PUBLISHED By CO: Ix lc wan" I' /1021171 001 ZINO; TIMID RIMIT.NIST DOOl 70 Dalt, TrkWeer - SS* ‘• Weekly, to advance•-- •••• =•m " Da. o Clabs,at a reduced rata,: Jtsl CS OP ADVICATISINGI AGREED GPM; ■T TI sipITTSBOROII PRES& one one one I acrirphlittes N — tic --. :mare/lot km) —•130,50 One Sias re, each additions/ ineertloa. • • 0,,25 lb one week •• ,• . 1,73 Pr. two week .--.... T .;_ ...Page week.— 4,30 o+- one mina,— •—•--• COO alto. tarn months•---..... ,00 Wsa csororg-•-• O,M) his. tear sasvnb.a • 10.00 sic pewits, 12,09 Uri, trete. sacirehr• • • rms.. . • 19.00 Branding eelerd "eel °rte.'s.) Per etrrieD• lesett One blquarthebangeahie st (*siert (Per at, nom) exclusive or the pape7 33,00 Par took additional square, Insertel Ayer env morph, lea for each additional agnate insetted saint ho year ly rue.., bait price: Advertise-mews exceeding • squre, and not aver Armen Imes, to be charged as a etaare and a holt Pah:Sabers not argot:y.4WD Mr legal advertisements beysted the amount charged for tbs.:re/Ahriman. Annostneust candidates ter °Lee, to tat Waned the tame as Mier adverusemena. AAMMlSellitetait ant marked on the copy fora weel £ ItllllaLf of lose buns, will Iss eolltiollCd till forbid, -ad psyionsilesarmi accord. ;7m pnvilegen or yearly advertisers will Los ermined rigidly I: . Mel, regality basinese and all other edam , Ilsemeats WI to their regular bianamu as agreed for, to he paid extra. Alt ~,,i...r u ,sments (or charitable inontanena, he. panes, ward, !deanship and other public meettoge .a sack like, to be retitled he, freiees,PeYebte advwer. Marriage notices to be chain. 50 rent.. Death notices Insetted wiWoat ciossph it ele s e.ide°.• pulkel by fawn! invitations or obliauty an d - when so accompanied to lie paid for. Render advertisers, and'all others sending utikklee• or repairingunites designed to call atten tion to Furs, Soirees,, Concerts,or alay, pease enter raisvoente, where charge. ate made for admitturee— g all notices or private asmetatians—e•Cry satire de --- L i ro e r d tt a t t te c n e sle l in ' o n y ti ro o m n o to te r t n ory ' rd ' urge n re e s . t,Vn ' a t it- .. ly be Mums/ with the understanding that the flame late be paid for. If .intended to be inserted la the lu sal column, the tante will he charged at the rim Dl sot less than 10 cent& per line. Wettest, or Fiat Notices to besharps , / thiPhs raven, License Vitiations, SY each. ! Legal ant Madteal adverusestimus to be ghargad at hi ll pewee Peal Emste Agents. and Usetioneene advertise ment. not to be elected ;miler yearly rater, but to be allowed discount of tit iny &remand oat turd percent from the amount of bale Wrlaxl., to Ditto esembe One Sewn., Mom lumnions• • Po. each additional insertion... 37 anroornotross IP 1•161121, earoa. One Some, Ito knew) DO. cult additional Insertions-53 Al/ transient advertimments to be paid in advance. WI/Prit L CO. ria;ttla. Is. HARPED. Pori. ROUT M. RIDDLE, Journ al. James BARR te CO., Cho:nolo. FOOtTER k ugovir.n, SNOW fitryte Daygory. JA MET. lUDDLIs, Auerasag. ;:tRAPiI %UNE, livening nib.. Prrrootorno, Dee. is de 9 CARDS, Jolts AL PARK/HnON, ALDERMAN, Firth Want Fern street, between O'llara end Walnut. All bath.. promptly at. tended tn. _LOM— AL UNANDER n. WATSON. A TTIMINEF AT F./LW—Office, on Fourth street above Wend win DAVID D TUTTLE, A TTORNEV AT LAW, A 74 0MA4.41011.1. lot Penorylraltlo, tll.. Lottio, All onmonnummous promptly anoorezed. 0rt23.1 JAS Yr KERPI, A TTORNEY AT LAW—rlaine Fourth suety 21. bummed tinuthAnid and Gra. Pittabarrrh. sptlV-!y /011111 11. 11421K1111. A rroltricv and Counsinor at Law, and Commis. CLODer for We gate of Pentuirloatna, lilt. blo,tiate of ratol.ntra., geferenees...rituorab: lion. %V. rorstard,lamp ton & MiCandleet & McClure, Joan E.. rade, ifiaaells &liturtule.Mettot4 & gine. angt4-1y • BIDWELL CO., wORIW•LLDISO tty.aollAßlTß• Gloagnes, Pa. (...fetitieJ Ferry Pag Of es.) Ilanng permanently Inented a this plSte, new and Ambstenual Wbarr That, we are la 7. - anlee and forward promptly co all points. Ile river, d eandy and Benvet or Ohio Gala. II& CO. (41EvErrev,1.05 • • COSOLO. I:IIOAGALh:Y, WOODWARD .h CO, Wholesale Ons jj ears, No ra liars at, Phesdelphla sal Pluabargh.4l.lkoil Warns. DENNETT, DERRY & 00, Manolonoren or Sod. nor9O-I) — ate/erica Bream. - treorge Reim, BRAUN & REITUR, Whole-rale and Reuel Drur gist., corner of Liberty tad El . Clair menu, rat.. arab, Pa. ap4 Jahn A. Crat.r. W. s Scanner. ORAIG Jr SKINK .R. Pansard;ca and Ca0a,.....a. !...!hlese_hansk,No M. Market at. Pitt.barrh. 00 CI A. 111cANULTY & Oa, Forwsrdiai and Ca ki• sisaloa Merchants, Canal Mum, Pstabarrh Pa. ova , 11. 11R A NT, M.'l. oleralc tirocer, Cornmiroton and Forwarding rc4.l, No. 41 Wro,or burgh. .04 Ira Hersey.— —Andrew Flem,ns K. E Fleraiog ucugEs, 1 , 1.8.11111210 & CO.. rio/11116SION 11E11011ANTA—For the ula orDo ki Comm Na Wood all kinds of Tailor.' Tr mom's, ula Wood In. 4th door from Path. rittsborqh. Reference—M.B,s. Win. A. Hill & Co, Hankers. Meal DAIS° RA MVIN s CO5l MISSION MERCHANTS And Bill Brokers Na 114 :resort!! street, I'ittsbutgh. awry A. WILICINS & CO., EXCHANGE BROKERS 8. E. Corner of Third end Mader STS. ALL TIORSAMOSIS AT YOST VIEW. IIIYILS EM'S. V. 1.. 0.1101 J. •11. TWIT. NGLISII IMINNETT, Cale English, Gallagher it Cod Wholeasle Groners, Commission and For warding Iderelisms, and dealers in Produce and Pitts burgh Mannfactures, N 0.37 Wood at, between td and Unreel, eta -7 — AVM.IIi JOHNSTON, -- F ORWARDING fr. COAIMISSION MERCHANT No 112 Second at, PI thdiargb. writ GEORGE E. ARNOLD & CO. DEEM EXONIAPICIE. COIN, DRAB NOTZ3, as N . Jr ,. . 74 Fourth street, next door to the Rsllt e g Pier 1.. Lana w. romorirmsl IwAhrag cixtrumim -111. W. POLODICX"FiLiI 4 CO.. kENERAI.COMNIIS6I.I4 end Forwarding titer chants and Flour Dealerr, No ZS Market street, lladelpbia. lIRs HLEE,. Cracce..r to liforp - fifA, Lie,TAVOil Deal. . er and Conumiseia. Merchiml, for the sale or American Woolens, Liberty. ormogito 6tb febl7 •. 11/L.T. WIN. F. ALIO. HARDY, JONF-9 & do., (raremora to Atwood, door.. tr.. Co.) Conornsmon and Forwarding Mor al:tarns, dealers. Putabargh Manaraetared Goods, Fitrabanrh, Pa . mobil? - (STOCOCAII TO SANIONL nuz,) l - UPOILTER & Dealer en•lireneh and Arnedean Pa. i per Ilaafsnes and Borders, Window Shade. Fife Ward Penns, ke. t. Aleo—Wr n ng, twee e ting and Wrap g"'d4*StlW7:i'f?"n:inyh aueel anonay,w are:i,esrgbPa. febl3 PITTIENIVIAG Itt. wss — vionrrs. JGUN AGNEW, late of, he .em of Chambers, Ag tow& Co would respectfully inform the old eat lumen and the publie iienerally, that he will still eon none to early on the Green Glass business, in all Is •arletiec and is prepared to 611 all order. for &path, eerie.. Parntiare, Minerals, Porters, Vials,. ,te" pintaung to hit baldness. warehonso le No 61 Minket !Greet, butween First & Second .1.. jr24:ddiu JOIIN D:1110 to Dye 81011 G, Paints, Oils. Varnishes, lke, No. 1113 Wood etreet, one door Booth Of Vietnam! Alley Pittsburgh. apt e GlneeriConnoiesion Iderehent, and dealer In Produ e and Pittsburgh IlderinGeturei, No IN Watt', rt. Pittsburgh. apt IMAM mean, • savage DICILAIT, I9AIAII DICKEY A Co" Wholesale Gramm Com- Misalon hlesehants, and dealers; In Water, and 147 Front Erse% PitUthurgb. nnru Joao b. Ititworta JB. Dit.WoRTII & CO.; Grocer., atid . Arms for Hoard Powder Co., No. 117 Wood IL, Pluabara. today illtN J 4 : . Ni*NS - o.Nll7l:frozgliit WI Apothecary NO. 4: Market at, three deers above Third ar Pitt. hargh,will hare eenuantly on had a well selected . Northman oldie beat and fre.heitt Medicines. which hi will Sall on the moat reationable terms. Phiyaieiatth aeodiaa — ordera. will be promrtly attended to, and sap plied with riAleletithoty mow rely neon am tenable. 12; ;11,TainVI'roroMer'‘Itest al ttons w ate:ll7.l any Lear nt 701, day or night. .A. 130 for sale, • lazy...mei et A - Cidt and good Perk Joan ;Floyd. Richard Floyd. iFL FLOYD, Wbeles•lo Grocers, Commimion ti•reD Aterchuds, and Dealers in Prods.- a, Round -- Chu ssontins' on Liberty, Wood end Sixth stSetts, rittsburga, Ps. _ aAI JOUR WATT. Wholesale Grocer. and Commitsion Mn woof In Predate and Pittsburgh Manufstarea, eos Sof of Liberty rod hoot stretts, Pittsborgh Pa. NMI 3 NO. A. CAUG - IllgY, Agent for th• Aitchison Line to Seaver and the Lakima,-001,, on the corner of Water and Smithfield ant J . AMES A. HUTCHISON, 3 Ca. — Snuttasers 13 Levis ILlatchmon & C 0.,. Commission Merchant., and Amt. of As St. Louli Steam Sugar Refinery, lie. Is molar and 52 front stretui, Pittsburgh. 310(TshIAKEIL it CO, Whole.,Jo Bragg:tn. • No 24 Wood street, Pittsburgh. ap° a. T BWEITZkft, Attorney at I..ass., °Mee IP opposite St. Charles Hotl, Pittsburgh, will also Mind promptly to Collections, la Washington, Fayette antl Green eionntles Pa. • REFER •ro Btaekstoet, Bell &Co., Oak& Cnsthanl, Pnliliblehlk; • - hlOrpa. MUT TILE ':'PITTSRUKVLIOAIL BUSINESS CARDS I WIN 11. BIELLOR, Wholesale and Retail dealer AP In Masi° and Musical Insunmenta School Boons. Payer, Slates, Steel Pena Quills, Printers• Cards, said llcalion‘ry genersdly s Ne. 81 Wood .I.4Pleshargh, Tre. Ilan. Annsht ns .skan In Irs4n •• S -- -- _____ p.m o f ‘ii r....i0n and Forwarding Merchant, and wholesale dralsr in Wewtesn Reverse Cheeses, nutter, Pot and Per,i Ash. and Western Produce generally. Water apl street, between Smithfield and Waal. Pittsburgh. ...........-V,OO per annum, ffIER dronws. NJ. h. r 11. Dealer. In Produci sad Pinsburgh mane. lll 4 ulnrc4 4 daniro.Ndal Dolan. near rt. .p. :PENIS !KILL, rivrenuchil, PA. tok, EN:VERDI'', CRIERS h. CO, Manoractareo o vetitanpetlor 4-4 Sheeting, Carpet Chain, Cotton Twine and Batting. ja3o.4y - - 0. STOCKTON. T jpoknatotta. Stockton. BOOIESILLER, STA .PRINTIR, and BINDER, ear. or nor et an Inrit Orton, Pittoit orch, P.. idal er tf Pittsburgh Clay Maas Work. W. etIIINIMonA IS 4, CO., MANL:FA CITRERB OF WINDOW CI, ASR, No at Market street, between First and heeond, Pittsimlgh, irocSiot.,_,liir attention paid to odd co, R Al.o, DOOM In nisi? pLe,sr+, V;ALS. DOTTE", O. rat 6 dektriSeadiet, e. trenj,,ani p. croattialloa. ti2otroart, Print:llliller,Phillid. C. W. 11.1. ER t RICIXTSON. Wholesalo (Ironer., ton ham:Tiers of Brandies. Wine. and Smart, Not. 172 and 174, corner or Liberty •nd Irwin •lrddlt, Pats burgh, Pa. Iron, Nails, Cotton Varna, to. eon. John _ 7a_kar.M.lP?!ll. Walter Roe M glen ‘;: "j 4l; riti;l7l . l grriappgill Woltg.S eii'AlN-13 ##P +44 Vittfroitx• mut imp, VTAXIICAuI49I/118° .4pnUniff.4l.?dtg:4:4l',ll'n.!..7l, mi. plough .reel, .tee, piough wings, own anu t olip tie apnngs,hammerril Iron outdo, and a.aleri in I..bk ~ . mir..,ftre angina lamp, and coach triton:l l lg natall7,torner of Rau and Front ma., Pittabor42h! . _ • rll47Affily WILSON, Portraitand Itlttuitre lY nuttict. {o y, gym. of Post Office Ancy and Phmittlistice4statminda Tont. Marten ilteisuf ' • • t - F tic„, 771 e Comps teraktitiatp. 163 - 0. eti Liggith 4, zi Oilcans, ctrii contdandy on 1.1 tumuli • lain arr,ortmem ijr v q r s o r thp mg bruids, minds Ilier Ofm ffor haitt Fc 41 , th ‘ o CS , j. Dan & Co, Barden. vim Mimicry, J. klaid, rand J Co, Laroohello, J Durma,Coanac,A do hi to-- Leman, A L Blerillo, A de :Random, lean Louis. ke-, An; also, Anchor Gin, I3ordemin Rcd and White Wines in cask. and elms, telected wok careflt John Durand a thl 4 PhitiFP champagne Wino and S•them Burgundy ...._. N. u p?':,;.',,,lfntz'':tiillfel:t. °T . 4i , ,,ti race f ue ' Lllil r li n :l sexcit * ar ' llte: CertificatefYgepdat . ane: firmett g nill Specie. irrtivtir µNO q;1 111 !he ftrinslpal eine, hroug alit tke United :Bitten. Xy I:Metal:n-3TE' i.Siiiiiii-4itte, - Pontin gt-, .1W e third door • ehorreftektnEeld, south side. Cenveyancing of nil kind. done with ten greatest care and !eget mem:racy. _nets to Rest Estate examined, k.e. octt . . 1 .. .! ftt1etppi7.A.,!..,, ,, ,..t?0 7 ,„„„ 14.17, tithe treet , ek4nifitt Jr M-ir n iit MtPatittni in hind, 11.. make to °trier XII I lE s pica, wile., kg. over .m Mineral Wale, Bottles of ma- Kn0r441,4,.. r.rwaTte444llllo,a k.4 . tr . Friri4 Mooldsh ' novikkly Luhographie it •tiblisimosn OF Whi. SCHUCIIKANN, Third . 6 opposite the Post-Otime, Pittsbergh.—hiaps, Lkndseapes, Bill. k.emtz, fthowhills, Labels, Arehttectural and Ihlnenine rfin,..;;,.. end yiriting Carde,tcr„ engraved OP dial 94i sibt fro Sr4P,:i ;1 "'°", f' old, Br° "' or Mo.. In gm . oki tpR, o z ,. p.pp, 44 „,,, ci the moat wakonsisle pmcei. ' L.E.42..1y DO 4l M , 6liilorrrtiE 4 GO- 0. 11727bertysireel 41, Pittsburgh Wilgus(Jd 6f2cerei eroilt. COlutrAnFlati Merchenu, arid ceding, la Ifilisbutgh Mane.o nits.. apt, 0010. mold 7110. MIT.. BASIL R. 1011,001. OVERT MOORE, VI boleseie Greer, Reel tying AN 1100411:7, dealer in Produce, Piusbaieh tilanafiir iofdeSeif t i fdrejgn eed Doniestie l Ines i no LLS^ i 7j annl 9 : , /1 1 !rior b lil " Lift'O : ::t wLich orIR 4,14119 W ng:„ S io. R L. fiiar,. EVNOLUS SEEP- Porerarding end Commis. aloe aterehionts, for roe fillrgeeny Riser Trude i.ealers in Groceries, Produce Pittsburgh, Manufne• , tures, end Chloride of Idiot price, in cash, pid or all omes for "%air/ r a n ! . LiSoye' L e n a arid Irwin .in. este RTMIERT LCALZELL - It Co., Whojesidt- - girnrcp Coanalesion idereasius,deulefs InAirodnce fi,4 PlusburgL liadufustares, Liberty urea:, PUliburab, Pa IL. A. CIIKAINOHAVZ --- THOLFSALE GROCER, Produce Fortranling ' md Corondastou Alerehanr, end Dealer in Pitts buYEa 41.8plaCtures, No 39 DLi holy arc., Putabara a. 171 c ;74 ot cu burr WHITE, 4 . 00)4'4. - 1 - ...; F 10 vor.i s n.,,, d Daucutic Dry Goode, No. ad . Greet. Pit.uttaigh. &pi , "A —w ale - ria — ants; healers no Flour and Produce generally, and Forwarding and Coarromaiso ticrelsanua No. 13 Water ...out, Putsburgla •pl, - • i 11.11.4111. gstrn 01111 .rp,,,,,,,,, Fr 0.p. and G NICOL, 111 COlll tai rMcn ercrraMS.TaCr iy Liherif atreet,Pirm. barite. Sperm, Linseed and Lied Q P VON 110.NNAIORST CO, WholecaleGro• care rorararding and Commicaion !dereb.m, De•lera in Parrhar,b I , lmrp.acta,e• and Western b 3 ., icm .1, 10 tIC wareboare, lead ,) NQ: , V.earcrcr Prrni meet and Chancery Lane. Diunius a tieviroirili, TEA AND WINE MERCHANTS Cam ettle Diaxonnd, ritmar . p. .rde ISAIRD sIRVIN WOULD inform the ' , abbe, they have taken th Wereonte formerly oerayied by the late Mr Solomon tiehoyr, Ild Peeond street. Ilavlng a Lary . aid eemoindmea marebyote, they wopld !belle th . attention or persons having gooey to epna/an or 'tore They will also glee atterMem Co the purchase and mi• of Notes. Drafts. fload.b e. earl L.. S. Wat:rnian• • R. N %Totorruan • •W. U. %Pawn... R. wATERnear L BONN, TITHOLINALC GROCER.. Gainent..ton and For -1I wabbng blercbarn, dealers In load. of Pro d.,. Pooburgh rdwocaciatcd Arotelc. aug for aale of Richmond and Lyncbtorrg Man.rarturcd Tobaeco. 7151gILIN, ATTORINICY 'AT LAW, Butler, Pa WILL alai attend to colleenons and all other beef. ness entrusted to him in Under and Armstrong eonnties, Pa. Refer to J. I B. Floyd, 1.04 , 11 at Iv. W. Wallac, dr. James Mania)] do Plnaharth. dly Kay I Co, Wood at ) WV; all. Bugr.t6eld • - G eo ,i6 B. 11. 1113BIIPIELD £ WHOLF:SALE.; and liciall-I) , aler• In Gnpenne and Dry Goods, and Common= Merchant. No. k2O Liheny st,PtitabOrgh• nal* JOHN lIISFADICX & CO., FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS Canal Penn wee; Pitobaoh.- mra SALMI SDa DAVIS PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS, N 0.117 Market, and 51 Commerce at, Philadelphia. Advances made, by either of the above,. consign. menu of Fmk..o to either Hamm. 611 i J. D. WWI maw ...... —•-• Ha ft . J. D:-W11.11.1&41i1 & Ty' lIOLINALE k RETAIL FAMILY GROCERS, TT Forwarding and Commirrion Merchant., and dealer. In Cow tn._ rovlace and Fitubergb M anat.- tot., Corner of 'Wood and Fifth street., Plusbarga atrAt W.. 11. ---.1. B. McVay Is WILLIAM & BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, North E'Adt earner of Wood and Third streets, lank Pimacuot. PA. WIC "Aest..••, JOHN M. CO•0111.11E, Pl. sernowago, ' RALPH AGAIST. WBAGA.EY & CO, Whoteazle Grocers, IS TiV and - th Wood WPC , ' Fittwoorgh. apt, AMR O. iriCR, nrru, 110.1.131,11. WICK ai 61'CANDLESS, Doenewors lo I. &J. D. Wielia Wholesale Oreeers Forwarding and Cornraiwino Merehanla; dealer, in ' lron, N 0110,611.11, Cotton Yarns, and Pittsburgh Idancfacturesgeneral ly, corner of Wood and Water streets, Pittsburgh. p . 17 WMIYCIIECTRF:II, • Rectifying Dirtillen, and Wine and Liquor blerekenti. Alm — ln/porters of Soda ',Maud Blench. ing Poder. No. DO (Amoy meet, (opposite Suitt et reet i lPiarliarch. •pl 7 W. WILSON, Watches, Jewel ry - .lther Ware • and Military Coeds, corner of Market and Fourth streets, Paushutcb, Pe. N. IL—Watches and Clocks carefully repaired. ap 17 11,1/1 10.11. 101111 & IVIIIIII. lITM. YOUNG & Co, Dealers In Leather, Hides, FF Se., 143 Liberty street Donkl srit.. Wm . .. mom tort. le'crrearon. VV ti r bIeCUTCHrAIN, PattSblarn ht=ae P tu ro A u ge7;le l r7l 4 l;:t i b. l %, G y l 7%ett i Pittobh/gh. 1.017 I((AVE taken '.VM. CA RR tom pannerstup Wi th me in my Imeineor, which and from MN date be carried oa ander the name of "John Parker Ak March la, MO. JOHN ?MINER. John —William Cam JOHN PAILIKEIL & 00., Inaleunks Grocers, Daders Prodaca, Fannon /Vines, Liquors Old 111olumgearla and gerteNed Whitley. No. a, Commercial Row, Lobeny Meet, rar3o Phnborgh. P ...11.11•11ralatm. ;Gomm ULIMA. 11•11, L. as ■ PALMER, ILIUM& & CO.. (Bonceau:on to Unsay, limo & Co.) DANKERft, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealers LP in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Cenifteate. at Deposita, Bank . Note., and Specie—North weal corner of Wood and Third streets. Current money received on deposito.—Sight Cha e . for sale, and COlleCllOll.l made on nearly all rho principal point. the United Sunni. Bald. highest pretaista paid for Fonign and &Mariann gtr u mittelg u iztoonsignmooto of Prodooxhip yr. a. lemma.] tom S. 80110 wink A. WIDLVIICI a CO., °a u CEEB AND TEA DEALERS, Na ZO Idbmi parte:, a3ors Wood, Hays waysa ea kan4 a large assortment of Cbolea ri Vies Tee.: Foralge Praha and Net.. Whalen% u 4 PAWL Doukas llPPlied " the INATi MISCRIANEOI's IC= COIIIITII STREET, prrranuaue, 1118 magnifieent establiehment hclul not. tom nleted and ready for ballnem,the proprietor mould merectertly solicit • share of the pabhe palmate. Ile trusts by giving his foil attentkoz to the bir..., to Blythe the house s plenrant tad comfortable risen for the eitizens of Pittsburgh and for the cOntztli gencrully. Good attendant. will be In waiting, and every ea. ertion made tp render the estahliehMent worthy the conotenence and &opposer. Intel/Mimi eommontty. The TWO SPACIOUS GALLS, fitted for Pattie, Concert., Lecturea, Balls, and public Meetings, wID be let by the evening or week, on aa liberal terms es mty other in the city. The RAH and RESTAURANT, equel in etyrtind beauty to any in the world, will kept famished with Pure Wines, Choice Liquors, Poste., Ales, and all the cool, light, refreshments orate season. PealltTi Game, Fish,yle. Soap, Oysters, end Cimus, served u Inbest st The D I NIN G and ICE. MEAN SALOON, being on the firm door, and easy of access, wilt be• ennstantly aupplted with all the lionitiee grad Diskettes or thy 'won; and michtarith sattb substanbaip as the t 0.4 . 14 etrood. SufUrperehlogr Zivtla d fi . or7ar k iic o s r , 7,,ern‘ . .hZ":l7ll6°rl otle. Gentlemen with their families. 'lilting the city can, be supplied with refreshments of all kinds at qnj holjr 0 , the Joy. , Grog itabling and en the Lnery Eitatili,!h .tent is ennneeted with the Half Doyley at t 0'0(.0E. Break Nit and Ty. 41 th.. 1 0.1 top, Entrance for Ladles to the fee Cream and Dining gloom, No 67 Smithfield street. jene.dff K. 11. VAN RENSSELAER a. Wk 5211,121.?, n.j fn. worrnvo.", 6. ysfEsTERVELTCSON, lIEI: I p: 4, gg Ir AII74 4 I I IVIAPSII best article in their hne at Jbkir old stand, N0."13 Sl. Clair street; also, at N0.1n3 Illarke; street, second storh ernrngee in tbd Dinssond. Yenitinn qhutters wide to order, on 4 repo4. "W*. TifPLiri ,T W I CITT.td7I,I%, ` Z %MOTT, Aill ' s ‘ biSV: Signs we are prepared to do 0.07 work la our line with do.. patch. We attend to our work personally, and gaun t-action will be given in regard to nu neat's.. and do. 'ability. Dl.l nooks ruled to any pattern and bound nab- Pont. in numbers oroid books bound ean• ,W•ll"m'lt% rsn H a ITIP.V. - Itttittrigrititigll . The above work* being now in fled rasoestiai CP' tration, I are prepared to ;otters with dispiteb for all kinds of machinery in icy tins, seek as willows, pickers, spreaders, cards, grinding routines, railways, drawing frames, speeders, thvissils, loofas, woolen double or sinvic, for merchant," eonntry , work., rg.lattzgz,tve:,,vg i ,'lfa .0 Inc kcatinefactorid or =Mk at restsconablettitrge. Ron - ro—Renntdy, Chili. Illackstoct, 1:44. trpr4+l ! l am , . iv. I ,i B EfiN ETT -- 41 -- imerrii ARE fil AN UPAOTVIII3IIB, el r satcsgthism, acme Pittsbar alto Pa. Oita, No. .37 Water et,* baroam Aforkot and Wood. Pittahtrzit. iffpYett;Vraf=gitilal.altr‘c7l - Whokaale and coantry Pser.. obelus are respectfully invited to call and es. mins for then:melees, as we are determined to sell eh err , en b baron. been offered to dm pub li f• MP - Order. sent by a ll, accompanied op um cub or ood reference, grill be promptly at:ended to. mg NAM COAOLI FACTORY. •130."1. 4 A. WRITE k CO, would respeetfully Infante g too pub lic that they hare crested a shop on ock, beteiftuVeatint,d bet:4447 Creel. h 7 are abbe latfinwolit itlyteputette rex:ern-of, ~, e rs Or? 4c.el,papn or cgcebc,7, r. to., wtati loom ttelt long experience in tbe cmanahrit•re of Me entree wort, and the facinurs they have r niey feeleonfideutthey are enabled to do work on the roost reasonable testae with One wanting articles in their line. Paying punlealat attention to the selection of male pal.„ epq , brtnor none bat eompetent workmen., they Iftee 4 eibli4= l l l l4rtgatiliglo s iatitattg: lieP.rtAf 404 p it it, VOL Auto, 110 I* the must isar,runiato etur;s. nrda ft WAIF. lele.•11.13/.1. SCATVIR dIS ATKINSON, fin plre, Wean am Hagan', PH - innate., CsiONTINUE rnanufartere all kid. of COPPER U J I T) , ,i;N D SIIRET IRON WARR. 111., 6sts initti o v 2W teti, sOlennon pven to RteliAlnoot ROHL Nave co trod, a tor a;xontbent of Copper Inn Rites tan e cyttr k r swullbas coalptg Stoves, or Venee• elle•—• vary °a..ebfoot ad for steamboats, California mingvains, or rod road companies. We semild respectfblly 113•1111 steam boat men and others to call and We oar uncle. and priers Wore porebaring el aenhere 2.114 lirwain n rsrp. seo RZR REF JOIN WRIGHT k Co., are/rey.ared to build 0.111. and Wasten Machinery oever. ores - rip., sack as Cardin! blubines, Symning Frames, Speeder., Drawing FreLee, Railr oT Heads, Warner, npoolers, Dressing Framer, Looms, Card r. nnde r. , ie. Wrueght loon Shafting tweed; all .1.• of Cart Iron, Ponies and lingers arile latest patterns, slide and hand Lather, sad tools oral! kinds. Cosungs of every desenolan feri9tLe4 ea Creel noner. Pattarns made to order fat bai , q, loon Railing. bc. tetcgut Prpe kr heat. log Etienne., Cast lion Wlndon Sash and fanny Coo. tines groerally Orden 101 l at the Wafehtiose of Palmer & Co., Liberty street. Will have prompt auto. nor_ Refer to lileeksteek, Bell & Co, 1 IL Moorehead & Co, U F> Werner, John Irwin & 800. ratsburgh C. 4 4 ft. Wit!ner. pteettot,sole oods riAsosi trim atibronber offers for •I'r spiendid assert,ment of rosewood and otal,ort•ny grand &e. non Pleads, erne and without Colemans celebrated Lou.. Attechnient. The above instruments are nor noted nc be royal to any roadefdetored to tits reen try, and will be sold loner thee any broasht from the East. F. BLALIIE, No 111 need st, N. FL—City rip will ba natal Sc 241 door above SLY it per far • (on or he above assortutent. tart F. R. Stem Uric Is Wors Balla. TIRE sobren a ber ellen! for Isle, k the for STEAM BRIG j, WORKS, above lissereneeville, comprising • Pleani niginr, I Rodeo. 6 Mould Motu be, capable of aranufartaring N,OOO Pressed Brinks lout of dry clay, as wren (rum the bank,) per day, with Urea arras ad land on the Allegheny neer, on which are 4 Otos and sheds, maelnao and clay sheds, wheelbarrows, trucks, shovels, spades, A.e, every ng regniitte rou t:Ciente operations at an boor. a lt o. Price, including the patent right to au sod machine 1117,101—Posso of payment made easy. Without the land. 1 13Allo. Pot particulars, address HENRY MERuirr, _ No ll' Monongahela Rouse. nod Cast Iron Railing. ;TRE orbecnbers beg leave to inform the public that they have obtained (ruin die East all the lam and alon/stile dews for Iran Railing, both far houses ono eemeteries Persons ..lung to procure hand. utne pattern. Wit please roll and examinsomil Judge far thetneelyee. Muting will be famished ai thAshon. est nodes, and in the bestmanner, at Um corner or Craig And lisbrecs meets, Allegheny cit). aargli.ltf A. LAAIO , IT & KNOX. WILLIAM DIGHT DEGS leave to inform his friends and cannon's tha, he 1. Jan receiving hie new eerie, stock of Goode" compristos, as and, all the newest and men feabion. .hl ti nyles of Clans, Cessineerre, fancy Vetting', cot• ten and linen summer store, and overy•rucle ovulate for geollemen's wear for manna end seien. It being moment< to describe the beauty, goalie), or 90110111 of the stock, the propnetor hopes wi l l ho are c lothes, of good, cheep, faehionable, and we made c, will giro him • call, no there m no stock this side el the Alleghenies that ten compare with it. The ready nada department is very ciLensin, adm. Led to all taste.. Pall t sad eontneators, eoantry merchants, and all who purchase largely, are particularly invited to e.• nine the neck inforc perenning, as particular at tentton in paid to the wholesale benne. in thee nub liehment. • Every antele in the tailoring !Ina made to order in the moat fuhionabla and bast manner, at tha shortest neva pa meg, I=3 fir RE partnership heretofore existing ender the firm of A 1 C BRADLEY, is dissolved by the decease of Mr. C Bradley. The baldness will be carried on by A Bradley, who will settle the business of the law firm. REMOVAL—A IlamnAr hall removed bin Foandry Wvehoulte from No Iln Second street, uteNo 19 Wood street, between Pint nod Second streets, to the ware house lately occupied by 0 A Derry, where he will keep aorutantly on hood a general aoteruneut et Cu. tags, Grates, Mover, Cooking More., Ac. =;=EJ Avg N u e , Calif Steel Files, of all stare; and ftlackamith and Shoe, .twat • on hand and for "le either at hit “Ra etc Stet., vvork.,^ (Pliant Gm., Filth Ward, or at the oCoe in the Iron Store of BOLI.SIANS a GARRI SON, No 4:foot of Wood Meet, Ytuabargh. mrts-diro 01IICULAIL We, !be Undersigned, having aged, ersth entire sat• isfsetion, the Can Steel and Files made by Samuel Melielvy, at his Eagle Steel Works, in this elty,lake pleasure in reennuneniling them as espial in quality to nay ever used by us, 01 fineign cusnafsenire. Pittsburgh, hlareh 13, ISSII. (1 & J II SOOENIIERGER & CO, MMsafaeinrers of Iron and Nails, Pinstiorgb, Pa. KNAPP & TorrEN, Iron Pounders and Machinists, Pitobargh. Pa. Cr)LEMAN, NAIL/TIAN I CO, branafaeterersofSprings, Axles, Spring Steel and Rivets, Pittsburgh, Pa. ' PL W PARER, Mew Dalidere and Machin Card Manahan. ran, Pittsburg h. Pa. A FULTON, Pnva Foonder, Pittsburgh, Pa. URAFT,LINDSAY k. CO, Manufacturer. of Iron and Nails, Pillabonti, I. JOSEPH TOMLINSON, Locomotive Engine and thip;nlal , e4lntb, Pa. Marble Manufacturer, Machine and Snaina tarn am, Pitnharah. Pa. Mese!atlas of Parts Ip THE Partnership heretofore existing between th e subscribers, under the firm or Chamber., Agnew & Co., Gists Manufacturers was dissolved by mutual Consent, on the first day ofJuly, Instant. All persons knowing themselvee indebted to said firm ars request cd to mute payment to either a( the partici, Without delay , and all persons haying onsetiled seeounta wltb said Graz, tee invited topresent them for witleameit Immediately. ALEXANDER CHAMBERS, JOHN AGNEW 4yltdern . D. it cum.:amis. isms Wines and Deana's OF oar own importation, Imitable for medicinal purposes.eoostantld on band and for Ws by tho nun or wholesale, al tie Tea and Wine morn of MORBIS woirni, east side of Ineatetui. Pius- WO, ea strieS, Aftbsur • agu the suaksl PITTSB GIL - THURSDAY INSURANCE .INSIIMAMOMe weir. net.AwAns MUTUAL SAFETY rNsu- RANce COMPANY. —oElmi North Roam of the Exchange, Third street, Philadelphia §Boalstsaasses—Thrildings, Merchandise and other oP aDenT, Town and Country, Muted against loss r damagehy fire, as the lowest ram of premium. Illsansa lessaama—They elm faun: Vessels, Cu p., and Freights, foreign orroutarise, anderopen or special policies, as the assured may deem. locum Tworoaravtotc—They also insure amnia. anisetrammelled by Wagona, Rail Road Can, Canal Boats and Steam Doom oo rivers and 'ale, se the most liberal terms. DIRECTORS—Joseph H. Steal, Edmund A. Baader, John 0 Davis. Robert baton, John R Pernrose, Sarno. el Edwards, Geo 0 Leiner, Edward Darlington, Isaac R Davis, Wm Follett!, John Newlin, Dr R. Id Huston, Jae C Used, Theophilas Panlding, J.l Jones Broots, Henry Mo., Hugh Crate, George &mill, Spencer rdellyain, Cherie. Kelly, J 0 Johnson, 'Wm Hay, Dr 8 Thomas. John Pollen, Wm h4re, Jr. DIRECTORS AT rnTalaulliiiti—lik T Meagan, I Hugh Craig, John T lAgert. 1 4 71 . 4.412011 MARTIN, President. Df/IP 8. NIMISOLD, 13.e1. °Mee of the Company, No. LI Water street, Pinsburge. n.mas-if r. A. hIADEIRA,Agt. Life read Holdall 4111111caltia• HK Mateel We and Wank Inzerance Company IphTia; ihebrikAted hy the Legislature yowler petnentaL vzhce . 4valve, and IYa ''' ll rar,r t=er than the .ieSl4ll . O iazitzense, uthe following emu- Wiesen I •0011•1 nes, • person of the age 'of 10. Znlyr ttbo hr mwt in it d 5 . 2 %7, Pt" tvew af,311; New York Life,t;3 t o; LI- Woo, 12,4 g; We and Health,Philadelpkla f ll,9 • thierralLe.—SWllel D. °nick, Charles Hall, W. P. Boone, Robert P. King, Charles P.Rvi Baldwin, M. M. 11.evc. • I l l.' rr,ol , Magght i Vti t; Pe eno-11eber. , Meth —Patient gleekberca . applications be ed eve ihninuation oven bT • ....Fir. tilt° PA NIT. Gsret ye, ViitiS CID 44.0.43141,4i1i6t1kii,X0711z PUN INSVHANUK Oa 91 tiqrib I.a will ert .i'Whirrmu 446j914"2"*.rtaPr ety endvipthity, an en pee y C.aal Rivera, Lakes, and by Sec The properties of this Company aro well Invested, and farad, se avail able fend for the ample indemnity of all persons who duly. to be protected by imamate. AIM-- WM. P. JONIM, Ascot,' " 7 " --- t„ - ---„ fc t OFFICroi the Insurance couspany North g kubo.llMlq 6. 4 sr 3 f 4 ' lit t; - agent tar the above aid and respen• aid Company, arid lune Policaes on Buildings and their contents, and on shipments of Iderchutdutc bf Steam Boats and other vesse/s. ap3 ill lodein cod Anti , j o nyll114 1 " i tt - tr..•.... •.. j, . .. Mr.„rerrossinet. MI mi-k i . 1 ,16 gle Meted b sonnet men . FURNITURE, roc lemma nd stmoromeed 4110ltnzetit aver offered for We in this eity. eomplislng several setm of Mormon. Manned', and Burt Waist". calved, ornamental and plain, suitable for Parlors D,awins mid Red Rents, all of oshfeb cr , ;! , tkaTitt t V ' ll44 . lPauiticuelt Of an ' ydeserl i ' ptlon, ars spectrally Incited to call and examine hrootoc P, which embraces every de...fp:lon, from the roomiest and plainest la the most elegant and costly, of which the frolowrog coasprisea • pun Toro a fete Sofro; Tete a Tete Nero, liSstit ' et "‘ tliii i hiatritrwr6 Extession do Ralet Ettilie; .., What Nots; Toilet Tab es; Loots XIV Commodore; Duke of York's Conchs 60 Was with Plash and Bair-alba ov * e rs; 4 0 Ds M V onron; o Pdror Chai ns 4 ' &lrtatut 40 r l 2. S :P A PrnI. 150 Moroi. Top Centre Tabier, .00 do do Woob Maad; PO Mahogany Bedsteads.; If do Wardnebesi "" 1 14/Pal I fVb lop ` 1 a 0..... 0.4...1 .it 1i441.,- , 7pi. , .. la ass to mention. team Wats famished on llso Munn* notice. coder. promptly attended to. P. B.—Cablnei Mater. ean be 'applied with all sera of Mahe/may, Waitron, and Veneers, at considerably reduced prices% 4410 • FIEIISEY, PEENING ST, CO. _ ...v. ..u. .44., r"m rig, ti^,:svAavr......s44Reu"Srr- Whoe Flannels, oil Wool. Dim Dona; Red Jo do Mae Deanna Yellow do do Fancy Cottonade% all an ik..v do do ofered at FartOry prior. Bladt Elatlnetta Steel rotted do Poem Lonna 8/tinosB. Woe do Chftt 004 strip. von 111111..1c Cavemen. o--ot l r allors' . Good. Fancy do Rol Padding, tomer dos Fancy Tweed.. —" Yew ?adding, lisekrain, , Soper Platt Bond Cloth. TailarretCaxems,Leavy do; I Paper Prolate do 1t.... Lonna, Sslleush Raper Preen do !Drab Same, black do. .I I Paper Twilled do and worsted; Paper Week Doe Skim Black .rd White Tape; • Raper Drab Cashmere. Black Twin, Drab do, Sappy Pomo do Limn Checks and Drip,' Raper Woos do 01.11.1.• II cool apl Cotton; Califonita Maul.. Jo lone n 'thread, a Reariaa do •apertor article; Plea do Pok Irtganol Vesting% Drab do Illaell boon do • Grain Bahama. thrown Holland P.'B Silk.; Brown Dolly Bottom, Cravats, he, Sta. Al tha Man ' afaetarent . 1 %shame, N. 187 Wood • Pittsbargh lard. ______ Distal allot TRY ewpartnarsup heretofore existing between the lsocrit•e, by Me tame of Constable, Burke & CO, is Om day Pod/lead by coaxal cement. Messrs Backe h. Barnes will mole de business of the concerts, for which poem. they me mthanand loam the mom of the concern NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, ... EDMUND uuRIKS. THOMAS WAPNER. Tito noderslyned hays tiled.) I...elated the carolers In the noose of BURKE & BARN RS, for die pupate of mandiariortog ptre Proof Safes, Vault Doors, le. to , at Sc ttuol of .be lat. am of Constable, Llatto &Co, whet< they will b. pleased to tee...a tn. patron age or the coma:rim of dial bongo and their friends. EDMUND BURKE, THOMASI DAKNIES. In retain. Mae the Inn of Consul.le, Backe k Ca., pleasere recommend Alegre. Dert• k Wrnee to the confidence emu Mende end the pebbe. Fen 9, Ica. NATILLNIELCON9TAULE. d . imsownivos T_T As jam Interned from We Eaatern Gnea, sad I n 11 receiving a large •anery of seasonable 400de.1 1 which he respectfully loon.. the anaemia of womb anu and pedlars. No 81 Wood st. (chit WALL PAPER—W. P. Alaarnam. Is constantly rvg, from the Into manufeetories New Verb and PhiledeMbia, and aim hos Ertneli evade., Ms newest mad Janet approved styles of Pe- Printsenbe., Segether with Borders, Fins Board and Team Topa Per ula 53 Wood st, be tween Poona et and Diamond alley, Mecum= he .13_ 8.111/Ll M ao trALLic PAINT-3 brls Nat reed per mcamer, and for tale by the barrel or single pound an the Dreg, Bend, and Pertunsery Warehesse corner of BUM and Wood titters. N WICKE:RaiIAM. apla inataptratts , Potent Lod& Ash. A CA14103 of the abovi tPlebrued brand and „i 6 `2 high test, direct from the atanefeetarerm 130 costs now on th war from Near Orleen., and es. pentel here We w eek; anti 314 will ehertly arrive ma Baltimore per shipe Jardine, Chesapeake, Dam am ea., and Albas, which wilt be sold on arnval, al Ike lateen market peke for each or approved bills. W & spaNo 1.0 Liberty et. - CHEMICAL STOVE POLISH 1 11 Z;Phif i l i tislifian;facirritit t Co , :fxy 8 now °Mr and vsisCo ' ut ei t ag e g r era r iro m n, ' :fear of contrrlic . tiou:b; those who ham tested it, pronounce it (Sr superior to any other in the motel_ The mummer need have no apprehensiona or soiling carpets, he., u lie corn. position prevent, a dust from uniting when being ap plied, which man be done when the Stove le mid The qumtity required so little to produces bees idol lustre. A savfng of over fifty per eels is insured to the commie.. A rotting applied to Stover,Papes, Ac_, when laid away for the mianier, a sure pre , vented-re against mt. Alter having trie it neon , (If it is accessiklei no person will use my Ms the drenis Stove Polish. AlansfacturiFgnr sale b Compu y rn Premiere Chitral. o 8 N WICKERSHAM, mTI .Corner of Slam and Wood creel.. PITTICUPSII/ MOVIISIINO STORM. Corner ot Penn t. SO NS ,Cear street.. MIL ALEXANDER Famishing Under- VT take., where every article for Funeral and Mourning perposes C. be VG VG reasonable VGIRS. II La32l TO BOAT BUILI ___ _ • 100,000 feet Neatened Peet; 100,000 feet Coal Boat Siding. Fee rale by ROBERT NeKNIGIIT, Attorney et In. , Pnetth al. WOOL I WOOL I T IZ hI Lea n t , gorti Cup will be paid for dt(W lIARDAUfiII NOTI - 0 - 11 - , VgllfE owner. and consignees of _jr..h. arriving by 1, the "Citizens% Portable Dom will please tasa notice that they will be enquired to pay freight at our warehouse, according to the receipt, bcfor• the good. are removed. C A MaANULTY - k CO 111 POMO OLD - irmemon BRAIDY, fireilicinaf IN these saki, the Wave articie to frequently reouired. The ...Mars hams time on hand for sale at One Dollar per bottle, which they know to be it was bought by %hernial,. in Frames, and It as pore as when they bought It. MORRIS HAWORTII, Tea A. Wine Merchants, east elde of the Diamond. _Ln9lO 'Trash Arrival or Chair. Tea, MORRIS it HAWORTH, ra the Diamond. have jun received from Me impenammnather large supple Black =Warren fear, which they •m tom smiling from the original chasm 50150 e and 7.41 per lb. They defy say hi Ma trade Is beat Um gaga, at the price. We reepectfally eolialt the pub lic to compare our Ts. with thaw purchased else where at nine Price. au 40 ?WTOE/JAL Intr.LD BOOK OP THE DEVOLL6 .TIOYI, or Illestretions by Pert and Paten of the story, deanery, Diogratthe. Mile., rad 'Traditions the Wee for indepsadance. By Beeson J. Lanka', with ada Engravinge mr Wood by Leilizpanett, shied from original amber Ty M arilaista alsosslO Ns& is Ifs, kit a b riergoi e 4,117 LAND SALE; pßy th•Presta.ntOirte• 171.1-----ced.Bnat... ! r.ili..g.xce tan Idt.C,ltstßY TAYLOR, Pre• declare and make known. that ; ‘, u 7 iie c ittl: ~r -bi held at the andevmentsoned Land Others in'tne7ll: ormicufGAN, at the periods herciearter design:tor, to wit— At the Lord Odle° at SAULT STE. AtA RIR, fo, the t , Lako ftsperior District. commencing on Mn,,.day, Me sixteenth day of September next, tor the it,. petal of piddle land. within the following named townshipr, ills, • North aide dace line; and revue of tla peunipat . - Towashipforty five , and fractional township. forty Six and font seven of range two. • Tbamships fon, Rio and for, six, and frt.tiet./ township (noy mien, of range three Township forty els, end Fractional township forty seism. of range fon,. Tour/Wane forty six and Orgy anion, and fractional township. arty and thy oneof range Fie. Fractional townships fort nova., forty eight, :CM' nine, any, and iffy one, of nge six. • Townships forty eight an foray nine, and fritntinttit/ toontsalp fifty of nage {CV n. • Fractional townships ths ty nine on alloy island." and forty on "Ilat Island,” nd township forty i., 01 ' l l ge e t i itu ht iti lestinships thirty nine and for ty on "Rog" ~t i , and t Outten'. blush, sad Forty three on the main lan d,laud, and tostrulnp. Stony roar and Corry Lie, of page Fractional townships thirty nine nod fort] on "Oat' den' , and ....Squaw" Nand.. and townships rony throe, dotty fear, and forty fire, of range ten. - - - Fractional umenships thirty eight on.tittle Reover” Island, thirty mina on "tittle Beaver. and "Trout^ blonde, and- forty on "Whiskey' , bland, and town ships forty three, forty lowoopi ( QM IV4,4.ning. eleven. wv(.0,9 thirty entht on nfloil bland, lort3 two and tract... township s forty tome, tom (Ow and forty five, of range twelve, , ottrnahle rimy, vu Lie main hand, of range sixteen. 1 7 . 5 (1, n a ti . .iiahti‘a shiny Wan and forty on the .1,ut . 51.1,91 range seventeen... raoconaktownehip. thirty thirty nine, fortY, forty one, on the noun laud of range eighteen. Fraottanal townships iniey six on s Ssmniers and ',Pave n 7" Island., thirty seven (including s dummor" Island and an Wetland thirty elght, thirty aloe, and forty on the main hod, and township. forty one, forty two, an: font' three, of rang. nineteen. Fractional towns hips thirty el; 1311 teal lUltyitN° •nd .Gull!lsland.coluttv ;soca on tut Islet ny Lfrie ~8 1 7,' "A " ; 1744 6 1V6fi%5Yt tirWinlutdi nice., d see twenty seven Ondettfen 01ffistrandTioy, and township forty Mr. 'ed e ma n land, of range intent'', rzneabroll toerniNp. thirty Waal, thirty nine, and rq. l *4ll4:A V E.ltt .. 46., e 7 m . re ' n " X:o n n e. titonday, the mirth day or September next, lor the disp yea. of the pohlte laud. within the following named town. alp. and fractional terwriabips, to wit:— North of tae bass line, awl tout of Me prin4434 meridion,. the mole , LiUitv , iyo %Arty on .. q.. "L ti l trelloaLaTti . lh Oki; U;%is, thArtY font, anti V . lPtb I .l. l 4tialttY Iso l of Tapia 100011 cIA ' l "Zfr Wmy !am and thtrry e, o roan iareity P* rt 111 4 1 fo t°117 .;1 h .i P irtirt ih y ir G y en t o e n e ib Lh e i' milil7:nd thi and y township. forty ail, font 0000d,00d Cm/ . 4.0: 11 range twenty seven. .Fracdonal tow trirty leaky Mtge, and I duns ts IticarroilltlYltlynina, forty al., forl7 liehrtliststinclY eisbi, of rimge twenty eight. rraational towneldp. fort y nc, thin e thirty tin., and townithip. forte tw o o o rtY three, (any rote, forty five, Con y one, arty seven, and forty eight, of range twenty nine. Fractional toarliallps Lamy nine, townshlti forty, fractional towns* fo-v! rte, 001/14i.tb WIT toliree.;frinr:aYn77v!; and • al the eope:o. Agate harbar, of town ohmiratfinloCri.wc.lifpes th ilti t rii sine, rartY, nnd batty one, township, forty two: forty three, fon t' lour forty fire, forty .it, forty nevelt, and forty eful,t, Wed aection..enr."*.i.a 11.40midts 64:4;1L'ItanY gititg!drott r e r ,21P1 . Ur u le7ia M pralei Pon nod a/tested within t he andermentioued townstd-. and fractional townships, to win—. Nora of rho daae hirre, spa lf do principal ourrithun. nrl 4 1 clef o 4 mar= =MI ' AMY at+ 04 style ~iUlJ'i:o, arty into, forty Ave, nod Ofili Of Vatottonal theruship. Orly ard GAO two, of nags thirty three. Prectioral harnahtps fiAy and fifty two of awns thirty roar. Towoship filly, of range tarty one. V .°Oooiti towatitlp for.) rig h o d townships forty nine and fifty, of ohge cortO Iwo . Totrhsh,p forty' alien, (rattan.) toortaltip forty eight, sod townships forty ulna and fifty, of range forty three. Townthipv forty seven, forty eight, forty nine, .al fifty, of rear tory tool. latfr d 'f7• V ' tir j Oil k aivo l o .l 7 l ; ."' fif f' ty, r o e fTa i n l o t, e7olty Co h n n y e. n'ne. Pranional lesamtups forty woo and fifty, of range forty six. Praetional township. forty sin end forte sevoilt township Cony eight, and fatal:cal township folly nine, of more forty seven. Ethetional townships any nevem, forty eThi, Ind forty nine, of nate rant' Ft the l rorlanal aid allito on ftl co ht. township ny eig of ranee for ol N ty ntne. Aototromog coe day. the scgteenth eirteptencher next, for the dishevel of the Ponta lend. With,, the onnenernuotted fate. Nninth , viertaina yap— erpt of am bruclinf.C.Ml IMO of 114 py4lsajkil waeron. &elan. sine and two, fi b [ at half orogen of tYree. and Sections eleven, twelve, thirteen. Anima, twenty foot, twenty live, and thirty sit, le naphtha nine, of rangi uvrtel. haat •It i appropriatorf by law for the nos of wawa, to ry , or other purpose*, will be encladed (ran the v• Too °Tetley of the there mentioned land• nal be commenced on the days annotated. and proceed In the order in which they aro sideartmol, with eon 'eaten! dispatch, vent the whole shall pave been of. rend, and the stte• thus riots 4 But no tale shall be kept open longer that ma weeks., and no private entry of any to the land. will he admitted twill ater rho stoical/ot of tore weeks, (Mesa ender nsy mind. at the city of Wmhingtoo thie thirteen t h der of Jane, Onto Dont. one thotaardi eight hundred and bile. Ely the President, J. II VW ”r 1 SID CommUsaar at OA Otmegal Lana INfica. :NOTRT T 9 PRE.E.IIP rrom CLAIR•NTS. E peewee entitled to the tight of pre-omption to way ofta land. mettle Me tearntil - pe and frautonal temmehtpe above enumerated, la required to ertabltab Ws same to Lao aamfaction at the Reptater nod Re rehear of Um opper Land Orme, and male payment therefor as ano n as praelleable after seeing this nutter, a nd hence the day appointed for the commencemeet tho pablie tale of the lend, embracing the tract claimed, otherwise each chain. all he (smelted. J. HUTTEIWIELD, Comm,,. loner Haiti Pwrar9 12•Machit's Amothaat Poelevy Beak. Yealtry Bath and Fowl Breeders' Umhe— ." Being a 11T.141. on the Itreedin, Haising, - and General Management of Domestic bowls, with no mere. animal descriptions and Formula Bola LH , c 4, o greater amount of original and other dirornsatgon, both, practical cld all y la regard to Fowl Weeding, than it conisthed an all other •arenean works thicker It will be Illastrated with neatly Fifty romans of the nom holeo vanedee of Amenesn and Foreign Fowls, some forty of sehleb an ROM life, from &swum taken especially Cr this work, of the most important Wind., lad several of them front Owls very rerent/y Imported. The publishers have spared no expense to bring out this merit la a superior manner, both 10 regard to the engravings, the !rentsaf the worn, and the general exceed/1m of 011,17 parl *Chit book. And as believi cd that the work wil l be hood to contain wren pact. rat 1111.0 r0101401110/1 Breeding and hisnerair Domeito Fowls, than any work tuned In this toscury. Parsalelry JAM D LOCK WOOD, re2l lksokaeller and Impdrter,..thl Fiona st tr UM SOL Dl.B Coignes, a Sketch of .11-1. Pions! Desonytick of the Universe. By Ale; W. Humboldt Traclalcd by Uhl, volt, Ithno. Just rehired for sale by laid _ I D KOOD Bookreller Importer-W Rm.>. r' ICNOLI3II £ UrIIOLMAI,I; UROCI VT offer tor sale, 190 pkg. Y. 11. Imp. Wank re 133 br 91 4 011 bal, Apo.rdar Teas; a 'C ; 1311 bag. a Rio e2e; A* brie N 0 Molasses; 70 had. N O Nagar; CM boxes ueolled Wee. IV,ndow Ulu.; 40 bal. Pip.; 010 baa 1osp; Mu be. Caadlea; • 319 Cal lb. Codfish; 30 terl. Tanners' 011; 90 boo Chocolate; 60 doe Dad Card.; 20 cod. Manilla Rope; 30 be. Spiced Cabenlale; 10 bags Pepper, 6 bags Alsp/aa; 160 be. Ilerrtna; 10 brl. Vinegar; 30-bale. Candlewlek. lobs. Starch; 10 Ire. Mee; 10 bd. Chalk; 000 drama Mg.; A.well as a general Manataetured melee. '1 • U 1111111C1/6ill VI FOUND Nlall M R6 o ß oini:r E sp Lirftrtf ;nd LIT. 18 des of the Venn Hugo. I hams used all your Family hlrdiclne• ma family, and have alga prescribed them at toy pranoce, lam very much platted with them, and have found nothing to equal them. Send me h dos of your Veratiloge, and ID on. each of the Live, Pills and Conga Syrup. • fully yours, Reapect [Extractor Lauer.] T. T. decimal,. Thom highly popular medicines ma be had of the proprietor, R E SF.LLERS, PP Wood a,, and Unseals generally la the two elan and vicinity . ape DOWN-41E1i bits A Not cane. I,ll lll.crico - iin - 71, anperldr quallty,mutable tor soap mating, Jut received and for sal. by JOIIN MerADEN &CO l ev :ton Canal Ramin, Penner ionaJe by 01 6 J SaIIOONNIAICFR CO 110 TOTARir 4,- Cailiiiiiii r lititiae by / !lb J SCROONMAKER A CO itirACKETEL-Zipst Nastnon. lan d ma male by MlLLERutralClibilllNng JOG 421 t 221 (Abell, at m=do. " ' ah boa MArgauti fart ree , d for Sale I:4 , yla - MILLER & RICKETS°, r oi • Preach wrought Capes,Collara and Cuffs, jut reed at • A ft MASON lafieg PIA/1.47-Ti te.. mood, Intiellfiti 11, Floor, toSt reel and for sale by Iy2El WM A McoL______ aL lIROI2.CO,P.Sa LibellY • U 1 . 1 94Afi11-1 masa B Aloutardo AvoniT'a tisu," a mild Mustard, flavored with different nubs, :valved and Corolla by • Igo WM • 'F.IIgeOLURII CO, PM Lamm at 1118iMM - 01,11 t o t ree • WIONEI t say OADIV, 1:70 4 Oat, WIN NA 111/411141, ITGITST dWkltrroamae bthooblsoo /gODnRIo Dzemi thasel* w7eeettt.p,OmitrovwmeauenW ni e • 1- X g 6 c r e 1 ,1 Low Pri0.7°4,4,,,,-Ltwag do; fiar rim a d ---, ..Ooacrt for morning drone.; Muslim, with eol d''' 004 *inqeuaa *"'i" H._ o.r:d embroidery; primed / ectoderm -ou bon!, east cerium of Fotath r lest " ftts p41,37,e...112Z1ELD have recelved a le o e of neat ~,.14ted rl,;fi4p4 , 7 4 :tt and odrilt TRIO ORP.AT SALE OF DRY At lA* 014 seer * on it; DB. A. A. MASON & CO, Vvria. commence on Mondy, rue. ad - Their lIMISIVI2IS tlleiliNk ft , with • 1930 Wholesale Rooms. will, on this oft... Owls open for RZTAIL Tuns, end all of thei;7, stook will be offered to mtallpurchasen..‘4:Z.. of from CO to .O 0 per um. less thon Imola 111F3R STOCS OP SILO Comprise r i hundred lucre, and will be wad at an hittaZtr. count Their assenment ofShawlir, Bareses.Tissuen, res. adlnes Foulard Saks. Lawns, Muslin.. income& Centimes, and Dress Goods generally, will be duel It eat Immediately, at about one half the unal rates. Con. Put Colored Lawns will be offered at Pe. 4 do Ranges, 10e. do Muslin de Labe& - 100 000 u lLTA ' L l lt i n U rls ' inTer :at " , e'lle*"' . A large lot of Wrcoght Cullen, some as low an fm. Together scab a complete varier's)! Demesne and White Goods, Ribbon., Hosiery and Wu., Sonnets, Making In &Hellcat the most agonising anottnients in the country, welch will be marked down to much town p.eeit than at any of their previa. Annul Sales. Wenn Store will be closed open Tkonday and Pri nothingk and Mat, for the p• roost, of nrr.lC leg and down stock. Na VAIIAVONIII tea anal A A MASON &CO 71 .TURPIIY & B RFUR IC RILACHI LINE CHFIELD have received a rap lYl piy 0ft1.4 and 4.4 Fmeeh Linens ter =We eoate and sacks, ladles , ranke r boys , and eldldren's wear, of the most desirable shade. They_lnella attention to their large armament of Men , . and Boys' BUMMER WEAR, of W*1 . 0.1 tll. , Metal. nod all oryehleh 1•111 be .old lac roll -994113 iiiaassoLlill — MY.VltttatrtLr.",.' ' gill el %Z. " ply 'Alum .vy vinery and color wanted, and at the aWf lbi este prices. )1315 Patent State Ott Ciotti C 0,.,. ideCLINTOCIE has received this day. al bits Carpet Wareboose, No VS Fourth st, Stair Oil clotb . Covenng of very handsome pumas and col= 4 t0P.13 which we levee the &titmice ot.aretvi 'VII RPII law slaßCZYslarurer offenng goods raVltfirgiTsr ' I&7ts re et 2 f:rl; " Plain Moot Berme for mew Donne . Ribbons ear per yard. Ladies aro lavas to call and causing sleek of dress goods before porehasing etsersbore— Nan). east corner of Fourth and Market v.:. I Aliens% RECYED° 9;. IB , . 4,..1‘ 1 1, ash Carpenavo.reen,eent mom : f lu= W MeCLINTOCE lel3 73 Foanir at MURPHY t BURCHFIELD ban a large stoat of Panty and Slavic Dry Goods, sclUmg . oil 4i greatly reduced prices, Barege de Urines. ot lure 1044.4,41414 .f 11.18811 p•trernm, s ,; l4l‘rraaill end burin Mull.; naid anonment of Black and Fancy Silky, Ileum, Lawns and De Loin.., restrukahly cheap; Bea mutat Fortimt Wk., at VI ears 1..1..1 Beirothal Callao's, from a! coots, and up., i; A yard, and Eh own and illpached_ 1111•10, Ode Per arr 4 Purrsalt, sr, oeury intarnetial prleea ,Chalimergrhiaj Rost ego. KA. best Aunty, 4 11 1i. 1 43 Together With a large mock of Tinting., Apron and Shirting Checks, W widths; Brown and Watched rheetl.Ka and . c hino,,; lri.t L11.3../BIBRIBT all other ardeles in oar line, al tterth ' Cla.,,.o(4.d yy Furth slid Market at, lola frt r un Doe VIPs Tleolard Bilha, very cheap; rich, plain, Bgared changeabie Sdk., at minion toter style and Aunty; sager plain and [gated black silks; do burg. and umlaut; barer. de lairm„nere some style.; new at) le French, Er:q...m..,34 s fib . to Trao h ;ll, lit e c e di •.I ' harr It7ar liar,, prints. of OH shades and color.; gingham., eLinixes, prints, tn, norA cast corn. of Kurth and Marta; tarot.. led A FARTHER sappty of Diaet Sas andtaN, yea. rued ailia,just received t .rxes tai , 01. A. 1:25, at mirth cast cornea of r rant. an iglu/ref - Via. je3 P ' . yAOIII,IIIEIFFIPLD KA' IliFffriliilllnariLluo .e b o w /Ca and Menge At D. Laical. at 'MI prig.. at north cut earner of Four.% and Market ma. DS Latin - CR - PILIC — LnCff-- - itura wido nustlam and 1.) narrow trusnaieg bun of bast quality, Jaw sp ; '3 and for .aria at Northam corner of Fogg rii r t an. kat strum lea MURPHY R Evii 1 .1, =„A.' . rirrfItrIECCUIELD ha : r: l6. tvesi ' On ad. ot r onkl . sapply or above goods, Me hiding marinas style, of Chins, Cent. Alboce, nod Gimp Boattem, White nod Colored Gimp do; and gibbering:oral] colon sod once. In /}? R:1.55C , [011 . 1( . r 1 - 44A:ft: r co o l i :otk, ""' hal ll CRILLICS . 1111.11 r thIiNti — GOOLMI. InURCIIY LIVRCIICIELD onset tho attention of tj.c.** wmung goods for Mourning porposes, a nary fall IWOrltterlt. Jest remelted, suck oo Moot Ilembarines, lional.asine finish Mont.'s, Stark Moose de &Along, lidommag ula giro, do Printed Poniards, Lt1": . ,:rgr;1111,."... 1 1= Sonnet 12 Minna, Sc•rf do, Veils to. Moyl7 (O . 7tiEstCsI.IATINU-19 pcs Coshmerets,assoned la color; a moat dreirablo article for enmsner coats, reed. and now opening by' s A MASON ;CO maylll MI Marken TSET iiii - AWL lo srr high cointad Telbet Shawls, man:prising Cmason, Owings, Penh, Bite •nd Corn colored, just receiving per esprens: mid this day opening by A A MASON Ss Co CS Marker FIECCS Plain Illeo, Pink, Green,—SlTT`wiii aoleColored Ganges, rood per osmosis are now opening by amyl? A A MASON o C , - Black CO re th AA. 11A it -ON a day op a p o nlng 111p;ot 17 tnob 111seg Gro do nine Silk, ICI pea= incl. do; II pm 31 mei; do; pat 31 inch d o; and 4 pieces IS trier; Z TAYLOR _lmam Ilasdkarchtota. 401/ dot Lodi. , Linea Cambric Mktg, all rice.; 100 doe Gems' do do ZS dot do do do do colored border.; Received dlil day by A A MAROS &CC/ ataylo a , MAI LII.EILINEN LUNY/LES-0a pet eharritTo kJ Lartre a. al rba carmine love priced( 121 e per yard. arayio A A dIABOO4 k Lb Irlib and Drow■ Linens. on pee Lord napes 44 Brown Linenr, Ina pas Barklay's, and Alsivader'• uperlar Mak Unions, now opening-by ma t 9 A A. MASON & 00 — Preah Desival or Dry Goods. tin are now rarely/nu largo addittlons wear Wock TV of yrie: a sr/ Dome. Dry Goods, uld aretso. prod to oter pteellent 1M0rt.014741 11l OW 01001 lew prices for cashier appro.'s/ credit. The attention of western dealers la particularly re quested to our mid., no we feel confident of being able to