. - •R" Tr , . - ~ ~,, • - .. -- 1: Al ! :---- ' - 7 - 1 -- - ~, '-114?• a --- -• . 7 . - :.:- .., . ".. '.,•-, • ' - ~ '1? I ~.----- . - . ,--.1 4 '..>. ",.. . ',.; . • - , '.. , ' A - -.:- „...-. ____.:-.. .. .--..........-?.!-._ .. EiSTABLISIT — irIThifb o.T.Eit.t smut Dv t• t WHITE:a. Cd - D.. N. vrLrrrrr.onr) .I.Th'. TIOED lITISEST,D,T Dalt TO -11 IT. n 0171 CL. , , " .. • NWT rEt T ----. —• • • --- --••••••-lf:yr,pir sintwin TWWee , i7•-•-•-••--..-- ••••••••• 5• 91 1 , , W.4.11y on r•IvIon , ••-- •-•• .2,u0 .. M. n Clal.i, at I. minced rate.' : ! ': taws cs' or --- oko ' vettTi scriai AnciEFD ' ) UV T 1 E PITTSEIFItCIII . rung& One ytir le, I❑ I!) noes of Neap nrei!,.3rlrtei to I One. a t -:,at :e.,c;Gh naltlitinnalttmertibtt, , .i 0,5 Do. ottc. week 1.7.5 D. Iwo week • a.,00 ' fki. Or, wecks•---. 41 , 0 one month ttitri two Monttt----..---} IN . Oar, morthg.•• • Do. (opt months ---• o,oe . lin. 1.4 ninnrii• • • -p 2,00 rn. ...n•-• • • —2••• Booth to CAA! orle..,lpee , en nenn . 10,00 Ful rare etin erect,le nipivuture (per :ni no) es el innve. n' the p per ce• • ...... 00,00 Far en,b addition*: cove, irsertrdnver.une mnnth, ton fovuOtili tdditional i•uunrc inecrtnil under the Icitr.: 17 mine; half price. Advertiercients erretAing, n iniunre Una pot over Aileen Pne•, 00 lc aurora coo and n knit. Publigliery not neenunlanieli.r irgain4rcninements bernmi•the amount cliargcd r • I , lr pus'icauan. Announcing cant:it/nix Inr 011n.c, to be charged dm 11.1. • WS Othf, advertmerlint.S, Atlver on: worked on the ropy forlo epee.- bed ftn.hor it.ee rt.... 1%, will toe continued lilt fortoc, aod puymenl exurood accord_ Thr i ,n ii ge. of ye. riyad rerti.et, Trarlie ftoSned rigidly tolholt .11 other: adver -I.l.rtiol`lKll9l.•erolintoe u. thcir regular (Ann:less, an mined 101. In he paid cetra.. Ail udt'mi•n :or ehorttni.lo oleotievots,:fire lope:des. owl public ro nail rnrb I.ke, to be eharged bolt prioc,payable cm-ay Ir Moe:lore none, In he charged 5, . . . _ Death iniurevitiro.red 'althorn charge, auleip accom— panied by thrwral invonioni or obituary notlchrl sad whe arrinuparitrd to pout or.pa - Prrahir ads. efiJii• :a, uud .1: others vontlin oirtur nitatioov. or low:tong notices, to eannittrui tido to Four.. Rohr., Conectl.l, fir dry rut.behritier talroneu., where chasten ateaaJ. or notirei of ',rival, siK , nciattnnw—evcri, 11.47 fl.f. signed to cull norrymn to prton, et:lemur, cafai ten or stictuirof to yrorarne indtrnlual inicryin;e C O One, ly invert,o void' the undervtanding tlfat :ft Fame talc Ir paid for. If infrnded to he invorted to the lo cal tit , ra will he charged at the rate of Old leso than IP crp, no pot line bishop or Fist Nonce • to hoollareril triple prier, Toner, Lioeuvo IfefilSonv;l•leath • Legal and Medical ruirertirceicide to ha it fall once.. Real Estate Adonis' and .Anetionerru f ailvertier• menu. not to be elarod under yearly rue., bat: to be alJowed divroaot of thfry three and one third pet ecta. from the amount of MP f. Woulgr oa rei Wttatr IN DAM! ftelr.S. On , Ptputro, dart. invernons• i•— • • • .e, 1 Do. erteh additional inrertiOn.•• ADriEr2-11.1.-MI nest. One Square, (Id hoot.) one Joirrtioni--...71 P b.. - Tv each additio , al tnieriien• • —25 ;J. All ttanairnt advertisements to he roof in 110,1410 e. WRITE & CO. Gerotte. Li If dR1 . P.11., Po-t. • ROOT M. RIDDLE,`JonmtP j JAME• 3 P. RAPTI & Oft.. Curonke. , FOSTER S lIROTIICR, RifPatrit.• JOS. IiNOWTTSM, Plereory. JAMES W. lIIDITLh., Arerienn i lIIRAM KAINE, Evening Tlib44. P1T1711711011, Des. I, fem.!, CARDS, Sou% A. pAxi.K.lN.ori, ALVa2 MC I r 'R LI t" A b l7Oiar All ussu;:! Stade! to. • • 11.11.13.xAsoun 13. INAT6O.II, A .TTORNEY AT LAW—(l2:ire, Cotath steel above Woal. - ' --- • ' DAVID C. TOT`I'Lb:. t ', i ATTORNEY AT LAW, and Comatimirame for l'ennAylvania, St. lonar,lgo. . ~ I, •• • All communicaaorts promptly answered.! oaPIT-1 yI _____,_ JA7IIT.AI F. NEFORII., k I— TTORNEY AT LAW—Mice on PotiAb Ware., A between Sentibettl ur3 Grant,rittsburgh. • - EU Mc!=me 1-I.A 1701iNFS and Counsellorllor mkt Law. and Commit alone: for the State ,of Pennsylvania, St Lmoniki Pao" (late of l'ittsbc rem.) • - Refereneen—Plsbumght Hon. W. Forward, Hamp ton 8. Miller, Illeandtras &McGee, •Jolin K Parke, Kinsella K. Serople. i lVemord &King. anct±ty B I I: . )VV F. L L VORWAIL . DINO ZiIe:MORAN TS. GiaJvcr, Pa. (Smith's Terry Post Ofiint) Baying permanently heated at.this place, a new and substantial Wharf Coat, We am prepared to re. calve and forward promptly to all points on the ri,rer, and Sandy end Heaver or Olio Cs naLs. fl it Ca. Olakow, /one 13.—jell MY. aAdaLLr.: . eetwa•yal ar. H. WOODIVA.- • " - • ' • • • - AUALEV, VI7OIIDWAII.D it CO, Wkaicsale Gm. , cm; saissenisrit sr , Ode or ...casabas., Califon. ealgrafin, or rail roac copanies. e would respectfully In Rai steam boat ince and others to coil ona ace cur snicks and prices betties purshat.oc el nnslicre. Pita Karatlasi worms wad restattry TOON WELIGIIT&Co., ' nre. nrnr.rtrod to hard Cotton and rs'orlon 4lnchinnry of nanr , d ,- triPnon• Carding, Marrone', tSrintniny Prams,. trin.adnr ,, :l Urns...l4 Fran,., kraikray linu., Warperr.r., ,, alerr, rstatmins rnass. Lyons. Card 'ScW rot, g:a I Iron h.itilt tanind, ali o: Past Iron, 1N.... a , .1 !fanners of the blast Inctrt,r, slate and hand Lanes, j and to..,Ls of all kind.. Curt,r,ga of every an:at . ..nor fOrni.! , ad on short nonce. Pattorrn made to ',dr, for 1:0 , Gcr.-Lnz,lson Itar:ang, :itcan rlpo for haw. Ins Ea Ullorovr F:nst, and inn. r nos. general') ordsra lon thr or I. Palmer 4 Co., L.btrty .trot. wi r. Lore pt e 1 , ..• UM/ Etc', to Clnal.stork. RI- , S. Co, J liar-brad L. ',V not, Joon I rn - rn .Lhons. enr ornarar, ; C. &J. , Var-rr cu. a - • an at. . • PIANOS! sub.:A.4l,er Offers fin sal, a ',ran Lod mplandsd n.nr,nan.nr roar:gond nod mahogany grand ne• non Proco, v.lll. •nd arrtiont Colnontlf a nelrin ante. A-rtanirnseol. Ti,.' a soya are .str. rarued ic, or to any ......nnarturca la this cona rry, and or Le roil Josvcr ir,a- any torougOt I/011111,e i Last.F. ;:o wood st. rd door nbovc.h N. 8.— , d1 Senp wdl be %sten par (or • fe be above •••ortme , mytl P. LI Stearn Orleft Work• for Bale. 1 111 E oder. ,Tl-IANi 1 011(0 Ift_blth4, aL , oye Larrreaer,:lc. SWIM Ninchl 4,40, 0, Inanatitexin...; Trebled Bretz 10. ~ r y • 'I, .5 tAkce 11010 the t,a.u1.0 per day; 00 0 Mr, tale • t.l lane ne The Alicglievy ritrr, NV1.161 am 4 silo, rbre*,lnnell,do and clay on oh , 1k I 1.. *hovel., rpldr i-. A every mar rnenrev.perahnn• . ati hey, now, Pro,. Ineluatrr. M. patent neat ta smol , slochonr. ..• pavrorrt mvecirsy. Wolin. the lan,?, 6.4,15,0 ; , sr:lealara, aderus • 31Flutirr. Nn NI - . _ 1P: roughs and Cast Iron 8.11106. , MITE ,r, , ,,ertners m tartom th• pal , :te !ant 1. they have nt , tamed En, ail the 111. 41,11 farhional,:e degigno tor teen Itosimr, 11116 tar on4ool ano ceieettrtne. Per. , on. : , roevrr borne nefteren will please 01i I 11:1,i ~.1•111‘.:, and 'l - 'r n for . thernarive , li.afito; 0,11, br .117117 , ,ed at the Crnot,ee, med to best rvannFT. at th e corner 1. aig and Reberea streets, Allernr., ;ay. A. r.A.0N,1" RNOT • WILLIAiII 131(1111( DFAif , leave to ',form ht, friend. and coviontera Ili receiving ht. new swing etoele of GoOdC, goinorivli.g. a a 11111110, all the nervy, and nest raqtkiiti• cols icy iv• of (loth, mere, Inner Vectings, cot Inn ann. linen •Loiniver and none article ceilotila for ge111;0111-1•11). veCAr far .prise ~ad ,u,nnicr- It tieing tro7,eisn'ile m ilearribe the be. 11.1,1, quality, or quitiatit) of the at tbc proprlntor liogt vall who art I:l'vgant of good, etrap, faahionable, and well mode clothe, will glue Ism a call, qs there It no .took thie aide of the Allrlhetuee that can rornpure with IL The ready made department is Only extensive, a4ap. ten to all mitten. Roll toad contractor, country merchant., 1.411 vaneurche :arrely, arc paiiicutor:y Invited ro,ra. tan Mad. kelor, purcomni,, a. poriteuint at tnniaon pad to the wholetele bu.inev. tq title mtolr Is:antnt. ile Every article in 11, la iinrint li, made In or tit t c ” mpg neslntonub , e mod best manner, at tbe Monet, n.. 0. nut 2 . . . . MMEI =3ll 1 RE prattle rahlp heretofore exi.timr, under the firm of A h C BRAMAN'' , d' , Mlyeß by the deer , t`t of Mr. C Brndln y. The bovine•• wdl 'l4 exterted !af A litaAley, who wdl settle the brain,. of the Lam beets nuaICIVAI.-.A DRAMA, ho.' removed hiv FounLy Whrehotim Mon No 'Second huoct,toisvo Wood •Beet,between Flr't Seaond street., to Me WO f , • Inns, lately MClaple.if 51 G 'A Berry, wfiete.be. will keMyvonstathly on hen& n nein! amoral - moth( Ca:.• Mg, Mama ' V.tove %, Goo I: int Stoves, Ae. yylp Ain V F.L DI H-E I, VV, 111.ANIJF . A0 FUR F.;{ , :t Or cArrr STEEL, end Nn. l end No. Anions. Blow Steel. Alto—flea Cant Strel Files,.ct ell 1..; and Whet - smith end Shoe Mew., WnnSe . hand and for sale, either et hie••l'la gle Steel Wor O'Hare sireet,Eifth We rd, or et the oil,. lu the Ism Store of 130I.firotA NS h. GARRI SON, No 4loot of Wood street, Plitt hetet. , - - - We, the andentinin, having O.ed, with entire rot• tftrttaa, the Can Sten ael Filen med.. by heron lkg,,{ T y. at his FAKi, steel Werke, in On • city, tore picg,Oio roonrworndlog them ea revel In qualny to any cyrr need Ity u., of foreign manuilielofc. Darr h Vt, bill. t: S 1 II k cf), • blonufaton /err of Tree and Naltr,l V•rtl•tt tenet's. KNA & Iron Bounden and Slnettlowie, Bitteberou COLEfiIAN, 11)11LMAri & Pm Illnataentrers of Sponge, Aile, Spring Steel and Illwot,Ben bar 11, Va. F & WItI B •FA 14. Engine Builder. and Machine Cara (den: tutu. KTE,Billebureb, A 8L1L1.114 Bran reorder, l'ittsbarkh k ta. ytyI,AFT,trArILTSAV & C blnafttetotere of Iretnand Netla. l'ittabergh, I t .. JOSEI'II Tom I.INKI)N, LOCI/motive Brigitte anti lihip Iltaldereßilralenkb, Plc W. W AVALII.4CII, !Tattle natutfartnier, Macron gnat:at.. Bend worn at, l'in•lner¢h. Pa. D I penlarLinn of tiortnerlanp. hetdeen ter 7. l u E b. l :l:i t m n,c , r,l u u n p d _the .. , Lintr m e : : f rise h njy b. Cp., Linn Alunufaatuley. , 4 ay. &waved Inp tun coapeal.au the first Mir af July, lomat. MI ;mai/. . emoting thenaSel•eo indebted to ittla Gen tetizie“ ed In make payment tp either of the pefere,nph-ul aaluy, and all pr..... he erne Ilamattibdlitco.lPle VVlth saki erellll.l.l. IC present theta Air oralerts , I az mudonly. A LIAAN OPWCHASfSERII, JOIIN AGNMP, D. IL cilia:toots. Pnre tVtnee and Ifaandler _ • . • for raldltin•l : 0 p l' ::?o,7n,frzaoor,i,ayt noon.h.7,ldittlg i quart or wholeome. RI din Ten II:44171m atorer n 1 NORRIS HAWORTH.... elde Di. n orid, pr o tqtrgb, and Federal etrect,Allsgbeny, neat the MISR at 11,13 -WF,DNpDAT MORNING, AUGUST 28, 1850. 'TIC511.110.0f".! INSIIII.AI7CF. TIIE ; • tis:t..e.WAßß tritTYYNte BA.FETY'''INS I7- .').. I E.d.riCkl. COMPANY.-'Other) Nolt6 Racaaaf.aba. streel..rhiladetpaia , " ,, Foralrolcuricr. -,-Baildiamgdarchandise Andes:het ofam Intoned lOU Country, Sainted a Rshen Mtge bp' din, it Me loirest into of premiss. , iMaatimitcsestatert. , - , Tbegslasiluure ,gpfsand refight*. fariga ot,aoastariteotudet opener .Pgarqcsa.**, Issart&saT dual, Tasnsposzafron,r-preg alsq re march-. andhettalmattdd TWIN - 404101ra gond Can,Cansl poatnand Bream iloatVon tiqess 'and fatty...VlM% DA.084...-tjoseph ILS.11; Edmvaid snao, John 'e Delhi, twitch , ehn RPoarove.S l . t.t •1114.. t Edward., Geo (I Istipar, le.qe!tri'''.l" It Davi., Way Falwell, Jahn Or u :21,4 C Hand, :Theophilas,Pantategvll-7onds, Woos., 4 . :4114 5 .1 1? ? . .AA,*0% 1' t(P 1 : 01,6` . ,117/': ; `1, ..n.-4:46.1,0.-I.r.,ißm, Jr. , !„. vikecrcno ltirietiVEcal—P kid&-creclep h gm - • NAVIN, l'imlora. Rmassn P.NrwsoLt. PICO, -a tEr Olgee of the Company. No. 42 ware-entreat Pettobarga., . .( P. A. MADE1R1....21.0. _ ... fa -r} Flp 0lit? 1... i..... 1 1 1 "of it r% 144°1f: tg; To" ' ''''er, V tgelr4'" of . PrAntyhnurif iT...6,air•••cout.r P4'o= CaPital L ellid,ooo.7 , Ruts in . .rrtai MIT PYLINSIC. .... vitatta 6 . 0.1,NT, and fall p a s clavyr Maratha *anal rata. of Life leanfat e, the (allowing eaten, parjaan yeill boat Una,' or ftie age 0110 In pt 1 , 4 . 1 t , . I g , fo,r VW - el lily,, mu,, i , , , rt i xv , ....=- 6,4.44td.bc,t,iii 4 049 - 4 . A., E O Won, e2,40:1.1fe and Helth, 'I/0 , 1 , 10k ~,1 1,7 1 = ,, ..; -11ralcrois.t—Rtinntel D. 0 ti"olliiirt A O, hi. v , W . FOloone, ..itobeat P.. King. harletag . . 1t1.6, M. W. lialdivin, M Al. Reeve, DI. 11, Chiot. 0. Li. Campbey, kovris Coq'? t, I. Rod din* likrtrer, F.. 1 I. 12 . otlr, Eilvilp y a ,fp„,. s rpt , m 7- 57 ,11 it „ct .... ..ie.,,z 1, ,fm,,. „kW& ituo.i traT6`4” g07h .. 4% 2 Vire! ' fifp " rWu n‘ yn e. given hp . 45.,14,11.11a 0 CV.R.:: o.lc e.. rim ril la I IttunD, Vopirt Of oao27.diT . 1%.,f , ad Thld ate, l'atibusgh I FIRE AND MARIAM IN SIMLA. Cil. ' pill; ithiugrinpn co. id Nor* Anac craLerill at ,ttmaYßtYYteatetit , atnif i'lgite - A lhiltattne an war potty la this any and yienty , and en elfin enta hy ^t I. Rivera, L 4.141,11110 by, .1,/ii.. ? . he pro ether of thoa Company tae,teli invektiol, ant furnish an avail able fond int the ample indemnity of ail 1...(4. , .1 1, .. &sae to be protected by uladrance. =I q V. M. Y. JaPik,a, fa. W4llTnlibta, It OF, land /410,141.4 'newt-Amon, THE ' , EMI': V Insafnuca Company or Noah Ameriea. has been ye.:, , ,0ye4 ip No. 141 f , onl 41 an of Wpm,. The anbsenber..aKent NH the above 444.ne reagen. 4:ble Company, 111,41 lona Pone!. on Gni and npnr nontent4, anl on shwa:Was of Illeynti•nnlna by Steam Boats and name veseele. sea IF. Y. KRNF4I,.. laaderti aDu AntiquiViiiiittiie. " %lemma w. wpglowELL, 83, Thum Sr, Pim.... W.W. . RespertfullY au. " petite that he boo cam le , pleted tag spnnuatoe of FURXITIIIIP, the inturskandpostrartedlentortruent ever entered for side rn tole eltr, d 0114112 lever.] trout of rioeintrnon, hisatorteut, and " .earortl, orstrudental aad salted< or Porlo”, Drawing and Lied Ponces, all of which will' be gold al the lowest priers. itd,ons desiring Furniture of any description, are speedulig united to call undr [amine his stool, which embraces ererg drserption, from the cheapen and Ppiuttlelt to the coast eaguiri. and costly, of which the foltoetenrcomprtete a parr Tete a fete Sofasi Teteet Toro Diva.; Converosuon Choir.; Elizabolloan Coale* norepoon do Lome XIV do • ILaretiorbo do Outlet I•Ultque: Vida Not , . Toltec Tables; Loofa XIV eduriaroPre; Doke of York'. Ccindt: to horns with Plash and flair-cloth covets; SO INV., do ao to doe It: allogany Parlor Chairs; TO Iltotrsootol 'do do, 12 Wit Walnut -do do; 2r, " Cone heat do, 4 halo:igloo Rocking do, 1 go Piano trtools, 5e Marble' r.+ ll,lk. TAble, ,•to do Wadi grondtti tiv Mototaany 1t: , Waohattiati • P• Bilk Walnut do; lieberry do. A seq. largo assortment of Onstmon Chain and oth er rumour* too tedious to mention. tyt Strum Bouts farulshed on.kha shortest notice. ordeis promptly attended to. P. it —Cultinet liken can be imported with atlas,* of 51a.herrdo2, Wendt. and Vangers, a•I considerably red ororer.. fe1.16 MERSEY, FLEMING Si CO. lIA VW. FOR SALE, Fl2Oll THE MANUFACTURERS, AND AT EAST ERN MANUFACTURER& PILICkIt WtHe Irlannela, all Woulllß or teals; Red 'do do Blue Demi.; Voiles do do IFaugy Colonadeet ID art Dream do do oared 6•Faetor7PHem Black SatilM,M. Revel meted do Home Last. Skin-qtr. Ulue do Clerks and Stdpes, err, Lean do noaertoodE Clark Corveneres Tailors' Goods. 1 Faiel do Red Paddinr. ...Per d ' FncriSee•Ja • •" ' VernCadlne, Unekrais, rape; Mori, Woad ['Wit, Tallors'eateass,beavy do; Nes er Bremen - do • " Moen Llhd6.,'Sinesa's Snver Er•en do Drab Snot, black do, . 11 borer Twilled do am.l orOMMili Caper (Nock Doe Stung Black and 'Mine Tape; Rapes . Drab Cashmeres. Mack Tedm, Wit do; Sate, Beard do Linen Checks and Drink: . Soper !Hack do Maori's 6 cord Sr 'I Co non; o•!HoHna UNnketa. •' do lJnen Thread, a es r . et de ee.. ruel, Stun 00 - , 114 Ftrured Vs•Rop; I.lob I do Illute• t. alll3 do •- J Ernes Ragging. . Brown Ihßland Se'6llll•E likoseu 1at , .., lhaunt, Cravats, Se.. Er. At rte AlsoularMecle V% &mhos., No l•"." Wood. rittsbenglo , 1 rats 1 • ~. - • e - -,,- •—_ __-_. Diesollllicse. Milt: co-permit...tip heretofore existing between the sobveriberit. in the nonce of Ceilidilble, 800. tr. CO. I, lb,. day diisolved by rentual convent. Neva. Itnrtef Iliwnes will settle the business of tbe concern, witictXporpiose the)oraliorrged to use Meng= of Me concern. ire ChaNgiTABLE. ED NI i C eD littßiig, Titomo DMUS ES. Thii have tliisdhy a.euuiaud tie mseivelf hiiiitr ueliNIN. fge tio potpose t`' AtadulatuttiNerili, Proolt,Snici, Vita. titoiv, ho. . I,l^ ha{ 01 .he late him of Constable, itaike rt tio "%Awn. tho{ will he iilrhittid to receive the patron. ant 01 them...goers of thnt haute and their friends. EIi}IUND rilo3l did DARNEdit. . . In rentote (rota the Amp( Constable, Barite & Ho , with plenLare reeottlitend Mccita. Burke & Horner to rho eonfidenee Of My ftiectl• and the public. Teo. 9. may. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, rusts-o,f C. AILIIVTILNOT rAS joss rens cairn anm the !Eastern Cittes , , and •n L rer , slec e hate valets of reesonahle featsl,o Mi.... re.carunity_inviies Mr anent,on of welt h 0,0 plaints; Eat NVood fe3ll . _ _ . IItrAt.I•,PAPC33—W. P. Martsitohn owinintlf TY ceramic, from the Wage. mmidarnoriarnlo Nen. .rk end l'lnladalphia, and also from Planet ant• dries. the newest and Mat approved sty lee of PP . HaanKiss, totedtat With -Verde., Fare Board Prints,k aid t[ster Tops. For ante at 8.5 Wood at, ba. tweets Foutn, a and Inotaeon alley, (Materna to is. ifln.i . . I 1.., Pi a o ..d a are w pen . 3 1 371ciarlii . .V.i: : ,,r. ``-' s N`Vcrittil,ll!:fhl° ' able anspistzei Patetit soila — Anta. 4114 t'1",.1,"..,,1,tth,cf,r0,"70,7 1 .1`.'"7,7.tt b ur:nj, u d,4o on tto, way from New Orlearrsoind el vi en uVw or,rd here Oria weak t arid Mk shorrly arrive 113.41f11f , r , per .hips Juniata, Chesapeake, DoraaS. rut, ano altars, which will tie sold on arrrealork the lowest market price rot eirsti or approved bilk. & MiTetiELTREE. •gral Ni 'NI Ltharly o 6.IIIICAL STOVE POLISII Pturtits alanuisetnring.Company now oder tO thrroeldirs the.' Nelnielft Mell3leal Stone rcalia, and wtthour artaggerstlon, or rester CO Lacuae!, b y louse cellulite. tested it, pronounce it far superior to any wheels the um Set The. reasomrr need haven* npnrehenslons of wiling gaglig 7 ni, Lc.w Its coof. pcsltlon prevents a dust from arming when bein co g up. Ord, whith intuit he tiOne when the Stove is ld The quantity tcqul red a to little to produce u luau. uinl lustre. A saving of over 4fly per cent is insured to the ..onsomers. A coating •PPItO to Stove" , e i lF . l Ac., when laid away for the ournmer,la a rare psi vrnlative ny,a4l. rash "After hiving tried It once( it is itces,blej no period will tcse any but the lAnnelsetuting.corupsnY's 'Wild= Chianti, cal Stove Polish. Foe vale by Ist men WoorLeyeels. YITTOUTPtiLi JIOUDJSIBIO STORY, Cnrnet at Penn •nd Si. their .veers. W M A hi.;-‘A"En. " . 3 ," :ltVin i. %o r t 'i ltnerg U l 'time r nth.rF 'ittnurintiCpurpones c on got Int moon TO 1104,T 'I2IOII6DERS. t o,noti feelatonseted Peek 'Pleat; 11000/OU fret Coal Coal Skiff's. For sCe by ROBERT aIeRIVICIT, AtfOrory et loco. Fauna to OOL 1 WOOL I will be beid far i 1,15 vktV 11ARB1UGli 91111 r. owner. and cnellgnees of goods affirtnelry 1 the aCitiecne.,. l'orlabie peal Dna?! Arrill,pkalf tue potterer thal . Way Nrlll be mplifid tb'pay "freight ni oar ~mkorhokre, .eording Vie receipt, before Ilitikupdr RTC relesorol- 0- A blld &NULTY &CO , • rtfitil OLD F. 31101110 31RASDY. • • Swale far .iiindirmid Prirpoies. 444 . ~„1 41, ,,u m e., the slow/ ennlage frequenUy 1 scored. The oubsarleers brie rtine ell liana for alp at une.Pollar per kettle; which they knew tri.lta feriliitte; it re a. 1004/4akrlkrarehtt,` l l l Fr, Ka., 44d 4 4s para.:umbels they banxlif • , tdOttICIS aHßwdß7 'lyi ': „Taia W/O0 Meratimone, eau ride of the Dlaniopd. Priab Arrlvall,of.Cluilas Tea. •. ,tOttILIS Jr. - HAWORTH, ht the INsoadiitt time ju.o methyl! froarslea.inspotten. nooittir VO poly of excellent Innen andli teen renwernieb chot: stre note retelling fram.the , mliyinal ebeata eifate and A ., r l b. rb o , day aorin the Ueda - tn Wet the q. .a 7 atlha Pnae.' W.r..PB.fig!Y 'obeli the pub. lent, I.hOMV purchalled