BY MIII:NETit..I TkA,EiIIiAPH ssIiIp.saI'iD,4IIELkaCILLAPUED FOR TH A PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE PROFESSOR WEBSTER. tams, A. K. The strcets and barite lops In the iminedisto entity of the jsil,tro crowded alb 'peels . ° ii, and a tremendois exiitottenr prevails. It is %bought inatTrofessor Webster will be en. tented at nine c'eleen. Last moments and Eaeontion of Prof. Prof. Webster, srer his fatoPy left MD:4IIW night, u Le coafi.lently alleged in perfect uo cum-lumen of hf . comingfate, tan searched— sad put Into his el cell, to order to prevent a7.y attempt at suicide. Dr. Putman left h'm at Ef o'clock loot evenine, mad from that limo till 12 eelne.h, he rimmed the gine In devotional corvervaticn won wa c .era— At II o'clock, he fell into e abort dezt,bat did cot sleep 110111104, awaking and c. dveanicg at times. Ho spoke cf me impending rate with fortitude and resignation, and reemed very greatelnl that aha hour of hie 'death had been kept from his family. At the variona ooiee• of the dawning of • new day, he 'earned to be sanantohat egitated;but Boon recovered hi comnescre By advice he breekfs•ted upon tea:with bread, Inviting the officers tot anal. 'gat& torn, and for td•hirg them wtie bread He made preparations far ascending the scab. fold with &morn. ritioea 300 permna were ad mitted to the j til yard. The boor tope and avid. doers adjoining . the JO term crowded with per. sons, among whom Were Made Indies. The 'greet. ricer the jail were also crowded, but not dec.- 's. At 0 o'clock this morning, the lard religious eemmocles were commenced by D. Putnam,— consisting of a fervent Prayer. Ho invoked the soirit and grace of Gdd for tom, so coon to die lie prayed that the till. o ter's repentance might be steeped, and that he might ho prepend to me..l death. Mr. Jones toss the officer who speeded the Profess, r throughnnt the retracted scene; and sell ea L-•eat 01, very kind and at. tellti9C to the ref ..ttmate man. Lug night D.. remained mere than two home with Pref. Weheer, engaged in devo tional excreta,. Wnen Pi tiara . Webster motioned his d..v3tional entreats at Ittervals and converted with enhaideratin freedom with the .tetra; and being frilly mliscions of his doom repeatedly said he halo great dread and horror at the thought cif beteg lure. but he watt now different to It. He acid he had no fear—that he was perfectly and entirely . regaled to meet his Lie. Ilia appearance through the u;ght confirmed his statement of being reigned and reconciled. health remained Bend, and his apirita calm. He had apparently not lost flesh donng be cocaine. meet. but had probably gaited to that reaped'. ! The erection of the pillow,. was commenced after daylight and emir, eted berve 8 o'clock. Dona the requisition nt Sheriff Ereleth, s force 0f125 men conain•irig Of 100 po'iremeo nod watch men. and 21 minsishiet were detailed for • guard, of whom 25 constahles and 25 pe'ice officers were 'tattooed within the yard,:and 75 without. The scaffold was in the centre of the yard, and more open to the outside view than it would have been at any other runt. 11 did not diminish the clew from the scar of the borduga on Llerell street, and added much to lire view Com Leveret , street. The effvers present at the execution were, High &lend. J. Esvloth , Deputy Sbertffa Watson. -Freeman. Daniel J. Coburn, Jabet Pratt. Emits' Rum Benjamin F. Dailey. and Jr. Coburn. The witnesses hinted by the Sigh Sheriff, and by the State authority;, were admitted, numbering 125. At 10 Milll2l4llbefore 9 o'clock, tba }Ugh Sheriff called the names of the witnesaPs to the execution. He said that they had assmnbled by his Invitation, Is lawful w , mes.mi of the .executon of John W. Webater. He requetted them to keep omen durin g the solemn ceremonies. A company then formed in columns of two and two, and Waled the srnineri t a utV, when the Rev. Dr. Putnam offered ph maser. The hall leading to the cell was fnii,l and the utmost solemnity pro vided. The witeewes then returned to the yard at 20 minutes before ten. ' Rah Sherlf Eveleth, attends ed by his deputies and others, coodumcd the pries oner to the seaft,l4. • The lain duty of the Sheiiff mu then Perform ed Professor Websteir died firmly, peniteLtially, and without a Wrangle. • coscaurostacksAL Wartunrrom, Arg. 30. Fotrs.—Tbe bingrnnting lade to Miebigat to aid to too constraction of a caosteentecting lakes Superior and blich!gan, eras taken up and debat ed at length—the que,tion of Internal Improve• mews being Incidentally diseursed. The question being taken, the btll was ordered one read a third nine. • • • t The Senate then went lots Executive session, and subsequently adjourned till Monday next. House—The Simise resumed the consideration of the report made yesterday, by Mr. Staebery, (bat 'Ritchie and Segosisek, referred to answer eenata questions put to them by the Select Committee, to Map last, to ascertain the author of the Handles tend essays, published in the Union, atd other matters pettish:untie electioneering by Democrat- to cfnce holders, daring the past Pesiderdial cam paign. ,„ One of the resetutions bending wet to briny Ritchie and Setturtsok before the Rouse for eon. tempt. Mr. Fdch jo,rafod Mearra. fluehle no.' Betrostack for eovansweiirg. Tr.., House &Orel the retesinder of the day in Ike dieens,lon of this resolution. SENATE CONFIRMATIONS. WALEAucarca, Avg. 30 Pore Mairerge.—Fred. G. Edararda, Lent. vllle, Ky.; Jou.Omar, Altegbeny City; John King, Peru. III; :lato:•.. M. Todd, Frankfort, Ky. ; Caleb Clark, Ann liarbar, Mind; It. S. Wiliiame, Detroit, Micb.,• Wm Queer Cincinnati, 0; Wm 8. Mlller.Galeeh, ; D raid Powers, Sandusky; loose D.flun, Zanotaale; T. A. Weill, Ste ahem. ~Ile; W. K.. Indiattapolia; Imp. F. Bodey, Nick.burg; hnrr Sprinalle , d, 111 ; Lewis Watton. Viita , aes, la.; Davidson. May. Ky.; Dori! Brawl-v, L. km; C. D. G. Ar eas. Madison; Wm. F. P..tpe Leulo flack. Ark, ; A. H. GoMon,Columbna, Mass; A-c. Gamble, St. Louis. U. 8. Dieter/ Attorneys—A. F. Kerebeaal,— Middletown, Teas.; Cala. N. G.bba, Weal Ten.; Jan. D. Cook, Misectarl, Cedleetora—Wm. lA. Gallagher, Prcrono It. land, Pa.; James Quint:. ick•bure; C. rel, Cuyahoga Fall, 0 : Jamb Ruesell,Chicago;— John Young, Sandusky. NEW YORE MARKET. Naw Yolx, Aog. 30 nom. HEPORT Flout—The market coatinues steady with • fair detnan.3.: Orb it—Whet! and Corn are heavy, without any noticeable change la grim'. Provisioa-Pork is in request at 1110 2363 10,37 /a' priite, and 0,2703,37 ior mesa. Lard la dull. Prime Betteris scarce, and the demand to good, with sale, of Ohio at 10313eg. Ib. Iron--A Ocderatedumg at 519,25 go tan, caals; and 020820,25, 6 atm for tectek pm. • Cirocerleal— The intact youth:ties very firm. Molasses and Corn, sre nand Sales Porto st•rr 61•31 M Cuba and rleaus Sugar etadt p ly . , Tao cheek nyder the foreign nears has been retosered. Sales of Porto Rco Moln ar, at 3103,2 e, shoadde an ,mprovement with a mlll lurtilci advacrinx tea dtey. Callan is iv fair demand. saleiloo3 bap Itto at 10010Ie; in is seinng at Uci Coats lima and Java,l 2 c p tb Tubsec,, the meltet is stiff, but not very Bo tise. l:•• 100 bbd. Onto 5a51, and 00 do KY. at Sale. Saes .CO tales Cabs at 21022 e. pus—Tae market is quite, arita;tales of Eng glith, and American turd English al 76X19 p Mo. PTiILit.I.XI.I.'HIA DIA It KEY. Aug. 31 Flour—Ybe demand for Floor continues Deal. ted, and owing to the increased supplies. panes Dave sbgbtly &clam& Sides nth grotoad for 'biomes' at $531 per bbL dates to (be trade at $5.31105115 for extra brands, and fanny tots at bisect figures. Graist—Wor Wrest, trio ;demand Ia Wilted, and penes are lower. Sales prime Pennsylvania Wpm, at lOCCrlile per boatel, and of Ike at 106 01070. Kra as MUM &rattan Yellow Court same at 65c orlset. Oats are la lair inquest.— We quote at 31;435c, and Penna. at 38310 e per Ea. Whighey Is ursine, with sates In tat at 27 awn in tkdo at Me per gallon, 1341:11301011.E. MARKET. Bmaritons, Aug. 30, rotiT:.-SeVititr tiess at 3C671. Corn !deal and Bye flour are unchanged. .10-43.tkeitns are moderate. Wheat is slip,bitt depressed; °Miami to pod red is selling boaW•o,4l.lld ipt.i to primes 93010.5 e. 15sAistt w him Whilst at 1413110. ebikli ofwhda Cornet, b7W...Bo;tiid yetiosr at 60c gibu. Yrovotiosm-43siesof bone Siv.mid.trs lo 41 5 132.3; asides at 516 0. of Hams at 64310 a üb.. bleaSPott 1110,0 sod of prime at 1[2,31e nu. stillog at 0707*, to brls add kepi t3rooe-oConee is in good dennod. Sale. dunes th4 - 30eett trnollot . to 7000 b e. Itio at pikes ranging from 10 to Ile. Sugar sod Mot. sea apa very, firm twins odes oi . the Muer at 20 a 270 OIL ' Clfi w lltflA MAISSET. Ccieticum, August 20. 7101:01'00.0bbIli at 53,640 3 , 62 . litsj.m-ColiLl!jjiall at 47c, and Oats at 300. par Lard—Saks LOW Yep city No. 1 Lard at ay nets: wiu=7—lii4sikti. is dull, with tales nf 400 bids it 220 pet b. 14, Oteesrms—Thr market is quiet but gnu, mi Ulu pi fair Segsh at 7c, and of Coffee m ligilic per IN -54th • utlitolisses at 346 per. gattem. Tim tier t has 'km S ineLes in the 2a nears. tad sulimrenitg. The umlaut is Cbandy, with rain at kites. a. 1)/111134:13FSF7ina DeThASp. ratcp Canvamsdi ' •• otealli.lo.44 rig ig• by 11.14161 Wl.l A. bIeCIAISAI IL CO COMMERCIAL KC a PITTSLIJ.ILIUIII SUVIMERi 01 A 3/1 amtas COMMITTEE FOR ROO i t mix cawriarirs•—c. w. lactirson••••d. THE °CELE STEAMS:O. • Collin's Lerre—From Liverpool to IV. York. ATLANTlC—Wednesday, Aucust PAClFlC—Wedoceday, cprortber It. • ATLANTIC—Lb edneaday, Otoccotber PA edetretday. October 10. ATLANTIC--Wednoday, Oe.toher 30. From Kern Fork ro Liverpool. PACIFIC, Saturday, Avg. 24. ATLANTlC—Saturday, efapltmber 7. PAClFlC—Saturday. September 79. ATLANTlC—Saturday, October MI. Cunard 'due, (swiiing at IrAa...) 7/210111 L1V511.1 . 0.11. 1 . 141,1 031 . 7119 .17•775 For New York, 3 Atm:From Boston, 7 40g. " Boston. la " " New 1 ark, 14 9 New York, 17 " " klo.ton, 21 " Bo•tnn, 24 " " New . York, 29 " New York, 3t 11 11 Boston, 4 Sept. Boston, 78' " " I " . l 'i ls " to ' n .°'k' 19 `. " New York, 14 " Moron. 21 " " New York, 22 " " New York, 29 " 9 Boston, 9 Oet'r. " Boston, 6 Oct', " New York, 9 New York, 12" " Boston. 16 " Dayton. 12 " 9 New York, 21 " New York, VS " " Boston, 30 " Boston, 0 Nov. " New York, 0 Nov. New York, 9 " " Boston, 13 Briton. 17 " " New York, 0n Newt : York, In " " Dos. , 27 " ork, 4 Dee. Boston. M/ " " New Y " New York, 14 Dec. " Boston, II Boston, 24 " " New York. 16 " Oman Steam N., Co.—For Broom from / HERMANN, Capt. Crabtree, August t a. WASHINGTON, Capt. Lipid, Sept. 20. HERMANN, Cu pt. Crabtree, 0.4 21 . • ASIIINUNON, Capt. Void, Nov. 90. HERMANN, Capt Crabtree, Dee. 20 Fruen Brown to Here York. AsfliNuTuN, Cart. Woyd. Aug 15 IlEttbLANN..lap,. Cnburee, •% . P'• 12 . W AS 111 211 TON, Cop(. 11};RU.\Nti. Copt. Crabtrre. Nur. 15 . WAsUINGTON, Capt. Uoya, Dee. 15. For Clsagru from N York EMPIRE Cm - , Cap, Wilson, Aug 13. CHEROKEE. Cap, Plandle, Aug. ta. From Nno York for Glaargolo. tnato CITY B. mon 11. Matthews —About the m ale of e•-ty •Iteth, utu oIY s cpt . t abot. Novombet and January. From Gto3sgoto for .i . Vito York. • CM OF GLASsGOW. 11. B. Matibar ce—About th. middle of ewer a:remit . . month, ate t—ln Apral June, Mauer Oc ; tober, December. and Februnry PITTIBUIIOII kARILICT Drama Press. Man Goners, Saturday mining, ,August 31, IESO. The market yesterday was without any material change tram Maio. day's quotations. Time river manumits to recede slowly, until it is row nearly op preaching the low water math. FLOUR—The receipts by flyer yesterday mare lim ited, and the sales, so far as transpired, showed a fur. they alight decline. About 150 bbl. were sold frock first hands, at f434,1434,12{ fir bbl. From store 114,i521 437 tray be given on the outride rates. R.{ Shoot—We bear of very hint doing in Rya Flour, bat may quote nominally at 53,512 3 :3 7 tram bra , handy. Coax hint —We rouse fate surddies ca. , dot me hat. Sates from wore and the mills at 5,66ue V hos GRA tN—Wa nonce light receipts awl. • Quiet Wheat mash he fairy camod at 7:.Ditte; Rye, 68 000; Con, 4:40.1e, and Clots at 313:03 '.roca first bands. GROCERIES—There is a continued firmness to Su. gsr and hlo , osses, with sales of the former •t'l®?/e, /a hhls and bole, and Of the lane, at 3103de 0' gall. Loaf Sugar is sold pegatuly at 'Ante.: at. lb Cob• a is unsettled, holders and buyers beig3 span In tbetr Ceara We heard of no sale.. to any extent, bat may rontirue to snots ble as has zu , ing tote for best Rio.— Bile, of RICO at 1125 e. PROVISIONS ore qult4 o , On no onongo from Altssaral lION. —The following par:iv - orb, brays th Cincinnati Ghat al from the St. Louts Republica. communicaies a fact of much interest, of the corren MIS of which wo have no doubt. What the Wester State, rant now, is only additional capital, and so.. of the skill and enterprise that now lie tale is Pen • . • vivaria, to ,how what can I.e done in the United Statce unmet Encase competition in the great lion reepted. I wonlO be mange indeed, if Tenet . . .nd Onto non Even. with the metal lytngaboutth Jot, end Id noun iron seen, with It nsing even et. heir huls,—.nd with the wheel field, the c. - - fold, the mg and cattle range. d the dairy ell in sigh --emild not compete with the iron men of nay count? in tee wor ld. The litcpabhcan soya at the close of • ' • " The Pilot Knob Company are erectirg a forge at their works ton, the ore directly into Iron, by the same pr o n e . , need la the manufacture of the bar above metioned They will have It In operation few week, and succ.sful, nit *err Is every r unee to believe they will he, they will be able to prtala •tmentir sirtiela or malleable iron. at Ices eost th en II is produced emewhere, front tho superior richness of the ore, and the rime with wtstelt at Is converuid Into tree, e.nd will be able to pa: It tom market at mach less nest of trantionruitmo. The Company basal ore and tiostermi emcee. to suPPIY thewho , e vatael o! the hitssumppi with Ganarrn or mix Cereal Tune Os Uurtr.—NC• giro below a akemh of the great ltieTetiC in the Cate Trade of Brasil, 'shift :rem a very idol. and outworn (sit g commencement, has grown to • magnitude • moat inetedille " lit. not nny interretlrs v • e vmv cf the preceren of • deperdnent of ogriculture n mese contry of this collier-of, hot Inky *etas stimulant io tower who are engaged to creatable efforts to extend the collate of sdk • wool. napes, he.. to Ohio country. and our those who are trying to add the tea plant to our neagelifteent enta , orne of national resources The cob roc berry no fit in•oduced into Otto de Jonetro let 1771, by a FrenctseAn mint. named Vellono..ho grew/ single tree in the garden of the convent progeni es! the 6ro. (toils to the ((teeny, who Combo ted Meal amon. the p looters, at the rimenate rgins the atts •ardeges of Ending another article to the exportable products of the country, but they were strongly pa j u• dined in favor of Anna •nit indigo, and the new plant woo so uch neglected, -that up to •ho opening of the of Otto fur foreign trade, the •nnual veep did of exceed SU hos.. So moderato woe tee ncrease for a loos creole, hsi it Lad only reached 100.001 hap in thRO. About this time the heh price of Codes inins tant!. u sper-added to the deel.shns price of Sue ar slim. slated the Bo aelltan planter to extend the coluvation of Co tric From this lace the new trade began to bare a 'genet bin client cape Ceding Sugar, at the Cadets trade tn. creasM to Brant, It fell of in Cuba, and on the other hard the ealtistaston of Sugar there...led In Cuba. as it declined in Brasil In 1831. the Planters of BnnU tent to market 400,0h0 bags or 84,000,1.00 Ss, and In 1547, this glinton to their agricultural produes, orhtett was at hest treated with cd %main., wan oam and sold to the cuormoos quanti ol ty of neatly thin ha n d[ ad lions of pounds. Havana Market. lievaaa, Aug, 17,1E50. An active demand hi. been maintained for Sugar, wail., the supplies from the interior bre moldy Tile seek is therefore rapidly &messing, and prices of Y and browns have risen still more. thanes aro neglected, ea the lateness of tee mason does not per mit further shipments to the Baltic, Lot thew is only e atta2 quantity of this sort tenimining. fbr• • low rate. of Freislit to Europe, have tended to stimelate the de mand tor Sara, and wane mumela have arrived isditto the Ism dor or two which may afford :aeons of transpormnon to the United States, the slrpments in general are more likely to he free,. We quote Whiles .t 0000 eta!', hoe and choice whlies,1018 , 11: Yellow, 610717 meteor Yellows, 11031 Brown, 14-1116; Cum. , orb., 505 1. Mot aa 22 ic hell at 2 tar, la the lather and the out- post. Importa—Tbree.carkoes of Jerked Self were wild at 8.7 i, 1J ra The stock of Latd hae increased to the equivalent ofPALO Legs. A entire of Awe from tw vanneh pola at ilf, end one from Charleston at Inrt. About 3CO 000 ha • Lumber were sold or SW for tieth and dot tor Portend . Freights—To the United Steles In watt r box werepaid, and the quotation for uteruses Is codinal for loam of vessels. Ks encode on England 181 ct. prom; New York and Iloaton par 01 ir et. poem. IItILVAIII it. WILLIAMS. 10 Gel 'nem st, t ßaltscsore, A GENTS for the sale of Soda Ash, Bleaching A Fosrders, Sec. hare on hand, and are con , lently recrivtec Clint trem the 111anufacturcra, the above ariicles onbe hest and moot appeared brands, which they offer to the trade no quantities to snit, and at lowest market rates. anglo:4l3l+ WOOLLEN GOUDI Tun nr.dersigned bats on hand, and to thls day re toit lag trnm the manufacturers, or. consignment. lame lot or riannels, alt solo,. plain and berry.; Also. tied Blankets. Blanket Coating, Mayer C oths. cesnlnderes, Bstinetts and Tweeds; which he will sell by 'be eve or piece, at tvansfactuierst priers. Th. attention of dealers in woollen L good I Is E invited. I, my Liner y . . OtGee of Pittsburgh On. Company, At, gant 17, MO. THE Stockholders of the Pinalwarch Gar Cowan! are barely notified, that the Annual bleetloptof the Stooknolders for IL, Election of Trestrew, bo held at the office of tthe company, In the city of P i m. bargh, on hlnnday,lllo second day of September next, between the boor' of two and fire ovelocw.ter the purpowe of clectlrd two persons to terve a. Tr. Imo for said company, toe theta years, from the cud ascend day of September rcat. orl7:dtgr rims. ISAKEWELL,Pretb. • Va loath , Coal Property at Amman. ON TUESDAY morning September 3rd. at II o.• at the Commercial tsles room, Corner of Wood and Fad, rareets,will be mid A tract of , Land Mutated on the. Eastillgide of the Monongahela Hiner, about (one miles above Moron gahe'a City, lormetly owned by o•lntore and Ham.— entwninghoot 63 /Wes, one ballof witch la n a da, Coldo i ollan, • with (am noose. and. alto ea comma aloe* frame dwellgs in connection the Cool Work. TD Pit in opened favorablywithm 'ated C for draining and ventilation. Vein of Coal font foot in deed, and qo•Jity Very seamier • Title Indisputable, and a loon credit will 'be ghee on parlor Me pore bue money. anek.sTa tan • P. H. DAVIS, Anal du. Dl uspratt. & 1020 Pataist Sods Ash. : 834 F.A.Bl2,lttnil'abonirem.eareby7a err b ve tits p al:ll cell manta, per"&ona Bieli;,"Barorman"Bovlin,“ and erte r b Mt, •ia Ph Bade 1p bi a and Baltimore, Warraht nd regret( gr in both iiirearth.sait quality to any in tha market, (or vale at dm lowest once for each and ap• proved bills, by •• . W. &hi /OTC lIELTILKE anal%libertyMee, • Wart boat Trismantu is. WE Invite the aUcalas at Oat. latntatting BM= VI , Moats to tat'atAortmentat Truamings, to:Worts. tag b pall or that otkmmat 64 and 7.4 TAM* la,ons, Linen Napkin', iiikekkark tiapay Scotch Diaper, Card Tabliroiak., Crash. Cut.n de- I - Mau, fr.e. boa . ' • weLirrrocir. asgl4 • Caipot,Wareboamo, 73 Foanh M. Tmelt7Utr-at!rt4.-tii,i4- ealV seal llama Y aml,o • WIS A 11C01.9/10 cto PORT OF' PiTTS.BURIA RM.—nitre were 2'l"eq, 7 Inetug, In channel, by metal mark hut evenini:nolusk, and tailing dowly. ARRIVED. Mich Man. 13rits, DraTr , Fashion,-Peetilt., Ells:Meth. Atlantic, Pasim...e, Brownsville Baltic, .larobs,'llsoWnsvilte. Nourbiorliaity. Harhmee, hloncre.mhla C.ty . C...bier,'ll:o3illv: S . , reeling. Reveille. Bets, lWlieelle2. Wave, Shaffer Welisviht, Loyal Henna, ilentitegi. Lowell, orm, einaisinetl wor A lw {1 . 2, rim:moan. Fleetwood, Conte Loam Umpire No 2 H =phut. /leaer. Tummosa, Hen plan, Weel/e.g. ID WARTED Afiehirin,lßries :111nstr { Fashion. reeblea LiLrahmh. Baltic. Jacobs, Crewrav , ilc. Partleitom Llsnwehsille loughieslminy. Hatton,. NI or ongahels City Camden, Ilendrfetroe. Thos 12com Miller. wchsvtile. lonian, Lriton, iVheeling. Li& von, John on. Rangier Rock, Furl Pot, Mille • Nashville. C nderelle, emeimmit. Shenandoah, Coles, SI Loom. BOATS LAVING 'rim DAY AIONIONGAIIELA. , CITV—VoughIogIIeny, 11 r. ZANESTILLE—Eqvress, 4 r. a. ST. LOUlS—Grarea, 10 A. r. WIIEELINU—Ca•Bier. Y A. v. .. r. ST. LOUIS—Loc1;•.10 A. The splendid rarer light Oraught ninr L., It, Capt. W J. Fount:, will leave for Lou. p, will be her see on,i Mp from this por hn•u,neenrrn ed most admirably . on her 11.*ItrIp. 'Not boal. 1o:ely arranged, and splendtdly lurtnalled r entann, and • trip on her must be one of ple.ure and comfort to the prmengers. Foe Wu'lmmo —rya splendid littnt draoght ytyans er Reveille, Capt. R. U. Major, master, will leave Cats day, at 10 It. n The R i a boat fern:slit:lg R. rate accommodations, and from It , r extreme inlttne st. draught, etze will naret woh no Unttnnan on tie Poa WILZIV-17W—Tile MU., steam, Cashier. Capt. to Ite regular pack et ,or to day iCaTri at 4 o'clock P. T 1 , thus mkt tog a fi..e oppottoutly to Locus—Toe •r:endld light draught steamer Geneva, will leave as above day. The G 111 a good boat, and tie iurnistics superior isceorunio to the traveller. CINCINNATI—Pa. FICLTIvo.—IgI dry hides, M O'Neil; bbls apple, Ge9rcm Mott; to dodo, 7,1c1, 3 boxes./ NI DOL•ll; /0% finciturc, E Elglish; c.di 114/d -ver e, 1 Walker 1.551.5. A-111 belle Whitmore & Wolff 2.1.7 tox• Lad,. VV. ,inoc. Lnd. rule. tar. ar. In, 5 VIII, p meal, Trenton.. Evcr«ou s‘. Co, 1 tAi, II klcbel & CAI Pen Lowey.— • M land• baron, farqdra tJ bble molnauca. J o atlet a wnt, to , 6, :do bbla molat•ea, J 4' , Ilhd• harnn. 13mgliana, 5O do do, Tanit dry zro,^eaca, Ongaley t Co, 41 LI, to Grail at I tr. fIONST ANT tonptics of Wiiria's otupc-rior Farca ) 1,/ Pour alll be tort rnr •c re 110111.:It1SON & 111:1•1 . 1 , 11T S,ron, Dr. Gorsotr• li:stract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla. PUT up In the law. stood o,lllos, onota•nt m A ore able put. iLoiduts. Sot.rep•rtJ...i Ins, our °rt' preparatton extant which t. onen, , e•op . ne ,t Gerry. the Extract of Yellow !t001...01e at:aet ol Cherey.and the Sateara of 1 tr, ten , •ns,og rpm, dy mote thorOughly ellsnsent tetY oar' , S.ts`Ps• r p to fore the i.ohie, At too -so, Law.: t• oern,- free frost mu era: not•app.e • ;e:. • of soy other the Sor•npa•o:o contoon i arid slot'. Leven, or pot•Po•' N.P.P- . n ,Iv. otherPota.n. Intro, Suiphur. nt.e other mineral and memoir: poisoo• -r ot:P n forte the active ht,to of melt of the ?vr• o so: of Vetoer rue.od Sixfp.r. C particle of thesec •r oe.. tr, oso n,nretp:o by ame in; the nerP••n :cots The potpon• nreuetona,y r.• - tot they to vitiate the hoot. or.el ro.nn.ote:e to:or-a -tone the Irshoit sptera e:ttn edet r nun, t, offeet• that the Cart told, or the fort nr.lri of dt•oaee, errouratet the portent'' , strenrth. art. Pubter , . It.rot or tor to the moat exerudattne torture, and render• anew, cure iM,01,15:e and hope:o, Lrt panPonou• Sar•nparl:ta prepareoPes ned o•P I.uynt, Improved Extract o: Yellow •od Slr•suar.l . l. Irtneh at thoroughly eftcoeton•• perceth horodoPP. and 'purely vegetoble...s of oonio ytelOs to osgsolsl irtucto— Scrofula, Ca:stern. Turttom Cutareau. Macias,Puante, t nr I , tee, Climate Sore Eye.. Tear flttertin, Sttlaratru,nt nr 4 e I,', or lotto. Sw. • •• •. elling of the”!•, ), p ton, Losnbagn, Sta rry, I,, , er•za. J i'...- avenue , , Salt Meet. et disease• amine from an i of ry, Slintster's Sore Tgroat. Wen knes• of ttee Cho•t. rolmonnry Agee:tons. and Al other et•ten,••••• ter d in; towards Coosompt•on. I.lvor C•ompinolt.F,n2.l.e lrreirolarturs and eorr.nlsm, •nd Nerl•t•os Headache, Gerero , D. , 111t, Sptran, 1•1" of Appeitto, N , ebt BsenLs. 1.0111. too Bode and Shoulders. Expos ore or Imprudence la EA.. Cheer:- le Constitattons Dttnrderr. no a Swing A lod FRI; Paltrier of the ltleKsi , end Leeeral Tutorthe System. it is onrl•a.::ed. • • • A ease of Ulnrerti Loth., SToataat years sternds3xf. The Milo Intl I. an flll,lO Or a Ilas 97,1,50, from F. El Perk tar. M nislly hie paysletan Fl•nvlte Ohto Jon, Pans—Mar: rhr: I have am:, my care a yosmit woman who, for ti a•'bn. beru • kr fering (tom 111...•reiv , 1 been preitourtree bapelrs• Ly Our, .•: our ~•.‘ sanana i ton her Into rav I ti Ovym;C• Yri , ovr rk,k ol •rv.:y, •. 1 am confident that the 1 v Dyck •• Sky , 1-01, •• • • •41:1e1P•rt reralPflet ,h• r•••• health than the hat ever :•eco I.e:orc. and ,sn..• • mile ot two witooot !Augur o: A year apt Lae used crotchet. I anti report to case doe MD, Very retpec.tolty, F. 1.1. It Las been remarked. by eminent men, that In the tralledeatalogue rtf disease. to .ehteh roan in there 4.eaver ry oof such Imp, mimes, and of sect I Internet as s<romt., n ro betb e r we oak to :he nt.mcrnt Of its origin, na Inaid'lle, pros rest, Inc snj werjety °roman. that It snarl, or tte rm./aide in-,1 ettrabflity and extenmse fatalmr Scrofula bat battled the odult of the. meat eminent physician. In thin country and in Vamp.. L. no-re ullldoi e for this dlncam• 1,1 Dr ..0 wt.. I Vta, Yelmor Dock and: arsaparilla," whir, i.n tog .t rely a perfect epeelfie ln the moat revere tunes to serutula. An erttaordinnry cow of Scrofula eared be the Cole toe of Domor lotyott's Compcumlrup It will be seen by this rern4n am that this man has I—ert under the treatment of several en'ebented ;di for the past eight years, withal. denying nny and bail been effectually cured by the one of a few bottle of Dr. Cinytont• Compound Syrup nl•tv va in Juneo,llllsl Da. Galsorr—Dear Mr.—Owing to you • debt money cannot pay. I am induced to make a public ac knowledgment of the bench I have desired tram v,,,, tnyalnahla Syrup. I was sorely alltmed wlth • term. bla Scrofnlons disease, hereditary in our family, which commeneed on my neck, and, connnuine to spread. soon reached relearn, running iota my head. and calendula all over my face, neck, and lower es trarnines. I bee :me a dirgunting °Liam to Mak upon. - At tbales my distreas was so great Mar I wan ene r,/, to sleep or he down; and the Meaner ex rename two my sera acnnualy .fleeted ply bearing. My face swim orm I continuous sore, from wetch a drachmae of nisucr and water kept continually nosing out. People /moni ed me, saddened I hart the small pox, or someme what' infect.. discane, and I was ednsamently o and to i my titmice.. Notwnhormiding I hod on ' beat medical advice. and tried different doors ot Dem went. the draeme conttnued regrow wore,until I adv. app in despair, Fortuna:my I fall in with n paam,cr on the steamboat, while travailing (or my health, woo tnfOrrned me that hi. son WWI at one ulna ins had a condition as I was, and that by using yme Syrup he lima speedily eared I immcdrateln procured Ito ar ticle, commenced using rt. and now, after haying toed less than sin bottles, I am well and able to attend to my bantams. I send you this otatern•nt m an act 1 iamice, only Empire that It Vial . ITWUre the•aglbctohl to Mite tige of tire right medicine, and thereby gave them mach angering and expense. I martial your obedient servant, JOHN SPALDING. Cure of an aggravated ea. of Erysipeln. The Curet rtgllntinett by "Dm. Gurney of Yellow Doc. and Eiartapartlla are lasting. 'I he na• trends general health [finial.% to impre.•e after .0— ens, to ten:Laved. Carus are not chrolli,ed mill rime has fully meted that Were can he no relapse or 'arum of dm disease. Nom.; (Herkimer Co.) Feb. 1910. EL F. Damask & Co., thou., it Is wtth gre, pie:tzar< that I write you of ry nappy effects of your Yellow Dock and Sersaporilla open soy *on, who ho long been aaffenng under that dreadful, tenth/thine .1., easEsipelas, with which be was allacced in led, and vaster several mnatha attended by torte of our best p.m... wan tried their skill peeveringly tor five moot., without any beneficial effect. whatever. He become reduced ton perfect skeleton He bad ul cers (mot his hip to his knee, which were erOnlinuallY dssetterglll4 disgustingly Miens., manes. Medic. and .rgical 'kill ems - bathed. Physicians std that hi. ease was hopeless—there mold be Lathing done tonne. rose terrible gangrerthlng ulcers. Id, neigh beth and mY•eif thought hi' distolution near at hand. One of nay nefghborsonba bud curt. a child of scref. ale with your invalanhlo toed/rine, w1.1,e.1 Me to, trifle trial 01 It, had Same from the res le.a destre do something while life kotho, then from any hope cal getting relief I procured three bottle. el your Doak end Sarsapa: . and cnimbenced using it and to my .1.1..1.4 he enmtheneed inthresthg be hid mod the third bottle, and before he lintl ithed a half tarsi benles he conld walk out. *lle used in all , twelve unties, and by °rink r hat Ito woo pc rfs oily rue need, every vestige of the disease 'kept the Is removed, and liar... , in perfett OP to the present time. His recovery, under it, blethtne of God, to entirely owing to the nee of roar Yeliow Dock and Saraaparilis, and I assure yon that I feel my pelt under great obligations to you, anddt Is with great joy that I Worm you of what ynni Sarauptirilla L. done (or my son. Respectfully, JAS. RUSSELL. irrrilene genuine unless put up to large tooth., containing &quart, and the name of tee. Syrup blown In the glen, with the wttltert rignatote - 01 S. F. U.. nett, on the outside wrapper. Prue 51 par bottle—or 6 bones for SO. It is sold by 3. D. PARR'. Nerdr. Deal corner of Fauna and W•loist stleets, mutat. en Wain. Dineannad, Ohio, to whom all orders Mast be addres Caller & Rre, Erie, W. P. Johnson k Co. ' W/{l,- ford; & Ciemone, Cnareingalllt,• At;el Turrell, plummet; HiTll33 Nlti,Torranda; Robert Ilny, Went.- !anti L. Roder-tel. Callernrhart; Wilcox, Jr, Pats• purr& earner of Market alma and the Duannud.. • Jy19:11&•rIanSI Ila:ta or Prroaraca, Alt 1 180 rvitE stackbolders of the lien or 1. 5 " n. ra I hereby notated that a tenets' et• "`-'64 , t "" holden, be held al the 1Nua1t,110%,"7..",--ock. day, the fifth day cf September moat , at teti ° o`e t NtT, bght3.lh,conath, i r d ea b, cted by the for their aeceptauce Or, Mice ita lot lle. fly orde g re7l3 th alLt off:Xar4l;ids IMEDIOVAL. TAlifltS WILSON Worms his friends and the - pawl. 41..i1at bu remoree as Hat and Cep Sashimi). Sent from Smithfield event, to hlanld smini on the, Muer of Wood duvet and Diatom! Alley, t.reond story) over ratrias & Friend's Exchange Ofdre,en. trance bank, otl LiamornA rilleS—mfiere maY he (mind slime and taehicnable aseorunent of Bate 'sad Oa)m at lig=rtgr ic holcOiale , and total LOCAL MATER& 11170111 19 TO TUX Fin,AUXBII DOLT GWOMII . livxrar.—we were astonished yesterday. while menpir e kw a few moll:teas in ilmO'Reity Telegraph'Olf'e, at the riamitiep• et gentlemen wee rams , in,. wishiiig...te `idorritCnor elasent revp.rulhe clty ompperfceti , heinihy; hlaiiy of eimeltizeni 'left too n through ndreskof the ehbleie,:,erhteh very timlitb; inavouett Pittshargh, Ilse been freer Pew it than, shy other tilY l a3; 6 ' 6 : l33ia° 7 We are alsd a percelve,howeveri.that even in the ormtion of the most titold,Piitibtleth Is now mmoulered free from &setae. New Parca.—The first number Pith a Enter prise." a caw daily paper, pablisikedia - Alleghe a y , by i.le.trra Gam‘, , e, Irwin & C,llom, appeared 'iv...craw'. It present , • very neat appearance, and the erlltorialn are heritten with ability. I.mnovex. A...cur.—A rowdy made an at• tack on Thursday night, on a coontrymun named iteK..lvey, who was sleeping in his market or agon, when his assailant pulled him oat and airing him zoveral limos The scoundrel was committed to _ . Havana C 1. 1 .0 -Wu understand that the rl road notert , now con fi ned in jut. have reactor the bonomMe Ghettos Stealer as their connect, aa that they 'eel be brought before Judge McClure to-Jay, en it writ of habeas corpus. It will beta et:teeny lo ace tlorty•two men before the Court it • Tltc tr..--Notwoheisndlng thelarge number oh persons new confine./ in tail, there i• noeiettnese Th. is doubtle: , to be ettulatten to the edmtrabl • santtory tegutabons of Simian-Curtis. PITIAni.E.—A poor womn, nuffering from the rutin. of Pnod•birth, mom br a ought to the Mayor's Odic, yettlerday, inn hackney coach. She has no Lome nor mold , in Pittshurytt, and was Font by the ove,eers of the Poor to the Rey. Mr. Perm. 00010 hortpdtti. NUIPANCS.—The bodge over the canal to An d•rsvt diver, A:legit:my, i• still imparaMic. area wha go over the Hoed aircet bridge, have Ire qitantly TO ❑iVUI itelfn mile out of their Way in ,ardor t•i gat acro, tic copal. They complain I wll), of course, but complaint seem. to be, cf Ic le nee. D rgrf e, tlUna wan ;Frs.—We are glad to ree that mere hreutlial prouttsgs aro begloamg to au root that nth a,,a wh , ch ti.ry so wed deserve P,tracc+av nr.tu named Samuel }lcahn was ye ran td ty eau:frau:err ro or,non by Alderman Park .o ran. c harked with blanking Into a public house f • L fc+reff ace!. rt, and 'feeling therefrom a number crib° es of tntlmg v••fre• Nr, r 11r.L . F ft V.—A number of workmen are en paged tu to She height 01 the belfry dale Hey Svp,l'a Church. m Allegheny, a hu'bct one o Illy nentint hou-eft wvrehip in th e City Cnnt.trta A.1.1.1501111.,—We ropy the jot. .Icatloo tl.l of ter names of there persona wha died of the Co. tern in the voettity of ebestnul Weft, AlitNhour run the Tri , unc: e1.01.X• I,lAL.ttenvti.—The- a:flowing athe ..4ntere in Ai:of/betty, more the ti .t ot a,nt, Oeten.c. on Frniny lost.— Ti 1.1 Is eerehil . l toepered by a gentletnat litoo. et tot the No, and may b e d e p e nd. cd 11i... as e nee. ALL,, Thursoley, August O. P•atha from 1:,u1,1,3, eortrarreirK on Friday, 1,0 ond.or on Touroday, et 1 dolook. Fr.any Works. sword.}—,lrs. Troll. M.r Z ton. Mt. I) onittLoc. Sunday—One, out., a 1 , 1,01:- , a Mr. Edair.g• • • Mr. s•,: :era coti L Gorouo Raker. Mooday—V , tVar. co.: of Mr. Trot •i co Mr. irll4). r 4 r. Yarev. cht.d r. R ;le , r. r•-re. Mr. 7i,..,,weer and brother-la-Nee M- Pe , fer. Cbeetuut arta. A r.-e, , et D.edert'n. Li.. d , gnmonug it Mr. Edits.. Wedoetilay , —A% :soder Talbott. Zr. .y.. Vire. Go.oves. Dorioeshe. L.teg, died to bone esitotin. ll rdi-e reugge, eat deed,. reporle ed. Lot ,rovrt, ecutAIGI. ride‘—Mr. Pharr, Deireare. ,y eve ma, is'—A Assn like], this ru., i ie, reported oead. A t.t.ran, ay, Fr , e 7. 12 itr 1Z ttr, rt,ng, to tt c low! /e,ortv n, d I ', .I•ra hot fiery Sarlc , n no now t as, ;n the las: 21 h.., cad .g DH.. 15.. D. I.IOINK'S SHAKER SARSAPARILLA, IN 4UAKT 1301-TLE,,, curing and emir ' 1:;1 •:c . F.TI °Ns; . . v• rt. •::). d•diatc the yyst em. nd eta.- ft Lon, Teri- e•n. Drcopv• . . ‘ rlwelltngs, King's Evil, Necrugie An! . . - ,o,trnc.:lo., Harr. Fluor Albus, I .r.•c,ofme Serron., a..ir4 Watt Actvi I +. .S.;,•rwrne, 1 . 1 , ptu..0 0' the Lie:tern! DceJrtJ, llyepep.., I. ,r It I, Pixiely and Viowntatile. It it, [wen u•rt: ornh Ire rm. lorenal eye 'ere by ' thr Prole-riot :n New York and New litunpintro, and me 1.....0 . r0 *qv, renersaly• for inaor year.—add n. n rn • pord.rr o( tee blood and invigorator or tho sy • iern rk I,eikeleo hteOicino and an ail !rinob- ftlivbeile it ri. no coml. TS purl, n•••• it,•cf• y of 11, Dhek or prepare.. •re well ki•owt• Thu rnoth einn require, no lon g of r^r•lbr st , .. and cure. to tntrocuo• in in in. reaslng dvn..ind •or • toe past yea, la Its best focal', ...• I: to o•rart bettlrs, end is the only SIM.", pur.i.a that act, t n the Liner. Rolnry...nd . 3lood .5 nll/t/C, 01,..ri rendero it r•Logrthet more valu able to rvery out. patnealsrly to temsle• NIu•••y, ittoteasor In the Onto Medea! Celleve, •nyv th• eot,. er pe,..perationa ere Only valuable. and reeommt E. them to the nubile. The slob and afflict. re are' to 0,1 end obtain. • pamottlet, purrlinse n bottle of ibis valuable I ninny Medicine. Lir In', onclovpitraint Dr.S.D.IIOWE'S BAR: 4 • l'kftlLLA.. and take no other. 1' rSI orr t. o.t!e—C, honk, :or e 5. rn, by J. A. Jones, J. t•choontnaketr t- Co, 'iv, 10. teR !tire., J. M. Townsend, J. NI nhlct NV. J ecnenu, Nnslnatcl4 IL A. Elliott, Allechee y goy, fl bI Cioii.nn. Rlnnetv stet; I'. Clinker, ft . row.- ',Re, Jannis Pech t. CO. Wtvrllngt J. r• ner .en and P. Ii a10r...a. it. ClalrStrillei Mites. a Kn.., Also. ler tale by. lift. S. D. OWE A CO., ?rope .etors, I Cohere. lialLeturtnnau, 0., To vehnrn all order. mut be leddeessai. tug; r X , l.ltt 130 n 1,11 3 ,1 Serosd street, bet% mon Wood 111 end oottl•Orteld, off, for .ale 1,1 roi, l er checs H,IL P .Imp. h t3le Tens Yon lhos I lo : .1, o'. end Vs V. mono I'd 'fobatco, in.. I. s Hot Ihdee 5•11 Or t North Carolina Ter; OH. Homo; Orls Own 11.nuere Oil; In onree. Rice; sl It riroundGingtr; t•-1 is While Pipe., 10 ill 311 SO h is Voringernd lioapi • In ng, Pepper; 15 hogs Al.plee; 30 hos tur v e s 1,5 dor. 1k over Rues ate; on d, z Tub.,orouried 15 dcz Heelers, v•soelrcl al IG , trams 110 uponper. s sorted; I: b Wit/ W . sunned; Indow Glo.nned; , casks Salerniu., ceieon.N V Ind/go; -• 1 vote nhnl.l, do, 12 hkd. nHolu,r; casts I.lqaorire: Tort,hur a general aseartmcnt'd all anlelts I. Go• eilibTor ter* for Good Teas.: ItAWiiitTli knee I,llllsnrd che cope -11.1 tenon et the Ile. and Chenpent Tees In Pawl high. II compare itio it Teo with whet too ere you it i I oh 011VO OCl{O.Pkrdy, ite euper.or.:y. •i hay nee eft- curt:till in tliti of th eir 1 . rbey oz--tlier for cool. Worn tlin iwporw re ...tit :mil vitiit 'every mall t.irse tie iii•-nna they are enabled to sail sock ezeellent Blue tor •rean /eve et Litle per lb nor —75 e Tba best kiiide II do TIG.: TEA. MARKET, anal foot aide Gleamed PiItOPOIiALM FOIL Tlninalt. Once of the Ohio. b Penn. R. R. Co., Plitaborglo, Aug. IP, Ifdlt. 5 DROPOSALS In winung sinll be received by the L efi I steam, stout Tuesday, the Ist day of October,' for tbe r• deo.," y of the erase ties required for laying the tract of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Rath Roast Item hence t, IleSilllie, n distance of ltO sullen: The umber of ties requiem:will be abottl one thousandnine huritheilper pale. The nee are to be or Gourd While oak ij r•thek oat, subject to the inspection of tits engineer of the company. Thee must tee cot with is 10 length, tit eight Oct. it of sawed. timber. they o r e to •be Croon by eight Inches equate; tf of hewed titnuer, they are to he tatted an the top said hounao to It width of eight locket. They mutt be Mese of hart, delivered and piled op on the Imo an. Rimmed by the engineer, between the first ofJancen't and knit of May nest - Bldiers are reqested to t tote whet ehlehre alit" they propose tO detien:, ant on what sections or tho Tail coed they PrOPOte to deliver them. They may propose for ties of cheat:vet OT to. khlit, tf of leeaM, the rntay be wenn inehea.msosre. Proposals sr c lice invited for fornislmag mud ells et white pine or white oat, to be roar by cite in ales agitate, and from clebieen . to menus tout lee% I ocg, . be delivered on the fine carved at: above. . - 1 i - IiV.IIOBINISOY., Jr., Preaide:ll.. o.oe:elect!. ... Joen Gunpe, Pre, Rana b.eettnanulaip aged Copy Boole. ll& above -boobs having nice introdueeal Into T publia ntri s prieuto rebnala In Pb uebuteb acid Able heap, Um attar's. bee uppeur the unbecriber agent top_alett talpittibis cll7. • - . Tuuchen nud u , bete WM be applied elpablieltees OM 14 alpaca la circa*, j 11 hML3-011, Y 7914 xxrk.b ur - InscOUNI—COHREVIIILIBT. N. 110L1161/ 6 8035. ar eta Seekers, No. 66 hlailut Meet, uear Ma a Paallazi)itTlianiii. . In diana. .i •Jankoleauberell ! v.-NM1...C.0e Sii i to /tranchea•• 1 ric:mese liens 0 Par . Sateheripii• .- .- •• Sere. ZeMli.ii.. il i ksitt.•Onti V 40010.10. ' •-• . 3.,71 , hoolelptts•-••Pai.flrerttie ht. et um:. -C vard. S en k..-..•.....6.4tu0menr-Li 10.4 Va.-v.-h.. Lernsanuran •pailllk. oho Valley,- " . Uteelel• Couuty • • •paerk. of Vlegutia••••- '! • 0 Seism:Lye Co. • • •par 51.6 AVMs, Princelier{ i 0 Ploutgomarcitv:ruvelims• lido DIo•-setown,,• •••/.: 0 Isortitubeciar.d-par1.N..W041. - Yl7r --- • i Oolactbh Bridge Co..- 991 de - IV, liblseg•-• • 1 t s,ries t ses seuk..-par . dis •'. Parkeesliag•-• ' 4 ' Fennel , ' lit, lituneiso•par 0 TOlstosnem, . Famen' Bk. IleoZiCa..Puei 2 ,2-9 (.2 ., 0 6_ . 0 0 .0• 0 0._ 0 ••• • i 'i 2 Farmers trk I.+ooo,ei•Pat i. 2 ri- ... a 4 ' , .1i.--- Lana-:o0 0 Co. i'lk..• • • •Nor. ri..tdi , is t......_.... . 3 Ltneester 01k..--•--. P 4 7',U. 1 1. nt• ------- `'. `-"• 0 U. r tr.7o Utz 3.- -Se 1 1111siourI. 2,0007721 e Ut.• • ... • . par :hate Elk of Missouti- , - I Wa•h•nsten Lk.• •- • ../l North Carolina. o c ,,,,,b e r e ktp,-.- • 1 . 1.N.0f Cape Fear••••• • 2 CittstArstot - • -•-- - n ,111eralea hk.,Neersers• 0 itasquel.sura. " Co. Sk..• • - iSl‘ls Bank.._.. -••-• 2 L0 ,,,,,,„...,,..._,....-. South Corolla , . klidulhown - 1 Camden .....Ilk •••••• I Carl.:4 ........ .. .... •• :Ilk, of liavloston- • • 2 - r,,, Fue 8k.... . 0 1 'Com= _it: Bk •- - 2 Farmer' set 000,00*' St- ot . e.Orreirrern-• 2 Bank, Waynesburg •. I Bk. , ' 14Labmg•••• - 2 Flaensbn or -- - 0 Mer•lotnt. Bt.-- I 11,,,,,,,A4-..--. I Planter. &Meetshilt• 2 baboon , r l.ll. of :knot Ciironna• . 2 p,,,,,,,,,,,.._ . _ .._ 0 41144.ryland. W ~,, .... I ItalUnOre Ike.• •-....p at York vk ,. ........ . BalteVe 60 it R Soup •10 Weal Brunch 133. y Cumberland Ilk.of Alle lielief Notes ••• ... - 1 ellen y............ ... 1 13, , , i , Ilk. ~,,,,.do. •• Far. Bet of Marylemd• • " 5 cr ,,_11,43. , ..!: o,,,eotyl i Fy i latl z s , lp i l c e k ehanies 1: 0 i 0 Ohio. Frederick Co. Ilk.-• 0 Stale Bk.-00p Ihmusbee 1 'lncr.:Nen Bt 400122P1eaa2.161 ..... • ° Mineral IN. -- - I i:cubenelUe•-••••• ... Patapsco Bk.- • 1 ik.'ilie•-• - • • •• Mut:melanin-- Marietta ----- 0 10.ofIVes12nineler • - • '. MerrlAttoe. --- 0 111c6110ss. Cinelunati Ilkielre 0 13k. of Sr. Clair-- ---- Cutout.* do• •• Ilk. of [Leer Itmeen-- rreleville--• • .... •• !Culligan Ina. C...... 5 Zanesville -•......- •• I'o. U. Olech's Ilk 0 ~,,,, _____.. , lilMallolllll3 T0e...1044 ci• n n..ner .-.-. lolits..4.l,i i re in..Co.Milvec 0 Sestil!ne.-..---I 03.001,40.0. .i.i,E.„!„,,,L•f .-•••-• ... 00 Ali volvenol.l.lnirs• •• •• • I r,, a ,..... . ..... .... I Bank of linglandNotee Cleveland v•-•.........,_.• 1 GUIS& Sp•ole Valeta t enia• •-- • • • ..... . M3poleons -••-• • 3 010 ()sewn , -• • --- 0 Bata. ....... 2 150 2 00 Western 17, ‘ .,,,...- 0 Eltz/e,6714 • r,. --1000 Franke Il'lr Cetera:Ai 0 ENO.. no. •••• • 11, 00 e•b,iii,,, t h s - - -. •• Spabloons.Sp.ikett 14 4.0 Lake lirie•• . • • • ...... •• IM. - • 15 50 ~ r iota • • 0 Sovere•gee 4 83 It newts,. • •-• ---10 Cairo.. -•• 5 CO itamilum --•••. .. - In Frederleksd•ors- •IM 00 Granville 50 Ten Thaler, • • • • • 7 30 Pam i r. Ilk Orman-5D Ten Cell:lees • ••. • 390 Utter • • • • ..... -.10 Itsisd'ors• ••- •• • • 1 50 aercwe Y• lii2ohalig•. Ok of Ken:hire • • ••••• I Nem V.O ----• iPm ,fic0 0 i.v0i,....... •• N.•ll,44iptax • • • - i mu Nubern lik. Ken tv , lty • " 60.1timutes •mr,•• •i r. wile - 1 ,-. 0.k-Ct• • Harts. ”ar. !Nene , WSP--- MISCELLANEOUS Yawns Lridlee Llterary Lastlints, Comer of Yemt et and Uar;erls alley. upper wine of old Concert Hall lioildinc,.e.nrranrle nearly °vogue the Iraehanae he llc•flpened for the 'veep. non er Venn. Lpthes, on the hmt Monday of next month. unit, the superimendenre of Mrs tr.ll.riV•S and lialbillTE4l. lute Principals of toe Female Seminary. lauiaellle, Hy. For terms, see c at apply to the principals. Ilea D Kll on. 0. D Rev Wn.l. Preslon, Rea I) II lUddle.D D I Foy S. M. Sgatrlca, flea Dathaslal Iraet, Ger. J. K MnorOecd, Rea. I Fitetwad Edwards, lEsq. aec.l,ll. NOTICIL, r F. i.herel,T L , ttru. Te.tsruentaor linvr a i•Pue.l to • tilnwWlwra. an erre 00.00 0 nitre Ins: will urnl rstn , eni of lertl• n Sl:lira/T. lute of tL elty-.of rat.l.l;rr h cernanrd. All pwtnlrn. Inc', IlantrK clam. c;;; drmarillt 2¢1.1:,.; c.taw• f etid dere:lent. rtpuestnl to make known tke 00000 A UMW, TIIO3 SCOTT, CHARLES HAYS; MIEMCI To oho Cals.. of Allogbflay 011/ N . :`,.T.',,T,'„, - ,r:^':. o .7°T'rxe,";VaL m . r-drmi t+uch ore A nti br proirtptly sop p.led our - WILMART II C. 3; OkILE_ kiNV GOODS A ke.treme.t; Orr. have I• now rre tle t:e.e.t, mre•te a , the r. newt ol ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY PACK AM. S of Oroirat, purcha•ed rein manctuelarets, and latgr au, ues. of • girl. redeem. from pricers of la.: ;r.rlng. wlneh will Le eitered to hes pat rems seeordEnely ovoul• ee rerJl nelerteti 510.1.•, 01111 f und the an) . eiten,on of tienr wends and the re t.,tc. ersth the assurance of a Low et et he ir; alhirn :n eneL sr:tele ',IS Duldlers end %aldose,' Claims. rrlIE etc yo. ~t. Arentl.r aon Unaed I Stotts et lbti.ourgh, oa e ond to the prat eanuan of Soldiers eat; IV,aows' Gloms ;at ren. awns erd lloor.ty lA, tit blbctot enareetton with the (raked Ertatetatlov erntnebt hes Ilin6c roe with the rale. Ma forms, as well es the daciemw, of the Pension Depart en et IV,oington eny. Milne walowo one linen of Rsvo'talonary Soldiers hero How:. Mat envy yet 'be ohlot nea b itrftfßl y proper E ey. H. f, placation. talLee of Wm. Crlf. Robinson, F.. 4., opposite t he I , layarb , (faire, Fourh Street, ratsbuty,O. July bs,o:Ott wi nil 1100 KM t LIFE& TIIOS CAMPBELL. Edited oy IV;J:nm klesaue, 311. D., one Dl t are ltrou aisle Railway Era - thew.), a treahoe on the n new nrt of tearer...rt.relattorta, romup.lolll. anomie], and 110C14 1 , '01•III an tapooatoo of ,Ne proefttat arts of toe redo es .to operation 11l 1,..t. , Pi in.,the Cro.Laar.u. and n A rn,tert- La: r, PL . Si I I.lns t loth I he Va•t. Pre 05 al. an Future ot Repotate. tram, , n.e.l Dun, Itsl. tench of A De Ltaaaraue. author of tiercro:lst•' . "?lemma of toy loath." "Ra• phae::` as I voi I c , otb• 111110 100.01/111elorna In Lecture. Addregrea and o r Wrf;tnef., Or Ilorate t.reeley. I vol 15.0 eio. The {Lotory of the Confearfonal. By John Henry rthpates, D. D., RJahop of the Diocese of Versant. I -Jot lava ClOl6. 5 ,,e 0 , o(C...unman. lothe nether of • Matte. leas; W•rourtoo, Fa, V ne t her o. ConjIUS, ,tech of a phyttent deocup3on of th e Unfree,. lip A:ri. Von I.6lll,yith, tra..siatea Isom the Gerarto Iry t ~0 . . 1. 1011 cloth I),lthe ann rat! of the Roman EmOiro, a r l ,l l aotea try IL IL Man°, Hooper's einenp edaton. c 1.5.0 ta. 0 rola at toe per 001; 4 voia received by It HOPKINS one, • - Apollo 13toldiora Fourth or E=l AIOURN- thee IVI-en otter friend. 1. around thee. Cor•enpes Lenora. and screen. Ar. nieL.arlc. Are we atinow these. Low backed enr. roc. all Wing. well. Nally war a lid, 1110411. Warbirgart. The, aaet the giant Lined Row Ce dto taredonto at Lowe. Meer so lay own Jstanett. Oh, Lemuel. Spring Flower Watt.. Elfin W. 1.. Stainer.. , Waltz.. Sanitation Polka. Bert! Poll a. Wive' Polk, Jenny Lind Polka. Linda Quickitics. • March from Norma. Thc above arc ..tia received, and for sale by J I: 1111. LLOS, . ml Wood et 72- CKTON hs receid for side, vel 4th IA • °or ilistet s y ol the ve Decline and Fah ol the /1051111 /.re and Letteis of Thor.. Camber, In 2vt It ratite., let 'd'o n Ilr•ttie, AI 0, S. etc hes of Moral Philoutphy. Ely the talc Ile.. tridrev loa th, ht.*. Leeia . cs 011 the ,Arnriitite Keleene 14yelem Of Sur gery. II? hleepin..o 11111, M. D. I Mtn. on Vernon; • Nave , . The 1 1 1`20ulier Knot, a Isle of the seventeenth Ott. they The Sear', Letter, a romans. Dy Nathaniel map iiOLIT FIRE 111lICK—W,1140 °mutual Dancer Floe bunt, for Pale by text, /MIN MeFAIIF.N k CO 1L le , hlLLe. Ll2lh.—Zin lir - WENV Lune rectiVa O Wsate by UKKBRIDDE k INI.IIIR/IM woe: lid Witter tt 1-142 do• ro v t. , ti l o c o g ra by rte lF 1f7 6 1,4.1;0LFPS eir.r .1 hest quality, too . Sale Ty aumn - , +IA r ['MAYS& GO 4SI-TirirralELl TollaaCO.—iiarrsoxes W. 11. ',ran • Sa,„ Itasr•ll t. Robinmna rAtomd Other el oleo awre; for sale by A coutEnrsos k CLOURF. LGNAV BLACK ISll—Receiand Wis:morrang, Glei Expert, at store of All/14.111Y F.;:t 0 rnet ,... 41. ( b ., /t market street. L ' Eza,..izzEbitik. CO, No 24 Wood t‘trret. vrakt r •• bet—.o ftros Issorted. :fons, isots heavy strong, x.or 1.16 tr' 'teIIOONMARP. P a GO. . . 1,1 , 1;001:A. 1 .1- 5 Canes Just received :and tor este J r•CIii3ONMAKER &Co. kiii.l:i.OU:l7- -- -I.(Tkace fel mle oy k-31 C.JDQ MAI En ¢ CO. NDIGO—S Canna fey sale low by I 1 SGIOIONMAKER & CO. ----- ill idDit lAL. AND sancricAL Orricia, ( I ic y 'F' No. 41.• DIAMOND ALLEY, • , : .„.„..... ft7 , ;:l . oors m l , ow Wood strut, tu• ' 1; r . D r tlytir..l 7B lt h rl l7 : l 41 ''' , ~ , s‘ f ge.te'ra"l 'tactic , I" con= ''' , -`t." - ene' - wl, l 'ir“ — ' 4 .\.,. Vtif' piTdr".,—.,r`fdAnni:eop„„"...T.; ‘. l \<<. ,- T 1 end experle tee peculiarly quality ht.. IA yearn amnituntaly dean,. o,mady &treatment of than COITIpi.I.3O/111NIONY i 0 no lie has had more prettnee aid has cured More par lento than eau ever mil to the lot of any private p.n. titfotter) amply qualifies bin to oCer unman.. al pedy. parmmuna, and endear wry sure to all afflicted ' with daheata tileitasaa,and all Mamma mums anus) from. Drown wouid Inform thoocaffilaad with private discoea which ha.e become chronic by time or rigs 'crested by the use of Ely of tLy, coalmen nostrums of thotlay, that their cora plalnta can &radically and rhos N a p h havme r e wind casein t ettentsork to leenwe...n carat sorb eases, and SS cceeded. In hundreds /- of Snwscrcs tel ming Persons of t nearamation Of tiut , neck of the bladder, and kindred daesseatrideb attar mash from thee eases where other. have toosignerl theta to bootlegs despar. He particularly mattes t art. as have been kine and unarm ` treated by Where 'to consult Mor, when every antisfamios will be elect them, and their cares [monde. a arefol,thoroeth and .tracutgent nutnner,potated out by a long expertenell, amdy, and illuestlewhon,whiebetisimpotelble ter WWII engaged ti . t or iedrral practice at azedlciall to give to Irrllernia or Roptcms—Dr.nnevati also Incluse par te. afflicted with Hems. to call, al he has paid pertcd ear anemone to dos &Maas. CAW:I:KS also cured. Shift 4.:..e"1.° b , ralrhotaorpoodlly eared -- ileel.—piric lo n ' t..of either rat Uatng at • distance, bY awing their disease in writhig, giving oil tho OM* tome, can obtain medicines with directions for au by addreseeti T. BUOWN, M. tag a (LS. Oyu. No. 611 Diamond alley,olpeaDath, Waa.rfy ilutmaslim—Of•B• nnl7 didcavvred raw dy fop lit.caradthim I. a Wed, and eats= rdzaddylen th pairad trouble. It ne.r e. Dame and Private Csnaultlna Rao, N o , Li Di end aDa7, Tutabbrilbr p . 6 . ;1b• pootOrls Samara is tiIIZNO WS CO ut Nen% lo i ~ _ -;..: ~,~--- STEAM BO•ATS • Fun CINCIVNATI AND ST. LOWS The lA,7ht drarght suatner • GENEVA, Allti:,,Aktf:rmalfr.vri.illmle:boyen fori at d oz r , in!: at In • For re po.rnaespoly onboard. _ - . . • YOI: 334.11fF:rf A ANII 7.A.NYS VILLE. •• m a l t , _.. ,s r . Ilaaeplclil4sterreek ~. , . PIPAMS, ..,.. • . • . c , , , ,i. nin.t;:r, will 'leave for tlieaaove ar.4 all Intermediate. portsrark . 441. 4 81.41 t„ at 4 o'eloelt, P. NE, • • • : . I. ll ' ll . . 1 . ; Iqa; passage, lioara,or t.; aav3t ....IV.. .1.1.1411E4L .Y 1... AO, • • 'MR ST:I:CitIIS. mat .7lte splendid striae, SiIIitiSICTOATI, '`•— :, Coles, 51astes,.velll leave air above and tarevatidatta pines oa this day the- 'h of Mutual. at 10 A- hi.. Foe freight or paseage apply on bosad.l rattaM ---- FOR CINCINNATI AND ST. ... I • c• rf~UF.RF.LLA, Captain. dld ;dame for the above Jou all tt7' r- mddinta pone. Sus day Aug. 30, .0 U o ' clock A. M. Forfrkigh""*...PN'Nr on oIWTCIN JONE heart, •F S, orella A FUR CINCINNATI It NO ST. LOUIS. The spleaddd steamer FORT Fill, Miller. limier, will leave for above s•- org.!•.n. - 0 nod all intorsoodia.c ports on this day, ' the 711th inch, ak IP o'clock, A. i. rot (might or passage, apply on board. gpg3o • FOR CUNCINN ATI & T. LOOS 'Ebe canter new and splendid steamer WASHINGTON, W. W. Marlin, master , knee for the alm a. and all !mere:radiate landings on Urfa day the 29 , 6 in.., at I r az. For (relent Cr panr.cer. apply on hoard. nagW__ FOR CINCINNATI ec ST. LOUIS. Thm plzylag i fir c r u9. Elthett, matter. *ill leave for above and intern-ell:Se land nen co this day, the o`.'th of Lognal UI 10 o'clock A M Fur frorght or 'lmlay" Apply on board. say,23 ... lIEDULAR DAIL Y OKLA CITY FACKF.Y FOR MONONG4- m a l t , rue splondol Alcamo YLCUIIIOCIICNY, Copt. Ihrtunce, will len, for above And All iolconedratc Irrotinge, every doe, M I o'clock, P. M. For (rono or onnAA7e , Apply on Fel rrl I AirglYrdly• the Port of Pittsburgh WEDNUSDAY. PACKET CINCINNATI, Captain loan BIIII7INOU‘M. • This splendid boat was built by the • owners of Vac steamer !set:. Newton, .trpix and others, for the Clacton. and • Pittsburgh Packet trade, end will E je V. '•Vi i ri f • ttel W a e '.l- rso ' 'Z' (f P t.'" or Fore r2u freight or per"' lIVIII3::ZTRCric, Ant nit '-!e= Mla 1850 ak:iMl PHILADELPHIA & PITTSIIUI(GH. CITVIS'IaTABb6 1,1,011. IMO% tiONTINVV.S no b rroard freight to Pintrbargh ono kJ Von 11...1 and Canal, on wry rearonable Weans S,a 7011 dr.patr b•rn oar n:enyoc Oval Sol by ?der.. Ifingbann k ()net. Ougnl7:6ato II lV POINDFXTER tr. Co B. --- EGULAIt WIIEELING PAC:aT. eager h.. 1850 :4-egE 1 1 6 1 , 4 r, P ',Wear PEsrrlL.Ptesu,o, - 1, 11, , hert U. fluor, mastar, allr4 age Pittsburgh every Tuesday, Thugsday, sad Saturday tsgrnit , gs, for Whreqng, o'c'ock, A. ft. I: C.Minr will lenge Wheeling for PnneAllgh cagry Monday, Wednesday. and Friday. et S A. 51. Juan REGULAR PITTSBURGINt WIIF.ELING PACKET itzha The atealper CASIIIFR. , ainlillirs, rearvrovill leave ter the tbs . ~,..,,,,,z p itzoi :, , , ,i ioletinottia. ports OD For frelpot or paseage, Oply on boort). aos4l - - - • •• ^ - 11030NOAYLELA 11.00 T E. Only 73 3111•• Staging. Via BrovriurvilloAnd Cumberland to Baltimore and . . PhiledelplitA FAA, To EliArrooas—•••—...--410 00 nu., Putrgettenta---• 11 00 13aliiinore. boureiltime Vhi 4U bu t t's The .) vniug boat leaves daily. lezeeTt ev enngs at r. &Hoek. Punter:it, by leattirg on the errnme real, will cram it:engines dtages 0011 day.. and thug aveld night travel. SPeur, your tirkets at the (Mee, Monongahela Bees, or rt. Charles LloteL pcsl4-13. I. LLESICIMEN, Agent _ rirrsuuitcri ec wiIt:ELING PAC4ET. The splendid & Smt runolng steamer 1111 , F11., W. S. CI7IIICOII, matter, having under pone a thorouch repair...lll run here fter ej a re.mlat packet bemccen Pitfthurgh extd Wheeling. leaving Fo.l.burgh story Monday and Tharaday morning., at &duck. For Irelght or pamiage apply on !mare, or le WM Wit WHEELER, AV SPEED INCREASED NEM 1850. - SUMIg.II. AItRANGI4.II le.l/ 1 1`. C5\T1.1.. GIB Ittlp cmto nmlTupocc, PENNSYLVAN IA ROUTE,' Two Mali_ Lioes , Express Puel4l Boats, A.PII itiLi/ ES Old Corr, (EXCLU.IVKLY von PASSENOTII I O TO PHILADELPHIA AND DAL:II6IOHE, vla the Central Rail Road and Ponied. Canal. 940 ralle• Ra:l Iload, and 140 rniieo Canal. Tdoe—aa hour.-- • • ........... Fate-410 through. Tim Portage Roil Road it towed to day light (AN en sire this dote, Mal air,) the renewal Roil J Rand will ran Two IMILT Tattoo relotouna tsar Ity,itr,enn to Plaindelphia. The to cot Cm above reed n.•:d tio Altegb oil rOttate Nul Road are ell new, and of the very best description in the ountry, and with the fomented speed on We moan talus.portrogett go through witbitespuich. A Parket Dont volt leave every =ening ether. Clint, and every era evne at 9 edetock. For Safety, :treed, and Commit, this mute Is It. eidedly he Most preferable nbw in um to the Eastern " Fey Pe.'" lt er ' ' 4 ' .7l e , e g e tto e tfprlfige Donee; or to D LEECH re CO, Coned Resin. P. P.—Ott the lot September, tie Cenml Rail Road will be open to Ito lidaysburg, when pmeenuere will go through to 43 hours. jell iro• 1850. Ea= lIIUIVELL i DIZOTTIPTII, FORWARDING HANTS, ROCHE,Wetter TER, P.., Point,l I.,Advnts for lIIDWELLIS PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELA,ND LINE; ERIE AND TIEADVILLE LINE TO ERIE; WARREN AND NEW CASTLE PACKETS, to ...nig and ithlpping between Pittsburgh attil Hoeltester by .11113 boats hlichigut, Lobs &le, and Beaver. IJ:r Goods rteelyted and prowlitty delivered to all pluoes on the Conals and Lake s •t Inc lowest rates. I . ll.tippers tell> ((cast Greet good ' s to "DolweiTs Lino." J. C. BIDWELL, Water st, Pittsburgh. WESTERN INSURANCE CORPANY OF PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL 1100,000. J. FIIMIT, Jr., Secy. 1 RLllun, Jr., . Will inm co against all undo of fiats, VIRE A": 11 bIARINE7- I,L lost<a will be liberally aorrated and promptly A home inehtutten—mulaged by Directors who are writ known la the community, and who ore demi - tains it by prommere and liberality tomaintain the char ..., Wllleia they have Co cu at oderinr the beat premetunt to those who outer to be (morel I)macrorn—ft. Miller, Jr., Geo. Omen, J. W. Bailer, N. lichees, Ir., Wet. B. ltoltneth C. limes., Geo. W. Jackson, IVet. Lyon Jan Whine.; Thee. B. Litch i James :WA ale y, Alex. Nimick, Thos. Scott. Ocelot, No. 'Jul Water +met, (warehouse of :inane b. Co.. uo moire.) Pitaitiurch._ M==2== undersigned Meths cempleted thelr Rollins hICI are prepare d to MI promptly all orders tor arder rted other Alma...A Copper of am lee ousted mu, blade from the Copper of the CIA' Aline, Like Smcrier. Tins elstel Inc been theroughly tested by compe idut seteludhe men in the sem. of the tiovernment, Fonesocul puperior in dental, strength, and emit), to any VI use. and is fume poderreo ter the root Ordnance and oilier purposes. Itcredo corindentiy recommemeg ag a we. rim artlelehrer all uses, to my in market And we stspectioby ino onetime of purehmera and others Onsnew breech of home manufacture. At pretept the Werchouse is No 9 Cornmerctal Limo, - strict nue C. G. 1111991. &CO ----• Ausociated Info Ma n ia Insmanco Com pany of 1.1. City of Pittsburgh. CACI rm. 3300,000. J K . itopitr.iirAL), Pres`W. W. DALLAS, Peer o ff ic,, rSeronti Jiro/ y, Bali. J. IL sloorobend, Cody Fullerton, Wm. A. Hill, R. 11. Conley, It. IL Elimplon, /onion Bloke, Wm. Fdpn, F.Ovranl Gregg, A. It Authors, Wm. Col. linguecod; It 0. &my - err - Chas, Kara, Wm Gorman auglmdl y _ . . OAK FLOOILINO BOARDS. 16,000 gtierrctllyV:rra,elll4o rirurkeTtfirpart for ...Jr by 9. . auglitlier • Sharrrborr.h. -- -- Peoel &mations • :I)ti intim of a precept under. the bards of Wm. B LP bliCitete, Preudeayathe Can't of Locoman plena, la and for the Pint lb - Melia Dm t Ict of Ventayivaina, nd and Jusacc fags qinirt of oyer and Terminer, is Coeval Jail' Delivery In and for said Dimity and .Villiltain Kerr and Bamuel Janet. Foile., Araoelate ledges girths tame eou. , tr, fa and for the County of Allegheny, dated the lath day of August,ln the year "of oar Lord one thouswid tight hundred a nni lity,and to me directed, lot bottling a Coen th e O and Tor 'lacer and General. Jaß Magary, at Court Houses an the nitro, Pittsburgh, on the Fourth Monday October oa st, at fli cement A. AL Pubile hotieoll hereby given to all Juliet. of the Pelee, Coign:ter, nod COSS.DbIeS Of .Allegherty, that, ~,,,, i,. e sh, h and there, la their proper portent, vita •thetr.tolls, reeords, t o 00 C 21121021110611 and Other remembrances, 10 00 thoSo OlioV, which to their rupeetlre offices In theii,tichalf appertain to throe—saxd also those Met will proaceate.tha prisoatra datable art or may be. in On. Jan said c o w ) , ~,, AilegbenT, to he tried and theta iri proscenia mw.u., them 1.. shall he ira i. 0 , 00 ~,,,,t,, fay hand at Ettsborgh,,'l24 10th day. ~,,,,,,,,,‘ la theyeas or Cab Loa onn thormand eight Misdeed and! m Wadi thitlimmadetarstalth BM 7.1 ligli p a l lr A T. "ItTgaMTPrebtea.l4; MEI= - - --. . P W. C A-T Et). PATENT tar" FOR CIITTINGI !' so 'L . .: EV'S. I'ATICJITMD NAT Et, 1 ! 4 1 . 7 , THESE DIES having been adopted Lad highly approved in lill• the riIICIMI al. . - and Plutadelpioa, are now offered to erwarducturers, reachiniNs, ilhip imam, &,_,,„ )0 Nee,. y,,,,., ddence, re, the moat peOct article hi two or cutung revolve - '". wmaa wee, Their auperionry over any other Ines heretofore-awed, COMiltlll in : Their cord" „ • Elatsta, whether V oranr ARE thread,by °nape:sing over the iron to be cut, which w ah 4. - Matve ni.r.47,:srib,..,;mugrerierp.r.. a.asmbi7i,ty:silbpsiddityie: r a t the p.6 6 .fi readi o w c tb k; 7l ,,,d L. ir the ont r w .u:a ithci a l c ri al ls , ing na it h i etl6,7 ' to get oat of order. . • - I : . Ciliate:brats& Fatanziema, 1ug.17,1519. This Is u, certify that Ire bay. punt:wed from P. W b olts . the right or .er.jr his patent Diet for eat , ring bolts. In our eptnica, - his Dm. are =soh sops. rior te any ethers we ars acquainted *lll tar the purpose of cutting bons. Aug. 121,1548. Having had P W Gates , Patent Dies in use In our esmbllatnent for the last nine roonlbs, for ShtllOS °lin , . can In even respect recommend teem In the hiehe. ,ents, as we have laid all others away, theY bCoor so for stuterler—oollshlarinie than. 7s Pm cent cheaper than any others now in enl. 44"?‘ hrreiraks?i'a. Th. Is to certify that wa Mesa parettsseg tee right to ut c, and adopted In our huatnes t P W Gun' F. tent Peres. Cutter, which..., highly entrees of. We can do ranch more wort, and we believe kiwi!' WO. aw in durability and precision, as couch el egabeatta of labor, any dies known to Cg a ' PRAMS, treSICER a 1401111113_ pen.anetzats, gilt montlith day. 1648. Nser YOU, AZT. 10,180. Haring adopted P. W. Oatee'.PaientDlea" for cat tle', bolls, are take pleaam• to Lapin, that It wont than &omen our espeettatom and_ have R. bpllii• lion la paing it Oa our opinion, Iltat %,(%, gurdelli any other Ph. I. preen " ." 1.4 ! & co. We bays P. W. Oates' "Patent Die." for elattioa eoreVee, and the economy of v.iir.a eteoLla Tovery conelderable, that we loot upon them al trdepenra- We toevery e l taellthetect envied any Vaateity of scteres to out. MaCORMICZ, OGDEN & CO, CutVVIP , Mai la, 454,, 0111"tlITC11 00110 Z, Wasurporoo, Sib Sept,'4l3. I have purchased or W. H Scoville (or the Hahad Elates, tie right to ore In nil Pit arrenals SOIL *MO- auti6ES, EArt6 FARMN &0 WO 4.tai A 4 comFoRT.!IIIA and commodious Dine m A siely's Koss, ',PA suers. App)y AUDI , JUNES &CO lit Rom st FOR _ A SMALL 1101 n. P. on Pride street, in the Eighth Word,—Rent low. Apply at thin office. acg6 par+r.niea Oren istinsdiately, the Three Story ii.,.. A4f :r,.0 Liberty etraeL arta l '''' TtVS 9 e lg ob f fe d rtlel Thite Star4s or Warehouse No 3 A:k. street. Et‘Srol Tu e irroN, au N 47 Market at. To Let, pits large three cm Oriel Warehoule, on Waiat 1. below Ferri wee, muting from WILIGI 10 ?KS , street, on reaeonable terms. PeaeitagieWs given teems a3atelp kr 3C Eagolia of R V. LOE.I.M. VALUMTLYTEIRAL nun Lot of Ground allow. on Venn street, betevecn ilyy lad &Wiwi alums, adlotains the iota lot how occupied by Filcbard Edwards, log a froat of ..1.5 feet, Tide I depth Ina feet, crill be sold on favorable terms. onexceptionable. En quire of C. 0. LOOMIS, 4th st,neax Wood oet2l de( Prop:okay Ito Al/a gnome) Gat.7 Coo Vole. THE autitertbera oder for arlikat nputhl.P . q o . 4 ellPt{o 19 \9 d, At[y at St C air st or a(JAS ROPINkAIN. th•Peornlae• Ahwa , FA AND WINE AIERCIIANTA, out aide of the T'Almond. Kreetlent on C.O per lb. Superior 0 do. The heat Imported••• .... • • • 100 do. low pored, damaged, or interior TOM toe not kept o. I• e.mbnelimenb. Una CAW VOICNIA "ADVI&ILT11311.11111.liST. F.A1113 & iIROCIMAY, Contactiaalon Merchants. P Sacramento City, California. Liberal adetweet made on consignment., and all agency basin. , promptly &named to. A. A. raw, at LOP. 17411117:11%, Mayrkiiii.o6oal i. ILIADALISON iSEIVELL. ATIORNEY AT LAW, rkIDO STATE COMMISSIONER fos DIIP on Acknowledgments of Deeds, Zen.. Offme—Fonsth signet, anuse Sollthkem. mr4- , l4zw'r -3._ bile Tanners' Pin Ich bra bleached winter Elephant Oil; 3ho tale do do Whole thli N. 11,0 gals winter Sperm Oil; IUU bis Spero* Candles; (Or artio by: ALLEN NLEDLES,. A South in he ITC, A adukab 4NSVP"VIICia• 4. YINIIIOy, J.r.. Agent for the Pots Life Innerance Co. of Phila. UEFlitt; of the %Cement nsurance Company Pio. P 1 Water street, Pittsbu l rgh. Pamphlcm, widi ell ncuessasy Information, and clang ldrtuk Will be turniihext flasbandc eon inittre their lives for the benefit of their wives and children; crednora the lives of then, debtors., The whole robes of the COMPao7 am divided among the hoinens ot Life Policies. The dividends of the past two years have been Mob. ty per nen I. each year. lett B aatsatig• thstoli nt pittalittegly. A Gi.S the S.cosavii.eri or the Exchel,gollattlf.of Pattsbufort vul ten held at the Flanking liousc on Alomlay, tin DO day oi Septembe next, itt o'clock, P.M., lot parpose of consider r . nag and determizu og upon the S et passed 040 late rem. of the Logtslattlraf a4;!..4tffif the cant. , thereof fly enlist of the Director , . 1110AIAS AILIONVE,CatIner. A•Ruat 10.1E60 —austtihd ANIL. P. SHRIVER and CHAS. ISARNS73 have 0 tans day associated themselses together, under the arm d Shrtver A. Borne. for the trantatuou ef the Wholesale Grocery. Produce, clad Comm:shoo burl• nest, ot ISU & 121 Second street, betoroca Wood and Stunt:Gold at Putsourgh, August I,lEso.—lnal E Ap LIZ OLASIS WOR .TOSEPIi D. ABELL, P,TApUFACTIIIIIFR OF GREEN GLASSWARE„ /VA Viol Go.les, and Irlasks,Porter, Scotch AM. Mineral Wales-, Patent hiedteme. and Wine Bottles of eecry desertption; else, WINDOW GLASS. Keeps eons - nutty on hand • general assorsment at the above articles. ALSO STALE, as the other Omen Glass Factories are Auu merest; as I, the tannin in summer, Tom Fscrom cove nsou. tentanou,abd will consume m operation both summer and Mate, Orders respectfully solicited, and will be filled on the shortest notice, Warehouse, No 119 Second street, between Wood and Smithfield am, P.M - iamb. j aaYL r. rusivzsl cwt. arrissul 81111111S11 Ac BARNES, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Produce and Coma:isnot i .11.(crz5ants. And dealers ;In Pitirburich Manufactured Articles, 180 a•nd 189 Second . kletweve Wood & PreithEeld, Petabersh. augt BANKING HOUSE' i ' I. CAROTHERS & CO., Ito 15 Woad Plttabargh. ' ' CURRENT MONEY RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT Collections made . all dm P 4.4 .1 cidc3 o thv Unhr 4 Su... _ evgi:illy Cleveland. IN areas and Plttebarga Telegraph Company. • IN renitence of • resolution of the Board of Dime. tors of the Cleveland, %Vareert and Pittsburgh Telegraph Compmy, rectums - lids the Sectetery to mate oat and cause to be rubllshd la the newspapers along the aue. eat exidliit of the financial and other drains! dila company. 1 vaunt the fallowbar, Reports-- The hot of 'telegraph commence. at Cleveland asd tennOtate• at Pittsburgh,. passing through Chopin Falls, Franklin. Newton kalls,Warten, Youngstown, and Lowell, in the Eli. of Ohm, end New Gude ma Rochester, in the State of Pennaylvania, at which points there are ofhoes located for the receipt sad transtulasion of baldness. Ilewhole length of the line Is 149 miles—Capital Stock, fowl per lade, making a total capitol slime of ditl.lso, of miler amount Stitt,963 is held by cidsens Mona the Jim, and the balmee is bed Or Coluell Speed, the contractors. The above umoent of sub senplions by chases, have hero raid to Cornell I Speed, Ice which the 'hasten have their receipt. J telaidif .111FSliRSON BALM. Seaman% DISSOLUTION OP PARTNERSIIIP. rllliE yarns ershlp of Johnston A Stockton, compered 1 of the undersigned, has this any been dusolvotl by mutual consent. I 8. S. JOHNSTON, H. C. STOCKTON, Pittsburgh, July 5,15.14.—5u51 7 PILINTING*DOOS BINDING. THE OLD ESTABLISHMENT No SO Third, below 'darker W. S. HAVEN, (Successor to /ohne.= .5 Stockton,) itESPEOrFULL.T Informs his Sleets and the e tomer. ot the old establishment that, heti porehsiel the Minim Oates wed Hook fluid.") the Into firm, he is prepared-to execute with ileatnel d di every du :I ;mien of u 001( & JOU BUINTiNG AND DOOR IIINDINGI listing end the mnagement of ate Scaling depart. nowt of the Into fil a m :or wveriteen Yea , . Parti be tec(s confident of being aLle to render santratlionito all who may favor biro with their pattemagq. • August 10, 1n50.---attgldidlm JOHN, lI.TL/5(II SPOOL SILK, • Exprmly for Swing. TO ovoid the ninny incerreenienern attending the Inc el the customary Skein. the above cuticle has been much, and for along time wanted. It lootalways .been a matter of iateansbrnent, that west the cokes:Mb wade of Conon, was conveniently spooled for geoet . „ k. ,, e u..pjU h ywaimti monk venal*, ;should base blen supplied in Ekcins,fselfigmbielt ninenllnable, VClallOn. and JOBS W. wri.n. , The tittficulty has at last been overcome. the gobile is othrd • goo al handsome met pill- up is seen. Cement form for finnan.. nit, . . The ern) , ot melee urged age= this (mitt, is the apparent matt quantity ou each spool. This it easily ytodi explained Each ennui is warranted to contain 50 a silk; while the ordinary Stan. et Inn Mink pilot, has hot an uncertain quantity, varying from 15 to IS yards. The Spool Silk is reidy for mot at the time of Den• chase, and it oily needs a teal, to convince the mett skeptical atta auneriority in in indeperidenrd the neat and eninifenient EOM in widen furnished, It bas great atlveltages over the Skein, to it does away with the tedium of wifiding, De vexation •of lanaltog, avid the loss of ti In preparing It ler ese, Sold by .1051. 11. 1101115TAL5NN &SONS, 51 Plonts Third at, Phdadelpinsq 110103TMANN, LILO'S & CO d ]laden Lane. Nett Yeah Bole Agitate o"l}omNd2m • 'townie* teenage , MURPHY &BURCHFIELD have received atoll liteTI P4"1 11 11' "r)'-` 1 "1,="•..*".? . : bra.-asTuta..6Z ass Lsols,"ss, • ; ries soder ' thatisperdstoteof this P. W. Gitte. , ..rtnent Lien" for enttlns 'center on metal , tim e ., basic' been Lined ir. tiro of the !sego metals, ay [wand to he Very efEelest and excellent A. TALCOIT, CoLOtdiaaasa, 2.1TP710.0 or Yong Ann Nees, y Weems - ma, &Ist. 2 5, 18*. Crinsiderlas Calls' Patented Itornoveineat tot cut. fine renews c n metal va be •alvable one.l have, be authority of the Honorable Secretary or the Navy, purchased of 'the Attorneys of the Patentee, Wee„ Scosalle, and Punnet Mower, lob the rite ht to mate and amsaid leoprovero eat for the Id. B. Navy. dOSHP/I•RMTniictaetof Harem. In es. also by • _4 , Ballo Worki,ltafaio; Resso•& rleMos, Roeheaterj Rowlett& Co, Gloucester, N.M .^ Havels:A& Snider, Schuylkill COlllll7l Richest, hem It ark; • Hogg & “Pbtenta," N.Y. - 11. K. Dunham &Co, New York; Dennfead - & Co, Monument Warts, Batt, Von Wee, Rochester, • Idols & Arta P.M YOTU Altair Works, , Pease &ldarnhy, de; . wert.P94l, PO_tOsArY: Not* It ure, rhlladel.;4la; - , A depts., irreaterbutra, PE Walworth k Halos, Roston and Now Yost Lowell Machine snoop, la we Ameoetan CO. Manchester, N LT.Oan&•Son her, South 'lloster. and cfrouroes °than , • J P MORRIS 3 CO No t Martioorti II sets dies Alain fee to eta. prL 03:1 Nog do 8- , Ito oriels 11260 No 3 do el do oto I, pries $lOO AU orders addressed to p. W. Oates, Chicago. 0. U. Hanson, Nen Vork,l'..• D. Marshall It Co, Pada dolphin, sad ii. IL - Few/RI, A. eons, Canoga, for Dies ;rlll Tn e P e ' i w i l tt o r r o i rs " rtle bi t 's 10' "I"the'4 us or m t p OD. IAR- J. J. oflevs bia professional . terotes to . the. citizens Of INIZIIChCIVOT. ono vicinity. Deice and: sceideree, for the present, at Rosedale, in Itianclicstor, Remedial. ly above the U. B biotin* Hotetiol, iefikam DlirA tinfi MARTIN resueetrully announces es the &Irene of riustiorgh, that do has peananently located : himself ID lIVD/IT, for the Istrpssp of prat, tieing Medicine and Surgery, in all Ravenous branch s. Ilia ofEne is on Fourth street, No NS. Residence No 07 same et. lyl Alk.s3moT IDIPORVINT 71:11i AS VLicTICEN Dr, Beee's Celebrated Remedies. nu. i,con S. ROSY the dis Coverer and mole pro. plintor'• of tam most \ papillae and beneficial medicines, and also th, ingntor of the celebrated instrument for Inflame the Longo, in zirmling a ea* of • hairdo dimities, was a student et that eminent phystaan, Doctor Physic, end Is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, and ior tarty years tines has been etiaged In the investigation at disemc,and the application of tanedies thereto. Throdr h the ow of his inflating lobe. In coalman, with his PrOpht little Syrup and other of his tamales, he bas . gained an unparale led eminence in caring those dreadfal and fatal maladies, Tubercular Coo amia!, Cancan, adolula, Ithearocatzta, Asibmv, Eater IMO Agrees 'revers of all kinds, Chronic Err. ki . 7.60.0;•and nil Mom olutioete &eases peculiar 5. tannins. indeed every form of disease aniali es under lite use of hie remedies, to which humanity te heir-- not by the use of one compound only. tor that le In. anummible:wi tt Physiological La-r, hot by the nee of hi. 'remedies, adapted to and prem, hied for each pCculiar teem of disease. ,Dr. Roma Tonic Alterative. Pills, when need ark haariablyaknowledged to be superior to all Car., tt li o a b= iti jm " rfe o e r ti l t ,! re r eol l in k' m " co m e u tf h Xxs ,th, is l T... hia Golden' rills re admitted by the metal/ to Pumm. peculiar propertms adapted to female Ratter, bet. bring ;at lilic4 tat a bare trial it sumo canto estatlitit 1161 AI )) ektean sold ht the minds fif the mum starlet . ;.The Mlilated an Welted to call open the agestami poicare (gram) ono of the Delta's pamphletagnong {detailed account of conk remedy and its application. Ea salerby ibt fulloenng riga:a...ell as hr mart dot lb ontaltiza t Me cantry. J Donald,. b. Co, fib od street , Plitsberght '.l Tolvasend, druggist, 45 Market st. do decal:ism, do near the P.O. Allegary city, Jon Dark ley. Darlington, Beaver co., Pa. Jno 121100., Enna Valley, do de; 1' Manta, Beaver, . Lauglikelly ... do. goy ~._.,. ..s-s- L irie TT'S BITTER! Crew; alte ditty action throttahnut the body r estore the appetite, equalle the circulation. glee tire and energy to w, stem, and create a power of reds:- ante to dfeets, In all Its forms, rarely to te ataidned. Tner:setll perform a speedy ma permanent con of JOyairepain, Indrgedion. Flairdenop, General Debility 14 00 ,driptplIdnt, and 5 , 1 too data oi ay...vanity Come Mealy called iteryn. ateettons. . . • • utenneonE ." Will sablbe.. iedomco e e dr d a , t W h ich e is v e p d u b re l t y h ep es e t a able & and is adapted to ell nos and concittesC v 11 L tilled in Ibis rlelleete end palatable preparation. liotobtriarion Tonic. Alterative and Aperient nosh. nes, perAlisrlfsdnipted to their systems. Tbp specific notion th at nns 1.111C1C11112 on tbe, Lives And . Digestive Organs, reorders it • etinplete. Astidoto for Poser abd Ague. and bil owned Typhon Fevers. Di.o • Pt 1 papa used the unities of Plinett'• !Mama Ind hate dental grcat tent hr nonltem. / have ,beatrautd act for ?ear. past In tnte+Vver rid Arta, but elect the tnttddlarnon Tour, 1 tie e.ircl7 escaped •my ticord attuer, cad ran with nonfidenee terntentand them 'vane nllt , Pbsgt Tonle, In use. IterprVhaly yna C. N . '• BONDING. Mn pima sm. . heves me torch plenstue in state, tel lb. Dyspepsia with %vetch tny hte has been as lougnonb• :ed,artaing (rani Inaction of tbe Liver bed been ea. tirely.oYertome, and cured by the nee of your hrrata. able preparation of Blimp ase, and or yaw kindness m recommending them,, uk accep f t my Mang. Ina obedient arrant, C. L. LRECII. Agent.. 4 Rini= T. 111t h, & 113 and LSI Freon Street. Neer Volta' Fomate by aogVamin R F. SELLERS. Tyr, Bibutheria and on Dlrrieloasstas gyOUSSEL , S PHEMII.IbI .PERFUMERY.—The. I fly 'ascribe, respectfally invites pubbe attention to , hiCemensive stock of Perfernery, Poopa,Bhaviag Dte•lne, tee, to which seven Silver mid two Golden Medals-have. ..idle the last six Tema, been.awarded by Abo_instittnes of ' New York, Boston fad Phila delphi, the Muer being the only Golden Medals ever n*pded foci pram:eery either:ln Europe or in this cannily. D 011.012.111 DX11•01.1010 80•101111 Detete, He*, and Ambrosial,) universally acknowledged to beauperior to any Shaving Cream In this country or Estrous. Orsornarot col Szavuso—Benutifully transparerUs and pbsecelolo highly Saponaecou• and emollient properties; Saponaceons Compound; Ambrosial Shag , ing Tablet; Military Shoving Soap. PrenzsMaTainerSaars—Almorid,Row.,Milleleare , Batiq_att,Pistachlo, hhisk,Tmehealy, thnultus, Float , legg.~ 7t re . . o r t con Bouquet de Caroline, Geranium, Jenny Lind, Mousse. line, , hlagnalla, Cleo:lathe, Ch. tronella Baird, and m any other smiedes, in all Arty differgat Perfumes. I Tomas Warm—Florida Water, Eau di Toilets, Orange Plower Water, and a 'rest minty of Cs 9 .Vi:Lran d st ia oo ft s Virt Writer Bear's 08, poAntique Oil, Bondi:nine, Eau Lastrale, 01e1ne, und Ox blarravt, 1121 r Byes, liquid and in powder, and Philoconte, Ricinine, and Jenny Lind Pomades. Tooth Parrsasnonn—lialreado ElLttr, Rom Tooth Paste, Charcoal Dentrinee, °domino, Tooth Pastelomd Tooth Powder. Couterres—Vegetable Costeetie Cream, Antaadira for chapped hands, Cold Cpl. of Riper, Cream dm Pew Lip Solve Raspberry Cream, ke. Ikollatory Polio' Imo, for removing Iniperollolls Pearl Fowler, Via Mate do Bongo, •It.t. atio Therm. Victoria Bair Comb o sition, Immo Salts, besides a treat variety of other arueLes,,lbo ttaltterrAte 10 b• named in this advertisement The rubscriber hares to Ltetollol3 the reputation rebuilt Bus esuiblishment has acquired, by disposing of nothing but Gnu rata articles, cod will be happy to bullish those who may wish to patronize Um, either arbolerale or mini: se reasonable Imola as sal oe• tablishesent in the United States. XAVIER BAZIN, • RlteeeceOf 10 • sod farmer Director of the Leboissory of =GENII ROUSSEL, 114 Chesnut street . Mi. Basin's Perfumery is for oohs by all the mind. Mil Dreggins in the cannel.._ apl72llyl _ _ -Git.N.EPISIBUILO7I lIUTi L. llfassavou's Uco SUM) ffr4tEnubseritrechnving leaned the above well/mown :1; MA exec tient eatablishment.'s now prepared to emit - min Ms friends and Me travelling pada., genet , gotrile the best pmenerand on the most reammable tVvis• Iris TABLE will at all dines be supplied with Amy delieseref.the aewnt—and ha Dna watt the bent of . _ ID. Stabling Is very extol:de; And every liTl2ll - bus bozo made for he aetomatotlatlon of Duo- Vet. WM. CLAW'S° N. aog3.lf RF. WILLIAMS wrill opan aoluueslacd . lab School, on the first Monday of dept.neaa Annm ore? J. D. William.' Ewa, earner at Wood and Filth arenta •2R Raj. Wm. D. Iloward,l Hos. Wein UAW*. Ray. Dt. J. D. McCord, Esq., Rev. Dr. hlet.lilL 3. D. Williams, E. lir 9i—if T y. Ude day asseetsted enth'ese"Cdr. L .Cloue, to the Ailholesate Greeter tad Product asixteas; the style of the firm will be A. CUIPETIKO /sponse. W3l L CULBERTSON MEDICAL Caiarr4.7.l. L. I. Nly rith IWO Ers.alra., Jape 20,11,15.10. E=:=l ccusursoal (r• it. aims. • •';, A. 01114313T50A dr. CLOUSE., VPIrLIOLEStiLII - GROCERS and Camelia:lan Mer• ,_TT chants, Dealera la Traduce, and Truant:2lh Manufactured !true e 5,195 Liberty et, Pittsburgh, Pa. 153 ' • A-IBAB.D. t~ILMAILTIf & NOBLE are now reeelebounew crop wheat, which mot superior 9e5117. Tbsl elm now tornisb lapiliessrlib (rein Floor. orders bllt lo tee boxes will be pommy snended to W uati Gtr y orr ti NOMA PrITSBURGII 6111811 \VORIS. A. b D. H. CHAMBERS, (Lau ecteatarne, ♦eatr te C 0..) Would respectfully .interro the enr.omere of the Ills fires, ae ante the public generally, that they . 111 eentutee the 011.2111a6tUrn of W131130W GLASS, VIAL SOIOTTLICI 13 In ell their varieties, at *bible !U.', No 13 Wood se, betv, son Flom sWater. 107:4:tet - • CONTRACTOR:Pt OAFETV FUSE, by Abe barrel or N feet • POWDER-10W kap Etlasurilbn.,?.....'" LOW* la saastOut.l/2 for 1 74 .1 . , J YrNa; 1 ' i ~~ \. ,~~~_
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers