T E• fTiSBU Gil GAZETTE PUBLI3Iit) BY WHITE & co PITTsBURCIII kilthiNlNG, AUG 31. MO. DIRRIOCRAT IC W IQ STATIC 'E ICIEST fox 4../...3.121610 10811UA DUNGAN, Una. Cnonly. MI Atom") DER, , Post rya[**** ”miaL. joSEI,II `O E R 9 ON, County. inA Whig If ominattento for AillOghony County. rot MIST IMOND COS. pub, TalOillAil DI. HOWE. Nl I.OID inimonr, =ln coeteiM, 111A801 /1. DENDY , lop nrrspnau. eoa eaxyrs, TAMES CAROTHERS, It.. MORGAN RoIiF.RTSON. pittsbargk. T. J. (11011A5i, r Cmir. W Roblr.san., JAMES tqlosrden. elpwrrura 41TO1NIT, FRANCIS C. FLANEGIN, Pittatmri6. EBENEZEIi BOYLES, Noii Fayeaa. • ATM., cay.rre bremlos, D. N. COINUNEV. Oslo. i - FEE NEXT PAGE FOR LOCAL MATTERS We arorntetset to roe that Itto nomination of J. St Strrrzto, Et-q ~ as United States District At torney, for tte.Wcetern astriet cf Ponosylvania, 'Ma been confirmed. Ntr. Switzer her d‘tchuge Ids duties with gi:eat credit to himself Mow his appointincili t amFwe are glad to Lod his cominas tlott ratidod . Wa are indebted tog,. Hampton for I copy o part 1. ditto tra'.4l3:e /Sinn of the Coot missiotier of Patent■. We eze hippy 10 aveoU ace the cereation of the cholera AlleghheY. It lamed about a weak, dozing which time There were about thirty deattu In atl, tan goed to ono neighborhood. Tracer ron'OrOlcs —Our readers have doubt- Use been no leas amused than astonished at the ex cessive eagerness manifested by our Locofoco op pose:Ls, et their lute County Convention, to ob. sale nominations n.s candidates for office. One would suppose, from the excitement and even Scree contention, that the successful aspirant and his friends were sure of success tit the pull. in October. instead of a certain and inglorious defeat raring them in the face. Were an election almost certain to follow a nomination, as in rho ease of Whig aspirants, it Would be necasary to call out the military to essist in keeping the pram in the Loeofoeo Conventions. What is the origin of this exemsive thirst for power and office? Does it not bode evil to our in. stilutions and the liberties of the people ? Does it not shown most peiverted state of feeling, and tali' not disgraceful to the party which encouragininott fasces it ? There are question we leave for the redeetion of our reideni, and request them to con trast the quiet dignity, and gentlemanly propriety, and the excellent temper which marl• the proceed. legs of our Whirr Conventions with the disgrace ful exhibitions afforded by the late Locofoco Stare and County Cohventjons. We are sure That por thin of theta who belong to the Whig party will feel proud of their political convention and aides- Mates . Om W i Roseecirt,Jl,—Tbe Pest of yesterday from euald treat Vriii"h oedasionony leads it to perfarm a just aad !gooey amiss, pays a deserved ly tttgh completes! to Gen. Wm. Robles's. Jr.. Whom that pa r per ratty ..nor di,tiussiehed felhw °nix= " sod dee:eres bist. I is to be of the well /ticket ord.,: and proaouoc.o him Worthy to reo present Pehasy:van6 to the b;gb rents of tbA corialry. Wa take p!eneitien in patting thin vOlo tory testimony of the;Post upon record, not only because it accords with onr own cEimek of Gen. ROBMON, bat bongos,' it may he of use is some not distant day, when "our diatiognished fellow moan" may be cited upon by the people to aeon py colic important piaitioe,end when the edito of the Pact may have forgotten hi. former volun lary tribute of probe. An efrort having L;>•n niece to irjire the credit of Allegheny city, by a pcbl,estion to the Phila. delphla Ledge, and dvied into the Pittehorsh Poet we admit a cominneiention from a reapni.sible source in reply. Na one to this co mmunity, who has paid any attention to the indebtedness and re. soviets of AlleghenY, can doubt that her bonds are perfectly good, that the interest will be promptlY paid, tad that her stocka are t.O safe as any city storks now In the rnarket. Eamtai RAILII.O.II.D TO BLAISRVILIA.--Thoseof our renders who pay attention to such Maier:, will recollect that the Central Railroad.. In Pasmitg from 301am:own to Greensburgh, leaves Blairsville erne three milt. to the north of the line. The pee. plo of that p l ace, With commendable enterprise, have been making strenuous efforts to secure a branch rood, and We are pleated to learn, from the article be:ow, that they have succeeded.rwd that the road is to be pot coder cataract in a law weeke. We understand that it is to be construct etl sad worked by do Pennsylvania Railroad Company, the etock.aubscribed to make it being thrown lam the common fund. This branch all give Indiana county great advantages, and will ratich pramote the prosperity of Blairsville. The Bbersville paper says: Our I. lraadN.Ftrurrd.—Tbe committee who visaed Pailsdelphts to cbahtn subacnpions of stock to amino Iba conntrucuon of a railroad to coneect thin place with the Pennsylvania Railroad, have returned, and we have the gratification of announcing to cur readers that the making of the road is now placed beyond doubt. The stock re• mitred has all been taken, with the exception of a few kart., for the tabung of which the committee have given obligati/Oaa to the Company. This makes the oonstraction of the road a .• fixed fact." It is thought the work mitt be given to contractor. in time to bv , itt epirationa car yin October. It la to be compl eted simultsneonal with the por tion' of the main rind between this and Johns. lowa. 'When this road is finished, BlairevLUe will be an advantageous point .for the temporary western ter. 3:Wol.llol.th° Central itatlecad, as passengers can take ether canal or inmate to Pittaborgb—:the distance by the Isomer being !seventy two miles, and by the layer, forty two. The heavy work to Westrecreistd enemas, will require considerable time, and nod i:s ecoopletion we believe it is the Intenoon of the company to rut their cars to this place. Lannz FAUXZE.—Tha Nl*. York Journal of Commerce announces the ft Rum of Means. NV,,C.Ze A.A. Hunter, heavy flour and produce dealers, who, it is understood, 'were endorsers to a lurge acaouni on the paper of !barn. Suydam, Sage S.: Co Their liabilittel are estimated at one million of dol lars. Ltantax..—Merats. 'lowland & Aspinwall have ennerourly deducted 5503 from the regular price of the paelklge money, for the mosionsne• of the Mit. 'tottery Society of , tie M. E. Church, who go out in the s'eamer Cherokee, On her nest trip. POIVIEII . STATer. Op CsttorN.—An expert diver, who has examined the statue as it now rests in the waterer Fee Inland, reports that it is injured soma what. in miusrquuliee of the awl ward attempt of pers.ns on board a revenue curer to book it up The grapples tore off the lel of the box arid defaced the marble It won a t namm idea, that, of using %nth implemeats in 511C4 u cam! Movdtive or 'roars —Thirteen pr dui of the order of Jesuits arrived at Panama a ado rime since; from Caagrre. These men were invited wale years ago to take charge of the Seaman. acd'Collegeiof learning. At the late aession of Carigren in Bogota, by a formal vote of that body, they mere earltedfrain th:• Republic. They dma iothatintish steamer Arno, and were on the, way to Pettl. • From the Tomball Co. Whig. =lt inari. Mall Robbery. rivillarared Dollars Roroa-rd!—Wa step the press to insert the tollosneg It egraphie dispatch, received on Thursday morning, by C. A. Adams, Postreatter at this place. I.l.ousn has been exten sively keeten In that community as s Stage Agee.. Ha character has bisheno been considered tines. cepttonsble CLUML6D,Aog. 2n, 9 o'clock A. Tv chi Pareexrer: Warren. ()lir Five hood.eB dotter. tom tu• pr‘d, far the arrest acd coefierrern , ,, in an) I p to ba UoltedStatelie r of General O. Ilinurie, Agent for the Ohio mega Cornpan9. - Brit Staten . .8* under Sri •rrrrt ehertml Taub rahlrmg the Mad of the Vetted Stales, ha the 15111 lnall,and a portion' el and matey war feted oe the petion alexia Diatom, u the time of ►i{vlac D. M. HaategA,. ' Special Agent Pea 014ee DepOttnosit. Catalina IliiissieinlPlitalsanyib. and tits Tiort6f.llr.. liasuptow. Mr. Hampton, during the peadeney of the Civil and Diplomatic Appropriation Bill In the House, made strentonsaml able effortaessecure an appro. pristine for the erection of a Cogan Home in this city, and 'also the mange of a reonimion modifying the present twin. Although ha did not succeed in either effort, it was not for the lack of scat or obit'. ty on his part. We select from the Daily Globe, the following from the proceedings of the House on the 23d of August. O3TD HOME AT PITIMUURGU. Mr. HADIPTUN desired. he said, before the Lein was stricken oat, to offer the following amend- "For the purchase or a site and the erection of COIRO4II Bowe, Post Offiee, Court House. and other necessary public offices, at Pittsburgh. Penesylan. nu, to be expended under the direction of the Sec , thorcend retary of the Treasury, the sum of fifty dollars: Provided, The cost of purchasing raid site and erecting said buildings shall not exceed the sum shave appropriated." • Mr. 11. said Mr. Chnirman, the amendment I have proposed, contemplates the erection of a custom house, post office, and court how., in the sir, that it may be m ob t i y ec ti t l rd Pi t i o ts th bu;g e h reo . tilc.amorawriacrlom home, that un der the law as it now stands, there is but n small amount of duties collected at that port—et few lords will serve to explain the reason. By the net of 2J March, 1831, all goods, wares, endmerchaodize imported into St. L.uts, Cincin nati, and Pittsburgh, are required lobe imported by the way of New Orleans, when certain entries are w he mach on the book* of the collector of that port, before the goods can be passed, or permitted to proceed to the ports before Inert:toned. At that t i me , goods destined for thane cities, could I. mote sandy brought into the country by New Orleans, than any other way. But since the construction of our lines of public improvement from the eastern Cities westward, our importing merchnnts at Pitts burgh hater their goods in the ',East, and pay the duties there, in preference to going round by New Orleans. A proposition is now pending . before the Senate, I am intormed, in bur:mance o f recom mendatlon from the Secretary of Ole Treason . , based on the petition of our imporlintliterchanis, to repeal that net, and authorize the entry of goods in the eastern ports, and the payment of duffel, Pittsburgh. tint:mid t4i. chenge in the law be made. as 1 hope it will, the amount of duties collected at the. port of Pittsburgh will equal, if not exceed, the p:llleeted either at Si. Loa , / or Cincinnati. We ' have a larger amount of tonnage there than at either of the other place.; more than twice that of Cincinnati, and more by several thousand than hlt of St. LOUIS. And beside, we collect a large amount of marine homiud money, all which the surveyor of the port most receive, keep safely, and acccent , f, to the Government. So mach for the Custom Hour. The committee has already authorized the erect.' 'ion of • pool office at Ciacionou and St. Louie. rho pint office at Pittsburgh baa been Made by aw the deposaory orpublte money for many of 011 sanoundiag post offices, in addition to the forge amousit of public worry collected at that office. By Me act of Coogreas, commonly called •he sub t.easury law. the peen:neater is prohib ted irons depositing the public money in banks. The ! cffme la kept to a build o (the best that can be arocured for the purposf) wholly manta and iose• cure. The pubic money, therefare, to say nothing al the large amount of money constantly pealing torcugh the office, belonging to the mercantile and loudness portion of the commuoity, moat he very unsafe; and if either Oaf-coati or St. Louis entitled to a buildiag to be erected by the govern. m e at for that pima a., Pittsburgh has equal, if not supezjor claims to either. Wsth regard to a court house. I beg leave to state to the committee, that the Government is payirg • heavy root for court , rtiondi, offices, for., far the accommodation of its offlaera. Much might be saved to the government In tho judicious ex. pentiumm of a few thousand dollars, and the public good therehy greatly promoted. I would Limier state, that the Government owns a lot of ground. m the city of Pittsburgh, on labia, is erected a house, formerly occupied as a milzary storehouse. The store having been removed to me garrison. out of the city, that property to en rely unproductive now, and might, by dividing It .etc lots, be sold for some 8741,000. The proceeds the sale, with a small addition, would pay for the Mediae of the building• proposed. A. I am allowed bat fin allide!” under your rola. to ezp'ain my amendment, 1 moat cies° my emeark• by t %peening the !tope that the com , nittee mill Name to tacameodment. and let it tate At elan, in the Hodge, with other. of • Moeller oStrar_ter. This amendment was opposed by Ur. HiMud, no the xrcuod that the custom house business of Piustiorsth wits not setrvient to wiriest the ex. pence. He concluded his remark. •s follow. when Mr. Hampton's amendment was reject. ed Pittsburgh is certainly as Important and flour-, thing coy, and it to not its Moat toad fortune that has the able geffileman who offered this emend. cent for Its Representative; but Ito business is not of the kind which affords great revenue to the irovermrient in the form of customs. Besides, nere b to this bill already appropriated for the anrine hospital its Putisbnrgh, in three several terns, 515,7.53 42. The question wan then taken, and the amend. meet was rejected. The resolution offered by Mr. Hampton for the moditication of the tariff, which hen roled out of order by the chair, and the chair„ sustained by a vote of Bt to 77, has already been published m oor Washiagton correspondence. lo regard to this resolution and the very close sego on it in' the House, the Waikingion corres pondent tof the Philadelphia Ledger remarks: Had the slavery bills passed Commas, in emni hoe or sulky form, three nmeths ago there is pull nave been no difficulty to adjusting the tanffques. ; and even now, it is not entirely hopeless, if the movement is carried on judiciously, and with out irritating parties. It Mr. Hampton will avoid .verything that shall mate his amendraeuts Wh'g measures par excellence, and thereby disarm I, advance every Derry:croak opposition that may be made to it; if, instead of party support, he will "rum nothing but the support of men of all portion 'tidy to aaerdee their own sectional opinions to toe genet.' good of the country—in a word, ti Mr. Hampton and hie friends, or the friends of , re measure, will unite on true compromise ground, between the South and the North, the Gee trader and protectionists, there is a good chance that the bill may paws the Senate in the shape of au amendment to the Civil and Diplo. Jamie Appropriation bill, and taus endoned, there , s every probability that the House will to that ease adopt it. An amendment to an appropria tion bttl, not appropriating any money, has, on several co.tasiona. been pronounced out of order by the Speaker of the House, so that Mr. Burt wtm perfectly right in ruling It ant of order again. An appeal, however, was taken from the decision ~f_the chair, and so emit sustained, that Mr. Burt'. decision was only sustained by a Cor)nri. cf lour. The tariff men are quite rejoiced at :his sudden and unexpected success, and feel uow douhy aexious to make the trial in the Sen ile. Toot body is bound by no each role as in the House, and may tack any thing to an appro priation bill, even the admiSsion of Cdiffiraia. t•Parsamessrvirazas"—Drasocascr, Ann Some nave Mont.—The following resohniona were adoptedat a Democratic meeting in the Eighth Ward of the City of New York: Resolved, That we, the Democracy of the Eighth Ward, respond to the meatiures recommended by the Congress of Workingmen, and commend the consideration of labor reform to ell true Democrats. Let us abolish wages eleven: before we meddle with chattel slavery:. Give us freedom of the pub lie lauds, land limitation , inviolable homes, pro. hibition of Government debt., repeal of laws for the collection of debt, direct taxation, freedom of trade, disbandment of the standing army and navy, the canoes plans of co-operation and association for the organization of labor; the best system of coy education, the expenses to be paid by a tax to be raised la the Ward, and not to go out of it—end the people will be satisfied. Resolved, That the industrials of oar city are urged in proceed in their noble efforts for the eie , canon of labor; and that we hereby tender to them our warmest sympathy, agrentag at the same time not to patronize any establithment which withholds from the journeymen the fair compensation their associations demand; and, in shoes, we are of, for, and with the Industrial reformers in their every ef fort to benefit tabor. Resolved, That we hear with pleasure Um the Sachems of Tammany intend to offer that hall for the public meetings of the protective and bencfactal indultstal asaoCLartoos. Give the Democracy of the Eighth this little bit of their own way, "and the people will be slaw fled." We modestly suggest a doubt on that subject. However, let none of the people fret thernrelves in advance, since It is not very probable that either the present Democracy of the Eigth Ward or the prevent generation of "the people " will live to see the boon conferred. How near the election tone must be.— [N. Y. Coin. Adv. Ten Stun Fstoaet Mittaorm.—A correspond. ant of the Ptilladefphia Ingairer state. that ii. raneemeais see now being completed for the removal silks wreck or the steam (rigate ?dia. souri, sank some years educe at Gi.braltar. A gentleman who accompanied the late Captain in his survey Cr the wreck has been placed at the head of the expeddion, which will start for Ito des tinatioo early next spring. A Catania Cmainav —Mr. Within H. Pratt, of Boston, bee, just cornp'e ed the building of • chimney, for the New England Maas Company's Factory, at East Cambridge, Mass., which is 230 (at high, 23 feet In diameter at base, end 13 feel at op. The llne within is 7 feet in diameter from top to bottom. The slnkture required 500,000 br'ekr, and 100 cable yirds of gramte. Thiele the grand)moko abet, intended, of course, to give draugbkand vent to any number or aubordinate chimney% from as many diluent (maces, Oa the work may require. Lass ST MID. Birsithe..-11. carpet bag bel•nging to Miss Bremer, containing a. number of iralwthle papers, letutra,&c., was lost on leaving Cape May, Go the I.Bth, or it is lipppolWti was taken with the 4giar by acciaoi, F FLO= WASHI.BGTOIG -7 1•' Cornipeadence of the tquabargh 0.2.115. W.Lannicrron, August 271 h, 1657. Passage of th• General A pproprlatloit IBll...Teran Boundary 1 1 1 11-•Pr•lblibie !Intendment and Pamage.Other IlleKennals-.llxecutlve Sea (lollll—A.llothaV Galphin A.o a G Wonderful Imp's- • donee. At length there really appears true and substan tial reason for congratulating the country, on a step made towards the accomplishment of something useful and indispenrable. The Civil Diplomatic Appropriation 13J11 passed the House by a vote of two to one, and thus adequate provision was secur ed for the support of the civil branches of govern ment for another year, a result which should be among movers of course, but which sedition and treason have placed among the doubtful and con. tingent. To morrow commence% the decisive struggle over the Senate Bills. The Utah remnant of the Omnibus will be refereed to the Committee of the Whole of course. Then will come that upon which perhaps the fate of all the remaining meas ures depends, the Texan Boundary and ten million bill. I trust there will be no discus•ioo,but I doubt. If there is hone, so that any question can be taken to morrow, Mr. Grinnell, of Mass„ will move to amend the boundary Bo us to insert the line propo. sed by Mr. Ewing in the Senate, to wilt, a line drawn from the south western angle of the Indian Territory on Red River, in about latitude thirty four, to the dam to the Rio Grande, near El humor This will cut of that awkward Jog made by Pearee's bill, which gives to Texas the strip of territory from the thirty second parallel to latitude thrity six degrees and thirty minutes, four degrees and a half by the meridians of lenigitude wide. The proposed amendment would provide a much more wnsible line than that now in the bill, and would conform nearly to that of the Compromise Bill. Upon the whole, I hope and believe that with this modifica tion the bill may mom. but it will be by close and hard rubbing through a host of enemies. Should this be the result, the passage of the California Bill will he a thing almost of course. As to .the territce ries I hope nothing whatever will be done concern ing the mg - ant:anon of governments for them. As to them, Lau. faire is the only wise and practi cal policy. The information received to day is somewhat more favorable to the return of Mr. 'McKenna°. • We hear it stated that he is engaged in the engage. meat of his bo.uieos affairs, preparatory. to Inking up his resident:a in the federal city. The Senate had a long executive session to day, et which a vast number of nomination. were con firmed, embracing most cf those before the Senate. Among the genilemen who pawed the ordeal was Mr. Irvin the new Mancha! of the Western Dietriet of Pennsylvania. As the nominations were read once for foal action, objecbons would be made to one here and there. Th.. Mr. Lewis, Collector of Philadelphia, Mr - filaawell, of New fork, and many others were la-d over for another sitting. This clearing of the docket of a certain order of business le a good thing both for the Senate and the hundreds of waiters upon its dignity and leisure. A beautiful case, a ample of open legalnted Galphintsm, was acted upon in the Senate to day • This was a claim preferred by some internal im provement company to Virginia, for . 5120.0004:aid to have been advanced by tee State of Virginia tos sixty year, ago, tothe United States to aid In the te emintruction of public buildings at Washington, when the sent of government was established here. Tee interest upon thin little accommodatton now amounts to about four hundred aod filly thousand dollars, no that principal and interent foots up the respectablo total of between hoe and ate hundred thousand dollars. This in at first glance a most 'singular and remarkable atratr, but upon exam nw bon, tt turn, out to ben piece of wont Uninfligated beggary nod trickery, which no State could oneinnt to perpetrate without bringing upon herself Indeili• ble dishisnor. In 1790, or thereabouts, there was a great coolest between the States to secure the 10- Cation of the sent of goVernutent. Ploladelphia and New York had both bad it, nod to awed to encore it, The rite m.+,l griieratiy favored was a spot no the Delaware above Trenton. L•beral :•Iters were node by States and Individirits in consideration of the rant advantagwi orhleti mlght be tlestved Iran such location. Virginia and hetryland succeeded being perhaps the highest holders The paltry ad , entice named above probably was made by Virgin ta, as eeriatderation for the selection made- Im mense outlays of Public money were immediately commenced on the favored spot, and flowed into the pockets of neighboring Virhontans and Mary landers. The donation We, returned at leant once o yene.Vnr gram/many years. But now barest the ache end of sixty of then, come, forward a ooratton with a podul story t I haring been :Dade the beortiesary nod assignee of this "claim" by l'ir ginta, nod demanding pt nirtpol and intervrit. It it ern .. .raging to perceive that Virguita in her pov erty and need is also so ware, of braes that she preses not to come forward to demand anything for hers um elf She ha, not the face, for she well knows that if the (jolted States were to present so account of advance and donations, this miserable 5120,000 would be swallowed op in millions upon tad:ions of pubhe money.that has been poured on in torrents from the Federal Treasury into the lap of Virginia And yet with all these damp appar ent it is wooderfnl to tell that the Senate voted this 5220,000. Thant; God, it has yet to go through a popular brunet', where such specimens of extortion and impudence, if detected, are pretty apt to tome to their deserts. It will be taken care of there. 12=1 Mn. Eetroa—l perceive by au ill natured ari title. copied into tee Post 01 this Morning, Iran the Philadelphia Ledger, an attempt to trjure the credit of the city of Allegheny, by statements that stein spirit, if not to the letter, utterly false.— That the city of Allegheny impudently ironed scrip fur the purpose of meeting the expense In• curved in supplying - ilia city with water, is admit. Led, but th.t ano repsdlated her scrip, will not be pretended by .y individual whose representation would entitle hs statement to eoctradicuon. The City sans sued by Samuel McClorkan St Ch. Irby residence of S. Met:lurk. is in Allegheny city, and the Company, G. W. Fleming, resides In PM. ladelphia,) declined the arrangement entered in to by the reed Of cur cit.ms, by which the city m imed bonds at 55 per cent. in redemption of her scrip, as they demanded. in addition to the pay. went of the ectip, twenty hoe per cent. as n yera ally for a violation of the law optima small awes. Mr. MirGluikan, -on account of the city refusing thin demand, bought a warrant for a small amount. and toed the city ktore a Magistrate- The mat• ter being overlooked, Le sent a ccastable to swot a few pipe that lay on an open lot, but the Tree.. urns satisfied the claim, and hem the an ter end ed. The Eihrpre me COutt will decide on the ethei claim of ibis ammo concern, and a. soon as it dr ermines the amount, tee city will be ready to meet it. The statement of the correspondent of the Phila , lelotos Lodger, about the city miring bonds in order lo starlin tectiniy, le shin Untrue, no such bands having ever been matted. Now, sir, no p rifleman acquainted with the v . :A.m. 01 the c.ty sf Allegheny, the amount of her indebtedre.s, and the character of the gentle• men who comprise the counctls and manage he: affairs, would give currency to such Slaternenui but should thu responstble correspondent, (which I elrong'y 'Went is tho Company of the firm al. ' laded to,) think he ran advance his inter. at by this contemptible coot., I prrsunre Allegheny city au- Morn et sold lions no sr:ye/lion. U. For the Piladurglt Garet.. House of Haag,. Mn. Enrron--Ssmet:ine in March last a meet ing was he d at the Board of Trade Room., for the purpose of devising ways and means for the estab lishment or a House of Refuge for Western Fenn• sylvania.and eommitteea were appointed, I be. have, for procuring proper Legislative ection,dfc., and calling future meeting. of the friend. of the prcject, aloes which, so far as I can observe, no• thing hen been done towards bringing the matter more fully before the public; nod I hops it will net be permitted to rest tore. but that those in whom hands it has been trusted will early calla meeting of the ownens, end posh it Wetted with all the energy and force the imparteem of the caw de mends. On or 1112 Mann. indmoopelts, Indians, but a population in the env:trate limas of 8,011, being an increase o , 1.530 since the tot otAtignst., 1419, or a gain of • Moe over 231 percent. in one leer. I)nring the san.e time the increase in the value of tsztb'es may 6307,150—ab0ut 13 per cent., er nearly $2OO (or each person added to the population. There am 30 brayer', 55 prantising phyMeisne, and 20 ministers In tho eity—abeim 200 natives or other countries. mostly GMT:44 Irian and Benda, and ZOO names. NOT To ailirri.—flebefsen Scokb, oldie tOllll Of Handerams, JeffersOn county, N. Y., relict of Awn Smitkdeteased, Yu spooled and qullled the illern for 1;000 yards ofelotit, knit 60 paths or stock• liege, within the Law ten months, besides attending' 'to her household duties, many maling her own iand two other beds deny, and all this at the ago of is° yeas la February i.e. Girls do you hear ,thw! Cnorsas ra I;orsiris.—A. letter from Tem Haute says We cholera has made dreadful havoc among the laboreni - on We line of the Wabash and Erie Canal, and almost put a atop to operation on that work. From Oregon and icatirornis. • Letter. have been received at the Mission Room, of the Methodist Episcopal Cbureh, to this city, from the Rev. Mr. Reber., anperinten. dent of the icils.ions of that church, in Oregor, and from Rev. Mr. Owen, missionaiy in Cal for. Ma, which Lamm entente intelligence of connider able Merest. The communication from Mr. Rob erts extends nom the let to the 11th of lone. He nay. that he had then received no letters from the United State. for seven months and a hair. --The Indiana charged with the murder of Dr. Wellman nod bra family, were arraigned for trial on the Ist or 3d cf June, an inmate of Roberts'. family, Catharine Sager, being one of the witness es against them. She was the eldest of a family or orphans living with Dr. Whitman, and taro of her brothers were killed at the time of the masa nacre. The murderers were delivered up be the Cnyuse Nattoo, to Governor Line. fudge Pratt presided at the trial. Five of them were conviet. ed, and were executed, by hanging, on the Ilitt of June. Their names were Telookint, O.oski mo•Jba.Meirderer, Wet W. I; and Left-baud. It wen understood that moat of the others concern. ed to the murder were dead. Mm. Hobert. was aerionely indiepoted, having received some injury by falling from a horse. Mr. Roberta reports mat laborers are becoming more scarce, and wages higher every day. He can procute no one to do the necessary work aroued the mission premien., and seen no prospects of re. lief in that particular. The Rev. Me. Pariah, a missionary of the Methodist Episcopal Church, haying received the appointment of Indian tub. r gent, had tell his ministerial charge to muter the duties of the °aloe. Mr. Robert. desalt:me the appearance of the country, In June,• exceed. ugly beautiful, and travelling te quite good. The mail from Oregon city WU received at Salem. where his letter Is dated, rerolarly every week, and a ateamer was daily expected. Referring more directly to the religion. condi ties or the country, and the straws of the minion under his care in Oregon, Mr. Roberts speak, of a camp meeting recently held, as a time "of great interpt and profit," and add. that four lob. ere are about to be he'd. He mentions, also, the pleasant ebrUttan union that taws among the evangelical clergymen, miniefera of the Prolan. ant Episcopal Couch preaching at the cameo meet. log, and taking active part in the devotional to cruise.. The Oregon leatituto is efficiently and aueees,• fully cotdueted by the Itee. Mr. Doane and mile. hut en adouttonal teacher as greatly needed. A district school has been erected. but no leacher ran be obtrined at or, th•l2 1125 pee month.— More laborer, from the Varied ,`jars are needed to occupy tan field rapidly open ng to the man Mon. Rev. Mr. Owen'. letter Includes from Ibe let to toe sth of July. and relate, exclasteciy to his Ents.ion work. He bad heard that the Board were about to send ax additional mat tent. and r - commends the dtvititon of rho Weston field into two district.. each embrac.ng nine 'circuit.' The principal difficulty under which igg . nueston labors is the want of honse• of worship, and residencea for the miasionaties. Einould and additional help reac! tow In August, he would male an esplor • trig lour of the wool.: held embraced in the pro. posed enlargement of the merino, and expected to isle up collections fat the parent society. Mr. Oven a•lt. eernestly for ee.bool teacher,— A Ovaimam Rev. James Roger., a graduate of the Wealeyan Univetsity, teaches a school or more than thirty sennlam, by which he reningta • net profit of rather more than two hundred dol. tara per month. Ilia In ciantennp%atiOn to toned a univeraity, the Board hero hsvo resolved Upon wading not a competent barber; rOna to estate ban a book earietrn, embracing the Hum el a 11 . Crl:y period cal. Mr. Owen *peaks confident ., eke of the at sty 01 the mmlon Cbmen In Caltfmnta thenanriven to •11piaart any nuntalef n the right sort w 01/I the Il,ard caty et ad opt.— Hq.watt. •ra.— boo need nut gore 7ouniolve. soy nacalcean a,ut Inc •upp Iten end Taytcr rat theio farntli, were it cr.l health, and ari. much pleased With teen ne d :tax , ' —IN. Y. Coo,. s ' re Aug 24. day her w.' see: Ire Leo Joao Woits Wt: ter. He fully reahges hes core num, and ace, not rnetiour tti•l the day of execuiton rn ne•r stied. lie appears reef -city term Atli prep. red I, the wets, He eoutects that the for or ratstal most:mom is sky•Lt, and that he is Jest, • rut rot of that Ism. He is kept clearly ri,d no one la allowed to Vlllll him W.* side the cab:era of !herd, except bra own gpEilt; ual advisee, lidv. Dr. P. 0.., of Roxbury, a nd • Doctrine M mister from Cambridge. There tr now very utile, it any, fear mat be will commit_ suicide No regular surdasas been placed over km more than that ovcr other perrons In the jail; an I 1 cm Worn ci that there hot be, as was to the Cur 441 Pt arson, who was laic y excelned at Eunl Como, sae, to to• mtter esse, a rum was lound Ise rnsont- es us, at let • week In vac 1 , 14 el,. 1.0, He ai et co' , C,,Cti i„ lit dace d that it 'sr,: pmeed there by a relative, wooer, name we du no: desire now to mate pub hr, with the re yemet that be (Vesta.) would eitirille. end Welt Newton Naclastion Company, ho Lave been dcierated in meet the President and Mgerof the Cbeeapeake and Otto Canal Company, ana al Camterland, ant to make such sronument as they may deem expedieut, to open vi roil rood co. •CCIIO2 between CRlllbeflallil and COnnellrente. Por tlier Pardcolm will be given ef the stockholders tat the Mooring. ' R.N. 1...4111h111f, - Jr.. a , 1 0 1:11 Preet Pilm'ah Connellavllle R. 11.C.0. 1111I&OKLETT wanuautz DIULSII3 pomssno - FOREIGN - AIRY GOODS, No. 101 vvoo,s.streat, VITE the attention Of LOren th. their lette stork of Erten (irretle neeo;lertrng. end which they are pregerett to sell on very accuartmedetink tetra. We shall co contently reciting fresh goods dot 113K the . s c a scr n, ned regent An examination of Our aunt vreaterm.metehargn end others 'kiting. our city, • leual IMMEMCEII:I `N native young man %ramp • Inman. In whole. ,Ela cal. grocery or dry goor• Core. Ha writ... • fair hand, would work or Leer nccount, and non tie awry tachly rceerumented hr tda . Upright and lor. dna:flow herrn.. tie wilt lean on Onto, lu Ida ent• plot era bolero., and prove hintret(wontry, or ark rta rcrnoumaiot,. Arhirets W. IL in thni aned .11.• 0. a. UlteltrlWlLl2i4N,S PITTSBURGH COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, • Cor.of Market and Third eta, op slam, S NOW OPEN for the reeelpiion of students. both I day mid eSering, a:.11 for tarperres, In point of co* rsneertient, and taorltris for neyolsing a thorough Mercantile ed.:Utast, Any manias e•tablitthment racoon of the voraiiry. It Is divulged join tea apartment., aeon havtng a is entrance. Tuco Mr,. nod elegant lecture room is coequal esolosive ly by those pun Mug tilt tad) of ectombre :it ' , armee, .;al t• nut Intrinerd upon by the wtir,ng elraa as they halo an approprotte room by thornsolva. The ladle,. ems% town is opt...tally font:shoo. and so catnap al It, th , Y e•tt roman unobserved by the • t:rm it. rher tnatit :bon bar been coneuatett, for . • . Psi eor K gontibitran, under t nr• it 14. and Minn, to iti.d r Iwo Li itite.i mien. bare then in nutlet...me iact ictimer. It It ny patine, Vt. cornscw trochers ore slit pur tbitqc the n.d and superentiu len mound et ninon, lost con..s in planing a punted brink before the pupil, and re tatting tuna to trammel , ' n ernain nu tor et pug, s, deeming • tithing bother ntecoaryt Lit mt. plan ass cog some been abandoned by all except We few. who : era boo stupid or tit stun to give atICIGIII bistreetions I bum intently received a number or student. Into my ellls thus instructed, for several months without receiving any benefit. .liar smog to the increasing it...renege reclaims more nine to devote to gonna anstup, az., I bile neared the serstees of John Fleming, Poe , I abbe Accouratint, and author of the National Moe Keeptog, as princi p•l wheeler in hint keepiog,leettirer blerentl• tile end Conn:reread Law, Le. Pawner comment Is nwthcessati, as he kat been identified Wnli rho co moire el P ut for the laid thirty years. Those desiring • complete knowledge of =cementite or steam boat book keeping, arIaVILISO elegant sod rabid Pelidtmlislibi or a thorough knowledge of ma- Meant:es, can enter the College nl any time s ander the most "vbbtsreorte Circumstances. The cootie or lostreeithe Is suet es will enableovery - Wedeln, who re eelves the b a ying preeribed course, to tak thargerof a set of books on, the insuwalota and crag one thus qualified will tee a ;Optima, endorsed hy 1 rlacmAi c k:As. thin willibe emote eery tee ta pro. curbs a satiation In this COMMLUiIy, Ulan cameo. breed by any Other took-idol!. Co addrsmen to O. K,Chetheerlin, wah levet.° to Um College, sold meet with prompt attention: aug3l., LILO UM —de brie F Flour reed Car pale by . ...8t• • ' 4t. W HAILSAUCIII nliErZe-48 bn Jut ree'd far sale by —.- V saga S& W LIAICLIAUGH BA4:ON-5 enk• prime 11•4e4v 4 auks pima Mutts ree'd far tale by ”4‘51 e h W HARBALaia , LSPEER halt ßatowod to Upon, Ittnot, below Ph, strut, NO Odin lllll.4ltrollion, the sun 121'4414. saribtla i l i i . t .g tp - ‘ , O 60601 60 Wand et SUAP—CD las W.ndmr Soap; .10 pia Costae Soap, reed for nip awl • /KIDD/CM NEr GO-44114.init rectirrd for gale b• 1.101 .-: . _ JKIDD & pOTZ 3 I , I casks for sale by FE:1110 tilde Fame N. 0. to store:for sale blr JUIIN PAHKKR ♦t CO 1 Lih.ll9el MOI.A9iY.+ Lrla N . >tore .d '")".*"" eo,a, lor Pale by Mi==ill (31./F FFiN—tl nnin prime Green Rl, In inn. n• IIN ?ARNIM in CO P. OLASBE-9-111 H. Inn r