THE '?iT"T,SBU till GAZETTE Ul ll, , Li) LIY WHITE at CO i.l - %;Tbucitall THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 29;1850 iirhuviteriases are earnestly-man-tee round in their favors before St. x., and as early in thada' p raetleable. Advertisement , not blurted for • spec , led time. arm iiivanably he iihare.e %int) , o , dired out • - OZPV• N I . I.LYZI Agent .tor the , elver at his event agencies In Nes Phiiidetphis, , ar4i Boman, and h authorised to retain and advertisements (or sth QT Pinam:Vm.... Nostra AlogrJuus.-rldTerifi r e . .Inextts tad rubretiptione to the lora Ad:ldes° end Malted Stases Ossette,,l'hiladelphia, reeeleod and - fee, twisted (thus this °lrv, oar • —Svbseript is vat usbk paper, will biaractived and lonise d this arida. B•4111[0.1017.1142-1•Tabseilld,n1rtise enema for this paper recelved and forwarded frer of charge from this off:ea T.r Crewman Dams Gazarra.—Advertir earrits arid sabseriptiona. for this paper, will be received erwarded from thla °Mee. UMW CBATIO WlllO STATIC VC to. cout , esnuarrem. JOSitUA ConNGA N. Lfiseyr) , . ALLIATIV ' • lISN ^',,,,,,, 0 N. J 0 .9 I. i• fl of w.nlagt.C...."' w d Whig Nondnationo for Ajogh.., County. Mt MOT Aram TOONtli I. lloWie, of LZ11091.1. • 10. neon MOON Mtn •1,612 ctl.•tnt, aggt,t(Ala DENNY, 01 TrrizeDlOn. TON stun, JAMES CAROTHERS, 01 MILILLIt • POt /.O•SYSLT, MORGAN ROBERTSON, Pictebartb T. J. 111611104,1.01ver St Clair. - ' R. C. WALKER. F.Besbent t JOHN AFCLUSKEV, JAMES FIFFE, Snowden. rionsLemno Arnsenre, ===== EL m-Ezra COYLE.% North Fria.. Arnrrou. WIL FLYNN, Lower sz Clolr. C3Lni at-Ars-mg, D. N. COURTNEY. Ohio. .1711 ER NEXT PAGE FUR LOCAL MATTERS TELEGRAPHIC NEW,, romlio quarts and Gold inning Com P..Y. A few days ego ire noticed the arrival in this city, from Caliterals, cf our former townsman, A W. Brockway, Era, and stated that the:princime object of bin visit laws to procure the necessary for extracting gold, from the gold -bear in; gears rock. We have since had the oppor• sanity of freqne4t interviews with Mr. Brockwss, sad of examine the specimees of the quarts rock containing gold, which he brings via: him, and than of acqutrine some information which may he of interest to our readers. Two veins of the gold be.aring quarts rock have been discovered, one co the:river Mariposa, non the other on the hiniceder, both branchea:al the Ban Joaquin. These vices are extensive, ap. patently inexhaviatib's, and rich in the precinct. metal. The specimens which we examined ut estimated to contain annul ten per cent..of gold, it being distinctly perceptible wherever the rock i• broken, in lumps, velar, and shinicg pnnieie.• Thetextc. how-ever, Of - C . OOTM., choice e l enienete hot an analytia of the phorc-t roerlinen. whir have been taken from the m toes , yield 1115 to ti • hundred p9unils of rock , ra richness which yiron ises a m*nchificent harvest to the posacsiors of thee extraord•nary miner. A company, wader the titie at the hoed of thi' article, has been formed In work three mines, hot, tbf which are in their possession. 0( this et:impart , Mr. Brockway is President. The capital of th• company la $200,000, about one half being held b California, and nearly all the remainder In chi oily, mostly by the same persons whose fcretigh euttrpnee, judgment, and shill in copper minies on Lake Superior, has excited the natoniehmen and aroused the attention of the whole country Oar Pittsburgh o aphelian!. teem to have as intuits, knowledge of the calms of every enterprise con mooted with mining, lend no they were the first I. commence, end have been the most successful Ir. copper taming to the Lake region,so they ale thr drat to attemptseicattuoi aystematic,and organin cd gold mining in California. Powerful engines to drive the machinet7 are now being constructed in this city, and Mr Brockway, in company watt a practical and 'denude machinist and engin•_es, .s to da for-the Virginia celd mines to lake drawing, of the machinery nerd 1 - 4 crashing the gonna rook Re expects to retort in about two weeke, whei the neceesary machinery will h.: inintedintelyecr 'trusted. Every description of the machinery lei: be ol the most perfect chnrecter, no expert, being 'pared to render It equal to any ever cot smucted. Twenty five thousand pounds of rock will kr crushed, and the gold separated, daily. Tekint rock of the lowest yield', this will give 53750 pe diem. When it is cons:demi that moth of th. rack yield. ton, Aftten, and twenty fire T . cent, the eni , rmous milli of the compile, may be imagined, him cao scarcely be ntimated and when it is further cpasidered thatsbesc mine are ineihsup.b'e, ono of thrm being 60 feet IlCiOst and traced to a length of more than three emitter of a mile, the amouat of gold which will be take. fropo theta must be immense. TheYuginis mines. which are worked wit' imccesa_yield only 50 per cent. to one hondre, pstinds of rock—theCeifornis mines, at the !Own will yield Sl5! Tho compttrison shows the en Irv:ma:try richness of the Pacific mines. Free the high character, enterpriae, •od ample mere, of t h e principal stockholders in tbis miry, and thi great perketnen of ail the arrangements node Mi. Br ockway'esuperintendedee,tbere can be doubt enartained of the entire sateen of tie company, and we feel no littio gratificatort fm, that the enterprise of our citizens reaches even u thy Pacific, and grasps at the golden treasures:lM fo the onkel and bawds of the earth, gatbenng th, rich harvest by metes of her eeefliating sot' never tirirg steam erginc, while other cities loser been contact with this proceeds collected from the Barran of the earth. [Vb. Brockway etipects to *hip his machinery this fall, and learn ott his return to Calanais ir Ontober. : Rionnarrton cr Ma.. MelissoLet.,,lt Is with extreme regret that se have to announce the yes ideation ot the Hon. T. M. T. Mc Kconan, at be. erelary Of the 1/11.104 . The res.ns for this stet are understood to be of a strictly perennal nature. Mr. McKennan's health was any thing but vigor. mos, when he left this place to assume the labori. ons dunea Of efbin egioe'; in view of width dream stance, as Well as tram Considerations cf a domes Ph thanteter, be would have dechned it when that tegdered Um, but fur the minx it and ntimer ton on poronatica not tonlyf,om L. President, but Item a large number of dittioguished gentlemen ohm:toned with the Givernmeut, as well smothers from various porticos of our own State. Mr. McKacaan, however, gedlog his health givieg Way, Under the Macrons dation devolving upno Mtn, eener.ived it his duly to rctig Lt. sad which hi has done to the aloe - ere regret of the President. his brother •accretarles, and, Ore believe, of all parties, generally, in'the country.—Worhingron We join In the general regret felt at ths madden resedutiOla on the part or Mri, Mali:can't'. We have no doubt, however, that lit laws dictated by reasons which Mr. M. felt to be imperative, and Which were highly , honorable. '1 Too Somme Niotrtvotata i—Jenny Lied we. expected to 1 e:m London on tne lath inq., wee: e she would hos guest of Hon. Abbott Lawrence. She would goer, Oeborea Hoer, Hale of Wigto ) to take leave of glean Vimorie. Ste would give concern, on the. Ilihned 19th Meta. et L;verpoef Every scat Was already taken' far both concert", Including fpOttsdditionel, plane around the hall.— Enormous pterniums were o ff e red for beket. It was confidently hoped that she might be induced to give a concert at Ideneheater on the evening of the 20:h. She had Selected, on her prof - mien.' companion on her tont In the Slates, n pupil ofStr George Smart, Mild Andrew, e who is described as poanauisg high vocal •bililles. . The. Abolition Convention at Cazennvia . have resolved Loraine a land of $2:..',000 in thirty days, io aid Mr. Chaplini in but defence. It was ac• notmeed Ibat 'Anvil seventy bre dollars" bad been received toward the medal propound to be given. to Mtn. • CJI COLLSOZ:A , he recent tiontmenee wont at this College the following degrees were On President Fillmore, the degree or LL. D.; tke name on Rev. W. Morrie, the RAM. D. Bab. tack, and Roe. Jobs IldoGarth 1.). D. M M m i s 1 - vao.ii vissins Cone! 'll3 - Onsieliell of tee Gaper ssidttalgoolloaa ,Of:.?? ht_° —The' Great - lel ea easres 'of os__wa!m js . ". piandLsge.Gotarie reeapear--Tao Sally rreetteitt Pa oliametrro., Aug. 25. The midden d,putanD c a K . e .,".... pon ." .7 ° l ther.deiia coy 1° o uch There se. )doacist general "Aespres • has ren 6 .6z t h e 6 PP ,66 ve . rtion of. th e Gtornth hfe Iff;of hen; r !nal, PeoF,tl l44 ^ o * fti!ss••• we eau mO)6 ease etandoi fra diaegis r tee. . I know, ye. the aulatetwe octets° of the relidris w i t lefi l aMemela4 roafOt la elnutiters of current do ,sfp Gee Witt 10 001 iatelligtnee. The most important - if true, of these, cettaltily is that the president himself laareveting Gated toe gentle. man in couversation, that Mr. McKennui had gone home, and meditated the relincin shment of hi. office. Another leaf quite • different chance ter, beating this tenon Before the dike now held by Mr. McKennan wasfilled, Mr. Webster inti. mated the be thought every thing belonging to such ernes as District Anortiev. and Marshal'', including of come the nominations of them shottld be transferred to his department. Be di rected the Chic! Cierk of the Interior Department to prepare all these patient for the desired Immo. val. The President declined giving a decision until after the nomination and ;acceptance of Mr. McKeense. Whatever he then decided to deprive the new Secretary of the exteuive and Important patronage attached to three offices, tumor dome not may, bat rumor and private opinion concur ioI arolguing thieas one el tho canoes of Mr. MeErn nem'. present absence from Washiturm We shell of course soon be =formed of all thee it to neeersary for us to know relative to Mr. lidelVs. determination. Ht, retirement 06,16 time would bets unfortunate far the tolerate of Penneylvanin as it te unexpected. - To morrow the Boom 117111 probably sneered in disposiog of the Civil and Dlploanatin Appropria tion Bill, and at Tuesday will come op the im portant nevaeon of choice between the appropria. poi. for hr envy and navy, and the hills from the Berate. I helm the former will prevail, as 1 have said before, and believe so, too. But sliced tee Senate Bala have the advantage, then an at. tempt will be made to pass the Texas Boundary Bill, wider the operation of the pelmet question . Prom present appearance, that bill, upon which so much is be {eyed to depend, will be minted by a 'creamed vote, not exceeding ten. It is mum. ted that sixty five members from free Slates can be relied upon in its favor, sod about loGy from the slava States. Now, If ilia be correct, the bill would be defeated in a comparatively foil blouse. Scutt is believed that more than two hundred mem bers cannot be spin mustered &mire the rearm, even upon votes clench threshing interest as this. If Mr. Pearce'. bill gets ono !toothed sod Lice votes, it will pass. The Ram intauriiion L Ith;.itm l that it almtlkl, and is employing -es inflwocc, tc far tia is athatamtional and proper, iu urging iu parittge. These auguries, so far a they are retie. ble, are encouraging. For this particular bill 1. hot a link in a chain of measures, which remit be carried or be lost together. The advocate. of a change in the tariff, the friends of prolective, ate much encoureged by the vote upon. Mr. IlaMp'On'e Motion loran @dila.° al section to the general appropriation bill, ensturi. eirg the desired reform of a fixed home value • lion, on Saturday lat. There is little .doubt Gout had there ,eon a sc tn.:Molly good understandieg between the inend. of the movement, it wadi nave succeeded. But three of the Pennsylvania Democrat., voted for it, namely iTbompte,Stiore, and Robbins. Mann, Mel...than, Danmicb, Itoef and Want voted sgelnat it. Ol course all the Penn. ylvania and other northern Whigs prey cot, voted for it. The subject will be brought up ie another shape durirg the seaslon. The Free Sell Democrats are talking very seri ously about getting up a daily paper to check mate the two black disunion sheets that now float hen. .6 de by ride, the Union and Southern Press. Tee thud. are the main thing to be provided Editors and other desiderata are arranged Mr.— b it s likely the paper will be eatablisbcd, and ap• fear beim., the next .cease commence.. FRONK NEW YOHIC Correspondence of the Yttutrargh Cozens. Now You. Avg. 24. 1650. The news today is confined mainly in the report of the fancy ball which dotted the season, and in which some of the good people of-Ptlnhorgli played a prominent part_ Among Ine brilliant cos tumes enumerated are those of Mr. Edward Jones. of Pittsburgh, who wore a very rich and tasty arms, representim,T a Neapolitan noble, and Mr. Childs, who appnwed as a llornquetaire, to very splendid costume, which wus well sup ported. There was also present a Med Tomei, who per sonated the Boehm, of Orleans—sire., whine lace —diadem of diamonds—head dress of in mond, the -ame owned and used by Josephine, the wile of Napoleon Bonaparte, bequeathed to her niece, and sold to Mons. Suomi for $25,000. Her watch is the same which was purchased after the Duchess de Berry had offered Be,ooo for it. Besides toe., her dress was spangled with diadems to the amount of upwards of 35,000. This lady has for years been famous as the owner of an old English chariot, in which she often took en airing down Broadway-- it was drawn by four as sorry looking nags as ever ploughed, and her postillions and footmen rejoiced in a livery comprised of top hoots, white email coati, green jackets, trirced wets yellow, and cock ed hats. Rumor rmes that her weatth in the reward of devoted BefliCes to Mena Jumel, an old rose who war persuaded during a violent illness of his friend, to give her his nude, as last as the priest could bind it, which at ones restored her health to such a degree that she survives her husband, and with her jewels out &metes our aristocrats, who trace their ancestry and wealth tpa more honorable source. Another steamer (or the - Pacific leaves here on the 2d of September, called the Colombia, and is intended to run on Reiland &Aspinwall's mail linei from San Francisco to the Colombia river, n route soon to be as profitable as the Fatima has proved to be. Itteent adviees are very encoora gicig as to the competition of some kind of '• rood use the Isthmus, bur it will not be at San hon. Mr. Squiers, our ageni at Central Alberich is molt positive that the obstructions in the river and lake must prevent the early opening of • new route there. A'member of a leading firm to Wall S t reet was yesterday arrested, charged with perjury. by Messrs Suydam, Saga & Co.; whom he charged with we eretly sending their property out of , the country, with inicnt to defraud their credltori, and Open this charge obtaining their arrest under • "Stillwell warrant," a very short grab law known by that Ohs A large amount of the paper of Suydam, Sage & Co. is dill in Wall'Street, • and to small will be the dividend, that a great disposition is shown to prove a fraud, and thin open the way for the courts. Arrangements have been definitely made to give New York a Zoological Gant., likelhe one now fb the Regent's Park, London, and to combine with it the attractions of the oJardin des Plants" of Paris. A number of gentlemen propane to to rn companyowith a capital of $:03,00E1, the ehares to hO Sll3O eneti. An act Of incorporation is to be ob tained and the garden. located on the properly of the Audubon', adjoining Trinity. Cemetery, • on In:1a street. 5 . 100,000 are to be spelt( to pin:4,l/.lllg andleieney of Wild Beasts and 5200,000 or 6 to bo approprtated to the improvement of We prop erty. The situation proposisi is partteularly eligible, Mang on the line of the Hodson River Rad Road, which now has a station at the foot of Irr-hl street. There is, besides, is wharf at the foot of iire,th at , with every facility for a sterile boat landing.. The Space is ample, containing about twenty sierra, and the anuation imposing, with ti fiCoulage on the 11w3- san air, of more than eight hundred feet. The property has, probably, the best natural forest On a, to he (nowt on the Island, and the walks' are of easy ascent, there being two moderately undulating table lands, one on the river, and the other facing the 10th avenue. The city will soon grow out to and encircle this garden, end the march of poputa -0312 ere long place it anthag the down town of ! (sire. We have a return of warm weather . with the mercury at 84 at noon, which is seven degrees higher than for ten 'days, one day )toady as low as 67. The atmosphere Is excellent for business, aad ,t is gratifying to say thattever !ware people more busy. The Pacific went to sea full of panengers, who hope to be in Liverpool.. in • eleven day. certeia. , I 'Money is abundant at 'old rates—United States g's, of 1517, sell at 116. Bond. for 8100,000 of the City of Allegheny, are In the marker, being those given by that city for its subscription to the capital stack of*, Ohio and Paaosylvaaia Rail Road.— T-t!cS l .4 o Drr''''' kte . " I, l°Pabe in N"OrPrk: 4 . 4l.lilitinly five .p.,ars tdA:tal taxition; &Xi - A . .01e coy ia 531,1300. , 77The',"bolidi'and ititeresiare guaranteed by the Ran Road Company, Itept—Tbe market for ashes is hardly ito tarm, sollte rates are mating at fierae,stY fot pasi and 5d Cottoo,Cottoo, is in zetivis segued, as improved prices, whh a iles dio b¢les • Floar 7 lhere is less doing sad pp= favor bay- . Pas sales reach X 3,000 barreli a 53,25.0 e; the *hole range of eausaton to straight Stitt. No =fits of Rye Flour urllesl to' reiort. • Grain—New G'enesee offend at $1 15 .. but there are no buyers over 5i.12 1-9.--800 bushels superior Canadian sold at 60 eta, and 1,900 bo cons men Ohio, at 901. Rye sold at 700. yesterday, sad holders tlus morning ask 72e. C. Profewor Weberer, teeing &mantas In the ps• pent of the greet mischief done by the eye of Cue' phene, ha sent to the Beaton Trutscrip , moolcat ion publiehee by him, in 1841, pointing out the coils ci his preetiee, en d it ds•den. It is well written, nett its republication, a , old be productive of beneficial realign, an sewn% of • new g ag ,,,, n eotyp,du coe'li m that by a Mr, If twee ; i r i; ro i„,,,;oy-ittiell to 'ordinary sized du guento u, pc , ~,miature can be 'magnified to lifo neeekary, and thrown upon unvnaa or any fiat surface, retaining at the same or clearness and detail of tho darterreo. so that say auto Inlq b111.4. 1 t betW this magnified rt decor and render it a perfect copy, in light and shade, as Well as outline, of Ibe ortginaL This discovery will facilitate thy we* of the portrait painter, and save • large amount of time consumed in aittip;, From the National intern peneer of Monday. The Important Week. Coupes, ha. pew commenced the week which is to teltaCelt the late of those vastly intertsting meanurca which have engrossed its attention for nine months. The Sensm, after a aeries of de bate., never surpas.ed in that body or elsewhere for chitty, garnesdreso, sod Ptileiolism. has Pre. rented the Pullin; Yeses of its tuber* to the oth. er branch crib., N sateen( Leg isleture. The ponce of the country is now in the hands of the House of Repretchtntivei; and if It be found not to be safe in those hands, a blow. irreparable In its con sr.:memos. ti tube struck, not only on the proper ay end hapetnent 4 the people pf the Untied States, hot upon the great canoe of pornlsr free dom throughout the world. For, if thin Croton can not be ytreset wed, sod the government established undo' it thrilltleihed, it Will ho •detnocatrwed that I there cannot exist among men a free powerful representative gtekernment, over a country of large I vent. Petty repoblics there may be ;mall States may continue to exist, and to enjoy leer in stal:mous by the permission of their neighkorr,— ho the experiment of a great republican govern. meet, termed by the onion of independent Staten, and Writhed only with such powers as concern the common defence sad gegen] welftues 694 'Par ing all local .legislation to the State. themnerves, will have failed, as faked tinder such err. cumstanceo as will id all Idea of ill re petition . That the House of Representatives wilt right. rey ditinharge the momentous duties which Wiles now to purism, We cnnOdently believe. Recent occurrences hate hems anicolste.l to dispeldopbte iiip nod to reassure the be t hopes of the friends of the Ireton. In the it lace, th • example of the Senate is a bright n dining light, upon welch members of the other once are not likely to turn their bathe. In the next place, the 'recommend.. son of measures of toe..e.: hp yv 4.lmtnistration which possesses, at the present moment, In • high degree, the public confidence. will not pass alto. gather unheeded. But the font:fence of these el venial cOusiderntionn needs cot to he relied on.-- the power which it to carry the Peedicg meas. urea through the Houle of hteprostetstiven is their own propriety, their own mititc, their own necessity. They move by a force inherent in themselves. Their object. every man rove, and every peptone man Wee. Those objects see pence, harmony, and the security of the Union l end in the maven of measure., having npob reds in vt,w, and suitable to the attainment of such ends, n o t only will all etiall obstacles be crushed, but trounialps will glue way; the North will pre op, and the Footh will rot keep link i there will be a earreader of Induridell Prekeellea, and per. weal opinions, and the clerking together of pate otic perposce and tree American feeltrims, ouch an shall render this lea sere/ of elvgast, Ibso, ever memorable in the annals of the country. . . . These are our hopes, and this ear belief as to thalamic of there question. — We have lash, lull teal, hi the Well:genre and integrity of tbo House of Representatives. • BM this is act Pd. 9 Them Is • power imhinel the Orono!' ese'alas-t1 L,00,1 Goat +sea, greater than the tl.rute ilia." To s . (rtatiotel moo. &rely, this is an omen of di. ut is a pepts . ..r sepectentative Government It its no omen 0.1 ill that there is b-hind Lqgudative bodies and Exeen• Pro bodies, a power rester than those bodies theinselseS ; and that power to the Lisoren tro'l of the Pr's, ss. t'netilist will is, is the pieseat erase.. is not hie jarring oT Oscorrhut sounds reach the Col. There is its imperstise potty In the goblin voice •aeh as woo hardly kaoura before, such cc no or r , e ms: ate, and CO erne men e•srev•ol, We nra tern. not too strOst , ark,' we est 'hot the c-p nl the country Is for thl adr.rlion 1 , , ot It r I ,I. of ate Scum one end ca. it. hots febilYcipc,,,,d• hey bans not know. pi,./d;y opooon tore U-... spoeg 10 1, 1 deceive. We suppose GUI mesas ~fgro,semtp., to thin respect, as goad as those of most Plber• who, late outrrlves, are ontlied to one pane; sod we aver oar conviction that avast rn , j.ifity ef the People tank ,the salvatieelor the =mars to tie tem:Akin in be given by the House to the measures of the titmice. All Macilestatiot• of sentiment show this. The Prese,lfrotto gym quar ter, teems with proof; the results at pobLe Meet- Lassen the Itali• cr. wherever beu, proclaim it; as every man we see, and who h d ome hither, by railroads and weambest., from th extreme mar. g o elate country, del-hires that he bat heard the espreis;nn at bat Dire opinioni t and one hone; sad that op . u , on net et 50.1 hFil.Slinf l but dm sod strong, and that hope earneat anj.totty, sad' attic. - . is cot. therefore, to be doubled that, If nothing occurs to mar the prospect, tile bil's which bete passed the Senate will pew elsembere.sind become laws. The mermen of the ate of Represents. liven ere 'errant, who know Mei! ierds' will, and who mean to do it. There is, Indeed, one possible, danger. The pending mestere& OD in separate till, end some of them ere mare warmly espoused or more cheer. fag, supported by our pert at the country pan by ethers, ft is possible that, nn this tenant, a eon test about priority msy spring an, aided or limit sated, on the one side or the ober, by those few io whose hearts the root of bitterdess is still so riot as to leave place fpr nothing bat purposes of mis chief. Atty iucli dentist WSW he most deeply to be depreasted. 11; in all humility, me might pre same to address • word of advice, or, perhaps, more appropriately, of rrquest and supplicition to the Men et. of the measures in the Home of Re-. ;reeentatlveti, we nhen'd sly, " Have confidence in one another. Corlldenes Cutildence ! Let no distrust daturh your monnesgal If there be any controversy, let it be that oonitorany,•Opiattioile, ao becoming, so kneeler', in which the point taw be who chill he most rosily to give confidence is advance." Now cheering It would be to bear it sa id. on a ll ;w e ., a Wo tie. upon h mottled ID good faith ; we know that you act upon honor and io good faith. Lque take up the measure., then, as they 'arise, orderly and In the readier course ni Proceeding, and diet.. of them. Neither our cheeks nor yours etisit bere•her be crimsoned by ble.bee, caused bathe reobileatiOn of faith violated or honorable understanding, left enfo'fillcd." We 'mull bring incite remarks to a clone i but, as we hardly knew where to 'vain, en we hardly know where to cod. What we have wild. we trust will he regarded en Wriiten in no ,pint ul dictation, disinter, or disrespeet. Our remponti bilitlep,in enumerators wilts those of others, ere in considerable ; yet we hove felt that we had a du. pie perform, end we have endeavored to dia. charge it, M a very . feeble manner cenaioly, by (tieing utterance to the sentiments expressed in ihl. article. Far cornice., we feel that, if our live, and our labors Mould be prolonged io n far more distant period than it is prehsble they will ley, we shaft never eddreen our reader. no a sub , meet Or more vital importance to the honor and happiness of the people of the United Rate.. Mr. CANDIDATE Ilitevrme AT Hove—The Mend. vlllethrette hrer thr follnertng remark% ehoning the estimation In which Mr. Candidate Brewley is held nt hornet. ViLiTlial.nalrUnlATlOY M . Mr. 11le0 . a . L.Ira CT Tana COUNTY pOnVnaTION.—The feel, that the Dett, Crane County Canurention, held in I hi• placcantesed lia resolutions in favor of the comma ion of the Surveyor I .ninon, must hose struck all who r d the prom eihnss. There I• a meaning in Int. fet which shows the unpopularity of Mr. Brantley an his own county. lid friends dare not propose a h a resolution. They feared the fatal conseluences. The Convention would have exploded at once, end the different cai didatea proposed fur County offices would have, if possible, been more hopeless, than they, are, of euccess. The friends of Mr. Bewley bad the prudene to see the Orem of such et re elution, aTad it was withheld. The Candidat- for Surveyor General is, th•refore, felt without prop in !eat up on at home. 'The democratic county meeting de nounced his ninatiValinal,•ati the county Convention has pawed the matter oyes in *menuus ellearo.-- This us the unkindest tut of all! The Greer: Storm in Paris, an Tuesday, August 6th, Is mid by - the' eurrevondeat of the Luellen Timm, to have stopped the passage of VlLrl6enll. through the streets. Indeed, arieb was its riotenee that ROOM perons took it far en earthquake. The Times coresooncleat,sityl,-, In the streets Notre Dame de. Loretta, Martyrs, Sr in.lnesl, and many omen, ne horses were la water to the cheat; and the newly mincerhunised linulemirds presented the Cheerless appearabeeiof e Mug marsh with alternate water tad mud. is reg! inns take was formed in leas then half an hour, at I the junction of the streets Csidfan, hdreistaini t i and Marie Stuart, Iscvended foe, more than foot, and it, was Wish. sidifrithy 'hit carriages an carts could traiimeihe comet. The ground lfoors of the house, were of amuse inundated. The square of the Rot I de Ville was a late. The cel lars of many hcuireat v ere landed try an element which Is not the one that ought to be plentiful there, and bottles of Chateau histicts ChaftlPortili RMMM MEM Itertm attabios worthy of to ter falet: ibet leat . by tilolkleas;andllior”rm lams) climbed - to pintos. ',Thousand. upon thowaskelr Welch lam, frighte ne d by. th r invading element . were driven from their Coot mucauis., Ike epos of Inn -will the een etn i t . ' of despair, ti ok shelter in the e pe e in t he et t ee. , "the Whole or the work. of the d, yartm were Mandated, wait* those of Pout Nevi: Paris was covered over with datlinteml and ormatted three times donut the day: =ICEI7II -. New Gattmans . Titursday,Ang.22. dates Or.the of Juno bare been, :wee st 64 72n'he Is .. hyaline:n:l . mM on the 12th. V. devertmlnitssage - ,,was, mceived. It proceeds to epook,ocihennwarrannthle assumption of pow. er of the Federal Executive, by direct Interfere/see With the Munimpal alfairsof the sovereign State. 1 - 1 t prom:inners disenailon 'useless; no reli•hce meet be placed on the delusive hope of justice to Tex.% but wo must assert and maintain ter tights at all beards nod to the last extremity. The only comae, left Is the Immediate adop. tion of necessary measures for the occupation of Santa Fe, with ample force to repel the arrogant and rebellious spirit existing. Should such meat, urea produce a cool' ct with the present author'. ttea, unlawfu'ly eatstdished, mid shake the coo. federocy to ire centre, Texas Intl stand exonera ted Defore the world. Authority is asked to raise aupplics for two mounted regbitents for the occupation of Santa Fe, oleo for a military knee sulhotent to