elam.; 2Uoak btls I'lan at/44 Molasses; tO cyp „,,b4. 4, do, ta s rc, for sate by , . RICKETE , ON Jel7 _ , bli Litt-en .t COF • F4E:-- - «Pi * , r 4, lIGRANV JC2I '4l Weurr Ica fur .3,:e ILAMS Cc BEEF-101e. Int inttd'e B • • • • Stev Itanktnetto -• ' 20 tee Beene TO <ns U. Macre_ ' '• 5 :es ennystecd . lsofrodnier • 5 tee'siltun •• do Fe , vele 51 )-- - EtErAtiftS dc.NICOLS .Nuir. i lfi.Tigllitil4.•: , l:o , 7l• intertold tee v eto by tie Irt ItOPlclirt4 Ce txv lts i cent.e: ••• •", tit tan Nerl ,e.o; • td I , ld Nd 1 keen riAep;•• Just received and foi rite be • JoI7 rybiiz in Huge& ',gent,. tr,tl - rftr. ICA t co;ved trclicr into ;1 KIDD* CS! , §...1 . 7 . 641 1 7 - I?;t:y.fitp.l:Vr 4:n ilLDh C 0 r 67 , 6 4- KIDD AL:I, pliCrt lc Ar=lCrrbrl.N . CT.l , • .- 'SO Yorb on rnmirrnnent n.l foI axIA by . 11E1D :Et:LLE44&L.±lc,c,zs itP. ; ;:j. PPP IMMIEZEZEI ~i~ • LOIN:, Vb.ptit Wood ',treat, hatt.teutf **dyed Enevia► vortateit ornaio EVOI.Gis anion wbie o are the following r ' do lool.,64iiikqy S. C. Fogg Ok. may the Red Hose ve Almay, do. - t•eLtvrtot Lady,. , , do. - Civrinelo Han All ' , Mild,: do.' D011 . 71)01', ' ' 'do. • Soldter , elTedding,hy mover. The Robin, Oh, Toot% the Card yet ante again. Soren ?detooira orThee., , t.4ilver _ • I.ement or the Irish 1... - truirant. A Nov Medley So hi,t Wounded the Spirit that Loved Thee. The Gen.ecrlgra Departare, by Glover. Be Kin tO tho.l,oTed One% railcar,. fix Nome Irlueree'cr the Heart 1.. Ventee . ' Lot., Ba :kV Car, lry User. Do you ever &Ink of me: Flatcoer Gentley. JevAlue Grey; ' v+d Doily F. Ccilariosl,3Ved , ting. W..tht Itnt-!itloOlsitteni BetfilVehe, Concert, Ladles' Souvenir,,CallT,Elv.ra,l e " . - - • TEAS] .'llSt ' ef Streik we teiye r isthin 61 - rt”7,nor Cnltin.•, /Sought ler ash, kk. In fart, we will not !miens in nay rottener onfoon, we slinply..inthe t h e public In Convert ear Testa with whet they parehitit elpewhere; tkts Isthebest notlOntl we know to sneer Leo , woo tells t he ben .1d cheapen Tens in Pint beryl, We see now (lead Sn__eents per Ih. ~ .P 6 ,q"_.St ' F •2S ' • so j a..d2 i. 7 i:Wl;ireifelpinted . lnta Law- ntic cd. damarre,ar inferior Teas ae .do keep.. hIORRIS a HAWORTH of the Ten AlntAnt, : Ihnenene e it la gi:l Nit o — r k 7 D. nr PAntnin Oat N.Ytveerk. have in canna- of /ICIIO .In pans, pnes nwent7 five cent 4 each, ; A DIOTIONAIL on.htsc4nes. t'llethentes,Entase Irark. and En. gvneerepi,•,ileilgred' Precatal Werlsng • Mtn, and Cana intended for she Eng. huring Prpjrut 0. Frl. IT OLIVIIO qpll3B won;;.11 oflergc uvu. tam imit will con 'nett }lloeSsidi n•GM, 'end upaiwnli of SLX TMs 50021 2. 1 XLISTILLI7ONS. It will p.eteci work in t•errit trios Ind derlartiorte of the moat important isd wisdom, ihmllJa tide.. /independent of mit Jimmied* ingenuity, it will canton, complete preen. Clll tread eosin klecinnimblocldnery.F.agiiie-work, and kteginemind with alligal It useful in more than one thou/find thilitirs worth of folio soltirac., maga. iines,and o th er hocks. The great object of this publication Is, to place be. fare prodigal nice nail stedena sock in 1.101,1 theoretirsl sind iciennite itowletige, inn condensed !one; PS canbletnem to work to the ben soften. andj weir/old thee talitrikes they •Olitottriee'o.o4.lt: The =wont of Lucie] infO ' SMUSAS.X :ht brought together LS dawn. beyond Treeetlort in wielt-onicks i _indeed, gate is hardly any sul,jrd within its singewhiela Is not treated . Nth sack cicat rices; and grectrion, that cien non the marl ordi nay en iambs. enamel fall. of sinderniinflng a end tam, leardng,froniatentansWkids it it batriiiriaiti for The puldishers ore, fa shirt, ettctinined, coon idlers of cost, no mete tho work vs completeee portable; and a is toped every one ticsitous to otitnin the work will procure • asiainedja aunt/mile; And thus al - meting° toe emetprice." The erotk will be lifinedln genii -monthly numbers, eommenciing in January, /830, and will proves. sena C reat The wh did ole work will be publishedln 40 numbers, at 05 rents per number,md completed within the cur rent year, 1830. A liberal illscoutit will be made to Any One ternitting.the paldiihets 010 in misame, shall reeeiie 'Mc Wink thrOligh the Post office free of Optstioliti Oittni Prim 'To oar riartierolle AitiItInICUIRTP, Mechanics, En eineers, end A rrimas) it will be a mine of wealth."— Providence, (IL I.) JoarnaLl . "Vonia: men, urn yOurselveseeltlrita knowledge.— We eon with manfidenee-recontramid oar readers to potse.s thenwelves of Its ismarbers as (an an they oP pear.,,?•-itinarirem Artisan. • . (iWo unhesitatingly command the wort to theme on. /seed at or interested in roeohnnlcal or encraifie per eon., as eminently worthy of theifeannumtion and Wady'—TreY, a ral Budget. • . Is truly great wore, end the rah:Where de servo the than k• of inventor.. meelhithe s. and mann resterrra, and indeedbritto - rablie goserolly.”—ild. V. `Tlllhruntpry en:lt be rarti mechanics. neisnil ' iirihio - r - ro . 7l:lriih . ;;;;htrineetts snernrelves with ties proewss invenVon in the n Th.troc arts."—New ilegthird.Daity.ltlereury. -. .rwth; tmebunies tdseitt to keep posted up in tht !sewn! Mb ‘.ll ns pmet en.l knowledge, raid the aril! site, Cleat jot t bow they sued. , --Itozber3 We inse ts tote just the wolg that 4^07C6 rind hon. died...steer t•itelligent meet; writes have desired to p0i .... nso sus,s'e uto I. dueripdous, ono so full out estoin its b. , ri:icatloal, that it scrota to es that any - rs.husse , toiedseardsoot env ro zehito it dew ribs e, on o say i.gth ,Itta engravings irl4 islatructa4 , ...”--N. Y. CrOttunerritd Advert., Insjrs dtu tueollaults should synil • the I.elses of Its u l ssarlugevu—huylkill, (Penn.,' JO. - A work of imensive practical trinity and great lm parlance anti value la Ilia rapidly increasing intordis of the conct.v., Ice regard the work" as clamantly ducalated tc . premate ilia cadre of sanitise and the taironici arts, andkodwrentinate v alu aide inforata , hoe an item•al.jorta."-Dasniar and bleebont e. 'Tranvia:l met id aline varied vans of racrbrini. ea/ MI IndaustrYlenlyineerittg de., wall Lad is tlikowort a iscruare*Lich it will t c to their urntt to pn00d....-Ttoy Doily Whig.' ._VIVe have carefully parated.the itimbera, and have to beau:ion in saying thee it in the best work for toz• t'hanico,tranitamen, and.selinlldo nen, ever publicis 't i laic t d, for it enntalca ntiputeirtfartnation On every branch ineenduccl rats and science's, expresscd id "a tITIe and la.:gunge intelligible go any reader of oral nor pay_cacity. , o , titedieetter, (2.1ita.,) News. , peaty are doing the lisetharleo . f Nor wich• add other 'Yarn of Conneendat :ertv/ce by the work to. their :OttertUo."-Norwich, (Cana) Courier.. prjasiocar.b• work as atter} , mechanic abould yowelv , o.rteentan's Jourr.al, tvo coultiacrit on. of most own and ituaortant u at it, PI. dOettor.le ranks:., to he zia...c -\r war., X ~ . .IConitent a f Conic r. • tit ail tho various babitnAuto.i. hating for !eat the aon aut advancement of tho rat or.* stid orleocce. Isot we have .wan,ll to of si it,i l'rrisSMV. ...it is Inc VA.: s Si ark ii,criiitestii,l l'ik tart prastisal erissites 0 , 4 wochanic. The u'd o Len caccated."-ClcthingtonDlohr. "foes gee it Dicutinsfy in one of the mast usefol works aver pchllshed for years, rind the low"te: at .hint nit told make. It neeentable to rill.cterinit Carolinian. r 4 tVe regarJ its one dine mom comprehensive and .515111!le, well as eh Works o'er poirlished." —ltermnote . . . . . .. t•loght mite:taken by ectgriene delnyiag,to keep pare a:richt,: pragre s c. nf art and ac teteo in e v ery one Of the lacer!' 'elm:filmed life."—Randour Courier. t•ii te deilgtied eller the prinelp.e of Urebipte.iena• r;, only that h lc mare deemed to the cmcbaute a I and -engineerirg profemions, and thee- nil,' t ,fifilitible needs:ll4l-bn" g far America what Um her Mane felt Engiand. yin: dmerl bin. torr,ectean machinery and -true elm: I ......aeientiGAmeriaan. ' ' - "Ilia pun li.lted In nambew, tan at. price ata mode rate, lookmg at what isnot:Mined Inc :ch. namber, that e lath" ben Me Irian Intermit in each matter+, teed be damned from pre:earn:ou red every eine who daca so, will find that be has in a condenwd form an mcionnt: o(i:dame:ion witch winuld be obtained. if RI all, only by Me puichate of_vegy many volunick."—N. V. Comrier and Enquirer. • It. "Tim comprehennveness -with which the kabjecta ace Irewed, 410 admirable Manner in which May ore ille , wated, eenepireta make thil c.III 040 Or the mtra ilesl en btacunre—llinuot ratio I:celery. -- - • r " tin, Mu wet ahead bele:he hand a c r iv, ry mit barite, artaan. and in itaraf4cto rer, eipaciaily those who hove the . Maie ionization,. Waited la •Meir rewpactite Masi. necrea.-I , e hose carefully exindattednogith eaten of ' ittomtit...l:top it 'to inventors:' !roc them we would ap in thee trOngetangeMce of the Billie:. 'lcit la gkied..— s ..Mltimore - Incebtoreilehm:ll., ft •I .... :•. .. . ~i ' • /Vaio , id (I,l'n—PuPintr.4Ye*F-.7x"-thr°,i64.l4 c ti,l7mlerl cater and C ur r ie C • . If the. iliti'itoingt alloordserkentled Gee lines during the ycir,-and we liaper•tioiliaing it scot le , ea, 1 cent Ginn: wort 'einem imuf gratin in plyallak. ' - eel:cc:nu-1a ' • ' ' AVAIALISTV.I.VS OIXTDLENT7 Contain'ne: rio . tior a!47 following testimonial RI. given by the tile Tbratei Dr. ‘Yoester.l.leitelt , the author of the Area inrdical venrk entitled "Tito American l•rneuee o. nteniciati end family Physici.." lln-rtng litho ossde vegnaintd with the inertshent which compute AleAilitter's All-Dealing Ointment And baton; preietinell ghthtested it la severe! eases it my tinente oaten,. I have , .to htnitntion is saying or rectifying that Ilia n Veggmitie Petueily, Containing no mineral enbstanco erhatevos; that at ingrechenta comboted as they me, nod twit am directed by the Pt-enricher, are not only hermieri, hat of groat value being, n truly scientifie Remedy o C f groat power: and I cheerfully recommend It tit a ompound which hat Jr., ranch rood, and which Is adopted to the corn o, smut ant:ellen! mites. Thouth I have tr....vtr recommended or engaged in the vale of secrii meth. •ei nes, et-hard for the I role bourn, ho: Inne chorarter of the Proprietor of this Chntmont, a mid the volt,. of ho discovery, ohiltte me to sit; Pato R n i it:m.2los it. r W. D. D." New' Vink, April t..Vtl, is nue of the bent thinns in the *field Mr Indies. BlEElit—Thourinds ere yearly cared by this Oreti swot. - It toyer foils in giving railer. For Tows* Vicars, sad all kinds of Sores, It be. no clued. • If fitottiorsi and :Corte knew its sable in eases of Swollen or Sore Breast, they would Coral, softly it tacit cows, it used according rto directions, II gives relief lass very few boars. : Around the bat nee dircetionctbr aline filcAllisiseis Ointinatir tor rcrorws, I..tetie Complaint, Erysipelas, Toner, Citiltlain, Sestd Ilaad , Sot, Eyes, Quincy, 'Sore Theriot, Bro.:clams, Ncreous Affections, Pains, •iscase Of iletilAehe,. Asthma, fleshless, Cie Ache, Barns, co rns, all Woos. of the Skin, born 'l4;.,.rimples,/ce., Swelling rd. the Limbs, Sores, liihearatitleinhos, Cold Feet, Crony, Swelled ofßro ben recent, Tooth AebetAkno hithe Face, de. From the Reffding Eagle. I , There . wad navel, peonage, a Medicine brouvirt be. fore the itlilie;that has In so short a dole woo each a re/.1101. tisrthie Allister's fill-Ifealica or World Solve, - ..ftimoslevery person that Lis Wale Ili/4 of it spends ,warmly in Ito praise. Ond been by iligmostpalttlid rhea's/L..lin, 'another of the piles, a third of a troubiesome pain lathe sale, a that'll of a awsllinz in the limbs, no.lf it does not give ham, dime relief, in every case, it can do to isunry, being applied meiskardly: An another evidenert'Of the wastferfut healing paw. .ern sixssed by this ashie, we nabiolu the foll Owing coeat, from a respectable citizen or Idaldenereck township, in this county: bl itidenereck, /fork% ro, March 71.15/7. ..Idossrs. hams .t tro u —rdevire to Inform you that I was cob rely etired of - it - severe pain In the back, by the sae of blelslilster'a Salve Which I pur chased from you. I ',offered wl cfar Amager , years, and at tilrht er...0113 to F/PCp. Vanity II rr,i T/140114retriedice..aritich were prescribed laT mo 'hyj h , .leiuse end ether persona, without receiv innany list and at bat made thief of ties Solve, with toll favoralith tcytind expectation. I tem msv• entire ly free from the pal ta e comy at eight a peaceful and 11>feel sleep. have h also cried the Salve since (Cr torch ache and other complaints, with similar happy Von friend, Jere IfOLOintAL JAMV.S AI,LEK, Sole Freprircor of tar alone Litho, , Principal o.ltoo, No Lb North 'Third street, Phtladel- • PRICE RS CENTS PER Cox. : . An Prrrstorkod.—lt A. Palmertork Co.. enFter or Wood and.. Fir. sts; Wm. Joes.on. No. Ott laborty street LWilcox. Jr., comer or lilortst str,rt and me. Dias:lend, Wars corner of Fourth and SedlhFselo 'Paolo; JAL Cassol,torder or Walnut and Pen. rtrrsta, firth:Ward; ohd sold al tae Bookstore in Siletthfteld stroot.addast from 9ecodd. Rood, 11. p. &Inc:ft:and .I.l.ln . ualsrs Drarrgist Ihr:rologhtura Negley, it E tll; P iVnA l K ,L btrCity; N . B. 6ovmars kCW„and !r- mtseatelEcei. one Wittier Pre ---- Valuta. undertow...l - : let on favorable togas,. .11D iTADASII NAVIOATTON. CelitrpANy prepared to lease the Woter P a a 7 Rap Grand Rapid, or an arecrunruflielentro propel four hundred poin of wig. cone. The for e d o 4e rock found.on,and the pa, anehtd on both eidoll.lhflito river. The thp IVlnfe n ererr )ra, t b, Le tenthly Mr./shed let this ram. While limer, iron or, and rn the gt'otOlat ahead/mire, and of ape rior coo procured through the . sarne country. Torow—One hundred do per -nnatan pow ,er surticient inPropel ringle run of med lar, rued atour, r, perinn aft year, with The nun: or renrWal on the otpiration,or the lease, at a tar "rad:ion orate. power empioyeA. The rite of the fromor u.litelitliC tory. included, witheet further charge from Iht Colupuop, .liy order of the Director, ABNER T. ELIAS, President Of the W. N. Co. Vigoen, 71., May 9Mr31:11,h0 TIJI.:FS MUHL'S MEDICATIM NYMPH SOAP. O —The Bain or many persona In dlefigured etch slight eruptions, as pimples, morphew, &a, and when "H "MI/ • dtatare at ihn ekiebas It is In ninety nine ens. out err every hundred, ii Is very eashY.- moved. dales Haners Nymph Pony " ...VT.!!! "darted to. dictates of th e skin, ISJI tt nets reenY pon the We.' pO,l which cover its outface, cieensing them from /impurities. and by Its baihte l " properties healing an cradierning nit rent nee, and rendering the darner. and toughest skin lon, futh, and Wm ming. . Vernon. who hove been in the habit of wing ordi nary roar-mil by astonished at the bectuural Caere bloon,, prod:teed br the Nymhap, in impart. a delicate ,preventing the neck , face, orhauds front Map. ping, anal - log all irritation, and removing all <Clime les erupt nns. It pmsoenes anergulelte netrame t and entirelydevoid of all alkaline properties, read nag it the only article which can lie toed wi th tartly and , combirt in the nursey. Al thooe what, fawn or necks are diefignred. with inaplem, biotches, Mb, morpheir t kre tahoOaka MO of Jules Ifettel's Nymph Soap, as the pMor path:lvey arm.. them. the: Its toe will te a r the most Cisco:wed skin si Idle, the roughest akin samatb, and the meet dareased skin healthy, par*, and bloom !. Jules It:mei , Nymph Soap is the only article 'millet, will. etreetualty produce the above effects liFiro abort a time, and the o .1) nee which Is at the name time all powertal tied entirely harmless. Prepared only by JULES HAUPL, Perfumer and Cheadet t P. Chestnut creel, nib , Fee rale wholesale M and retail by 11 A. Falteestock A Co. and Cl. n :omicron Pittsburgh; and John Sera Cent and 3 Mr:girth, Agegheny env, Pa MP `. SECOIIiD RAND PIANOS. , _ A COW/ hlehrat.r Nano Porte, G .raven, 5100 00 A handrocue upright Pismo, with 'llovervoralt Painiiurr, actuary, and in good order ••• • 100 00 0 pinta 54 octave Neon 45 00 A go. 0 [trio, Piano A good Di octave P.. 0, withltuidrortic tarot. t - 7013 N N MELLOR • Fa Woods{ For ale by In 1.1 Itlatalle Night Llif .... , I.II•ItAftEItING the Wooden Flown. ond being In t,7 roothe.tible. bete` y economiser the nil, Pall yenta . -g - tlnttn, h:coder., en touch objected to l l n all ..thei float, One tattle spoontol of the eonssann tamp oil will Inet Nine lloore.or 11111 blither length of Cane, Accord Ind to the additional quantity of fa Derebtedmod for tale by JOHN D AIORGAN _erLard7 Groggier - • TUnT REOPJVF.D, et the Pittsburgh Family Gm• ht eery and Ten Warchoutee 6 cares Fresh Optima, in till cans; 6 do Pickled do, In qtrms; • ddo do do, in pint dm • • The ;above Freth Oyeters are parboiled, ard tint up in a highly coneentraled soup, enclosed In hermetical ly tea Mil cans, and will keep moth longer thm thOSE pet up In the ordinary way. For tale, schelesele and retell, by Val A hlcCithltri Zr Co, • iny3o ehu Liberty at • Great Aru•slcada Machanteal Work. A SPLRICIN HO, Now York, have In course • Or on Tihention, Ia saw, prior twenty Lyn cents each, a DICTION.khN kln-hines, Mechanics. En gine Work. and Engineering; dnslhnci , Practica l , roc inn kleiormd diem. intended for the Knatneering Profession. Edited. by Oiler Urine. This work I. arlarce Pro nice , end will contain two thoneand oilers, nod upwardr of mg thousand Sinatra. Memo work in, drnorincs and descrip tions of the most Important machines In the Hzited Sister. lialependeid of tho corn:, Of American tn. tonmg. it will conntin complete practical treelike on Meehan:cr. Machin-gr. Engine Work. and Eineinrier. joy; with mil that is nschil ot more then one Mai:grind doilnro worth of folio IrCILIZCS. magazines and other Sig numbein mg:eland, and for hale by Ilia 47,1" R HOSKINS, 011.14 710 Apollo Bcildinm Soarth et. NEW STOCK OS' PIANOS . .. . • --'''"- :IA :".1.5.. :..,-,",,gi---- L':''• ,- --.--...-:- „..:& iv..Ei t" - ., *--- $-77,X-_Z2:42--;)14(' -2 NiA.7:'- ±:--'-'” .. -- t\ - ' V CHICK E I NG'S a ~t•', PIANOS. • John It. Mtnor, El O'ood Street, PittabnrAih, Sale Are, in , Vt,tertt (ten:ley:llnm, far the male of CI itc,,ERRATEgt Grand and Square Plano Fortes, 7.l ° l "' n et . t ' go u i ' re s a- . w and earlTree'le public b a c ti <arose far •titot, deice the present month, the largest Ind mart h i t s r - dtle flock of Piano Ponta ever offered lir ca. at west-es:ma:4 the romnbet will be lured a Cult t.ttprtt-i of Facet - I.ly carved Rosewood Grand Plano Fetter , Wall Slit t' e recent improvements in mechanism land at:g?, of exterior, '.idly carved Roaezzood Myer .oetavem Pim m . Na F•cz, Lzashed to the E li zabeth and Louts XIV. Fly Ira With tteere ln k of el! the e•erlous levies of Pi e r-• ve,e in orl-e, rin 475 to StOtjand e•• ..t". by Mr. Civc:e ro rlng s for tee prßeet Po `..rA 41,ted tikat tht rneta of Mr:Cli irk leee Ll:eu, and xral rontLou, the .1,4• morq , 4,1, tt•re tor 17,,, 0111 end brt up in pct.ta,r,r,:o 4.4 y pAtt of Its e,14, Without th.tsio. Tlls..drrs:r—,l hero leave to Inform the pablie [Bat acclited banner. is favor of hls Bun, P. M. Div, v hn rvi.l candour the A uction and cook hII,IIeNR In Of o , d stand, corner of Wood and Fifth streets, and for whom he lunch! eoliett a canna uas ee urthr Liberal patronage heretofore. bestowed up on do• bon,. JOHN D. DAVIS, Apra Nh, LEr.O. P. M. DAVIS, (succasort TO JOHN D. D.lll/1.4,1 AUCTIONEER AND C 0,1151183105 AIERCDANT, "coax. or Wino aas earn near., T.I. no!, inter, on liberal terms, of Foreign and 1 111,citandire, Real Faiate, : docks, iir.d Loper, by expectance and cle re attention to tnisinraa, to merit a continuance of the rapport and pcironace se liberally extended to th e fanner lienise. April thh, 1,50. ====! Fr_ICLIAti CB POILTABLE BOAT LINTZ. We dcet:l2a of the active partner, In Philadelphia, St the late James by Davwd produces no Intern; alma :0 the ha-incsa—arrangesnente have Deno mode attach intoteen the same interest. precisely, which bate beletofora cnicted Itc basicaae as cononued under the 1314.1 name nail Grin via,— Jahr. bone & Co., Philadelphia; Juno hi'Fanatt It Co.. Pinatourcu. tendons:ldt of the patronage of oar msay Mende is remedially aolicitet. If any persons have derissitda as e 1.., tie concern. they are re... Vetted to p.cient thaw forth - watt for payment. April Id, 'SO. JUIIN 11VPA DEN, , 11 , 17.11 5111,11,11112211121 C, M==l , 10 . Vatting; 503 lbs Curb, An3monia; GO Co Alum; seo do ...Ital.:midi.; 300 do Dye %Cond.; 1:121 do Crude Tamar; 05 do I.nennblaca; WOO laquorico Rocd; 30 in Von. And; 300 do 'nob Mon.; E. 'ln Camphom 150 do Cod Precipitate; 10 do Span. Grown; 153 do lAlocuel Amer.; 51 do elloor OrLre; 0.5 do 'do Pave In dn l'ilnotonr; 300 do Cachet I.nnm d o ro.vc.; • VOII en Rhubarb Redd; 3 do I•nom.llorrera;4l.4l do liarrop. do; 14 ca-ea 'et (.11nrax; 2 2 0 do 112 M1.1n do; 10 do 1000011. Moan; MI do oal R./Aerie; IA do l'n.1”1:1n 003 do 0—;l; illixure; 10 do Cob' 51n,,,c-Ir. 200 do Poe •d Rhubarb 13 do Chrome Orarte 010 do dn Slip. lAm; do LO. do An G. Arater 5 do AM. Vurrt,i3oo; 1101 do do 1.. q. Rom CA tram. Snrol,raper; Inu do do Jalnp, 251/on. Still Sonfor;'' 3,2 do do AfOxy•Unne; Rottl, Corti; 21M do Snip% Zinc; Sulph. Morphia; 300 do r Ihn; /MU/ Inn Cop, Alas; •.:05 Tamorlodo; 12101 do 11 , ..3/ronlYerleab;l2.o do Qulrt Silarm A . M. do rink Root; 250 do Orroom Pool; 15111 do 7 twcuy Umber; 73 do 1Iordonen1; 110 CiAnro Tatter; TI do IlydPoms2l; 51,1 do Tormrio Arid; ea do 511 cf; 11111 do Uun Urmi 33 do Gra:olWe Lotion. PILTIZOLE UN. otL .12.001 i-fill. .Tar re ote'ittoro thanes in he•vcit and earth are thetimpt of in ontlusopby.. THE biIIVES of dos rex:namable remedy, and the eon-taut application for at, to the proprietor, inthiccil ham to toter at pot Op Ix bottles with la. bele out three:tons Ire the benefit of the poldtc. Tne vurit,,LEum is procured (rote well in this fee.), nt .. depth of four hundred feet, Is a pure One tlaitcrat ante' , without any chemical change, but jue;liv [boo, from Nature's Great Lettyetoryt: Tbotit Celliam prop, rate• renetang a number of discasei,ls no longer a matter of uncertainty. There are MAY thine, 111 the a e Inn of natore,whielislf knownonight be of wt.; uielitlnces in eller:lilting sultenng, and re storirt7, loon::: of heehlt and vlmor to Many a suf ferer bone LL:ort. 11,4 preguctor thought or putting itap thrtil 4 reentallon fogthe cure of Its. cam. Tte tons.. cud daily inert . ..genii. for It, and se art,: rema,S ....le cures it has ticrtormed, is a note indieutoo of r tutus rnyulanty and wide shred application in the Lore Or cheep., We do hot mete e 1011 g parazie of eertifi crates, na we or: vot, , eiorie that the medicine eall.ooo work tea wiy Into the furor of timer who Coffer end VriAla to be nee!ed. WhaiLl 'are do 110 t Clohn for It la unircreal eppliestraon an Peer, disease, We unhesita tingly say, the: io annuities of Chrome Diseases it Is vertualle& Atomic there may beenumerated—ail discuses of the' morons ,wires, each- a. CURIE.IO DgoNG,[yris.,. CONSE TION (lulu ca;ly stage,/ Asthma end ail-diseases of Ito air pautageS, 14 YE& DyEPE.P..IIA, DifirOcca.7oiacates of the BleAder .11 N oire ,}aletes Pains 10 the peel or Side, ilervOus Oiscarca, lia, l'eley. Rheumatic Paine, Goat, Erysipclath Tetter, Itingworms, Barna, liretara,t.rd tiorel.he., he. in caeca eLdebday re. 41:371 exposure, or long tthrimoinecuati caeca., disease, Min mcdseint wilt brtng relief. /t will get at a enuerallONlC and ALTIift.I.TIVF; South eases, imputing tone and energy 64 arta whole fratuettletnees lungs hrtritellens, opening the alagg,ish function e,which cause diseare and a briken coustitutio old gilritig lillenlnVeal end renewed 40ergY to CI 1110.0142114 at nk. ••The ptoprtatot know* of sercral cotes of PlEES.'that reelrled every other trenuoiel, get well undeline tent the PETROLEUM. for 4 Short I . Thep om can be given to wllopenon, who &urea Ir. hematite wit out thealsnantruof the proptiotor. nyrt ,I.nalliad4beußeveriih It. BELLEES,i47 Wood .4. and—ENV:FES & 31 , 001.5rELE, `earner Woxl at. and Virgla.alicyjWhoecroby awed-dint ' Seigularly AAPetreted Aaeats AWFWtNfA' RUDDER C ittlt . palm helt lined - Matto/ . Ltooto; , LI [Altos Rags; 3, MO Dr Wes ma; 140 Z BOokow Udder mug: - 1 do oiled' Eambria do do. no aborsitooda for deodrilotlldiF f 0 14Vi r,. ." 4 ? 1 WR5 01 NV4.°11 V 012444. .q; • • '1 . • • - 1850 Via= 1850 ERIE .& MEADVILLE LINE. sr le B?Zsgil: 411 - % sail' J C BIDWELL,. nochorgh, JAMS-9 COLLINS, do }Avdp. LIDIVELL LDROTIM.R, Rochester, cowl es iffitilBso BIDLLrp SANDY AND BEAVER LINE. ,From Pia stnoTit to Cabanavs rout Cleveland, thronglz the nett and motions eorrurias o Cotten. &ono, Carrot!, Stark, Tuararorew , C0.1.10n, liduainpena, LioLine no d Fraeifi n , 'The completion of the Sandy and Beaver Canal open. up to our city through this great natural conwel mote a direct COSOGI.Lit6OOtI to the above no well as the usllolning counties of Wayne, Bolters, Kr.or, and Delaware. From tam section of Ohio, the trade with Yitmlargh has been, to a gat extent cot or. in consequence of the nigh eaten Of re tninsportation, which are 00W re. dated ID, MI and SO per rent Mel. of this line will leave daily, and coo through .withent tramihipment. The Canal company have bestowed upon this line an !wert l the nPreee dented nitmmtates of theirr, charte en' r, an d Mos u aecured to the middle portions of Ohio in ordering their goods .by BIDWELL'S SANDS AND BEAVER LINE, as nqualintencia In thi. advantage. Agents: J. C. BIDWIT,L, PitsnbtrAln BIDWELL & CO, Glasgow. CCIIISZONCES. R C Holmes, Spoo rn Mills, Ohio;' II &A Co Willtem.port,o4 GeOrge Remble, Elkton, 0 ; Cathie tr. Holman. do,• Mons, Ural:tem k Co. Geer Ll.bon, 0; leer It Nreholon. /hoover, 0.; Gibbet. fr. Hoary, M rv& 04 Syriac.. & Primer. do.; josepL Pool & Co. it; Roll & Dots, Oneida Mill., 0.; II V Hever, do; LI Iforxtbal & Co, Molvem, 0.; II R Gray, Welnev ry, 0. E Reynold., do; have Teller/ Magnoliv 0: ii: J Beridull;& Go. broynalla.,o4 Vllnellertrnev., do; ,I porlend &Co , Rendyvllle, 0; P P L o iter, do; Pooh- ROO & Steinbengh, Ramer. 0.; Wallard & Shrivel . , o.; .1 J Hoffman, filen/lion, 04 Cummin. & Co, do ; Job,. Robin..., Canal Felton, 04 Perrig& Torrey. Caned Dover, 0.; A Aledbory, Rm.., 0.; 1. K W.r. nor, Newark. 0.,• Firth & Pale. Cohan Ws. 0; L 0 Mat. them,Clevelnnd, O.: Modes to Green, do. mono ---- • TILE PENNSYLVANIA CANAL I' , OPERIZ., — . PITTSBURGH TRANSPOBTATI64 LIAR. .1850 ,=.—„azum: - - VI. Pennsylvania Canal•& nal! ILoadi _ ..••• • , reoratirrons, wcomion, ATION3 2c Co., Canal Basin, Liberty strew, Pical•areh; ATKINS, O'CONNOR & Co., MD& COI Market street, PlatadeJpala, .aomers, &Comma Lk .0 North *treat, Baltimore; E Croce, Nes. k orlm Kitten A Onto, 11 Doane M.o. Ibutmo; Daum, on Goer, filaysaille, Kentucky; Iloit. 3 Co.. Columbia atrent,Cine Union; F. Won, Rot= Ilona re Co., St.l.outs. To'uppers of IllersAismitze. maid Produce to anal from / hrladetphju, Bolt ware, N. Fort; Our route it . ow in fine order, we ate prepared to forsoird goods above at eery knows penny. We honer oil freight/Ws of any el.arg ,, haying poltrie. to over-mmono, and cxith the following, enensive stock of Bards fol confident of awing entire satisfaction to all barb - less Outlasted to our earn. tnr bents are all new, and commanded by captains of experience, end our entire brie Is conducted on ,trio bat burping and zanyeance principles. Mats., Captain. Boat,' Cnpinins iron City, Hagan Pennsylvania F. Layton, Maryland, Marshall St. Louis, C.swdeu Cincinnati, Sands Col. (Inward 111.11cy Ruth Area, Chains. Mary D: tomb Simi Wm Atki n s, Ft"noad Enterpnse, Key ion Import, hlqualla Juniata Brows. Einem., Altar lien. Sony Once Gorlinda Riley Telegraph:lo Islnelda Cello Raskin* Point 41.11 IroyhEqualle knivcßounebOosser Raltin'ethipperTh'ey Await, Perry Ohio Bello Blarney Mermaid PEColoui floater Maxie The For hEklande Julio Ann 1 Layton Aurora ItELowell Telegraph No2i.nivta Look Sisep Remy Norm Quern Shippers will had it to their oicantsge to give an a caiL O'CONNOR, ATKINS & _meta Canal ilkein Liberty at, Rosh...ran. -••-Ii`rinciapoitation Company,. Elam' 1850. M _e t a U. L.r.EDD & C 0 ,6 LINE. DEMI:F:11 , I1:171?!.13JRGII. THILADDLPIILA, BALTIMORE it fiEiV VBRiL TIC Iluau Prnwyr rnf hanies Canal and Rad Rood. put new ones to the Ler, mahlan up carry a hug< of moduee cd glwele. The entire co , •l‘ of No Line ownett end come, ed by No Prom. ICI. —A!,LT TO-- 11..1 R & No 11 South Third st, And at 11,0 % 1'0t..c0 ' , Varela:um, Deck ot, 34./SE vhf a4ephia. Pa.l TAVLOR k SON , No 11.1 North flow PO er.' et. Raumorc, oFFIC}I. No 7 Wort sr, Now Ynet; D Lk:Fell A CO, Cana Ikon . Meng mrl.l Pttuhnorh. 1850. • UNION LINE, 0. WIZ PLINAPA AND 01110 CANALS. CLARK, PARKS k CO, Rochester, Pa, Ihropra. CDce JOHN A CAUGIIIW, Mont, nor Smithfield and Water Oa, Fitinburgh. CILt3IEIRRLIN, CRAWFORD & CO. Atte. Cleve:and. &MM. wen known Line art propa cd to transport freight end Pnmeno from NITTSRURCII coil T.r.v m •ny point on me Canal and Lake.. The famlirm of the Line arcusourpamml or numher qualfty and cap amly of Boot , ciperamee of capOuns, , enerency of Agent. 0., fin ~ m re• ktorturah and C:mre!..rl ~....raiis yng t o,noetton with n kteurn Ream 1,- mono rri Tem , Itt; and lIVIA VER. nnd I.tor Ftoll OA". rr , teanti Bram, Propel:era and yomola, we Lal. iNgIGNEY-3: ask, Parks A Co, Hoch., ier, C N Park , . & eo, ovnestown, Ohio; Al Taylor, Warren. rli A d. N Clark. Newton Falls, 0; I liras lon & Co, Ravenna 0; Kent, Grinnell & Co, Franklin, Cr; H A llrlkr , Cuyahoga Falls, 0; {Chewier, Lee Clinutherho, Crawford & Co, Clevelaad, Hut had N Co, Sandusky, 0; PeckliGo is Feeds, Toledo, Wrllia 0; G. Williams& Co, Detroit. Mind& & Co. Milwartlce Wit; Murray A Dalton, Racine, %Via; George A Gibbs, Ohmage, Ill; Thomas Hale; Chicago, JOILI A CAUGHF:Y, Akent, tarn corder Water msd Grtuibfield sis • 1850. LOUP. SCRUB ARID PRICITICIaN LINE. ONTHE ERIE EXTENSION CANAL. CI.ARRE, PA RKSA CO, Rottener, Proprietor.. IT HE Proprietor. of this old and well known Line oold inform the public That they are rein in op era en for thepresent season: and hare commenced receiving Kni g ht and Power:hers, which they are fully prephred t. early to all pomu on the Canal and LAFTS MP. AND 311CilltiA N. At the 10 - :re, room. One of MC hostsof the Dee will Le rem...illy at the landing, below Monongahela Midge, to receive freight. JOHN A. CA CORBY, Agcy Oahe, roe Wale, and Smithfield are, Putabailk. CCONSIGNEP-fi: It '.V Cunningham. New Castle, Pa; Mitahel tree &Co. Pulaski, W C Malan, Sharon: JAS Had, tabarpahurg; Wlek. Attar & Co. lircenvilled Win Horn y, liustooma War Power, Conneautrillef Josh Hearn & Co, Erie - Joh? I liffilohcr A re., Buffalo, NV. m rig/ Plttoburith Portable Boat Lleke, ,•tna tototroortons ra...IT TO AND root PITTSBURGH, PHIL BEI,IIIIII, BALTIMORE NEW TORE, BOSTON, Or Tao)", Ilona:um Trwrot. O'Cofmon, Phits.lc . ohin ( Pthluireo. TON Canal lietng now open, the propmelorn of in, edatillrhed Line am cot town' at their otd mange, ineetylrghnd forwardnie Were/in:tame and Produce or into mica, and with thepitounnms, mcr• Candy, and safely, preoliar to theft 'l:mem and mode of transport Inn, inferroodiato tronnhipmeni in avoided. with We coiccqueat delay. and prothoility flsmage. aterehandlse end Prothme shipped rt•tor wr,,end MO • of Lading forwarded Bea of chow for cumuli.- ..I. wfirrineing, or 'fonts:, Having no Intern, tb. reeds or left:reedy focantheattn, that or the owner to Polely consultrd 'Vista aLipping their good,. All raturounicatieua to the following agenta prompt ly attended to: THOMAS Dt, URBRIDFiE, N 0278 Nett ket ree TA AFFE /c O'CONNOR. Corner Penn and Wayne streets, Puteburgh ACILNTs: John Air Conon h k Ca, Ca North in, ➢nlU P. A Bon & Co. J Donne oy nn.non, W. k J. T. Ter+coos C. eO out in, New l'ork; Jame. Wheenneigh4Cinein. Otis. BINGHAM'S TRANSPORTATION LING, a Itetveals Plttabnrghu JlLZiern.Cislel. • The Canal being now open, we aro ready to receive and forward promptly, produce and nacrehandis.c east and weer. Fraights always at lowest rune, charged by respon sible lines. Produce and marebacite, will be received and warded east and went, wiineut any charge far for warding or adancing frent t. it o , nnmis.ion Or storage. Bills of ladi v ng foranardod, and all directions faith fully attended to. Address two pply ta. WM. BINGHAM, Caner ihuht, ear. Liberty and Wayne rt.,Pittsburgh. BINGHAM A DOCK, NO In, Market ay betweert Sith& Glh, PUP& JAS. WILSON, A 5. NoNorth Howard et.. Muumuu& JAIL BINGHAM, No Itt West cruet, New York. 41.0.11N0R.1 h. COs - Jaawarar nate Itesatittassaat Ogles. aIIAN (WEN t CO. ecotone* to bring persons from any pan of ntniond, 'mien& Scotland or Wales, upoill the moat tibusil terms, with th eir- Venal punctuality and attention. to tho wants crul com fort of enunigronts We do not %Sawyer passengers to be robbed by the Borledling scamps that infest the sea pone,. as we tat charge of them the moment they re port themselves, and see to tbsir wet) being, and de spatch them without any 4101111,M b) the first alias.— We Way this fearlessly,' a. 00b. defy one garl 10 slum that they were deudned dS h•tu-s by as In :Liverpool, - whilst thousands of ethers man demisted Months, until they could beOCllll4 ma* +.4 'watt, et • oh; p rate, which too frequently prover:aide ~ans. We intend to Perform our contracts nottOrabry, cost what tr mug, and not 1101101 003 the cal= law mason, with ether olneera—whoeither performed nor all, or when It suited -their ootrornienos. • Drafts drawn at PiUabnegb..fOr 144 elm from 1110 .(10011, P o lbblb 0 1 ,0 07 - .niter tariaclal Rinks IIYO - land, England;Seotiandand Wales,. .. JOSEIt7/. nonmsorg, Eeopeglogterfeggrgi Ageit, • _ • 0111 h 0 100.1.<0. doer l•ol . fre. 11.01 , 1 T tiqu , ( 3.4137,24 rW.rtrdirv3l- Lr.4loi; s. 1"? ,Ngs N'64 . • • -0; J. H. MELLOR, 81P - Seei street, has received Ow follotet4 NnerKetrie: • OH, raj'.ent you see to the troth's holy Hahn dun,. eats to Rev. C Cook. Oh, nook not leas I love thee. Blanche alpen,l temente. , When other Ai.,,g y amend thee, Tho cot beneath the hills. Wlnihop bet aloe. Ante Laurie—Snitch ballad The Robin —wean by Eliza Coot, master by Stephan Glover. Than hart wounded the saint that loved thee The Gmv, of Wsshiagm . The Inn, mo th er. r. 6.. Old Seztanitavrel.' lie doeth a/1. thins well— Wnyloary, WtiowArachree—Rassell. The nonage army moth er—ll ntehicsor. Low hocked car—Lover Et in tv ojzzes—romplet.. The biog. Sell. The Brid a l sr. \Weddlem' Polka:. - Jenny Lled's American poly, LiszyPollta. Pointe America Polk. 'Ttp Top Acteriban'Polta. .Lwiteltle'llellintorean Polka. loony Lib i Polk. The Mien Scottish Polka— Jniiea Polka. Tint Polka. Josephine Polka. &ealt Polk. Itoostngol Polk. - The pop. Pact Quadriller—fileyerbeer. Jen nyLind Quadeillea. The ho math end Daisy Waimea—Ma Ernnt. The Swine Lrmci!r coq—variations by Czerny. .tiournment Sounds Omni lime. rWrectcr's Duccruip o . pp i p k., p. Louis-ode larch and Cdolekatep., Wood Up, quick- ill CARPET WAREHOHSE Fo 7S. Fourth Street. . , WhPCLINTO , S is now conned y receiving his s • Spites Ste It of CARPET OIL CLOTHS, et In pan the following, viz: Extra Soper gain Velvet Pile Carpets, n Tapestry Englirh and /Untie. Drench v p Patti &meekly! Partial h a p ly .4 Superfine FOTcrfiliti Ingrain Extra. Zne - . E."..P.rPolcatClendle Hogs; RUPtII2IO do 4..Rogs; Fire Pine Cowman, all wool, ronon 1-4. 3 and !Tap Ten Car. 4-4, i n4i4 1 Twill`d . Carp. 44, 1,1=4 4 .14 pima Car. Wei and Rug Carney 4-4 Ponted Conon Carpels. . Common Retro %Tilton Common do Che ted die Door Pdat Tuf n Sheen Skirt , tt edclaid n also. 34,7-4. 6-4, sb 4-4 .4 Clcthsi piano Eltm grinted covers Embomed Planoable, Tob Printed woolen.e t Embosseel Stand Linea mud urosund " Damask Star Linen; Turkey Red Chintser; Cluetze 'Bordering; Eugtiub CM Cloth Table Covers; Brown lanes ersmb cloths Woolen Brass Stole Rode; Stair Drugneth Carpet Buntings; Jute and Coos mat.; Alicmh and Skeleton MM.; 5-4 and 4-I Grettl Oil Cloth far Bucket:ask 'lllitiper the most approved Eng cutters from 15 tu 24 feet nut to fit rooms, hells, and 4-1, and I Matting: 18 inch ontont Oil Clothe for 6t9ilb. Canal tmnrsns. Mae bud Drab Cloaks; Cnmson Pluph: . , 00 4 , h 00 C10t.% Dame;kafor . Linlngs; Witefed Ar 01.61111. /LIZA lIoQ Ilollevd Ica WShadem 'huspaent French " =MEM Bonung for blags,• 7.4 and 6.4 Table Linen; Russia IN.A4 scold, Diaper Brown Linen Napkin.; Gernmn Oil _Cloth Table Covers; • Slut? Oa. Claims from lieh ai.d American manta in ..ices, which will Le vestibules of any sue or eh The undrr,ieaed baying land, Lis Velvet Pile and T Carpus, whiett are of th tap. end patter.. and o will be sold at prices as lo for in any of the eastern an tape. Imported di met from F.ng apesay C.CIPETS, Them e latest tied 131021Lel , tgact if the moat gorgeous colors, tv•s tie. they cam be pureltexd Having h the lamest asaarynent of the richeat and most and Z INC wn:table DRUSSELS. IMPHRI which faAL THREE PLY and /NG RAIN CARYICTS r ear - panes quati LI and almanac:nal price,any assortment ever before brought lothis dip. Ile also invitew Steamboat Aterrand Cane}, Manufacturer,. to hie large and well selected anoranent of TRIAIIVINGS, and otheratiltdce neees.acy to their The anderslne4lis eieo igen! fur tic only Stair Rod Pannone:or, in Philadelphia, and he prepared to nil lower Yawl can be pitikasad elsewhere Ia Inn nity. hPCLINTOCK. diw 15 ;O. ill 21 Fri i t+ OD its CLKAR TILE TRACK! Nero 4 , :prrrig anti Summer Dry Goals far 1850. t4l L Tann L. 11100SEILL, octrvee, Third end Orgy of the' LI:. Ili,. boatel: catemenced ecivlng one of the must rich, molt Vrlite we etoct r of hinrincnnil ttitinreor. ry Goods ever offied ter role in the ‘Sestern ...Kam . , All of theoci Ire:poi:NJ Goodr ere fresh °peons% and received pee ttio 'lst iblamtp front Franco bridisugland; s 1 , 10, iiterlortril dire.t from Ltelfitio, oil ra•l Menrlied, mats arrrinted Mae article; there Linen. ere all iciportsd by the sobseriticr, nod ere en pore :lb porn, warranted. Also, Intl" Ibubask f'ithle ' Cloth., the very beet viotnufervare; Ott , 76 . 1 . ' Linen riendri WI binds, imported drreet (rout Ilelle.t by *be stbrcriber, and vred be foetid the real Erirbge hearth, I...siDIFS , DRESS OCODS. N•sc eryle nett Tura an., all CO splendid I, block Turk' Satins, all prices, tseli Foods, s rk gleost nli guinrs, le re importation, French lcfdtr•r•scs• rn , orc• we bra r imported; plaid black r•-n.s ••••••• "• t Irene ate east; new sty's: painted Barrer, s,enual tows. Air., a coverts on. larre h oes wisle Work Brussel Lace, for truism:log ladies' dins•cs, very lien gond, pla.in Ileg ins to nit colors, e. 111,111,1 T or dig Sleek Sills Fringe, all wtdore and iuts cs, cer7 uncap; French Lawns, new styles, per last Vrel.eli sump ' plain black tiro De Rhino, 1,!2 sio•err• goon,: black figured Oro Do Mute Rrocade, el o,ti ',cods; Emu. and English Cosliratros. new ne•ntifol epode; splendid hgutto sons. good. , r or CO! sire-ewe; nen embroidered nun Mulls t h e cent:inn dree•ea; Swiss Main arid an d the est Inspored; Silk Twin in all enters and nun titan, new stylt, plain and satin strip'd Li era Doreen's, un pnr fit; pralled Lawna, new espies, (rota to 25 rent. r." yard; Damon - de Lanni, a liceo article'. fee Isulies' irre•oes. Mon, a largo one superb stock of new allall In new, spring Bonnet Ribbons, the Ivry hest fill pertyl, tkIIAIVLSI, SIL&WLS. Cert. :mope l.mals, 11l eolors, leech from the Cue qn /10.7 c: lurk Satin tShawla. eplemlld geode, In ml to.; .tramer; Feeatltul elnedgtable Linea lk f3j.,wht, roan Importatton ; while embrold.ed Cam. 0: er Shulvt, re,cro annrk. grert.mbruhlrr mt c,antan Crap', rrue , rla, rpiceM r tl 'pi., Lupin'. Pre.r. o.< le Tbtker, banal .porkatkut!; Par" pa:ntrd C.23t.rnel+ Phew!, bereft and q. Ora; 'babes' summer C.v....id fln teat Va. flea); Frrn 7h vrork.d( lopee,Conara.andCalla. a large iworttne A Isar, Stork of DI ttIVitTlC e!,r. COODS. ..ottnß, hum Ito to p•- It ir ~.. eu Daidins, fort, t/ per yard, It cas-s le: Lt tient duper mre front llelmst, It bales 15ciong, from a to 23 cenui per yard: S cases Moe Drill, auto 6 to 11/ cents per yard: bc s,ites a fail assortment of Fummer Cloths. Also. Gas stineres, Tweens, Satmetts, and ientacky deans; 10 emirs dark tnlieo. fun colored, from 3 to 121 cent. Per yard; 5 erre, Hoyt .k Sons , English Snots, beat I toportdd; S usles ilossia and Scotch Diapers. extremes Loa. .also, housekeeping Goods of all kinds, vary eltenp, t hales P.ussin Crash. from 11 M 121 cent. Per yard; besides a large stock of Check and Startmg Itnyse. Ale,,, Canton Flannels, all colora and al low onto, rod, White, oral yellow Flrmaels very eheap, bleached sod doh:et/Med Drillte.gs, , aro:in/urn; cllffca blue Merrunack Calicoes, ex tremely lowa bled; awl unbleached Table DloPera t all very cheep eytd - lbspers, all prteca and qualities, very Cheap ; culdred :tonabries, a full assortment, cheaper Man ever; 3 itt lea Burlaps, from It,/ to 23 eta per yard. Air., allarge.mock of thto on Table Diaper. Manners: ishirbdir- % fall assortment, very cheap. PARASOLS: PARASOLS The largest and most splendidstock of Parasol. ! ever opened by any von Louse in Pat.barsh, is this dry received, arm nsm all of the newest French styles, which, Le richness and beauty, carnal be surpassed. Ar we have a large lot of these Parasols, they will he said ermaper tam. any other noose in Use city can al• ford to aril the name gealltyy, of geed. The Ladtcs are respectfritly invited toczawoe these Parasols, as they will find some of tha richest and Orwell rtyies cow imported from Ponape. These carasols am all of toe richest and most (MdliOnitlilei onions, and are worthy of the intention of the A.t of the above goods Will Wield oft at prices tar below any house an the dity; and in order to prove Cos fact, the public veal talcum tall and pried these, von.:., and comprac them With any other house in the ca.'', and tic cuvincen orthe above ausertion. tar 61.5 f rih o cr would bete any to Ina =memos cos. (eras MILa the public to general ; that there era two ethos' bee hive stores In Market street, pretending to cope woh um /lig lice Hive which is alone the only celebrated ant farlamed Ltt l ytioottla establishment in Pito/arra 'elm subscriber would therefore say to all purchasers of Dry ploods, either wholumlll er toll hat [lnc Ilk Bee litre, on bbnket curet, between Third and Folirta.. nowopening the largest, nehert, rind r,l sprint aloe; of spring and Miumner Dry Goods I ever offered for sale in Putsherati DONNETS! BONNETS! Nam Srutss von 1950—The l argest nnd most fait/don able Mat' of I:o6nria ever opened in tau city, is just received at the sign of the Iltg lice Dive. on Market sheet, between Third and Fourth streets, whom Dry Good• Si carry description are selling cheaper than envother ~ se mthe city. ate pood. loinplease notice Mtn uncle are two other bed hive sterns on Market street, sotto preload lotompete with the lag Bee Dive, inn...rum Third and Fourth streets, where the pantie ~- i ts Lod, at all tirries,the ilirgeat and udgrest .thee et Dry Goons, fresh opened. 1x1.1.2.0 take nonce, that thy store is bertocen 'nod mid Voutiii turrets, rtan of the 1110 DEE 'lt v wine'- Dry GOlni} ofevery deemiptton are Sai liar, M/I EAVIL than to anymilmr hen, in the city. npltt IVILLIAM. L. uussrla.. A. MASuN cO. Go Market street, - bettaeen bird eta Fee tit, sireno,v tereiving a large, dorint-• of lit rcei• LAM% i'ortinn Cloth., no on. tirt nen ant, I.; Crape De Loins, At; with la:;.: aisortinent Of ;Awns and other Mess Goods, of ;re latest style. abilinost fuhlorinbla colors. up 1 .Ca,,Foilt"G'l',l:l9nroti,ii'lii-*ppcl,l:',Falit'd": cm; • Comeo—itio br s errata and English Lah7; • Ctnot—eli Hemp and Manilla; CIAVW.-1 bOr , d; (.:ism—Sll i'd Common and half Spanish; non—eh' brlsnl.ti brio ittacietalabd Salreenm be, asteroid ideas; Ilsins-1100 Primo Veniwin; • " :41,01 . Cared; • jo,,,oo—lisi lb, s F nod Manilla; • los—ln Lox i lorrtsona Illatk cod Copying: Moieetcr —25 1 , 1'14 IV Orleans; 10 ball Gels Hagar Floors; AI Gil am ~.amen eautstenG Plectssion—oo his Italian; Goesi,ll.Ll•-,1 , les do 4eds nsterted; Sirs ne , arsed; °Lobel* balite:, Pardo rra'As assailed; Pet ,:o—ltel ll.a Flordonnei Soss—So bee Reda and Owl Fleet; •'• 01000-10 hlaN N Orleans and I:landed; Tae---bh paCk..p961,71 anal:Flack; 'Fooscoto—S.3 bus hi, 0, & I lb lump: Woe ,, Cosiihs—tdi dos patent Rine; For Sala by J . D WILLLSIII73 :0 nulB - Comer of Fifth and NV. mit • is. VURS! ruttet FUIL r S!—Tbo s u b scribers,. iii pay j: for Coon Stink, Meek. Rat, Gray and Re Foe; and all kind of ahippieg Fars, the highest insbien prima. hicCORD h C 0., • feb29 corner Fifth and Wood], non. Paper Hattpleiga, QPRINO SELECiION.—WaiI be received, Icy sit A 7 canal shipnicate, a sic er and chale.o aseartinettil of 'Wall Paper, of the latest French and Eastern. in gold, chamois, oak, plain and bith colon. • hLAIISIIALL, flats B. • mrl3 85 Wood sides% 1 "I P. 8. B. Mainfield Ort.', .2 any ...solved by evrateat comet. The Inlslness or the old fine will basetuNlAy 9. a Bonndeid, of Ib old stad. No•VOLthenYneeci. Plusbureb. • 9 B. 1 ) 1 4%1iF/El'.lt, March OM : '• . JOHN hleGlLlo I, • Busiinnta tm GEORGE arcarami . irin contin. tba ISholecales aLd Retail Dry Molar and Grocery btteintslyitt Um old mind, No. 2193 Men". -,fis nude, me flan a • • $.ll. BUN/41.12 e D CO'., • Moroi, I r I.sl.—Dirrl4• -' 1 . 14 tbiedayabeenetedpetti mc,lathe .6 , ....ty0kimmi5d0....,,,d Eerie . .. ldle . * • ueu r my twoblonedt. N. and.,WL.B. Meertnee e. 'r *' inlneWeie Man VIII be =darted mkt theurb. , of ft.' Wsurmen.lr. Vow, at tpa otd.san4,4GO4C -. W C Fleet Meet. =ybl '#TOMAN , • e‘zt , .. , 7 1 , 1 .14441gee4.4.1,4,-. lEEDIVAL: - UHT INOSTIRT ElditllCAL DISCOVERY - - ' COMBINATION ' Flora tk, Vriiractio i .'Xiogdoray re rgid Gaysott , a Extract or Tallow DOOR COLINand parraparllla. consompare, scrofula. crycirchrsi •' ,pszt, river coorataircs, thihal sifectioris. titers, itc- Pkillit dreicrY• recitioa. piles, seamy. of crious of the bladder and Leroy+, rorrurial dictrett, cor rupt humors, rusk of Mood to the hend,,fee, [ma ' , The, (male complann, eacretl royalty, dysiiep .l2;h'43 of.rPtlice, headache. colas, tastivettc., geavv , night eto:ie,,Orgititra carettions, pulpitaqoit of the heart, bate, paius In the side, heat, batir,S.t. Infall!ble inn!!• dr.cants la.- pure note of the .blood. or Irregular BLIJOII of the eye-, tern. In tte Vegethble Ihkrigdem, an' Ali-witto Being ,• deposited plant. and herbs. congenial bole coratitu- Pons, and adorned in Le CUM of &earn; and to Oa vegetable kingdom dims the returner man, vs well a the inning. of nni a/s, tura for anthlOtea to pain. The Syrup is n central!, compound of Mattoon vol noble fitants in meow, entirely freefora{ dcleteriocs and enervating mineral subsismecsi and al it expel, disease Woes the nystem, impart. vigor and strength/I • acorrerponding.ilemne. /FICA An eitraolain•ry CbtßTof ScrohTalc.ZOk.:, Erysipelas end Ei errs, cured; by the are of 0;. (ramothts Com' pounJ 3 / , !tli, 'Yellow Peek and Sysmapartlla. Pr.rmanyn. Nov. 17, ISIS Celvorr —SW: I tender my sinchre Watts for the greet , Ineht I hove denved 'from the use of ur valuable s':rup. have been troubled very. bad yo wit n scrofulous tratre, which Made its . appearance on chin.l 6O- not ply Munn attesamn at first, snii posing a to he notlong tut an ernpUrin that [ippon,. on teed far t It finnlly helmet° theretwe. t:l spread to the trek part of the head. I appactl ht a PhYsiebm, who nueneed me rill to no purose. I had inert ahem , thing that meld he tried. I t one your Inyr op of Yellow Deck and Sntiapar/ and concluocil trtusoll, roe; tar an Mat Yellow Poet war ow of the moat voluablo articles in the world tor the Wood: I ho.o , 7onr ht" - rrnp, and tram p he twe of um !male,/ nMtid teenexent change m ra system. •/ cora.mc, n :, usett until I :Ls a well mon. I 11.1 w ft,11:11 rem Ittrtsont My Mood p e r is elcaiweit aim err from unpu rine, The re is I.rt ritittr,n hut Ilia youx newly aaCcoarred ColtpoUnd lx nuperree t any sarsaparilla ayrup ever ta d. Thu cern/eat,. at your ritrposal putiltch if you and any one you may rarer tome u4all he hap -01 to gtva them tom 1111011.1110 , 1 I ono cieut 12,00. , 1 tomato your ottentent ne Gana.: 0. Joinviner, Ilanlocaet tercet. The beat female modltine known. The Er tract of Yellow - Dock and Sairapart ha inn traitor, opacity, and permanent care for ell complain:a IL:et:lent to FILM A ill in ild, •Iterative ' , repent., render 'a pmly applied. lie to the olender and delicate ran d of thit female - It le unrivallod in Ito effort, upon ouch diseatO;t a of ncipient consumption, or ~lan fle ece, or sotil:es. n ame 111[1114,10.1011, moon:, fleece 'Kann, and general prostrab ass n,;of the gyp., It it." ediately counter:lola met asrint nervoas nest red lasaitude roan mmon to ti Icinale frarnr, and Ittparts an energrand bnoyn•Poy vs they nor gretatel. We have ero.ente on li l t i re o ste riply meaner:Le :Lit medicine to snare ,al people trite lava nut been blessed with cl 2 • Wino tied-arsie liven, or Falling' " ' of Ohs Womb, or hes years , •atanding, eared by Dr. Goys°tds Korn: of Yellow Dock and Samson:An., aft, every other known remedy had Leen toed without relic,. Ohio, Feb, 1512. This martiLes that lay wife, aged of years, has bete SoGering under Me above trostp.ultit fur tore yea'an.-nearly all of OM tlma ronfined to bee bed. 1 halm for fooryeare eettauuttly employed 0,0 bert toed lent [atom mat could be prom-ed In thm section of the motntry, twitbobt any benefit Whatever. have also • ;'ure..hased -evety Instrament tecomu,soled for to• .cute of suelt diseases,. of which proved worthless. In the spring of !Waltman Metteed by my mends to try Dr. Guysolga Tellow Dock and earsepartlla which:was urea for four.montha. Aber atto had nandd It Mr about Nor weeks, it was sae nil that Ms wan anprovittg, and from Mi. ame Lae irnp,ea ca Pip Idly, a~ld slued gob and strettanit, ungt the dtsreve was enbreßy 'Maimed, and nltc M now etnnytne•most exectlent health wyl, MONFORT. Yve ~k, E v,borkn.r '(V a. Juan Monfort, know t,ttat toe htetve ntatoMeet, an to the riekeetn o' Mid. ',loofas% bad to to lids core veins .deck.: by I ettlyeett'a 't allow Dock tad Sam:merlin..tn he wordy Rae. JANE 'S.I)IIY t3.1.11.d._11 11r4TP.R: 1 Great Cara of Coastatraphltro.. • 11...ni,s1,:trtnunry a, is-tr. Mr. Itennett—Deer Sir: The great htnte . t.t.,:ttit I have ttcnved from your 1.72 n -net 1". th..a ItogY ,road t 4 .lr,apnr - tlna, induces roe, a: ante: cl:,...tti•Jc, to Itnthe the fonotermg nu:, iuct,lt Agar wasuitg for two years from rinnersi tlehililp which finally tuna:iced ut consumptron, I sets,vaen op by my friends and physic:tans ea buycint of median,. As n last resort, 1 sruu induct-1 to try your I.l.7trner, and having !y -d but two battits, nw innu to your direciione, 1 ant V:01. 1 wirold thereloril eurnetilg ream...in.:o dour uncliral linitin.npodzill to ihr ruilieted nun ries:in polite - nib', piessu. , a and mobs rernodr. iiratbfail y ynur triraii 01 WAITS'. None genuine otittwu piling in laret prisr- bonen i ; eontritning srd the raIll• Cr non hns, in ton wi;:t wrin • : • risture qn toe runsiUt crupper I•r::. pi:: six n!, ler :55 It 14 milt LA J. D. Nl*. eon,: or ro.orol WO. rut tb % sate., Cincinr,tt, lir 0., ral Ar.ent tLe t , uuVeal, 14 I,IIOM tot urdere tauta 1..%.1re54 ed. Cern, 4 Ilro .Er.e, W. P. led., A. Co., WA:er n-2rd; tdin & Crouier-.11,; A:nd Turreß Montrt.ae, Ll:rsun !YRI,T,WEIroU, Itny, Well. , hero; L_ Roderick, Cs IiCII.Yrc; V.:dg:x.lr . P n , int bar, corn of Market street and the natricad. apl3,ltc:tlN:l7' ' ItiLL.R.Rno FAMILY Al RDICINI:, , —."They are tt.c umneinc. of the day." iirolsom Statioo, 01.ie, Noy 4,5, F. Fiullers—l VA' it tiarbt,ior urlrfitortuhrrg, io rut,• rorue roar to relauon to your tocclient Fei ou,y . . . I have tiara! your Veranieuee largely in my nava 'Luray. one 1r:el ficquenUy eizellulg large quunrluca lxay In UOU recrera) (man Me children. l have elan used veer Liver Pala and Covell Syrup In nay G.^ and they uve, la every inefunee, ''eluted U. dde, del red At I am engaged in marehindiriog,l ea Mole to atmo, that I hare yet to hear ot the Ms.! i'L!!!!!.. , m-re yce , meclirms. Imre been need ;!! 117 314,, sr :bs 4 ed,d• es of the y, ood C 0., LC I are o very exteui,re pupa:o rgy. Yours, rerossilelw. W 11 FINN:ELL. Prepared and sold by R. IL SELLERS, No 75 Wood uri and Bused, and sold by Druggisn! generally In the two el vistnly. • Atheneum, of the cloy." ItiumaselsSl,llo:l, Ohio, May rie f ie<7. R. F_ Sellers: 1 thuth 3c resat for the benefit °rotifers to stow some he's in relation to year excel...t cami, ly Medicines. • I Mare nerd 7.4. Veil:titers lergety in my ham x.en y, one via. , fre,.tently arrreveri err for expeitilifl .ge quentiehettety lln ohj worms from two etahlree I hare alrt3 ormil your Liver Ptlle n,4 Vorgtt Syrup on eg my farahr t sad they hare m every Maumee produce: the ret dr rime. A Sint legateed merchauditag fa ani able to Mate I have yet to bear ef Inc brat ilure where your medic tics have been aced in my se cnon of the eacia nerr. In ca Iction, I may nem that they are lAA CLlCdttlinGll et me day, and aro dmalned have a very extensive pspularsty 3 Your,. ter. Putnial:T . . Prell. Paenor.L pared and sold by 11. 1.10,: j pi0,d7. Wood cirri; and sold by Draggm centrally in the two m-- tie. and vicinity. elvdl • LihrlAT CURS crvt,lVglt COKPLAINT, by ha ‘„K oitgined, only Mr, and gettentv Liver NIL ' Snail (latex. Ohio <aunty, Va. I h Vnth, S Mr. IL F.. Selle Setter,: Dear Sir—lblarc think it a duty I ewe to you mid in the public genera ly, to state Ulm have been %Meted with the Liver Con:oqm for a long time, and so badly that an sheets formed and broke, which tell me in a very low Mate. 'loving heard of your en c ha nte d Liver Pills being far rule by A It Star t to West liberty, and recommended to me by my physician, Dr. 11. Smith, • I concluded to erre there a fair tail. I purchased owa box, and found them to no just wha EV E Rere recommended, THE BEST LI. VER PILL USED; and alter taking four bone. : bud the diocese has entirely left rue, and I um now perfectly wall. Respeauldly TOUTS, 1/ II COLEMAN. %Vett Liberty, March L , U. te49. I certify that I tan pemenally acquainted an Mr C:ole: .eind can bear mina-may to the truth or the, A R SHARP ',taro+ Liver rine are prepared and told by 'R E •: 3- I.I.ERS, Nob? Wood street, and by druggists in mu ' , to dins. To TIIE Mien al. at tly Ono and 7,en.• nine Liver Pill. are prepared byl; 1:8elle I and fi n ,b n•ts onmr stattired in black Wal 11 the hti or ea, It 'Lox, ant. Itl. ,to t.ll, cutt,itlr wrattv..r—all °the/ s aro connte nett's, ttoo or bean •. =E2lll9== 1:S 11...,11VA P :It I.VE11! YY A J ' a r • a de ( c.a. art lIIVOIea 01 11l tea - -acal rate.. ti cr Wataars, la <atm. I.•ne case.., "'Lich 1 .. can z d i law a. dirty and thirty Eva dollars, &ad.'s.. t. k"Ptrue. •ortnvnt or JEW rot v, co la r112.121r1116 00110113 and . : . at,. r ..l sty i,es, d Lest pattern W s.dassrr and sowr.er, MON2!MMI= .1 'lual,ly nr.J hilt ten Glens ny Sate 11n:cre' to any other Neva r t by the wiansity 015 tn. at iip,Virom fuet4irrt ney nr appr...l:Votes, at four 1110111.11. or CE tor n. irss <pan. en. AV t Sei , MITCHEL:TISCH, j, Litany an, 1.. GOODS, FLENIINES havtog armored to. 1,1, pee thsit enure attention to the tale fUome, tie - Maine n Cotton Goods, now oTer t heir lar g e tootel . Tailors , 'rein:eings, Vesting's, l'henel, and Doeskb t;iiTS ' BlT, " h7AlWd lit i ' s ' JCS ' . , , . ' j~ wins' t rend, a superior article, or title hy. novo IS tr. Nt...mFrinIELTREF. CAaltS Marginal!, both rlsh, ,asir Bleaching Powder, arrived per ship lraeriVridge and now corning on by coon?, for labs 1.-f W M MITCII7:I.TP.NI-1 N.ll,—They .411 rreriva.thtrin, the winter, It, - f ree.l, an <Ammar pima oc, 0 from thecelebrated manafacrory of Nouns d. Clark, N. V., of superior tatte,aad ter m moderate price. For .allt by 11.KLE/XER. dela at J.,W. Woridtveda. lA/ /I.LIAMS'IVORY PEARL. TOOTH POWlirre. VYY for removing Tartar, Scurvy, Conker, sinfvil subeteincos destructive to tho'rceth. It is delleiedsan the tuck., clamming the mouth, betting and strengthen ing Um gums r anJ punffing the breath. For sale, wholesale and remit, by JOO ti. 6R 5E1.1.1.3111, ye Wiiod si • LI OUR FLOUR-19 brlsrallable for starch Or,lzino f or by 1ji221 AVCILL9 tr. tol ' Mt 0 611.—,40 brit recetstog and feeTils by LI • •• JAhIE3 DALZ.EItis uT Arsll---hu ea•kn tor sate row, to col ctitititri; tty : (1,11 JAhl DA.T.ZELL tyPitlC recetycd fossatc, 171 _ J KILDA, CO TIFIEEbbI - C;ttss rime, reablper.lllthrell's ht_r for Into by:. . lietlo.l -JA raiz DAIsZELL ' ' ' Fillig . BACK.7l . y.Z . ll — iti . tto . re riSereelt. 41 - 'JAIL'S DAI.XFI.I ks forg. , o 0111.0E1'S-4'i 14. RH , . WI. rx.lra do; road oo enoxlm , mgm, .nd for ..latY r).: 6 1 liAlcirAvral 1 At e !..1 0 7/?tegt:No mkt tt ); ,EnAtml , V lA/W ut ascted ilics - 11/5 for talo'by . trtrSogoirirryaom , isrtll2,s/1 stott and.for gale - • s. it W. lIARts - - -4 24441349 5 1 1 14.cri . faarl and tia . l l3 v E gagr d y 4 z , a .: /OR, ^ ' ' • MIREUANEOUEt” NOTICIC, R Yoe - mere:lip kormofons ex.ifiln! penmen the ender taa 6mt of Barbridgei 'Wilson .4 Ca.. Ivo* ,ioy dasolred by .eeee...L bustners of the birobirowine sailed by I. W... v,.n bridge, or Wet, Wilson, Jr., eithee ofabom is author- Iged to use the rise of the farm J. W. BURDRIDGE, N\L{V'ILoON.Ja LYON, SHORN lc CO. tntb urxh, _ aumas TAS. tr. Buettner, S. Beni. F. lushmu bawl this te day 631.01¢,11 titenteetess wader the tins of Our. brl.l;te r. Inybruru. to uttusset a Wholesale Grocery arid t:enetst 40tuteteston IlusiSets, is the horse lately orteut.,, 44 hutt:rulue, Wllooq 3,C0,118 Wstus st..• I'o4bursh, July I, leZit.—Jy4 Co-pARTITICIISII/P. subscribers I•ore ties day formed aeo-pertner JL rrop under the firm of WX tr Wilson, for the or oleo trarometiny the Whoterule Grocery an 4 Gooto poarion flance, , , or No W tVood street WM. WILSON, Jr. Fi - I 4 l•mlb. FRANK:WILSON . . Rielattepo Piano or Reeds y usr received at the riga of - the Golden harp, one tj .upertor Melodeon ihruto, web twe al. Feed% the lute. ..improvement The above Is protebly the. finest toned Instrument ever olleted for so l e 1,,,,,rith a Meld , hoisted and elegant exterior, for Ortat II KE,EBEit l'Ar - Lit—lenrcri tine boot: raper - 1911; ' L'U do do co 24alkti. en do do •do •. tedz2s: ion tin nlavre prittligg t 21 037 i Itti do I do, do- b - .203d, do do do do 20.12; WO do do cdo • 1.9043 • dO do Blue Favelope.dosl.s; 1.20 do Yellow do;,10X"3. L, dolli►ui4► 61 . 1' ::(1x2:1.; do do do do mooned arropp' 2l' il l o . pc._ in store, for JQIIN. /I MELLOR -AI Woo Jot neconomy In Team TIECIDEDLY the clArest an 4 best place itrrlita, j.) , bun* to buy T re is at tha Tea Market, east ante or the ['Amend. TL sy rcll Excellent 'res ---••••^-8 0 5 0 per lb Seperier Qualities--•••—• •• • 0 The vet — best-- •—•-• f- • 1 00 Lars prised, damsse4, or inferior Teas are not tent at tbis e•lnhlisLia ea, therefore, srbetber Yon g 0 snit or send you are sore to obtain a good tante:, and lf the Haver of the TeL id motispprOsed, tbsy readily exchange a or return the money. fyl3 3101:lilts & j-IAWORIII. Proteltnrs•L S LINDILIES-40 ors extra Creolu Cherae:7 to hf brls N.e 3 Alteketel; 10 hCs do _ do; kbo do; 10 Or, Soloranis, 20 bro Mould Candles; b. 22 No 1 Crotch: 25 do's parent ZonolVoshboards; 5 hl cheer, sup trot Green Teas; 40 caddy 1 , 24 do_. _ do; lb 00 e 1.... sopeTiorDleck Tend; 5 les Llorhold's cor e s Hamm; For sale by J II WII4..IAMS &CO 00 , lV dorl & ripiL Os. C1114.11.01.A I xbo or No. 1 rresh-Chooolobt ‘_J rung rodeivrd, add fur •ale by /00 WICK' &-bIeCANDLESS GOOD 'BOOKS POR rAnattas. Johna on—A rnerlearr Farmer's Fneyelopodia, boo Emerson-9e. and Shrubs, , lirown—lrees of America, tiro Thonum—Ainereun Fruit Cultatiat, lPmo Iloy—A Guide t. the Orchard, 12mo liono—Furatly !Umbra Gardener, Llano ?timer—The Aulcric. Bud ragopor, bourn DS own—The American Poultry lard; 12mo hlnralioll-1 be Partner rind Ernierents Hand Book: Alion—The .Imorican Farm Book, lihsto Dewing—Fruit and Fruit 'Dora of Anteriert, 'Unto I'outitt—'llie :torso hod 13ot:het—Tim Poultry Yard, tento For sale by , JASII:S D LOCRWOOD jot' lO4 Fourth at Araartcart Journal Of Soleness and Arts. riONDUCTED by Prof B. Sillitaao, Prot D. 11111, lIJJo, k It, J r and J =CO If. Darn, New Haven, CO, oieut. Tlna 'Journal id issued every two months, it ect t I , ..inllcrs of 151 rarer letteh, maktrig two bettor de la year each - with nomy'iliattndlana. It is devoted to oitrisi ' el articled' on :CHUMS suer the detl, ha entiniensed 'llevitriva or Ah,ororts 'of Memoirs end 'm?: Iries Forlegn Petiodicals.toticti of New il l'lincationa,holl a General golteliao roredt Seine, lila, A ores. The first norms chalaini volutuca,the toy initial, la a iletteral Tudor to 'Ortree volumes VP:Glint:. S.:Ascription, tei n year.lo edverneo. .1 I/ LtiCKIVOOO, Agqior Proprietor., .el 9 let Fourth at. I . Good St nett a for Sqaruncr ItylisdlA Emming hrocrtrunniOnta, 12mo. Taylor—lt Icinnen. 2 vnitt lihno Moonlit-1 iuretican Life and litannem 2 ruin, Mica c et:a—Dump y and Son. Y vole, 12m.s. Moot:ay—Popular Solutions, 2 Cols, 1 hut, Itlareet—Frosit Glenniardiltnno. 0. tt. /1 —Norman Lmtee. 12mo. Slinw—Ung Leh t.itrrolurc,l2lno. , Prmr—tirild'AmtePa Mineclluneoud Wei itlnyo—tio'oo to, 12mo. To, los—tt is n a A foor.lttno. Hain sicicli—Ccsulos, 0 vols,,l'Auo. roc talc by - JAS 11 LC "milt 104 Ft lloolcv—General Liters • is. if l'ortamero .0 Doe and Nanaf. mare. lama of. Nature. Mao. I lori•—aio.ort•ms rod fteneeticras. i.Loa. Itoh i t m o ... I. I , r) , ni—Mint 1 ontr in California. i•icrro—fimr. our' Virginia. •vok , Yoaormon. lartail ''- lloraas—Rommitio of Homan Nature. , We rmvur— , todeso I,zmich leterazt it. mralc—Yhiltosofhy. !Cr • , itrtrii—liamon Magni:tarot. 1:oot baldt—A;sa Veit. of Nature. ..DroOmilp--Zoological Retreat/on. LO Ft,r ta:o Ly JANE ' S D , 104 Dogma; 'rater , * New, Ethiopian Melodies. - V, IN E Rita.•ll :Cleat; Doily Day; 1 ; Daddy Jane.. De done to de Cotton Pied; ideNy an, a 1,11), SO: .111 to the Loved A (In L cv.„¢t flome; Rem thy 1 , 1:11 I.e.dy; True Love, by T. Hood; Oar ayuy “gros4 tau ne,it, doelt;_. A oem song. by B. Covers; • Jock crzy, maaie ny Moller; . c,st erevenin;s Weddlos Armtek; Ced 01P }tar:y Vela' LP.Trttar.. 1‘ .. . C. most; lamr; ,VcisZcs, ::::".ennaik.tebe Co; I.m: of sqlooer, cosy vssusuons h Herm Coifed :i.e., Police; Ladies' Seavenir lks; Corn Cracker gnu/rule; Lolciardle • rocuglic4 of Italy; Doetus, Trios, he. tt A large rmsorm maser New Music en hmil.toS•blkh ad.lidons are mode Weekly. For sale by '. (abr. 7. If. fIIELLOII. 11l Wood sti: • slka•ssis litandasso ..• ..... _—..dara kilstrry. M2LeD May ON ENGLAND to now pub. b 7 Huper h /tlrci'a la Siva.. cloth and paper. nt ihe cents per voL three vole received, and ler rate IL HOPKLNS, apt! • 7S Apollo Baildiona Fourib 42. — TT YrieFirsiVoyagabTLlerminbleilvilla =bti , or or .- Ty '0r..." be, _ sto r of Kitt; Alfred of Enilend, by Jeccib Abbe.; with else enerlismgai Siiloniathe Sorceress; by Wm. Meinhold. JOHNSTON lc STOCKTON, norri ' comer Third and Narketetreete 'Um tt the -krorr &tonrAnU. Moil of the 140' AT, NINED tAND ITD REILAIN.S; with an account II of a ai•it .too (Zandman Christiana of Kurd's tan. and tea 'l . ..Alai Or Devit-Worehipperm And au h1i12:17 into tb, Mennen mat Arts of the Ancient Alai eN mem A.LC Henry Laya rd. Es 4., D. C. L. With Intratioc tory Nato by Prof. E. Ratunaon, D. D, LL IL liiretritted mith. 13 plates and cusps, and 00 ertmd ems. 41 o ale. Fro: clo th , 81,30. itTne btu& hoto a rare amp tun of graphic, toremnc Homer: n—Tnbune. "The wary or Larard i l the meet prominent contra Gabon to cue ate: yof an suty, that has appeared for many el-riulu "Not one ozcols imam nod 1. - Rains, given Imelligencer. Et the account of Nineveh Ir. Legard.”—lVashinit . on n iiiiiaor toll OW Litt , digat in their eactiontionican el lore n vita ntac farni? can s now lifting. it, ~ z irri.gc Years, nic ate ready to c, Arena, itVollati, it it WOll dependent. For snJe by' nooln :with breathless Interest ttlenly fir d• oarselves' be. d with minute accuracy, end from the dast of ;MO y out with the usionlabed offal, bat It Is tae!'"-]n. IEB D. LocKwoon' •• 4 Wood ,st tiotw. L t'44 ' lititrd by I:. D. Sprog. eiegantly hound; 15 eXepti with de eeripoolge to. Seth itortts.ity AAtgLik,(cl and enlarged edam. Oust orieinel cicsigur hy Wier. •' ly (mum) mad gilt. Also— oh. ego! Gift iloolm. Stevell's First Bo 1 vol, . ' Tru , bIIICIIAIsi,JOS As use'otAktrpeuters, shipwri onto, Lunihorrocu, Ituden tieing ft thorough ono! pew tion andage Eltdiut; Itutc. Itoini's7`tritire . neer tendortlge Flea:money fir-rne. or Stool, Umvert ggesconte'llel go•mmto ilebrete Lexie Looma".frigoustmetry an vol. The Emeintunan's ((reek lin.) Anther'', at...nu:col Series {Vete:tern itiettohmey, re i • do un Barnes Iliotegg.dgtclucini • Vrliatoly'r Lope. Ecolorisotical vole, (deep.)(geginea of Creation. 1 Illonntige among the Jetta and paper.) neencs whom the Tempter (.I.lllnmi pope...). Boeus'cl 'flomitrgienl Levu Aldris Pronoun:lug. Bible lloyer3. Fromm /intro • • lintartsl Donee. ittr sale gy It 110PKINS. . - Apol o Doildings, Fountfat Igh . eil)lldge TAME. 3). LOCKWOOD;Cookseller and Importer, No. Plyt'ons.l egret 1;1i. for few (Optellcom pate, reinningler of the edition,) of MD velogbio , otAtoovotoo, to t , tol . :,t.pration of Doesanelda, and: other nuthentic information relegate to the early en. ploretiont, nittlement and irbprovemont of the country around. the hoed of tile Otto.'. ley Craig, EN, of rionatrelL Intl vela. deo. not s • ..1.. D. LOCKWOOD' . LlDtat CY: A 41.4.7, tt•tuttA ttt0. , ,,0r the Ltherty.nt otlieg,claingent By 35am001. •Elliothtigt.-DDeangtell with twelve eneractots, one. toted at Itorogh..cl vills,tivo., uniform with Priscott's . .t Jolt petglig.hed and r4 - .ale by . JA.b.I.F.S D. LOCKWOOD, Ilookseller and.' 1 . 101110 , bunonce, Woocl,in - • - • And,Nerr TeGaMent. 'rely •fialmbed, enaraviilavi 4 , tad Amelia. Clargydm. y , raWelby, or hy.,) a ;Cr Med . by vagraGnas (Om vol. equara.Nvo. k elealmG variriy of oplv#l,llllAarta. k or the Ilistary of ibline. ISTANT. adapirriforthe ghm, WheclerifahM,..sam. L n a i n i t •rt.t"l.l?..3 -1:41. oq, 1 7101111 oeco PIN ty D. 1%1. Kopar,lv./14j Pron&flornvosakvi.: 2 . , much Grammar. 1.1y.Pr04 ^.. 1 vol. IVmo. • row t:raltunar; by Count. Logaradnue Tablea. •neordanes. ired ed. - I vOl. Pert. • bridged.. 1 via 4to. • • on New Teautwent. 3-vole. l'p,d , I.lBoto. . of Home. I •ot. (cloth, has Triumphed. 1 :rot c. , 1 ♦ol. 8,0. (cloth.) KENtilslnfrair.,Y; authorised eatiMit r 'Moo. eta MRS. PANNI , KEMISIARS YEAR (?1 , CONSULdsTRKS. . • •• • . . .The ro wring of this boot ham :impressed taawith a • ranch h islortos , i Moo °fills author than itad.rimmota firma pe rust o a her other writing*, It displays a dotpstas time of thought, unitettnaltorelture woomaly.grate of mhos product:MU-0T thaTernAtaireld with witiehwcaro cottlftrtett. , t—ltoe. Mita?: it a very liarceiablewrd saturable boor, written Ity 'l. Ln ikoma o be.stary ho- , bold; •spirited land voter, Wo tettootatoond It to parreaderi salltettat, poithrotion.ofshasssaohrist—ReMding Gnu • t 4 1 , mot ituasihrammatl of tbrOdelnarOPei end resMogootiaStreln red 'siren, Of the tpleasarhost'l td and tuartutltrittoitkil oettsott.”,ltotitiuttt" .1111 ' l l/ . hly'iittihtitictistic2l.lo ,l ‘:lriSitiferielpt r...4e to Cotophtto ittutrlitti ;boleti inircat • itt rsc tort Of. fife Ml:me:l4 tattespdeti eioln reetitliMil”-bgfalittiti7timistSit • " ' • t uy uPY jeatEs railckwobr: "' T , r h Nintr;a4U4o4.t- q....-., ; smaiipziun ...maw:km=4. - ' Imity t2pubriiimr.b. hiii in,txtoe - os T . 'oe ,, lee'doforp,i4tu 7 ..°41'.0tet.41; 4- 47,1!" 0-99 pl ". 4 t-1. .otob. 4l 7.oy4oFui .0.03.) -,.. .:u.,..r.V4...11-1....0.'4 `--,' IaatANGE-BROKgRtI. „ ., '• Vonmalritxcussar.: Engtal . Wee...d i fid, and Srot=ll: Also, Drat payable to lot e r.O p r gilif it ilrOU +Conntteg trota'..fl.lo Sr% then ram dr SS to the Sterlinar, without dederLoo or durouro, by JOSISIIA R.OUIN SOM INS rope. ar,d General Arent. oRe. I "' cc. door *est of wood. aLtiR klakt., sc.! ; , txzwax.D 'RA !al 4eA AAR/A, DA.1 , ,D1 - KEED AND EXCIIANG LI MUMMA, Auks' XI/In Ebrclgo AlaDozavnte or Csr. amt. .of Ltaftk Not.Y. trl Cob; carter a 34 Wool Itteels, •lintelly cpposto Et, Matta H. , , — wllb2rXib 4 4LDl 1/US -- DI " b4tuallk abtabki, • "' billsallYb insbutaiLt tba lawut mt., by • ,N. ticifizrts 5.0171'5, sepl3 , '4'3,bn streyb" "011,11,2 York. .4 .4 Ebiltiztota„ • K Eit)t.mt.ts at , Slalltatg. Consume, for sal e.by strl3, MISCELIANEOUS, 11011./.1114 fi. UANFORTits 'FCTI 'ZING DTSTILLERS,And Tea and NVine: Mere hams, East H. at tie Dianicaal,Ptt:settrah,. are nowaalerine :ho very Invert prices fat .eash, ReettfletlWhiAkey, tttrc'rolt rinindote - thoody; atoo, French .I.letittes, llotlane rla r Jamaica el,ettee; too. don GILI; bleb t. bkkey, Lem, a.e. ' Part, Eherry, dls• delta, Cu ampe gee, Claret. Marc well, Mship, Ten rein aF t Liateeit 'Veers Wholesale 3 ItetatL turre- RIMING I . APl:it—Always on bezel ormAtio to l Ll order, tho various riot• of ProlteeA Paper, :Has roppler Popo r; Crewe, paahle CrOVA 4trelt . Strov Wrapping Vapor; eivera,Afediare; and Donldnerown Pun 145. e roper. Peedeboard,ke. aa. W r SWISIIALL, 83 Wood at, 2 tn 4171 , - : Arens for Glutton Attlle; , . • 110 . 1•10.0. ' .$ TOIIN,WATT CO. Lave removal emir cock et tfl Gniepries to the oppoute vide of Libilly tt. • • ' WOMAN' IN ANLIIIICA—IIer ntt boric /3y Mafia 1 Slciatogh, tlllthor of .+Ch.,.m. t Coolgorchnsmi,".To nom t Loner. Day. I'amphic4, No IarTIL.. pror.ot: time. Uy Ttairtme Carlysio. , • i C...p./..25.—/acmolti ofLrfe and Writloti of '114.. CAnalogy, P D al e . D . E L v . iden D c . e owllreicstios o o s lt y.am lh i m ll e l r l. s factor. ou ..1111 two introd awry Exotoros old foot Atli/zones dol,Torea. t the ,Now Ediullusyl;,, by Thoron. Chalthen D. D. I rot Itoo. C../.via—Llfo of Ye _ 4.4l4iv,carpiled tom *albeit. ue spate:sold partied.), frombra earreirpondeutes. iiy Thomas U Dyer. with portrait. 1 vol. Waft., For srtlo by, • -, Et 110 PUNS. ,, arr. 711 Apollo Boildillo. Fourth C,embk aItOSS suyer Polka; 10 do do -.6 , 1 , 10 i; 511 rsaa litkll . 11g; ~. • Bayerulr Enattsh Corn " ' '°l . 4 Pocket Cmbs; 'IW/do:area Fine I,vort; lC ,",super large Dar , 200grou &zed Slqa Comtsi reel] 111.nd for isle by felki ' C YY.A.GER,ION Market-At • RdS Ittklr 1161.14.1.0 . r(/di iIOTICZ--That tv. McClintock hai Ibis dal , reclived revere e.cs of the Gam and best lialf t ado* floll.d, losthieh ha w-ould mot t icepcmfatl call tbeautuitioa of his almoner& and Gie patkie.94 . _ ::Mtfra AFPAV vety Cue GM . celtbratedanuntfacto utie J. r /alba teal trbttula yof F. Martin, nail ihn .1dEllt011.; St Wool /IL Book. Jw4. ReosivlnL rrillE Completo Works John Mayan; 2 fohy.frio, lln Yoh sliusiramd; and ein and pis edges.; Zillionth's Biblical and &Moil 4.3cograOyi.• a new stork; I so!, Woio. I Town's Analysts and Speller. • • IJtd of John Q. Adams; by Wat..ll...SisMirdr.ltol,. 1....11oo; 111111q111 Yoomn by Mrs. Itefaaas; r r .01,12111N•ItIliSlin;:siitj • Soalh's Scrioar.r.,,Sermons preached 11P.)(1.venal ocoa&ns, by Robert Booth. a .41, tdiiion; I of inoludint; ro. - ohomou.lllisecatielt; ' 6.1115—.1 tots.l¢ elicepi'exteg Orn:' , sale by leMi Apbifa BaildlopvEount, Lq miaLE F4olTifilltY: ants Yarneco s , 1 ' ' - ' o;ya ..i r i. '' pßEeildcrrisned,isecctsarsto ArGatreBptetit, poll brse to' infortrY citizens of PlasturiliV ...a tot g o nerally, that the y i nave rebuilt the Eit • 66E . I.CUNDRY anSare obre:in.foll eperatioas end. sued part_ of their pans= ready_forslue. otarset., ornotert'ivi.ich ire Cookiitir Storer, - Cost sod 1W00..1 trunrrsur with ...eplrndid tilr-aght_rton'lSte , ro, trib , lt'' is now :Asia:rearms in other Irilies 0. cunt:non! resod I Stasi'. , Aire, n clamp cool o:rotting - Elam, well .404.... Led for wadi families, mint . fall a:quell:nem of cont emn and game Grate. 1.Y.. .i.. 1.11. pardeulsrly, is, rite llat,uttlibtien of persons building to reit' at at. werehenso I...tir, puren.titig, stud tremble usttlersitd- . articht of counselled Crates, finished to fine style— uttirely into in this in.rlittn.: . . .': ..,.... , 43 r.....t..1 Wasailntlnr, tio::.l.el liberty `t opposite Wood IF: anc.realtf . ' ' NICHOLSON f u FAYbia ". —• , t EITTSLIT.TR.GIII IFIPOILTAT.IO - ifis'..., . CVlCAtiblit fortorter lad IWhoieure - le Dreier JO, . ~,..., FANCY '....N9 VARIETY room ', Sign ofttne Clit.Contb, las.Slerketst.; Pittrlnatetint. Wealth Merchants, -Pedlar., And swatch TisiSta , rittebn IttAPsychsse Goods, attycspeCtinlly loriturd,u to Cali Ant c.a... the =lnn.. tinsortlnent Of ipatig• ash, iinidticoW, French mot'urrnes.Ftutcy,Cuonde. • All Fereltre Goods at thin antillthntecf tire,lnuNtit , ed dire. by myself, lad our, hasets tattY'relyitun'aet. ' tine no ode.frons fast bands.' , 1 have ale largeStastort men, of tracks, in the recoup Asa, in Alt.e.bitk uC Potabergh—all of which nal! he told lets for,c alb or . clay sea-pinnace. 'The Etocti consisisi•in part, of" "• .' Lace Goods, Hosiery, Glove., Ribbons ~- u Bilk Cl.l.ll,Sbot Ann Patent TbrefutaiSenfin Italt;t Spoof CtitleairTaPerc - s.Renar*,wtxqh /,'31:4, Ilea, C Old itaft - Idils.eir Wale het, Cold,Tswelry,sit ktruls of ~, es and pa Cry I - trashes. Connie and Razor.. •:•-* - '. • :- '- • ••• Forc. Non Caps, Revolter., ten s,i Clocks, Pitt Caton Faracs; Spectecteri Steel e; natio: /Corsa, pi nk staf loopy 1121E:4. • - . - - _., .. , .., , • thodu Findaura o , 4.ft:reeling. - • ... Toys a iii Fancy 'cqut.l. tegelia-r with a 11lfg Tit li. ty oil , . a Panda taple Dal, 60011.5.‘ - -- —, C, S.',E tiEJr is -sass agent for the cerebrated - Lan: j castor ' albs: • . .- - .:rt , ut a , aunty! 1 ' , Great Zittgllayl - Ititsgtegy - , 'CtoR CiscAs, _COI6: Av....hill:4mnd CU:...nrinittitite 'T71.1. X GR46.74.11.011 , WOW. Rli,Mhl - for tits cure of titi above, diverse, to t h e ItUNCIMCIANII3I,IIa2,I 0k , ., , LIFE, dt•leevened • ,ty the hetchrated Dr. ItacEn#, o f London, Engitud, and introdmicil lab tha United Nalco , under the4rdiatealetattiuteadcr.ee of tholoventen• , The et rdthary success .of;thla =Wien% in &a' cum orrittathoury suseuess, 'mantas the American , Agent in aW ensn icinnsiortreannee worn, nt,sibk ps. sea th at cni be found? ew coomounity , —estent ktAat Kent,' relief in Vain (reel any of th e conandit rattedles of lbs. , ' day, and hive heti, give:( op hytlasinchtidiatiiipluditd'n phyaietans is conAnned and meant:a. The ..Iliagato• . .., 1 flotsam has elated, endAvill cote, ale roost.dere!*,l of new. 1 1 13 no loser nottnuo, a et' A staellake nfig- lish. medicine., o f tnovra one catablt.htdcitteithy."k • • Every, fentfly In the trotted &awe should , be . attrelfed witY lle,chants liaagnriatt /Islam of Lea.nocoaly tit ' counteract the coosa.pdve tendencies of the climate, . bu. Ps 1.31 used as a nreyeanvd medico:lc In all cut er 91 eolds, coughs, eUittitig of blood, pain lit thg ~, end - chest, irritation and sorenets•ef th e lungs, b , ohltts, " dtalealty of breatzln_hectle fever, night meats, cmdit, ation andvineral de bility, ate • cough and croup: -- , --. • . , k . i . sokt m lulge bitter, !ail perbstths, , aid, fill, dame- lions Ger the _restoration of heal th . '• ' r . Pionabletc, contnining • runes of Engilib tied Asel+. I` Can CaftificiaCl, and fralt, o,l 4Vith . plrsol•lll3l.Le uti equalled osorita of this real English Ittatedy, tiney.tie obtained of the Agents. cratnitously. , For nhja by B•A FAIL•fkSTOCir Co., , cocner o at and Weed and Wood and nth Ss— ' • ' E1..1711.5! Itd V EttLiL COUO tS UrriTiotisi; 1,„7 • Tiogurne Licit let -. • , itrriontattl3. DTarch tar 1817 ; f Dlr. R. E.7l.talterslti justice. to yirta and your lueiori: parauleCough Syrup, I beg teasel° mato, for thenenA chrof Lt. O....et:Mit Alit oty"letifo hos been general times afflicted wiut a tarot. dutrosslng :cough. ~t pare chased, to January last, a bouletotyportly,rup,hith cured tt.cougtt of two mouths' Utarttliag. About ado month stuce,,tho Cbuch returned,. and was as uoCUre.. that she undid hardly •move. - from 'Weakness In do; Lavin; sontlfor ono bottle of yood Cough' Syrart, mut a part or ono bottle oured,the cough I gave thuothir to journeyman tilto wallevurcty ntructed,.whunatl,, to us Ids own words, tr . ten 01.0;4 cough gaudy to core all. Eton people in Pittsburgh"' If the awl 0.4 - bean ,good rooretwaed. • J. YO dm, ri,pe ,t.tu If y, , Allarto IL It striqr- PrrP•ttrti anti sold I.R.kti E SEL.LKII23, I , Vorttl street, lest 004 Iy ,arysziA. ALL - ECM/ NY -VMNITIA2II.III4Iptp. ,AND ttrtitlNET ltAi:factrnti. I.' A. Isßt./ITN vrottl,l reepeet •"-,41.---• r• folly inform the toutAlte, that.he 7t. ' keep,' enhoed &this starrrl oath* I _srrat side of the Dizatottd, AVe• Ottertsr eary, eolnprrte tpterar t meet of Vent:lan . Winds; ai sy,ten Minuets are'mode to Dr. dot:in the Le e r style, •tvert:uuterl ,4.1 to tuly_in mei:calm stnxc. lts Mud. can he removed wittr 0. the lad ice. uniting Perehloed the stnttk, z.. Tztr.' toots, and wpm] oft hireobitterette lowishtnetat lientrtits, heel.- fend. t'Ara prrpaterl to r ur d.b • ch. o rs, • wett az hr rultllent toitre.seith'every troll tu Act,/ hod. ,; Agena N Nair Waal areal Plttnanset. t „ TIROWN , • CVilorod . 1 1vraellIos.tivatitit. MnuncuPtEtAtlkNc recthed nn - 16. eurtmenk -the varaor eDlor,a, 41ili Of e,,,vv.„ . 1 lechl/or gootOtnoutem of v.. r !'" 4 , t.shlvtlaw 3t6ottno.: - • 77g1/..1k.n tTtTil"ins"lo.lll":l7'larr""xnrh ,the,: goer,: life. care I. 14.1.1.i6 ,Velae4r'lkle. Very 1./11 ).4.e; eel ler7bay fors,. rpihfi t ,„ few eie eerie., of the; ioo.rot lactiaor.,l4cy valer, gale eet Iles very law. trt.dee '• awe' P UTArif...4.3;,tovvo'd MA &too', by ove7. iS NY LI ItaftlIV:111 MW :i vti,it.c",:gy.it.;el:4%.=l;:tg=l" Nt., Vane e alpll • Polo aelph a r 4 .Ageaeleap trie dwaTl and awn porth,rod atylifief ihmlopv, *pulite, refill Itardefa,: Va. lksovt ennui and Toale,r:roita, kat rale at EG•lekrout*L.rk, -_ex trreen Folaith gtlte¢t wd laluuAktiMey,4stcr,,F,. t09.C.11114. M U . 1 ,711 1 4 , 130,11C11F11111) nide. w.itt7illl2l l Z a k t x . '; Viriw-preet , Yar _ bosoet tints. 7..etrree Vaitlitage•'[sa Cuff.. • A Bar, 'masked 11a ref rirtdi,4ti: - • iaLkar.ltaadle; raalkeel , taarkt Pec<hent, elm% The-owner, eval' can a-ua Ataa, V;;;; e, Miii.V40 k :2. 1 41.T., * 7' . 4i.E.: - .l.sroinza _co rt v baye otili ea hand a taw ptOsaabarsa,of rhiht *lda for Woolßiz!vortkichutey don am . ,ryq City NI arena/WI. sooColll , 4tOor Irukg tortSkitirg3 7.00 fogs liszord'd, 131,ouroi loader; ' - ` 3 = - " ,, A.Z. • ttoo k,,ctd do .; to Riga•Poarder.„. t Tlts exestisive silo rid erfiel mesa' liteissore paseder, Is the best Kusrsetiestsrfllasissisgil ttt e'.ss tlisiltellant ciders, Oats Intl' reel attenuo.h.b,T:,4l , AbptisvostTi „.- ....,i e ~• _' ' Iltiirli 1.113044. Mt. ink Cesz!",. '4 ,- ~ - ;-.:. •R ; a 4-48Pillf AnITILI/CIIVEL/LamieViii a s .•- ' In anlele•otlfiewn Dit.ll Lovvrat st *be km yii — r „. ' l ' 4 "V* 44 0 1 1 4,1 f o M.Pktl . . i... 1 .: 4 1 ..C1aCat 'N.; !Y .C.pny1fir.fit...4...41 47. 0 714' 4 ' 4 5r. 4 14 4,7 4 A ` , ' . ,. .1 1 7 i .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers