FRN A PrERTISEM TwithDE V;Stile hleslanne company:meaty their agents ,„„,,,- „, Flooring in sheets 317 feet. from w „per shars Mot. Corragatsd la *beet. Alf roofing Fzu:;c iud depots. Ebip id x 41. mein! ; ua - y.h,p warrant their melee pEresilhd Flys; friste?any adm or Iron, or any ether substance,and or. ~.,„,„„,,,end II for the malt ufnctem, M. wog ateleeld Welhdes roehhirit LeAtae Wei*, 'pot ease. la eel de n ted hy:ll,,eachtm of stiter,'and may he pollalsce, painted. nal inPnt..rd Sampler, 'rendets, 'peel smiting, and othi Informal. oninta y be Lad cram agents:— , , KFChasig.fggioro. Ness York; AUD. ..0X He 01.1.110. ,Chloe &pylon; " Nirel'gTnscres k Co., Pritadelphia;' 'W.& II hlchr..g.Unthei.oret: . .1 • brim, Dials I.egererx. %erg °elm.; 1 . ..1111L1.11101/X, Rc‘ndont Agee; Mee 1.. • • C.: ll:mover st., Nem York. SIIOX FINDINGS AND LICA Edregrcl. A. Golifrey, ."JOSOuth Carart x., &tar o r.,Bd e i ruw • ' • • Mite th Godfrey Fr. Eons, POUT 1 . 4 L 0 tW , coe Findings,ond Dealer In Leather ofearioashindst Encash and French Kid Skins eek ced fib - I , Parent Leather,Morocco, white, anityirik rpanclieters,kei lostims. Franca* SILIC'GALLOONS AlKil.einuoNs, Lacer., IWebbs, Shoe' Kniren.: Aar! Blades, :Shoe "111REA1), Slued .I.kißb G. Nan. and Shoe PEG/h.( all ears. G. haring establiahed the above boldness le galltmore, Is ;enabled .to ably geode doeth or Weal sirlt h the mown despatch, =PI at the !meet prices, “Mancfcclarers, dneJers, and all inhere,' may rely upon obtaining every. article In the trade, of the best, gdality; and on liberal terms. 117 - hlann fact orer 0! Root Trees, Shoe Trees, Crimps, Crimps For : he: All ordem Promptly e Lour Rion kr/ cash. A eaten:4or eov,anung a complete list of e very, cis In the trade will k:4 torecurded Id those lobo may desire it. ED Lc ARD A. GODFREY, 100. Calvell nen; ilia amore RaßiMore. ' • BARNUM'S HOTEL, NNW YORK, Broadway, corner Of AA!dada Lan*. er.adveYid. ha. here lamed Ihlby the etdocribr.r. ard has rice. eamolmely refitted in moo , ti„ manner.. !Arne ad*ltien. are now Lcmc . t do, wild, when completed,.will make It the York. it is the detenab nation or he plOl , O oDe , ID fluke It equal. in every re m . bar/19mm tho Ifinted State*. 1m M nion Jr the nest le I rabic and cent.; therity, be emem theraxhionsble nen of Broadway, tem/et:ern la t l; Ne pathc bid hid. R., :dace* of aninaetaent, and .1;,,,e1,1 In, tte liberal patronage received t r ta t t irm-d*rol Mind., while et Cumber/and, Md., rand Gore r,wittly at the Weddell llowte, Cleveland, Oda; be tepee, fal re nevelt! of thelr patron tee,'Gre L!gt new ertn.lilb at Newl.r(t York, and theid that every etrort on hi* tan eask t o eve,. to ntßant.,ter in dale cOIII(Vrt and 111 tarsi°, _ . • A. S. BA,11:11.1Ar. ilfiwe York. M.e.l, kido.—imrtladm volt 410 or .. 15 . T.2RITANI s.I,IIi.TISG .PO/1111.A1T CLII7I. . I.l u'•nrrs m le 11,-N Plyrothrh;thsgised. The +ilr Tr re:sin; flocerreeh Marone:hal i leX 1111 000,1 s 1r: t,, Pertmi et4htes memos 1.1 n,•• clltert: fa: Urn ferthrommg. r'ilioool Wrier- number of ebares et 00 rand//mac:, 10 4014 , eo.r:y•s.,' Dr. class trtemlne.Clo: 011,.• F.A/11. nephew... err then. ~ r eprestch rho rre tsperurary. ATpar{, .00,00 1 10. u'g far more th an no., Oen, hos thr r . ..anr • orglf . nag an Eq ual numn T rr noeurer. htl, orneers oho enon• Pone.. sell) he presented seal Ike le .orelns one,— nr 7.1 ch.; bn'tredo.• ditto Oh' nee or !first baste...... - .510,000 Seroli lorse• -• 10 / 1%. 1•060 Thlol .• •• ".Pdb 4,000 Dlridd among,/ , ilartrn ••• • 4 , 41 Q • " inners thWth AU" There/1m tgin bonus, ah clasa,khat being/the Wher of ho, / ,e• ontere/Labr the race- The DraWteg ilt he eundarted opoo tie same leribetata princiPlee RR those which charmer - Leen the late - nt. Ledger and other pro ce ,th rote. Foil north/clam or, the revolt-rill be ,ent to ah,ett meseherr immectleFtly alterr - 4e de -04:0!1.-61.1 each Noy know hIR poets' on. soh,o,,ber. regharrhd end seep forwarded en In et., ore ,etulneuee. Bills of'S'ich, halos, Broils, Bank ,/hoes de., _addressed and. rnad,, nayobie. le the Abineging Ihrerfor, • VI. JAMES Onto. rove eeetatieothee te be redoeed on the pre...eta:ion of bona/ en • , inel6-3¢1.. 1,1501 REED H OUSE, 11b30 ECSEy&I. & nAnns.ll, Proprtetors, Putiec Sguarre r jrrie, GENERAL STAGE 'OI,EICI-h—F:aotern. Wcgerdi end Southern Shag, / leave /le, hoaßc delly• Cs ,. tie,:. le end truth Steen, and fr,,k,,110,,t, IV. 1 :/./ri:. to••• ot the Afe•elo en He/ el, Erie, Pa. ifi deman Otdo. - (air Janae • = 2 .. ,,,4 7 . *Fluid illaipsasia. 11 ,, ,1er [l.s ipae,fia. e , ear, of tt:. la. e er upwards thlrq e 3.1 ,-, reentranslaell at all ra eetlen, aad , rta n iodic ila•I 'ate, and ettectual tam la gre.sel alai+ ,•-". .4" , and ..Idre,l the ent t'.ll/C in wl'aeat it the l•• Raaeeeein a alt the propctUea • ' • ol I a „ neat °palm a,neeal vac. aaabea , heir,! th I . ta dangertme eentar.toa• . e owe , t the aute a trearthurn Mahout Tltiunag r, ad theta • ' a ' o m4s n ' t . n7lo. '4 l .4 4t . r.!.Tan ' t:' r l ' ize focal •. ,, r" ,, k oteuri in all caeca ao." le paeoaatl / adapted co teratalee .: 4 tr putt 14,....ri11vvy sTalr • • Nr•th uric et id nnar govt E rßycl, thcrily bloat 'lcy, when ollter vtWl,c, inad Itaelf, had From Sir VSStp Crampton, Sae Qa to tile Army4,lhreland: rgeoa General -lame Sir ere can be - en d ou i,.. that Magaeula may he admmirtered more ~ arc t , w the form o(aettP cents - toed...anvilen than insubstrinee for. tins, and many other moons, I am or opinion ' Mat the Plaid Alasnrsie is a very veinal!, additiOal to oar Mated. Media. PHILIP CRAMTON." Sir Jame. Clark , -, Pit A. C.per, Dr. Bright. and !items Gotbne and Herbert Mayo, of London.anrorar- Iy recommend lificray's Fluid Magnesia.. being is. finitely mare sate and Goatreniezi titan the eoltd. and free tram the danger allershng tha 0 t us at soda or pals f. For sale by the ImponerN and proprietortamrces, Ii A FAIINESTOCK A. CO. .7 Cor:of Wonda. Fe , nt sea. noTma :- NOTICE hertax pls , .n, that On Aptll, the subsCrillara had no annul. the MTh' Wellaborg, V.., the ioldamon- • 4,used them, at dn. , . by 0- A. maAm,- eaten, vtz•—A nose Apoll 110, ht 4 mantas . toner dated John 0. tor 4144; 6., a hole drowntp a . snt rt,one hu r koi, and • . JIATI CC Qua. CO., h. :cent 01 Jahn S. (no, month. re.endoried ay , us, dad... , lAlaal oth, al r e , e i re d , rot S.V.I. now, nom. were uerat a air . by 01, and M u is n, caution all per.. .st e ar, ',yang the t.ame as pay ismni ,t 0 hoeber, clatp . :sed, 3 4.,41, - 11...1113AUG11 tuayan PILE! - iii.r.:43izintsa Goons. A VERY laser und chores. stoat or Fresh dpring th„. and Summer I:mods hos lost been opened at Aleasoldert. bars, Nob:. ttlaricel enfant, north west acmes of the Astound. .Lnestilints the attention of our eumomers and the pab3ic to Via stnek, it nroolv tot greet pleasure to be able to say it ees 6.IIFAT BARGAINS or at. zoom every descriptlOU of ponds, as a large portion of yelt as parehatted sit the recent eitontsiire m1..1011.6. eaten titter.. (far assortment, Lath of fancy end staple pools, very superior, and affords to 2.11 cash buyers, aka, tu1101c... , a 'or , retail, a Rua op . DRESS GOODS IS'ess. style Foretell ttllcs,veay cheap; rich plain sad heated ettanffesele alit, of almost every style and' quality; super pltnn and drured block silks; do. ho. sears and narese lama, new and hand. • ate sty!ey E reneh, Etutlishoud.Sealeh .awns, in reeds savjetv, and at very low prices; plain, pared. and satin strand de Inins of all kin d plain quality., :tore lustre* of ail shades and colors; gin:, snarls, char:saes, ti./ 4 1W1,5. Super rhataeleno solsrix; Oiaio r^ figure. Wor: en; plato and o m b roidexedllok,jo4 . 4no est ue., do; liper on. ohd odadon.:retf . ' u. C 0 IC tro; , C pi.... acsl an d WRIT • A fine msotunent of :aunt, IA hook, In SONNETS. IR A"T' ,`" tontiCand ,h LI.A• 403101 e 11l • • PARASOL:. A fine meek of anle l ,tl" _'d hinnmiellletrad Satin Teen nameela et atl eolote CLOD* Sr, A large ortr,, end Begin. n, of all Witiea and nr gee, to trlnetit'lsl"""atd ne mane the att ct ention of Ma gentlemen. Rough & I !;-,,d, • 1 /03 ,;c.. Our meek of ber.we m•dd tievened =belies, trekinits, the sllsslbo Fs, /s.c, ut very largo, and at the very lowest r Also. F leafs +al hi table - diapers Old table u'ollas brown aid tcescl,e,h Roars and Scotch diaperherasi: linen, nankin.. ecdton and venal neloode,forsuen and Lora' inlet - Ai red, whne, and yellow flan eel., dome- do ciagbarss,-anle id IMG2 haka and cloves ol blues, and bonnet ribbons, artl etel he vets, &c, wall which we would =spectrally Invite the vital:on of wholesale atul call, sub bpyers. ALI.X/ChiPr i li &DAY, maple FS Minket sL.NI env of the Diamond. APPL T1.41C,N. lAM now prepared t•r furnish App Twee, from the well knoom Nu/limy of bliaeotr N. Brown.! The trees rr:l be Jaime:oder the wharf at Pirtab area for 312 Rer hundred. Pn•oits o Oung good thrills' rsees shook' 'Core rects ord, ra moo at Mu thee, 80 id, pod Perfumery Worchoube, corbel orWood and 11. zit, sta. spit • • A N ISICAR:RPI,LAM Y[T CtOVAi,. We: liflN.lVOlllak WARM-COLT R. BROWN & en. beve reanOved Le No .I•Si Winer noLl doer below Monon tvnavle llotere - VAL. - IiDALTIGIL HANNA. k. IX,. !eve yededveel tit Eretdedge °Mee to pond I ...learner of .d T.lnl neer. ape) C.',UIOriIEKS kw.. too: Water-ex, between. Woos, & plotter, I& the house remelt, Veyeleed by lit ely,...yes,. ep:Yren • ' ; S TA RI: elel,rool. do; 2; bin 31•Chirg Taw a dd;Justreeeived and for WILLIA & nrcialreoNn Plantation Batter • 153 hhdr. enonnon,lNAL &! Seipp; YLA oak LI I l Nee ',r; cypree be , . to • - dew nore, for etle by .b1.11.L'.111 h RIC/11{780N ' )el7 17 it 171 Libenpat „, E ItTire EVo W.f., tor CIIGRONT 73 •Dicr.:- 4t. 0 • '” - 777 Juk, Je2l , r GP oiNT inut Or. Pio i td,r• lea• - s b / .11?3 -- 61eet RANT. 16-4 "" -4 '!'"O' dw7y6r.;;Tiliaz , d i,,B m wm ! tcnn . tin!ao lIU tr e.rund &Ply& s do: r .• 13.1dney's do; tereanrsasat Beef %ands, Far " I"yPI STI:LEUS /r4iICOLS • N O V db . ? r (or aaia 1A "L""..6 02-I—FP"TBI ., I LITTLE fr. co t' AfiIIEbOAY-160 boo brO NI bib bio I do; Jolt ' • (4 bid No 1 ltdild S•dP; Lay .•celsed and lot 14, by , mt.t.ER P T , LYOf - 1:4 Ro t el , laYetYrort'and T y r. 7 4, celved and (00 /hie by J KIDD& CO 8. r..Towyvynd'oSaryipyrillre.rbr Ze‘i. jr2l 1":11 , 1) k. CO L.A.VitiDfxrAs t —lbo le d for ra by 0 11 1r 1 .1 ' •• 11DD/16 nmenund or ale 1,7 fiellll -SEILLEms ia;- 7 .Albundleitec'd for ezde 7_ _ Ito KIDD 6 oil I=llE iMCELUNEoirs N lis Jan tisoll., O. NI Wood assay h i ss L received a nee , as +ormolu of PIANO MUSIC, among which arc the following:— AeLyloil Lot.l,:i i iv n iew : l ttr., ll=. - ...... riati= do. do. ' - - - Lai, z ac i le;rar Gtvine to Ron all Night, 'lMATefiTeiWailitg;tir GI ... , d'-' 'The Robin; . . °. i Oh, Toech the Cord r ecce •garn. ' Sweet Memoir. orr m • Tiler Moon. Lament Millie Irish Eraigrut. ii, i A New Medbmifilona , ' . .d i Tina last 'Crannied the Glint that toyed 2.6...1 The Conseripcs Deamitre, by Glee., • Re Rind to the Loved Ones it Home. • i 'Tis Home whom e'er the Heart is , ',The Yankee Maid. i, Low•linek\l Cat by Loser. . . D e ya. ever think or., Slumber Gentle Lady. j Ellli th . ' 4 7o P Y lts ' _Wedding . " '-'—,i', Wreath, and Bair Wallies: ' ~,,,eheloe, Maiden,' Bella Welt*, Coneen..Ladis' .litoweenie, Catty, rinn, Llly,Alles,Evergreen, hark ,te, Adtev. and Lbay Psalms. waytt. •- 'TEAS I 'TEARS r TEAKS TT '.'—' ... ' WE itaterratinto 'the II st of parent we say nothing y y oboe. Hundreds of Cheats, Importers, Large Capitate Bought' for Cast., ho.. In fain, we.will not hennas In wty Elitattel Cr &ha, we simply melts the penile rocmpare oar Teas wall 'wad they purchase Isla - elsewhere; ran is the beat method we know to muer- Isla v.. Seth the best and the Teas in Pim. burgh... , IVs are now selling Good sad strong Tea at 40 and So eenti per lb. A prime artie1e,—........-...... ..-5 do do The best Tea insponed tato the U. Stems, in Low priced, &naked, or lolcrior Teas iwe do no: keep. MOMILIS & HAWORTH J ProptintO of the Tea Market, Etat ni side of Diamond, . ' —e3 urea'An-----7-------.,.. iiiii6--- illMrcisk. D. Appleton tr. CO , New York., haver)" coarse ofput. Beaton, in puts, plums mewl' Rse totti. et a/. A.. DICVIONART Ci Machina, Mahan ,a .fin,inn. Hock, and Era' ganceralg; dengra st for J'autscat Warlair ItE.n. and Moat interleaf for Me Eng. . fterreng tan Olt: Il i triti r geo "" ay, '. wirrc.” • : T n. n r t W atiOtaidta rows, and ' u . p M' ar . attlf a 1... 1 n.. " ~,,,t, ~,,c,e,,ra,,,,,v. It will pre eent tw"-V,,,n0,-;a7- ,040.„, descriptions of the moat tairsr:r ~,, ,;',. at the, Ilnitedittatel. Inderrendeo, ". ''' ...-- ' imerwaniugenniry, it will none , couiplere Ora,- au treat carrubltefr,, i v....away- Eligine-work, end Lagineeting; with all ih.l w aelal in inure thun Inc thOutand day,. „,,„,t, of fol. voliOnea, Maga auev,nd other book, ~,,, i , , ~, 2 The great objee, of I. p s leation IS, opa e Le mßodent. auch an atnocni of' :Ila practical men sad theoretical and PCICI/114L . knowledge, to u bent ii. . ~,,,,,,, ,„tirit them to wick to the bent Advt.- o'e' , r'' ' t r , -- T, awitt thew castatre w which they might r' . iv. ' riarnit. Thou nunittot awful infortitation :hart ~,,,acct together is anneal beVond preeedent lit a ,,, .•ork. Indeed, there is hardly drt ;;,,,-,_,,, range Which is not treated with each clear. ,-,,-.,,ti precision. they even I. 1111313 of the mint na t . Ztf.Yie':rrann'citYfro'n't ut'trini'itiellauwl.'zotrtit"i'. u lin ti' p ni i ' irt i a ' a c er i lota . knew. OfThepata w o nt short, tleterinined rerarittew to make the as etionritete as po“ible: tall uI. hoped teeny one desirous - o obtain the work tall li aware ilas tanned in nate/taw. and thus encourage e enterprise. The work will be bated '. ,eanknonthly °content, ' tollanTienoing in Janary, ",gbri,. l ,l 0 rill program, with trait tegulatity. 1.. i. whole wor k " ' di be published in 10 numbera, la a catta Per aux , ' ei,and completed within We our rent yew. lest d, liberal discount will be made to agent'. Any on kratitkiting the publishers fla m advance, (WI receive ti.i ~,,,,, ,rough the post office free of expense. rTo OPIP stems of the Pr.... ottilllttoe, mincers red A. pg. hiatintettorere, Mech./fa. En lisans, Lo a mine of wealth.c— Priarideace, up a) a ovrna tv can wM "'s •""" Yonnelves with im kowledge. enfidence recommend our renders to r"‘ . „," nselves of 11, numbers ay Oat As they mrienn Artisan. p . .snit ap andutungly commerui lite work to those en gn6cd in or iltennted to mechanical or scientific per eminently worthy of thour exammation and n r.rrt — Tror, (N. I'4 Bridnst. ••• Maly peat wort, and the publishers de to. thethanks inventors, mselaracts. And mann romrem. and Indeed or Mc palate, generally. ' —N. V. pendent 'Ltd cps','en"rirt7l tiw.gleb'tohi.sllhg-wclltf'.P.-„Tg! u.mulve• with the proem so or invention in the me ' ban. ama.c.—Nce• Ded6rd Daily Mercury. cYoung mechanics ceche to keep this arctic...l as well as Fact cal knowledge, end this work vial show them'inn hoe' they stand."—Rosbury' \legal Aiiteramr. "We mac a to be into the cork that 'corm/ and bon , rem. of our Intelligent mechanic. have desired to po••*. •;.-s. :hi ample arc It* drocriptioon. &CO to lOU and' taitulte Its Sper•lficatte.s, sc that •OolUs to mat anY. he el ...c mechnitie Might contract any machine a deribe+, as thannierem: 'avil Ma Advex tlllrose r O. clogs r. and lastruetio."*N. Y. interested is mechanics shmald avail them. selves of Its ,icantages.”—Schuylkill, (Penn e ) Jou r . nal. • ••A werk of Miamian practical ' , Wily and great inn penance mid value to the rapidly Inereanng :worms mMe 'Mammy. VFe the the week as eminently to peon iota the came of science and the vtaa'smical arts • nd todisseminate valuable infanta Vel'h on these aubje. man—Farnter and 'Practical meu in all the varied walks of meehann eal and mannfactu Mugu - I,lam,', engirmenng. a,., will first in this worths tremens which it will be on their PIOIS to possess. , —May Du ll y Wing. oWe bz,eArwef oily punned the ourehers, and bare to hesitation In raying. Mat it is the best murk far me. Comics, tratiennesi, and scientific men, ever publish. eh, for it containalainote inearmadon on every Ismael' 'orate unteitamcal area and actences, expressed Int style and hommige intelligible to any reader ft' 0 0 0 : ve n i re tyonast r , ilasa,)Nelm. ' lire use am doing the me ha s' mieh and other parts of CollitGait.l bringing the watt to their atm. , (Onett) Courier. "It Uinta webs meek' m err' pusesa.Freesuensshe me . o .ry mechanic should consider none ofihe • publlnatiocus cif then.. and ' 11:1 0741311 viathatit.”—Nevrars, fy a mechanic Cltl sacral to he . .0, .. I -ICommerthil Centri c ej.._ us, tollC.vons has :rg „ie eY end „wO,. sdranceme..l of ,,,, ths , sn a eh i ls , • 0 full of premise Z.:!„,s `lt intim bat • , . 0d and cheapest work everottered to the te." iractieni t"Lgialecr am: 7flc. plat are b. s .stnufally excented.a—trashinema P T ka M. eat ihetsamtry is one of the me, nmfin Tel pa:daubed foe years, and the low prier at hin , . it is sold Ca ollnien. makes It acceptable so , - We regard Rezone of the most c ontt l fahe"Te and mlashle, an well as cheapest wook• ever published." —Baltimore Advertiser. aonalu thee taken by every one desiring beep psee with. ;smarms of an mut smence Merely ems of Me Inlsans of elvil ixed , life.a—Rondent thaaner. It designed after the pemeipie of Ureal Diesona ry, only that it is more devmed m the amenamenl and erginecong prof and ab tee all. t minable 2 e.1411111 Ring far /intermit sr ha: Ure has done fist England, deSeribing Amen can machinery and w:MS oran ' h— Scimaifie Amcor in.. "ills pubimbed In net ane at peke sO mode ratos loottlunt sa . ,bat s contained in erets nansher. o " vh " least Intenad in tech inettert, be demoted fee I t; and every one mite 6..C.,41 so, will find • h. h.... • n !;;;°"°,' mien which would lie 0/llt.l, rte V. VI, by ~,,ebu se orrery many rolmins. - -N Cearies are prehenoivareas vrith which the rein , c 0 tllasr the admirable manner in wnicti the, era . s 'eortspite to make this one Mine LW .ran - -lienmeratac Review., work should be the handset every o,"1, 0• ,,, an , " 4 and a: nufartarer. misemall7 times wise hare .cmt mime:ions m excel in their re•,„ sacs. We hare ....fatly examined 11. with a ram o f .mantmendlne it to imentars. To nom we ot'.. Yin thestrong language:of tbeliths= . qt 13 , .16m0in Irtrelttors` /mann!. Notice to the Pm-putter •Nernsparres reargue t the Uneted State s cla Canada If dm foregoing advertisement ts inserted Lve times durum, the year, and the paper retuning It rent Co as, a ropy of the work will be sent gnats in payment. sethstkoritT • 111,ALLIBTX11.11 OINTifiENT, (7..rntaining tea illectury, nor at Mineral. ,itt! ",t; medical work entitled nTer, tAmerican PraCtice , o. grodicine and Family Physician .” -1 boring been made acquainted with tbeinmedients which compose hlcAllistet's gLandoent and baying prescribed st - d tested it loser aml coca it ear pnyelegractice, I hare himilatina in saying or certafying that it is a Vegetable Remade, continuing no mineral substance snifter,: that lieingredrenta combined ea they are, and toed es directed by the Propnetor, me not only. harmless, bid .4 groat valor tieing • truly nictitate Remedy of meitepower and cheerfully recommend it as to compound which of done much good, and which iv edapted to the mire of • great variety of cases. Though nave, truer Omer recommended or engaged in the sale of secret otedi• eines, regard for the truly bouem, conscientious, to. mane chancier of the Proprietor of this Ointment, and the value or his discovery, oblige tae to say thus much regarding it. AV. MACH, D. D.. ileer York, April .211d,1841, BURNS.-1t is One of the Mal things in the world for Burns. ParklL—Theetrands ace yearly erred by, this Oint me m. It never fins going relief. For Tamers, Cicely, and all kinds or Sines, it has no equal. If :brothers/lid Nunes knew lay halve in eases of Swollen Of Breast, they moor! airway Soply it. In each cane, attend according to ninetionc it glees' tellertn every few booty. Arnold the ter,k are directions& ruing Me Allisters Ointment ror Serena, Liver Ca mpiaint, Ergupelsa, Teeter, Chilhimee, &hid Heed, son Eyes, (baleen Sore Throat, Lirenelillea, Nerve as AffeeLLOsts, 11.6./. Of IS e Spine, Head Act' e, Asthma, Deems., F. ' 'Arhe y Corn* suite ganger the Siciri,liore Lips, Pion lee ac. ' Swelling of the Lambs, Sore.,, Rheumatic m, Piles, ova r<-et., Croup, Swelled CrDro ken Bream, Vain AttbM,Allu a In ilieFace;ara. . 'Prone tbe. Re, ding Evie. There was never, pest. , rs, a Medicine boatel, be fore th e pubtle, thin ties lr. so short a titan won tech • reparation n McAll,iMe 4.ll.ilealizot or World Solve. Attoomettety person that hits or artetripi or it speaks warmly ,n its pr ]se. One tan been cored by it of the mon painful, Them:Pattern ano th er of theories, a MIN of a trouble, awe pain to the side, a fourth °ln ewell iw t he the to, tr.e. If It does not give Mime. Mate r elm, In ever y case, it C. do no hoary, being MTh .en Outwardly.. another avid enee Of the wonderful beating pow .% motets:A by this servo, we snblate the following ceruficate, from • . respettabio citizen of lidtddencreek township, to this county: • Mold cnercek, Barks co., March 30, tpey Messrs. Ritter , a Co:—I desire to inform you that I wan entirely cored of e severe man in the back; by the me of MeAllin tree All.ilealing Salve, Which I our. chased from you. Isaffered witinitfor about 20 years, and at night was unable to steep, During that Urge I tried Canons remedies, whirli*eris prescribed for Ma by Ove:runs and ether hereon:o,llhour reeelving any rebel; and at Met made Mal of this tratvoOrith a re sult favorable berillrtd eXpectattall. •1 am now entire: ly tree from the pain. and enjoy 'at nigh: a penteral aro sweet sleep. I base also oiled Ile Salve nine for too it eche and other ernathislatt, "TIM angler .UPPY: meets. Your Mend, "Joan liohanteser.„ . 11,131 PZ - leaLLIESTEII,' flele Proprietor Attlee -above medicine. Prinelpal Office, No LS Nona Third mreet,Phlladel- Ws. PRICE 2115 CENTS PER MIT P. 4I LT. n Pmancriton..-11. 6. FaJonestook noraer of Wont:hood Pima eel Wed. IslaVoli; No. 210 Lawny ntonetl L. Wilcox. Sr., eprner of Pdathet Erect and the Illhoniond, also comer of Foonh and sonnohfleld .trees;l. ZL Cusalmornen Wars/ ant and. Peon Mere., Filth Weed; and .old no the Booksoare In Sallotaleldnorret 3.1e100r light ?ennead., , . In Allegheny Coy ny It P. Sehlyntunnd J. Dirogla's aly I. U. Smith. Droggistrllinningtmew Negley; E RI Liberty; ILltowland, Itlcßenspen;.l..Atexander & Snn, , , City; N. D. Itonlann t Co., and LT,Roxers,urownsvill Sohn Barkley., Beam, Pe; rWalknr, Jr... Elizabeth; nontlaght d.Erwin, oeherner. . tablleodly 1;11 =ilM=Sl r • /el CM etra.l.4. I.l'n:er Power to Irletrilab/e terms, RE NA V/GATION •". Rno,=414101:1M11011.. 19 ire P.tri or :c ", ellO u rf;'ayhandrl t h e ,,, hk fo i old o ti z o , a nd the Iqweer eito „ c eOn onl h o ; lrC path of thn%tte Rlverb,9e'i a : ll4 { ll a 4v bartt, cm, be readßy foretoken at thin plonk timbtir, Iron ore,slod toalorn the greaten abundance, arid of aaPortqe Mthdttr, ran be easily protbren Ihronib the tame cotrau7 , r ea Tertr I.ltte lmodredlollara per tenure for a pow- .TlL e ßicient to mope a tirrl• ran nf median rued ~ 5 ?- 1,14 .f0r a period of tare,' )ear., h the g /Y. renewal on the expeetton of the lenge nla fair valuta% ofthe power omptbyed Tile rite of t g'li2o tk:ZTVZ? prcdo_.' u ' N E..fgan. ' ;U—Th ll /turt:s:s3trinc kilt) Pit yt,f,. e Alb of ninny p ee one .rfirilr[d wtdt t m id , his tgupl n4pU7s a.ple...orph. - . - • kji .hcii roue rel s ft.'; '4,0'00; OtlYgr ' r ' l M .IPL. MCA nhotera rs ...h , s.cp is upt... .firl rtnnea tygense. of The skirl, ritysetl t • ?Inc t rate pores whet. rozeieit.s.:7lll,e:; trend rheah eTlin fr rnh ' d ' eTa r :l t rahn% rende alt - and the data t h ei l aft,t4 r wns " Persons %I 11 have been to ;Ll.e'''',Tby the bp?, hET,,'4.,?ttep ep arano delicate lolooot, c nrhandi from chap pine, al aylng all irri An ‘2 .1 eel empho as. It e 'ei✓l Ire perramr, any' n e hrely devoid of and OM Only ottielOw,"" ' ," or neck.; e;:enotligt4ea • enLO ,P,74„ll,24,4,_l7git7elCaanNyZne4 *Zit modeler ~'',.„,- , ,":.l`'..eatiree thorn inn[ us, render tlic War. skin waken, the raughe.l .m0ni...1 and 00 ' 4 " moat ainwsed aWu l eo l thr.Poth. rtad Llonm mc Ir. Ifieerr Nymph Snap only article %loch , edlritintly prod. e a ide nl,o‘e il , ets 10 ro phor ha, null o le is ul •il po.erlui nrd em only be JULE: , HA 1., Iduracr Chopot, 1 2 11 ut r rt P 'n For role m iales. 4l, ..,oLlmeth be it A-Pam..loci A . and R 1,, 1 polo ;1, foot Jona ;Nen rowan/IJ, Ilorbp{. sucortt7A 1.71109" COOL) ion+. ric, hoot i.e. , . n 1., or f Ivor .1 ell. h , arie up or le no. o It w t 1 1 o h ~ . c a. rood Irr,e, I A p.nt '1 0, e Rood •e Prom _ A moot 11 aniN, P non, h horn'. . - - ESN 11:Eli6itr. Llrcht.: OPV.IICIEDINIZ ....iv: t , .• ro; ,ntll Itatnit.i.,, :4, t` ware 72 it 2.51/ l e rr•Annt , .., . One , , p0p . .1191 - 01. ifnuolon o or , Intt'..e.r Irt , Oh I'ott . . W.:Gr.:it >n7to ll t itttelt. l, lmtntl , " t`f ^ Itct.t.vr.l mod lot ;kit: kry J , ti/N .:44.}11.AN. ': t t . :! 1),..„.. 70 ,4, • Usr kErirlyrn, urgE, 1'3,11) Grp. El eery end 7', Wereh,,, 5 en., Prreh eenni do l'lck:rd do, _inn .5 do do no. in ;dm co. The nkove Frt,lt o).:}terr. pre ;wretched, ectd.per up e birrhly Ponr,:a rated teen, ..oclored errtu;prra.• ftaled earns and wpi keg, uler tr !our: tLan, clatt P 4.l.n.l)tecrlrdorper, Forteila,wbojc.i r n n.! retail. by ‘ , .:11, Mci.:LtißG I.l;arry rl Great Ans.lcce• Illeellarklo6.l Work. Do ' f rrl . - i r- 7.?'',` l : . N .` 7l. '" * ''''' 42 -- .04 IV&l'li , °.;,'ltt' c,;-,ri; .',1`4.‘.7..%11-,..Z.7`4?..1"- gine Work, au4 ree/Ittrlue; devigned for Preelleal Worktr..g ;qcn.. ant! those Intoodett kr the Engtr.ecr;oir PrOfessinn Fdortl hy Myer th no- Thta work J., (12 large Soo nre. awl or, l ll , toutain two I thousand pagat, and upward:4o(.o tbar,anil illtistrav ttans. It wiU present worktnr glrawinvlllrol de.etir:' opus of 100 4 oa: ilo; r rt Int resellifire In the 1 • ,:le ~ Stews. lutlepurt co the fa. of Arr.onear, / 0 . nenuity, it wli. cor.tam r , -,. plc, prartLe,l,tooto.o. 0 ,, Sleehanieg. Mact•0.,,,,,. /5 ., g010...1,.ffrk, poor roe o Int; With i.: thikl li .1,111,1 :core Mee 000 ~,,,,,,,j doltara wonlanj olio, Totan.rt. c:2,,ilati 0 •,,,e.. e , bnoka.l3l" iptiik§c” recelTei!N yr.% .lai ill , A, th u ..-- apl_• - • ' --" 7 , Apolro lintiding, P NEW 82UCL{ OS PIARc .I • _ Yam P • „ •• - C HICKERINGFS john 11. Mellor, 81 Wood Strool, .Pittenua, sol< 4gent to We.tern Penn-yle•in, teethe snle of CE!-EUR ,ATRD Grand and S q uare Pia: ou Vortex, TAU, inuusui LI. mere', elect paWie r S 1 5t be Sias non- iv iein reeeiee enpoie for sale, don, the Dineen, nrurrh. tee god tun , noel: of P,un J Fee,. •ever 0i1...! to late in the west—ainaiir the •anual,er (Snail • full supply ef • . , Suncrt..ty carved •Rniecrood Greek! Th. roe Fen.. with ell the teem imp:nem:ca. zn sneri nni! I style of erten°, Larveil tin.e.rood'even octlnv• Soomre P/120 Font., Einiahed /IA tkelnntout 11V ~,le 'Wsth a lute •tnrk of el the • latlett•ws lew Da Forte, vurylng t priers Ir wn rwm *IWO, rwrpar, Ly Cturls.. :rink 1., Lac pct. , 1 - rAt Pow P lutt sswzrerl , hot e pwass re gr. Mitt k,VVC Vv[f.ll, bw.A.Sw •s . che .te In•m tot . r al., ?nation 3,a1 Lw ws iww•rrt 0r...f, 5... y pra. o? cay WI. .A CA' A u. 'tt.ddr* - 1.4 7 1 , eti0 to tlrtre the puwie tbtkt kn. dwelbwi 'altar. of Ols F. 31 will am" Atteir,Pa rm.i Corn. srt..sior. a: the 41 1 ,trtE, vim., .131 v.. 1 ~.IFifi Ix end COT urler w-n..'d a vnrarn cOOO r•cl k.--10.4 , 1••• Ire,roa how., /(1!!!.: 1/..sVIU. April 9121,1&..V. P. Pl.' DAS! Vi 7qll inll4 Cs'd?hllB3ll/3 MERCUNT, _Tunrs or Tv, 1, 1 N T1'.... 11 , , ti:IL r. anJ ,rotin,,r liber Aly c 4 ANIk Vdll I:==M=M IZELIANCE POIRTMILE BOAT MINE. Ek , ,,eof ;Lc par 1 , 1 , R laor, lo tuvolves p y, .^.cv-tnloro r 1%,1•1:1,:, :be •ttm., JIMNA 91 D , vr. h fn., Thi!nrl• •‘. conlinca,, 61, or, fricm: i, If 6.--F yvt,l.: 3,as • . .a?:.1,1,1 rr . arc trnutite.l l'ena ividcata,. PJU , ,3IgL, Api6J 10. 't.0 rart7,ll „..,-.; u711th.F.5.u.6 1 / 1 1 1, 41.1 , 11 ,4 3 roOter.ol Il %Voodorteclr, odor lot ...;e.r•n . irrortdrit, tegO, 1.101,5 Wialtrit; 4411 4, r7hri• Arno:ono, 55 do Alum,. A0. , 41,eur10. 30) .1., Dye Wood), 4104 do 1:11 4 ,410).11 4:5 do L.mithhae,t; UM do I.4rioeri« R. 4 10 do Von. 114,14 5./ 145 In.'. Moo.: 101, 134' do Red Prec,7454M4 1U do Fret. Rroorn, 154 do Comet Amer., 25 do 1 ellow tkirrc, 1,1x4 10 do IrrimOrme, a* do Ratio, l.rwreo• 0 do 0 1oocs; toll do Rimoorb Root 3 do 11000 1 . 1n00rp44 , 5 14 enso Rel. Borot, 244 r.• 24 do Cato' Soo, 20 , do r•••' 15 do Pru.rotr, Blur; 51 do Se,d,ta In 44, 04,14pd , ,i4::At , do vuev 111,n, 40 do Chrome Wool: d,r, r 444,, I. do . do. ;,,.: sdo An, V.rmllmn„ Doi do d o 40moms eolnd l'apety 'lOl On • d o y tropl khoily Samar; Y. 41, „ o 25 boor, llntlle 114 1444 5.1 do tiotpti. y„ , eanr 744.0 Put7ll. 4,44; 405 en Isar 7 1200 to, Cope Aloe., 44 , d0 Jo Too 1:4110 do 14..4'0 oon 210, o r , 2Kro do pink 1100; 1 , 441 do Or 7 , IMO do lutl,e) tiober; 14 do t) 1200 do Cream. Tortory 54 do r Ird PrdooN 500 do TKOoric 00014;t - ,14 do more; 100 do Vs, 4 , 4414 tlensod!!e I.rolon OIL °The re are morel:o.g • to sears net ratVl To se see dresuopt o , ddlosophr ^ !VIE VIRTUE.. n: „„oraot and the, `Pr'' rattoujor a loathe tdi.o;et^', has Induced -vett 'rut op ' ln total, woo le -heir end Otteet'olls !le the 'repent of th e plinth.. Th. Pix llol .,E •Thl le to:seared from a Well In Vos _been') p 4oRl" of fear handtet feet la Pere oh" - Palle rated &rue' -.NW:Ib.: any ehernieul ehange, but /tot at 1 1 . w. ens Nature, Great Lahravor" Thdt It contains Pro , ^rites reaching a nenthet of disedse•,.is ha 'Ong... matter of a:leen:m.4y. .There are Welly thing. et v, me a mans of on te re,w i f be of ear', twaroliwur In Al lot: tefferine, end toeing' ne bloom of health end viva ID wady • 5 01- fete , . Lone before the propriewit'llinaeht or - Monne It .P ; .n iv:dealt ;ha d a reputation ter tne of do- I ea.^ 'foe c 0..., deny trd •re OPel epurt, p for 11, and, several rentergaide ear, i. Ido per frolowl, is a . 0 .10 indica:ion Cobra ,opeority and wide '..ptertal appitention In the tens re, dwerou We do rot wich to reek, a log pa rule of rerlth• rates as *e are eoemennts OW the coedirtne eau:Won work its way Into the favor of thou, who wager and wish to be heeled. Whilst - we do not el for a a internal opplienuen la oeurr disense, we • ambush. tingly ray, that to • number of Chrome lthreaws it,. dsmelled. Among lbeze may be enoutereted —all iseases of the manna usurea euchea CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, COLitiVhd VTION {ln its early stnae4 Atahronaand all dlsoasc.ol ate tar . passage', LIVER COMPLAINT, .DVSELTI/ A, La t ob oEr „. goa oogoo o r . -the Bladdef and Kalasts,, Punala the Dna or Side Nervouifillstatat Ilturnigd - EValify;tomernmir Pates:- Gout,lrycippelde, Tatter, RireWittrow, Deno, Scolds, Ureters, Oltilloresoke4rga-r, is cues of 4,„,y,h, y , miring froorrlce b sat cases at b *mat. 10 Nod a. n. • gc.erst_TOM C raid. ALT, ' VE. alteL Intparting rose energy to the. whole fro marmite, Ins alptronnota, °genius the pa sprish functions. which ' eassedisearce and 41. brotem es,ztathsa, o rgan. ls Leer-Arad and ,roneared.endrgy rasa! the or Las' The. proprietor; knows of several cores of that misted veep , . Other Anisaneot, get well muter theme. of 0131,PETHIA1,,LLIMi for a &hurl' The proof MA be Tee=to any person who destreft It. None _genuine Nellbotie,tha siallanua of rho propriet or, fie ldhte blot. proprietor, • .0, AI. /HEIL, CanatHluta, nearfaestenth et • ' ha by;R 14.-SELLFHOti7 %Toed stt • on. , I T . itdi — ti.W4 l 4ltil i kVibith Mit " rusatollwt• . .; irrigated e'en Ad dl" rIALIFORNIA ececigedi Clang EllttuldeLg-2 hatftleenVosing , lS 'OCRing, Ibbed raw. anted r Boptsr ; Light lot Witte, Teak., a nc l4ll" ;callabaohrid'So tletanentti gablet each; 1 dterllorlialrne Battey-Debt,/ 4:do011sd 5 4 ' 2, 0 4 e do do. The els rye geode inn woo ot ow Cali. soTo..ototoog WOW iwnowi.No swota - „ . . ; • , ..•411.1.4.F5i• • t•• • ' , • •• • '' S. `•• .i•jr • 0110 CI • :•••"' TR iNSPORTATEON L 1850 102 An . "ot . to yrager freights seltbrtte utor.traellt., J C BMW ,L :tAtff es rnaa, Ate ..; inourEaj, , : . , . . . .. .. . .. -. . . , . 1850 -- i gia f at i SAISLOV-AND BEAVER LiNi: . I "... , to CohanBa.o and clerodaord, . gArcrugult:tho weis emi popotoolottaraiastitiVolu . : &lota, :Carroll. Stark, - Tiatottiintamt, Loahocinia, .111.iiiai,..n. Laoidag, and Franklin. - -- - 1 .14... of the Sandy wul'Oetver'Cania opens Lp to our city through this Oral nasunitcanival weir n doe. columunicaison to the above all well in ladndelog counties or 'Wayne, Holmes. - Etna*, wad awere. • Pronithist settler. of Ohio, the trade with Pinahstrgl h. twun. to great ezient eat AT, in twasegnenee of .he hiah rates 01 transport...3n widols. are news* Onsel'lo-or Lutd So pee reel. . . Don. or thin/ow wilt delly,..A' son throngl. without tr....biome.. The c.a... company .hare hesteeici upon Elie Inc. interest In the unwed depied advantages of their on charter; end thus Secured to the middle portions or Ohio in ordering their good, ny lIIDWELL'S SANITY AND HEAVER LINA an equal inter.l in tins ads.... Agent. J. C. DIDTVELL. Vittsbarghi . • BIDWELL . A CO., Gisagow. . . -- . CONNIO MCI, A c 11olmee, Spears Mills, Olmor 11 & A GF.Ti IVillamnsport, 4 George Kersb/e, Okla% 0 1 Qv.. * Hoffman, do; Hann* Grah - ma it'Co.New Lisbelif Of Arms & Nieheias, Hanover, O. Illbbefs & Haim aerie* 04 Speaker & P.m,. de.; laaegb Pool .& Co, de.: Ilua & Bei, Oneida Mills, 0.; II V Bevels, do; CII /furzthal a. Co. ahtliemm,o4 AK Gl-±y, w.r... , s , O.; E ilr.old , . de , : he,,, Teller. Magnolia 04 F 1 J Barliilalr.* o. 51tiguolfa, 0 4Wm . .thiskneas, dm J hd - Fitelaad & n Seetlyaillle, 0: P P Differ, do,- Posh iiiiiigh It sieinlimieii. Welliver, 0.; Willard do ; .11 'pigeon, Alaacllim, 04 Camivia• & Co, do 1 John nebular's, Cann; Pullen, 04 Fenig & Torre!, Canal Dover, 0; h 11 1edlaire, .1105 ear, 04 L K War. nerw-. rqo,7e i,11,k.,.).i-i—; Vitea & EMI . * Crilarnbas, 0; L 0 Ana th, il; .ii h ;mei., k Osten. do. may, • *rm. \u\'A::lt CANAL I.,'OPh/V.Z PIT 7 10%11 R ! NN'?ORTA LINE tiemy I want& r Yrizials lni Ntre etill. , Canal Engin, Liberty , ( " O ,N N , 'll • Co., 219 .k..4(1 arket creel, '''''' VI 11'43,1 Arson, • Ca.. 7 b No t to meet, Baltimore; P. liire-e. New y ~v• I'. ' i• , l - & Hain, ii bonne etreer, lloson, - Ilies' B vet, Map villa, Kent... 437 • N". , C. • . - h. mt., • ets•er,Lincoinau; letuts. -ohs II ea en, li av e r: t. Co., St. Lim,. ' To Nkt.rso ,. ..• si .....' erriteresitee and Proem to Isla Prst I ~,,,' , 31 ^4, ... lialtraute,iY. rark, 4' Aug.,. ye, route e nom i n On e order. yes me n prepared to tursord vat,. ah, ee, eery /owns r,,,. We i ,,,,,, • . 1,, , k0k ,,,,, o, ny eliarge briveng policies for t:r.- 1;1,,.. up,. wilt, the hillbwirt; extensive stock or r.s., ie.,. re:2s4cm orgivsor moue eatiaraction to all butte. slims,' to Our care. Our boats are .0 e std. nesnmenelt. .1 hy squat., of experience, and t ear . lure inn s sr iklected on iota seitark keeping and Notre..., rn, ..1,,,,.. ~. , Nr“.. 1 . lloara. - . Carotaing Bus ..iy, Hot An Penoxylganta I. Laren, arylMnd, Mx ietivil St. Louis, Cowden ui 6 , kiid• ivied. Iloeverd Ridley Ruth .'lasi„ i ,1,,,,,,,, Mary D:barah Sims e ",... AN' uat teemed - Emerpme, Aaron N.P.S, Alljusda Juniata- Brown Bunton Alter Gen, Seen, On, Oarlir ib, Riley Point 'Shields Celia /lei:akin. Point Mill Boygl'Quade - NU' . eßra !hoes, BaltheeCtipperßiley ;,‘ 1 &sea Perry Ohio Bette Kearney .crtel 51'Colgan Bunter Moe' Irhe Fa e alSonde • Julia Ann 3 Layton Aunt, APDoerell Telegraph NoMtivia Loot o,strp0 ,strp 11,e1ty Nosh (teem, Wible •-•.4. s•io 'A li}4ll/ it in their advantage to Rine us a tab. d 0 . 13011N0R, ATKINS &CO., Ind 6 Canal Resin Liberty no, Pinabarga. Weotierea Trasaportattless Colapakieye tßata 185 °. Malit D. LEECIII & COSI LINE, BETWEEN PITTSBORUH, PRILADELPIIIRi BALTIMORE t. NEW YORK, By Pran3ylacan a Caaal dna Rail Road. T HE Pose and Caro 011011 Line bore been pat In compote osier, idol with dad/Junto h the ot erects Dear on, H,the Line, epaides us to easy a large qua Wu fa r e u uck ot r and yokels. The s uck - Line Is owned and contra ed he toe Proprietor, II AR o PLT 10— FIB A LrEeil, No 13 t l outh Tbird And at the TobeeteiVeetroolle,Thwh At' 1 0 ,3 EPDT.AcIrlf ' / ItOP: 4 No 111 No7lh Howerd t 4 Betoore,lll,l4 OrriCll, No 7 WeZt 11, New Vort D LED:CDS Co, Cana Begin . Peon at, rer33 Pmsberrh. 1850. k at , UNION LINE, • • onr Tnie IndNIVA AND 01110 CANALS. CLARE, PARKS A CO, Rochester. Ps., Prnprbi. JOHN A CAPOEIEIi. Aaent, °Mee ens Pritthfirld and Water Mx Pittsburgh.. tH LAM BE IILI N, ORA IVFORD k. CO, Aube, T lily Clevelnd, Ohis. la; ; ' a ' 7::::„ ! ;, ' er a " MI P PI P IT VS VRTirl OLF.VELA NO. in as); point on the Canal sad re. far:altars of tba L=en ansurpasud Is rarabtr , gdality and 'partly of Roars , experience oleaplallta; and alb -ionoy of AKcnra. One P o a ,l oavt I, sad Clevelaed ran. rormerslen WUII a Lug of fitenr. Mans be tsres "IV e5111 . H.1311 and akinvcrt. ,d • Unt of .• e r s rtrant P. sit, Propellers an.: Vessels, en Lai CONSTUNF.F- , : ,*lO.. 1.01(,.1:,-..e,. Pr. I r .:4 Outo; NI 4 T 0 ;or. Wm - vv. th A A. N Newton I 01-0 Ina!: liweenr‘. 0, 1:.,0::.11 tr. E o o , klut, 0; 11 A MU:o r, e ty.trtoplTalle., 0; Ener Co. Aran, 0; 'h,n, berito. enorrietd a Co. etev.tliud, 0; A Ca b•nd - 10117, 0, I , eknln ' , roll, Toitda. 0; I. W.:110n. k Co. Devatt. &ih; , 01',0n. A 1.4.. '.V Dwon. Ruin; .err. A t , 5 , ...011ea.5n, Ill; Hee, . - t.inat, Cl. r,., A CAVOI IE7 Am,. W mc , ... I 1,..11,Le14 R~ 11y.R. ` ^^ ~` iAff IC 34. n;,U ay clituTLN LINE, ' TY ' 0 CANAL, zt o C 1.2 iraJ : - 00, ' Proptiatort. thw aod well known Late a n=.4 rub . a go op awe and have comm en ced • which they twe • wall point. en the Ca n al and La%l.• hfra: A NI) ICIIILAN , n i„nor Cr the Ilea. ni the 4.111. ` . toe .ling, clew Mancnazhela c:,.m..~. ~0. ~ . InIIN A CArGIif:V.A(.4 Ay, and sta. PRUE/trek. K V , 4'' lea Castle Pa' A Co. Snatml, 4 ulaar PPtift, ,cove Co. trrenville; Ilsamown; l'uvrcr. Cons:cal:Mlle; Co. Erie; !Olt{ 1 A. IlufToo.N V. mesa =SSMI /Sso.jettlila TO AID PIOT( • • YITT.-41112RG11. Pill!. - BALTIMORE, yi:W YORK, IJOSTON, &e. - Tll , l, • nrocn %roux, / acrcointo., / Pit:Church. Tit! t: :+:.I Wing now open, the proprtetor. of this I , 61 ,•ltblr.bcd Line are OA ulnae et their old' rcectving d forwarding Merchandise and Prcon f.'s,. nitr ap e, nod with the peeepthes., ter.' c.I • liVelV, peculiar to their cyclem and mode nt Ira .spnr where intermediate Ilerefeeppeni e,lll the consequent delay. and pre.abillty Irff -,.:ndisc and Produce chipped eaator west, end IL II Idnfine forwarded free or charge for concrel. ennenqr, or ...rag, navier be interen dls r.Vale or ilOilfeffly to steamboat., bit of the owner. I. colt V y consulted When attlpping rectr4ooric. All to the roll...ring epees prompt. , I y attended to: THOMAS NORBRIDGF.., No 27 hlorket street Philadelphia. VA A FTE d &CONN oil, Corner Penn Fed Wayne streets, Pimbergh •6 EXT. JnblE met:W.l°o 2 Co, Go North P. D. Hui & Cu. 15 llostan, W. &J. Tspreott fr. Ct • 4CIV Y art; holes Wheelvnight, Clad. natl. Inreo Buck .'S TRANSPORTATION LINE, Wall Careen Pittsburgh an %M 1850.0 t LtA • IA 1.1011, Toe Cann being now "pen, we are ready to receive and forward promptly, produce and inerchithdizo cut and wen. Pre.pnis always at lowest rates, charged by region- Utile tines. Produce end incychnedlre wfil be received nod (or. nust and west mohair, any charge tor for. warding or advancing freight rominissicm or nonage. bilis of hiding forwarded, and all directions faith fully attended to. ru'oress or apply to. Wit. BINGIIAIL Canal uaon , cor. Liberty and Wayne eta, Flashgun& 11111011 AN fa DOCK, No 183, Market at, between Ith 3tb, PhiPa JAS. N OL No 182, North /frowardWlLS BL, , Ba An itimore JAN. IJINaIIAN, trate No it, West erect, New Var . & 11NrIEN A CO'. 0101••• • lIANKDRN k tHI comm. t o ),,)„, peroone • fretta t any part of Ysstand, Irrgand. Scotland Or r• Wales, upon the reastitheral intim, with their artist poneteattly and eget/ion lb Wa wants and 0041. fort of cramigranta Wo do not allow out pisaa nceni be robb e d by the swieraing germips that infestibe sc•• ports, as wa take charge of them the moment They re port theniseiree, and goo In their well being; and do without any detention by th• ging Wa say Aloe fearlessly, as wo defy one • rfonnell fro al to ehow that they were detained 48 b•nue by as In Ltnerpook, whilst theorem& of eatery • ere detained mea t s, until they could beam teems , s.d graft, at • oh g p rate, wit too frequently prayed th eir eagle, AVslutend to parterre our , aoraraeto sonorably, con what ft May nod poi soBoa . was the one but season, with ether officera—who ether perforrned totall, or When kindled their oonv.dence. 'ki p pe r. ° f t ; I L , Ztre . :1 4 uo herfgaetlapdataLt ear - - - Jaunt/. ROBINSON, ' ' gliwrean Isr.d Genial Age pbr nt, Fifth aims la* door below Wrwer :pipe% lbellond-Gini 3 e egg t N E 400 tibia t Whiskey) for sale b 4.41 igaidgenhi 1::11. MELLOR., 81 Mod arettaidu rift iey eau kora _Derr oy the Males holi Ilebk 1„,,1 mood ft, Bor. C Coat. Oh, Weir not re. loot thee: Blearktel Alpe.4lTennOite. When arthe lled* aloud that. .00t beneath' the- ItilhiA 'WerOwe bra maze. Annie Laarke—Bereea hair& The Roble le I S Ar ilt ike,2 l" 2.r;- , (into Preehlogroth., frialklilegeers lament. old Sexton—fLreeel. l ie death all thing. erelL— woodteirt.t- Widow M a ehtea — Riseell.' The cottage 1 of are mother—Hatettimone. Lear bashed eer-ga,, Min Wahres—eoniplete. The ?flight Bell. .The..; Bader or Waddler .Pelke.. , Jerky Lure's rhaterfean Lief Polka. &area d ioerkaa.polka. 15p Tap •Amerfeen Polka. La Belie Baltimore. Polka, Jenny Lint Polka. The, Origin. seorthe paw._ Balntatiee Poka. _klieg Polka. Jorephine Polka BereedePolla " Ite Ulnae! Polls: The Pro: pima Quedrilles—fdeTerbeek Jeartykdedaloadriller Ito Wreath sod /WAY .Wehree—h, Mama., Th. A ., 1 „ Dr,,,aar fentelnitlen e Curtly.' Moran:atm. Bearers frora Boma. .WreeltePs.Danalter. Velokelelr. Looisralo March and Quickstep. Wood-,Up