E=ll ZIEECE BY MAGNETIC TELECRAPII. • stimpuirrien T acmcour pLIZI) FOR. ME PITTSBUROH DAILY GAZETTE CONORZISIONAL. Samara.—ln the Stnate to day a motion was made le take no a resolution fixing • day for the adjeumment of Coogrev. Tao motion felled, 12 only votiou In its favor. There seems to he, or the part of • 'privity, a disposition tut to Er. upon a day O. adiourement until the House have acted upon the Cattfornia B IL The Feebly., Slave Bill Was read a third time and passed without a division. After a law words from hdr.D:ekinson, declon• may of views in its favor, a resolution author- Wing kteubseription by the Secretary ofthe Salve, for 2000 copleaof a oompflafov by Avon Parker, ...fatalistic* relative to the commerce of the east, was offered. • • • • Mr. Benton opposed the resolotion,isnd went Into a general tummy et the porch.* of books by Congress—opposing and denouncing the practice in tote; regarding it is enormous no its coneep• iron, god still more Minnie :cm In Its progress. Mr:Foote rvpiled, and the debate wu condi:t eed etW 3 o'clock, when the resolution was post. potted, Indefinitely, Mews. Badger and Hamlin, gave notice that they wooW, at coo o'clack to morrow, move that the Senate proceed to the cenaideratiort of the not amount of Encoutive bunineu before at, and Wired an undoratandiog to that elect would be had The Senate thee adjourned. Home.—Thc Committee on the Sate of the Union, were discharged from the funh rr conatd eration of the bill establie hies poet route. , and after adopting several minor amendments Inc bill parsed.,_ The House then went into Committee of the Whole, and immediately wee to report the Civil and Diplomatic Appropriatioo Mr. Bayley entered In a brie: comparison of this 5411, ai amended, with that of 1515 and 1548, to show that; deducting the nearly tour million* and • vim ler forrew tibjce is of. xpenditure u this WI is less by 665,540 than that of Iblo6, watch was reported by Mr. McKay fluxion. for economy. Me- Kay's bill was 54,151,560. Under the operas on of previeus questions, soma amendments of the rwmminre having been concurred in, a venerate vote was ordered on that apprepriaung 530.080 for books Ea new mem bers. Mr. Pot raked the 14th rule to be read, vie '•that no member shall vote an any quelp1:00, In the coward' which he is immediately and pollen. laxly Interested. The Speaker said it was not for him to designate what membets should vote, Several inqa.rlea Were made in the confusion, which were pronounced out of order. The Book amendment eras concurred in—yeas 99, nay. 77. The amendment appropriating 819,000 far rutty Miler Charge d'Affure to Portugal, Ectladat,Gua. mamba, and New Grenada. were e.rucurredlia— yeaa 107. nays '79. - Mr. Bayley moved to reconsider the vote, bat withdrew his motion to erande Mr. Jones to offer a resolution, providing reels near the Clerk's desk for the reporters& the Gebe, pending which the HOUK, atljourned. NB.. CLAY IN YHILADELPECA. rutuinneniii, Antrum 26. Hatay Chty ai4iced iu the city cl e ttetutday. Woo New Yort, on . Ws return to Waal:tit:43ton City. RESIGN/I.l'lON OF MIL MeKENNAN Hort. Thomas H. T. McKennett has resigned the ix* of Secretary of the 'mortar, retiring entire ly from the Cabinet. A telegraphic correspondence of the N. Y. Her. •ald ups—" The d sagreentent in MO Cabinet, which has been shaded to, Is between Webster and Mcfientne, as I am miens:fed ; Wetter want ing the appointing power relauve to blandmis and DAritt Anon:ley Gererals to revert to tee State Gepartment, and Mr. ?del:tango firmly opposing the Guam. The tatter d d no. attend Mr. Web iter't recent diplomatic dinner, pleading todispo. kW= Ho hex gone home, udlcany think tar good. lie has sepeatedly declared that he could not fulfil the many promises made by Mr. Ear: HESIGNATION OF MEL McKENNAN CON TRADIGTED. Wounaccrue, Aug. 26. The rop)rt ge:tore} , current Imo motaor,that Mckoonati hod reigned tho Socrouttyolap Orilla 'manor, to orahtutioandation. =MI New Yoke, Angina i.e. W. C. le A. Hunter, heavy Flew =rename, in this eley, nave failed: NEW YORK. MaaEET it 0.16 IMPORT. Flow—There is a Air demand to' mr, with tone sales at angel eoncessesion on ;be part of Graia—Wheat is v4 , y doll and prices are lower Qua is easy wire utak, western mixed a' M.— Tao deatandln Po& is modems.; at hsturday'a m ations. AMu business is Gouts in Lard at 81 Grocerlet—Nothing to notice in pinches The market Is steady. NEW YORK MARKET. • LlVEillFoPoirr.l Nate lona, Aug. 2G. Cotton—The markei is aim, will. ales of 2800 bales at former talcs. • Fionr—The market' closed dull at Saturday's paces, at which ECOO Lb!. vete mole. Gram—Wheat in del, but wilhollt change. Zaleski:want t 5000 bestial.. Sales of 40,000 • bushels Corn at 82 8 833 (or White. PHILADELPHIA ASARZET. Paluourauki August 26. Flour—The demand for export enutioun limit. ed. Prices have declined 60 per bbl. Sales 1000 las. at 65.31 4, bbl. Graln--The demand for Wheat is limited, bat there is no material charge. Soles c tto 5000 - bushels Elmatnern red at 110 0511110 p bushel for ordinary sad prime closable., and some prime Wtute at 120 c per bushel. No Rye coining to Cern Is in steady demacd. mirk odes 3000 bushels Southern'yellm at 65e afloat Oats are in limited segued at loaner nuts. wbiasi commands 260 to barrels, and 260 In . BALTIMORE MARE:Er. •BALTIXONZ, Ant. 26. - , Flour is quiet. City Mills and Howard street Urain—Reccf pt. of Wheat are light. Bake mill at 106 c for red, and 1 Ilc fur White. PKITI6IOIIII-111 Pr&r..1.011/ there is a demand, --- ivlthent Change is Pric.• armories—Coffee cu advanced I to 2 canto, 11 being rained for prune Rio. CATTLK MARKET. Racratoos. Angoat 26. Cattle-600 head offered at the testes at $2,75 to 112,2% on the hoof; (Ina! to 65,50316,25 nett. Rods sold at $6 per cat . CINCINNATI MARKET. Comitylan, Avg 28. Flow—The market to Urn at 53,1003,12 pet bbl. Wlelsltd—Sales at 231 per gallon. Unread Oil— Salea at 72073.1 per gall. Groceties—Molsasos i. firm at Si seats per iNiKoa. Saks of 110 hbtl. fair Sugar at Me per Lb. - Coate to firm, and Rio, barely fair, brless 110 per lb. IIEFORTANT TO TIIK AV FLICTED. Di. Rises telebrated Remedies. TNIL JACOB B. ROBE, the dIICOVCIGT sod sole pro. .EP pelt or of these moot popular and beneficial medielnes, and alto the Inseam? of the celebrated Intremeet for ladaung the lunge, in effecting a cum of ‘llroult diseases.:. was a cadent of that cameos physiel., Doctor Physic, and Is z graduate of the University of Pei:m.l.ml., and tor dart) years since Das be. trotted In the inveatigatien of dmease,.d the applicauen of remedies +hereto. Thy.h the use of his toffnleg tube. In toonection Prophylactie Syrup and otter of his imitates, he has waned ._.parale led eminence in tome than &useful and fatal maladica, T•tore•l•r sautptlon, Cateen, Peroftea, itheamation. Asthma, Fever and Ague, Eaters of all binds, Chronic Eel. elpelaa, and all those obstinete di.asen pecalic females. Indeed every feral eldi..ev.lstit• under the an of ale relocate:, to which humanity a heir— not by tba see of one ...and only, for that la In. oompatlhls tel h Physiological Law, bat by the use o( km remedies, adopted to and prest.leed for each resin. lone of aisenw. Rum's Tonle AlletlltiVt Pint, when aged aro intariably acknowledged lo be oiretier to ell ether. al a purgative or li•er pill , inasmuch as they lease Co bootie perfectly free. (rem tortiv.eaZ •• • 1 •• his Golden Pills m admitted by the faculty o gorse peculiar properties ...tea to (cadsb:l lieu swished that there trial I. sudie:t establish what-ball be. said In the minds of the roost skeptical. The afflicted aro invited thrall open the agent. sad p r octre trots.) o. of the Dawes pamphlets giving •detallot stet:tenf each remedy .r 1 Its application. by thet o billowing agents,. well as by most d? s lam throughout the conetry. jPchottosasker Coal Wood Meet, PijilibllTS hi J H Townsend, aggist. 45 Market ot, do; %seethe:it,' do 11MT the P.. Allegheny oily •y.. Barkley, Dlll'llElO4 8t.1,,T to., Pa. Jae Elliott, &Too Valley, do do . r T Adams. , do 44 31:11111101,1:1T ,0 P PAUTS II .IIIIIIIp. z HE perm whip of Johnston &bunkum, cornp,,,,, of the undersigned, bus this day been dissolved annul consent. P JOHNiertiN, R. C. STOCIZTON, July IS, 153D.-au6l7 pituirrix s nocur..: BIDDING. TIE - OLD ESTABLIND.BIENT Do 60 Third, DODD. Darket at. W.. 11. HAVEN,- 03neeesser to Jam!. & teatoo,/ IDESPEOTFULLY Intones hi. Meads and the coo-. R.Llb• =tem Al the old establishment that; buying the Printing Otbee and Beek Bindery e( Le hue hem, he to prepared to eneente with neatheei 701i7.117;71602116 nowtainauva flaying had the management orthapritatng depart- . 'Meat el' the late .loin tor seventeen gears poi. h. *di soollileetaf being ebbs to vender saUsfsebon to ell who a l. (WM him with their patronsge. . -'‘‘l-."166'-.4-7b-riellie-illikdis46-------r ear or e WWII &SWAB COMMERCIAL RECORD. PITTSBURUII BOARD OP TRADE AND 111111C11117 . 11 COMMITTEE FOR AUGUST. Mtn w. RIES irso 3I• C. O. LOOS" WAIRMOTOtIf Aug. 2G. Orrica. PIrt11.031( Tuesday mor..ing, Almost 27,1850. Batinesejesterday manifested a degree of activity throagbot t the market, and prices generally were well assmined. There woe also a degree of activity man, Mated on the wharf, exceeding, if any thing, any pre. Moos day of the Irmo. Boma eight or ten boats were in from below, all bringing fair loads of freight, which together with the number receiving freight for depar. tore, presented lathe eye a Irene of general livelince, which seemed as the ushering tn, really, of the busy fall trade. FLOUR—She receipts yesterday amounted to POO to lOW bbl., about als) of which were sold nt 81:25 bbl. and a lot of 69 bbl., at 81,14 p bbl. From more we note gale, by the dray load, at N,27, `which tray be given as the present ruling figure, although some small lots may have been sold at higher rates. Rn Fberia—Sesall sales have been reported to us it 13,!008962 Bapplles are moderate. Coax /UAL la telling it 11/X p bbl, and SSRGUe bu, from more and the =lila GROCERIES—We have so change in Creicen Prins generally remain puke firm at lad quotatione, with an advancing tendency in Cetroe, Saganand lanes. We have uo marked change to nonce to other aid ale. usually repo r.a. Money M , Trade, Re PUILADI.PIM, August C 2. There Ls no veer feature to notice in The_ Lock mar ket Trantnehons were to a fair :Vent. with but *lista YarGron In prier.. Money continual abundant at lan quotation.. There is morn ease in money mat. tars In Boston. Good paper Is guovA at 70110 el and leans on call at GOt. The British Board or Trade return. for the month ending the Mb Ja. ly, show an increase in the d-elared va l ue o f exports from the UnithdKinadom, as minthari ed w:111 the corresponding month of lanyear,of 1117 c 000, and as competed with the tame month in ISIS, of 5.1,01.1,0 0. An onion the lateen items of increase are hardware and haberdahhy In Woolen. there nisei.. bee. a large Increase, bent in nutinti , y and value. In Cotton good., owing m the enhanced value of the raw material, meth ha. been n falling cif in quaority. which however. 01 partially no operas rd for, by the advance In nine. The eggresate value of ecrorts, during the first half ef the present year, ha. been 51.775,501, againet .1.20 515 430 to the same period or J 049, increase 15,203 MS. Toe moon. of Wheal durlng toe months of 1550, has linen 6 , 91,t00 qes In.. than in tie cones. rowing penod of 1.9.—N. Amer. Nrw VOIR, Almon*? The Stock market R. einem:lMgty quiet thin morn ing. Governments are firm, WWI an upward tendency. Sales have been m. 0.% within the pent few day., for o:trot's.% account. UN6s et '69 and Erie rosds. new, each advanced I. Canton Co. and Sy sewn, ttoeh. eater 11. FL each advanced I. Harlem ft_ Lana Morns Canal each 4. We have r o chance tonotice In money matters There is re her more den and (rem Importers for the payment of dudes, (at present quite heavy) which a promptly met by lenders at previous rater The balance in the Sob Treasury a steadily asto• mentinr, and reaches nearly BIZ sod a half mtlitans of coin. Mint certificates Of gold depo•IMA with the de. mends for Government, must eve long, it to thought. re dune the present lame acramulanon. Fllchartar• are re llinc madly for the Panifie. vehtth rallsan Inntrart as:folloart —Sterling Itt trICII.:Fra nee Amsterdam, lortN01; Iraraberg, Sfillf3s; bremen, 79/.2150 —Kap Foreign Markets. Tm■ Dot. or r-vot.kort-Ac aceonnt for the week dint Augatt 3, ISW: Onii•ri.ineut Debt Other Securities Gold Coin end Bullion Silver Bidlion WAIMIROTON, Aug. 28 n excuse „Q.. £ At fietors' enpttal t 4 am Rent Peddle Deposits. Ir.el.dtna Ez • t m hetver,S avin gNib• l n v a alt,Co n • ssionerot counts•l Debt,t Dividend Ae ••• Oates Deposits Seto= Boy and other Dills •• • Gdremment Reeuritie.. Inetod raR Devi SS•etght Aonorty••Sl4,^GSsS3 Other ...seruntsco 11,117,611 Note• 9.47G,51S cad and Silver Colo 631,666 Angular —Metal.—Tbe amount of baameas no. acted in Pig Iron his been to d rztent only, it hough 'Scotch 11l be obtalred at 43 to 434 4.1 for nor d, and 41. .4:1 for No I. For common Webb U. onto. role LI Ids m LI 12s 6d, and Rails at 15 15s pe on,7ei no improvement has liken plum In the do grand. In lin plates Item is a good deal doing. Pp.l ter has been operawd in wi h rst (meal tot; price teale are also higher. and wale at 115 7s 111 lo 114 13. I to. on the spot, at which the Markel is tam • Arab, —The Iron trade reccisin• quiet. without tendency to namenal chance in rust," The Inbowing sire present rotes in Lis . ..spool —hl chant bar, ih 2. 6d; hoops. 1.0 15s; abet., £7 104; Scotch bars In Wales; St Is., pigs In Glargotr, Nrw Yoita, Avg. 26.. hearer IL—Merrell. been more Me vim for Scotch rht imo. deliverable at Rune:ern sno Fleetwood, than for m ma tin, paw, and though the tattiness transae r 4 has been for from large, them Jim been several macs at about the eurrency cf loot week, The demand far eransuumm seem. to he, in Setti :degree. reviving aod tbeugh we do nal hear of any orders of rasp:nide, it • cheering to Lod rant if amedl the demand es eontinn. our, and may PO far be leaked upon as indica., of a better tier ef things. We eh !! punts : mixed I umber. 0 bI Bat 1301041 s Ye ton, nr t cash —trer on board In the ell d•—and 41.5, ad to 49s p 100, for delivery a:Run t:ore or Fleftstoo6l —Amer. MBME!BEEI omp. OP no .es• Men It an Lee. Rio. at 9:0:01c, I ta prtncimall at illatt 10, Len tregrl.agnayra at Pt. and 1,000 big Maracaibo. at DI c/.Also a 'cols of 30 'has Rio, of common qn•Lly. at Irv. The prircepal paw of tacit were to fill orders from rte country, and for nerehoorier cistern market The stoat is now re heedl6.4xl bogs Rio. 6,400 bags Leona) re; 7no boa Maracaibo; and 103 bgernrto Bien. In all shoat 21,5011 begs. The market claws, with offun on hoe at lel e far hie, the run of the cargo, bat the lightness of the stock both In this and other markets, and the %infarct. able accounts imm Rio On Janalro, leadme to the be lief Mat,shlpments from that gunner veil; 101 l of very mech. failure bolder. toast !tarterrates. Thus ma Is therefore brought to a. stand at present The Seaports en the Wert are 7319 bgs Rio, and 2,527 Lys Lagtrayra. Jas. Blasprst.t t Isms , Patent Hada. Ash. 834-C-ASKB of the a boye celebrated brand. part In store, and th e remo.nuer to arrive this and uezt month,per "Anna itteh, , `"Purepo.""Beibn.” and ether ships, via Philadelphia end Bellmore, swum., ad superior in both strength and quality to any in the mullet, for sate at the lowest erten for each and ap proved bills, by W 1 AI Ail PCIIEL.THEE averld Libei, sweet IDAVE for sale,. number of bands and mortgages, in Lam, from S to SUM, motoring in from one to ten years, or in annual instalments, with interest payable semi annually, No-eared by bit. property equal in value to into Use =MUma for which they are reopectively drown. 11. BRADY WILKINS, MS, at Law. No lot Fourth Co. PL A NETT'S BITTERS Creates • healthy action throughout the body, restore the eppeute, egual.ze the circulation, give tone and energy to the system, and ennuis a power of reclai m,. to dial.. In all its forms, rarely to be °ruined They perform • speedy and permanent Cure or Dytheptia, Indigestion. Flatuleney, Liver Complaint, and all the iralwof symptoms com monly called nervous ifections. HEAD/MITE Will be immediately relieved h 9 the nye of this Inv aablo compound, maleh la purely vegetable, and adapted to all ages and conditions. ITZNALEfi Will find In Das delicate and palatable prepared., combination 01 Alterative and Aperient goal "41r:AV, 1 1.12.11°. L e" ...rtere 'n hts on he Live and Digestive rede it a complete Anudot for Fever and Agee. and Bilious and Typiom Fever Dus Sg. I have used the article of Plisnen's [liners, and have derived crest benefit trim them. I hive been subject for year& past to the Fever and Ague, but Mate the intraduetion of your bitten. I have entirely eseaped my usual attach., and can rids confider. recommend them ••nne of the bast Tonics in use. liespetfodly yours, C. N. BUNDINCI. Ny Daa■ Sea It gives me h u e to state, that the Dyspeptic with which my has been so long twat.. led, arising from Manion of the Liver. has been ea. Seely overcome, •nd eared b ande one of poor Me stile preparadon of Hamra, fur your kutduess recomMeadmi them.OieLlie neeept my thanks. Your °Learns smmnt, C L. LEECH. Agents, William T. Wets 4t. Co., 149 and 151 Frost MIK , , New York. For sate by auk:l9 . 3min ' R. E. SELLERS. Young Lai Hues' LI rrrrr y 105111.1 a, Corner of Penn II and Barkeia alley. aPPae wine old Concert Hall building, ....tee on eenn puree nearly op?o•!te tho grobange Hotel. TH iron o f I n stitstion Re• Opened for ihe recep• f Young Ladies, on lae firet Monday of nes month, (deptember,p under the eaperintendenms Mrs Y. and DAUGHTER, late Principals o the Ferns! , deminary. Louisville, Ky. For terms, see circulars, cri apply 10 the principals Rev D. Elliott, D, D Km' Wet. Preston, Ree. D. If IlledlesD D. Nee. S. M. Remits, Bee. riathanlel West, Gen. J. K Moorhead. Roe. W. Is Howard, Richard Edwards, Ke — q. PITTSBURGH!RI COLL.PPRIS—ROLLISO pile undersigned haring completed their Rollins I. Mill are prcoared to fill promptly all anises for Deaner and other blemnfactured Copper of city it; quires' sista Made from the,Cepper of the Cliff Kle , Lake haperier. The Metal haa been thoroughly tested by compe tent smennhe men in the sermee of the tiovelereept, and prononeced toped°, to dentity, strength, and tenacity, to any in use, and is muck preferrettior the cannel acture of Ordnance and oche( purposes. , it bettecrefoie confidently recommended as a supe• riot eniefe, tor all oses,"lo any in market And we rempeethilly solicit tne attention of purchasera and others to this new branch of home mane , . lore. At present the Warehonso is Pio 8 Commercial Row, Litany street aogri C. G. ilthiS.ti &GO YOBICCO COMMISSION MERCILINTS. No. 41 Nerd. Water &reel Ss NIL 16 North Wharves A. J. Emu. t PHILADELPHIA D. ZANCtsi J. A. L • NOM . • Paeltage• is liter*. 0 NEE..Oaalkatlllartel O. Wood Pittsburgh: Our P.m.. ...A. Clinics 60 .0.4, ?W. ' . Thu f t ozej , a will please call and pay the ehat{ati and an " 4:11.1.1 (WORD P. CO VirOOrtatIONO — ZN. b.. am on band tal• DetOns•bargs, of egbi width GO Weal But% Whitt day wig .1.„. otß yew. === LONDON IRON MARKET. MANCHESTER IRON BIAR EP. Munn July 17Lh IEIO. Brauanrcq lane fp* 14.21 IIICALI), BUCHNOR fr. CO. PORT OF PITTSBURGi !Irma—Them were 3 feetß Inches In channel, by eel musk list evening et dust, end ARRIVED. Michigan, Brie', Beaver. Fashion, Peebles, Elizabeth. Atlantic, Eastman, Brovnisvills. Bahia, Jacobs, Brownsville. Toutteloghuy, Hartupee, Monongahela City A ifeeheuy Clipper, Watervon, Wheeling. Wave, Shaffer, Wellsville. Reveille, Ben, Wellsville. Camden. Ilendrielmon. danGth. Tuscarora, Hemphill, Sunfish. Gluteus, Osbert., Cincinnati. C.nderella, Hulett, Ciocinnati. Cashier. McMillan, Wheeling. Ezprere Hasluta St Louis. 'DEPLETED Mlehlungtries, Camden, liendriekso•, Meßeerpon. Fashion Peebles, &Izabal,. Baltic, Aeolis, Brownsville. Atlernid. Parkinson, Brownsville. Toegtuegheay. illartspee, Monongahela City. Thos Scott, Miller, Wellsville. lonian. Liston, Wheeling. Irene, Reno, Cincinnati Empress, Car, Zenerville. BOATS LEAVING Tins DAY. MONONGAHELA ClTY—Voaghlogheny, 4 r. r. WHEELING—Cashier, 9 A. y. BT. LOUTS--Gearva 10 A. 1.1. ST. LOUIS—FAG PIG, 10 A. Ar.. ST. LOUIE—IVAAIAvan. 10 A. M. TUZ Four Ptrr—Copt. Miller has last put his boat In fine trim for the fall made, by a thorough repainting and repairing, together with acme valuable addit ons to her already moll arranged apmtntenta It will be swat by advertleement, that this fine steam, is op for Cincinnati and St. Louis. We hope to see her well patronized. The fine light draught steamer Reveille, will Leave for Meehag this day, at her usual hour of depumrr The tplandid steatite; ms - hie.,cepinu 111011111 N ill leave for Whet.!lnstal. day Sea advertisement rdIPORTS DT ROCKINGFORT—Rmr Pnror No 2-10 64d. nob. 81 kaa better, 52 bls wool, Lerch & Co; 10 ards bneon 26 km 6 Mils lord; 4 kg,' but boner.. nbla I keg beim **, 8 ek. feather, 3 bbl. map. to Irdls learner, 3 mks wool, .1 A Roe; 5 ..e1 feather, 1 Parke & Co; 4 poets wool, 2 do feather., 12 hholltob, 4 do. brooms, Rolm II & Co; 7 to. lab, 5 do illasmrard, W Rogham; Ylbbds lob, W II Johnrron, 3 empty ale obis, Smith & Sancho', 97 Lb& rob Blworter & Co; 14 do do, O T Morgan; 23 bbl. apples, 1.641 verve, melons 4 Lb). politer., 6 bls wool. owner.: ..lordere, Kennedy & Sawyer; 1 boo mls, Cberrh & Corothert. SUNFISH—Pan TVOC.4in.-44 Mid. lob, Leech 0 Co; ll do do, 30 tom doer. 60 oks bseon,.3 On, 11 Inbls bolter, mt. wool, Cork & Mow; 103 bbl. door, own. er, 611 do do. L S Witten...a; 73 bhi• lob. Bingham; 30 sks feed .rel. Coleman, Hallman & to; 121 Ohl. Rom, Bell & I.lrect6:ll do: broom., P R Dravm 101 de Co Long, l Duff & Co, 2 01111 .purdles, S Fowler tea; 4 Herbert. WIRES:LING—Pm lona,.—lt ut bbl. Soar, II kegs butter, Baker dr. Forsyth; 50 bbl. dour,/ Small t Co. 35 do do. Brown A Kirkrml let. 9 tam leather, /I Gryt k 110 bbl • fisor, les ' , lethally; II boxes andoe,66 11016 fL - ur, tread & Co; 51 bblr dour, Bell & Liggett; dl pm mammies, McCully. CINCINNATI—Bas Clara:m-17 sacks reedier. 15 LeechA Co; a .bbl. oil, L A littekaom; CMOs bacon, tor shyment. Om e—,291,1.14 wool, W Oyler. - , - •• A , . Ikd specie, W &JIM, I too evade, Wm Ild';2 loco oteocoroatmarlon-ty.BenVi & Artinnar; 7 oblt oleo nol,Tough & Co; 2 boa dr. goods, Gordon's line:B bola horns, Selloro & Prlcolv; 28 Ira ham, B Ik. woo', 3 do feather§ OM. motile trees, Grof & Co, 4 bhdo ton, %Volnogiord & Co; :V bn. herop,:Clark & Thaw; 11.0 Oro hurley. W a Brown; IV bdl. loalaer, O'Connor & At. kind; II Moo p;,2 metal. MeCordy 3 Loomis, Ito bad. Hoar. AleClortnn & Co;21Ido do, Wm Ilagaley & Co; I Ex, Lerch & Co. In Grearse-90 tibia molasses. Ragaley & Ca; 35 do flour. Rosy. Mantises & Ca. 19 doe brooms. .3 1.11 Miheribarter; 15 ions nig iron, II Childs /et, 25 do do, McCurdy & lonoinie; CO do do, Alen & Co. PSA Wasoisuroa-10 bbl. reent, A Lsoghlln; GO bg a feathers, Carson ik ftleKoie b ns t; rolls lest her, Clark St To or, 1S do dal eks, I Ire . cozen's, Grad '& Co; 20 do stone, 10 base feathers, Leech & Co; hoar. mdae, W ureighion; SU tons pie Iron, AI Allen &Co, 40 do do, McCurdy a Loom's; x, bblo apples, Brown. C1.<9.0-41— , 5 tans pig rortsl, M Allen Co; B eke hams, Groff Cos do boson, 1 tines, 10 bbls scrap iron. Coleman, Flaiartan & 0,24 LW. mola.ma, M-eeer & Robertson; MO water melons, owner I b., Wolff & Lane. BEAVER—Pc. ITicalo.-23 tau papec, tl txkt. ate haw, Ibmaux, Pal C R II latma —337 bur bar:re. Futlb Jr Co; 43 bake. cheese, F R Drava; 14 do dn, W comer, 3 bbl, po t .oh, LI A Fonnestoek & Co; 143 bas cheese. Cos. bold; 4 kr potnsL, t rt• wool. Wick &Candle.: 11 Root p metal, A Celbortron; td nro encore, C Ho”el. 13n; 23 do do. C Bidwell; bxo syrup, Bingham;l do took., 6 31 Ihrton NAVY DICED` AND PORK FOIL 11161. Nave Diescrtesur, Humana Provisions and Clothing August I.IMo SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed "Proposals cot reel,' suit "Proprotals (sr Polk," ae th e else may be, will be reeeire/1 at this office Eon: 12 Weise M • en Thursday, the t9.h day de/term next, for fundxh- Int and delivering, free ea ail 00.1 and ne♦ to the United !Rates— Flee thousand four L. untited barn Is of nen beef and two thousand seven hundred barrels of navy pork; Each barrel to contain not less thou two handrod pound., nett weight, of beef or pork; no excess of weigh in hither article will be oak, for. To be de . livered at the respective nary yards, as foltourot— • .. __ • Barrels Beat Barrels Pool At Charlestown blars.•••1010 —• • —9OO At Oration, hi. Y I,orri ...... At (lotion, Va • • • .... ISt* .-910 Said beef end pork mom be delivered between the first day al January, 1.51, cad the 3211 of May, 1..51, m01e.% earlier deliver.. shou!d be required I.f the chief of this 13orr•o. Payment to be made withu. thmy ditya after delivery. Bidden must specify their Once* seeatemlY and distinctly to Repo ate offers for the tee and fat the part, and fur each of thy place of delivery, eeverics all expenses and all charges. Toe beef ma.: be from well faitened catty, r laugh .l.abetween the let sin of November, ly!.0, cud the let lay of lanaary„,Cl. end weichtne nor Seas than siatu IlorJpt olds, nett weight, each The legs and ley rands of rite land quartet. and thy shins an• she alder clods, and at less: meta pound. from the neca end let each fore quarter, or the pans emitted Noe 1,1, and 3, en the dr .wing or &durance oaf the fore and lon , co aters of an on, which will be at• ached to and farm a part of the eentroet, man be wholly excluded (row each harrel.and the re Inds , of the carcass mit It b.* cu . in pieces of net lest the. eight p Ands area. The perk Must be packed from corn fed, well tat treed beg.. !slaughtered between the first day of November, !Ste, and the first day of Jaen try; toll, and 'frighten not 'east Mt n two handler petted. each eXelaling the hoed. 101-., narks; .boulders, hams. ler, feet, btu., rumps, Iced, and all remaa piece.; and moat be cot to pieces weighing not less thee six vends each. Both tbe beef and Dort mutt ho totted with tat t... St barbel olio:Vs Island Irle of filay, or St tines nary and the beer mu it .have five ounce. of Luc pulverised caltpe re to coca barrel, coda lire of • pickle, to be made froze fresh Inter, as strong as Brit will snake It. The barrels c , un be enure!) nem. and be made of the ben seaseded heart of • bn e oak maces sad head ing, to be not less than three fourth. of an Inch thick; and to be loopedat lease three four th s over w il l the beet white oak or hinny hoop.. Each barrel must be bearded by tinning en he bead "Nary lUeef,'' 0 , "Nary Pork," as the ease may be, with th• contractoe's name and the year when parked. The beef and pork will, unless otherwthe dithered by the ell f of this "wean, be inspected by the In apeetlng officers at the respective navy yarn afore said, and by same "sworn Inverter ef Rafted pro- vie on" who will be *elected by the thypeilive • men mending cheers tuttheir charges for ouch inpection must he paid by the renitence entracten, who mutt likewire nee the barrels f ut In good shtpping order In the nusiletion alto nerimandson of the =epee tine any yard. aforesaid, all, tospection, an at their own Mmes. Two or more approved ruralea in a nos equal to one half the estimated an neat of the ro ,t re I will be i. e; l2 teeec Iron the amcunt ofrietatirbirip.a,dmd to be dor.i.th.; collateral eternity toe the due and faithfal perform aneo of the reSSECOVO converts, which will on no account be pad until the co, tract. are complied wi th In all respects. and is to be forfeited to the Vend Ste es in the event of Whore to complete the deliver ies cnihin the prethribed gelled. In case of Cal u on the pan Of the contractor to deliver all or any of the heel or Oath above mennoned, of the en day, and at the time and pa t. above provided, the coetrann , will forfeit and pay the United State., ac liquidated dam aces. nilue of money 'gnito twice the amount of the convect price paid in ease of the a.nal delthery thereof; ciltieh liquilmed damages may be recovered from time to time es they Recipe. garment will be made by thy patted Stain as the petiole above Oneei• fied.(eieepOog the ten percents= lobo withheld until the complenon of the contract, an before mailer after the said brefiand pork &hall have been inspected and received, and bills foe the same shall have tr an pre seated to the bevy eget' s reepectively,t uty approved by the commandants of the respective cup yards, according to the tern. of the contract. The par • of the beef to be excluied will be partici. linty deriarieled le the engraving to bn snitched to the nntract. Peetnea interested can obtain them no at place. " g i dde t tr bore proposals are acce n ted land none others.) w U he forthwith notified, ad as early as practicable a contract wllt betransmtted tot em fat eoceottoni 'which contract must be returned to the Darien within ten days, enclaslve of the time sequined lot the re{ War trams:ruction of the mall. A we ad or doy.ltcate lilt letter informing der of the Reactance of recess!, will be deemed a llottbt allot. thereof welt, the meaning of the act of 3845, and bit bid will be made and aocepted in con fortuity with th • on: errt.ding. E'er] *Ter made mutt +a accompanied la. directed in the 6th stemon of the art of Congress tasking up• lropria ions for the naval terrier for 1016 , 7, approved ath AO or, I • copy of which is subjoined, by written guaranty. Welled by one or more responsible thn.,lo the effect that lie or their Lisiderlike that e Wilde; or tuidera wi I, if his or their bid be accept ad, enter into an oblige, on within ten days, sr th goal and matt lent I u reties, to furnish the ankle proposed. Thum guaranis must be accompanied by the cern Gene of the United States dmutet attorney, navy eget t, or some officer of the General Government, or individual known t the Hereon, that toe guaraston ate ahlo to make weak their guaranty. No prtmosal will be ea-sleeted unless accompanied by soca guaranty.. The bidders name and reablence, altd the name at each member of the am, Inhere a compact, oder., .Ith the chriati. name, written In fud should Le dia. Goody eta ed. .N.Mract from the Act of Congress appeared Aug. .".' /MEM • , "Bee. - 0. And be It limner enacted, That, front .red after the passage of this get, every proposal for naval supplies Invite 3 by the secretary of the Navy, ander the proviso to the general appropriation bill ler the nary, approved March .third, eighteen hundred and forty three,ahall be accompanied by a written guar anty. signed by one it 610311 responaible permit., Le the effect that he or they undertake that the bidder or bidders will, If his or their bi be steepled, enter into an onlitation in mach time a. may he prescribed by t h e secretary of the Navy, with good and sorgelent arena% to furalab the en elm. emceed. No pro. paid shill be conaidered no en accompanied by each g,isihly, slier the acceptance of a proposal and uotification thereof to the bidders, be or they shall fail to enter Into an obligation within the time pre scribed by the Secretary of the Navy, with good and autncient sureties for furnishing tin supplies, thee Ms Secretary oldie Navy shall proceed to eentract with some iit h et . p e rson Cr puttees for ha:Malay the said aerobes; and shall forthwith caned the dif. Terence between the amen* contained in the pro pont so guarantied and the amount for which he may have contracted for fenembing the WO sceptic. for the whole period of the propobai to be charged op against said bidder or bidders, sod his OT theta guar antor or guaramono end the ammo may be Immediate ly recovered by the Utensil Shah for the eart;Of the NavY Driemtmeot, IS 1 54 Was of deb t = hm ,d eiZer oraLlof said papans. URAL MATTER& 117011721 VOZ u PlTTiMelit DhILT 111A1:1111 RENoraz.. —'- -Meaara. N. Holmes dc Sam Brokers, bam removed to their apletaikl new Making home, on Market Sweet, between Third and Yourth,in the building recently occupied by Caleb Lee. Pau. Scum:v.—its will be perceived by an ad. scram:nerd in another column, Professor Thomp• son's Bemintry for yourg ladies will commence the fall acseion on Monday, the second of &p• lumber, at his rooms, St Liberty sweet, between Third wad Fourth sweets. Professor Thompson is ■ gentlem■o'who stands high. to one of the most accompliabed and successful Mathews we have ever had in Pittsborgh. Tie Cumusa.—This disease broke out among the Germans in Menet street, Allegheny. on Saturday. Up to the present date, them have been upwards of lotuumn deaths among them• nu Craws—We ans indebted to L & lobos, Esq., Deputy hilasabal, for the following ratan. le Wud, Pittsburgh, No. inhabitants, - 4210 Elizabeth borough, do 1000 Leal - urn Rom°, or SIIMCIPLUM-Mr. Holmes, of Thiel Si., opposite the Nat °dinettes received the first arid-second numbers of a new and splendid edition of Shakspeare, published in London and N. York. The historical introduction, explanatory notes, &a., are be James Orchard Rallis.ll,F. 9. The illustrations are by the best, London an tins. Without attempting to describe this edition we will merely states that It surpasses every other that has been issued in tine manly. MRLANCI3OI.I' BOlClDE—Corvareil booritaf. — Tba Wrote, was called on yesterday merging to hold an Inquest at (le Mack Bear Tavern, In Alleghe ny, kept by W. B. Newell, ea the body of a your g woman or about twenty years of age. named Re becca Walker, who had been one of the wirvants in that eatahlishment. She was found dead Utter bed at 5 o'clock, on Monday IllOtliDr, and asthe had repeatedly threatened to peas= bercell, sus piciou that she had committed suicide were at once excited, lied the Comae, was brought to the house. it !retail that this unfortunate woman had been seduced, under a promise of moulage, by ■ man named William Law, a carpenter, wile fee aides in Allegheny City, and had a child by Mai, which, at the awe of her death, was six months old. About two weeks ago her seducer wan married, and Miss Walker heard of it towards the Mose of tut week. She became very melancholy, and threatened to killherself and her child, an she could never more experience haopineu to this world. Oa Saturday, the left Mr. Newell's house and went down to Manchester, where Thomas -Law, brother crib* father of her child, resides-- The following lithe evideaco of the witnesses who appeared before the Coroner's jury Thomas Law, sworn—l was In the city oa Sat urday. The deceased came to my house In Man chester on that day. i carried the child dowe— -1 instated that the should eat some topper, but could prevail en her to take little or cothirg. I outed her down next moitilng to brealtfist. She tot down to the table and 4,1 the child, but would eat nothing herself. She then watt down to ■ droggist's store. I was inspicions and watched her. She borsht a large phial of laudanum. I asked what alio had bought, and she said noshing. I then took the phial from her. She went away, lint kissing her child, and bidding me good bye She told me to be kind to her baby, nod told my ante to be a mother to a. I followed her through the streets, hot she escaped from me, and leauld not find her again. She naked me if my brother was married. I told her he was. She asked me to answer one question, and tell her the troth—' , was not the 110 , 1111 held at my house !' I told her it was not. This happened on the Sabbath, about two Or three o'cloek. She told me when I took the laudanum from her, that if I bad tat her keep it, the would nave moon been out of her troubles. William It. McClelland, (draggim.) sworn—The deceased came to my atom to Manchester, at about two o'clock on Sunday. She asked me for twelve and a half cents worth Mlaudanum. lad. vied her to take ■ do.e of castor oil. She asked me if laudanum was not ■ dangerous article, and I. told her k was. She got it, and paid tor O. re. cracking that she knew a man who had pearly killed kin child a few sights ago, by giving it toe much of this drug. After she left the Mere, Mr. Thomas Law and William Claurnaides asked me if I had given her laudanum. I supposed her to be one of the neighbors. She asked me if that much woold ant put a person into ■ very anund deep. i answered that less would do it. Margaret assey, atom-1 slept with the de. ceased on Solidity night. She was titavelL I wakened at about three o'clock, and she caked me it the tonequitoes were bum g me. She groan ed two or three tones. I went to sleep again, end when I woke at 5 o'clock, nine was dud. kin. Nowise testified that she bad repeatedly threatened to kill herself and the child, and tha t she had endeavored to laugh her out of tbe idea. Several remake Nullified to having heard threats. After she heard of Law's unmake, she said she said never be happy again in that world, and the sooner she died, the better. Dr. McCracken, sworn—Examined the internal viscera. Found no external marks of vio'ence. The stomach was examined; the other Circles were in a natural mate. The upper past of the stomach was irtlamed and congested, as if from the effected none irritating substance. We have kept a portion of the contest, of the atromach for an analysis, If it Is desired. The cardiac portion was highly inflamed or congested. I do not think it necessarily followed that 'hie degree of irdim mation would produce death, bat I think it .proba• Me that this effect would have been produied by Laudanum. We found an article of her dress marked with bloody saliva. This la • symptom of loaamtmition from an overdoes or iiddinum. If there were no otherevideeoe of her having tak• ea laudanum, we could not say that she died from It, but the symptoms corraborce the testimony. The Jury did not think it neeewary to have an marvels or the stomach made, hut returned • Ter diet to the etrect that the deceased came to her death from the effects of extreme grief, which had prevented her from eclat he three dope, and poison." The body of the onMrtuzunis women was buried at the expense of William Law, be having signi fied kin wadi to that effect. /Urn on nrc Onto inn PICTISTLVAXIA Rut, OIDIERIO our.—The workman mop:endue the new County Sled to Beaver, and tee Ohio and Pennsylvania railread, , have Wog entertained unfriendly feelings towards each othm er. Ihe laborers on the former are Corkonirinv, the latter, Connaught men, sod the Coriumtans threatened to drive them away altogether. Oa Sunday evening the Corkanhans, with goer, revolving pistols, picketer', scythe., and other weapons, marched in a body to' sectim, No. 6 of the railroad, near Lowry's run, and made an at- tack on the Connaught matt, whom, alter a short struggle, they succeeded In defeating, and the vanquished party Seal with their wives and child ren to the woods. Several shots were fired on both sides, though, we believe, medicinally.— Many of the combatants were severely wounded by stones, and otter missiles, and several were badly beaten. The Corkonisee then proceeded to level every shanty to the ground, and break the furniture in the houses : alter which they left the scene of ac. lion, vowing that if their opponents dared to coma bark, they would return on Monday night and not leave one of them - alive. The Comilanglat MOO, with their wires and children, panaerillhil*ht in he woods end cam helde, their hauac beletr a tally demolished. Yesterday, Mr. Death! Lou, the contractor who bad employed the iirotkmeci : oo the fathead, came np to Pittsburg, and 'wont to the truth of the foregoing statement, opon7 which the Sheriff ordered the Scott Guards, Osp-: tale Rowley, to bold Themselves In readiness to' arch to Lowry's run. At six o'clock, yesterday afternoon, the Guards, tally equipped, Warted on board the steamer .Star: and we hope that their presence will be sufficient to overawe the rioters. We will, however, keep our columns open to the Weat hour, and should any new' arrive In town, we will give it. RMIJOUT gentlemen, named Mil and a lady from Millersport, Ohio, arrived la this city on the steamboat Cinderella, yeemadsy. The boat had no EMICI reached the wharf, than Alderman: Scully was sent for, and the Insley twain were quickly made one. The ceramOrry ores petkomed in the ladies cabin. ' Escamm.Corrnes Attranso.—llenriElosack,• calmed ciao, who escaped ;from the Allegheny county jail some weeks( ago, accompanied by two other criminals, was anisted on Idols/day night by *tee diem Scott, nod Albans. nada:4,4pp! Jill: =-rte: ~. 821113110 a WOXIIN.—A. man, named ELlchard Timor, was committed tojeil on Sunday, by May Flamiug, in default of paying a:fine of tea dol. lam I He had struck a woman in an alley near Ohio street, a broach of gallantry which could riot be permitted. Man. °or tux COIINCIL,—Th Councils ad. intoned at so late an hour last night, that me are unable in fornitd, a 'lnert acthe proceedings. Beassu-aa nimed Peter Swineherd. who halls from Hilsoinuati, was ar rested oo Saturday night, charged with breaking Into the house of Mn T. V. Della', on Penn at. While seeking for valuables, be kept inch • noire as to awaken those who were sleeping, and he was at once pursued by W. W. Dallas, Esq.,and Captain May, one of tho neighbor', by whom he was caught, and taken to the Mayor's office. He was coalmine sl to jail yesterday for trial 01. a. D. DOWN: SHAKER SARSAPARILLA, IN QUART BOTTLES, HAS no parallel m permanently cueing and eradl• clung Ram the apt.; all CUTANMUS ERUPTIONS: It 111 effectually eradicate (rare the .steam and care Bah Rheum. Rlegosorns,Tetter,Etcald Head, Dropsy, Scurry, White dwellings, King , a Evil, Neuralgic &Redone, and all FE.MALE WEAKNESSES And ObstrucdOne . Iferten:en, Whi;;; Floor Albus, Falling of the Womb, Nenous, kick Head Ache; Languor. Fainting Sensations, Palpitation of the Heart. Low Spirits, General Dyspepsia, L Ter Complaints. /cc. It Is Putsly mod =Mindy Vsgetabls. It has been used with the mce.t signal fleece, by the Profession in New York and Hampshire, and the Eastern Slams generally, for many yeen—and as a general purifier of the blood and invigorator of the system—aa a Genuine Family Medicine and an rm. caclous Female Medicine it has no equal. The punry nod efficacy of the Shaker preparotions ve well known; and this medicine requires no long list of certificates and cans to introduce it s s inereastrg Stunned for the past twelve years is it Waimea.. sentence It Is put up In quart battles, and Is the only bane patina thpt ants on the User, Kidneys. and blond at the same time, which renders It ainheetbev mere mac. able to even , one, p•rucularly to tenth" Dr. &limey, Professor in Ma Clan Motive College, says the Shaker nmpsradons are truly estimable, end recommends them iolco The lad et llet ed are requested to cad mud obtain •pamphlet, and purchase • Cottle abbe valuable Family Medieine. Bombs and atoms/sr Dr.s.D. HOWE'S &LUKER SARSAPARILLA, and take no other. Pnoo 01 per bottle-8 Ironies for gn. For Aare by J. A. Jones, J. Geboonmaket Co., W. Mirk, R. W. Means, J. M. Townsend, J. Dishier, W. Jackson, Pitwborgb; 1). A. Enron. Allegheny city; W. K MeGlelland,Disnchrster, Y. Crocker, Drowns vine. Jam. Paull Co , Wheertng; J. 11. Parietal n end ' E. (. Mergers, Oh Cleireirills; M been A Knox, C. 0.. Also, for sale by DK. S. lIOWE CO., Proprietors, Callere To whom all orders most be addressed. aogr.d/raelYT MISCELLANEOUS. Seidler. end Wildman , Claim& HE onderalgned, late Agent for paying United T States Semitone, at Dittitairgh, will attend to We proimeution of Soldier. sod Widow. , Claim. for Pea sloes and Bounty Lard,. An lacil.l nen,ellan with the United Suttee Gov ernment Ku made me familiar with the rule. and forint, to well as the decision., of thh - Penelou Depart ment at Washington Qty. Ilan, widow. .nd bens of Ilevo•utionaw Soldiers hare cisme that may yet he obtained by proper ap• I It GUTHRIE, (hee of Wm. Eldbinson, Een„ oppositethe Matinee office, Fourth Street, Pitiebuigh , line en 1050 vilmi otica. Aug. let, I• 50. TBE Stockholder. of the norm of Pinettersh are hereby notified Met • panelist meting of Stock holders, arillfbe held at the Ranting flow, on Thera. 407,1. fifth clay of September nem, at ten o'clock, A. hi" when the charter and the net,. entered by the Legielature at be test rewidoqill .19.1 d before them for their sere/flanec or rejection. By order of Board of Director., anatikwolS Joe, Gnome, Pre. MOVLL• TAMES WILSON Informs Nit friend. and the public that M has remnved trs Hat •'b Cap Eatabliatt ment trots Sawathfaeld weekto hw old stand on the tom, of Wlratd site. 4;0 pia ad Ailey. (second WorY) over Pstrieta Ft iendhi llarhange. Office. eta trance hack. on lhamond Alle7—where may thrioutsd (arise and !fashionable assonertent of Haw and Caps at rWaceit prices, wholesale and retail. 11.1. me. Caine MO di% arlaS Ln P.xeract. of and Sarsaparilla. PUT tip in the largest mend buittes, eontains more of the pure Honduras Sarsaparilla than artl ewer preparation extant which is cbconeslly combined with the Extract of Yellow Doek.the Finset of Wild Cherry, awl the Salaam of Fit, thus making the come dy more thoroughly Mllelent than any other Sursspa. filly before the pubbe, At the mane time It is periem. l e y from all miseral polsons,whieh cannot herald r ariy nWee of the parsapaolla compounds. The L. valid lb weld bewme or Winne I hlereury, Iron, LIM nine. Potash, lodine, Sulphur, Amide, and mnio, other mineral and bawl poisone ester into ia (non the active bawl of anwr of the Sanapnri.la and Panaceas of the aay Lioylottls poerd Evram of Wilms Does and . Sarmiparillit does not contain • partiele of these substances, as any one can easily alio:attain by applying the mammary team n• pieces may occasionally remove dism.e, bat they so satiate the blood, and so completely torpreg, lb. of n aysitt their banefel erects that the Ant cold, tthe Drat ailatcl gf S c at the patent'. stimagth, and ”blems Wm or her to the moat exenninting tenure, and renders another cure &Intend imponsilde and hopeless. Let all poison°. Sarraparilla preparatons aron., and ow Gay. Improved Extract of Yellow Pock and Sarsaparilla, model, thoroughly erlleaclous, perfectly hurtalem, sad safely vagembie. All kinds of diseme yields to its gatilM influence. CURES. Flerof•la, Canler°. Tumor., Cutaneous Eruption., ‘k.jisinelas, Biles, Postale., no Pimple. on the Puce, Chronic Fore Eyes, Triter, Scald Dead, Rheum. Ural, Phlargemeni or Pal. in ti a Bor. or Joints, old and mahhem Wren, Fever rkll,ol, Dip Disease, Playtime of the Wanda, Ittotehm, Syn.p toms, Lambe., Dram, Diaper..., lam:tire, C. d yes Salt Rheum, Affection. of the Elders and. mining from on insidielo. ore of ihtercu. y, Munition's Sore Torn. Weakne. of the Cl.e.t. Pahronary After lions, and all other tend ing towards Coziest:option, Liver itornpliwit,Pcmnie Irregularities and Complete°, Suck and (v e r so .. headache. General Debility, Low Splits, Loseor Appetite, Night Sweats, Pain. in the St. and Shoulder., Empetare or Imprudence In Life, Chron ic Constitutional Diaorden, and as • Spring and Fall Pusher of the Stood, and General Tonle for Me System li is unrivalled. A ease of Ulm - oaf LOW. of outfox years slandme. The folio mg 1. an extract of • truer dated Mar. 17, ISSO, from In II Perkin., M. D., a highly respecta. We physic.. of Marietta. Ohio. lone Palm—Dear . . Sin I hare order my tare a young woman who, tor sixteen years, has been au, tering from Itlemaied Limbo, mid whose cam bar been pronounced hopeless by three of our ben ploy mei... I took bee WOfamily, and have used Gonott's Yellow Dock and my barsapartha Steely, and willonfidant that the Yellow Dock and Sarraparills will c effect a permane mita. She is better In giencexl health than she has ever been before, and wale.. Crhale two velment fatigue or path. A 'year ago she need crotchet.l will report the caw lode time. Very mspe s eitall SC y, ROPIILA E. FERMI". Is Las been remarked, by eminent men, Oat la the varied catalogne of diseases to Which men is liable, there Is scarcely One of each leoporitinciu and of such Lammas a. &rondo, whether we loot to the Moment, of its Oripn, insidiono prooress, the number and variety of organsthar it attacks, or ito remarkable la curability and extensive fatality. Scrobste has baffled the Mill of the most eminent phymelana in Dilemma") and in Europe. Dm them Is an rmUder e this &nesse m Dr. Guyon'. Emmet of Yellow Dock and lianstiarill•P which is proving it. sell • perfect spesiGii the most ware coma of wraith,. An exusardinary ease of Strollula cored by the sole use of Donor Guyon , * Compound n) p. It will be emu by this certificate that this men has been ender the treatment of memo! ee'obrated physlciens, for the pan eight years. without derivin any benefit, and has been effectually clued by the ace of • few bottle of Dr. Gipson , . Composed syrup. ow lone 'l, Da. Cremes—Dear Eir,-0 N wills to y. liolts, w lB4B. • debt hich money cannot pay. I am induced to make • public ac knowledgment of tho benefit I have derived from your invaluable Syrup. I was sorely afflicted with a tern. hl e Serethious Puma, hereditary In cur fannlY, which commenced on my neck, and, canonising to spread. soon reached my can, sunning into my head, and extending all over my face, neck, and lower ex. Inmate.. I bee rote a disgusting olden to leek upon. At times my dismiss was so peat that I Was unable to sleep or lie down; and the disease extending Imo my earn seriously affected my hearing. My face wee one continuo. sore, from which a di...reit of matter and water kept continually online out. People avoid ed tee, sopposing I had the small pox,or some other Infectious disease, and I was conrequentlf obliged to relinquish my business. Pitnwlthiteedlng I had the bent medical advice, and tried different plans of mot. meet. the disease continued tOir....ro.unni I gee up in depth., Fortonamiy I fell In With on the ...them, while unveiling for my health, who informed me that his son woe at ono tome to as bad candid. as I tom, and that by tonna your Syrup he was speedily cured. I Immediately procured um ar. Cele, commenced using it, and now, after Laving med less than six bottle., I am well and able to &Rend to my b.iness I send you due statement as an set al Justice, only hoping that it may induce the afained to make asc or the right medicine, and thereby save them much suffering and expense. I minaim your obedient tervent. JOHN Q SPALDING. Cure of en aggrarated ease ofErysipriat. The CUM pcillonneci by vDr.Gelormee hitrast of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla ace lasting. The pa. tie general health corium. to Improve after die. ease l• removed. Cures are not chronicled WWI time . . • • - to fully 4.111.4 that there can be no relapse or return of the unease. Nonway, (Herkimer Co.) Feb. s9SO. S. P. Demmer di Co., Den., it biotin, gremplemure that I wine you about the very happy effects ef your Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla upon my son, who has long been suffering under that dreadful, loathsome die ease. Erysmelm, with e.hlck he was attacked in .4,, and was ior ...vend months intended by mama of our best pysimaus, woo tiled their skill perseveringly tor ve menthe, without any beneficial effects whateVer. !He become reduced to • perfect skeleton He had ul cers from his hip to his knee, which were continually discharging disgustingly offensilie matter. bledicul and musical skill was baffled. Physicians sold that Me case was hopelem—then could be nothing done to IiTC.IOIOOO teielhle garigrenclrig ulcers. My neigh bors wig myself thought his dimelation near at hand. One of coy neighbors, who had mimed a child of scrot al,' with your invaluable medicine, wished Me WI make trial of it, sod more from the restless desire to do something awhile life lasted, thou from say hope of getting relief, I procured three bottles of your. Fellow Dock and Sarsaparilla.. and • commenced =lnt It and to my eat/mahatma, he commenced Horns be had aged th e third bottle, and before ho had sa d a half dome bottles he could walk oat. He used In all twelve bottles, and by October lan. be was pe early rem ored, every venlig" o( the Mune° ekenfittiteseare is removed; and he remains In perfect bealrh up to the present time. Ills recovery, under the blessing of trod is enllrely owbut to the use of yonr Velkrw Ooek .d}3gmeperilia, and I assure yon *haul feel myself ander gnat obligations to yon, and It la with great joy that I inform you of what your bassapsuilla has dons for my on. Respectfully 'JAB. IniSSELL. grrNone genuine 'unless put up Ito large bottles, containing a gnaw, and the game ergo Soap blown In the glass, with the written kignstate at Ben. pj,,,,0u the ottani. wrapper. Prien 11l per bdulo—or 6 boles for 113.' It is wad by J. D. PARR. Milli Eut earner of Fauna sad Walnut streets, entrance on Withillt.sl., Clu d. anzad, Ohio; to wham W owls= must he "tidies. so Oulu # Doe., Eyle r W. P. Jollawni & Co., Weser ord; Olgt 111 Clamons,_Croraingville; Abel Tanen, Itnnweem Irliz,Thwandaj @Oen' Roy, Well. , Catlettsburg; L.WIIew", Pitt". caner of Market emit 0,0 Ike 14mozed, 17 VII STEAM BOATS. FOR CINCINNATI AND. ST LOUIS Th. light drivaer • G ml ENEVA,. Wilkins, maStar,Vill leave for a' trre d irurroediate pona,on We day, 27th Ingt, at to o'clock, A. bk„. _For (might or parsnip appk iy on Wait, -• . . FOR ClNCirirvan tr. ST. LOUIS The calmly now end splendid Reamer WASHINGTON, V. W. Mam ' a muter, will leave for the above and all intermediate landau on thts day the•Lfh in... 4r . For freight or passage, apply on board. ' ati ZVI FUR CINCINNATI AND T. LOUIS The apleadld Delmer eatFORT pirr, Miller.'neater, will leave for above 'and all it:ten:mediae portion this day, the .17tb loss., at ID o'clock, .. n M. Iht Or pusage, apply on board. anati7 FOR 111ARIF.TPA AND ZANKSVILLF— JELThe splendid oteanter Ku ; rass, Cak4 master, will leave for the above an all incermediaas ports, 013 thse day, the 2' to lost- ai:4 o'clock, F. M. For freight or passage, apply on board. or to nuall%V El WkIEELER, Ain i FOR ST. LOUIS The splendid steamer GENESEE. m aig s Moore, Master, Will leave for above ano Intermediate porta an Uli3 dap, the 24thlist or Far frvbelli ap plyto augiti NEWTON on board JON K.', Apr FOR ST. LOUIS AND MISSOURI RIVER. The splendid fast steamer IiAIDEF, Ross, Master, will leave for the above and all intermediate landings, on thladay,rd inst., at 4 r. N. For lie.ght or paripplyLatt hoard. • FOR ST. LOUIS. oath,The One now light draught strum,,KENTUCKY, Hamilton, matter, win l e g, (or the bova and all intarmedlate pore on Thuman,lbc23ll Mgt. at in o'clock, A. M. lol•FD ARMSTRONG & CHOKER, date._ The splendtd steamer RINGOoLD, Capt. Cape, will leave for the above end all intermediate pore on this day, the 121 In. at 4 P.M , !Of frtisLlLOLE____ . magr_Nrly on balltii RORttl_ FOR COWINNATI h LOUISVILLE. Th. splendid mum., matt!Mason, master, 111 leave farWlrt shore and intermediate landings on this day, he 92linst. at 4 o'clock, P. 51. For freight or passage, apply on noard. n•'_'9 FOR LOUISVILLE. ' rtt Z.::,p",?'''CIIIVINIZIP.Ib." - °g" c.ty.`,l GO, senate, lenges for the •tiove an n d ell intermeili te ports on this daY, this %Mtn Roth, 0 ll o'clock, 11. St For freight Pe passage. apply on baud. or to aaghtl 0 B MILTENORROER, Agt FOR CINCINNATI ft ST LOUIS. .. . , . .. _ .. The splendid rteamer VERSIONT, Hallett, master, aria leave for above and intermediate porta leis day, at 4 o'o , oek, P. M. Po; Pel,llll or peupage 4PPIY Packets arriving at and departing from the Port of Pltteborgh. =Ala 1850 itiMMI 1 1 /14 1 tP4PM4 4 PITTSBURGH. THE CITIZENS PORTABLE BOAT LIN% (lONTINCES to i evr#rd freight to Pittsburgh via V Rail Road idol Coital. on very reneonabie teime and watt the usual dripotrh, Pram our lorge depot No.ooo Market street Philadelphia, formerly occupied by Wein. Cinema, it boa. =Leans R W POINDE I"TER A. CO uectiuka WiIEF.LINO PACKET. ISSO The leelft paeteager sleamer REVEILLE. Robert B. Major, museT, ;Sill levee Plushy's!, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings, for Whoahug. at 10 o'clock, A. M. Returning Will leave Wheeling for Clutha, gh every Alonday, Wednesday. and Friday, al S A, M. . nou2d . REGULAII PITT° BUREN &WHEELPG PACEM Theo amen 111 . CABEB. APMillin, matterosoll leave for the above and all intermediate porta on dila day, INltt inst., at 9 A. M. For freight or psosage, apply on board. surer REGULAR WEDNESDAY PACKET CINCINNATI, Captain W i t . ..% I. !o , tr w rri T. . ul't by the i owne r s t.:e ' st b ramer 1..... Newton • : 74 . I. ' ‘ ' Llet?o ' V'Pfl o c r k;t . tr ( o . r, 'n e n n ' T wi l l leave ewer/ Wetiorechor, for is place of the New England. No. V. For Crcssto or passage *poly on hoard, 6/ to meILO G thhILLTENEERGER, Agt EMOTIOAGAIIICLA ROPTS. =MANI Only TS ltlii•• scsaints• Via Broariurrilla and 9amberipld m lialtimoza ant Fa. no Eloammnag---•••-.310 00 Da. 1 . M1.4.11,111.4---••---- 12 10 11111 F morning beat leaves the w h url, above the bridge, daily,.ist 8 o'clock preewey. Time to Baltimore, 32 boors, time to Illilladele/hia, 40 hours. The evtio boat leaves doily, (except i i t i tr.ilisty ea. ening%) Ci PaAntn,en by treumg 011 the evoune Boat, will cross the moortaima in ota3es nest day, and their avoid night travel. Secure your ticket, at the COBee, Monongahela Hamm i er vt. Charles Howl. oetotily J. 11FSBIMF.C.I. omit PITTS111:11111( & IIREC.11111: PACKET. IN The al & ram running SIIIY YEN. Vd S. c nwell . m ash , y haying under. cane o borough repast. tyth run here after as a regular ;racket between l'il,hurgh an trheellog, le"ing P.ttslturah ever) Meade) and Thursday mornings, at p o'clock , rulgld or PaYallge apply on board. hr to 1) , S1 . Agt. FOR WIIEEI.IIOO. lhe flea light ersopLa steamer, Will resume her regal. trips In " . :."I;Wheeling day, leaving riusharab every Monday, Wednesday, and day, at 10 n'elock A. AL "PR7P;OId nr to 1y 1 1171/Si4aOZER, II •LA CITY. The splendid steamer Capt. flattrer, will leave tor above and all Intermediate I.4lcgs, every Oav, ate o'clock, I'. M. For freight or passage apply on board augl7aldve SPEED INCREASED. iB5O, SOBIDI ER AILIIRANGISILICIIT CTFITILAG. RAIL ROAD OPEN TO lIMITLNODOII, PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE. Two Daily Lints Express Packet Boats, And nail !toad Care, (EXOLIISIVZLY FOR P•63•140ZR5,) TO PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, Via the Central Roll [Food and Female Canal. 440 miles Rat Road, and 140 miles Canal. Time-54 hours. Fare.-410 through. The Portage Bell Road la passed In day light. N an after this date, 110th June.,) the Central Red O Road will run vivo Attar num, rammtaxii cars from Huntingdon to Philadelphia. The ears on ten above road and the Allegheny Portage Rail Road are all new, and of the •ery hest deacrlption in the country, and nib the Increased speed on the moue talls,possengers go through with despatch. A Vackct lion will leave every morning at 4 clock, and every e-cning of D o'clock. For Safety, Speed, and Comfort, this mute Is de. tided'' , the inert preferable now In use to the Ilgatcrn Ca'''. For P.m % o NI I IVIrgI n no7I. I 4T. /loam or D LEECH a CO, Canal Ruin. P. B.—On the Ist September, Ore Cenral Rail Rosil will be open in 110 hdaysbutg, when passengers I go through In 43 hours. lell „ at 1850. Niffidif= BIDWELL a BROTIIIGIC, • FORWARDING MERCHANTS, ROCHETYPRR,Pe., (Beaver Point,) 115 - Ann. for BIDWELL'S PITTSBURGH AND CLIVELvin Lintz ERIE AND MEADVILLE LINE TO ERIE: WARREN AND NEW CASTLE PACKEFS, towing and .hipping between Pillsbnekb and Rod:name by steam boats Michigan, Luke Erie, and Beaver. V.. Good% reeeipted and promptly delivered to ad pierce on IL: Connl s and Lillie., at the lowest Shippers writ please du of good. in l'a Len:„ J. 0. BlnwELle. Wait, sL Pittaborith. W BST ERN INS RANCE COMPANY OF ,PIT SBURGH. CAPITA 1100,000. I. nada,. Jl, See,. I 11. hlthum, Jr., Praalt Wilk irvare itgh . -tall kmets of rasa, FIRE d. D MARINE. A LL losses will Ira hi