118TERN - lINtIITISEM as °soul:Ask tide. T i g l iA V EVlToB=gfj. "Z;g: V 31 to Itteams per moue root. Ottrealld tn • eta 207, 27 or. for root,. smile bothihogs.d depot. Ship libeathlny, do 'lathe* Arm ".a l to mimes: blalloi=es, Wire, Sops !La . ., Perforated They warrant their rostra Pate, and fr. from any . 'sdmlttats of Iron. m nay other sabatance, and re• eotttmeoa )t for toe wirrufactore of most articles in romahtng boot a• It does not rest, Is um aSaetad 6y the w o,o .d .otrater, and may to polished, Plana, ..Mentions, and other latarsoadtatessayho had of th eir agentr.— JtVith.u.t. HOLUM & Ca, Boston' • T. 711 /TElfelifti o tt:o r r ' t,„ 9.Aefi*L gun, DA2 & thatriEr., New' Chien.: F. 11ILLinoilx, Resident Agent. yea% Mai 1. Hanover st., Near Volk. Moylthdata MELON WINDINGS AND LMATEllinft. Agdwardi A. Godfrey, VI &nal Calvert it., Warr Baltimore .t., Baltimore, (LIM E. Godfrey. &Soria N.Y..) RTER of Shoe Findings, and Dealer in Leather, Prarioas Ueda: English and French Kid skins, , - repet Calf Skin., Potent Leather, Morocco, red, Whin:4lnel pink roaas,linings, Sc. Luting., Francais, SILK GALLOONS AND RIBIiONS, Janet , WrOhs, Shoo Salves, Awl Blades, Shoe THREAD, Blued 2 . .ek!, Shoe Neils and Shoe PEGS, of all xes. S. A. G. having established the above business to Baltimore; lin enabled to Mtn goods South or Wert with in. utmost despatch, and ;a the lowest prices. Maaafaetarifi, dealers, and all others, may rely open obtaining every article in the trade, of the best quality. and =acrid tame. ErAlanafacturert., Root Trees, Shoe Trees, Clamps, Crimps, tool Strerchers,fr.c. All orden ill talo 4 gae .'“ eL L' tainl i ni w P :l ttoe o lN ' t h. of every ale In the trade Will be f orwar ded to those vibe Mar desire It. EDWARD A. GODFREY, la S. Calvert .t. to • .• • 11.? Dahlman' st,Baltleerorm___ BAR NUM 'S HOTEL, NEW YORK. Srmadwayr earner or Malden Lane. 111,. extensive I.IOTEL baa been kated by t In he aabseriber and Ma been centrism''' . rd'"' l most elega n t manner. Large adiittant are snow being made, which. when crtnpletcd, will mate snag matures Hotel In New York Ills Ma determi nation or the proprietor, to t oo. it wowl, In every rt. Weill° theother koala latne Ultr a bates.. exerts is the mostdesimble and centrl in the cu lt. be. lag In the fashionable part of Ftrodveny, ortrterte,,, to all the poi:die bulgier, !MC.* of end tertiness. Oraterel Gat the incest patronage received fr. h i. while at Cumberland, hid and men remit,. at Ma Weddell 'lenge, Cleveland, irtselielis a renewal of their patron 42k4c'ettri'n'ighta trw-'estahllshment, at New York, and begs to assets them eat every effort on hi. pan anal . be given to administer to their comfort and pleasure. A. 8. BARNUM. • New York, TORTUIII 6 FOR £lO or SD. prrArVo nr e B PCATetNl°lpaPoOnlTß4TanfLiPhe yawn beg to acquaint their omens. oatromthat Om Dituribation of Portraits at Race Harms, will awatpilso those enterCd for the forthcoming Gnd Nintrthil Derby Rase; the number of therm t obe paned to 6,000 each class. First class stealer Litt Wood clam ditto £3. Early application fur the on stmespristed shame L. neenstary. A party subm.in far More than one share hoe the chance of gamma an mud nmaber bones.. Those members who draw Um venoms Portratu will be presented with um fol. ..sag gams:— Porrmit of let Mars tonnes VA ditto Winner, or First Horse. • •• £:0,000 .00,000 " Besot ktorse• • 113,000 11,000 Third Horse PAM 4,000 Divhled among. , Starters. -• 4,000 DOM • • Tiomlttarten 0,000 3,M0 There are 209 bonus. In earl elms, that tieing the Maher of bones entered (or the nee. The Drawing ..ill be aondacted upon the game Ice:Ornate omen let sa those which charmanrisco the late St. Ledger and other proecedino. Fall particular. 'of the result win be sent to absent members immedtarelfter the de- Shinn. that each may know his position. ya Sabsenlocrs registered and scrip Moro ceded es re *alga eh remineare. Bator Fachange,Drafts, Rank POWs, aka, addressed and made payable to the btanettreg Directom W. J AOIE3 & Cll. Elye per cent. commission to be reduced on the mrtd-lm_ 1 11 • 0 1 REED HOUSE, It IMO SEMI £ T.raprlslcea, Pied= ,Square, Erie, Pa OEIERAL STAGE OFFICE—Eu.II, Wueem, eael Southern Stages, Imre Oleclae , a day . . Cat• I VVr! Eg.lat S etf the " A 4 l9 . l. 4reol ', Hue', :r7e u. , O.W. SAABS& w . of the kuuman Sue:, obLu. _AptAtect Sly James Katerara Plata Maga ••isi. REPAHED wider the linhacclia a ease of the tn waning, and establi.hedihr upwards of Marl' year. This eleguit pteparatioo is recommended in all cam of bile, soiditirs, bidigestmo, gout. WA gravel WI tie most safe, earl, and edecival (own in ish,eis Jiammsla may, and Loden! the 1( ore in orkr, might to be extubited. pasi,egrang .1 the ProP , riii , She fowl ow i-gawal use, without heivg liable of Il* 1410 dangerous conerotion. ui the we l t. It effectually earn hrawborn without intanug the nears of thetomach, soda, pram, and their car bonates too known to do: it prevents the food of in tants taming acorn in all case. it acts as a pleasing aperient. and is peculiarly adapted to females. Bit HOMptitny Davy 14.1ilictl the tttls solution forms blab) lt comlibintlotw with uric acid taut /n ewes of Oat and gravel., therby rail inerazting their u)ortm” .ndeneg, when o th er ath.abes, and even Magnesia Itself, bad failni. From Ste Philip Crampton, Dart., Surgeon General to ohs Array W Ireland.— “Dear Str—There one be an doubt that blagiresia May be administered More safely in the form al a con. escurated mlallon” then la nibs.... for this, and anal other - mamas, I am of opinion that the Fluid Atjtra. ''' " far James Cla ery rke, S aln ir ab PlrA. Cooper, o Dlu and Kam Guthrie and Herbert Mayo, offend, wrong ly recommend Id away., Fluid 111egecais, brine in. more sale mid convenient that the sold, and free flan the danger Madan the constant ase of ImporteVe and proprietor's agents, A FAIINFZTOCK & CU Lot Con. of tVoi.l A Ft.ret sts. NOTES LOST. ZiO77CE is hereby given. that en or about Cue 25th Of April, the •tbar.tiberi , had muted to them.. ellsbarg, V., the lohow ma cot,. vtm—a not dwelt ht 0.• S. Martin, payable to oar otter, date° April 11 th,at. months, for Ern Ch a note drown Jobs O. organ, same dole and time, for Sill t 7, and a note drawn by John Wart& Co., in favor ol John P. MartelL laud :rewudorsed by us, date.' April 9.h, at toy nontba, for 11174 Tire above 'notes were never eetalaod by as, and thLs is to cannon all persons rhrtXt ralarutenfoesteoprperl3TVlrlr s,'lol°' •=fre IFILISSEI SPRING a SIIIIIMILIC GOODS. A VERY large and choice stoat of Fresh Spring AI& and. Scanner Goals hes last been opened an &lavender & Day's, No SS Market street, north west *Omar of the Diamond. fa calling tho attention of oar customers and the stabile to OD Each, it affords us gram ',tessera to ,58 able to say it et:thrums OiLEA7BARGALNS in *l amas:vary description of goods, aa a large portion of AIM purchased at the recent extensive Inchon aales to the eastern china Our assortment, at of ranee and staple goods, Ls very superior, arid affords to ell each bayers, either by wholeeale or retail, a hue op. ponanity of saltine both rage and Caere. LADLES' DRESS GOODS Maw E7l. Poniard silks, very cheap; rich plain and limed changeable elks, el almost every style and quality; super plain and ggored black silks . ' do. ba• rages and dunes; tango de lan., new an hand rail. myle; haw style French, English, and Seotela rah= great radars, and at very lb pricer; pialo n od• and satin sunned de lain of all kiads and Qualities; linen 'antra& at all shales awl colors, ging. UM; Wedge& printl t t wLs. 5.300 chameleon sac wawa ; plain and gamed 'Ma do; plain and embroidered Ttit at do; line ealds- NM, do; wpm plain u n docr wbite and ealosed craps dir bame. WHITE GOODS. • toe ssrrtMor Iftitrs, i oats, is adl: _al ll• SIP pearl Woad, Florence brald_and = 1141111•1 Stra PABABOLB. •km week of would plane and banged ale end Sada TereM=l6idonallMn.es. • 1•11 re wormed clasper Frnb.EFlinl , ead Belgian and dustmen. of oil qualities ore prLe., whlisa we would teem the ettennon of the gantleme. DomEsncs. Oar neck Of brawn and bicaoled mantles, tfokints, Narks, chambray., dtllliags, he, I. very large, and at tie Vey lowest prima. ALM, a large lot of table &nen and table &orb., Ilmoens aad bleached; Remain and Search diapers, crash linen. cantos., rotten anal wool a goods for roar and bal7e wear, Irma red. white, and yellow Ann. aaL, .deraealle &shams, ard lama bulls and earn of ail' kinds, !marry and bonnet ribbon., aru• Us; glowers, to to all welch we 'mild reqwedfully .14Vita thealter.lioa of wholesale mad recall eash . Wen. ALESANDER k DAY, learAl 40 Market W armor the Diamond. . T it a n N a. Alail nawe prepared to Cornish AppteTrnee, hen the well known Nursery of Jacob N. Drown. The trees will be delorered at the wear( at Prosoargh for Sliver hundred. Penton, wlehing good thrittp tree, abwald leave tacit orders .ones at the Drug, beed, and Perfaetery Warahoneo,zonwr of Wood and Saultce. ••apil • N WICKEII.II,II4 ZURRIOVAire WAYNE CRON WORKS WAREHOUSE. 'IMMURE , BROWN le C.O. ho.ve removed to No C.. 13 - Vp Water et, trd doer below the elonotteatteto Howse aIgHOVAL. —lDAtaisit; HANNA a co. ~mo,ca their I.,.l.2ohzeire One* LO north well comer of Wood sad Third woe's. %Pon Ma= CHml:ora gdyWCA r R CTTFwe6elfrW o d od . dM em mina Halt fonnarly occupied by Rudy, .tonc. a Co. . - . ap..141m 1 . 7 .: ir—A.lo-8 bus Bonbrtgbes ex Ilumb; II bin Strobe do; 90 tits 514 Re rig &Tem do; jurt reeel•r9d_ and far sale. by MILLER lc RICK': MOM 4 Plantation:ll Sugar and MO , 05 üb , 4 .... fur,s, A prime Plantation Paws; ISO oak ~, btls Flaws-Roo tdolassm : 79 eiprep tab 4 0 do, ta store for sale by RICKET .- • • blitaxii t Y:4IN i, PH it 174 1,41.eet• rt EPRE—TJV baba lotssie o a, II °RANT . 41 Water st irbe 7 ‘ 7--------- rt. y, - "n r" - Y 0 11 GRANT - . lif 1121 " " (RANT tea Doffield's 9 - Camd /„ ADIt . Ifies thrown t Hankins o • • • 90 tonEvins & 9.61 r. do, 20 tes D. blurs do; '6 les canvassed "But roandß; i - 010 plain do Pets& by: SELLERS t....271C0LS -ncrniTISBAITiG-45 brie in alire and rieig_LES -. VA 8001 Angela by bit brego l 60 Ims No 1 Rosin Soap, jig "MiT" "d lar VIER & lIICHMSON jell , em -u -li e• ....,alterd wad for ale D 7" IYID~R 01rEVOIRSCOANIMPIV i . -Jew 100 Air • Wribr - be Orb Pitch, on onstroulenrimi. nal - errAatas a encous • • rso , a - aiTaiT. - SOP Nse ffISOLLANEOUS. - - - - J. 11. DIELLOO., 0, B 1 Wood Greet, boo just theeivr.d a ricer u eorunent of PIANO MUSIC, among which ale e following:— do you Love me, by S. C. Foster: 01), may the Red Rose Live AP:my, do. Dell N as y w a Led.), do. Uncle ed, do. (twine to Run all Night, do. Dolly Day, do. Soldier's Wedding, by Glover. The Robin, do. 'Oh, Tocchthe Cord yet °not again. Itweet hlimaolth of Thee. "liver Moon. Lament of the Diehl:migrant A New Medley .9ong. Thou bast Wisuudod the Spiro that Loved Thee. The Conscript's Detairture, by Glover. Dv Kind vo the Loved Goes et Homo. Tin Boma where e'er tho Dean is. Tao Tanker Maid. Low Rashid Car, by Lover. Do you ever think of me. Plumber Gentle Lady. Jsannie [Heys CoUo,ioo, Wedding, and D.J., Welives 'Umbel°, klaiden, Bella %Teta, Concert, l a dl e .. Sous.] r,Ca Ily , , Lily, Alice, Evrgreen, Sara oka. &emu. aod Lissy Polkas. marl: TEAS' TICAP 7 I TEAS IVI of C4eeu Cap dal, It.lo Snot ht for C•rb• &e. in feet, we will not 0110 roan.r or form, we simply invite the mibl po ie or co in mpare our Tens sink WOW they purehue We best method we know to maces en.b.est.,,stinind elleapest Teas In Pints fiood and strong Tea at 4Oratd Weems per M. prkfee ••• - -7.-• • 75 do d o ;th beat CM =parte t . States, 51 LOIN p i . 4 , damaged, or inferior Teas we do not keep. MORRIS & lIAWORTLI Proprietor, of the Tea Market, le3 Nan elide of Diamond. UeOaa Amerloa. Bleebanleall D. Anpleton & Co , New York, have to comae of pub. lication, in pails, price twenty five eenta each, A DICTIONARY %lr Marlinty, Afrehetners, Engm...W.o*C.ur B rnorreng; destiened f Preldund 11'1,1.g Mtn, and Mom intended f the Engl. ntertng Prgfessrn. GLIM BT.. 11118 WORK Is of large eye. moo. and will contain T Two ritoesneo room, and upwards of siz 01100- 50.00 aibrarannons. It will present vreerkifig-draw ngs and descriptions of the Most important machines to the United ...Awe. Independent of the results of American ingenuity, It will contain complete pima eat trend es on Mechanic., Machinery, Engine-work, end Kngineeitng; with all that Is useful in more thm one thousand collars worth of folio volumes, maga zines, and other boots. The great object of this publicauen is, to place be fore prmtical men and students such an amount of theitttetletti and scientific knoWledge, In a condensed form, as shell enable them to work to the best advan tage, and to avoid those mistakes which they might otherwise commit. The amount of useful Information thus brought together is almost beyond precedent In tuck works. Indeed, there is hardly any subject within as range which to out treated with mch clear ness and precision, that even a man of the most ordi. nary capacity cannot fall of understanding it, and anis learring from a notch attach It it important for am to know. The publishers me, In short, determined, regardless armlet, to make the work es complemsapossible; and it Lit loped °Very one sirous to btain the work will procure it as Issued in de numbers. o and thus encourage the entermise. The work will be lased insernemonthly number., masumeneing to January, !OKI, cad will progress with fie., mgolanty. The whole work will be published in 00 number., at, cents per numbar,and completed within the eve reAt year, leat. A liberal discount will be made to v. Any DEC omitting the oubllsherti RIO to advane receive the work though the post eartco free , .kgpiensi. Oplntam• of the Prase. :To our nalittfOllf Inunarnetarers, Ideeharties, En. (illee IWO A.. .a, It will be a muse of weafilt.'l— Provide rN, ace. lR I.) Journal. "limos men. arm Toone.. with Its [moans:fgt.— :We cast with eonfidence recommend our leaden to omen Melanie. of i:s namficn as fiat as they ars pear.''—lnterte. 'WO anbeattaungly oommend the work to those em gaged in or tatereatel mechanical Cr actenolle prof gaged ao counently worthy of then erammouco and itudy.”—Troy,(N. Etude.. Il to truly • great won, ond the pub:tetten de 'erre the thent• of iucenton. totems., and mane arena,indeed and ad of the "Croeral.y.' —id. Y. IMleverntent. , . . Diettoraty twill benlghly oleo: to ptamleal erGan and vaionb , e to all who tomb to aequalot cwaselvesies, with ;be prognott of tovenvott In the me bable asta."=Mear lirbiord Daily Meteor), blotog meebanses ought to keeetted up in the •teit,tl mg well es ;abet eel kno p w p ledge, ohd tislt ,ort will altom-th-to 'tot bow to., gland ' . —Ftokbuty Mast.' .40.veratre . . ,ate it in be inst 15e that srotr, and ban g ample I:avedregreal 1.0 pan ample are gi• a:A solull sg,ol at , igs .ergfi..mt.ou, ghat si 5<.4.• go go mixt aogy .•. - . , Ft rhz:, .•a couvartvin, at Ft •• re r.r.l - . of.< , grav0,..114 mitrueuo..^--N. I' CiIentIICILIRI AdTera,t. MA=KI tell •dvaotarc,"—Szlauyitill, 'Penn..) Jo! nal ' A work of erteruulve practical man) and great im portance and value to the "pull, iltitC69ltlC tomtests of the country. We regard the war as emouenuly calculated to protests. the eau, of science stud the echunicul uttuand to iluseminute•alualul , . mforma „ . . on th.el , gphjirt..”— Farm. •nd Mecham, Prneabal men to all LI, vx.r,d vralt• of tucebe cal and otanclarturlrg irdunryi ei,ginecting. Cad in this wort a treasure %vetch it will be to their Prott to po...eaa. - -Tioy Daily Wink. j‘tlre have caretu.iy utirotea thr numbers, and bare nbilleS.l...ll 111 sat ing that it is Inc best moth for me clauncsteomen at.il scientific men, ever publish ed, fur m e chani c alMale information. every branch atilt, mchaniasets and scienes, expresaed ld mote and language intelligible lo r an} reader of oral da.ry remseity."—tiloneester,(blas Nears. 1 "We are sore we arc doing th me or Nor mb,;,—,d 7irorw l" iet y , I C, lTt4;rist ri st ' e.o a work as every mechanic should possess."—Freetrisn's Journal. 'No consider hone of the most usefol and Important publican°. of theage. No mechanic can u.Tord to be iN. 1 , Come •ra.a, Conn - r. • te tol the "Does "'we cur . the,r oat the en , lotion an .1 ti-lre -me., tithe meetial.i. tal ans and science, no we have once, lb AD , of procure.. twit "—t i .1. nom' Adv. • It is be, sno euntecti work ever tiered to weal:. and peneuca. , iguirer eau sueebanic, pier s at • boalllNlty ran:ince"— , athinc ion Glo' t ell. great Lnenonsry to one of the mO.l use -• " ' rk• it pablishei! fo; s . car, had the Low price a: which it is said makes it acceptable to alL”—South Carolled.. sWa regard demon< of the most eomprehearive and rahrable, as well 01 cheapest worts ever published.'" —ilalinnore Advertiser. I-Ought to be taken by every one desiring to keep pace with the progress of art and ocience to every one of the labors of civilized lift - -Rondo. Courier. "t is dealer:eel after the psnetrue of UPC'. DMA ry, only that a Is more devoted to the mechauical and n, to professions, and above ail. r... valuable accompli.bitr for Amenea wha, Ure ries done fur Eanmad, via : ceserllong American machinery and terns of nt Amenean. n lilts published In numbers, ten at a price so mode rr, looking at what is contained in eveh number. that o one who has the least interest in reek matters, need be deterred from coconut It; sod every one who doer so, will hod that he ha, in a condenwd Ivan an amount of Incitation which would be °Loaned, if at all, only by the purchase of very many volumes."—N. V. tether and Enquirer. "The cernprebeneiveeets with width the subjects are treated, the admirable manner in which they are contpire to make toil one of the meet deri m;Vie worts "—Democratic Review. "Ibis wort should belts the hurdeorevery reeeltenie, nn, and ruannfitcturer, especially those who have the lend typiriatans In creel in their respecuve buss nos , es We hive carefully exerinited it, with • view of rrennimenthug it to tarer.ters. To them we would ray in the strong !anti:ate of tha Bible: "It to good."— fialtiMere Inv...its' Journal. Mao to the Prcynnors Nrampapera deroxighoug .the timed Slams and thauvia • If the foregoing ad at uttered five times donna the year, and tic paper conmlng It sent to us, • copy of thal•011 Will to: scut grab. w payment. IfIidLIs.IISTICLOS Cantata:mg ato llierrugs, Tzar all, /Wawa/. ifS. fallowing testimonial was given by the cele T bated pr. Wooster Reach, the author of the grea medical work entitled "The American Pracure o Medssine dud Feint Physician." hllaving been made acquainted with the ineredien which compose MeAllistees All-Dealing Ointment and having prescribed w - d tested it in several cora it my private pracure, I have .e heanntion in saying o certifying Drat it is a Vegetable Remedy, COlllllllll/1 no mineral substance whatever, Asa tar ingredienti centimes: to they are, end used a, directed by ar Dropnetor, ore not only harmless, but of great 'mine being a truly wientlGe Remedy of great power: and cheerfully recommend it as a compound which ha done mach good, and which is adapted to the Code a gar. vartety of cases. Though 1 have never cans reconanc.ded or engaged in lOC salt of secret mesh einea, regard for the Dole honest, conscientious., be mans character of the Proprietor of this• Ointmen and the value of Ins discovery, otatge me to say the 'orb regarding U. New York, April 221,1840. W. BEACH, D. D." for Enrols PlLlM—Tbounitids Cie peaty , coxed by this Otnt. MOM. It never fells in giving re let. For Tamers, Ulcers, and.all kinds of Sores, it has no nca 0,0, NI SISTCIIELTRE:,F. .1... CS 'Soda Afn, aid In cater as Blotching Powder, a record pnr ship Oicnlnidge, and now cooing on by canal, kale I. f . IV & N. o.—They wall moose, durit,, the wlhter. large ItaT tat,. an eternal ism. Ito set. rtaao 10 from the cel , bratr , l manufectoty of Nunn Clack, N. V., of superior tune, and very wont. on, arms For sale by lI.LEVER, dela at W. Woodarlls. W I Iftri p()Wum. sotonionncoo down...live no ttioie u e r l2 . l e tt ' l7lne a no " O i sl i n i n the tome, cleansing the mouth, la. sling aad tate aguish. an , th e .nd rat nrying Vat breath. roe rule, art clam!e and retail, by dean PSILLItitS. 7 Wood al • QUETELOtiII-10bris.uttable nizong al fnr gm , e by Der) ItEGILLS k E9bl. by . )yl . JAMES DALZLI.L ;F".l*.aE DAL7Et,t Orr i t y lp UMIEE.SIS-03 ht.) nibne, tee%) yer . Mt vale by heal] JA111t...4 11ALZE.L.I. Ulfir: BRICK—MOW 1 9 ..t 7 A "mti nm , xvl.l •••••••mmemm BAZN nifOULD . ,-• 60 brls - extrn dq reed on trawl/nu nd fur by ned.6l 86. W lIARISALIriI siMaal ou lasassorted Ries jnit received and for sale by • & /lARBALIGII .: GAN—W I .01 - V 7o 7l2lllMar, •.primo nruclgie jas.""d-f" eels bY suw. k sad ih r.V. lIARDAIMIL 24.71,1=;- - 7 MEM MIFCELLANEOUS • A °Tic • .; I THE Partnership heretotore.e.liallog .between the se bse ribers., nn der toe finned' Illtirbody, h. Co., sta. this day dtssolved by wsla The boaleesa of the firm will be settled by J. W. Her bage, or Wm, ‘Vilaos, Jr. ' either of whom Is author. iled to ore the name ortheSrus io liosiidation. I. W. BORBRIDGE, CO.P.IIITISIIat P. B.rtlrfd.Sh Beni. F. Inahratts have this sainted themselves under the brut of tbsr- Inghtem, to unnenet a Wholesale Grocery val Coutunssion Business, in the abase 'lately by BurL , ndge, Wilson & C0.,10 Water at.. gh, idly 1, 1.E.M.-13 , 4 CO-PARTNEUSIIIP. illixebaeribern have ihls day Conned a co-Partner shin under the lints of W & P Wilson, for the ;nt mse rftraoxaeting the Wholesale Grocery and Com pmssion ROSiOGSII, et No hO Wood street. WM. WILSON. Jr; - - pgrul.urgh. I, 1,650--GI FRANK. WILSON Melodeon Plano ailill twO sssss s ss ;Londe I I.7ST received mthe don of the Golden Hire, one 1,1 rupenor 5 octave. Melodeon Binuo ' with two reds of Iteed, the Intent Improvement. 'Tlue chore is probably the fateet toned instrument ever odered for role here, with o highly Bushed and elegem exterior, fnr Knit. by Uncu t it KLEMM linnet boor -. corer Ind.'. P d"?'"" sl do ado go 2,, t 3 8i 50 do do do 20515; RP do news printing, 205 ail leo do do •do COdo do do Inch, do do do Incr.} tO do Blue Envelope, 20=r, In do Yellow do tOxtSi 25 do de do ',MIA rAel do assorted wrappirpr pl. pert, in store, ter wle by JOHN H MELLOR W • . Economy in ToiW. DECIDEDLY the cheapest and best place Pitts-. burgh to bay .Tca Is at the Ten Market, cast aide al the Dismood. They-sell Excellent Tea at -SO 50 per lb • baperlor •• •0 75 , r The very • • • 1 00 Low priced, damaged, or Inferior Teas are not kept at this estriblistimeni, thereto., whether yon go your or send a child, you are sure to obtain a good ankle, and it the (favor of tke Tea Is noßapproYed, they and exchange it or return the money. jylu ARAI ltl9 & HAWORTH, Propiletnrs. SUNDRIES— 4U tics extra Cronin Cheese; In hf bob No 3 Mackerel; 10 brio do do; kegs do do; 10 bal. Solent.; 25 boa Mould Candies; 20 tics No 1 StßiCh; 00 110. patent Zinc Washboards; 25 ht chests superior Green Teas; 4o caddy boo do do; lu hf eliests superior Dlitck Tess: 5 tcs DedielePs colon limns; ' D WILLIAMS &CO Coo Wood & Filth sta. 'lllOOOLATE—ri.i boors No. I Frlall Chocolate, tett rece.sed, and for stile by WICK & McCANDLE.S.S. MEM GOOD BOOKS 1/011 VARNER/3. Johesen—Ambrman Farmer's Encyclopedia, &a. Ememon—Trcca and Shrube, ego ` ltiown—Trees of America boo Tborm.—Amer eau Fruit bulturip,l2ale Hey—A Guide the Orchard, letoo }turn—Famtly Kitchen Gardengr, IMauf omr—The Altlrfie.ll . /.441 Weeper, 1.2,00 "Drawn—TM , Amerman Poultry Yard, ltirei blamluall—The Former are Emigrant'', Iliad Doak Alien—The American Fa'm /look, Mao Dewing—Frei, and Erni, Trees of America, thAto Vouch—The Home, Ere Bennet—The Poultry Yard, 12mo For Pale by //A:IIES D LOCKWOOD je ill round et American Journal of Selectee tad Arta drIONOUCTED Yoh. D. 81imam, Prof B. SWi Nj num, Jr . and Jame, 11. Dana, Newhaven, Con _ - in numbers of 151 pages each, mating two oGtavO ,volrymes pear, each sv;th many illustrationa. ,It is devoted to orwioal article, on Science and the .19rts, Condensed Pester" nr Abstracts .of Memoirs and Sissancrire from Foriegn Periodicals, Notion of Near and it General Bulletin of recent Bolen ti eras. ThceAres series ennmirta GO volumes,the ins( of wine!, it a general Index to the 49 volumes preceding. Subeeriution,ls3 a year, In advance. J D leteCK WOOD. Ag't for Proprietors, iel9 led Fourth. at =l= Good Books for Summer 12sadtate. ltroxn—Turkssh Evrning l,orrialr.Meara, 12220. 'lnylor—E'l.orado, 2 vois.,l2mn C01131:lli--)1ropeml Lift. aro! Mennen, l Vols,l2s. I) , ekru•—llomny and :4011,2 villa, 12mo. Olaf. k ay—copular!Limon., 2 vela, Ilmo. Olarsrl—Path I:l,moinga,l2rno. II —Norman Lalie, 0.1210. thaw—Go:o.dt Lidmutre,lkno. Prior—Gn4l,2:22, ellveellareolts Welke, 4 vols. 310,-10 c 0.., 12100. lot— V revs Aram, kkoo. !la m ,, ,•l4l—Co,tur vole, 12100. rot tale by !AS 1) LOCKWOOD ,r2ti 122 Foorte et Books—Clencrei Literature• :%10.711-I,r.ticry as lien axe Manufacture. 11ffi. Putn..ophs of Nature. Muss l'aaow—apnort.ma end Re accuans. Mao. lattraturn 12rue. 10,00. Dry:kat—Want I .mw so Canforuia. I . tarre—Paul and Yuen:tn.. s vols. Mich AJratt—Letterntn Young man. 120. e. Iturnap—llectitutle of /lumen Nature. Lt.. Vcricour—hledem French Literature. Fmonk—Philosophy. Narreham—human hlngueUste. Itathbohlt—Areect. cp , Nature. ' DroCenp—Zeoleglcul Recreations. For sale by JAMES D LOCKWOOD 101 Fourth at Foster'. Nsw itithloplan /111e/ottlass G 'W;Po7l""iyae to todotntsgeL Fiel d; Nell) , wets a Led), ems. ALSO: De Rind to the Level Ones of Rome; • - Row thy boat lightly; True Mire, by T. Hood; Oar way n russ sea, doetq A new uwiliey bong, by &Covera; Jenny (toy, musty by Moiler, Joys that were crowning, Wedding hlarrb; God blein booty imannri.eleheratil C,nserigi'v Depni tern, by W . C. Glover, SOurn, Irt.. Wrses, biteyermnrki w selie Co; Last Row of bummer, easy variations by Hon: limited Stems Polks;• Ladles' Souvenir Yolk.; Corn Cracker Chi:Or/Ile; Lonisintio Quadrille; Beauties of Italy; Dacus, Trios, An. A largeanrtment of New Maxie on hand: to which adtiumin coo mac weekly For seeby J. MELLOR, ail Wood cheap Standard filstory. LT VNI E's (GAF OF ENGLAND ot no.Tib ja hulling by Utrper Oro'', in Shots. cloth and paper. ut 00 cents per col. Three cols received, and or tale by Et HOPKINS, 0717 79 Apollo Duild o,Foorth sr. New Books. flEDI:11111Ni' ills First Wyn, by lie=sn Mellrille limbo, of 'Tyner," "Omorfill An. , !I imory. o King Alfred of kMglsad,bJ Jamb Abbott with fine engravings. s Stdonin Soreerram by Wm. Meinhola. JOEINErTON A. STOCICTON, nov2l comer Third an blarketstreetv .0.4 of the ?fart /ikon:wings Worts e'fike Age IVINEVEII AND ITS REMAINS; mdount 11 of a ditto the Cliondman Christians of liurdiss mu, and the Yesidis, or Devil•Worshlppersi and an Inquiry in. the Manners and Arts of the Ancient Ai. Anton Henry Layers!, Req., D. C. L. With Introductory. Note by Prot. E. Robinson, D. D., LL. D. Illustrated with 13 plates and maps, sad 00 1•0,1011318. 2 vela. 800. cloth, 54,50. "The book has a nee amount of graphic, vivid, pia termite narrative "—Tribene. "The work of Layard Is the meet prominent etintris button to the study of antiquity, that bas appeared for many years."—Christ Inq. Part "Piot osa excels in interest the account of each mil its Ruins, given by fdr. Lva.rd.”—Dl.h4nitton Intelligence,. As we fallow the diggers with bre:ail:dem Interest m in their eseavatlo, and suddenly ford ourselves be. lore It moldy,' heave carved with minute accuracy, mw lifting its gigmtte bead from the dint of WOO years, we are ready to err oat with the astonished Arabs, 'Wallah, it to wonderful, but - Iris Duel' "—La dependent. For mle by /AXES D. LOCkWOOD, mein 63 Wood at TIIC WOMEN;Av. Old d . New Tuinmenh Edited by E. R. Sprague, D. D. I vol. Imp: true., elegantly bound; IS exquisitely finished cograVings; with de's•elPtines by celebrated Amerienn Clergymen . POEMS ANIELI A, (arn. Weeny, of Ky.„) a new end enlarged-edition: illustrated by cligruviagal from original design% by Wier. I vol. square two, elegant ly bound and gilt. Also—A variety of splendid.ennep als and Gift Kooks. Sowers Child's First Rook of the liistory of Rome. I val. Irmo. THE NIECIIANIC•S ASSISTANT, adopted forth° arc of Carpenter, Shipwright., WheetWeights, Saw. yore, Lumbermen, Students, and Arturatis generally: bring a thorough and practical Treatise on ilfentoras ton nut the Slating'Rule. Ily DM. Koper, A.M. • • Doise's Treatise Greek Prone Composition. - oliendoitra Elementary French Getman., By Prof. Greene. of Brown U n iversity. I volt ISmo. therediger's Gene:l a' Hebrew I/tantalite, by CenuiL Geyemun'ltchiest I.extcon. Trtgonomolry and Logarithmic Tables. / sot (shoop.) •Tbo Engintausn's beck Concordance. 1 vol.(MWs .) Anthort's Clawical Reties. Wel:Goes /het:andel, revised ed. I imi.evo. do do • unabridged. I vol. Co. Darsio's Notes and Questions on Now TeStatillUt. Whately's Logic. hioshrim's Ecclesiastical Ilistory. 3 vela. and I th , ‘ , 1 , 3 Vestiges of Creation. I vol. Irtacr. Moron:ea among the Jogaits at flume. I vol. (cloth and paper.) Scone, where the Tempter has Triumphed. 1 vol Lel :Lli and' paper.) llnguo'sThcologiertl Ileeturei. I voL BYO. (cloth.'A bee's Pronouncing Bible. Boyer'. Frew'h Inetionary. Smart's Horace. For:sale by I nov ' Apollo Ilnik .rh• olden Thai, I AIM. It. Lot:I:WOOD, ilooknel 0 tie. It: trued xtrtet, Ilan for saIC a Or le, 'the reiustoder of the edinno,) work. dor:nod to the Pecoorvution of onlier"taithenne if re!ntng iiloratlons. settlement .a ongrusrems around the bout of the O h m. Ly Est., of Icosourgh, vet* Bv a. IA 1 'IV! c ' r . 'ote r r V: A A ttr i t l e i nTgilu o l ' Elliott, Eng. Illuntroted with twelve cum.( nl 110100. lire., uniform wi Prescott'. 111,am-teal Welts, Just publiALed and for cute by JAMES D. LOCI/WOOD, Mot ilee and novlo Impar ter. AV°l4 st ANNYI/EYEILE IPTITKLY: aothr, isesf edi - tl e ;r, 12ino. Pl ot.. MRS. FANNY KE/11/ .E'S YEAR. OP CONSOLATION. has . , The rending of this book iMpren Oa With a mach higher opinloo of its author than w bad formed from perusing her other writings. ys %deep., tone of thought, unite morn pure wennt tys pade of feeling than goy other production of the Male mind with which we are enquhlated."--Enro.Mjerey, "It is a •ery agreenble and readable book;sryittett In Fanny liembio's best etylee—bold, spirited and eut . r . tabling. Wa recommend It to our leaden u the best publication of the .1 , - into's Journal of Ward e tar sii r b) ' ItARBAUGH it CO mons the Journal of • travel throne. and re , idence in Italyj , end' if One of the *Amin.— unti most interesting bookssof the scaioran--4joar.sud Enquirer. .A very characteristic book, We have read It hoc title pose in Coluphorilvith unabated A • ; o' ;. ' ; ' ; ' ;i Y AErtAUGH littgb to ..iterva. rid picture of Ilia la Roam; .10 all respect. cmisestil .....bte..."—rtickerbocree. - For' raht • " JAMES D tOCKWOCIS .t novls Deakialler & lanyofte , . 631V. '"'" Ribbons wad if lowoolll• k s ." 3,x t 3011.°P.4 r rorrtfit'7"‘ 8 ,Ir.r.a, Condon able ottres,reenmo Mkt at so 01 . 1, •Atu• N Arta MOLARS i s RDAs, Snakes. s, Exchange. lEirok•w AND DIALIMI 111 NOTES,DRAFTS,ACCEPTANCL I4, O OI, D , SIL YER AND BANK NOTIg. COLLECTIONS.—Drafts, Notes and Aceeptsnees payable la any part of the Olion,ealletted an the most favorable terms. • - EXCIANGE on New Yogi Philadelphia and Bal. tlthoreV—lso, Cincinnati, Loa Tule, Saint Louts and New Or/rens, constantly for sale. BANE NOTES.--Notes on all solvent b.ks In the United States discounted silage lowest rates. All kinds of Forrivn and American Gold and Silver Coin beak. and sold. °Gee No. 5S Market street, between 31 and 4th Phlstunich, Ya. .155 —7— WO REIGN EXCIIANOS. DILLS Ma6laml, Ireland, and Scotland bought A) any amount at tha Current Rates of Ekebutire. Also, Drafts payable In any pert of the Old Countries, from St to .51000, at the Meat IS to the L Sterfing, without deduction or alscoing, by JOSIIVA ROBIN SON, European wad' General Agent, oboe Stla one door west of wood.. . . W11:30N. Jr pYON,BIIOIII3 & co ail,. 1 - 1[..0...- -- taiikis t. 1.113 11,11111 ER dr. RAMS / IatANXER§ AND EXCHANGE DROAFES g dealers j.J. ht romp road Domestic Bills of Exchange, Cer tificates of DeposAe Dank Notes and Coln, corner of 3d and Wood streets , opposite St. Charles Ho.. toL ' X. IR Ohio &Murky, • blusearl, Slant Not.; rarebbard 1.1 the 10•111 rata., Vy N. HOLM PS & BONS, sepl3 93 Market meat tbl.l44lll.lPlLYoll.Xllolil=Sibt Chreki - ork .D New York, Philadelphia, and Dailtfrnorla, Corubittly for sal* by N-1101:11119 d SONS. srpLl . 2s Marker at 1 Er==l RYel" TRYING DISTILLERS, anal Tea and Wine Merchants, Ran side of the Diamond, ritwlt rgh, are row offernot at the nee , ' loweet prices for cash, Rectified Whlakee,tin anti Domekhe Brandy; nips, French !Brandy, Holland rain, Jamaica -Sp atts, Lon don Ulm, Irish Whiskey. Glome r ate. Yoh, Sherry, Ma - deird, Champagne, Claret, Muer ntell, hiatlaga, Tents wine and Lisboa Writes, Wholesale k. Retch rw.tt rRINTING PAllnit- - Always on hand or male to 'Order, the . ..r ont sires of Printing Paper, Hog Wrapping Paper;Crown, Medium, and Double Crown sleet Straw Wrapping rgper; Crown, Medium, and Double Crown Dow Other raper, Pastel...tyre to. • W Si Wood it, Agent for Clinton SOTIOX. WATT k CO. have removed their stook of LI Oratories to the opposite side of Liberty st. rfirOATAN IN AMERICA—Her work and her re- Yr wird. By hlaria J Mclinosh,atitior of "Charms ,Y.Coanterchurins," "TO aeem and to be." 1 vet 12tno. Lotter Day Parnplileis,.No I:—Thoi present time. By 'Elwin., Carly.ie. • Caourcas.—Memoirs of Life and Wrinuns of Thos. Chriltrier4 D D., L. 1.. D. Prelectidns on Dialer's Analogy,Pale7's Evidences of Cbrisudolty, and Hillis Liam. on Divinity, with two Introdsictory Lecture. and •foor Addresses delivered In the New Conclie, Edlnborgh, by Thomas Chslmors, If. D, L. L. D. I vol 12,n0. - Oaterr—Life orlohn Calvin, compiled from authen tic sources, and piirticularly from his eorreeponticuees. By Thomas 11 Dyer, with portrait 1 ,vol 12mo. For sale by R HOPKINS. spit 72 Apollo Buildings, Fourth et. 4„ .;) rj 7,,,, G 2 R07 S . i n r:f r L e : W 0H do flora e q d n t Inc.; 1' h,. isco .1 4 , Wood 0- 1000 dos mi'd }lac 10011 . Ebel! Side Corotdi f 4s, rOO%l nod rot Solo by 5r055 YEAGER. 101 Market 1 .Iflurnal . is iasned avert' two montith EXCHANGE BROKERS 111180ELUNEOUS. M0R8.15 & 11/114i0IIS'il, =EI Bug' Flatland! Mill Flollandl E NOTICE.—ThaI W. McClintock bail this day icalved several ca+ea of the (bleat and best Hal , yr Holland, In which be nibold most respectfully l e attentieu of his cattometa and the public in ;, lale=tiM Gmltal... • : . ‘ VV , zeryfine GUITARS, Iva med from Um b . IT .AufaSlO of U..l".24airlo,mrd for J 111ELLOIL131 Wood sr. . r Docks Aim& Reestrell. ... , t Complete Work. of John Konya*, a vats, 800, e 1 i rol, slitatrated; Mutlta gilt and g,Llt edges. h ' hell'. Diblient and Sabbath Schoog Geography; .. world I aid, Mao. In's Analysis and Speller. ~-, of John 04..Atlams; by Wm. If. SoWsril; I TM, rumba il mba Ins by Mrs. llomunst Yeah lan ce 'muslin; Pk- ll tilts liermons—Sermom. prcacked..upoq several 'i ons, by Hobert South, O. D.; a new cdttiou, 4 'l including Posthumous Discourse.. .. - o-4 rots. in 2; sheep, NOVO ENO. ' . ! !Pothole by It. HOPKINS, Le2l Apollo Balldums. F ourt h . t . ...___— I .• EAGLE. FOUNDRY. . roe nICIMPL.SUN 0. W. 0. 1.041.1. lin • underligned,mccesaors to Mahan At. Nnahol -1 son, beg leant to inform the cificens offhor burgh tad gabby gencrnllY, that they have rebnilt the EA GLE FOUNDRY and ore now in full oparauon, and have part of their patterns teady for the to Amongst which aro Cooking Stoves, Coal and Wood Stoma, with a apiccdid aiuttalft Coal Stove, which is MOW superceding in other tine* the common wand Stove. Also, a cheap coal Cooking no •e, Well atiap tell for Small families, with . a full multiform of com mon and mantel Grains Wa would puricolorly m atte the attention of persona building to call at our Watedionse before porekaning, sad examine a splandal article of enummelled Orates, fixtlal,red ixt. fine style.— emitcly new in this market. - • Warehoute f No. IR' Liberty 'd i : opposite Wood •C martian! NICIIOI,S_ON & PAYNE_ PITTSIIMIGII 141POALTATIO4fS. (.21FANCY AND YEAGER. Importer and Wholes:de Dealer In s VARI tr.ry GOODS! Sign of the (lilt Comb, lot Dia s, an Pittsburgh, ra. • IVcstern -blerekutat, Pedlars, and utherk Vialtlng ritt.t,tret to ptiteltatte Good. ace rc‘preattily invited la,ll aid examine the extermve essrirtment of Eng lishAmenean, French and Gersten Fancy Goods. ec Forelfili Goods ut this establishment are Import ed direct by myself, aml purchasers maY rely eo ling goods from first hands. I have tlie largest assort ment of articles, variety line, in the thy of Plitsborgh—nll of *lli eh vrill be sold leer for caah or city teCtilltMee, The Stock conalsts, part, of Lace Goods, Iloslery, Gloves, Ribbons., Silk Cravats, Slate and Patent Threads, Sewing Silk, Spool Cotton, Tapes, Surpmaders, Bottoms, Pins, Nes dles Mid Cutlery. Gold and Silo. Watches, Gold Jen , elry, all kinds of Brushes, Combs and Razors. Percussion Caps, Revolvers, Pistols, Clock., Silk dc • Cotton Purses, Spectacles, Flisetreas, Motto Dozes, Carpet Days and Darken. • .• • '• Bindings, Findingo and Trlmalings._ • r. • Toys and Fancy Goods; togethot with a large vans tY of Fancy and Smola. DRY GOODS. ' C. IMAGER is also agent for - the celebrated Lan. taster Combs. novl7 Omit English Kemeny.. FOiRECTSh,NV&N-thßzu - a-cl*uiaclgofTlts . above attempts, is the HUNUARIAN IIALSA3I OF' LIFE, discovered , by the eelebnited Dr. Buchan, of London, England, and introduced two the Ended States under the immediate anperunendence of the inventor. The ulnae/ram:ay meccas of this medteme, the tore of Pubrionory &leases, - warrants the American Agent in soboung for treatment the Worst poasable ca ses that can be found in the commonly—eases that seek relief vein human) , of the common retardant of the day, and have been given Of by the mom alunangnamed physieterts as confirmed end ta.curable. The Hump:W en Reisman has cared, and roil curc,the wont , desperate of maces It born gtock coalman, but standard Eng. iamb medmine, of known and established efGemy. Every family in the Dunn! Staten should be supplied with Dut ton'. linnynnan Balsam of Life, not only to counteract the commtemare tee 1,10,5 of 'he elboate he, o be used es g premature medtem e in all eases el lipids, eat:gigs, .pining of blood, pa. In the .tde and eliest, unwire and soreness of the lungs, brochitia, ddriculty of breath's . , hectic fever, night sweats, ammet er., and yeehrel &lady, solkmat, miluenu, whooping tough and creep. tioB P n' ena t ?h thi le .: ::: : : ' : e tati rUl'L nan '''n e o' n fl m hl'P L e' s r‘hbe e . f 41 r .' ,... 1 1:en fri d A d :e . t . a- - Gen coma-met, and other evidence, e bowmg the un equalled me ef thts go-et English Rerriely,may by obtained of the Agent, grataltau,l7. For Salt ban d FAIINESTODS ie. Co., corner o at and Wood an Wood and Oh Its. lolad taro SELLERWIIMPERIAL COUGH SY RUP—Tu;sato Nointnal lan 1.1 • Pirmantraot4 hyarch 27,1237. ~ Mr. It. E. Bellers—lnJustiee to you and your incom parable Cough Syrup, beg Mare to state, far the ben efit of the continently, that my wife lane ently, been several anneal adlmted with a most distressing , tOtgh. I pot. abased, andiumary last,a battle Cr ylatti:Sy en p, wh te Cored levees of two mouths' ate:idler:: About one 'Month since, the cough tete mod, and who'. revere dhat she , could hardly move, from %saltness in the breast; I sent for one benne or pout Coedit fttyrup, and Yo part of one bottle cored the cough, Agave the other do joumeymon who was severely &Mewl, w h o hod, 'to use his awn words. “eaMn enonch sough candy to pare alt •the people in Pittubllrgh,fl'if tho emtdy had been no good ss renreuented. _ getterallyle the two Yours, respectfully, A Lvicon - M. Xsont .• Prepared and cold SELL.Y.FtI3,67 Wood irre ollio e . t, and sold by Druggists, ALLk.ISIIISNY' 'lO - ENII'US.OI LAND CAUL itrr WA atliaLlo3l.... J. A. BROWN weed respect rally inform the public. that he keeps on hand et kis *tend on the west side of the- Di ninon Atte ghonV erty, •a rempiete assort.. tor nt orVen Wan Blinds; also Ve. nitlan Monter* lire wade to or , der in the - licit dremoted equal to any in the UniCed States . Ihn Mind* can Pe ronoved with. Oat tho aid of a screw driver. tioving parchniod the tools, and Wood of dieenbinet , - ohm ent of Ramsay fr. land, 1 am prepared no fariitilk •-• their old custotocrs, as well sa, the politicaklarge, with every Gone In (hoopoe. . Agency. No Wood street, llttsliery i tt. mdcC _ J. A./MOWN. bRED OlL—la WO, to store, tor sate ey • s.)el7.J I.IIID le COL ti WI 011.-10 Ude, us arrive, fot sate% y Jet? I J FIDU & CO . came, to.p...rtived'or sole by ct:. . 1 KIDD ts. CO D,LlukropEEF-10,01:0145 rogar._clued.zounds, is sbol smoke, for sale by - 41.1.1.. ER% &Silent, 'WlNDOW^""bnafl by V 1 .Felt (I R WJIARIIM.76II .(10114 . 1 ' •i• sareTi— Men MeV C., jell AISSISTRONo In brim in stt;;;:, for by KNIST R U RIMER Wei '• by Vila Ho n, for solo no WICK tc SIeCANIILst uz XLCKIVI , D—wu u inch Api y oval tf Hose, for File Engler! porkoes; wurnerned L, fugrriOs to k rn th elterte77 r arl Trett . ale !tri:ul"" Indhs Rubber Depot, ftp.A. rdwo Wood street. ‘lih° pit J h it PHILLIPsi 1 . /...1U1-4/ brig No /, now landing, and [oyaalc 184116.11 DICRBY is CO iUB Waterk rrapt dna T 1.11./18311LLE Lat E-73 t.rl• nbro fax male bi 14jell CROZIM oridelotrot oOntroo for Hadm, s . .* , r HALL, 4 1 . N 1 '71 1161.- .; . e` 1 . t..